EPIC Live Minecraft ZAWA Mod: Volcano & Turkeys

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W Okay what do you say we get this show on the road we’ve got some stuff to do today so let’s bring you guys into the game here Todd hello welcome volcanics if you’re still here I saw you commented way earlier than the stream started but if you just happen to be chilling here

Hello welcome uh a random guy uh M hello M Hunter welcome to the stream I have the stream on the background uh doing clone drone with a friend nice or skull that sounds like a blast um I hear clicking you do hear clicking okay we are we’re going to be getting started

Okay so I did uh I did a little bit of uh Stone Gathering uh before the last episode and I left my beacon someplace trying to remember where that was I set up a place portal is probably where it is uh because here I didn’t want to dig out a huge area underground

Uh that’s actually higher than three blocks because then slimes will spawn there and it’ll ruin my slime farm so yeah I had to move somewhere else and collect Stone um decals welcome hello and welcome how’s your Thanksgiving mine was all right uh it started off kind of

Weird because like we brought the kids over to the in-laws and stuff and one of them was stuff in his face with uh with carrots and food and stuff like that and then he just threw up all over himself uh but uh I think what happened

Is he might he might have kind of choked on a carrot and yacked it up so that’s kind of what happened cuz he’s he’s fine he wasn’t throwing up beforehand he’s not throwing up afterwards he he just I think he kind of you know so Lumi hello welcome I think you’re on the

Stream you’re you’re in the game somewhere so we got random guy and Lumi are both here somewhere my connection isn’t that great come to think of it looking at it that’s not it’s not wonderful uh but all right we’ll we’ll work with it how bad is the lock block

Leg is it really bad oh it’s not that bad okay we can work with that but after that after after the puke and then yeah he was fine so all right so let’s just do a quick overview of what we actually have I still have the skunks in my

Inventory because the stream was kind of one of those things I just popped into my head when I was thinking I was like I got to get zawa done for this week and I was like you know what I’m going to be home why not actually like why not

Actually do a stream but all right so we got these exhibits that are built here that are all kind of just dotted in here the landscape between them is not finished by any means but it needs to be this was the skunk exhibit that we finished in last week’s episode episode

I’m going to save the naming for the skunks um for uh for other uh or for for next week uh because uh I want people who you put in submited names and stuff like that to get all the Time in the World to actually be able to uh um to

Name them there so uh Colin just joined let’s give him a solid wave okay so what we’re going to be doing is I’m going to be stashing the skunks we’re going to stash the skunk that sounds like a kind of like an emo punk band from from uh from England or

Something ow going to run into a a cave wall there uh and then we’re going to go and recover our Beacon cuz we got to get that done now I don’t just want to be carving a volcano if you saw the title it’s called Uh turkeys and the in the

Volcano or something like that I called it uh that’s that’s what we’re going to be focusing on today is uh I want to actually build an exhibit today also uh I find a spot with like three block well that right there would work but let put

Them right here kind out in the middle of nowhere with all the Aquatic animals and stuff doesn’t make any sense for them to be here um but I I want to work on both the volcano and I also want to make a turkey exhibit yesterday was Thanksgiving here

In the United States and so if anyone is in the United States you know that you eat a lot of turkey okay uh that’s like the the prime uh Prime meal for the uh for the holidays to eat turkey so uh I want to build a turkey exhibit that’s not actually

Anywhere on our plan or on our map but you know I was going to do it anyway thought it’d be fun we got a lot of fish poking out of the water what do we got down here oh yeah there’s some stuff apparently we have some stuff to respawn here I see you

Jellyfish jellyfish causes blindness when you get near nearby him I don’t think I need any of those right now although that is a lot of tropical fish if I did need some here they are there an octopus right there and right there I think the blue and yellow ones are like the wicked

Dangerous Ones too I’m not too sure okay but first things first we got to go get our we got to go get our Beacon and set that up probably on top of volcano or at least on the side that we’re going to be working on so the volcano itself this is the natural

Generation of of a volcano biome oh bye Colin he left um fin hello welcome uh let’s see stash sash SK uh can’t go wrong with turkey that’s for sure um yeah this this is the natural generation of this uh of this biome and although it looks cool cuz

It’s like a a lot of lava there’s a lot of lava another another band name got a lot of lava uh it looks fun but uh it doesn’t look like a volcano really it just looks like a plateau so uh backpack crash oh no yeah uh the backpacks are kind of an

Ongoing issue in on the server the the adventure backpacks I love them and that’s the reason why we’re we’re putting up with it but bayfish is like a wizard when it comes to this stuff uh I think Colin was having an issue prior to this too hopefully that’s been resolved

If not I will be looking into that um but I’ll have to look into that after the stream though but anyway up here we have oh here’s a horn Mill just chilling up here hi up here we have a variety of different animals and stuff but uh but

This is just a flat area like there is no Calder or anything uh but the lava adds it’s true now the lava isn’t entirely going away okay just the shape of this volcano needs to change okay like it’s it’s not it’s not it’s not volcano it’s there’s no Caldera

There’s nothing you it’s it’s I mean I guess this might be the closest thing to a Caldera that it’s got right here um and that’s that looks like just a lava lake so yeah it’s been crashing okay so that has not been resolved okay I will definitely look into that Colin like I

Said as soon as the stream’s over I’ll have to dive into that one that might take a little bit of effort uh that I can’t really do on stream so um yeah we’ve had we’ve had some issues with the backpacks basically it’s the reason why I carry an actual bed on me

Is because setting it down and sleeping in it sometimes doesn’t go so well um and it’s it’s kind of rare but occasionally it happens so uh in case you’re wondering if you’re ever watching the series why does he carry a bed when he has the backpack that’s why okay so

Anyway we got to go get our our Beacon though and get that out here do I yeah I can just walk on these things cuz the uh fire resistance on the backpack and wearing so um we got to go get our Beacon so we

Can do some work on here but we also got to think about where we’re going to put the turkeys um there’s some like a dead space kind of in between the cabara and the uh the bathrooms might be able to squeeze something in there like right over

Here yeah see there’s a cabar over there and then there’s Dead Space right here that we might oh that’s where the U that’s where the uh the zombie dungeon was was wasn’t it I think so I think the zombie dungeon was right down here yeah right

There kind of an interesting find on the surface I wish I could do something with that but I’m not sure what I can do all right so it all starts with the uh uh with the uh the beacon I got to go get the beacon and also it’s getting

Nighttime slowly but trilli and creepers you know what theyd be doing all right first things first I got to get more Rockets CU if I remember correctly the way to get out of my mind where I was digging up stone is by using an elytra uh let’s uh make a couple more

Rockets old Betsy GG all right let’s make I’m running low on gunpowder that’s never great fit that and let’s go make some get some paper R leg Spike right there all right got it good old Rockets I really should make like a creeper Farm or something because

Uh probably come in real Handy but yeah well right now I just hunt creepers at night the glitch got rid of my dragon backpack so I’m working getting it back if I mean I mean just talk to either myself Alyssa or something when when I’m not in stream type thing you know and

I’ll we can just kind of get you your back back back if it was caused by a glitch you know uh cuz obviously that’s outside of your control and it’s not really part of the game so we can fix that um all right so I need oh I need to go

To the nether that’s where I need to go could be a good time to hunt some creepers right away in the beginning but I guess uh I’ll take a snooze here so that we can uh not get blown up when we get out the other end of the oh I got

Some time I got some time we’ll get blown up when we get out out the other side of the uh the nether portal was explode ourself we’ll be fine yeah we we try to whenever people have issues with with glitches or anything like that like the crashes of

The backpack sometimes cause we try to just get people their stuff back so that they can keep F going but yeah I would highly recommend uh uh one of the issues that hopefully has been resolved is uh is that the backpack mod itself has only so much like space within a backpack

Like memory like computer memory that it can hold you know in there and if you take things like shulkers or if you take the capture cages from zawa and you have entities inside them uh it it overloads it it’s like too much for it to remember

What’s all inside there like if you look inside my backpack here I have a bunch of capture cages but there’s really nothing inside them you know and these are just so that I can have them for whenever I come across an animal uh but yeah they’re not actually look at this

Guy get out of there get out there no lik thanks for the pork chops all right so way down here I think I might actually just kind of do one of these things that might be easier I just passed it I passed all those blocks back there I was like what

Were all those blocks on the ground that was stuff I dumped out now I’m going to probably pick up unless I can get over them I did yeah this is all the junk I jumped out of my inventory wait your hallway in the nether is still not complete no it is

Not is uh is vintage beef c a two years zo I have not even asked him yet actually uh because we’re not done I mean I I will ask him I mean it’s kind of like a tradition around here I’ll ask him if he wants to hop on and check it

Out you know um but I I don’t I don’t know if he will or not it’s kind of up to him all right so this is where this is where my uh my entrance to my mine is in fact I just realized I don’t really have an easy way down there

Either so I’ll just do this then ride the water down I think there’s caves along the way too so I could actually get like shot or blown up as I’m going down here too and I can’t even even see what I’m doing I put down torch at least on one of

Them real real professional stuff um yeah the hallway and then the nether is not complete yet uh have not finished that yet oh there’s a slime down here look at that I I definitely don’t need this but it’s nice to know we G slime I like slimes I think they’re fun

They’re not really dangerous but they’re fun unless you’re playing Sky Block or uh super flat then they’re really annoying okay so I’m here just to collect the beacon but this is actually where I’ve been doing some mining obviously you can see where I cleared

Out a whole bunch right here um I I got to get back here and do some more but but yeah this is where I’m collecting some Stone now I have plenty of iron back at the base so I really just need the beacon just take this and then we’ll

Leave the base here and we’ll we’ll go uh we’ll just pick that up uh later oh I do have water put down here okay I did actually have light so this is how you get out of here by flying out all right so we got our Beacon

That way we don’t have to go kill another wither not like I’d be opposed to that but uh but yeah that way we don’t have to kill wither no actually the the nether tunnel to where my base is is really not complete like from the

Uh from the uh portal Hub oh that that pig is back I’m just going to zip by him real fast hopefully doesn’t mind from the uh gold on low uh from the uh the The Hub actually to where it is here it’s not done just the

Walls so yeah we need to spend some love on this you know doing doing some time or doing doing some work on this but yeah it it goes basically up to where my hidey-hole is and then it stops so yeah we need to do some work on

That I hear the gentle coup of a terrible ghast if I sound a little kind of Coffey and nasly and stuff like that everyone in my house is sick it’s the holidays after all it’s kind of what happens around here you go visit family friends then everyone ends up sick

So I think in our case uh I think uh we are the ones that brought it all the kids are all sniffly and stuff but the kids are always sniffly so I don’t know what to I don’t know what to say so uh at the same point it was last time

I was on well you got to hop on again see really we’re waiting on you that’s that’s what the big hold up is uh we got some chicken in there to pick out and guess we’ll just throw those pork chops in there actually can we put some of these

Chickens back in there can we can we recook them we actually can there we go bam I mean they don’t cook but at least they’ll stay there it is is the season to be coughing exactly yeah wether is getting colder All That Jazz all right so let’s grab

Some uh let’s grab some iron I should have plenty of it uh cuz I think I even have more stash we like in here more in here yeah a little bit more plus I have the iron farm going and stuff so it’s kind of stupid how much

Iron we actually have I think that’s going to be enough though to make the beacon base let’s go set up the beacon somewhere maybe not activate yet cuz that haste to really I only want that to be in effect while I’m doing the terraforming um but I think I might

Actually set this thing down get it kind of planned out and then we’re going to shift focus and do the turkey exhibit I don’t I don’t really want it on that although it could be handy for clearing out an area I I don’t really necessarily want it for that because uh

You dig really fast uh too fast actually when you’re doing this so now I could set it up on top here but uh s my L not really we just started about 20 minutes ago um I could set up on top here but uh I think it might be better to actually

Kind of focus my attention on one side first okay so here’s the plan okay like this is this is my vague plan that I have in mind this is kind of an oblong shape okay this isn’t like a a a circle right now which obviously volcanoes when

They flow and they flow at all the sides they overtime F form a cone that is generally symmetrical not entirely generally symmetrical but this is definitely not okay so we can either take off a huge chunk of this which doesn’t sound like a good time um or we

Could did did you guys ever look into how Mount St Helens erupted uh uh chunk chunk pruning help with spawns for folks to get new animals uh I’m not sure if the trunk pruning has happened yet because the holidays hit when we were just discussing that so

I’ve been doing friends and family stuff but it’s we’re getting into the clear for a little bit before Christmas hits so um but last I checked uh Bay fish was working on figuring out how to even do that oh the community event was earlier this month yeah yeah it was it

Definitely was fun um and we we’re successful spoiler if anyone wants to go back and watch those streams we did actually collect all the all the armor trims and beat the dragon so um but anyway does anyone know like how Mount St Helens erupted uh okay so

Here in the United States we had an eruption in the What ‘ 80s 1980 I think it was or right around there I’m not exactly a historian so don’t quote me on that but um but Mount St Helens erupted and basically the side of the volcano

Blew off it uh there’s like a massive Landslide where the entire Mountain came down on one side like it just it’s there’s there’s footage of it actually but go look it up like it just you see half the mountain just kind of starts shifting like a landslide like what the

Heck and then it erupts out the side okay and so when that happened it’s not a very common eruption but when that happened it basically blew half the mountain apart uh which is nuts to think about Mother Nature is crazy uh and so when that happened afterwards the aftermath

Of all this stuff after all the Ash and everything was gone everything years later okay you look at the volcano and it kind of looks like a volcano that got hit by a meteor where there’s a big chunk taken out of it and it looks strange uh and so I was thinking about

What happens if that had happened here CU what what effectively happens when that when that does occur is that the The Volcano forms a new way for the lava to get rid or to get out and that’s kind of what was happening in the first place where it wasn’t trying it wasn’t

Escaping through the Cera at the top because it was it that was either there’s too much resistance there it’s kind of like a kind of like electricity path to least resistance type thing you know and U and so it tries to form a new one and as it was forming it out the

Side of the mountain it just um so I I think about kind of taking some inspiration from that I just had like the game crash on me how about that speaking of Crash codes that was weird I didn’t need to do anything with a backpack so all right

Well let’s try to reload that wasn’t very nice but I’ll I’ll talk about the uh the eruption thing and try to do explain what I’m going to be doing here on this too um according to the the internet some people who uh died refused to leave the evacuation yeah that’s true uh they

Didn’t want to leave their homes so I mean it’s their choice I guess the uh I personally would have probably packed up and left but um but yeah the uh um well we’re waiting for the game to reboot here I’m thinking about modeling this volcano after that type of eruption

But in addition have it be like eons later and have a new volcano having already uh emerg if that makes any sense so I’m thinking about doing like a um uh a main volcano but on the side of it is the remnance of a much older volcano that erupted that

Way I don’t know if that makes any sense at all game’s still loading up here so we’re going to give it a second hopefully that that is just a regular crash which is weird I don’t think I’ve ever actually had that happened um I wasn’t doing nothing with the backpacks I didn’t put

Anything in the backpacks actually but hopefully everything loads up just fine here it does take a little bit for this uh for this mod pack to load up so give me a second but how’s all your guys’ Thanksgiving I want to know in the spe of Thanksgiving I do

Have Pop-Tarts here obviously but guess what kind they are they are pumpkin pie Pop-Tarts figured I’d get a little festive you know yeah that was strange to have a crash mid game like that that was very weird I don’t I don’t I’m kind of confused because uh

Uh I don’t celebrate oh well everyone can celebrate Thanksgiving in a way I mean the the whole Spirit of the holiday is to uh look at your life and appreciate the things you have and be thankful for them good turkey all right let’s see game loaded

Up again that’s always a plus let’s see if I can get on the server just fine without everything exploding looks like it’s night time here but let’s bring it back in here all right let’s uh let’s take a little power nap here a leg Spike as all the chunks are loading

In so anyway that’s that’s my idea my plan for uh for what to do for this uh poptarts brings me back the Nostalgia is real um but yeah if we if we look at the uh the map again here so right here I was thinking about putting the main

Volcano and then over here where this oblong shape is do the remnants of the old volcano I don’t know if that makes any sense to anybody but uh that’s what that’s what my plan is now I need to actually be able to see where I am at

Here onap okay so this is the way I want to go so if we’re going to be doing some digging Let’s uh let’s shape the side of the volcano that is over here here by the uh by the cabara and stuff and I’ll try to get that shape down first it’s

Weird cuz I don’t necessarily want to be a very steep volcano so this is actually going to cover quite a area this might end up being a little bit shorter even maybe than what it’s currently is by I don’t know 10 blocks or so so I just take a

Guess uh as long as you have a good friends and family it’s perfect it’s a perfect thing to doing that is true uh we have uh we had a lot of friends and uh and family there and uh and kids were throwing up it was great well kid was throwing up all right

So let’s get down let’s get down there and put the put the beacon down there now I’m kind of curious is the beacons have a radius around them will it reach up here we might end up having to rebuild the beacon basically if this doesn’t work we’re going to slap it right here

On the side of this mountain right here and hopefully I don’t know if actually we’re going to have to find a place a little bit further over here probably like right here bam that’s where it’s going to start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 three 4

Five 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 n i it’s never count to 10 I don’t know why 50 block radius yeah that’s what I thought CU I thought it was like even if they’re underground all the way and stuff but I don’t know if that’s well

That octopus is going to die he’s going to drown maybe we can try to save him but I think this is one that tries to kill me ow no he poison me no he’s coming for you he’s got blood in his eyes oh wow that thing causes poison too that thing

Hurts wait maybe he’ll follow me back well if he gets in the in the water he’ll probably easily k kill me then or did I step on a tarantula which honestly wouldn’t look at this thing this thing’s like attacking probably cuz I attacked it but might have to put this one down I’m

Sorry actually you want to get back in the water oh that just super powerered it that was like Aquaman all right well I’m sure it’s fine I’m sure he’ll be fine see yeah he he already forgot I exist it’s fine all right I was trying to get him

Back in the water but apparently he just wants to suffocating dant land so I can’t really save them if that’s the case so not going to worry about it I saw another octopus in the water anyway so there’s plenty of them I’ll just take his INX when he’s

Done I want him trying to think about uh octopi I think I have one captur already and I think they go in either the C Nets or the uh or maybe even directly into the capture cages I guess I could get him to chase me into a capture cage while he’s on land

Big leg Spike all right there we go bam Beacon is placed we are good to go for that we do have to activate it obviously we want to get the U we want to get the Boost is that kind not suffocating land was that just something else I saw one

Suffocating before on land that’s why I and it was one of those those kind oh yeah there he goes he’s inking all over the place I tried to help you buddy I tried and now you’re inking all over the place oh hey sweet you dropped your ink sacks Don’t Mind If I

Do make stash those in there for right now all right so we got the Beacon put down so we can start doing some carvon on the side now that is not lava over there that is all magma blocks so that’s got to be brought down

Too and this should be easy to fix cuz we just kill the source of lava up there and we should be good I have a really big plan for inside the volcano like I plan on actually having an area inside the volcano which is a really okay that

Doesn’t make any sense I know but because if you think about volcanoes they’re basically added they’re they’re building up pressure inside them before the eruption so having like a an opening that goes inside it would obviously uh cause it to erupt out of there but it’s Minecraft we don’t have

To worry about that kind of physics you know um so we’re just going to pretend like it’s not not a thing and we’re just going to have an inside area of the volcano I have plans for what’s going on inside so did over squid they go into uh land and ye

Themselves all right so uh let’s get to let’s get to actually shif and focus here and working on the turkey exhibit here here I’m thinking we’ll put it like right here so when you walk through here you actually have the skunk exhibit on the side here and then the the turkey

Exhibit so this pathway I got to define basically because if I don’t do this right then I’m I’m going to have a super wide path like this right here is probably not where it’s going to go this going up here and coming to like right about over

Here is probably the actual way it’s going to go and then it’s going to go down this way uh towards the Capa bar exhibit all this needs to be raised up though because you can see where the elevation is for the Capa bar exhibit right there so this needs to be fixed completely

So so that’s where the that’s where the path is actually going to go tarantulas I tell you they’re all over the place see I see more blips on the radar that’s why I’m looking uhhuh uhhuh uhhuh I saw him over there for just a second where’d he go I don’t want to

Ruin my grass areas I don’t want them killing animals ow God he’s attacking tarantulas they’re everywhere over here put those in with the other 20 some that I’ve already killed I hear another one I he oh there he is they’re all over the place okay well tarantul is aside let’s eat some

Chicken then we’ll grab our balls and eat them against the volcano so we can get out of there look at this look at this they’re all over the place I’ve I’ve killed them in the area too so sad I’ve killed them in the area too I’m constantly killing these things

So like they keep respawning they’re just all over the place so if you if you’re in need of a tarantula or you want one I mean I know a place that that’s got quite a few of them so all right let’s focus on this uh on this exhibit then while we’re at the

Beginning part of the stream here uh it is going to probably cover up the zombie dungeon it’s unfortunate but it is going to be a thing um I need the elevation to start raising up to to match over there too so this is actually going to be built up I

Don’t know if I have to dig much so much I have to just start building actually there hey there’s another octopus Colin if you’re wondering it’s over here still but I’m thinking this is going to kind of probably poke a little bit into the the water as well so let’s grab the

Uh dump chest here do I have any stone in here I have a little bit not much HED help nice GG got yourself an iron golem I don’t even think I built one of those things yet uh let’s go start to let’s get the torch outline here is what we’re

Going to be doing on my way I can’t I can’t guarantee it’ll be there when you get here so the turkeys I don’t think are going to need like a huge exhibit but uh we’ll give them a decent size place I’ll poke out right over there just a little Bit something like that yeah now I have plenty of turkeys so um yeah so I mean I have tons of turkey eggs so I I can I can get turkeys left right and all over the place so um that’s probably going to be the area for them it’s going to be very similar

To the skunk exhibit because turkeys actually live in this kind of area in the like a Woodland area we have them all over the place up here where I live I live in I live in Wisconsin in case you guys don’t know and uh and here we

Have a lot of trees and a lot of uh that’s about it we have a lot of trees and uh and and we have turkeys all over the place in fact when I’m driving to work those things I have to make sure I don’t run into because they’re constantly crossing

The road and stuff so um there’s a flying fish saw flying fish he coming out of the water there for a littleit yeah there he is now I actually have flying fish captured we already but it’s kind of cool to see them actually doing their flying

Thing oh there looks like an orca or a shark one of them who knows I’m pretty sure it’s an orca so gobble up so they’re going to gobble up some land yeah you got it all right let’s grab the bed and uh in right about now we can sleep like a little

Snooze all right so as far as the land itself I want to kind of match it up to this up here cuz this is where the skunk the elevation for the skunk exhibit is so do I need to do much I I may I don’t really need to dig out much of anything

I don’t think I think what I need to do is put down uh the outline first so I have an idea kind of of what I’m doing here you can capture sharks and science I think so honestly I’m not the expert on this thing best bet to ask like or

Skull or skull spend quite a bit of time capturing stuff uh so he’s got a better understanding of it only way to catch him okay so yeah okay apparently it is let’s do that cut that a little short got quite a few things floating around in here oh there’s a jellyfish

Right there there’s a whale there’s a a kitd a cichlid cichlid I think is how you pronounce it I’ve actually got a couple of them captured too I’m just looking to see what animals are down here there’s the octopi that tried to kill me okay interesting yep I think I have

All that captured already so uh one of my flying fish flew into land and died that sucks that’s not good all right so we got to try to connect this over to here I might just do that by basically hugging the shoreline let’s fix the flowing water

There cuz I don’t want to have this stick out too much yeah we’ll do that bam cuz I every time I do a a side like this I have to redo like the whole Shoreline here to get that to work out uh need to need to figure out if

Sharks take other sh fish like eels I’m not too sure let’s raise this up a little bit so that the flying fish doesn’t fly in here I have no food well there’s at at spawn time we have uh all those farms and stuff there there’s an actual genuine honest God squid right there

Um we have all those uh animal farms there I mean if you go hit up the chickens I’m sure you can get grab some eggs and the eggs you can fry and got food yeah fried eggs are a thing in the mod pack oh never I’m never going to get

That torch again dang it all right and then this just comes on over and connects to that bam just like that bam there we go so what does that look like is that something that could be a decent place for turkeys yeah we can make that

Work actually I come to think of it if we’re going to make this path come over here I was going to say might be beneficial actually extend the exhibit over this way a little bit farther so that the path it kind of splits right between them that might be true what are you

Building um sharks will attack vanilla fish good to know uh oral we’re building a turkey exhibit in in uh honor of Thanksgiving um but I’m thinking if we bring this forward then you could have the path split it and you could have like skunks on one side and the turkeys on the other

But um I I have a different idea instead we need to do a lot of terraforming in this area a lot of the land needs to get brought over and stuff like this obviously isn’t finished here you can still see the bathrooms inside there uh which I never did finish the lighting

And I got to God there’s so much stuff to do it’s like an overload but when I do the when I finish the terraforming here maybe I’ll raise this up here and we’ll create like a little path in between the rocks that goes this way to the turkey

Exhibit so that I’m thinking that would be a that that might be a little bit more of an interesting build so we’ll go with that all right so now I want to get everything somebody just flew overhead I just saw a shadow oh colins’s here there he

Is I was like I just saw a shadow it’s like Superman flying over so um I’m going to probably lower the ground To see if the viewing area is going to be up here I guess I don’t really have to lower it much maybe I’ll I’ll lower it down to here I’ll fill all this in I’ll cover the uh cover the dungeon up we don’t really have a good use for a zombie

Dungeon so oh I’m in it oh I can get the torch now did I grab everything out of here at I think I did yeah I don’t really have a good use for zombie dungeons so um I’m not going to worry about preserving that one I won’t destroy it

Though because I have this this this thing where I just can’t destroy spawners it hurts me uh all right we’ll plug that up plug that up can’t plug that up that to all right I think that was everything yeah so we’ll we’ll build it we’ll build it

To this elevation right here we’ll fill all this in probably not with stone actually come to think of it I should probably just use dirt because I have a lot of dirt but I need the stone for ter forming so we’ll go grab that Colin’s left that’s never a good sign hopefully

He’s not having any issues hopefully I don’t keep having issues with the whole crash thing poof he disappeared um yeah I’m going to go grab some uh going to go grab some dirt to fill that in and he’s back that’s see more like a Rel log rather than a

Crash all right let’s uh let’s get over here and go grab our Dirt got a whole chest full of it down here break my legs of course on the way down all right let’s grab three three stacks yeah it was Rel log F that one like I said figure that one wasn’t a crash cuz of how quickly he came back

So we have quite a few people actually building zoos all over the place um on this on the server here and uh I think what’s one of the big finale episodes I think this season is going to be Zoo tours throughout the uh the zoo or throughout the the server actually so uh

I’m thinking that’d be kind of a fun thing to do to see everyone’s builds and if you’re watching this you’re like wow that looks like fun you actually can join the server you watching right now if you’re not already on here oh no no X in chat

Um yeah you can join the server you can join random guy and getting shot by by a skeleton it’s a thing that happens um because uh this is a patreon server so just head over to the patreon link should be in the description you can

Actually come build a zoo too I got bit by a spider and the skills up on me that sucks yeah those spiders I’m telling you they are dangerous all right so right here we actually are going to need just some Stone out here so I can

Fck up the sides of this whenever I need to all right so it’s this elevation yep it’s right [Applause] here so now this is the base of the uh of the exhibit I think on top of this I’m still going to be putting down a grass layer uh the main thing that kills

You won’t go in the Ned heavy tried asking nicely Orco you’re watching the the sign that’s that’s how you catch the uh the octopus right what we were thinking flowers in each one of those spots oh sounds like somebody did you get him or did you kill him oh it’s

Right there I think he got him I think he got him I heard I heard the a noise all right so this is the this is just the base uh underneath the the exhibit so um so we were still going to put like the grass layer on top of this wasn’t

Me yeah I’ll still put the grass layer on top of this we’re going to have to get rid of the flowers though the other stuff I can actually place things right on top of all right and then we can actually dig this down just to hair although some of this is grass we

Just leave it there random guy oh look at that I I fell in again okay apparently apparently there’s a hole there don’t go in saying this H they are tricky to C or they do go in them but they’re tricky to catch got it so this was that area if you’re

Watching the previous episode where I was working on the bathrooms where the ground just kind of collapsed on its own I honestly have no idea how that happened because as far as I know unless an Enderman happen to pick up a block that caused it uh mobs don’t really update blocks

So I don’t know how I don’t know how it happened but it did that’s why I was so confused I was looking at like what the heck sounds like a skill issue in case in case you guys aren’t familiar that’s like our motto whenever people are struggling with something

Even if it’s a legit something is uh sounds like a skill issue to me take a power nap real quick drink some uh orange juice that’s what I’m drinking today no Pepsi today feed the octopus throwing uh seeds in the water I’m pretty sure that’s not what they

Eat just raising this up here just to get it on the same elevation is what we’re going to be working with oh that’s kind of interesting I I take it he’s got it it’s a whole lot of excitement for him not catching the octopus you’re chased by a

Warden sounds like a you problem yeah exactly oh my God the warden is killing me well it sounds kind of like a skill issue to me all right we’re just going to put Stone down here in case it I don’t exactly have this mapped out in my head exactly

How this is going to look yet I’m just trying to get the base down and then we’ll we’ll worry about that later if you feel if you feed an octopus fish it will uh protect you from drown oh that’s Nifty I punched in the face I guess it didn’t

Really want I guess it didn’t really like Me actually while we have this open let’s go ahead and stash some of this here I got a lot of black sand I will be using the black sand for um for parts of the uh the volcano so I’m not not going to not use it I just have a whole lot of

It morning Peter welcome to the stream we are uh we’re uh we’re building something what are we buing we’re building the turkey exibit H in honor of Thanksgiving we decided uh let’s build a turkey exhibit so here we go best lawnmower in the game still is the water

Bucket oh yeah we’re feeding octopi uh whatever seeds we get out of this so there you go enjoy octopi uh the blue ring octopus will attack you yellow and red octopus are peaceful okay yeah the it was a yellow one with the blue rings on it that was

Attacking me when I punched it Square in the face so I I like to think of it as he had it coming okay so for the viewing area is going to be over on this side of the exhibit so we’re talking like that way is where people are going to see it so

We’re going to have to build up the land a little bit over here and then put some grass on top of it let’s actually get like you have it come out like that far actually I kind of like it better when it it doesn’t like curve back it

Just like let just fill this in that could be useful or helpful five minutes ago yeah cuz I think that was a one the blue ring octopi he was going after I guess in a way having it chase you could be beneficial you could lure it into the net

Right so the aggressive ones might be easier to catch the other one’s just kind of aimless to go [Applause] around all right so raising this up here because this is going to be raised up one block when we get to the um I’m other stuff do I have any the ground

Backpack P any chance yeah I do I have a stack of dirt there and a little bit more right there sweet um when it comes down time to put the grass in we want this raised up one and dirt is plentiful so i e is trying to kill me that sounds like a

Random you want you want to finish that one that sounds like a skill issue or sounds like a you problem skill issue there it [Laughter] is all right so then this area is where the grass is going to go right on top of this here I’m just going to mark this

Out here so I have it identified for later there we go uh then right here I can fill this in without having to lose that edge that I I created right there yeah we got kind of a fun group of group of players on here

So is you sounds like an is you not an ish me that’s funny I didn’t even know there were turkeys of course there’s turkeys I have a I have a shop at spawn called turkey balls that sells turkey eggs and uh and slime balls so there’s definitely turkeys grab some grass out of

Here going to fill all this in be the land for the turkeys then so turkeys you can find them also in like fields and stuff so a lot of like the farmers Fields you can see them Crossing there um and I think that’s just because they’re not hidden in the trees you know

So but yeah uh they often move in a large group here’s a fun trivia question I actually know the answer to this so I’m going to let you guys try to guess without looking it up up all right everyone play fair you know no one no

One uh no one say yeah okay I will well crossing their fingers what do you call a group of turkeys uh how is that shop doing this holiday season probably not very good nobody actually buys much from it what do you call a group of turkeys a

Gathering of turkeys what do you call that you know how like they call a a group of crows a murder of crows uh what do you what is the proper name for a gathering of turkeys don’t look it up nobody look it up remember you’re all playing Fair gobble people like guessing a

Gobble I’m going with a trot like the Turkey Trot no one’s got it yet it’s going to be such a weird thing too like it makes no sense similar to how murder of crows doesn’t make any sense a rafter that is correct Lumi knows it is a rafter of

Turkeys so strange and the only reason why I know that is because I see so many groups of turkeys around here Rafters of turkeys uh I call it a flock to be honest yeah um but yeah I would call it a or it’s called A rafter of turkeys and

The only reason why I know that is because I saw so many of them around here so that I uh I ended up uh looking it up because I was like what would you call a group of turkeys but yeah they’re called a they’re called A rafter of

Turkeys it’s the strangest thing I know but that’s what it is rafter sounds like a roof exactly that’s cuz Rafters usually hold up roofs but it is what it is now you can look it up go look go it is weird I know but like I said

Murder of crows makes no sense either I’m sure they have weird names for everything so all right there we got all the uh all the grass put in so that’s the the blank canvas again that we’re doing here because we’re making a very I need to inhale some chicken here I am like

Starving I am starving Marvin uh yeah this is basically what we’re going for again we’re going for this this look because um yeah they live in forested biomes similar to the skunk so that’s what’s what they that’s what they uh that’s where they live so I guess we

We’ll kind of basically be copying that same thing over there just kind of make it a little bit more unique and a little different maybe we’ll leave the water feature out this time there’s this oh that W leg okay just kill it manually pH f is

Here all right let’s uh let’s get the some of these uh flowers put away in actually the flower backpack I think actually have those in where is that oh right here yeah I have them in there where did I get this oh that’s was from killing the the hoglin before I

Remember now there’s a majestic Colin spotted in the wild all right let’s see we got that do we have more Stone hidden someplace actually I think I have that in the dump chest yeah there’s some right there got to catch them all all right let’s raise this land up

Here a little bit this this wall up here a little bit so that it keeps the uh the turkeys inside now turkeys can fly like in in the real world they can fly so um they look weird when they do it but they can

Do it um so they could just fly out of here but in the game I don’t think they do so uh someone run over to spawn and tell me the top Super Chat amount I believe that is still Captain Craig I can actually do that real quick I think it’s Captain

Craig is still the top Super Chat on SK I don’t remember where I live it’s a oops oops I think I just crashed again yeah I did I tried I tried to I tried to type something in chat and I crashed some reason we’re having

Issues with that lately or at least I am now that’s a very strange thing I was about to types issue but uh that didn’t uh that didn’t work give me a second while I reload the game uh my buddy looked it up a group of domestic turkeys is called the rafter

Yes that is correct yep that is a weird thing to call them but it is what it Is sorry about the crashes people actually never had this issue before so I blame Colin he’s in the area it’s probably not him we’ll have to look into that oh it crashed again while loading okay this could also be a ram issue sounds like a skill

Issue let’s try to see if I can’t uh adjust that a little bit real quick I got to do math um all right I’m going to do a little bit of little bit of math here and change the amount of ram actually being used to hopefully not have that happen

Anymore it’s the Colin curse this sounds like a you problem and it obviously is I’m the only one leaving so it’s an interesting name for a group of turkeys it is it’s kind of a weird one I remember looking it up the first time and I was like uh rafter like what the

Heck all right hopefully by allocating a little bit more RAM to this thing it’ll uh stop doing that usually crashes or or like that I was just trying to type in chat and I was like no uh-uh Yeah usually don’t have this much issue with it so I have to do that assign more RAM every time I play Vault Hunters yeah that’s true there’s a lot of stuff in Vault Hunters so it sounds like you problem I’ll be chilling in your hot

Tub I do have a few hot tubs around the the place I would wouldn’t recommend chilling in them though because they’re hot springs and hot springs uh they will burn you he’ll roast you Al yeah having a if you guys ever want to see some pretty horrific stuff or

Hear about some horrific stuff look up all the people that have like look up stories of people who have fallen into hot springs and like Yellowstone it’s not it’s not a good thing that is brutal even for the people who survive doing that they it’s not

Great I think one of the stories is probably one of the more sadder ones that a um guy had a dog that jumped into the hot spring because it was trying to go after something and then it um you know obviously the dog was in pain and

So the dog the guy jumped in try to save his dog and hot springs are not just they’re not just hot water they think of like the boiling water on your stove going and jumping in that that wouldn’t be a good idea idea all right well this time it did

Load up thankfully assuming I can get on the server I should be in midair though so that should be kind of Fun I’ll bring you guys back in as it’s loading and see if I can’t if I fall to my death or not I think I think I’m okay I’m alive all right now we are on our way over to there’s a goat uh there’s a there’s a

Sign here that says it talks about a Buri treasure being found already cuz the maps in the area lead them over here let’s get on over here oh crash into a tree or two and we’ll actually check the top Super Chat amount that’s why we’re coming over here in the first

Place uh it is currently Peter no you’re still the top top Super Chat at the moment with $25 Peter so you’re still leading leading the charge I think you you had bested Captain Craig I think that’s how you took over that spot I got you now my memory is coming back to me

Now if anyone anyone wants to remove him from the sign though $251 will do that all right so apparently I have some people chilling in Hot Springs oh yeah they’re over there oh they pick this hot spring okay there’s a couple Hot Springs hi dude you’re you’re you got to be like cooked

You got to be like cooked you guys that is so brutal how hot that is in there you’re going to get out there and you’re like your from your waist down is just going to be like skeletons oh Peter Peter you I I don’t really have to change the sign but thank

You so much for or actually I do because it has a different amount uh thank you so much for uh the $26 uh super chat so you you maintain your top spot let me H grab this thing real quick we’re going to go down there and smash into the ground I didn’t actually

Smash look at that all right Peter Pop this off real quick you’re still going to be put right back on there though uh Peter with a $25 or $26 my bad Super Chat Bam there you go just throw in some vegetables and we’ll be a soup all right yeah thank you

Peter for the $26 Super Chat that is awesome love that random just tucked under the slab yeah he’s just hiding under there um real quick since they are cooking over there let me see if I can’t zip into here crashing that volcano is going to

Be a hot tub yeah for real that’s going to be a big old lava filed hot tub let me just uh and then maybe grab a little bit of uh and maybe even a dash of [Laughter] a all right then let’s go back over to the hot tub

Looks like Colin escaped already maybe they already left I was about to make him into a stew oh yeah they all left they’re all out of there well I’ll still make this into a stew anyway he you guys go if you get back in there then you’ll finish the this do there we

Go made it into a St all right let’s get back to the turkey exhibit we got some building to do I don’t really want those beeds all right so oh I was raising the raising the land up here or the the wall up here so we can keep the turkeys inside

Um I was playing uh if you guys haven’t caught the series yet nebis and I are playing uh s days die and we’re playing uh uh we’re playing two dudes Play Seven Days die it’s a stream that we usually do we’re not going to do that one this

Weekend because he’s doing some stuff with family and stuff you know the holidays it happens uh so but next weekend we’ll be back but uh earlier in the week we actually did uh get together and without streaming we just tested out a new game mode uh on S days to die that

We thought might be kind of fun and we played s days to die without using the trader so no gen unfortunately that’s a real loss though honestly maybe we’ll open the door so we can least see her but we can’t use a Trader we can’t use a trade compounds

Nothing um and uh and so trying to play like that was interesting because it uh you know most of the things that you get you get from the trader so Le to hello and welcome to the stream yeah we’re building a turkey exhibit uh but most of the uh most of

The good stuff that you get in the uh in uh in seven days of die is acquired from the trader so imagine not having that you have to find everything or craft it yourself it actually adds a whole different like challenge to the game and and I love it that was

Great um oh there’s a creeper right there creepers they do be creeping um pop this out real quick see if you dropped any gun powder drop XP oh I Dro gun poter let’s grab the balls and just eat them up there all right so a creeper spawned over here that’s kind of

Interesting let’s get some lights on the edge of this then so that hopefully things stop spawning up here I hear walking oh that’s Colin I was like I hear walking I was like is that a creeper or is that a spider there’s spiders right here hold

On didn’t he just ask that where where is the spider there’s spiders right here there’s always spiders over by the volcanic island big old volcano uh volcanics hello and welcome all right so let’s go put that uh Stone back there and then I’m not here can see you on the mini

Map all right so we got to come up with a uh a design for this thing it’s going to be very similar to the other one but I’m not even going to look at the other one I’m just going to go for it so we’re going to do some podel cor dirt little

Bit of gravel path blocks should be good it should look like a forest then so uh we are going to need to be sleeping here pretty soon because creepers be doing their thing you know stash this in here for right now but uh we need to grab some of these

Other blocks too bad backpack how many how much podz do you have in here not a lot might need to go grab some more of that actually I wouldn’t mind grabbing more of this mud block too but I think I got that out of a great lak biome and that was

Uh and that was uh somewhere I don’t remember where it’s like somewhere way up here it’s where I got the turkeys origin I think I think it’s this right here yeah Great Lakes Region maybe I’ll go grab some more of that cuz that mud block is nice cuz it

You know animals don’t get trapped in it and it doesn’t like sink down so the the old biomes could go uh volcanics we’re building a turkey exhibit right now trying to anyway it’s kind of going is this a is that a what is that Pillager outpost black forest

Region dark oak planks yeah I bet that’s a Pillager Outpost huh maybe go take a peek at that and see what that all boat let’s actually fly up there before these guys attack I’m going to stay low just in case the game crashes I don’t F fall to my

Death uh a de plus water oh can you is this the thing I don’t need to go for mud oh yeah you can look at that go go guess I don’t need to oh we’re going we’re going to give spoilers for uh for Cory Zoo here actually CU we’re going to

Fly right over that I actually do need to get uh those are rare tarantulas not really I do need to go this way anyway because uh podel I think is located over here as well uh let’s figure out where I’m at yeah right here so I’ll head over here and grab

Some podel looks like I can craft the dirt sure rare exactly yeah no those things are super uncommon I never see them around that area all right so let’s grab some podz while over here since uh that was the reason I made this trip sure it wasn’t because I

Didn’t know you could craft mud that’s not that variety is rare than others it’s the only variety I see around here what trees is a redwood tree wow oh it’s a redwood forest I guess it’s not that big of a much of a while it’s all growing on that one block right there

Yeah I need to need to restart oh here’s a cave Temptation Temptation Temptation Temptation it’s Minecraft what can I say you know the Temptation I don’t even know do I have a bat I think I have to capture that in a capture cage to be honest I don’t think I have a bat yet let’s give it a whirl Let’s uh let’s make sure he doesn’t go

Anywhere or me okay so if we block this off you won’t be able to get out this way either all right bat I want to capture you now this isn’t exactly the most ideal situation but if you just fly right into that thing that’d be great

Can I put a no I can’t put a lead on you I was hoping that would be great can you you just like fly in there buddy actually I might be able to do this by spamming these things around where’d he go oh is he in

This caught him all right so there we caught ourselves a bat I’m pretty sure that that that’s the only way to catch these things okay now the bat one I want to keep in my inventory I don’t want to overload the backpack obviously so the rest of them

Though we can stash in the backpack sweet we caught a bat I knew coming down here was going to be worth it actually I had no idea that guy was going to be down here but I was just curious what was down there and when I

Saw him I was like I’m going to capture him okay that was weird but I made it out don’t need that all right let’s get collect some more podzol again got wildly distracted when I saw a cave I’m going to need bats because I plan on putting a bat exhibit actually in the

Zoo but I didn’t have any captured until just now so I got one at least he said he said he’s AFK random saying that he died but he said he’s AFK the only find that spawns in the biome like that I’m pretty sure yeah I’m pretty sure that’s

True actually come to think of it I think uh last time I checked on our tarantula actually the exhibit that I have for the tarantula um I think it had despawned or died somehow inside it exhibit so we might have to go replace that tarantula he’s not blanking oh and

That’s proof he’s definitely dead uh let’s uh grab the bad pack back out here stash this up in there for right now that should probably be enough podz definitely for this exhibit but it might last me for a little bit too a little more here no podle goes to waste poda I

Remember when they introduced that in Minecraft I was like man this block looks like crap literally like it it looks like poop and uh and then now I use it like a lot H pzle St blocking there uh you could call the turkey gobblers oh yeah that is one thing start think of

Turkey names I want you guys to name these things on the stream here um gobblers is a good one I think about nameing one goblet Tron oh in the water I don’t actually need any red wood so I’m not here for the trees I’m just here for the the

Podel all right let’s just eat these seeds out of there cuz I don’t need them I think that’s going to be good enough right now let’s fly let’s get a some chicken going little inflate Meal yeah Cory’s I’m kind of excited to see how that one turns out with the whole uh Gibble Cobble with the whole uh kind of he’s doing like a farm kind of theme the less traditional Zoo which I’m totally all for all right so we’ll start off by adding the Podel so apparently random is burying uh Colin CU he thinks he’s dead bury him in lava probably not that there’s a spider right there all right so let’s get some of this pzle put down and I we sprinkle this in somewhat heavily all right sometimes I remove blocks I don’t mean to

So he definitely is yeah oh yeah yeah for or or at least he definitely will be when you’re done with him punch 100 times he won’t wake up that kind of reminds me in the video game uh in the Deadpool video game when when he crashed that plane I think it’s

Like on the final mission and uh you’re you’re going there with the X-Men and uh Wolverine gets knocked out and so then you’re trying to wake him up by just slapping him back forth and you can sit there just wailing on him well Deadpool like insults him as he’s trying to wake him

Up that was actually a pretty good game if you guys never played it it back on like the Xbox 360 I think is when I played it on um but the Deadpool video game uh was pretty awesome it’s so weird because like the first mission you do you go down to like

The sewer area and you uh you you inflate a giant bouncy house bouncy castle uh yeah you you make a uh you make it put a giant flatable bouncy house down in uh in the sewer someplace and then you could start your mission you’re like what the heck was the point of that

You know and uh and then at the end of the mission you end up throwing this one guy that’s you’re trying to capture out of the window of uh of the the skyscraper and um and he falls all the way down and lands in this opening of a

Sewer and lands on that bouncy house let’s see uh name one Benjamin Franklin because he wanted the turkey to be the national bird instead of the bald eagle that’s true actually I I should name him that or at least Franklin should name him Franklin that sounds

Like a great name name for a bird for a turkey Ben Franklin fixing my sister’s Forge is a whole mission impossible mission so sorry to hear that man yeah sometimes it sucks when things just don’t work looks like it’s getting night time again creepers and all you know

I can hear footsteps I’m pretty sure that is spiders around me they’re coming for me so in case you guys are wondering if you’re ever watching any episodes of mine and you’re uh wondering how long does it take to build one of these exhibits cuz I cut out a lot of the a

Lot of this you know um this this is a insides to how much time it takes to actually do these things I need to know your opinion on on England my opinion on England it’s a fine country I’ve never been there oh no I I’ve never been there um been to

Germany briefly for a layover but that’s it um but yeah a fine country I don’t have much of an opinion it I just haven’t been there before I would like to come to um England would be fun um would mind going to Ireland actually I think that would be a lot of fun

Um but yeah I guess I I don’t really I I know some people from over in that area on that on that side of the pond and we like to play video games together any one Benjamin and the other one Franklin oh that’s true I can do

That what’s your pinion on Britain Oh that’s oh that’s a rephrasing the question gotcha yeah they’re one of our they’re our strongest Ally yeah yeah there I got some really cool historical landmarks over there that I wouldn’t mind visiting is a is this a zoo stream uh

Not storyline this is yeah this is not Zoo stream not story time well I mean sort of I can’t help you you bury I’m not helping you bury a dead guy and plus I don’t think he’s dead he’s breathing and snoring but you already buried him and now you want me

To help you cover it up I’m sorry sorry but I know he’s dead and I’m I’m telling you I don’t think he’s Dead that should probably be pretty good for podel Z stream not story time uh I think all zoo streams are basically story time they kind of cover the bases with that let’s grab the bat backpack and see if we have any yeah we do look at that four

Whole pieces of cor dir look at us go it’s definitely not enough for what I need ground backpack P you got any dirt and gravel in there I think I pulled all the dirt out of it got some gravel though okay so we got to go get dirt of all

Things yeah got quite a few people that live over over and like there maybe they’re not living in England specifically because there’s a whole lot of countries packed in there it’s tough for uh both like Europeans to or anyone yeah Europeans to comprehend just how

Big the US is and also vice versa it’s it’s difficult for people in the US to comprehend just like how many countries are packed into in an area there in in like Europe um because there’s there’s a lot of them there’s a lot of them so uh generally Furious hello and

Welcome welcome to the stream I love the name too that’s awesome um he’s a zombie he’s slby I’m telling you he’s not dead or random he’s not dead you just think he is let’s grab some dirt out of here we going to put some of this grass back not

All of it uh let’s grab the ground blocks here put the grass in there St oh that’s a corer okay how are we doing on gravel anyway no we’re doing all right on gravel all right there we go we got ourselves some coarse dirt um actually I did want to put some

Regular dirt in here that way we have that readily available in case we need it break my legs as I go out there I think I cracked my knees on the that stone I think I met you through lunch lady my friends uh yeah lunch lady is a game

That I still play I played that during the uh oh there’s spiders in here look at this get out of here get out of here spiders uh yeah lunch lady is a game that I play I still play I played it over the uh Halloween so there’s video

Out there the first time I ever played it is the is in the video actually um but then I I kept playing it even after uh the week of horror that’s what I play to kind of relax so yeah there’s a good chance said you guys met me on there so people look

Game yep that’s uh lunch lady is a fun game um it’s it’s not like a really in-depth game so if you’re looking for some real deep story line you’re not going to find it but uh it’s a fun game nonetheless we’re building a turkey exhibit if you guys are just now joining

Um we’re getting the the ground put in first oh Colin left he’s he’s ascended he’s down for good I don’t know it’s hard to keep a player down he’ll be back oops oops all right let’s get some of this stuff changed over putting in uh the

Corser just as heavily as we do the podel actually because uh this is a we’ll make it look all dirty like in the area here in case you’re wondering how this is probably going to look it’s going to look a lot like the skunk exhibit right over here let’s fly up

Here and land this is what it’s probably going to end up looking like when it’s all said and done but it all starts with getting the dirt put In yeah lunch lady is a blast actually I haven’t played that in a couple days here I’m kind of going through withdrawal yeah I tried to I haven’t I should have actually recorded a lot of those matches I did with random people because there’s some interesting

Characters you meet on uh on online when you’re playing uh lunch lady I mean there’s interesting characters when you play online doing anything actually so um some people that were blown away by how quickly I was finding stuff because uh I I think when uh when you guys saw

Me in the video I was level zero and just leveling up as we were playing the couple rounds you know uh now I’m level 96 and I’m almost got the last character unlocked so I’ve uh played it quite a bit more and I’ve gotten very good at uh

Not dying to the lunch lady and I’m getting the pages quickly so all you got an arrow in your face dude U but yeah we uh uh so sometimes I join in and people who haven’t played the game very much get someone like myself or anyone who’s a

Higher skill level at the game now to join in and they just start dominating and either they think it’s really awesome like holy cow this guy is crazy or they think it’s uh um or they think it’s um annoying and they they’re like well I’m not doing anything so a lot of

Times when that happens I’ll hit the break breaks I’m not actually trying to steal their fun or anything like that I’m just trying to find the pages all right something kind of along the lines of this sure we’ll put one there too think that’s pretty good nice little

Speckling of the dirt and stuff in the area yeah all right now we’re going to switch it up and put uh actually let’s put the cor dir back into the bad backpack so we can find it later I hear footsteps I think there’s a tarantula over

There and then we’re going to store the tulas I’ve killed we’re up to 30 now just in this area I haven’t even gone around the island at all let’s see I’ve been here for like 30 minutes uh pce 100 in it it’s uh I’ve been here for about an hour and a

Half um let’s see we got to get down the gravel little bits of gravel now I did add in the other exhibit over there uh little Stone piles which I really like so maybe we’ll maybe we’ll do something like that over here too and uh so instead of just putting

Gravel speckled in here randomly what we’ll do is we’ll actually make like a a stone Pile in in places so that it’s kind of along the lines of this and then like that like that just a little little thing like that okay take it easy random guy think

It’s just down to me and Finny finny and me it sounds like the new sitcom there you go put another one in right here oh that that block is still there this I’ll make a little bit larger we’ll do something like that actually gravel over here and gravel it up again and like

That and then uh now we just use the smooth Stone there perfect maybe hold on well there’s there’s a zombie dungeon uh oops I do not mean to do that but we’ll we’ll keep it it’ll be there forever and ever Perfect all right Sunset we got to be sleeping creepers and

All normally I don’t mind fighting all the uh fighting all the mobs and stuff you know I’m I’m brave like that but I’m more focused on building right now I don’t really have time to deal with them so be careful Colin might come back as a ghost yeah it could

Be he could he maybe will who knows all right a couple little Stone piles like that I think are just fine do I now that I know that you can make dirt do I uh or make mud I mean do I go for uh a water feature in here too probably

I mean turkeys I’m sure would appreciate it so why not actually uh grab a little bit of dirt take that out there and put that around there and then put that in there and yeah you can make dirt like that eight eight blocks all right that’s fine can I reach it can’t reach

It there we go a little awkward because I’m building a crafting table that’s in my inventory But there got a half stack of mud uh sorry my YouTube crash I’m back uh G can I have a a a dedicated frog please uh I don’t actually have any of the frogs captured yet I think that there are some uh where where would I look for

This T de squirrel right there right there tomato frog is in there I have I don’t have that captured yet though bullfrog is in here too so I need to find these I’m guessing swamps is dart frog that’s probably more of a jump jungle uh I’m guessing I got a Pac-Man

Frog also so there are actually quite a few frogs tree frogs right there isn’t that another oh dart frogs are the other one building the Frog aquarium thingy yeah the uh uh you’ll have to remind me when that comes cuz my my mind sucks my memory

Sucks but yeah we can always name a frog after you if you want I just have to find them though I don’t have any frogs captured right now okay what do you say we move to trees let’s get the trees in here oak trees again are pretty easy to do and they are

Where the turkeys are so let’s go grab some do I have any in the plants backpack that I have left over I do look at that uh Forest spawn in Jungle okay okay good good good can I have all of them one in Plains and one in swamp Okay okay so

We’re going to have to do some searching around all right so let’s grow some big trees hopefully we get some big trees too um because um I like these kind of larger custom trees that kind of form like those ones over there so at least

Get like way one or two of them or so let’s put one right here that’s not a custom one why don’t we just kind of keep going till we get one I claim the frog terrarium you have no choice I’m pretty sure I do the uh

I gota I got to store my inventory this is disastrous uh let’s grab this thing here and put podz in there put the corer in there put the mud in there for right now and then where’s the ground backpack take this put all that crap in there too yep

Mhm a little bit more wiggle room here all right well that was not what I had in mind uh where’s my uh where’s my wasting Nether neite let’s grab this thing out here wasting netherite take down these right here so that we can get some more Leaf blocks at

Least all right let’s try that again large tree dang it I don’t know what causes them to be big and what causes them to not be so large tree dang it I mean it’ll save me the time of having to build it manually then if I can get this to work I want

Them all please you can’t have every animal oh oh oh oh well it’s a little different it’s yeah this this is one of them it’s just it’s not as big as the other ones I guess that’s fine at least at least it got one so that’s

Fine now turkeys like I said a lot of times they they do spend quite a bit of time in the fields especially in the uh the farmer fields and stuff like that um um they can also uh be in the forest too so I’m thinking having this area

Front be open so people can actually see them and maybe have I didn’t mean to do that I meant to grow a tree but I forgot to put on sapling I know how to play Minecraft there we go I having like a regular little tree like right there

Will be fine and then the rest of this can be like open area then yeah all right so let’s work on getting uh well let’s first put the the saplings back cuz I’ll probably end up needing them later let’s put the actually we’re going to need this to oops give me those back

Too um we’re going to need a little bit of water and I’m going to put put in the water feature similar to what we did in the skunk exhibit uh where that way they don’t fall in the water I don’t think I don’t think turkeys drowned because I’m

Pretty sure that they flutter on top of the water so I don’t think we really need to worry about that but we’ll still do it anyway just as a precaution and we’ll put what looks like kind of like a fake River going like right Here more like a lowland than anything and and maybe one more somewhere like right around here okay that’s good so then uh can we take a coar dir here I’ll put that down to the bottom just dig this up too and let throw some grass down there right Now actually it would’t make sense for it to be grass come to think of it uh we should actually take the time to put down like gravel or dirt gravel probably makes perfect sense so and corer it’s fine there we go now around these things we’re going

To need to get the bad backpack out here and we’re going to need to grab that mud that we just made cuz we can do that I’ve learned that in this live stream and what we’re going to do is we’re going to actually be sprinkling in the mud along the sides of

This not every block but a lot of it either mud or gravel they’re going to go on the sides of the stuff or podel podz is fine too cuz that looks kind of dirty put that back there so this is going to create like a kind of like a dried up

River see I’ll give you five EUR next stream uh frogs I I don’t have frogs yet so I can’t be naming frogs quite yet cuz I just don’t have them yet I have to go find them so uh if we get far enough on the stream today we actually could actually take

Some time to do some animal hunting which I wouldn’t mind doing cuz I have not done that let’s spread this uh spread the mud out just a little bit here I have not done that since we’ve uh updated the pack actually so I wouldn’t mind getting out there and doing a little animal

Hunting all right so something like that little it’s like a dried up River kind of thing is what I’m what it’s supposed to be in my imagination I squint my eyes and pretend that’s what that’s what it is all right let’s uh drop this in there just organizing some stuff real

Quick getting some of the stuff out of my inventory and then the dump chest for the sand all right good good so now we just need to get the water and we need to dump that in all these spots might be easier to just do one of these numbers and then

Uh oops I yeated the bucket when I did that let’s fill that back up all right now I just dump the water in here as we go oops missed it forgot the mud block actually although you don’t sink in it you do slow down on it so all right and

Let’s stash the bucket completely fill this back in and now grab the plants backpack and we should have some Lily Pad oh do I have more than have one I I just grabbed some last stream do I only have one am I not seeing any other ones I need more lily pads

Again so I can plug that up so that they don’t fall in there okay well I I know where I can find some just got to go for a little fly uh did you add uname to animal oh yeah packman frog yep see there somewhere around in here

Around in here we can get some uh lily pads I remember it’s in the bayou it’s also getting nighttime creepers and all there’s some L pads right there maybe I’ll find a frog here this is technically a swamp isn’t see this looks like a good place to take a

Nap bottom of a bayou what do you think band name pretty sweet band name all right where are more lily pads any more than two there’s some right there there’s got to be more in here it’s proper way to collect lily pads is smashing with a

Bed ah that is a dangerous thing I believe those are the um what are they called the things that bite you definitely not frogs though so while we’re here though might as well take a little peek around and see what I can find I think it’s just those things

Or skull what are those things called in the swamp that bite you draw a blank I can’t remember the names a whole bunch of them here though holy cow lamp pra that’s it you got it that is the name of it I got you yeah that’s what those

Things were I have a couple of them captured already so I’m not too worried about it this stuff that you run into here what is this this silk water silk really slows you down there’s there’s a lily pad right there yeah get out of the silk they’re like cobwebs of the

Water this is probably why I didn’t have too many lily pads is cuz they’re pain to collect here yeah they are like coms of the water this is what what is this stuff underneath here red muo can I punch it and collect it I

Can don’t know if I need to use a Sho on or not let’s grab some of this stuff this could be useful for underwater cuz right now just like sea grass is all I use for underwater and it looks like it planted at least on dirt I hear a

Zombie there Orca couple orcas some jellyfish there’s definitely an ocean over here getting out of the lampay area grab like one more so we get a cool half a stack something’s dying oh there’s lamp ra right there okay time for us to get out of here’re stuck in the silk

Fly it’s a cool Plant yeah I think it looks kind of nice while we’re uh flying here let’s Dash in the plants backpack I’ll definitely forget that that goes in the water though like next time I try to use that you guys are going to see in an episode I’ll be like

Why isn’t this place anywhere where can I use this on you guys are going to be like face pal me like you idiot you collected that [Laughter] Underwater all right how many spiders have spawned over here since the last time we were here right we can close this back up then I got all the water I need lily pads got a few of them there turkeys can’t fall in there now but the cool part about putting

Stuff like that in there is that you can now put like uh where are they these things like along the sides of them here they actually plant on gravel that’s interesting I didn’t really know that they don’t PL on coar dirt but they PL on gravel that’s very

Interesting yeah just a couple of them there I think we’ll be fine I wouldn’t mind squeezing in like one more but without trying to make it too symmetrical cuz I could put it right there but then it’s like one two three that’s why I was put trample one here

Put like two off to the side a ceter is your friends people um I suppose I still could beautiful see I can still do it all right let’s put the lily pads in there for future use what else can we put in here now so uh if we’re going to

Be moving on to plants let’s grab some of that field that Prairie Grass this stuff do I have more of this stuff do I have to go steal some from Cory’s place can I have the frogs you can I can name a frog after you yes you just got

To remind me when the when I actually get around to to uh placing them actually or or putting them in an exhibit all right let’s start dotting this in here a fair amount like so I’ll put another patch of it back here I’m thinking would look pretty Good something like that I always put this like in clusters or in patches so I am running out of it though so that’s kind of a shame so that’ll have to be it for for that for for this exhibit and we’ll have to go grab more of that it is over um um

In Cory’s place over there that’s where you can get all this stuff there’s a whole bunch I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we go farther away from zoo and snag a little bit um all right what other plants can we put in here then good oldfashioned sugarcane possibly we don’t really have bamboo

Growing in this area where I’m at we have one dead dead Bush we’re going to add that Near The Water Somewhere um I should probably go get more of same thing with the uh the desert grass or the dying grass where’s the dying grass or the dead grass right here this

Stuff take some time to go grab some more of this stuff can this go on mud blocks no it can’t put that kind of in this area though hear footsteps again there’s tarantulas crawling just on the other side of the wall creepy oak leaves here we’re just going

To go ahead and actually we’re going to grab uh where’s the bad backpack we’re going to grab ourselves some Spruce leaves as well and then we’re going to build a couple of little spots here that’s not where I wanted to put that something along the lines with

That I could probably get out right here so we’ll have to fix that but we’ll fix that a little bit later put in a couple little shrubs and bushes and places here he one kind of in the center here a little bit too mhm something kind of like that good

Good and if we can fit one more in like right over here near the water’s edge that’d be good it’s probably fine just like that maybe mix up and put a couple of little leaf varieties in there perfect now they can get out here obviously too so can I that means I can

See you than spiders these things are everywhere I just can’t kill them fast enough they keep respawning so if anyone needs one of these what what what kind of tarantula is this the king balloon tarantula if anyone needs one on the server come on over it won’t take you long to find them

They’re all over the place there’s an octopus just chilling right there doesn’t have the blue Rings though so that one we might be able to push back in spider get back in go on you can do it get back in the water there we go we saved one I got

Poisoned by the tarantula but stupid tarantula okay we’re good we’re live first SPID po me I keep getting poisoned by all right so this is already looking pretty good pretty schnazzy definitely looks like a good place for uh turkeys but we’re not quite done yet CU we got

More plants that we can add into this and think again some toad stools would be a good idea especially around some of the murkier areas like like there or so uhhuh and then the base of the trees oh the trees I forgot I completely forgot

To G up the trees let’s go ahead and throw all the stuff back in here grab some of these branches out of here as well as the wood backpack do I have it in there yes right here uh slabs that’s what I was looking for and all right

Let’s Jazz up these trees a little bit make them look a little bit more fancy um I also might need some Oak where is it where is it where is it where is it right right here I might need need some Oak as well just to make this kind of

Pop all right that’s probably good enough for that my a smart fella or fart smell uh kind of both probably both a little bit of both it is after uh Thanksgiving after all So all right so now the the branches that Maddie actually accidentally taught me this when she built her uh haunted house the branches actually look really cool um and I am definitely going to have to incorporate those more often uh in my builds but we got to actually add

Branches in here somehow I might actually have to pillar up a little bit do I have any junk block that I can just quickly remove not not that one not the squid backpack bit dirt that should be fine pillar up here a little bit see if we can’t stick some branches in

Here there we go I just like how this looks okay something along the lines of this is starting to look right yeah that might all be all we have to do on this one I just had a couple of couple of branches in places here here there yeah that’s

Fine we can actually do a little something something with the uh with the other the vanilla tree even and actually make that look somewhat okayish same thing though let’s give it a couple branches underneath and voila it’s not much but it’s something makes it look look a little bit better

Than just the actually let’s bring that down one there we go makes it look a little bit better than just vanilla all right and then once we have those things put in place then we can add you’re never going to see that the toad St from back there but we’re going

To add a couple of these things along the base too I think that’s good all right now let’s grab our wood backpack again I said grab the wood backpack thank you and uh let’s those don’t go in there let’s go in the uh the bat backpack okay this exhibit starting to come

Along now we just need to put the we still need to put the path blocks in we need the Tall Grass put in is there any other plants that I can put in um that will make this look good ah hey what if we put these red

Miros in I know those go in water let’s put some Sprouts in here I got a bunch of them from this from to place them on right now the volcanic island has them all over the place sprinkle these things in all over the place oops I just repl piece of the

Grass with that not right there that doesn’t make any sense the Prairie Grass has replaced an accident there I did not mean to do that whoopsie and let’s put one more right there all right so that’s put in in bushes would be a good idea I think these grow berries on them eventually

But uh that’s fine put one back there and then another one over here on the side maybe one right on the front here good enough what else leaf piles I wish you could craft these we should actually add that as a recipe in here cuz leaf piles

You have to actually collect and in like the previous season you didn’t have to you could either you could collect them or you could craft them out of a out of a single leaf block but apparently you can’t do that anymore and that sucks cuz I really like those

Things Palm or fan Palms probably not Spanish Mossy water silk no that evil terrible stuff that goes on top of water anyway is there anything else that I have in this backpack that we could use to make this look like a forest biome probably the rotting log

Actually put that down right here boam and then let’s grab a a little bit more of those uh toad stools out here and we’ll just kind of do that down next to this thing too I can probably put my wasting netherite backpack or my uh um hoe back here yeah it’s probably

Fine okay and then I think in path blocks is going to be an important thing replace that with a little bit of where is it oak wood there’s another one back here you’re not going to see this one but it’s going to bug me I won’t be able to sleep tonight

Yeah a wild volck can has Appeared all right sprinkling in some of the path blocks in this area obviously the turkeys would mat this down just a little bit nothing too crazy though turkeys don’t exactly have wide feet you know thinking thinking something it’s pretty good think that’s pretty good all right so that’s enough path

Blocks let’s grab this and put that back as well as put that back all right so now I think we’re done just growing the grass cuz there’s no other oh no flowers I almost forgot about flowers I know you guys are probably screaming but flowers cuz I don’t think there’s

Anything else I’m going to add in here as far as plants yep all right so we’re just going to go with flowers first and then we’ll get to putting that other stuff in there um I do like these things I think these are too tall though I’m not too sure

Nope they’re not add a couple of these in places maybe just two of them like that and then these little guys I’m thinking will look pretty good good enough all right progress has have been made on your tunnel nice thanks um hm I think any other flowers probably not wither

Roses probably be a bad idea yeah I’m thinking that’s probably maybe maybe a violet or two in here too somewhere put that like somewhere like right there Perfect all right that’s enough for the flowers I can only do so much with the flowers cuz then they

Start to bug me uh let’s grab the this thing out real quick and we’re going to grab some of this grass because sometimes the bone mealing process isn’t very nice and it just keeps putting like really really tall grass in when I don’t want it and sometimes it does that which

Is perfectly fine let’s actually make that a tall grass get rid of that flower cuz we’re not looking for those in this area no be gone both of you okay good good okay here would mind that being kind a shorter stuff here so we’ll just do this

Manually when it comes to this area in front here where that you’re going to be able to see the uh see the uh turkeys I want to keep the grass relatively short we probably fit one more in here somewhere Perfect all right there we go we got the grass grown now let’s grab

The flower backpack squirt these things back into there and now every exhibit isn’t complete without where are they where are they where are they Pebbles especially around the stone pile here this would make more sense to have quite a few of them around here all right back in the woods here there’s

Going to be a couple of them as well the sun’s already setting holy cow creepers be creeping already man time flies when you get to building one of these exhibits oh not on the wall okay I think that’s probably pretty good there now how does this look in the end

Like let’s is eater walls for a Second not bad not bad what do you guys think turkey exhibit get a couple of them with a big big tail feathers out there you know get I’d say maybe two or three oh we got to get a rafter so we got to get like three or four actually in

There but yeah I’m thinking that’s the turkey exhibit for you guys let’s H get ready to sleep take a snooze here with the spiders crawling all over the place oh goody we have guests I’ll deal with them in the morning all right so I need uh what wait

We had Gibble gobble we had Benjamin and Franklin as two of the names also um uh goblet Tron is what my my suggestion it’s not exactly a great suggestion though but all right where’s your guys’ leader I need to know where your leader is don’t you don’t you shoot the honey

Badgers those guys really will not like you for that I don’t see one of your leaders anywhere that guy just died to Thorns is this your leader back here here it is okay I need you to I need you guys to shoot this guy thank you is that everyone oh there there’s another one somewhere I see Red Dot oh no that might be everyone all right cuz I needed them to

Shoot him so that I didn’t I didn’t get the debuff oh there’s one right there coming in for a landing wow all right there name one yummy could name one yummy that’s pretty messed up but yeah we can name uh store those get this out there

All right so we got to go get the turkeys though and they got to get growing so I happen to know uh a really really good spot to get turkeys so turkeys can be found in in you know in the for for and stuff like

That the in the mod pack and stuff so where I’m going to go is I’m going to go down underground into a cave way down below so where I’m going to get my turkeys everyone else is going to have to go buy them from from uh turkey balls

But for me I’m going to go down here this is where I’m going to find my turkeys all right down here I’m guessing if I just look in here we’re going to get a bunch of turkey eggs this thing is completely full like they’re probably just overflowing in there too they’re

Probably like all sitting on the ground despawn over time all right so let’s grab a couple stacks of these things and make sure that we get four four turkeys when we do this now turkeys themselves you can breed them with uh with pumpkin seeds and you can also uh I

Think make them grow with pumpkin seeds too so I might have a surplus of pumpkin seeds so I can probably grow these things up too uh pumpkin seeds I think put them in here yeah yeah we got got some pumpkin seeds so we can get these things to grow

Relatively quickly while we’re in here might as well Harvest uh things here cuz I use a lot of sugarcane and I use a lot of or I don’t actually use a lot of cactus but I always Harvest this in case I ever get like a jungle exhibit or

Something I want to add a little bit more Greenery to something can use jungle can use Cactus greens all right let’s go put the turkeys oh we’re going to need the name Tes too aren’t we derp yeah we’re going to need the name takes as well all right so let’s let’s name

These things while we’re at it I do like Benjamin and Franklin I think those are are really good names for them so 1 two three four we’re going to do four of them here all right so Benjamin that’s how you spell Benjamin right I think so it is now all right and then

Franklin courtesy of Peter suggesting this and then what were some of the other ones that we were going to name them yummy yummy is a good one yummy actually I was going to do it all caps too yummy and then we got one more what are we nameing the last

Turkey J the tree frogs if I could find the volcanics I don’t have them yet not it’s not that I’m avoiding them it’s I just don’t have them yet so we need one more one more name uh for a turkey I’m leaving up to you guys in the meantime I’m going to bust

Open one of these um Pumpkin Pie Pop turs dinner I can’t name a dinner bone although that is applicable because of the whole Thanksgiving thing because it’s going to turn it upside down dinner dinner works men wow I don’t even know how to say that doesn’t mean we can’t name it that

Though so all right we’ll go with with s said there um I don’t even know oh it’s a yeah cap blackx wow I got to look to you see the spelling because I don’t even know how to do that that Pokemon turkey name sure we’ll go with

That dinner would be a pretty good one too that’s pretty messed up too just like yummy time to go tree hunting or tree frog hunting we got we got other plans for today but if we can get this stuff done today then absolutely oh that’s an R RN on we’ll

Fix that see I already have a dinnerbone giraffe over here we’ll fix that it looked like an M like on my screen for some reason Looks like Colin’s Back all right let’s fix this then real quick so this should be That all right now we’re going this exhibit turned out all right any spiders in here by any chance I don’t see any on the on the map all right so now we just got to throw eggs until we get Benjamin there we go Benjamin Benjamin you want you want some pumpkin seeds let’s lower that that timer down just a little bit there you go just stuff your face man there you go I got 8 seconds I’ll give you the rest of it there you go I eat it all 4 seconds and then there he is [Laughter] Benjamin all right I don’t know if these things uh we don’t need calamari for anything I don’t think these things have any kind of information I can learn from them because they’re better animals plus but there’s Benjamin all right so then let’s uh let’s get uh Franklin going here

Hopefully we get him in these first four wouldn’t that be fun nope all right that’s why I grabbed four Stacks cuz statistically we should oh jeez Benjamin Benjamin no you got the way you got the way of me throwing eggs oh dang it okay that’s Franklin I’m

Going to name that one Franklin sorry about hitting you in the face there here Franklin let’s give you a little bit of a boost yeah they’re following me because I’m holding the eggs ow ow I think the male turkeys do attack you so he’s like no no I like that that’s oh no

This guy’s attacking me too man this is they’re just aggressive little birds aren’t they I’m trying to help you grow all right see if we can’t get our our third one this one will probably attack me too ow stop attacking me I’m trying to help you

Guys dude that they sense that I have uh seeds on me and they’re trying to get them from me there we go and this is going to be yummy yummy here have some have some of these oh he’s in the he’s in the log ow yummy get out of the log

Ow here yummy I don’t know if you’re going to want to grow up in there yummy yeah you might want to get out of there all right now we just need one more right all right so we’re looking for how do you even say this man cornic could be

Cornic this will be the greatest turkey of them all right here whoops just eated another yeah e another named them there get him to grow up a little bit faster than he normally would all right perfect see the turkeys are fully grown yummy you need a little boost buddy

Ow oh I accidentally made a one of them kind of horny I think I saw he all right so there we go we got uh we got our turkeys put in place just in time so are all of these male cuz I think the males are the ones with the

Tail feathers right like they’re the ones that uh that one’s not oh no think I see some of them are blue I think they all have tail feathers but I think some of them are the blue faces I I don’t know I have no idea some of these might

One of these might be a female who who knows the season of Zo you’re making really gorgeous exhibits thanks man I really appreciate that I put some effort into them hopefully hopefully people like them uh people Claps yeah so we got our turkeys oh they can totally get out cuz they never sealed up the spots with the um with the ways that they can get out all right there and then run that should see that should do it yeah I can’t get out

Now uh you did the turkey Justice thanks man I really appreciate it uh is it Micah or is it m Throwing eggs is my thing all right well I had to throw eggs to get the get the turkeys in here so yeah the turkeys we have our own little rafter now all right well that means it’s on to bigger bigger things um I don’t actually need these so

I have a have a grand plan for these 11 Eggs since I need to kind of take a little trip over here anyway what we will do is we will donate them Tori Zoo where’s this building it’s over here here you go Cory Enjoy I don’t know if they spawned a turkey or not but if they did I kind of want to check if they did then he’s got a turkey wandering around over here oh oh yeah they did we got we got a turkey over here now Cory I might have blessed your area with

Turkeys oh two of them there you go Cory don’t say I don’t I never gave you anything all right now I do kind of want to go on the skirts of this biome here and snag some of this Prairie Grass if I can I don’t want to steal it

Completely from his place here though because it looks like he’s building in here so but I do like this Prairie Grass a lot so we’re just going to snag a couple pieces here there I think I get bone meal and get get it back actually come to think of it let’s

Experiment can I just punch this stuff do I need to be using shears no I need to be using cheers can bone meal and get it back here not really no not really okay good to know just want to snag a little bit of this though cuz uh oh yeah I need small

Grass or Short Grass too so I could just go ham on this plus there’s this two tall stuff is this stuff I can bow me on get more I can oh my God it’s so much easier can I bone me this to get tall stuff I can oh my gosh look at

This sweet I don’t need to steal it from this place then oh you get tall prairie grass when you do that huh that’s not a bad thing because this stuff I believe you can sheer and you get no you don’t oh know you do you get the the the prair grass stuff

Right yeah so you can convert it down into into Prairie Grass okay 38 39 yeah you do interesting okay that’s good I just have to plant it and then chop it again okay that’s probably good enough for the paragraph So let’s get up in the air

Again grab some of this stuff dump all that in there I’ll keep some of the tall stuff with me Anyway best day of criers Minecraft life oh little r manand leg there I like learning things like especially when you’re I mean I learned things about vanilla Minecraft to this day still but like the other day I learned that uh Frost Walker prevents you from taking d damage on magma blocks

I didn’t know that but uh especially modded there’s a lot that I don’t know about modded so I’m constantly learning as I’m playing I also learned that I’m running out of rockets too I should probably uh make more of those especially where we’re going next cuz now it’s time to start shaping the

Volcano I do not have a lot of Rockets or gunpowder I mean let’s drop that in there FR frog time no frog time happens after we do some of volcano volcano shaping out there I’m all for doing some animal hunting though like I can definitely go for

That how’s my lier doing anyway yeah it’s all right it’s Fine I have frogs because this giant volcano has been here the entire series and desperately needs to be redone that’s why all right so first things first let’s grab a bit of iron fly over the newly oh little leg Spike newly built uh turkey exhibit there which they look like they’re just

Chilling and there’re having a good old time and let’s uh open this thing up here give it that haste haste that too bam all right now we should have haste two in this area so now here’s here’s kind of the problem I don’t exactly know how I’m supposed to do

This I I like to say I have some sweet master plan or some uh or some kind of a big strategy of mine but I don’t I don’t actually know how I’m supposed to do this um this is the Sal sorry I’m stuff in my face with Pop-Tarts too

Uh I want to take off a fair amount of this perhaps maybe I should start off with kind of outlining the Caldera and then working my way down from there it’s it can’t wait for for it haircut it’s like completely revamping of this entire area all right so let me zoom out a

Little bit on the map here so I can see what’s going on I’m thinking that Caldera is probably right here actually so we’re going to need to grab something that’s not balt so I can see it on the map dirt might work actually just kind of outline

This have more dirt in here we do have some um I could use some of this terra cotta actually that would really kind of stick out wouldn’t it and I have more of it start off right there all right now this does not have

To be a perfect circle so I just have to kind of eyeball it for the most part because I could make a perfect circle I could go look up how many blocks and make this nice ring area but I don’t really care that much it’s it can be it

Can be a little off you know remember I keep saying I’m the guy who always tells you asymmetry is your friend so C there I want to be rather wide because I wouldn’t mind putting some details inside this also so maybe like right here yeah let’s just kind of go for it

And see what happens actually I don’t need to I don’t need to double this up it’s not like I’m building a wall I’m just literally marking the outline of it what kind of haircut you going to give it it uh I was explaining earlier in the Stream that I’m thinking about

Doing a uh it’s it’s going to be a obviously cone-shaped uh volcano but it’s going to be um on I got to kind of space this up a little bit and give myself a little spot to look at over here somewhere like right about here it’s not a very big Cera this is

Actually a lot smaller than what I was originally playing so hold on maybe I got to back this up just a wee bit let’s go to like right here um but it’s going to be like this was a volcano at one time that then had an eruption similar to uh Mountain St

Helens where the side of it blew off and that’s going to be over here so I got to carve a lot of this part down over here now these these goats are going to have to find a new place to home they’re going to have to get some change of

Address forms here in a little bit but this area over here will be dug down a lot farther uh than the rest of the volcano so the main bulk of the volcano is going to be over here there’s so much I have to dig down stupid it is stupid

So um and then so basically if if like imagine Mountain St Helens how half that mountain like blew apart happened and then over the eons another volcano emerged next to it that’s what I’m going for and that that other volcano is like the uh the um more dominant one

So I just don’t want these in my inventory at the moment so I’m just going to put those back all right this actually might be easier to look up a circle just so I can have a better outline trying to like I said eyeball it it’s not easy to eyeball when you’re

Dealing with a big volcano like this all I know is that this line is PR I mean honestly like this is what did I do here I did a one two three one two three one two one two one two one let’s just keep that going that’s should be the start of the

New one then if I did that right how much space is over here not much I mean that’s the other thing I got I got to think about like the volcano can be pretty steep let’s see how many viewers remember Mount uh St H’s erupting his I

Mean grimer um that happened in 1980 wasn’t it it was actually I think before my time by a little bit but I do I I know of it So um yeah that’s definitely not right just looking at this like that’s definitely not right trying to place chicken because I am a pro I’m going to have to look up a circle I just said I don’t want it to be be that but uh know other that erupted Black Rose welcome to the stream yeah 198 so I actually don’t remember it because I was too nice yeah let me a quick look at a circle

Um and I have a I have a a gift setup on my laptop here for just not a gift but a a JPEG just for This circle circle jpegs here we go all right so let’s just say because I I I guess I’ll I I guess I’ll keep this as somewhat symmetrical not like I really want to I like asymmetry better all right so there’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 all right so it’s 38 across so we got to make a circle that has 38 across all right let me pull up this

Little file here and we’ll take a peek maybe all right so 38 is right here zoom in and find this thing so I can see cuz it’s it’s actually a really big picture because there’s like a whole bunch of numbers on it all right so for 38 it’s an even

Number two three four five six 6 78 okay so say this is a center Center is actually have two so one two three on either side side I should actually build this out of the stuff I plan on using to build the material AO but I need to be

Able to see this block on the mini map and when you look at the U the mini map you can you can see it pretty easily so all right and then three two two and then four ones one two three two two and then four ones two

Two three and then that was a pretty good guess for where the center was two three four five oop I can just put that right down there five 6 7 8 2 three Two two one two 3 4 two take all this off here I can’t wait for the penguins penguins will probably be coming sooner rather than later actually because we’re kind of in that area over there by the by the cabara all right so then where did I leave off

See one two 3 4 one two two one two three and then one two three four five six seven eight three that’s the center over here all right does that look right on the map yeah that looks way better that looks way way better I like

Did I get this I was It was kind of off before but that definitely looks more like a a circle now now I can tweak that you know so it doesn’t actually have to be symmetrical um once I I’m just using this as a guideline to be able to see on the map

Where it is and then I have to carve things down so like right here is the smallest distance from the Caldera to where the base of the volcano actually is um so that’s going to be pretty steep drop right there the rest of this has to

Not match but be kind of along the lines of that you know so it’s going to be a pretty steep volcano actually two three four one two was it four or was it three it’s three yeah it’s not four it’s three so one two one two one two three three four

Two two two three one two three four five six seven eight two three one two one two I said one two three four one two one two two three look at that got on the first try all right let’s let’s let the map update completely and then we’ll

Actually be able to see this thing it’s got to do its thing a little bit here it’s missing a little little bit right there but yeah look at that so that’s where the the volcanic it actually could be moved over it could be moved over like maybe five

Blocks when you think about it because there’s this big Mass over here so more Center would be just a little bit farther over boy this is tricky making a huge volcano yeah we we go with it we’ll just make this like that it’s going to be a

Cone shape but it’s not going to be perfectly like cone shaped there’s going to be some spots that are sticking up a little bit more so the lava would then have to flow elsewhere you know like imagine like a cone and the lava flows out and it goes One Direction only it’s

Going to BU solidify and Harden on that side thus making it no longer really a cone but kind of a uh a bump there and then the next time it rubs it might flow somewhere else you know it’s so yeah we we’ll roll with it all right

So we’ll say that’s good enough on that let’s uh put uh the stuff back not in there and I keep screwing up those backpacks put these back in that backpack right there the ground backpack okay now now comes the fun part digging all the digging now do I get my

Boost my haste boost up here this is what I’m talking about it’s a it’s more like a sphere around it it looks oh no I get it I get it here okay sweet so we have to dig from the Caldera downward to the the volcano

There and you know what I’m going to do to help help uh kind of see what that’s supposed to be like I’m actually going to put a way point down there so that I can actually see where the base of this volcano is B I believe it is uh dig here or dig

To here there so now with that Waypoint there from up here that’s where I got to dig [Laughter] To this is going to take a lot of digging lot of digging all right let’s just get to it though I lost my haste immediately I might I might actually want to go kill another wither and get a couple of beacons so I don’t have to keep moving it

Around that might be a good thing to do actually okay there is some Stone in here too which is good because uh I was going to need that I was wondering if this whole thing was balt or not looks like no it’s not reshaping a volcano I’ve done a lot of stupid and

Crazy things in Minecraft this is definitely going to be up there as one of the more zany things didn’t quite make it there but you know that’s all Right except I get this to drop a little steeper oh ghost block that’s going to be a thing too that’s going to be plaguing me too with haste sometimes you leave it behind ghost blocks where you’re literally digging too fast for the uh server to remember that you just dug a

Block where is it where is it I was hitting a ghost block again I’m here in lava it’s almost like there’s a volcano in the area that one’s pretty close I to spit apple juice all over my kitchen counter what am I doing poke leis welcome to the stream we are reshaping a

Volcano you shouldn’t spit apple juice all over your conter that’s a bad thing to do yeah so we’re trying to reshape a volcano I still didn’t actually get it all right let’s try again oh there’s a creeper up here I can use some gun powder hi buddy thanks for the

Gunpowder so we’re trying to reshape a volcano but first i’m trying to get the shape down for the actual volcano itself no episode this week uh no we’re actually doing a live stream this week because I’m I’m home I’m off work off work for the holidays for the Thanksgiving holidays

So probably actually get like some lights in here too otherwise I’m going to be digging and running into a creeper all right so I think this other path right here is our better bet we just have to dig it down just a little bit as we go

Yeah know I’m actually doing a live stream people we actually built a uh turkey exhibit in the Stream So we we did get an exhibit in this week uh that was earlier in the Stream though we built It all right that one looks like the money right there all right so that’s that’s a pretty steep incline let’s just do a little one of these things and what is where’s the angle I think it’s the second number so we’re looking at a roughly a 58 degree angle on that

Thing that’s going to be quite a thing I got to get the dump chest down here because we are definitely going to be dumping some stuff in there let’s get this organize my inventory just a wee bit all right dump chest you’re probably already full of sand aren’t you yeah you

Are all right I’m going to go empty that out real quick and uh we’re going to go have a open dump chest so we can just fill that up and then we’ll just going to take trip after trip after trip oh sorry I was sitting there

Reading chat and I just flew into the Polar Bear exhibit um something about the skunks you say I’ll watch tomorrow also did you take I take it you named them and the skunks we named the turkeys we did not name the skunks the skunks I’ll name in The Next

Episode since people uh people submit names for the skunks still so the skunks that we have not added uh so those are still still to come in next week’s episode all right now I think I have a chest here with a whole bunch of black

Sand in it a little bit of black s sand Stone oh black that was black Sandstone I’m going to I can’t really tell the difference between these two so I’m going to have to try to keep these separate I’ll put the black sandstone in here for right now it’s a lot of black sand entire double chest F we’ll spill it over into Here I am going to use a lot of this eventually um but not right now that’s the thing take all the stone out here all the grass as well we’ll empty this up completely we got some limestone in there that was interesting I have Limestone right there like got it around

Here somewhere salt is actually a nether block actually so throw that down in here somewhere all right there we got an empty dump chest now we can just go dig so I’m thinking about creating like a slice out of the Mountain actually right now and then uh I can see that as

I carve it back then so what we’re going to do this is going to be so much work I’m going carve this down as we go so Basalt is actually a volcanic rock so it makes sense why it’s here all right and then I’m trying to create this initial

Slice and then I can see that as I go by and I just kind of match it as I go just it’s going to be a trick reshaping an entire volcano something I figured I’d have to do given what I was tackling here but man plus this gives me an opportunity to

Hang out with you guys you guys got to keep me from getting too bored you’re the entertainment today and yes I’m only going to be able to do this for so long before finally I’m like I need a break from this so uh I think the break will be that we will

Go looking for frogs for volcanic they’ll be they’ll be happy I’m going to have to re replace a lot of stuff actually you know I’m fine with it not being completely covered in salt um because what I’ll do is I’ll I’ll create lava flow that have the Bal on

It but I guess it would make sense for the whole thing to be Basalt wouldn’t it because it’s a actually is that that’s Stone right there uh because after all the volcano is made out of the volcanic rock that emerges from the depths so this is a huge project this is

Definitely going to be something I have to work on also between between episodes too like I’m going have to just log on every night and just knock out a couple hundred cubic meters of stone like I knew it was going to be a big project but I I don’t think I I

Fully grasped what I was getting into not to mention the pickaxes I’m going to go through is insane oh my inventory is already already full look look at the map here you can see the small crack that we formed in this area I’m hoping this turns out this is

Something that is outside of my comfort zone too for way as far as building as far as designing an entire volcano I think I’ve seen U like good times to scar make a volcano before and that was pretty awesome although he was building up from scratch like from nothing um in

This case I have something but it’s more like this is more like sculpting than anything in M this is sculpting in Minecraft Oh outside the Hast range got to get a little closer there we go so B salt is also directional like you actually can position this to be a certain direction so when I do go to replace some of this stuff I got to try to keep it going orientated straight up

This is such a Monumental monumentous huge build cool thing is you don’t have to really be too picky on like oh that one block doesn’t look that great there when you’re dealing with something that the size of of this project right here you can just say good enough just the

General shape is what you’re looking for this this dump chest is going to fill up fast and I have to do the entire volcano remember think’s getting nighttime already creepers be creeping baby so what did you guys all do for Thanksgiving I went to the inlaws we had

Turkey we had great turkey meal over there and then I passed it on the couch um yeah that was hope I woke up um just a couple of times you know from my head bobbing all over the place and then uh and then we were heading home I still like even after dozing

There on the couch I I ended up um sleeping for the whole night too so it was kind of crazy had a lot of rest Mak should feel great uh we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving I’m European oh well that’s I I had a comment before um somebody saying too that they they don’t celebrate

Thanksgiving CU they’re European but the um the concept behind it everyone can always participate in you know the whole uh recognizing the things that you have in your life that you’re thankful for that’s that’s the basic premise of the the holiday this is going to be a huge

Build so whole thing I got to dig over a couple blocks too scal in the volcano is going to be nuts thank God I have an elytra IR okay that’s fine um yeah it is an American holiday I think uh Canada celebrates Thanksgiving also but I think it’s on a different

Day basically right here let’s dig this chunk out right here oh haste please come back to me got keep an eye on the pickaxe too just realized I don’t want to break this oops there’s an arrow for you it’s a lot of material already move it’s almost a double chest full of

Material gathered just with what little I’ve done here so far most which is Bal I am going to have to have a designated chest for this it looks like face please bless me once again there you go yeah that’s another reason why I know a lot of people who are watching are

Over in Europe as well um and that’s another reason why I try to do live streams a little bit earlier if I can I know on that side of the pond there it’s it’s later it’s like 6 hours ahead or something from where I’m at so to accommodate for any European

Viewers out there I’d like to uh start these things earlier it’s kind of like a a healthy balance I got to weigh because if I started too early then people in the US here on the like the the west coast and stuff they they’re just not awake you so usually noon Eastern works

Out okay and as the day goes on people they sleep in over and on the west coast and they catch the later part of the stream at least so Foot guy so I not did did you watch football see see my own family I did actually watch football I watched the uh the Packers Lions game and um uh love the quarterback for the Packers looked phenomenal actually in that game I wish he’d play like that all the time

Um and I watched uh some of the Washington Cowboys game also um yeah American football is is a lot of fun you know it’s a lot of fun to watch I haven’t been too thrilled with a lot of the uh like the ref’s calls lately

But I mean it’s kind of that and life kind of got in the way so I haven’t been able to watch as much of it as I would normally but uh it is what it is come back to me haste there we go we are we are definitely going to

Have to visit the Ender Ender uh today the Ender Ender I I built the Ender Ender on the server but um it’s not the greatest like I mean it could easily be improved it has a problem with storing the ender pearls um because it’s not really designed

To would you go in there please these things just don’t want to Stack up here for some reason okay so now once we fill our inventory I guess we can start putting things in the glass chest that’s my other like makeshift dump chest cuz I usually have space in

Here but uh the Ender Ender was just a basic one set up I actually thought somebody was going to like revamp it but people have gone out there and kind of improved a little bits of it but they they basically kept it the same we didn’t we just didn’t have a very

Good XP Source on the on the server we had some spider dungeons k spider dungeons that uh or spider spawners that were turned into some farms and that was about the best bet we had but those take a while so the end Ender is just so much faster

So Falcons haven’t been good lately hey you know what that I’m a I’m a Packers fan and they haven’t been good that lately either they did win yesterday but uh but I mean I think they’re five and six now so and I think last season they were’re terrible

So hey you know the Packers have had some really good seasons for a really long time so but even even good teams come to an end sometimes so haste please come back to me there it is it’s back all this work and uh all we’re going to

Have is like a sliver of this Dugo this might have been a project I didn’t quite comprehend the scale of when I first started let’s grab these blocks before they disappear here all right so looking at the mini map here that’s all we just this whole

Thing we got to we got to tear for him and he just did this brutal brutal still soften my face with that poptart I haven’t quite finished It this is completely off topic but when the frogs At least I know where I’ll get a lot of the stone for terraforming holy cow sun setting again I’ve been digging for like three straight days now want to see the frogs give me a second I’m still digging got to sleep real quick creepers and all speaking of tree frogs I do love

The way tinkin did their tree frog exhibit on on beef’s zaa server last season yeah that was awesome actually tinin Zoo if you guys didn’t see it I got a video out there for for that in fact her video I think is in the description or go check out her Channel

Um she did a uh postapocalypse City uh zoo that was insane that was awesome like the the crocodiles are set up in the uh in the water treatment facility and stuff the pandas had taken over the um the uh the grocery store that it was crushed by a tree it was awesome like

She did a great job on that but yeah on the Omega server uh she built that one on yeah this definitely is going to take way longer than I thought it was going to holy cow I mean I guess I knew that it was going to take a long time cuz it’s a

It’s a mountain it’s an entire Mountain that I’m going to be carving out here but I don’t think I’m going to be returning back to my uh my area where I was taking up all that stone for quite some time cuz I’m going to get a incredible amount of stone an incredible

Amount out of all this small spaces that looked way cool yeah I know for real tinin did a fantastic job on that too so I was actually thinking cuz I I know like uh beef for a while was doing Zoo tours and he was putting it on his

Channel and everything because I mean that’s pretty easy content when you think about it you know um you don’t even have to build anything uh and then he just kind of stopped kind of abruptly and uh like he never put the S Gordo tour out on his Channel or anything like

That and it made me wonder like why not I mean maybe I cuz as I described it to him I was like I asked if he would record and if he doesn’t think it’s good then you don’t have to put it out don’t you don’t even need an explanation you

Know cuz I don’t want him to like be like man this sucks like I don’t want to put this on as a video you know cuz he just doesn’t think it’s a very good build and then it made me think I was like that’s probably why he stopped doing it not because I

Maybe it’s because Sarah gror he didn’t think it was a very good build but um but it’s probably because some of the builds that people wanted him to tour and look at maybe they they weren’t that good but you know a humble person won’t be like yo this sucks so maybe instead

He just stopped doing Zoo tours for everybody that way or like putting it on his channel anyway for everybody that way he doesn’t have to say whether or not it’s good or not but sounds like you need a community event to help you take down the mountain

Honestly I guess I wouldn’t really mind if somebody wants to come help as soon as I get the the initial like slope down then uh then I wouldn’t mind if people come and help out but I got to get this first like wedge carved out here cuz if people

Remove parts that they’re not really supposed to it’s going to take me forever to put them back and I actually am probably going to use the resources I gu get from this too so look at that that’s the new volcano Edge right there we’re watching the volcano be birthed out of the other

Volcano o yeah okay I’m liking this already like just kind of visualizing how this is going to look I’m thinking this is going to look good pickax is looking a little weak than these but yeah I I think that might be the reason why and this is just

Speculation I don’t actually know this that might be the reason why uh beef opted to stop with the the tours entirely because um I mean he still came out of s Gordo he he he’ll come see him you know I just said as far as making a

Video on it I don’t I don’t think that’s it I think he’s just saying no to everybody regardless of how epic it is so um mega Death hello and welcome welcome to the stream we’re we’re digging out of volcano we’re we’re turning a volcano into another volcano like let’s let’s

Just this is going to be a huge project but this whole thing right here was naturally generated in the mod pack that we got but it doesn’t actually look like a volcano so I got the Caldera marked out up here and I’m starting to carve it

Down to try to get this thing to look something like an actual volcano so guys guess what sagoto was amazing except the entrance but the entrance was good I like the entrance it looked like Jurassic Park and just outside the entrance was the was the graveyard which we actually haven’t built the graveyard on this this uh for this Zoo yet a lot of things seem to just kind of disappear I don’t even know whether or not they died or not so

It’s kind of hard for me to say that they officially are deceased they might have escaped this is actually probably going to open up a little bit of space down near the base of this as well so that we can probably squeezing more exhibits although I’m not necessarily

Worried too much about doing that I know SAR Gordo I was trying to smash in as much stuff as I could but um this one I don’t mind keeping things a little bit spaced out I’m not not overly concerned with us actually catching every single animal in the mod pack on this

One but apparently I absolutely have to find frogs all right let’s dump what we can in here oh yeah this is okay so I’m going to have to go take a trip as we say on the seven days of die server I’m going to have to go take a massive dump here and

Get rid of this stuff yep hoity skippity jump so what we’re trying to do here is just um carve out a slice of what the slope the new slope is going to be and then work our way down slice by slice until we get this whole thing um

All carved out and finished then and if you can see on the map we’ve got quite a bit to take out because this is all we’ve done so far o we’re trying to reach dig to here we’re trying to reach down there it’s only 50 m down we got

That let’s see how the you thought the entrance was awkward I thought I liked it it was like a big big gate That’s why I have the the marker down there the dig to here marker is so that when I’m carving this next layer down I can look down to the angle in which I’m trying to reach and I can dig there then oh pickaxe is looking real weak now

I would say that I’ll just switch to the uh the fortune pick because that instead of the silk touch one because that has all the same enchantments on except for fortune and I’ll collect some Cobblestone but the thing is I don’t really need that much Cobblestone I

Mainly need smooth Stone to do all the terraforming and so instead of digging up a bunch of cobblestone than having to smelt it all I’ll just go repair the pickaxe let’s see uh weird that Cobblestone sounds like sound effects you need to see them Grand uh

Sad the Lions lost oh they did lose yeah they did um that’s who the Packers are playing um but they’re still the division leaders at the moment so as long as they don’t turn this into a a losing spree there that’ll be fine all right so that’s the cuz this is

The not the right one that we want to follow that’s the one that was off a little bit this one on the side here is one we want to follow so that means that this needs to be carved down too gravel see iPhone sound effects may I call you grimer grimer is

Is the name that’s that’s that’s the name that’s my name on here so oh my inventory my poor inventory let’s go take a dump here and then we’ll fix the pickaxe die bomb soft Landing ah that was Smooth all right so we got we got some some chest here that we can put some of this in here cuz I think this one is partially full yeah so we can dump a bunch of stuff in there let uh we’re going to need a place just for the the

Basalt we’re going to need places for the basalt actually uh try to pick up one Cobblestone Oh you mean like you mean just like a block like that cuz I don’t think I don’t think it being Cobblestone or gravel really makes a difference I think it’s just the same

Anyway all right so we’re going to need I’m going to just make a couple extra chests do I have any extra chests on standby actually I do right here we’re going to just work on filling these up with good oldfashioned um B salt iPhone sunfix H what NFL well you’re not going

To like my answer my what NFL team to like you’re not going to like my answer um I’m a I’m a pack Packers Fan like I said if you were upset that the the Lion’s lost and you’re not going to like my answer yeah they were playing the Packers

Yesterday Packers did their best to lose it at the end but they they managed to accidentally pull it off I’m actually a longtime shareholder I own one whole share of the Packers it’s back there on my wall actually I bought it in the ’90s I think it was like 90 I can’t remember what year in the 90s it was but they uh they actually sold off their team again like that’s what the pack the Packers are the only like publicly owned uh professional sports team so there is no owner for the Packers it’s it’s owned by

The fans so it’s been two hours you promis frogs I did not I did not promise you frogs I said once we get done doing the uh the volcano that I would go find frogs and as we were digging out the volcano I said that I’m not going to be able to

Keep this up I am going to have to go take a break then we’ll go check out these frogs never said anything about a 2our thing what’s what’s up Mega Death we need to repair the pickaxe though so let’s go take care of that quick Packers lose Packers didn’t lose

Yesterday but Packers have lost more of the last couple years against the Vikings yeah recently Packers have have not been doing like great you know like they’re not anywhere near as good as they once were so um that’s all right they win they lose it’s all fine they um

I’m still a fan been a fan since before Favre so uh back when they in the 80s when they were really bad when they were God awful yeah I was still a fan then just watching them lose constantly to everybody oh yeah f is doing some work but we are off to the

End honestly I don’t even know who the Packers lost to this season I kind of disconnected myself from it because um there’s a lot of stuff going on in sports entirely that uh was kind of annoying so I just kind of checked out a lot of things that weren’t sports

Related they were focusing on and it was kind of annoying so here is our Ender Ender all right so are there any backpacks no backpacks all right so let’s take off the things that don’t need repair let’s this one to repair everything else on here get that elytra back up this Sff all right light back enough now and I’ll put this in the off hand and start repairing this thing God awful nois of the Enderman Dying come on Enderman where are you get down look like Roblox symbols we have an escape gra the shovel a little too over here let build up again it’s not super fastest thing ever but it’s better than anything else we got so what’s up Mega I usually do all this stuff

Repairing the tools in between episodes so you guys know have to sit here and watch punch um Ender in the in the legs uh see if you go back I’m not actually very familiar with roblox actually it’s the one game I haven’t played yet I know it’s got a

Pretty pretty big fan base though like That endermite up there needs to start pulling them in a little bit faster killing them too quick R had to go to work so I’m hopping on Ser now all right so or be joining us and yeah all or you’re the one that made the improvements to the Ender Ender yes they do

Actually we’re not having anywhere near any of them sneak out now so Plus with the Shader pack you can see the reflection of the magma blocks on the Water we almost got our pickax back uped it’s a bit of a grindy part but you it’s necessary so we don’t lose our netherite pit pick how many Enderman have I murdered uh mobs Enderman I’ve killed 3, 422 all right so that’s ful let’s get a little bit of juice to our Shovel is doing it right fact that shovel is the last thing we need to be fully repaired then Enderman please but yeah for anybody who is interested um this is a patreon server which means that you can actually join it if you feel like you 100% a thing that you can do link

For patreon should be in the description give a little love tap get him over here but if you’re not interested in joining because you either don’t have vanilla you maybe your Bedrock player or you um um don’t have a PC that can handle the stuff uh which is kind of

Where I was at a few years ago um then you know you can you’re more than welcome to join in these streams and watch the um there’s also a thing that we do around here if you’re new around here is that uh anyone who does a Super Chat of

Any amount any amount whatsoever will uh will’ll get them added to the billboard of sponsors that we zo your name will forever be immortalized on my Zoo here right at the beginning right where all the guests come in there we we’re good let’s get up

Level 30 then real quick just so that I have some more levels to play with we Nam those turkeys earlier a lot of Levels to go 8 10 stream was missing andian all right volcanics you’re going to you’re going to miss it when I do go looking for him Though but thanks for for joining in Volcanics I wasn’t entirely missing it I looked up the info on them all right we’re at level 30 so I can probably get on out of here let’s put these things back on so that I can actually like fly and stuff all right let’s skattle always nerve-wracking flying over the VA

Wasn’t there didn’t somebody like oh no somebody set a shop up in the in the uh end on the community server the community event I think I’m back at spawn I don’t think I slept on my bed back at spawn I guess it’s a good opportunity to go check out turkey balls

And see if that made a profit there’s a lot of Shops coming up here in the in the town all right let’s see aha nobody bought slime balls hey we made a diamond YY so I bought some turkey eggs awesome money I know that slime balls

Maybe are something that uh uh are going to are probably something that people would want to buy but turkey eggs I can imagine people won’t buy those too much uh are you going to do a gorilla uh soon or do the gorillas as soon um are they in this pack anymore

Are they even in this pack anymore like this is the this is zawa evolved so this is the next they they completely started over from scratch when they when they redid this so they um they might not have them in the pack anymore that was zawa rebuilt had him zawa rebuilt was significantly

Closer to being finished or significantly further along it was actually finished so there’s a whole lot more animals in there so this one is they’re still working on it it’s not like they they did this and saying good enough um but they’re start they’re they’re still working on a lot of the

Stuff so they’ll undoubtedly be added Uncle Dave’s Wildlife Refuge let’s check this out real quick Uncle Dave obviously our for those of you who don’t know is my uncle who passed away recently so we named this after him cuz he actually worked in actual animal life animal

Wildlife Refuge so let’s just see what we got here holy cow we got a bunch of stuff has been added oh the Tarantulas uh pray mantises have been added scorpions have been added Nifty okay we got a bunch of butterflies those are the tranels I added I think in the beginning couple of

Uh dragonflies Nifty I’m going to probably come loot this place and grab some stuff here in the future Aquatics what are these on mammals so we got some ocelots we got kabara more kabara more our brown rat C our Skunks uh when I try to open my backpacks uh thanks for checking GRS AR yet but they’re coming um yeah or skull that’s what Colin was having an issue with too um I was crashing a little bit earlier but not when I was using the backpack I had

To just allocate more RAM and it seems that that has fixed it horn bills and banded penguins are in here so yeah the this isn’t a shop this is actually just a place where you can uh you can just show up and take an animal if you find

One that you want to give a home to so uh but I always go check that out every once in a while I don’t know if allocating more RAM would fix your issue horse go I’m not too sure it does seem as though something has gone on a little bit with the pack

Where like I said I was crashing earlier and normally have no problem running it but uh so I’m guessing that maybe we need to increase the default Ram allocation allocated Ram I don’t know we’ll fix that it’s all technical jargon we’ll fix that all right yeah definitely looks

Like uh Fine’s been doing some work on the uh on the tunnel look at that it continues on yeah looking good for me you’re doing a good job all right so back to digging now we got our tools repaired I want to like I said I really want to

Get this this chunk carved out at least so that we get an idea of what the slope of the volcano is going to be going forward it is sunset well how about them apples creepers and all right rise and shine it’s morning let’s go check to see if we have any

Cooked chicken down here and actually I should probably take a peek at the iron farm too we got a little bit let’s throw let’s grab a couple pieces here soap in gravel though yeah we got plenty of Iron yeah if you are having technical issues or skull if it continues or persist just uh you know take Bay fish in the um in the Discord and see if uh he can help you out with that cuz uh that’s that’s definitely his domain all right let’s get back up

Here up to the volcano let’s actually see if we can see it from the side that we have carved out a little bit and see if that looks good bad in between boy you really can’t tell I have a feeling though that this is going to be a lot of

Fun so is it saying he’s leaving and then joining right away somehow usually it’s the other way around usually they join in and leave right away because it crashes immediately but yeah it looks like he’s having some issues okay so we’re still digging down there that’s it that’s the volcano right

There it’s being birthed it’s being birthed out of the other place oh we got to take this down with it as we go otherwise it’s not going to make much sense says I’m still on the server going to relaunch Minecraft yeah that definitely some something funky going on

There yeah cuz every time you join or skull it says that you you left as soon as you join you you you left then join fact it still says that you joined was the last time last thing that we have on there so yeah it still thinks you’re on the server

Apparently yeah even still has you on the on the list here that’s weird I wonder if I can kick you out of the server that might help you actually if it’s not Banning you it’s taking you out of the server oh now it says you left never

Mind did it on your own don’t have to do do anything so that’s a weird that’s a weird weird one I I got to tell you for anyone who’s out there who who wonders what goes on behind the scenes as far as uh running a server and stuff you get you get

Technical issues that you don’t understand whatsoever and you have to figure them how does he go some of them are pretty standard like with me constantly crashing earlier in the Stream I was like this seems like a ram issue like it usually if if you get overloaded your computer gets overloaded

Or the allocated Ram gets overloaded it’ll cause a crash um and so it seemed like it so and it appears that fixing that or allocating more fix that so happens every now again just takes time okay well like we we’ll we’ll look into it if it’s uh something that we can

Fix for sure we’ll tackle it yeah I would love to build uh addressing M’s question earlier um I I didn’t catch it is it Micah or M I can’t really tell I’m terrible at reading simple words my brain uh but m m mik’s question earlier um is um the gorillas I would

Absolutely love to add those actually oh did I empty out this chest I did okay um as soon as they add them in the game though uh I’ll find a home for him cuz I remember there was that cool uh Easter egg with uh Za rebuilt

Um where you could name one Winston and it would be the gorilla from OverWatch have the armor and everything oh says he’s joined that’s good yeah some some hiccup might have been going on with him there for a little bit now all I can hear is the iPhone

Noise Mega Death you convinced me that’s all I can hear uh he had the Easter egg yeah the the the zoo thing yeah the or the the simpa thing yeah that’s another one that was in Easter egg in that pack too is uh or in that version of zawa is that you can

Name a uh one of the African lions you can name him Simba one of the males and he would change his color scheme to look like Simba from The Lion King I tried opening ched and and I crashed that’s what happened to me before too when I was flying I was uh

And I I crashed to if possible try allocating more like a little bit more I put an extra two gigs into it so I think it by default is at four and um I bumped it up to two or I bumped up to six and it’s been running smoothly since

Then now we did update the mod pack a little while ago and I don’t know if that has anything to do with it um but um whatever it is that seems to fixed my issue with it so digging out a volcano isn’t there also a platypus one yeah

Um uh yeah from phine and furb um what’s the platypus’s name in Fin and FL furb I can’t remember the name of it but yeah you name it that and it’ll change it to be him he’ll have the detective hat on and uh and he’ll have the uh he’ll change to a

Blue color scheme there’s also uh there was also one for sloth where if you name it flash that’s from zootopia uh I think see they had Madagascar I can’t remember there he would get the color scheme from that one too the only one that only changes only

Thing I’ve seen in this mod so far it’s not even in the zawa Evol mod I don’t think is uh I think it’s better animals plus is the reindeer if you name one Rudolph it’ll change to look like Rudolph I don’t think those are zawa animals

Though in fact I don’t even know if they’re still in their exhibit to be honest those things always were escaping Parry that’s it yep that was the one yeah if you name the platus Perry it’ll change I feel like kind of a dut cuz when I gave beef the tour uh when we

Were looking at the Platypus exhibit the um one of I pointed out was named doen Schurz and uh and he’s like why I like that’s why people want to name that’s the name of the bad guy in the show isn’t it in uh inin and fur is in dupen

Schur’s like the bad guy in it I just didn’t think about it at the time Soo the dino welcome welcome to the stream uh is there Cappy in this version that one I don’t think so either like like that was also a last season thing I

Really do like how complete the um the previous version was and I’m hoping that they will one day get this version to it too but people really did want to play zawa evolved so that’s why we updated it but I don’t think oapp are in here see

Oky they would be right around here here’s Orca so no they’re not in it Elon Musk or Gil gates are good names yeah well Gil Gates died last season unfortunately we had Gil Gates version 2.0 though guys guess what but yeah no C are not in this version

Unfortunately that was a last season thing this season though because we are in 116 we get like the water log blocks and stuff so I can do a whole lot more fun stuff with uh with building right now we’re working on carbon out a volcano I use the Limestone deposit

I remember from season one I like turtles I do like Turtles see season one that was a blast too honestly you guys this is the whole reason why there even is a season 3 or why it’s gone on this long is because of you guys because uh when I made uh started season 1 I didn’t even know whether or

Not I’d even finish building the zoo I uh I was just doing this and if I was having fun I’d keep going maybe and if not then um then maybe I’d just end the series if nobody’s watching anyways and there were times during the the season

One and and any of the seasons where you you get kind of bored building zoos you know you’re like man I kind of want to try something something else and you’re like well now people are watching though you know you got to got people people

Want to actually see this so I I’ll keep going and that that like gives you just a little bit more motivation to keep on plugging away so the reason why I’m even still here grinding away at zoos here is because of you guys uh you guys seem to

Enjoy the the series and and then every once in a while I get into a project similar to this here where I’ll start getting like really passionate on it and just keep on going so and I’m really liking how this season’s turning out um as far as the uh the the zoo itself

Like the U the terrain and how how it all looks hey black sand we’re getting near the bottom let’s see about the panther head in season 2 was incredible thanks that that was actually a custom design that was that that was like some of the

Things like I I talk about how like the the gallions I build the the ships and stuff those are actually they were designed by a group called elisium fire I just kind of look at their map and I just kind of do my best to to to build

It you know and um but that the the model designed was all them but the the panther head though that was actually all me that was me and I had uh our internet crapped out on us one day and I was like well I’m not going to be doing

Anything online so I guess I better get to work on designing this Panther statue it was going to be a full statue but um it took that took a lot of effort and I didn’t really have a good place to put it so then I kind of designed it for it

To be the entrance to a large cat’s exhibit instead so I had finished the head and like the shoulders and I was working on the arms and the front stuff and I had stopped designing it and then I was like I could probably use the head

For the uh the entrance for large cats instead yeah that was a that was a kind of a fun build so designed it in a creative world but then obviously built it in survival um but yeah that worked out pretty good took a while to build too like it’s

It’s difficult it’s difficult when you can’t just fly around and look at it we’re getting there how close were we 33 we were at 50 before gmer master zuo builder I’m still here and I need frogs we’re getting there man we got to finish doing some

Work on the volcano the volcano is the top priority for right Now let’s actually take that uh take that torch and put it down here somewhere all right let’s get the I appear to have dropped my Rockets up there that’s no buo well let’s grab my balls then the alternative oh yeah I Dro them right here ball L fails grab the Enderman balls

Now this kind of looks like crap now like it this is really rough but I got to I got to decorate this entire volcano so when I when people were signing up for the server uh I I was asked the question you know how long is

The server going to be running and I said well at least until I finish the build you know um and it usually takes me about a year and a half to build a zoo so about a year and a half at least you know and now we’re currently sitting at

Episode what was it 20 22 23 something like that so and I usually these these zoos take me about 70 some episodes to make so for what third of the way through maybe at best probably the best build was that giraffe that was UN was the giraffe that that was unbelievable which which

Giraffe exhibit was it I mean season one they had a little bit of smaller pen season two what did I do for season two s oh the the one with the the connecting Branch it was a safari um Safari exhibit so they had the elephants and the giraffes and the zebras all in

There that was that’s where I named one of them UG and then turns out we ended up naming the turtle at anyway from uh from Kung Fu p so we had two ugs in in that season one of the most common names in the zoo [Laughter] Was ender pearls actually I can probably e some of these things because I have I have plenty uh gavasa welcome welcome to the stream we’re carving out a volcano we are uh we we’re working on the volcano right now so that’s this is the new shape of the volcano and you can

See the stuff that we’ve carved out already let’s get over here so you can take a look so yeah that’s what we’re carving out the new shape of the volcano and this whole thing all of this needs to be reshaped and carved out so we can actually get a proper volcano shape

Going in here other than just a plateau it’s going to take a tremendous amount of work but I have a feeling that we can do it oh yeah earlier I mentioned for people who are new here uh that if you do a super chat of any amount you get

Your name added to the front of the zoo and the billboard of sponsors I can show you that and show off the fine people who have already donated um because right here at the entrance little leg Spike right there right here at the entrance where the docks are for getting into the

Zoo uh where the the main sign is the Lost Isles we have here in the in the opening cave we have the billboard of sponsors right here so a big shout out to Peter actually I think your time is four now I should probably update that

Uh Todd uh tinkin which by the way if you have not seen tinkin zoo I have a video out there of me touring her zoo that I did I released recently uh might be in random video is not part of a series um for the playlist if you’re

Wondering where it is volcanics you’ve you’ve pitched in a couple times Captain Craig F and Corey have all pitched in here but currently right now the top Super Chat and one Super Chat is Peter which was done today actually 26 $26 if you want to knock him off of this sign

Right here and put your name in there $261 is what it would Take but yeah big thank you to everybody who’s done the super chats guys definitely you financially helped me keep keep going that’s for sure um I remember last season we had Todd and Peter were uh were uh doing their bidding war back and forth and that was

Kind of nuts and when kind of in air quotes I mean that was absolutely nuts that was you guys dropped a lot of money uh thank you for that but man it’s it’s still kind of still wrapping my head around that that was there’s one stream you guys dropped like four digits total

Like uh but yeah thank you for everybody who donates to in the super chats these streams it could be anywhere from like $1 to whatever Peter and Todd did last season that was insane um but anyway either way you can name on the billboard of sponsors I hit the brakes on whatever

I’m doing and I go update the signs oh you actually have to go this time volcanics all right we’ll uh we’ll be here we’ll be here carving out stuff and as soon as you take off we’re going to go check for these frogs I’m just kidding well I soon as I get done

Carving up probably this slice maybe we’ll take a break and go go do some animal hunting and see if we can find some new stuff now I believe people have gone pretty far out looking for things so we might have to do the same hopefully we don’t blow up the

Server doing that probably travel through the nether I’m thinking cuz we have we have wings we can fly so oh my inventory must be full I’m not picking anything up St anything anything anything no all right we’re time to switch backpacks I didn’t empty this one dang

It all right well looks like we got to go dump some stuff got to go take a big old dump dump rusi at the base here pass the llamas so yeah wandering Trader showed up he had an accident he tripped into a goer hole or something

Like that but I took his llamas in though and they’re just kind of chained up right there for right now but all right so I got like a little bit of that in here but I have more Stone than anything which is actually a good problem to have

Because I need I need a lot of stone for um uh for the build let’s just do a little one of these drop those all out there we go all right then same thing over here what we’re going to do is take whatever we can out and then we’re going

To just uh drop the rest of it here control Q hovering over it with control Q is how you do that in case you’re wondering that way we can just dump this all in there super fast okay so clearly we’re going to need more chests for

This let’s take that last little bit out there now what about the glass backpack is that still full of junk too sure is all right dump all the stone is there uh if there were 10 animals you could add right now what would they be oh 10 holy cow okay um I’d

Add the I I it’s my favorite animal it’s not actually in the in any of the versions of the mod pack um and if not the I I um I don’t think I don’t think they’ve added the cougar in here yet either like they did in zawa evolved but um or zawa

Rebuilt I mean rather but I don’t think they’ve got it in Z evolved yet so I probably add that um the uh elephant seal just cuz it looks so Derpy um what that that’s three um what other ones never really gave that much thought before I always just like whatever they put Out see we got that all filled with red sand oh this is the Red Sand Stone this is the Red Sand yeah I don’t know that’s about all I got I got three of them that I would add which which animals would you guys like to see added to zawa actually I don’t

Have any say in that but I mean when it would be fun if if we could get some stuff added Flying Squirrels I think would look pretty cool too oh it’s nighttime Try to hit the skeleton as went by I don’t see any creepers well was going to grab some easy gunpowder but no let’s get back to digging I’m guessing volcanics if he was still here he’d say something about adding different kinds of frogs falling all the way down the mountain yeah there we Go so much so much material to move this is one of those massive projects that most people would never even [Laughter] undertake kodo Dragon oh they had those last season yeah because they had that in uh um they had that in zawa rebuilt more seals uh for sure I like

The walrus but uh we need seals yeah that would be a good one can’t believe I’m digging out a volcano this is one of my crazier things ever tried to build like I mean seriously look at the scale of this okay look at the scale going be brutal not to mention all

The uh the decorating and stuff I got to do on this still cuz I don’t intend on just leaving this to be a big hunk of rock just sitting here like this I plan on making it look like a volcano actually it’s definitely a large scale project expect expect more live streams

In the future that black Sandstone um or black sand black Sandstone is it looks like a really good uh alternative for um what what what what what what’s going on there get back in your exhibit looks like a good alternative to Black concrete um oh you got to hear somehow

There no don’t do that anymore which one were you Troublemaker oh you’re Carl aha I understand sound like a troublemaker sorry if any of you named Carl or fish would be cool to see that would be cool Actually we’re getting to that thing down there so once I get this then I can start digging out like uh Westward and just kind of push all this material out of here and I can get a good look at what the slope of this thing looks like actually So much mining that right over there that Peninsula right over there that’s where the uh penguins are going to go I think earlier I think it was volcanics was actually talking about how he wanted see Penguins added and that’s going to happen sooner rather than later Shadow walrus so you can name one

After the myth MythBusters guy who looks like one going to get a lot of black Sandstone doing this too I just realized I hit the base of the volcano it’s not a bad thing really 15 blocks away we’re so close there’s the there it Is hor skulls back in the game think I yeah just F and or skull and I are on right now earlier uh when I first got on I think Lumi was on so we do have a pretty awesome community of people playing on here actually it’s more more successful

Than I even thought it was going to be I was expecting yeah a couple people to be like uh you know kind of dedicated to building but we’ve we’ve had some pretty regular players since the server la actually all right we’re getting there Orca just chilling down there

We’ve gone through a one and a half netherite pickaxes but we’re finally getting there oh where am I stuck I stuck under a block hit the fix instances button Cur Forge hey if it Works if I to hit that button before actually there was a stream I did a while back where was having some technical difficulties and that’s what I ended up doing to fix it as I hit that button all right we’re down here far enough that we can actually see the Tarantulas I hear lava I mean that’s that’s I fell down it’s pretty good the elyra sometimes activates on its own I freaks me out so a lot of times I lose control of my character get up there just jump up there for CR lad all right so this part here needs to be

Fixed up just a little bit but honestly I could build onto it rather than carve it out so I think I’ll leave that the way it is there we got one one slice of it carved out oh boy this is going to be a big project so like we pointed out earlier

In the Stream this is the Caldera up here rough rough shape of it you know and then this all has to get carved down in all directions from this so leave this being this the peak and then the volcano will be all around it or the all the volcanic

Material will be around it oh stretching holy cow that one came out of nowhere okay what are we 4 hours into the stream now time to get up and stretch my legs will let me everybody stretch break holy cow okay there good for another four hours oh thank God he slept I’m just

Chilling out here on a volcano up here so that is a definitely a much different slope than what it was here before so one piece down a lot more to go exactly so like I said that that’s the slope of the volcano that I want to have here in the

End it still is a really steep Mountain like it’s not like it’s it’s not like it’s a that’s a small thing at all you know it’s just it’s not like a cliff Edge like what this is cuz honestly when you talk about the edge of volcanoes this looks like a cliff

Edge I mean you can lit a base jump off this thing so yeah Cliff Edge no uh volcano yes what is this what is this somebody build a little fishing platform here oh there’s an orca whale in there and a dolphin somebody added a little something something into

This does this have a name no Orca actually this these might not have been oh these volcanic planes yeah I know somebody added these things Minecraft dolphin because uh they don’t they don’t spawn in there normally this is still the volcanic plane so yeah people added added these

Things they might uh they might disappear one day actually the dolphin might just kill himself by jumping out of the water but they might disappear one day mainly because I need to fill in this Pond that have you ever seen a squid jump in lava that it might actually happen here pretty

Soon or a dolphin or an orca jump in lava yeah they might disappear one day but yeah I didn’t I didn’t build this somebody must have just build that I built that there but there’s an Orc in the pond that’s inhu inhumane right there all right so let’s just do a

Little bit more carving on the mountain here I’m also going to need to make more Rockets smash my face right into the Rock there all right I got one piece of that we’re not going to let that take over an inventory spot Limestone looks cool so I might keep

That all right so I guess I could do the same thing on this side because um I can mark down a um another Beacon or another Waypoint thing right there for dig here because this is going to be a little bit steeper of a slope on this side it looks

Like and I could try to carve that out too and then I’d have two spots carved out and then everything else in between would have to get removed the Arca can be free willly it’s not so free willly it’s like trapped in the lake that’s why we should name it not so free

Willly all right let’s actually do that let’s get down here at the base of this volcano right here now this part’s kind of like if you look there’s it’s like a u shape it kind of Curves in a little bit that doesn’t make much sense for a volcano this actually might require me

To build more so than remove down here at the base anyway so if I were to do a proper kind of like volcano thing I’d wanted to come out to a boat right here so not not over there but over this way so let’s add here dig here oops dig two

Here all right and then let’s head back up top there so starting from like right here they around dig to there is that like a what what angle is that also um it’s a 60 68 or or 58° angle or so wasn’t this one the same thing

Is 51 once you get over here where it starts sloping down 54 yeah it’s right around the same thing so that’s that’s good decent guess your prized animals suck that’s that’s pretty good guess I guess let’s uh start digging to there oh I’m not going to get haste haste help

Me out here man I need to dig this down too I forgot about this part up here oh no ghost block somewhere haste War off no yeah I see we’re already digging out right here holy cow that’s probably about as good as we’re going to go

Yeah so the rest of this would have to be built up that’s going to be exciting now I actually have quite a bit of practice with building custom terrain look at that entire place over there that it used to be a flat Island I if you ignore the grimer zoo in the way

Right there but all that land over there used to be flat so we built all of That nice warm Landing there so I got this I I kind of do need another Beacon I don’t like the idea of having to move this Beacon all over the place I kind of need another one I also kind of want to go collect all that iron

That iron base that I have built uh where where I was collecting Stone before because I have a feeling that carving out this volcano is going to give me all the stone I need for a while so if I had multiple bases of a of a beacon around here I could just plop

Down the beacon on top of it and activate it and it would be good all right so this is right here Hast War off again telling you Zoo building never thought I’d be building a volcano in a zoo um I try to if if I can I try to

Always give the uh the different zoos that I build their own unique little field to them so like the Woodland biome that was in the Wildwood um and then there’s the um then there’s like the dry mountainy mining area for the sordo and this is a tropical volcanic

Region so I try to give them my own their own little feel you know to them yeah we’re definitely not finishing this whole volcano in one stream though although I don’t know was it four hours I’ve known for long streams I could definitely use quite a bit of damage in

This I’ve been kind of tossing around the idea of doing another stream this week and I’m doing a lot of streams mainly because they’re significantly easier to do than than actual making a video cuz you don’t have to edit and stuff like that and figure out time for

Recording and all that other Jazz uh really anything that’s going on here at home can just kind of happen so sometimes the kids come down and interrupt me and stuff it it happens you know um but when you’re recording an episode if that happens and it’s like

Well I got to edit that out now I got to you got to try to get some quiet time to record and everything so as the kids get older and play a lot and make a lot of noise and wed uh doing uh streams has become significantly easier um but I’ll

Still keep up the the two main series that I got going on on the channel uh today was just a weird exception since uh I just happen to be home for the holidays so uh but I was thinking about doing another stream this weekend we haven’t actually gone back to Wild mender since

I did that initial Stream So I was thinking about heading back to that I don’t know that sound like something you guys would be interested think uh nobody’s going to watch and then might want to just save the time for making content like videos things instead all right so where is this thing

Here it’s right here just wait until they’re teenagers well actually by the time they’re that age they can help me with this stuff I have a feeling grimer gaming might end up having a a small army of people actually doing this so this might become a family

Affair grimer and Suns that we’ll call it instead I’ll switch it to I need my haste I need that Beacon moved over just a little bit I hear hear them yelling at each other upstairs the boys are getting old enough to they’re starting to argue and fight with each other

So it’s going to happen night time creepers be creeping and All digging out an entire Mountain brutal getting a drink kind of refreshing myself a little bit okay guess I should probably pick up my Bed this is a huge huge project you know if I can get I’m trying to think about a good good end of stream goal to reach actually today um and I’m thinking if I can get this corner dug out right here that might be a good end

Of stream goal as far as what I want to get done before the end of the stream that’s not they saying that when I’m done with it then we’ll end the stream but um if I can get that done that’d be a good start um this is

Going to look really weird because it’s going to look like a u Stone Mountain with just like this darker top to it for right now but until I actually get around reapplying a lot of the uh the B Sal that’s what it’s going to have to be trying to get this

Yeah try to get this dug out here so that we don’t have to deal with the dirt anymore all right course goes afking there’s the haste and the Hast kicks in you know start mowing through the stone that’s a lot of Assault why I’m not really too picky if I don’t pick up every last little bit here I think I’ll be fine pickax is actually already almost dead again might be heading back to the Ender Ender sooner rather than later what exhibit are you most excited for I’m not sure I

Kind of want to get over to the Lion’s exhibit actually CU I caught those things early early in the series and um they’ve been trapped in cages ever since but uh the Lion’s exhibit I think would be probably one I’m most excited for I don’t know if I’m going to do

Anything huge and fancy like what I did for last seon for the big cat’s area other than just allocating out an area for them cuz I think the big the big project here is going to be the volcano all right need some haste come on haste give me some haste there’s some e

I’m right on the edge of this haste Beacon basically so I got to keep dipping back over here just to get the effects that’s a lot of assault that is an incredible amount of assault all right so that’s full switch out with the glass backpack maybe there goes That’s a lot of digging it’s a lot of digging people I might have to take a break here actually and do that animal hunting sooner what sooner cuz like I said I’m not sure if I can dig out all of this and without like passing out

So I I will need to get far away though so I’m going to have to probably grab a what am I going to call the volcano well the whole place is called The Lost Isles so guess it didn’t have a name for the volcano itself specifically can’t think about that

I guess the zoo is called Lost Isles but the islands themselves would be called something else should we go full like Grumpy Old Men and call it like w to Pea peepe or something like that anyone ever see Grumpy Old Men all I think that one was in Grumpier Old Men

Actually the old the dad that they you know the old guy in there the really old guy he was hitting on that really old lady and she said that he’s been out to Hawaii before and she asked which island and he said what he say Kam Wan Leia or W to pea

Peepee there’s a portal far to the North uh in the nether hasn’t been fully explored yet okay I’ll have to keep that in mind uh my pickaxe is looking weak in the knees again man is a classic it is W ma yeah I’m a going to pokeo as the other

Other island name he he told the lady yeah that was good good movie think that was made what in the 90s I made in the 90s oh okay pickaxe is getting really weak in the knees 68 blocks left on it or it’s got Unbreaking on it so probably be

Over double that that I can do but I definitely need to go repair this thing don’t really feel like losing that plus I need to make more Rockets holy cow I’m running out of stuff left and right I need to have a fight night

Is what I need I need to have like a good oldfashioned night where I just go and take on a bunch of uh creepers and get a bunch of gunpowder I usually can get half a stack to a stack sometimes the gunpowder just going out and fighting Them all right so what do you say we dump our inventory here and uh and then we go repair the pick and then we go and do a little animal hunting change up a little bit go see see the the world so that one’s empty let’s go get out of here and go

See the world a little bit go touch some grass e this stuff out of here this is probably going to fill up that chest and might need to make another one yeah it just barely does all right take the rest of this stuff out of

Here uh do I play any sports I used to play U or I used to do a lot of Endurance Sports so I used to run cross country now my knees are shot I used to run middle distance track but now my knees are shot I like playing things like ultimate

Frisbe and stuff and now my knees are shot um black Sandstone black sand black sand black sand Sandstone okay separating those things out I like to play football a little bit now we didn’t really play full contact or anything like that but back when I was in the

Military U I was living on base when I was acting Duty we used to play football all the time that was a ton of fun but yeah that about it stretching again okay I need uh more chests let’s see I should have a bunch of pine turn all of those into those and

Then let’s do that here now I got a bunch of chests okay there’s four more in fact we’ll just take these and throw them in there in case any more okay so that’s empty that empties that out too okay we’re good on that we’ve taken our dump now it’s time to

Get our rocket situation sorted I think our lights are still in decent enough shape to do this adventure probably grab a little bit of food out of here so that we have uh plenty for the trip now or skull tells me in the chat that there is a portal far to the North

In the nether hasn’t been fully explored yet I would like to know is that in that Northern tunnel is the tunnel connected to it I make two stacks actually but I basically out of gunpowder then uh we want is 30 there we go I’m a cross country Runner track runner

Nice yeah now now I’m a I’m a dad and I Sit we got a little over a stack and a half of rockets don’t have any in there even though I would really like there to be okay um I guess we’re off on an adventure now is where we’re going oh we got to go repair the pickaxe forgot about that

Don’t really want that to get broken we do have a end chest with us too yep okay all right so back to the end for a little bit this way I got confused coming on my own Portal path isn’t 100% sort of uh sorting out gr’s L Lamar guy issue and then I can help show you okay okay oh yeah here we have a Fred and nether Goose took the nether Goose’s egg see we can get another nether Goose walk around

Nope all right well I got to repair my pick anyway or skill so I got a little bit of time that looks awesome or spy zoo that is awesome I might steal your idea oh look at this we got a we got a dude in the way I hate to reach on these

Things excuse me dudes I’m trying to get through here hi bye we’re this uh Shad Slayer looks like he could use some leather let’s hop into the end Dimension it’s raining in the end that’s weird oh no it’s sto all right make sure I got my light

On just got to double check that every time I jump off here because if I don’t it could be very Bad News Bears leg Spike there speak getting Bad News Bears all right got to repair this pick anything else that needs repair well I could use all the here let me

Just Qui see that fixes fix boots fix the helmet fix pants this is good I can take that off put that in There all right that’s fixed now too sweet oh that guy had a diamond backpack on there room for it to actually be collected not really create a little pile of it over here so one thing that I do to kind of handle this i f my inventory full of

Other stuff that way I don’t pick it pick this up uh but then yeah just eat these things out of here I’m might him despawn the spawn after a few minutes end pear eruption I kind need to eat some chicken so I got to move that down so I can do that

Without grabbing all the ender Pearls did grab the backpack so you can see we’ve gotten quite a few backpacks from from this place no diamond ones yet I’ve been grabbing the ones that I I collect out of here Chuck Chuck it’s going to take a second for that to catch Up painful thing about mending those you got to take the time to go record It’s already like half prepared so this is going to take a God awful Enderman dying noise though come on Enderman J down here right now they they listened weird watch the video recently um speak this random stuff um watch video recently of some guys that are playing a modded

Version of Ocarina of Time now I have actually done an Ocarina of Time uh playr on my channel so if you guys are Zelda fans haven’t actually seen that one maybe you’re you’re not as old as I am not as ancient as I am um then I’d

Highly recommend you go and check that out because uh there it is there’s a backpack right there Bo take that out of there because that was a really really good one uh it’s my favorite Zelda game actually and um I watched these guys play modded version of it where they could do

Multiplayer so there’s two links running around one of them was like older one was younger depend on if you went to the Temple of Time or not and uh they also were playing the randomizer thing in it so that items are randomized in it and

It was actually a lot of fun to watch like it was uh it was crazy how they um um they managed to beat the game still but they had to like you’d find like you’d be in the deu tree and you’d open a chest that would normally give

You just something rupes or something like that you find like a a water temple small key like okay I think they beat it faster than you normally could beat the game even because I think they beat in like six and a half hours but they did have two people

Working on it too you know so oh that guy had a backpack on too uhhuh never know when you might need extra backpacks so I just take them I think the diamond one actually offers you some extra defense yeah plus three armor and this increases the the amount

Of experience you receive I actually had a a Lapis backpack early on in the season all right so that’s repaired just giving a little extra juice to the shovel there okay I had a gas in the tunnel oh boy now they now these in czy

All right let’s grab some XP and get out of here all right sweet all right oh I don’t have my lron good thing I didn’t rely on it like why can’t I Fly now I Can with have damage in green oh no oh I’m back at oh it’s night time too oo this could be a beneficial thing actually for me because creepers be creeping at night and and I could actually maybe get a get some uh gunpowder out of this this looks relatively open over here all

Right mobs do your worst I mean don’t do that I just I don’t have the concrete okay there’s a skeleton that’s not what I’m looking for there skeleton hey there we go that’s what I’m looking for ah I got him got music just com it looks like that might be just

Cat oh no it’s far never mind did I get any gunpowder no I didn’t zombies There’s a creeper there There’s a spider pushed me right into him oh baby zombie okay here spider there at least I I heard him pick up I picked up something so I did get some Gunpowder There oh baby zombies B zombies down New Moon all right trying to just hunt creepers here if you don’t Mind just need a little extra gun powder what am I up to eight that’s pretty good while they’re dealing with the gas in the tunnel I figure do with some creepers here fix it all right sweet let’s get some food on the hot bar here zombies you’re Relentless leg Spike there that wasn’t

That great there com another zombie not looking for you zombies I’m looking for the other green guys oh I see one way over there oh there’s one over close right here spider over here that might cause me grief did he not drop any gunpowder that’s a

Shame creeper over here need to get rid of this head skeleton Here oh that’s not the one I want to shoot it’s one I got okay no was nowhere near that thing didn’t get any gunpowder out of that and there’s a hole in the ground now get out of the rose bush bush that’s what killed me in this game remember in

Episode one I died to some bores because they got me inside too many zombies coming in now why am I Flying I just want the gunpowder get out of that rose bush got it zombies really so I know that they have these things like uh called like leader zombies or something that spawn more zombies whenever you hit them and it seems like they are a real

Pain cuz I’m just out here to collect creepers and I I can’t help but constantly get attacked by zombies a lot of creepers over here oh I had that creeper in my face almost fell in the creeper hole did fall in the creeper hole a little Bit what’s the rule never take on more than one creeper at a time fight night fight night he died all right I think that was all the creepers there there’s one over here still what am I up to 20 24 see that’s what I’m talking about getting some Gunpowder

Spider creepers there’s a couple of them over here A whole gaggle of them that wasn’t for you zombie I can’t be hurt by fire so it doesn’t do anything to me but it’s just funny more zombies I couldn’t hit that zombie to save my life zombies please so many

Zombies which I get is kind of their thing but man it’s annoying when you’re trying to do anything there’s a creeper I’m up to 40 gunpowder not bad another one right over here I don’t see anym where are they creepers oh there’s one up there get rid spiders that are going to

Be chasing while fighting it oh there’s multiple spiders actually didn’t register that first hit for some reason just was like nah bro not all about that yo I also got a stack of rotten flesh and then some fix your divot nah it’s fine I mean I will once there’s not tons of zombies

And creepers pouring down on me okay that one just again n bro not all about that yo just don’t want to hit him flying again for some reason okay thorns In oh of course it’s watch me a thunderstorm so the mobs just keep coming all right no seriously I’m am going to fix the divot though um looks like that’s it what did I end up with oh there’s one right over there too I probably get a little bit more gunpowder if I’m

Lucky there we go all right what did I end up with 56 that’s not bad for a one fight night it’s pretty good actually all right so let’s go over here ground blocks open this up and we’ll take some Stone I guess actually we got we got

Plenty of uh dirt we can fill that in so yeah especially on spawn here if you got a creeper blast best to fill that in even though that creeper was BS he just blew up on his own all right so things I don’t need I don’t need a string I don’t need it

While I keep the bones I don’t need any of that don’t need don’t need uh don’t need don’t need all right and then we just put in the dump chest here all the other fun stuff we collected throughout the night there we go all right now I need to go

On an adventure need to go find some an animal so or skull is telling me that in the north is when um there’s a spot in the north that uh has a uh unexplored area nearby but it’s really far to the North so we’re going to go on a little

Bit of Adventure we’re going to see if we can find stuff I do have stuff to catch things right yeah like I have um I don’t need that leather take that gunpowder out of there all right and then so I have a capture Nets I have a bunch of capture cages

There’s more gunpowder here I got gun powder everywhere I don’t know what I was complaining About okay so now we just have to get to this portal in the north somewhere wherever it may be I don’t even know where it is so we’re going to go on a little adventure to try to find It all right so frogs would be ideal to find right you all right so the northern tunnel is this one actually so that’s a tunnel I normally go down to to get to my base or called it’s orange Tunnel right so I don’t really want to use up

Too much my Rockets but I do want to kind of get down here pass the uh portal is past the end of the orange okay so yeah I’m I’m heading there I can’t fly in here best I can do is jump and burn all my food someone put down a Soul Sand

Path I don’t have Soul Sand someone has a respawn anchor out here all right fly is that the the end of the Soul Sand uh or Skull withered Abyss biome that’s interesting I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen this one are those wither skeletons here oh there’s other things here too Apparently there’s totally with a skeleton there all right I’ll save that in just a second I’m busy killing this thing he did not drop his head all right oh we got something attacking us too it’s afraid of me now for some reason is so a with skeleton spawn

Here I can see why the hell bark leaves I imagine they would cuz it’s called a withered Abyss what is that stuff oh is that just crying obsidian may be crying obsidian oh there’s or skull actually or skull you want to get in the call you think hold on let me uh

Let me let me get you all hooked up one second we’re getting in the call with or skull all right let me just hop in this uh Channel hold on I’ll get there yeah let me get tell him to hop in actually any or if you

Could oh he already did look at that he’s already ahead of it uh let see there is a way I can pull him into the actual one that I’m in I’ll get it I’ll figure it out hold on why why why is this such a tough thing to figure out maybe I’ll just jump in that other one but then a whole bunch of people can join and I usually try to avoid that I’ve done this before where I pulled

People into the call that I have but for some reason I am not finding that as an option in Discord Anymore uh yeah I used to be able to pull them into into whoever or anyone I want into the vo because I have like a secret just streaming thing so um oh here we go I can invite him okay I used to be able to just pull people into this though so

There invite him into the stream are we getting attacked looks like or’s getting attacked all right Oro when you get a chance when you’re not getting murdered by Enderman H send you an invite to the the stream Channel there is a wither skeleton right there got him I don’t understand why I can’t just manually move you over though that’s something I should be able to Do we’re still figuring out that’s why I still the screen screen hidden there guess what I did to Sabrina’s uh Pokemon you beat her that one of the Gyms I don’t know why it’s not giving me the option okay I’ll just move into the hangout spot this is just annoying that I have to do this hi or skull hor go are you there speak to me I’m in your voice Channel I can’t hear you

Though oh you beat Sabrina with water Pokemon nice isn’t she the psychic Pokemon isn’t that the one that she usually has or skull if you’re talking I can’t hear you man I just did to her Gengar one shot it yes hey yeah now I hear you okay all right so where am I

Going it’s further down here okay um I don’t know how long these will last oh Soul speed catching up to you I’m faster than you I got to go slow actually oh nearly shot you yeah I was like dipping out of there quick more food oh that’s the other thing I haven’t done

Yet is put walls up over the whole path gas proof Everything it’s less gas proof more gas warding yeah yeah I have no idea what’s going on with the voice chat thing like it normally would give me an option to pull people into my streaming chat and it just isn’t there it just it might be cuz I don’t have like

Um permission to No it’s it’s not that like I I’ve pulled people in that didn’t have permission before that’s why I’m so confused cuz that’s what I tested it when I set up the stream or when I set up the channel was for that reason for

This reason right now and the first time I go to use it it’s just not there anymore so I don’t know yeah I was clicking on the invite and it just brought me to the new members tab oh yeah that’s not it it had the icon that it had the icon

That I was in a voice chat but I could see anything yeah cuz I have a I mean I’m the admin I have permission to move people between voice chats if I want to but for some reason it’s just gone right now how a durability on those boots

Right now I about a quarter left okay this is as far as the bridge goes right now it’s getting there it’s pretty close mhm I’ll save those for the return trip then yeah and then I’ll need them back to get through the piglins so is the portal down there

Yeah there the Nether Fortress on our left oh yeah there it is landed it like a superhero yeah I’ve explored a little bit here but not oh boy gu shooting us yeah I may need those boots to get back home huh yeah cuz I have it’s a

Rainbow oh look at that there’s some geese out there Canadian geese yeah from here I haven’t gone anywhere West anywhere West that’s where the geese and the rainbar completely unexplored well then want to do it by boater yeah I’m trying to conserve Rockets so um

Here oh yeah I got the motor I think I actually I have one of them I have one of them too just wondering God I ran over a puffer fish I’ll come with cuz I don’t have anything to do I was focused on doing that little

Map art last time I was on uhuh looks good mhm all right so we we’re really looking for frogs apparently that’s apparently I found a few that’s apparently what what my goal is so we’re getting we’re getting to the edge of where it’s not loading so I got to slow

Up a second that looks familiar island in the middle of nowhere so how far away from the zoo are we like 16, th blocks holy cow yeah that’s the portal I use for to get the uh travel 8,000 in the Overworld or whatever yeah yeah and kind of did

Double so this doesn’t look like jungle this looks like Mesa or something no although it’s a massive coral reef yeah it is few more sharks and octopi down there there’s some there’s some uh weird trees growing in the water it’s kind of strange yeah I was like those aren’t

Mangroves I’m going to make lample here CU I think I see dead wood too so oh yeah Wasteland has is dried salt interesting is this no that’s just regular colored grass tree more Dunes so I don’t think we’re going to find any frogs out here looks like a big desert though holy

Cow that’s a there’s a mes uh small mes of the direction you’re going yeah see that there back in the Boat all right so that’s uh those are those weird type of trees where you can find AAA trees in sometimes so these are all like really dry areas we’re kind of not looking for that are we yeah I guess didn’t know zebras over Here I me I assume elephants might spawn here oh yeah elephants are here are in this thing again aren’t they yeah I haven’t there’s a stick in the water H there’s a stick in the water over here that I didn’t put maybe that was a dead Bush oh I

Should probably grab some of these dead Bush maybe there dead Bush that got overwritten when the water formed in and I got to grab more dead bushes I ran out of those oh I see I see a tarantula and a scorpion actually that’s the proper scorpion that’s supposed to be in my exhibit

Apparently the one that’s in the desert so I got to um I got to uh take off my backpack real quick and your Thorns yeah well I mean that’s if it hits me I’m just going to scoop it out as need my strength to go

Away I don’t care if the trans lands me I hate those things the Scorpion I want to grab got It all right now I can put my backpack back on Western desert I think I have that one already is that no those are not okay I’m just getting beat up by a a trans right now yeah I know the feeling trying to check what kind it was I know the

Feeling a lot of kangaroos here too yeah there are I think I I don’t remember if I even have kangaroos or not I know the variants are like tan sunburnt and crispy and the F the female ones are always that gray yeah I don’t think I have kangaroos

Yet looking at it repeatedly like do I have that do I have that do I have that I don’t think I do uh there all four of those ones I believe are female I’m not picky Let’s uh stash some stuff real quick open up some inventory

Space go back for right now and then uh yeah I guess we’ll grab a kangaroo or two while we’re here you can catch them in Nets oh in Nets yeah dang this is big Nets you can catch the ante eaters and Nets that’s true yeah hi you can catch

Kers in a neck so stupid awesome they make a God awful noise but all right I got two of them okay that’ll be enough for an exhibit all right so yeah elephants would be nice to find if we could find them yeah that’s another reason why I

Had the portal way out here is just cuz since a lot of people are saying like if we updated we’d have to go to new chunks M so think I found some coyotes in the woods here that or in the wild these things attack at night don’t they mhm

Okay and I think they also attack if you hit them he’s a blue Trula oh yeah not seeing any elephants yeah I don’t I figured they’ spawn like this kind of a biome but I’m going to do a little fly over to that other part right over there oh maybe rubber banded

Back see what we got I found a jellyfish thing you mhm looks like through the boat coyotes are the only thing that are over here it looks like I think coyotes are the only things that will spawn in the dunes mhm yeah looks like it which sucks because the dunes are massive

Mhm oh I see a regular um Savannah Biome that was good to have elephants yeah they got giraffes they can have elephants can dodge wrench you can dodge wall See sheep and chickens I see something up ahead that’s an interesting biome um a jungle might be a jungle hey I’ve been looking for these tropical rainforest oh there’s a creeper right there found the biomes you go reads here that’s nice you can make like special thatch stuff or

Read you can make like a read thatch carpet like brown hay block apparently there’s something above me here oh if it’s above it’s probably a b TR oh yeah I hear bees oh yeah I’m right next to beehive yeah this oh jeez it’s you I was like oh my God something’s running at

Me yeah these be that’s a that’s a boar that that’s what that is oh yeah hi b b you and I have a little bit of a history you better run got him yeah this biome is always full of things so can frog can frogs f in here I from what I’ve seen

I haven’t seen any like zawa creatures spawn in biomes you go biomes okay well then we got to find a different jungle yeah and like the jungle Edge I’ve seen things spawn in mhm oh that was right over here yeah yeah but as far in terms of like deeper into it No found some squid okay sowit biome is this here the Cyprus yeah swamp planes see there’s some crabs over here crabs and chickens exactly what youd expect to find out here well this is kind of the right idea the the that one biome there was kind of

Close but if it’s not something that’s going to spawn in the frogs will then yeah it’s oh do you know how to get back from here I have the portal I have the portal marked okay at least one of us does otherwise I’m taking a really long trip

Home I mean the map will have but you follow the map back too anyway hello Colin hello how’s it going hey it’s going currently in the middle of the stream right now the um I was trying to actually get it on a on a private Channel but because Discord was being

Discord like it didn’t want to work so we’re in the hang out spot right now what’s this oh that those are cows and pigs and stuff I was going to say I just like rubber rubber banded back pretty bad yeah I was kind of sliding

Around okay so this is all the biomes we go also this Cypress stuff yeah pretty much anything with the uh regular looking trees yeah we’re looking for the dynamic tree Biomes or skull here has had a lot of practice at looking for animals so that’s why I figured he’s the best person to talk to oh jungle Edge found a tarantula all right I’ve never seen one of them before oh here we go this does not look like uh

This looks like a what is this vibrant swamp land Sly those aren’t yeah those are you go well dang it I thought I found something cool ouch I haar when like your foot grazes a block when you’re flying and then you just fall yeah pigs found pigs in a

Swamp no that’s a wall they’ll probably find them rolling in the M oh it’s a little dragonfly I was like what is it that’s here oh found um Enchanted biome Enchanted Forest Ah bies You’ll Go version got to eat some chicken hungry stretching there’s a lot of lily pads out here I should actually collect these things oh my gosh I just saw baby zombie pigman go um mock 10 down thether tunnel those little legs were moving oh I ran over

Jellyfish I was like why can I not see anything GE It’s someone Nam the goose in the Nether Nether Goose or yeah yeah every time I opened my map I just saw Nether on pheasant right there um shark I see a great white and some Whales yeah or it took me like 20 minutes to capture octopus I I saw that took a while why did I go do I have extra yeah I do have extra rockets in there stuff is just you need rocket scer or I still over I still got over a stack

Okay cuz I have three stacks on me still so I give you one we’re at um we’re not finding a jungle anywhere frogs apparently are tough to find you’re looking for tree frogs any kind of frog really that’s true pile what did H what did Chad say

That there was a u they’re found in three of them are found in a jungle one in a Plains and one in some other time one other place I found the one in I’ve I have like hundreds of the ones I have the tomato frogs I have like three of

That I have two African Bullfrogs and one ornate bullfrog I have a bunch of wrong kind of trees I have I have a bunch of regular bull frogs and I think I have a few dirt frogs but I had a tomato but I killed him you

Monster I mean it wasn’t intent it was not Intentional loaded chunk yeah definitely new chunks are loading in slowly see that jungle no that one have changed back up here where the Cypress were this tropical rainforest region was getting close at least maybe we should head north from there maybe take my going to motor motorboat my way back there’s a poer Fish bald eagle right there this is the Cove all right take it easy F see you some banded Penguins right there just chilling including the adorable little baby penguins oh I hear a Fish these motor RS are terrible for steering another swamp or Bou whatever it’s called There H can you even I hear a puff fish somewhere oh yeah there’s one below you pengu Crystal I could definitely oh there’s a uh MAA oh that Dynamic fre then oh it’s getting attacked by four it got killed by four I was actually going to try to catch

That great great oh they’re killing all the all these animals over here a b Bo the raccoon here can raccoons be caught in Nets um I’m sure they can what raccoon oh black the ferret never mind actually have one of those already yeah definitely the feret song

Bird can’t okay this is barley actually this is isn’t I really need you can capture ferrets and Nets actually it’s way up gold PR we’re in a golden Prairie bi uh do I have a yeah I quick hopped all the boats that’s my boat out there I

Was trying to get to the the thing before the boore killed it but that didn’t happen there we go no maau for me because bors are jerks oh there might be more around here maybe I don’t know I go in third person to see anything yeah oh there’s another MAA two of them

Going try to grab one those things are pretty just grabbing some barley trying to anyway I think I might be having a little bit of leg well yep y that’s some lag big old rubber band probably going to have that experience here while we’re out exploring new areas

Mhm grab a stack of this stuff PL there’s a couple cause here oh these are all um Can you capture those with just a net yeah these are red shouldered Maca you can capture them with a net yeah you can this would be a nightmare to run into wild boes in

Here I mean we did thankfully they didn’t see us awesome another one there got him so I got a couple fet and a couple of the third I think I’ll settle it just the two let him run free get eaten by BS yeah you’re right you kind of do have to

Go into third person just to see what’s going on here oh there’s a hole right there there’s a cave there it’s like you disappear oh scorpions oh good I’m going I’m looking at the map to try to find anything yeah I know oh God that’s a boar I’m flying there was a scorpion

Ananta here sorry I was dealing with a boar those don’t look like Dynamic trees over there no right Woods well found something I found something that’s for sure what are those oh God I can’t take off here I was like I’m staring at pigs what are those things

Crazy here’s a dynamic tree here’s a dynamic oak tree that’s kind of cool yeah that’s what I’m say like this is thankfully a what kind of animals are these right here this is crazy they got crossbows shooting me what’s up with that interesting must be fairly intelligent are they chimpanzees with

Crossbows no I don’t think so did you get the bad Omen no okay I was going to say my backpack’s full of milk I got milk with me those look like Dynamic trees up there though oh Pig H well some of them the jungle trees do yeah oh that’s the jungle Edge isn’t

It yeah cuz it’s going into another biome there anything on said jungle Edge look on the map trying to see I find anything on those junges you okay dude n oh okay tarantula coming after you just like the the one that mysteriously disappeared in my my area

Actually I figured I’d replace it with one of the ones I have all over the place though not seeing anything on the Map yeah I found yeah Island guine Shield Redwood Tropics that’s an interesting one all right is that what it said yeah Redwood Tropics region is the one big butterflies holy cow better animals plus butterflies yeah you can catch them with bottles yeah I don’t have any bottles I do if you want one oh I think you have a

Bunch in the in the animal Refuge SHO so yeah there’s a turkey there are couple turkeys just kind of combing the edge of this thing to see if anything spawns in it’s a big ball of cobblestone or something mhm Rocky Stone what is it that’s inside here

There as far as I know there’s nothing in those squirrel it’s albino squirrel H there’s an albino squirrel in here is it better animals or zawa uh better animals okay but it’s an albino that’s kind of cool it’s got the red eye and everything okay can you catch these in Nets or no

Well looks like you’re getting a giant capture cage I could fit an elephant buddy get in there get in there get in there that works all right sweet we got an albino squirrel yeah song birds and stuff at least at least they’re moving around now that’s good mhm the newly loaded ones are

Oh trying to get a song bird in a capture cage they fly you got to raise it up a little bit I guess oh there there you go there you go song bird awesome my inventory’s your lead back okay o i just oh man somebody found a vacuum cleaner holy

Cow I was going to say wanding Trader huh and here we see the mysterious wild wanding Trader and his Predator the only Predator he has in the world a leads all right well that was kind of exciting got song bird and a fet and MAA a village over here Mhm okay well um Eagle over there too I found an origin biome all right I love that grass it’s old Island right next to it too there’s a smaller chunk of regular like jungle Edge any um one moment loading butterfly and just Butterflies no frogs I’m heartbroken this this a it’s a warmer biome area but mhm yeah yeah I was going to have Northeast there looks like there’s one there oh yeah another Guinea Shield or whatever m whatever this is here grassland Plateau seeing song birds here and

Horses I actually I don’t have a horse yet it loves me now I can capture it in a cage right um yeah it’s a little bit tricky may you just slap it in there like that oh never mind I never had that good of luck smash him in

There have to put like the cage against the wall so they don’t climb on top of it ah it looks like there sheep over here looks like vanilla animals are in here yeah and more like Johnson grass that you like to use oh oh yeah oh eucalyp

Tree where’s it oh yeah right there got eat some food dying of starvation oh no you don’t I just my inventory is full come on you can do it some kind of structure stuff over there that’s a little weird looking ancient ruins or something very strange Sleeping in the ancient ruins oh this is probably not vinds next to me is it probably not oh it says Vines okay I think some of them might be poison IV I don’t think they’re all Vines I’m looking I’m looking at each one just make sure Poison Ivy sucks it’s

Vines is there anything in places like this or is this just for looks I don’t know oh there’s a chest over here oh my God it’s incredible holy cow there’s bread an apple and a piece of iron holy crap down looking over like actually just looking at it on like the map looks

Amazing as well yeah that is pretty crazy it’s like a whole civilization out here yeah I’ve seen one of these before it was a lot more like intact there wasn’t a mount it was on top of the same biome but it wasn’t like guess what I found destroyed poison

Ivy I think I have some of the poison ivy and a backpack yeah I was just collecting this stuff this is like pretty rare stuff isn’t it though yeah I see more of it below I’ll be right back that is crazy there’s like that’s Vines okay I know I’m going to

Accidentally run into this stuff poison ivy gives you like poison five or something like that like it really hurts vines vines vines vines are fine those don’t look like vines that looks like poison iy there’s a cat here Mossy Stone there’s a black cat here this isn’t a village is it Technically oh yeah there’s poison I right There this is a crazy ruin go in there oh no way book holy cow we growing this is interesting and all but I mean it’s not exactly tree frogs is It stretching okay Big Stretch okay so that’s not that’s not Dynamic trees either I don’t think think no that’s definitely not okay but we got some poison ivy that’s that’s something we could always have fun with someday okay back welcome back I collected the poison ivy I could see over

Here some of it anyway there’s more right over there I see a little more there yeah and right there I got I got a few pieces of it I don’t intend I’m really using that for anything anyway so yeah only place you could probably put

It safe is if like you’re doing like a hostile mob exhibit mhm cuz it won’t hurt zombies or skeletons all right so let’s see where where else can we go oh looks like there’s a village or something in this jungle or oh yeah yeah I see

That I found a black cat here in these ruins Oh I thought those only spawn near Villages but maybe it’s like well it’s a ruined Village I guess may maybe it’s like U what’s it Binks from Hocus Pocus he’s still alive yep oops a little rubber band there oh

Yeah look at this place thatch uh readed read thatch oh they have some of it here yeah it’s just on there’s a pile of it here actually oh I was wanting to find I know you could make some of it but I didn’t know like you could just find it and here oh

Jesus villager just scared the he like jumped down off a tree just to scare me you can’t seem to collect it though like I tried silk touch I tried uh shears I tried everything it just kind of Breaks well this guy has a really overgrown house I think some of the uh trees are generating into the building yeah cookies mahogany saplings all right I need mahogany saplings some Brewing stands in here it’s a crazy uh Village I’ve seen a few of these but I’ve never actually like took the time to explore them seems like a really dangerous place for villagers to live like there’s a lot of dark areas around for zombies this Mhm yeah don’t yeah just try collecting some of the thatch as well yeah it doesn’t seem like that shears didn’t work and neither did a silk touch tool speaking of zombies found some Flint oh good all be able to find like the giant tarantulas in this biome oh

Good it’s like the thing that’s plaguing me most there’s bigger versions of it here I was trying to figure out where the like I saw the Red Dot on my map I was right next to I’m like okay where is it like I see a villager next to me I

Hear a growl looked at it closer it was a zombie villager just distracted by something okay we got the Masons over here doesn’t look like there’s much here though like I’m not seeing any tree frogs either no and is this it just ends here too so

Yeah well I mean it was kind of a successful animal hunting Excursion also I mean you think about I got some animals I didn’t have before Kangaroos and stuff MAA nickel plays hello and welcome welcome to the stream we are uh animal hunting right now in New chunk so

They’re kind of loading in real slow but we’re trying oh here’s one of those uh Birds Lamers or whatever oh yeah I have to catch some more of those too one right here it is good luck catching it it landed over there to the West I’m looking right at it it’s in the

Grass over there go get it man it’s all you I don’t see where it is let’s go west from here you coming up on I see It got you now get in the Hole either one of them there you go bottom one all right so we have one of these uh biomes north of my base actually a little bit and this is where I get the Red Rock from which I don’t know if I have a whole lot of that anymore so we’re just

Going to do a little bit of this this works really good to make it look like kind of like an Outback or a savannah s kind of area adding there’s plenty of lyers here ly Central snag some of this while out here get a stack at least like building with

This got a second one cuz gr might have needed quite a few uh there’s a village here holy cow are ruins no it’s populated V yeah crazy crazy Village yeah gr needed a few LS come on keep that’s a crazy looking Village they have seen one like this

Before oh nickel plays thank you for what what currency is that that is insane I don’t Zar 35 Zar what does that translate to that might be the top Super Chat somebody please do this do this trans what what what is that anyway um I have no idea NE play educate us what

What currency is that I’m going to do the trans I’m going to do the it might like said might be the top right now so South African rand is that what it is okay so let’s just let’s do this matths real quick you have viewers from like

Everywhere yeah it’s crazy is that is that the correct currency South African rand I’m just Google searching right now since I have no idea how much anything is worth uh Rand okay yeah it is okay that does not beat Peter but it is definitely much appreciated I’m going

To have to get your name add of the board or skull I need to hurry back can can you share the portal location I got to go I add a sign um need to find where it is cuz we’re we’re pretty far away from that thing aren we we’re about 5,000 all right save I mean I can make you another portal right here and now you can travel faster there but nah it’s fine I I always carry nether portal supplies with me yeah 5,000 is not that far away we can make it there quick I go

Add nickel plays to the uh the billboard of sponsors but yeah thank you for that nickel that is incredible fly like Spike I’m already it’s already it’s only 4,000 though so I’m already getting there yeah the light just going to hold up it’s fine we’re good

Just don’t let the boots break please oh yeah don’t worry about those those things are going to shatter and heartbeat I just need the chunks to load in between here and there see if I can’t wiggle my way back over to a part that we’ve already explored there we go now we’re

Cooking just be whing for it again the rocket didn’t fire there yeah there we go I was going to say rubber band who knows maybe I’ll find a new biome along the way that we missed we kind of zigzagged around soow PL PLS there wait one of the one of

The uh one of the the frogs seem be be found in the planes can it I think so okay I caught a third lamag someone was looking for skunks I forget who it was but I found some what’s up with these trees what is this place Enchanted

Forest these are some bright trees holy cow I think some of them actually do produce light I know gr was using some don’t worry nickl I’ll get back and add your name I just got wildly distracted Enchanted blue leaves can I get a can I get a sapling

Please do I have any room in my inventory I do I get a oh there we go got one sapling from an enchanted blue one what about one of these Enchanted green ones come here ly God they’re everywhere in the Mesa uhhuh oh there we go got an enchanted

Green one there we go nice Perfect all right I got I I can produce these things later let’s these green mushroom blocks holy cow that’s probably the biomes we go this looks like an orchard now we’re back to the tropical rainforest over here which unfortunately is not the right

Kind there we we go a fourth lamag pretty sure no the first one was yellow the rest have been orange the only colors I’ve like the orange just red oh longone coyote 1 1300 blocks and we’ll be back well we’ll be to the portal then we still got to travel in the

Nether but we’ll get there oh yeah so when you get through the portal it’s to well once again I guess your map will say like which direction you’ve gone yeah well I’ll figure it out plus I did start the path from that side so it’s pointing in the right

Direction that one of those Red Rock mountains or whatever that we were just in with all the l l is just at my location it looks like it’s about 600 meters uh Northwest from the portal in case you’re looking for even more a red desert that’s kind of

Interesting it’s like these have coyotes scorpion tantula mini Cactus those are kind of cool yeah Le look like they’re just also a goblin shark that’ be nice made it back to the portal I’ve seen a goblin shark once and of course it was when I didn’t have any Seine Nets on

Me ow God getting attack immediately soon as I walk through oh yeah there’s a there’s a what’s it piglin here that didn’t like us didn’t like her face oh there’s one of those crystalized things I’ve seen those before I believe it was just up here yep right There might have a issue with gas not anymore guas gunpowder and gas tier is always fun to have all there it goes Coal get up there there go got it I’m having a leg no no all right I’ll try to keep an eye on the durability of these these shoes no promises otherwi I do have a uh I think it’s Soul stting one book at my spawn

House oh I might land me in lava but that’s all right I’m immune to Lava so I missed with an ender pearl hit the bottom of a lava lake but I threw another one and it landed me right back up on here I was like perfect

Timing well I mean you have the dragon backpack on so you’re not going to die from that no it was actually I wouldn’t have died even if it was Vanilla or even if I didn’t have the dragon backpack because uh I was there briefly yeah I was and

Then back up on the bridge so I would have burned a lot but I would have survived it there’s a gold ingot they only have 10 durability on them nine durability on them eight durability on them they have men as well so ow yeah I’ll switch him right now just

So that I don’t don’t destroy him Yeah cuz those are the ones I use for getting around the nether all right made back to a nether portal I went in the withering Abyss okay there’s a wither skeleton down there oh there’s a gas right here too that one was just built as like a

Halfway portal cuz it was it random or Craig who is wanting just somewhere just like in between to look for stuff mhm oh I look at that Enderman he’s not happy with me not happy with me good there a lot of Enderman in the withering heights yeah for withering

Abyss thing yeah the only two things that spawned are Enderman and wither skeletons interesting there’s another one of those biomes like down fze tunnel mhm that’s where I do some like if I’m hunting for wither skulls yeah I can see you’re coming here instead of the Fortress it’ be better

Don’t have to deal with the blazes the only issue is the fact that everything that spawns there Blends in mhm oh rubber band oh dang it I was doing so good right until the rubber band Happened the Bastion right there all right man we’re back yeah looks like F’s done some work on the tunnel so used to actually going just to the end of the orange and then there’s my place but now I got to stop halfway through all right actually let me make

Some room real quick in my inventory Inventory all right it is daytime that’s good yep rainbow must it just stopped raining at least here in this area okay we made it here little rubber band little bit I know make it here eventually all right we’re adding you we’re adding you nickel I knew I’d get back here

Eventually so was a conversion uh it it’s $1.26 US dollar or 1.8 $6 comes out to so didn’t beat Peter but definitely getting your spot on the billboard of sponsors here go plays I got that spilled correctly thank you there you go you’ve been added bam forever immortalize here and the

Billboard spons I do have to update the sign too cuz he actually did four times now cheapers P there it is Big shout out to everybody who has done a super chat during these live streams Peter Todd tenkin volcanics Captain Craig FY uh Corey and now nickel

For uh for pitching in and helping out it keeps me keeps me motivated you’ll be immortalized here and if this continues if we get too many people I will figure out how to make this F another dragonfly all right I guess we could be nice too

First off let me do this this will probably help me out a lot there we Go Birch forest all right I’m going to actually repair your boots for you if that thing loads butterflies more butterflies sheep smash into the end portal bam wolves awesome I yeah just vanilla Birch Forest that’s full of creatures waiting for everything to load in a little bit there before I jump on

Down oh yeah there is a bit of lag there we go yeah I was like hesitant to walk forward towards where the Ender Ender is because it’s like wasn’t loading in I don’t really like jumping towards the end yeah I shot an arrow at oh or the

Feral woles and the arrow is just floating midair not moving luckily gold repairs really fast Mhm there it’s fully repaired already okay thanks well at least I’m finding some of the B plenty read so I can make some of my own read stuff mhm all right I always freeze at the worst time Mhm I froze and all I could see on my screen were three zombies approaching me and a skeleton not too far that’s happened once before while I was exploring not quite this far but still pretty far yeah and I froze next to a zombie with an iron shovel it didn’t go

Well all right now I just got to get to your your base your zoo and I’ll leave it there for you mhm it’s raining in the nether you don’t see that happen very often it’s lagging yeah yeah it was I was staring at an unloaded chunk and

That’s why I was like it’s raining in the nether more bees I thought I saw in your the video you were touring tinin Zoo did she have a purple bee I don’t think so that one of the bees looked like it was a different

Color this is or skull zoo by the way in case you guys wanted to know I’ll just put it right here in this trash can is that good like got you have the pheral wolves like guarding the coyote all right and bird brain is inside place there’s a map a very

Treasure map it looks like you have two of them nearby each other that was kind of cool but there’s a chest right next to your uh your stone cutter I’m going to put them in there mhm okay Wham yeah or SK this will be in the tour for

Sure at the at the end of the year at the end of the season sneak peek people sneak Peep Peep peek oh oh oh oh stop breaking I was just kind of letting autopilot there yeah and all a next thing I know I’m falling found a dynamic Redwood forest

Oh there you go that’s easy way to get Redwood red trees in our redwood trees I think I have one of those nearby that’s where I collect my pzzle look at my beautiful nether tunnel isn’t this fantastic such a majestic design I just hav it carved in the

Nether I don’t know if any Z stuff spawns in this spile in the Redwoods I just this out of here and get rid of it I was just organizing my chest here oh yeah I have a lot of pine logs from helping uh clear out the forest for cinnamon oh Yeah try to organize my backpacks here just a little bit hey I got a horse now maybe I’ll build an exhibit for a horse let him roam free in the planes or something like that but for now stuck in I made a big barn for like that kind of

Stuff I had a couple stacks Red Rock still yeah well one more stack doesn’t hurt all right let me uh organize my way points here just a little bit and turn that one off actually I’ll leave that one on I want to go get my

Iron base for my my beacon so right to leave uh fil me uh up to date okay so basically uh nickel uh did a Super Chat and so I called off the hunt for the frogs and we went back and added a sign to the billboard of sponsors and we’re

Back here now that’s as far that’s as as far as find frogs but found some other stuff we did find some other stuff that’s true so we got uh we got a couple of kangaroos we got a a couple of MAA we got a an ell fet and a scorpion that

Actually matches the biome of what I have here I built for it here that’s that’s what we got so we found some stuff just then didn’t find what we were looking for so we found other things so I think it’s about time to start digging again orill I’m going to probably let

You go so I can get back to digging I’ve been kind of missing chat looks like Mega Death wrote a bunch of stuff before that I totally missed sorry about that Mega Death so but yeah all right let me hop out of the call here for a little bit Yeah so then we’ll get back while he’s doing his uh his search for other animals and stuff we will focus on the volcano again oh we we need uh Rockets luckily oh there a rubber band thing luckily we uh we actually did collect a bit of

Gunpowder not just that but we also have in here have that take all the stuff out of there sort some inventory before we get to doing some more digging bones in there got a bunch of gunpowder now so or at least a stack so we can make a little bit more

Uh Rockets CU we only have 15 that’s not very good here we go 60 much better we also got these Enchanted uh Enchanted saplings green Enchanted saplings and blue Enchanted saplings from an enchanted forest biome that was kind of strange never seen that they’re like really

Bright I mean they’re as bright as the saplings look it’s kind of nuts uh let’s just cook up that stuff there throw that in there and then we can probably throw this one in there so we do have a couple of music discs have a

Couple of malls we have a far we have a cat we have a 13 unknown buried treasure I not did I not look at this oh it’s the one on my Island should I should have actually explored this uh map and then it’s cool because it’s updated now with what we

Actually have on here I mean obviously it’s the maps I do but I’ve already found this berri treasure so let’s uh let’s put that in the off hand we’ll just fly I’ll explore this entire map really Quick Tada there we go there now we can probably hang that up someplace make it look all nice and Pretty do I have more I is this another one is this the same thing yeah the same thing we just explored this yeah so we don’t really need two of them just one of them is fine so Ye do that trying to get my inventory organized just a little bit so I can actually start digging H wood chest or wood backpack it’s usually where I put my uh torch making supplies stripped hell bark logs where did I get these from it’s weird I I had to picked them

Up from somebody else or something where did I even get these from cuz they’re not just hellar clogs they’re stripped so I would have had to place them and then strip them and then pick them up and I’m pretty sure I didn’t do that so I have no idea where I got those

From that’s strange very strange very bizarre all right so we got plenty of space now pick up some stuff I think both these backpacks are emptied right yep that’s emptied and this one is emptied as well all right let’s go start digging up some volcano again it’s been a pretty successful

Stream so far I mean we’ve gotten uh the volcano project started at least we got the turkey exhibit built there got this carved out here this is going to be nuts Cera marked out yeah all right dig we got to dig so zawa is one of my quickly approaching

To be one of my favorite mods just because of the the animals that it adds to it’s a lot of fun to build these places for them to reside in one of my other favorite mods out there though is um Pixelmon but I’m I’m worried that like Pokemon in general is becoming so

Much different than what it was when I played it that I think I’m kind of getting left behind on that thing so I’m starting to have trouble keeping up with it all but one thing I always like playing was Pixel um I think the pixon Revolution was the

Last time we played it I wouldn’t mind diving back into that too but um I don’t know what do you guys think you guys interested in seeing some Pixelmon again so I remember we had a lot a lot of fun last time we played that I’m going to finish digging up this

Part here and then that’ll probably be the end of the stream I’m thinking although I wouldn’t mind getting some Landscaping done down there um especially since now we have a whole bunch of Stone from digging off digging it off the edge of the volcano here thank God for

Le can you imagine how fast Steve would have to be swinging to actually like mine all these blocks like this I would watch Pixelmon unless you build Pixelmon server yeah the um I know Omega has one about I’m not too keen on playing on public servers just because

There’s a lot of other stuff you got to deal with with public servers um claims or what not now that are kind of annoying but pixon Revolution season 2 is totally a possibility it’s a lot of assault so I filled my inventory already just by carving down what that two

Blocks of it right there that’s insane whoa nickel plays thank you so much for the 15 uh or the 14 Rand that’s um that’s the right currency right I got that right this time Rand Let’s uh let’s get over there and update your sign for

You yeah thank you so much for that all right we’re going to get your sign updated at the front of the zoo here get you the little times Too don’t crash and die all right plays let’s update this sign here uh oops my fat fingers that’s right n yep okay nickel please two wow my fat fingers holy cow thank you for that appreciate it much love to you there man that is incredible all right we’re going to get

Back up here fly grind out oh you can see the chunk of the volcano that’s been taken off so far right there now this whole face is what I was hoping to get done by the end of the stream here and I honestly don’t know if that’s going to

Happen we’re going to give it the good old College try though that’s yeah keep on digging so by having both those markers dig here I can kind of sway back and forth and uh uh kind of get my bearings as to where the edge of the volcano actually is going to be here

Oh maybe we should add these all up instead I got you I’m going back thank you Nick rough Landing but it counts thank you nickel place for the the seven Rand there uh I’m going to get used to spell on this on my new password people just kidding time three now thank you ooo you got an O at at the end are you taking off you know well

You’re forever immortalized at the zoo so thank you so much for for uh the super chats that’s incredible if you’re taking off have yourself a wonderful rest of your day uh I’ll be here digging out this volcano there’s other little volcano right down there we’re just going to

Remove completely I don’t really have a good use for that or good purpose for it at all so all right can we get some little bit of a haste please haste haste haste there we go can’t get Hast there we go got it back that’s why I just dug that way real fast

Gravel I can always use gravel all right this is a lot of material to remove but if I can get this done the vision of what the volcano will be might actually be a little bit more visible I’m just hoping that when I get done with this it doesn’t look like really

Derpy because this volcano has been kind of like looming over everything this entire time so it’s kind of a mass mive structure it’s going to be shrunk down a little bit oh it’s raining if we sleep maybe we can get a volcano uh not a volcano we got a volcano get a rainbow

In the morning rainbow rainbow Rainbow I love that detail in this in this Shader pack I just got to make sure I keep an eye on the durability of the pickaxe while we’re doing this oh I think we’re full yep they I didn’t hear the the iPhone pickup noise whatever that he was saying

Earlier was that volcanics I think was saying that it uh or Mega Death maybe was that was saying that it sounds like it’s a the iPhone iPhone noise Man it’s a lot of stone to remove think about just how much we’ve removed just in this like stream I know like we had that stream a while back terraforming level 200 I think it was where we placed like 3,000 blocks of stone and now we’re removing like 3,000 blocks of stone

Okay so we got to dig all of this all of this and then all of this there’s so much but hey I mean how often do you get a chance to actually like dig out a volcano in a volcanic region No jump right on the side yeah landed underneath the block so what are we going to uh see next episode next episode is a good question I kind of have to consult the map and see what uh what uh what other exhibits still need to be built uh and

Where I do have some other things that I didn’t have initially when I first built or first made up the map so obviously we’re kind of using it as a loose guideline like the um the anteaters aren’t in the right spot I move them over closer so we have room now to fit

Something else in over there um but uh like I know we have snow leopards also that I have stashed away that we could also build an exhibit for that I don’t have on the map anywhere so I I kind of consulted every once in a while and I

Say okay we’ll just go with this animal you know so I don’t really I can’t really say what it is right now cuz I honestly I don’t really know we’ll pick out an animal we’ll build a nice exhibit for him nice home and then obviously really badly need to get to doing some

Landscaping which is kind of what I’m thinking about doing like switching here I don’t think I get this whole thing dug out but but um might switch to doing some Landscaping here in a little bit just to kind of fill in the area between like the badger and the uh antier exhibit

Right down there and then also the skunk exhibit here and newly made turkey exhibit as well as although the the uh Beacon’s in the way right now the this area here needs to be filled in as well it’s a lot to do like a lot it’s a big project so if you’re

Thinking about joining the server and you’re worried that you might not have enough time before you know the servers closes no you got plenty of time plenty of time to come and build a zoo plenty of time and I’m getting a ton of stone doing this holy

Cow just hoping I can make this volcano look halfway decent I’m going to feel really bad if I can do all this carving and then I just can’t get it to look right cuz I’m getting a little hungry too so I might have to bust open that other

Poptart which I think that one might just be regular brown sugar which I I’m not complaining about those are delicious but but with considering we just had Thanksgiving recently you think that leftovers would be on the menu I do know that that as we go farther to

The um the east of the island over here is where the large cats exibit is supposed to be so the snow leopards and stuff will probably go over here along with the Lions and then uh we have other animals the aquarium is supposed to go here

Which I don’t really have a good plan for the aquarium and since there’s not really a lot of Aquatic Life that he can put in the aquarium I mean there’s a bunch of stuff from uh uh other than zawa there’s a bunch of uh things that

Get added to it but um instead of building like a facility I think I’m going to go with um kind of like the theme of this area is that this there’s a ancient run oh there’s big leges but ancient rued kind of like Civilization that was here long ago type thing and so

I’m probably going to go with that and uh and I’ll I’ll build the exhibits with like built into the cliff sides and stuff that are surrounded with the stone that uh you know makes up the the ruins and stuff all right so this one’s full So that just it’s it’s the aquarium section but in reality it’s not like it’s a building it’s um it’s an area that you go to on the island and you can see the see the U the fish in there I hopefully that’ll work out all right though that’s kind of up in the

Air still maybe even have like a a tunnel that you got to go through that goes under underground a little bit so you have the fish lining in the like the aquariums lining the sides of the tunnel we did a wraparound tunnel last year or last

Season won aquarium and a m shaft that one was pretty cool that was actually your guys’s idea somebody mentioned that on stream it might be actually worth me making another pickaxe another netherite pickaxe and getting it all jazzed up with all the good enchantments and stuff

Just so that I don’t have to run back every time I need to repair this thing but every two times at least oh we found a lush desert nice so much so much material to remove like I’ve already taken off an incredible amount of this too it’s not even not

Even close uh the party car welcome to the stream how do you know uh what OSU and gamry dash are or do or do you know what I’ve heard of Geometry Dash I haven’t heard of the other one other than Ohio State University but I’ve heard of Geometry Dash I haven’t played it

Though I uh I I think I failed geometry back in school so that’s great I was not a very good student don’t be like me kids the um I was um I I never really did my homework I that’s why I failed it’s not that I didn’t know

It it’s that just didn’t like doing the homework leg Spike there okay then I can’t ask the other question yeah no I’ve been uh I’m not not an expert at all on that uh I’ve never played the Geometry Dash so I am a complete Noob when it comes to

That a the sunset sunet in the volcano oh look at that we got a Wandering trador coming down off the volcano I don’t suppos you have anything good do you you never do I know you don’t you don’t got anything dude this is bad news for you

Dude actually you can keep me company up here I’ll leave you up there I’ll leave you just you’re just fine oh he’s drinking his potion of invisibility trying to say hitting from the zombies it’s funny cuz the zombies still chase him he just runs away from

Him I think if you kill him while he’s drinking his milk he has a chance at dropping the milk bucket don’t quote me on that though I don’t know all right I knew ha is bad uh let’s see I love watching your build uh I love natural builds

Especially animal stuff I go to a college for animal science nice mad Bulldog welcome to the stream uh you search it uh up but when doing it uh type it OSU okay uh and get a pro and you are a pro at building exhibits I don’t know if I’m a pro at

Building exhibits I just like I like building them and they they oops I press the wrong button and they they turn out all right is that’s the antier one down there I’ve seen people that build better exhibits I’ve seen I think tinin build some incredible exibits too so that would be one

Example her Zoo still blew me away too with the whole uh you broken down uh apocalypse thing that she had going on there the city that was in Apocalypse or Pro postapocalypse and then uh she turned it into a zoo I always get a kick out of it too

Cuz I think earlier uh I think I was building the reindeer exhibit or so and some people were lined up saying let’s watch this uh let’s watch the master at work or something and I just put down some Stone I’m like there you go okay behold some stone blocks uh you can

Watch the um yeah these uh let’s see the highway over P you buil wasn’t was because wow yeah that that Highway overpass was pretty incredible and then she took me underneath the overpass which is where the zombies would hide you know so yeah she definitely is better at the

Urban builds than uh than anything that uh that I can do I’m I’m better at the naturey kind of things like the U uh either woodland or you know overgrown stuff stuff you know I can do that but anything Urban I am not good at building definitely going to have to practice on

That all right we are quickly filling up our second dump chest here in fact we have look at that all right all right so we got to go take a massive dump again because our inventory is almost completely full we also going to need to repair a pick again that is getting near

Done again this will be the third time Big Leg Spike there uh was as good as box turtles oh yeah the what was the what was the thing was the frogs that were super hyperactive in in her exhibits they like bouncing up and down all over the place There the cated frogs or something like that I want to build a mushroom Forest fantasy theme zoo on your server oh that’ be awesome just don’t have the money to pay and join right now that’s all right you know take your time on that one um when I was setting up the

The the patreon the patreon thing actually is is mainly so that it deters Griefers yeah because it’s $5 a month um it’s not a huge most servers are like10 $15 a month you join in on I see doing the M like if you knows I did uh

Minecraft season 8 that was like $25 a month so that’s why that series didn’t go for very long cuz I just hopped on made my series and then did my what I wanted to get done and then I then I logged off and that was it

Um but yeah I put a little pay wall in here mainly to detour people from uh that wanted to do harm to the server we can fix anything we can always correct anything it’s not not like they’d actually do any lasting harm anyway but they’ll at least pay me $5 to do it

So uh because opening up is a public server although we have done that for the 48 hour things you know like the celebrations like we did for the 5K um you tend to run into people that just like to ruin your fun as long as they

Don’t have to pay for it they they love to ruin people’s fun so uh yeah I said people can try it on here it’s not going to work they’ll just get booted and then um and then we’ll we’ll just fix it anyway you know we got backups and stuff

So they can’t even do any lasting damage and then um and then yeah they can pay me $5 and then they can get kicked out H almost full almost filled up here the pickaxe is just about dead too I got to get up here a little bit while I do

This haste give me my haste back please but yeah because I after season 2 doing that whole thing single player really did want to actually like play with people you know so I fig this would be a good way to do that to play with the people who

Are who uh are financially able to and who were fans of the of the the series so all right am I not picking up anything else I think that’s it all right so let’s go repair the pick and actually much is left on the pick 140 that’s going to last quite a

While let’s do some Landscaping I got the stone on me right now so let’s see let’s see some Landscaping I see one of the new Crocs oh nice catch it catch that thing so all right so this part right here I thought it’d be kind of cool if since this walkway is going

Here and you can see the Badgers you know the animals that just don’t care the um if this was like an overhang actually feel a sneeze coming on too kind to try to ignore that but um this was like an overhang Cliff face kind of overhung overhung this a little bit oh I

Didn’t mean to fall over here so like if it came up but then I a little bit even about right here not much just a little bit you know and then it curve back now it has to connect over here though so this can’t be too crazy

Like crazy high otherwise it’s going to not look right you might already screwed that up I know we can make this work uh I used to post videos have me in Creative speed to building exhibits in Za yeah they uh actually I do I do take

A peek at that too like I I do look at other people’s stuff there in a frozen River oh interesting that’s a weird place to find a Croc um I do every once a while go on YouTube and go look to see who else is building like zoos and stuff and uh

Sometimes you know you get the videos of people who are building zoos and vanilla like they’re building like up all the mobs you know or all the uh bosses or something like that so it’s kind of hard to differentiate between that and like the zawa stuff you know as far as when

It comes to searching but um I do actually try to take a peek to see who’s all doing some Zoo stuff you know oh dang it I meant to jump and I totally whiffed it the uh oh yeah whatever you post online it’s it’s going to be there forever and

Everless you delete it so this creates a little bit of an interesting shape but I got to try to figure out how to bring this back down a little bit cuz it’s down here this path right here is going to be going this way and so it doesn’t necessarily have to be

Brought back down it’s can actually just be a CH a chunk of rocks sticking up but let’s connect to like right here yeah something like right here all right so this is the skunk exhibit but we don’t have the skunks in there yet I’ll be adding them uh next

Episode for the people who have been dropping names in the comment section don’t want to Short change them at all I want them to actually get get in an episode so um that is after all the big appeal you know if you get your name picked it gets

Added all right so like right here we’re actually going to have this be coming back this way by now like that ye oh I did not eat I I I went to eat instead I went I fell in the exhibit too eat my balls in the air there and

Hopefully I can land on the outside let’s grab this and PL that down take a nap yeah doing a little bit of little bit of landscaping here on the zoo itself rather than uh just carving out the volcano because this rock that we’re getting off of the volcano I can totally

Use for doing this part all right now this right here is where I was going to do this bring this up here bring that right across sweet maybe try to add one more ribbon here now let’s lower that down I hear my kids running around upstairs they’re just like little tornadoes All right let’s just have this go right here actually start filling this thing in here leg spike a the leg Spike caused me to walk off the edge dang it eventually you’ll have them helping probably actually I know uh Oliver especially is a huge fan of my uh Planet

Crafter series he really likes that and uh so I wouldn’t doubt it if he wants to get involved in this uh when he gets Older wouldn’t surprise me at all I think they’re throwing the ball for our dog up there cuz the dog’s freaking out too see the anteaters just walking around over there now I am going to have to make some torches myself a stack of them here because um I’m going to have to light

This up underneath so that mobs don’t spawn down there or at least limit them this up here a little bit so that we don’t get zombie noises and stuff yeah I think over uh over Thanksgiving one of the family members was saying that saying that the kids

Will probably join in and help me with this I’m like they better I need an editor just keep coming out just a little bit see this I I don’t like that so far but maybe if I thicken this up just a little bit yeah I don’t in case you guys are

Wondering on on the channel I I don’t have like an editor or anything like that so uh anything you see is just me it’s just me um yeah any other the content creation any of the editing that’s all it’s all me myself the Channel’s been going out for

Four years I think we we just did our fourth week of horror so that’s how I kind of how I keep track of it and yeah it’s been quite a quite an adventure think this is my third Zoo I’ve built oh stretch it’s about time for that poptart yeah we’re going to get

That out all right so this will be the brown sugar poptart which honestly I think are delicious anyway so reason why I eat Pop-Tarts isn’t just because I’m like obsessed with them or anything but because they’re really easy and I can just grab them and then head on down to the stream

So don’t have to do anything fancy so yeah this kind of what I was talking about and we can put some Vines kind of hanging down over here kind of make it look like it’s really overgrown that should work out just fine we kind of need a central spine for

This thing here though so start filling this thing in so what we’re doing right here is exactly what I did all over there okay all of that that’s all custom built that’s not actual natural landscape so should do Jurassic Park series uh where you do the

Same thing as this but in survival and instead dinos yeah that’s um Jurassic Craft I think is the name of the mod and yes i’ I’ve looked into it in a sense like like I kind of want to do That who knows maybe uh zawa season 4 will be a dino Park oh another bobit good luck with that man oh you you got another bobit so you already got it okay nice yeah Bob at worms dangerous things there it was I told you there’s a sneeze

Coming it was just like 10 minutes late knew it was approaching though speaking of approaching there’s yet another tarantula those things are everywhere around here they’re telling me that that that was like the rare variety or something I’m like I see Constantly so in fact if anyone wants just come and snag them off the island okay interesting shape there way better than just the the openness of nothing so I like open this of nothing man dang that’s a heck of a band name um I didn’t like how you can just see

The exhibits so easily next to each other so I need to create some bigger Stone path or stone barriers in between them so people um so people can sneak in here you know or like they um they have to kind of walk between the big rock

Piles to get around in here what snakes are there I’m not actually sure actually um cuz this is these are all the animals that are in here um at least all the ones that are part of zawa I think I’m not sure if any of these things are

Other I thought like the Anaconda was in here but I mean that was last season so yeah know these are all the um I don’t think there are any snakes to be honest not that I can think of I know they had the rattlesnake and the Anaconda last Season all right and this thing is almost completely filled in at least that part is yeah that’s good so we still got to get up there and do a lot of like the vegetation up on top we still need to do that on the other Island too yep or says no snakes

Yet which my friend Chris would U absolutely love to hear that because he’s not a f fan of snakes oh we got a hole right here we got to fill in there we go now because there is an overhang on this thing that should make it so there’s like yeah areas here where

We got to get torches in there so that things don’t spawn it should be fine that to stop anything from spawning in there looks like it’s turning night time yet again so creepers be creeping again almost like there’s a day night cycle in this game it’s the strangest

Thing I heard a trantula crawling towards me in the middle of the night oh it did that’s Comforting see I think you’d make an awesome bison exhibit I feel bad cuz well I don’t think there are bison in this version but in zawa rebuilt there was and I I think I gave him like a really small exhibit so I feel bad so I probably should have done better on that

One Get out of here trench so many of them just over there too okay let’s go pick all those up I’m repairing my pickaxe with the my killing killing tarantulas stash those away with the other 30 some that we killed already All right get some more Stone fill this in here now this like this is the skunk exhibit so this will be uh fully enclosed then or at least on this side for when we do the next episode that’s kind of fun whoops that was a lot more than I REM I meant to

Remove yeah we we’ll roll with it Though okay and and looks like we have one more little area here so this basically just fills in this little bit right here now the path is going to continue this way in front of the the U skunk exhibit which looks like it has some tarantulas in it

Already and then it’s going to go over here to the turkey EX but now I only see maybe I’m just not close enough I only see two things of turkeys in there is there four I get closer oh there’s there’s stuff there’s definitely stuff in there

Now oh yeah there’s more of than yeah there’s four turkeys okay I was going to say I just wasn’t close enough I was like don’t tell me the turkeys have all disappeared already okay I got to get in here plug this up I’ll do that now where are you there you are right

There tangul CU I don’t have anything in here yet so anything that is in here isn’t supposed to be in here okay at him H tarantulas okay I’m actually going to leave that I can stay right there there we go that’s fine um do I have where’s the ground blocks right

There I have just grass I just see a piece of grass I don’t actually like this being Stone so we’re going to switch that up with grass better all right there we Go good good all right so that looks a little bit more unique than what it was before um you know adding like the little bit overhang it inside the exhibit here on this side that volcano volcano is going to be the death of me I swear we’re working on working on some

Landscaping in between the exhibits right Now um just doing this between the badger and the skunky exhibit right now taking a break from the volcano dig just cuz um I was getting a little little droning on and on you know it’s kind of getting a little boring so like right here too we want

Fill in some of this actually there’s I’s see a spot on the map that I missed over here hold on mhm right there there we go right this spot in between where the turkey exhibit is and where the bathrooms are uh exhibit touch-ups well

We had to kind of tweak it a little bit because of the the cliff edge of building there moved in a little bit a little bit but it’s fine earlier in the Stream we built the turkey exhibit so if you guys weren’t here for this we added this to the to

The zoo they’re laying their eggs in there all over the place so yeah we have turkeys now it’s a very similar biome to what the skunk exhibit is in because they’re they’re found in the same places all right so this area I have kind of carving back and going that way

I never actually did finish doing the back side of this sounds like we have a visitor out out there um never did finish the back side of this thing here so I still got to do that but I have this kind of like marked out here where I was going

To actually I have no idea what this one’s for I guess where I was going to go with it but honestly I’m going to change that up and I’m going to go a different different Direction with this I am going to bring it over this

Way far more more Ma I only need the two oops that one’s not supposed to be there yeah I got too I’m good I’m good with MAA but and because this part here is oh my gosh are you kidding me this part right here I’m going to

Have kind of connect to the back side of this now the back side of this is the the real trick because it’s already in the water so I’m going to have to bring it out a little bit further how much how much wiggle room do we have let me maybe maybe maybe pill

Her up here come on you can do it put your back into it cuz I don’t really want to raise this up too much in the back here cuz there’s not a lot of place to go with it you know so maybe Boop right

Here as far as we’re going to go with it I’ll have to get under underwater here and fix up the part where next to the ground all a whole lot to put right here we’re going to just bring this out like so I think I saw a jellyfish down there too

That is trying to murder me oh he moved oh there’s a Nautilus that thing still have health holy cow that tough jellyfish star nny welcome to the stream uh put all the Tarantulas drops in item frames against the outer wall of the island as warning to other arthropods like Effigies all right so there is going to be some spawnable locations in here

Though so we’re going to kind of throw on some torches on the back side of this wall gosh oh I just I just dropped my sword too I think where did I put where my sword go oh it just disappeared magically it’s back couple of spiders in the area who’ have

Thought got 44 of those things so yeah we are going to have to build up that back wall just a little bit so that we can keep the keep the turkeys in there and also make it look like part of the island not quite sunet this will give me

A hard time for to sleep this will give me a chance to eat some Pop-Tart ow I heard it I heard it where is it so many of these things no joke who needs an Ender Ender when you can just kill tarantulas for your XP all right it’s morning we got three more

Tranchulas that we’ve killed add that to the collection N I fell into a cave well you know what you do when you fall into a cave there’s only one thing you can do then grab your balls throw them at the top and wait patiently okay well here we are there’s another

Tarantula oh he bit me ow ow ow ow [Laughter] ow so many of these things I’ve almost up to made it up to a stack of those all right let’s keep on building here so the pathway itself is going to go right along with that but I got to

Actually build up land here so that I can actually get a path put in just going to put all of this basically Underground try to limit the amount of uh Terrible Things spawning that can spawn down here Koala nice keep that thing away from me he uh he’ll definitely Escape trying to visualize how I’m going to do this because I don’t mind hugging the edge of this wall here but I could actually just kind of steer it off that way because it’s going to need to be over there anyway a shark in the water there sharks don’t attack you unless

You’re actually injured that’s definitely a shark shark better animals plus oh there’s a bobbit worm hey or skull bobit worm over here you want another Boba worm more Skillets right there I don’t want to even touch that thing I think it’s going to kill me I have one bobit worm stashed away

That or skull captured apparently they are kind of dangerous creepy too the worms that stick out of the water and bite things and kill them I think once they get you get grabbed by one of those things you’re basically toast aren’t you yeah that’s definitely a bobit

Worm so far away well looks like that’s Bad News Bears for this bobit worm yeah I don’t I don’t want to mess with this thing a it takes some hits though wow it takes a lot of hits I can’t kill this thing there finally it’s dead holy

Cow yeah I just did not want to mess with that wasn’t all About That Yo all right I don’t see any blue ring oh no there’s a blue ring octopus right there so those things are aggressive apparently so got watch out for that too all right now what I was kind of

Focusing on before I saw the Baba worm was what if that what if that Ridge actually connected over to here somewhere a little bit closer over here this is where the uh cabara are so like what if we brought it to like right here I’m eyeballing at people I case you’re wondering not a bad job on eyeballing it now this could actually caus it so that some mobs I think spawn inside the wall which like uh ocean mobs but whatever unless there’s some rule saying they need to have access to the

Sky now I’m all nervous I’m like looking around for another bobit worm like it’s going to know what I did I know what you did I saw it so I think the animal that uh ORS is still looking for is a giant Squid I should tell him that that’s what I see oh a giant squid on me and he’ll be flying back okay octopus that’s not a great place for you to be not going Li because you are about to get completely trapped in there forever and ever just so you know all right I

Make tarantula step on land for two seconds immediately okay like we’re good I think all the truls have been taken care of all right so that land right there will curve upwards and kind of hug this area right here obviously the the um Beacon won’t be here forever and ever so

This is where the path coming over this way will go and uh let’s see so it goes this way in front of here there’s going to be a a left and a right you can take here the left will take you up to the Penguins and the right will take you on

To where the large cats are and stuff over this way hugging around the entire edge of the volcano now the volcano remember we got the ring here for representing where the Caldera is and we’ve done quite a bit of digging in this live stream here but we got a lot a

Lot of work to do on that like a lot oh my God that’s going to be insane I’m going to definitely be doing some of that in between like off camera there’s no way I’m going to be able to do all this on on camera that’s just too much Digging yeah that’s what we carved out in this stream so far we still got to remove all that that’s what that was my goal this stream was to remove all this but I don’t see that happening I see me running out steam way before then all right let me get keep going on

This uh this area here the terrain here so some of these ribs that I put in for the uh for around the bathroom here aren’t going to remain like this one right here it’s going to change because it’s going to connect to this here um I didn’t actually I didn’t actually intend

On building a turkey exhibit until just recently so uh I’m putting these uh blocks here because they are a block lower than where the path is going to be so I can put down gravel and everything else I might need to do there um let’s grab

This quick grab some of this out of here move some of this B salt nope take that out of there the salt in there all right there we go and black sand too sure all we got a whole bunch more sand now so it’s at this elevation I got to bring this

Over so that I can then put the path in here all right we got to get rid of this little tree here be gone I’m actually going to continue this all the way over even Beyond where the path is looks like you need a couple thousand tons of dynamite yeah that

Would help I don’t know if you have any of that laying around but yeah that would definitely help all right don’t need that one little thing a dark oak acorn I got that off there you know maybe we’ll take that and we’ll put that in here and then we’ll put that down here

And take a nap I hear it I hear a tantula oh no that’s a turkey never mind tanul has got me Paranoid all right so this will create a whole new path then for me to stand on a whole new world basically what I’m doing is I’m creating a whole new world here this was not this whole island was not designated for this it wasn’t wasn’t designed to look like this look completely

Different I’m trying to get the Islands to match too in case you’re wondering like the uh the Stony parts from both Islands so they were two very different one was a Rose Field and this one is a volcanic field we’re trying to get him to look the same minus the particles obviously

Floating in the sky because the volcanic ash in the in the area just think is a cool detail but all right let’s get rid of those all right this is starting to look kind of like a kind of like an actual land mass here all right so these have to be

Removed the sand because the path is supposed to come over this way see I gave in I almost joining the service oh yeah you can join whenever you’d like we’ll be here for quite a while still I was mentioning that earlier in the Stream about how uh

Um if people are wondering if you have enough time to log in and actually build a zoo before the server comes to an end yes you do because the these zoos usually take me about a year and a half and we are about only a third of the way

Through that so um to to build these things we’re on episode 20 something it’s usually episode 70 something that I finally wrap up the zoo build so you got you got plenty of time all right let’s mark out the outline of the actual path itself so some of this stuff will

Actually be kind of coming out a little bit further here all right and then this one right here this is where the um side path is going to go for going to see the turkey Keys uh we do have a um a fish we do have a uh couple of

Community events that we’ve done also on the server so far I was going to turn one into an episode but um unfortunately the person who won the won the competition didn’t really set up a time to build an exhibit together which is kind of suck even now it’s been a while

I don’t know if I can actually get that out um when you do uh when you do join MBD oh M be sure to post your videos to the Discord channel so we can watch the progress uh that idea you mentioned earlier sounds really cool yeah we do

Have a u there is a Discord if you do join a the the tier that you need to To Join This Server you get access to the grimer gang Discord and that’s where we all are that’s where we’re playing so uh you’ll be able to join in that fun and

You can post your videos there in the in the grimer gang and then everybody who’s part of it will be able to see Him all right this will be just like a small little spot right here basically so then there’ll be like a little Inlet here where people can come and see the turkeys now all of this this wall right here that I just put in right here this thing needs to connect to that stuff

Over here God that’s going to be rough I have faith we can do it start off by redefining these ribs here because this isn’t going to work Anymore let we just did that man there are some crazy kids bounc around upstairs holy cow I don’t know if you guys can hear that on the stream or not but it sounds like the house is about to fall over they must be jumping off of something or

Whatever there we go connect that to there and we just fill in the land in between them we golden this doesn’t quite match up uhhuh tarantula just everywhere okay let’s try to get this to connect I over here instead you poor coach my poor floor my house is falling apart kids are

Literally destroying it they little ring bolts All right got to try to connect that over to that other one there all right there we go see it’s turning into actual land masses slowly so this obviously need to get covered up that’s the bathrooms that’s built into the cliff side are they up here too they’re up

Here too holy cow I thought maybe because I buil this land they wouldn’t be on it but no they’re up here too spiders they’re Everywhere all right I was actually a part of vintage beef’s original Zoo server uh and built a zoo kind of close to MD nice yeah all right that was that was where season um that’s where season 1 was that’s where Wildwood was wood was built um was on that one so excited to

Do it again yeah this it’s I mean I’ve I’ve been going nonstop since then my god seriously doesn’t sound like the house is falling down kids are just stomping like crazy up There but yeah so you you uh you have an idea of what it takes to build a zoo it sounds like it’s not for the faint of Heart okay I think that part is filled in now so good we got some land put in there can keep using up all the stone that we just dug up up there doesn’t look like we did anything from this angle because this hunk of land is still

In the way but when that’s removed completely you’re going to definitely see a different shape this whole thing it is going to make it look a lot less Grand I’m thinking because this is such a towering hunk of land but once we it’ll at least look like a

Volcano cuz right now right now it looks like a plateau with lava pouring out some sides of it let’s do this and put this thing actually I do have them in there but they’re not supposed to be there take a snooze yeah come quite away since season

1 the the the original season was on Vintage beef’s patreon server um so if you’re a patron of vintage beef you could get access to the the zawa server that he set up then and he can go play on it which is what I did so that’s uh

That’s how zawa began for me that’s how I started playing I remember seeing beef series and uh or most of his series actually and I was like yeah that’s that’s pretty fun I could probably do [Laughter] that that was the extent of my thought process yeah I could probably do that

And here we are three four years later still go up all right so this can now start to connect back to the land and then we’re just going to outline the coast basically with Stone see a drown down there I like how a clear the water gets with the night vision that you get from the backpack there’s a dolphin I made a comment that I I finally found a dolphin I had never seen one actually spawn in here and that was

True I never had um but since then I’ve seen them spawn all over the place okay so now we just got to connect all of this over to there what’s up with the map the map was map up top was going a little weird

But this I I every time I see that ring on top of the volcano I get a little freaked out I’m like man that’s gonna be so much work this like gray area right here is actually just the layers of B salt um so we’re going to have to dig

Farther down you can see like this is gray like darker gray compared to this right here which is lighter gray that’s actually because the farther up I think is cuz I think we this isn’t balt anymore I think this is actually just Stone but the stone seems a little bit

Different colors even though the same block it’s cuz the higher the elevation I think the the color actually changes hence why you can see like different variations of it on here uh and people use that when they’re creating block Arts to create different shades of different colors kind of blows

My mind so they’ll build higher up to create a different look you know H that’s at least that’s what tenkin was trying to explain to me uh when I was touring her Zoo because they there’s some people on there that did some incredible block hearts spiders Got the haste going got to be careful about that break my legs so by creating these like basically what I call I call them ribs I don’t know what they’re actually called but um by creating these ribs they um it gives me an out line to follow for whenever

I’m trying to create the uh the actual land and it’s basically like wire framing yeah it’s basically like wire framing so then you connect things together easily I’ve never actually done any kind of like massive Landscaping thing like this where you kind of re redesign like

The entire land so I’ve done like the S Gordo I did where I I basically just carved it down create a rough shape and then I just changed up the blocks on it like I would any kind of exhibit uh but as far as building an entire

Island I don’t think I’ve done that yet anyway it’s kind of the same as like uh if you were to play like Sky Block or something you have to build everything that haste I usually just disconnect the haste but since we’re going to be over here working and doing the volcano thing

I kind of have to keep it hooked up I guess I could disconnect I mean I I got plenty of iron I can always reconnect it Later okay let’s reach that yeah we can so I’m just building out of stone right now but obviously I got to I got to change that up still I got to uh I’m going to end up building out of uh building with grass and stuff too in

This so I’m not out of the woods even when I get all the stuff Placed yeah oh whole lot of building Big Stretch big shout out though to uh to Peter for adding on to his uh his lead uh in the top Super Chat for these streams and also to Nickel plays for being added to the board uh and any

Super Chat of any amount lands people on the billboard of sponsors so if You’ like to get your name on there uh any super chat or or super thanks during a video too will’ll get you on there too so you don’t have to wait for these uh

These videos or these live streams but if you do want to get on there live on camera you can do it right now yeah any Super Chat of any M gets you on there um could be $1 but if you want to beat uh if you want to be Peter

It’s going to be $261 trust me when I say he will be very salty if you do Che spiders everywhere spider spider spider all right we got almost a stack of these spiders killed Uh I will let them I will let you have the top uh slot till the next live stream there you go you heard it from him himself right there and then I will crush you so you’ll at least maintain the top spot for at least this uh this

Stream then Peter’s coming back with a Vengeance okay I think that’s that’s probably pretty good let’s take a peek and see how that Cliff face actually looks not bad I mean we got to add the foliage and stuff still but not bad fell down here where all the spiders are we’re also running out of uh Stone

That’s kind of a good problem to have isn’t it all right so this one hits a little bit Lower yeah this will be fine whoops plus I do that in which case then that sucks can I can I do a little accurate ball throw in here yep we did get a little m in there all right back to that one where you get this piece of gold from

Did that drop from the drown this is 116 so I think they still drop gold cuz Copper’s not in it yet dang it I didn’t mean to do Nonstop Zoo building this is the all the stuff that goes in between the exhibits so actually this can probably stay down low here oh there you go or skull slept good thing too cuz I was kind of right in the zone there there’s a octopus sticking out of the water over

There looking around all right I’m gone back down no he’s back no he’s upside down no he’s back all right so I wasn’t planning on doing any of this Landscaping actually this live stream I was planning just digging up the volcano but that got boring real fast so now you can see how

I did this uh before if you were tuning in the live stream earlier um you um I I put these markers on saying dig to here so up at the top of the volcano I Look to that spot that’s where I’m trying to get the base of the volcano to and so I

Start digging that way so that way I have a marker to go after but challenge accepted by Todd uh I always get confused when you say Ender balls yeah it’s the Ender balls see it says right there e n d e r b a l LS [Laughter] duh fill all this stuff in all right let’s bring it over here try connect this here so I get a little of an idea of where I’m going with It all right this has been a crazy Zoo build even so far and I know we’re not even really all the way through with it this is just getting started we doing we’re at 7 and 1 half hours for the live stream holy cow I don’t know if I want to go for

Another like 12h hour although that might be what’s necessary just for completing all of this U eight eight and a half hours would probably be a good good live stream I I think I am going to try to push for that one I got to see what the

The rest of the family is doing but I’m going to try to push for that one I’m going to try to do wild mener on probably Sunday going to do a live stream Wild mener on Sunday so if you guys are watching then that’s that’s what I’ll be

Probably trying to play cuz I I kind of forgot what we were doing I know we’re building that Oasis and we’re getting the all plants and stuff built and stuff and whatnot but I I know there’s something about like Gods we supposed to be releasing so I mean I’m starting to have

Trouble remembering what it is so that’s why I kind of need to get back at it we freed the one and the did the salt flats or something right that gave us the cape that we can glide now with I think that’s where we last left off But I think there was what four yeah I say I got to go again it’s slate and I’m oh super tired and super cold all right man uh try to get some get warmed up at least and get some rest how is uh how is stuck will wi oh

Stuck I was stuck Willy doing he’s uh I’m sure he’s fine I’ll go check on him here in just a second yeah let’s go check on stuck wiie real Fast actually I don’t see him anymore I think stuck wheelie despawned or jumped into lava we tripped on a gopher hole one of those things happen but stuck willly doesn’t appear to be here anymore just the African lake sick L Is Here Yeah from earlier in the Stream

Yeah know suck willly is uh he he went on to bigger and better things he’s not there anymore somebody had to have moved him in there cuz they don’t they don’t spawn there all right so this area right here will be all underground some lights in here so that nothing spawns

Create a little depth there all right connecting up to there fill this all in this will give me plenty of space to uh to actually put uh like grass in here and stuff it should look pretty good in the end let’s see that was it was the uh ghost of

Colin he’s going to put it there all right you know I Hear tarantula oh yeah a lot of building plus also I think here in about uh 20 minutes or so I think is when our nightly U server uh restart happens to keep the leg down low so I probably will wrap things up right around then I’m thinking we’re

Just going to kind of chill out and do some uh little Landscaping here for the the rest of the stream and then we’ll wrap things up before the server goes offline for a little bit to re restart should give us a warning oh man just smacked into the

Ground there what is that little guy oh it’s a jellyfish I was like what’s his name is squid we’ll call him squidge all right so this has got to be a pretty steep Cliff Edge right here like really steep Cliff Edge cuz it’s only going to get like a

Little bit like that over it I’m going to have to build up something in the front of this too to make this even make sense there we Go yeah this got a narrow hunk of land right here it’s not not going to look that great so so might have to tweak this a little bit later yeah I’m thinking that’ll probably be a good stopping point we’ll go for about another 25 minutes today so if you

Guys are hoping to get on the Super Chat the billboard uh of sponsors about 25 minutes or so we’re going to wrap the stream up I’m thinking I’ll probably be doing a lot of digging off camera cuz you guys saw what I’m up against that

Volcano so most likely be doing a lot of digging off camera Yes so TI if you you are going to beat Peter it’s only about going to be about 20 minutes I don’t know if that’s exactly worth it so sleeping under the stars in the Zoo okay hopefully I can get this part filled in here real quick No I’m staying out of it for a little while yeah I was going to say with only 20 some minutes left to go I don’t know if it’s really worth it then but just want to give you a heads up you know so you drop like the 2601 and then

Like all right thanks well anyway I’m going to leave okay this is coming together nicely it’s a little awkward shape right here because it’s like got to connect to that area up there and then it’s got this thin little body of land right here that it’s going to be kind of basically

Holding back the ocean to keep the turkey Safe more Stone it’s been a pretty decent uh live stream though we did get a uh we we got a new top Super Chat which uh same person just new top Super Chat with Peter and uh and then we got U we got some new animals we

Got some kangaroos which I don’t think I had those before as well as the MAA got a couple of them and uh we had the blackf footed ferret but that’s cuz I had acquired it from uh Uncle Dave’s animal Refuge so um it’s kind of nice to get new

Animals all right I think that’s filled in completely yeah that’s filled in completely now sweet nope not right here it’s not you know there’s probably a trantula or six down there somewhere Okay I think that is now completely filled in can actually check by going down here killing the tarantulas that are down here CU there always are tarantulas down here okay we can look up and we can see any light that’s sticking through like right there there’s light

But I think that’s cuz that’s the part that we’re up to yep yeah I think we got everything underneath here nice all right so that’s that’s already a huge Improvement to this area now let’s just see if we got not quite 20 minutes let’s see if

We can’t uh get this part as done as we can now this isn’t actually finished though that’s the thing this is a as done as we can which means it’s a uh I’ll have to come back later and do the um foliage and the you know this uh

Place for the spiders to hide into all the all the grass and the um um hold on sorry I can hear him and he’s bugging me okay all of the oh not not done yet oh he died on my Thorns that’s what you get spider uh we’ll do all the grass and

Foliage up here as well as the custom palm trees and stuff cuz all these palm trees if you guys haven’t been keeping up with the series if this is the first time tuning in or whatever all these palm trees are custom built they’re all built block by

Block so all of them that you see in they’re they’re all handil they take a while all right let’s get some of these other ribs put in here this little bit right here actually just going to be kind of like a littleit like a little little body of land that’s kind

Of sticking up over here to like right about here yeah it’s like that this one doesn’t need to be much of anything so then this will connect over to that but it’ll create just enough barrier that you’re still feeling like you’re kind of nestled inside the The Volcano volcanic island you

Know now we’re going to have to go through and actually add in a lot of like lava flows or old lava flows even So like um like the balt will have taken over that area and that’ll be that’s where the black sand and stuff comes in real Handy bring that over

Running out of stone that’s a good thing CU I know where we can get More fill this in here carbon that back just a wee bit yeah something like that so I remember the path actually here actually will be right here this is where where the elevation is on so we just put down this layer of stone here so if I put

Gravel or whatever in there it doesn’t just fall fall forward So do that there we go back that up just a little Bit good good let’s grab some more Stone out of here quick 15 minutes till the nightly reset happens unless uh the time has been shifted I know that just restarting in whatever this oh I was like I heard somebody hi oh what does he have

Here he’s got maaz hey thanks man I was like I heard something take damage immediately I was thinking oh no one of the animals no but no his Z skull dropping off some cause uh yeah hopefully hopefully the server resets at the same time now I mean if

Not well then we’ll figure it out I can go back down I me fall in Here but is bringing TNT I mean hey I’ll use that too I mean honestly though I don’t mind I think it’s probably better to dig that that um volcano out than uh rather than use TNT because um one I collect the resources that helps me for you know I can use for building

And two that uh the TNT will undoubtedly leave like little bits floating in places and that’s going to be a real nightmare to Fix there you go there all right so there’s a hunk of land right there feel sneeze again oh it’s going to be here in about 10 minutes maybe it’s like last time when I like I think I feel a sneeze in like 10 minutes went by and all sudden out of Nowhere go the haste I’m telling you the haste is just killing me sometimes so I also I’ve been doing some experiment experiments with some of the games that I play to see if I can kind of put a fresh new spin on them actually just because uh I think it’s been over a

Year since I’ve been playing Planet crafter you know and it’s been uh a couple years of doing this you know so I kind of try to find a fresh new take on some of the series that I I currently play to see if I can do something kind

Of fun with them I like I mentioned earlier about how NE and I discovered that if you just ignore the trader in seven days to die it adds a whole different Dynamic to the game you don’t spend all your skill points on daring Adventure or an intellect you have to

Figure out how to make things yourself and find things it changes the game completely it’s awesome um so that’s like one uh example of it I also thought about doing a planet crafter uh series with the randomized ores on uh once we finish with season 2 of course that one

Might actually happen if we do a season 3 if you guys are interested I might do a hardcore randomized ores uh run in Planet crafter wouldn’t that be exciting so I haven’t actually died in Planet crafter so I guess the hardcore aspect would be just because it’ be fun

And maybe click baity but uh the um yeah unless of course I do die of course randomize ores that’s that’s kind of that’s the thing isn’t it like that’s that’s going be very tough to find what you need then things being all random all over the place out that’s going be

Tough I say my sneezes feel more like Sonic booms rather than the typical auu um all right we got this part filled in so that’s part is actually done too nice awesome awesome stuff all right so let’s uh let’s turn some of this into bricks right here and

What we’re going to do is we’re going to replace on skunk exhibit right here we’re going tol this top row with those so that we can get ready for putting down the um the fence and then this one right here I think I’m going to just leave exactly the way it

Was right there because I have a feeling that the when I start building up the terrain it’s going to be something like along the lines of this so yeah that’s that’s the skunk viewing area right there in fact we can go ahead and start filling in the stone

Now that we have that outlined in front here here right little bit still left in there W there’s little more right there running a little low on stone in there which did we finish off the glass backpack too no we still got plenty in there never mind no no Heavens

No well I haven’t seen a notice about the stream or the server restarting in 15 minutes so maybe that was all just a just a lie probably still going to wrap up the stream though then when that gu we get closer to that going to do the same thing for the turkeys here

I was going to say that thing just deflected are they super tulous now and then right here we can actually have the land build up and connect again so oh that’s sir or skull that’s not helping our skull I actually thought for just a second I there it

Is resets at 7 oh well I mean it’s 7 here so I don’t know what time it is there put these things in here so close off the turkey exhibit Completely yeah the the concept of uh surviving uh on planet crafter when the ores are randomized It’s tricky because like uh I did a test on it actually in fact I if I do the actual challenge again or if I actually do the challenge

I I kind of want to find a world similar to this um I didn’t have any iron there wasn’t any iron on the ground so wrap your head around that for a for a second no iron on the ground and you have to build like a place that takes

Iron I say no iron on the ground that doesn’t mean you can’t get iron but you have to you have to like loot for it basically changes that up completely completely like it’s a whole becomes a whole different game then so like if you want to build a wind

Turbines those take iron if you want to build anything it takes iron so without iron you’re kind of screwed wonder how many clicks per second I do I’m not I’m just sitting here wondering that as I’m just spamming this all right and then right here we’re going to go

Ahead and get some of these things going here I could actually do like like these you know I I don’t know why I always stick to Cobblestone though like I don’t know I just think it I I got used to it I guess um and now I just can’t can’t go

Back yeah let’s change this up just a wee bit yeah I guess it’s Fine yeah I could totally use stone slabs to make it a much more smoother thing but uh my SP is failing to keep up so good night all good night star and have yourself a wonderful night stupid isps uh but yeah I thought that’d be kind of a

Fun one um we could change this series up too by actually having having me do a a dino park instead like instead of doing a animal one do like T-Rexes and stuff that would be quite a challenge okay so there we got that part put in we can actually since we have the

Bars right here on the on the uh not the fox the um the skunk exhibit we can go ahead and put these guys in the front I did I add the the stone the stone bricks underneath here like I probably should have yeah I did okay

Except in fact I did this one correctly with the crackst bricks and everything I’ll have to get around to that the anteaters oh man I forgot about these guys over here I don’t have the path built over here Yet yeah I don’t have the path built over here yet although it looks like our time is kind of coming to an end so I think this might be all I get done in this stream today did a lot of work a lot of work we did a little bit of

Animal hunting we built this entire turkey exhibit uh we built all of this back here which we haven’t finished the foliage on but we did finish all of the uh the land itself which is incredible uh but yeah all of that we uh we built today including getting the turkeys

Added in there where do you think you’re going Turkey um did all the terraforming in here got all this stuff put in so that we uh have the exhibits kind of broken up a little bit here this was a tremendously huge part that we need to

Finish but even bigger than that we got started on the volcano marking out the Caldera and then of course uh started digging we dug out all of this in the Stream so far and we ended up just right there where we’re at so got a lot to go still on that I’ll

Work on that in between episodes and off camera and stuff and then obviously in future live streams I’ll be back doing more digging cuz this is going to to be more than I can get done just on my own free time so this right here is the

Shape of the volcano it looks like for what we’re going to end up having so that should be fun but yeah I’m thinking that’s going to wrap things up any last second Super chats trying to get on the billboard sponsors this is your last last last chance cuz we are flying back home

Smashing into walls oh no we landed it like a champ I’m going to sort my inventory a little bit here put some stuff away as we wrap up stash the MAA another sweet band name who leg Spike right there we fell one short of a full stack of of tarantulas I’m sure we’ll

Get it I’m not really going to lose sleep over that um let’s uh stash those in there let’s get the uh squid backpack out here drop that in there we got to put the ma cause somewhere which where did I put the other ones they yeah they

Right here a horse bat dolphin that makes sense that they’re all together um maah maah and maah thank you for having SC and happy blade Thanksgiving yeah you too Sak thank you for uh joining me today and enjoying the stream I’m smelling food upstairs too that’s another reason why I’m trying to get

That but believe it or not uh pop Stone actually sustained me for very long I know insert shocked face here uh let’s see I got to finish emptying out my backpacks though here because we got a lot of this stuff in there dump that come on DP it get in get in

There there we go got it good all right and this stuff can come down stash is over here have a great rest of your night yeah you too Todd thank you so much for joining for hanging out anyone who’s been sitting here lurking the whole time

Like you know thank you for lurking I appreciate it um I’ll be back I’m sure I’m not sure what time I’ll be back for another zawa stream but I’ll be back there’s there’s too much to do for me to be back so so live in fear I’ll be back uh soon

As I can done sort this I’ll probably wrap things up though so it’s been a good stream got a lot done even got a couple of new animals too so how about that captured a horse that we didn’t have a horse before a horse of course what block is needed for an armor

Villager um oh isn’t that is is that the leather worker is that the is that The Cauldron it might be the cauldron I cuz I know like the blacksmith uh is that leather worker no I don’t I don’t know if it is or not yeah I’m not sure it’s either that

Or it’s Anvil maybe I don’t know what it is I I’m terrible with villagers I’m bet don’t listen to me Oro probably not a leather worker that’s probably the think he’s H in a long time take this out of there too I don’t actually know who makes the

The armor going to think of it it’s the armor but I mean is that is that just like you have a possibility get even armor from if if you uh do uh no it’s not that okay um if you do like a a smithing table cuz

I I thought that thought that just gives them like this is a smithing table right here I thought that that just makes them into tool Smiths so uh no no idea oh I only have two arrows left wow okay I need to invest sometime with some

Arrows if only there was a place that I could get a whole lot of feathers get the zoo shirts if only there’s a place where I could get a whole lot of feathers like real fast I just need Flint now which I have for a

Fortune pick I can get I just have to grind out some gravel but all right I think that’s probably going to wrap things up here I think uh the backpacks are emptied right that’s the flower backpack I don’t really care about that one think backpacks are emptied yep they are all

Right so yeah that was basically it I think thinking we’re going to wrap things up here so thank you guys so much for donating your eyeballs and ear holes uh to this live stream enjoy the leftover sandwich um I will be back of course with more zawa for your eyeballs and

Your holes to enjoy if you’re looking for an episode today this live stream took the place of the episode I figured it’d be fun to actually hang out with you guys so hopefully you enjoyed the live stream we did get an exhibit build so if you’re catching it if you jump to

The end just to see what what happened we built the turkey exhibit okay it’s in the first half of the live stream first it’s the first thing we did before we even started working on the uh the volcano so if you’re looking for where that is that’s where it

Is but I’m going to get out of here you guys it’s been great hopefully guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are looking forward to the happy holidays that are coming up thank you everybody for watching and for everybody who did the super chats Peter and and nickel thank

You so much for all that that was incredible um I will see you guys in the next one though and uh if not I’ll see you guys next week uh have yourself a wonderful rest of your day and weekend and tune in on Sunday for the wild mener

Liv stream if you guys have some time all right take it easy everybody bye-bye What

This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP: Zoo and Wild Animals (ZAWA) Together Mod – LIVESTREAM #5 – Turkeys and a BIG Volcano’, was uploaded by GReimer Gaming on 2023-11-25 01:35:45. It has garnered 324 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 08:01:35 or 28895 seconds.

Made popular by VintageBeef’s “Building A Zoo” series, the Zoo and Wild Animals, or ZAWA mod, adds an incredible amount of wildlife to Minecraft. The task is simple: build a zoo! This season will be a joined by several friends and my Patrons (which could be you)! Let’s build a zoo!

ZAWA Together Modpack Download – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/zawa-together

If you enjoy my content, and wish to be whitelisted on this server, please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/greimer

GREIMER MERCH IS AVAILABLE! https://my-store-de7b1c.creator-spring.com/

Got fan art? I want to see it! Send it to me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/GamingGreimer

Looking for a great public ZAWA server to play on? Check out the Omega Server! Home of VintageBeef! Omega Server’s Website: https://www.omegaminecraft.com/

#minecraft #zawamod #ZAWATogether

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  • Netherbound: My Own Steed! | Minecraft Ch. 6

    Netherbound: My Own Steed! | Minecraft Ch. 6 Exploring the Nether and Taming a Steed in Minecraft Chapter 6 On the latest Minecraft stream by TheLeemThatStreams, viewers were treated to an exciting adventure in the Nether and the unexpected joy of taming a steed. Let’s dive into the highlights of this thrilling chapter! Into the Nether The stream began with Theo bravely venturing into the Nether, a dangerous dimension filled with lava, hostile mobs, and treacherous terrain. Armed with determination and a trusty pickaxe, Theo navigated through the fiery landscape, uncovering hidden treasures and battling formidable foes along the way. Key Point: The Nether is a challenging… Read More

  • Survival 1.8.7: Episode 3 – TLR’s Minecraft Rhyme Time

    Survival 1.8.7: Episode 3 - TLR's Minecraft Rhyme Time In the Nether, we ventured, flames all around, With potions in hand, we explored, spellbound. Blazes and ghasts, oh what a fright, But we pressed on, with all our might. Mining for quartz, and gathering glowstone, Our adventure in the Nether, not done alone. Dodging lava, and avoiding the heat, Our survival skills, truly elite. Back in the Overworld, we crafted and built, Our base taking shape, our creativity spilt. From mining to farming, our skills on display, In Minecraft Survival, we’ll always find a way. So join us next time, for more fun and delight, In the world… Read More

  • Crafted our first poke-fun, Minecraft style!

    Crafted our first poke-fun, Minecraft style! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Thyotherside is the name, crafting dreams. With a pokeball in hand, catching mobs with glee, Their humor and wit, a sight to see. From Twitch to YouTube, they bring the fun, Spinning rhymes and jokes, until the day is done. So subscribe and follow, join the ride, With Thyotherside, let’s take Minecraft in stride. Read More

  • Can’t Get Blaze Rods on Peaceful Mode?!

    Can't Get Blaze Rods on Peaceful Mode?! Interesting Minecraft Fact: Impossible to Obtain Blaze Rods in Peaceful Mode! Today, let’s delve into an intriguing fact about Minecraft. Did you know that it is impossible to obtain Blaze Rods in Peaceful mode? This element adds an extra layer of challenge for players looking to acquire this valuable resource. Blaze Rods and Their Importance Blaze Rods are a crucial item in Minecraft, primarily used for brewing potions. They are obtained by defeating Blazes in Nether Fortresses. However, in Peaceful mode, hostile mobs like Blazes do not spawn, making it impossible to collect Blaze Rods through traditional means. Challenges… Read More

  • Klee’s Mini Minecraft Display: A Model Mayhem!

    Klee's Mini Minecraft Display: A Model Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, a new model display, Klee mini model, ready to play. For Java Edition, a character so fine, Just load with Yes Steve Model, it’s time to shine. For just a few dollars, you can have it all, Support the creator, stand tall. Get your hands on this model, don’t delay, In the world of Minecraft, let Klee lead the way. Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ‘ป #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ‘ป #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft ๐ŸŽƒ #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft ๐ŸŽƒ #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?๐ŸŽƒ #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) ยท Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi โ„— 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkฤฑnda; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yฤฑlฤฑnda kurulmuลŸ olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eลŸsiz deneyimler sunmaktadฤฑr.Yรถnetici ekibimiz yฤฑllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde รงalฤฑลŸmฤฑลŸ olup รงalฤฑลŸmalarฤฑnฤฑ bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncularฤฑn Minecraft dรผnyasฤฑnda daha neler yapabildiklerini gรถstermektir. Yรถnetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kiลŸi olmakla beraber gece gรผndรผz oyuncularฤฑmฤฑzฤฑn neler daha fazla dikkatini รงekeceฤŸi รผzerine รงalฤฑลŸmaktadฤฑr Ekibimizi kฤฑsaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazฤฑlฤฑmcฤฑlar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda gรผzel vakitler geรงirmeye davet ediyoruz. play.hypenosnetwork.com Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – https://dsc.gg/rigolosmp Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing ๐Ÿ˜€ Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you ๐Ÿ˜‰ Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ disc.gearsmc.com +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: blaze.obliv.us (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ™

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

    Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning "Me: sees a popular trap in Minecraft Also me: avoids it by running straight into a different trap It’s all about that element of surprise, right?" Read More

  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

    Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage A Beautiful Minecraft Cottage – Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial Embark on a creative journey with this simple 15-minute Minecraft build tutorial! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, this step-by-step guide will help you construct a charming cottage in no time. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building and unleash your creativity! Materials Before you start building, gather the necessary materials such as wood, stone, glass, and other resources. These materials will form the foundation of your cottage and add character to your creation. The Base Begin by laying down the base of your cottage. Create a sturdy… Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! ๐Ÿ”ฅ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: ๐ŸŒŸ Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! ๐ŸŒˆ Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. ๐Ÿ”จ **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by ฮ›sk ฮ›bout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft ๐Ÿ‘‰ Magic of HermitCraft ๐Ÿ‘‰ Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? ๐ŸŒ AskAbout.video โœ‹ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel โ€‹โ โ€‹โ  #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE โค๏ธ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” ๐Ÿš€ | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ ๐Ÿš€ My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file ๐Ÿš€ | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC ๐Ÿš€ | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 ๐Ÿš€ |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More