EPIC Lynx Minecraft Adventure! Taking a break from trains!

Video Information

This lovely Sunday I hope everyone has having a lovely day hello hi b14 welcome in hello hello hello it is more Minecraft time because why not it is always Minecraft time don’t you think I think I think it’s always Minecraft time right cat right all right chat um last time we

Played Minecraft which is last week um this week actually never mind we finish that thing over there if it loads in give me a second give me a second there it is the last train station isn’t that crazy I think we have like six tra train station in total and it’s fine and

All but the thing is that we have to put a track down and I hate that so I don’t know how we’re going to do that but you know and oh wait never mind we did this as well last time so that’s good um so we’re either going to continue with the

Train track putting down stuff that not correct English but doesn’t matter um either we put another train drag down a little bit or we’re just going to take a break from the trains and build something else I think that’s great I think that’s a great idea just a

Little bit of a break of the trains um because we got a bunch of stuff to do you know we got we got a couple things here why elytra course I mean we’ll skip this for a little bit we’ll skip this for a little bit we

Could do that but I would have to look for um for for for a for a what’s it called tutorial on YouTube for that and I don’t know why um I do know why never mind but spacial we’re not going to do that maybe we can we can try fixing this

Because this is a little bit meh I mean it looks fine but it’s not what I had in my mind because I wanted to do something over there as well we could we could make a little start on this um I mean we got this little side which is absolutely

Awesome in my opinion also why is there a freaking grass BL over there that I don’t want there um okay sure don’t know why that is there but I think we could do something over here I think we could do something here uh let’s just get some stuff and let’s see

What we can do school stuff overwhelming my entire life a man I’m sorry to hear that fear I hope it gets better soon and I’m glad you can uh pop into stream uh again that’s so sweet thank you so much for joining um hello Paul how’s it going

Welcome in welcome in hope you’re doing well today um let me grab this there you go is hello how are you doing hello hello hello all right what do we need probably this knowing myself um I want oak wood and this I hope I have Oakwood laying around

In the other like the other chests near near the train station um stone brick of course I don’t have stone brick good take that instead and I hope oh I have enough my goodness that’s crazy preparing to go to the airport where are you going where you going but AO that’s

Epic you I’m doing good still coughing as you could hear but U I’m doing good playing Minecraft so I like that I like that hey Sunstar Pegasus thank you so much for the follow welcome in hope you’re doing well today why can’t I hear the sound of alert so they’re so soft

For me but I hope you’re doing well welcome in um back home oh you’re going back home I see I see I see well that’s cool that’s epic um have a safe trip have a safe trip we need this I think I want to use like

Different types of wood as well um so just to be you know just in case we’ll take that with us we probably first need like slabs and everything so we’ll see is it possible to see how many points I would have if I won’t spend any

Ooh like you mean how much you saved up so far without you spending it on VIP and everything because in that case I don’t know I have no idea um maybe you can find on the internet that is like the solution to everything are these sounds for the

Sound alerts like uh too too too too low for you guys also my gaming sounds are too loud there we go all right um I feel like oh that’s better um all right we need slabs probably stairs as well uh we need that awesome awesome

Awesome um I hope the sounds are okay if anything is like too loud or it’s too low can you guys tell me because my goodness it is never good it is never good good my goodness chat let me take a sip of my water all right let’s first just uh put down a

Like lay down a dog or something whatever you want to call it like this because I kind of want to put the stairs like make them go up make them go go can you increase the sound alert a little bit oh God oh God I could do that

Um you mean like the bong and everything or I can hear myself you hear he that oh no oh no why do I hear myself wait can I still hear myself okay no we’re good oh my God can you crease the sound y the Bon okay I can try fixing it I can

Try fixing that if I can find it if I can find it achievement alog discovered sound I didn’t know I could hear my own voice you know I hate it but you know it’s fine I should probably just stand inside a house instead of this a yes the windmill it’s

Done I forgot about that oh that’s bad okay let me see let me see nothing really real real I’m looking for a way out hello hello let me tell you what it’s like to be a zero zero I put it on 85% and then I help it wait we’re going to test this

Sh okay I hope that’s better oh that’s not that one is not down there give me a second it is so weird me me let me die remember walking through the Cod oh I I did the lyrics wrong I’ll just put everything on 100% not going to

Lie for the ways of the ones before me looking for the path of the young and lonely I don’t want to hear about what it should be good now I hope I hope it should work now otherwise I have to figure that out to stream is that loud enough is that loud

Enough you tell me chat you tell me confusion confusion hey Z edits welcome in how you doing hello also hi hello hello my sister how’s it going let me fix this there we go there we go there we go there we go all right what you doing good now

Okay awesome awesome awesome I hope it’s not too loud if it is too loud do let me know let me know let me know your sister is doing fine don’t tell me you’re not my sister hello sister how’s it Going let me take this all right what we’re going to do chat is we’re going to make a path going up here uh because I want to add it like I want to connect it to the ual path over here I am your sister news of the day oh

My god really really we have the same mom what that’s crazy I mean it’s true how are you doing how are you doing all right chat and Dad apparently oh that’s true you’re right you’re right you know there’s nothing wrong there’s nothing wrong we can be sisters we are sisters

But it’s fine don’t tell anyone don’t tell anyone the music is too loud for me I don’t know about you guys but it’s too loud oh God technical issues technical problems this is always the thing is that better I think it’s better sh no you shush sh sh

All right chat let’s see what we can do um I don’t think this is a good idea we need to figure this out because we need to go up we need to go up up up why don’t you come over and talk about anything I need to figure out if I

Want to do it like by one block or like multiple so for like two blocks different when are you going to eat tonight I don’t know oh I do know um I do know I do know actually you want to know you want to know what we’re going

To eat tonight I can tell you if I want to don’t know if I want to yes you’re going to eat um well if you want to eat it bu la worst nobody knows what that is now and I’m going to eat for guys with something don’t know what

Yum that’s very yum I don’t I don’t like that though I don’t like that Mom again hello PA fries [Laughter] yeah that’s it you know what fries are right also you don’t have a choice you have to eat that I’m gonna go okay well was good seeing you you know only you asking about food have a good one away bye-bye all right chat let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see so path is going to be horrible path is going to be horrible um I do want to let it Branch

Out to like the side so that we can do like a little bit of a higher area over here with houses I guess I have one torch that I can put here and otherwise it’s too dark for you guys I’m sorry I’m sorry um let’s just make it our way

Up making my way downtown we can need a little cave in instead of a normal path a little cave you mean like a like I make like a sort of wait you mean like I make it into a mountain so that I have like it go

Up if that makes sense so like this and then I’ll put the paths in here is that what you mean I don’t know if that’s what you mean shining I keep my hand it would look pretty cool that we get like we could go we could go into the

Mountain right here and then we go up this way to the side and then again and then we end up here maybe we can make that work but that means that we have to make like a whole freaking Mountain again and I don’t know how I feel about that but that could

Work technically it could work wait what if I I have stone on me I do stress don’t do it again all right let’s see so you mean like kind of a small little mountain wait I’m not sitting on the right Block again I’m just roughly sketching it out by the way this is not going to be the end do it don’t quit do it again so you mean like sort of an opening right so something like that and then I’ll just make it look go a little bit more up on this

Side see me Shining and then I have to do the same thing up here I guess I mean it could work but that means that we have to do like a bunch of terraforming right here and that’s fine I do want to keep the um this path because I like it

Because I like it because I like it do it don’t quit no stress don’t miss um so what if we just first put the path down and then figure out how to do the rest of it kind of maybe perhaps thank you for the L night um I

Think that could it could work really I think it could work really well I do get rid of that um let’s just make a start first and see where it brings us this might be too white get rid of this and get rid of that that’s better all right I don’t I

Think I’ll just get rid oh my God I forgot about that just put this down don’t put that down we’ll just be doing that I think we’re just going up by one every time maybe switch it over by two sometimes but otherwise I won’t make it most likely I’m destroying this whole

Mountain isn’t that great just for a path just for a path um let’s see I need to make it like let’s see this needs to be in the ground so that we can have like a yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay it needs to go like straight that

Way so now I can get rid of this and then I’ll just make it go straight that way H or will that be ugly man building is no joke building is no joke it is no joke but I’m here nah it could work um I think if we

Like have like a little bit going on here we could make like a kind of sseeing thing like same we can do over here we could do just like an Easter egg here or something don’t know what but it could work could be very cool I think I’m going to do

This and then we’ll do something over there great that is awesome I think it’ll look cool in the end um but the thing is we need to make a turn or something like that so what if we go out the ground over here and then make a small turn that way could that

Work cuz I want to end let it end here I think so okay hello Enderman so like right here maybe maybe without that part I guess that’s ugly um that means that we have to drag it like right here no it could work I think if we get the path going this way

And then we make a slight turn and then this goes down there could work it could work as long as we make the path right now then we should be good um I just don’t know if I want to have like G man why am I thinking so much about

This it is just a path it’s just a path hey Ander how’s it going welcome in welcome in it is good to see you my friend I doing well today okay we could either make a slight turn over here and then go up or just go straight up trying to see what’s better

What could work what could work what could work what could work I might have to go slightly that way so I can make the turn up there never know yeah I think I’ll do that so I go slightly this way man I’m destroying my whole

Land love it love it so going this way making a slight turn and going up there what if we just go out here oh my God why am I thinking so much behind this okay we’ll see I’ll keep this here there we go and then we make

Turn oh my god Tommy hello hello what time is it for you isn’t it like late for you isn’t it late for you all right we’re back I had to cough um anyway we need to go this way good morning good it’s morning for you that

Fun good morning yo I am Chris McLean thank you so much for the rid how’s it going welcomeing everyone thank you so much what were you up to let me give you a shout out real quick how’s it going hello hello hello what were you playing

What were you up to ah let me give you a shout out Chris is here oh how was the stream what what have you guys been up to gave me this stream key oh boy how’s it going uh Jonah jonatas am I saying that right I hope I’m saying that right

How was the stream what have you been up to thank you so much for the raid I really appreciate it my name is Lynx um we’re currently playing some Minecraft vibing on that um and we’re trying to make a path yo broch how’s it going hello hello hello hello hello hello

Hello how is it going played fortnite and kept getting to the top 10 we could never win oh my God no I know the struggle I know the struggle every time when I stream I lose but when I don’t stream I’m like a god if that makes

Sense oh but I either way I hope you had fun though I hope you had fun thank you so much for the rate I really appreciate it thank you thank you for bringing your community over if you need to do some post stream stuff that is a okay go make

Sure you take care of yourself I think it’s so much I appreciate it I appreciate it I’m having fun all right we’re going up we’re making this go up also want to get rid of this one it’s ugly that’s ugly can I pick this up yes I can I don’t know about this

Like this I think I’ll just do that no no it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine all right power to my brain a li in the morning sun Tomy Cil name said he was coming after lunch but I had to raid because I

Have to go eat lunch a it’s all good go enjoy lunch and then thank you so much again for raid and maybe I’ll see Tommy later or Chris whatever he prefers thank you so much jonathas I really appreciate it thank you Al so so much for the

Follow Jo thank you thank you thank you also welome back night how’s it going hello hello hello no do you approve of this place night I I follow at your idea I need to fix this though but I think I’ll let it go out over

Here hey Dennis how are you I am doing great how are you doing welcome in welcome in I hope you’re doing lovely today it is good see you we’re making a path we’re making a path and it’s awesome because who doesn’t like paths um where is

Zombie okay not here I don’t know where he is just let him be just let him live I’m doing great ay that is lovely to hear I’m glad you’re doing well and welcome in to the stream wake him up waking up his heart Tommy I could have

Sat you that before before I could have told you that before waking up is um difficult I would love to lame BET right now but you know I told myself no told myself no it’s Sunday you’re going to stream because that’s fun so here we

Are I hope you slept well Tom I hope you slept well it was good I hope it was good maybe this is a little bit too small maybe it’s a little bit too small fix it like this yes okay cool and then make a turn

Over here and go up that way so I think I’m going to let it go out here and get rid of these trees the trees that have been standing here since the beginning I slap me you slap me that doesn’t sound that good Tommy that doesn’t sound so good why did you

Sleep we’re going up we’re going up have I told you guys how much I hate Tower forming I think I said it last Minecraft stream as well like I love the building part but then like terraforming oh hell no hell no all the dirt all the dirt and

Stone still waking up from two hours ago I think I woke up like at 9:30 a.m. this morning and it’s currently uh 1:30 p.m. almost 1220 but you know I would love to still be in my bed you know it’s Sunday it’s the weekend why not just we’re sleeping in general empty

Time you need to eat my friend please go take care of yourself okay you matter just like everyone else you’ll get some food Tommy woke up at 11 oh that’s good that’s good some lovely sleep okay I just spilled my water apparently I can drink um how am I going

To fix this is the question you know what I fixed it I fix it it’s gone it’s fine we’re good oh make this world the server and I could do the ter farming you know I could technically make this into a server if I wanted to I mean I would love

To but um it’s hella expensive you know I sometimes I’m like oh I should really do like like a like an like a server like a survival server just like a bunch of people from from chat but then again I’m like you know I don’t know how it will work out because

It is so expensive then get money I am getting money tell me but I’m saving up I’m saving up because you know I’m 21 um houses are freaking expensive so I’m saving up most of it look at me handling money can you imagine me handling money I can’t

I can’t because yesterday I literally bought two CDs look at me go look at me go um get rid of that one don’t like it don’t like it don’t put it there miss Money Saver over here I’m saving money don’t worry somehow oh I do remember that I couldn’t

Work for like two months because of my injury well like surgery that I had was great was great I was sitting on the couch all day long because I couldn’t do anything else all right enough about me and my surgery let’s continue with this Spyro I haven’t seen that little guy in

A while Let’s Do It Let’s Do It Let’s Do It Let’s Do It hey there we go you just literally got first I think nobody really does that anymore so I hope you feel special I hope you special cute it is adorable I love it I love it I love it I love

It I’ll leave that block there it brings some nice texture I’m special you are special shush everyone is awesome and special in their own way right even me even me we’re going to make a Turn welcome in how doing thank you so much for the one bit how are you doing today on this Sunday this lovely Sunday we’re going to make a turn Chat we’re going to make a turn a turn like you’ve never seen before the turns of turns oh how the

Table okay I’m stopping with this too many turns I think if we go up here we should be good we do need to get rid of a little bit of dirt and everything I’m good I’m at my girlfriend’s house and we are going ice

Skating soon oh my God I wish I could do that that is awesome I go I hope you have a bunch of fun and go make sure I said hi to your girlfriend although I don’t know who it is I hope she says hi back I hope you have a wonderful time No ice skating it scares me I always I I was always ice skating like winter time whenever I was like younger I don’t even know what what ages are that but I don’t do it anymore cuz my knee is chit terrible balanceable falling cry that’s not good

It’s a good thing you don’t do it anymore then right or I don’t know if you’ve actually done it before but then it’s a good thing we’ll fix the terraform me later it’s fine the fact that I said this so many times already and I haven’t finished like a single thing with terraforming

Kind of scares to me but you know what doesn’t matter it’s okay it’s okay I haven’t done in years of will definitely fall just make sure you enjoy like ice skating okay don’t enjoy the falling part but enjoy like ice skating before you know it you can’t do it

Anymore turn turn it’s time for the turn Chat let’s getting dark here isn’t it I need torches and I need to put stuff away wait wait wait we’re going to get torches when I enjoy the falling part that’s the that is not the most fun I don’t think the falling part is

The most fun just going as fast as you possibly could why is the cool or glowing wait it was glowing I think I had like this like the the oh God I the or have like an outline around it look you mean like this or you mean actually in the night

Because then I don’t know then I don’t know uh I need coal what am I what am I Doing there we go oh I had okay never mind you guys didn’t saw those torches in the chest was brigh than other blocks oh wait um I think it’s like a I think it’s actually part of the pack that you made so basically what it does is

Whenever I’m in a mine and I don’t have like torches on me it lights up the the the ORS around me I think that’s basically what it is okay just put it down I’m going now like streaming thank you so much and have a fun time okay

Have a good time I’ll see you later jro bye-bye bye-bye bye-bye currently waiting for my bus oh God the best the best out there best experience you can ever have in life waiting on the bus it’s horrible I helped multiple times when I went like

With the bus or like on the bus whatever you want to say it um it just the bus didn’t show up and then I had to wait for like another hour and I didn’t show I’ll be there and then I was stuck don’t remember I made made it for

Coal you didn’t made it for the rest right maybe it’s like it was already there I have no Co night I’m as confused as you are right now I’m as confused as you are I think we’re doing a pretty good job at this thing the only thing I hate is that like

Blocks are laying around everywhere and that’s horrible nature had the great room give the people something fun so without further Ado I like to introduce my will this work a definition of success no no no I think I’ll just leave this like like it is it kind of looks cool when

You see like it just kind of cared out into a mountain if that makes sense if that makes sense I I’ll just do that never mind never mind a little late God it it’s maybe because you use a different fact that’s up with it I only use um this it fixes

The glass because um whenever I hold that like the clear glass in my inventory you can’t see it so I had to change that you can add some ores in my oh I could that could actually work that could actually work wait poor YouTube recommended page

Is all Miku never ends you should have me on your YouTube recommendation page Shameless self-promote you guys aren’t nothing it wasn’t me I think it was someone else talking to my microphone I I would never do that explanation mark YT oh maybe I should like you know yeah you you

Should I’m kidding do whatever you want no pressure no pressure actually one more cool all right I’m done with coughing who who wants my cough who want to who wants to uh you know take over because I’m done all right I need to fix this I need to go that

Way how do I how do I how do I go that way oh does it work I can have to make like a small turn here again and I don’t know how to do it what if I just get rid of a little bit over here cuz otherwise might be too

Much how did I how did I plan on oh this is better okay cool we got it hey hey Crystal how how was the rest of your stream I be a good one how’s it going I’m doing good I’m doing good Chad if you haven’t heard it yet crystal is

Starting streaming again and um I would love it for you guys to check him out because he’s absolutely amazing um let me give you a shout out if it works I don’t know if it works but Chad if you haven’t already go make sure uh to drop a follow to Crystal

They’re doing an amazing job I don’t love for you guys to see it as well I have a blueprint of this of this pathway in my head and it already looks amazing you mean like what I’m making right now or what you have in your head because then I don’t know I don’t

Know I don’t know the blueprint was good bleeded the electric wolf a bit you you bully well I hope I’m glad you had a get One I don’t know how I’m going to do these now I’m stuck that’s great thank you for shout out yeah of course of course of course of course you deserve some love I think what if I make it go up now and then just I don’t know I don’t finish my sentence I’m

Sorry chat um no looks fine and then we can put pillars to it as well a pillars who doesn’t like pillars what you’re doing right now okay okay okay because then I was questioning if I did it right thank you that’s very sweet maybe it’s a little bit too big like too

White I think that is the cage c c c not cage now I need to go up because otherwise it won’t look good to your brother calling out your name I’m like totally not vibing to a Pokemon song that involves me I don’t know that guy and I know you or like I

Don’t know the person and I know you’re actually obsess obsessed with them but what makes their music so good I’m not insulting the music by the way I just want to know what what makes you like them so much because I don’t know I don’t Know is it too Much maybe I feel like this one can go and then maybe I need to um get rid of this for a little bit go up to your brother I’m calling at your name oh does that work it works it’s fine connected perfectly it’s all part

Of the plan night it’s all part of the plan don’t worry all right one second chat I started talking but I didn’t mute anyway we’re good that’s so silly all right so what I’m going to do now is probably going to make this thing like okay so I guess

This is where the opening will be I hope I hope I’ll make it look better in the end chat don’t worry trust the process so this will be the end of the cave and this will be the beginning and then this will be the opening or the end I don’t know and then

I’ll put pillars over here it will not be very big pillars now I’m thinking about it but it could look awesome I think and maybe we can even put like a small little thing over here like on top of the thing top of the cave forgot the

Name awesome but we could definitely add in ores oh now we can check out the wait where is it the the core look it lights up not it’s your texture pack you made it you explain this to me look Ls up I don’t know what to do now I guess

I’ll just vibee out with you guys I would love for you to vibee out with us that sounds like a great idea I think that’s a great idea because I’m terraforming and that’s the content you’ve all been waiting for two people back up again oh I hope Somehow I don’t remember I made the light effect for coal but I do kind of like it it’s good it is good okay I’ll just fill this up and then I have to fix the inside because that probably looks like right now and I need to fix this mountain a little bit

More oh for someone you those can I reach it my short arms okay we’re good tear myself down to be buil back up again oh I hope Somehow hey that’s better except for this this is weird this is very weird all right that’s better no it’s not better this is better I think I hope I hope so was only for uh for what for like red stones diamond and emerald well I think you actually got everything uh

With it because I believe the iron like the the the copper and everything does work like that as well wait I can maybe find some iron real quick also going to try some SAR later if I got some time left because I’m supposed to pick up my sister

From the train station then I would love to don’t explode I told you not to that’s so silly but look that one lights up as well and the coal and like everything basically lights up which is actually kind of nice which is actually kind of nice all good let’s go awesome

Give up forever to T all right closest Heaven that I’ll ever be and I don’t want to go home right now I hate endm what if we just play the pillars right now I need Stone I don’t know what they’re called Smooth stone slabs that’s what I

Need but where can I find that not here don’t I’m alone when it comes to music for real it’s okay Al I’ve been begging look I I didn’t read that I’ve been begging lookie to listen to my favorite song when my say this a good be help me on this Quest

No um you know I think you can do it I that sounds so mean I think you can do [Laughter] it um I guess everyone has their own music teste and that’s awesome it tells a lot about a person in my opinion I would say tells a lot about

Someone don’t tell me whenever you make friends you want to know what their music taste is right I’m or the only one if I make friends I’m like what is your music taste or like what music do you listen to and then I have like a

Like somehow a little bit of an image of someone oh plant are build a big tree but like here you mean I could do that or it can make like a whole water thing going on here what if I built like um small water cave over here would that be

Cool like with Lily pets that I probably don’t have and maybe like a small root of a tree that you’re talking about maybe maybe maybe who knows this is going to look awful if I’m going to be doing this but we’re doing it we’re doing it anyway

Um just to make it look AES static we’re going to do that and then just one more over here because yeah this is going to help okay it helps it’s fine don’t worry it looks good maybe I have to put the pillar through here that would make sense doesn’t it if

I put the pillar through here no no no it does it I mean it would make sense if it we we’re talking about you know the the physics and everything we’re not doing that maybe not I don’t know but what if we put like a small little river over over here no

Well not really a river a pond a pond I think it will look kind of cute wait I can show you actually what I mean so you know how I have like that wall of fame that I don’t use anymore actually I do use it but that I

Don’t put anything like more of it you know how I have like this small nature Vibe over here I want to do that there but with like water like a small little pond with like sugar canane and everything I think it would look cool I think it would look pretty

Cool Lush cave themes yeah like kind of like that maybe Lush cave will be cool as well hey marel how’s it going welcome in you name the sword I do but the thing is everything is bamboo so I think for the bamboo I only going to keep Bamboo one

Which is the pickaxe and the rest of it you can name so you can still name the sword the elytra the shoes my chest plate apparently and um the hoe I think yeah basically everything except for the pickaxe I mean I’ve had it for a long

Time already so I think it’s time to uh to switch it up a little bit I hope Marcy’s not going to yell at me I’m now my quest to save up for VIP oh how many Channel points are you on right now how

Far if I can sub for lucky I can save up for you I believe in you I believe in you I am planning to stream a little bit more like uh the last CP like the the upcoming days because I haven’t done that like a little

Bit um probably next week by the way Chad I will be streaming later than I normally would because I’ll be working like a week um so it will be like around 2:30 p.m. or like after dinner like so for example after like 700 p.m. something like that so it will be for

You guys most of you guys it will be early and for me it will be late so yeah I didn’t in the sword though I think you’re right what did you name it again I had to change that while you were um while I was streaming something else didn’t I I remember you

Redeeming that oh what did you name it again I’m sorry just under 3K you’re almost there buddy you’re almost there you will get it don’t worry oh my God it is Ward how’s it going Ward hello hello what have you been up to forgot I’m going give it a new name

Yeah oh good oh good I’m almost there I’m almost there just 47k more Channel points you know and then you’re there just another 47 you got it you got it I believe in you what if they just added dirt slabs I think it would be like a great add-on sorry sorry chat

Sorry I think it would be great if they added that to the game that is not a good thing W you should let that get checked out because that doesn’t sound good I like in the name before I mean come up with the name and we’ll figure it out because I don’t

Know I have no idea why doesn’t it give me H too I just had a beacon in I’ll be a VIP for two adorable beans a that is sweet but she’s lying do so we’re g to do this chat hear me out what if we have like a

Small no that’s weird we’re not going to do that um nope we’re going to make a p right here a bone named stick that is so not fair but okay I mean you did redeem it so I should probably do it can I get R okay okay

Okay I see how you’re doing it what you’re silly you’re silly there you go that’s my answer stinks I hate that I hate that why do you call me like that why do you call me that I can’t even type it what does it even mean what does stinks even

Mean does it mean like smelly links or something or what what does it mean what is the point of stinks got Str sticks River stinky plus links equals stinks six River what do you mean night there you go you can hang up Fen sington enjoy Mak down hello how are you also I’m back welcome back mask how’s it going welcome in welcome in also I would

Love for you to uh you know keep my door in like one piece six is a river I don’t know sticks River it’s a it is like in the Greek thing thing the sticks is one of the five rivers in like oh my God that’s horrible in hell

What is it actually now or what does I I’m translating it into English because everything is in Dutch but it’s a myth it’s a oh SS was a god and river of the underworld wow we’re learning stuff it is a godas and a river of the underworld how do you know

This sticks like you can’t even read it it’s like S without the N remember something from history lessons I mean you you said it was a river it is a river technically but it doesn’t exist it’s a myth it’s a myth all right we’re going to make a pond

Here and we’re going to make it look beautiful how does that sound that sounds awful doesn’t it okay around it we’re going to do like patches of grass I think oh fix this door thank you so much call you stinks because funny say say without the end then I’ll be

Freaking goddess apparently in the in the Greek myth thingy oh God it’s kind of funny you would call me a river as well then is the helmet named yeah it’s named that one is named okay I need to add in like stone slabs it’s a beautiful man some beautiful man oh the FL fall off my I think I got one what is it what is it what is it if I break a door down I’ll will fix it that’s like some good manage have right

There all right we need water we need water we need more why is the bucket so small can I yes okay there we go can I switch from sword to something else yeah of course of course of course I mean you redeemed it like 10,000 days ago so I

Think you can can say what you want all right now we’re going to do no not that much Beauty colors okay there we go so we got a little Pond and then I want to do this see I think that’s cute and then we’ll put like sugar

Canane around it and maybe we have a lily pad if we’re lucky which I don’t think but you never know spy GL Nam stop staring at me with a big misclick put it again put it down again I think I have a spy glass somewhere I have it somewhere just don’t know

Where why do I have so many pickaxes I never use it St s me with those big old eyes okay sounds good I thought I had a spy um but then we I have don’t know how to make it wait uh I can do that I hope I have one

Of those I have oh it’s in there that’s so stupid I love how n just put that in there um let me copy yours there we go has to be right next to the enter button it is all good don’t worry about it Bea col okay there you

Go hey Soki thank you so much for the follow welcome in how you doing well today hello hello welcome to chaotic stream we’re currently making a name for a spy glass why does it make that sound it’s so silly okay we’re done can I put it in a

In an item frame uh crystals am I allowed to do that or have do I have to hold it ah don’t do that I wasn’t prepared for that one I wasn’t even holding like my freaking Mouse how dare you am I allowed to put it above my

Bed like next to the stinks and Fen sington wait no no no stop yes you can awesome there you go awesome it’s so now that’s a new wall Fame that’s a new wall of fame oh wait sugarcane I forgot you’re I’m making a PB toast what

Does that mean again I’m sorry I am like uh I’m I’m from the lens so I don’t know everything I’m sorry I hope your toast is good S I hope it’s good I also hope I’m pronouncing your name right oh peanut butter okay I know what peanut

Butter is I hope it is awesome hope you enjoy it uh we actually call it Pinas in the Netherlands which basically translate to peanut cheese which is weird but it doesn’t matter it’s fine um sugar canane where is it I don’t know but I can use this and I can use

That I think I actually have a chest for sugarcane probably um I’m going to put a little bit more Stone away CU that’s too much there we go send the coil my goodness Paul you got the best one adorable I don’t even remember which one I

Had uh take the string with us I don’t think I have Lily pets which is kind of a shame of all the items I have I don’t have lily pads that’s a little bit sad Okay no here in po we call it m wait is that a t or an L maslo or show I I nailed that one wait wait peanut butter counts as cheese I mean here it’s not made out of cheese but so basically I will type in chat

Basically how you write it is like that so Pinda means peanut and then C G gas c means cheese and it’s a little bit weird it’s an L okay why does it why does it have like a stripe it’s kind of weird if you ask me about it what if

I do it like that yeah could work no two is enough I think two is enough erus butter wait that is not German is it it does sound so German why does it sound so German CU it’s always a good time oh it is is it German well you know I totally fail

Then because I didn’t KN that was in German that’s how good I am at German hey hey Paul Paul Paul V de [Laughter] good I basically just said how are you doing didn’t know I learned something today welcome too much streams you learn every day like when I stream a new Dutch

Word isn’t that a littleit silly I think this looks good this looks awesome I just need a little bit more of the stone slabs and probably make a better light lighting Source thing going on um I do need a snow cutter goodia make get it sounds so weird if I speak

German you know it’s fine I think I had a bunch of stone slabs at my home or like at the Mansion it’s fine I am horrible at speaking German I’m sorry I’m putting your language to Shame Good came for cute floof and I’m staying for Learning and cute Flo that is awesome thank you so much I appreciate it Sam can I do I call you Samu or Sam or Sam Samu key samuk key I’m horrible at names I’m sorry I’m trying my best did I just

Get rid of I did wow oh I see how it is just call me Sammy awesome we’ll do that then I will do that I think this looks pretty cool what do you guys think whenever you walk in here it looks awesome it’s like a small little safe

Area I don’t need to fix this because this is weird this little bit this is fine and then when you look over here it looks weird give a block I don’t I don’t I don’t I know what it is but I don’t have it do you that’s the

Question also I’m sorry about the coughing um I’ve been sick for like or like not really I mean I feel fine but I’m coughing for like 3 weeks already so you got one what what that’s good that’s good I’ll think Redstone LMS with me I think it looks better you did two

Man why don’t I have one so mean so mean no I’m kidding I want one you want okay get it right now go get it how does that sound to the sky very high what if I just put oh no that’s weird never mind taking back what I said and then just one More over here I want to fly away yeah I think that works it’s a little bit of light a little bit of light maybe I should put it in the Ws as well I’m back welcome back night you’re right yes yes yes yes I’m Dutch Ellie hello how are you doing

I hope you’re doing well today it is good to see you my friend um what if I get rid of this and then just put a bunch of slps down that looks a little bit better except for this this looks weird it’s fine like that and then I’ll

Get rid of this and then I’ll put it right there ha got it tired you need to get some more sleep my friend you need to get some more sleep mean need e but too early I mean you can’t always take a nap you know that’s also the thing right a nap

Go get it you need it you need all right I’m good I think I can get rid of the Onie already yeah it’s been 40 minutes why didn’t you guys tell me I’m back hi it’s me again put Exel I think I actually got an Exel so I should be good of getting

One I can do that that would be cute I hope I have a leash because I or lead or whatever you call it I hope I do to get away NP RIS is either 20 minutes you should put an alarm then you should put an alarm go put an alarm and

Then you should be good okay I want you to take a nap right now you have no choice you need to sleep it’s 50/50 on whether you wake up up rested or more tired you know it’s a risk but sleep is good and it’s nice I love sleep um a lead forgot

About it I got 18 leads I think I have enough my goodness EX on see we going make it a redeem oh I don’t have it I can make it a redeem but I can give it to you going I equit my tie Heights right now good luck Good Luck Good Luck Good

Luck not taking any more risks what risks how are there I hate these Ender I really hate them but look why do I oh he’s called yellow I forgot about that I forgot that he can be in a bucket so I was about to get him with Elite

Whoops maybe one for you if I have to oh no oh no I mean it’s cute don’t get me wrong but that’s the onlyy only thing you guys will redeem I think I’ll put the fence right there and then he can chill in the water see he’s

Chilling look he can still swim in the water but he’s this is so sad this is so sad can he swim up and then die no he should be fine why is he so fast it’s not like I gave him any drugs or anything he’s like zooming in the

Water maybe it’s a little bit small there you go one more block of space I hope you like it okay it’s fine I actually quite like this um I do think we need to fix this a little bit like the whole area I need more dirt that when Unleashed they’re

Crazy I think it will like no they’re fine you can you can stay there no actually I think this is this looks this looks fine maybe I need to add Stone on this side as well just so that it kind of adds like with the other side Maybe is there purple one I like the yellow one more to be Honest again again again okay we’re done um has equi Infinity confidence hell yeah hell yeah he’s zooming like that because he’s on a leash the poor guy he’s fine he’s fine he loves this he loves this so sad okay chat for the lights for like the

The pth do we want to use Redstone lamps or don’t we want to use like torches on a fence so like that one do we switch it up or do we use torches on a fence because I don’t for like Redstone limbs I can can put him in the path over

Here but not over here m is one [Laughter] straightness it’s fine you know I am not even straight so um I want to show you guys what I meant oh never mind it would look like that and it would be very ugly if I put it on like the the bridge thing the

Bridge how did I do it over there then did I just I just put torches on top of it I’m a stray as a wet noodle you know I believe you 100% uhhuh no I’m kidding just just like whoever you want to like really long as you’re happy that’s all that matters

Right what to do don’t know what to do I need to finish the path that’s what I have to do it looks so much better already with just me adding a freaking path ow I like this I like this I do want to add in like lights but we can do it

Later now what I want to do what I want to do probably put a path that goes like past like this one so that we can have houses houses I don’t know if that’s meant to me to mean you not because my wet noodles are very straight what do you put in your

[Laughter] noodles what do you put in your Noodles that doesn’t work okay um so we got more slabs I think we’re just going to go from here over here that should work going put torch here so you guys can actually see something you’re a Flopper I am a Flopper well I’m a lynx so

Yeah um so path over here which means that I have to get rid of a little bit of this I want to put Like Houses like on this side as well looks kind of weird if I only put it on sight what do you want ah oh boy that’s a lot of dead

People okay we’re done oh that looks weird not my problem you don’t see it I’m a linkx let’s go Paul that’s good welcome to the Link’s Club put my noodles in die hot you put them in what you know at this point I’m not even surprised anymore

Actually oh miss the floer ially made my your Animal Crossing New Horizon’s character fan booy too well that’s good right I think it’s pretty good this is the most ugliest Bridge I’ve ever made or path or something like this one was perfect and then you see this oh no oh

No I should make it go up a little bit at least otherwise it’s weird see already a little bit better I do need to get rid of that tree It looks fine every time when I say ha I should say it with a higher pitch voice then I sound like like Mickey Mouse let me break it down dieen hates you oh oh I was very bad at that okay um I mean I passed passed it but ell you

Make me sound like a freaking stupid person it’s okay I forgive you don’t worry we’re still friends it’s okay oh all right I think I need to go down one actually so if I just go up here and then go down one so that the houses will be on like a

Normal layer and not like that that could work I’m not even going to read this any more night oh can I suggest a song sure I hope I know it but you can you can suggest it as long as it is uh kind of kind of okay

And not too many swear words and everything you’re using the fancy symbols right are you talking to me or are you talking to KN oh uh should oh you can send um links in my chat so that means that you just have to put the title in and um

The artist and then I can try looking up on Spotify for you hey V welcome in hello hello I hope you’re doing well Today looks good on Spotify and what is the title of the song cuz that I don’t know okay this is fine and then I’ll just just go down by one see let me find the arst for you Q3 q q 3 Q oh they’re there wait are they actually an

Artist it doesn’t seem like they have music it doesn’t seem like they have music I can write it down and then check it out later but um oh there songs are on YouTube okay I I don’t I I uh use my music like on Spotify but do you can send me

The uh what’s it called the link on from YouTube in my Discord and then I can check it out I have like a music uh channel in there are you a guy or a girl I’m a girl I yes I’m a girl Sergio conero that sounds like classical

Music is that on Spotify serg conero no no it’s not it’s not oh you can send it on uh Discord and I can check it out and you can check it out if you’re okay with that links is Miss leading for they are links I’m I’m a

Women what no I am yeah I’m a girl Hello a merp song I have no clue what that is I’m sorry I’m sorry um I don’t know where I W yes I am I’m a woman Ellie um it’s okay it’s okay I think I’ll just oh oh oh yeah

Sure if I keep it like this you know that mer song that has me going around sometimes with the mering circle maybe maybe I don’t know maybe if I hear it hear it I’m like hey I know that one but if you’re saying it like this I have no clue I’m so

Sorry can I send yeah sure you can send it you can send it links is what a links is now it’s really to send the links thank you very much it is I the links the links I think I’ll let the path like stop right here maybe that would add up with

That so like H let’s just continue it for now and then we’ll figure out what to do next I think I want to make like a small Corner over here like I did there maybe I’ll be dancing I’ll be singing I’ll be spinning in circles that’s fine

Send it awesome is it okay if I check it out after stream I hope it is so don’t cry me I need more sure awesome awesome uh wait actually I’ll put it in my give me a second that was an ed that’s an ed I don’t want

To see an ed okay it’s there I’ll uh check it out after the stream so that I don’t forget all good all good all good all right I need more wood as usual why are there like spiders everywhere like where are they coming from I don’t know if you guys can hear them

I would be very surprised if you couldn’t hear him you hear him I feel so stupid just fly up here not in here I don’t know where they are let them be do you like improvise well building cuz I do that a lot when I have have no

Idea on what I’m building I do that um everything you hear see see here I actually I just put down blocks and I’ll see what it looks like except for like farms and everything for example that thing over there the inside and everything I I just

Got it from a video but like the outside with the weird and everything I just I just done that myself but um I cannot build farms for life like Automatic Farms and everything so that’s like the only things that I use for tutorials on YouTube the rest of it I just come up

With here we go hello Shadow oh my God how have you been hello hello what’s up today we’re um fixing up this side of our lovely world because it looked ugly and so far we’ve put this path down with a lovely nature thing over here and then

We need to figure out what to do over here but I think it looks cool hey yo hey yo hey yo hey oh my God Crystal hey and we got a lovely Exel here which is just completely Ving and zooming on the floor in the water VI let’s go f is

Good maybe I need to make this more round or I need to keep it like This open this is weird wait what if I look at look at it from this side maybe I need to lower that part maybe maybe I need to lower that part I need to lower like yeah I’m going to get rid of it real quick hello I’m under the water help me please

God dang it what are you building uh this is not a farm I’m currently making um what’s it called like a pathway for like other houses I’m planning to build on this side this is like kind of like the fisherman housing area well at least it’s what I’m trying

To get or like what I’m trying to do so that’s uh that’s what this is going to be but I’m planning to make like a couple more houses over here so it’s not as empty as it was but it looks weird if I just put like a

Straight line of a path this way so I’m getting rid of it Tri on error Chad trial and error that’s what we get with building I’m also horrible at Pok apparently can I get that one he I’m tall no one can ever tell me I’m short again I’m very

Tall can you do the nights if there is from a v you mean I can put in the queue for you you mean that’s I think they had a song right yeah I can put it in the queue for you of course I can there you go it will be after this

Song I would get Grand ideas for things in Minecraft start them and then never finish them sometimes I have that as well um you know I I I love building them but when I have to do like terraforming and stuff I stop don’t yell at me I know I know but

This is bad 3 2 1 I need to make a whole freaking Mountain over here oh flameer hello how are you doing um oh I’m not looking forward to that I have to do that I know I know it’s horrible Indian mode no did you clip that you

I didn’t remove the creeper sound it’s still there I have to song to play on Spotify okay send it to me linkx is exactly one banana tall I am so tall what are you talking about I’m two bananas tall don’t lie to much chat like a two we micraft phase then

Another come up and I play that and then another and another I am still in the micraft phe for from like how many years ago 5 years ago it’s so good it’s so good I actually thought this was the next song I actually thought this was the next song I am upset

Ellie God dang it thank you for the 100 bits but don’t recoil me perfect timing I gu it was great how many days have you spent in this world the why is this so big it doesn’t make sense a th days and 25 1,25 what about the humaniz bananas

Three of them that’s how tall I am dude oh sorry the song is goose Works your new home let me get it let me get it let me put in the queue my father told me your new home there it is I’ll put it in the quebe there we

Go I didn’t double did I double the prize it is now it’s always been 800 I believe yeah it’s always been 800 L is just over 9 ft tall confirmed yeah you guys oh my God thank you for the thank you for the pet s me you guys

Think I’m like very short but I’m lying to you guys I’m actually 9t tall oh for younger days all right go down one day you leave this behind leave you will remember my father me when I was just a Child father told me okay Enough karaoke it’s over it’s over still pick you up no remember you’ve set your five for foot for I am actually I might be a little bit taller than that but around that I am um no it was 800 I believe like

Always I wouldn’t say I don’t know for I don’t know really if you’re if you’re right or wrong but I don’t remember it changing like that I changed it so I have no idea I’m sorry n the twitch servers hell yeah music is so good yeah I don’t know I love

Music I love music I’m forgetting that I like I’m I think I’m missing like comments I’m so sorry if I miss your com if I miss your comment chat please send it again okay just don’t spam it then we’re all good this is a song by the way uh

Sammy you don’t have a present I want you to give me a present right now so this is like kind of a concert thing is it it sounds kind of like like kind of a concert what do you want I want a hug can I get a hug can I get a

Hug some the amazing digital circuit it sounds great sounds pretty cool it’s only 1 minute thought it would have been longer thank you I’m getting hugs that’s sweet insane person music it’s fine it’s pretty cool this is good music I can already tell which song it

Is but I won’t spoil it you guys will have to figure that out for yourself I can I can give you a hint for the artist it start with a c and it ends in Old play um AKA my favorite band it’s fine hey thank you for the Pats

Al although you’re okay the sounds are not adding up now but thank you for the bo you listen to Cho Vis cha Chao fish I don’t know how to pronounce that concerto is it also like a long concert I’m sorry chat for coughing sometimes hey yo Crystal hey

Yo I think it’s could work and then this will be the end looks great now I just need to add in Pillars pillars you broken window so would you rather never be able to listen to music or never never able to play video games never be able to play video

Games does it sound weird I don’t know but I love music I can’t live without it I don’t want to live without music chat what about you guys what do you want to do what what about you uh rip poog do you want to like give up music

Or do you want to give up gaming it’s a it’s a hard one but I think I will give up like video games this game and shut up Ellie no what what you least first five minutes I recommend it to everyone how long is it again oh too loud too

Loud no you’ve got me open handed now you’ve got me lost W okay I’ll put I need more Spruce Wood can I drop this and this yes Okay hey chill how’s it going one armed cook it’s a new game that you just found one armed Rob I think I’ve heard of one armed cooked how how are you and are you playing it are you enjoying it I hope so I hope so hope you’re doing well

I have an opportunity for you should I be scared should I be scared oh my God there’s so many zombies in here up be faster than them I don’t have my bow on me or I’m a hot bar why are you guys not dying you guys don’t don’t have that much

Heal full of Dreams can’t live without especially because I play piano then I would understand like yeah I would understand it no I don’t I don’t think I can live without music either it’s just so good well I I would say it’s good everyone has their own

Opinion it’s not a bow it’s a party poer dreaming about the things that we could be probably games yeah I would say that as well I don’t think I could go without like music because I I listen to it a lot everything I most of the things I do

I just put music on in the background I’m like hey but gaming you know it’s also I don’t want to lose that either I don’t know no idea it’s a hard one do I I think I’ll just do it right here swing my heart across the line in

My seek it out and he’s your fine but I’m not that old young but I’m not that B I don’t think the world is so I need to do that maybe I think I need to put like these things over here as well that looks fine that zombie is just walking With Me

Drown go in the water do it you can do it come on good job this will be your little spinnies okay so that is going to be the end of that cool and then I’ll put houses on there and I think they have more spru in the

Chest I’ll have to fix this because this is not looking too good this is not looking too good we be kind ofar see it looks better already U only thing that’s kind of annoying is that but you know it’s fine I think we need to do the same

Thing with like the pillars in the water what was that sound did he turn you turn my friend okay now you’re dead cool also I didn’t mention it but in the 1.8 texture pack version there are no change item names cuz it was too hard to

In over oh no I’ve noticed it’s all good I saw I saw I saw I was like did they did he name like rename like the chicken and everything as well and I was like okay no it’s fine it’s good but I really appreciate your night it’s so awesome

Where’s thing is whenever I oh not that one when I open it in here it’s not there but when I open it on Hypixel in 1.8 it’s there so that’s a little bit weird that’s a little bit weird it’s fine because I only use it for like PVP and like 1.8

Stuff um now only thing we need to do is put more stuff over here we be kind of stars think I’ll put it just here wait yes okay just just let myself drown then we’re good take that money It okay yeah I think I’ll just do this and then probably one more over here and then we’re good wait then we’re good I think I have three more extra stacks of spruce wood laying around so we should be fine we’re almost two hours into the stream

What I thought I was only going I was only going for 1 hour well you know what it’s fine this is kind of ugly in the middle I don’t really like that yeah time flies to be honest I think time flies at the moment what a surprise there’s nothing behind

It used to be a Fool what you g to new what you GNA do okay that’s fine okay when I join I was worried I missed the stream oh no it’s okay you didn’t miss it you didn’t miss it you’re still in time you’re still in time all right so we got the path going on that’s good

Now we need to make the houses or like make a make an outline for the houses is that a mine that’s the most ugliest mine I’ve ever seen ugliest the most I don’t know what is this what did I do that’s so weird sometimes I doubt my building

Skills all right we need to get like or double chest or another choker I think I’m just going for shers it’s easier to get back you can have black Concrete in behind the glass or oh I should do that that’s probably a better idea um let me just quickly do

This so I can make some space and then maybe can find or try to look for some like concrete consider L being arriving right as the streamer does their outro me too to be honest I had that multiple times happened to me like whenever I joined the stream and

Then bye chat have a good one byebye and then I was like okay I joined on the wrong timing wrong Moment house actually actually a pretty good idea with the concrete and then I’ll do that right here as well I destroyed the glass oops forgot about that all right looks fine now we just need to fix this for the other houses uhoh uhoh not that far

I do need to put a light here most likely bur the whole house down it does look better I mean I don’t really need to put like black concrete like behind the door but it looks fine I guess it looks better what about here just for for the thought

It’s the thought that counts right and I don’t have like this one is a I guess I can do it here as well it would work oh I have to do that by a bunch of houses now okay I mean it works com there we go and this One no it looks better with like black concrete behind it I hope I have enough oh you saw that what I saw that that green monster right there oh he’s that don’t know how I hit him but I didn’t but she forgot that I existed

It’s half my fault but I just like to playtim my drink go my friends come home for Christmas was that everything I have five blocks left I don’t want to no I have three left I can do this and now I’m screwed oh okay we need a little bit

More of the black concrete we can we can fix that we can fix that I think we had like three more black dye and then we need gravel and we need sand not the sticks and I saw her but she forgot that I existed in

It but I just like to play the victim my dram alcohol till my friends come home for Christmas lonus hello how are you doing I haven’t seen you in such a long time how have you been what have you been up to lonus hello hello hello um can I do that in the

Water right over here wait actually I can just do it here that’s not I wi It of the andot iist but I just like the way to VI to my Drink all right there we go now we just need to get back up there that’ be enough twitch focusing on some personal stuff in a bit a little bit but I’ve been pretty good hope things have been good for you I hope that it’s not too overwhelming uh lion

Is and that you’re doing well and it’s good to take some rest that is a okay I hope you’re feeling lovely um I’m doing good I have I have been coughing for like 3 weeks already but I’m doing good so if I mute sometimes or I am coughing

A little bit I’m sorry it’s because you know I hate to C in my microphone so yeah but you so hot that I melt it TR to get Back all right last one and then we can build the other houses no more there we go awesome I hope I fix the this thing a little bit because it look kind of Weird that looks fine I need still need to do like decoration and stuff over there cuz other than other than that it looks good open up your place a free hey there we go trying to figure out my sleep still which sucks when I’m getting close to a nice little break

From work oh that’s good hope your Cofe goes away soon I hope so as well but 3 weeks is a long time I sound very I don’t know I sound weird probably like someone who’s having a cold I try my best I try my best all

Right house time uh I think we’re just going to m out where we want it I need to get more first what question to everyone since when ver since which oh since which version have you played Minecraft uh mine was yeah Pocket Edition yeah that’s for sure that was on my tablet or

IPad and then I played for like a long time on the correct Minecraft version which I started on I don’t know what date or whatever I when I started it but I started on first in 1.5.2 and then like a couple years later I got like this in 2015 like this

Account I think I got in 2015 but I started at 1.5.2 and that was crazy Minecraft light yeah I play I start with pocket edition 1.4 man night you’re old no I think you’re actually younger than I am wait are you how old are you again night are you’re also 21 nah okay then I don’t Know was that in the song or was it in Minecraft it sounded like scaffolding just collapsing next to me one second chat all right we’re good we’re good we’re good I could do like an outline of the roof already um did I use I only use Spruce log I believe yeah

Okay um do I want to yeah stone bricks stone bricks although I’m going to get the St Gunter because I don’t feel like flying constantly oh not bad bless you I was coughing but thank you kind of bless you maybe I don’t I know I never say bless you to a person

When they cough I was I’m was like are you okay is everything okay you feeling okay but you know I don’t know never mind we don’t Know so this is the idea we’re going to extend the thing or not I don’t know no we’re not maybe this is confusing I don’t like building diagonal it’s weird doesn’t make sense it is weird this down guess I can just do this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait so like

This and it basically still gives us the same idea but different still H looks fine looks fine to me kind of wonky but good good kind of wonky right good kind of wonky I think we’re going to keep like the thing of like different rooftops I think it will look

Cool um but first we’re going to figure out where to put like the houses and Everything wait one more toight so that Diago again I hate this I don’t want to go to work tomorrow oh it’s okay what time do you have to start what time what time this doesn’t even add up no no no no we’re doing this differently

Um what if we just make into a big house so what if I connect these things don’t laugh at the wonkiness of this house okay it’s okay I say if they have coughing fit they are good or a no I get it then I don’t know I always I I would just ask

If they were doing okay whenever they’re coughing this one is weird get that out of here created a thing where when one of my friends B fart everyone else says bless you and now the whole what you created that interesting interesting oh Bailey hello how you doing it is BS how’s it

Going I hope you’re doing well today went to Ln to built medieval stuff in Minecraft which is so cool well for I started off with the tutorial and then I just kind of gone with like kind of that and then my my own stal to

It so you could go for that if you want to just just keep on practicing I would say That Sor a but I got to wake up at 6: to make sure I’m ready for 1 hour drive my goodness how long do you have to work like what time to what time hope it’s not too long I hope it is Okay do again vibing that is good I’m glad you’re vibing I’m also vibing um but I’m doing good yeah I’m having a good time I am done coughing chat I’m done muting every time when I have to cough it’s okay though it’s okay I don’t want to bother you with the cough so

That’s why I’m muting just sitting listening to a guy talk about by talk about what what is this what does that mean what what is that does it make me dumb maybe a little bit but I don’t know what it is only 10K crowns left before I redeem

The VIP and become a bullying Target for I am not stinks don’t call me stinks silly never never I’m not stinks FL flanges flanges are things we use to connect pipes together in Refinery sounds awesome it sounds it sounds interesting also difficult at the same time I feel like nothing ever goes my

Way I think I’m leaving here today this is the weirdest house I’ve ever built can I just say that first of all it’s very wonky and second of all the architecture is very weird it doesn’t add up like look at it I it doesn’t look that bad but it

Doesn’t add up in real life I to I’ve got too many demons In I Feel I think leaving This works and then I’ll just put this in here also Until you realize literally everything in those pipes will either kill you or give you the Big C you are doing some very danger Dangerous work my friend that is not good why is this such a weird house I’m not even

Complaining I love how I said that I was going to do the outline and now I built like a whole freaking roof that’s great I know what I want know exactly what I’m Doing really want to get that job at the airline right now maybe I feel better I mean it’s probably a good idea and maybe you’ll like it you never know maybe that’s the job you’ve been looking for right you never know you gave me the motivation to play

Minecraft yes I’m glad I could be a motivation that’s good that is good to hear that’s not the right one probably that’s awesome that’s that’s just it’s not it if you know what I mean chat it’s just not it it’s not it breathing out how you been maybe if I do

This that’s better it’s a little bit more texture You lose yours you lose youres um yeah what do we do now and then I should get rid of that and slap sure sure sure stretch thank you for the stretch Alie stretch there’s a Pikachu in chat I want Pikachu give me a second let me type It I was was in the here you go I hope I get it probably not because I am very unlucky I think I’ll use Spruce s Or is that weird because it matches the this I don’t know didn’t I pick oh I didn’t take the things with me okay well in that case I’m scared to die and then I need to this which I will be putting this wondering what I’m doing right now

I’m just putting random blocks on the place calling it in unlucky me too we’re both will be unlucky probably Al maybe I need to put a window up there like right here I get too Close do I have slabs no I can do this Of course I forget this um what we’re both I knew it at Le this bot hates us every chat that I get to I just don’t get the Lovely Pokemon that we’re trying to get it’s unfair I had a 80% isn’t that crazy like this bot is like

Csed I think I haven’t catched a Pokemon in like 10 years already okay that’s a little bit too much but it’s just very unlucky it’s very much unlucky you forget my how do I make trip wire hooks that’s expensive but I’m rich so it’s fine I’ll get it I’ll get it maybe it’s

It’s like cool for detailing and then I need buttons and then I need maybe letters and levers 0.04 Chens we both Miss well I guess the Pokemon Gods hates us apparently they don’t like us um I needed sticks and I needed planks probably not here oh what All right we got 10 of those don’t know why I got them actually I do it’s a secret no it’s just detailing chat detailing uh what can I use for detailing more stop spitting stuff that’s not good um do I have like I got one more door I’ll use

It all right um what did I want again I wanted buttons and I wanted something else ladders maybe I don’t remember I’ll take this and then I’ll make this into this Boop there we go hey cot J Fitz I hope I pronounce that right welcome in I hope you I hope

You’re doing well Cody welcome in hello hello hello you got some lovely Emos right there those are looking hella cute okay take that for decorations and then we just need our oak wood which is at our place that’s good crawling back to you so what if I put

The lettuce right there and then see decorations Ellie Put The Knife Down my friend it’s not going to help you murdering people that’s not good come on stop doing that there we go crawling back to you put it right there I think we’re not going to put too much

Detail in like the the walls and everything I think we’re just going to put detailing on it and that should work I hope oh and the door the door see it looks fine and then I need to put something in there um what if I put scaffolding like as a

Window how would that be that could actually work that could actually work and now I need buttons Buttons my goodness I have apparently found some interesting emotes what emotes are you going to share them with the class do we actually want to know I don’t know if I want to Know okay I didn’t have to know that is that from XLR what what did he do why does he has that that’s concerning I’m not even going to ask questions about it um these ones actually no we’ll take everything we will take everything my friends oh detailing isn’t that great to

Me a second when I’m for Ms oh oh wait you’re from Alan’s chat that’s awesome how did did you fight me like from Allen stream or how did you fight me every doing well thank you so much for like popping in and everything I appreciate it now you ask

Questions why does why does XR has those emotes what happened what is what why why I hate I hate I hate decorating should I just use oak wood for the last one maybe probably see I think it looks fine and this is a little bit me but we can fix

That with some um trors maybe right yeah I like it I like it I like it I like it so that’s one house 10 more left probably I don’t know how many left I have I need to fill this side up just why does it rain over here but

Here it doesn’t oh never mind I know why can I sleep to get rid of this rain or is it not getting dark yet nope so I don’t know how I managed to get myself into this situation but um you guys saw nothing okay nothing happened there maybe I Chad happened as for

Emotes and icept Drew them my goodness I mean they’re kind of deess but they work oh you were playing Power watching s with him and I follow at you but you weren’t streaming oh that could be right I mean I played multiple times power Wars with

Al I have no idea when but that is so cool thank you so much for like following me and like so popping in I appreciate it that is very sweet my friend okay chat we got to figure out where to put the next house Ellie is that your own [Laughter]

Emote I didn’t know you had that it’s so so oh that is a long time ago what was it was it like on my like subway thingy or was it on Allen’s map I don’t know but that’s that’s a long time ago since I cleaned that the

Flag all right diagonal houses love them love them um McCoy ask for Em are you and McCoy in a relationship Al that’s what I was wondering last time when I joined your stream I was like wait aren they actually in a relationship or not or is it just all s Golds you

Know I could be wrong tell just tell me if I’m wrong just yell at me or something all right uh I don’t like the that it’s raining but there’s nothing we can do about it every Tew you’re merried on Discord what about what about in real life not in real life every tear is a water this is this is like the same as that one this doesn’t work this doesn’t work it’s going like the wrong way way said to the devil devil do you like

Drums see down okay now I can now I can sleep it’s thundering should be good right yet you never know Ella you never know this is some cuutee em modes love this song oh me too this was actually my most listened song for my Spotify rat I don’t know how but it

Happened you can let it all behind even the devil needs time alone sometimes you can let it all go it’s called Free Fall keep about your wits man keep up about your WIS I think this is a no this is so ugly doesn’t look good do you know where she lives says

Not you stalker no I’m kidding well you can always meet her right that’s pretty cool you never know where it brings you anyway you say you’re too busy saving everybody else to save yourself and you don’t want no help oh well that’s a story to tell and you can let it all fre

Fall Ite falling out that crazy oh easy dang it I messed up the lyrics chat is it the limited Global emote the goat I don’t know if I see a goat I don’t know if I see a goat I see Christmas Global emotes though which is weird oh yeah I got it

There it is I got the goat imagine calling me a stalker when she knows where I live for months and on end before I found out where she lives last night okay Mrs mcco is a stalker I see it now I see it now um let’s see I think we’re going to

Make this rooftop um I don’t know maybe um oak wood this is also a good song I think my whole play is actually kind of decent I hope you guys like it though because otherwise it would be very very Weird I’ll just do do this see if it looks okay this side is like the weird side good luck on the catch Allie um let’s hope you can actually catch it this time let’s hope so okay it looks fine looks good looks good I think we’re just

Going to keep this one as a single house and not like have like a whole freaking basement or whatever this is called put it back there we go I actually quite like this like this as Windows won’t you but now we got to figure out what to do from this

Side so I guess get rid of this put dirt here and then here this will be door I don’t know if I want to use Birch that’s the whole problem because it will kind of it it doesn’t like match with like the house next turn I mean of course it

Matches because it’s Birch with Birch but it will look weird probably what if I just used jungle wood I haven’t tried that you didn’t get it oh it’s so bad why doesn’t this game like the Pokemon Community game bot just hates like I don’t know doesn’t let us it doesn’t let us

Win there we go and then put it right there and like that now I just need a door a door you didn’t heard the sound aler HS there are there they work you don’t hear them or was it just that one s was it just the brim you should hear the

BL where is it there it is that was like kind of like not good on S probably but it’s there maybe I was talking over it heard that one too okay okay well then it works then we’re good all right all right okay what do we do for this maybe

Cobblestone wait I used wool and everything I’m G to get wool I’m just deaf no I don’t know maybe it could be because I’m talking over it and there’s of course music on in the background so maybe it’s like a maybe that’s the situation I don’t normally I don’t I

Don’t get why the sounds are always like so weird just doesn’t make sense I hate these cheps I love how I’m always in the Stream like oh I hate this I hate this but then in the end I don’t it’s fine it’s good it’s fine we’re

Good I still like this this looks so good can I get rid of these already or will that spawn any monsters don’t Know go you know it’s a little bit weird but we can make it work um let me get this and do that and do that and Boop I mean it’s it like we’re going to look at this for hours right nah but decoration is key this all survival yeah you want to

You want to have a world tour you want me to give you a world tour I’ve been playing on this world like I started last year when I started streaming and it was February beginning of February I don’t know when exactly but um yeah I started last

Year so I guess I guess it’s been a long time I guess it’s been a long time my inventory is too full I can’t do this anymore one second chat okay okay okay all right okay okay I need a door I need a door I’ll kind do I have like

Okay the most basic door that you can get an oak door so being beautiful wait I can fly up a little bit be prepared three I’m going to go higher up oh another cough yeah it it doesn’t stop Allie it doesn’t stop there you go that’s my

World it’s a lot and then I have like a home nether H going on as well wa I I that NE hob took me way too long it it took me like three four Streams bam NE hub where’s Seline there’s Seline oh doesn’t sound like friendly people next oh God okay we’re leaving now never see some of these pixel you move for the train stations this is like hell hell station because of you know that NE portal there I thought it was a cool idea

Um I need to get more gunpowder real quick before I run out of rockets to save guy again sometime soon but yeah this is a crazy thing going on times three huh I think it’s more of a smiley than times three now and I’m thinking about it it is a smiley I’m so

Stupid oh yeah but I guess it’s been a long time since I I’ve played so many hours on here already it’s crazy it’s crazy let’s see let’s see um I think the building that I’m like most proud of is probably the church because I don’t know I like it looks so

Cool I like it I like the chur or the chap or whatever you want to call it also we got like a slime farm um I don’t even know how many slime balls are in there but we got a slime farm and uh that’s like one of the only

Things that I use for tutorial for so slime farm and Creeper Farm oh it just fell down like slime farm and Creeper Farm I did use in a tutorial for and then I have well I am planning to make a skeleton Farm I need like a freaking tutorial for that because I

Don’t know oh and I have an Ender Farm which I also use a tutorial for it took me ages to get an Ender mine in there because it constantly died because of my Thorns that’s so silly just a just a cat going oh okay

Okay then I get it but not for the pixel art I have like the fire for like the hell thingy uh Bel Bell Tower or like Bell thingy Bell station for the church then you have my face which is very weird I know I know it doesn’t really look like me does it

Doesn’t matter um we got the market and then we got a cookie for food and a UFO because this is kind of the UFO well that’s what I’ve been calling it doesn’t really look like it but the idea is that I put eventually built like a spa show

Like around there and that that the space will get like stuff from the Moon and then investigate it right here so that’s the idea behind it but I have so many things to do still I’m I I I start projects but I I don’t finish them same goes for this I

Started it like way back and now I don’t it’s too much feel okay give me the spruce wood I hate coughing anyway continue because this one is going to go that way how many more houses do we need maybe two or three could work two or three definitely

Okay bless you thank you I try to mute most of the times but sometimes I’m just too late and it sounds like I’m throwing up but it’s okay just to be clear I’m not throwing up um I’m coughing I tried to mute every time it doesn’t work sometimes it just I’m just too

Late can you feel all right so this one goes that way oh no Fallout off out what Whatever Li I’m here you started streaming at 4:00 a.m. oh my God that’s early hi Unix how are you doing W in wel in I hope you’re doing lovely today my friend okay this is going to be weird because I have to oh it’s going to look awful but we’re

Going to see what we’re going to do I’m good how are you I am good um so coughing but I’m good I’m good I’m good a good and I’m glad you’re doing well I did finish making a train well I like look I’ll just show you it looks

Better I kind of like the idea of it like kind of being Health in the mountain so it looks looks like this right now and I think I did a pretty decent job what do you think I think I did pretty good I like

It uh the only thing is that we need to do right now is to put the whole freaking track around our map or like our world it’s going to take forever I might do like a little bit off screen as well sometimes like example we’re going down here so don’t be

Surprised if next rank stream I might figure out a way to get that down there was good so far yeah I like it I like it thank you I think it looks better now that I changed like the corners and everything like the the curves this the thing is only Annoying

Is that I have to make like all around every single train station all the way to there which is a little bit annoying but it’s fine um I think I’m going to get rid of that tree right here there was an actual train on it it’

Be worried a few spots but there isn’t so it’s fine I eventually I’m going to build a train on it but that one will not work so it’s fine I’m not making it realistic it’s not realistic but it’s okay um what if I do this is that how I did it right there

Kind of oh it’s fine these things are a little bit wonky and that’s good s the world keep it dangerous negatives stive do I do this yes I do like a r like a r it won’t move n it won’t move it will just be standing still like nothing happened

Um I think I’ll actually use Spruce Wood on this one probably a good idea so take me to the club oh it’s T man this song it’s fine I messed up the lyrics it’s fine I want to be invisible forgot to mention the other day you can also put the track on the bridge to prevent it from being too steep oh yeah I know I know I know no worries thank you for the tip I think it’s going to look good in the end

Probably I hope it’s going to look good in the end I haven’t heard this song in like 3 years I mean I have heard it because of my playlist and everything but I can imagine you not listening or like uh hearing it Whatever It Takes well this is kind of connect at

All eagly withit the final part I’ll try my best to to finish it but it’s big project it’s a big project I’m now just doing this so that I have like a little bit of uh a switch from like building the train track from into this hey thank you for the

Pads okay I’m good I’m good uh take this oh this looks weird okay it’s better I do what it takes what if I no no what if I just do this I do whatever it takes and then instead of wool I’ll use wood so I’ll use Birch I’ll use Birch I’ll use Birch

The adrenaline in my I do what it like that then a door will be right there maybe not where am I going to put the door maybe here this is going to be where the door is so like that so getting stream streaks on in other people’s stream I’ve realized the

Main thing that makes me points is affect the streak I think it’s a fun thing that they added that to be honest it’s a fun way of getting points thinks we lost in the since your stream early it’ll be really hard to get in on yours I mean if

I started stream on 400 p.m. or 4:00 a.m. for you sorry I can imagine you not always making it because my goodness that is hella early I hope you did get enough sleep though I hope you slep while what if I do that and I don’t

Know which about 9 instead of 11 last night so I would wake up at 600 that is pretty early I’m pretty epic for my first nether fortress in my new world but there’s no Nether wart so I can brew potions it’s okay you can live with the potions L don’t worry I

Done it without potions you can do it then as well I believe I believe I believe I don’t have slabs what no slabs how could they how could I how could I um this doesn’t look that good what if I just come on yes I think it looks a little bit

Better doesn’t it and then maybe we can use a little bit of the wool never be the same again never be the same again it looks good I like it and then I’ll put dark oak planks in here and over there apparently yeah looks fine and then we

Can maybe add some more slaps or like trap doors to it um if we got some you got two yeah then maybe buttons I yes oh God I like it what is what does it look like from over here fell asleep at 9:30 and woke up at

7:30 so me well rested oh that’s good that’s good to start playing Minecraft again yeah was said Java Edition I mean you can still get it if you want to you can still get it if you want to my friend this looks okay okay maybe I put

One more house up there cuz it looks kind of empty now did I already find two weird SK that you found two weird skulls when you just started how did you fight more weird skulls than I have I mean okay that didn’t happen didn’t scream didn’t yell nothing happened my goodness I hate

This Okay so we’re going to put another roof here a small one though a small one that bright Infinity S baby links tells the joke it it’s green and it is and it is skiing of a mountain a skiy h okay that’s such a stupid joke okay go to sleep

Nah it is a midday for me or not midday anymore not midday anymore pause and I’m leaving what do you mean it was a good joke the joke was amazing maybe a little bit weird in game maybe okay I can do that I can sleep hi I’ll be right back all good Ty

Welcome in I hope you’re doing well and I’ll see you in a little bit oh that was fast I’m good how are you I’m doing good thank you for asking and I’m glad you’re doing well up inside I didn’t mean to do that okay this is going to be a weird one

Without how long is the stream going to go for uh I don’t know I have no idea um normally I just stream until I’m like okay it’s enough it’s been enough but for now I’m good for now I’m good how am I how this is so Weird still work on the raway yes I am not right now though I thought maybe having a small break from that uh will do us some some some good relaxing time you know so yeah cleaning you better not end stream chat was the end of stream no I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m so

Funny I’m not but doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter um I need slabs I don’t have them it’s fine can get them in a little bit a I wanted to okay okay I’m I’m okay it’s good St ring all around it’s Good and this is not what I wanted to put it it’s like That no no Rose hello how are you doing hello hello I hope you’re doing well today it’s good to see you hello heading sou what if I just do this and then I don’t know put some random blocks everywhere how does does that work oh God that’s

Weird oh my God that’s a lot of emotes I love it it’s cute it is cute I want to put a window right here actually so I need to get rid of some stuff because my inventory is a mess again and I need this and I need that and I want

To take some dark o tractors with me like if you look at like at it it kind of looks like chocolate if you if you know what I mean right I think it looks like chocolate also I probably will be streaming with Christmas or like around

Christmas I want to and I kind of want do like something like Christmas related in in like this Minecraft world I mean I guess maybe we can build like a I don’t know we could do like something Christmas related I think it will be cool don’t know what we will be yet

But think it will look cool it will look cool going sou oh that doesn’t look good can I reach the chest like a shers come on that works hello Mr villager make a Christmas I could like I probably make a Christmas tree I I was thinking like put like the the thing the

The the SL SL SL what what is it call it what is it called like the reindeers and everything maybe we could build that in the sky as well I think it would be a cool thing slay yeah Slay Slay Slay Slay I’m sorry I forgot well I didn’t forgot but

I wasn’t sure that look like the the most wonkiest thing I’ve ever seen right there it’s fine it’s fine it looks fine I think it it it does have you know it looks weird that that’s bothering me that’s what’s bothering me wait we’re going to fix this get that out of

Here oh that’s not what I wanted to Do that’s not what I wanted I want to do this so oh God So what if I just do this oh no I don’t know maybe slabs will work like I don’t have them anymore no okay wait I got to go down there um so these ones I need and then I need this that’s not how I make slabs

Okay is the single player yes this is my single player world I was on day how many day oh 1031 1,031 great okay this is like weird okay it’s fine it is um a little bit better than it was it’s also not the best I don’t like making these Corner

Roofs kind of idea just do no I I’ll keep it like that or I’ll do it like this and then I’ll do it like that I’ll do it like this it looks so weird what about this like what about over here we’ve done lot for a single play World way to go yeah

It’s like it’s going it’s going great to be honest it’s um there’s a lot going on in this world I mean look at it it’s Crazy all righty get that out of here um and now for my next magic trick that I don’t have the door I’ll just use the O door and it’s all good okay let me fix my headphones real quick because they are like beep beep they’re beeping in my

Ear um you know bluetoo Bluetooth headphones and everything okay I’m dropping everything at this point don’t worry chat we’re still going how you get the elytra uh in in the end that’s where I got it from I got it from um from this nether ship or nether ship what am I saying the

Ship the ship in the end that’s where I got it from okay I’m back I got it from uh from the end the textures of it oh it’s my uh my Cape it’s my optify cape and then automatically when I put this on it will it will give me the Cape like my

Optify thingy Lynx guy how’s it going how are you doing hello hello I think we’re good with two more houses so that means that we have one over here that Mak sense yeah yeah yeah yeah hey Tommy welcome back hello what if I just put a little bit more in the wall

Right yeah yeah yeah I need a girl like you just check in before I go do on the Buzzy for the rest of the week it is all good I hope you’re doing lovely today Kai and uh don’t overwork yourself okay it’s okay to have a busy week but go

Make sure you take care of yourself as well don’t forget that maybe I’m I’m underw workking still make sure you don’t overwork hello Tommy um actually what if we just have one house that is actually kind of normal the rest of it looks weird yes we got the most easiest house

Right now which I love and then we have one more that we need to build and that’s like all the houses but I do need to put more chimneys not not anyway take care everyone have a good one Kai thank you so much for popping in I’ll see you later

Byebye um what if I just I need a girl like you don’t know I did this actually I do know but it’s weird got myself some food while eat for my gate eat while I eat for you wait for it I think that’s you forgot to pick the word wait in it’s

Okay go enjoy your food go enjoy your food sorry I meant weit yeah it’s okay don’t worry don’t apologize going to eat a gate that’s a little bit heavy on the stomach that’s a little bit happy um let’s see some fairy tale please what if I just use Birch again my look

Cool lots of iron lots of iron very healthy oh I want something just like this no no no no no no no I want something just like this okay I don’t have enough that is Sad you cough when I change no I’m sorry for scaring you I’m sorry I’ll mute next time I’ll mute next time oh give me a second chat okay can somebody take away that cough from me it doesn’t sound good I’m a little stick I could eat some gate right now go go take

Gate Link’s cough gem scare I think that’s more scar scarier than you know the whole freaking gem scare alert of my creeper like the creeper thingy didn’t mean to do that but it happened thanx is dying I’m dying no rolling streams never never again I’m kidding I’m

Kidding you guys are still have to you know listen to me Good Luck Good Luck how much you want to risk I’m looking for somebody yay Le party Le party there something I can Turn I something just like I shall listen awesome do we want another house here or is this it maybe this is enough maybe these are enough houses maybe it’s enough houses enough slices I feel like if we put one more house on the left it might be too

Much or should we do one more I don’t know maybe if we let the well that that weed came out very weird what if we let the the house face this out this way I’m sorry night for the gym scare all right um I don’t know maybe we can add one

More that’s creepy sound maybe we can add one more it could work it could work nah it will be too much maybe it I don’t know I don’t know what to do uh we can do this at least so there will be a window right there right there and then I want slabs

I want Oak slabs I need oak oak wood I need to put some stuff away because this is too much again um oak wood that’s grass and what kind of thing I want this yes okay I mean it could I could technically put another house there if I want to oh this works

This works um oh that’s weird get that out of here all right we just need a door we just need a door and then we’re good um and I think I’m going to use chip wire hooks again I kind of like like how it looks it looks like whenever you use trip

WS I think it looks good oh I forgot the like on crate Nice bam cool looks fine and for these it’s probably better if I just well not Dr jump off and a pit full of zombies are there actually PE people who actually say drowned like for those creatures or are just zombies because I always use the word

Zombie uh this looks fine then I just need some trap doors and maybe some more buttons I going light like that cool I Cal drown well sometimes well that makes one of us I don’t I just call them zombies drown cuz zombies can’t swim I mean that’s

True I don’t know I don’t I don’t think the word drown fits them very much I mean they did drown so oh I don’t know it’s weird it’s weird okay maybe I need to put one more house one more house can can be bad right right right

Um I think one more house can be fine zombies didn’t use their arms right I mean at least we are alive right we alive okay one more house and oh my God stupid haste to whatever it is is tequila with my friends hey there we go everyone knows what I look like not

Even one of them knows me I think one more house is fine and then for this I’m oh God for this I’m just going to use like upside down down St oh stop it have so downstairs or something uh from Birchwood now they think I’m crazy to the club Likees so like that that’s not upside down but you know what I mean it looks fine all right and now we need to figure out a rooftop for the other house and I think which one we didn’t we use I mean I guess I can use more dark oak

Again since that house is kind of weird that’s spru mhm I know what my name is find it funny that like three different people have a crush on me what that’s crazy I’m just so cute you are adorable Adorable I’m walk to myself now I didn’t think I’m crazy cool like everybody hates me okay I just misclicked on every single block that I could possibly misclick on Nothing okay this is not it this is not it I’ll I’ll try to do the other side first that’s probably easier see now I can see what okay I got it I don’t got it wait like that yes okay I got it see I got it no questions please

Uhoh why is it like this tell me why tell me why a but a bam just want hey silk how you doing welcome in I’m doing good how are you doing linkx is Ador I didn’t say that I’ve heard adorable I yes I didn’t say that you guys are making up stories I

See how it is I see how it is doing good hey that is good to hear that is very good to hear this is weird if I It Go no it’s fine like this I’ll keep it like That fromation okay now I just need more stairs this cute well that’s the end of stream no kidding not a cutie no no no no no I’m a lynx isn’t that weird that’s Crazy okay roof to done also very wonky doesn’t matter because I grew up in New England Kao forever thank you so much for the follow welcome in I hope you’re doing well today hello hello welcome in my friend can be cute sometimes from time to time Hello hope you’re doing well kaida like now what am I doing it’s not like I’m doing anything maybe some trap doors would help me out from Birchwood being cute no no no no no no no no no no I need slabs Christmas Lings W I actually got one Christmas skin which is basically is me with the Christmas hat on instead of a crown I should really put that one on don’t I shouldn’t I maybe maybe I

Should I’m home sick why if I just put a door right there good work this is so weird can I use some Channel points to make you tiny I mean no it’s not a redeem I want to get rid of that hashtag it’s banned in my chat it’s bad Hey also GNA get rid of that hashtag Crystal I walk with you my dear I should sleep it’sing me awake you to close your eyes I want to take a door with me which is this one could I use a p you want to make me tiny how tiny are we talking

About I don’t want to be tiny I oh oh oh God holding me back cool full of life and full of love same area as the like that tiny no no no no that’s too far I don’t want to be that tiny I don’t want to be that tiny don’t listen to I

Scream the I don’t like this it’s too much that’s better link just floats you float too I don’t have legs you want to see if I have legs or not you’re gone gone gone away I watch you Disappear okay can I get it there we go I float I float I don’t have legs what about bigger no you guys no it would be accur high hell no MM hey don’t listen to a word I say thans it’s a what I’m not a witch nah

Nah witchcraft I see you when I fall asleep hey I totally missed that tune but it’s fine ship will carry on oh you stuck there buddy red sand blue eyes epic toless time okay toess is fine I can go with Tas execute him no that’s evil um how am I going to get

Torches I put it on the houses over there so maybe I’ll just do that very ugly oh well I have to figure out a better way eventually most likely don’t listen to I say Hypixel duel right now okay sure you ready to lose is that what it

Is okay sure we can do it we can do it give me 10 minutes H it’s a little bit too much to ask for I’m kidding I’m not going to make it and I K my shoes up tight I’m like a broken record I think it looks fine now I need

Chimneys I’m sorry chat for coughing the whole time um oh it looks good I think it looks fine I don’t need chimneys which is deep slate and a campfire and tractors also I you guys just want to loose at this no I’m kidding don’t be cocking

Alings oh okay I also want to play let me know whenever you’re line and then I can invite you and then I’ll just hop over to Hypixel real quick to Onie it is adorable isn’t it it going be looking for a bit got to do some chemistry homework for tomorrow all

Good Crystal have a good one good luck with the chemistry homework and I’ll see you in a little bit oh can I do something with this no of course not oh I don’t know I need this don’t I and a buzz it night of the night of

The Night This Joy is electric I need campfires what am I doing how to make campfires that and sticks higher power got me singing every second oh yeah you’ve got a higher power and you’re really someone Ty pixel working yeah it works it works on 1.20.1 I believe it should

Work you’ve got yeah you’ve got a high yeah you’ve got oh you’ve got a high you know annoying thing is that I need to get more Sprucewood now well not now but off screen off screen most likely wait was that one right yeah got me see every second oh yeah you

Got okay and then trap doors just do that and for so long Up I think I’m going to put one right here yes off screen I don’t cheat I only speak the truth only speak the truth my friend ow ow bam don’t know about feel that have you watch any how Dragon SP spinoffs I’ve seen all the movies but

Spinoff don’t know how about to feel that way hey that’s ugly of course I don’t have the right wood what the last time you’ve died in this world can I see that like last time of death or something it was probably me dying to creeper most likely

Creeper also Ward and N tell me whenever you guys are on helpy no hop on Oh you mean like the shows um I’ve seen a little bit not all of them I watched like all the movies and um I started on the spin-offs but I haven’t

Finished it my PC is taking it sweet as time how could the PC how dare they um I’ll put one over Here there we go and then I guess we can do one more over here like one over here and one over there so that means that we need more resources anyway oh do I have silk touch on my axe I don’t get St to sets for yeah I died

Like six times probably on this uh Dam it like how was it times of death it right or times died time play time times since last death I don’t know what that d means I’m on micraft right now but I need to change the settings a bit all good hi Paul welcome

Back days it’s not four is it like 440 days of or I don’t know number of death six times yeah do you mean but that 4.4 real life days oh that’s that’s a lot I don’t know what the last I I I think the last time was like pretty far back I don’t

Know I don’t know anymore come on there we go I’ll be by your even if I’m not to you that’s like surprise surprise look who’s ha what the heck why did you get in there I’ll fill it up up what oh didn’t totally didn’t fall asleep after lunch I

Mean I don’t blame you you know full full stomach and everything that’s a great way to like nap I would say somehow yes I’m my mess with that so much Chest oh my God I need to empty all of this I guess this is done now which is pretty good I like like this okay I’ll get rid of this first and then we’ll see he’s still turning on your PC is taking a long ass time look at this I think looks

Pretty epic wait what does it look like over here uh Jake q y v Jake Q yv thank you so much for the follow I appreciate it I hope you’re doing well I hope I’m pronouncing your name right J J q j Q welcome in hope well let just dual next

Time all good please help me remind okay I think this looks Good that was quick sh we don’t talk about it flamer that was not nice that wasn’t nice see talk about what good job you already forgetting about it my chest all right it’s time to get rid of some stuff um like putting it back I mean much I don’t know I don’t know

Jackal AKA W no nothing nothing W nothing nothing nothing nothing I’m ready okay okay okay let me get on okay okay dual time Okay do I have you oh I do have you on my friends list hey that’s good um where is it again dels there we go then this is the one classic duels you ready Knight what is your Minecraft skin I don’t think I’ve ever seen it what’s your Minecraft skin

SK is it is it from FNAF oh no you got this night don’t worry hello I’m horrible with the bow see see I give up I don’t have any arsir night oh oh oh hey oh my God I had a combo that helped me otherwise you would have uh Ned me

You would have won oh my gosh C I cannot say that word with the above I do say so myself I’m horrible with it let me claim this real quick good game n good game good game spice hello my voice went very high pitched how are you doing I hope you’re doing well

Today I didn’t have you here I wish you well but I get all of it there we go um put the door right there I’m just going to put everything back and then if I need it again I’ll just take it oh that fits pretty good um oh my God not the right

Chest good what about you links I am doing awesome I’m GL you’re doing well I am glad you’re doing well my friend you’re too good I have my moments okay I have my moments sometimes I have like a very good like combo and then the other day I’m like absolutely horrible at

It guys if you’re not already make sure you’re hacking following links or I will I thought you were going to say hacking I like excuse you people hacking me what is this that’s sweet chat if you have never heard of spice spice also streams and is absolutely amazing absolutely adorable they their

Streams are amazing um and if you haven’t checked their Channel out go make sure to drop them a follow I’ll give you a shout out spicy yes yes don’t say no don’t say no I’m going to give you I’m give you there you go there you go

Chat if you haven’t already go make sure to drop a follow to spies they’re absolutely amazing and um yeah I would appreciate you if you check them out you’re lovely you up now thought we would play something like bat Wars oh it’s always a Hypixel duo we

Could play a a Bed Wars match if you want to we could do that you want to play one bwars match it’s actually it’s a Hypixel duel so that would be like the DU that we did but guess what what what what what I have too much grass this isn’t

Insane too much grass who would have thought thank you of course I wa oh you hit 100 followers yo that’s crazy I I I would joined your stream last time I was lurking in your chat but I hope you had a good time and I’m so proud of you good

Job congratulation on 100 followers did you get affiliate already kiss damn if you did that’s pretty fast links Prim of course of course of course it’s a freaking Milestone I remember when I first got my 100 followers I was so happy I I was okay with 50 followers I was like sitting in

Front of my P I was like oh my God what the heck is happening I was I was going crazy when I first hit like 50 followers it was like I was like I’m kind of proud of myself don’t tell anyone don’t tell anyone but yeah I was proud of myself so

You should definitely be proud of yourself Chad if you live like big milestone you R your life it’s awesome I did let’s go that’s awesome do you have like cool emotes and everything I saw you have like the C4 the bomb SO waiting until the day I see you

With 1 million follower that’s no that’s kind of crazy you know maybe that’s a little bit too much to ask for The Shadows got 23 and I’m proud of myself yo that’s great that’s awesome that is lovely me and the Shadows no you one day hit 10K I would be okay sorry I have to call real quick one second ch all right we’re good so what I was

Trying to say is I would be like very I don’t know like 1K is already like insane and we’re how many followers are we on right now 780 something and I didn’t even I didn’t even expect me to reach like us to reach like 500 followers like I was already

Happy with 100 and like then we just got bigger and bigger I’m like what is happening I’m like I’m like very like thankful for that it’s crazy it’s been a crazy Journey so far and I love every single one of you guys you’re amazing crazy I was Cy ones oh no you

Heard the emotes by the way okay okay you made them yourself because that’s absolutely amazing you got all the bombs wait I can’t see the the other one is a smoke one it’s a flashh I hate this sun oh that’s awesome I love them they’re cool the metric is

Metric is all I always use is I can fit that many people in my house I can’t I can’t fit I can’t fit wait I want to see how many 788 people I can fit 788 people in my house I can’t do that links why are so

Epic I’m not does that count as an answer ones with hands are commissioned outlines I love that that’s cute that’s adorable we did a good job on them how to do the Epic just be yourself apparently you guys calling me epic just be yourself as long as you’re yourself and

You don’t change yourself for someone you’re all good you’re all good answer a question I did not yours though I answered why question question um I’m having trouble sorting all of this I don’t know if you guys can tell but I’m having trouble take that I need two more

Sticks because my apparently my chest is Full Link’s epic 100 100 uh uh maybe don’t know don’t know maybe I do love you okay let’s get the rest you is no you no you Uno reverse card I think I can use that un Uno Uno I stopped talking it’s fine nothing happened nothing Happened hyr I’m I’ve been out of water since two hours ago okay okay I I can’t even hide in a house let me get some water real quick thank you for the hydrate uh kaida I’ll get some water all right water hydrate thank you for the hydrate C I

Appreciate it I’m ready to die AKA dual time okay sounds good let me get on Hypixel sounds great we’re friends right wait where are what’s your name again in U on Hypixel uh what hydrate interest hello how are you doing thank you so much for the hydrate my Minecraft’s opening okay let

Me go back real quick Then free like it’s only you and me one second chat one second one second then I’ll walk again okay there we go um you think more sleep would equal not feeling miserable what’s up is it like Miserable as in feeling ill or is it miserable in a in a different way are you

Okay L do you think I’d be able to to be PG13 for one stream you want an honest answer I’m I don’t know if you would be able with that do you think you could do it if you think you can do it then you can do it

If you think you can do it then you can do it um I think you can do it I don’t think I’ll be I think you can do it if you want to I mean do you want to stream pt13 I I mean I get most of like most of

My streams are kind of without swearing sometimes I say a swear word but that’s not that bad I use for words in every seconds sentence okay you know what maybe you can’t do it but it’s okay whatever you prefer for streaming I guess so it’s like the the

Crowd you want to attract I guess okay Mis was and woke up feeling I need to barve up something but there’s nothing that I could possibly come up I think you should take it easy for a little bit go make sure you taking nice nap again maybe if that helps otherwise

Go make sure you have eaten enough did you eat enough have interest please make sure you take care of yourself okay it’s important AR I uh that one that one that all right all right drink some water will that help don’t think that will help all right put this away what do you have your Minecraft uh open already I’m going to get more golden carrots probably a good idea no no but entas I hope you feel

Better soon Buddy take it easy please and uh make sure you rest enough make sure you rest enough my Friend bam gold nuggets I can do more there we go that’s enough for now that is enough for now all right we got everything what do you still want to do the Hypixel Duo right now Pt34 April full stream I mean you still have time to to to learn it you know you still got a little bit of time to uh try to be PG-13 it looks so cool thank you kaida that’s so sweet it’s it’s been a it’s been a year um we’re currently on

10,34 days but I started like last year um February like when I start streaming so that’s crazy we’ve come a long way I would say you T Rec call all good five minutes okay more sleep wouldn’t work these people I live with anything that goes differently from their lifestyle and if it’s siren

What that’s crazy that doesn’t sound like a very healthy household um no it doesn’t sound very healthy entance have a good stream link I have to eat breakfast oh good Unix thank you so much for popping in I appreciate it and I go have a wonderful breakfast and

A good rest of your day have a good one have a good one five minutes I won’t be building for five minutes again um what do we do chat what do we do in five minutes should I give you guys a tour of what we’ve built so far that I’ve done multiple times

Already I don’t I I guess at least we can get rid of um that sign on the to-do board list whatever cuz we finished that now which is exactly what I’ve imagined maybe I could add some more detailing in the end but for now it’s good for now it

Looks awesome oh do I make it yeah so we can get rid of this nice if you chat if you guys have like any more ideas on what we could do let me know also I really like the idea of this like a player hat museum so

Basically what the plan is I don’t know who came up with it maybe it was crystal I don’t remember I’m sorry if I for if I if it’s not Crystal I’m sorry anyway player hat museum what I was planning to do is just put like a like I don’t know

How big it’s going to be maybe as big as the as the mention but just somewhere put like a big ass building like a museum and then I’ll just put like Minecraft hats of you guys in there so I would put my lovely hat in there and then for example your Minecraft skin

Could be in there as well I think it would be a cool idea um but I have to finish the train track first and everything else because my goodness I have a long way to go with that I have a very long way to go with

That it’s going to be worth with it in the end probably one crazy thing is a room of technically illegal Minecraft items you want me to put a how are you there and why are you there well sine 2.0 um a room with illegal Minecraft items what kind of items Like it’s going to be 50 one day and then just come back and look around maybe I don’t know if I’ll still have that have this world when I’m 50 I’m currently 21 so you know it’s a long time from now I it definitely I really like like

That I have like all my vots that I you know that will still stay still my channel you can still rewatch them now um Ellen helped me with that and I put I’m putting them on YouTube as well so I think that’s pretty cool that I can just

Look back at them and see where I started and then just come back at like the point where I would be at now it’s said that I don’t have them like at the first at the beginning since I start it but you know I guess I don’t I don’t

Ever want to see that again of myself oh I was so awkward I’m still awkward but that was horrible it was not good Are my iron golems actually still alive are they okay oh they’re good they’re fine and there are Ender’s here with the You there’s a YouTube video about they kind of thing like the illegal Minecraft items let me sleep real Quick okay what hurry your ass up hurry up Sully currently playing Minecraft on one of the oldest Minecraft servers and when I can’t build I just wonder the older areas what Minecraft server what is it maybe I have heard of it it’s time to do this yes that’s like the red Redstone the

Redstone Mastermind behind me you know I am the M whoa I am the master mind I don’t know what I’m saying anymore I am like the Redstone Mastermind that’s what I’m trying to say I know exactly what I mean sh sure a come on why is that okay there we

Go noin no clue never heard of it got a challenge for me what’s the challenge ready wait okay I’ll just plant my carrots don’t worry PC internet goofed so you want to do it another time then at the dutyfree shop I went to get some bubble gum there was a really sweet

Lady at the cater and she gave me a tiny bag of what you’re living alive that’s so sweet that is so sweet a well I hope you enjoy them I hope you enjoy them you can own all sorts of cursed stuff like a full set of tools and armor

And 10 with only feather falling monster spawners bedrock and portal frame I don’t think I don’t think I want to do that Though I don’t know if I want to do That going to full chest of poison potatoes I mean I got 25 maybe a little bit more upstairs in the other chest that’s going to be a lot I could do that how long do I have to put the potatoes like in the ground for that send a video of the Discord about

It oh good maybe I’ll check it out if it’s an easy way I might maybe I’ll try it I don’t know if I’ll do it on here but I really want to put like um I want to make a gold Farm but that means I probably have to break

Open the Bedrock roof of the nether I don’t know how to do that Ready Ready set go okay what is your Minecraft name I don’t know if we’re friends on the server again no I don’t have money for flowers and I don’t see why I got it got it

Never mind I know your name for hours whoa whoa type normal links you can do it there you go Lu they no longer sell this sugar free Haro gummies did they actually do that stay with me it’s one more night hello wart once again have mercy no I’m horrible with the bow

See oh nice shot don’t have money for flowers no I don’t have money for flowers and I don’t see why you’re oh I was at one heart I was at one heart that was a close one I was at one heart that was a really really good game that was a really good

Game one more night well that was scary beacons are kind of scary if you think about it kind of terrifying This stop ages ago because one of the ingredients they used a sweetener head effects equivalent to strong what oh that’s bad that’s bad I mean Haribo gummies are really good though they’re good you don’t need to break bread work to clip through I mean that’s probably right but

I do want to have like a way back for if I you know don’t make it back you know into the over world I mean I do have like a bunch of obsidian in here so I could technically go get back but just in case just in case all right that’s planted

Back that is planted back chat I think it’s time for me to go I’ll be ending stream here I hope you guys enjoyed we’ve done uh we’ve done a lot today look at this beautiful path that we made look at it and we made houses and every I think

It’s a good thing that we we’ve done this because it looks way better now next time that we play Minecraft we’re probably going to continue with the train track I might do a little bit off screen as well um but I’m happy with the results that we got so far we definitely

Put some more detailing on here uh someday don’t know when you know how it goes project from Project to project no idea when um but chat I hope you guys enjoyed the stream let me stand on he’s had because that’s absolutely amazing chat if you guys enjoyed the stream make

Sure to join Discord exclamation mark Discord also make sure to follow me on Tik Tok Instagram that’s not how you create insta doesn’t matter Instagram Twitter and YouTube because I got one right now and um I post my vods on there as well so if you want to subscribe go

Do that I would appreciate it uh but yeah chat here’s the r message already make sure to put that in the chat um from the people who or from the person that we’re going to rate feel free to use whichever emote you would like because you cannot use that emote

If you are not sub to the channel um that was a lot of words I’m sorry let’s see we’re going to rate we’re going to do that and do that there we go and

This video, titled ‘🐱Minecraft Survival Part #6 // Taking a break from all the trains!’, was uploaded by Lynx on 2023-12-23 19:12:44. It has garnered 165 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:46:52 or 13612 seconds.

Livestreamed on December 19th, 2023.

Check out my other socials! 🙂 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/intrlynx Discord: https://discord.gg/HZVxY2gf Twitter: https://twitter.com/IntrLynx Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@intrlynx Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/intrlynx/

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  • Minecraft Movie Exposed

    Minecraft Movie Exposed The Minecraft Movie: A Blockbuster Adventure Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming Minecraft movie! From the creators of the popular game, this film promises to bring the beloved blocky universe to life on the big screen in a whole new way. Exploring the Minecraft Universe With a rich history of gameplay and storytelling, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions of players worldwide. The movie aims to expand on this universe, offering fans a deeper look into the characters and landscapes they’ve come to love. Key Features: Blocky Adventures: Follow… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Heroes Save the Day in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Where Heroes Save the Day in Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the thrilling adventures of Efekan in his latest YouTube video. In this video, Efekan transforms into a superhero to rescue Esra from the clutches of the bad guys. The action-packed scenes and heart-pounding moments will leave you on the edge of your seat! But why stop at just watching Minecraft adventures when you can be a part of one yourself? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server and immerse yourself in a world where… Read More

  • Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans

    Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Our hero embarks on a journey so bold. With Nether Wart in hand, a potion to brew, Creativity and courage, shining through. Facing challenges, monsters, and more, Our hero’s spirit, strong to the core. Each episode, a new quest to complete, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. So join us now, in this epic tale, As our hero’s courage will never fail. In the world of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, Our hero shines bright, in the darkest night. Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Survival: Minecraft’s Disturbing Mods for 100 Days!

    Insane Hardcore Survival: Minecraft's Disturbing Mods for 100 Days!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving Minecraft’s Most Disturbing Mods For 100 Days in Hardcore 3’, was uploaded by Chiefxd on 2024-08-20 15:49:47. It has garnered 1593957 views and 31304 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:28 or 3388 seconds. The cartoon cat and now the goatman have joined my hardcore world alongside The man from the fog and herobrine. My goal is to survive 100 days in hardcore Minecraft while every 10 days I add another one of Minecraft’s scariest horror mods. The world will become unbearable very quickly so I have no time to waste but most… Read More

  • Toby builds epic farm in Minecraft!!🔥

    Toby builds epic farm in Minecraft!!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘VILLAGERFARM TEIL 1/4😄mehr in der Folge🤝🏼#minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Toby on 2024-01-04 15:15:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Universe Secrets LIVE 🚀 | New 1.21 Save | Minecraft

    Unbelievable Universe Secrets LIVE 🚀 | New 1.21 Save | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE | Новый сейв 1.21 | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Freakster Universe on 2024-08-15 03:09:40. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:23:40 or 5020 seconds. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1984190/Genopanic/ Throw some money to the streamer for food – https://new.donatepay.ru/@31740 Discord server (if the link does not work, write in the chat) – https://discord.gg/6wSqHbVfq5 There are streams here too – https://www.twitch.tv/freaksterun #live #stream #minecraft Additional tags Don’t Starve, Together, Genshin Impact, The binding of Isaac, roguelike, Sekiro, Walkthrough, beginning, survival, TOP, Bosses, Boss, Boss, Bosses, Achievements, HD, DLC, training, guide, walkthrough,… Read More

  • 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft as Saturo Gojo?!? EPIC Survival Challenge!

    100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft as Saturo Gojo?!? EPIC Survival Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Surviving 100 Days in HARDCORE Minecraft as SATURO GOJO?!?..’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-08-13 17:00:18. It has garnered 158111 views and 5031 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:19 or 3199 seconds. I’m finally caught up with Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) & I haven’t done a 100 days in awhile… You know what that means right? TODAY we are going to be trying to survive 100 days as Gojo from JJK using the Project JJK mod… Will this be a challenge or an absolute cake walk!?! Let’s find out!!! 💛 – Subscribe for More:… Read More

  • INSANE NEW UPDATE: Gengar vs Dragon Ball in Minecraft 2

    INSANE NEW UPDATE: Gengar vs Dragon Ball in Minecraft 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Dragon Ball Minecraft Update 2’, was uploaded by Gengar on 2024-07-28 19:33:20. It has garnered 2433 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:17 or 257 seconds. **This is a Minecraft Dragon Block Server** – 100+ Missions: Engage in a variety of exciting missions. – 11 Races: Choose from seven unique races. – Customization: Extensive customization options for a personalized experience. – And Much More: Additional features and enhancements to explore. **Compatibility: Minecraft** **Compatible with [1.21.2].** **Download Link:** https://discord.gg/pWyrbBXHhF Website: https://dbmm.yolasite.com/ Server Information: IP: Port: :19134 #dragonball #minecraft #addon #showcase #fyp #shorts… Read More


    INSANE SJ DULLVA PRANK!! 😂🙌🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘😆😅🤣#aphmau#aphmaucrew #minecraft#aphmaukissed#minecraftanimation#aphmaucosplay #animation#subscribe’, was uploaded by 𝐒𝐉 𝐇𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚 𝐃𝐮𝐥𝐯𝐚 on 2024-03-25 04:01:02. It has garnered 7386 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Modern Vanilla

    Modern VanillaHello, welcome to Modern Vanilla! This is a Semi-Vanilla SMP server, hosted by two passionate owners, Shinkaii_Rin and RivsLive. Modern Vanilla has multiple QOL features that aims to provide all players that enjoy multiplayer Minecraft the best experience possible! The server uses diamonds as the primary currency, so NO pay to win happens on the server! Hope you enjoy your time here 🙂 modern-vanilla.com Read More

  • HomesteadCraft SMP – New Hardware, 3 Years Old, No map resets, 21+, RPG-inspired, Claims, Dynmap, Discord-MC chat

    Welcome, Neighbors! Looking for a mature and friendly Minecraft community? HomesteadCraft SMP is an adult-only server that’s been public for over two years, and we’re excited to welcome you to your new home! Where to Find us: IP: HomesteadCraft.mcserver.us Live Map Discord As an RPG-based server, we’ve got a unique game-play experience that’s tailored to players who enjoy building, crafting, and exploring. Our community is made up of players from all over the world, and we’ve got a large number of regular players who enjoy playing together. Our main goal is to provide a fun environment with an old-school feel,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sonic’s Minecraft Spicy Blend

    Why does Sonic look like he’s about to drop the hottest mixtape of 2021 in Minecraft? Read More

  • Crafty Sphere: Minecraft’s Epic Adventure

    Crafty Sphere: Minecraft's Epic Adventure In the Minecraft world, events are a blast, Minigames galore, each one a contrast. From parkour to PvP, the fun never ends, With friends by your side, you’ll make amends. The Event Sphere, a hub of delight, Where players unite, ready to fight. Compete for rewards, in challenges grand, In this virtual world, where creativity stands. So hop on in, and join the fun, In Minecraft events, victory can be won. With skills and strategy, you’ll rise to the top, And in the end, you’ll never want to stop. So gather your friends, and gear up for the game,… Read More

  • Minecraft Digging: The Hottest Hole-digging Adventure!

    Minecraft Digging: The Hottest Hole-digging Adventure! “Why do Minecraft players make terrible archaeologists? Because they can never resist digging straight down!” #minecraftdigging #watchoutforlava Read More

  • Kidnapped on a Minecraft Island

    Kidnapped on a Minecraft Island Surviving 100 Days on a Mysterious Island in Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey in Minecraft as you find yourself stranded on a mysterious and challenging island. In this thrilling video, you will test your survival skills to endure 100 days of adventure. Accompanied by helpful villagers offering advice, you must explore the terrain for resources, build secure shelters, and confront dangerous enemies. Get ready for an action-packed challenge that will push your Minecraft prowess to the limit! Exploration and Resource Gathering As you navigate the island, be on the lookout for valuable resources such as wood, stone, and… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing Teleportation Trick

    Minecraft's Mind-Blowing Teleportation Trick Tri-Dimensional Teleportation Unveiled in Minecraft (Java Snapshot) Exciting news for Minecraft enthusiasts! A groundbreaking development has emerged in the Minecraft community, thanks to the collaborative efforts of Sam and other talented individuals. The latest Java snapshot, 24w37a, has introduced the possibility of tri-dimensional teleportation in both singleplayer and multiplayer modes. Revolutionary Designs and Mechanisms The innovation of tri-dimensional teleportation opens up a realm of possibilities for players to explore and experiment with. Through intricate redstone mechanisms and clever engineering, players can now seamlessly transport themselves across different dimensions within the Minecraft universe. Impressive Creations Several notable designs have surfaced… Read More

  • INSANE! My Friends Tried to Infiltrate my Castle in Minecraft

    INSANE! My Friends Tried to Infiltrate my Castle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Built a Castle in Minecraft and asked my Friends to Break In’, was uploaded by Grian on 2024-09-22 17:00:08. It has garnered 846576 views and 63837 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:11 or 2111 seconds. MINECRAFT: CASTLE CRASHERS! Today we have a special video where we all make a castle or fort full of defences then invite our friends to break in within a time limit to win. Check out the other participants to see what castle they made! Read More

  • Insane Mob Trap in Minecraft!

    Insane Mob Trap in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mob Trap || Minecraft || #shorts #trending’, was uploaded by Tech with Games on 2024-04-07 11:30:24. It has garnered 489 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Mob Trap || Minecraft || #shorts #trending Read More

  • INSANE – Minecraft All Achievements Hardcore in 6 Days! 😱

    INSANE - Minecraft All Achievements Hardcore in 6 Days! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft All Achievements Hardcore 6/117 | TAG 1 [YT&TTV]’, was uploaded by IstDasGeisteskrank on 2024-07-17 02:28:55. It has garnered 34 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:52:13 or 3133 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Read More

  • Gaming prodigy Anshul dominates Minecraft SMP

    Gaming prodigy Anshul dominates Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT GMR SMP LIVE’, was uploaded by ANSHUL GMR on 2024-04-15 21:49:25. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus … Read More

  • Unearthing Ancient Debris! Ultimate Minecraft Tips! #PotatoEdition

    Unearthing Ancient Debris! Ultimate Minecraft Tips! #PotatoEditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Discovering Ancient Debris: New Tricks in Minecraft Potato Edition! #PotatoEdition #ancientdebris’, was uploaded by Mou Family Gamer on 2024-04-04 02:38:20. It has garnered 363 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:11 or 551 seconds. Unearth the secrets of ancient debris with our latest tricks and tips tailored for Minecraft Potato Edition! Join us as we delve into innovative methods to uncover this elusive resource, essential for crafting powerful Netherite gear. From strategic mining techniques to utilizing specialized tools, we’ll guide you through the process of locating ancient debris efficiently and maximizing… Read More

  • EPIC Mass Processing in GT New Horizons 🕹

    EPIC Mass Processing in GT New Horizons 🕹Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ⭐ GT New Horizons 🕹 S2.1.054 🎮Massenverarbeitung’, was uploaded by DragScorpion on 2024-05-10 09:00:17. It has garnered 56 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:15 or 3795 seconds. #Minecraft A complete world made of blocks that can be designed however you like. Whether you’re creative and build buildings, cities or whatever takes your fancy. As an adventurer you roam the world, dungeons or caves or as a survivor you craft your way through Minecraft life. There are no limits here. #GTNewHorizons If the Minecraft technology packs aren’t too demanding for… Read More

  • ULTIMATE BEDWARS SOLO with Itachi Uchiha on Cubecraft! #OP

    ULTIMATE BEDWARS SOLO with Itachi Uchiha on Cubecraft! #OPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Conquering Bedwars Solo as Itachi Uchiha on Cubecraft! #bedwars #minecraft #cubecraft #itachiuchiha’, was uploaded by FT BROTHERS on 2024-09-07 17:04:32. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:39 or 339 seconds. Watch as I take on Bedwars solo in Cubecraft, channeling the power of Itachi Uchiha! From epic plays to intense battles, I dominate the game with strategy and skill, showing off my prowess with every move. Whether it’s clutch moments or outsmarting opponents, this match is a showcase of true ninja mastery. Don’t miss out on the… Read More

  • EPIC Co-op: Stardew Valley x Minecraft with Celestee

    EPIC Co-op: Stardew Valley x Minecraft with CelesteeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Stardew Valley into some Minecraft Co-op’, was uploaded by Celestee on 2024-08-06 02:13:48. It has garnered 86 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 05:04:53 or 18293 seconds. Welcome, welcome. It’s Monday. Time to get the Wizard to love me! Pray for me. These mobs are gonna kill me XD Be sure to check my channel description to find the Discord! Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/celestee_the_kitsune/tip Read More

  • “EPIC Minecraft showdown with my badass dog 😈🔥” #minecraftmemes

    "EPIC Minecraft showdown with my badass dog 😈🔥" #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Don’t mess with me & my dog ☠️😡 #minecraft #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by Minecraft moments on 2024-08-12 00:00:00. It has garnered 1 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft civilization, minecraft hardcore, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft movie, minecraft horror, minecraft story mode, minecraft arg, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft april fools 2024, minecraft ambience, minecraft addons, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft armor trims, minecraft armadillo, a minecraft house, a minecraft parody, a minecraft movie, a minecraft player… Read More

  • LifeBound SMP

    LifeBound SMPLifeBound SMP is a brand new Lifesteal server that combines elements of RPG and Survival to offer a unique experience. Players can level up various skills to enhance their abilities, whether in combat, resource gathering, or exploration. With an amazing Quest System, there are always exciting challenges to complete and rewards to earn. The server also features a Playtime Rank System, where players are rewarded with ranks and perks based on their dedication and time spent in-game. Crafting is taken to the next level with Custom Recipe Items that allow for the creation of powerful and useful tools. For those… Read More

  • Phoenix Semi-Vanilla Server

    Phoenix Phoenix is a technical server with experimental features where we aim to create the biggest perimeter in Minecraft. Join us for original designs and a fun technical experience! Server Features: 1k2 spawn perimeter Chronos V3 raid farm New main storage in progress Complete demibolt + pearl cannon + pearl stasis network 150k iron farm 600k shulker farm Current Goal: We are aiming for a massive perimeter size of 5,000 x 1,000! Join us in our quest to beat the current records! Join Us! We welcome players of all skill levels who are interested in learning and building. No cracked… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The true meme story

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft: The true meme storyI guess it’s safe to say that the real Minecraft Movie is a blockbuster hit! Read More

  • Minecraft Squad Goals: Meme Mansion! #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Squad Goals: Meme Mansion! #minecraft #memes “When you and your Minecraft friends spend more time building a house together than actually playing the game.” #minecraftproblems #friendshipgoals” Read More

  • Tag as a Bunny in Minecraft?!

    Tag as a Bunny in Minecraft?! The Life of a Minecraft Hare: A Day in the World of Minecraft Have you ever wondered what a hare does all day in the vast world of Minecraft? In this Minecraft Short, our player embarks on a quest to follow a hare for an entire Minecraft day to uncover the secrets of its daily routine. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of Minecraft mobs! Exploring the World of Minecraft Hares As our player sets out to observe the hare, they discover that these adorable creatures spend their days hopping around the lush landscapes of Minecraft, nibbling on grass… Read More

  • Revenge of the IMMOCRAFT EMPIRE

    Revenge of the IMMOCRAFT EMPIRE The Legendary Tale of Boba and the Shiny Harp of Bard In the bustling village of Rhythmwood, Boba, a young boy from a family of musicians, harbored a deep desire to become the greatest musician in the world. Despite his dreams, Boba was constantly belittled and oppressed by those around him, including his own father who doubted his abilities. A Tragic Misunderstanding Tragedy struck when Boba’s home was set ablaze by angry villagers who mistakenly believed false rumors about him and his mother. Despite the devastation, Boba’s father remained silent, fueling Boba’s desire for revenge. The Quest for the… Read More

  • 10 Hours in Enderman World – Insane Mob Battles!

    10 Hours in Enderman World - Insane Mob Battles!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 Days as an ENDERMAN – Strongest Elemental Mobs Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-08-29 01:15:02. It has garnered 35657 views and 371 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:54 or 12534 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as an ELEMENTAL ENDERMAN in Hardcore Minecraft! It will be up to me to master the elements, and save the overworld! 0:00:00 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL ENDERMAN https://youtu.be/tcV86JI4EMQ 0:34:48 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL LAND SHARK https://youtu.be/v82S7jfo8tQ 1:09:07 100 DAYS as an ELEMENTAL SPIDER https://youtu.be/I-ZHxgWqD0o 1:43:18 100… Read More