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Throw the headphones I think it’s time we get started here so I want to try something new on the S MP something that um over on schnaz server schnazzy Fields me and a bunch of other people were doing playing the other week Minecraft Manhunt we were playing on his SMP it

Was fun I enjoyed it we all enjoyed it everyone that played I think it’s time though we have ourselves I’m a Manhunt stream now my goal was to ask schnaz if he wanted to uh do a whole thing but I think he’s over on his side streaming with his Subs

So I decided why not we’ll figure it out maybe he’ll join us who knows we got Genesis Gilbert how we doing uh thumbnail will pretty much explain a lot hold on let’s get that up how are we doing ladies and gents thank you guys for joining yo just checking out you’re checking

Out is that Mitch Connor daily do that’s a small penis that’s unlike you everything all right there Mitch good to see you there buddy smack the like button share the stream out let’s get this [ __ ] started my boys and girls and mainly men because we don’t get a lot of

Females it’s just how it is dude it’s just how it is I got a pretty interesting looking thumbnails un like the ones I usually upload all right yeah that’s good safe I don’t pretty much have Minecraft on PlayStation 5 so I’m doing is just checking out the stream I got you understand understood

Understood all right land the thumbnail load up let’s get into the world real quick ah beautiful honestly how do you edit your stream midstream what do you mean edit my stream Midstream how what do you explain it’s been a while since I’ve been on this first stream first

Minecraft live of the New Year ladies and gents it doesn’t let me edit my stream during the stream smoked Dan game shared and like how you doing thank you for joining buddy thank you for the share and like my dude appreciate it are you talking about uploading

Thumbnails and suchu and such um I use my laptop and I go on my YouTube My Stream hit edit video and it gives me the choice of editing the video’s title description thumbnail I can monetize the video I could uh make it public private I

Could select it and add to a playlist I can make this for kids or for not for kids and so on and so forth how do you edit thumbnail and description while streaming oh I need a laptop I I believe you can use your phone too but you have that like YouTube

Studios and such and I’m not going to lie to you but I don’t really feel like editing and figuring out your situation there dude nothing against you just I’m trying to I got to get Focus started on my stuff I had I was helping someone Ed um

The app I used for thumbnails a few days ago and it honestly kind of irritated me CU I was trying to do stuff and questions kept getting asked you know which is fine until I’m trying to do my stuff and whatnot all right um we got to shmel this hold on we

Got to add I forgot we went mining the last time we were on here perfect we can add more stuff to this look at that we will never run out of stone ever again no I’m fine I make my own thumbnails I yeah we started a little late later than

Usual I said 9:30 is 9:50 something so I’m a bit behind I apologize however we will hopefully get things situated pretty soon making sure everything is properly placed um yeah we we can quickly smelt the um Iron real quick all right so that’s a uh blah blah

Blah there’s another thing I have to take into account that while my buddy my cousin schnaz is live a lot of my viewers will be on his stuff and nothing wrong with that but hopefully we get some um we get some more people we’re going to add everyone share

This Discord we have a Discord everyone if you guys want to join the Discord server I will put the Discord Link in chat if anyone wants to join please do we need to get people for Manhunt we’re playing Manhunt better than dream 100 [ __ ] per better than dream guarantee

It well while I’m uh on the World by myself I might as well go sleep it’s easier you know instead of having to wait and make people sleep while I am trying to make night go faster and everyone doing their own thing you know where’s my dog at I officially

Made the dog in here oh he’s right here I forgot I didn’t know where he was at first uh later today I’m going going to see my cousin that I haven’t seen more than 3 four years well nice and damn 3 four years there’s very certain there’s only a I

Don’t know I there’s a there’s a lot of family members I haven’t seen for some time like that you know most my family I am close to except for a few family members that I’m not necessarily proud to be far away from but at the same time

I’m not really like 100% close with them you know so it’s nothing like personal which just not really close the Kings hello the Kings how you doing welcome I forgot to make the Minecraft uh um the Minecraft uh nightbot notification thing that I was going to do to notify people whenever people

Whenever new viewers join the server oh what oh my God dude’s almost dead what the [ __ ] hold on [ __ ] Bobby what are you doing I’ll give him this these two pieces how you doing say the Kings drop a like if you’re new subscribe my good sir welcome to the stream hope you’re

Having a good day so far I’m doing pretty good I’m trying to get trying to get the people on you know I got you bro yes yes got me up BR okay anyway um is that my boy op pickax how you doing op good to see you good to see

You I’m probably going to play Trails Fusion okay understandable I’m wondering if I should maybe talk with schnaz and see if he wants to play Manhunt and that we could rotate from my world to his world or something like that or his world to my world you know I’m quite curious because we’ve

Played Manhunt on his world and his world quite big my world though has got a lot of buildings and it’s pretty big you know you can definitely hide from Dino’s house all the way to Genesis House over the over there but it’s not like massive you know

And plus he has not one but two parts to his uh connoisseur you know is that my boy YouTuber K7 holy [ __ ] long time no see buddy how often do you stream I try to stream at least three between three to four times a week uh recently I’ve been doing it four about

Four or five times a week that’s only because I don’t have a job at the moment but once I get back into work um streams will become between two to three times weekly at most uh I’ve been trying to upload more shorts and such recently however um pretty tricky I have an

Editor who does shorts the thing is I I I don’t have all the money in the world and I cannot afford to be spending money on shorts and such I use that money for anything else uh WEEI how are you I’m doing good

How are you and I am at a funeral so I won’t be in the S&P tonight sorry to hear that Astro I hope uh you and your family are grieving just fine um but how you doing today Astro hope uh hope uh you’re hope I can’t I don’t

Know what to say with that that that I I hopeing your F you and your family are doing fine but smoke with the damn I’m doing good though hey Logan how you doing buddy Ricky Logan I don’t know how to what to call you I just call you Ricky for

Short I’ll try to watch more of your live streams you’re doing good that’s good to hear by all right let’s hope and pray we get more people um Jorge Jorge Wyatt Ethan girf they’re all on but they’re all on um schnaz is S&P so ean’s now one got that icy

Pop fry H2 oh I remember that person I don’t remember who they are though exactly just call me Logan it’s fine um all right got you my phone is charging my phone is close to dying but so is my PlayStation controller so I’m hoping my phone can charge pretty fast so I

Don’t oh [ __ ] there’s a spider where you guys are [ __ ] Legends my house should stay safe forever adding to our melon collection the melon chest of course ah dude we’re almost full of melon um WEP we got to play DVD again yeah man we’re uh doing DVD tomorrow so if you’re

Available tomorrow man I suggest you join are you still in the Discord server YouTuber lightning Wei I will watch you next stream because I have school tomorrow I got you you have yourself a good one buddy stay safe all right let me get my uh my

Stream on my laptop so I don’t have to look at my phone while it’s charging so far this year we’ve done pretty well in on the channel we’re just 4 days in and we’ve already gathered over 10,000 total Channel views which I’m not going to lie it’s been [ __ ]

Awesome like last December we only gathered about 12,000 total views on the channel which that’s for all 31 days so the fact that we are already 10,000 in and we’re just not even a full week means that this month is looking pretty special I don’t want to ruin or

Jinx anything you know but looking pretty good what’s the Discord Discord I will send the link have a good one Ricky I don’t think I’m in the server where I can where can I join uh here I’ll put the Discord link in for both you guys give nightbot a second he’s a very

Busy man all right um going to try my best to try to get stuff done via laptop I’m not used to using my laptop much on sharing stream out or using it to ReChat much I usually use my phone to ReChat most of the time I mean while we’re here we might as

Well go look around as we wait for more people I have a very small Eerie feing feeling that this is not going to be a good stream and I have my reasons H someone took down this tree right here great you just joined thank you for joining

Buddy all right so Jorge’s house that’s his newest house looks great and this is whose house is this this is astrals I believe this is astrals come down [ __ ] damn how many damn zigzag zigzag zigzag [ __ ] [ __ ] what time are you streaming tomorrow um it will be um between 8 and 10

Between 8:00 and 10:30 8:30 10:30 p.m. eastern time I live on the east coast in the US so between 8 and 10: tomorrow night it could be later it could be earlier but join the Discord will let you know I will let you know I got them

Nice beautiful the sneaking is crazy of course it is I got to P or else more mobs are going to spawn all right oh wait a damn is there a door up there I can’t go out no there’s not as long as I don’t jump there we

Go um we’re in the same time zone nice nice there you go and tomorrow’s a weekend tomorrow’s Friday so unless you were very very young person you should be awake you know I don’t know most of my channel my Channel’s average viewer age is between 18 and 24 but playing Minecraft that

Gets my viewers are on the younger side which nothing against that it is really weird streaming with a bunch of children in the room at the same time um one more torch should do the trick all right we should be good for now just waiting for more people more participants and all

Has that always been like that where it’s been mainly blue wool but now wood did someone steal that’s I’m pretty sure that’s Mr Australian’s tent that someone steal his blue wool puppy cams too hello there welcome to the stream how you doing drop a like and share thank you

For joining how you doing today to everyone wondering if they want to join or play this is a private SMP the way to join is quite simple you got to drop a like subscribe to the channel but not only that but you will probably not be able to join the server today private

SMP I am very trust I need trust I’ve had a lot of people in the server um do [ __ ] and we’re currently making room for more people to join so in the within the next week or two we should have room for more people to join but for now we are

Currently like I I wouldn’t say full but we’re not looking to invite people like instantly you know what I mean but liking subscribing becoming a member of the community trusted member of the community will definitely help and it’s definitely you know how you got how you get in

So I really need to put that onto a nightbot command so people can understand maybe have the trigger word as SMP or something whenever someone says SMP Discord nightbot sends the message or some [ __ ] like that that tree gets smaller and smaller every time I see it

How you doing today puppy cams how you been damn my phone now at 20% just like that nine likes on the board there we go thank you guys we’re going gonna send stream out to everyone we know you’re doing good that’s great to hear got to love it all

Right we have sent stream to dozens of our viewers and subscribers on Instagram hopefully that will bring in more people more of the viewers and so on and so forth that’s a snowman I was like wait I hear people walking but it’s just a snowman another wandering traveler we have a bunch of

Those If instead of me killing uh the wandering Travelers i instead just um collected them i’ probably have over 50 wandering Travelers I should start doing that we’re gonna check my boy gff’s house see how his house um is looking I think he was on

The last time we played no no the time before he might have finished building it or added to it did you beat the Ender Dragon yet no I have not no um still waiting I would say we definitely have the people to beat it and we might have

Majority of the material yet we none of us no none of my viewers have netherite yet I think we’ll try to get some netherite soon though interesting interesting look at that is that a d Vinci dinki you know ah perfect now you can get a a nice view of

Of Will’s dirt Tower you know I got to love it it’s the only thing you can you can see slightly the uh the mob spawner could you even see my house no you can’t see wait there’s a window in here right yeah nope that’s all right nothing nothing uh the trees which

Is nice you know love good tree look oh speak of the devil we’re surf how you doing buddy um hey we be a my house I can’t make it to play tonight all good is that because you’re in schnaz is game tonight or or you just you can’t join neither

One of us I’m curious nothing against I just want to like to know you know uh Leonard how can I join uh well you can’t join today I will make that clear you cannot join today however in the future you may be able to join I will give you this one quick little

Message drop a like subscribe um become a trusted well-known member of my community well not well-known but trusted member of my community what I’m saying is you got to earn my trust and Trust of other peers you know so that’s up to you if you’re

Willing to do that if not then I thank you for joining I hope you have a great rest of your evening night or day now I have basketball game tomorrow so I need my some sleep I got you buddy good luck on your game be sure to drop a like

Before you go though GF unless you’re going to stay for a little bit longer I’m trustworthy well you’re still kind of new to the to the uh the channel the programming puppy puppy I think you’ve only been on what four streams total most of them have been Among

Us you know trusted member not only not only be a trust to member but become a member of the community join streams not just Among Us not just Minecraft Dead by daylight Black Ops so on and so forth you know I have no idea how you

Know I can’t you know give my full trust as people that I’ve only met once or twice or that I’ve never met before in my life you know thanks for next time I’m going to play I got you buddy thank you for joining have a good one good luck in the

Game most people though who are online are playing with schnaz is there anyone that’s online that we can maybe invite that are not let’s see if icy or Eman wants to play I don’t think they would mine right you guys don’t think they would mine totally just wouldn’t uh

Yeah uh okay then I can’t be taking part of this community because it’s 4:21 and I can’t stay up stay that late up because of school understand understood 421 damn you must live over on in the Europe you know or Asia or Africa or anywhere over there I understand though but thank I

Thank you for joining once again German ah ah ah Germany that’s Canadian anyway I got you understand oh the melon broy look at that [ __ ] oh [ __ ] yeah dude dude my goal is simple I think once we have the melon chest completely full we’ve done everything we don’t need to

Stream this game anymore n beautiful and we’re filling up on zombie fles too we got to get some more food so definitely start stockpiling on food uh C King can I join you bro not tonight not today broy how about this though if you drop a like on stream subscribe to

The channel and earn my trust in the future you might have a spot on This Server my dude let me tell you a lot of people in the server you know are people I’ve met in the last few months and a lot of people already have a spot you

Know we had had to kick a few people I think one or two people but that’s about it how you doing today though C King are you planning on getting full neite soon ah yes I do actually um whenever I get a bunch of my you know

Bunch of people on there’s a few people who I know I can definitely trust well not I’m not saying I don’t trust everyone but there’s a certain few people in this server that I know can get netherite armor and that I you know if I go with them I’m guaranteed it not saying

Everyone else isn’t guaranteed it but some people in the server are a lot better at playing this game than others I am dog [ __ ] at this game this is probably the only thing I’ve really built um I built that and I I built that and I built those stairs and that’s

It that’s all I’ve really done oh wait wait I built partial of my bridge over here the Great Bridge I built I built the barrier to that and other viewers have just added on to that you know is that my boy fear the blood I’m sure I’m

Trusted how you doing fear the blood yeah I’ve known you for quite some time man how you been n you’re not trash everyone just starts somewhere I start I mean dude I gotta I’ve been playing this game since it came out I got this game when it first came out back in what

2011 I got this game when it first came out and I’ve have never beaten the game so it’s not that I just started it’s that I just never really been great and have continued to play it I play this game quite simply to build and have fun

With people friends and such if I’m not playing with friends or building genuinely not only doing it for entertainment purpose I’ve playing since 1.89 and I’m still bad building I don’t know what 1.89 is I’ve been playing since day one I remember getting the game not the

Day it came out but the very next day it came out it was a big thing big day big day we’ve been live for how long 20 32 minutes already thank you guys our goal is quite simple though we need more people in here so we can do

Some man hunt that’s the whole goal to get manh hunt all right my phone’s charged enough all right hold on we we we’ll say something let chat just a moment but um 1.89 was released on 2015 so you’ve been playing since 2015 I see I see then we have another set of wandering

Travelers they’re just everywhere at this point I think we have one of their llamas in here oh no I killed it I forgot never mind we had it it’s a Java version Oh Java well I’m on Bedrock I play Bedrock I’m on PS4 my dudes you know what let’s go fishing

Let’s pass the time up chit chatting with the community while we go fish ladies and gentlemen we are almost at 6,050 our goal for the end of this month is to somehow try to put up 6,100 that’s the goal so we are 40 we are 53 Subs away from that

Mark so let’s see if we can hit that [ __ ] before the end of January our goal is hit 10K before the end of the year and the more we get the more better the better we do the more um the go will update and upgrade you

Know I play bck as well I started playing 107 and then I switched oh [ __ ] to bedrock like two years ago nice perfect um thank you guys for all joining hope everyone’s having a good time so far apologies that there’s nothing really entertaining going on man

Hunt yet we have no one in the server yet so we’re still trying to get people on which is it could take a little bit because a lot of my audience um my community is very spread out amongst a lot of my friends and such um my cousin’s currently streaming

And he’s got majority of my audience because a lot of my audience members are um sub to him and part of his community too so we are hoping that um maybe we can start getting more and more you know and maybe me and him start we

Collab you know I think Manhunt I think both of me and him and a lot of viewers would enjoy some man hunt right now and besides we’re better than dream this we are a better [ __ ] Channel than dream anyone who likes stream honestly you know [ __ ] him you know that dude’s a [ __ ]

PTO must be straight up here we got bones there we go we got puffer fish nice nice lot of cod more puffer fish damn we got more puffer fish than we do salmon damn 11 pieces of cod hey there we go the salon over here a too late we got too

Late it’s all right though hey there we go more salmon hey okay we’ll do two more round we’ll do two more and then we’ll go to bed real quick so I didn’t mean to blow into the mic apologies y listen the Night by ladies

And gents be sure to leave a like if if you’re new subscribe our goal is quite simple every Minecraft stream is go we always try to hit at least 30 likes and you know we try to hopefully get above 250 on the views just under 250 isn’t

Bad but getting over 300 would be awesome let’s be real here our Among Us stream has over 400 our first DVD our first stream of the Year DVD had over 180 but YouTube took away a good chunk of the views for some uh dumbass reason which I can never

Explain you know I searched it up you and I got a uh Google saying it’s a glitch problem all right let’s cook this that should be able to cook out all them right hopefully we’ll find out we’ve hit the 40 minute Mark ladies and gents thank you guys for everyone who’s joined so

Far the more the merrier the more the merrier we’re at 10 likes thank you guys for 10 likes 11 likes even better than 10 look at that thank you guys once again now we’ve shared it to a few more servers to stream be sure to share the stream out

If you guys are able to it’d be all appreciated to appreciated appreciative what am I doing we should get more charcoal I think to make charcoal you got to burn a lot of water wood if I’m correct let me we’ll find out how long do you think

You’re going to stream for at least 4 hours at least four hours lovely apparently you can’t craft it I thought you could so then how the [ __ ] do you craft it like this is it like this it is like this okay well damn I I that that could have

Been H yeah yeah I could have been a lot sper with that mhm Mhm all right I might go to sleep soon I have to get up for school tomorrow I got you buddy well thank you for playing thank you for joining I say you didn’t play but I appreciate you joining short C last a good bit so yeah all

Right while we wait while we continue to stream on we’re going to go on my buddy schnaz is live and we’re going to see if he’s down to do some manh hunt actually I’m going to message him not DM not join your stream or message him we’ll see what

Happens worst case scenario uh we just end stream early and we join him let’s go see what we’ve col collected the um the mob spawner of course oh [ __ ] hey Manhunt is big black dick how you doing Pizza thank you for joining appreciate the message hope you’re doing good today sir

Um a quick update on my uh my throat and everything my voice it’s slowly coming back but my throat does hurt a little bit so like it’s healing but like I should not be talking at all you know I was trying to go yesterday without speaking for the most

Part but I couldn’t do that I’m doing fantastic I love drama after all how about you though I’ve been all right you know I’ve been dealing with the drama that you know and I’ve been dealing with my throat being sore my voice being gone half the

Time um I applied to a job yesterday another job that has a very similar work schedule than my last one I enjoyed my last work schedule Mondays through Thursdays that I’m hoping they get back to me and before you know what I have a job make more money and stream more and

Such we can hope though all we can do is really hope but Pizza be sure to drop a like bro if you’re able to share the stream out man maybe use your encouraging uh Charisma to go into Discord and tell people to join they’ll probably listen to you more than they listen to

Me hopefully the people who are making the drama a big deal realize that they’re making it worse by still continuing to care about it yeah yeah I yeah I I agree with you oh dude you I I what I’ve sent you is where I’ve gotten the last like two

Days that’s two days worth of [ __ ] and you know I I am like I I’m baffled I’m baffled that’s a big boy word right there for someone from Baltimore but I’m baffled at the fact that that’s just how that it’s just continuing professional yappers I hope it stops too but

Something tells me it’s not going to stop and it’s actually going to get quite worse but I don’t know if it’ll get worse for me or some or them you know we’ll find out though we’ll definitely find out maybe they’ll maybe they’ll maybe they’ll uh lurk in my uh stream you

Know I wouldn’t doubt they do it they lur my [ __ ] though I would not doubt that at all I’ve been known to be lurked at by a lot of people um poor ormis he hasn’t come to the server in months like dude has one of the coolest one of the most re most

Uh I mean it’s not the greatest house but it’s definitely one nice my nose I was speaking and my like I felt my nose filled with air for a sec I don’t know what the [ __ ] that was but he’s got one he’s got a pretty nice looking house and he’s got a very

Nice feature a fishing dock where he can sit and fish all day dude that’s dope sticky oh look at that yum yum all right to be honest I will be a big boy for once and legitimately speak about it but until they can grow up and

Actually speak to me I’m going sit here and watch I and you have all the right to do that I Tred to ignore him I really did but um me and schnaz were talking about it and sure enough he uh he got he got fed

Up today he actually got fed up with it today and stuff and you know it’s kind of funny but you know like these just these you know you can only do so much of watching and not speaking up or not saying anything before it gets to Yellow

Too much and it pisses you off anywhere you just got to say something that’s a must we got 30 all this [ __ ] food and somehow it’ll be gone within the next like two or three streams my throat my voice is starting to go it’s starting to feel a little Tweaky

You know uh so I’m going to I’m trying my best to keep my voice at a certain level but at the same time I might get a little upset or I might get a little too excited for something and I might my voice might crack so have prepare

Yourselves for some very funny uh vocal lessons from weepy guitar 90 of course what’s your favorite energy drink I don’t have I don’t really drink energy drinks um I’ve drank monster and Red Bull they taste the same though I’ve tried different flavors I’ve tried that uh what’s it

Called it was that one energy drink that got banned all over some [ __ ] like that it had the cotton candy flavored what’s it called um I don’t remember what it’s called I tried that it had no sugar in it it had a good flavor but the aftertaste was ass which

Is what most energy drinks are most energy drinks have a good flavor but have a [ __ ] aftertaste instead they brought it up to you and and I’m some like I’m some pet of yours yes exactly dude dude dude you should have heard me and schnaz talking in a party we were in a

VC talking about this and I was going off on how this [ __ ] was taking pissing me off to the point where schnaz was like dude don’t don’t say don’t dude don’t he was trying he was telling me not to say [ __ ] so I had to keep it on the low and

Keep it to a minimum pretty much keep it to a [ __ ] minimum [ __ ] just pissed me it’s it’s and it’s like damn like like a year ago if you would have told me that like this is what my life would YouTube life would be like this is where partial part of my

Partial friends would be at I’d laugh I would have laughed because at the time a year ago the channel was at a point where we had just come off our best year by far and it was only upwards for that uh for um only upwards from that from then and

Yeah we’re GNA we’re not I’m not going to continue talking about this because I don’t want I don’t want to start something what I mean something that’s already been started but I don’t want to yeah we we’ll continue talking about it off camera off stream but if anything it’s ignorant on

Their part yeah yeah yeah hey chellos oh it’s my Pooky bear how you doing buddy welcome to the stream drop a like CH us who want to join we’re trying to get people for Manhunt we need people bring it up to the guy who caused the issue not the man who legitimately

Was not in sight when it happened yeah like I said whatever you know it’s like if that’s how they want to handle it then I say this Bring it on Bring it on I’ve had this happen to me multiple times this ain’t my first rodeo and you know every time I every

Time I have something like this happen I hope it’s my last but it’s the Internet it’s always going to happen no matter what but how you been Chelos how you been Buddy good to see you drop a like and share my good sir so apparently my cousin schnaz is

Only streaming for another like 10 15 minutes all right we have a beverage my throat’s getting a little dry no homeown that [ __ ] but grab the Beverage real quick um chellos says yet to get back to me maybe he’s typing a very long message paragraph hey I called it look at that

Hey I got some new got some new some guy from Chicago and he was trying to get me some college recruit but I will love the join oh you got a college recruit wait a minute hold on dead ass for football you got a college recruit for football from

Chicago what big colleges are from Chicago hold on you got uh um northern uh Northwestern you got uh Northern Illinois you got the uh University ill oh dude you got some teams up there dude dude that would that’ be a that would be awesome dude keep me updated with that

Recruit stuff I would love it I’m interested in that [ __ ] or he’s trying to get me some recruits well I respect that but hey dude take recruits from anywhere to be able to go from high school ball to college ball is ball is very [ __ ] it’s it’s hard to do I’m

Not going to say it’s impossible but it’s damn near like it’s a n n 9010 9010 90% don’t 10% do continue doing what you’re doing bro if you got people wanting to recruit you or people trying to get you to recruit uh people would recruit you what not you know you know

What I mean you’re doing something man that’s fantastic congrats let me know when you’re online dude that’s awesome guys be sure to drop a like if you’re new subscribe thank you for joining I’m online right now all right I got you my first person there we go your own

PlayStation let’s do a bust the nut challenge blind Edition though whoever gets nut in their mouth first loses dude let’s [ __ ] do it I’m down Chio if I pass you please let me know oh there you are as soon as I said it it happened yo you know you don’t know what

Sounds good right now that I can go for I don’t know why I’m craving this [ __ ] right now but a a 20 piece McNugget for McDonald’s dude [ __ ] sounds smack it sounds smack what the [ __ ] all right if you need another invite let me know if I was on mobile could I join

Um I’ll would say no now my cousin my cousin schnaz he does something to where he does something where he if you are new he invites you but he keeps you on um visitor mode only which means you could pretty much just look at stuff and just be around but I don’t

Think I’m going to do that for people because I feel like d I don’t know to me seems a little too uh not not [ __ ] but like what’s the point of inviting you if you’re just going to just sit there you know it’s you’re pretty much just it’s it’s just it’s more reasonable

It’s like you know stay in the Stream at that point you’ll see pretty much everything only difference is you’ll have your own PV POV but yeah I think me people on mobile will be able to join yes I think people on mobile could join cuz me mobile that’s just that’s

Microsoft so yeah pretty much watching paint dry at that point yeah um Chelos do you need another invite I got you broy all right let’s so recently I’ve had my true brexit gezer video If you guys don’t know my highest viewed short of all time is a true brexit gezer uh YouTube short

That got me over 2 million views and a matter of just under 4 months I’d say at one point it was averaging between 80 to 100,000 views a day that that was an average no no no 80,000 views a day not 100 80,000 which that’s a lot it’s currently been

Blown up recently it’s you know it’s gathered in the last two days over 9,000 views which is quite impressive because I haven’t done anything to change it so this year so far we’ve gotten over 10,000 Channel views and we just started also we’re one sub away from

6,50 we are one subscriber off of 6,050 that is fantastic God you guys are [ __ ] awesome thank you guys hey Wei give me a minute it says can’t join I’m trying to fix it all right let me know let me know I’ll be here because that nowhere else to

Go the [ __ ] is going I joined I joined uh schnaz surf smpp stream and him and a bunch of people are just sitting in the bar damn I can relate with that [ __ ] I can relate with that [ __ ] we need anything yeah God here let me uh join back in my

Stream on my uh phone we might not have as many people but we do have we got 12 likes 13 likes actually which I got to say thank you guys for helping me get all these likes speaking of people’s houses I’m going to go check on uh icy

Pops he’s joined the last few streams and I haven’t really been observing his house like others uh Madera riggy what hello there Madera M I’m I’m I’m not going to be I’m I’m going to be Hunter I don’t know how to pronounce your name if Madera is how you pronounce the name

Then holy [ __ ] you might as well just sign me up I don’t know what to just sign me up what other games do you play we play dead by daylight that’s what we’re known for Black Ops 3 fortnite occasionally um Among Us Among Us has been really popular on our Channel

Recently uh we’re going to try to get into some other games this year like um the FNAF security breach games um jackbox games if you guys know what jackbox multiplayer games are we’re going to try to get into that soon um I do shorts I do funny skits and

Upload funny clips from streams of mine in the past and that’s about it really but how you doing to Mad drop a like if you’re new subscribe share the stream out hope you’re having a great time he doesn’t have a door in his house yet dude this house is looking [ __ ]

Awesome hey saw it was a bit chili in so l a fire oh Conor l a fire that’s awesome I don’t mean to toot anyone’s horn but this might this could definitely be one of the best houses on the server when it’s like completely done

This is a very nice chipy I like the chipy look at the comments I am looking at the comments do you watch Young Shon no I’ve seen I know what that is I’ve seen my parents watch it in the before young show isn’t that the it’s supposed to be like the Sheldon Cooper

From Big Bang Theory or I’m turning on all chat live chat riy is that what you want want me to call you I don’t know what that means please explain I’m curious role play RP uh role play I don’t really I don’t be doing role play unless I’m in bed I

Mean who what the [ __ ] is this wait a minute did I see put this here is this where he’s going to is this is is he’s going to build his pathway down there or something yes um I’m I’m I’m I’m going to be completely honest I don’t really feel

Like role playing I don’t role play ever unless I’m just kidding let me stop I’ve genuinely I’ve never role played while having uh the uh the SW word you know I don’t want I don’t think people actually do that yo Pizza have you ever role played while [ __ ] dead ass be

Real do people genuinely do that or is that just on porn and [ __ ] I’m curious dead ass this is the most important question I need to have answered today the Kings what I’m very confused I got to put this melon back in the chest perfect slowly steadily trying to get

Some people up in the Stream the more the merrier continue to share the uh live stream out he said no as we wait for more luses viewers to join us we will uh continue to to uh sigh in desperation cuz honestly there’s really nothing we could

Do the entire goal of this stream is to play Manhunt with a bunch of people that are allowed to join the server uh chelio isn’t is having problems with the server if he needs me to I could back out and rejoin the server but you know he’s I got to you

Know he he’ll let me know I feel um uh Hey pugy bear I can’t join sorry to Blue Ball you oh no you’re not blue balling me I I’m already in a world of pain n you’re good dude thank you for thank you for trying I’m sorry you weren’t able to join but

Yeah have thank you for uh joining stream now hope you could stay for a little longer in chitchat with the boy the boys I’ll send the stream to some of my friends but they’re probably asleep hey it’s worth a try worth a shot worth a shot has anyone updated or did anything

To our little underground bar and grill no fantastic we really should get like a villager to be down here you know I’ve never been back here before interesting look at all this room you got dude this like yeah let me stop now please the Kings another storm is upon us

And it’s very bright which means it’s probably another lightning storm thunderstorm I said lightning we have two boats now the boats found another boat they’re boating together [ __ ] fantastic my back is starting to hurt a little bit which is normal for someone who’s been sitting straight up on a bed for the last

Hour what music do you listen to uh rap pop um I don’t really listen to anything like country or K-pop related mainly rap and like old school rock and roll like 70s 80s 90s rock and roll you know Queen Guns and Roses a few Metallica and ACDC Songs a lot of 60 songs too you know I grew up listening to a lot of I grew up listening to The Beatles The Temptations you know I’m into that type of music as well not too much but like you play a song I’m going to start

Singing or you know I’m going to get groovy you know what rap artist uh let me get in house um big fan of Eminem Eminem’s easily my top tier you know Kendrick Lamar uh Wheezy Little Wayne give me Jack Carlo uh Tory Lanes was good before what

Happened um I mean he still has good music but like he don’t upload anything because now he’s in jail uh I’ve been to you’ve been to a Metallica concert what was the energy like how was the energy at a Metallica concert I don’t know if it’s I don’t

Know they’re older but they still produce pretty good music what’s a most of it just the original most of their is just their original songs and such I don’t think Metallica has really made anything recent you know within the last 10 years years I’d say they might have I don’t know

No we try our best we truly do try our best I don’t know what I’m talking about apologies I just realized there’s a window here you can a serting window a lot of mosh pits awesome you into sports or anything any sports like football baseball basketball uh soccer football whatever

You want to call it we at chitchat the Bobby for a little bit you know hello there Bobby how you doing there good sir you’re looking awesome oh you play soccer nice nice bro why do wings sound so good right now they do boneless wings sound

Good I’m not a huge fan of eating like legs and uh drums I will I will I prefer boneless wings though easier to eat let me check something real quick that’s nice hello back to my house get some food to eat I need Ultimate Foot to give me put

Some more flowers outside my house I believe he took them down and he needs to put it back up or else my foot is going in hiside his [ __ ] here we’ll have this food eat on the munch on for now um I don’t know where to

Go I guess we could feed our sheep over here get some more sheep I also could really go for watermelon M watermelon sounds pretty good too beautiful oh you poor fil by yourself there you go yo Trey wolf yo I’m back welcome back Trey Wolfie how you doing buddy drop a

Like and share good for you thank you for joining good to see you back how you been we’re almost at level 20 there we go sheep pen growing we got blue and brown sheep very exotic all right let’s feed some cows thank you guys for [ __ ] appreciate it see you at dinner type

[ __ ] all right well give me one sec ladies and gents I’m going to check something real quick h quite tasty delicious all right ah oh it’s night time which means we can sleep this storm away let’s [ __ ] go always sleep with your sword in hand you know I’m beginning to feel like a

Rap god oh god hey like I said it’s done the fog is going away look at that pleas please don’t start now TR be sure to drop a like bro share the stream out as you can as well thank you for joining once again I’m happy you aot

As don’t SI will be coming this year don’t you worry I really looking forward to playing some Siege with the homies all right um what else should I do let me check out Ice’s house icy we had our homie ghosty join up for the first time ever

Thank thank you again so much to her for coming by this has been excellent or I’ll tort to you real fast nice I’m still I think he’s still adding but his outside the house looks great it’s a really good it’s a really good looking house he has a little farm right here too

Nice me yeah if you could drop a like and share the stream out man if you’re able to sub at 56s that is awesome thank you guys for that support that is crazy we’re making so much progress this month this year starting out beautifully have a great night guys love

Peace he just ended his stream do you listen to any V or Little Durk ah no no no no I’m not into a lot of the newer School you know I’m going to be a 100 with you I’m not I I most new school rap is Mumble [ __ ] I’m not

Into that no I grew up with the ogs Eminem Wayne Drake Jay-Z I said Drake what the [ __ ] Jay-Z um Andre 3000 so on and so forth so I never really I’m not interested in listening to that [ __ ] so a lot there is a lot of new stuff I

Do like there’s a lot of new stuff I do like but most I don’t like at all J hey may I receive an invite I am a foot he is a [ __ ] foot holy [ __ ] we got people look at that after an hour and 30 minutes of streaming we finally are

Getting more people look at that look at that we can finally start playing Manhunt I’ve been trying to play Manhunt all night Jorge yes you can foot welcome please do join you are a foot I love that you’re a foot hey weepy can I play hide and seek

Yes you can Wyatt we’re playing a man hunt not hideand-seek we can do hide-and-seek too for now we’re doing on man hun we’ll see if Ethan wants to play Ethan’s are allowed to join yeah he yeah he is I’ve been here the whole stream yeah the king he’s been he’s been the King

Has been the MVP of the stream bro bro who’s one of the newest viewers and stuff and he’s been here give me a solid 15 minutes so I can shower okay bro if you do man hun you will lose super badly by me I don’t know about that one Chief

You’re not even on the game dude but join up you three join up join up greetings Ethan greetings it took schnaz end his stream for me to get people that that sucks I I knew that was what was going to happen I was trying to

Get started on my stream before he did I was hoping 9 starting around 9:30 was going to be early but no dude started at 9:00 so you I hope the stream went well thank you guys for joining we will be doing man hunts and some hide-and seek but we got to get

More people on so for now hello there bud welcome Conor Riley welcome invite okay got you I got you I believe I will win your on PC he says hey there’s Wyatt I’ll give you 15 minutes for it you’re good bro you’re good Conor Riley how you doing buddy

Good to see you drop a like and share everyone drop a like share the stream out let’s go let’s go Ethan don’t [ __ ] kill yourself dude I don’t know what you’re trying to do yeah King to be completely honest with you br we usually average roughly 15 20 viewers a Minecraft stream at

Once but the problem is when my cousin’s streaming a lot of my viewers like to watch him too so yeah you know so we had to be a little patient but we were patient enough Jorge’s over there or is that why that’s that’s probably Wyatt let me be

Hunted hold on we got we got to get more people we only got four people so far and we’re going have to make we’re going to have to make rules up first hey why oh you’re a Steve look at that [ __ ] loser dude look at this dude I’m

Great I wasn’t there I was napping well good morning use it wisely friend boil me or cook me alive uh neither I’m good or what the [ __ ] are Ethan Andy doing what are they exchanging dick sizes the [ __ ] going on over here oh look at this guy look at this

Guy act like nothing happened look at look at him look look at this [ __ ] right here dude what you what are you [ __ ] I’m exactly you’re exactly what what are you exactly 2 cm bigger oh [ __ ] damn Ethan what you packing bro I’m not no that’s weird I’m stop

I wasn’t there I read that comment um I will win if I am hunted weepy well like I said we have to wait for more people we only get four ultimate foot’s joining us Conor Roy might join us we were going to have chelio on here too but he he couldn’t

Join dude uh some sort of issue but though we’re slowly getting more and more people there’s still so many people we have yet to see yet how many streams do I have to be part of to join the world I’d say at least um not this stream or not next

Minecraft stream but at but um where this is episode 21 by episode 23 if you’ve joined just about every stream possible whatever stream you’re able to join you should have a spot I’m not going to force you to join every stream but if you’re able to join every stream that’d be

Fantastic I’ll hurt Wyatt for what what do you do what did Wyatt do to you good sir ghosty welcome to the stream how you doing I saw you were on schnaz server Stephen Hawkings was on the island he I heard he was I heard a lot of people were on that island they’re

Very I heard uh Trump was on the island um Stephen Hawkings of course I heard uh who else a lot a lot of the people on that island are dead you know so a lot of them aren’t going to get charged or lot or going to get anything or have anything happen to

Them the list come out or were there just certain names that were pointed out or was the list actually released hold on Jeffrey upstein list I want to see exactly who was on that island I am very I am very happy about being there actually that’s awesome I’m

Sorry I will not be able to attend today’s stream it’s all good man it’s all good but Zack to ghosty thank you guys for joining drop a like and share what the [ __ ] is that a T-Rex that’s dope as [ __ ] we have what the [ __ ] oh I guess Jorge is

Showing um Ethan his house Ethan you got to start get you got to get started building your house I don’t think this episode unless uh man hunt doesn’t last too long but hopefully within the next few episodes we’ll try to get you on we’ll try to get your

House started and everything you want to live in my attic for now Jorge’s attic is quite tiny I will say Jorge has got one of the nicest looking houses but I will say this it is quite tiny it is very tiny actually Bill Clinton really Bill Clinton was one of

Them damn how many [ __ ] are on this list I’m hay Goosey enjoy weepo I heard Michael Jackson was one of them um who else Bill Gates Bill Gates I believe was one of them as well I saw pictures on Instagram of people talking about it and he was one of

Them uh whoa is that ghosty do you like pizza if so what’s your favorite toppings favorite toppings on pizza pepperoni extra cheese wee while we wait try to find me um [Laughter] hello you guys want to go find white with me you guys want to come find Wyatt

Let’s go let’s go find Wyatt some guys sup Pooky it’s me hey me [ __ ] we’s biggest fan over here how you doing you’ve changed your name to some guy fascinating how you doing buddy you want to hop on are you all wait are you allowed to

Join the world have I I think yeah you’ve you’ve been invited to join the world oh we got raid raid Pillager raid Pillager raid Pillager raid Pillager raid over here Pillager raid Pillager raid raid I need help raid we got a Pillager raid over here over here my

House by Me By Me by me we’ll find you in a minute raid over here there was a bunch of them where’ they go did they go inside um who’s his house on uh my house still there I learned how to make better house yes oh it’s right here oh God I

Died hold on I why we’ll find you we got to take down this raid real quick wasn’t Iron Man on the island you talking about uh Robert Downey Jr no way he was on that island no [ __ ] way merry late Christmas merry late Christmas and happy late New Year all right yeah search

Time T-Bones how you doing buddy welcome to stream drop a like and share good to see you that’s a dirt block until we get more people we’re going to quickly do a quick little pregame your hint is sh and Josh that’s a hint should have to clean up can you

Save a spot yeah I got you man we got plenty of room bro let me know when you’re let me know when you’re online and we’ll invite you Drake and Josh what’s a little symbol on my screen I killed the Pillager they had the banner oh um it just means you’ve been I

Don’t know if you were hit and stuff like that then I I don’t know if that’s you means you’ve been targeted or whatnot but you’re fine you’re good Drake and Josh uh remember the first stream I joined Drake and Josh if you kill the guy holding the

Banner you get a village curse which means if you enter a village a raid will happen yeah okay there you go Jorge is a [ __ ] nerd with this game all of a sudden I thought serpent was at first but I guess he is too invite we’ll get

You in buddy there we go we got five people now we don’t we no longer have a smelly boy with us I’m going to invite Eman again see if he actually why I’m going to try to remember the first stream you ever joined I guess you made a Drake and Josh

Reference how do you feel about Iron Man now wait was he was Robert Downey Jr actually on the island Bruce Willis was on the island Leonardo DiCaprio oh wow Leo was on the island what that’s insane dude Cameron Diaz what Al Gore Steven Hawkings yeah Michael Jackson we we went over

That ovon I feel like I’ve heard that name before Bruce Willis damn dude Dino welcome buddy how you been hey you got a new skin meet me at where we killed the pillagers okay there’s no is he really in his house dino you want to hop on bro we’re

Going to do man hunt and such hello oh talking to oh you’re in for a surprise we be my name different now what’s your name but Dino welcome thank you for joining buddy we got five people on we trying to get as many people in here as

Possible WHYY give us another hint why I I would like another hint wait oh it’s in there yep there he is I gave it away he was in here was he not are you comfortable with saying how old you were yeah 21 Enderman bro’s taking up massive

[ __ ] Dino please hop on hey we would like you to update your shop but you don’t got to do that right now unless you rather do that than play Man hunts but wait do we were you not just down there I could have sworn he’s in here I just saw him

Oh oh I’m going to just I you okay I will let you in there you go oh scared the [ __ ] out of me dude I saw his name I think weepy invited the wrong account well I didn’t see your other account on so I invited the only account

I saw you were on oh give it a second prob loading no I saw why it’s a I saw why it’s name when we went to his house yeah WHYY was in here what WHYY was in his house where what when we when we got to W’s house

Why you were in this house dude and you left Louise Gaston hey how you doing buddy welcome back thank you for joining drop a like and share my good sir maybe I left maybe not you left when was the eth episode the eighth episode that was months ago we’re on the

21st I don’t know how to do this [ __ ] all right let’s invite Dino Dino for some reason I don’t see you on dude oh oh he’s up there why it’s on uh Will’s house Will’s dirt Tower have you seen the dream responds video no I have not I don’t need to see

A video of him responding to his uh to what he’s done oh that’s you oh my bad I thought that was you I was going to say wait a minute he sees us looked up top he’s right nope I don’t give up no give me another hint thank you uh 90 right 90

What my gameer oh Ed dude um I not have you added welcome to the Shadows 18 hey we welcome to the Shadows 18 that sounds very familiar that does s that name sounds very familiar um Shadows oh I know who you are how you been long time no

See um Merry Christmas Happy New Year uh yeah it’s all the [ __ ] you missed apparently I didn’t have you added give it a sec down know it should load how you been Shadow drop a like and share guys we’re trying to hit 6,000 and 50 plus hav we’re I think we’re actually act

6,50 we hit 6,50 let’s go so our goal is to try to hit 6,60 now our goal is to hit 10K before the year ends hello where were you at really [ __ ] well I’m I feel really dumb is this one of fart foot’s dogs um it’s me welcome to but this is my

Account or not my phone oh I got you well then drop a like and Sub on this account yeah all right how many people we got we Dino in whoa whoa we didn’t have to kill the dog There who hold on hold on hold on I got it hold on hold on I got it do not kill it I got it I was going to get it Dino welcome buddy Twin Blade 30 who’s Twin Blade 30 hey we can I ask you something sure

Hey do say bad word I I I have to say bad words that’s all that’s what I do that’s my thing that’s my S food um sure uh here where you at who Dino come up to where we’re at we’re at Wyatt’s house and then we’ll start playing man

Hun cuz we got well we got six people we’re going to have to set some rules and boundaries but once that the 9th of January is my birthday nice man how old you turning dude Ethan what are you doing dude I’ll be 15 that day nice man well

You’re getting older bro Dino buddy how you doing man here have some have food there you go need more food ladies and gentlemen thank you guys for joining we can start man okay okay man okay everyone um WEEI why don’t you seek and hide and we hide no I’m not doing that

Dumb hold I I gotta get on top of something uh over here yes everyone look at me look up no go back down Wyatt get back down get down get down no get back down all right Manhunt ladies and gentlemen Jorge what are you doing you join my Discord with my name

Oh Samantha got you ah Jorge get the [ __ ] out the house got to do ban hunt rules come on buddy this [ __ ] what is he doing BRB he’s going to get food BRB ball sack [Laughter] I was going to say that was me that was me that was actually kind of

Funny I’m not going to lie bro didn’t know what happened he started attacking Dino for no reason holy [ __ ] all right all right so okay we we’ll we’ll explain to Jorge the rules when we get done so uh here hold on I got to I’m

Trying to get back up trying to get back up trying to get back up try to get back up all right get down trying to get back up no fighting um Dino where’ Dino Go Dino you good where’d he go oh there he is Assassin attempt ow

Come on we got to we got to get the man hunt rules why I swear to God you hit me one more time all right these are not mine uh all right oh someone to kill it all right everyone line up in front of me for Manhunt Manhunt rules all

Right Manhunt this is how we’re going to play ladies and gents so we have barriers okay barriers from Jorge’s house so where Jorge’s house is over there you guys know where Jorge’s house is he’s right here this is this beautiful man’s uh this luxurious sexy man’s house is over there that’s a

Boundary you can’t go past that house same thing thing with um artemis’s house you guys know Artemis Artemis house all the way over there Artemis is the last house on the island you can’t go past that um you guys know um CH uh Genesis Genesis slash uh what’s his

Face Genesis has a um Genesis and I forgot the name’s name all right there’s there’s a house by Genesis House it’s a little it’s on a little island that house over there is another barrier and then the last barrier is uh it’s not Wyatt’s house no but here I

I’ll I’ll label it I’m going to label the barrier here why I have your wood I’m going to give you your wood back in a moment this will be a barrier uh you can’t go past this can’t go past that so you can go straight down the

Line to Jorge’s house you can go all the way around to Dino’s house to Conor Riley’s house you can’t go in the cave though holy [ __ ] [ __ ] we got a oh God I’m about to die I’m not a food why you got shoot in your house nope anyone have food

Food I need replenishment please you can’t eat that I need oh no no no I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry can I get some of that can I get can let me get that okay Ethan welcome you’re back welcome back it’s back oh where is it at this is it same

Place before I even go attempt is do you see it so you guys ready all right everyone everyone meet at my house we’re going to start at my house all right I’m going to choose who we’re hunting first I’m going to choose everyone meet at my house

We got Capri Suns and snacks my mom made for me don’t worry oh look he’s already here yeah head to F that you can see it currently all right we should Discord call for this do you guys want a Discord call for this o Pooky bear I’m going to bed love you all

Right have a good one buddy thank you for joining chellos have a great night eat Stone here why you can have your wood back chores yeah we can do uh we could I don’t know if he well I mean Ethan could join Ethan you can join but you don’t

Have to talk you can just join and listen in on the conversation Andrew doesn’t care about it he just eating food you guys should Discord that’s probably what we’re going to do all right yeah we’ll do a Discord call I’ll join we’ll do General Ethan do you want

To join the call not to talk but just listen unless you feel confident in talking that’s completely up to you your choice um ah Pizza all right here we go what up what’s going on buddy yo yo we wait to get more people what huh who how what huh we’re waiting hi bud

Hello what we got it’s going to be about five people if join till be 6 why why’d you leave I didn’t sorry I’m playing on my phone so like if I do something on Discord I have to like leave and then rejoin yeah Wei can you invite me again

Yeah that little hide and seek thing was fun I’m glad you enjoyed it Con riy you GNA play join us I I can I’m sorry all right I don’t I’m at my mom’s I don’t have my PlayStation here all right or hey h baby how you doing when I was hiding behind those

Stair I did not because your H suck bro what what was FR Loops box supposed to mean you said Drake and Josh at first I’m like wait Drake and Josh what does he mean by this at the beginning of when I first got that house oh we said it looked like a

Something wait I have a question which one’s um or h house which one’s Jorge he’s epic man 420 yeah uh we can you invite where is his house oh oh his house is yeah good follow follow him go follow him he’s right go follow him he’ll show you all

Am he’s he’s the newest house on the server him and um astrals have the they have the two newest houses yeah I know every other boundary but his so we got um ornus house Jorge’s house Wyatt’s house and genesis’s house the nicer looking one he said the

Nicer looking one Gabriel welcome to the stream buddy how you been I’m chatted with my diamond pickaxe what welcome back you want to join bud are you online Meg are you on PlayStation or you want to Microsoft please remind me I apologize I’m not oh wait no you’re on

Microsoft um PlayStation micro hard mro hard I am hard I said I’m GNA box you I don’t know about that one Chief the stream hear me or just I haveen to know Floyd Mayweather ah his his PlayStation name is I love weepy got got what a dick sucker over

Here I’m playing now let me stop I don’t have a hold might make one hey schnaz how you doing but H those I’m G to try dude I’m G to try I should be the runner cuz I don’t have anything on me Fair probably I think my sword will One Tap you

Maybe I was going to say I have uh eight and a half hearts do you guys want hunt people until you find them or you want to kill them you have to kill the person oh we’re going we’re going to get um we’re getting um weep fan in here real

Quick I can hear you why yes oh yeah invite yeah my bad yeah wait not yet sorry I accidentally just got out of it again it’s really annoying damn the salt and pepper hits are making or these salt and pepper chips are making my nose run real bad

The [ __ ] is that noise what is that noise yo who’s playing with their vibrator please stop need invite right now you invite now are you on or no yeah right now okay should add proximity chat for Minecraft they should actually that’ be a good idea

I mean I kind of know how but it only works on Java why you’re on Playstation right oh no I’m on my iPhone what’s your name oh wait you’re yeah you’re uh yeah I got you uh hold on it’s yeah I don’t see you online yet

Give it a sec Ethan you’re not wearing a hat Xbox yeah every time I play Minecraft on EUR server it’s been on my phone I did not know that every time I play Minecraft it’s either on my computer or my Xbox wait you know what my favorite what you know what my favorite

Island is Epstein Island I was gonna say that I was goingon to say like they they just confirmed a lot of people to be kind of weird now that Michael Jackson’s been confirmed to be on that island we now know what he was doing with moli caulin

All this time dude straight up why man that fing Flint who’s hunting who’s being hunted um okay so the person we’re gonna the first person who’s going to be uh the Hunter Hunted um me you know what I’m going to let Ethan try I’m G to let Ethan be the

First one cuz the last time we was he dead ass was probably the worst one not going to lie so I’m going to give give him a a rebound you know we’re I’m I can’t you don’t got to kill them you just find them that’s not wait we’re doing finding

That’s F fine we’ll do fine we’ll do kill that’s fine that’s fine no you don’t have to kill him you can just hit him yeah I don’t think that’s all right why I’m still looking for you I don’t see you online um it’s unable to connect I don’t know why it’s unable to

Connect don’t worry I’ll be nice I’m usually nice to you anyways do any of you guys have Wyatt as a friend I think I do but uh wouldn’t help yeah I don’t think we can send I literally have like three people out of on friend hold up well I was say I’ll

Give one of you um the uh I’ll give you one of you guys uh well not mod but like admin on the server so you can invite real quick I can do cool stuff with ad I know a lot of commands which would make cool manh hunt stuff I know how to make

Compasses attract people we if I we if I friend myself well I what wait what you’re putting me down Ethan that’s not cool man hold on hold on why say it again if if I add my I get admin um no oh wait Ethan you got why here Ethan

If I give you the ability to invite could you invite him real quick he doesn’t have me other so who has hold on Ethan Ethan’s going to invite white real quick Ethan invite him real quick I don’t think I’m friended he said he add you as a friend which I’m surprised about you

Know cuz you and him are very like how do you interact with the B not letting me oh you gotta be go to the people don’t tell weep I’m on his roof yeah let me reset Minecraft and you can try and invite me I am okay you back on we sorry no God

It in a while I said sorry okay I know you did but you’ve done you’ve committed a sin I might have to leave the stream because my parents woke up and I’m not trying to get I got you budy well the Kings thank you for joining buddy thank you for

Subscribing and all that hope to see you again soon have yourself a great night I discovered my dad had Discord yesterday I thought you were going to say something I thought you were G to say something else dang can one of y’all pass me your pickaxe real quick I want to fix the

Bell it’s annoying me cuz you can only click it from two different angles Oh oh then uh here see if you can place it on like the uh slab slab roof well I I can’t I don’t have a pickaxe I can’t right now yeah okay here I okay somebody throw this man a pickaxe please I don’t know I don’t want to throw in the

Pickaxe what was that are you saying you don’t trust me no how can you not trust here Wyatt what tell Wyatt put your name in the YouTube chat real quick I I’ll try to un add you and read you again okay hey we’re at 6,051 thank you guys let me just make my

Way back up to True brexit Geyer short has hit 9,000 views in the last day and a half that’s pretty interesting only other videos will get that many views boom wait Ethan you not want to it first I saw your Minecraft messages do you now want to be it

First uh yes I commented it for some reason it’s only hold on let me go back on wey I do not want you don’t want to be all right I’ll be I I’ll be hunted you foot are you sure I am sure okay well then we’ll get

You let me try and add you how long do I get go inside my base just not the second floor how long do I have to run um run hold on hold on we’re still trying to get people in we’re still trying to get people in why for some reason I don’t

See your message I’m on live chat Max limit on the server the max limit is it should be 12 12 yeah we only have five okay it didn’t like no like say something in like in a stream saying like you can like using command to like

Make your Ser a bit bigger yeah my bad weepy what tell me your user I have the the capital w w well my my my Microsoft name is my YouTube name oh so just so that exactly weepy guitar 90 how do you smell guitar GUI t a r uh some guy I a Bedrock I’m on Bedrock you you you right there me are you going to try beating the Ender Dragon yes yeah Ethan we’re just going to try to get him we we’ll TR I’m going to try to get

Him I don’t know why he was just in and then I don’t know why Minecraft like that okay when do I run hold on stop please I mean hold on uh we I’m trying to get everyone back in here real quick where’s Dino I just realized he’s not here oh

Yeah where is Dino hold up let me finder towel soy Dino Dino’s over here by Genesis House we I said oh there he is okay so that’s is that is that all space like that or is it all put together it’s it’s all together except okay I got you I got

You cool I wiped it x x we their Slayer what the heck oh wait there’s a wait there’s a dot in between Wei and there uh no there’s nothing in between them oh we there slow oh uh why uh don’t know if you know this yet but uh Ethan’s

Uh threatening you for his stuff hey he’s done that multiple times bro what kind of auto click I I gave him a sharp three sword I don’t know I’m gonna remove you as a friend why and then read you hopefully it works got it I mean I haveed I I also like how

Whenever people say food they accidentally type foot so I keep saying that they’re putting me down or whatever H you better give my stuff back girls someone Nam epic man just friended me epic man that’s why for oh okay well I just I’m loading into the world someone just hit me and

A what the I am here Dino you son of a [ __ ] I see him I see he’s all the way over there by the castle someone give me an arrow uh we could just kind of combusted wait who do I shoot guys we be busted I don’t know I just busted all

Over myself I got to clean up my belly button is filled hold on this your Unbreaking two fishing rod oh you have my fishing rod can I get it please fishing me thank you I’ve the Snowman wants to be the hunted you know I’m I’m gonna hide once

We play hide and seek one day I’m GNA hide in between we will play hide and seek as well but for now I just want to play main hunt not the attack turret one day I’m just gonna hide in between all the snow man it’s a smart

Idea what can you friend me so we don’t forget I already did I already friended you oh okay good JJ Mac _ 6839 sub to him sub to who sub to me yes sub to me yes 10 times better than dream yes this we are better than dream if you guys

Didn’t see the Thum I see his Banner on your dead body bro I had a what if you guys didn’t read my thumbnail my thumbnail has the words better than dream you should like totally join vc100 people on my YouTube channel I hope you know hey guys tasty do you know who godo

Is all right you guys ready you guys ready we ready wait no serpents serpent Ser you want to play leave and join um why you guys about to do we’re about to do Manhunt serpents Manhunt hold on bro I’m trying to get ah ah H JM this is a private S&P for you

To join it’ll take it takes a few streams website interesting interesting what you selling hold on hold on um hold on uh some guy what’s your name put can you please put your PlayStation name in chat um I to say um s some good cheese well Jam you got to drop a like

And sub and it’s going to take a few streams for you to join but but if you commit and you a very trustworthy person Etc help help help help I stared at a tall black guy oh it’s okay it’s a man hunt wait did you say old black guy I said

T i a website for future tournaments and dark and Darker damn I’m trying to get [ __ ] uh someone in but for some reason it’s not working can you it to whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa who was hitting me good luck uh can uh who’s on Playstation in here Dino is Dino in the VC I don’t think

He’s in the [ __ ] VC of course he’s not in the [ __ ] VC oh playing in uh playing Among Us was fun bro you got to go was just saying hi and bye good luck on the stream be sure you go bro drop a like thank you for coming

By can any of yall add um my boy uh to the game if he gives you his Microsoft huh you got to be kidding me why are y’all killing each other yall got to stop oh no no I I jumped in front of that that was my fault tell me to

Take the shot and I will I’m really good aim even ask Ean he’s scars to prove it yeah I jumped in front of that Arrow I’m just stupid president all right uh din just add the person just add the person in my YouTube chat he put his name in there if you can

Add him and invite him I’ll give you um by admin tell me when sh this man in the a sweet bu what the hell apologies for taking so long everyone no no that’s my fault I’m I’m behind you’re good no that’s all me slow uh Esther welcome to the stream welcome how you

Doing okay so I’m at I’m guys I’m one tap so I feel like that means if you guys just hit me I like die so that’s why don’t you like not start War so you want me to hit you not no not now what the not

Now oh right here no I’m I’m about to get killed I’m at one and a half heart so I’m about to get touched to what the hell Dino the guy that’s the guy named some guy add him on PlayStation and then invite him if you

Can I’ll give you the someone to come on don’t kill him here you need food oh wait take your foot as far as you get down here we no he’s he’s genuinely trying to kill me what what is this yeah bro I don’t know what that

Is we help please I don’t know how to here I’ll give you food no he’s trying to kill me oh stop stop don’t kill him you kill him I kill you you can never catch me I I might be able to actually beat you with my fist Ethan I have food come

In my house Ethan I have food come in my house beat me with your fist I dare you you uh we yes so one dead bylight stream with the uh uh Dwight conga line are you gonna who’s going to upload that to the short the

Conga line um what do you mean by was already low what do you mean conine you mean the Cong line healing uh can I at least have my sweetberries back I think so yeah I have the clip I mean I just don’t have it hasn’t been

I’ll give it the fart foot to edit if he wants to wait what huh I heard my name I have a clip to if you want to edit you can Dino thank you for joining bud I didn’t even mean to hit you I’m so sorry I was literally just GNA shoot around

You Dam I had way more sweet Bears than this what the I had 22 where they at oh okay sorry so Dino did you see the name of the person in the VC in the group on the you YouTube chat no you trying to me I got a din go

On PlayStation and type in this name I’ll give you the name real quick all right give me a second all right why are your friends trying to kill no idea Ed uh you like to edit Clips right foot yes if I gave you a clip would you edit

It within an hour well you don’t got to edit it now I’ll give you it maybe tomorrow you can give me it now and I’ll I don’t have it right now VC I’ll give you a free enchanting book that’s fine that’s fine I’ll do I’ll do it all right Dino tell me when

You’re ready I’m ready all right it’s it’s all one word it’s I love weepy with a capital w I love weepy what the hell that’s cring sorry we I follow in your footstep I mean Obama joined like freaking Weepies what you do on Ryan server s there’s a lot of people talking holy

[ __ ] is it a PlayStation friend or is it yeah yeah PlayStation yes yes PS PlayStation yes Ethan I put a sign on your house that said Ethan likes men around he’s not even some guy what’s your PlayStation profile picture what’s your PlayStation profile picture does even have should W he

Doesn’t have a Ser house yet no we’re hunting me I’m the one that’s being hunted oh mind never mind don’t don’t listen to me don’t listen to me just red picture with dude in Black it’s a red p it’s a did you find it yeah all right some guy my dude Dino

Is going to add you and he’s going to invite you his his uh Playstation name is CS that so accept his friend request and accept the invite and you should be able to join says he’s not online are you not online you put yourself online dude what’s his what’s his um thingy

Called his PlayStation name I love weepy that’s his name my name is yeah here e Ethan are you meant to put that sign on your house in my um YouTube also while you’re there you should totally subscribe uh some guy say he’s online now and once we get him in we’ll start

And we’ll get everything situated and we have ultimate foot mean fart foot whatever his name is you will be the first one to hide I don’t care we’ll give you we’ll give you uh 30 seconds to go run off I one piece of steak first you have

Mutton someone will play SRA bone you have two and once that ends they’ll be able to chase you yes after 30 seconds hold on come on please tell me this invite is going to work please we need this [ __ ] to work oh 23 likes already nice hey thank

You I don’t know where we got 23 likes from but I appreciate itop hold on let me turn up my controller sensitivity real quick it feels really slow give me a second give me a second take your time we got plenty of time is uh short s got over 400 views

Nice perfect okay I got it I’m ready better question is are you ready my toe I am not ready no didn’t work I don’t care are you sure bud don’t work I’m sorry dude I don’t know why it’s not working everyone line up in front of me get everyone back here

Everyone line up in front of me line up in front of me everyone except for me everyone line up in front of me no even you even you for even you even you can I be above you on the roof um Sure please stop ringing the bell you son of a [ __ ] that wasn’t me ring ding all right everyone we’re playing Manhunt pretty much giving this guy over here this [ __ ] up here 30 seconds after 30 seconds he’s now the hunted the limits are from Genesis House Wyatt’s

House Jorge’s house all the way down to artemis’ house and my house my house is also barrier you can’t go past into the water so inside our village inside our little village SL town is the Border don’t leave it there’s plenty of places to hide plenty of places to seek and

Etc no bows and arrows yeah no bows and all yeah okay no bows and arrows but um swords Andes or no yeah well no one has horses yeah oh can I can I use what we gonna say say it again can I use my massive gorilla testicles sure yes all right

You’re only like 13 why is Dino over here just sitting here doing Dino what are you doing bud come on I’m just he’s coming back he’s coming back all right you get 30 seconds your time starts now go 30 seconds run run run run run r two I thought jump into the ocean

Four 6 8 10 are you cting up by two 12 stupid 13 14 15 16 177 18 19 20 21 22 25 23 24 25 4 3 two one all right let’s go get him wey can I kill other people yes yes oh nice I’mma just kill everyone that’s

Stupid what I can kill whoever I want what the hunted said I can commit Mass homicide where the [ __ ] were you gone he went over here you can never stop homicide ASMR if you’re in my house ring a ding ding you’re gonna die I don’t think he’s in his

House bro I could I could not you never know I’m getting killed well you I mean you did just ask if you can kill other people so I mean okay fine I’m going kill Ethan for no reason all right all right let’s not let’s not get off track our goal is

Simple to find foot oh find the Glorious foot no I am screw you could he and please do not destroy property do not destroy anyone’s property I I have not destroyed any form of property bro if I had my op bow from Ryan server I would have already won no

You wouldn’t have bro my bow it has like four enchantments on it it’s just op just a bow kid okay but you haven’t found me right now yet so how could you have won if you had that bow even if you haven’t found me because I would have just sniped you from

Afar ask Ethan wey can you unfriend me yeah I can unfriend you real quick or you you unfriend me and then resend me a friend request unfriend me send me a friend request after I’ll give you guys a hint okay it is not near we house is

It’s like far away from his house from boundar elaborate on that are you in my house I thought he was in his own house I’m in his own house he’s not in his own house he’s pretty quiet like 12 Dogs is though yeah he has

12 dogs in his house he’s got a lot of dogs what part of the server is it on like the east west North uh closer to the middle or hey I thought you were him for a second I was about to start killing you dude you scared I’m just gonna say this I

Wouldn’t give away too much I know I feel I was gonna hide in one of these where I am right now I was gonna hide in one of those I feel like I’m about to get touched in 20 different languages I don’t know why touched in 24

Trying to think of a sentence uh weey I think I think he’s inside of your head um no there’s no way he’s playing mind games holy cow so stupid he is he Inn’s no he’s not in schnaz his little area Ryan’s house is my house set a stopwatch or no stopwatch no

No oh it’s going to end when you die I’m going to check Will’s Tower my house I don’t know just I’ll give you guys another what this is the only other hint I have seen all of your guys’ name tags three times three times three times so that’s the only hit you’re

Giving I feel like somehow actually that’s I I have not even seen dinos once I feel like somehow he’s in my house I don’t why I don’t know careful I’m good I don’t know why I’m going up here I don’t think he’s up here but I just no

He’s not in my house at the staircase I’m going I’m looking I’m on the I’m on the prow hang on you have a water get out my house right now before I body you why is Dino muted I no idea maybe he’s talking with stuff oh wait din’s in this yeah

Dino who he’s Bandon this he said he’s seen our name oh us another hint no I think I’m where he’s at oh I never noticed this it’s like a there’s like a little head thing up here I’m look oh phant might give away my position maybe if they decide that they

Can see me if they can see me all right good job we you didn’t fall of course not I’m skilled like that um I didn’t you don’t need to answer that you don’t need to answer that we’re going to need to put trap down one of these days uh we’re going to

Get traps don’t worry Ethan Ethan’s going to die by these sweet berries before I kill them I’m not talking to E Ethan cool bro I’m talking to my brother he’s in chat yeah I still have not been caught I am surprised okay um no using the map

Are you hiding among these white no no no map no map that’s cheating yeah don’t use a map no one use a map don’t be a little cheetah I am curious I kind of want a hint but at the same time I feel like I might know where he’s at at the

Same time don’t need to Ty I’ve given you guys two hints okay I’ve given you my general location and and um the other one Ethan I have killed you multiple times bro in Ryan server I will just use my sword and I will attack you and kill you in one go

Bro I was close to killing weep in that server okay he’s not he’s not in G’s house he’s not in G’s house he’s not in my house I checked all my house is he in my house I checked Jorge’s house he’s On’s house these creepers well why yeah why

Was just K I’m going to go check Genesis area Genesis has a very small house also by the way I have not moving and I’m not planning on doing that so he’s probably in somewhere in PL sight if he was that’d be pretty funny I’m not going to lie wait where was I

What you’re probably since you don’t plan on moving it might give away your position by that I’m assuming you’re in plain sight yes and no oh he’s just in Wee’s bedroom waiting for him imagine I’m actually G to go check that wait I ain’t there yet wait a

Minute I’m actually G to go check Wee’s bedro he’s okay he’s not by Blaze’s house the untouched area yeah Blaze’s house is very untouched haven’t seen him in quite some time actually hope he’s doing all right oh yeah no blaz uh Blaze I haven’t seen him in quite some time hold up let

Me just um my controller settings real quick but you guys are taking forever to find me uh you you know what you should do you should tell us who has been the closest I found him you did that would probably be like really good yeah like I found him he’s right here

Where I am where you at I’m I’m near your house like I’m right in front of your house where’s he at here he’s right here the person who’s been closest to me is actually weepy surprisingly oh okay man it’s been me he’s not in the snow he’s

Not in the Snowman wait so I was close to you you were at one point close to me we don’t come at me I will literally murder you and actually I’m going to repl with that you were the closest I’ll burn the fox pen don’t burn the fox I remember Ryan

Made a song about that I’m curious now give us another hint no yes damn I just saw three pillar zombies yo what the heck okay who’s just joined the group chat who’s joined the group chat hummingbird who wait hold on the my bad uh know if you H in this giant good

Evening I know where is no way way that’s crazy I can’t I died to a person with the red sword I’m oh what the heck there’s a cabin over here I’m Che this what do you mean by cabin there’s like a cabin over can not wait where are you guys I’m

In the mountains oh wait I see like three people never mind are you still playing Minecraft yes yes oh literally playing man hunt in Minecraft right now you like men why mean not why foot do you see me currently am I in in in my

I see actually I don’t see any I’d win I’d definitely win a man hunt if I was a hunter of course be a singular human being he’s playing with us yeah some invite you when we’re done the game I’ll invite you when we’re done this round we’ll get you in how do I

Join um have you been in the world already um no I waited a week and a half how long have you been on the channel for literally I’m pretty sure a week and a actually longer than a week and a half it’s been like five six weeks what is

Your name on YouTube have you are you in the Stream right now oh no actually I’m not on the stream right now that’s funny I was on the stream earlier but I I had to leave it because it was lagging my game while I was playing or something and yeah

Okay I’ll think about it want me to I can join the stream right now and prove that I was here before we you know who my favorite bill is who is your favorite Bill Bill Cosby that’s awesome bro what the hell I’m actually in very lost with where he’s at I don’t

Know Al do you need my username oh I found a sign from art uh from AV onx that he left [ __ ] I didn’t see this before I will kill your cousin that’s funny y guys I I found him do you leave another one no you said this already bro

Guys I found him you said this already okay now where am I he’s flying in the sky what the hell are you looking at a phantom he’s H as a kite that’s crazy um how do I join you need an invite I’m I’m gonna think on I’m gonna

Think about you joining I’m gonna think about it but you said that last time yes I there’s many people that are still not joined yet oh [ __ ] that’s a witch why I think I’m the youngest person on this channel no you’re not by far who else is dude I’ve had viewers I’ve had

Viewers who have been eight years old dude join my [ __ ] what the hell eight yeah I can never imagine being eight years old right now do you see me currently foot am I in your peripheral Qui why are you following me that’s oh the witch so what’s going on again Minecraft someone put

I can we get can we get another H I’m joining I’m running to a dark oak forest taking all the dark oak and making me a dark mansion I was about to say something really racist you’re done you’re done fast back sorry I almost let my in [ __ ] I was to

Say oh God I was about to say something too bro I was G to say something to my own comment that’s can I say something asoke here let’s say this okay let if if um it hits 12:40 I just win de what wait what time zone are you

Win well I’m just saying eastern time because it’s technically just 10 now for me so hold on every wait hold on wait wait what’s your time foot person well for me it’s 9:34 but for the Eastern people it’s 12:3 4 yes oh we’re in the same time

Zone what uh it’s 11:34 where I am and I’m an Easter um I don’t know what to tell you buddy you guys are Time Travelers stupid my bad my bad I was looking East for Canada because I sound horrible why do I can hear myself talking on your stream and I sound

Horrible why do I sound like that yo guys I found some Rangers jly Jolly Ranchers are they Ranch I’m good dude I’m good guys I found some strange mushrooms oh I found some strange gummies in my mom’s see the man himself what I some see the man himself we guitar90 you

Can barely see me barely right now yes all all right do you see me can you still see me barely still are you in a hole I am um not in a bad game gol um I can see I’m using my for vision um he’s definitely um definitely in a hole on

Called I’m so confused okay bud all I have to do is just don’t be confused I Believe In You Hy you that just talked what’s your name me yeah call me humming oh I’m you watch One Piece huh do you watch the show One Piece uh one piece yeah I was about to

Say what why you said forite I was like that’s a one piece thing I was just saying that because it’s I can no longer see you okay let me go back where even at I wish I could so I can turn my 236 chunks I have no idea if

I could just join I can just put on 236 chunks that I so happen to have on my PC can you see me again bro you CR you see four people is that is one of those people Ethan uh I don’t know Ethan’s skin I pull up

On the Block and I bleed all Ethan Ethan jump up jump three times okay you see eth okay we nice these be good they different bro no that’s crazy he’s in please is we burn down all the trees no I say we nuke say it again foot problem nuk

This is the Iraq boy you do not have the permission get the hell out of there you nuke this is not that do you know who I am this is not Iraq boy I would love to say when I am on Java you’re going to die to these

Sweetberries what are you doing people people you pretty much have one minute left foot say that again you you were saying my name like a minute ago I said you have 1 minute and 15 seconds gave up on you I’m still looking I was trying to watch eth die to

Sweetberries oh because Ethan was walking in the sweet berries like he trying to get it can we get one more hint can we get one more hint oh God I wacked suicide bombers um one more h two God in between my house and the dirt pillar

Like the giant dirt oh my God is that the dirt pillow right in front of you weeping guitar yes where’s his house no in between there and my house I don’t even know where this dude’s house is at and [Applause] tower hold on hold on but this guy’s ENT the dirt

Tower no it’s prostate Tower people yo what’s up you stupid Iraqian snipers where do we even get it be like when like I’m standing up now look for my wait can you someone look upwards real quick I was heading towards that tree are you joking yo who built a

In oh I see him oh my God wait let me go back to the I’m gonna go back to the stream pleas grab the man his tties can I still win no wait no no I did not give permission for that what the can I can I still win can I still win

What I’m not authentic wait no no oh wait that’s authentic okay I already won I already won screw you I already won all right all right over here boy all right everyone meet me by uh Will’s dirt Tower everyone meet me by Will’s dirt Tower no he’s not one yet he will not Win come at me boy I got to fill up all these spots with the creepers and [ __ ] I have the privilege of joining now God dang it everyone meet me by Will’s dirt Tower the dirt Tower we he hasn’t won yet I haven’t killed him that’s no I literally won I

Literally won I hav I just witnessed that I just witnessed this man died to fall damage like the entire game bro you know something you know something I can say that’s a good comeback I win um uh drop a like ladies and gent all right Jorge you want to hide

Next well this is hide and seek man I’ll pull up all right yeah we’ll do hide and seek then we’ll do man hunt hide and seek I want to I want to participate in hide and go seek I would love to participate in hide and go seek I feel

Like you guys should come find me oh God it’s on huning have you been on the server before no never ever in my life oh I’m right there Trey Wolfie Trey Wolfie go back oh that’s you are how come he gets no weight list you slide wait you just saw my user you

Should invite give me a chance all right we got Ethan Dino foot w surrender right now I’ll you surrender um that’s me surrendering oh wait wait wait hold I think I might have an emote for that um ah I died wait oh wait I died oh no ah I’m dead I’m just

Make have a heart the whole time I didn’t mean to kill you sorry well you were the one who kept hitting me like eight times with abusiveness is a big big no no all right jge where okay Jorge where you at bud where you at oh you owe we’re gonna get

I’m gonna give you uh give you 45 seconds to go hide e these jly ranchers they taste really do me next hold on say okay okay everyone everyone quiet for a sec everyone quiet for a sec or hey say it again I don’t even know like this world

Very well so do you not want to hide or do you are I mean oh hi I know I mean you I would just if you okay um stop playing these shits so so can we play normal hide and seek next sure so pretty much um you can hide in

Anyone’s house Wen we already playing hide andek yeah we play it was a it was a man hunt hide and seek uh sort of thing you know you haven’t won yet so I must end you noo you killed me so Jorge do you know where your house is you know

Where your house is and stuff you know where that is you’re going to die to these plants bro you know you know where my house is all the way over there like P were in serent house being bullied by plants and then you went you went did have you seen Genesis house

Yet I don’t think so his house is when you go all the way over there in the corner his house is like a small little area it’s like right on the end of the island I know where you’re talking about and then you’ve seen aramis’s house

Right all the way on over there on the end just stay within that just stay within that and you should be fine so I’ll give you 45 seconds to go run and hide uh we go we’ll go we’re going to my house we’ll go to my we’ll always start

At my house the exact same spot next round we’ll do hide and seek well we every one hide one Seeker everyone else hides I’ll seek because I was the guy who was being hunted last time we should play parasite all right basically basic it’s kind of like if you

Find someone they help you find literally onit we is one person running and all seeking I’m hunting I’m hunting I’m Seeker wait wait before we start wait are we oh wait are we doing it now or in this hide and seek we doing normal hide and seek and then we do like

A wait fart foot say he’s going to see and we’ll all hide is that true okay bye all right everyone 45 all right fart foot 45 seconds fo seconds starting uh 3 two one 45 seconds star now okay I just said the most disrespectful thing also if I find you you help me

Seek oh okay they was I just said that okay I’m sad now I’m always sad 25 seconds left Hey after this match after this hiding I’m using a stop I’m using a stop hiding of seek what huh we I just said the most disrespectful thing we you want to check my spot hold up hold on five four actually never mind you might want go one I’m coming for you

Run away guys he’s coming he wait wait wait wait I need like 10 more seconds y quick well you can use that 10 more seconds to continue hiding but like I’m also seeking at the same time hey guys don’t run directly over here are you go are you doing this is that what

You bro that’s what I that’s what I was doing too that’s what I was going to do too you’re not coming in here with me [ __ ] that’s where I was going to go that’s where I had planned building oh God this is my SP yo um there building

Okay I really need to think this out um you should hide right there weing behind that thing I have to hold control but it’s going to hurt my fingers weepy I see you oh man that’s I was trying to hide and I did [ __ ] I saw your boots and your before

You I was looking for a place another place to hide BL just left what yeah sorry I’m not giving away people’s hiding spots so I’ll I’ll walk with you but you have to look for people hold on you got to speak well I know where people are I know where someone

Is okay then just don’t find that person let’s go all right I’m going off look for I accidentally went to the bathroom and then I am checking this house hey we can you invite that one kid again he accidentally left the game I him why are you back on that one kid I

Ran out of the Sprint that’s a problem and I placed my sweet berries on the ground accidentally that’s even more of a problem my controller is about to die that’s also a problem okay can you just or can someone invite me I I was in my spot still I

Just need to get back in why I don’t see you online you back on me let me know when you’re on I still have to friend you a no way this well I’ve already friended you so be on wait wee just make sure what is your my Microsoft name is my YouTube

Name weepy guitar90 that is factual weepy you don’t have to worry about adding me you already have me added I know weep are any of those letters Capital uh the W hold up hold up hold up hold up is this natural is what natural why do I hear NE okay I friended

You I am going this way give me a sec I’m going to let it load for a sec when are you going to beat the I don’t know Genesis okay uh I found his house so if anyone’s here I’m coming to find you hey where where is this man’s over

Here WEEI we had a funeral for Arch ball today who’s that sorry the donkey I have the I had oh I’m sorry for your yeah giant mushroom in the village him hey so I am struggling to find people probably because I’m not actually looking but still so are you going to

Help or not I’m looking I’m going to play some creative I’m going to play some creative and wait for you guys okay I’m looking currently I’m by oris’s house okay I already checked Genesis House so don’t look there actually I’m going back there just in case people are actually going

There I feel like breaking blocks is illegal because if you break a block and then hide near that block I feel like that wouldn’t be kind of fair cuz like you’re kind of breaking I broke two blocks to get into my hiding spot so what about

That um as long as it’s not a I mean could you have made it there without have breaking anything because if you could I did not break a single block to get to the spot I broke two blocks to make it a hiding spot I mean that’s fair but like okay I

Mean yeah I mean also I am at the top of the grber would it be possible for me to join the SMP not today good sir grubber if you want to join future smps uh episodes yeah drop a like subscribe to the channel and be a trustworthy member of my kill

Myself so I can respawn I had nothing anyways it doesn’t matter how you doing today grubber how you been how you doing are you still hiding I have not checked this house let’s see I’m G be totally honest I don’t think anyone’s hiding in that house I’m just

Checking I don’t think anyone thinks that house ex what’s your general location so I know where I can check I’m in Dino’s house okay I’m going to check my house maybe get the hell out of my house bro I’m looking for people in your [ __ ] house there

Fool yeah I was there and went right past you you idiot wait really yes I don’t how long Mak this I need to start checking trees ask that again did you ask that question again don’t start checking strees don’t do that I am tring Tre you like make it a

Server server cuz like if you need a server server I can help I’ve already this is a server server I’ve been making this for like the last a world servery hey bro it’s what you make of it bro oh God it’s how you use it Dino were you

Really in your house this it’s kind of the terms like the term this is a world SMP a server SMP is like oh you can join anytime you want Tiki welcome to the stream how you doing say Tiki drop a like and share how what do you mean oh my God

Sor okay who did this and why someone broke a singular sapling on my tree farm and then now it made one of those small spruce trees instead of the big one oops that’s actually I have an idea because Ethan hit me earlier I found you whoever you

Are who’ you find you I found you you have to seek with me now who are you talking about who’ you find Ethan where was he say it again Wyatt you try to invite me again yeah thank you so is it just me and Dino left [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ]

Damn spider this hiding out of his username was like X something something XX I didn’t leave I went to the bathroom and my phone turned off you guys have a mini heart attack your phone with you m on Discord so don’t your business I M on

I have to leave because I’m on my phone yeah I you to leave on phone for some reason we stop standing in a corner like I’m trying to invite someone bro yeah man have some patience stop Haring no honestly I think I think I’m gonna win you okay I’m going

To I I live in um D you got a good hiding spot or what I mean like it is pretty good because I went right past wey so N I think mine’s better why I don’t see you online dude are it’s not appearing for you online sometimes that happens whenever people

Leave her world it’s just like oh they left they don’t want to come there’s a house I mean I know you don’t hear this but could you invite me and I’ll invite him back hold on it’s just Trey Wolfie okay who is in uh Fox Riley’s house

Currently we’re not going to tell you if we’re in the house you just just got to look yeah I don’t know bro something tells me that someone’s in Fox Ry house I checked his house he’s not there’s no one in there I checked go to your offline friends and try and invite

Me there’s a creep my offline friend I got there’s 20 list yeah wait um just invite me and I’ll invite him I’ll inv him just wants to terrorize the someone in the mob spot is is still in the Discord call yeah oh has din house been checked he y’ let

Me listen to Why BR yeah dinos has been checked by Wei so I think you should check again right can you try inviting me again like you did earlier I would love to but in order to do that I told you that I see you right now wait um you can

Uh weey invite me and I’ll all right cool I see you Jesus this where am I you are on no wants to do I see you in the menu like I see your username in the menu oh okay did you find me in game now uh in game soon

Cuz Wee’s dumb ass like I was I was hiding in between the ribs his ass walked right past me I just booked it out of there why I’d love to invite you but I’d have to unshift Yo and I can’t I can’t risk that you know

No and invite me I I’ll invite him I’ll inv can someone kill me real quick oh wait when he say the ribs you mean the ribs in your house wait so did you find din or not um I’m I’m trying to I’m about to win I just running so

I’m a betterer welcome back Leonard welcome back I’m gonna be so mad if someone’s just hiding right here okay never mind we you’re not why you’re not on the offline crossplatform list I checked we can someone tell weep to invite me so I can invite uh the one kid that wanted to

Join that one kid no offense I don’t even know I meant wither sler okay cuz like my name’s online so if he invites me I can join here we have a wild weepy guitar 90 just being whatever he does what can hurry up and din bro like I’m trying to

Win what there’s so many people talking we’ve already gone through no I hear I hear everyone I’m just trying to [ __ ] Focus holy [ __ ] I wouldn’t trust I wouldn’t trust we to find anyone oh I mean weep knows where I am but that’s not fair because he literally saw

Me hide before we started yeah I mean me me personally the rules of hide and seek are make sure you hide alone so that the other person gets found you don’t get found either he didn’t hide with me it’s not it’s it’s just oh where this guy it’s not his fault if

He saw where you went see it is he tried hiding here so it is yeah but me personally if I saw someone hiding where I was about to hide and then I continuously hide there I probably run away hey Dino can I get a hint Dino can we get a hint um

Yeah I don’t I don’t really think you need a hint for this one is it that obvious he’s going down the hill wait you see me wait a minute hold on hold on hold on I’m going back up the hill up the hill I see

Where I think we we still have a let me just quick on top of the hill y on the on the trees yo I mean two of you my bad my bad all right how many time okay Dino how many times how many times did I just jump can you do it again

Four son of a [ __ ] just let me win bro oh my God yo did I win oh my God I found him I found the [ __ ] let’s go look at this [ __ ] no one would be I knew someone was hiding in a tree there’s always that one person F fart

Foot bro when you started walking up here bro I I I started a panic attack dude all right hold do not leave yet do not leave yet wait tell me the exact tree you were in he’s this one right here where all the arrows are he was in

That tree what the hell how wait what huh he was in the middle why walk to the the stream why how you doing that’s so stupid all right I’m going to show you guys where jge is follow me follow me my spot is the best bro y

Dude his spot is actually the best hey you want me to uncrouch or should I just stay Crouch umch uncrouch there’s no way oh my God there’s no way me and had the same idea dude me and him had the same idea me and Jorge had

The same exact idea to hide in there that is actually genius and when when you came around for for I was I tried hiding in uh superior’s house come back up here come come back up here because I I put something there that so I can

Stand in there po can you invite me or try to at least oh yeah yeah thanks everything is calm down may I please get invited now hey come come up here real quick give me a sec give me a sec is desperate for likes okay wait I have a question I want to

Know if uh this hiding spot actually works hold up where are you guys we’re at Jorge’s house where is that that’s bio astral’s house Ethan Bro Look am I visible where you at near my house hold on I’m not on the server enough to know where everyone’s house is okay do you

Know where fart foot do you know where fart foot hous is it do you know where fart foot’s house is just tell me a direction from your house all right all right from the front of my house go straight got it and they keep going straight you’re going to see a giant

Cobblestone house there’s a path ofes if you follow it you’ll find my house you’re going to when you keep going straight you’re going to start seeing me and Jorge’s name oh yeah I see it come back here or hey I like your Demon Slayer skins wait is there path going to my

House or is my house just s um we have to add a pathway to your we could we could build your pathway onto I missed the invite on accident why do you want to see my hiding spot y was fire was here I love your Ryan I aced

It I’m here all right Trey wolf wolf you have a map following your map to where we are I can see you guys here weey I have one thing to say what not it well I’m I’m deciding who’s it next now since Jorge since you won would you

Like to be Seeker I don’t know what to tell you guys what Jorge since you won would you like to be Seeker try one ofy hey come see my house I’m giving you a tour eat one of those Jolly Ranchers I didn’t get a Jolly Rancher I dropped you

Three I didn’t get my house this yo oh my God dogs why do you have a coun dogs uh don’t question it I want to see dogs there’s a dog right here I dropped they’re good um isn’t my skin so pretty it looks it’s I have no idea what

It is Ethan’s kind of stupid he decid to walk in my campire oh wait I’m com you want to guess how long it took for me to make this skin one two three four five six my skin is cust yo guys look at this I’mma eat

It do it all right do it oh my God he’s dying JY Rancher all right do you guys want to start at my house again yeah yeah all right everyone come to my house get this Rancher hangover wait someone kill me real quick someone kill me someone kill me okay

Be kind of powerful we I’m at your house you’re a [ __ ] bastard dude I’m not lie I might speed no I’m gonna say that there’s not a better hiding spot than mine so no there there there’s there’s plent there’s plenty of good hiding spots there’s plenty I’m going to hide in that

Chimney I think I know of another good hiding spot I know exactly where I’m going to hide and no one me all right jge you’re you’re Jorge you’re Seeker this round go upstairs in my library and count the 45 but let me know when you’re going to

Start I’m gonna hide up fart’s ass all right everyone that’s not seeking come downstairs y you got any boo good what booze I need some boo all right um jge Ian R work also Jorge you ready yeah all right go everyone start counting 45 I I’m not using my stopwatch

Seven8 21 15 I’m I’m watching the timer on my PC good go PC timer sorry shut up I’m in the perfect spot ever I’m going find your controller timer I pull up on the Block and I bleed them slide okay why are you following me don’t follow me go away see what’s kind

Of awkward what’s kind of awkward about this is that I have no way of UNC crouching without showing my n so Works see the the not a good perk for being on PC is that you can’t shift while typing and yeah un turn on sh un while Shifting don’t ever say that do never say a mobile you do not no no I’m coming coming Pause put me in the shots see keep I was going to hide there oh my God that’s not fair yo what bro go away oh my God I was going away this time actually is it me or is the server kind of laggy not for me that’s s’s fault hey I mean

Yeah yeah I’m struggling with the whopping uh 100 36 FPS right now I should I was going to say I saw somebody’s name tag no you didn’t not good not good hey I found Edo I mean good spot but you kind this round I’m just hungry I want

To go this one honestly no hey you supposed to help me hold up dang that’s crazy this boy leaving me to get food yo I could go for some KFC yo that’s ly would fire spot I’m curious bro my my spot’s Lally the best don’t even see there’s only two people who I

Know will find me one of them being because they probably watched me hide the second one being um me I’m probably going to be caught and the only reason why is I have to turn on toggle Crouch which can only be turned on being turned on how do I turn on too

Crouch is it not possible I’m going to get black long oh who was seeking to start again I honestly don’t know was right yes okay um I am checking your stream just to see where your hiding spot is what hi I have no idea where you are wait how’d you find

Me because I can see your name tag oh wait my name tag still exposed oh you’re not Crouch I I thought I turned off the thing though I turned I thought turned my thing off you you turned yours off I can still see yours oh [ __ ] nickname for Arthur

Morgan can I get a redo can can I get a redo can I get a shout out I’ll give you shout out shout out shout out I have shout out I mean you’ve given me like five shout outs by now know stay here go somewhere else no no

It’s fair it’s fair I’m going since I already know I’m confident that I’m I’m going to get my really heavy Stone and put it on my shift button and go when I was there’s a better solution okay make sure he’s not near you quickly change the setting and then C again I

Don’t know where the setting is I’m going keyboard keyboard Auto jump fully keyboard display literally all that’s there there’s no toggle shift for some reason did you tell the new guy be Trey did you go are you staying inside the village yes I’m most definitely in the village most defin

Definitely all right you better not be like lying you guys be in the village and looking at the map here I think I’m probably the closest person to hey hey Wyatt hey Wyatt well no cuz the village is theck Buddy wait are you hiding or are are you counting I was the starting

Secer buddy oh okay I wish I wish the thing yo Ethan said he’s in Wee’s bedroom so I think I’m going to go check bathroom that’s crazy nah me person I’m like he is he actually is that’s crazy yo wait he is no I’m joking get out of my house okay

Say l Ethan be ready for me I was wait what wait wait wait hold up I see you hi hey buddy what what tree are you in this time yo I say that every day in Ryan’s stream but this guy’s in the tree again I feel

Like y’all would never find me and my my pink is getting tired I have to actually uni wait you have to hold it to crouch yeah yeah they don’t for some reason I I don’t have Shi I don’t know where it is I tried I which the keyboard they

Don’t have it they don’t have it what that’s a Java only huh it it are you serious wait py people don’t have toggle shift like Java does no I play on bedrock see I’m good cuz I play on controller currently wow WEP looks super cool right

Now okay wait wait I have a question do you have a spare controller at all laying around me like a Playstation Xbox controller I do but my dad plug it into your computer no my dad in my PC so breaking controllers don’t work for some reason breaking what just plug he like

Ruined my he ruined my us uh my port for my USB stuff and so like I can only put like my keyboard and mouse in it and I can’t put like my controllers in it so it’s all messed up literally every single port in your computer does not

Work well no my ports work they just don’t work controllers it it’s charging that doesn’t make any sense yeah yeah it cuz you should be able to play Minecraft with the controller well I could go steal my brother’s wire controller and see if that works but I have wireless controller will work as

Long as it’s plugged to your computer and the controller it will work perfectly fine don’t you have like a Bluetooth controller no you never understand controller myad my bad all right can we get hints or hints allowed um I’m buy like a really really deep scarecase have you found me

Yet no but I’m guessing you’re in a tree and I’m look cheing every tree I’m not checking God I’m work okay I found something heavy enough to press the shift button I’ll be right back why is is there a hole of staircases got some food we got some

Food um if you promise not to take much it’s in my chest my food chest take two pieces of food Dam we be ring here bro I I had someone take hell of [ __ ] I lost like half my [ __ ] of Onyx took it I believe yeah don’t worry

Someone took all my diamond hey how many dogs are in my house like a solid 20 bro I don’t know I’m not you know I’m going back in there I’m I’m kill every single dog joking F can I get a hint bro said no what F can I get a

Hint one two three four five six you got six in here yo oh there’s one a dog literally right outside the door to the left behind a FL pot that’s really specific he said give you a hit not straight up tell you where he is no I was talking about my dog’s

Position not mine I’m in a tree I don’t want to look through all these trees man I mean if I was caught I can probably find you in two seconds man what’s up y’all in trees bro well seen jge this entire we did not play hide and seek for people to hide in

Trees oh God just be tree CRA at this point bro I got found I got found out by weepy of all people bro I’m kind of mad about that hold on I’m gonna get a piece of my pizza right beside my to be fair I’m confident you’re find

Me minute and a half or you’re never find me what are you talking about what what I never finding me unless you cheat so I still see you I hope you know like I can visually see your character you’re like cheating okay now I can’t see you now I can’t now I

Can’t you would have to visibly cheat the 5 what are you saying bro there’s no way n okay I’m going I’m going to expose myself just because um yeah okay ready wait no just just unshift or just shift and uni [ __ ] damn it or uni sh you should have seen me already just

Tell me when I win I unshift and shifted again I feel hell am I even close enough to see you on shift oh I could see your name tag perfectly fine actually wait do it again real quick oh and what I even like how’ you get in there wait hold up um excuse

Me wait are you for breaking leaves to make spots I no this has been here that’s been my secret layer for a while but that’s pretty boring bro P out all right I know exactly where another person is I’m going to go find him unless they’ve been

Found no way well I’ve only found wey and it can’t be me it literally can’t be me can’t be what the hell was that Doone the towards me or did I hit the creeper to myself you hit the creeper forward as you were running did you watch that I watched it

Happen as I turned to whoever’s house oh oh [ __ ] that’s trying it’s fun watching people try to F me okay so Pro tip don’t hit creepers usually probably I mean they’ll hit you eventually with their explosion I see I think I just saw someone hold up wait it’s

Me you want to see my spot sure it was just in a random [ __ ] wait have you been found yeah well I kind of let him find me okay I think um it’s right okay I see it okay so I’m right here okay okay what the [ __ ] dude what is this it

Looks just like a tunnel you dug out just is it does what the [ __ ] all right so who’s left yo Ethan let’s get a hint there bu all right why have a good one bud thank you for playing who’s left did anyone just go up this Tower at all okay

I okay him finding me doesn’t really count as him finding me I just kind of let him oops I just fell off the to tell me when i r myself actually just tell me when I win and then I’ll reveal myself I don’t exactly know what you have so I’m Just Ethan’s in a tree too in the middle of the map so you could see where everyone is okay but that’s just boring like my my my spot wasn’t in a tree and won let me give you a clue I can see three people right now I can’t see what

They’re doing but I can see I can see three people’s name tags I had a bow can see um I don’t was it barely bro was it really broken never mind I’m not got to look through trees again wait can you turn on fire real quick what single tree this guy’s munching while

Talking also why Isis outside penis yes nothing wrong with that what What all right he’s not in he’s not in G’s house none of them I’m note this being the dumbest butt ever hold up hold wait wait I might have an idea where he could be where I’m not going to lie bro this pizza is really good bro I can tell if

You munching in your mic bro well I also am but you know I mean like me personally would really want to buy this piz all right bro we get it it’s really good though like really good this big ass cave Miss okay um are WEP are you aware of the Among Us mod

That lets you have people who don’t have that mod have mods no in your lobby no no okay yeah there there’s like a mod it’s called town of host um I’m not sure if it is a virus or not but I have seen people use it and it does work I haven’t

Installed it myself but if it does work properly uh it’d be really cool okay oh my God there’s so many people I’m okay so I’m close to Ethan I got lost in some big ass cave bro bro someone is below me oh never mind oh I take that back they’re

Actually really close to me but they’re not below I don’t even know how to explain where they are in a cave that’s funny I’m in a cave bro I’m getting out right nowo do Phantoms usually do that or are they trying to kill someone oh no it’s because

Okay oh wait no that’s just we my bad wa I’m near you so close to Ethan huh I mean I can see you oh I can see someone else too but I can’t okay where am I going into oh yeah oh I can’t I think I I can’t but I can

See you jumping up to something me I am currently not jumping no not you talk about wey oh this other person’s AF okay there’s someone in the middle of the map just what username do they go by I don’t know I can’t see mine it’s a bit BR am I running near them

Yeah okay wait so I’m close to Ethan okay people um Ethan is close to who house is it I’m never getting found so the only way I’m getting found is close to Fox Riley’s house apparently I am confused D I’ll give you a third hint because I know it’s really hard to find

Me I’m going to place that’s slow oh dang wait where where is he uh he was in um Fox Riley Sweet Farm oh okay am I left no there’s Ethan and uh dino I just found Ethan oh wait you found Ethan so that means Dino

Win what how did Dino win wait wait I I I thought he found you my bad I want to see I don’t think I’m getting found anytime soon oh okay wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute oh Dino nice spot man thank you no way fart foot fart

Footon and like I didn’t even know I was like standing out in the open like this not even crouched and none of you find me fart foot come to come to where I am bro uh where are you I’m by the C I’m by the castle front door come to come to the

Castle okay cuz I have I they see me so they hello they have to be around they saw me run this something something 269 what in the world Is what oh my God it no way I’m not going to lie I just accidentally UNC crouched by WEEI he what am I currently doing I don’t know oh you’re jumping what what now you’re crouching uh what about well you can see in chat don’t look at chat what am I doing uh

Now I don’t know okay cool do this way I have a feeling of where you could be but may be wrong don’t don’t forget guys you have to stay in the town well Seekers can go wherever they want it’s a HED no Seekers are bound to be in the

City because it’s not fair to just run thousand thousand blocks away close to the city interesting can you uncrouch a again real quick me yes no I I think I’m good I haven’t thought of this hiding spot ever but I might I’m just gonna I

Don’t want to call D loud because if I I mean not technically saying a spot but he already found me what you already found me oh wa really what did Ethan find you I’ve been found I I found him first oh yeah then who’s left it’s oh I wi I was inside my

House with you oh yeah awkward for you guys um can y’all go to a house that has okay go to the coast of the village coost are we talking about Serpent’s house he don’t know is there’s a sheep inside the person’s house oh it’s serpent it’s Serpent’s

House don’t let the pink shoot out be careful no F foot go back downstairs I know where he’s at never mind never [ __ ] I know where he’s at n y’all wrong no no no wrong spot I told you to go back to the window did I and go down he’s outside

Okay look you there you go straight straight hold on hold on hold on hold on I ain’t near [ __ ] look come here come here come here come here come here come here come here come here come here dirty there’s where a place where wepg couldn’t find

Me a place with stairs that you can gradually go down that’s a good spot dude I still don’t see him where are we looking at go to go to server’s house go to the pink sheep and look outside the window look outside both of the windows oh that’s crazy oh damn

I was hiding right wait guys if you come back here if you come down here I was hiding right here crouched all right well Trey do you want to hide you can seek now do you want to seek now yes I would love to seek all right everyone go

To my house everyone at my house I know exactly where I’m hiding hold up I do too you know what’s funny I found that house without having to break anything all right can I have some who just left I’m going take some food okay we

Uh I have no idea who left oh yeah can no I don’t think anyone left actually think someone I need one piece of steak I’m taking a piece of steak that’s fine all right starts in hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on

Hold on wait who’s outside okay there’s Ethan Dino Jorge me um second foot okay ready start counting now one two you’re not allow looking at name tags by the way yeah don’t don’t look at name tags I’m looking down actually I’m not even paying attention to

My 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 hey count slower bro chill out 32 Mississippi 33 Mississippi hey that’s good you kind like that 35 Mississippi 36 Mississippi uh wait what’s after that 37 Mississippi 38 Mississippi 39 Mississippi 40 Mississippi 41 I actually don’t know if I can be seen 42

Mississippi 43 Mississippi I’m taking a Mississippi and 45 Mississippi here at not here I come ruin lives my hint is that I am a foot that I was going to say like wait a minute that’s like really [ __ ] quick like holy [ __ ] I’m sniff some people

Out my hint is what goes up but never goes down but that is not age that’s it’s not age what goes up and never down I would say time but then again it resets no it doesn’t it’s time I’m I’m just gonna not listen to time because

You’re ask you’re saying that to the wonder what’s in this house if 3 + 3 equals 4 what how many people are on a train that is traveling at 80 m per hour dog I failed my I I failed my math yeah loser if you’re driving a car 80 miles

Down a road please stop understand you’re telling please I’m sorry I won’t be beating yet I asked a question how do I if you’re going 80 M an hour down a road how far do you go in 1 hour they got really quiet oh my God the more you keep asking

These questions doesn’t even respond I I generally pause my whole entire game just to just think about what you just said okay one more time if a car is going down the road 80 miles an hour how far do you go in 1 hour I don’t know wait 80 miles there’s no

Way am I stupid wait you said 80 miles right I’m assuming you found me what did you find me I feel like you’re down here I I feel like there someone down here okay but did you find me no I did not physically see your

Body okay so I’m still safe got it I don’t think this hidy spot is cheating because you can still technically see me yo [ __ ] that’s what I’m saying yo foot you should send me a screenshot of where you’re at bro rather but sure okay I’m gonna see okay what um who is

That who is what who who the person hiding under the castle in the cave what you’re cting out I have no idea what he just said a Ethan there you found Ethan first don’t hit me it’s not my fa I’ll send you a screenshot hold up are you send on

Discord be yeah I’ll send it on BET I was going to say you can just go in my stream and look at where I’m at so which doesn’t mean everyone else go just Cal down bro I I just need some beef man I need food can screenshot taken okay let me edit it

So I can give you context of where I am because it’s kind of hard to tell all right okay all right is there food in here okay let me just edit this real quick so I can um so you can kind of tell where I am oh well I’ll probably starve anyway

I’m GNA go to the first person I’m going to go to the first chest I se hope you I hope you guys don’t mind oh are those berries never mind I’m taking these person’s I’ll give me a sec I’ll give give me a sec

Some no I got it I got it bears are really good food value Source wait oh my God what oh that’s so unfortunate for that person who’s hiding what H what I didn’t just I was going to okay someone oh I’ve been found [ __ ] well how’ you find me it was very

Unfortunate because a phantom came from the sky and hit you and then flew out of it so I was like wait someone has to be in there because you know players is that fair is that fair I mean should have slept did you find me yet I don’t know

All I know is that there’s someone inside the the heads unless they want to come I mean screenshot well I’ve been found already how do you get am you’re not allowed Finding Me Okay weep you’re not allowed to find me I don’t care he doesn’t care who’s I like I like the little

[Laughter] arrow I know someone’s inside head so no oh yeah bro I literally saw the Phantom guy hit You no I’m coming get I’ll dig through his head to find you oh wait I’m not in the head but I just heard someone take fall image What I’m playing Among Us right now what the [ __ ] it’s it’s not even like it’s the fact of that I found him because of him not sleeping I mean if you look in like old chat you can see that I was trying to sleep earlier but just repeat yeah I was

Found because of phantom I find it [ __ ] bro I find it very very funny how I can’t find the guy who was in the head even though I know oh no one’s in the head n you know what I find funny is that I a single

Person’s name wait if I was hold on wait a minute there actually is someone because why is your stuff built in his head like there’s like there’s only be the brain there why is it I have another trivia question for you okay if a train is traveling at 40

Miles hour what’s the mass of the Sun bro wait a minute how does the Sun have anything to do with that I’m Confused just confusing me where are you I know you’re in his head that I that I have only seen one person’s name tag is it me I se M am I the person is that even legally yes yes can you give me the general context of the short that you’re

Giving me tomorrow it’s a it’s a it’s a it’s a clip from like a year plus ago and it’s a glitch where two people are healing me but it looks like a conga line hold on I know the best way to find you I’ll just wait until a phantom tries to hit you

Again I do have an idea for what you can do with it but we’ll discuss that later if you hav if you haven’t told I’m not in the head I’m not in the head I can see two people’s name tags right now and I’m pretty sure they’re going

Towards the castle all right no one’s in Jorge’s house checked who’s left uh Dino and what if I am in my house I don’t I don’t know me would you like to give it away good sir no I’m I won’t tell anyone I’ll just look at you and laugh and then walk away

You know what I definitely know where someone is I thought I saw someone but it was just sweeping byebye all right I have not moved the entire I would hide inside of where show Me what Oh I thought you were going to show me where you’re at oh if someone’s in that dirt Tower I’m not even wait I found a sign of one dude are you talking about the sign from of onx the sign of Onyx left about killing my cousin yeah I found it

Already we did you see me no hold on hold on I’m going back I’m going back straight up stared into your eyes watch you turn around all right which way do I got to look towards my house okay wait hey quick quick break bro quick quick

Break who who’s next to you bro that is that’s the that’s the Seeker I’m I’m going to need y’all to go away hold on I need to turn on clear Le see through the trees minute wait wait oh [ __ ] I’m stepping leaves so now I can see people through the trees wait

A make sure no one’s hiding through the trees at this point I might as well make I might as well just get a resource just grips of leaves period so that I can just find you through leaves I’m not I’m not in it won’t let you join we world if

You do that uh they they specifically made it so you cannot do that to people wait Trey is someone over here I don’t I don’t know I feel like there might be someone over in this tree I don’t I’m not in that tree man I’m legally blind please don’t do

This to me hey I see one person and that would be Ethan Ethan’s already been you see why you back up what do you mean I’m looking all the way I’m looking back I’m trying to see if I get like some sort of like look I thought he was on top of the

House this house over here for a second you’re making me go in fifth person you’re making me go in fifth person I’m scared bro I’ve already checked this person’s house oh no it’s not anyone I’m just stupid I watched a documentary of a certain mustache man who failed Art

School I want to I want to say that’s Hitler but that would be it is it is I knew it I knew you here I can smell it desperation I smell desperation jorgey tell me why I was going to actually look in look there without you doing that I’m not anywhere bro

Bro just don’t any trees just find his house and tickle feet hey don’t do that why not go look for somebody else bro go look for those two wait who have you not found me literally everyone it says jorgee crib ask for MTV crib no one has found me no one has been

In my general area actually I don’t think anyone has I know where I know where Fort and Jorge is I don’t know where Dino is though Dino is still very Dino I need hints my boy isn’t he in your head stat you don’t need hints

No is he in his is he in my head I think that’s what the Seeker said what that someone was just in the head statue we got to put more torches there’s like mob City yeah there was someone in the but they ran away and I

Know God I run out of Health oh God I gotta run no it doesn’t make any sense cuz I saw a phantom go Phantom I would never I would never I would never but I don’t understand you’re making my brain hurt know my actually y’all don’t know but my brain size

Is I a give no hints till I win y’all should just let me win again bro come on now let you win again what I want not the round you were here I won the round without you then again I don’t really want to beer so oh Ethan died to a

Phantom I was gonna go wait I already found Ethan I don’t know the closest person has been to me has been weepy but he’s not allowed to find me God’s name go back pH Ethan go back guys I think Phantoms are too overpowered because I just got one

Shotted by a phantom I was at like five Hearts oh yeah that makes sense that doesn’t make any sense what yeah dang o nice Lo two people have been very close to me no one is close to me at all I know there’s someone in the head I’m just too

La people techically I see the head I’m just not at it no no one’s in the head no we’re we’re not Hing there together I don’t know where you are and that s I’m chilling I give up guys I I’m going to get off in like 2 minutes so

I’m just going to show you where I was at okay guys go to my house you in the head no go go to my house go to my house me too I’m getting ATT I’m getting like touched by spider right now you want me to go to your house too

Wei no no no I’m trying to I can confirm no one is in the head are you sure yeah I told you I didn’t know someone actually built a brain in there what the [ __ ] yeah it’s very small though thank you Dino I appreciate it a [ __ ] the cob piece of cobblestone got

Stuck I’m at the house hey do you want to see where I was at do you want to see where I was at you yeah uh sure no way I would have found you eventually Worried the thing is whoever was actually hiding in the head like I’m actually being so I feel like someone’s psyching me out right no in that head I feel like I’m getting gas right now but I swear on everything I saw a phantom fly into the head and then come right back out

Yo yo Dino you up here broy me you up in this Tower dude you up here I’m just I’m win twice I really don’t want to look in that Tower I’m go look at that Tower go look at that Tower where I am not where I

Am yo Dino hint I need a hint bro I need a hint um uh you’re pretty close decently close me I’m close yes all right I am going close to you if you call me within two hours from now I’m most likely still awake but I am

Hopping off the Minecraft B to do other stuff all right wait who can you see um menu what have a good one bud thanks for playing yep bye later bud who who are these two people you see I don’t really want to if I say that then I’m gonna disclose myself hold on

Din I want you D I want you to give me I want you to give me your spot I ain’t going to say [ __ ] but I want you to give me your spot you want to see my spot I do I’m not going to re rat you out I

Want to see my brain hurts too much all right I’ll DM you my spot we’re at 22 likes ladies and gents I’m probably going to end stream one more round no this will be the last round [ __ ] it it’s already 2: in the morning and we a got no one

Watching if I was looking around for someone where would I hide you should check there we I I didn’t wait hold I’m trying to think could you give me a more simpler more simp I have a I have a hint of where the remaining people are he’s he’s on the game oh

Okay wey I literally told you where I’m at yes I know where you’re at yeah I know where the last two people are well he said he saw you yeah well yeah and he could see you too yeah I can definitely see I’m guess he’s in a

Tree I mean like you can assume that I’m a tree I’m not a tree y’all just keep looking for him bro so I’m just chilling I know where everyone is so I’m good I’m just I’m I’m Just I’m chilling I’m big chilling same dude my spot myot is pretty dumb if if you know how to look the fact you haven’t checked here is wild I don’t want you to say that because I don’t check properly like I don’t know how will say I had three different hiding spots and

Ran past three times y go away go away yo go somewhere else where is everyone this is confusing Ethan bro go away oh Ethan’s near you this guy Ethan is just okay well he’s walking away now but this guy was like standing on top of me and just left I’m

Curious so if I can find Ethan I can probably find you close to that that’s not true how’s it going how’s it going around this faity goo stop after me I just came to visit me we you just came to visit me dude the fact that both y’all spots

Are like like they’re actually like really [ __ ] good I’m not going lie godamn I hit in the [ __ ] jail got caught through a phantom in the jail think that was a good spot bro bro I got caught by a Fantom if I didn’t if that Phantom wasn’t there I probably wouldn’t

Have been caught yet it was I hid behind the bed in the [ __ ] jail dude that was a good spot oh no I didn’t see you cuz of the Phantom I just straight up looked behind and saw a bright face in a dark room and I just assumed that’s racist bro that’s

Funny yeah Ethan this is a this is a Australian dude’s house is your boy Australian dude’s house he built this up and he’s only been on the server like two three times he Ain been on it too much wait is that a shadow I see no n please stop

Saying no are you I know I mean like I don’t know bro well are you sure I’m not probably not sure but not sure sure probably sure I’m going to snitch right now I’m a snitch know I have a snitch hey I have a snitch hey I’m trying to win hi we hi

Bud this is the longest round of hide and seek ever bro it is really I told you I’m bu different I’m very slow I’m I’m just trying to Trey Trey I’ll give you I’ll give you a hint I’ll give you a hint bro you already won

Bro bro D how did I find you in that spot so much faster on you know where I am I looked at his stream yeah Trey where you at Trey come back to where I was where you at very very ready I’ll give you a hint okay from they are in

Between from Jorge’s house to the mob spawner they’re in between that in between the oh my God are they actually in a tree in between the areas I’m just saying we’re on top of the M spaw good luck all way the top I don’t think

They’re up top the mob no no I don’t think not mob spawner I’m trying to get him to go to useless SP um God damn it he gave away my spot by say telling him that he was near in between the mob spaw was how do you even get down there oh right

Here so I I win again let’s go Oh I thought that was I thought that was a mob I was trying to bro you cheater you can’t say that bro I’m I didn’t mean to give I thought he was going to check the trees at first

Wait hold on wait I didn’t see I couldn’t see find him gonna go this way you’re not even on top of the M SP are you would you like to give me would you like me to give you a location for Jorge I already came out oh welcome back

Conor cor where are you hiding so you w what the hell I swear to God if you’re in a tree you aut no he wasn’t in a tree no oh I’m about to say I was going to cry oh my God wait that’s that’s so funny because I checked every single other besides

That one he did Jorge I’m not going to lie he he was over here checking all these over here on this side and he just Al it’s it’s the only one without a bush inside I didn’t see that though uh you missed a bunch of rounds of hide-and seek slman

Hunt uh that’s really it nothing too much I’m salty I win I won twice let’s go I’m better I get to hit you one time because of that what come back here do you guys want to play one do you guys want to play one more

Five times do you guys want to play one more round or no I say make a PvP map and see PVP has din Dino has not been Seeker yet Dino you want to be Seeker one for one round I want uh no not really Ethan would you like to be

Seeker eth are you still here I want nominate Jorge for being seek yeah he ratted me out I say he be Seeker I didn’t R you out yes you literally did you do you want to play you want to be secer one more time me no one else wants

To if I come Seeker you’re going to be up all right Jorge we’re going to just go go to my house and count since we’re all already out I just count the 30 everyone stay away from my house Jorge go to my house you know you know

Actually we should count to 10 so that’s a little bit more difficult to hide and it’s easier to find people so we can end the night early 15 14 or hey tell me when you’re in my house I’m I’m there all right everyone go hide quickly I’m already

Hi he’s already hi I’m already hi he’s already high that’s crazy what am i counting to 15 oh it’s already been 15 seconds more more seconds Dog N 15 what I don’t think they even what that was really fast gting it was 15 seconds bro it’s not um um actually you’re you’re wrong

Actually it it was actually it was actually two seconds I can’t count that high you can’t count higher than two seconds no I just count to two seconds like seven times thank you for happiest years so you can do multiplication but you can’t do simple addition that’s addition

Oh okay do you hear my Pi up line no what why not it’s a good pickup line well thank you it’s a math equation pickup line well thank you is that a singular water block right there that I cannot jump into which one you dick has left my door open me not

Me it wasn’t me I’m totally not in your house right now not guys I’m not gonna lie this world looks kind of there’s a person living in a Snowy Mountain I totally didn’t a random house on the other side of the island [ __ ] I didn’t think You’ find that I totally

Didn’t just eat your last fruit roll up piece of [ __ ] oh dang anyways I’m just going to sit here eat some more pizza I’m G just sit here and watch u i no black actually I’m gonna watch One Piece copyright moment not play anything copyrighted yeah yeah audio from One Piece be technically

Copyright good just mute your mic bro it’s not that hard but like I’m going to find in one piece I think if you say that again I’m going to kill myself got him we are 47 Subs away from 6,100 ladies and gents thank you guys so much oh my

God we have gained a solid six Subs in this stream tonight thank you guys George gain 17 two days ago I can’t hear you that’s fine who just joined hey Conor welcome back bud hi um I’m not going to lie I think I think Cory should repair e you’re making out with weep

What what uh that’s a bit disturbing J hey have you seen have you seen anyone yet not even close no someone added a gun mod to Java and it’s so I’ve only looked in like three spots to be fair that’s fair oh my God wey the spot you’re hiding in that any hints

Anyone yeah my God stop giving me hints bro all right um I am closer to your house than my house I don’t know what that is like what even is that spot Dino would you like to give a hint my good sir um uh uh uh [ __ ] uh

Oh you’re right oh you’re right there and then the other guy is right there ew you’re right there oh wow um I am uh there’s a hole at this spot huh but it doesn’t the big hole oh my God I see you I can see can you now I don’t I don’t know

This map well enough to know what the [ __ ] you’re talking about who is he talking to I’m to am I what I’m not gonna lie I see where the big hole is that’s my it’s not it’s not it’s not that big but like and you wouldn’t die if you hopped in it

Well there’s two big holes in this in the city so which one I mean like there’s not like it’s not that big but it’s kind of big it’s not big but it’s big but it’s not big so I I said I’m not good at giving hits how’ you find

Me when you’re close enough your name tag isn’t fully hidden was that a good spot I mean kinda go go go go s my spot real quick and Crouch all right when you walk in you okay um wait wait put your ass in that corner okay yeah that’s where I was

Hidden okay and then look forward ah [ __ ] I got people to be looking for oh my God that is such a good hiding spot you know what I’m just going to look on my map and see where people are I’m not I’m not see so that’s where you were I was totally

Wrong I I’ve yet to get a h from one person so you’re right there of trees outside this place I’ll say that that does not help not help a whole of trees dark dark oak trees or something 90% of them are oak so you’re saying you’re by wait are you saying you

Are by what I think you’re by I don’t know bro but I am inside a house so I will say that oh that’s a pretty good H not going wait oh my God I KN you are you’re how big are the trees like with pretty big you know pretty

Big would you say buy the mob spawner big uh kind of yeah a little bit are you really are you really in what’s his name what’s his name um I don’t even know his name the one by the water oh he is by the one

Yes he said yes oh hi H I see You I don’t want to I can’t I can’t find Ethan bro Ethan has a one well neither of you but I need hi we hold on me hey’s who’s in this house yo thank you for the help me oh hey also by the way who’s Seeker War

Uh who’s left well who’s been found I’ve been found just you all right so it’s Ethan and uh Trey and Dino this guy I’ve looked in like 90% of the houses bro what the [ __ ] sure you did be a good boy and be quiet sh go away go away go away

It’d be a shame if I just touched you you never take me alive or hey where you at bud uh I think this someone the house with the big ass cave in it God I hate that house why is this guy running away such a nice

View come back yo oh can’t catch me n nuh nuh noou you can’t catch me wa you’re all the way over there I’m in the house with like the big ass cave I don’t know whose house it is that’s I need turn down my oh you’re in a Conor’s

House kind of went up this Waterway and it’s running outside now so all right wait wait wait that that’s out of bounds that’s out of bounds you way far off the Border Bound yeah yeah buddy Dino you’ve been you disqualified it’s like next to the mob spawner though actually directly over

The mob how that but you went past the the past the caves past artemis’s house I was inside the cave I wasn’t inside the cave though I was house you inside the house so wait did he see you he saw you right yeah he saw me then you’re

Found I saw him and then he ran away had a sword smell like clone bro I’m not GNA lie I accidentally clicked Q in the cave and it dropped my sword and I have no idea where it’s at that’s crazy about to die today wait hi

Hi you running down there wait wait wait Jorge are you running currently yeah are you by my head my giant head no that’s me oh wait Dino Dino come go back go uh towards um do you know the the the house of the giant Cobblestone walls no no I no yeah yeah yeah

Yeah I’m going eat some of this puffer fish I swear to God if you call me out I’m not yeah I’m I’m at it okay J hey okay okay I can see you to your right yeah I’m out wait what to your right uh I’m not there anymore

Nuh wait okay okay to your left to your left not mind okay stop now I can see you fully I was only to see your name tag at first I I can’t see you guys anymore what am I here for uh I don’t know I just I that’s I’m close to that

So I was just yeah no way no way I’m out of there bro you are not I can’t be B being why we is a death sentence I hate zombies I’m G kill that zombie you better not I’m G to do it you better not I’m G to do it don’t do

It he he has a helmet on my he has my armor on he’s special dude don’t don’t [ __ ] with him bro he has my armor on dude how am I supposed to get that back you have to live with your grief hey BD hey where where’s he at yo I don’t

Know I I came up here looking and I couldn’t find I’m out of there I’m God I literally jumped right into that you see that t of water see that t of water gape right there yeah I jumped in that water and I ran you guys are done I’m gone I’m

R to a hey I’m going to need you to pass me that map real quick um I’m G to pass I will push you out please don’t he did say please Dino how much money to pay that knock him off knock him off

Oh yeah he was up here I saw him up here I was like wait a minute I think bro fly is that a thing of water right there you think I going to make it in there yeah that’s that’s not water that’s not water that’s not water like that that little blue Speck

By the tree that’s not water I mean you could try I don’t think it’s water though it is water it is water hey i’mna for calling me out I think I’m make it watch all right go for it it is water it is make it far

Enough I’m gonna do it and like he jumped and then see this guy just fell from very high place I don’t even know where yall at right now here I’m I’m going try I’m going to try I’m going to try creative huh why am I in cre you guys are in

Creative what the [ __ ] oh my God TNT BL up uh where’s the water block that was weird it’s right do you see do you see the tree the small tree I’m not PayPal in you [ __ ] just it’s right next to the small tree good luck Ethan still Ethan’s still there Ethan

Won oh yeah Ethan’s still hiding yeah well Ethan won and I’m I’m pretty sure I know where he’s at here I’m going to try jumping I’m G I’m going to try jumping I’m GNA try jumping okay Ethan you come where are you guys at you guys at the

Bottom go go to where that water thing is I’m going to start jumping okay I’m trying to run it I I didn’t have enough moment game is I said that wrong compared to Java that water Block it’s right over here all right I’m going to try jumping into the water

Thing I found you found him where is he he was at uh I think it’s emus his house ah I thought he was in the castle for a sec but I guess not hold we got we gotta watch you can make it yeah I I got it yeah man yeah

There’s one right here hey hey hey hey heyy he hey hey I’m I have a boner right now can you guys see me up here can you guys see me up here yeah you okay but what was the point of that ready you guys ready yeah all right no he murdered me

Because I made a boner joke It Up Wait For for for for for that for for for for for

This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP LIVE | Ep: 21 MAN-HUNT!!!’, was uploaded by Weepyguitar 90 on 2024-01-05 07:43:11. It has garnered 187 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:37 or 16657 seconds.

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    Elf Village Shenanigans: Modded Minecraft RPG Unraveling the Chaos in Divine Nations – Elf Village Part 1 Embark on a thrilling D&D-inspired adventure in the world of Divine Nations, where the unexpected becomes the norm. From Frostbyte’s icy transformation to Tattooed Enigma’s mysterious infection, the party faces a series of bizarre events that challenge their wits and courage. A World of Mysteries As the party delves deeper into the Elf Village, they encounter magical mishaps, costume dilemmas, and a failed fly-over plan that adds to the chaos. The earthquake and the explosion of a secret path only add to the intrigue, leaving the players with… Read More

  • Crafting Crazy Custom Trees in Minecraft

    Crafting Crazy Custom Trees in Minecraft Exploring Custom Trees in Minecraft Today, we delve into the fascinating world of custom trees in Minecraft. Learn how to build unique trees and discover 24 stunning custom tree designs that will elevate your builds to the next level! Building a Custom Tree Creating custom trees in Minecraft is a creative and rewarding process. From selecting the right blocks to shaping the branches, every step contributes to the final masterpiece. Follow along as Frostoid (@frostoid_) shares valuable tips and techniques for crafting your own custom trees. 24 Custom Tree Designs Get ready to be inspired by a diverse collection… Read More

  • Enival SMP, semi-vanilla, Java, whitelist, trust-based, QOL mods, starting today.

    Welcome to Enival – Minecraft Survival Server! Server starting in 40 minutes from post date! Join us in shaping this new, soon-to-launch Minecraft survival server called Enival. We have a few quality of life mods and an amazing community waiting for you. Why choose Enival? Democracy: Players vote on server changes Whitelist: Safe and friendly environment Quality of Life mods Launch Date: Today, September 14 in an hour! Join our Discord: 👉 https://discord.gg/ZAFaakgS6g Enival Enjoyable survival – the name says it all! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – End this Minecraft madness

    Minecraft Memes - End this Minecraft madnessWow, that meme scored higher than I did on my last math exam! Read More

  • School’s Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen’s Minecraft Misadventures

    School's Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen's Minecraft Misadventures In a world of blocks and pixels, two friends were expelled from school, Naughty Efekan and Alperen, breaking every rule. But they didn’t let it bring them down, they found a new path, Becoming workers in Minecraft, facing the aftermath. With shovels and pickaxes, they dug deep into the ground, Building homes and structures, their creativity unbound. Laughing and joking, their friendship never waned, In the world of Minecraft, their joy remained. So join them on their journey, as they work and play, In this virtual world, where they spend their day. Naughty Efekan and Alperen, a dynamic duo… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftlovegonebad #boom Read More

  • Minecraft Survival: Ultimate Chaos

    Minecraft Survival: Ultimate Chaos Minecraft Survival Adventure: Exploring New Horizons Embark on a thrilling Minecraft survival journey with Catrophy in the 3rd episode of his series. Join him as he delves into the depths of the game, mining for valuable resources and uncovering hidden treasures. Get ready for an exciting ride filled with challenges and excitement! Unleashing Creativity In Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and build anything their imagination desires. From constructing elaborate structures to designing intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. Catrophy showcases his building skills and demonstrates the art of crafting in this episode. Exploring the… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: TOP PRISON SERVER 2024 REVAMP! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BEST OP PRISON SERVER *2024 EDITION* (NEW) | 1.8- 1.21+ Best Minecraft Prison Servers!’, was uploaded by Magic on 2024-09-10 22:36:58. It has garnered 941 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:30 or 570 seconds. BEST OP PRISON SERVER *2024 EDITION* (NEW) | 1.8- 1.21+ Best Minecraft Prison Servers! JOIN THE SERVER! ⬇️ 🎙️ magic.oraclepvp.net 🎙️ magic.oraclepvp.net 🎙️ magic.oraclepvp.net Bedrock Port: 19379 Make sure to drop a like before reading! ⚔️Come play my new Minecraft OP Prison server! 🡆 PvPCloud Minecraft Prisons similar to other servers AkumaMC, OPLegends, Fadecloud, MineLucky What is… Read More

  • XP Games SMP: Insane Challenges & Drama!

    XP Games SMP: Insane Challenges & Drama!Video Information This video, titled ‘The XP SMP!’, was uploaded by XPGamesNL on 2024-05-19 03:34:10. It has garnered 122 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:41 or 8561 seconds. Welcome to the XP SMP! A Minecraft Multiplayer server where my friends and I will be chilling, playing Minecraft and perhaps even let a story unfold! Hope you enjoy it! Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft LIVE: Ray’s Day 77 Craft!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft LIVE: Ray's Day 77 Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ray’s Crafting Minecraft Hardcore LIVE! Day 77’, was uploaded by Ray’s Crafting on 2024-04-30 10:20:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Watch me start off playing Minecraft in Hardcore Survival mode Continuing from the last live video, this is starting at day 77 Mods … Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Pro vs Noob 🚌🔨🏠

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Pro vs Noob 🚌🔨🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: School BUS House Build Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Here’s Johnny on 2024-04-19 21:05:21. It has garnered 565064 views and 9492 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:39 or 7359 seconds. Today Johnny, Gooby, Daisy and Marty have a Bus Build Challenge In Minecraft! Who will build the BEST house? Watch to find out! #johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft Read More

  • Cristalit’s Mind-Blowing Void Teleportation Trick!

    Cristalit's Mind-Blowing Void Teleportation Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I Teleported Players Into The Void’, was uploaded by Cristalit on 2024-03-04 20:05:16. It has garnered 409836 views and 15510 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:28 or 1828 seconds. I Glitched the End Platform to drop my enemies into the void on a Minecraft Youtuber SMP Will I manage to trap them? Watch to find out:D & ENJOY!!! SLOTS SMP Discord: https://discord.gg/slots-smp-community-1055886969537831004 THUMBNAIL INSPIRATION FROM BACONNWAFFLES!!! If you enjoy other SMP creators like Baconnwaffles & Rekrap & Parrot from Lifesteal, or other creators from Levels SMP, Bliss SMP, or Infuse SMP, I… Read More

  • Insane Lucky Block Chaos in Minecraft Skywars

    Insane Lucky Block Chaos in Minecraft SkywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘4-Player Elemental Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-04-11 22:54:21. It has garnered 34449 views and 876 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:21 or 13041 seconds. 4-Player Elemental Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars Download The Mod: http://anubismc.com/modpack Join The Server: play.anubismc.com (Oasis Realm) Type This Code In Game: /partnerredeem Jerome Thanks to AnubisMC for sponsoring us! Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner http://www.RocketNode.com/Jerome Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: acetispaghetti.com ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord… Read More

  • Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿

    Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿Video Information This video, titled ‘【minecraft】baby english【vtuberen/jp】’, was uploaded by Angol Mois Ch🌕🌿アンゴル・モア on 2024-04-21 00:53:06. It has garnered 40 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:09 or 5109 seconds. i’ll be in australia in sept! i’m nervous☺ so teach me english 🙂 i wanna be a language —————————————– ■Twitter https://twitter.com/AngolmoisVtuber ■Donation(Mini Angol appears in screen) https://streamlabs.com/-angolmois-/tip ■Membership https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjirbtthjP9TjpPHl3qhsIQ/join —————————————– 🔸 Art # AngolArtV 🔸 Live # AngolLiveV 🔸 Clips # AngolClips 🔸 Fan Mark 🌕🌿 🔹 Illust & Live2D – Angol Mois —————————————– Hi there! I’m Angol Mois from VTuber🌕🌿 I’m learning English📚and I’m Japanese… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft KFC Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Silent Java on 2024-08-24 10:00:04. It has garnered 2475 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Welcome to my latest Minecraft build! 🍗 In this video, I’ve recreated a KFC restaurant block by block. Watch as I bring the iconic fast-food joint to life in the world of Minecraft, complete with all the details you’d expect. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your next build or just love creative Minecraft projects, this video is for you! Don’t forget to like, comment,… Read More

  • Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no Copyright

    Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no CopyrightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Background music that will boost up your content -(No copyright)🔥.@Anitrooz’, was uploaded by Anitrooz on 2024-03-01 08:30:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #shortsfeed #trending #viral #epic #clutch #animation #edit #creepypasta #build #minecraft #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • ViiPerMC

    ViiPerMCWelcome to one of the best minecraft network servers around! We offer a variety of exciting gamemodes including Lifesteal SMP, Sky-Gens, and Sky-Mining. Our server provides full support and guarantees a lag-free experience. Join us for an unparalleled gaming adventure! Read More

  • NerdNu PvE Creative Network Semi-vanilla 1.20.4/1.20.4

    Connect with Nerd.nu PvE: p.nerd.nu (1.20.4) Creative: c.nerd.nu (1.20.4) We are a medium-sized server, focusing on vanilla gameplay with a strong sense of community. If you’re looking for a server where you can belong, join us at one of the oldest public multiplayer Minecraft servers! Join us: – PvE: Non-PvP server with collaborative building and community events. Next event: Minecart Soccer on Friday and Saturday! Creative: – Open world with protection and WorldEdit available. Community events on Saturdays. Join us this Saturday at 9pm EST! Learn more: – Visit our website or read our rules – Explore our Creative and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve: the ultimate Minecraft Chad

    Minecraft Memes - Steve: the ultimate Minecraft ChadWell, Steve must be feeling pretty accomplished with that high score! I guess you could say he’s a real “blockbuster” in the meme world. Read More

  • Klee’s Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem

    Klee's Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a new character’s in sight, Klee’s here to bring some joy, with colors so bright. To get this model, just follow the link, And for a small fee, you’ll be in sync. Yes Steve Model is the key, for Java Edition to play, With Klee by your side, you’ll have a great day. So hop on over to the download site, And join the fun, it’ll be just right. Support the creators, show them some love, For bringing us Klee, a gift from above. In the world of Minecraft, let your creativity soar, With… Read More

  • “Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “Me at age 5: cries for help when I fall into a trap. Me at age 25: still falls into traps, but now I blame lag for my failures.” Read More

  • MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist

    MINECRAFT: Coding with a Twist Aprender a Programar Con MINECRAFT ¿Te gustaría aprender a programar mientras juegas Minecraft? ¡Code.org te ofrece la oportunidad perfecta para hacerlo! En este emocionante tutorial, explorarás los conceptos básicos de la programación a través de desafíos interactivos y bloques de código en el mundo de Minecraft. Tanto si eres un principiante en la programación como un fanático de Minecraft, este tutorial es ideal para ti. ¡Comienza tu viaje en el mundo de la programación hoy mismo! Descubre la Programación a Través de Minecraft Code.org te brinda la posibilidad de sumergirte en el fascinante mundo de la programación utilizando Minecraft… Read More

  • Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!

    Unhinged Old Man Takes on Royals in Minecraft SMP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Nations & Nobles | Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Richjturn (aka ‘Old Man’) on 2024-09-11 17:28:41. It has garnered 138 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:51 or 10971 seconds. A Minecraft survival server that is family friendly with no swearing 🙂 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnWj6lQ9K1YZZjopgya3JoQ/join Tips/donations: https://streamlabs.com/richjturn2/tip Merch store: streamlabs.com/richjturn2/merch For more content check out my… Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@richjturn/featured I find channel: https://trovo.live/s/Richjturn/549814015949 Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/richjturn Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@richjturn For updates and news check out… My Twitter page: https://twitter.com/richjturn My Discord Server: discord.gg/Bsxvt6SnAW Sometimes on my… Read More

  • Ultimate Animal Farm Guide

    Ultimate Animal Farm GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍’, was uploaded by Adi 007 on 2024-08-05 03:36:02. It has garnered 63 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:00 or 1800 seconds. Minecraft, Crafting Basic Animal Farm…..😍 minecraft all farm Minecraft how to make animal farm sheep farm Minecraft minecraft horror myths adi 007 minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz… Read More

  • INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft Bedrock

    INSANE SURVIVAL GAMEPLAY with fans in Minecraft BedrockVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT SURVIVAL ⛏️😉 | JUGANDO CON SUSCRIPTORES! 😳🤗 | Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by Yo soy Treme on 2024-07-30 23:21:44. It has garnered 326 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:30:30 or 9030 seconds. You don’t know me? Hello! I’m treme and this is my channel. I’m a boy who wants to fulfill a dream, if you’re reading this I hope you allow me to share that dream with you ^^ ———————————————————————————————————————– Social networks: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/yosoytreme Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yosoytreme TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@yosoytreme Twitter: https://twitter.com/yosoytreme ———————————————————————————————————————- Discord for you 🥳: SERVER LINK: https://discord.gg/2ehHGD5wC7… Read More

  • Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge – Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k No Reset Speedrun Challenge - Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | March 12th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-03-15 15:07:53. It has garnered 219 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:40:31 or 20431 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblown

    Insane Minecraft Pro Hits 40 CPS! #mindblownVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got 40 CPS! #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by LelItzPanda on 2024-07-18 13:30:11. It has garnered 10713 views and 360 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. #shorts #shortsfeed #shortsviral Setup Information: Mouse: Glorious Model D Wireless Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow V3/Corsair K70 RGB Pro PC Specs: RTX 3060Ti i7-13700K 32GB RAM 1TB Hard drive (SETUP TOUR AT 8K SUBS) Background Music(s): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r4qn3-a3KSY&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BOr7K0T26U&t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ5_1CAczsw tags(ignore): Minecraft, But / How to Bedwars / Top 5 Things / Bed War / Bedwars Texture Pack Folder / Hypixel / Ranked Bedwars Montage/ Pugs Premium… Read More

  • Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs Battle

    Spawn Mutant Steve Zombie vs Golem Eggs BattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft’, was uploaded by GOLEM STEVE on 2024-09-21 15:05:12. It has garnered 6759 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:24 or 3264 seconds. WHAT IF YOU SPAWN STEVE ZOMBIE SKELETON CREEPER ENDERMAN MUTANT EGGS vs GOLEM EGGS BATTLE Minecraft #minecraft #howtoplay Read More

  • "ButterJaffa’s EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!"

    <p>"<strong>ButterJaffa's EPIC Demon Slayer SMP 2 Adventure!</strong>"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘DEMON SLAYER SMP 2 MEGA MOVIE!?! | Demon Slayer: Island Akuma – Minecraft’, was uploaded by ButterJaffa on 2024-09-09 17:00:36. It has garnered 22183 views and 728 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:23 or 13703 seconds. Heyyy Guyyys & welcome to Demon Slayer: Island Akuma! Me and a bunch of demon slayer have all been trapped on a Demon infested island with no way of escape… Together we will hunt down demons and try and solve the mystery of Island Akuma… Sit back relax and enjoy the FULL adventure! 💛 – Subscribe for… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!

    Ultimate Minecraft Viral Respect Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘How☠️ #minecraft #viral #respect #shorts’, was uploaded by The Boys Blogs on 2024-07-05 06:21:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate ASMR Gaming Setup – Custom Keyboard & Mouse!

    Ultimate ASMR Gaming Setup - Custom Keyboard & Mouse!Video Information This video, titled ‘||Custom Keyboard||Mouse||Minecraft asmr||’, was uploaded by HGbest_iq_ on 2024-04-14 11:29:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello people Thank u for watching my Video And even Fought_Gamer Did asmr with me So please Drop a sub on my channel as … Read More