EPIC MCC Island PvP Grind LIVE!

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All right and we are live welcome everyone oh no I don’t want that I always forget to uh mute my um other screen so I’m not able to hear the ads it’s always the thing I forget to do hello hello hope everyone’s having a great day one second doing something real quick

Okay MCC island or MCC Island awesome okay let’s go uh PVP games yeah so I’m getting on my PVP grind everyone all right I am going to be grinding PVP games yo what’s up typhoon how how you doing man first that is true you are first all right let’s

Get a good warm-up game in of battle box real quick shall we all right and yeah also uh consider becoming a uh Channel member by hitting the join button down below and if you haven’t already make sure to drop a like Down Below on the stream as I would really

Appreciate it helps out a ton and uh yeah it only takes like two seconds all right let’s get into our warmup game all right I’m probably going to do I’m probably going to be really bad because even though I did play actually I did play a little bit of battle box

Last night so I would be lying if I said it’s been a little bit you’re doing good that is great to hear typhoon glad to hear that man okay um what do I want uh I guess I’ll I’ll take this good why not is anyone I recognize in this

Lobby there usually is like one or two people I don’t think I recognize anybody all right chose the baller kit chat cuz we’re about to ball out like literally we’re about to go crazy oh wait one second I’m hiding I’m hiding I’m hiding I have to open up the

Stream okay we’re good we’re good we’re good no we’re not good all right nice good team okay wait we kind of you kind of cooked well actually they did I didn’t really do much GG we will take that okay we’re going three for three here chat we are going three for three

Here like we are literally not letting them win like they are not going to win I have two I have way too many orbs okay that guy is on me yo teammate teammate you want to help yo teammate okay that person was good I can tell I could tell that person was really

Good you know what you know what I said about going for three three for three might might not uh might not happen you know it’s it’s looking uh it’s looking a little Bleak okay okay and guy just was like hey don’t hit me turns around and shoots me wow that

This okay this round did not go that well I think we got lucky the first game okay just got to absolutely shredded oh we had team of three yeah we were wait yeah we were no no we weren’t oh no our teammates were just bad that’s what it was I thought we were

A team of three I was about to say okay give me a good map okay this this is a quality map it’s not the it’s not the best but I’ll take it all right I’m goingon to be aggressive that’s what I’m going I’m going healing because I’m going to be

Aggressive yeah we can party uh after this game typhoon gota gota be aggressive you know got to get on that if you’re going to get on that grind you got to be aggressive man otherwise you’re just going to just going to let yourself down all right guess you could let

Yourself down by being aggressive but still nonetheless who cares let’s go oh they’re all going this way no no oh my gosh I just threw so bad I threw oh my gosh bro we don’t talk about that we do not talk about that I was all focused up we do not talk about

That oh I thought that guy was going to die no what what dude okay you really oh my gosh this guy’s cooking them oh are you joking no way that kills me no way that’s actually crazy that’s actually nuts bro no way that killed me I guess I was right on top of

It but still bro come on like are you are you serious right now are you serious right now no not mean to shoot that I need I need to use my uh Health pots more you know I should probably do this oh I already got to use one I should

Probably like this I feel like this would be smart how did I not hit him okay I was about to say I wasn’t trying to waste an arrow oh two kills we’ll take it we will take the two kills wait what our teammate our teammate just left whoa

Okay one second I need to do something um give me a sec uh typhoon you can send me an invite if you want I’m just one sec got A interesting okay all right there we go all right and then nice oh wait T typhoon make me the party leader real quick there we go there we go nice okay let’s do this we got this oh my gosh I love doing this this is probably like sickening to watch dude

Because it’s like the motion is so weird but it’s like it’s kind of funny it’s like hi guys how are you doing it’s just like up and down up and down it’s like crazy okay focus up Focus up got to walk in got to lock

In I’m going to I’m going to say I get four kills this game you know got to aim high o no I’m going to go this I’m going to go you know I try to use the damage pot I just never able to use the damage pot effectively like if we’re being honest

Here like like I’m H yeah I’m better at getting hit by the damage pot than actually using the damage pot like it’s kind of funny it’s kind of ironic if you want to say that um but hopefully I’m able to use it effectively here otherwise it’s going to going to be pretty

Bad how did that not that didn’t hit no way that didn’t hit Oh I thought the damage pot hit him dude what the heck was that bro bro comes in and like I throw the damage spot or he threw the damage spot at me hit me and was like yeah this guy’s low

I can kill him and then like like what you died instantly yeah I don’t I don’t blame you typhoon I mean like I don’t know what happened here these guys just were too good all right hopefully yeah we can beat this we can beat the pink team no this

Is orange never mind we can yeah we can beat orange why not ah no a dude I knew they were rushing me I tried to that’s so dumb bro why can you not like you can wa let’s look at this side you can’t like get okay that’s annoying man why is the slab

There typhoon clutching Up Wait our team’s crazy oh my gosh wait our team is crazy wait that’s actually insane dude holy we will take that we’ll take that one W that we’re probably going to get actually we might we might be able to be the pink team well we’ll see we’ll

See yes we recovered well you guys did I didn’t I’m I’m I’m not doing great right now yeah hopefully they don’t faill they might okay might just use the water over just get back up yo no way bro that guy I had that guy but he just went flying okay

What first of all how second of all I dude that guy was one hit I threw the damage P thinking oh yeah this is going to Splash and kill him dude it like doesn’t even like do anything like I throw it and I don’t hear the splash like what was

That rip cord is throwing hard true I’m actually throwing so bad right now like I’m actually terrible bro what’s up ahed though how you doing man welcome in on the stream now yeah true that was that was those were the warm-up games chat every everything from now on is is real those

Were everything before this well was just a warm-up game yo what’s up Callum welcome to the stream how are you doing today you’re doing great that’s great to hear ahed I am sadly not playing in cgn tomorrow I couldn’t make it I’m doing great thank you for asking Calum

Yeah I wasn’t able to make it so I didn’t I didn’t bother signing up uh for cgn oh teammate needs help to the rescue oh never mind teammate’s all good try to start filling move uh all right there we go take it take it that’s a that’s a makeable jump right

From from this to there I think I’m not going to test it well from there to there because it do though because that’s the slabs but from the yellow here I think it is y teammate you good okay yo this guy is literally hacking he’s

Got reach hacks bro all right n no no I’m I I threw that I threw that so hard dude that I could have I could have oh my God I actually threw that so bad holy crap dude I was told you were a team maker for cgn

Now I am I mean yeah of course I am no yeah I think uh well I think it’s it’s not really me to be honest I’m not really a teamm maker it’s mostly uh banana I don’t know if they’ve already disclosed this but it’s mostly banana and uh Aqua Dragon

Cuz Saw gun left and then do also helps out too and then Ajax when you know some when ajax’s friends playing it he helps out um and then yeah I feel like I’m the only Central member that plays in cgn that doesn’t help out with the teams to be

Honest is this a doable jump no wait no it’s not dude I’m literally stuck right now chat look at this I was trying to hide so like the other team wouldn’t kill me and I was like please don’t have the other team survive because otherwise

They’re just going to kill me but we won so hey I’ll take it oh we got first there yo and I got 10th wow I actually threw dang man I didn’t I did not have a levy I had I didn’t I didn’t have a ly I had a uh I had

Speed I had speed and I had invisibility I did not have a levy there if I I would have seen cuz I think levies on that map are only the um what’s it called only the um orbs they’re only orb dubies they’re not uh Sparks yo what’s up chaos how you doing

Man can we party after I’m done um yeah after this uh after this round yo what’s up cat pul PVP grind true typhoon next cgn maybe well you’re going to have to sign up so I don’t know I do you already sign sign up typhoon I don’t I don’t know if you do

But if you already regularly sign up then you you’ll probably get in one of the next two if you regularly sign up but if if you’re going to sign up and that will be your first cgn next time then maybe not it it all I don’t know I

Don’t know I forget how they like decide who gets in but uh yeah I could I could ask though like what’s their uh what’s their strategy for picking you know who gets in and who what not where’s the last guy ah nice no but yeah you guys should

Definitely consider signing up for cgn if you guys haven’t already it’s a very fun uh for fun Minecraft uh or mcci event ran by the ran by the uh MCC Central members and uh yeah it stands for cgn stands for Central game nights and it’s it’s pretty

Fun and it’s a community event so it’s yeah you know it’s it’s newcomers and then it’s uh other community members that return and then it’s of course you know content creators and uh Central members so it’s like a good mix of like everybody you know you’re on the MCC Central Discord I

Don’t know where the Forum is um you would have to ask I think it’s I think uh the cgn chats are available to everybody like the public ones there are some private ones that you have to you know get into the event to uh be able to

Access but um I think there’s a it’s at like the bottom I think if you scroll down it’s uh should be like you should be able to see cgn General I’m pretty sure um unless I’m wrong which then you can just ask do just yeah just ask one

Of the central members in uh in the main chat in like the MCC or general chat if you can’t see cgn stuff I I want to I want to be involved though for at least one like cgn like as in like be really involved um for just yeah for just at

Least one hopefully like I’ll be able to consistently playing them down the line but yeah my time uh or like the time they’re hosted is just like it doesn’t really work out that well for me to be honest it’s kind of sad I don’t see it

At all oh then just just just message uh do or uh aqua and they’ll probably be able to get back to you oh that was a snipe oh my gosh that was actually so clean okay and then I just threw for my team whatever dude I will take that shot

Though chat did you see that that was an absolute snipe and a half bro holy I did not think I was going to hit that I thought it was one either going to hit the person and just be like a little ding you know just like do like what one

Or two hearts but no that fullon killed them that was kind of crazy oh my bad uh my bad chaos I forgot to invite you to the party I’ll do it after this one sorry I just I forget that that clip was so cool that I ended up

Forgetting n but I if you guys are interested I’ll I’ll be I’d be down to uh make uh like you know instead of just making MCC and other Minecraft event like prediction shorts I could start doing like or yeah in like top five whatevers you know like top five Duos or

Whatever I could do more like Clips based shorts if you guys want to see that I know my uh you know regular MCC prediction and like top five whatever shorts like do very well but I feel like but I feel like uh making like Clips space shorts actually would be pretty

Cool too I could do like both of them but I don’t know that might I don’t know that might like ruin I wouldn’t say ruin but it might confuse the algorithm cuz like if one of my shorts pops off then I don’t know I think it would kind of confuse the

Algorithm oh my gosh I just hit Chad this is why we need to do PVP I just missed all my crits I am literally throwing I threw this this is what I’m talking about I really need to improve bro like I’m just missing all of my

Hits would I like to watch or pop off clips from not very good MCC Players all right mcci content is good yeah I I feel like yeah I feel like if it was anything like if it was like hopl Clips then they probably wouldn’t work but it it’s because it’s like mcci Clips I feel like it would work pretty well no I’m going to

Die h no oh they got that was a good shot I’ll admit I was at like three hearts there I don’t even know so yeah May yeah maybe I’ll I’ll hopefully be able to compile some clips from uh stream and because I do not I’m

Going be honest chat like I know a lot of people do record like off stream to get a bunch of Clips you know so they’re able to like clip stuff and then um what’s it called just like you know make content off of it but I either one don’t

Record because I just want to chill and have fun or I just forget to record when I feel like you know recording while playing so I’m yeah it would have to be on stream Clips which I don’t get that many of so maybe I’ll just do like compilations that’d be kind of

Cool I feel like yeah I feel like that’d be kind of fun and hopefully hopefully my uh or hopefully the algorithm will enjoy oh oh GG wow those guys were actually pretty good well one of them wasn’t the one that was placing the TNT was not good but the other guy was actually

Pretty good so that was a welld deserved win by us now we were actually we are actually kind of trash yo chaos just uh in or send an invite to the party like invite yourself ooh damn and oh they weren’t able wait no oh no mind they were able to get it

Oh party time yeah like mcci party time oh yeah you can’t invite yourself never mind I’m dumb I always I always uh you know I never remember anything when it comes to MCC Island like how it works like I I just forget how pabes work I forget how

Everything works to be honest I just kind of come here to play the games like I to be honest I kind of like that though about mcci um probably like one or two more games and then we can do sky battle but dude mcci is such

A it’s such a um what’s it called like I guess not Noob friendly server but it’s such a casual like server I feel like like anybody that enjoys just playing like mini games like they’re just able to do that you know what I mean it’s not

Like this whole like it’s not like super complex or like this whole like process you know at the end of the day it’s just chill and then like the UI is the UI I feel like the UI might be the cleanest I feel like Hypixel their UI is a little

Bit confusing hopl lights isn’t bad hoplight is pretty simple too but at the end of the day I feel like mcci is like the best UI it’s just so straightforward you know and you’re just able to do everything you want mcci though yeah it actually might it

Might be the best server out there right now it’s debatable could be can I stop getting hit with damage orb damage orbs please where are they throwing these things from bro shoot into the masses there we go I just missed all my shots we don’t talk about

That dude I’m just going to build up with webs yes the web Tower the web Tower of Pisa or the webbing Tower of Pisa I guess I guess yeah that’s technically what you call it I think all right also guys if you haven’t already make

Sure to drop a like Down Below on the stream as I’d really appreciate it and yeah we’re trying to hit our like goal 15 likes on the stream we happened to hit it the other day um but I want to see if we can hit it again so if you

Haven’t already just make sure to drop a like I’d really appreciate it and I just stole that kill that’s kind of funny ah dang I wasn’t able to hit any those shots okay and there’s Windows there okay and then we won nice well done okay okay we we don’t need

To no I don’t care I don’t care web it up just web everywhere okay that’s noted a little sus but whatever webbed everywhere guys feel like I should have the yeah I feel like I should offand healing to be honest cuz like if I’m if I’m going see

The thing is like I never remember to heal though when I’m fighting like if I’m going in for like a crit and like I end up not hitting it bro I just never remember to hit the healing po like right now I should hit it and then I

Should offhand bow no I should offhand cobwebs okay I’m at one heart oh yeah okay and then like they have multi-shot so they can hit me anytime they want that was kind of dumb by me to push the multi-shot person but I didn’t know they had multi-shot until it was too late so

They just kind of hit me every time bro all right nah you’re good you’re good if anyone throws it’s me dude I feel like I feel like if I just was able to you know be actually good at PVP I would like dude we would actually cook like

Any team that I was on bro that’s why uh for Crown Quest Pantheon I’m like trying to improve oh a lot you know uh cuz it’s on the uh 3D and if we’re if my team’s able to get in one that’d be huge that’ actually be

Really sick uh and I would love to see that but also I I just really want to you know improve so if we do get in I’m not able to you know let my team down because I feel like feel like we can do pretty good I don’t know if I’m allowed

To say though if my uh what my TW my uh who my team is yet I might be able to I don’t know guess technically yeah you should be able to but I I want to I want to have it be a surprise I guess for the

Uh for the people you know who like are are excited to watch the um what are they called again application videos I’m my I’m brain far farting bro right now uh but yeah you to do an application video for crownest Pantheon with two newcomers and two uh already you know

Are already active roster members so I’m one of the active roster members on my team and then um yeah there’s another active roster member and then there’s two newcomers so excited to for you guys to see you know what our team is and uh hopefully we can get in are we actually just

Cooking I don’t know why I wasn’t able to place the TNT there that was kind of weird ah I also need to stop uh using scroll wheel I use scroll wheel way too much dude I need to actually get a mouse that has uh did you heal me I don’t know you

Might have you might have when I was running through you guys but um I need I dude I seriously need a mouse with the buttons bro because I yeah I’m just not able to play well with um I just don’t play well with no no buttons and also my

Mouse is like a $10 like office Mouse too so it’s kind of crappy okay so Target the guy on four Hearts that’s running around that’s a genius strategy actually but still like come on no oh wow they were this team was good good oh wow okay so Aqua teams just

Unfair that’s great see I was talking about this the other day man there’s always that one team it’s like every like five battle boxes you play where the team’s just Unstoppable you can’t you can’t do anything really like at the end of the day you you just you just can’t do anything

Bro all all attempts of stopping that team it’s just yeah it’s just useless can we do sky battle next yeah why not you know we we’ve done battle box for like the past like 20 minutes and we did battle box other stream so why not let’s do some I haven’t played

Sky battle in a while actually I play like one or two games here and there but I I haven’t played sky battle consistently in a while no I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die oh I did I both no I

Dude I webbed them both but I was trying to get out of it so I could recover bro ah GG dang that was annoying okay I thought I thought that was going to be a really smart play it it kind of was I webbed both of them I didn’t know

There was three I thought those were the only two but I uh I webbed both of them and uh thought I was going it was going to work my crossbow is so laggy yeah that’s fair no it’s whatever good thing there aren’t any crossbows and sky battle imagine the

Were bro crossbows and sky battle would be kind of wild don’t uh cuz I know I know regular sky battle doesn’t have crossbows doesn’t uh block or doesn’t Block Wars Sky strike or not what is it sky is it Sky no Sky Zone right Sky Zone doesn’t Sky Zone have

Crossbows I know yeah I think they do I know one of the uh one of the Block Wars I know cuz I know the crossbow main mini game for Block Wars um what is it called bro extraction I know extraction is all crossbows but I think yeah I’m like pretty sure skyone

Is crossbows and then I I I’m also pretty sure Pandora’s Box uh their sky like battle mini game I forget what it that’s called but I know their game also I think has crossbows I don’t know I’m not able to really factually check these right now

But I’m just going off of my event knowledge guys you got to trust oh this guy’s yeah this guy’s one hit nice Oh no I got 10 steak I got food for days oh shoot yeah we’re cooked n we are literally cooked bro get out of here run

Oh yo teammate typhoon or typhoon yeah no typhoon no oh I was thought I thought if I crit him there I think we win to be honest I don’t know I think you miss your hit typhoon if we but if I crit him there I think we win

GG nah we we kind of played that weird though I didn’t know they were going to contest and the well no there was one guy that contested and then the uh other team came in to clean so it was just kind of weird they just like all rotated

Towards us that was just genuinely unlucky nah typhoon that wasn’t typhoon’s fault that was mine I body blocked him the first time and then I wasn’t able to clutch up the second time dude I’m not even going to lie bro like these toad Skins are actually so cool

Like I I’ve been seeing a lot of people wearing toad skins recently and they’re actually sick like Minecraft is just the perfect like toad like it’s the perfect game for toad besides Mario anyways I will stop talking about Toad and let’s get back to battle box yeah all right give me those extra

Arrows give me those iron leggings let me shoot off the people oh they’re already bridging yo you’re bad bro I’m really standing still you’re trash Oh you can oh now you can hit a shot okay wait I want to see oh oh hey that guy got what he

Deserved bro take that n you literally got what you Deserved oh no teammate teammate who’s that okay wait wait wait is he dumb Oh I thought he was dumb enough to run okay how many I think I this is my last Arrow I think there’s no way come on come on run run no no no Run come on we

We have all day no no no no no no no no we have all day Run come on yeah yeah yeah go no no no no no no you can go go come on come on go I go go I’m at two hearts I don’t care you’re

Not gonna hit me oh what how did you hit me that was through the block the arrow literally curved did the air the bro I was behind the block the arrow curved all right bro now that guy’s just going to be in my I

Thought he was going to be all up on me bro all right dude that’s so dumb the the arrow L I was talking so much crap though I kind of deserved that low key yeah I definitely deserved that I was talking way too much crap hey I saved my

Teammate though whoever this who is this is this typhoon my teammate who is this yeah it is typhoon I saved typhoon or whoever whoever got hit off there that almost died I saved their life by distracting that guy so you’re welcome Hey rip cord MCC season 4 coming

Soon what new rookie you like Curry way fineberg X shatter gr ninja fulam Wolfie AO Gracie hiy hate me J schan uh who is that James is that James Marriott mumbo jumbo mumbo jumbo zombie Cleo mysticat or benex okay well so Misty is probably I think M yeah Misty probably is the mo

Highest likelihood of getting in a Canon event out of those people you just listed um second highest I’d probably say AO or Gracie third highest I’d probably say Curry I don’t think Fine’s going to get an MCC anytime soon sadly I think he’s just too good um but I think Curry would

Be a relatively balanced s tier for MCC um shatter no I don’t I don’t think shatter was going to is going to get in this year um or this season I should say Olie N I probably say OE is one the least likely um J schlatt J I could say I

Could see J schlatt doing a cannon events if Tommy comes back um purple yeah purple did get in but I don’t think I think everybody knew purple this the bedw war guy I don’t think they knew him you know as like the guy the well-rounded guy that he became um you

Know so I think yeah I think Curry’s I think number one is I think AO number two I I would say Gracie number three I will say Curry and then uh Bennett oh actually sorry Misty Misty’s one then AKO then Gracie then Curry then benex maybe maybe I I I could

See benex if they want more speedr Runners then you probably have to choose Curry or benex um and then who else was I going to say I was going to say oh and then I said J schlat if Tommy or Phil play I don’t well probably not Phil but if uh

Tommy or tubo play I could see schlatt doing it but I don’t think schlatt will really yeah I don’t think schlatt will do it unless like Tommy or James Marriot or uh or tubo or Jack do it so if yeah they would need like most of the uh

Dreamus or some of the dream SMP members to you know play in it more consistently for J schlat to get in at least that’s my opinion don’t think they’re adding more sweats no yeah that’s that’s probably true but uh I don’t know if you classifi classify Misty as a sweat Misty is just

Really good I don’t know if Misty’s like a sweat though yo tyon top five we will take it juk uh juk might Juka Juka might because I know juk is very or Jack I’ll just call him jack because jok’s kind of a mouthful uh Jack has a good shot to be

Honest because I know Jack’s friends with Lizzy who’s then is friends with Scott and uh I know jok’s also good friends with or decent friends with Scott and Jojo and their whole like friend group and like Owen and everybody so jok might yeah I would say jvu AKO

And Gracie and Misty probably have the best chances curry curry yes if they want to put one more s tier in if they want to put one more s tier then it’s either Misty or curry in my opinion so but I don’t think anyone any other like

S tier like fine shatter grun n um you know I don’t think any of them are going to get in sadly but may maybe in season five you know maybe maybe if they want to go I don’t know take a different route in season five maybe what up thunderfish welcome to the

Stream how are you doing today okay I’m not going over there bro why oh this is Blue’s team or this is Blue’s thing that’s why okay we’re just all stuck in here this is great oh oh wait place a block here what are we doing play

Bro okay there we go what about Aaron Oh Aaron Aaron could be a yeah I feel like Aaron could be a surprise pick M all right I’m going to I’m going to call no chaos oh chaos clutch nice yo shill yo what how did you hit

Me that is actually wild bro I don’t know how they they had to hit like wait let’s see this dude they jumped down and they hit me like right here they crit me right here cuz I was at like three hearts that’s actually crazy they crit me right there and then they block

Clutch that is insane do you think Joel is Count or can continue on playing in Block Wars yeah I could see him playing in maybe one or two more maybe like a non-cannon events I don’t know if it’s going to be a like an MCC thing though um you know but I

Maybe okay wait where bro I’m stuck in this thing oh never mind I can get out okay um I think yeah I think oh I was saying about Aaron before I died I think Aaron has a good shot to be honest cuz Aaron um Aaron’s good friends with like

Tommy and his old friend group so I think Aaron could be in a non-con events I I actually think yeah Aaron will probably be in a non-canon event with like Tommy I I could see Aaron in like Pride you know as a newcomer um or maybe

Maybe he’s in like an no he wouldn’t be in an all stars I’m dumb cuz Allstars 2 is probably going to happen so maybe he’s in a uh another Underdog so maybe he’s in MCC underdogs too that’d be kind of cool Joel is a grinder true Joel does want to get

Better and I think him getting better means him playing in more Minecraft events or him just you know playing an MCC but getting better when he plays an MCC so but if he wants to just get better overall then yeah I would say you’d probably keep on playing in Block

Wars N I don’t think I they Wolfie already talked about this Wolfie literally cannot put fruit in Block Wars as much as he wants probably wants to cuz fruit is such you know a cool guy and he’s so fun to play with like I think they logistically just can’t put

Fruit in Block Wars anymore um because it’s such like a uh sweaty lineup um at this point well it’s not like Ultra sweaty like Wolfie tries to make it not Ultra sweaty but at the end of the day they have a lot of good players and

Wolfie just has a problem with too many good players um so yeah um he he’s not going to add in a lot of like good players anymore um or not at least not for a while he said so fruit or Hannah Hannah maybe it it all depends cuz they did add in uh

Wall-E and Boomer so maybe maybe Hannah but uh fruit sadly will not because fruit it’s like a will be fruit would be a top three players or a top three uh player in um Block Wars if he played so yeah I don’t think they can add fruit

In oh yeah rest in peace jelly by the way she was a uh she was a very meaningful part of this community I saw scars post about her it’s very very sad to see if you haven’t already go make sure to show some love on uh Scar’s Twitter post about uh

Jelly the pack return for uh 36 maybe hey the pack have kind of been running out of ideas lately when comes to videos I do watch watch most of their videos and I see that they’re kind of rehashing a couple things so maybe if they want to

You know keep things fresh maybe they play in Another MCC and see if they can all get top 30 that would be that’d actually be an entertaining stream to see them actually like try hard and get like top 30 I I would 100% watch that man that’d be

Funny um I think Block Wars 11 put shatter dude that’s actually that actually be sick cuz they’re the hoplight duo right cuz I know they play a lot of hoplight that that’d be actually really cool to watch um um and then if sap I was going to say if

Sapnap joins Block Wars because he also plays a lot of hoplight with shatter but again too many good players so yeah that makes sense if sapnap can’t get in I don’t even know if sapnap he probably knows of Block Wars right I’m guessing the Dream Team knows of Block Wars I

Just don’t think they are that interested in playing in Block Wars maybe maybe George plays in a block wars or two that’d be kind of fun if you cuz I know the dream team is like coming back to or coming back to Minecraft um so maybe that’d be kind of

Cool the only speedrunner who makes sense in MCC is rep crap yeah true I I would agree I would love to see wreck in I love re’s content he’s very uh he’s very cool guy but uh he is he is getting a lot better at the game though like he

He already was good at the game when he started making content and I feel like now he’s even better so uh yeah it might be pretty difficult to balance him but I I think Scott could do it right sure surely Scott can balance uh Parker or rep Rec

RP I feel like it wouldn’t be that hard to do because I feel like he’d be a I feel like he would have similar skill to Wally bear um I feel like him and wrecker similar skill maybe maybe Wall’s a little bit better yeah W wall is probably a little

Bit better but I could see wreck yeah I could see wreck being a lot like Wally or Hannah or maybe even like Dave no I think Dave has a little bit too much experience in like like he has a lot of experience in MCC maybe like too much like Dave is the

Veteran Oh I thought I missed that for a second I was about to say you had to rank yourself where would you or if you had to rank yourself where would you rank uh I’d rank myself in C tier if you’re asking about like a tier

List ringing yeah I’m not I’m not that good at the game but I’m I’m looking I’m looking can do uh improve you know so uh hopefully I can dude I want the quig return I know quig is living life right now so I I respect it though like he had his you

Know run in Minecraft content and in MCC and now it’s just you know it’s not his uh or maybe he just doesn’t feel like it’s his time to return so I completely respect it but uh you know I really want to see uh I’d really like to see a

Return oh that was a that was actually a decent TNC Canon not the best but wasn’t bad hey if quig never returns i’ I’d be fine because we got a ton of quig uh content throughout the years so hey it’s fine all right you want you want me to

Go for the for kills for Content y this guy’s on guys uh I got you no ah that guy’s low though is he not wait what is that guy at yo the guy’s at like oh okay now he heals up but he was at below half well you got the content but the

Wrong way true I got the content of me selling part two it’s my favorite content I I don’t know I don’t I don’t watch that many quig streams cuz I know he doesn’t stream nowadays that much he he might be on the weit list I don’t

Think the weit list is that much of a well maybe it’s like a weit list to come back to MCC that would make sense but I don’t think there’s that much of a weit list this day these days it might be like it’s probably less than like 10 names to be

Honest if I was to guess Parker is slightly better than wall and speed running well yeah in speed running but I’m saying just in general Minecraft skill I’d say Wall-E is a little bit better than Rec RP cuz wreck is wreck is very good at Block

Wars like he he can get top 10 on a good team uh of course with you know he’d be like the second or third frag probably the second frag he yeah he can be a second frag in Block Wars so he I’m guessing you can also and I’m assuming

He would also be able to be a second frag in MCC so yeah dream is coming back yeah no dream dream is is definitely coming back he uh if you haven’t already seen he posted a short on his YouTube channel of uh 3D rendering in uh Minecraft and he was

Literally able to show his like entire like human body in a 3D render in Minecraft and was actually so cool to see like it it was kind of scuffed but uh for the most part actually looked decently good so I’m excited to be honest to see uh what his next video is

Some people have been theorizing that it’s going to be like a Minecraft Manhunt but in real life but instead of being in real life it’s going to be just them their 3D rendered bodies you know in Minecraft which kind of doesn’t fit the title but it would be

Very interesting to watch like that I I would actually watch that yeah exactly wreck I thought wreck got like eighth or ninth but sixth is crazy bro like wreck is actually insanely good uh very underrated or was very underrated in Block Wars now he he’s getting the

Respect he deserves I mean he’s like crazy so uh I would assume he’d be able to get like top 15 uh when trying an MCC and probably even top 10 uh with like the right team my favorite MCC players uh purpled brute uh sneak Phil and yeah that’s kind of it it’s a

Short list um I do like my dream SMP members but I also like did I get that kill no way you survived that bro that’s actually wild oh why is this creeper up here no I can’t hit it yo it would not let me hit it with the food yo what was that

All right whatever bro I just I just threw again n I’m I’m not I’m not good bro I I thought I killed that guy though with that uh sweeping hit off the edge but I guess he somehow clutched and was at like full health too like what

Whatever we must collect all the pots yeah I’ve seen that dude there everybody’s going crazy when it comes to this map and like the pots they put around I don’t even I I don’t think they’re full anything but they’re just everybody just likes breaking them there’s so many

Though mineus Wally bear he is the best oh you were asking for favorite yeah favorite I would say fruit I thought you’re talking about like a list of favorites but yeah I already kind of gave my list of favorites I’m trying to think of like one more player I know there’s like one

More that I didn’t name that I like uh to watch and everything uh I know I do like to watch Dave you know like I watched him for uh Pride 23 he’s he’s pretty cool POV to watch especially when he streams on YouTube I like it when he streams on

YouTube oh I was gonna say Ry guy or Jimmy because they’re also YouTube streamers um you know they don’t have the most entertaining povs actually Jimmy has some pretty cool teams a lot of the time so he gets some pretty entertaining povs and Ry guy you know

Doesn’t know the most about MCC and is kind of one of those players that’s kind of Clueless when it comes to like MCC and their stuff but he still does really well and uh he’s pretty fun to watch much but he is kind of inconsistent to

The point where like you don’t know if he’s going to get top 15 or you know bottom 15 but hey that’s that’s a thing to love about uh some povs sometimes because it’s kind of fun who we got oh no I was going to say we got typhoon but yeah or chaos and

Typhoon but chaos just died and typhoon with the win yo let’s go GG that was clutch that was very clutch typhoon with the Oh I thought you were going to get first for the second place we won for Content yes we did you watch the winner po dude hey I put

Winner POV in my uh stream titles for all the events I play in and I never win guys I don’t know why that is that’s kind of that’s kind of annoying to be honest why do you watch or what do you think about why do you think life steel fell off so

Hard um I don’t know the drama with clutch is kind of confusing I agree with some of clutch’s points but I also agree with uh some of the other uh points other people made I think Zam you know did some things wrong I think clutch did some things wrong it’s kind

Of it’s kind of weird to talk about to be honest it’s it’s both sides did wrong but it’s like you know they haven’t they haven’t like uh apologized to each other yet sadly so hopefully hopefully they uh you know are able to uh what’s it called what am I

Trying to say Rectify that’s the word rectify the uh drama because it’s it’s sad to see you know when two uh creators that know each other pretty well you know don’t see eye to eye yo what’s up Matrix welcome to the stream thank you for stopping by

Yeah Zam has been getting in a lot of drama recently it’s kind of again sad to see but hopefully he’s able to you know uh I don’t I don’t know what you say in that situation I guess just not get into drama like or yeah just try to

Just try to be good as oh shoot oh yo I was I could not place a block there to get out I was just trapped uh did clown and Bry no I think CL Clown’s still part of the life steal I think Bry did leave though um yeah Bry

Probably did leave life steal but sub to dude hey you’re lucky you’re in the party chat typhoon otherwise You’ have you would have gotten banned by now or at least muted yeah you guys are both in the party chat so I don’t think anyone else can see that but hey appreciate

It you don’t think clown no I think Bry did I don’t think clown I think Clown’s still there I just think Bry did yeah maybe I I Bry is underrated to be honest I like his content he’s he’s actually a pretty fun guy and his videos are his

Videos are very creative uh his pirate video that came out like three or four months ago was actually so fun to watch I that mod was super cool it had like the coolest people in it too it had like mid Mystic it had clown it had Sand dition Dude that was like the

Coolest um like that was like the co coolest video ever dude you know he he just doesn’t get enough credit sometimes but hey shout out to Bry no I I swear clown didn’t yeah yeah okay that makes sense yeah I thought Bry left because I I hadn’t seen him like in any events

Recently and I feel like he he’s the type of guy to play in events or at least he’s the no actually bry’s the type of guy to create events um you know so um hey it’s fine you know he’s he’s creating content on other servers and doing his own things I

Should do the movement grind too I should well I actually have been doing it on parkour uh Survivor but yeah we’re doing the PVP grind now chat Um but I hope I hope life steel just as a whole is able to get out of the drama and uh just you know they’re just able to um you know clean it up because it’s kind of uh you know it might it’s not like toxic but it’s just it’s not the

Best you know to be always in drama all the time with each other CU at the end of the day you’re just a bunch of friends making some like really good content on Minecraft so you at the end of the day you should just you should be

Uh you know non like not I guess yeah violent to each other other I guess would be probably the best word oh I’ve seen I’ve seen have you guys seen that clip of sandwich with a knockback sword it’s actually insane I know I’m not that good to do it but it’s

Kind of fun oh did I get that no I wanted oh I wanted the knockback kill I almost got it too dude I almost got one person there I almost got two there that would have been actually kind of so funny I was talking about the sandwich clip of him doing the

Knock back and then boom I just almost did knock back also when are you joining Mania um I’m probably not joining Mania anytime soon I know I do know Justin and I do talk to Justin every once in a while but I think Justin is just focused on making

The events the best they possibly can So currently right now uh there’s no timeline for me joining Mania but I’d be down to join it’s just that um you know it’s it’s all up to Justin and the uh Team organizer or just yeah the event organizers R course is join Pandora’s

Fox nah I wish man but yeah pb’s pb’s doing their own thing they don’t they don’t need me they got a they got a good roster right now who you think is the best Minecraft player right now dude I have no idea because if I say a content

Creator you guys are just going to come back at me and say like somebody else that’s you know I’ve never heard of before cuz I feel like that always happens to me like I’m talking to chat and then I just mention somebody is like the best of something and then somebody

In chat just like rips me to shreds by naming somebody else that’s like way better at them that I’ve never heard of before and I’m like broh um but best Minecraft player right now yeah you could say Kell you could say Kell you could say kin well I guess

K kayn kin’s not the best at PVP so probably not um yeah you could probably say Kell maybe piggles I don’t know know there’s a lot uh dong fortnite’s really good there’s a lot of them you yeah you you really do have to specify yeah there is too many cool

People to be honest it’s very true remember joining ocean games I I remember join I remember ocean games ocean games one I had a lot of fun playing in ocean games one you know but recently okay bro okay hey dude yo chill that guy would that guy wanted me

Dead bro he was like get over here yeah I know the best player is 100% not a content creator but that’s you know it’s it’s hard to tell because they’re always is that one player out there that just you know never makes content never does anything just plays

The game and you’re never able to know you know cuz you’re NE you’re never able to see them you know play Everything PVP parkour and what ever so it’s yeah you really can never tell but content creator wise yeah probably Kell overall probably Kell and then piggles dong fortnite are close all

Right bye typhoon see you man thank you for stopping by the stream I do want to hear your ocean games history oh you want to hear my ocean games history uh my ocean games history is playing in ocean games one having a fun time ocean Games 2 I forget what I

Don’t I didn’t play in Ocean Games 2 ocean Games 3 got delayed so they had ocean games 3.5 which I was a scorer for and then that was scuffed so that event got cancelled halfway through and then ocean games charity I played in and we

Got fourth fourth or fifth as a team I think it was fourth as a team we ended up getting third and then they did a recount and then we ended up getting like fourth or fifth um and I ended up getting like I don’t know like 20

Something I think like 24th out of like 32 so I didn’t do terrible please go back to battle box all right we can go back to battle box after this game I got you chaos we can go we can go back red Stoners all the sweats true bro Seth bling Seth bling is

Better than like fineberg bro like Seth bling is literally the best Minecraft player ever bro like I don’t know what people are on about fineberg Kell awesome sandwich Lord never heard of him bro you know who I have heard of Seth bling please don’t hit me please don’t Oh I thought somebody was

There does Seth bling even create content anymore do you guys even know who Seth bling is feel like not a lot of people know who Seth bling is now he’s he was a pretty cool guy remember he played in Minecraft Saturday it’s a fruit Berry he’s pretty he’s pretty chill guy man he

Just kind of minded his own business you know did his own thing in the Minecraft Community I don’t know what he’s doing now though I have to get off in 20 minutes but I can rejoin yeah you can you can rejoin we can we’re going to do battle box though uh after

This oh I almost just fell off there can I join ocean games uh you have to join this ocean game Discord server um which is ran by sploosh so if you know sploosh you can uh do that and then yeah you can just sign up it’s like uh

MCC Central or it’s like cgn sorry what am I saying it’s like cgn there’s public signups see uh and the sign up sadly for ocean games what is it 4 now have closed so you’re going to have to wait like another month but uh yeah when ocean

Games 5 opens up you should be able to um should be able to sign up I know gim them I don’t even know who that is and I yeah I don’t know who you’re talking about Hamed they’re probably really good at Minecraft I just never heard of them that but that’s what

I’m saying man it’s the phenomenon of the best Minecraft player like dream said the best Minecraft player is probably some kid out there that you know just plays Minecraft like 12 hours a day and just does not sleep and it’s just like he’s just too good for any of

Us so hey we we’ll never know yo what’s up PX how you doing welcome to the stream thank you for stopping by typhoon you can’t get in ocean games without a vouch oh yeah well yeah well maybe maybe typhoon can get vouged by someone else you know I don’t

Know who that someone else would be I’m about to get rushed by a pink team aren’t I let’s rotate okay I thought I was going to rotate but that did not work so is someone after me ow I think they are no they’re not okay thought they

Were who is someone up is my teammate up here is this chaos I no who is this it’s my random teammate why is my Sprint out oh why why how is my Sprint out bro there’s no way I’ve not been eating food for this long my teammate is literally dead oh wait no

He’s not he is the goat wait hold on a second wait hold on on a second my teammate is literally goated oh that was actually sick yo why am I at three hearts I just realized that bro I was about to go in and like fight him CU I had a diamond

Sword and then I realized I was at three hearts and I was like oh crap I was like Nick a30 when he’s like oh crap bro no the most F oh oh you’re talking about red Stoners I thought you were talking about um sweats I used to I’m used to you saying

The top five MCC yeah hey sometimes you got to change the uh the brand you know sometimes you just got to change the brand and you got to uh and you got to do more than just MCC but hey I know I know a lot of people

Are or a lot of people do know me for uh MCC which I’m fine with yo chaos in fifth let’s go W top five nice I’ve only G like top five like three or four times I think in uh sky battle I I don’t keep track of uh my stats on MCC

Island yeah I’m more of a um oh dude why do I have like the oh I have like the weird hiccups right now but uh I I yeah I don’t really keep track of my stats the only stats I really do keep track of like parkour Warrior but that’s because

I’m just like a parkour guy you know I wouldn’t consider myself a parkour main but I’d say I’m decent you know I’d say I’m above average at parkour top five MCC players just as icon is exactly yeah Ajax is known for saying in first place is and I’m known for saying

The top five MCC whatever players you know so hey we both have our own things Ajax is doing his thing now I’m doing my thing and everything’s okay so hey you love to see it yo chat I don’t know what we’ve been doing but how are we not at 15 likes yet

On the stream we need to hit 15 likes come on everyone everyone make sure to drop a like down below if you haven’t already as I really appreciate it it helps out the stream a ton our goal for this stream is 15 likes and I don’t see

Anyone hitting the like button so what I need you to do is hit the like button drop a like it takes like three seconds not even it takes like two seconds Oh I thought they were a team of one for a second they’re a hidden run team

Okay oh thought I was going to be yo hey yo about to say no way you kill me no I’m throwing I could okay I could have killed that guy but I was throwing as usual GG bruh my phone is about to die and I can’t charge it no actually it’s it’s

Actually good my phone actually has decent battery it’s at 15% but it can last the rest of the stream I trust in my phone how did that oh I thought they want lava no they’re lagging oh shoot oh I thought that was going to heal me in time dang okay they

Played that well they just kind of like bum rushed us they just kind of like rushed in and we’re just like yeah we’re just going to get all these kills and they just killed all of us immediately like immediately I just love saying that immediately okay I’m going stop all

Right oh I thought I just died there oh I thought I just threw I am kind of throwing though wow I really just did throw okay there was like 20 of them though so hey I don’t blame myself this jump is possible right oh it is okay you just

Need the momentum I knew that yeah yeah most of these most of these jumps no no let me get the I want to get the jump In wait oh no I wasn’t able to get it in dang dude I love doing that sometimes like I like I know like I’m about to teleport to another like you know map or something like that but I still try to get the the jump

In and I never able to get it in like in like sky battle I’ll be doing like those four block jumps on that one map bro and then I I’m never able to uh well I’m able to do the jumps I’m just never able to uh you know land the last jump before

Being teleported so sad so so sad okay me and Chaos have the uh crossbow kid so we have two crossbows we don’t have that much melee but we just got to hit our shots like we actually have to be like Hawkeyes like literally we have to be like the guy from The

Avengers no I need hit oh I need to hit my shots like I said nice I’m goated all right you’re going to you’re going to float you’re going to float you’re going to float oh that did not hit anyone I’m all right whoever goes on the

Bridge no dang it bro they were full health too I was not killing them go wol if you can oh no mind he’s guarding it GG yeah he’s got He’s Got The High Ground Anakin you are a my brother Anakin does anyone else just like say that before

They go to bed they just like recite the whole like Revenge of the Sith monologue between Obi-Wan and Anakin no just me all right n it’s okay I threw two I did not yeah I was able to just get cleaned by one guy ow and then of course I start off by

Getting absolutely destroyed I’m I got you teammate no I don’t got myself though ah run yeah help me help me help me help me help me help me no you’re after me no yeah saw that one coming you supposed to destroy the Sith not join them bring balance to the force not

Leaving in darkness dude do I not have the like the best Obi-Wan impression bro like I’m I’m literally the goat like yo what’s up kitty welcome to the stream how are you doing today thank you for stopping by oh yo you’re dumb oh and I’m an idiot who who that

Hit wait one second who the heck did that hit I shot that into like the air that was kind of Lucky low key that was actually very lucky M I’m imagining rip cord doing episodes nah dude I’m not even joking bro I don’t know how SP sand dition I

Guess sand dition he kind of posts like every once in a while but dude I just don’t know how some people are able to do those hardcore series man like they’re actually insane like I I would get either one bored or two just burnt

Out so quickly but I I m I have mad respect for uh sand diction cuz he edits his videos like crazy and just every other like hardcore YouTuber out there so like yeah I dude it’s just insane yo what’s up frog welcome to the stream thank you for

Stopping by how are you doing today you’re out oh are you uh are you going to log back on or you did you get like kicked or something n i i dude I don’t have anything in it for me to be a fulltime I I I could never do full-time

Hardcore bro I’m like no I would get so bored so quickly because I would like beat the Ender Dragon I would like you know think about doing getting every mob in the game and then I would just like not do it I would just like yeah be like

Nah I’m good that’s what I would do bro he may he may be in hermitcraft in a couple years dude SB and hermitcraft would be sick to be honest that’d be super cool to see how do we join the party is it you just you and my friend yeah I’ve been

Just playing with uh chaos and typhoon uh I don’t know if K I think chaos had to get off off wait let me check yeah chaos had a leave so I’m just going to I’m G kick him from the party um okay I’m just probably going to play Let’s play some more sky

Battle are you good Builder how are how am I as a builder okay um not really a good Builder I don’t I don’t really I to be honest I don’t really particularly care to build in Minecraft um yeah n but Kitty uh I’m probably just going to play by myself

For the rest of the stream um but maybe next stream I will uh you know play more with viewers I want I want to do pabes so if you’re if you’re interested in doing uh pabes with a streamer make sure to subscribe cuz you know I know I know

My streams you know don’t get that much much viewership so um yeah I but I’m down to do pabes if enough people want to join the stream I would probably have to promote it though like I feel like we could get enough people to do like a you know probably

Like a 15 person Lobby maybe I don’t know or pby um if I promoted the stream enough but yeah because I don’t really promote my streams and I just kind of stream well I did do a Twitter post for once um which I always forget to do but

If I yeah if I just didn’t like promotion we could probably do pabes okay what did they already no they didn’t take oh wait never mind I’m dumb why did I okay what the heck yo bro oh no is blue rushing us they might be I think they’re over there yeah they are

Oh they were I don’t know if they still are I cannot reach that no teammate yo no no no no do not block that off bro yo you were throwing bro all right bro these guys are not getting up here like lowkey they they’re not they’re not touching me all right bro

You want to you want to go let’s go right here h no no I’m so bad ah no no no no no no no no don’t kill me oh I’m at one heart GG okay I could not do anything there bro I’m just yeah this is why I need to

Practice PVP chat that is the perfect example of why I need to practice PVP I I probably could have killed that guy there if I was able to hit him but my aim and just the fact that my mouse is so like slow when it comes to

Dragging yeah no new mouse more grinding and I should be able to get better but that’s going to take a little bit so hey stick with me guys all right I’m struggling a little bit all right also if you haven’t already make sure to drop a like Down Below on the

Stream as I’d really appreciate it it helps out the stream a ton I keep on saying this because we’re still trying to hit 15 likes and uh yeah 15 likes is the is the like goal for the stream and uh that’d be cool if we hit

That because it’s like a it’s like a cool number you know actually very surprised that I haven’t gotten shot off but okay yeah you got that that’s all you no no no no the red guy’s not going to kill you go go go go go oh shoot yo chill where are you

Coming from bro no actually like where no way red team like rotate bro they have this guy be the distraction and they just like Ro that’s crazy actually that’s actually crazy all right then bro like what are we doing come on now oh my neck bro is so like strained

Right now it’s probably because I’ve been like hunched over trying to become good at PVP I can’t like relax all right you’re in the same game as me you won’t Target all right wait are you yeah you might be I don’t know your uh I don’t know your username bro that was my

Chest ah yo diamond sword whe take that put those in there put these on okay we’re good eat this run back over Here diamond sword okay don’t bow me please no we don’t need those please don’t tell me they’re rushing me right now oh I was so I got so scared for a second thought that was the other team that’s a relief oh I hit him did he yeah he did not fall

Off humble oh they are getting flanked diamond sword lovely what’s in I always forget to check these chests I already have those oh that is a lot of TNT oh that guy’s kind of cooked oh wait our teammate’s cooked never mind that guy’s goated o man that was a that was a oof

Moment wait what’s in this one oh diamond boots yes please all right team stick together all right oh wait we all survived I don’t know how that one guy survived but that’s pretty cool oh there goes one of our teammates there goes another one Oh I thought they were on the same

Team they aren’t yo is that is that you kitty yo are you targeting me right now that’s crazy oh you are not on my team sir you are not on my team okay everything is a lag Fest wellow that is so good to know oh a diamond

Axe the most broken weapon in the game and I should have levied out but whatever I took the fight I had the diamond axe Chad I took the fight I hit him once I did decent damage wasn’t a crit I don’t know what it might have

Been a crit or it might have been like a no I think it was just a it was just a hit but it was a good hit I just wasn’t able to crit him out look dude this loot is nasty bro look at this I don’t know I don’t no I didn’t

Have a chest oh no I did I have I I chest plate I swear I didn’t yo what’s up Seiki welcome to the stream big fan thank you I appreciate it yo we’re almost at 10 likes on the Stream So if we can get to 10 likes on

The stream uh I’d really appreciate that remember 15 likes is still our goal but 10 likes is just as good and is on we’re on our way there so make sure to drop a like down below if you haven’t already and uh yeah thank you teammate clut up you’re seventh nice I’m 18th

Bro com to my server nah I’m good I’m playing mcci right now I’m chilling oh bro my arms are so like T everything’s like tense bro I need to stretch after I finish streaming like I’m a I’m a big stretch and sesh bro it’s going to be it’s going to be

Lit wow I just spilled water on myself that’s great it’s lovely speaking of water some guy’s running to grab water that’s funny somebody should kill that guy I take with American I’m getting guessing you don’t know how to spell English that well so it’s a it’s a little hard for me

To understand you sorry oh yeah this guy’s like a block placing King holy this guy’s just all about block placement oh my gosh yo this guy’s a chat at block placement holy crap ow N I do play a lot of uh parkour Warrior uh especially like the past like

Couple streams well no the past like two streams have been like PVP oriented but uh before that I like all my streams on mcci were parkour so yeah I’m I’m trying though to you know be a well-rounded player so uh right but right now you know it’s I’m I’m more of

A movement guy than a PVP guy hopefully I can be able to change hopefully I’m able to change that though now but I do play a ton of Parkour Warrior on my own like you know just chilling listening like music it’s actually very relaxing no how did I die there bro that

Guy was going to oh oh that guy killed me too oh W he was killed dang man that sucks my best game is hole in the wall yeah the q’s are 100% dead I agree with you it’s kind of sad to see I like hole

In the wall too I was a hole in the wall main actually when I first started uh playing on MCC uh I but now I’m a now I’m a parkour Warrior or parkour survivor man but uh yeah it’s sad to see that um that nobody plays home in the

Wall every Everybody Plays it for the quests man it’s either the quests or you’re like the one in like every like 20 players um you know or the one yeah one in 20 players that actually like the game no offense Kitty but yeah there just there’s not that many ho in wall

Fans uh yeah I I’ll reinvite you typhoon one sec oh it’s not letting me click on that oh dude need to drink water chat you guys are going to remember to drink your water all right water water is very important no I’m so bad at this random block parkour

Man I’m a pro in PvP nah I I am probably the opposite of a pro in PvP monkey monkey bro what is that skin that’s actually wild drink your water drink your water and join the party n drink your water and like the stream that’s dude that’s

What uh that’s what my that’s my what my next stream title should be just drink water and like the stream and then just all lowercase and then just a period I feel like that would actually get clicks not going to lie like I feel like people would actually click on the stream to

Just see like what this guy’s like yapping about I’m good on PVP on PV Legacy on mcci on flop yeah I’m just not good at PVP in general that’s the thing you know I’m trying to be a pro in PvP but uh right now I’m not okay I can’t make that

Jump bro no way p is pink really trying to oh we’re surrounded one of my teammates is AFK typhoon is right there yo is this [ __ ] up bro who is this yo chill I think that might be is that wub duub skin he it is wub dub yo we are not

Trying to wait yeah oh get him no ah no no no no no no no no no no no do not kill okay that I saw that one coming probably should have built out of that what’s up dein welcome to the stream hey yo chill chill with that language bro nah come on

Bro for all right Anyways yo what’s up typhoon don’t worry if you’re not good to PVP yet I can carry for now all right that’s fair that’s fair you know I I can be the movement and you can be the PVP that’s how that’s how we’re going to do

It oh I thought dude what I I literally made that jump I don’t know what was that like I made the jump I okay to be honest I wasn’t looking at my screen but I swear I made that jump and also I can literally make four block jumps in my

Sleep bro I don’t know what this like game is doing right now what’s your opinion on dyab ball it’s kind of mid kind it should it probably needs improvements the games are way too long and also there’s a glitch that kind of breaks the game it’s a lot of a lot of

Things about din ball that don’t really work so yeah it probably needs to preix that aged like milk nah F bro I literally said I’m the movement you’re the PVP proceeds to like mess up a four block jump and die within like the first five seconds that’s such a that’s such a

Me thing to do like that’s actually such a rip cor thing to do bro come with me PVP verse or PVP like nah I’m I’m good right now I’m just not I’m not going to do like PVP straight PVP like PVP Legacy I’m just going to you know chill and do

Uh just some casual mcci P PVP oh I think typhoon died yeah he did we can both be the movement cuz I’m actually more of a MOV player yo let’s go all right then I will not die this time chat I will try not to die that’s

The name of the game instead of sky battle it’s just try not to die in the sky uh while battling people that works yeah that’s that’s a good title oh we’re just falling into the void bye map come on any server and PP with me nah I’m good right now I’m just chilling

On mcci I might play PVP Legacy in the future though on stream maybe probably not when I’m like still like bad probably when I get better to be honest I me might be in the same game que as you you are in the same gamec as

Me do not Target us do not Target us Kitty right when you’re time out I got a skiy toilet bruh n that’s crazy that’s actually wild somebody else Oh I thought the other team was here no I think they rotated the other way right they did okay so this is free

Nice all right we take that we take that I didn’t know I already had wait did I oh I had diamond boots on I’m I’m throwing again chat we are at seven likes on the Stream stream currently let’s try to get to the 10 likes first and then the ultimate goal 15

Likes that’d be so epic that’d be so epic dude no you already died ah it’s okay yeah you know way you ladder clutch that really bro it’s just speed bridging to show off and then you just casually like ladder clutches oh you got killed by typhoon dang tyoon really be targeting everybody

Bro that’s crazy all right teammate we got to move bro I don’t know what you’re trying to do like we Bridge or can you bridge like or can someone BR okay fine you want me to brid actually what is this guy doing bro this guy what are you okay

Whatever a I was scared there that just fell off I was like no I’m throwing okay creepers not bad we’ll take it all right we’ll take the arrows too well actually no yeah we’ll take the arrows yo no no no no no no no no no you are Not okay I’m ditching you I’m sorry teammate oh wait no I can just build up here please don’t tell me there’s people up here bro I’m not trying to die right now yo typhoon where you at oh shoot I’m a solo Oh no I am a solo no oh Diamond pants

Yo all right we’ll take those oh and two levies where is everybody is it just oh it’s a one V One V one okay oh they’re they’re fighting okay I gota I gotta go into this I got I got a third party chat this is my time oh are you going to

Fight oh it’s two oh it’s a 2v one V one h no what how did I die there ah whatever thought I was going to be able to uh thought I was going to be able to do something there Whatever all right give me a quick second okay wait now no no okay all right chat we are all good to go whenn your game again bruh all right that’s fine that’s fine that’s fine we got this typhoon walk in got to walk in all right

Bro there’s no way I didn’t go what okay there we go I’ll take two levies I’ll take a I’ll take a healing why not thank you IR teammate didn’t take four levies for himself like an idiot like dude those people that take all the levies for themselves are actually so annoying

Kitty T don’t worry n no way you T did you target Kitty again bro oh no kitty was just in a fight dang that’s tragic how many likes do we have right now let me check let me let me go AFK we have seven likes or six I don’t know I

Don’t know how to count I don’t know it might be different for you guys all right chat that is not 10 likes come on I know we can do it all right I know people out there haven’t left a like and are literally right here all right so like leave a

Like I don’t have any more arrows I just got to go for it yo chill oh teammate Typhoon oh you are so lucky bro you’re actually so lucky the creeper was there like I’m not even joking that’s the luckiest thing I think I’ve ever seen bro dude the luck these people have nowadays like yeah I should not have rushed him but dude I was trying to like

Help you know I feel like I could have gotten a crit or two in there but bro you just like if you lose this next game you give me a shout out all right I won’t lose bro I I will not lose typhoon I don’t know what you’re talking about I never

Lose not in this game this time ah let’s go different Q times coming in clutch no I’m kidding all right walk in lock in I’ll go get like one of these chests from over here hopefully they don’t rush this side I don’t think they are okay we’re good running

Back oh let’s go yo how many is that one okay stream delay is op true I actually like the stream delay sometimes you know because I don’t all right nice typhoon because I don’t uh get stream sniped but it’s just nice to have stream delay sometimes you

Know it just works out in your favor other times it can be a little bit annoying when you’re trying to like you know ask chat a question but they can’t respond all right I’ll take one Lev you can have the other one or I’ll just take both I

Guess all right I don’t think we yeah I think we nice oh wait okay you got that chest nice oh I almost just oh I have way too much TNT we should make a uh TNT cannon when given the chance not right now though we don’t really have anybody to

TNT do we yeah no nobody’s really next to us here wait tyun take uh take this take two TNT uh if you can do a cannon when like you know it’s when it’s uh what’s it called just appropriate I guess all let’s clean let’s clean go go go uhoh yeah you better

Run this is like hoplight bro we got like the fights that you take or you don’t take you know oh my gosh okay someone got lucky with the piece of TNT like bro what like how how does that happen anyways guys shout out to Typhoon

CU this is his fault I lost the game so yeah shout out to Typhoon guys n seriously dude like how did how did like who even placed it was that that guy or was that a TNT that might have been a TNT cannon I swear that guy

Did not have a piece of TNT he was not holding it or anything that has to be that had to have been see it was probably from that uh one guy that built up here and he like third partied uh with a TNT cannon which is actually kind

Of crazy on hoplight I keep my 100% win rate by playing one game and winning and never going back dude that’s actually that’s actually crazy that’s actually genius idea I wish I had a 100% win rate but I don’t I have a 0% win rate oh no that’s

Not true I think I won once in Civ but that was cuz I got carried you know so hey it’s whatever trying trying to get better you know on Minecraft which means hopefully I’ll be able to get better at hoplight holy crap why did that where did that

Creeper come from bro that creeper literally just came out of nowhere bro no problem typhoon all right I’m actually yeah I think I’m G to end the stream for today guys thank you everyone so much for watching um you’ll probably see me not tomorrow but on Sunday for a

Very cool stream uh so make sure to look out for that I could stream on I could stream tomorrow but probably not probably won’t uh but anyways thank you everyone for watching today and I will see you uh on Sunday bye bye everyone bye typhoon bye Kitty bye everyone peace

Out I wish I was able to end stream while saying bye in Minecraft but I’m not bye Seiki

This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE -🏝️Continuing the MCC Island PvP Grind🏝️’, was uploaded by Ripcord on 2024-01-06 11:58:03. It has garnered 143 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:07 or 6607 seconds.

Hey, welcome to the stream! I’m probably streaming Minecraft or some other game right now, so if you enjoy make sure to leave a like and subscribe with the notification bell on to make sure you don’t miss another stream in the future! Also this is a PG stream, (for the most part) so make sure to be respectful to others in chat and have a great time.

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I make MCC videos that are based on Minecraft Championship, the monthly Minecraft Tournament hosted by the Noxcrew and organized by Scott Smajor. It involves streamers and YouTubers like Tommyinnit, Dream, Subpoena, Illumina, fruitberries, GoergeNotFound, Quig, PeteZahHutt, Karl Jaobs, Hbomb, and many more! So go watch those videos on my channel if you’re interested.

#minecraft #mcc #mccisland

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  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

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  • Villager Parkour Challenge

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  • Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraft

    Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘survival LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :600… #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-15 15:26:06. It has garnered 100 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:34 or 7594 seconds. DISCORD: https://discord.gg/krbX9JpXCA https://discord.gg/8WGzdxn5 : k4f mcslp.pika.host My s1 lets play world play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4YCpVHHVwb_S4n6Kr1V9qr My letsplay series season 2 play list : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroOC4vwIkQ4FcN6HoqbDZjN51pn8vHgR @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour: Live Exploration!”‘, was uploaded by Flax army on 2023-12-19 07:20:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Embark on an extraordinary journey as we delve into the intricate details of a meticulously crafted Minecraft luxury house in this … Read More


    MINECRAFT SECRET HACKS! SNAP - 🤑👍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤑👍#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-21 13:30:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignorar): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo … Read More

  • Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK Gaming

    Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘devil herobrine kill wither #ssk gaming #minecraft #youtube short #viral’, was uploaded by ssk gamer 1302 on 2024-06-22 04:44:36. It has garnered 1147 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • “Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form – Prateek Gaming” #clickbait

    "Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form - Prateek Gaming" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Prateek gaming on 2024-03-17 10:41:35. It has garnered 5498 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo tags minecraft minecraft speedrun minecraft gaming channel minecraft pro players minecraft streamers minecraft Java edition minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock edition minecraft Java edition survival series minecraft pocket edition survival series minecraft bedrock edition survival series minecraft Java edition survival series… Read More


    NEW CRAFTRISE UPDATE - SECRET REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘CRAFTRİSE MÜJDELİ HABER’, was uploaded by darknesse69 on 2024-04-23 15:00:59. It has garnered 4952 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. sonoyuncu, I’m darknesse69, we played bedwars on sonoyuncu server in minecraft, don’t be ridiculous, sonoyuncu was a nice video with fun, enjoy watching #sonoyuncu #bedwars #minecraft Server ip: Play.Ravenrise.Net Ravenrise Discord:https://discord.gg/ravenrise ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Discord Sunucum:https://discord.gg/cBNMMNrVZ6 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Lonca link:https://www.craftrise.com.tr/lonca/DA… TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard… Read More

  • Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic Gaming

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  • Project Parabellum

    Project Parabellum> Self-made guns and uniforms (ever expanding) > Different iterations with brand new guns, uniforms and vehicles > Heavy emphasis on community demands (including iteration suggestions) > Player-led units that can be created by anyone. Different unit types offer different perks for the unit as well > Historically accurate classes !! Modpack link on discord !! Read More