EPIC Medieval City Planning in Minecraft 1.20

Video Information

He yo yo yo yo uh goo welcome to the stream Jude Marco Lucas Ruki uh uh janica Steph o Xander oo uh oh welcome welcome how you guys doing be UPS what What that be do uh yo skate welcome to the stream how are yall doing um let’s see no not That uh should try chocolate overnight oats I’ve never had overnight oats not huge uh into oats um what’s this uh let’s go for acid jazz let’s see I think I searched this the other day there’s no playlist right no try some slightly different music today if possible uh yo Oz

Xander trying to just trying to find a play right now okay we’ll just we we’ll just do the the Classic yo I’ve been doing a bit of work off camera or off stream uh since yesterday planned out these houses I think last stream when we ended off we only had these done uh I’ve got these four done now well like blocked out still need a lot of details obviously and then I’ve

Been laying out shapes for a bunch more that house is a little small might make that bigger and uh yeah I think that’s what we’re going to work on today can make two texture packs at a time let’s hope I stay sane from now to December uh yeah good luck with that Okay let’s see I think a lot of these Road plans that I have I think I’m going to end up moving uh I think I was thinking a little too large with the scale of the houses when I planned those out so we’re going to make some changes there

Um yo Andrew how many uh minutes until the supporter build this is server drops it’s almost ready uh I’ve got the plot world I think finished besides like um I want to build a small little spawn area and then I got to figure out exactly how I want to do do

This um I think I need to set up maybe like some um thum plugin that it lets you claim areas actually close yeah I mean kind of uh I I still need to think about how I’m doing this but the um the plot server is ready pretty

Much there’s not really a lot I had to do for That uh okay I’m trying to think about how I want to do this section here I was I was thinking originally this could be an Alleyway it kind of winds through here but thinking maybe I want to just push this up against this building see a full

Rotate mans on the building instead of building manually on an angle looks so much better yeah yeah that’s what I did here I I struggled a lot with this one for some reason it was just the lines were not lining up for some reason but ended up working

Out but these two look pretty good I Think then this one it helps that they’re kind of a lot of the weird spots are kind of hidden uh but yeah are there any holes in here No this is this was supposed to be an alley but it ended up being like a really wide road so I don’t know I may just end up treating this like a road or maybe we can just build out a bunch of stuff to really th it Out um the ends always wind up stretch with look which looks goofies which Goofs the look uh yeah for sure especially when you’re doing um like let’s see like an angle like this where it’s like two go two two two then the ends usually look really weird cu the end has to be

Longer uh but I with these towers it it helps here I didn’t build this out do that uh do you need a rank to join the plot server can anyone join um for now it’s going to be only patrons or like any membership YouTube member patreon twitch

Sub but I’m I’ve been thinking about opening up just the plot world to anybody eventually um but I’m not Sure are you going to build this in the new custom train you built no this is far away from that the mountain I built is all the way over here this is a totally separate Project uh but okay let’s uh I guess let’s lay out some more houses well I do want to I want to change this one a little bit see let’s do well maybe not um do we have to make a plot to prove your building can post screenshots

Of existing ones cuz I’m be I’m not in the mood to make a generic skill check well I’m thinking maybe the way I can do it is um or one of my ideas for how we could do it is I’ll just like grab one of these buildings and throw it on a

Plot for you and then you could texture it there and then if I like it or if it fits in with the city I feel like uh then I’ll give you access to whatever world this ends up being In yeah unacceptable Carson no all good only been live for a couple minutes yo blue slushy welcome to the Stream uh ven venel thank you for the 2 two sub appreciate it yeah I kind of got that idea from the build the world um the build the World server they do

Something kind of Similar am I hearing my dog I need a need a tight my microphone uh but yeah vill is that right appreciate it thank you for the tier 2 membership yeah and I want to clarify the server’s not up yet uh but I’m working on I’m going to try to get it up

This week probably say it however you want all right cool uh let’s see Dian building you talking about the one we built yesterday this one are you talking about the cyan roof 45 people watching and only 15 likes this one I feel like it’s I feel like it’s

Covered enough that it’s not too big of a deal uh skate thank you for gifting a membership I appreciate it first one okay yeah leave a like if you haven’t already guys I would greatly appreciate it it actually really helps out the stream I think it seems like whenever uh

There’s a lot of chat and a lot of likes on the stream it gets pushed to more people so it would be greatly Appreciated um yeah thank you for that skate though that’s really nice uh gifted it to Oz Xander if you’re still here ozer uh yo frogo yo a t AG or AJ yo goo your mom just gave birth well congratulations whoa that’s a I’ve never seen that notification

Before what is that in the sky that is um layout for all the roads which is probably I mean it’s not it doesn’t correlate with what’s on the ground right now it’ll probably change um okay uh yeah I think this I think the cyan one is hidden

Enough that uh yeah true Andrew I need to just push it up further so it’s not well I’m on like 48 chunks so it’s probably always going to be visible yes I do have a Discord I think you can do exclamation point Discord let me Try there you go let me know if that link still works it might be updated yeah we’ll leave that leave that house alone there’s so many houses in this place that getting that nitpicky is not uh not worth it I think all the other houses on the

On the uh Street look pretty good so it’s not that big of a Deal so music’s a little loud Five Nights at Freddy’s movie is so close hope it will be good I didn’t know they’re making Five Nights of Freddy anything anymore lot a lot of movies I went on a um every once in a while I used to really like

Uh what’s it called The Walking Dead like I mean like 10 years ago before like season 4 probably um and every once in a while I’ll go I’ll just like see what they’re up to like what the what that franchise is doing and last night I went down the rabbit hole

And it is crazy how much garbage they are making nowadays um there’s a new game coming out that’s like I guess covering the whole show or something I don’t know um and it looks awful I don’t think the main series is still going but they have like five spin-offs

Now or something there’s one about Daryl that like real redneck guy there’s one about I think there’s a new one coming out that is bringing Rick Grimes back I think there’s another one but I don’t I don’t know making a ton of spin-offs yeah but that game I don’t know game looks

Awful it looks so bad not that I’d be interested in it anyways but it’s just amazing to me that like I feel like they could have made a pretty good Game it looks like H1Z1 if you guys remember that game like the graphics the mechanics it looks it looks bad Um I don’t know what made me think of that but what if there were shorter buildings uh behind the Main Street buildings and mixed in the backyards and Gardens um like like attached to the houses or you mean like separate smaller buildings yo Andy welcome to the

Stream shorter is in height now the now the footprint okay yeah maybe I don’t know having a hard time imagining how I would do that I mean obviously just put houses next to each other but uh I don’t like I don’t like where this house is how do I need to do

This because I want a house coming out like to here so you kind of walk around it into the Alley like some houses could have extensions that were built later right okay yeah yeah we could try that no more Mega mountains to build taking it easy with some houses yeah pretty much yeah o that is a rough angle yeah that makes sense Andrea yeah I’ll try that or I’ll I’ll do that

H this is a big house we’ll do that then we’ll throw a house back here smaller one maybe uh what do you think your next video is going to be uh it’s going to be working on the classrooms like this section of the building or of the uh school I

Mean so some classrooms in here and offices and then probably the Courtyard area and this Tower and maybe this and all the Roads diagonal builds B of my existence yeah yeah it’s it is definitely a difficult Task Okay okay Yeah uh the red house behind the red house is a good opportunity for a backyard talk about one of these or there I don’t know I already have an idea for what I’m doing here though I’m thinking like a a dirt road behind all these houses with houses just

Leaning over so it’s almost dark back Here uh it’s even worse doing diagonal Builds on a small scale yeah for sure the red footprint okay where’s the academy over here far away H now I want the road to curve this way and this is the tough part about doing a a city with a ton of diagonals is how do

You merge these buildings axium uh so I Think you see flipped City that he built like three years ago he had a lot of little alleys and backyards too and some great inspiration for building on an angle oh yeah I’ve seen That other two attitude one angle yeah that’s what I’m thinking I’m just trying to figure out where to start it we could do it like cuz I also don’t like having like these gaps really small ones like this are fine uh but anything more like if I did

This than this then that’s a weird a weird Gap there that I don’t want so maybe maybe here we’ll try that wait chimney spot in awkward area that’s a good idea I keep forgetting about chimneys it’s not a bad idea at all though wait a minute

Go yeah like look at this we’ll have to have to move this out one yeah that’s a little bit better uh you’re Jonathan I’m doing all right how you doing how are you doing yeah Towers towers are another thing that have helped me with these weird angles and spots like small like 2

By Two Towers 2 x two interior Towers oh dang it I went wanted to bump up the quality we’re going live today I forgot about that okay need a world download for this you’re not getting a world download for this um for the main World though there

Is a I did just upload one for episode 20 on the YouTube memberships or the YouTube patreon all that um for episode 20 which was the last episode so I probably won’t do another public download at least for a long time just because starting to actually get some

Traction again and people like the steal Builds you’re about babies that are being born with their up split half Yeah um H yeah I don’t like how far this is sticking out I guess we could push this back one doesn’t need to be that far out yeah yeah that’s better from both sides doing well I’m 365 days older than I was 365 days ago true going to be going to create

Districts like residential industrial military yeah for sure uh so I think the industrial district is going to be all along the shore here um I haven’t decided if I wanted to be on both sides of this main road or just one side yet but somewhere along the shore we’re going to have the

Industrial district military I do want to do somewhere but I haven’t decided where yet I don’t think I wanted to be super close to the castle um oh actually I think we decided last time we’ll probably put it uh near the sea cuz this is going to be a big Port over

Here so we’ll probably put some military stuff over there what is an industrial medieval District look like yeah we’re going to have to stretch the imagination a little bit um yeah we’ll have like blacksmiths and stuff throughout but for like Industrial Area I’m thinking more like Factory and uh yeah we’re going

To stretch the imagination with the medieval a little bit so get some of the uh I want to make some factories with crafters and some farms and stuff we’ll go a little more fantasy maybe steampunky a little bit even though I hate I really kind of hate doing steampunk stuff in this

Game also hi arbu welcome to the Stream T sare reminds me of being at Disney World yeah I can kind of see it giant Sawmill area yeah that’d be cool that would would that be that would probably be further out of the city though I do have there is this Village over

Here oh and we got this you know a sawmill over in this Forest would be pretty cool yeah Sawmill is right oh where they cut trees um h I guess that wouldn’t be a sawmill Sawmill is where they process all the wood maybe that is what you’re talking about

Though uh but a sawmill out outside of the city I think would be best maybe over here Somewhere um you have water mill somewhere in your village in your world I mean yeah I have a I have one here that I made right before I quit YouTube last year for a year which I think is a really cool build but I don’t really have any

Interest in building here right now wait’s that oh it’s a cpen uh brick making factory that’d be cool I’m going to write that down oh D it I my uh my main Drive got filled with or got filled up last night and I lost a bunch of stuff I had open here we

Go my main Drive filled up and it just crashed like half the apps on my PC it was uh it took a long time to get it working again uh okay brick making factory on the river bank that just gave me an idea that I think could be really cool we should do

We should make a spot where they’re building a bridge that would be cool I would like to widen this River I think clay barges I’ll add that so was the word okay we are definitely going to have Bridges along here but a a spot where they’re building a bridge would be pretty sick

Several clock towers would be cool we are going to have at least one I haven’t decided where yet I was originally thinking over there but I don’t know if I love that spot I think somewhere over in that section Probably it’s all going to look so sick once it’s done yeah I hope so I I really I do think it will especially once we get some of you guys in here helping me plan out this place it’s going to be really really sick I wonder if I’m going to get a lot

Of people saying it’s not legit because I didn’t design it all or something something stupid I don’t know why these angles are you know what maybe this is my problem I keep going through and like cleaning up the angles maybe I shouldn’t do that um where do we want this to

Terminate let’s go like here if if re if using tools and cooperation is not legit then I guess the entire scientific Community is not legit yeah but you say that like uh the Minecraft Community uses logic when uh when criticizing things not that it’ll bother me I don’t care I

Know that I mean I don’t care what people think if people think I’m playing legit or not but I’m just interested to see if uh what the response is going to be not legit unless you build it all in adventure mode true oh yeah I did see that BNA Let me pull that up for Myself I’m uh I’m not I’m I’m probably going to avoid sharing my screen like my Google Images screen from now on I don’t think many people noticed if anybody noticed but not last stream but the stream before I doxed myself uh it’s already gone I cut it out of the stream

But nobody said anything if you did notice thank you for not mentioning it um but I’m going to avoid pulling stuff up on screen from now on but that is that is really cool and helpful Bor enough uh yo lores one block wider okay the purple one Right yeah actually I see I see what you Mean Boom to get access to vas server do I put my Minecraft name in your Discord or am I missing something yeah make sure your you YouTube is connected to your Discord account uh and that’ll automatically give you a role in my Discord for YouTube membership and then it’ll you’ll get access to channels

That’ll tell you what you need to Do and it’ll uh whoops what did I just do yeah I mean you you’ll get the information you need when you do that honestly I don’t think the Interiors are going to be too big of an issue um cuz you can just like cut off sections and use your imagination and

There’s with these gaps in the walls you can break stuff out it’s going to be I think it’s not going to be too big of a deal the Interiors yeah this is uh this is the progress lowas coming along pretty good I’m really really loving this I’m so glad I’ve said it before but I’m so glad I waited to build a big city like this because I don’t think it would have been nearly as good as this if I did it back in the Day just did that okay um let’s see okay I will get you added really quick what is our host BCT if anybody else that is a member already uh is interested in joining the r of vast um oops there we go make sure you link your Discord to your YouTube account and then

You’ll get access to the channels for that okay and venel if you’re in The rovas and Discord server there should be the IP somewhere right list add boom there you go you are whitelisted I’ll give you a role on vaston germs team where is the IP when you were talking about membership as a YouTube membership or you talking about patreon both yeah both

The uh found the IP okay both of the um YouTube and patreon have the the same the same benefits um yo butter welcome to the stream hi Olivia welcome currently working on my own mediable project on a server so this inspires me to keep working nice um extension on the greenhouse oh right

Here yeah I I don’t know exactly what I want to do there yet but do something there next stream we better build something on vasin over oh the overhanging one wait which one green one oh yeah yeah yeah yeah right yeah I thought that was pretty cool too I needed something cuz this

Angle that was a really boring wall so I needed something there and that that worked out pretty well hey at least at least Carson has built something on on vaston I haven’t built anything yet now that I have the um now that I have this medieval style again though I feel

Like uh maybe I’ll whip something Up yeah this this will be Fine it’s also hard to get the same angles here and here especially when they’re weird like this is 3 453 like how do I translate that here 35 three Sure another thing I need to remember is these medieval cities were not or Medieval houses in real life were not perfect by any means so if it’s a little weird a little bit of a weird shap that’s Okay okay let’s do another one here let’s also cancel I’ve been building them on different levels so that I can uh get the exact shape so it helps with when building the roof but then we’ll knock out all those blocks later Let’s do a very slight angle on this one a little big also enjoy angled builds they’re a bit trickier but they help break out the grid type pattern you see a lot in Minecraft Builds uh yeah for sure I think um diagonal builds are huge um are very important ESP

Especially in like a village or a city See lots of towers across the city to make the skyline more interesting I don’t know that we’ll have lots of towers but we will definitely have Some um layout of this build is kind of breaking my brain I think it’s the way they’re cutting into each other that’s getting me yeah it’s hard to it’s it is hard to wrap your head around at first but that’s the only way you can do this

Cuz in real life you’re not going to have like weird gaps in between like going halfway through the building like they build together so uh you kind of got to like mash them together here any other large points of interest yeah we have I’m going to build a cathedral First Cathedral I’ve ever

Built and a big one too going be a full on Cathedral uh I’m thinking maybe some sort of Arena somewhere maybe not positive on that um what else did we Have bunch of churches Gardens uh uh this is just all my ideas hang on oh jousting Arena Cemetery Bath House School uh large military area like a big walled area inside the city any IRL cathedrals in mine somebody sent me a couple couple good ones for inspiration I don’t remember which ones they are though but I would like to build one at least similar to like

Notre a town hall it’s not a bad Idea I don’t I don’t know I’ve already kind of got this whole area thought Out um let’s see no I haven’t planned it out yet just uh get an ideas right now let’s look up this one ooh that is a cool one o that would be that would be Sick yeah I really like this this would be pretty tough to translate to Minecraft but maybe maybe not maybe not too bad it would take a long time But I’m saving this uh where did I put did I put cathedral in here Cathedral there we Go yeah that would be sick old Minster well that’s kind of kind of similar Vibes I like the idea of having two two towers on the corner on corn on the corners rather than One show it please uh how can I do this oh I know how to do this I know how to do this with that doxy Myself open a new tab save boom this one actually looks a lot cleaner in this picture let’s go to this one there that would be pretty sick and there’s a lot of little bitty details that would be pretty hard to translate but definitely a lot of Fun Yeah that’d be Cool uh you should do one of those Cathedrals where the there are two front Towers but it’s asymmetrical with different heights H it’s not a bad idea Either Uh the WC WBC builds server yeah um they have they built the most amazing Cathedral SL churches yeah is that a public server that you can join or do they just make videos cuz that would be that would be a cool server to hop on and check Out you can fly around and look you need PS for building yeah I figured that okay yeah I might have to do that Then okay now this is still yeah we’ll definitely have to add more pack in more houses back here probably because this is still I don’t know what it is it’s hard to get a like a real small alley wall backyards um I just don’t want big gaps

Like too many big gaps in the city and I think this is the biggest one yet actually well this is a pretty big opening we could just make some of these Longer um well oops 1 2 three four okay I me some in construction areas would be a cool effect yeah for sure definitely plan on doing that that would be pretty sick I think uh I also one idea I had was to have like an under construction Bridge somewhere

I don’t really know where because this is not a very big river and wouldn’t really be able to pull off the effects super well yeah burnt down houses I definitely want to do stuff under construction I definitely want to do even just full on ruins I think would be

Cool medial cities were built for walking not driving like they are today yeah exactly yo Braen let’s just push this hole all these houses back a little bit I’m going to have to this and this boom Boom yeah I think this will work out okay pull that to they’ll probably be good really glad you returned to this area always wanted to see a medieval C City in your current style thanks yeah I’m glad to be working on this again too yeah this red

House it’s going to be a small house maybe we do pull this in again then this way this could be a odd OD numb so helps a little bit um although we do have a weird Gap here now uh you’re walk in welcome push Red House forward one

Block yeah we’ll push it over one block there’s a little Gap here but not doesn’t feel as weird as this one did what are we doing we are planning out a city this one’s kind of getting consumed now too but that’s okay uh so we got a small a very small alley right

Here and right here or entrance to the alley and this isn’t too bad still a little bit wider than I would feel or than I would like but Okay you move that brown housee over diagonally one block this Way let’s do that yeah that’ll work yeah that’s not a bad idea throwing a tree back here or something why am I doing that let’s um here let’s do this wait can we do I wonder if I could do oh look at that just so I remind myself I want a tree

There uh now the purple house can get a backyard intersecting the brown and brown and yellow house true uh no I’ve never been to Europe Okay let’s start here and bring it over I do like how thin this feels right now let’s try to keep that going through here uh let’s kind of straighten this one out a little bit well it’s like the exact same angle but that’s okay you can go anywhere in Europe where

Would you go I don’t even know never really thought about it what is that pink house angle 342 huh I don’t know I just uh I’ve been doing all the angles with this now so it’s whatever uh whatever axium thought was right it does make some strange angles but I don’t mind

It could to be 333 it could it sure Could let’s do something like this ah get a Center o uh yo Mel how’s it going welcome to the Stream that’ll work got long weekend nice uh why am membered somebody gifted you a membership who was it I don’t remember let me check it was skate skate give you you a membership uh yeah I’m doing good Mel do the same angle again survive the germ drought of 2022 it was quite a

Drought yeah I’m thinking we’re going to have to have an Aly between one of these leading into this main alley I think it may be a tunnel even I wonder what space we got here what’s that seven one two 3 four five six and then this it’s five let’s go like

That and we’ll do a tunnel in this building maybe uh maybe we’ll do this makes me shter thinking about how to detail so many weirdly angled houses just thinking how to place Windows is going to give me a headache don’t have you working on that um yeah it’s going to be a

Challenge for sure building is just a tunnel yeah that’s why I decided to merge the these two a little wider than I would have liked but that’s Okay uh yo Gilly welcome to the stream okay let’s do this this a long tunnel uh maybe we do just do an alley instead of a tunnel don’t like how long this tunnel is or we could throw it in the shorter building or wait it’s the same length never

Mind could always make the building shorter yeah that’ll work yeah axium is a huge help with this oh this is this is looking crazy um foth tunnel or tunnel for cards probably foot path Parts can get through over here oh yeah thank you Mel G is going to feel so cozy

Yeah now let’s go ahead and how do I want to do this I guess let’s stretch them uh I want to get the road in here now dang this is going to be so sick this is probably the longest road yet right not including this or that One how do I want to go about this we don’t have to follow the shape of this rain at all let’s just start placing blocks uh yeah let’s go up a block Here steep drop yeah I want I do want to do slightly steep drop at least I don’t think I wanted to go this far down though far we from this house the road’s going to be seven wide I think so I don’t want to be too far away

This is going to be on the center I don’t want to be too far away from the uh oh that’s going to be what to do stairs in here if Ra’s up a block there’ll be a slight SL in here probably end up finding a new job or

Just been YouTube focused haven’t found a new job yet but I’ve still been looking um I did hear back from I scheduled a a um interview of someone today so hopefully that works out was talking to another company for like over the last week and then uh today I saw they relisted the

Application so guess I didn’t get that Okay let’s actually move this over a block uh yeah so back see how this Looks they’re lost True Okay yeah the road tool is super helpful okay let’s move a couple of these points in a little bit this one this one maybe that one this one yeah the road command is probably my favorite one of my favorite Tools in uh archon can I join the ra of ason as a birthday

Present nope only if you give me $5 for a birthday present um W that worked perfectly okay yeah that feels Good cool Now Okay that’ll be good clean this up a little Bit Orange house should I have a basement see you me this one yeah we can do That let’s do stairs to represent That and the entrance probably be around Here cool cool cool cool yeah this is going to be a tight Street but I like it I think this road is going to be bigger than the Alley that’s okay though wait it’s mirror that’s What Uh not like TI is and cool oh yeah I know I was just saying like whenever we get houses on this side this is going to be a really tight tight Street for feet watching exactly Connect this Up okay good good Good boom How fast forward the stream it’s live you can’t fast forward yeah invented time Machine Feel like I’ve already seen that one red Castle before right yeah I started this forever ago probably close to a year ago maybe even more than a year no hasn’t been year yet but uh yeah I started this a long time ago well say you have a rich in Port

Area um yeah we’ll probably have some lower glass as we get away from the center of the city like smaller houses and maybe not as uh I don’t know nice roads stuff summer of 2022 no it was like November or December last year cuz I did that the video on that

In I think November last year so it was it was right about uh right around then less colors Yeah yo Aro welcome to the stream last year has gone by so quick it’s been a year since gourd gang yeah that’s crazy the last year really has flown by um some of the wealthy houses could have murals and decorative paintings using terracotta that’d be cool Miss gour gang time yeah me

Too that one shot was a lot of Fun yeah I’ll be doing a port area over there and probably some Port stuff over here too let’s see oh yeah that’d be cool Whoa hang on I got to show This here I think I can I’ll just do this check this out Gio posted this they made this on Pocket Edition that’s crazy that’s sick this is the uh I think this is yeah this is the cathedral we were looking at Earlier that’s crazy and on Pocket Edition especially that’s nuts that’s cool some people have no chill Seriously okay let’s like this wait here we Go Good Oh whoops uh we can throw another house right here too actually there are grass strips near intersections of roads like triangular a triangular median where with small bushes or perhaps a tree um um H maybe in some spots I think this might be a little bit too

Small over here might be able to fit that though Maybe man this place is looking crazy on the map CER what are you Doing dog’s trying to squeeze under my foot rest right now okay yeah let’s throw another house right here we’ll just do do this two three two is that two no that’ be good actually let’s do it on this side two three Two another alley this is the same alley oops good think about That um that’ll work oh yeah this will be open I just want to add one more house right here to make it a little bit smaller of a gap unless you’re saying like another one like heish I think this is fine though smooth that all out some other

Time well why let’s just do it now Oops surprised I reached that far What if you expanded uh the light blue house back a little shrinking the Gap a wee bit um maybe a tower or something cuz I don’t want it to be too long this way be a little Strange take a look on Discord oh yeah that’s sick check that out crazy really cool uh okay yeah maybe actually maybe the yellow one power on here I think that’ll be a little better they compared to the standard of Minecraft village church it’s all right yeah true yeah it’s okay I Guess Uh yo Viking City Welcome to the Stream Now making fun of me no no no I was joking I’m sorry I was joking weing a block hey I didn’t have to break the block that was There in real life this city could fit all 371,000 of us true that’s what I’m building it for building all of my subscribers a house God if I did that many houses we’d be here for the rest of my life I think we estimated that it would

Be at at the very least like 800 houses it will be at like 800 houses in this city let’s count how many we have buil laid out already 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven hang on let’s do them my rows 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 we’re already almost at 50 houses that’s crazy wait 49 if we include that

One that’s insane what am I doing that’s crazy what about bridge I’m going to redo that so I’m not counting that right now going to redo the houses that are on there would you build a house for the prettiest funniest Mod Mo yes of course

Um oh yeah I was trying to think of a the squid I was trying to think of a um rest for the uh City and it’s Port City so Pride suggested squid might keep it might change it I don’t know yeah that it’s just to confus people that’s why there’s a squid

Uh let’s see what was I going to do Mo needs Mo needs a whole city true Mo gets the castle that’s Mo’s it’s Mo’s house yeah Mel you want a house where you want a house at what is this oh the oh that’s weird with the tree grew that turned a dirt that’s

Strange weird you know another idea yeah X gets a prison uh a prison cell another idea I had was not only to have uh supporters help detail the city and texture and stuff but could be cool to invite like YouTube friends to uh help me build build up a

House yeah X gets the bottom of a Well I’m joking and joking um X lives in the sewers yeah can I get a penthouse yeah build somewhere Squidward’s house or like a statue what why oh because the squid right the guards of the city should be called the Squidwards that’s good I like that you know what you guys ruined it

It’s not going to be a squid anymore can I get a tower for a birthday gift sure you can have this one um that’ actually be so great a Squidward house among a bunch of regular Medieval houses that’ be so Dumb make it SpongeBob oh that’s yeah that’s way Better yeah that was the problem I just don’t like Squidward got to be SpongeBob Can I get a Tavern okay I’m not I’m not giving out I’m not dedicating builds to people unless they’re I’m not dedicating builds people right now um for Mo he gets the castle that’s it Come one for me too Jer no no I don’t think so I don’t think I will do that H what do I want to do this one real homies build a Patrick Star rocket house yeah true um Oops oops oops there we go there’s Patrick’s rock house easy how about you build a Chum Bucket instead of that castle oh you know what that’s a good idea idea yeah let’s scrap the castle let’s just put a giant Chum Bucket there I like that for your next bu uh project just

Build Bikini Bottom that’s a good idea we got this ocean over here maybe we just grab this whole city and we just go to this ocean instead and just build Bikini Bottom yeah that’s a much better idea I don’t know why I didn’t think of that

Sooner dang this is going to be sick though just imagine coming up to this area and this house this area is just covered in houses all you see is roofs and towers and stuff sticking up yeah I I know Andrew I was thinking the exact same thing when I was playing It okay okay what now guess we could keep doing This I don’t know I guess we’ll do perfect 45 degree angle Here Mojang should make this city naturally spawning yeah totally you imagine something this scale naturally generating in game some of the planed houses um I don’t think I feel like doing that right now let’s at least plan along this side of that this road here then maybe we’ll do that usually germinated cities

True you know I was watching a Waddles video the other day he was covering the Minecraft live announcements and he was talking about the new structure sure and they one of the things they said about it is that procedurally generated which everything in the game is um but Waddles was like super confused

About that in the video I thought that was strange for somebody that his uh full-time job is Minecraft didn’t know what procedurally generator means that was weird Exposed yeah wd’s fake fake Wadd is fake he’s not a real person that bridge is spawn uh yeah aspired mostly by the London Bridge Happ in the Chat do I just want to do stuff like this the whole way Up oh that’ be cool Andrew to make it more like the modern London Bridge what just a boring concrete bridge that what it looks like I don’t even Remember yeah okay is it the London Bridge that there’s like part of it in like Arizona for some reason yeah Arizona like some super rich dude in Arizona just bought part of the London Bridge yeah that’s so weird J foran has a great video on that I’ve watched a video about it I don’t know if it was that one or not let’s see maybe I don’t remember rich people when they run out

Of ideas yeah so Strange Okay M griefing disabled on Baston I think so I think it Is the would probably know stop to watching Waddles I feel like his videos are a bunch of nothing Burger content spread recession butter bread uh then just to hit the whole YouTube algorithm 10 minute Link videos with click baby titles yeah I was going to say what

Borer said welcome to 90% of modern Minecraft YouTube true I’ll see you on the butom part a little bit but then also it was cut off by that stupid heart on the chat I couldn’t read half the Message This is going to be a really cool View I think ger and lores are the only Minecraft youtubers I watch consistently these days thank you glad to hear that thumbnail material yeah seriously even from all the way down here this would be a sick thumbnail go to 45 that’s what I always do for my Thumbnails the tower that’s what the thumbnail that’s what the thumbnail guy sounds like it’s not me the thumbnails it’s guy that looks like me um just posted a short video on how they buil bridges in the mid Middle Ages and build inspiration in case actually Build

A Bridge Under Construction uh I think I saw that yeah I’ll definitely check that out later uh yo jab cab you do those sounds again they were great maybe another time maybe next time we get a thumbnail J EX for the update videos I have a hard time watching

Exuma for update videos lately cuz he tries to rush him out and he gets so much stuff wrong and it’s like super easy stuff to not get wrong he’s been doing that for a long time too at least for snapshots maybe not as full update videos I don’t know

I just wait for uh SCE slme to upload a video if there’s something I really want to know otherwise I can find out Myself keep it the big hole nah we’ll probably cover it up what is this doing here probably Pride the pit H what am I doing here though wait for like the third one Fair what do I do here don’t know if I want to throw a house right up against the Wall the pit is ex a Around strategic so this say strategic Gap near the castle Yeah that’s not a bad idea I might actually do that yeah we’ll leave this open for now let’s see yeah I like that jab cab I think that’s pretty good how do you psychologically get over the OCD stress of having Hollow builds it’s

The main thing that keeps me building a survival what like not having Interiors or do you mean like talk about like oh well this isn’t Hollow underneath except in the survival world talking about like when I built this with nothing under it because uh I don’t have an answer for

You I’ve never had an issue with that Um There was something I saw that I wanted to go back and respond to but I can’t remember what it was now I’ll be quiet I don’t know is that a dog yeah that’s my dog he thinks the stream’s over yesterday when I stopped streaming he somehow knew exactly when I

Was done and he jumped up and was ready to go UT was all excited jumping around it must be something I say at the very end that he knows okay um membership flare not show up on mobile or did mine end yeah I don’t see it so it must be maybe it ended

No no no Andrew I feel like I’m missing messages go to live chat instead of top Chat horse stable in the front uh there will be horse stables inside right here I think was my plan this is going to be our storage area for the uh for the city definitely not going to be enough I’m going to have to expand it out this

Way at very least you could say the word well he doesn’t know walk we live out in the middle of nowhere so soon as we open the door he’s he’s walking How many storage rooms do you have that’s a good question whenever we do this that’ll be one two wait no we don’t have one here two three Austrian areas here four um five kind of here six seven there’s not actually well yeah there is dedicated seven I do have a cherry blossom area

But there’s not really a chest room or storage room there’s just chest kind of scattered around a little bit and there’s hardly anything there I think there’s seven seven throughout the world eight there’s eight Yeah I imagine using resources from older worlds speeds of the process um not really cuz my builds used to be way smaller like look at this look at the storage room here um oh yeah I’ve been ter for of this area too and uh preparing to retexture it

Someday got this place looking much nicer uh but oh this is all ruined but this was my storage room it was you get the idea it was nine chest nine chest n n that was it and then a little later I made this little one that’s

It I used to just gather my materials as I needed them which is a crazy way to do it I mean I guess I still kind of do it but I would never store Anything yeah maybe probably not but we might come back out here someday that’s why I’ve been re reforming it uh then the storage room here I think is even smaller Technically yeah look at this this was my storage room for this area of course we had shulker boxes it’s probably what I mainly used but still just this little this is all I had Crazy really adire your motivation to rework old projects yeah I do really enjoy sprucing up old places like this I just did this a little while ago like a couple days ago before I started really diving into this new city project um here I’ll show you the old

One took some screenshots of it this is what it used to look like with the texture pack and then this is the what it looked like without the texture pack and this is what it looks like now yeah this is uh this is how it was when I built

It nice treat thank you But yeah I need you to make your screenshot folder public there are a lot of them see what the oldest is here oh that this is only July 2021 are there favorites yeah let’s go to a random one oh there’s a thumbnail oldest ones aren’t even that

Old yeah I don’t know I guess I cleared them out at some point S yeah I don’t know what I was think of that like I why why did I keep that I have no idea let me um let’s throw in some older screenshots if Possible let’s see H weird okay uh I should have been let do last time actually Fair true uh where is oh here we go old screenshots when is this from wait are these all of them oh yeah this is all my screenshots okay it’s going to take a long time to add these

In okay I’m going to let that load we’ll Uh I don’t know what I missed I missed something but oh well let’s um I don’t know where the roads are coming off over here yet so let’s not do that more houses yeah let’s do this see if it’s loaded okay it loaded let’s paste them all in how many oh my God I’m

Copying oh man I wonder how many gigs this is I’m currently copying 8,375 screenshots into the screenshot Folder um tight Alleyway leading towards the castle like like around here what are you talking About on the back side of the pink okay yeah that could be cool let’s throw in one more like small house maybe and then have it kind of wind through some houses I okay so these well I I’ll wait for it to paste and then I’ll talk about

Them I’m going to throw in one house here and then we’ll have the alley kind of winding through think that’d be cool why so many I’ll explain in a minute not there let’s push it like here maybe make a house for every screenshot you have yeah right that would be

Insane you know I wonder I think it was spam apricot he did the math on the amount of houses that we have laid out here or that we will have here last time I wonder if having all these would change his number at All the number was at minimum at the very minimum 800 yeah and I think that sounds pretty pretty accurate that’s a that’s what I was assuming I was assuming at minimum like 600 actually but um sun room on the yellow wait on this one oh I thought I thought you were

Talking about a different one thought 8,000 yeah not 8,000 that would be absolutely insane uh I think 800 minimum sounds about right if it’s 600 by 400 City each house averages 16 by9 um then that’s 800 is that what you’re saying wait what am I

Doing 800 I would not there’s no way I would do that survival I mean 8,000 there’s no way I would do that in survival 800 still sounds crazy but it’s more doable than 8,000 that’s for sure uh thanks Jace you the same Jason I know it’s been around for a long time

Um about 1,600 assuming pure edge to edge coverage okay yeah I think we um I think we accounted for like some other big stuff yeah fa Factor roads in there yeah okay roads like big city squares the rivers cuz that’s also like 600 by 400 is just like

A perfect rectangle there’s also curves and stuff that we have to account for so honestly even 300 would be a lot I mean yeah that is a lot but yeah okay um yes sir well hey Jace been a long time how you doing Imagine them all with Interiors yeah no sun room Then we could do that on a different house we’ll do it on a different house I promise um let’s pick one H maybe this orange one it’s going to be dark back here though so the flat yellow side is less empty oh you talking about this side okay we’ll do it on this

Side that be kind of tough to fit in there but we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out later and I mean these aren’t all none of this is set in stone so anytime whenever we start adding in details and stuff we can make adjustments to it if need be okay they’re

Pasted see how long this takes to load I click this button I wonder if this even this might crash the game it’s not responding this mod probably doesn’t even support loading this many screenshots we’re over 10,000 screenshots in this folder right now 10,397 but this goes all the way back to

My very first screenshot in Minecraft which was June 19th 2013 ask for the screenshot goofy uh that would be was there a bazu I think so you can blame her or them arbu and BNA uh yo Kar welcome to the stream still frozen yo Raven welcome to the

Stream all right see you later J how many of those are accidental I would have to guess probably I mean it has to be like 50% especially cuz I got like I really fat finger my uh keyboard a lot and just hit buttons that I don’t mean to so probably a

Lot yeah maybe this is a bad idea let’s uh uh let’s check up on the um on the Discord did I have any inspiration piics for the Nordic Castle when I was making it can’t find any decent inspiration decent Siz Castle in Nordic style if you’re still here um um I don’t think I used any inspiration pictures I’m not positive though yeah this is a bad

Idea hey if you’re if you haven’t left a like yet and you’re watching the stream you should leave a like on the stream for this riveting content conly fat finger made keyboard a friend of mine said they think it would be funny if when doing commands I

Couldn’t slash undo things and see how a build turns out that would be funny oh it loaded oh man this this is this scrolling is uh looking good let’s see if I can skip all the way to the bottom oh I saw some June 2013 this is my first

Screenshot which I think was an accident also this is funny oh man it’s only got two loaded right now uh oh did I mess up okay no let’s go in a couple years oh let’s go to August 2014 that’s when the series started or September doesn’t look like an accident I think it

Was I think I was uh I mean I could be wrong but I think I was trying to uh figure out what which was the right button for F5 what was that skin that was Batman I was so cool so many old screenshots man there’s an old thumbnail super blurry

But lost eight viewers that’s okay that’s what the white Falls Castle used to look like by the way just a straight ripoff of BB’s Castle killing the stream ah this is oh I went up that was months after I started YouTube looking good looking good content we want yeah this is very good content isn’t It what is that call me the stream killer true oh this is from an old Server this was my first YouTube server I joined it was called the wolf tribe fan server because it was the fan server of another YouTube server called wolf Tribe negative five viers they’re missing out this one isn’t even loaded Nice I want to get to my first screenshot for uh this Series Almost There lots of that old medieval style a cathedral yeah that wasn’t me that was some friends build oh yo that’s funny that’s a funny screenshot BDubs why is it Square here it’s weird to CL no that was on like Hypixel or something wait September 2014 this should

Be oh yeah there’s oh my God what is that this is one of the first I think this is a thumbnail for for the first episode or used to be maybe man I used to take a ton of screenshots how long been working on this project uh a couple weeks I’m pretty sure they’re everybody’s just joking around jabab not going to f every single nook and cranny with houses right we’ll see probably probably Will how detail are you making them um I’m not positive well so I’m actually thinking about well I’m planning on having um letting some of the like supporters like Patron members and YouTube members texture the builds and design some of them maybe that’s why I’m just laying all these

Out uh so that’ll kind of be up to whoever ends up designing the house but uh yeah guess that’s it how much is your patreon um I think it’s $5 for the access to the server what Let’s see yeah $5 it’s not open yet the server is not open yet but hopefully soon it’ll be access to this and the um and the future plat World server okay he like purple here or something when did you had and squaded the center what made you choose

It that was a suggestion from Pride uh because this is going to be a port city uh that’s supposed to be like the crest of the city maybe haven’t totally decided on that yet but yeah squid games maybe do that’s that’s actually the real reason yes I do plan on building ships

Eventually yeah eventually that’s the key word in this this project eventually that’s the word of the day uh then maybe once we get like this moat type thing figured out we can have like a road winding along the edge of it so we’ll leave that for Now honestly you’re making great progress yeah I think so too it’s coming along way quicker than I thought it would but at this point it’s still just like pretty easy repetitive stuff and I mean right now we’re just laying up squares on the ground so that’s not too hard

But yeah once we once we get um once we get other people in here detailing the stuff it’s going to be moving along even quicker I usually spend half the process just wo playing yeah I think the most important process or part of the build process is definitely

Playing guys ever just build that is building other people detailing it yeah so I’m thinking of having uh some patrons um help me detail out these builds I’ll definitely do some of them but just to help move the process along faster uh I’m laying out all these boxes

And haven’t decided exactly how I want to do it yet but somehow I’m going to have um I’m going to open up the server for specific patrons and members to um help me out here how much is patreon by the way bit broke right now but defo

Got to get around to that it I mean I have several tiers if you want to help with this project it’s at least $5 a month cuz that’ll give you access to the server build it once out once with wool once in a creative world then once again in survival

Well once with wool once in a creative world that’s not two different things that’s part of it that’s one thing uh whatever happened to my server um we have the realm of Aston server for patrons uh which is a combination of my patrons and fixes patrons all together

On one server fix it 412 friend of mine uh and they’re building up a big survival server or a big uh medieval city in survival there uh but um I am opening up this creative server soon we’ll have a plat world that’s public to any or open to any Patron uh

And then this world will be uh chosen I’ll I’ll choose specific people on here yeah vas’s looking crazy we were on there yesterday on stream it’s it’s crazy you know what I mean I don’t I don’t really because building with wool is part of the process of building it’s not like two different

Builds uh but building once in creative and once in survival seems like a huge waste of time for me to not plan out the build I would spend so much longer on a build if I didn’t plan it out ahead of time in creative mode Um I don’t build with wool you also build on a much smaller scale though so you don’t oh I don’t wait what were you asking were you asking if I just build without planning ever was that your question then yeah I don’t Usually uh is the terain all natural here or you got to terraform if fit layout uh the terrain is mostly natural I smoothed it out a little bit with just brushes and painted it all green um but the terrain really doesn’t matter too much most of these houses are going to

Be floating above terrain anyways um I mean this road is like five blocks above the ground so um not saying it’s better yeah I mean it’s just different play Styles should I be pre-building before and haven’t got very far yeah I mean like I said it’s just different

Different play Styles I think for me I’m especially different because I’m making them for videos in yet uh we are going to have an in I think this was going to be an inn I think that was my original idea so we’ll probably do that

There we got tons of I got a whole dock of ideas for stuff to stuff to add to the city you a lore guy with your builds or do you just build what you feel like like for the most part I build what I feel like I and I try

To I try to add like lore afterwards like a minimal amount of lore most of the lore in my world has been come as like other people have come up with it but thank you for the REM membership appreciate it tier four too dang I didn’t

Even I forgot I publish that I didn’t know you were tier four unless you just changed to it thank you Brad could do a Tavern at the bottom of that orange one than in above yeah exactly I think that’s that’s what I’m going to Do lore can definitely help with making a cool uh a good build but yeah usually I just add it afterwards time is it okay I feel like we spent an hour on that screenshot that screenshot Thing uh H yeah I do want to build a smaller School in this city that’s one of the plans I Have how’s stream been it’s been pretty good we got did we get all of this done yeah I think we got all of this laid out in this stream and then the road in like this whole side besides that Gray Building there this whole side of the this road or this block

And then all of this so been going pretty Good accidentally showed a swastika earlier so pretty Good average germ stream doing something wrong Uh yeah there we Go go back point it out it’s all Good all good you weren’t the only one that pointed it out but even still it’s it’s Fine Wait for some weirdo to take take that out of context Yeah might be trimming another stream a little bit wait how did that end up different oh Yeah last time I doxed myself this time I showing stuff I shouldn’t be At least last time though nobody noticed and I was able to get or nobody pointed it out at least and I was able to get rid of it before anybody did actually has the tech literacy of a boomer apparently guess So average average germ stream yeah tune in next time where German Leakes nuclear launch codes Yeah we do a little casual Doxing yeah come on Pride don’t don’t tell Him yeah that’s a good idea Pride it’s a good idea Actually What about an extra long Building Oops like that it doesn’t need a back we’ll just connect it like that there we go here’s what has give me like one going along this way uh like a large townhouse complex H that’s a cool idea yeah let’s do that for some reason I want to make it brown Let’s uh

H how can we do this three to five identical buildings all next to each other maybe one of them is painted differently one of them can have an extension maybe one has repair is done yeah I like that five and one slope this is five I think so Like nothing’s changing okay we’ll do this by hand let’s do that and then it up five five five we’ll do four of them or five five five yeah for sure Andrew I kind of did that over here this was kind of my idea at least with these two where they’re

Basically the same just slightly different colors and Shapes um but yeah I like this idea this are going to be three wide Interiors though or four wide maybe let’s do maybe one less and let’s make them man why am I flying so fast feel like I’m flying faster than it should be there we

Go let’s do seven wide and then uh we’ll do maybe four of them that way we can Have we going have a decent size Interiors there we Go uh and then let’s do like lines in the middle to represent that they’re different buildings technically I need to do this ah boom Uh Um push it in there a little Bit What are they talking about I’m not really sure myself I’m a little lost too something about Bikini Bottom I don’t know we know tell in the city we’ll definitely have ends which kind of serve the same Process I going that big for uh what if that Brown building had one continuous roof pallet to the street but one or two had intersecting Gables Um yeah yeah we can do That blacksmith Brewery pubs ins houses Stables Etc yeah we’ll get all those somewhere in here we probably do need a new another stable somewhere pretty close by around here would probably be a good spot right through the entrance of the city we’re going to have the wall coming through

Around here going to have the um the uh industrial area over here is everyone in the city 4 meters tall yeah yeah Pride’s a massive SpongeBob fan don’t let them gasl Y here’s everything here’s everything I know about SpongeBob I watched J play the SpongeBob map yeah Fair he makeing RADS like that archon set out some points select them with the convex selection then Road Red Sandstone slab seven or sure 5 three there you go got a smooth

Road do I want to rad there it’s kind of a close SP for Road I’m going to leave that I might uh throw a rad There um okay I think I’m going to end the stream off there we made some pretty good progress today we got wow we got a big section of the city planned Out getting close to where that brick Factory should be yeah I think I don’t know I don’t know I like I said earlier I can’t decide if I want the industrial stuff to be over here or over here or both probably will have to do both for the amount of factories I want

To make but uh we’ll see we might do that we might do a brick Factory somewhere around here um this is fun stream hope to catch some more usually stream when it’s 5:00 a.m. for me rip sorry about that I’m I’ve been trying to stream at variety of times lately um

Yeah like it makes sense of the to have the brick Factory close to the castle that’s true that is true when it’s late night for you it’s early morning for me ah Gotcha all right yeah thanks for watching hopefully you all enjoyed if you did and you haven’t left a like already be sure to leave a like on the stream we’re at 97 can we get to 100 before the stream ends can we do it we’re at 61 viewers surely we

Can come on come on likes come on 98 come on you can do it you you 102 there we go thank you guys see you in the next one hopefully soon probably soon Byebye

This video, titled ‘Even MORE Medieval City Planning | Minecraft 1.20 LIVE’, was uploaded by JermsyBoy on 2023-10-25 20:58:46. It has garnered 1695 views and 135 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:32 or 9512 seconds.

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Datapacks: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Invisible Item Frames: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UpPi… Custom Roleplay Data: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… Custom Nether Portals, Armor Statues: https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/data… Climbable Chains: http://mc.voodoobeard.com ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

Resource Pack Downloads: ————————————————————————– Jermsy’s Vanilla Edits (8-6-21): https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/… ————————————————————————–

Music: ————————————————————————– All music is from Epidemic Sounds ————————————————————————–

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    15 Years of Minecraft Madness! Minecraft: Celebrating 15 Years with a Special Anniversary Map! As Minecraft enthusiasts around the world celebrate the game’s 15th anniversary, a special multiplayer map has been released to mark this milestone. The map offers a unique opportunity for players to explore and engage with the iconic world of Minecraft in a new and exciting way. What to Expect on the 15 Year Anniversary Map The anniversary map is a multiplayer experience that invites players to immerse themselves in a world filled with surprises and challenges. While the map does not focus on achievements, it provides a rich environment for… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide to Minecraft 1.21 Update

    Ultimate Guide to Minecraft 1.21 Update Minecraft 1.21 Update: Everything You Need to Know Introduction The latest Minecraft update, officially named the Triggered Trials Update, is now live as Minecraft 1.21. This update brings a plethora of new features, mobs, items, and enhancements to the game. Let’s dive into the exciting changes that this update has to offer. New Features One of the standout additions in this update is the introduction of Armadillos in the Savanna Biome. Players can now obtain Armadillo Scute from these creatures and craft Wolf’s armor using this material. The revamped armor gives wolves a more realistic appearance, making them look… Read More

  • Sun’s Fun in Minecraft: Solar Thermal Energy Explorin’

    Sun's Fun in Minecraft: Solar Thermal Energy Explorin' In Minecraft Education, we explore with glee, Solar thermal energy, a sight to see. Renewable power, shining bright, In the game, it’s a wondrous sight. Crafting solar panels, harnessing the sun, Learning and building, oh what fun. Educational facts, in every rhyme, In Minecraft world, it’s always prime. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In every line, let the truth take wing. Minecraft news, with a playful spin, In rhymes we trust, let the story begin. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Oh god, this is cringe 😫

    Well, it looks like the meme has some serious Minecraft “unpopularity points”! Read More

  • Drain the Rain, Skip the Sponge: Water Woes Unplugged

    Drain the Rain, Skip the Sponge: Water Woes Unplugged In Minecraft, sponges are not the way to go, To drain water faster, there’s a trick you should know. Sand and sponges waste time, that’s for sure, But I’ve got a tutorial to help you endure. Join me on Twitch, for a live show so grand, I’ll teach you the ropes, with a steady hand. And on BlueSky, you’ll find gaming content galore, With sneak peeks and more, you’ll never be bored. So ditch the old methods, and listen to me, I’ll show you a better way, just wait and see. No more wasting hours, just building with glee,… Read More

  • Iron Golems and Swords: The Ultimate Minecraft Fusion! 🔥😂

    Iron Golems and Swords: The Ultimate Minecraft Fusion! 🔥😂 When you have x999 Iron Golems and x999 Minecraft Swords, you better hope the Ender Dragon has a good health insurance plan! #minecraftproblems #overkill Read More

  • Coal Speedrun Chaos

    Coal Speedrun Chaos Minecraft Speedrunning: The Quest for Coal Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft as you race against the clock to obtain the precious resource of coal. In this high-speed challenge, every second counts as you navigate through the blocky landscapes in search of this essential material. The Journey Begins Our intrepid player starts by swiftly gathering resources, starting with a tree to craft basic tools. With tools in hand, they dash towards a nearby cave, the potential source of the coveted coal. The clock is ticking, and the pressure is on to secure the coal in… Read More

  • SCARY Ben 10 in Minecraft?! 👽💀 | Carnitrix Mod

    SCARY Ben 10 in Minecraft?! 👽💀 | Carnitrix ModVideo Information This video, titled ‘👽💀بن تن ترسناک در ماینکرفت؟! | Carnitrix Minecraft mod’, was uploaded by AMIRIO on 2024-06-18 18:55:16. It has garnered 843 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:32 or 932 seconds. ⚜️ Hello, how are you? … Today we came with another funny video that I hope you will like from the scary Ben Ten Carnitrix, which is very interesting! I hope you liked it, if you like it, don’t forget to like and comment!❤️ ———————————— —————————————————– ———————————– mods: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/marshys-secrets-of-the-omnitrix https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/ancient-spellcraft https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/arcane-essentials https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/electroblobs-wizardry https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/extra-spells-electroblobs-wizardry https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/heroesexpansion https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/llibrary https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lucraft-core https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/lucraft-core-id-extender https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pymtech https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/speedster-heroes https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/the-fifth-world https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/wings… Read More

  • MINECRAFT vs Roblox: First Time Play!

    MINECRAFT vs Roblox: First Time Play!Video Information I’m back again with another stream I’m not raer but I make you scream for Joy po boy enjoy this stream yeah this song is just a I make other shots head shot knock knock open up the door or the window for make me this whole song I made in 10 minutes is better this rappers put off my w w i go for to make this what as your favorite raer not I make all my backboard or TR just give me a game on a and I’m all yours I’m going off topic so what… Read More

  • EPIC Evolution In Minecraft Factions Vanguard! #1

    EPIC Evolution In Minecraft Factions Vanguard! #1Video Information [Música] fala meus manos minhas minas suave quem tá falando aqui é o mano trazendo mais um vídeo rapaziada mais um vídeo aqui de factions e nos primeiro episódio tá da nossa primeira série aqui do factions Vanguard certo Aqui nós já estamos com a Farm de fungo estamos aqui já em C e Mateus tá rind aqui porque eu t em C E eles não quer falar o nada e cara vou dar um barra aqui para vocês ver como que tá aqui como que tá o servidor ó cheio de gente e aqui tá o z… Read More

  • Insane Pixel Art: Epic USA Flag & Map in Minecraft!

    Insane Pixel Art: Epic USA Flag & Map in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘USA Flag and Map Pixel Art Masterpiece in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Game PlayMaster on 2024-02-23 15:56:00. It has garnered 643 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • InfiniteRex Minecraft SMP: Join Now for FREE Diamonds!

    InfiniteRex Minecraft SMP: Join Now for FREE Diamonds!Video Information This video, titled ’24/7 Joinable Minecraft SMP (PUBLIC) ~ 1.20.1 Java & Bedrock Survival Server | IP: kingdomsmp.xyz’, was uploaded by MyInfiniteRex on 2024-01-14 21:22:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. publicsmp #smp #minecraftlivesmp FEEL FREE TO JOIN SERVER IP Server ➟ Kingdomsmp.xyz Port ➟ 25565 … Read More

  • Prepare for Battle: Skuy Squad Takes on Ender Dragon

    Prepare for Battle: Skuy Squad Takes on Ender DragonVideo Information kemarin tu marah-marah dia eh enggak lah aku tuh baik hati dan tidak sombong kok malam ini tiba-tiba di gua e dikasih Night Vision apa Night Vision apa blind Dark blind blind kok ti-tii gua diturunin sama Teh Botol kamuagfirullah harus pakai PW Po mo Iya Bang kenapa ya Minecraft biasa nglag banget Bang eh di server gitu nglag Enggak maksudnya di single player ng tuh di single player rend render distancenya biasa Oh iya I Iya render distancenya dikecilin paling kecil sama itunya juga kalau main sendiri Iya ngapain ada pohon di bawah sini C punya aku… Read More

  • Pekora’s SHOCKING reaction to Kaela crying after Hardcore Minecraft! 😱

    Pekora's SHOCKING reaction to Kaela crying after Hardcore Minecraft! 😱Video Information [Music] try okay yeah again continue continue continue try again try again try try Hur me H me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah try again try again yeah than youill everyone once I am happy to be heref ending that’s such a perfect ending I know I don’t know I’m happy and I want to cry now it feels like a dream a week it’s super crazy week I want to say thank you so much P Senai thank you so much for um all of the Hol members and then I want to say thank you for… Read More

  • Unbelievable Skywars Victory in Minecraft! #shorts

    Unbelievable Skywars Victory in Minecraft! #shortsVideo Information h This video, titled ‘SKYWARS #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #flop #minecraftmemes #mine #craft #skywars #pvp’, was uploaded by Craftt on 2024-01-08 00:03:28. It has garnered 496 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:02 or 2 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable twist in Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Ep 35

    Unbelievable twist in Animation vs Minecraft Shorts Ep 35Video Information today I’ll be voicing over Alan Becker’s animations also if you hit the like button it’ll turn blue enjoy the video and I present to you green welcome to today’s concert I hope you enjoy the show oh hey guys this about to be fire listen up I’m about to sing I’m ready one surprise a time there was a frog and a princess they were soulmates meant to be but there’s a problem he wasn’t a frog he was build different it was me I was the Frog that’s not right yeah not a frog I can… Read More

  • Zephyr

    ZephyrSMP with a focus on the pve side of minecraft, with multiple different plugis including a bank, better dogs, AI, ranks, and grief protection, as well with a welcoming community, also working on the lore of the server, with the help of our resident AI overlord whom you can meet when you spawn in. Read More

  • Veach SMP | smp semi-vanilla

    Welcome to Veach SMP Server! If you’re interested in joining a building-based SMP server, look no further than Veach! The server is still a work in progress, and we welcome your feedback and suggestions to make it even better. Join our growing community by clicking on the Discord invite link below: https://discord.gg/gR6TGBgg6j Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Exploding sailor hat in Minecraft?”

    Looks like even the TNT is getting into the Minecraft spirit by wearing a sailor hat! I guess it’s all about fashion, even when you’re about to blow things up. Read More

  • Minecraft Sigma Boys: The Hottest Troll Face Meme!

    Minecraft Sigma Boys: The Hottest Troll Face Meme! “Why did the troll face go to Minecraft Sigma Boys? To mine for laughs and craft some mischief!” Read More

  • Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans

    Villager Trading Hall Shenanigans Minecraft Gameplay: Building a Villager Trading Hall Introduction In the latest episode of SG World’s Minecraft gameplay series, the focus shifts to constructing a Villager Trading Hall. This new project follows the successful completion of a fully automatic sugarcane farm in the previous episode. Building a Trading Hall The player, guided by SG World, embarks on the task of creating a trading hall within the Minecraft world. This ambitious project involves intricate planning, resource gathering, and strategic placement of various elements to ensure the trading hall functions efficiently. Key Features – The trading hall serves as a hub for… Read More

  • Epic GR Legend gameplay – 2hrs of Minecraft madness

    Epic GR Legend gameplay - 2hrs of Minecraft madnessVideo Information where Chris for I never installed it did I I’m s ah yes one you in chat is it by chance well that’s going on G to pull this up as well this over here so I want to quickly few people anything back oh that’s going on I want to test a couple things or cast Shadows let know what this does oh breaking n complet for how that works over here Shadows the b in the chat what’s going on bot not this for real I kind of want to try blood blood and bones honestly… Read More

  • Mastering Trap Escapes in Minecraft Brawl Stars

    Mastering Trap Escapes in Minecraft Brawl StarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT : HOW TO ESCAPE TRAPS AT EVERY RANK🤔BRAWL STARS RANK UP⬆️ #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by ASTROM YT on 2024-06-05 14:10:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, Charu ghai maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey … Read More

  • Bizarre Twist in Minecraft Gameplay with Jennifer Coolidge! Pt 1

    Bizarre Twist in Minecraft Gameplay with Jennifer Coolidge! Pt 1Video Information hi my name is Analisa your favorite dumbass and welcome aboard I don’t have my train whistle cuz I’m at my boyfriend’s apartment but uh choo choo I have been posting a lot of Jennifer coolage Minecraft videos on my Tik Tok and my Instagram and they have been doing a little too well for context there was a Minecraft movie announced for 2025 and at first they just said oh Jason M MO is going to be in it then they said Jack Black’s going to be in it then they announced out of nowhere that Jennifer… Read More

  • Boost FPS with 2024 Minecraft Mod!

    Boost FPS with 2024 Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mods Release Best 2024 Minecraft Mod That Will Boost Fps’, was uploaded by OmniOp on 2024-01-09 13:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello In this video I am releasing the best mods for PvP and fps boost watch the full video to find out ➡️ Credits – Thumbnail By … Read More

  • “OMG! I GOT SCAMMED ON MY Minecraft SERVER!” #shorts

    "OMG! I GOT SCAMMED ON MY Minecraft SERVER!" #shortsVideo Information me reportaron que un usuario está estafando a más jugadores en mi servidor Así que ahorita estoy en una cuenta alternativa para poner a prueba a este usuario este estafador está vendiendo la armadura de Bowser pero lo que reportaron es que esta armadura es falsa me puse de acuerdo con este estafador que nos íbamos a ver en la mina de peach Ah míralo Aquí está le voy a mandar intercambio me pidió un stack de manzanas de noche a ver ya me aceptó el intercambio Así que le voy a dar un stack de manzanas y… Read More

  • Ultimate MCPE Realms REVEALED! Join Now! 🚀

    Ultimate MCPE Realms REVEALED! Join Now! 🚀Video Information what is up and welcome back to a brand new video on Minecraft 1.21 anyway in this video I’m going to be showing you guys the five new best rounds supposedly on 1.21 so without further Ado guys let’s go and get right into it and as always all the ones for these will be in the description like the codes so if you guys want to go and check out any of them be sure to go and check them out in the description below but without further Ado guys let’s go ahead and get into the… Read More

  • Shocking Prank: Meicha’s Revenge on Heavenly in Minecraft!

    Shocking Prank: Meicha's Revenge on Heavenly in Minecraft!Video Information let’s see this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh no W to days [Music] [Applause] later can I ask that we do not leave May unattended it’s too late please leave her unattended she always do funny [ __ ] no she she she this is why I brought her this is why I’m I’m about to crush her head she blue tooth all my chest I love her so much I love her so whenever she feels like it she can just activate my chest from a distance and it just open and close exactly I love… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP And Bedwars with GW FAHIM 🚀🎮

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP And Bedwars with GW FAHIM 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP And Bedwars 🔥🔴’, was uploaded by GW FAHIM FF on 2024-01-21 02:57:23. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:11 or 2951 seconds. Minecraft PvP And MiniGames 🔥🔴 minecraft pvp and minigames live, minecraft pvp minigame, minecraft 1v1 minigames, minecraft pvp gameplay video, mini games minecraft server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server, minecraft bedwars 1v1 server ip, pvp minecraft challenge, minecraft pvp with subscribers, minecraft pvp live stream, minecraft pvp tournament live, minecraft pvp best player, 1v1 pvp minecraft, minecraft minigames pvp, mini games server minecraft, minecraft… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: RICHARD BLESSES ARMEN! 🔥Video Information [Music] SM wow yo broken what’s goody finally back in New York let’s go let’s go yo how was your trip bro yo Marquez let’s let’s Legend hope you guys had a good ass day we about make it even better yo it’s Thursday baby one more day until Friday baby like what like how like what oh my God bro I’m actually healing very good off of the sickness yo smoke yes sir let’s go it was fun as freak hell yeah hell yeah Brody as you should I’m going to be in basing people I’m going… Read More

  • eventyretmc

    eventyretmcEventyretmc.dk Hejsa alle sammen I er velkommen til at join Enventyretmc.dk Discord få mere info om server Info om vad der er der inde : Fede giveawes : Gode staff : fed server : gode Info God dag fra Evenentyrtmc.dk staff team Eventyretmc.dk Read More

  • Memelands – Vanilla 15+ SMP Whitelist No resets 1.20.4

    Hello everyone! Memelands is an SMP with a close-knit and driven community looking for active long term players over the age of 15. We have been playing on the current map since 2019, so there are loads of unique builds and history to discover! And we will never reset the map, so everything you build on the server will stay there forever and you don’t have to worry about a “new season” wiping your progress. We have players from multiple time zones all over the world, ensuring that the server stays active around the clock. There are events on the… Read More