EPIC Medieval House Build – Minecraft Tutorial 1.12

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Buddy and welcome back to another episode of building with sausage this is no sausage here hello everybody we’re back here again in our to tour was about to do another really cool fail today it’s gonna be special insects I promise but if you guys want to take out any of

The previous pills behind us we got a little link in the description with a playlist go check those out this whole many cool ones but we’re also using our boy germs and boys texture pack if you guys want to check that out too well its links always in the description go

Download it play with it it looks amazing everything’s gonna be fun for you to watch I promise but today I’m gonna work on a brand new medieval house something very cool I haven’t built it yet we’re gonna build it together I’m almost doing like a let’s build and I’m

Inspired as you want to build on cam with you guys hopefully you gonna like this XD I got something in my head let’s see if it comes out pretty cool with a Minecraft block is okay so let’s flip now these are the builds this is the building materials we’re gonna be using we’re

Gonna be using some spruce wood the whole family is spruce so we uses a white concrete some stone bricks stone brick stairs some dark oak dark oak stairs we might bring a couple things along the way but we’re gonna start high that’s the back of my head let’s go okay

So let’s see we let’s work on an outline first like say I’m thinking about let’s start over let’s just start right here first block of the day right BAM perfect alright let’s go so that’s the first block low spruce I’m thinking about doing like a little porch somewhere so

This will be the porch just work on the porch first I’m thinking about doing maybe one two three no way this technique one two three four five six so a little sit maybe seven seven so a little porch and then we do a little else oh do another seven is one two

Three four five six seven so do a little set me make sure to make sure it’s amid okay so a little porch right here and we’re gonna get in I’m thinking about that see hmm let’s do a little stair up right here with dark oak right about here like

A little too up let’s drop this in here let’s do a little upside down stair here maybe drop another one right here and then just do a little upside down stair here a little upside down stair right there we might put something underneath it but that’s fine for now

A little stair up here and then maybe go up one more here one more here let’s actually cover all these up like that and then maybe do a little fence job let’s do spruce maybe a little spruce fence let’s just get rid of this for now

Just for now and then do something like that so a little front porch action get that back and then we’re coming in okay now I’m thinking about maybe going in by two again right there and then mmm maybe sealing this off right there so that’s a little front porch okay

But then this is the front right here so that’ll be going up there let’s see as she called on let me take that out for a sec we’re gonna go right here I’m thinking okay and then actually it’s do that let’s do a double right that’s fine

And then let’s fill this all in with dark oak right about there there there there and there and then let’s do a little upside down stair here and a little upside down stair here so this will be the front and I’m thinking also ceiling and this off

Right here too perfect so that’ll be the front door right here okay so let’s start this up so let’s go up here by three on that like that okay perfect now I’m thinking so front door be there and then we can give it maybe another space let’s see let’s go down let’s actually

Go with the brick here just go up on the brick one layer so we’re going and she always should be brick now let’s replace that all this should be because it’s like the base on the bottom so we’re gonna go to a two wide entrance let’s put

Me too upside down stairs right there okay so this is this cavities block so this is one two three four five six seven let’s do eight nine okay oh I hit my mic right in the face okay it’s fine so nine right there uh and let’s see so

Let’s kinda get those one two three four five six seven eight nine let’s see nine let’s do ten eleven okay and then at the end I’m gonna drop let’s see let’s drop this right here so we’re gonna go up here let’s go up one two three four okay

Let’s do let’s keep this going it’s quote by four and all of these uh here what are we gonna do we should do a little window let’s see maybe we could do something like this and then maybe something like this that looks cool and then we could cover maybe this two

Across okay so this would be the window sale so let’s do actually something to spruce here in here here and here and here let’s do like three big old windows there’s a 1 here and then to the side so that’s cool right there perfect and then

Let’s take this up one more like so and then we’re gonna crossbeam all of these going down like that okay perfect so we had that cool window right there now I’m gonna twist this down let’s turn this down let’s go from here so this is

Gonna be this is 1 so 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 let’s do a 13 on this side 13 perfect and then he replaced that one go up and we’re gonna meet up with this and let’s actually just crossbeam all this

Just how we have it right here and you know what I have a feeling this is might be too many windows so let’s do this let’s get rid of these little windows I’m gonna squish gonna put white concrete going up just like that yeah that’s better

I’m think I’m sealing this off too so let’s do that let’s bring you some tutors to the rich blocks so let’s go up here on this one too I might just go up again on that let’s do it again let’s repeat this make it a little cement

On this side and do this again naka so and I’m thinking let’s do something off here let’s maybe do one here and then we could do will you do a nice fireplace here so let’s for now I’m just gonna seal this off I’m just gonna seal this

Off for now I might bring in a regular brick for that but just remember fireplace is going there here we could do a nice window so it’s do something like this double window right here and seal that off okay perfect okay now let’s go back on this side let’s see

What can we do over here let’s do the same thing again so this count this is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 okay and then here I’m gonna go ahead and put this one down let’s go up again to there do another crossbeam meeting up

Here and then we could do another little something here and then it’s do this again so then this is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 and then that’s 13 okay perfect so that’s 11 by 13 let’s also seal this up again also rahi

Ah come come come all the way down and then here we could actually do something over here which might be pretty cool let’s do a little something-something right there that’s fine no actually no there not that one let’s do this one and you know what back here

We could do a mini a mini-horse table just so you could part your horse here would be pretty cool something small though maybe something very small something like a – a horse can fit in there and then maybe an extra – right there you can seal this part off and then have a

Small horse here small horse here and then maybe a little storage extra in the back here and then maybe just go up right here maybe something like that actually no we can actually pop it up pop it up by one extra and maybe do something like this

Something like that a little a little extra something something here and then maybe go up by four right here and then here we can just seal this off if we’re gonna do it like that so then let’s just do something like this maybe on every other one something like this seal this

That off and then here I should just do one on every one of these like so and here we could drop this down have a second stair to go down right on this side so this curves goes around and we have two ways in one over here one over

Here and then maybe do a nice sort of overhang on that and we have a nice little tiny baby stable here that’ll be pretty cool and then see all this up you don’t want a window here if you didn’t want to open a window with a horse’s poo

It’s gonna be nastiness think so don’t do it and then seal all these off if we do it like that that looks pretty cool maybe a window take this out maybe put a window here small window maybe something like this something that would be that’s not bad

Actually that’s a nice little spot for a window little window right down the side and then here we could just steal this off something like so crossbeam maybe right here crosby maybe Rick right there and a little cross beam right about here and then just seal this off to the top right

Here this is looking pretty cool there we go seal that and seal that and then we have a tiny little thing thing I won’t feel figure this out but for now maybe something like that something like that and then you can go in a little baby stable right there and then we’ll work

On a little roof in a second but let’s work on the next level and I’m thinking about maybe the way we’re gonna do this is let’s we could pop it out let’s see if we go like this and we pop out maybe one on this side

And then or do we go in one more pop out right here maybe do it like a nice little trim around here yeah let’s do that so come around this way come around this way come around like so pop this out and we’re gonna go all the way down to the

End and then maybe pop this out one more lack of a yes so it’s gonna be pretty cool there we go so a nice little pop out here on the bottom we could work on something with spruce disease maybe something like this on every other one and then we’re working our little little

Roof Ridge here in a second but let’s go all the way around like so here let’s just leave this up because I’m not sure how we’re gonna do this roof here but let’s keep going all the way around this direction oh and we still gotta fill in

This backside don’t let me forget this let’s go all the way around like this first though and here let’s just leave that open for the fireplace chimney action goes something like Oh hold on this is weird hold on I did this bad one here wait hold on there

There let’s just do fill it in and we’ll figure that after there okay now here in the back hmmm Lexie let’s just fill this in again with that beautiful concrete let’s go in one more on here let’s do the same thing on this side we might do

Like a little back door over here somewhere something maybe off to the side right here let’s actually go in one more here one more here and maybe we’ll do a nice little back here let’s see let’s grab the dark oak and then we’ll do something

Like this pop it out maybe down here do something like so right here a little back porch area maybe lower this down drop some of these and we have this little area and then we can go upside down stair here upside down stair here and then maybe do a little fence job

Give me this fence over here fence job over here and that there and there and here we can change it all up we can actually do a whole dark oak door big door like right here like this and maybe do a stair with a dark oak right about here

We had a baby window here uh something like that might look pretty cool and then we can just maybe slab this up for now and then we have a back door that’s cool okay nice now for this part here how we’re gonna do this let’s see if we

Do a little a a little roof here I’m thinking for doing a small roof we might be able to just go with maybe dark oak going like so all the way around maybe all the way like this and then here we could work with after the stair we can work with some

Slabs and then go all the way around like so and then next team let’s do some slab action and then we’re gonna do the outside border in dark oak and then the inside border we’re gonna do it with maybe some suppose or something like that I’ll be pretty cool so they see

Something small something like this if you do it like that then it’ll be level to this which will be pretty cool because then we’ll do something like that oh no it actually goes right underneath that’s perfect that’s perfect so let’s grab some spruce and then we’ll run this

Pattern all the way down like that oh that’s uh this is working out right there a little stable here just you can park your horse before you go in your house that’s awesome something like that and then in the inside we can literally just lift that

Up right here and then here we can maybe do the Spruce and cover that up spruce and cover that up and then in the inside we can do spruce here come on it’s just there it’s there and that’s the dark oak so we won’t even won’t be able to see

That but we can actually just take this out and lift this up maybe until you can’t see anything up there we go you can’t see anything else inside oh that’s perfect space that’s perfect all right so you guys face for two little staple pieces right there that is awesome okay

Now next up Oh another thing we can actually put that here and we can actually I think put that in there we’re safe oh that’s cool alright love it alright now next up let’s work on a little something over here now I’m thinking about doing something to break

This up a little bit so if this is one two three four if you do five so let me see seven one two three four five six seven eight nine I think that’s gonna be something cool watch this I’m thinking about something about a right here so thinking about breaking this up maybe

Doing a process being here for a second and watch this something different let’s see if we could change the style up a little bit so something here bring this up this four one two three four one two three four just over here one two three four one two three four I think probably

Five might do the trick this to a five all the way around all the way like this now over here let’s bring in the dark oak again full block dark oak and let’s move the dark oak all the way out here like this like so and now we have a

Little little expansion here of coolness what’s this so here we’re gonna go let’s do the same trick oh no the same cheek we’re doing right here on all these corners and then put the white concrete on that end right here then I’m gonna drop the white concrete in the middle

Just so I can match the bottom give it a nice little flare to that makes it just a little bit uniform to it but it’s cool but it’s nice at the same time no something like this and then it’s got the white concrete in the middle one two three

Four it’s just before I’m gonna do a cross beam on the top like this one two three four one two three four leave that open one two three four one two three four and then on the tops of these I’m gonna do little cross beams like that like that like that actually I

Should cross beam the whole row but we’ll do that in a second like that so that goes all the way around now out here it’s gonna be like a little outdoor just hang out patio here here right on the outside of this house it’s pretty cool all the way around like this and

Then we get the fence all the way around give me that fence fence all the way around like so and I might even do a little overhang to it but that’s fine for this one I’m just gonna go on every other one like this like that like that oops hello there we

Go and like that and then cross beam all of these guys uh and then I might do a window here a window over here I might do another window over here and then do a door right about there there and then drop the little white right on top and

Then those are window those are doors you come outside to that day right super cool now for this one I might do a little babe window looking kind of thing so maybe do something like this this and then we’re gonna get some glass I’m thinking about yellow

I don’t know throwing that out the yellow is very sexy on our board germs of boys pack some ones go one two three three three one two three oops one two three go like this on this side go like this on this side break that off do a little flat the

Same thing we did on the other side drop this around like so and then actually if you do a crossbeam here we might be able to take it up one more yeah actually let’s take it up one more right here here here drop this there and there and then we

Can just bring it up on one but like that and that so we had that big ol window right there that’s really cool we could add extra windows there but I’m thinking about leaving that there for now this thing we’re gonna just bring it up you

Know what I’m gonna bring in the brick let’s just bring in that sexy old brick and we’re gonna go there let’s take that out let’s take this out let’s take this one out for now and we’re gonna do a big old brick thing right here let’s go up

Like this and I’m gonna do a quad of this so this is gonna go all the way up like so let’s take these out here let’s take actually should do we want to do that in that I think we might leave them both so we’re going all the way up

And do a little quad fireplace slash chimney going all the way up just so we can have it just like this just for now just leave it like that for now we’ll bring some more of anything after and I might leave it flush like that usually I

Do a little bit of flare stuff maybe do something that goes all the way around like so but I’m thinking about maybe just leaving it or if we want to fantasy it up we can do something like this just fantasy it up a little bit something

Like that and just go crazy with it I don’t know we could do something something like that and just play around with the bottom I don’t know we’ll just play it leave it like that for now something like maybe that I don’t know we couldn’t even like that let’s play

Around let’s leave it like that for now okay now over here we’ll do the same thing we could do the same exact thing with these windows let’s grab this again let’s grab a phat again and then we could do one more little bay window right over here and we could do let’s

See bump up but oh no that’s not how we had it so like that that that go up with the windows here 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 crossbeam and you and then drop the little glass panes on the side right

There and then do that same little window trick we got that that and that oh baby that is looking really cool I love this this is also this is so cool okay now let’s work on a little roof Ridge now on top of this Oh before that

What am i doing we forgot about this this one’s gonna be easy this was just gonna cover this cross beam that we could just do another one of these here let’s do that that and then we can actually close these off hold on so this would be going here yeah okay

That’s fine and I’m thinking yeah we could do we could actually do a double window let’s just do a double let’s see this one looks a little weird so I’m just gonna take this out even though it makes sense I’m just gonna cover this something it says I wanted to match that

In and then we could do you could do it window like this it’s do a double right here and then maybe a single double on a single just to make it look a little different that’s cool and then we had that all the way around and then we can

Even if he wants you can just bring in the glass panes already just to lay it down on all of these oops right there right there bring this in here yeah there we go okay that big ol window there get this here do a little small window right

There we got small windows here here there and in the back we have this small little guy right there as cool and I think that was it yes it is okay now let’s get the dark oak let’s see oh there no dark oak there we go so we’re

Gonna do that that get rid of this for now put that here and we’re gonna work out this actually you know what I think I want to do hmm nice is the wood wood wood tops so dark oak like this we’re gonna go all the way around it all the

Way down covering this beautiful chimney up a little bit all the way down like so all the way down this way pop it out one more and then we’re gonna do another one here and then you know what I might do something special this hold on mmm actually let’s just do

This for now and then we’ll tweak it if anything going on oh all the way like this all the way like this and now let’s do upside down stair here it stops it down stair here the chopper for block this to upside down stair full block

Upside down stair and I’m just gonna go like that gonna repeat that full block upside down stair pattern so we get to the top I don’t want to make too much of a huge gigantic roof so like this it’ll look pretty quiet so we’re gonna go all

The way up one up hello one up here one up here let’s go keep it going there there full block stair stair to pop out log right there pop along here full block there and let’s just drop upside down stair for that so yeah that’s a good roof right there that’s good maybe

Right here also do a little upside down stair action right there perfect alright so you know what let me repeat this roof I’m gonna repeat this on this side and then I’m just gonna go and fill the middle part in with some spruce and that’ll be pretty cool ok give me a

Second this is gonna be pretty awesome alright we did the roof look at this okay so we just pretty much just filled it all in it’s very plain very basic very boring right now but we’re gonna play with it I also lift the chimney up a little bit so we’re really pretty much

Just one layer above that right there which is pretty cool now let’s work on detail stuff well first off let’s work on this middle area right here let’s make something cool I’m thinking about putting a log straight up straight up into here let’s drop that little upset

And say we did on the other side over here I’m thinking about maybe just going one log here one log here and now we got space for some cool maybe a possible double windows but hold on actually you know what let’s take that out let’s go

One here on this end right there and now in here I’m gonna go ahead and drop that white concrete hide it in there right here and there let’s drop that here and here now for this one let’s do this this with a little cross beam right here like

So let’s drop that white maybe back in here and hide that white bring a little more white in there that’s nice oh that’s pretty something like that and then maybe a little a little window right here and right there two little windows right there that looks freaky that’s pretty cool I

Don’t know I think or I don’t know I like that actually but then if we do that let’s do two little windows like this that looks actually wait actually you know what let’s change this up how about if we do hmm let’s take this out here

Let’s take these out what if we do two bigger windows just like that but let’s use trapdoors as as windows instead of so just we could break up the yellow something like this my look cooler yeah I like that something like that that looks pretty cool that looks very night

That something like that looks really awesome if we want we can even play around with this and add a couple extra windows here and do them this style as well just to change it up a little bit do something like that that looks actually I like that I like

That just to gather a little different feel to a little difference in flame yeah like that okay now let’s repeat that pattern on the other side so let’s see we could do it fast that we know we’re doing that so let’s go up one two three four one two three four

This all the way in the middle till we get to the tippy top right and is squeezed in perfect we got the white that went up one two here one two here we did a little stair here here here here cover this with white right in

There one right in here and we use that cool trap door to give it a different look to it so we got that and we have that right there sweet now we’re gonna do the same thing and just rip that up rip that up and then one there and there

One there and there Oh baby that is so sweet now we can even do just to give it even more let’s grab our slab again here get rid of this for now and then maybe do like a little overhang ish thing right there on the top maybe do

Another one here and here just to give it a little overhang to that that looks pretty cool we might even add some flower boxes on that that’s pretty cool let’s do another one on right there and wait we edit it here the top right let

Me go back do we put another tippy tippy or we put it right on the edge I think we put it right on no right on the tippy top part over there above this there that’s cool so right there and there and then maybe add one here and add one

There oh that’s good I like that I like that that’s pretty cool now for this part here this is what I’m thinking I’m thinking about maybe like a little swooping group something like this but not that looking like that maybe something like swoops down a little bit

Maybe if we lift the corners up just to help it out bring in this here maybe this here and then let’s get some dark oak slab drop this maybe right at this level I think might be pretty cool something like so going all the way down

Like that and then if we go up wait do we want to really take it out one more I think we want to get out one more and then go like this goes up wait hold on up up and then connect to that I think that might be it

Let’s do it so up one up there and then in the middle oh what if we just do all dark oak all the way down I’m thinking about that let’s do dark oak all the way down like this instead of bringing in the Spruce maybe that might look a

Little cooler just a little bit like a little extension of this roof but not exactly because then it will bring it out we’ll see we could tweak let’s see going all the way down like that oh I like that I’m thinking though let me think let me think let me think if

That’s cool because we have it like this might be better just on that corner just here because I don’t like the way that stare looks at the end something like that might set it off a little better and then we can do on every other one to get a little bit more detail

Oops something like this just to set it off a little bit more like that oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh I like that I like that I like bail out I like it a lot I think we’re keeping that oh cool yes okay nice we could just do offense instead of

These in here just to change it up a little bit some usually do that but I think if we maybe just do offense I think it might look good still instead of having those logs every other one let’s change it up a little bit like

That okay so we have this look that is really cool I like that angle right there and we’re not done yet we’re still working let’s do some more stuff now down here if we’re gonna do something like this we can might as well maybe do something here too let’s see what this

Would look like if we do something like that let’s see yeah I think here we could leave those but let’s see if we do dark oak here again and we do something to step up here as well something like this hold on its do one two one two how would

This look now let’s bring it all the way down I don’t want to hit my head or anything so I don’t know if this will work yeah this will definitely hit your head so what if we raise it let’s raise it maybe one more like right here just

On the ends maybe and on the middle that’s just reasonably right here okay so what if we do here dark oak all the way around like so definitely can sneak in here now that’s fine and then here dude – and here do also a su and then bring this all the way around

Do all this all the way this way oops oops there you go and then do a 2 and a 2 and let’s see something let’s bring this all the way around oops here might have to take those out but that’s fine this way to look pretty

Cool all the way around and then he all the way around um yes I’m thinking about yeah let’s take this out let’s do all the ways all the way around like this just so we can have that there we go and we have that all the way around that

Looks pretty cool I like this here it’s similar to this but I’m thinking about here maybe we do bring this in in the middle just one line maybe let’s see take leave that there maybe all the way up and just leave the corners I think

Might be ok there we go yeah I think that breaks it up a little bit that’s cool that’s cool I love that let’s keep all that now for this roof we’ve got to do something we’re gonna make it look nice so I’m thinking about maybe two big

Pop outs here maybe one right here on this end maybe that’s coming here for singing maybe one here and take a space of three maybe another one here and then if we do that same mirror job on this side we’re gonna take away this one two three here and drop in this guy

In here space of one two three one more and then one two three Lexi something like so two big windows right there might look pretty cool I think I just want to overdo it maybe drop it down by two and think and then cross beam probably right there cross

Beam probably right about there lexi and then if we twist it twist will probably happen right about here let’s knock this down knock this down knock this down knock all these twist it here here maybe even pop it out but if we pop it out with should be dark oak right there there

Oops oops everywhere there we go hello there you go do something like this maybe continue that pattern with the two full blocks two stairs get the wood out and in the wood would probably be right the air perfect and it lines up it lines up and then bring this down upside down

Stair just for now just like that oh baby that is awesome now we if we do this we got to seal this up here and seal this up right there same thing on this side like this and like that over here I’m not sure what to put we can

Even knock these out go up with two stairs I mean two too low something like this maybe do upside down stair here and here maybe stairs here and there and then maybe grab a trapdoor or something like that we really had one I want us and then do a little trapdoor here and

There just to make it a little cool I think and then if we do anything here I’m thinking we could do a big window of anything watch this I see what we can do with this may be a big shock oh no if we do hold on do a big giant window I

Wouldn’t look I don’t think full block I think slab but let’s just see what this would look like let’s grab that load room here maybe drop a log ooh nasty drop a log in here drop a log going that way and then upset downstairs here and we have these big old windows

But I think it would do it with the pain instead of a full block I think so let’s knock this out and then full block look good but I think pain is the way to go right there oh hello there you go perfect Oh something like that oh that is really cool

Oh that is awesome now you know what let me repeat the on this side and I’ll be right back with you guys and we’ll continue the bill oh this is looking awesome music it alright we did it it’s looking amazing look at that that is a good combination of window right there man

Only thing I want to add is maybe right here just for looks just to make it cool I might right here in the middle just had a tiny window right here let’s just do let me come inside here let’s do a little log placement do a little something like this

Let’s go up by two up by two thinking it’s drop a little tiny thing right here like that like that let’s do this this I am maybe umm what do you want to know let’s take that out let’s do let’s actually do this just right there in the middle tiny little window

And then we can bring in this guy and right there little tiny baby window right there in the center just makes it look cool I’m thinking maybe wait hold on let’s switch this up let’s do a dark oak here cuz it just doesn’t look right there we

Go and then that’s fine there we go a little tiny baby window right there on that side yeah and I just add just a little bit more to it but if we wanted even Hornets maybe take these out let’s do one two one two and then here I could

Do a little dark oak right there and there might be a little lower let’s do maybe here and there seek this neck see something something like no let’s see maybe a whole row that actually hmm it’s okay maybe a slab here instead just to change it up just a tad dark oak slab

Let’s take that window out and let’s see yeah yeah yeah there we go that’s a cool little look I like that that’s really awesome okay now next up let’s go and work on this side so for this side I’m gonna pretty much I’m thinking about repeating the same thing we did here so

By doing that we’re just gonna remove this this this this end of that remove these here remove this here let’s go 1 2 1 2 we’re gonna pop this out is that what you pop here here and here chorus beam right there go up 1 2 3 1 2 3

Take this sideways sideways go out one more if we’re gonna do one more just here they’re upside down stare upside down stare full block full block stare stare meeting up right here with a crossbeam is I’m falling I’m fine frost beam all the way up and then we’re gonna

Move that all the way down do a little upside down stare bum for now cross beam is gonna go here and another one going up there upside-down stare and then we’re gonna connect the dots right in the middle with these beautiful blocks rain your bubble and one more on this

Side so Bam Bam and dropped perfecto and then we’re just gonna fill this in here right there there there and perfect now upset on stare of the dark coke on both sides – over here on this side and we got that window done now for this

Side it looks empty here but we can’t really I don’t think we can repeat this because this isn’t the way but all we could do is maybe we could do two little windows like this watch this if I come let’s see we can do this so one two one

Two or maybe just one cool thin one let’s see how this looks like I see let’s pop one here and here so we’re gonna match that right there we’re gonna go one two one two and then we’ll just match this we’re gonna do a little version of this window here let’s

Say take that out a little strip going up let’s see maybe a little upset downstairs here maybe one there and then maybe just a full block okay we bring in a log here I don’t know let’s see a little something here Oh though this would have to be though no no this would

Have to be there there there there there then we can definitely go out like so and a little window light actually that looks really cool that looks that looks really good actually take that out let’s do like a double of this here maybe upside down inside I’m falling I’m

Chrono Cross payment perfect and then we’re dropping these right there that is really cool I like this and then maybe just a little upside down stair action right there and just to bring that all the way down that’s good let’s see something oh that’s looking nice actually let’s bring in the trap

Door too and then we’re gonna drop the trap door right inside there drop the trap door here and inside as there I’ve seen this go on this side that is awesome look at that alright cool now another thing let’s work on this little chimney part I think

Well right here let’s just drop anvils on the top and then drop just a little layer right there of the extra break and then to give it a little bit of detail because we have these cool little looks around here every once in a while I

Might just go in and drop a couple stairs just going up just like this upside down stair here maybe one there maybe on this side drop another one right there oh no I want to upside down maybe like that and maybe one over here oops like

That that looks cool maybe one on this side all right about here I like that that’s also just give it a little bit of brokenness to it that’s awesome maybe adding I think it may be going a little higher on this one maybe up to there

Bring it to the side maybe here a couple more there and maybe another one there face one maybe this direction like that and you maybe just add to here and maybe one this way yeah just to thicken it up a little bit maybe drop a little stair here yeah there we go

That’s cool there it is all right now we’re pretty close to the end now a little thing let’s just do some little flare outs here thinking about maybe popping this out do something like this and then in every other one we can drop exercise I don’t want to go too crazy on

The roof something like that something like that and then come down like so just putting slabs right here I think it’d look nice right there and then another one there and then we got all this maybe one like this and then we’re doing that here we got that we got that

Oh that is cool oh you know what let me take this little piece out let’s put a stair right there instead Oh baby I think that’s good yep that looks nice a little right there we have all those pieces oh man this is it Oh what do you guys think man this came

Out awesome this came out awesome now little details we could do here is yeah you know for your horse stable I’m thinking about maybe just having gay just on a regular fan ski because we do with dark oak just so you have a little horse here you go like that like that

That’s perfect of anything if you wanted a little more detail maybe just a couple little trap doors right there just to add a little something extra that looks cool anything around here we would add different I don’t think a roof here we need one for the back porch so I’m gonna

Leave that just like that that looks perfect add some doors and so of course but that is awesome look at this thing oh so cool so cool let’s see how much space we have on the inside oh man the inside is full of space look at this if anything just drop some doors

Right here one side door on the other side for flooring best thing for flooring I’m thinking is maybe add a little bit of gravel and a little bit of stone add some cobble I think cobble look good cobblestone and just mix that all down here you know you probably use primarily

Cobble all the way around just randomly splatter it from flooring this is how I would do it just like this random splatter primary block will be cobble and now I would drop in and just some stone on certain spots just just pepper it in like so pepper in some stone like

That like this and then drop in little bits of gravel in here if you want so just to make it even dirty but if you want to make it fancy I would just say just bring in the stone if you want to make it really dirty though I say bring

In the cobble with the the gravel but if you want to make a little fancy there’s a fancier house let’s not go grab on here that’s still in regular stone like that boom so we have this nice little textured floor separating the rooms those separating everything I might even

Do like over here maybe some drop down some ports maybe one here maybe one here maybe one more right here and have this come out a little bit right here so little supports there will be kind of cool just to have this overhang supporter a little bit and you

Have a nice little hallway to come in have a big old fireplace here kitchen kitchen fireplace combo over here dining room stairs I might sneak the stair in over here on this end so we might do like a little something here that you might maybe block this off on this side

You just block this off and have a stair go up right here maybe an L going up right here then definitely you would have maybe a crossbeam to separate that at one point here and then this there would have okay then we have these rooms here I want

Just to cross beams right around here just for extra support I’ll do every every two like so and then you have this this one I would just probably cross beam double cross right there a double cross maybe right here here oops right here and here and then

If anything just slabs or I would slab this up so maybe a spruce slab going all the way down here here and then another extra stair probably where the chimney section would be maybe back here in this end do a spiral to get to the next step

But you know what I might save this for a special interior only episode what do you guys think just to do a big ol interior episode but we got this all open pretty cool and then I would just seal this up right at this end or we can

Even do a spiral staircase to get on both ends on both sides but one of these definitely to save some space it’s always good to do like a little spiral staircase at one point but this is where I would seal this area off right here right about Leah

Oops that’s missing olive oh I’m messin all that up hello there we go cover all this up right about here so this is this floor level next floor level will definitely stop probably right here at this end right here and then this one I would probably cross

Beam every other one going all the way down just like so cross beam cross beam all of these so you get to the very end just like that meeting up on this point right here oops cross all these and then at one point yeah definitely sneak a

Spiral staircase and one area or another or you can even ladder it up so I will just go all the way up like so and then this will be floor level for the third floor so this is a big old house up here you can even get rid of that piece

Plenty of space you can even do a little loft up here even do another section to get up maybe even leave some open spaces but here I’ll do cross beams going all the way around and then you have your way up way in to the balcony out here

Double door or you can just a single door in the middle doesn’t have to be double you can have it just like that and we have more room out here for more awesome stuff but man you know imma do interior I’m gonna save it for just an interior inspired episode everyone’s

Been wanting it this video has been pretty long but hopefully you guys did enjoy this build I love it this is a fantasy it’s definitely a fantasy not beginner version house and it’s awesome and I love it so much this is super cool that’s super cool but hopefully you guys

Did enjoy this I’m gonna be building a lot more of these around the way let me know if there’s any other builds you want me to try out and I might try it out up on another episode coming up but thank you everybody for watching this

Has been a cool episode I’ll see you on the next one alright see you guys later ba ba

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Building with Sausage – Advanced Medieval House [Vanilla Tutorial 1.12]’, was uploaded by TheMythicalSausage on 2018-03-20 18:00:00. It has garnered 39580 views and 909 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:59 or 2999 seconds.

Today we’re building an advanced medieval house! Enjoy the let’s build!

►Building with Sausage: Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLeGutrNBca_3U5HES59K7PqQhOAVR6k9J

===================================================== MY SEXY LINKS BELOW:

►Discord ➜ https://discord.gg/A83Ejwq ►Youtube [2nd Channel] ➜ http://www.youtube.com/mythicalsausage ►Twitter ➜ http://www.twitter.com/MythicalSausage ►Twitch ➜ http://twitch.tv/MythicalSausage ►Instagram ➜ http://www.instagram.com/mythicals_minecraft


► Vanilla Texture Pack:

A Little Taste of Jerm 1.12 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_55SP6sG_VJ0kQpj562cgam6AuJ36jZp/view

A Little Taste of TerraCotta 1.12: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AXtGwwlyy11rH2Xyo_TM1FZYOYHFZqrf/view

================================================== === Music: ►Joakim Karud https://soundcloud.com/joakimkarud

►DJ Quads https://soundcloud.com/DJQuads


Intro Clip

Animation: ►Twitter: @VansDesign_ ►Website: https://vansdesign.net/

Music: ►ProleteR https://www.youtube.com/user/proleterbeats https://www.facebook.com/ProleteR.beats http://proleter.bandcamp.com/


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    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: https://playerduo.net/62e7d4b353b9095d2c55aeb8 + Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/kronus2/tip — Social Media: + Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gaming/kronusgenovius + Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kronus_genovius — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON mc.baksoo.my.id Read More

  • MasterRealm – Semi Vanilla

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season! 🎉 Hey everyone! Master Realm’s new season is live, and it’s packed with awesome updates! 🌟 What’s New: Explore a Corrupted World: Dive into a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, structures, mobs, and items. Season Theme: The Corrupted Chunks. Venture into a world full of corruption and mystery with increasing dangers and Blood Moons. Economy & Trading: Robust economy with coins, an auction house, exclusive kits, and custom items. Slimefun Enhancements: New machines and gadgets for exciting crafting. 100 New Dungeons & Bosses: Challenge… Read More

  • CommunityCraft SMP! discord.gg/CommunityCraft!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.communitycraft.live (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine: Too Spicy for Easy Additions

    It’s like trying to convince a Minecraft player that diamonds are just as common as dirt – not gonna happen! Read More

  • Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness

    Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Stressmen and Odo Kentang, always ready to thrive. With NightD24 and ElestialHD, they create a scene, Filled with laughter and joy, in every frame that’s seen. Kulpi Semungku channel, bringing animation to life, With funny videos and unique experiences, free from strife. Haikal Hibatulloh, the mastermind behind the scenes, Editing models and maps, creating vibrant dreams. So like, subscribe, and share, to support their art, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity sparks. Watch and enjoy, the moments so grand, In every video, crafted by their hand. Read More

  • ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente!

    ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #trending Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681 Minecraft Adventures in Episode 681 Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this episode, Lờ Đờ Vờ takes us on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft. Let’s dive into the highlights of this epic adventure! Exploring New Horizons In this episode, our intrepid explorer embarks on a quest to discover new lands and resources. Armed with nothing but their wits and a trusty pickaxe, they traverse vast forests, scale towering mountains, and delve deep into mysterious caves. Along the way, they encounter a variety of creatures, from friendly villagers to… Read More