EPIC Melon Hunt in Hardcore Minecraft Twins Ep7

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Hello everybody hi how are you so uh yeah sorry it took me a bit longer I was wearing completely the wrong skin hang on let me just take this stuff off and actually check if I’m wearing my Explorer outfit that looks good yes I am wearing my Explorer outfit that’s very

Good uh yes so my God there’s tons of you here amazing okay hi everybody hi baby hi Luciano hi oh Sean is here flowers yay okay uh yeah dark B hey Doc how are you oh my God there’s so many people here that’s amazing we’re going to have

A party okay and I think I look look I’ve got I’ve got I’ve traded for some Diamond gear I need a little bit more trading stuff hell what are you doing up here don’t D this is not safe he wanted some fresh air I think it’s very hot and stuffy in there

Because he’s working like a maniac oh my God how is everybody yeah it’s raining out there don’t go out there it’s not nice honestly it’s not nice okay so this guy is now is Panda my boyfriend no panda is not my boyfriend panda lives in America and I live in

Scotland and we are really good friends but we’re definitely not boyfriend girlfriend Panda did you hear that oh panda is I can’t I can’t hear Panda anymore Panda has disappeared out of the call oh he’s muted his microphone okay Panda can’t hear me at the moment

He’s muted his microphone no no I am married to Blacky uh who you sometimes see in my videos uh and we’ve been married for nearly 30 years so yeah we’ve been married a very long time so I need 29 emeralds to get myself a nice chest plate sorry sir I haven’t

Got about it’s 17 I’ve got 17 I haven’t got enough yeah no he’s not my boyfriend but he’s my very very very lovely friend okay so what have I got in my inventory o yes melons I needed to trade these let’s see and the the the tra

Right now you’re here in Tippy hello hi hey Sean well I just had the most hilarious question I mean it’s a good question because people don’t know us right yeah the the the the trades are not refreshing Happy Thanksgiving everybody yes uh yeah they wanted to know if you’re my

Boyfriend if I am yes no I’m maybe no I I was going to say maybe best friend best yeah yeah definitely very good friend definitely very very good friend but I think there would be some people in your life who would complain about that and in my life too yeah might

Yeah we we definitely have other people in our Lives who might not think that’s a kind of so great okay so yeah I just I know I’m good friends I am good friends though with uh with Blacky so yeah yeah exactly exactly oh you thought Panda was my

Brother okay well I tell you what don’t tell Panda please oh no I’m sorry I’ve done it I’ve done it I’ve told Panda I’m sorry I told P it’s fineo I’m already here F it’s fine he can see the chat he can see the chat Lano don’t

Worry about it it’s like we didn’t really explain what our relationship is we’re really good friends um yeah we’re not related at all but I would say that if I had a brother uh you know I think panda is the closest thing I have to an a Minecraft brother

Right oh actually yeah yeah totally totally I mean yeah sorry Sean the redeems are still not working I have not gotten them to work I don’t know what’s panda is my panda is my Minecraft and YouTube brother and honestly it’s like we’ve never really met in real life but

We really want to because we’re just really really good friends and I think we’re going to have an absolute ball um I just remembered that I can’t trade U melons to these guys because their trades are not refreshing because they are too far away from yeah we got we got

To do something about that we got to figure out how to lock them into an actual and also we were going to trade some emeralds for iron iron for emeralds no iron for emeralds and we’ve got tons tons and tons of iron now I AFK for a

While got oh my God we’ve got so much IR I’m going to talk to this chap here and see if we can get some more aha yeah okay we need to give him a little break because he has given me uh his I don’t

Know where his bed is um I think it’s my bed or or his job block well no earlier when I came to make it daytime he was standing at the door it was middle of the night okay so his bed is somewhere else okay um how do we find out where his bed

Is he has definitely slept in this bed before because I’ve kicked him out of there a couple of times well I think that’s what happened was he attached to a different bed no you did what so is he not refreshing his trads anymore that’s why I just took all those

Beds out oh okay how I got 29 you have got an emerald you have got a chest plate right you will be lurking okay right okay Sean Sean Sean any other the r oh no no no no no go away go with it thunder lightning very very

Frightening also I got I got llama okay so I need I need I need all right I’m going to reset this bed down okay see if see if he’s going to get it I’ve taken up all the other tell I why don’t oh there’s another guy with

The oh he’s a leather worker yes okay I’m going to bring Bell and see if he goes to let’s see if he goes to bed okay the copper the copper Golem yeah you want a copper Golem I know okay he’s set to this white okay that’s fine that’s fine okay uh I don’t

Yeah he still doesn’t want anymore I don’t know what his no his his his work block is up there that’s his that’s his work oh he can’t get to it that’s why he can’t reset well he used to be he used to be able to get to it can I move this

Bed uh because he there was here and he used to be able to get to it um yeah we got to build up to him it’s okay it’s okay uh wood wood wood wood wood there was there here yeah I need some Oak yeah I’ve got some Oak St here I

Think that’s his problem on his reset is he can’t oh because he used to be able to get up there oh he would ah how do we get okay we need to take this one put a full block there oh okay yeah I’m going

I just to get the right G uh yeah that he should be able to get that okay we can also just I tell you what why don’t we just move that thing down hang on axe yeah we could do that because I’ll get it yeah you said the copper because the

Lightning bolt strikes oh yeah yeah did I take that nope I got it you got it yeah just just yeah exactly that’s better and now he is now he’s talking to his his block yep he reset amazing amazing yeah but we still but we need but we need to give him his bed

Back he he likes I think you have he likes his bed right okay can I is it going to change anything if I die the bed no no he’ll connect uh where are the colors what color would you like it would you like a blue bed

Can we make we have no green do we we have yellow and blue but we haven’t got any have we got C we have got Cactus somewhere do we I think we don’t we don’t we have Cactus I don’t think we’ve come across Cactus yet what not on this world I thought we

Don’t have melons but we have melon slices we can turn melon slices into melon seeds right yeah I thought we still got to find a jungle but we also got to find a desert with cactus okay I don’t think we well in that case the bed will be temporarily blue definitely got blue

Flowers yeah cuz my f my favorite color on Minecraft is the cyan yeah he right blue bed yeah okay let’s see if he likes this bed now I’m going to ring the bell again Ring My Bell ring my bell ring a ding a ding is he going to the

Bed he was already standing at theed okay right okay right aha okay amazing so did you get yourself a diamond chest plate yet no I’m that’s what I’m working on that’s why I wanted to trade with a dude because I want a diamond chest plate last protection okay there we go

Thank you very much sir thank you got it 18 books we’ve got a mending villager right yes I think we have but we haven’t got any emeralds anymore so um we need to get some more emeralds I think we should also try and get an armor guy sorry um a weapons guy

Yeah yeah yeah I’ll I’ll absolutely the lightning strikes we definitely now I was think dinking uh how about yeah we don’t have much copper do we oh we do yeah we have a fair bit of copper make some lightning rods real quick yeah um I’m thinking hello dude

Yeah he’s definitely my God his iron price is gone up I I would quite like um uh a weapons guy I think that would be very useful and a tool Smith oh I agree I agree um we could try and get them in here but how do we get them in here

Without letting this guy out we’d have to probably put him Park him in a boat for for a bit and then get two other guys in right yeah so I’m going to he’s in okay he’s in a boat right so I’m going to get another

Boat also I need to fix the farming guy farming Community because the farming Community is is very much not in a good place right now yeah we got to figure out we need honey block what we need so we can build little yeah or we could or we could just put

Them in a house somewhere I mean we’ve got plenty of houses right but first of all I need I need some wood have we got lots of we’ve got lots of this stuff here hey trash trash Panda are you clean am I well you a trash

Panda like I’m as clean as a trash Panda can be yes okay so he’s he’s he’s yeah you know what they call you know what they call raccoons in in Germany you know how raccoons do that cute thing with their hands where they why is there

A horse in there and a Golem oo this is new okay um you know what they call TR what they call raccoons in Germany they call them wash Bears because they do that funny thing with their hands oh cuz wash everything yeah they call them wash Bears so actually they’re very

Clean they are they’re actually surprisingly clean okay I’ve got another boat so trash Banda is very clean very clean um also we have a bus yeah we we actually used to have a have a raccoon and he would wash everything before he would eat

It um you know what I’m going to do I’m just going to build a house for these guys just right here so then they can wash Bears yes wash Bears they call them wash Bears because they wash they you know they do that cute thing yeah they wash everything

They do that cute thing why don’t I just build a little house for the for the farmer Villages just just right here that would work and then I can just build the house around the boats rather than okay let’s put that away and that away send that away that can

Go that can go and I don’t I don’t know if everybody saw my my year end goal yeah please I’m trying to hit a 100 you and I’ve promised if I hit a 100 Subs by the end of the year I’m going to start streaming every Thursday Friday and

Saturday with Fridays being the streamer’s choice wow okay so guys check out the oh check out Panda go on a stream and sub to him because we all want him to to to get to 100 and we want to celebrate with him yes I’m planning on a big

Celebration with dippy and a handful of other yeah it’s gonna be awesome more of the H the the Minecraft fam that I’ve built up over the last couple of years yeah hi Lucas hi so you want zo wants Lucas zo wants uh what wants uh raccoons

To have wings okay I I could see you know what I could actually see that that that sounds really cute I’m going to wing raccoons we call those bats what no no bat bats are flying rats yeah and and raccoons are cute raccoons are super cute well there’s some cute bats out

There that’s that’s actually true have you ever seen a baby baby bat you know when they yeah they’re actually very so so cute it’s just that they move too fast for my liking I find them quite disconcerting I mean there like yeah they they they okay I I I um I’m just

Moving everything here this is not the best place just for a house for the guys by the way um I don’t know what kind of a do you want to go off to one side maybe or yeah but we need to get them there and how are we going to get them

There I don’t know I mean this is like this is like in front of the in front of the farm right I mean we could let them free range in this farm right oh I found another carrot um yeah we can always fence fence the farm in and just let

Them roam it but then they’ll Harvest and try to breed oh that’s true that’s maybe not such a great idea as long as we don’t keep any beds around we should stand up here and look at the situation so if we build another house here it

Will kind of clutter up the place a little bit I feel whereas if we build another house Batman Batman um yeah Merry Christmas it’s too early for Christmas Lucas but way Happy Thanksgiving everybody we don’t do we don’t do Thanksgiving in the UK in a in any particular big or

Exciting way I mean I would like them to be in here but yeah actually there’s a few space beds in here I would quite like them to be in here oh no there were spare beds in here they have gone okay the beds have gone yeah I’ve picked up

I’ve picked up all the beds so that way we stopped getting babies okay I I need a where did you put the beds because I kind of uh there’s a chest next to the door inside of our house okay chest okay so we wanted to go one bed left in there

I don’t know where exploring oh I actually I have a bed sorry I did have a bed I’m just stupid I just didn’t see it okay and now it’s definitely mine because it’s the right color so we need to build a house um or maybe we could bury them underground bro my aunt

Already had a Christmas tree in her house when it was October BR your aunt really really likes Christmas I know right really likes Christmas that’s yeah that’s early early I mean if they they could have um they could have a bar or something couldn’t they how ambitious are we with this

Build um I’m gonna leave that up to you you want go go crazy go crazy but I know we wanted to go find a jungle we wanted to go and find a jungle I just and then also because I increased the uh the lava Farm oh yeah we we now have enough lava

Over there we can make a nether pole oh yes we need to go into The Nether shall we go into The Nether next time I would really like that okay are we going with pink FBI open up what what are deep coins they’re they’re not deep coins they are derp coins so

You spelled it almost correctly but instead of the second e it’s an R so d e r p coins do coins are coins that you get are rewards that you get for watching the stream and then um when you when you have enough coins you can buy redeems so

You yeah yeah like that and then you can buy redeems Lucas can show you and then things start happening and then I have to do sort of weird stuff see little you’ll see things pop up on stream right kind of cute little things my f my favorite’s the Unicorn so make

Sure you guys do that one no coin oh it’s yeah I don’t know why it’s oh yes Lucas has done it okay uh Stone no no not that one now I’ve got to go and have a wash because the Llama spat at me thankfully we have that one’s

Chy l it’s totally not it’s totally not now I have to go back in the shower okay I’m clean again okay ah I nearly felt like floating yeah um I am so indecisive I’m going to I’m going to take I’m going to take all those trap doors from in here again no

Luciano yeah luano loves loves the Llama loves the Lama always always Ling me all right there now all of our villagers are safe from lightning strikes amazing I just put six of them up in the air I’m just going to take those trappy doors here thank you yeah yeah that I think I

Think they’re being ironic I think the I think the Clapping was for uh uh for the PO shanu okay bring uh bring a golden helmet in the nether absolutely yeah oh my God honestly bring golden boots or golden helmet you know that is kind of the main

Reason why I keep the stuff from all the treasure chests because that’s there’s tons of free gold armor in those things and then oh pro move yay are you trying out all the all the all the redeem not again no okay I need to put some slow down on the things okay right

Okay we have had flowers and we have had another llama spitting attack yuck okay right um I think I can’t get too far from the water today everybody is doing the Llama right do you think we could actually get the farming villagers in this house because

I mean I don’t feel like building today and I think it’s a perfectly nice house and oh oh no the smell oh my God somebody get you with the the Unicorn zo yay oh the smell oh my God it’s so bad okay I think we should put the

Farmers in here and yeah that this would be perfect it’s a nice little barn style house well it’s it’s not particularly nice but it’s it but how are we going to get them over here with we can always dress it up later sorry um we can always dress it up

Later yeah but I don’t want to spend too much time I don’t want to spend too much time building today I fancy an adventure yeah we need a couple of beds to put in there uh okay that can stay we’re going to need at least an

Extra bow okay I have I have a boat uh but we need to are we going to are we going to make like a do we have any rails because that would be the easiest way of moving them right no I don’t think we we can make some rails I have

Got I have got their workstations on me so we could place the way workstation or we could just make like a little fence Trail for them oh no no oh my God that smells bad guys well either way we’re gonna have to get them out and into separ I think what we need

To do is maybe build a whole fence that goes to the door here uh so they they only have one so they can’t escape I’m going to get some fences that would work okay that’s 16 fences that’s not enough we can do this we can do this totally

Can do this okay oh do I need to go cut down some more trees hang on hang on I found some more fences I found a gate on a door I’ve got sticks tons of sticks I’ve got I’ve got tons of stuff fine I

Was going to say I can cut down one of these spruce trees that gives us a lot of yeah no no I’ve got I’ve got I’ve got enough wood it’s just getting the sticks out of the wood okay I just need to make fences it doesn’t matter what color they are does

It no okay it it they’re going to be mostly temporary anyway yeah okay I’ve got tons of fences okay this is like my least favorite one of my least favorite things in Minecraft is moving villagers because they are a pain in the booki and they will always run about and do stuff that

They’re not supposed to do so what I’m going to do is okay I’m going to uh I’m sorry I have to take some potatoes Out ooh flowers ha I love flowers I love flowers so much better than unicorn poop I’m curious let’s see how many dirt

Coins I’m up to oh tons you have tons and tons and tons and tons of dirt coins I was one of the first people to start earning dirt points let’s see if and I barely use them well you’re always on the stream with me so you have no

Chance I’m going to go this way help me maybe if I put it in the right chat I just typed in my own okay that’s not going to work okay people also check out Panda’s stream because he is streaming too and he is he is definitely worthy of off the

The the attention yeah I’m at 846 I I I had it down to around 400 but that was a couple of weeks ago okay let us that was silly okay now I’ve got to walk all the way around have have I got carpet so we can actually get in and out

I have not actually got carpet I don’t believe this I’ve got to literally now I’ve literally we got to run all the way around yeah hang on a minute no I don’t have to do that because I can do the smart thing and go this way right

Okay I I definitely have some carpet somewhere it’s is there is a wool chest somewhere yeah there’s wool here I’ve got one piece of carpet we can make more we’ve got yellow yeah we’ve got she I just haven’t breed up the Sheep piece yet okay I’ll put one piece here did I have

Shear no okay I need to get some shears okay I’ve got iron on me I can make some real quick I’ll go share them yeah but we don’t really uh okay more fences all those lovely flowers dippy I’m going to come watch the stream later bye okay bye Lano bye bye Lano

Okay and thanks for hopping in hopping in dropping in I don’t know I can’t talk today okay right I need to take this window out sorry okay yeah we can make more later okay my inventory is now so full that I can’t actually do anything so I need beds in here

Right yeah let me sleep real quick okay cool um right get rid of a lot of this stuff here okay I God I’ve got a ton of why have I got potatoes I don’t want potatoes okay right we got those when we were cleaning up to put that thing oh

Yeah I got a lot of stuff that I don’t need in here so we need beds right uh yeah there’s two over in that other chest okay okay and I’ve got I’ve got some wool hang on and we’ve got a yellow bed and a white

Bed right here okay I I I think we need four beds so I’m going to make two more okay okay okay I’ve got these two and hang on animal products that’s definitely an animal product okay wood okay right now we need to shimmy these guys along into

Their place and I have workstations I need another composter have I got it another composter no we’re going to need trap trap doors for these two exits so it keeps them in uhhuh I think going to see if there’s another compost or somewhere um I think the spare one I

Used over at the iron farm to make a uh Auto compost it’s okay I can just it’s not like it’s not a biggie right is is it it’s it’s uh slabs isn’t it yeah it’s uh seven slabs okay got one so we’ve got four because there’s like four villagers in that

Corner so we might as well use all of them okay I have got composters so okay so we have beds here and composters um I’m going to put two more beds down okay right there we have a dorm back here yeah let’s let let’s make the beds

Down here so they can are we going to give them double beds or single beds um I don’t know I just stuck the other two in there yeah it doesn’t have to be actually let’s put the beds in the middle and their workstations at the edge then yeah I should give them bedside

Tables right bedside tables that would be cute yeah have we got scaffolding um I don’t think we have any extra scaffolding at the moment okay right I know we we can get bamboo right I just don’t know what let’s let’s quickly do this okay when we were like hey hang on

When me and my crazy uh cousin played Minecraft we always made self-destruct button oh hi Primal hi I didn’t see you there I can’t find Panda’s YouTube channel uh I think it’s in my description there’s a link in dippy’s description I know that if you can type

In your name in the chat that would work okay I’m I’m going to go and break this boat from underneath because I don’t want to hurt the guys let’s see if it’ll allow me to post a link see if that works guys the link will probably oh yeah I can see the link

I hope that works hey hang on that’s not a good idea because they can okay put theoretically get out of there but if I this yeah okay that’s good okay okay guys you can now come and follow me because I have a lovely composter see that yeah there a composter look look

You like composter right okay come follow the composter okay okay oh no oh no he just that was stupid oh he jumped over it yeah and he’s trying to no oh no oh no we’ll get him back we’ll get him back come back dude come back because is that the one that

Hasn’t been trained up yet yeah he didn’t have a job this one over here he is now a um oh God I forgot that that could happen right it’s okay I’ll get him back okay okay I just need to make sure I put it I take it away before he gets there come

Come you good boy see this you see this oh you no come back here okay come look at this look come in come in come in okay amazing right you are in here now you live here now you can come all the way to the end of this building

Okay okay come in here there you go see okay amazing and then I’m going to oh I haven’t got enough dirt blocks okay hey no get back over here sorry dude I need to just lock you no go back there go back here okay okay you you you you’re you’re

Temporarily parked there I will I will rescue you in a minute oh man okay I need some more dirt I’m clearly okay wow okay so a you missed the boat get back over here hey uh I need some more dirt why did all the dirt go I’m sure we

Had tons of dirt huh okay I’ve got one more dirt I there we go now he’s there it’s coer never mind okay right right okay uh um don’t let the other ones loose just yet I’m putting him inside the fence line oh okay right okay okay are You okay I have got the compost here I need to get back out you can see this here yeah I just got to take the uh hang on I just need to quickly go and answer the door just one second guys keep an eye on Panda I’ll be back in two Seconds that Los his job aha that one did okay oh I found the hole hey Zo thanks for joining the stream I’m back I’m back okay right okay hey oh he’s not coming going in the wrong direction come on dude oh now he’s coming back he’s coming back go put the

Thing down ins inside where are you going dude can’t see it there it’s fine I’ll put it down I’ve I’ve got one on me as well coming no oh and of course where is he other direction he’s down here at the other end come on doesn’t like it I don’t know

Yeah I don’t know what he’s trying to look For I was hoping he’d connect to at least the bed over there but nope he’s I don’t know what bed he’s connected to huh I may have to pick up our beds and redo them okay now let’s see if he connects to one of those other beds okay he’s following me

Now I’m going to hit the Bell again see if he goes in no he’s escaped again NOP he’s going to the bed he’s going to the bed excellent he’s going to the bed amazing okay okay you can go oh and it’s night it’s night time so we might have a

Little easier time on getting these two in I’m going to break their boat out okay I don’t think he’s they seem to want different beds they don’t seem to want to go to these beds there is no other beds I’ve taken all the other beds up you have got the other the composter

Right oh but they’re going to the bed they’re going towards the beds okay cool yeah night time so that’s that’s what I was hoping on okay this guy just doesn’t want to do anything no what they can have their workstations right next to their beds there he goes he just connected to

The bed ah okay he’s coming he’s coming they’re all they’re all uh we need another composter yep I’ve got it then we can why are these what are these two three doing aren they not connected to these beds they don’t seem to want to go to these beds at all light

Table so weird so weird okay I’m going to let’s try that uh can I sleep I can sleep now right no not yet let’s oh okay get these guys connected I’ve got our beds any but I can I can um take all the fences down now yeah I just don’t know what beds

They’re trying to get to there’s no other oh we got them we got them yeah they’re in so oh that’s good I’m going to go ahead and sleep yeah and they’re locked in I put a uh trap door up okay amazing and some of them were already

Kind of traded with so they’re fine I’m just taking these fences down here cuz they will come in handy because we have also I would like to get a few more villagers to into our house uh for um armor guys yeah we’ve got a couple still loose walking around

So we could try and get them into a house or something and make an armor and uh I don’t know I kind of like having the guys living in our house oh come back he ran right past me there we go I got one where are we going to

Put him are we going to put him into that same house or are we going to put him somewhere else because I mean there’s plenty of space we or is there another house that’s close by these other two houses they have the uh Librarians in it which which which we

Haven’t really traded with because I didn’t have anything to trade with yeah so uh he could go into this house as well I mean I could just make like a separate area for they made a baby why did they make a baby did they make how did they make a

Baby we have a child oh no we have a child okay um um okay I guess that works yeah uh right let me just put it I just don’t understand that one because there’s no other beds yeah am I forgetting about a bed somewhere

Oh I I’ve even taken up the beds at the iron or I mean at the uh villager breeder you think I should make a wall here so we can keep like the kind of the villagers in this area here and then um yeah I could just make a wall here

And then we could have the um the iron guys kind of living in this part right yeah and they can look at each other right that’s going to be enough right yeah that H can they get over there because of the um oh the baby just

Tried to get back in there oh no he can’t get he can’t climb over there can he no but he turned around and ran right back outside okay here he comes oh you can be in there there he goes yeah okay amazing uh I’m going to get some I’m

Going to get some some Woods to make a partition there and this guy can then we can make a partition on the other end and we can just get the the right stuff this is this is the most rudimentary villager trading place I’ve ever seen it’s it’s really not y it it’s

Not the greatest not until we have all the it’s okay we’re we’re we’re going for form not for not for style right yeah pretty much okay oh my God oh my God oh my God okay right I’m gonna make yeah cuz we can then this okay and then we can

Do yeah I made a full wall on this side okay I’m just thinking do we want have a CU we can’t really trade with them without going in can we hello that’s that’s okay that’s okay that’s okay we can do this we can do this I’m going to make have I got any

More stairs yes I have another stair here okay so stair here and this window is going to be door so guys now we can get in and out yeah and see we can use these other two for other things if we need to yeah

Well I was going to make an armor and a um a weapon Smith yeah this guy I’ve got a blank villager here in a boat waiting for a job okay I need oh there’s a stair okay there’s a couple of stairs oh yeah we just got to make the

Tools I’ll make the uh the workstation yeah I’ll make those okay and I’m going to put some chests in there with the vegetables and stuff that we that we can give them for trading hey I have too much stuff in my inventory yeah okay so pop hang on going in the wrong

Direction this is not what I plan to do at all but that’s how we roll right we just do stuff when do stuff we we never we never do anything as pled I’m going to put that one there I had another chest I thought that oh the little guy

The little guy has left the premises again come on little one all right now we’ve got the both of the other okay well you know what the little guy can be can be a metal worker because he’s kind of he’s kind of yeah I put both of those up right there okay

Cool so so the baby the baby is now sadly separated from from his parents okay all right um I’m going to put the oh no no no no go back in there dude he’s now a a one of the weapon or tool Smith yeah okay and now he’s stuck

I got him okay um yep we got a weapon Smith now okay cool is he offering us anything interesting yet uh just an iron axe or purchasing coal okay I’m going to get rid of this this this get rid of that that and I definitely don’t need potatoes okay cool

Right so we can actually let that guy out of his box again that’s see did did we not make an auto composter the other day am I just imagining I’m imagining things right I made one it’s out by the iron farm oh okay we need another one over here then

Okay yeah we’ve got plenty of iron now yeah cool I’ll make I’ll make another one okay right okay I’m taking these fenses down because they’re totally in the Way baby zombies can still get to our villagers right okay so is he is he one that is trading iron he’s trading coal not yet okay right he’s trading second trade okay okay he that’s most of the Annoying fences down okay yeah I would really like to have a

A kind of couple of wood tools that would be so nice grindstone is it is that is it a grindstone that we need for the I already made it they’re both oh they’re both in there okay amazing hang on did I not have a stair no okay I’m

Going to close this uh I’m going to close this store off just need more Stone I haven’t got any stone okay so you are selling that and where’s the other guy this uh he’s I haven’t gotten a second one in there yet oh I see okay uh

All right where do you want the auto composter out here by the Yeah I think that would be good wouldn’t it okay the baby is here we could TR and get capture the baby okay yeah when he grows up he could become one okay so this is carrots

Potatoes all right there now we got an auto con poster here cuz we have like a lot of seeds I made it one block lower so it’s easier to okay get you okay I’m just putting all our all our stuff in here no that’s the wrong door so they are actually making babies

They’re making love there’s another baby we have made a villager be why have they got oh my God you know what they probably have too much stuff in their inventory and they can TR what yeah but they shouldn’t because there’s not enough beds to support them

Do they actually need beds for when you know when they villagers yeah no no for they don’t need for trading once they’re locked in they don’t need beds well no there has to be beds for the babies yeah but we don’t want babies right yeah but that’s what I mean though

Is there’s not enough beds I don’t understand why they’re still making babies maybe one of the beds doesn’t belong to them but we can take the beds way out of there so they stop making well the babies yeah the two babies have claimed these other two

Beds well we don’t really need B it’s this it’s this bed that’s not claimed yet so I’m taking it out well we don’t need any beds in there technically no no we [Laughter] don’t we have made an accidental villager beer I’m just going to okay get

Out of that bed boy I we need to sleep oh my God pick it up okay yeah pick it up when you’re done yeah okay so they can yeah and The Babys s can just okay I’m just making uh another chest here so that we can put like

Goodies in here there we go okay so okay what do you trade my friend you like carrots okay I can definitely give you carrots this novice farmer is definitely I put the okay this novice farmer is now not a novice farmer anymore what do you like you like these

Things now you will probably give us hey okay you give me yes okay Bingle okay on I need carrots is there anybody who likes potatoes [Applause] here hey hey you like beetroot I haven’t got beetroot my friend and I had pumpkins but I’ve spent them all oh you like potatoes excellent

Getting tons of emeralds this guy gives us golden carrots yes I love golden carrots oh that’s good yeah golden carrots are good right okay uh not enough of okay you don’t like that stuff do you want any carrots no you don’t like carrots which one of you likes carrots

Oh you’re a potato man you’re a carrot man okay excellent I know we don’t need the axes but I’m buying axes to get him leveled up that’s fine yeah give you carrot guy we will need all the axes we get for chopping down the pumpkin and he buys

Iron Bingo yes we’ve got a second one hey that’s good that’s really good now he’s leveled up again okay right okay the baby is free range that’s fine hello my friend eventually we’ll get the baby hello my friend so he he he doesn’t want any more iron

Okay uh okay so we need a we need another guy in here right yeah but I don’t know if we have anybody still walking around well there babies walking around we can get the babies kind of we can get the babies into there that would be very useful okay

Cies I have so many levels right now unbelievable okay Okay right okay You know I’m going to put a boat in here I’m going to see if one of the babies will get close enough and get in that boat until they grow up yeah exactly that’s like that’s like the easy way isn’t it yeah I’ve got the one trapped but if

I can get a baby in there with them I have one of the hang on look I had a boat there’s a boat okay cuz I just saw one of the babies come on baby well we want we we want to wait for him to trap uh get him

Trapped up in that room yeah oh yeah yeah yeah I’ve already got a boat up in there we just got to get to them to how do we get this baby to kind of go is it anything you can do to make him want to follow you no just like a typical kid

They do as they want okay so putting him in a boat is not going to help right no because as soon as you let him go he’ll take off again that’s another one yeah they’ll they’re adventurous so they’ll want to go look in there and when they they’ll get in the boat that’s

Already in there the thing is if we if we get him in a boat now if we can get him in a boat now I can just build like another fence or something he’s in actually I can roll this thing over here and then we can

Just right then we can just build some fences around him and just we have or we just leave him right there until he turns to an adult and then he’ll want to get in there sure yeah he can just stay there for a bit right yeah it’s not going to

Take him long to turn into an adult he right have you got can I have one of your iron iron axes that you have just purchased yeah they’re in the uh tools chest I’m going to make another the armor and tools sh right there bunch of them in there I’m going

To put another axe next to pumpkins armor where armor AR yes sorry duh right okay I’m going to go and put that in there amazing yeah I also um look what I’ve got I have got8 emeralds right now oh and you’ve got some more as well amazing so I’m

Going to go and chop some melons no pumpkins I mean pumpkin orange melons oranges going to have some healthy oranges some nice vitamin C and then yeah [Applause] then once we’ve done this I think when we’ve got our villagers we could just go do something fun done something useful

Right okay so we do have a mending villager already okay but we have now got emeralds and we have uh leather and books and stuff so we can actually get mending books for our armor and I have definitely got enough levels do we want to make an enchanter or is it

Actually I mean if we have got villagers who give us semi- Enchanted stuff already or lightly Enchanted stuff already it’s actually better to combine two sets of armor and get better gear isn’t it then to actually kind of I always feel enchanters they’re like good for about 5 minutes at early game and

Then they become kind of useless yeah they’re they definitely need to take a look at the enchanting table because the enchanting something to help them out yeah cuz the enchanting test are just not good for very long okay guys no here comes the pumpkin lady there you go

Pumpkins oh hey hey sorry that was my last pumpkin I’ve given you all my pumpkins but that was 11 11 more emeralds would anybody like some more carrots maybe huh well you don’t you like potatoes you like potatoes oh I okay I think we have enough mending

Books for all four pieces of your armor and mine amazing just buy those yeah cool so now we can make sure our armor stays healthy amazing I’ve got another 20 I don’t know did did did I Rescue all our stuff I I just other thing is could get like we have fire

Protection Unbreaking goes up to two or or three what’s the highest level of Unbreaking uh three so we have fire protection goes up to four so the pants we could actually double up two pants and get some really nice pants the boots stth Rider one and Unbreaking two uh the

Protection helmet is so we could double up some protection helmets and yeah blast protection two you get three or four don’t you so actually between all of this we have most of the enchantments that we need so and then in this chest here by the door is All The

Mending books I don’t know where the fourth mending book went I’m we have an so I’m going to take off my helmet and make a protection to helmet also call itpp oh there it is we’ve got a piercing efficiency yeah there’s the other mening okay there was yeah there cuz there was

We had a couple of books that we got from fishing right yeah I just put all the The Mending books right there so that way they’re we know right where they’re at okay I have got a protection two and Unbreaking that’s no that’s not bad right no it’s actually pretty good and

Mending I feel I feel so proficient already I mean my God what is going on oh and we have eight armor trims eight Coast armor trims so we could actually make our stuff look good but what are we going to make it look good with I mean does blue look good with

With diamond armor sure what do you need for the coast armor trim what is it uh what is it that goes with the coast armor trim you know you need like one thing from the the area where it comes from oh to make more of them no no to to

To to uh oh hang on no you don’t need anything we no you don’t need anything need a smithing table right yeah and there’s one in that other building oh would you like oh you would probably like like something San wouldn’t I’m just going to take some of

This lapis because I’ve got no better use for it I’m actually one two I’m actually going to make myself look pretty oh it’s dark I mean lapis that that should look quite nice right yeah it should look good blue and blue and light blue okay missing table okay so let’s try one

Oh hang on I what I might do is I we got that uh we’ve got a uh what is this uh the brewing stand yeah oh they trade that looks nice Redstone so I I might get some Redstone from one of them I don’t want I mean I

Could go for purple but I think the the amethyst looks a bit rubbish with that okay okay let’s see what it looks like I’m right oh I’m right behind you me oh that looks pretty sharp I like that yeah I think the blue looks really good with that when that’s one of the

Few colors that actually goes with a diamond color really well I think that looks really nice that’s the whole set of coast I’m a coast I’m a coast guard okay right I am amazing I I’m I’m colorful I’m I’m coasted up I’m coasting okay I’ll put the lapis back um

Yeah okay uh these treasure maps they are all Treasures that we have already found right yes I believe so have a bit of red stone here we not got more Redstone from digging much D no we haven’t done much haven’t done much digging okay I have a stone ho here

That I’m going to put over there in one of those chests okay the seeds Okay this is something I wanted to do uh rotten potatoes don’t compost do they you can’t do anything with them no those are completely useless hey go and that is all that stuff

Done to keep one stack of or half a stack of seeds because if we’re going to the Jungle I want to come back with a parrot please I know parrots are awesome what did I trying to remember where where what direction did we go and

When we found that other I am kind of thinking we haven’t gone much we haven’t we haven’t gone East when we haven’t done much West yeah straight west and straight East Southwest we haven’t done much so I’m kind of thinking maybe Southwest we went really far Southwest

We we no yeah I’m looking at the map we went quite far on Southwest so sorry I just I just accidentally pressed the mute button I think okay right uh this guy is still oh hang on the Villager is grown up it growed up he

He growed up he growed up we can build a fence oh oh how are we going to get him into that house now he may want to just go straight in because of the open job Block in there you think so is are we

Going to risk it for a biscuit or are we just gonna we can try it if he starts running the other direction we can always Rebo him okay I have got I I I I I will okay I will okay I’m ready to trap him if he goes

In yes yes you’re right go go go go yes and he’s in amazing okay what what now we can let this other guy lose yeah what does he what does he want he wants coal and he wants to sell us a stone hole okay what sell us a stone hole

Then yeah that’ll level him up and hopefully he buys iron okay I’m running out of emeralds got a lot of stone holes now okay amazing Stone holes right okay waiting for this other guy to refresh so I can sell him more iron okay I am going to [Applause] this there he goes

Know when you do fields for farming does it always have to be like a full block or can it be flowing water as well does that count for doing oh for Harvest yeah you can do uh water you know when you you know you know you have

To sort of you know have water next to your field so they grow better right but does it have yeah it’s actually does it have to be does it have to be flowing water or does it have to be like a full block of water or can it be flowing water

It can be flowing water okay that’s how you do auto farming okay if we had the Redstone I would turn all this Auto so we just flip a switch and it washes all of it to yeah what I’m doing now that’s the bit of the farming that I don’t like else is

Fine the harvesting is fine it’s just a it’s just the replanting is such a pain and the boom Oh I know so boring okay right um okay I I’ve got a bit more fruit I’m going to take it and see if the villagers want some of that

Be it’s only a stack and a half they’re not going to they’re not going to want much of it they like potatoes these guys I think they’re Irish are they liking the potatoes they liking the potatoes this one no this one this one is actually price on carrots amazing

Yeah thank you stop nodding at me I think they’re in competition which you this one wants beetroots thank you he was actually holding out the okay there we go put the rest of the be in there six more emeralds okay right going going that’s little guy is just running

Around it’s just running around crazy okay all right let’s see if he sells or buys iron as well he does yes all three of them buy iron amazing so now we’ve got a really strong source of emeralds cool that’s so good and our weapon Smith now sells an

Unbreaking diamond axe oo that’s nice and a Smite Smite two diamond sword oh nice that’s going to be useful when we go into The Nether yeah smiting I’m going to Smite you with my smighty sword Smite is really good on the Undead yeah oh we had one of the babies grow up

In our house okay cool in which part of house now we have a second adult a second in the in the main part what kind of a what kind of a what what uh kind of a beasty is it oh nope I’m going to make him I’m going to give him the brewing

Stand so he be so I can get redstone from him oh amazing that’s a good idea yes yes go to it go to it where are you going not up there the bruise stand is right there a bit blocked a bit stupid I’m going put it right in the middle of the

Floor I don’t know what he’s trying to get to oh that was the wrong button come on dude go over there I put a job block down right there for you he doesn’t want it I don’t know yeah he’s trying to get to a different job block all leave it here he’ll eventually

Pick it up then we can get rid of rotten flesh as well yep we’ll be able to get glow stone red stone and bottles of enchanting when he’s fully maxed out well yeah that that would be really useful potatoes are just so useless I mean by the time you’ve

Replanted everything like half of your potatoes are back in the ground not a very profitable crop unlike real potatoes where you plant one potato and come out with 15 potatoes are awesome to plant so I know we need to we we need to head out to the location a uh rainforest yeah

We need to do that yeah get the jungle I’m just want I just want to yeah okay seeds okay right yeah cuz um they all like they all like pumpkins I mean uh uh and melons okay guys who wants potatoes okay he took it finally yes and

He sells Redstone right off the bat amazing is there one of you guys oh you’re only a journeyman but you want stuff that I don’t have Master you’re master so much easier to make uh or Master Auto farms and he sells lapis yeah he purchases rotten flesh yeah I think we

Have some not much but we have kind of kept like encounters with uh with the undead at a minimum for for for health and safety reasons yeah okay so I have another 26 emeralds here yeah there’s 35 rotten flesh okay cool probably not going to

Get us much but it’s going to help us one Emerald one Emerald okay never mind there a guy who is in desperate need of pumpkins pumpkins That’s my kind of plant you know you you plant them once and then you harvest them and that’s it that’s you done and they grow really

Fast oh I know they should have villagers who do trades for berries I think that would be nice I think berries are like underused they are such a good food sauce do you remember when we were doing like Sky Block we basically lived off berries right because they just grow so

Fast hey we have did you already conver some of these into watermelon yet no uh there are guys who want watermelons but we haven’t got any watermelons well we actually yeah we’ve got slices we can make into seeds oh yeah I’ll let you do that then oh right there who is this guy

Oh my God we’ve got a cleric Apprentice in the house okay cleric in the house that’s a I thought he was I thought he was in the other house that’s a fancy room I like your I like your dress it looks very looks very good I think this is a lady lady cleric

Purple SS SC to me I have pumpkin seeds that I don’t okay I have who who was The Apprentice no your master who you’re Master ah you’re the journeyman yes you’re the one who is giving me a good you wanted to desperately level up okay and now okay okay okay yes okay right

Amazing oh okay go do deals on okay you’re doing cakes uh and you want melons yeah you all want melons okay oh glistening melon golden carrots yeah we’re definitely going to spend some money on Golden carrots because I like golden carrots yeah all right now we’ve got 13

Watermelon plants started see hey I’ve got another eight of those I’m just going to check out our our book boys because I don’t think they were all locked in yet no not all of them were so the library in with The Mending books is uh

Here is one that is just uh a novice that is just wanting to sell uh wanting to sell paper I think he’s the one that I was still working on let’s see what you give us next and multishot nope cuz now we have enough emeralds to actually do

Something and fire aspect do we want a fire as fire aspect one is not that good is it um I think that’s all that you get from fire aspect that’s a so sword enchant yeah do we want it or do I want him to kind of oh I’ll just keep

Trying yeah keep trying that’s not one of the real important ones yet okay hey and now you do knockback knock back’s quite nice hang on let me just go over to the other side and see who I haven’t dealt with guys so this one has got aqua

Affinity and he’s not locked in yet I definitely want aqua affinity and this one’s got feather falling three and is also not locked in so I definitely want to go over there and deal with them because feather fall in aqua affinity are like they’re kind of really good

Good yeah those are really good ones so I’m going to quickly go and get a book of one of them each but we haven’t got enough okay so feather falling three oh that’s good he oh no yeah cuz just two of those will make the maxed out feather fall yeah exactly and this

Is oh aqua affinity aqua is really good isn’t it yeah that’s good for under a lot of underwater Strider though okay so yeah that one gives you speed underwater yeah that’s so useful okay so uh I need a little bit more cuz I haven’t got enough hello

Selling us lapis you don’t really need lapis for anything other than enchanting no I I like yeah I like getting the Red Stone from him yeah feather fall okay he ah okay unfortunately I haven’t got enough emeralds for the second feather falling okay Um I need a few more emeralds there might be some in the chest unless you already I took them out of the chest but I’m going to go and trade some more trade some more iron and see if the weapons guys are forthcoming yes oh this is expensive that’s actually

Enough what about you oh okay you’re expensive as well but you have leveled up now excellent very good you are a master already okay okay I was hoping for a pickaxe from guys we should get one from the tool Smith when he gets Master no

Hey I mean Unbreaking ax so it’s not the best but okay the toolsmith is now a master and we have an Unbreaking 2 Axe and we have silk touch and efficiency to yes really yes we got that lucky yes oh that is awesome oh my God okay right

Guys and that one last book that we have to try to get is silk touch because we get the silk touch pickax yeah hang on I’m just going to go and yeah we need silk touch hang on well we have silk touch uh on on the enchantment I’m just going to

Go hang on right aqua affinity I’ve got two uh feather falling I’m going to get one feather falling book now this one is locked in so I need to deal with later okay so I have got some stuff for you hang on let me just make some space okay enchan

Ifying so I have 21 yeah so dep I have dep strier I’ve got feather falling so I can put feather falling on my boots hang on I’m I’m going to put the books for you oh we have oh we have a really good sword enchantment efficiency power sharpness

This is for you and this is for you you put Aqua Affinity on your helmet normally don’t you yeah aqua affinity is for hat the Hat dep Strider is going to go on the foot feather falling is the foot okay aqua affinity feather falling cuz I am definitely needing that okay okay

There we go okay my socks okay and this is my hat we also need uh water breathing still yeah yeah that’s that’s one I really want we definitely need a few more Village People right okay I have yeah we’ve got plenty of V I have now

Got oh hang on you said there was more mending to be had all mending books aren’t they yeah those are for your armor okay that one has got I’ve already got my I’ve already got all my armor done with The Mending okay that’s done okay buy

This oh I forgot to give that a name okay um after you’re done with that you want to make our way out to the uh yes locate locating the forest mhm or the jungle okay I’m on uh okay right I have got I have got aqua affinity mending

Protection to and Unbreaking on my hat last protection and mending on my jumper uh my poopy pants are fire protection mending and Unbreaking and my socks are depth Strider feather falling dep Strider one yeah so we have depth Strider feather falling one and three and mending and Unbreaking two so

Actually we are sitting pretty good um yeah yeah I just want to do one more thing before we go out I want to go and see if I can annoy this gentleman with the um with a rubbish trade a little bit more and see if you will no okay mending we have mending

Yeah we’ve already got mending yeah we don’t need mending and yeah The Mending we got is super cheap anyway fire protection no we we get that for free from our armor that’s books we don’t want books books infin Infinity yes oh yeah that’s good oh yes I’m going to get two

Right and they only they only five emeralds oh that’s cheap that is super cheap okay you can stay done your job amazing okay I’m happy I’m happy now that means my bow is going to cuz oh no I’ve got Unbreaking on my bow that’s not

Good no that’s fine no that’s fine Oh I thought you can it’s mending Ming you can’t okay I’m going to give you this my bow is also pretty pretty dead oh no it’s not power punch and Unbreaking that’s actually that’s actually a decent bow

That is a very decent bow now I mean for the yeah for for for for our level at the moment that’s that’s really good okay I’m happy oh I got to make another Ang okay um should we get ourselves some um should we get ourselves some pickaxes just in case we go somewhere

Underground so hang on I’ve got my archaeology brush I have got my basic tools don’t that that like some dirt uh I don’t where are the books I’ll put in there uh I’ve got a water bucket I’ve got what a half a St stack of backup wood because need backup

Wood okay I have doors I have a bed that I don’t need beds let’s put it in there okay um we had some I saw some uh some oh I saw some special Magic books somewhere and I can’t remember where they went okay never mind did we maybe already Ed them maybe

We did well the one with the kind of amazing enchantments I can’t remember what happened to that with the sword enchantments there was one that had like lots of Sword enchantments on it I wonder if I accidentally picked that up and used it it’s okay you you

You you should you should use it if I just don’t know if I used the wrong thing maybe I used it for the other enchants on it okay so where is this weapons oh the weapons guy do we think we want some pickaxes before we go out yeah it would probably be probably

Help okay I’m going to take some of this stuff hello yeah notu I’m out of iron I’ve traded all the iron I had well there this this I’m bringing I’m I’m coming with more iron oh okay hey right guys oh okay oh you’re you’re expensive boy you’re expensive but efficiency and

Silk touch and an Unbreaking Axe and you are giving me oh your axe is Unbreaking one but it is much cheaper and a really nice sword I don’t like swords 7 and you want 22 no okay okay he doesn’t want to give me any more iron

Trade okay did you want one of these Smite swords or did you already get yourself no I wanted I wanted a pickaxe I wanted a silk touch pickaxe and possibly an axe I I tend to fight with an axe is I’ve got one one silk touch pick

I don’t have enough emeralds on me for a second one okay cool well as long as we have one I think that’s fine in that case I will just take some iron with okay uh I have a pink boat oh I have a pink boat yes absolutely

Brilliant okay so in that case I’ve just got an iron pickaxe but I have a go oh my God that is beyond good and because I have inity on my Ping Pop amazing this is so good oh there’s enough uh emeralds right here I can get

You a pick a diamond pick okay cool well I mean the thing is there’s no point in Saving stuff because if we die the series is over so we might as well use the stuff right right yeah okay so I’ve got you a diamond pick oh he’ll trade

Again and let’s see you’re Unbreaking one axe Unbreaking two a that’s an Unbreaking two ax and it doesn’t cost that much more money I’ve got enough to get one of those so as soon as we get enough emeralds for a second one but I I got you the

Uh okay but I mean hey we are shiny we’re shiny shiny we’re kind of we’re doing good just getting some more pumpkins I think I’m going to make a massive pumpkin farm next but I’m really pleased because we actually kind of got our villagers a little bit more organized I mean you

Know we have been fairly fairly Ram shackle about this whole Enterprise there was one of you guys who oh oh that’s not what I wanted there was one of you guys who gave really good rates for pumpkins five okay six six and five okay good okay amazing I’ve got eight more

Emeralds is that going to help you with any of the purchases that you want uh not quite that’ll only give us 18 okay cool but when you go to put the emeralds in that chest there’s a pick in there for you o nice now what we need is some mending on that

We need an Unbreaking D hey we’ll we’ll get it it’s so it’s fine it’s fine we don’t need the diamonds we just need the diamonds for duplicating uh armor trims now because we have actually got everything we need I’m taking a little bit of iron with me just in case yeah so

Am I I have got a bucket I have got a boat I’ve got everything that I need and I’ve got a brush okay yes I’ve got the brush still okay come out here I need to take a selfie with with us being shiny and amazing oh you haven’t done your armor

Trim yet oh no you were waiting for the red stone right oh I’ve got the Redstone now yes go go go go get beautiful and I’m oh I need to make some shears h on I was going to make some shears for the sheepies hey cheers hello he we are Beautiful oh I like it I like the red H and I’m breeding up a few more sheepies why is is there a horse in here how did the horse end up in here that’s the one that we found the other day or last week oh yes I remember but by and

Why is there a Golem the Golem I don’t know that’s new um but here you go check it out oh very nice sir very nice hang on let me just I definitely like let me just do something here hang on okay mister I’m sorry about this come back come back

Come back if I kill him from up here I’m fine right yeah you’re three blocks above him above the ground so he can’t reach you he the Sheep keep pushing him away okay that’s better and we have some yeah no accidental hits okay no no sheep were harmed in the making of This

Iron okay hello guys hello okay let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s move those tiger feet oh I wanted to get rid of the the wool as well I don’t need the wool yes oh yeah and then you wanted to do a selfie with the colored yes I did I did

I did okay we have 21 wool wow oh my God this is almost yes okay yay okay I’m going to put that away okay yay okay aha there we go we are beautiful perfect and I am sporting amazing okay both open I think we have chased away all viewers but that’s

Okay yeah it’s kind of quiet today yeah zo joined me for a minute and but they said they had to go to school tomorrow it’s it’s okay it’s okay it’s all good we’ll get the views afterwards I get I tend to get 20 to 30 extra views

After the day after yeah yeah same here okay I took some shears for Vines and stuff like that okay right right uh okay West West can we go this way yeah I don’t know I don’t know how far we went in that direction I don’t remember I don’t remember anything I’m

I’m I’m a numpty I know but I remember that’s the direction we found that small one so there’s got to be one near it oh yeah that’s true okay I’m in my boat oh hang on I had a boat with a chest what what do I have another chest boat somewhere it’s

Never mind yeah there’s another one out by the docks hangang on where the sugar cane is I can’t be bothered I’ll just turn this into a chest boat later on I’ve got wood it’s pink it’s look it’s pink okay it’s Superior it’s pink right we’re going we’re going panda is behind

Me we are in shiny shiny armor oh my llama I can see my llama from here I forgot to look at my llama my llama house okay now I want a penguin really bad I think there were a few of these ocean ruins as well that we didn’t really look

At because there were too many um too many people yeah ground yeah oh there uh did we do this this uh did we do this um portal here yeah I believe so if the gold Block’s gone then we did he uh yeah I can’t see a gold I remember

Did that one you did that one that one had all the magma blocks yeah yeah yeah yay so oh that we did this we did this boat here right the boat on the right um I don’t know I’ll take a look real quick okay the door Don’t

Drown oh we did not we did not oh is there enough stuff for me as well or do you want to do all of it which side have you been to the back or the front uh I did the front and there’s two in the back okay okay I’ll go to the top

One oh oh you oh yeah it’s there sorry it was all still there okay in that top so you’ve been into this this side already or not yeah yeah it’s just this lower one okay right okay in that case I’ll just leave it okay I’ll just let you get that anything good in

There I missed that one oh I thought you had done it okay sorry no I I started my oxygen went too low oh okay I’ve got a do want a door I’ve got three doors Birch doors the only good thing you can do with Birch is boxes actually to be quite honest hey

Sean okay oh we got Sean there gu he just led me okay all right we ended up with four emeralds seven lapis 19 iron nuggets nine gold nuggets nice two suspicious stews okay 20 rotten flesh nine carrots a bottle of of enchanting uhhuh some paper feather a

Gold nice a buried treasure map oh treasure map treasure map let’s go for it okay and two more Coast armor Trims and some wheat we have so many Coast armor trims it’s true oh oh Sean Sean Sean look at us look at us we are shiny

And we are completely shiny we have like semi decent weapons look at this bow I the Bob the bow is now Infinity yes so we messed around with the Villagers and you can tell us AP part because I’ve got the blue armor and he’s got the red armor which is

Completely against tradition because obviously red is the supposed to be like for girls and blue for boys but that that’s how we roll you know it’s like yeah we don’t like stereotypes and I like the blue yeah I like the red and it looks good on you you look very it

Compliments your skin and your eyes they look very shiny yes thank you um okay shall we go before I talk anymore okay you have the treasure map what does it say say is it anything good uh we got to go north Northeast a bit let

You go to that Coast I have a feeling that’s probably something we’ve already found but okay the Dot’s quite large so that tells me that we’re not too far off oh okay I I’ll just follow you the lead the lead yeah we’re not far at all it’s already starting to open okay

Cool I just don’t remember if we’ve gotten anything over here yeah I I know we had few treasure maps that were kind of close to us and I don’t know well we’ll find out when we get there and there’s a big hole we know that we’ve already founded y yeah

Okay all right I think it’s on the other side of this little island we also have some more uh um we also have some uh some more exploring to do in that cave that we found underneath here didn’t really go to Diamond level now to be quite honest once you have got

Um like armas who give you I don’t know where you’re going so I’m just going to stand here and um AR you know when once you’ve got armas give you like diamond armor and you’ve got your iron farm what is actually your motivation for actually digging for diamonds unless you are on

An S SMP where you trade for the stuff uh really none when I’m doing solo worlds once I have the villagers done yeah I mean I mean okay I would like diamonds for duplicating armor trims but once you have everything probably going to be it once you have everything armor

Trimmed I mean okay this is Coast that’s came for free I think everybody will be running around in Coast because that’s like the easiest armor trim to get really isn’t it yeah the most readily available one you just sort of dig about for a bit and you find one

Okay I don’t know if it’s going to be in this spot could it be up here as well nope I found it it’s right okay okay and we did not get this yet cool nice and nice oh I was going to give you a door would you like this door there you

Go let’s see we got one Diamond 13 14 more iron 13 more emeralds potion of water breathing some fish there you go there’s your door I did the door go into your inventory yep I got it potion of water breathing that’s useful oh it’s it’s going to be night time

Soon uh on okay well we can just let’s go in this oh I I’m going to go in I didn’t even bring a bed I have a bed I have a bed I don’t go anywhere without a bed the dippy doesn’t travel without a bed the dippy has watched too much

Bebs normally I have a bed on me too but I’m this is going to be my this is going to be my sleeping Shore y hang on uh what ah why why did I swap my bed hunt with my there we go I I obviously lost the

Ability to handle my slots just for a moment I accidentally swapped my um we were going west right okay I accidentally swapped my bed with my shield and then I tried to put down I was like why is this not working oh I’ve done that so many times

He’s so kind you know he says he thinks well actually what he’s thinking is the woman is insane right okay yeah but see that’s why we get along because I’m just as insane yeah but not incapable insane I’m we have done this one we talked about that that’s the Shipwreck so we we’ve

Just gone past this we have just doubled back on ourselves okay and this I we have explored I remember that yes that we have explori let’s see oh uh I have you ever have you got tweo oh there’s a village did we see this village already no no we found another Village I

Don’t think we yeah I don’t think we’ve been here yet okay no we have not been here yet I just checked the map we haven’t been here yet no oh okay cool I think we only I think we I think when we went West last time we went West

And then sort of slightly to the north rather than oh there’s another shipwreck right underneath our feet look at that okay oh wow right here next to the or Village and it’s I’ll let you go get down one I’ll explore the village okay okay oh some more Coast some uh

Gunpowder uh okay rotten stew I don’t think this is anything that we need actually okay um wait a minute have we been here I don’t know so disorienting when it’s upside down okay there’s nothing here oh there’s another chest there no I don’t think we have been yeah

We have been here the oh I’ve got a compass and another Berry treasure map and a couple of books and also some Piper I think that’s it I don’t think that this one has got a middle one is only a small ship okay yay yeah all the doors were

Open and okay so we have been here we just we just forgot it must have been really early on then yeah it had to have been yeah uh okay so um I’m going to quickly turn this into a chest boat because that’s going to be so useful grabbing this other smithing

Table we can make we can make empty Maps we have a compass nice well we got Redstone now so we can make more compasses yeah oh I think Blackie home hello Blacky is home yes how do you make a chest again oh there yeah that’s what I thought chest boat chest boat okay

Okay this boat Yep this is where we got the uh one of the big F or that uh furnace oh okay noising so so this one’s already been raided I have got another treasure map do I need fire protection leather boots nah don’t think so I’m going to leave

Them in this CH I’m going to leave some junk in this chest here okay suspicious stew oh I don’t know do we really want suspicious stew I am not convinced yeah not typically oh oh okay I mean normally I’m kind of very waste not want notot but n okay Compass okay

Let’s just put all the stuff that is like for use in here but we’ve got a few more nice books that’s good and some more Coast armor trim and some Moss which we already have another buried treasure map is this the same one that we already I wonder okay so here throw it

I’ll see if it’s same as the other oh it just fell in the water yeah it did you get it it sort of did a plop sound so I think it’s in your inventory actually oh you’ve got it yeah yeah I got it okay is it the same one or is it

Different it’s different than yeah that’s different than the other one oh cool okay let’s go let’s go you want to lead this one okay sure why not ah okay I got it hang on yeah I yeah yeah yeah yeah uh okay I can’t oh we’re miles away from this so we are

You’re awesome we need you’re you’re just so we need to go north hang on we need to go uh North West we’ve just come from the north we’ll never get to the Jungle you want to go do the jungle first and then on our way back home

Would do this we’re quite a way away from it yeah let’s do do that cuz I think yeah let’s go to the let’s go find the jungle yeah cuz and then on our way home we’ve been okay so this is still oh there’s another composter and and and

And there’s so if we need any more backup villagers no you have a villager breeder we have enough vill forever Villers my God okay okay all right so we’re wanting more Southwest or west southwest I think are we going hang on did we want to go

Oh no Hang on we’re going the are we going in the wrong direction we wanted to go Southwest right right rather than Northwest yeah we’re going more West than we are South right now hang on West South This Way North South oh okay right okay

Sure this is Southwest okay okay I see I see it now okay oh there’s more land that we that that is definitely dark oak have we got dark is that dark oak have we got dark oak at our our thingy yeah we have yep yep got thingy base I mean I

Mean base I can’t talk hey hey nice nice mushrooms hey this is close enough if we ever need the mushrooms know where to go now on your map hey okay so if we need sand we definitely have enough sand here oh yeah there’s sand tons everywhere tons of

Peaches any more stuff in the water that’s in look at no I’ve been scanning For anything in the water cuz this is all area been to we haven’t been to this area right oh there’s some is that some temples no my eyes are deceiving me my eyes are deceiving me right okay he we’re going more West than South again okay yeah do that not what we wanted

Southwest yeah but we’re going almost straight west oh okay right okay um right okay well I just wanted to follow the coastline because if we’re looking for we’re looking for stuff kind of makes sense to follow the coast right oh there’s a ship there a ship there’s a

Ship there a ship ship ship ship Shippy Shippy ship ship oh and there’s also a uh ruins over here in the water too okay cool did I just see a ship yes there was a ship there yeah you go to the ship I’m going to go over here to the ruin okay

I’m on I think this oh and a portal oh nice NOP that’s a that’s not a portal that’s a ruin there’s some ruin sticking out of the water over there as well yep that’s where I’m at okay I’m just kind of scanning to see if any of these drowns are Trident throwers

Okay those are the ones I want to avoid can’t place my my I was too stupid to place my my my door I don’t know what I’ve done wrong are these are these why are why can’t I place my door oh because it’s it’s a slab okay I see okay right fine oh

Nice um uh uh uh uh uh uh uh door door okay I can’t place my door in there because it’s it’s it’s a slab that’s that’s very annoying okay to go in from the top hey hey oh having this Smite sword is so helpful against these guys okay you’re cold okay

That’s a wooden hoe I don’t want that Pottery Shard I’ll take that one o o sorry oh that was you sorry that was me I thought I was getting attacked I was just inside with my head inside the chest and I couldn’t get out of the out

Of the inventory anymore because I had butter fingers okay because these people are super mean they built the whole ship out of uh half slabs so the door wasn’t staying where it was supposed to stay so I had to go in from the top Oh wrong one very dark here

Yeah it’s night time oh is that why could do the keeping underwater trick yeah except I don’t know where I am okay sing Under Water this is so cool this is so funny oh that you uh yep that was me okay right okay he okay where where where am I that don’t

That not working I’ve lost bed I’m not very good at this honestly I have just totally lost the will to live and that guy just scared me what are you doing I was getting attacked packed and I couldn’t get out from underneath the bricks he kept knocking he hit me twice

And knocked me back under the bricks oh carrots Moss Cal nobody needs this stuff okay I nearly drowned for this what why okay right okay that was bit of lapis nothing nothing useful here oh another treasure map yeah I just got one as as well okay okay oh come on stop killing

Yourself no I was I was almost at the end of brushing that suspicious sand or gravel suspicious sand another I’m not I’m definitely not winning today honestly okay four emeralds some more Moss some irons some gold some paper tons of paper actually carrots why did I even take the carrots lapis

Okay okay uh oh we are miles away from this map and we are again in the south of this so this is sort of pretty much to the north of us so not where we want to go at all oh you’re over there are I’m still over yeah I’m still over here

Oh that one’s an emerald oh there you are okay you already do the one that’s sort of sticking out oh yes you did you did yeah okay cool yeah that’s where I started so what can I do um see there’s another one after this one that I’m

At uh in which direction I don’t know uh yeah down can you see me I can see right right over here there’s one right right over there hang on oh I see it oh yeah yeah yeah it’s quite quite low down oh oh it’s got a chest yeah but there’s there’s some

Uh magma blocks down there you can use to breathe uh there’s another treasure map here oh and I need to get is that I’m stuck are you there it is I didn’t bring my I didn’t bring my um my uh oh I see an I’m I’m just brushing for an emerald nice okay

He another Pottery Shard there’s no more that’s not SS oh oh you got that one I’m going to go do this one that’s all not sus okay I think this is all not sus but all the sus stuff okay right I got another Emerald that’s nice oh there’s a pottery shark coming

Out of that one okay and another treasure map okay uh and I think that’s the same treasure map hang on a minute yeah that’s the same treasure map okay right oh no it’s raining so that’s very far away okay um right oh I have my golden

Apple uh there was only like two on that one okay we got to find the warm ocean yeah we want to sniffer eventually you getting on there you were breaking up oh okay can you hear me yeah now you’re now you’re sounding good it just for a split second

It sounded very very electric car carrying on or are we are we carrying on along this Coast or I’m going to look at the wall and see what I can see empty and some inventory okay it’s just a nice grally Coast I’m just seeing if I could see anything

Interesting here here ooh there’s a big mountain here there’s tons of coal but we don’t really need coal anymore do we there is a huge Snowy Mountain I think that’s the one we’ve already been to I know I think that was in the other that was in the opposite

Direction yeah that’s in the other direction yeah this is a new one which way did you goed directly west I went directly west and there’s like a little river that’s going Inland so I’m kind of going to follow that little river and see because just I’m just going to explore a

Little bit into that River here oh it’s come to an it’s come to an end I don’t know one of these big mountains have got to have a ancient city I’m thinking that too eventually I definitely want to go to oh God yes yes please I’m going

To I’m going to quickly go up there and sort of have a little looky because I can’t really see anything it’s so far down here uh I think I want to get like to a higher elevation oh hang on yeah I’m right here with okay I’m I’m

Just going to leave the boats here are we going to find our boats again yeah they’re full well my chest is full on M yeah that’s why I’m not taking it only thing is this is a dark forest and I’m always a bit wary of Dark Forest because there’s like stuff growing in

Them like like bad people I just want to get to the top of this hill to just sort of maybe get a bit more of a vantage point you know just to to see to see what’s what’s what maybe get a better idea because I think there’s a jungle right there oh my

God yes there is oh like literally we were literally outside the jungle oh my God I just I just wanted to kind of I just thought because it’s a mountain you could get up it and uh you know yeah and get get yeah there’s the jungle oh

Nice okay there’s also a lot of Darkness here so I I think I’m going to going to get out of the darkness and into the junglen so basically we walked straight west so if we walk straight yeah I set I set a waypoint on my map oh excellent

Okay so oh and I see melons and I see do we want cocoa for br or I think we have a little bit of cocoa already from that little miniature jungle okay right okay okay but it never hurts to get I have got melons I have got melons well I

Would like a parrot I brought some seeds so if you hear a oh I see an ocelot bamboo oh bamboo we but we have bamboo right yeah we have bamboo but I’m just saying this is a bamboo forest so we might find pandas too o nice I’m just

Having a look around it’s not a very is it maybe not a very big jungle I can’t quite tell oh this is the bambo bit I’m on top of a I’m on top of a mountain now this is the most Biz there’s some iron we don’t need any iron

Stop digging for iron okay I’m just having a look around I just hope it stops raining okay I see some red stuff down there but I don’t see any squeaky sarky birds And definitely no pandas except for a trash Panda he well it’s worth explorify I guess um the vine okay this will get me down to the bottom oops ouch sorry okay so I’m I’m going to keep going west just wish it would stop raining because the I found a squawky bird oh no

I lost my seeds I put them in the oh God I’m an idiot I lost my seeds get some more seeds from the grass I’m just about to do that yeah I’m looking around over here I’m seeing more jungle trees you just jump off a

Tree yeah I thought I was closer to the ground I did that I hear the birdie and I want to have enough seeds to make it worth my while in case it doesn’t work with the first cou of seed oh it’s dark oh it’s bedtime bedtime bedtime my God we’re in

A very dark place and I’m like digging for seeds rather than sleeping oh no that could have gone badly wrong okay I wasn’t even paying attention to it okay right I I hear the bird but I can’t see it anymore it was just sitting here on

The ground I saw a spot of red and I thought oh that was a poppy but it was actually a birdie bird a squawky bird oh no there are poppies as well but it was a red bird it was like a red parrot now I can’t see the

Parrot going to be the best parrot mom you could possibly wish for and I’ve lost the parrot parrot back Parrot promise I’ll be a nice parrot mom let see treat you with respect you see them before hear them before see them I know well I’m also watching my my map too normally they they’ll pop up on there okay that’s a use but I have yet to see a single one

I’ve got I see melons there’s some more melons here okay at least no I brought half a stack of seeds with me then I didn’t then I left it in the in the boat just gonna oh that’s you I see you Hello Panda oh there you are

Hello yeah I’m not seeing any parrots over here I’m not seeing anything this is a deserted jungle jungle I wonder if there’s more jungle further down well this is seems to end of yeah CU I went to the other side of the Hill too and it all goes back into Spruce and dark

Chickens is this the world with the smallest jungles I know this one is Tiny jungle well we got the melons that we wanted so we’re not going to be meloncholy no that was good I’m I’m a fan of those uh mini jokes they call them dad jokes dad jokes

Yes well in my case mom jokes okay there’s a bit more jungle this side but that’s kind of it right yeah it looks like there might be some up this hill I’m going to take a look real quick okay there is some burning people I think

Uh what is the burning oh we got fire tick well that must have been like that must have been a recently deceased uh yeah there’s an AEL lot over here here I see Him oh there’s more jungle around this side of the yeah it’s I just went up the Southern Hill found more jungle I’m kind of going around outside of this little mountain definitely more jungle there’s definitely another jungle on the other side just going to get so lost up here I

Also don’t want to do too much there’s a huge crass here with water and stuff I don’t want to do oh there’s another jungle on that side okay that’s good I don’t want to uh be on too long because I’ve still got tons and tons of stuff to do because um it’s uh

We’re we’re having a big birthday party for Blackie and on the weekend yeah we and we we’ve got than what are you doing oh what is okay okay this is a this is I saw a blue fluttering thing and and and now I’m hearing a dying dying zombie I definitely saw something blue

That fluted along oh no you know what that is actually a parrot that is making that’s actually a parrot that’s making monster noises and I can’t see it I saw a blue parrot somewhere it must be nearby because it’s making monster noises yeah and they will do that they they mock the

Monsters where is it oh you okay that’s a chicken oh I see a red one I see a red one cool have you got seeds yep I just had a red one pop up on the map hey there was definitely a blue but I can’t there he is I just saw

Him NOP get back here we’re flying away so annoying the chickens are following me yeah chickens you can go away these seeds are not for you and where is that carrot it was here a minute ago now I’m being chased by the chickens because I’m holding

Seeds oh okay I can hear it can’t be far definitely okay that’s getting closer oh I got a I got I got a red parrot parrot okay I can hear the parrot but I can’t see it anywhere where is it parrot where are you I’ve got one on my shoulder now

A I can hear the parrot but I can’t see the parot that’s so annoying iang on I’m going to oh come back here get back ah there’s a baby zombie oh no oh are you okay no no not really because he’s following me and I haven’t got okay he’s dead now

Okay I don’t know where you’re even at oh my God I was just hopping over the Treetops followed by a baby zombie and I didn’t defend myself because I was too busy looking where I was going maybe the zombie noises were real zombie noises after all

Okay um all right BD where’d you go ah okay that’s jungle over there how do I get over there I am on the wrong side of a of a big hole basically okay this is not good but we have a couple of melons well we came for

Melons we have melons so that’s already good and I just found a few more nice okay I see I see big big jungly trees other side of a big deep hole so I need to kind of walk around that I guess because definitely I don’t know if I

Would survive the uh the Traverse it’s sort of very steep-sided here like practically vertical come on bird I think fire spread so I uh I’ve seen a couple of things that I would actually like to try uh and one of them was that raft survival and now aaman has started

Another one where he’s is it aaman or OMG I can’t remember it was AO I think doing like survival in L in the void h i will be so lost all I’m so tired like and I actually can’t afford to be tired at all we have all these guests and I have

To clean the house and have everything nice I’m sure it’ll be the same for you with Thanksgiving where you have like tons to prepare yeah but like the dog has been a bit of a nightmare because he’s been super needy and just wanting company all the time and so

He’s crying in the night going like I miss you there’s nobody here I’m all alone that is a big Cliff is a big Cliff I’m on the other side of the Big Cliff ah I I hear one I hear one where is it oh yes I don’t know if I’m getting

Close to you or not I’m on the other side of the cliff but I can’t do anything right now because sneaking very slow I got one literally one seed literally a one seeder oh sweet yes some one all right now oh it’s almost bedtime too I got my

Parrot Daniel all right we got to make our way hello hi sorry I don’t know how long you’ve been here there’s another one a blue one oh my God I’m going to get come back with two parrots oh hi Cassie I didn’t see that you were in

There I’m coming back with chat been dead so we didn’t we kind of lost track of the chat oh my God it’s getting dark okay right I need to sleep very quickly because I’m going to die here yeah yeah I’m on the edge of a cliff trying to navigate while keep my

Oh my god I’ve got two parrots I’ve got a blue one and a red one I think we can go home now we have everything that we need we have the parrots I know it’s just a matter of getting the parrots out of the Jungle yeah come on oh come on Mr

Red oh my God like literally two at one this is cool every time I go down a block he my parrot jumps off my shoulder I mean they do follow you right especially if you hold the yeah they can just go a little slow yeah I I have to somehow get over to

Also how are we going to get them back in the boat will they just sort of flap after us uh they’ll get on our shoulder once we’re in the boat but I’ve got two parrots do they like kind of you got two I’ve got two shoulders that is very true

I have two shoulders like most people I have two shoulders okay I I I am going around the outside of this thing have to go East yeah uh the boats are going to be 1780 by positive 980 okay I I oh there are both Birds they’re coming squawk

Squawk they’re not going to stay on my shoulder though because I’m jumping about okay I need to go all the way around this stupid hole here because it’s it’s just too steep come on dude quit just sitting still where are the parrots oh they’re both here okay it’s a good job that I

Can’t go fast in this terrain AA okay they’re both here yes parrots come with me I have seeds I know I’m trying to get mine to stay with me here so far he’s doing okay okay my parrots are okay problem is I kind of need to get all the way around

This big ugly hole I’m actually walk quite a long way oh there oh it’s little Dom is Dom the one watching hi Fon hello how are you hey that’s cool you’re i’ I’ve just got myself two parrots and we have got the melons that we wanted so how’s it going with

You we are super busy planning our trip to Aruba um uh our friends have just been to Aruba and they have given us lots and lots of tips on what to do there and they loved it your home is so beautiful they said come on parrots come

On he yeah I know mine is like going really slow oh you’re watching as you cook what are you cooking yeah my Paris are really slow as well but I can’t really go very fast here anyway uh I’m I’m supposed to go East right uh yes yeah

East okay trying to get back the way I came parps I got one I can’t find the blue parrot anymore oh there there’s the Blue Parrot okay got it okay right I I’m trying to make my way around this uh yeah dark oak forest now yeah I am on

The other side of the crass finally come on perrot getting so how how are you Dom how are you Cassie there’s a massive big hole here sorry for going so slowly this must be boring to watch but I’m trying to trying to convince these Pirates to come

With if I go too fast that’s exactly what I’m I’m going too fast they will not come and now I got chickens following me go away yeah I had the same problem even though I’m hitting them they still God I I I had exactly the same problem come on pirats come on do

This can do this we’re going straight East now and now the parrot’s the one going away I didn’t tell you to go away I told chickens go away this is mad oh don’t worry about it don’t worry about it weit we we’ve got to we’ve got till February teleport you’re making t

Ton is making tacos tacos tacos tacos I’m coming I’m coming yeah don’t worry about the parrots they teleport yeah yeah but but yeah but if you if you get out of if you get out of render distance they it kind of gets gets bad they do teleport yeah

But you have to sort of stay a reasonable distance oh I went to the wrong end of the water sometimes they get lost so I am currently at I’m currently at at Z 990 is that roughly and I’m going east is that roughly the right coming all

Right I’m at – 780 by positive 990 okay I’m at the okay that’s cool yeah I’m going in the right direction I’m pretty much in the right direction now I just uh it’s so dark in here I’m just a bit worried that stuff will spawn that it’s going to eat

Me oh my my God and now I’m thinking of tacos I’m really hungry now yeah I’m not I’m in the I’m in the oh there’s another Village I’m I’m that’s nice I’m I’m looking I’m looking at the map okay I’m I’m getting towards the dark oak bit and I have one parrot

Here but where’s the other one where’s the Blue Parrot come on Blue Parrot come on oh no they’re both here they’re both here I can see them they just the other one was just a bit slow to teleport okay right I am going very slowly but I

It’s dipping down so I think that is going TOS the water oh yeah I see the water I see the water yes yes I’m going straight home never mind the treasure maps we can do the treasure maps next time I’m I’m going back to the village with the

Parrots I need those parrots in my life oh I see you I see you I’ll make some next time okay cool yeah that’s that’s the deal you definitely definitely so Fon is going to make some parrots next time if I if I have the the the be

Birdies on my shoulders right as I go into the boat will I will they stay on my shoulders yeah okay this parrot is just in my boat now or is it on my boat he’s just on your boat okay you get in the boat they’ll get on your shoulder

Really oh now you got them both just get in yep okay cuteness a lot cuteness a lot this is so good oh my God I have two parents yes oh my God today is the day we got shiny shiny decorated armor and two parrots that’s so good okay let’s go home well

We got three parrots got three parrots yeah we need more we need no more doggies we need more doggies I know we only got the one dog and one cat so far so we are now going east right East and North a little bit uh East

For a little bit yeah we haven’t got name tags that’s the problem or maybe we have we had one name tag and we used it on our zombie yeah I’m just going to I’m just going to go okay right okay me and my two parrot Pals yeah do you remember that really pretty

Village in the in the old grow tiger that we found that was such a that was such a pretty valley I really love it there I think if I was to build something permanent I would definitely live there that would be that would be very nice okay we’re going back for

Z0 yeah okay have you got any naming suggestions oh I hear a drowned G okay yeah there I’ve gone across a couple of them so I need names name ideas for these two and when we get some name tags then you know what we flop

And flops and J flop and Jet flops some I like flops some better flops some and jabsom yeah okay uh squeaky and squawky I think there’s another I see another shipwreck but I’m not going there I’m not doing anything I’m just I’m just rowing here there’s

Nothing ahead of me but the ocean am I going in the right direction I am sort of going in the right direction kind of Northeast yeah Northeast I need to go more this way yeah that looks more like o oop he oh oh and the beautiful sunset so much sea and nothing

Else I know literally nothing nothing but nothing but blue nothing but blue but blue okay facing north I see I see a village but that’s not our village oh that’s the other Village that we came past right yeah okay uh are you anywhere near where you can

Sleep I have no bed oh of course you have no bed I’m going to stop at that Village and just sort of you know yeah I forgot to bring a bed with I’m I’m going to yeah slight oversight uh when you go exploring yep okay yeah

Always bring a bucket a bed an axe a pickaxe and a sword those the main ingredients I I do without the sword I I’m I I’m quite okay there we go outdoor sleeping every Taco every hey every Taco it’s a good I think that’s two different sentences that have been kind of mashed

Together Taco is a good name that is very true okay hang on come come to my shoulder come come come come come little buddy come to my come come aha squawk yes I’m almost back okay I’ve got my parrots back yes look at them look at them okay yeah make sure yep mine’s

Still there okay okay there the Farms I I back at base okay I think North is it more North it’s more oh I see the broken portal again yep okay right okay hello Taco Taco I think we have to have one name Taco because Fon you brought me good

Luck we raided that yeah okay I am okay I am at the right I’m at the right Z coordinates so I just need to go East now that’s the yeah that’s the beautiful Birch Forest yeah Taco Taco how are you Sean Sean look carrots two okay I’m nearly home I’m nearly home

400 more blocks to row 400 more blocks to row okay oops okay avoid that lump I can get back well next time I have to build a pirrate cage okay Yeah I see the Tower of Doom can’t wait for the Birch update absolutely the Birch update I think my llama looks amazing from here by the way land so I can make you SI okay yeah land land land so what are you doing for um what are you doing for um

Thanksgiving come on crit uh we’ve actually got a turkey going now so you doing the proper fullon thing yep amazing so where are these guys going to where are these guys going to live hello guys I don’t know where I’m going to I think I think it would be really nice if

They were on the balcony somewhere but I’m not sure if I can get them to go up there well I set mine inside the house for now okay oh it’s on back on my shoulder okay sit down on one of those fence posts please nope nope nope where is the other

Squarer can they sit on a fence post why don’t you sit on a fence post dudes just sit on the fence post please okay um I don’t want to sit on the fence posts oh of course not just flapping about out here just sit on the fence post look or just on

The balcony come there’s plenty of space look you can sit up here yeah come up here NOP they don’t want to sit up here they just don’t want to do it on come on why are parrots so annoying come on you’ve got one on your shoulder now that’s not where you’re

Supposed to be sit down sit down sit down sit sit no you’re back on my shoulder okay sit just just sit down just sit he’s sitting yes yes okay can you just okay um okay okay where’s the other one are you in the house now listen you insane bird where did you

Go oh it’s on my shoulder okay no wonder I didn’t see it there okay okay do what the other one did look no no do do what the other one did where is it oh it’s not there you’re just having way too much fun with those guys that’s not called fun that’s

Frustration pure frustration they’re just so annoying come on sit down oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah how am I going to how am I going to get you to sit when you are can be on the roof that’s fine you can no just come back was it

Sitting oh no come back listen dude come back I’m here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this way this way this way yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah sit down sit down sit sit you actually seriously going to be inside now this is a house this is not for

Parrots yeah that’s why I just had mine sit for now okay I just decided to sit next to your parrot until we can uh build them an a are okay so this parrot is now is now they are not safe around fire as I have discovered in the past

Yeah they’re they’re not smart they will go into it okay right where is sorky s still on my shoulder on on your shoulder come on squawky you can you’re much better off outside no squar is still back inside came back in the house okay this hang on hang on hang on

I have I have I have treats I have treats come come come come come here come here hello hello hello he’s back in the house down here on the floor okay yep why are you so stupid please stop being so stupid come on come on and now he’s back on your

Shoulder this is where is he up there on the roof what what it’s on the oh there he comes come come come come come sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down yes no no a second you passive aggressive

Bird I tell you what we had less trouble with the Villagers than we have with these guys I know no I’m sorry for the pain ouch come just sit down here just just just sit on the floor just sit somewhere sit sit sit not on my shoulder you dumble sit

Somewhere sit down stop flapping about now he’s on the roof what on Earth are you doing don’t now he’s on your shoulder on my shoulder I don’t want a bird on my shoulder I can’t have a bird on my shoulder I have to do stuff busy stay stay moving when he gets

Close hey yeah yeah yeah no he’s just being so difficult no you were just yes yes yes oh no oh no no no no he sat he sat and oh God okay okay sit in here then just join the just join the managerie just join the other birds

The other animals there’s animals for you come you’re sitting on a chest now okay fine there you go okay you a okay he’s got to stay here that’s it that’s it okay right um right plants bamboo okay um melon we were going to do melon

Planting yeah I I’ve got I think it was six out there now uh do you do plant melon family love it yeah they are just not listening do do we make some more melon seeds uh if you want yeah we can then we can we’ve got some melons already

Growing okay I’m going to go where did you grow the melons hello guys sorry out here by the pumpkin out here by the pumpkin he okay that’s where the pumpkin is so ah I see okay yeah that whole row right there is all melon that row is all melon so if I

Took a i extended this bit here yeah we can cut all that dirt out that was that was oh that’s where the water okay right okay no that’s fine that’s fine the Water Source can stay there we can just pump we can just do the yeah exactly well here we can widen

This up right here exactly I’m going to get the ho ho ho where did I put the hor okay I think in the tools did you know you can breed parrots with cookies ah I forgot about that thank you for reminding me we can make more parrots

Yes I’ve got the whole okay I did not know that you can breed them with cookies amazing well we have enough we have enough we have enough parrots to breed now okay cool and I’ve got cocoa beans so I’ll I’ll set up some farming for

It oh my God we could have so many parrots that would be hilarious it’s getting dark I’ll go in real quick okay okay I haven’t actually Ro put any water down oh right there jungle H okay let’s just put some water in there and a r door

No got put some be up over here you know what I went traveling without a single torch what is wrong with with me I think I had three torches okay yeah we’re definitely not the professionals today yeah no what we definitely have to breed some parrots next time okay going to do some

More aha okay this is definitely working okay and that was exactly the right amount okay I want torch oh you have another pot nice the torch and the pot what did I do with all my torches my torches are gone how do I done with I’ve lost my

Torches I’m losing my mind oh that’s Magic books no don’t do that okay metal armor and tools no leather no gravel dirt no utility oh yes utility of course I put the Torches into utility that makes a lot of sense there you go there we go

Now we got cocoa we got cocoa growing aha okay and we have got melons growing okay amazing think we need more water here okay cool so uh yeah the um villagers have acquired a pet I don’t know if this is for food or for entertainment but the the armorers have acquired a

Pig oh there’s a p the pigs just walked out the other end they had a pig in there they had a visitor that’s oh God there’s a tray guy a okay hang on a minute uh I need a boat oh my God we have so many of these okay

I I need a Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat bo bo bo because uhhuh uhhuh get in this boat thank you very much okay okay actually I did it the wrong way around didn’t I I need to get the llamas in the boat okay get the llamas in the

Boat okay get the llamas in the boat thank you okay one llama rescued not you and hang on what what happened to my boat okay another llama there’s one more llama that needs to be rescued from slavery llama capture captivity yes there you go okay done this is the

Crueltyfree method of liberating llamas thank you my friends you shall now live a free life this man is never going to abuse you again you don’t have to work look this is a llama I mean see this is you you you’re now protected by the big llama nice armor trims yes thank you

Very much they’re just the coast ones you know the ones that you find in shipwrecks and they’re so easy to find and look look we’ve both got one yay yeah so I have liberated the llamas they are now free llamas they don’t have to work for their living anymore there’s

That evil blue man is not going to abuse them anymore they can now do whatever they like mhm yeah that’s how we roll okay so I’m going to actually finish pretty soon I’m going to put some more torches in here because oh yeah I ran out of uh uh what

Bricks to make more pots I’ve got three more pot shards that I can turn into pot you know what we need we need a lush cave uh I was going to turn this into pumpkins melons and sell them I don’t think got enough to sell yet okay pro move yeah thank you very

Much okay I’m going to do some one last round of trading with the Village People and then I’m going to log off and be happy yes it was a good day today yeah it’s been a long day today and I’ve got tons more to do and yeah

That’s honestly we have done nothing to make this world look good have we I mean I think that’s like one of the next things we have to do is kind of actually yeah we’ve been we’ve been Gathering everything but we’ve been we just have had a ton of fun exploring stuff that’s

The danger of starting out in a village because you have so many buildings there already you just go like yeah whatever let’s just roll with it if it’s free if it’s free waste not W not right yep pretty much okay that just grew right in front of my feet 42 of those things

Amazing okay okay yeah uh no not you not you not talking to you want to talk to you guys okay let’s see okay is there anybody who’s just got a really good deal on pumpkins no not you no everybody’s got the same on pumpkins okay four for the

Four okay four and you’re all the same okay amazing okay right there we go and that’s another eight emeralds oh I’m going to quickly go and take my boat up because that’s got a lot of stuff in it that’s useful and if I don’t do it now I will totally forget

CU oh dang that was not so good okay well I’ll just have to run run do you need me to help yeah maybe pick up some of that stuff I thought I had more space in my inventory but I did not I did not yeah I emptied my boat out but I’m

Leaving it there in the water just so I know where it’s at if I pick them up I use I usually lose them yeah I have definitely definitely got too much um I’ve definitely got the unused Maps I put in here in this chest by the door good idea good idea

Yeah so we can keep them separate okay metal metal okay Treasures yeah cuz we got some emeralds um on our journey as well cool there we go more mobs okay uh they can go in with the Villagers that is for composting I think I’ve got everything oh or utility Compass okay there’s some more iron okay tidy tidy tidy tidy up time

This is tidy up time before we before we log off because you know if we get to the elytra stage I I kind of I’m kind of a bit doubtful about that but um I think we will okay hello ah ah there you go if we get to the

Elytra stage right we will eventually get to the point where we um will actually fly into those um we will probably die by light in Rod you know how many times on Nomad craft I nearly killed myself by flying into a lightning rod absolutely like they’re so small you don’t see them

Until you’re practically on top of them when we yeah when we get the elytras I’ll go up and decorate those to make them stand out um what did you do with my pink boat it’s in this chest by the door oh amazing this is my boat my boat is amazing

Yay I’m need some water and then I am going to log off cuz we’ve been doing this for almost 3 hours and I am super tired it’s about our normal run that’s about our normal run yes I know we always say we’re going to go for two

Hours and then end up doing three that’s kind of normal oh you’re making some more baby cows yep getting more leather yeah Nice yep that’s all of them okay where do you want it and shall I put it in the book chest or the Animal product products chest uh I think the rest of it’s been getting put into here in the leather paper sugarcane books okay yeah okay

Um we have a lot of steaks by the way and we have we have one and a half stacks of the of of of that we can make tons of books that’s actually really good okay right okay so I think it’s time to have a excuse me Madam

Hello nice nice nice C but no let me sleep yeah don’t I already beat you to it ah you like gold okay hello dude hey yes Mr armor Mor armor yeah okay I oh yeah you know we have free range llamas it’s so nice more of them yeah more fre there’s

A bunch of them running around llamas are good llamas are nice we like free range llamas I’m going to breed up some more sheep I’ll get some more wheat so we can keep that going excellent and sheep cheep I don’t even know why I’m getting wool it’s just because I can

Okay okay cool right I am going to I’m going to log off now actually that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to log off now yes I’ll probably go another few minutes yeah gather up all this and get this I think we I think we definitely

Need a bigger house with more storage soon where is where is where is the panda where is the panda panda panda replanting the wheat field panda panda panda I’m taming this llama llama doesn’t want to be tamed you’re a Trader llama can I actually change your ah it loves

Me now I just can’t lead it okay I’m on a llama I have parrots this is going to be an animal Paradise amazing this villager this this this this Trader still running around I never asked him what he was actually selling what did you want guy dude where are

You huh yeah ha yeah you you I don’t know if he had any actually anything packed ice mushrooms orange dye yeah no thank you I think I can I I’m fine I’m fine without that sort of stuff okay good uh I can definitely do something

Though can what did I do where did I put dice didn’t put any dice anyes oh lilac lilac will definitely that color and yeah okay Um hey right I think next adventure we try to find a desert so we can get some Cactus okay cool okay Um right uh I am going to make sure that this llama knows it’s owned by somebody is this the oh yeah it loves me okay because now I can give it a new a new look there there we go and now you are beautiful want to you know we really need green because

We really need cion right this llama was already tame there we no that’s a Shear that you don’t want that okay there you go okay another another pink llama there we go okay okay can we get on the llamas for our farewells yeah can okay right okay we just can’t

These ones okay right everybody we are going to say bye-bye now I can’t get uh I can’t get the panda in the picture because the Llama is not compliant okay right no no you stay on the Llama it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine okay right okay so I’m GNA say byebye thanks for

Watching and uh yeah we’re we’re kind of having we’re kind of really having fun here um yeah we haven’t we I think we we need to kind of do some more exploring and going in the Nether and yeah and also probably soon start building some decent stuff because this place is a

Mess yeah we we need to get some storage going and some more structures but we have but we have llamas and they have pink carpets and they are free llamas they don’t have to work anymore and that is that is good and yeah and um we have

Um we have parets so we need a bird cage okay right so that’s it and see you next week and until until then I’ll say bye-bye bye bye guys

This video, titled ‘Looking for Melons – Minecraft Hardcore Survival Twins with Trash Panda Ep7’, was uploaded by DippyBlether on 2023-11-24 06:05:37. It has garnered 177 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:10 or 10930 seconds.

Can Dippy & Panda survive and thrive?

We have built our iron farm. Time to trade with the villagers, but all the farmers want melons! And we have not found any melons anywhere yet. Time for some more exploring!!!!

ABOUT THIS SERIES We’ve done Minecraft Boot Camp, now it’s time for Minecraft Boot Camp Extreme! No Creative, No Mercy, No Second Chances! This time it’s for real! We don’t even know the seed! Dippy & Panda have signed up for a brand new series of streams: Minecraft Hardcore Survival as Life Twins!

We will be using the Shared Life Datapack that you might have seen Grian use: If I take damage, Panda takes damage. If I die, he dies. And if we die we don’t respawn.

How long can we stay alive? How long until Panda breaks down under the strain of watching my back??? Will our friendship survive?

We will be playing every Thursday until we die or have conquered the world! All live on stream. We can’t access the world at any other time, so no fudging, no cheating, no behind the scenes prep. What you see is 100% real.

Come and join us! Wish us luck! Because this is going to be mad!

Here is the link for the Iron farm we are building: https://youtu.be/ZTFzHJHU1ls?si=19ecpSNiL9hnrsjG

REDEEMS: This stream is a place where everyone should feel safe. Respect and tolerance are important!

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To see how many coins you have type !derpcoins in the chat.

You can spend your coins on these redeems: !redeemLlama !redeemRain !redeemUmbrella !redeemWarning !redeemOMG !redeemUnicorn !redeemProMoves !redeemRainbow !redeemFlowers

Join Dippy’s Discord Community: https://discord.gg/xWvsTUfKhm

For more Dippy Blether check out my channel! https://youtube.com/c/DippyBlether?sub_confirmation=1

Please also give Trash Panda some love. He’s awesome! https://www.youtube.com/@trashpanda258/featured

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  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,lunar.gg,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. ๐ŸŒซ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿจ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฆ #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ˜ปSUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ˜ป https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73OSCbHaqKlhHLBpQqHPrQ?sub_confirmation=1 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! ๐Ÿ˜ป Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! ๐Ÿ˜บ Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! ๐Ÿชต๐Ÿชจ๐ŸŒ‹๐Ÿก Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿ’ฃ Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below โ†“ โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” โฆฟ ๐Ÿ’ฐ Donate: https://streamelements.com/coindetectorkid/tip โฆฟ ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coindetectorkid #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: https://discord.com/invite/9fvKZmRgq3 Join today! IP: play.ovclub.gg Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitch.tv/couriway twitter: twitter.com/realcouri main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿญ CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar ๐Ÿคฏ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿญ CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar ๐ŸคฏVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord:https://discord.gg/5YbRVzNxEa โ›๏ธ Shader: Complementary v4 โ›๏ธ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks ๐ŸŸข Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: https://discord.gg/moonnodes #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las caracterรญsticas de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo mรกs vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock enfocrafters.com:25630 Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    ๐ŸŽ‰ Exciting News! ๐ŸŽ‰ I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! ๐Ÿš€โœจ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! ๐Ÿ™Œ What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! ๐ŸŽฎ Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:๐ŸŽฎ Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.๐Ÿ๏ธ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.๐ŸŒ Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.๐ŸŽจ Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “๐ŸŽจ Hot Minecraft Artwork! ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts ๐Ÿ˜‚ Read More