EPIC Menger Build in Performium Wild SMP

Video Information

Hello again viewers and greetings fellow space Travelers this is Thorn of night and welcome to a new Monday Monday the 8th of January 2024 yes that’s right I said it in order of magnitude day month year anyway it is a beautiful rainy winter day here at my

House and I am going to be working on the manger sponge today and all is right with the world even even my rib cage feels like it’s you know back where it belongs I don’t know what happened but something happened anyway today I have a lot of building to

Do because I’ve got to keep that project going and uh I also have uh some different varying things to talk about stuff that’s happened uh over the week and the weekend and everything else so I’m going to get into it but before I do that let me go ahead and say thank you

To the people who are able to help support the channel in whatever way you can through patreon Elm 11’s zman phum Sean Robert Kemp little cuddles and explo Ninja zero you are all so wonderful you get me choked up uh uh really honestly if I didn’t have you

Guys uh at the very least as as company along the way this would be so much less fun I’d probably still be doing it but uh I I you guys make it more enjoyable but you also make it so that I can do things like this multi

Streaming uh and and uh being able to have that little extra uh wiggle room makes things so much easier and nicer and makes it so that I can be uh able to uh hang out with you guys more uh regularly and I guess better so thank you ever so very much now let

Me come over to where did it scroll to here we go uh and if you two would like to help support my channel I have a link down below for that um uh if you can’t support by way of like patreon or streamlabs or something like that I

Do accept likes and follows and subscribes just getting started on Twitch I don’t have all the funny bells and whistles figured out yet for you being able to uh redeem bits or whatever it is to throw tomatoes at my head or or set up a a PNG tuber animation for my

Uh face or whatever I I’m still figuring all that stuff out still getting my my uh Wings unfurled over there on the purple Channel but uh I’ll get it figured out uh I do have a small piece of news before I go into the Minecraft though

And that is if I come you can’t see what I’m doing but I can and that’s all that really matters here if I come back back over here to my uh dashboard on this it is the year 2024 and I figured it would be neat to mention that I have 2024

Subscribers on the ues and I I love the congruence of those things it’s neat I I wonder how many people get the year’s number of subscribers during that given year probably the first batch of people would get it pretty easily but it’s it seems just kind of interesting

It’s a it’s a a milestone of significance because no matter what it’s past the year 2000 YouTube didn’t start until after 2000 so that 2,000 subscribers is nothing to sneeze at but getting the exact number of the year I think that’s pretty cool uh also I I am probably after this stream

I’m going to be able to activate memberships and supers over on the YouTubes I have 2,994 public watch hours out of the 3,000 public watch hours needed to do that so that is pretty awesome it’s probably going to happen tonight or tomorrow or something like

That that will be really cool uh I I am you know just a wee bit panicked because I was hoping to have uh a a more streamlined system so that I could have the same levels on the patreon and the memberships but I’ll get it figured

Out uh I I will be forced to hooray for timing anyway let me move this out of my way here move this out of way my way way here move this into my way here pop out this chat so I can have it over on this

Monitor there we go just in case one person decides to uh chat at me over on the purple Channel minimize you minimize you come back over here and oh also in the top right corner I have a a new addition to my my overlays and things instead of going month by months

I just have the little progress bar up there that says if that gets filled up by the end of the year I get to continue multi streaming again next year if not then uh hopefully at the very least I’ll be able to uh have uh Dinobot on Discord

But that right there that bar means multi streaming again next year that’s that’s the bare minimum so anyway let’s come back over here and go into performium and let’s go to Wild let’s let’s get wild and oh I’m down here what is my inventory looking like I am

At not a whole lot in there I did make a bunch of this that should be good for today I hope in addition to what I’ve already got Boop let’s just go aad and fill it all the way up one more and there’s cuddles getting her own chisel deep

Slate going I don’t know if she knows that there’s some chiseled deep slate already in the double chest I’m sure she will find out I don’t know why I’m flying back here I don’t nothing over here is what I need for today today I’m working on the manger sponge oh it’s daytime but

It’s it’s not noon P time at noon oop there’s the sun P weather oh why am I doing this I I need to make my announcement changing the time in the weather won’t do me any good I need to make my announcement so let’s grab my links over here uh from my FAQ

Channnel on the Discord uh let’s see here come show some minger Sponge building and I go like this copy and I go or there and I copy all of this and I paste it again and there’s that and now I go over to Candy visit Candy Land and minimize that there we go

Fly over here so I can chat and oops paste again back to Wild now P Ryme prime prime at noon no that’ be one one is prime no technically it’s not two is prime one is called identity there’s two ways of treating the number one additively or using it as what’s called numeric

Identity um P WEA clear and I have long maintained that when it comes to this math problem called the colet’s conjecture uh and this is this is another opportunity for my dork to show uh the colat con cure states that if you follow a sequence of numbers using a certain

Algorithm that every number will eventually lead you to one and there’s this confusion that surrounds it they say that there’s a trivial Loop and trivial Loop means that when it reaches one yet yet to do the algorithm again but that’s that’s wrong when you reach one you’re done there is no

Trivial Loop but now because they think that there’s a trivia Loop that goes 142 142 142 they think well what if there’s another trivial Loop somewhere else out in the vast infinite fields of numbers there’s not but it’s probably impossible to prove that there’s not but if you start working away from one

You will get a single location in this number chart for every single number that exists and it’ll only show up once and if it only shows up once then there’s no trivial Loop and that also accounts for the number one all right so this layer I am doing doing that

Again so I do one two three and then Skip and go 1 2 3 4 5 six yes and then that that puts that and like so yeah that’s right so what happens with this colets conjecture is they say that if you take any number say the number five

And if it’s odd you multiply it by three and add one so 15 + 1 is 16 or if it’s even you divide it by two 16 ID 2 is 8 8 / 2 is 4 4 / 2 is 2 and 2 ided 1 is 1 they say that every number

This this spell name collat uh says that every number will reach one eventually and it was one of the big math problems of the day but it seems like nothing good will come from it so people stopped carrying it it’s one of the it’s no longer one of the

Million-dollar questions so to speak but it is a math quandry but I don’t think it’s actually a quandry I think people are misunderstanding the question and blowing the way that it needs to be approached way out of proportion come here come here come here come here you’re you’re dead are

You a coward look look see that he’s not a coward he wants to germinate anyway the the the conjecture is interesting because what comes out of it if you start at one obviously you’re already there you’re done you have solved it hooray no steps needed you’re at one but

Then if you go to two oh well you are one step away then if you go to three well then you go three 10 5 16 8 4 2 1 several steps away all of a sudden you’ve got a whole handful of steps and then you go four and it’s just

421 we already know 421 and five we already knew five from doing three oddly enough and then six is well it’s twice three so 6 / 2 is three and then we know everything from three on then we get to Seven s is 22 11 34 177 and it just

Goes way up and then comes way back down eventually it does come down to one all numbers reach one oh I must have done an extra long one here oops oops but Uh there we go and then not you there we go okay uh so why I’m talking about this is uh I believe that in this instance one isn’t an adjective unit one is representing identity which is to say the the more uh perfect representation of Oneness the more mathematical one rather

Than the tangible one and I think that’s where the stumbling block is is people are going no it’s one is in one apple no it’s it’s not one apple it is multiplicatively one one times anything is still just that same anything you’re not changing it it just says identity yes self self exist

And when you reach one you’re done with the loop or the procedure And I don’t I don’t think that there is any reasonable way to in human or even universal time scales to be able to show that this is the way it works but I’m going to chalk it up to gut instinct that it’s meant to be identity not uh like

Handson it’s supposed to be like the Holy One or whatever and I don’t remember what got me started on the one as identity earlier but there we go anyway so today obviously hello obviously I’m working on the manger sponge but uh I am after I’m done I will be working

More on the refugee to Regent uh back end and I have made some outstanding progress on on hammering out what needs to happen when and how much needs to go where and for what reason and it’s it is it’s all coming together uh it’s finally coming together

And I’m down to I think three categories that I need to hammer out the details for um nobility crime and then the finer details of uh fortifications and then it’s basically done um the next step after I finish that is going to be to set up on the

Discord on the refugee to region Channel which is right now only I think visible to patrons um need to set up the list of the data packs and other stuff that’s getting used for the challenge so that I can just link to that or or just say that the information is in my

Discord and that way I’m not having to spam the description with too many characters cuz I’m going to be sending uh or I’m going to be including the links to where to get all these data packs and I think that too many links gets considered spam and your video gets taken down or

Something like that so I don’t even want to mess with that so I’m just going to say hey if you want to know what’s going on it’s over here instead uh I might even be able to include the the the primary resource pack that I put together using I

Think the first 12 13 or 14 of the resource packs needed for the data pack to work CU that that’s what I’ve got this right here it says incompatible but this right here is the last one that works um and all these other trial ones are I

Need to actually delete them from this list and then whenever I switch to 119 all of these three pop back over here to move them back over when I’m playing 1.20 but uh that that’s that’s uh a whole bunch of work right there lot of work going into this

Project and I really I I’m just chomping at the bit I can’t wait to get started on it but I want want to make sure that everything’s set up right before I start I I want to say okay here’s all the links so everyone’s uh attributed uh

Here is what I’m going to be doing personally with the challenge here’s links to my existing knowledge of where versions of descriptions of the challenge are uh put all that stuff up front so that I can say if you have any questions just go over here so I can focus on doing the

Challenge because there’s already a lot to do in the challenge my my uh capital and my nation populations continue to grow in number even before I start the challenge uh because there’s a lot of stuff that needs to happen and a lot of things contribute to population and growth and I’m just going

To have to get all the numbers preset before I start barreling into things oh uh let’s see here yeah I have that have that give me just one moment I forgot to do a a thing over here in general there we go I forgot to read today’s dead joke at

The beginning of the stream I something was nagging me and I was going I did that I did that have that it’s today’s dead joke what has a bed that you can’t sleep in a river I mean I guess unless you’re sleeping with the fishes in which case huh

And my set all right back to here back to this and then this I think my my total population that I’ve got right now once everything is done with the refugee to Regent challenge is well let’s see here I can actually bring up my spreadsheet and scroll it is 9,000

94 9,9 14 mouths to feed well not counting livestock by the time I’m done with that challenge and as I’ve been going through and doing the paperwork I have been building out the story and The Lure and all that kind of stuff that I’m going to be including in my version of The

Challenge my my pursuit of it um also I am getting a little bit better idea of how I’m going to go about making the program so that people can just say all right I want to do the refugee to Regent challenge I want to do it on this difficulty I want

This many outliers per stage I I need uh I’m going to stop at exactly this point in in the challenge so some people stop right when their Capital gets to the nether D Imperium hooray I made it this far I’m done some people are glutton for punishment and keep going like me which

Is why I will end up at 9,914 instead of where where’s where is 2390 oh man lot of growth if I stopped right at the uh at the uh nether star Imperium it would be half of my challenge stagewise that I actually have planned and it would be about 7,000 less population

Wow I am glutton for Punishment let’s see here oh also other projects for my Skyrim I am I’m am planning for slash preparing for worst case scenario and that is that no matter what inevitably I will just end up with save file corruption at this point in my testing I don’t think I can escape that

Fact so instead of trying to completely mitigate or or as completely as I can mitigate the impact of that uh I’m going to uh prepare for having uh a a new a new sort of I guess character roles as I go forward and playing so like say for instance my first character

Uh gets to the point where I can’t load a save file without crashing I will say well that’s the end of that character’s story now let’s roll a new one and instead of me being all picking and saying oh I’d love to play this kind of

Character or that I’m going to see about doing random random race random alternate start random religion and and then see what I can what sort of story I can tell with that character by going full Random yeah safe file go bur indeed I even have a name for the series planned it’s called until it just works there’s only one thing really that I can think of that’s actually causing the issue and it’s just simply manifesting as a camera issue on load

And that is somehow by some magic of numbers I am past the the maximum file size of 64 megabytes too much and that when it goes to try to load it it uncompresses the file and says oh too big let’s just kill it now and then at the point that it decides to

Kill it obviously it’ll crash and it just so happens that during that moment is trying to load camera related stuff and then that is the error that I get in the uh crash log it’s the only thing I can think of as the reason behind why this is going On but when I go and look at the the the save files they’re like 23 26 megabytes and and yes they could be significantly compressed you walked into a hole they could be significantly compressed and then when it goes to load them it says Ah it’s above 64 megabytes

Now so can’t do it bye sorry but I I really honestly don’t think that that’s actually what’s going on but it’s the only explanation that I can think of that might be a step in the right direction who knows the king’s court was slain by a spider wait it just occurred to Me there is none of Merlin on stream not stream chances are clicky is not actually active right now they might be AFK there’s two kinds of people when it comes to SMP servers there are the actively working on Project people and then there are

The uh I play on this server but I’m AFK all the time people the second group of people probably started off being pretty active but then it it became a well what do I do with my time now that I’ve done all the things that I want to build witch and fish for

Spawners did I miss a piece of conversation you had a headache reading my message that I typed here on Minecraft I said hey clicky clicky is a player top right you can see CLI I CC y yellow I said hey clicky I just showed off your map on stream a couple weeks back

If that’s what you’re talking about Vex but this witch and fish for spawners I what what are you saying cuddles did I miss something was that meant for someone else oh oh he’s saying if you were saying hello sir to to Johnny then he was saying hello back Oh and Cuddles if you’re getting a buffer on the stream are you watching both as appreciated as that is you don’t have to do that I see you over there little gold helm that’s why it’s a little gold helmet hello oh was too soon you Dodged really you’re closer than that you work closer than that neat okay that’s that layer done everything looks right set that little patch of green okay so now it’s this Layer so recently I have been doing the ADHD idle clicker Extravaganza streams and been using them to get some busy work done for uh for like my Refugee Regent spreadsheet and all that kind of stuff and figure things out on that um and while I do eventually intend on

Doing a full n game stream five games is still significant how long have I been building this June 23rd but not every day oh no no June 30th I’m sorry June 30th uh but I uh I have to in order to stay on top of some of my projects I have to basically

Bring in an outside party I have to have what’s it called body doubling or whatever I have to make sure that I don’t just open up the the program and then you know browse Wikipedia for 5 hours I have to do stuff and the best

Way for me to do that is to be observed and so I use my streams to get the projects done the ones especially the ones that are at a point where I am dreading working on them that way I’m forced to come up with a a finished product because I’m

Being watched I’m I’m streaming I put it on stream and my audience is my I I have all the motivation in the world my audience is my discipline to stick to it and so it is interesting because this new I guess Paradigm that I am doing the the idol clicker

Extravaganza probably because it has the word ADHD in it but um it has garnered a lot of views and a lot of watch time it has been responsible for boosting my numbers quite a bit recently so once I get the uh Refugee to Regent paperwork done I’m going

To uh finalize which nine games I’ll be doing so that I can at the very least once a week do an idol clicker Extravaganza might do it on a weekend CU it’s it’s more Mindless than some of the other things that I could be doing it’s not like I have to plan a

Neighborhood or figure out where I’m going to go for a Skyrim character or whatnot I have a message ah okay oh check my statistics on placing just this one block uh statistics I don’t know if you can do just one block I guess you can I would love to be able to sort

This wait which which column is placing times M times broken times crafted times used times picked up times dropped I don’t think there is a statistic for or times placed yeah there isn’t highest number I have right here is 645,000 and that’s times used 134 times dropped that seems pretty low

Honestly where’d he go there we are maybe I can just get an estimate of number of blocks placed total None of these seem to be Blocks place there’s damage dealt that’s a high number mobs items yeah can’t look up how many and nothing to click over here yeah sorry bud it’s been a lot I have placed a lot let’s see here um this would be 20 blocks so a larger one

Here would be 400 blocks and this would be 8,000 and so this would be 160,000 for a single layer of or a single tier four and so if I’ve done four tier fours then that means that I have done uh 640,000 blocks placed which wait a minute hold on hold on where was

That down here did it move ah there we go 640,000 times used there we go 640,000 is times used okay so that’s me using the block so my math was pretty spoton it wasn’t until I said the number out loud that my brain said hey dummy that’s the same number you just

Saw I the sponge is further than uh 4 20ths because cuddles has also been helping on the back wall of it I have been doing the front vertical end and Cuddles has been helping with the uh part over that direction and I bet if she looked up her

Stats she could say how many she’s placed and then we could actually get a pretty solid number estimate about how far we are along cuz this is 3.2 million to get the whole project done and if I’m 600 something thousand she’s 600 something thousand maybe 700 or 500 I don’t know

Um that either way that puts us over a million that’s a third of the way done oops oops oops so placing is used as far as the stats are concerned I’ll have to try to remember that if that ever comes up again and it’s okay you are forgiven Vex it

Happens to the best and the worst of us as they say an error does not become a mistake until you refuse to fix it you have apologized for it when it comes to stuff like chats and whatnot in my streams I like to use the the same sort of method that

Like Captain Sparkles uses everyone knows what he means when he says fork and and shorts and things like that everyone knows what he means gosh dang it but uh he doesn’t outright say the things and it’s through years of practice of of using the circumventing that you can just kind of train yourself

To not it’s best to save all the fancy words for when you’re in a group of sailors cuz don’t you know they cuss like Sailors oh you you put the the the teer face thing um I used to know the names of all those different uh text Em otes or or at least

What they used to be called back in the day I had a list of um the capital T’s are tears and the the W is part of the like the the crinkly mouth from an oooo face but there’s there’s different specific names for each of those different emotes and I

Can’t remember what that one is but you you accidentally uh un autocorrected it or whatever to to something else yes how uh how unfortunate I think the closest I’ve ever come to any thing resembling foul language on any of my content is on one of my streams I

Uh responded in a cartoonish way that was similar to one of the comics that I still can’t find who did it and what the comic is um that they they also use language to circumvent using cuss wordss but their language is a lot closer but it’s still in writing it’s clearly not the

Same but audibly it’s it’s significantly closer and and when I said it out loud my my ears heard it and I went oh no that’s going to be misconstrued they’re going to say I actually said it hello you’re just very finely sir here let me uh dry clean that for you if

I ever do make a uh a data packer mod or anything that involves enchantments I’m going to see if there’s a way to to change the values in opposite directions so protection Protection One gives you some level of protection protection two higher level and so on so forth but I wonder if

There’s a way to go in fractions like protection 1/2 or unprotection one unprotection two make you more fragile I wonder if there’s a way to do that because I think that would be hilarious someone gets really excited they they find a a netherite chest plate and they get the enchantment un

Protection they don’t read it really well and all of a sudden they get one shot by like a a llama or something I think that would just be hilarious ow I would also uh make it so that if you were wearing a full set of leather armor all four

Pieces then you would automatically get the invisibility uh uh potion effect because it’s made of hide you see look at that she’s placed even more than I have cuz I’ve been splitting my time between all my other projects so calculator 320 0 minus 645 and some change equals 2.5000 or 2.5 million

Minus 749 let’s round up oh we have 1.8 million blocks to go not quite halfway there halfway would be uh another 200,000 which considering that we aren’t mainlining this project de I’m only working on it about once or twice a week and I don’t know how often she

Works on it she’s been busy doing uh IRL stuff lately uh considering all that this has been getting some pretty substantial progress oops oops oops for only having been in the works since I know it started on June 30th of last year but that’s that’s the last day of

June come on let’s call it July it’s been in it’s been underway for 6 months oops that’s that’s pretty neat we yeah all this back here this is all cuddles work I’ve done the front end she’s been doing more that direction than I’ve done in the

Front but then I’ve also been working on under City and the Lial space and building the the storage facility cuddle helped with that too though in fact I’d say cuddles did about half of the everything clearing and and laying in floors and shelves and stuff

Oh and as predicted by the way the uh music just reminded me uh not that I even care to figure out which one or ones cause it all of my streams that go to V on on Twitch have sections that are muted because you know they don’t recognize this music as uh as

Being attribution free even though it is maybe if I put something in the comments or the description how how does it word it let me see here we have audio library it says terms and conditions music from this library is intended silly for you by you in videos and other content that you

Create you may use music files from this library in videos that you monetize yeah this is clearly stuff that I’m creating as far as I can tell hey monkey how goes things there was some confusion for a little while like shortly after you stopped showing up another person with the name

Monkey in their username showed up and and was uh spending some time in chat and at first I thought they were you and then it took me a a a few exchanges to go wait a minute this is not you changing your username again this is this is someone else

Different but welcome back monkey welcome back oops oops oops oops and again let’s see here the next layer gets torches which I have pre-made a whole bunch of an impostor what do you call a noodle that isn’t a noodle an impostor and hello banish where is my paste info scroll scroll scroll my

Pastes there we go copy minimize this come over here Boop been a while since I was able to put my paste in chat for a new user how do I have more than one copy paste uh I have pre-typed uh whole Fleet of messages over on my Discord and I just

Tab over to it I select what I want to paste and I put that into the chat for So I am trying to figure something out while I’m doing this I I have a process running in the back of my mind while everything else is running in the foreground I’m trying to figure out for the refugee to Regent challenge if if uh if I can

Just make if I can find somewhere in all the existing paperwork that gives at least a good sort of a lead on how many people are considered criminals based on populations in the slums and things like that if I can do that then I can just use my existing spreadsheets to uh

To produce a crime population it doesn’t have to get added to the total because they are already accounted for as far as Kingdom population and then from there all I really have to do is make sure that I have an appropriate number of I guess crime bosses above them and

Then make the crime bosses have uh effectively Noble status they’ve got their Estates and all that kind of stuff and I could even do I guess what you might call promoting from within which is to say the crime bosses could start off as regular slammies and then worked

Their way up to slum Lords and then so on and so forth and eventually become Mr Big or whatever I might be able to do something like that and not have to worry about adding or subtracting population from one place to another it it could just be

A how many people are criminals and then I just have to make sure that that number stays smaller than the enforcement number police military Etc and I wouldn’t have to worry about dealing with trying to come up with Rebellion stories and things like that how how do you randomly get a

Mystery box by being on uh and just you know existing usually by being active digging things looting through chests moving around killing mobs but I’ve seen some people get them just from standing there so I I don’t think you have to do anything at all just being

On you get a mystery box sometimes it’s random chance the the game says it’s time for mysty Bo Mystery Box let’s give it to picks from in this case seven people let’s give it to this person and let’s make it this level mystery box and they don’t

Care or the program the the function whatever doesn’t care whether or not you can open the mystery box it just says here you go have one good luck have fun It will sort no did really I’m a dumb dumb so I have mined with a netherite pickaxe almost 3.2 million blocks so far that’s almost as many as I need for the entire uh manger sponge one of these was a really nice pair of shears ah I felt so cursed when

I broke that pair cuz I typed uh fix all or I thought I typed fix all and then I immediately went right back to Breaking leaves and it turned out that what I actually typed was Fox instead of fix and so my really nice pair of shears I think they were off God

Shears just broke And I’ve thought about getting um some some custom shears in fact I do have some unused tokens I might be able to squeeze in a pair of shears but my fear is I’ll for get to mend them or or fix them and no matter how many levels of

Unbreaking a pair of shears doesn’t have a lot TPA b or bny Benny is better wait what do you mean never mind is it gone Your Castle vanished into the air which is to say it went unclaimed for uh being inactive for more than 60 days and all of the parts are just gone oh oh that reminds me you were on two days ago it should not have vanished in that short a time let’s see here

Boop all right 18 days I really hope that person just forgets to log in because they they made the agreement with me that they would just give it over and then they just came on and reclaimed their area or I guess let it or not didn’t let

It unclaim even though they only come on once every 60 days and I I’m I mean that’s their prerogative if they want to say yeah here you can have it and then never give it to me haha I guess jokes on me but come on man here hold my

Hobo here’s to hoping they they forget to log in in the uh expiration time and I can reclaim it is So for the refugee the region challenge there is a section dedicated to uh Nobles and leaders and all that kind of stuff that that shows up on all the stages where you have to make sure you are building or upgrading their Estates or letting them go up and rank I

Guess Marquee Duke uh Baron that sort of thing and I’m I’ve been trying to figure out how I’m going to I guess standardize the procedure for all of that like I had done for many of the other aspects of the challenge so that I can say all right here’s the

Baseline here here’s what you need to do then any extra floweriness that you want to add to it any extra lore story or any extra block types or anything else that you want to add on top of all this fine have fun but I think what I’m going to do

Is obviously the player estate is the highest level the Mind electric I don’t know I don’t know if I have by name uh obviously I’m not going to test it on on stream but I will I will try to remember that later uh anyway um the the player estate is is pretty

Substantial and then the noble Estates are less so but they are still significant and I I’m thinking excuse me I’m thinking what I need to do is find some way of making like a gradient like number of rooms added per stage um amount of servants or or something uh for the different aspect

Effects of the Estates and then if it’s a marquee give them this many new things per stage if it’s a baron this mini and so on so forth that way I can have a Baseline and treat the the different Nobles as like many stages for the challenge

Because once I get to a certain point uh what I’m going to be doing is giving the majority of the Nobles their own outlier and while most Nobles want to live where they are in charge the reasoning for my decision on giving them their own outlier is because the

ENT well that’s that’s gone forever is that the the the place where they are will be moving to is a Giant floating island in the sky uh over the ocean and that’s part of the terrain generation from uh teralith something that probably teralith all right that layer looks done

The next layer is going to be a complete layer but before I do it let me do some drink things I’ll be right back I have become in dirtified BL all right so I’ve done a a little bit of an experiment with the cats uh got the voltage just right no I mean

Uh I have learned that the the cats at this point have I guess they’ve determined that my bedroom is like the holy of holies or something and and it’s the the sacred place where they can’t get in and now that they are somewhat allowed in they just go in there and lay down

They don’t do anything they just lay down and sleep all day long they pick a spot they do not move they sleep they don’t rambunctiously play around they just sleep and yes that’s where the bed is and the occasional pile of clothing but um they they have lots of things that

They could theoretically mess with but they don’t is this is this right here on a chunk border hold on it is that further compounds my belief that it is chunk border based for when things vanish after placing them that is funny uh but anyway I left the bedroom door open and

And they have had plenty of access to go in and out but they have just stayed in the bedroom oh way past and they are not pawing and pting at the door up here to try to get my attention they’re at the far other end of the house just happily sleeping Away you’re looking for me on the manger sponge uh-oh well good luck hint I am nearish to Redstone Road I’m presently at a corner where you can see a pixel art and a vantage point of this big dragon thing and you fell you don’t have fly do you well I’m sorry

Cuddles I thank you for trying to watch it on both well that might be um who knows speaking of having ads I I’m not 100% certain what the procedure is for the transition between uh not being able to have members and supers and then suddenly being able

To so in the back of my mind I’ve been pondering that today so if I’m particularly quiet for a long stretch and or you hear maybe me breathing on the mic it is me trying not to have a panic attack cuz I can feel it feels like

Lightning on my scalp right now and I know what it is it’s it’s uh it’s one of my stress symptoms oops oops oops oh I should mention by the way for people who are in the good old Us survey it’s beginning of a new year obviously and that means you’re going to

Start getting your tax stuff in do remember that tax season is rapidly approaching race for impact you fell again oh no it is going to be rather difficult to get up to where I am actually no no it’s not come to think of it you could be a real

Goober and I’m not telling you to do this but you Could out here is not claimed oh wait wait wait I might be wrong on that that’s too far away no actually I think I think this is claimed by that other guy so never mind I was going to say you could nerd pole up the side and then drop in

But oh you built up and destroyed it so it is unclaimed there can’t find me well that’s because I keep moving around probably oh uh okay yeah you’re on the wrong side oh no yeah the big tall one over there that’s not where I am I’m over on this side

I’ve been sort of watching chant chant chat I’ve been watching chant you know there’re summoning the great block that’s one aspect of the refugee to Regent challenge that was kind of tough for me to hammer out for a while is they they want to include a religion

Aspect cubism or or whatever they they called it where there is a a deity for dirt and then wood and stone and so on so forth but there’s also one version of The Challenge has this overarching deity and so between the three major different versions and some of the minor ones there are

Dozens of different uh Gods and Goddesses for the pantheons and so what I tried to do is make a standardized system well there goes half loock oh I got it ha and while streaming on Discord I think for uh ugma Infinium one of my Patron people

I managed to come up with a workable solution for all the different stages that uh it progresses nicely and smoothly it incorporates items from newer versions of the game including uh the copper and the skulk and Amethyst um I’m I’m generally happy with the way I have laid it out I’ve got representation

For two of the pantheons one of them is kind of just it’s more like credits than it is a Pantheon why hello how are you so you build a shrine to Notch the creator of Minecraft you build a a shrine to dinner bone and and and Jeb and and others like that

And there isn’t really any structure behind it it’s just high and nowby it’s it’s just kind of there but the other I I will call them more major pantheons have like Lage and then there’s suore and there’s there’s like favored items and times of the year and stuff like that and there’s

A little bit more thought that has gone into them but all the lists are woefully incomplete so I I had to sit there and come up with something that I could use as a a standardized piece of information to bridge the gaps for the empty spaces oh there it is and

Then uh bring some of the stuff up to current date with 120 stuff and I’m still struggling to get some of the things Incorporated because one of the things that I want to try to do is have an explorers Guild also in addition to everything else one of the other facets of

Minecraft that never got covered in any of the guild types is exploration there’s agriculture there’s mining there’s crafting there’s trading and mercantilism there’s military but there’s no like adventuring and exploring and all that there’s an achievement in the base game for uh for exploring all the biomes in fact I think I even

I might have it um been Minecraft maybe it’s under Minecraft know I thought for sure oh there it is it’s boots of course okay so it is it is on the adventure tab there we go 52 biomes and then there’s discovering all the other places and stuff like that and

Then I’ve also got questing and and other things wait what’s this look at a parrot through spy glass look through look at a gas or spy glass I could get some achievements um but for my Refugee to Regent challenge I actually have a data pack called the Explorers Guild

And I have added the ability to track down biomes and structures by making special compasses um I I have a lot of emphasis that I want to put on exploring including exploration based quests where once per stream or episode or whatever I have an ever increasing radius random number generation for for

Here are coordinates go to them and see what you can find there may be nothing at the coordinates there may be nothing between you and the coordinates but the adventure is the objective and so I want to maybe include some sort of a an Explorer Guild in addition to everything else that’s going

On okay no playtime bonus for me even though I’ve been on for almost two hours no it’s been more than two hours cuz I I logged in no I logged in at the the beginning of the stream logged back in so there was a period of time when I wasn’t logged in

Hi cuddles so I am on HUB one let’s go to HUB two let’s go to HUB three and I have an idea I’m going disconnect gonna reconnect 350 people big oof and let’s see if maybe that number changes no it doesn’t I I give up I give up at least I get these

Guys which this is kind of irrelevant but it’s fun to see what happens in chat because the way that they had to make it so that I was so that that I I was the higher tier YouTube rank um they have uh two in quote invisible ranks above the amethyst

Tier or rank or whatever and so I get all of the things that the the highest clubs and everything else get so by sheer accident who are you jwolf 1963 uh by sheer accident I have uh a few extra Collectibles and things than I had before I finally I finally have

Morphs I finally have morphs anyway we’re here for building you fixed the thing that was an A so you destroyed the side I will definitely come do that let me finish this ring if my mouse can stay or my mouse and keyboard can cooperate and stay in line Tada all right TPA

Bonnie it’s raining bad where you are where is it that it’s raining bad oo nice mix you’ve got the polished along with the bricks nice crenellations up here the outside looking pretty snazzy don’t look around on the side got it now the question is are you going to

I air bubbled my throat are you going to be making like some sort of uh uh a Redstone like a gravel or or concrete drawbridge thing ah you’re getting storms too just like cuddles is then I love finding these like the surface ponds or whatever surface Lakes surface ocean whatever that spill

Into a Chasm this is neat I love finding these that go almost all the way down to bedrock if not all the way down like this one is still going down a bit but it’s probably oh wait no here we go some more no stops there oh here we go this goes

Down still going down down into deep slate land down down let’s see where it goes is that a torch that’s a torch ooh how do you change the time you do PE time and if you want to stay a certain thing you go at if you want to just

Change it temporarily to that time you leave the at off and it’ll say some message of some sort either saying that you messed up or that you did it right okay it feels like it can be lower over here oh yeah for sure it’s lower there

Any lower over here y yep yep still going what’s this depth I am at Nega 54 so this Cave System connects all the way down almost to bedrock if not to bedrock if you count that lava I bet that lava pool takes me all the way down to

Bedrock what’s what’s going on over here also- 54 cuz Bedrock on here nine nine more layers down there we go confus someone that comes down here yeah it’s probably the storm cuddles it probably is I miss well sort of Miss um old versions of Minecraft with the introduction of the underground Lava

Pits not so much the water pools but definitely the Lava Pits did this it would generate the world generate the Bedrock and then afterward it would generate the lava and wherever there was supposed to be still lava not flowing but still lava source blocks if it said a

Lavas Source block goes here and that here was in the location of a piece of Bedrock it would overwrite the Bedrock and so you could dig through or Swim through the lava straight out the bottom of the world now this was before elytras uh so it was a lot less

Fun you needed to have a mod that somehow enabled you to be able to fly like a jetpack or something like that but or magic but yeah you could go under the world it’s pretty neat it’s captain sparkle says pretty swick right into the void how have you gotten three Bedrock

They’re they’re called uh uh spawners uh statistics items oh these aren’t in any alphabetical order or anything like that ah it’ll be a low number of dropped it’ll be above zero I saw the coal or got real excited wait is bedrock not on this list I’m sure for me it’ll be less than

500 so let’s do it this way wait I thought I had picked up more ancient de breathe in that I know I picked up more ancient de breathe in that oh 16 one ancient debris where is bedrock I know I’ve placed and picked up more than five spawners maybe it’s on the main

Tab oh what am I doing I don’t know so pb30 oh no I stopped carrying the yeah I stopped carrying the uh ancient debris with me I know I have four Stacks total at least that I’ve mined myself and it’s saying 160 four Stacks is no fewer than

256 so I don’t think all the numbers are always right sorry about that distraction oh by the way I did notice this I presume this was you Johnny uh cuz you were talking about it at the time but this happened before my countdown ended uh I’ll rerun that thanks for the follow

If it wasn’t you Johnny then uh thanks to follow anyway I was just reminded of that oh that was a curtain of rain so I’m thinking tomorrow I’m going to be doing another idle clicker Extravaganza thing so that I can get some more work done on the Refuge to Regent um and then

Maybe on uh Wednesday I might be doing some Skyrim but I I think the testing is at its limit with with what I need to do to understand what is going on with the different mods and stuff everything seems to be functioning the way it’s supposed to except for you know the the

Saved crashes which I seem to have little to no control over because my superstitions about what caused them prove to be wrong um it’s it seems to just the amount of stuff that I do that’s causing it uh it seems actually it seems to be very similar

To what I had that used to happen on Fallout New Vegas where after I had a character that I had basically done everything all the DLC and all that on and I tried to do more and more stuff little side quest uh radiant quests and all that kind of

Stuff and explore all the things and try to do everything in Fallout New Vegas it would get to a point where it would load the save I might be able to take one or two steps and then it would crash and then I would load a save from

I don’t know the day before and play it some more do completely different things and then after another day’s worth of playing I would go to load a new save or or a fresh save I should say and it would either crash on load or it would crash just after I loaded

Everything so maybe it maybe it is save file bloat I don’t know if there’s anything I can do to fix that um easily there is a quote fix that I found that that involved finding when my last good save was and the way to do

That is go in and do player. kill and let the game figure out for itself what a good save file looks like and then it’ll load that and then you make copies of that and then you load it in after having disabled all of the mods uh

Uh well you do have five bars of signal on here at least cuddles so that’s something it’s bag of air but I I have over 300 mods and this this doesn’t say to just disable them this says to remove them completely and then do the busy work and

Then reinstall the mods again and let it pick things back up uh it feels like that sort of a solution might work if say you’ve got 10 15 20 mods but when you’re looking at 300 mods I I I really don’t believe that that solution is going to work for me

And they say that even with doing this it only buys you a little time because if you’re at the point where save file is starting to bloat then there’s not really much that can be done for it other than just stop playing that character and that’s what everyone is

Saying which which is very discouraging because apparently save file bloat happens on the vanilla game that means that you literally can’t do everything on one character it’s impossible if save file bloat happens on the vanilla game then I have no chance but what really baffles me is it

It’s happening for me at around level 45ish something like that 43 I believe some somewhere around there between 45 and 50 I guess uh I’ve had characters last past level 70 I’ve had characters get almost to level 100 with way different mods more involved stuff

And me going into all the quest lines of all the mods one at a time and it’s been just fine I’ve had characters that I’ve had uh I don’t know 2 3,000 hours on one character so I’m not 100% convinced it’s save file float but there is something going on

And if I can’t find a game solution then what I’m going to have to do is come up with something else and here’s what I I’m thinking about doing on uh Wednesday’s stream I have a piece of software that I use for writing scripts I mean I I have lots

Of different software for writing code and stuff different versions of basic from back in the day bunch of c and plus and sharp and somewhere I’ve got for Tran uh somewhere I’ve got Cobalt I don’t even remember where my my trash 80 simulator is but um I have a bunch of different operating

System and and programming language and scripting language options for being able to write something short and sweet where I can just say generate a new character and it’ll tell me what I need to to do and I will just follow the instructions from the random generation I’ll have to follow them

Manually because I don’t think I can just say all right uh make a new character with these sorts of stats and all that kind of stuff but I I want to identify what all the criteria are for instance obviously there’s gender there’s race I don’t care about appearance I might as

Well just click randomize on the appearance that doesn’t really matter to me um but there’s gender there’s race there’s because of winter sun there’s religion because of the uh starting spell slots there are uh options for five different schools of magic for what spells you start with including nun you could start

With none and one or more of the spell slots or or and uh conjuration and then there’s the alternate start live another life I can go through the list and write down all the different options of things that I could be starting as and then when it’s all said and

Done oh I guess if I’m going to be doing the winter sun thing there are some deities that aren’t available for some races so I will have to do the winter sun stuff the religion stuff afterward but then I also would have to choose what am I going

To uh focus on for my combat style uh what type of character am I going to be good guy bad guy cuz you know I I might be a vampire that’s on a Redemption Arc you know like I could be like SRA who doesn’t want things to go bad for the

World uh but there’s lots of different things that I will need to take into account and I don’t know what all of them are off the top of my head but that just that small list right there is a lot of things to do some data entry on so what I’m thinking is

Maybe using Wednesday to gather information on on character start options there’s also I have I need to look into what all is involved with it but I have a oh hello hello I see you hi Hi how are you you missed there you go I have a bunch of

I almost called them enchantments they’re not enchantments um enhancements is that what they’re calling it on Twitch uh says panels down here at the bottom it shows only two of the I know for sure I have activated four of them so so there’s there’s even more information that I need to deal with

With that all right that’s good uh but I I have these extra things that I can add on including something called crowd control and apparently there’s crowd control options for most popular games uh so I could maybe figure out some sort of crowd control thing for Skyrim something for Minecraft and and

Also I need to figure out uh all the different like Emoji stickers and all that kind of stuff and and bit redemptions and I I don’t even know if I have to wait to do that until I’m a certain level of of streamer on on there

Or what but there seem to be a lot of things that are are missing pieces of information for me that I need to look into but as far as the Skyrim specifically is concerned I could maybe try to figure out how crowd control works and see if I can get something

About that started or I I don’t know I I don’t know what I have at my disposal honestly I I was standing still but well bye goodbye so I’m either going to be playing or I’m going to be uh testing which I guess is technically playing or I’m going to be

Just spending most of the time trying to figure out what I need to do for the coding but one thing I do know for sure is my main Earth character that I’m I’ve been using for the testing up to this point you’re not going to go in the hole there you go uh

He had has an awful lot of books at his disposal and I want to use that character for acre as many books as I can so I want to see if I can get some of the book quests done and then get a save that works after I do that

Um one of the things that uh one of the things that feels like might be going on with the save file issue is when a script starts it needs to run it course and some of them are long scripts that just keep going until you’ve you’ve completed this particular Quest

Or something like that and so what might be happening is I just might have too many active quests and I need to finish a whole bunch of them all in one go so that I can get a cleaner save I’m not saying that that’ll work but it is a lead

And I’m willing to try it but my fear is that I’ll put a whole lot of time into trying to get a whole bunch of quests done and I’ll make save after save after save and none of them will stick and that’s a concern that is is actual real

And tangible that I have lots of evidence to say that that might happen so I don’t know what I’m going to do with with Slash about that we’ll see but tentatively Wednesday is going to be Skyrim Tuesday is going to be working on the the PS and q’s for refuged Regent and then

Thursday I guess I’ll just play it by year I don’t even know what I want to do that far ahead I I tend not to plan that far ahead cuz I never know what the days are going to bring sadly I mean I do plan to stream for sure

But unlike the the trend of doing manger Monday like I have been um I I don’t have specific stuff designed for the rest of the days of the week and largely that’s because my my streaming is going to revolve around uh Refugee to Regent and Skyrim and then also some stuff for the

Sequence and other things that I’ve got planned so right now I’m just just streaming for what I’ve got on my plate but I do plan on having something a bit more structured in the future but the problem is I want to do something that I I I

Just can’t do and what that is is I was before I got sick I was doing a stream a day a long stream every day like more than 5 hours at Le at least six or seven hours per stream per day and I had a routine of this game on

That day this game won that day and uh I I can’t do that anymore not without the risk of getting sick again all right so all of these layers okay so I am right here I have just put in that layer there that means it needs to

Illuminate all the stuff below it but it doesn’t need to illuminate anything above it these torches illuminate above it and because this layer is going to be literally everything that matches above it for the four large Corners I only have to double up on the Torches for these areas because these

Areas are going to to be entirely exposed so this is four torches because it needs to cover all eight of these Rings okay so single sets for all of them and then just double sets for these four rings worth Okay cool so let’s go pb2 to bring down some torches

Also um I’m pretty sure the stuff like the crowd control and all that I’m pretty sure that doesn’t get affected by anything that happens over on YouTube I’m not all that well versed at all that knowledge yet still learning but I’m pretty sure that there’s no crowd control sort of

Stuff that you can do through YouTube it would have to just be done through twitch which is I mean I guess it’s fine but uh my main oops my main Pursuit is where all my videos are twit is just sort of an expansion a DLC if you

Will glad to have it at my disposal ah lot of torches on this layer actually I think this layer is probably one of the most torches other than uh well hold on I’ll be able to come look at one in just a bit when this area gets built up the entire

Entire thing gets double torched all the way around that because there is going to be airspace over every single one of the holes whereas with this right where I am now there’s not going to be airspace over this there will be airspace over here so this is going to get double

Torched but right here no it occurs to me only just now the I guess sort of funniness that I started my stream talking about something else generally mathy and nerdy the colat conjecture huh okay that was a breeze cold or not I would like to have one good solid week

Here where it is not raining so that I can get some of my midwinter outside chores taken care of cuz I have that sort of clay dirt at my house and it takes an annoying amount of time to dry out which I mean it’s great if you’re a gopher you should see my

Yard but if it stays soggy and wet it makes it harder to do some kinds of yard work I don’t mind bundling up it’s just stomping around in mud that I have a real problem with especially cuz if I’m stomping in around in the mud making more Footprints it just kills off

More of my grass and it’s even worse so I would much rather not have to deal with all that so I do most of my yard work uh when it is when it has been dry for about a week and for the last couple months I have not had

That as an option it has not been dry for a week and and certain circumstances especially lower wind and all that uh not only is it wet but also it’s not the right condition for it to evaporate and so it just gets wet it stays wet and I

Can’t do any of my stuff I need to do so the rain that we’re getting today kind of kind of nonplused but it is what it is oh I missed one is that right yeah that’s right all right set up streight straight in the chair there we go and let’s grab a drink

Also hi Emma I see you over there on that chat hi on Twitch hello and Emma I know that you are west of me how how goes the weather over there have you recently had a a good long soaking rain or is this just coming at me from the south one two three

Oops there we go that first one wasn’t lined up right oh well that one’s gone forever bye so I wonder how many people who come to my channel because of the the ADHD streams see me doing things like this and go wait what’s This what what devil magic is going on n actually probably not the phenomena of hyperfocus is not all unheard of even and especially amongst ADHD people So let’s see here what do I need to do as far as uh video making cuz when it comes to my announcement stuff I don’t want it to be on stream I want it to be videos so obviously I want to be doing the announcements for the refugee to Regent

And for the Skyrim and for the sequence my quandry is do I want those the full announcements of those to be in with the same video that I am doing the look back in the look forward because of crossing the 2000 Mark or do I want to keep them

Separate I know that the actual sequence announcement video is going to be its own creature but I’m not even close to focusing on that just yet because I want to do to uh get the busy work done for Refugee derent and for the Skyrim series um I’m thinking that what I’ll do

Is oh just just realized there we go I will make just a a minor announcement of each of the things in my uh my 2000 sub video and then keep the the actual full announcements for them separate that way the people who are wanting to know the stuff about the Skyrim can watch

Specifically the Skyrim video and same thing about the Minecraft for the Minecraft video they don’t have to suffer through the the material that they aren’t interested in it feels like the the better way to go once I’m done getting all the stuff done for the Refuge to Regent and have begun

The series for that and Skyrim there are a couple other projects that I have had gently underway that I’m going to probably be wanting to recruit at least a rubber duck or two to run some ideas by on the Discord and see about filling in some some information that might be

Missing putting our heads together one of the projects is uh I am not only writing a book but I’m also making a a YouTube series based on it and if I can I’m also going to make a Discord bot I know it’s very ambitious but it’s all on the same thing

So it’s not as much work as it might seem like it’s basically the the same thing in just different views I guess and it’s going to be based on I I guess backro style Lial spaces without being completely the back rooms but it’s generally going to be that

Premise and I have certain aspects of it that I have been putting off focusing on because I’ve had these other projects that I’m wanting to spend most of my time on but the Horizon is quickly approaching where I can see them Shining Light on the world so I I need

To uh get some more details for them figured out before they start uh also uh details for some of my stories one of the things that I was way overly ambitious for early on like back when I started my Discord and and originally set up my patreon and all

That kind of stuff I don’t know who I thought I was kidding me famous huh um I have a number of other projects that I have set aside to be worked on with uh my my patreon people and uh it’s it’s more story kind of stuff than anything

But the advantage of that is once I get the refugee to Regent and the uh SE the uh the Skyrim I almost call it the sequence that’s something else uh once I get Refugee to Regent and Skyrim started I will have a lot more leeway with my

Time to be able to work on my writing I’ve not been allowing myself enough time to just sit down and finish editing a story or or flesh out a a an outline for another one or uh make some progress on any of the Myriad ones that I’ve already

Begun because I’ve been wanting to get these things that are are more more tangible to me obviously I have YouTube going and it it’s already on roll and so I don’t I I feel an obligation to keep this Boulder rolling and so what happens is the slack

Gets uh released over in the the book writing Area and I I feel like after I get at least these two project started I will have a lot more time available for me to focus on my writing and my editing and some of the uh story ideas and other aspects of the writing I want to try to to include and

Involve my patreon supporters um be above and beyond the fact that people supporting on patreon get signed copies of my Books that yeah that’s still three and that’s three something seems a little wonky after I finish this I’m going to fly up and see no it’s all it all look looks good weird I guess I had an optical illusion it Happens Interestingly enough it’s actually one of my uh patreon supporters that has provided the covers for not only my first uh sci-fi novel that I published not not my first book but per sci-fi novel but also uh several of the upcoming ones he has provided the cover

Art because that’s what he do he is a graphic graphics artist sadly I have learned that he is rubbish at animation and I’m hoping to get a scene transition on here on streamlab so that when I switch between scenes like when I when I go from say here to the patreon

There’s a little animation uh a lot of streamers have little screen transitions that happen that like a big box comes on and and there’s like lightning or or some other little animation that happens and then when it goes away it’s the other screen as if by

Magic uh I I know exactly what screen transition I want and stubborn me knows that I could probably accomplish it by making about let’s see here three three and a half seconds worth of of about 50 frame per second gifts so we’re talking about 175 images with different levels of

Transparency that move around rinse the screen out and then reveal the next screen and it all revolves around revolves around uh it all revolves around my my thorn of night logo but I’m hoping that before I start working on it I might find someone who says oh I can just make an animation

That does that you don’t have to make 175 screen sized 1920 x 1080 gifs because it feels like there is probably a simpler solution than what I would do but because I am not in that field of knowledge I would find a way to do it but it would be much harder

Way oh the music stopped and my heater kicked off at the same time and I I thought uhoh are my ears doing a thing then my brain said no you can hear block block block block block Bunches of different stuff on my brain so I love words I collect words in lists I I like to study etymologies which is word origins I love tracking word origins and histories across multiple languages seeing how they transform over time how L’s turn into T’s and it’s it is interesting how

Uh things happen even within the same dial the same language from one dialect to another let alone when words go from one language to another so it it was very shocking to me when I very recently had the AHA cuz it had never occurred me before that a a person who works

On toilets and sinks and drains and stuff we we know that they are called plumbers okay that that much is pretty standard knowledge but what the aha moment was for me is why they’re called plumbers they used to be people who worked on specifically pipes and pipes were made of lead plumbum in

Latin they were called plumbers because they worked on lead pipes and it only just the other day occurred to me after all this time of you know my whole life I know the word plumber and then all of a sudden my brain goes wait hold on it’s plumber as in plumbum it’s

Lead they they work with lead or at least used to that’s where their name comes from it was just one of those amazing kind of things for me this this uh continuity from one language to another uh Why what did I do uhoh I did Something oh no oh no yep that’s what I did remember earlier when I said something looked wrong I found it d granted it’s not nearly as bad as it could be but I hate having to undo adios monkey thanks for hanging out good to see you again glad to see you still up

And kick and monkey if you haven’t noticed I not only am streaming streaming on YouTube but also multi streaming over to Twitch now if you feel up to it and have the means a follow would be greatly appreciated and also this goes for any anyone else who’s watching on one or the

Other if you have the means to follow or subscribe on the one that you’re not watching on do please and thank you all right now I go this way Ah also thankfully it doesn’t take me too terribly long to undo this little oops I don’t know why but I just suddenly got a a Nostalgia for this was decades ago I used to go to a an apple orchard well it was more than just an apple orchard but an orchard and they

Had these sort of SE seasonal things that happen including in the fall they had hay rides and all year round you can go in you pay some amount of money you you get to go out into the Orchards and Fields and stuff and you get to pick stuff you

Pay money to pick things right off the plant and you know you can eat while you’re out there if you feel particularly feisty you can chump on an apple or eat a handful of uh berries or whatever and for some reason something reminded me of it oops

Oops and I got a Nostalgia for it it was at this place that I learned that there are some people who have hands that are capable of just the right amount of pivot pressure to be able to split an apple in half just with their bare

Hands even at my strongest I found out that my hands don’t wrap enough around an apple to be able to do it well enough I mean I I managed to do it a couple of times but they can do it consistently and they’re probably stronger than me but still

Uh it’s a neat little trick also from this place I got my first taste at large varieties of different flavors of candy canes up until this one visit that I took to this Orchard um I was only ever aware as a kid of you know the two different kinds of of Christmas

Candy canes those ones with red ones with green and and some combinations thereof oops and at this place they had like 10 cents you could get uh just a a standalone candy cane and they had all kinds of Fruit and Berry flavors they had root beer they

Had just any anything you could think of that would be in candy form they had a candy cane for it and that just blew me away it was also then that I discovered that ultimately candy canes and ribbon candy are the exact same thing as a matter of fact most [ __ ]

Candies are all the exact same thing to some extent but what prompted this memory I still don’t know a neuron fired and sent me down a little memory rabbit hole hoay for Nostalgia neurons nostalgi Rons Oh wait wait wait is this one right yeah this one’s right I’m just glad I noticed it before I started placing these blocks what really clued me in is when I do my sanity check outside of the build i’ make a quick glance and I go oh good there’s two between the

Holes and there were three in my brain went wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong for oh Emma uh if you’re paying any attention at all it might be of interest to you uh the the story making space that I I was working on the other day uh I’ve I have flushed out a little

Bit more of an outline uh for the flow of events so a little bit more progress has been made on that that story that you were in on the ground floor of watching me right for so wait a minute on the statistics if I come over here to items times used times

Crafted I have crafted either I have crafted 14,000 no 14,000 Stacks would be hold on calculator uh that’s that already had information on it 1460 2times 64 don’t want to do that in my head yeah that would be over million or almost a million over yeah I it’s not a million I’ve not

Done a million yet so that’s I’ve only crafted 14,000 which that that speaks to how Reliant I have been on the the people who used to play on the server all the time filling in the donation box with uh chisel deep slate after giving them Cobble deep slate and

Whatnot so that means uh there’s quite the the difference right here 14,000 versus 654 th000 but I’m also interested in I have picked up almost 18,000 of them but over here I have mined approaching 16,000 of them a lot of that is just layers or whatever of oopsies but most of that is

Probably just like one block at a time o this one block is placed wrong mine it uh ooh this one block is placed wrong M it those add up pretty quick wow those sounds like raindrops the size of my thumb holy cow it doesn’t sound like hail it just sounds like big fat

Raindrops and I I can tell from my mic uh progress bar or volume bar or whatever that it’s not picking up the rain noises even if I stop talking entirely yeah nothing but I assure you it do be raining there’s some big fat raindrops going on out here what oh pv2 I’m so

Glad for the purposes of this build that the chiseled deep slate is nonorientable which is to say if I place it this way it’s still going to place in the same orientation as if I place it this way or straight down as opposed to say a log which will

Face different ways depending on how you place it logs are orientable I’m so glad that it turns out that these aren’t but it makes me think there are a lot of blocks that are orientable and a lot that are are and aren’t blah blah blah and keeping track of

Which uh for the purposes of building is uh a case of memory but I think that that is where at least some of the interface that seven days to die has recently is implemented is actually useful because on there all the blocks are orientable in all of the directions and rotation and everything

Else so what you do is you you hold R when you’re holding a placeable block and it brings up a menu for how you want to rotate it I think it’s R by default um it’s it’s certainly r on my settings but I think that if Minecraft were

To transition all of the blocks to be orientable they would pretty much have to come up with a solution like that so that you can lock an orientation or have it place on Surface or place 90° to surface or something like that because now there is

Enough in the pot of blocks that are orientable that uh placing some things is very annoying also on that same subject I feel like we should get the option like hold shift and if you want to place water on the side of a block that can be

Water logged then it will not water log that block I think that that functionality needs to be a thing because I have had so many of my little Concepts that I’ve been wanting to do for some of the more recent versions of Minecraft different build ideas and

Whatnot I’ve had them just turn out awful because I have to do all these extra steps of all right replace this specifically placed block block with a solid block so that I don’t have to worry about water logging it okay now that’s in place now I can

Finally place the water and then break the original block again or the the replacement block and then Place back the original provided I can find the right angle to place that block in its original position say like a stair block that needs to be placed just

So I think they need to bring in something that allows you to place water on the side or on the top of a water loggable block I think that that would be a tremendous quality of life upgrade that this game really deserves for Builders to be able to do just saying

Wonder if that’s something you could do with a data pack come to think of it cuz those would be the data packs that I would make non nonwater logging water placeable glowstone dust colored glowstone blocks and dust and vertical Redstone wire slash dust slash whatever those are four that I would love to

Use and are intriguing enough to me to make me want to try to get into making data packs to the point where that might actually be something that I start streaming eventually once I get to that point like on weekends or something stream me trying to code and and create uh a data

Pack cuz dyed glowstone doesn’t feel like it would be too hard to do sometime this week I do plan on putting out a video video that’s unrelated to basically everything else but uh it’s one that has been sort of in the works and now that I have Movie

Maker on this computer I think I can actually bring myself to finish the project and it’s one of those kind of ASMR play in the background while you’re sleeping videos but it’s it’s just sort of ambient footage of uh part of my server that has uh some some interesting spawns that keep

Happening that along with a variety of ambient noises I think I can pull off a a a decent video I got ahead of myself again oh wait no these are correct it’s these so anyway uh it’s either going to be one of those 1 Hour

Videos or if I can manage it it’s going to be a 10-hour video it’ll be the same hour looped but but I want to put together something that I would enjoy listening to while I’m trying to sleep something that has enough going on to keep the outside

World outside so that my my brain can just drift additionally I am considering bringing back if not from scratch then trying to rescue the save file and get the same version to work um a a series of no commentary long plays that I begun on a a Minecraft

World that was just me playing with shaders on and just playing toward a a general goal but just playing Minecraft not stressed not some sort of challenge or anything like that I had goals of trying to get enough iron to make a a a railway that I want to

Make uh and I on the uh at the start the end I I had a little information wall that I I would look at so that I didn’t have to do my intros and outros uh but I I feel like there is room for that sort of thing in the videos of my

Channel and I do want to have something else for people to be able to look at so I’m probably going to to be re-engaging that project which makes me wonder I 1.2.2 can I get my BSL shaders to work on that I wonder how to test Okay I think for the most part the panic attack that was trying to engage earlier has faded away uh the problem with that is is uh my brain has the ability I guess to think it into existence so it’s never really fully gone it’s like it’s like

Clapping after the first time you start clapping in your life you can never stop clapping it’s just taking longer and longer between each clap like if you’re at a play and you clap a whole bunch of times that last clap you’re not done clapping it may be until you go to

Another play or a song or something else makes you clap but the clap will re-engage at that point and you will continue clapping cuz you never stop clapping well the same sort of thing with uh the uh the whole scumbag brain thing Is it it never shuts off its its worry machine um I think Rono gaming is the one who says it is a 3 and2 lb electrochemical anxiety machine and what an apt description for it and that was weird my monitor not my monitor just the streamlabs OBS just flickered black for a

Second don’t know what that was about oh I see that’s what I did wrong actually this part won’t take hardly any more time it won’t take any more time in fact than it would originally have this is the top layer of where this is supposed to be

I’m supposed to built all of this up to here so we just continue building like we’ve been doing it’s just now there’s there’s some holes now that my brain is a little bit less foggy it can see this more clearly again that’s the thing I hate about the panic attacks

Is once that parts of my that part of my brain engages the rest of my brain is just kind of a long for the ride and I have to like if I’m in the middle of a stream or whatever I have to just pretend like

Not as much as going wrong where if I weren’t streaming this is basically where I would you know step away from the computer lay down try to get some more sleep or something because brain go and I I hate the effect it has I lose focus

I don’t pay as close attention to the details as I ought to I hates it I need to get to some point where I can afford to get some sort of treatment cuz it’s quite the difference between being told oh yeah you’ve got this and being able to do something something about it

Hooray four things why hello I’ve been looking for you got a message for you let’s see here it’s a letter don’t know who from wouldn’t say guess that’s it got to go we’re just going to pretend that that zombie was a Courier cuz they’ve got just about the

Same path finding they can find you anywhere used to be a lot worse actually what was worse than that oh my god when seven days did I made that one update so that zombies had seemingly infinite path findinding ability that was the worst you could literally set up a maze that

Had a thousand intersections over several layers and the Seven Days to Die zombies would be able to just in one go pick exactly the first step they needed to take to get to you all the way through the entire maze they had perfect pathfinding knowledge it was terrible silly

Clairvoyance yeah they they would track us from the bottom of the Sham Factory all the way straight to the top even when it wasn’t horde Knight it was it was terrible I hated it it made building anything completely unfun because no matter how complicated you tried to make things zombies would just

Go I’m omniscient I’ll come straight to your weakest point you may not know it but even though this maze has 75 different steps that I have to do to get to you if I come from this way it’s just 14 I mean brains s Days to Die for me is one of those Middle Ground games there are some games where you buy it and you regret buying it like like you know that it is once you start playing you’re like oh oh this is this is

Awful thankfully some of those you can just get refunds but then there’s games where you get it and immediately you know this this is great but then there are games you get that either because they change over time or it takes a little while to get to the part that’s not all that

Good you find out oh well well this this isn’t all that good this is this is a mediocre game I am I’m not Plus I’m not non plused I am just absolutely meh about it and that’s kind of where 7 Days to Die has fallen for me of

Late it’s definitely not the game that I bought almost a decade ago it’s similar it has the same Vibe is but functionality it is very drastically different now I understand that some of the things that we took for granted were exploitative but some of the stuff was actually really well done and they

Decided H let’s let’s start from scratch again and they have started from scratch so many times on that game that for me it has become a a matter of just I used to be excited to launch that game not Anymore oh you’re salty about the transition to points instead of do thing better the new system as far as I have been able to to tell from what I’ve done in it is it’s not even so much points it’s start doing thing and hope to get a

Skill book for that thing so that you can get point it it feels like almost everything is learnable strictly through skill books and at the time that I was testing it I I did not have the the moments or the colored pencils to be able to figure

Out what I needed to do to at a reasonable Pace advance so I just kind of I haven’t played it since then which which is terrible it’s a it’s a generally good game it’s still fun to play but they keep taking the rug out from under us so yeah right there with you

Wait twice uh because of how I did this I didn’t get to see the great big version of the the heat sink oh well is what is K sah Sarah whatever will be will be for you just tried opening my chat with t to double check that message oh oh

You’re you’re playing Minecraft and and you tried to look again to see the wolf kins chat yeah that’s that’s actually really Funny Watching a stream you wait what’ that say t oh right I’m not There I had a conversation with someone not too long ago regarding the fact that you couldn’t just rewind things that were live on TV or anywhere if it was live and you weren’t recording it that was it you had your chance there’s no rewind button and they they just

Couldn’t get their head to focus on the fact that technology is is different and it was it was just funny but like they’re trying to say I mean like you could if you were watching it you could like rewind it on T but no no you don’t understand there was

Sowo if you wanted to watch something while it was happening you had to record it if you wanted to see it again with a VCR you had to record it yourself you couldn’t just press a button and say hey record all my shows it wasn’t like that there was no

Video on demand or anything like that it was just you watched it when it was on or you never got to see it and something about the uh the exchange of trying to press T to see my chat reminded me of the conversation it was it was actually kind

Of surreal thinking about it because now almost everything everyone’s watching all the time even live stuff this is live and you can hit rewind and go rewatch it and then you can catch right back up up and if you want you can double your watch pace and excuse me and

Catch up and and watch everything that you missed while you were looking back and then get caught up on multiple platforms nonetheless that’s pretty wild used to be the only opportunity you got for instant replays was in a sporting game and they would interrupt the actual live game to show the instant

Replay oh there he goes his foot touched the base instant replay confirms he’s safe all right now what’s happening oh we going to miss uh we’re we’re back live everyone it did get to a point by the way with some sports that like with baseball uh they

Would make some leeway for those moments where instant replays were being done on TV or or being assessed and they would artificially slow down the game a little bit the actual live gameplay so that the instant replay could be played Without inter interfering with the actual ball

Game that was uh interesting to to notice that transition over time it’s like slowly during your lifetime watching an Oxbo like form it’s subtle but if you know what you’re looking for you can see see It getting there what happened with this by the way is I got so I guess sidetracked by remember trying to remember where all the Torches were placed for the double torches that for some reason I thought the very next layer was going to be where it is

Important and it’s not it’s a couple layers above that and my brain just got swept away and never noticed the error I’m just glad it wasn’t something like ah here the whole day I’ve been doing the wrong layer the whole time that that would be just so

Sad I have had projects where I’ve done that sort of thing in the past well this day was a wash I’m not going to play it again tonight okay now this part I think what I’m going to do is I’m just going to finish this and that and then just wrap up for

The evening give my brain a rest try to cool off a bit hydrate that sort of thing uh I may or may not go into Discord voice I think it’s probably going to be wiser for me not to so I can just relax the rest of the the PM let’s see how it

Goes come on all right so tomorrow is going to be uh the the busy work with Refugee to Regent another Idol clicker extravaganza um I was thinking about having a fullon nine game Idol clicker Extravaganza but I have come to the realization that I will play that differently I will be focusing on

Everything and going back and forth between all the windows there won’t be any of those well I’m going to ignore this one most of the time or or oh this one didn’t get noticed this whole session I’m not going to do that sort of stuff when it comes to doing a fullon

Nine game session but for the busy work I can kind of let it slide because I’m you just using the uh the the mini games well mini games the the side games to how do I put this fill the void I guess oh what is causing that over oh no don’t update right

Now sheesh to uh borrow a sound from elsewhere no I don’t want to update that silly goober your printer driver has an update oh I wonder if that’s what was causing the weird black screen flashes earlier on my streamlabs uh display I wonder if that’s what was going on

I wonder if it was uh capturing and downloading the the update I wonder if I hope that didn’t affect my my stream upload too terribly much stupid updates it’s a home printer it’s not at an office wish I could set the the priority of those updates down just a smidge it would be

Nice oh Peter Griffin set a rat trap can’t really do his laugh all that well but it’s close oh and there’s more raindrops oh now they’re coming from the south is oh yeah they’re coming from the south it’s going to be terrible tomorrow that’s that’s awful that’s awful news don’t like that news

In fact let me see here let’s let’s prepare current weather tomorrow is going to be high 39 low 26 raining and snowing there we have it I will keep my ibuprofen handy ew that that’s what I have to say to that is ew yeah when I was talking to the person about

Um not being able to record things live like this is before smartphones this was before T this was before everyone had access to everything all the time uh there was a before time I was almost tempted to say uh that that little thing about how when I was younger we didn’t have Google

Maps we just had maps to get around physical paper objects that you had to learn origami how to put back in their package once you were done uh trying to figure out what street you’re on because there are some people who apparently just don’t get it when you’re

Saying maps that you’re actually talking about a real thing like like that whole hey guys I found my my grandpa 3D printed or my uncle 3D printed the save icon or something like that and they’re holding up a four and a quarter floppy disc there was a channel that I used to watch

From time to time that that did stuff like presenting kids with the old-fashioned rotary phones just to see if they could figure it out but also present old people with some of the new technology to see if they can figure it out I can’t remember what channel or

Channels that stuff was on but that was that was kind of entertaining sometimes oh speaking of channels uh I have a lot of different channels favored on my on my YouTube and I also have most of them being piped in to my disc record in in different sub channels

Art in one history in Another Science in another that sort of thing math Linguistics whatever things things that I’m interested in ban the rat is there is there an RGA stream going on or something no it doesn’t look like it uh but what’s this icon sorry I’m distracted where why do I have

Notification then where where is it what what’s my notification why do I have a red number one on my Discord what’s going on where are you you’re not in my own channel no you’re not uh I I’m going to have to look at that later okay great sorry I just got

Distracted from what I was talking about hooray I should have put a little hook in so I could go back to it oops I forgot that’s great uh oh the YouTube channels so I I went back and I was I was watching a video on the Discord

Feed and I was like oh yeah this is great I haven’t watched this in a long time then I got to thinking wait a minute why haven’t I watched this in a long time because on my actual YouTube I was automatically unsubscribed from it even though I used to watch it all the

Time at one point they decided Well this this uh Channel isn’t uploading on a regular basis or whatever the criteria are it says let’s just make all or some of their subscribers just stop being subscribed without any warning whatsoever just hey you’re no longer subscribed thanks for that YouTube that’s

Great uh so I think there’s probably going to be some time that I need to set aside and compare notes between my Discord feeds and my actual subscriptions just to see if I’ve got any other holes that need to be plugged from from leaks caused by missing subscriptions well someone is

Streaming we have Wy kins Peter Griffin Zack uh moderator rat and there’s Z again Uh something’s going on I’m sure it’s over on candy I’ll never know so I think that pretty much does it for that it is now a full tier three tall for this so next time actually why don’t why

Don’t I go ahead and fill in the next time stuff at least the perimeter or or maybe get a layer done it won’t be nearly as much as all the rest of that that way I can have it already in place Yeah YouTube feeds which by the way if you want to see what all kinds of stuff I’m interested in or you just like nerding out in general I have over 600 YouTube channels fed directly to my Discord it’s one of the several reasons why I have paid for

A year of Dinobot Ultra so that I can do that very thing because without it you only get to pipe in one or two something like that but with ultra it is literally unlimited but once you go above a certain amount they do a little sanity

Check and Go hey uh are are you are you serious are you a robot or what’s going on oh no I’m real I’m just really interested in lots of things and I’m trying to set up my Discord please thank you let me have my unlimited like you

Promised and they will go oh okay you’re you’re real yeah sure here you go unlimited but you do have to have at least that little interaction but I have over 600 channels being piped into my Discord uh add more from time to time I have lots of different categories uh let’s see

Here right now the categories are generally I have music commands and that’s where when there were uh music Bots that you could reliably play music on on Discord with you do the commands but also to the same channel I have a feed of a bunch of different music channels including the guy who

Does the bass Rifts um I can never remember his name off the top of my head uh but then I then I have YouTube gaming channels I have Minecraft on YouTube I have puzzles and math I have life hacks and DIY and and self-help and that sort of stuff lore and

Stories which is sort of like books and stories but not quite uh books and stories is my uh primarily text Channel and I have lur and stories for feeds for things that are lore heavy and story heavy I have science and history and I have a general YouTube feed where

Just you know General stuff goes I have one called worthy web comics and and I guess that’s about it for for the YouTube feeds but I have between those I have over 600 different channels going every which away so there’s there’s every few minutes sometimes there is a new thing to watch

All the time on my channel so if you’re looking for things that are even moderately interesting are familyfriendly are uh typically inform but otherwise fun do go check out my different uh channels on my Discord my different feeds and if you are joining my Discord

Fresh um you will have to pick a rooll when you arrive otherwise you won’t be able to see all the rest of the Discord And also there’s just general hangout and chat channels and other stuff for most of my interests and if there is a common consensus for needing another channel to be added I’m happy to add it I have a bunch of bots mostly uh geared around gaming like there’s there’s Idol gaming kind of bots

That that are reflective of games like Minecraft and Terraria uh I haven’t been playing them as as much lately as I was when I got them at first because I’ve been spending most of my free time on my larger projects instead of going I’ll just keep this open and keep an eye on

This instead my eyes are over on You Know M the actual Minecraft and Skyrim and other stuff but there there are things to do over there with Bot games there are uh different kinds of things that you can do with Dinobot including the dad jokes oh there’s Zach doing it again oops

Oops and otherwise there’s just dozens of us dozens of us over there who tend to just be you know lurkers but we will we will engage once engaged we will chat back uh different time zones all over the world uh represented so not everyone’s awake at all hours so do keep that in

Mind uh I had someone messaged me at 8 in the morning which normal hours but not for me 8 in the morning is I’m in bed 8 in the morning is I went to bed 3 hours ago cuz I work until 5:00 a.m. usually as if you couldn’t tell I’ve decided to

Just go ahead and do this whole layer there’s it’s still earlyish it’s not even midnight it’s what is that 48 or 40 it’s 11:4 something and that that means I’ve still got plenty of time uh it’s only 4 hours and 22 minutes in my stream do I know if slinn Refugee to

Regent will be available for everyone I I do know if for sure yes it will be uh when my plan is to try to get all the rest of it typed up and organized and then I have a channel set aside just for Refugee to

Regent uh on my Discord and I will take it from being uh visible to just patrons to being visible to everyone at that point and and when it is made that way I will have filled in links to all of the data packs that I’m using links to

Everywhere that I can find information about existing versions of refugee to region so people can go back and and look at how it was done in the past and then I’m also going to be finishing it off with my planned timeline for not not necessarily the dates but more an outline

For how I’m going to be building and uh during What stages what things are going to happen and all that so there is a rough outline for being able to have a road map for at least my uh planed attempt at this challenge again uh so I’m trying to compile all the

Information and then once it’s all there I will be opening the channel up to be used by anyone uh but for right now it is I think I can let’s see here let’s just confirm Refugee to region data packs there we go um patrons can view it but not edit it

Yes and then once I get everything in place I will open it up to everyone to be able to look at uh because I want to have not only that’s not a peak I want to have not only my road map for it but

Also a way for people to go back and see what the original was like and maybe go oh well I want to also include this concept or or I like the way this concept is done better over here or that sort of thing um I want to make it as as

Accessible as possible before I open the channel up basically so if yes when my hope is to have all of that ready to go before the end of next next Sunday if I at all possibly can if not then it will be for sure before the end of the next next

Sunday because while it is nice to be able to to go oh I’m a perfectionist I I don’t want to move forward until everything is just so I know that there is no reasonable it’s perfect there is only it’s good enough and I can generally tell when things are good enough and I

Can absolutely tell that things are not done yet with what information I have so let’s call it between 1 half and one and a half weeks until it will be all up and visible on the Discord also by the way hi and welcome noi oh I decided when I’m streaming on uh

Performium that oh someone else is doing it that um the before it actually starts when it’s doing the countdown timer I’m going to remain in my menu and not on the server because one time I got back to my desk and my mic is muted so you guys

Than we never got to hear it happen but I got back I put the headphones on and that that thing where performing when you’re on you get a certain amount of XP happened and I about fell out of my chair and screamed because I wasn’t ready for the

Sound cuz I was leaned all the way in trying to read something tiny or look at something tiny something like that and then all of a sudden be Ting and I almost jumped out of my skin so I’m going to be trying to stay in the menu when I start my streams from

Now on so that uh for My Sanity sake I don’t have to worry about that I don’t usually scare easy but when I do it’s because I’m reading small text and that actually holds true for lots of video games come to think of it there’s lots of jump scares that only

Worked on me because I was focusing on trying to read what something said so I think that’s actually pretty true it’s uh it is very often small text that gets me small Text Plus drump scare equals uh a displeasures one Two but yes thank you for asking that Noy I had forgotten to mention I believe this time the the updating of information on the server and all that so definitely thank you um would I believe the things that happened in the world and what I believe the things that happened in my

Life probably it would be one of those things where my brain would go well that that’s too crazy to be able to make up so that has to be true like that’s that’s too specific uh but if it was just the things that happened in my life versus

Just the things that happened in the world uh I’d probably be inclined to to go something seems off about my personal story the world story I’d probably go yeah it makes about sense but in The Last 5 Years years because it started before the plague everything was hunky dory generally

Is and I was uh I was doing whatever it was I was doing five years ago I don’t remember exactly but then since then all once I published a couple books and then then during the the first strongest part of the plague uh my wife and I actually decided yeah let’s pursue

This life together thing and I decided I’m going to go all the way down to Texas from the middle of the US near St Louis and and and uh help her get moved up here and all that and then all the the weird crazy stuff that

Has happened since then I would go wait so I published two books and and then I stopped and that’s because I was trying to do what exactly um and I I could right now I could start listing off everything that’s happened since then that’s made me redirect all of my time but uh

Oops if I were to be given a platter that said on on this tray are things that are going to happen to you and to the world and I picked them both up and looked at them I would the first question out of my mouth would be what

Do you mean and isn’t this an or thing either this is true or this is true not both now if I were to go back in time and tell my past s there is one way that I would believe my story and that is if I presented both parts of

The uh what’s it called two-step verification or whatever I have my own password that has never left my mouth and I have an object that I always have I’ve had this object since 1988 and if I presented both the password and the object I would go okay

And you probably got limited time so tell me what you’re here to tell me and I would just take it at face value I would say okay this is true thanks for coming by uh hope your visit’s okay would you like a drink now if it were someone else coming

Back in time to tell me I would go this is an either or not an and you’re pulling my leg well thanks for hanging out Vex good to see you hope you enjoy your evening hopefully talk to you tomorrow same bat Time same bat Channel some people say ha sleep is for

The week I say uh did you say sleep for a week sure thing hello Plex that name sounds familiar Plex Plex was that the thing hold on I’m having a re recollection no it is not Plex it is a different name entirely okay weird oh yes uh Emma you are

Over there with the big paragraph of question yes I actually uh if they are still going just a second I have one person that I would raid and I would need to figure out how to raid them actually I’ll I’ll do that near the end of the stream I

Guess I need to get all this new twitch stuff figured out oh it’s raid username oh and I just do that in the chat well that’s fantastic let’s not confuse future me with that extra block future me already has it rough let’s not make it any rougher than it needs to be

I saw that spawn you dodged left wait a minute you know what whatever this is it still works what am I building Plex I am building a Manger sponge it is a physical representation of a math idea it is a type of fractal I’ll give you a a bigger look at

It here in just a minute I’m almost done with this layer that I’m on but basically the premise is you take a cube and you core out the center from all six sides including the middle of it and then you use that to make a bigger

Cube and then you use that to make a bigger Cube and then you use that to make a bigger Cube and this is the biggest size Cube or it will be when I’m done with it that is able to be built on my craft without any special kind of world height editing

Mods it is 243 blocks by 243 blocks by 243 blocks it contains or will contain 3.2 million individual blocks and the reason why I picked the Chisel deep slate is because well do this well by hi come back here is because from all six sides the

Bottom and the top included um it almost looks like it’s got a hole drilled through it it’s just you can’t actually see through it and then maybe these could be even smaller little like these guys here these holes but it is a small cube made out of individual

Blocks and then 20 of those cubes make this and then 20 of those make that and then so on and so forth until it is done it is a rather large project quite literally a mega build oh I need to start re including Mega build maybe that will uh

Do I even have that in my tags or anything anyway I I’ll I’ll get that figured out but yeah this is a meanger sponge it’s going to be a tier five Mega sponge manger sponge Mega sponge and it is entirely comprised of chiseled deep slate because I’m a glutton for

Punishment and well and soul torches because I like the color blue with the color of the Chisel deep s yeah that’s what this is because I am a dork how do I have the time and energy to build this uh I get asked that question a lot I build this in little

Fits and starts like for instance right now I’m at the end of a 4 and a half hour stream and I’ve been building on this all day today uh I don’t build it all the time but I I do set aside at least some time every week to work on it

And the energy is I really like this project and so it is rewarding to make progress on it additionally I am blurst with hyperfocus on often the wrong things and so by having that hyperfocus I can just Zone in and do a single task for a very long

This is 1.19 right now in fact there’s only a handful of us aren’t here but it’s also late uh but yeah I I doing this because I like to do it it’s fun for me but you have come in near the end of my my stream and I have just finished placing

In this layer here and I’m getting ready to get off so I’m going to get over into the position over here on oh no over here on my little platform which is down this hole here Boop there we go wait a minute oh no it’s still here hello kitty cat wait who are

You are you are you mine no you’re not mine what are you cuddles I know the LA is cuddles and I know these are cuddles but where’d the bird come from anyway also hi elate on here it’s a shame you can’t set your uh chat color on on Twitch to be a certain

Thing or maybe you can but I if you could I’m surprised that yours isn’t Blue by the way Elm All Things Considered or can you is that a thing that you can do can you actually manually oh it is on my end it’s purple well that’s unfortunate so you

Get to see what it looks like for you but for everyone else it’s whatever twitch just assigns interesting Interesting oh so you did pick this color it’s a medium between purple and blue it’s it’s blurple is it blurle or PL you sound like more of a plue than a blurle anyway I’m going to go ahead and wrap things up let’s uh do this do this and do

That oh there’s no cat meowing but that’s okay on here on the observation platform looking at as much of this project as I can hello distance I would like to say thank you very much for everyone who’s been able to hang out and uh join either of my

Streams Discord or YouTube and if you are watching on one and aren’t following SLS subscribe to the other now is a perfect opportunity for you to go do that same thing um I stream every week I usually uh from 7:30 till midnight on Monday through Thursday

But sometimes I also do some over the weekends Friday Saturday and Sunday so there’s there’s lots of stuff to to watch in the streams but I will also be periodically putting up some videos more frequently here in the near future than I have been because now I’ve got some

Slightly better video editing software on this computer uh so there’s something to to take a look at if you want to to see but when I do my streams they go to both places but obviously the videos are only going to go to YouTube um and on that note um for the

People who are watching on either YouTube or uh uh twitch if you follow the description the link for my Discord and pick the role for the little play button you’ll be able to join my Discord fully and see all the wonderful stuff that I’ve got going on over there lots of

Different things to do and to see lots of people over there who tend to just lurk and and hang out but there there is chat sometimes uh it it is not dead there’s lots of stuff going on all over the place in fact but it’s just everywhere so if that interests you do

Go take a a look and join my Discord it is a community of people who are sort of like me nerdy lurky kind of dorks but uh we we like it um if you like this video and you like what I’m doing here please leave a

Like and also if you uh have any questions comments or suggestions leave them in the comment section obviously this applies for the YouTube uh but uh if you haven’t yet subscribed I absolutely would appreciate it I’m now past 2,000 subscribers there on YouTube but now I want to get to 3,000 and Beyond

And I’ve just begun on Twitch so if you want to to follow not subscribe if you want to follow there that would also be greatly appreciated here very soon I’m about to have some new things available again for me on YouTube uh because I’ll be past that 3 ,000 hours watched in a

Year threshold and I’ll be able to open up memberships and and supers and things like that so uh there’s going to be a a small flurry of new activity over there with that with me figuring that stuff out so bear with me uh also on that same

Subject if you are interested in helping to support my channel I have links to both my streamlabs and the patreon down below if you support through streamlabs and and do a little tip you get little notification that pops up during the stream um and patreon I I I do a shout

Out at the beginning and or end of all my streams to people who are able to help support me that way in fact here are those names who are helping to support on patreon I will probably need to amend this to go patreon slm supporters I I don’t know I’ll

Figure out what I’m going to do with this page but uh uh it helps to keep things afloat it helps it so that I can uh continue multi streaming and be able to uh maintain a semblance of regularity on here but uh that’s basically

It um if you oh I did mention to flexive but I will just mention this once again I am playing on a preu server it is called performium uh F1 over there on the right side of my screen at the bottom in yellow text it says mc. performium.net and you can join the

Server anytime you like and uh there are lots of people who play on here it’s not a huge server but it is big enough and there is an active Community most of the people play on Candy I play on the wild server because this is where I’ve got

All my projects and I’m not going to abandon them because there’s a new fancy server cuz I’m stubborn but anyway I’m going to go ahead and let you go thank you ever so very much once again for watching oops this has been thorn of night on the performium Wild smpp and after I

Raid I we’ll talk to you later oh also I will be on my Discord on voice probably tonight See

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Must Build Menger | Performium Wild SMP’, was uploaded by thornofnight on 2024-01-09 06:35:31. It has garnered 71 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 04:54:18 or 17658 seconds.

Remember to subscribe! Let’s get to 3k subs!!! Support the channel: https://www.patreon.com/thornofnight Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/thornofnight Support my writing: “Vacancy on Samson Lane” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CFXM9QM “My Father’s Son” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08M3GYNSH

Join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/ndmrezRhNu (remember to pick a role) Come play with me on Minecraft at MC.Performium.net

Between all my other work, I must roll this boulder. To the stone works!

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More

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  • Surviving Minecraft: Part 1

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  • Revenge of the Minecraft Animation Boy: Part 45

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail

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  • Renaming My Minecraft Character!

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  • Crafting Kobo Kanaeru: Minecraft PE Portal

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  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

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  • Block Xuan: Minecraft’s World Restore Encore

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  • Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine

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  • ChabCraft-Civilizations

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  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java Bedrock 1.20.X

    Welcome to our Minecraft Server! If you’re looking for a fun and non-toxic gaming experience, you’ve come to the right place. Our server has been up for a month and we’re welcoming new players to join our community. Server Features: Enhanced vanilla gameplay – sethome, tpa Leveling system – unlock perks/commands Unique fishing system – new fish without custom resource pack Auto-replanting harvester hoe Player-driven economy – server shop and chest shops Collect mob heads – a fun challenge Join us on Discord to start your application: https://discord.gg/fabulous Read More

  • Dragonia Gaming

    Immerse yourself in a unique and personalized survival experience at Dragonia Gaming! Our server offers a perfect combination of classic Minecraft elements with advanced and custom features to provide an unmatched gaming experience.🔨 Custom CraftsDiscover a world full of new possibilities with our personalized crafts. From powerful weapons to useful tools, there will always be something new to create.🛠️ Advanced and Complex SystemsAt Dragonia Gaming, we have implemented advanced systems that will challenge even the most experienced players. Are you ready to master all our systems?👾 Custom EnemiesFace unique and challenging enemies you won’t find anywhere else. Each battle is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My game is straight-up busted

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  • Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange

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  • Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024!

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  • Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge

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  • Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!

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  • Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEI

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    SECRET MINECRAFT COLLAB: YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Майнкрфат Сейчас покажу #viral #майнкрафт #minecraft #gaming #memes #videogames #video #gamer’, was uploaded by ILYA x ISMA on 2024-03-06 13:15:00. It has garnered 6805 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37iV9U Subpishis ➜ https://clck.ru/37zNxn Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO… Read More

  • BaconBoy’s Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥

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  • Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraft

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  • Lost in Minecraft: Where’s the End Update?

    Lost in Minecraft: Where's the End Update?Video Information This video, titled ‘Mojang, Where is the End Update?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Detective on 2024-04-03 18:27:25. It has garnered 34714 views and 1200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. This video shows how Minecraft hasn’t released an update for the end in over 9 years, and if the end update could come after the recent 1.21 update #minecraft #minecraftend #minecrafthardcoremode Music Used : Infraction: Storyteller – https://youtu.be/GEXlG_fQrbg?si=or3uVkfRdnIWjP8a Life Goes On -https://youtu.be/L1sVDPjLd1c?si=1c8oVwtHA88HCPIZ Story – https://youtu.be/WGPArLvbARk?si=gyF531Sg8zUdKfV “Cold Cinema” by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/3wROUWM “Wings Of Inspiration” by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/46OJAQZ Read More

  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

    Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft StrategiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Ways To Play Minecraft | Bearman3600’, was uploaded by Bearman3600 on 2024-02-23 18:00:06. It has garnered 540288 views and 30787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. Today I take a look at some of the best reasons to fucking end it all featuring a variety of different computers, consoles, and other devices. Thank you for your patience with my uploads if you actually watch them. I often have little time to record or edit videos, so I try to spend as much time as I can working on… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! https://discord.gg/ma-mas-house-1150624776566620292 You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXwpLFOlJTROLn_26LQQVRA/join If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, it’s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! 👷🏗️Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS 🏗️’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? 🎨 Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1

    Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft with friends | Episode 1’, was uploaded by Dragonfrvit on 2024-03-09 01:09:10. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:03 or 1983 seconds. Playing Minecraft smp with friends! Just some chill times with people screaming Read More

  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

    Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s a hole in my Minecraft world’, was uploaded by lowresbones on 2024-02-05 11:00:02. It has garnered 51280 views and 4604 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:46 or 646 seconds. Welcome back to the Minecraft Trailer Series! Today we dig down into the depths to collect a bounty of resources that will fuel the construction of my mega base! This is a Minecraft 1.20 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Trapped Underground FOREVER?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can’t go above ground’, was uploaded by Call Me Kevin on 2024-06-01 18:00:07. It has garnered 499111 views and 33958 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:34 or 1114 seconds. Subscribe or else! (For legal reasons this is not a threat) 🎮 Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoB1WvtNPod0bTbPTsSGx7Q 🎵 Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@kevo2044 📹 Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/CallMeKevin 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/callmekevin1811 💩 Twitter: http://twitter.com/CallMeKevin1811 Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools… Read More