EPIC Minecraft 1.21 LIVE with kmb & Moon!

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hello everyone welcome to the stream hope you all are doing good hello wolf hope you’re good good to see you again and good to be back with moon hi it’s my fault we’re 15 minutes late it’s all her fault normally I’m the one holding up the Stream yeah I’m sorry I decided 3 minutes before the stream to make popcorn and my pop my corn didn’t want to pop your corn did not want to pop so it took 15 minutes sorry all because Moon’s corn didn’t want to pop I’m doing good wolf and glad you’re doing good too but yeah it’s good to be back streaming again it’s been quite a while definitely missed it um but yeah I’m excited uh to stream again and excited to play G Moon yay um and we have some new stuff to check out today we have default block uh we also have some armadillo changes from last week uh not sure if we’ll be able to get to that today but uh we can check it out in like creative afterwards um and yeah so the plan for today is to check out that new Vault block we’re going to be looking for a new trial Chambers structure um which should have the vote block I mean for now it’s not really anything different um compared to how the trial Chambers previously were the the loot is still the same but you know at least we can use the trial keys for something now so um that’s cool and anyways the loot will be getting changed much later so um that’s good news to hear all right shall we get into the game yes all right also we need to go get back Namo because we were like oh yeah we don’t need to bring it yeah yeah but no it’s it’s yeah I I guess we do have a savannah that’s close by I think right um I forgot exactly where it was we could do that first if you want we went we went pretty I don’t remember we went far for the armad but we when coming back we found some savannas that we closer right oh it’s getting dark already yeah if you have the coordinates of the closer savanas that’d be great checking so hopefully everything’s working on the stream it’s been a little while since I’ve done the streaming thing um so let me know if there’s any problems um but yeah so I guess if we have the if we know where the closest Savannah is then um we can go there get an armadillo oh but we don’t have lead do I don’t even have a screenshot of the armadillo I didn’t even take a screenshot of oh my gosh you didn’t even take a screenshot of the armadillo nothing wow check if you have one I have nothing I don’t have any of I mean I probably do but I don’t have the coordinates of the closer savanas M I guess we could go back to the the same Savannah um the thing is though we need to go back home for leads uh we don’t have those uh okay let me check my screenshots sorry Moon cam is gone for now well I check my screenshots um oh do I not have coordinates I have the screenshots but I might not have coordinates oh wait no uh that’s not like human I know I think it’s because we just didn’t really care about theone last time yeah cuz it was just kind of a little mob but now it has some extra stuff yeah I don’t have any screenshots with coordinates that is weird usually I I do take unless wait no yeah no I don’t cuz it’d be from December and yeah I have pictures from the Savannah but it’s like about the wolf armor but oh yeah and I have one with the armadas but not nothing with coordinates so that’s a rip great yeah unfortunately no coordinat well I guess need to find another Savannah then yep okay all right yeah so first we need to go back home cuz we need leads um yeah do you need do you need a new sword because I see your SW yeah uh oh yeah so we did some trading last time if I remember so yeah setting a sword and also a pickaxe if you need uh yeah sure and an axe but what are you enchant uh on the sword is fire aspect okay on the ax it’s Unbreaking to um efficiency 2 and the pickax is Fortune one okay I’ll take all those why not how much Emerald have emal uh we don’t oh we have 49 52 49 here oh I gave you you you can tra do trading I have to buy your stuff okay okay I I thought that’s what you were implying that were going to buy it for me but I’ll do it no wait here dude come here okay so yeah two more where are you fire aspect there’ you go I’m trading I’m buying my stuff oh my gosh hi oh is that’s that’s V that’s wait who who did you who did you say AB you from my streams oh Abu yes yes hello welcome to the stream good to see you again all right so fire aspect sword hopeit is there you said efficiency and Unbreaking on the axe is there another tool it’s not this one okay I don’t know which one is cheaper so this one is the other one is the hey AB welcome to the stream 17 17 okay this one’s 21 where is it here cool he has the the pickaxe as well yes okay wait 17 this is 21 as well oh 17 from me I have traded with them okay oh you probably PID too expensive for your um sword sword then no worries here invite a pick for me please sure thank you 25 I don’t even have one I I have a pickaxe with nothing I guess I don’t need Fortune I mean if you want you can buy yourself some stuff too we have plenty of emerald I haven’t spoiled anything from 121 ooh well welcome to spoilers Yep this is going to be spoiler so you you should probably get off the stream soon we’re one spoiler we are I mean technically the armadillos are not part of 1.21 so if you want you can see that we’re going to do that first we’re going to do that first and then um afterwards we’re going to do some 1.21 stuff so you want you can stick around for the armadillos and then afterwards if you want you don’t have to see anything or you can cover your eyes I don’t know oh nice okay so are we all set then I guess yeah uh okay oh my God so many hoes oh there was an ax here already yeah no worries it’s fine we can keep that here for trading later uh let’s see take back home some saplings oh blocks of iron definitely take that back home um so many hoes I’m going to take a hoe back home I don’t have a diamond hoe on me so I like that iron too I guess I’ll take berries I don’t know if we’ve planted berries in your home don’t think so okay I don’t know if I can sleep knowing about this stream o okay I think we’re all good then we can go back home all right uh where is home um oh yeah wait do we have any Maps Okay I have to take a V map no worries oh okay do you know the way okay I think yeah I think I’m let me try to remember where we were two months ago yeah right and you go to School in in like 6 hours go to sleep yes get your sleep in no I think it’s there okay I think we would go on here there’s there’s going to be some ink sacks soon oh no by the way I am halfway I’m I’m almost at uh level 69 hey is all the trading and you’ve got the I think I died H oh wait when I I forgot when you died did you die I died a while ago I’m 54 but you didn’t die yeah the the second time I died like that you didn’t get my stuff and everything the creeper oh right the last one but that’s why you’re higher than me I guess I’ve died more um early on and then you had that a while ago all right are are you like looking at a screenshot with the coordinates or are you just trying to remember I’m just okay let me pull up the screenshot let me pull up no I’m trying okay are you confident that you know the way back home yes okay okay cuz I’m just saying that cuz last last time we did this too and we got lost don’t you dare when does not get lost I mean exactly last time no I not that it’s been months ago but I still remember what happened last time okay okay I recognize this now okay okay I recognize this you’re not lost we’re going to be home soon I see what you were trying to do there it’s not no stop it get him yeah yeah so it get yeah so he loses loses all his level yes but but then those levels are gone forever you’ll only get seven back I guess you’ll be level 60 so well you don’t get seven you get the XP for Z oh so you’ll be like one I probably get nothing yeah you’ll get one level also my cam is not here oh sorry um yeah I was checking my screenshots earlier so I think I went East oh there’s a beehive here nice yeah was it not the other way I don’t know I I thought the V our our base was in the no it was in the flower Forest but it was like next to Plains I don’t know yep only this world um since we we created it with the first one 21 feature including snapshot yeah pretty much right so since October I guess that was one the first snapshot came out I think yeah oh I’ve lost you oh I see early November early November that was the first snapshot I think the last I think the micos live was last week of October it was October like 16th like it’s second week I think like normal or like the weekend after the second week I think yeah this is not a long-term world at all it’s purely made just for checking out the 1.21 features along with the other experiments as well been doing stuff with the Villager trade rebalance oh do you have some Minecraft music not right now you no but I want some y me too but got away until next place I mean do you have it on oh yeah yeah I have it on but it’s not playing right now yeah yeah I was just trying to remember you to to remind you to make yes yes I okay good is this spawn right uh I don’t remember do you have a bed yes crap I don’t have a bed I have pretty sure this is spawn what are their coordinates I don’t know 200 would spawn be like z0 yeah but we have I’m not sure we have this one at z z okay I’m not sure we are but I’m going maybe you should have looked for Savannah the way back oh we don’t have leads I forgot leads still yeah we don’t have lead oh this is where the village was this this is where the PLS Village was right if I remember there was some like shattered terrain around it yeah it’s around but it’s so if it’s around here then we can definitely find our way from there it’s very close after that yeah obviously oh maybe that over there is where the village is cuz it’s not here no this is too shattered for the village [Music] really or if that our base is on the right here oh wolf how did speed running go hi hi wolf not not you wolf got lucky with lav pool Village and Fortress but died to blades after 1 hour and 20 minutes o oh I remember that we mine here we live this way oh the village is here I see it yes okay I know where here yep come here I I’ve tried it’s been a while since I’ve tried speedr running and usually I I mess up so I I don’t do like the barging St whatever I just go for the warp forest for pearls um and usually mess up there cuz the Enderman can be quite annoying I I do not dare go next to a Bastion even in well for Speed running Bastion you to know what you’re doing oh yep same in baring too if you want it to be fast cuz otherwise it can be pretty slow I guess you need the gold blocks from the Bastion to get decent y CH oh you need to find to spawn near on Ocean and get um ocean oh uh for the ocean Monument yeah but then you can get dong so second thir R ever well my second not bad what what’s going on IED up it could be the other way it might have come the wrong way I don’t know no this is weird what it’s an aaer isn’t it yeah but it’s weirdly cut up well it’s just I mean it’s just a regular Aur just cut it cutting through the ground I spawn on W forest and Fortress was 80 block or so away oh nice hey back home see not get lost she did not get lost that is good see but they were still L less oh my gosh who says F your boat yeah okay we’re back home you know what that’s pretty imp I I feel like I’m pretty impressed with myself for finding back the way when in my world I don’t even do I I use maps or now i’ I even turned to like I use the the word map now not really to find my way to be honest it’s just because I like seeing the map mhm I’m pretty impressed that I found the way back nice did I did I not make armor for my wall did you not apparently not we have the wall armor somewhere don’t yeah we have scoot this disappear because he he they change it or something they didn’t change it though on Java dude I’m pretty sure I had one you can use shears on him and see if he has one that’s invisible or something I have shears right here where is he mad at you again no he’s still maybe it’s me maybe it’s me I think I can only Shar it oh yeah yeah that’s right that’s right nope why this still M has been two mons dude I think they don’t forget now though I they never forget now oh my God I see the our trial keys retextured look at that right here behind you yep oh yeah oh yeah looking cool I like I actually prefer this texture it looks cooler oh my God that growl was sloud yep jeez well all right I think I’m going to go sleep now even if I’m not sleepy yeah if you have to go to school in like 6 hour you should yep definitely get to sleep at you how did the stream go seem to have like could all viers and stuff to do oh yeah hey Agro welcome in okay uh I have spr saplings I don’t know where to put them I’ll just put them here I guess oh yeah we already had berries I guess we just didn’t plant them jeez your wolf is mad stre still going oh jeez yeah I know so mad is there no way to is there no way to make a wolf not anger anymore I don’t know I think you have to let him kill you you what that is not happening wolf sorry no for real what if I feed him do I make it him not angry at me anymore well I fed him and now he still growling God damn how are you still grow I fed you you literally ate my food I grant I did feed him rot and flesh but like he likes that okay so where is fer P us like in a team or something oh maybe I don’t know how the team command works though because it I don’t know how it works but it because it said that it doesn’t attack players on the same team team add um not sure how to okay I need to M like 3 enchant debris yep that was to be [Music] expected okay I created a team team join okay okay uh add your do SL team join and then here wait do this command got it oh you got it perfect so if we’re on the same team now W I think it’s good hey hey I love how we just cheated the game like that just like punch me yeah doesn’t care nice let go now I can kill you that’s nice no okay okay okay lean I did not think of that that’s a good solution yep can I change her color I can maybe change her color team modify color why does it appear just regular white for now we can we can um what if I put dark purple oh our name tags look at our name tags we oh look our name tags are purple wait okay do you want a different color or is that are you good with that if I give the name to to the dog oh gold I love this okay this perfect if I give a name to the gold to the to the dog can you put on the team I maybe you have a name tag don’t have a name tag oh you have one oh we have nine I’m taking one okay how do we name the pup um guys suggestions name suggestions wolf you’re the you’re getting named here give give us your name we again got white wolf white wolf I mean that’s literally what he is he it’s white W yeah so wait do we not make the wolf armor I’m so confused I have a screenshot of us making it but we do we just like put it on a random wolf or something I’m so confused I don’t know I don’t remember honestly it’s not in here either and we don’t I guess we can get more sko um and make another one let me make a couple more brushes then akamaru from Naruto it’s the name of the of the what of the Witcher oh yeah wait what oh that’s why interesting the white wolf oh nice I well speaking of The Witcher when I made my witch Farm there was a black cat in and I didn’t know I I tamed it obviously black cat I name it Geral because it’s it’s it’s it’s a witch cat it’s like a Witcher so the cat is named gal nice okay I have leads and I made us a couple brushes as well yeah I should I have put away my this tools okay all right so you’re doing white wolf wait where did your wolf go oh he escaped he got out here kiding where is he he hasn’t been working for two months oh yeah he’s outside though right yeah okay but make sure he doesn’t step on like the campfires or something it’s fine okay I don’t know wolves are uh and also he can’t he can’t come back in so I got to bring him back in hey he’s on our team he’s already on our team oh cute okay well he has no armor so it’s funny though he’s white wolf but his name tag is or it’s called oh my God okay I don’t know why it doesn’t have armor though yeah we’re going to have to I guess get new armor I don’t remember what we did oh my God we have six 60 trial Keys bro yep we have 60 trial keys so yeah I guess you get like around 30 each from a trial chamber right if you do it one on your own you got the Lea for it for the armor Le SC yeah exactly it’s scoot scoot so should we bring I guess we you can bring your wolf on on the way to the Savannah I I have I have a lead as well so you don’t lose them you want one one we need two I have three I have three I have I have three total I’m just saying I’m giving you one uh both I have one you can make one but I need one for my boat for my for my boat for your boat I one for my need a boat for your boat oh stop all right um do we go north then or yeah north um oh my gosh it’s not liver liver it’s not liver anymore they changed the texture so yeah Li armor uh I need a b you make one there’s wood in the chest I’m pretty sure we have one uh let me see I don’t know might have like left it somewhere one I don’t see one just pick one fine making a new one wasting it’s wood look much better yeah and do you want to d d your Wolf’s color wait I feel like you D your Wolf’s color too but I know I did right well I guess he needs a orange or gold because of the name I’m I am very confused what what happened why did he lose his um are you my wolf you you can set him down so he is your wolf but he just lost his um attributes it might be a bug it could be a bug with the snapshots not sure like where when they changed the colar texture and a bunch of the other stuff with the Wolves it it lose lost it but it also lost its armor which is kind of a big deal but oh well I mean anyway it’s not too bad we just getting new armor it’s not too hard to make um and you can redy your B collar do you want do you want to redy it I think you died it white last time right no but I’m going to die it do you think it’s orange be the closest yeah yeah that’s that’s closest the name tag color it’s not really the yellow is not like the yellow might seem close to the gold but it’s not it’s very bright yellow so okay um yes some orange Ty no okay there’s some tool UPS here I can take yeah but it’s I want to remove them oh I already broke one ah can’t really bone meal them either I guess we can bone meal the ground you can you can B ground is fine give me right here yeah I mean anyways we’ll have to remove even if you bone me the ground we’ll have to remove the bone me flowers where is he hey let’s go died orange okay it’s fine new color nice yes very cool um all right should we get going to a savannah we should we should try to do this as soon as possible so we’ll have time for the I guess we we can we are planning to do this is a long stream today so we we have plenty of time I guess for the trial Chambers probably going to just take a break for like lunch like dinner lunch and stuff but and continue yep okay let’s uh brush I have brushes I have two here’s one okay I why do I not have my boat Where’s that freaking boat oh did you not craft it I just crafted a boat e here okay uh that horn is the greatest indeed yeah I have enough do you make sure to grab enough grab a stack thank you I have a couple stacks all right okay wolf let’s go let’s get going that horn is the greatest it’s the best one so are you going to be going in your own boat or how’s this going to work yeah ah I’m stuck I’m stuck yeah just jump jump ohat or break the boat I’m trying no there’s the dog help I’ll break your boat there you go oh thank you Wolf come here thank you oh this is dangerous here is this what what’s dangerous this looks dangerous oh yeah you won’t fall in with your boat though you won’t fall in with your Ro though you’ll be fine oh it’s not that it looked very B it looked very bad on my yeah from here are you stuck you I don’t know when you get off the boat it just gets you stuck a Java I I I I haven’t seen it’s a Java bug only on servers because I don’t have survival actually no no in single player I’ve encountered it too I never have it it’s on rounds it’s consistent on and Well on servers it’s consistent but also in single player I’ve had it as well you have to like I’ve had it happened a couple times but it’s not as consistent as like are you following y okay we’re just going north right yeah that’s so weird yeah no fall damage yeah it’s just you you’re stuck on and it’s like it’s trying to keep you back in the boat it’s we I’m pretty sure I’ve had in single player too though so it’s not just a server issue anyway single player does run the server so yeah but what what I mean is that in single player it happens sometime but on reals or Ser is pretty much consistent yeah probably just more lag oh sorry coughing all right um I was saying about to say um also we should have much better performance on The Realm now because we have less spawn chunks 98% less oh yeah true so the server should run much better since it’s going to use less Ram um which is not a concern for us but um for you know around since it runs on mojen servers uh it’ll use less oh where you going yeah it’ll use um less Ram should have um should allow for a better performance on the server that’s good y with lots of ocean here yep so we might get another 1.21 feature announcement this week if not then probably next week um yeah because uh obviously that developers haven’t just been working on the Vault block since uh the last features um and also we know they’re going to be working on the loot of the trial Chambers as well so y um yeah there’s more things to come very excited yep you know the tri Chambers are getting wi to as well yeah yeah there’s going to be more rooms soon there’s going to be more rooms as well but I don’t think this is going to be the next announcement no no no that’s I think probably it’s going to take a little while for more rooms to be added yeah I think also the loot itself is going to take a while like it’s not going to be immediately you’re still they would have talked about it I think any they also might not be just overhauling all the loot at once like it could be a gradual where it’s like if they want some new items and new unique stuff in the loot table they could like announce those specifically and gradually add to the loot loot pool like the V I think it’s a cool Edition I think it’s a really cool addition espe like it’s targeted to server right yes so good good thing we’re playing both playing together we can actually like experience theault um like how it’s kind of meant to be experienced pretty much chest yeah but you know this is oan is massive and I think it’s fine that it’s like mainly for multiplayer because you know every update pretty much has added stff for single player you know a ni set multiplayers getting a little bit of love and I think it’s fitting to add it there at least first because the structure is pretty much made has been presented as for multiplayer multiplayer friendly like it’s not like you can’t do it in single player but it’s at least multiplayer friendly yeah I I hope also they they um like uh design future structures with multiplayer in mind as well like it’s not just the trial Chambers um so vaults and future structures Tri spawners as well it’ be cool do you have a bed yes you know it’s funny the wolf is the only mob in the game that gets wet oh my God come here well we’re getting animals spawning here so we’re definitely new chunks or well I guess not really cuz we might have generated them before yeah okay oh I see another flower Forest flower Forest yay hey what do you mean hey I I still haven’t put Minecraft music Frick oh oh you know it’ be funny if uh or it would be cool is if uh with the oh thunder storm oh great sleep you know it would be cool with the team team color changing like the name tag color if it could change your heart color too so like your hearts yes like would be gold like our hearts would be gold that would be cool I think yep I I’ve never really use the team command that much um I suppose it was it’s designed for like servers but I haven’t se and I guess data packs but I’ve never really seen anyone use it but it’s cool that it has like some of this nice functionality in it also uh you’re kind of going back south just where we came from so that’s what we have to keep going north yeah but there ocean I was looking around oh yeah yeah we can go that way yeah yeah like gold heart stuff like that oh they spawn in Badlands no we could have been through the Badlands north of this have we found Badlands though yeah at the desert village oh that’s right oh super we could have been it’s close to home okay do you have the coordinates for this I think it’s just this way let’s just go to yeah I forgot about that yeah the armad is now spawn in Badlands too I just saw about that yep I’m check out of the cors okay I think I also have the cors the desert village it’s there so if you can’t find it I can definitely find it I like that they’re found in multiple biomes um because it’s yeah it can be a pain to look for mobs sometimes when you’re in one biome only like with the frogs it’s a little bit annoying that you have to find it only in swamps um yeah but I mean hey swamps themselves are kind of common mango swamps are the ones that’s rare yep 1,00 minus 3500 okay um so it’s this way yeah that’s what I thought yeah we have to go about like 1K blocks more yep well it’s ocean yeah yeah okay so can spot and it’s just more FL for as this way so yep wolf oh here I mean I can do that too W do you want to go for what happened water skiing let’s go so what did he say 12200 minus 3500 yeah cool so I’m hoping um since the the loot right now of the trial Chambers is placeholder they take the they are working on unique stuff to put in the loot tables as well and that’s what and they’re going to take I hope they take that opportunity to add some stuff to community has been wanting for a long time like new weapons and stuff like that um cuz the last new weapon was what the crossbow added in one 14 I guess technically the The netherite Sword and netherite axe 116 since then we haven’t gotten a new weapon right yeah um I like adventurous Warf yes the the the tridon and the crossbow added back to back at 113 114 so I I know I’ve heard some cool suggestions like daggers I would really love daggers in Minecraft be cool I guess we go daggers like less damage but really fast yep oh he’s in the boat now oh no oh my gosh I’ll take that okay I put your lead on the ground come here all right so we can just both head to those coordinates what is going on here what the that a shipwreck oh that is a shipwreck I was so confused by what what was happening here where are you to the left I went to the left on the beach you see me why did you go to the left oh there’s a shipwreck here and yeah we’ve been here yeah we’ve been here are we not going east yeah yeah I was just checking out the Shipwreck oh okay I like how adventurous wolf is yes well let’s hope he’s not like you where you know like lava so don’t say that that’s what I’m saying let’s hope the your wolf is not like you know thisly [Music] not well wolf you know how you can fix that you stop liking lava so much hey here we are at the bad land oh and here’s a lava bit right on qu no wol no it’s way smarter that is true that is true Moon 12 is much smarter than you oh but if we since we’ve generated these chunks already the yeah but around that’s probably at least a few chunk that we’ not gener right we’ve not the whole B all right hopefully I don’t know on Java chunks are generated very freely compared to bedrock or on javat your full runer distance just this yep okay I’m going to look around then yeah me too also if you take note if you see um oh this is a nice looking jungle if you see a a m shaft opening because we are going to need a spider ice oh right right right okay found found one found M CH but I don’t know if it’s has a spawn just here like the best the most and where it best all yeah all habits indeed oh my God there’s a there’s one of those the massive R portals o nice oh completely at the top all right I’m going through a m shaft right now if it does we don’t even need to go to the m we can just let it become night and get spider eyes that way too yeah but it’s more annoying because they are all the mobs and stuff if you have a m you I know the thing is start with the m we have to go pretty deep that there’s no spawners it seems near the surface it depends I’ve had I’ve had so many just in this one it doesn’t seem like it yeah so it’s fine just don’t spend your time here it’s just if you see one just keep an eye on yeah I’m going to keep looking for armadillos okay wolf no no no there’s lava here come here the prophecy it’s coming true oh my God don’t fall the prophecy it’s coming true it’s going to be just like wolf stop okay look at Moon cam oh I have a man shaft open oh I think I have a I think I have nice I think I have a spawner okay cool perfect then you can get some spider from there I’m going to keep looking for armadillos I have open m shaft to the sky perfect at the top of the mountain oh I see another R portal is this the one you just found I’m not sure there maybe a different one this doesn’t look as big there’s no way there is like two hey wolf is what’s going on dude you’re mad wolf was literally just walking there no where by lava into the lava oh my god oh silk touch hoe do we need that I guess we don’t but um Golden Apple from the portal nice all right still looking for armadillos where’s the freaking where’s the chest for the for what oh here uh golden legging with mending and a mending shovel oh nice wow arillos where are you where are you where are you Wolf come here there’s no Lava anymore we’re going wolf supps to block the lava yeah that’s what I did okay okay okay wait what blocks can spawn on is it all blocks in the bad everything oh I got a book with efficiency three a name tag a couple gold oh nice like like they can spawn terracotta too right yeah yeah yeah obviously I don’t know it could have been specified to be only like red sand or something no no you know how it’s only grass blocks and span us yeah oh oh pH look this is the the SP the the the the M shaft room like the the the start but it’s complet terraa it’s complet yeah it’s completely in terraa I think it’s always been like that actually I think it’s always been like that for the Mason M shafts it depends how high it spawns yeah yeah it it takes whatever it takes whatever blocks that are around well actually that’s not true cuz the dirt room it can still generate well not now but it used to generate regardless it used to generate oh I see a patrol stay away from them I got a l three book hey nice also I just saw a patrol so I’m staying clear of them armadillo oh my God you found everything okay I’m coming there’s only one though but that means that this is not previously spawn um generated SP spots okay give me your coets I’m going to give you my cors oh sorry I they made an armadillo Emoji YouTube oh I wonder if on 7 TV people have made armadillo emojis let me check while you come okay S TV armad all right oh I see the big run portal very nice yes well just for that yeah I’m at low and I see your spawner as well you see a spawner oh no I don’t no it’s just a random just a random cob hi I’m here hi hi hi don’t see oh there you are hello oh there’s a creeper in the my shaft don’t run there’s a baby oh oh skeleton we can walk near it right yeah we can hello armillo all right I have brush I’m going to break my brush oh got scared you sprint head all right uh I think you need six to craft the W armor right is it six oh I hear spider I’m going to try to get this how many scoots is it a craftable for isn’t it six I’m not sure here we have two at home so well now it’s definitely enough hi oh I I saw the creeper it’s right here no yeah oh oh it’s right there oh is your chest red okay so I’ve rarely seen um Badland M shaft with like pillars and stuff it’s you you know because it’s inter I think it’s cool nice oh look there’s the bottom of the Ring Po in the cave oh nice nice oh that is fun okay I heard a spider but it’s gone yeah where was your spawner also you slept no I thought it was a spawner but it’s it was just CB also you slept so no spider no spider but anyways we need another arm right to bre yeah true hey cute uh there arad’s Emoji but not from Minecraft sorry you cut there’s also a there’s one there’s also a cross armadillo a what uh that someone was like against I guess for the M vote oh my goodness of course all I’m going to look around for more armor to those I sent it to you y and look this is the other one should I add the the armadillo like the the not cross one okay let me the not cross one where’s Theo did you did you kill the amillo I didn’t kill him okay he’s just around come here I’m looking for another one right now all right I have added armadillo just all you have to type is just Armadillo in the chat with capital A can I push him oh it’s in the boolt cool oh wait need to refresh yes armadillo doesn’t work a no but capital a oh if I can typ armor hey we have an armor Emoji let’s go okay uh stay here all right I’m just keep looking around I love the noises oh you can run around it when it’s in a boat it doesn’t care oh really oh yeah I guess it can’t really roll up in a boat kind of it’s another one literally right here of course all right coming all right so I guess we then wait for it to come night stay up and get some spider eyes yeah I can’t wait to um play with armadillos on Bedrock because they’re going to spawn much more frequently yeah and when you put armadillos in the boat they face different way so it’s fun oh really okay let me see oh this is your emoji work by the way yes it works thank you that’s funny yes it’s fun all right now we have to bring these guys home yes I guess we can then just bring them uh do we bring those home I guess they’re just together usually I like to get kids but I guess oh bring back Moon cam you see it oh w can not see I guess he can on your screen now but yeah we can bring those home they they’re they’re just alone here so yep okay then let’s go back home uh oh I guess going to be one on each boat get scared on well I guess it’s going to be one each in a boat and my dog is water skiing yeah I guess take your boat back I left it here for you oh there’s a scoot here oh take that yeah cuz they drop it drop it sometimes oh true they drop it I forgot about that take your boat your I left your boat here oh oh here on the lead they don’t get on the lead that’s good the witch oh we can get spider eyes from the witch can’t we yeah okay like one probably is it thunderstorming again wow no I think it’s just night I think it’s it’s rain rain rain okay it’s just rain H fortunately on Java you can’t really tell if you’re holding the lead unless you actually look yeah I’m better I could see it much easier to see usually when I lead something I go to F5 oh yeah yeah only way to driver the dog yes water skiing yes oh gosh um yeah your armor is going to lose it Le what oh my God wolf oh yeah okay we got to go the other way yeah this doesn’t work lost the lead on this dude oh my gosh I still have him the lead is also harder to see on Java it’s like what much thinner yeah okay wolf I have nothing to give to you so don’t get hurt yes freak I don’t have any like um God armadillo come faster jeez okay there we go yeah oh finally music jeez to be honest the other way is not better it was high as hell as well armor those why did you have to spawn all the way up here you know what uh do did you make war armor no not yet do you want can you give it to me I’m going to put it on my dog because it’s going to get all where are you I I lost you so next to the portal I’m right next to the portal too yeah I’m at the uh I’m west of the POR oh okay see you oh I hear a spider Spidey nothing boo right here what wer come here dude this way seems a bit more safer to go down here dude hey hey wait wait wait screenshot time we have to get the screenshot here okay okay oh my God my armor so slow come on everyone here sit no D come back oh my gosh D why do leads on Java suck so bad okay no one don’t go the top next to the portal stop all right can you look at okay this way okay don’t push my wall oh I’m kinding in the way here guys oh other armor oh my God where do you want to stand Wolf come here oh I am lagging oh my gosh okay stop okay stand to my side other side no there’s the wolf on the other side okay okay ah all right arm look at the camera okay everyone’s not looking at the camera it’s fine all right nice got it okay all right let’s continue so this way seems a bit safer it’s more of a oh there’s magma blocks here yeah got it good oh my God I lost mine o d have wolf armor enchanting I would like someone enchant some wolf armor would be nice yep where did you go I’m going down see you it’s fine yeah yeah yeah all right be careful here I love the little noises it’s yes all right I have gotten my armadilla down safely oh it’s going to be night now so you can get some spider ice now okay so I’m going to get the boats out we can put them in the boat okay come here guys boat time perfect oh did I drop another scoop lead I don’t know no was a lead okay okay uh no mobs allowed here yes wolf you’re staying here guarding the armadillos yes thank you all right spider time let’s go spider time it’s raining why are there no mobs okay now they’re spawning back there now spiders please spiders hello oh I forgot I took off my shield oh yeah good good one oh yeah fire aspect on my sword forgot about that yeah any spiners not yet guys am I cutting or anything I don’t think we changed the region on the um you only cut once when your your M when I was screaming this is not the same thing yeah it’s just my limiter this is fine otherwise it’s um it’s [Music] fine zombies hello can I get oh I’m going to get the zombie oh I hear a Spidy oh I don’t see it but I hear it okay oh they’re here okay hi guys I got string I’m curious about something if you oh this is if you repair danger piece of armor then enchant it and then disenchant it does that remove all the Anvil penalty on it if you enchant what if you repair like unenchanted armor then enchant it I think if you disenchant something you lose the penalty right all of it or just the enchanting pen I’m pretty sure holy [ __ ] I’m pretty sure it goes back to zero Z okay good to know but I I’m not sure I I would I think I would say it goes back to zero I think when you disenchant it just yeah pretty much just makes it like new oh my God there’s so many mobs oh my god there are so many mobs did you get any spider eyes yet no but I have like five spiders eyes but also three creepers and two zombies on my ass there no spider eyes oh my gosh oh my go why are so many mobs oh I see spiders get them I have so many spiders okay oh my God just string can you get can you get SP oh I don’t can you get spider IED without looting yes just rir obviously got some got two nice Frick my fire sword let me on [Music] fire I got one nice oh I got an iron from uh piece of iron from uh zombie I like that okay I have one spider ice up two nice see another Spidey where’s your couple come here dude nope oh there’s a ravine here no one despawn nope still not oh I see more there’s a cave SL rine here it’s not great hey spiders hey come here one don’t die on the cactus please oh spider you can if I guess we can sleep if we have enough how many do you have two okay I have two as well can sleep now yeah but we only need two oh my God Phantoms [ __ ] I haven’t slept in so long I will get get to you come to you so you can sleep where are you you’re in the desert oh gosh yep I see you come here you I see the Phantoms is it on though oh there’s a creeper coming oh no not even dropping thing for me thanks okay I guess we get yep oh this is the cave here I remember that all right did you s the bed yep okay all right can I have the bed back sure you so get the spider you have them as well thanks I see two I see a skeleton and a zombie HUD laying under the ailia tree there oh yeah surprised um mobs don’t catch on fire even if they’re under leaves cuz leaves are um like translucent guess yeah just and you don’t under blocks I guess MH well under glass they do still but not leaves they do yep ah interesting I’ve learned that the hard way when dealing with zombie villagers keeping them and then they burn in a day even though I because I put made the thing out of glass o all right arm Little Friends let’s get you out of here is your boat thank you all right let’s go back home yep okay boat time so this is how it’s going to go guys you get in the boat you Dogo you follow but for first of all oh you’re not putting your arm in the boats I am no there go no well that’s I guess that’s how it’s going to be no guys it’s fine it’s fine we can keep it like that no why not the armor swim I have no space no you get in my boat look at my boat you getting my boat and how did I take though wait then we can’t put the armadillos in a bat either oh we put each put Armadillo in our bat yeah okay yes got I got you wolf not in the boat dude dude all right there we go yes okay then you you you oh no uh you have to shift right click on him stand up okay then let’s get this stand them up first and then later here here here okay this is fine sorry uh this way or this way uh this way the river goes both way okay let’s hope this leads straight to the ocean so we can don’t have to get out all right on our way home with some armadillos let’s go another plant yes okay perfect this leads straight to the ocean perfect all right so and here’s the Savannah of course all right so afterwards yeah but I think this one is is Tiny or already generated yeah yeah yeah yeah oh no I see AR the first one we found I think I see one maybe I don’t know it might be a block it’s kind of hard to tell from here no I’m pretty sure this was generated and it’s pretty tiny yeah might have’ seen this Oney doie um so yeah once we get home I guess we um like breed the armadillos let them roam free um and then I think it might be nice moment to take a break and then go for the oh yeah sure yes yes trial Chambers yes yeah is my wolf still here yeah okay where are we going for the tri chamber um east or west east west west we’ve been we’ve been going a lot East I think the first time okay so I would say West sounds good the the time we’ve we’ve when we’ve been looking into caves and then we found the ancient city and everything was East Okay so we’ve been pretty far east yep I think like the the seeing the the shape of D and stuff probably going to put them also in like my sniffer pan nice they’re going to be fitting yes but for sure I’m going to breed them and SP them in my Savannah oh yes because there’s nothing in the savannah especially because I W not spawn so everything is gone in my world my S is going to be crowded there’s going to be in my world my S is going to be crowded because regular animals spawn there llama spawn there and arm spawn there too yeah on Java it’s quite empty like normal sa not plateaus normal savanas are just really empty yep my dog is having a wonderful times water skiing oh yes I seen on your cam dogs doing spin tricks yes also welcome to the stream B scat welcome going to need to start dinner be back soon year after lunch dinner break bre yeah thanks see you see you later enjoy your uh making your dinner yeah I’m going to go soon well he’s going for lunch I’m getting hungry yeah nice let start dinner oh I guess for later I guess he’s had lunch already I don’t know like prepare dinner for later see you wolf oh i s I heard armadillo shed a scoot in the water oh no well there goes that sco there goes that scoot I saw in the subtitles what is the sound plate for that guess it just a little pop sound like the chickens laying back is the same one as when you brush them I think oh yeah probably making burritos again I showed in the food disc o nice have a a good time that both yes probably just going to make quick pasta since I don’t want to be like away for too long oh this is home home careful there magma blocks bye wolf bye where going we going to put you guys maybe only Island something is it is a very small island we going to put them there I don’t know I’m checking we put them Just near our base yeah but we need the pen on the island they could just Ro I guess sure I think it’s a bit it’s a bit small but we can make one I guess they’re small too oh it’s fine it’s not that bad they don’t need a pen do do they it R around on the island want take that’s why I want to put them on the island yeah I guess okay oh I lost my lead o I have an extra one no you have your lead right here oh here hey guys stay here wait you can just lead mobs out of boats yes I did not know you could do that ah fun maybe it’s a j thing I don’t know it’s probably better Rock thing too I’ve just never realized that okay guys so I don’t have to break the boat to get these Ms out you like you Savannah right boxes yeah uh we going to go get you some some sa some yes oh yeah let me breed them yes scared them sorry oh cute yay baby no all right I’m going to go home going to sleep and then get some saplings W if we going oh I was going to come back I like like right away oh okay so just sleep come back right away can you bring um a shovel uh yeah I have a shovel on me okay I don’t and terraforming with the my hand is a bit frustrating yes can you bring a bom me as well sure I’m much thank you oh like a stack of we I think we have a stack of bones okay from the tri Chambers and stuff oh my God you guys are so cute nice uh so yeah casings do we have don’t tell me we don’t we just kiss saw the Savannah we don’t oh my gosh we have the the acacia tree in our base we might so we might have only got the one no wait uh wait really um oh my God yeah we only have the C tree no saplings well I guess there one that comes back first can can go get this all right I’m cutting it down sucks cuz it was a tall one too but I have to oh there’s probably it there’s probably a chest outside with trees oh well I’ve already C down tree um where is the chest I don’t see a chest I don’t know there’s probably a chest somewhere I don’t see it no that’s I think that’s probably just the only sing that I brought back then have cut it at the at the bottom where there’s the oh you brought two saplings we planted both there’s another tree here I should have cut down the shorter tree under the composter composter yeah with the chest next to the potatoes I think I might have put the saplings at the bottom nope no okay okay I got a sapling weird going replant it here and then get another one okay how many saplings do you want uh no we can plant a few and just one is fine for now okay I’ll get i’ll get two wait for well just plant yeah you planted one okay I really hope they give us at least like War farmer dying because I’m not going to tolerate that color for too long on my worm I don’t mind too much I actually like the color but yeah it’ be nice at least but it’s not my color be nice at least the base colors to D yeah huh leaves don’t hide their like faces when they’re facing another Leaf block like I I see if you look at my screen you can see the no they don’t this is a sodium feature that this is the mod feature that I have oh I see that’s strange one it looks weird and too yeah this is a big performance thing that’s also why one of the reason why leaves are so unper performant and so laggy yep it looks ugly too not like yeah I have a mod that is like Leaf cing but not like completely it’s like it lets you decide how much curing you want on the leaves mhm because if you have like full curing it’s not very pretty because it’s like very like um transparent yeah on trees it looks a bit weird so I have one that lets me like decide how much coling I want all right got two saplings coming back oh another scoot from an armadillo nice oh did all of them grow into adult or did the baby grow into adult already oh yeah did already that’s short oh no no it’s still okay the other two are just both them shed scoots all right I planted the saplings nice oh I guess I I should both me them well you’re in the way thank you all right if you want to help like cut them down I guess for more I’m definitely going to do that in between stream and stuff like get more okay well I mean terraform the island and stuff I see I can make a sh make them nice place here’s a shovel here’s the bone meal did you make it I’m full yeah I made it I made it you made an iron shovel yes I did what was that for what so many diamonds well I don’t have diamonds on me I didn’t have diamonds on me right here you went at the base I even I don’t have a diamond shovel you went at the base I know I forgot about the shovel so I just made you iron shovel now oh my it’s not a big deal it is no it isn’t so it’s just iron it’s just iron it is just iron I’m I’m okay bye I guess I’ll do this myself then iron no it’s still just time stop no stop it I’m going to make another one just to spite you I’m going to kill you okay I’m making it you’re joking just made it why it’s not a big deal at all anys I can use it to replace my my iron shell once that one breaks oh my gosh it’s just iron what is this what if flowers here this is Savannah no flowers yeah I I misplaced bone meal cuz um the tree group like I was crawling and so it made me place the bone meal as I was spamming bone meal on the sapling Oh by you roll up oh you sprint it I guess because I run this might be enough Acacia saplings actually quite a bunch now yeah yeah I think it’s good so are you going to like add grass and stuff here like with the bone meal yeah probably around though B me’s behind you oh I’m full okay wait full what of all the stuff I got in the M shaft and everything oh oh you didn’t put that back you can put it back right now did you see me go back to the base yeah you can go right now that’s what I’m saying yeah I know but now I’m going to go for dinner okay so I’m still full oh my gosh stop all right should we take our break now then yep well stay here okie dokie another sapling all right I’m probably going to be um away for more time than you because I I need to make dinner you said your no worri no worries so I guess you can just I don’t know grind stuff Farm stuff or something if you want yeah I’ll see when I’m not here all right well be back in in in a bit I guess yes oh my God there’s Anning sack here okay of course freaking squid all right all right we are going to take a break now so see you guys in a little bit yep all right we’re back everyone moon is back and I’m back Moon’s still eating her dinner but yeah she’s here um so yeah we’re back um Simmon’s going to be not playing for now she’s still eating uh but I can uh play the meantime so let’s get back on the round uh also um I don’t know if you saw there the Bedrock beta and preview came out actually oh late yep pretty late um it adds some of the stuff from the previous Java snapshot with Bree is now attacking Iron Golems armadillo’s now remembering um like play that attack them and that attack them um and then some other cool stuff like the Deferred um rendering now on iOS and um what else let me check that review for a second how fun um oh yeah they renamed spawn eggs to act to now say actually spawn egg instead of Spawn mob that’s cool um they fixed the bug where the loading screen screen would get stuck at 41% it also fixed some um audio issues where armadillo’s Phantom they fixed that 41 it just comes back yeah uh they also fixed the bug where for armadillos Phantoms and wardens you could not hear the sounds their sounds if you were not looking at them um then they added the realm events uh story type so basically achievements for Realms that’s cool um and then some other oh yeah you can now you do with add-ons you can add custom armor trim patterns to custom armor items so that’s cool and I think just some other minor changes fixes pretty cool so yeah pretty nice yep so are we going to get ready to go to the try find a trash gu uh yeah we can um we just add a bit more light to this place all right um be a good idea to craft um an Ender Chest if we can oh yeah wait do we have Ender Chest stuff we don’t no oh stuff yes like to craft we have we have blazes okay we have blaze rods all right let me go back home save have the boat yeah need go back join me I’m St um here Wolf come here come here all right have fun armadillos chilling on your islande okay so put back some stuff okay so we have some extra scoots okay we have nine ender pearls why have we not made the Ender Chest yet oh oh we didn’t have Sil touch to pick them up yeah we don’t have that um we also don’t have obsidian I think oh we have some obsidian we only have enough for one yeah but this is fine this we can get that we have enough obsidian for one Ender Chest I guess one of us holds on to it um and then places it down for the other one as well yeah but we need six do we have a sec book no well actually we do I think wait I think we did I don’t see it did oh here chest are here we have a sck touch yeah okay should I put on my pick I have the diamond pick so actually oh no I have fortune on my pick you have to put on yours oh wait I can disenchant my pick I can disenchant it yeah is your pick lower in durability no it’s a th okay I I’ll just put you have breaking as well if you want I’ll just put on my pick try to where’s the grindstone do we have a grindstone in the house yeah it’s in the house what it on the table see what you have on the table y maybe you have silk touch on the table and that way you can get Unbreaking and efficiency and stuff do we have lapis oh yeah here on the right let me check what I have as well maybe I have six touch efficiency three no probably not um you lapis efficiency four I should efficiency four probably going to take it then who I you’re going to enchant mean I guess we can both take it okay would be better anyway for mining um think is your pick is lower in oh only efficiency for you suck okay well at least it wasn’t Sil touch because um because your pick is lower in durability so better I mean it’s it’s it’s it’s like just efficiency three wait you didn’t get the enchanter advancement I got it I had it already oh I see okay I guess I’ll just add yeah fish soul clou on my pick not a big deal it’s not like this is not definitely not the max pick that we’re grinding for we can do that sometime after okay on chest you make under chest okay should I make it yep Oh yeah we’re getting the advancements again cuz we got went to the ne before we reset the world okay Ender Chest where’s the obsidian are all right Ender Chest made nice that’s good to have yep at least one right so just use it for like some like limited storage like limited shocker box yeah when because we’re going to go mining and you know how much stuff we get yeah and from the trail Cham is going to get some loot good loot too so yep all right I’m going to some torches we don’t have enough storage just is a mess yep we have more coal all right I’m all ready to go oh I need to put this T of Village map back oopsies oh yeah the leits do do you you don’t need the leits do you are you going to bring your dog right there no no okay all right then I’m going to get an extra stack of potatoes should probably put some more potatoes for cooking yeah and you could bring one in like your end chest or something like a stack of potatoes what do you mean yeah oh oh what you have Fortune oh you don’t have Fortune anymore anymore if you have fortune on your pick you can Harvest was forun one anyways wa didn’t you have a fortune can you have a fortune hoe no could have sworn you did I have a hoe or a fortune pick like golden P yeah you do okay perfect can you get it I’m eating oh sure thanks yeah um maybe a stack of potato in your under chest like raw okay just in case we need to plant some also in the trial chamber you get a lot of um bones so it’s very easy to grow back potatoes yes so I guess just the um a stack of potatoes in chest yeah I’ll put the hoe in the ender chest too actually sure um we need I guess we have we can get coal from the CES yeah um okay I’m all set then oh armor my armor is not doing great literally we went for to the tiger for that there’s a chest plate here to repair my helmet I need I need uh a new chest plate and new boots my chest plate there’s a chest plate here I know we have two other we have two other chest plates in here too but my thing has trim on it it also has good enchantments protection three Unbreaking what I could do is um repair repair it with one of the chest plates to keep the trim um disenchanted then reenchant it what do you think about that you just said you had good enchant Zone the enchants Z matter too much to me compared to the armor I want to keep the armor and that’s why I said that’s why I said I can reenchant it for some better enchantments maybe or not better at least some good ones again what do you think well this ined fur then why should should should I repair it first and then disenchant it so I remove the penalty after no because if you disenchant it first there’s no penalty so you don’t it doesn’t cost you I have to repair it still I have to repair it still it doesn’t cost your level if you don’t if it’s not Enchanted oh in the crafting table that’s right no but um it loses the trim in the craf the gr Stone as well no the gr Stone okay let me try shouldn’t lose the trim even in the crafting table maybe the crafting no I don’t okay perfect then oh yeah I can just do it in the grindstone to repair okay yeah perfect yeah I forgot you can repair it in the grindstone wait if I do in the crafting grid does it work the same as well no I lose the trim in the crafting grid okay that’s a weird thing that’s difference between the it combines the two it doesn’t repair it it combines the two well the grindstone is the same thing but in this case it keeps the the it doesn’t order not on the crafting table really it doesn’t know on the crafting table which one you’re you’re keeping oh okay just add durability okay I see yeah you’re right okay um all right I’ll do that and reenchant it and then I need um new boots oh is that helmet yours can I take it to repair my mine sure okay it’s just to have we need go back to the tiger Village I need I need new boots um we need to go to the Tiga Village again do we does it give us boots oh I think ta gives us everything now that we um now that the Villager rebounds thing let’s us trade all uh broken items I can keep this helmet I don’t I should not combine it with this helmet cuz I can exchange this for boots I can exchange this I’m going to go I have a half on everything I’m gonna go and I’m gonna trade everything against everything okay yeah that’s perfect although I can’t really trade my diamond chest plate because it has you do you I don’t care this is your problem you want you you lost you lost my trimmed chest plate so I didn’t oh well yeah when you died but I mean I’m just saying like I I shouldn’t trade my um trimmed chest plate because I’ll lose the trim on it right so but yeah for the other armor pieces I could definitely do that and I have and yeah we have the extra helmet here so as well yep I guess well I guess the extra helmet is not necessary because then we can trade the other pieces yeah um so that sucks with the armor trims though armor trims make your armor actually harder to um repair yeah so you should only get it when you have mending on your armor you can get everything yeah okay so let me reenchant my diamond chest plate yeah and we go back to the tiger Unbreaking three and protection three same enchantments yay nice so yeah back to Tiger so I have to map through it um then do we have emeralds in here yeah we do I’ll take them okay let’s go all right ready oh I didn’t feed my dog I think he’s needing a bit oh did he take damage uh yeah he fell on the oh I see Mountain okay we need to go Southwest I’m going to get some all right I’m waiting at the talk yep coming I guess from the tiger Village we can just go straight to the trial Chamber from there look for one like just go west from there or something or we could just go any direction from there I think cuz we haven’t no we’ve been to L I think West is where we the least okay oh wait this is this way is west okay yeah so guess I don’t think we’ve been much waste okay so I guess we just keep going in the direction of the Tiger then tiger villes West too we although to be honest we just need to get out of the region that we reset right true because even if they generated before the it doesn’t matter be no the Vault are not here I if we generated the the trial chamber yeah that we did oh the trial chamber that we found was afterwards after we reset right was before after right yeah yeah and also anyway we need the Vault so we need new generation yes yes yes we have some nice tea as well hey very nice okay s now I did not I get did not get a I don’t have a cup full two stacks of potatoes but it’s fine yeah it’s fine you have some how many potatoes do you have 46 and a stack okay you should be fine have yeah it’s just a CH chamber take a lot and stuff yeah yeah yeah we have we have that extra in the chest right yeah yeah we have the extra ST back in the end chest where did you go I see you just keep going S I see I see I see you now oh hey I have a fun idea for what we can do um after like we check out the tri Cham and stuff do you want to like keep streaming and play on um some on some servers on on on the hive like we can play some capture flag and stuff oh no we’re GNA suck we’re going to show the whole world how we play Capture flag yeah me me and moon me and moon like play like on the hive play some capture flag so you can like do that on stream after we do all the trial chamber stuff yep we have to do an overcook stream oh no that’s going to be so chaotic oh my gosh yes yes maybe you can like stream doing like the arcade sometime yeah we can see just how chaotic it can get oh no I I is the arcade like um random people like Al like it’s us and some other people too I’m not sure guess we’ll find out yep all right we should be getting close to the tiger village now yep it’s a little bit to the east and there it is I have no sounds oh when I’m oh no my pot sour sounds are broken uh for your resource pack rip how can I have not seen that I I on the I have or spru tiger next to my spawn next to my C my my base yeah we this not working okay broken training time so we okay the armor is here in the middle okay so oh we don’t have um all the armor trades oh no we have two armors don’t we we have where’s the other one I don’t know we have the chest plate to helmet boots to leggings where’s the other armor we we had the other other armor right I’m pretty sure we had two my God these villagers and are jumping around the well yeah I know we definitely have to have more right um wait no actually did both not sure because we did when we did all the trads at the start we definitely did it was definitely this Village I only see one arm him somewhere maybe or he could just be stuck somewhere I know the librarian is stuck oh Pro dude come see your friends okay we have a blast furnace in our house and then I don’t know if you have a blast for somewhere else too come on dude why did he get stuck on the he got stuck on the carpet of course he did hello oh there are emeralds in this chest oh nice I don’t see him don’t tell me he died please no oh no there are some open campfires but I don’t think theil would have just stop what do you mean they they go on the campfires all the time true or we only did one armor I don’t remember honestly no no no we did both we definitely did both still I’m still finding the same one the one with the chest plate to helmet boots to playing tra we to dead then but I know we did one it might have died but we definitely did what did it this is strange I don’t where’s the other Blast Furnace I don’t see the other Blast Furnace either oh I found the other guy I think no it’s the same one no oh my god there a sweet berries in the house on the Cobblestone oh no please no look at this in the in the where I don’t see you wait no in in in in oh my god seriously what if there was a villager here sleeping did you break it I broke it oh my God what’s your problem why did you I broke it because so the villagers won’t die oh my God what fun stuff anymore this is something that can happen oh my gosh you literally just broke the yeah I did so the villagers won’t die oh my God they can just block the door and they don’t come in I guess but whatever oh my God this was this tiger Village right yeah that’s the same one uh I know there was a place where they could get star no that was a different one yeah that’s why I’m saying that that one we made the stuff then yes but I think with this one we only did one armor cuz I don’t even see another blast furnace then we need to make another armor yep we do well okay here I can oh yeah no I can’t repair my boots cuz it’ll give me leggings and that’s it why is he trading if you want if you need your chest plate repaired I have a that spare helmet so you can do that at least I need to repair all of them so this is fine to me yeah it’s best I guess with we do the uh second armor I could have sworn too we did another armor but I guess we then just did the one I I guess you you were doing the tool Smith as well and the weapon Smith and librarian so we were kind of occupied the other ones too no no it’s because we did it at the other Village yeah we did it at the other Village like when we came here I was doing the armor and then you were also doing the toolsmith and the librarian so I think that’s why we didn’t did a second armor you bring the iron can you make a um oh right I forgot we need iron I mean I have a stack of iron on me I can if we you know I I can trade that no to make the blast furnace oh yeah I can make the blast furnace I can make I have a stack anyways of iron so we have blocks at home so it’s fine all right BL furnace done I hope there’s someone that isn’t employed oh yeah that’s a good point actually there should be some we haven’t traded with anyway yeah there’s a few weapons SM here that I don’t have a so we can get take their rep Place their CHS is regular who traded with this dude um oh I think I remember it was it was one of us accidentally trading with him when he was supposed to be obviously it’s one of us yeah yeah I know but I mean like it was an accident think it was an accident okay excuse me is does someone want a JW you no you have a you have a job so I’m making the blast furnace now we don’t have any free villagers for now yep yeah everyone has jobs yeah I’m trying to find someone that is not traded with I think we should be able to find some we trade with everyone right so okay those are free want two perfect guys let’s really hope we can get two of the other two otherwise I don’t know I feel like we need a we’re going to need a third armor as well no don’t say that it can he can do the same traits as this guy right it’s two out of four right so like one of the traits might be if even if even one of the trades is the same as this dude then we have to do a third one make another furnace oh no I can grab this one all right second blast furnace made should I keep it in the house as well sure no well at least for for for when we trade with them yeah okay put it break that I’ll break the door just in case it messes with their pet gu they can open doors though yeah he’s coming keep going oh the other dude sh in front of him the door in his face you guys are so annoying oh my God okay here we go oh and bye it just leaves okay so iron and coal okay I’ll do the iron trade then I guess all right iron trade here we go this going to suck half a stack left now yep all right boots time this is going to be painfully slow the iron tray doesn’t even level up much anymore so I have to buy the boots yep all right here we go all right he’s almost there just um I think I have on me is’s there hey perfect Okay lava bucket or Bell here H I’m the rest of these emeralds I’m going to chop trees uh here I have two stacks oh of wood perfect yeah where is the other fler all right 32 emeralds you see how much the leggings trade will be oh so tiny it’s seven oh yeah how much is do here yes I’m not sure okay I’m going to wait until the boots restock just to see how much they might be the same as leggings if so then I’ll do the boots trade I think they should be the same as leggings right XP one oh yeah yeah it should be the same so I’m going to wait for the bo yeah yeah yeah wait for the boots for sure he h puts every stocked and yeah it’s the same as the oh this is the other dude but it is still the same um Bo every stock all right should take about three or four more trades I’m going to smell [Music] the the boots okay since we have to wait anyway h just heard a villager took damage yeah come on dude damage from oh stairs fell down the stairs bro did you take the iron from the PR one I didn’t no I didn’t take it I thought you were did it i’m ni here mind I I swear it takes like forever for the villagers to start working when it’s the morning oh gosh all right here they come oh no never mind okay here go iron thank you oh also emeralds oh thank you you know something I hope they do sometime is just remove the this such this the strict Collision on mobs in Java in in Bedrock is just so much better yeah and then also you wouldn’t have stuff like um I guess that would mean um what is it what’s it called um entity um cring when exist anymore right I think if you remove Collision from the MS I guess yeah oh trate wait that one oh that’s a me I’ll fre you okay there go thank you well we have Golems on on the house there’s one here and one here that’s where they belong oh my gosh now he’s buying boots for six emeralds God damn it got to wait for a bit should I do the n I don’t want to do the laging stra just wait for this one to go down if you buy something else the next restock is going to go down oh yeah gu that’s true I forgot about that leing stone yeah okay all good uh What no it’s nothing oh boots are still at six God damn it all right this tree GR no no no no no what villager is in the tree oh no oh my gosh I got him okay which one was it which villager the Fletcher oh no it’s fine I got him probably pretty low and he well he’ll regen when we trade with him right no usually they regen when you um them up do they not heal when you trade with them too I don’t think they do oh it’s a rip yep should be able train the armor now yep back to four all right leveling him up now okay please dude oh oh oh oh wait wait wait is this the trades oh he has one duplicate trade no he has chest plate to helmet which the other one also has the only new trade he has is leggings to chest plate so we need um uh helmet to boot helmet to chest plate I think right is what we need is it not boots to chest plate so boots goes to leggings you look at the other dude no he has leggings to chest plates yeah yeah yeah this one has boots to leggings so it’s the trades are helmet to chest plate I think chest plate wait actually no I don’t boots to leggings leggings to chest plate helmet to boots chest plate to helmet okay we’re missing uh helmet to boots then that’s what we’re missing yeah yeah but boots is fine four we can make I guess do do you want to then just leave these guys as us yeah F we’re going to do that for the rest of the stream otherwise yeah yeah true okay so I need to repair my leggings then which I can get from boots and then to repair boots wait I’m confused okay to rep to repair my okay I most need to repair my boots so for boots you need have yeah but the boots just make boots because this is the one that we don’t have okay okay so then for to repair my leggings I need to trade boots that you can because they’re trash your boots well well if I want to repair my leggings like from leggings can I get back to leggings no wait why not leggings goes to chest plate oh the chest plate goes to helmet and then helmet has to go back to boots ah okay so okay okay I get it so then I should trade my on um since I’m going to make new boots anyways trade my damaged boots for a new like yeah that’s what I’m saying okay okay got it since your boots without trash anyway just trade your boots yep okay I also have a spare helmet if you need it so let me know if you need that helmet to boots we don’t have yeah yeah yeah I I’m just saying oh yeah I guess so we can’t trade the helmet okay I’ll keep it all right when you click on the wait wait why is it not working you have to put your your thing in I am it’s not working going to take it I should it’s not what the heck don’t tell me don’t tell me the experiment’s not updated it should it’s not working I can’t trade my damage boots why don’t tell me the experiment does an update for existing World it should there’s no reason it might be because wait is this is a is this a new is this the new armor or the armor we did before which armor is that shouldn’t matter why is he not taking the boots I don’t know it’s not letting me trade so that’s a rip what about for you is it working for you the the the new try for the new with the new one the other one has different traits though the other one has different TR yeah but just to see if it works if it let you you you wait let me see that one works oh my God it’s it doesn’t work for old villagers yeah because it’s a it’s the other trade well just kill the dude then oh this sucks okay wait oh whatever man we’re just going to go caving we’re going to find so many diamonds it’s fine okay okay just right remember how many diamonds we got last time yeah yeah okay so what’s the plan now then let’s just leave and go find a TR Hammer okay let’s just walk for a really long time mhm and then go mining I guess I have that damage hel it’s kind of taking up a spot should I just leave it here or leave it here okay have such a trash bow okay I’m putting the end chest down if you need to put anything in it now it’s your chance I just put the tiger map in there cuz no it’s fine thanks so I don’t think I can repair anything here right I leggings I can’t repair because the boots won’t go and the boots I can’t repair cuz I need a helmet for that or we don’t have to trade for that okay no worries yeah we I guess we can do this another time yeah okay West so we’ll just repair with diamonds or make new armor with diamonds yeah okay God so much stuff okay West yep West yep all right finally time to look for some trial Chambers yeah where we go until we find like a really big cave interest or something mhm because we know they’re supposed to generate one per region right um yes oh yeah I forgot about that yeah I forgot about that part yes that is true it is anywhere within a region that also means you can’t find another one with that region y one I’ve lost you I I’ve just went West okay so many trees in the way I’m at 58 1200 okay I see I’m here did you fall into the cave yeah a little bit oh God so the region we’re in right now we I don’t think we found a tri no but we’ve definitely loaded this one so we at least need to get out of this region what is itus 1.us one two that kind it kind of sucks that the trial Chambers are once per region it’s a bit silly it’s pretty CU that’s a pretty large well but isn’t a how how large is a region isn’t it like 512 chunks by 512 chunks or something no no wait no it’s 16 chunks by 16 chunks right I think not that bad I guess I I think I meant like blocks five 12 blocks maybe oh I lost you again where did you go I’m behind you oh I see you all right I guess yeah we just wait until we get to a new region yep at least yeah because I don’t know where how much West we’ve been yeah but yeah I I still think it kind of sucks a little bit that it’s spawns only once per region so like and also there’s not it doesn’t really generate under any specific biomes like the ancient cities at least you can find them under mountains right you know where was like oh it’s such a problem for ancient city give us a way to find them like yeah at least you have mountains make the next structure oh yeah even less one of the people are complaining but yeah me too I I think it’s okay yeah now that you know and now no that’s it so they did that and then the it was always like that iture it was always like that yeah yeah yeah but what I mean is that now they made the next structure even harder to get because there’s not even a biome yeah and the thing is with the trial chamber like I feel like it should be easier to find cuz it’s you know trials like what like it feels like these trials are designed to be completed right so they should be found in some way right like like what’s the point of making trials I’m not talking about developers I’m saying like in terms of Lord what’s the point of having making trials if nobody’s going to find them yeah I mean unless it plays into a lore where it’s like those trials used to be able to be found now you can’t right I don’t know like now they’re lost we region now oh we are perfect so should we go down to the caves I guess just if we can find a big cave yeah the trouble the annoying thing though is a trial chamber could also just be buried completely yeah yeah but I think we have more chances the cave is like big yeah other we can just trip my the whole region but you know oh God that’s funny I do hope they have some plans to me there’s a big opening here yeah we can go down here I do hope they have some plans of thinking about being able to easier find like find them more easily we saw that for the ancient city and never came so well the ancient city I think it’s not so but the tram I feel like definitely needs it even more so than the ancient city right yeah oh gosh ow ow oh man even if if you fall like one block onto a drip Stone it does damage it give yeah yeah but if you jump on it it doesn’t give you damage that’s interesting I guess if you fall falling is different from jumping where it like falling you technically fall like two there’s a creeper here oh boy I have my bow too so I should keep that out I have a very trash bow and it’s almost dead mine too I have just power one on mine I have Unbreaking one oh no yeah ouch oh another creeper at least it kills creepers in two hits so that’s something that’s good okay we are in deep slate okay so we want to stay around minus 20 I think cuz the trial chamber starting room starts at minus 4 uh generates at- 40 so minus 20 is the best place I think for it where it can the top can poke out zero not be so good yeah oh jeez I need to be careful your fire space Oh yeah I I’ll use my axe instead my sword isn’t even that good it only has fire aspect on it yeah I have absolutely no t the thing is they might not change how you find Tri chamers cuz you know King B Dog said if you want to find there’s two Creepers underneath here King B Dog said if you want to get more vaults then you should have to explore for more right y thing is cave exploring is hard it’s not easy oh diamonds yeah I have silk touch so I can we can keep them for fortuning’s good so you’re going to keep the diamonds I guess yes and you can also put them in the end the chest at some point once you also means less inventory space taken up by them yeah it also means I get regular deep slate instead of Cobble yep oh my God there’s three creepers here going to let them explode careful more diamonds careful there’s another one oh it’s not on me careful he’s not on me he’s on you all right six time in or where are we 19 yeah pretty much 20 creeper on oh hi and more diamonds yeah you’re right we’re going to find diamonds so easily yeah yeah that’s what happened last time yep especially with the updated generation yep see if that goes anywhere oh yeah I just realized since we’re on the same since we have a custom team color when we hit each other with the glowing Arrow it’ll um highlight our like our color highlights will be or uh gold yeah oh I was just about to turn around oh and it opened H doesn’t look like oh actually oh jeez there’s a big cave should we go down there I don’t know it’s dangerous come on dripstone is annoying when it’s on dripstone blocks because yeah I’m going to leave that water here yep I’m going to get some more water since it dripstone is not an isue it’s bright around yep oh yeah that’s great for dripstone caves are good for that if you run out of water you have water everywhere yeah it’s harder in like normal caves but yeah I also like that it adds a little bit of like atmosphere so it you can see like how much it stuff has dri that it’s literally made holes in blocks in deep slate of all blocks I know right Enderman yeah careful there’s couple creepers behind you oh there’s a diamond here nice top at a top it’s excuse me Mr end Could you um leave did it time not drop oh no it’s there okay got scared o something should have gotten as coal for torches yep okay I do have a stack of coal on me so I have torches for a little while I guess four Stacks at least yeah do you have any coal on you or no nope okay so once I’m on my last stack then um we head back up I have I have a stack of wood though oh like logs yeah I guess so do I yeah so we can use that for backup yeah an emergency oh my God they’re coming oh I think there’s a spawner here there’s a spawner that’s why oh no it’s a skeleton spawner oh the D of zombies where’s the spawner oh in here okay yeah aha kill each other you fools it’s very well hidden behind the drip Stone yep wait so uh zombie spawner oh look like skeletons were coming interesting yeah it’s just a skeleton spawned here efficiency Two Feather falling two o oh and iron nice bones iron yeah efficiency too nice uh take those BS then if you’re taking them okay I think that might be it for down here yeah looks like it check on each side there’s a little bit here but it’s like the smaller cave yeah but I don’t know if you want to go in the smaller C no I’m just checking it stops so okay back up the water then uh let me check here if it just opens maybe oh it’s the spot uh oh it opens a bit oh uh not that much though okay um up I’m checking you’re going pretty deep down here oh there’s a diamond here coming careful where’s Diamond here oh hey it’s uh hidden as a one but it’s actually an eight let’s go nice actually I think it was nine let just look everywhere I think we can go just L you’re too low anyway let’s just go back up the waterfall I guess yep were we up there let’s keep an eye out for corn yeah we should go back up to the stone stone part is there anything this way there’s definitely a zombie here oh it’s here hi dude gosh I still love the design of the look of drip Stone it’s the perfect way to add St St my St ties in Minecraft yep uh oh I think it opens to a big cave here oh get coming ooh nice oh oh not oh here here here here got that creeper hello I love how weird it like looks when you make the Cobble out of or in lava drip stone or in the Deep slay layer yeah okay we’re still in the same region so don’t have to worry about that yeah oh okay oh my God don’t do that creeper jeez oh Diamond hey coming I think it opens a bit here uh I don’t see you uh here you see me yep where are you here oh yes s you have no torches oh I see yeah where diamonds Diamond here uh uh here okay and it opens here a bit cool oh got a random potato huh like too you can give it to me if you want I I have a few oh no they’re in the chest never mind yeah it’s fine put it in the chest right now come on game it’s going to take a while to find this yeah once per region is quite a large area to search for in a single trial chamber I probably like stre mine for mine I’m going to be lazy because I don’t want to generate too many oh like in your world you mean yeah yeah yeah probably go at like the right level for me I’ll just go in yeah yeah I guess you’re going to go in a copy and strip mine is what you said or just I can make in the main I couldn’t copy but I could make in the main oh my God go away I guess it’s a single region I guess it’s just a single region which is smaller than a large map right I think is a region bigger than large map or a smaller I’m not sure I forgot how big regions are let me look it up region 32 by 32 chunks okay 32 by 16 blocks 512 yeah so 512 by 512 blocks so that’s a quarter of a map I think it’s a map no quarter of a map large map yeah cuz a map a large map is 20 48 x 20 48 I think so a large map has four regions technically alth I’m not sure if uh regions are split based on M uh map grid lines not sure I think yeah oh yeah oh yeah I guess cuz map grid lines are based on the spawn like start from z z as well so yeah yeah so yeah you could just totally strip mine throut like yeah oh yeah I’m definitely if it’s guaranteed I’m just going to strip mine yeah yeah it’s guaranteed that’s for sure I I might okay I might look for one like naturally and then if I want another one yeah if you get bored or like Anno I just St M I think I want the right the one like know want to find it right y same for like the trial Chambers right I want to find the first one like more naturally and then you know yeah yeah yeah I guess I’ll I think I’ll do the same thing as well just go into the copy and explore the caves the chunks and then find it natural this what I did with the ancient city then um the other ones just uh oh there’s a big c oh Diamonds oh oh trial chamber I found it y okay okay okay wait wait let me save the coordinat here get to your diamonds and then I’ll come back here okay y uh let me just place the coordinates in chat right now just so you know where it is there uh okay where are you I think I came from here yeah from here that was quick we found it so quickly let’s go I think it wasn’t a stronghold I think it was a tri chamber I HED it was not a stronghold oh no okay there you are perfect then I know the way to the tri chamber uh where is it up oh uh up oh my goodness how far are we these diamonds yeah uh here okay coup on ah here we go three perfect okay anything else uh nope okay come yes yes tramber time let’s go can we get it from here m I don’t think so you’ll have to come down it’s a bit lower I think just come with me where you going I want to find my no come with me I know literally the way to it no oh my gosh I’ve lost I lost you now completely bye I mean what we could do is you look for it on your own I just go in where I know it is and then we meet up in the side if you want to uh [Music] didn’t come back to me I’m coming I was just far away it went so far away what stop moving hi bye no come back all right fine I’m G I’m on no come back I’m here you said you were going you said bye what are what do you thinke um this way Yep this way this way this way there Vault hopefully we hopefully we’ve not generated that region and here it is trial Chambers yes perfect yes okay let’s try to go around and see if we can find entrance or something oh yes we in this is we top this is Funk chares up they can’t spawn Ms outside the structure right it’s all inside no but it’s going to be full I thought the tri spawners have to see us to be able to um spawn mobs it said charges up it didn’t spawn mobs oh okay always it detected that we were on I think it’s also a way like maybe if you if it’s tight caves you could hear it oh I see no it’s spawning it’s spawning right now that is weird it’s a reze no what oh not skeletons no but I’m saying um the tri spawner just spawn a mob I saw the subtitle yeah yeah yeah so I guess it I to that’s weird okay it’s skeletons oh my god do you think we have the poison one oh I hope so I want a challenge oh no I hope so okay I can’t find this entrance so getting in okay first cave here first we got to like put stuff in under chest sure we have everything oh there’s so many skeletons okay stay away from here let’s get back [Music] up are you going down there no what do you mean no I don’t see you up here I you seem to have gone in the cave no I’m here really where here next to you oh there you are where did you appear here from you just came out of nowhere uhoh did the skeletons follow you oh God the strip stone is so [Music] annoying okay come up here look at this big cave up okay all right I’m going to put the diamond ore in here do you want to do you want to throw the rest give me your potatoes I have potatoes in mine like the raw potatoes s oh yeah yeah the shw potatoes in be our chest okay if you have the space uh okay do we set spawn until we find the the the bedroom uh okay me throw away some stuff we don’t need gunpowder or bones do I need I need the arrows oh yeah take those arrows don’t need the gunpowder oh my God we going to get poison skeletons I feel that oh no oh no okay take the inner chest I guess or should I keep it here no keep take it no keep keep it keep it all right ready yep wait wait just going to make a staircas here here we go ow jeez AED skeleton it’s oh my well they’re fighting each other now so okay I can’t use my sword oh you know what we need you know what the what is the the the the call here mhm honey ah H bottles yes because honey can keep you like your your good thing yeah and you get Hunger back too yeah you get three uh saturation the skeletons look so silly holding the poison arrows there’s another one there’s a breeze downstairs okay uh feather falling three book o Shield repair I’m going to repair oh my God I took so much damage oh where are you oh gosh I fall I fell I’m on two heart the breeze knocking it’s knocking itself back in the air that’s funny yeah okay got the skeleton okay hide hide hide you’re still low right oh no you’re good no I’m good I’m good I’m good jeez where’s the breeze oh there it’s chilling where is it up hello dude come here oh the new the new uh windsh is nice oh yes oh wait I want to see it actually yeah get away oh dead I get it oh let’s see what’s in the pot you want oh uh unfortunately okay it’s I wish it’s area of um oh jeez that was high up yeah oh the fire charges went got it new one oh I broke the decorated p no I broke it I broke it ah oh yeah I really like it yeah the win is cool I saw it like hurling towards my face I’m still attacking me oh you know it would be cool if the brace could attack multiple people at once imagine that oh yeah cuz right now it was only attacking me um food andal yeah you need some extra for you you need some extra food I can get get it too uh sure thanks okay oh there the tri spawner up top we can what I do that that I’m probably definitely get bring Ladders because I hate breaking structures like this yeah yeah oh Trail Keys we got Trail Keys oh no what is this supposed to be where there’s a vault no no no this is a this seems to be a like uh oh FEA falling three oh wait no maybe oh I hope not I’m not sure let’s find another one yeah oh no please don’t tell me we’ve General yeah that’s fine these chunks let’s see oh this is the the the room in the water nice cool wait where did ladder I got out of the room oh how did he get was there another chest uh I don’t know how you got out the room here oh parkour I don’t think there’s stuff I do on we enter here okay we’ll definitely know if there’s no vaults when we get to that big room that is supposed to have vaults oh here’s the water room yep you got ladds or uh oh I hear a TR spawner there’s nothing here it’s just nothing yeah just goes around okay whatever this way I think yep oh this is the room oh this is the same room oh Breeze oh my gosh coming back oh this is the bed oh there I found the the the bedroom cool you want to set your spa it’s just here yeah I’m just getting some the skeletons here okay got my SW you still take um no no Shields block um Arrow effects right yeah on TR yes cool unfortunately you can’t use your Shield while using the bow too yeah come here set this one coming [Music] bedroom sleep sleep yes just gold tools here okay y who the hell brought gold tools for a trial chamber okay I’m I’m mg good thing you didn’t do it at that moment oh my God I imagine in the middle of the SK oh they all killing each other okay bye perfect have fun dude damn it I accident waxed a or unwaxed a copper instead of holding up my shield jeez look at all the subtitles goodness me yeah all right I heard a triail spawner eject item so um yeah it’s the skeletons at the top wow you know what the water is not a bad idea because you do we do you have the buttons oh I see a button ah it’s going to put a block oh perfect I feel like the breed doesn’t do enough damage yeah it can I think it’s also it’s also kind of just another part chall just it’s annoying it’s just flies jumps around yeah yeah yeah I I really hope to see that room with the trap doors where we can trap you that’s that’s such a cool room out from Minecraft live but we didn’t get to see it yes got it one more one more another one yep oh sorry hit you oh yep more trial keys okay and this one has golden carrots oh the other Trail spawner yeah at the top okay I see golden carrots and potatoes two Enchanted iron shovel I mean I have an iron shovel so I’m going to take an enchanted one nice a shield oh Shield is nice I’m going to repair oh how is your Shield looking it’s good it’s good don’t worry I repair that yeah because mine is almost full so if you mine’s full mine’s full mine’s full okay I’m going to keep it then okay it doesn’t go anywhere this doesn’t go anywhere I’m not sure if that I’m not sure I’m not sure if that chat those chats supposed to be Vault cuz those are those are not don’t have that much loot in them right yeah no I think I’m not sure although they had I think not uh okay should I come back up yeah I guess yeah yeah yeah yeah does nothing else this is fun yes okay here oh this is yeah the corridor okay there going be no vaults here there’s going to be no Vault here that’s for sure they’re all Corridor chests y but one of these one of the side rooms each of the side rooms is chamber so they’re going to have um yep Vault I think hopefully let’s do on this side oh jeez SK I guess the good thing about one thing about skeleton poison skeletons is um they can only inflict poison on you once right once you get inflicted poison once poison you’re poison you don’t get poison two from two poison it doesn’t stack right just the resets the timer resets right yeah also the poison effect doesn’t last that long too so it doesn’t extend the timer either po one is not poison yeah and and the timer is very short so uh if it just resets it you’re still going to run out it’s still going to run out in like a second or so it’s not so bad actually oh nice give it to me here yeah it’s not so bad actually yeah oh next one H I just realized switching items on your hper and your main hand doesn’t put down your Shield so that’s nice yeah okay Bree waiting for us at the bottom there’s also another poison skeleton still here yeah he fell I want to shoot him so we can get the items from here at least where’d he go you see him no he might have died but no he’s not cuz the trial spawner is active yeah but I hear him yeah same no this is not all right I’m going to put a water bucket next to you are then this is going to flood the room but oh well yep ah there you are he’s here right I’m going oh there’s the breeze you can take him oh the trial spawner is still active Okay interesting so where’s the breeze it was here somewhere I think it went here yep got him oh is no I’m going to destroy all the buttons actually ah damn it plus Qui I got the try we got the tryner perfect hi Breeze he’s just running away yeah nice I feel like the brieze is also easier because we’re two with one person and I think it’s harder yeah Ian it still doesn’t do much damage yeah it’s not supposed to do much damage I think it’s supposed to be nuisance really yeah yeah yeah yeah but then give us 10 at once not one one I feel I feel like there should be like one for each player to fight right yeah right let me get my water I’ll come yep oh you got it okay uh Keys oh more keys perfect oh and this one has golden carrots and glowberries H glowberries we love blow berries don’t we yes did you remove your water oh yeah I did I told you I was removing it yeah but we we need to go back up we come from up okay okay now what do we do now I was grabbing my water so I could come up here but you had already built up blocks here don’t worry I have my water still I have my water just have to yeah good and now good for you what do you mean good for me I’m putting it up back all right now we’re back up here yeah where do we have to go back right I guess there’s nothing else nope is there nothing at the top then back okay back down uh where did you come where did we come from on the other side down down right no oh on the other side okay okay didn’t see that we came from here oh I hope they add some like trial chamber music like that plays in the structure oh please and I hope it’s not like random I I would like it to actually play cuz it’s a trial right like you know Boss music or something yeah I have like winding playing yeah it’s I have like I have like c48 playing yeah oh you’re in the Next Room okay coming yep oh there’s nothing it just stops oh okay by the way I saw some people on Twitter being like we’re responding to King be dogs who was saying like the trial spawner is access to give you like utility items like food and stuff some people were saying we don’t need food we already get a lot of food but I’m going to just say food is helpful you know you food takes up inventory slots it’s always nice to get free food especially in the combat structure supposed have like a grade at the top or something is it empty here this one oh yeah that is interesting on top of the door is it not supposed to be like a grade yeah that is interesting weird let me check the other side oh there’s the tree room yep nothing here wow feel like it’s a smaller one yeah oh yeah we might have gotten a small room Tree Room o a lot of arrows wooden axes okay yeah and then there was arrows okay uh this wait aren’t we supposed to go from the top here is this from the top Yeah here right no it’s behind this yeah but oh yeah here yes yes that leads to the second bedroom I think yep here it is with some emeralds saddle and O Frost Walker iron boots nice prototype protection when you have a thing full of skeleton is not bad yeah actually yeah uh did you break the pots yeah nothing good is just the emeralds and Lapis are we done no way least no no there’s more wait no wait is this we came from here oh my gosh no way we’re done already maybe where we started we haven’t found any vaults where’s the Vault not even a big room uh we start we came from here that was the top though no way let me um go uh elsewhere in the cave yeah where you where you saw it the first time first time yeah but I think that might just lead into the same room oh not this way because all the things like seem like closed on each side like it’s all you sus this is the only one for the region yeah I mean it’s like when you find an nity and there’s literally like just one room yep but the thing is nity are all once for region right actually I don’t yeah uh not sure oh you see me see my gamertag yeah yeah uh no I see you on on the cave I don’t see your G wait I’m I’m in the triail chamber I see you look up look up I’m right here oh great hello I came out that’s it I think yep that’s it wow that was so short but hey we got poison skeletons that was a nice challenge at least yeah we didn’t even get any zombie trial weren’t there supposed to be trial spawners in the quor wait I feel like we haven’t done all of this cuz we didn’t get the unless that Corridor doesn’t generate all the time with the trial spawners you know the corridor the corridor with tri spawners in the middle we got a COR are broken no I think it could just be it doesn’t generate all the time oh that’s back up me let me go back to the corridor yeah sure feel like we missed something not sure no cuz the ladder’s LED nowhere right we went up the ladders and you’re didn’t leave anywhere this might be it okay the corridor we found the corridor okay wait actually we didn’t go up the corridor we didn’t go like to the high upper layers yeah where are you oh yeah there’s more there’s more okay don’t worry there’s more okay okay okay we didn’t go up the corridor so come back to the quter if you can remember where it was y I hear more trial spawners oh no wait wait no it’s are they new ones or are they the same ones I think it’s new ones right we have not been here hour it’s not been 30 minutes yeah ooh there’s a tri key in one of the pots nice oh fun okay I’m in the corner up oh there’s a chest here o potion regeneration torches take that keep that regen for the Villager that we attacked I guess it’s a no it’s a drinkable one though it’s not Splash well we can just splash it I guess oh I found a oh hi hello oh you came in through the other side yeah yeah I heard more trial spawners so yeah I hear them I hear oh I think it’s here no it’s not oh there’s a there’s a door here where are you uh the other side up on the other side yep right here there a ladder is oh here yeah yeah it’s a staircase that leads up I’m not sure go that definitely moves oh oh this is the room where it should have vaults okay okay please game please give us vaults I don’t see chests oh I don’t see anything oh where’s theault okay I’m got to please it’ll be fun enchantment like in Minecraft dungeons they like the leeching Enchantment Where you get health back from killing mobs yeah a little bit of Health back or something a little regeneration maybe I don’t know here caves oh I hear spiders there’s so many M I don’t know this room this is not the room with the the the wall this is another room I don’t I’ve not had this I’m going to die I’m going to die oh no no no no I’m blocking myself in I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m going to kill them I’m going to kill them I’m going to kill okay I’m not on you anymore I heard silverfish I’m not sure it might have spider still okay we got some trial Keys here yeah glowberries oh diamonds diamonds nice you stole everything oh sorry I feel like wait this has this one is supposed to be a vault I’m pretty sure I think it we generated this one already a so no Vault yeah I think no Vault no another regen potion y I think no VA a that sucks yep I think that spider is not part of finish one quickly go back up and try to get another one so we’re we’re done here no there’s not there’s I’m pretty sure there’s another room on the other side okay oh maybe no maybe it was this one I think this is the this was the last one I don’t hear any more trial spawners there was one that was was making noise on the other side I’m going to try to go see I saw oh my God it could be the same on WE restarting now sure no I’m just Shing no there’s not anymore no okay I think we’re done that’s it okay we need to go far at least let’s go like a couple regions away or something uh come back to the bedroom sleep again I need to take a bathroom break I like that they have this bedroom area it’s like a little break area take a little break but then I wish the trial Chambers would be a little bit bigger so you could spend quite a it’s a smaller one yeah definitely a small okay I’m going to put the ender chest down so you can put some stuff in thanks I’m going to put the trial keys in here emeralds we have quite a lot now keep it stack in there oh ender pearl wait where did I get an ender pearl from I guess one of the trial spawners from a tra spawner all right I’m going to be back in a bit yep pretty unlucky she get one H so I guess we get new we need to go pretty far away now where are we still in 2 two minus 2 two um yeah I guess at least a couple region I really don’t remember when we stopped in in West there anything here oh there’s a chest here right oh diamond theone diamond that’s all right I think that’s all don’t think there’s anything else at the top is there a block missing here huh okay doesn’t go anywhere yeah I’m pretty sure it’s done what’s in this nothing I TR eggs hello I am back welcome back thank you all right oh there’s a baby chicken in here all right um so I guess since we’re done here we can leave yeah I would say we just start back up and go few regions away okay all right I’ll good I’ll good with the Ender Chest yeah okay where do we come from again this way uh I don’t remember where came from uh do you remember yes where this way here yep yes it’s way at the top by the way uh behind this room I don’t know if you remember uh at the bottom there’s a chest here oh right I forgot about that there there was a diamond in I see you got it yep all right let’s get out of this cave and also grab some coal yep you’ll have to mine since I have the silk touch pick yep me know if you see any what do you find cool oh it’s open oh my God it’s so close to the surface are you kidding me you could literally see it from the surface are you joking me right now wow imagine if you went down this guy that would have been so amazing oh Cole Co behind you man more coal over here that’s it oh slime great oh cool mhm right are you going more in the caves or coming back okay I’m here here yep just open straight here wow oh we would have seen the opening of with the lava and stuff wow yep it’s a pretty big cave too this is where we enter the cave are you kidding me do we go like the oh my God I’m so sorry I just meant we went there but yeah this is when we this is where we we just took a different path down like yep oh my god you’re kidding me it was right there the whole time we went like down basically oh oh no no no no no never mind I thought I played this water but no this is a aquafer see okay it’s not it’s not it’s not okay imagine though we were close though it’s probably super close to yeah yeah okay so we’re going west right keep on going west okay just come back to me this way so we just keep going west until the next region I would say at least couple region at least a couple okay all right the next one because if we we generated this one we we went there for a reason right yeah true well it could be that we were just in the general area I don’t remember where we went West yeah but you know I would go a couple just so then and even since we’re going L we on the X I guess around -500 there’ll be two regions out from here so regions 512 guess we see it’s minus 22 right yeah yeah a region is and a region is 512 by 512 so it’s about th000 blocks in next St yeah so I guess okay likeus 1500 -700 yeah like um you know how I said earlier some people were complaining that we don’t need food from the trail spawners food is pretty important you I always appreciate more food I’m never more food people are just you know and you go through food super quick when you heal so yep it’s and food in most cases even better than like regen potions so the fast fast healing on Java at least obviously but like yeah on Java yeah on Bedrock having the the skeleton the poison skeleton would be so bad oh God yeah yep you’re so so ins such a bad situation yeah cuz you can’t heal fast with the fast you just hide I really hope they add at least the fast healing to bedrock because that’s needed for the trial Chambers honestly yeah yeah yeah I mean I’ve not not really tried you hide and and you’re fine yeah I mean on Bedrock you you can hide to and you’re fine but you have to hide for longer yeah but you have to hide for a long time yeah okay minus we’re in minus 3.2 now we need to go one more R in y need to be minus 4.2 oh you know what you I know know one if you can if you want to know where oh but you it’s a r don’t have what happened I would say if you if you want to know if you’ve generated or not just check in the files if the file is here oh likeus 3 point it’s minus 2.4 is here we’ve generated it already oh now we’re in minus 4.2 yeah if in minus 4.2 if it’s in the files but I can’t see the files yeah that’s what I mean well okay I can if I download world but that’s that’s it you have a copy right I guess still I guess like yeah it’s from from you know uh December but yeah but it’s fine we’ve not explored in a while I mean you you do if you want to know I know have to but it just it might take been like up to like seven seven to yeah I I know I know what you mean I can also put it through MCA selector and see where we exactly where we this is not the same because MCA selector you’re GNA see stuff I guess true reg fire is not the same I guess true but still we can just keep looking it’s fine not a good deal okay we not probably going to find a big cave into too is even if the region F there it might still be like most of it might be on explored still it’s just we explore like one CH yeah but that if the region F yeah I know but I know I’m yeah if it’s not there then it’s better than having one if you see minus four minus5 6 is probably generated because it’s in the middle you know what I mean if it’s the last one it might not be but if I lost you okay there’s a cave here oh I see I see okay let’s go down here there’s a big there’s a opening here I think just it’ll take too long so I have to actually no downloading the world won’t take that long CU I don’t have to upload it back uploading is what takes forever oh yeah but yeah I have to copy I have to copy oh there’s nothing here oh hi it’s a fake cave oh get that coal get that maybe coal you where oh fake cave all right uh there’s more here yeah yeah more coal here there’s two oh no it’s one creeper let’s watch out I can pick this up for you here’s just color for behind you care there’s quite a bit of coal here perfect yep here you go okay I’m good all right perfect oh more coal let’s go more coal oh there I see more on the other side it’s a big one we’re kind of high up well not really we’re at 60 the C Level but still lot they we just not used to see just coal in general and there’s more here oh my gosh okay so yeah this cave is a dead end you said here yeah actually I’m going to I’m going to dig down from lowest point see if there’s a cave that connects with it below yeah no it all right are you out out of the cave yep okay coming yeah also it’s so close to Ocean we might get hit water cave is going to be annoying oh no is our watercase more likely near Ocean yeah yeah oh okay so I guess we keep looking for another Cave opening I guess we can just keep going west if we get to another region so be it Yep this is a random Sony not on the there’s River here yeah it’s River son supposed to be in the ocean not river let me see this is a cave jeez yeah this is a for actually I think um this is not even oh hi here’s actually old growth bird for us that’s interesting yeah cuz it is a cave yeah yes the river merged with an AER on yeah sides and some mountains nice yep oh God I hope the trial chamber oh we’re in a different region now minus 5.1 okay five on one okay so we me we in diagonal yep so actually we could find like you know what I just realized you could find technically up to four triail chambers connect together from four region files intersecting region regions intersecting same that same reason you can find um nether fortress in a Bastion next to each other intersecting because they they re they they they spawn each in a in a region pretty much and sometimes they spawn at the at the yeah the corn right it’s a bit smaller but still if you’re at the the intersection you pretty much have you can get two fortresses you can get a bash a fortress you could get three yeah uh okay p no y uh unfortunately under mountains the issue is that we might get a ancient city yeah yes and deep dark and deep dark still worth checking around here this is deep darkous goodness me I don’t want the warden spawning top imagine having to deal with a warden in the trial Chambers too it’s like oh yeah they definitely added a mob in the end yeah there’s your boss mob deal with it so I guess we go down here I would say no no oh I thought you said we should check check well you should check around like yeah I guess yeah yeah mountains it’s probably this going to be deep dark yep yeah I wondering was it like a conscious design decision for them to put deep dark anci tedes on mountains it might have just been like kind of a coincidence I don’t know yeah maybe they just went with continent on this so maybe like May it was orig just like Co but then they just kind of embraced it I don’t know yeah it work like that never know is it never explicitly said that was their intention although in Bedrock it’s now a loading tip there’s a r portal in Bedrock there’s actually loading screen tip that says ancient St oh my goodness it looks like the M shaft room again but this is perfect like yeah but round I I think this the reason why this looks weird is because it’s um it looks like a Carver the old cave generation but it’s actually a noise generated cave but it’s looks very similar to a Carver but you can tell it’s noise cuz it’s so smooth big there’s a clock clock clock and curs of binding armor great yep not some poor soul put those on yep all right should we check this cave out I guess it’s more coal here I’m going to grab oh on the right oh it’s also a fake cave where is that let go I’m going to grab all the coal I can cuz I did not want to be running out while we’re searching for trial chamers okay uh are you going in or no sure oh I see you yeah I’m going Co I’m going to D my pickaxe just for coal oh no yes you can make a new one since you have diamonds yeah oh oh yeah I see more of the noise cave that looks like a carb looks weird seeing like mobs in there because it they look tiny they’re like tiny in there oh fun where are they where are you you see me right here y right right down here oh there’s bats too there’s a large area for bats yeah this is like the perfect like Carver like like generation but it’s noise generated have fun I wish you could see more of this this is jeez yeah the creeper explosions are loud Bedrock are definitely not as loud that’s for sure Java it’s like definitely yep oral come on creeper really jeez ah ooh definitely goes larger down here by the way it is going to be getting late for you soon it’s 10 now that’s fine how long that’s good how long do you want to keep going for it though I don’t know ow yeah you got jumped by that spider there jeez how many creepers hello oh my gosh oh my gosh good yep all right let’s go deeper okay guys fight each other whatever okay lots of mobs down here yep oh my boots broke rip oh okay um should I make some new boots yep I’m going to put the under chest down can you mine the diamonds for me Diamonds oh you don’t have oh yeah yeah right and we have three raw diamonds so yep raw diamonds mm I’m just saying you know if because I call diamond ore and diamonds same so raw diamonds I said for diamond or I say diamond where are the diamonds in the Ender Chest excuse me yeah I cannot see your endest oh yeah I forgot about that I completely forgot about that okay oh my god oh do you okay um just place four four it’s only one when you don’t have Fortune yeah I forgot you don’t have Fortune okay oh it’s five oh I had one oh I see no worries from the tri shammer new boties yeah I completely forgot about the uh the fact that we can’t it’s in the an chest I forgot cuz like you know I’m treating like a shulker box but it’s not shest okay so I forget then I need to give like if I need to give you stuff from it I have to actually take it out yep oh Lush cave oh interesting oh creepy creepy crawly oo sizeable Escape okay we’re still in minus 5.1 SP you get hurt Exel no Exel don’t get hurt stop it I think it spawned half in a block or something oh my gosh I don’t have my water anymore crap was there water in the pond in the ex Auto Pond probably skeleton stop it got water oh this is interesting here wait where are you I put torches okay I see you come follow me there’s water for you to come up this way careful here drop here this over here a big cave here yep think it’s open to the surface as well yeah into the surface oh it’s night time that’s why it LD look at this big SPH spaghetti cave right here yeah I think this is the the the mountain that we saw from the top oh really okay yep I guess I think your area was better then cuz it went more into the deep slate layer too okay I mean this is pretty big it is but I’m not sure how far down it goes it’s kind of going straight it’s kind of going straight let’s see let’s see we’re under the Grove yeah we’re under the mountain that’s the cave we it’s also going back up now let me just go the other way yeah never mind then oh there come a zombie to get get you oh and he’s just fla flailing around in the water now just spinning okay then great o Diamonds oh I have a stack of and I have more than a stack of color jeez oh lag oh oh gosh here’s deep dark yep maybe just a bit a tiny oh there’s Diamond here though where here in the wall it’s just a small patch is fine as long we don’t see sensors we fine yep or shers no shackers please no shackers more diamonds go okay so we’re pretty low down we should go up a little more yeah the cave goes up okay good good good oh my God how many zombies hello right is this a tri chamber je right you have trial Chambers at home right here I thought I saw trial chamers but it’s just regular tough yeah oh God much more deep dark this way trackers I don’t see any anyting of these diamonds then it’s fine no the diamond went down there now you have to go see if there’s a Tracker trackers it seems that’s odd I placed some water picked it up and the water’s still there okay then it’s already ghost oh no yep it was Ghost and I block and I got rid of it with a block a God damn it cam you all right I’m going to try to come back to you CU I’m kind of getting lost a little here more diamonds this is an iron vein oh nice if you can try to come back okay I see you where we found the deep dark first first oh I see you right here yeah we can go up here yeah we arrive this way we can go there this way it goes up that goes down here diamond oh baby zombie oh I’ll two ah ow baby zombies are so annoying guys k each other or something oh big cave here nice I love those big tunels like this you’re right yes same oh my God almost Dro in lava oh my gosh that is hidden well jeez that is hidden a bit too well okay yep and here’s more of the iron vein yep oh God look at this cave Jesus dropped oh diamonds yep come on game try somewhere it’s here give me give us Vault more deep dark [Music] vault back up the stone layer now did you go get the diamond yeah I did oh just went a little further as well I see you oh you’re on the on the I’m on the I see you is there anything more where you are no where the kind of big Acer here oh pretty high up now Min is like yeah five trial Chambers where are [Music] you there’s some more little caves around I don’t have to really sorry I should not I should not have done that I thought I could if I didn’t have my shield I would be dead right now I I was I thought I could kill it before it exploded but nope nope I don’t think there’s anything really else left in this cave it’s all leading to dead ends yep try to get up get back up now for another one yeah unfortunately we on the jagged Peak so might be very up have to go back then no we can’t you can go but you can’t you need to like um there’s a Grove here okay so grow drag it this way grow it this way so it’s probably to like go this way yeah oh oh my God what had happen jeez ah I’m so used to mining with silk touch I never that happen again I have touch you can let me mine yeah I forget that it’s a thing yeah oh little cave especially under the newer mountains right you don’t realize that yeah I feel like it’s I prefer okay can you go up yep yeah okay good good a little area you can boat around I guess nice oh there’s there’s a couple emeralds three o where ah now I can still touch them two here and one behind you now I can still touch that yes yeah other I would have said just leave them where’s the other one on the other side you know I’ve been having my world for like a year and a half at this point yeah more than you know still don’t have a deep St I’m WR yeah those things can be tricky yeah the place is here in my Ender Chest in my storage and everything I just I just don’t have it all right so I guess we keep digging up yep when you use silk touch um infested Stone does it actually give you infested stone or just regular Stone no just Stone same for the bricks to don’t really know you m infested Stone unless you notice it takes slightly slower to to mine yeah exactly it’s a bit slower I think for example if you have um if you have haste you might not be able to instamine it so you might see it maybe if you end uh go with haste well I think haste works on it it’s just haste also works on other blocks so you’ll see more the difference just Hast by just increases your mining speed by default for anything you can like punch yeah but I think it’s not instant instant minable with haste oh yeah yeah that’s for sure that’s what I mean so you like infested Stone doesn’t actually no infested Stone does have a tool now it’s pickaxe right I think it used to not have a a sign tool but now I think it has but it’s breaking time is still um less take this dirt ined block yeah pickaxe so no yeah in in before 117 I think or 118 used to not have an assign block so how it worked was that it would just be the same speed always so you could always it’ be even slower to mine now since it’s assigned tools pickaxe it’s actually FAS to mine for unenchanted pickaxes I think but when you get like efficiency efficiency doesn’t work on it I think so yeah slower then in that case my pick has efficiency three so I I noticed some of the stone blocks were bit um slower okay West is this way if you want to continue West let me sleep first yep all right hey at least we haven’t died you know we’re yeah we’re doing pretty good in that department West is this way okay towards the mountains okay I don’t want to go through the grow go around that’ be nice you picked up on my trash I no not D oh yeah here’s more mountain caves yep your step and metal I think now yes all right I think we should keep going for I guess half an hour more we can probably end there cuz it’s going to be pretty late but hey we stream for quite a while today this is definitely going to be the longest stream on my channel that’s for sure oh yeah oh yeah we start at 12 we start at 12 if we’re going to end at five it’s going to be 5 hours yeah you’ve done five hours already nope my longest was like four four hours four and a half we did five together no nope I done four usually if we before when we stream together we’d um stop um like after 3 hours I guess yeah because you were start we were starting like later yeah but also even when we started earlier even when we started earlier we just ended it a bit early so I don’t know yeah uh where did he go I’m around here trying to look for you I’m on top of the trees I wait no oh yeah I see you oh gosh oh how do I get the cross oo nice view of the Birch Forest down there yep oh now we’re Inus 6.1 I miss my light to just Glide down that right also use a lri to glide through the caves and haven’t used your time looking for trial chamers y oh the Sheep are going down the waterfall all of them this looks hilarious yes look at my look at my stream just looks hilarious yeah yeah I oh there you are [Music] okay [Music] oh hey wolf welcome back nicely down trout with guys my dinner was cooking stopped over for work long are you guys streaming for about like half an hour more going be a Nick soon getting a little tired and uh moon it’s getting pretty going to be getting Del for Moon too would have done 12 but Moon broke it what did moon break I don’t know what apparently you broke something nice okay the stream been back for a bit I’m so confused me too Yes W yes mhm oh oh yeah I guess yeah we we start a little late someone was late huh it was wolf obviously obviously wolf this is your fault obviously you were the one being late I was late because I knew that it would be late so I was you know giving you time to get here yeah yeah it was okay sorry yeah exactly Moon so kind thank you thank you thank you you’re welcome wol are we just exploring at this point I guess we’re looking for a Cave opening we can’t oh wait wait wait uh what is this oh it’s a doodle cave that leads down want check this out oh this is a nice oh come here okay coming yes do you want me to come up on the trees yeah yeah come look at the terrain look oh yeah nice this is pretty yes it’s a generally flat area around here so yeah so that’s what that’s called to have like a bit of yeah heels here hey I made the jump wow flexing uhhuh oh uh not really okay here when swept Forest yep oh swamp hi oh I mean yes we’ve also gone through many regions now we’re in minus 7.1 yep can you imagine if we somehow explored all the way back to our swamp Ville oh my gosh by accident okay give us a cave game where’s the G right oh cave but it’s just a surface level cave yeah know lot of a first round too not fun yeah oh witch hut going to stay away yep ocean I thank you ending ocean up swamp oh wind ban yeah sure nice go on game come on nice terrain but we need a cave yep oh look at this terrain oh nice oh okay I thought it was shattered but it’s actually just not all loaded in but some of it shattered yeah gra a boat okay there is the shattered bits yep there’s the goes the be up in the air all right we’re in minus are exploring yeah you’re trying to find another Char chamber yeah we’re trying to find Cave opening we haven’t seen any oh Savannah I shattered Savannah huh nice yep we’re in region minus .1 now definitely gone through a lot we’ve gone through six regions six or seven yeah come on where are the caves well that yeah we’ve been walking for a while we have if you want we can like finish very shortly and we can play on servers like I said earlier oh yeah sure what do you think yep okay let me know when you’re when you’re ready to finish going just going west yes I’m definitely getting tired by now you finding so many Caves at the start now we’re finding like nothing I know right and there like no cave we’re in minus 9.1 now for the region goodness me where all the cave where is this right here uh do you want to bat across the river when me bed I’ll capture the flag do you want to wait come go behind you we can go along the river we’re going to play on The Hive on Bedrock going to play yeah capture flag it’s usually our game let play although it’s becoming a bit intense recently a lot of more try hards than usual yeah so our fallback game is Ground Wars in that case and then we play overcooked yes although I don’t I’m not sure if we’ll have I to play that no not going to play three games jeez yeah it’s right four and besides we can we can dedicate a whole stream to it sometime yes oh my God give C give C found a Tiger Biome Now The elusive Tiger Biome is here too we’ve gone from Tiger to tiger oh from Tiger to Tiger I think this is time to end then the thing is we found a tri Tammer too but didn’t have the Vault yeah that sucks it was tiny tiny and it was Tiny I mean better for it to be tiny if there’s no Vault right yep this point if we the good thing though is since we’re so far out now if we find a TR over here we definitely know it’s going to have some V like it’s 100% I mean it should like you like we’ve not been here before CU I did not recognize any of this train at all all right I think it’s time oh wait were you not in the boat oh no oh I thought you were in the boat whole some point and you just went away I was like okay bye I didn’t realize you got I can’t see behind me I was like running behind the boat like all right I think I think we should I think we should stop here keeping going we got stop no I’m not where I see you going no no I’m not I’m I’m I’m opening bed um capture flag oh yeah totally totally yep okay stop right now stop you got to finish you got to stop okay don’t stop what are you doing where are you going no oh my goodness stop it stop we’re not going to find it no we got to finish the freaking vaults it’s gone there’s no Vault anymore oh don’t take your anger out on me don’t tell me what to do okay don’t tell me what to do I will tell you what to do if I want to do [Music] it H okay so are we just continuing or are we stopping or what’s going on here no we’re playing C flag right now oh yeah we we totally are I got the flag yes all right let’s go there’s no cave here all right well was a good try we tried yep and we got I mean we did the trial chamber and we brought home some armadillo so some progress today right look it looks like Moon’s winning yeah wait anyways next time we can we’ll have more time to search for trial Chambers and hopefully it’ll have the Vault block and maybe next time we stream there’ll be something else announced for 1.21 look at this oh this a c little hint of mountains this is this is pretty sure should be a cave behind those here yeah see those slices oh my gosh don’t go there stop no I’m not stop it stop it no no we have to stop was a great stream well we’re not done streaming right play some servers it’s not oh my God it’s not even a c oh my goodness it’s over I swear this game is so annoying today yep ow what was that for it’s your fault it’s my fault all right we can def definitely finish with that that was for not finding C oh I see my fault oh that’s my cam that is that you can see me that is um why was that my my Cam went away I think I think my my stuff went away well I guess you guys got a face reveal oh my goodness oops what is what is my game doing I’m so confused is this no only wol saw that okay I mean anyways on the see uh okay um your game is looking a bit where is my where is my game like [Music] this why is it not full screen oh yeah why is your game not full screen hello who is this oh it’s full screen no oh wait no it’s not is it no no it’s not it’s like wait actually is it it’s like off center it’s like off center yeah I know I’m trying to look where is it you can’t find your Minecraft no it’s gone no but on OBS oh I can find the source I guess you can just restart Minecraft I don’t know no it’s not I’m confused anyways uh yeah we’re going to be playing a little bit of capture flag now on the hi to kind of unwind for the day although more like whining up this going to be intense for sure a stupid Minecraft what is this I I take videos of of Minecraft all the time I never have this [Music] issue is it this no ah I have it oh I got it it should be good now all right I have the game open as well um so let’s play some Hive so you guys are going to see for the first time how cracked we are oh no oh yeah just how cracked we are a random dude just added me at friend guys stop adding random people please random dude added me as as friend you know the dude the kind of people that just add the whole Lobby mhm I see I invited you yep okie dokie so I think my game is showing properly Yep looks like it think your screen is sharing properly too look at the stream yeah I see I see cool all right time to play some Capture the Flag oh Lun here so we’re we’re Capture the Flag experts here we already know what’s going going on who’s who’s here um I don’t recognize anyone here okay that’s good we’re such experts we even recognize people that play play We we’ve played with some people multiple times yep actually I think I recognized that dude CHX hurricane CHX yeah May also I swear to God if somehow one of these one of the people on here finds the stream and stream Snipes I’m so mad I’m going to be also very impressed it’s like how would you even the stream’s not even titled or labeled as I playing capture it’s just side thing so all right you’re good right yep uh the red on the bridge with me oh they are here oh I’m going help knock them into the void oh no I didn’t good another blue help another blue help what are you doing they’re just standing here oh my god well there goes the flag God damn be like this yeah this is what we have to deal with on the server as well it’s our team being garbage I’m playing H we have both ends of the the bad people the tryhards and the people who don’t know how to play my God flag person get out of here why are you at their base you idiot dude move do you see him he’s just fighting them why stop it dude unless I mean he actually he could be a hacker I don’t know that might be why he’s so confident but well he’s getting his ass kicked right now so yeah yep and drop the balls on these dudes thinking they can win yeah and I’m gonna die H I’m also lagging a little bit streaming at the time L off you little reaching n if that if our flag person had just not been so overconfident and had just got left you know we would have not had them capture but no we have to deal with cocky bastards like that dude so now now you can see how intense how quickly intense this can get it’s annoying oh yeah we still play every day yep oh my God this dude is so annoying Zer of 10 don’t yeah dude leave now do not stay here and try to fight them you died last time yep and you died again oh my gosh I will give credit to him though was sleeping oh oh no the flag someone else got the flag I thought I had the flag no oh no rip uh okay someone else okay this video gamer boy is so annoying oh and yep they got the capture again onun no oh we returned ours okay cool I thought we they still had ours got to get it again all I’m going I’m going to get berries go to their base I have berries I’m at the base okay coming oh this is face [ __ ] oh the wrong way it’s because Luna is um there’s a you know it’s not the same on both sides yeah yeah I get confused on which which side are we oh no no no no dude no no dude sure come here come here uh oh yeah bar come here you oh my gosh nice let’s go okay go dude go what are you standing around here go dude we’re like five to to get it leave look and now there’s a red here I swear to God it the Luigi oh no I thought no no it’s video gamer boy that’s annoying he hasn’t left yet finally all right I’m staying around our base just defend a bit since no one’s really been doing that yep I got the video gamer boy he was about to take we at the base let do this berries not fine stupid water getting the flag on the bridge I see a flag person two people on them come on here here come on dead all he’s hiding himself in the flag box so I’m going to bury and TNT him yep there a red coming I died there’s a red here they’re waiting at the flag they’re coming at the flag at the onea okay got the kill good right I’m going to get flag curs nice I’m cursed yep let me know when a red shows up yep I see their flag person fortunately we don’t have Arrow upgrade can’t get it yet perfect I’m getting oh okay go you good to capture yep yeah yeah yep good train the red coming all right video gam boy on our flag person help him out cool ah dang okay I bought two speed berries and I somehow ate them both okay thanks game come on stop camping on top of the freaking thing man this sucks dude just [ __ ] off I hate those people you’re so useless dude he’s going make a run for it now yeah he’s going to get his ass kicked [ __ ] off he deserves it you help me with video gamer boy oh you died rip I died ah so annoying take the teleporter and go straight for their flag yep not have much time oh okay CHX got the flag returned now we have time all right I’m with you perfect air upgrade let’s go thanks for Ping I guess D yep I di to need more berries no to die soon oh the video gamer boy is so annoying yep yes so it’s the Rog Arrow person although he’s a little bit less yeah K this is not the time oh no all right got him all right I’m going to stay here buy supplies okay and I I have I should have enough for flag CS once it gets available I have enough now base go get now would be perfect right come on the video gamer boy is on me I’m so dead oh no rip dude why are you just standing around here go no stop shooting arrows here go okay fast respawn’s good I guess fast respa no I can’t still can’t get flag curse get it get right got it dropped let go damn it no they were here you come back yep oh God got him the Arrow come on return dudee why are you running return the [ __ ] Flag oh my God I have to do everything here around here do people don’t know how to play it’s so annoying okay return the damn oh my God they’re running away you idiot they turn it gosh can’t trust these people I know right oh gosh this is what we have to deal with every time we play pretty much yep intense I tell you yep all right Camp sit’s here that’s our favorite map all right I’m getting tired and frustrated about these intense games so we probably oh no oh goodness we should finish soon or stop playing capture flag soon just play some ground war so we can actually like relax well after this one if you want sure I don’t like these games are not going to get any less intense for sure yeah Prosperity is not fun it’s okay but yeah was too Big Y just have like five minutes just to run to their base uh they have the CHX person on oh no wait no that’s a different dude is the CHX person here no it’s a it’s the it’s a different dude okay you got him perfect nice job oh my God there’s a dude just standing around by our spawn not doing anything so oh come on not the ball freaking spam man oh the B you see who killed me drill yeah that’s another dud recognize we’ve been playing oh great they they they are controlling our flag or spawn now pretty much so I have not die yep I’m with someone that is pretty good I just killed so he’s gonna be there now God you guys are so annoying oh rip the dude that was me was so stupid instead of taking the flag he looked at me like take the flag but he did not protect me after great gotta love what’s the point dude got to love our team helping us out and they’re going to capture now yep I’m going Y and you have a do key Ron Zill coming hard so annoying I’m fine with just letting us lose this one I’m tired yeah I’m getting so tired got a party shut up dude we literally don’t care play on your get better stop relying on not worse than the dude yesterday that was spectating asking oh yeah it’s full right now okay so the other te is just fully a party fun get your cheater party this is also what we have to deal with going against a party of six where where they can probably talk to each other and dud is level 43 oh my God this is a level 39 yep we are facing off against ultimate try hards oh no y Yoshi man is also 43 oh dude they’ve been they’ve been talking out of the game since the the the new level they’ve been playing nonstop pretty much it’s not even been a week okay what is going on in this chat yeah if you didn’t think Capture the Flag could get toxic you were wrong yeah capture so toxic man this dude is annoying me I I guys can you just shut up and play oh c got exposed for autoing Wow of course not surprised you cannot play and prefer like doing drama in the chat man and they’re all gone literally Minecraft could be so it’s disgusting sometimes serious disgusting oh and actually I think it’s not just capture flag it’s just Hive on the hive the most popular server on there so yeah there’s so much drama in the capture the flag that’s the only chat that I it’s basically you know how the Java PVP Community can be toxic itself well this is the job of PBP Community rock is dead but with kids yeah but I mean it’s also the place where you get spam clicking right just without having to go back to 1.8 so you know yeah also better performance it’s also people with ter like worse PCS so yeah and yeah kid children so that’s what you to deal with oh it’s video gamer Boy again oh he’s on our team oh wait you left wait did you leave the party did you say that it was you leave the game and then gr War oh I see I see I see I thought you said gr War yeah yeah yeah I I just didn’t like realize you left for once I left before you you I thought I thought he would like put you in the game automatically I guess it doesn’t if you leave either apparently not that is interesting yep kids make it 100 times worse oh they’re 100% like kids who probably spent like oh yeah their mom’s credit cards for you can see they have hi plus yeah you can see they have the plus next to their name so they 100% use their parents credit cards to buy that oh yeah you know you know how back in the old days in like 2014 on Minecraft Java servers like Mineplex and you know Hive and Hypixel uh you’d see literal children that somehow have all the VIP ranks and stuff like that and they Trash Talk everyone yeah this is basically the same spoiled children who um yeah who also probably use hacks we don’t know but it’s likely although we have definitely seen people who hack and it’s it’s very obvious oh yeah see that done yes OG pay to Wi this is Minecraft yep oh you know and you know what guess what it’s allowed because um it’s Microsoft endorsed okay technically it’s not p in it it is you know they only sell Cosmetics but like yeah you know they can they have the ability to you know use the marketpl stuff like that where when you buy stuff you don’t you can’t refund it it just buys it and then you’re stuck with it so yep and it’s Microsoft endorsed so so this will stay like this [Music] forever but to be honest compared to the other servers that Bedrock offers Hive is actually not that bad oh yeah which is a little sad but whatever I do generally like hi they have a lot of good games and stuff like that and it’s a pretty come no well back to tide there’s imposter on our side dang [Music] it all right we’re winning again [Music] Believe It or Not we’ve actually had good games of capture FL before where where like we figured out when the try hards don’t play like it’s early in the morning or you know one time we went to the when it’s school time oh yeah and one time we went to the Asia um server oh on the morning there was no one it it feel it’s so different like it’s it feels normal people were actually playing as teams even if they were not like in a party and stuff they’re L like actively playing no drama thek no one was yeah no drama it was so cool literally just playing the game I’m not asking for much I’m not asking people to be good just you know play just don’t be an ass and don’t be a try hard just play normally yeah just like normally right [ __ ] this an imposter it’s me it’s you got him nice you got you I’m GNA become an imposter myself hopefully then I am them I am them nice Revenge Sweet Sweet Revenge nice and I killed him let’s go oh sweet revenge oh look at how they close stuff to oh my goodness all right let’s hope we get an explosive egg then we can destroy them yep well they’re all they’re still outside thing so not sure what the point that was the point guys oh I see one explosive egg someone got it someone got it dude please use it use it okay got another one there another one oh he got killed okay he took revenge on me the dude that I became imposter of there’s one there’s one there’s one here nice open the middle o got a kill and blow up blocks oh my God how many impos are they getting for them but still not going to help them yeah all right how about we play like a couple more rounds and then we can probably end the stream yeah it’s going to be getting late for you it is pretty getting it yeah you said you had no work tomorrow so that’s good right yep going to take care of the house put together my new table hey y Moon Moon got some new furniture yeah I got a a cbor and um table well it’s it looks like a picnic table but it’s like for inside it’s like a bench and table or two bench and table did for dude I did all day today pretty much I wor yesterday I worked until like 8:00 p.m. and this morning I work from like s like also PR starting a new series so that means more work um as well yeah so I finished that episode that was like 40 minutes and then I made a full tutorial that is like a 10 me a tutorial yep yesterday I had made the other video I also made the couple thumbnails yesterday as well so I had to finish everything today so now we have the video for tomorrow and video for Saturday that are ready but you know my house is a mess I needed to wash my hair today I didn’t have the time like I I you know I have stuff to do tomorrow so I’m going to be chilling but you know I’m not working at the PC new other than vult hunter that is currently yeah Vault Hunter is probably gonna go to the second Channel bedro people don’t like moded much it’s unfortunate that people don’t click because the people that actually watch they don’t like it you know they just um they’re they’re tutorial yeah yeah yeah but and also YouTube probably doesn’t push it to them either so yeah that’s I Thing YouTube doesn’t push it and unfortunately that sucks because the people that actually watch it we have very good watch time on those videos yep and the comments really like it it’s just that people don’t click on it and YouTube is not pushing it so power is training for a bit we change the thumbnails and everything it would only really work if more other if other creators were also doing ball Hunters at the same time right I don’t know how many crat are really doing Vault Hunters it’s not it’s I don’t imagine so much like well there was aull and the Hermits in a few yeah but like you know their channels are already huge so like they can kind of to do it on on smaller channel it’s it’s pretty rare also I think esll does other modded stuff too like so it’s not like unfamiliar pretty much just V Hunter okay I guess he’s been doing it quite a while so it’s not unfamiliar to his I guess and also V Hunter is his an e team mod pack so expect that right is VH is baby yeah right also I don’t know if you know but Vault Hunter is still only on open Alpha yep still on development it’s still Alpha it’s pretty like it’s been it’s been like around for a while now it’s a big pot back so it’s like you know like a one of those you know you know how like new games like especially like open world games are basically release this early access even though they have the Early Access label even fortnite had the Early Access label for quite a long time before it finally got removed yeah uh cuz destroying them we are I have an imposter to destroy them to I have one our Victory yep there we go I had one yeah yeah and also it’s also it also uses other mods that are Nots completely full uh yes so they cannot push being like yeah they cannot push being like Oh yeah this mod is ready when they the mod that they use inside are not like completely out oh my God BR is still streaming I mean we’re still streaming yeah but Pro is ring from couple hours before us yeah oh yeah true yeah I mean oh no no okay no he stream no never mind he he stopped he was saying it was still on but he stopped never mind I see I see I was like jeez he streamed for seven hours yep yeah so he just stopped I guess so was the series going to be ha did you didn’t see the teasers he’s doing R the name it no I don’t think so actually I don’t know I might have missed a tweet I don’t think he revealed the name or anything though he just said new series blue J he just said new series with I have a newe announcement to make blue J and I are doing a new short series together yeah that’s it right with it coming out until tomorrow he hasn’t the name or the yeah the names and stuff are revealed tomorrow I see today said so the first episode is going to be releasing releasing on Saturday and he back with blue J yes they they’re going back to for a few for a short series that’s pretty cool that’s yeah and those that’s what I’ve been editing so we since you know it’s like episode one it’s always like the big episode to like work on and everything so I’ve been working on that for a few days and then the thumbnails and everything why is this dude on is attacking his own team do you see that dude that doesn’t understand the point of the game right didn’t get the imper damn it fat cat Matt killed me V busy yeah pretty much oh I’m of eggs [Music] [Music] no still [Music] tied oh we need that rain of pain oh yes we’re losing right now oh I they just died no I have an impostor they’re going to be busy I’m going go go go a refill on our side I’m going to get the F Fu [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] give me give me no my eggs I’m my eggs are all missing God damn it come on we’re so close oh I have no eggs anymore no got it hey let’s go let’s go that’s more like it that’s was you yeah that’s was very yep very it yep got him nice guys stop dying we literally undoing the progress we’re making know [Music] right we’re so close oh my God they don’t even have a space to build anything yep I like it you’re blocking them off y I screw you guys exited and victory let’s go 26 kills all right shall we end here yeah should end here okie dokie that was a long stream that was a long stream me being late at the start it’s five hours yep but it was good to stream again it’s very fun I definitely missed this oh gosh all right well we are going to end the stream here everyone so hope you all enjoyed this long stream I think it’s the longest stream on my channel so yeah I hope you guys enjoyed that long stream but you left on a win that’s all that matters yes we left on a win yes but yeah thank you everyone so much for coming to our stream hope you guys enjoyed it and hope you guys have a a great rest of your day um next time we’ll be streaming might be um let me think maybe Friday I’m not sure it’ll be kind of late though maybe tomorrow depends I get back from I have to go to school so if I don’t come back too late from school tomorrow can work maybe so we’ll we’ll let you guys know otherwise it’s the weekend um for the next stream but yeah we’ll let you guys know and we’ll stream next so stay tuned but yeah that’s going to be it for today thank you all so much for for coming very nice long stream great face reveal oh yeah you’re welcome oh gosh yeah thank you everyone for coming to the stream and we’ll see you all next time bye everyone bye

kmb600 on 2024-01-31 22:40:24. It has garnered 32 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 05:19:53 or 19193 seconds.

The vault block has been added as the next feature of the upcoming 1.21 update, so let’s look for new trial chambers with this block! With the loveliest Moon 🙂

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    Mastering Minecraft Power Moves Minecraft: Herobrine’s Quest for Ultimate Power In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new adventure unfolds. Herobrine, a mysterious figure, is on a quest to gain ultimate power and rule over the Minecraft universe. This thrilling journey is captured in a short trailer that promises excitement, challenges, and the ultimate showdown. Herobrine’s Ambition Herobrine, with a menacing aura, sets his sights on achieving unparalleled power. His determination to conquer Minecraft and establish his dominance creates a sense of impending conflict. As players delve into this narrative, they are drawn into a world where danger… Read More

  • Get Minecraft 1.21 FREE NOW! (Android, iOS, Windows 10, Xbox, PlayStation)

    Get Minecraft 1.21 FREE NOW! (Android, iOS, Windows 10, Xbox, PlayStation) Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Exciting news for all Minecraft enthusiasts! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, available for all platforms and editions. 🤩🙌 New Features and Enhancements The latest update brings a plethora of new features and enhancements to the game. From improved graphics to new gameplay mechanics, there is something for every player to enjoy. Some of the key highlights of the Minecraft 1.21 update include: Enhanced Shaders: Experience the game like never before with the best MCPE shaders available. Check out the Best MCPE Shaders video for a visual treat. Increased Render Distance:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JtIGCz_3kX4 ________________________________________________ Link Server:play.rebelionsoul.my.id Port: 19202 Skin Ku https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ce1ZGZVxLmF9QUOCDQfV5lJILKN2zzyX/view?usp=drivesdk Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) https://saweria.co/MohammadRifan90 Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram https://www.instagram.com/rifan_craft_4412/ ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Ahrnemc.com Read More

  • Medieval Horizons SMP – Modded Magic 13+ Kingdoms

    Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP Welcome to the Medieval Horizons SMP, a modded SMP where you can live your medieval dream! Use your powers to assert dominance and expand your kingdom, whether it peacefully or through battle. You’ll find many different kingdoms over these ever-expanding lands, each offering their own trades and knowledge. Will you bring yourself as a heroic knight? Or an esteemed priest? Perhaps a necromancer, summoning minions from the dead. Bring forth your prowess NOW! Join our active Discord community to expand our horizons: Join Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Golden Age

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Golden AgeBack in the old Minecraft days, we had to walk 15 miles in the snow just to find a single block of diamond. And we liked it! Read More

  • Basement Blues: Minecraft’s Fearful Muse

    Basement Blues: Minecraft's Fearful Muse In the depths of Minecraft, a voice did call, From the basement, a mysterious thrall. Heartbeat racing, down the stairs I crept, Into the darkness, where secrets were kept. The voice whispered tales of fear and dread, In the basement, where shadows spread. But I stood strong, my courage unfurled, Ready to face the mysteries of the Minecraft world. With each step, the voice grew near, Telling stories that filled me with fear. But I pressed on, determined to see, What secrets lay waiting for me. In the basement of Minecraft, a voice did speak, Of adventures and challenges… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest

    Animated vs. Original: Stressful Mistake in Sons of the Forest Exploring the World of Minecraft Animation Introduction In the vibrant world of Minecraft animation, creators like Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku bring to life unique and entertaining content for viewers to enjoy. Through their videos, viewers are taken on a journey filled with humor, creativity, and endless possibilities. Unique Minecraft Animations Stresmen and Kulpi Semungku’s animations showcase the beauty of Minecraft through a lens of humor and creativity. From funny animated moments to unique experiences, each video is a testament to the boundless imagination of the creators. Characters and Creations The animations feature a cast of characters, including Stresmen and… Read More

  • INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! YOU CONTROL WORLD BORDERS in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information मा बट यू कंट्रोल माय वर्ड बॉर्डर इसका मतलब ये है कि अगर तुम लोग चैनल को सब्सक्राइब करोगे तो मेरा वर्ड बॉर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाएगा एंड अगर तुम लोग वीडियो को लाइक करोगे तो मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर छोटा हो जाएगा तो गाइस मैं स्पॉन हो चुका हूं और ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वडर तो सिर्फ एक ब्लॉक का है सो आप जल्दी से सब्सक्राइब करो जिससे मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो जाए ये क्या मेरा वर्ल्ड वर्डर इंक्रीज हो गया ये क्या सामने तो एक विलेज भी है तो गाइस मैं विलेज में आ गया हूं ये… Read More

  • Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft Experience

    Unbelievable Underwater Survival Minecraft ExperienceVideo Information me and Joe are stuck in this base without any known land near us it goes that we were exiled from our home planet without any instructions no gear the only thing we can do from here is survive but that’s only if the creatures of this planet let [Music] us oh there’s a book in here narrator where is it I see the book I read I’ve begun to become no I’ve become to become yeah take two I’ve begun to become that was not take two I begun to become disturbed by the sounds and voices… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Chaos with Vtuber Abby! 🔥Video Information e e e [Music] po [Music] FL h mey chat I hope yall are doing well stay up Golden and enjoying your day or night oh my [Music] [Music] ear we are doing some chaos today in the form of Assassin’s Creed Unity potentially with Abby joining us H SS hi Hi Guess get guess what you’re high maybe I mean High mhm hey gay oh no gay she figed out I was what’s going on [Music] how you doing gck are you looking forward to the nor assassin’s PR I don’t I don’t know I don’t think… Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft Challenge Day 6!Video Information we’re back everything says that it’s healthy I’m getting frame drops I really need to double check my um my settings at some point see what I can do to minimize that but I’m happy that it’s back mostly dang come here you forance mod thank you it’s got to be maybe it’s all the world generation I’m doing I don’t know but uh we’re doing it maybe lagging lagging lagging okay I’m going to go kill skeletons skeletons are not as bad once I have a shield it’s facing off against a skeleton when I don’t have… Read More

  • Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viral

    Gamer Turns into Spiderman in Real Minecraft?! #viralVideo Information [تصفيق] [موسيقى] ‏h This video, titled ‘The Amazing spider man Minecraft V/s real #minecraft #mods #edit #viral #spiderman’, was uploaded by Acid = Gamer on 2024-03-18 14:05:17. It has garnered 506 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • SHOCKING: Herobrine’s Father’s Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts

    SHOCKING: Herobrine's Father's Black Ghost Haunts YTAC GAMERZ 😱👻💥🤯😈 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts’, was uploaded by YTAC GAMERZ on 2024-06-16 07:07:48. It has garnered 499 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Herobrine ke baap kale bhoot ne machaya aatank😱👻💥🤯😈 #shorts Related Topics: 👿👿Water Bucket Mlg in #minecraft #shorts #viral water bucket mlg Minecraft all types of clutch Minecraft tik tok hack #1 #minecraft #viral #shorts #support #minecraft Slime Block Mlg #shorts #viral #minecraft how to do slime block mlg how to do water bucket mlg how to hay clutch how to… Read More

  • Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!

    Insane Reaction: xQc vs Minecraft Update!Video Information This video, titled ‘xQc Reacts to The New Minecraft Update (Minecraft Tricky Trials)’, was uploaded by xQc Clips on 2024-06-13 19:38:29. It has garnered 14060 views and 200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Subscribe to my other YouTube channels for even more content! Main Channel: https://bit.ly/3glPvVC xQc Reacts: https://bit.ly/3FJk2Il xQc Gaming: https://bit.ly/3DGwBSF xQc Clips: https://bit.ly/3p3EFZC Streaming every day on Twitch and Kick! https://twitch.tv/xqc https://kick.com/xqc G-FUEL ‘The Juice’ ► USE CODE “XQC” FOR 30% OFF – https://gfuel.com/collections/the-juice If you own copyrighted material in this video and would like it removed, please contact me… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix Server

    Unbelievable! Getting the Rarest Item from Agilix ServerVideo Information this is a dirt block and over the next 30 days I’m going to be transforming it into an entire Minecraft house welcome everybody to Day 26 of the dirt series in the last video I signed a contract with life steal and before you ask no I still don’t know what it is but what I do know is that we’re sitting at 1.15 million coins and I’d like to make that even more so to start off I have four ancient debris in my Ender Chest which if I smell I can use to make a… Read More


    OMG! JAX SAVES POMNI FROM DROWNING 🌊🔥 #minecraftVideo Information [Musik] l Aduh kalau jalan hati-hati dong bateraiku berkurang mama mama sini nak sama mama Aduh karena aku berbagi kebahagiaan aku jadi lemas banget Sayangku pomni kamu lama sekali guys ayo kita tolong pomni agar baterainya full kembali dengan like dan komen tolong pomni yang gak setuju komen tidak aja Oke nih ku berikan cumanah Wah bateraiku penuh lagi Terima kasih sayang deuh This video, titled ‘JAX TOLONG POMNI KARENA LEMAS ⁉️ #skibiditoilet #minecraft #sakura #pomni #viral’, was uploaded by Atma Prayudi on 2024-03-27 06:03:49. It has garnered 1393176 views and 140365 likes. The duration of the video… Read More

  • FlixRealms

    FlixRealms| FlixRealms | Gens | Mining | Crates | Lobby | Fishing | Farming | Free Ranks | Island | Premium Ranks | 1.8 – 1.20.1 | play.flixrealms.com Read More

  • 1f2d Anarchy 1.20.4

    Welcome to 1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Experience a no rules open world environment where everything goes! No world resetting/trimming, everything you do will be saved for history. Server age: 3 years old since 26. April 2021 Thousands of players have visited the server at least once for a unique gaming experience. Connect with IP: 1f2d.net Versions supported: [1.17 – 1.20.6] Socials & Contacts: Email: [email protected] Discord server: Join here Read More

  • Minecraft server ms.opgens.com

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version unknown installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version unknown Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: ms.opgens.com (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes: Recreating Famous Meme!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes: Recreating Famous Meme!“Who knew mining could be so meme-worthy? I guess you could say I’m having a block party in Minecraft!” Read More

  • Craft a Bow Quick in Minecraft: No Fuss, Just Fun!

    Craft a Bow Quick in Minecraft: No Fuss, Just Fun! In Minecraft, crafting a bow is a breeze, Just gather some materials with ease. Three sticks and three strings, that’s the key, Combine them together, and you’ll see. To shoot with your bow, arrows you’ll need, Craft them with flint, feathers, and seeds. Aim true and steady, let your shots fly, In Minecraft world, reach for the sky. So there you have it, a bow so fine, In Minecraft world, let your skills shine. Keep crafting, exploring, and having fun, In this blocky world, under the sun. Read More

  • AURA in MINECRAFT.. | Part 2: The Sizzling Sequel! 🔥

    AURA in MINECRAFT.. | Part 2: The Sizzling Sequel! 🔥 Why does AURA in Minecraft sound like a fancy perfume brand? “Introducing the new fragrance: AURA by Minecraft. Smell like a creeper but with a hint of diamond ore.” #minecraftperfume #smelllikeagamer Read More