What’s going on buddy na na Murph man here and today the snapshot 13w 36a was released and there’s a ton of new things in this snapshot but today I want to mainly focus on the biomes I can split into a couple videos this one’s going to Be mainly on the biomes and I’m gonna have another one on the new flowers another one on fishing techniques but anyway I moved it into that later right now let’s focus on the biomes now this first biome is extremely rare pretty rare kind of like the mushroom biome but Anyway this one here this is called the ice plane spikes biome you can see it there or the i spiked by on whatever you want to call it and this is a very unique biome as you can see it’s basically just some snow here on top of Dirt and that you can see it’s actually whole snow blocks instead of what we’re used to when we just get this stuff which is just covered on dirt but we had the whole snow blocks as well as a new block here which is the packed ice and If i compare the packed ice here to the regular ice there’s not a huge difference you can see it’s just kind of a different tint to it and there’s not a huge difference between them this is how you gotta get packed ice I assume you probably need a soft-touch pick I don’t Think there’s any crafting recipe yet but if there would be one it’s probably just some ice and you can get the packed ice but this is the ice bikes biome this is definitely a unique feel and a new field of Minecraft there’s a lot of biomes so bear with me here I’m gonna Head over to the next pile alright so the next time we up here is the mega taiga biome you can see that there when i press f3 and this one is definitely an awesome one that’d be great for some let’s plays and stuff so basically what It is is it’s a 2 by 2 spruce wood trees kind of like the jungle but with spruce wood and spruce leaves and it’s kind of a cool feel to it it’s got some new dirt here which is called puzzle and as you saw there when I fell this is the new Animation they have every time you fall you get that little animation or particle effect and it’s the same for every block you go on so if I go on to mossy cobble here we can see that its mossy cobble the particle effect going to sand you see it’s like sand particle Effect so anyway that’s cool thing to point out as well but this is not a new biome so you can see we got the new puzzle dirt here and then we have some mossy cobble over the place I’m not sure what that’s for but makes it cool field of this biome There’s some new plants here which I’ll go over once a gun with the biomes but this is the second bomb i want to show you guys alright so this biome we ever ate here is called the roofed forest and this one’s kind of a creepy feel to it That was intentional you can see the grass here is kind of darker and the trees aren’t very tall but they’re very thick and the wood kind that goes out in strange directions and now what they wanted with this is that there’s not a lot of sunlight in it looks very dark Mobs can spawn in here even in the daytime and there’s even some mushrooms around here you can see some mushrooms in it the brown ones and you see a red one over there and while I’m here I want just the fact that the texture of sugarcane has been changed and it’s a Lot darker now than the preview sugarcane so on this chair cane I definitely like this one a lot more and this route force definitely is a pretty creepy feel to it you guys can let me know what you think about all these new biomes and all the new textures and 1.7 In total in the comments below but this is the route forest so let’s get on to the next pile alright so this bottom here is basically one big biome with three subsections in it so the main biome is called meza this is the mess of I i’m here with us some sand and Sandstone walls surrounding some water and the subsections which i was talking about is that there’s some floating islands and some rock planes as well so the floating islands you can see my bottom changed to mess up lot o.f so it’s still part of the same bottom it Says mess up but it’s changing to plateau f and if i go off the islands you can see that change to mess a plateau so basically they’re on the mess biome but this rock planes thing is a mess a plateau the floating islands are massive plateau F and the sand kind of Ruins here are the actual meso biome so this is kind of three bombs in one alright guys so this bottom here that we have is the Savannah or the savanna plateau biome and this one’s definitely cool and it kind of resembles the Plains biome you can see a long grass Where except for the fact that it has some pretty nifty trees and these trees you can see how they kind of go diagonally and they kind of remind me of palm trees or some trees kind of down in the wild and stuff anyway there’s some awesome trees I actually was looking for Some kind of tree like this in Minecraft and whenever I try to make something like a palm tree I was stuck and I didn’t know what to do and this this is a pretty cool design for a tree I didn’t like the savanna biome as well as you Guys want to know that horses actually can spawn in the savanna biome I’m calling savanah bottom although it says Savannah plateau but basically this van a plateau biome it’s pretty awesome one and let’s get on to the next one alright that’s it for all the biomes I found but Dad this kind of fits in with the biomes I know this isn’t really a biome but I thought it would fit in with this biomes video so when you’re gonna more world options we know who new world type and here we have default we have super plot Large biomes and the new one is amplified no caps you can see it says here notice just for fun requires beefy computer so I’m going to do a world here with the amplified and I’ll show you guys what it looks like alright guys so this is the amplified world type and as You can see this is pretty awesome and that’s basically a bunch of floating islands you can see here all the way at Y 170 and they can spawn all the way to 256 which is the max build height but anyway this looks incredibly awesome we even got a floating island there and we Got some awesome stuff here this is going to be a ton of fun to play around with or even do an LP world in this amplified is definitely a new and awesome world type alright guys that’s it for all the new biomes I found I’m not sure if there are any others that’s Just all the ones that I was able to get my hands on but this video actually took a long time to do I had to find all those biomes I had to look up some seeds and some of them I actually just found myself so if you guys could leave a like Rating that’d be awesome it would definitely help on my channel I hope you guys enjoyed Video Information
This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.7 Snapshot 13w36a Part 1: New Biomes’, was uploaded by 99Murphman on 2013-09-06 00:29:46. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:55 or 415 seconds.
Today we check out the new biomes being added in 1.7: Ice Plains Spikes, Roofed Forest, Mega Taiga, Mesa, and Savana!
Get it Here: https://mojang.com/2013/09/minecraft-snapshot-13w36a/
Ending Song, “The Anthem” by Project 46, Varien, and Ephixa Buy: http://bit.ly/009iTunes Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZiKst7QwcI
Song Supplied by Monstercat: http://www.youtube.com/user/MonstercatMedia