EPIC Minecraft Adventure Guild – Tyken 132

Video Information

I hear the live stre links almost forgot the microphone again but send and I need to open up my phone okay that’s on go back to to Twitter that logged on here there we go okay what else do I usually do um h where else do I usually post okay

Hello Zaden I think that’s how you say your name I don’t think I recognize your name have you been part of the live stream before or has it just been that long cuz it’s been about it’s been about a month since I last streamed granted with all the holidays

And everything going on hello sell nice to see you let’s see what else we got going on what do else do I usually do I usually post on the Discord the Twitter uh oh the YouTube channel Community not that anybody ever reads that um but it doesn’t

Hurt I think it may hurt who knows with YouTube’s weird algorithm who really knows what’s going on behind the scenes um community there we go there we go I think that’s everywhere oops I just posted that twice oopsies um I need to go on my uh my actual

Channel one second guys while I get my life together all right posted in all the places I can think of oh Tera hello I don’t I don’t think I’ve seen have I seen you on my stream before or at least under that name but yeah uh everyone this is my good friend

Tara and yeah you guys wouldn’t be friends with me if you weren’t a fan of terrible puns because that is really a core personality trait if I have to be honest with myself um terrible puns and a good heart which sometimes can contradict each other cuz sometimes puns are like a really really

Uh sadistic thing you just tell them to watch other people suffer um oh hey red and hello Tia I don’t think I’ve seen you before either welcome welcome um also red what did you mean on Discord you want to steal me uh okay what are we what are we doing

Last week we were working well not not last week last stream we were working on this thing um it’s not perfect it definitely needs some work and doesn’t quite fit the vibe of everything else but it’s good enough for now now and this whole ramp situation is less of a

Decorative thing and more of a logistics thing which I don’t feel like dealing with right now so we are going to leave this whole thing Alone um good at exteriors giant ass Clock Tower I I do need inspiration for Towers towers are one of the few things I’m terrible at um

I do like this design that I came up with but it doesn’t quite fit the whole like medieval feel you know steal you for the roof what do you mean for the roof I’m terrible at roofs have you seen have you seen my roofs like look at that that’s terrible um

Grown took me a minute to uh realize what you meant by that it’s a fun typo um yeah I I enjoy designing on Creative but building on Survival feels more what’s the word fulfilling the only problem is sometimes some things are just so hard to build in survival that

It’s not really worth it like um like terraforming all of this wheat thing would be so mind-numbingly boring I don’t even know if people would want to watch something like that heck I even in creative mode I’m surprised anybody enjoys that um because it’s not a lot macro

Build my roofs are fine I I I definitely I would say my roofs are okay but they’re probably my weakest point um exterior buildings in general I feel like I could do a decent exterior but it’s hard to balance exterior with interior because things that look good

On the outside don’t always look good on the inside and vice versa in fact that’s actually a really interesting thing like if you see all of those really tall buildings that have like Windows perfectly spaced and whatever a lot of those windows are just facades that’s why they’re reflective is

Because um behind that window is literally a wall uh when I was helping build a banner most of the windows had a wall in front of it which just seems entirely silly to me um there’s got to be cheaper ways to do that but whatever um creating creative slap it down in

Survival fair enough no it’s okay so like we all make typos um controversial bad idea make a to to that’s not medieval ooh interesting so I actually planned on doing something similar like I planned on making runes here I guess ruins um I guess both could be true

Um actually I think it would be interesting to have like it completely decimated kind of like Roman runes ruins uh and then maybe like further back there’s still some intact ones or further down or something like that that could be very interesting in fact actually what’s down here um oh this

Water’s going to bother me where are you even coming from oh I know where you’re coming from um H I want to do something with this eventually but right now it’s just in my way oh no shoot get get out of here get there’s also a bit of lag what’s going on uh

Oh jeez that noise always scares the heck out of me I need to turn it down uh I don’t know what that noise is it’s oh it’s a subscription that’s what it is um let’s get rid of this real quick it’s not pretty but we can fix it later Um bum bump bump bump oh God no all of it all of it no no no no good enough there we go I think it’s because my tick speed is weird oh God all of the gravel my favorite freaking gravel is literally the worst Block in the game change my mind I

Mean uh let’s see you guys are oh interesting share my builds all right let me check out your build real quick oh wow that is massive I wouldn’t even want to touch that holy crap um SCP secret lab um so funny you mention that because that’s kind of what

I was going for in my original lab kind of build in my original LP series of course I was very limited to both my current skill level and the blocks added in game but actually that’s kind of what’s going on up here too but less SCP but

More I don’t know kind of a blend of SCP cuz SCP is more like a like men in black kind of situation this is more just like hey look at this cool uh stuff we can exploit and use for Advantage so they’re using like uh basically nether crystals to infuse monsters and control

Them yeah that’s kind of what’s going on well then I guess it’s technically like Ender energy since it’s End Dragon stuff in here purple’s more of a End Dragon kind of thing I just couldn’t do an End Portal because they are only horizontal which is silly

Um yeah I kind of figured you were busy uh usually busy on Sundays I’m really glad you were able to catch the stream stream Terra uh the bare necessities infested Cobblestone uh no thank you uh it’s it’s really funny um additionally because like in my opinion

This is a huge build and I guess it kind of is it’s just more spread out actually I think this is the closest thing I’ve ever done to a village in fact I mean this is technically a village maybe that’s what I’m missing yeah maybe I’m missing

Housing ooh cuz cuz originally this is like a guild so like you know people wouldn’t really live here they would mostly sleep at the end but the end only has so much spaces and that’s more of like a transient thing so I think it would make sense if we put some

See I really wanted something else here and I’m not sure if I can make housing look good but this would make a lot of sense especially because it has kind of like a front yard you would have like the botney area we need like a Commerce not a

Commerce like a commercial area where you have like uh blacksmiths Bakers stuff like that H what can I do cuz now that I look at this we don’t have a lot of room anymore at least depending on what you depending on what we want out of this cuz I can’t

Really fit a whole village down here um H so let’s see over here could be a good spot for housing perhaps um I’m also thinking there’s not a lot of flat areas but I could have basically buildings kind of on a wall somewhere little ramshackles like maybe right over

Here not really sure how you would get to them that would look fairly sick though like maybe this could be like the Commerce area then just a bunch of like little shops and such kind of like a a street fair um and which case kind of doesn’t

Make too much sense to be in a corner but you you do what you can with the space you have so what I’m thinking is buildings mostly built into the wall kind of like um what are they called they they have some in Boulder’s Gate literally in act three which just a

Bunch of like sheds built into the side of like a wall oh you guys are posting a lot I’m rambling Um has this really big red for Clock Tower my idea of a clock tower is like 16 by 16 maybe 32x 32 if it’s big um H one big ass house for The Grandmaster ooh that’s interesting that is very interesting having the shops have a second floor

Which is where at least the shopkeepers live that’s a great idea so here’s here’s what I’m thinking um so since this is all like really tiny floor space uh basically the shops would be about you know uh yay big maybe further over you get the idea um so about yay

Big and it would stick out just a little bit from the wall and you would have like a door here and then you would have kind of like a uh for examples fences you would kind of have like the open market area shoot like right here where they would

Actually display all their goods and everything um kind of like their actual storefront and the inside of the first floor is mostly for storage or maybe their valubles like you know like how usually Merchants keep the good stuff in the back um and then a staircase that leads up top to a house

That kind of overlooks everything I think that would look good the problem is with the diagonals I think I can pull that off by just making them a little bit more blocky I think that could work I also still wanted like a staircase or something coming up to this water but I

Don’t know what to do with that maybe I could have just have like a general staircase that goes to the Upper Floor Maybe maybe the bottom floors aren’t connected to the top at all no you know we’ll we’ll work on that in a second but first um okay I haven’t missed too much

Because again I’m kind of rambling and it’s hard to keep track of what you guys are saying I really need a second monitor I had one for the longest time but I never used it so I got rid of it I just need to go thrift hopping again I’m

So sad I got rid of it I knew I should have kept it but I’ve been trying to get rid of my hoarding tendencies it’s hard um okay so H I still wouldn’t mind doing something with this wall I’m not sure what you have all this floating Rock everywhere

Um that’s also a little interesting interesting area oh oh no um I’m not sure how much I could do with this uh this wall because uh literally two blocks deep until you hit a freaking sea I would say a lake Seas aren’t that big or that small actually I

Wonder still like that that’s definitely smaller than a great lake I think the only difference between a lake and a sea is if it connects to the ocean really so yeah it would be a lake anyway um keeps getting out of the yard um so here’s the thing I could get rid

Of all this water but even in Creative that is a pain in the the butt look at it it is a lot of water it’s a lot cuz like I could I could do like a like replace command function but so much water and if I did this in survival at

All this would be freaking hours of real time work so I believe instead of working against the terrain we should be trying to work with it and really the only problematic area is just that wall I think oh nope all of it all of the walls all of the walls are terrible no

Um so I’m with you it’s doable but not worth the effort in my opinion um terraforming is good but in select doses so here’s what I’m thinking first of all how is this wall are they all terrible that one’s not bad so basically once I hit this area

That’s fine so here’s what I’m thinking um how do I want to do this it would come out of the wall a fair amount but the problem is I’m not sure cuz this it can’t really go into the wall a lot of it would be sticking out

So it would look fairly bulky so let’s try for all intensive purposes um just do a little little little guy right here um I feel like depending on what we do this is going to be the bare minimum size literally now what I could do is just kind of push this back a

Little bit and you know what I could just make them wider uh you wouldn’t have a lot of space I could also make them taller but again I don’t want a lot although that would be really cool to have like multiple tiers I think I have the space to do it

I think stopping like right about here would be good too cuz I don’t want to encroach too much on the magic Tower what’s this from oh that was like a lava thing I thought I was building something fast naturally Curr bodies of salt water okay wow okay so I guess the primary

Difference is salt or freshwat that makes sense also really glad we have a a water enthusiast um also what do you need F3 in for oh didn’t know you could do that no wow you learn new things every day all right cool um so let’s see really the only

Problematic area is literally just like right here once you get once you get past this area and that could just be like a walkway buildings don’t have to be there and if they do they could be really small um I guess technically this is also a problematic area cuz there’s like

A a a thin veil between the two but again can be small things like predominantly a walkway or something right there so I guess the main issue is this entire first area is all just Pathways and then most of this is going to be building afterwards so let’s see I guess this

Would be the top of the first floor go this way wrap around here and I guess theoretically we could have another level maybe even on the ground over here or at least near it cuz this is a beautiful little area but I have kind of don’t want to make it Too what’s the word uh what is it when people move into stuff make it too H colonized I don’t think that’s the right word I’m looking for hm Interesting that could be really cool H lived in I don’t think humanize is the right word either um settled settled I think that’s the word I’m looking for settled um I guess like maybe like a witches hut or something like right here wouldn’t be too a

Miss but still weird spot for a witches hunt Hut especially if there’s going to be a bunch of other stuff over here so let’s see if I like the idea of putting something over there but I’m not quite sure I want to do housing considering my limitations now my other

Options I can’t really do anything this wall either for the same reason I don’t know what to do over here for the same reason um cuz like you pop right into here water oh yeah I put a banner there uh over here water I tried making like a

Little air lock and I didn’t like that um um all of this is pretty filled out you know in retrospect n this still wouldn’t have been a great area cuz there’s not a lot of space don’t want to do it in the mines I guess people could just live up at the

Village you don’t really need to live down in the caves cuz everything is very uh what’s the word uh public transit trans transable no that’s not word wow my lexicon uh vernacular is failing me today wow urbanized I think that’s the word I’m looking for um so that’s actually what I’m doing right

Now cell is I have my phone propped up right under my monitor but it’s really hard to focus while I’m thinking at all and then having to look down at another screen um you know honestly even if I had another screen right next to me I think

I would have that same problem what I would like is something that shows the chat on my screen but I don’t know if that is doable kind of like an overlay I wonder I do actually need to switch back to OBS because I’m using streamlabs right now and I

Heard I’m not sure if problematics the right word streamlabs has done some shady stuff like basically take advantage and make a lot of money off of OBS um so plus I hear OBS is just a better software in general like streamlabs um I was into streamlabs originally because I

Know you can stream to multiple platforms but to do anything more than one you have to subscribe which like 20 bucks a month it’s crazy apparently you can do it in uh OBS for free it’s just a little bit more of a hassle to set up yeah yeah so don’t recommend

Streamlabs I don’t even remember why I switched to it oh that’s great minor working o h yeah like like I said streamlabs Shady people in general so I don’t I don’t want to support them also if I can save 20 bucks a month might as

Well um I do I do like your idea uh cell but of course the miners would be more over this way I think hm what to do what to do so I still need to put something over here my original idea was like another science Wing very similar to that but

It’s very open air so I’m not sure what to do with that oh this seems like a great place to do it considering like all the wheat and everything or sorry not the my head’s moving I just lifted my microphone stand out of its Mount instead of lifting my

Microphone um OBS has an overlay miners working I mean technically what was it the 60s miners were miners so minor minor that just reminds me of that Meme where it’s just like in the 60s uh children mined for Cole and nowadays they play Minecraft the children yearn for the

Mines I think we all knew what you meant so we’re just being silly and giving you crap taking the piss I think is that is that an Australian phrase great now I got to look that up um I’m taking the piss Cambridge English Dictionary ah British I kind of figured um I mean technically so you’re not wrong and uh America is slowly working back towards uh child labor so give it maybe at this current rate five years and you know miners will be miners again boys will be boys miners will be

Miners Jesus Christ that is terrible um okay so hm I like the idea I like the idea of residential right here but if there is residential that means there do need to be some shops I was thinking the blacksmith and Guild is down there but obviously that’s

Just where they make the stuff the forge um see they don’t actually make anything named brand down there however they do make knockoffs you know forgeries um what am I doing now besides making terrible puns um so it would make sense to have like a blacksmith somewhere up here oh

Hey maybe I could do like a shop over here a blacksmith right next to the tavern makes a lot of sense like hey come grab your gear before you head down or even just a general shop and then maybe we can speckle other buildings around um additionally I did want

Something hanging from down here ooh ooh that could be an interesting idea I basically have I’m not I’m not sure how I could make that work unless like I widen that yeah it just seems it just seems like it wouldn’t work like this wouldn’t be a hi trffic area without some I don’t

Say significant changes but it would definitely alter the vibe like this definitely feels like a farm and not like a like a garden meant to be traveled through yeah there’s there’s a lot of a lot of places getting busted for shady stuff oh guys I have a coworker by the way now

I like the guy for the most part um at least I don’t have any problems with hims but his political views are something I strongly disagree with not that I want to get too much into politics but um the dude the dude is Union obviously and he is very anti-socialism

Which fine if you want to be antisocial whatever but like why are you in a union um it’s one of those things it’s like yeah I’ll benefit from it but I’m definitely not going to support it just kind of weird you know I won get too much into it because

I don’t want to I don’t want to start a political debate or anything it’s just it’s just crazy that people you know happily take benefits and then not contribute to them at all and actively vote against them which it’s fine if that’s your beliefs but like you

Can’t have your cake and eat it too you know it’s like um all of those wealthy business people that are like we can’t have student loans you took back a loan you pay it back it’s like okay that’s fine if that’s your opinion that’s fair it’s a valid opinion

Even if I don’t agree with it it’s a valid opinion however those same people got PPP loans and they were forgiven and were like yeah I’m not paying it back if they’re not making me pay it back it’s like dude you took out a loan pay it back

Like like one or the other you can’t have both like literally you can’t have both please anyway um why did I put in a field um because this is technically the botney guild so they need to grow things which is why I added a small garden here I made all the wheat

Field here I made the little Garden area here pretty much anything to do with plants kind of want to add more grass but I think the green amongst the gray is actually very beautiful although I would like a little bit more like that pops so much more since it’s just surrounded by desolate

Stone lukewarm take that’s that’s fair I don’t like arguing or being a part of uh confrontation um and at the end of the day like I don’t I don’t think fighting is going to necessarily solve problems and not every battle is worth fighting because even if you fight and you win an

Argument you’re not really changing any minds or any hearts it’s just a lot of effort for absolutely zero benefit schools meet the legal definition of child abuse also hello anime I’m not sure I’ve seen you here before but that is a great that is great that’s great sarcastically like oh my god

Um um yeah hypocrite 100% hypocrite um that same coworker by the way uh grew up in um what is it called uh subsidized housing uh I forget what it’s called but basically like the the state subsidizes your housing you basically pay nothing and you live somewhere nice um I didn’t even have

That growing up so it’s like his family was broke um his mother definitely struggled to take care of him on her own uh she was probably also receiving food stamps and possibly even welfare if if it was that bad I I don’t know the finer details he doesn’t share too much

Um especially once we we kind of use that as an argument against his argument a little bit more reserved with that information um and it’s like again like you got yours everyone else pardon the strong language but like come on man like it helps you but like what

About the next guy what about the next you what about the next kid that needs help and he’s just going to end up homeless or growing up on the street or in some gang or something just so he can put food on the table and keep himself

Safe um fun fact by the way the the reason I I don’t know too much about the topic I’m not an expert by the way but from my understanding uh one of the reasons why CR is crime is so bad in impoverished areas is just because people

Want a decent life and that’s pretty much their only option for the most part which is sad um obviously like in better neighborhoods you don’t have that problem and it’s not because you have more police or whatever it’s just because you don’t you don’t have desperate people just trying to

Survive yeah it’s it’s really funny how anime’s first thing as far as I know said in in live stream was that it’s it’s a yeah non-politically Hypocrites suck and there’s so many Hypocrites like um there’s so many what is it people that actively fight against uh gay rights and it’s

Just like I don’t think I can take the middle wrote here if you’re fighting against like if you if you fight to take the rights away from someone else especially in America like the whole personal right personal freedom thing the government shouldn’t take away my freedoms kind of mentality that’s

Hugely hypocritical right off the bat and you suck for that um I won’t take the Middle Road there at all I will actively say you kind of suck for that I I wouldn’t even say kind of it’s it’s a really douchy opinion or political view but regardless

Um a lot of those people the ones advocating against gay people are secretly gay and now there’s two reasons uh for that a because um it’s like the guys that like tattle on everyone like oh look at what they’re doing or they’re not doing their work are the ones

Usually not doing any work is because by pointing out someone else you keep the attention off of yourself or you make yourself valuable enough that you know they let you slide a little bit somewhere along those lines the other thing is shame and that you’re actually shameful of your thing it’s

Like not necessarily a guilty pleasure but like you know you’re ashamed of what you like yourself so you take that own self-hatred and aggression out on the other people that can have that freedom to go out and be themselves because I will say there’s a lot of people um even

Independent adults that aren’t even living with their family anymore that aren’t allowed to be themselves because of the social standards that surround them and you have the option sure to just be like well screw that I’m just going to be a social outcast and be whoever the I want to be but you

Have to give up a lot sometimes literally your entire life to just be yourself um and that really sucks um and I know a lot of people in that position you know they’re secretly gay or any anything besides what they present themselves as um but yeah that’s that’s kind of how it

Works is that a lot of those people literally hate themselves in fact a lot of the angriest people I know it’s so clear they hate themselves or they at least hate something about themselves and it’s usually the thing they hate about others too um in fact even I was

That way a lot like I I would occasionally meet other people that I absolutely hated and it’s usually people that were very similar to me ironically a lot of people that busted a bunch of jokes um or were always very silly not always but for the most part and that’s

Because I always saw myself in them and I realized I hated myself so much um and that’s the exact same thing like if you hate yourself you hate the people that you hate in yourself you know so like if you’re secretly gay and you hate that about yourself you’re going to hate gay

People way more than you usually would cuz like I I feel like the hatred is almost at a certain level IR rational at least not that I’ve ever heard a rational argument for like to like to dislike something is one thing but to actively like fight against something you’ve got

To have like a dog in the fight you know what I mean like oh a a gay woman took my girlfriend or something like you had have been personally slighted by that Community specifically now granted hatred is also taught um unfortunately in the South

When I was younger I was taught a lot of racism and I grew past that but it’s very easy to absorb that and never question it especially when you’re in a community that con constantly reinforces that and again it’s it’s just one of those really weird things things but again there’s a huge

Difference between just like passively hating something and talking crap about it and then actively fighting against it which is just absurd especially when it doesn’t affect you at all um that’s the funny thing about rights like again like giving people more rights doesn’t take yours away or makes yours any less

Special it’s kind of been proven before like when women got rights to vote really change much made the country better overall um but it didn’t like take away or make it less special for men I guess for certain men sure but like overall objectively no but anyway huge tangent about that um

Kind of jumped around subjects a lot and we’re also an hour in and I haven’t actually built anything yet I’ve just done a lot of talking and then sermon but hopefully that’s something you guys like about my channel and me personally but yeah also if it wasn’t

Obvious by some of my remarks I am firmly believe politics aside I believe in taking care of my fellow humans and when I say human it doesn’t really matter who or what you are you are human you are my kin I believe in taking care of people and not even just

People animals too you get the idea I’m a very kind loving person and I care about everyone and hopefully that shows and how I treat everybody and um I always try to present that very well that I do care and love all of you in fact that’s one of the reasons I’ve come

Back to do more videos um like I love Minecraft and YouTube yoube is fun and definitely gives me a sense of validation but the main reason is for you guys cuz I was a big part of some of your childhoods and even still today and the fact that I

Could have a positive in impact on the world in whatever capacity I could means a lot to me so I I I love people and I I want to be the thing that I never had in the world you know a positive influence somebody like I’m not perfect by any

Means but compared to some of the other people out there I I definitely feel more people could learn a thing or two from me um and again that feels weird to say because it feels like I’m humble bragging but like kindness and compassion is something that a lot of people should

Have in their hearts if you don’t learn it from me then there are plenty of other people you should learn that from from of course if most of you are here watching this today with the type of community my channel and my community on itself attracts you’re already on the

Path to that I’m I’m almost certain everyone here watching now everybody in my Discord everybody that ever watches my videos you are in if you are not already a good person you were on your way to becoming a good person um just because good people tend to attract

Other good people and if there’s one thing I’m not afraid to be proud of of myself is that I am a good person or at the very least I try to be now I’m never perfect obviously no one is but for the most part I always

Try to do more than more good than bad in the world I should probably get back to Minecraft I think I killed the chat for a second there um but yes I’m proud of all of you I know a lot of you are struggling uh in your own ways we all are

But the important thing is to never stop never give up Never cuz it’s it’s really easy to be an or easy to be selfish and even then it’s okay to be uh selfish once in a while cuz at the end of the day like you can’t give 100% you need to take a little too being an

as long as you never do it intentionally or even when you do you at least try to make up for it but yeah that’s the important part being good is hard no matter what your nature is it’s actually really interesting quote cuz in Skyrim uh when you talk to the

Dragon uh spoilers for like a ancient game at this point I want to say 12 years old but it might actually be older um is it nobler to to be born good and never do a bad deed or nobler to be born bad and overcome your evil nature through good

And I’ll tell you right now no matter what I don’t think either is more noble because at the end of the day no matter who you are or your circumstance is it’s very easy to do bad things cuz they’re always the easier option or even the most beneficial option like 90% of the

Time um and then when all you’ve ever done as good the first time you do something bad or when you get into a rough situation it’s very easy to break bad like you are a good person and then you go through a rough ship uh a rough patch a hardship that’s what I

Meant a hardship um and it’s very easy to stray from that and take the easier option take the thing that will fix your problem the quickest easiest way so you could go back to what you were doing and it’s really easy to do some people have

The fortune of never having to deal with that I I try to share the wisdom that I’ve obtained over the years I’ve spent better part of my life life trying to learn and grow and I feel like keeping keeping the wisdom to myself isn’t benefiting anyone it’s like um watching somebody

Struggle while playing a new game cuz on one hand you want them to experience it on their own and figure things out but you can still also guide them in a very healthy productive manner why are you doing that why are none of the other ones doing that you know what

I don’t want to bother with that so we’re just going to do that um I think it’s just the nature of that like it tries to spread there and then it tries to spread onto that and it can’t so it breaks weird but whatever um I need to drink some water my

Throat’s getting try but yeah um I try to at least set people on the right path I could but just getting rid of that that work too I don’t think Vines grow up I think they only grow over and down it’s kind of silly I wish they didn’t grow

Over you know overall I feel like that would be fine as long as you could just trim them like other plants GH my throat’s killing me sacred hamster who’s sacred hamster oh that’s a friend from another Discord uh we’ll get to that later don’t want to excuse me interrupt the live stream

Um okay now we need to actually build something um unless you guys get me off on another tangent but you know that that would actually be very interesting um have a live stream challenge where um you guys try to incite me to go on a a a tangent or a sermon about something

And I have to resist all right um so I want to build something over here my options are more alchemical Labs a market of some sort housing of some sort I could also kind of make it like a little Garden area like instead of uh like basically kind of like up

Here cuz that’s kind of what that would do very well and it would kind of fit this theme very well it’s one of those things where it’s like when you play a game and you have like an empty slot and you’re like do you want to put like an Alchemy lab here or

Like uh a hospital or something but you can only put one of them each one gives different benefits I forget which game has that I know there was a few first one I’m thinking of is World of Warcraft uh Warlords of Trainor but I know other games did that too I just

Cannot remember off the top of my head take a drink when tyken goes on a tangent you’ll just tangent 132 God I didn’t come here to be roasted okay jeez ADHD tyan versus chat good Lord you guys are brutal but yeah definitely got the ADHD but I’m also just very passionate about

The topics um I I think everyone enjoys that but I guess the thing I’m most passionate about is being nice to people um like L literally like why why would I want to see somebody be hungry or cold like even at work the other day uh my cooworker

His hands were so dry that were literally splitting at the knuckle and not just those little Fishers like literally across the entire top of his knuckle like deep it wasn’t a little paper cut it looked like he cut himself I thought he hit himself with like a

Grinder wheel or something um no no his hands are just that dry so like let me go get you a bandaid he’s like no no no I’m fine I’m fine you know toxic masculinity stuff um hyper independency so I’m like no I’m going to go get you a

Band-Aid so I go to his first aid kit grab him a Band-Aid he puts it on he’s like all right I’ll put it on for your sake so you have to look at it I’m like whatever just put it on and then like I bust out my hand cream which is uh this

Stuff this is what I’ve been using recently I got this from Costco well you can find it at Costco my partner actually got me this for uh Christmas uh there we go uh oefs working hand cream this actually works really well um especially if you put gloves on afterwards um and I was

Like dudee put this stuff on and then put on your gloves or your hands aren’t going to get better and I don’t want I don’t want that and like all the time too like I’ll always bring snacks to work in case you know get a little

Hungry or like my lunch doesn’t fill me up quite all the way or I get a little hungry right before you leave I don’t want to go home starving you know so otherwise you just eat a bunch of garbage uh but I I always share stuff I

Always have stuff I always share stuff because I don’t want to see people suffer I don’t want to see them them go hungry or uncomfortable it it’s just something I can’t I can’t do even if somebody I don’t like I can’t stand to watch somebody suffer unnecessarily

Like you know there’s some times where there’s literally nothing you can do but for the most part those times are very few and far in between and you don’t have to like you know give the shirt off your back but like I I get it econom is

Rough right now when I say the economy I mean capitalism um there’s nothing wrong with the economy right now the economy is freaking booming better than it’s ever been but you know it’s the people that are suffering so whatever not going to get on that tangent but what I’m saying is you give

What you can when you can if everybody did that the world would be a much better place um and yeah ADHD I think I think that’s also what attract people to my channel other neuro Divergence uh okay so we need to actually start building something I can’t keep talking while just staring at

The same thing over and over again although I notice every time I go on a huge tangent I always hover over this because it’s just so beautiful I am so happy with this design it looks gorgeous um you know what actually I do want to show you guys something real quick uh

What is it this one actually bad time to not be rich facts oh god oh okay so first of all this is the forge area before I finished a lot of it like that area the little area over here really adds a lot um before I added the tower

The wat Tower before I even started on the Wizard’s Tower like this is a fairly odor save uh five 6 months ago before I added anything over here like look at how look at how different it is I really should do before and after picks um this still hasn’t been touched since

I finished it haven’t really touched this since I finished it uh I’ve have I haven’t really redone this I just finished this area more before I added the little mine cart area I think that’s all I’d done over here I think yeah I think the inside of

The tavern was already complete at this point for the most part and then uh yeah so like since then heavily modified the forge added a tower added a huge Garden area added the uh the Alchemy area added like a little pathway there which I’m currently working

On uh added the little Park area right there there we go so yeah done a lot oh added the little Watchtower here which I still really like um all right let’s swap back over to the actual stream capitalism so I did actually plan on doing a mushroom Forest but not right

Here I don’t quite feel like that fits cuz typically mushrooms either grow in dark dant places and granted this is a cave but what I meant is more less uh oh we just had this settled urbanized I guess um so I planned on either having uh a

Big mushroom farm area not like a farm but like a forest over here or down over here cuz down here makes a lot of sense and it’s like the perfect spot for that it’s a little cramped I kind of like it in fact this entire area down here could

Be a massive mushroom Forest I really like that um although as I’ve said before I want a lot of this to be like I I don’t want you to have to hunt for stuff I want things to be like how did I describe this not necessarily obvious but like noticeable from a

Distance even though you have to kind of like hunt for it over here so maybe maybe I could have like some mushroom stuff here and then like a bigger mushroom thing down there it’s like maybe it connects yeah or I don’t know I don’t know if this actually

Connects or not at least not directly what is this song cast theme oh another Zelda one I was like it sounds faintly Zelda but I have not played the Wind Waker so don’t recognize a lot of this music um you know what guys um I’m drinking a lot so I need to

Go uh fix that real quick I’ll be right back Oh that’s better um so I’m not sure if you guys noticed by the way uh since last I streamed like December basically redid my office area we got a couch now uh which is great um partner’s parents was getting rid of it it’s like a love seat like two-seater

But both of them recline individually it’s sick um kind of old and janky but then uh printer next to that and you can’t really see it but I threw up some uh Christmas lights so we can have um cuz we’re both neurod Divergent so having like bright light um be a little

Difficult so you want something that’s just like just enough to add a little bit of light but not too much uh the cool thing is I got one of those uh extension cords that have like a little step button so you can like turn it on

And off and it also goes up the wall so it’s nice can’t really see it from here but uh the button was kind of long so what I did is I just ran it up the wall and I put the button right next to the light switches by the door so you can

Just come in and like slam the button and turn the lights on and off uh and then uh I have an old TV right here you can see uh oh I dropped my camera sorry guys okay okay uh maybe a little down more okay so um the

TV um I’ve had it forever and we just never used it because you know who needs more than one TV um at least in a tiny ass apartment um but I really like hanging out in the office and my partner really likes hanging out in the living

Room so what I decided to do oh the the tool cart it’s sitting on by the way uh got it from work they thrown it away it’s great cuz it’s little rolling tool cart so it’s in front of the closet door and I can just roll it away if I ever

Need to get in there cuz like I love the big sliding doors but it’s it takes up an entire freaking wall just like door right there all it does is lead to the bathroom behind it and I don’t know why there’s a door here because you literally just walk right

Out the door take a left and you’re right there it saves almost no time to go through a door there um so we just block it cuz why take up extra floor space or wall space if you don’t have to and then uh yeah so the TV and the cart

Uh really nice hooked up my switch there so I could just like hang out in here keep my computer on if I need it and still play some games really cool uh shelf Bracken mushrooms huh Bracken mushrooms oh I know what you’re talking about um fun fact by the

Way so one of my good friends um Aya actually made these for Christmas for me and my partner it’s like like a little wooden piece of thing and that’s clay it’s painted it’s got like moss under it and it’s got the little shelf mushrooms really cute um oh she’s watching right

Now but we really like it um but yeah those are the mushrooms you’re talking about h so okay what are we doing Bracken statue below it oh you talking about the uh the the thing from uh lethal company yeah lethal company Bracken okay yeah um this good friend I’ve had since

I’ve lived in FL staff so holy crap we’ve been friends for like 10 years maybe longer um she and her husband also playing my D and D game on Tuesdays they’ve been good friends for the longest time uh she also has ADHD but she’s just

Coming to realize that now I mean to be fair I’ve I’ve always suspected I had ad ADHD and then also a bunch of other mental things that I’ve only really started to delve into in my mid-30s now the flower man I I don’t think he’s

A flower man isn’t it is like a black spiky creature leather company I think I’m going to get something entirely different if I type in leather company uh oh we kind of does look like a flower huh I have not played this at all it

Looks like a lot of fun though I feel like that game is fine by itself but tons of fun with friends all right let’s just start throwing stuff down and see what sticks um a little further back soz we can always build into the wall um I always like this song what is

It the world revolving I don’t know what that is from I think it’s a I think it’s another Zelda game I think it’s one like the Twilight ones or something okay so little door right there and then I kind of want like cram all these together kind of like shops I saw in

Japan effectively um maybe maybe not even fully separated so yeah here’s what I’m thinking um another four spot right there and then put the door right right here and then effectively you could have um we’re just going to use stairs as a display you know let’s just use these so they’re more noticeable

I shoot there we go so like a little thing like that and then another table right here and I guess you could also have another table right here maybe and then that way that would give us a little bit of space right here in the middle to kind of have just like a

Small divider just a very small one of course I don’t want it too uniformed huh huh huh um all right we’re just throwing down stuff and seeing what sticks um I feel like this could actually be like a small little shop you go into with like maybe one or two things outside

Or maybe stairs that go up to the houses Delta Run Okay speaking of which I really want to play that I tried playing uh undertale but I did not like the combat system uh the story and overall everything else looked amazing interesting huh okay I knew I knew

Lethal company had lore I thought yeah interesting okay um um so what do we want to do here another door perhaps maybe right there and then I don’t want this to be so symmetrical or perfect cuz there’s like a lot of space right here so I’m thinking actually something more more like this

Perhaps and then I feel like that’s too much just like a little a little baby bump of divider kind of feel like that makes that one look like it’s really in the corner but also why it’s such a terrible space it’s a nice little sizable shop right

Here um and I think like what you guys said houses on top make a lot of sense H or at least something on top oh um trick is you don’t combat interesting interesting okay I have to take that in consideration maybe I’ll try playing again um okay so it gets tighter again

Right here here so I’m almost wonder if I should push this back one more let’s see how this looks so first of all throw these down uh get another one of these guys could just do something like that and then kind of across away so like you got

To pass through all their goods to get there or go around um I guess the other good thing about this one is you get way more shelf space I want to see maybe I do want to have a little divider right there not sure how I want to do this

Um it’s really tight corner I don’t think you can do much here I guess this could just be like Punk actually one more over oh God my tummy hurts do not know why it hurts so bad I had snooze today great breakfast place FYI but I don’t think that’s what upset my tummy

Um so I could still do something here but it wouldn’t be a shop it would just be like a a house maybe must of a house so we got like three shops right here H actually hold on so given the space that I have I think especially if I get rid of this

Little Lake right here I do still want to do something with the lake but I don’t think feasibly there’s much I can do and it kind of takes up a lot of space so I’m thinking is right here would be a great spot for some housing but it makes more sense for

You to pass through a commercial area so I’m pretty sure they would try to shoehorn that in regardless of design oh no did did my game freeze oh I pressed the reload button somehow now I don’t know what I pressed okay let’s get some spones goodbye

Water might open that back up we’ll see what happens I know I said I want to build with the terrain but for the most part feel like we are doing a little bit of terraforming cuz all we’re doing is just getting rid of a small piece of I’d say a relatively small

Piece like I could knock this out in a few minutes especially with like a chanted pick or something oh God please what are you doing the the biggest problem with having ADHD is my brain can only focus on really one thing at a time like I can

Do a bunch of things all at once but I can only really focus on one and sometimes you need to have Focus to do things like building I can either build or talk a lot fit like 12 Walmarts here you could fit 12 Walmarts in this

Bad boy slaps the hood of the trunk of the Grand Canyon I think that makes a little bit more sense too cuz like the Baker would probably be super close by yeah this is a nice little area obviously have maybe some stalls along the boardwalk area H means I can also pull these out more from the wall at least these back too or just kind of give it like a little bit of a yard we’ll find out in a minute I also really like putting little fence right there just like a little

Nubbing of a fence it’s like hey this is kind of where the boundary ends but we’re not going to put up a full fence it’s like the the what it’s like the lroy fencing I found that joke way too funny I’m sorry guys um again I’m using path blocks but I feel

Like there’s going to be a much better option because this I’m not really feeling the vibe of this but we’ll figure it out as we go so I don’t know maybe you’re like right about here Li fencing someone thought about a fence while building it somebody laid some materials down where fence might

Be uh there’s this Tik Tok that I really enjoyed it’s like uh flavor engineers at lacroy and they have like all of the standard ones like um they open up a bag of like blueberries and like wafted it near a glass of water and then seal it back up uh there’s

Another one where they like take a strawberry and then just like rub it on the side of the glass um then my I think there’s a few others you could totally do with that but my favorite was um they had a phone and they sit up next to the glass of water

And and you see like blueberry calling I love that um one I just thought of is like staring wistfully at a picture of a lemon while drinking soda water I really like this one who doesn’t love the Mi Channel music um um so we’re going to want some little

Bit of a pathway through here I should probably lay down this pathway so I have a vague idea of what we’re doing with it feel like Nintendo’s going to get on me in like a heartbeat Nintendo does not like when you do anything with their IPs they’re basically the dis of video

Games empty mango crate I have not heard of we shop bling let me check that out not right now but I’m going to We Shop bling what really who is this by okay I’m going to have to I’m going to have to look at that later um definitely recommend posting

The link in the Discord in case I don’t find the right one but um thinking about that fruit when they made it mango sitting across the room um what else you know sincerely 100% when I tried the strawberry I don’t I don’t think it was lroy I don’t think lroy has star

Strawberry uh do they no they don’t uh it was bubbly bubbly was the one I tried that had strawberry and I love strawberry so I was super excited for that so um I got it and I tasted it and I was just like this tastes like somebody rinsed off strawberries and then carbonated

That water and not in a good way like the strawberries that taste really latexy the really shiny strawberries which by the way the really shiny strawberries taste like garbage I’m sorry they look beautiful they last longer but they taste like garbage um I don’t think I have a latex

Sensitivity I just have a really good sense of taste and a lot of fruit including strawberries I believe have latex in them and they taste like latex um let me go ahead and double check that actually Uh yeah so avocado banana Chestnut Chestnut huh kiwi passion fruit Plum strawberry and tomato um interesting so yeah um if you have a latex allergy fun fact uh but I can actually taste the latex in them which is weird um but like the really shiny strawberries literally tastes like I’m

Licking a latex glove it’s disgusting um I can’t I can’t handle it um maybe right about here it gives two nicely coordinate off areas I think I want a full shop and then just like a little corner area that’s like covered so like here’s what I’m

Thinking I think I’m just going to do that yeah that looks good and then basically the whole little area would just be like here’s the door and then uh shelves basically um Let’s do let’s do literally anything else so it’s more noticeable coconut uncut sitting on table ignoring it

Entirely the fact that he’s ignoring the coconut specifically really gets me that’s great it’s a really great ad um it’s kind of a bit smaller than I wanted I think it’s only because of this right here alternatively could do something like like yay I could just be pseudo open Um I was going to make that a window but that seems kind of weird now definitely need some window front I just cuz there’s going to be another shop here though so I don’t know I don’t know what to do um yeah I have no idea what I’m doing

With this but I do know I want two of the bigger shops here even maybe just one big shop and then I think a few stalls maybe another shop on the wall like in the wall right there so I’m thinking maybe blacksmith up there Bakery General Store something small some stalls two or

Three maybe and then residential o we can even do like a cute little Arc where it kind of comes up and it’s like welcome to arkville you know like something super cheesy Ark Veil we’re the only Veil that has an arc to it haha we’re special check out our neat little

Gimmick it’s not going to look like this obviously this is horrendous but you you get the idea little Arc a shoot I came up with a great pun the other day I cannot remember what it was Rosewood stalls Ark Mar I don’t think I know what a Rosewood stall is

Alternative we can also get rid of that trim it up a little bit there we go something like that that looks horrible I should actually keep it that way really sells it it’s just a ramshackle Ark Mar oh oo I like that okay so let’s see the Rosewood Boardwalk we even have like little corner stalls since it’s sket an angle h i don’t super like they’re boxy L’s but I’m sure once we build them they’ll look a lot better um you know the so maybe that’s

What we should make Crimson look like more like Rosewood oh God I hit the Shader button again didn’t I I did um Rosewood color apparently there’s a bunch of different variants but it looks more of like a burgundy maybe like a really brownish red maybe a little orange-ish too really depends on the

Spes oh here’s a huge list of Rose Woods huh I guess Rosewood is a species cuz that one definitely isn’t red plus Road added to the texture list um replace with a full block and put a button on why a button oh God more images of your clock or images of what you’re

Recommending oh wow that is a nice roof um that is huge though like it’s so big anti- alien in is having a field day with it um that’s that’s just a little too big you know is this Tetris it is it’s really chill Tetris I I dig it

H I wonder if I could do something like that perhaps m i mean it works I just Don’t super like it guess I could do something like that helps a little bit it still looks a little too squared for me I don’t know if there’s anything else I could do about that though can’t really round off edges and there’s not really a corner block thinking maybe I could use

Walls again I kind of want that Gap Underneath the shaft something more sus you mean more sus than shaft finish the head head game strong uh what can we do we could do like a little fence maybe I I don’t feel like that fits in the slightest like even if I did something like this Well I have Crimson fence so what if I did that that still looks freaking awful my goodness um I don’t think wall would be much better for the same reason well it connects at least still looks terrible doesn’t really take off that edge I don’t know what else I could

Use I’m I’m sure there’s a I wouldn’t say an obvious answer but a better solution yeah we’re trying to do like little stalls I’m feeling so sleepy on the bottom fence post to build it up Oh oops uh sign sing wait why is that sing why is it have a sing tag I’m not sure it’s an interesting development regardless okay uh such a big yawn big epes huh I need to get those on the same page but no that doesn’t look good why are the signs doing that

Um okay other suggestion wall I guess it Blends in more see my other idea was something like like this and then just put like a trap door or something on it that looks really bad especially at the corner so H Crimson fences on top of the nether

Wall use a corner stair then use a fence post okay first of All that looks better but the fact again that it’s just like a big gap right there looks bad um oh different hords have different songs interesting Corner stair then use a fence post so again the the problem is I can’t really make it a full corner without putting another one

Behind it which again is good but it doesn’t really do much to cut the corner since the corner is still there again I’m a firm believer we just need like quarter blocks and half slabs that do everything um see I could I could do this H I guess that’s fine

Although I think I would want different color posts just to kind of break it up and make it not all in one color also Rosewood is expensive so like you Know now the other way then I think I actually need to bring this forward one as well oh why am I so sleepy all of a sudden think I just need a nap you guys want to watch me live stream a nap I doubt it and if you did I’m not

Sure I’d be okay with that so we’ll we we’ll table that issue I must want to push that one back one more so yeah actually that’s what I was thinking a large umbrella instead of just like a tarp or maybe be like one of those triangle ones you know where it’s

Like uh like post post and that’s like the low point and then it goes up to a single point I’m not sure I could do that with carpets and this limited amount of space but that’s what I was considering all right let’s get some crates in here uh

Compost why do you connect to that why I don’t want that whatever um um kind of almost feel like this one should go up one more one of my neighbors is making a weird noise outside you know now that I think about it replace the fences that are trying to connect with

Fence oh with fence gates hm H the problem is I’m not sure I’d be able to do it with that one or that one regardless good idea idea fence gates oops can’t really do too much with the corner ones um alternatively could do something more like this widen it out a little bit

I think I’m still going to have some connection issues but that’s fine as long as it swords the back mostly oops oops that’s a great idea toast I almost said cell shows how much I’m paying attention um actually you shows how sleepy I am I

Don’t know why I’m so sleepy to be fair I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night but I don’t know why it’s suddenly hitting Me maybe we’ll end a little bit early we’ll see if it passes these stalls are looking good um what was that other thing so I remember seen people use other blocks with just some like what’s the word trap doors actually makes me wonder we do have oh Crimson trap

Doors um what does cherry blossom would look like naturally interesting so I see like cherry blossom stain but I don’t I don’t think that’s I don’t think that’s the color I think I don’t think cherry blossom really has that much of a hue to it I think it’s just the flowers or

The the petals that are pink I don’t think the wood is pink I mean if I’m looking at this wood it it looks like a natural wood color perhaps with like a faint bit of orange or red to it yeah the problem is I don’t want pink

Stalls so I’m thinking we should do is take the Cherrywood textures and tone them to match everything else I still am also not super happy with the Crimson ones cuz again like what can you really do with redwood doesn’t really fit in a lot of spots unless you just specifically want

A red dyed wood um anyway so what I was thinking is I also need to redo all the trap doors in general I want them to be solid doors like I want them to be an actual door there’s no real need to have like a window on them Um I feel like some of them they can have slats especially cuz like I they have some purposes like I think I was using uh jungle or Acacia for uh like crab pots or something so like you can have some that have open but for the most part I

Think having more flat surfaces look better but anyway um so what I was thinking is at least for some of the Stalls what we could do is do um people were using some kind of texture blocks what was it I think it was Coral they were using see I don’t

Know if we can use Coral CU I’d have to find some way to like keep it alive but they were doing something like this and now you have like a box of blueberries ta is that going to die yeah cuz they all have dead versions yep there it is it’s dead uh

Um it’s deim plumwood smells delicious interesting okay let’s see what textures can we use to look like other things I’m sure I can go and Reddit real quick but also I might think of something that they don’t I don’t think I want to use gems of any sort like could be Something boxo leaves Nium Soul Sand I don’t think that would work maybe try to be creative here and see what we can come up with glow stone huh that’s interesting I think I think that just has the same texture that one looks darker so maybe I see you guys posting give me a second I’m

Focused all right what you guys got to say nyum what do you mean did I just kazoo without a kazoo oh I didn’t know it could be under it that’s a good idea when did did I do kazoo was I that unfocused I didn’t realize I did a kazoo oo that’s an

Idea um plant stuff you know we’ll try what we have real quick um you know we’ll just use this one uh oh no I got rid of whatever block that was uh glow stone doesn’t look bad almost looks like a pile of gold coins o or glowberries that could be glowberries I like

That um that doesn’t look good at all oh that looks like it’s more of like a stew which could be very interesting which also reminds me um if we made Iron trap doors a solid block cuz see I’m torn I really like this but on the other hand a solid one

Would essentially allow us to make our own cauldrons and put whatever the heck we want in it which is cool cuz that actually looks like lava too in fact you could even get away with uh Magnum maybe like really cool lava that doesn’t look as cool though petel um that just

Looks like a composter it looks like a better composter maybe we should change that um that looks interesting warped nyum again that looks more like a stew like a liquid more than a anything else and that that just looks like the texture of our mushrooms pasted over and over

Again I think we need to uh fix that that doesn’t look particularly good in my opinion um it’s probably a temp texture that we never thought to fix again more of a liquid also what the heck’s going on here there’s some like weird noise pixels H what other it’s be like ice

Ironically you know actually let’s look at ice too why not H let’s try that too I don’t think that would help oh I just don’t think we have a lot of textures that would look good for that maybe I’ll go on Reddit and see what blocks other people are using to get

Some vague ideas and then see where we’re lacking obviously do like a creative coal or other raw ore um interesting I do like that idea as well yeah that doesn’t really scream anything to me although it’s shifting colors see that’s actually really interesting selling blocks of ice

Or you know it would be actually really interesting um I’ve been toying around with this idea or potentially getting a mod for it but um item frame or perhaps maybe making the glow frames uh invisible but like Bam Bam Bam like imagine you can see through that oops

And then you just have ice or fish on the ice not that you can really see it very well either I I swear I want to make 3D models of like all of the items so you could actually place it down to make it look cool raw iron all

Right pretty sure these are supposed to pop but I think that that doesn’t look like anything at least not oops at least not by itself uh let’s try honey block okay that actually looks interesting again like liquid but I really like the depth of it I really like that

Actually I think that’s all the blocks we tried besides Coral Coral um Water I’m pretty sure that’s a half slab yep okay so we’ll Do actually we don’t even even have to do anything poop okay so we got really big blue burst or some kind of blue fruit at least um no idea what this possibly be it’s like little discs of some sort um I don’t think that’s usable huh again almost looks like a stew of

Some sort and creative like glowstone powder or something I don’t know all right I need to use the bathroom again I’ll be right back for okie dokie I am back purple meth great um let’s see detail craft fill crates uh nope not what I’m looking for oh that’s a really cute stall

There oh great I’m on Pinterest uh I don’t want to be on Pinterest I really every time I search for stuff now I have to specifically type like minus Pinterest because like you see a few cool things but then like then you get like try to click on something and it’s like nope

Um maybe if I just type in regular crates eight crate designs all right nope those are all terrible from eight years ago my God trap doors were my God I feel so old um no well I was hoping this is going to be a little bit quicker so I can just like

See an example but I’m not seeing anything huh well yep I’m not seeing anything uh oh that’s interesting actually I have no idea what that could possibly be maybe some other kind of Meth I wish you could like water log glass and if you did that it made the glass look like colored

Water or at least like an aquarium of some sort I don’t know ah perfect idea guys all right come and get your barrel of Fire get it while it’s fresh fresh barrel of fire beef and a witches brew um maybe again the problem is a lot of these

Crates don’t look like dry goods they look like wet Goods big H such a yawn seaweed maybe wheat beehive come and get your box of beehive get your beehive get your beehive step right up get your beehive get your creative spinning book get your crate of pot

Guys nobody else will see sell you a pot of crates or create a pot sounds like a really crappy D and D magical item the the crate of pot you mean pots no it has a single pot oops uh I wanted that cauldron I’m just getting all these silly ideas Now um I know some items can be placed but I don’t want to scroll through all of these and yet here I am scrolling through all of them okay so seaweed I guess that could be like thread doesn’t quite look liquidy but it doesn’t quite look like

Anything uh what do you what are you saying something floating in a pulsating liquid which one look like medicine tablets um at least this actually looks like a create of wheat I think I made that the top of the wheat texture ages ago it does not look particularly good

It doesn’t look bad just doesn’t look good um I don’t think we ever got a texture for this I think maybe we can put some shul on top of something to make it look like something else get your crate of book open the crate single book check it out fellas check it out

Crate of book create a book step right up get your crate of book why is that so amusing to me crate of pot oh that’s interesting you could totally do something with this I don’t know what but something H that’s interesting got to take a picture of

This make like some kind of floor design with that obviously you could also do it with carpet I am imagine little bit more pronounced I’m not sure what You’ even want to do with that uh obviously wouldn’t poke through a half slab would poke through an item frame I

Imagine I don’t think you pressure plate sure definitely through a pressure plate hm oh purple Coral okay all right um glow stone uh these actual glowstone blocks oh fudge I clicked on it too many times it’s a good thing we have the water here to destroy all of the crops

No no I hate my life and it’s not even putting out that fire guys guys what no hey Larry great time oh boy oh boy yeah thanks stardo this is exactly the music I wanted to listen to right now really jaunty Happy tune while everything’s exploded

H how many times have I blown up those stupid anchors no so sad big sag Sagittarius that’s disheartening um well the the dirt is very glossy you can tell it’s very wet it looks like it’s been waxed and Polished I feel like I could run across

And slide like a roller rink actually I don’t think they polish roller rinks but you get the idea it looks that’s a really shiny floor I think I think I need to go under settings and tell it what surfaces should not reflect um should just get rid of all that uh

Seed Ah that’s right when you turn up the tick speed that’s when the water slows that’s why my water’s been slow I must have forgot to turn my tick speed down it’s also trippy watching it fast grow like that it’s almost like these time lapses you would see on like YouTube or

Reddit this is my time lapse of me growing wheat check it out don’t forget to like And subscribe and upvote and ring the little dingly mainger oh why aren’t these growing um let’s see if this helps okay okay and uh you don’t have one so we’ll just make you grow real

Quick and then we’ll get rid of the light uh more seats partner right now great great timing um also uh congrats on having a nice date with your partner uh I just had one with mine our anniversary was actually Wednesday um it’s funny we actually had some

Debate on when our anniversary should be should it be like the day we met uh the day we went on our first date or the day we officially became official uh and I argued that it should be the day we became official I still have that text by the

Way I saved it at least the screenshot of it um okay that wasn’t a lot of damage considering but it looked like a lot of damage and it was really sad it was so sad to watch Okay I think I think I think I’m G to I think I’m going to wrap up the stream early I want to do a full 3 hours but I’m sleepy and that was just so demoralizing gets fixed now but like G I was already struggling and then that

Happened I think I’m going to wrap up the stream here I’m I’m losing energy I’m losing brain capacity I think I need a nap that’s the worst part about getting old you don’t realize how much you need naps I mean I’m really stubborn though so I’m probably not going to nap I’m

Probably just going to lay in a puddle on the couch for twice as long when I could have actually had a nap and enjoyed the entire rest of that time at least I’m self-aware of it what song is this Cosmo Canyon oh it’s from Final Fantasy huh all right well I hope you

Guys had fun um I’ve actually put in the description this time um the link to Discord the texture pack and the mod pack that I use complete with the shaders um so if any of you don’t know of those uh feel free to look in the

Description below uh also a link to the playlist I’ve been using so get that enjoy it please change into a fluid what oh face change into a fluid um no I sh um I definitely feel like it sometimes all right you guys have a great rest of

Your week I will see you next Sunday I don’t believe there’s any scheduling issues for then um also enjoy your holiday if you manage to get off on Monday um unfortunately I know a lot of like uh customer service and food service jobs don’t give a crap about

Holidays so I hope you have a great day regardless I will let you know all right guys you have a good one I’ll see you next week

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Adventuring Guild’, was uploaded by Tyken 132 on 2024-01-15 10:18:47. It has garnered 72 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:12 or 8352 seconds.

In this series I work on designing my build plans for my future creative series while chatting with viewers. This build is an Underground Adventure Guild mega build.

The best way to keep up to date with my channel and even hang out with me. Discord: https://discord.gg/A8KJn4p

Texture Pack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/gerudoku-genesis

Mod Pack/Shaders: https://modrinth.com/modpack/quiltifine1 _

If you enjoy this, check out my new series! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfVeg90MpnvSoBb5EwnGVE7asVAHRIBvS _

Background music can be found here: https://gamechops.com/ Playlist on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2fYssjW5mtKy114Kb29zti?si=7f5508bc33434167 Coffee Date – Chill Lofi videogame beats

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    ๐Ÿ”ฅULTIMATE WHITE 999 CHALLENGE๐Ÿ”ฅ - CRAZIEST REACTIONS๐Ÿ‘พ๐Ÿ”ฅ #nonstopgamingVideo Information [Music] it’s have it [Music] baby I swear you got [Music] the This video, titled ‘IMPOSSIBLE๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿท๐Ÿ—ฟ #nonstopgaming #youtubeshorts#shortvideo’, was uploaded by โš”๏ธเผ’WHITE 999เผ’โš”๏ธ on 2024-04-06 15:40:11. It has garnered 23 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. IMPOSSIBLE๐Ÿ“ฑ๐Ÿท๐Ÿ—ฟ #nonstopgaming #youtubeshorts#shortvideo games minecraft gta 5 gta5 pokemon poki game online games car games pubg gta v gaming chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy ninja valorant rummy circle the last of us pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game ps5 sudoku clash of clans gta san… Read More

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    ๐Ÿ”ฅ NETHER FIRST TIME! MINECRAFT RELAX: Part 5 ft. Kyo Nekogai #New VtuberVideo Information ใฏใ„ใฉใ†ใ‚‚ใ“ใ‚“ใซใกใฏ็Œซใ‚„ใใงใ™ใ‚ˆใ—ไปŠๆ—ฅ ใ‚‚ใƒžใ‚คใ‚ฏใƒฉใ‚„ใฃใฆใ„ใ ใฐใ™ใ„ใ‚„ๅ…ƒๆฐ—ใ  ใ‚ˆใพใ ๅ…ƒๆฐ—ใกใ‚‡ใฃใจใญไปŠ้€ฑๅคšๅˆ†ๅฟ™ใ—ใ„ ใ‹ใ‚‰ๅ…ƒๆฐ—ๅ…ƒๆฐ—ใซ ใฏใงใใŸใ‚‰ใ„ใ„ใชใงใใŸใ‚‰ใ„ใ„ใชใจใ„ใ† ๆ„Ÿใ˜ ใงใ—ใ‚‡ใใ‚Œใงใฏใ‚„ใฃใฆ ใ„ใ“ใ†ใƒžใ‚ฏใƒˆใงไปŠๆ—ฅใฏใญใ‚ใฎๆ›ธใ„ใฆใŸ้€šใ‚Š ใˆใƒผใƒใ‚นใƒˆใ—ใŸ้€šใ‚Šใ‚„ใฃใจใญใƒใ‚ถใƒผใซ ๅ…ฅใ‚Œใ‚‹ใƒใ‚ถใƒผใงใ—ใ‹ๅ–ใ‚Œใชใ„็ด ๆใˆๆŽขใ—ใฆ ใ„ใใŸใ„ ใญใกใ‚ใ‘ใง้ธๆŠžใ—ใฆใƒฏใƒผใƒซใƒ‰ใง้Šใถใ‚‚ใ† ใกใ‚‡ใฃใจๅคงใใใ—ใ‚ˆใ†ใ‹ใช ใ†ใ‚“ใจใซใ‚…ใซใ‚…ใซใซใ‚…ใฃใจ ใ‚ชใ‚ฑใƒผใ‚ˆใ— ใ†ใ‚“ใชใ‚“ใ‹ๅฟ˜ใ‚Œใฆใชใ„ใ‚ˆใญใ†ใ‚“ไฝ•ใ‚‚ๅฟ˜ใ‚Œใฆ ใชใ„ใ‚ชใ‚ช ใ‚ˆใฃใ—ใ‚ƒใˆใƒผใฃใจใชใ‚“ใ‹ๅค‰ใ‚ใฃใŸใ“ใจใ‚ใฃ ใŸใฃใ‘ใ‹ใ†ใ‚“ใจใญใ‚ใ‚่ฃใงใญใกใ‚‡ใ„ใจ้‰„ใ‚’ ๆŽ˜ใฃ ใŸใ‚Š็•‘ๆ‹กๅผตใ—ใŸใ‚Šใ‚“ๅƒใ‘ๆ‹กๅผตใ—ใŸใฃใ‘ใ„ใ‚„ ใ‚ใƒผใ‚ใ‚Œใ‹ ใ“ใฎ่พบใ‚ใ‚Œใ—ใŸใ‚Šใ‚ใ‚Œใ—ใŸใ‚Šใฉใ‚Œใ—ใŸใ‚Š ใ†ใ‚“ใ‚ใ‚ใจใญ ใ‚ใฎใกใ‚‡ใฃใจ็”Ÿใ็‰ฉใŸใกใ‚’ๅข—ใ‚„ใ—ใพใ— ใŸ ใฒใ‚‡ใ™ใ”ใ„ใ†ใ‚ใ‚ใ†ใ‚‹ใ•ใ„ใญใ†ใ‚‹ใ•ใ„ใญ ใ†ใ‚‹ใ•ใ„ใญใ†ใ‚‹ใ•ใ„ใญใ†ใ‚‹ใ•ใ„ใญใ”ใ‚ใ‚“ ใชใ•ใ„ใญใ‚ใ‚ใ‚ใ‚่€ณใŒ่€ณใŒ่€ณใŒ่€ณใŒ่€ณใŒ่€ณ ใŒ่€ณใŒ ใ‚ˆใ„ใ—ใ‚‡ ใปๆณขใ‹ใพใ‚ŒใŸๆฐ—ใŒ ใ™ใ‚‹ ใตใ†ใ†ใ‚ๆ—ฉ้€Ÿใ ใ‘ใฉๆš—ใใชใ‚‹ใงใพใ‚ใฎใ“ใฎ ่พบใกใ‚‡ใฃใจๆญฃ็ฝฎใ—ใŸใ‚Šใจ ใ‹ใ‚ใ‚Œใ‚‚ใ—ใพใ—ใŸ ใญใ‚ใ‚ใจใชใ‚“ใ‹้Ÿณใ‚ใฃใŸใฃใ‘ ใ‹ใพใชใ„ ใฏใšๅคงไฝ“ใญใชใ‚“ใ‹ไฝœๆฅญ้…ไฟกใจใ‹่จ€ใฃ ใฆๆœใฃใฑใ‚‰ๆœใฃใฑใ‚‰ใจใ‹ใชใ‚“ใ‹ใ‚„ใฃใฆใ‚‹ใ‚“ ใงใŠใ„ใพๅคงไฝ“่ฆ‹ใ›ใฆใ‚‹ใ‹ใช่ฆ‹ใ›ใฆใชใ„ ใจใ“ใ‚ใฎๆ–นใŒๅฐ‘ใชใ„ๆฐ—ใŒใ—ใพใ™ใญใพใƒŸๅคšๅˆ† ใ“ใ‚Œใ‹ใช้‰„ใฎใ“ใฎๆ•ฐใฏ่ฆ‹ใ›ใฆใชใ„ๆฐ—ใŒ ใ™ใ‚‹ใกใ‚‡ใฃใจใญ่ฃใง้‰„ใ ใ‘ใ‚„ๅ–ใฃใฆใใพใ— ใŸใง้‰„ ่ฃ…ๅ‚™ใ‚้•ใ†ใˆใฃใจๅฑใชใ„ๅฑใชๅˆฅ ่ฃ…ๅ‚™ ใ‚ˆใ— ใ‚ธใ‚ญใƒณใ‚ธใ‚ญใ‚ ใ‚ธใ‚ญใƒณ ใ‚ธใ‚ญใƒณใ‚ธใ‚ญใƒณใˆ ใ‹้ก”ใŒ่ฆ‹ใˆ [็ฌ‘ใ„] ใชใ„ใชใ‚“ใฆใ“ใจใฃใŸ ใˆใฃใจ ใงใˆใฃใจใพใ‚ใพใ‚ใใ‚Œใฏใ„ใ„ใ‚“ใงใ™ ใ‚ˆใงใญใ‚‚ใกใ‚ใ‚“ใƒใƒใƒใƒใƒผใ‚นใƒ‡ใƒผ ใฎ ใ‚‚ใฎใƒœใƒผใƒˆใƒœใƒผใƒˆใ‚‚้˜ฒๅพกใจใ—ๆŒใฃ ใฆใ“ใ† ใƒ”ใ‚ฑใƒ”ใ‚ฑใƒ”ใ‚้•ใ†้•ใ†็›พใ ็›พ็›พ็›พ็›พใพใƒฏใƒณ ใƒใƒฃใƒณ็›พ ใจใงใˆใฃใจใฉใ“ใ ใฃใ‘ใ“ใฃใกใ ใฃใ‘ใฏใ„ ใ“ใกใ‚‰ใงใ™ใญใพใšใƒ€ใ‚คใƒค ใƒ„ใƒซใƒ ใงใˆๆ™ฎ้€šใฎใƒ„ๅฎˆใฃ ใจใ“ใ†ใ„ใฃใฑใ„ใญๅฟ˜ใ‚Œใชใ„ใ‚ˆใ†ใซๅฟ˜ใ‚Œๅฟ˜ใ‚Œ ใชใ„ใ‚ˆๅˆใ‚ใฆใฎ ๅคข่ฟฝใ„ใคใ‘ใฆ ใ‚ญใƒชใ‚ชไธธใ—ใŒ ใชใ„ ใˆใฃใจใญ้ถดๆฉ‹ใŒใ„ใฃใฑใ„ใ™ใ‚ˆใญๆŽ˜ใฃใŸใ‚Š ใƒใ‚ถใƒผใƒฉใƒƒใ‚ฏใฏใญใ‚‰ใ—ใชใ‚“ใง ใญใงใ‚ทใƒฃใƒ™ใƒซใ‚ใ‚‹ๆ–งใ‚‚ใ‚ใ‚‹ๆญฆๅ™จใฏ็Ÿณใฎๅ‰ฃใง ใ„ใ„ใ‚ˆ ใญใพ ใกใ‚‡ใฃใจใใ“ใฎใƒฌใ‚ถใƒผใ‚ฒใƒผใƒˆใฎๅ‰ใซใƒ™ใƒƒใƒ‰ ใจใƒ™ใƒƒใƒ‰ ใจใ‚ˆใ‚‚ใ‚ˆใ‚‚ใ‚ˆใ‚‚ ใชใ„ใใ†ใƒใ‚ถใƒผใ‚ฒใƒผใƒˆใฎๅ‰ใซใญ ใˆใฃใจใ™ใใซใƒชใ‚ซใƒใƒชใƒผใงใใ‚‹ใ‚ˆใ† ใซ1ใ‚ปใƒƒใƒˆใƒฏใƒณใ‚ปใƒƒใƒˆใšใค็ฝฎใ„ใจใใŸใ„ ใฃใจ ใ‚‚ใกใ‚ใ‚“ใญใใ‚“ใชใƒใ‚ถใฎไธญใงใƒ™ใƒƒใƒ‰ไฝฟใ†ใจ ใ‹ใใ‚“ใชใ“ใจใฏใ—ใพใ›ใ‚“ใ‘ใฉ ใ‚‚ใฏใ„ใฏใ„ใƒใ‚ญใƒใ‚ญใƒใ‚ญใƒใ‚ญ ใƒใ‚ญใƒใ‚ถใƒผใ‚ฏใ‚ฉใ•ใˆๅ–ใ‚Œใ‚‹ใ‚ˆใ†ใซใชใ‚Œ ใฐ่‰ฒใ€…ใญ ใˆใฃใจ ่‰ฒใ€…ๅ›ž่ทฏใซๅฟ…่ฆใช่‰ฒใ€…ใŒไฝœใ‚Œใ‚‹ใ‚ˆใ†ใซใชใ‚‹ ใ‹ใ‚‰ใ“ใฎ่พบใ‚‚ใ‚‚ใ†ใกใ‚‡ใ„ใ™ใฃใใ‚Šใ•ใ›ใŸใ„ ใงใปใ„ ใจ ใƒ„ใ‚ชใงใˆใฃใจใƒใƒŸใฏๅฟ…่ฆ ใชใ„ใงใญใƒใ‚ฑใƒ„ใกใ‚ƒใ‚“ ใ‚‚ ใ‚ใ‚Œใƒใ‚ถใƒผใงใฏใญใ—ใฆใ—ใพใ†ใฎ… Read More

  • “Insane Clutch by MR Gamer Extreme!” #viral #clutchgod

    "Insane Clutch by MR Gamer Extreme!" #viral #clutchgodVideo Information [Applause] 2 one let go okay what the let [Music] go let’s go This video, titled ‘@YesSmartyPie OP Clutch #viral #shortvideo #clutchgod #minecraft #trending #yessmartypie #dreamboy’, was uploaded by MR Gamer Extreme on 2024-01-13 08:30:04. It has garnered 2502 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #clutchgod #minecraft #trending #yessmartypie #dreamboy #viral #shortvideo Read More


    BRO GAMERZ UNLEASH STEVE-The ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft steve …๐Ÿ˜Ž #shorts’, was uploaded by IT’S BRO GAMERZ on 2024-02-20 09:34:10. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. minecraft steve …๐Ÿ˜Ž #shorts #animation #minecraftshorts #minecraft #viral #trending #explorepage #minecraftmemes #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts related topic minecraft animation dream minecraft animation minecraft animation anime best minecraft animation best of dream minecraft animation briannaplayz minecraft animation minecraft animation creator Read More

  • Bucketry Minecraft ๐ŸŒŸ SMP PvE 1.20+ Pyro Mining & Fishing Dungeons Ranking & Prestiging Quest System Thriving Economy Land Claiming 200+ Enchantments

    Welcome to Bucketry Minecraft! ๐ŸŒŸ Server IP: play.bucketry.net Discord: Join our Discord Features: ๐Ÿฐ Progression System: Ascend ranks, conquer challenges, and become legendary. ๐Ÿ›’ Shops Galore: Build your empire with server and player shops. ๐Ÿ’ผ Jobs & Skills: Take on thrilling jobs and refine your skills. ๐ŸŒŸ Custom Spawners: Craft your own unique creature kingdom. ๐Ÿ”ฎ Enchantments Galore: Unlock over 170 advanced enchantments. ๐Ÿ“ฆ Envoy Crates & Voting Crates: Open crates filled with surprises. ๐Ÿ—บ๏ธ Custom Claiming: Protect your territory with our custom claiming system. ๐Ÿ’ฐ Banking: Manage your riches and become a true tycoon. Read More

  • โœจ LIEMVN COMMUNITY โœจ โ€ฃ ( 1.17 / 1.20.X ) Welcome to the era of Liem ยป ( NEWS )

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.twicraftmc.xyz (GL HF) Read More

  • Platinum Legion Freelancers

    Platinum Legion FreelancersWelcome to our Java Minecraft server, where the only limit is your imagination! Dive into a world of endless possibilities, where you can build magnificent structures, explore vast landscapes, and forge alliances with fellow players. With no rules to restrict your creativity, embark on a journey filled with excitement and discovery. Join us today and unleash your inner builder in this thriving community! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The last thing you wanna see at night ๐Ÿ™ˆ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    When you’re peacefully mining for diamonds and suddenly hear a creeper hiss behind you… *cue the panic* ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜‚ Read More

  • Whispering Stone Sword: A Deadly Call to Action

    Whispering Stone Sword: A Deadly Call to ActionVideo Information [รขm nhแบกc] he [รขm nhแบกc] This video, titled ‘”๋‚ด ์ธ๋ฒค์˜ ์ž‘์€ ๋Œ๊ฒ€์ด ์ฃฝ์ด๋ผ๊ณ  ์†์‚ญ์˜€๋‹ค.” #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #memes #๋งˆ์ธํฌ๋ž˜ํ”„ํŠธ #ํ•˜์ดํ”ฝ์…€ #๋ฐฐ๋“œ์›Œ์ฆˆ #๊ฒŒ์ž„’, was uploaded by ํด๋ผ๋ฅดํ…ŒClartte on 2024-05-16 10:08:38. It has garnered 424 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Even if the opponent looks strong, I just have to be stronger so don’t be scared. I’m not a Manchester United fan. I’m a Tottenham fan. Read More

  • Creeper Farming Duo: SMP Shenanigans

    Creeper Farming Duo: SMP Shenanigans In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of building a creeper farm, with blocks so bold. Exploring and crafting, with Dave by my side, In this duo SMP, where adventures abide. From Twitch to YouTube, the journey unfolds, With VODs and tweets, the story is told. In the land of blocks, where creativity thrives, We spin rhymes and jokes, in our gaming lives. From Burger King cravings to dark wood dreams, We banter and build, in the Minecraft streams. Finding treasure and floating sandstone, The quest for a swamp, where secrets are shown. A creeper farm… Read More

  • Blowing up Wi-Fi with TNT in Minecraft ๐Ÿ˜‚

    Blowing up Wi-Fi with TNT in Minecraft ๐Ÿ˜‚ When you’re so desperate for better Wi-Fi in Minecraft that you start blowing up your house with TNT just to see if it helps. Priorities, am I right? #minecraftproblems #techsavvyexplosions Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Challenge!

    Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Challenge! Are you a fan of Minecraft? Do you enjoy challenges and survival mode gameplay? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server! With a rich and immersive world to explore, Minewind offers a unique and exciting experience for players of all skill levels. Join us on Minewind server and embark on your own survival mode challenge. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. The possibilities are endless, and the adventures are waiting to be had. So why wait? Dive into the world of Minewind today and see what all… Read More

  • My Friends Destroyed My Water Park! – Minecraft Octopus Island

    My Friends Destroyed My Water Park! - Minecraft Octopus Island The Exciting World of Minecraft Ahtapot Adasฤฑ Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft Ahtapot Adasฤฑ, where friends come together to explore, create, and conquer challenges. Dive into the realm of mystery, excitement, and danger as you navigate through this virtual landscape. Exploration and Creativity One of the key elements of Minecraft Ahtapot Adasฤฑ is the freedom to explore and create. Players can build their own unique structures, mine resources, and craft tools to survive in this dynamic world. Whether it’s constructing elaborate buildings or embarking on epic quests, the possibilities are endless. Collaboration and Competition… Read More

  • Minecraft Rap by tSpire Op – Mind-Blowing Lyrics!

    Minecraft Rap by tSpire Op - Mind-Blowing Lyrics!Video Information yo I’m Steve just the do in a pixel scene punching wood planting seeds living out my poy dream got a diamond pickaxe Swinging with that bling creepers ising but I just do my thing Minecraft oh Minecraft it’s a builder’s Paradise crafting day and night keeping those mobs in my sight stacking rocks high in my world so Grand in this game of Cubes I’m the blocki in the land I’m the blocki in the land I ride my pig yeah I’m looking so fly jumping over Ravines under the square sky and the dragon’s roaring but… Read More

  • Incredible Survival Under Dome Challenge!

    Incredible Survival Under Dome Challenge!Video Information oh hello there guys welcome back to the Minecraft oh my God my screen just you see this I’m going to fix that right now there we go guys we’re ready and where are we now I don’t know we are under uh the dome in the sphere wherever guys but this map called Under the Dome and we’re going to be surving here today guys and I have some questions guys what do you like what do you prefer play with view bobin or without that maybe I’m going to turn off this guys and it feels… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hardcore Fail! 1000 Ways to Not Survive #36

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  • “DEADLY MOVE to End Portal – Minecraft SMP 45” ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ #MinecraftSMP #EndPortal

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    UNBELIEVABLE!! Minecraft's Ultimate Sleep Hack RevealedVideo Information [้Ÿณๆฅฝ] OG OG T OG ็š†ใ•ใ‚“ใŠๅพ…ใŸใ›ใ—ใพใ—ใŸใ‚ˆใ†ใ“ใใชใ—ใ‚ฏใ‚จ ๆนฏๅŽŸใ‚ใƒžใ‚ฆใ‚นใŒ่กŒใ‹ใ‚ŒใŸๆณ‰ใงใ™ใ‚ˆใ‚ใ—ใใŠ ้ก˜ใ„ใ—ใพใ™ [้Ÿณๆฅฝ] ใฐใจใ„ใ†ใ“ใจใงๅง‹ใพใ‚Šใพใ—ใŸใƒžใ‚ฏใƒˆๆทฑๅคœใฎ ็œ ใ‚Œใ‚‹ใƒžใ‚คใ‚ฏใƒฉใ‚นใƒชใƒผใƒ”ใƒณใ‚ฐใƒžใ‚ฏใƒˆใง ใ”ใ–ใ„ใพใ™ ใ‚คใ‚จใƒผใ‚ค1ๅนด้ ‘ๅผตใฃใฆใใ‚ŒใŸใƒžใ‚ฆใ‚นๅ› ใŒๅฃŠใ‚Œใกใฃ ใŸ่กŒใ‹ใ‚ŒใกใฃใŸ ใ†ใ‚“ๅŽปๅนดใƒใƒญใจใ‹ใ‚„ใฃใฆใŸใ‹ใ‚‰ใ•็ตๆง‹ ใƒžใ‚ฆใ‚นใฎๆถˆ่ฒปใŒๆฟ€ใ—ใ‹ใฃใŸใ‚“ใ‚„ใ‘ใฉใคใ„ใซ ใ„ใ‹ใ‚Šใกใพใ„ใพใ— ใŸใˆใใ†ใชใ‚“ใ‹ใ•ใˆใ“ใ‚Œๆณ‰ใฎไฝฟใ„ๆ–นใŒๆ‚ชใ„ ใ‚“ใ‹ใชใƒžใ‚ฆใ‚นใฃใฆใ“ใ‚“ใชใซๅฃŠใ‚Œใ‚‹ใ‚‚ใ‚“ใชใ‚“ ใ‹ใชใจๆ€ใฃใฆ780ๅ††ใฎใƒžใ‚ฆใ‚นใ‚’2ๅนด ใใ‚‰ใ„23ๅนดใใ‚‰ใ„ไฝฟใฃใฆใฆใงๅŽปๅนดๅˆใ‚ใฆ ใ‚ใกใ‚ƒใใกใ‚ƒใ„ใ„ใƒžใ‚ฆใ‚นใซๅค‰ใˆใŸใ‚“ใ‚ˆ 1ไธ‡ๅ††ใใ‚‰ใ„ใฎใ‚ฒใƒผใƒŸใƒณใ‚ฐใƒžใ‚ฆใ‚นใซๅค‰ใˆใŸ ใ‚“ใ‚ˆใง1ๅนดใงใถใฃๅฃŠใ‚Œใฆๅ˜˜ใ‚„ใ‚ใจๆ€ใฃ ใฆใˆใใ‚“ใชใ‚‚ใ‚“ใฆๆ€ใฃใŸใ‘ใฉใชใ‚“็ตๆง‹ FPSใ‚„ใฃใฆใ‚‹ไบบใŸใกใ‚ใ‚‹ใ‚ใ‚‹ใ‚‰ใ—ใ„ใ‚ˆใญ ใˆ ๅ˜˜ใˆใ‚„ใ  [้Ÿณๆฅฝ] ใ†ใ‚“ใ‚ฏใƒชใƒƒใ‚ฏ้ƒจๅˆ†ใฏใ‚ฏใƒชใƒƒใ‚ฏๅ›žๆ•ฐใงๆถˆ่€— ใ™ใ‚‹ใพใใ†ใชใ‚“ใ‚„ใ‚ใญใชใ‚“ใ‹ใ‚ใฎใ‚ปใƒณใ‚ฟใƒผ ใฎใ‚ฐใƒชใ‚ฐใƒชใฆใ‚ใ‚‹ใจใ“ใ‚ ใ‚ใใ“ใŒๅฎŒๅ…จใซ่กŒใ‹ใ‚Œใกใพใฃใฆ ใ‚ˆใ‚ฏใƒชใƒƒใ‚ฏใฎๅœงใŒๅผทใ™ใŽใ‚‹ใ‚“ใ‹ใ‚‚ใ—ใ‚Œใ‚“ ใƒ”ใƒณใ•ใ—ใ™ใŽใชใ‚“ใ‹ใ‚‚ใ—ใ‚Œ ใ‚“ใชใ‚“ใใ†ๅ€คๆฎต้–ขไฟ‚ใชใ„ใ‚‰ใ—็ตๆง‹ใŠใŠๅ…จ็„ถ ใใ‚Œใใ‚‰ใ„ใฃใ™ใ‚ˆใฟใŸใ„ใชๆ„Ÿใ˜ใ‚„ใฃใŸใˆใˆ ๅ˜˜ใชใฎใงๆ€ฅ้ฝใ‚ใฎไบคๆ›ใ™ใ‚‹ๅ‰ใฎใญไปŠ 780ๅ††ใฎใƒžใ‚ฆใ‚นใ‚’ๆ€ฅ้ฝไฝฟใฃใฆใŠใ‚Š ใพใ™ใ†ใ‚“ไปŠๆ—ฅAPEXใฎใ‚จใƒš็ฅญใ‚Šใฎ ใ‚ซใ‚นใ‚ฟใƒ ็ทด็ฟ’ใซๆ€ฅ้ฝๅ‚ๅŠ ใ•ใ›ใฆใ„ใŸใ ใ„ใฆ ใใ†ใชใ‚“ใ‹ใญใƒฉใƒณใ‚ฏไฝ“ใŒใญ้ซ˜ใ™ใŽใ‚‹ใจใƒ€ใƒก ใ‚‰ใ—ใ„ใ‚ˆใญใใ†ใƒใƒผใƒ ใƒใƒฉใƒณใ‚น็š„ใซใƒฉใƒณใ‚ฏ ใŒ้ซ˜ใ™ใŽใ‚‹ใจใ ใ‚ใ ใ‹ใ‚‰ใ‚ทใƒซใƒใƒผใ‚ดใƒผใƒซใƒ‰ ใใ‚‰ใ„ๆนฏๅŽŸๆณ‰ใฃใฆใชใฃใŸใ‚‰ใ—ใใฆ ใ‚ใ‚ŠใŒใŸใ„ใ“ใจใซใŠๅฃฐใŒใ‘ใ„ใŸใ ใๅ‚ๅŠ ใ— ใฆใใพใ—ใŸใƒใƒฃใƒณใƒใƒณใฏๅ–ใ‚Œ ใšใƒใƒฃใƒณใƒใƒณใฏๅ–ใ‚Œใšใงใ—ใŸใ‹ๆฅฝใ—ใ‹ใฃ ใŸใ‚ใกใ‚ƒๆฅฝใ—ใ‹ใฃใŸๆ˜Žๆ—ฅใ‚†ใ•ใ‚“ใฏใญๅˆฅใฎ ใƒใƒผใƒ ใ‚„ใ‘ใฉๅ‚ๅŠ ใ•ใ‚Œใ‚‹ใฟใŸใ„ใชใฎใงใœใฒ ใœใฒใ‚จใƒžใ‚จใƒš็ฅญใ‚Šใชใ‚“ใ‚„ใ‚ดใƒผใƒซใƒ‰ ใƒฉใƒƒใ‚ทใƒฅใ‚ดใƒผใƒซใƒ‰ ใƒฉใƒƒใ‚ทใƒฅใ‚ดใƒผใƒซใƒ‰ใƒฉใƒƒใ‚ทใƒฅใ‚’ใœใฒๆ˜Žๆ—ฅใฎ8 ๆ™‚ใ‹ใ‚‰ใ‚‰ใ—ใ„ใฎใงใœใฒใœใฒใ”่ฆงใใ ใ•ใ„ ใ†ใ‚“่€ณๅฏ„ใ‚Šใชๆƒ…ๅ ฑใ‚’่žใ„ใŸใ„ใ‚ˆใญใกใชใฟใซ ๆ˜Žๆ—ฅใฎๅคงไผšใ‚ใฎใ“ใ‚ใฎๆ˜Žๆ—ฅใฎๅคงไผš1 ใƒใƒฃใƒณใƒใƒณๅ–ใ‚‹ใจ30ไธ‡ใ‚‚ใ‚‰ใˆใ‚‹ใ‚‰ใ—ใ„ใ™ 5ๅ›ž็ทšใ‚ใฃใฆ1ใƒใƒฃใƒณใƒใƒณๅ–ใ‚‹ใจ30ไธ‡ ใ‚‚ใ‚‰ใˆใ‚‹ใ‚‰ใ—ใ„ใฃใ™ใ‚†ใ’ใ•ใ‚“ใŒ1 ใƒใƒฃใƒณใƒใƒณๅ–ใฃ ใŸใ‚‰ใ”้ฃฏใญใ ใ‚Šใซ่กŒใ“ใ†ใจ ๆ€ใ†ใฏใฏ้€้‡‘ๅฐ้กใชใ‚“ใจ500ไธ‡ ใ‚ชใƒผใƒใƒผ ่กŒใใ—ใ‹ใญใˆใชใ“ใ‚Œใ“ใ‚Œ่กŒใใ—ใ‹ใญใˆใช ใ‚ใ‚ๆ˜Žๆ—ฅไปŠๅ›žใŠไธ–่ฉฑใซใชใฃใŸใƒ‘ใ‚ฟใƒผ ใ‚ฏใƒƒใ‚ญใƒผใ•ใ‚“็น”็”ฐใฎใถใ•ใ‚“ใฎใƒใƒผใƒ ใ‹ใ‚† ใ•ใ‚“ใŒใƒใƒฃใƒณใƒใƒณๅ–ใฃ ใŸใ‚‰ใ™ใ‹ใ•ใšใˆใŠใ‚ใงใจใ†ใ”ใ–ใ„ใพใ™ใฆ ใƒใƒฃใƒƒใƒˆ้€ใ‚ใ†ใจๆ€ใฃใฆใ‚‹ [้Ÿณๆฅฝ] ใ†ใ™ใ‹ใ•ใšใญ่กŒใ“ใ†ใจๆ€ใฃ ใฆใ‚‹ ใ„ใ‚„ใ™ใ”ใ„ใญ้ซ˜ใ„่‚‰้ฃŸใ„ใซ่กŒใ ใž้ซ˜ใ„้ญšใงใ‚‚ใ„ใ„ใžๅ›ž็ทšใงใ‚‚ใ„ใ„ ใžใ‚ˆใ—ใจใ„ใ†ใ“ใจใงไปŠๆ—ฅใฏไน…ใ€…ใฎใƒžใ‚คใ‚ฏใƒฉ ใ‚’ใ‚„ใฃใฆใ„ใใŸใ„ใจๆ€ใ„ใพใ™ ใ“ใกใ‚‰ ๅ‰ๅ›žใงใ‚‚่จ€ใ†ใฆ2้€ฑ้–“ใใ‚‰ใ„ๅ‰ใ‹ใ‚ใ‚Œ ใกใ‚ƒใ†ใ‚ใ‚‚ใ†ใกใ‚‡ใฃใจใ‹ใชใ‚ใ‚Œ1ใƒถๆœˆ ใใ‚‰ใ„็ฉบใ„ใฆใ‚‹ใ‚‚ใ—ใ‹ใ—ใฆใƒžใ‚คใ‚ฏใƒฉ1ใƒถๆœˆ ใฏ้–‹ใ„ใฆใชใ„ใฏใšใ‚้–‹ใ„ใฆใ‚‹ใ‹ใ‚‚ ใ†ใ‚“ๅฅขใ‚‰ใชใ„ใ‚ˆใฃใฆ่จ€ใ‚ใ‚ŒใŸใ‚‰ใฉใ†ใ™ใ‚‹ ใพใŸใพใŸใใ‚“ใชใˆใˆใŠใ‚ใงใจใ†ใ”ใ–ใ„ใพใ™ ใ™ใฃใฆใ„ใ†่ณž้‡‘ใŠใ‚ใงใจใ†ใ”ใ–ใ„ใพใ™ใฆ ใ„ใใ‚ใ‚„ใ ๆณ‰ใฟใฃใŸใ‚‰่ฒกๅธƒใฏใ‚ใฃใŸใฎใซ ่ฒกๅธƒใซใŠ้‡‘ๅ…ฅใ‚Œใฆใใ‚‹ใฎๅฟ˜ใ‚Œใกใ‚ƒใฃ ใŸ ใ‚ดใƒŸใใ†ๅ‰ๅ›žใญใญใ“ใฎๅ ดใ‚’ไฝœใฃใฆใŸใ‚“ใ‚„ ใ‘ใฉ็ด ๆใŒๅ…จ็„ถ่ถณใ‚Šใฒใ‚“ใฆใใ†็ด ๆใŒๅ…จ็„ถ ่ถณใ‚Šใฒใใฆ็ด ๆ้›†ใ‚ใ‚’ใ—ใ‚ˆใ†ใจๆ€ใฃใฆใ„ใŸ ใพใพใ‚ใฎใƒใƒใ‚‹็‰Œใ‚„ใฃใŸใ‚Šใจใ‹่‰ฒใ€… ใญ ใ‚ˆใ„ใ—ใ‚‡ใกใ‚‡ใฃใจๅˆฅใฎใ“ใจใงใƒใ‚ฟใƒใ‚ฟใ—ใฆ ใŸใฎใง ใ‚ˆใ„ใ—ใ‚‡ใพใ ็ด ๆใ‚’้›†ใ‚ๅˆ‡ใ‚ŒใฆใŠใ‚Šใพใ›ใ‚“ ไปŠไปŠๆ—ฅใฏๅปบ็ฏ‰ใฃใฆใ„ใ†็ด ๆ้›†ใ‚ใ‹ใชๅคšๅˆ†ใ‚ 3ๆœˆ10ๆ—ฅใ‹ใ˜ใ‚ƒใใ‚Š1ใƒถๆœˆ็ฉบใ„ใฆใธใ‚“… Read More

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  • oak town | survival

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    Minecraft Memes - Is it worth the risk?I guess you could say this meme is a solid 7 out of Minecraft! Read More

  • Outsmart the 1% in ์ง„๋ฃจ Game

    Outsmart the 1% in ์ง„๋ฃจ GameVideo Information ๋Œ€์ถฉ ๋ชฉ์ˆจ ์„ธ ๊ฐœ์ด๊ณ  ์ฒ  ๋ธ”๋ก ์œ„์— ํ‘์•” [์Œ์•…] [์Œ์•…] ๋ฒ„ํŠผ์ผ์„ธ ๋‹˜๋“ค ๋ตํ•˜๊ณ  ํ•œ ๊ฑฐ๋‹ˆ ๋‹ˆ๋‹ˆ [์Œ์•…] ํ‚น ๋ดค๋„ค ์•„๋‹ˆ ๊ฐœ๋นก์น˜๋„ค ์ง„์งœ ์ง„์งœ ์ œ๋Œ€๋กœ ๋ฐฉ๊ธˆ ๋ญ์•ผ ์—„ ์•„ ์ž ๊น๋งŒ ์—„ ์•„ ์•„๋‹ˆ ์–ด ์ง„์งœ ๊ฐœ๋นก์น˜๋„ค ์•„๋‹ˆ ํšจ๊ฐ ๋‘ ๊ฐœ๋ž‘ ์ด๊ฑฐ ๋ถˆ๋Ÿฌ ํ•˜์–€์ƒ‰์œผ๋กœ ๋ฐ”๋€Œ๋Š”๊ฒŒ ์ง„์งœ ๊ฐœ ์งˆ์ด๋ผ๋Š” ๋งต ๋„ˆ๋ฌด ์ž˜๋งŒ๋“œ์…จ์–ด์š” ์ œ์ž‘๋Œ€ ๋‹˜ This video, titled ‘์ƒ์œ„ 99%๊ฐ€ ์†๋Š” ๊ฒŒ์ž„’, was uploaded by ์ง„๋ฃจ on 2024-05-16 10:13:47. It has garnered 543 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #Minecraft #minecraft This is the channel of 100,000 YouTubers of the future. You can become… Read More

  • Block Shock: Skyblock Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.1)

    Block Shock: Skyblock Dwellers & Terror Mods (Ep.1) In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, With duellers and mods, the story molds. Kazutto, the hero, faces fears with grace, Surviving the night, in this eerie place. From One Block Skyblock, the adventure begins, With creatures lurking, as the darkness spins. The Man From The Fog, The Midnight Lurker too, Each mod brings terror, a chilling debut. The Mimic Dweller, The Goatman’s call, Eyes In The Darkness, beware them all. In this world of horror, Kazutto stands tall, Crafting his way, through the night’s thrall. With wit and humor, he faces his fears, Building his world, amidst… Read More

  • Zombie IQ Test Gone Wrong!

    Zombie IQ Test Gone Wrong! Why take a regular IQ test when you can take a mutant zombie IQ test in Minecraft? Just make sure you don’t accidentally eat the brains of the test proctor. Read More