EPIC MINECRAFT ADVENTURE! Mischief of Mice 2 – Day 3!

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Out time stop yeah sorry folks welcome back we’re trying here we’re trying I will join into the server to probably either be killed or knocked off of this platform no I saved you I saved you thank you you’re welcome ah God damn it it’s so freaking frustrating

Anyway I’ll get you the present that I have once I’m uh in and and safe uh M the block under oh it’s forgiving void it wouldn’t have been as fun I’m back okay welcome back here you go oh why are you giving this to me cuz I got it for you smithing

Template lich’s cloth oh getting all sorts of weird and crazy stuff I have no idea what to do with it oh I forgot this koska can loot this chest toooo that was a good one definitely had some goodies uh got some some of these there we go L’s cloth I’ll just

Drop that in there uh this I think goes in here and I got some soul powder which I think is also mob drops God Bon is trying to bribe koska well I mean she saved my life so it’s the least I can do is is give her some fancy new

Armor um so what was I doing I wanted to get a bunch of Soul Sand that’s right so that I could Civ it for stuff and things oh right Prosperity shards so that I could make some mystical agriculture um for some of the stuff wait what is that Crimson nyum spores oh iron

Mesh golden mesh neite MH 16 14 Diamond it seems like Flint is like the best one to get all the stuff but then you don’t get as high a percentage of prosperity shards what the heck what we got string flint and gold I think it’s Flint Flint no that’s iron okay

The armor was just a distraction while you tried to break koshka’s loot chest what [Laughter] probably wait a minute what so I think I need to build some little chicken Huts probably a good idea I got to say that sounds like a really good Idea you mentioned earlier like um getting the vanilla tree mhm is that still a thing or it is did you need it sooner than later or I don’t know five string Four Diamonds how we doing for diamonds we’ve got enough I could do that one two three

Four and I just need a little bit of string which I don’t remember what chest that’s in there it is Uh there we go Diamond mesh very fancy so can I use don’t you just love how chat just assumes a nefarious motive on valon’s part yeah hi na’vi how you Doing uh so this with what is that statue up no uh with diamond get me 14% chance for Prosperity shards and some other stuff like gas tiers and whatnot a n block okay well for now let’s just do this I’ve had better days sporadic but intense pain in my legs today oh sorry

To hear that yeah that doesn’t sound good I had trouble getting warm for the first half of the day but then again I think that was just because it’s freaking cold outside and we’re in a caravan right we have minimal insulation maybe actions like pushing koska downstairs on stream made us think

That way what what what where did I push koska downstairs welcome to living with neuropathy yeah come on is there oh there is okay I’m I breing or Something come on get give me give me oh jeez oh [ __ ] bye oh no uh did I just see you go whizzing past whoa oh yeah did you did you miss where are you yeah I I kind of was not looking in the right direction oh this is

GNA hi welcome back superhero Landing yeah you stuck it [Laughter] boom you pushed her off stairs in sfc it’s true you don’t remember that I don’t I remember a lot of Cavin in sfc no totally push me off the stairs uh so let’s see God I really

Don’t want to make archwood stairs or archwood fences so sick of oh I just got what oh squeeze I was like am I floating what’s happening now I’m getting to squeeze where where are you you’re looking a bit skinny and you’ve got some shinies going on why why are you shimmering I don’t

Know bing bing there the armor I think oh so the armor doesn’t render but the Shimmer does that’s funny no I I think cuz I have cosmetic there like that now I’ve okay now in if you turn that back off then yeah you you just shimmery and just I’m fine with

That to be fair pushes us off a lot of things yeah indeed double standard just fell off wow even a clip for proof what I don’t know what you’re talking about a blood moon has appeared will it stick around do you do you want to do a sleep or do you want to

Let it I kind of want to wait and see we the light of the shimmering L let’s put this over here I need so I might be able to make like a Prosperity ore that can grow Prosperity shards that would be pretty nifty God damn it what I’m already in we

Go an alysis paralysis if about um how to do the things the things oh maybe some walls do we have uh the things um I’m looking for for regular Stone there we go okay yeah where is the regular Stone uh in my inventory now oh God damn it you

Need it no it’s all right I will no no I’m good I’m putting it back in the chest okay no it’s like cooked Stone not yeah yeah okay actually uh I just realized we have a bunch of PE bits heck yeah we do we have diorite

Pebbles can I like make this grow if I sneak say that like it’s a bad thing can’t sleep if blood moon yeah you’d like to think that but I slept through the last one or the one before the last one how is your day valon um busy I’ve been very

Busy working for ano stuff very busy and it is nearing an end uh of of the busyness at least thankfully okay how is your day Z oh it’s like the first Sprouts on a newly placed block seem to be very slow but then after that it seem

To oh that’s only 50% okay don’t really need the copper going to need the iron cuz I’m going to be making an anvil soon my college quit his my is it colleague quit his job now I have to take all his work extra oh oh God man I don’t know um

Yeah I would push for a raise or um change in job title to reflect that uh extra work you know oh uh if anything I wouldn’t blame the employee i’ blame the company yeah oh [ __ ] what nothing what’ you do nothing don’t give me that what’ you do oh

[ __ ] I’ll let you clean that up it’s fine it’s fine it’s a big mess it’s fine koska seems to have made her own mob spawner it’s good it works it’s working we’re growing Prosperity ores kashka okay aren’t you happy sure that doesn’t sound very happy to

Me I was just punching dirt to get Pebbles how happy do you want me to be well you’re not fighting a witch oh shoot that one was 75 all right well oopsie try and pew pew that witch oh that’s right I forgot we’ve got Pew pews oh grab this

Too we’ve got gas TI kashka There She Goes Pew peed her off the [Laughter] edge du on it I wasn’t watching what about her Kitty oh you’re shooting Ray uhoh uhoh uh she’s making the anime oooo noises what the [ __ ] yeah she is Jesus right oh she dropped a bunch of scarabs

Scarabs a chicken what there’s a chicken oh that’s your chicken that’s my chicken oh I see the there’s also a cat we need to get the cat away from the chicken that’s not a good combination kashka so do it you got the Pew pews uh ow oh oh [ __ ] oh my

God L Kisa thanks for the sub yes and 18 months of support dear God pew pew them koska all the frogs yes I see a head the slow March is great oh [ __ ] there I go I got to remember to look down oh God I’m so busy like looking up oh oh God

Maybe we need to give them speed or something no the the massive wall of pushing you back it’s pretty [ __ ] intimidating I got to say oh man I got 18 frogs K yo you got the head I got warm frog heads warm for kits where did it go oh there it is

What yes yeahhuh amazing yes 18 time poking through a little bit that’s a good point yes Rox has had it right Double Y oh amazing all right I got I got to put the what is this what is hitting me oh Jesus ow ow ow thanks Night cast for The

100 Bitties thank you very much n my weapon’s almost done oh my gosh also I broke I broke a bit oh [ __ ] okay oh yeah there it is that’s not too bad actually this one’s not so bad night cast thanks for the 100 bits siren moon thanks for the

300 yes and T which added 30 bits to siren Moon’s cheer what the [ __ ] yeah because at the moment like oh you got a different one oh so you’ve got a different view oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] the light oh [ __ ] don’t get pushed off I’ve got the

Wobbly one oh oh no oh the wobbly one oh God oh my God oh [ __ ] there’s no cool [Laughter] down mistakes have been made oh God I’m taking so much damage okay I did give them some extra damage I could I I can barely hit

Them oh [ __ ] oh oh oh [ __ ] oh God no no I can’t see anything light I can’t see I’m I’m dead I’m dead hold on let me respawn respawn they’re just like constantly okay that’s oh God I can’t I’m just instantly dead guys nothing is really going to

Happen if you don’t let me respawn for first 30 bits in light C bonus bits unlocked we added 90 more bits thank the light wow oh it died trying to kill you hold on a second let’s see oh yeah hold right to rescue yes this bed is occupied oh

God I can’t rescue you while they’re in in the way oh [ __ ] and I just punched them okay let me just they’re all over my corpse they’re sitting on it oh man that so horrifying a all right I set oh my God there’s just

A stream of them just came out of oh for [ __ ] sake kashka I am never taking flak from you again about setting mobs too hard on CCR oh my god oh [ __ ] oh oh my god oh oh [ __ ] help oh God why did I come over

Here what was a terrible idea there’s so many they just don’t stop okay thank the light okay okay why why are they both following me I’d follow you that’s why leave me alone oh my gosh no let me just let me get my corpse that’s my corpse you bastards okay oh my

Gosh thank the light okay killing a few of them at a time oh God oh God ow ow I can’t even hit them now because my my weapon broke oh [ __ ] you don’t have your book oh [ __ ] yeah I do oh my gosh that makes such quick work

Of them oh no okay oh [ __ ] I’m I can’t tell which way I’m going now I oh no I’m So Far Away how did I get so far away from the Bas 100 more all right all right come on here we go come on come on come on come

On oh so close okay next time through next time oh I see it oh I’m I’m shooting things with laser beams okay there we go okay can I get down here out stop it you little bastards oh my gosh there are so many of them okay I’ve hit a few of them but

Then I ran out of man oh [ __ ] more spawned oh my gosh oh you guys are so mean that’s so mean they keep they keep spawning more just as we might be getting a few under under control here oh [ __ ] stop it Retreat oh [ __ ] where where’s my

Weapon stay away from the chicken stay away from the chicken stay away from the chicken ow ow oh there are so many of them oh [Laughter] god oh [ __ ] not again thank the light I can’t way close the edge bonus oh god oh and there I go again

Okay everything’s weird no the other way oh God God oh no okay I think I’ve got it oh oh I I landed died okay my God okay okay I’m respawning there we go where’s my corpse okay that’s my cor there we go all right siren wow I love the all right

Naobi oh my God hi hi that was They’re All Dead mhm I think half of them fell off chasing us oh wow that’s a lot of name tags um right oh no [ __ ] no oh no no no no it’s so weird um I can’t Harvest anything right now because my weapon is

Broken oh my gosh oh it went away okay oh okay one of them just flew past like no oh [ __ ] there’s more of okay yeah they found they refound us all right got got one there’s a bunch of them oh no where where are you oh [ __ ] something just

Broke where are you how are they show yourself are they hitting me through the floor oh are they underneath oh [ __ ] I think they are ow I’m getting the solid block oh there’s frogs FR it’s coming for me wait I see you gifted a sub to Twitch what how do that happen

Kka get M the entire the the frog the frog stop just before me so they don’t actually come and touch me it’s great but if I get close enough food got him the eyeballs my gosh it Winks yes those are vanilla frogs they’re great oh oh my god oh [ __ ] oh

[ __ ] oh God I don’t have like your preson me we’re going to be like tossed out of our own house Z thank you very much for that gift sub bomb 10 Subs oh my gosh and I am dead murdered by the slow frogging oh [ __ ] God more showing

Up I’m just I’m using the iron Hammer right now a pirate oh my gosh siren thank you for gifting as well you guys we have so many thanks to [Laughter] do the Frog like the real yeah your pres honors me oh my gosh your Pres honors me you okay oh yes it just

Oh it I have run out of space in my inventory oh [ __ ] yeah my my armor is almost busted this is amazing I can’t kill them fast enough and then they start pushing themselves toward me they’re like a zombie infestation I know it’s just it’s the quantity is so

Brilliant serious creep thank you for the the mass mousing as well oh my gosh we got to stop this name tag [ __ ] though because holy crap yeah the one thing we forgot to add thank you was to demolish the um those 10 oh progress I said maybe there’d be some

Today wow checking name Tes over the side because so many name tags oh oh God oh they heard you say over the side and they’re all like pick up my go giant mess of name tags I wonder if I can wear a stack of frog heads no just [Laughter]

One that’s so great I love the frogs wow we you guys are absolutely ridiculous we got we got halfway to level eight of a hype train wow guys are nuts the the multiple mass mousing and everything oh my gosh wow you guys very Generous oh I’ve got a your I got present oh yeah yeah I opened them up and it just keep giving me more no there we go gave me grav dust it’s still going through the list of people oh do your death leader board I we’re both tied for

Three oh okay hello my friend stay a while and thanks for the follow oh God that was a really close shut thanks for the follow uh who was it sir Rogue welcome to the Mischief enjoy your mousey emotes while you’re here and something’s attacking me you are that’s

Leaderboard get rid of you well if you’re going to be that way then I’ll hit you with something that isn’t my hand it doesn’t do much more oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh gosh super speed was a little too much there oh [ __ ] yeah wow and oh I made it oh

Hey shk the battle resumes oh god oh [ __ ] no no ow I did it again no F the light it’s going to take me a while to get back oh oh oh I still have the effect oh [ __ ] I thought it expired by now Jesus okay no no [Laughter]

Oh my God where is it there it is it’s amazing no stop it that’s leer no no stop it stop than the light oh [ __ ] thank the light hi jelly oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I got knocked off again God damn [Laughter] it oh thank you for the 100 bits and siren

Thank you for the 100 bits oh God oh God can’t breathe I can’t I can’t hit it it’s going to [ __ ] kill me by itself [ __ ] stop it go damn it oh oh [ __ ] uhoh uhoh I don’t do enough damage anymore oh oh dead I big thank you oh uh there we

Go ch ch oh new emote nice ow ow stop it stop it jelly get him jelly sneaky little shits collect all the stuff and then there’s a dude over here still right or did he run off oh what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that no no what does

What no what is that koska an angry dude who def it’s a CH it’s a dead CH rude very rude freak me out okay um kashka you’re laughing so hard you forgot to take one of your pills we we really need to uh put some lights

Over there with nice jugs or else your chicken is not going to live very long at this rate cuz do you see all the new Mobs over there what is going on it’s like a whole [Laughter] party ow speaking rude what you killed me already did yes you did look out with

The c St it all right the The Mummy girl and oh thank goodness that’s a good idea there are two sand creepers over there I guess sping spliffing is not a bad idea actually um or she’ll just shoot him to death that works too let’s shoot the mummy

Girl do not hit if you hit the chicken no just the mummy girl ow I just backed up into the campire I’ll let you take care of the remaining mobs have fun is it night time already oh [ __ ] what uh what all my armor is completely

Broken the heck was that audio what what audio it’s the it’s the um the mod it’s yeah oh the the oooo yeah yeah it it’s uh yeah grimoire of GA it’s not set on the uh non Wu mode that’s spoter jump who legs everywhere that was [Laughter]

Amazing oh there he goes okay all right I’ve got some torches or there’s some torches there’s also scarabs I hear another yeah is that what I’m hearing little scar yep here they come nice no not today my gosh okay we’ll put some torches koska would not say

Ooo on the plus side this has started growing but I can’t Harvest it that’s right I need a pick uh yeah I got some some loots all the fireflies under the platform are cute though wait what are they under the platform still you didn’t see them on your way down

Oh I didn’t I didn’t look to be honest but then you’ve died more than me so you know hey there that one’s dead have a look it’s forgiving void right mhm I killed the one that I saw oh I see some there I see some like there a little party oh gosh

Oh [ __ ] oh no oh I can check I can check I think it’s just those once I’ll go past once more maybe maybe no I’m going to okay no my aim sucks I didn’t see anymore I think it was just those ones that were over that side there

Okay thank you for looking considering that I don’t think you had intended on doing that but thank you nonetheless oh God we have to do something about these name tags before Friday oh yeah I agree we just get rid of the uh the drops right yeah I swear those Whispers

One of them says koska what the the whiskers whis whiskers Whispers claim oh type stuff all right four Prosperity shards I’ve got apples put those away po how you doing um I’m okay I’ve got warm frog heads I’ve got warm frog head which sounds kind of gross when you

Say warm frog heads oh I hear a bean has arrived she’s had a good s what the [ __ ] Me by myself now once they make new armor or repair their armor we start with bits again says dby well I’m wearing koshka’s old chest plate so cuz that’s all that’s left

Everything else is broken oh no yeah actually I’ve only got the chest plate left now as well go oh that makes me feel that in my my chest there oh I forgot we already had this oh um okay okay so I was going to um actually there’s some stinky

Stinky farts Zoe stinky FS there any leggings there are leggings heck there we go I’ve got chain leggings leather boots steel chest plate and a half-hearted top hat nice so why is the book Black because shaders make things weird I don’t know cuz it’s white huh I I died it white but

Then in this mode thanks G to ye my head no not place it so that was a mass mass mass mass mousing I can’t go through everybody that that’ll be a long long L I don’t know where it started I think it started with oh no that was that

Was di okay well let’s start with um here I’ll do this there we go8 new mice there we go now I can scroll through while you look at koshka’s lovely froggy face um so Z with 100 should I just name the people or the amount as

Well up to you all right well Z with 100 Night cast with 100 siren with 300 uh Nai with 100 Dianes with 100 Quinn Wilder with 300 excuse me siren with 500 Z with a th000 diess with a 100 nabii with 100 um every now and then twitch interjects

With an extra amount nightcast with 300 siren with 500 Nai with 100 Z with 500 excuse me serid with 100 Dess with 100 Z with a thousand gosh siren and then twitch is jumping in there with [ __ ] 200 bits son of a [ __ ] it’s just throwing extra mobs at us now

Sir siren coming in with 300 uh Nai with a 100 siren with a thousand Dian s with 200 Night cast with 300 Sirus creeper gifting a sub um to Twitch then sir Rogue did the follow siren with 200 ncast with 200 siren with 200 jelly with 100 siren with another

100 and Big L with 500 and I know that there was several mass mousing in there but it doesn’t actually show that on my list what the heck I don’t have the gifted Subs shown here hang on tell because I’m just scrolling oh well oh I’m not sure that that goes back far

Enough I know how I could find it I did see Z with 10 gifting doing 10 gifted Subs siren doing five gifted subs and Essie doing 10 thank you all very much thank you guys thank you so very much oh [ __ ] what was that thank the

Light um I got a bad feeling about this yeah super speed hey do not do not I’m doing a thing I was trying to help you okay okay oh monkey thank you for the 200 Bitties as well oh [ __ ] oh oh you forgot I have

This Oh I thought you were going to give that for me I thought that’s what you were making oh I’ll give it to you I don’t have a weapon leave me alone I got a barbecue on a stick got a barue I have a um um oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] save

Me oh [ __ ] no than the life Z no Z why would you do that so if you if you sneak wait ready go oh god oh oh okay oh no no no no no no what oh no no no no I got pushed back on the platform Kyle thank you for saving

Me you’re right there fight would you like a kebab you’re like an Axe Face uh no I wouldn’t mind one in my hands not the intent now your s hurt too well no it’s like major pain you know it’s like take your mind off that by making

Pain see the movie major pain or he’s like might feel a little pressure oh my gosh iron heavy axe iron medium double-sided axe plus all that to make oh my gosh what is it just for iron why is it so many blocks of iron for this yes um I’m Gonna Leave You Alone

With chat why because I need to let zo out oh why are you laughing at that because I feel like chat might have some fun I see all right I’ll be right back and I’ll be sorry oh gosh needs to ask me a question yes buys more

Bits how about this can I just make these no wait is that a sword Axe really a great Axe blade oh my gosh that is ridiculous a runic great is can I make some of these like really cool looking axes or something oh a prime axe staff that looks

Amazing that that’s that’s what I’m going to make right there regular iron axe a stick emerald and leather yep totally worth it um do we have leather I don’t think we have leather hold on a second is there a way to make leather Crimson cuticula fun you say I love the simply

Swords Mod oh couple of bat wings oh shoot uh this this um don’t I have any wild wings or cow essence or rabbit hides oh I could just straight up cook rotten flesh okay that works um any here wait is it working there it’s got a blasting upgrade pow got it just need

Some sticks that’ll do okay let’s do this first and then this Prime ax staff sure oh my gosh why am I shaking oh cuz I was on the bed I still have jump boost and slow fall running at zero oh oh that was an effect making it even

Bigger I thought that it actually was that size that’s ridiculous cuz it doesn’t look that big now wait this is a stabbing sword a what yeah I guess I I stab with this axe or did I make it smaller maybe you made it smaller it is tough to

Tell oh those are the tombstone items I got okay let’s put those in here wait there’s a tool chest flawed Jewel of the engineer and it’s an actual tool box that’s actually really good I like that a lot ah okay I actually my sides hurt a little bit from you you guys

Oh thank you all so much made it smaller disappointed okay so that it is bigger gotcha it’s got to be better than the nothing of my other uh weapon SL tool whatever I am super large um toss that in there e squished uh yes a little bit skinny right

Now I’ve got sticks to put away this Hammer got wrecked in the process but it is just some iron so that’s no big deal uh I got Netherrack still to put away sort player heads put those in there where’s the filters that we got two flint meshes still have some Soul

Sand put in here okay and I’ve got some food to put in there oh oh did it finally go it did finally go away you guys heard that right shrinkage because it’s cold in Scotland right now that sounded like a very close by chicken that did not sound like a far

Away chicken but a close by chicken did I click something to make that sound uh hello you clucking hearing things you guys didn’t hear a chicken just now no thank the light no I heard it again glowing jump boost I hear a chicken there’s a chicken somewhere nearby is it up

Top is there a chicken up here here chick chick chick chick not up there it’s towards the center of the platform somewhere the Green Island the nether the nether chicken oh yeah there’s one out there but you don’t think I’m hearing it all the way over here do you like there’s a

Glitch or something with the sound so I’m only hearing it here thanks JY turn subtitles on that’s just the ducklings finding their way back inside I just heard sound like a door opening closing that’s quite possible that it was koska uh let’s see options accessibility show subtitles done campfire

Crackles all it’s going to do is confirm and say chicken clucks or something like that oh that’s right I do have a way of harvesting stuff oh oh it’s this thing smash but those aren’t ripe yet um lurking in a parking lot while I wait

To pick up my brother just here to say a quick hello hello jensy V trillo clucking it points in Direction doesn’t it oh I never knew that okay jkin wait on the double jump chicken jump is on the [ __ ] [Laughter] pants okay the clock P right here I am going absolutely

Nuts I trolled myself yeah pretty much pretty much just by holding the jump bar it does the extra jump oh Bon was the chicken all along yep you’re not wrong there oh koska has joined the game I’m trying the clucking is coming from inside the house inside the pants more like it oh

So you heard you have chicken jump on your pants yep and I trolled myself trying to find where this new chicken had shown up I see yep in your puns oh nice axe thanks but it doesn’t swing like yours check this out oh it’s a bit stabby instead of a

Yeah instead I’m a bit disappointed got there’s somebody behind you who is ready to be a test subject oh hello I think that’s the guy that freaked out Earlier get chopped he’s not losing health and I’m getting bumped away oh [ __ ] he’s not dying koska help koska kill it kill it with fire where’d it go where’d it go he teleported away uh I’m bleeding and I’ve got wither too for how many seconds dear

Lord a lot of second so he just beat the crap out of me and then ran away oh seems fa thank you for the healings okay I have no idea where I left off oh that’s right Prosperity ore I was wanting that to grow it’s at 100% now let’s see if

This can Harvest it I think Zoe’s gone to bed she’s a small smarter pup than a lot of us I guess why didn’t I think to use my my magic book on these things see you later JY all right you’re really gonna head out for reals this time Noby thanks

Jensy for stopping in Take Care thank you guys both for hanging out see you jensy bye my gosh I don’t believe you guys got us like almost to a level eight that ridiculous what was I using this to make I forgot what I was going to make and

That was a lot of mobs oh that’s right the thing I need one more I the frogs though the slow March of the frogs uh oh oh [ __ ] wow you’re okay there uh yeah sure everything’s fine how are you I’m fine got any torches cuz I just took one out by

Accident y I have a torch oh thanks uh there all right so thanks server backup well I guess I’m going to have to replace that one so are you needing something particular from those blocks or you just uh just harvesting the resources that we’ve been needing uh but I also want this

Prosperity ore once I get eight of them which I think that’s like six at this point then I should be able to uh make a seed and then we can plant it and then we can Auto Harvest stuff from it namely something that isn’t going to

Be a resource chicken type okay A Touch spell would be would be smarter fairy that’s a good idea oh you you have yours on projectile I do uh let’s change that to touch create Quest completed check in advancement captured got a bunch of sauce berries now sauce SCE berries what it’s on Smash

Right what what oh that I chose self I’m trying to smash myself I’m like those particles are awful close are you folks not entertained something as simple as that okay oh uh dust was in here here and oh I should uh accessibility subtitles off there we

Go um do you have some weird bunny ears going on I do you’ve got four bunny ears perfect [Laughter] all right I’m going to build little chicken enclosure for your little chick chick it’s going to be super shitty because don’t have a lot of building resources dependencies wooden witch water bucket oh

Oh so that which water is obtained by putting water in a barrel on top of melium more mycelium speeds up the water process barrel with which water will grow mushrooms on nearby melium water in lava can make a Netherrack generator okay that’s interesting oh I just got more Trader tokens oh a

Bunch looking down today see what you’re doing there um else nothing trying to figure out which seed I need to grow first that’s going to be wrong chest that’s eight got enough Prosperity shards I just need a wheat seed oh is it only four oh it is only four so I can make

Two of them oh my gosh with this I can make Solium seed bases uh that’s infusion crafting that’s not it at all how do I make like uh let’s do something simple like that like this okay so I need an infusion alar which isn’t too bad oh it just needs wool

Um wo wo wool Can I uncraft some of this Stuff so I’ve got in here all right chicken and closure has been created so I think you’re off the hook now little sace and chicken this this there’s that chicken those stones oh I’m going to need more Stones than that okay that’s fair there’s no Cobble there it

Is all right so what was the thing that you wanted me to create with or go after with resource chickens first clay clay okay if that’s all right I mean obviously you have Soul Sand as well C is a snowball chicken and a sand chicken oh okay well if it’s not a

Starter one then whatever you’d like I mean I don’t think that’s I don’t know let me look okay send chicken Agriculture all right what six um what what is it well how do I make a sunand chicken I it feels like a stupid H that’s a good question maybe it’s something that’s found I mean the Soul Sand chicken the same Way then that’s going to be kind of impossible H feed a normal chicken 250 cand oh I see the convo qu oh the com quantity o oh the conversation quantity got it okay okay lordy think of it this way at least you don’t have have to feed a Soul Sand

Chicken now right that’s fair welcome back to Fantasy Skies welcome back to our stream Autobon and hello Dr Drago how does one bring up the mount screen select screen uh I don’t know there might be some keybinds for that um need more those which means more wool which means I need more beak

Roots how come here make these oh I haven’t made the red wool yet this okay that’s three oh I’m missing a couple gold ingots okay I think yeah there we go there’s four um do you mind if I sleep I was just about to I’m sleeping too

It said it’s h but it doesn’t seem to well H I think might have several key conflicts and maybe you need to have your Mount like tamed in a proper way or click on it with a special wand or something first I don’t know 75 50

H so I feel like we need to set up a small Cobble CH okay we need Cobble if we want 250 Sand yes we do oh I see yeah and that would probably probably be a little bit quicker especially if we can automate it or something is there a cobblestone

Chicken I mean that’s fair there are Cobble generators and they can even make obsidian oh okay so Cobblestone huh Stone Essence um smashing different Things cutting board oh yeah there’s a cobblestone generator from better furnaces reforged yeah that’s very doable the Cobble gen of course here I am looking at stuff that you are working on I’m sorry no no I appreciate the uh the help would you like me to build a cobblestone

Generator you’re looking at the one from better furnaces is that yes ultimately I will go back to making more things for mystical agriculture um I can build it thank you okay do it’s uh helpful though uh so I need more gold and a bunch more I think my bunny ear just broke

Yeah they sure did why’ they break it’s not like you got hit oh did they just give you speed boost for and yeah ah I see I’m going to need a bunch of beetroots uh four of Those four of those oops and then a bunch of those pow there we go all right I think I has it now use yeah eight plus the thing in the middle okay but what’s the heck the hecky heck the heck how does one make wood seeds for example okay Prosperity seed base got

That we get another seed enjoy your lurk monkey yeah okay two seed bases and put this in here there we go there got a little bit of smooth stone smoo stone I should say so sadly I need a space to actually lay out this alter setup [ __ ] well

But it’s like I I’m making this so that I can make materials to make bases oh rude get these out of here I think everything now do This okay right cobblestone generator acquired remember the green bio mushroom blocks that we were looking at mhm we’ve already found yellow ones in the nether oh so maybe that’s where the green ones are hello guu how are you hey new good to see you how’s things

Uh an empty socket on it as well all right um actually I’m going to put this over here because I need water and lava for it and those are both over here okay Then hi everyone else well that’s for them to Answer just use and throwable materials for the moment there got to be building wands in here right there are okay I’m going to go get some build make building W it’s just a bit silly um the sticks are gone oh so rude koska sorry need use all the sticks got those and iron

Not a spear so that’s interesting uh an iron wand we go uh put this here I got to wait for the lava to Lava is there any that’s close to the I I’m trying to think there’s any close to our nether portal lava there is yeah yes

Okay I’m just going to hop through and grab some lava okay try not to die good luck thanks oh [ __ ] that actually shows where every single thing needs to go okay that’s interesting and it showed up with the shaders no less there we go so then Prosper ready

Seeds Boop in the middle and what am I making what am I making uh let’s see what we can do with inferium probably need to make those as well but you’re hanging in there all of my base was built out of random reward chest sore Stone variants until I

Realized I could convert them all into the basic sore Stone and then stone cutter them into what I want yep that’s pretty much what we ended up doing as well the exact same situation Um use on here there’s seven okay so we can make deep slate water ice oh I have to have water agomo whatever the heck that is though uh I could make stone seeds wood seeds dirt seeds Earth seeds like a wizard of Earth seed fire

Seeds and air seeds I think I need to make the some of the like Earth seeds so that they make oh that’s Earth Essence what the heck dug on it that’s not what I would want to make water seeds make water Essence I want nature did you just me did you just give me o planks no huh not sure of this version but the air seeds are basically worthless okay about the Solium ones no okay those are all way too expensive all right what is use here boy getting into this is not as

Easy as I remember I thought it was really easy to get into this before okay water AG glomer ratio isn’t actually that bad to make so I could make water deep slate could be cool nothing the essence is used for unless they made a custom recipe oh water allowed you to make

Clay that’s not a bad idea wood seeds is good as well because then I can make all the different trees which is actually what I was trying to go for so I could make that and I can make water nature is going to be a little bit later on so let’s

Do hold on I see this this and oh really [ __ ] H you okay yeah peachy what’s the matter kashka this dude just shows up like what dude um oh your Traer friend mhm has he got anything good no I don’t know we have one Emerald um okay water Essence tomato

Seeds L of the valley that’s what he’s got for one Emerald okay so no nothing good so we need gravel dirt the Cobble is off and it’s doing stuff it needs to be Iron bucket of water nice does it automatically output to like an inventory or something I haven’t really tried uh there is an auto

Output and it says on but I don’t know where I would output to to be honest I suppose you could put an inventory below it or something yeah you have to grab out it oh dear her I do oh my gosh the poor Bean poor be

Um I’ve got more dirt here let’s put that in here so I need gravel and what else clay like clay balls do we have no I don’t have any balls I clay is pretty easy to get you can just put dust in a stone barrel with water or in a I

Don’t know if it has to be Stone I do have dust all right coming over here to get some water I the stone Barrel is right there your dust in and then bucket onto it I can’t seem to put it in this this is dust oh maybe I need to do the

Reverse the other way around yeah yep that’s just weird okay okay and then I can’t just uncraft it I’ve got to break it okay got it so those plus bouquet of water should make this stuff oh right gravel I forgot I forgot I forgot and H on I didn’t want to accidentally break

Anything more than I needed to okay so now this make it more I’m hearing like the constant of the Cobble chin oh sorry no no it’s fine I’m I’m like over here next to it so oh nice okay uh so actually I’m going to put this bucket

Of water back who knows what we might need the bucket for and if I have it filled with water that’ll make it just extra annoying there we go um so with that got this that’s only used for that so I just need one two three four of those and are

Those okay on the sides and then this and then I just need another slab and like a button Buton we’ got slabs over here right yes one and then maybe there’s archwood buttons there is okay perfect here there go make the thingy poof thingy made I can now make the

Waters take these out can I put wait where’s that a ho those are there’s there we go I has it Farmland get made no oh does it have to be inferium Farmland oh okay hold on a second craft this hey Free hi fre how you doing look it’s our first botany pot groy thingy what I’ve got the first seed growing making water stuff uh oh okay I see I’m going to use the next one to make the wood Essence which requires some logs uh-oh guess who’s back

Kashka why is the water flooded out of this thingy oh because cuz I made a mistake hold on a second I’ll fix it sorry I meant to dump the water and I dumped it in the stair block instead of in yeah yeah I get spot okay

No koska point of view today we tried earlier on in the Stream but it was just too much for things to handle uh and it ended up crashing so we’ve opted not to do that for now though we did try several versions and it just did not did not work there we

Go you’re not going to make I’m probably G to exit here in a minute anyway there’s an Enderman over there um I mean I do need to make that as well oh yeah good idea I’m running out of steam okay I’ve got wood Essence as well which I’m going to put

Here got our first water Essence being made um Jesus scared the heck out of me oh he’s almost dead oh damn it where did he go oh he left son of a [ __ ] darn corrupted Enderman he he was at half health I was thinking about going into The Nether to try

And get some ender pearls but but yeah I think I might leave you to it um if that’s right mhm uh actually yeah looking at the time it is that time I mean it’s up to you I don’t want to no I’m I’m glad that you brought no

Pressure for you to yeah um well I will finish up what I’m doing and then I will call it there hi hi spam how you doing good to see you all right well I’ll leave you guys with that one and thank you all very much I’ll see you again on on Friday

Definitely bye bye um that’s going to take a bit uh I need oh well I can’t make the other stuff because I still need more of these which I’ve been collecting very slowly that’s only three and I think we might only have like one or two

To oh no well so we just need two more of those though which I could save more Soul Sand in hopes of getting it uh which would probably speed things up a little bit for that my gosh could rest well how do you like this pack lay uh so far I’m

Personally I’m really enjoying it It’s a Sky Block that doesn’t have you on Rails um I mean it has some star like the very beginning is kind of like stardy uh stardy I don’t know what I meant by that but uh is it kind of has you a little bit on

Rails just to like get you going but then after that a lot opens up like koska is uh working on resource chickens I’ve got mystical agriculture there’s uh several other methods you can go with as well but it doesn’t have you pinned down um I mean even these uh these uh ore are

Another way of getting same stuff same resources and stuff but the dimensional travel and the adventure uh also makes it a lot more interesting so you know you’re not just going to be stuck at your base all the time you can go out and explore in different dimensions and

The objective is to get back to the Overworld in the end but you’ve got to go through several different dimensions first which I really like that um right me of heavens of sorcery and I really enjoyed that um but it never ended up getting finished and I feel that KNX

Haack is quite possibly a lot more likely to finish this mod pack it’s currently in beta so that is a thing as well uh five Prosperity shards I got I got this there we go that’s two more seeds right there uh don’t need need those there there does Fortune work on those

Growing Crystal things I don’t know but I also really need silk touch so I can bring some of those things home from the nether cuz we’re finding them growing out there oh shoot I need some of those seeds there we go and I can make this so there’s

Inferium uh but then can I upgrade this no in order to make nature Essence though I can either save dirt which I could make dirt or I could make the seeds which requires Pentium a nature AG glomer ratio which of course requires like the crystals and stuff like

That Fusion Crystal well that’s not bad glad I I left some Prosperity shards right I think is it just one upgrade the dirt under it only cardboard boxes or create available um yes mechanism is in here create is in here uh there’s a lot of

Stuff in here let’s do this uh I will show you guys this is the beginning chapter which as you expand out some of these different Wings will actually unlock and go further but there’s an economy where you can buy things you’ve got a skill menu which by the

Way there’s your skill menu I’ve already done a little bit um but let’s go back here uh you’ve got mounts in here loot crates are constant throughout mystical agriculture resource chickens villager Farms create Farms void portals relics youve got sophisticated storage pathosis ARS Novo blood magic occultism thy

Mystic dos this is just the main stuff there’s like 400 mods in here uh but these are the dimensions you’re going through as well nether ever Dawn everbrite glitched Aether the end the glitched oh gosh um the end and then over to the Overworld and then there’s also Overworld magic of solar craft

Primal magic spell books mystical rats and beries there’s a ton to do in here and it’s it’s originally um called Beyond fantasy which is a regular fantasy RPG mod pack that was converted into a Sky Block that’s how this is going allowing the growth site to be relocated without Decay can’t

Heart Prosperity SE is just a crafting ingredient hopefully I get to finish it doing good progress so far hi Knox hack thanks again for uh always getting those uh server versions I’m sorry that we just could not get to it today but all we ended up doing was

Pretty much just base Shenanigans and going into The Nether to get a little bit of Soul Sand and we’re we’re just doing a little bit of Base maintenance tonight uh by Friday though we should have the the server updated properly um but I’ve got the emperium seeds and I’ve got let’s see wood

Seeds and then I was going to make one of these which is four Prosperity shards and four inferium I only have three is one of these finished oh I think it has yes there’s another Traer or it’s the same one I can’t tell and then let’s get on here make

This then that can be used to make Pentium which I need four of and then with those in this I can make other stuff 16 pages just wanting to make the other ones we’re looking at this on your server are you loading that this is a server that

We’re running this on yes koska and I are both uh playing on the server it is a it’s a currently a private server but uh it does have uh Island creation options on it as part of the mod pack so if you can uh play with lots of other

People and we’re we’re also considering using this for like uh our own public server we’ll see grains of infinity seeds wow could make that too um oh my gosh ouch balls rabbit’s feet no Pig seeds coal seeds wow uh no no honey agomo honey seeds Limestone seeds silicone sugar

No Dy seeds that could be useful in the future but uh these things I think are all like augments for armor as well amethyst nature seeds there it is and I need nature a glomer ratio for that which is Cactus pumpkin potato and sugar cane do we have pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin take these

Out grab some of this put one of actually what am I doing no no it this is a good idea because I can sneak click to grow over there but I don’t think it’s going to do anything here but this will automatically get me a pumpkin whereas

That I’ll only grow the stem so that’s worth figuring out there we go all good a lot of nice little additions in the last update including more shops to the Traders Market Nice you can use the emperium soil for most crops mhm uh so I’m going to take this

And what was this the agatio cactus I know I’ve got plenty of that cuz I was making a bunch earlier two three four sugar cane we made a bunch of that as well and then potatoes these are all things we’ve we’ve actually been growing so I feel

Pretty happy about that hey and our first pumpkin nice so I just need three more of those I can make that and we can get the the nature seeds that I’m looking for and then we’ve got nature seeds and we can also make and we’ve got wood

Seeds between the two we can then make any of the tree types that we want only thing we’re missing then is going to be a bunch of clay to make terra cotta for the hopper boty pots which we have some but not enough so I’m going to do this while I’m waiting for

More pumpkins to grow um there it is you probably use the inferium soil for the pumpcon pumpkin for a boost I mean it’s true this is weird oh [ __ ] was not expecting that oh let’s give it a try worked like a charm thank you CID uh let’s see what

Kind of loot we get in this one who and a runic tablet simply swords can be used to craft and roll runic weapons nice I’ll take that and as koska is not here I will eliminate it there we go and I think I’ve got four clay could probably use some

More where’ my bucket go there we go uh there so weird I know that there’s going to be ways to automate this as well but for now that’s very strange 14 I’m going to get two more okay 16 clay that’s not bad I can get a bunch of stuff from that uh what

Do we have for we’ve got flower pots do we need those for bney pots we do that actually so that one uh thing that we got was actually really really good and I’ll need some Hoppers my inventory is not doing so hot right now uh gers those those

Those that back you’re going to get going now we’ll see you later Cano or sorry rainbow T Kitty simp epic we’re oh there we go got all four so with that we should be able to make nature Gomer ratio one two three four and then oh I didn’t grab the the other stuffff

This Pentium one two three four and then regular Prosperity seeds in the middle nice that’s good stuff Have Fun rainbows got it nice so now I just need more of those uh and for that all I’m going to do is make some terra cotta uh which I think with the two pots that’s

Going to be two Hopper pots one for nature oh shoot I’ve got this one here so I’ll need one one two three I’ll need three Hopper pots at least uh and I’ve got two of those so that means I am going to need to smash one of these to make

Zricks that’s not going to do it there we go and then the rest can go just cooked like that there we go another flower pot and then I’ll need that chest make a hopper I’m going to need two more of those do I have any chests in

Here I swear we’ve got chests somewhere there we go perfect there and and two more of those and [ __ ] give me that back oh good idea Cano thanks there we go and with that I believe oh I just need to make some of the inferium dirt

Need three of those as well uh so then do I have that hoe still what I do with it did it get used was it used up that’s kind of weird if it did I probably just did something weird with it or I’ll find it in my own inventory later uh so

This plus this plus this one two three there we go that works don’t you need one tier 2 dirt oh cuz it’s a tier 2 seed can I convert that let’s look up Farmland so I’ll need one Pentium okay that’s not bad I can do that no

No there and then can I just convert though no well I now have extra inferium um so I’m going to need an extra dirt this plus this plus this Pentium there we go so now I put put this in here that in there and it’s growing nice and then I just need some

More chest no not going to work make more chests and then with this I can put one here one here one here for now and then I need to start making the hopper botney pots uh so let’s make this first three of those and that there we go Hopper botney pots one

Two three three seeds uh I’ll even take out the extra Essence stuff this this that and this that there we go nice and that’s pretty much it it’s growing all the stuff apparently make the hopper boty pots without making the normal one first oops you’re right it’s a simple enough

Recipe nice no need for extra crafting steps and this infusion Crystal oh it doesn’t have a little bar on it just has a durability H okay still it works uh and I’m going to put this in here got our first nature Essence so we can now start making uh the different

Trees or tree types as desired and valuables valuable valuable oh yeah I’ve got water which one of these is water this one there we go I’ve got a single clay ball so rare I’m putting it in there don’t care there put the food in there bunch of Wool blocks ronic tablet that and I think I think that’s it I have completed emptying out my inventory I have completed my task at hand and with that oh we’ve got some extra Prosperity shards that I might as well pick up while I’m here there’s so many other resources

That can be harvested as well but I think I’m going to stop there no durability bar probably so you can’t mend it in anyway oh I gota can I see it in tool tips but I wonder if the higher tier dirts still give a higher chance for extra Miss seeds maybe

Maybe have a fantabulous evening you too for that we’re going to go to the credit screen thank you all very much for joining me and koska or koska and myself uh for the stream this evening uh it’s been very lovely uh you guys are just

Way too generous you had a lot of fun just like totally killing us over and over again earlier with the CCI stuff so let’s see who’s out on Twitch maybe we can do a raid so thank you for the follows the bits the subs the chat the

Uh just being here and uh sharing this wonderful mod pack with us we overflowed the UI you did it was quite impressive who do we have you heard the sneeze you know I’m still in game so all right let’s go over to Dark fan he’s doing some all the mods nine uh

With Captain Q they’re doing some kind of race I guess friendly race friendly race uh raid sub so if you’re a sub to the channel which I know a lot more of you are than what started today because of all the mass mousing that happened there

Are some emotes you can use if you’re not a sub to the channel don’t worry about it feel free to use whatever emotes you like just don’t use the same ones that I just put there because most of them probably won’t work while we’re over there and it looks like he’s setting up

Some massive applied energistics Network thank you siren for retweet for uh retweeting reposting that oh anyway thank you all again and uh we’ll see you on Friday for some more shenanigan till then bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Fantasy Skies modpack! Day 3! Part 3’, was uploaded by Mischief of Mice 2 on 2023-12-14 17:30:00. It has garnered 83 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:50:31 or 6631 seconds.

Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/mischiefofmice

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  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. play.hypenosnetwork.com Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – https://dsc.gg/rigolosmp Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ disc.gearsmc.com +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: blaze.obliv.us (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap💀🙏

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

    Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning "Me: sees a popular trap in Minecraft Also me: avoids it by running straight into a different trap It’s all about that element of surprise, right?" Read More

  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

    Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage A Beautiful Minecraft Cottage – Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial Embark on a creative journey with this simple 15-minute Minecraft build tutorial! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, this step-by-step guide will help you construct a charming cottage in no time. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building and unleash your creativity! Materials Before you start building, gather the necessary materials such as wood, stone, glass, and other resources. These materials will form the foundation of your cottage and add character to your creation. The Base Begin by laying down the base of your cottage. Create a sturdy… Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 AskAbout.video ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ 🚀 My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file 🚀 | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC 🚀 | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More