EPIC Minecraft Adventure – Part 1!

Video Information

Yo guys what’s going on your boy C welcome back oh actually no welcome back like welcome to the first uh Minecraft stream I’m pretty ke for it I’m not going to lie this should be really good now um I do have um we before anyone ask we we are running mods

Um I don’t even know what version this is 1.2.2 or some [ __ ] um I don’t know it’s it’s a fresh new world and honestly I was really Keen to uh to get stuck into the is it the maple uh what are these are cherry blossoms these cherry

Blossoms just look so damn beautiful man so um I I found a seed with the with the biggest with the biggest one of these I could find this is the biggest um cherry blossom biome I could find it’s it’s it’s awesome it’s it’s on like this big

Hill so uh yeah we can definitely uh definitely do something with this um yeah how we all going uh M stream starting yes sorry I was um I was fiddling around with settings last minute um Jacob Jones what’s going on my man how are you Minecraft yeah yo it’s

Sick um Misty you’ve been playing some of the sorry you’ve been watching some of the weapon guides they’re pretty good y thanks man Misty what’s the aim of this world please through uh I honestly don’t know bro I just you know how like once every year you have that like just sudden urge

To play Minecraft well uh This Is It N so I’m not really sure what we’re going to do um let me just quickly go options though um I am going to put us on normal difficulty that might be a mistake um because I’ve not played Minecraft in a

While Misty beating the end Dragon um has has has got to be a goal yeah well how how about we just say um just beating Minecraft then we’ll uh we’ll just say that wait my fov is low really it’s on 90 now it’s on Quake Pro I don’t know

What that means how’s that is that is that better I mean I’m on Ultra wide so it’ll look much better on a um a higher fov than it will for you guys so Jacob until he gets bored n to be honest bro I don’t mind I just the the one

Thing on these streams I just want to play the the difference between streams and um like videos for me is videos are just like you know for views and [ __ ] like that but like streams I just want to play games I enjoy um I just I just

Chill out with you guys if no one watches I really like care less so yeah human being your f is like 150 yeah it really is well Misty said it was low so I mean I thought it was I thought we were chilling but I mean apparently not oh crap um all

Right I don’t know how to play this game all right there we go so um oh man I just these these mods are sick man you can’t see it on um you can’t really see it on your screen or you might be able to but like the the light shining through the tree

Leaves is just [ __ ] incredible yeah Misty I agree Man stream is for hanging out um but yeah Misty love my skin wait wait wait wait is wait what what button is it and there we go I’m a fox it’s foxy Cy is I got some of those realistic mods

Yeah yeah I I I do this is the um if you haven’t if you haven’t seen um this is actually the same mod pack I use and shaders that I use in my actual YouTube playr so it’s the um it’s the same look man it just looks so nice anyway we uh

We got to get building I it’s going to be nighttime um yeah okay so we we definitely need one of these now it’s it’s normally the first thing I do um heing simply because I hate I hate I hate wooden stuff man I absolutely hate

It by the way guys let me know if the audio is too loud or if it’s too low um it’s always a bit hit and miss with the uh the first streams and not to mention guys a little bit later on we will be having some guests

Um so Jordie obviously streaming bu is going to be joining us um and also I’m pretty sure um Ranger is going to be joining us as well Ranger potato uh most of you guys will know who she is um but yeah so that’ll be an R deal sorry an

All deal sorry cuz uh I have no idea how to add people to this game I always play solo man um but that the the anxiety can come later all right um okay so Sun is setting the creepy crawlies are going to come out so what I

Want to do is um I really quick oh that’s that’s that’s not Stone yes do that one two is it oh that’s a hoe is it there ah yes I’m getting way better with this OHA night time is scary night time is very scary okay okay gra

This is that Skellington I think that was Jack Skellington um okay just going to I’m just going to mine I reckon we just going to mine for a little bit Mr Bean you should be my special guest uh Missy no this isn’t a server this is just like my game if that makes

Sense can’t you add up to can’t you add you play just normal multiplayer with like four people or am I going crazy yo shots fir apparently uh Mr Bean special in the [ __ ] sense oh no way so I can’t even add people on this did I did I just did I mess up

Uhoh everyone ignore that I’m not sure if that’s important YouTube I broke a rule I shared important information um go all right well hopefully I don’t have to like start again you just have to have multiplayer on and invite them yeah that’s what I thought cuz um I’ve done it before when

I played um when I played Minecraft I’m pretty sure I played um Java with my brother and I just had to invite him what’s that what’s that oh [ __ ] zombies no no no is this is this a zombie oh [ __ ] yo he’s how did he spawn me from so

Far away no no no no no no no no no no we don’t accept your a c here boy oh I didn’t I didn’t think of that I just oh W he does so much damage in my normal difficulty oh my God guys send help he touched me in some weird spots

Uh Mr Bean um I’m I’m talking I’m sorry I’m playing in Java cuz you can’t I don’t think you can mod um Bedrock way oh [ __ ] hey friend you upset cuz I killed your buddy you should be this is um this is going to going to be an interesting um an interesting first

Night oh wow wow the brightness is so low I did not realize let me let me change that real quick all right should be AIT a little bit better for you guys I did not realize how um how low the settings were with brightness um yeah if he’s on Java

You can join uh sorry you can join him he just has to move by you oh cool all right well he says he’s on his way back now anyway so I guess we’ll find out later I don’t even know like is it in accessibil settings that’s right we’ll figure it out

Later I’m just uh trying not to die okay let’s just keep digging uh that’s the other thing as well so if you’re saying he can join does it matter that I have mods on that he won’t like can he just play normally even though I have um a resource

Pack I should I should have Googled these things we’ll download the mods for him to join are you kidding me I spent like 2 hours downloading um mods how come he just gets mods well I don’t understand why you guys you guys are like in Pitch

Black right now but I can see perfect my brightness on my uh my monitor must be insane I’m going to head back up cuz you guys are pretty much just watching pitch black so that’s my bad guys that’s my bad all right how long do uh how long does the day night cycle

Last cuz I’m going starve to death in this freaking cave man oh fudge yeah guys I apologize you know how slow Minecraft is at the start okay so just bear with me um we’ll we’ll get there we just have to make it through the first night it’s always it’s always sketchy the first

Night Mr P God the fov yo don’t blame me Misty said it was way too low at 90 I thought it was fine on 90 but yeah it’s at 110 how about we drop it to 100 okay one okay no 100 I think 100 is is way more uh way more

Appropriate mist is crazy all right well just while we wait but yeah so I don’t really have any plans really for This Server oh sorry for this game stream anything like that um I just I just wanted to play have a good time and uh build some stuff take

You guys along basically I’m just going to be playing Minecraft you know what I mean we might be building a house one day we might be Ender Dragon killing the next and all that stuff Tim Ender Dragon within two hours Let’s Go n bro I’m I’m I’m not like that those [ __ ] are

Insane they’re crazy man they’re crazy I can’t I can’t do that yeah I swear I always have um I always have those little like um light bulb moments when it comes to Minecraft like I’ll always like I won’t play it for ages because it just after a

While it just doesn’t interest me and then all of a sudden I’ll just get the sudden urge to play it it’s just one of those games man or like if I’m watching a video like if I’m watching like hermitcraft or something like that I um I always get the sudden noge to

Play I really shouldn’t be doing this should I because mobs can spawn in here Mr Bean yes I watch hermitcraft bro those are the OG YouTubers right there green all those God damn good times with scarf man oh he’s his whole friend he’s his whole crew is showing

Up you seem to really like laser beam all of a sudden you’ve mentioned him so many times recently not that there a problem man laser beam’s goed did you start watching him because of his fortnite stuff oh the daytime so beautiful please no zombie don’t jump on

Me Buzzy be all right cool okay so um plan is we need food and a bed to sleep excuse me to sleep in the night ways okay cool this is a creeper over there now before there was loads of sheep running around and now I can’t see any

So going to have to go explore for a little bit I need to uh I need to make sure I don’t lose like where this Maple or sorry where the cherry blossom like biome is cu I definitely want to build here but for the time being I might not actually

Might not like feasible um to like just stay in this area cuz like there’s no there’s no animals spawning in all right bro you stay there man I’m warning you oh he set me on fire the son of a [ __ ] I’m going to die oh my God oh

My gosh yo normal normal mode without armor is way way way harder than um I ever imagined sorry than I ever remembered one HP K I’m just bad I mean I I don’t I haven’t played this in like a year bro so I mean just relax Mr be you’re just salty a salty

Little child man that’s a big Cliff r r where the hell are all the animals so Mr Bean you thought you could insult me and then ask to be uh invited to the uh to the game you’re a freaking genius right now seriously where are the animalso well I’ve got is some Rotting

Flesh man I need some food holy [ __ ] what what we what well I mean I did I told you we were on a cliff I didn’t realize we were on like a freaking Mountain oh there’s a village hell’s yeah I just need to like Bridge my way

Over okay okay we can do this guys we can do thisit wait okay so if put this down here and we’re going to make ourselves a chevel yink and then we’re just going to quickly can terraform this later funny man you’re a [Applause] Genus I know everyone always complains about

Like Mining and how it takes so long it’s boring dude I could just sit here and mine blocks all day it is ridiculously satisfying oh umy how do how how did I already find a village it’s because like this seed spawns you in this biome right next to the Village

So you just if you want spawn next to a village just Google the seed uh next to to a village it’s it’s not that hard um I mean you could say it’s a little bit cheating but like I mean yes right look the Sheep are waiting for me

It’s like they know wait will I fall off if I do that okay cool so if I hold Crouch and I build a cross this is not menacing at all I Believe I Can Fly it’s all right there’s water beneath me if I fall I’m chilling

Gucci not going to lie this is a really nice uh little Ravine thing above here Chasm this looks dope I [ __ ] love Minecraft man it’s a bad day to be a sheep yo range what’s going on wait wait yeah don’t run off the edge please I need your wool or your meat oh

Hey friends oh yo they’ve got they’ve got this Stuffs the Wheats and we can make bread funny men say just a nice Ravine that’s just been ruined by dirt Bridge bro what did you want me to build like a [ __ ] Diamond Bridge with all my with

All my gear oh yeah totally get out of here stupid head all right so that’s my respawn Point set and what we’re going to do is I’m a jerk I’m going to block this off so no villager can get in here Bo all right let’s go see what

These guys have that’s the blacksmith whatever is wow this is a freaking really nice seed The Village extends down there and there’s a little church God damn okay this is a really really nice seed yeah Ranger it really is a nice C day there’s donkeys there’s pigs

Damn there’s a cat there’s a little kitty cat and a little villager oh man I’m going love this is great why can’t the real world be like this man hello Grand wizard do you have a the chest still spawn in here apparently not Ranger Jord would love that Ravine oh

Yeah I don’t know why that’s in my head sorry guys all right so I think I think it’s fairly safe to say this is uh this is going to be our area of operation in the meantime we’ll get all of our loot from here and then eventually we’ll move into

The uh the uh the Cherry Blossom Place not to mention I am dead set I want to build a really nice Bridge across here can that’d be dope Nice Bridge hell you could even have like a little mountain little base along here or something that would be cool the uh

Possibilities are endless not to mention we can uh there’s a lot of villages here So eventually when we need a um a village breeder um for enchantments and stuff we’ve uh got that we’re so excited let’s go all right um let’s quickly um um all right oh hell yeah

Chest emeralds dope potatoes awesome feather and a bit of gold um I don’t want to I want to kind of roast those potatoes but at the same time I don’t so we’re going to keep those potatoes just for the time being we’ll make a little potato farm with them um cuz we’re going

To need it Iron Golem y he’s yeah they’re friendly aren’t they unless I hit one of the villagers all right so this is where it stops perfect Ranger there’s a child you know what to do yes exterminate them the problem is there’s there’s a there’s a

There’s a iron golem there so uh yeah probably probably not the best idea all right cool cool cool so what’s he growing cuz I swear they always grow carrots oh that’s wheat and wheat right no no no no um what are they growing carrots potatoes all sorts of

Junk all right so what we’re going to do grab up spuds to plant those like so and then we’re going to grab our wheat as well bons all right cool so we got a little farm going already got a bit of growth Ranger if you join you’re making potato Valley version

Two um I would I wouldn’t have it any the other way all right so this is going to be my home now this one’s uh pretty close to the uh farm and we have a a beautiful view God damn I’m sorry Minecraft is so [ __ ] beautiful just saying um all right

Uh quickly grab that just slap it on the Roof oh wait did I leave my enchanting table somewhere I mean not enchanting table my um crafting bench um these um I need two wood sources don’t I there we go charcoal slap that raw mutton on there all right yo we’re chilling dude

We just got we got 33 got 33 bread and a cook piece of my hey hey hey the dude that’s my bed man what the freak uh shift click you know okay thanks I’m I’m still getting used to all the um I’ll still get used to all the shortcuts and stuff but we’ll

Get there eventually all right well we’re healing back up got loads of food um I’m going to have to kick this dude out of my bed so piss off please did him M didy out let’s go all right so second second night we’re cooking we’re cooking all right um let’s quick

The I need to start grabbing other materials and stuff as well so I’m going to need like some coal um and whatnot um Quickly chest that down in there put all the crap in there we don’t really need for the time being I’ll keep the seeds on me just in case dirt always comes in Handy all right Perfect ah it’s a beautiful morning let’s go um Okie doie so um pretty sure there was a cave down here just need to eat first was it down here might have been down here damn look at all those sheepies ow Stakes were made um all right all right where do we

Want our little mine to be I know it’s dangerous but probably one of the best places to grab coal right now will legitly be yeah in the open Cliff face cuz like there’s something down there there’s some coal there I don’t know it’s risky um all right let’s just

Problem is it’s just going to get dark really quick without torches sucks for you guys really actually you know what there’s better ways to do this that’s um that’s the chump way doing things first of all let’s grab some of these torches so there’s definitely a cave in the I’m pretty sure

Yeah there’s dripstone so there’s a dripstone cave right there so that’s perfect damn okay this is a really nice spot really really nice spot um I need some wood giggity yeah see I think I think the one thing with Minecraft with me is there’s too

Many things to do all at once and my brain goes mental like I can’t just focus on one thing I’ve got to do like 10 things at once and then I never get anything done right Jordy says he is home all right good to know there’s more

Food here as well so each of these goes into what is it nine nine Wheats each one of these blocks is three uh three bread so what we got 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 uh so what we got 27 loes of bread right

There not bad no bad [ __ ] that’s a really long way down though the um what I wanted to do was get enough wood and then I’ll just build um some ladders I’m pretty sure that’s what they called yeah some some ladders and then we’ll um we mine down and then

We can build our way back up with ladders so um yeah I I I think that’s a smart plan I I don’t know about you guys but all right Jordy just let me know when you’re ready man and I we try and get you to join I have no idea how I’m

Going to do it um like I said I’ve never played Minecraft multiplayer so yes bro this is relaxing as okay okay so that’s quite a lot of sticks and then what is it five sticks for three is it five sticks for three ladders so that’ll get me like 30ish

Maybe there if my Math’s correct it’s probably not oh I love these I love these flower bushes things two tall ones are dope hey pretty um Ranger I just need to share the server address and Whit list The Players if Whit list is turn off that sounds like um

That sounds like a lot of information and I definitely did not know how to do that yo I’m Kingfish thank you for the Subscribe my bro okay it’s all right you guys once we uh once we jump in Discord um Discord call you can um you can walk me through it there or

Then seeds R whatever you call them all right this that clonk this bad boy down I have no idea it’s a lad I don’t I don’t I don’t know is the recipe book ah damn I was close was that yep okay wait wait wait wait yeah yeah

Okay B all right so well that’s that’s actually quite a lot so we’ve got like what uh 101 um we have 101 uh thing Bobs that’s going to break so I need another one of those see your cousins graduating tomorrow congrats to your cousin uh by the way Jord if you you’re

Listening to uh just let me know when you were ready for uh yeah by the way this is like Pro Gamer Strat right here cuz like I could totally fall into uh to Lava but I’m just just amaz balls M sometimes you just got to like live

Live life by the balls or grab Life by the balls you know what I mean stop being a little [ __ ] and just dig straight down I mean what’s the worst thing that could happen oh wait uh I forgot which way I was digging this could either be in the

Mountain or it could leave us like out of the Ravine I I really don’t know I’m pretty sure this is the way I’m a genius okie dokie I’m pretty sure we can work with this I mean we can make it nicer later on but [Applause] okay I’m just going to put a little

Platform around here cuz why not all right cool so we’re we’re good we’re down the bottom of the Cliff face do just want to swim over here bo bo bo all right this is not very big why am I building in Cobblestone should we probably building in dirt all

Right oh no it’s going night rip This Ain’t Good need to be quick oh damn that goes deep you can see lava that’s cool please be more quicker okay just place that down we should be all right all right cool looks like the vein’s done just going to quickly grab

That ye ourselves off that little Cliff oh there’s some more over here is says eat no I’m in a I’m in a calorie deficit bro I’m on I’m on one loaf of bread a day I don’t know what school’s teaching you but Bread’s pretty high in calories

Man so I’ve just got to got to take it easy Tim one life I’m just I’m just teasing I’ll [ __ ] eat here we go one loaf of bread eaten one little bread stick whatever you want to call it um should probably put light in here all right on wooden up

With Lads and ladies and lasses whatever you want to call yourselves boom sorted light this area up a little bit nearly fell down my own manmade hole been hilarious the freak out of my bed man God damn I can’t even I can’t even be in my bed in peace was I hitting

You and if I was hitting you I’m sorry j it’s my bad okay ow I just regained my health you bastard ow I freaking hurt all right so my Tes are grown we all Goods yo Jordy welcome back my man just uh just like I said before

Sorry yeah uh just let me know when you are ready and we’ll try and jump in a call and get uh Ranger in as well okay so we managed to uh to dig the Ravine which means we can now explore down here yo I reckon I can make that

Jump do you guys reckon he was trying to push me off the little [ __ ] yo you reckon I can I can make that can I one 2 three four five six s it’s seven blocks guys guys you dares me I reckon I can make it oh I’m not going to make it

Pass it Fire to the Rain I didn’t jump ah oh and we find we we found iron let’s go see Misty you got to stop being a little girl man just [ __ ] jump no I’m just kidding see at least Ranger believed me all right we’re going

To get back up here Jordy and um I’ll give you a call bro and we’ll uh uh yeah we’ll see uh See you get about sorry seeing about getting Ranger with us just kill the Iron Golem and get iron bro I struggled to kill a zombie let alone the freaking iron golem

Man well now there’s just a random chest here so I guess it’s it’s going to be the meme wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what a great idea I think why am I doing it the hard way I can legitimately just do this okay boom all right cool it’s uh it’s it’s

Set in motion I think that’s funny oh man that’s good stuff all right sorry Jord I’ll I’ll give you a call man sorry I keep getting uh sidetracked all right guys so just give me a sec we’re just going to try and uh give Jord a call um and get him

Try and get him in the game same with Ranger okay H how uh I’m all Goods man all Goods yes I am having fun trying to figure this crap out wait can’t you just um me can’t you just give um Ranger call through this as well cuz it there’s a little there’s a

Little add friends to DM with her Discord for some stupid reason and I don’t why yeah I don’t have her friended on Discord so and then and then the next the next thing we’ll be trying to uh actually get in game too because I’m not sure if I

Have anything set to private or anything like that or if I have multiplay set on so this could be fun yes I don’t know why um Tim C already check your Minecraft channel in disc hang on maybe now it might work ah here we go I think I fixed it Oh

Ranger said she just sent a friend request where the [ __ ] is the friend request one it’s like oh it’s right at the top friends pending Grand yeah sorry sorry sorry oh they can’t see my Discord it’s all good I was going to say ignore my Discord bro cuz people people like I

Made it people like only fans and [ __ ] end up um trying to like friend me on Discord I kind of get that I get it on Instagram post all the I just have post all my random stories of just memes I find funny and then I’ll get just likes

And follows from these uh definitely not sketchy uh no they’re def they’re deaf sketchy sketchy um back there um I’ve had a friend request sent to you on Discord for like so many months now really misty cuz I I just checked then I only have two and but I haven’t ignored

And you’re not in there that’s um that’s all good Dam yeah D oh no anyway I love That um so just join this new group call yes I believe that should work all right everyone everyone YouTube sorry just give me a minute just while we work out the audio yo good evening you made it what’s up what’s up hello hello right do that do that actually

I need it here we go it’s fine all right yo can everyone hear a uh a second female voice other than Jordie what’s a very very feminine voice thanks thank you well thank you very much all right I think I might have to boost yeah I don’t know what it is with

Mic but it’s very low it’s all good it’s all Gooding the real question is will my Minecraft cooperate now that’s another good question your potato PC which is kind of funny matches matches my mental state okay yeah yeah yeah yeah oh jeez guys this is the stream we’ve been waiting

For yeah Ranger and Jordy very welcome let’s go third Wheeling wait oh I’m third Wheeling my own my own stream yeah [ __ ] okay yeah thanks guys jeez Jesus Christ I I’ll I’ll just go sorry don’t mind me guys yeah this is our stream now yeah they’re taking over it’s all right they

[ __ ] they like they like Jordy better than me anyway so it’s fine I feel so bad no no don’t even stress bro I love it it’s great no I just feel bad I was like devam you’ve been out here grinding YouTube for like three years trying your

Best and then you just in randomly invite some random person it’s my everyone’s like damn it’s my villain AR you know what I mean oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the games will be incredible that’s that’s what I mean all you know [ __ ] all these guys scared of heartbreak [ __ ] that man

That’s free gym motivation free gym motivation get your hearts broken Lads get your heartbroken oh gosh sorry inappropriate M this is how Marvel villains are made all right um okay so what do I have to do to get you guys in on Minecraft my Minecraft is not loading come on

Please you have the server right I don’t it’s not a server it’s just my game it’s just a single player I think so that well that’ll be the first issue yeah so that’ll be the first issue okay okay cool um yes yeah that means we

Can’t join it then um yeah got to make a server okay so I so if I just save and quit yeah and then I can start it from there uh yeah you can I think third party servers is probably the best way to go because otherwise you have to pay

For like the really fancy ones the question is will I have to uh will any of my information be up when I do it uh if you put it on a different screen I can’t put it in a different uh screen um I’ll try um yeah that’s that might be the issue

Um okay how many people watching five people watching right right um Okay so Tim says you either have to port forward your single player world by [ __ ] with your IP and a program you can download that world onto server yeah but how the [ __ ] am I meant to do that on stream unless

Wait you know the server that we have right yeah if I I could make a server cuz I still have that mhm I’ve forgotten the name of the stupid website again I’ll make one don’t worry I can do it J oh yeah you can actually you know what

You’re doing so you guys going to do the server yeah the server kind of not the best third party hosting because it’s uh free so the it lags tiny little bit but it works oh wait one sec one sec uh um Tim City posted a fresh server IP in Discord so server name

Uh server whatever um um come on Minecraft please this is like yeah oh that’s the thing K you got to go through some like actual like servers and like a party sort of stuff so I can’t just create a server and then that’s it and you guys yeah that’s that’s a funny

Thing right cuz Java won’t let you do it but for Bedrock you can just invite people to your world is weird it is great fun when that happens problem is you just don’t get the um like the added like um mods and [ __ ] e yeah I mean you can add mods onto

Servers like you can do that yeah but like Bedrock yeah oh yeah uh I know there’s Realms but that’s like I’ve never played around with that plus I think it costs money but that’s probably the most reliable like server play with friend multiplayer thing that I can think of you can have server

With bedrock and Java with ah this is painful it really is it really is wait so are you making one now am I I you said you were yeah I’m just wondering if we actually go through with the a turnos because that’s very it’s I mean you can pay for better

Ones but if it would just want free just to marck around on well we can do it now and then we can save the world and then copy it over to a new one yeah that yeah yeah if we do that I mean as long as um

As long as it’s going to be like decent enough for stream if that makes sense like it’s not going to keep crashing on us is it no it should it will definitely last us this stream yeah that’s fine as long as it lasts this stream and then I can I

Honestly I did not expect this I did not come prepared um I definitely thought it was going to be a hell of a lot easier than uh than it is um to be honest though they’re not too bad I can legitimately just go out and rent a Ser

Off if we’re going to be playing this um um I think they’re like five bucks and you can add like I think wait I have it up here just give me a sec um stupid blockers come so for $250 a month you get a gig you get a gig of RAM and eight

Slots like that’s kind of crazy that’s not bad yeah no I think it is worth probably like renting or paying for one long term yeah cuz eight slots I don’t is I don’t think there’s going to be that many people that join anyway so

Um yeah I might just have to do that so as long as we can do this free one and it lasts a few hours um or until you guys hop off or anything like that uh I’m chilling with Gucci and then I’ll sort something out for uh for next

Week’s yeah yeah um if I’m doing the white list which I think is probably the best option because that just means only certain only white listed players can join the server instead of just random people because me and J had that happen once uh I will need the username like

Minecraft usern mine I’m pretty sure everything’s just curls to be honest noie doie I’m pretty sure there if of you just write just type something and and then it’ll pop up with your name I’ve forgotten yours again Jord oh good grief found it found it found it found it don’t worry okay unb

Yes right difficulties no I was going to I was just about to say thanks everyone for staying like normally as soon as we have like the slightest issue boom everyone everyone leaves after like a second there’s still five people sorry I don’t think we’re doing too bad yeah

[ __ ] he’s he’s loading what a what a what a [ __ ] mid streamer oh they’re snugging I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m gone sorry I just interrupted these uh these villagers making out it looked at

Me like I was a [ __ ] freak I need to I was like come on man we were hiding behind the house like they really oh you watching that yeah I just saw it then look look now they now they’re canling over the next house it’s like babe when can I see you

Again never baby oh yeah sir I’ll try and behave myself Ranger I apologize oh no it’s perfectly fine I’m in a separate room plus I couldn’t care less hell yeah yeah that was so funny today guys welcome to the segue Jordan Story Time Story Time Jordan literally I was at my mate’s

Place because um they were the only ones because for some freaking reason a government with Vic roads is just horrendous with like advertising of crap so there’s the official Vic roads like animation for like what do you have to do and they have a like go through all like

Show you what you have to do like the in card checks and they say point to the handbrake right and it points to like one of those stupid electronic handbrake button bull crap things oh no not those things yeah I know they’re so bad but on the fine print it’s you’re not

Allowed to have you have to have a mechanical handbrake wait so oh wait wait when you’re when you’re learning for your pe’s no no no when you do your driver’s test it has to be an actual handbrake it has to be a full on mechanical handbrake

Yours was the button well for our cars it was the button so that’s why we had to go to mate Place damn what the [ __ ] fudge sorry yo that it kind of makes you laugh though because you always you always see those memes where it’s like

Um how to [ __ ] gen Z and it’s basically just um yeah just man yeah man gear and I was like wow it’s uh it’s kind of pathetic but it’s so true cuz unless you’re like a um unless you’re like a Gearhead like you’re not really going to bother about

Manual see I mom accident because I was wanting to get a manual license we don’t own any manual cars and uh yeah so anyway mom thinking that ended up getting me to do the auto license instead I was like damn I was kind of annoyed

But now I’m kind of just like yeah it actually kind of makes sense cuz you can just upgrade it later yeah which fine see I wanted to drive manual uh mostly because I was procrastinating on starting to drive but now I’ve bought a manual car so let go and plus you can’t

Do those [ __ ] you can’t be granny shifting on those drifts you know you got to be double clutching exactly I I don’t I don’t even drive a car but I’m great he’s just too good sorry yeah yellow all right wait all right so what do I have to do to get

Into your servers server started now it’s online um you just go create new server or join new server or whatever it is and just Chuck in that address yeah now it’s working for me I believe uh yeah tell at me if you’re not able to join like it says

Connection error or something because justed issue Minecraft is genuinely not loading up I do not know what’s wrong with it this is very sad um so I don’t need the server name do I I just posted in server address what you yeah the first Ser name is whatever you

Want it okay and then I do I just paste exactly how it is in that first column yeah yeah okay P um that is one big trick I am in what is the render distance no the render distance actually sucks on these servers I do not know why

All right um everyone in stream sorry guys I don’t mean to interrupt um I’m just going to quickly go to stream just starting so you guys don’t see my um my thing oh there yeah it’s all right sorry you guys can talk now it’s it’s really bad I feel like an [ __ ]

Um it’s so hard yeah um yeah [ __ ] shut up yeah wait are they actually saying that I’m a ban All have you tried turning it off and on again I have been doing that for the past half an hour for the past half hour if it’s if it’s not working you might have to like yeah mine’s just failure to connect the server just issue um I’m pretty sure my name’s

Click click the um yeah right right go back to server list and then go over to the um um what it’s just it doesn’t do it me cuz if you go and click on the like the it says joining oh there we go done

Okay cuz I did go back in your stream oh yeah there you are hello see your Minecraft username all right oh I’m sorry pvp’s on please don’t hurt me a I’m sorry I got to get your KNE gaps come here oh man he won’t see me under the he

Won’t he won’t see me under the weeds I’m just going to wait until you start drowning you sick B now we attack I can’t get back up all right um guys oh [ __ ] um all right so we’re back up and running now guys um it’s a different

Server but we should be able to uh should be able to play on here I I will get around to uh to fixing it like I said I didn’t realize we have so many problems um cuz honestly I’m not being I’m funny but like why why can’t you

Play Java and just invite two people to play like I thought it was like a minimum of three like four people to a game Sorry a Max of four before you had to get a server I don’t kind of crappy I don’t know why they did that but um but

It’s all right it’ll give me the kick in the butt um I’ll just get like the server or something and then if people want to join I’ll be like yeah a dollar a month and then boom cost of the server done don’t laugh at me that’s a [ __ ]

That’s a smart business move no it is people were making anything for the cash anything exactly people Mak millions of that [ __ ] see this is what I mean see you guys are the smartly educated people oh yeah yeah we’ve looked at the fuel prices and go oh god oh yeah that’s no

That’s why in the shops if you see a wet floor with a no with the and there’s no no uh what’s it the slip sign or whatever you just pretend full and say oh my CU you can sue yeah all yeah all of that Fay out hey did you guys hear

About that chick who sued her parents for being born with that consent she successfully successfully she now gets monthly payments from the government doesn’t State um how much but she has like she’s set for life she gets a monthly allowance essentially from her parents because she was um yeah born

Without consent it’s [ __ ] up man and you know she had the exact same um attitude online when someone asked her about it like you’re a sick [ __ ] like how could you do that to your parents and she’s like hey you know it’s economy you know you got to do what you got to

Do right I was like you know what I kind of [ __ ] with that but at the same time like if you had decent like genuinely loving parents I’m like no I couldn’t [ __ ] with that I I love my parents too much um you know what I half expected this

Server to be like proper [ __ ] like with it being free but this is actually pretty good yeah just the render distance is horrendous that’s the only thing ignoring the render distance everything else is pretty okay considering well ke was used to this at this point IRL wait what you mean I was

Just making a joke about how bad your eyesight is oh yeah yeah I couldn’t even see this far this is really good for me he’s right up his alley guys don’t worry dude like I I can’t even see details and things anymore who re [ __ ] me everyone everyone just wants God

Damn oh good you’re 25 year old I I told you we we had technical difficulties for 5 minutes like everyone left oh yeah oh there’s a hole I have found a hole all right Jordan jump in it I have good going down only real men jump in holes oh there’s a creeper that

Drink okay only jackasses with a Death Wish jump in holes it’s only one it’s only one creeper it’s only one creeper just go down there and just take him on just [ __ ] him up oh he’s in water I should be a k and if I die I’m like right next to it

Come here boy exactly exactly you don’t have much to lose okay oh jeez he’s uh know he he did he had everything to lose his life it’s fine all right I’m coming back so technically are you wait so Ranger you’re hosting the server right yeah okay I think that was the probably the

Worst problem sorry the worst thing myob because you have the worst computer out of all us so that was probably not the smartest idea that’s probably why you have issues yeah I’m pretty sure it’s very weird how it works oh where me where me pickaxe go

Did he blow up my pickaxe there’s no way thing is I’m pretty sure that whoever is online on the server first is the one technically taking the grunt oh really okay so Jord if you leave and then join then I should be the one taking it cuz

Like I’m I’ve got my my spec thing more my performance up next to me and using nothing so I think do not 1% of my CPU oh see that’s another funny thing so our friend group made a like a a modded server which was great fun but yeah

Anyway so I was playing with like all of the render distances and everything up on like Max and I was getting roughly 300 FPS yeah and I play on like normal vanilla Minecraft right and it crashes right like and it will not go past 60

Yeah I do not know why I feel that the mods are way more optimized than the actual games sometimes it’s I don’t get how game of cubes and not be optimized personally I don’t know how to program but like far out yeah it seems like a simple issue but yeah who

Knows um okay so I’m good to go see now now everyone’s saying I need glasses and you’re right I need to buy um I’ve been putting it off for a while I’m going to buy those gamer Advantage classes the ones that are meant to help with um staring at screens for the BL

And stuff oh yeah cuz my eyes are my eyes are absolutely [ __ ] right now like the fatigue I guess you could call it is um is real not fun not fun your life old man needs his glasses man yeah bro next I’ll be shouting at kids on my

Lawn actually I I like one better I just shouted Misty in Discord hey Jord there’s a big dark hole come join ah oh a really that’s crap we love a big dark hole ammo is real take that as you will wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait yo it’s always the past’s daughter right oh hell yeah the ones that have to the ones that have to Rebel yes you didn’t hear this from me but alcohol tastes really bad yeah no alcohol really does I haven’t drunk since I was like 21 especially man that stuff

Is no I’m not even 18 okay [ __ ] in the chat I’m not that old mist’s like ra get off my server you know I’m St I’m must start [ __ ] doing that see same thing yo facts it translate really well uh by the way there’s a there’s a there’s a shipwreck around

Here there’s a shipwreck want your pirate is free you are a pirate I don’t know why I love that man says I’m prehistorico aren’t you like 21 enjoy it while last [ __ ] we all just went to roast kill Roy it’s about time oh guys I just hit

The freaking jackpot man we got 13 sorry we got we got 10 iron ingots and 11 iron nuggets that’s good stuff how’s yeah I I ain’t sharing so if you want to [ __ ] with the Gman I mean the kman you got to first first thing you make with iron

It’s has to be a shield uh yeah just it’s cuz that’s just one um one IR okay so we can all have a shield if my Minecraft lets me on are you still trying to load genuinely I’m not sure what wait glitched on so would restarting your

Computer help or would that close the server no won’t close the server no won’t close it I do have remote access but as long as people are on it’s fine plus Jord has the My Account Details for the Yeah Buddy hosting thing Sor sorry I’m weird I’m just letting you know it’s

The same password I use for literally everything so see that’s that’s how you know you’re old when you use the password the same password for everything and I can I can guarantee you I have like a bazillion different passwords for everything because it is way too easily to get

Hacked I had a scare like like a a few months back holy [ __ ] man I went into overdrive trying to figure out every like account I have access to and like um changing every single password it was it was nuts to to the to the the point I

Now have all my passwords written down on a notepad next to me I really should do that really I’m going to no longer stay on the the the the ground where are you oh there you are pirate boy yo Tri what’s going on man how are you BL oh Jesus that was

Loud I’m probably going to restart the computer see if that fixes it cuz everything is running perfectly fine it’s not an internet problem but Minecraft just refuses to load yeah I mean they say like 99% of problems is just like a switch on and off and then

Like that much fixes it so yeah I’ll go do that I shall return eventually maybe probably easy we’ll see let me in the freaking Jord are we on a giant island or something yeah on a GI Island okay am I laging or you laging cuz I can’t open

Anything I’m not I’m not lagging I’m swimming oh I Ed out ah well that should that’s we joining joining oh okay I’m in I’m joining back there we go maybe it’s just because she um hey buddy hello hello um tripod remember me from your Wolf’s night stream honestly bro I’m

Really sorry I can’t remember like anything it’s really bad unless you’re like um you had him met remember yeah unless um unless you like like names constantly around like in Discord or something like that I really I can’t remember anyone I’m so sorry please don’t take it

Personally it’s good to have you back there my man very treasure oh crap come here Jacob C probably hasn’t looked at chat in seven billion years why what did I miss um cranky haha my Steam account got hacked while playing G of five I know um funny man you’re you’re only 18 damn

Oh to be young again I’m kidding being 25 is all right all right I need to go over here cuz it’s in the place I’ve created a furnace damn I’m moving hella fast in that water I want to get a trident and enchant it oh oh GE please

Save me I forgot I’m over here I’m on the I forgot I forgot B spawning at night please the skeletons JY I’m scared please that’s okay I found a oh I found a really big cave really big this was a very treasure map oh yo um take it we can you can

Search you can might be able to get diamonds if you uh find the treasure uh I think I misread it yeah it’s not got any treasure the map of R I might have just picked up all right found a big hole I’m just going to

Oh good stuff I’m just going to light it up oh I need to get you like one I need to get one more W getting shot at still on the boat boat’s good spot there yeah the boat is Spa Man the um could spawn down there well it could be they’d have to

Swim over oh you found a nice hole I like the wait where it’s all lit up how do you get there without the uh without the skeleton shooting at you I was looking at my second monitor oh whoa whoa isn’t that crazy I mean no I mean I have I have

Four so I’m glad you finally got [ __ ] two little [ __ ] yeah yeah but I’m not old so whoa a man I’m getting shot at like physically and mentally because you’re shooting you’re shooting at me at the same time [ __ ] skell is oh yeah well I can’t double team you like that

That’s a bit not on but whoa double team me at my hole damn get him get him get him Wolfie I don’t know there’s a wolf attacking a freaking attacking a Skelly get him don’t kill the wolf oh my God creeper oh man get way back in the M

Tock from side to I love that song this tank a heavy one oh that’s a that’s a different oh he dro the hell was that sound I don’t know hang on I’m coming yeah please do cuz my holes over here I need food low on

Health but my big ass hole is over here and it’s lit you should come I’m in my hole hey hey hey I knew I saw it coming we all saw it Oh you saw it coming okay he saw he saw it coming when I said come to my hole

Why is there so many mobs the area is lit back like your mom whoa oh sorry that that uh interest I join first thing I he oh it’s all right at least you didn’t the at least you didn’t Le you didn’t hear the come in my ho thing so yeah

Yeah oh sorry is thator that’s too my bad sorry sorry Sor you to it then what oh oh a this is me oh God I’m getting gang banged in my hole God damn it Jord save me thanks Daddy what oh there’s another one Jordy

Get him I’m on I’m on two hearts I can’t afford to can’t afford to lose my others um everyone says K oh watch out there’s a drown behind you he’s coming he’s coming ow I can’t hit him I’m lagging sorry I’m dead that’s an issue Tim says come in my whole average

Minecraft Youtuber kill you got a dirty mind it’s time to stop of course Misty says time to stop with the sex jokes closeted it did um by the way can you guys holl at your boy cuz I don’t know where the freak I just spawned oh I said holler not cat

Cole that was a dog for one hi hi Leave Me Now oh I think I found it launched now it’s just doing the will absolutely forever everyone come look at my dirty big hole and then you complain about videos not getting monetized I wonder why no

Excuse me I did not complain about that it’s only the streams it’s fine streams make they get no views anyways oh my videos just like are dead these days the sun’s coming up really it’s still pitch black and raining for me so I don’t know where isue on your part

Hey why are you such an ass just because your Mrs is here you’re normally so [ __ ] nice to me no we have a go each you know we have a go at each other it’s all Bromance in this yeah oh my goodness was the other one which is just

The LI meter that just go just admit it man just admit it what just admit we have romance calls in Discord while we’re playing hunt for like hours on end it’s it’s okay we’re going insane yeah much romance yeah it’s the delirium setting that is that is the delirium that’s the

That is got a mental illness oh by the way just share a brain self it’s fine yeah we really do it’s real cute like that yeah guys I’m going to build all right chat I’m going to build the best house the starter house you’ve ever freaking seen

And I want you guys to to witness witness this is got to be made out of dirt no I’m a classy ho going to be B out of cob oh that’s good stuff oh no I’m not that ritzy no no no that’s like that’s like a that’s

Like your yeah probably that’s like your your only fans model level income this is like I’m I’m like I’m like a I’m a street corner her yeah street street corner her yeah from the cardboard box H this is ironic Misty says and you say I’m apparently the gay one no no there’s not

Apparently bro I know that [ __ ] apparently uh what you Tim says the only thing I’m Witnesses is I’m witnessing is K rising up dudes whoa whoa excuse me there’s only one dude here and a young lady okay Christ oh my goodness I know you might confuse the young lady’s voice for

Misty’s voice you know but it’s okay oh God the roast oh I don’t I don’t know if you could I don’t know if you could hear her I’m going to boost her up some more she just she just roasted Oh by a baby nice nice I’m getting chased by a

Baby drowned you say baby baby stop ITN all right oh it’s just a random I ofender hell yeah I have Ender um I hope not uh ender pearl sorry sorry end Pearl yeah what was sorry was that was that just a common Minecraft misconception or was that like a complete

Fumble no that the ender eyes do make the Eyes of Ender they just need blaze powder yeah so yeah I’m a genius he knows Minecraft I’m in the water apparently swimming apparently because I said um chat I’m xqc oh goodness I don’t understand you guys it is chat you think I’m [ __ ] talking

To right so the people on the notepad that Scrolls past my screen what is this oh I get what you’re talking about I was just about to say why do you have people’s names on a notepad what yeah it was I was confused was meaning chat I mean I can’t say that

Iess says I miss when I played with Jordi more than you kill R but you know what is I think that’s meant to be like a a disc but like bro by all means don’t bother Jordy um Jacob missed his estrogen levels are rising yo facts that’s why he

Started playing gears he needs that test now can you mine copper with wood uh not wood I’m pretty sure you can with no you can do it with Mobby Cobblestone you don’t get that reference I’m going to send you the video yeah please please send me yeah I will it’s

Like it’s a full on video there other Australian YouTubers that are just on point oh sorry and I’m the other Australian YouTuber that’s not on point I get it that’s fine it’s no you’re on point that’s why I said the other I didn’t say the that’s that’s fine I’m

Not sharing my iron um Ranger wherever you are I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll Hollow at you and you come find me and I’ve got you some iron we’ll we’ll gang up on we’ll gang up on Jordy well this is part of the [ __ ] he’s going to be

Well okay I had you with that one stream this has been a complete UT disaster Minecraft is Minecraft is cancelled Minecraft is for kid touching who whoa Minecraft is for kid touching holy [ __ ] J okay no the no the freaking YouTubers all touch kids so it makes sense oh [ __ ]

Like better I’m a YouTuber I touch kids you’re not a Minecraft Youtuber though so I’m playing Minecraft right now and I’m a YouTuber you’re Minecraft you’re streaming Minecraft you’re not a Minecraft Youtuber yet oh potato finally joined the game I thought she was already in it yeah no Skelly

Sho that’s her computer for how much RAM does that thing have uh I was about to say it was advertised at probably like8 10 years ago that think’s not 10 years old actually but yeah anyway everyone went silent I was just talking about a computer how mining ohill a

Pig I’m building I’m building the uh Killer’s Mansion Killer’s crib who the [ __ ] is this this is me please just take it I don’t want to I don’t want anything here take it please I don’t know how to drop things there you go please don’t hurt me why I don’t

Know hey give it back youy all I’ll give it back hang on hang on I just fell off my chair what question my ways this is the way this is the way the way I love this hey yeah by the way we x 6 31 ohd me we have gone nowhere we’ve been

Running around in circles this entire time y wolf de what’s going on veryy says oh no I’m turning into a uh um um a Minecraft streamer what’s wrong with Minecraft streamers bro I mean no game YouTubers bro they pop off you know how many millions of views they

Get yes but there’s it’s just um you know what I said before just there’s wait which one was touching kids I have no flipping clue but apparently it’s just a thing just a me so if I want to become a Minecraft not so me I have to touch

Kids yeah a [ __ ] okay I wouldn’t recommend it you would recommend it okay okay you know I said I wouldn’t I’m eating biscuit let me have my biscuit let him I swear to God oh sorry go on I was about to say I was driving home right oh right right

Yeah and anyway so first drive I’m going yeah this is going good I’m not I’m not breaking anything yeah drive around the corner there’s a truck in the middle of the damn road oh [ __ ] I’m like right so I slow down yeah and uh then I go past

It and then I realized they’re doing flipping uh Lin painting lines on the road oh yeah like oh yeah that’s fine so they going am I just like too busy like vibing to the music or just going and saying how I’m actually driving by myself and I drove past him there was

Another car with like the light massive things on the back and the arrows and all that bull crap yeah anyway so I kept driving but I saw absolutely zero like road work signs anywhere so I was like right okay interesting maybe I missed it or they

Just haven’t placed it back here cuz I have the car there yeah and anyway my mom drove up not too far not too long after me and she said yeah no there was absolutely no sign I’m like what St yeah I was about to say surely you would put

A road work sign for like you know I don’t know having to be in the middle of the road doing something very slowly I don’t know real quick wolf D says girl four question marks what the heck killroy no gamer girls allowed you cheater no no no no no wolftech wolf

Tech it’s okay she identifies as a as a male exactly sorry please don’t take offense I’m just it’s okay this is how we play the system in 2023 yeah yeah yeah yeah no you just making cash yeah yeah where where wait cash I don’t see any cash where we’re making

I gave you the numbers I I didn’t listen man it went over my head difficult cuz I’m short guys I I severely I I don’t know what I’ve done we’re practically x 600 and Z like guys look at this this is like the sexiest house I’ve ever seen that is a

Beautiful house like the open plan living just it’s just a it’s just a dream for the modern mind like really living it’s just great the fact that you’ve actually filled the inside with nothing physical allows the mind to go wild with the interior of this house

This is yeah this is this is beautiful you know it honestly it just with like just a just I’m I’m I’m stunned it makes you just it just makes you want to you oh I fell off um okay chat I’m not I’m not ignoring everyone I’m sorry we just

Um yeah talking way too much crap yeah I’m sorry also cannot see chat wait what did you say there you are oh yeah wolf text is where getting in order because of Jordy no no no no no no I didn’t think you I acknowledge you this is beautiful oh you’re back hello

Hello guys is a game ago what ow ow wait wait wait wait wait wait I have two HP I’m sorry I’m sorry I just got beat up by one of these one of these one of these Butch girls man [ __ ] hell is this how you feel uh no did she

Beat you up in real life no she’s I I could pick her up I attempt to that’s kind of cute I didn’t tickle her okay okay stop stop stop this is getting too cutesy I’m going I’m going I’m going to throw up um no wolf back sorry wolf sorry man I didn’t mean

To like uh feel like I’m I’m I’m ignoring you sorry are you witnessing this open floor pane living and having the roof as a sunroof beauti allows all of the sunlight Vio you’re a [ __ ] you can get up here I think he’s got you now I ran out of

Material stff don’t worry thank you beautiful wow and you know what you know what we could also grab some stairs right build some stairs up this way and we can make it triple story what Tripp oh God the trippy story yeah the trippy story bro yo s l what’s going

On my man how are you big fan man I don’t I don’t understand how people are fans I mean I just we just do dumb [ __ ] they they you’re blown away yeah I just I just can’t just this game I mean this this house is just

Stunning it is beautiful that is PE um seriously though let’s um oh were you using that sorry man was don’t wor I checked it let’s um let’s see if we can find a nice place to set up Base without Ranger it’s just crazy why did you do the like the like evil mackers ad why there there so many drown drown I don’t know you’re a monster hunter um funnyman says would hate to see your taste in women if you think that house is beautiful KIRO wait what oh wow

Wow well that was an insult I mean that that was that was just funny man’s really hurtful sometimes unbelievable um wolftech no this is uh Java um it’s oh it’s just no mods or anything he’s just got a cool filter thing that I have no clue how to put on

Any cuz I have oh you want I can I can show you how to put the shaders on I need to make a custom skin it’s going to be uh a in ad off what run Ranger you take him on she did good you’re the uh there’s another one and a Skelly Retreat

Hell was blowing upow I’m just saying it’s 2023 equal equal rights let the women do everything oh hell yeah I’m I’m really sorry oh not very this is this is this is yeah no seriously I’m definitely doing a um they really have I I I can’t

Even jump up a freaking tree um yeah no I’m definitely um I’m definitely going to do the uh the custom skin guys Adolf 2023 is coming back we need him so um yeah coming back oh there’s a hole please jump I did oh that was boring I don’t

Know why my um why is okay we’re just we we’re in like the same stone mountain biome thing and it’s it’s kind of dull I don’t like this biome and the problem is they always tend to go forever sorry that’s the one I mean it’s good

Just make boats oh yeah we can make boats and just sail Away can be the boat crew okay it’s happening I want to I want a bird one this is why I’m always demonetized cuz Jordan’s [ __ ] saying copyrighted [ __ ] chanties what’s wrong with the chanties Bro there’s no way the chanties were made in like what dude they’ll do

Anything to take your money I mean Fair Point well I mean we were just talking about how somebody sued their parents oh yeah 110% wait wait wait wait wait wait what did you just do Shield wall B fings wait wait wait Shield wall attack the chicken attack the chicken somehow got away

Missing here am I missing out on F can I snuck up am I am I missing out I didn’t yeah you’re kind of are I I snuck up on a chicken and somehow missed it yeah he missed it then he smacked it once and it didn’t die yeah oh goodness this is this

Is this is Peak this is Peak content guys this is G would be nice I will admit but well um once you get some IR follow me and run head first into them hello Mr creeper I blew them up see told you hell yeah I’d be very good and S I’ve been

Streaming for like what an hour and 35 minutes and YouTube has now only just sent an email out to people saying I’m live YouTube I’m sorry [ __ ] you at the same time please um un don’t don’t be mean to me cuz cuz you already uh yeah is

Lava I’m where the hell are you guys I thought we were making boats I’ve had a boat since the beginning how the hell did you okay well oh I killed it how do you make a [ __ ] you need two shovels e what what no you don’t no it used to be that

Way it used to be that way all right Jordan I’m making you a boat oh really yeah it’s a it’s a white boat best kind there you go this a privileged boat quick oh quick this a freaking all right what’s happening I don’t know yeah

Also click F5 if so you can see third person and then you can vote oh mine’s just on N oh Chang look look at this look at this to hang on there’s a there’s a thing there’s a there’s a portal okay we need we definitely need to stay together as long

As we’re going to get lost out here oh my boat sank both your boats just sink got a boat a misty shut up with your stupid I have a good custom skin it’s [ __ ] Halo it’s yeah I was about to say it’s it’s pretty sure you need iron for

That well we’ll find out I love this gu never coming back you want you want a shirt no go I want a shirt oh oh know it’s sinking it’s the drip it’s it’s sunk but no can I don’t know how to get out of my boat shift no shift ain’t shift ain’t working

Okay there we gowhere somewhere that or maybe it’s risen up now [ __ ] s yeah it’s over here right guys guys we got the drip yeah look at that we got the we we all got the drip except where are we going all right Follow the Leader me I’m just doing some [ __ ]

Just mean some SK all right spru all right so where where do we want to build you know what I’m really sad cuz I really just wanted to build in that map the cherry blossom biome now that was a beautiful seed it really was kind of su so if I rented a

Server can I I can just copy that seed over can’t I well you can find you can find some of them goed seeds good seed yeah that was one of them um hey let’s find another massive Lush cave shall we I like that idea yes please Lush caves oh you guys are I’m

Driving you see me rolling sorry can I fit through a I just vehicular I can’t he shot my boat running away oh I got some good Minecraft tunes holy crap when did the [ __ ] okay apparently there was there was there’s been 47 views on this I don’t know when

People started watching but apparently they did not like hey you got your uh Mobby Cobble cobby Stone my mby Cobble cobby Stone yeah no no no no no but this is sad because we don’t have a silk touch uh uh it’s my favorite material potzel you don’t need oh pods

Oh pozel it’s my favorite it sounds so cool pozel what’s PO pozel is this [ __ ] dirty looking grass thing dirt block here oh you just need a massive spruce tree and you can spawn it anywhere H oh we can can’t we yeah on GR true all right well we don’t need it might

Cobblestone it’s my favorite it’s my favorite block man it’s so it’s so good I don’t need it I found a hole I’ve driven to the end of said hole ow it’s just a r okay 1.9 TDI funny man says yeah you had like eight viewers consecutive viewers at one

Point oh L that’s right right it’s it’s going to be boring until we get it going anyway so it’s it’s always it was always going to be a bit of a a rough start on Minecraft so server is going to be like for tonight yeah exactly so might as

Well just piss around for a little bit don’t get too invested in this one I’m going to run over a turtle run over him stab stab it stab it come here you flipping plastic Rec cycling thing oh jeez no I I can’t kill it I’m not a piece of

Plastic oh man I’m not a I’m not a plastic straw do that is Swift would be what the hell oh guys there’s another um Crush portal thing over here o yeah it’s above this time so I just follow the where that giant Hill is I’m going

Giant Hill how can you go up the giant Hill what I okay rent a distance love it this is going up there’s a waterfall oh no there’s no worm doesn’t look like there’s any chest that spawned in it well be underneath ow oh there’s a swamp too perfect good I’m going

Up oh this see you laters I’m up you want oh God this thing doesn’t go all the way up an issue underneath yeah this one is what ignore that highly manly noise what you mean your little squeal yeah I was nearly fell I’m come on where is the

Chest the Jesus Christ do they have to spawn in though they do sometimes you have to dig for them but they should um this this hill goes up guys oh it’s like actually inside e yeah probably I’m getting up parkour parkour righty there’s another gold block how

Many gold blocks are there yeah I know that then we can’t get them um well my pickaxe just died mine just did Samy says you get that Hill thing yeah we’re going to have to a it’s definitely inside um I need to put my shield away it’s piss me off very fair

Um where are you ho we are currently at the bottom off this hill ow yeah it’s pretty physics off why why uh yeah it’s the best kind like Jordan said it’s privileged can you that would be me if I ever made a game like if it’s a you have

Like different colored boats the dark ones are slower than the white white ones oh no the white ones are fast sorry the black ones are faster than the white the black ones sink right oh oh yeah okay okay that okay um I I just yeah instant ban everyone everyone in chat’s not

Going to like that guys oh I found it guys I found it uh it um I don’t know I I yeah I’ll tell you in a second when I get to it okay you [ __ ] SP um there was four obsidian blocks uh three flints two flint and Steels and a golden helmet with

Respiration yo I’m up DP then no no no no it’s my freaking helmet screw that guy oh fair enough wait so what what’s what’s the deal are we building up to the it goes so high dude it’s like it’s like a 100 100 blocks up the problem is

We don’t have any food or anything E I have uh three pork chops excuse me we are vegan on This Server uhuh kidding I’m kidding well no technically technically all meat’s vegan they have a grass-fed diet so yeah I me true why is there just sand up here why

Not are you of the sand yes I am unbelievable what the what the what the what the what the hell what in the fresh hell is this that’s fine what are you doing Jordan’s C Chad cook I don’t really want to let him cook um we have to move on OG’s KY if

You become a vegan I’m actually GNA leave I hate vegans I honestly I won’t be surprised man that’s yeah that’s pretty fair I mean unless if it’s for some medical issue for some health reasons or something dude I’m just saying like if a health issue causes me to go vacan I’m

Just going to offer myself I’m sorry definitely that sounds really bad and I’m so sorry that offends some people but it’s it’s just the harsh truth don’t worry I already have a deal in place with my dad if I become a vegetable he’s just going to push me off a Cliff are you still up on that Bloody Cliff J yep I try to get to the damn top okay Jordan is making the the craziest freaking sounds right now and um and I apologize for the craziness and sporadic I guess of this stream it was not planned um I will get a server

Together as well oh God [ __ ] me now they’re both doing the sounds he got like blown up by a creeper so I almost did guys don’t do drugs kids I swear I’m not high all medium oh Jesus Christ where the [ __ ] are you guys I’m so lost I need my

Friends back up we’re real up we’re up that stupid Tower thing of mass height oh um we should probably make like a water bucket so we can by the way wait do you see that like tippy top corner where it’s flat and it leads all

The way down to me no yeah there’s a flat Corner that leads all the way down to me where we had the thing my B if we get a um bucket and a water source and place it up there we could legitly get our boats up there cuz it’s a flat

Surface pretty much all the way down you could get your boats down not up where are you you’re down there right oh yeah I’m I’m just you guys you guys left me yeah oh there is water hang on oh you’re not on this side what I was

Going to jump off and scare the crap out of there I’m on the opposite sides H hell come here where are you here I’m on this side I can’t see you I can see you you freaking one I’m com you freaking swear at me that’s lava I was under

Water I’ve over here made I’ve made no this is this is this is this is on three hearts yeah I’m on I’m on I’m on four this is I’ve got H come up this way don’t jump in the lava like a excuse me you’re being very disrespectful

Jordan no I was I was roasting myself I’m going to be honest and swim up I’m not a complete [ __ ] I know how the [ __ ] game works because this is just real life physics you can swim up a full water source Block in real life I I know that you can swim up

A oh I love it how if you like if you like half swim out of it you can swim like way faster yeah where are you on my way up and then come up the the cubby cby crap Jesus holy wow okay this is pretty high up we have to build up here

Yep mhm I’m going to fall yeah you are oh there you go I did is he is he dead no don’t a little bit don’t die please this is it’s not good for your health oh not to mention we are so far away from where we were we need to make beds

Like I got bed I should have bed on the mo on here I have no wly [ __ ] yeah it’s all right we just need to find a New Zealander they always know where the Sheep’s at oh yeah oh my God the render distance is great you can’t see anything can you imagine

The view if the render distance was a bit better oh you got so much better render distance than us really yeah we can’t see the ground from here little different wait you guys can I can he can oh my goodness right spend just spend loads of money on

A computer that crazy over the top and B this is what you get get to see the ground the server the server the server I was going to say I don’t think it has anything to do with my Graphics well I’m going up I made I made myself up materials wait but like

There’s one bed between three people I don’t know set my respawn so did I yeah so you can just set your respawn on it and at least do that oh so wait three I didn’t think you could take someone else’s bed must have been a new

Update or something right do we want to test it out I’m not mad oh no thanks okay this is actually really nice there’s cozy as up here this place goes so high up yeah did you just build a solid [ __ ] Cobblestone stting his dominance Tim says you [ __ ] a playing Sky

Block no um I’m not sure if that’s oh that was close is that water down there I’m pretty sure that’s water we could we could do it oh goodness okay if not I just have like all my stuff on me it’s fine I’ll create a chest before I jump

It’s okay we’ll create a little diving platform over here okay oh there we go the diving one block of water down the bottom oh I’m not even going to do any water I’m just going to jump yeah yeah yeah think first ask questions later that’s that’s I’m that

Time type of guy now I have no idea where that there it is sorry my thought process is very jumbl it’s hard to speak and do stuff at the same time okay so we’re [ __ ] here I’ll call everything I’ll call stuff anything but its actual name all right

Well I’m just going to jump so um sing for Dre dream dream Dre that’s such a long drop oh dude it was It was kind of sick just watch the tree but other than that it’s uh it’s pretty sweet I can’t see I oh my God from up the from hang on speaking

As from the top of this kill like the very tippy top as to where I am I cannot see around at all like I cannot see any surrounding mountains it’s all just nighttime I don’t I don’t like that infinite nighttime that’s kind of scary yeah screen is like PCH

Black I on the screen but yeah no I literally I literally cannot see anything on your diving platform and my Nice um well I’m coming back up we need to make some food going to be up here rest wait I’ve got I think I’ve got some seeds I mean is there any brass thing Ms up there there’s grass oh wait one sick I’ll be a to just I can genius

Now I don’t have to run all the way around like a [ __ ] stupid head what’s up player oh I’m player okay okay sorry sorry Jordan’s girlfriend sorry thanks damn just just practicing the r you know water water cuz I have bucket so I can all right so so you want what so

What you do is you just you just you just you just you just take this all the way down don’t don’t even think about it just just and then you do like some 360s and you make everyone blind whoever’s watching the stream if they still watching the stream bet you hit the op

Down mid you do the the backwards Som assault 360 no scope 360 and then you have to watch out I get out of the water pretty you know pretty snappily because there’s some uh there’s some drowns in there I don’t really appreciate you uh trickshotting Yeah Tim says no no one’s

Watching feels that’s right I won’t watch it either I would I would this is funny I’d rather play it it’s so much fun funny what do you want to about watching stream oh I don’t have an like I beg everyone else his attention oh there’s a baby

Drowned oh kill it got to kill it it baby baby baby yeah got to St baby [Laughter] drum wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what’s wrong with the baby sharks I like it what’s wrong with it I hate the bab you can do CPR to it but other than that

CPR is that you’re talking about no what you said I can do CPR to it yeah says baby immediately starts Cur stomping yeah that’s um that’s yeah all right well while I’m down here I’m going to try and grab um some seeds so we can start a little

Farm or something um the problem is um a ranger can you Jen if you dropped the bucket off the edge of the diving board I could catch it and I can bring a water source block back up I mean I can just jump oh you can

Just jump I don’t I just saves you get yes M Misty said what was that old man we when I did Dream on I was like bro like he just just doesn’t understand man I aming I’m see water yeah B there are two water streams which one J you don’t want to

Stop guys I got some egg creeper the water stream next to the lava yeah oh yeah it’s like R oh love it are you guys dying without me no I’m I don’t I don’t know where you guys are I’m just by myself just chilling blowing you know yeah trying to

Grab trying to grab I you look up that do a flip do a flip also I’m going to steal the water for a hot second and then replace it oh great so I can’t get back up and Stranded he what was that back again I’m loving it sound like [ __ ] [ __ ] Woody the

W picker sorry you want to look you want to look I’m going to jump flip seriously do it I’m watching I’m watching I’m watching I can’t really see I can just see my diving board are you doing it I’m on the diving board side okay here we go okay do

It can’t see him I can’t see oh jeez oh yeah I saw you yay that was dope I fell did you do a flip you didn’t do a flip I I saw just a straight spiral unbelievable I hit the water IRL and I just died all right well I’ve got I’ve

Got some some Oak seeds and I’ve got some wheat seeds so we can make a little we can start a uh a farm sorry did you just say Oak seeds uh saplings pardon me sapl okay it was a it was a it was a Minor error I’m sorry you calm the down

It was a Miss input I love that justop the guy in the back of the head what was that wait was that I thought that was in game what I thought that was an in game noise godam so we’ll just go with an game ground from here um Tim chilling blowing wait what

You said chilling blowing understand um wait hang on Misty can’t wait for hunt stream on Friday oh yeah it’s going to be a little bit earlier too waste critical anyone have one piece of string that was reference so I’m stealing your Mobby cobby cobby cobby cobby

Cbies oh my goodness I have to jump back down for some string I have some I need like one piece one who the [ __ ] this who what the [ __ ] is this you’re welcome no give me the give me the [ __ ] bucket no give me give me the [ __ ] make your own I’m going

To I mean I have the iron for it but it’s my iron it’s fine I have nine iron so suck a fat one respectfully what nine iron nine what n like the golfing thing this is the only acceptable way guys everyone whoever’s watching this to all the Brazilians cuz famous um this is

The only acceptable infinite water source ever not a 2X two it’s a 3X one you freaking Savage I a Savage uncultured anyone get me some more cob Stone I’m go up the hill wait what I don’t one ask for the The Moldy Cobblestone back there no I just ask for cobby C Stone

Okay it’s fine we’re get school English yeah oh God it really is you know what the my critical error was I left all my stuff in a chest on the very top of the stupid place and now don’t have there you go we always knew you were a genius fan

Upgraded actually that’s upgrade it has like what does it have oh it does Samy do both I was only teasing it it really doesn’t matter my way is the best I really do I really do shut do speed run these things I would apologize but I’m not

Sorry wait what I can’t can’t can’t what where the [ __ ] did all the cobblestone did you seriously what what the freak is this what is this Abomination it’s like I’m playing with a 2-year-old what is this how did dude everyone chat this this kid this kid somehow passed ped oh

My God this get somehow past 12 what the [ __ ] is this this is some kindergarten level [ __ ] bro what do you want about man you trying to tell me up you can’t speak English either yeah but I’m the Dropout everyone expects it I’m just mentally CH what that’ll work don’t

Use I’m going to buy it back I’ll give it back I just need to get up to myby Stone I miss is the is your stream earlier Saturdays as well now yeah Friday and Saturday so anytime I stream hunt it’ll be a little bit earlier

That’s only this week if it cuzz like if it doesn’t work then yeah Sammy says that stair HT my eyes fact H yes I didn’t Jesus all I hear is like legs breaking in the background ignore that guys this might have been a mistake solo Minecraft stream next

Week actually no Ranger you can join but the Jord is kind of special I’m all right you guys we got we got the farm going man we got the little farm it only took us like an hour that’s okay we get there it’s all about the journey right how did I manage

That uh you really want serious retardation you’re very nice um Misty I think it’s 8:00 P.M streams oh it’s 7:00 p.m. cuz queens now is behind never mind mind it’s all good but nice not naughty nauy nauy this my neighbor actually whatever he’s pain in my ass

Off I get window from a glass you must get window from a glass I get the clock radio take another one it’s a chest it’s an actively wearing it oh doesn’t have it equipped what’s going on who the [ __ ] burning [ __ ] guys this is what I have to put on

With I thought these guys were civil no you didn’t it’s like I’m it’s like I’m it’s like I’m in a mental Asylum actually you know what I should probably say I finally found my pit hey not against the Seas man no [ __ ] the [ __ ] the Birch is on fire man

[ __ ] now you know what’s better chares oh no no no no no no no that’s bad that’s bad where the heck is he used it all I’m giving it back I’m getting up so I can get my stuff one piece please is the you need one

Peace that is the most there you go I send you one I Rin herdy staircase I’ve ever seen in my freaking life this is not permanent I’m trying to freaking get up no it’s okay it’s fine we we I now see what kind of level of building skills were you were dealing with

Here this is theal flame okay stay forever never oh [ __ ] ow [ __ ] okay light it I’m not going to put it out I learned my lesson [ __ ] oh she got a strong right arm damn damn not really okay I made it up you’re welcome just it whoa oh oh so sorry the flower

Can burn don’t know why I apologized it was Instinct I thought I was going to get beat I even ducked in real life man no I didn’t okay okay wait what oh okay let’s extend this out a wee bit maybe flatten this flatten this out myand house up here

Bro don’t know why T in KN kn Qui sorry you’re high up just want to say if we fall we fall far no Sammy says um I see a lot of myself in her setting things on fire constantly definitely not we live that we live this watch watch [Applause] watch oh [ __ ]

Yeah guys so um Jordy Jord and Ranger couldn’t make it to next week’s stream so just going to be a s so does the does the work yes it does I’m here is a is can you imagine if the whole top of the cliff just falls apart that would be

Funny um you dropped your oh I picked up your pickaxe G I have that that back please yeah sure I just chucked it at you thank you that’s okay now I’m going to make this out of Mobby cobby damn it okay so this this this is this is my

This is my thing about Bob right I thought it was going to be like I thought this was stream was going to be pretty civilized with you two but if this if this is how crazy stream is with just you two it makes me really worried

About um getting a server up and letting other yeah I’d be worried too yeah cuckoo cuckoo for Coco Pops CU like these kids and all they want to do is fight they said I had to build a Coliseum so they could have like fight

Night oh nah not a fan of PVP yeah I’m not like I said I said I’d probably just turn PVP off if I had a server cuz I’m a crutchy old man you’ve been practicing your Aboriginal um I’m trying to make those stairs let me I’m not bro I’m

Hungry I have a song stuck in my head now you know what I absolutely love OBS just um obs’s new update is freaking sick because now my YouTube live controls are actually like on OBS so I don’t have to technically look up so my Chats on the window next to me as well

As like all the OBS functions cuz like I can insert ads I can pause I can do everything from that little box and it’s so great the integration mad it’s um it’s really good yeah it’s fine sorry I just just wanted to just wanted to say that that’s fair man

Yeah I’ll be back in a hot SEC that’s cool we will not you it’s fine it’s bonding time for me and Jord sorry sorry j I know I just had to say it’s coming I knew you play yeah that’s what I mean yeah no homo you

Know what I would say just like [ __ ] we’re just thick as theves me like [ __ ] Jack and hi um Misty says this makes me want to play Sky Block again yo facts it’s actually really dope if the render distance was like a little bit better it

Would be like mad for views man um if you want civilized stream you’re going to need me h no I’m I’m really not you’re you’re the one that wanted the fight night col see um will This Server be the server we’ been talking about no this is just a

Free server um I still need to um buy a server and sort it up but again um I need to figure out how I’m going to do it uh purely simply because like I said um to stop all the the Riff Raff um from joining I probably will put it at like a

Dollar um a month thing my Bob um and I know people aren’t going to like that but again it stops um it stops the refra from coming in all the trolls so I only like to dedicated people who actually want to play and have some fun

Are uh are going to join so yeah and I’ll try and see if I can do it where Bedrock sorry the Bedrock and um thing people come in you can make those you can make those yeah so I’ll try I’ll try and do that so at least and then we can

Get like um Mr Bean and creepy and stuff like that in as well how the bloody this is horrendous but it gets you up too bad this is um this is mad relaxing I know and I got the what’s that oh sorry I had my music my music I

Thought music in Minecraft like always stayed on like it plays for like one song and then just stops for like an hour yeah but when it kicks in it kicks in yeah it’s [ __ ] type um is that Ranger voice okay cool I wasn’t sure if I was hearing

Things oh you definitely are oh yeah that’s that’s that’s what happens when you’re a cucko for Cocoa pop stuff po oh Coco pop oh yeah I haven’t Coco Pops forever yeah though two two uh two sugary had for me n they’re yummy they’re yummy yeah but no bad things are yummy oh

Yeah just like I mean got you [ __ ] gotta oh man um I made a ladder I mean that’s not a ladder But there is oh who just killed me what the [ __ ] realize you oh my God in here sorry I’m safe nowhere I was right on the edge too hopefully okay cool I think it caught all my stuff oh jeez we’re fine okay I’m making my

House up top so I can go ins St up there that was deserved I deserve that no a lot of my stuff fell down oh did oh man I’m sorry no that’s all right I thought the um I thought the wooden fences would uh get it I was only bothered about the

Um the coal to be honest cuz I wanted to make some torches light this place up a little bit better there I I have coal it’s right there’s a there’s a big vein here it’s all good [ __ ] part of the fun hey I thought I had like that yeah God damn I didn’t think we had string sorry string so how how can we how can we make we’ve got one bed but we’re using the string for arrows respect were only there were only three there were only three in my defense yeah so instead of

Save it you thought I chose violence I’m going to kill the boys oh yeah got to love that [ __ ] yeah the real question there’s a Skelly boy up here that’s rude [ __ ] him up question is where where did the bow go oh I lost all my uh I killed him W I have

Wood I don’t want your treacherous wood that you I see my bow there we go ignore that oh um I might actually need some of your treacherous wood because um apparently I lost my axe now too um so um uh thank you wood yeah cheers there

Coal that’s right I had some coal it’s fine cheers too bad thanks for perfect though all right oh I had a heart attack too cuz oh man I wasn’t expecting that oh you weren’t expecting to shoot someone in the face with an arrow and then die okay

No I wasn’t okay okay uh it makes it all the worse because um you you like shooting arrows in real life so like it oh [ __ ] I literally did archery today man that’s what I’m talking about bro makes makes me scared so like like you

Know why did you why did you kill him oh I just I just I just shot at him I didn’t think he’d die you know I’m watching the sun the sun is on the bottom of the map this is funny that’s great I love guys this is wait no I

Don’t but this is It’s a creep the sun is under Jah we heard you shut up thanks I’m kidding I’m sorry boo what say iard it didn’t say anything he said boo or something like that yeah it is what he said you heard it’s not she’s talking [ __ ] sorry I’m not

King oh no no no you’re my boo oh okay yeah yeah yeah did you get yeah yeah wait wait wait wait wait yeah you get it get it um all right is that the edge that is indeed The Edge I feel as though like Jord is just

Pissing around and we’re like the only ones getting work like are you actually doing something up there mate or what I’m lighting Apple app Apple Apple hey Apple oh we failed nice [Applause] KN what you said knife life right no I just said knife knife yeah I did

Actually knife is yeah you said knife don’t you n me Nock they’ve taken over the stream you’re welcome we’re more enter wow look look fact you know the truth hurts right I I need I’m I’m washed up and I’m 25 I’m trying to be a conent

Creator like damn I should just give up and be a be a husband have a kid and die old I don’t want a kid not these days it’s all [ __ ] up unless you’re homeschooling that little bastard or them little bastards yeah I than you I ain’t raising no brainwashed [ __ ] child

Why yeah and then again a dog’s more low than most chicks these days so I’ll get a dog instead I mean hey you give me food and I’ll stay with you for life there you go see J keeper spaghetti it’s spaghetti that’s it that’s damn that’s so [ __ ]

Easy wait Jord can you cook arrows I got spaghetti I’m not I I make a sck WRA I’ll tell you oh yeah yeah [ __ ] I live off RS bro they are yummy so good nice low calorie like unlimited combinations with rap too you can even make them like

Sweet and savory love exactly ignore the fact I fell off I didn’t actually fall off I was going to say I didn’t see a death thing in my Bobby well lighted and I’m make my house up there I’m going to have to put out the Eternal Flame will we do another one

V one on the weekend probably not g I only did that um because there was um cuz of whatchamacallit um cu the servers were dead sorry D guys still there no okay I’m mining really quiet yeah no what I love that song it’s so funny get

Say funny Jord you [ __ ] F face shut up absolutely not Chad Chad it’s okay it’s just it’s just bance it’s just bance but cool I me want to fight no throw down sorry what throw down yeah throw down you want to throw hands you want to

Bash I’m going to throw I’m going to you know what I’m going to do here it I’m going to throw you take that get two St Dam got me stoned chat J got me stoned tell his parents you already are though no I’m I’m a good kid actually I don’t

Do drugs I don’t do alcohols Fair yeah apparently that makes you boring though in this generation so yeah so that’s why you just give me my wood what wood one y what I’m digging at ho um excuse me I know this is your first time on the stream young lady but we’re

A we’re a a family friendly stream don’t go asking for J’s word okay are you oh no we’re not family friendly I know oh remember making families is not family friendly did you until we meet again did you see the one I um I sent you on the

Weekend oh sorry today and it was like um oh no I haven’t pregnant woman swimming is a human submarine or something sub yes I I mean well I was going to say relate but no yeah yeah but please please don’t Dennis is like uh-huh yeah Dennis I think you joined at

The wrong time my G yeah we’ve all lost it yeah are way too high up I figured it out it’s because we’re so high up we got like no oxygen going to our brain cells so we’re good Jo you’re a genius how what do you mean how how I’m not I’m above the

Cloud listen the time to actually use your brain is moments of Revelation it’s gospel two 10 blocks up jungle PL who got jungle planks and didn’t get the jungle sapl um and they I think I think um um I think I got him out of a chest or something um was

I Sammy says I came back when you were talking about a woman being a submarine no no no not a woman a a pregnant lady is human swimming as a human submarine cuz the baby’s inside of her but anyway um yo s what’s going on my man how are

You um welcome to the uh Madness that is k k stream it’s not normally like this I’ve got these two wacka I’m usually a little bit more yeah it’s cuz he’s it’s cuz he’s uh cuz his lady interest here what you know what oh no no please don’t learn my

Lesson wait coming this better be solid me just oh damn um who did this cuz um the saplings aren’t going to spawn unless they’re four blocks apart in either direction they will they will oh I did miss one will the other won’t I didn’t miss so break my boat yeah going at you

Come here Bo no wait the passenger always dies crash okay like I’m actually over here building stuff well that’s what I was doing before and Jordan’s just like building his like Tarzan place up top or whatever got oh godam and then he just yeed himself off the mountain with his

[ __ ] VL turbo yeah I got V Turbo Man [Applause] oh have you seen that VL Comal with the free turbos no um I’m pretty sure I saw something with three tur three turbos recently that’s why I my and it’s it looks like a it’s it’s got turb it

Blocks um it blocks like half the other side yeah I know what you’re talking about yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s that’s the it’s wouldn’t surprise you if I said it’s aie what the turbo is no the car and the person who made it I I would not be surprised well good it

Is oh I love the use of the mossy Mossy Stone mixed with the normal stone brick and then the cob stone is very nice hey I literally just couldn’t find no no no just just except that you’re like a pro Builder don’t [ __ ] don’t downplay it it’s okay it’s fine I

Mean I have apparently I’ve made some cool stuff but I don’t know yeah I missed my um I missed my other YouTube playthrough that I did I spent so much time on the builds it was great I have to watch I did like I dug like a 16,000

Block hole on the ground that made it like a uh a giant like 10 story like giant chest Farm it got we so good that it was yeah you’d have to say it’s okay um am I doing you would have to see it to believe it yeah pretty much it was great

Okay Ah that’s what I wanted to make Po such a shame that eventually not eventually we be uh be leaving this server it is nice spot but it’s pretty dope eh come up I am currently falling nice rain ter [Laughter] rain pull up I love the

Alarm I was just talking to you like terrain terrain full oh my God staring into a m um Dennis says what did I miss since the first Fallout for vid um you missed a lot G um there’s been so much stuff so many streams and videos since

Then um we’ve I think we got up to part six of Fallout we got up to part six of cyber punk as well um we started gear is continued with hunt now we’ve started Minecraft so yeah you missed uh you missed a wee bit lad just a wee

Bit um did anyone have any plans for this place or I I just extending out the tree farm for now is that okay that Is whatever I was to say I don’t think the no was actually [Applause] the it’s directed at my lovely attempt something stop it no oh Dam who the [ __ ] is this this this freaking Sandstone up here how is it sandone or sand Sandstone oh no it’s actually just no

Yeah Sandstone right here is it yeah there’s two blocks of sandstone of sandone yeah just dangling precariously over the edge and up where Captain rur is over here the [ __ ] is Captain rura nice nice nice name bro rura Ran I’m going to chop it off the bridge making a house oh this will be interesting if it’s anything like your staircase [ __ ] me I’m interested hey I could change the title of the video to three idiots play Minecraft oh yeah hell yeah guys it’s okay she not sensitive

It’s just the drug before anyone says anything cuz apparently we raised a bunch of [ __ ] this generation we really did yeah I mean I didn’t raise Nothing sorry you know why is there a black man Enderman whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa all that went through my head was Peter Peter Griffin was like hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa out wrong there I came out really holy [ __ ] no what are you talking about

I was about to get down there I was about to bring the bring the guns and all sorts you co he safe just give him chicken he’s fine oh true oh [ __ ] this got racist just water water I’m an idiot do you have do

You have any like U okay is there a fat chick nearby to distract him if you give him water that guys mcra because end don’t like water could be you know like people S I mean ow ow ow ow ow oh my M says yay racism for my

Leave it’s not racism it’s just jokes yeah this this very sensitive it’s all the estrogen yes um why am I sorry hang on I’m googling now what what are you googling mine C Tre a b o v eove a certain Rock limit you just asked how tall I didn’t

Can Minecraft trees grow I don’t care how tall they grow can they like grow above wait it just hits me with like H actually the largest manga drumble trees can freaking Grow 30 more block I don’t care about how freaking high they can I want to know if they can

Gra everyone says I’m the crotch the old man I’ve made a mistake you made steak steak what was this mistake oh not that the freaking trees grow as soon as I Look Away guys this looks pretty I’ll get to working on my black man’s back oh don’t look him in the eyes

Don’t look him in the eyes just back away slowly I’m a girl so I must run yeah my trees are going super fast what I got the sad Minecraft music oh man does anyone want arrows cuz I got two yes that was really quick that was quick hang on you know what I’m

Going to do an Express to delivery right yeah can you please come bring bring the bring the obsidian pretty please please I have obsidian no it’s in the chest I have I’m having to break it with an iron pickaxe I don’t have obsidian wait what

Are you doing in the chest where are you down down down down but where fall off the diving jump off the DI or dive off the no you were right he’s Jord he’s [ __ ] he’ll fall J I love you it’s fine literally just I was about to make a falling for

You then but oh oh you can you can you can go ahead godam it I made it come on come on please break please where are you across I see please bring it this has hurt my brain more oh I just jumped off the edge sorry two

Arrows please tell me you brought the obsidian no I didn’t ohang your stuff what stuff it’ll burnt mate there was no stuff oh I one thing I forgot about that your chest oh well oh no the drip I forgot about the drip did it there’s no

Way I have it there’s no way to to to get rid of the drip it’s Invincible there it is I forgot about this now I got to go all the way back up that’s an issue I don’t even have I have yet to see any ORS besides okay this is sad

There we go what the hell was that lag in a Bassel Delta what this sucks damn this is a very bad spawn guys where the [ __ ] are you guys NE he’s in the nether where the [ __ ] did you get to the nether through a freaking portal

What else wait no the Bassel Delta is the best they have the glowing tree thing in the Bobs and you can make pretty lights no Bass with laa everywhere is that the black one the black rock things CU I like the magma cubes the funny blobs that

Bounce is a funny blob that bounces kidding Mom oh [ __ ] no I’m way too quick to say that that bit me on the there’s a hole there where is um I have returned in one piece unfortunately looking I’m mathematizing right now yes need need help send

Help that I’m going to do it you should make like a a tree house cuz you’re you’re the tree man my no it won’t stop leaking very rude I was I was going to build like a oh oh potato makes like this nice little wooden frame thing in here so I was

Going to copy that design up and then we can like a glass thing B up this way I think it’ll look cool oh yeah I see it just just let me cook just let me cook it’s okay I’m letting you um I just need a lot of

Wood w does anyone have a lot of wood I have I do not seven birch logs I don’t need Birch I need uh Oak I don’t have Oak I have literally no wood in my inventory then you are useless to me you got you got Oak up top trees I do

Have some oak trees okay I might have to mine them then I’ll just replace with saplings actually never mind I’m it’s literally insane yeah it’s I was staring at my house that I built like Corners out of and some of the leaves hadn’t despawned

So I yeah I have like trees oh I have one up here okay wait well hang on let me count one two three I have three up Here yes do Dr oh my no why wow trees um trees don’t spawn very quickly do they Wen you just talking about how fast I were two seconds ago um quite awesome we making we making copas oh [ __ ] I forgot it’s night time night time mistakes were made oh

Good I need a hero oh you went down as well yeah falling and disappearing God oh you did get the where did he get the from freaking wrong thing uh lava po plus I sto some [ __ ] guys I’m you’re kind of like a Minecraft wizard wizard yeah oh wait sorry

What yeah it doesn’t have the same ring to it yeah Minecraft witch no Minecraft wizard sorry we’re just going to have to go with the uh yeah maybe just like fine yeah I prefer it anyway I just personally prefer like wizard a witch you’re a wizard Harry it just what I understood that

Reference I made it what am I doing I’m on I think I think I think I think nothing oh I can’t say cave I just need one more oh drowned dude I’m just trying to harvest some wood can you leave me alone with my thoughts and my wood please

No just wanted some alone time with my wood [Laughter] yeah comedy has been achieved [ __ ] yeah you see didn’t play on words fam [ __ ] brilliant in it I did man when did you go Jamaican that’s what I I don’t know because you’re Jamaican Me Crazy ah that was good idea the K

Is yeah kidding that’s I’m single alone I was I was just I’m just teasing yo Jacob Jones welcome back my man I don’t know why I call you Jacob Jones and it was just Jacob I keep I genuinely forgot we were on stream wow yeah it

Gets a bit like that you have to really especially when I’m playing with Jordy you have to be really careful what you [ __ ] say yeah or when we’re recording that’s really bad that’s that’s I’ve heard tals oh you guys you talk about me Jord oh [ __ ] you’re like the biggest Flex I have

Besides now I can say I have my P but that’s still not as cool I’m just I’m going to attempt to kill the black man it’s not this is this [ __ ] okay yeah you really did forget you’re on stream you just said you’re going to kill a black

Man [ __ ] hell we’ll have the whole of uh the Australian police force down here they’re like a protect happened in America once oh I got a pearl I got his eyeball I got a pearl and I didn’t even have to kill anyone I just found it what are you doing I’m looking at

Your stream what are you doing you’re mom he got me you got me you got me yeah come here and I’m going to delete your kneecaps backslash lightning strike on your coordinates sounds pretty gay honestly I just want to you mean prob an ancient city under all of this no there

Would never be and and what I’m doing Jord is is is Ranger made like a really nice a nice little like wooden cave entrance thing in my Bob over here so what I was going to do is I’m trying to replicate that but like if I build this

Thing all the way up and then replicate it with like the uh the same little like wooden uh stairs on other side the upside down stairs and stuff make it pretty and then I’m going like ex extend it out with like a few beams and then

The last pain the whole thing and then boom modern wood glassy Stony secret base thing myob on top of mountain this was disapp [ __ ] ouch I I I I got up here first so I named it I feel as though uh uh freaking Rangers is the only one doing anything

Yeah yes I’m making a you really are though I’m making a house SP I just want fully in a crevice actually this is a crevice not a cave but it sucks I have two wool who else wants wool I mean there’s iron here I’ll take that doesn’t answer

Your yes or no who want wool e there’s Granite God damn it I’m literally I mared up one of your things I hate it all right Jody’s really bad at this I’m literally on a funnel that is lined up with this block I don’t know how I hit that block yeah

Sorry very funny do you want wool do you want to wo i it’s a gift from you I I’ll I’ll take it man enjoy the W have to rewatch this whole stream man come on Jes be that sounded really aggressive I keep the [ __ ] texture of this please tell

Me that’s yes finally that’s wheat I was going to say the texture of the um of this bloody Shader pack I can’t tell what the whether the wheat’s growing properly I keep mining it too early it’s all right I just oh thanks where is cave

I need cave I want to I want I I crave the mines oh I’m a miner well just follow the black guy he’ll lead you to a cave I followed him he let me nowhere you didn’t leave you back to the mines that looks like more of a

Cave and all it goes through my head is just The you know with the dude Oh Come A you know I don’t know mes spam memes you never send me anything anymore I freaking haven’t been home I’m going to kill myself oh [ __ ] actually I’m going to kill myself oh I landed in water holy [ __ ] I’m a

Genius oh CH oh clip it I’m better than everyone else oh I saw that I saw that un oh there’s a thing there where are you hang on I’m checking my stuff way again instant death where are you you’re like you’re like this way aren’t

You Jacob says we should do a PVP stream next Wednesday okay never mind um Jacob hopefully next Wednesday um I’m hoping next Wednesday I might actually have the server up R so people can actually join but um but yeah I just is it too much to

Ask to just want to play Minecraft I don’t want to do some PVP [ __ ] no you’re Gooding I don’t want p yeah I just I I swe it good cuz like even like my old friend group kind of thing they they they all wanted to do like um like hey let’s play

Minecraft and it’s like okay and then they started doing like know it was like Pokemon Minecraft I’m like I like I just want to play and build Minecraft like blocks I just just it’s the whole point of the game it’s like playing Call of Duty and like just circle jerking each other up

In the corner like no play [ __ ] Sho some would argue that’s the standing a did you uh did you uh did you get that reference did you sorry yeah yeah yeah okay make that in this now let’s see how far I can make it down here before I

Drown Please Don’t Drown I’m going to drown oh I still have my thing on I can’t do that this sand is so so bright oh [ __ ] yeah it’s 1:00 I’m so sorry I um I need to yeah please please don’t get turn off it’s not worth it

Just for a Minecraft thing if need to be I can just make the stream earlier um next week or whatever if you are still down that’s fine I can I can set it up at like 8:00 or something like that so you can have like a good 3 4 hours or ah honestly

I’m like I said the the streams are mainly just for like me having fun you know what I mean like it’s not really views it’s just meant to hang out so if people watch their watch if they don’t they’re not too fast edited a video mean

Home like I have got it edit the intro outro me talking crap that’s not nearly done that’s that’s that’s still like all half the video still to go just and I got two two two two two games there we go holy crap guys I gots for you guys in the furnace 11

Of yeah there Iron just one of wood just just just run my [ __ ] trees hang on Express to the iron oh I overshot by a mile yeah he’s dead oh I hit the water dam probably that is all good um hopefully your parents didn’t catch on him you don’t get told

Off she’ll be right cuz I know they’re kind of crazy uh I’m taking the inside IR she’s got a counter for bir up 11 minut the problem is though it’s like way too expensive to rent and stuff so like unless you like move it in with

Draw it’s going to be [ __ ] it’s fine I I there’s a PL you know over are two loung rooms right up there there’s a whole ass another room that’s probably the same size as like your guys’s living room yeah by the way our house is big yeah I know it’s like eight bedrooms

There’s like an old H hotel isn’t it yeah that dire straight stadi yeah that’s the best part of it too money for nothing what a banger you play that guar we can’t say that all righty I’ll leave you guys to it then H not9 goodbye else that I cannot

See on chat it’s right there’s I think there’s just me and Jord here uh yes there’s two watching M something no Misty went ages ago oh he’s back he you can’t sleep oh that’s an issue issue yeah fact good night try not to burn the place down I I have nothing to burn

Boy so now we’re going to be like a stand person no we going up we going up we going going up we going up so up sorry can’t can’t do the uh can’t do that high high pitch [ __ ] so I’ll just do my Wheezy thing instead I was about to say kick yourself

In the balls you’ll hit the note that’s a joke that my always said There You Go Story Time said that’s a that’s a good song but it was a good song Until you started so what’s your favorite game K depends what’s m well it’s Halo so yeah it’s kind of

Crap so it’s fine that adds up I’m I’m kidding kidding peace comeing peace Middle East Stu he says why am I so mean I’m I’m just tasing I’m sorry kind of I don’t know why we pulling Misty so much I don’t know I’m sorry Misty I I have I have one reason that

Guy got you [ __ ] I knew you would I knew it oh dear me life is great cutie for the love of God shut up C oh your dog sorry yeah dogs got outside so she’s just barking nice she just does it she runs outside and just barks and then

Refuses to elaborate and walks back inside I [ __ ] I love she’s very cute I mean her name’s cutie so I hope she’s cute I’m making a mountain house that looks ass let’s go it’s all right I will replace that with my Mountain Fortress base mess that I’m cooking up right now

He’s cooking yeah I’m cooking cooking what is she fuing did she find a cat or something so yeah by the sounds of it she has found some I do only box of cats and um foreign people immigrants or yeah for uh immigrants blacks Asians anything like that children she doesn’t like children

I raised the I raised their right sh dog I’m kidding by the way it’s just just her nature I don’t know why she does it good old Huskies [ __ ] crazy though husk are oh I fell hold on it was like five blocks too kind of oh you you were on

Like you had like and a half yeah point at the OB you could boom got him you’re mom really sorry you think you’re so funny I do [ __ ] funny oh yeah this isn’t turning out quite quite the way I imagined oh we we’re building I’m just I don’t

Know prob tired yeah stressing like mad but it’s fine now I got my piece I was going to say yeah you should be like stress free well not stress free but if you do feel stress you can just uh hop in the car and go for a drive hey new

Recipes um okay start smelting this B this B watch stop I just got that out of my head head you bastard I’m sorry it’s so good I love it to go she’s still barking should need go bring room no Mom and Dad so or dad dad will

Be up damn your parents St up late say they’ll be working my dad oh well no should be asleep sorry Dad dead dead yeah it’s such a dead thing isn’t it like they’ll stay up to like 3:00 a.m. they’ll go to work at 5 come home at

Like 6 do the whole thing over and over again like does work just where like just renovates the house yes okay I don’t think anyone would hire him considering I don’t know I don’t think he’s just been hit by a c twice this is oh [ __ ] yeah you did tell

Me sorry and know this one uh there watch [ __ ] you Jord ladies and gentlemen got we got did you know how impressionable I am I do that’s why I did it things get stuck in my head so freaking easily I reckon this is going to turn out like absolute rubbish but

It’s it’s fine because like we’re not staying on the server anyway so I missed it go damn it I I gota go that’s not all I have just storage [ __ ] yeah she’s got she’s I’m drowning fine now let’s see ow ow I need feather falling we’re a long way from

That a long long way now can I not fall in thank you oh jeez that was Buck damn we’ve nearly been gone for 3 hours to we’ve been talking so much crap this entire stream funny as yeah facts needs to uh my house that’s the first the first videos are

Always wacky yeah so then you like kind of settle in and then it just becomes like yeah so probably next stream be a my Oh my cup is coppering cool love the English welcome my Copper’s cop yeah chat this is just it’s not this isn’t going to be like my best building I’m just it’s been a long day I’m very tired so just just let me cook let him cook

Me have I made my house an uneven I have I usually make my houses and even a number of blocks and then I get annoyed on myself shut up shut up dirty nuh watch my [ __ ] you best hope never catch up in real life let your ass respectfully respectfully I’m a respectful ass

Whooping excuse me sir I’m respectfully [ __ ] you right now I mean uh [ __ ] you up right now sir I forgot the other part my my B my bed um it’s a very vital feat of information yo Jacob take it easy bro enjoy school um that’s those just don’t

Work sorry well enjoy school yeah try and try and manage school I don’t I’m I’m now going to be perpetually stuck yeah it’s all right just just chill out for a bit until uh World War II happens in a few months probably should I make bricks don’t have stone that’s an issue

Yeah that you oh yeah I’m going to go I need some five torches oh good it’s fine oh I don’t have food I should probably get that first C Lally yeah I did who now can I go from the bottom of this place to the top of this place and not

Drown no I cannot because I freaking ran into the wall last pains are really tedious to place yes they in fact are doing well I looked over I’m definitely a professional builder I screw you I’m making screw me in screww me no I screw you that that gets me

Sorry you spit on me you spit on me huh hey Guy what’s your name Tony [ __ ] you Tony hey [ __ ] you what’s your name Ezekiel [ __ ] you zq you know what I did know you know what I did don’t say it don’t you say it I built that campfire over there oh

That’s very nice then I [ __ ] your mom next to it oh man this this stream is Uh it’s good fun actually I’m enjoy Myself coer CER time I flew through the cloud the eag has this is the ugliest thing I’ve ever built it’s okay mod it’s kind of bound to be ugly that’s not an insult at you by the way that’s just modern thing oh no I didn’t actually good cries himself to sleep

Tonight don’t do that it sorry ring in I’m not going down that way did you die again no I was going CU there’s a creeper and a Skelly boy all a Skelly Sky boy I’m so hungry hungry sorry I had to Bro set me on fire s what is in

Here guys I’m like last pain Master except I don’t have a way down a master probably would have uh probably would have had a way down no no ah okay it’s right it’s one HP oh [ __ ] I fell off okay it’s 2 Hp two and a half okay cool Co seriously the ugliest

Looking it’s okay it’s fine it’s okay it’s okay it’s a fish tank yeah it’s fine fine it’s all good just say you styled it after a fish tank and everyone was like damn that’s so intricate detail yes I’m Arty artsy FY person would say something like that oh it’s so

Beautiful you can really see the personality in the build oh yeah it’s so tragic the eyes the quality you know there’s art FY people [ __ ] hippies yeah I well finally it’s been like an hour since Minecraft music came back yeah about to say it was so it was so

Um awkward guess yeah awkward without it um Yeah hey itely that’s that one okay that’s what you um Sam what’s the best biomes in your guys opinion um honestly my favorite one is the cherry blossoms um cherry blossoms just look absolutely beautiful with the uh some shaders um so that’s my personal opinion what about you J what

About you Sammy you re really I’m but oh yep we’re in a massive Lush cave the Lush cave I would say is like like easy second for me sorry um but they really are nice again yo um if you do go back and watch um my Minecraft series

Playthrough I actually um look for the thumbnail with the Lush cave on it because it looks so beautiful down there with the reflections and the water and the um the fruit things that they have in there a it looks so nice I can understand why you um [ __ ] so much I

Love building in Ravines in C so yeah I must admit this kind of Fun y not again Misty take it easy Bro where the hell did she go I want to just I need Stuff Mr zombie shame if I’m just going to kill you come back I can’t kill you from okay this is this is um yeah like I said the worst thing I’ve probably ever made in C but it’s okay it’s okay we can we can work with it we can work with it coming

Back we can we can do something we put some you can put some leaves on it it probably look it’ probably look half decent with the Shader on it everything looks half decent with a Shader doesn’t look too though yeah yeah once we once we put like a little roof

On it like cap it off with some uh with some planks just need little touch yeah some slabs on it uh maybe some stairs just jazzed it up a little bit I think we’ll be uh will be August we can build like a little interior there’s

Snow snow water snow oh snow sorry I thought you yeah na like rapist why is it so funny don’t know it’s my sister number number for prostitute in all of gazic and he’s like full on hooking up with a yeah I on to the um I’m going to Y some of these blocks

Okay let’s see if we can put a nice little cap on yes Tess what’s going on how are you welcome to the madness well they have I don’t know yeah have arrived they indeed have um don’t don’t judge my um don’t judge the building it’s it’s it’s not

Our best work it’s like 101 in the morning so um yeah this is definitely sleepy time builds we’ve been losing it this entire yeah you’re all right how am I yeah not too bad just pretty tired to be honest oh there’s a cult strier are they those things that can

Cross the lava yeah those things are dope you just need a saddle yeah I believe so yes what this is this is the worst looking thing ever how the hell the zombies underneath I might be underneath Dearing me JY Dearing me deing me me be that way

Oh I spent enough time in the nether with absolutely nothing uh Tess this is the newest version of the game right uh yeah it is uh update 1.2.2 or something like that yeah correct me if I’m wrong yeah but um yeah definitely the newest one I mean I only know that because took

Me like freaking two hours to reinstall all the mods and [ __ ] um obviously we’re not using the shaders and what not now but uh before when we were it was uh quite tedious I can tell you that got shaders no I haven’t got shaders on what do you mean my shaders

On this is just normal my shaders aren’t on what do you mean um video settings sh it back really oh r r r r yeah it just kicked me off um I’m still here okay come back back cool cool Gucci I like your background screen oh yeah the hunt showdowns one

Yeah I changed it um test true Chads play um 1.7.3 three wait what’s that wait 1.7.3 wait wait wait wait that’s like it’s like three updates ago oh actually many more oh my game’s for oh there we go we’re back don’t want to block how do you

Make how do you make them like can you not make them what swords Stone you can make stone cutters how you just have to have smooth so I’m pretty sure oh so you need to smell Cobble God but you can wait I need some smooth cobby

Stone okay now what we do we do that’s so I’m I’m seriously reluctant to start building anything proper since so we’re not going to be playing this for very long Like This Server yeah going to have to I reckon what we should do we need to uh make a server and it a

Little bit just so we can get remot set up yeah insane yeah just get like a farm going and stuff like that get like enough food and then we can actually play yeah yeah [ __ ] with that um Tess before the end was a thing before sprinting enchant Etc what why would you

Why would you want to play that no no sprinting would be terrible enchanting I mean I’m not really bothered about that but like damn you actually play on that it’s kind of whack I’m not going to lie watch my I’m Sorry you just think it’s a better game y [ __ ] fair game each of their own that is B ladies and gentlemen they are little to own opinion I don’t know not these days not Australia anyway yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there’s an entire Community surrounding beta 1.7.3 y damn fair

Game oh uh I created like a quadruple deck of tree oh you can’t scroll okay okay cool what polished Bassel oh this is really not my best building all right there we go oh hey buddy that’s not good I don’t have anything to ow why you such a dick please stop

Hurting me I only have one HP and I backed myself into a corner johy save me he’s going to touch my butt who’s touching what he’s going to touch my butt I need to make a sword oh he’s going to touch my he’s going to

Touch it coming he killed me dude his um not sure if it’s just lag but he hits me way before I can hit him sword there he is Jord get him get him sick boy oh my God thank you that was so laggy I don’t know I can hear them I’m

Not sure if they’re beneath us um but yeah like down here oh yeah t we uh we we we definitely I don’t play Minecraft a lot so um where are they were they down this platform yeah that were underne oh damn look at them all down there it’s like

What oh there’s an Ender oh damn and can you can you imagine if it was just like a bomb or something you could just drop down there that would be cool that would be cool fig it out um I just need to make a torch cuz he spawned in over that way

Where is give me inventory fam in me [ __ ] inventory all right stop picking on me yeah up a little bit more watcham funny man what accent is even is that it’s not really an accent I just it’s just a voice just a voice fam just accent is

That psych it’s not yeah sh that much you know you kid gotcha [ __ ] gotcha got to be good hey J’s just crying it’s fine I’m Jing on joking on some dick I knew it I saw it God damn it how many one two three one two three

Four five maybe on the fifth block every fifth block possibly maybe Yes No Maybe So Perhaps Perhaps indeed br br really is choking D I like the noise I wish they added the copper I’m glad I have stream music because the music in this game is buggy

Ass it just never comes on I still have yet you know that time I mentioned it it stopped after that yeah really did I’ve heard nothing yeah quite on the Western Front eh I don’t even know what I’m building here just we’re just cooking it’s fine no the

There there’s no Center of there two three four five six three six okay so there is a center to it it’s there it’s the center of it cool cool come of that fine I think I could could spir staircase maybe maybe maybe J maybe maybe maybe maybe

Wow I really am bad at this game way watching what sorry like the new movies or the old TV show no about yuckies yeah I can’t [ __ ] with the old TV shows just me personally a lot of people like them but yes not me not me very bad very bad

I mean building on this mountain seems great but like from like a blocks perspective it’s so tedious to bring things back e or like get things back up yes you’re welcome need like a uh a bloody elevator I think we’ll go to uh go for another

Few minutes Jo and I think hop off why is the [ __ ] yes J what I said um I said we’ll go for a few more minutes and then we’ll probably hop off yeah yeah it’s late I already stayed up late as last night editing so I don’t want to make it

Too nice on the TRU um Maybe don’t know very bad very bad to building very bad very bad fine that’s not at all where I wanted yeah not the best not the worst it’s fine Jord what what do we reckon for flooring I’m kind of pver on materials I’ve only got Cobblestone Cobblestone more Cobblestone and some some

Wood I could make smooth Stone and then makes uh stone brick I’m going back to the nether I want more that that’s a deep hole so not as deep as your come on can’t stop God damn give the woman a break I’m sorry it’s funny as kind of kills me

Inside I’m sorry I don’t even it’s all jokes bro Jack so bad I want more of that dark this dark is that that pitch black stuff yeah yeah looks so nice oh God I hate ghs they’re kind of terrible I can’t I can’t run my head around this freaking this house

Though end just uh what’s up so I told him what’s up and I left oh it’s right used to that God damn and when they arrive when their fathers leave the milk I missed my cherry blossom Grove very understand we’ll have to so pretty I’ll just I’ll probably just copy

That seed over cuz I definitely want to build where we were before well that works made a b need some of that thank welcome oh finally now the music starts playing again yay Sleeping like [ __ ] two hours Yeah my head is buzzing oh D me all right well say was a three and a half hour streams you we we didn’t get like anything done I built a giant glass pain piece of [ __ ] in a in a tower amazing oh F me holy crap pardon where you

At I’m up on your little base oh yeah I haven’t even been up there I might as well I might as well finish finish the up seeing what you’re up to oh God see I definitely think um you should we should do like a separate playlist for

Um for actual YouTube that would be a little bit tedious playing two different worlds holy [ __ ] you’re not kidding this just keeps going up and up oh y are you building your house at a B making the roof out of it I reckon that’ll work cooking the [ __ ] is these Corner why you

Using copper cuz I can’t okay okay cool I’m actually I’m one of the few people that actually kind of likes copper how do I wax it you need be damn it yeah I was going to go and wax them so they go like the green orange tinge no

The the waxing stops it oh I don’t want to wax it then lucky you they’re not whack colleting my crap oh yeah you dropped it just throw it back at you you come back down here it’s it’s like right there it’s fine oh yes cool now I can jump off the top yes

The pool takes so long holy crap holy crap I’m watching your stream damn oh squids damn I that’s high as [ __ ] going to lie damn I honestly that was probably one of the best updates though um when Minecraft added the mountains one yes caves yes and they extended their build

Uh uh ceiling so instead of being like 200 blocks whatever it was not even oh did you make uh Source block all the way up to your place I’m drowning yeah you drowned right before you get damn that is dope that’s so fast though yeah I like it you need

Some want some glass pains very welc I can make the B that way or that oh is it the polished stuff then go polished the polished one looks so good all the the [ __ ] was that oh polish the stone the the Bassel bricks or the thingy stone bricks looks really nice

Um I it is yeah polish Blackstone brick looks absolutely amazing I love it or just the polished black stone I got the Pol oh look your um your Copper’s going green yes that one’s comone the others so is the one at the top which is funny for the one at the top

Cuz that was probably the first last one you ready I’ll help you build your house oh yeah the two wool yep really had some texture it really goes it really brings out the green and the yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m I’m sorry I it’s fine it’s funny Jesus that’s that’s dangerous I

Nearly fell like right off the oh [ __ ] nearly did again that’s dangerous proceed to do it again excuse me I thought I was crouching that’s fine how do you look at you with all your f fancy stuff up here I have fancy a fancy [ __ ] chest a fancy clock radio fancy stone cutter

Fancy single tree just chilling MH yeah I’m just built like God damn what’s I think that’s me for tonight bro that’s all good all good yeah you going you going to stay on for a bit I might just to finish the hey that’s fair enough oh

Goods all right um I better just quickly get down here go broke all my shins great stuff good St oh yeah I’m going to stay up here so when I respawn and I’ve got a mad view if it ever actually renders in all righty man well um I’ll probably

Catch you to uh catch up with you tomorrow yes all good boy boy all righty guys that’s what we’re going to call it for T night stream I’m really sorry about how random it was um I honestly I didn’t expect uh Java to not let you just have like two or three

Friends in like I didn’t realize you had to actually have like a server it’s kind of crap but look it is what it is uh we know for next time um so yeah so I hope like hopefully by next uh stream or next Minecraft stream I do actually want to

Have a server of my own um it just makes it a lot easier um but uh but yes so don’t get used to this this place this is just temporary for today’s episode we will be starting a new server um I found a really like the same the same seed that I’m using

That I used at the start of this video cherry blossom one but um anyway guys thank you so much for watching don’t forget to like comment subscribe all that good stuff and uh yeah I’ll see you in the next one take it easy peace

This video, titled ‘Our Journey Begins! | Minecraft Playthrough – Part 1’, was uploaded by KilroyPlays on 2023-11-15 14:49:09. It has garnered 82 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:59 or 12959 seconds.

Welcome to my Minecraft livestream! In this stream, we’ll be exploring the vast world of Minecraft and building some amazing structures. Join me as we embark on this adventure together and discover new things in this blocky world. So grab your pickaxe and let’s get started! Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button and turn on notifications so you never miss a livestream. See you in the world of Minecraft! #gaming #minecraft #minecraftsurvival #gamingstream

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  • Death Maul

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  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

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  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

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  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

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  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

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  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at https://bfc.store Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QJ8RwZZsjj Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOEy2PrmyH2JWVHsuVhcJbg Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharizardXKing Cryptic: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQxOJ__tn8JE8cj9g7go8g Pug: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAHUKt7SYUOWugIHEpo1DQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/outerspacepugyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/outerspacepugyt Muzz: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qs0ZVm5zYNAWmiFKvMzhg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/muzuku Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muzuku21 Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – www.youtube.com/@DazManReacts Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Goldenelytra.com Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- PublicLoyal.aternos.me:40241 Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/sav_dude_/ Discord ►https://discord.link/Savdude #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. server.limified.com Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More