EPIC Minecraft Adventure with Fizzicks & Winnie! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ”ฅ

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Hi I am physics with my good friend Winnie good morning this is Winnie wle how are we this well I don’t even know it’s Friday yes it’s Friday it is Friday yes um oh don’t know I woke up this morning and I had such bad breath my

Dogs were snuggling with me and super happy and I had to brush my teeth twice cuz I was afraid people could smell my bad breath on stream it was so bad yeah that was terrible I don’t know why I wanted to say that but it was Haunting you have now so all posterity

Yes oh that’s good you have some exciting things to show us today don’t you I do if you give me just a second I’m still setting stuff up oh okay uh no worries cuz I’m popping chat out so I can see it chat is good yep and minimizing Discord because

I’m just assuming everything’s going to work hunky dory it’s a good thing to assume right okay and I’m going leave that where I can see it okay yes I have built us a house yay I’m super excited and you’re going to give it to please uh sure yes I

Am so I moved everything off the top I lowered the entire base one block oh okay because there was kind of a hill in the middle oh sure so even the even the sheeps and cows got lowered there may or may not have been a great escape of all

The animals I’m just saying it happens much like but you would never know it yeah cuz they’re they’re here right now and so I added the the farm or whatever but this is the house you know starter base type thing it’s lovely it’s and we made it’s very cotton

Candy it is it’s so pink I mean I tried to not be as pink but oh my God like the BL it’s irresistible I couldn’t stand it so I have to say I’m warming up to the color pink I used to dislike it immensely I just I really I almost it

Almost made me itch but now I actually love the color pink I hear you this pink is beautiful I I think they did a great job with picking the tone for the Cherry it is lovely there’s there’s some pinks that can be a little crazy yes but this is

Like a perfect it’s all it’s almost Barbie pink but it’s a little softer I like it it is and I love pink signs because they’re legible mhm this is my new favorite thing like I in my one of my modded worlds I’m going to go find cherry trees

So that I can have sides I can read I totally get you okay so this is the workshop this is our usual uh all the machines set up all of the machines do empty into the Barrel in the center okay I went ahead and put um poppers

Under them good to know so all the furnaces and everything and then there’s extra I I’m going to say that like where the wood is my assumption is that the barrel above it would also be a place for wood so I put things that’ll have

Lots of overflow up on the top so that there’ll be another and if we need to label those with different things we can there’s also storage tucked way up in the corners and that leads me to this ladder over here nice I’m just admiring this rooftop like oh yeah I’ll talk about

I’ll talk about that in a second I love love love the cathedral lighted roof like that’s incredible thank you um this is our Lounge area in case you don’t want to go all the way to the tent 10 feet out the door to sleep nice so there’s like a sofa and a

Little table to have morning coffee and all that stuff and I haven’t put and you can get to the storage up here U if you need yeah just overflow like Cobble bamboo like stuff we’re going to have a lot of can just be hidden up here nice okay cool and most of it’s

Accessible without having to like flip a magic Place yeah and I’ll I’ll add more storage for our personal use in the tent like we can put barrels on the floor and stuff or maybe we can have a wall in here I just going to are you going to

Like decorate this out or you going to kind of leave it plain and have this like as a workpace theoretically I think I’m going to leave this until we like over time we’ll add stuff that needs to be in here so I’m I’m leaving it for

Now I think like I might decorate one half is a kitchen and one half is a living room but I think we get like we’ll need an enchanting area like that can go here oh okay that and we’ll need you know but there’ll be other things in game as we

Go I guess that’s true I feel like this should be like a great hall mhm and then like we should have this big table Yeah right in the way as we walk in the room I love that idea course yeah of course we can just like you know jump

I’m trying to play yes and yes sure let’s put a table right in our path awesome I know and then we’ll just like as we run through the door build you a great hall we’ll just jump right on top of it and can and the center and then we

Can go I’ll build you I’ll oh okay the house in the snow can be purely decoration okay and we can make it a we’ll make a long house that’s like a great hall oh yeah that’s a great idea like we have this beautiful snowy Peak all around

Us and it’s huge that biome is huge I thought you’re a creeper again no all right let’s we had a creeper problem so we should sleep we we stayed up way too long and then creepers followed us into the house we we were out wandering and there were creepers

Um yeah so the roof the way I made it for the Curious is I built the structure of the roof with wool so I made like kind of traditional on the side like when you walk on the entrance you can see it’s like just a regular triangle

And then I kind of went up by layers like I’m want it to be like Igloo like so I used wool made a huge white fluffy roof in the shape that I wanted it and then I covered it in stairs so the gaps where the stairs are the wool

Blocks used to be there mhm and then I went inside and got rid of all the wool nice so the roof St so it was well I I have never done something like that before I was going to leave the wool because it was white it looked like

Cotton candy but I kind of accidentally removed too much wool and I was like oh oh that’s light coming through the roof I like we need that awesome it was so gorgeous it was so gorgeous I was like screw that I’m taking all the wool out I can imagine

Like when you do the Great Hall that where you had the wool you’ll have different colored glass that the light coming through would be like this Mosaic of or stained glass oh I like that I like that a lot but yes so that was the technique I

Used was so we have quite a bit of wool because I sheared all the sheeps uh so in mob drops yeah it’s like two and a half stacks left plus all the colors I’ve got that that’s under mob drops okay mob drops yeah you you mainly collected it

Back up so right yeah yeah like it’s all back in there I’m making myself boots nice but yeah that’s I really like the shape came out really well and then I hung the lanterns I was like oh I’ll hang one on a fence post and then I

Thought why don’t I hang Lots on a fence post I love the Vault and it emphasizes the The Vault right the arch it does it’s really quite lovely I’m very happy with the way this turned out like and you can see that like even at night it’s gorgeous you can

See the stars through the ceiling like and it still keeps the rain off that was my favorite part CU I don’t like the rain on me especially with the shaders mhm dripping through it’s a little it’s a little um in the reflections and stuff are a little intense even though I have them

Turned down and then I just moved our farm over to the side because we were only growing wheat anyway we can change that I’m sure we’ll make big farms other places yeah and I’m not even sure this should be the farming place maybe across the way like yeah like this is just

Ornamental really mhm yeah farming should be I don’t know yeah like maybe over in those uh the sunflower fields oh yeah I kind of lost you but there’s one over to the West yeah here we go like AC straight across there where it’s flat over there mhm yeah that would be

Good we we surveying our kingom down or yeah or down the hill like that’s almost enough flat stuff to put Farms we I and we we could do like the the Japanese tiered Farms don’t they have Farm like that up in the mountains yes yes yes I hear

You what are you looking at the um the like um Terrace that’s the word I’m like there’s a word for that yeah the Terrace Farms I hate the big grass oh it’s too tall I like occasionally having some big grass but yeah like when it’s right here on an

Edge that’s fine but I don’t like that I can’t see through it and you can’t hit mobs through it yeah that’s why I like using a bow yeah also I discovered that putting so I had to put all the cherry blossoms back on the ground the flowers okay and

I started by just spamming them everywhere M and it looked terrible yeah you got to change well you got to put them in clumps like cuz it takes four flowers to make a clump right right but you can change the orientation yeah yeah yeah you can change orientation so you can’t just

Stand in one way oh that’s cool yeah I didn’t know that yes but it’s didn’t matter at the time because what was really bothering me was like one Little Flower on every block look weird and so they just look better in clubs that’s so true okay what is on our agenda for

Today do we even have a plan not really I was I have a really crude Ed collection system across the way okay and I figured I I wanted to go visit it so can collect some more eggs and okay all right where did I get lost last time

There’s the big pillar there is the big pillar I’ll take the roundabout way because where where are you going are you going to go to your egg Farm no I have a egg I told you I have a super crude egg collection system oh which is different than your

Chicken farm correct that’s a little bit too far that’s what I was confused about I’m like where is she going the chicken Farm’s the other way true I do have a chicken farm that’s started and it’s still populating um there’s a big hole here do

I have dirt I have dirt I did not go this way apparently okay clearly we need a bridge there better all right so this seems like dangerous land I’m hope I can find my way because it’s across here and I think it’s where the other pillar is oh it’s where the pink

Pillar is over here I should I should put a little boat here just to make things faster instead of having to swim but we need to get our morning exercise true so we’re going for a cold morning swim I love it yep and full armor mhm didn’t even armor didn’t even

Come down to our skibbies hi shapies none of us brought a bed uh there’s a bed over here I can hop into there’s also the sheep that I duded that works and I have enough I’ve got like a a stack of wool if we need to make more okay okay I’m coming I’m

Slow run any run I know I’m just going via the sheep that works can’t stand it how are we doing on to yeah we’re good daylight daylight is come okay so Co this is my super crude chicken egg laying farm and then down here here I have a water stream collection

Wait for it y are not producing a lot of eggs there chicky it’s probably too far away for them uh yeah you probably have to be here for them to lay eggs yeah good to know but I was this was the most chickens I could

Find in one place so yeah yeah and I’m like well I don’t want to it was too far away to really get them to follow me back just wasn’t going to really happen so I collected them here and was like make chickens make eggs make eggs chickens but yeah it’s it’s just a

Little 3×3 with a water stream on one side to get them to produce and is there a hopper yeah where’s the collection it’s underneath if you the closest to you is a barrel and then there’s a hopper kind of underneath where the where the chickens are all being pushed to oh sorry

What’ you do my bad I put the torch right on the water bucket oh well let’s see there we go oops I put water right where you put water so now I don’t have water oh well I’ll get more water there’s water right here okay I see they’re on top of the hopper

But where is the is it only going into the hopp is there a barrel yeah there’s a barrel closest to you where you’re standing straight done I can’t see it oh there we go one egg in your torch good morning koala it’s going well we’re awake we’re I have

Tea um physics says chickens and [Laughter] eggs oh my back is my back key isn’t working that see what do you need it for to go backwards to my S key isn’t working your s my S my S key isn’t working it sometimes sticks that seems bad I know I don’t

Know I mean I’m the one I’m the one that’s constantly eating over my keyboard I do yeah I drink over my keyboard but I don’t eat over my keyboard you sleep you’re awesome thank you there’s a skeleton over here I told you I have a bed right here I was like where

Are you running off yeah yeah I saw it sheep sheep there’s sheep there sheep in is that a hint that probably means I need a sheep farm we should probably also today before we um one of our goals today should be to set up a nether portal okay so that we have

One so that you can make an observer and we can have a sheep farm oh we we have two observers I can make a sheep farm I just didn’t know where you wanted it oh that’s a good question I don’t know okay great that’s awesome and we will also

Make another portal because we should have one here oh yeah Two I have no idea I it should be within render of the base so that it makes wool for sure I think we could just like make it down the hill somewhere do we Okay chicken collection awesome we should make you a path down here too I’ll I may do that

Off camera yeah it’s a little far away I mean this is kind of crude it was like we didn’t we don’t have to keep it oh but I think I think it’s important that we have roads everywhere like one of the coolest things we did like uh in our last world was there

Was a pth to follow to get everywhere yeah like to go to the horse area and to go to the whatever area like there was a way you could just go and not get lost cuz it was a path true and I can do that pretty

Easy I like making paths cool hi sheep okay the sheep farm oh we need two you’re going to make two of them right with eight each I can do or yeah I have enough for with four or four with four wonder if I liked your 4×4 one many million designs

Ago um this is pretty I want this is Lov decorate that’s a this is a beautiful little spot right here yeah look oh yeah is gorgeous I think this there’s like a little is that ice my shaders are I’m not used to these shaders so I can’t

Tell what some things are and it’s just like oh it’s just a shadow and I’m like why is that blue I think yeah it’s just the reflection of water I think like right you think you have thoughts what are you thinking I’m trying to think of like a great place to

Build because there’s like this deep Cavern over here I’m I’m just like just like a little little cabin of some sort we’re going to have lots of little cabins I think that’s a great idea also there definitely needs to be some kind of bridge like from here to

There path we should have like these magnificent bridges that are statement and then some like like little walkways I found some skeletons it sounds that way hold on let me just light this up oh no don’t keep going cave that’s creepers and skeletons they can just stay there hi no thank you

Disregard disregard distracted here I got distracted I was just gonna light up this little area and it turned into monsters monsters and bears oh my I just didn’t want things to like come up out of this hole okay that’s mostly lit up do you

Want me to put a lip back on it cuz I opened it up so you could get out easily yeah probably keep them from being able to walk up would be good yeah too bad y’all are stuck again right um what about putting the sheep farm on top of that

Hill that’s across from the base see where I’m looking so this little spigot of land on the very top of that because I think that’s still within render or you could do it down here like it doesn’t matter you can just make an AFK spot we won’t get kicked off the server because

Of the settings you could just overnight get wool true but I kind of I mean like the design I have is kind of cool looking I’m I was thinking of doing the large one the 4 or four yeah yeah I love that one and water stream go above and it looks like a

Stable yeah just pick a plateau up there near the base I don’t care I I don’t think I’m going to build much bigger than what we have like I want us to have a village instead of a giant mansion you know what I mean okay like a cluster

Like like cluster of buildings like I’m so happy with the way that the house and everything around it looks right now I don’t I don’t want to ruin that so like just wander off 20 or 30 blocks from where that is and start a new area

Sounds good okay so this is our Cherry this is our Cherry bit right across the way yeah okay because I can see the smoke oh I can I’m staring at the house duh yeah all right well this flat bit over here I wanted to check

Out okay I also want to go up into the snow over here do you have your leather boots on I do have my leather boots on you do awesome okay flat thing over here this looks cool yeah this is what I was kind of mandering over to we haven’t been over

Here this is pretty cool oh nice I love some of these features is that emeralds down there look here’s I think those are emeralds in in the water all all the ore glows in this Shader pack I know I see copper and coal and iron but I can’t I can’t see anything in

The water but we are in the mountains which is where emeralds does a thing where are we we are in no we’re in Plains right now but I bet that’s mountains like if you go across where the yeah things are I think you’re right going to head up a little bit and

Look at the flat spot over over here I love the fact that there’s bees everywhere I do too I have lost my bees in my modded world I don’t know what keeps killing them they they still probably kamakazi they they go and drown themselves or they run into things

And yeah they really do try this is really close I think that’s maybe this is where I create the little sheep farm I think this is great and then that gives me an excuse to build a bridge over here right and a path so you can go home

Via the path and the bridge and you can see the house yeah you can totally see the house that’s is great I love this this is a very good place okay I’m super excited I do want to run I do want to run up and check out the snow on this

Side okay well I’m going to write build a pillar real quick okay to mark it to mark it although I don’t have a prettier color than boom that’ll do that should work oh I got a bow from that skeleton oh there you go is it a good bow nope

Just generic and Five Arrows there you go woo oh yeah there comes the other mountains in the render I just want to see how big this snow biome is okay and then yeah sheep farm there is perfect and I’ll get started on have you made a bed because

We’re going to need one fairly soon right no no bed I’ll do it when it gets dark okay oh this is a tiny one but it still has powdered like you could still collect powdered snow while you’re up here building I might it’s not too bad it’s a very interesting

One yeah it’s a little bitty like there’s a zombie down there down there there ice yeah do we need snow like snow is so good I I mean it depends if you want to you can build with it I’m thinking but um I mean powdered snow I’m going to

Need a lot of powdered snow if we ever build a uh spider farm yeah but that can wait that’s not first priority kind of thing no I’m just getting some to build with like just like a half a stack of snow blocks there we go 40 snow blocks perfect mhm and is

That that’s just snow thought there was powdered snow over here yes you found some NOP just trying to get a bucket of powdered snow I have a bucket I have one bucket of powdered snow okay okay we should sleepy time uh let me make

A oh do you want let’s run down to where you’re going to build your farm and put the bed there okay and that makes good sense uh head towards your pillar of light I am come come away from the snow come down from theow quit playing in the snow come down from the

Snow do you have hot chocolate I’m only coming if you have hot chocolate okay yes I totally have chocolate hot chocolate goodine what okay I’m here where’s the hot chocolate I’m waiting for the hot chocolate we’ll have hot chocolate in the morning in the morning in the

Morning okay with Cocoa Puffs I hear thing zombies coming I’m drinking coffee cuz I’m in bed I got him I got him sorry we we stayed up too long this is dangerous I keep doing that oh no you’re on fire I’m on fire d okay behind you oh no you just

Got my shot I almost shot you oops it’s okay I’m fine I’m fine hi there oh little stupid one oh no oh we did turn off friendly fire so I can’t hurt you anymore oh that’s good pretty sure yeah Yeah I be oh there’s another another little dude a I hate the little ones I too at least they burn up in the sun now you know they used to not really yeah they used to be fireproof that’s it was horrible that is terrible is terrible that’s been a while

I don’t think I’ve played since then okay if this is your sheep farm so kind of how like if you were going to have a path that went away from this can I put the path like here like out this direction where I’m walking yeah does that give you enough

Room I mean I know you can freaking get rid of it if you need to well I guess the thing is do we do I want it on the out crop or up here maybe I’ll put it right here I’m asking okay I’m putting I’m putting

The I’m going to punch stuff I was like I don’t have anything to well that’s part of the reason I’m going to make like a dirt bridge and then so I can use it as scaffolding okay I’m going I’m going to use this space here so you can bring it up

To okay so I’m going to run it right by the beds and you feel free to destroy the path blocks like oh yeah I can rearrange as necessary but yeah I’m not a Rel landscaper kind of like you are I kind of use what oh yeah what whatever but yeah okay so I’m

Going to do the 4×4 I guess the main thing is us bringing the Sheep over here or we can just collect new sheep and dye them here in place yeah yeah I think collect well I will bring the Sheep over here if you want me to I don’t mind okay

Well once we have the bridge it’ll be super easy yeah that’s kind of what I’m thinking yeah that’s not that far anyways do that for a way too many Tall Grass yeah just punching grass like we want to punching grass and if I were really smart I would

Use you know what to kind of Mark the path I want this whole plane here to be wheat okay so I’ll go around that no no go through it it’ll we’ll just go through a wheat path oh walk through the wheat field okay I like it I like it yeah yeah

Yeah okay I mean like I mean we don’t have to but I think it would be a nice little slight Meander and then I think it would be fabulous actually maybe come through the crest here cuz you go yeah I was kind of I kind of wanted

To go you can go any which way you want to the top of this like the bridge has to be straight unfortunately cuz yeah yeah we can wander up we can wander right here like here and then up okay and maybe not Wonder okay and then across from

Here and this is good cuz I need this dirt for scaffolding and then I will do my best to make it a a saggy Bridge we’ll see how that goes okay I trust you to do your magic I think maybe if I start lower that will be much easier

Oh I you see how like I don’t know I’ll let you do it I just had the idea that I had was um like there’s kind of a grand entrance like the bridge takes you into a hole like that hole that’s on the side of the mountain

There and then then you come up like it’s a and then you come up into the beautiful cherry you mean the the where the ground is the lowest on that curve mhm yeah and I was thinking just to make the bridge you like a hanging bridge

Between this peak and that Peak I think that’ll be good I think what I’ll do is I’ll make a a train track bridge that goes into a cave there a Trestle yes that would be freaking fabulous we can have mine carts tunnels yeah we’ll have

Mine carts and you know what maybe I can do is I like that that maybe we’ll have a storage place somewhere here and then we’ll have like yeah yeah okay that’s an idea yeah yeah yeah I like it I like it I like it okay and I think that that

Hole going to go across here I think this is low enough to give me good scaffolding range I don’t think it has to dip that much I think no going up and down by about four or five blocks will be plenty yeah it sounds good because the spance

Isn’t it’s big but it’s not I think once we once you start building on it it’ll seem smaller yeah yeah it’s not that bad okay all right we got there’s Bridge there you’re the one bring the Sheep over so if you like it it’s true okay I think how many one two three

Four five six seven blocks and this one is one two three four that’s problematic I’m I’m going to shave the top off of that Hill a little bit you’ll do fine you’ll figure it out I’m not worried okay this tree will magically get taller all right I’m going to clear this

Whole area out here a magic of terraforming and breaking of shovels breaking of shovels okay so let’s talk about iron farm because yes I I know we haven’t really impacted deeply our iron Supply yet however when I was building the house like I went through maybe three or four axes and

Three or four shovels mhm and I kept thinking every time I made a new Iron one I was like H so my question is an iron farm is there an actual Village nearby yes there is right cuz we passed one on the way here um so I guess making a path to that Village would actually also be a priority so that we know where

It is and then can figure out whether or not we can so um how close is it walking distance close or is it going to be something that we can use the portal for oh that’s a great question it’s or both 500 blocks like it’s not far but that’s a long way to

Move a villager unless it’s water all the way right right or like I mean like use have we found a m shaft yes but all the tracks are back at the other base um I’ll bet there’s a m shaft under us here somewhere too maybe why did I come back here oh my

Shovel broke I was like why am I here God I can’t focus on more than one thing at a time okay did I break her chicken thing no I did not break her chicken thing I mean I may have yes I did wait what I need to

Pay when I put the when I torch the water thing in your egg collector oh the answer is yes I broke her chicken thing yeah but it wasn’t irreparable yeah which is good I only temporarily destroy things my powers of Destruction okay I’m going to take a couple of I’m just going

To take some iron let me just do that would you like me to bring you some iron me yeah won’t you need some for the sheep farm maybe uh yeah I’ll need like a few ingots or something I’ll need four Hoppers okay five Hoppers no I won’t I only need one

Hopper it’s a very iron friendly Farm because I have one oh that’s right it’s water water collection oh yes it is sorry um although that means they’re all the same but I’m okay with that like you don’t care if all your stuff is mixed in no I don’t care are you carrying

The observers on you no I will bring you the observers oh I’m going to need more observers though oh yeah we need to do the portal but let me just let me just go back and do a better job on the bridge first okay like at least make it three dirt

Wide how did I get some much junk in my I thought you were going to sleep I was hoping you’d sleep I can okay I just need somebody to use their words to tell me well I figured that you didn’t actually I’m not near bed am I near bed

Did you put a bed down hi yeah there’s there’s two beds next to you is there there should be if you’re still we the Sheep bar or where you’re going to build the farm yeah no um yeah yeah you’re right I totally forgot oh you know I could make

The bridge out of wool this is instead of dirt you’re so ugly that’s okay I’m sorry yes what huh oh there’s just so many holes so many holes in this world okay I’m going to bring you a bunch of barrels and some Lantern turns and a lead um and some crappy

Shears you don’t need name tags do you no bringing an extra bed um wood you know what we need are oh we do have Oak saplings okay yeah I collected a bunch of Oak so I guess I’ll make it out of Oak you want some I got Spruce growing too

I don’t I don’t I mean Sure okay I’m jumping down okay I’m coming back maybe okay I do need to make I think we’re going to do the path like here oh is there a way up are you finding their path finding is so good now and then okay through this little Valley kind of sort of

Maybe yeah that should be a good oh my God I think my only complaint is that like I spider how about the pretty flowers you can set anything on top of grass and it disappears but you can’t set crap on top of the Cherry flowers because you have to break them

First is that a oh no I hear you spider where are you where’d you go that’s some verigo hi mini moose welcome Minnie moose greetings yes it’s one of my chat users oh oh hi miny moose sorry miny moose I can read it’s debatable most some days it’s debatable it really is

Debatable welcome to the chat how are you doing this morning go away go away go away go away go away go away are you fighting off yeah I’m trying to there’s a bunch of caves underneath the spot that we chose so I figured I’d light them up I I’ll come help you do

That why are you being so mean to me just because I swacked you in the face doesn’t mean you need to be mean back huh or does it I guess it does wow you already cleared that field okay I’m going to put all your supplies like right under your pillar and you can

Figure out what to do with them or maybe by the beds I’ll put it by the beds all right is that lit up fairly well that’s not really keeping those keeping those there’s your wood you’re going to oh did you go down here you go down like in the opening

That was right next to where you’re going to build yes but I went around cuz I saw that there was light source if you go to the edge and kind of head down you’ll see another opening yes you weren’t going to light up the rest of this okay wow it’s dark in here

You miss chose a different way no I came down right where the beds are hi creeper wasn’t lit oh I hear you I see you there you are oh yeah this is a lot of cavish oops oh yay coal one piece of coal give me a break

Game okay there was a creeper over to my right did you go away nope o two Creepers gravel which means flint and coar dirt and more coal oh I found coal behind the crabel I found um prononciation is definitely the latter yes oh it’s night for you and you

Were looking for cozy Minecraft live well I’m glad you found us I wish it was but I’m fighting things right now so my apologies well I don’t I don’t have you on camera yet so technically it’s cozy because I’m mining gravel oh nice good hi well we’re happy to have you join

Us we are dering around in a 1.20 World brand new we’ve done a couple of other let’s plays before but I was like the train generation is different haes are different there’s cherry trees and Cherry Biomes uhoh I hear a zomble zombies really make uh peaceful challenging true or chill challenging how oh good I did bring wood I thought for a second I hadn’t brought any okay you got very quiet physics are you Hing something no I have full inventory and I have some I killed some

Creepers and went to pick up their drops but that doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen so I’m going to head up because I think you might have created some storage places I brought you barrels and things hi would you like me to pick up whatever

You wanted do was it down this way do you know where I am hi yeah I just you just walked by me yes oh okay yes they’re down this direction and if you want to get those emeralds right above your head yeah so there yes I wanted to pick up

The that and I can pick up the flowers oh that is emeralds ni nice um I have a zombie flesh just one yeah sad I’m also going to grab this coal oh that was only two I’m discovering like I started charcoal cooking last night when I was

Working in the house mhm um but we’re super low on fuel things I need to like get a an established Tree Farm Place done so I and every time we walk by it we can do trees that sounds good just whacked you sorry that’s okay you can’t hurt me anymore

Ha okay I can’t pick up any more coal I’m done picking up coal okay I got it I got it okay what 50 all right so the question is is there an easy way to get out of here and is this lit up enough eh not really I mean I think it’ll it’ll

Help reduce the number of mobs but I don’t think it’s lit up proof okay um I think we’re on the back side of the mountain I just lost you it’s because I went and found this like hole that goes deeper into the ground I can tell oh like oh it’s too there’s an

Opening that’s too high I should go in it yeah all right I’m back out I’ll head up I’m right behind [Laughter] you okay um we should go up and around this way I think yeah there we go more bees yep okay okay house is over there which means there’s your pillar mhm she

She oh man there’s more dark caves I mean yeah wow this one this is one of those crevasses oh it’s not bad though cuz it’s filled with water so that’s good water that’s not bad at all H okay there’s mirages in the water she’s admiring her reflection I can see into the Future okay I have also brought saplings so you can have trees let me just plant a couple up on the hill for you oh you didn’t bring more um crystals how how is it that crystals you mean you mean nether quartz nether quartz yes like my verbage is

Gone this morning there’s just not enough coffee in the world today good morning fery morning Intrepid Adventures yes that is US morning Intrepid Adventures we quite I have nine folks walking watching welcome everyone that’s fantastic we are win and physics and we have been compared to podcasts only I don’t think we’re that

Entertaining no no don’t disappoint the folks we’re all old and funny it helps okay I planted you trees I’m going to go finish this path okay I feel when he just goes off she’s a great Builder oh that tree scared me when he is actually a fantastic

Builder and I am a plotting planner so I I create Farms but I usually will spend 40 hours in Creative making one farm and when he’s like go build a farm over and over and over again you should go check out her latest video latest live stream because it’s a tour of her

World where she built like I don’t even want to 20 iron farms and 50 chicken farms for testing purposes at least but some of the iron Farms are chicken farms they’re combos yes well it was um how do I want to do this efficient I wanted to make a peaceful

Iron farm so I I always made sure that they were agitated by being tossed eggs and I’m like well if I’m tossing eggs so might as well let the chickens grow up and collect chickens too so we’d have raw chicken seemed like a thing to do

Yes was very cool so it was a Christmas combination iron and Goose Farm that’s cool I have no inventory I’ll be right back items don’t despawn don’t forget to hit like fiery says yes please hit like button it helps us out so much that would be great hit the like button on the

Stream you have awesome fans I do they’re amazing they’re my peeps they’re Team Awesome is who they are Team Awesome rocks okay and this for anybody just joining us is our new little Cherry biome house woo and our Cherry biome cherry blossom tent which is where we sleep right

Now and what’s the name of your dog um phto pH Pho this is physics dog Pho it’s guarding the tense I hadn’t named the dog yet that’s okay it was a good response though I’m really impressed okay um trying to get organized okay what is what is snow is snow a

Block snow is a full block put it with dirt and sand because it’s kind of a weird Block it’s spawnable yeah it’s kind of pretty though and it’s raining why why are you raining do I can’t sleep unless it’s an actual thunderstorm oh I forgot to leave

Your bed with you my bad no no I have beds it’s fine oh okay there’s two beds here tree okay what was I going to do I was going to plant trees did we decide where we wanted to put our nether portal oh no no we haven’t decided that good morning

Sid how are you my dear miny mo says the tent and Hut look amazing and cute cherry builds are one of my favorite these days they are I love the blocks so much I just love them I did it with a little bit of spruce too because it’s a nice

Contract also cuz I don’t have any dark oak um yes it has has a Ved ceiling and a little Lounge area you know so we can have our morning coffee and take a nap naps are good naps are very good we love naps okay we need a

A tree type Farm thing I hate to use I’m not going to use all of our saplings let use eight say four I’ve got um do I have any slabs I have some we’ll make cherry slabs or should I use our glass I did get a bunch more

Sand I can cook that up and use like glass pains what are you going to use the glass panes for what are you thinking to put the you know how I block off trees from getting too tall mhm and I thought the glass would be nice cuz you can’t really see through

It okay all of our there’s some glass oh bricks see get distracted because I was going to put FL pots everywhere I went and got clay um oh yes I was like there’s one place I was going to put a flower pot for sure and I guess we’ll put a blue flower up

There cuz I know physics likes blue I do like blue thank you here we go I’m checking out that little little indention that I thought that would be make a good place for uh Trestle MH I at least I think I am I found this like little

Divot okay so yeah I’m coming from the other side of where that beautiful waterfall is that we overlooked let me is it dark should I sleep can’t tell it’s just raining It’s Not Dark Yet um are you where are you in relation to the bridge the dirt bridge I just found trip Stone really we can make lava Farms where are you yes I am words if you go to where the bridge is yep if you’re coming from the house you will go left and then find a divot I see a torch follow the Torches you have to go down see I know I’m

Coming I don’t see a physics yet I see two torches in the Ravine oh there’s another torch do you see some cherry trees that are in aine all right you’ll see me soon no dead ends then you didn’t hit the right one pardon me oh God I should oh I see

You I see you I see you now hi oh my God Tom’s on too hello my friend good to see you hi Tom good morning we are adventuring physics found drips Stone I’m very excited see oh my goodness and there might like I’m sure there’s stuff underneath I’m sure yeah if we rooted

Around we should find some there’s bound to be a cave down there somewhere oh that’s the other thing I need to there’s so many things to do still an hour good so my question here is that if we can I use a pickaxe on dripstone or will it break do I need no

No no you should be able to you should use it it it’ll it’ll be fine okay I do have inventory so yes I got it I got drip Stone I’m super excited all right I’m taking this little bit and the rest can stay cuz we only

Need can’t you make more of it more drip Stone I yeah think so I think if you put like as long as you have a little one you can make it bigger I know it takes forever I forget how to do that though I’ll have to research that unless

Somebody who’s on chat can help us out Tom is at work he says I love people are watching from work but Mak that’s why we’re doing it in the morning physics was like you want to stream when I was like early morning let’s go all right now it’s starting to get

Dark enough we’ll probably be able to sleep here in a second okay oops do you have a bed on you no I have wool uh do we need beds down here in the dripstone cave of it all um probably not we can probably head out okay I just wanted to explore yeah

This is where a a bubble column would come in handy wouldn’t it I know there’s magma blocks there I know I’ll have to remember that but there’ll be plenty of magma blocks around anyways I was checking this out because I didn’t know if this might be a good location for the portal oh

That’s a great idea what’s our y level is it too low it should be okay 60 we’re fine yeah that’s beautiful actually yes here would be a great place for the portal do you want to just have it in the wall if you walk over here

There be a portal here yeah I was wondering if like even if like maybe we could vat to it and have a ledge that we could walk to maybe I don’t know but yeah that sounds good I’ll leave it to you I don’t care if you would like to put

The portal in anywhere you like you may do it I’m easy you have a certain size you like for portals don’t you I do it needs to be a 5 by five 5 by five so that’s 16 blocks of um obsidian all right I guess we’re here seems good

Yeah all right up in here I do not have obsidian with me yeah we’ll figure it out but I’m pretty sure we brought enough yeah we had almost a stack okay it should fit right in there who I’ll put torches cool portal yeah I’m we’ll make a little path

And a drop and whatever down here nice very good very good I like it I like it a lot all right I will put a few more torches you have just I keep going after the copper cuz I can’t stand not copper is so good I like it when you

Make it in the blocks yes it’s great for decorative I need to see how well it goes with the Cherry I’ll have to make a copper farm at some point yes drowns farming drowns for copper is it drowns yes Dr yeah I want a copper Farm then we can make steampunk stuff

With copper roofs yes and eventually we’ll have copper bulbs copper whats bulbs bulbs yes they you can turn them on and turn them off and they’ll stay they’ll stay lit if you put a a signal to them so they don’t have to have a continuous signal like a redstone

Lamp although they used this is this is the one that used to be one tick and then I was almost willing to give up Minecraft because they changed it to two ticks I was so remember saying that I was so excited to experiment with with a one

Tick cuz you can do one tick stuff but you have to like you don’t have a one block that will do it for you for Redstone fussing hey Mr corpse how’s it going with you welcome to the chat we are happy to have you we are dering around in some vanilla

Minecraft building things building Farms building structures it’s going to set up our second nether portal here in a second we are far from where we spawned okay I’m set on gravel for a minute which is is good I did kill an Enderman um while I was house building so we do have one ender pearl one

Start where would you want me to put the dripstone blocks I think in like Cobble for me that’s like where blocks go until we give them their own chest okay I know normally would call it Stone and then everything goes in there but I don’t know why I put Cobble on it but

That’s what I mean Cobble works okay I feel like my inventory is very full of Things okay let me plant these trees real quick so that they can grow I put do you need a flint and steel I have two flint and Steels um put it in crafted orav H for now and then are we going to put Farm okay question yes I’m listening

Where where are we going to put animal pens or animals I think we should put them next to the sheep farm next to the sheep farm so that’s going to be our animal area mhm our little animal H husbandry place okay good then I’m gonna make this Valley tree growing for now

Okay like I’m going to put some Oak down here just since I already have Spruce growing here and I’m going to check on my blossoming chicken farm over here on the ground should be getting pretty close to full of chickens nice okay we’re going to do we’re going to fall off theing do

Um yeah like that cuz my glass is clear do I see feathers there’s I have enough chickens I have enough chickens that’s such a good thing okay sorry I’m got that was little little excitement going on there and Then won okay little bee why do you keep going down you need to fly up fly up my friend Fly Up and Away Up and Away come be come remove yourself my friend come on come on come on there buddy seriously seriously kiddo there you go come on K can can you fly upwards oh come on fly upwards fly fly fly up up not not like I found the most insipid bee in the

World oh there you go yes come over here there you go what what is your goal what are you trying to accomplish I have a I’m just all I can do is I’m just listening to you and I’m like what is she doing I I have this bee who is in the

Wrong place he was puddling in I so I have my little chicken farm that I’m making right a little baby chicken farm and I have to rearrange it because it’s been in collection mode right now for eggs and now I’m changing it over to um oh I know where you are actual

Chickens yep well this bee had gotten stuck oh and so oh that okay I already have my powdered snow there so this is a blocker it’s a lot of chickens and the chickens are being this is what I love the chickens are being held in the hopper with a piece of chain get

And then that will do it and then we can I can decorate I think it’s pretty decorated though and this collects raw chickens and Feathers yeah yes raw chickens and feather see we already have so when you when you start getting you want about 24 if I run into

This I may even kill a chicken or nope all right so there’s about 23 or 24 chickens in there mhm which is the max for like you can’t cram anym in there and that that means it’s ready for them to to lay chicken that lay eggs and then what will happen is there’s

A a dispenser that’s under here so two two Hoppers Point into the dispenser and then the dispenser points into a another Hopper and a hopper points into a dropper that is actually underneath the barrel and then the hopper I mean the dropper is pointing up into the barrel and so so

Mhm so the dropper is actually what’s shoving things in the barrel yes oh I didn’t know that was a thing yeah and so there’s powdered snow under here and that will that will process our chicken for us nice so this is a snow dispatching chicken farm yes

It’s a little bit slower the fastest way to dispatch chickens are uh with with um the fish with puffer fish that’s my favorite fast way to dispatch dispatch chickens is with puffer fish nice I go oops it’s getting dark let me go to sleep all right we’re good do I have I

Have some eggs I’m going to test it you’re go sleep so I’m going to go just test this yeah oh they tested it for me thank you chicken we we do have one bed sleep turned on Via the server setting since this is actually a server not a land World

Sharing there’s a creeper and a skeleton I’m getting out of this dark woods we’ll have to light all this up with pretty lighting so much yeah we’ll make a path down there and all that things and stuff yeah so much to do so much to

Do good is we still have a little time today I like your cherry retaining wall every you’re going to turn this whole place into the cotton candy aren’t you I mean for this area like I think as I move away to other things then I’ll change it the decor like I’m looking

Forward to building us a house in the snow so that I can use another block pallet mhm and I know you just have like that’s what I have to work with right now right yes yes I’m not I’m not dissing it you’re acting like I’m

Dissing it I’m not dissing it at all I okay I like I like the pink it just I want it to to be broken up just a little bit more for visual interest too bad no it’s never it’s not going to happen I love the pink no I do love the

Pink love it I love it I love it that’s why I kind of like ah the roof the way it is I love it I love that the sunlight comes through but it was really nice to have kind of the cotton of the wool peeking out from everything well we could make white

Glass oh that’s a good idea and then it was we would still get light I don’t know I’m I’m happy with this the way it is right now ceing I really could stand here and stare at it good koala says our base is so pretty and pink I know right thank you Molly

Ringwell would be pleased Sid and koala would move right in they’re both big fans of the magenta and the pink and stuff no it’s beautiful it is I mean it’s a I mean it’s a cherry biome it’s got to have pink everywhere as soon as I

Have dark oak then things will get a little more contrasty but for now I think we’re good okay I do want to get a few more Spruce leaves did I ever pick up all those leaves I left across the bridge probably not probably all that dirt and leaves

Despawned oh well do we have any bottles cuz I could get I can start collecting honey no but there is more glass feel free to make some okay I’m going to make four and then that way cycle through them cycle through them yep I guess I could go fishing for more true so

True we will we we do a lot of stuff on stream but we will do like like I built a house off stream because we needed a house I didn’t want to spend time I didn’t want y’all to watch me spend an hour and a half staring at a

Blank piece of dirt in Minecraft while I tried to figure out what I wanted to build CU that it’s no fun koala says she might let Sid have a room at the base might yeah I said they would move in K is like no I might let Sid have one

Room come on we share here well not not with this other crowd everybody has their own space Oh I make more glass I I didn’t realize you already had yeah I said there was glass I’m sorry it’s in the dirt sand gravel and Clay box no but

There wasn’t any it’s only in the it’s in the barrel oh yeah I cooked it sorry I didn’t realize I hadn’t moved it yet so I so I made eight more which is all right but I’ll move I’ll move that glass now so I we know where it is there we go

There you got glass there was like three in there nice oh I was going to make one more set what’s nice though is like glass will make three glass will make three bottles which is unfortunate because I need four so now I’m going to have extra bottles left over well that’s all right

Yeah I’ll use all six there we go yeah and there’s a fire here I’m going to collect as I go because we’ve got two fires going so I can collect two honey look at that animal husbandry I don’t have a fire there I may or may not have put trees in your

Way you’re trying to get back to base up the stairs let me make these a little shorter be all right go around the trees a tree farm is I mean it just needs to grow trees for now eventually I’ll move it down to the Plains and do bulk resource Gathering

But all right where are you you’re you’re doing tree stuff I am just temporarily oh there’s a whole Kass I went on the wrong side of the crass the carass Y okay here I’m going to stand here and stare at you for like 2 minutes okay that’s hard telling me I have to

Entertain everybody yep and hopefully I won’t die okay don’t die are you with me yeah okay I see her I’ll keep her from getting zombified you know that’s what friends are for okay this why was I putting storage here I don’t remember oh I was gonna make a new hoe no

Ho Mighty moose have a great one look forward to seeing you too and thanks for the good wishes for the stream take care we like all the peeps Okay that should be good that’s working perfectly oh koala I meant to tell you I got another chest in the the neun’s chest and all I got was four ingots I didn’t even get a hoe or anything I was very upset I was so excited when I got the

Chest I was like please be armor please be armor or maybe the sword maybe the sword yeah no literally four ingots which I guess I could make a pair of boots out of that still not was I was expecting welcome back hi good to be back all righty okay the puppies were

Getting too excited there was something outside I figured yeah they can be so okay I’ll stop that’s good and I guess right now I’ll just stick saplings and stuff in this barrel with a torch let’s see I need to make farm oh yeah iron farm but that’s what we were going to

Make the um the portal for right I am lost here I can’t see anything with all the beautiful trees there we go I was heading the wrong direction that’s easy for me to do okay let’s get the nether portal set up so that if you need to go

In I know you need to go get more quartz let me empty my we should have some quartz Pockets I brought did I put I put them in in bling there are eight in bling yes that’s that’s plenty that’s a I only need six Okie

Doie I am still going to set up the portal drops I’m going to have to make oh we have enough string but I’m going to use most of the string up is that going to be a problem um do you have any broken uh when you say most of the

Strain do you mean like 10 of them or do you mean all 30 I need to make eight I need to make six bows so 18 I need to use 18 no three okay yeah 3 * 6 is 18 yeah I need to use 18 well there’s one crappy bow in the

Bar barel oh good I so I only have to make five bows so you’re saying I need to yeah go yeah feel free and um I guess I need to find a skeleton spawner we need a m shaft too oh my gosh we need all the things we need all the things

Physics okay um yeah it is sad I didn’t get the thing I wanted in that chest call agrees with me oh we should sleep we literally did have a creeper like walk into the house and blow up part of the wall right before we started recording right before what was the Be

Our Guest from oh because I just got a be using a campfire to collect honey from a beehive oh that’s cool it’s very cool we also need sugar cane yes okay one thing at a time let me go light set up and light the portal

That is a goal I’ll run do that boom and Cobble Cobble Cobble Cobble you called it oh you did call it Cobble yes ironically Cobble is actually in the Cobble chest too I keep there’s the bling I knew it’s on the right hand side but what happened to all my redstone

Uh there’s a separate chest called iron Redstone and coal oh okay oh yeah because we’re going to get a lot of that I thought you just didn’t like you just didn’t like me having the Redstone I always I always collect I collect too much Redstone I like I CET

It I want hordes and hordes of redstone it’s harder to get get now though so I guess not harder to get but and a little bit of quartz I don’t need G to hop in and see what our spawn is like I don’t oh no I

Don’t I’m not making a dropper what am I doing I don’t need all the string after all because I am making another thing I’m making an observer and I forgot how to make an obser server still need quartz though for those quartz and Redstone it is but I

Had the configuration wrong I was thinking of the dropper configuration if somebody’s watching me oh with the bows and so I don’t need bows gotcha okay the good news is our nether spawn is almost identical to the one previously like it’s in one of those

Valleys and it is right next to a magma biome so so guess what I’m going to want what what do you want a magma cube a Magma Cube Farm above the roof of the nether right there okay right okay and we need to collect frogs that’s easy and we need

Cactus we need all the things physics we need we’re going to need if we’re going to have a Magma Cube Farm then we’re going to have to have frogs because they’ll poop out cuz they make the lights lanterns yeah yeah I do yeah I’m very excited about that never made one

I’ve never even caught a frog in vanilla Minecraft like I feel deprived good night koala happy sleepies bye there we go six observers okay I’m bringing you some more quartz too just for Giggles giggles I need glass and a piston that’s what I’m going to need I forgot about

That I need lots of glass oh yeah them into their little homes I need two four six eight the other thing I should do I’ll do it off camera but I should dig a tunnel to our other portal all right do I have oh yeah we’re really close I think the

Other one’s at 72 also oh that’s lava oh no that’s wrong button oh no oh no oh no oh no no oh dear okay it’s fine it’s fine I forgot lava was a thing here why why did you think why you how did you forget lava was a thing well like you

Know like when you’re mining through the walls and stuff like I forget that lava’s a possible thing you can mine into oh oh yeah like a block like the lonely block of lava I hate those hair gas is it giggling I feel like I should go down there and watch you do

Stuff make it it’s Mak it sounds like I’m coming back I’m GNA come back because I realize me being where you can’t see me is not conducive to good streaming that’s okay I we were doing separate things yeah we’re off just doing our own thing

Cuz I was about to head back over to work on the sheep farm okay all right uh do you have any need for some Basalt can’t we make a a BT maker a balt maker with balt yes uh but you also need Soul Sand don’t

You right isn’t it B salt and Soul Sand or something over Soul yeah something something I can’t remember I have to look it up have no idea I think it’s just W uh ice ah okay I found a tree missing a block but I guess something stole

It oh yeah I was going to do that but I don’t have my seeds anymore but maybe I put them over here I hear a zombie pig do you have gold on you I do oh they trade for ender pearls maybe that’s how we should get ender pearls okay it’s trading

Pigman okay I’m coming back oh wait nope I got to write down the coordinates first hold please okay um this is nether Cherry nether Portal nether need more dirt is at 103 no what block am I looking at 103 46 347 and then if we go back to the Overworld actually should I make a little Pond here sure looking at 764 63 2780 okay if I were really smart I would go look

Up I’m sure I saved where that Village is located yeah like I I think I took a screenshot possibly or did I just write it down he probably took a screenshot although that you’re better at writing stuff down so I think I just took a screenshot I have the nether portal written

Down starter base written down zombie village oh it was a is it a zombie village we found but there should be but if there a village we didn’t go to I was like no let’s go up in the trees or go up the hill we’re not going

To the Village there is a village okay I’m going to go find the village oh I should go with you if you’re going to go find the village okay are you because hold on let me just think about where we came from and what we were doing okay so we went up that

Hill and then we saw this cliff and was like oh the cherry blossoms are better over there yeah which means where your egg collector is MHM the village is the that uh kind of caddy corner from there are you over near there nope I’m coming back to the base

To empty my pockets first your pocketses okay I see you I saw your name pocketses hi hello I just want to find that Village and write the coordinates down because I think that’s going to be super important look at you I will leave a trail of wool

To and from the village once we find it I guess we just write the coordinates down it’s fine okay you now have 49 more whatever those are oh quartzes quartz cool thanks all right I’ve got my six observers I was about to head over but I wanted to grab some Organics Yeah I am getting low on iron surprisingly I’ll take a stack of w and a bed okay I’m going to bring a portal and a thing portal and a box oh good thank you thank you thank you change my spawn okay okay shall we see if we can find

This Village I think I can find it yeah let me just get rid of all my building materials and put it in my chest real quick okay cuz I don’t need any of those I think I think I can do this maybe wait let me write down our current base too uh cherry

Base okay is at 7:30 2869 okay on the direction we’re going to be going north okay so I’m going to go down oh are you ready yes yes yes yes okay wood yeah I’m going to go down to the pink pillar you’re done to the pink Pillar because I’m pretty sure big hole ah had to pause for the big hole I think the village is around the right cuz we ended up up in the Middle yeah this is the valley we have like little pillars everywhere right now mhm we need to find the hollow where we put a bed and a pillar oh that’s kind of to our right that is like straight right or straight in front of

Us a little bit to the left see the I see the pillar it’s straight across the water mhm I see it yeah it was super close to where my chicken place was okay the village is on the other side of that oh okay okay this is okay I think um I know

My orientation kind of sort of you sure cheap along the way that’s smart yep well and I have a stack of wool too but um okay so we came here if we keep going back this direction what direction am I going north just headed

North uh wait a second I just lost oh I see you now also I’m going to grab sugar cane while we’re here there is the zombie village Um I’m back with you don’t worry I think I’ve gone too far I think I managed to navigate back to the zombie village but not where I saw the other Village when we were up on the hill but let me get sugar cane while we’re here but wasn’t it be was it before

This I I don’t I don’t remember I’d have to go back and watch the footage I mean I swear we were like on the hill near the cherry blossoms and there was a village one way and cherry blossoms the other and I’m like no we’re going to the

Vill we’re going to the cherries because I need to see where to build okay well let’s go back so we let’s go back yeah and go left more because I think it’s literally around the corner from the base yeah okay zombie village was there and then I was like okay cherries

Are up on the left or we got up to this point and then we were like okay which way are we going to go right there’s two cherries there was cherries to the right cherries to the left right I think we started I went to the taller cherries first and

That’s where the village is so there’s cherries to the right we went left so let’s go left the village is on the other side of that mountain I know now your chicken egg Gathering is literally like 200 blocks from that Village okay it is I went around that area I don’t

Remember seeing the village though it’s straight ahead my brain is like a video camera most times we’re just going to stay down here so if you came to your egg collector and turned right around the bottom of this mountain okay I believe you the village is right here in this

Valley got the IND Jones theme song I’ve been singing it for weeks hi rived light welcome Tada Village and that is water travelable to where we are you’re right and it looks like a live Village o pumpkins I remember that because I was looking out and I couldn’t tell the

Pumpkins yes and you were like Village I’m like no trees okay I got pumpkins welcome revive light what are you up to this morning or this evening depending on where you are okay so I will make a little wool Path from your egg collector because I know you can get there I’m the village okay I make out that I’m worse than I am when it comes to directions yeah well I know it’s harder because I’m here it’s easy just to follow me like I get it true yeah

I have I have the same if there’s somebody who I can follow I’ll follow them instead I’m checking out the village they’re quiet oh okay I see some villagers now ooh there’s a smiy ooh I bet there’s good stuff in the chest I heard a Skeletor there’s a chest

Plate iron chest plate and iron legging and a piece of bread and some Oak sample uh saplings it’s not bad yeah and nothing in the furnaces there’s so much grass can’t there’s so many horses down here all right there’s lots of not lots but there’s some sand here that’s good that’s very good

Another big hole hi kitty cat you keep the creepers away this is a lovely little place this would be a great little fishing Village since it’s right on the water oh yeah okay there’s now a line of white wool so many sheep so little time like we’re no longer going to be fishing

We’re just going to be shearing true it’s the new fishing mhm oh that’s cool iron chest plate leggings sap saplings is always good bread and apples there’s one emerald and five nice feel like I’m just going to leave I’m not going to touch this Village like I’m going to leave it

Immaculate okay I just stole some potatoes did I need to take no that’s fine that’s and I took an emerald potato tot that’s good too I stole an emerald there’s some hungry sheep here and an iron golem what’s up buddy and a brewing stand I am taking the brewing

Stand yes we should take Brewing stands Kitty Kitt I forgot to oh I forgot to bring fishes that’s a pretty kitty there’s two there’s another full fully white one that’s a Harrison Kitty I’m GNA fish okay fishing did I bring my rod I didn’t bring my fishing rod oh no do we have

Any string at all I I had string on me and I put it away you had it boo okay I just need fish so I’m going to fish in the farm so I can stay up here and watch you oh let’s see how are you doing on time it’s getting

Late I I’ll find a Bed sleep in I was going to say I have a bed on me it’s okay I’ll just I’ll sleep in one of the mini there’s a sheep oh it’s actually a a pen it’s a it’s an actual pen I didn’t realize that sheeps in it who sheep’s in

It pretty cool that’s awesome Kitty stay right there I’ll be right with you then I have a cat on every Farm on every base I tell you my kitten died in my other series no I got so they have these bizarre moons that give different effects okay and so one of the effects

Was a bad Omen Moon and that and of course you know you know what having an iron farm means it means you’re technically a village right right oh so as soon as I got within like 10 blocks of the iron farm it triggered a raid which was blahh okay Sid adulting is good

Mostly we empathize anyway like my one cat was behind the fence in the garden and was okay but my thisby cat got killed by pillagers oh that was rude isn’t that rude I was just like really guys didn’t have to shoot my cat how how were you up

There there was a villager who is like up on this top ledge oh because there is actually a ladder I forget they actually go up ladders I do too like I keep thinking of them as not able to climb ladders but even mobs can climb ladders now

Mhm okay okay five fish do we think that’s enough I’ll get one more sometimes they can be really stubborn oh it’s raining now oh goodness it gets really dark with my shaders when it rains it’s kind of gloomy okay let’s try six all right I’ll hang back a little

Bit so the won’t be afraid oh there’s that’s the thisby I want the Harrison first do you run off oh yeah I’m at Harrison not thisby where’d you go got come here got oh just got to be still trust the process come on I can see you

Kidden come eat the fish come eat the fish oh he’s he’s like want nothing to do with you right oh oh oh don’t move don’t move don’t move hi kiding come on oh there’s love gotta yay got the kitty he’s he’s like zoomed past me hi sweetie pie he’s still running away from

You too bad he cat doesn’t know that he has an invisible rubber band attached to you now right so I wonder if you had a cat and I had a cat and we each fed the cat so they would breed who would who would own the

Baby if we both fed I don’t know that they would breed if we each fed them if we oh okay I think you have to be the one to feed so like there’s so many sheep in here they would both be happy but they wouldn’t breathe until you hit

The other cat the other kitty cat oh I got you you know we need more sheep in here hi sweetie pie you’re so cute they are adorable oh we got a baby gray one nice oh light gray versus dark gray okay I do have a bed can’t sleep it’s not actually dark

It’s just raining now we should okay fish how can I get string um is there more cats I could kill cats well it’s dark enough spiders should spawn in the rain like we just need to go look for a spider okay right that’s okay I know how to open doors

Even if they’re closed in my face so if we go away from Light I mean I say that I just oh oh they spawn in the Cherry biome because it’s dark there is no string unless there’s a m shaft right here let’s see is there I

Don’t know I found a big hole where are you I’m right behind you found a big hole in the ground yeah it doesn’t go very far I don’t think darn it no cave does it end there it does end there right yeah I think it does this might be oh there’s a cave

Here oh I hear spider hold on I broke my spoon my dirt shovel uh hold on that’s right let’s go down over here since that’s a sheer drop hi SP can you come over here please maybe possibly how many really bad things do we think are in here probably a lot

Oops did you get him yeah he did I don’t know if he dropped anything though he did he dropped well I think he just dropped a spider eye okay we now have a way down here it is there’s another spider here and a creeper yep spider eye you say a spider

This is an insane cave yeah over here where this zombie is there’s a spider behind them ah I see he spider spider come on over here come on buddy no string God damn it ow ouch oh the Kitty’s with me crap hold on I want to get the

Creeper oh the cat scares the creeper yes he kept running cat with us every time we yeah he that’s why the creeper kept running away from you that makes total sense okay this is crazy I was hoping for another I we needed oh there’s tons of spiders over

Here now you your bow I do I got to find you okay oh I see them you see yes yes yes I’ll try to pull zombies I don’t have any bow I’m too far away I me okay I got one I’ll I’ll take care of the zombies you use your bow and the

Things that need the bows where’s creeper behind you you put yep he runs away because of the kitty oh I’m sorry got uhoh you TAA two more spiders okay I see him how do I I heal the kitty okay I got one string there’s a creeper behind you okay who’s hit me got

Him there we go got the Skeletor good I still I have two string two string I just need one more you got it I need one more you only need two to make a you only need two to make a fishing rod oh no I hit your cat cuz there’s this he

Jumped right up in front of me cuz there’s a skeleton right here oh my god seriously I didn’t mean to I know but you killed my kiding he jumed right up in front of me he did he Le right up shot on the skeleton I’m so sad I’m leaving the cave caves are

Terrible now we know where the can’t come I should have left the cat up here damn it I’m sorry so sorry it’s okay it happen I know he jumped right in front of you I really keep thinking I can sleep it can’t be that far off dark we just

Slept it’s only been like 5 minutes all right is there a crafting table around or I’m going to put one down you have to put one down I don’t see any okay let me get rid of that wow that’s a deep hole all right I’ll hope you get fish for more

Kitties okay I don’t need dirt I do have one sugar cane now I have one too cuz you dropped one when you hit it oh good okay and I can fish all right where is there a f Oh I thought there might be water where you’re hiding no no no I’m just emptying

My pockets I just going to go fish here off the end of The Village kind of okay sounds good since there’s this tiny little dock perfect little pier perfect little pier and deep water super deep water holy smokes okay oh do we need um seaweed for

Any reason to bring back with us yes because we want to make uh bubble columns and they’re they make that very easy the kelp see it’s good it’s still raining so it’ll be good for us fishing mhm especially since I don’t have an enchanted Rod like you yeah mine’s like halfway done even

Though it has Unbreaking so I’m hoping I’ll pull up another Rod while we do this that would be really good do you see something glowing over to the right to the right like at about like 2 o’l underneath the ground is that an underwater like under the

Water it’s glowing it’s a one of those underwater ruins with the drowns H we should check it out we should probably do it at night cuz then the drowns will float it’s true I do have a boat on me let me just catch a few more fish sounds

Good and I’m going to discard my puffer fish oh wait but we have the bring we don’t have any blaze powder to make it actually Brew anything yeah we still need another Fortress oh a wooden Bowl thanks [Laughter] game do not lift the the gift Bowl in

The mouth right it’s true I mean if I were desperate and there were no trees bowls would be very I have been fishing at the beginning of series all by myself with no supplies out in the middle of the ocean on a rock and been very grateful for a bowl

Because I actually had mushrooms on me and I made soup so I could stay alive o Lily Pad oh nice good I got two lily pads are very useful oh I do have enough I have two extra strings so if you have to make another rod rod you

Can um we’re about three minutes from wrapping up well I have some fish for you if you want to try to get the other kitties were there other kitties yeah did you get the white one yeah I got the Harrison one and there was the white one you were staring at did you

Get that one no I only got the one cat oh there I thought you were there was the the multi colored eyed one oh I missed that H what did we get channeling and impaling five oo that’s good if we ever get a for a crossbow that’s

Insane all right you said we don’t need puffers right not yet not unless you want to get a live one and I don’t see any here because we don’t have um it’s not a warm oce although there is there is a warm ocean very near this

Spot like within 500 blocks oh nice I I picked out our Cherry biome carefully so that we wouldn’t have to go too far for stuff now I don’t know if there’s a coral reef there but there is a warm ocean it’s a warm ocean we can maybe get

Coral as a trade to grow uh yeah and then grow it our propagate it ourselves mhm okay I think I have enough fish to get cats okay all right then should we sleep and then get a kitty yes I think that’s the smart option cuz isn’t it actually night yeah

The Villager sleep ha yes it is literally night I’m going to let you sleep cuz you already had slept by the time I was even getting close there’s spiders over here I’m gonna go ahead and get these spers yeah get them get them get them because we need the string

All right I don’t need to we definitely need um we need a lot of things we need a mine shaft so we can make a spider farm we hopefully need a skeleton Farm a Zombie Farm uh a copper Farm okay kitty kitty do you find the kitty other no I’m

Looking sometimes they run far yeah cuz there was one that was in that hole that you were just in that’s why I thought you were doing was getting that kitty oh I missed that let me go back that direction I’m was just kind of circling the outside of the village since they

Tend to run away when people come through I see cows sheep chicken I can’t find where that hole is I I’m with you I’m just like I was like there’s a hole and now I can’t find the hole maybe this was what I thought was a

Hole and I just didn’t look over the edge that’s back in the direction camp Camp home base I mean oh here’s the okay here’s the kitty kitty kind of stuck okay good so if you can find me you can find the kitty I’m I’m stuck um okay where are you in relation

Let me see so the there’s a oh there you are can you see me I’m in front of you oh yep yep yep yep I got you where you going where’s the cat over here you have to come to me oh oh it’s white kitty see two different eyes oh the yeah the

Heterochromatic hi Got can’t quite reach you oh one click nice he was waiting for you he wanted you to be your friend clearly okay he should be able to teleport to me now yep there he is yeah he’s right next to you oh yeah hi got okay we’re gonna go

Straight home no passing go no collecting $200 no cave C caving is just a bad idea although I do want to come back to this cave because it’s so good can you come out of there oh he’ll teleport to me um okay and home is over here mhm this is a great

Village saw your cat again and I was like oh there’s another cat I was like no you just teleported I almost want to put down a bunch of beds to encourage them to make more babies uh we can do that like how many how many villagers do we

See like there’s there were some I saw about five there’s I think there’s plenty I mean we can always have more also need to let we need to let this guy out can you get out of there please thank you I’m missing that and Le take away whatever block

Allowed him to get in there oh was your crafting my crafting table oh it’s probably my crafting table I put right next to the yeah that was mine okay I’m going to put beds in the in this room you know villagers can go in and out of gates

No they can’t open them can they I think they can I’ve seen them do it they can I don’t think they can kid’s in here on the bed okay got do I hear him purring yeah he’s on the it’s on the bed he Pur okay there’s four beds that

Should encourage some things to happen Um they probably need more food yeah oh I think you picked up all my Wool oh I left it floating sure here you go just a couple pieces so I have a placeholder for it that’s fine okay well here no I’m going to give you half of this back okay cuz I’m still collecting it that’s fine okay did you mean to need more fish for

Me think so well I’ll trade you do you want I have seven raw Cod you want to give me I’ll give you my salmon oh yeah or reverse I don’t care yes I’ll give you the Cod oh here there’s the salmon back thanks all right there we go okay I

Think we can get back yes yeah we can get back okay that’s we added like six beds y’all figure that out yeah see they’re already discussing it intently good and they got they’ve got plenty of farms going on so they’ll figure it out yeah and as long as we’re not here and render

We won’t trigger any zombie raids I almost couldn’t tell whether it was a block of wool or a sheep I was like look at the number of sheep and they were like blocks of wool I was doing the same thing you were talking about I was like oh sheep

There’s plenty of sheep though I mean there are how do you think I got so much wool early I ran around the fields for 10 minutes I’m grabbing these over here although I have to be careful it’s too bad I don’t have a lead I would bring one of these cows back

With us I have a lead cuz don’t we have one cow already yeah we just have one cow I’ll bring a cow back okay I have wheat on me if you want wheat do you have room to hold wheat in your off hand um sure I cow I’m picking

You all right that should make him much more enthusiastic about following you hi there buddy wait hold it in your off hand I know I just it didn’t switch nice they’re all they’re all gonna follow you okay that works that works great there’s more cows

I should hold up for them but it’ll be all right n that’ll be fine we only need two to start and we have one right that’s how it works Winnie and we can just go left over here I want to just check and make sure the water is passable all the

Way for when we want to boat a villager over oh I have another funny for you you know we can boat the cow over oh fiery said she we’ve inspired her she’s just started this mod pack thanks for getting her into a Minecraft mood again you’re very welcome oh

Nice it’s such a great game I just I can’t I come back to it again and again like I never would have started a YouTube channel if I didn’t think I would be playing this for years and years oh oh yeah you got him he’s coming he’s coming I did L the other

On yeah yeah I figured it’s fine pigs we do pigs too I saw the pig and for a second I was like yes it’s the pink it’s a pink sheep ah yeah sheep are sacred and rare it’s not too bad okay so I need to make two little Bridges and the

Path like from here over to the chicken place and then over to the village and then up this hill I’m grabbing more sugar cane since we’re here oh good yeah I want to I’m going to make a farm up the hill so that we can actually have

Some what’s the best way to go my cow friend straight up he’s going to take a while to get up the stairs but yeah and you can if you want to run for it come on come on come on come on there you go yeah I’ll go sleep I’ll go sleep

Since our Sun is setting which we almost timed it perfectly which would have been great but come on although we did we spent the night there right yeah yes but I mean like we could have said we could have said good night right at the the Setting

Sun oh yeah I’m G to sleep instead of encouraging monsters to blow us up again cuz it’s dark enough right oh I tromping through the fields and I’m G to put the cat by the door to the house oh skeleton darn keep okay let me sleep keep the creepers

Away there you go don’t hurt my cow that should help I was just afraid he was going to hurt my cow Kitty can you come over here oh that’s good right there’s great and we’re going to nudge you over to the entrance so treacherous look at all this wheat my friend and it’s

Raining it’s perfect okay I think we should uh yeah put your cow up and then say goodbye I’m going to go stand in the doorway of our house because there’s a little more light there we go Tada oh thank you everyone for joining us this morning this was wonderful oh

It’s great great hearing from everyone all right this is win wle this is Win wle bye bye

This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft Play with Winnie & Fizzicks E4’, was uploaded by Fizicks Gaming on 2023-12-30 04:48:11. It has garnered 3 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:39 or 7899 seconds.

Winnie and Fizzicks traveled to a beautiful Cherry Blossom Biome nestled under a lovely Frozen Peak. We start our chill adventure in our new house all thanks to master builder Winnie. I’m going to finish the auto chicken farm and hopefully fish.

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  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1

    Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft with friends | Episode 1’, was uploaded by Dragonfrvit on 2024-03-09 01:09:10. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:03 or 1983 seconds. Playing Minecraft smp with friends! Just some chill times with people screaming Read More

  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

    Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s a hole in my Minecraft world’, was uploaded by lowresbones on 2024-02-05 11:00:02. It has garnered 51280 views and 4604 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:46 or 646 seconds. Welcome back to the Minecraft Trailer Series! Today we dig down into the depths to collect a bounty of resources that will fuel the construction of my mega base! This is a Minecraft 1.20 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Trapped Underground FOREVER?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can’t go above ground’, was uploaded by Call Me Kevin on 2024-06-01 18:00:07. It has garnered 499111 views and 33958 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:34 or 1114 seconds. Subscribe or else! (For legal reasons this is not a threat) ๐ŸŽฎ Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoB1WvtNPod0bTbPTsSGx7Q ๐ŸŽต Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@kevo2044 ๐Ÿ“น Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/CallMeKevin ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/callmekevin1811 ๐Ÿ’ฉ Twitter: http://twitter.com/CallMeKevin1811 Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ 66th Leviathan Heart Hunt LIVE! Join Now! ๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘BloxFruit Leviathan Hunt Finally getting 66th Leviathan Heart Late stream |?BloxFruit to join’, was uploaded by Lewis 0978 on 2024-05-17 19:33:57. It has garnered 1057 views and 24 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:01 or 14401 seconds. Minecraft Server: To join the minecraft server make your minecraft 1.18 ane enter this IP: yoserver.apexmc.co | For bedrock click add server, enter the ip yoserver.apexmc.co and the port is 26284 Lewis Discord: https://discord.gg/F5V4XwzCNU Zainny Discord: https://discord.gg/Z9XQvcnuGD check out: Roblox group : https://www.roblox.com/groups/3246402/lewis-0988-fan-base#!/about TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@lewis_0988 twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/lewis0988 Discord: https://discord.gg/TzwQYarMFA Mods: Itrealzainny: https://www.youtube.com/@ItRealZainny LJ :… Read More

  • Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!

    Ep 35: CursedPugFilms Task in Minecraft Roleplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Slice of Life – Here’s a Task. – Ep 35 (Minecraft Roleplay) (MCTV)’, was uploaded by CursedPugFilms on 2024-03-08 22:00:28. It has garnered 135 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:22 or 1282 seconds. Levi goes over what he needs to do with some of friends before he goes to meet Randy. When asking to join Randy gives Levi a task… Is he up for it?… Time Stamps Advertisement – 0:00 – 0:51 Episode – 0:51 – 21:21 ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ๐ŸŒŸ What is Slice of Life? Slice of Life is the story of… Read More

  • Summit Realms

    Summit RealmsStep into the exciting world of Summit Realms, where gaming is elevated to a whole new level. Immerse yourself in a variety of fast-paced, competitive, and challenging games that promise hours of entertainment. We are thrilled to announce the release of our brand-new game, “Introduction to Gens Tycoon.” This is your chance to be among the first to experience this thrilling addition to our network. Summit Realms is more than just a server; it’s a community where like-minded gamers come together. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this vibrant gaming community and to be one… Read More

  • 50×50 factions pvp semi-vanilla – SEASON 5 – DIFFICULT

    Experience the Challenge of 5050 Factions Server! Join the server, 5050 factions! It’s one of the hardest factions servers in minecraft, set on hard mode with a 50 chunk radius map! Features: /home and /sethome removed for intense PVP encounters Safe zones for trading and interacting with players Challenging gameplay with Medieval Factions plugin Nether and End dimensions are 50×50 chunks Unique handmade spawn builds Explosion durability system for base protection Conquer a low-resources, claustrophobic world on the brink of server-wide war! Discord: Join our Discord community for more information Read More


    DIMCHICK-GAMES๐ŸŒ Server Location: Optimized for players in Asia! Enjoy a lag-free experience and seamless gameplay no matter where you are.๐Ÿฐ Server Safety: Our server is griefer-free! With our advanced anti-griefing plugins, your creations are always safe. Build, explore, and create without worrying about trolls.๐ŸŽ‰ Community Focused: Join a friendly and welcoming community of players. Participate in regular events, contests, and community projects. Our active staff team is always here to help and ensure a pleasant gaming environment.๐ŸŒŸ Features:Grief-Free: Your builds are protected at all times.Optimized for Asia: Enjoy minimal latency and a smooth experience.Daily Events: Engage in exciting daily events… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!

    Minecraft Memes - Well.. Creeper on a hotter night!That’s more points than I could ever earn in a Minecraft game! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Trailer Action Unleashed In the world of Minecraft, action takes flight, With the best animation, it’s a pure delight. Craft your own stories, with moves so grand, Just like in the trailer, it’s all in your hand. Subscribe to AdamMeong, for more gaming fun, Follow on Instagram, see what he’s done. For the animation, check out ActionsNStuff, Watch it all through, can’t get enough. Like and share, spread the word around, Minecraft in action, hear the gaming sound. Thanks for tuning in, for the rhymes and the play, Stay tuned for more, have a fantastic day! Read More

  • Bro’s Dreamy Delusions #lit

    Bro's Dreamy Delusions #lit Bro really out here thinking he’s dreaming but in reality, he’s just stuck in another round of Minecraft. Welcome to the virtual reality, bro! #minecraftdreams #broproblems Read More

  • Exclusive Access to Chronos SMP! Join the Talent Show to Win ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€

    Exclusive Access to Chronos SMP! Join the Talent Show to Win ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€Video Information This video, titled ‘Chronos SMP Talent Show (Winner Gets In SMP)๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘€ [Live]’, was uploaded by JakeJxke on 2024-06-17 16:50:44. It has garnered 367 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:06 or 4626 seconds. Join My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/ANdxMbtTkk #jakejxke minecraft server to exist, and it was super intense. The Lifesteal SMP features creators such as ClownPierce, PrinceZam, Leowook, Parrot, Spoke, roshambo, and more. This server also contains people like Parrot (also known as ParrotX2 or zParrot) and Spoke (also known as SpokeIsHere). This is similar to Parrot or ParrotX2 on the school SMP series… Read More

  • 100 Days in Medieval Minecraft Hardcore

    100 Days in Medieval Minecraft HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in MEDIEVAL Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by Suev on 2024-06-22 19:15:09. It has garnered 67495 views and 2931 likes. The duration of the video is 02:34:44 or 9284 seconds. I Survived 100 Days in MEDIEVAL Minecraft Hardcore! MODPACK: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/medieval-mc-mmc4 ______________________ โ™“SHOP: https://suev.shop/ ๐ŸŽฎ Discord Server: https://discord.gg/z7Zwdc9 Music provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial! https://share.epidemicsound.com/gnetzl ๐Ÿ’œ MY SOCIAL MEDIA! โ–ถ Twitter: https://twitter.com/suevreal โ–ถ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/suevreal โ–ถ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/suevreal Read More

  • Bockey Saves Herobrine in Minecraft ๐Ÿ‘€ #shorts

    Bockey Saves Herobrine in Minecraft ๐Ÿ‘€ #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: I Save Herobrine ๐Ÿ˜ณ #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by BOCKEY GAMER on 2024-05-30 13:30:00. It has garnered 206547 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Every Topics Related To Video:- All 250 Mods List 1. minecraft 2. j and mikey 3. maizen 4. mikey andj 5. ij and mikey minecraft 6. minecraftj and mikey 7. maizen minecraft 8. j and mikey roblox 9. siren head 10. shorts 11. minecraft ghost 12. roblox 13. mikey and j minecraft 14. sonic 15. choo choo charles 16. maizen roblox 17. sakura… Read More

  • INSANE Ultimate Survival Minecraft Base Tour!!!

    INSANE Ultimate Survival Minecraft Base Tour!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built The ULTIMATE Storage Base In Survival Minecraft (P.U.B. II)’, was uploaded by ๐•ฟ๐–š๐–“๐–™๐–Š๐–’๐–†๐–™๐–”๐–“ on 2024-04-20 15:00:06. It has garnered 124056 views and 8323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:01 or 3001 seconds. This is episode two of Project Unknown Builder, a Minecraft film project that I make for fun as a hobby. It is not monetized to stay authentic and true to it’s purpose; be a form of creative expression. Enjoy! This video has music from two of my favorite musicians Zayde Wolf and Thomas Bergersen (and some other cool ones)…. Read More

  • Insane PvP Texture Pack for Minecraft! ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ’ฅ

    Insane PvP Texture Pack for Minecraft! ๐Ÿฆ๐Ÿ’ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft World Best PvP texture Pack | Minecraft PvP texture pack Credit – BLOODYLIONYT,Davil_XD’, was uploaded by BLOODY LION YT on 2024-01-26 14:07:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscribe to Davil_XD https://youtube.com/@Davil_zx3?feature=shared File download link … Read More