EPIC Minecraft Automation with Productive Bees & Eternal Stella!

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I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today we get super busy as we dive into the productive bees mod hopefully you guys are ready now jumping back into some more all the mods 9 today I want to get into batana that’s right the magic of all magic mods or is it now we have started a ton of mods in this pack and we now have tons of ways of generating resources but there has been one mod that I have been kind of neglecting to get into but today we completely get into this mod but we need to build an area for it and that mod is going to be productive bees now I definitely need to get busy with this one and well today what I want to do is I want to build out an area for bees and I kind of have an idea a doy idea now I’m back in the mining Dimension but this is more for testing purposes because I want to use the Builder to clear out an area and I want this area to be a dome and it’s the best way to sort of see it because RF tools no longer has the actual shape that would normally be shown in the right hand side of this um we need to use this to sort of see how this is going to be built so I’m going to set this to top Dome and this is what I actually want I want to have a top Dome that is hollow and then I need to figure out roughly how big I want this so inside of this Dome is where I want to get started with the bees and I want to build sort of a biome within this Dome at least that’s my idea aide and I want to put bees in here and I want to farm them in here and make it all look kind of natural if at all possible now when you’re setting up a dome the dimensions of the sides here these two sides are going to be how wide it is whereas if you modify this number it’s going to determine how tall it is and so you can actually sort of adjust the shape in that way so with these current settings if I go ahead and I show the support view we will see that this is a rather nice shape but what we can do is when I remove this we can increase the top Dimension here to be let’s say 50 and that’s going to make it a little bit of a different shape um so if we go ahead and now display it you’re going to see it’s a little bit taller right and this is a little bit better I do like it being taller up here um it gives it a lot more room and this right here is really nice so if we clear out an area that means we can expand if need be and make more of these using this card now something to note uh right now you see that this is all sort of uh set up to clear and what we really need to do is we need to set this one to be solid to clear but we should be able to take the exact same settings here and set this to uh top Dome if we go up to this again let’s see top D Dome leave it Hollow and if we do the same thing so it was 35 35 and 50 then we can use the Builder to actually do its intended purpose and that is build and so once we clear it out we can then fill it all with stone and then continue to modify from there especially since we’re going to be putting this inside of a cave so I’m just sort of taking you through my sort of build process and how I’m planning on doing this now if I was to set this up uh what we’re going to need to do is go 17 blocks out from this Edge right here so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 somewhere right right in here I have this placed in and just to double check that everything is going to be just fine we’ll set everything to zero make sure it’s all good make sure that’s set to solid and let’s see our support View and yes okay so we do need to go one more in I believe just to make sure that this is actually in line with this and not this block man we really need more mods like this that kind of let you do almost like 3D work inside of Minecraft and still sort of be survival friendly I really really enjoy the RF tools build it’s it’s quite amazing and if only the composer was back oh we can make some really crazy things I really missed the composer which was a thing that used to allow you to make like 3D art almost and be able to build it in world or clear out areas like that being able to rotate all of these different shapes but anyways I’m getting carried away here uh so I need to be be more productive right okay so this should be ready to go uh just make sure yet again every time I do the support view un it like it resets the offset so now that we know that is correct we can go ahead and give it a signal and let it send into a trash can and let it start chomping away at this area now once it’s done this is where we’re actually going to use the Builder to build also don’t make the mistake I made I I forgot to swap out to the right card you need to the uh the clearing Cory card not not the not the regular Cory card yeah I made a big mistake so perfect here’s the Dome cleared out now like I like I said remember this section up here right um this is going to be sort of a thing that we have to deal with is all of the holes and stuff and so the easiest way to deal with all of that is to just use the fill cart and just expect it like just to make sure it’s one size further than you you do expect um and this is also going to fill in the floor and everything and so I’m going to turn this off and then we’re just going to swap this out with a barrel and we’ll just fill this with some stone for right now that way we can sort of use our our uh exchanging tool as sort of like a painting tool to to kind of color everything we want something to note by the way about how it actually places blocks is it will actually place it random so whatever blocks you have in here it’s going to randomize what blocks are in there every time it places them so keep that in mind whenever you’re setting this card up and uh just like I have right here the exact same dimensions Dome top but this time Hollow and then place that in there and we should be ready to go and uh just simp simply turn it on and we’re going to notice it filling in the walls which is what we want to see and you see it’s randomly pulling all of the individual Stone out so I’m just going to grab even more Stone and just let it continue doing this just like you see here it’s a lot of stone it’s placing in but it’s going to be well worth it this is just going to be the initial Hub of all of our bees and I am super excited to get into bees by the way because there are a ton of custom bees in this pack and I mean a ton so I’m starting to play this sound and I was thinking up here a part of the Dome area what if I make it look like it’s actually the sky now to do this effect what we need to do is get into a little bit more ARS noo so four of these will allow us to make if we craft in here a uh a mage Bloom seed and this Mage Bloom fiber allows us to make a very special weave and we should be able to grow this in our normal crop farm that we’re farming with mystical agriculture to farm this stuff incredibly fast and there it goes just look at it it’s being farmed so fast with a very little frame rate as you see in the top right so now the other part of this equation outside of the Mage Bloom fibers is the Mage Bloom block itself because we need to combine this and make ourselves Sky weave oh this is going to be so good so Sky weave is actually kind of insane because when you plays it down it looks just like the outside and so during the day it basically is a bypass straight to the Skybox and so I want to use this to uh well to make this look like it’s a part of the sky and so that should be pretty straightforward I should be able to just simply click here and hopefully that exchanges all of those blocks but I don’t want it going off into the edge so let’s limit this and do it one at a time and I’m just sort of painting this in and so it’s going to go go here but it’s also going to I think I’m going to go out to this border Edge right here it’s honestly so trippy watching this take place because you can’t even tell that there’s like blocks right here like you can’t tell that this is actually something you’re going to bang your head into it’s very trippy this is honestly quite epic the fact that we have this huge Sky Box here oh is beautiful and so we should be able to see the Sun and everything and the stars at night and we can actually go into it which is just Bonkers now I think what’s going to end up selling this is by putting glass on this um so that’ll actually sell the effect as if we’re underground cuz right now there’s no definition to the edges which seems like it’s just a giant hole but if we actually Stone cut this stuff and I want to do framed glass we can go ahead and make this look incredibly interesting I think in the very middle though I’m going to do the tiled glass um so all we got to do is place down some of this for reference and man this is again where the building gadgets just really come into play so let’s go ahead and do uh a little bit of a range unfortunately we can’t actually see the blocks were changing is kind of disoriented actually oh no we need a we need the Builder not the exchanger so this is where the building Gadget is going to come into play so let’s see now we can see the outline so perfect and so I’m going to build like this and then on these other edges I should be able to build here uh I want to build on the outside but we need to make sure this is set to Connected areas is that going to work ooh we definitely don’t want fuzzy there we go and now this will fill in with the glass and yes this I think is going to sell the effect way more so now it definitely feels more like we’re in an interior space but still have access to the outside even though the outside is far from up just right up there now bear with me on this I have been hard at work took me about an hour to sort of prep up and uh really just exchange all of the blocks but this is going to be our B area yes this is kind of fancy and just look at that up there it looks like we’re in an entirely different area we just completely go through here and Bam now I went ahead and place down some cherry trees these are actually uh snow blossoms from biomes of Plenty I was able to buy those from the market and then we already had some of the Forbidden Arcanist trees these are the ones that drop gold from the leaves but they they have leave particles and the trees themselves have particles which I just I think the particles just add to the ambience looks really really nice so how do we actually get into resourceful bees because this is how we’re going to be productive today it we’ve got to actually do something with the bees right now thankfully a few episodes ago we actually prepped oursel up for productive bees and kind of helped oursel out and the way that we did that was by setting up bees and getting bees and getting uh Honeycombs started um from mystical agriculture so we have tons of Honey Essence which is really going to allow us to jump start into this mod because we are going to need a ton of Honey treats to really get started quickly now one of the first things I like to do is set up some Traders so as you see behind me I have some traders that are beekeepers and these are using the hives from productive bees and uh so all you need for those are just some campfire and uh and some shears and you’re pretty much ready to go um now once we level these up these are going to grant us a few things so let’s go ahead and get some emeralds here and start to trade for some things like for example let’s just trade for some shears we’re going to end up using them anyway so might as well feed them in and get them leveled up and all of that fun stuff um the big thing that these guys trade that I really want are sturdy cages um there a way to pick up the bees and there is a way that you can actually craft uh these cages but they’re not unbreakable if that makes any sense so inside of productive be if we get into this Pro well PR productive bees um you’ll see these are the sty cages that you can find in loot chests or by these villagers but you can just make these regular B cages but whenever you start to interact with them and use them in the world you’re going to notice that well they don’t really uh they’ll break and you don’t really want that happening now also some of them can give you treats and treats are going to be incredibly useful they can also give you other kinds of Honeycombs and all kinds of goodies for for example these are going to be sugar bag Honeycombs which I believe can be turned and processed into just sugar if I remember correctly actually they don’t even look like they have a real use here other than eating them oh that’s right cuz they’re food oh yeah that’s why that’s right these are just sugar Honeycombs that you can just eat oh that’s so nice so after paying your way a little bit into this mod you’ll see that we can exchange these for sturdy cages and that’s really what I want so now with that easy stuff out of the way let’s talk about how we actually get started within the bees because this can be a little bit daunting and complicated but I promise it is going to be well worth it in the end so to get started let’s focus over here on our Quest and that is going to be on nest and the quests are really nice because it sort of lays them out so you don’t have to use jei to be able to figure everything out so we are going to get certain bees from these nests um and each each Nest type is going to give you a different type of bee or the same bee depending on the different nests and also I do believe that each Nest needs to be farmed in its own particular biome that it’s related to so that’s another thing another layer on top of everything else so the best way to think about this is we need to farm these with treats and they’re a way to essentially summon a b but it’s a little bit more than that at least that’s how it says it says that it will attract a b but in reality it’s it’s spawning a B for us now when it comes to these Nest you can find them in the world but I find it best to just simply craft them so I’ve gone ahead and crafted most of the nests that we are going to need and as you see they’re all sort of completed here being that I didn’t craft all the wooden Nest types um I don’t know why we would need all of them but it does say dark oak Nest lures three different types of bees um whereas some of them may not lure all the different types so if we take a look at the dark it’ll tell us right here this is another thing we need to look at of how this will actually um generate the bees and the chance that we’ll get of getting each one of them right so this gives three if we look at the Oak it gives us two right so the dark oak would probably be the best option out of all of these as far as hives to make now if you’re also looking for a specific be you can just simply click on the b or hit r on the B to see how to get it and you will see also what what hives it comes from uh so we also see that the blue Bandy be is the one that comes in this form but also is in the Cherry one and the acacia one as well but if I look at the acaia nest we’ll notice that this is actually the only bee that comes out of the acaia nest which would be great for if you’re spefic specifically looking for this 1B cuz the ACAA Nest is only going to produce that one making your chances of getting it 100% so I guess instead of this Oak nest what I’ll do is I’ll just go ahead and make the dark one and that will probably be the best in my case here now getting started this is the perfect one to sort of test out uh but this they will have uh different biomes requirements so this one says it will attract bees in the Overworld biome but for example the slimy one I believe it says attracts wild slimy bees but the nest must be placed in a swamp biome so the biomes do matter and the way I’m seeing that information is I am hitting r on there and clicking the information tab which is very very important and we’re going to have to farm all of these this way now the real way to farm is by making honey treats and this is how we’re going to get them to spawn so we just rightclick and we’ll see that timer in the top now if I was to feed I believe more honey treats into this it will make that timer go down significantly uh another way alternatively if you don’t have infinite amounts of Honey treats kind of like I do you can use a time in the bottle and that will also accelerate this but keep in mind your time is kind of precious um even though I have like almost 50 hours worth of time in there um it is precious so keep in mind that you will go through hours upon hours if you do this way but honestly this is one of the best uses for this so after a short period of time the bee will pop out and this is a good time to have that sturdy cage right so we can go ahead and click this B with the sturdy cage and see it says green Carpenter B and I’m going to store this in my backpack we’re going to keep this in here and we are going to end up we’re going to end up having multiple bees all line through here uh from all of the different biomes but but for right now we can farm at least this one right here now I recommend if at all possible getting at least two of each of these types that may seem a little daunting but if you have at least two I think you can breed most of these well maybe not all of them as it does seem like some of these for example this blue banded be like we mentioned earlier well it has no way of breeding with itself and you know what that might be the case for all of these Bas bees so you’re going to at least need one of them but I recommend two because some of them are probably going to need to be clicked on with an item to convert it into a certain type which is something that we’re also going to go over Honestly by the end of today’s episode you’re going to be well very very well versed in bees you could say B expert now before we go out let’s pump the brakes real quick and let’s talk about why do we even need to get into bees in the first place and that’s where I’m going to show you this these bees right here are some of the best bees in my opinion that I have found while looking through jei and well we also need it for the star B which what we’re going to end up making in the first place um towards the end so what are some really really nice bees well there’s bees that can actually produce blood right uh right here so we can get life Essence directly from these Combs and we can pump that in to our actual alter thus automating in an easier way with uh this um I’m not even going to try and pronounce it but I’m sure it’s very technical uh but there’s also the bloody be here which we haven’t gotten into but this is going to be for evilcraft and so we’ll have access to blood with this if we set up this bee now these bees all have their own required recipes and things like that so keep that in mind but there’s also a skull bee which this all has a chance of getting Echo shards but this bee is the main reason the stellarite B this is going to help me so much with a grind because this has a chance even though it’s a one % chance every time it produces a comb it has a chance of actually producing an eternal Stella and so ultimately I want this stellarite B and this shouldn’t be too difficult for me to produce um and be able to make but we’ve got to get through the bod first and get every all the infrastructure up before we can even start using those things now honestly today the one true be that I need to get up and running and start producing as quick as possible is going to be the draconic be no not from draconic Evolution but it’s called the draconic be from the productive bees mod and this bee right here gives us draconic Combs and these can be processed inside of a cuge to produce tronic dust and we need a lot of this stuff all of these are going to allow us to make the really nice productivity upgrades and those and also make the inactive dragon eggs um which I believe are used to make regular dragon eggs if I remember correctly uh maybe not but it is definitely used in the dragon soul which is an all the mod item so yet another reason why we need to get into this mod uh but yes this is used for those production upgrades and there are a lot more production upgrades than just this base production upgrade they go even higher uh and it is quite nice but to be able to get this thing we need to apparently use dragon’s breath on it and dragon’s breath is how we’re going to get this I think just using one dragon’s breath is good and then we just accelerate this all the way up to Max and that will make this be spawn much much quicker and and uh yeah we won’t use as much dragon breath even though dragon’s breath is pretty much infinitely available so yes I’m going to need I’m going to try let’s do I don’t know H 20 of these bees that’s that and have four hives running for them I think that would be great so now let’s get into how these bees actually work and this is kind of interesting because um we should be able to easily farm this with refine storage right we’re going to need Advanced beehives and then we’re we’re also going to need um some of these uh expansion boxes um so I have an interesting way of doing this now keep in mind you can do this a bunch of different ways but we’re going to utilize some feeding slabs here and what I want to do is I want to set up a feeding slab and make sure this by the way is under your your beehives I’m going to set up my expansion box and my beehive with the Beehive being on the ground so the Beehive needs to be here and I’m thinking about setting up like this with my beehives so we have three beehives here with our feeding slab going here um and the be the feeding slab does need to be in a very specific location not on the top layer do not place it right here otherwise your beehives will not work you have to place it on the bottom block or at least one block below it or near it um and I’m thinking like this these bees can all share the same feeding slab in this setup um and it may seem a little bit weird because we can go or I’m going to also set up another one right here um but this setup should be kind of efficient um so we’re going to put the expansion boxes on top I’m going to put the expansion boxes on top of all these hives just like so when we put the expansion boxes on it’s really going to open up these beehives they’re actually going to turn into the advanced versions where they can hold up to five B’s but I’m going to go even further with this right um and I’m going to make it so that way all of these beehives um work without the bee actually needing to come out of the hive so to do that we are going to use simulation upgrades and you see I have all of these things set up to uh for for autocrafting but this simulator upgrade is amazing we you put this in here and this is going to allow us to put all of our bees in here and farm them and they’re going to keep working they’re going to work without us doing really anything we just need to sit back and let them produce Combs but they do need the thing on the feeding slab and these particular bees need dragon’s eggs and so I do have 30 dragon eggs but they mostly came from this like you only get the one initially but I did get dragon eggs from our loot fabricator and going through hostile neural networks so I should be able to place just one in here they’re all going to share that one egg on three slabs and place one over here notice there’s three slots which this works out really nicely I think this is like the most optimized design right here is having three different hives so you have three different things on here technically if if you really wanted to or in this case just one now if they’re in the simulation this is where you can actually speed this up with a time in the bottle and I have this sped up and notice they are producing Combs so at least they are producing this material and what we need to do is store this in our refined storage system so down below I have this setup it is very loud uh but I have this and all we have to do is just simply put the Combs into our system and then later on we can just take the Combs out and process them inside of a centrifuge so to make this super simple we’ll just Place importers directly on here and that should do the trick um and that’s about as straightforward and as simple as it’s going to get I don’t think it could be any simpler than this I have done a lot more complicated setups in the past but uh this is definitely straightforward you don’t even have to worry about this building up with honey you don’t have to put bottles in here they’re going to work regardless of the honey amount so you can just ignore the honey now this is the true reason why I want these bees is because we want these product productivity upgrades this make this so much better now by default we can go ahead and put some speed upgrades in that’s going to help it go a little bit faster but these things right here are really where it’s going to shine cuz 260% multiplier it does cost a lot of these base upgrades also Echo shards and so on and so forth even nether stars but it’s going to require a lot of these Dragon chunks and this is what is going to be really really needed now another thing when it comes to processing these Combs that we’re going to need these bees for is the actual inactive dragon egg so it just requires a regular egg in here and those draconic chunks will make the inactive dragon egg the heated Center fuge is incredibly fast so this is something we’re going to need to strive for because processing Combs is really going to be our bottleneck for now though all we have is this power center fuge so we can put this here and I’m going to use a power uh let’s use a gate these don’t use a whole lot of power um from my testing it don’t use hard hardly any at all uh like 256 RF per tick maybe at Max uh but we are going to need an exporter on the top and an Importer on the bottom to import our product um now this will also build up with honey and stuff but we don’t I don’t think have to worry about that either thankfully uh now other fluids if they start to build up that will become an issue uh but for right now we should be good so we’ll just go ahead and get an exporter and we can use this to just start sending our nine different types of combs or even more with an elite exp order but for right now this will be just fine we’re only sending one comb type and this will kind of jump start us so there we go so that’s pretty much done I’m just going to go ahead and get this covered up so let’s go ahead and get our draconic Combs going in here and so that should export them out of our system and start putting them in here yeah I mean it it definitely would start exporting if I actually put them in in my storage so there we go it is now sending these out and it’s going to start producing them um and this can also receive speed upgrades now I haven’t put the speed upgrades in yet but that is what this is going to be all about so yeah this is a b pretty techy in that we are going to need to upgrade every machine we build so putting these into the center fuge we’ll notice this dramatically increases the speed of the Combs um and even faster in the others and then if we put these in here this will mean it will produce Combs a bit faster than normal as the processing speed is going to be cut by what 60% I believe so that is quite a bit but ultimately the productive upgrades is really what we want in here so at this point I now have all of my hives placed in and they look kind of nice I do have trees in the way I’m still debating on whether or not I’m going to remove them or just leave them like this I think maybe adding some fence uh what actually look kind of nice not that fence is great for bees I guess bees really wouldn’t care would they but I could place like some fence in like this and that actually doesn’t look too bad yeah looks pretty good now one of those other bees that we were going to need is actually going to be this one the skull bee uh skull bees have a chance of making the skull comb and then this can be Center fuge down with a 30% chance of getting an echo Shard which is pretty nice now this does require a digger be now the Digger be actually comes from I believe the stone hiive so uh I have this and so all we have to do is place this in world and right click this on it and that converts it into that skull B um so that is just one of the interactions because the other one is actually breeding and if you are going to be doing breeding I recommend using the breeding chamber now you can breed in world but the breeding chamber is much better you place the items they need down here and place your two cages in here and that will end up breeding up the bee um which is really nice now you are going to need this because it doesn’t consume the bees which is really nice um and it also removes that breeding timer which you would uh have so you would actually need to make sure you have your sturdy cage over here and then that would put it in here it’s pretty great and but that would be a baby bee and to raise that you would just place the baby uh caged bee in here with some treats and that will actually produce the fulls size bee without it needing to grow up in world as well now you do need to figure out what this needs for the feeding slab so uh whenever we look at the bee we can see its uses and then we’re need to check the bee flowering and find out what it needs and in this case it needs a skull shrier in the feeding slab thankfully we just put it in the feeding slab and it doesn’t need to be physically in the world and skull shers well they can be obtained by using silk touch on them I believe I all right may not need silk touch goodness let’s get out of here may not need silk touch it may just need a hoe but either way we now have a couple of them now unfortunately to be able to get that Stella bee that I really want it requires us to go all the way up into the diamond bee and uh the diamond bee has quite a bit of processing required in order to get there that’s going to be quite the journey to be able to make that particular be that means I need a slimy bee and then this is going to need to be combined with uh a glowstone bee to produce I believe a redstone bee and then we need to take the Redstone B and breed it with a blue banded B to make a Lapis B and so on and so forth oh boy this is going to be fun so if we go to protective bees I am going to need a few more sturdy cases uh really we only need one of these bees so this one and the glowstone the glowstone one I have to do in the nether there we go that’s a slimy bee oh boy there’s a duck how cute now for the glowstone Nest you got to keep in mind if you take a look at it it tells you what the actual spawning item is and in this case it is glow stone so we have to feed it glowstone instead of Honey treats not all of these will actually give you the Bee from the honey treat so in this regard this is going to be a glowstone bee Boop so now this is where some of the other base bees come into play so we’re going to need a chocolate bee and we’re going to mix that with a glowing bee and that’ll give us a red Stone bee and we can see it right here chocolate and glowing bee and then we’ll need a Lapis with a blue banded bee so to get the lapis we’ll take that Redstone and then that will progress even further now the slimy bee is going to come into play because we need to breed the slimy bee with uh let’s see a diamond bee to get an emerald bee I think that’s about it right uh I thought the emerald bee it made it look like it goes here but really we’re just going down this route into the diamond be it’s actually not as difficult as I thought it was going to be um so take the glowing bee and we’ll take the let’s see chocolate mining bee because this is the Redstone so yes and these just require flowers we just put a single poppy down here and then the breeding process is going to start you can see right here is what it’s going to produce when we put the cage here that will give us a redstone bee and we can make more than one of these bees now this process does take some time and this is where that time in the bottle is really going to play a pivotal role I feel like this is the one mod uh this and a cultism that the the uh the Tim of the bottle is insanely useful now there is another way that we could potentially start to speed up processes like this uh but that’s something we’ll get into down the road and that is going to involve draining the warden of its farts yeah forgive my speech it is an interesting thing and it’s something we’ll eventually do and there we go we now have oursel a redstone be and we need to make this adult because if we plan on breeding it in any way we’re going to have to make sure it turns into an adult so just like I mentioned earlier there we go it is now conver coning into an adult now with just some flowers I’m combining the Redstone be with the blue banded B and there we go we’re going to get the lapis one before we know it we’re going to have a diamond one that’s going to make it really nice so now we’re about to produce the diamond bee and this is where things are going to get a little bit more than just actually producing a bee that is a diamond be we need to take this be and then we need to crush it um Yes you heard me correctly we need to crush this B because this is the genetic part of this mod and to do that we are going to to take a bottler and then we are going to place the b in and we’re going to squish it and it’s going to turn into a jean sample okay that Gene sample is going to then go into the gene indexer where we should be able to process this Gene sample well the gene indexer is a little bit more complicated uh we need to put it into the center fuge and then the center fuge will then separate into different genes and then we can put those genes in the gene indexer so we’re going to really need a powered centerfuse directly dedicated to this alone now this may look a little strange but I have somewhat automated this process all I have to do is put the poppies in this will breed make sure I have the sturdy casings in here and that is producing Diamond bees the diamond bees then need to go over here into this Hopper well actually we’ll just need to make sure it’s going here um and then I just need to use my tool here to make sure it’s not pulling anything out of this there we go and um yeah now it should be sending the baby Diamond bees into here and then that should be converting them going into here we have the fullsize ones so now that we have a fullsize one let’s see if we can’t squish it this is going to be kind of interesting but inside of here I have some glass bottles I’m going to place this door here and then I’m going to place in my be and then pull it so doing this gives us squished be material and I’m then going to put that into the center fuge and then that is going to produce these genetic samples those genetic samples then go in here now I only have one for right now but we should have hopefully a diamond B right here so it’s a 27% productive Diamond B and I think we have to use a lever um but uh it may not be a lever but uh putting it inside the gene indexer is going to combine them together and continue to produce high-end bees so if we continue to do this this process here we should have been end up with a diamond B so notice right here it’s 43 and I think if I give this a lever signal it will then automatically sort them um in doing that we will end up combining them so now this is at 49% and so on and so forth and eventually what will happen is whenever I have a maxed version of this sample I can then turn it into a spawn egg and just like that I now have a productive B Diamond 100% Jean sample so now that we have 100% productive B Diamond Jean sample we can combine that with a comb and that will give us a honey treat but it’s a very special one and then we need to go into an incubator and this is how we’re going to produce some bees so we place this here and then that is going to Pro uh start producing we will put some speed upgrades in here and that will make it a little bit faster so four speed upgrades is the max um but yes this should produce a spawn egg and that is what we actually need in order to make the stellarite be spawn egg um as you see the diamond spawn egg is what goes in here with some stellarite and some basic materials including thankfully One Soul um and we have everything for that so that will get us our Stellar B which is one be that I definitely want running as soon as possible and there we go the diamond be so with all of my ingredients onto my Forge here the last thing we need is to place this in and we should have everything we need in order to craft this perfect so we just Boop it with a hammer and that is going to be a stellaride b that is going to be available to us I am so excited for this oh this saves me a whole lot of time grinding out souls and all of the blood and everything needed for this if we just leave it running then by the time we have everything else done we should hopefully have enough Eternal Stellas because this essentially automates Eternal Stellas believe it or not oh it’s it’s not the prettiest thing in the world that spawn egg is not pretty but it is amazing to be able to have this so now that we have the stellarite spawn egg we should be able to just simply spawn the Bee by clicking It On The Ground let’s go ahead and do that and there we go it’s like I said not the prettiest bee in the world but this bee is going to be fantastic so I can actually just place it inside the same Hive here as this one and there we go now we accelerated be and we can use this comb here the same feeding slab for this technically what I should do is probably put it in its own Hive over here yeah I probably should do that you can pull bees out by putting your empty cages in here and that will allow you to pull the bees out by the way in case you didn’t know and this Bee by the way needs a stellaride block so there we go and so with this this is my journey through bees and my goodness is it just the start as we are going to probably get quite a few few more bees rocking and rolling in here there’s a reason why I set up all of these hives and that’s because we definitely want to make more of these bees the process is just going to take some time and a little bit of hard work and dedication so guys if you enjoyed today’s episode and you learn something new be sure to click that subscribe button and also ring that beautiful notification Bell if you haven’t already so you don’t miss an episode just like this one because just because it’s in the season middle of the season in like episode 30s doesn’t mean that this information is less important who knows you might be able to use this at the start of your playthrough and get into this mod super early so be sure to click that subscribe button so you don’t miss an episode where I might just come up with a new idea that nobody has done yet so guys thank you so very much it’s now time to thank the amazing supporter of today’s episode and that huge thanks by the way is going to go out to Mr pug thank you so much for your amazing support by the way over on the Discord and becoming a Discord premium member and supporting me in one of the best ways as possible guys be sure to check out the Discord discord.gg chosenarchitect and also comment down below what you think of productive bees is it your favorite B mod I I don’t know I’ve kind of played with a lot of different random B mods throughout the years and and this one happens to be one of my favorites but is this one your favorite let me know down in the comments below and if not what’s your favorite one and well guys as always thanks for watching bye [Music]

This video, titled ‘All The Mods 9 Modded Minecraft EP36 Productive Bees Eternal Stella Automation’, was uploaded by ChosenArchitect on 2024-01-17 17:00:01. It has garnered 78018 views and 1965 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:36 or 2316 seconds.

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Originally created as a private pack among friends, All the Mods has blossomed into a sought-after gaming sensation, offering everything found in popular packs while introducing a unique blend of newer and lesser-known mods. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the scene, ATM9 provides the perfect balance of familiarity and innovation, ensuring an immersive and thrilling Minecraft journey.

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  • Minecraft Server DESTROYED! 😂😱 #TechnoGamerz

    Minecraft Server DESTROYED! 😂😱 #TechnoGamerzVideo Information केलिए मिटने वाला है और हम अपना बदला लेने वाले हैं तो गाइ भागने के लिए तैयार रहना इन थ्री टू वन लेट्स गो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो लेट्स गो विजय भाई शायद This video, titled ‘Minecraft server distroed 😂😂🤔😙😙#technogamerz #proboiz95’, was uploaded by Teddy bisht on 2024-02-19 12:24:45. It has garnered 515 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Trials ft. Wextary & dillon8775

    Unbelievable Minecraft Trials ft. Wextary & dillon8775Video Information go live I didn’t press that go live button oh I’m stupid you’re so don’t say anything stupid all right you ready all right Manny you got this right oh just please be family friendly I’m family friendly streamer here as well yeah Dylan I’m not well I am but you know there’s a little bit there’s a little there’s a little room I’m unmuted hello everyone man here why why stream no start stream you not right it’s it says it’s started does it is it started for y’all oh there we go poggers yeah it is… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Automation with Productive Bees & Eternal Stella!

    EPIC Minecraft Automation with Productive Bees & Eternal Stella!Video Information I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today we get super busy as we dive into the productive bees mod hopefully you guys are ready now jumping back into some more all the mods 9 today I want to get into batana that’s right the magic of all magic mods or is it now we have started a ton of mods in this pack and we now have tons of ways of generating resources but there has been one mod that I have been kind of neglecting to get into but today we completely… Read More

  • Can You Guess Who’s Eye This Is? 😱 #Naruto #Sharingan

    Can You Guess Who's Eye This Is? 😱 #Naruto #SharinganVideo Information [Music] ding ding [Music] ding This video, titled ‘Guess the eye 😱 of Naruto character 😲#naruto #sharingan #eye #anime @narrowdude333′, was uploaded by NarrowDude on 2024-03-04 13:39:54. It has garnered 18 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Guess the eye 😱 of Naruto character 😲#naruto #sharingan #eye #anime ‎@narrowdude333  Title: The Enigmatic Eye: A Minecraft Build Guessing Game Introduction: In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can build anything from simple houses to intricate landscapes, there exists a game that challenges players’ observational skills and creativity – “Guess… Read More