EPIC Minecraft Base Build! Watch me create my new storage room!

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Hey folks hope here and welcome back to Minecraft SOS where thankfully I am still alive we’ve had quite a few people on the server to die and coins have been spent to keep them here now last episode I was very smart and built a house for

Stonemasons and we have a tower to hold a new enchanting table today I want to expand the base with a new storage room mostly uh to clean up my chest monster out here yeah leave a like if you’re excited for Minecraft SOS and please subscribe last episode I managed to get

This Enchanted pickaxe but I am in desperate need of some better Gear with uh two diamonds currently to my name that leaves a little bit of a problem I do currently have 30 levels though so let’s enchant my boots and hopefully we can get ourselves feather falling 2 Fire

Prom for that is safe from oh that’s okay that was worth it well they’re only iron but that that’s going to be very nice anyways that problem I don’t have any diamonds so I can’t make any new tools or things but first a distraction before we finish digging this mine all

All the way down to Diamond level somewhere in this Cave System we found down here there was a zombie spawner if I can just remember where it was oh oh oh oh oh oh yes here it is okay perfect amazing yes we have zombie spawner which means experience Farm first step to

Experience Farm is to clear out some more space around the spawner then from here we can lower the floor down a little bit further if I did it right that water should be able to make it all the way down to the middle and it does perfect need to grab another bucket of

Water up here you know what so I don’t have to get rid of my personal bucket we’re getting a second no thank you where’s So Many Zombies my spawner is not even on yet no no don’t don’t do creeper don’t cre no no creeper in okay we’re fine everything’s fine

Everything’s fine I hate the lag on the server why can’t I hit these before they hit me oh it’s so annoying no no no not the little one yes get stuck in the water little stupid zombie I’m so good at this game I’m so incredibly good at this game no no no no

No should just go finish that mob farm what am I doing over here I hate everything I Hate Everything ooh iron okay back to the mob spawner that hopefully we can finish it now I can’t really do any of the fancy things cuz we have the nether closeth to force

People to live in the early game for a little bit longer you know for fun apparently so I can’t get Soul Sand to send the mobs up meaning that this is going to be a very very slow one and we’re just going to drop them down I

Guess yeah it’s still active and then if I’m standing here we can still see the fire which means the mobs can still spawn if it’s dark okay I forgot to bring a hopper so thankfully I got some coal and some iron so we can actually just make

One mobs ball here I can hit their toes there and then we can just use our Mossy Cobble to kind of block that off one HOA and we’re ready last up I need to get rid of all of our torches in here which uh is going to make mob St spawning so

We can get out of there hello zombies yeah I’ll meet you in the other room okay I’ll be right with you yep goodbye hi everybody oh this is perfect look at that it takes a few swipes to kill them but you know it’s better than them being

Able to attack me time to see if I can get to level 30 first a little safety there we go level 30 not great but uh it’s going to do for now oo an iron stons it is time for a new enchantment here and let’s grab an iron

Pickaxe I desperately need Fortune so that we can get even more diamonds when we have eventually maybe actually do find some of them this is going to make me very very happy or very very sad oh we will keep that because silk touch love me some good silk touch okay that

That’s actually really really nice to have but it’s not what I want we got to we got to try this again but I’m back to level 27 what do we what what’s the next enchant Just ficiency 4 again oh boy here we go before getting back to the

Zombie grinder I want to do something a little more entertaining so I kept expanding the tunnel going down to deep slight levels and we have our first new diamonds check it out right here let’s get a light down and uh see how many we get oh there’s at least two four four is

Good four is a great start six oh we have six oh that’s amazing I’m very happy we can’t mine them for now I’m i o I know what I can do I want that fortune I’m not we need a lot more than six diamonds today where’s that iron pick

That I just got there we go silk touch we’re only down at negative six right now so being able to get six diamonds up here that’s pretty insane I’m just going to hold on to these until we get Fortune I’ll plop these down up here just to

Keep them safe for now and I was thinking about it we have this book here is there any chance that this is going to show Fortune lure that’s not no no no not not at all what I want you can go back in there mining will continue

Shortly but I want to try my hand at getting Fortune one more time so uh back through the caves to the zombie spawner somewhere du one one day I’ll remember how to get here okay here we go there we go finally back to level 30 oh that’s taking a while I can’t wait

Till that be a one hit kill Farm I really looking forward to the nether being open soon what do we got here a new one going efficiency 4 Unbreaking three okay you know what we could combine those that’s not a bad pick you know it’s iron I’m I never I’m actually

Never going to use that so we’re just going to unroll it I yeah I’m just not going to go back I know that about myself Fortune three wait I’m going to get more levels had a little snack and hung out until I got up to level 33

Because the sword broke was time to go get that fortune 3 please be a good one please be a good one please be a good one W it’s a good one oh I wish that was on a diamond pick okay that’s fine let’s get these how many are we going to get

Off of our six diamond ore we got ourselves 13 diamonds yes oh okay let’s make a new diamond pick just because I can one a diamond sword because my sword just broke and then two we’re getting a new diamond pickaxe and what can we enchant this with efficiency 4 I think

We send it for that yeah we could okay yeah it’s fine it’s fine I’m not sad I’m just a little disappointed right I know it’s going to be a little expensive but do we use eight on a chest piece that is that’s a lot more armor I think I think

We do that cuz we already got the enchants there and then we’ll go get some more diamonds and we’ll get the rest of our gear good going good back down to two diamonds again already somehow oh that’s great with the initial diamonds found and another work pick I

Kept the staircase going all the way down towards 58 oh no no no no no no no no no no oh not the deep dark you got to be kidding me okay small turn in the staircase and we go down this way I guess okay okay this is not spooky at all right not not terrified not terrified whatsoever it’s only skull

It’s fine it’s if there’s a shrier it’s bad yeah so easy so so easy professional actually where’s all those diamonds I’ve been promised in the deep dark isn’t this supposed to be full of diamonds professional oh there’s a spawner okay that I hate that I hate that I

Absolutely hate that that this is a spawner right here in the deep dark no because they can activate all the things and I have to fight them and everything else shouldn’t be spawning here okay let’s just light it up really quick ah professional so professional yeah wow

Hey horse armor golden apple I will happily take that and a saddle oh that’s big I almost play Minecraft exclusively in a three-year-old hardcore world and I getting terrified terrified these little thingies no diamonds in the area I was willing to explore so for now I decided to just finish off the staircase

To the bottom of the world diamonds there we go two four woo oh I love it 12 more diamonds that’s Huge and and of course I’m too stairs shy oh wait no I’m more just kidding little gold for our efforts going down underground ooh Redstone at least we’re digging this crazy massive staircase all the way down to the bottom of the world we did get 12 diamonds that’s amazing

And I heard Scott’s on his way over to say hello cuz somehow he already learned that I have an experience farm that somehow was a Discord message hello hi how’s it going I am ready to be sh XP right right right so if you bring over

Some stuff and you just trade with these guys I’ll stand right here and then all the experience will come out I swear you just need a lot of clay ah okay see the way I’ve just been doing it so far has just been killing so many cows and sheep so yeah that that

Sounds yeah that sounds great because I get XP I get XP for breeding them I get XP for killing them I get XP for cooking them it’s just a whole circle of experience yeah yeah yeah it’s a whole circle of life well come on down this

Way it’s um amazed to get there I’m working on it but you know for now it’ll it it does the trick now you just step around to this side and then we just continue straight through here yeah I never would have never would have followed this really really I mean it’s

Pretty obvious isn’t it this is right to the experience Farm can can you not tell come on now yeah and then when you see these stairs don’t go up the stairs cuz that’s where the spawner was you go down and then you go up these stairs and then

Then you’re here yeah you just go straight and then a straight and then a right and then an up and then a left and then back again and another left and probably another left and then another left and then a little straight and then you might hit it probably you lost me

When I had to go straight yeah I know it’s challenge but yeah just when you see the darkness don’t go into the darkness moving on to the backup diamond pickaxe already and I’m thinking we can use a few of these 14 diamonds that we have now we can make ourselves a diamond

Shovel to replace the iron one and we’ll get an axe just to replace that guy we’ve still got our fortune 3 iron pickaxe that I’m going to be keeping around for a while so for now this stuff’s pretty Enchanted let’s get a helmet and save the rest of the diamonds

Until we need them or well until I can actually get experience to enchant some new stuff so we’ll get all this stuff Enchanted and then we can look at making more diamond stuff look who’s back uh-huh it’s me uh-huh uh-huh wow wow what are you contributing to Lake group

Scott o prop four Unbreaking three woo um I give you food do you want steak I have so much steak I have so much steak I’m just messing with you I just messing with you gotten lapis as well oh here you go take your lapis I see how it is

Doing handouts over here already oh I got a oh it’s fire prot I don’t want fire prot on my chest I already have it on my boots I have so much fire PR so you’re telling me I can light you on fire right now is that is that what

We’re getting to light you light me on fire tell you when Stu I’ll tell you when I lose her some damage uhhuh how’s that going little toasty little warm I’ve L not taking a heart damage well this isn’t as fun as I thought it was going to be I’ve

Literally not taken a single damage yeah but you’re eating food that’s cheating okay I’ll let that run down again s Haven Dage you’re the one who’s over here like I’m fireproof I’d never take any damage I haven’t taking damage I haven’t I’m still not taking damage oh

Man never I have now I’ve taken half a heart okay there we go yeah slowly dying slap her down oh my Lord like Oh see it sounds like it’s going to explode it sounds like a bomb Oh we have to do something with this yep we’re do

It yep we need to find someone we could go visit MOG I don’t think can oh he’s looking this he’s looking this way oh he’s crouching oh he so sees us he’s so sees us okay oh no oh he’s coming he’s walking directly this way okay I’m going to just Dig

Down bury yourself underground I accidentally made it worse you do well I dug out a b and then like I made a hole through the terrain then he just was staring at me through the hole I was confused as to where you were and I wanted to sneak up on you and then

You seen me I spotted you from a mile what is that noise what is that noise hello oh my God that’s so scary oh like it you thought we going get oh my God who’s that hi oh hey flip what’s that how you doing how you doing hey we

Thought we were about to die to bees yeah the be sound really scared me I have to say your to’s Co yeah it’s getting there I need silk touch so bad your spr out that’s so funny elevation is new to him it’s he’s just excited you can walk up

And are so far away over there love why do you just have a chicken hole for chicken yeah that’s my chicken hole dude I might actually take some eggs that yeah I’m I’m going to take a few eggs just for reasons of the other person online I really haven’t visited yet of I

Just need more chaos to be caused so I need to borrow some eggs in the sugarcane he said in the sugar can no we can be hiding in the sugar can I see him I see him he won’t notice anything he’s too absorbed in what he’s doing it looks so stupid looks so

D it’s so good just just eggs coming out of the sugar what an absolute mess oh please I’ve been working so hard on this Farm I’ve been three days straight now three whole days straight now I have chickens every wear please don’t do it please don’t do it don’t please buddy

How you doing they don’t do anything they have no purpose look a cute little guy look at him walking along Ambiance to your facee they do bring on be it it is a f around look at him yeah did you get those from my spot no no but are you saying there’s more

Eggs on this premisis no no there’s no more that’s that was it that was we’re going for just’s a few more oh wow there are a lot of phantoms who really hasn’t been sleeping oh my Lord they coming from me coming from me are they coming it’s is not

Swe oh a head I need a head I want a head ah I never want to farm ever again you’ve done so much you’ve cleared away so much yeah I have uh let me check my stats real fast uh how much wood is this 2,139 Oak

2,67 uh Birch Jesus you got any uh extras lying around you don’t want yeah please take it I don’t even need this Birch right now come here oh if you’re going to come in you have to smack my salmon I’m stealing a propa G oh yeah take the propag I stole them earlier

Today okay thanks after the chaos of hanging out with all my friends I decided just to get on with grinding and I am so mad because I forgot to hit to record look at this sword we got sharpness 4 Unbreaking three and look at these boots prop four Unbreaking three

Feather falling four I’m so very excited about this I also had the epiphany of I can just put some books in here we can take them out and plop them in there ooh power four hold up a second no no no I’ve done so much grinding on enchants I

Don’t want to do it but if I need to enchant something I can just do that do that blah blah blah and then plop it back up in there and eventually all those will be enchanted books just a little bit fun different way to store things I’ve recently been using chiseled

Bookshelves in my hardcore world and I kind of love them but my main goal today is to build a storage room over here so I can get rid of that mess as I’ve talked about before now that we’ve got fairly healthily geared up I can clear

Out these trees and then the block that I actually want to be building out of today well I think I want to be building out of is a sandstone and uh we don’t have too much sand or Sandstone we’re going to let all of these beautiful

Trees Decay over here and get rid of all of those leaves and we can build ourselves a chest boat I think this will be enough for a boat chest chest boat I want to use the chest boat here and I really want to explore throughout the

Ocean cuz I know we can connect back here and now we can mine sand super fast and Sandstone super fast with this guy so we can just fill up the chest with sandstone in our boat that’s going to be huge coming home going past the village

On the hill where we barred all of our villager friends from it looks like this really opens up down here so maybe we can get lucky and it looks like there are some warmer biomes so that’s a good chance okay so Guardian Temple good to know for the future but sunken ship

Which I have no idea if anybody’s been to yet yep somebody’s definitely been here I’ll take the feathers I don’t have a brush on me but did they get everything down here no there is suspicious sand sand that’s sand and so much coal glow squid do you have any

Copper down there that I could borrow or maybe I can get really ridiculously lucky right here with Coop it oh I can’t get really lucky with a new friend look how cool these fish are get to the B thank you thank you I appreciate that I’m really happy I found this Village

Because I uh definitely definitely didn’t bring a bed hopefully M’s going to sleep but I’m just going to take all the books and uh hopefully we can find a Bed throughout here sorry buddy I I think it’s more important for me only I possess the magical powers to skip the

Night you’re welcome I’ve I’ve saved you Bells don’t mind me I have to do it I need to find that copper before I get out of here cuz we can smelt it at the Village I believe so maybe we can get lucky and find some in a cave if I get a

Sniffer that’d be the best day ever hopefully we can breathe nope not breathing not breathing actually that’s still water oh I walked right by there’s the copper make ourselves a brush this is obviously so much more important than finding sand to be able to build a storage room I mean

Come on there’s a possible sniffer at the end of this doors in hand ready to go and we can just get down there and yes now for the really fun part of Brushy Brushy Brushy Brushy Brushy rushy an axe a nugget oo wait an emerald that’s kind of nice

Early piece of coal no sniffer at the first location but we did get an emerald no new sunken ruins or whatever the heck they’re called drowned ruins I don’t really know but I did find some turtles and more importantly this big old Sandy Beach that I was really hoping it’s a

Desert but it’s uh Forest I am after sand and this is sand with a lot of sandstone underneath it so I’ll be here for a little bit quick mining session as unfortunately I have a lot of junk and my boat and inventory filled up pretty dang quick I can definitely build with

All of this just to find my way home now but we have made it back home I decided to jump into working on the new storage room building and I decided to just wing it again this time focusing in a lot more of our sandstone and Birch than the

We had on the first building I also want to create a second layer for this build to have even more storage space so I started a pathway reaching around on the right side on the outside of our building that’ll reach up to that second layer of our storage system and I also

Decide to connect it over to the mine entrance this is starting to look pretty good in here but I need a lot more Stone because I want to bring this down and keep a little pond in here which I love so much inside of here we got a bunch of

Space we can clear away and figure out some back way to get ourselves up here more quickly to that storage room but I love the idea of having these Terraces for now that’s silk touch and I need some Stone hopefully just over a stack is enough and we can just bring these down

For now I’m just going to do a flat cliff and if we want to change it up to be something a little bit more natural later on we can do that first Archway is right here and I’m thinking we could move this just like over a single block so it’s slight

Not perfectly centered and maybe on this one we do three arches because we have two and two and one and you know three is kind of cool we’ll have a ton of space for chest inside both of these once we finish the outside building I

Also added in a few more details in here afterwards and I’m thinking it works out pretty well but I want to grab myself a few more of our Spruce buttons as I think it’ be pretty good to add them here in along the edge we’re kind of

Just hiding into the hill up here and uh that’s going to be okay for now and the buttons the buttons will fix it the buttons are going to fix everything I ran out of buttons I really like the little Pond that we have down here too

And I was thinking about it after the fact what if we just make a little magical mystical waterfall coming out from this side here and we could just kind of hide it as if it’s like a little aquafer coming out of the side of the

Mountain oh that’s so going to be in the interior it it’ll it’ll be fine it’ll be fine we just won’t build past that stone line yeah even better now we just need a few little flowers around you have our leaves to hide all the stuff even

Further and now we can water log them and I always forget you can do that oh it’s so nice yeah look at that nice little corner and now for this lovely interior which is now much more open with a floor I do need to still finish

Up our walls so for this one we’re just going to hide all of this behind some more Stone and then for the back here to make it a little bit more interesting I was thinking we could throw in some of our dripstone blocks now for the chest

Layout we have space for five five double chests right over here stacking up as many times as we need this I did add a ladder to reach the second floor right up in there so we can use the rest of this side here to hide even more of

Our chests and then I added this big 2x two pillar in the corner so that we could come over here with even more of them this is for crafting we can do maybe an Ender Chest in there once I get one that’s already half a stack of chest

So this is going to be a lot of storage for now we can just go up four tall and then keep moving as we need to cuz I don’t want to just make a lag machine down here I’m going to hide this little bit of cobblestone though yep that looks

A lot better o missed some the walls of chest are now in place and everything is actually pretty much sorted throughout so we’ve got all of our foliage and MOB drops and like ores and things in here this is a lot of our stones in there dirts and Sands and gravels and then

This is kind of reserved for all of our wooden materials and I’m just going to take these two furnaces we had out front and the emergency bed we had sitting out there and they could just uh hang in that corner for now but it does feel

Very very nice to have this P this point P point this point this point fully cleared out yeah I did just remember about the fish I picked up earlier and he looks really cool will you look cool down in here he kind of does oh he’s going to

Live there okay you need a little bit of seagrass down here I know I know I know wait where’d he go buddy did you go up the waterall no buddy come back come back me come I’ll keep you safe I promise come on why do you have to be

Like this all the way out here yeah okay I’ll move away and you might feel a little bit more comfortable can’t let my fish out of sight for one second n aha got him okay fine he needs a fish tank and for that we need a bunch of glass

Now is this completely stupid absolutely 100% over the top here oh yeah yeah 100% but we can just create a cool little fish tank back in here I think this might be the most stereotypical Minecraft thing I have done in a very very very very long time but now we just

Got to water log the top up here and uh we got ourselves the fish tank look at that let’s take a little bit of this kelp that I just went out to grab and we could grow some of this up to get ourselves a little bit more height and

Probably need air then we can put our thread pin in yep we now oh man yep I guess we now have a fish tank right along our road leading up to the mines that just happened he needed a home okay now he’s got a home I’m really happy with my base and I

Think everybody will love my base no no no I know everybody will love my base so I need my base to be more accessible which I’m thinking means a road to connect back to spawn instead of through a well this stupid Forest behind me which means it’s time to run through and

Chop down a bunch of trees to slope a pathway up the edge of this mountain towards spawn I mean look how close we are we definitely need to connect our base back to spawn and this right here is a lot of materials for future builds I did notice coming past the Obelisk

Here I was planning to loop around the outside and it looks like Owen has already connected his base right here into spawn so I can just connect my road directly into his this terrain is just going to be a little difficult to work with as we’re going and I’m going to

Need a lot more Cobble something like this amount should do hopefully that’s enough Cobble and I even made a ton of Mossy Cobble here too we’re going to need to turn a lot of these into slabs to help oursel up the side of the Hill

My goal for now is to start with the little Mossy Cobble on the edge and then the inside probably about yay wide or so is going to be our Cobblestone and then we’re going to go back to the mossy Cobble on the other Edge to kind of show

That the path is being regrown over the top this should be a good path I hope but the only way to really know if it’s going to work is once a big chunk of it is in and sometimes Pathways look a little weird on the smaller scale until

You extend them out a good distance ignoring the parts of it are floating I’m I think this is a good width to take ourselves all the way up the side of the hill and I’m liking the general idea of it so far it’s pretty simple but I think that works really

Well in our favor here time to continue it up the rest of the Hill slowing down the game and really focusing on enjoying the little things has been a big challenge for me as I’m very used to zooming towards the end project and just really going big as I love making those

Massive Minecraft Builds but this base so far has given me a really good appreciation and new appreciation for the early game we are all the way up here at the top of the hill now so I can just start by clearing out the rest of this dirt going all the way back to

Spawn and it looks like we’ve got a few bandits in the woods here sorry very busy making a pathway no thank you yeah as I was saying I really really slowed things down a bunch in this series and I hope you all are enjoying it but it has

Been so nice to just not feel like everything has to be perfectly planned out and executed in a certain order by a certain time on the flip side of that I’m definitely catching myself at points of being like well what do I do next like what’s the goal I’m working towards

And I’m like I don’t really know but I think that’s the point of all of this here we are right next to spawn and I should be able to just take ourselves directly down here to Owen’s path I think a direct line down is going to

Look a little too steep so I’m actually going to curve ourselves over here and kind of loop back down I’m just going to end it here for now and we can figure out a better way to blur them in together later on once we actually

Figure out kind of more of a plan for what’s going to happen here in spawn cuz I don’t think anybody’s really taken charge of it but I would love for something really fun to happen with it maybe we just end off with a ton of our Mossy Cobble so it looks like it’s

Almost being return to the grass so we just add a lot more of that in here all of the Cobblestone for the path is now incoming all the way back to Owen’s Road leading to spawn we got an arrow pointing to Owen’s head over there skull

He’s got a skull and we got the arrow to spawn if you can’t tell it’s right there and then we got myself and Scott going this way and I made sure to do both sides of each of the signs and it all lines up whoa where the heck did this come

From uh that’s new when did that get there I’m going to stay away from the big spooky vault door for now uh I need to get a little bit more geared up oh and it’s going to be night time okay I’ve been a little busy since I finished

Up that road I decided to create my own workshop and look at this place oh I’m really really happy with how this turned out oh extra Lantern on the floor we can keep that one I decided to just kind of go for stuffing a bunch of stuff in here

That’s probably going to cause all of my future villagers if I let them loose to all be fishermen but that’s a future foot problem hey we might have two Shepherds maybe a weaponsmith and a leather worker yeah see variety I would love to get candles in here and light it

Up with that instead of our lanterns but I haven’t found any bees yet so I can’t quite make that happen yet moving around on foot is a very slow experience so next I want a steed a noble Steed thankfully From the Mob Spawners we found we’ve got a saddle

And uh let’s go with our gold horse armor and now to find a horse hopefully somewhere kind of nearby spawn I remember a planes biome being somewhat near lizz’s base I think it’s this direction so uh let’s head over there but man moving a horse back through this

Is going to be a pain how has sausage built even more since the last time was here what is this man doing that’s a giant pig okay there’s a giant pig up there here we have a planes biome and wait wait wait wait horse horses many horses not for leather but for

Friendship let’s see if we can find ourselves a fast one ooh he’s pretty quick decent decent how’s your jumping terrible absolutely terrible okay let’s try a few more I’d like oh wait you are kind of a jumper let me get that saddle back though this one’s kind of cute look

At him pretty slow though pretty slow I already can tell he’s pretty slow oh maybe oh he doesn’t even yeah nope nope nope not this one sorry buddy even slower what is going on we’re going in the wrong direction here nope that’s a big nope right away okay this is our

Current best horse I think maybe that first one let’s let’s compare these two and whichever’s faster we can take I think this guy’s quicker it seems a little quicker found a few more test subjects out here so uh I’ll run through these real quick no don’t go towards the

Mobs not towards the spooky cave please please thank you good good no no no no just be my friend please okay right he wants to go in the spooky cave and does not want to be tamed that’s fine oh my gosh there we go I think this guy’s the

Keeper I this is by far the fastest horse we found okay yep let’s let’s go back home oh oh I think I could yep ah perfect just time for the classic Minecraft activity of going along the top of the forest because uh you can’t actually go throw it on a

Horse oh I’m sorry buddy made it through the forest and back on my lovely new road that we can use all the way back home this is going to turn into such a cool view when we’re coming down this pathway just walking down into the town

Oh it’s going to be so good right I haven’t found a lead yet oh no sorry buddy I hate to do this to you you can hang out down in there for now back home I got to work throwing together a pretty simple two stall stable with a little extension wall to

Create a workpace ended up adding a little bit more Road space out here in front and I’m really trying to plan that we can have these back ways have some really steep steps heading down towards the water sometime soon but for now we’ve got a little well back here some

Plants some hay and uh just a random workstation over there this is probably going to be another fountain or something in here in the middle and it’s going to connect over to there eventually I just don’t know what way quite yet and this does actually work as

A door for our stable the horse can’t fit through there but if I flip open both of the doors we can get in and out which is fantastic I did put these signs up so that we can name the horse I just have no idea what it is yet and I was

Thinking right down here we can take our Hopper with our two little no trap doors on the sides fence gate in the front and put our chest back on top and we’ve got a little wagon cart thing I don’t know it’s cute now for safety I’m going to

Put all of these berry bushes back here as they are helping to actually keep mobs out of my base cuz I don’t really have a safe place for me to log out quite yet one day we’ll get to that but for now our horse has a safe place to

Hang out now that I have a storage room a new shiny horse and a house for my horse I’m still feeling a little early game yeah ignore all the diamond armor okay these pants are still iron and to fix all that I need a lot more diamonds

Also really want a fortune 3 and silk touch diamond pickaxe as we still only have our fortune 3 Iron pick so it’s time to head back down to the deep dark I want to play it safe and just strip mine for a while and see what I can

Hopefully reveal within the Deep site levels instead of risking triggering a shrier and finding a warden Within These caves I dug into somebody else’s tunnel over here and I don’t know whose strip mine this is I’m assuming it’s Scott’s but also we’ve been here for 10 minutes

And I already have 51 diamonds I got to see how long it takes to get the full stack oh nope nope nope that’s where that tunnel stops that’s that’s where that tunnel stops we’re not going that way anymore yeah I’m okay that’s where we stop there 55 and we’ve got a big old

Bunch of diamonds right here woohoo there’s the full stack oh my inventory is full ah what do I do we craft those down yes a stack at nine no 10 74 diamonds time to head on home up to level 30 also and we actually had a diamond pickaxe just sitting here and

Those two we can combine together for a perfect one let’s see what we can get on this I’m breaking three only Unbreaking three oh man where’s that stupid grindstone get rid of this dang thing efficiency four that’s not what I want okay up to level 33 now and we got two

Chances and somehow there were 16 iron OTS potatoes and carrots all sitting in there so we got some good loot take two efficiency 4 Fortune three up bringing three yes oh that’s amazing yes ah this stupid iron pickaxe those are our first potatoes too so uh we got a PL

To field for that at a moment but I got something else fun to show you all I got earlier right here in the book storeage nope that’s just a book that’s a good book with silk touch so we got both of our pickaxes now woo this is going to be

Really expensive here but it can give ourselves a great working pick and I think I have an anvil up here 13 levels that way 13 levels that way okay so we’ll do that and then how much is it to put silk touch on another five that’s a good pickaxe we’ll throw both our

Fortune 3 picks in here cuz I don’t really need them if we get ores we can just silk touch it and bring it back and then use those and that’ll save a little inventory I’m really loving all the fields being over here and having them slowly work down towards the water so

For now let’s just throw potatoes here until I have a better use for this space you can just imagine me asking you all to subscribe right now like it’s a cool field Montage but there we go potato field and cuz I haven’t done it for a while let’s Harvest up the wheat field

Just to get all of our wheat cuz uh we’re using a lot of decorative hay bales right that gets us a ton of seeds and a little over four stacks of wheat not a bad Wheat Field I think we could go a little bigger how did I already

Have potatoes down here I didn’t even realize it and here goes the rest of our iron ho didn’t make it too far but it did help me add a little bit extra to our potato field as well as our carrot field and even a little cheeky expansion

Of the wheat field over here what can I say I love Fields part of my brand time for a little bit of an upgrade here to a diamond ho because we can and we can start a little cheeky beetroot field over here now want to be a little

Mischievous and I ow you nobody saw that I need to kill a lot of I need to kill a lot of salmon to make this happen there we go six head should do the trick if you’re new here my friend Jimmy and I have a very longstanding

Rivalry over what the best fish is in Minecraft I’m on team salmon and he’s a c boy so we’re going to slap him with the sounds of many salmon today I just got to actually find where his base is I think I I know which one it is just

Caught up with sausage as he’s running over that way to go find himself a horse so I had to point him in the right direction and here we are at apparently Jimmy’s Tower the big old tower for an episode one okay inside and I should

Have o i do have Oak okay so we can hide the pressure plate right here and then I need to go under okay we’re going to go pretty simple Redstone turns on this one I just need a tiny amount of space under here I’m putting the dirt so if he digs

Down there’s already a block there and he doesn’t just like see the noise machine right away we need a redstone line it’s going to come right down there that we step on that triggers all the way perfect and we’re just going to give him a little pressure plate by his door

On top of the oak so he’s just never going to notice it now over on this side we need to prepare a little Redstone clock that’s literally just going to be this and if I do that our Redstone clock is now firing permanently that’s going to spit out into a new repeater where

What we’re going to have with the pressure plate trigger is this piston right here that’s going to push forward and now that is going to be sending the signal right across to here then now we can snake a little line around with all of our note blocks like so put our

Salmon heads on top of these so they trigger the salmon sound instead and let’s see this thing in action and that’ll keep running until he finds us down here right now I just need to get my own way out of here without breaking anything and as soon as he

Walks through that door in or out the salmon will start slapping he did just log off the server to say he was going to go take a bath so uh I don’t think he’s coming back anytime soon I’d love to wait around for it but uh probably

It’s probably going to be like tomorrow when I’m asleep so uh yeah it’s F yay time zones okay I kind of forgot that I still have iron pants on so I made some diamond ones and we’re back up to level 31 I’ve been at the zombie spawner so

Much today I really need a better experience Farm but and I really need some lapis back to the butt what can we get Pro three okay is that better it’s plus I think it’s technically better than prop four iron leggings we’ll keep it for now I’m now a shiny boy in full

Diamond woohoo and most importantly I found a slime down in the cave so we have slime balls now that’s pretty cool and sausage did give me The Relic music disc randomly so that that’s why that’s there I’m feeling much more geared up now so thank you all so very much for

Watching leave a like down below if you did enjoy subscribe if you’re new and I’ll catch youall on the flip side oh the little village is coming together it looks so nice

This video, titled ‘Building my NEW Storage Room in Minecraft SOS Survival (#2)’, was uploaded by fWhip on 2024-02-29 18:15:03. It has garnered 133705 views and 9726 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:10 or 2290 seconds.

fWhip is building his NEW Hardcore Storage Room in his Starter Base in Minecraft SOS Survival, a brand new SMP in Minecraft 1.20.4 Survival!! CLICK the LIKE button if you enjoy!

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#Minecraft #Hardcore #SOS

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  • Chill Showcase: Dragon Mounts 1.20.1 Forge

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  • Aurous

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  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

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  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

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  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

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  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

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  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

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  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

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  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

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  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥 Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! 🐱💣 Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

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  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below ↓ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⦿ 💰 Donate: https://streamelements.com/coindetectorkid/tip ⦿ 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coindetectorkid #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: https://discord.com/invite/9fvKZmRgq3 Join today! IP: play.ovclub.gg Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More