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Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign 72. my name is person Hi and today I am doing some Minecraft uh Deltas here at hey Delta uh and we’re doing Minecraft on a Friday again because I’m doing stuff over the weekend and I want to do it today so here we are with some Minecraft and I’m showing my face today

For a couple reasons one is because my blood sugar is been funky lately and I want to be able to keep an eye on it uh which means I can’t have my my avatar open um two because I want to because I feel like it so that is the plan for now

How are you doing today Delta I’m doing great I’m sick I’m still sick Lads yeah I did everything under the sun I literally coffee tea medicine I’m about to take more medicine that’s of a different sort it’s DayQuil with no NyQuil Frick DayQuil and NyQuil it’s just day night

It’s like an orange thing day equal ah fighter of the night quill anyways I’m gonna I actually have some munchkins here because also blood sugar stuff for some reason like my ADHD makes me think that in slow motion like at least when I was younger I would think things

In slow motion and like I would think it would be like mud chicken and my brain was just like chicken that’s funny there’s um there’s like a place that’s like I feel it’s called a canopy park or something like that near here it’s it’s like a good bit of way but

Like some I’ve gone to it a couple times and I remember as a kid I called it cannibal Park instead of canopy Park and I remember this one like specific memory of getting my hair cut at like haircut place and they were saying like what are you doing today I’m like I’m

Going to cannibal Park I was just like really excited and happy but they’re like what cannibal Park well what does that mean and then I went to in fact cannibal Park what do you mean oh there’s foxtrot still that’s uh oh yeah oh yeah how’s that Delta

Wait can you hear me yeah I can hear you I said how was that how did you do that yeah it started and Brett was like I want water I was like I want G Fuel and then you’ll be had to get a PNG of water for Brett

I saw I saw part of the clip for that didn’t pie get like pickle juice or something yep yep I got a pickle freaking uh a big pickle thing that’s funny yeah we started asking for boy girls and fries did you get that too

No I mean it was like how many [ __ ] you mean do you went on this stream is that your meal the impression I I I suck at realism voice impressions okay do I do an impression of me then I don’t know I don’t know how to that was great thank you

I don’t know how to begin so So Um I’m gonna be like drinking soda and also eating munchkins during the stream so don’t mind me hey bye what’s that hi I’m gonna [ __ ] your pants looking at your idea hey Brett have I told you about the Folly of karsis The Folly of persus my headphones are not plugged in no Darth Carson the wise uh many powers of the no I was gonna make a joke from that but no go ahead no jokes for you this is gonna be the Darth Plagueis thing Oh he’s gone I didn’t know you unless he left Tata yeah he left the second I started trying to do it I like how he said like No like is this what I think it is and then it was Delta with DND oh hey look

Um I wanna say hi to the people in the chat hi hi It’s just me the only one in traffic I’m in voice call hold on yeah how dare you so we have a texture pack I’m using today called rust um I haven’t used this one before but I’ve been looking forward to trying it um Pie has worked on this island and

Demolishing it for me so thank you so much pie you’re welcome I made this as flat as my chest pie wow what do they call that cutting board do you have do you have cutting boards yes Ed Edd and Eddie plank Um so actually I’m gonna turn off HDR for lighting’s sake I think you can see how that looks am I too dark now It adjusted a little bit so it’s not terrible I’m sorry Yeah is it is it really loud it’s kind of loud but not too bad oh pain so if I just change the brightness here If we change what I’m just messing with brightness settings okay I can’t really tell you wishlist yeah I definitely think uh wow that’s way too much uh All right I’m I’m taking pills that looks good yeah I think this looks good I’m popping pills Delta I I’m like so I’m so sure I got that from pie just going like Delta pepper pie I got that for you guys cool rubbing off on you foreign I will not elaborate [Laughter] refuses to elaborate so let’s see how this texture pack feels I’m curious what this one’s like some of it looks like normal like regular Minecraft almost and some of it doesn’t like I said this one’s called rust the name of it is in the description as well

If anyone forgets technically I have to move the chat box again Right thank you so bad I should know I love windows for this NyQuil I might just go Um pass out all of a sudden not really though because I don’t I don’t I don’t like the fall to the influence of the force the dark side because yeah We need to get bread back in here I’ll stop talking about DND if it means we get more company I do in fact like Brett yeah I got scared because like like I said my blood sugar’s been acting pretty funky recently and um like right before the stream started it dropped 40 at once like 40 units or whatever and I was like oh that’s a lot and it said I was like going double arrow down which

Means it’s dropping really fast and I was like scared so I like rushed to get a soda and everything but now it’s leveling out already even though I haven’t really done much and I don’t know what’s gonna happen with it so I’m just gonna keep it out foreign I lost 40 sugars 40 grams of sugar in your blood the obliterous yep there it is hey it’s not the same hang on that’s the same skull from like one of the other texture packs that I used is this I haven’t used this one before like is this a version of a different texture

Pack I’ve already used I know not about that I just know that my blood runs in maple syrup even though I’m not Canadian I see right so that’s interesting I haven’t used this texture pack right I don’t think I have It’s interesting uh but yeah I want to explore for a little bit because I want to see what everything looks like real quick Actually install Minecraft pepper does your world have Cthulhu because they look like specifically yeah no Cthulhu s creatures yes is there a miobi watching over the world if if miobi lets me have miovi as a character as NES that would be dope that would be pretty cool I like this

Texture pack this one’s feeling like medieval and dark and I always like that sort of style like Dark Fantasy sort of thing I I too have dark fantasies okay no that just made it horrible what do you mean by that all right get behind the scene of a Ford

F-150 this Christmas you sound like you’re struggling daughter Behind the forward over hit Florida yeah he’s trying he’s definitely trying um behind the seed of a fool s your microphone is cutting out a lot too by the way uh poor Delta foreign no it’s not Squidward that one was better I don’t know why but I hated that

Okay let me let me throw a bunch of my Garbo away so today I’m going to yeah I’m gonna so I’m gonna start the pyramid as always and then I just want to work more on setting up that island and leveling it Um so but I also want to because I just thought of this I want to grab this and edit my thingy over here My like I just don’t know what this building is but I want to edit it a little bit got the Chrome I need somebody did you say kachow good job what uh don’t cut ciao don’t you freaking kachow s kachowing on stream and I can’t handle it sorry thank you finally downloaded I

Thought you’re saying thank you because Delta finally sneezed oh no no you don’t care about that no we got more Bots as always it is the way isn’t it it’s what happens the way of The Craft I do feel like it happens quite frequently in specifically Minecraft which concerns me

I mean that Minecraft is a popular category so they probably look for like uh the hashtag get out of my Minecraft this is my safe public realm of safety and love and nothing glued live cover nothing lewd ever happens on this channel ever I am good girl I don’t do anything lewd uh

Uh yes can I have your monkey’s aunt isn’t that right I’m like I’m completely say so right so yeah if you say so I do that’s why I said it freaking pie I’m gonna freaking lick your butt oh What what what what huh I I I don’t understand you just a pie all of a sudden oh did did I hear what I said is that what Drew him back don’t don’t talk oh okay that that’s the point that’s what I said I said I would don’t talk You said the word not me it reverberates uh now I gotta leave no no no no it’s all your freaking fault again no no what the hell dude why are you doing this no I’m gonna freaking lick your butt too now let’s go this job It’s me doing it yeah because no I’m not I’m not looking no tongue punch my fart box never mind please no oh God never ever never again who you must do it again no never never again never ever ever forever and ever I need more that I need more apps

Well go get some Delta Press the call Scrap button not really though because that would be cool probably be cruel in nature of me is kind of just a piece of meat to you Delta absolutely not okay as for what she is the world may never know what do you know the world knows she’s a wonderful personality

Is that all she is to your daughter a wonderful personality that’s pretty sass just I just imagine like I say the same um absolutely not and then I had to start going on about the the complete opposite of what I said just earlier instead of personality no

No I feel guilty thinking about saying that as a joke I feel guilty just thinking about saying that as a joke yeah right let me know if the audio is okay by the way yeah let me know if I’m uh intolerable yeah yeah you know let me know

I need to put my hair up where’s something I need to put my hair up with oh so can I get the freaking man bun out yes A Man Bunting it wait that just sounds weird man bun I heard you why is it so weird I don’t know could I think about

Different buttons spicy I am putting my hair up I think I’m also going to connect this to the tunnel below um but first let’s go sleeps and then do pyramid pie what the [ __ ] yeah what the [ __ ] yeah I didn’t know was it ready for swear words what the [ __ ] Delta

Oh wait we we didn’t put our Minecraft bed together no it doesn’t have the same impact when you compare it to what miobi says the [ __ ] word do you want to have sex bye what you heard pepper just sex it up that’s what she said literally it is it is what I said L6o the stew so you know what I was watching um I was watching uh yesterday with bottoms um the freaking Delta’s kids clip oh God we watched almost the entire thing we watched almost the whole thing in centaurity uh because I wanted to show it to Bottoms and uh

I was like isn’t Dr funny and bottoms was like well he’s he’s definitely something oh except for your person that’s what I would have said about me and if some boy welcome to the stream you know this place looks like reading what was the question you said is he I’ve already lost myself

Okay okay there’s no saving you pepper yeah how do you make an okay horny what the [ __ ] well that’s what it sounds like you’re doing is that either you’re doing it horny or scared scared scared okay oh yeah oh I don’t know what that one’s supposed to be

I don’t I don’t know either Domino um phenomenal but but you have both butt and duties switch around my urethra and my sphincter what what if I want to [ __ ] out my dick and piss out my ass what the [ __ ] you ever think of that what the [ __ ] Foreign no I haven’t thought about that and I think I would like to keep it that way I I am some boy says yo is the thigh slap still a thing JK JK why are you jking it’s definitely still a thing what do you mean you can in fact redeem uh size apps

The cringe is still intact I love that limo it’s never ending here this is kind of it’s kind of what we’re about the feastless tired keeps on going he’s just tired of cringe I feel like it was what you said Brett you know I feel like it was

Specifically you was that one what is cringy about [ __ ] out of your dick I mean I was having fun saying like Okay in a horny voice and just like trying to be sexy cute and then you have to freaking bring that in why do you do this to me I just want to

Piss out my [ __ ] I am not accepting this Bryant yeah you do you you know what that would look like it would look like spaghetti noodles it would be horrifying okay let’s stop I am like once once thought of through that metaphor in there it was in my

Brain and I don’t want it to be my brain no it it’s leaking out of your butthole a little bit okay can we can we this is past my line I think especially if like no stop it’s like a premature ejaculation so like just [ __ ] drips out of your ass that’d be

Pretty funny yeah this is a really bad time for me to have like a big box of chocolate munchkins in front of me oh raid those personally okay said 1984 did pie did you kick Brett yeah pancakes for it you know he’s like not gonna come back now right what the [ __ ]

I don’t wanna I don’t want to think about that anymore somebody I think I’m all set with thinking about this uh poo topic shiny hi shiny welcome to stream hello hello so I’m like regular um on regular YouTube you your name and Chinese name are both green but on my

YouTube and like my Google is how I have it set up it’s uh you both have pink names though yes pink is cute never mind the sounds you hear coming from my mic okay uh stop tapping that’s not what that is that’s two rocks being banged against each other because I’m a caveman Can you believe this fool I’m gonna execute you that’s Scarlet’s job okay okay pepper thank you so much I really really appreciate it I really appreciate it I got a donation of two dollars from shiny and it’s it’s going right into my uh treatment buttons so thank you

I have two physical dollars in this pouch of coins why is Delta being a caveman in the background uh because he’s an imbecile I’m gonna get back to it then he likes to uh he’s he likes to Unga Bunga yeah yeah no don’t do that song again like I’m trying to

I’m trying to do it in such a way where it’s not racist for you to like save you and then you do that I am horrible I’m just not gonna deny that I’m horrible well I don’t want you to be horrible on my stream oh wait yeah Fair Point crap we’re in

Central he’ll be like just genuinely like that that’s her why why do you do that who did write this song I Don’t Know okay it’s it’s Indian okay it’s Indian it’s Indian okay sorry it’s all right it’s all right because I’m Indian I’m Indian like half Indian well I am half Indian Though just it was just the fact that you did Unga Bunga and then did that like they’re fine separately just don’t do them in combination like that yeah I understand that you maniac I mean I am a bit of a Maniac I spent so much time trying to like save you and

Tell people that you’re not like racist and that you didn’t know and then you then and then and then I was like yes it’s okay referencing cavemen and then you do that is its own thing but it was the specific pairing together that I did that is is

The Goof I am aware of it yeah then he did it again yes I did that is my own doing shiny donate another daughter thank you so much money quick Delta it’s working be more racist yes don’t don’t actually though don’t don’t Feast no uh thank you so much honey I really

Appreciate that that means a lot to me uh some boy says garbi say so our YouTube song yeah we gotta be say so or like YouTube will try to stick their dick down my throat that so tell us a stop stop just see it’s gonna be fire I okay

I already you just stop trying I almost heard you start doing it again I almost heard you start talking again I’m gonna I’m gonna bring back the thing of us kicking you from the server what cruel it’s not cruel if I’m telling you to stop it you don’t

Oh okay welcome to stream Sunny shine 45 uh this is Minecraft Nuzlocke items are a one-time use only if encounter you must drop duplicates interesting interesting Is that something you’re telling us that we should do or is something that you find interesting pepper that I could tell Scarlet yes go tell Scarlett thank you no no you don’t I’m Indian I’m Indian I’m Indian I’m literally stopped yeah stop stop getting kind of annoying down there stop no he’s liking annoying he’s just horrible you gotta stop okay we need I’m Indian I’m an idiot I need a stick it’s giving me freaking like don’t shoot he’s black Vibes what have you seen that meme

No oh wait the Dragon Ball one yeah see it’s fire this man sorry those are the Vibes you give me though pretty weird Vibes yeah yeah I know it’s true hi NGO not gonna lie foreign I prefer I prefer the before times of 20 minutes ago um his balls balls penis but she

Is a clavicle no class clavicle do I want to increase the difficulty of the game not really is a fun challenge for everyone wearing a period pain What oh no That’s a lot that got destroyed holy moly it’s not great I was about to say singing in a Maniacs Animaniacs yeah okay do it I’m gonna I’m gonna go to bed I think I have to go to bed Um Sunshine is a fun challenge for everyone wearing a period pain smoother and increasing the intensity for every task completed in Minecraft I’ve I’ve wanted I’ve always wanted to try one of those really yeah interesting I really want to understand what the heck and with my experience they’re not on every fun so

I don’t want to get inspired I got the okay for my girlfriend to be racist I’m being [ __ ] this new Minecraft update is totally worth it somebody says lude beats racism let’s all be unsafe so and hold hands together holy [ __ ] that’s freaking oh my God that’s freaking hot bro that’s like

Ugh I throws a cave sound in the pyramid and it actually scared me as it should wait I was like it’s not like an actual shiver down my spine yeah that happens it doesn’t say the sexiest thing you can right now cool all right well I I rate that

Actually just zero out of ten what I can’t think of anything also on ironically horny flushes me flushes the hell out of me yeah I like I like being unironically horny I like how that has to be a specification between it being ironic or not yeah my hand muscles are all funky today

Because I was lifting up a bunch of pennies since did you say right after saying that pepper why is that the next sentence what are you getting out of that Tata it’s because I was lifting a bunch of papers at work today so I was at work and um

I was just like basically organizing this pile of huge Petty papers they’re like like the racic papers and so after just doing that for basically two and a half hours my hand just uh I mean it was it got sore while I was doing it but now it feels like it’s like

Like I don’t know like like muscly tired Foreign because you all sound like Subs who want to get top to yell yeah wait what yeah is your name also Skyler white yo oh my God my name’s Skyler white yo that show’s great though have you actually seen that show no oh I just know that too close a person Scarlett’s here

She’s not in the chat but she’s here she’s bringing my microphone closer to my face so I don’t have to keep yelling in directly exists via shiny a shiny feeling yeah oh that’s so good I’m gonna murder somebody who are you murdering I don’t know who but whoever

Can be murdered with a spaghetti noodle okay I have a couple questions why are you murdering somebody and also why do you have a spaghetti noodle on hand currently uh uh I have four rocks on hand currently but I can get the spaghetti noodle in QuickTime

Oh yeah hold on check the chat Pepper take the chat pepper can you say the second thing that comes into fine pepper I can but I want I want Delta you to explain this to me first uh so I don’t I I I kidney beans See if I do this it’s a little sexy kinda if I have that but like it automatically comes out undone so it doesn’t really work S is Della Ducks Dan what the heck did you say kidney beans I don’t know Deltas was being racist and then also talking about peeing out [ __ ] for some reason you know Brett was talking about that yeah but you were part of it you’re contributing also I said he’s gonna murder somebody

With a with a spaghetti yes yeah I said I was gonna murder somebody with a spaghetti noodles okay Hey hey goodbye This guy says let’s talk about the racist thing about how you tell me what you did yeah does it say it explain yourself Give me something like give me a topic and I’ll say something sexy since that was also something that was gonna happen we’re getting noodles no no untrue it’s oh he was doing that Unga Bunga thing again and then singing like cultural energy music I guess yeah

But but yeah the context was just goof it was just bad context was Indian song that was exactly what happens uh all right my fellow Indians will kill me With a brick I’m gonna get bricked on I’m gonna get bricked in the face Okay so 48. Well I don’t I was thinking like what can I do because like we’re being sexy and racist right now so I almost thought of the sign is like racist it’s the new sexy but I think that’s I don’t think that’s good you know what uh yeah what

If you do the other way around exactly racist suddenly say so we must say so I don’t think it’s gonna let me type that probably not oh my God it did why why is this game the way it is that that’s okay all right fine Minecraft whatever you can say I can say

Sexy and racist but I can’t say like the number three all right whatever someone says lymphat every time I come here I always get impressed on the topics of conversation you all have yeah we’re kind of freaking nuts you can make a new topic out of this

Lewd racism I don’t want to do I don’t want to say something racist I am I think I’m good on that end no Delta Okay I’m gonna read this now I love how I say I’m taking the red pill but my medicine’s blue November 20th 2021 start of the Year amid number one a lot of concentrated Adolf talk two turkey is good song YouTuber didn’t give me auto grape for Santa’s super sheet

Gold pepper shows off new Avatar concept six star the Tilly Skittles of Bobble gobble beginnings oh God you did don’t dig straight down pie don’t dig straight down that is in fact a bad idea welcome back Brett doctor’s being racist up in here he doesn’t he like I was trying to tell

I try to make a joke about the Unga Bunga to like save him a little bit but then he did the song again and so I was like okay that you’re you’re just ruining yourself I I can’t help you I yeah I did I just did yeah once again he has [ __ ]

His pants and he will like he’s like Unga Bunga was said no I don’t think that one lets you go away with it it does it it most likely doesn’t tougher had a stroke and couldn’t say a point eight the quiet stream element emails I afford myself now I’m gonna go get my

Stinking Elixir back ten dollar grapes eleven eating Wendy’s and talking about trans Flags 12 scarlet and scrap the side of deltoids 13 everyone is killing kittens 14. Delta is sexually active 15 sick pepper has the biggest duck in your baskets 17 the death horses of reaping arrive 18.

19 Autumn was here and people are staring at me 20 darn doe enters the chat 21 one year anniversary of tripluscus 22 kerbals and Sam during the fight 23 is that Kaboom 24 no longer more of In Time 25 Delta is back and someone wants to eggplant me Zap board 26 zombie alien

Thigh squish brain 27 Delta in ghostad 2 featuring Bill Cosby 28 getting physical in the graveyard 29 gross its ear holes in dick cheese 30 Reggie the Mouse meets planes with bits 31 spiderborn touching buttons 32 covet all around 33 demonetized 34 the net butt fund 35 Laura may be a deranged

Serial killer 36 how does coffee work 37 there is no Queen of England 38 the wussy rain 39 the creamed pie cow 40 Mario’s homophobic 41 the Haggard who came come to come dies Delta gets branded as a gaslighter what do you mean 42 drinking water into your trachealabia

43 trans rights are human rights 44 Halloween is throbbing green 45 the ghostly orbs are gaslighting me oh my God why are there pillagers up here oh this is dangerous for me check your blood sugar oh no oh my God I got away with a heart and a half okay

That’s that’s a break on that’s a break on the reading the signs for a second while I recover my blood sugar is fine my blood sugar is all good apparently they’re still going to be there during the day I think actually you’re probably far away enough that they won’t

Actually no no no I’m pretty I believe they probably will be here yeah um so I was asking Delta and Pie uh to say something sexy and they didn’t um and the chat was asking me to say something sexy having to do with racism and I also didn’t do that because

When you you said something is it cuddling You have to say something about like you have to say something about ass eating yes Um I I usually prefer more traditional types of meat oh You’re Gonna Eat A Cow’s Ass No the chicken these are more traditional Meats yeah yeah that is true you gotta you gotta which one of us has the most traditional meat I got I got a lot of pork but I’m kidding okay so right left off uh the [ __ ] rain cream pie cat blah blah blah

Uh let’s go so much for gaslighting me 46 breath fights his own 10 000 corpses Henry gets a warm welcome from Pepper’s bow 47 chimkin is best 48 sexy is the new racist yeah don’t yeah that I’m sorry but I’m getting that this dude’s back over on me tobia Delta I don’t see you in the server whatsoever the Minecraft server He doesn’t play Minecraft anymore why are you a bad friend Oh I thought you got it no you’ve got to clean this room still oh okay there’s a bit left but I’ve been really sick I did manage to do it that is true yeah I’ve been pretty sick

Let’s follow progress so you know I had a good day today but there was one like point in time where I was like super annoyed and frustrated at work and it was because like you know how when I was at retail uh I had a deal

With like Christmas music and it was the worst thing ever right oh remember that I don’t work in retail anymore but my co-worker’s been playing it anyways no my condolences pepper my condolences playing it through the speaker and I’ve been suffering I’m like I don’t want to hear this there’s one point

Where I actually asked her to turn it off because the Chipmunks like Christmas song came on like Alvin and the Chipmunks and I was like no no this is it for me he just want the hula hoop I don’t care what that he wants threatened to burn the building down I’m

Going I’m going to freaking I’ll I’ll cook and eat that freaking chipmunk I don’t blame you and then have sex with it no no wait how would that even work flashlight the Chipmunk s you’re talking about like pissing out [ __ ] yes my line is there my line is at fit month Okay we have different we have different types of lines I can spaghettification my [ __ ] but I can’t can’t listen to the Chipmunks yeah I can’t bear it I’m sorry but the animals the animals too much yes I feel they’re they’re their struggles and toil of life we need

To make it worse they also don’t wipe oh my God I too connected on a spiritual level I know and the physical one stop I’m gonna crust and bust yeah like I don’t know like it was funny Indiana liked it but then when it gets to like

Us actually talking about it in real life I get damaged like I I feel damaged I’m going to crush you where did I pick up a drug vacuum your dick off yeah it’ll be the quicker of the two options my b-hole okay so I I have to go

And actually see where that is okay so um so there’s also something really cool that happened today though Um an old lady customer came in right um and she uh works for a few churches in the area no look that time Brett I’m waiting okay and um uh my co-worker was helping her out and I was just kind of like listening um and she mentioned something about gender roles

Uh yeah she’s mentioned something about gender roles and uh like Like genders and she said like you know the two genders as well and then like she paused and then she said as well as all the uh um gender non-conforming and I was like what and so I like I actually did this thing where I was like I couldn’t help but

Hear you guys talking about gender roles over here the freaking person I am and um she ended up being a kind of awesome person because she’s actually like I’m gonna I like was texting Johanna about it I want to go find the text I sent I don’t know um

I don’t know about anyone else’s roles but all I know is I belong in the kitchen okay do you cook yes I do cook okay we’re gonna get to that after this because I am curious about that but um so we ended up talking for like 40

Minutes and there’s just about like LGBT rights and women’s rights and trans rights and all that and um she does like sermons I guess and uh she has been just like kind of like advocating for our rights which is pretty cool and something I like never really hear of happening in churches you

Know so I was like that’s pretty cool and there’s even like a uh gay trans man I don’t know if I think he was one of the two one or the other or both I don’t remember um who uh was being denied access to some of the jobs there even though they

Worked there and because they’re like oh but what about the kids though and then she was like no [ __ ] you uh he’s getting the job and like fought for it and everything and he did get it and it’s pretty cool and she’s just like she just seems like

A pretty gosh dang cool person and like She’s talking about how she used to live in the south and used to um get kind of like basically hated on a lot because of the people she associated with those people being a lot of lgbtq people because those have been most of our friends and um she was like Uh Yeah but no she was just like really cool and it was really nice to hear that and I told her like you know this this is the sort of thing that like makes me feel better because particularly when it comes to old people and also churches I like get the uh

Obviously get like an instinctual worry because a lot of those people are like not great with this sort of stuff so to hear someone who is doing Church stuff they’ll like talk about all this was pretty cool and then also um Sarah my co-worker talked to her a bunch about like atheism because

Um that was another topic that came up and that was also like a really cool conversation and nice to see because it was like I know there was a lot of like kind agreement and stuff like that with that one as well um and I didn’t I don’t even know honestly

It’s the way she was describing if she even is religious or she’s just there to like help people who are not be accepted uh she was also saying how like she is often considered about if she wants to be a lesbian which I think is an interesting way to put that

I’ve thought about being lesbian I’m like yeah yeah interesting um and she mentioned how she was wondering like if she was born a couple of like several decades later if how things would be for her and I found it all very interesting that’s all I just thought she was really

Cool so I just told her like hey you’re super cool we need more people like you like just allies sis allies and all that it’s it is really relieving to see that sort of thing yeah it is that that’s basically all I want to say because that was great

Welcome to stream Igor hello hello oh Igor pull the switch does anybody get the reference no not at all what a mystery never heard of it Delta okay you freak okay you freaks okay you better not be referencing the movie Igor you better be referencing Frankenstein or I’m gonna be upset

That was that’s a hundred percent an Igor reference Which was it what what were you referencing Igor oh yeah I told you oh yeah you know what I’m actually not upset I I just had a very happy reaction to that I’m not even angry that’s what I hoped for what did you wait what what exists that I could possibly have reference of an Igor Frankenstein

Laughs oh wait no there’s a guy named Igor kick him you know because you know Frankenstein is the guy who made the monster right yes yes and Igor is the guy who pulled the switch to electrocute the monster I thought I thought I thought he did the

Switch pulling no this that’s where the whole Igor came from came from Frankenstein put him in a hole foreign not the slums the whole we need a new chat oh my God okay how are you doing pretty good thank you how are you doing thank you for

Giving us that funny moment just because your name um who drew the thumbnail was that you pepper no no who did it I think it was potato okay um so uh government for Pharaoh sweets thank you for the sweets and yum yum yum yum very tasty so shiny you are awesome

Whenever I see your profile picture show up in the chat I go like Yay there’s the shiny there’s the shiny we know and love I’ve talked to people about you because you’re like always there I’ve told so my friends about you who aren’t you so much

And it’s always a pleasure to have you watching and sticking around so thank you for being so awesome and I appreciate you It’s Delta now reference Puss in Boots and I have no idea what Shrek is uh oh no he would only know what Shrek is what’s funny is I watched the Puss in Boots movie before like like I got familiar with that movie yeah because that’s not what that’s not what piston

Boots is from correct yeah okay not the original [ __ ] boots I’ll be real here at first I thought it was like some MCU [ __ ] where they like made the characters with their own stories and introduced them to Shrek Shrek until I until I still don’t fully know

Did you think they made like a a Shrek a donkey and a in a [ __ ] boots Solo movie and then put them together and Shrek that would be a great uh yes all right excuse me I’m gonna go have some Shreks oh no I’m going to kill you no I thought

I’m killing you though I thought you were the one that was going to perish he will perish me They were they were gonna do that in like the was it Universal dark verse or whatever dark first yeah it was gonna be like the mummy Frankenstein Dracula yeah oh it’s the thing because it’s the thing I wonder how much of it really was ruined by Tom Cruise

Uh apparently a lot I think I think he had a lot of Demands for that movie that kind of yeah and set up a lot of stuff he’s only allowed to do that with Mission Impossible nothing else get out of here Tom Cruise not your place Thomas Cruz Cruz missile

That’s right we’re getting ballistic with it I have nothing else to sit down today don’t mind my numbers hi miyobi welcome to the stream hello hello thank you for stopping by uh Igor says Igor is a Russian name I am from Russia are we pronouncing it

Correctly by the way or is it pronounced a different way is it Egger what is it who’s from who’s from Russia is really from Russia Egor is a terrible restaurant who’s from Russia I was waiting 30 minutes for my main yeah oh yeah we’ll be what the heck

Remember that you didn’t you didn’t get me my message I I remember that vividly So we have pepper High autumn Um we need two more two or what two more trans people for what for the Richard you have to form the Transformers oh are you looking at the bed I don’t know how well it would work all right Delta I know what we must do it’s time your time has come you’re gonna need the highest level spell to convince me you’re gonna need the wish spell Here Are you sending me a deal I’ll just have a wizard turn me turn my body into an a-fab body and then I will be interested what does that translate to all parts are bastard yeah yeah it does no one tell him all farters are bastards

Actually so if you fart in your life I kind of hate you yeah straight up pretty much yeah straight up intro I’m looking at a huge Delta in the mirror all Frenchies are bastards oh that’s actually is that it yeah [Applause] Igor says Igor is some kind of monster

From the movie uh yeah there’s a character named Igor and like Frankenstein like igoi I’m worried milby’s either gonna murder us or has left it’s just gone it’s our first instinct was to ask about our orders that didn’t arrive for 20 years I have regrets I actually need to hear my armor I need to get some mending books what is this this terrifying monstrosity it’s got a pink bow and it’s yelling at me oh is it the ghost my ghost building my ghost dildo building Excuse me what did you say I think Brett’s looking at my ghost dildo building I don’t have any fire on me riding fire wait I gotta burning down you can’t you can’t it’s not made of the right sort of stuff oh is this the only entrance oh I have

To go all the way also please don’t put fire in it yeah it’s the clan ghost I remember that we named the ghost but the sign went away so I don’t know what the ghost name is anymore now the ghost’s name is a ghost that’s

Dr calling it the the uh the clan ghost I have chubbed up what happened peps I’m going to kill you oh what about Clune he’s he’s still chubbed up yeah it works for him It was like an hour left for humans What dude [Laughter] oh just For a later time Hey I don’t even know it I don’t care nope I liked what I was doing Okay what is this polished diorate slab oh yeah by the way pepper there’s egg on your face no that yeah it is no if there’s egg on my face there’s death in your soul prepare yourself Same attempt at being intimidating ah Name we got Pepper’s end I was being offended what do you do trying to interpret what the heck you were doing just now you did not sound offended well now I’m double offended no you very much did not sound offended you sound like you were enjoying those words Hurt me with it I think we feel good that’s what I’m saying doesn’t say something sexy kill me I will not hear that I will not hear this will be kill me the sexiest thing ever girl I love how Delta didn’t even go to his um his um ultimate pickup line

Delta why don’t you want to hear that the F Ford F-150 best pickup line a freaking Daddy what you see you again Delta don’t make me it has been over a month it’s not gonna affect me another destruction in my heart I must leave what’s that mean I have destruction in

My heart I crave destruction I need to go before it’s too late okay a room and I need something to destroy can you destroy pie for me yes yes I I will find you I will do things to your body thank you Kill me okay no not you what do you want me to kill you with my thighs throw Scarlet’s entirety at me you want me to throw it back I think that was a yes no just the rose girl no I could have cop cars that’s Pleasant yeah I haven’t even been getting my dang coffees lately why because I’m sick Igor says I searched the internet for Igor from the movies damn it’s literally me It’ll literally me did you not wait ing too bad honestly oh yes why are you being like this it’s time to explore Village no no yes it is good hereby goodbye That was the scariest thing ever this sounds kind of make them are pretty cute but it sounds like we’re making were terrifying oh I’m so close to the squelch I missed I missed my squelch ah God are you trying to insert right now pepper I need to understand

Yeah that’s gonna be me if I have to deal with a whole other [ __ ] month of this oh yeah so did you finally do it what no nut did you finally know no I can’t I can’t you know what do it he’s sick not that you are around civilians

Pop a nut off in the in the bath I can’t I physically cannot lie I can you haven’t met in a month you might be better now why can’t you do in the bathroom I believe me I I just cannot have you tried recently yes oh okay all right have you taken damage after pulling in for that long no I have not I just that’s not is it you’re physically unable to do to your body or your situation unwilling unwilling

I am unwilling okay can you explain why it is an uncomfortable location the Flesh and Spirits are in unison in this notion foreign [Laughter] that’s not that I don’t see what you’re having trouble comprehending here you said the Flesh and the spirit are not communicating why you can’t jerk off

I said the Flesh and spirit are in unison that doesn’t explain why you can’t jerk off man come in the bathroom like can you elaborate you just text me or something if you can’t say it out loud I freaking need to know at this point ejaculate get into the bathroom

It’s no bathroom icky why just no I don’t know if you’re in the shower you know what you know what honestly I’m kind of with them on that actually I if that’s his excuse I get it yeah I know other people most people don’t have that as like like a an upset

For them but you know I I can’t do the best them either what uh what if you caught feelings I I guess that would change then but I have not ever had things for the bathroom genuinely curious theoretical but it has never been realized From the server the other day for saying that yeah ban him I need a good old hammer camera time freaking Hammer Delta up the side of the head wait is it is it like a gun that turns things into hand the haminator that’s pretty good Delta are you trying

Do you wanna do you want me to end you faint’s getting pretty tempted right now he’s touching the rail again and I don’t know why he’s doing that right now why the first time why’d you touch Larry so I’m being called I’ll be right back he’s escaped whoa lightning that was scary oh

Boom Valley kapoopy No okay I’ve officially 2000 reading book stole stole some white books There are some reading books from the public loading uh yes looting books yeah the public library so hot it is I know especially when I burn the books oh that you shouldn’t do that here I go killing again come here back yep that’s it for you but You could hear oh my Motors here Theocratic fascist kill a Theocratic fascists come here by no burning books on my watch it’s just how it is just be what it is come here take care of it so do you know what Kanye West did yep yep I don’t pay attention we shall be

Beheaded that’s why I brought it up no fascists allowed you’re all getting the stick it was an interesting way for me to go about things and so on yeah Yeah you should kill them all they’re another portal anywhere now there’s a lot of dirt in that chest but not another portal why would there be another portal in your chest pie yeah silly why and you’re not a silly person not true you’re really silly Food pepper noises Is every sound I make loot to you guys yes okay all right it is automatically lewd I guess that’s how it is once again what is this moist girl doing here is it me you know I like how I get moist now it’s pretty cool I don’t like you being in the water

Oh hello Giratina from Pokemon saying oh well hello welcome to stream I’m gonna get you out of there oh well why is it I think of like freaking one Dale Dingle here What why is I think of like Nicholas Cage when you do that voice me because I call this cage my first thing oh yeah that’s why isn’t it that is why that is actually why you have a good point there we go now she’s a dry moisture you’re welcome

I want to take your arteries every artery you got but I need those pigment get out of the water pigment what wait is Pikmin in my boat okay good pigment always has to stay in my boat stand in the boat okay good no doubt about it oh oh oh

I want I want you dead play I want to end you I must end you Oh you can just vote through the through the sky actually you probably could find me foreign Yeah why you said the daddy voice doesn’t affect you anymore no it’s been too long I don’t care anymore has he become Ace because of November what about the well the mommy voice then try it I dare you okay yeah okay that would still affects him

No it doesn’t he he asked for it yeah in the boat you know what fine don’t do it either way I don’t mind it s existence does not bound to bother me any longer finally healed now the random voice that’s a different question entirely yeah what do you mean

I just talk and it does something Um did you forget the reason she went there we go pigment no you’re not looking anymore Chad you guys want to see something surprising no I can’t see something surprising pepper a very important question do cameras exist in muster I lost on the planet Um it depends on what you mean by camera just something that can like take a picture even if I film yeah uh yeah there’s probably a film Recreation stuff don’t we say it though why’d you say that why I will I will remove you I wasn’t even okay I honest to God

Wasn’t even thinking about that I swear I don’t believe you oh no I I I’m not even lying I wasn’t I wasn’t but I was genuinely wondering if there was like video and film Okay I’m gonna put a lot of this stuff away um and then I’m probably gonna go back to uh the islands to just kind of mess about those going back to the islands Foreign Which voice of mine is the sexiest I wish to know I want more praise so I can feel good about myself I want I want those what is it where what are the oxytocins or something give me the feel-good juice all right don’t worry I remember one of them yes you dopamine

Is that the one that you get from like praise and being told things um we get it from various sources like if I remember correctly a certain um questions legality questioning questionable legality substances we’ll make it really scope uh let’s see your food sex think please thanks fraud oh yeah you

Just didn’t say the word you went through a lot of trouble there to not say the word drugs and then you just said sex and I think that’s funny uh oh no now he’s horny oh yes I’m lean Are you purple it doesn’t necessarily need to be the purple Okay what do you know what do you know what are you up to what are these secrets oh yeah that reminds me what kind of drugs exist in Mustang you know there’s also since uh Doctors always thinking about DND and I was like what about this about this and I also now thinking about like what if there was a Brett character that was like the get those out of their voice you shouldn’t have those get those out of there It was not bad Get in there let me just get my emergency bed to me and we’re not putting our Minecraft beds together this is cute say just to unload unlude that sounds criminal this is too platonic yes this is too photonic you know this is too consensual for my taste oh my God no stop

You’ve made it just the right amount of unconsensual oh God because I said no no I granted my way with you to granted thank you I can’t fight this is unavoidable it is your destiny who put voice girl freaking up on the planks boys I said that earlier oh you’re

Acting like she goes gosh dang it where is Pikmin Where has pigment been taken did you take pigment it was so easy to transport he was already in the boat yeah but where he’s still on the boat you had one rule in the boat that was it I stayed within your parameters foreign Oh hello Uh where’s an island Mario oh this Island’s been the leadest you egged me I told you I told you again I just killed a chick I told you I get you what does this island have a tooth yeah it’s got a big old tooth I don’t know

Because there’s so much stuff in this dude storage orb no that’s a tooth I yeah I don’t know I don’t know anything about storage arms so I can’t say maybe says pepper you look cute today thank you Milo V you look cute always have you had no comment about our our un

Unfulfilled orders I’ve been thinking about trying to oh oh oh oh oh that oh that freaking llama it fought back kids are not out of fight back maybe did an angry face what was that because did I say something or is that because is that because the orders or something why why

Are you angry I didn’t get my food yeah excuse you ‘ll be Delta is saying that I cannot make him horny anymore it’s impossible yeah I and I I don’t believe him they want me to look up more pngs yeah I wanted my food is what I wanted paintings

You’re the one that has to figure out the logistics of getting me my food but I want my food So you need peony but robots [Laughter] robots Robert Williams yeah yeah Ewan McGregor yep that’s [ __ ] Obi-Wan Kenobi yeah okay I when I re I rewatch that movie like six months ago and I was like is that freaking Ewan McGregor because I hadn’t seen it since I was a kid and that was like that like threw my

Brain out the window for some reason I just like I couldn’t process that it’s like kind of robots you know you’re not supposed to be here [ __ ] nobody want Kenobi what are you doing here dude I didn’t we’re there more Islands to destroy or did I don’t know oh there’s a lot more

It’s there yeah I’m not a huge empty one I’m the top layer is something to be peeled off but it’s been reduced to Ocean level really where are you you’re not on the map oh yeah I’m by the uh the big tooth the pictures okay should I come and see

What you’re talking about yeah I mean it was a big tooth a big tooth I don’t know who did this Are you still there yeah how about now yeah how about right now so why aren’t you horny anymore I have become a vessel from how powerful enough foreign you know it is weird though like I used to be so into I used to be so

Horny but it is and then I hated it when I stopped being horny as much but it is after a while I’m getting used to it it is strangely freeing in a weird way I gotta be honest come on Call me you cannot stand the endless Hemorrhage of nut hemorrhage of nut are you bleeding out of your balls I hope not got a nut hemorrhage what’s the tooth you’re talking about it’s over it’s where I am Foreign why did you just become a person for a second that thing that’s the tooth Yeah big tooth certified Mueller right there storage orb yeah it’s definitely not a circle is here hello what do you mean um this time the restaurant comes to us if you’ve gone down to business from a bad Yelp review yet I think I think he said I think he

Said uh hello not oh no hello there was a joke too you were thinking Delta said oh no right yeah yeah foreign look at me like that freaking moist girl over here moist girl moist girl oh he’s so moist oh I was about to slay whatever you were

Looking at I didn’t realize it was actually moist girl I was I was full on sprinting for it I’m glad that hole stopped me because I was ready to slice even though it’s a pink sheep I I just saw I saw you were looking at something

And I was like it’s like I want whatever she’s looking at dead please don’t kill voice girl wait oh I don’t have a boat I’m stranded here you can take mine just don’t kill moist girl okay never tell someone you’ll destroy everything you love they know [Laughter]

Pictures of those because I’ll take some so I can destroy Islands I have one stack and I want you okay yeah have I told you the Folly of karsis of water no you’re gonna make a front leave again oh I’m silencing okay with a water bottle but I am

Oh no I’m hovering over the button again my fingers on the trigger Delta oh sure sure are you gonna put the fork in there yeah and you’re gonna put you’re gonna blame me for I am trans fish trans fish trans fish trans fish there’s a trans fish trans fish so

We should correctly Delta don’t do it extreme is a little bit behind that’s okay that is how it works whoa is that a freaking wow I started dragging me under house I thought I just saw I saw a thing and it looked cool and then I was it was taking me with it

Chad how are you guys doing you never said I could say something sexy I don’t know can you say something sexy oh this one’s not moist girl are you is it another pink sheep or just regular sheep there’s two white sheep here oh yeah kill them

The most basic of sheep yes basic [ __ ] they perished [ __ ] you buddy two straight white sheets disgusting am I right Delta oh yeah I was gonna say guess who forgot to take their medicine last night oh you oh I’m sorry are you feeling okay

Uh I got a bit of a headache but I just took them now so hopefully I’ll be better okay I hope so I crawled into bed completely forgetting pickle okay okay okay I said Pickle I’m gonna freaking send you pictures of Brett’s dick I’ll do it yeah do it okay

Okay I will I will do it I don’t think there’s a breadstick he said oh he sent me it so many times you need me to send you another dick pic it will bear no effect on me device No I won’t he’s most likely gonna kill him so hard as far as reacting to images of you that’s Laura’s job you haven’t seen genitals in a month and not even his own for my bed until November ends up Delta nurse ones no bearing anymore I am

What do you have to say to me [Laughter] answer me you’re the one who’s who’s repeating yourself I need you to come Delta no that’s still holds no bearing against me I I will be honest and saying I don’t believe you I believe you are losing it right now because that’s what happened

Last time I am not he’s he’s gone so long he’s reached nirvana yes I have stealed my mind in the forage of abstinence downtown holds the bearing either denial Delta Delta I need you to come downtown I’m sorry but that holds no barrier no not November is over none of the above worked

Donna if I can come right now do it do it do it do it you won’t do it you [ __ ] power good baby [ __ ] yeah I won’t I’m gonna keep doing I’m Gonna Keep not doing that I’m gonna become a monk on the mountain I’m going to reach true

Enlightenment and those people are gonna stop me oh that’s not true that can’t be true like I’m so hot though quick send Delta not safe for work art that has held no bearing even in the month of November you are such a liar you’re lying right to our faces

Okay I held a bearing then but it okay there you go that’s better Monsters Everywhere send me a video of you not coming can I dare you prove it to me give me the proof let me see how filled your sex is better but it better be bulging um

How are you handling the sperm cramp stuff oh God I hate this I hate this I’m not cramping at all I brought this up you don’t even have sperm cramps anymore to begin with I never had them either that’s a lied pepper you did when you did don’t tell them pepper

I’ll never be personally know I have not either I’m sorry Brett no you don’t understand Oh I mean yeah yeah I’ve totally I totally get what you’re saying yeah you’ll be all those sperm cramps you get yeah Frick you don’t have balls how dare you haven’t seen you don’t have proof I mean I mean if you do have Paul said proof right now

I’ll get 4k where did my bed go better be a portrait red ray not blueware we’re jumping the color scheme all the way to Red Ray we’ve evolved um Ultra HD triple Delta 120 what what you have to be good Delta huh that bears no effect on me but yes it does

No it just does that yes it does I’m gonna get scared I’m gonna get scared in here I have to get started Scarlet T turn your boyfriend on this is too weird Pepper it’s not horny what I just have a random block of Quartz in my inventory and I don’t know where it came from probably me and I probably destroyed I don’t know how Scarlett will feel if she can’t make you horny I I too wonder how she will feel but either way

I am no longer affected so it is not my responsibility to bear like he is absolutely like reverse psychology in us right just so we can like be loots him oh yeah I I’m definitely on that oh no he’s smart um where where are you scratch get in here

We’re literally looking at first traps on Tick Tock yesterday that was a part of my training to feel my mind okay yeah sure you went out of your way to finally download it because I showed you a singular thirst trap again and then again oh and then again

And then he kept training they trained a little harder and then the training was starting to sting a little buddy I will not be broken I will not be shaken okay I need it here I’m going to break you in no you will not yes I’m adopting this big for myself I’m a horse [ __ ] get the horse [ __ ] I’m taking it out whipping it out I mean what personality trait does Delta

Have if not horny that’s what I’m saying it’s like one of those cartoon scenes where someone like you know those those episodes and old cartoons where like if a main character was something nice they’d be like oh it’s even worse it’s creepier and that’s what this is right now this

Isn’t right this doesn’t feel right yeah this is too wholesome it’s not awesome it’s not wholesome at all it’s disturbing it’s natural I remain unaffected he’s not even getting a half chub I messaged scrap mice and my dang self I said get in here get in here I’m no

Longer attracted to you and I want to prove it no I also texted her she said she’s gonna be here in one minute Right that’s not that that Twist of my English is not going to be applied here yeah it is I’m gonna say it out loud you’re gonna have to fix it I will fix it easily easily I’m a menace part but just why do you even trying wow I am I’m really mean I

Am impossible to shake that way I have reached true Enlightenment Your Vessel is too weak for this your vessel is too weak oh well you’re still okay yes actually hi yeah I thought it was pretty hot you walk on hot coals actually that’s what I did to reach you Enlightenment Delta you’re despicable

Yeah you disgust me yes you disgust me and I don’t want to talk to you anymore is it working so the [ __ ] is what working that’s a no not working I don’t want to talk to you anymore Scarlett oh God what did I don’t look into Delta is actually attracted to you all right fix it um he said he’s no longer um he said he suddenly um is no longer having any sexual attraction and is not horny at all anymore and we need you to change that

We need you to make him horny make him make him himself again bring him back Basically you just told me that he has no sexually sexual attraction to me anymore so how am I supposed to do that oh it’s because we know he’s like lying you came into this you came into this with the right mindset Scarlett the right mindset of not knowing that

You’re not attracted to her anymore why do you word it that way you just you just agreed to that though that is not the way to earn it you just agree to that though you’re wording it in the cruel way I am not saying I’m not attracted to her I am

Saying that I will not be shaken by it outside means at the time willingly I’m not willing he’s he’s saying he’s saying he’s not horny anymore and we’re trying to prove him wrong because we know he’s lying and we think you’d be the best person to do it at this point because we’ve all tried and it hasn’t worked Oh fair enough himself and that is you guys I am any I’m not never gonna let down any any pics of thighs that bears no significance to my my major I’m never I’m never doing anything I’m not doing any any uh sexy voices from adults ever again

The great journey is not slowed by this unabated yes for in the situation except maybe horny art for your attempts and bear no significance on my journey I don’t like new Delta time skip daughter if you will yeah timeskip 4.0 unpunished at Delta I’m punished Yo we need to Delta to be like uh RuneScape have like a brand new version but everybody plays the old version Everybody prefers the old version I’m going to murder you okay cool Do it what if I want you yeah you see she she gave probable cause what if I wanted to try I’m so upset right now I’ve never been able to not fluster Delta this is upsetting this is upsetting development we must buy in my hotel room so he can nothing

Break the seal the seal do you think there’s actually a museum like over it yeah there’s a [ __ ] seal no I mean like a literal seal he’s clogged no no a literal feel like you like seal it with a stamp or like a sticker there’s a stamp on his

Dick there’s a stamp on his dick I’m gonna stamp on his neck no you’re not but it is useless now nothing but flesh [Laughter] of no impediment to the great journey what is the destination of this great journey who needs to make baby baby annoying yeah but they’ll don’t want babies true

Tata wants to be impregnated no I want to do that to someone I’m right here yes that someone is ill Scrat you could just say me though is your name Reggie nope okay that’s a step forward that is that is a horny thing I need a butcher’s knife either way assistant I

Do we still have aborigine strip I don’t think so Let’s see excuse me welcome the stream epic guy 69 hello thank you for stopping by epic guy 69. oh dang which is pretty dang Epic I think you mean nice come on pepper know your culture I’ll stab you I know you probably will yeah I’ll do it I’m getting attacked by zombies because

I get to keep getting distracted by your tomfoolery your pepper Foolery you need to throw something off that’s dear to you wait don’t let me stop deer wait crap the animal I’ll throw an actual deer off bottom where are you to Adam okay let’s not die that would be wise I’m gonna tell Scarlett that uh you’re not allowed to nut ever again nothing No don’t simply do not no not I like how like whenever it’s gonna put you in a chastity belt no he’d like it no he wouldn’t because he’s on the great journey true against the seal the Great Seal there’s just a seal constantly like chomping at a stick um I don’t know what I was gonna say foreign I’ve been wanting to be in a sexy mood lately oh you were allowed to do it oh I just know that it will have no bearing up on me yeah okay but please do it but please that’s what I’m saying he’s absolutely lying he is now yeah no he he

He’s definitely has been this whole time no no yeah you were though no I wasn’t and why’d you just do what you did That’s how quickly you jumped at the opportunity we also will bore witness we were there Delta oh yeah it’s we’re open how would you like to be slewed oh there you go it’s his favorite word it has no bearing upon me [ __ ] you just give it up all together I just want to be horny I thought it was like but first I could be horny with no I can’t anymore no if only there was another person in the world that you could be a horse yeah Joanna if only yeah if only All right that was it finally catching up a little bit wait did someone kicked out or did he leave on his own did he he’s going he’s going to take care of it also I can’t I can’t do I can’t do daddy voice around Johanna I don’t think she’s attracted to it

What happened what happened I passed out what that’s what happened I don’t remember the past like 30 minutes the clog what do you mean yes what happened to you I don’t I don’t freaking know what do you mean you don’t know what do you mean are you horny

Yeah all the time okay there you go did he did he get electrocuted did you touch the rail uh I don’t think that’s very old again are we gonna call all dumb things just like touching the rail now yeah I know I am at least

So like you can say I’m done Boby or you can say I touched the rail Um Delta Delta daughter yeah so you basically left the car came and then came back so you can be horny again what do you mean I mean I’m going to sleep if you Delta oh okay then here it is now he’s all for it what do you mean okay then Delta welcome back

What do you mean are you gonna be sleeved That’s okay it won’t stop you who who’s he who’s who who is he use he Oh I thought you didn’t even pepper again or whatever that was called misgendered and dead names like dead gendered I’m deaf gender all right identify as a quartz oh that’s actually like I think that’s an actual um

You’re about to what is it like uh there’s this mental thing where some people like think they are dead no matter what have you heard of that I I don’t know what it’s called but it’s like it’s like an actual thing where people have the like a switch in their

Brain flipped where somehow it makes them think they are actually dead to the point where they just like won’t eat or drink because they think they don’t have to because they think they are dead they won’t like do anything they won’t they’ll just like lie down and be like yep I’m dead

That’s terrifying oh it’s really weird This is a texture pack Igor I want to see if I can search that up I feel like I can’t help but feel like that’s just the person not knowing how to say they’re depressed no I mean that they’re you invited some weird stuff it’s called uh cottered delusion

Uh recognition modern marked by the false belief that you or your body parts are dead dying or don’t exist usually occurs with severe depression and some psychotic disorders psychosis kind of depression um okay I can um you can accompany other mental illnesses in neurological conditions um Oh [ __ ] people with caught our dilution feel as though they’re dead or rotting away in some cases they feel uh like they’ve never existed um where’s the thing that describes it Portal Right yeah yeah do it what I’m I’m taking it I’m [ __ ] digging it right now taking what I sent you it you are you jerking off did not tell that don’t that that’s your dick Delta I can see you coming right now that’s a lie that’s a lot it’s pouring

Out it’s oozing ew it’s all over the floor you’re gonna have to clean that up Delta Go down yes indeed it looks beautiful yeah I like this extra pack I use a new one each week so this one is called rust look oh my God are you just demoning everyone how horny you are Delta you’re a goober what is it I’m taking them both I’m gonna hit you enlightenment

So search me up it is yeah it’s a solution where you just basically people think they’re dead or have delusions like far out enough that like basically they’ll think that there’s one person who was describing said that they were being taken um discharged from the hospital and brought back to like

What was it Africa or something and they thought they’re going to hell because of the Heat and like they actually that’s what they saw and believed interesting They just believe they’re actually Corpses scary and like they don’t understand the whole like it doesn’t seem unnatural doesn’t it just seems like that’s how it is I’m a pharaoh buried in a tube as you’ll notice that dot has been like becoming increasingly the main character of the channel What does this entail for the fighter x72 storyline Yes yes I end oh yeah don’t forget deltasm yeah that was part of the reason yeah what else was there um not homophobia I’m inclusive like that don’t worry it may be racist but I’m not homophobic don’t worry everyone you could be gay thanks thanks oh we can be thanks for the permission

Yeah yeah that’s another very important that’s that’s one of my uh my lieutenants that’s one of my Commandments of deltaism many delphisms um by watching this channel you’ve automatically drafted yourself to the deltaism Now uh there’s no there’s no there’s no saving throw there is simply Delta ISM touch the wire so Dr has been talking about how he wants to make his character less racist what it was he racist before hold on he’s to tell them about the blonde hair blue

Eye situation you set up for superhumans so Delta is a superhuman in D right yeah and in my universe there’s the humans who are the ones that like are often racist in my world and they are trying to um some of them believe that superhumans are like their proof that they are like

The highest species like that they’re the superior species and all that it’s kind of compared to like blue eyes blonde hair thing that you will see basically a lot of bad people use today um Igor says I’m going to say have a good streaming day thank you you too uh sleep

Well talk to you later hope you hope to see you again good night good noodles bye-bye um so there’s that an adult also works as a captain of a of a basically police force of the Guard in the capital and then also he said he wants to start

His own religion based off of Christianity because there’s a deity speaking to him in his head wait why did he add that why did he also have Beauty speaking jadar already has a deity speaking to him in his head yeah don’t take too dark thing no it’s not

Going to be like his his whatever that is no it’s taking his thing yeah what are you doing I just think it’s really funny that he’s taking all these things of really bad aspects and he’s trying to use these aspects as ways to say that his character is not racist all right You you went to a life of thievery because your parents were killed no okay I become an artist you happen to have any feathers do you do you have a sister that was also captured no I become an artist you see and then they reject me and then oh

Hmm and then let’s just say I become the reason everybody graduates art school I’m kidding what I can’t tell if that was like a Hitler reference or him just saying he wants to burn Downey College he was a Hitler reference he might also want to burn down to

College I don’t know Delta or both stop wait I thought you were trying to become less racist what happened your keyboard better not still be Kanye West what do you mean about that what do you mean you have to fix that what do you mean Delta pepper it’s not a Kanye West keyboard

It’s a yay Cube no no No really don’t it was like a live stream yesterday where he basically talked about how he likes Hitler and the Nazis what the [ __ ] get rid of him as your keyboard Delta get a new cute get a big titty anime girl like the rest of us you I thought you changed the Scarlet

Keyboard why did you change it back Foreign Yeah why I don’t know are you going to fix it no yes I don’t know doctor do you like Kanye West like his old music but I don’t like his his now person okay acceptable how I’d reacted the Germany likes him like current him up my God he’s crazy

What are you doing right now stop stop stop stop It stop it get yeah get some help yeah yeah pepper I’m kidding uh you know and you’re right that was a hoot all right where were we before the before the Kanye oh yeah Delta’s being less racist I was gonna give Delta a suggestion for being less racist but then you mentioned

Him doing the religion thing and I think I think it’s out no [ __ ] you you you you Mo you don’t yeah it wasn’t good do not say you don’t understand you know what I am peeved right now I’m peeved I’m irked pepper Angry Pepper smash certified not

Happy Certified Freak seven days a week I finished the uh that four hour video Brett oh yeah I’m about to get racist up in here no did you get oh yes you got uh I think around the three hour mark is the really angry that’s where I got really mad oh I got rematched throughout everything

Yeah there was like there was like a pink at like three hours does he kick pie I feel like pie is using that much no that was me that was it was all me yeah no that was on me and then I’ll just blame pie that was on

Me because Paul’s been doing it I think I did it once or twice I did earlier oh I didn’t do it that time ever I will disconnect you if you keep this okay well now you’re just trying to Gaslight me okay you can like literally watch when we continue to move in Minecraft

Hi Delta Okay You know this is better is better they move I think they moved me away into a different chat and this is this is nice this is good you know it’s kind of relaxing kind of relaxing in a way I’ve been I’ve been sent away and this is actually like a vacation this isn’t

Even like jail time this is this is vacation you might think of as a kidnapping but no oh this is this is safety Someone Saved Me I don’t even know which chat they put me in oh they just disconnected me they didn’t move me and they just disconnected me I might have to remove all their admin privileges I might have to do that okay I guess I should probably head back in there huh

Oh I got a chicken in there yeah okay I’ll head to bed and I’ll get back in there the wire shall be a true test of your character if you die you are a bad in character I don’t know who it was that disconnected me but you know what thank

You because that was a really nice break from this tell because based on the fact that you didn’t come back yeah it was nice not hearing the voices in my head for a little while yeah I’m pretty sure it was pi yeah same because they’re laughing yeah I’m gonna have to freaking remove your admin privileges that’s a good idea I don’t like being blue anyways all right get rid of the mark of the beast Who’s who’s where I don’t know what’s happening I don’t know what’s happening yeah it’s too confusing way all right about the land we’re all here one two one two three four five we’re all here I can’t believe like I know it’s somewhat illogical but like finding out

Delta went back to the Kanye West keyboard made me actually a little bit angry okay I’ll do it again no you won’t stop it oh okay he said the Hitler thing I think it has to stop now yeah it’s he’s not a meme anymore the Keebler Elf what all right Why weren’t you in out of practice but ADHD brain he’s going off the rails stop touching the rails I’m gonna touch the rail again um next session okay I will kill you you will die that time no not if I there is nothing you should do after touching it you’re still gonna be

Touching it yeah please do it so we can’t find your body oh God doesn’t do the do the thing and save you Machi can’t cheese up her stuff no I guess you guys want to sleep again didn’t you yeah yeah you’re wasting Machi spell slots I use the thing to heal myself too

If if it happens enough clock’s gonna talk too much and be like hey maybe don’t heal Marlin do you think do you think Marlin’s getting traumatized yet by this like we’re laughing but Marlon is a person that was probably like one of the worst days in his life

Touching the rail and shooting his pants in front of everybody real here if he does or many of it if he if he ever does actually believe that that happened he’s gonna um [ __ ] his pants again no he’s not he mentally no he’s gonna like just not why

Would it be immense mentally mess with him he actively chose not to clean it for four hours no like if you if he remembers like he made those dumb choices he’s going to like but he made he’s gonna he knowing that he’s gonna realize the dumbass he is and

Want to be in a different party out of sheer embarrassment what do you realize that’s dumb though he thought it was right at the time yeah that things change what changed are you embarrassed by it yes see I also I think everything got enough evidence yeah what did you do not like why

I just ugh Why was in front of everyone the concerned when you were had [ __ ] pants in front of everyone because they didn’t know they couldn’t see it we I immediately yeah yeah that’s a smell wait wait why the [ __ ] didn’t we stop the carriage so I could just deal

With it that way you can you can just do that well it’s moving also we didn’t know I mean was there the switches were slow down and stop oh okay also and also in such close proximity to everybody right if you if you you’re not doing

That if you did that by accident again if you wanted that Marlin could have asked for that but Marla just sat with [ __ ] pants All right do you think if we ever visit Delta and like we pick him up in the car to bring him back to us I don’t know it’s like a five hour drive do you think he would shoot his pants and leave it no I would not I would stop at a forest

And pop your pants in the first so so my question then is why didn’t Marlin do that why did Marlon say hey can you stop the train or just clean it I had a heavy ADHD at that time and I didn’t know what to do tell Ted

Yeah I love you it was great it was great just just if you could like remove the racism a little bit then like you’re you’re you’re great you’re golden yeah I’m gonna do more racism all right no no okay I’m kidding me pie because you said that I’m gonna do

As many racism as I can until I get removed I’m kidding yeah I will kick you immediately those birds I’m kidding the birds what he’s unhinged I need to take some deep breaths this is too much for me too um Milby how are you doing good I got a bit of a headache but other than that I’m all right okay I’m sure Delta’s breathing like that help oh I’m sure like being around Delta this whole time itself I’m sorry about your headache it’s okay it’s because I didn’t take my

Medicine so I just gotta deal with it that’s what I’m talking about hey I gotta deal with it I’m gonna go back to the place I’m gonna go back practice wait no actually wait no I’ll go my face grab gunpowder and then I can go to other place

I’m gonna get microphone up close to my face so I can be like I don’t have to yell that could be all I can be all seductive ASMR time ASMR it is this is an ASMR I’d have to be a quieter for ASMR do you like deep Guy voices

Yeah I need to show you a tick tock voice person okay okay I’m gonna show you guys right now on stream wow because I turn up stream again I mean I can I can screen share it too okay that’ll be easier because then there won’t uh be a chance of double

Yeah audio what’s happening I’m remember that sexy voice guy I showed you Delta I’m showing everyone else oh That hurt my head that hurt my head too I had my headphones off I could hear that it’s hard to close off YouTube I had to mute it I could hear it all the way from where Delta yeah see it I can’t see it pamper your HDR

Ah jeez it doesn’t matter you don’t have to you don’t have to hear it you can just you just have to see it or you don’t have to see it you just have to hear it hear it either okay it’s a couple of people in a voice chat and one of them

It’s a voice and I want you guys to hear it okay oh that oh I remember that I remember yeah okay these are my plays and matches oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God hey hi uh oh God

I don’t I don’t know who that is you don’t know who corpse husband is no what the [ __ ] I I don’t know if that is bad voice is awesome it is I mean he got really famous for his voice and he makes music and he’s that could be because I think YouTubers a

Couple people asked him if he’s Corps I mean see corpse husband does he have gerds uh I mean I don’t recognize those pictures and retreating there’s someone there’s voices yeah sorry that’s okay here I’m playing I’m playing playing another one full-scale we’re waiting we’re gonna sit

Here and wait until I get one you’re up Melody I can tell he really wants to do it I don’t you know what you’re here I should be thankful and dude my voice is gone I’m gone It’s pretty good it’s a really good voice it’s a really good voice it’s like corpse I I I I feel like I remember people saying that to him and I but I don’t know if that means it’s actually him or not it’s it’s a very sexy voice though it’s

Very good it’s it’s delicious it is delicious I am going to his link tree darling noon uh twitch is Darling no one so I don’t think it’s corpse but I guess some people have thought he was by the looks of things but yeah that is what that is nice I think the deep voice I do is not that deep that doesn’t mean it’s not but is it

Yeah is it as sexy though that’s I think you can answer it for me I owe you what what a e i o u H what humans here in the chat and human says okay I think I know that voice oh really he’s a great horror narrator yeah it

Sounds like him mommy’s voice disappeared in a certain amount of time recipes of the people whose voices sound like corpse yes you have very sexy voice pepper thank you human okay but is it is it as sexy as that voice like is the is that my deep voice as sexy as that deep

Voice uh pepper what yeah I love you it’s not oh God that’s right but from what I’ve been told it is pretty good Delta says it activates him wait what but not that good [Laughter] if I can get my voice that’s a good question deep voice

You just you sound like a giant you sound like a you’re the embodiment of the Goliath species hello hello hello the deep voice for pepper sounds more Suave like it should be saying Bond James Bond James Bonds babe is John Baines John Athan bondage my name is having a strong call the bondulence

Does it come sit on dirty slap that will not be happening human said ah yes okay yep that got me me doing that what what Tessa I don’t know what I’m reacting super heavily to Something I Don’t Know I don’t know what they said but I am reacting a little bit back

Oh what what see like cryptic voice I can still do hello there this is cryptic is his voice is the same thing but like more raspy Alexa yeah never ask a man’s salary never ask a woman’s age and never ask who was in Paris oh I don’t get it [Laughter]

Out of the loop goodness hi welcome to stream William hello do they know does he know s never tell them please I’m Gonna Keep My Lips sealed just like vaporia oh God even says ah yes the man who would give you a raise if you gave him a good

Reason hi there do you mean cryptic the most the most compatible Pokemon I’ll give you a good reason Deez Nuts cause he’s got him pineapple what do you want for me my clavicle ah pineapple wrench you dude welcome to the stream uh domes hello just says good night all right

Good night good night thank you for stopping by but also good night I guess I mean you’re leaving or are you just come here to say good night good night [Laughter] Brett’s cultured that’s culture oh my God this is freaking killing me right now when is Delta going to end that song has

A has a a very different meaning my bed the recent comments because you know who else was embarrassed my bad is it I have your own bed where do you get this pink bed where’d my pink bag goes but um no oh no is that no is that who he was singing about

That’s not what I want to accept that’s nothing um gome says I am just sad Brazil lost and my kittens got eaten oh my goodness I will be honest and saying I don’t know how to reply to that I am sorry that sucks I am sorry about the kitties

I don’t really know about what you mean with Brazil but I believe um the the world what World Cup I I have I have a literal disinterest in the World Cup this year usually I don’t care but this time it’s a disinterest I’m kind of in the same mode I’m

World Cup is no no this year it’s no no bad bad uh what am I oh God oh God this is your daily dosage of pie cursedness oh thank you I need to get my vitamin pie vitamin pie the vitamin P is that peeing daughter how does your creeper farm work

Uh uh so um so you gotta you gotta grab the Harpoon from the chest okay hang on let me get over there I wish my voice wasn’t so crackly Snap Crackle Pop that’s the sounds that my fingers make it’s just they’re just like Scouts and horses all over the place aren’t they yeah they’re they’re about catches number 47. wait wait whoever killed patches again we can get out of here no you can’t

Do horses drown yes do skeleton horses drown I feel like they shouldn’t but it probably yeah you better not touch them uh it might be I am writing him kinky I will blow up your home oh my God this guy was on in my land you’re about to kill my dog in Minecraft

The server will be ruined have you seen the end of God of War 3. I mean I this guy is fine he’s not drowning and I have like the long lasting stuff you know like the long lasting I don’t know what it’s called long I can breathe underwater for a while

Yeah but if you want your horsey patches he’s right here I don’t know what that means your patches is here next to the uh next year people Farm okay get over here all right why is he there I don’t know because pepper just wanted to lay it

He’s just he’s just he’s just an ocean horse this is just an ocean horse I have patches is an ocean horse now yeah just see practice was never dead he was just underwater get over here Brett I’m not getting over there Pat is gonna die

You want your house to blow up no it won’t be my fault then fix that you’re telling me to save a horse yeah Ride a Cowboy okay yeehaw but I don’t wanna I can’t it’s hard yeah it is okay Save a Horse little cowboy ride you well

Oh goodness even better save a horse get behind the wheel of a Ford F-150 instead without that I’m gonna put you behind the wheel of a Ford F-150 and you shall stay there forever yes yes oh my freaking ass it needs to be put behind the floor your non-fricking ass yeah

You have one for freaking and one for not yes two bombs one’s come oh God to come oh oh oh no no what don’t touch me hey okay okay we’re good we’re good we’re good you’re not good I was freaking patches bone patches the ocean horse was uh

Harpooned by a a zombie underwater but is alive and I went down to one heart trying to save him so this is showing my dedication good you’re giving up enough blood if he perishes he perishes thank you I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying to oh yeah that’s right that’s why

Why aren’t you just going up to the creep for fun there’s no stairs he can’t swim why what do you mean the horse you can’t swim why why is the worst are you bringing patches all the way up where do you what do you mean I mean I’m

Underwater right now with a horse you talked about it I am underwater this horse is like freaking Pirates of the Caribbean one riding riding the ocean floor as a skeleton horse what you know that’s what it is this is a this is an ocean horse Brett doesn’t it

I don’t know what else to tell you the seahorse get out of here freaking I am freaking safe well it patches is farther underwater now what does that mean he is deeper he’s a deeper horse or is he deeper what does that mean he fell does he not float at

All no he’s a skeleton horse he walks on the water with Pirates of the Caribbean I had a boat on his feet I can’t I’m under water yeah put it wait I’m underwater bed you don’t understand why are you underwater with me because this is what happened this is the this

Is how the events have gone oh oh don’t drown Don’t Drown pepper no no pouches pictures [ __ ] bowling patches bone patches the ocean horse okay I’m parkouring underwater with a bone horse I am in the boat I’m in a boat with the horsey yep okay you got bone patches and

A boat now I don’t know how I did that but he got phone patches in a boat it’s right next to a llama all right foreign I’m not going anywhere Patrick’s gonna despawn then he’ll his death will be on your hands does he not have a name tag no oh kill him what

What after all that work that’s not the real [ __ ] it is I reconstructed him with my brain well then put a name on him but I don’t have a name tag and if I go away then he will perish he won’t he’s in a boat mobs and boats don’t perish go name him

Okay a good official yes yes master later I can blow up your home you know I put work into this one I don’t want him to die that means you won’t actively kill him hopefully this time I know I know you don’t know how that feels Brad I’m sorry

I don’t I don’t know if I need him to die to blow you know I don’t know I don’t know if that’s required I think you’ve killed him I’m currently commissioning someone to draw my Minecraft house oh my goodness oh good so that’ll last no be a good memory please please where do

You keep your freaking name tags they’re in there I’m looking so hard not hardly looking welcome welcome to the stream Jane you look so cute today pepper thank you get in the car I want you oh just just I want you wait who who who who possible see this in the chat

Jade YouTube Australian so let me turn computer on hell yeah I was trying to be hornier but no but but Delta wasn’t letting me wait what doctor wasn’t letting me be horny earlier what do you mean so maybe you can let me be horny what do you mean well I mean you said

You were not going to be you’re not letting it get to you you’re not you you’re on a great journey of asexuality I don’t remember any great journey was flaccid it was pretty it was pretty gross honestly yours kind of like flapping it around I don’t remember any great journey nor will you

He really did touch the rail yeah I mean I know he’s just making this up too but do you have an anvil in here Dustin you’re you’re you are not going to Gaslight me into actually believing you had like you lost your memory of 20 minutes I don’t know what you’re

Talking about maybe he’s going through psychosis I don’t know I I don’t believe it I I don’t simply not happening it has it’s not happening and it won’t happen it hasn’t happened maybe it will happen someday it hasn’t happened right now though if I say it long enough it’ll eventually

Become true don’t don’t let Dolce into any subways he will in fact touch the third rail the subway that they mentioned earlier someone mentioned in chat earlier yeah oh yeah land on the free so why can’t I rinse my balls in the Burger King soda dispenser Jason I just finished work I’m

Going to um what’s happening what is happening I am I am worked up I’m worked up where’s your anvil I I am I I I’ve saved a horse wrote A Cowboy freaking fought Delta’s Mania uh there’s one at the Smithy the little Smithy building okay

And I am I am losing it I am losing it right now is probably going to bang the Anvil I’m going to freaking bang Delta’s kneecaps as you should that’s dog oh wait yeah that just got its job oh lacking I see I’ll [ __ ] you up Delta

Doing its job you Frick I don’t see an anvil in the smoothie I’ll check where’s my anvils check the other thing I had Advils I feel like someone’s been yeah you have a ton of grindstones but no anvils yeah there’s an anvil in andalus yeah you like have a lot of grindstones

But no anvils so replace all your anvils with grindstones oh yeah I have like a stack of anvils where did you get that Delta you don’t even play the game anymore do you I I literally can’t right now Brett well yeah but also still though you still also just haven’t played them not

True no it’s very true you haven’t been in Minecraft for more than an hour for weeks straight here Jade is yeah oh Jade Jade am I sexy I want to hear it makes me feel good okay validate her sister straight up says no hopefully my brother thank you for Mommy [Laughter]

We were all trying to turn uh no turn Delta on earlier that was pretty funny yeah they failed I had a I have a steel mine oh you remember now remembered what [ __ ] off yeah what’s a gas meter oh yeah I have a I have that stove but what do you mean

I’m gonna kick him I’m gonna kick him from the server I almost just did it I gotta resist I had to resist the urge don’t resist ban him why why selective Amnesia pretty much you have no anvils spread I I have a bill are they bretts someone took my [ __ ] answers

I I have like looked over at your entire castle and there are no anthos stop crying Jade yo do you want to hear that guy’s sexy voice which should I show Jade I can I have some context there’s a really sexy voice sounds no other context I’m gonna I’ll send you a link

Don’t forget because I thought it was a shark I haven’t been on Minecraft in a while a shark a shark what was that a shot I think that was a stroke That was me hearing the Irish engine okay say Irish yeah I mean somewhere Jade listen to that link I sent you and tell me how that voice is like [ __ ] yeah yeah okay yeah go [ __ ] yourself yeah go [ __ ] yourself just don’t say don’t don’t say [ __ ] word and c-u-n-t word and

Blood the n-word those are the ones you cannot speak nuggets oh my God I almost had a heart attack man you really thought I would say did you yeah yeah you said you were racist oh my God foreign actually no don’t actually don’t like there’s there’s a line man when hearing content especially

You don’t want to be calling yourself a racist no I’m totally actually I’m I am totally actually unironically no I am evil right where are you he’s with me committing racism no stop it Jade listen to the sexy voice is fine pepper why aren’t you out of practice

So we’re just gonna kill Delta right yep that is the plan yeah you can talk I don’t have Tick Tock I’m sorry to murder me watch it anyways oh it appears that dinner is ready oh my God that is very very deep isn’t it good that’s what she

Said it is good I probably wouldn’t want to date someone like that because I would be scared and horny all the time but it is yes good laughs see at least at least Jade’s got me at least I can like make sure make Jade horny if it’s not gonna affect Delta right now

I mean it’s pretty easy yeah I like making people horny it makes me feel good about myself oh how long you’ve been streaming uh almost three hours let’s see how long how long have we were racist I I usually do it tomorrow but um since I’ve been thinking out with Johanna on

The weekends I’m thinking I’m gonna move it on move to Fridays yes but she does she isn’t attracted she isn’t attracted to the daddy voice so I can’t that’s why I have to use you both is that oh use yeah it’s fine Mr beanies oh hell yeah oh God

I was working on my mommy voice too I am I can’t wait for my freaking new Avatar because like I’ll people will be able to redeem each voice separately they’ll be able to redeem uh mommy Voice or the deep voice so I don’t have to feel like awkward in

Wanting to do it myself oh my gosh that’s amazing just oh my goodness why tell her the surprise cunnilingus oh my goodness what’s going on there uh human’s also going to kill udasa by the way and don’t say why don’t yep because you’re racist I am stop Delta

Okay no I’m not actually racist human please don’t kill me I take everything back now oh my god oh human don’t kill me please okay I’ve done it Brett you have bone patches the ocean horse now please okay that took up a lot more time than it should have

With no consequences please so you know okay see you in a bit pie so now you have uh the first patches is back and as a bone ocean horse and you have your patches too ocean horse yeah wait it sounds like a movie I know I could have said seahorse but I

Said ocean horse but I can hear your birds hey Jane yo you wanna hear Mommy voice I’ve been practicing I’m moving my physical meat to make actions happen in real life I was intending on that sounding very making me he’s mysterious but then it just sounded horrible it just sounded gross

Like you’re moving your meat yeah I even just kind of imagined you just like like holding a big bunch of like raw meat and walking around with it you did this no oh yeah I forgot the reason I went to your house was because I wanted to freaking get the gun powder

Okay Jane Delta yeah sorry human please commit Escape murder me no he came I’m sad Peppa yeah you bless my ears with your mommy’s voice yes I can do that um foreign mentally prepare myself okay take your time oh darling I’m trying to do the mommy voice see how it feels how’s it

How is it yeah it’s good We always have to have more confidence with it yeah you get what I get dumb but yeah I get I can have more confidence in what I’m not doing in streams yeah that makes sense why did you send pink [ __ ] shiny shiny hasn’t a pink [ __ ] Emoji okay you

Said there’s a harpoon up here yeah it’s in the chest next to the okay I got it all right now what oh now go there’s like the little steps to you you walk up those walk up to like above where the viewing window is okay break open the wall okay

I’ll throw the Harpoon onto the leaves down there what there’s leaves down there through the Harpoon okay yeah I know flip the switch uh flip the switch okay is it continuing to move it moved for a second and then stopped all right flip the switch one more time

Yeah okay it’s continuing all right now you have to listen to that the whole time uh all right now before you patch up the wall break the there’s like a ceiling like inside just break the four blocks why is it like this and not the way it used to be

Because you can just I like the other one no no I wanna just sit there I don’t wanna have to cut the quick well I guess I’m just gonna sit here now sit well okay um or you can make your own how much fun powder do you need Peppa uh

As much as I can get because I want to make some TNT to blow up Islands you need you need five gunpowder per TNT yeah so there’s some items in it remember the ones that that were trying to carve down Jade I completely oh yeah keep your uh your looting sword up

Okay why more drop more drops when you do that that’s weird just by holding it upwards yeah if you just hold it okay I’m gonna turn down the audio for this so there’s the Harpoon yours still always do damage now oh wow it is dropping them a lot quicker now

And uh the creepers drop faster if uh it’s night time and no one else is like around other yeah for the first like two minutes it got to and now in the past 20 seconds I’ve gotten like 20. I need this it is a lot better uh uh uh uh oh

Are you arriving yeah I wish I’m in a very I’m in a very weird mood I’m gonna like and I want to be attractive mood but you are looking thanks the shirt the Phantom yeah it’s so cute thanks it’s just pink flannel there’s not much to it

I forgot you could actually see me it’s new emotes you’ve never seen before but it’s pink though what is it shiny so you mean the pink purple emoji that you sent pink people a pink crayon yep it’s a feminine bowel movement do any of you ever have that though like

You just really want to be like attractive you just want people to like feel attracted to you yeah yeah feeling like [ __ ] even yeah yeah say I do I wanna like I want I want to like put on cute clothes and say sexy things so people go like oh you’re

Oh and it makes me happy and I get moods like that you will take that back illegal butter butter butter that’s an nft now that’s an nft person that person is an nft person do not steal please I’m gonna right click on it no the person the person who made that dog

Makes nfts you wouldn’t right click I want to take a pair all right well there you go Delta bye He’s running away oh he wasn’t fast enough though someone’s gonna have to send them a new invite to the server what I told him I wore I warned him several times he got his white Bronco yeah why because he keeps doing this I keep saying hey I’m gonna kick you if you do

This and then he does it and I said like I warned you I can’t I can’t take it back now I said I do it you can though you can take it back well that’s why he’s allowed to rejoin the survey wow he just texted me going to our Goblin

King all over again he texted me I’m gonna do the Fickle Pickle the fuckle knuckle the Grunkle getting and I have no idea what he means but getting back in here so yeah he’s gonna have to get the The Strangers role again I do it I do this more often to him as

Punishment if it just wasn’t for the fact I have to do work to get him back um chalk HD that’s something else I’ve noticed though is I feel like I like people being attracted to me more than like ever actually wanting to do anything lewd with people with those people specifically I mean

Hmm I just like people I like people perceiving me lewdly or attractively that is normal cool I’ll text Johanna and say quick tell me I’m hot where are you notified foreign what do you do uh he joined so I kicked him again oh yeah I wanted to spawn camping once beanie so

Is he on his way he’s in is he is he have strangers role try to spawn Campton what should I have to go get Delta hi did you spawn camping I don’t have admin privileges anymore no he’s sitting here I just someone has to give him strangers so he can join the call

Yeah let me let me get Israel’s back yeah I already did it there we go did you kick him no I think me lag okay you didn’t good lacking like my computer I want to take a pit wow okay fan yeah ready just fan yep no

I didn’t actually Phantom but I hope he thinks I did why because he said it again you spawned himself he said it again what’s he expect he must learn eventually where did that quote even come from uh okay it is like not spawning any more gunpowder time no

I mean I think I think I put my sword away I think that could be why that’s why why are you out in the world yes I’m yeah that’s part of why what unless Pie’s gonna like a well lit up Berry gonna mess with the creeper spawning enough oh chat now

In a stream chat I’m also on do you need me to leave huh oh no you’re it’s okay it’s all good place so we’re all good hey guys what I love you no you there we go you timed out Delta yeah 300 seconds five minutes something like that yeah five minutes of peace

No Pigs it’s so much quieter without him so nice Peppa you want any apples anywhere uh probably uh hello so what did you learn is it so wrong to want to take a pic okay I just need to say something Delta yeah I’m gonna kick you again for that

But before I do I want you to know that next time you say it I actually am going to ban you get cracked Nerd Do you hear what I’m saying do you hear what I’m saying Delta he’s weighing his options did you hear me delta get someone else do it no

Brett did you do it but did you kick Tata pie did you it was not me no he’s gone I didn’t do it he is still in fact in the server so he just he just left himself laughs he’s scared oh there’s a new clips oh no

Doubt is in the server he is you must fix that hey Viva La Revolution all right all right let’s see how this goes Somebody bombing my house help hi Sally I’m not gonna stop though no the bombs are dropping shall we Brett how could you I was thinking he was gonna say it again wait did you kick him no I I bombed his home oh and then I didn’t want the airstrike to

Come in late so I had to pre-colors this is in fact was early immature combustion yeah I really am the best actually time me out on the on the stream chat yeah data we’ve warned you all right this is why he keeps almost dying yeah

Do you know what a warning is like I don’t think he knows what consequences are I don’t think he learns from his actions I think that’s what’s going on here I all right if someone’s kicking him I haven’t read anything I think it’s just him again he did this before

You just keep disconnecting himself gaslighting us yeah your life is a mistake okay I’m good I killed cow why would you do that I had a couple of beasts with it oh God you know this this lighting makes me look a lot better than the lighting earlier I feel good

Yeah good lighting is everything like you see you know there’s so many people who like take pictures with bad lighting and it’s like oh I look so ugly and it’s like no it’s the lighting I’m well freaking do a kiss no don’t kiss me huh no me next no it

Killed him like I can’t do it I don’t want to see a tail the kiss of Jeff you okay Jay you okay yeah I’m fine okay did it fluster you or were you just joking that time I was joking no Jade what did the kissy Foster you or were

You just joking that time I’m fine okay I’m just kidding that plastic one oh my female friend Jade yeah I’ve been realizing now that I’ve been like out as trans and getting used to like myself more and more comfortable with myself being a lesbian I know I’m like

I’m I’m pan but also kind of like lean a lot for a lesbian it’s really nice it is that’s really nice it’s like a whole culture I I wrote up like a whole thing of like like some people don’t like having too many labels and some people do

Um for me for me I find them helpful for myself um so I wrote up like a thing of some some like some of the labels that I feel apply to me that helped me feel more comfortable as myself and everything like that just because like

I don’t know I’d like to be able to describe myself I guess um even though those labels could always change but it’s like writing that down I was able to really helped me feel good about myself and I wrote I wrote uh Delta also sent the chat pesbian

Dispenser not sure what that means that’s pretty sad as with everything Delta says yeah um I want to see if I can find the thing do do it’s me um and stuff like labels I’m kind of it’s like there’s a part of me that wants to have like the

The most accurate label possible and the other part of me that knows that I’m just gonna keep changing it and indecisiveness but it’s it’s okay to have a changing label it’s okay to like say what you consider yourself to be and it’s okay for that to change it’s like I

Mean I called myself before I had I called myself like a straight male and that ended up being very incorrect so and that’s okay you can you can have you can like it’s okay for labels to change our view to start understanding them better um I wrote the stuff I wrote down for

What I think uh my identity is I would like to consider myself currently is lesbian and then gray sexual pan trans woman and yeah I think that’s nice I also wrote feminist because I want I want I want to call myself that now because before I was like all about

Those anti-feminist videos and it was gross and now it’s like yeah I used to be when I was in denial I was watching like anti-feminist videos oh honey no yeah I know I was watching like oh those sjw’s whole and it was like I was in such bad denial back then

You’re not the only one who’s done that yeah yeah I know that’s the thing that happens a lot of people in denial yeah like um like my one of my friends was going through like YouTube history and she’s just like did I seriously watch this all back way back then yeah

And it’s like you know I shouldn’t be ashamed of your past self if your current self is different I’m not I’m not ashamed did you unmute just to cough she wasn’t in the car he left no but he came back and then he was muted and then he unmuted and coughed oh okay

But like yeah no I used to be I’m not really ashamed of it because like I don’t want to feel ashamed of it I mean I don’t think I I don’t agree with the thoughts I used to have um very obviously I think they’re very incorrect uh

But like I had a lot of thoughts just like there was a point where I didn’t even think transgender people like could be real like whoa yeah there’s there’s a point in time where I was like I that’s what I call it Peak denial there’s a point where I was in Peak

Denial where I was just like no no no no no no that’s not real what and he’s just like I don’t believe in those Transformers all right um but like I mean I think at the very least I wasn’t that vocal about it which is for the best um yeah

Yeah but it’s interesting it is interesting that I had those thoughts basically from 2017 to 2019. I would say 2020 I start getting confused 2021 I was like what’s going on in late 2021 I obviously came out but yeah it was uh very interesting like

That that’s what I mean when I when I say like back when I was in Peak denial it’s just because like I’m talking about how that was a very very different me it’s it’s weird because I like to say it is me and it isn’t me

You know well you’re not the same person where you were a few years ago because you’re always changing yeah and that’s true for everybody Point yeah but it’s just a it’s quite interesting um um like I’d watch those YouTube videos like making fun of like this of like

Tumblr posts or feminist things and it’s just like I was looking at those memes and all that and it was just I it was such a it was such a harsh denial I I’m hoping it doesn’t reflect badly on me I think of me I’ll be saying pepper no like I

Honestly don’t think that stuff anymore and I hope everyone knows that okay yeah and I hope this doesn’t I hope this hasn’t like decreased decrease anyone’s thoughts about me because no because it’s not the person you are now yeah and I’ve talked about this stuff before I didn’t know

You didn’t know that Milby um yeah no that that was that was a weird time very very weird now I am like very very outspoken about this or I try to be at least I like freaking everyone should be feminist everyone should like be some people be supportive that’s extremely important stuff

But like there was a point in time where I was like uh no you shouldn’t call yourself a feminist because like that means you’re basically uh I thought it was like one of those you know that term feminazi people used to say um that’s what it is really extreme

Feminine yeah but that’s what like yeah that’s what I thought like that’s what I said I like basically said all feminism was back at the time which is really stupid um a part of the feminist movement hurts the real actual feminist movement Delta you’re so good Delta I’m so glad you’re learning

It’s very true um um there was a video that Brett and I deleted um like if you go there’s a Dark Souls series we did back around 2018 2019. Rick played through Dark Souls 3 and there was if you go back and look at the playlist there’s one video missing from

It because we uh deleted it or privatized it I don’t remember uh but it was basically uh a video where I was talking about how I didn’t think um gender fluidity and non-binary and this was real um just while you’re playing the game and then like

We deleted that a bit later like a year later so going after like we were both like yeah well that’s just completely Incorrect and stupid of us to say that we don’t want to be saying those sort of things that’s harmful and untrue and all that um like fret used to be

Similar honestly a key uh because back in early High School I was um considering myself to be gender fluid um and I was pushed out of it for many reasons uh usually mostly due to people around me in my environment and stuff like that and I do remember like when I

First came out to Brett about that he was like basically why would you want to be a woman that doesn’t make any sense and this was like when I was 14 or so and so like I even went to my teacher once and said hey can you refer to me if she

Hear pronouns I just want to see how it feels and I did it for basically half the day before giving up and saying no no I’m just too scary and all that and then just through all these things I got like pushed out of it and I think Brett became

More Progressive before I did uh once he started like realizing stuff noticing things and all that but like me back in that whole era was I was like I didn’t I didn’t get it I I didn’t like I was considering myself everything but then I think particularly because like I was

Kind of pressured out of it environmentally and socially so badly that like I was like well if it wasn’t real for me then it can’t be real in general and then it ended up it was real for me I was just socially pushed out of it like it felt people like people were

Saying like oh it doesn’t make sense it’s stupid so I thought yeah I guess it doesn’t make sense saying it’s stupid pepper I’m sorry you had to go through that it’s okay it’s a it was a very good learning experience and I think I can use that to

With use that experience to talk about it and I kind of appreciate that I can not that it was a good thing that that it did happen to me but I can use that to talk about my experiences in being in denial being basically at the time like I don’t even

Say that but like I basically I was transphobic and kind of homophobic um and I’m really glad I’m not now I like I said I wasn’t outspoken about it but they were really just bad thoughts and I think I’ve changed for the better quite a bit and yeah it’s

Also still funny like despite how it did not in denial I was how like how like like Auntie in everything I was how like much you can still see hints of me basically being trans like there’s you can literally go into my Amazon uh wish list from that time

From like 2018 and see that I had like this these silicone boob things that I wanted to buy that just like in a wish list that I never bought because but I kept wanting to for years and I was like I want to get this no it’s weird IRL pngs yeah basically

Like just like something you’d wear like uh kind of like a bra but it actually looks like boobs and uh for totally CIS reasons of course I actually that was an interesting thing I had this whole explanation for it I once um drove her to Brett’s house during the

Night it was like 10 11 p.m or something and we sat out in my car out front of his house because I was like having some very confusing thoughts uh basically being that I like when I I was like I like to play this character Molly and all that and

When I play this character I feel like I get really into character like for some reason when I play this character like I feel like I could like guys but no that’s not me normally I feel like I can be like pretty and all that but it might

Just be like a really weird method actor well I don’t know we just talked about that for like an hour and a half just in the car and then I drove home and it was just like there’s just a lot of stuff like that and it’s just so

Interesting how many like Signs there were about this stuff for me I’m kind of rambling now but I like talking about my experiences that’s absolutely fine your story yeah my story my stories the story I’m gonna you tip your Fedora I’m gonna go wash my story yes um

Yeah it’s there’s so much stuff that like has translated I need to talk about it for hours I’m sure translated wow that’s great hey um so like one thing even was if anyone has seen my ASMR Channel you guys would know I have a lot of suits

That I would wear for that stuff and honestly my ASMR channel was definitely an outlet for me just wanting to like dress up and can I do fashion stuff but as a guy all I could wear is Suits so I would say [ __ ] yeah it is

But it’s what I felt at the time and like I even went to college one day when I was when I was in college and I went in with a suit on everyone was like why are you why do you have a suit on I was

Like if I just wanted to I just want to dress up and there’s so many stories I could tell at the time when I was in college this is like in the beginning of it um you know they do those like introductory things like tell us a

Little bit about yourself all that stuff we’re doing like one of those sort of things where we were just writing on paper and they said uh like something along the lines of if there’s anything you want to talk about or like anything you want to mention that’s like really close to you

Or something you don’t want to say publicly you can also write that down and not share with anybody or you can talk to one of us like just I think this is like the supervisors who are just older college students and um actually like pulled one into the hallway to talk to

Them about something and I was like there’s something that like I feel like I want to share and and they’re like yeah what is it go ahead tell me and I was like and then I realized like I didn’t know what it was that I wanted to share I was like

I don’t know but like it felt like it felt like there was something there was something I just couldn’t say it and I couldn’t pinpoint it it’s kind of funny actually a funny story because I ended up just saying like I have diabetes and there’s like okay

Because like I was like it must be that that must be what I’m thinking but it obviously wasn’t I just couldn’t tell no pause and then I have diabetes yeah and they’re just like okay yes it’s just it’s pretty crazy with hatched egg yeah that happened a while ago come on okay um

But yeah like just a lot of stuff um like my family too who my mom is like researched a lot of stuff which is good um she’s still learning training Cameron have been great uh one of the things I talk about is how like when I told my dad

Originally influence stuff he was saying it was a phase um and then when I told him that I was trans this time like late last year he said uh like he he his initial reaction his very first reaction was laughing and then just saying like uh you’re so cyclical

You go through cycles and phases what you feel like in life and I was like it’s just been a lot of and that’s the stuff that pushed me out of it originally yeah family’s a big influence on that it is and there was a lot of stuff with my dad with that

Um I had to talk with him about it and I don’t I feel like it’d be inappropriate to go too much into it on stream but yeah we I did have a recent talk with him about all that sorry I had to go through all that pepper that’s okay thank you

I it’s it’s very very cool like saying how are the same day like I can freaking just be a girl or like I can just like like girls as a girl and just it feels so much more right I don’t know like as when I thought I

Was a guy and I’d like girls I was like and then I was a guy and like imagine liking guys I was like no that’s not me scary but then imagine myself as a girl liking either and it’s like like like guys I was like oh yeah that’s pretty cool and

Over time I’ve known like yeah I actually like that and also like girls is like oh that’s so fun I love girls I feel pretty it’s great yeah they’re pretty yeah because you you figured out like what you what you’re about and like what you wanted it’s I’m still doing that there’s

There’s a lot to it but it’s like I’ve said stories like this before I’ve talked about it before but like even compared to like a couple months ago I feel like I’ve understand myself more now than I did then and it’s it’s really freeing being able to start

That like whole journey of finally just going like you know what there’s something um it takes a lot of bravery and self-reflection it’s it’s been something for sure pie I’m sure you have a lot of similar experiences um I mine definitely my story definitely isn’t as as um interesting

I think it could be blindness really well yeah it’ll sing for me hardcore denial it was just like you know oh this is normal this is normal this is normal yeah well that’s kind of what I thought like I went through so much of my time thinking that like

Like people would talk about dysphoria or being poured in the wrong body like trans people actually very often don’t like that phrase born in the wrong body because it just kind of it’s just iffy but uh like like because like largely I didn’t like for example I didn’t figure it out

Obviously until way later so it’s like weird that there’s that like people will say that and think that there’s an expectation to like always know or just like know that you’re trans or know that you’re a girl and sometimes people are like that but that’s definitely not

How it has to be to be trans like I I went my whole life like going like I I’m a guy I I don’t hate it but I don’t like it I’d like to be a girl that’d be cool and that was about it but then like like I

I don’t know if I’ve told you guys about the dream I had that basically made me like funny start to acknowledge it I think so where I basically I’ve had throughout my whole life dreams where I was a girl in the dreams and I I always I’ve always wanted to be a

Girl and I thought like oh yeah that’s just normal it’s just normal to want to be a girl and it’s like no that’s a CIS person does not want that that’s not what that’s not what says people want that’s not how it works like I asked

Brett about that and he was like no I’ve never wanted that one and like even people who have said like maybe they say like just maybe for like a day just see it but then never again it’s like really you don’t just always want to be a girl all the time what and

Um that’s what I’d always wanted and uh so there’s this I’ve always had dreams whenever like I acknowledge my appearance in the dream I’m always a girl in it um and there was uh one dream one night last year in October where I shrimped that I was a girl as

Usual but the whole dream was basically I was like 10 years older and I was living in this dry dreary apartment and it was depressing everything was like gray and sad and then I um yeah sure nearly it’s more often steel and then I uh

I can craft you some point and steel if you need I think I have some I just have to get back home to get it um and so I had the stream where I was like in the start depressing apartment living alone 10 years in the future and I was

Just guying me and just whatever and then suddenly like I transported realities or something and I was uh a girl like a lot of my other teams and I was in this like really fancy hotel place and I was about to go into like a convention and I was just

Wearing some like cute robes getting ready to get into this pretty outfit and the thing that was different about this stream was that I wasn’t just a girl but I was a trans girl and I was like super super happy about it like I looked at myself in the mirror in

The dream and I was like oh uh I just loved it so much and I was like I was just what I’ve been wanting and then at the end of the dream it transported me back to the other reality where I was Guy me in the apartment and

Alone and everything and I woke up crying just like I I just want that to be real I just uh and I took another test again like one of those dumb online tests like don’t take these ones seriously everybody if you ever do them like am I trans because

I did that and I said probably not and of course that’s not how it ended up going um so like um sorry I just gained the Flint steel now so sorry not you not you so I uh brain’s fuzzy um so so I yeah I took those tests and said

Probably not and I was like uh and I was like you know what this time I I don’t want to put it off I just I’m feeling frustrated about I’m feeling sad about it and I got a call with Brett and um he said that was very interesting and he

Actually referred me funny funnily enough because probably you’re gonna like this here for me to uh Reddit page called egg IRL oh yeah and it was just a lot of memes of people like newly trans people like asking questions or posting memes and like I found that I

Could like relate to a lot of them like oh yeah that that makes sense and basically I got this idea through this and after a few days like wait I can just be a girl I don’t have to have all these like I don’t have to be these

Rules or these requirements I can just read one that’s what I’ve always wanted and also it just works like like I thought like like people in like I guess media and movies and shows and everything I always portrayed it like um like uh trans stuff is just

Like it never really goes well it’s never realistic you’re never passing all that stuff like that’s just how it portrays it all the time like you have to be obviously trans that’s what trans is people and so I thought like well I don’t want to be that but that’s not

That’s not how that works at all either you can absolutely be passing and there’s a lot of people who pass there are a lot of people who are on their way to passing um also it’s completely valid if you don’t pass and even if you want to not

Pass I know people who like to kind of be in the middle a little bit and that’s also very valid and it’s just it was just but it was really really cool and freeing to like finally uh just think to myself like just those thoughts like wait I can actually just

Be a girl I imagine it’s the same for a trans guy just going wait I can just be that yeah like with me like honestly like it hasn’t changed that much about me um I still pretty much act and kind of present the same way um

Um of a part of that is just due to anxiety of and just you know kind of closet stuff yeah but um but like it’s the the whole thing with like the egg IRL thing that was absolute like you and I had pretty much the same reaction it’s

Like wait there’s no like special requirements you can just this is how I identify this is you know like I can just be this if I want to and that’s all that like that is the only requirement is just do I want to be yeah

Or even if it’s like maybe or like I don’t know it’s like also like do I want to like figure it out yeah and then that’s like there you go are you going you go in like kind of like look into it see how it feels like I remember the first things I

Tested with it basically were having um uh like me try makeup on like trying to help me with some makeup for the first time and like I wore it and I was like I didn’t think I could look like this I didn’t think that was possible for me I

Saw some pictures of it and it’s like funny now because I feel like I look a lot better now than I did then but like when I put on the makeup I was like I had no idea this would could would do something like this for me

Um and I wore outfit and I was actually like so excited I once again just drove right over to Brett’s house I was like Brett look how pretty I am and it was once again like 10 P.M and I was just really excited and um it was it was recall and

Yeah it’s like a very freeing feeling when that whole like realizing process yeah the the realization for me was pretty definitely really freeing um because the the only thing I really did change that did really change for me in terms of just like Norm you know

Aside from just you know this is how I can read is not thinking oh she’s had to keep up to the stupid toxic Mass um yeah that I always kind of rejected it and it’s just like you know I don’t like this yeah but I felt like I I was just like

Inferior because I just couldn’t really you know do that like yeah um yeah come on obviously I had a lot of stuff where I was like I thought to be a trans girl I had to want to be feminine and like want to wear dresses all the time

And stuff like that when that’s just like dumb gender roles already like that isn’t required to be a girl so like why is it required to be a trans girl um like I was like I still want to wear jeans and like graphic tees and all that

And it’s like yeah you can still be a girl and do that so you can still be a girl like a trans girl and do that uh Amelia were you gonna say something as well oh well I was gonna say I have to get going actually okay

Okay I I didn’t want to interrupt your yes thank you I appreciate it I think I think that’s about it too it was just a lot of rambling and talking about experiences and all that thank you for being here every night about to come up so cool what are you doing

Um I’m thinking either if we have enough people we’ll place them among us either that or we’ll play some Mario Kart okay why not Minecraft because I don’t have everybody on Minecraft yeah yeah I know goober I am Cooper I am City girl you’re touching the rail it hurts

All right I’ll talk to you later Peppa yes blah blah bye I’ll tagged out of Minecraft and it kicked me Shane how you doing so I am on the fourth on the floor yep why is that my muscles hurt I am sorry to hear that no we we planted the loss of the

Pomegranates today and we also worked oh yesterday morning so just just big question hmm thanks for also listening to me ramble yeah I’m great at listening I’m not that great for advice though yeah I will just also here I’m Pebbles I’m typos I’m Pebbles your pep your Peppa I’m also called petals

Pebbles is also my dog I guess technically I’m Fruity Pebbles aren’t I mean what I’m Fruity Pebbles why would you what do you know the cereal Fruity Pebbles we’ve got a cereal called Fruity Pebble yeah um a very sugary very American cereal yeah is it like fruit loops it’s like

That but yeah like like they’re more it’s Rice Krispies it’s Rice Crispy but fruity no okay rice fruit rice bubbles but yeah sweet okay I’ve never heard that one before Oh so it just looks like um fish tank bloody gravel yeah like the colorful ones yeah okay

The joke was though that I’m I’m fruity it can mean like gay or yes and Fruity Pebbles there’s another f word that means gay oh hell yeah I won’t say it though probably not good for stream unfortunately it’s so weird because like I’ve also been talking to Johanna who refers to

Herself with another word that we probably can’t see on YouTube which is d-y-k-e like that’s how I yeah I’ve heard I think I’m the first time I heard that word was actually from Scarlet I didn’t know what it was before that was an American thing yeah it’s well it’s a

It’s a word that also means lesbians and stuff like that and I know Johanna likes to like refer to herself that way and like I’ve considered trying to refer to myself because I see a lot of other trans girls refer to themselves with the what people will call the F slur like

F-a-g-gdot yeah I I do that sometimes yeah and I I kind of want to because like I kind of want to reclaim it all that stuff the good stuff and just I don’t know kind of feels good in that sense using it as a term of endearment

Rather than what other people use it as um yeah but I I’ve been I’ve been honestly kind of nervous too and also yeah of course YouTube doesn’t let me so I haven’t on YouTube okay yeah give them too many words power these days okay armor is all healed up now

But I still don’t have enough levels to put my actual enchantments on yes you gotta um kill some skeletons kill some stuff or mine and a half ton of netherride another eight oh not near the right um what’s the I don’t even know how to find that stuff

So it’s quite the the nether quartz that’s it I usually just mine yeah cold doesn’t give you very much no no nether quartz I think gives you the most I’ve I’ve got a few like boxes I’ve still touched hey Jade yes if you want a kiss wanna make out

I mean if you fly down here hell yeah we’ll leave the gate open and start slapping it’s just flapping I am flying I’m on my way extends wings I have enjoyed the term like I’ve heard people I’ve recently found out about the the word that means lesbian which is like Sapphic

Oh yes Sapphic I’ve never heard that one before it’s just some American I have no idea because I I only I only heard about it for the first time like a few weeks ago Sapphic like s-a-p-p-h-i-c yeah I’ve heard I’ve heard that um and I kind of like that one honestly

Yeah I like how it sounds and it’s it’s pretty if I recall it basically you’re pretty much you’re attracted to feminine leaning people I think I don’t know I don’t know what it means with that I just know that it was uh just a word that like I I this could

Be completely wrong so I’m just gonna put that out there first I saw a thing where I was saying like Sapphic is like referring to this old like Greek or Roman or something story aware there were there was this lady who had an island of all girls who just loved each other

And oh my God and I was like okay okay yeah I like that uh-huh I’m good I’m for it okay according to the something Webster the term Sapphic derives from Greek goddess sappho yeah seriously tried it on an Island of Lesbos oh yeah that’s what I am I’m the

Sapphic I’m your I’m your neighborhood Catholic lesbian I need to go to that Island um Isle of Lesbos it’s called Isle of Lesbos Walking on the stream lazy hello thank you for stopping by I hope you enjoy playing some Minecraft hello hello there I’m not using my avatar today we should all just go to the Island of Lesbos and be suffix together there’s a lot of houses on it wait is there an actual place

Yeah it’s a place oh [ __ ] A lot of people live there uh there better be no Lake shouldn’t be any dudes right if it if it is we gotta make a new Island of Lesbos like that how is it how is it spelled l-a-f-b-o-f okay to Greece maybe we should actually make

An island in my uh Dandy road called the Island of Lesbos this bottles let’s boss I I actually kind of want to do that though a nice it’s a nice shaped island well I’ll give it that uh freaking I’m so freaking gay yes you are a pepper yes you are

You trying to turn me on guess what happens when you throw a bunch of gay gay girls in a car it is sunny still it’s so nice like just literally like I know I’m just saying like oh that’s so nice to be lesbian oh I love being gay

It’s just like the fact that like I went so long thinking I couldn’t be and so it’s just really really nice and we’re like oh frick I can’t it’s just it just makes me very happy oh it’s been ruins okay we’re no longer on the Island of Lesbos right

Now that’s the Island of Lesbos in a singular racist you just said Roy to Jane twice oh my God all those poor Australians but yeah I guess Australia is not racist to Americans so chunky bugger a bit of a cheeky bugger isn’t it well he’s apparently offensive wood actually

Do you I don’t I don’t I don’t believe that we had an ad because bugger um bugger literally means right a bugger calling a guy a bugger um ah let me let me let me guess it’s somehow somehow a homosexual slur somehow yeah we have I think it was a Toyota ad or

Like a Holden ad muggling Toyota um some sort of car ad and it was like called bugger it’s just like people getting into these accidents and saying oh bugger and then like this car comes around and fixes it like that’s that’s sad and it got banned because they said

Bugger in it because boring exposed though but I mean like it’s funny because like I mean I considered myself to be woke but like that sounds like a good ad yeah it’s uh it was yeah the Toyota Hilux in New Zealand I don’t know people are trying to change the name of

The golden gay time which which is delicious and it’s got a great name what is it called this is an Australian ice cream called the Golden Gate time it kind of looks like a nice Strawberry Shortcake ice cream but it’s toffee why would they want to change that yeah

Because gay is bad word oh the people are offended by it’s great it is great it’s awareness and it’s a delicious tree I I do honestly like to like specify that like I feel like a lot of the people that are trying to like quote change these things there’s

The small minority who is but also a lot of it is just the companies themselves no no this is like someone started a one of those King all those things you donate to called oh Kickstarter like a GoFundMe kind of someone like started one of those that’s stupid there’s not a lot of

People assigned it but there are a lot of students a lot of people a lot of like gay people even like that’s called that because why yeah no they obviously not really offensive it was called a golden gay time because it’s very very old ice cream and you’re

Happy whenever you have it because everyone loves them it’s delicious everyone loves the gears yeah I mean our gay apparel but like yeah no like I feel like many people standardly most people who are actually Progressive and like actually care about things that matter won’t care about something like that yeah

Yeah it’s it’s silly it’s a silly thing and I hate it because like they also give people who are being Progressive like they just give people who are against progression uh ammunition to fight against actual good change which is annoying because like there’ll be people who will like basically say like

Throws the whole thing with a H if you guys I don’t even want to say his name because I hate him there’s this person who like basically is talking about how trans people and uh gay people are just trying to groom your kids there’s that’s a whole big

Thing people believe which is stupid um but they’ll take something like that and go like yeah look they wanna they want to do something like this and like they’re just trying to make really weird things to control our our stuff you know and just to outrage people I’m conspiracy theorist people yeah

I don’t think I was explaining it well there but they’ll say like look at these look at these few crazy people trying to like change the name of our ice cream what the heck heart aren’t all gay people crazy but aren’t all gay people just weirdos that we should get rid of

Like it’s just a lot of that there’s weirdos in every single group of people it’s not like their homos like there’s a lot of a lot of straight people that are also bad I mean all three people are bad no it doesn’t it means bad people are bad people like yeah careful yeah

Um yeah there’s always gonna be bloody idiots in every group of people yeah uh welcome to the stream by the way grape uh Saturday hello welcome to the stream thank you for stopping by I hope you enjoy I am playing Minecraft and we’re talking about random Gay Ice Cream I guess

For fun instead I just wanted to come to Australia though I’m gonna buy you one that I would love that it better still be called that when I go why if you calculate it what do you mean yeah can you eat ice cream with diabetes yeah

Okay like I can like I said I can eat whatever I want as long as I take medicine before it I have type one so I can I can do whatever I want I just have to medicate first if pepper can have a whole um tub

Of ice cream but you need a tub of um insulin pretty much just mix it in I don’t know one to one wait if you eat it if you swallow sorry if I swallow insulin what will happen if you swallow yeah a lot of people have

Asked me that and I have no idea I don’t know and I’m not gonna try I don’t know what’s gonna happen you should because I am curious I’ll be curious for a long time uh grape says well I’m gonna be here for a while this is very interesting hell yeah

Or if I entertaining hell yeah we’re we are kind of crazy people we’re having a good time thank you for stopping by we’re a bunch of weirdos I was saying uh-huh insulin can’t be taken in pill form because your digestive enzymes will break it down before it could be used in

Your body insulin should be injected into the fat just below your skin just to search up what happens if you drink insulin yeah it because it that’s talking about pills I don’t care so what happens if you just strip drink it yeah it’s literally the same thing

Right no no it smells awful I can’t imagine what it tastes like you wouldn’t be able to be able to swallow it what are you saying so many big words I’m confused we’re talking about a medication that is for people with diabetes and what would happen if you drink it

Instead of use it for use it in a shot instead of using an injection I mean a shot is an injection yeah yeah chili pepper I’ll stab you okay with what dick oh goodness I’m coming over Gene what are your thoughts on girl [ __ ] laughs yeah oh yeah oh God my ankles

You got me hooked on the topic now awesome that’s what we do I still don’t have a bed I’m gonna start hunting sheep here I’m on the islands I’m trying to um get rid of the Shadow I’m not sure what’s causing it I I tried putting sand because there’s gravel around the dark

Spots showing up as being dark on the map or if it actually does like include Shadows Maps I put sand on it but it didn’t really make a difference I think we don’t have to worry about that too much right now let’s I think we can just worry about

Getting rid of the items first and then there’ll be a secondary leader you’ve got nothing to do I can what some more areas but I have gotten a bit of a zomboid addiction lately and being been watching the office I need some machine ow freaking Phantom faded him up my ass

Swear they go is it Hey hey hey I’m freaking I missed it um freaking butts there we go good good okay uh let’s go look for some more closer Jade why is why is Jade flustered no I’m just stretching do you want to be flustered I I wish what do you mean if you wish

You wish you’d want to be flustered or you wish to be flustered yeah I’ll make you five seconds good luck what do you mean good luck I’ve done it before I know I yeah are you ready flustered so I’m just stretching so I don’t know if I have enough room

For pain and actually no I probably do Let me make you flustered darling did that work pepper you made me flustered you Frick did it work Jake’s gone quiet did it work I think that means it works just a little bit oh yeah I’m okay darling the dog I was so concerned that’s great I love it I like making you flustered it is enjoyable for the crafting table uh there are no sheep here

Flustered shade is good to Jade yes I’m a good girl you are darling I just can’t do a sexy voice I always end up sounding silly you’ll get there oh places sexy pie well your voice is really nice I don’t know uh I think so I love your voice I do too

Like our sound a bit masculine is that not is that bad I mean it’s fine yeah it’s fine I don’t mind it I think I do want to sound pretty and sometimes I can talk pretty but just stuff it’s not me you know yeah I get that

Can you give us your best Ara add Atta that was nice that was good that was good the [ __ ] Phantom freaking um it just means like well well what’s the designer thing then I’ve heard like RR desimay um it’s it’s still kind of the same thing

Like well it means like you know when they say like well well well it’s like when people say that oh okay but like as a sexy mommy voice like it’s a normal thing people say without being sexy in Japanese an actual Japanese well well well

What do we have here grape says tell her I said I think her voice is good Jade um great thinks your voice is good thank you great I will be reading the comments but I’m still on the floor and I’m just still on the phone uh welcome to stream Pikachu

Oh there’s a Pikachu in chewing Pikachu isn’t trying said hey so you’re on the floor Jade yeah are you lying down on the floor I’m sitting down the floor stretching my legs oh okay my hamstrings at school hamstrings I wish I could massage them for you

Oh she could massage them for me too put your hands on my hands oh hell yeah laughs give them hams a taste we really are super gay our little bread loaf on you darling hey see that was pretty good if you said that to me in the same way

You just said that I would be I’d feel pretty good yeah I talked to my dog yeah that’s how you talk that’s how you talk to Bob can you call it a bread loaf I’d probably be okay with that that’d probably be kind of cute an old little loaf she’s an old little

Moldy breadler okay well now I don’t know about that I don’t probably called old or moldy [Laughter] pepper chunky and she’s so old but like yeah no like if you wanna if you to do it you just you just gotta freaking talk to someone like they’re a pet ah okay

That’s how you do it I could try that next time all right see you later grape have fun guys thank you great thank you for stopping by what time is it eight o’clock it feels later I like the pastel pink of this texture packed it is 8pm

Or what would they call that 20 o’clock twenty oh yeah it’s Miami’s um Community night time playing a mongoose oh yeah I’m terrible at that game hi I’m only sure if you knew but I want to let you know uh because uh I’m gonna affirm you so hard right now um

Oftentimes when like Scarlet or Jade is here I will any and like sometimes you talk I’ll think it’s one of them talking nah yeah no way yes way no I can confirm yeah see I don’t even I don’t even sound okay no same accent not accent it’s just like

If like people are talking over each other or something I’ll think that person is is like Jay Talking end up being you or vice versa like you have Um you have I like your pitch is definitely in the female range maybe I don’t know it definitely is the thing is it doesn’t project very well yeah I think so I mean you’re still working towards Something I’m assuming or planning to work I don’t have whatever particular goal um

Well like I’m not actually really like trying to practice and just trying to not sound particularly masculine yeah but I mean like um the things that thank you but yeah there’s some things that make it so it’s not all the way um but it’s like that’s not a constant thing with you

You know I mean yeah I’ve noticed that my voice fluctuates quite a bit um it’s like it always has been very fluctuating yeah um Guardian Angel says hey everyone any Legacy Peppers beautiful face Yay yay yes my face is here hello Shane what do you think about people being called Mommy or Daddy

Um I’m not really for it but like twitch their own really yeah okay if I would be doing any I would be doing yeah I was curious if I should uh I was gonna do one to you I was thinking about whether I should do one two or not I

Wasn’t sure if you would be into it tada there’s a thing into nicknames I love nicknames but I don’t mind calling people nicknames make me happy that’s some goop right there well Nick your name what what now what does that mean what do you mean by that

Exactly yeah I I I get you yeah stayed over here taking names yeah I’ll steal them why are you moaning like your last name yeah why are you moaning that’s what I that’s what I was doing earlier and people were saying I was being lewd guys just oh what’s going on

It’s internal screaming just building up here like a sneeze I might end my stream soon it’s been over four hours now yep it was a good stream thank you thank you for being a part of it you helped make it good and same to you Jade yeah are you eating something

I got sweet buried no it is so weird like but also before when I was filled with testosterone I was just like like there were two moods when it came to like this sort of thing I was like basically not horny and horny and if someone something horny came

Along I became horny like no matter what but now like things that I would normally really like come along and it can not like I it doesn’t mean I’ll be horny or even like enjoy that sort of thing same but if I’m in a horny sort of mood then I’ll be like

Oh I am enjoying this one I think now and so it’s like that’s something that happens a lot now is like things don’t automatically make me horny unless I’m in the mood or they work hard to get me in the mood it’s so hard

To get in that man yeah like I mean I still like all the party uh but doesn’t mean I necessarily want to like yeah yeah honestly I’d love to be to be able to do that I don’t have that so I am also my my inner emotions are also just like that yeah

Um and one of the reasons that I identify as asexual is because though any feelings of like sexual stuff makes me dysphoric yeah but there’s also like there’s also the anxiety of just being in a relationship yeah so it’s just it’s just so much stress that I can’t even see myself in a

Relationship I just go into uh a panic um yeah like I am the friend zoner hey pie you want a date let’s just be friends I’m sure I’ll go out for lunch with you once I was hoping you would just like immediately say yes okay yes awesome sweet radical even

That radical is outdated terminology I’ll kill you freaking you want to judge me for my words I am breaking up with you well how was that relationship pie what did you think of it laughs you can now call me your ex officially I found that too funny it seems like you

Really enjoyed it I am glad I like to make dumb jokes hey welcome to the club welcome to the club like what up I got a big box full of cereal that I’m gonna eat in the morning humans on the track says damn pepper out here already breaking the hearts I did

That same thing to you I did that same joke to you remember thank you and humanly you forgive me for being a racist human you want to eat human do you want to date don’t listen to the doctor do you want a date again [ __ ] you [ __ ] you

I don’t see that wolf I’ve healed since then thank you I don’t know why I think it’s so funny that like I I like making that joke to people like hey you want to date yeah okay cool okay I’m breaking up with you cool now we’re X’s you man hey Jada

Were you saying that to Pepper or me Jay do you want to eat ah frick I’m not falling for your trap it’s not a trap it’s just it’s cool if you’re gonna ask me today at least take me on a date before you break up with me okay

Dolphin you want to go on a date I’ve been taking man hey doctor so what what pepper do you want to have hot lesbian sex a jade your girlfriend has needs I said nah yeah [ __ ] her quick before it’s too late [Laughter] goodness goodness gracious that was pretty good that was really good

Finally the past few freaking ones I’ve been not hearing anything so I’ve been feeling embarrassed about it I don’t know if we heard the other ones I’ve said it so many times [Applause] rocks oh so I’m paying human and rock that’s my uh forgiveness tiv that was really good shade

I just said well well yeah can you can you please make love with me makes love with you okay you two need to stop this human or like going to the kitchen to make some uh we broke it’s just a great gay stream do you know what that means

These pillagers have been like following me around all stream let’s see if I can make it fight a zombie or something oh I didn’t do that oh freaking I didn’t want this symbol on my body uh It’s upsetting some milk should be right yeah but I don’t have any milk

With me I’d have to go into a place where rain would start because my home is better is in it now so I can’t go there do you want me to give you some milk shower thank you where are you um I’ll I’ll meet you in the backgrounds okay

Oh my my boob is bleeding your boob is bleeding yeah I picked the scab huh yeah that’s a weird way a word you’re making milk excuse me my boob is having a period I’ve been told that before once that your boobs having a period yes oh I I just straight up that water

On my shirt because I was in the bathroom and someone was just like it was just like they coughed on you oh no they just the person what makes this even worse is that it was a it was an adult but they were like your boobies are leaking and everybody started dying

Interesting you said it with the accent too yeah yeah I still have munchkins here check it I’m jealous pass one through the screen right now okay I owe my hands right into the webcam I got you Jade I’m sustainable I got some milk come right back oh let me feed me your milk hi who made it let me take a drink human saved me I don’t like what’s going on here I don’t like it one bit at all please help me yeah you do perfectly

Take a drink please secretly love it okay where are you I want to suckle I can’t move okay now give me a treat my only innate human Cravings are for scrattoids give me give me a sip thank you thank you does this help please also said that we need a room and you’re

Invited Delta you’re in oh my god dude okay you’re not invited I ruined it thank you for watching thank you starts pissing all right so I think that’s a good place for us to start to stop to start you guys want to start the stream um

Okay so thank you everybody so much for watching you’re all wonderful beautiful people I love you so much uh this is a good one um didn’t really do much it was pretty chill though I think had some interesting conversations some deep ones a bit too um worked on the pyramid uh added some

Stuff to my new weird house that I have don’t know the purpose of yet and also worked on more of destroying the islands and you were very adorable when you’re doing it oh thank you what I do that was adorable everything thank you thank you I like being cute um so mustard pepper

Okay so um if you like to support please consider becoming a member um currently my members are pi and shiny who are my treats and Milby who is my grub uh you can also support by um doting through super chat or uh checking out my Twitter or Discord

Server in the description below thanks for watching and I love you all you’re so great human do something funny rocks no no something funny can we do something funny in the chat it’s only funny nope shut up rocks exist s daughter you’re risking your life right now Jay do something funny I can’t

Why not I guess I can’t think of anything again I was trying to climax Thank you Foreign Foreign Thank you Foreign

This video, titled ‘PUTTING OUR MINECRAFT BEDS TOGETHER – w/Vtuber Pepper!’, was uploaded by Pepper Senpai on 2022-12-03 02:01:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Time for some of the Craft! Today, with the Rust texture pack in tow, we go in and put our Minecraft beds together! Thanks for …

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  • “EPIC Minecraft Shogun Vs Sam BATTLE!” 🗡️🔥

    "EPIC Minecraft Shogun Vs Sam BATTLE!" 🗡️🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Shogun Vs Sam | epic fight🔥 | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mezkie on 2024-03-01 16:19:33. It has garnered 862 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:49 or 109 seconds. this addon made by:LT创造者 this addon is still modifying and don’t ask me for link this addon it is on beta: ) LTsMods= WIP this addon is Working progress so… please be a patient: ) insane battle right? send me a request for next battle!🔥🇵🇭 #foryou #minecraft #private #battle #samurai Read More

  • Insane BrownCraft Party on MooWz Server #shorts

    Insane BrownCraft Party on MooWz Server #shortsVideo Information [Music] all through [Music] SW [Music] [Music] yeah This video, titled ‘BrownCraft – New Years Party | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MooWz on 2024-01-10 07:00:06. It has garnered 713 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Hai, I’m MooWz. A demon child who sealed in the darkness of the shadows. Hopefully you Enjoy my video. Thankyou~ ✦─◆── ·「Social Media」· ──◆─✦ ✦「Discord」: https://discord.gg/Esey9KYf7k ✦「Twitter」: https://twitter.com/MooWzCh ✦「Youtube」: https://www.youtube.com/@MooWzCh ✦「Instagram」: https://www.instagram.com/mowejet/ ✦「Threads」: https://www.threads.net/@mowejet ✦「Tik Tok」: https://www.tiktok.com/@mowejet ✦─◆── ·「Support This Vtuber」· ──◆─✦ ✦「Trakteer」: https://trakteer.id/mowejet ✦「SociaBuzz」: https://sociabuzz.com/moowz ✦─◆── ·「HASTAG」· ──◆─✦ General: #MooWz Game: #MooMabar Music:… Read More

  • Exclusive: Win Freebies in PrinceMJ’s GreekSMP Livestream!

    Exclusive: Win Freebies in PrinceMJ's GreekSMP Livestream!Video Information guys anyone look at my HP acknowledge this this amazing I don’t know HP bar I wouldn’t really call it amazing but yeah guys welcome back to the Greek SMP if you guys want to join the giveaway which is mentioned in the title and also in the description read the description there’s the giveaway rules there okay I’ll be announcing more of that in the OR at the end of this live stream what is this this looks so weird this is it looks like man bro someone someone throwing Trident someone throwing Trident at me it… Read More

  • Insane Rezero-inspired Shader for Potato Phones!

    Insane Rezero-inspired Shader for Potato Phones!Video Information Halo guys ketemu lagi dengan gua si A di game Minecraft Pocket Edition lagi tuh guys jadi video kali ini tuh gua mau nunjukin teksture pack gitu kan I wan to show you texture pack you know Anjay jadi ya tumben banget ya biasanya on kali ini tekstur pack gitu ya jadi tekstur pack-nya itu adalah shader gitu guys kurang lebih shader gitu guys jadi ini cocok banget ya ini cocok banget untuk hphp kentang seperti gua ya E 30 FPS juga gak nyampai gitu guys RAM 2 G 3 giga ya jadi E shader ini itu terinspirasi… Read More

  • Arcturus Factions & KitPvP: Custom Enchants, Payouts, No Resets, Semi-Anarchy

    Arcturus Factions & KitPvP Server IP: play.arcturusmc.xyz Arcturus is a 1.7.2-1.20.4 Java Minecraft Factions and KitPvP server. We never reset our map and have custom anti-cheating solutions in place. We’re looking forward to seeing you on Arcturus! – Arcturus Development Team Server Features Custom Prebuilt & Purchasable TNT Cannons Dungeon-like Darkzone PvP and grinding Custom Enchants based on PvP/move Quick Links Website: https://arcturusmc.xyz Discord: https://discord.gg/KnuqDcZDEu Changelog: https://changelog.arcturusmc.xyz Note: Paypal FactionsTop (IRL $$) Payouts every month! Some clips by our players: https://youtu.be/XFbwxSlnkU4 and https://youtu.be/UzwGt8xe0nI Server IP: play.arcturusmc.xyz Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Poem of the Day!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Poem of the Day!Why did the creeper write a poem? Because he wanted to make a big “boom” with his words! Read More

  • Craft a Smile: Zoonomaly Portal in Minecraft

    Craft a Smile: Zoonomaly Portal in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, where monsters roam, The Smile Cat Monster makes its home. With red eyes and a feline face, It’s a boss that you must face. Crafting a portal to its domain, In Zoonomaly, where it reigns. With obsidian and steel, we build, A portal to make your heart chilled. The final boss, the Smile Cat Monster, In its lair, we dare to venture. With villagers and iron golems in tow, We face the beast, ready to go. In a friend’s unique house we find, The monster lurking, in its mind. A battle ensues, with fox… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Wither Storm Memes 🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Wither Storm Memes 🔥 Why did the Wither Storm go to therapy? Because it had too many issues to handle on its own! 😈🖤 #minecrafttherapy #witherstormproblems Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Multiplayer Lucky Block Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Multiplayer Lucky Block Fun! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fun and exciting YouTube video titled “Bangla Multiplayer Lucky Block Fun – Let’s Play Together! #1.” While this video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it definitely captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so enjoyable – playing together with friends and having a great time! If you’re someone who enjoys multiplayer gameplay, lucky block challenges, and trending Minecraft content, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community, unique gameplay features, and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Build, Craft, Conquer

    Crafting Chaos: Build, Craft, Conquer Welcome to the World of Infinite Craft Step into the expansive universe of Infinite Craft, where creativity knows no bounds and endless possibilities await. In this virtual realm, players can unleash their imagination and build, craft, and conquer to their heart’s content. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s always something new to discover in the ever-evolving world of Infinite Craft. The Joy of Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Infinite Craft is the art of building and crafting. Players have the freedom to construct anything their minds can conjure, from… Read More

  • Dronio’s Anvils Rain Down in Minecraft 😱🔨 #shorts

    Dronio's Anvils Rain Down in Minecraft 😱🔨 #shortsVideo Information Minecraft Но с каждым лайком падает наковальня О’кей я заспавнился и теперь я вас очень прошу пожалуйста не ставьте лайки Ладно давайте добудем дерево и что зачем вы поставили лайк наковальней падает очень много скорее бежим Кстати а наша единственная цель – это найти один Алмаз вроде бы Вы перестали лайкать и кажется я там вижу деревню И что Зачем вы опять начали ставить лайки скорее прячемся так я вроде бы выжил и что посмотрите там голема уже придавила Вау здесь есть кузница в ней у нас О Здесь есть кирка так я предлагаю отправиться в шахту This… Read More

  • Pushing Limits in Vanilla Minecraft

    Pushing Limits in Vanilla MinecraftVideo Information and good morning oh you you’re still in bed hey I’m just getting up myself oh my God stretchy MC stretch pants dude hello demro good morning how did you sleep at least hello Triton so’s up two cats one dude hello put yes SS up yeah what up Mr big guy how you doing brother how’ you sleep how you doing hello Cat good to see you coconut oil in the morning ah wakey Wy I’ve missed this intro song though Bacon’s old intro song my fingers are like calloused playing guitar taking the day off yeah… Read More

  • “Pro Gamer Kartikay Conquers Desert Temple in Minecraft!” #gaming #shorts

    "Pro Gamer Kartikay Conquers Desert Temple in Minecraft!" #gaming #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘When Noob Finds Desert Temple #minecraft #shorts #short #trending #technogamerz #gaming’, was uploaded by God Gamer Kartikay on 2024-01-11 18:30:34. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscibe for more Videos LIke this. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Wood House Build In Minutes!

    Insane Minecraft Wood House Build In Minutes!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build a Wood House in Minecraft part 2 #shorts #short #minecraft #tutorial’, was uploaded by BriceHere on 2023-12-25 04:30:11. It has garnered 472 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Thanks for watching, don’t forget to Subscribe and Like for more videos like this 👍🦄 How to build a Wood House in Minecraft Subscribe : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOqb… Follow me on instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bricehere/ #minecraft #howtobuild #tutorial Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Diamond Mine Battle!! #MinecraftMadness

    INSANE Minecraft Diamond Mine Battle!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information [संगीत] मैं दो जन्मों से माफ्ट खेल रहा हूं लेकिन मुझे आज पता चला मा में तो डायमंड भी लेने होते हैं तो आज तो मैं डायमंड लूंगा माइनिंग करके अरे वाह कितना प्यारा डायमंड है अभी मेरे पास दो पिकस है एक है बुदन पिकस दूसरी है स्टोन पिकस वदन पिकस काफी हल्की होती है स्टोन पिकस तो भली होती है तो मैं तो वुडन पिकस से ही माइंड कर लूंगा अ मेरे डायमंड कहां गए ये जलूल इस डायमंड की गलती होगी बहुत एटीट्यूड दिखाता है ये डायमंड आज तो काफी टाइम बाद डायमंड लेने आया… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT DAY 2: CRAVING MORE LOGS 🌲Video Information [Music] a [Music] n [Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello hello hello hello welcome um hello it’s been a while uh I have been Not Dead uh I got a new job and well not a new job but like a promotion to my previous job um so I’ve been kind of busy with like six hour day work works and Sunday was my only day off for a little while so I kind of wanted to not stream for a little bit but I am back and hopefully I will do Sundays um as much… Read More

  • Exploring Shizo’s Epic Pillager Base! Ep. 13 #minecraft

    Exploring Shizo's Epic Pillager Base! Ep. 13 #minecraftVideo Information welcome to reaction seeds let’s go do you like the Cherry bioms I was give this seed for Bedrock Edition I leave it right here on the screen here we go okay we spoon in this area okay we have a cherry bioms okay and go to exploration these are ooh wow guys look we have a beautiful Cher beum we have a big Village and we have a Pillager base but guys look at this Village it’s very very big we have more Village do you like it guys subscribe and leave a like if you know… Read More

  • Dg Six – CRAZY Minecraft adventure LIVE!

    Dg Six - CRAZY Minecraft adventure LIVE!Video Information see [Music] Adams fall apart soer flares arrive buildings collapse collapse only a few Will Survive the world as we know it will no longer be there be there water is gone is gone a new era has [Music] begun prepare yourself for the Apocalypse [Music] [Applause] [Music] the Apocalypse [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the heat is scorching scoring forests burned up burn bur up the sky colors red volcanoes erupt the world as we know it will no longer be there be there is gone a new has be prepare yourself the Apon ppse the apocalpse [Music]… Read More

  • Shocking Collab: TeeHiggz_Gaming & CaptainSparklez 2010 Hit Song #nostalgia

    Shocking Collab: TeeHiggz_Gaming & CaptainSparklez 2010 Hit Song #nostalgiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘@CaptainSparklez Another song 2010 kids listened to #childhood #music #minecraft’, was uploaded by TeeHiggz_Gaming on 2024-03-25 01:27:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Try the free video editor CapCut to create videos! https://www.capcut.com/t/ZmFqSEvbB/ Read More

  • CoronaCraft Survival SMP Semi-Vanilla 18+ Dynmap Discord 1.20.4 Whitelisted Simple Voice Chat

    CoronaCraft – Join Our SMP Community! CoronaCraft is a community-based SMP with over 120 members from around the world. We are welcoming new members for our current season. Our server is nearly 4 years old and we recently started a new season about 4 months ago. Join us through our website or discord. Server Features: Custom Advancements Expansive Shopping District Proximity Voice Chat In-game Server Events Custom Roles Server perks for donors Friendly and helpful community Community Projects all the time Giveaways 24/7 Server Uptime Plugins to prevent thefts/griefs without ruining the vanilla feel Player/Mob/Mini Block heads for added gameplay Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Google: Crafting Recipe for Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Google: Crafting Recipe for Minecraft"Well, clearly this meme has achieved an impressive score of 11 out of…well, we’re not quite sure what the scale is here. But hey, it’s better than a score of 10, right? Keep mining for that meme gold! Read More

  • Crafting Viral Magic: Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 Short Video Edit #Pakistani #Minecraft

    Crafting Viral Magic: Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 Short Video Edit #Pakistani #Minecraft In the world of design, where creativity thrives, Adobe Illustrator, where art comes alive. Learn the tools, the tricks, the techniques so fine, In Urdu/Hindi, your skills will shine. Graphic design, a world of inspiration, Typography, color theory, a visual sensation. From logo design to brand identity, Adobe Creative Suite, your key to creativity. Motion graphics, vector art, UX design, Print design, design trends, all intertwined. Join the design community, let your talent soar, In the world of Adobe, there’s always more. So subscribe now, don’t hesitate, To unlock your potential, it’s never too late. In the realm of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! #minecraft “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Hot Dog” that left us in stitches. But amidst the chaos of Minecraft Mythical Survival SMP, we couldn’t help but think about the amazing community over at Minewind Minecraft Server. With epic battles, frog conspiracies, Minecraft geography quizzes, and the best Minecraft restaurant ever, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Plus, who wouldn’t want to join a server where you can get hired at the park, figure out life with friends, and play with zombies? If you’re looking to… Read More

  • Minecraft: A Review

    Minecraft: A Review The Impact of Minecraft: A Journey Through Creativity and Nostalgia Many of us have fond memories of Minecraft, a game that has left a lasting impact on our lives. From its humble beginnings with creator Markus Persson, also known as Notch, to its acquisition by Microsoft, Minecraft has evolved into a cultural phenomenon that continues to captivate players of all ages. The Origins of Minecraft Notch’s vision for Minecraft was simple yet revolutionary – a game where players could unleash their creativity in a limitless world. Whether you preferred the creative mode for building or the survival mode for… Read More

  • Minecraft AI Drone Creates Insane Art

    Minecraft AI Drone Creates Insane ArtVideo Information какой самый бесполезный моб в Майнкрафте Скорее всего вы могли подумать что это чешуйница или горная коза Но это далеко не так ведь даже у этих мобов есть свои применения чешу ца защищает портал Вента и из горной козы выпадает рок но всё-таки в Майнкрафте существует моб который абсолютно бесполезный и это стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой напиши комментарий Minecraft по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили и это Зомби гигант потому что он просто стоит на месте ничего не делает This video, titled ‘Dronio… Read More