EPIC Minecraft Bed Wars with Dream Team!

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It’s love I feel the end is but how come I’ll just get lazy boring is when do what for the first time we try it again and again and again it’s not going anywh it stays right It’sing still be 16 you and me It’s love the end is but how I’ll just get lazy love boring when they did it for the first time try it again and again and again it’s not going anywhere it stays my it’s ready time to begin Al still 60 you and me I that Now it’s love I feel the end is near but how come I’ll just get Lazy Love boring it is do the time we try it again and again and again it’s not going anywh it stays right it’s Time still be 16 you and Me it’s love I the end is but how come I’ll just get Lazy Love Did time we try it again and again and again it’s not going everywh it stays my time to begin still be 60 you and me I Now love I the end is there but how come I’ll just get Lazy do the first time try it again again and again it’s not good it stays right hand it’s better Ruo Robertson Link in description Apple music Spotify and YouTube Welcome to the stream everybody today we are going back to old times we are playing some bedw Wars I am joined by little boy Elijah once again obviously he’s obvious [ __ ] hell trying to take my ears off or

What yeah pretty much hey guys Jesus Christ right anyway how are we all doing did you join my party yeah all right yeah bro all right let’s just let’s just get started Cy something things in my Ass hi Raven welcome to the stream my ass yeah I’m I’m good I’m I’m I’m good Raven how are you man Raven Raven is a is a advocate for joining the streams man big at Raven if you want to be cool like Raven join all the streams please yeah

Yeah I mean you don’t have to but do know if you don’t you’re not cool great singing hi Jordan welcome to the stream Atlantic why is it Atlantic we a with five votes we forgot to vote it would vote it would have because we’re just cool like that facts if we voted they

Would have sensed it and be like whoa okay can I go get gold please you can go get gold yay do some do some do some protecting of the bed my guy all right I will do that so I don’t really think and I just I got glass instead of the the Terra

Car not the smartest of people I am but you know I make great content sure shut the [ __ ] up that’s what you want to call it you you you mate you you okay call the first kill of the stream let’s go man what a what a huge huge

Dub I am a huge dubber boy never I didn’t say rubber Boy by the way just to let you know I said du what’s a rubber boy um honestly please please nothing that concerns you please explain [ __ ] for [ __ ] sake Elijah I had gold on me oh we had [ __ ]

Man you were supposed to get gold why have you got be so F [ __ ] luckily no one hit me off or hit me in general so it’s not like anyone took my gold but the only problem is is that I no longer have gold for [ __ ] sake

Elijah right I’ll get some gold then but what I do have is a kill and gold um a you’re so you’re so annoying bro I have gold it’s simple you are annoying to be around sometimes Sam I have gold I don’t give a [ __ ] I don’t care what you

Have oh you’re just jealous cuz what I have is better than you how much gold you have three I have four you’re lying Ms I’m good mate spend all day messaging someone to be honest though except from the Lester game I thought leester one what Raven I

Know who you’re messaging mate I know oh hi wind sorry I didn’t notice your message I don’t really notice you wind um so rude why the [ __ ] is the leather armor almost beating me what the [ __ ] cuz you’re [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I’ve got I’ve

Got a team I’ve got a team I’ve got a team on me got a team on me help no I’m coming back to base coming back to base back to Bas you need help why have I got to deal with this oh mate mate mate I’m still alive I’m still alive I’m

They both they both fell off they both fell off they both fell off oh mate I made It so so when you get attacked platform so when you get attacked yeah you just [ __ ] [ __ ] to me about it and you come running for help Sam I’ve got a rescue platform on a knockback stick all right don’t worry about it oh a not back stick that’s a good idea

Actually I’m going to get that exactly my guy just please stop calling me your guy I am nobody’s guy you are my guy I am I am nobody’s ah I’m being attacked I’m being attacked I’m be attack be attack be attack Elijah help Elijah help help El help El help elij help elij

Help El help elij help help Elijah help Elijah help Elijah they’ve turned back they turned back they turned back they turned back they turned back yeah as I was saying why do you when you get killed why do you always [ __ ] to me and ask for your help for my

Help you just did the same thing uh rescue platform when a not back okay watch hi Lexi welcome to the stream yeah we did I was saying I didn’t don’t say welcome to the stream you’re girlfriend right what man I’m be polite your girlfriend right she doesn’t deserve it how’s your relationship

Going great actually yeah how’ it Go Ro Lee we just said our um oh hey bro what I just destroyed a bed proud of you that’s that’s that’s big for me thank you a this [ __ ] guy Elijah Elijah get this guy Elijah get this guy get this guy get this

Guy which guy which guy which guy which guy right yeah yeah yeah yeah go go go go yes yes let’s go man let’s go uh can you build a bridge please yeah I’m doing it what’s this guy doing what’s this guy doing is he going to Happ what’s this

Guy doing what are they trying to do who’s trying right anyway I’m going to go get a Diamond Sword You Are My Diamond Sword Elijah a see Pro we are dream team right now we’re doing well okay okay we’re like uh chavy andester and busat except we’re like chavy and inest what does

That what were those words what are those words you said words and expected me to understand what they meant football man okay right I want to destroy Red’s bed and are they there they are a bit annoying aren’t they yeah they are just a tiny bit annoying oh [ __ ] they’ve got Enchanted

[ __ ] how much is a diamond sword bro I’m dead n bro you’re good no I’m not I’m dead N I trust no no you can’t oh good point actually you’re right no you’re yeah to be fair I am good yeah trust the process I I’m alive uh I mean

I’m in a literal sense I’m not but in a in a figurative fun sense nice singing man okay sorry there was someone behind me and I got scared it’s okay I’m here to protect really yeah man always use protection ating save sex I mean wait no we don’t

Talked about sex here that’s that’s not a stream thing we don’t do that we talk about a lot on here we were talking about [ __ ] homophobia Yesterday by the way I would I would have streamed longer but it was it was the wind sword

Ah yeah I get you I wanted to I wanted to partake in his stream okay I need a rescue platform I need Blocks he’s been in so many of mine I just felt like I sort of owed him a little bit I get you yeah I’ve got a cat on my

Bed what there someone on our bed you know me huh no I’ve got a cat on my bed like is in Elijah help Elijah help we’re going to die Elijah Elijah help help help help help help help help help they’ve run away they’ve run away they’ve run Away you see how every time no matter what I’m doing I still say I’m going to come help because that’s just a polite thing to do yeah man good for you all right I’m going to knock that that guy off with a bow he’s pissing me off and I

Just I see him constantly and I just I feel like it’s morally right to just knock him off with a bow no what’s right is that I’m going to kill him right now no I want to knock him off with a bow [ __ ] how did I miss that Bad oh got way I’m not sure if you saw I just died well in mate well in I said oh yeah I’m going to kill him right now I’m going to kill him right now Elijah it’s a good thing to forgot you don’t know much about football yeah Elijah doesn’t

Know much about football wait what it what was this conversation I’m confused it was the chavy buetts and then he asked what oh [ __ ] there’s people yeah there’s people on me help there’s not there were oh I had a I had a drop I had a drop why was that you that was

Definitely you Elijah we need to protect our bed at all costs okay we’re actually doing all right or I am anyway we are but I’m struggling a little bit it’s been a whil since I’ve actually played this yeah same man on man on man on come back come

Back running back running back running back running back running back run him back okay okay that guy that yellow’s on a bridge I’m going to just oh um let me just right what do I I get what do I get what what tools should I get you should get upgrades

Man um you know what yeah no I’m just going to get that was a quick I’m going to make sure I got at least iron armor that was a [ __ ] quick one when oh my God right Sam I think we should I think we should go get

Beds I disagree I feel like we just wait for everyone else to fight it out and then we just come in at the last moment and NAB no but that’s the thing we need gold though as well to be able to if we’re going to actually succeed at that

We need to yeah we can get gold we need to like be fully prepared we need to be like fully prepared like possibly diamond diamond who needs Diamond man have you seen the wind sword on the realm huh have you seen the wind sword

On the real he doesn’t have D yes I have yes I have he he doesn’t do anything other than run to other people’s Bas people people people run run run run run yeah you don’t want to [ __ ] with me now do you thank you oh sick man you’re

Bridging thank kind of crazy bro yeah just run away just just leave like is you’re pathetic Sam oh oh my God how did that how how oh my God clip that someone clipped that oh my God that was insane yeah I’m getting equipped right now okay you know what Elijah I decided it’s

Not a bad idea to go for Red’s bed what exactly okay okay they are and I’ve got a pickaxe they are over there though and one of them’s in full diamonds so we need to wait for them to leave and then we can cook they’re in full diamond one of them is yeah

I know what to do I know what to do I know what to do are you going to go around we need to knock him down what you mean wait no I know what to do sorry if you go okay Sam I’m going to completely risk everything no no no wait

Wait stop stop stop stop stop hit my plan hit my plan First Let Me Pitch mine first if I distract them on this bridge and then you go all the way around to that’s what I was going to do okay okay okay I’ll distract them I’ll distract

Them I’ll distract him okay yeah no you dist you distract him you distract oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] Sam help okay it’s looking a bit like the other way wait are we orange team we are orange team right yeah yeah okay I’m going to oh my God the diamond guy’s gone the diamond

Guy’s gone the diamond gu’s gone I’m going to go to their base and then I’m going to yeah I’m bridging they don’t know I’m bridging so that’s helpful can I reach to that I can okay okay Elijah I see you over there I’m almost there destroy that bed destroy their bed

Destroy their bed okay you you got that bed they’re behind me I believe [ __ ] they’re they’re behind me they’re behind me oh my God oh my God okay you know what I didn’t realize okay okay okay I I see I see okay uh Sam what on Earth is that thing

What is that thing that is a new item in the game there is a new item in the game El they’re here they’re here they’re here they’re here they’re here they’re at our base where’s here they’re base they’ve got a bow I’m being shot um I’m bleeding out okay hang on I’m coming

I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I wish oh I like I like I like the thought but oh oh oh you knocked him you knocked him wait is he gone oh come on little boy okay okay okay we still got that other we still got that other little

[ __ ] we need play plays right now plays right now we need to [ __ ] that other um hang on okay what I’m going to do uh special items let me have a look I’m going to see if I can find this new okay okay red red Reds Reds looks like

They’re walking to us with purpose no they’re not they’re going to their base I’m going to uh special items uh wait no no I’m going to get bow no I’m not no I’m not you’ve got the bow you’ve got that’s your thing I need to do something else I

Need an enchantment I haven’t got anything Elijah okay I’m going enchant I’m I’m enchanted diamond sword that’s all I’ve got oh my God some some some okay that was never going to work was it Elijah careful elah I’ll protect you stay there let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go

Let’s go let’s go let’s go where are they wait they’re going around they’re going around they’re going around take him down [ __ ] [ __ ] no Noah [ __ ] sake I’m so happy I’m the only one home right now you’re the only one what home yeah bro like I’m just chilling right

Now I want to get rid of red man upgrades yeah I know I know so do I I know so do I but we can’t get rid of red without a proper good plan of how we can how we can like actually fight them okay yeah I’m yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re

Right you’re right okay okay so what’s the plan I do you know I reckon I could get him off with a bow you know okay okay okay okay okay okay okay they’re going to come around here in a second they’re going to see me they might come towards me but it’s fine

I actually think I can get him with a bow okay you can try it you can try it you can try it yeah yeah give it a go don’t if if you don’t just run just Sprint genuinely yeah I’m going to try and get full gold I return

Um my sister wanted to see your channel oh hello Jordan sister welcome to the stream I hope you’re okay uh that’s about it really hope you enjoy your stay there you go that’s better isn’t it okay okay okay okay [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh I heard an

Arrow I heard an arrow I heard an arrow we have got to go we are going to get we are we are there is an arrow there is yep that is something okay Sam Sam yeah I’ve got some sort of upgrade on me okay I’m getting a boat

Okay okay okay yeah where are they shooting okay I see them I do see them it’s yellow right there oh yeah I see them I see them I see them I see them don’t worry I I’ll hit him off I’ll hit him off that was pathetic that was also

Pathetic little bit higher maybe oh they got me okay this is this is a fight this is a fight this is a fight we can deal with this uh no no no no no no no Sam Sam Sam no we can’t what’s that oh oh oh

Okay how how do we get them how do we get them I’m just trying to snipe him if I distract them with sniping him you could probably go round no that’s what I was trying to do but he could like he saw me that’s not Landon

And Nei is that I’m so how do I get this guy oh my God look at this absolute [ __ ] he’s really trying right now I know oh Elijah we got Elijah Elijah come back come back come back come back come back quick quick quick quick Elijah come

Back quick come back quick I’m here right’s here right’s here right here come on come on come on come on come on come on no no I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead okay okay I’m dead too no come on man come on they’ve got a strength they’ve got a strength give

They’ve got a strength potion that’s what they’ve got that’s what they got but they haven’t got a pickaxe that’s the main thing oh my god oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Sam Sam we can do this we can do this we just have to keep keep abusing him he’s running away he’s running away

He’s running away he’s running away he’s running away he’s running away go go go go go if we had a bow right now this would be so good a he fell off he fell off he left the game before it said he died let’s go man let’s go he’s one of

Those guys okay yellow team I just realiz yellow don’t have their bed that’s true that’s true that’s true wait but we’re not going to have our bed we’re not going to have our bed soon why it’s [ __ ] hell [ __ ] okay okay okay okay okay okay to get to gold

Elijah Elijah to get to gold you need to go round you need to go round to Red okay because if they snipe if they if they snipe one of us off we’re [ __ ] yeah but if they snipe us off that bridge going towards red then they won it’s too far it’s too

Far okay hang on this is actually so intense okay it is right I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going where are you going where are you going okay okay see they can’t get us they can’t they they’re struggling this is actually try but they can’t at the moment this actually

Intense this is [ __ ] crazy bro oh my God oh my God the two the other team’s the other two teams I think have been hiding this whole time I respect that it’s a it’s a tactic it is tactic it is it is a good tactic to be fair you can’t argue with

It I mean it’s not I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily the best tactic because if you get found and you haven’t upgraded enough stuff yeah yeah then you’re pretty much most of the time you’re [ __ ] like okay I’ve got got some I’m getting some gold they’re both up okay I’m doing kind of

Well so high up I’m so confused I hit hit him I hit I hit one I hit one I hit one that’s where that that’s where they’re they’re doing their whole thing that’s that’s like their tactic at the moment Sam I’ve got I’ve got loads of gold not enough for Diamond but enough

To get us to where we want to go we can win this we can but it’s this is going to be tough okay right what I’m thinking is that yellow those the yellows are our main priority right now yeah yeah Green Green can stay for

Now okay uh hang on let me oh I’ve been hit I’ve been hit I’ve been hit I’ve been hit I’ve been hit realistically okay okay hear my tactic out yeah why don’t we just sit here no they’re not going to they’re not going to what are they going to

Do I want to get their bed oh wait no they don’t have a bed they don’t have a bed this is what I’m saying so if we just sit here they’re going to end up coming to us and I can whack him off with a knockback stick it’s not a bad idea Sam

Yeah oh you’ve got a bow too yeah we could try come down no no no they do that they’ve got a ladder they’ve got a ladder I know they’ve got everything man we could try two different angles as well actually I’ll go do a different base

Wait no you you stay there I’ll it’s fine I’m going I’m going I’m going quick quick quick if I stand here my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God Elijah keep distracted

I got I got one I got one I got one I got I’m getting the other I’m getting the other I’m getting the other oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh okay it’s us and green mate they would not notice it I was going see I

See them I see them I see them I see them green I see I see green I see green I see green let’s go let’s just go get them this way okay yeah yeah a they on their own this is kind of this feels kind of this this I mean this

Just it feels a bit wrong oh oh there’s the other green I’ll get them okay bro if we win the first our first game our first game back yeah that is that is saying something I’m behind you I’m right behind you we’re getting this guy straight away let’s go let’s

Go come on first game back that was intense that that was a you know that was like pretty much a half an hour game so intense Jesus Christ oh my God I’m like I’m like Shake I’m actually shaking so much cuz like taking out that entire team was

Insane I hit him with a GG there I hit hit him with a GG like oh my God that was a good game that was a great game I’m actually shaking I got back into the flow of it later on I got back into the I got back into the flow later

On Jesus Christ man all right let’s oh wait no we need to select next match okay oh my God that was insane that was a crazy game that was a crazy game not going to lie bro we won though we won we win these this is content this is [ __ ]

Content okay next game next game come on all right let’s go you’re chat with teams normally type at team I know we don’t need to chat we’ve got we’ve got a Discord call going on you know I mean we’re pretty much sorted all right I’m going to get some gold here

Yeah oh [ __ ] wait you getting gold okay I’m fine that’s I’ll um I’ll protect the bed okay we never win on this map as well like and we won we did this time bro we did it oh I speed bridged I speed bridged are you

Proud yes but be careful of doing it I know you did it that one time I’ve done it a lot okay I’m getting gold I see a yellow team they’re they’re going to have a lot of gold I’m going to have to NAB them

There do you want me to do you want me to come help n it’s good oh hello hello sexy turn back around turn back around wait what why can’t I hit run why can’t I hit him oh [ __ ] we got a hacker on our hands maybe hold on let

Me he’s spinning around me bro this guy is good oh [ __ ] going to come for our bed I wait what oh wait no no they turned around they didn’t come for all I’m I’m so determined to get yellow team I’m so determined to get yellow team not going to

Lie why specifically yellow team just I am okay did they kill you yeah big time they batter in me though can’t lie okay you know what come on Elijah let’s do a team take down right now that sounds like a all right they’re running back oh one fell

Off oh I’m going to die I hav really got anything to lose I’m saying I got the other guy I got the other guy got the other guy got the main guy got the main guy nice let’s get the bed no bro I’m running I’m running I’m

Running I’m running I don’t have enough [ __ ] I’m going to die I’m going to die okay that’s okay they’re coming don’t think they will be don’t think they’ll be popping a visit anytime soon oh oh that was such a that was such no one no one ever bring that

Up did you fall out the world no did you though no okay man I don’t know why I’m just so determined to get yellow I’m being that guy right now you’re not that guy pal you’re not that guy okay right oh [ __ ] oh I got the bed I

Got the bed I got the bed I got the bed I got the bed I got the bed Sam Sam there’s someone at our base there’s someone at our base oh [ __ ] they’re good they’re good they’re good they’re good they’re good they’re good they’re good

Sam Sam come on come quick Qui Qui Qui I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying I’m trying I’m here I’m here that was such a poor effort for me oh god oh we are oh Elijah did you just kill him oh I got

It okay I did okay can we get yellow now no he’s got a bridge to our base Sam he’s going to keep coming oh [ __ ] is he told you look he’s right there okay oh well well I’ll see you soon bud there’s a Sam I fixed my online thingy what was your online

Thingy nice is’s going to come back man no matter what he died he fell off okay he was trying okay he’s just going to he’s just going to keep coming back though that’s the thing okay Elijah I say we go for them now we go for them now cuz they’re

Distracted who’s distracted the Green Team oh no they’re back they’re back they’re back okay Sam yeah you’re going to love me probably I already do so that’s going to be you know oh wait they’ve already lost their bed what the [ __ ] oh [ __ ] was going for yellow and then yeah

I know I got their bed we still got us don’t we yep still got as I’m I promise you I’ve been re I have had eight deaths I am I am just dying all over okay run Sam I’m running okay there you go you’re good

Now I like your bodyguard by the way I said run [ __ ] bro come on then yeah you don’t want to [ __ ] with me either I use my [ __ ] Mouse man look at this [ __ ] look at [ __ ] it yeah go on go on go on go on never

Mind I couldn’t join servers but now I can let’s go man uh oh Elijah yeah I’m dead bro oh wait no I’m not okay Elijah I have nothing like literally nothing I am I’m scared it’s okay Sam we can do this I’m scared there’s one team with

Their bed and that’s orange okay we need to change that okay someone’s coming someone’s coming someone’s coming someone’s cominging someone’s cominging someone’s coming someone no no someone is at yellow’s uh yellow’s base and that is orange I believe leave they’re still alive oh God okay Elijah please let me get gold

Please oh no you need to trust me Sam oh no that is all I’m going to need just the one they’re distracted wait who are they coming for [ __ ] paused are you good Elijah hello I am going to I was reading chat hello I’m going yeah I’m in [ __ ] I’m in a [ __ ]

Cobweb where are you huh where are you running around around where okay I see you I’m on my way I need your help Elijah Elijah I’m going to rescue platform okay why why why would you go there I was right there man I was getting gold I was right there

Man I was getting gold bro you didn’t I didn’t know where you were I was looking at I said I’m right you made eye contact with me hello I’m going to random streams across YouTube Welcome to the stream Alexander no Elijah ah why is the Dream Team just picture of

Youting huh I didn’t because I I asked if you wanted to play bedwars today and you were like maybe so I like all right I’ll just put myself in the thumbnail and comes to us I’ll play Bed Wars on my own hey dude hey buddy hey I was

Getting hey hey hey hey you’re [ __ ] you’re so [ __ ] you’re so you are I’m [ __ ] I’m so [ __ ] this always happens doesn’t it what really good first game no no no no we no no cut cut that cut that we come on come on believe believe yeah do you believe right I’m we’re

Voting on Asia let’s vote on Asia let’s do this again let’s go back to the OG yes please please yes let’s go let’s go hi KT welcome to the stream let’s go man I’m going to go get gold okay love you you should play on cubecraft in a

Lifeboat is that better this just I don’t know this has always been a bit of a classic for me and Elijah you know we’ve always played bedwars on life yeah we we played it we played it on I think we played it on cubecraft once but then

We just kind of like it wasn’t the same cuz it just wasn’t the same Vibes man we kind of got used to this one maybe we’ll give cubecraft a go in later maybe maybe yeah yeah at some point at some point you never know what we’re

Going to do exactly manam I believe two people were kicked from the game my bad arasmus oh brilliant hackers that’s just what I need no they got they got kicked they got kicked oh thank God okay you built okay do you want to go get gold uh I can go get

Gold I can [ __ ] up some gold right now okay you’re going get gold I’m going to stuck up on what I’ve got okay just sit in this corner with nothing thing and pray that gold comes to me oh hello orange hello orange I am running away from that the gold does what to

You comes to me a don’t a a you you sick [ __ ] right orang is there and there were two of them so I got scared and pussied out okay it’s fine I’m going I am going to go solve everything thanks man save our asses go save our asses I’ll come with

You oh they’ve got like oh for [ __ ] sake man did you oh my oh my [ __ ] hell man how do you Elijah can you I can’t [ __ ] sake how did you get in what I went through the sides yeah I I gathered that but which

Side oh orange is after you H orange is after you yeah I know you’re not going to die huh then come on then oh I’m oh I’m lagging oh no they died they fell Off they fell off behind me it’s fine okay they they died that was insane lag and they have tip you should learn how to jump oh bro we’re on controller man if you I I think I can do it a little bit but like not enough to you know

Play you know that hard play just leave it there no not not not like that level yet you know okay I’ve got a rescue platform and a knockback stick right let’s go okay I’m going to come back so go get some gold maybe I don’t [ __ ] know yes I’m going to break this

Open I can speed Bridge like I’m going to say 60 no 40% of the time I can speed Bridge pretty well which is which is always that’s always nice you know all right okay what do what do you think I should get them friends sorry do you want me to want to keep

Doing your streams like do you want content uh yeah it’s all about content why you they come mates with you we were mates long before content yeah true I feel like we were just making content for ourselves like back in the day not even filming it we’re just making it for

Ourselves pretty much but that’s kind of how it starts though is it yeah that’s what people in acting do yep why do you laugh so awkwardly like I got nervous I do that occasionally yeah I get that I mean you what want we’re doing I mean it’s like

Yeah just you know yeah run away I get nervous around you I mean around you I mean around the stream around me no no come on Elijah there’s a guy Elijah there’s a guy watch out Elijah there’s a guy there’s a guy there’s a guy there’s a guy I know just

Making sure man I I was right there Sam I was watching him just just making sure I need two more that I could get full diamond o I just wanted a bow which I’m going to get full diamond full diamond exactly all I’ll I’ll take the two and then

Up let’s go get full diamond I’m just I’m going to get a bow man I feel like I’m doing quite well with a bow yo look what these people are doing man it’s insane what it reminds me of my ex-girlfriend over protective this bridge is pretty unsafe to be fair I’m so funny

My girlfriend over protect cuz she was back in the day should probably stop bringing up my ex in case my girlfriend’s watching she was before was she yeah that’s why I stopped okay oh Elijah you know where I am right now yeah yeah yeah hey buddy wait

What bro I’m being Destro my team [ __ ] I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going to die [ __ ] the pinks the pinks were good the pinks were good I didn’t think they were going to be good [ __ ] [ __ ] okay okay we’ we’ve got loads of

Stuff on the go right now okay yellow’s running back nice got one okay okay okay Elijah Elijah yellow Elijah yellow yellow yellow yellow watch out for yellow here where right here okay they’re going back they’re not going to live though they’re dying they’re dying I got

Them okay so now it’s just us and pink it’s US versus pink we’ve got to do it we’ve got to do it we’ve got to do it we’ve got to do it but pink have um they’ve got to pink have their bed I know but I’ve also got a pickaxe

Oh wait wait we need shars we need shars [ __ ] wait okay I can get shars I can get shears is this bridge this bridge is broken yeah yeah okay you ready for this I’ve got shears and I exactly blocks what are you doing bro the skill look at the SK sorry sorry

Sorry I got distracted I’m going to distract him okay what you want me to go for the bed even though I don’t have a pickaxe huh why are you hitting them you don’t need a pickaxe we shouldn’t we shouldn’t be getting them right now oh wait wait oh right oh yeah we

Should oh well let’s just kill this other guy it’s just [ __ ] murder let’s just murder this other guy they are good they are good players are they cuz they they were currently hitting me with an iron ingot so I don’t I really doubt you know I took the kill

Yeah you did you ah it’s okay you I mean you pretty much carried that game actually no no no no no I think I did nah it was like 6040 you know 7030 all right get a grip all right should we do some should we do some

Solos bro I can’t fight you you’re you’re a better fighter than me but I’m also laggy calm so it might be even no you’re still probably going to win I do better on a team than I do on my own well I’ve got an

Excuse Sam can I join you uh W you can join me after this game Medieval map let’s go you hated this map no I just preferred the other one but I do like this map you used to hate it I didn’t hate it I just it it was overused

Yippe I know exactly how you read it went you see that insane I actually did as well [ __ ] how you doing green wait we’re wait we’re in the same game no we’re not no we’re not no we’re not Kagney there’s no way you’re stream sniping K there is no way of stream

Sniping K a’t smart enough for that [ __ ] facts so Elijah what team are you on just out curiosity you know I’m not going to kill you or anything what team do you think I’m on Sam I think I I don’t know the color but I do know where you

Are are you on per you’re on purple oh my God no really yeah really wait what oh you’re an orange huh oh [ __ ] I was getting a bed so you’re like right next to me oh my oh hello mate hello mate you are oh [ __ ] they’re going to try and break

My bed oh no whatever shall I do get theirs that’s what I’m going to [ __ ] do you see that AB oh [ __ ] they didn’t die imagine checking [ __ ] off I didn’t check all right got the bed just need to get them cool what the [ __ ] was that weird Zoom

[ __ ] what are you doing Sam just protecting my bed at the moment there we go protected cool all good all nice and and and Grand and what are you doing nothing really if I’m being honest I mean I feel like you’re going for my bed I can promise you I can promise you

I’m not at the moment I know you are going to at some point like very soon and if I’m being honest I don’t think I can I’m going to stop you no I’m I’m I’m more worried about red right now to be honest with you I’m going for every other base other

Than yours if I’m being honest I mean it would be good content if we make it to the end together and then we fight it would be but then now you’re thinking oh do not be really funny content CU if I say that and then I kill him I’m I’m behind

Red’s base right now that’s fair just going to loop around and get them this way I was not expecting that [ __ ] all right um I’m running there are there’s a guy hogging gold hey bro whoa this guy okay this guy has reach okay that guy had reach that’s cool that’s cool red has

Reach does he have reach oh yeah red has reach man [ __ ] a man it’s boring why why would you have reach how do you know cuz you can just tell or they just on are they just a really good PC player I mean nah okay I knocked them off they were going

To destroy my bed bro just chill just stop oh that would have been so Good [ __ ] that would have been so cool there a guy called just going to keep I’m just if I just keep pressing at the end of the day I will just one day get get him hang I’m trying to think I’m sorry I got him come on go go go go go

Go go go go go go go oh my God wait that bed isn’t being destroyed okay there we go there we go there we go so [ __ ] andless rape whoa I can’t say that no you cannot no no Elijah no you cannot let’s go man oh I genuinely Sam

Sam I I heard I heard your troubles with r and I was like you know what it was pissing me they were pissing me off man they’re pissing me off all right I’m leaving um you can do your own thing now thanks man quick

Little Al all ship yeah oh I’m I’ll be h [ __ ] hang on hang on I wasn’t doing it for you I’m not involved I’m not involved I’m yeah [ __ ] I failed that I failed that I just want gold man oh I could use this I could use his blocks I could use his

Blocks my god I’ve got an idea Sam what do you want what do you want Elijah [ __ ] uh what I want is to live doesn’t seem to be going very well nope uh they have full diamond in uh people at Gold okay I can beat that

Basically we’re [ __ ] no we can’t I can take it no oh why are okay I have to address that I uh the guy I banned yesterday was just didn’t make I I don’t mind dark I like dark humor man I like dark humor okay I like dark humor that that is not funny

But I I’m G to shut up what well some some okay this is not me reading this why are trans women so good at being a carpenter why because they have experience they have experience at cutting their wood you’re a horrible person if you laugh I’m not laughing I don’t I don’t

Support that no me neither welcome to the stream Thunder gaming I didn’t mean to put GG okay got him oh wait I did not I should for [ __ ] sake I a rescue platform I was trying to place it and it didn’t let me you probably went too low

No but I like I was pressing it and then it just like it I wasn’t dying or anything I I pressed it and it just P it was just like Frozen and I was just like what I was still falling it’s just like nothing happened to the

Screen oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no yeah bro I [ __ ] told you right well I I no I killed them but now I’m now I’m scared they’re going to come back why am I being wrong I’m not answering I’ve got their gold

Cal come on I need I need some gold I need okay okay yo where is everyone I have no idea where’s uh where are You huh oh no oh no what I just see you hey man I’ll leave I’ll leave you I’ll leave you I’ll leave you okay you can use the stuff at my base you haven’t really got anything in your base you can use the iron thanks

Buddy I feel like I might just wait this out to be honest like where is where is this Guy hey buddy okay okay I got his bed but he’s stronger than me he’s got more stuff than me I just like I’m guessing I can’t do this this wouldn’t work right you’re breathing so heavily okay okay okay Okay iij just shut up shut up oh my God oh my God oh my God oh he’s going to go destroy my bed [ __ ] okay okay we need we need a plan and we need one fast okay okay that’s kind of scary whoa I didn’t know you whiffing

Out bows bro bro I didn’t need you whing up BS my guy okay oh my God oh my God oh my God that was such a [ __ ] weird move Sam away stay away stay away stay away watch no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no we look we cannot afford to die oh no okay he’s kind of just focusing on

His own thing though how do I go about killing this guy because he’s not moving from the center it’s kind of [ __ ] you plan now wasn’t it with the bow and that yep that that is fair that yep no no no that right that definitely skimmed his his little

Toes I don’t know what to do man how do I this is awful okay you know what I have another idea it’s not a great one and it’s it’s it’s a bad idea but is he behind me okay oh [ __ ] you okay okay thought we had a thing about

Leaving us us until oh wait I’m still alive yeah yeah you’ve still got your bed we’ both still got our bed but this guy’s pissing me off and the only way to help that is if you seees someone else so he will come to you because you you

Look you’ll look weak and then I can nap him hi Christian gaming sthy I believe in you thank you thank you wind I have no idea what to do here how do I go about killing this guy man did he die oh oh oh [ __ ] this guy

Didn’t die oh this guy didn’t [ __ ] die this guy got full [ __ ] Diamond man okay okay now we oh B to destroying okay how how you doing man how you doing Christian gaming you all right okay okay everyone’s bed is destroyed I don’t know what to do

Here how do I go about this oh [ __ ] that I’m not I’m not here to kill you I’m not here to kill you I’m not here to kill you I promise okay we want to get the last guy right yeah yeah yeah do you want to get the last guy I I

Do it together okay oh oh Elijah wait Elijah just kidding that was such a [ __ ] ending man okay okay now what you going to do oh man bro now what you going to do huh what am I going to do yeah cuz I still want you to

Win yeah I know so how how you going to do this H how you going to do this where is he uh he’s at his base okay calm got this It’s yellow right or is it orange no I’m orange [ __ ] he’s blue okay he is like packed though yeah yeah yeah I’m aware he’s got a bow Elijah he does doesn’t mean he can use it very well yeah he’s also terrible at shooting yeah I can see that right so now he’s

Like okay I just got to kill this last guy right mhm okay so I’ve got to be in my base got be like [ __ ] Elijah I can’t believe you did that ah we could have got him I’ve got a plan Okay this may sound really [ __ ] stupid okay

Okay I’m facing the other way but I’m in third person so I’m going to look like I’m turned around and I’m going to I’m going to scare him oh this genius this genius this this gen what a plan I mean the full diamond you know he’s going so

He’s this is an awful plan yeah yeah I know Sam Sam I’ve got I’ve got I’ve got a way around it oh my god I’ve got an idea I’ve got I’ve got full gold I can get a ender pear not knock back stick I’ve got a knockback stick oh you’re calm come on

Elijah come on man you got this okay he’s um I some people were trying to call me so I so I muted and tell and told them I’m busy and uh like they said it was rude so I just uh sent them a message saying not right now I’m

Playing and they said I want an apology so I said not right now I’m playing bedwars respect respect it was was this person a female it was two females play something else Kagney just just die I want to see my oh he’s got an end

He’s got a p he’s got a p he’s got a PO wait does he yeah he’s got a p he’s going to use it soon it’s calm bro he is oh [ __ ] whatever shall I do okay other than use my own Pearl oh the plays this oh this

Genius right I’m back sorry was making plans with someone how’s it going who are you making plans with a [ __ ] you didn’t wa [ __ ] he’s right behind me he’s right behind me he’s right behind me he’s right behind me he’s right behind me it’s right behind me okay not back

Not back not back not back okay okay you got this you’ve got this he saw it he saw it he saw it he saw it he saw it he saw it saw it un called for shut up I’ve got this I’ve got this I know what I’m going to

Do this are this genius this genius just stood in front of a guy with a bow yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes holy [ __ ] oh the play That was stressful yeah yeah I need a breather all right uh can we go can we go on the realm VC OMG Elijah was so clutch let’s go Elijah come on man shouldn’t have killed me though right let’s uh I’m so sorry but you it’s VC yeah let’s go oh man oh

Man [ __ ] hell man he shouldn’t have killed me this this guy man this guy yo not paying attention oh bro he didn’t see it hi W did you win hi um yes so one thing I did do which Sam was is kind of like oh [ __ ] why’ you do that um

I I Sam I I tricked Sam and killed him right and then there was this guy with full diamond and he had like pearls and [ __ ] and I was like really nervous then I just knock back sticked him off like he just we to get on Lifeboat man I’m on

Lifeboat oh we’re not friends we’re friends in in Minecraft are we friends on Lifeboat though apparently not what’s your username ltfc 88 Raven said hi hi Raven what what we playing now I feel like I feel like bedw Wars is a little bit yeah I kind of play on keyboard and

Mouse so I don’t know if that’s exactly Fair too good I’m just too I’m just the greatest should we try a different game on on Lifeboat now Let’s uh I was about to say let’s go on something let’s go on a different server but should we do but

Win I think the hive has a really fun um okay let’s go on the hive then boom I think it has a really fun Sky SkyWars what is a SkyWars it’s like bedwars you never [ __ ] play sky no I want no no I want to play the game me and win played

Yesterday that was a lot of fun but I don’t think they have it on it murder mystery I don’t yeah I don’t know if that’s on uh oh murder mystery oh no no that is that that was on that was on a life boat I believe there was a murder

Mystery on there I didn’t see it oh should we do that then I didn’t see it wait no no no not on Lifeboat wait is it on the hive I know there is one somewhere yeah there’s one on the hive we can play oh let’s go man let’s go 100% 100 all right

No no stream watching yeah yeah yeah no I have your stream paused on from when you were playing bedwar oh my God I just realized that the whole time we were playing I could have just put you on pause in instead of like constantly looking down at the

Chat yeah that’s I mean I just keep it on pause okay uh where okay we need to all about the continent add a friend LF wait ltfc 88 yeah Lut Town Football Club 1988 that’s a lot of words that yeah that mean nothing to you they they mean absolutely

Nothing where is murder mystery there’s death oh there’s death run hide and seek just to build SkyWars treasure Wars oh there is if I get a better graphics card can I that’s so much cheaper than a PC yeah I think that might just work I don’t know no but that’s still isn’t that

Still like it’s about the space that your PC can take like how much it’s not about storage I mean if your issues if your issues like yeah that murder mystery oh my God Elijah you’re right there already um I’ve accidentally teleported to some wizard house wait is it my skin is it my

Skin how do I yeah yeah yeah how do I get B yo oh it’s sick man how do I get back to I’m leaving and rejoining the hive invite a friend I have one friend online I don’t think you accepted my invite oh my god well when considering

It’s my stream I’m going to invite you oh okay that works as well yeah so actually you need to get your your facts in order win ooh so sorry oh wait hang on the Wind sword 270 yeah uh 720 oh submit well player did you say 720 yeah you’re you’re lying you’re

Lying oh I might be you’re lying I see your name with the time wi oh well I’m like pretty sure it’s it’s 720 no it’s 270 oh oh you genius invite me already KAG me KAG me you are never joining a stream ever again okay um yeah cool yeah should do

You want to invite me to your party then oh yeah I forgot about that I’m just turned on notific turned off notifications for um for FaceTime calls right can’t invite you offline have you invited me wind I think I think I don’t know if I this is

Going to sound I think you got the wrong guy when this is going to sound a little racist um wait I know what the problem is I know what the problem is I can’t invite you because you’re in North America he’s really oh wait he’s he in

The North America version of the yeah I’m yeah you can change region yeah yeah yeah can’t invite you because you’re American Regent oh gosh I think the hive is racist yeah okay I’m in I’m in Europe oh wow you just move countries like that yeah how daily teleport there we go how

It is wait wait you’re in Europe let’s do a video together bro yo winless collab yeah uh I thought I just turned off notifications for FaceTime but apparently not all right murder mystery I think I’ve joined your party let’s go guys yeah wait did you invite uh Leia yeah yeah yeah you

Haven’t invited me to the party oh yeah I did you didn’t accept did you not accept you’re in where is he Elijah are you in I’m not in a party what the hell I invited you where are you no well no you didn’t because there’s no upcoming invites

Maybe because you had a win not a wind maybe because you had a minute now I sent you another invite check the chat invited Elijah R sings to your current party they have one minute to accept I didn’t see you accept mate I’m the murderer no I

Am I’m the murderer so El did you not murder Mr three years yes I played it before okay just cuz I never played it until yesterday actually do you want to know who the last person I played this with was me Who rosly why’d you say it like that oh let’s go swimming why are we in the back oh wait are you at the oh my God it’s Sam Samy I’m I’m the murderer by the way yeah s why did it say murderer why does it say murderer so guys what do you do

If you’re a murderer you murderer yeah no I don’t know what that means Sam you’re genuinely murderer like what are you doing man how’ you know thought I was the murderer said murderer on my screen just assume that’s what that meant I got murder on my mind oh

Someone’s died yellow taper around his body can we still get like a b wind was near the body I was near the body there is there there is yeah no there is now we know it’s not other we just heard the oh why have you got why did you use it

Now this is the you use it when you’re like near a bad person oh oh I’ve got a flashlight o okay yo I found the murderer I know who the murderer is oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God it’s a woman

It’s a woman it’s a woman I’ve got a [ __ ] yes what oh [ __ ] there was a woman behind me I died I know I saw I saw wind I saw your body just yo around his body it’s a [ __ ] why is there two why is there two of the same

Profiles wait is that it oh wait no that okay I have to press no it’s different leader board oh my God you have to yeah you have to yeah winds sword yeah are you okay no I’m one and know right now all right I have got six victories and what uh this

Game oh guys I’m innocent I swear I swear I swear I’m innocent I swear guys I’m I’m murder oh my God there’s an Among Us there’s an among us there is an among us there is genuinely Among Us like he is there’s an Among Us oh I

Found the Among Us I’m with the Among Us isn’t Among Us I’m with the impostor same me too oh well that was easy that was was the quickest murder ever so Sam I mean it I meant it why’ you ah why’ you want there’s the Among Us on the leader

Board wait that is proper like I just wait I want that skin whose skin is that why was my skin that that’s not my skin oh look oh it says right there the percentage .8% chance I like my odds I have awful odds I like my odds to be honest I

Don’t well I don’t like your odds oh are we in the back rooms oh we’re in the back rooms we are they’ve clipped into the back rooms and in in Minecraft murder mystery we’re in the back rooms all the keywords all of the keywords who I found a kid why

Does it say murderer I found a kid section Sam why did it say murderer on my screen huh why did it say murder on my screen I think that means you’re the you know what that means um no I’m not oh my God there’s there’s an end wait wait wait

Elijah is is that you Elijah I’m following someone who I think I’m following just I’m just following a random person okay yikes why are you both trying to follow me like one of you is the murderer then how’d you know because you’re the murderer I’m not the murderer you’re the

Murderer no I’m the no I’m the murderer oh well Elijah said I’m the murderer actually I saidur murderer actually I said we’re all the murder think we’re all not the murder maybe the murder maybe the murderer maybe the murderer is the friends we made along the way no I think the I

Think the murderer is the final boss honestly I’m coming up with some I think you’re the murderer oh hi Sim hi wind oh well it’s it’s none of us oh it’s that guy how did I how am I alive he’s chasing Me I’m being chased I need Sheriff I need to find the sheriff he’s F the sherff the sheriff he is fully Chas become the sheriff no I had a bow I was going to shoot I’m dead I’ve become the sheriff I

Can do it I can do it I can do it I can do it hi sthy look how sick this is sthy I’m dead look at my SK being dead is not sick which one’s the murderer so I can kill him um no please bro got

Him oh man if only I like turned around in time to get that shot off guys look who the look who the hero was where oh oh that’s your skin your skin keeps changing Elijah I’m telling it does that on the on the it does that on

Here does my skin keep doing that no okay that’s good maybe I can actually are youying to me wind maybe I can actually win like a game here because because I’m on controller that’s I wouldn’t see how that helps if anything it’s have you seen me on key have you seen me on

Keyboard I’ve seen you on keyboard but I also think you’re it’s better than you on controller come on how [ __ ] do you think he is yeah come on now come on the keybo the the the the the the controller just has so many limit it’s just it’s just it’s just

Awful how do I get wind I find your wind I find your swords I find your swords are you the murderer maybe yippee yay yay I love it when one of us is the murderer me too especially when they don’t tell you when kill you in the closet actually

That was me who killed you the funny thing is is when is when they like they had this T it’s funny when they have this whole tactic the whole time about saying they’re um they’re the murderer and then they’re actually not and then actually one time they’re going to be the

Mur yeah that Haven yesterday as well I wasn’t watching the stream yesterday I watch I watched some of the Sonic Sonic I’m big Fane leave yep real they’re trying to get out this is a really bad hiding spot by the way yeah yeah we should proba we should probably

It’s like it’s like actually just the worst oh that’s the detective should i m them I mean if you’re the murderer go for it Sam you actually the murderer cuz that would be really funny like honestly just come kill me I’ll tell you where I

Am hey Sam I Sam I have something to tell you Elijah’s the murderer hey hey Sam yeah come here yeah yeah yeah yeah here I know I know it’s not you I know it’s not you it’s Elijah is it really probably where’d you go no it’s not cuz I’m holding a play

Right now I’m holding right now and you can come you can get I think you can get the bow as a murderer I got the bow as innocent but I think it might be the same as Java look all these coins this is we’re going to be

Rich you just did not pick up most of those oh oh okay well I need one more and I get a bow and then I kill Elijah I have an apple oh I have a bow I need one more coin how do I oh the coin spawned right behind you okay

Well okay I just thought I was the murderer by accident cuz it said you are now murder level two and I was like Dam yes oh [ __ ] I died to the murderer oh I was going to shoot you oh man a we could have oh yeah that would I wasn’t the murderer

Oh well we won sorry dubs yippe I’m waiting to get murderer and then I’m I’m yeah I’m going to be murderer right now guys I want to guys I’m going to leave soon cuz I’ve got work in the morning you don’t want to be murderer I’ve got work in the morning

Think of the content why is my murderer percentage so high why am I murderer why am I murderer why am I murderer why are we all murderers why am I murderer yes I mean Sam I have something to tell you leave me alone ah you’re right behind me oh my

God oh my God oh my God oh my God Sam Sam I have something to tell you here let’s stop here let’s okay fine Sam I have Sam I have something to tell you oh wait there we [Laughter] go I failed the first time you just didn’t move Elija are you the

Murderer no oh man you can tell us cuz we we’re both dead yeah see we you the detective yeah just killed both of us yeah yeah good game to be honest oh but then kagne we have to add you to like the the party and that and

Then our percentage will go down after murder mystery then sure mate you can join the stream and then kagy you can take my place on the stream yeah yeah yeah if you if you ever [ __ ] to CAG me yeah you have wi yeah yeah you have I have when when

You uh filled rosal’s house with dirt oh yeah that definitely me why why are you still blaming that on me huh I thought we were past that pass what you that whole thing I miss a coin I didn’t do anything oh yeah okay fine I’m

Sorry oh what are you no that’s why are you what are you doing Elijah okay was that you no I I’m dead I killed me and Sam ah when we’re going to be best friends oh yep when I I am the murderer this round and I’m going to pretend to

Be your friend and tell you to commit then I’m going to kill you oh okay that makes well while you do that enjoy the rest of the stream I guys oh okay bye then bye left us whatever I mean he didn’t even say bye why is he going to bed at 9

35 he has work yeah I had work I had work wind I had work at 9 in the morning okay and I think you know I stayed up pretty late last night oh I’m sorry oh because of you to be fair I asked if you if you

Were okay with staying that late yeah I was okay oh I’m murderer by the way thought I mentioned it uh I’m I’m not oh yeah I am hey wa where are you Um you know where the beacon chandelier is and this and these big weird model blocks entity blocks are the main big old Central Area a wind where are you man just in the middle this sethy where are you huh oh I’m just uh H not there any dead bodies me

Too good man this that’s pretty good thank you bye well he didn’t even say bye to us he didn’t even say bye to the stream he just said yeah he just left it was really rude and I was really upset enjoy your 15 seconds of speed brilliant this

Is going to help so much thank God I have this oh man thank God I spent my my five coins on this I mean at least it’ll let you go and murder some people oh that’s a really good hiding spot I’m going to drown but you

Know so maybe it’s not wait when oh hi hi did you just did you just almost come be Elijah no no oh I’m about to get shot you just oh what a dead game someone was pointing their their bow at me just as the game ended first death the murderer

They like let go as it end oh yeah I know who exactly who that is what a dead murderer wait they they were the first death yeah this what I’m saying they didn’t kill anyone they didn’t get oh just sat there should we do should we do this game and then we invite

Kagy but won’t our percentage go down our percentage yeah like after this game and then we do something else or should we play until we get murderer play until we get play until one of us gets murderer one yeah well I don’t think our percentage will go

Down I don’t I cuz it it depends on how many people are just in the game do you do you want to risk that overall yes okay are you wind wind wind wind wind I’m the murderer by the way really let you know oh you’re the murderer oh you’re the detective oh I

Missed my shot wait a oh there we go hey wind just just just come here just just come chill the thing is you’re on controller so it’s going to be super easy to Juke you and I’m saying this but if I get shot that’s going to be super

Embarrassing yeah I could just just shoot you now yeah you could couldn’t you I could really just shoot you you really could couldn’t you I I could yeah you really could you doubt me oh there you go oh that was fair I shouldn’t have said those about your controller yeah

I’m I’m good on controller in detective you okay you’re good on controller but I think if you if you took the time to practice keyboard you’d be better I’ve been playing that would take months like no it take like a week a week yes the the keyboard is so

Easy why does everyone say that it’s difficult it’s hard for me okay well yeah but you haven’t taken the time to practice it murderer by the way yeah same bro yeah yeah literally same literally we are the same how do you know I’m the murderer no cuz I’m the murderer no but I

Am so we’re so but I am but like oh you are aren you y what you can just drink that oh I shouldn’t have done that where’d you go why do you want to know where I went because I’m the murderer and I need to kill you hey

Samy no you’re not you’re not yeah you’re should be out by now he s yeah I mean two people two people have died since we’ve been talking so oh that’s the murderer right behind us actually I just saw him he’s swinging at us Sam Sam he’s following me

Bye no I don’t know who the murderer is I’m not going to tell you okay cuz you left me to die I that does that really seem like the sort of thing I would do it’s exactly what you did and I’m upset with you because of that what do this blue coin do

Oh that TNT person is okay I have a boat I have a boat I have a boat I have a bow I have a bow Sam behind you Sam behind you Sam it’s not them die you should shoot him I think he’s the murderer okay oh I

Think that guy with the bow is the murderer I don’t know who the murderer I think that drip Leaf is the murderer oh really yeah where’s the Mur the sheriff is oh no where is the where could the murderer be who’s the murderer is it you is it

You I was going to shoot I was swear to God I was going to shoot God damn it hey Sam I think that drift Lea is the murderer no it’s me okay I have a 10.9 9.9 okay it’s going down 9.9% chance well I have a I have a 15% chance so

Know well now it’s 13 but now it’s 15 oh it keeps going between 13 and 15 I am not going anywhere near you this round if that’s your percentage hey Sam I’m I’m the murderer I I think you could be yeah Sam I’m the murderer is it is it is

It is you it’s actually you me it is me it is me it is me it’s I know I know I know I’ve just killed a guy as well Hi Sam oh oh you went the murderer no I was convinc no it was me it was fully me who’s the murderer light client

But I was so convinced yeah I’m just it’s cuz I said I’m the murderer isn’t it yeah yeah you would believe that what you mean you believe my FIB yeah okay how has my percentage gone down then how office okay oh we can vote on a map I don’t even

Know just going to work at my computer just going oh never mind D I’m the murderer me too you actually could be yeah I really could could know oh I found the best hiding wait wait I might have actually found the best hiding spot I’ve just killed a guy Sam S S

Died it’s not how it works oh you were the murderer I literally found you and then I died I’m so upset yes oh that was that was scary I’m just sad sethy I’m just sad now it’s okay breathe it’s okay I’m I want murderer though I

Want I don’t like the taste of air S no not joking look man we will we will we’ll get you on soon once Samy becomes the murderer we’ll get you on immediately after yes oh Hi Sam I’m the murderer me too like I’m I’m I where are you sthy I’m right behind you

Samy Samy let’s go somewhere quiet okay Samy I believe you’re not the murderer Samy I’m sorry joking wow you’re so scary Sam shut up hey sthy yeah you should go kill somebody I should shouldn’t I who should I kill you should kill me Samy really yeah I give you permission I really want

Murderer wait oh that way I did the same thing after watching you die I didn’t know that was how it worked I did this same exact thing after watching you die oh I’m the murderer I guess Oh I thought I was the murderer no not joining oh okay kagney’s not

Joining well you you’ll you’ll join after the uh after oh my God I’m the murderer no way fu finally after this time I am finally the murderer oh Samy I’m Samy I’m the sheriff where are you really Samy I’m the sheriff where are you can you shoot

Me I’ll shoot you Samy where are you I’m in like the main bit I’m also in like the main bit really did you kill somebody in the oh look wind wind wind wind shoot me please Samy I’m not the sheriff Sam I don’t know why you think that I am oh thank you

Sam sethy you shouldn’t have done that I am bang okay he will he will oh my goodness oh I have got Sheriff twice but not murderer man I’ve been Sheriff once no I will okay KY will join okay good oh gifts oh wait you need money for gifts e i get

It the gifts the murderer sth I’m the sheriff a just come shoot me Timothy I’m at the swimming pool just want M Timothy the sheriff’s dead oh I died I died why do you keep calling me Sam cuz that’s your birth name I’d like to respect it not Samuel no nope just

Samy there are so many new oh I have a bow I didn’t even realize I don’t who should I kill where are you [Laughter] Samy oh that is the murderer that Timothy where are you well that was the murderer Timothy where are you dead Samy where’s the murderer I can’t

Tell you that way ah I saw the I saw him in F5 coming behind me and I didn’t do anything did you die oh that’s upsetting yes okay I’m just waiting to get murderer sthy I’m going to be the murderer I I pray I am no it’s going to be

Me how do you get to level 100 in this game who sits there well I’m level two so I mean I’m basically there yeah pretty much counts hi wind Hi Sam I’m the murderer me too let’s just stick together yeah let’s one of one of us M always stick together let’s just always

Stick together well we don’t we don’t always need to oh are you the murderer oh no wind wind it’s okay wind it’s okay I’m sad are you the murderer yes I mean we don’t know cuz no one’s died you could be I am I just 360 on

You I’m so I just want murderer I’m so done with this now like oh well we’re going to be here this is like a roll reversal yeah you remember when I got it twice in a row oh my I mean it was last night you got yeah

You got it twice in a row and I really really trusted you and I was going to I even considered shooting you and I was so upset I didn’t yeah I just I considered shooting you because I because I was like I was sure you’re not the murderer but it would

Have been a really funny bit but I was like no that’s a and then you were the murder that’s a sure like you what was your percentage like one yeah oh my goodness oh I don’t have the money for that what why it always get speed it’s just boring I like

Speed this murderer is annoying me yeah they’ve killed like nobody I think one person left the game I just want to die are you are you a muffin cuz cuz you just want to die cuz you’re like you’re you’re bad boy Halo no cuz the ASDF

Movie oh I I remember that oh I’ve died I don’t I’m level three so oh you’re so cool you received a one shot bow okay hello sthy yeah timy that’s the murderer by the way really the orange guy yeah really he’s chasing that other look at

Him he has his sword out oh shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him shoot him let’s go you just did not you just fully ignored so like a full on Chase that was happening yeah yeah there I am hero yeah I get that a lot hereo you’re like you’re like link

Cuz you’re you’re the hero yeah not this time I’ll be murderer I swear to my my percentage is so high for murderer I swear to God what what is your percentage 15.4 oh my you have to be the murderer just dropped I’m the murderer Samy I’m innocent I’m the

Murderer why can I never get murderer I’m so sick of this Samy I’m the murderer please kill me okay sthy let’s go to a quiet location then follow me Samy back here Samy I have to tell you something okay I’m the murderer yes come on this makes me so

Happy I’m just wait for you to die now oh no go on wi go on I don’t even think that guy saw me look at him go look at him go there’s people I saw some someone go down here nope okay you can win this you know what I might just be able

To I lo I’ve lost you that’s fine it’s okay I trust you’ll find me just telep what look at you go look at you go oh you don’t get a bow shot as the murderer interesting can’t find the last eight players I found someone you got this they

Dropped did you see that I think I did oh my God when’s you going to win oh my goodness the wind sword get it is like yeah yeah you’re so funny as all yeah I get that a lot yeah I know you do all the time yeah because of how

Funny you are as well yeah oh someone just jumped on that Trey me too hi someone’s back up on that there’s two people on that bridge the top Bridge yeah yeah the one above you oh they jumped on the tree a new share oh they picked up the

Bow well you you best run that then no I’m going to go after them did you see that I just trying to Juke them and I fell down oh God look at you go look at you go where the hell how did you what round two oh oh oh oh they’re boat shooting

Yeah you’re definitely going to die oh my God go yes that’s one oh okay not going to lie that was a little bit sh that was a little bit painful yeah that it’s okay I got the sheriff it’s fine fine okay I’m not going to camp this me go find okay okay

Hi so nice so polite how’s your day going would you like to die today cuz I you know I’ve got quite the offer innocent detector nice hiding spot where’s this other person is yeah okay let me I’m cold oh oh it’s a hotter cold oh I know where they

Are all I’m saying all I’m saying is they are extremely warm oh I’m I’m really close to them apparently they are extremely warm have they are they running no they’re down I’m like right near them apparently where wait what now why where are they wait now I’m confused where they

Are oh I lost GG how’ you lose there’s a time limit oh wind you’re the first death wi I got most coins and I got I was the murderer wait did I get first death let’s go I’m on the leader ball baby come on okay now you just got to get murderer

And then we can get kagy in here do something else yeah yeah what’s your chance right now 18.4 will you tell me if you’re the murderer um I feel like I always tell you on the murderer yeah but like will you like really tell me and I can help you find innocence yeah

Okay you promise yeah okay I am the murderer this guy’s an innocent I am I am I found it I found an in I am I am the I am the the I am the I am the murderer that guy’s an innocent I found I found an inoc an innocent that guy’s

An I found I found all these inocent for you come on when wait look I found your swords yay finally it’s time it’s time yeah I was really hoping you weren’t cuz I have such a high detective chance it would be really funny if you got it and I just killed

You okay I don’t know where I wasn’t detective that round okay whoa there’s like a whole set of people here you’re gone and you’re that was that was can you how do you how do you throw oh throw Arrow you just click it whoa look at it

Go yeah okay yeah it’ll respawn in your inventory in a bit there’s people tons of them here why are you going so slow so much stutter I’m reading your chat again my my apologies hey buddy bye buddy oh wait what dude come on man dude I don’t want

To I don’t want to do this you don’t want to do oh oh you have a bow oh oh no I can’t reach them oh they missed they missed oh I’m so bad I I am so bad this is Sam you have one job

What oh my good all right should we C me yeah yeah all right guys uh I’m going to go now thank you so much for watching the stream um we will uh I will be live tomorrow probably I believe um yeah I will be doing a huge live tomorrow with

A big YouTuber a big streamer um so please stay tuned for that uh I hope you guys enjoyed uh any last words wind spaghetti bye Rob Everyone wasn’t cold on a summer’s day still feeling far but only got the sh all on way rep for that to say no oh when I’m CAU up in your feet that’s just my love alive all I see is Illusions but I’ll say I’m glad to be alive can she stay

Alive she keeps me safe and away cuz I want to hear those come out your love I want to stay tonight so we can Just Dance the Night Away Okay it seems you’re out way I know one got you to trouble let’s stop and fall to the R when I’m caught up in your feing not just my love life all I’ll see is Illusions but I’ll say I’m glad to be alive cuz she Say she keeps me sa and away cuz I want to hear those words come up your oh I want to say the night so we can dance dance the another Way

This video, titled ‘The Dream Team. Minecraft Bed Wars Stream’, was uploaded by Sam Carter Productions on 2023-11-26 10:11:22. It has garnered 46 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:10:25 or 7825 seconds.

Social Instagram- https://www.instagram.com/sam_carter._/ TikTok- https://www.tiktok.com/@officialsaman… Discord- https://discord.gg/sxxbPe4q RUSSO ROBERTSON EVERYONE YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/@russo.robert… Instagram- https://instagram.com/russo.robertson

Tipping Page (You really don’t need to do this) https://streamelements.com/samcarter7004

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  • Five Multiple

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    🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Donut SMP Live (Rating bases)’, was uploaded by Johnnyleeboy07 on 2024-09-22 08:33:53. It has garnered 532 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:38 or 12038 seconds. IGN: Johnnyleeboy_07 #Donutsmp #Minecraft Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/johnnyleeboy0762 Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!

    Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi]’, was uploaded by KrackEee on 2024-02-24 02:31:07. It has garnered 2589 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:23 or 263 seconds. Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi] Ghost will be found ghost 😽😁 ______________________________________________ 🚀Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/krackeee?igsh=MTR6YXRlbW9nNmI2Zw== 🧩 Discord:- It doesn’t exist 😸 see this too boys and girls 😘 #https://youtu.be/9f59rto_PIY?si=rlvlrWTbUnBE3CTO #https://youtu.be/GHjSyWhV4so?si=-6_JNwMcKsnBXArT #https://youtu.be/S0j1RGHeEak?si=7-vjsrx9R6-E2pia 🌟And ha bg music and memes ke leye thanks to their owner😽 ______________________________________________ Kuch tags 🔖:- Minecraft, minecraft horror seeds, minecraft horror seeds bedrock, minecraft… Read More

  • #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥

    #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Lion Gamer Minecraft Episode 1 – Lion RAGE! And DESERT TEMPLE?!’, was uploaded by THE #1 LION GAMER on 2024-06-01 18:27:55. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:54 or 894 seconds. Lion Gamer Plays Minecraft and finds a desert village and temple in episode 1. Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown – Can I Win?!

    EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown - Can I Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘pvp legacy 1v1 (im horrible)’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-21 16:10:14. It has garnered 39 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:21 or 501 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft medieval build,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but automatic stone farm 😱😱 #anime #phonk #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by Rob07 on 2024-05-27 05:18:19. It has garnered 3316 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. horror movie safa goku drawing iron man game ram bhai Wednesday dinosaure scary video dafug bOom war gigamon 3 how to go to the backrooms minecraft game minecraft game minicraft 1 (5.0%) minecraft underground storage room minicraft nezuko edit skibidi toilet skibidi toilet videos thomas halloween ujjwal gamer watch smart 1 (5.0%) zombie just herbs lipstick review my hero academia… Read More

  • SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!

    SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack – Episode 20 (It’s Warden Time!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-09-18 12:45:34. It has garnered 695 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:38 or 6398 seconds. Hey everyone! It’s about that time in our Minecraft adventure…time to activate the Warden and boop him right on the snoot. We haven’t done that on our Cottage Witch journey yet so it was needed. xD Mods I’ve added to the pack – Additional Lanterns, Easy Villagers, Botany Pots, Botany Pots Tiers, Iron Furnaces, Chipped, Torchmaster, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks,… Read More

  • SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!

    SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UK president play minecraft’, was uploaded by Mrihad on 2024-09-21 21:51:28. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. 2Yes use a.i 1#england #uk #london #football #unitedkingdom #usa #germany #photography #travel #france #canada #love #italy #premierleague #europe #australia #soccer #nature #instagood #instagram #spain #britain #photooftheday #america #india #greatbritain #manchester #liverpool #follow #british#history #republicans #modi #coronavirus #indianpolitics #blacklivesmatter #follow #libertarian #art #socialism #joebiden #communism #a #makeamericagreatagain #democracy #amitshah #instagood #gop #americafirst #blm #delhi #trending #capitalism #kag #indian #conservatives #rightwing #media #trumptrain #elections#politics #trump #news #india #conservative… Read More

  • Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shorts

    Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mod Minecraft Yang Sangat Membantu #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Valkyy on 2024-07-05 04:08:40. It has garnered 10747 views and 434 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine 😈 #minecraft #animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Datta Gaming on 2024-08-09 08:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Terralum Vanilla

    Terralum VanillaTerralum is a mostly vanilla server that adds some quality of life, while not upsetting the balance too much. Occasionally new features are developed that need to fit in with vanilla seamlessly. We are looking for players that just want to hang out and play Minecraft, without the drama. A quick list describing the server: – Whitelisted – 16+ age requirement – No P2W whatsoever – Basic teleportation (/home, /spawn) – Item based economy – No griefing or PvP – Resource worlds Check the Discord to apply for whitelisting. minecraft1.terralum.net Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: play.prismacraft.net Wiki: https://wiki.prismacraft.net Discord: https://discord.gg/prismacraft Map: http://play.prismacraft.net:12000 About PrismaCraft: PrismaCraft focuses on community building and offers various content for players interested in leveling up in jobs or skills. Whether you want to establish a town, grind levels in jobs, or reach the top of your skills, there is something for everyone! Main Features: Towny: Land claiming and community building with Towny plugin. Skills: Level up fourteen unique skills to improve stats. Jobs: Thirteen jobs available for earning in-game money. Player Economy: Player-driven economy with custom shops. Custom Enchantments: Over 200 unique enchantments available through gameplay. Craftable… Read More