Video Information

Hey hey it’s so me I’m Mario hi poo hi Hi what’s up it’s me your boy Kil kurami bye back with another video today we’re going to be playing some minra thank you for becoming aici and I appreciate it thank you thank you how’s everyone doing today hope you having a good day night evening morning afternoon wherever time it is where you

Are in the world I’m feeling extra energetic today do you want to know why I’m going tell you why I’m telling you why because I’m telling you why I’m feeling extra energetic because um I did what’s called a game plan well I’m calling it game

Plan so I’ve kind of been having a rough time uh dishing out my time dishing out the 24 hours that we get in the day and I decided to take it by the balls take it into my own hands and I’ve laid out a structure of all the kind of things I

Want to do and made it like possible for me to just like be able to do things and I’m also going to start paying an Editor to do things for me K hi AA Mah mwah mwah mwah mwah I love you Aura guys it’s Aura it’s Ora

Ora Ora the most famous be in the entire world the most famous vtuber in the entire world go give please please please go subscribe to Ora’s YouTube but she does mainly stream on Twitter so um uh Twitter twitch oh my God it’s the Twitter Addiction coming out she mainly streams on Twitch so

Please do go give Ora a uh a uh a follow on uh on Twitch too please twitch she’s very cute and amazing and she loves Yakuza games she’s obsessed with the yakuzi games but she always plays really cute games and does really weird stuff cuz she’s weird so she’s a bit of a

Weirdo but she’s funny how’s everyone doing though I hope you’re having a good day I hope you’re having a good day we’re going to play some minra today I’ve got a bit of a idea of what I want to do today you know I’m going to try and get my levels back from

Falling um I come to the streams before you get C away it’s okay I’m a weirdo too I’m a weirdo too weirdos are the best you know weirdos are the best YouTubers so a vtu a weird can’t be exactly poing the C black H yeah that’s what I’m

Saying that’s what I’m talking about you have to you have to be one to no one you know you have to be one to no one otherwise you know otherwise you’ll just be a boring norie and we hate normies here we hate normies I’m kidding I love all my norie

Friends I love you norie friends but but we’re we’re we’re not normies here I’m already sto AA yay she has some really cute Clips on there and some incredible covers yeah we don’t hate Kia no we don’t hate me wait am I a norie no

I’m not a norie I like anime and games and manga and singing and stuff I you know I I may not be able to list every Vocaloid song Under the Sun but I have I’ve watched a lot of anime I just don’t talk about it a lot

Cuz I’m not really much of a a weeb you know I’m not like freaking I’m not like Blaze Blaze is like she loves that stuff so much that it’s like she can’t help talk about it me I’m kind of like I’m more of a casual a casual fan yeah you like anime

Name okay uh Attack on Titan sort on my hero Academia uh one punchman uh dragon balls I actually just printed out my uh not printed out um I just uh had to cut my uh Mob cycle um my my mob psycho uh thingy that I got

From uh anime there was like an anime uh event like 2 years ago that I went to in London and o s and Bob thank you for the tip Hi Kia are bugging about this recent spicy bu the oh okay thank you I’ll make sure to

Have a look at it after this stream I’m happy you resent it though hopefully it works but yeah I um nor me anime what do you mean it’s good though I I had to cut it though cuz I got some new frames like some of you guys know I’m redoing my

Bedroom right I got some new frames and um and um I had to cut it unfortunately to fit the to fit the frame which kind of sucks because I paid a lot of money for it but um but it’s okay it looks cute in the

Frame so it kind of worked out you know it kind of worked out going say she likes Naruto one piece I actually have never watched I’ve watched one episode of Naruto and I haven’t watched a single episode of One Piece I’ve watched more like obscure no not even

Obscure I just don’t I I I don’t want to be one of those pretentious people who’s like yeah I watch like the anime that no one else watches cuz I mean obviously other people watch it otherwise these shows wouldn’t do well you know what I’m just going to

Freaking pull up my freaking my anime list and I’m going to read out like the top ones like the the just the first bits cuz [ __ ] you guys that’s why I actually need to remember my login I’m pulling it up because I feel insulted I feel like my Anime uh my anime life has been off a [ __ ] sake it wants me to do this bloody recovery thing I feel like my anime uh fness has been tested and I won’t allow that I will not allow it all right where is it anime list I will not allow you guys to test

Me I will not allow you guys to test me hell no oh the Head Pass kill thank you let’s see how much of a fake wee you are shut up okay I’m going to go to my completed okay you ready these are the A’s okay absolute duo

Aagam or like other known as like the princess with red hair or something a comic kill Amnesia angel Beats anava alh haride alhar Beast Blood Lad BNA bra bra C shut up shut up dang Roba the movie though I only watch the movie A darling in the Franks

De man Wonderland death parade Devil Man Cry Baby D shut up I’m a big okay shut up B Stone uh how to pick up girlfriend in the dungeon Hub you say it in English oo proxy araman Sensei free Fruits Basket all of the fruits basket the old

One and the new ones cuz I love fruit baset I actually rewatched it recently and it was really freaking good only the movie yeah I only watch the movie leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone uh P doesn’t really count fuk man noise is literally incredible if you

Guys haven’t seen fuku making noise you have to go watch it it’s so good it’s like an anime about like these this like rock s it’s like rock music but Japanese and it’s so freaking good it’s so freaking good I’m just picking out some from different thingies uh let me scroll scroll scroll

Scroll scroll um the Kaki giries I the Kaki giries Uhak uh Coto uh I don’t really know the Japanese names for a lot of these uh rent a girlfriend rental girlfriend is my favorite Kiss NAA uh coo connect is really good it’s really cute I watch a lot of Like Love Stuff love States that’s definitely not BL uh uh obviously M Maga

Miriki Nara is so good it’s really cute scroll well I’ve watched all the overlords Paradise kiss is my favorite plastic memories is really sad uh sat is really good I really like the characters in that especially the bandage boy definitely not for uh I definitely don’t fancy

Him um show by Rock show byck is lit like one of my favorites spy family obviously this new one Tam love story is so cute s online of watch all the s onlines all the Tokyo girls all the all those ones uh put in K Sy I think that’s like the My Little

Monster one or something Trinity 7 if anyone’s watch Trinity 7 you know it’s definitely not uh awesome Violet ever got him Vampire Knight and then vampire we don’t talk about Vampire Knight okay we don’t talk about Vampire Knight okay the way they trick you into rooting for this and then all of a

Sudden I have watched High School dxt yes High School dxt I’ve watched that uh the promis neverland that’s another one of my favorites oh yeah I forgot what this one’s called again what the short name for this one is but it’s y oration love comedy M it’s like what is it called there’s

Like a short name for it but that one’s really good uh Yuri Yuri Zombie Land all go I’ve watched loads of animes okay don’t freaking don’t say I’m a Nory don’t say I’m a Nory I have hobbies I have hobbies I have hobbies okay I have

Hobbies I just don’t talk about it a lot where are the good ones I’ll shoot you I just don’t talk about it a lot and you know I’m not going to lie okay maybe I had my weeb phas like a couple years ago it was more when I was like a teenager

It’s more as a teenager that I have my my weeb face now I’m kind of like I’m more of a casual Watcher but I had a summer where I literally did nothing I had like two summers in a row when I watched like a billion um animes that’s how I built up

To like 7,000 hours of of anime watching it’s [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] but yeah my weep face like I still a bit of a weed but definitely not as much as I used to be now I’m just like a casual enjoyer but I’ve seen a

Lot these days I’ll have time to sit down and watch freaking 24 episodes of an anime in one sitting you know I have time I enough time there’s enough time in the day I have to be an adult now I don’t want to be an adult I have

Time it’s okay maybe one day you know when I retire when I retire from Life I’ll become a weir boo again all right it’s time to mini crafty are you ready I’m going I’m going to go over to the gaming screen now so I’ll see you there chat see you in 40 40

Milliseconds boom we’re mini crafting yeah baby all right let me mute this I to B okay I did it I bued are you proud of me e my tummy just made a weird sound too pretend that my tummy didn’t make a weird sound all right I’m ready I’m actually going to turn the

Minecraft music on Music yeah baby yeah yeah Baby why does it have destroy the tree oh I may have just destroyed someone’s Farm I don’t give a [ __ ] okay I love how I said Minecraft turn on oh what is this what is that is that like an old spawner or something okay that was a mistake I

Shouldn’t have done that oh wait I’m going to die oh wait no I’m fine yeah that’s a creeper o creeper I see creeper he’s dead he’s dead he’s dead there’s a zombie in my Minecraft did you res get a creeper to be a cat I did it’s

Cute it’s cute right I like it I like it a lot okay it’s time for you to die you stupid [ __ ] no I’m no good adult no now you’re dead and you will have to regret that decision for the rest of your life death what is this why

Does this look like a someone is summoning something hey that’s not very nice I’m not very good at dodging these people he’s dead I’m getting the XP that moon is a full on Disco B yeah let’s go see it but yeah the game plan today alsoo hi Mary it’s good to see

You the game plan today is to be a based and awesome uh Killer Of Monsters and maybe get some more diamonds LOL and maybe get some more diamonds let’s go look at the Moon I said Minecraft music on and it’s not working wow just me and you looking at

The moon together who’ have thought it would just be the two of us at the end I I know that we’ve been through so much but who’ have thought the moon it’s shining so brightly wait is it’s daytime so Sun Moon Sun Moon Sun Moon

Sun Moon Sun Moon Sun Moon Sun Moon Sun Moon Sun Moon I don’t want do that I could do a hot name m person you guys know that where is the Minecraft music where is the freaking Minecraft music I’ve had enough of this play play

Time how could you do this to us I’m sorry I’m sorry where’s your food honestly I don’t know I need to I I think I have food in here okay it turns out I don’t have food in here um where did I put the bgs arrows Bones Seeds give me give me give me some food kill is touching grass shut up I’m allowed to touch grass what how do I get rid of that tutorial thing in the top I don’t need that is there a setting for it I’m a pro gamer don’t they know I’m a pro

Gamer I don’t want to do what it wants I already Destro Jesus Christ keiki what is it with Kiki unlocking animals in a [ __ ] cage Kiki loves looking animals in a cage Kiki likes oh Pro Gamer so I am a Pro Gamer I am a Pro Gamer all right I’m

Going to go destroy a tree I’ll do what it wants but only this time never again I destroyed about a billion trees there you go stupid [ __ ] Minecraft I already destroyed about a billion trees to clear this whole area out and nobody built on it

I need gen two to get in here now I swear to God if the gen two girls get here and they don’t build on the flat land I’m going to freaking absolutely shoot myself in the face what is down here I should get more torches huh I

Only have nine I should get more torches the kill it is I cleared out for everyone cuz I want us all to live in the same place and then when Sky start building she build over there and then Kiki’s building all the way over there they hate me they all hate me that’s

What it is isn’t it they all just hate me and they don’t want to tell me they all hate me I’m doom posting I’m doom posting they all hate me what do I want again I was going to get something and I can’t remember did I

Say it I wasn’t sure if I said what I needed so that you guys would remind me or not I don’t know if I said it in my head what did I want torches that’s it torches ooh copper ooh gold wow look at all the XP I got from that wow

Wow like Owen Wilson wow I don’t know if anyone seen the like voice acting lady that does it on Tik Tok not voice acting sorry she does like mouth acting it looks freaking insane but she does like oh Wilson impression and it’s wild nice to see a beach but that

Doesn’t around with a full all the time no I’m an organizing I’m an organizing Fiend I need everything to be I need to have everything be organized I actually need need another pickaxe you just say mouth acting yeah it’s like she looks like somehow she’s

Able to like mold her face so that she can like look like the actors it’s pretty wild it’s pretty freaking insane pretty freaking insane bro I’m going to bring the sticks actually all right let’s go mine over there is everyone at on the so everyone C wooden

Planks for [ __ ] sake how do I turn this tutorial off I don’t need the wooden planks I have wooden planks you ho you stupid hoe you better not [ __ ] come up with another one I did it I did it the game is Skilling you well the game can suck my nuts how about

That the game can suck my nuts well this is really deep actually oh Oopsies this is pretty deep all right let’s stop mining hopefully I don’t die that would be sad if I died oh well well well what do we have here oh oh a big drop just dig down as F hell no if I dig down then I will just I will no be able

To get back up and what happens if I dig down and then I fall into a pit of lava and then and I die that would be really sad just go here and with a you Dirty see look I can hear lava I’m not a dirty ho though you guys are dirty hoes you’re trying to get me to dig down she knows yeah I’m kind of a Pro Gamer I don’t know if you guys know this I’m kind of a pro at Minecraft oo I can

Hear hits of lava though so now I’m scared it’s like right there I can hear it but I don’t know how close it is to me I think it’s like right above me I’m not going to lie okay we found iron that’s a that’s a w I’m trying to be extra

Careful oh [ __ ] there’s loads cuz knowing my luck knowing my luck I’m just going to freaking oh oopsies knowing my luck I’m just going to freaking dig into a lava pit and die so but not today [ __ ] not today [ __ ] oh there’s more coal we found our

Co okay what the [ __ ] is happening I thought I was supposed to have Minecraft music music play I don’t care if it’s occasional it hasn’t played this whole time that’s a Peake we hate that we hate that well aren’t you a good little booy thank you thank you thank you Mo

God damn it whoever is posing as moang Studios uh if you actually know people in Minecraft um can you please give me a give an AA mod I’d really like it if there were oras in the game it’s actually kind of discriminatory that there isn’t so just just saying just for future

Reference thank you for the tip though our apologies if thought you were a newbie Booby Baby do so we turned to I’m not a booby I have boobies but I’m not a boob you know you know who you know your your mom I was going to try and make a mom

Dooke but I failed I don’t know how to be funny that’s a skill that is not made for me one day um one day a chicken walked into a bar and said hey uh you want to you want to suck my breast what the

[ __ ] oh my God see I told you I don’t know how to be funny how do people come up with jokes on the SP like it’s like it’s a skill that I don’t have POV you’re playing Minecraft with with a V Co kilia oh [ __ ] we got more coal yay just what I Wanted T give I give the super don’t laugh that why it kind of funny right like like chicken breast like like chicken chickens have chicken breast like the meat and if it’s really tasty you suck on it but then you can also suck on a woman’s

Breast is that music I hereit oh yeah baby let’s go is it too loud is the Minecraft music too loud Now or is it the perfect temperature I mean wait volume volume I was thinking about chicken breasts I was think about chicken breasts a bit loud Okay there you go that should be better it’s a little too hot good temperature yeah good Temperature M yes this music is the perfect Temperature Gu the fru cutie I want to commiss you in Fin’s outfit from genin how Focus May oh I never actually played genin impact I haven’t my my soul hasn’t been taken that far in hand and give the super whys cuz hor don’t work oh oh I get it like that hor like Hong

Hong I get it I get it I get it I get the joke oh gravel it took me a moment but I got it it’s just a bit of BU in it yeah just a little bit right now we got to be very careful cuz we might

Die seal all this gravel might get killed in it we don’t want that we don’t want to get killed we want to live so look out for it this hurts me to watch why well cuz I’m not building out into caves I like going down down down down to the busy to the Booy down down down to the boo sea the breaking of grapple with a pick I can’t me both I don’t have a shovel you want me to get a shovel oh oh that jumped me that really jumped that was scary that sound what’s happening oh that jumped me I have a shovel

Okay this is my favorite Titanic song um actually actually that’s not by Titanic actually it’s by Boulders gate free what was that noise Herobrine it’s herobrine he’s here to kill me it’s herobrine he’s here to kill me Herobrine’s here to kill me Herobrine is here to kill me it’s okay it’s just

Herobrine it’s just Herobrine it’s just Herobrine he’s said to kill me and steal all my gold oh oh oh [ __ ] [ __ ] buds my hero no he’s not a hero he’s a killer he’s a murder he’s going to steal all your diamonds why are we so

Deep that’s what I said to your mom last night yeah I’m kind of a Joko I’m kind of a joker I’m kind of a mimo I’m kind of a mimo kind of a Joko during therapy yeah during therapy yay lapis lazuli just what I want lapis lazuli the the most useful gem in

Minecraft what the [ __ ] do you even use [ __ ] lapis for they [ __ ] named it right calling it lapis for auli a Zuli she laugh is on my Zuli like I’m enchanted Ed I need to stop making jokes like that cuz I’m not very good at it stop get some help that that should

Be that should be the the buoys that should be a buoy emote just stop whoa oh someone’s already been here bro I mined all this way and it’s to a place we’ve already been Al so how the [ __ ] do I get down there anyway I guess I can dig like

Oh my God that [ __ ] sound always scares me shei Oh it’s just random cave sounds I don’t like it I like the gold over there though all right let’s have a look shall we let’s have a little look see at what’s here we’re pretty deep I think we’re pretty deep in the mines is that

Gold I think that was gold oh no it was iron that’s lame all right let’s go get the stuff over there is that a big drop have we been here did I come here with Sky I don’t know I don’t know River all right Inky Ember swirl and Dance wait what where did that gold go what thereby dby meiku M you can call me me hiding in your window in your walls I will eat you up internally ooh I saw a little zombie I saw a little zombie [ __ ] I failed now we just need to remember where we came

From where do we come from where did we go where did we come from coton Joe if only we knew oh [ __ ] this isn’t good this is is very bad this is very bad this is M so bad okay this is this is where we came from uh how do I make it

Noticeable I’m going to cut around here and I’m going to put lots of torches and hope that that looks good does that look pretty okay you know what it’s fine we’ll we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out I’m not lost I’m not lost I never get

Lost I’m a per vtuber I’m a per tuber and I’m a pro streamer hey Queen how you doing girl you’re dead now thank you for the free XP what’s over here what the [ __ ] is that place who you Giza oh [ __ ] there’s lots of people here

I don’t know if I’m going to survive this it’s like an arena boss batt time [ __ ] boom you’re dead you’re dead you’re dead you’re literally dead I’m going to kill you you’re dead now you’re dead boom boom boom I want you in my room let’s spend the night

Together get get kill get kill get get kill get killed am I right get kill get kill killed get get Killian what is this place this looks scary I like it time to get lost no you can you can stay away yeah I killed your ass [ __ ] no petting the kitty the kitty

Does not deserve to be pet the kitty is a little shitty I’m just going to have a little look see around here ooh there’s some stuff up there it’s not puffing it’s evil cat ow that hurt it’s evil cat and it must be purged we must we must annihilate all of the

Cats we must annihilate all of them so they can no longer terrorize us with that cute charm me you can call Me dead just like your mom ooh that looks like a cool place down there I feel like we’ve been here I recognized this I have a feeling I’m going to get lost also in thank you for the super uh another joke for you Dad buys a fake

Christmas tree the cashier asks are you going to put it up yourself the dad responds don’t be disgusting I’m going to put it up in the living room wait like up your what the [ __ ] how would you even fit a tree up your B what ah oh okay sorry it’s just a

Zombie how do you fit a Christmas tree up your B I mean I’ve heard people who have fit fit clamps up there I’ll kill you you stupid ass I’m not afraid of you anymore yeah that’s right I’m not afraid of you I’m a big girl now very carefully I’ve heard of wow

This is like a whole ass area huh there’s lots of oh now the music wants to play as if this is like a relaxing area I don’t [ __ ] think so this is not relaxing area Minecraft you are very not safe no I’m I’m always safe I’m always safe don’t worry I’m a

Gamer oh [ __ ] wait where am I [ __ ] oh there it is did I break my sword yeah I blew him up Uh where else should we go I’ve got no more torches I have to go back la la la la la la la la la running around these Mobs with my nuts out they are going to try to kill me but they can’t cuz I’m a pro gamer la la la la pro pro

Gamer Pro Pro Gamer that is me K me nuts out is important and thank you yeah I thought so too it’s important information cuz you know some people they just don’t understand what it takes to to be a Pro Gamer with your nuts out all the

Time okay it’s fine it’s fine I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive you silly willies you silly sausages I’m alive all right it’s time to go back back to what I knew back to who I used to be

This music’s really making me think I’m an anime protagonist so I think it’s time to go back to what I knew before in my simple life and my simple home of simple people and simple dreams I guess the real world just wasn’t made for me I’m made for

It how do I speak more British um You say uh you say um you say oi BR come here and I’ll shank you cuz I I fancy you and I like to shank the people that are fancy in it bro wait how did I get how did I get what the hell is this the way I came from

It’s not this is not the way it oh it is seemed a lot longer than that say Tuesday say Tuesday what do you mean stop using constant we use consonant all the time arguably more than you also S and B thank you for the tip Piccolo would like a word with you

Why she bit my cousin today it was kind of funny I know if anyone else gets like this with their pets but like when kids like don’t listen to you on like how to handle animals I always kind of laugh because it’s like well the parents will just sit

There and watch them like [ __ ] around with the cat and it’s like are you not going to tell your kid that like the cat is not like the cat isn’t having fun but they just like kind of ignore it and like that was happening with Piccolo today of my little cousin and my

Auntie my auntie didn’t say anything and I in my head I was like I know Piccolo’s going to get over stimulated and probably bite the kid in a bit if my auntie doesn’t say anything and lo and behold she did and all of a sudden

Piccolo is a Bad Kitty she’s a bad cat all because the kid was like pulling her tail and [ __ ] and I was like what that’s what you get like you have to teach your children how to freaking handle animals and they can’t just like pull on their ha and stuff stupid

Ass yeah I hate kids I’m never having children of my own and if I do they’re going to be the most based children you’ve ever heard seen in your life parents don’t teach their kids anything seems like that seems like it these days when by experience yeah I guess but it’s not

Even like she doesn’t even she doesn’t even learned from it because like my auntie was like oh Bad Kitty bad kitty it’s like well so she’s not learning that she can’t do that to the cat then she just thinks that’s okay and that the cat is just bad so it’s like yeah who

Needs kids when you have cats exactly exactly they didn’t want us to poke the they would be so cute honestly I kind of agree but at the same time it’s kind of like I guess I guess it’s kind of like if you if if you were being

Poked all the time and you couldn’t tell people that like at some point you know it’s it’s a bit over stimulating how else are you going to freaking get people off you about from like fighting them you know cuz if you try and walk away and they just grab

You you can adult me I’m adult but then you have to call me Mommy are you okay with that you okay with calling me mommy hm choose as syllables pronounced choos just look at the end of the words stat choose for example yeah yes statues yeah but do Americans say statues stat statues

Statues what do they say statues I know I don’t know now you can call me wow I’m swimming through the world all right we got to go find some got to go find some mobs are you really asking that to us uh yes I don’t know I don’t really I’m not

Really the mummy archetype you know there’s like the different archetypes of uh characters and YouTubers and things and I don’t really think I’m a mummy archetype I’m more of a a [ __ ] little Gremlin [ __ ] [ __ ] archetype you know I don’t have any diamonds so I can’t actually finish this but what the [ __ ]

Is this is that magma book it is that’s kind of cool do they glow like that if you put them back that’s really cool actually set me free difficult Gremlin types what do you guys think I am like if you had to put me into an archetype what would you say I

Give off like am I like little sister Vibes am I like big sister Vibes am I like Mommy Vibes am I like Girl Next Door Vibes I don’t know what other archetypes there are I would say cool friend damn I get friend onone live on stream what the [ __ ]

I got friends on around stream nothing is harsher in this world than getting friend zoned what is this block this looks pretty but I have a feeling I can’t mine it unless I have a diamond pickaxe I think I have enough for a diamond pickaxe we could make one

Do I have enough I think I do I think I have free Diamond think I have free diamond diamond diamond I do let’s make a diamond pickaxe I’m going to be the first person in the server to have a diamond pickaxe yeah baby wait what why didn’t I

Get the achievement for it is there no achievement for it NY so Set Me Free I am in misery no achievement for it sadly that’s so lame they’re coming the zombies are coming oh that’s funny the zombies are coming that BL looks really pretty I like that b a look

I really want to do a cover of that with some of the angles you know the CPR CPR re’s Buffs Reese’s Buffs eat them up eat them up eat them up eat them up freaking chickens on the bed ew chicken’s putting his ass in my face Ew how dare it give a female friend T out with the boys type so [ __ ] pck me I don’t want to be a Pik me I’m not pck me not freaking pick me I’ll beat you up bro I love women women are my friends women are cool women are hot women are

Everything that I’m not women are slay women are gay women are what I want to be every day yeah I’m kind of a rapper yeah I’m kind of a rapper I’m kind of MC kilia yeah it’s kind of my thing women are scary women aren’t scary women AR I honestly personally don’t

Think there’s much of a difference between men and women it might just be because I’ve grown up with Brothers but like I don’t think there’s that much difference the only differences I would say like biology wise like and I guess maybe men can be a bit more like uh what’s the word

Uh like women can be more emotional and men can be more like what’s the word like stagnant not stagnant like stubborn I guess is the right word stubborn stoic yeah stoic is the right word yeah but like biology wise I say it’s the biggest difference like men

Obviously a lot stronger than women on average I know there’s like obviously exceptions but apart from that I’d say they’re pretty similar at least from having brothers that’s what I think people are people yeah everyone sucks equally everyone sucks equally I hate everyone just the same I am in Misery there ain’t nobody who can [ __ ] with me no my cat she’s pretty cat money yeah cats are pretty cool cats don’t countless people though they’re not humans they’re cute but they’re not humans everyone can suck oh I’m worried about what that actually means suckers in like is that a block of

Gold is that a block of gold ooh it is I’ll take that free gold everyone can suck God damn it how did I know you guys are going to make something sussy I don’t really want to destroy this last piece of lava cuz I kind of

Want to keep it for when I can put it in a bucket I like how this mod makes the lava like no no no no no that piece of obsidian God damn it we need to startop making motivational posters out of your I to do a weekly

Killer [ __ ] I can’t speak English kill a quote of the week I just make a freaking like one of those like funny cat posters but it’s me and it’s like completely unrelated to the quote I come want to have heaven but could have gone both ways I’m sure your

Cat went to cat heaven or whatever upper being world that you believe in I’ve got folder full of kilia disco coise God damn it I know I just know I just know they’re all out of context I’m freaking Jo Rogan baby it’s all out of context it’s all taken out of

Context I like the way these blocks look but they they’re kind of not useful I don’t really want to use them for anything okay well we got lots of obsidian I love the way that crying obsidian looks it looks really cool no context is needed though yes it is is yes it

Is I got all this chiseled Stone stuff so that’s cool that’s cool I guess we like that I guess I like the crack stuff oh it’s never Rock wait is that a new block I feel like I’ve never seen that before egg you set me free oh God damn it This

Ss in my head Now gold block what can I do with a gold block can I break it down I can’t can I I am in M ain’t no who can [ __ ] with me yeah Set Me Free let’s actually just get some more pranks I’ll I’ll take some of this let’s go to bed you can into gold ingots oh for a portal at least 10 times needed minimum 14 need for full frame

Oh we can go to the nether you’re not escaping chicken ever this is your it’s night time what do you mean I can’t sleep it’s night time it’s just freaking raining isn’t it it’s not freaking night time here God damn it this is a this is a

Joke wow the clouds look really cool though the clouds look kind of slay I need to finish building my home but this is just such a big project it’s just uh it’s going to be a lot of work and that’s sounds like effort I need to get scaffolding I need to get scaffolding

I’m going to do it you guys bully me enough that I W scaffolding you guys bully Bo booed booed me enough to to get scaffold scaffolding going to need bamboo oh that sounds like a pain in the ass to get it’s fine this could be be the the

Why can’t I say that word this can be the bamboo the bamboo location stream bro why is it not letting me sleep I’m going to have a fit I’m going to have a fit boo boo why am I struggling with bees today I’ve had enough had

Enough I want to know where Skye was building her home it’s up here do I sense an ocean adventure oh yeah Baby b oh there lots of coal over here we may as well get that em to by the way shut off shut up I speak English and only English I speak fish but I don’t think that counts as an intellectual language because fish have

The brain cell size of a of of my pee pee which is non-existent but if you know you know I will take this this I thought this was a Spanish stream oh yes Uh uh e um uh Vivo and inera uh ped uh Miko oh wait no migia Vivo and uh t pa where the [ __ ] is Sky’s house where is Sky’s house where is Sky’s house did she not build one I thought she built one up

Here I was Li to I was well look at that tree look at the tree wiggle wiggle Wiggle wiggle wiggle Wiggle I don’t think she built it cuz she she was going to build here but I don’t think she actually built it I thought oh God that was disgusting e oh yeah baby sorry that was my neck I just needed to click it I’m so excited for when Haven joins

Us up I know right I can’t wait I’m going to bully them into playing so much Minecraft with me I’m not going to lie I don’t actually know when the schedule I don’t know when that scheduled to join but hopefully it’s soon I can’t be playing Minecraft all

Alone all the time it gives me it gives me it gives me pain it gives me heart a it gives me pain it gives me heartache to just be all alone you know I don’t want to be all alone anymore I don’t want to be alone stop shooting

At me for the W you stupid [ __ ] I’ll kill You I don’t want to be alone I’m done I’m done I’m done being all alone in this world that’s why I built this you know that’s why I built this for them for them for Haven it’s a home it’s a temporary home for them to to rest their heads to find

Solace in the new beginnings and this beautiful sign that says pee pooo killing was here [ __ ] you shut up chickens shut up chickens you don’t know me you don’t know my story you don’t know my story wait did I just get the achievement who is cutting onions

There’s no way there’s no way there’s no way Oh my God how the [ __ ] did I get oh my God holy [ __ ] that’s so dumb that’s so funny holy [ __ ] that’s so stupid you could all Breaking the crying obsidian I didn’t even realize I didn’t even realize that’s funny that’s super funny dude oh my God that’s like so freaking jokes that’s like so freaking jokes

Bro all right all right I know I I know what I want to do I want to go to the nether baby I want to go to the nether baby it’s time baby it’s time of course I have to do it all my on my own but you know it’s fine you know

What I’m [ __ ] taking this I deserve this I deserve this I deserve it let’s get some gold where should we build an another maybe we should like redo that area make it into like a nice little never never world go fight the wooden go suck my

Toes I’ve never done the wooden and I don’t plan to do it until I can have friends to do it with um o let’s use cple deep slay I like the look of it to to rebuild that area I mean let’s use this this D Dash Okay uh yeah that should be

Good if you fight it it’s going to be very interesting wa you not supposed to fight the warden I I we supposed to kill it I feel you’re supposed to supposed to kill the warden oh is there going to be Lava coming out of this how far down does this

Go if you up to the challenge I’m being 20 plus books oh [ __ ] sake don’t tell me it’s [ __ ] oh for [ __ ] sake bro these I’m killing your asses come on come this way I’ll lead you away come on come this way oo you should fall into this big pit you stupid

Asses yeah you stupid asses yeah come over here yeah yeah yeah [ __ ] now you’re stuck huh huh embarrassing really embarrassing [ __ ] come on come here get [ __ ] now I don’t have to kill them I can just SK boss I was expecting you to fall in too

Yeah of course you are you all are I could see I could See get the lava that’ be kind of funny I’m also not a not a monster though oh yeah I like how easily this block disappears it’s very pleasing the little sound all right we should probably get a bucket where is the lava actually okay it’s over

That going to say we can get a bucket and take the lava we’ll get a bucket and take the lava are you exy that I’m a monster I am not a monster I am a lovely lady who wouldn’t H to fly so you’re just wrong you’re just wrong you’re just wrong you’re just

Wrong bro how deep down does this [ __ ] go people set up a world and break and break blocks for the sounds ooh I like I like the what block is it there’s one block that makes a nice sound I think it’s the light mushrooms from the the

Nether yeah I think it’s the light mushroom sounds prob they do who not fly but would exterminate all the cats they’re creeper cats they don’t count they don’t have rights they don’t have rights they can’t vote I don’t even know what I’m going to use

This for but I just want to get rid of it to make the area look nice LOL all right I’m going to go get a bucket uhoh uh-oh why does this one go so deep H strange kind of sussy if you ask me all right let’s go back to the booby the Booby she’s not no monster I’m not I’m not I am not I’m not what you think I am I’m not what you think I am okay do we have an understanding I’m not what you think I am you’re being deceived wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake

Up wake up this is not real life you’re in a video game you’re in a simulation right now and it’s time to wake up just going to stand there and watch me burn that’s all right because I like the way it hurts not the meds again yeah the meds

Are running out they’re running out it’s time to wake up just going to stand hear me Cry I haven’t really watched many k dramas but the ones I’ve watched I think I’ve watched like two the ones I’ve watched they always have some weird ass music playing after a dramatic moment like there was one that I watched and every time there was something dramatic that happened it played that [ __ ]

Song that’s like run like a river shut your out baby stand Ander it [ __ ] played that song every single time it’s like they only bought one license with that one song I was like what is happening right now that was actually the first K drama I’ve ever watched that was actually the

First one I’ve only watched two but I was so confused I was like what the [ __ ] did they not like rent any other songs yeah it was a it was a it was a strange it was a strange K drama actually I’m trying to remember what it was actually

About um [ __ ] what was it called it was like a oh my God it was like a poor girl and she started dating this like rich boy but his mother didn’t approve and then the other brother started liking her too and it was some like weird family [ __ ] where they like both fancied

Her but like she still liked the other one I can’t even remember it was [ __ ] weird I kept watching it though but it wasn’t because it was good it was one of those things where like you just can’t stop watching it because it’s just like I don’t know there’s just something

About it that makes it like watchable but it’s not actually it’s like very unwatchable and [ __ ] ah I need a new pickaxe I need a new pickaxe I like that I can see the buoy every time I need to know where I’m going see you guys light my way you guys light my

Way you guys tell me exactly where I need to go you like my path you are my fire my one desire believe when I say that I want it that way I still come good over the boy band uh karaoke I feel was really fun I don’t

Think it was everyone’s cup of tea but I thought it was funny I thought it was funny so I don’t actually give a [ __ ] LOL okay uh it’s night time let’s go sleep because I don’t want to get killed KY lights up all lives a stop it stop it

Ah oh yeah oh yeah I light up your life name every killer stream ever oh yeah I lie up your life name every song I’ve ever covered ever Hi Kia hi hi welcome in welcome in hope you’re having a good day there you I’m actually going to get

Freaking Mary to teach me how to speak Norwegian I’m sick and tired of only being able to speak English and my Japanese is a working is a WP but it’s a wppp if you know what I mean because it’s just it’s it’s it’s hard Japanese is hard

I’m going to get Mary to teach me how to speak Norwegian I was already asking her some things before she debuted I was like Mary look I need to be cool I need to know how to say these things in Norwegian and she was teaching me but it

Was kind of one those things were it’s like is she teaching me the real the real words or is she teaching me how to say like you know I eat ass or something I I I feel like I’m close enough now with Mary that I can trust

Her but the same time I know what she’s like now aora wanted to speak backline with you wait Can Amora speak backline there’s no way there’s no [ __ ] way there’s no way she hasn’t told me that she said she spoke it when she was a kid what bro let’s go oh my God me and Amore going have like a whole conversation in backline now let’s Go I love Amora she’s so cool I feel like Amora is like the she’s like the alternate universe version of me if I was like mentally stable and more mature you know I feel like in Another Universe I could have been uh I could have been as as uh cool as aora

But God had other plans for me God had all the plans for me she’s really cool I look up toora a lot I know she’s like uh kohai so technically I’m supposed to be her senior but I feel like she just knows so many [ __ ] things that I

Don’t I have a lot to learn from her she’s really cool and she’s really good at content creation and really good at everything and she’s amazing and wonderful and I definitely don’t have a crush on her or anything and also she has massive boobies so you know that’s a Plus and you know we’re we are booby enjoyers here we love boobies here this is a booby this is a booby enjoying community so we are the we are the buoys we are the based booby and jooy what the [ __ ] am I making here it’s like a cave cave tunnel system

Now the beef for boo stand for booies boobies what is it booies boobies United over Yonder Space I need another [ __ ] pickaxe holy [ __ ] oh that was a bad Idea I want to I want to tie the KN I want to CH you off I want to show you off that’s going in this week’s motivation I don’t know why I didn’t just cover it okay I’m just I make stupid decisions sometimes look I’m a woman okay I have no logical Thinking it’s a joke it’s a joke it’s a joke it’s a joke it’s a joke it’s a joke it’s a joke it’s a joke it’s a joke I’m joking I’m joking that’s going on the t- God damn it cancel my whole career is over now my whole career is

Over look it’s okay it’s a joke so it’s okay I love women we know I love women I literally love women I want to kiss them you know I love women so much I want to kiss them sequel to The Last women Shir yeah I actually love that Shir so much

Now I wear it I wear it to bed because it’s a big big I got a big one for being oversized I wear it to bed I love the way Sky drew me drew me in it too she looks so cute cuz I saw

Her draw one in her like uh what was it like a Mecca t-shirt or something and I’m was like Sky please please please I’m begging you draw me in the t-shir please I need my booy to see how it fits me and then she was like okay Queen

Anything For You Queen I love you m and I was like oh my God I love you too and then we made out that that may have been an exaggeration uh for entertainment [Applause] purposes that may be an exaggeration for entertainment purposes but but uh but shut

Up I don’t think I even have any [ __ ] muds to cover this up with ah yes mud that Minecraft block mud uh I mean bro it’s everywhere the [ __ ] why is it all the way over here ridiculous the music is back my loved my loved yes dirt the dirt block

Dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty you think that I’m get hooked by you you [ __ ] I’mma do it like a Brother Do It Like a Dude I used to love Jessie J does anyone here know Jessie J she doesn’t really she don’t really in the charts anymore anymore but I used to

Love Jesse J when I was a when I was a freaking younger killer I thought I was so cool and awesome because I listened to Jesse J one hit wonder she wasn’t a one hit wonder but she definitely had a short career I would say but she had she

Didn’t just have one one hit she had a couple but yeah she definitely had a short career well she’s still going now technically like she’s still tours and stuff but she’s not like she’s not a chart singer anymore but I bet she still makes more money than any of

Us I can do it like a Mand hey Jesse J is my real oie okay they name all of her songs I can’t even name all of my freaking family members I don’t think I’m going to be able to name her songs I have so many family members I’m

Going to be you know this is just a pre-warning my I don’t know how frequently I’m going to be able to stream during the holiday season yet cuz my family are mucho big I’m obiously going to stream as much as I can but my family are very big and they plan a lot

Of family events during the holiday season so I’m going to try and like obviously stream as much as I can but it might go down in the next couple weeks just to um just so I have time to be with the F but I’ll try to keep it to like a Max

Uh I try I’ll try to keep it to like a minimum of three a week um are we not F you are my family but see you guys don’t [ __ ] drag me out of the house and shove Christmas clothes on me and tell me to smile and touch grass you guys encourage

Me to stay indoors and do what I actually want to do which is hang out with you guys and play video games but with them I don’t really have a choice So unfortunately that’s just how it is Christmas shell on the menu oh my God we should play we should play we should do some more jackbox games again soon we could do a jackbox Christmas t-shirt Edition make our own t-shirts Christmas fiend we’re fixing her by making her was it’s

Logical if you don’t think about it if you don’t think about it nothing is logic anymore not in this world not in this life this life is a lie wake up wake up did you guys see during Zumi’s debut she said uh ow ow what was it freaking

Epstein didn’t kill himself or some [ __ ] what does that mean someone explain that to Me ow what does that mean this now looks like a terrifying maze but I like it all right let’s go go to Betty boys that was super unexpected honestly I think that’s kind of a whole thing about Zumi’s like uh uh like Zumi’s personality she’s very like uh what’s the word she throws

Throws you out throws a left hook out she throws a left hook out she catches You by surprise a lot and you’re like the [ __ ] something’s a b left unexplained okay okay cool I’ll take that I’ll take that I’ll take that I will take that indeed I will take that

Indeed oh I need another chest bro I need another chest bro maybe I’ll just make a bigger chest yes I need a bigger chest there you go that’s Better All right I wish there was an auto salort feature in Minecraft I know you can get a mod for it but I wish it was like in base Minecraft it would just it just makes sense I don’t know why they haven’t done it I’m such a I’m such an inventory sorting [ __ ]

So it always makes me happy when games have like Auto sort features another reason why B this gate should win game of the year do it the Long Way develops character develop is not no love is such an easy game to play oh Okay feel this Away Redstone Auto sort easy wait is that a thing that’s a thing that’s ridiculous then you have to freaking you have to make the sort to yourself hate that hate e that that’s ass absolutely hate that uh love is such an easy game to play all right let’s put this into

Inventory tell me how you make me feel this way all right let’s SE out my beautiful Hole uh it’s a pit yes a modern art piece exactly this is going to [ __ ] take 8,000 years 80 years later one year later there you go I get it I’m using

The SpongeBob memes am I funny now am I base now am I am I funny am I base am I based am I funny now I’m using SpongeBob memes do you like me now am I likable now am I likable now she did it she did it almost likeable God damn

It God damn it I can sa the cool kid’s table now you know what I’ll take that I’ll take that I’ll take that my school was weird I’m not going to lie when I went to school it didn’t have a cool kids table it had like a my school had like the Nutty

The nuty kids were like the cool kids at my school like the I don’t know how to explain it like if you was if you were smallart and got good grades like you were popular in my school it’s kind of weird really right cuz it’s usually supposed to just be

Like you know the cool kids are just cool cuz their personality but yeah my in my my school it was like M me KY actually I was not unpopular I was actually arguably one of the most popular girls in in the school but uh I was also terrible talking to boys so I

Uh I didn’t really have many guy friends but I got asked out a lot I wasn’t a heartbreaker I just couldn’t I just couldn’t handle boys they scary I believe it you’re pretty cool ah thank you that’s not what my mom said yeah I got asked out a lot though

But um I always said no because I just I don’t know this scared me and I always felt like it was pointless being in a relationship when you like in school so I was like I’m not really here to be in a relationship I’m here to get good

Grades big booa will do that God damn it my M my massive knockers they wanted to they wanted a bit of my massive knockers my huge knockers are enticing huh research shows School relationships open last for Life yeah but is that not of obligatory like cuz I’m not going to lie

I have friends that married their school sweethearts they had like high school sweethearts and like now two of them are getting [ __ ] divorced they literally only got married like this year no last year and they’re getting a V that’s insane can you imagine spending all that

Money on a wedding to then just get divorced kind of kind of sad oh god what have I done this is this is really [ __ ] [ __ ] up looking what if I just built it somewhere else so I didn’t have to fill this in [Laughter] How do you go that long for realizing I honestly don’t know they were together for how long like 9 years 9 years and then they got married like two years ago and they they’re getting they just got a divorce like no they got married last year actually and they’re getting a divorce

Now pretty pretty insane pretty insane be careful you don’t dox yourself oh they’re not the same age as me my friends aren’t the same age as me lol I like older friends I have older friends because I’m mature for my age you know being being being 30 billion years

Old you know being 30 is 30 billion years old is uh it’s it it it it it it it means that you you like to have older friends cuz uh children just don’t do it for you anymore you been hanging out of rainy mat best J I know I am

Matur that sounds weird out of context wait what the [ __ ] what the hell don’t make it weird God damn it don’t make it weird it’s not like that I hate kids kids kids are annoying and they smell bad and they’re loud I’m the only one that’s allowed to be

Loud I’m the only one that’s allowed to be loud nobody else not me kilia sniffs kids no I don’t shut the [ __ ] up no I don’t just don’t look directly into Infinite gaze what are you talking about what are you talking about H what are you talking

About looking into my gaze what are you talking about hm it’s okay you can look into my eyes it’s not going to hot hurt you you can look into my eyes I’m not going to hurt you I promise we’re friends right you and me right right

H it’s okay I would never hurt my booies only a little bit only a tiny bit only just enough to make sure the pain is temporary you know nothing too drastic all right how do I build a freaking nether portal again I’m breaking this mud with myle I’m breaking it with my pool

Me first me first get in line then get line then For the Kill You The Kill You torches show two in the botton free up no corn is needed okay perfect easy easy easy easy two on the boat two on the boat free on the top free on the side sorry

Ooh I like this music this like uh hopeful uh moment the two protagonists have just uh realize that they don’t have to be enemies they can be friends here sa I sa for sa they can be friends the pain go Away we thank you for the super pain makes God damn it really well what if what if uh what if pain doesn’t make the pain go away oh [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] dumb what if pain only distracts the pain distracts you from the pain that you’re feeling inside and then you know it’s just

Temporary until one day you wake up and that pain comes back and all of the relaxation that you thought you felt from distracting yourself just comes Back that’s not good two Real Enemy I know what the [ __ ] is this music it’s always kicking in in these freaking moment and thank you for the super I spent the last couple minutes tasing at the pixel on my new screen then is your nose why is it one pixel what do you

Mean leave my nose alone my nose is beautiful my nose is my nose and I can’t do anything about it unless you want to give me a nose job I’m actually so freaking excited about my new outfit I’m actually so freaking excited my mama is a little bit busy at the

Moment so I just got told that it might not be until March for the new uh the new outfit actually be like finished drawing so it might be a while until I actually do the new outfit debut but she’s a little bit busy right now but

Yeah yeah it is a wait I might try to see if they’ll pay for Rush commission be like please management we can’t wait that Long onit love is the Haven I don’t know if this is going to have onit love but I know you guys are going to like it and if you don’t then you’re stupid we we’re going to get a spoiler of what the fee of the outfit is going

To be probably you know what I’m like you’ll probably get a spoiler of it you know what I’m freaking late I love a good spoiler how do you make flint flint and steel oh you make it with and steel Surprisingly all right let’s go to bed it’s killy and A yeah it’s actually me and the Spider-Man outfit we’re getting a spoiler she me exactly you guys don’t need to ask for spoilers cuz I’m probably going to freaking tell you the whole concept before I [ __ ] actually get like get the Commission it’s me and a hot dog outfit it’s me and a hot dog outfit with Crocs on and it has a toggle that I can get my dogs Out yeah I know I know it’s hot only the best for my buoys you know only the best for my buoys well here it is it’s the another portal we made it wow the creeper made my little hole even bigger love that love that so much thank you creeper for making it even

More of a pain to fill in now how am I supposed to supp to fill out my hole how I don’t know where the freaking [ __ ] dirt blocks are all right let’s put these here let’s let’s take some gold is it ingots that they like right they they like like the gold ingots

Right not the not the not gold ingots sorry the gold oh wait that is a gold ingot okay how am I going to fill out my hole kill K what the [ __ ] don’t take off gold don’t be disgusting I’ll spank you all I’ll spank you don’t take me out of Contex like

That don’t foret some gold armor oh [ __ ] yeah that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s good I’m glad you remembered that I did not remember that do it mommy no no stop it stop it now or I’ll beat your ass not in the good way in the naughty way you’re all going

On the naughty list this year you’re all going going on the naughty list this year all of you every single one of you oh [ __ ] since when did that get here just why did not get him more holes to fill yeah I’ve had enough for filling all of these

Holes and thank you for the super so really not doing phrasing anymore you mean people aren’t saying phrasing anymore oh [ __ ] wait this isn’t good this isn’t good we’re in the pig place this isn’t good the pigies are going to kill us the piggies are going to kill

Us all right let’s build a house around the portal let’s build a little house A Little House on the Prairie Little House on the Prairie in the neverland World never World never never world the world never World never never never never never never never never never never never never never never

Never never going to give you up never going to let you down you killed one of them before what the one killed before was a lot bigger than that one I think that looks like a baby one unless I just I’m not remembering well that does look like a baby

One never going to give You oh [ __ ] he’s running away from me stupid Ass you stupid ass he doesn’t even want to be killed stupid ass all right let’s chop down this Kia did I patch this game H I don’t think this is the newest uh newest update no this is the 1.20.1 I think I don’t think this is the newest update glow

Stones yes see I like that sound Bo boing well it sounds really spooky all right let’s build the house F lights yeah they go like boing boing boing boing Boing boing boing bling bling bling all right let’s I just want to make enough room so that the like that trying to think how big we should make it maybe like maybe like this big is good oh it’s a Pigman it’s a pigman that should be

Good I still remember the first time I playing Minecraft was pre- Alpha kind of like creative mode had sponges sponges like SpongeBob see I get it I get it now I’m funny I’m funny right I’m funny I make SpongeBob jokes I’m funny right please say I’m funny please say I’m

Funny please say I’m funny please say I’m Funny thank you thank you yeah yeah thank you thank you for speaking nothing but the truth nothing but the truth and only truth and the truth is only truth and the truth and the truth is only the truth Never Going To Give You Up never going to let you down all right let’s

Destroy this this should be okay for like a little like area we can make it bigger if we need to but I don’t think I think we really need to right now hello gel we complimented you can we have our children back now no they’ve been

Naughty so no I put them on naughty list sorry no children no children for you today I’m not giving you any children not even my children you’ll make more well guess what I can make more with your mom and then you have to call me daddy no more Mommy in these

Parts Only Daddy Kill You Only Daddy kilia remains a [ __ ] oh I can climb up here ooh ow oh wait how am I going to get into the house it’s fun it’s fine all right I just go in the front like this I don’t think she understands how

Biology Works no I do I kiss your mom and then you have to call me Daddy I don’t think you have the facilities for that I don’t think you have the facilities for that big man I don’t think you have the facilities for that big man I don’t

Think you have the facilities for that big man it’s actually toe holding oh well that’s just that’s just kind of sussy isn’t it I don’t if I want to hold toes of anyone yet I don’t know if I’m ready for that I I know if I’m ready for that

Yet I don’t know if I’m ready to to tow hold it’s disgusting it’s Disgusting all right I think I’m actually going to going to wrap up stream then today guys cuz I have to go to a meeting but um we’re going to build a door next time okay we’re going to build a door hang on let me go into my chatting

Room we’re going to build a wall we’re building a wall we’re building a wall next time a do more of a do but yeah the whole stream is making the do exactly you call you can’t have the stream about the door so all right let’s uh let’s raid Mrs Mary and the

Miracles where is my incredible game of skills there it is oh Mary’s doing a zit today cute let’s have a look she’s doodling She’s doodling in a cute little room all right let’s go everyone let’s let let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s go rate Mary and the Miracles please give my cooh some love she’s a super cute Fox and she’s very GF if you like that kind of stuff so it’s not get

[ __ ] at I finally learned what it was so uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let’s go everyone thank you so much for coming to my stream I hope you have a rest your day night any morning afternoon or night please get some rest get something to eat get something to

Drink go watch your favorite anime talk to your favorite person what’s your favorite movie and maybe just maybe if you can if you can go and touch some [ __ ] grass okay go outside and touch some [ __ ] crass after you watch Mary’s stream okay boys see you later thank you

Thank you for Hing out with me today in Minecraft and I’m glad that we were able to go into the mines you guys actually are the only one reason that I’m able to go into the mines cuz if I play it by myself I actually poop myself because of all the

Noises so you guys give me the cards okay thank you thank you everyone I will see you later I’ll see you tomorrow question mark I haven’t posted my schedule yet have I no I don’t think I have I haven’t posted my schedule yet but I will I will okay byebye byebye

Bye-bye see you later Bye-bye

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】Slaying that Buoussy.【EIEN Project】’, was uploaded by Kilia Kurayami Ch. 【EIEN Project】 on 2023-11-12 22:16:33. It has garnered 1108 views and 252 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:43 or 7663 seconds.

Pleasure to meet’cha, I’m Kilia, EIEN Projects dorc- TOTALLY SOFISHTICATED NOT-ORCA!!

【Support the fishie here】 https://streamelements.com/kiliakurayami/tip

【Socials】 Twitter: https://twitter.com/KiliaKurayami TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@KiliaKurayami

【Tags】 Oshi mark: 🫧🌑 Fan name: Buoys Live: #KiLive General: #NotOrca Art: #KiliArt Clips/Memes: #Dorca NSFW: #KuraYabai

【Rules】 𓆟 Respect everyone & behave! 𓆟 Please avoid talking about other streamers, unless it’s my gen mates hehe. 𓆟 Backseating is only welcome when asked for! 𓆟 Pretty please respect my privacy! 𓆟 Tips are non-refundable.

【Credits】 Mama: https://twitter.com/Maigo_pgon9 Papa: https://twitter.com/mewlatte Alerts: https://twitter.com/_RIINCHU_ BGM – https://twitter.com/itscoffeerun


【EIEN Project – Museia】

🗡️🪶Goddess of the Heavens ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ Skye Shinryu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SkyeShinryu Twitter: https://twitter.com/SkyeShinryu

🗝️🍭Wanderer of the Land ✧˚ · . Kiki Lockheart YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KikiLockheartCh Twitter: https://twitter.com/KikiLockheart

〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰 【EIEN Project Links】 Twitter: https://twitter.com/EIENproj YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@EIENProject Official website: https://eien-project.com Fanwork guidelines: https://eien-project.com/fan-work-guidelines

For business inquiries, please contact [email protected]

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  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

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  • PyonMC Network

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  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: play.minedhype.com Website: https://minedhype.com Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by PUBCS.com Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More