EPIC Minecraft Build Battle Pt 41: Winner Takes All!

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okay he’s not [Music] friendly can you see him say hi T say [Music] hi I mean what’s the odds so it’s like I’m going to beat this down and I’m going tame her beat her down shove some meat in her about the time I get her tame three freaking Raptors come out of nowhere and take me and her boat out I hate them [Music] Sons I don’t think the first a kit gets rid of be that’s SC let’s find out oh my God I hit [Music] scrap oh my god did Abus I hit [Music] scrap you can’t stay around here buddy gra whoa [Music] Megalodon okay there we [Laughter] go uh company hey No Interruption blue car in front of the house yeah I see it oh there you are I see you see me y all right go for it what’s going to kill me first the drop or the glass or the drop I think the glass got you first [Music] thinking I might have went the wrong way cuz I done ended up way down here by the [Music] lake hey next mder victim coming up see even though they’re not oh crap I didn’t see you you I dream of a new night o [Music] okay he’s not [Music] friendly can you see him stay hi s [Music] [Music] I mean what’s the odds so it’s like how going to beat this down and I’m going to tame her beat her down shove some meat in her about the time I get her tame three freaking Raptors come out of nowhere and take me and her both out I hate them sons of [Music] [Applause] okay let’s make sure everything is working and then I got to answer roast Hunter let’s make sure everything is all right roast Hunter um all the music which I need to put find some way to put something on my YouTube channel for it uh I’ve got a panel on my twitch Channel it all comes from no copyright sounds um that for instance was Diamond Eyes one of my favorite artist over there uh matter of fact let me do this real fast I will pull you up the link to NCS there it is and I will post it in the YouTube chat so you can get that they have some phenomen Al artists that are kind enough to allow us to use their music in our videos and our streams and I will pull you up the link stop that and they like I said they are they’ve got some amazing music over there there you go there’s a link you could go over there find all kinds of phenomenal music I forgot I had that going at the same time my playlist going at the same time I had the intro going so sorry about that loves I watched the first four episodes of Fallout TV series Darth I stayed up late watching every de one of them I’m not giving any spoilers just all the yeses all the yeses yes it is free to use all they ask is that uh like if you use it in a video um you put a little description and Link um trying to well if you look at the description of this video this live you’ll see down toward the bottom where I’ve put the credit uh since I’m using a whole playlist I’m trying during streams I’m trying to figure out a way to you know give proper credit all the way around um that’s one of the reasons I’ve got it where it shows up on the screen but I need to figure out something else too you know okay guys I have so much work to do on this Minecraft server it’s it’s not even funny I’ve been in here getting a little bit done one of the first things we’re going to have to do though we’re going to have to go to the nether cuz I need glowstone glowstone dust to be specific uh matter fact do I have any food though before we leave yes I got the foods and I’m trying to keep it ey on streams to make sure they’re showing up okay again again I’ve been messing with my settings just to try to I’m always trying to improve it oh sheep shoel oh Darth why why with the heart attacks already why you say you say it in the music okay good good good yeah um and I posted the link to their um channel uh well their website excuse me um a couple of messages above rust Hunter like I said some phenomenal music I watched the first episode with a bunch of others me and gray watched like the first five together and then he had to go to bed cuz he had to be up for work early and I was like I I was having a hard time sleeping and stuff anyway so it’s like okay I’m just going to get out my crochet needles my crochet hook and my yarn and sit here and finish watching the rest of it and that’s what I did Darth punching gray get him get him yeah Diamond Eyes is actually one of my favorite rest Hunter and not only is he a phenomenal musician and songwriter vocalist he is also just a genuinely great person so I would definitely check him out did anybody else watch The Fallout 4 well Fallout Series last night I don’t know why I keep want to say Fallout 4 it’s not Fallout 4 but anyhoo all right ha ho ha ho it’s off to the fraking nether we go Darth what are you thinking after what you watched yes but I’ll watch them with you again gladly gray I will I will watch them with you again because they were freaking awesome they did not disappoint with this series that’s I that’s all I’m saying I’m not giving any spoilers but they did not disappoint with the series at all and now I’ve got the itch to start playing Fallout 4 again go figure definitely got the itch start playing some Fallout 4 again you watch them without gray too see it just won’t be the same Gray he’s trying to make me feel guilty y’all yeah we definitely got to get up here and build some sort of something over our little trap door here okay I have the angel ring but I still don’t trust it cuz sometimes I I still fall so I’m not although there’s a whole lot of really nice glowstone over there I don’t want to use the angel ring to go get it as a matter of fact Ros Hunter talking about doad eyes um I’ve got to get a hold of his manager but I reached out to him about using one of his songs in particular in one of my books and he was like you know I’m cool with it just contact my manager make sure they’re cool with it and so yeah I’m really excited about that ah let’s try this yeah when you’re flying with the angel ring on it kind of makes it it almost makes the the blocks seem harder they take longer to break it’s kind of a pain in the buttocks [Music] and I’m sorry about the past few nights guys just you know some of y’all know I’ve been having some health issues for a while and the insurance company hasn’t been wanting to pay for what I needed and it kind of took a toll on my body but uh the doctor kind of got in the insurance company’s crap today and um they’ve agreed to pay for stuff so hopefully all of this little night nightmare is going to come to an end very very soon I hear a Zombie Pigman down there somewhere I see quacking going on in the chat quack quack quack Mandy’s guilt resistance yes you’re not going to guilt me it was awesome and I enjoyed it sitting here crocheting just me and my two cats and my little dog watch us the Fallout it was good it would have been nice to do it with you but you needed sleep so with a bunch of random see Darth I thought about firing it up in Discord but I wasn’t sure how many of y’all would really want to do that so I kind of wish I had though um let’s go ahead and get some of this while we’re here we’re going to end up needing it might as well so you greedily watch the rest without me knowing I couldn’t watch stop it y’all he’s trying to make me feel bad oh ow ow ow ow ow what’ I land at oh that yep yep yep not good I think we’ll be all right just give it a minute yep ow now guys I’m still not feeling 100% so I’m not sure how long tonight will be we’re going to kind of see what my body tells me I can and can’t do what that she did gr do we have to start up a pitchfork and torch party no all because I watched the show come on now thanks for the link have fun I’m going to go play some oh Clancy division have fun rust Hunter and thanks for dropping in darling I appreciate it ow ow ow ow ow I say we shut Mandy to a chair and put the original Night of Living Dead on repeat no no only movie that ever scared me was the original black and white what was it 64 I think it was Night of the Living Dead yeah Romero knew what he was doing but you’ve also got to think I was just a kid and you know that was I’m going to tell my age here y’all but that was back when VCRs first came out right and my daddy had just got us one and he was like okay we got to go get some movies and he takes me and my little brother to the store and tells us pick out any movie we want me being a horror movie Freak it was like oh oh that one you know I see the cover and it’s like oh yeah that looks awesome my mama tried to tell my daddy don’t you get her that well Daddy did it anyway cuz you know Daddy’s little girl and all well he regretted that but now he credits himself it was 68 yeah I think that I think that’s right but now he credits himself because you know I’m a writer I write a lot of zombie genre related stuff so now he’s like see none of this ever would have happened without me good spin Daddy good spin speaking of writing and such guys they’re um this going to be a nice little sail on rise rise Mind Over Mander and sandbox on both Amazon and my website and um maybe some giveaways too so y’all just stay tuned for those and also City of Hope will be out very soon it is the second Rise spinoff and um I think you guys are going to enjoy it I think I hope fingers crossed oh y’all see that lava come popping out of there nope Mr lava nope nope nope you’re not getting me today no Darth um that’s what I just talk about with City of Hope um wait on a couple of things from Mr uh qb1 junkie why am I being burned I just froze for a minute thinking oh crap that’s it I’m dead thanks Darth burning me see y’all see how they doing they’re just evil to me just evil to me how much room we got oh yeah we still good um can I get that without ended up accidentally dropping down and frying myself oh shoot okay there we go all right I CAU that got that got that they claim they love me all but secretly they really hate me oh I was going down too fast F way to what the hell uhuh no y’all see that right there right a hive no no no not going to do it nope we’re not doing that today we’re not going there did you know this about not a living dead there is no on screen copyright notied uh yeah yeah I I I knew that and I’ve I thought a million times about wanting to write some sort of a remake but but it’s Romero if I did that and it did not come out absolutely the [ __ ] I would hate myself forever cuz it is Romero so I’ve seen other people write remakes and you know you’ve seen me trying to watch a couple of them gray it just I I want to strangle somebody down we go all right get back up here I’m going to need all the colors of Glowstone but for right now I mainly just need the regular glow stone so that’s why I’m FOC focusing on getting it now y’all noticing anything weird about this nether what like the first time we came here there were some gas and I haven’t seen any since is that not a little strange to y’all it is to me and I have noticed something lately I’m not sure what’s caused it but I just want to let everybody know appreciate it there’s been a lot of extra love and extra views on the pp craft uh videos and live streams and I really appreciate that [Music] y’all oh it is bright up in here watch me fall because I can’t see where I oh God can’t see where I’m going Our Hope with the pp craft server is to grow it to a lot of like-minded Minecraft players as we go and a lot of y’all already know this but the only we have on our servers um as far as who can join is it does have to be somebody that’s been around the community for a while that we’ve all gotten to know because we used to just open the servers up to anybody and everybody and we ended up with a lot of troll ass hats that way and we don’t want to do that anymore so now we just like to have time to get to know you before we say you know yeah hey come on jump on all right how much room ooh we got several good Stacks um let’s go ahead and get some of this while we’re here uh-oh H in the pool it’s a lot better more I could have fallen so I’m not going to not going to complain all right [Music] um turn it on or I can see where I’m going that away Direction stay away from that Hive I want no part of the hive not right now anyway um where is it ow oh don’t tell me I’ve done lost the Dum oh but look what I found let’s go ahead and get it all right got to try to find my way it’s got to be over there somewhere well H woo yeah I was falling a little too fast there so it’s that way somewhere but where leave it to me to get lost hi guys have y’all seen a a a a hatch anywhere I don’t think they’re going to answer [Music] me oh while we’re here though ooh look at this look at all these pretty little lit up cubes awesome and there is some more regular glowstone up there let’s um oh and look at all these that are stuck let’s get them we don’t want to waste them for darn toon do not want to waste ah Dam it was trying not to do that but oh well we will end up using every bit of this glow stone somewhere so might as well get it right all right here we go yeah the vanilla glow stone seems to be a little more resistant when you’re using the angel ring but that’s fine I’ll go down there and get those here in a minute since I get done getting these you following gray go get him go get him all right let make sure we didn’t leave any stuck on anything and they’re going to you know despawn before we come back you know what um can’t hit that one that’s fine there we go oh and look over here here’s some more regular glow stone let’s get it while we’re here and guys guys uh for those of you over on Twitch I I haven’t figured out how I’m going to do it on YouTube yet but for those of you on Twitch you will notice a new panel down below the stream um and it explains the peace and quiet streams that I may start doing from time to time uhoh what’s the rip for oh and you guys on Twitch there’s an ad coming up in a minute and 29 seconds why why why rip why rip what’s the rip for I’m not dead why why are we ripping who are we ripping down we go look at all the pr pretty glowstone dust I got the hiccups [Music] all right now I really got to get back to that portal I may have to cut my way through some Netherrack to get back to it cuz I’ve gotten a little bit lost I’m wonder if my sister does spicy stuff like I do are you talking about the food or you talking about you know spicy got to be careful around here when you talk like that [Music] oh there’s some of that really pretty uh blue glowstone I don’t see that very often the reaper sauce if your sister has any sense at all no she don’t no she don’t I don’t know brothers and sisters usually have a few bad habits in common that may be one of the ones y’all have in common I know me and my brother got a few bad habits in common that my mama wishes we [Music] didn’t y’all how have I gotten lost this lost I mean I mean that gum I don’t think it was down here if I’m being honest but who knows actually it was look right over there that gum I need to start throwing out some torches or something more sense than you [Laughter] [Music] do I don’t know my brother would say the same about me and I would say that I’ve got more sense than him although e neither one of us are exactly quite right so all right let’s get on back oh sinuses are acting crazy today guys and guys I have been working on several crochet projects that um will soon be available on our website as well some of them’s blankets some of them’s you know household stuff and then some of it’s uh amig gromy which is you know stuffed animals and stuff I’ve learned how to make um dinosaurs cows things like that and of course the little bug is just thrilled over the cows and the dinosaurs she loves both so we’re going to try to go ahead and fit as much of this as we possibly can on us right now so we can take it and put it up and start getting the stuff dumped getting rid of some of these extra chest floating around down here um throw some of it in there there we go all right woo a little bit of laggage there server lag oh and tomorrow I will have um an updated s Days to Die pack ready for all of you my loves well actually not a whole pack just uh the newest mods that have been added to the pack I will have that ready wait a minute didn’t I go ahead and put that in yeah I did I went ahead and put that in the 7 Days d uh channel on the Discord server so yeah that’s where y’all go get it I I was half asleep when I did it the other night okay we are going to Hollywood County let’s go we’re going to stuff a lot of this stuff down here just to drop chest for now actually let’s go ahead and take the glowstone cuz I’m fically go ahead and make a storage unit for those I love this little song it’s just so cute and fun does that make sense [Music] as a matter of fact I think we’re just going to go ahead and use all of this little area right here for our glow stone so this will be for the dust this is going to be down here actually will be for extra torches and I’m going to make each one their own row because there’s no telling how much I W end up with by the time this is over by the time I collect everything I’m intending to now let me see do I have anything in here I should go ahead and take out yep more glowstone dust I thought I had done all of these and Birch but apparently I had not I don’t know does that look almost too light to you guys it kind of does to me I’m kind of thinking maybe I need to end up doing these matter of fact let’s just go ahead and take everything out we’re going to take these down and then we’re going to make some of the other ones I may have to pick one of them up to see exactly I think it was spr Spruce it’s either Spruce or dark oak something like that all right let’s go ahead and pick one of these up yeah it was dark oak okay yeah um I got a little bit of dark oak in here but not much all right let’s put all this stuff up in here for now we’re probably going to have to go to the tree farm let me check some of the chest out here but I’m pretty sure we’re going to have to go to the tree farm I did get those planted just to have some over here to grab so all right we’ve got regular Oak h had to harass your sister leave that poor girl alone oh what am I saying you’re a little brother y’all were born for harassment I know mine was all of mine were they they take pride in their harassment of me you know we can use those but we’re going to need a lot more than that so let’s just go on and go to the tree farm farm and get the wood you’re the big brother oh that’s even worse I’ve got one of those too trust me ah don’t get me wrong we love y’all we love our brothers but just every now and then we have this overwhelming urge to murder you it’s just a thing you and see I don’t know what I was thinking getting together with gray he’s the baby of the family and you know the babies of the family are always the you know spoiled rotten ones what was I thinking say I talk crap cuz he had to step away for a bit oh hi gray when’ you get back your sister would agree with me you’re the old rotten baby of the [Music] family ah however am the oldest well other than my brother excuse me I forget about him sometimes I’m sure he’d love to hear that all my youngest sister the one that my dad have my stepmom is in her early 20s my middle sisters in her late 20s and my older still younger than sister is in her early 30s oh they are babies they are babies hey gray I see you there well and after technically after what we recently found out um technically I wouldn’t even be the oldest girl anymore um my spermed donor that’s what I call him I will not call him daddy or none of that cuz he’s not he is a sperm donor that’s it um he was kind of um how can I put that a m ho let’s just say it he was a male ho and when I was five my aunt and uncle adopted a set of twins that were about the same age as me they were just a few months older actually and uh we recently found out that my sperm donor is most likely their biological dad go figure so they’ve been raised as my cousins we looked at each other we ever since we were kids you know we called each other’s sisters cuz I took to them right off the bat and now come to find out we most likely are biological sisters were debating on going and having all the whole blood stuff done but yeah that’s a thing I’ll never forget the day I found out they were being a adopted into the family my Grandma sat me down and she’s like Mandy you aunt and uncle’s adopting some Twins and I want you to make them happy make them feel welcome and um she just did not know that in that moment she created partners in crime for Life gray will tell you the three of us you don’t want to put us together you don’t want to put us together Gray’s in his late 20’s m my bomb gray wishes he was in his late [Music] 20s you like billions there you go Darth there you go but gray what happens when you put me and Terry and Lisa together I don’t know if he’s laughing at me or laughing at [Applause] Darth all right let’s put these down that is worrying me about the nether though that we’re not having um is it legal for you to say hey you have a good time though do you not you have a good time isn’t that all that matters as long as we don’t get caught by the law it’s all good everybody’s having fun now that’s worrying me about the nether though suddenly the gas not spawning um I may have to reset the nether God I don’t want to do that I saw the hive though maybe next stream we just need to go to the hive and make sure wow baddies are spawning in there and then we’ll know if it’s a problem with enemies in the nether or just the gas wow so far out out of my mom’s children I’m the only one that does the spicy food you’re the only only one with the cast iron gut is what you’re saying [Music] Darth must have coffee shall return okie dokie Darth I wish I could get you and um Grace’s cousin Kevin together y’all would have a ball together he’s always looking for something he says if it doesn’t make him cry he doesn’t want it that’s that’s the way he is he loves it the spicier the better y’all I think would have a ball together and he’s made gray cry once or twice cuz I we would I was fixing uh Gray’s lunch for work back when he worked third shift and I saw Kevin come sneaking in the kitchen I wasn’t thinking nothing of it uh he was sneaking some of his spicy stuff off in Gray’s food lit gray right on [Laughter] up oh no no no get back up there but talking about Terry and Lisa one of these days I’ll get them on stream with us guys y’all will see and she Lisa that is is fluent in Spanish so when you go to talk in Spanish she’d be able to call you on it quick Darth I was told that my dad I I get why you do the quotes thing you got the same thing I got you got the sperm Doner um young as sis and I are all similar in regards to EA spicy foods let’s see that is one thing with my sperm donor I don’t hold it against his family what he did and I did actually when I got older get to know some of them and I really enjoy them I like them and found out that his cousin me and her are a lot of things I always wondered where I got it from it’s her it’s her I I found that out getting to nowhere and I was like oh this is cool you know cuz I like I said it’s not their fault and I do like having some part of them the good ones in me you know where were you talking about me your friend and calling out being Spanish you’ve done that sometimes just pop off with a little bit of Spanish in chat and uh my cousin Lisa she’s very fluent in Spanish so I’m going to get her to join us one night and I’m she’ll be able to translate she’ll be able to tell me if you talking crap to me oh wow look at that that tree put out three saplings at once I am happy with that a lot of those don’t and is it giving us Birch or yeah it’s giving us Birch that’s what we need we’re going to need a lot of birch why not both I think y’all will get get a kick out of Terry and Lisa I think you would well Terry until she gets snowy she’s going to be kind of shy me and Lisa were always the ones with the um gray would say big mouths and No Boundaries I guess he’s kind of right Terry she she’s the more quiet reserved one until she gets to know you and then Lord the crap that will come out of that girl’s mouth can oh my Lord need to get Wayne on with us one night too Wayne and his wife Rhonda let my online family get to know my real life family a little bit what to consider Little Mexico oh cool that is cool I like that I know a little but not enough to really carry on a conversation so and that’s why a lot of times I have Lisa translate for me I need to learn I would like to learn more Spanish and um Italian I would really like to learn some Italian and I know it’s a very old language but gaic I would love to learn gaay okay awesome y’all let’s hot on a firecracker this St them office again oh wait a minute wait a minute I got to go put these back yeah I really need to learn some more languages like I said I’d love to learn some more Spanish where I could actually hold a conversation and also gelic and like I said Italian oh what am I doing no need that if I had someone to speak Spanish fluently with from high schol own I would have been bilingual that see that’s what I always wanted was to be bilingual but I let too many other things in life get in the way of a lot of things I wanted to do including that dude you’re kind of creepy standing there just staring go go run the tractor or something [Music] all right we got a lot of wood now we’re doing good I know we’re going to need to make nails it’s either nails or screws [Music] um drop some of this stuff off in here for now actually we can take that and put it away way in case y’all hadn’t noticed the main focus tonight is to get this Workshop done where I can get everything organized and I have been digging out a lot of areas for our village down here that’s another reason I need to get this Workshop done so I have storage for all of this stuff [Music] had to grab a drink oh okay so we’re going to be making these and those were dark oak so let’s go ahead and make the dark oak planks there we go and I think for the shelves I’m pretty sure we also need yeah we need the nails uh-uh not those those thank you all right so dark oak there we go see they’re not that expensive to make it’s not bad so oh no and guess is coming to stay with her Mimi for a couple hours tomorrow [Music] y’all the little bug [Music] you know it looks like we may end up actually being able to fill all of these with [Music] um glowstone dust so I’m not sure I should actually use it any of it for um torches we’re just going to make torches their own little thing right here I’ll figure out something to put there later in those last two slots we definitely need all that glowstone though well actually we could use some of this because like the red glow stone isn’t that [Music] common so the ones that aren’t that common like the red we’ll put in there and we’ll put well outfits and use those so might as well not even put those in there okay this will be for the green all right we’re getting some organization going y’all organization and storage very very [Music] important oh no no no okay now back over to this now I got 30 more of these and how was I spacing these out um every fourth two three so right there is a glowstone block oh come on get down in there all right so one two three and right here will be another one one two three and that’ll be for it kind of ends it perfect don’t it cuz it’s button right up against this beam I need more Nails okay all right there we go um I’m trying to remember how many other colors there was of that glowstone so I know how many more of these spaces to keep open I don’t know should we just go on back to the Nether and get some more I’m kind kind of thinking maybe we should put that up in there we’re just going to throw this stuff off in here for now oh wait a minute there was one that we didn’t get put up okay did I have any my backpack I don’t think I did but I want to be for sure and for certain I’m not seeing any Invincible okay that’s the gray all right so we put the brown right there all right let’s head back on over to the nether my nose itches sorry y’all down down down we go [Music] oh I need to finish down here at some point have I left anything in this chest no Lori Hello darling how are you doing sweetheart is the Darth here he’s on the twitch he’s on the twitch how you doing D darling I know you’ve been having some of your headaches W oh thank God for that angel ring oh my God that was about to be so very much bad okay that’s the light blue that’s what I thought [Music] put the Mandy in the lava no don’t do that don’t do that you just woke up have your allergies been treating you with all the nice you know pollen dust everywhere here in Virginia probably about as well as mine have been refuse to stay in the corner yeah that would be me but that’s you because Darth putting the baby in the corner which sucks because Fran has to go to work early and the little one has an ortho appointment that I need oh the mobile for ortho appointment what’s the ortho appointment for like crap uhhuh I see you I hear you and I feel you trust me and Amber’s been having God awful headaches and her being pregnant just ain’t it it ain’t it ain’t driving it ain’t driving okay is that above lava now I think we can get it [Applause] [Music] soy oh Orthodontics okay I thought you was talking about Orthopedic I was going to say what did she [Music] do somewhere I can’t remember where I saw a lovely yellow cloud of tree sperm yep ain’t it wonderful y’all one of one of Amber’s friends called me earlier haly and her little dog was the one that stayed with us for a while before and he’s got an infected gum I think he’s probably you know gotten something stuck in it but she’s like I don’t know what to do and the vet you know the vet was closed she’s like so I decided to call the animal lady which is you I get calls like that a lot was that a growl of a m inecraft thing or that husband I think it was uh him oh oh oh dude quit stepping on that why are you stepping on another one oh oh oh oh you are and now you’re making me do it stop it stop it you’re going to get us both killed you dumb pig painfully of course you you mean playfully I we know yeah we we know Lor we know we know all right let’s go back up here yep someone went down here in the pool of course there should be Gass I don’t know why they’re not spawning that’s bugging me you and gray a picking my sister oh okay cool I’ll look I’ll look here in just a little bit H where’s this go okay I’m I’m here for glow stone don’t get the shanis Mandy okay that was more of the gray blue pink um oh look there’s some more regular glowstone let’s go ahead and get it while we’re here oh [ __ ] excuse me most definitely a Darth sister Darth Darth Darth when I’m in the nether that’s not funny that’s definitely not funny uh Lori it was funny yeah to you maybe Lori did you watch the uh fallout Premiere last night if so what are your thoughts I think me and Darth are pretty much in love with it gray from what he’s seen is in love so so far oh come on there we go nope I’ve got to say I was worried about it but they did it justice they they nailed it they nailed it but the girl playing Lucy I have a hard time looking at her without seeing her as a dead girl and the reason I say that is she was on yellow jackets and um on there she played a girl that died and then her friends ate her so I’m just having a hard time I’m looking at her put it on my to do for this weekend is it they did they nailed it l they did I redownloaded Fallout 76 day I may need to get Fallout of one again so that Mandy and gray can explore without anyone bugging them see I I keep thinking we need to set up um we need to set up one of those and I still want to mess around with the multiplayer plugin for Fallout 4 I really do and I never understood them not making that game multiplayer in the first place cuz it’s just begging to play with your friends I mean it is excuse [Music] me I need to get to This Here Pink Clow Stone and which I redownloaded and reinstalled uh Fallout 4 a few months ago but like I said I I’m I’m just tempted I keep wanting to play try that multiplayer plugin and Darth do you remember if he made the code for that open source cuz if he did I might gray to sit down with me and made him try to figure out how to improve it is it windy where you’re at yes yes it started up a couple of hours ago and I kept thinking yeah I’m feeling good enough to stream tonight it’ll be my Lu the day internet goes out cuz it goes out every time a bird Parts but so far so good we finally got another internet option in our area and me and gray have been debating on getting it but I’m just scared we’ll get it and it’ll be just as bad or worse but surely it can’t be I mean I don’t think he made it open source I don’t but I may be able to look at the code of it and figure out my own code that’s what I did with a couple of seven days to die things just kind of looked at others to get an idea of how it was done and then sit down and figured out my own so that’s I may have to do that but I got a feeling Fallout 4 is going to be much harder [Music] than 7 Days die just got that sneaking suspicion and what was that chiming noise what what’s that oh I see a mushroom light we’re going to get some of those while we’re here too oh there’s some more of those where’d that light go oh there it [Music] is oh there’s some more up here and some more quartz blocks yes we will absolutely go be taking those Okay so we’ve got some of the purple we got some of the orange the gray the light blue and the pink where’s there it is over there I was supp to say I know I saw some green here somewhere uh let’s go ahead and get some more of this while we’re right here at it oh I missed one there we go huh what happened over here zombie pigman kill something I’d give it a few months but we starting to consider it watch the reviews on what Lori The Fallout 4 um plugin multiplayer plugin well I’ve been watching it for a long time there’s actually two of them two different people made and both of them are kind of buggy that’s kind of why I want to see if I can look at the code and see what I can figure out but like I said I think it’s going to be much harder to figure out this seven days to die stuff I think it’s going to be a lot harder oh there’s some green yes [Music] I said I don’t think I will ever understand why they did not make Fallout 4 multiplayer because it’s just one of those games that yeah it’s fun by itself but more fun with friends it just especially with the building mechanics and stuff it just begs to have a group of friends playing right [Music] come on there we go oh Lori I I’m I’m trying not to give like spoilers but the one thing I will say about the series last night the guy doing codsworth voice oh my God he freaking nailed it absolutely nailed it the last update for Fallout 4 multiplayer was four years ago and it’s it is found on GitHub Fallout together is no longer okay so Fallout together is not there but the other one is H does it say on the repo whether or not it’s open source if nothing else like I said I could probably look at it and use that to kind of figure out my own stuff but it’ be kind of nice if um it’s got a good base to it to be able to use it and you know of course give credit well Mr handy but I mean it’s basically the same as codsworth you’re right about that Mr handy you’re right but I mean it’s basically the same as codsworth cuz codsworth was a Mr handy and I forgot until last night how little gray had played Fallout and uh some stuff he did not know what were’re talking about I’m like but but but but but but but but but darth’s right that’s a Mr handy voice I want a Mr handy I want my own codsworth that g it but I don’t want it to go you know ape [ __ ] I don’t want it to go nuts but that would be my luck I mean everything in my house is crazy so why not that right okay so I thought there was a darker pink is this it if so it’s awfully close to that dagam lava no that’s the same pink I thought we had one that was like a much darker pink that it said you know something about being a darker pink same with the green there’s that pretty blue that is rare I don’t see it spawning a whole lot and it seems like every time I find it it’s over a really bad area okay okay okay do it like this hey and I thought we had like a dark green and then like a lime green green domestic Mr handy yeah either way I want one I just don’t want it going bananas and doing some psycho crap but again everything else in my house is kind of bananas so would make sense for the any Mr handy to go bananas and then there was all right there was the domestic Mr handies and then there was the military ones weren’t they originally designed for military use or were they designed for domestic use and then military adapted I can’t remember the lore behind those all right let’s get these and we’re going to check that green and see if it is the lighter green that I was thinking of and then we’re going to take all these and go back go back to the workshop all right let’s see here all right yeah that just says green I kept thinking there was one that was a dark green and one that’s a lighter green um H there we go need to put a make a little more space in my backpack all right yeah lime green so yeah it’s good thing we are getting this we’re going to need some of all of it eventually oh I missed these earlier huh all right oh there’s one need to go ahead and get some of these too [Music] H wondering how much room I’m going to have left that should leave us a little bit ow ow ow no no no no no no let me out let me out let me out oh I see you down there Mr lava get out out okay let’s go back up here and get these I think those specific military Mr handies can vary they can range from being like a sergeant or various other ranks to having a desk job yeah see that’s what I need to keep gray in line that would be nice just every time gray goes to acting up just sick that Mr handy on him you know now I do Wonder as the series progresses will they actually have um things from all of the games you know maybe characters from each of each of the different parts of the franchise there’s another one ooh careful careful get it get it get it and get out okay I think we got it all that time now I think we have some of each color so we can definitely get all that stuff organized Fallout 76 yeah and now if I’m remembering right wasn’t there Factory and Fallout 4 that had some of those little psychos in it okay that’s on so we got to go that way direction thank God for the angel ring even though sometimes it fails me once in a while o here’s a lot more of this we’re not going to keep collecting glow stone today though we’re going to get back and get back to work even though I would be perfectly happy just collecting a bunch of Glowstone got to find my portal again though oh ow ow ow ow get off there’s that Hive we really got to make a decision about when we’re going to tackle that Hive full out 4 multiplayer get in my game and area why am I being burned who’s cooking me in lava Dar why am I getting burned why am I getting burned especially while I’m in the nether give me a freaking heart attack why don’t you um why do I always get lost trying to get back to the [Music] portal I’m going to check that out and see see what I might can figure out cuz it would be nice to be able to do it you know all of us without um oh oh one of those stinking wither roses you would think these guys would know to stay away from those um did we ever get any of these though I’ll get a few just to start that row at the workshop oh and I forgot about this one so see we didn’t get all of them looks like it get up R Fallout 4 wishes myy good luck uhuh so you’re not going to help me with that come on you know you love me you want to help me with it okay so we did get that before it’s just the gray one okay um what about this one is this the black one I’m pretty sure it is yeah black glow stone that’s the one we hadn’t got like I said we’re going to end up using some of all of it in different builds and different areas so might as well get it oh and in case y’all wondering why I didn’t go ahead and use the camera tonight since I’ve been trying to use it more lately um after being sick past few days y’all really don’t want to see me just looking a little rough oh am I out of space crap um that’s almost broke I don’t think I have space for anything else there we go ha got [Music] it thought there was another one down here C++ is a whole another Beast than what I’m used to see me too so it’s going to be a learning curve but but we may be able to do it now I know somebody who does know a bit about C++ couple of somebody’s one being kicked I wonder if he’d you know loan me his expertise and advice cuz I really would like to get a plugin like that going see that’s part of why seven days to die in Minecraft are much easier to mod uhoh eat eat eat eat eat eat Mandy eat okay going to eat hold on grab the glow glowy stone hello oh come back here all right now we still got to find our way [Music] back gray I think between the both both of us we can figure it out right gray sitting there going nope all [Music] right all right there’s that stinking Hive so and actually while we’re here I’ve been watching dude up there every time I come down here we’re going to help him out oh all you guys are kind of in a perilous position up here aren’t you a little better than where you were though all right there’s the hve ow ow ow wither Rose wither Rose God Dam it get off the Wither roses let’s check down here yep I think it was down this way want it down this way somewhere I done got myself lost again y’all [Music] H so down here somewhere yep over there I believe I think I found [Music] it yes oh crap Mandy no no no no no no no no no no heer no God Dam it I’m burning do I still have on that outfit I can’t remember just just just just go and hope I get back before I die okay Oho yeah good good good good good I learned some C+ language before Oh C language C++ is extended version yeah and when the person who wrote it could figure it out is not a good sign I know but I fig we can try right I personally would rather play Fallout 76 with y’all do stuff with with that well 76 I’ve got to get a little more into it um because we didn’t want to deal with the trolls I never did play it as much as I wanted to definitely need to get back into it and learn a whole lot more about it like a whole lot more gray was loving it just again he was like me was like the trolls are the issue the trollies that one house though good God that thing was a pain in the butt when you’re squishy new character what was the name of that house gr me and you both had a fit with that one it was the little Farmhouse that was there on the left when you first went going down that one road would know how to join a multiplayer session yeah that’s I think I I would if I was going to do it I’m probably going to have to start completely from scratch which means I would have to figure out easier ways for that to be done [Music] too gray it is hotter in a firecracker in this [Music] office all right now we’ve got some of all the glowstone so let’s go organize and I can get rid of [Music] that let’s see here didn’t I put some in my backpack too yeah right here we’ll start putting the blue put the black right here oh yeah it’s a good thing we did go back and get it or I want to ended up not leaving enough room that’s the light blue okay so we’ll put it over here didn’t we already have some of the gray though yeah all right we’ve got some of the white we’ve now got some of the purple yeah see we went there were more colors than I remembered I have two characters that are Level 300 and 351 oh cool problem with that is opening Network public IP to the world that’s true that’s true I get in there wait a minute um I thought I’d put all the Gray Away wish it was this easy to put Gray Away you know just stuff him on a shelf until I’m ready to deal with this crap and then I could pull him back down I already know the look he’s giving me okay wait a minute yeah that’s the light [Music] blue didn’t I start one for the light blue I thought I did okay this will be a row for the light blue I know we’ve got some more of that dark blue in the backpack let’s pull it out was there any more I don’t see any we are going to start an area that’s for just nether stuff like nether rack nether brick um you know uh wither roses all that stuff what gray said is why I said personally would rather play yeah it can be done safely but will require a bunch of research yeah yeah you’re right on that I’m not arguing it trust me I’m not arguing it there we go and we’ll consider this part of lightting too the the magma blocks we’ll consider that part of lightning too and put them there okay now the stuff I left in here um we got those now here’s another thing we’re going to need to do we’re going to need to get some of every kind of wood and create areas for that we’re going to need areas for Cobblestone I thought I made this big enough I may not have depending on how I do it I could actually put some chest and shelves out in the middle around here would work well H matter of fact let me do something let’s just drop some of this in here we’ll get it all back out when we come back cuz right now what we’re going to do is go to some of the other areas of the world um get me some more pork chops and we’re going to gather more wood we’re going to start Gathering some of each of the wood Darth wants plate safe it makes sense this is true this is very true better safe than sorry oh wait a minute wait a minute we need to repair this axe before we go anywhere didn’t I have some diamonds in here somewhere oh I’ve got one H I think I’ve got some more over at Aspen Hill let’s go over there first see if I’ve got diamonds fix the axe and then we’re going to go together in all the woods Aspen Hill underground ooh it’s dark over here yeah gray check the Discord messages Darth put a picture of his [ __ ] in there and guys depending on whether or not I can sleep later tonight there may end up being a peace and quiet stream later tonight like I said just depends on whether or not I can sleep which here lately the track record with that hasn’t been the greatest so all right nope no get in there all right we got that fixed time to go gather the wood chopp of the wood and say none of there’s only two tree farms set up so far on the server neither one of them have all the trees available so probably going to have to do some exploring to get everything we’ll start here [Music] no excuse me there’s three tree farms three but out of all three none of them have every type of tree we’ve got in the game so wow wow wow wow that sister kind of threaten to sck on Mandy uhhuh yeah I saw that I saw that honestly I had no objections with the doctor the other day but the doctor’s already said what needed to be done and the insurance company didn’t want to pay for it and I was not about to stick us with another medical bill so I wouldn’t I wouldn’t go do it but now like I said the doctor got all over them yes uh yesterday and they finally agreed to allow him to do what needs to be done so there’ll be a lot more doctor’s appointments in my very near future so don’t sck [ __ ] on me I’m doing what I’m supposed to well for the most part sort of and I I think I told you guys I think I told you guys in Discord my mom was recently diagnosed with cancer uh she’s been going through she they did surgery and now she’s been going through a radiation treatment and um she says she’s feeling better than she’s felt in a long time so that’s freaking awesome I’m happy about that and me and Amber are planning a trip back to Tennessee as soon as possible um um if we do that guys do y’all want me to make some videos or do some streams along the trip and once we’re there yall know that if I threatened to send my sister you would do it out of love yeah but she might not love me she might just kick my [Music] butt and sometimes I need it kicked I mean I’ll admit that but that don’t necessarily mean I’m going to enjoy it even when I need it oh no right there um okay we’re doing good we’re also going to end up needing a lot of leaves and Vines I like grindy nights like this where I can just do the grind and kind of s and talk to you guys without having to focus a whole lot I kind of like that oh Memphis Lord the last time I went to Memphis we don’t even want to discuss that night we just we just don’t that was the night me and my brother decided to take off for no good reason really and it was a very long night and me and my brother on a little road trip oh Mandy I start Botox treatment oh awesome for your migraines that’s incredible that is freaking incredible Lori I see they waited until the day before my MRI to tell me and the doctor that they weren’t going to pay for the MRI my doctor was like why and they’re like because she’s not 65 years old my doctor’s like well even babies need M sometimes why why would you deny they said it wasn’t medically necessary and I was like oh yeah I I I go get MRIs you know at least once a week just for fun you know that’s what I do for fun y’all but like I said the doctors got all in their crap and they’re changing their tune a bit now so he thinks he knows what’s wrong he just needed the MRI to confirm it so we could move forward with the right treatments another thing that made me and the doctor both laugh they were like well she’s got to be C5 or um immuno compromis and the doctor’s like she’s got POT Syndrome that’s automatically immuno compromised and that the insurance people were like what’s POT Syndrome it’s like you don’t even know what it is that I have and yet you’re going to make decisions about my medical care good Lord but after they looked into it and stuff that’s part they say that’s part of the reason they went ahead and approved stuff and it’s like so from once my pots played in my favor y’all it was a good [Music] thing the problem with it is now um they don’t have anybody here that does MRIs on a regular basis so I have to wait for the person that does them to come back around and they won’t they won’t be back around or have a space for me until uh May 17th I think it think it was something like that so I got to wait several several more days I hadn’t even asked about your last appointment why not all right these are just going to give us birch wood so I’m not going to hit those up right now always either have gray or Amber one go with me to my appointments and oh and I don’t know if y’all knew it or not I did put something about it in Discord yesterday but guess his birthday was [Applause] yesterday and yet he wants to try to claim he’s you know in his early 20s gray you know who I’m talking about ooh um let’s try to get the rest of this one from the top no clue uhhuh mhm your daughter sure didn’t forget did she holy crap oh my Lord blue with the heart attack Bitties and followed right up by some Traer Bitties blue thank you for the Bitties darling even though they are heart attack and Trader Bitties I do appreciate it how you doing tonight blue darling you’re here huh I’m doing all right I’m better than I was past few days I felt bad not streaming or doing anything the past few days but to be honest and gray will gray will tell y’all I just kind of laid around for like 3 4 days straight didn’t even spend time with my little bug and y’all know that ain’t right not sure he just hasn’t H maybe it just slipped his mind Lori maybe just say something to him blue is a gaged to the chief of police he is from Down Under like I said got you a saucy Australian now did you see what I um put in your corner of the Discord I I you may have answered me and I just ain’t seen it um if you joined another GTA server going back to GTA did you give up redm oh that’s fine darling that is fine you didn’t give up ready ready them you do them both now are you going to start streaming again taking a break after he passed I I can understand that I can understand that now okay the GTA server you’re playing on is that the same one you were on before or is this a new one see I like grinding nights cuz I get to sit and just you know I could focus more on talking to y’all and catching up with you guys no a different one oh okay is this do you like the community on this one better and you still ain’t asking me about the streaming part y’all y’all Amber’s talking about wanting to start doing something from home and I’m trying to convince her to start you know playing more games and streaming with us but she’s like I I don’t know ain’t nobody going to want to watch me play no game I said you be surprised I mean y’all seen pictures of her she’s a pretty girl she C Cuts up with everybody I think she could do all right but you do like it better that’s good that’s [Applause] good is there anywhere we can watch it and are you going to start streaming again oh oh Mr [Music] sapling yes you can watch it you D me okay good I started you twice and R of me both times so he can be surprised when my rest and Mitch face is locked in the place oh man I love that theory Lor I do I love that theory [Music] all right blue darling I will do that here in just a little bit I got to check what uh Darth dropped earlier too oh blue did you watch the uh fallout Premiere last night we were all talking about it earlier uh let’s just go ahead and get this one from the top no I I’m not going to give any spoilers all I’m going to say is they did a heck of a job on it I was worried but they nailed it they freaking nailed it should I make a tree farm underground at the Hollywood County underground Village should I do that guys okay and let’s go ahead and do that that’s just going to give us Oak okay let’s do the Redwoods and hopefully they’re being more generous with their saplings this time they’ve gotten word they’re not wanting to give up a lot of saplings hey they gave two good very good let’s go ahead and crack these open must have been more seeds or something that we already had in our inventory you know what let’s do this one from the top too love bugging your sister again as I said earlier that’s what brothers are born for at least that’s what they think they’re born for every 3 months that’s not too bad though every 3 months right let me know how it makes you feel and stuff cuz I thought about doing BOTOX for this stupid forehead of mine I’ve wondered too is there any studies on whether or not that I know that helps with migraines but does it help with like sinuses and stuff too I wondered about that oh holy Sho who’s burning me blue why you burning me why what I do to deserve that uh oh I I I hear Traer noises I hear Traer noises yep there they are blue ahuh I see them little angel ghosties bull ain’t neither one of y’all an angel there we go oh yeah look at how tall this one’s gotten we’re going to do it from the top most definitely oh I didn’t even notice there was an ad break going on on Twitch sorry guys [Music] and guys I can’t wait to finish some of this amig groomy I’ve been working on and show you guys just cuz you know I’ve been crocheting for years but it was always you know like blankets stuff like that I’m just learning the amig gromy and I’m loving it after you know curing it quite a bit at first but hey I got better I’m getting there and some of them are turning out so cute but little bug informed me that the dinosaurs and the cows that I’m making her need to be um rainbow colored she doesn’t want a plain cow or a plain Dino she wants some rainbow colored go figure M you want to know what I name one of my Fallout 76 characters what’ you name it what did you name that character Darth all right let’s put these guys in here I can’t remember what these were and I can’t see the sign cuz the dam leaves Oh Olive yes we definitely want that so please give me saplings yes I I one of my Fallout 76 characters Lucy ah awesome February last year that’s cool I like that like I said I like the girl playing Lucy it’s just after seeing her on Yellow Jackets that’s all I keep thinking when I look at her is this poor girl was eating you know I don’t know in Hollywood County should I make an underground Tree Farm or just a regular one above ground we’re going to need one there with all the building we’re going to be doing but I’m thinking about making an above ground one but putting making like an underground um Fruit Farm or vegetable farm or something like that in the little underground Village we’ll put one of our NPCs in as the farmer [Music] uh run out of space apparently oh yeah cuz I got all of those in here [Music] okay at least we’re getting more glowstone dust out of these bird’s nest it comes in handy I mean it’s only a little at a time but it all adds up [Music] okay no more birds nest I am running out of space though there we go all right that’s enough olive wood for right now now E look out piggy okay put those in there we go ahead and do these um we don’t have any Willow planted over I think we may have some Willow planted over at the Halloween tree farm let’s go take a look [Music] [Music] [Music] come on let’s go oh yeah we got some over here m h you know what yeah I got to say shears I want to get some of these Vines while we’re here too I’m getting the hiccups y’all oh it’s a bird I was going what is flittering around over there let’s go ahead and put that up there all right let’s skip these and guys like I said earlier for those who may have not heard it I did put um a panel down below the twitch stream which I need to figure out how I’m going to do this best on YouTube but um just kind of explains what the peace and quiet videos well streams are and when they may get done so if y’all want to check that out so you’ll kind of understand those and the purpose of them um let’s go ahead and put that up there that up [Music] there I hear you Mo cow where my how itch all right that’s St vs for now there we go all right oh nope wrong spot you need to go right there um okay that’s the only bird sest we got right now that’s fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on I know tonight s been mostly grind I don’t know that’s not you know like the most exciting thing in the world but it is a necessary them plus like I said I kind of like grinding nights like this cuz I just get to do my thing and sit and talk to you guys hang out ah let somebody give me a freaking heart attack who done that who done that blue blue setting off that lava trying to burn me at least I wasn’t in the nether this time Darth got me while I was in the Nether and I hear traiter noises I hear traitorous noises did y’all hear them cuz I did yep there it is blue she always always always messing with me always h no chicken D Dam it okay yeahall just wait till she start streaming again I’m going to so get even speaking of such stuff and things let me do something here I can do it on Twitch I can’t do it on YouTube but I can do it on Twitch need to shout some folks out here Lori and blue both there we go if y’all are not following those two go check them out say hello say howdy [Music] and I guess what I can do though over on the YouTubes is this hold on I will get this done one second I’m not ending stream or nothing yet I’m just going ahead and getting these shouted out for everybody blue don’t you go there I will have to whoop your butt and you know I’m close enough I can do it I can do it I know where you live and it’s only a couple hours away don’t make me come there say I can threaten her real easy like you know all right guys on YouTube there is Miss Lor’s link over on Twitch there is Miss Lor’s link over on Twitch there is Miss Lor’s link over on Twitch okay it’s CA of blu’s Channel I was going what what why am I hearing my noise why am I hearing me and there is Miss Blues so you guys on YouTube when you get make your way over twitch you can check them out sometimes Say howdy howdy hi all right let’s get back in here and keep Gathering these resources before I have to go whoop Blue’s butt it’s like a you know two three hour drive I can do that to go kick her butt right there we go and we’re getting a lot of iron nuggets out of these H there’s some egg egg and what was that that was some more string okay we can definitely use string Let’s uh no no chicken why am I not getting any chickens out of the eggs not allowed ha who’s going to stop me who going to stop me oh that Dam it there we go all right let’s do this last one and we’re going to go put all this wood away there we go all right awesome let’s put that away and let’s get back over to the Hollywood County workshop and get the stuff put away like it should be Fly Birdie Fly R be still hanging out over here I hadn’t checked on them in a while oh I hear them yep there they are hello baby be where’s your mama and daddy are they still hanging out around here sometimes they pop out and end up down here in the water like see that they’ll pop out and end up all the way down [Music] here all right let’s let’s get going okay Hollywood County uh this is not one of the peaceful dimensions and there’s cies that roam around here at night besides you know Skelly spiders all the awful stuff I’m not seeing anybody right now though so we may be good not seeing anybody below okay that’s good all right so that’s going to be Birch that’s going to be regular Oak we’ve already brought some of that back uh this going to end up being the dark oak I need take all my other crap out of it we’ll make this the spruce this will be the eucalyptus Redwood Willow put the Olive in here let’s see what all have I got in my backpack that I could go ahead and get out oh yeah we’ve got all the different Woods that come from the prehistoric Dimensions that we’re going to need space for [Music] two so let’s go ahead and get that out bone block okay it want a quartz block like I kept thinking it was a bone block that’s fine take that out any more yeah right there I think that’s it I think all right there’s our Birch I hear a spider I heard him it sounded like he fell somewhere do y’all hear him is he below I think he’s above let’s go see oh where is he I don’t mind the spiders with the thatum CES are quick so I don’t really want to run into any of them out here in the dark you know what I [Music] mean they’ve murdered me on more than one occasion I just I don’t want it tonight I I don’t want it Buffalo’s asleep they got to be asleep around here somewhere where the porcupines are not going to sleep hey you stay away from that porcupine nope nope oh he dropped us a case uh all right the case is already in the bar let’s see what we got a pretty scoop H all right I hope that is a porcupine I’m hearing I hear something running around behind me M level obsidian speed eight H all right how’s that compared to our okay so they’re about tip for Tat almost H we’ll put that sucker up and just keep in mind that we’ve got it that reminds me we need to make some tool racks for this Workshop too um let me see something yeah there’s the tool rxs what’s needed for those okay those should be no problem to M and we’ll do those in the dark oak just like we’re doing um the shelves now what about this one what’s this Hammer is that mainly just for decoration h a screwdriver rack we’re going to have to play around with some of these figure out exactly what we can use those for but not tonight tonight I need to work on putting the stum shop together okay we got that in there okay put that in there like I said this is all going to be dark oak wood I need to get all this other crap out of here we’ll go to put some of this in these drop chest in this uh tree house [Music] [Music] all right let’s go get some more of that stuff out of there I might end up putting like a drop chest out here or something okay now try to straighten all this mess back up make it kind of neat I’m hearing Skelly bones somewhere and I still don’t know what’s wrong with these doors they worked fine then they stopped working I’ve taken them off and putting them back on and the minute I open them they just get stuck so I’m not sure what’s going on with those oh no I need to keep those out okay put the rest up here running out of room yes I am [Music] we got some room in here and see this mess this is why I wanted to get this Workshop to work on this place is just G oh yeah I said the Buffalo were sleep where do he go see him over here get my sword ready just in case there’s a stinky Cy working oh he woke up why did you wake up dude sometimes they’re nice sometimes they try to kill you just weird they’re temperamental kind of like gray okay now put that back in there that over there oh we never did crack this one open let’s do that and you know what there we go there’s the one for the extra torches I’m thinking maybe put the tool racks I I don’t know I was thinking maybe almost make them a lighter color and put them on these beams possibly all right guys I am going to have to call this one here for tonight uh starting to feel a little woozy it’s going to be time to take some meds um but I’m going to be back tomorrow night usually tomorrow night would be uh 7 days to die but I may end up doing this again just while I’m letting my body try to get back to normal but before I do all that let’s see who all is on on both the YouTubes and twitch see who all is on that I could send you guys to check out I love this song I don’t know why I do but it’s time to cut it for now there we go and let’s get this switched over now let me see who I can find for you guys loves anybody live on right now over on the YouTubes that I would send y’all over to right now h uh kicks and all them were on earlier they’re not on right now though let me see who all is on over on the um twitch hey my Big Brother’s on all right I got three three for y’all over on Twitch first up we got my big brother goes by guy with a gun over on Twitch and he is doing some fortnite tonight so let me drop that link for you guys my loves oh come on YouTube cooperate cooperate please it’s being janky there we go all right there’s that link and next we have had the wildlife cam that I told you guys that I love to watch by shares is now trading so you can add crypto exposure to your portfolio what is oh Lord it was playing awfully loud in my little ears so let me drop that for you guys oh you sent me one I will take a look at that in just a minute where did you did you send it in Whispers or on the discords and we’ve got destroy the brain doing a little Arc tonight y’all know I love me some Ark love me some Ark and let me see who this was that Miss blue sent me the link to the linkage oh Discord come on now Discord being slow and creepy not come on Discord okay all right and we have oh necro creeper uh 350 doing some Grand Theft Auto that could be very interesting so y’all go check out all these folks that’s four awesome folks for y’all to go check out you never know you might find your next favorite streamer your next favorite game your next favorite Community or your next best friend you never going to know until you go check them out all right guys like I said I will be back sometime tomorrow night maybe seven days a die and it may be more Minecraft just kind of got going to depend but thank you all for hanging out thank you for the Bitties the Chatters the whole nine I appreciate you guys so much and much love and hugs my babies I will see y’all tomorrow good night e

This video, titled ‘Minecraft ⛏ CMS PPcraft Stream Series ⛏ Pt 41’, was uploaded by Mandy Collins-Moore on 2024-04-15 22:29:33. It has garnered 24 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:33 or 9153 seconds.

Stream Starts: 4:38 We need to organize the Hollywood County workshop & gather all the glowstone. So, let’s make a trip to the Nether!

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Mandy’s Links: https://linktr.ee/MandyCollinsMoore Support: https://cmstarscreations.com/pages/support

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Humble Bundle: https://www.humblebundle.com/?partner… Donations: https://ko-fi.com/cmstarscreations All donations go right back into making content & writing. Donations are never required or expected. I am always happy to have anyone stop by, regardless of a donation. Donations are appreciated, but comments & likes are equally appreciated.

Follow The Road & California Lullabye by Josh Woodward: Used with Creative Commons License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Find both songs at: https://www.joshwoodward.com

Intro Music: Track: Arlow – Feel So Lucky [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: • Arlow – Feel So Lucky [NCS Release] Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/FeelSoLucky Outro Music: Diamond Eyes – Stars [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds. Watch: • Diamond Eyes – Stars [NCS Release] Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/Stars/Stars #Minecraft #PPcraft #ModdedMinecraft

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  • Aurous

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  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

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  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

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  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

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  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

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  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

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  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

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    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GÜVENLİ TÜNEL EVİ YAPI KAPIŞMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. 💥NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft💥 ➡️Adam’s Channel: https://youtu.be/G2jRplZYybM?si=Owi5Acam_ZsiJQ6J ➡️Ahmetin Channel: https://youtu.be/Jl85KSZwQ7k?si=iMGc6DTE2zxl6vLu If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE➡️ https://bit.ly/3i1ywM5 🟧You Can Join My Discord Server➡️… Read More

  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

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  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! 😄 📢 My Social Networks ⚪ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Susro465 🟣 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/susro465_ 🟠 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/susro465/ ⚫ TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@susro465?lang=es 🔵 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/jwbtbtN2 📧 Contact: [email protected] ⚔️ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,lunar.gg,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73OSCbHaqKlhHLBpQqHPrQ?sub_confirmation=1 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! 🪵🪨🌋🏡 Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥 Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! 🐱💣 Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More