EPIC Minecraft Build: Hawkins Square REVEALED!

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Guys guys guys guys guys how is it going welcome back to another wheel assassing guide stream I really hope we’re actually live and I’m just not talking too thin air here we are we are live Happy Days okay I hopefully can see this I think I think wait I can oh almost kind

Of I can let’s go all right this is a very unplanned stream as you may have realized um I did not plan to do this today uh well I did I did plan to do this but I just didn’t announce that I was going to do it so I apologized for

That in advance guys like I literally got to setting up the stream and I was like I’ve shared nothing for the Stream So if we get no one I am going to be you know totally understanding that because I haven’t shared it at all but hey no

Some of you guys are here and I really appreciate that wow a lot of you guys are here thank you soggy what is up bro good to see you thank you for dropping the stream man how was uh how was things how was your weekend MC produ what is up

Bro good to see you thank you so much dropping in the Stream man hope all is well with you Hugo what is up bro good to see you thank you for dropping in the Stream bro djx a lot of what is up guy thank you so much for dropping the

Stream man appreciate you bro build a Yeti from Monsters Inc I can try that Harry that’ be fun sander what is up my friend thank you so much dropping the stream hope you guys are doing well thank you so much for eight people already guys that is Beyond Bonkers um

So today’s stream we are back behind the build of Hawkins Square now for those that haven’t seen the series or have no idea what I’m talking about it is the square from strain of things the TV show and uh during season 1 two and I think

In three as well we do see this Square quite a lot um we are working currently on the behind of the cinema so here we have the Hawkins Cinema the Hawkin Square Cinema with a full interior I did give this an interior it is playing the Terminator on the screen so similar to

What I did in my Star cour Mall where I added a little pixel art of the movie I added the scene where um Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character he goes into the um the police station and uh you know he does the whole shooting up the police station kind of thing so that’s

What we got there um there’s also toilets beneath the staircases here so there’s the L’s bathroom and there is a gent’s bathroom this way just here so yeah it’s uh it’s fully detailed we’ve also got the um the chains on the bells there for like when the movie stops or

Whatever uh which I thought was a nice little detail for the old Cinema style so yeah I thought that was pretty cool so yeah we’re going to go this way and we’re going to finish up the back alley today the fighting alley very very important um part of the show indeed I

Apologize guys I’m getting some messages I will look at that afterwards um right I need to turn my hand and H on don’t I cuz that’s probably the best way to build oh man what have you guys been up to how’s your weekend being I know that we were streaming literally on Saturday

So it’s not been very long since the last one um but I do hope all is well with you guys yeah it’s good to be back hey City build what is up bro good to see you thank you for dropping the stream um I’ll be streaming shortly with

My friend fish chbe oh Wicked that’s good to hear well I hope that stream goes well my friend thank you so much dropping in W you could appreciate that Mike and suly from Monsters Inc oh that is tomorrow blow my neck mate I would love to try and get that done for

Tomorrow but sadly with it being Halloween I’m not going to be able to um I would like to uh I I would like to do some more Disney tutorials I’m going to look at that as soon as November comes around so yeah that’s only a few days

Off so I would definitely get on to that for sure Patrick what is up man good to see you thank you so much for joing the stream hope you’re doing well mate thank you very much coming in coming in hot there appreciate you bro I’m good thank

You I’m not doing too badly at all I’m quite tired today I was um unexpected well I wasn’t unexpectedly but I was like I had to cancel my um my train trip yesterday um cuz I was planning to go and meet my acting friends as I said

About in the Saturday stream um but then the weather was horrendous if you’re from the UK you would have known we had a storm and it was absolutely horrendous it literally flooded the entire like Railway and everything um and then it came to the afternoon and it was like

Bright sunny skies it hadn’t rained for hours and I was like wow this sucks cuz I was planning on meeting my girlfriend at the same time um so I was like I really wanted to go to see her so ended up going in the end but like a

Little bit later on so um yeah I was quite tired cuz I uh you know I went I went to do that in the evening so yeah no it was good though it was really good um where am I meant to be I meant to be

In Georgia I think I mean I’m meant to be in Jackson sorry guys I need to get the address back up of the um the square I forgot where the square is and for some reason it doesn’t have my um my history from Google Earth I think it’s

Updated and I don’t seem to have where I was before on my map so I’m going to quickly Google where the square is again cuz I need to um refresh my memory and use this as a reference you know okay I’m going to stand here and then quickly

Look it up so Hawkin Square um location from straight of things there we go it’s in I know it’s in Jackson ah the buts County of course it is because I always make a joke about that okay buts County ah Cy right buts County Town Hall is it I think it

Is I’ll just H that up see where it takes me ah we’re going into Georgia so yeah it’s this place um is that it that’s it I found it oh it’s a courthouse my bad my bad of course it is um and we need to be on

This corner over here so where the sewage works is I believe yeah the Bots County sew oh I’m so sorry for anyone who lives in this County I apologize I’m childish it is not my fault I was born this way and I’ve never grown

Up oh man JX what is up bro good to see you thank you for dropping the stream man when will the next episode for checking out worlds uh coming out that’s a good question actually I’m glad you brought that up um so I do have one currently on my laptop that needs

Editing which I should get on to this week so I’m planning on getting that done immediately because as we’re coming into November of course we’re getting more uh worlds visited and I’ll need to clear my hard drive ready for those worlds so yeah I’m going to get that

Edited hopefully by the end of the week and hopefully post it next week so definitely keeps your your eyes pureed for that one we do another building Hawkins with viewers again I would love to bro um the only thing that’s stopping me currently is my well my frame rate and my um my

Loading times and stuff I was literally hoping to get a PS5 this month um but sadly I’ve not been paid for my work yet so I haven’t been able to upgrade but once that comes in we’ll be getting back on Hawkins I promise you I I am so sorry

For the delay though I know it’s been a long time uh right where where do I need to be I need to be on this corner over this way I believe because we do see this building there’s like a rental solution building here and I’m pretty

Sure we see this in the background of um Nancy and I believe I took a screenshot for it um because I needed that little scene yeah there it is awesome oh yeah it’s when she slaps um Steve as well for for writing that sign of course okay so the the rentals place

I’m looking at on my Google Maps it actually has like a lot of um fans outside of it I believe they’re in the shop window actually huh that’s cool um so yeah there’s like a a rental it’s called rental Solutions in real life but it it

Goes over here so I’m going to try and build that now it’s quite a cool building I need to get it out of the sun it’s it’s got loads of glare on it I need to see what color the building is and my eye tight is already pretty bad

So um I’m going to say it’s white I think I wish I could show you guys this at the same time all right I’m going to say it’s white uh so we’ll take us cells I might actually go with white concrete powder maybe for the front or depend on the texture wouldn’t wouldn’t

Have a look at a moment and I’ll take myself some quartz and some quartz bricks yeah I think quartz will do the trick actually yeah I think that would look not too bad all right so there’s a little bit of grass just besides it and

I’ll do this thing here yeah so I put a sign there to say this this is in the show so I need to make sure to get this in there sorry guys I’m missing those at chat my bad um about to cast uh sorry about to pass

Candy with the fire department boys oh that sounds really cool bro oh that’s lovely that sounds really cool no nice one I like the way you’re helping out the community that’s very assassin like of you I love it yo been a long time it has indeed bro how is it going lampasa

Bailey UK go how’s it going bro it’s good to see you thank you so much for dropping the stream hope you’re doing well mate do you still oh sorry sorry I’m reading someone else’s message you’re doing fine I’m glad to hear that man I’m really glad to hear that I appreciate

You dropping in the Stream bro it’s always good to catch up so what have you guys been up to have you been up to anything over the weekend kind of just relaxing I guess now being back at school and all you know it’s probably very tiring so you want to get you

Relaxing in whilst you can right where is this opposite this is opposite that weird place that looks like a fire station um I need to go a little bit further on right it’s in the middle of this building kind of there’s two spaces in front of it so I’ll finish these two

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 on the eighth one just here oops like so and then one two 3 4 five six seven and up this way two of them there and this one’s kind of at the end here so it’s about here somewhere um but it needs to be oh I’m

Building this too far forward I do need to build this back about three blocks perhaps cuz there’s going to be a pathway just in here as well which I don’t want to um you know Miss off so I’ll do yeah I’ll do it three blocks

Back I think that’ll be good I’ll do it about here that looks good and then build this up this will all be in a tutorial as well because it is in the show um which is why I need to get it done you know which is why I thought you know we’ll

Stream this today we will it will help it’ll be helpful for me because I haven’t been able to film a video um so we’ll do a quick stream to uh get some more of the um the planning done you know and I think this is going to go

Quite well that looks good and then I’ll do like gray um stained glass with the normal stained glass and then it should look even cooler here as well sorry guys I’m missing quite a lot of the chat aren’t I I will look at that in

A moment I promise you so there we go oh this actually worked out quite nicely yeah two and twos who’s looking forward to Halloween I imagine you must be very excited I know I am I tell you why because my mom and my dad went out to uh the Super

Market just now and um on sale they had a demogorgon costume which is awesome because last year I kind of went as um Steve Harrington and I just kind of bundled together a bunch of drumsticks that I had laying around um and made a

Bat out of all that oh no sorry that was the year before no last year I was one of those like infl inflatable sharks um which is really fun so uh yeah no it’s really cool to have an actual costume this year do that instead that’s not too bad is it I don’t

Think that’s terrible it probably could be better I feel like you guys could definitely make this better but at the end of the day if you do feel like you could do it better when this tutorial does come around feel free to adapt it accordingly you don’t have to ever stick

With my original build if you feel like you’ve got a better thing in mind then obviously adapt it accordingly right I’m going to leave it there for a sec and read the chat awesome cool cool cool bro got to see how bad it was in lincolshire oh dude I

Bet was I bet the weather was awful up there yeah no I know it’s um I I was going along um uh there’s a there’s a train platform I have to pass on my way over to see my girlfriend and um it runs directly next to a river um and that

River was almost bursting its banks it was like it was quite worrying and it was like directly next to train Jack and I was thinking dude I’m going to get swept away in a moment it was mad imagine just being on a train and turns into a ship or

Something oh man have I seen the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie I haven’t yet bro I haven’t at all is it any good I’ve heard mixed things but I I assume it’s quite good I did see the animatronics like behind the scenes and it looked like they look really badass so yeah I

Imagine it’s pretty cool I used to we’re going to do uh going to build more of on Hawkins to build early yeah no you’re right you’re right definitely yeah no exactly this is yeah that’s exactly right so what I’m doing here Stander is basically building my tutorial plan um for my next tutorial

Now it’s not like I I have not got a tutorial ready cuz I could just teach this bit at the moment uh and this is quite a big section of the tutorial we’ve done already um but because I’ve kind of started the back alley and I

Didn’t have a video lined up for today already um I decided to just stream doing the rest of this side of the road you know and doing hopefully the as well today but um we’ll see how we get on so yeah I um I would usually have a build

You know a tutorial for you all today but um sadly due to a busy weekend I didn’t get around to uh to making one which sucks so that’s why I’m here today all right let’s go back up this way um what have I missed

Here oh there’s a free link for it oh my gosh yeah of course there is everything gets leaked on Discord these days oh War Thunder if you’re looking for like secret military documents look at War Thunder it’s crazy you watch the Five Nights at Freddy’s movie on Sunday is it

Any good did you enjoy it you finally reached 657 Subs this year your goal is now 700 dude that’s awesome hey congratulations that is a really really big goal and uh yeah you you smashed that out the park so well done hey you might want to aim for 1K

Bro go big or go home you know hell yeah you watch it the day it came out on peacock oh nice what Five Nights at Freddy’s movies on peacock no way you had a Halloween party with your siblings that came out wrong with with your siblings that sounds lovely dude

That sounds really nice I think that’s what what’s going to happen tomorrow with my family as well no that sounds cool nice quiet quiet evening in did you uh play some games or something started your channel on October 22nd 2020 Co year oh indeed indeed well that’s a lot of subs for

Those uh those few years my friend so well done to you that’s awesome awesome it took me a long time to grow to where I am now so yeah you should be proud of yourself meanwhile in the UK XM movies are on TV I know I

Know ah they never like leave us 5 minutes without a Christmas film like I’m not complaining I love Christmas but yeah I know it does get a bit like really you know like could you not just H like hang on a bit so it doesn’t get it doesn’t get annoying but no they

Don’t care they’re just like ah slap it on the telly plunk it on an annoy wheel no I’m joking um there’s like cladding around this thing how do I do this oh that would have been helpful I could just use some iron blocks couldn’t I up the side and maybe along the bottom

As well just to give it a bit more detail yeah I might just do that that actually looks better still keep the eyeon there though because it gives it a bit more texture the iron trap doors like that it looks a bit weird I know but

That’s actually not too bad I’m not too worried about that and what I’ll do for the sign up here is it’s a bit wonky but there is like cyan and gray I want to say so I’m going to do that over here guys if you want to see what I’m doing

By the way if you want to go to um buts County Courthouse in Jackson Georgia on Google Earth or Google Maps or something you can actually see what I’m doing I’m planning this road here which is the um Second Street besides the Hawken Cinema so yeah it’s um it’s

Going all right it’s going all right so far so far so good so we’ll see how this gets on all right that looks okay uh I might swap that there and maybe do like a like that sort of thing and then what I’ll do is WR the rental Solutions with

Banners if I have enough space um r e n t a l s o l u oh no T yeah no no space okay how can I fix this H to be honest it could be cheeky but we could actually squish this along like could even make this

Longer right let me look at the pictures again for reference because I need to stand in the alleyway to see what I’m doing yeah so there it is right so Nancy is about there just beyond the stairs about there and she can read the well you can read the entire thing from back

Here so well kind of back here is probably about there I do have a space though yeah what do you guys reckon should I should I make this entirely with banners try and write the entire name of the shop or just do like a select bit I feel like we can budge this

Up a bit and make the entire building because we don’t see the rest of its left side in the TV show um so yeah let me know what you think I yeah banners I agree I agree I think we could we could do that squishy what is

Up bro good to see you thank you so much foring the Stream man I hope you’re doing well it’s good to see you bro scream geek what is up bro good to see you thank you so much foring the stream we ever build a Russian Prison from

Strain of things season 4 absolutely bro that that fight is one of the best scenes in strain of things entirely I’ve got to get that done that’ll be awesome I have so many ideas for that and I wrote it all down when I was watching

Season 4 but um yeah I’ve yet to start that one cuz I was so focused on getting the cre house done I never got round to like building other stuff from season 4 so apart from the rink so I need to get those done that’ll be cool um what’s my favorite

Season of stranger things definitely season 3 as well I’m glad you said that you you know a lot of people don’t like season 3 but um I love season 3 I think it’s awesome right I’m going to quickly write down actually physically how many letter spaces I’m going to need um for

This building I know that sounds really like unintelligent of me but I just need to double check r e n t oh even that’s the police what is that ambulance shout out to the paramedics um Solutions how many letters is that one two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 okay and then I need three spaces for the thingy my Bobby is there right then how can I do this how many how many spaces is it right now it’s about 10 is it something that okay so that’s that’s fine right take this off soorry as you guys may

Have seen before I do talk to myself quite a lot when I’m building um it just keeps me focused you know make sure I don’t make mistakes or silly mistakes right so I’m going to go back on myself one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 perfect and then I need 16 7 17 18 and then I need to add these in there we go and then I can build this along to here that one up there and hopefully hopefully still have enough space beneath to um to build my glass to

Be how it’s supposed to be you know we will see we will see right that looks good knock out this one grab gra these back one oops two in here I’m going to knock out all the glass here got a double check make sure everything is in order

What would you guys say your favorite part about Halloween is by the way cuz I feel like it’s a tough question I feel like a lot of people say the like pumpkin carving a lot of people say sweets and things um for me personally I think it’s just like the ambience you

Know like watching the movie and um everyone kind of feels in a bit of a a silly mood you know um by the way I have a really strong coffee here so if I go a bit crazy don’t worry I’m absolutely fine oh that was almost ASMR and I spill it on myself

Ah yeah is really strong very sweet as well I love sweet coffee at this at this point my entire channel was built on caffeine oh man right uh I might do three Windows instead of two just see how we get on here CU if it comes to the end up this

Way and I feel like oh actually I’ve not got enough space to do more then I will swap it out so I’ll change the door positioning all that sort of stuff so that will be that that one ends and this will be this oh that’s perfect that actually works out well oh

There is three three lots of windows on both both sides but that’s okay we f it off as two wait no I might be able to get three in hold on a minute hold on a minute put that one there put that one there put that one oh I can’t I can’t

It’s just shy well that look bad if I do that no I don’t think it will if I make the doors gray so how have I done that right I’ve done this that gray that glass pan that gray those two normal those two normal down here gray Bob’s your uncle I’ve done it

That looks good that looks really good actually yeah I’m happy with that nice that’s basically how I plan tutorials is I just like build random stuff until I’m like yep that’s pretty good that’s pretty good and then done literally that’s all I do how have you been real I’ve been good bro thank

You so much for asking I’m doing all right how are you doing how’s life how’s things you only have 11 Subs only 11 hey man don’t say only 11 Subs is awesome honestly it’s awesome at the end of the day when I started my YouTube channel I

Had three subscribers my sister my mom and my dad that was all so um yeah 11 Subs do you know all those people if you don’t then that’s that’s awesome if you do I mean that’s awesome at the end of the day you’ve got to ask people to subscribe to your Channel or

Like somehow convince them when with your content so it’s obviously working bro persist persisten is key never give up especially if it’s something you want you know you actually want like want to do then uh no one could stop you for sure here we go here we go put these two

Here then I’ll do my gray above that’s better that looks actually quite professional quite happy with that yeah that’s looking cool I need to take these along this way a little bit further all right that’s not bad how what is the building is it gray oh man I

Hate my eyesight bro I can’t see if that’s gray or white I don’t know I think the sign is gray now now I’m looking at it from this angle I think it is gray ah right how am I going to do this I can use some gray there um gray materials it’s pretty

Tricky to find some actually it’s it’s quite a light gray as well I have to use these which one of these is right this one’s better okay no it’s fine I can switch these out it’s just going to be the um the quartz bricks above cuz they are supposed to be

Textured so I have to try and um sort them out for a gray textured material if we have any hopefully we do if not I’ll figure something out that’s okay and then gray texture oh could be copper that would actually be okay yeah I think I think that could

Work yeah that’s not actually bad well that completely changed the look of it didn’t it kind of made it a bit more ugly but that’s all right yeah it looks really depressing now oh man um it isn’t really scary to be honest it just has some gory bits and quite emotional

Scenes oh okay oh wow okay that’s cool hey um squishy subscrib to DJ that’s awesome man it’s always nice to help each other out I appreciate that we dressed up in creepy costumes and made a short film just for fun that sounds awesome hell yeah that sounds awesome

That’s my type of party right there that sounds Wicked I actually would love to do a um like make a horror movie um when I was on this acting job there was a a friend like a couple friends there and they were saying that they want to try and make a

Movie and what they were planning on was like doing some sort of like Western kind of film which sounded quite interesting but I would love to make like a a Victorian age horror movie like where there’s only steam trains and like those little like wind up phones and

Um uh like candle lit everywhere I think that would be so cool like the the complete atmosphere of that would just be so awesome so yeah I’m going to have to like try and figure that out one day I think that could be really cool you know like the woman in black style

That’s what I’m going off of to me if feel was like Christmas is a bit too yeah no it is it’s definitely early it hasn’t even been Halloween yet definitely um do you have any s suggestions for getting more subs oh that’s a good that’s a good

Question I mean I’m probably not the best guy to talk to because I mean I I don’t have um you know like I’m not I’m not like a a highflying YouTuber um and I definitely have to learn as I go as I’ve been doing for for a long time but

If I was going to say anything it would be persistence and um focus on building the audience you have around the content you have as well like the content you love and the content they enjoy too um so for me doing these streams doing these builds strainer things I love

Strainer things and you guys love strainer things so this is my you know this is my go-to content um so yeah it’s about finding your Niche bro and what you enjoy most and then when your subs start to build up is stick with the subs listen to them you know make sure that

You’re getting the the most out of your community and they’re getting the most out of your channel um so yeah it’s a it’s definitely about persistence I think and trial and error lots of trial and error for sure shout out to the police and the NHS

Because the NHS helped me oh man I’m sorry to hear that but no that’s that’s great to hear as well that they help you exactly yeah they do they do drive fast a lot don’t they I know they’re always going past my house it’s unbelievable yeah no no shout out to

Them indeed I always like to uh big up big up the paramedics as they drive by they I don’t think they ever know you know they’ll never know that little old wheel is sat in his room and he’s like wa NHS but it’s the fault that counts isn’t

It oh man oh that’s not what I wanted oh that is orange God that looks green it could be just my color blindness but that looks green to me on the um the oxidized that’s crazy I’m going to have to be careful of that make sure I don’t make a

Mistake you watch Saw oh saw 10 Saturday night I love saw 10 um I saw that with my um my best friend in the cinema and yeah it was really good wasn’t it it had a very like nice twist I think uh which was very cool yeah no great movie right

What I’m going to do here is take myself I’ll go for full gray instead of light gray and I want to get a loom and a bunch of gray banners how many do I need I need 15 don’t know but this probably going to be some duplicate

Letters we’ll get the sign out the way first then we can like test if it’s good good oh I need to clear my inventory look at all this rubbish look at all that mess disgraceful oh man I’ll just scrap my inventory for now get it all back in a

Moment get rid of all this rubbish there we go always have that when I’m trying to film a tutorial and it will just be completely packed with absolute nonsense and I’m always there like oh sorry guys you know it’s really dirty but never actually do anything to Soy so yeah that’s my

Bad right 15 banners oh we’ve already placed a loom so I don’t need a loom okay let’s spread these out that’ll be good oops there we go there we go I think that’s good right first one we want orange and we want to

Go for an R so we need this one and this one and this one perfect and then we’re going to need an e in a minute it wasn’t as scary as the others yes SX it wasn’t as scary as the other ones but it was

Kind of like it I think it was just as gory like that um I mean I don’t want to say too much cuz I don’t want to spoil it for anyone but there was a certain scene um where someone let’s just say that their leg does come off

Um o yeah that was painful to watch that genuinely felt horrible for watching that um yeah honestly the s movies do test test you as a viewer just to see if you’re actually like paying attention uh and God help you if you like walk out of

The cinema then walk back in cuz you you never know what you’re going to see um an a oops my bad need that one gray concrete and gray concrete powder yeah you’re right gray concrete powder does have a nice texture to it that could always be a back back up solution if

Necessary here we go rental uh S I always forget which way the S goes here it is there we go what are your favorite Halloween movies guys like what are your go-to Halloween films when the time comes what do you usually like put on the Telly for me it’s every single year I

Have to watch A Nightmare Before Christmas it’s one of my favorites and I was so happy this year cuz got to watch it with my girlfriend and I’ve like been dying to watch it with her from the moment she said she’ never seen it I was like you’re kidding me we’re going to

Have to watch it um L and then I need a u there we go I need another T you got a t already uh I need an i and then I’ve already got an O so that’s okay should I just cheat and use that as an eye yeah I think I

Will um then I’ve already got my o and I’ve I’ve already got my n and I’ve already got my S perfect so I didn’t need these four that’s okay that saves me a job awesome so let’s get these back in and get them outlined ready for the

Building I find banners to be quite like Troublesome sometimes I’m not good at building Banners at all or creating them sorry so when I have to do them I’m like oh God my Nemesis my Minecraft Nemesis oh I tell you I haven’t played this year

Um dead by daylight I was hoping to play that oh I made two L’s what am I doing ah absolute anyways back to business right r e n t a l s s oh I didn’t counter for the space Oh I’m an absolute numpty what am I doing what am I

Doing could have to cheat here could have to cheat I’m cheating I’m actually cheating oh my God Amateur hour honest to God right um I don’t need an R again I need a u and I need an I’ve already got my L what am I doing right oh that almost spells

Something quite bad so I’m just going to change that around quick um sorry guys I didn’t even see that mistake there that was almost would have got me demonetized whoopsie uh t i o there’s an S oh what am I doing I’ve spelled it wrong I’ve spelled it

Wrong oh that’s also saying something bad solution is a really annoying word I’ve realized it’s very very bad for people who are monetized oh oh it’s cuz I’ve oh I’ve Ren tools haven’t know it’s rental gosh gosh gosh gosh it is amatra this coffe is doing nothing for my intelligence

Shame there we go rental Solutions that’s okay well it’s not Center though I don’t I don’t know if I like that a I’m I’m a bit of an annoying perfectionist when it comes to this game yeah I don’t know if I like that guys I might have to change that again

Now we’ve got the letters that’s okay so it will be quicker yeah I think what I’m going to do is add three more blocks to this yeah I think I’m going to have to um can I move this do you reckon this little road here if I move this one block this

Way here take that one out yeah then start the building here that’s one I need to add another two on this one two just here oh right that’s all right like I said I have to like do things a certain way otherwise I do get a bit like frustrated

So yeah no that’s fine let let’s get it done be all right I’ll just get my um chest as well so I can take these banners down slap them in a chest where are the chests I’ve lost the chests there they are there we go stick that on

The pavement and grab my banners back from up here cool Hello typical how is it going bro it’s good to see you thank you for dropping the stream man hope all is well with you I know it was only Saturday when we uh you know last spoke but still

A lot can happen in a day hope all is good right there we go and now I don’t I shouldn’t need to destroy that too much but that’s okay we’ll have a look in a minute will have you seen The Shining yet I haven’t bro I

Haven’t at all yet I do need to watch it don’t I no it does seem like a classic horror movie we need to watch that I actually I might watch this Halloween I always try and like watch a new horror movie every Halloween like last year I was watching

Halloween which is weird cuz I’d never seen that one um and that was awesome by the way thoroughly enjoyed that and then I watched Halloween ends with my my best friend as well went to the cinema to see it uh that was a couple years ago now

Wasn’t it 2021 I think and that was a really good film but yeah I had to go and like watch the first one just so I knew where Michael was from cuz I’d never like seen him in anything before so yeah I mean I knew of his character

But obviously I didn’t know of um the sort of rest of it so have to go and watch that back right now if I done okay no that’s fine it’s in the middle roughly there is an extra block on the side there wait is that going to be a

Problem two blocks there isn’t it one block up here yeah I think that might be a problem so what I’ll do is change this on just knock this through for yeah yeah yeah yeah sort this out sort out right bring this up get this going bring this one around

Here how we looking we’re looking all right we’re looking all right all right lovely very nice yeah that’s not too bad and I’ll just change up the windows here just so everything is looking exact how it should be there we go and I’ll sort the rest out

In a moment I’ll just read chat sorry guys I keep missing your lovely comments I love that a Victorian horror movie are you thinking Jack the Ripper Vibes indeed bro no absolutely like the candle lit streets you know the oil lamps as well um but yeah I just feel

Like steam trains as well they’re very creepy so I’d love to have like a scene where um my main protagonist is like running down a carriage and like behind them is like all the doors are opening and closing and stuff and um like the lights are or sorry the lamps are

Flickering and um something’s chasing him through like a the train Carriage that would be really cool I’d love that I just I don’t know how I would do it cuz I’m not very good with like you know filming stuff but I feel like that would

Be cool you should do a Concord I do Concord from Fallout 4 oh man that would be sick that’d be so sick Halloween Horror Nights has a strainer thing season 4 haunted house no way dude that’s awesome and the person’s eyes popping out oh no oh dude yeah you

Reminded me of that no I didn’t just oh that just came back to me yeah that was awful that was horrific that scene that’s how they advertised the movie as well oh man a man of quality indeed indeed you you watched it you watched it they don’t give

One of course they don’t it’s in Manchester bro oh man that sounds good oh you know I contacted um uh I don’t know if you guys have ever been on the East Lancashire Railway um but I used to go on that that Railway when I was a kid quite a lot so I

Contacted them the other day to say that I’ve been basically planning a tutorial for them um for a long time and um I was wondering if I’d done it if there was any way I could like share their stuff you know their page or whatever uh cuz I

Always like to ask permission before doing something like that just in case but um yeah I’m just waiting for a reply now so we’ll see what they come back to me with but yeah I used to go on that Railway a lot as a kid so it would be

Really cool if I could do something for them yeah but yeah I’m I’m basically building a station I won’t say which one um but I’m building one of the stations one of the more like well-known stations I’d say so yeah it’s going to be pretty cool and

Also I built a train um but I’ve yet to post that tutorial so I do have a lot of tutorials still in my archive um waiting to be posted so it’s going to be be fun there we go that looks nice now so now if we look from it’s about this

Position isn’t it oh there’s only one window showing yeah that looks perfect yeah that’s cool okay I’m happy with that it’s very neon but it looks good awesome I’m glad that came out all right the Stitch fun crazy what is up my friend thank you so much for dropping

The stream I hope you’re doing well I hope all is good with you right this is going well I think won’t spoil it but it’s absolutely awesome I’m glad you got to see it man I was uh I was a bit like annoyed for you when you said you couldn’t go cuz that

That just sucks I know you’ve been looking forward to it for a long time so I was like oh man if that happened to me I would have been very annoyed as well uh right are we going to bring this this one down I think I would I think I

Should yeah it’s going to go beyond this up this direction awesome I tell you what I might do in a moment is just stick some music on as well cuz I know that it’s uh it does get a bit Bland for you guys I can imagine like when I’m not talking um

So I don’t want to you know keep like make you guys bored let me just put some music on just a little bit a little bit uh I love this’s one particular guy I actually um listen to his lowii stuff a lot because he’s really good and it’s all

Like royalty 3 which is brilliant because of striner things Ah that’s awesome I’m really glad you guys did though cuz uh like I said this is one of my favorite uh things ever um so yeah no it’s awesome that you guys found my channel and I’m so glad we found each

Other cuz it’s really awesome to be part of this community what’s his name look there it is there he is the kembo this guy is wicked I I probably pronounced that so wrong I hope not but maybe okay uh there we are one hour we need this

One this one’s a perfect one bread it’s called bread it’s a lovely one if I stick that there it might not be the loudest in the world but hopefully we give a little bit of background noise you know there we go lovely right I’m going to head back down

This way and go ahead and finish up this rentals need to look at the real building here it is okay so what I’m going to do here is bring this pathway quite bit long here oh please don’t tell me I built this too close oh no I think I

Have oh I’m an absolute donut I’ve built this one block too close to the road okay that’s always the way that’s always the way right that’s fine I’ll do it again Third Time Lucky oh this is why I do these builds just to show you guys that I do also

Make a lot of mistakes it’s a miracle how I get tutorials out to be honest oh man uh how to build will bu’s house no way I’m going to try and redo that one as soon as I can I’ve been I’ve been having so many ideas for that house so

Yeah as soon as I can get it redone I’m going to get on it and we still have the um the California bias house to do as well which I haven’t forgot about I just haven’t had the time yet you know just going to take a sip of my

Coffee cuz I feel like I’m going to need it for this next part use the structure blocks it’s so easy yes I should actually shouldn’t I that’s not a bad idea actually good plan right let’s scrap this I’ll rebuild it how it was just so it doesn’t confuse

Me thank you bro I forgot about structure blocks for a second will it move my balers by the way I hope so here we go right structure block it is here we go it will oh Wicked thank you right uh Slash give um at s oops here we go okay let’s sort this

Out I am pretty bad with these so you’re going you’re going to see this and be like what is he doing right good on this end this is going to be so embarrassing I feel like I’m going to mess this right up three blocks yep that’s good hey Will can you

Do the boat house from striner things season for I would love to bro that’s a very important scene as well isn’t it yeah no definitely if they’re very important scenes I would like I’d love to get it all done um it is a shame that these tutorials do take me a long time

Because I don’t want you guys to have to be waiting ages but then I don’t want to like rush things out you know like I used to um because then I made a lot of mistakes and then it wasn’t very accurate so I’m trying to be as accurate as possible these

Days that’s the edge of the building I think yep okay now I got to sh me this back I’ll call this one I’ll just call it rental so I remember right um okay it won’t move banners that’s okay no worries mate I think I’ve got the

More in here I have I believe hold on yeah I think so ah we’ll wing it we’ll win it it’ll be fine right moment of truth just need it to be here will that be all right if that was here before ah we’ll see yeah that’s good perfect right let’s do that

There there we go awesome thank you bro you’re a legend I completely forgot about that awesome that saves me a lot of hassle you know the amount of times I’ve rebuilt stuff because I forgot about structure blocks too many times count there we go let’s get these back oops a n s

O oops I need that in back there we go there we go problem solved ta oh man that took a little longer than expected but that’s okay got there in the end I will probably texture this pathway up a late like at a later date um but for now I’m just focused on

Getting some of the main parts done you know that’s helpful we went right up to the road Edge as well that’s good I do spend a long time like just doing Minor Details that probably no one cares about um but like I said I’m a little bit a perfectionist these days I

Like to try and get it all done if humanly possible there we go awesome this one has like a a black max outside of it seems like the owner put it out for people’s feet so I’m just going to add that in as well or even a gray one I think gray

Would look better there we go kind of matches the shop yeah like that it’s it’s at a crooked angle so I might try and build that yeah just a bit more detail there you go that’s pretty good nice nice one um oh wow you’re looking for Star court and you found me that’s

Awesome quite a few years now yeah dude definitely yeah oh that’s mad oh it was in episode three no way bro I’m glad you remember that that’s awesome that’s really cool never rush anything and get content out take your time thank you bro thank you I appreciate that yeah no it’s it’s always

Um it’s always like on my mind cuz I want to get videos to you out like out to you all as as fast as I can um but sometimes I I do struggle it is a solo one bro but thank you for asking me I appreciate that and thank you for coming

By I hope you’re doing well Ronnie it’s good to see you man um yeah no exactly like I said it um it is always on my mind like you know I want to get tutorials done I want to get them out to you as quick as I can but

Sometimes they’re just not ready and I don’t want to like force videos out you know um so I’m going to start looking at it from a different angle these days and rather than just like trying to stick to a a three video a week schedule is as

Soon as it’s done then it will be posted but until then you know I’ll just keep doing streams or something um cuz I want to still obviously communicate with the the community but um yeah I don’t want to uh you know mess things up with the tutorials right I next need myself some

Um purple or warped it’s kind of a blue so I might use warped for this dude we really need concrete stairs we need concrete stairs and slabs that would be so good we just need colored things you know we don’t have enough color in this game or like color options

I’d say thank you so much for 10 people in the chat guys I really appreciate you all it’s really good to see you oh that was my throat did you hear that oh man T what is up my friend good to see you thank you so much for joing

The stream saw you streaming and thought I tune in I appreciate that man thank you you’re a Legend um right how am I going to do this I think I’ll build this up another layer yeah and then what I’ll do is add in slabs where there’s not stairs or stop from the end

Please please end on the stair that would be lovely oh I didn’t ah rip that’s right I’ll have to change this up now I go from this angle coming two loocks at a time go this way excuse me two blocks two blocks here that’s good that’s not three right I’m going to

Remove the middle bit because I’m starting to get confused right two one two one two one two hell yeah a that looks good that looks real good nice I like that uh then we’ll take ourselves some polished and theight slabs maybe yeah I think that could be

Good or actually I think it’s a lighter color maybe oh no no no no no no we’ll keep it we’ll keep it we’ll keep it it looks good there we go go you got to go sleep yeah no worries dude you get some rest thank you so much dropping the stream

Man I really appreciate you Patrick have an excellent night bro and love you to see you in the Stream again yeah dude it would be Wicked to see you as well thank you have a good one bro get some rest your assistant isn’t coming because she doesn’t want

To um go and a taxi by oh no that’s okay no worries no worries at all have I ever heard the Five Nights at Freddy’s song by The Living Tombstone I don’t know I have I don’t think I have bro actually is any good right how am I going to make these

Lamps there are like four um lights on the top of the shop H I could use no actually no no no no no um candles white candles Maybe or even I wish you could put Brewing stands upside down cuz these look really good oh hold on a second I actually kind of like

That that doesn’t look too bad I was not expecting that to work but that actually looks all right I’ll do okay found my solution by accident that’s good right and then it’s on the second well this one up here or I might do a bit further along here and here no

Know yeah that’s that’s all right it’s not exactly the same as the original one um because there should be one stair in the Middle where these two are two um but that’s okay that’ll be all right it’s the original Five Nights at Freddy’s fan song oh No Way 2014 C

That’s a long time uh what mob did I vote for this year I was actually hoping for the armadillo um because I love uh armadillos they’re actually my favorite animal you vote for crab oh that’s cool I think all of them were really good actually uh and then Penguins as well my

Brother would have loved Penguins but yeah it’s a shame I feel like Minecraft needs to listen to us and be like you know we’re just going to add the more now um cuz I think a lot of people are a bit annoyed about that the fact they

Haven’t but yeah I don’t know maybe in the future we’ll get our way and then actually do it fingers crossed I’m going to build this back a little bit just because we have that dry way I don’t want this to be like entirely plain you know so I’ll just

Build this side up with my gray and the quartz as well this kind of looks like um uh Benny’s Burgers from the side doesn’t it slightly I’m getting Benny’s Burger’s Vibes the quartz and the um the gray there we go oh that’s not bad yeah okay it’s not the greatest but

It’ll be all right you voted for the penguin awesome you’re watching uh Spider-Man homecoming so yeah oh nice oh that’s awesome I love that movie that is a great movie uh do you know about the Five Nights at Freddy’s spring lock incident I don’t bro honestly I I don’t know any

Five Nights at Freddy’s law which is why I’m kind of interested when you guys tell me um because it it does have like a huge a huge law behind it but I just don’t know anything about it so yeah by all means please share 11 what is up my friend good to

See you thank you so much dropping the stream really appreciate you my friend uh you’re inspecting Stampy’s world for a build oh that’s so cool oh no no no what I mean no way I was trying to say I also was trying to say no worries but yeah no that came out weird

That’s awesome it didn’t go well yeah I know I know that’s why we need um you know we need for them to uh listen to us and add in all the mobs guys I’m going to refer back to my Benny’s Burgers build because we need these ceiling fans or these like

Fans outside of the shop I think there’s also some Hoovers um but I know there’s a fan in the um in the shop here in the restaurant because 11 stops it it’s like one of her first telekinesis moves so yeah I just need to see how I built it

Oh it’s really simple that’s really dumb isn’t it that’s so dull all right we’ll use it though continuity and all that it’s all right this square is massive isn’t it it looks it looks so ominous that’s really cool I found um a scene today actually I was watching stra

Of things back uh last night actually and um all this Greenery that we see on the square it’s all just trees so we’re going to sort that out as well make it look proper um these are things to come in the future though that we once we

Have a base down we’ll be able to add in like more detail but for now we’ll have to uh stick with what we have right so there’s a fan just here somewhere so boring I feel actually terrible for building a fan like that that looks awful does doesn’t it oh mate that’s that’s

Awful okay it doesn’t look too bad from back here but yeah oh god oh gosh need to build these two Hoover as well one of them is really strange looking I think it might be one of those like powered mop thingies I don’t know what they’re called um maybe like a like

A floor waxing Mobby thing I’ve already watched it so I don’t know what you mean but some people oh yeah yeah no worries no worries it’s 11 how’s Mike indeed how’s Mike is is all good um how can I make these ho I think I might use a slab for

These yeah we use like a one of these how am I going to make the little little thingy the holding thing the the handle holding thing what am I on um oh actually kid use armor stand it looks a bit boring doesn’t it that looks really bad oh my

Word my inability to build on stream is coming out right now this is so cute thank you 11 thank you it’s my my Hoovers I’m building oh God I mean I mean that actually doesn’t look like that doesn’t look too bad it looks like one of those 1940

Hoers it’s a it’s a pain though cuz they’re at an angle they’re like at a diagonal angle but we can’t get the perspective right in Minecraft so I’m going to have to do it like like this and just make them look guys I’m so sorry that looks really

Bad but I feel like that’s all we can do I mean there might be a genius way we can we can adapt it but yeah we live we love we lie what’s everyone’s favorite Five Nights of Freddy’s character that is a hard question I I would like to say I

Would you know I shouldn’t judge this because um I don’t know any of the characters really I only know Freddy yawning jeez I actually slept really good last night as well right what color are these curtains are they blue are they blue are they purple oh

I’m going to wing it I’m going to go Blue I don’t even think they’re blue I’m going to go Blue anyways it’s not good being color blind and uh trying to build stuff with color everything has color oh man right uh and then I’ll use cyan on this I think oh they’re cyan

Aren’t they they look cyan oh that’s fine I use the blue as a background yeah that’s not bad actually that is lovely I love that let’s get that out awesome okay and then let’s go put these in the window we don’t actually get to see the inside of the shop we

Only see these curtains but it makes sense it looks a bit like um full in the windows and I imagine they didn’t want to sort of show this in the show show this in the show and I’ll do for the doorway I’ll just like block it up maybe some black

Concrete just so that no one can see inside here we go uh um I won’t do it there do it just here just behind there we go hopefully I mean it’s going to have little gaps in it so you’ll be able to see inside the shop for those that are

Like no one’s going to be wanting to look in and then I’m just going to be peeking through the little I can see right the way in it’s not really private I might just put black concrete behind all the banners just there’s nothing to look at at all very very plain and

Dull here we go it’ll be for the best there we go how does that look oh that looks really creepy actually oh man um no it looks okay though I don’t think that looks terrible that’s how it is in the show so yeah and there looks like a skull hand

Coming out of the the wall there but I don’t think it is we love the bunnies oh yeah the bunnies are cool burn trap oh that is a cool character Spring Bonnie awesome oh vany gosh there’s so many characters I don’t I don’t know of yet if you want to learn

The law without fully me uh many without many mistakes watch game thus 1 hour by Nots at Freddy’s law blim me there’s that oh ow just hit my foot there’s that much law K that is a long a lot amount a long amount sorry he just looks so cool yeah

Definitely make like a Walmart that would be funny what just in Hawkin Square just a little Walmart in Hawkin Square oh I have a question for the um for my American viewers in um in America do you guys have like small super Supermarket so like do you have

Like a smaller version of a Walmart and like a small smaller version of like a Target or something um cuz basically here in the UK we have say like um our supermarkets are called Asda Morrison’s Tesco uh those are the big three and we have we have like mini versions of those

So like Tesco Express or like Asda local or like Morrison’s local or whatever I was just wondering if they have the same in America like with a Walmart extra or something you know like a small one you know it’s a random question everyone in chat what’s better

Xbox or Playstation oh god oh no console Wars I I’m not going to I’m not going to make a comment I’d love to be sponsored by both and the co-op yeah exactly the co-op as well oh yeah the car the car is always just like a small sh uh shop isn’t it

Now then they have small shops like dylans oh okay dylans that’s a pretty cool name yeah we have um well I’ve noticed that there’s not really many in my town like many Supermarket um Mini Shops they’re they’re just the big ones um but then like when you go closer

To a city there are loads of little ones like mini ones like when I stay with one of my friends when I was doing my acting job um there was literally like a Morrison’s local right next to his house and then there was one a bit further

Down as well and they were just everywhere um I I know in the north England they have a lot of the Morrison’s local ones as well it’s weird uh it’s helpful though handy right what’s over this way a not another Gray Building I don’t want to build another Gray

Building wait I’ll just quickly look at this again just cuz I might have made a mistake um I don’t think I have that’s I mean that’s a good thing but no I think I’m just going to build that little side alley yeah it’s like it’s like a little

A little sort of alley just here goes down this way it’s kind of being swallowed up by the dirt and the the grass as it goes along like that and then there’s a little like bin again well like a little bin shed I guess against this of this

Building you might make a mic Survival series add a story we if you want to be a character when you’re free yeah dude absolutely no I’d love that that’d be awesome hell yeah I would love to be that in that that’ be sound that be sound what I always like revert back to

Caveman for some reason I go back in time no that that sounds awesome I’d love to be a part of that thank you you have a small wmart it’s called small M oh that makes sense awesome Tails from the crocus what is up my friend good to see you thank

You so much foring the stream um I saw your latest Demon Slayer tutorial by the way loved it it’s awesome dropped a big like on that one really really love that show so yeah it’s awesome to see if I tell you what if I lived locally to where they film stranger

Things I would try and pop myself in a scene I just like there’s a wall behind Nancy right here but it’s like way in the distance and I would just be peeking my head over it like a mole just to try and get like 5 Seconds of fair and stranger things that’ be

Epic oh man right I’m going to build this coming back a bit further as well I thought I heard a bat then that was weird like a Minecraft Bat Xbox is better I do feel like both of them have their their unique things I feel like Xbox is better for the

Memberships um like Game Pass is really really good and very cheap um well if you get it with ultimate I mean but um PlayStation I’d say like PlayStation runs a lot more like story games better than the Xbox runs story games if that makes sense and I I

Like my Xbox for multiplayers uh no sorry the other way around the other way around um yeah it’s weird I don’t know I I don’t think like they’re any Superior than the other one I just think that they’re capable at doing things the others AR if that makes sense um so

Yeah but it’s all up for uh you know everyone’s own opinion I guess and I can’t judge the PS5 cuz I haven’t got one yet I’m not going to make any any comments about that uh I’m going to use Spruce on the top of this no I might use something else um Granite

Probably yeah that’s that’s actually better yeah looks good um there’s that little bin thing along here so I’ll try and get that in it’s kind of a steel roof like I’ll do this sort of thing from about here coming down like that not bad and then

It’s got some Spruce fences on the side of it as well not like that not like that wheel come on looks awful what you doing right let’s do a few more oops oh oh cuz they’re oh no you can cool H is that a bit too tall I think that’s a bit too

Tall let’s remove these just need to be like a little place for people to store their bins I think might even just use fence cuz I think that looks better certain things are tricky to build in Minecraft and other things there’s a lot of little detail that you

Can add in but they’re just Troublesome to build you know um is there any other material I could use for that instead maybe some of that Mangrove yeah I could use that that actually looks better and then because it’s also tall I could probably build it a bit higher as

Well yeah that’s better all right cool we figured it out in the end I’m going to get some jungle wood so it like rotted sort of wood like that yeah that’s good that’s not bad at all cool I don’t know what’s in that um sorry my chair’s

Squeaky um I’ll have a look see if I can get down that road oh there it is come on please oh it only puts me pass it a little bit oh I don’t really have the best view okay just little photo I took there’s a window down here though about

Here just add that in again these are like tiny micro details that no one’s going to see besides us but because we see it I’m like we’re going to add it in we’re going to get it in there cuz we don’t want to mess it up miss it off just bring this right

Back there we go there we go nice uh I might move this back as well now sorry guys missing the chat all I Dominic what is up go go what bro I’m so sorry I hope you’re doing well man thank you so much dropping the

Stream I hope you’ve had a uh a lovely weekend you’ve been building starco in Minecraft but you’re playing on Bedrock uh you don’t know how to go under underground yeah I’m I’m so sorry about that mistake that was completely my bad um yeah I wish I’d I wish I’d known that

Minecraft had changed before I started building it um cuz I stupidly I literally built it before they added bedrock and then um they added the Bedrock update and then it was like by the way you can’t go underground anymore so yeah I am so sorry about that it’s completely my

Fault um but yeah all you need to do is either build on a hill or you can build like a teleporter to the lower half of the the thing um so yeah it’s it’s a real tricky tricky thing um marip is not in the Five Nights

At Freddy’s movie I didn’t think he was I I thought um he couldn’t like line up his schedule with it I think I think I read somewhere um but yeah I know that he was like trying to but then yeah his his schedule didn’t align with their

Filming dates so you can do it that’s fair enough you can see where I planed the original border of Hawkin Square just by these two slabs with this slab and block um that’s when I was like trying to count how many how much space we would need for the square but now it’s

Exceeded that space oh man we are mad with our building we really are right there’s like a white door just up here about there for this one I’ll probably use an iron door about there and then I need some blocks down this way uh yeah I’ll use stone that seems good just

Here going down the back there and then I need some pallets so I use jungle just like that and I might get some barrels and things like this composter Spruce trap doors they’re way up here aren’t they Spruce Spruce trap doors like that or even that on top yeah that looks

Better maybe sort that for a barrel yep that’s cool okay that looks good and then I need to do a hanging Lantern up this way with another like Le two area up here that’s quite high up as well so there’s above there’s a lamp above the wall just here the window goes

Up this way maybe here sorry guys I’ll look at the chat in a moment just there and then I think there’s this wall uh thing here for the roof like that yeah yeah nice one okay cool looking good okay just going down the chat here guys sorry about the things here if

You’ve already started you can use yeah exactly you can use a structure block um if it’s not too big or you can just move certain areas at a time yeah that sounds like a good idea you want to stream Minecraft hi but you don’t know how to stream Minecraft

Oh mate if you’re on um PlayStation um I don’t know what console you used to play or what device you Ed to play if you’re on the PlayStation then you can broadcast straight from the uh the PlayStation if you’re on Xbox you may have to go through twitch um because

Sadly XBox doesn’t support straight to Youtube streaming without a capture card uh so that is a bit of a pain yeah you can’t stream to YouTube on Xbox without a capture card which is real a nuisance indeed um yeah if you’re on yeah yeah exactly yeah sorry I was reading the same message

Twice hey bro thank you for dropping the stream hope you’re doing well man that looks good right I’ve almost finished this almost um take some I’ll take some jungle trap doors for this fence back here I think this is a fence or is it a wall it might even be a wall you

Know right if that is a wall then what can I use for that wall it is uh it’s like a cream looking wall which is a bit annoying cuz we don’t have many materials like that in Minecraft I guess you could use pack mud it’s not cream but it does have the

Same sort of texture yeah I think that looks okay bring that along this way yeah it’s not too bad I’ll bring this building right back as well just so it looks like that fence only stops there maybe I can do some trap doors on the

Front of that fence as well just to give it a bit more depth as well hopefully that will uh that will properly s out you know I think there’s also a tower or like a um a road one of those thingy mobes there’s one somewhere around here I

Think oh isn’t there one down this street yeah there it is just one of these posts grab this and and it’s so annoying we can’t place buttons on top of stuff anymore again that’s another detail they changed in Minecraft which is a a real pain you’re on computer ah if you’re on

The computer then uh it should be a little bit easier yeah um you can actually if no no if you download streamlabs um onto your your computer it is free 100% free just type in streamlabs um into your internet browser and then um download it to your computer just make sure it’s the

Right one of course before you do that um but yeah you can actually stream through streamlabs onto whichever device you want to stream on oops sorry that was my coaster oops yeah there we go got it I went to pick up my coffee and it stuck to the coaster hate that when it

Happens okay back to building I just want to finish this little Alleyway today and then I can call it done for today I’m going to take some Spruce for this one going to go for about 13 blocks just there yeah it’s a bit of an obtrusive

Post but that’s okay and I might just do a little two little things coming out of it maybe at the top oh there we go there we go sorted that look like it goes that way I need some cables that go on the wall here so I just got rid of my

Cobos but I think I’m going to need them again yeah I’ll do them right the way over the doorway they come down into this little box thing over here perfect and then I need to get that little light above wall here I’m going to use a lantern for this one just cuz

It’s a little side alley I kind of want to make it look properly detailed so I’ll just do that I know it looks very very simple but I think that looks okay looking at the little image I have here we only see that Alleyway from literally back here like all the way

Back here so I’m going off of this I’m just like zoomed in um so yeah it again it’s not the most important thing in the world I might just move some more of this detail over this way as well and you can add a little pickup truck in

Here if you wanted to to as well just again for some more um detail and whatnot I’m going to take a lot of grass here uh some ferns just doop this around the place make it look overgrown so like a side alley that only the owner of the shop next door

Uses you know so it’s not really the most important thing there we go yeah that that looks okay it’s not the greatest but it will do giraffe Legend what is up Bros good to see you thank you so much dropping the stream you carved your pumpkin today awesome what

Uh what type of face did you give it if you can describe it because I know pumpkin faces are quite hard to describe oh man will there be another Hawkins stream anytime soon H I’m glad you brought that up as well I was saying before today um

I was basically hoping to get loads done this this October um but but that was when I was hoping to get a PS5 as well and I haven’t been able to cuz I haven’t been paid yet so um that’s from my from my work I did over the summer so as soon

As I can I’m going to be getting one and then getting back onto those streams but yeah that’s literally the only reason um is because it holds a better sort of signal and um render distances better and everything like that for those streams CU at the moment my PS4 is kind

Of struggling with just doing these things so uh yeah it’s a real pain is a real nuisance right I think that’s okay yeah I think we can call that that done that done for now I might just add a No Parking sign and I may move up a little bit or see how

We’re doing yeah okay um where are the signs are down here aren’t they here we go no parking sign just here it should really be on a white sign but we don’t have any uh White signs in Minecraft so I’m going with jungle because it stands out quite quite well from this

Building um I think this says a time but I’m not sure so I’m just going to go with 6 until 900 p.m. or something there we go oops there we are that’s all right that’s all right that’ll do awesome really happy with today’s progress so that looks really cool look

At that that’s not bad but this is what you normally use for white yeah that that makes sense that definitely makes sense that would fit here as well yeah that’s not a bad idea um right I might just get the front of this next building done as well just so I know

Where I’m at and then I’ll call it a day for today just need to go back to Google Earth for this one now we only see the side of this building from in the show but I feel it’s just annoying to leave like this big empty space well this

Small empty space really from the rest of the s so I’m going to kind of have to get it done you know Cod is mid dude I don’t actually I don’t actually um disagree with that yeah I used to like um playing Cod not not not like

Religiously I I was never really into Cod like a lot of people are um but yeah I don’t I don’t think it’s you know the greatest in the world um it’s not bad not at all it’s just it’s not my ceter anymore also so I was kind of obsessed

With um Call of Duty ghosts and um yeah it was not in a good way either I was very very competitive in that game um yeah so whoops kind of glad that I don’t have that anymore right I think this is good enough just do that sort of thing plan that

Out there’s a window up this way like here yeah that one goes this way this actually goes back into a little like cubby hole area for the like a porch I guess for this building it’s kind of interesting so that goes there and there’s this lovely building here

Where it has like kind of a cool design that goes up this wall here and then they have like a big big window here and then back to the design up this way as well oh before the door my bad cuz the door’s at an angle just here

On the on the corner which is quite cool but I’m going to need to do that carefully try and build that so do that right how do I do this now okay uh Spruce doors actually I’ll use dark oak Oh wrong way around there we go sorted that’s

Cool you’ve been finishing my home oh Home Alone Mansion no way oh that’s lovely I’m glad to hear that it’s such a cool tutorial that one I was really really happy to get that one done thank you so much for building it bro really appreciate that Andrew what is up my

Friend thank you so much for dropping the stream man really appreciate you for popping by hope you’re doing well I I want a cup of tea yeah no I agree I agree this coffee has g a bit cold so I’d like a cup of tea oh the main stairs on episode

Three awesome if you get in the main stairs done I feel like we’re getting close to the basement as well um in order to get the uh you know the furnace done as well so yeah that’s cool unless you’ve already done it you might have you been following my tutorials on

Star cour you’re not even close to finishing but you’re in survival mode Oh My Goodness Me Oh My Goodness Me That is a long that is a long long time jeez I’m glad I’m glad you’re still building it I’m glad you’re still persisting with it cuz that would

Honestly I I would I would be done I’d be done I wouldn’t be able to do that at all that sounds like a hefty task but yeah you’re you’re mad respectfully you’re mad in a good way bro don’t worry my word right I feel like I might have to

Build this back into the structure here oh I want to build this in a cool way but it’s it’s a bit tricky cuz this um this building is on a corner but there’s like these pillars on the side of it but we don’t have quartz pillars quartz walls sorry I could use

Door right but it wouldn’t look very good I don’t think yeah would have a little hole in the back of the stair there the the door sorry it doesn’t look awful just doesn’t look the best that’s okay we can maybe keep that we’ll sacrifice the awfulness for it not looking you know

Fantastic sorry guys I have a little bit of a tickle in my nose right uh let’s do this upside down here into this corner and then that one there like that yay that looks nice and then there’s some there’s like a light blue purple I use purple for this

Actually it would look pretty good I think oops maybe maybe I was like yeah look it will look great but yeah it doesn’t do we have purple walls no oh see that’s that’s a pain as well we have slabs and purple blocks obviously okay that’s no problem we just do

This and I’ll get a slab for the top of that just there yeah that’s okay doesn’t look the worst trust me when I I’m like saying this I’m speaking to myself here um cuz I’m looking at the image whilst I do this yeah no honestly it doesn’t look too

Bad could have done this a lot worse I think I just sort out the back though oh I can’t oh yeah of course the door’s here ah uh how can we do this um panic panic no it’s all right I think I’ve got a plan maybe maybe maybe maybe I think that’s

Okay yeah it’s not too bad it’ll be fine it’ll be fine it’ll be fine this one has a purple kind of thingy coming out of it like that oh that’s nice I like that that looks lovely that looks lovely do that yep oh Um should I bring that down a bit and then do this I think I should just like that then do these coming out the sides as well upside down yeah I know it looks really bizarre but there is a bit of detail in this building and I want to try and like get

It to be as accurate as possible you know so yeah there we go you can try using cherry planks ah yeah you’re right Cherry a no sadly sadly mate this one is like it’s like a purpley Bluey color for the the little um thing that comes out from the door here in the

Window so yeah Cherry is a bit too red for it I think um or sorry too pink so yeah otherwise that would be perfect but yeah sadly not not here maybe in a different one that’s all right that’ll be fine for now going to quickly add in the windows

Here um while stream is going to be ending in a moment actually so yeah but I feel like we’ve made some very good progress we’ve got the entire Road like laid out here now which is awesome and I will complete this soon as well hopefully before the next episode of the

Um the back alley here um which would be good and the the hawen cinema so yeah that’ll be pretty cool and I can actually have this chain going across the road here as well cuz there’s a post the other side of the road that it

Connects to so it’ be nice to have this all kind of built up you know so uh yeah eat some peanut butter bro nice fair play fair play I thought that was a contrail of a plane then that cloud that would have been really cool right that’s it guys thank you so much

For watching today’s stream that is the end of this one another behind the build completed So yeah thank you so much for joining me um the real villain of St of things is Will’s Barber no it definitely is it definitely is that poor guy honest to God that poor

Guy my favorite character from strain of things I think rewatching it is probably um Joyce I think Joyce is my favorite character she’s awesome how’s Mario Wonderman oh yeah I bet I bet it’s been busy played the demo at the store and it was cool because I love elephants oh that’s

Awesome but yeah guys thank you so much for watching today’s stream I really appreciate you all for uh dropping by I know it was kind of unplanned in the end um I had planned it but I hadn’t actually shared it so the fact that loads of you guys showed up is really

Really just awesome so thank you so much guys have an excellent rest of your week I will see you probably at the end of the week for another stream on hive um yeah it’ll be nice to get another stream with you guys in there as well so uh

Yeah thank you so much um if you could drop a like on the stream if you did enjoy it that would be really really helpful um and guys I will let you know when the next episode of Hawkins is coming hopefully there will be a tutorial on Wednesday as well I don’t

Actually know what it’s going to be yet cuz I’ve yet to actually plan to film stuff um because I’ve been a bit busy but I will definitely get some stuff out I’ll definitely get some content on the go and um keep you informed anyway so

Yeah thank you so much guys have an epic Halloween it is tomorrow it’s going to be insane so yeah have an e sorry I got possessed real quick have an epic Halloween I hope it all goes well like I said don’t eat too many sweets you don’t

Want to get poorly um but definitely enjoy yourselves have a good time have a lovely time and uh yeah make it spooky but yeah guys thank you so much take it easy have an excent rest of your evening as well and uh yeah Bon Fight Night tutorial would be epic that would be

Cool that would be a cool one I’ve got to get working on new tutorials for sure so yeah but yeah thank you guys have a good one and I’ll see you later goodbye for now assassins thank you so much byebye for now this my best Arnold impression

CH take it easy guys thank you so much

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT LIVE – Behind the Build: Hawkins Square from Stranger Things!! #2’, was uploaded by Wheelassassin Guides on 2023-10-31 10:46:02. It has garnered 209 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:02 or 5642 seconds.

Hello Assassins!! Here’s a chill build stream for beyond the build of my Hawkins Square from Stranger Things!! I’m just here finishing up my the street besides the Hawkins Cinema before the next tutorial!! I hope you can come and say hi!! 😀


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♪ Bread (Prod. by Lukrembo) Link: https://youtu.be/6eWIffP2M3Y?si=mfIqVWab1UKtpIsX

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  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More

  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

    Unbelievable Montage of China's Top CPVP PlayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘China’s Best Restricted | Minecraft CPVP Montage’, was uploaded by ItzLuxifer on 2024-06-22 01:58:59. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Best restricted #cpvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvpmontage #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts ==================================== Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit /… Read More


    INSANE FACECAM REACTIONS IN ICYCRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-15 01:52:09. It has garnered 491 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds. https://discord.gg/rusSpbPq hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • “Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥” #games

    "Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥" #gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Make Giant Pixel Art in Minecraft Fans 🤯💥 #games’, was uploaded by Car Moon on 2024-01-06 03:15:26. It has garnered 338 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWAR

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️ http://goo.gl/QVHm0m​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! play.polland.us Read More

  • Veiled Haven SMP Whitelisted Java 1.20.6 Squaremap Semi-Vanilla

    Hello Everyone! Welcome to Veiled Haven SMP – A vanilla+ Minecraft experience (Java 1.20.6). Join our community for a balanced and consistent gameplay. We maintain a mature and respectful atmosphere with an age restriction of 16+ and whitelist. Connect with us on Discord for seamless communication and coordination. Apply on our website https://veiled-haven.net/ for quick approval and access to our whitelist. Let’s build, explore, create, and connect together! We can’t wait to see you in-game! 👋🌠 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Memes Fixed

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Memes FixedLooks like this meme only scored a 3 out of 10 in the Minecraft meme world, maybe it needs a redstone upgrade! Read More

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

    Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash! In the world of Minecraft, Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, Decided to hit the aquapark, for a thrill. Sliding down waterslides, with laughter and glee, Their adventures in Minecraft, for all to see. With Kare Kafa as their guide, in Turkish delight, Their videos bring joy, day and night. Subscribe for more fun, and turn on notifications, For Minecraft adventures, and rich-poor relations. So join in the fun, let the game begin, With Minecraft news, in rhymes that win. Ali, Efekan, and Kamil, in the aquapark’s glow, Their laughter and joy, for all to know. Read More

  • Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell

    Minecraft Erika meme #hotterthanhell When you accidentally build a swastika in Minecraft and Erika starts playing in the background #oops #bannedfromserver Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm

    Ultimate Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building an Automatic Sugar Cane Farm Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the key elements in the game is farming, which allows players to grow various crops to sustain themselves in the virtual world. In this article, we will delve into the process of building an automatic sugar cane farm in Minecraft, a valuable resource for crafting paper, books, and more. Setting Up Your Farm To start your automatic sugar cane farm, you will need to gather the necessary materials, including redstone, pistons, observers,… Read More