EPIC Minecraft Build Stream! BLUJAY Needs YOU!

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E A Oh N The Well hey everybody hold on hey everybody oh [Applause] man ah I got to figure out my chat thing on this screen or get rid of it entirely I’m just going to get rid of it for now OBS released a uh an update for their streaming software and it includes

Built-in YouTube features now that weren’t there before which is really great but um yeah my my on screen over there my onscreen YouTube chat that you guys are normally on so you can see yourselves be a part of the show is gone H that’s fine we’ll figure that out

Figure that out another time how’s the music sound does it sound bad be honest is it is it glitchy already Randy has already mentioned that it sounds bad is anybody else oh dang it all right it’s better now is it actually better now I actually know what the problem

Is but unfortunately there’s no fix so there is a built-in feature that OBS introduced gosh a couple updates ago and it was in beta at that time and now it is I Believe full release for the feature where basically it will allow you to it’s basically like a digital

Patch Bay it allows you to take audio sources from your computer Compu and use them as separate channels within the streaming software right so apparently there’s a bug with Microsoft like within windows or something that every once in a while it will result in that glitchy audio that

You hear and I’ve been trying to figure out for months why that happens because it happens all the time on this channel but we figed figured it out I found a I think I found a forum post somewhere but it’s like it is 100% an issue with Microsoft um and OBS is like

Indirect contact with them trying to figure out how to get this feature to work correctly and yeah it’s it’s just a mess unfortunately so we’ll have glitchy audio from time to time we’ll fix it when we can just basically all I do is I I cut the audio

Source and then read it to fix it anyway how are you you guys doing you doing all right I’m feeling pretty chill tonight feels like uh a good night to just relax and do a little bit of building with you guys hope you’re doing well as as

Well kicking off your week here on Tuesday let’s see who all is here tonight let’s say hello to a few people we’ll read a few comments and then we’ll get started if you haven’t said hello in the chat go ahead and do that so I can see your

Name Angela is here as chick is here dance storm Dominic Lang FK plays Judith Richardson Kentucky chick Little Red Hen Mary stack Papa Snuffy psycho puggy Randy Carter Sky NS streamlabs is here of course Terry Meek is here and minur is here but he’s leaving right to go play Diablo with

Prow bad life decision man I hope you have fun thanks for the 20 months dude as a villager member that’s insane thank you and pugy shout out to you too for 19 months as an iron member thank you guys appreciate you let’s see long time no see Sai what’s up psycho how you

Doing yeah boom minow is right stay here hang out play some Minecraft Diablo l well I’m joking yeah I mean like Dungeon Crawler games are fun like I’ve played a few I’m going to fix my camera really quick and then we’re going to get started sound good it’s been a challenge it’s very

Crazy dude I feel you man I feel you life just comes at you sometimes right okay I think that’s better I look less Sun burnt there we go all right so I am working actually done as of last night I set up super late last night to

Finish designing um the farm for the next video which is going to be a blaze farm and not just a blaze farm a double blaze farm I found two Blaze Spawners in my world only like 300 blocks from the nether portal that are uh like exact same height and within within proper distance

To be a legit double blaze farm I’m super excited so I I spent some time last night just rigging that up in my my test world and uh have yet to start it in the survival world so it’ll be a few days before I get that

Done and then I’m going out of town this weekend for my anniversary uh 12 12 years I’ve been married this year was absolutely nuts which crazy so yeah I’m going to be spending a few days away with my wife hanging out just enjoying the weekend uh so I won’t be obviously

Doing any Minecraft this weekend so hopefully I’ll be able to get my video done before we leave on Friday um thank you thank you guys I appreciate it thanks for the congrats um so yeah that’s coming but that’s not what we’re working on tonight in the last episode of the guide I

Worked on getting mending for all of my gear except for my PO cuz that’s important Infinity all the way uh we got mending for the gear and um well here let’s just jump into the world and you can see actually I don’t know where I’m at in the world where are

We okay okay look look look look look I’m in the tower we’re going to walk over to where the Ming how did you get in here oh did you break my door he broke my door he broke my door that rotten zombie Little Red Hen thank you so much for the1 1999 Super

Duper chat I appreciate it what did I miss just finished doing the dishes you didn’t miss much we Just Got Started let allow me to go sleep before we do anything else we just hit our first year on Sunday pugy dude congratulations everybody throw a shout out to pugy pugy and

Nick all right so gosh now now my face looks purple guys don’t let me don’t let me die okay let me fix my camera one more time okay that’s where I’m leaving it that’s going to be just that’s going to be just fine we’re good we’re

Good all right so I had to drag my villager away over here because he refused to work the position I told him to wouldn’t it be ironic if that was my villager and it escaped and got struck by lightning and is now a witch and I’m killing

It oh please let please let Felix still be there oh my gosh did I cover him up please tell me I covered him up oh okay good I think the hole’s covered we’re good oh that would be tragic me and my wife just celebrated 13 years congratulations James everybody’s celebrating anniversaries it’s all

Awesome all right so Felix is over here just in a hole in the ground he’s not a hobbit and this is definitely not a hobbit hole so I figured tonight would be a good opportunity for us to give Felix a more permanent oh my gosh you cannot do that to me stop

It 16 years this Friday for me and the wife Tech Lee congratulations I I I felt like tonight would be a good opportunity to give our village a permanent home it’s not going to be anything fancy we’re not going to build him a Skyhigh Wizard Tower or

Anything like that he’s not even going to get a house that big it’s going to be something a little bit more cozy little red hen was that you is that you that got me that was so rude there was pugy pugy so rude all right I’m just going I’m

Going in here for now all right so here’s what I want to show you this changes every time I build something new so expect this to be different going forward but just bear with me and the cool thing about where we’re at in the series right now is that this

Starter area is about to explode with builds new things popping up all over the place we’re about to fill this space in because quite honestly we’re not too far away from moving away from here this area was was only ever meant to be like a starter area hold on

Uh game rule what is it weather yeah there it is weather clear and then game rule weather cycle false and then time set Moon and then game rule do daylight cycle false stay daylight quit raining all right this is a creative copy of my world and as you

Can see I’ve got some orange on the ground here uh this is meant to represent roads and it is not complete but it is a general idea of where I want some things to go so I’ve got roads coming out of the back door of the house

Into the farm kind of weaving in between the house and the farm going over here to this Farm up to the front door eventually this will kind of connect up over here I’ll have a couple of builds over here I’ll have a road that leads down to to our branch mine down there

And then uh I’ve got this road back here uh that leads over to the fish farm and the fishing dock and I’ve got this road right here that I believe is where I’m going to build the little mending villager house it’s kind of appropriate that’s right next to the The Mending or

Not mending the um uh enchantment Tower cuz it’s like hey big old tower for enchanting and then we got a little house back here for just our mending books right so I like to do these kinds of layouts just to kind of think through where where I want things to go in the

World and plan for future builds and kind of visualize the space a little bit like say if I were to put something right here I would want a road that’s connected to it oh and because I’ve built a road here now I’ve got this little space right here that could you

Know it could be a decoration I could fill it in with some trees or I could put a small little building there or I could use this space for a building or I could put a pond here like there’s all sorts of things that we can do with

Space once we start working through like where roads and things are going to go so that’s going to be coming very soon we’re going to start connecting some of this stuff up but I wanted to get a few more buildings in place before I did this is kind of my process to to

Visualize where stuff’s going to go so back here I think this is where we’re going to plop our mending villager what do you guys think yeah good hello all happy to see everyone happy to see you too yeah I’m I’m really liking how this space is is panning out right now it’s a

Little bit linear we got like Tower house farms and random fish farm over there once we put a house back there it’s going to start spreading out and feeling a little bit more like a village and less like a line of structures um yeah good good things are coming I’m

Really excited for for how this world’s going to develop all right so let’s pop into my actual creative test world where I do all of my test building and I want to show you something that I worked on that is not is probably not going to

Be what I’m going to go with but it’s a starting point this right here it’s not bad it’s not bad it’s a good starting point it’s not fully detailed it was just like an idea this is kind of the shape that I want I want

It to be rounded I want it to have like a dome roof could have the little spire on top maybe right but I started this one this is based off of an image I found on Google that was like I did a Google search for um what was it like fantasy Cottage

Design or something like that I found a couple images I liked and I’m using inspiration from uh a few different builds or not even builds they’re like drawings they’re not even Minecraft related um so I think this is one that I really like the shape and direction of

How it kind of like bows out at the top so I’m going to I’m I’m going to continue running with this what I want you to do is give me suggestions as I’m going uh cuz we’re going to we’re going to go in here and we’re going to

Sprinkle some stuff in and texture it up a little bit just so it’s not so flat because that always makes things look better but if you guys have like detailing tricks that you use from time to time I would absolutely love to hear those actually I’m going to start

With I’m going to start with the mo the the least contrasty block and go from there which happens to be that guy see how well that fits in it’s like it’s just one of these that faded we’re going to start there do you plan a raate an ocean Monument for

XP at some point yes I’m going to do a a guardian farm at some point during the series I just don’t know when yet I don’t have immediate plans for it like the skeleton Farm down below the tower was our first source of XP the blaze farm is kind of going to be

The intermediate it’s definitely faster but it is not like Speedy by any means it’s not going to get you it’s not going to get you a lot quickly you’re going to have to sit there in AFK for a little bit um let’s reverse these let’s do this one

Here and then like that one there um so it it’s kind of like stepping stones right we’re doing a a skeleton farm and then we’re doing a blaze farm and then we’ll do other sources of XP that get you like loads of XP quickly a gold Farm

Is in the plans at some point all sorts of stuff so yes we’re going to do we’re going to do a lot of different things no restarts no doovers complete series that’s the plan my man like for real I this is part of the reason right

Here this is part of the reason I wanted to come back to the guide and do it solo like love prow love doing stuff with prow we’ll do absolutely oneoff videos with him when we can but he and I are on just totally different schedules and

Time frames the amount of content he can put out in a week versus the amount of content I can put out in a month you see what I’m saying like I I just I I’m much more slow with my stuff because I have a full-time job in a

Family and so there are other things that take precedence from time to time uh let’s see stairs that’s not how you spell the stairs there you go um this stuff right here we’ll blend some of these in as well um so being able to take the guide at my own pace

And keep the series going Beyond when maybe another content creator like prow would want to end it and move on and start a new season like I I can set my own pace I can set my own schedule I can do whatever I want in the world and take

My time so this world will be complete when it’s complete and if I if I need to do like a soft reset for the YouTube algorithm to be happy we’ll we’ll cross that bridge at some point do you have fire tick on or off I have fire tick turned off by

Default you have a full-time job dude and it’s fun watching your videos they don’t seem rushed or pushed out that’s kind of how I’m approaching it like the videos are done when they’re done and I want them to be of the highest quality possible I never want to get a video out

Just for the sake of having one out and unfortunately that means sometimes there there are longer gaps between but yeah I’m I’m really happy with the quality that I’m pushing out I wish I could do more more frequently but I’m I’m really happy with the

Quality I think like not to toot my own horn but I think right now I’m making some of the best YouTube content I’ve ever made so I’m not I’m not by any means unhappy with That gold Farm the hard way oh you want me to you want me to do a gold Farm in the in the nether that’s the hard way slab and everything woohoo okay I might have gone overboard a little little bit with some of these but we’ll we’ll take

Some out as we start sprinkling some other stuff in like this it all starts coming together once you throw that third texture in there just gives you more interesting things to look at when you’re staring at a blank wall I totally agree with your feeling blue

I’m so happy to hear that I really am like I I would be really upset if I said I’m making some of the best content I’ve ever made and you you guys are like this is terrible go back to doing something else uh Bedrock guide season one was

Pretty good YouTube content I agree I think it was pretty good as well uh but I was still kind of getting my feet wet with the whole guide style and there are some things that I’d never done before in Minecraft during that series and so

Like a lot of my focus was put towards learning some mechanics in the game and now that I got some of those things in my belt it’s like N I can just just crank out certain content that I would have had to research before um sure seems

Good we’ll put one like right there that’s not bad 12 portal gold Farm I have a cool design I’ve only ever done a four portal one myself I did the the server killer with prow when we were playing on truly Bedrock but I’ve never built one like

That myself so I’m open to suggestions and learning some new techniques for that feel free to DM me puggy dude I still have my have I shown you guys my uh my super smelter I I’m super proud of this design absolutely just thrilled with how my super smelter came Out what is this thing I missed the beginning we’re building a little house for our ending villager it’s going to be kind of like dome roof shaped like that but I’m I’m just like I’m tinkering at this point and again I’m open to suggestions if you guys have feedback

You’re like hey this color fence would look really cool on whatever or hey I used a lect turn for this kind of trim on the house I’m looking for that kind of stuff that kind of feedback from you guys if you have ideas hit me with them all right um okay

I feel like that’s good for now on the walls I don’t want to overdo it CU we will absolutely put some trim in there like walls oh and you know what one thing I want to do here’s one thing I want to do I want to get uh give blue J structure

Block and I’m going to plop it down right the right spot now it needs to come out two more hook welcome to the diamond members I appreciate it hey make sure you’re linked up with Discord and you can join the servers needs a defense Cannon out the

Front does it really look like a like a Battlement or something it’s not supposed to supposed to look like a like a fantasy Cottage man if you guys if you guys could see the inspiration I’m going off of right now I’ve got a picture pulled up on my other my other

Screen it looks nothing like what I’m doing but there are certain things you can’t do in Minecraft like for real but I this will look less like cold and a little bit more warm when I add a few more details just be patient I’m I’m working on

It uh here and there yep and then we’ll bring it up all right if you guys have never used structure blocks before structure blocks are amazing I use these things all the time uh so this is going to be a corner and we’re going to name it

Cottage and we’re going to go over to this corner and we’re going to name it cheese for cottage cheese no we’re not going to do that we’ll name it Cottage as well right so then that is like basically taking everything from this corner to that corner in that space and it will

Give us a structure so we will go load save so structure name Cottage and then I can choose detect boom there’s everything in that space I do believe it is missing the bottom layer yep so we’ll raise this up to six it’s not it’s not one lower right negative one nah that’s the

Grass and then does it need to be seven or six okay six so there you go that’s basically the the entire build captured in a structure right there so I can save it and then I can go over here now that we’ve got that and I can be like let’s

Plop this down right here actually you know what I’m going to control pick block this if you do a control pick block it will actually give you the data in that pick block so I don’t have to type it in so now it’s pre-loaded that structure and I’m actually going to go

In and raise it up by one so uh load and I will offset it by y1 so that it will load one block higher in the air and as long as I did this correctly it should work right ready 3 2 1 go there it is look at that it’s one

Block higher I got an air gap below it now exactly like I wanted so I can just get rid of that beautiful all right so what I really wanted to do is put a staircase up to this and I just again like I want it to be like very very small staircase

Um I think we’ll do like stone brick slabs maybe mixed with some Cobble and we’ll do one right here actually no actually yes cuz I want to step up into the house and then be on the flat ground yep we’re good um and then I’ll put one here didn’t it go

Away no mobs get out hello hello hi Iron Knight how you doing oh my gosh I thought I killed all those slimes do I have to do it again I just Thanos snapped them out of existence look at that oh my gosh all right so that’s good let’s do that let’s do that

And sure okay so now what I want to do is get some Cobble and some Mossy Cobble and I want a sharp contrast between that and what I’m I’m going to put down here right so I’m just going to do a line of stone to start

With and we’re kind of doing a little bit of a elevation like we did over on the house over there but this is going to be much more natural looking it’s going to be look like it’s sitting on top of rocks and I got a really cool idea of of how

We can detail this pick block is so great I love pick Block it’s incredible one of my most used quality of life features in all of Minecraft I use it all the time um let’s see we’ll go ahead and bring this forward bring that forward maybe we’ll make that Mossy here

And maybe I’ll do Mossy there just so it’s like a little bit more mixed up oh yeah dude let’s go okay um so then from here I’m just going to go around with slabs and kind of randomly put them in there so it looks like rock piles around the

House Stargate thank thank you so much for 16 months as a diamond member hi blue J how’s it going it’s going great how are you I don’t necessarily want that to merge with this I may end up doing some other things with textures here to put a little bit of Separation

There let’s get oh I know I know I know I know let’s get this stuff back out let’s do this no I don’t like how tall that is I think that’s fine I don’t necessarily love how Square this is though we’ll fix that in a little bit what’s up creeper how you doing

Now look at this amazing how one how did this get how did this get here I said no mob spawning whatever we’re fine it it’s absolutely amazing how just a little bit of Cobble to look like rock piles around this house changes the entire tone before it was like what what

Kind of Darth Vader house is this and now I was like oh this could be off in the woods somewhere just wait We’ll add some more color to it here in a little bit it’ll be looking nice Brandy thank you so much for 9 months as an iron member at this rate

We’ll have a month special message Blue J games rocks that’s awesome all right let’s mix in some of this stuff mhm mhm mhm Yep this this is one of my favorite things to do guys like normally I wouldn’t stream this I would just pop on a movie or something and spend

Hours tinkering and creating but I’m like you know what it’s been a couple weeks since I streamed I probably should hang out like H why does it why is there all why is there always such a long Gap in between streams I just need to be more intentional about doing that more

Often yeah that’s not bad you need to put the house in a forest yeah so I the the spot that you see right now in my in my Bedrock guide world is wide open in the plains I intend to put lots of trees there once I figure out where the paths

Are actually going to go and get a few more buildings in place we’re going to TOS a lot lot of trees in there get it looking real nice mhm mhm mhm yeah that’s coming together happy happy happy we love you for it I I’m so glad I really

Am it’s like blue jay’s been gone forever I’m not watching his videos anymore that jerk um yeah I guess that’s okay trying to figure out a couple spots I can take it a little bit higher without it looking weird like we could do one here and a here and just Elevate some of

This yeah maybe keep that down yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right okay so that’s a general idea so far oh my goodness next we got to work on the roof hey how’s it going it’s going great you know what yeah yeah yeah let’s not let’s not move on too quickly let’s not

Move on too quickly let’s get a little bit of tough that’s a great idea Timmy with the idea and I want to get one uh a couple of patches uh of regular Stone as well like literally just a couple spots here and there nothing major just to mix it

Up a little bit yeah see isn’t that more interesting to look at we’ll just hide it in strategic places mhm aha I mean look at that just that little detail right there brings it together mhm orange concrete for the roof absolutely not I mean we could the so literally the

The the the image that I’m going off of has like dark gray Cobble for the walls and light gray for the roof with a little bit of green like Mossy stuff here and there so it is like an all gray build with like a little splash of color

That’s kind of where I’m thinking we’ll go with it but I am open to to trying different things to see if we like them is Felix a villager Felix is the Villager he’s our mending villager Fix It Felix is his name all right let’s toss a

Few pieces of tough in there oh yeah dude let’s go I’m not going to lie these slimes are driving me [Applause] nuts okay maybe I did the wrong command earlier nothing seems to be spawning okay we should be good any orange would work the best for this build well what about blue blue

Could be cool it is my color after all yeah dude let’s go good suggestion on the tough it’s a nice uh nice addition it adds just a little bit of a variety of texture next to this Cobble yep good call Blue would be okay I guess maybe clay too a regular stone for

A tiny porch path this much dark colors lighter roof second level would look neat cherry or mushroom stem okay uh Timber Wolf thank you for the 6mon membership at the iron tier you really need to get a creeper refrigerator while they’re on sale to put in your office I

Know I just I don’t know where I would put it I don’t I can’t justify spinning it right now it would be fun though mixing that in seemed tough all right um can’t wait for the new tough variants I know they look very cool let let me

Start with what I was originally going to do first cuz I was thinking something like like this or maybe we reverse that or maybe we leave it out entirely we could maybe sprinkle a little bit in here and there variant you’re all variants who’s who watched Loki oh my gosh best MCU and

Years I also watched the Marvels and I thought it was fine I didn’t hate it I didn’t think it was the best thing in the world I got a couple of good laughs out of it enjoyed myself watching it but Loki man good grief that ending uh question for you blue when you

Were a worship leader did you play an instrument I did most of the time I played acoustic guitar every once in a while I’d lead from keys I can play like I already hate it I hate it because we already have that texture down here

And it takes away from that so we’re not going to use Cobble I think we need to stick with smooth varieties um yeah I can play a variety of instruments I I can play piano I can play acoustic guitar a little bit of electric guitar very little bass very

Little drums uh I played violin when I was in high school uh actually Junior High and high school played for quite a long time um yeah have a pretty musical background what if we used a little bit of light gray concrete powder that could look

Good right if we put it in the right spot this is going to get tricky though with um layering the concrete powder making sure it doesn’t fall through I hate doing concrete powder on roofs walls is much better roofs challenging how do I get the blue J you

Got to be a channel member in order to get the blue J you can either sign up as a supporter as a channel member or you can allow gifted memberships and maybe you’ll get lucky and somebody will gift you membership Terry you played violin too that’s awesome okay I don’t hate

It let’s get in uh uh what was the shape over here let me see so it’s one two one two one one two one one okay what what did I say is it two ones or one one it was one one before we shift forward I don’t want I don’t want to

Make it too tall okay light gray wool solves the gravity problem yeah that could be a good good option oh yeah okay we could we could give that a try ice play I just picked the guitar up after 10 years that’s awesome guitar was by far my favorite

Instrument to lead from I don’t get to lead from it very often anymore I volunteer at our church and a lot of the time I am something wrong oh I see I did one too many there cuz that’s technically one too that’s fine uh a lot of the time I’m either

Leading from keys or just playing keys and not leading at all so I don’t get an opportunity to lead from Guitar very often anymore there we go mhm that still seems off is it no that’s the corner why does it seem off uh oh I see light gray wool means critical

Shearing coming up oh gosh you guys realize that my intention for tonight no that’s still it’s still in the same place why is this off hold on one two one two one one two one one did I build it bit Ah I think I built it bigger that’s why that’s fine

That’s fine we’ll just shift this over that’s an easy fix you guys realize my intention for tonight was to actually finish designing this and try to build it on stream I don’t know if that’s going to happen or not we’ll see we’re zooming along though we love blue J we love watching

Blue shear sheep for hours what time is it it is already almost 10:00 streaming for almost an hour and we’re still in the the creative test World thankfully everything that I’ve done so far I have readily accessible except for ACAA wood I will need to go get that

So I do I do think I like the idea of the gray roof though okay what’s the pattern over here I guess I don’t need to necessarily follow the pattern I just need to make it look round all right so one two and one make

Sure I’m doing it the same on all sides so it is a perfect Dome I used to use uh plots. co.uk for this kind of stuff and like get exact measurements for Dome shapes anymore I just I just eyeball it it doesn’t always look perfect but I’m always able to like

Salvage it and make adjustments as we go um okay that’s what happens after you’ve done this thousand times like Dome shapes or cone shapes circles in general all right orange and blue I will see if I can figure out a way to get some color into the build feel

Like this needs to come out which looks better like this honestly I feel like well this is where I get indecisive I don’t like this is much I think bringing it out is the right decision here here break break and there there I guess or no yeah that’s better we’ll we’ll start

Arcing it as we go forward is that what I did over here here yeah that’s what I did over here we’re good we’re fine all right um cut paste perfect what’s up Sammy how you doing how do I join you don’t not this world anyway what are you talking about joining

Yeah there we go all right so far so good let’s bring it up a little bit let’s come back with it start bringing in in a little bit is it better like this or better like this it’s definitely better like this what you building uh I’m working out a

Design for our mending villager he’s currently homeless living underground he needs a place to live so this is going to be his house my goal was to try to build this in the survival world tonight I’m already an hour into the stream and we’re still designing the

Thing so I feel like we’re close-ish though it needs some more like details on the sides like Windows and stuff I usually do that kind of stuff last but we’ll get there we’ll get there all right and then we’ll go here and here I think that’s really the

Only natural next spot for it yeah that’s looking good it’s looking all right my join button doesn’t work hm well that’s really the only way to do it so I don’t know what else to tell you all right next I think that’s the direction we want to go with it

Maybe keep it to there I think I want to bring it out let’s let’s let’s go with it and see how we feel I always look at these things from ground level when I’m designing them because that’s most of the time where you’re going to be viewing it from I think I like

That we’ll run with it also usually when I do this kind of thing I I tweak it when we’re done when we have the general shape I’ll make Minor Adjustments to to round it out a little bit more if needed mhm mhm here I think at this next level up

We’re going to have to start pushing it back in a little bit more what’s up will de how you doing good to see you here yeah that’s where we’re pushing it back in start filling in some gaps and then I think maybe we’ll go here no no no we’ll bring it

Up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yep how do we feel about it looks very similar to that I might want to flatten it out just a smidge I think maybe taking one layer off will make me happy so if I go in with it and maybe if we cut this

Part off a See this is this is what I’m telling you this is where I start like really bringing the whole thing together what’s up the J variety J of the blue variety oh you know stuff things getting stuff done looks food it does look food doesn’t [Laughter] it okay yes yes

See never settle for food enough when you can have it better yeah I like that a lot better that’s good all right so Now I think I want to get away from this kind of texturing down below and move over to this kind of texturing where we gradiented a little Bit because it will contrast well with what’s down below so I’m going to start sprinkling in some of this stuff What’s the rectangle building behind where over here this thing uh this is originally what I was thinking about doing for storage until I decided to do storage in my basement and decided I didn’t need this big of a storage building early on so this will probably

Never get get used or see the light of day or are you talking about this one over here this is my fish farm originally I was going to have a um a dumpster outside of it and then I put storage outside of it and the dumpster

Was going to open up and have like an A or not AFK um a redstone trash can in it those are the grayest sprinkles I’ve ever seen sprinkles are supposed to be colorful no let’s put Stone back there cuz I don’t want to start the light gray wool too

Early all right you guys see where I’m going with this right like this whole entire row essentially will be the andesite you know what I’m going about this the wrong way whenever I do this it ends up not being good so here’s how I’m going to go about it there’s a better

Way two rows are going to be Stone two rows are going to be andesite and then the top three rows excuse me will be the wool and then I will blend them I I always do this I do this every single time I start like sprinkling

Stuff in and then I end up having to change it because I hate it I’m glad I caught it [Laughter] early control Z exactly have you thought about using tough you know what that might not be a bad idea it might honestly match a little bit better a no it’s too

Dark it’s too dark for up here I’ve got a little bit of it down here like right right right there it fits perfectly in that space not so much on the roof unfortunately it is a great texture though dead coral oh man now you really don’t want me to finish this

Tonight right that’s what I’m hearing you don’t want me to finish this tonight all right let’s get row two too where do you get your inspiration from sometimes it just comes from my head like that I just built that I mostly just built I looked at a few pictures online of

Like medieval fantasy type houses this is being modeled after uh concept art that I found online I just I don’t know about this what other options oh we said Coral oh gosh coral Coral what’s the least aggressive Coral option is it the bubble that’s tough can I not place it

There does it really have to be placed on a block I don’t like it anyway that’s fine um what other options do we have add a beacon for the roof centerpiece oh my gosh gravel maybe I hate it but I think you’re right H why gravity blocks yep I like the gravel

Idea it’s different enough oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yep I like it okay good call on the gravel I guess it’s making my life a whole lot harder it’s fine maybe I’ll make my life easier and only do it on the top two rows how’s that

Sound that’ll be easier to to fill it in light gray concrete powder I I don’t like the light gray concrete powder as much it has too much of a like a yellowish hue to It all right that’s good for that yeah yeah that’ll work that’ll do all right let’s get under here and every space that is exposed we’ll just go ahead and I guess fill it in right we’re going to have to we’ll find a cool way to decorate this once we get to that

Point okay this is a nice spacious little place for our mending villager we’ll just like throw his bed and his workstation in a corner and put a bunch of bookshelves in here okay then orange concrete powder yes I do feel like this build does lend itself to like one bright color though

That we could Splash somewhere I don’t know about orange [Laughter] yet I mean like it does pop right we could find a subtle way to put some color in there the music is bad oh jeez hang on let me fix it again I don’t even see the option anymore for Spotify it’s just

Gone oh man okay well the music is dead for the night apparently here let’s do this instead Spotify we we’ll just kill Spotify and let’s listen to some lovely Minecraft music oh beautiful we got music again is this a prow stream technical difficulties dude this is 100% M Microsoft’s

Fault there are issues that OBS is trying to work out with them and it’s like something within the plug-in just it does not work properly and it’s been that way for a long time MH mhm mhm my audio is choppy too the game audio or my microphone or

Both all right so now I can start blending the game audio oh jeez I just can’t win man you watch I won’t be able to get the game audio back okay is that better all right so I can start blending oh yeah let’s go dude KD plays what’s up buddy how you

Doing hey you would you be so disappointed in me I actually thought about you earlier and I I didn’t say anything but I thought it while we were streaming uh that you always say to start with the roof and I always do it last I don’t always do it last I do my

Detailing last but I definitely did not start with the roof doing good good to hear good to hear what about adding some granite for color oh dude I just I cannot stand the granite block the granite block for me is the diorite block for most [Laughter] people all right let’s maybe bleed in

Some andesite up here great now now kill is here and he’s going to be critiquing my build try to make your life easier this is the disrespect I get do the roof first do it all right now let’s bleed some of the andesite down and then we’ll bleed some of the stone up

What is your favorite Block H personally I like the open concept idea no roofs you know I don’t know what my favorite block is I just like I like all types of blocks just depends on the circumstance to be honest Maybe one more like right here and then that should do it and I’ll bleed some Stone upwards as well I guess I didn’t get all four sides R I don’t think I’m in a position to be giving build advice anymore I barely work here dude I miss I missed some killer

Builds that’s for sure oh no okay oh gosh I’m I’m definitely not used to listening to the Minecraft music because that just cut out I’m like Oh my computer just froze what happened we’re good fine is there a point to texturing now aren’t you going to have to rebuild the

Point to texturing it now is just to get a general idea of what it’s supposed to look like am I going a little bit overboard with it probably could I just do a little bit less probably am I going to do it anyway yeah okay I’m not mad about It you’ll miss me when I’m gone all right let me see did Discord killer I’m going to send you a picture okay I’m going to send you a picture of what I’m basing this off of and I want you to give me some tips I know you’ll have ideas whether

They’re good ideas or not remains to be seen it it’s it’s hard because like some of the things that are in this concept art like are not actually possible on this scale in Minecraft cuz there’s like some wood beams and stuff that go sideways that you could do like with

Fences or something but it’s just not it it’s not going to it’s not going to land the same Way K Kayla I’m just trying to get you you back into it man I’m trying to like come on dude play Minecraft again please please don’t leave me here alone with prow oh man walls Let’s do an andesite wall maybe a stone brick wall could be a nice change of texture to throw

In it does mix it up a little bit you put all these in the corners round it off any even more prow doesn’t play much Minecraft these days I I have noticed that that does kind of tie the border with the roof a little bit better break up

The roof with chimneys have a circle break at the top for the ring in the concept ARP maybe the acacia all right Killa justum jump into a test word really quick and send me an IDE send me an idea of what you’re what you’re thinking break up the roof with chimneys

Yeah that’s that’s kind of where I was going to go next here in a minute have a circle break at the top for the ring in the concept art maybe Acacia are you talking about like putting AAA ring like right here like this okay I need them to all be facing the same

Way I’ll be very annoyed if they’re not if we intentionally do that to texture it maybe that could be okay but I like that okay all right all right here I’m just going to do this so I’m not spending all my time scrolling okay all right all right I like it I

Like it add a little Spire thing coming out of the top like the concept art 2 that’s going to be hard but it’ll look good if you nail it that’s that’s kind of what I was thinking like it’s got It’s got like a little Spire but then it’s like a

Little bulb on top of it you know what I mean so we could do that With a wall right and then out of this I tried this earlier but I didn’t think it looked good but maybe maybe you guys will have a a different opinion uh maybe we could Do a mixture of these Too Tall or maybe bring it Down that’s pretty good that’s not bad do I do something like that as well or do that take away from it what do you think Killa like add the extra walls or leave it as one wall holding it up that’s fine too I think pugy is a fan of orange I think so

Too now add a huge block of yellow Bowl pugy don’t leave they’re just giving you a hard time don’t leave all right uh um let’s see now what chimneys all right it look better once you get some Chimneys in and I’d add a lean to to the

Side to add more Dimension to what the heck is a lean to this is a lean and that’s a two is that what you’re talking about no IDE I have no IDE all right uh let’s try walls for one chimney let’s make it out of Cobble and and

Aite or should they be a different texture should we go with something like Blackstone a covering basically okay I see killer what do you think about for the chimney color keep it the same something to VAR the eye for lean to dark oak and a at a lower

Level and i a l over the main roof okay all right all right I can’t even I can’t even do it there you go pugy I got you an orange chimney do that look [Laughter] great gosh all right um I love it oh my gosh looks amazing I’m I’m so glad you think

So let’s do some of these we haven’t used the dark the the Deep slate bricks yet maybe we’ll toss in a few polished Blackstone too many bends now with something like this we’re not going to be able to use like a campfire or anything to get smoke unless I build

A a bigger one maybe this will just be like a small one That’s not bad lower on the roof okay I can take it I can take it down further okay I’m settled in now can you actually pay attention hi Master TMO how are you Why am I only taking feedback from KY plays I’m open to feedback from other people I just I know KD is like a fantastic Builder so he always has good ideas if you haven’t seen him build like this is nothing that’s Nothing all right what if I build a little bit bigger one maybe out of the same textures but allow a campfire to be in there I get a Star Wars vibe from this like like some of this stuff over here my unfinished sand crawler and Luke Skywalker the the Lars

Homestead the skyhopper or whatever that thing’s called this thing right here look at that look at that this was this was something I was going to build at one point maybe I will someday we’ll see I don’t I don’t know how to say your name but I’m going to call you Max Max

Welcome to the community servers thankk you so much you guys are too nice about my building no we’re not we’re we’re accurate all right so if I build this one maybe here like this I’m not going to build it as tall but enough to put a campfire in the

Middle will this completely dwarf the roof I don’t think so that’s not too bad and then maybe put some slab s around it wow I cannot spell oh my gosh bring it up one more block okay beautiful look at that H yeah okay all right hay bale first for taller smoke all right

Oh yeah dude let’s go I’m not going to lie I had no idea that was a thing no no idea had no idea that was a thing all right this is giving me like legit Toad House Vibes just just not a mushroom look at this thing I loved this thing the toad house

H so fun oh this is the actual finished toad house over here that that had the uh all the Contraptions in it the swamp this is my favorite build from that world okay now front right side add a small lean to for like an outdoor covering add some Decor blocks

Underneath like lanterns and such you’ll be gold golden Bullet Bill yeah there’s Bullet Bill right there what’s your opinion on Turtles I like turtles I like turtles okay man I miss Minecraft dude Minecraft Miss this is you this this this is like this is good news for me because you’re here watching

A Minecraft stream you’re going to get the itch to play again I just know it I just know it all right Killa do you have before I do this before I do this because I don’t want to destroy what I’ve done so far can you send me a picture of I guess

I could just Google it myself like what a good lean to looks like um lean to roof okay should it be free standing or should it have like supports going to the ground I’ve been having the itch I just have to get my career more in order

Currently all my time is going there dude I totally get that I totally get it supports okay so like let’s start with some slabs oh yeah that dark oak oh that just warms this whole build up look at that it’s not even done yet just fences for supports okay

Can you build it a diagonal like going this way like do it on the side in the corner I can certainly try come on I hate slabs we need a slab overhaul placing slabs is too much of a pain yeah come out and wrap around the building

Slightly okay all right all right I see where you’re going so hard to describe what I’m picturing I know dude actually that was perfect right where it was maybe cut that one off what do you think how does that look or should I take this whole whole bottom section off

Just have it there is that is that far enough what’s going to be infuriating is if these fences don’t line up dark oak fence not far enough now okay should I should I stay at the same level or come down one think it needs the bottom layer okay

UMO Boop this is where I had it right here [Applause] [Laughter] help now bring the fences down at the corners chiseled stone brick Cobble wall Spruce fences huh huh I can’t go There I hate stream delay because I gotta wait on I gotta wait on kill to reply to me chiseled stone brick at the bottom for a base then C oh I see I see okay okay yeah yeah yeah now we’re now we’re talking much better it feels like it needs support up

Front too right but the problem Is I’ve built this at the wrong wrong layer what do I do about that just do support up front I do the I remove the back ons I can’t though unless I raise the whole thing up right cuz it like look I got a gap there now

So I got to take it up one later all right we can we can do that we can do that not a big deal I know generally what to do now so we’ll we’ll get it there we’ll get it there okay so let’s start from here Oh my gosh place the blocks blue oh my gosh it’s already 10:45 we’re still in creative mode let’s get rid of that for now um You got the idea you got this oh I’ll do my best I’ll do my best okay all right all right all right all

Right all right I can get on board with that all right let’s do that that and that and that and build it in the right spot my gosh oh man all right then here yes one in the middle or or no I guess there’s not a true middle but

Are we watching blue struggle of course we are I don’t think the I think the one in the middle looks bad now here’s the real question what should go under here maybe maybe our mending villager is a traveling mending villager he’s a Wandering traitor possibly maybe he has like a cart that

He pulls his books around in right like a good librarian he’s got a library cart maybe we could put a library cart out here all right how do we make a cart we need uh a V gate Spruce trap doors for Wheels right I like this good build thank you killer [Laughter]

Oh this is [Laughter] ridiculous that looks so bad oh my gosh what is this it’s not a cart that’s for sure all right somebody help me out what what about a composter composter has like an actual hole in it where you can put things that’s the smallest wagon ever it’s a kitty

Wagon you guys help me out what should I do what’s the what’s the best way to do this okay maybe I make it a little bigger Craig what’s up buddy how you doing maybe I’ll work on that to tomorrow or the next day not a return video but a

Where Have You Been video yay kill is coming back it needs like it needs a dip do the composter idea but put a grindstone on the front why a grindstone oh like a wheelbarrow he pushes his mending books around in a Wheelbarrow all right I can get behind that let’s rotate it oh my gosh maybe we’ll have a couple of these this is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever built scoot it away from there a little bit let’s go right here and there [Laughter] and um you know we could go more ridiculous with this hold on it could be a hopper so if we put like a block here point that forward and then have that on the front what do you guys like better the composter or the hopper I think maybe the composter

Cuz the wooden theme oh man man all right tell me in the chat who likes Hopper who likes composter all right blue I’m heading to bed I’ll see you later bye chat missed you all dude thanks for stopping in I missed you too buddy it’s good to hear

From you I’m glad we’ve been been catching up the last day or so hope to hear from you more have a good night buddy Hopper’s better Hopper’s better okay maybe a slab between the composter and the gate I don’t know how to build wagons I know me too man a mine cart [Laughter]

I can’t attach a grindstone to the mine cart though I’m not going to lie I kind of like the composter better maybe I’ll have a like maybe I’ll have a few of these there’ll be a variety of wheelbarrows right I’m going to put one here maybe he’s got friends that come

With him to help him sell his [Laughter] books you like the composter better too I do too I think we’re going to stick with it let’s do the composter all right and then maybe we’ll toss a couple of bookshelves out in the front as well just like really just kind of thrown around

Here all right I like it I like it the other thing I was going to do was put some leaves on the roof this is like a common texturing thing that I do all the time that just like it just adds a little bit more color to an otherwise gray

Build you could attach it to a trapo though attach what to a trapo MH mhm I’m starting to think we’re not going to get this done tonight okay that’s probably good enough for that now Windows Mossy Cobble for blending I just I don’t want to bring that texture up here add Lykan for

Mobs It could be nice to sprinkle that around a little bit it does add a little bit okay I’m not going to go overboard with this right now but noted yes another blue J Liv stream coming up so my plan is tomorrow and Wednesday to crank out the blaze farm video as

Quick as possible and finish it up maybe late Thursday night I got to go out Thursday night uh until uh about 9 o’clock but I also have to pack for this weekend so like it’s gonna be tight if I can finish recording tomorrow night the blaze farm video and

Edit Thursday night or Wednesday night I should be able to get it done for this this week this weekend uh and then I’ll probably stream again early next week to actually build this thing in the survival world this is a really cool house I really like this I really like this

Dude no joke that like music cutting out gets me every single Time all right I could I could go for that dude we haven’t even we haven’t even done the interior yet either I’m not going to lie I might start building some of this like not on a stream as well I appreciate all the work you do

Blue I barely have time to watch must L create or even play dude I appreciate that I have I have so much fun doing this such a good time two three slabs use a trapo for the wheels and fence gate for the handle it gives some room for bookshelf on the

Cart oh you know what that’s a good idea I didn’t I didn’t try it that way uh slab let’s do wheel not Wheels trap doors dude my brain is starting to go it’s like hey blue you’re tired go to bed no fight it what if I put the slabs on the ground

We covered it yeah there we go right that looks [Laughter] terrible yeah I just I just don’t know I’m going to make that particular design happen if somebody wants to send me a design on Discord of another wheelbarrow that or a cart that looks different than

This by all means send me a design and maybe I’ll I’ll throw it in there light gray glass panes would make nice windows I typically go after cyan glass panes I know it’s weird it seems Weird but it works a lot of times but I might I might try light gray for this build 2×3 not one by one okay let me try that again here in a second yeah that looks nice okay good call on the like gray I like that Better okay so like like what elevated like this one two and then then three and then like trapo trapo trapo trapo something like that oh sorry buddy not not the baby horse just just don’t look don’t look don’t look he he just got Thanos snapped why why did you give me another

Baby horse go go oh can I not attach him to a trap or to a fence gate that’s annoying that’s super annoying bear with me this might not be a great idea the horse is trying to ride on the cart oh my gosh don’t put the cart ahead of the horse come on [Laughter] oh man put a fence next to the cart and time up there that’s probably a better idea than trying to tie him to the cart I mean this doesn’t look bad if the horses would stay put like good grief dude make it look like he sold a few books in his Day yeah I guess it’s Fine oh okay you you honey blocks with Green carpet over the horses could make the horse stand still you know I’ve never Tried that’s not a bad idea though all right let’s do like we’ll just do all of that no no no no bad horse you broke the lead all right no come here come here yeah I mean it slows him down but they still move and he’s gone it was it was a good

Thought I think maybe the solution is I don’t I don’t remember who suggested it but the solution is we we don’t tie him to the cart we just tie him up somewhere nearby so like we’ll grab that fence be like hey horse drink some water right

Okay all right all right all right all right happy with it I’m happy with it this is the kind of like fun detailing that I was hoping we could do tonight just get some ideas from you guys and make it happen bury him in a hole and put carpet

Down so only neck is visible go RX wait gosh fips how you doing buddy good to see You there’s only one way then build a wooden horse and invade Troy I like it I like it I don’t like this I like it a little better now maybe I’ll like it more if I take this up yeah okay we’re getting somewhere folks yeah let’s work on the door Honestly I think it might be fine if we just fill this back in and put a door there just like a regular door Spruce door obviously Spruce doors are my favorite door in the entire game yeah that’s fine it doesn’t need to be crazy needs a Mumbo door triggered by a

Chiseled bookshelf what do you mean a Mumbo door blue J has a door I built a a chiseled bookshelf shelf door in this series Mumbo super Dynamite thanks for subscribing I think blue lanterns would go well in there I’m thinking I’m going to stick with the regular lanterns

I’m just I’m still I’m trying to get away from an entirely cool look and get a little bit more warmth and I think the the regular lanterns will help accomplish that goal let’s get some of these and do something like this maybe over here nope I don’t mind

It what if we took it Up Okay this is a dope build thank You The hay bale was a good idea it really was it does make that smoke pop a lot higher I like it a Lot Interiors are my least favorite part of building cuz now we got to deal with all of like the roof stuff meeting up and covering it up cuz obviously that doesn’t look good but we can’t bust those blocks out cuz they go directly outside so we’ll we

Figure out some creative ways to cover those up it’ll be all right maybe what we could do is bring some of this outside texturing into the inside and make a ring around this like we have outside that’ll certainly hide some of the Gaps it needs more dirt needs more light is what it needs okay I can get on board with that that does light the space well okay all right so our mending Villager has a purple bed cuz purple is the color of royalty and we need to treat this guy like royalty

And then we’ll have like his lect turn maybe over here by the window I I I haven’t quite decided if I want to wall this off yet or not like do we want to create rooms in here gosh make the Visions with something else yeah I’m just trying to I’m trying

To visualize the space a little bit like like I don’t know my my brain is starting to get tired and I’m not I’m not going to be thinking of my best ideas now those of bookshelves peppered with chiseled variety you think just leave it open concept they go all night

Half walls instead of separate rooms This something I’m definitely going to have to play with I think the open concept is better in there hang on I put the bed like back here it’s like semi bedroom right just walk in go to sleep recess a small Reading area in the floor I like that

Idea vertical uh depth will help this space out a lot as well like but a few shells over here in the corners then maybe we can create like a couch do we go like super contrasty and make a white couch I’m not sure making rooms in a circular

House flows too well I’m not entirely sold on this divider idea yet maybe it would be better suited doing something like like this but elevating the room over here or maybe his like bed is over here and we elevate it the corner I don’t Know a loft for the bed hey it’s got to be wide enough to make sense but not like overpowering the entire room you’re dealing with villagers he’ll probably die falling off that I’m betting on the fact that he won’t be able to reach that he’ll be able to sink with his bed

But not not actually sleep this is the new form of villager cruelty oh dang it ah I got to lower it by one oh that’s so annoying yeah this is the new form of villager cruelty rather than putting him in a one by one hole we’re giving him a

House where he’s never going to be able to sleep put the bed on the floor well I mean I want a visual spot for it like make it look good could put some like plants pots decorations things like that up here so yeah villagers can’t climb ladders and I guarantee you there’s no

Way he can reach the bed up there so here let’s let’s test this Theory before I actually build this in survival don’t you do this to me sync up with that you want to be a librarian be a librarian do it can he can he sink with that bed

Though that’s the question maybe he can’t might be too high the bed might have been too high all right so plan B one two three four that’s four blocks It’s gosh ah I don’t even know if I like Plan B we’d have to take this window out like we’ have to fill that in and put another window in somewhere or maybe not maybe we just don’t have a Window Bury a bed in the floor that he’ll link to and then you can keep the lofted bed yeah I mean I suppose we could do that the the thing I don’t want to happen right I don’t want him to link with his bed up here oh

Jeez I don’t want him to link with the bed and be able to like glitch up to sleep in it and then be stuck up there and not able to access his workstation anymore you know what I mean I mean like what about this we we

Put this bed back here just behind some bookshelves it’s behind his workstation right we just build this up a little bit how’s my health doing I’m I’m doing great right now thankfully after my surgery back in June everything’s been looking great very very thankful so yeah he can just he just

Come back here and go to sleep we’ll just line it with bookshelves as well he is a librarian after all like why wouldn’t he have a lot of books right I could also slide this forward just a smidge give a little bit more room to walk back there it looks sloppy that looks

Better get some Spruce trap doors in here for some shelving my I mean simple simple decoration techniques like this will really give this place a pop right flower I hate the new search function right now it is horrendous half the time gosh when I go in to search for

Something it will like delete it right and then it’ll continue typing what it was there before plus what I’m typing it’s so bad they need to fix it should make one wall of bookshelves higher with a ladder Okay um I always struggle with builds like this because I don’t know what to do with the center of the room you know what I mean I like the idea of a torch flower but I don’t have a sniffer in the world yet and I’m not getting one yet So cow Farm anytime soon I have a cow farm that I can feed cows manually so like it’s doable just it’ll take some Work man if I was going to do the wall with a ladder it would be this one over here so maybe we can put the workstation here in the corner that’s probably okay do I move it out one no I think I like it against the wall couple of reading tables in the

Middle and a potted tree how do I make a potted Tree okay um what is something that we could put up there oh I got the I got just the thing h you guys get what I’m trying to do with this right like a sliding bookshelf um fence get the idea okay n not needed yeah I mean it sells the illusion enough

All right we got a sitting Corner we can sit down and read some books got a tall bookshelf couple tables in the middle what should we what should we make the tables out of it needs to contrast with the floor all right BU as the moving ladder Sweet

Success flower pot with a couple of aelia leaves is simplest or pot with flowering aelia um with a leaf block on top okay so pop oh my God see what I’m talking about the search fun function is just broken um Aelia with leaves on top so like this can you put leaves on top oh you can look oh my gosh look at that flower pot dead Bush and leaves okay let’s try that oh yeah dude let’s go I can see It oh no is everybody there is every everybody there I got a notification that said OBS disconnected I’m just realizing as well I’m streaming on Wi-Fi right now I normally have my wired connection I like this this is good all right so we can put one here mhm N too close to the table um gosh I’m so bad at positioning this kind of stuff try biger pots for variety okay let’s get let’s get a couple of chairs in first and when I say chairs I mean stairs Put the plant on the bookshelf in the window like right here okay let see could do a big one like right here ah I can’t place that there can I what if on this one we did this and then a leaf maybe we make it taller could be cool [Laughter]

You get a plant everyone gets a plant try stairs with slabs around it and some stairs as chairs around it I don’t know what I don’t know what you mean honestly I think this is looking pretty good I might toss in like can you put it you can’t put one

There I might toss in some flowers here and there like let’s do just for pugy an orange flower he’s got his orange in the build oh man what if we lowered these so that they’re like end tables but still bookshelves maybe this one just be empty like it’s a coffee

Cup I’m not mad about it and honestly there’s nothing not a whole lot that needs done with the roof or the ceiling rather yeah that’s right that’s right I think no that’s fine I’ll go out there and fix that here in a second I’m doing something completely wrong over here oh I

See oh I see I think that’s fine yeah and then maybe we can do like another hanging lantern from the center could completely change the color of the ceiling I don’t even know where that piece of gravel is that fell through no joke yeah must not be a big deal it’s not There [Laughter] it doesn’t match the aesthetic of the build at all honestly I like that this is subtle and your eye is drawn more to this stuff I don’t know that I want to be too busy with this up here I think it’s pretty pretty perfect to be Honest let’s do yeah now blue in the middle a subtle blue J carpet on the Floor Oh my gosh [Laughter] do we like the brown the brown Jay orange J I’m not going to put anything Orange in here we got orange flowers it’s kind of cool I’m not going to lie I kind of like it it’s a good way to get my signature logo in There you know normally we have the you know I don’t even think I built the basement on this test build I didn’t but yeah I’ve got my blue J carpet in my basement on the actual world it’s kind of a nice nod I like it it’s sepia tone yes it’s vintage

J i I’m on board I’m on board with it it makes it it makes the the center of the room not look so empty and it lines up perfectly too with where we put the tables okay all right well what time is it it’s almost midnight all right I’ve been

Streaming for almost 3 hours I think it’s probably probably good to call it here unfortunately we didn’t get anything done in survival oh my gosh go on I can’t I got to work tomorrow I got to work tomorrow yeah I I need to get a I need to get a

Supply list together as well before I start building this cuz there there’s a lot of things in here that I was not expecting to build with he switched professions get out of here we won’t have that problem with Felix The Mending villager cuz he’s already locked into a librarian and this

Will be the only lecturn I have in the house so we shouldn’t have any issue with with that the only issue that I can see us having is if there’s a lecturn in there or in there in the survival world it’s going to be closer

To the tower than it is to the house but if he’s able to switch and link up with the lecturn across the way um that could be a problem I like it though I really like this happy where are the trap doors do we put like a shelf over the front door

N i i could I could just keep going on this like all night no joke except for I’m tired and I need to not keep going just adding little details here and there you think the bed would look better perpendicular to the wall like that

Honestly I’m not going to lie I kind of hate the bed I I am tempted to just put it in the Floor and then cover it he’s not sinking with it though which is a problem but he’s also probably wandered away yeah he’s probably out of range go go go let’s get a new villager in there okay yep I’m fine with [Laughter] that oh man yeah so I’m going to have to do some

Testing because cuz the only thing I’m concerned about is if I’ve got other lects in the area which I do I have a lecturn in my house that holds all of the names of the patreon uh members and YouTube members if he links with that he’s going to go

Outside and walk toward the house rather than staying in the house that I want him to be in so I may need to like baby proof this place especially like I don’t know like maybe with a fence gate here or something oh I know I know it’s not

Ideal but it wouldn’t ruin our aesthetic I did this with the um there you go I did this with the fish farm the AFK fish farm it still looks like a door so it doesn’t ruin our aesthetic I’m going to have to I’m going

To have to I guess I could jump to get in there you go so now we got a door the Villager can’t open that trapo on top and door on the other way honestly I like this method there’s absolutely no way he can get in or out the put him

Sideways I I I can’t if I put them sideways then it doesn’t close can a zombie get in here you only need the top trap door and regular door I can’t place a door there though it won’t let me so if I do that then what do I do with a

Trapo like I literally can’t place it there from the inside like that okay put the door on the inside block now can he get out if I leave that up I don’t think so cuz his hit box is higher than mine right trapo in the threshold I can’t I can’t place a a

Block there switch the two around oh oh oh Okay [Laughter] orange no it looks bad it looks bad I’m just trying out different trap doors to see what I like best I think I like that yep it ties it together all right good call people good call can can a zombie break in there wait a minute how did you get out

Here he climbed up the stinking window what a what a dweeb guys I wanted to end this like 15 minutes ago and you’re like making me keep going all right uh kill vill or not villager entities villager zombie link I think baby zombies can okay [Laughter] um not the right

One he didn’t even go for the door he’s trying his darness to get in there though bam Zombie Horse Okay I don’t like that I don’t like that either go away so if this villager opens this door to try and get out and like walks away and leaves it open zombie baby zombies are getting in can baby zombies get in there cuz I can still like I could do that something like

That I know I know he can’t get out but he can open the door and leave it open and then baby zombie villagers rush in put a pressure plate inside great idea okay so literally the only way that this villager is getting zombified is if

It stands here and there happens to be a baby zombie villager or baby zombie standing right there I could shutter the door at night but it will be properly lit outside so no demon babies yeah that’s true all right fence gate fence and gate outside like normal house could have I mean we could do something like that and that would ensure nothing gets in he can’t get out nothing can get In what about placing the door along the wall if I rememberers not I don’t think that trick works anymore I’m pretty sure it does not work anymore cuz I’ve tried that with my house and zombies break into it all the time you can still climb around that so

I have to rework it a little bit that’s true oh yeah like literally they could just come over here a fence ain’t going to help at all we have to put a fence around the entire house which I mean I’m not opposed to if I can make a nice looking fence but I’m

Not going to design that tonight put a single Post in the ground in front of the door and carpet on top I mean we’re going to be able to see that iron door with button yeah I just I don’t want to go that far with it I

Think there are other ways that we can protect this guy bedtime blue don’t tell me what to do it’s after midnight now not if you extend the steps yeah but I don’t know that I want to extend the steps I let me try It oh no cuz like we’re going to have to we’re going to have to nah that ain’t going to work saving quow you can play again tomorrow after homework oh I see what you’re saying like extend the steps here but I would have to do it like this it have to go up

Here yeah I don’t I don’t I don’t think it looks good it’s too far it’s too far for this side size of a house do it on the Block the door is on yeah I mean I could do that I’m okay extending the the uh steps out that

Far I wouldn’t want it any further okay theoretically that would work right what will the HOA say about the large front porch my gosh okay let’s try it out let’s see what happens villager oh my gosh The I hate the search function right now it’s terrible oh I can’t get inside now oh there we go okay so I can get out I just have to crouch and I don’t think I can have the trap door there but let’s let’s test it out anyway for science welcome home Villager he can’t get out but he can he can stand in the doorway where they can definitely zombify him go ahead okay so they can’t get in what about what about the babies come on give me a baby Zombie yeah that doesn’t work he hopped right over it click on the zombie to make a baby that doesn’t work that doesn’t work I’m going back to my smaller porch I like the idea but it doesn’t work Sadly all right uh honestly the door and trap door idea is the best solution I’ve heard so far with pressure plates this will at least for the most part keep him safe they’ll come over to the door realize he can’t get out turn and rock away and unless it’s like that one

99.9% possibility that like1 possibility that there’s a baby zombie standing right here when he opens the door he’s going to be fine and worst case scenario I brew up a potion give him a golden apple and he’s fine again right I’m sure it’s going to be

Right all right well what do we think we happy with this it’s a fun little fun little cottage it’s a lot different than my normal style of building I usually use a ton of wood tones and stuff in houses and such as you can tell and I use like

Stone as more of accent I’ve not really ever built an entire Stone house before I really like it it’s a good uh good change of pace for me the inside looks nice and warm and homey awesome all right well I’m going to get a material list put together and uh I

Might start building this on my own before I have a chance to stream again but I I am going to be pretty busy working on the double blaze farm for the uh for the next video because this isn’t actually going toward a video this is just gonna it’s going to

Appear in the world and I’ll say hey the Villager has a house so should be a rect oh my gosh just punch the microphone Rage Quit should be a rectangle you should have mentioned this three hours a no I’m I’m really happy with it I think this is a good build thank you

Guys so much for the uh the help the ideas uh a lot of a lot of great collaboration and work came out of this tonight I can’t take credit for the full build myself cuz everybody helped out you guys are awesome thank you so much guys I’m going to call tonight I’m going

To head to bed get some sleep and prepare for a busy day of work tomorrow and hopefully tomorrow night get cranking on the next video and hopefully that’ll be out for you before you know it guys have a fantastic night thanks for all the support thanks for all the

Comments thanks for all the suggestions and ideas and it was great to hang out with you until next time we’ll see you later goodbye

This video, titled ‘LIVE – BUILDING STREAM! Felix Needs a Home! | Minecraft Bedrock Guide 1.20’, was uploaded by BluJay on 2023-11-15 05:24:01. It has garnered 1003 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:14 or 11774 seconds.

TONIGHT on the Minecraft Bedrock Guide LIVE, I need YOUR HELP! Let’s design and build a small house for Felix, the Mending Villager. —————————-

CHANNEL POINT REWARDS: https://streamlabs.com/blujaygames/cloudbot

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    INSANE BASE BUILDING DAY 2!! | LSLIVE Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP Day 2! Building a base!’, was uploaded by LSLIVE on 2024-03-11 07:13:12. It has garnered 75 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:57 or 19677 seconds. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!!! DONATE AT : https://streamelements.com/luckyshotwk/tip SOCIALS: Instagram: luckyshot.w.k https://www.instagram.com/luckyshot.w.k/ Discord: The Wolf Pack https://discord.gg/zMHFPRpWgV Twitter: @LuckyShotxWK https://twitter.com/LuckyShotxWK TikTok: @luckyshotxwk https://www.tiktok.com/@luckyshotxwk?lang=en MERCH!!! https://streamlabs.com/wolfxknightsx/merch SPONSORED BY ULTI ENERGY!!! USE CODE WK 7 TO GET 10% OFF EACH ITEM!!! https://ultisupps.rfrl.co/xw664 Read More

  • Minecraft Secret: Herobrine in Sumit Gamer05’s Live Stream

    Minecraft Secret: Herobrine in Sumit Gamer05's Live StreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Herobrine Is There 馃か #live #stream’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-04-17 16:34:08. It has garnered 366 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:51 or 7371 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft (Patch)! Join my Club on Turnip sumit: https://profile.turnip.gg/246DuLDWm5cRw8aAA Thank you for watching my Minecraft (Patch) stream. And for all the support you are showing! 馃敟, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 馃檪 And share my channel with your game friends. 馃檪 See you on my next stream!!!,… Read More

  • Bluey vs Evil Mackenzie in Secure House Showdown!

    Bluey vs Evil Mackenzie in Secure House Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Mackenzie In Minecraft’, was uploaded by Bluey Play on 2024-06-01 09:15:23. It has garnered 23879 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:00 or 3720 seconds. Queen Bingo The Most Secure House vs Evil Mackenzie In Minecraft, Bandit Heeler and Chilli Heeler heir own Minecraft server and playing. Cartoons play this is an entertainment channel where characters from different cartoons and popular games play different games, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated Read More

  • Mind-Blowing FNAF MC Animation | Not Me by TryHardNinja

    Mind-Blowing FNAF MC Animation | Not Me by TryHardNinjaVideo Information This video, titled ‘”That Me Is Not Me” | FNAF Minecraft Animated Music Video | Song By 鈥狜TryHardNinja’, was uploaded by Transfangames07 on 2024-06-22 19:00:06. It has garnered 10152 views and 623 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:36 or 216 seconds. Well Good Day people reading this, honestly didn’t think this momment would come so quickly but here we are, new animation :D, now before going into me leaving my own thoughts on my own animation, i wanna give a HUGE shoutout to @BAMation (Spider Manny) for helping one of the scenes of this video since… Read More

  • DragonChief

    DragonChiefSurvival Minecraft Server yg Bekerja sama dengan THF Server ini dapat di mainkan di bedrock maupun Java DragonChief.xyz:25566 Read More

  • Stinky SMP Modded SMP No Resets 1.20.1 Java Origins No Whitelist No Chat Reports

    Welcome to Stinky SMP! This server offers a unique experience with fair moderation, extreme longevity, and inclusivity for all playstyles. Whether you’re a builder, PVPer, trader, or nomad, there’s a place for you here. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them! Key Features: Great Performance: Our vanilla+ modpack ensures minimal client-side lag, and the server has high-end hardware for smooth gameplay. Safezone-Borderlands System: Experience both bloodshed and peace in different areas of the server, catering to various playstyles. The Origins Mod: Explore unique custom origins along with the base origins, carefully curated for a balanced and exciting… Read More

  • WebMC OneBlock

    Play our game mode reimagined on our very own OneBlock server! With custom mechanisms inspired by DeblokMC, start off with just one block and build your way up to greatness. Fun, challenges, and a friendly community await! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft pro or nah?

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft pro or nah?That meme must have really passed some gas to score so high! Read More

  • Stream Dream: June 11, 2024 – Ticket Tightrope

    Stream Dream: June 11, 2024 - Ticket Tightrope Welcome, welcome, to the Bean Mart show, Where we mix business with Minecraft, let’s go! On TikTok Live, I shared the behind-the-scenes, Of ordering, stocking, and all the in-betweens. The viewers were hooked, on the edge of their seats, As I navigated the game with swift and neat beats. Join me on YouTube, if you missed the live stream, For a night of fun, like a gaming dream. Subscribe to my channel, for more content galore, On Instagram, Amazon, and so much more. Follow me on Spotify, for tunes that inspire, And on Facebook and Pinterest, for content that’s… Read More


    PEDRO'S FIERY MINECRAFT MEME MADNESS! 馃敟 Why did Pedro bring a pickaxe to the club? To mine some sick beats! #minecraftparty #miningforlaughs #pedrotheDJ Read More

  • Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops!

    Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops! Minecraft Cheating with Ore-Dropping Items! Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where cheating with ores that drop items takes center stage! Join the excitement as new possibilities unfold in the world of Minecraft. Exploring New Horizons Delve into the innovative concept of cheating with ores that drop items, adding a unique twist to the traditional Minecraft gameplay. Witness the magic as these ores reveal hidden treasures and unlock a realm of endless possibilities. Unveiling the Cheating Mechanism Discover the mechanics behind this intriguing cheat, where ores become the key to obtaining valuable items. By leveraging this cheat, players can… Read More

  • Minecraft Ice Island – Episode 2 – Sewage Treatment

    Minecraft Ice Island - Episode 2 - Sewage Treatment Minecraft Wyspa Mrozu I – Epizod 2 – Oczyszczalnia 艢ciek贸w Exploring the High Voltage Pillars As the Minecraft player ventured past the high voltage pillars, they stumbled upon a surprising discovery – the Sewage Treatment Plant. The sheer shock of the encounter was evident in their reaction, making for an exciting viewing experience. Stay tuned for more! Map Details For those interested in exploring the same Minecraft world, the map can be accessed at the following link: Mapa Wyspa Mrozu I. The map was created by the talented duo of RemBX and Astyn, showcasing their creativity and attention to… Read More