EPIC Minecraft Castle Build – MUST WATCH!!

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Lizzy Fleck hello 2024 not Channel and I think that’s everyone right I also need to turn on my light there we go it’s a bit brighter in here right let me take you off the starting soon screen there we we go look at that we’re in our wonderful new world and everything with

The castle that and my game just minimized here we go right we’re in the world we have our wonderful Castle which is still not complete this is our goal for today good you I’m I’m doing quite good myself today um I’m a bit annoyed though cuz I I scheduled yesterday’s

Video for the wrong day by accident so now it it came out late and everything and I don’t know if that’s going to screw analytics and stuff so I’m a bit sort of um worried about that uh my name always makes you have breaths always

After saying I now is it always after I mean you have a long name though that’s the thing you’ve got a long name also my music is quite loud please tell me if that is too loud for everyone else also my microphone’s a bit close let me move

That further back right okay we have this Castle here that’s also still untextured which I should probably fix yeah we have this Castle here and it is very far from completion really I mean maybe it’s like halfway I’m hoping it’s halfway cuz then we’re going to finish

It this stream last stream we got halfway though hopefully we can finish it this stream uh I know my name is long but you can always just call me night I don’t know I I tend to sort of just like read people’s full names hi hello Mr

Meoo welcome to the stream how are you doing I hope you think I hope you are doing well I ended up reading the chat message above as well uh it’s Tad loud but um it’s fine okay um does anyone else think it’s loud

If so I can I can bring it down a bit um right I don’t know how to continue this first of all like first thing I’m going to admit it like right off the bat I’m not entirely sure how to continue this Castle cuz I don’t know what the next

Step should be not for me okay right so foozy foozy just has very sensitive ears right how do we do this because also it’s not very detailed right now either it’s very flat it’s got a lot of flat walls it’s like there’s there’s no detail at all the only sort of area

Where there’s somewhat some sort of detail is over on the walls and that’s just cuz they’re diagonal so I’m not entirely sure I feel like we need to do texture first hello Kentucky Fred Goose welcome to the stream how are you doing I hope you’re doing well right

You know what first of all maybe we should get the turrets sorted out I feel like this is a good height this sort of cyan for the roof I think that’s a good hype for the turret the thing is it’s kind of confusing trying to work out

What perspective it should be uh hey Captain how are you doing today just thought I’d drop in before I got to go uh go to church I’m doing good and And right I’m I’m doing good today how how are you rainy rainbow and welcome to the stream even if you’re only here for a small bit um right okay I feel like this is a good height for the Tet I’m not entirely sure I think from this

Height it’s quite good from down there it’s not the most visible but I’m more worried about this hike cuz this is reasonably where most people would be like anyone inside the castle is going to be here really so it probably should look good from this um angle uh if

You’re on Essentials check your messages uh you were meant to read the message above too what message above what was I supposed to read the what what was I supposed to read on here oh want to come fish with me I mean do you do you want

To come build with me I I would happily welcome a a helping builder in this um right let me work out the shape of this cuz I’m trying to do just like basic small circles which isn’t the best way to do a turret but like it feels like it

Might work or not a turret a Spire we’re doing a Spire I think like this sure okay I guess we’re inviting I should actually hide the chat for this cuz it it releases an IP message and I’m not entirely sure if like I’m not entirely sure what

IP that is so um right cheats do need to be enabled cuz we need commands right invite sent to fzy done cool and then that’s borders I need to clear chat there we go right and just quickly there we go you’re back cool foozy you have an invite

Uh I could as well if you want okay right I guess we’re inviting Knight as well I don’t think this should show it again yeah there we go cool right I’ve invited two people to the build world that’s not something I ever thought I would actually be doing um I’ll help build if

I can uh for now I’ll just add Knight and foozy just cuz I know them they’re trusted and stuff so maybe it would be useful to hop in a VC I don’t know I’m not entirely sure right okay also yeah no one’s here foozy how dare you you you just

Like why are you not on 1. 120.4 mods mods are mods are extremely inconvenient that’s that’s why I’m not on 1. 120.4 because it is the biggest pain like it is the biggest pain to update every single mod that I need especially when also Lotus doesn’t

Update we don’t we don’t update Lotus a lot so yeah it doesn’t tend to like I don’t I don’t update if Lotus doesn’t update essentially um because otherwise I can’t get on the server and stuff so it’s inconvenient um what mods do I use though cuz I remember this was a

Question last time as well ambient sounds basically uh that makes like some wind sort of noise when you’re really high up you get Birds when you’re in a forest and stuff it it gives you like ambient sounds essentially that that’s what it does continuity is for connected

Textures so if I if I get some GL glass blocks here we go yeah if I if I get some glass blocks notice how my textures connect in the middle and stuff there’s there’s no white outline on it um that’s that’s basically the mods that I use uh

Or that’s the mod that I use for that cont it elytra trims is something I don’t use but I need it for Lotus entity coling is just a thing that helps with frame rate and stuff it removes things you can’t see Essentials is for um what

We actually just used to invite fuzy and knight uh that’s just something the mods need to work free cam I need it for the server I need it for Lotus but I don’t tend to use it much immersive paintings again server um indium is for shaders and stuff along with Iris like MAA

That’s all schematics and stuff and build plans uh malib I don’t know what that does it looks like it’s just client side mod processing uh mod menu is how I’m looking at this that allows resizing of entities replay mod is the replay mod voice chat sodium status all that stuff

So most that’s just server things that I need um 1 20 1.20.1 I am normally on 1.20.1 basically I just work with whatever version Lotus is on so Lotus SMP if that hasn’t updated to a newer version I won’t update either because I need to be

Able to um I need to be able to um get on right I need to reinvite you to there we go let’s see if that works now that looks too simple I don’t like how simple it looks this this isn’t right that’s h h i it doesn’t feel tall enough here how

Does it feel over here how how how is it when it’s over on this side it’s okay it doesn’t feel rounded enough though that’s what I’m noticing what if I just put some blocks on these simple bits here is this going to help it cuz this is actually sometimes something

That helps with spiders hello knight uh oh and you’re breaking the corn uh yeah the corners might work there let’s see I would put the corners back but it’s somewhat in the in the correct sense I think Corners back here then we put these four blocks here

And then maybe bring that up by two like maybe have that bit be even taller yeah that’s better I prefer that I think that looks better although there’s a block missing up there what are you breaking you’re breaking stuff um what version you driv me crazy 1.20.1 what 1.20.1 um yeah

That’s decent the corners uh I don’t I don’t like bringing down the corners I’m not going to bring down the corners I think Corners stay the same it’s just these bits need to come up a bit I ideally I think what would be nice is if there was a half

Slab here but you can’t get a half slab with wool so we can’t do that although what I can do oh there we go foozies in should I make a VC I should probably I think foozy disconnected he’s probably got something wrong with the mods um right let’s put a point there

And we’re going to come up here and put another point in the top Corner which is where we want to be in line with everything so that’s this block and this block yep okay right so we do that and then set the second position here and what we’re going to do

We’re just going to stand on this block we’re don’t uh we’re going to do slash copy uh why did you change your mods since last time uh creative core and ah right okay hold on foozy let me let me send you those mods cuz th those ones I

Think are actually version specific so you kind of need those um right hold on now we’re now we’re messing around we’re trying to get foozy go come on foozy always the problem always the problem right uh Minecraft where’s my mods folder there it is um what ones do you need uh py

And where’s creative core that one right okay there you go cool right okay um send him the whole mod folder uh there’s no point in that when like I can just find the two mods uh right if I stand here though these turrets are a different size or are they

Wait are they a different side no wait no they’re not hold on wait easy way to check if I just do/ paste there we go look at that we we’ve got another we’ve got another turret in see how quick that is look at this efficiency guys look at

This absolute that’s part of the terrain I I accidentally uh copied the train um why is caps lock on Meo is your PC okay uh did you see my secret message what secret message hm yeah that’s an interesting secret message we’re not going to read that

We’re not going to read that uh top tower on Mountain uh roof ones in the gate what what what I’m sorry what oh gosh I’m pressing all the wrong buttons what I do not understand your message also yeah fuzy is having issues fuzy is fuzy is having a lot of

Issues um right okay so uh we’re going to paste that in there as well look at that we’ve got that maybe is a bit out of scale that that’s maybe a bit out of scale for these bits but for now I’ll leave it cuz it’s kind of

Funny it’s it’s kind of funny um right maybe just give me that folder oh gosh do you realize how difficult it is to send the entire folder um hold on right let me let me make a duplicate of this folder this is this is the effort we go

To to get foozy onto the stream and stuff uh right let’s make a copy of that oh no that’s that’s sinking I don’t want that sinking don’t sink that right compress that come on compressing here we go here we go here we go right okay that folder is now

Compressed so foozy I’m going to send you the folder wherever it is there is Right more than 25 megabytes can’t do it right okay who your SC oh you in you’re in see there was no need for that right okay uh make it a do zip file and put it

On the Discord I cannot do that unfortunately I it’s more than 25 um megabytes which is not I need Nitro that’s I should just get Nitro at some point but I I don’t want toay okay like I I send a lot of files on Discord but

Not enough to justify me getting Nitro I I don’t do it enough to justify Nitro I’m not angry I just I always shout like this right um turrets here uh yes Knight you’re doing that correctly you are doing that correctly we want it sort of just identical to the

Other ones uh just put the list on I will do that after the stream I will do that after the stream also foozy night um are we doing a are we doing a VC are we are we going to do a VC also right so question for you guys in the

Chat what do I do here how do I work this out like I need a color palette but the problem with a color palette is like my first idea was going to be deep slate but given the fact that it’s deep slate mountains I don’t think deep slate would

Work I think it would be a problem so I’m not going to do deep slate but I don’t know what color to do instead opinion it looks like a turret it seems correct maybe do a bit like the thing that we did on these ones here um you’re going

To need to wait for stream delay maybe do something like we did on here with um with the like connecting ones coming up uh also give us op so we can TP oh yeah that’s probably that’s probably useful um why am I able to op people that have never existed these

Are huh these These are people that haven’t been on this world interesting hi foozy why are you dressed like the crying child um right uh right fzy and where is night there we go right okay and VC you guys know where the VC is uh streaming VC hi

Guys fzy I can’t hear you night normally doesn’t talk but fzy I cannot hear you where are you fuzy I’m here oh you do exist right I need just talking to myself for a bit right okay uh one am I looking at night what am I what am I looking at yes

Like this except just bring that one up by one there we go right fuzy opinions on a color palette um dark I don’t want to do dark though no no it’s dark no no dark no your opinion’s wrong you’re wrong your your opinions wrong I’m not going to have a marital argument with

You cuz you know you’re wrong no no cuz you’re wrong where where have you gone there you are don’t don’t run away from me let me stare at you as I tell you you’re wrong you’re okay um I mean we could do generic stone color palette we could I’m not entirely sure

Though what are you building what are you building why are you shut don’t you do that with me no no no no no no no no no get on my level FY get on my level also um people in chat can you actually hear foozy okay I’m not I’m not

Entirely sure how he sounds right no don’t put a don’t put a toola back on the chair right okay um oh no I broke my floor fzy that’s your fault yeah yeah exactly right okay hey hey hey don’t right color palette I feel like I you’re not going to get this CLE on

There oh my gosh oh my gosh um right okay uh hold on hold on I need to yes color palette Knight correct color palette this is what it needs to be well done Knight you agree just just pineapple he want nice um um oh I’ve just saw what you did um I’m still

In I’m what did I just night even night’s gone but I’m in what did I just Do interesting it still says I’m on oh wait now I’m gone uh that’s that’s that’s real interesting uh it said they was still on and then it didn’t show night’s leave message but it said that was hold on right let’s put you guys back on be back soon cuz I’ve got to

Start up the server again now uh right fzy night invite there we go cool clear CH yeah you kind BR my BR you guys back off a bit there we go my Minecraft isn’t responding damn skill issue with you there we go okay pineapple yes night um

Right okay color palette how do we do this how how do we do this color palette where where are you you’re up here I don’t want to do a dark castle that’s the issue I don’t think a Dark Castle will work what was the what was was it

Germany was it Germany that we looked at or something that had the really nice Castle or something hello ath as well welcome to the stream how are you doing hope you’re doing well and hello fbon as well sorry I missed you there um welcome to the stream I hope you’re doing well

Uh pink iseland was it Irish castles I don’t remember what castles we were actually looking at we were looking at a lot of different Castles uh Irish Castle maybe it was Irish no no it wasn’t Irish it was I feel like it was German it was like German or polish

Which oddly came up with the same images ah right maybe it’s that one there’s a lot of like pale colors but then a dark roof so we can still do a dark roof it’s just pale for the actual thing which I think we we maybe should

Try let let’s try a pale color palette maybe whoy are you there what command are you writing you’re writing a command aren’t you or your AFK Everyone be Quiet did he just move did he move that seemed like he moved he he may have moved he might not be AFK there’s a there’s a pretty decent chance that he’s not AFK and he’s he’s just he’s just pretending uh right hold on game mode survival foozy there we go

Cool right and de fzy cool right okay so onwards with the build uh right onwards with the build a blue color palette I assume for the roof are we talking about the roof okay cuz that that’s sort of the same color palette that’s down there in fact that’s that’s like near identical color

Palette to what’s down there um right okay I’m interested in the idea of a White Castle but I’m not entirely sure how to do it cuz there’s not even really many white blocks in the game like if we if we get a collection of white blocks actually let’s use

Smooth quartz cuz it can BL blend in a bit better uh there’s concrete there’s concrete powder maybe snow and Bone blocks mushroom stem not entirely sure that’s kind of it yeah that’s that’s sort of it for white blocks oh yeah there is Birchwood as well and kite

Right hold on let’s let’s try and get a gradient from dark to light so I would say it’s that that that’s a bit yellow actually it’s got an odd amount of yellow uh what’s thisle H what’s this what’s What night night what’s what night right night DP to me thank you H me night uh right hold on fzy we we’re trying to we we’re trying to work out color palettes and gradients maybe that’s not oh God I don’t like working stuff like this out I

Absolutely hate it no I’ve already done white concrete white W is too much but hm what am I what am I looking at this color palette yeah that kind of works you know what I have just realized as well we could use Hue blocks Hue blocks is a

Good alternative as well um right hold on let me let me see uh by the way if you don’t know what Hue blocks is um it’s a website basically where you put in two blocks and it will work out a gradient between those two blocks um

With like every sort of color in between it’s quite good although sometimes I will say I disagree with it um okay you know what I’m moving I’m removing those two cuz they seem a bit too great maybe no it’s like a little bit too great unless like that potentially that seems somewhat correct I feel like quartz is the next step but that seems like a really sudden jump what did you what did you and give me creative then I’ll be able to like give you like some advice you did yeah you know what let let’s give you creative back there you go

Right TP you to me there we go right what do we do I’m going to open up not that is really fun um right I’m going to I’m going to open up Hue blocks which is on the browser so you guys can’t see this uh right Hue

Blocks we want what is the brightest block I’m going to say snow on this website and then let’s find where’s diorite is diorite on this I don’t know if dior’s on this website man they don’t have Dior how do they not have diid who doesn’t have

Diid oh wait no there it is there it is right okay and generate block gradient oh okay interesting um right I I have a gradient what block is that oh that oh no no I just broke it oops oh no I just broke it hold on hold on right uh generate block gradient

Right remove that one cuz that one’s not great okay so Hue blocks has given me an interesting one but I’m not entirely sure still right so what it’s saying is snow block powdered Snow White wool then what were the rest uh concrete powder iron block that’s item iron blocks Birchwood oh no I hold on right uh Birchwood concrete uh we go and then it’s di right okay that’s the color gradient it’s giving me which I I don’t know if I agree with it what’s your opinion on it um Iron come on I don’t know I don’t I

Don’t I don’t think Birchwood Works no there’s too much the way the way all of this works is by working out the average color of the block so of course because Birchwood is mostly white it comes out with a fairly High thing but like the the dark patches are too dark to

Work I don’t know I don’t know I’m genuinely stuck iron block being a tole block might not be the best yeah but at the same time like some of the some of the blocks in this mountainer tile blocks I think um it’s like there yeah there’s there’s

Polished deep slate down there so if it’s mixed into a gradient okay then it can work I don’t want to use Shuler boxes no Shuler boxes just because shulker boxes only appear at a certain render distance so it doesn’t work plus they’re directional as Well H so far I’m still feeling most confident with this I might get rid of bone blocks though cuz it’s it’s a bit too yellow I think maybe there fzy what do you think of this yes maybe the mushroom could be I don’t know uh right oh cow site

That’s the block that I keep forgetting I keep forgetting that cow site exists okay wait hold on so what if we swap Out H maybe I feel the goes darker if we if swap it like that works yeah I think that that works so we could try that maybe yeah do we go for that I feel like I feel like that’s our best shot and we could maybe add

Snow mhm cuz also so the way I would do this is probably by doing a bit like the gradient on the Mountain uh it’s a little too dark on the edges though and polish deep SL isn’t too obvious yeah yeah that does make sense with iron um I would argue swap the polished

Diorite and the concrete hm maybe I don’t know it’s one it’s one of those things you can’t really spot it until it’s like that no I disagree I I I disagree I would say it’s that way around uh what am I looking at uh oh the roof

Gradient yeah that works for a roof gradient I forgotten what the German cast was looking at looks like yeah it’s kind of like a dark sort of thing um right okay I think that’s our I think that’s our color palette then maybe I think it’s the best we’re going to get

So the question is how do we paint this cuz we can either go with a bit like the mountain where it’s like dark at the bottom and light up at the top or you can try and go a bit more detailed and put like the dark sections in all of the

Corners and the little crevices and everything so what do you think fzy uh I’m not entirely and like the crevices might be better the crevices might look better but it’s also going to take a bit longer to do mhm although it won’t take much longer like thinking about it it’s not

Going to take much longer so I feel like that would work maybe yeah let’s try it right okay I’m going to I’m going to remove right so this one we’re not doing or was that the one we order that was the one we are doing dang

It dang it I just removed the what was it I’ve forgotten what it was um brilliant hold on hold on I can I can redo this right it was polished then normal then concrete csite uh was it the powder then then the wool then the snow that that was our gradient right

Okay okay I think we’ve got it right um we really should remove the ones that we’re not using the right okay so I’m not sure about the roof color though I don’t know we’ll leave it until we need a roof I think I think we’re going to need to we’re going

To need to leave it until we get a roof right um do you do you know how to do world edit brushes not really great okay not I saw that nod from night um right I will use a pickaxe just cuz it’s an easy tool to

Work with uh right so fzy just look at a stre right brush set sphere let’s go with just copy and P and send it to me let’s go with brush set sphere three to I think 25% polish diorite I’ve just realized this gradient is actually in the wrong order as well

And actually never mind that goes there and that goes there I was being stupid there right hold on uh okay right brush set sphere 3 25% dialite 50% polished maybe I’m trying to I’m trying to work out what would be a good mix I spel polished wrong like useful right 50% polished

15% concrete uh so 15% white concrete and then 10% cite I think might work let’s see and then mask Red wool okay boozy you’re going to need to write that cuz I can’t copy and paste so let’s see how much room huh why can’t you copy and paste it because it takes

Time right so if we come along the bottom Edge like that how does that look is that a good mix I feel like maybe it needs to be darker I think it needs to be darker honestly I think it needs more of the more of the normal diate so

You know what we’ll increase that to 35 and then that to 40 and also can I undo like 10 can I undo another 10 I can’t do un undo any more than that that’s brilliant okay so I just need to bloody fix this wall um right okay so

Set position there set the position there set red wool I need another slash there we go and do the same there okay right um I think it’s still messed up on the interior but that’s fine right okay so yeah I feel like that works better there still fairly heavy on the polished

Diorite but it works I need a you need op oh dang it of course you do uh right op bozy there you go uh I feel since you have a large Courtyard uh it could be made for some sign of uh some kind of statue uh for

The dragon yeah yeah that was what I was planning like some sort of dragon statue um right so first thing basically go around the bottom edge of this entire place and put this brush which should hopefully come out somewhat fine I’m hoping I’m not entirely

Sure hm was there supposed to be a wall here there absolutely was wasn’t there there’s supposed to be a wall does a 45° yeah 45° angle did work right okay um oops made a mistake and managed to completely miss out an entire wall let’s blow it on F fzy that’s your fault how

Dare you not point out the fact that the wall is missing yeah Sor right so basically what we just need to do we need to go at the lowest point everywhere and just use that brush which is going to take a little bit of time it doesn’t actually

Take too long to be fair like it’s it’s not it’s not the worst thing in the world there’s slower parts of the build process so everywhere uh yeah basically everywhere on the lowest point at that section all right okay yeah cuz if we if we did it with the lowest point like

Just compared to the entire Castle essentially you would have areas like this being really dark and then the top of it would be really bright and this area in the middle it would all be exactly the same there’s like no gradient between them pretty much and hopefully this all works I’m hoping this

This might not look that great once it’s done maybe I should have made a copy of it maybe I should have made a copy of the entire world it’s fine it’s fine cuz we know the blocks in the gradient so actually if we need to roll it back we

Can just do a huge replace command for it which it’ll take a little bit of time but it works uh too late now uh wait uh what’s what’s too late oh gosh I’ve just done a thing there as well right okay is that is that the lowest point on each

Bit done no it’s not cuz foozy isn’t done up here come on foozy catch up a bit my streams are progressively turning into bullying you yeah but it’s fine cuz you bully me on your channel so no I don’t yeah you do no I don’t you do you absolutely do I

Mean then it turns into me bullying you as payback but like no no no no no no no no no so we need to do all of the corner bits now so like everywhere where water’s going to get stuck and everything we want to

Put that so a bit like on the house down there but I wouldn’t recommend using the same brush size for this so if you like you know how you can um select an old chat message you sent mhm yeah if you do that and then just set it down to like a

Brush size of one or something what we want to do is just in the corners just bring it up a little bit just sort of like that that’s not perfect but it works and a little bit of randomization doesn’t really matter too much like it’s water it’s nature it’s

All random uh right uh meant too late to make a copy oh okay that makes more sense um right so basically anywhere where there’s a sharp corner or something just raise up the texture a bit and we’re going to need to do that for like every single part of this

Texturing process but it should be fine in fact No it should actually get easier cuz once we’ve done this first bit essentially like the next layer we just go based off of the height of what’s not textured yet so it should be fine um right okay so Corners like this also

These corners should actually probably go even higher really just because um like I’m actually going to put it a bit more randomization across it as well basically because um this side is out facing open areas so you’re much more likely to see damage on that side as you

Are to I think like a side round here or something where it’s it’s got a decent bit protecting it’s like it’s in this thin little part of the valley here and it’s got a wall there and a mountain and everything and it’s protected on all sides so you’re less likely to see

Damage in that corner essentially right um and I don’t think this corner was done um have you guys done most of the corners cuz if so something you can do um if there’s an area where like it’s really flat like the texture is just consistently at the same sort of level

Um you could put a tiny bit of variation in it or something just like with the small brush just add a few little bits dotted higher and lower uh right yeah and then just like in that sort of section as well just a little bit like that and around here as

Well yeah there we go that works cool right um so now we need to move the texture like one block along so this this is fun a lot of this is just rewriting the same command although foozy what I would recommend is do it on a stone to

So like You’ Curr got a wooden shovel move it to a stone shovel and basically you can keep track of uh what’s being used as a gradient then so essentially diorite is going to become polished diorite uh then this is going to become white concrete uh oh I’m removed the

Percentage right so white concrete uh then that’s going to become calite and what was our block after kite it was concrete powder okay uh right so white concrete powder and then don’t forget to tell it to mask Red wool as well you need to do that for every single brush

Right uh is it bad I’m addicted to a book that’s also about dragons and happens to be in a secluded Fortress that I’m starting to compare the two I mean I’d say it’s fine it sounds that sounds like a cool book can I know the title of the book I haven’t read

Anything in ages I really should like get back to reading a bit also I need to increase that brush size again we’re going to bring it back up to three there we go right so have you guys got your brush no what I don’t one sec wait are we changing

Um change the brush size back to three and then basically just move the gradient one block along all right so yeah uh it’s called fourth wind you noted there’s zero censorship in it I mean that’s fine I’m fine reading stuff like that uh fourth win I

Will maybe take a look at that if I remember I’m probably going to forget um right okay uh so basically once your brush is done what you want to do same as before just like how we did it with like the lowest point in contact with

The ground now we’re just going to do it with the lowest point that isn’t already textured so I would suggest picking a place that you can actually keep track of as well cuz otherwise you might lose how much you’ve done uh why is there why is there an uh

What have you done did you forget to make it mask Red wo what have you done wait is oh concrete powder of course yeah concrete powder is going to fall Umle leave it for now just let the conrete powder fall if it falls like it will leave a gap we can go back through it and we can fix it later it should be fine so just like if it’s falling just leave it it’ll be fine eventually once we come back through and

Fix it um and now essentially we’ve just got to texture this whole thing again hello gusta is it is it gusta V or like gusta V or Gustav what what is it can I can I know how to pronounce your name please it would be it would be very useful but

Welcome to the stream how are you doing I hope you’re doing well uh right okay so this texture needs to come all the way around again the good thing is as you go higher up there’s less and less to texture so it becomes a bit less

Effort uh gusta right okay that’s cool I will I will try and remember that right uh so that’s the main building done uh have we done the okay you’re doing the yeah okay that is correct textures right I will bring it along on here these

Walls are now actually done um oh gosh a lot of it is falling apart there is a lot of white concrete powder um it’s fine we can fix it later maybe I mean maybe a bit of Destruction will work who knows like a bit of Destruction could

Make it look quite good might make it look like it’s sort of been through a bit more Potentially uh is it done here no it’s not uh yes it was it was done here uh is that the texture done I think maybe pineapple look what am I looking at where are you are we looking at how much has fallen apart cuz

Yeah there there’s a lot a lot of it has fallen apart um this is kind of starting to look like Cinderella starting to feel like a a like Cinderella Castle string we can use string it’s just it’s just going to be a lot it’s going to be a lot of string uh

I like the castle Style thank you we came up with it on the last stream it’s just sort of all been improvised uh this is also missing a um turret on it this this little Tower is missing its own turret uh how did I do the turrets on

The squares it was one block Gap right okay uh I’m building the S35 flanker and playing crazy I’ll send you a screenshot when I finish oh oh I haven’t been on playing crazy in a while I haven’t been on Roblox really I mean I was on it yesterday but like before that actually

No I was on it with my friends so no that is kind of a lie right um I think this is three blocks up am I correct I think this Tower is identical to this one here cuz those ones down there are a bit bigger

Uh okay right I will try and just get that start actually hold on I can literally just right select position uh come over here and then set second position oh gosh don’t fall right and copy and fly down here and paste there we go cool right uh

All right I’m going to get back to work AFK okay uh right next texture I guess we’ve just got to like do all this uh I start my new build project I’m building a castle and a castle Town o that that sounds fun I am

Interested to see that yeah um if you I don’t I I am assuming you’re new here I don’t remember you being in many chats so I hope you’re new here cuz otherwise I feel really bad if I’ve forgotten someone um basically the just this thing is um viewers suggest

Um the builds that we’re doing here and we end up building them well I’m saying we uh these two these two are here as special guests for today um so the first build was chosen by me just cuz it was the start of the series and that was

This little Watermill down here except we ended up having to build this entire mountain with it and the second build which was chosen last stream was this Castle so now we’re building a castle here which has taken a lot longer than expected but you know it’s it’s going

Well I’m new here okay cool I’m I’m glad I’m not forgetting people and also welcome I’m I’m happy to have you here right uh what is the next block on our gradient it’s white wool okay uh so foozy brushes woo actually fzy if you don’t want to work with

Brushes what you can do is I don’t mind working with brushes it’s just uh setting them why do you just copy and paste it send it and send it to me no it’s usually controller I mean if you want something to do that isn’t typing in all the brushes go around find all

The white concrete powder and fix it by like putting string underneath and stuff that cuz we we’re going to need to do that at some point so we might as well have you doing it now uh right so last brush is this so this is going to become white concrete

Powder okay uh no wait no that’s just going to become white concrete never mind uh right white concrete calite is next so replace that with 40% calite then it’s white concrete powder uh concrete powder there we go and finally white wool then of course mask Red wool just

Like that okay and now just going around on the lowest points as always what I do like about this is the fact that you sort of like start getting a bit of natural variation in it as well so the textures actually blend a bit better than you thought they would cuz you end

Up with just a lot more variation in the height of the brushes and stuff um right also how much of it’s done a lot of it is actually done so it’s really only this main building that’s like sort of getting textured now um right also Gustav I’m curious like what what’s the

What’s the style that you’re going with with the castle is it going to be like really dark or something is it going to be really bright like this one up here which I was not expecting this build to be bright like a bright colored parle is literally the last thing I thought I

Would be building um right okay that I feel like can come up a bit higher so I’ll do that uh there’s this bit left over here that hasn’t been done yet so we need to do you know what we can probably finish off this Tower here

There we go why is there who put a flag on the mountain um keep it there I think KN might have built it but it looks nice yeah that was that was you wasn’t it it looks real nice no I think it I mean Knight was asking for a flag earlier so

It must be night it was be night right okay uh I feel like are we going to are we going to hit the end of the gradient we are so you know what let’s let’s do a little sort of higher with uh this could you build custom trees I can do custom trees

In fact custom trees is kind of what I am intending to do cuz basically with this series I want to be building as much of it as possible I know that like I’m using world edit a lot and stuff but I consider it fair because it’s just a tool really it’s

Like that that’s what world edit is you even if you have like zero skills world edit can help you but it’s still not going to make it perfect like you do sort of need some knowledge of what you’re doing still so I consider it okay that I’m using world edit um although

Like I I’ve forgotten what my initial point was oh yeah custom trees I don’t want to be using stuff that exists in Minecraft basically so I know that world edit you can use a brush that just places down on a forest and I could do

That but I don’t want to I want to do a lot of custom trees what is happening there snow cannot be brushed no no snow can be brushed you’ve just used the wrong thing you need snow block you you put you’ve put snow which gives you a snow layer you need snow

Block right uh so this should actually this might be the final brush I don’t think we need much more also what I’m actually going to do seeing as the top here would sort of have quite a bit of weathering itself I’m actually going to like put a little bit of this texture in

Here to close up the Gap a little bit and it’s not going to be perfect like it might not look great but it’s at least sort of a bit more variation when it gets to that point so if we just like come around the top so of need to vary

The height a little bit which is quite difficult with a small brush actually um basically we can just sort of add that in there and it looks like you get water sort of um coming up and getting stuck as well uh right is that good yeah uh Knight’s going through with the final

Brush cool okay there we go right okay so we need to like fill in the textures obviously but that’s quite easy if you just have a larger brush so Next Step cuz currently this is this is incredibly flat like it’s got a lot of texture and stuff but it is really

Flat and kind of looking a bit weird so what we need is like a framework or something I said Thank You Gustav thank you thank you for the subscriber what are we actually on is that 1,8 or9 I don’t know unless people have unsubscribed I’m not entirely sure uh

Right so so what we need to do is put a framework on and see as it’s like old castle I am guessing it would be a wooden framework plus if we use something like Spruce or dark oak that could give us a really nice contrasting color I

Think the problem is we just sort of need to work out how to do this you know what we also actually need to do the roof on the main building and the smaller building as well um that’s going to be interesting that’s going to be really interesting actually fuzy how do we do

This let you do that you know I’m terrible at RS especially something that big like you know my proportions are absolutely disg you know what a bigger roof is actually going to be easier to work with probably I think sort of fitting the style down there we want like sort of something

That starts out as a fairly low gradient and then comes up to a point I guess yes no I got an idea I got an idea down are you just going to just going to fill it in like totally flat on top yes do not ruin my build

Foozy SL one okay let me go okay set um position one and then let’s go position two uh and then there we go oh God it’s the worst why would you do that fzy you better undo that type SL undo right now wa slash undo okay I’ll do slash undo oh

Wait no I thought you had to do SL it works yeah it didn’t used to Y you are trying to like one up the person that’s actually us fzy no I think you should me you should it B me no Undo It Go on Undo It

Go cool right okay here we go I was just for typ three do well I knew what you were doing right um how do we make this shape I know that this has no block like it’s got an exact center the thing is we just sort of need to get it

Correct and that’s the difficult part I feel like if we go with three block thick sort of yeah that can sort of work as the frame rate or not frame rate framework that’s the word I’m thinking of right okay uh let’s try and work this out so

If we start like three or something I really should be building this on this side as well I think so okay maybe four out from that then actually uh uh we’re going to come out a block actually that’s that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to

We’re going to come out one block so we have five there actually in total3 four five wait fzy what are you like also get get back in here you can help I can’t you can can help uh right so if we do I can help I have to help three

Two and one that is way too gradual of a change so nope we’re not doing that if we do 5 three two then one then another two no actually uh hold on 5 3 211 then if we sort of replicate it here is that going to meet in the

Center without me in the center that that doesn’t look right I don’t like that yeah I don’t like that it doesn’t go toall in that’s what I feel it doesn’t go tall enough it needs to be tall but I don’t know how tall so how much do we go right how how

Big is this 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Okay so 31 uh so the middle Block’s 16 so actually I should have left that Mark

There uh 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 okay so the center’s here that’s that’s what we do know the center is there which is one block off from that actually okay how high do we want to bring this get out the the [Laughter]

Way how how high do we want this to come up maybe maybe like that maybe we don’t do a curved roof maybe we make it a linear sort of gradient do you think that might work a linear gradient I think it could potentially I’m not entirely sure linear grade

Like maybe slightly steeper than 45° if I if I pull up the image yeah I feel like something slightly steeper than 45° could work potentially but I’m not entirely sure uh H H if I go with like two blocks thick here then it can start there then come up by two then

One then two like what if what if we do something like this cuz it’s steeper than 45° but it’s also not quite half there or like a what is it 1.5 yeah maybe does this work I don’t know uh coming up like this this might actually be too steep I’m not entirely

Sure cuzz this still isn’t reaching the center the center is there so this this has to come out I think that might work a bit I think it needs a bit more of a curve just a tiny bit well currently it hasn’t got a curve at all it’s just

Linear think I need maybe a little bit like here is you know H H oh I actually screwed it up near the top oops oh I’ve screwed it up in several places actually oops that’s why it doesn’t look very straight you know what I can do if we just decide on a height

Like what what sort of height do we go with I feel like this height could actually work actually maybe maybe down a little bit hm build a giant dragon there that is actually kind of the plan like this so the the theme for this I’ve just realized the theme isn’t actually on the

Screen I can I can put it on the screen there we go so that’s the theme that we’re building a dragon castle now currently we are kind of just building the castle but I like we can we can do stuff to do with Dragons which I do want to do at some point

Right so if I set those two points I think I can do line S wool there we go so that draws the actual line of what it would be that might work you know what that that could be it I think we may have found it

Fzy yeah I think we may have found it um I need to remove some of this though cuz I don’t know what here is correct and what’s wrong so let me let me just remove that lower part and then run the command again right okay you know what I

Think we’ve found our gradient so it’s a little bit off of 45° but it’s okay sup nerd Hello Luma welcome to the stream how often have you ever been on one of my streams before I don’t know if you have um right okay uh has she probably has I’m just not very

Good at remembering stuff anyway welcome to the stream Luma how are you doing I hope you’re doing well right that kind of works I like that gradient I mean it’s not it’s not perfect but it works and I sort of I’m done trying to work

Stuff out for it so we’re just going to go with it we we’re just going to yeah um I think you stream INF frequently all but I’m here I I stream every Sunday at the same time so like I mean I don’t stream as often as you I don’t think cuz

You you you have several streams a week don’t you or do you only do one I don’t know I don’t know your stream schedule um right okay uh what a good friend huh what a good friend you are don’t know I’m sorry three times a week see I was correct there we

Go plus you have to bear in mind Luma is over in Canada so uh not exactly like the most excuses excuses she can make it to your stream but you can’t make it to her I do make it to her I’m in her streams quite often actually mainly if it’s a duck stream

Um right this needs to go forward and I think it’s like 70 blocks over there so we’re just going to we’re just going to do that Sunday mornings are for church pineapple oh yeah Church exists I always forget that people go to church um right so if we do

Stack is it 74 I think I have to do that damn does that work did that line up oh yeah that was almost correct uh one 3 4 5 six blocks off there we go I have a build idea uh for if or like when you

Build um the uh big forest biome a fire watch tower yeah I can do a fire watch tower um Mountain huh on top of another Mountain there’s going to be so many mountains around here uh right there we go look at that see we we we got that

Working so now we have a nice roof uh pineapple will this CLE have a flag probably eventually I’m not entirely sure like I’m guessing it would uh that just means it’s a lot of forest huh there’s two flags two very good Flags wait there’s one up there wait why is it

Now black and purple oh you put another one yeah cuz it’s the Ender Dragon Dragon Castle oh yeah okay that makes a bit more sense right which is why it should be dark fiend because it’s for the Ender Dragon uh right if I if I set these two

Positions and do that there we go see this is this is how you build stuff efficient efficiently you just completely fake it right uh so that there that there 76 forward maybe I should come down one one block lower yeah should come down one block lower we’re going with three

Blocks thick uh is tooth wife Castle what also reference does does the phrase wife for a dragon really work I’m not entirely sure if the phrase wife works when you’re talking about a dragon oh uh two wife’s dragon is white I mean yeah I I get the reference I just

Don’t know if you could use the term wife for a dragon it just doesn’t quite work um right okay and what we need to do we also need to put this like framework here on this bit and this is going to be thicker actually I think if we do if we

Do like three blocks thick on here maybe yeah maybe not entirely sure I’m going to just hope that this Works uh oh wait hold on three blocks sck doesn’t work when it goes up like that uh okay basically right what we’ll do we’ll start one block below the cyan wall and

Go one up above the cyan wall and it’s not going to be the best but again it works just wing it yeah exactly that that’s what we’re doing the amount of British in this stream you know problem what I love is the fact that like whenever I’m streaming or whenever

Whenever I’m in a VC or something the fact that I’m British is always brought up I was in like I met like a few people on fever dream during the month that fever dream was happening like I met a few people on there and stuff and one of

The VCS it was like one of the last days in fact it was like I think it was this the day before I decided that I couldn’t finish the project and like some people come along and they’re like oh we want to show you something we’re going to definitely not

Kidnap you I’m like that sounds fun let’s take part in that I’m in the VC with them you know what happens two minutes talking to them and then one of them goes you have an accent where are you from I’m like I’m from the UK immediately mocked for being British

Like it’s like why why are people so fascinated by British accents I don’t get it I I don’t get it like there there’s not there’s nothing unique really about it I just like Luma you’re you’re from Canada why why are they why are they so fascinated with British accents so special about

I I just I just don’t get it like it’s I I just wonder about it um right is this correct that goes there that goes there is that correct it looks symmetrical I think mhm yeah okay cool um and what I want to do I want to make

It a bit thicker so if we just come here basically and just do that does that work maybe wait but then there’s the two parts so what you going to do with that yeah um either you can replace the roof or the other option is make it a bit thicker there

And I feel like the is make it a bit thicker why am I being teleported what is it oh oh that’s an interesting inent you know what is it Poss possible to get a gradient with the same number of blocks can we get a gradient with the same number of blocks here

Because if so what we can actually do is we can just run a command to swap the two and we can see what one we prefer I think Americans are more fascinated uh a lot of Canadians care less even though the monarchy is relevant to us yeah you

You guys are you guys are um still sort of under the monarchy aren’t you which wonder why that is definitely not cuz we just took over half the world but also did you hear the King has cancer who who I think that came up on the last

Stream as well it’s actually been a while since that diagnosis happened um also you’re doing the roof trim wrong you should make it thicker I said like make it thicker where um it comes into contact with the c wo and stuff basically and I said replace the roof no

No I said you could and then I decided no we’ll actually make it thicker instead oh so it’s all wrong uh kind of sort of I mean it’s just in the bits with two blocks that that’s the only bit that’s wrong uh yeah I heard about that rip I

Mean he could be fine he could survive it depends how early the caught it early but the thing is everyone’s going like oh yeah like they caught it early he can survive and stuff and then like other people are going well bucking and Palace said that he’s fine so like he’s probably

Okay but like buck and Palace isn’t going to tell us that the king’s dying that that’s not what they’re going to like even if he was literally like just paralyzed in bed suffocating to death they would go the king’s all good everything’s fine don’t worry about it like that’s that’s what they would

Do yeah it’s like it kind of you you can’t really trust what they say uh there’s only five colors in the palette I can’t get any more H like when the queen died it went from her being ill to like being dead so yeah that’s the escalation it goes from ah

The Queen’s a little bit ill just wish her Welter she’s dead yeah like that’s what happened nether brick Oh nether brick could work maybe maybe in between the planks and the mangrove log that could potentially work maybe not entirely sure yeah that maybe these two need to be switched the Terra Cotter and

Crimson yeah I feel like maybe the Terra Cotta needs to be switched as well yeah that that seems better okay so that does kind of work uh I’m going to play a horror mod pack whilst I listen to this I I cannot play horror Halloween is the only time I will do I

Will do horror stuff uh that’s the pal yep yeah I I think that one works uh so are we going with a Red Roof then is that what we’re doing also this side of the thing is still incorrect I need to fix this there it goes yeah you do p you

Need to fix it because you told me incorrectly no no cuz I told you correctly and then you just didn’t listen to the correct information maybe because I preferred to do the other way deduction meant less work I didn’t understand back up to 45 quid well actually I got a message from

Migu earlier saying that I need to be um paid a th000 and he deserves A1 pound because he informed me on some Financial uh hold on hold on N you do that you’re being made redundant okay what do you mean my assistant has recommended that you don’t get discard Nitro due

Financials oh that yeah which is why he needs to be paid an extra 100 and I be paid an extra 1,000 I’m not paying people your job is to work for me and not get paid thanks that’s how your employment works why am I being teleported here the cont about

This what the the tower it needs to come up I mean yeah yeah it does which is which is why like we actually need to fill all of this in with red wool cuz you see like this entire this entire area here yeah that needs to be red wool wait should it all

Be red because this trim’s also red it’s going to end up as the same color oh okay so uh go on fzy get to work but is it this is it this one get to work no not painting it not what we’re not painting it yet

No also if you do undo and then a number by the way it undoes the um like the I don’t know how many it is I’ll just do five I’m going to hope five is okay cuz there’s a decent chance just like randomly painted the wall somewhere back

As red wo um right yeah we need to fill this whole segment whilst you guys do the really boring part I’m going to go and do some more roof trims cuz that’s the fun side of it always red yeah I I like the Red Roof actually red the Red Roof does kind of

Work I think we’re going with a Red Roof which is odd cuz we marked it with cyan wool so it’s like we’ve marked the roof as a completely wrong color but that that’s fine I mean maybe San would work I don’t know I don’t know I’m genuinely not

Sure the only thing with cyan concrete there is that would fall so we would need to make the roof at least a couple blocks thick essentially to make sure that it doesn’t all just fall apart which is a bit easier said than done you guys started filling that in

Quick mhm cuz we’re we know what we’re doing right okay so the roof trims there are two blocks how wide is this are well if the whole cyan thing is 76 I think or is it 77 it might be 77 I’m going to need to count this I

Need to count this this is brilliant I love counting right okay actually hold on I can just take coordinates uh okay right 53 to what is it it is minus 20 great so what’s that that’s 70 hold on I’m not stupid I’m just really

Slow so you stupid no it’s fine I am uh 73 it’s 73 blocks I think that that sounds correct right so 73 blocks and I kind of want to put three separate trims in so what’s 7 uh minus the seven blocks that it’s going to take up so 73- 7 that’s

66 divide that by 322 cool okay 22 blocks that’s oh wait no I need to be dividing it by four I think yeah I need to be dividing it by four cuz that’s hold on so 66 / 4 does that work can you do that hold on let me let

Me just pull up a calcul NOP that’s calendar uh calculator 66 / 4 16.5 that’s not a convenient number that’s that’s really not a convenient number you know what we’ll do we’ll do seven 17 here and then 16 in the middle bits I think if

That makes sense so right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 then we’re going to put a two block wide thing there then 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 and then we’re going to do three three blocks here then we do another 16 so 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 okay and then it’s a two block from there and

Then this should be 17 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 H there’s two extra blocks Why are there two extra blocks that’s not useful uh it’s because of the three I mean yeah but the three is kind of needed I mean you know what we can do actually hold on wait you know what we can do uh let’s just remove that hold on

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 then we do two blocks there hello N I am reading your I I know I know right uh hold so then that’s like that but then what we can do we can actually just do

17 here as well 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 which moves that along by one that 16 becomes 17 and that’s 17 there cool right equally spaced there we go uh right and yep the red is done I’ve just realized

That’s that can be fixed that can actually be fixed cuz you know what we can do if we get logs and stuff I think a mixture of spruce and dark oak if we just put a log across there yeah immediately you’ve got a divide and

It works okay cool right um so we’re not doing that uh no no not yet uh right do you guys so you know how I said to use separate brushes mhm so the reason I said to do that is because the brush data is actually still saved so we can

Basically flip this gr so essentially well actually no what we’re doing now is kind of restarting the gradient if that makes sense kind of so you want like the darkest colors here maybe not that big that feels like uh uh I don’t know I don’t have the

Lightest one cuz I didn’t do that one but there you yeah hm h H well actually n no remember it might work once we put in the Divide cuz that’s that’s essentially what we’ve got to do so if we if we just quickly put a line here this isn’t going to be the

Line but um if I put that there yeah with the divide in there I actually think that works quite well it kind of looks like a shadow it’s sort of like the shadow is being cast onto the thing so yeah that works I I would say go with

That um and with the red trims here um I’m not entirely sure how to do them cuz they kind of would end up with more weathering so I guess just whatever brushes ended up here like go at the same height with them uh but I need to

Put these um sort of connecting trims here I should ask my dad about this actually cuz my dad um whenever we go to a castle if there’s like a chapel or something you know what he does cuz he’s an architect no he’s not an architect he’s I don’t know his job title

Architectural technician that that’s the term for it um so basically whenever we go to a castle you know what he does he goes and counts all of the connecting beams in the roof and stuff so if there’s a if there’s a building like this that has a roof sort

Of like this when we’re inside he’ll be counting the number of wooden beams going across and seeing if they’re like equally spaced and if it would reasonably work like that and stuff and like if it was designed properly he actually does that which it’s kind of interesting uh sounds like an arit yeah

I mean like it’s a fun job I’m I’m sure he absolutely loves it cuz he’s been doing it for bloody years he also seems like he’s the only one that’s actually good at it the number of times he comes home from work and he’s like oh gosh

This person at work was doing this and it’s like he’s the only person that can actually do his job but um yeah anytime we go anywhere he’s always judging the architecture of it and stuff um who that wasn’t even me so I know it was I mean you know what you could do

You could do the trim on the other side like you could also build the trim that also works you know that that that would be nice if you were doing that I’ll do that right okay why are you saying that like I’m doing nothing okay now KN just teleported me away

Thanks okay we we’re really productive on this stream this is this is why maybe I shouldn’t do VC and stuff okay um right uh you were doing that one I need to do this one you know what I’m really liking the design of this I really like this this is cool it’s

Coming along well uh right and someone needs to go over the red wo with the brushes as well so that it’s actually textured um whilst I finish up these ones just like this you know what we also haven’t touched yet the gate that gate down there we can’t work

Out what to do with it like we we don’t know how to make it look good it doesn’t really fit in no matter how we design it so it’s quite problematic and I really don’t want to touch it I just don’t I don’t want to deal with that

Gate uh gates are a later issue yeah exactly gates are a later issue we’re just not touching it and if we don’t touch it for long enough then it will be the end of the stream and no one’s ever going to look at it again so that’s fine

This is really coming along well I really like this I I have to say I have been like absolutely loving some of my recent builds and stuff like especially like even though we’ve only done two Builds on this series still I really like it like I love the way this

Mountain came out I I somewhat like that building the mixed opinions on it but like this Castle as well it just feels awesome I really love it like I’ve only ever designed a few Castle FY where are you oh you’re gone where did he go when did he disconnect like when did fuzy

Disconnect um is he is he here is he no he’s gone wait hold on oh gosh I’m I’m being messaged on uh I’m I’m being messaged on Discord a lot huh where did he go he had to go oh huh wait is he gone permanently or is he coming back damn I

I was not paying attention to any conversations going on I was just not paying attention uh he said he had to do something okay so he might be back he might not hm I’m really good at listening to people I can’t believe he dis I just didn’t actually notice um right okay we

Need to do this roof as well and this one I’m not entirely sure how to do this one like this one’s this one’s I don’t know I’m not entirely sure a curve I don’t think so I don’t think a curve works you know what I think we need to do essentially just this

Gradient I think so it’s like it’s less than that one it’s a lot less than that one actually but it’s that’s not a curve this isn’t a curve it’s a straight line it’s not a curve it’s a linear gradient if you want like proper terms

For it and stuff uh and then on this side it start did I start with two yes I did okay so start with two then a one then a two then a one then a two then a one then a two then a one then a two

Then a one and it reaches in that point cool yeah I think we’re going to need to do that um annoyingly I don’t think I can stack it though because there’s stuff built around here so yeah I can’t really do that that’s brilliant I have to build this

Manually I hate doing stuff manually all right let me get a drink as well I’ve been talking for ages and not drinking just been like completely drying up my throat right yeah we just need to bring this across until it reaches this point here that’s that’s what we’ve got to do

Um you dislike manual label I I dislike it when it’s not being done by me no wait no I dislike it when it’s being done by me sorry I got that the wrong way around I mean depending on the context of why people are doing manual labor as

Well I I feel like that’s important I I feel like that’s important you can stack a little at least yeah I could but I might as well just build it I like it it gives me content it’s content it means that I don’t have to work on the

Gate so we’re just going to ignore it we we’re just going to go nicely along like this cool this is definitely going to end up in the intro of the next like creative video or something ooh content I feel like you need to say a

Word like that when it when it’s got the um tilder that’s what it’s called a tilder um when it’s got the tilder either like you extend the word or like you do it in a really shaky voice you go content also unlike so you know how sometimes like your brain it just makes

The weirdest link between two things like two completely unrelated topics and your brain just goes huh let’s link those two things and then like you come up with a thing to talk about that’s just happened cuz talking about shaky like voices and stuff somehow that has

Reminded me of like a technique you use when playing a guitar or a violin or something which brings me on to the topic of I really want to learn one and it’s being it’s so for context cuz there’s a few people here that definitely have not heard me

Say this and stuff basically I’ve been considering learning electric guitar except that that idea has also now turned into maybe a violin except I’m going to refer to it as a fiddle because fiddles are better and only nerds play a violin real people play fiddles um but like

I I am really wanting to learn one except I’m also making sure that this isn’t just like a temporary oh I want to do this and then I’m going to get bored of it in a few months so huh uh I love how on Discord you sound more muffled uh but on video

You’re complete Point huh that’s interesting fiddles are better UK based statement uh okay going to be lurking for a bit okay Luma thank you for the watch time that’s I like when people lurk you get a lot of watch time from lurkers but um no I’ve been like considering

Learning it and stuff and I really want to but I’m also making sure that I don’t just like buy one and then in a few months or something I go why did I have that idea and then like I never touch it again so I’m waiting until I finish

College which is going to be in like 5 months but like God damn it it’s getting difficult not to just suddenly buy it like it is really difficult not to just go let’s just buy it right now like I am I I have problems Man I I really want to learn one though it’s like I’ve even looked at the design and stuff and everything like that it’s like I can quote it a squire stratas no hold on Squire Affinity series Strater with the bur design that’s the sort of guitar I would

Want also Knight where are you where are you currently at I don’t know where you are wait yeah where where are you underneath what are you doing underneath wait hold on uh TP me tonight why are you down here oh you working out gradients that what you’re doing you’ll see

Okay are you going to make like tiny copies of the RS or something to see which one works better cuz that could actually help quite a bit that that could help if we were able to get a smaller sort of copy of it and see cuz I

Really like it with the blue but at the same time I also really like the idea of the red as well so I’m not entirely sure also I should be filling this in with red wool as well um just so that we can paint this later and that’s something

That I did not realize I really should be doing but this one’s actually easier it’s not as it’s not as large of an area as this one is here so it should be fine right um then it wait that’s right that’s a one block so it’s two blocks in then it’s one

Block then two blocks just like that and repeat this for the whole way up I think yeah there we go right um um hold on uh one block two blocks one block right okay this is fine it’s also actually not going to get up that high

So I’ve been building that too tall oh well it’s better for it to be too tall than not tall enough I think cuz Too Tall I can just remove it not tall enough I have to go build a bunch more I don’t want to do that destruction’s fun

Um also that really needs like a wooden trim or something that that really does need something on on it I’m not entirely sure what but like this whole sort of build definitely needs some wooden framework around it I think it could really do with something like that so I

Will have to take a look at what might work cuz I’m not very good with Frameworks cuz I never really know where to put them in like I don’t I don’t really know what I’m doing with them uh pineapple yeah what I just realized that what have you

Realized come down here what what what have you realized there’s what what about it it’s a you don’t need to teleport me I was here what’s what what are you showing me I don’t know what you’re showing me this this height what oh wait wait when did

When did fuzy do this cuz that that’s like the F that’s that’s got to be F when did he do that huh oh well I’ll leave it there because this world is probably eventually going to become a world download like once it’s once a lot more is built and stuff this is probably

Going to become a world download so I’ll leave foo’s little signature there that that can go there and I don’t know if I’ll tell him that I found that might be funny for him to think that like he’s hidden something on my world and just he’s he like it turns out I’ve actually

Known the entire time uh right how much is left of this we’re Fair bit way I think we’re like halfway done with this roof right okay so we just need to fill this in cool what do we talk about by the way I don’t know what to talk about cuz

Chat’s quite quiet right now uh I don’t know how to copy uh basically you know the wands tool like the the wooden ax just type sl/ wand um and it’ll give you one uh what you want to do you want to set the first position and the second position by like

Left clicking and right clicking with the axe and then um you want to do slash SL copy except the thing to not it’s going to copy the build based on where your player is relative to it so when you type SL copy if you’re standing 100 blocks away when you type paste it’s

Going to paste 100 blocks away so just be careful with that I guess just don’t don’t like expect it to paste right where you are or something cuz it won’t do that um I forgot how to get the wand uh it’s literally just a wooden ax you don’t even need to do SL

SL wand it’s just a wooden ax also I need to drink more my throat is getting Dry uh I used the wooden ax that’s why uh you can also um like if you um if you do I think like brush remove or something oh is it that I don’t know there a there’s a way you can unbind the brush from tools and

Stuff so you can do that with the wand uh all right let’s replace that bit with the roof cuz yeah that’s that’s the thing whenever the roof comes into contact here if there’s stuff at the same height um it just looks better to remove the terrain and replace it with

The roof so hopefully that’s all good um right we’re on the final few rows here not too much left I’m not entirely sure if we’ll do an interior for this like I actually don’t know I’m genuinely not sure cuz like I don’t I don’t like doing

Interiors how do I paste uh SL SL paste just like you go and stand somewhere and do SL SL paste um you can do it with a brush as well but it’s difficult to do it with a brush so literally just do SL SL paste also you are making a copy of

The roof something like you’re you’re doing something you’re you’re you’re doing something and it’s slightly suspicious um right okay let’s fill that in last two rows yeah I I feel like it would be cool if I did do an interior but at the same time like this

Is an absolutely huge build I’m not that great with interiors and I don’t know I cannot paste what do you mean you can’t paste it doesn’t paste it well did you actually copy it like it doesn’t poast here not where what are you doing what are you what are you actually

Doing cuz if you’re doing this wrong then you might be screwing stuff up copying and pasting the roof right but how cuz if you’re doing it wrong you might accidentally be screwing up something up here by accident so I would like to make sure that you’re not cuz

Depending on what area you’ve selected you could be causing some major issues um also this purple wool doesn’t need to be here anymore so we can remove this um can you can you come up here and like show me what you’re doing or like at least let me give you

Sort of a a one to one tutorial because I don’t want something screwing up here um come to the gate that I’m literally on the roof what are you what are you doing where are you what are you doing oh right this gate uh right okay show me what you’re

Doing are you left clicking and right clicking hold on right okay left click and right click over here just on two random blocks okay cool now do it on these two cuz it should it should tell you that the position’s gone right okay so you’ve set two

Positions like it says in chat first position set second position set right pick a place to Stand just like put yourself anywhere wherever you want right do slash SL copy okay now like go to wherever you want to paste it which I assume is down here I’m going to make that assumption uh so literally just drop down and do SL slash paste see I don’t know what you were

Doing before but like that that’s how it works so I don’t know right anyway uh I need to fly all the way back up to the top it’ll be quicker to do this in spectator mode there we go and and just swap back to creative right

Um okay now I need to put the trim on this roof as well which I’m guessing I’ll do a similar trim to that one but I might do it smaller maybe I think like this yeah th this seems to work um right does it work yeah yeah let’s go with that it it

Seems fine um oh but what do I do when it reaches there I feel like it kind of works just going straight into the wall and connecting so you know what we’ll leave it like that I think um and then I will leave that bit for a second cuz I want

To do this side so this should be fairly easy we’re again just placing like two lines here like that and then come across here as well I wonder if foozy is coming back I don’t know it’s a mystery who who knows where he is who knows what he’s doing um also

There’s some floating blocks here now which we need to get rid of there we go right okay this trim how do I do this I’m not entirely sure I guess just like the one block below and one block up thing again just like before like it it worked there it looked

Quite good so I’m hoping it looks just as good on a slightly smaller scale really like I I think it does I think this works um right so that can actually be roof cuz that’s reasonably what it would be um then like that yeah yeah there we go that that works

Okay um right and what brush is that so it’s got white wo cide concrete and polish diorite so that’s going to be the second brush so if I just come along with that there we go cool um there’s some there’s some Fallen blocks there that’s fine uh we’ll do that bit there then

Progress up to this one for that there’s even more Fallen blocks that’s brilliant uh and then this one I think is that again cool right now I need to go around and fix a bunch of Fallen concrete powder which is so annoying to deal with right string uh concrete powder here like that

There we go and anywhere where there’s concrete powder on the floor we just go up to the highest block that is possible cuz that’s where it should be really and put that there oh no I just broke that ah uh right that there and that there cuz basically from a distance which is

Where you’re going to see that that string is pretty much invisible so we don’t need to worry about stuff like that uh right let’s go along you know what it’s easier to put all of the string first and then do the concrete powder and then we just need to remove

The concrete powder under the ground as well cool right and around here as well there was a lot more that fell apart okay uh right so bit of string there and there then that’s three that’s three that’s three that’s three okay so it’s just these two bits here that fell actually

Which is fine although that one was quite tall there all three here were concrete powder cool right there we go so that is yeah there we go look we now have the roof on the entire castle that’s cool I’m really proud of that I’m really I love this design like

I was unsure on it I will admit I was really unsure on it especially using the diate and stuff like deciding to do a White Castle I was like I don’t know how this will come out but now that it’s here I really love this like this is

Awesome I think um right okay um no you are still working on the gradients on the roofs and stuff I guess I should do the wooden framework and I don’t know how to do this I genuin like I genuinely do not know um hm cuz it’s a large structure as well

Which is sort of making it a bit worse like I I know that I want to do trims out of this wood and stuff but if it doesn’t look great then I really don’t know uh we basically have 2 hours left yeah yeah 2 hours I mean that’s that’s

Fine considering that I don’t really want to do an interior 2 hours is f i don’t like that now yeah I don’t like that I think it’s because what was originally like sort of a bit of depth added by having that out is now lost and it’s way too

Square uh but I don’t know how to do it in a different way I mean like I could use trap doors but that’s going to like that’s going to be really hit or miss really um God what do I do here um hm like it needs a

Framework but I don’t know how maybe it doesn’t need a framework on the tows and stuff maybe it’s just this bit that needs a framework but I don’t know I don’t know what I’m doing with this I don’t I’m not good with castles so I’m really unsure hello Lizzy

Fler welcome back wait were you on the stream earlier you were weren’t you you you said hi right at the start welcome back how how are you doing I hope you’re doing well um the castle is much further than it was earlier like we we’ve made a lot of progress with it

Still a bit unsure on some things like currently um we’re deciding whether to do the roof with that color or that color so like the cyan or the red um and also I’m trying to work out like a wooden framework for a contrasting color

And stuff and just to make it look a bit better and it’s I don’t know I can’t really tell if it’s going well or not so not entirely sure um hopefully though it all comes out looking fine like that that’s that’s my main hope cyan I do

Like the look of cyan but I also really like the look of red so um Knight is currently in the world I’m basically down here somewhere I think is working on painting the two or not night where are you what are you doing are you setting the brushes I don’t know um

Basically we’re looking at the roof and stuff and we’re going to see what it looks like with each color and how it works and stuff and then we’ll decide on one cuz we can’t really do both unfortunately so we just got to pick one and see how it looks and I don’t know

How it’s going to look genuinely I I’m not great when it comes to stuff like roofs and everything and this is this is a much larger build than anything I really tend to do especially on a stream or something so yeah it’s complicated I don’t really

Like I don’t do these sort of large builds really like if it’s terrain fine cuz terrain I can use world edit for quite easily it all sort of works works when it comes to like an actual building not so much I’m not quite as good with that because essentially

Like you have to work a lot more on it like with with the terrain and everything you just use world edit you’ve got brushes it’s a bit like painting or 3D modeling or something but when you’re building you’ve got to actually put a lot more thought into what everything’s doing cuz

It’s much harder to make an actual like properly built thing look good uh right this log I think is in the wrong place so I’m going to remove it for now although it might have actually be uh nope it was too tight uh too high there we go right um essentially what we’re

Going to do here is then bring this across on this side um and we’re going to do the same thing like a somewhat thick log and um I need to texture it that’s the issue like I’ve got to texture this as well cuz having it as one solid log I’m not a

Huge fan of I think it needs texturing with other blocks and the other block that I tend to use with Spruce is um dark oak because the dark oak logs if I can just get some here dark oak logs they’re a very similar color like there’s a notable

Difference but they’re really similar so like you can you can do quite a bit of texturing with stuff like that and in fact that was what my um that was what my starter base used on the tan SMP back when that was a thing um it’s like my my

House was a fallen log and I used that sort of um textur and technique it was Spruce and dark oak mixed together it came out really well also I might put us on the be back soon screen in a second once I do this framework just so that we

Can all get up and stretch our legs and everything cuz that’s quite important you know you don’t want to be sitting down too long plus I should probably go and refill my drink and actually drink a bit more as well I’m really dehydrated right now that’s the problem when you’re live

Streaming and stuff you’re constantly talking um cuz like I don’t know I just talk a lot in general but also I don’t like the streams going into moments of silence and stuff so I tend to talk a lot except that means I’m not drinking water or anything and my throat gets very dry

During it so yeah it’s quite important that we will get up for like a little second and go around and like stretch your legs go refill your drinks and everything cuz some of you have been here since the start of stream like i’ I’ve seen the view can and everything

It’s not it’s not changing much some of you guys are here since the start of the stream so please go and stretch your legs don’t just sit here for too long it’s not healthy right um so this is the third log that we’re doing right now so

Almost don’t come on surely we’re near the end there we go right and I just need to do this one last time on this side wait hold on did I do one of them to no no I didn’t okay yeah we just need to do this last log on this side and

Then we should be fine oh gosh I’m missing it there we go uh I have no idea what Knight’s doing down with the roofs down there or anything like that I don’t know I don’t know how it’s going down there how it looks and stuff um right

Okay so that one works there then let’s fill in this one just like this and final bit here and then we’re going to go and be back soon for a second although I do want to quickly check on the roofs um right okay uh how are the roofs looking down there

Are they textured they are not Knight are you AFK are you are you AFK you’re you’re standing there very still I think Knight’s AFK I don’t know anyway right um so this is the current progress you’re not okay you’re not AFK you’re just you’re standing very still like you haven’t

Moved since like 10 minutes ago when I looked last time right so this is the progress with the castle so far definitely coming along well um but for now you guys are going to go and be back soon screen and I’m going to go and refill my drink and everything you guys

Should all do the same uh can I join currently only have um like night and foozy joining just because um I can communicate with them easily and stuff and um and I don’t know if we’re like they they sort of know the ideas that I’m going with for the castle as well um

Although maybe I’ll say a solid maybe cuz I might need to direct some more people in help or just wander around it’s a very nice world to wander around in although I don’t actually know can you Wander from like all the way down there to all the way up here is that

Possible surely there is like surely there’s enough jumps that are only one block up that you can get all the way to the top I think there is maybe we’ll look at that like after I come back that is looking impressive though you have to admit that is that is looking really

Cool um I want to increase my render distance a little bit let’s go all the way up to 32 cool we’re going to absolutely lag out the server and stuff but look at that that’s looking really cool that’s that’s awesome I love that I can’t I I

Really want to get details in and stuff on the walls and stuff so we’re going to need Windows we’re going to need doors everything like that but like even just now before all of the details added that’s looking really cool and the gradient really works as well that gradient really works

Well damn okay right anyway um do back soon screen come on everyone go stretch your legs refill your drinks and everything we’ll be back in a Second What What Okay and we are back right okay uh uh I take it fuzy has not returned I’m going to just make that assumption now cuz he’s not even talking in Discord right okay how do we uh no he hasn’t right okay how do we do this how this needs a

Lot of framework it feels I mean it does kind of work with just the logs but I don’t know I feel like it needs more I don’t know no also what what emoji do you really hate you’re in chat saying I really hate that emoji what emoji what

Do we on about um right uh H I don’t know how to how to work with this the heart one huh how do I do this I don’t know I really don’t know I I genuinely I’m stuck on it maybe it needs some diagonal bits there that could work

Putting some diagonal Corners in um it also really does need texturing with like dark oak logs as well but that is a later thing oh you’re actually texturing the roof now what does this look like H also by the way I would change this uh currently you’ve got stripped

Logs what you really want is stripped wood um cuz that’s the one that has the like bark texture the entire way around um just so you know hm I mean I I am still unsure on what one I prefer I’m going to be honest I’m still sort of torn between

Them I’m kind of leaning towards cyan I feel although like of course the red one isn’t done yet I’m kind of leaning towards C only the only issue that I think we’re going to have with Canan is concrete powder is going to fall like that that’s going to happen

The concrete powder is going to be falling and stuff so when we have this absolutely huge roof that’s only one block thick that’s going to lead to a lot of problems isn’t it it’s it’s just going to it’s just going to be a mess so

I don’t know cuz there’s no way to like there’s no way to stop it falling other than to just make the roof thicker as well and that’s going to take a really long time I don’t know if I don’t know if I want to be doing that during the

Like course of the stream and stuff I don’t know I’m genuinely stuck on it anyway right um let’s move on from that little problem for now though what I want to do is there we go five blocks down what I want to do is um put in some

Like Corner connections sort of stuff if that makes sense um basically just because oh gosh right uh how do I get this all going side I’m going to need like a spare block right let’s let’s grab some purple since that seems to be our placeholder all the time um

Basically what we’re going to do is that I think yeah that works that that gives it a bit of um that gives it a bit more sort of connectivity and everything it makes it feel a bit more um possible to build I guess uh right 1 2 3 4 five then

No wait no no wait uh 1 2 3 4 five this one okay cool and we just need to connect this up making sure that it’s all pointing the correct direction just so it’s consistent there we go right that’s correct and now I need to do that

On the other side as well I can remove the purple wool over here as well um right so let’s get rid of that there we go that’s better I like that I I think that’s a good addition what I am also wondering is maybe some something under here what I might do is

Like a slab then a trapo on that slab and then a like a bottom block here or something to fill it in that could be a useful change um right 1 2 3 4 5 so we’re going to come diagonally down from that there we go and put in the

Connection just as always these these diagonal connections are really annoying to do cuz you do just need to make sure that all of the logs are facing the correct way as well otherwise it looks a little bit weird so yeah there we go that works um is it too big on this side

Maybe no I think that works I I I think that works quite well uh right so 1 2 3 4 5 then diagonal here same as always uh what do you think about Valentine’s Day uh hm what like as a as a holiday or something

Like I don’t know I’ll I’ll be honest I I feel like the idea of it is a bit ruined like I a day where like you’re you’re supposed to sort of bit I don’t know it’s a bit of a weird concept isn’t it like Valentine’s Day cuz if you love

Someone why why do you treat them better on just Valentine’s Day why don’t you just treat them nicely the entire time like why why is it like you I mean obviously you treat them nice the whole time hopefully that’s like sort of part of stable relationship and stuff but

Like why is it then oh I’m going to treat you even nicer on this day or something like I don’t know it’s a bit of a weird concept like as a thing yeah I’m fine with it I’m not too bubbled with it although I I don’t I’m I’m not

Sure I like how commercialized it is like I I feel like relation uh relationships and stuff like there something there something special I don’t I don’t like the idea that it’s like oh it’s it’s February 14 is it February 14 yeah February 14th it’s like oh it’s February 14th you’ve you’ve got

To be really good today I’m like you you got to treat this person and stuff and like you got to buy them all of this stuff otherwise you’re you’re a bad partner or something it’s like just treat them nicely like normally or something like I I don’t think it’s good

That there’s a pressure to do stuff with it like I I I’m not wi Star podcast wisdom with pineapple not quite sure if I’m I’m that uh I’m that smart with my decisions but sure also welcome to the stream maxq how you doing hope you’re

Doing well uh right uh one 1 2 3 4 5 there we go yeah like I don’t know I I think there’s there’s a lot of pressure to do things and it’s like if you want to if you want to celebrate it go ahead that’s that’s something that I’m always

Going to say like even even with Christmas and stuff it’s like in some ways I feel like there’s a lot of pressure to do things with Christmas that maybe not everyone wants to do but like my opinion of it is is if you want to do it go ahead if you don’t

Don’t I’m I I wouldn’t criticize anyone for like not getting involved with it and stuff cuz yeah I really don’t like how commercialized Valentine’s Day is and how much pressure there is that like oh you’ve got to do something really special today like I would I would

Rather just like treat them I don’t know I would rather treat my partner like special on a random day or something when it’s actually a surprise I think I I feel like I feel like that would be a nicer scenario cuz like with Valentine’s day as well like if if you

Have a surprise for your partner chance not they’re expecting something cuz there’s that pressure and like it’s the same the other way around like you’re expecting your partner might do something I don’t like that we’re removing that it’s like it I I feel like it ruins

The sort of surprise aspect of it if you want to if you want to give someone a surprise actually surprise them like don’t on a day when they’re not expecting and stuff like that’s that’s what I think might work better although at the same time I also really hate

Being surprised with stuff cuz then I’m like ah dang I had plans so I don’t know may maybe my like arguments don’t exactly hold up to any any sort of scrutiny or anything but like I don’t know it’s it’s an interesting opinion what what’s what’s your guys opinion on it then like what’s

What do you guys always think um so Valentines once a year but on a random day no not necessar I mean like with your partner I guess yeah like I I think Valentine’s it’s perfectly fine holiday like there there’s nothing wrong with it it’s not I

I’m not someone that sees stuff as like too special stuff like that but like there’s nothing wrong with it and then I think like really I do feel like it does kind of take away from some of the specialty of it and stuff cuz also like if if you’re

In a relationship and your partner’s going to do something special it’s going to have much more of an impact if you’re just randomly getting it isn’t it like on Valentine’s Day You’re Expecting something to happen it’s like something’s going to happen on this day day like that there’s going to be a

Surprise or I don’t know like my partner’s going to walk in and give me a box of chocolates or something like that’s what’s going to happen you’re expecting something whereas like if I just suddenly woke up one day and like my part’s just there and he like look I

Got your box chocolate be what like would be brilliant like there’s so much more surprise aspect to also how how are the roofs go oh oh interesting that’s yeah I noticed the flag O hm uh why is my Minecraft launcher starting without username 50% of the

Time that’s that could be an issue with Microsoft servers or like it could be um like it could be um your own connection or something but I don’t know that would be weird if it is um right by the way I am going to start a little poll with

This although I don’t think there’s too many people here so not entirely sure how it’s going to go uh Red Roof uh oh yeah Red Roof or Blue Roof uh red blue cool right let’s start that poll except like there there’s not many people here and not many people in

Chat so I’m not entirely sure how this is going to go this could just end up with two votes set on like 50/50 or something I’m not entirely sure uh right also I should probably work out how I’m going to do windows for this as well I I should probably work something

Like that out cuz I don’t actually know I don’t even know where I want the entrance to this thing to be I feel like here or something you need to like a really grand entrance that’s that’s that’s what it needs something really really cool really I don’t

Know I don’t know the scale that I should be going with either that’s that’s the other thing I’m not I’m not entirely sure what sort of scale we should be going with cuz like this is a really big gate down here that’s a more humaniz gate but then like we’ve got a massive

Castle so I’m not entirely sure red is only at 67% of the vote so you know like it’s somewhat winning although there’s three votes so that’s two people for red one person for blue it’s like if I logged in on my alt account I could balance out the vote again and then like

It would be screwed I don’t know I will give it a few minutes I think maybe how do I do this though how do I do windows or doors or anything like that I’m not entirely sure I genuinely I genuinely do not know I I’m actually kind of stuck on

It um I feel like maybe we can only get like three floors in here or something I think originally we went with four but I feel like now at this scale maybe I should bring it down to three and just do like larer more detailed ones maybe pineapple oh wo wao six votes

Okay and the the the pole has suddenly shifted flag um I would say leave the flag for now just because like there’s a lot of turrets as well so I don’t think I would want it on every single turret either it’s like it’s kind of a decoration thing we’ll we’ll look at in

A second right okay okay um pole has very much shifted to Red though so I guess we’re going with a red uh a Red Roof like this this color it’s kind of not red but I don’t really know a better word to describe it um right let’s

That’s actually kind of easier to deal with as well cuz it also means that it’s not like this one this one doesn’t have concrete powder this one does so um yeah or this concrete powder that would be falling and everything when we get to it

So could be an issue what what are we uh uh post well uh flag I like the flag design I just don’t want to put it on every single turret I think every single turret is going to be too much I would say leave the flag for

Now we can get to like we can get stuff about the flag later I think like get stuff about the flag later um right these roofs though uh or this the this the texture gradient uh want the percentages I feel like we should do the same percentages that we did for the for

The main building cuz that’s a really like good way of mixing the gradient I tend to find that that’s what works quite well um right let’s get let’s use a hoe or something um and we’re going to need several of these brushes actually so yeah how many how many brushes is it

Going to need it’s going to need uh uh hold on wait there’s so that’s one brush two brush three three brushes okay cool um although it might actually need more when it gets to like the roof and stuff like the main roof on the castle

So there could be an issue um right uh there we go sorry I just had to minimize the game for a second um right what was my last command it was this cool okay I’m going going to just reuse the percentages so 20 uh no no not that not

That actually that’s the wrong one we changed those percentages here we go uh right 35% 40% 15% and 10% so we want uh 35% Nether Bricks then 40% Mangrove wood good uh pineapple the mountains uh what’s what’s wrong with the mountains uh Cherry oh yep Cherry sorry not Mangrove um Cherry uh then

It’s that’s is it warped I think it’s warped planks or is it Crimson Crimson not warped warped is blue okay right Crimson uh then it it’s 10% stripped underscore Crimson Hy H that that’s what is called stripped stripped Crimson Hy I think uh right cool and mask

Cyan World there we go cool right and we’re going to need to like run that command a little bit later just with shifted percentages oh not percentages um colors sorry uh right also maybe I should reduce the brush size down to two that might be better for like doing the

SP and stuff cuz the spes aren’t that big like if I do a test actually no n n that’s fine I mean like one would allow more detail with it but like I I don’t know I’m not too bothered like plus a little bit of like variation and

Everything is kind kind of what you want you don’t want it all being too consistent and stuff cuz otherwise it’s just it becomes very repetitive and everything so it doesn’t turn out that great I might leave the leaf I might leave the main roof for now um I just

Accidentally painted a little bit there but that’s fine yeah I might leave the main roof for now just because it’s big so it might need a bit actually H yeah it’s going to need I think it’s going to need some different sort of dealing with it so although it does kind

Of very nicely split into three sections in a way because of these like because of these two block sort of bits here it sort of splits it into a really nice section and stuff so it might actually be easy to segment it off I don’t know leave it for now we’ll do

We’ll do the turrets um and then and then like we’ll we’ll deal with the main roof when when we get to it and stuff that’s that’s what we’ll do um right so we just have this final little turret down here with its sp there we go just like that there we

Go right okay um what was the next color uh what block is that is that purple terra cotta I’m going to I’m going to assume or is it magenta maybe it is purple okay and that one oh that one’s magenta I thought that one was pink okay um right

So basically what we’re going to do we’re just going to shift everything along a little bit so no more Nether Bricks uh but we are going to put Cherrywood then this becomes crimson planks uh this becomes the strict Crimson high or whatever it’s called and this one needs to become Perle

Terracotta there we go and mask Canan wool cool uh hello do there hello jamot bong Welcome to the stream how are you doing hope you’re doing well uh if you could be the best at one certain thing uh what would you want to be the best in editing I think

Editing which I get is the most like YouTuber response ever but like it’s true I think if I wanted to really be good at one thing I would choose editing maybe just to be faster at it cuz like there’s some stuff that I work on and everything and it’s like it’s great but

It took me 3 years to do like it’s stuff like that where it’s like I I think I’m okay at editing but it takes a long time to do stuff sometimes it’s like sometimes I wish I was just a just a little bit faster with it maybe but I

Think editing is probably my answer right um also I’ve got to do this command again changing the percentages and stuff uh why why are you looking at at me ears what what about ears what I’m so confused what are we on about why are you what I have C ears on no you

Don’t what what are we on about I’m so confused is your Cosmetics off my Cosmetics is off yeah I have Cosmetics off um show cuz I think I have that off normally or not I don’t know I can’t see stuff are your Cosmetics off like is is there a chance that your

Cosmetics are off I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on um right uh so this needs to be Crimson planks I love changing these commands it’s just 5 minutes of stuff that takes such a long time now I like I I really I really like editing and Stuff Plus editing I think

Is one of those things where even if I didn’t have my own channel I could still work on other people stuff and Knight has disconnected okay uh right purple Terot and then I need to do this one as magenta terra cotta right okay and mask cyan wo cool uh right invite you again so there we go reinvite done cool okay and I can now finish off these spies you know what also needs to be done the walkway

None of that’s done there’s so much that’s not done um in the thing it didn’t pop up I don’t know how to help with that like reinvite done cool I’m not entirely sure how to help if it isn’t popping up uh also this never got the second brush I

Don’t think there we go and top that off there right the main roof how do I do that how do I do that um H Jam do you have any ideas do you have any ideas how to handle this how many sections is this bit spay into there’s one 2 3 4 uh

H one two three four five kind of six so maybe every second yeah every second one block raise will change to the next brush I think hire green that could help I would love if I could hire Green in this like get a collab with him or something that that

That would be awesome you do indeed have cat ear huh yeah if I if I I know that that’s dirt by the way I am I’m fully aware that that’s dirt I I meant mentioned earlier that I need to fix all of this stuff cuz all of this is dirt and grass

And everything as well no I that would be really awesome if I ever got to like do a collap with Gan or something I don’t think it’s ever going to happen unless like the channel got a lot more popular which might take a little bit of time you

Know it’s like I don’t think it’s happening anytime soon to put it simply um unfortunately I mean like it would be awesome then again like Gan does collap with like solidarity and stuff and until recently solidarity was still like only a couple hundred, thousand or something so like

Green does collaborate with a lot of small channels then again the channels he collaborates with tend to be ones that were like OG YouTubers and stuff so they’ve been around from the start and they’ve been friends with grian when grian had a lower sub count

So yeah I don’t I don’t think I am really good enough uh path M I don’t know if I I I don’t know if I want a path coming that way I mean maybe yeah yeah put a PA here but um this should be stairs this is too

Steep to like Walk Up Normally so put stairs there but yeah you can have a path there I think what’s your favorite food lasagna that’s a question I can answer instantly absolutely love lasagna Pizza I I feel like pizza depends on what sort of pizza like the

That entirely depends on what sort of pizza I don’t like I like pizza but I don’t think it’s anywhere near my favorite like sort of food or anything I I don’t think I would ever say that it’s like one of my favorite I don’t know hm I sort of I

Actually have to put like thought into it and stuff I don’t know like lasagna is definitely my favorite I’m always going to love lasagna absolutely awesome but like pizza entirely depends on the topping also just sometimes How It’s Made sometimes you get a pizza and it’s

Like wow that was awful that was like like sometimes they’re just really not made well so like it depends on how well it’s made anyway I don’t know how to do a path I mean like just plan it out for now though although I guess we need to

Sort of plan out what landmarks are there as well uh hello Mr melon 4355 hell welcome to the stream I hope you’re doing well um Pizza is uh oh wait the best pizzas are the ones that have um a load of stuff dumped on them yeah

Just a lot of toppings and everything um right how to do this I feel like right here we need a big statue or something like right there we’re going to need a statue so maybe just a wide area around it I don’t know there’s not really much

You can plan with the path put some stairs in put like some Stone stairs in or something on that that little Gap um corn on Pizza corn yeah I I agree with corn on Pizza like sweet corn and stuff yeah I I in fact that’s generally whenever we get like Domino’s orders

Made and stuff like custom order tend to get sweet corn on it cuz it’s nice it’s nice I really like sweet corn um maybe to an unhealthy amount I like there have been a few times where um like we haven’t been able B to cook dinner or something so my dinner has

Been a can of sweet corn that’s not even a joke I have I have done that occasionally I will just eat a can of sweet corn like if you give me a can of sweet corn I would happily just eat it like don’t even need a spoon I I’ll just

Like I’ll just tip it out I use I’ll use the can like um like a drink was saying that’s so unhealthy it’s a vegetable I mean it’s a very sweet vegetable but like it’s a vegetable plus I would like to point out this has only happened once like

The I mean there was kind of a I think it was like sausage rolls or saying that we had in the you know like the microwavable sausage rolls I think I had like one or two of those I was H with it but like the main thing was just the

Entire can of sweet corn that was where most of it was um unpeeled pineapples on Pizza I don’t like pineapple I’ll be honest on pizza kind of fine cuz like one one of my favorite um one of my favorite toppings is pineapp uh ham and pineapple

Night you weird for not liking that um no ham ham and pineapple I quite like it um so yeah traitor look look I I have stated many times I don’t like pineapple normally like literally I I am not a fan of pineapple I don’t eat pineapple I

Just don’t like it but on a pizza like when it’s cooked it my cats are fighting outside okay do you want to like calm down guys that may have come through on the mic you guys may have actually heard that huh um um no I I forgot what I was going to say

Like pineapple when it’s cooked it loses all of the stuff that like makes me not like it um so yeah that didn’t come through really man noise suppression on my mic is much better than I thought it was it’s like I don’t like pineapple mainly for the like the really weird

Feeling you get when you eat it and stuff like I I don’t I don’t like it um I Heard it okay so it came through on it came through on YouTube didn’t come through on Discord though which is where night’s listening to me um uh what about dessert pizzas what is a dessert

Piz is this something I need an explanation for explanation for chocolate pizza no no you’re you’re complaining to me about being unhealthy you you were you were literally just complaining to me about being unhealthy with like something that I ate once because we didn’t have food and like you guys are over

Here they’re the best what on Earth is a uh like a cookie pizza what I’m sorry are you guys in America immediate assumption are you guys in America what the hell is a dessert pizza dessert pizza Images that that is do you guys like diabetes like why is this one got googly eyes on it what hope they’re not eating the googly guys okay hold on so dessert pizza am I getting this correct it’s not like it’s not a pizza dough it’s like you said

It’s like cookie instead so so it’s like cookie dough but you sort of have it like a pizza so it’s like huge bit of cookie dough with I I’m guessing like chocolate sauce based on most of the pictures instead of the tomato sauce you would

Have on it is that what it is so like sort of cookie cookie dough base chocolate sauce instead of tomato sauce and then like other sweet stuff as a topping uh it’s the best uh dope balls for starter Pizza me and then dessert pizza for

Dessert one of us one of us I am not I am not going to live in America that is that is one of the uh that’s that’s one of the things we constantly talk about on Lotus and stuff cuz on on Lotus um we like playing games together and

Everything and one of the things that is constantly brought up is the fact that it’s really annoying whenever I want to play games with them and stuff because it either means I have to be awake super late or be awake really early because otherwise it’s like the middle of the

Day for them or something why am I the one always staying awake I they stay awake or something until it’s morning for me I don’t know um it’s like so it’s like I have to be awake really early for stuff like that what does this look like

With dark oak I kind of like that it gives it a bit more shading that isn’t actually there um so it’s like we we were talking about um how we’ve all got to move to the same country or something just so that we all have the same time

Zone and they were like oh you should move to the US and I was like no everyone moves to the UK I am not moving to the US I I like I that is something I absolutely refuse to it’s a nice place to visit it but I don’t want to live

There cuz you need a car to live there as well I don’t want to live in a place where you have to have a car to do anything how’s the castle coming along the castle is coming along really well um although it doesn’t have any Windows

Yet so if we if we like back out here this is what it’s sort of looking like so far path yeah looking quite good I I like it um yeah this is what it’s looking like so far we were debating whether to do a cyan or the redder sort of roof um and

We weren’t entirely sure with it um although I ended up doing a poll and it came out to like 83% on one side or something so we’ve gone with this um it’s not very detailed yet unfortunately it’s like we’ve got some really nice work with the gradients though like

Especially on the wall here like this is this is brilliant um can I be honest I really like this build I really like this build this is this is an awesome build by my standards I don’t tend to do stuff like this this is this is

Something I like so um like one of the reasons I actually started this series is because I don’t tend to do many large builds and stuff like a lot of my content was in survival so I don’t do large builds really cuz I can I be dishonest I dislike this

Build yeah like I I don’t tend to do large builds and stuff because I mainly played on Survival I used to be a creative person but then once I started YouTube I was doing survival um and I’m not very productive in survival that’s just like one one thing about I’m really

Bad at being productive in survival there we go so I I don’t get many large builds um like I don’t get many large builds done or anything like that so when I decided to do the Creative series I was like I can do large builds this time and I am loving

It cuz I have not built a castle like this ever this is the biggest castle that I have ever built I think the one before it was me trying out world edit and I built like a thing based off of Sterling Castle that was quite cool I always want

To do big builds but then I get bored that’s why I do YouTube honestly making content is what keeps me doing stuff I’m I’m like I don’t have a survival world that I just play off YouTube and stuff because I don’t I don’t enjoy it I get

Bored and I I end up stopping it whereas when I’m making content on it I’m sharing it with people and people can see it and stuff so I stay much more dedicated to it um me meanwhile me who always sticks to a small underground builds you know what I have considered doing so

Um uh wait uh remember I was the one collecting blocks you basic bu that was in the Survival series on the old channel that series no longer exists but also I collected some of it it was more like you got the resources I got the builds and

Everything and then um like and then it would sort of go in that way I guess um uh I also tried YouTube but got bored yeah I guess that can happen um also I I really need to work why is the concrete powder there where did that come come

From I don’t know huh um anyway right so I need to detail this path path is looking good I like the path I need to put a door on here and windows and everything else which is something I don’t know how to do I don’t know I don’t know what I want

Any of it to look like so I’m really stuck on it Arch windows I mean yeah I’m going to do Arch windows but like I don’t know how big really or anything like that it’s kind of something I’m stuck on like it needs it needs bloody detail

That’s that’s what it needs like this isn’t a small scale build so I can’t do small scale stuff this has to be impressive it has to be big so I guess right let’s get glass stained paines what about uh Castle has four floors that’s something we were planning

Last time although in actuality I don’t know I might ditch that because four is that’s going to result in like really not detailed stuff so I don’t think we’re doing that I I don’t think I’m going to do that um right let’s grab some walls and let’s just experiment

We’re going to do some experiment if I go like that maybe one up bit more yeah that that kind of works okay then stairs like this uh going to just uh let the Stream Run in the background I have to be honest building streams aren’t my favorites I’m mostly

Here for talking that’s fine I I get that they’re not everyone’s preference this is I’m going to be honest probably a rare thing cuz uh um basically like this this series is supposed to be uh videos only although I’ve just ended up um like I ended up doing a stream with it cuz

People really liked it and I was like I can’t really wait too long before making content I’ve always people are going to think that was a oneoff thing and then leave so yeah that’s okay uh PA you’ve disconnected um path layout I don’t want the path here

That’s my one thing everything around it good I don’t want to PA in like a decent sort of area around this dot I would say like from there to there I think just don’t do that bit but on either side yeah just cuz I don’t know that window feels too

Big it feels feels too big doesn’t it is it too big does that is it too big I don’t know I feel like it is it’s a very big window there’s a really big window is it too big can someone answer me in chat please is that too big

Like I get it’s Castle it’s supposed to be impressive and stuff but at the same time like if the depending on how many windows there are that’s going to take up a lot of space man like there’s barely going to be a wall if there’s too many

Windows I feel like it’s too big but I can’t make it smaller smaller wouldn’t work it’s like it sort of has to be that size is it in line with the thing yes it is a tad big that’s what I’m thinking but I don’t know how to make it not as big um

H H this an interesting predicament maybe like one block less yeah the problem is then it becomes two blocks and hold on uh h hold on right let let me oh great okay we’re both trying to work on the same thing so if there’s walls there

Like that and then where are my stairs I’ve lost my stairs so something like that maybe put slabs there now the frame feels too big I don’t like how thick that frame is what About it still feels too thick it feels too too thick on top but I don’t know how to solve that what if I do that that’s way too Square so I don’t like that either um this is an interesting situation I mean it could work like that

Maybe that’s too small now yeah that’s that’s the issue though cuz how do we make the like this is five blocks wide this is four blocks wide I think yeah that’s four blocks so this is five blocks that’s four Blocks not too small just a bit chubby so like what make it a bit taller is that what we do uh if I make it taller by one like just by one one so scale down a little bit on both axes if I do that what’s that

Like that works kind of I think maybe H H I don’t know I genuinely don’t know I’m stuck on It h uh I think just the frame could be tweaked a little bit what on on this window or that window i h interesting idea if I actually hold on let’s see if I do that Oh that’s a cool effect what does it look like from an angle though I’m not too sure on an angle yeah not too sure on an angle but like from the front that’s quite a cool effect like you’ve got the thicker sort of walls there and then you have like a divide the

Frame so that’s a cool effect but I’m not entirely sure I don’t like it when you get close up then again a lot of these builds are designed to be seen from further away so from like back here where you can actually see the whole building it’s not that

Bad what’s your guys opinion on that cuz I like again close up maybe not the best but from far out where you’re sort of supposed to look at the Castle I think it works I like that oh I see man welcome to the stream um looks funky

Wait are we are we talking about this one I quite like this I do quite like it the thing is it’s it’s a two block thing so it can’t be perfectly Central mean we’re going to need to base it off of just the width of thing how wide is this

I’ve forgotten again hold wait that’s 17 that’s 17 that’s two out of one hold on wait that’s 20 out 17 37 37 how many windows do we want maybe like four or something oh wait hold on uh 37 minus whatever’s here

Hold on 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 so that’s 31 if we had four windows that would be 16 blocks mean there’s 15 blocks between H what about three windows so 31 blocks 12 off of there you end up with a number that can’t be divisible very easily um hm H that’s an interesting situation pretty sure you’ll be remaking the path uh not really from that point or like that point like from like as long as that area is clear I think it’s fine I H how do we space apart these windows I could just try something and see if it works but the problem with doing that is then if it doesn’t work then we’ve got a bit of a problem you know what easy solution here um if I if

I just I just go and grab our trusty wooden ax just like take that and let’s come up to here just do like slash copy and fly over here just drop down like let’s let’s just come all the way down slash paste okay it’s bit in the floor maybe maybe somewhere

Else maybe somewhere else could do let’s do it there there we go cool right and now I have a copy of the wall so if there is an issue I don’t need to worry about the gradient being ruined or anything it’s it’s completely fine it’s all back so hopefully that’s all

Fine hopefully I just need to I need to work out how to space part these windows which I feel like is actually going to be easier to do on a higher up floor but I don’t know how many floors I’m doing cuz it was going to be four

But I feel like three now I feel like we need to do three yeah three feels like it would be better spacing so if we did something like that then I’m going to get out my wonderful purple wool as a guide again hello hello foozy welcome back don’t

Know where you went um also fun fact I didn’t actually realize you left um until like 2 minutes after I thought you were just being weirdly quiet um right one 2 three and then so how tall is that window it’s 1 2 3 4 four uh wait 1 2

3 four 5 and then 5 and 1/2 so six 3 4 5 6 then what was that again that was that was three block Gap so 1 2 3 and then 1 2 3 4 5 6 there is plenty of space left there so you know what let’s increase that to a four

Block Gap and see how that Goes that could work although I feel like even more maybe maybe five if we go if we go with five I think hold on wait uh yeah so like that and then that’s four blocks one two yeah I think that’s I think that’s our best bet with what we can get away

With um also night is still in the world by the way uh I see if you can climb from the bottom to the top you definitely can I’m pretty sure you can cuz like you have to admit it’s actually a fairly smooth gradient like you might

Need to do a little bit of Parkour but you can definitely climb up um right okay that’s that’s the best spacing we’re going to get I think unless do we go one more do we make it a six block Gap yeah let’s go a six block Gap oh is it going to hit the frame is it going to hit the frame um that could be an issue if it hits the frame uh bye goodbye Lizzy fler thank you for coming along um oh gosh wait hold on what do we do

Bullying me I was not bullying you I was just tormenting you repetitively um right if we go over there there like this so that would be that would be the size of the window yeah that can work work that can work did I miss F FY fzy

Abuse um P coming what coming what does that say I’m sorry I’m very confused uh right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 so that’s seven block Gap so if we did another seven block Gap 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 be another window here and

Then uh uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 oh but then it’s the one block middle um H boy can I drag you in for this am I able to drag you into help with this what if it’s the small windows but then the big ones in the middle here what about That would that work like so these smaller windows but then the big ones in the middle I think that could work I’m about to have some crossant real quick ooh nice um also night uh seem as you’re I mean like you made it up do you want to help me with some windows

Cuz this is there’s a lot of Windows to build there are so many windows to build um and I need to work out the spacing for them actually uh that one there uh and then there’s one here okay uh which size do the smaller ones um I’m trying

To work out the spacing for them cuz this window actually needs to go um right there there and that there no there yeah okay cool right um so the purple dots are the it’s two layers of glass cuz it gives us a nicer frame it

It gives us a little bit of a thicker frame and everything plus it’s viewed from a distance so it doesn’t actually uh look that bad hello Zig shco by the way welcome to the stream how are you doing hope you’re doing well um glass block no no pains it’s pains it gives us

A bit more depth um plus uh blocks can actually screw up with the sideways connection sometimes so pains um yeah this is the top right corner so there that’s that’s essentially what that block is okay do you understand that you’re destroying too much you you’ve destroyed too much I think yeah you have

You destroyed you’ve destroyed it wrong this that’s the Gap this window doesn’t exist this window is going this this window is going this purple block here is relative to where these purple blocks are essentially that that’s that’s what’s going on with that you’re destroying a lot of the

Wall right okay yeah that that that seems to work so like make this okay I’m now destroying the wall by accident right okay here we go we we can make some progress now we’ve we’ve worked stuff out this this can work heating them up first you know what

There there was a time in um Secondary School uh my family bought um Quant and I worked out like cuz I’m I’m someone where like I don’t like putting effort into my breakfast and stuff just like I want to eat something and then I

Want to get on with the day I don’t want to be making breakfast and everything so like I’m always I’m always sort of looking for nice quick and easy breakfasts and everything and what I found out an amazing thing you can do like just get some butter and like get a knife and

Everything stab five holes into some uh um like stab five holes along the Quant and then put butter in there and then microwave it for I think 10 seconds or is it 20 might even be 30 um and essentially like because you’ve stabbed the butter into these holes it melts and

It manages to like spread across the Quant it’s really nice and it’s like inside as well so it’s it’s all the soft past R that’s that’s what’s really nice with it it’s like the soft pastry inside um also how tall are these six blocks isn’t it yeah six blocks so these these

Holes need to be down to there right okay one 2 3 four and five there we go right okay so that’s the height of the windows and I need to work out this one here as well so there we go like that and and like that awesome right okay

This is this is coming along I’m really liking this now like the closer this gets to completion the more I like it I mean like at the end of the day this outside area doesn’t entirely need to be done I just realized I put a window

There I really should be putting a door there that should be a door yeah like as this comes forever along it’s getting close to completion and everything I I’m loving it I I love all the stuff coming together and everything this started out as nothing the whole terrain it’s on didn’t even

Exist like all of this has been built in what like 3 weeks maybe four or something like it’s it’s all been done so quickly I love it I I really like this series that I’ve now started and everything um which actually brings up a good point like I’m going to need to

Work on the next episode of this cuz this is supposed to be an EP episodic thing not a live streaming thing it’s just basically if you want to know the uh business decision behind doing the stream um essentially because the first video did so well I was like oh there’s a bunch of

New subscribers from there and stuff and like the problem was I I had fever dream episode in like in progress and there wasn’t enough time to record another episode pineapple yeah what what are you no no no I said to keep the big one no why would you remove my big window I

Did definitely say that I did definitely say to keep the big window no no I I I did because I said I was going to put them in the middle I definitely said to keep the big window I I definitely said that that is something I can confirm I absolutely

Said um but yeah so basically like fever dreams video was in progress I was like I don’t have time to do another creative episode but the problem is if you like when you have a video like that do really popular on the first episode of the

Series you kind of need need a second bit of content out quite quickly because if you don’t get that second bit of content out people are going to forget about your like series and everything and they’re going to forget about your channel and they’re going to stop watching and they’re never going to

Return so I was like I need to get a second bit of content out for that like series for the video that did really well so that was why I decided to do the live stream last week it was entirely uh like sort of decision to go I need to

Actually make sure that people stay watching this so yeah I don’t remember what it looked like I I can I can handle the big window don’t worry about it just like can you can you finish the small Windows um right so it was like that that and then I need

Chiseled uh thing there we go right that and that that was the big window that that’s what the big window looked like I think no wait no it did not it was like that I think that looks more correct I think that’s what it was this window

Also needs to go this window shouldn’t exist this this window doesn’t need to be here though it’s yeah yeah that window doesn’t need to exist why do we have a window there why why do we have a window there these these don’t exist this oh gosh I’m breaking breaking stuff

Oh no um right this here uh business my specialty uh do I get a bonus for you mentioning my work no because it was my decision it was my decision you weren’t involved in it I’m sorry foozy you you don’t get a bonus for that even still you’d still be in

Debt what what oh hi fuzy hi you back in the V um right uh okay that window is being repaired that I shouldn’t have broken a hole there that can go that’s not a block that would actually be there um oh gosh I’m breaking so much fzy this is your all your fault

Yeah always your fault fzy come on man they just full once just don’t cause issu I’m not even open Minecraft yeah like all right 1 2 3 as okay um 1 2 3 four five and oh no oh py my my wall is falling apart this is all your

Fault sorry shouldn’t have use concrete powder then uh right well you approved of the gradient so therefore it’s your fault um but you approved of it too doesn’t matter you’re you’re you’re you’re the like business one here you’re you’re supposed to be making all the important decisions yeah business not architecture oh

God um right so like that these windows need to be done on the other side of the building as well I would like to point that out this isn’t a one-sided build we’re not like Gan we are actually finishing the B are you sure is the rest of the mountain

Done is the back of the mountain done well the back of the Mountain’s going to be expanded in future that’s why it’s not done oh yeah oh yeah excuses no that’s the genuine reason don’t you dare try and like spin that that is the real reason for it

Is honestly can you just like be better and not let me punch holes in the wall right so is there enough room for another window or is it not going to fit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 four it is going to fit okay it’s

Going to fit but look ugly how dare you no it just won’t look right it might I I it will I think it looks weirder without it honestly that’s that’s my opinion night I didn’t even I didn’t even like say to do that maybe I should turn keep inventory

On so when you when you two are like yeah you should brawling and everything you’re not losing all the items okay right uh go like that FY do you want to do you want to do that window can you can you finish that window please and then I

Just these big ones I need to go to the other side of this and work out where all of the glass is going to go so I need to travel in a straight line across here I don’t think I traveled in a straight line there um is it one of these small ones

Or what uh it’s a small one yeah okay only only the central one need double uh how have I come damn okay uh right it’s like why you made I think I think it’s like that and then uh 1 2 3 4 5 six three four five no okay yeah you can

Just do that five six 1 2 3 4 5 yeah that lines up there we go look at at this we’re doing good I think maybe right that can be that can be cite uh this also wouldn’t actually be destroyed I don’t think would it be destroyed oh wait does this not line

Up Um okay that no that doesn’t line up that doesn’t line up there’s an extra block so that needs to be destroyed what about on this bit you like my custom tree oh God what’s this about to be this is going to be like the worst

Thing I’ve ever seen isn’t it or say no no I it’s still in the works but like where the hell are you uh near the front near the front what where’s the front what are we the only front to the castle that there is oh that right yeah it’s kind of

Cute thanks right okay um do you want to help me with the windows on the other side of the building maybe no need to C some trees um okay I’m actually kind of proud of that I it’s the first custom tree like ever done but uh

Uh um oh gosh why is this difficult to work out it shouldn’t be this difficult pleasy stop making it difficult sorry don’t need to make it easy for you then all right uh this goes here at this height yeah that lines up then here this goes at that highight

Okay there we go so that’s five that’s uh this is one block too high I’m going to assume this one is as well maybe yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa wo no that make it easier for you right okay um there can you can you put the windows in for

That it’s the small windows in the hole I’ve got create mod I oh why do you have create mod I have to go now but thanks for the stream you’re you’re welcome am I get thank thank you for popping in Mr melon it’s been nice having you here what did I just

Hear my mouse uh slapped against my keyboard somehow like I want to go check my phone I check chat you can’t abuse your mouse that’s animal abuse hey at least I’ve still got It 7even 8 nine there we go right okay so it’s nine blocks across uh all right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 then break a hole here 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and no wait this is the center isn’t it yeah this is the center so

Actually it goes one Higher and it’s three wide yeah like that one block lower like that I think yeah that looks correct is that lined up correctly right uh if this is correct then there should be right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n then the window here and there should

Be I think it’s correct maybe you’ve broken that hole Too High by the way I think or is mine too I can go up a bit Yeah your your hole is too high okay uh no like this one is too high right nice one night what did wait what just DP Mew uh

Right yeah like this and then we just to line it up on the on the same sort of blocks and stuff that’s that’s all we’re doing really uh right like that there we go and then final one here Uh nice there we go what’s this it’s it’s a window it’s it’s the window on the other side of the on the other side of the building cuz there’s windows we we we’re doing Windows uh is it what the terrain’s higher on this side the the terrain is higher on this

Side so this is actually that this would be part of the wall that that’s theoretically part of the wall and that’s that’s the glass There what are you doing what are you doing over there I’m confused right uh but that there and then I need to get these Central Windows uh so 3 4 5 six like that and Then like this here three 4 5 6 cool that’s all lining up I think and then yeah there we go cool right and um you guys are the workers here so you can you can do the windows I’m going to go and work out how

To do a door cuz this is going to be fun I’m going to say Spruce planks so hold Spruce planks I have a two block Center on this which is fun uh so if I do that how big does this door need to be tiny tiny um yeah like two block High just

Basic just put in a normal Lo door no uh right if I go with that that sort of I bring it out no no wait hold on that doesn’t look right I fire no we’re not doing is that too big is that too big for this Scale big up oh gosh um right this I think this is this is the height that we need to go with um right okay we we can fill this in this this is going to work this is going to come out somewhat well maybe uh right so if we do

Chiseled Stone there we can do this sort of cool technique with the stairs like that also I’m going to have to go soon what you’re barely back know know yeah are you are you going to be back before the end of the stream or are you gone I’ll try to

Uh I don’t like this door what if I do something like oh gosh I’m breaking more holes uh something like that yeah there we go that’s better and then what I might do for a bit of texturing maybe is break a few holes like this this

Maybe cuz then I can flip up those trap doors uh just like hold on uh just like this there we go and there’s a bit of Tex string in the door cool that works let’s let’s go with that that is now our door although maybe it needs a handle um

So oh we can do oh wait no no we can’t do that cuz it’s a two block Center dang we can do that yeah there we go that works cool fzy our Castle now has a door that’s great but they did earlier and then you removed it so yeah but your

Door I actually didn’t I didn’t touch it so unless you filled it in but you want me to remove it so right um also there’s no walkway here still there there is literally no walkway still um which is quite bad um I feel like maybe we should fill

This do you think smooth stone slabs like it would kind of match the pale Castle so I I feel like Smooth stone slabs is what we need to do uh we have 35 minutes left yep let’s go with smooth stone slabs we uh we don’t have time to

We don’t have time to think about this so we’re going with smooth stone slabs hell yeah Oh but maybe spruce wood would be better oh do you think I should go like Spruce Wood do you think I should go with like Spruce Wood we’ve used Spruce Wood here it looks quite nice H we’re going with Spruce Wood nice Also the other building still doesn’t have Windows and I’m not entirely sure what to do with that I feel like maybe we should do the bigger windows on the other building just like two or three of them on it and like only on one level as

Well I think that is probably our best bet with it I did it wrong huh I did the windows wrong but it’s fine what do you mean you did the windows wrong don’t worry about it just your silly design made me do it wrong excuse me I will

Have you know that that is an amazing design for Windows I don’t know it like kind of covers up like half the window no it’s an amazing design what do you mean it’s covering up half the window how wrong are you building it well not it’s just a stairs cover up

Half the window no they don’t yeah they do even if this was a full block you would you would have like six blocks still to look out of no that’s not the point though it still covers up the window no it doesn’t called shapes we’re making better shapes you’re making worse shapes the

Other shape is a square and a square is not the most interesting no you just needed to put the stairs down by one that’s it no because then there’s the wall in the window sounds you don’t want part of the wall being where you don’t want part of

The wall being inside the window frame what well that’s what would happen if you move the stairs down by one block you just have part of the wall inside the window frame yeah that’s fine you do these walls no that’s not fine no you have these walls though whatever’s

Inside the window frame needs to be needs to be a bloody window yeah but you have of these walls come here not window that that’s not window yeah oh yeah where are you looking what what are you looking at here come to me that’s cuz it’s a larger

Window look this cuz it’s a larger window though okay you put these down by one that was even Me oh my gosh see Knight agrees with me oh wait that means I can buy too oh B them oh wait no I can’t did you do me no okay never mind I can’t B me from my own world no I was going to try and bu

Now what happens if you ban me from my own world you I just can’t B anyone though oh okay yeah do you think I can man come I don’t think you can but let’s not test it point of that I guess it is invite only so like wa you can’t B me no

I can’t but I can kick you and then just not invite you ever again oh wait you might have to reinvite nice I I did I I sent an invite invite didn’t pop up well that sounds like a you problem you can just go to multiplayer and then friends

And then it’s on there that’s a good point you can uh right fzy do you want to help me with these slaps no I did KN do that one that was perfect timing I think you be up KN uh nah n we’re not we’re not going to do that it’s

A it’s a good job I’ve got a go soon right how about you guys stop Banning each other I’ve never bed night and you help me and you help me with this wall I am I am look what I’m doing I mean it kind of

Goes down a bit put SLS in the wrong actually no wait no no those slabs are in the right yeah there we go like That so even you actually power what I’ve been doing so much work but what what’s been happening just how much work I’ve been doing sure sure what do you mean sure all right um this needs big Windows P can you just double check that

This is on the right layer I think it is actually basically it’s half a block half a block below the wall but it needs like a smooth slope up this B I’m considering just filling in and having it as like a thick wall because there’s sort of no walkway

Possible for it no okay let’s fill it in then so maybe just like fill it in with a variation of blocks or something um right I am going to try and work out how to do this window because are you leaving yep I’m leaving forever never whatever bye a bye

Bye at least I noticed you leaving that time uh right one two three maybe uh four five right okay so if I put a window here and then do the same thing on this side so 1 2 3 4 5 and then a window here uh what do we

Do here I’m not entirely sure maybe just a variation of the same blocks that are part of the wall because you kind of can’t put a walkway there it just doesn’t feasibly work so yeah I don’t know it’s kind of like it’s sort of stuck how it is um cuz we

Can’t even really smooth it out either so yeah we we’re just going to have to deal with it which is fine cuz the rest of the castle looks fine w ow foozy wow come on I I treat you no I don’t treat you better than that actually but like how how dare you

Pay [Laughter] deduction um right uh so this needs to be glass here just like that I don’t know if I’ll do windows on the other side of this one this might be a onesided window situation not entirely sure potentially I don’t know yeah I really don’t know um right

Okay anyway this I need to I need to finish this uh sort of window frame on them so uh that’s stair that’s a stair I need a slab as well there we go right so we put that there that there that goes there and and that

There then bring this up to there yep that was correct and I don’t know why I’m building these simultaneously it’ll probably be quicker to build one and then build the other but oh well uh right so that like that then this goes here oh that’s incorrect right let’s do that side first then

There okay by bye foozy thank you for coming along and thank you for the help cuz uh yeah the castle definitely I don’t think would have been done without you so yeah um right that goes there that goes there and chiseled there cool I really like this that actually

I’m guessing like given historical sort of design of castles and stuff that would probably be a chapel it would probably be like a religious uh probably be a religious part of the building cuz um basically I don’t know how to finish that sentence like basically like of course they were heavily religious back

In um like medieval times and stuff so people living in castles they would want a place to go and worship and everything so they would have a chapel back welcome back Lizzy Fleck and also hello waterproof Turtle welcome to the stream how are you doing I hope you’re doing

Well uh this looks nice thank you it has only taken 8 hours to build well actually we’re on hour number 7 and 1/2 right now we’re going to be stopping at 8 hours um whether it’s done or not so yeah that could be interesting right I’m

Not going to do a window on that side there’s sort of no room for one either so we’re just going to leave it and I am not doing an interior on this build so we’re also going to basically just black out all of the windows that’s that’s

Literally what we’re going to do we are just going to black out all the windows and then hope that no one cares the one thing with blacking out windows is I don’t like using uh so normally I use black concrete um which I’m going to do here like I’m not going to change

That but I don’t like having it connecting like that cuz you get these connecting textures here so the way that I tend to black stuff out is by doing a frame around the edge and then putting that there cuz now you don’t get the connecting glass textures but it’s still just as dark

Like it’s still black uh just like your build battle video o thank you um I which build battle video are we referring to the new one is that the one we were referring to I don’t know I I haven’t looked at the analytics on it recently which is um quite rare for me

Actually I tend to to look at analytics a lot maybe to an unhealthy amount um I I like uh yeah the new a that’s nice I I liked that video that was actually I would say like one of my most fun videos to record I’m not entirely sure why like

I don’t know what stands out about it I think like I just had a lot of fun rounds on there cuz like sometimes you go to record build battle as well and then like you get a bunch of topics that are really really generic um I also look

At analytics way too much yeah I mean it’s something I’ve gotten better at like I mean the main thing that I’m trying to um stop with myself right now is like constantly checking Twitter and everything cuz I go on Twitter a bit too much and like I don’t I don’t reply I

Don’t really post or anything like that but I I go on there way too much thing is right now I have an assignment that I actually need to be on Twitter before um like part of my college work needs me to be on Twitter so for now I’m not

Uninstalling Twitter but I think like as soon as that assignment’s done I might end up just uninstalling Twitter from my phone just as a bit of like help for it it won’t stop me looking at it like I’m still going to have the account but I essentially want to get a bit further

Back from the sort of thing of opening up going oh yeah I’m just going to check this and then you spend like an hour just scrolling that’s that’s what I want to get better at um but like analytics I check it a bit too much but it’s more of

Like it it doesn’t get in the way it’s more of just when I start looking at them I tend to then like keep looking at them for 30 minutes as if it’s suddenly going to change it’s like very rarely does anything happen in 30 minutes on YouTube but yeah

So I don’t know I mean sometimes it does but not often enough so there’s no point really sitting on there but like I I would say I’ve definitely gotten better at stuff like that you just sort of like I don’t know a lot of it is about sort

Of self-control and just when you go huh I’m going to open up this you you just stop yourself and you go no let’s not open that paranoia I wouldn’t call it par o cuz I’m not I’m not paranoid about anything happening like I’m not I’m not looking

At it expecting something to happen or like wanting something to happen it’s more of just I’m bored I don’t know what to do I’ll open up my analytics for no reason like that’s more of what it is um so it’s like it’s not paranoia I’m not paranoid about anything it’s just like I

Check it a bit too often sometimes anyway right let’s break through the ceiling Knight are you coming up through a hole in the ceil I don’t know where you are so I’m just going to close that off right there we go though like a I left off those windows

Oops I forgot about the fact that these windows exist um right let’s just break a hole in here uh and yeah I pull it up at least every 30 minutes yeah I’m not quite like that into it’s more of like whenever I open up Chrome or something

What I tend to do is I’ll open up Chrome and then open up YouTube Studio Reddit and Twitter all at the same time like I’ll just open all three up check them and then I’ll move on to whatever I’m doing which is a habit maybe I shouldn’t have

But on like on the note of um I don’t know this isn’t related at all the Castle’s really close to done actually like it is really close to done I don’t think I have enough time to build the dragon statue though I don’t think I have enough time to build the dragon

Statue uh but also shorts killing me yeah I I have intention oh gosh I just moved my headphones by accident I uh the dragon statue is a different topic uh there is a topic of a dragon statue but the thing is this is also supposed to be

A dragon castle right now there’s not really anything to do with Dragons so I don’t know maybe we should just put a flag pole here would a flag pole work like a flag pole with like a dragon design on it would that work cuz I don’t know uh

H hm mini Stone statue I mean yeah it’s possible it’s just I don’t I don’t know how to do it um although can I make a request that you link up the path to the door please see as you are the one that made the path so

You know how you doing it um also hello Rex welcome to the stream how you doing hope you’re doing well there’s a hole in the ground um yeah saying like with with YouTube shorts and stuff I rarely make shorts just cuz they’re a lot of effort for something that doesn’t actually

Benefit you much unfortunately um but like the other thing is I I have intentionally kept away from that and stuff it’s like I saw a lot what was like I’m I’m one of the people that looks a lot uh path is three blocks blocks just widen the path it’s medieval it doesn’t really

Need to be a consistent width like just randomized the path a bit I didn’t even realize that it was consistently three blocks but um no I like as soon as I saw Tik Tok and YouTube and everything with all that stuff I was immediately like that’s going to kill attention spans and

I’m like I’m not doing that I’m not I’m not killing my attention span more than it already is it’s already awful um so I was like I’m not going to do that I’m going to keep away from that what do I put here really what do I put here

Like I actually do not know um I feel like flag pole like I I feel like it just needs to be a flag pole but that also feels really generic so I don’t know uh not in Center maybe I had a stable at the edge a fountain yeah the the problem is it’s

Like there’s there’s only 20 minutes left of the stream if that so it’s like I don’t want to start a really huge project and then not be able to finish it that’s the issue so I don’t know actually you know what I might do as an excuse not to do

Anything there I might fix the terrain cuz some of this terrain is still like this and that’s not useful yeah that that’s not useful the Terin still being like that so um I’m actually going to do that I’m going to repair some of this terrain finally um cuz this is also

Going to involve some commands that could be a little bit laggy and like take a lot of um processing and stuff so might as well do it now um yeah just cuz I really don’t know what to put but for the record I really love that castle like

Genuinely um actually I should do that one block above doing it on that block is a really bad decision like genuinely this Castle I am so proud of it like actually so proud I genuinely like look at it look at that if I go an F3 as

Well and then like can I can I can I go a I can’t quite come out far enough where like an opine Zoom doesn’t sort of run it but like there we go that look at that that’s cool you have to admit that that’s

Cool I I really like that if if we um right uh let’s let’s go down and creative my oh gosh my fov is still 13 isn’t it like if we come down here look at it like that’s just cool it’s so cool I love this build who

Was it that um suggest it it was um hold on let me let me get their name it was Hawk virus I hope they’re happy with the I know it’s not a dragon castle necessarily cuz uh there isn’t exactly a dragon or anything like that but like it’s cool it it really is

Cool I I absolutely love it um you know what I have just real it doesn’t have a name though should we give it a name should it should it have a name maybe I should name it after the person that put the topic oh my God that’s something I should

Do whenever like people whenever people have like a topic or something and their topic gets pck I should put like some sort of reference to them okay we’re going to do that hold right Cena so in reference to the person that suggested this build then their name was Hawk

Virus so let me let me me grab a sign what sign do we go with I feel like Spruce fits it it just might be a bit difficult to see the text um oh gosh where do I actually put this sign where do where do I put this sign I

Actually don’t know can you put hanging signs on fences just like quick quick question can you can you do this does this work if I if I try and put a hanging sign really really you can’t put a hanging sign on a fence who decided that who who

Right the thing is though I do think you can actually end up with floating ones cuz you can do that huh would it normally do that wait can they normally float oh they just float huh I thought you had to glitch it to do that okay but

You know what actually I can still make this is somewhat fine cuz you know what we can do we can just put like a little little trapo on top there we go so we we’ve got a little sign maybe not the place you would expect to see a sign but

I don’t have a like Crossroads or anything at this point to put a sign on there so yeah but seen as the person that suggested this is called Hawk virus I think this not Hicks this is just going to be Hawk Castle which oddly sounds like a name that sounds like it

Would be a castle doesn’t it like it sounds like Hawk’s Castle would be an actual place doesn’t it like is that just me is is that just me thinking that I can see Knight is trying to build a dragon statue or I assume it’s dragon statue like it it sounds like it would

Be a place um Hawk Castle or something like just hey kids do you want to go on holiday and like visit Hawk Castle it just it just feels like a place that would exist right um anyway so what I am going to do we’re going to fly all the

Way up into this corner here um which is really far uh and we’re going to do pause two dragon statue okay I was correct it is a dragon statue dude it looks so cool it’s so cool I love it it’s genuinely amazing right okay and then what we’re going to do

We’re going to do SL replace grass blocks with dirt and this could take a little bit of processing the fact that it hasn’t given me a number is a bit concerning 5,000 okay so it didn’t replace anything that shouldn’t be replaced by the sounds of that and I

Don’t know the brush composition that was used here I I might just need to try and work it out I think it’s 25% cracked deep sleep bricks maybe no wait uh quick clear opinion I got to go dinner uh it works I feel like it needs more texture variation though I don’t know

I’m not entirely sure I I I’ll leave it there for now I I will leave it there for now cuz I also don’t have much time on the stream bye night thank you for the help um right so what we’re going to do uh very quickly hopefully is uh brush

Set sphere six I think it’s by the looks of it uh what is it actually so there’s wool concrete and okay right I’ve got it uh so brush set sphere 6 25% gray wool then 50% gray concrete 15% deep slay uh deep slate tiles where are they uh right deep

Slate tiles and then 10% cracked deep slate tiles and then mask dirt that is my assumption on what it is just cuz I know that I use the quantities of 25 uh 50 15 and then 10 and that’s sort of the quantity I was making out from it

Um those quantities might be a bit different here cuz this goes up higher but I can probably get away with it yeah that that’s fine that works that that texture mixing works it’s probably not correct but it works so that’s what we’re going to do um and this room needs

Some stitching together doesn’t it jeez uh I think that’s cuz of the the way the smooth command worked so it wasn’t smoothing stuff to the terrain around it it was smoothing it down um right there we go so that’s that’s stitched together a little bit and

You know what I think I’m going to need to do the path and then I think I’m done like I think that’s I think that will be it past that point I think that’s going to be it uh right so you know what we can actually speed this up as well let’s

Go brush set uh no wait not brush set uh we want brush cylinder one um let’s go with 25% uh oh wait hold no I don’t put the value there all right 25% Stone 25% andesite 25% stone bricks and 25% mossy cobblestone there we go um and I

Need that to be one one there we go or not does that not work how does this command work is it here is the value set here nope nope not set there not set there at all oh wait oh it’s still masking dirt isn’t it okay never mind never mind

Um uh right so it’s that but then just take off the mask there we go cool right and what we’re going to do we’re going to do just like some texturing around here uh can’t talk right now but hi I’m here for uh the ending worst of wish you

Wow foozy thank you so much oh gosh oops that’s fy’s fault he he wished me the worst and then that happened that’s F’s fault uh right so that can connect up there it’s a bit mossier than I think it should be but oh well I’m not going to

Notice it really uh right so then then this can be removed here and I feel like the path doesn’t need to come down to that point maybe I think like if the path just comes along to here that’s probably where it would start cuz it seems odd even putting a

Path there because most people would not exit this way most people would come through here this way where there’s this right um final thing maybe the statue it was built by night and I feel really bad if I remove it but I feel like it needs to be altered as

Well do I just put a flag pole a flag pole feels like the best option plus there’s no Flags currently so no I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I really am just like I’m putting a flag pole here I think a flag pole is just is kind

Of what is needed just to like make it um like yes there is flag the only Flags here are the ones that you put on the mountain which I’m probably going to remove because also I don’t think they had the ability to put a flag into the stone very easily and

Stuff like you didn’t even put like any way of it being held up or anything um I do have a cool idea with this though if I get a grindstone and um a lever and maybe some chains then maybe like if I put that there and the lever there and then stack

This up with chains I think I can sort of make it look like the um I think I can sort of make it look like the the pulley system you know cuz then like the actual flag pole is going to be this bit like I I think I can give

It like a nice sort of look like a pulley system maybe does that make sense I feel like it does also welcome back Gustav um we’re actually in the final moments of the stream um I’m going to be like basically putting a little flag here and then then I am going to

Need to end the stream cuz I’m basically out of time uh right now I will follow the flag design that uh foozy and Knight did come up with though which is um not that well it’s that color scheme but Knight made a really good version actually um down

Here so maybe I maybe I should just copy this cuz like this is good that is a really good flag like I mean maybe I’ll change the height on it or something but like that is a flag and it looks quite good so you know what let’s just like scen as it didn’t

Get put on any of the turrets and stuff but what we can do is we can stand here we can say SL cop it needs a double slash always for getting that all right we can do that uh hello now approaching uh you don’t want to know how much pain

It was to find your new channel I am it’s linked isn’t it isn’t it linked on the homepage of the channel but um also welcome I’m glad to see that you knew about the old channel it’s nice hearing when people know about that um cuz it

Means that they’ve been here a while uh welcome isn’t it just linked on the homepage I swear it’s linked on the homepage uh yes took one more minute I thought it could oh right okay um right uh but if I do slash Paste there we go that works quite well I mean maybe it’s a bit odd that it’s in the middle but I like that I like that I genuinely like that one thing fzy you can keep this flag you can keep this flag up here I’m just going to

It’s actually facing the wrong actually wind directions can change I’m just going to alter it slightly just so like it’s like that or something there we go so it’s still somewhat your flag but yeah it’s agent oh wait hold on agent British is that you just with a hold on

Wait hold on I can investigate channels can’t I uh hold on go to Channel huh why is this your new channel name Huh but yeah I’m going to assume that’s you British cuz um cuz you you’re like you have trains and stuff hello welcome back I huh it’s been a long time um that’s a fun way to end the stream cuz uh yeah there we go look meeting old friends and

Everything right um f your flag up here does need to go though I’m sorry I I I I’m so sorry it just it’s not going there you’re not you’re not having your own flag on the tallest peak okay you you don’t get that like plus who’s climbing up there huh who’s climbing up

There you don’t get that foozy I’m sorry I’m sorry um but right that’s going to end this stream here on like a very a very happy note and wow like it is it is a lot of progress you have to admit this is this is a lot of progress

Can I can I pull up a reference image I don’t know if I have I don’t have a media in thing annoyingly Yeah I don’t I don’t have a media in thing hold on uh right let me let me put a media Source uh reference image just call it that uh right browse um I really hope none of this is shown to you guys uh Right Storage St D and let’s look at

This uh this I need to set it to all files where is it um I’m in the wrong folder that’s why I need where is it gone where is it gone uh this cool right okay open that uh set it to Loop yeah there we go this we have managed to

Go we have managed to go from this to this like I’ll say that getting this to this that’s I’m I’m happy with that I’m H I am happy with that I just accidentally opened up Discord I am happy with this like for for a 4 Hour stream maybe

It shouldn’t have taken 4 hours but for a 4our stream on my channel like me given how unproductive I am that is beautiful that is so that is so beautiful look at that look I preferred the red am I going to need to revert all the progress back to what was at the

Start I am I’m so proud of that like I’m genuinely really proud of this and like I’m so happy like a little bit of like sort of personal stuff like I really I really love the um like I really love the um the creative series and stuff cuz it gives me the

Opportunity to do really insane builds like this like I was saying on stream earlier like I I mostly do survival content and stuff on the snps and everything so the ability to now make these things like I know I could do it in survival but like bro I would not I

Would not do this in survival like there’s so many resources in that alone like just the roof look at the roof it’s got like six different blocks in it so it’s like I like I I don’t do stuff like this and everything normally but I love the fact that now like this creative

Series and stuff it gives me the ability to do it and it gives me the ability to like teach you guys how I do it as well cuz that’s something that like that’s something that I’ve seen a lot of comments on on that first video and

Everything a lot of people going like I really like how this is telling me how you’re doing it and stuff and like teaching people how I made the mountain and everything so it’s like I’m really glad that this series lets me make absolutely insane builds but also

Like also just explain it to you guys and get to see your opinions on it and everything cuz like this is this is going up there as one of my favorite builds this is full on like up there as one of my favorite builds I genuinely love

This and I cannot wait to see where this world goes cuz quick reminder of the topics that we have by the way like if I if I if I bring this up quickly cuz I I really do need to end the stream um this is classic Captain pineapple trying to

End a stream and not doing it very well so the current ideas for everything are gigantic Enchanted Forest a mine a medieval keep extraterrestrial Planet terrain so like a whole new biome essentially a futuristic spaceship Docking Bay cartoon looking cheat that one’s interesting not entirely sure what

To do with that one uh a Shakespearean plate which I would like to point out just like I know some of these sound basic like Shakespearean play originally it’s like that’s just a play but you got to keep in mind I’m not just building a play like I’m building the theater and

Everything and the theater has to go near stuff as well so I’m probably going to end up building a town there it’s like there’s there’s so much that goes into it like that’s it’s like the idea of Watermill in the first episode of this like I needed to build a Watermill

But to build a Watermill I needed a river and to build a river I needed a mountain so we built a mountain and then put a Watermill it’s like that’s that’s the sort of thing that happens with this it’s like it can be a really simple

Topic but we can take it so far and like I am excited for Shakespearean play if that ever comes up cuz it is cool right um super villain Mountain Base I know that that one was suggested by Seaman medieval village Guardian dragon statue a tardis a spaceship falling through a

Wormhole that’s the scale of some of these Topics by the way a giant Stone Golem a volcanic Chasm old castle ruins a broken house Village of Old don’t entirely know like how this the thing some of these topics are very similar as well so I can cross a lot of these off

At the same time um a Dwarven M shaft a tree struck by lightning ominous tower on a mountain specifically a dragon fossil a village on a tree like on a tree bit like Endor better um mysterious portal uh a Spire Tower like Lord of the Rings that was specified and an

Apocalyptic area as well and all of that happening in this world like whenever it gets Chosen and stuff like if that theme gets chosen it’s going in this world it’s not going in a new world it’s going in this world so I genuinely cannot wait to see how absolutely mad this world gets

Cuz this is technically part two this is build number two this is two builds only two it’s so mad it’s like I I love it I really love it uh okay so session using my head revealed creep transition from gravestones in the live chat Star Wars what uh when’s your first hermit Craft

Episode releasing was talking the G and he said it shouldn’t be long oh God I would love to join hermitcraft but like you know that’s conversation we have on Lotus we have a conversation about like what would happen if one of us got invited to hermitcraft which again not

Going to happen whilst we’re all at like below a th000 subscribers apart from me cuz I’m the best yeah it’s like you know what’s interesting a lot of us came to the conclusion if we got an invite to hermitcraft today most of us would still stay on

Lotus like we would either try and see if we could do both at the same time like do Lotus and hermitcraft or we would stay on Lotus and we wouldn’t join hermitcraft that was the that was the General conclusion cuz Lotus is where our friends are and stuff so yeah anyway on

That really happy note I really need to end the stream so thank you all for watching this stream I love this build I’m going to I’m genuinely I really love it um so hold on I just got to get a good screenshot of it like fov 30 and

Everything just like Zoom zo a bit far out just like let’s let’s come out all the way to around like maybe I should hide like the terrain that doesn’t exist or something yeah there we go look at that right screenshot there right okay so thank you all for watching the stream

I already really hope you have enjoyed it I’m going to come out of fov 30 I really hate that right I really hope you have enjoyed it genuinely this is now some of my favorite builds ever and I hope to see you in the next stream Bye-bye A he

This video, titled ‘Finishing My BEST Minecraft Castle – Creative Mode’, was uploaded by CaptainPineapple on 2024-02-11 18:32:16. It has garnered 265 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 04:13:21 or 15201 seconds.

Following on from episode 1 of the series where we built a mountain we moved onto creative a huge castle that we build live on stream last week. This week we are going to now finish that build, the biggest Minecraft castle that I have ever built and in my opinion, the best.

I have no clue how this build is going to progress so I would love to hear your opinions in the chat and get your input on the build as it goes forward.

Links: Music (Going Higher) is collected from https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/track/going-higher Music (Funky Suspense) is collected from https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/track/funky-suspense Music (Creative minds) is collected from https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free-music/track/creative-minds

Music: Going Higher – Benjamin Tissot (also known as Bensound) Funky Suspense – Benjamin Tissot (also known as Bensound) Creative Minds – Benjamin Tissot (also known as Bensound)

Licenses: Music: bensound.com License code: YYA4R9V5JJ6NNQUP

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  • Project Parabellum

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  • Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!

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  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #Minecraft

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    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft 👍 FOLLOW ME! ► TikTok – https://tiktok.com/@darkomode ► Instagram – https://instagram.com/darkcornerstv ► Twitter – https://twitter.com/darkcornersyt 📺 MY OTHER CHANNELS ► Dark Corners (Horror) – https://youtube.com/darkcornerstv ► DarkoBlox (Roblox) – https://youtube.com/darkoblox Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free… https://www.youtube.com/user/myuuji Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: https://www.twitch.tv/zylenox https://www.twitch.tv/zylenooo Join the Classic Discord Server: https://discord.gg/APU8PdexvF Read More