Video Information

Hi all I want to get back to working on some build projects in fact that’s why in previous episodes I put together this enormous world map with its own Temple and even terraformed this entire Island I did all of this so that I could plan out this section of my world right here

This is a really large land mass and I think it would be a really good place to build a lot of my build projects such as towns cities and Villages and so I do want to have a very large medieval city somewhere around here I think it will be

Around the size of this Lake in the very center here probably a little bit smaller and so I just need to decide on a spot on this map to place it however the options are actually a lot more limited than you would expect and that’s because for example this entire section

Right here is all very mountainous you can certainly tell by all of the snow and then over here we have a similar issue all of this is quite hilly as well as all of the Cherry biome which is on top of hill as well so this won’t really

Be suitable and finally at the very top of the map here all of this section as well as all of it coming down into this bit right here you can see is covered in trees and that’s because it’s all a Savannah Biome and that means it’s a

Very dry landscape and it won’t do for the kind of thing that I’m planning on building and so that leaves us with three potential candidates for where I can place the city in this world and the first of those three is this bit right up here this is kind of basically a ples

Biome but I’m not a big fan of it as I don’t really like the shape and it’s also pretty messy the second spot is this bit right down here this is actually pretty good the only disadvantage is you’ve got these bits of water and caves and things but that can

Easily be filled in and then I think this could work out pretty well but I’m not quite sure yet and that’s because there’s also this third spot right down here this bit on the very Southern end of the island is pretty ideal and that’s because you get this bit sticking out

Right here which gives us a really nice space to work on to construct the city you can even have some kind of a bridge over the river and that could expand into an area with some farms and forests and you know there’s a lot of potential

With this area uh there’s even an island off to the side here which I imagine could be used as a ligh housee as well but if I’m being honest with you I haven’t really decided where things will be going yet the the only thing I have

Decided is that I want to remove some sections of water and caves from areas like this and this river right down here as well as maybe some of the water up here and that’s just to clean the map up and make it a little easier to visualize

Where things would be going which will just make deciding on where to put this city a whole lot easier as well as you know it’ll be nice to clean the map up and so I’m going to do that first and after I’ve done that that’s when I’ll

Decide where we’re going to put it but I think there’s a pretty high chance that it’s going to end up here and so I’ve gone ahead and grabbed myself a bunch of dirt I imagine I’ll be needing more of this but we’ll see how it goes and so

I’m going to just head out here and work on filling in these Areas after filling in a couple of potholes and small rivers that you don’t see in the time lapse I I could immediately tell that I definitely did not have enough dirt so you can see I came back to my Mushroom Island and just tore through it getting all of the dirt

That I’ll need for this project which I got to admit was quite a lot more than I Expected Well I’ve got all of the maps on me from that last project there so I’m just bringing it back to the big world map so that we can see all of the progress that’s been made so far far so let’s just go ahead and place all of these down back to where they

Belong all right well there is the final few maps and that is looking pretty dang good I got to say it made a really big impact over on this area it was really quite bad with that River in there but this bit over here is also looking

Pretty snazzy now I’m aware that the bits I’ve added in aren’t always going to fit in that well it’s not a very subtle difference and I could have CA that have made this a lot more kind of naturally Blended in however it’s really a temporary solution as one day I do

Hope to bring all of our build projects and custom Landscaping through to fill out and revamp these areas in the future so it’s really as I say just a temporary uh solution to kind of visualize the land we’ve got here and make everything look a lot better in fact let’s go ahead

And check this place out in person as I don’t think we’ve really done that yet I’m just flying over there to check check it out and look how many animals are on this section of the map this is not a normal amount of animals this is incredible so here we are I’ve got

Slightly lower FPS right now and by slightly I do mean a lot and that is because I’ve maxed out my render distance to 32 chunks just so that we can get a really nice aerial view of this entire place right here and uh yeah you can kind of see what we’re dealing

With we’ve got this big plot of land which is where I think will be ideal to have the city but I do think we should probably tweak the shape of it maybe bring this bit out just a little bit as uh it’s not quite perfect in my opinion

And then we’ve got this bit of the river here I might widen it a little bit it’s quite quite narrow at the moment and then I’m thinking maybe having some kind of a bridge across here somewhere which will lead over to a whole load of extra

Sort of things over on this side as well we’ll see how it kind of plans out but I think before we do any of that I’m going to do a little bit of work cleaning up this side of the island as we’ve kind of cleaned up this bit I just want to

Remove all of these trees as then inevitably going to get in the way at some stage plus I don’t have any wood right now so I’m going to get that out of the way and then I think we’ll move on to kind of planning out what we’re going to do over Here Whilst I was cleaning up this island I decided to tackle a section of stone that was poking up on the very southern end through the water as this would Clash with some of my plans that I have for what I’m going to build down here

And there’s going to be a lot of sort of boats coming around in this area and that is definitely going to cause a hazard so I did that and then I moved over to doing the final bit of terraforming in today’s video and that includes correcting the height of this

Southern end of the island because it can be hard to tell it sometimes but it is actually very high above sea level and that is going to pose a big issue when it comes to building this city as we don’t want it to look like it’s built

On top of a cliff face and so what I did is I just cut the top off and I decided not to use any kind of a TNT bomber or anything like this instead I went about and dug all of that manually because it will give me all of the different stone

Blocks I need that I can use for building materials in the future since I don’t have any right now and then I also got a whole ton of dirt and grass which I can use for future Landscaping projects which are definitely on the horizon and it just means I don’t have

To go back to that mushro Island and brainlessly mine it all away to get more dirt again like I did in this video and this did take me quite a bit of time but finally I think this island is ready for us to start doing some build projects On finally with all of that out of the way I can show you what I’ve been working on here so I went ahead and linked this location up to the nether so that I can easily get between here and my storage system as we build this thing and then

Um I also plac down a section of map of this area so that we can kind of stay up to date on all of the changes that happen over here and then as you can see it’s really made quite a big difference cutting that off and from down here you

Can see why it was necessary it’s still quite a ways up and having buildings any higher than that along the coastline really would just look a little bit Goofy and actually you can see here all of the items I just collected from that it’s kind of ridiculous actually so a

Lot of stone and then even more dirt over here and grass as well as cobblestone as I had to use a couple of my fortune picks there and we’ve even got some random items left over you can see I actually picked up all of the flowers from this island as a lot of

This here was actually a flower Forest which is kind of Ideal because now I have everything I need to make dyes and things for this city uh it’s kind of calling for me to build it here and then what I also did here is I expanded these

Bits out a bit I imagine this will still kind of be tweaked a bit over time as we build it but this is kind of just the general idea when it comes to shape because along with kind of making sure that this river is the right uh width

And that’ll have to be kind of naturally extended throughout I have made some changes to my plan so originally I wanted to have the entire city beond this section of land right here and I even went ahead and created an entire plan for it you I

Planned it all out I got it all figured out and then I came back and I thought I might just test to see if this is the right size and so I placed down the schematic of my world map Temple that we were in at the very start of the video

Just for a bit of context and it dwarfed the island I was like oh my gosh I have not calculated this correctly and so I was like this is definitely going to have to be bigger and I was like oh I’m going to have to build it somewhere else

But what I decided to do in the end was to basically just expand the city over to this side so instead of having this be old farmland and things I’ll just have a river go down the middle of the city and I think that’s going to work

Really really well and so from that point onwards I changed the plan and so what I’ve done is I’ve created this right here so what I did is I took a screenshot of the map with a different texture pack as well so it looks fancy and I created a kind of digital rough

Plan mind you I know it looks very precise but as we build this it is going to get ironed out quite a bit especially the castle walls around the Royal grounds here and then once I’d finished I made this as a sort of texture pack add-on so if we go to Resource packs

Here you can see I just made like a little painting add-on right here and so let’s just take a quick look at this thing and give you guys a general idea of what I’m thinking and you can also give me your thoughts on things that I should maybe add as it’s still quite

Early day days and um I will point out that this is a very ambitious project and it’s not going to get done anytime soon but I really like the idea of having this nice long-term project with loads of different possibilities and so what we’ve got here is on the left side

Of the island we’ve got the noble districts and this is going to be an area where you’ve got a lot of buildings that are made out of stone it’s where all of the money is you know we’re going to have things like uh a cathedral here

And any kind of a university or really just impressive looking buildings here and then above that it’s going to be slightly less noble but still kind of in between Noble and residential there’s going to be more wooden style buildings but not entirely and this is course it’s

Going to be where we get all of the kind of shops and things you know you’re going to get your blacksmiths your candle makers your sword maker whatever it is we’re going to make as many different shops as possible I think that would be so fun to do and then this

Right here is the residential and this could be split up into further sections in the future if I need to but this is going to be a lot less noble than this area and it’s going to be just the kind of regular towns people right so you’re

Going to get a lot more wooden houses and things like that and on one part of this section in the future I think it would be a smart idea to create a slums area for the really poverty stricken area and so next to this I also have the

Industrial area and this is going to be things like a factory that makes bricks and things like that and then the residential areas do poke in around this section as well where we have the Royal grounds with of course the very big castle in the very center there but that

Will get ironed out more specifically I’m not entirely too sure how this is going to look just yet and then we do have a lot of little white sections here such as the castle which are specific structures I know I’d like to make so for one thing we’ve got the Bridge

There’s the lighthouse I mentioned earlier I’m not sure what this could be but to me it just looks like a perfect area sticking out some kind of a tower much like why I put one of these here it just looks perfect for it and then up at

The very top we’ve got a prism right there and if I actually head there now you’ll see why this is so perfect so as this comes into render distance you can see there’s quite a unique generation of the terrain here that’s created an island around all of

This land mass and I think this would be perfect for putting a prison on either a castle or a prison I decided not to do a castle as it’s just too small for my liking and so I think if we cut the top of this off a little bit we could create

A really nicely defended prison here and over on this side where it gets a little bit narrower I think could be a perfect opportunity to put a kind of a draw bridge and the entrance to this place could be a trek through the mountains here and also through the forest which

Is going to be in this section and that Forest bit right there on the map is going to be something that blends into the mountainous area just above and that is just above the public section right here now you might be thinking what is this well as you come through the main

Harbor to this city I figured it would be a really good idea to have a section of the city that has its own ins and various merchants and the like that can be access to anybody who kind of visits but in order to really access the bulk

Of the main city here you would need to pass this gate and it would just be another level of Defense with some kind of interesting Dynamics there and so we do have the harbor of course as well and then up here I figured I could have the

Farmland that I was thinking of doing as you know once you do get past this bit of map as we know there is a lot of land here and so that can we’ll kind of just see where that goes you can have Farmland you can maybe have a church

With some graveyards you know you’ve got all your kind of potential other bits that could end up over there because this is entirely going to be the city I think so there it is that is my plan so far as you can see quite a bit going on

And quite a bit thought out as well so I think what we’re going to do now as we’ve kind of had our fun with the Landscaping is we’re going to tackle this bit right down here you know because it’s difficult when starting a massive project like this to know where

To start and I think it’ be really difficult to make any buildings when we don’t have anything to build off of along the coastline and so I think it’d be a really smart idea to start with some things based around this River and the first of those being one of the main

Entrances into the city kind of maybe through the city is the gates right here that’s what these two squares are going to represent so I’m going to get some bits and we can start working on that All right well as you just saw there I went ahead and laid out some of the ground plans for where I want these things to be I kept them towards the left side of the river as as opposed to the right side just because this bit is

A little bit more narrow than this side and so we’re trying to keep this as centered as possible and as you can see here I’ve gone with a diagonal design and that’s just sort of to follow the shape of the river and also keep things interesting and I’m thinking of mostly

Using some Cobblestone here to build up the main shape of the Tower and then of course we’ll come through later on and detail this up with some different blocks to really texture it up so I’m going to go ahead and build this up to a height that I think works well and then

We’ll kind of go from there all right I think this should just about do it I wanted to make sure that it went just above the height of the land there uh it’s still looking a little bit stubby but that’s all right because we’re going to add a little bit

More height to this and I’m thinking of using a slightly different material here as you can see I’ve got some polished diorite but I’ve gone ahead and retextured this to a kind of a off-white grayish stone brick color here I think this is going to work really nicely in

Combination with the other stone colors and it may even become a recurring theme in this world but I have gone ahead and made it so that the double slab variant here does actually retain the original texture and this just means that we can still use this in other builds and we

Haven’t just completely discarded the original textures here so I think that’s going to work really well and I’ve made a lot of little tweaks like that in my custom texture pack recently which is one of the reasons this video has taken a little longer to come out than it

Usually does and you’ll see a bit more of those later on so I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to fly up here right now and what I want to do is I want to make it so that this overlaps by an extra block along the outside and

Then we’re going to see if we can kind of incorporate a bit of a classic castle wall detail along this uh towards the kind of viewing platform up here in fact what we’re going to go ahead and do here actually is just tear this down

And uh I’m going to make it so that on the sides here it goes down by a full block so that when we come back around we can do something like this and that will kind of act as a good detail I think and it’s just easier to

Do that right away so that I don’t have to create any scaffolding later on ah and it looks like we’ve run into a bit of a uh centering issue here I think what we’ll have to do is just keep this going until we kind of meet in the

Middle and I think that should be here right so we’ve got one two one two three yep so the third one we’ll have to just sort of do this I think and I think that looks pretty nice let’s go ahead and add this to the other sides as

Well all right there it is is and so that’s that bit right there now I think what we want to do is we want to have kind of a walkway along here that can be used to defend this place and then a slightly inner wall with a roof on top

But I don’t really know how to do any of that yet all I know is I want the roof to align with this shape we’ve made right here so I’d actually quite like to connect this with some walls and I think on these taller ones that’s what we’ll

Go ahead and do we’ll put some walls just along here and then I think I need to get myself some fence posts as well all right so I’ve gone and crafted up some dark oak ones here I think that will be a good color I’m actually

Tempted to tweak this texture just to be a little bit less saturated I wonder if I’ll do that I’ll let you know if I do later on but I think something like this and then having the roof on top so once again let’s go ahead and add this all the way

Around now whilst I’m adding all of these bits on here I think it’s a good opportunity to mention that this is kind of inspired by a creation Vig man made quite a few years ago in one of his cities it’s a lot different because he made it using Conquest reforged but I

Remember seeing that and just remembering all these years later that I really wanted to create something similar to this and I had a Kind of Perfect opportunity here so I will say that it’s inspired by that but I of course want to make something that’s original as well which is why I’m adding

All of my own bits here so let’s go ahead and fill these in and then we’ll see what we can do with the roof oh there we go all right so I’ve gone ahead and got some more dark oak I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to

Connect these like this and then we’re going to make an outer trim here kind of like this and then from this point that’s where the roof will go up so it will have the tiled roof and then a nice sort of wooden trim which should help out the detail that it

Needs and I got to say it’s satisfying how easy it is to construct this you just place a full block and then you place your slabs around it like this and it’s always more enjoyable when your build doesn’t require scaffolding blocks all right so with these ones in I

Think now is time to introduce the roof tiles I mentioned and what I’ve got for this is this so this is another addition to my texture pack and what this is is Crimson planks I’ve retextured it to be a kind of roof tile texture here and I

Think this is is going to work actually need an axe for this I think this is going to work really nicely within this city I think I’ll only use it for sections of towers and mainly the castle and then we’ll use a lot more of the

Kind of dark oak to represent the other bits um so I think we should probably start off with some slabs here and I got to say it’s useful that we did all of that work in the nether because I didn’t even have to collect these blocks I

Already had them from clearing away all that stuff for my farm earlier so we can just place all these in and I think we should do two layers this is where it starts to get a bit annoying to build but we can do what am I doing here something like

This okay and then we’ll go ahead and do this all the way around all right well that is all of the slabs done and in fact even from down here it’s already starting to look really fancy uh what I want to do is I want to make this a kind

Of a pointy structure right so we want it to come up to the center and so we’re starting off with slabs here and now I think we should move over to the stairs uh which is probably going to be kind of tricky we need to find a way to make this work so

It’s probably going to be something like this oh that is uh that is an interesting error to my texture pack right there huh well it’s not doing it this time but there’s clearly something going on there um but as I was going to say I’m not sure how this is going to work

Out because this doesn’t work I think what we’ll have to do is maybe do like um another slab here and then a full block perhaps could work let’s see if we’ve got yeah uh maybe if this is this way and then let’s try and get this the other

Way around see that’s where the issue comes in with the texture man I’m not having not having an easy time here am I all right all right I fixed it I went ahead and messed up the code when I was retexturing this right here uh but that all works nicely

Now and you can see there’s one issue I run into here which similar to the stuff below uh we had an issue when we sort of met in the middle here because it’s kind of impossible without a debug stick to make this work so I kind of just went

For this and I think what we’re going to do now is we’re going to repeat this up one more layer and then go from there all right so I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to use a stair over here instead of a slab this

Time and that should just help keep things going up at the right angle and then as you can see here we’ve got another tricky bit in the middle uh it doesn’t look quite right with a slab it sticks out a bit too much so what I’m

Going to do is I’m going to use the trapo version here and that should just help transition it a little bit and I think from a distance this is going to work quite nicely okay so that is that bit done uh time to time to bring this up another

Level so I think we’re going to come straight out with the full blocks and yeah I’m not sure how this is going to work uh let’s just do this let’s go ahead and recreate the diagonal pattern that we had before and then we’ll see what we’re left with uhuh like this and

Then let’s correct it Okay so we’ve got one hole at the front and one at the side I think the sides will have to be a slab or maybe maybe a wall in the future we’ll see and at the front here H I think what we’ll do actually is

Instead of having it be a corner stair we’ll do a full block and then as I said maybe a wall I feel like that could work this is getting way more complicated than I expected it to yeah I actually think that this looks really really nice here

So we’re going to go ahead and continue this let’s pick up all the blocks we’ve dropped as we don’t want to be wasting any of these materials and there it is lovely I think we should try and bring this up a second one as well um in fact what we could do

Is we could just put walls on these bits right and then we could have let’s do a few more around here we could have the full blocks just like this this and that could work yeah I like the walls cuz it’s almost like a um a half a

Vertical half slab in a way or at least that’s the effect it has and that’s looking pretty Dam good okay so I’ve just gone on and kind of skip to finishing the Spire off there as I think we’re dedicating a bit too much time to a simple roof although it’s

Not very simple I guess that’s kind of the point uh you can see what I did there is I used the trap doors to transition it vertically even more and then we go to the wall and the fence and the iron bar and there is our point this

Is looking fantastic in fact this is the first time I’ve flown away from it oh that is very nice isn’t it oh that looks amazing okay so let’s go ahead and get the interior walls in I should probably clear my inventory first okay so first things first we need to expand this

Floor which is where everyone’s going to be standing and I think it’s already at a very good height so we’re just going to keep it the way it is okay so I think from this point onwards we want to make these interior walls now I’ve gone ahead and gotten some Spruce

As I think that’s going to work best um I guess we’ll kind of go in this much we need to make sure it doesn’t go in too much because otherwise it’s going to look really strange from the outside and so we’re kind of just making an inner wall like this and then

Somewhere we need to make some kind of a magic diagonal door somewhere in fact you know what let’s go ahead and build this up before I do that because I honestly can’t be bothered uh yeah I think the door could be as simple as something like that and

I think we’ll only do one I was tempting to do one on each side but realistically you wouldn’t have to do anything like that so we’ll just have one here pointing out towards the other Tower and that’s where the two can meet I think now I’m going to try and work out

Something to make this big up top here look good all right so I went ahead and filled this in with some regular slabs and then over on the very Far Corners here I went and added in an extra pillar which you may think looks a little bit

Odd but uh in the grand scheme of things it makes a really big impact because when you look at it from the outside um especially diagonally actually it doesn’t look so much like a little bit on the inside it makes it feel wider than it really is and proportionally it

It just looks a lot nicer from the outside and so I also placed in these trap doors here just to kind of smooth the walls along otherwise it looks a little bit odd went ahead and added in a lamp right here and you can see I’ve

Also got some stairs to help sort of connect it to the inner walls there and if we go around we should be able to find here it is I went ahead and modified the door so before it was just on one block here but I wanted to center

It so I added two doors in the very center there and then we’ve got some more trap doors here to act as walls I didn’t go all the way up I think it works you know it looks sort of as if it’s part of the door frame and then on

The interior I haven’t worked it out just yet I’ll probably come back around and do all of the Interior stuff later on okay so from here let’s go ahead and start detailing up the walls with some different textured blocks I think first up on the very base here as I always do

With a lot of my builds I’d like to come through with the mossy cobblestone and stone bricks to create a kind of a shoreline here that the water has created okay and then what I’m thinking of doing is incorporating two different types of blocks into this to vary it up

I’m not going to do a gradient or anything it’s just going to be completely random and that is tough and Dead brain coral block so we’re just going to kind of randomly incorporate these in uh as you do so that’s the tough right there as you can see it goes

Pretty well and then in combination with the Dead brain coral I think this is going to look pretty good so I’m going to go ahead and do all of this it will probably take me a minute and then I’ll get back to you so whilst I’m putting

This together here I can tell you why I went and chose to put these blocks into the pallette you see around this I want to have a lot of kind of Rocky stone structures on the coast and that’s mostly going to use Stone and andite which is kind of blocks you’d probably

Expect to see more often used for this sort of thing and I don’t want it to clash I also want this to feel a lot more rough and well technically cobbly but uh you know I want it to feel a little bit more like it was made up of

Bits of brick and rock as opposed to some kind of a smooth mortar and I think all of this comes together to create that fill and it means that we’re going to get this darker separation from the lighter Stone later on when we do the terraforming okay so with all of the

Dead bring Coral blocks in now we’re also going to come back through and add in some Stone buttons as I always like to do with this kind of thing uh this is really good because especially in this case it adds some highlights since everything is kind of dark here but of

Course it also adds in all of that texture that it needs so badly all right well with that done we can also go ahead and finish the texturing in the floor we’ve already done a little bit of it kind of passively but now we want to come back

Through and just make sure that all of this is nice and consistent and that includes adding all of the buttons in as well okay so for one final detail today we’re going to go ahead and add in some Crimson buttons I’ve retextured these to look like mossy cobblestone buttons and

Um yeah that’s just going to add the extra little bit of fade between the regular Stone and the mossy stone that we need in here and I got to say that looks pretty damn good actually and speaking of which as we work on the mossy stuff I don’t know if if you’ve

Ever noticed this in buildings but wherever you get overhanging sections like this the water and the rain lands on it and then it runs down the side and what you end up getting is just a little bit of moss sort of uh dripping down here and so I want to kind of recreate

That with some Mossy bits as well so wherever we have these sections we’re just going to come in and add in a little bit of moss like this just okay so from this point I think it’s looking pretty good it does look a little bit quirky in some of the

Texturing uh I have tweaked it a little bit I may go back and kind of tweak it a bit more but I think it’s looking pretty good once we add some more details such as Arrow slits and things I think it’s going to break up that very repetitive

Sort of pattern there but otherwise it’s looking very good now that it’s night time I did kind of just go and check the lanterns were a little bit too low so I came back through and I just raised them up here I think that looks a lot better

Uh so now what I’m going to go ahead and do is set about building up this second one here and then I think we can start working on the Interior Well with the map updated right here you can see all that has changed and that is quite a bit as well I’ve got to say the Crimson planks don’t quite look the same as they do in game however it’s nice to see that we finally started the city

Here and you can also see that I finally started a bit of the river there so what I did is I placed in kind of a temporary foundation for what it’s going to be like with a more accurate depth as of course if we go around over to this side

This right here is far too deep for the kind of thing we’re going to have and it also doesn’t need to be too deep as there aren’t going to be many large Ships coming through this as there will be a bridge later down there and that’s massively going to reduce the height of

The kind of boats that come through here so other than maybe a couple of iron bars to connect the two up there not a lot has changed on the outside with of course the exception of the fact that we’ve now got a brand new tower here but

What I have gone ahead and done is some of the Interior work now I would love to finish the kind of um rivered here as well as get all of the Rocks coming up the sides of of these however today’s video is getting a little bit long so I

Wasn’t able to do that I was just able to start some of the Interior work here um so the first thing to note is that on the outside I did add a little window to one side and then you’ll notice that on this section we have some vertical

Planks here and that is making use of another texture pack feature of mine which is double slabs now turn into this texture and that just creates some variety for us to work with so let’s go ahead and move on in here this is the interior for the top of the

Tower so basically the theme or the idea for these towers here is that um they’re going to be mainly used for defense whenever you get some kind of an attack or invasion you can get your soldiers to shoot out here with bows and crossbows or maybe throw some Stones over and um

In the meantime it’s basically just used as a stake out and so the top section here is going to be kind of just an area to chill you’ve got a chair and a table and just a couple of storage bits here you know a barrel of maybe some rocks

That they could throw over but a lot of the storage of the bows and weapons and rocks and things like that is going to be stored below I haven’t got around to doing this yet I really wanted to do it however unfortunately until we get some

Of the seaw walls and other sections of the city complete I can’t can’t predict exactly where it needs to be and where the entrances need to be so we’re going to get around to doing that later but you can see I did go ahead and make this spiral staircase here again using the

Polish diorite and then we’ve got these walls in the very center here I love the little Gap that it creates this is my favorite way of making a staircase and so this comes all the way up to here and then we’ve got the iron bars around it

To create um a little bit of protection to stop you from falling down and there’s a little bit more storage up here we’ve got a shelf we’ve got a lantern a few bits and Bobs and then I went and changed the floor out to the polished um andite which I haven’t

Changed the texture of because I actually really still do quite love it here and yeah that’s about it for this entrance way I went and kept the rest of it round but then I kept this bit or changed this bit to a more squared structure as it kind of helped make the

Door worked as it was a little bit tricky on the inside and I didn’t like the thing I did with the stairs before and so yeah that is the interior you can see also I did the roof with a couple of beams there uh the other side is

Mirrored and so there’s not much else to see over here I decided not to do anything too unique as um I don’t think there’s really a need for it so this is exactly the same and then another thing actually I’ve kind of gotten used to seeing it myself but you’re probably

Wondering what this is right here I put this here so that the rail would connect all of the way and this is a warped trapo so similar to how I’ve changed the texture of the Crimson trapo for the slabs right here those are the Warped

Ones and those are just to enable me to add more brick details for sections like this I’m not really using it in this build however in the future I do imagine I’ll be using a lot more of them if we fly around to the back of this one you

Can see I did dig away a bit of the dirt here and I was contemplating sort of putting in an entrance right here but I never committed to it because I just don’t know how this area is going to plan out yet and I really don’t want to

Get Hasty we can just do that when it comes around to it but my kind of general idea for the rest of this area is to have Rocks come all the way up quite High almost the same as this land mass on this side but then on this side

I think it will be slightly lower since this entire land mass is slightly lower and and since it’s going to be lower I think the entrance to this side into the tower is going to be quite low on ground level for whatever that floor is and then on this side because it’s higher

We’ll have another entrance that’s higher up and there’ll be a small staircase that goes down onto that floor and so that’s my idea for the interior and then there’s one more thing for the very bottom floor I’m thinking of creating some method of um a change gate

Here so if you can imagine a chain coming out on either end uh when it’s pulled tight somehow this is going to stop boats from coming through and then most of the time it’s kind of just going to be dangling or resting on the seabed or the river bed right there I’ll go

Ahead and add that detail in when I actually do the rivered and there’ll be a mechanism underneath that can pull that tight and so that’s what the bottom room down there will be that’s what I’m thinking anyway if you think there’s a kind of better method to do then do let

Me know but I don’t think I’ll do any kind of massive doors as that’s just a bit Overkill but otherwise that’s pretty much it that’s everything I’ve made so far and that’s all of my plans as well so I think what I’m going to do now is

I’m going to get to work putting together some more projects around this area maybe the bridge maybe the coastline I will see whilst editing the video I noticed I actually forgot to place these in so I’ll make sure to add these before we end the video otherwise

I know I’m going to get a 100 different comments asking me to do it and so yeah this area should start coming together very soon and I’m very excited to see where this city [Applause] Goes

This video, titled ‘Building Gate Towers & Planning The City | Minecraft Hardcore Ep #9’, was uploaded by FitShaw on 2023-12-20 00:00:27. It has garnered 4443 views and 465 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:57 or 2817 seconds.

In this video I plan out the medieval city in my Minecraft Hardcore world and put together two towers at one of the entrances to the city!

Schematics, world downloads, texture pack & more can all be found on my Patreon! • Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/FitShaw

• Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fitshawmc • TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@fitshaw • Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.co.uk/fitshawmc

00:00 – Intro 03:14 – Terraforming 12:44 – City Plan 20:49 – Building The Towers 39:43 – Tour 46:34 – Outro

The version used in this video was Minecraft Java Edition 1.20.1

• Don’t reupload or modify my videos. Copyright © 2023 FitShaw.

• Music: ———————————————————————————— Fantasy Medieval Music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DCvn484bXw ———————————————————————————— Music: The Wizard by Alexander Nakarada (www.creatorchords.com) Licensed under Creative Commons BY Attribution 4.0 License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ ————————————————– ———————————- Fireside Nap – Windswept https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNcmxwgvsPo ————————————————————————————

#Minecraft #Survival #Hardcore #letsplay #FitShaw

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  • Aurous

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  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

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  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

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  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

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  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

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  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

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  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

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  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

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  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GÜVENLİ TÜNEL EVİ YAPI KAPIŞMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. 💥NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft💥 ➡️Adam’s Channel: https://youtu.be/G2jRplZYybM?si=Owi5Acam_ZsiJQ6J ➡️Ahmetin Channel: https://youtu.be/Jl85KSZwQ7k?si=iMGc6DTE2zxl6vLu If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE➡️ https://bit.ly/3i1ywM5 🟧You Can Join My Discord Server➡️… Read More