EPIC Minecraft Collab with Reaper and Shark! Don’t Miss Out!

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You So So Oh Oh i’m scared oh oh i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m here wait wait oh no the music is rather loud oh gosh i gotta turn it down hold on just a moment i can’t even hear myself think right now oh wow yeah anyway we’re gonna play the game let’s

Go to the minecraft room everybody guys can you hear guys how is how is gooda’s volume in comparison with uh the music that i just i turned it down i turned it down you should be okay now i’ll wait we are in let me in let me in yeah hi aha lol good

Sounds good it’s fine it’s okay it’s all right okay sick seems like we’re fine hi good to see where are we i have no idea actually um i’m just in some random village it would appear i forgot how to play the game anyway uh oh it’s okay okay just kidding it was

In his house i stole her bed i was sleeping there yeah up there hold on can you guys come can my side see you’re not on the screen i know where we are what’s going on many many i am going to go towards ame’s tennis racket and we can rendezvous there

Wait where did we go oh do you mean uh our models ah something is very wrong oh is it not the minecraft game but oh oh i forgot this game has fall damage haha um is it hold on take your time i’m just eating this baked potato oh yeah tasty

I’m gonna go rob mommy’s house okay i don’t know i don’t know what i did but i’m gonna leave it here how’s the audio does everybody hear uh cali and also myself okay hey everybody hey guys it’s cat it’s your boy audio okay amelia has such a cool house

My house sucks i know she’s like i’m gonna play minecraft and she makes this silence silence amelia mclennan hey there’s a witch in my house should we go say hi oh really well i want to meet the you’re supposed to witch the witch i haven’t seen a witch in this game wow oh

My gosh let’s go to girl’s house girl where is your house actually is how far is it from amazing uh if you jump off on the uh left okay and you go down somewhere in the air okay from amme’s house right from the tennis racket from amma’s house if you go towards

Tunnel towards the time oh towards the tunnel gotcha if you’re leaving on me right right right facing to where my house is and then go to the left and then it’s somewhere there okay gotcha under the water i gotta go underneath that rock underneath that rock platform thing oh okay okay

Well under the water so i gotta swim yeah oh man okay well here we go i’m in the water now whoa i see it i think i see it you just hop right in wow okay cool go into the water deeper into the water wow

Neat wait do you see it i don’t see you where are you just kidding maybe it could have been my trapped ah you’re stuck on Did i give you the wrong directions maybe perhaps so it doesn’t seem that either of us are very good with directions which uh which will make for something fun i think uh in this stream i would have to say yeah oh of course oh yes let’s see oh i see you hi

Yay okay let’s go should we introduce ourselves or does everybody kind of already know like i really didn’t think about whoa your house is cool how’d you do that that’s amazing anyway amelia helped me wow what a gangster true gangster of minecraft amelia let’s introduce ourselves i guess

Um okay okay i’ll go first hello everyone uh my name is uh khalifa mori i’m hold on a second i think most people know i’m trying to switch to the other view i think a lot of people know um there it is i got it um i am the first i’m the first

Apprentice of the grim reaper i’m on hiatus though so all i’m doing is rapping and streaming and doing idle things so it’s nice to meet you um i’m sleepy all the time uh except right now i seem to be okay but uh i’ll probably get real sleepy

Anyway i’m excited for minecraft i don’t i don’t really play this game very much so i’m just in it for the i’m in it for the scuff and i’m in it for the the fun that will come from me sucking at this game and and uh yeah it’s gonna be exciting chaos

Okay let us let it end soon yes let the chaos ensue who is who is this who is my friend hiya uh i am gal gurda um also known as just haha the shark sorry i play a video game oh funny funny shark yeah gargoyle question i have nothing um

Oh i feel terrible but if if you allow me to to borrow a pickaxe i’ll make it up to you by making three pickaxes later interest no no no just take just okay i feel terrible i really i’m not great at this game you know i feel like a real friend

No a real freeloader no free no no no friend is reloading no friend just reload thank you thanks oh yes oh yes wow so let’s build you oh wait what did you want oh just to pick axes well maybe a pickaxe and a sword they don’t have to be

Expensive or or made of anything special just just to help a brother out please of course of course i just like whenever i build anything whenever i craft anything my brain my like muscles are just auto auto set to building a pickaxe no matter what be really really careful oh i see thank

You grab it take this out okay oh my god oh thank you oh wait take this take this wow it was so generous steak i love steak that’s my favorite guy i know wow steak and bread right i appreciate it thank you i i want to be good at this game someday

Oh baked potato that’s my favorite huh oh even better it’s bread you take them oh it’s bread it’s good for energy wow yay we’re gonna go exploring guys we’re gonna do fun things um we didn’t have a concrete plan but but gooda brought up a really

A super fun sounding activity good ah do you wanna tell everyone your fantastic idea i would love to hey so does everybody if everybody caught the last uh hollow eaton minecraft collaboration we went into the nether and we all started playing gotcha with the i don’t know what they’re

Called the piglets piglets i think yes okay maybe maybe yeah i think yeah they’ll let us know yeah those are the ones that’s right yeah so that i want to put them in a box yeah listen okay hear me out i wanna now good i’m on your side i’m all for it

I will follow you into hell but uh chat i don’t know if they will need convincing or not i i don’t care we’re gonna put them in a box we’re gonna we’re gonna put them in a it’s gonna have air holes so don’t worry but this way this way we can

We can we can have them in a in a confined space for whenever our gotcha desire strikes exactly yes yes we’re gonna take them hostage and take them hostage and um and i’m also going to be on a sub quest my subquest is collecting materials from the nether

To build my fabulous home that is not the same as as kusatori’s it’s in a cave uh where i belong alone by myself so yeah no hey friends can come visit you guys can come swim in my pool i have a pool it was just there when i found it so rather lucky

Yeah i got a pool table yo i want to play fool did you play pool i’m terrible do you want to go see the witch yeah you might die but let’s go see the wind oh let’s go i totally forgot about the witch my god here oh man triple poison spider threat the

Cave yeah i named it that because i have died here so many times because if you go to the backyard your own home oh i guess now yeah oh three poison spiders spawners whoa oh man that’s kind of a pest problem huh that’s quite the pest problem

Problem you might want to get like an exterminator or some [ __ ] someone call the exterminator oh quick question by the way in order to of course in order to do the the gotcha um or at least not uh actually hold on this could work in our

Favor in our favor i was going to say i don’t have any i don’t have any gold armor gouda which is why when i tried to bargain with the with with the piglens last time they just started swinging at me they just started blasting they did not give me even a moment so

Are you sure it wasn’t the fact that you taunted them by color now listen now listen man at that time hey listen i was wearing i was wearing golden armor at that time hey they were cool they were cool with their nickname it’s just as soon as i’m not wearing like

Like the fresh those fresh new kicks those fresh new j words or y words like gold studded [ __ ] bling bling chains all around my neck they start blasting at me i don’t know why sorry that i can’t afford that [ __ ] what a shame listen well i have some gold can i make you

Something would you like a hat i have a pair of pants that are kind of used but uh oh it’s making fun of my pants cool google i can talk to you pins oh you don’t have to it’s cool i’ll take the hand-me-downs no problem yeah secondhand is just fine

Okay well if you want new ones don’t worry i can build you a hat or something you have a hat you have a hat oh yeah i do thanks big ups yeah do you have any perfect iron um let’s see i have uh all i have to my

Name right now is i have an ink sack and some dirt and then the stuff you gave me and then some cool materials actually i might i might have it in my in my chest that’s like i got a paper clip some more vans drink bus tokens a bus don’t So yeah we can go get some iron real quick yeah let’s do that and then we can go into the nether okay hold on i need i need to go get some uh torches all right sounds good um when you’re searching for materials like iron and such

Do you just start swinging at the wall and hope for something good or huh who is hurting me oh skrellington they’re hurting each other now it’s on fire hang on um i have wait hold on so to hit with this i use hang on use the

Thank you for hang on sir i hold on how do you use the other hand item i saw you dual wielding with your pickaxe and your sword yeah how do i i’m not really sure how you did that but um where are you all right i need to fix

This uh i have no i have no time thank you sir come here time to die okay i think actually it’s time for me to die actually i’m the one that’s about to die i will not drop your things i will not drop your things

Get out of here no way get the bread eat that bread though that bread though okay um hold on ha you got nothing you got nothing boyo hold on a second i just need to i just wanna i’m gonna wait over here i’m not a coward

I’m not i’m not a [ __ ] hold on a sec is it fine he’s turned away all right time to strike everyone stealth i am the master hang on oh just kidding that didn’t work [ __ ] get him hit him get him no why why is your aim so good sir why

Is your aim so good yes i got him little [ __ ] all right i need to get some wood because uh you need a shield what nothing i just need to take gulp i just need to take a little gulp of air let me go hit my uh my chest

Oh my god how does why does ina have so many cows she’s a master cow breeder she’s a mexican wow hang on a sec turn down this volume a bit i can’t even hear myself think all right what do we got here boys but it’s minecraft music who should be thankful when it

Actually plays it’s true except i’m cheating and i’m playing the playlist oh that’s not cheating that’s just it’s just being releasing your resources exactly it’s just being sorry all right let’s see what we got here got some cobblestone spruce logs i’m gonna see if i can make some pickaxes on

My own and uh pull my weight pull my own heck and wait I’m gonna build those shields real quick okey dokey thanks i’ll just oh course i’ll just build like a [ __ ] put them in your inventory you silly willy all right here we go yeah i really don’t know how to play minecraft but gosh darn we’re gonna try

Gosh we’re gonna take this all we can do oh your boys sure will try it’s okay there needs to be someone who sucks you know there’s gotta be one person that just [ __ ] sucks at the kid f wording efforting sucks sorry no curses no curses children watch this i’m sorry

Let’s see all right let’s make those sticks though ah darn it wait no problem let loose let us have fun where did i put the iron oh there it is sticks of course silly willy give me that what am i building against shields yes shields and a shield for me would be

An idea yeah i’m just uh still learning how to play the game right now as i do this so i feel really good about myself lots of sticks gosh i guess i really don’t need this many sticks but here i go anyway here i here i go anyway with the sticks

All right i feel really good about myself lots of sticks [Laughter] there we go baby stone pickaxe baby look at me i’m getting getting good at this getting good at crafting crafting mastery i want to have just a chest full of pickaxes just to just to show the world

Look at how far i came look at how i’m gonna get some uh i’m gonna get some uh make some bread make some bread for us oh cool you can you can cook that in this game yeah yeah all you gotta do is you gotta take in

Your crafting table you need three wheat right across the top nice get bread wow that’s rather simple and straightforward all right and that’s what i was thinking i’m like hey i thought this needed like eggs and water and yeast and stuff yeah you can be a chef in this game

It’s it’s [ __ ] and kitchen it’s bitching kitchen yeah the sequel exactly and and kiara can chiara can um can start her restaurant perfect why did i do that and we already have subway and taco bell so it’s perfect yeah exactly why did i do that oh god they’re breaching containment huh

Are you okay we’re good Okay though i wish i had a cow plan ready but i don’t i [ __ ] up didn’t i everyone yeah i [ __ ] up everyone huh yep i sure did i sure did this game’s hard minecraft’s hard i made a bunch of cobblestone slabs oh man everyone good at minecraft collide from worry baby

Glamping minecraft professional hey you know what guess what baby i got the pickaxes for days now hey guys mastery look at me go that’s right i dare you to f word with me and my abundance of pickaxes get me baby she’ll call you mean names yeah i’ll call you mean names i’ll call

You a p word all right colbies i think i’m good on pickaxes everyone what do you think hey listen i had something to prove all right your boy had something to prove we did it we made a gazillion pickaxes of the booty cobblestone or wood yeah yep so slight slightly less shitty right

All right yeah i just i learned the hard way though that if we come across like gold or something other than iron we’re gonna have to mine that with iron pickaxe yeah i learned that the hard way oh oh detox that doesn’t sound fun um well hey the good news is

We have stone pickaxes so that we can get iron perfect yeah that’s right i see how this get game i see how you work you’re very clever game i see i see how you’re supposed to work i see how you’re supposed to motivate the uh motivate the player i get it i

See what you’re doing game it’s nice game design i have a bow how do i even use that i am no archer oh gosh i’ll give it a try lateral damage out of the way oh oh i’ll come meet up with you where are you at i’m i’m

Up i’m just gathering some uh some spelunking supplies before we go okey-dokes sounds good are we gonna go through our same cave i wonder maybe somewhere new how did you get out in the meantime i’ll sculpt my new home a little bit while i wait it looks does anybody know something up

In the uh is this amelia’s build the baby white tower oh yes i think that she did say it was like a beacon or something right it could be like it can be like hey hoes this is where uh this is where the whole end squad hangout kind of thing behind the

Kanji that kind of deal oh yeah i see i see i could be oh there’s a bigger was this built yeah very nice very nice i’m working on my pool table oh i really would like to play some some fun darts or pool that’d be nice

Have a couple drankies pull out the wine well the drinkies the darts a little bit of yeah what do you have what do you eat when you drink oh good question yeah it depends oh yeah but i if i’m if i’m drinking wine though i want like a nice red meat

It’ll go real good with the uh with the aqua wine of course don’t tell kiara but i prefer chicken tea she gets mad when i say that i don’t like chicken though so you might actually be in the clear on that one let’s just get mad between you don’t like chicken

I’m like no bug but recently i’ve been having a bit of a craving for for some fried chicken i don’t know man it’s delicious it’s so crunchy i mean yeah i suppose so it has it has its days listen man uh let’s see listening yeah listen

Listen it’s like it’s like the type of listen where like nothing comes afterward you just keep saying i never have a comeback for listen it’s like listen listen and then yeah there’s nothing after that i got nothing i got nothing it’s a big mood let’s see so uh kelly

Yeah uh tell me a bit about um um those charts and your song okay you’re right you’re right though that’s a thing that’s happening oh man that’s incredible thank you i still like i still don’t believe that it’s real uh to be honest i keep i keep thinking it’s like um it’s

Like a game like um like it’s like a simulation or something like i’m going to wake up and just like it’s not going to be real i guess um yeah a little scary because you know it’s the mainstream and whatever and um yeah i’m real nervous but you know this

Is life i guess it’s just death i guess i should be happy i should not worry so much but yeah it still is exciting right i understand that it’s probably here here’s some light thank you i was gonna ask for a light i just i really just don’t know how to make

Anything in this game to be honest i just know how to hit things hey yeah take take this thank you oh torches to light the world yes what so many gifts how do you just have you’re just like you’re just stunting you just have stuff like everything you just have everything my dog

Uh i’m a slow starter i’m a slow starter a lot of deaths a lot of a lot of going in circles but look at how look at how how much of a like uh an actual mvp you are right now though gosh you inspire me you inspire me maybe i’ll be good at

Minecraft someday even if i have to die a lot first and suck really badly for a while Amen practice makes progress you are right that’s all you can that’s all you can hope for we’re gonna do here maybe we’ll find some iron in here oh that’s a good idea let’s just dig into my house man let’s do it hey i like two versus one exactly

Exactly now i really i’m a big fan of that idea so let’s do that thank you thank you for the lights i just love the dark so much i forget to light the way well unfortunately the monsters like the dark dude they you know they sure do and in any other universe i

I’d be hanging out with them and we’d be like like uh having a toast with an ice cold one um but not in this game because apparently we’re not friends here so oh well no they like to take your stuff yeah they sure do huh it’s not very nice

I mean i get it though i respect the grind i respect their grind it’s cool just uh leave me out of it you know yeah yeah yeah exactly why they gotta mess with me so do you have like a goal like you wanted just this to be

Big big mansion i want many rooms um yeah oh my many rooms i see you’re gonna have a parlor yes a parlor and a place to invite my guests where i can look super rich and like a huge [ __ ] and be like hey guys look at my wealth you guys can sit here

Where’s the wine glass yeah exactly and i want like a bar i want a bar that i can like have look fancy and then i tell everyone to sit the f word down while i prepare them dope drinks and flex my wealth on them sit there down

Let me show you my mixology scaly this block floats oh my gosh what is minecraft oh my god right whoa my freak it’s my freak see i bet this i bet that we could just just dig right into the ground right here oh hey yo big ups for that

Huge akkas pa dog thank you yo huge shout out to you man thank you do you mind if i get down here oh you go for it dude let’s just go right here let’s just go all in right here just pick a direction start digging man

Have you ever just dug just downward and downward and downward forever not even thinking about how you’re gonna get back up i did that back in the day minecraft or are you talking about something like is this in minecraft okay yeah we’re worried bro yes i sure have

My own freaking grave let me tell you what yeah there’s a reaper you can do a lot of digging down in it right right right for the right for the bedrock yo i did that before but then again buckens a day i only ever played on creative mode

Right so um so you also play pocket edition light i sure did actually if i remember correctly i played i played a couple different a couple different renditions uh when some reaper mates of mine made a server and i thought what is this game well let’s check it out huh

Oh there was my pickaxe it’s fine um and i remember i had i had a server with my friends but it’s been so long and it’s abandoned of course but uh some adventures were had we were all huge [ __ ] so we only played on creative mode but uh

Mtv cribs welcome this is my crib welcome to my crib that’s right yeah i mean isn’t that i mean they go to the houses of musicians right and like people that i guess are like like known musicians and they check out their cribs they peep their cribs right so maybe

It’ll be my turn hello how could you forget what’s this wait wait mtv cribs that was that was uh that was what is it what do people do nowadays room tour that was room tour before that was house that was the original house tour yeah yeah yeah that’s that’s

What it was i think the buckets a day way back in today buckins a day is back in the day in they japanese it all the time here actually all the time it makes me laugh i’m like cute let’s see so how do you know when you’re getting close to iron gouda

Um i’ve had better luck finding random caves outside and then going ooh iron ah really i wonder what we should do then maybe i’ll just click we could just close up oh hold on what’s this oh no that’s just a stone hold on yeah i just what’s this i want to see

What stone it was iron ore i found iron ore but that’s it probably a little iron we found iron oh really i found it guys i did something i did something and you shall receive yeah let’s start digging boys let’s start digging i start digging for some iron pull out

Your pickaxes lads let’s go wait a minute like a redneck voice wouldn’t say lads pull out your pickaxes lads who would use lads pull out your pick god f my life no get amelia in here man amelia can do it hello i can do a little cockney accent

I love love like the like the characters in blood hello that’s the only reason i know i want to so bad but it’s been a battle apparently it’s just been a battle so um you know fingers crossed right yeah we’ll uh see souls and bloodborne those are the same same developer yes

Game developer yeah so um if we want to play if we want to play bloodborne gotta get permission for all of them all the souls games yeah we’ll see what happens we’ll see what happens i’m holding out hope you never know what what can what can happen you know

Are we out of iron i wonder is it uh is it about the end of the line i wonder kind of feels like it yeah do you wanna you wanna go find a cave maybe we can do some i think i found a yeah that’s a little

Far away we can go look for a cave if you want or we can keep digging it’s up to you okay i trust i trust your luck with finding a cave so let’s go on point where did you sleep oh um you know my

I carry my bed with me so that i can choose rice yes that’s right let’s see and thanks for everyone cheering by the way in the chat for further there’s a scrolling dead no oh i’m in my pool right in my pool hang on thank you hang on

Hit him hit him get him god you’re nothing boy come here I can’t curse i can’t curse i was about to call him like an f word boy but you know that joke doesn’t really hit very well when you say f word and you can’t say you can’t say that i read the real f word so oh well what a shame

I want to say the f i really didn’t i found out that there were there are children’s here they’re little ones close your ears callie needs to swim cool the skrellingtons all right i trust your judgment with your shield uh oh yeah you gave me the shield huh

Yeah if you stick it in the you know where to put it in the little bottom got it okay and i hope then you can got it because you can time it they’re gonna they’re gonna shoot and then you can attack and then i’m gonna i get it i get it okay

I see thank you yeah all right cool oh so we’re gonna go find okay let’s go excited take a shortcut yay oh by the way everyone thank you for saying congrats for 500k thank you thank you we did it yay i’m so happy no time no time da die die you monster

You don’t belong in this world hang on let me get them let’s see how are you doing under the water all right cool anyway thank you everyone for the nice congratulations tomorrow’s wine party stream is a celebration for 500k and also the music chart stuff as well

Uh so be there or be circle oh thank you thank you aka spa thanks guys pachipachi i hope you guys will enjoy yay awesome thank you so much my dude i’m glad that i got to reach it while on stream with my homie oh that’s the best yay yay it feels nice

And cozy how exciting yay all right let’s see so when you’re looking for a caves you just start digging into a wall look for any specific signs well this is a sign oh cool okay i came okay yo that was easy as that whoa that’s a long way down

Wow iron yay look there’s iron right there you see that wait right there oh you’re right yeah yeah yeah i just saw that i see it over there yeah oh thanks for the ah thank you oh jp bros are here too It’s a it is night time in japan right now so i guess um not oyasumi but the konbanwa good evening yeah every day every time is ohio yes that’s right that’s right well interestingly enough i have japanese friends that say ohayo gozaimasu at like at like 10 p.m just because they wake up

At like 9. i understand i understand that life yeah oh yeah iron more iron yay wow what a nice find lucky lucky whoa there’s quite a bit of it nice let’s get it let’s get it cali yeah i watched your first live concert you did you can’t oh that’s right i saw you

In the chat my my heart was dokie doking very fast because i was like wow goodness here yay i was happy it was it was so so good did everybody else catch that thank you thank you i was really inspired by oh my gosh get him oh hang on i hate you whoa

There he goes um i was really i was inspired by your karaoke stream so i wanted to try my best oh really well yeah cause when i saw that you did like um because you did um a bunch of like karaoke songs and i was like whoa okay cool

Maybe i can karaoke too and it’ll be okay like i can sing a song or something like that because you made me want to sing a song because normally i don’t sing um i just rap because i don’t think my voice is very good but um

I got really excited and i heard you sing and i thought okay well i’ll try oh my god why are you [ __ ] with me i mean f f wording ah oh my sword i don’t have my sword hang on uh oh this is famous gosh they are really messing with us

Today huh anyway they don’t want to take their iron yeah i guess they are kind of protective of it huh that makes sense yeah that makes sense huh i’m gonna put a bed down so we can Hold on put it down put down the beds that we can we can respond hold on smart respawn point set you can use it as well okay thank you cool um yeah yeah anyway as i was saying before yeah i i maybe wanted to sing a song i thought

Okay i can do more than just rap so yeah this is fine your voice is so incredible because i remember i remember asking like oh cal you should sing and you’re like i don’t know my voice isn’t and then you say my face is all red i need to swing water hold on

Let’s see usually it’s only the chat makes me freaking red all the time thanks thanks holy of course yeah you’re so dumb in the day’s cover oh and you think what’s it called sakura sakura days yeah but my my friend was taking sakura days yeah it was so low but i really enjoyed

Singing at that really kind of low low sound it was fun it sounds so good it’s so creepy thank you wow i’m sorry i’m very i’m very ducky ducky this is big compliment from my home right though thank you everyone’s so supportive what the heck it makes me blush you guys are free

Wow sorry sorry sorry sorry no no no we should get this iron we should get this iron well you have any pickaxe on you i sure do i have loads i have loads of pickaxes here i i crafted many of them to show the world that i can

I can do things here you may have two of them for you no problem anything anything to give back for all the stuff you’ve given me let me go for it we got so much iron i’m so i can’t believe that that you can do things in this game it’s over creeper

Creeper creeper okay if you hold your shield up uh-huh right oh okay okay yeah yeah it helps big time okay so it helps it helps but it won’t it won’t completely negate it right um i don’t know how much weight how much iron do you have oh

Holy [ __ ] hold on oh my oh my god shout out from below oh shoot shut up from below oh my god uh hang on um okay hold up the shield like this uh by the way chad in uh in in the chat with the huge huge akka oh my god um

Thank you so much oh thank you uh like i said before i said um i said earlier just a quick uh reminder to the chat um that i will read um all the super chats uh from today and yesterday at the end of this stream but that’s

After we say goodbye to gouda um so yeah you don’t yeah i don’t wanna it’s gonna be a long haul so we’ll say we’ll say bye-bye later and then i’ll i’ll read the stop no guys say if we hold on for tomorrow i can actually i can actually react but guys guys guys

Come on i want to properly read the mountain you guys i’m not going to be able to oh skrellington hold on uh okay hold up the hold up the shield like this okay it’s this yeah it’s just look he’s backing up where are you going huh

Did we drop his bow sure did i think wait uh oh you mean the magical one i don’t think he did oh chad i can’t focus oh shoot hang on um what kind of enemies zombies okay valley but also there are many zombies that i need help with

I gotcha i’m on the way hang on hang on i’m trying to get better at timing it instead of just clicking willy-nilly but uh yeah oh more iron hold on i’m gonna grab this real quick i think i think we might be good with with this without your head okay

Okay cool something just collect yeah yeah whatever is left okay dogs lead the way captain oh yeah wait how much do you have uh let me check i have um 29 iron ore on me right now oh yeah that should be that should be more than enough okay cool

Yay let’s go back the way we came okay yay wait this is not the way we came But we’re very close we’re up and over oh yes no okay cool nice all right let’s do a moment here we go oh no no no no hold on i can climb this mountain auto jump what’s that is it jumping for you or are you controlling i’m controlling the jump okay okay now

Got better okay cool yeah auto jump is annoying because it’ll just you’d be like a little jumping bean all right got it yeah okay dogs oh i heard i hear a skrellington He’s in his cave chicken wow coward oh oh a coward oh coward I love these huge squids i like them too but they keep coming into my house and they get stuck and then they sit there and make squid noises send them to eda’s place she’s an octopus she’s not a school i mean they surely are friends surely let’s see um

How many pickaxes do i have i have one pickaxe maybe i should go hit my chest uh before we go my special have your iron so i can smelt it oh yeah my eye my armor oh iron iron gotcha okay i’ll drop it i’ll drop it over here you’re right in

Front of the steps i’ll throw it out uh i also would like to just quickly mention that um for everybody that is donating on this side that thank you and i will also be reading at a later time yes yes we will yeah they will be red they will be read for sure

Everyone’s so generous tonight i can’t believe we ready gosh geez thanks guys yeah we’ll definitely definitely do that for sure after we finish exploring yeah after we finish building our gacha box yes it’s very important very digi um how do you kind of like move quickly forward in the water because i

Feel like i always go very slow okay you’re in the water um if you press and hold control you’ll go into swimming mode uh-huh okay yeah swimming mode back to game back to game hold on all right hold on control this control is sprint right right self control if you sprint underwater

Oh i get it i get it i get it whoa that was a close one i see i see okie dokes um i’m gonna go hit my my chest real quick then and grab some all right grab some stuff for us some materials let’s see i have crying obsidian and if

You want something i have obsidian who would like some of that do you really have some despair for me thank you yes yeah i want my whole house to be crying obsidian i know it’s a big goal but uh that’s a tall order but i think we’ll get there someday oh hold

On i need to go sleep somewhere because it’s it’s night time and um oh the cows really are loud gosh eno with all the freaking cows all right i’m gonna leave the bed all right and now i’ll go oh no it’s still nights amanda maybe it’s all right i gotta sleep

I gotta sleep too okay okeydokes oh i’ll just borrow his bed i’m sure that it’s fine i’m sure it’s okay she’s not using it night night why yay okay hitting that chest though hold up the cows are so loud gosh they’re so loud there’s my cow impression come on you

Got to put more moo in here actually that unironically kind of sounds a little bit It’s a mind freak my freaking freak all right let’s see what would be useful um i think all right i’ve got a ton of pickaxes like a stupid amount of pickaxes so i think we’re probably good um thank you thank you everyone thank you thank you it’s so cool it’s so cool we

Could we could be here together for for both of our our celebrations had that’s fun i love that that’s so cool what the heck i was thinking about that i thought to myself i wonder if we’ll if we’ll both hit the next milestone if we’re in if we’re in stream

Some dudes with a with a sword might be sword and and uh and cage some some pig guys cage some gotcha boys yes and gotcha oh yes they are oh yes forgot you got your boys got your boys i gotcha slaves yes we shall enslave them i gotta

Build the bars real quick okay no problem i’ll just chill in your home um thanks for teaching me how to swim today by the way i had no idea how to do that cool my pleasure oh take us look at this water how does this how do these iron bars work

Oh i see okay oh we got to make iron pickaxes too huh do we well good thing we have a lot of iron coming out yeah yeah do you need me to go make sticks uh i have do you have axes okay dogs maybe some more wood i’m not really sure

Okey dokes to leave it to me leave it to me i got it thank you i’ll be useful i’ll be useful for sure you’re going to be really useful today okay thanks i’m trying my mom i’m trying my best i’m of course i’m there’s so many freaking cows i’m gonna

Count how many cows ena has and then just just just say the number at her it should be like huh the cows they move so fast right let’s see i only have um two spruce logs but i can probably go chop some down um i’ll make i’ll use those two to make um

And a stone almost like a stone axe all right and then i’ll chop some wood and then we’ll have sticks that’s how this game works that’s how you play minecraft okay yes yes she’s but first to make the sticks um oh i can just use the planks

Give me those oh hold on just kidding i have sticks for days for for you for the for the um gold or not gold the iron pigs iron yeet um let’s see hold on a second oh by the way chat just so you know i am astounded um about um the word yeet

The word yeet right uh everyone was getting very angry at me the other day because i was explaining in my a kyla lesson um that yeats can be used as an exclamation or like affirmation of something like an oh okay nice or okay cool right um but recently um it’s been used to

Mean like when you throw something right okay but the original meaning the original meaning is is the one that is the one i was right i’m right you have to check the etymology it just it just goes to show them i think that’s what it’s called

You the history of the word the word yet if you check the history i am correct i’m correct but it also kind of shows it kind of outs me as um as a bit of a a b word a b word a boomer listen man listen

At least i’m not totally wrong though i knew i was right all those times me and my friends sang yeet at each other like when when we like did something or like we’re confirming something like oh meet you at your place at five okay eat right wait oh i thought it meant throw

Something yeah exactly yeah that’s that’s that’s what a lot of people think that’s the old eat that’s right exactly chad so you can you can kind of put a date on me i suppose um i am as old as time itself so you know all right all this time

Yeah for real it doesn’t get any more a b word than that anymore be written exactly by the way i have sticks for days would you like me to throw them at you i would love that i would love to sure should we go to your house first

Or do you want to england okay here you go oh can you only hold four sticks at a time i wonder let’s see or can i grab them together how many sticks did you make yeah i made myself useful i made myself useful now we will never we will never hunger for sticks

And we always have weapons just in case beat them with a stick yeah exactly exactly so at least we have something to hit him with you can hold 64 sticks not a hold on of course you can of course that thanks chad thanks we’re learning multiple stacks

Of 64. here’s your blueprints thank you thank you oh yes sick oh these are nice shiny ones that are they’re shinier than my stone one iron baby iron baby cool okay okay are you ready yeah let’s get them i’m ready to go you have food and all that i have 17

Steaks so i think i’m good all right that sounds good yes all right another time i’m gonna turn on the nether music real quick uh because the calming music that i have playing right now is a big no-no honestly for what we are about to experience so let’s see another idiom

All right here we go sick back to the game let’s party where the music is hey what is this oh ah there it is okay hold on it’s in my ears it’s just very low okay back to the game whoa beautiful colors this is so purple

If you stand in the doorway for a really long time it’s super fun anyway [Laughter] how do we get out of colors great that’s a great great question um well who made this is kind of dope you really can’t get past this huh well you know

You know what they say you can just break the freaking wall i guess there you go can’t go over it can’t go under it i’ll block it off though just because this is obviously here for a reason okay wait watson says oh oh yes ah that’s what this is

Thanks watson we got it we figured it out i love our base oh my god our base is tricked out now holy myth panic room i love it we got a painting yeah here it is check it out sun i’m ready to hit some squid dudes some flying squid dudes too

Wait i don’t have any gold on me oh yeah i might wanna well you have a oh okay no sir you stay away from my friend i will hurt you hang on darn it i forgot hold on okay uh gotta gotta build the pat real quick no worries you’re good

Uh i wasn’t asking kelly have you ever done a watch along like a movie watch along um i was thinking about it actually i want to but i want to watch um one of the other members doing it first and like experience it um as like a viewer because i don’t really know

I don’t i don’t know how much i should talk uh because i’m actually a person that really doesn’t like when people talk during movies and i don’t like talking during movies um and i worry about being annoying so yeah oh it’s funny you should imagine that oh yeah uh you see i’m like

Kind of the opposite i am i am that person that is yeah i was really nervous about doing a watch along because i also i was like i don’t know i have no idea how this is supposed to go like how much do i talk how much do i

Not talk right and i was really nervous but it was actually both i’ve done two so far and they’ve been so much fun really like so much fun like i i think it’d be fun i hope you can try it sometime okay nice yeah i was gonna watch the

Other members like maybe ina’s first uh are yours members only yeah okay i think yeah no problem no problem that’s okay yeah i just want to see which ones are available so i can i can give them a try and then see what works yeah yes yeah what movies would you what let’s

See i was thinking mafia movies would be fun for sure like the godfather yeah godfather classics the clown yeah yeah yeah classics um scarface it’s clark yeah i i don’t i don’t know if i don’t know which ones i’m allowed to though i don’t know like because of course we’re not

Streaming the actual movie but i still worry about like you know appropriateness and whatnot gotta get it ironed out all figured out and whatever where’d you go i can’t find you i’m up here let’s take the uh the mine car let’s see there’s sure you know and i’m a we’re building this

Let’s see how that’s so cool yeah let’s see you know how to ride the minecart uh do you just click on it there we go yep let press left oh okay left shift and we’re gonna hit the button this button activates the redstone and then we’re gonna press w okay

Oh my goodness it’s like a roller coaster wow i love it we should make a theme park someday we should with a loop-de-loop yeah oh my gosh whoever really they really did some good work down here oh my gosh i did really good wow wow all right and left shift to this

Mount okay oh my gosh oh more flowers for my house hold on rana’s here welcome i’m collecting some things from my house too so i want some of these um some of these plants in the comments give me this i want to put them outside my house make a pretty red garden

There we go is this where we were like this is the piglet pig i mean okay so don’t say that i’ve just got here we are in the nether for two reasons uh first being we’re going to be looking for materials for cali’s house yes uh and the second reason is uh we’re

Gonna build a gotcha box yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna turn them into our slaves the gotcha boys turn them into our slaves should we i wonder if um if what we can do uh to lure them away is uh maybe like i’ll take off one of my gold

Uh pieces of armor and then they’ll chase me yeah that’s a really good idea yeah and then that’s how we lure them into the box but we got to build the box first we do have to build them and we got to build a bridge so that we can lure them

Closer to where our safe house is yeah yeah yeah it’s like that whoa this place is so cool well then this is them over here right yeah yeah here they are uh the ones that can give you gold are the ones that aren’t uh super f’ed up and weird looking like uh their

Face is torn off yeah i like your gold answer he looks like a like an mc or something hey what’s up man you got some nice pants where’s your mixtape you try to drop some fire i like your pants look at the little ones they’re so cute look at them run around

Where are your parents yeah where are your parents let’s see let’s let’s build a should we um let’s build the test one here because this is nice and out in the open we can kind of maybe build around it yeah good idea the minecart goes right to it then

Cool how does it break oh the gold that’s right there i want to take it but i know that they’re going to be like will they i mean i word word on the street word upon the street oh they can jump you see him do you see him do a little

Jump over that he went like uh i don’t think they mine oh really they’re chill with it cool okay sick you guys are fine with this really no problems all right cool don’t mind if i do there you go give me that give me that holy [ __ ] jesus checked

No just really freaking generous people today sorry i keep noticing and i’m like oh my god ah maybe this is like a nice little pitfall too but i don’t want to ma no it’s easier if we can be on the same level hold on i’ll fill it right back up can you build

An iron meat like an iron door oh maybe that’s what you need they’re like what are you doing look at him he’s like look at him standing in defiance look at him standing in defiance on the fence he’s like he’s like oh yeah you think that i can’t just stand on your fence

Try me well you see no out of here out of here you’re not what we want out of here out of here sir you can’t sir we’re trying to lure you into the well first of all you’re not yeah you’re not the chosen you’re not the chosen sorry you’re not

You’re not gonna give me anything daddy wait no i’m the i’m the fool in the box you’ve trapped yourself oh no oh no oh no okay everything’s on fire what the heck um i really kind of want to get um m.c piglin over here with the with the funky pants

Uh as our first test subject hello sir dang it oh he’s running away from me he like he like knows that i like have a master plan are you cool sir these pigs do parkour i didn’t know that i know right yeah they really like to jump around now

Look at them go i’m glad they aren’t giving you too much [ __ ] though nah so far something yeah there’s a ton of gold down there i really kind of want to take it um it’s like a little one maybe he maybe he won’t notice oh there’s one down here too

I want this gold though when i put my sword uh-oh oh no what you gave him your sword what no i have this awful habit of like when i’m putting things in the chest uh-huh i’ll like swap out a sword or like whatever i click on to swap i

Always leave the other item oh no Well let’s i think i need to build an iron door yeah definitely so that we can we can get in and out easier we have a crafting table around here all right cool are you guys gonna have a sword fight you guys like you’re about to do battle

I love that they just look like you honestly huh when i first dug that gold up they all kind of turned their head at me and i was thinking um all right so this is how it ends but it’s fine it’s fine it’s cool but i was thinking uh do you

Want to build a coliseum oh yeah sure hold on a sec uh if you don’t name it hang on it will disappear when you leave if i don’t name it we’re supposed to name name something or it’ll disappear name what name what what are you guys talking about name tags

You can get a name tag from fishing you need name tags and they’ll just despawn oh no the slaves okay so we really can’t we can enslave them but we have to give them names and we can’t give them Wait i have a name tag you do oh perfect and we don’t need name tags why do we need name tags we don’t we just we just we just keep them in a box and then we throw them from despawning so they’ll despawn if we don’t name them that’s the problem

Yeah unfortunately we’ll start with one cool um if we do manage to get um the fly mc over here um i do i’ve i’m voting for uh m.c piglet wait is there a way to build name tags you gotta be on the boat you have to fish

You fish them apparently okay i see and there is some endermen here by the way also yeah let’s let’s fish do you do you have at least one maybe do you have one name tag or do we need to go um there’s an enderman coming okay

I have a name tag we can use it okay cool thank oh no it looks good to me all right i wonder when i should it looks great i think it looks great architecture nice architecture you’re doing good it’s abstract it’s abstract what are you looking at [ __ ] that’s right keep moving

Keep moving let’s see here this right let me see if i can i mean i sure can’t so i think it should be fine can they open doors wait what have i done uh-oh there too now oh it needs a pressure plate doesn’t it yeah you need a button or

Something to open these up yeah ideally we’ll have a button um nice cool cool yeah or something yeah let me know whenever i need to lure someone i will be the perfect bait well do you want to go do you want to go get my name tag yeah let’s get it

Okay let me do that button real quick okey dokes i’m gonna collect some things from my home real quick while you do that oh i felt that coming in the minecart maybe hello what the heck oh it’s the scenic route please please go why can’t i move stuck

Okay never mind we’re good we’re good it’s moving it’s moving slowly but it’s moving ah there he is oh no i hope that i hope that the the railroad won’t be destroyed because it’s totally aiming for us ah oh man you should be fine it should be okay maybe maybe i know

I see your name tag there you are there you are i’m here wait no Oh my god hang on i wanna can i should i bring it back hang on how do i bring it back Uh punch it punch it gotcha okay hold on no no no wait yeah okay god Um that’s all right that’s all right okay let’s go get your name yeah i get this name tag popping off though close the door oh that’s why the gate’s there so nothing uh nothing breaches containment yeah exactly exactly i love the purple i love the purple

Yeah anyway ow whoa sorry i just love the purple let me out all the pain let me out oh ah fall damage of course all right hey cows does this offend you that i’m eating that meeting steak right in front of you sorry about that Tasty i’m gonna make an axe real quick actually because um i wanted to chop some trees down there and i couldn’t i’m out of wood oh I always say what of course thank you i’m here thanks a lot big ups oh yay thanks hooray thank you thank you i’m gonna make i’m gonna make an x real quick It’s almost halloween i know i was thinking about that i was thinking about that today i’m so excited you like halloween i love halloween of course as a reaper i haven’t decided what i want to be yet though oh you’re gonna dress up yeah i want to

But i’m not sure yet what to do i think a nurse would be cute it’s the opposite yes that’s a great idea it’s like the opposite of what i usually do i like that actually that’s right yeah good idea i want to see nurse guys me too i’m interested in that maybe

That’s yeah that’s a good idea i want that for me how about you gouda me yeah who are you gonna be a good question i guess it’s time to start thinking about it huh i guess so maybe maybe uh maybe everybody else will have an idea yeah toss you some suggestions

I want to be like a land creature like a lion oh yeah yeah yeah another apex predator except not one that’s in the ocean exactly like um maybe a dinosaur i want to be a dinosaur yeah yeah yeah dinosaur cool i could see him i wanna be a tyrannosaurus rex

I think yeah you’d be a great you’d be a great t-rex and you could get um a hoodie that matches uh like it’s kind of like the shark one that you have now but it’s a dinosaur instead but it’s a dinosaur yeah yeah that’d be perfect me too cool

All right i’m happy to just take a jog you go ahead and you can get in that where’d the mine cart go well there it is go ahead yeah you go ahead i’ll take a nice jog behind you yes i need to get in shape

Here we go okay see you see you soon oh you might get stopped though you may get stopped by the minecart that i abandoned oh no okay cool sick no problem yeah that would be annoying no worries hey homies what’s up what are we gonna name our very

Since this since all of this was your idea you can choose the name for the first one how about that i would happily do the honors sick who means i feel like that is fitting only fitting okay my jog is finished i i i’m also jogging because there was fire on the tracks

Oh no that’s not great as i thought um it would appear that the yeah it really got slam dunked huh oh well yeah oh well oh do you just hit the fire and it goes out yeah it’s like when you pinch a candle i get it i probably should just have one

Space in my inventory that’s like um it’s free open oh that’s unfortunate oh i hate it hang on oh i didn’t know did you see that wait did you are you gone no no i’m running okay just it just pop hello oh man hey guys you want to help fight you boys

Want to help fight oh my god oh geez that guy’s going to be really annoying even the little ones are running around like what the [ __ ] maybe i should go get my my arrow so we can shoot it ah nice idea or you can also use um you can use your

Sword to hit the fire back at it oh i also have to go get my sword oh yeah no problem i’ll hold down the fort over here he’s spazzing that over there look at him go what an idiot yeah i’ll build a dude’s here like what the [ __ ] the crew

Here hey guys what are we gonna do about this there he goes now he’s he’s f wording off no problem hello friends where are your parents where are your teachers yeah i gotta run back i’ll be quick no problem i’ll just hang out with the homies here

Um i kind of still want that gold maybe it should be fine if i just go you know just gravel a little can you make a sword out of another the netherrack oh i wonder about that probably not huh it’d be great i know there’s like a

There’s a new type of armor you can build with another material oh yeah it looks really cool actually i think you would look really great in it and i think you really like it yeah it sounds right up my alley dark dark dark dark colors it looks like ripped cloth almost i

Think yo oh it’s very cool yeah that sounds cool i want that i wonder how rare it is i think it’s kind of rare maybe nether another right another mother right yeah cool oh i’m sorry excuse me oh you didn’t like that did you sir i died

There we go well i was slain oh no gotta go get my stuff you have no home or you have no home bed or respond anchor or it was obstructed of course i sent the spawn point ah that’s annoying all right so i was way off to the um

Off to the hole so if you face the the gate of the little prison you were making i was off to the right um and there’s kind of an indent that goes downward okay um and that there it should be a bunch of gold and like pickaxes and stuff

I think that he may have stolen some things though he’s one with uh he has like an arrow uh yeah go beat his ass maybe if you find him found our first uh gotcha boy for the box yeah i think that’s the one man that little [ __ ] yeah let’s enslave him

I’m a piece of [ __ ] i’m pissed i’m real mad tell them how you really feel yeah i should have been keeping an eye on my health though that’s my bad oh well um let me i need to i need to oh i could have built this bed in your house

I know i just bring it with me though because i feel like i feel like um i always feel like if i just set it down somewhere i can i can set my spawn point for anywhere and then i win i cheat the system but uh i guess that’s not how it works

Are you like way out in the middle yeah so i’m back in the real world and i’m currently looking for um for watson’s uh sorry watson’s mirror tennis mirror glass the specs is the monocle nudge what is it magnifying glass that’s the word for it

I’m out of words um well this is strange i can’t seem to locate anything wait is that oh anna ina please don’t look please don’t look i know i’m so sorry wait how do you time this yeah shoot shoot well this might go badly oh did you find them

I need a bucket full of water wait never mind water doesn’t work in the nether stop typing everybody stop typing you didn’t hear that stop typing i love that so much you already know you already know all right let’s see do you need coordinates um that i don’t know how to actually

Read and make that make them work in this game but maybe maybe that would be a good idea i don’t know i feel like i just need to get in a high place so i can look if i i see the village and i believe

We’re at the village go if i get to the village and then i get somewhere high i can see hold on i can see where i’m supposed to go yeah hold on okay perfect no ah no oh my gosh i’m sorry i forget this game has fall

Damage that’s a skeleton all right yeah he’s he’s definitely out to take my lunch money let’s run i can come get you uh okay if you press f3 it freezes my game a little bit um but if you press f3 it’ll have coordinates on the uh on the left side uh-huh

Um you see the x y z do you see that right yeah i see it um so your x and your z coordinates uh-huh okay so my x my x-coordinate is 3-2-6 um and then it’s 72 72 yeah positive both positive yeah that would probably be the best thing first um

Yeah oh i need to get in the house despawn okay so you were in front of the in front of the thing yeah oh boy watson watson’s here whoa what a plot twist somebody sound the alarms watching watson don’t mind me you good you good

I hope she doesn’t come look at her i’m i’ll fix you around watson i’m sorry i’m just hitting them i’m just whacking them yeah am i here you can hear it oh my god there he goes we did it boys we stole his lunch money one for kelly one for cali

Oh man i i wonder if it’ll be there i don’t know if it’ll be there my stuff um you were in front of your in front of the the the gotcha box from my gotcha box it’s to the right if you just take straight a right and just keep going straight until it

Kind of like it goes down there’s like um a kind of hole in the in the ground is it relatively nearby to the gacha yeah it’s it’s decent i mean it’s kind of you walk for like 30 seconds okay like it’s in front of so there’s like a sea of lava right it’s

Basically okay yeah it’s before yeah it may have been stolen um by the [ __ ] with a bow and arrow uh he may have just stolen my lunch money and ran though if that’s the case i’ll say i don’t see anything if i if this is the correct right that i win

It’s cool i let me see if i can um maybe i can maybe i can go and find it i i’m in this i’ve been in this village before i just need to get somewhere high up and then i can locate uh watson’s tennis racket wait did i seriously go the wrong way

Hold on hold on i’m retracing my steps back to the i gotcha box you’re good appreciate you looking out for me right yeah yeah yeah right yeah and you’re right angle right yeah no this is right everybody shot shut shut shut i want to get there as soon as possible hold on

I will get there soon ow oh no i don’t i don’t see it maybe i’m going the wrong way let’s go in here phone man oh no no i’m sorry i’m sorry you’re i’m not no i’m sorry no you shouldn’t have to get my stuff

Ah it’s okay no no no it’s fine i’m sorry i just i wasn’t fast enough i totally spaced it it’s okay you’re good well it’s cool no worries uh yeah climbing up this mountain so i can see okay next next mission uh find cali face that wait wait wait face the door

Turn right yeah yeah face the door turn right oh no i am abysmal i am so sorry i am okay i am no i i should have been clear that’s my fault No i think you were clear i think oh no you’re good it’s okay i i must i must specify it’s okay all right i think i see this racket okay oh this is gonna be rough all right boys this is gonna be rough it’s gonna be rough descent oh no

Oh no that’s where she was guys this is where she meant this is the bad spot i know oh snow just fell hold on hold shift and i’ll stay on here okay no problem yeah i don’t know i think i’m gonna climb right back up this mountain and find a different way

All right i’m coming in i’m coming to get you cali all right cool um i’m climbing up and oh my god i really kind of [ __ ] myself i really [ __ ] myself hang on wait how did this happen dig down i know but here’s the problem to everyone the stone stones real slow

No that’s fine i got nothing else to do is it nighttime um i think the sun is coming up well that’s good so the mobs won’t be too bad oh build up with dirt yeah exactly uh okay good point everyone hang on make a beacon oh yeah that is something

That i can do huh all right perfect yeah that works oh there’s a sheep all the way up here at the top oh this is a beautiful scene hello buddy how are you i’m hungry i’m coming with food and resources oh cool okay i can just also kill this uh this animal

There he goes yeah you got some raw meat let me eat it rami uh okay so your coordinates are now different a uh actually we can probably just i see uh watson’s tennis racket yeah you see me yeah you see my little [ __ ] wait no this is how i just built myself

Up i’m not gonna do that again hang on how did you get up listen man it’s a long story it’s a long story man well i see i see the tennis okay well this should be a lot easier to get down i know which direction to go now so we’re fine

I know i come on man it’s not that i know what that it’s not that far down game come on okay anyway uh back to our regular schedule programming oh my god huh is there any water below you like directly below you uh nope i’m actually

Uh at my all right yeah i’m here i’m here i’m right behind you yay sorry for uh sorry for wasting a ton of gold and pickaxes and [ __ ] no no no no i’m sorry i’m abysmal with literally any in all directions wow okay it’s okay it’s cool

No problems we we we live and learn and we’re gonna it’ll be even better next time yeah that’s the power of minecraft stuff i don’t know there is i’m gonna go hit this uh chest real quick probably should sleep also health is not doing so great right now i also i’m gonna

Steal uh inna’s bed i’m gonna i’m gonna go check my my cows maybe i can get some more some more meat so yeah sorry i dropped all those steaks i’m gonna switch off oh no no no no music never music started uh popping off and i’m like oh wait a

Minute we’re not in another Do i need to build a bigger pen they all seem to be like falling out maybe uh let’s see rotten flesh rotten flesh probably can’t cook that ah i made so many pickaxes god dipped it’s cool it’s cool it’s cool it’s fine it’s fine no problem ladies and gentlemen you’re good i’m chilling Oh man this is every time that i’ve uh that i’ve like died before i guess um i didn’t really have anything big to begin with in the first place so now i’m like uh i guess i’m gonna have to come and freeload off of you again sorry

At least i make great bait yeah i also have any armor so it’ll be perfect i can lead them right and i can lead them right right into the pen it’s the uh it’s called being the human flesh shield the meat shell i’m the meat shield leave it to me i i

Understand what that is like me cool wait i have an x don’t i i do not I am going to i am definitely going to kill that uh oh wait do you remember which one it is this is what’s it i thought it was you good ass watson you’ve been talking to watson well i followed watson into the nether i think

Oh my god hang on i’m coming back sorry i thought it was you i was like okay good i guess we’re going back into the another real quick whatever you say captain all right i’m coming back it’s freaking funny that’s what i get for being sleep deprived i understand i understand oh

God i’m stuck in here with all the cows uh oh are you in bed wait are you in eda’s house no well kind of yeah oh and inna’s uh like cow palace is that where you are right now the cow palace kingdom the cow kingdom there are so

Many hello friends here we go uh let me in let me in let me in let me in where’s the gate no that’s not what i wanted to do how am i gonna do this when there’s so many of you oh so you’re in a different a different um

You’re in a different cow place oh i see where you are just kidding i saw your name tag over there i’m on my way hiya yeah it’s just over here and i’m coming back hello dogs so what should we we need to build you some stuff ow i’m sorry how much

Are you okay like when did you uh oh look red oh my god the cows are overflowing that is oh my god the horse is on top of all the cows what are you doing Um all right if i hit these cows does that kill them uh if you hit them enough times all right cool then yeah all right we can make steaks yay i got some raw beef come here i’ll hit you with your own with your own um with your own kid

I killed him with a with beef that’s dark i know oh shoot where’d he go you can’t escape i’m here How do you feel about graveyards graveyards well they do serve on purpose huh i suppose they’re important but some people humans seem to think they’re very spooky i think they’re very calming right yeah that’s what i’m thinking yes yeah yeah you always like in a lot of movies that i’ve seen

They’re always like little spooky graveyards this is graveyard i’m chilling anything that’s going on there no sketchy stuff okay let’s see where are you currently in your house i am in my house i’m making some materials for us to go back to the nether i have meats and i will

Deliver it to you oh thank you yeah you’re welcome all right underwater we go where it was as good as house there’s good house it’s not here hang on wrong direction i’m pretty sure here get out get out of the water let’s see no take a bigger breath okay oh yeah

Oh yeah all right good underwear wow that smoker is so fast excellent okay this is a seed vault you always forget where your house is underwater uh yeah going towards the tunnel oh yeah it’s underneath it actually i think it’s easier it’s underneath the big staircase that’s what’s easier to say gotcha okay

I see i see so i was kind of headed in the right direction a little bit there we go here it is oh what a cool place all right i’m gonna throw this meat out all i have to my name and here we go we can grow some steaks yay barbecue time

Yee oh i suppose oh okay i see you put it on the furnace right on top of the coal yeah it’s a there’s a smoker here though the smokers are faster than they although you can make something called a blast oven and i don’t know what that is

Flames on it that would be really cool yeah a ton of guns ballistics pew pew pew i have potatoes too i’ll bake some i love potato potato the best the best starch yes 100 with that Sorry i’m resting my eyes are you good do you want to call it sometime soon oh let’s get it let’s call let’s call it um after we accomplish uh obtaining one slave and then that sounds perfect and then and then we’ll and then we’ll uh break

And then yeah we’ll say bye bye for now um and then i’ll read super chats and then i will i will go night night that sounds like a plan that’s the plan yay i’m just waiting for these potatoes okay uh what can we make you in the meantime

We got a lion short wait that’s my sword oh someone wants me to tell you by the way that uh you’re that um as jorgen safe is jorgen safe is he gonna escape huh is he gonna escape cows are escaping save the cows make sure your horse doesn’t escape

It’s cool i’ll hold down the fort here go take care of jorgen Yeah he’s cool i got it over here we got trapeze artist cows in here wow i got the baked potatoes by the way you for alerting me yes nice save you don’t want to lose jorgen jurgen is a member of the family Oh i’m dumb no beckon oh no Oh no my cattle is jorgen okay jordan’s fine he’s about to witness something dark though so oh hope you like stick cali i do it is my fave big favorite hiya fellas think you get very far not with me Have you seen the coral reef in the game yet kelly oh oh what a coral reef yeah really pretty are they under the water yes no way they’re very colorful wow i want to check that out that sounds cool Yes i think watson and i were trying to find it but they’re really hard to find oh it’s kind of like you just stumble upon them if you’re lucky oh so we we don’t have like a a coral reef found yet in our server right

Uh they’re my i think i think there is one oh i see there you are welcome home yay i took oh here are the potatoes hold on i’ll drop them here oh potatoes yeah i just put them up oh okay cool then i’ll i’ll take here i’ll take seven

And you can have the eight here you go cause i ate one already here you go there you go thank you oh steak and potatoes this is the best meal we can just tasty these two yay that’s so much good tasty food we need to build you stuff though

What do i have i don’t have much no no no that’s fine well since how about just for the goal of of today maybe i guess one pickaxe one sword and then like one gold like armor would be good all right yay thank you oh sick a gold snapback

Thank you cool it’s perfect hey you want these you take these i don’t i don’t know why i have these but they’re all right oh cool thank you sick boots here and here big eggs okay and then we’ll be ready to go and then we’ll be ready to take our first victim

Yeah i have to ask you to point out okay yay first slave hooray first boy in the gotcha box yes i’m so excited yeah i’ll give that payback oh that’s sword see doodle almost missed it all right ready to fight i don’t have a shield but i guess it’s

Probably fine how do you make one by the way i am curious maybe i could make one myself oh no there you go i got one you sure thank you oh wait i took it oh wait that’s my Thank you i will make it up to you i will make you no worries i’ll do it i’ll do it okay let’s have a look let’s go i probably should put um i’m gonna hand let me do one thing real quick i really need to make a bed so

That i can spawn in my house sounds good yeah i’m gonna do that real quick Just a simple bed would do What’s the simplest bed that you can make Wool and wood oh you need wool [ __ ] oopsie-doodle i’m just going to sleep in nina’s house wait i have two beds you did fun i’m such a freaking freeloader no no no sorry i want to have more time to play this game so i can get good at it and i’ll impress everyone

Everyone will be like wow you sure got good at minecraft i mean yeah thank you it’s a it’s a lot of i think minecraft is i mean i don’t know have you seen some people can like speed run the game in seven minutes or so i know and here i am like well

Minecraft’s a grindy game you have to grind on minecraft let me have that and then you seven minutes seven minutes oh my gosh oh [ __ ] uh should we sleep yeah that’s what i’m doing right now big right we don’t get phantoms let’s see if watson is uh watson Yes okay she must be she’s on the list she’s on to us oh she’s in the nether oh yeah yeah we we ruined the rain we didn’t we didn’t ruin it but we attracted um we attracted uh a dude who would ruin it and he shot the fireballs and uh yeah it exploded

I want to learn how to send them back though some sunday oh you’re just supposed to like time it really well like parry it um with your sword hairy filthy casual isn’t that i mean yeah i think so all right six all right round two round

Two we got it this time for sure sure here we go all right another music popping off time just a moment the sound is suffering blaring in my ears i thought you were going to fall off i thought you were like under the lava yeah yeah do it oh

Hey this is ben uh-oh i gotcha yay simple haha i got him oh no the fire hang on you want to take a minecart yeah let’s go uh or should we walk i don’t know i don’t want to destroy watson yeah i feel really bad kind of

Through watson under the bus there sorry what’s that awesome it’s working sorry watson come on aside just bowing forever and ever real sorry about that oh my gosh of course listen one of those gas thing they they spawned right in front of me and then it was uh

The big the big squid the big big screaming baby yeah a big baby coward just to be coward from far away shooting shooting flames that is what a jerk shooting heartburn at us yeah yeah yeah not a fan i’m not a fan either i like them i like that noise it’s cute

I like the pig noise then i can’t mimic it but it’s cute where are you at anyway okay oh control to run really i didn’t know that we didn’t know that no oh what the heck sick oh wait do i have my i got my button oh wait i need that whoa

Okay hello for this door we need a button so you should go find the find the piglet that finds the one that blows yeah that little double ditch is it you you piece of [ __ ] yeah i remember you come here stole my lunch money didn’t you do you remember me

Do you remember me wait no the one that attacked me had a bow and arrow yeah maybe it’s a different dude sorry man hey look excuse me that was rude that was so rude of me excuse me wait wait wait wait the button have to be i don’t understand

What’s wrong with that to be like wired Oh well sir you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time so you’re the one if i can manage to lure him up here i want the path to be clear i’ll use a stone pickaxe for this easy stuff hello welcome to button 101 i will be your host

Galore you got this guar garu i don’t know how to do this put it next to the door that is next to the door maybe oh oh they mean oh oh wait i see oh let’s see i’m sad the gold pants piglet is gone but oh well you end simulation

Are you frustrated guys are you frustrated watching this oh this is the one right here this one you find him nah but he he’s in full gold armor what a [ __ ] like your gold your gold armor sir you’re a gangster and a coward i f-word hard with that i can respect it

I can respect it oh okay okay i think he’s on to me he’s like you’re talking [ __ ] about my boy no not sir no this has nothing to do with you look it’s the gotcha box step by step i won’t hit them i don’t worry what i’ll

Do is i’ll take off my helmet right in front of them oh okay okay and then i will lure him so let me know when you’re ready for me to lure him into the into the pen and i will all right i am ready when you are all right

All right i’ll let you know as soon as i take it off okay ready okay okay okay ready go all right he’s coming he’s coming in come here boy oh yes all right me up i died for a noble cause lads i died for a noble cause

Hey we got him though here i got all your stuff we got him we have the big one baby i will i want to go celebrate with you hang on how does it look how does it look oh he’s a shiny one yeah right didn’t we catch a good one

I’m so proud good job kelly ah yay we did it successful we gotta name them now i will leave the honors to you all right here we go yay heck yeah i know what can we name them indeed good question i wonder what would be good

I need an anvil well uh i might have one of those i can watch him if you want okay yeah see i do need to come grab that that snap back though but they do you spawn yeah that’s why we got to put the name tag on

But hey wait wait wait are you still are you still up top me yeah yeah you want me to go back and get something yeah yeah how far are you like oh i’m on the tracks right now but i can turn around oh no that’s fine that’s fine you can

Come we can okay yeah i wanna i wanna keep this big one yeah i know right i’m gonna name it he’s a fanboy oh my gosh i love that yeah i love that it’s perfect it looks like fancy pants phil yeah yeah it’s perfect all right i’m gonna go watch this

Make sure he doesn’t leave oh wait can you uh throw me my stuff real quick so they don’t kill me uh whoops that’s the name uh what did you have okay just uh just the helmet and like maybe a means to protect myself thanks all right perfect okay nice go for it

And leave the rest to me you gotta invade the name tags we can name this boy phil oh my gosh unless unless since somebody bought anybody does anybody wait is that amelia oh my god amelia amelia’s fighting so many of them should i help boy oh no emilia um emilia do you want

Help oh [ __ ] uh someone’s hurting me oh maybe there’s stuff in here do you require assistance amelia okay i see no don’t be a [ __ ] run away oh amelia’s uh getting out of here okay no phil can’t despawn we gotta keep phil i like phil yeah i’m trying to look at here i’ll

Keep an eye on him hey buddy he’s truly surprised yeah truly look at him just chilling in his home you like your new home buddy excellent hi what do you do with the anvil good cue i wonder that’s what it sounds like when you knock me on the head just don’t

Okay wait watch yeah get amelia’s stuff okay i did i picked up her stuff well there was only like two rotten flesh and then oh wait just kidding i’m coming amelia i got your stuff it’s still there still yeah he’s still hanging out i’m right i’m on my own nobody’s messing

With me so far so i think we’re good but uh hey buddy hey please don’t leave please don’t leave sir please please don’t leave come i love it excellent oh my candy corn i like candy corn candy corn yeah i have a i have a half

A half of snickers that i didn’t finish eating today i’m gonna i’m gonna go grab it in a second um yeah okay uh they’re drops okay but i still want to give them to amelia because they’re they’re hers she fought a whole bunch of friggin dudes

I’m here we’re gonna name phil yay let’s name the christening begins there yeah you can look up at your huh Yeah you are now phil and you fill one you fill phil’s one purpose it sure does sure does i have some gold gold nuggets but they’re not like angus or anything so we can’t really actually use them i can give you i have gold nuggets you

Can go build a you can go build one oh really yeah it is oh it’s okay i got some gold nuggets as well hang on i think some of these are amazing whoopsie doodle um oh that’s okay at least two of them yeah um but we need i guess to trade them we

Need like the ingots i think yeah do you know how to build an ingot with the nuggets i think you have to um i’m not sure i think that you have to like smelt them or something here here’s your nuggets back here these are yours um amelia hang on I’m gonna get gold out of you phil i’m gonna get all types of goodies out of you phil i’m just throwing i’m just throwing them it’s not working oh there’s like a fence i think why can’t i jump over that oh there’s a gate i see i see candy corn

Though that’s like um that’s like a pineapple on pizza that’s that that has that similar um You’re welcome yeah i didn’t want to i didn’t want to take the things that you slate that you slayed them that would be rude those those were your war spoils my dude okay let’s see um how do i see that that i have oh i took the gold oh

Yeah okay so uh they don’t like it right oh they don’t like when you take the gold obsession no they don’t like when they take the gold all right a lot of things make sense now a lot of things make sense um we’re okay you can think on your toes

Good i just think on your toes think on your toes you need help oh no i am okay i’ll go go grab her stuff if i can if i can find it yeah though candy corn some people and you’re like oh i like candy corn ah

What did i do that for oh no it must have been around here i like kitkats uh she died hang on i need to go grab her stuff but there’s a hog here oh i see it’s a real mean boy a real mean boy that hurts a lot

Ouch don’t worry about it okay dog i’m not going to worry about it i’m on my last leg uh-oh time to run bye-bye bye-bye guys bye do your worst palm ba oh my god that is really sweet you’re so huge okay i have no food oh no that’s not great i have food

I’m being i’m going to make a fine fine piece of armor with you yeah get him back yeah yeah f word him up yeah get him yeah go get him yeah make him pay make him pay you f-word that guy yeah get him get him good oh yeah you got it

Wow okay not high enough not high i’m not high enough yeah you punch punch him in the face you’re making me pay oh my god i mean that’s what that’s certainly one way wow tactics okay i respect that big brain yo bit big respect big respect on that one

Heck yeah all right are you good yeah i got some food here thank you i was gonna eat this rotten flesh so that is very hopeful oh no yeah here come take thank you uh oh i think you actually keep picking things back up i think why does the game do you

Under the game why all right well i got the boots that’s good boy i got it all right box got him oh you don’t keep making a bag it happens it happens oh the steak i got the stakes okay cool for now let’s just that’s fine yay we accomplished it was almost

Mission though yay did it work for your house yeah yeah maybe let’s just get let’s grab a couple things first that sounds good yeah i mean i’m gonna test out phil first oh good idea would you also like to test film yes i’m really curious very very curious indeed delightful

Okay here here’s a butter block thank you oh butter black i love that it’s good oh that’s a nice name for it making me hungry though oh that snickers i’ll get it lighter i’ll get it before we reach before i read super chats okay i like the nougat what’s that what’s the one

That doesn’t have the peanuts in it um oh are you talking about oh shoot whoops are you talking about three musketeers three musketeers yeah three musketeers is the it’s like the nougat center oh i was like oh i’m frozen in place right now but please don’t mind me

Just going off a little bit okay all right let me jump myself back in here we go oh yeah jack back into the matrix maybe i’m gonna build some uh i’m gonna build some stairs okay cool so we can survey phil do i just give this to him through the

Through the bars i wonder if he’ll take it through the jail cell bars uh maybe i’m gonna build some some stairs so hey homie hold on don’t walk away from me oh he’s giving me the silent treatment sir all right i guess that’s not gonna

Work so let me go ahead and climb yeah the stairs would be a good idea huh yesterday’s coming can you um yeah can you uh is there a way to make villagers make more villagers the way oh wait i think i did this wrong oh Huh like can piglets make more piglets or that does that make sense i wonder i wonder oh yeah like the little ones what a good question you want to go first should i go please yeah go for it do the honors phil he phil he really does have the name oh my god

Look at him ha first lady so give me something good oh i think that way i picked that up here um it was black stone i’ll toss it out here for you you can go grab it if you want yeah all right cool black stone my turn here you are sir

What’s up phil come on phil oh enderpearl four ender pearls what’s that is that good is that a good item oh baby is that a good item oh yeah that’s yeah i’m pretty sure that’s a i think that’s a really good item i’m pretty sure here can we feed

Phil is a good job yeah everyone says nice keep them cool yay nice pull nice pull all right nice punch nice pull cool oh phil delightful yeah he’s he’s gonna he’s gonna be he’s gonna be a real big help yes now we just gotta get one that’s uh

Right next to the base next time but this is a good start for sure yeah yeah yeah maybe we can move them maybe they won’t because they want to spawn can we tether them uh yeah yeah yeah put a lead on them really maybe we put a leash oh man

Drag them around delight phil shut up delightful can we get some stuff for your house over here oh sure good idea just grab we’ll just grab a couple things wait do you have a iron pickaxe i have a stone pickaxe that’s just fine take those tickets oh thank you yay

Yes that’s it yeah hooray all right let’s let’s get going they’re following fire okay cool let’s go to the red forest whoa it sounds like it’s good um it reminds me of because i heard the word the ant the word enderman right fine and those dudes are scary and

Powerful so it made me think of that yeah so maybe it’s kind of good i don’t know and there’s the ender dragon as well right yeah yeah yeah that cool dragon i saw a picture of it i like this glowstone i’ve never seen the ender dragon this time

I mean neither but it says that glowstone shroom light oh i like that i like that even more light yes get me give me more of that what a lot of that come on you want more streamlight i’ll get you streamlined up here oh cool yeah it is kind of like up in

The it’s like up in there huh the music is intense no where am i what what Cali did you hold shift with the other brown oh yeah they that just goes oh man i wasn’t even doing anything i just i took a step i took one step backwards and then it was all downhill from there ah i can’t make this up you can’t make it

Make this [ __ ] up can you probably should have just gone home oh well that’s what i get it’s what i get my life this is not my railroad track you can have it i don’t want it you can just throw it in amelia it’s really look what the [ __ ] well

Feeling real lucky today everyone how about you guys you guys feeling real lucky what’s that noise uh oh everything okay uh-oh uh there’s a there’s a what do i do callie i’ll let you uh i’ll let you decide what we do oh um i’m ready to go home at this point

To be honest okay we accomplished our mission um i i just yeah let’s just leave let’s leave okay let’s leave well hey listen at least as long as we have phil there’s always a chance that again someday i will get a good pull maybe this is for the better so as to

Not open up any dangerous addictions i want to make a sign and we can put dutch a box on it perfect yeah let him know his place oh hello excuse us sorry i know watson hey yo watson oh man it’s cool i always end up getting

What i deserve in the end so it’s all good it’s all good it keeps you enticing this jerk hey this jerk is in our right this jerk is in our our place hey you can’t like you’re not supposed to be here yeah he doesn’t seem hostile or anything

Is he still stuffed though i don’t know good question get out Get out i’m going to slap him around no that’s my friend nice yeah f word that guy go into go into my paddock they can’t get you there and they can’t attack you oh oh oh yeah let’s get in there this is bad this is dead this is bad we’re under attack

Um we gotta get here and there’s one here oh whoa they’re just dropping down okay hold on now i can hit him with all my hand the block what about the block stupid doesn’t know how to open up a door yeah what an idiot huh

Coward oh my god did he hit you through the door and he’s hacking hello is it clear can we go home yet i’m just gonna get in the portal No oh shoot okay hold on i’ll come get your stuff come on i’m on my way home i’m almost oh my god they’re all your stuff oh you had so much stuff hang on i’ll pick all that up it’s all right i don’t think i have anything yet nothing nothing too crazy

Not like an ender pearl yeah right yeah what the heck it’s cool all right here are your things i’ll ever pretty much just pretty much everything i’m just gonna throw everything because i had i owned nothing i sticky kid oh thank you you can keep some stuff if you

Want no i think okay i’ll keep the shroom light how about that here’s your gold sword yeah yeah yeah you had a gold sword right there you go nope you didn’t someone’s gold sword maybe anna i don’t think phil will take the ghost watch and learn says amelia

Watch and learn what here’s the minecart can i have somebody just take it on yeah yeah yeah you looks very oh you have it mistakes i’ll keep the shroom light though and i’ll if i can keep some of these torches here you could have five that would be huge oh we’re under attack

Okay let’s go to war how you suck yeah losers because they were they were already in because i didn’t close the gate behind me so they were already in the gate with the portals oh okay why are there so many of them here i like that oh amelia’s fighting them

From over there because obviously they can’t that’s a good idea that’s smart really smart oh i just can’t watch anyway yeah she sure did okay bye good luck okay bye we’re pretty much done though so we did what we set out to do yay yay let’s go home

Whoa got some stuff clear house you got mushroom there’s wart block there’s another rack if you wanted that’s right i’ll take that heck yeah my special chest yeah thank you yay we did it not bad not bad not bad not bad we built the size built the gotcha box we gotta fill

Aside from losing my first beautiful gotcha um my first beautiful gotcha pull um Here we go yay all right so now people can see us yay yay yeah yeah yeah wave that sword around maybe anyway i’m gonna read i’m probably gonna read super chats um in a minute here i’ll take a little super chat break um and uh but for for all of those of you

Leaving thanks for coming to see me and uh me and gouda um the the two the two i guess predators the two killers real killers do some fun things and we we got a slave yay we got him yeah phil our boy phil is gonna hook us up got the hookups from

Now on so thanks gouda for helping me oh my gosh thanks gouda for helping me um with this game because i don’t know anything uh and this game is wow it sure is hard for me but i’m doing my best and i’m lucky i have an expert to help me

Thank you oh boy expert hey it’s my pleasure it’s my pleasure this game you’ll learn as you go with this game yeah you know what you’re right yeah mistakes mistakes make you remember things in the future next time i have ender pearls you can bet i’m going right

Back home right back home instead of getting some [ __ ] pressure i had four they were there were four oh man i need to take a break to be honest oh gosh yeah that’s gonna that’s gonna hurt me tomorrow morning as well to be honest with you i will wake up

Tomorrow morning and there will be tears streaming down my face um anyway anyway uh do you have any announcements or any anything that you would like to say grab before we say goodbye um yes i have announced i will do yes super chat stream will be uh in a few

Hours sick everyone go to yes everybody go not immediately after this but then a few hours yes cool that’s all i have sounds good and and for myself um so tomorrow i’m playing a game uh i will announce what game soon and then uh after that uh in very very late in

The evening japan time we will be celebrating um 500k subscribers and uh and i think uh the the high album how high album ranking uh on the music charts thing that’s the thing tomorrow tomorrow yeah tomorrow’s stream so i hope you’ll come party and uh we’ll have fun uh especially because i’m also

Moving this weekend so next week streams are going to be um extremely sparse as in maybe like three or so the whole week so yeah so let’s let’s have fun uh before before then before i have to kind of break away to take care of reaper’s stuff for a bit so yeah

Anyway that’s all bring your party poppers everybody yes party poppers party lovers for you bring them do it anyway yeah i guess that’s it so um thanks for coming guys that was so fun all right and i’ll talk to you soon gooda ah yes speak real soon have fun let’s

Hang out again soon have fun Let’s see uh this is still some scary music so we’re gonna go back to calm music yay all right um so let’s see All right we’re gonna go to standby um i’m gonna take a little break a little break and then we’re gonna read supers so yeah see you guys real soon You Do So Hey [Applause] [Applause] Hey everyone i’m back My recorder anyway oh fantastic fantastic news we only have about um well we have less than 500 super chats to read so it’s within it is within our reach it is within possibility this is really sad uh the fact that i didn’t have the mic

Already in front of me and i wanted to zoom in a little closer whoa huh okay this is fine i like this i like this okay so tonight’s instrument of choice uh the dude that you will receive oh it’s from this recorder there were a lot of 500

So i think we may end up holding quite a few notes uh but let’s let’s give it a try nonetheless let’s get started um so first i want to because there are people here um yeah just for the people here i suppose um we i still have to read the english

Stun the a kyla uh super chats but that will be last um for the people that are here now i’d like to focus on the ones from this stream okay so let’s see here we go uh first first we have a big ups to succubus bay channel carlos loki lion agent heroic

Yato kurosawa physics Crimson870 vana freya hold on do i have i want to make sure that i have this special hold on sparkle’s okay that’s nice and all but how about there we go now we are cooking okay excuse me for that sudden interruption uh and then it sure wouldn’t hurt to just have some glasses

On um for this read here we go now now we’re looking we’re looking fly we’re looking fly everyone okay next up let’s see um anyway where was i uh then afraid that’s right next uh big ups to code a vegas suit obi-wan kenobi dynamic vector sheffy tb balmong mp5

And i can’t read this one but they have the kana furu in there and they sent an akka and they said congratulations callie on 500k and gooda for 1 million i may be a little early but this is wha but but this way i’m ahead of the inevitable akka

Flood love you both and watch you every day i’ll continue cheering you on thank you for cheering for us that’s very sweet of you my dude thank you for cheering for both of us yeah i know everyone has been very kind 500k that’s great and

A big ups to gouda as well oh she works really hard so yeah cool we’re both celebrating the night we’re both celebrating it was really fun that we could celebrate together when we we both hit the milestone at about the same time that’s nuts wow all right big upset

Steven b big ups 2 quack big ups to zinras big ups to physics big ups to chris g big ups to landshark 639 big ups to jonathan kazal kozlowski big ups 2 sassafras big ups 2 ra reagan raid raginum mix big ups too back beat highway big ups too linux linux aeris

Big off to flint cola big ups to big ups to swing xx big ups to ruin c vlad taltos big ups to annie who says congrats callie on 500k thank you as always annie here is your tune Sorry one more thank you for always supporting me it really makes me smile thank you i am doing my best so thanks i’ll keep working hard big ups to show ssr big ups too big ops 2 very airy pickups too tag pepperoni pizza man archery x

Xx or arteriox thank you so much for the aca 500k let’s go congrats thank you for the akka and the kind words this one’s for you oh thank goodness i’m moving out in like a day oh man you know the goblins next door i really want your boy dead

But i just want to say thanks for the support it means a lot to me big ups too you should have seen rectangle thank you very much Wilson 97 primal maniacs she luke corn dog lebron uh i think it’s jorge fort watick skyraven riverside view cat head takuro arigato Congrats from jp oh thank you kime strider gekko 1996 takodachi I know those kanji but i don’t know the reading for both of them together ivor luca umbriel thank you so much for the akka 500k pog and many emojis of party poppers it’s very sweet of you thank you very much i’ve been doing my best thank you thank you

Big ups 2 jmz018 vana freya lord everwock infiltrator gamer zero phantasma phantasm sorry about that zero phantasm i read that right I can’t read the kanji in their name i can only read 500 500 kanji let’s see next jay drago 14 turtle friend 97 or hairs i’m not sure but thank you very much for my congrats on the 500k much love from the community big ups my career i hope it’s okay that

I’m pronouncing your name in this in a super super guy cookie way thank you it’s very sweet thanks for the akka next uh big ups too alexis the number one fan of cali’s guh here’s a special gup for you there’s a little one but you know sometimes they just turn out real little

Pickups too sophisticated blue bun power hour kinko’s sagan thank you let’s see raven hellion thanks a lot for the sweet message too big ups to wild jpeg who sent a jesus christ 500k hype rip wallet dude you’re nuts geez wild jpeg you’re insane my dog do you hear that

Ghostwriter came all the way just to say a special thanks to you now let’s see how long i can hold this note here we go okay this one’s for you this one’s for you wow jpeg here we go Wow Thank you thank you yay thank you wild jpeg i tried my best i think it was a record maybe i don’t know pick up swacky emcee and then takashi 267 jeez another ridiculous you all need to know that these these four chads all sent the highest number or at least almost

The highest number of you can send in a super chat in a row in a row these dudes are nuts oh man i ripped my lungs in my right hand these human lungs oh man 265 500 for 500 stop doubting yourself you’re awesome well thank you my dude

I’ll try not to doubt myself so much especially when i when i pull off this sick long note that we’re going to try right now let’s do it here we go Hey Yes i tried to i tried takashi i tried i gave it my own thank you so much takashi i’ll keep doing my best big ups too soulless who said four four four four four four euros shut up kelly your voice is amazing your solairo days cover had me in tears you

And the girls are a beacon of joy to us all congrats for 500k and a heart soulless thank you I’m gonna hold another real long note for you solas this one’s for you homie oh man oh Here we go this one’s for soulless we’re being a chan here we go Ah Okay thank you solas very much it’s very kind thank you for the support think of the nightmare pretty big ups the sun big ups to v toyski i’ve heard that finland is the canada of europe is this true and he said five i can’t breathe but

For for you for you toyski i’ll do it i’ll hold the note Shout outs shout outs to you here we go this one’s for toy ski baby Hmm Me We did it we did it everyone i successfully took on the four chance of the super chat apocalypse And we still have more akkas to come and more not akkas to come that i also love just as much so i will read all of your names here we go i just got so much love for you guys i know a lot of you are saying don’t die

It’s okay this is this is worth it this is worth it it doesn’t even it doesn’t even really hurt it doesn’t take a lot it’s fine it’s fine i do it because i i love you guys it’s good it’s fun it’s fun thanks to bruno schubert Livid cookie quack axis one two four seven charles one two three see son zealot tz kkk jason b dan with a plan basics rjr arbleda Big ups to free real estate up some tentacles seven three three six big ups too um there’s the kanji uh she for death and then there’s the kanji for knight or uh none it’s the same one used in nashi i don’t know what the last one is but thank you

Uh big ups to midi big ups two little scrubby itachi 69 one idiot monolith rattus christian li librivonte jr dragon 2006 what arspamon log082 mikoto thanks so much for the akka congrats on 500k don’t stop being awesome and rip thank you very much mikoto my dude that’s the man right there

Or a lady or other etc whatever makoto that’s the dude right there that’s the dude big ups two doctor man big up suit nicodem big ups too i like alexis the number one fan of kali’s Thank you big upsuits tsundere admiral big ups to soul reaver dan wake ups to mary pippins pickups to access one two four seven let’s see thank you for the akka so we got good at one million cali with god like ep charting and potentially cali 500k oh

Within the span of what two days what’s next what’s next n gen 2 drips tomorrow who could say that’s the dude right there axes big ups huh pick up s salacar big big ups to dan the man two one five oh a d big upsu jimmy jimmy

I’m gonna really mess i’m gonna mess this one up aren’t i jimmy hui i’m sorry i definitely messed that up dude i tried my best big ups 2 big ups 2 a winter wonder and b737 pixel as willing to learn michael jones neb jr Wow huge thank you very much for the support 500k congrats thank you sakura academy big ups appreciate it big ups two gm big ups two eight is it i i isaac ozaki Harrison leon alter maximum toast 17 and next is big ups too in gazebo days make ups to flynn jesus we got another one we got another one lads congrats on 500k subs and for topping all the charts with your ep there are so many dead beats i’m happy to count myself among them

We’re cheering and rooting for you as you continue climbing you’re extremely entertaining inspiring thank you so much for all you give us and keep fighting on thanks flynn oh what a dude huge thank you so much i really appreciate that big ups my guy i’ll do my best with this

Note for you this one’s for flynn here we go Yes Welcome new viewers some of you are saying i just got here well i got a surprise for you we’re not playing minecraft for reading super chats big ups to flynn huge punch botch gosh that’s enormous thank you my dude huge big upsu drake dom stoel nadia bennes kizza spaceman smith grilled bugs

Jag bone i can’t read i can’t read this russian name but thank you very kindly thank you It’s me cam young leaf alexander bralt diamond s17 be three two stefan rook thanks so much for the aca does this mean we’re upgrading from 5.1 to 500 wine 500 wine i kind of i would like to actually try some expensive wine on stream one of these days but i feel like

There’s something so fun about the uh the convenience store one i hope that you guys will still love me if i do decide to upgrade to slightly more expensive wine we’ll see what happens because convenience store wine is great but i sure am getting sick of it to be honest

Big ups to solas oh my god your message dude no no plenty of five it’s good you’re okay thank you so much i appreciate it big ups to metal one two three four nine eight dr drake the dreck jazz q tommyboy4550 vince cerino nyx bobs super ssg

It’s a mystery physics isekai any gamer let’s see who’s next jason juan art archeria durand fumey ky kyokaio turkey sandwich 0-0 deadbeat sekiro on l1 dance i can’t read this this one but thank you i love your songs i can list on spotify and itunes make a physical ep maybe someday thank

You very much for the kind message i’ll think about it big ups to phil b big ups phil my gosh big ups to speak of cis mugsy james chen aus drake brad emery brudo skyraven mr gucci overage props jeremy thank you so much jeremy for the akka congratulations on being

On the top charts and 500k were you expecting to even come close to topping the charts i sure wasn’t especially not like like the mainstream like itunes charts it’s pretty nuts man i never thought that i’d ever get there ever at all in my existence so um

I’m super glad there are a lot of things i’m nervous and worried about and scared about it and there are parts of it that i’m kind of like ah really i mean like but i don’t know um i really don’t i don’t like um when people keep their own music

And that’s not what i want to do but i think there are some worries and concerns that that come along with this of course but for the most part things have been okay so i’m going to remain positive and it’s because i’m thinking of you guys that’s that’s why i want to remain

Positive here so yeah anyway thanks a lot jeremy appreciate that because the second state zachary arcana yansky too biensky how many accounts are you making jude thank you yansky late congratulations on 500k was in class earlier so i couldn’t be present but have a rainbow for now

And then yansky sent many hearts in different colors Before before uh before being interrupted by it’s a mystery thank you very much yansky for the many kind messages how sweet gosh darn it you guys are making me blush all the time and then last finally big ups to drak the drag thank you very much ah this question most time efficient way

To learn a language uh just never give up and everything you need to just every single day’s study or else you will forget everything anyway that’s all for the minecraft stream um super chats now we’re gonna go to eikaiwa chats here we go let’s speed through these all right channel

K tony sugarino ghost writer tori sugari no ghost writer times three trenton Thank you zero zero seven crash elliott black chronicle varsity riverside view thanks a lot for the akka i definitely paid too cheaply for the album so here’s some extra for your hard work and well-deserved effort for making and releasing the album i hope to hear whatever exciting tracks

You’re going to make in the future especially the underground works always hype thank you very much so much thank you riverside view for the awkward that’s the dude right there thank you big ups to thomas i can’t read this name it’s in kanji but thank you very much like

I think it’s i think it’s i’m not sure i can’t read it i’m sorry but thank you say hello my queen hello my hello my my my viewer thank you because jag bone jan jan meyer raziel weaver pick army ojisan peekaboo takuro storm tag the other dead the other dexel

Kill fry eat hold on come on here we go got it big ups 2 moji nova tori sugarino edward kuhn tori jared burton s z one thank you howdy partner yay yeah oh i was teaching slang i was teaching slang in a kyla howdy partner big ups to gun blazer 20

Storm tag show ssr potatoes alex neil aaron Kfp ellis i think i can’t read i suck thank you the killer fuzz ball zinrus kenjiro beat pew pew soul thanks so much for the akka free lessons from a professor a professional reaper teacher sign me up thank you very much peep you soul Let’s see next thank you big ups to zero knight big up suit ball ivor usni and then droppable thank you very much for the akka well done to cali and holo team for carrying out the en to jp bridging streams hopefully one day we’ll see more people understand both languages so we can

Understand and communicate better i agree i really hope that happens well thanks a lot drop the volt i appreciate it muffin man ca luca umbriel cabane My english teacher career yes yes anytime eats demo i’m your teacher pick up ken smack obero primorsky City of figs tacos burritos peekaboo mr mr pilgrim i think blue bomber marco b wow thank you that’s huge thank you so much marco b for the huge akka do you know that we germans only learn britisher as you say at queen’s english in school

If i would not have been exposed to the american way of speaking it i would not understand half of what you say due to you using slang you’ll always get told british is the only true english all out this or not my god that’s nuts that’s a that’s a fake accent right there

Well thank you so much marco b i really appreciate and thanks for the fun fact interesting thank you for your support i hope that you can enjoy my akaiwa streams in the future to learn more conversational english yay big ups to john morgan i can’t read this very long all kanji

Name but they say i like tequila thank you me too um big ups let’s see another one i can’t read but they say like your songs these are amazing thank you sausage boots tony sugarino ghost rider batteries everywhere man gaming You Death punch 447 j dragon 14 sakura kemi takuro gm johnny7037 mr shrub 7-7-0 ghost rider oh and lister ma maximus solar garo drodroshan note our shank thomas e-e chocoholic crazy ginger 666 kevin tang lord revan oh get closer i just know it uh hold on let’s get sweat the witness kobe ignacio gonzalez

Chilean deadbeat thank you For Oh i’m happy my english is easy to listen to thank you sc walking waking up to cali stream is the best way to wake up love you mama thanks for being our best reaper lady thank you sc how sweet of you huge thank you Big ups too let’s see several This unused minecraft music this is kind of fun all right let’s see let’s see uh next next is big ups k maximum solar judgment cassie 39 storm tag fort latin steven b powder cat fruit ninja beat let’s see tori sugarino M516 thank you cooley d thank you so much for the akka spa no message wow okay cool thank you very much thanks my dude very cool of you thanks pickups 2 hp f3 tori sugarino ghost rider storm tag artemis Thank you he goes to hp f3 big ups to jeremy thanks for the aca heat congratulations on being top of the charts thank you jeremy akka i appreciate the aca thank you very much jeremy followed immediately by annie with also a red thank you the most adorable and best sense they

Ever ah thanks annie as always for the awkward ball and all your support means a lot to me thank you next up the dark sarong yo what is up our boy your live show the other day was incredible as someone who also works too hard i just wanted to say you’ve helped

Me remember i do this so i can one day reach my dream congrats on the ep topping the charts and big ups to you and the other holo and crew and all you do thank you thank you so much the dark saron 13. that makes me really happy to hear i’m glad yeah

See that’s always how i thought about it right um like even at the times where i thought to myself maybe i didn’t like uh i i every time it feels like it’s too much i think about like what i really really want and then i’m able to push forward

And i think about a day where my dreams have come true and i can take a deep breath and relax and be happy and be stress-free and and right now it’s like i’m at the part where it’s before that i think and i just have to work really hard

Maybe you are too and you guys you can you can do it just keep just keep tracking along thanks a lot the dark summer and i appreciate that that’s the dude right there the ordinary x vampire memory of twilight i will hide and support you work hard come out into the light Hp f3 three three six M maury sum is eternal happiness ignacio gonzalez chile and dead beat tori sugar in the ghost rider judgment cassie 39. let’s see all right almost done kanoa fort wade sky raven 96 tax yuki i’m looking forward to it thank you thank you for the akaspa i’m so happy thank you thank you lord

Raven storm tag thanks a lot man congrats on dead beats making the top hip hop album on itunes usa yeah that’s still pretty crazy i still don’t really believe it top really tough in the usa i know it’s just itunes and i know that things have been quote unquote dry so to speak

Recently at least in the recent week but um i’m happy anyway i just yeah i’m really glad i’m trying to stay positive thanks durham tag as always um and then one more i can’t read this one but they say peace until next time in a little emoji thank you so much

I appreciate it well we did it we did it everyone we got through the supers i gotta do something um before i can sleep so let’s let’s go ahead and get this bye-bye why is it coming out of my why is it coming out of my speaker

I can’t i don’t want to hear that i don’t want to hear that hopefully if i turn it down uh on my device that’s not working it’s staying the same volume oh well mike might pick it up there is nothing i can do about it but oh well

That’s just life i guess oh i just pulled the bike over here i hope it doesn’t freak out oh i’m really big you know i didn’t even realize i’m i’m rather large right now it’s not the end of your morning i wish that my computer would allow me to There’s going to be i do need to hear it A lot of fun stuff happening um there’s gonna be a thing announced tomorrow for something happening and we’ll have a party and celebrate 500 points before that we’ll play a game um i’m very very very excited to play it so yeah Anyways but then when november gets popping off it’ll be back to businesses so anyway that’s all for now thanks for coming this watch me and good afternoon minecraft um i’m your mori hope you’ll remember me see you soon for all the fun stuff happening take You again sometimes Signing off peace

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT COLLAB】Reaper and Shark! HoloEN KILAZ on the Set! #hololiveEnglish #holoMyth’, was uploaded by Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN on 2020-10-22 17:30:15. It has garnered 325960 views and 22712 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:13 or 10993 seconds.

What is up, humans?! ♡ Calliope Mori(森 カリオペ)here. Grim Reaper’s apprentice has a body! Can you believe it?

Hololive English’s KILLAAAAAAZ!!!!! are here to steal your lunch money and probably also ur diamonds, beware motha f words

…goddddddddddd that is getting old ——————————————————————- This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms)

ーーーーーーーーーーーーー REMIX my debut song, if you like! REMIX MATERIALS: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17y-OlB8SGNeBM8fi181w05vpkO8pCS4Z?usp=sharing

thank you! I would be happy if everyone could enjoy it together. I want to become friends! I’ll do my best in Japanese, too.

[Hashtags] (LIVE) #calliolive #calliolive (Music) #callioP (Fanart) #callillust #callillust (Fan-name) Dead Beats ================== ======= [Mori Calliope] ■Channel https://t.co/ksP4woO8gh?amp=1 ■Debut Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1_GeIfn48M ■Twitter https://twitter.com/moricalliope MY ONLY SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/user-694398002

========================= [Gawr Gura] ■Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g Twitter: @gawrgura ========================= =========================

✿[Viewer Rules]✿ What is up, humans! Thanks for checkin’ my stream! If you follow these rules, maybe I wait just a bit longer. :} (Do it.)

1.Be nice to other viewers. Don’t spam or troll. 2.If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report, and ignore those comments. 3.Talk about the stream, but please don’t bring up unrelated topics or have personal conversations. 4.Don’t bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them. 5.Similarly, don’t talk about me or my stream in other streamers’ chat. 6.Please refrain from chatting before the stream starts to prevent any issues. As long as you follow the rules above, you can chat in any language.

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#hololive #holoMyth #hololiveEnglish ———————————————————————————————-

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  • Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎

    Easiest Diamond Generator Tutorial in Minecraft PE! 💎💎Video Information This video, titled ‘Most easiest diamond generator making tutorial in Minecraft PE💎💎 #viral #foryou #lightgaming3 #trend’, was uploaded by Light Gaming on 2024-01-17 13:35:58. It has garnered 2251 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Most easiest diamond generator making tutorial in Minecraft PE💎 #viral #foryou #lightgaming3 #trending #fyp #shorts #twitchstreamer #gaminglife #cod #gamerlife #pcgamer #funny #gamingsetup #gameplay #gamingmemes #anime #fortniteclips #retrogaming #pcgaming #gamers #gamingcommunity #xboxone #gamergirl #gta #callofduty #streamer #pubg #videogame #esports #meme #gaming #gamer #ps #playstation #videogames #game #xbox #games #twitch #fortnite #pc #memes Read More

  • RyPnt – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮

    RyPnt - Mind-Blowing Minecraft Fall Distances?! 😮Video Information This video, titled ‘How High Can You Fall in Minecraft? 🤯#minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes’, was uploaded by RyPnt on 2024-05-11 11:59:34. It has garnered 16568 views and 486 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. In this short, I test different heights that you can fall from! Donate to help support me!: https://withkoji.com/@RyPnt_Gaming Like and sub or your bed will explode. Subscribe here: https://bit.ly/3xRmVlZ IGN: RyPnt Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/RyPnt_Gaming Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4Gz… Read More

  • World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!

    World Possessed in Minecraft! Madness Unleashed!Video Information This video, titled ‘The WORLD gets POSSESSED in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Sunny World on 2024-08-05 16:00:41. It has garnered 45528 views and 693 likes. The duration of the video is 01:55:03 or 6903 seconds. 👕 MERCH – https://www.sunnyandmelon.com/ Inspired by Maizen Aphmau Cash Nico Wudo Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory and Jamesy #sunnycrafts #minecraft Read More

  • Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs – Top Secret!

    Unearth Unseen Minecraft Packs - Top Secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘Top Secret Minecraft Resource Packs You’ve Never Seen Before!’, was uploaded by schafty on 2024-09-21 23:30:13. It has garnered 7024 views and 379 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Discover unique and underrated Minecraft resource packs that will completely transform your gameplay! From stunning visuals to creative designs, these hidden gems are a must-try for any Minecraft fan. Watch to find your next favorite pack! ———————————————————- Resource packs: Floral Creepers https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/floral-creepers Silly Strider https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/silly-strider HoloLive Gen II Totems https://modrinth.com/resourcepack/hololive-gen-ii-totems Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shorts

    INSANE Minecraft House Build!! Easy Tutorial #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Best Minecraft House?? Easy Tutorial #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Jack Murphy on 2024-02-16 21:55:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This quick tutorial will show you how to build this super easy Minecraft house! Read More

  • MCVerseCity SMP No Reset No Grief Vanilla Survival Builder Friendly Player Markets Player Warps Claims Fishing Competitions 72H Dead Chest Optional PvP Hard Clans Mini Blocks Big Doors Spawners Armed Armour Stands Phantom Toggle Live Map

    Vanilla Survival Server with Builder-Friendly Focus Join our growing community for a fresh vanilla survival experience. Explore our 256k x 256k permanent world that is only 5% explored so far. Server Features: Permanent Land Claims – Earn over 200k claim blocks over time Unique Builds – Mini Blocks, Big Doors, Image Import, Armor Stands Diverse Gameplay – Dragon Slayer, Full Mob Spawns, Phantom Toggle Player Interaction – Searchable Market, Player Warps, Proximity Chat Community Events – Fishing contests and more Java IP: mcverse.city Website: www.mcverse.city Discord: https://discord.gg/4z6bf9sy44 Come enjoy a pure vanilla Minecraft experience with a friendly community. No pay-to-win,… Read More

  • Five Multiple

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: hcpv-7.heppyhost.my.id (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – he’s STEVE 😭🌶️

    Minecraft Memes - he's STEVE 😭🌶️Well, at least he’s not square-d of his emotions! Read More

  • Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan’s Mischief in Minecraft

    Prankster Pandemonium: EfeKan's Mischief in Minecraft In the city of Minecraft, mischief is afoot, Pranks and trolls, causing quite a hoot. Efekan and his friends, up to no good, Playing tricks on everyone in the neighborhood. But fear not, for we must find a way, To stop these naughty guys, without delay. Subscribe to the channel, join the fun, And watch as the story unfolds, one by one. The laughter and chaos, all in good jest, In the world of Minecraft, they are the best. So come along, join the ride, As we navigate through this playful tide. Remember, it’s all in good fun, In… Read More

  • Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade

    Trade Nudes #minecraft #hottrade “When you try to trade with a villager but all they want is emeralds… like, sorry buddy, my pockets are full of dirt and cobblestone, will that work?” #minecraftstruggles #villagertrades #minecraftproblems #dirtisntcurrency Read More

  • Grow in Minecraft with XP!

    Grow in Minecraft with XP! Minecraft: Size Matters in this Hilarious XP Adventure! Imagine a world where your size grows with every experience point earned in Minecraft. Sounds crazy, right? Well, that’s exactly what happens in this comedy video where the player’s height changes with XP in the popular survival game Minecraft. It’s a satire video that promises plenty of laughs and unexpected challenges along the way. Surviving 100 Days with Size Equal to XP One intriguing question posed in the video is whether you could survive 100 days in survival Minecraft with your size directly linked to your XP. It’s a unique twist… Read More

  • 🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟

    🍩 EPIC Minecraft Donut SMP Live with Johnnyleeboy07! (Ratings Revealed!) 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Donut SMP Live (Rating bases)’, was uploaded by Johnnyleeboy07 on 2024-09-22 08:33:53. It has garnered 532 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:38 or 12038 seconds. IGN: Johnnyleeboy_07 #Donutsmp #Minecraft Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/johnnyleeboy0762 Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!

    Minecraft Horror Seeds That Actually Work!Video Information This video, titled ‘Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi]’, was uploaded by KrackEee on 2024-02-24 02:31:07. It has garnered 2589 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:23 or 263 seconds. Testing Minecraft Horror Seeds That Are Actually Working 👻 [Hindi] Ghost will be found ghost 😽😁 ______________________________________________ 🚀Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/krackeee?igsh=MTR6YXRlbW9nNmI2Zw== 🧩 Discord:- It doesn’t exist 😸 see this too boys and girls 😘 #https://youtu.be/9f59rto_PIY?si=rlvlrWTbUnBE3CTO #https://youtu.be/GHjSyWhV4so?si=-6_JNwMcKsnBXArT #https://youtu.be/S0j1RGHeEak?si=7-vjsrx9R6-E2pia 🌟And ha bg music and memes ke leye thanks to their owner😽 ______________________________________________ Kuch tags 🔖:- Minecraft, minecraft horror seeds, minecraft horror seeds bedrock, minecraft… Read More

  • #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥

    #1 Lion Gamer DESTROYS Temple in Minecraft! 🦁🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Lion Gamer Minecraft Episode 1 – Lion RAGE! And DESERT TEMPLE?!’, was uploaded by THE #1 LION GAMER on 2024-06-01 18:27:55. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:54 or 894 seconds. Lion Gamer Plays Minecraft and finds a desert village and temple in episode 1. Read More

  • EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown – Can I Win?!

    EPIC 1v1 PVP Showdown - Can I Win?!Video Information This video, titled ‘pvp legacy 1v1 (im horrible)’, was uploaded by PandyTeddy on 2024-09-21 16:10:14. It has garnered 39 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:21 or 501 seconds. Teehee Sub goal:50 Minecraft gameplay, Minecraft survival, Minecraft hardcore, Minecraft creative mode, Minecraft adventure, Minecraft exploration, Minecraft tutorial, Minecraft walkthrough, Minecraft playthrough, Minecraft let’s play, Minecraft beginner guide, Minecraft tips and tricks, Minecraft funny moments, Minecraft speedrun, Minecraft challenge, Minecraft building ideas, Minecraft house tutorial, Minecraft mansion build, Minecraft modern house, Minecraft castle build, Minecraft treehouse, Minecraft skyscraper build, Minecraft city build, Minecraft medieval build,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Stone Farm Hack 😱 #Anime #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but automatic stone farm 😱😱 #anime #phonk #minecraft #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod’, was uploaded by Rob07 on 2024-05-27 05:18:19. It has garnered 3316 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. horror movie safa goku drawing iron man game ram bhai Wednesday dinosaure scary video dafug bOom war gigamon 3 how to go to the backrooms minecraft game minecraft game minicraft 1 (5.0%) minecraft underground storage room minicraft nezuko edit skibidi toilet skibidi toilet videos thomas halloween ujjwal gamer watch smart 1 (5.0%) zombie just herbs lipstick review my hero academia… Read More

  • SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!

    SURPRISE! Warden in our Minecraft Witch Cottage Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Cottage Witch Modpack – Episode 20 (It’s Warden Time!)’, was uploaded by Creothina on 2024-09-18 12:45:34. It has garnered 695 views and 56 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:38 or 6398 seconds. Hey everyone! It’s about that time in our Minecraft adventure…time to activate the Warden and boop him right on the snoot. We haven’t done that on our Cottage Witch journey yet so it was needed. xD Mods I’ve added to the pack – Additional Lanterns, Easy Villagers, Botany Pots, Botany Pots Tiers, Iron Furnaces, Chipped, Torchmaster, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks,… Read More

  • SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!

    SHOCKING: UK President Caught Playing Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘UK president play minecraft’, was uploaded by Mrihad on 2024-09-21 21:51:28. It has garnered 6 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:09 or 69 seconds. 2Yes use a.i 1#england #uk #london #football #unitedkingdom #usa #germany #photography #travel #france #canada #love #italy #premierleague #europe #australia #soccer #nature #instagood #instagram #spain #britain #photooftheday #america #india #greatbritain #manchester #liverpool #follow #british#history #republicans #modi #coronavirus #indianpolitics #blacklivesmatter #follow #libertarian #art #socialism #joebiden #communism #a #makeamericagreatagain #democracy #amitshah #instagood #gop #americafirst #blm #delhi #trending #capitalism #kag #indian #conservatives #rightwing #media #trumptrain #elections#politics #trump #news #india #conservative… Read More

  • Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shorts

    Insane Helpful Minecraft Mod! 😱 #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mod Minecraft Yang Sangat Membantu #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Valkyy on 2024-07-05 04:08:40. It has garnered 10747 views and 434 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shorts

    UNBELIEVABLE! Herobrine found in Minecraft Animation 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine 😈 #minecraft #animation #shorts’, was uploaded by Datta Gaming on 2024-08-09 08:30:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Terralum Vanilla

    Terralum VanillaTerralum is a mostly vanilla server that adds some quality of life, while not upsetting the balance too much. Occasionally new features are developed that need to fit in with vanilla seamlessly. We are looking for players that just want to hang out and play Minecraft, without the drama. A quick list describing the server: – Whitelisted – 16+ age requirement – No P2W whatsoever – Basic teleportation (/home, /spawn) – Item based economy – No griefing or PvP – Resource worlds Check the Discord to apply for whitelisting. minecraft1.terralum.net Read More

  • PrismaCraft SMP 1.20+ Towny Custom Enchants Skills Bosses Quests Economy Pets Discord Active Development

    🎇 PrismaCraft 🎇 IP: play.prismacraft.net Wiki: https://wiki.prismacraft.net Discord: https://discord.gg/prismacraft Map: http://play.prismacraft.net:12000 About PrismaCraft: PrismaCraft focuses on community building and offers various content for players interested in leveling up in jobs or skills. Whether you want to establish a town, grind levels in jobs, or reach the top of your skills, there is something for everyone! Main Features: Towny: Land claiming and community building with Towny plugin. Skills: Level up fourteen unique skills to improve stats. Jobs: Thirteen jobs available for earning in-game money. Player Economy: Player-driven economy with custom shops. Custom Enchantments: Over 200 unique enchantments available through gameplay. Craftable… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft meme: I’ve spiced it up

    Looks like this meme got a critical hit with that score of 64! Read More