EPIC Minecraft Creative World! Crazy Channel Plans!

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I can’t be asked to any intro or to put a thumbnail on we’ve already done it once ain’t doing it again so right now L for the only way for me to be able to play games at the moment it seems is to have a keyboard and mouse set up and I’m looking at like a 90° angle on my screen how fun I can potentially make this better for myself if I move that there and I move the desk over more over here I might be able to see better let me get the stream open I’m not putting a thumbnail on I can’t be asked H I’ll do that later on in the Stream Now where’s the stram there you go point to make some [ __ ] boiling that can go by there see could that might be more far over but I’m not I’m lucky I know how Minecraft on keyboard and mouse works because otherwise I would be in the mud here trying to learn the controls but I would be prer to be playing it on um thing B also it feels like it’s not having any [ __ ] delay oh my God this feels nice Jesus Christ [ __ ] me this console [ __ ] um okay what we doing for the stream now that I can actually do stuff without lagging so I’m going to run over to the bank quickly my first goal for the stream was to change the Y wasn’t it let’s go I need to move this fan that’s one of the other things I need to do before I do anything else actually I’m going to fly over here oh yeah I could beat any of you in a sword fight now CU I got a double click I’m not going to lie James y g always nice you should I just uh expand where the restaurant or just leave in uh I’d leave the restaurant because that’s finished but um I’d wait for Omar really because it’s Omar’s thing I need this type of a that’s I keep I’m going to keep pressing that back all right so I need a banner that’s why I need to finish press enter I thought it was broken but now I realized I’m not on [ __ ] controller uh so I need this I then also need a loom is it how do I take one that’s right okay and I ALS so we need black d was it yeah there you go so uh how do you take one chucked them all in [ __ ] it uh oh that’s how yeah right do that well this can go in actually so the first thing I do is I put not one of yeah one of those then I put one of those then I put one of those and I put of those that was really easy how did I make that so complicated looks so so complicated last time this setup actually feels better I can’t lie cuz I’m just s here on a keyboard nice and easily looking at the screen it’s so easy no lag I wish I could use my keyboard and mouse on more games the problem is is that I who the [ __ ] us this keyboard keyboard and mouse on FIFA he so it is good it’s just there needed to be the other way around so I needed white Dy not uh yeah if it looks I’m typing really fast it’s because I’m not obviously using the um yeah obviously I’m not using a keyboard I’m using my keyboard here not shitty uh controller bit get used to so you’re going to have to give me a minute Lads there that one there one there and then there I also need to get Crimson by we’ve got another SP Ed now says he wants to build as well for [ __ ] sake there you go there you go the bank is done not looking that bad actually really I didn’t replace that before saving the world bank is not done there you go welcome in parav how are you I need to move this fan otherwise he’s going to keep doing that every time it’s knocked why is he even doing that anyway let me move it and I should be in a better position as well is this what’s no [ __ ] sake right some creeper doesn’t want to say no cuz I’m not getting to any [ __ ] controversy here Jo B can you hear this on stream now no you cannot let’s go we’re done I can stream without lag Hallelujah I just wish I could [ __ ] use my controller come to me and I’ll find me how’s everything looking there NS I be could be any of you in a fight me I got double click take that [ __ ] anyway who’s in the Stream because I want to talk to you guys about the future of the channel so let me I’ll give it a couple minutes and then I’ll talk about it who will the who’ll win the seran Cup Final I’m going to go with zeder but no idea yeah you even see what I built in there no I kind of didn’t even look I just jumped around and then left um what this this was Hayden wasn’t it oh it’s this isn’t it anyway we’re going to talk about the future of the YouTube channel okay so we’re going to go over here we’re going to go on top of the hotel the most well-known thing in the world I feel like is the hotel and I’m just going to Waffle okay for a couple minutes what’s the button to um go to third person F5 okay and we’re just going to watch like this for a bit right so I’m quitting that’s a joke I’m not quitting but but I am going to be doing over the summer obviously I’ll will no longer have any exams I’ll not be in school on so I might have a lost SP time in the summer depending on if I get a job or not so if I do end up having a lot of Spare Time note I have three exams one tomorrow one wednes one Thursday one Friday I will have um after that a week off and then I’ll have eight more exams after that and after I’ve done his exams I’ll be done so I’m finishing on I think it’s what’s it I think it’s like the 12th of June I finish and then yeah so I want to bring back some old series obviously if you’ve been on the channel you know I brought back Subs players recently haven’t got far into it just yet but we’ll be continuing that soon but I think Main series that comes to mind when you say old series is probably sub Biz players now on the topic of Subs players I do want to do a uh return of sub players not sub players I’ve been saying sub players this entire time not Subs players sorry that’s already returned when you think of old series that you’ve done on the channel you think of a series called captains there you go got it this time now I will definitely be looking to bring captains back because it is obviously probably one of the most well-known things on the channel if not and not probably it it is more than likely so I want to bring back Subs as players [ __ ] sake captains I want to bring back captains but what I need from you guys is when I need the uh what’s the word I’m looking for the not corresponsive um we’ll just go with the word respect for each other because a big thing with captains is you guys without you guys there is no YouTube channel there is no captains obviously but I can’t do the captains definitely I can’t do without you guys cuz I need 22 22 players including myself and the two captains first of all I need you guys to be fine with playing with people that you don’t like obviously if you’ve been on the channel you know there’s a lot of drama between other communities and you guys are all welcome to my channel so what I need is you guys to be willing to play with each other now not necessarily being mates I don’t need you to be mates with each other but I need you to be fine to be M potentially beond the same team what I will not do is I will not put you as each other as captains because that would just be drama and stuff that wouldn’t be worth it so I need you guys to be willing to play with each other there’s also more not just captains obviously I there’s also more I want to talk about but let me just quickly find how I get into the thing for you Crimson uh chat chat chat chat chat chat or Y there you go uh we will look one second who who do you want teleport creeper TP me purple there you go so that was the next one you’ve called it Mega Subs I’m joking Mega captains Mega captains now obviously if you were here early in the a January time you know I did a series called Mega captains I’ve been one in the past and to be honest like captains I love them but like captains as well I need you guys to be willing to either verse each other or be on the same team and not complain not cause drama not cause problems if I can trust you guys to do that then we have got a return of Mega captains and captains but I can’t do that without you guys cooperation I was what I was looking just so that’s the first two things captains and M captains I want to bring them back but I need you guys cooperation to bring them back now obviously the next thing that I want to do is I want to start making more videos so one video I want to make already that I’m going to start recording soon is going to be a premier league review video I know I want to do a lot of stuff over the summer that football because obviously I want to do I’m definitely I’ll tell you guys now we’re going to have a lot of Euro watch alongs my brother’s not home he’s away with some friends so I’m going to have just myself to be that’s very lonely I’m going to be able to do all the watch wrongs I want to basically so definitely going to be watch Longs there’s the only one there might not be for is the opening game because I might be what my brother doesn’t I don’t know when he goes I need to speak to him and see when he goes away if he’s not here then I will definitely be doing a watch wrong for the opening game if my dad doesn’t want to watch it which I assume he would but we’ll see um other than that we’re going to try and aim to be doing two streams a day one watch long and one normal stream morning night whatever it takes we’re definitely going to be doing watch songs now obviously I’m going touching grass and stuff like that I know but believe it or not I’ll be touching this thing called grass believe it or not um over the summer I might have some training sessions with my team might have some preseason matches but yeah I’ll definitely be playing football and that’s another thing next season in my football team for my football league I want to put a GoPro in the net [ __ ] [ __ ] sake I want to start doing that because as a goalkeeper I have the ability to do it now that I think would be really fun to do but again if it was doing very well with you guys you’d have to give me patience to um have time to edit and upload you’re goalkeeper okay piss off purple so those are four things captains Mega captains videos fifth thing is I want you guys to be more involved on the channel obviously no I would have you know Lan I won my league okay um the next thing but hit that like button if you guys could 10 likes is the goal for the stream uh the next thing for the channel is I want obviously you know I already play games I can get you guys involved in majority of the time and even when I can’t I try and get you guys involved some way whether it’s um Subs as players where I let you guys have a player or whether it’s Minecraft I obviously I can play uh pro clubs whatever I do stream that FM I tried to get you guys involved in one way or another welcome in Josh how are you but obviously there’s more stuff on a them but I don’t know what it is yet so in the Discord or on the community tab I just want ideas whatever ideas you have obviously if they’re just not proper ideas don’t bother but if they are actual suggestions such as like video ideas or um anything like that I one thing I want to do is I want to do another video series where I talk about each Nations going to the Euros the problem is is that I don’t have enough knowledge of some of the Nations such as I don’t know say Slovenia for [ __ ] tanovich play F I think that’s a thing I don’t know I don’t know enough about certain Nations to do that what I was going to do I speak about Wales if just nothing more you need to talk about josa [ __ ] but because obviously I’m not a uh like I’m not English and I’m not a top six Club fan so those videos tend to don’t do as well because you’re not talking about a popular topic are you joking L has poino actually just left Chelsea let me just quickly run over to the Chelsea Instagram page look at this for you guys I would have thought there’s been no leaks on it that would be very shocked if he has um Chelsea I’d be very very shocked if he has it because there not been anything on it today yeah there’s nothing on the Instagram page about it so I’m going to go off the F this just uh L being Lam so hold on I’ll get the stream back open now Lads I’m going to check the thumbnail on while I’m on Google as well so well actually that’s a good point if you guys actually have any video suggestions or stream suggestions series suggestions put them in the chat right now and I will write them down type them down wherever because I’m more than open to having suggestions because to be honest I’m not a great think of su of like ideas and whenever I do think I’m like can I really be asked I should I just give it to Josh or Crimson or someone else can have the idea like most my serieses are just something I’ve asked other people if I can use Subs of players with Jordan um mega Captain was Ci’s idea I kind of just want like a general like I want to be able to say that I’m a FIFA football Minecraft I just want to do everything anything and everything is what I would love because I feel like sometimes I restrict myself to stuff chelse well nobody CU he’s not been sack right if he has then probably um I see I’m going for like a let’s get to call back um maybe like zie but I feel like they would have learned them less than once with Potter but who knows so really oh the qu I was going to wonder who I didn’t even know who it was for a second and I just remember that like one but yeah that’s main stuff yeah if there’s anything else comes with my head stre I will say it but I can’t think of anything else at the moment um that was everything actually I have said to myself and I’ve said to some people I don’t know if I think I’ve said on stream once 1K Subs before the end of the summer I will do a 24-hour stream obviously that means that we have 77 more subs needed or eight 87 Subs sorry more before the end of the sum we are currently on the 21st of May yeah 2 first of May we got until the start of September to reach 1,000 subscribers obviously that comes down to if I’m consistent enough if I’m not then uh well we probably won’t hit it will we think my phone’s dead and I don’t really want to be constantly going off stream to look for this let me search up Sky Sports News John car new hall manager there’s nothing on here like you’re just making me checkpoint the stuff he hasn’t left yet like jh sh but yeah this is me holding the controller so if I start just like bugging then yeah that’s why yeah it’s already gone right back to the keyboard I am here’s that I feel like you’re just joking no stop this you pricks I ain’t checking no I ain’t checking I’ll wait for the notification I ain’t checking I ain’t checking I literally just looked on Sky Sports and there was nothing he ain’t just left I ain’t looking piss off yes what I don’t even have Twitter because I like my sanity right let’s go over to the concrete don’t want a snack stack doesn’t look right I don’t want a stack continue to keep get a stack no I am on the PS version Henry but I’m just using my keyboard and mouse because I’ve had enough the lag on my controller and someone’s chested using keyboard and mouse which I’ve never actually thought of before it’s not better for this though I can’t lie it’s definitely better to do the roads on um controller [Music] y it’s not official sent you I’ll look at Discord now then I hate my life oh why was it not coming up in SK said and it’s David only as well it’s reliable sorry lad I one do shitty in school apologies I didn’t mean to knock you out I was just testing how strong I was sorry I’ll [ __ ] kill you in a minute C well don’t I look like an idiot you see what me CRI last night I did look at it but I didn’t I just scanned it I couldn’t be asked to read it all fair enough um damn I don’t know who that game I did see the Kieran McKenna links but I think I think Kieran McKenna like company will stay with IP switch I don’t see him leaving so early if he’s smart that is we want the zuie wouldn’t wouldn’t surpris me if people we want we want PCH now the thing is Lan is that you guys are very much going to be in a relegation battle again next season I don’t see you guys getting out of it that quickly you think he’s going become a lot like Potter Josh well it depends if why he’s left Brighton because he hasn’t left Brighton instantly for a new job he’s left we don’t yeah I’ve just seen them I didn’t expect him to leave to be honest I thought he would try to stick it out especially because he actually hasn’t had a bad SE they’ve had a good season terms of last season it’s their best finish since well they he got them Europa League they were on a brilliant run at the end of the season my thing with poch is I just don’t think he’s a Serial winner he’s not a trophy winner which is why the fact that Bing they’re linked to company uh who else were they link to poch now the zuie shaby were they linked to they’re not linked to exactly world class managers because there’s no world class managers around but job the moment that’s the problem like play but yeah I doubt you get PCH the thing is is also it’s not just about getting the managers then backing them as well oh L on Henry I’d be very shocked if you guys were able to attract a um PCH especially with potential Point deductions loomin I don’t think you guys have seen the last your point deductions like us I still think there’s very much more Point deduction C Forest I don’t know I feel like how much did you spend this season or the season just gone by Le yeah they’re going to get like a twoo deduction basically nothing you’re just getting two drers to off you I hope they get more because I I can’t be asked after fight another I don’t know where we’ll finish next season realistically Onan is leaving and so is um and how yeah Lan you spent 100 Mil you did not earn 100 Mil last season for finishing 16th I’m sorry you did not earn 100 Mil last season they will combat you for spending more and that’s the worrying thing is the fact if we just if us relegation Bal is just over spend they’re hitting us instantly whereas with Chelsea they can sell a hotel and get away with all that things yeah welcome regie how are you people in Cham I’m not going to say anything about that America think I didn’t read down because I got and FL on that’s not my opinion by the way the opinion of call it now pep lass yeah I think this upcoming season will be pep guardiola’s last season with Man City he’s going to leave take a break and then go and get the job that is what he will do I see um yeah I see him leave him go in to the Spain job after a year and then yeah I think company if he gets promoted back to the Premier League Josh who’s there Rie what the uh Shoe Shop will call it let me fly over we might get loo proofer what lock oh you trying to say lock yeah oh what think of what you haven’t told me what you just said think R who read my well I ain’t G reply to this there is no I don’t know how to apply to that LE best left back he’s not better than Meo English people in the chat what are your thoughts on that England squad then can’t lie couldn’t be asked to look [ __ ] bit [ __ ] but right more or less I think you people seeing [ __ ] because you want to see the big names but then if you saw the big names You’ be like oh look at s he’s big names yet again he’s picking favorites where’s the likes of qucha where’s the likes of Curtis Jones where’s the likes of uh Ivan Tony where’s and You’ be saying that but now that he’s picked those guys you’re like oh why do he picked quo why does he picked branway why does he pick Gomez oh why is he picking them why is he leaving rashford out why is he leaving Mount out W PR you you can’t have it both ways it’s either one way or the either or the other don’t get me wrong I agree players like Curtis Jones why is he there what is Curtis Jones going to do but apart from Jones I’m pretty think maybe you’re missing some players that I’m just can’t think of at the moment salanki maybe over Tony either way Tony or salanki ain’t going to go over Watkins and Kane so it doesn’t really matter um rashford doesn’t deserve a seat on the plane was he done all season except for partying down in Dublin or Belfast was it I don’t remember we want the to um Sancho’s kicked on now in the last three weeks of the Season you can’t just go off half a season is he actually going to be asked enough to play for England um Ben White would have been picked people are complain about Ben White do not know what happened with him Ben White literally refuses to play for England because of Steve Holland um Ben White is the only one really that would have gotten into the squad they didn’t I think but the only other name that I think should have been there that wasn’t was either was either chilwell or Mitchell I know CH has not had a great season but southg is really riding his luck on going on um TR being fully fit and not getting injured and others like um Henderson I have seen people complaining about Henderson being dropped when you’re the same England fan base that been begging for Henderson to be dropped for years and now that he’s actually dropped him it’s oh why is he dropping our only experience midfielder why is he dropping our Vice Captain what’s he doing you were just complaining about him no like that’s the problem sure is by far best left back but you ain’t even certain he’ll be yeah who’s there R I think chilwell orar Mitchell should have gone because they are your best two of the fallbacks or liment to maybe why don’t get you need I ain’t going to like say it but like who Reggie I need who he’ll do Tripp left back left or he’ll do Joe Gomez Josh one of those two I think going off he said Trent or they put Trent in Midfield it’s going to show that he’s going to be playing midfield for them Al okay that was your joke okay that was awful I think your team should be pford if this was my team okay pford sure Grant wait toosi car on uh sure I do think Jared I would say Jared should start the only reason Jared should not start is because of his an experience I think McGuire is going to s for that reason so Maguire in but you were taking our experience with uh Walker right back um now I’ve seen people saying a Midfield of um rice Bellingham foden or rice Bellingham uh F rice Bellingham fod and rice Bellingham Manu your problem here I only seen people say put Stone CDM with rice with rice and uh Bellingham what people aren’t realizing here is the fact of rice plays more than eight a box to box eight not a six he can play the six role but he also likes to push up Bellingham is a 10 he’s not a 10 at Mid he can play that again but he prefers to push up um foden’s a 10 slash Wier and Mayu also likes to play as an eight so the only way to combat that is playing someone like Conor Gallagher who is a box tobox eight and know someone that won’t run out of energy so I would actually go with the Midfield three of rice Gallagher and um Bellingham with front three of foden cane sacka or folding cane palmer but again if you’re talking about the inexperienced argument for um rway then pal is also still inexperienced and again Trent plays like an eight you have too many eights that’s your problem don’t have any sixes in your team which is why Calvin Phillips was still playing CU he’s an actual six welcome in Game of freak how are you what are your thoughts on it then game of freak on him getting sacked we’ve had discussion on it I think it’s bad I don’t think it makes much sense he was restabilizing your club and now you’ve just sacked him like they are now on your fourth manager in two seasons where’s the stability you sacked him when there’s nobody better than him out there really though what’s he done the Tommy to come maybe but I doubt he’d go back after what B did to him don’t call up Gordon that rat filthy little scouse rat play and I don’t know if he’s your best left wing I like the blue side not the other side though not the red side what is happening here how have I never seen this how big is this how deep in does it okay I’m go two blocks in no not even yeah two blocks in why is this here again like two blocks in for fold and oh yeah how’s how is f no the blue side I said I love the blue side is perfect fie not the righted side though the red side’s e are you one of them home no no no no no no no no purple that is one step too far no if you were to make fun of that you are disgusting I don’t see any EV fans making fun of it I’ve seen a couple and the entire everon fan base has slated them and basic just kicked them out with punity as they should cuz it’s disgusting yeah no again I would not make fun of any disaster I remember seeing a couple seasons ago when Cardiff got promoted to the Prem uh after the me on Salah death obviously um there was in this in the first game after there were Liverpool not Liverpool Southampton fans that were doing pling tauns and I remember the entire footall world just slating hating they got arrested and I N impr prison after because their actions as they should be I’ve got um two cardi shirts actually one from the uh season we got when I say we I went to like three games yeah but there were um we got thing we got both the home and away for That season but no names on the back I definitely want to try and get Salah put on the back of one of them on the home one but on the away one I don’t know from that team maybe some like a junior hoil up I did I do love myself Junior hoil up um maybe like a Victor camarasa or like uh I shared the same room as harriat once when I was in hospital his daughter was also in hospital and um my dad I didn’t realize it at the time it was only after um I woke back up and he had left with his daughter thankfully they were all good but um a story I’ve never actually told cuz I was um we do a bit of a story time in frea so year seven I think I was in so that’s five years ago now I was in um hospital with a it wasn’t a stomach but it was like something in my stomach that whenever I don’t eat a lot of food for a couple days I get really ill and like my stomach kind of like squatches in and it goes really small and it makes me really ill so the first time this happened it never happened to me before so when it first happened we had we went to hospital not knowing what it was we were panicking we like what the [ __ ] happening here uh we went into hospital I was throwing up and it was and cuz I hadn’t eaten I was literally throwing up nothing I was just I don’t get why people do this but um yeah I was just throwing up nothing um so I remember going into hospital and they were like uh we don’t know what you’ve got we think it’s just a bug go home and we’ll see how you are if you’re still ill in a couple days come back in and we will see him so we went home and my mother made me some dinner and I went to try and eat it had the first couple bites and threw up so we went back straight straight back into hospital I couldn’t even eat I know if you can’t eat then you’re going to die um so we went into hospital and I then got charged I got not charged but I got like put in the bed I got put Ivy drip on me it’s Ivy drip I think it’s I dri I can’t remember what it’s called thing they put into your hand I think it’s called iy drip I could be wrong um and yeah we got put that I that put on and I was posit I was hospitalized I couldn’t do anything I couldn’t get off the bed I was throwing up not fun and because I had D eaten I was literally throwing up sver so imagine that and they’re like and coming out was just more sver nothing was coming out either s or nothing um so what I never realized until my dad told me after he and his daughter left was harata was on and obviously you know he’s playing rard at the time so he was on the opposite side of the uh room to me I didn’t recognize it him and my dad app had like a conversation and my D my dad would talk to anyone and they were just just talking when I woke up I was like ah I wish I could have talked to him but thankfully obviously you know his daughter I think it was a son when uh was obviously in hospital thankfully they were discharged later that day they were fine thank God but um yeah I then got uh put they it’s uh I got an ultrasound to see if there was anything in my stomach that’s where they saw that I had a little thing in my stomach where if I don’t eat enough uh then I become really ill and then I stayed overnight got that in the morning uh got given to medication stay in for a bit until I can actually walk around and um eat properly I remember they had a Wii in an Xbox 360 in this little like gaming area type thing I remember sitting down playing some FIFA 15 obviously this was not like five years after FIFA four five years after FIFA 15 I remember then going in they had on we also and on that F15 because for some reason it’s a weird bug with it on that disc where every trans did that happen in CR mode also happened in the kickoff so I remember I signed I couple play in career mode then when I was to kickoff and all my signings were also there but then I went over and played in Mario Kart Wii finished like first in like four races then I went back to the bed and then after like another hour I think we were discharged and that was it I was discharged and since then I’ve had the same bug twice um well it’s not bug I had the same thing and because I’m such I’m such one of those guys that will go like eat eat eat eat I’ll eat loads and then I just won’t eat for a couple days and that’s when I get it and that’s when I become really ill again so I’ve had it like two three times since then it’s about a yearly thing I get it once a year and that’s just like I I’m not hungry for a couple days and yeah that was it I was fine I’ve had this a couple times since and it’s just one of those things I live with and the second time I got it we didn’t obviously go back in the hospital because we knew what it was this time we knew it they said if we manag at home I just got to keep up have a lot of water keep the electrolytes going and eat actual food most I can um it’s not a fun thing I am a picky to yes I read that’s sory bad of us but the arti Stu yeah the har AR now obviously I hope it wasn’t anything serious for him and his daughter or I think it was his daughter but I could be wrong um I hope was not serious for them but they weren’t there for long luckily from M know obviously they could have been there before me I hope they weren’t um so it looked like War find nothing ever came out about it in the Press actually so no nobody probably even knew about it and it’s the first time I’ve actually ever told this story of my uh of it I think I talked to harata once during it but I can’t remember the conversation he’s a he’s a really good guy L he’s not a great pop but he’s a really good guy from that one conversation I can’t can’t remember what I said but my dad said he was a really nice guy and yeah and that’s the story again had it a couple times since it’s manageable it’s just something in my stomach I can’t remember what the name of it was but it kind of like if I don’t eat in my stomach starts to shrink it basically just is like nah n no no you can’t have this man no it’s a very annoying bug or very annoying Illness but it’s just something I’ve got to live with yeah that’s story time of Creeper if I trying to think if I’ve got any more stories when I was younger was when you taste oh don’t even talk to me about your taste Birds coming off that was traumatic I hate it taste but for not make you TP to me okay I oh my God not giving youself a lot of room to work with mint Vibes night lad going to head off in a bit Josh thank you for coming in have a good night and I will see you again soon I think tonight I’m definitely going to organize the next captains or not organize maybe not organized maybe but I’m definitely going get i’ll the end the captains at least maybe I’ll have an idea I want the next Captain to be I’ve got Welsh exam tomorrow morning I’m daing I’m so [ __ ] at Welsh but um yeah Co Hit me hard I didn’t even like pizza I was going bed way earlier and I literally didn’t want to be anything oh don’t do that for light T night I I had a appendicitis in 2021 I was in hospital for 3 four days and I couldn’t eat anything it hurt to eat for like two days I was so bad it was the night after d r we lost four and five w 2021 that would been ra nearest Derby wouldn’t it 41 oh um but it’s not fun I’ve never to my knowledge had appendicitis hopefully I don’t because it is a horrible thing I would ah thankfully you’re all fine rgie but it’s not fun it’s some of these bugs and illnesses we are [ __ ] I talked about all that earlier Henry with the main captains and captains uh you have to wait you go back and stream it was near enough right the start or you have to wait and see what happens on channel in the future let’s get mine taken [Music] out no thanks just just no thanks oh how old were you at the time Rie how is that okay I don’t think I had a why I say I’ve never had penze to my knowledge no [ __ ] I’ve never had penze oh I just had a brain no I’ve never had a p hope I never didn’t I think my brother I think I’m I can’t remember I’m pretty sure someone in my family did I don’t think I had a penze which I probably didn’t but like in November to I lit couldn’t walk without pain I couldn’t lie down couldn’t sleep couldn’t do anything I couldn’t eat it was oh I I couldn’t live with stuff like that it would just [ __ ] me up mentally and physically obviously physically that’s what job is l as well so you weren’t even that like old oh last I stood up when I uh stood up when I had it I can never like cuz I’m very much like a lying down person as well so I hate feeling pain when I lie down oh perfect I was very close to going Hospital thing is luckily we live in country that you know has free health care so we can go to hospital not worry about uh you know getting all our money blown on it our parents don’t have to worry about having to put a [ __ ] mortgage on the house just to be able to afford it I’ve never live in America I just couldn’t by the way guys question for you would you want to see me do a walk through GTA 5 story mode I’ve always loved the GTA 5 story mode and I don’t if you guys would want to see me do a live stream walk through of it it was on the left side of my stomach and I hate to sleep but like like laying up I was sitting there trying to sleep for like 5 hours and I started in pain at like midnight St like two hours oh God no no okay so nobody wants War GTA 5 sorry mode damn I mean GTA six on the other hand spoilers or not I will be streaming my first walkthrough of game because it’s GTA 6 we’ll be doing when GTA 6 drops there will be GTA 6 streams GTA 6 streams GTA 6 streams GTA 6 stream just GTA for like days weeks because it’ll be the only thing you can stream I watch okay well good for you but I might do it anyway definitely next year before the um GTA 6 get a bit of hyp for going I’ll definitely doing one more I’ve completed the game a couple weeks ago but I’ll definitely be doing one more play through of it before GTA 6 drops get myself hyped for the game yeah yeah no definitely purple I’ll be doing the entire walk through of GTA uh story mode first and then I’ll be doing online after I’ll be doing the entire walk through I’ll be doing a really nice slow p as well for um the walk through of GTA 6 I’ll be doing like a couple missions to stream exploring the map and I’ll just be [ __ ] loving it taking my time no rushing just taking it at my own pace enjoying the game for what it is especially because it’s probably going to be very expensive welcome in CD welcome Shane how are you and yes we were talking about earlier um I don’t know to think of it because it feels like a very cheap and just easy move by them it seems like they’re trying to take the easy way like the other question is who are they actually going to get in now welcome in foot how are you I was hurting like the the day after also but like I’m also the type person to go to bed at 6 retired at 4ep after like 5 minutes sleep 25 minutes yeah lucky man I if I don’t get enough sleep I’m dead for the day but I don’t know about Z I feel like you might they might take a break welcome in Donnie how are you if you guys hit that like button by the way and subscribe that appreciated 10 likes is the goal for the stream I’m doing decent foot jet my day has definitely got better since I started the stream this second stream first stream uh we don’t talk about that part hey not too well I can’t Jo cross what’s wrong you want to talk about it or if you don’t that’s fine if you want to DM me you’re more than welcome to DM’s always open but if I sleep for like eight hours i’ like tired what so you sleep for eight hours and you’re tired sleep for 25 minutes and you’re awake all excited and energized all right I’ll uh get Discord open now oh regie if you’re here this Josh guy has mugged you off let’s show how this pict is doing whoa Fair Play James I’m the same one time I woke up I went I went bed at 5: woke up at 7 school and wasn’t tired then went bed at 11: woke up at 8: okay just how I was trying to use my controller for a bit now so I want to like I don’t want to to be sat down I want to lie down for a couple minutes you got a second helper hold on that’s e e e no that’s fine if you want to talk we talk on stream if you want yeah e e e for e for e e e e e e e e e e for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e I’ve just spent like the last 10 minutes talking my brother coming back and then trying to figure out why my PlayStation controller wasn’t unmuting but we’re back now for a bit I don’t know how long I’m live for probably not much longer so yeah welcome is please how are you um anyone else that was here I’m so sorry um if you want to hit that subscribe button we’ll definitely be alive next time um is anyone here that wanted to play um so I’m so sorry I’m going to be ending soon otherwise I would be like you know if you want to join though make sure you’re on PlayStation and we’ll probably be streaming again tomorrow so I’ll be live yet tomorrow for more Minecraft but um yeah so subscribe and you’ll be able to play tomorrow definitely but yeah that’s why we’re going to call it for today because I’m getting tired we’ve been live for a good hour we do we the content as well Isaac please also my name is Isaac as well but um you know we do more content we do FIFA we do um G GTA we do all different stuff football related stuff so yeah we are this our R here we’re going to raid her so the the misclicked there so Lads if if you could all go and click this link go put I will Crimson go put cre parade in her chat we will will be live again tomorrow for some more Minecraft probably if I’m uh want to I might change it but yeah I’ll see you guys again in the next one thanks for having to came in and yeah see you guys in the next one and goodbye and goodbye

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT CREATIVE WORLD WITH VIEWERS!! Also Talking About The Channels Future!’, was uploaded by Creeperboy043 on 2024-05-22 07:33:03. It has garnered 81 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:19 or 5419 seconds.

  • Stylish End Exploration & Cyberpunk Shulker Trap! – Chill Survival – #18

    Stylish End Exploration & Cyberpunk Shulker Trap! - Chill Survival - #18 Minecraft Survival Adventure: Exploring the End and Crafting a Shulker Trap Introduction In the world of Minecraft, Meikyan embarks on a thrilling survival adventure in the Java Edition. With a focus on creativity and exploration, she delves into the mysterious realm of the End and crafts a unique Shulker trap. Let’s dive into the exciting journey filled with challenges and discoveries! End Exploration and Shulker Trap Construction Meikyan’s journey begins with a successful defeat of Endora, acquiring gunpowder for elytra fireworks. Her creeper trap watchtower stands tall, a testament to her survival skills. As she ventures into the End,… Read More

  • Minecraft AI Experiment!

    Minecraft AI Experiment! Minecraft Neural Network: A Unique Creation Introduction to the Project In a fascinating video, William showcases a neural network entirely built and trained within Minecraft. The project involves a giant blackboard, a special brush, and a network that can classify handwritten digits based on pixel values. The neural network predicts with impressive accuracy, showcasing the power of machine learning within the game. Implementation and Training The neural network in Minecraft is a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) with an input layer, hidden layer, and output layer. Each layer consists of neurons that perform weighted sums and apply activation functions to introduce… Read More

  • Crafting Joy: Minecraft’s Happy Planet Adventure

    Crafting Joy: Minecraft's Happy Planet Adventure In the world of Minecraft, Happy Planet shines bright, With animations funny, bringing joy and delight. Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a child-friendly sight, Bringing laughter and happiness, each day and each night. From classrooms to songs, all crafted with care, Each video a gem, beyond compare. Avoiding pirated content, this channel is rare, So subscribe and enjoy, without a single care. With rhymes and emojis, the news is told, In Minecraft’s world, where adventures unfold. From funny animations to stories bold, Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a treasure to hold. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, each update… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Finding Diamonds in Minecraft PE 1.20

    Ultimate Guide: Finding Diamonds in Minecraft PE 1.20 Exploring Diamond Mining in Minecraft PE 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft PE 1.20, the quest for diamonds is a thrilling adventure for players. Diamonds are a valuable resource used for crafting powerful tools and armor, making them highly sought after in the game. What Level to Find Diamonds To embark on your diamond mining journey, it’s crucial to know where to look. Diamonds are typically found between levels 1 to 15 in Minecraft PE 1.20, with the highest concentration around level 12. Mining at these depths increases your chances of striking diamond ore. Best Coordinates for… Read More

  • Rain and Relaxing Minecraft Soundtrack

    Rain and Relaxing Minecraft Soundtrack Pembe Ev: Gece Ay Işığında Büyüleyici Manzara Pembe Ev ve Ay Işığı Bu video, geceleyin ay ışığının altında parlayan bir pembe evin görkemli manzarasını sunuyor. Sessiz ve huzurlu bir ortamda, gökyüzündeki yıldızların ışığıyla aydınlanan bu ev, büyüleyici bir atmosfere sahip. Pembe rengiyle dikkat çeken ev, çevresindeki doğal güzelliklerle birleşerek benzersiz bir manzara oluşturuyor. İzleyicilere görsel bir şölen sunan bu video, doğanın ve mimarinin eşsiz uyumunu keşfetmeye davet ediyor. Keyifli seyirler! Kamp Ateşi ve Doğa Sesleri Rahatlama, pozitif düşünce, konsantrasyon, denge ve motivasyonda destekleyici olan kamp ateşi ve doğa sesleri, bu videoya eşlik ediyor. Huzurlu ve sakinleştirici terapi müziği, motivasyon… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we’re diving into the world of automatic sorting systems in Minecraft. If you’ve ever wanted to streamline your item organization process, this is the video for you. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up a full automatic sorting system in Minecraft, making item management a breeze. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking to optimize your storage system or a beginner eager to learn new tricks, this video has something for everyone. But why stop at just watching videos? Take your Minecraft experience to the next level… Read More

  • Minecraft Masterclass

    Minecraft Masterclass The Art of Minecraft: A Creative Journey Exploring the World of Minecraft Paintings Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, has recently introduced a plethora of new paintings that have captured the hearts of players worldwide. These paintings, often used as decorative elements in the game, have become a staple in the Minecraft community’s creations and builds. The abstract nature of the paintings allows players to interpret them in various ways, sparking interesting conversations and adding depth to the game’s artistic side. Meet the Artists Behind the Brushes One of the masterminds behind the new paintings is Kristoffer Zetterstrand, an artist… Read More

  • Craft Your Own TikTok Server: Minecraft Stream Dream!

    Craft Your Own TikTok Server: Minecraft Stream Dream! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, StreamToEarn connects, triggering in-game gains. With likes and gifts, viewers can play a part, Creating chaos or art, with a click of the heart. Choose your template, set up your server with ease, Craft your world, let your imagination release. From Bedrock to Parkour, the options are vast, Engage your audience, make every moment last. With sheep and sand, and games galore, Your TikTok stream will never be a bore. So leap into the verse, let your story sing, In the world of Minecraft, let your truth take wing. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Homebound Minecraft Moments!

    Crafting Chaos: Homebound Minecraft Moments! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is like a dream. With animations funny and bright, He brings joy and laughter, day and night. From high-stakes battles to quirky gifts, Every moment in rhyme, our spirits lift. Elders in the game, showing their might, With skills that shine, oh what a sight! So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For Minecraft magic that will revive. Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a true delight, In the world of gaming, shining so bright! Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on Planets in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on Planets in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore’da GEZEGENLERDE 100 Gün Hayatta Kalmak… Merhaba, Orhan, Minecraft Hardcore’da GEZEGEN Dünyasında 100 gün hayatta kalmak adlı videoyu çektik! Bu macerada buz gezegeni, mantar gezegeni, End gezegeni ve Nether gezegeni gibi birçok farklı gezegeni keşfedeceğiz. Eğlenceli ve heyecan verici bir video olacak! Aesir Minecraft Sunucusuna Katılın Bu macerada bana destek olan AesirMC ekibine teşekkür ederim. Minecraft sunucusuna katılarak bana destek olabilirsiniz. Java ve Bedrock tüm sürümlerinden sunucuya giriş yapabilirsiniz. Önerilen sürüm 1.18.2’dir. Hep birlikte Aesir RPG Minecraft keyfini yaşayalım! Aesir Minecraft Sunucusuna Katılmak İçin: IP adresi: orhan.aesirmc.com Sürüm: 1.18.2 Bedrock IP: 19132 Detaylı bilgi için bu videoya göz… Read More

  • LOST in Minecraft?! 😱 Xobix FREAKS out! #shorts

    LOST in Minecraft?! 😱 Xobix FREAKS out! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘This one lost player in Minecraft… 🙄#shorts’, was uploaded by Xobix on 2024-01-14 11:00:24. It has garnered 974 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Discord Server: https://discord.gg/R8EhTMNd #shorts #short #minecraft #goofy #mlg #viral #goviral @Xobix07 Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Builds Secret Sheep Army?! #Minecraft

    Minecraft Pro Builds Secret Sheep Army?! #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] the This video, titled ‘JJ Minecraft domba domba kuring |#minecraft #jj #fypシ #GG’, was uploaded by Naoky_YGY on 2024-05-23 14:05:16. It has garnered 472 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets of the Bronytales Server Revealed | Must Watch Now!

    Secrets of the Bronytales Server Revealed | Must Watch Now!Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone how y’all doing hello D hello Nicholas what will I build today hell if I know I never really know what I’m doing going into these streams we’ll see hello Yumi hello Marx hello psychop petzel hello AER hello major quadrangle okay I’m going to chug some water before we really get started hello Phoebe hello horror Pony a that’s better that’s better I think my are my eyes too high hang on maybe they’re fine maybe they’re fine I felt like they were too high hello… Read More

  • Get Ready for Epic Minecraft Live Stream!

    Get Ready for Epic Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Divine-Gamers Realm: Minecraft Survival Be there for DiscoDixon12’s live stream tomorrow 19:00 BST’, was uploaded by divine-gamers on 2024-06-13 19:37:50. It has garnered 263 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Join me on my upcoming Minecraft Survival Live Stream as we embark on an incredible journey to build the ultimate XP Gold Farm! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this stream is packed with excitement, creativity, and non-stop action. Read More

  • EPIC Survival Adventure | Minecraft Series

    EPIC Survival Adventure | Minecraft SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-04 10:54:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: https://discord.gg/bq7D23bdES Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • Gold Ingots Survival

    Gold Ingots SurvivalLifesteal Survival No land claims Clans Item Economy Dozens of Enhanced Weapons / Tools To Obtain In game events (Bloodmoon, King of the Hill, And More!) Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    ZynnCraft Minecraft Server Welcome to the ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6 Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: ZynnCraft.fr.to Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win Ability Item Join the discord: Discord Server Server Trailer: Watch Here A Non-Pay-to-Win Vanilla+ Factions experience Server Overview: Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, where you can experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Our server focuses on maintaining the classic vanilla-plus experience while introducing some unique twists to keep the gameplay exciting and engaging. Now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join the discord: Discord Server Join us at: ZynnCraft.fr.to… Read More

  • ATM 9 – By Night Time Gaming

    ATM 9 - By Night Time Gamingthis is a WIP Public ATM9 server by Night Time Gaming all info on ntgclan.us.to the port for this server is 25566Our goal here is to work hard to keep up a lag free server we offer the best rollback system EVER!discord and other info on site 🙂 – http://ntgclan.us.to/ http://ntgclan.us.to/map – LIVE MAP! find a place to start HD 3d views server has 24 cores and 64 GB RAM 24 dedicated :0 enjoy! home hosted 🙂 Im on discord 24/7 and can help solve problems quite fast 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mining Luck like a Boss

    Never thought I’d be this lucky…until I found a diamond block right next to my spawn point! Read More

  • Random World Woes: Minecraft’s Survival Show

    Random World Woes: Minecraft's Survival Show In a world of random blocks, I spawned with glee, Exploring the chaos, what a sight to see. Diamonds and villages, all in my path, Crafting tools and upgrades, facing the aftermath. But wait, a twist in the tale, a portal gone wrong, Netherite armor, but stuck for so long. Struggling with fire, in a world so bizarre, The random blocks world, taking me far. But alas, a mishap, my portal destroyed, Trapped in the chaos, feeling annoyed. Yet in the end, it’s all just a game, Minecraft’s randomness, never the same. Read More

  • Pedro’s Minecraft Animation: The Hottest Meme Ever!

    Pedro's Minecraft Animation: The Hottest Meme Ever! When you accidentally type “pedro” three times in a row and summon a Minecraft animation wizard named Pedro, who just wants to make memes and play games all day. #PedroCeption #MinecraftMagic Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to enhance your gaming experience? Look no further! Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server today. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place for players of all levels to come together and enjoy the game. Experience the thrill of survival mode, build epic structures, participate in thrilling PvP battles, or simply relax and socialize with fellow gamers. The possibilities are endless on Minewind. To join the fun, simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure… Read More

  • Villager Trades Gone Wild

    Villager Trades Gone Wild Minecraft But Villager Trades OP Items Welcome, gamers! Today, we delve into the world of Minecraft where villagers offer incredibly powerful trades. Let’s explore this unique aspect of the game and see what exciting adventures await! Trading for Power In this Minecraft challenge, players encounter villagers who offer trades for overpowered items. From enchanted gear to rare resources, these trades can give players a significant advantage in their gameplay. Exploring Villages As players navigate through villages, they come across villagers with exceptional trades. These trades can include powerful weapons, armor, and other valuable items that can aid players in… Read More

  • Can You Survive the Cartoon Basement Battle in Minecraft?

    Can You Survive the Cartoon Basement Battle in Minecraft?Video Information very unusual closed basements today let’s take a look at them subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys I’m a zombie with you today let’s take a look at the new basements unusual closed we have here five characters good and bad we’ve got a racer here the man outside the window that’s SpongeBob next up Captain feed’s and box aboo well let’s get started support with a like And subscribe to my channel don’t forget well we’re off so the first character yeah let’s go from the very… Read More


    EPIC MINECRAFT STRESS FESTVideo Information I can’t lie bro y’all got to like this up this got to be the most stressful video I’ve ever recorded in my entire life yo what’s up guys as you can clearly see yeah we put on some Shader packs I’m not going to lie I ain’t even test it yet I mean I seen it but I ain’t even test it in game okay oh okay all right bro that’s that’s a little too bright I’m not going to lie to you but okay bro hold on my render distance is mad chopped but hold on… Read More

  • 🔥 Join FREE Minecraft SMP with HR Nitin Gamer!

    🔥 Join FREE Minecraft SMP with HR Nitin Gamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft Public Smp Live Free Join’, was uploaded by HR NITIN GAMER on 2024-06-04 16:36:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. LIKE & SUBSCRIBE FOR SUPPORT IP-HRNITINGAMER.aternos.me port-38157 Title: Minecraft Server SMP | Come play with us ! Read More

  • Fradinus Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bases!?🤯🔥

    Fradinus Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bases!?🤯🔥Video Information [музыка] в лес приходит сказка снег как чистый лист в разноцветных красках искупалась кисть сами начинают руки рисовать ведь талант не спрятать И не потерять может творчество мо моё вызовет сомнение только не справляюсь я с этим вдохновением Может вам покажется This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Secret Bases At Different Ages🤔🤯(Masha And The Bear) #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Fradinus on 2024-06-18 12:46:58. It has garnered 16530 views and 304 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Like and Subscribe❤️ Fradinus creates ,Shorts and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Challange, Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft Server DESTROYED! 😂😱 #TechnoGamerz

    Minecraft Server DESTROYED! 😂😱 #TechnoGamerzVideo Information केलिए मिटने वाला है और हम अपना बदला लेने वाले हैं तो गाइ भागने के लिए तैयार रहना इन थ्री टू वन लेट्स गो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो भागो लेट्स गो विजय भाई शायद This video, titled ‘Minecraft server distroed 😂😂🤔😙😙#technogamerz #proboiz95’, was uploaded by Teddy bisht on 2024-02-19 12:24:45. It has garnered 515 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Trials ft. Wextary & dillon8775

    Unbelievable Minecraft Trials ft. Wextary & dillon8775Video Information go live I didn’t press that go live button oh I’m stupid you’re so don’t say anything stupid all right you ready all right Manny you got this right oh just please be family friendly I’m family friendly streamer here as well yeah Dylan I’m not well I am but you know there’s a little bit there’s a little there’s a little room I’m unmuted hello everyone man here why why stream no start stream you not right it’s it says it’s started does it is it started for y’all oh there we go poggers yeah it is… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Automation with Productive Bees & Eternal Stella!

    EPIC Minecraft Automation with Productive Bees & Eternal Stella!Video Information I’m chosen architect and this is all the mods 9 and today we get super busy as we dive into the productive bees mod hopefully you guys are ready now jumping back into some more all the mods 9 today I want to get into batana that’s right the magic of all magic mods or is it now we have started a ton of mods in this pack and we now have tons of ways of generating resources but there has been one mod that I have been kind of neglecting to get into but today we completely… Read More

  • Can You Guess Who’s Eye This Is? 😱 #Naruto #Sharingan

    Can You Guess Who's Eye This Is? 😱 #Naruto #SharinganVideo Information [Music] ding ding [Music] ding This video, titled ‘Guess the eye 😱 of Naruto character 😲#naruto #sharingan #eye #anime @narrowdude333′, was uploaded by NarrowDude on 2024-03-04 13:39:54. It has garnered 18 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Guess the eye 😱 of Naruto character 😲#naruto #sharingan #eye #anime ‎@narrowdude333  Title: The Enigmatic Eye: A Minecraft Build Guessing Game Introduction: In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, where players can build anything from simple houses to intricate landscapes, there exists a game that challenges players’ observational skills and creativity – “Guess… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft House Build Challenge w/ Aakib #shorts

    Insane Minecraft House Build Challenge w/ Aakib #shortsVideo Information [Music] everything’s perfect here and the sun is shining hey everything’s perfect here there’s nobody crying I got a bad feeling about This video, titled ‘Build The House Minecraft Challenge #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Aakib Playz on 2024-04-16 12:29:01. It has garnered 12937 views and 488 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Build The House Minecraft Challenge #shorts #minecraft Inspired: @PROTER Song: @JagwarTwin Disclaimer: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, parody, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and… Read More

  • CLE2 Gamers

    CLE2 GamersWelcome to GraceCraft, a warm and welcoming Christian Minecraft server where players of all ages come together to build, explore, and share their faith in a positive and inclusive community. Our server is founded on the principles of love, respect, and fellowship, creating a safe space for players to enjoy the game while embracing their Christian values. At GraceCraft, you’ll find a family-friendly environment where kindness and cooperation are celebrated. Our dedicated team of moderators ensures a wholesome atmosphere, making it a perfect place for players of all skill levels to engage in creative endeavors, survival adventures, and collaborative projects…. Read More

  • ZynnCraft – Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    Welcome to the ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6! Join the ZynnCraft Minecraft server at ZynnCraft.fr.to Server IP: ZynnCraft.fr.to Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win experience Join our discord: https://discord.gg/QFQDu5rdWu Server Trailer: https://youtu.be/XtN3SSTPOV8?si=lZBR6ObeDC2SgYeq Server Overview Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, offering a classic Minecraft experience with unique twists. Now on version 1.20.6, supporting Bedrock players! Join us at ZynnCraft.fr.to and be part of our community today! Read More

  • Minecraft server survi.ar

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: survi.ar (GL HF) Read More

  • Zenith MC

    Zenith MC🌟 Join Zenith world/nation building Today! 🌟Looking for a unique Minecraft experience? Join Zenith MC today! We host building competitions, pvp events, and boss fights!🔹 **No Mods, Just Plugins:** Enjoy a seamless gameplay experience with custom plugins, no need to download mods!🔹 **Custom Items & Resource Pack:** Explore a world filled with exclusive items and a stunning custom resource pack!🔹 **💰 Thriving Economy System:** Trade, earn, and thrive in our dynamic economy system!🔹 **🌍 Growing Community:** Be part of a vibrant and welcoming community that’s growing every day!🔹 **🚀 Launching July 15th at 3:00pm PST:** Join us from day one… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creeper-Approved Minecraft Memes

    I guess you could say this meme is mining for laughs with that score of 70! Read More

  • Unleash Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21

    Unleash Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21Video Information how to fly in survival Minecraft a new glitch has just been found that allows you to fly up walls with wind charges and with a little practice it is very easy to do to do this glitch first get right next to a block then place your Crosshair right above the bottom of the block and hold down right click to throw wind charges while pressing W to move forward like how you should subscribe to help me move forward towards 100 subscribers by the end of the summer anyways this glitch is very hard to do… Read More

  • Java 1.21: Minecraft Duplication Dance

    Java 1.21: Minecraft Duplication Dance In the world of Minecraft, a glitch has been found, A multiplayer duplication trick, spreading around. Enchanted items, duplicated with ease, Using a trade plugin, the process is a breeze. Trade your items with a friend or alt account, Then unenchant them, creating a new amount. Stacking enchants, making items more strong, With each duplication, the power grows long. But beware, the glitch may break the game, Creating sharpness levels that are insane. So try it out, and see what you find, In the world of Minecraft, glitches unwind. Subscribe for more glitches, tutorials galore, Join our Discord community,… Read More