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Well hello everybody and welcome to episode 167 of the let’s play world we are over here at the nether Monument project and on the live stream this last weekend we basically got it finished so to start off today I want to show you what we did over here and I want to show

You what I did between episodes so as we walk along if you peek out here you can see we’ve got the one pyramid here and we’ve now got the other pyramid over there this torch right here just kind of indicates the center of this wall I do

Want to do something decorative up there just to make it look a little fancier and I’m going to drink a potion real quick cuz this place gets super sketchy as we walk along have this nice glass walkway goes in into the pyramid and yeah you can see there’s just mobs

Everywhere everywhere and they all want to kill me this walkway goes all the way down here to this space here yeah they just spawn like crazy it’s amazing and right here we’re going to build a portal and we’re not going to go through it yet this is going to be future expansion but

I do want to put a portal here so that we have that in the future look how many wither skeletons there are it is just absurd this right here is just a little ladder goes down into this space here and I can get at the different skeletons

And things here if I duck I can see them but if I stand up it breaks the ey line and so they stop shooting at me you might have noticed over here there’s also a little thing going on got a hole in the floor I’ve got some

Turtle eggs and I’ll show you what’s going on with that one of the viewers on the live stream Douglas Gordo gave me the idea to basically make a little gold Farm I guess so right here you can see I added in just this little outcrop with a ladder we go down this

Ladder nothing fancy I just did glass so that nothing spawns we run through here what’s kind of cool is directly below those turtle eggs there is a pillar this pillar right here and so what we can do is we can get Pigmen and then if we kill the Pigmen we

Get tons of gold so that’s pretty cool in the future I will come back over here and I will work on a little bit of decoration here and we will build a portal so that we can get out to unexplored areas of the world and it’s

Going to be great but today I want to kind of gather up our materials head back to base and I want to do some updating to our wall of tasks cuz I’ve got some ideas on kind of how I want to finish the year out and then I would

Like to talk about future plans and get some work done in our garden I still got a ton of nether brick really crazy how uh much I have left over I thought I was going to run out but nope pyramids are are Hollow and they don’t need a whole lot

All right these Gardens you might remember last episode we did this Maze and it looks fantastic I’ve been really really happy with it I’ve been kind of playing with it and reviewing it a little bit couple things I want to do today this kind of immediate area around

It I’d like to do a little bit of landscaping there and I think on either side I’d like to do something of like a little gate or a trellis or something to make the entrance and the exit look a little nicer so that’s what I want to do

Today there are some flowers that seem to grow pretty uh naturally or easily in this area and there’s other ones that don’t so I grabbed a bunch of flowers and brought them over here so that we could bone meal things up and get more of those was growing some trees so that

We have some access to those as well and I think that’s going to be our first Focus today this one over here I’m thinking I might do maybe a fountain and then this one over here I’m thinking about doing maybe some statues and then the one over there

That’s really a severe slope I think we’re going to do a little bit of like a picnic area so each of these will have a little bit of a different personality and I think that’ll be really fun really cool the other thing we need to think

About is these spaces in between so we got a formal Garden here and we got a formal Garden there we have these big spaces in between them I would like to do some kind of build in each of these spaces now this one way over here that

One has a little bit of like a river going on we take to the air here you can see this is going to occupy that space between this formal garden and that formal garden and I want to kind of make it look a little natural

You know a little wild so that we have a nice Green Space here this one is interesting because it has three pillars in it it also has the entrance to our slime farm this one is pretty wide open as is this one over here one thing I was thinking about and

That we had talked about before is this black Spire that runs out of the ground here we have this base that we’ve sort of built onto this Spire but the Spire seems to be a little bit of like a natural element it’d be kind of cool to build a couple of much smaller

Blackstone outcrops so they kind of match this theming um we don’t have to just leave them as spikes you know they could actually be buildings or or something like that so I’m going to think on that but yeah I think it’s going to be a really awesome and kind of full space

When we’re done with it but before we get started on that I want to fly up to the map room and the wall of tasks and I want to update some things and make some plans so a lot of the best builds I think come from viewer suggestions and

I’ve still got a few viewer suggestions that we’re going to get to wall of tasks let’s talk about this for a minute I’ve got a few Farms that have been sitting up here and I want to review some of those and then we’ve got a few different

Projects up here that uh we want to talk through so the first one the nether monument that is basically done that one was a viewer suggestion from sake devil and I thank you for that it was challenging and it turned out really cool the circle that I think is

Well underway and so I’m going to remove that because we have basically completed the circle and we have a plan it’s just the different spaces and Gardens that we need to work out okay Flo floating things floating island floating Castle we’re going to get to those very soon these other

Things I think I want to review a little bit Glo ink Farm let’s put that over here with our other kind of someday projects nether tunnel to Mangrove swamp I’ve been working on it it’s just a really long tunnel so it’s going to take a while but I chip away at it

Occasionally this other one here nether tunnel to Mesa let’s move that we’ll put it up here by the other nether tunnel this one I have an interesting idea the nether tunnel to the Mesa is going to connect with the nether tunnel to the mangrove swamp and

The way that it’s going to kind of work let me show you here if you can imagine the nether right now we are here in the lodge and so I’m working on a tunnel that’ll go all the way out to the mangrove swamp just a big straight

Shooter and then right now we have a tunnel that goes near the Mesa and then it kind of turns uh up and away from the Mesa but what I want to do is build a tunnel out this way that connects up with the mangrove swamp have an idea so

This tunnel is going to come this way this tunnel is going to go this way what if where the intersection is I just kind of build like a little hub and then we build like an elytra tunnel so maybe you know like there’s not always floors and that sort of thing

It’s just sort of a a course to fly to this area and we could do a similar thing here so it would just be a hub with some elytra course on the way from here to there I don’t know if I’m making any sense but I’ve got an idea I’ve got

A vision and I think it’ll be cool and that will sort of open up this area for us if we were to build a little nether portal out here so all that to say the nether tunnels I will work on those they’re kind of boring to watch I think so I’ll

Just keep chipping away at them find a woodland mansion that would be a nice thing to do now things like that I don’t know if they should be on the wall of tasks cuz they’re more of a challenge or an objective and not really a project

Another one like fill out world map that probably shouldn’t be on here because it’s a cool thing and we will eventually do that but it’s not a project so find Woodland Mansion I would love to but let’s take that off the wall of tasks okay let’s move the other floating thing

Here there we go Okay so we’ve got our nether tunnels we’ve got our floating things fireworks f Factory I never had a real solid plan for that it would be cool to do something with fireworks or have some sort of fireworks display but I’m not sure what to do with that

Yet let’s update it we’ll call it fireworks display and I will leave it up here on the wall of tasks loock Museum this one I don’t know if that’s going to be a lot of fun you know it’s just sort of a uh a lot of running around but we have this massive

Space under our old base that we certainly could use as a block museum so that one might still be worthwhile let me know if that’s something that you’d be interested in watching me kind of running around and collecting all the blocks also let me know if it’d be

Really boring and I’ll just take it off the wall of tasks amusement park got an idea for that as you noticed down here when I was doing the Mob Zoo I ran way out here to this area this giant mushroom Island and that might be a cool place to build an amusement park

Mushroom islands are kind of funky looking anyway and nothing can really spawn there so I think that’s where we’re going to build it so here’s what I’m thinking once we get some of the other stuff done and we start to explore this area with our new portal we’ll get

Down here and we’ll do the amusement park if history is any indicator 1.21 will probably come out early summertime you know I’m thinking like maybe June or July and so we’ll have plenty of time you know in these next six months or so to kind of work on this get going on

That and then once we get to 1.21 that’s when everything’s going to change I’m thinking then what I’m going to do is just load up an ender chest with some of my most precious things and head off to a part of the world that we’ve never never been in but one thing

At a time okay back up here to the wall of tasks I’ve I’ve got a couple other things so potion Brewer I built one of these at the old base uh little space where you could just push a button and it would brew a potion it’d be fun to do

Another potion Brewer in maybe a different configuration so I’m going to leave this one up here on the wall of tasks I got another one a vault that one was suggested by Douglas Gordo and his idea was some sort of Vault to keep all my valuables in got

Quite a number of diamonds and golden apples and things like that it’d be pretty cool to build a place to put all that something else I want to do the door at my old base is broken they did some sort of update with skull frequencies and stuff like that and when

I ring the bell the door doesn’t open anymore they’ve since come out with the calibrated skull block and so I’d like to revisit this and update that so the door works again clean up the sniffers over there in the mob zooo I’ve got a bunch of alls and some note blocks just collecting

Torch flow seeds and it’s a mess so I need to get up there clean that up and make it look nicer again also over at the zoo I never did a hostile mob area and you know I’m not totally into collecting every single hostile mob but I think

There a few you know a skeleton a zombie a creeper things like that that it would be nice to collect and build a little area for those so I would like to do that before we move on to a different part of the world and we already talked about it

But we may as well put the formal Garden on the wall of tasks and the in between spaces around the formal Gardens last thing I’m going to put up here is build that portal in the nether Monument so I think this will keep us busy for quite a while maybe until 1.21

Comes out who knows really just depends how long some of these things take also got this stuff over here you know it’d be nice to build an actual mob farm so I don’t have to run back and get bone meal or gunpowder um a chicken farm would be

Fun you know the cow Farms are always fun so some sort of chicken farm would be a good one uh creeper Farm not critical especially if we have a mob farm I’ve never done a raid Farm you know that would be a worthwhile thing to

Do at some point so I’ll just leave all of those up there as kind of my someday projects I’ve got a few other fun ideas for the channel That I will roll out before the end of the year and one of those is going to be that I’m going to

Introduce some new characters I used to do a lot of different characters on the SMP that I played on and I’d like to do some of that here on the let’s play world and I think today we’re going to meet that first new character that to

Help us out in the garden and that guy’s name is The Decorator well hey there folks I’m The Decorator I know I sound just like Todd but that’s just some kind of weird coincidence let’s talk about formal Gardens so when we’re talking about a formal Garden we’re talking about a

Garden that is very organized a more casual Garden might just occupy some areas in your yard or around your house but a formal Garden is designed with paths and other Decor so that it looks very very intentional and that’s the key here is the word intentional something

That’s a little more casual or something that’s wild is going to be really chaotic and sporadic we want to be really organized and intentional with where we put things so we want to think about grouping same types of flowers or maybe grouping same colors of flowers we

Also want to think about things like sight lines and height we’ll definitely do some trees and we’ll build our own bushes and things like that so that it looks really nice and organized so the first thing thing I’m going to do is just walk around and take a look here so

You can see we’ve got some places here we could do like a flower bed we’ve got some places on the other side where we could do a flower bed and this here we might want to back this up a little bit just so we have a little bit of space

Now as we turn the corner here we’ve got a little room over here and then it might be nice to do something on the corners so that when we are approaching the corner we get something to look at and will kind of give us a a pause and

Then we can turn and go this way we might do the same thing on each of the corners do something to look at the key to a great looking Garden is to have a lot of variety a lot of different flowers and a lot of bone meal and

Something else I mentioned is other Decor besides flowers so obviously we have these very defined paths that’s a little bit different than like a a casual Garden or a wild area and also we were talking about maybe doing some sort of little ENT here so let’s try some

Things out and see how it Looks Oh All right let’s check out what we got going on so when we talk about being organized or being intentional there’s a couple things we can do one thing is symmetry if we do the same thing over and over and over it looks intentional it looks like we meant to do it so I

Have at each of the intersections some dark oak trees all the way around the whole path and then you’ll notice that we did a lot of red and we did a lot of white and I think that looks really good together we get some different Reds you

Know we’ve got the Tulips we got the rose bushes we got the berries and we got a couple different whites we’ve got the Tulips we’ve got the oxide daisies those look fantastic also put a bunch of bushes here remember when I was talking about sight lines as we’re walking down

We see a lot of Shrubbery and it looks very developed it looks like it’s been here for a while and that just looks real nice so we come down the side because we had this area here I went ahead and kicked this over one so that we could be symmetrical again and again

Just that red and white Motif I didn’t do much here because I think we might take a path out to whatever we build out here same sort of theme on this corner with the barri roses daisies as we turn the corner you can see we got the same thing going on down

There really symmetrical now where the entryway is I did something a little different I went Pure White so we got some lies and some tulips and then I did a lot of bone mealing to kind of make the grass pop up a bit bone meal is definitely your friend when you’re

Making Gardens one thing you can do is just kind of see what happens so if I put bone meal down you’ll see this is what we got and one thing to do is if you don’t want a certain flour punch it out it makes it look much more

Intentional same thing with the Tall Grass you got too much it becomes a little overwhelming so punching some of that out really goes a long way here we don’t need that that doesn’t match our Motif neither does that doing that again just adds a little bit of texture and

Makes it look a little more substantial we did exactly the same thing on this side pick the bush over a little bit so we had that Symmetry and as we come on down just a couple rose bushes again we might take a path out here to whatever we build out there on

This corner we got the same thing we come through with some bone meal and we just punch out the flowers that we don’t want we got too much tall grass in the way punch some of that out and that looks real good just a little bone meal really kind of makes it come

Alive didn’t do anything with this yet I’m thinking we might do something all the way around so that we again have a motif that is symmetrical but we’ll cross that bridge when we get there we’d also talked about some entries and exits here so if we just give ourselves a

Little bit of room here our gate at the very front is made out of dark oak and so I think we’re going to use dark oak and one thing that’s just real simple to do is just put some fences up like so and then if we bring it around the

Top that is just a really simple gate now one thing you could do to kind of switch this up again is just use a fence gate and this creates a little bit more of an ornate top like that I think that looks really really good around front we

Could do something very similar just punch out these leaves and come through with these fences one thing that’s nice about the leaves is because they’re are transparent block like that they don’t connect and so you just get this nice post jump up here we can put one here

One here and then let’s put that same fence gate in between well not like that like that very good look and see what we got here nice that just looks real deliberate looks like it was meant to be we could even put some lights on here

And that sort of thing to dress it up a little bit or maybe mirror some of these white flowers just across the way here to kind of again create that Symmetry and that intentional look look the dark oak and the dark oak matches really nice and again we’ve got dark oak around the

Edge and nowhere else there aren’t any dark oak forests around here so this looks really deliberate like these trees were planted that’s a really great look and one thing to keep in mind is you don’t really ever have to be done you can keep changing things out you can try

Something different add to it take away from it see what works for you hope this helps happy decorating well let’s go check out what the decorator did to our garden on the map you can see there’s a lot more going on on the corners here

And a little bit more going on up front here from the top a lot more Lush starting to expand a little bit beyond just the square borders that we had before as we swoop on down here you can see like I said just much much more Lush

Much more substantial a lot of the Torches are gone the light has been kind of hidden under some Moss carpets and that looks much much better these entryways into the maze look really great and so far I’m really happy with how this is turning out anytime we end up with a decoration

Heavy project whether it’s gardening or Interiors we’ll tag The Decorator in and I have one more character that I’m going to introduce but we’ll save that for another episode and I think that’s where I’m going to wrap this one up thank you all so much for watching I hope you had

Fun please like And subscribe if you want to follow along on the adventure and I hope to see you all in the next one Bye-bye

This video, titled ‘The Decorator! | Let’s Play! Minecraft Ep.167’, was uploaded by Todd13 Plays on 2023-12-01 17:30:06. It has garnered 34 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:49 or 1549 seconds.

The Decorator! | Let’s Play! Minecraft Ep.167

In this episode we look at the finished Nether Monument, make some plans for the rest of the year, and meet a new character on the channel!

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This world was started July 2020. I play vanilla survival Minecraft with a few data packs. My videos are super relaxed with a focus on build planning, ideas, and strategies. Subscribe to follow along and comment your ideas for builds, farms, and exploration!

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    Crafting Chaos: Building Plr_Hightower in Minecraft! Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building Plr_Hightower in Survival Mode! Introduction to the Adventure In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved. Join Lyfe and Me on an exciting journey as they embark on the challenge of building Plr_Hightower in Survival mode. Creating a Dye Farm The first step in their adventure involves setting up a dye farm. This essential resource will provide them with the colorful materials needed to bring their vision to life. From planting seeds to harvesting vibrant flowers, the process is both strategic and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server Are you a fan of Minecraft animations like Monster School Reanimated? Do you enjoy being part of a creative and active community of Minecraft players? If so, you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server today! At Minewind, players can experience a unique and exciting gameplay experience unlike any other. With a focus on survival gameplay and player interaction, Minewind offers a challenging and immersive world for players to explore and conquer. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure today. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! – Minecraft

    Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! - Minecraft EFEKAN VE ALPEREN HAYALET OKULUNA BAŞLADI! 😱 – Minecraft In this video, Efe and Alperen spend a day at the Ghost School. They learn how to scare people and how to become ghosts themselves. For more videos like this, don’t forget to subscribe! Subscribe now: Minecraft Parodies YouTube Channel Most Loved Minecraft Videos Check out our most popular Minecraft videos here! Support the Channel If you enjoy our content, consider joining our channel here! Join our Discord community: Discord Contact us at: [email protected] Disclaimer: All our videos are purely fictional. The characters and events depicted are not real. The… Read More

  • Unleash Insane Magic Spells in Minecraft! #minecraft

    Unleash Insane Magic Spells in Minecraft! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘POWERFUL SPELLS in Minecraft with this Magic Minecraft Mod: Archon #minecraft’, was uploaded by Kaupenjoe Mod Showcases on 2024-09-05 14:30:01. It has garnered 5224 views and 141 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. In this Short Minecraft Mod Showcase, we are looking at Archon. An awesome Minecraft Magic Mod that adds powerful Magic to Minecraft. == HASHTAGS == #minecraftmods #minecraftmodshowcase #moddedminecraft #minecraftmagic #minecraftjava #kaupenjoe Read More


    HAUNTED SURPRISES IN MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Thought This Was A Safe Place | #minecraft #gaming #funny #viral #scary #gameplay #vtuber’, was uploaded by ChaotixOP on 2024-03-29 21:00:53. It has garnered 414 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You cannot escape 🎨 follow me here too: ⭐Discord: https://discord.gg/MFJHChM: ⭐Twitter: https://twitter.com/chaotixop?lang=ar ⭐Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chaotixop/ ⭐Newgrounds: https://chaotixop.newgrounds.com/ ⭐ Or more: https://ko-fi.com/chaotixop ⭐Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy5f4bHOH8VoZnfvPICGxPw ⭐Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chaotixop Read More

  • Unbelievable Find at Raaanch – Crystal Room Revealed!

    Unbelievable Find at Raaanch - Crystal Room Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘2b2t – Another Old Base. Crystal Room. Dupe Stash Hunting 369 (Stream Highlights)’, was uploaded by Raaanch on 2024-08-14 13:00:41. It has garnered 968 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:53 or 353 seconds. Welcome to my #2b2t #minecraft #2builders2tools stream highlights. If you wish to join us, please drop a follow at https://www.twitch.tv/Raaanch Would love to see you there! Streamed on the 23rd and 24th of Feb 2024 2b2t is a Minecraft server with the goal to never reset the world in a free for all no rules pvp environment,… Read More

  • Lazy Minecraft Players Exposed 😂 #shorts

    Lazy Minecraft Players Exposed 😂 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft lazy players be like #shorts’, was uploaded by teaSer7 on 2024-05-23 06:14:28. It has garnered 2556 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #tiktok #viral #minecraft Read More

  • 💰 Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft Now! Win Cash in Discord #Minecraft

    💰 Join 24*7 SMP Minecraft Now! Win Cash in Discord #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ’24*7 SMP Minecraft join Today Win real money in discord | 24*7 server || #Minecraft #gamerfleet’, was uploaded by GLAD TIME on 2024-05-04 18:25:24. It has garnered 113 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 03:45:04 or 13504 seconds. 🌟 Welcome to the World of MineCraft! 🌟 🎮 Join me on epic adventures through pixelated landscapes, mysterious dungeons, and hidden treasures. Whether it’s building towering castles, surviving zombie hordes, or uncovering ancient secrets, we’ll explore it all together! SMP Server :- IP: GTGpublic.aternos.me Port: 57892 Discord :- https://discord.gg/5th88qx2pg Youtube :- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC35xyHiGkrb-kvz-p3uWZzQ Instagram… Read More

  • Ultimate Addon Guide: Slenderman Forest & Herobrine PC

    Ultimate Addon Guide: Slenderman Forest & Herobrine PCVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cách Cài Addon From The Fog V5 Mới Nhất Có Rừng Slenderman, Herobrine Giống Pc Cho Minecraft Pe 1.20’, was uploaded by Noob Gamer🇻🇳 on 2024-03-02 11:30:08. It has garnered 66129 views and 1212 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:28 or 808 seconds. Addon Slenderman by SlothBuddy206 https://mcpedl.com/slothbuddys-terrors-v1-0-beta/ https://youtube.com/@slothbuddy206?si=0lNH8djWU2W02USO How to Install the Latest Addon From The Fog V5 With Slenderman Forest, And Herobirne Like PC For Minecraft Pe 1.20 🔭 I am a new youtuber, I hope everyone will support me 🔭 After watching, remember to subscribe and like if you like… Read More

  • Uncover Secrets in the Mysterious Mine! | Dino Sakura Ep 3 | Minecraft

    Uncover Secrets in the Mysterious Mine! | Dino Sakura Ep 3 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Tập 3 | KHÁM PHÁ MỎ HOANG BÍ ẨN TRONG FROM THE FOG VIETUBER SERVER ! ! ! | MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Dino Sakura on 2024-09-05 08:19:55. It has garnered 12668 views and 478 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:39 or 6819 seconds. ►Subscribe to the channel to receive the latest livestream: https://www.youtube.com/@Dinosakura35/?sub_confirmation=1 ►Join Channel Membership: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwUDyWWIabSvE6VBpvTCSMw/join ►Donate to Dino Sakura: – Wescan: https://wescan.vn/dinosakura – Playerduo: https://playerduo.net/sakura2003 ►Other social networks: – Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/DinoSakura35/ – Group Fans: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sakurach – Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dinosakura3 – Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/Dinosakura35 – Discord Sever: https://discord.com/invite/7A2pkZgzcD ►BUY DINO SAKURA CORNER… Read More

  • AVATAR hacks give me superpowers in Build Battle!

    AVATAR hacks give me superpowers in Build Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Used AVATAR Hacks to Win Minecraft Build Battle!’, was uploaded by BeckBroPlays on 2024-08-11 16:02:32. It has garnered 123790 views and 1297 likes. The duration of the video is 02:46:54 or 10014 seconds. I Used AVATAR Hacks to Win Minecraft Build Battle! 👕 BECKBROJACK MERCH (Cookie+Dragon+Bessy plushie) ► https://beckbrojack.co MAIN CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/beckbrojack 👪 This video is suited for ALL ages! 👍 FOLLOW ME! 🡆 Twitter – https://twitter.com/BeckBroJack Music: https://www.epidemicsound.com/ SUBSCRIBE so you NEVER miss a NEW video! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Piano Cover – Billy Joel Phantom

    Insane Minecraft Piano Cover - Billy Joel PhantomVideo Information This video, titled ‘Piano Man Note Block | Billy Joel Minecraft’, was uploaded by Phantom Note Block on 2024-08-31 13:00:45. It has garnered 174 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:39 or 339 seconds. Billy Joel – Piano Man Noteblock *Turn on CC for lyrics* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxEPV4kolz0 Arranged and built by Phantomette / PhantomNoteBlock ============================================ This is one of those songs that I didn’t care for until I started building it. By then, it really started to grow on me. Fun fact, this video was uploaded at 9 o’clock Saturday for 90% of my typical… Read More

  • Evrim Craft

    Evrim CraftEvrim Craft, Minecraft’ın sınırlarını zorlayan bir skyblock ve MMORPG karışımıyla geliyor! Adından da anlaşılacağı gibi bir evrimin başlangıcını temsil ediyor. Burada, pay to win kavramının izlerini silip, adil, dengeli, yenilik dolu ve eğlenceli bir oyun ortamı bulacaksınız. Sadece blokları kırıp eşyaları toplamakla ya da AFK bırakma ile sınırlı kalmayacak, aynı zamanda epik görevleri tamamlayarak Evrim Craft dünyasının en güçlü oyuncusu olma yolunda ilerleyeceksiniz. Desteklenen sürümler: 1.20.4 – 1.21.X Sunucu adresi: play.evrimcraft.com Web site: https://www.evrimcraft.com Discord: discord.gg/evrimcraft play.evrimcraft.com Read More

  • HearthCraft SMP Java 1.20.2+ No resets, griefing Economy 15 online

    Welcome to HearthCraft SMP HearthCraft is a no-griefing economy server that has been providing the best experiences since October of 2018. Join us to be a part of our community! Features: The world will never reset. Join a long-standing community. No pay-to-win perks, just pure gameplay. Resource worlds that reset monthly. Active economy system with player shops, auctions, and more. Unique pet system and level-up based on playtime. Marriage plugin, land claiming, and more. Technical Details: Runs on a dedicated Ryzen 5 5800X machine in Virginia. Block logging and inventory rollback for player protection. Main world size is 90,000 x… Read More

  • SiteBB’neath the surface

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.siteb.xyz (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Screenshot Shenanigans 🔥”

    Looks like these screenshots are getting a solid 21 out of 10 in my book! Keep snapping those pixels, gamers. Read More

  • Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown

    Hive Games: Blockbuster Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Hive Games is where the community thrives. Join the discord, join the fun, Explore Legaci City under the sun. Shoutout to sparkskye for the thumbnail design, And to Ghostyy and Kamkam for their duos that shine. Cinematics by qRedblu, capturing the action, Bringing the excitement, satisfaction. Become a member, unlock special perks, Check out the merch, it’s a great perk. Join the channel, be part of the crew, Supporting the content, that’s what you do. In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Hive Games is where stories are told. So… Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft Meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More