EPIC Minecraft DP World with Subscribers! 😱

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For I’m back at it again this your boy dirty P welcome back to the live stream guys how you guys doing at back in action and today guys we’re going to be playing some Minecraft DP world today we’re going to continue this series this is the 10th

Episode we hit double digits guys we finally hit double digits for this series it’s been really really crazy and amazing all the work we’ve been doing good job everybody thank you guys so much of joining here um I’m not going to be streaming today guys a lot I’m just probably going

To stream for an hour and a half an hour to an hour and a half because I don’t know I thought I wasn’t sick but I I don’t I don’t feel good at all uh I can I can feel like chivers I’m coughing too much I don’t want to be

Coughing too much in stream so I don’t want to stream too much um so yeah I’m going not I’m not going to be streaming that much just an hour so people can join and you know create whatever you need a care and then I’mma bounce

Out what up Xbox 360 I haven’t seen this guy in ages how you been what up what up biggy zel zel bro I forgot how you say your name but how you been dud I haven’t seen this in a long time Exel Exel no zels I literally forgot what up

F how you doing today I’m getting I don’t know I’m getting sick cor Corona virus I’m just kidding I don’t know man probably have the F the flu cuz I have I have chivers and coughing and stuff so that’s not good I’m getting sick but I can get it’s

Okay I can get through it for an hour an hour and a half and then I’m I’m going to go so join and build everything that you can fast and then I’m going to bounce out but isn’t it really late for you it’s 6:49 p.m. I started the stream

Early though so so people can join okay guys let’s get It my phone is so far from me damn it I should I should uh get a cough drop so you guys don’t hear me uh Coughing uh so I can join if you uh my epic games or my PS station uh type in the chat exclamation mark playst or exclamation mark epic it’s the same as my username uh do you have to be a member to join nope does say that in the title edits no anybody

Can join how are you going to be joining PlayStation or Microsoft buddy if you need to wrestle do still so so you do no I know I know Doug but I haven’t been streaming much this week so it’s okay yeah I’m going to give it all next year

So uh we can’t join yeah I know you guys can join yet cuz I I I locked it oh my God you’re joining Microsoft all right what’s your username if you joining Microsoft uh let me know drop your username if you’re joining on PlayStation please add me and let me know you

Did it’s up only mode on yes Sir oh little Alysa one two three come on little I remember you dude of course I remember everybody I’m going so slow dude Tob I know F you woke up early cuz I started the stream early yeah I’m only going to be doing like an hour stream cuz I don’t feel good

So make sure you join and do whatever you need to do I got an Xbox controller for Christmas yesterday and this is my second day nice excuse me guys uh okay let me add little little little little little little little little little little little little little little

What up London how you doing buddy welcome what the heck am I looking at all right so today I wanted to do and decide I’m going to be breaking people’s places that haven’t been here for you for for episodes DP is there any way I can get in DP Minecraft world yeah what

Well yeah anybody can join uh DP how do I join I add you okay let me know let me know dude all right let me add that person which one is it x uh zels Z FN really Xbox rip BB all right got you dude uh hunted I didn’t see it hunted what’s

Make sure you type exclamation mark epic that’s that’s going to be the username all right anybody oh skifi oh he actually joined oh my God SK skifi bro skifi actually joined I was going to be destroying this place yeah so sky who’s skifi in the chat by the

Way don’t destroy my play though cuz I come back when I resolve when I can switch on serx I’m going to destroy you if you haven’t been here in a long time buddy unfortunately so you can do another stuff and whatever you know oh that’s you Derek okay Derek so

Yeah today was Lally like that today was last day if you didn’t join today I was literally going to be destroying it and just cover it but yeah make sure you work on it make sure you actually put you know stuff like that make sure you

Fix it up and yeah you’re good though cuz I haven’t seen you in like five episodes that’s all the the story all right what else I’m what destroying today I think that one and then well this one too but I think we’re going to use this as something else I think we

Can figure out something here to do cuz I don’t know who’s this no name DB can you go online wait am I line oh I’m not even online dude my bad I’m telling you I’m sick my bad I don’t see my brain is not functioning right now my bad oh excuse

Me this is a pineapples I remember this house he can you tell me who’s Bob who’s Bob uh somebody in the chat why what happened what did Bob do he’s damn Rich oh man I’m lagging why am I lagging that hard and I have four I have literally

Full good internet I don’t know my Minecraft been literally bugging I don’t know because I’m in the PS4 vers I mean I hope man I wish it was a PS5 version but I feel like recreating too much I think it’s not taking it to be honest I feel like everything’s going

Downhill he got the best horse in the game who set on chest nice nice all right so what I’m going to do today damn somebody destroyed this I think I I think you had me back on one again Minecraft or I mean PlayStation or uh Microsoft they be these Phantoms yeah mcraft what

Microsoft yeah micr I’m going to have to add if it’s Microsoft I have to add you Max cuz I can’t I can’t accept requests cuz I’m in the system but I can you can still Joy if your Microsoft so what what’s your username on Microsoft I feel like I’m going to crash dude

I don’t know what H what’s been happening with my Minecraft Server either either we building too much and then it’s it’s not holding really well because in this point it’s not my system cuz any game that I play it doesn’t crash so do you use my username then yes I do need your username all right dude who’s this guy skelet

What are you doing buddy hey hey hey hey no this guy no building or you guys going to get kicked and banned please so who’s BB man again is it me okay so come here uh let me explain the rule for the world here okay

Uh okay zels come over here zels let me explain the rules so this is the map of the world you see we’ve done a lot of stuff lately um if you want to make your own place you got to found it around the whole city so that means we have space

On the all the way to the left side right here and we have space on the right side we see a lot of sand and trees you can build something like that there okay uh make sure when you build a house make sure you have a wall and roof

And everything and make sure you have your name in front of the door or front of the house anywhere you want but so we can know who’s whose house okay so in the future we don’t destroy it you can keep joining and make it better than

Ever okay that’s it oh also number one rule the biggest Rule now we have you cannot enter anybody’s house okay if you if somebody sees you in in their house you join I’m going to have to kick you and ban you okay so you cannot join anybody’s house without permission so

Make sure you put it in the chat and ask them you can join their house okay also my house cannot be joined either because people stole stole stuff important for me so only you can join you can go inside my house only if I’m there inside

If I’m not there can I go inside okay that’s it all right now you can go ahead to make your house oh my God yeah what’s up skulls how you doing buddy skulls it’s time buddy I wanted to of their houses well you got to ask them whoever’s you can’t go inside if

Nobody’s there DP may I join your house only if I’m inside bro I’m lag why am I lagging bro I have my ether game with my PlayStation how am I lagging it’s really bad yeah Doug everybody’s getting sick buddy how unfortunate dude why am I lagging so hard it’s it’s

It’s it’s weird maybe because there’s a lot how many people are inside damn yeah just once again guys I will be only streaming for an hour so make sure you guys quickly quickly making your own stuff here oh little uh little did you hear everything everything

Little oh yeah thank thank you sorry I forgot about you sorry Max I’m pretty sure you heard everything right little yeah 30 people yeah 30 don’t break my house okay I’m in the game okay yeah but we got to do something we got to do something on your house though

Buddy because like I said the Ender thing pops out in front of your house you know what I’m saying I’m going to have to keep like breaking stuff and then keep resetting it’s kind of annoying you know the rules to Max right I kind of explained it I’m lagging too

I’m on my P PS5 2o yeah so everybody’s lagging it’s not just me then it’s Minecraft so I don’t know what’s wrong with Minecraft that’s kind of that’s kind of weird then it’s not my end and then it’s kind of all right so let’s see so let’s see let’s see let’s see what

Should we do today man I’m trying to see what we’re doing today I’m trying to figure out what’s my objective here I have a good house did be maybe another adventure no not no not today buddy I’m trying to do I’m trying to do something big today

Like I haven’t done anything crazy I haven’t I’ve been kind of taking care of like the whole city so oh so I’m I’m planning to extend or something I’m F see I’m trying to see what I’m need to do yes yes yeah I thought you wanted to get your

Stuff fire and then build your continue building your house yeah just focus getting your materials and stuff I guess I think it’s kind of pity Dam this this guy has a lot of stuff you can have all that I mean I’m going to need I’m going to need

These TI you think B would notice if I take his hor for 10 minutes well ask him he’s pretty much watch he should be watching dude dude what up faan how you doing buddy welcome I see you join by the way uh just a reminder fian everybody else coming

In probably going to be streaming in in an hour or less now but um I just don’t feel good today I’m getting the chills and stuff so I’m getting kind of sick and I don’t know what it is but not really good I was not going to stream

But you know me I got to grind so I’m just like okay buddy you got it from here I’m already exhausted for breaking uh whose house is this right here Enchanted house this is pretty much uh the homie’s house icem man and homie somebody broke everything here

Dude bro who keeps putting stuff here to DP anonymous bro if you want to give me something put it somewhere else you ruined the city you ruing the city no I’m just kidding ah I don’t even know what to do today man how do you know I don’t even feel like

Ah okay I did complete that that’s pretty amazing what I did there Let’s see we got Duck’s house there I can’t really build anything I just could literally just like pretty make make it fancy in this house cuz I don’t think I even have room from anything uh fire just ask Bob in the chat right here in the Minecraft

Chat can I move can you move what do you mean you can move you don’t want to be there anymore if you want to destroy everything you could I can move so you can build no no no no oh if you move because of that nah that’s

Fine nah no I got I got something else plans you know I’m trying to I’m trying to like make a make a plan you know they be hting your world host by the way every week once a week either Monday Tuesdays depends what day we stream if I

Don’t stream Monday I do a Tuesday if I don’t yeah ah let’s see what’s going on eggy all right um what I think what I think what I want to do Here I’m trying to see like what pretty creative stuff I could do let’s see let’s see what else can we do we can make it we can make it or I can keep it kind of like customized in here somehow I have a lot of moss block what can I make with MOS

Blocks Moss blocks we can like maybe make a jungle H cuz I don’t want to put anything here cuz I want to see my whole invention creativity down There the Moss T you can get more Moss pled if you bone muet really what does it do when you Mo bone me it what up JY how you doing I’m trying to figure like what can like I’m trying to see what I’m doing I’m I’m literally I can’t be

Creative today dude just how I feel my brain is like n it’s fun more okay I don’t know like my brain is like not doing anything right now what up abc1 129 how you doing today man welcome I don’t know my brain is not happening T if you m boss you can break

Any block except Bedrock oh I’m just trying to figure out what I’m need to do what I want to do to be honest skelet what are you doing brother ah let’s see well how you been though ABC how’s Christmas bro I just found a burned down house what do you

Mean oh my God I’m lagging hard right now I am lagging hard that’s good buddy that’s good that is good that’s cuz you got stuff for your PC man grateful for that all right buddy for DP Mer Merry Christmas ah thank you buddy appreciate it this girl is on

Fire this girl is on fire this guy is so oh my God that’s that’s Fire’s house damn looks pretty crazy epicness here a lot of craziness here to be H looks it looks pretty good looking good as it can be yeah oh this is where you’re going to create wait BBE uh BB

Man Dragon this is where he’s going to build his house okay that’s good that’s good that’s a good area whose house is this over here chaos house okay is this a private server or local yeah private dude if you want to join you got to let me

Know we got to add you and stuff I’m trying to think I’m trying to think I’m trying to think but I don’t have any thinking mode here what do I want to do next what’s my big project what’s my objective How can I make this world better how can I make anything

Better what’s up buddy thank you thank you what’s up what what does that mean I don’t know what that means bro I’m going to crash I don’t know what’s going on here oh yeah yeah okay what am I need to do what’s the big project here help what’s going on Isabella

Uh little while you go with people houses remember little rules you can’t go people’s houses please next time I see you in a house you will be getting banned brother thank you remember guys not going inside people’s houses you guys got to create your own you got to make your own stuff

Thank you thank you going on Inky Vision thank you so much for the two months today man thank you two months you’re the best YY thank you for still supporting brother oh n you made a made a something what the heck is this oh my bad I’m sorry

Dude sorry I haven’t trying to steal but I know what I I look like I know I know I know little you you’re you got to remember the rules buddy uh is it Bedrock or Java B Bedrock I think what I’m going to do I think I’m going to do something over

Here to be honest ay with the5 donut can we get www4 in can you get me a chicken sandwich from where from McDonald’s I know Doug by accident sorry I’m telling you my brain is now functioning right oh like I’m trying to create stuff but like my my mentality right now it’s so

Bad what’s up buddy ink you with the two Wendy’s what you like Wendy’s I like the only thing I like about Wendy’s um is a Bator ww for um for Inky again thank you Inky thank you thank you Inky Vision man I’m sorry man I’m I’m too sick

Man do this world has keep yes if you die you keep inventory yes ABC with the dollar oh my god there raining colors man we are having beautiful colors in the chat today can we get a hash ABC in the chat ABC one two three thank you wwws thank you www

Okay this looks good I like I like the idea it be what is your underground room you want to see it okay I can show you dude I don’t know what I use it or what I made it for but something cool I guess the M the ground is pretty cool I have

All this prepared we got the Bernie system here and then we got this underground there somebody broke of course dude why can I what the heck okay and then here and then we got this house right here looks pretty nice huh I don’t know what I’m going to use

It I know Inky Vision thank you for showing up support man appreciate you always this is pretty cool though you can hear the water stuff I don’t know like a underground Hell location here looks pretty cool scalla what are you doing yeah so I mean underground stuff that I made is pretty

Cool so far I I mean everything’s cool but uh I need some more more touchy more touchy yeah skeleton is being a naughty kid today man you got to you got to be careful buddy you have so many so many chances skele please please please either you want to stay here in the

World or not let me know so I can just finish it once and for all remember no you cannot go anybody’s house without permission insta bed nice oh you got piggies nice 10 out of 10 buddy I like it what is this one again fan where the food at

Kidding that’s good you guys making you guys making like really nice man I just right now I don’t have no idea to actually make it better than ever you know I am drain with ideas to be honest a mega Forest wait wait what Jizzy with the

Five what hey DP I just want to say I enjoy watching you this whole year tomorrow is not promised for any anyone or anymore but I will do my best to come to the stream every stream yeah jzy like I mean I don’t want to say what I need

To say cuz I want to I I’m saving a big speech you know for everybody you know at the end of the year but jenzy like like I said people come and go every year people okay first of all thank you jindy for the $5 donut can we give W’s WS WS

For jiny the chat right now W’s for her beautiful fight Donald thank you um but yeah like I said um you know I I’ve been grinding a lot this year it’s been in a good Adventure you know what I’m saying I know sometimes you can’t do this every

Year and and it’s crazy how people do sometimes right but you know people come and go people got to do stuff and people got to go do their life you know jobs school stuff like that you know it’s it’s all right you know I appreciate every moment when

You come back I’m going to remember you guys I remember people who grinding for months months even years for sure you know so whenever you can you can’t be grinding and stuff like that like before it’s cool you know at least you did it once you know you supported it and I

Appreciate that every single second okay and that’s kind of my half of speech now what up broy broy broy you jinx me man you said I was not sick and I just got sick dude thank you I’m going to be streaming for like another 30 minutes guys so if you guys

In my world make sure you guys are making your stuff better cuz I am literally dying right now I can’t really function yeah yeah yeah bro you jinx it dude I I’m getting the I’m getting the chills man so when you get the chills yeah you

That means you get stop building bro if you want to give me stuff give me stuff over here dude there’s there’s chest right there uh my mom got sick on it seems like it’s going around oh it’s always going around if you don’t get it phase

One you’re going to get it phase zo or phase three dude my mom and brother got sick already like months ago now it’s my turn I guess it just K oh my god jzy with the 10 merry Merry Christmas what bro you help me with my grandpad passes better

Than any other big streamer out there can’t thank you enough hey what can I say jenzy you know we’ve been building up a good Community you know I I know sometimes people are not there for them you know what I’m saying and I know I don’t know you a person but

I I know for a fact you being here and acting how you act no you know you’re a good person you know everybody’s a good person just how they text and talk and stuff and play games and stuff so I would do it all over again okay thank

You so much for like I said again supporting the channel thank you man I feel sad even now man I feel like this is like an end of a loyal subscribe she’s been here literally any game she’s one of my top five literally right now top five really active supporter and it

Feels I feel like she’s leaving forever damn man oh man I don’t even know what to say anymore see I can’t I can’t even concered on Minecraft today dude I I can’t do anything God you just talking like yeah she’s leaving but like you know it’s like I said it’s cool everybody leaves

Comes and goes it’s okay yeah she’s been literally Super Active like she’s my top five Super Active in the channel you know so it’s it’s crazy I’m not going guys I know but you know not going to be how you used to be it’s okay it’s okay you know people come and

Go I’m 50/50 active nowadays yeah I know just think to show how thanful I am what up Ian Harris how you doing Ian last year of the last week of the year yeah last week of the year damn man what the Discord in the description

Buddy all right what I need to do here dude I I got to think of something now you know what it’s hard being active man I two years already tons fly I know man T Fly yo KDP hope you’re good no I’m not really good

But it’s okay monkey I get through it I always do you know what I’m saying all right this is time to make something even greater than ever no never mind not yet not yet I want to use I want to use I want to use I want to use this on something

Like I want to build I think I want to build like a uh I want to build like cuz I still need like a like a barn maybe T you need a lot of reset after this stream a lot of oh a lot of rest yeah I know and I I I

Work I find I I go back tomorrow to work and I’m not going to call out I’m going to go in if I don’t feel good I’ll probably go home early but gota got to have that mentality can I come work on my house yeah yeah join it’s public anybody can

Join all right what I’m going to do here I think maybe broy but but is what it is uh let’s see I wanted this but I think I’m going to destroy this I think I’m going to destroy this and make a barn or something wait so you’re doing a speech

I always do a speech every every year broy what up sober how you doing buddy how always do a speech every year man I thought you knew this just kid it all right I’m going to destroy this okay I’m going to start doing something because I don’t have much time I got

Like 30 20 minutes left also I need to I also need to create my uh what’s today Wednesday excuse me probably going to create a when I’m going to create it uh party no I don’t know where I’m going to do it I think on um I think on what’s

Today uh I don’t know I need to create my video how much I made last this year I don’t know when I’m going to have time but I need to make two videos Last this year I didn’t really create FaZe bear roza how you doing today’s Tuesday yeah

If you want to join gaming deries how you doing gaming der’s how are you guys going to join by uh you guys joining by PlayStation or Microsoft by the way what I gaming de deries and FaZe bear how you doing guys welcome are you guys how you guys joining by the

Way the 26 d you should do a deer rewind and stream making montage I’m I promise I will make it next year buy I I didn’t oh hey shout out to fazebear Zaza for subscribing shout out to gaming Darius for subscribing shout out shout out

Shout out uh it’s bedro yes uh if you are joining by Microsoft please drop your username in the chat so I can add you guys and I can I can like literally show you guys the rule the the rules and stuff that we’re going to be

It’s always next year I know but this time no this time I’m I’m serious I’m going to do a how much I made this year and a gold a goal I’m going to think throughout this week what’s my goal for next year so all right let me add let me add game

Deries let’s see who’s sweaty boy in the chat from where I get the P or Port if you got to join me by Microsoft PlayStation uh use guys if you guys are just tuning in make sure you join quickly because I’m going to end it really quick or I’m

Going to end it like in 20 minutes because I don’t feel good I got to go get some uh yeah I I don’t know Brody like I was just coughing when you told me if I’m sick I wasn’t sick but then um I end the stream in like 30 30 or an hour

Later I was like getting the chills and I just feel sick I don’t know why um so silver sober make sure you when you spawn in make sure you Jo uh come to me okay you guys got to come to me so I can explain the rules uh let’s see I show I

Show bot TB was your sub go for next year wait for the video buddy wait for the video can’t spoil anything yeah those coughs sound really deadly yeah I know it’s not good okay I add two people already okay I added you guys Sober Sober and U gaming make sure

You uh add me back and join my lot join my game please man I just I’m happy how thep feel better okay duck sounds good buddy thank you what up clip make sure you do what you got to do today clip cuz I’m ending it really uh quick

Today DP when is chain Texas Chain oh I want to try Tas chain though I’ll check it out we’ll see what happens uh no well if it’s a Microsoft Su it’s uh it’s real dp3 let me show you DB someone messed up my house which house what are some good

PC games y’all what i c I have it we could play nice uh where’s my username can show you guys no it doesn’t show never mind like DP search call me Kevin on YouTube he re want you can get an idea I seen a lot of

Rewinds in my time I remember how I started so I know they I I just got to see clips and videos throughout the year and stuff so I’m going to have to start so yeah man I’m G this year I only grindling for two months I’m G to have to go all out

This year ah so I got to get I got to get sick right now I got to get sick sick sick sick and then I literally I don’t care if I get sick all week I need to get it out because next year we grinding we’re grinding we’re

Grinding uh did did sober join and gaming did you guys join what happened to YouTube Rewind after Co they they dropped it rewind bro rewind has been a thing since like 10 years buddy what do you mean wait what oh yeah YouTube Rewind they don’t do it anymore huh I think the

Reason why they don’t do it because it did really bad be it did really bad TB can I join your server Minecraft or Playstation uh what’s your put exclamation mark Microsoft Sober Sober yeah they droing doing it after Co oh no the official YouTube DP yeah yeah the reason why uh the reason

Why they stopped because they got hay a lot the past uh rewinds you should do VR content next year it’s good content for people like it yeah but it cost too much money to drop uh that’s why they get rid of the dislike button views yes that’s why uh what’s your username again

ABC Uh how long are the stream usually like 3 hours but today I’m not good dude ah dude I don’t feel good I’m sorry uh where is it dude let’s see Microsoft activation exclamation mark Microsoft well by the way I can’t add you by the way because I’m in a PlayStation

DP all right there you go I made a command now you can see it was it this year or last year who hit year you hit 1 million views this year damn man where’s ABC at oh man I’m trying to I’m trying to I’m trying to hanging in there guys

I’m trying to hang in there I’m trying to I’m trying to let you guys join I didn’t hit 1 million did I hit 1 billion no oh no 1 million yeah so this year you hit that you gain Four Points not bad not bad at all yeah that’s the

Most I ever got it wait let me let me check okay let me tell you guys um my okay how much okay let me tell you guys uh let me see here chat I think I have where is my stuff for this year your review okay so this year yeah this

Year I gain 4,690 Subs okay I had I gained or yeah so I gained 4,690 Subs I had 273,000 views almost 279,000 views so yeah so 274,000 views I uploaded 399 uploads 17K likes 1,15 comments and almost 700 shares so 690 shares my top video was a fashion

Show of course with 429 hours watch damn somebody enjoyed that fashion show and then the short we got 348 likes it was the one that says lost Fai for a second but didn’t stop believing on OG uh the top live stream with most comment was another fashion show same one

Yeah are you allowed to tell this us this I don’t know why not what’s going to do to me uh can you add me uh DP I added you you didn’t get it face bear or wait face bear what’s your username PlayStation or Microsoft DP is

Keep entry on yes of course it was a fashion show yeah how active was this year just asking good 10 10 out of 10 you’re one of the top five most active in the channel YouTube takes down your channel oh it’s okay get start a new

Channel I mean I will be super sad because I grinded this channel for literally a lot of years I’m going to hit how many years guys eight years for the channel yeah I started 2016 yeah eight years next next month will hit eight years and I’ve been

Grinding for I think I’ve been grinding for five six years like I I I did content guys since I started the channel but that was not really like into it so I started like six years almost six years I I created the channel eight years next month but I didn’t start

Grinding seriously until like 2 three years later you know so that doesn’t really count so I petition for another Monk Bang video that will be in my second Channel I I I have some names and stuff now ideas so we will make that uh makeover next year I will here in 2020

Nice 30 I’m making a heal with all elements Tower nice bro I I just can’t even Focus wait who is used the Llama is that somebody in the chat I need to explain the rules here llama who’s llama again F bear who where’s face bear in the

Chat I’m breaking down CH I’m breaking down DB said you didn’t get me added reminder on Microsoft it didn’t add you what she’s about to be four years already do you come visit my house you have time wa who’s llama again uh it’s me sober okay let me

Explain the rules really quick buddy so this is a DP DP I’m not in stream okay this is the DP world right here for all the people who join my channel and create their own house here okay so everybody has their own house already you can see you you cannot go

Inside anybody’s house okay please do not go anybody house if somebody sees you in their house or anybody else else you can literally get kicked and banned okay but um if you want to create your own uh building come to me come to me

Llama so you see we have a deep we have a world here okay so you guys can see you can see all the like all the what the heck uh you can see all the progress to build your house you got to build somewhere on the left side of the map or

On the right side you see all these trees in in the sand that’s how you got to make your house so make sure please start making your house make sure you make a wall roof make sure you put your name in front of the house so we know so

Next time you join we know okay thank you thank you make uh hopefully fa bear actually got that yeah y um no you can die you keep everything you keep your inventory dude de what’s your favorite teenage teen oh that’s that’s a that’s a hard one you got to do me like that

Teenage Nick show nickon Nick Spongebob I mean I mean I have so many of them to be honest I don’t know where to start but deep you like pizza sprinkles yeah one of my favorite top three de it was your favorite part of this here my favorite part of this here you

Guys yes sir yes sir I said it D once you call B need to get sleep start away I know I’m going to knock out all right one two three four five who Santi oh santi’s here what’s up San I got something lucky for fishing and something breaker Three Bs knce one

Two three four five 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 so we got one two three four five six seven so uh let’s see TR this one so one two three four five six seven da da so like a little Bridge here what up JJ how you doing today

JJ okay so we have that and then we have here will be Here okay we’re going to make this even it’s time to make something here like the water I need anybody has a lot of dirt by the way I don’t I don’t want to take well let me see yeah it’s going to be D who do you like to watch on YouTube

Sometimes the people that I watch on YouTube off stream is FaZe rug uh Cody Sam and Cody uh Laker Nation uh yeah I don’t even like thank you clip what do I not need damn I need everything here so like gaming stuff no that’s not even

Gaming face rug is not gaming I’m c yeah that’s weird I don’t really I don’t really look at gaming stuff that’s kind of Weird I mean I like it though broy I like it my bad my bad guys my bad I like it dude out of 10 who’s your favorite anime character Goku can’t be Goku uh who’s this guy junior thank you Junior you’re the best what the heck dude you want a piece of me

Dude DP where’s the best place to make a house wait you joined ABC thank you uh scalfi thank you come to me uh ABC have you started anything or no DP can I use your table go for it dude wait you join back I said say I say on the right side

Of the map because people or maybe in the left maybe good CU is way too powerful like there making stronger yeah DB can we make multiple buildings uh yeah not in the not in the world though if you want to make something like you get like create your own house and you

Can make it like a castle whatever you want but uh if you trying to say like if you want to build like um how do I say um like uh like multiple houses around no just one I’m building my house in the mountain that’s fine who’s this guy P oh

Wait P is uh ABC okay so ABC come to me let me let’s go to the map here okay so the map here you see how on the left side there’s a lot of room you know what I’m saying right here there’s some space here here or maybe down all the

Way over here or you can go all the way on the right side you see a lot of sand and trees so you can kind of like make something here you can like right here in the middle you can destroy the trees and stuff you can there’s a lot of room

On the side on the right side not a lot of people go for that I mean it’s up to you but there’s a lot of room either left or right side it’s up to you how did you make that um how did I make it it um I forgot who did it

Somebody made it in the chat doesn’t matter he’s still one of the most part of anime yep who bro I don’t even D my friend wants to proove on his bill can you come and see if you are busy uh where is it Max Uh let me see you don’t even know what your house is oh everybody got kicked rip rip server hey hey hey ABC I’m waiting for the PS5 version to be honest but yeah I’m going to hop in I’m going to hop in on um PC one day anybody anybody has uh more Moss

They’re not using by the way I’m going to need another 64 if you don’t mind if no it’s fine try to make it work uh who’s your favorite DC Mario character um easy The Flash and the honk the PS version still hasn’t come out yeah I know what’s up Doug I see you

Buddy uh let’s see oh how you doing oh thank you clip always always clip thank you thank you clip what Young how you doing young there I L you to my friend’s house I’m in the chat where are you wait what where’s your friend’s house oh there you are okay all right let’s

Go DP it’s possible to get a movie in Marvel DC who would you oh like both of them unite damn I mean who doesn’t want to see Superman and um and Superman and who all whose house is this in the back is this you Max what the heck is little what you

Building by the way oh little this is Little’s house this is your house little yeah it’s fine it’s fine to have it here damn little build this bro 10 out of 10 bit damn little a little is my business partner okay nice nice yeah I like it I like it

Pretty cool I like it I like it it’s fine what’s up Bob what’s going on dude Bob bro I can’t carry Bob can you put it in my chest secretly by the way I don’t have room who’s Dominic what’s up Dominic who’s Dominic who’s Dominic is Dominic in the

Chat hey hey hey hey Dominic where who’s Dominic D I’mma break my house to start someone new because it looks weird I have no space there okay okay yeah make sure uh yeah destroy it that’s cool yeah I was going to tell you to but yeah Domin just left dude

Uh uh oh my God somebody got me a lot of dirt thank you for the dirt what do I need wait what the heck why do I have so many chests here dude what is this oh fense I need doors well by the way they’re going to b

B people are going to steal that just kidding you sure you should save it for me somewhere if I need it if I need it just hold it and then I I call you I’ll let you know if you don’t mind holding it instead did be c b is going to be like

Eggy’s house really be nice oh yeah yeah yeah yeah oh that hurts my soul dude you see the new trolls movie nah I haven’t seen number one uh uh uh uh uh uh uh yeah it looks cool though I will literally watch it all right there’s something cool but

Pretty much episode 10 is like I don’t know I think I’m going to call this one a I think the next episode I’m going to call it I’m going to call it um part I’m going to call it like part no never mind it’s fine

I think this is going to be like the least things that I ever done in my in myti life anybody has a bone what up gear Master KY how you doing Master anybody has the I need a I need more Dam I’m almost I’m out I’m out next. five next episode I was

Thinking that but uh oh no no I don’t need that wait how do you how do you make that again um I think with this one no oh no with this one yeah oh great oh great I got a new game what’s the game buddy parkour dude okay so me do this

This uh let’s see this is going to be my farm anybody anybody else has some uh oh thank you I need more I I need more of this if you recall episode say about my n it’s okay we we did some bur dude all right looks pretty cool so far

I don’t think I like the outside I’m probably going to change that just make it more cool I think someone Tred burning my house you think or you know let me know wait so how do you make bone just keep an eye but keep an eye oh what the

Heck tppy someone burn my house really where it was wolf it was me where because there was fire on the side didn’t do it I think someone did oh so we got two witnesses right now all right you guys got to keep an eye who who is

Burning houses here so we can B them it might be the new people so I’m going to have to ban them right now Yeah go for it go for it DG who’s this guy oh was so young what no jindy I I done it before you know uh last of us too that’s one idea right there the llama in my house open in my chest llama llama remember the rulle Llama you cannot go anybody’s

Health without permission the Llama have to parget and get banned uh let’s see so we’re going to put a door here I’m going to need a roof I the G already defeated for bosses nice 30 I’m to burn my house so it’s faster yeah JJ P try to not do it he’s

In my house all right we probably have to remove him where is he oh he is in your house all right TP I gave away a but of blood yeah he’s in he he’s not even in the chat so he can’t really do anything he’s in my chest yeah what the

Heck yeah I know skulls I did it though everything’s good I think hey at least it didn’t get worse though chilling all right let’s see um um let’s see so we’re going to have this is a pretty small like Barn here to be honest but it is what it is uh let’s

See how do you get 17 people they cheat codes is that pen how you been P I hated a Abby 90% yes I hat Abby she never helped all right so what I’m going to Do oh that looks so nasty okay so what I’m going to do I think what I’m going to do I’m going to have to put this in There I think I’m going to have to put these kind of blocks oh really I think I’m going to have to oh my God what Alito how you doing it’s called cheat codes sober cheat codes buddy you can do that anybody can do it all right so we’re going to do this

Here we’re going to have okay this is going to be one section here uh let’s see get this here that’s going to be the door so we got one then two I need to get more trees here did you make a chest only like the people did you make the chest only for

The like the people you can’t do that like the by the way was on my account they take stuff yes he took stuff already so we had a ban automatically unfortunately oh there’s one here no we doing that uh jiny thank you so much for the five months membership let’s go

Jiny I don’t think he’s going to need this there’s no sign I we should be fine ravers are just better what he he took some diamonds he took everything the whole life just kidding wait so how do you make uh bone meal oh and how do you make more of bone

Me yeah to your mom man he stole everything dude oh wait wait what that’s not what I wanted to make oh this is going to be on even though uh unfortunately sober no I can’t so soon as it’s done you’re banned you Bann forever just cuz I can’t access it

Unfortunately T how do you make glass uh burning sand do you want help with the with the bills me no I’m good I’m good I try to make this uh on myself sub I’m just going to finish this and I’m going to leave this is pretty off it’s pretty off to be

Honest whatever we can use that like more can someone help me wreck my house D you made a bar out of grass yes sir dur thank you for tuning in Beau beautiful statement here beautiful statement S as Z result yeah yeah I’m already ending it I just got to get

Rest all right guys that’s it oh man I’m already super weak to be honest that’s it I can’t really do anything I’m already really oh man yeah sorry guys whoever that’s it yeah man yeah I’m already I can’t even move to be honest like every time I move I

Feel my bones like crack and stuff my my bones are like uh can you do mcra on Friday nah probably do something else I don’t know we’ll see just once a week got to do other streams on our content we’ll see what what’s the stream we’ll see if I

Even stream tomorrow so thank you guys so much for watching if you guys enjoy like And subscribe and I will see you guys in the next live stream bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft DP World with Subscribers! Episode 10’, was uploaded by D1rty Pow3r on 2023-12-27 18:39:01. It has garnered 166 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:28:04 or 5284 seconds.

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    Summoning Sigma's Untamed Power! 🗿 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sigma Never Afraid 🗿 #shorts #minecraft #minecraftvideos’, was uploaded by Sumit Gamer05 on 2024-05-05 06:05:00. It has garnered 17132 views and 905 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • VeneziaMC

    VeneziaMCVeneziamc veut vous offrir un gameplay moddé RPG [construit ton empire, claim le et devient la nation la plus puissante] et RP [petite survie remplie d’évent et d’architecture] (avec du create et plein de mods bien sympa), ainsi qu’un gameplay vanilla avec des jeux Inédits configuré par notre développeur (le Vinci inspiré du splatoon et le Titan inspiré du loup garou de thiercelieux) veneziaplay.mine.fun:25688 Read More

  • Something SMP Modded SMP Roleplay Whitelist 1.20.1 Lore

    Welcome to Something SMP Minecraft Server! If you are looking for an active Minecraft server with lore/roleplay and various mods like origins, image to map, and enderite, then you’re in the right place! Join the Discord server: You can join the Discord server here and submit an application in #applications. Additional Information: This is a Java server with no bedrock inclusion currently. End and Nether reset every few months for new players. Server owner and staff are on GMT+8 time zone. Lore opportunities for next season. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Future: A Tantalizing 100 Years

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft's Future: A Tantalizing 100 YearsIn 100 years, Minecraft will probably have merged with reality and we’ll all be running around punching trees in our backyard for resources. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1

    Crafty Mods: Fabric Modding Minecraft 1.21.1 Exploring Modular Mods in Minecraft 1.21.1 with Fabric MC The Concept of Modular Modding In the vast world of Minecraft modding, developers often employ a modular approach to creating their mods. This involves breaking down a large, complex mod into smaller, more manageable components, each handling specific tasks within the game. But is this method truly beneficial? Should modders opt for modular designs, or stick to developing all-in-one mods? Potential Benefits of Modular Modding One of the key advantages of modular modding is the ability to streamline development and maintenance processes. By dividing a mod into smaller parts, developers… Read More

  • MCRIS KL – Top 3 PVP maps for Minecraft mobile 1.21! 🔥

    MCRIS KL - Top 3 PVP maps for Minecraft mobile 1.21! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘تحميل افضل ثلاث مابات PVP لماين كرافت الجوال اصدار 1.21 | Minecraft 🔥😎’, was uploaded by MCRIS KL on 2024-09-15 09:48:40. It has garnered 296 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:13 or 493 seconds. Peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings, my dear follower. If you like the clip, click the subscribe button and activate the bell. Also, like and leave a nice comment, as you appreciate my effort in making the clips. Thank you very much. _____ Map download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/cqy417wtulqmjfb/افضل+ثلاث+مابات+PVP+من+MCRIS+KL.zip/file _____________________________ Link to my Discord server… Read More

  • Exploring the Church of Scrunkle in Minecraft

    Exploring the Church of Scrunkle in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】 THE CHURCH OF SCRUNKLE 【NIJISANJI EN | Aia Amare 】’, was uploaded by Aia Amare 【NIJISANJI EN】 on 2024-08-29 02:52:34. It has garnered 3151 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:51 or 16131 seconds. 『Streamlabs Donations』 https://streamlabs.com/aiaamarenijisanjien Mi★[NEW VOICE PACK]https://nijisanji-store.com/collections/iluna-debut-celebration/products/all-purpose-voice-aia-amare 【1ST STEP GOODS】https://nijisanji-store.com/collections/first-step-goods/products/first-step-goods-aia-amare Mi★ 『NIJISANJI EN “ILUNA” DEBUT!』 https://youtu.be/ekwnJHHK_o0 『ILUNA – (Official Music Video) | NIJISANJI EN』 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGwVwmwHqcc ミ★ 『Tags』 ✧ Group Name: #ILUNA ✧ GENERAL: #AiaAmare ✧ LIVE: AiaAmareLIVE ✧ ART: #AmareAtelier ✧ NSFW: #AmarErotic ✧ MEME: #AIYAHamare ✧ THUMBNAIL/ASSETS: #AiaAssets ✧ FAN NAME: Aiadmirers 『My socials』 https://twitter.com/AiaAmare ミ★… Read More

  • Join Virtual Idol Mira in Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Virtual Idol Mira in Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Minecraft] Let’s Explore the World Together~ [Mira Meridia | Virtual Idol}’, was uploaded by Mira Meridia on 2024-07-09 09:17:20. It has garnered 41 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:37 or 8797 seconds. ☆ Thumbnail – Mira Meridia ☆ Game – Minecraft ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Hashtags ・#envtuber ・GENERAL: #MiraMeridia ・ART: #Merillustrate ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Stream Resources ・Model Momma: @shiro31010 on Twitter ・Shonkey: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1607993747/vtuber-asset-fully-rigged-blahaj?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=ocean+vtuber&ref=sr_gallery-1-5&bes=1&dd=1&content_source=f362f0de1ed9f48fae94741d11b9004e4ed6c7cf%253A1607993747&organic_search_click=1 ・Overlays: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1631728641/animated-aesthetic-stream-pack-for?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=Animated+Aesthetic+Stream+Panels&ref=sr_gallery-5-19&pro=1&bes=1&dd=1&content_source=f1b28a71e75486c9f2c5081dacee00500443c05e%253A1631728641&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1 ・Schedule: https://ko-fi.com/s/dbc9fcadb3 ・Mira Emotes: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1741926107/twitch-discord-emotes-chibi-girl-20?click_key=557b4353ad3e3decd88cb358b5dd144f3d4ffd22%3A1741926107&click_sum=90cf17b2&ref=shop_home_recs_17&sts=1 ・Shonkey Emotes: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1401094977/24x-twitch-emotes-shark?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=shark+emotes&ref=sr_gallery-1-6&sts=1&dd=1&content_source=2aa2cea17f44a1b1dc81a05155c8e3299070a3f0%253A1401094977&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1 ⭒☆━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━☆⭒ ☆ Chat Rules ・Be respectful to other viewers, my mods/staff, and myself. Any forms of discrimination, harassment, drama, doxing… Read More

  • SHOCKING: Notch’s Secret Feature in Minecraft

    SHOCKING: Notch's Secret Feature in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Notch Never Added This to Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2024-09-22 21:03:00. It has garnered 66331 views and 6718 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Follow me on Twitter @skipthetweets Check out my Instagram @skipthetutorial Character drawn by @MagnaGallina —— The map used in parts of this video is a modified version of the world download from @GeminiTayMC let’s play series. —— Some of the maps used in this video are modified versions of the world downloads from BlueNerd Minecraft’s channel, which you can watch here: @BlueNerdMC… Read More