EPIC MINECRAFT ENGINEERING w/ CaptainSparklez2 & PeteZahHutt

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[Music] [Music] you you NE the streets the Moonlight swallowed up by breathing electricity salvation hover in the sky dream of aide while we escape [Music] just onine the [Music] I was like hi how is everyone you can’t hear me you can’t hear me you can’t hear me at all um but now you can hear me so uh hi everybody Welcome greetings hi hello howdy hey um how are you hi Steve Migo hi Evo ey gaming hi Jazz hi Litman deltra treken Lisa Desi exiled mermaid Android uh Loom scythe and Nancy and treen hello Rubik how you doing hi guys uh we’ve got among us night and then we’ve got uh create Arcana engineering after so a fun a fun evening am I live for you guys uh this is a recording evil eye gaming this is this is just a VOD you’re just watching a VOD right now hi crispy Cookie Cat how you doing hi foxy blue snake um hello cowgirl hi Randy tanzoo thank you the follow um what’s up Mr Bratz sorry to the YouTube side that I uh that yesterday didn’t work out I got disconnected and then yoube wouldn’t reconnect um so we ended up having to punt on that but hopefully this time everything should be good and my internet’s not going to die in the middle of everything how am I doing I’m all right I uh haven’t been in the best mood today but that’s just you know it happens what’s up pu puppy junor how you doing um hello wither full life thank you for the 63 months I really appreciate that match cello good to see you again let’s see if if I can cheekily bump this to 6K probably not but maybe we can give ourselves a little bit better looking stream for a moment see if we can up the encoding rate a bit um [ __ ] exactly how am I I am fine I am fine wither full life thank you again for the 63 months it’s just it’s just rough out there right now you know like it’s just rough and I I know it’s hitting everybody but it’s uh the ketamine is interesting because it’s like it doesn’t fix or or I wouldn’t say that it really like necessarily has improved my mood but what it does is it enables me to keep keep doing and working and and and doing stuff uh despite my mood you know minimum [Music] two Alec that was a Cheesy entrance good hi Alaska let’s see the map’s that there it is what’s up Nick hi Olivia um I did hello beautiful people I did make dinner tonight hi Dutch uh so I had myself another roast that I slow cooked you say beautiful people and seen sounds about right harsh but true that is Harsh harsh harsh but fair harsh but fair um big big group today think I think 14 hi jway oh yikers a Yankers do I want to switch it up there let’s see instead of rocking I mean top Jeremy is just so iconic though hello hello hello hello hello here Jeremy is anyone else talking I could talk if you really wanted me to but most most people don’t want me to he is uh refresh yeah refresh crew link probably do it don’t hear him hear you now with the sickness can’t do that it’s so hard I can’t either I definitely won’t even attempt toy do it nailed it yeah I can’t do it clip that and put that instrument please it’s the it’s the monkey one that really goes you know that’s yeah hey that was pretty good that was a good monkey hey thanks thanks I’ve been you know I’m not great at many things but you know I can monkey around a bit but monkeys I’m good at monkeys yeah hello hello that covered hello hi base hello hello so but wait we we haven’t even started yet and Pinky just decided to start throwing Strays my way like what that’s fair pink talking what it is on hey what did I say I hear pinky don’t worry it’s nothing of consequence Cara I hear Pinky Okay Okay refresh uh pinky can you refresh your Cru Ling have ref fleshed hello I I burned the tip of my finger though because even though it’s a slow cooker that [ __ ] still comes out hot still don’t hear me that’s weird um fresh again hello I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with the feather hello [Music] hello hear Goose I can hear Cara though that’s the weird thing hear Raba that is weird maybe maybe Pinky and Cara got into a spat and they’ve muted each other and forgotten okay well no pinky didn’t mute car cuz pinky can hear okay well car got annoyed at Pinky and just muted pink or pinky yeah so she muted Meine spreading more lies and slander so way back in the day I when I played World of Warcraft In The Guild there was one player that I found kind of annoying and I was in a bad mood um and uh uh we were in the middle of a raid and I got tired of him so I I muted him and and that was fine and all except like two weeks later I invited them to a group and they had to go through an intermediary saying I can’t join the group you’re inviting me to because you have me muted and I was like oh yeah oops awkward it was an awkward group what a great analogy what a great story I don’t feel attacked in any way good time how do you uh how do you do the Cosmic Cube stuff got to buy it yeah you got to buy it in like the main menu yeah how do you but how do you get points bye pigy hi py um don’t know if you might have to play vanilla to get points I think you get them as long as you don’t play on modded like modded na I think if you just play in regular na you do get them oh okay yeah you just be regular na sheds a tear and and and the one you want has to be active in the uh cosmetic selection screen uh so I know Tom’s going to be a little late cuz he fell asleep in the shower love that how do you do that I also I need to point out again so do you do that hey sounds okay water I’m jealous I I don’t know I don’t know relaxing for him um Vic I know has an excruciating headache but I think said he’s still going to try to join you said Vic’s an excruciating headache y yeah don’t yell at him don’t do it I picked up what you said I picked up thanks um pinky are you talking wasn’t for a while but I can hear you oh thank God oh my God you can hear me okay she she unmuted you what was up with that story like was that supposed to be an analogy no it was just I I was just talking about how I’ve actually bed that position even though I don’t think car actually was but I was just saying that I actually have screwed up that way because I’m an idiot it it was not allegorical or metaphorical it was I I I was in a guild with an annoying person once and I muted them and then I tried to invite them to a group later it didn’t work okay so but no you weren’t muted people on Twitter a lot when they’re on like weird tie raids and like like obsessed with characters and stuff yeah I I was using Twitter mutes a little heavy for a while and then I realized like where did everybody go and then I was like oh yeah I should and then sometimes you got a tie raid you know what I mean hey there’s the big man hi Vick did I do that right your head that hurt my [Laughter] ear poor bastard oh Novis is online Okay cool so yeah me and no just I’m not talking loud I’m just projecting oh you were just playing a game with novas yeah yeah we were just playing chat chat chat chat chat that’ be bad it’s probably like will never be the same hey killoy how you doing okay oh I’m not uh the the buffering is not on my side I have not dropped frames I was like okay I that’s probably me but it looks like I’m okay you’re not supposed to touch hot things well I did because it’s really hard to get a roast out of there with when using the incorrect tools yeah I can’t hear Vic very and a half can’t hear no Vic can you refresh youring yeah hello Mr Smiley can Vic not hear me can you hear hang on hang on hang on I’m sorry about your day can you hear Cara hello Vic hello I can hear Cara can you refresh your crew link rababa can’t hear you come back to hello me can hear you Indonesian fried rice sounds pretty good no I didn’t hear that so all right Rob now you refresh you actually world Warcraft thing okay maybe Rob and Vic uh leave and come back who was what what world Warcraft what who what that’s what fixed it for me I I would suggest that they muted each other in a bit of Rage that well we didn’t mute each other I just I thought they were annoying in a guild raid so I had muted or blocked or whatever the heck the wow equivalent was and then like then like 3 days later I we were trying to put like a little fan together and I was like well I guess we can ask Paul and uh so I whispered Paul and that goes through and I was like hey do you want to join the group and then like they logged on under their like uh Auction House alt and we’re like you have me blocked I can’t reply but yeah I’ll come doing doing the classic ditching novice uh but Jeremy I’ve currently got plases on both my hands and both my knees oh cuz you fell running for the bus crazy man yeah and I SC my hands and my knees now they I’ll scrape par next person who says par hi Jerry how you doing oh manig oh God I I hate starting out as pinky P is for Pinky that’s good enough for her that’s good enough for me yeah how you doing bu up Ricky don’t kill me don’t hurt me okay I won’t hurt you oh thank you I appreciate that I did my drill my drill’s done temperature is going down 26 here we go so proud of wait that for him normally that had send you over to the switch oh God this is death this is always death excuse me pardon me they start curving on one side you you ready to hello how you doing should be here oh Jeremy pink you’re here if we die it’s Jeremy pinky you’re seeing wait where’ pinky go Pinky’s right there 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 hi Ruby notet I would not be upset now we do we have a genitor I was going to say it turns out jemy did not set any imposters it’s who killed CH own up right now all right it wasn’t me I did not I can clear pinky actually kill titty I will find you and when I find you I will kill you now I’m just self-conscious that whoever killed the till kill Tilly is speaking up and KW link is still [ __ ] up and I can’t hear them somebody’s doing a fullon confession in nobody room guys can you hear it I can’t live with myself if you’re confessing refresh your crew link please okay hey guys this refresh my crew link I killed Celli thank you voting base everything’s working on voting base oh please don’t do that too late would be so bad if you guys voted me right now if I already done it oh it would just be terrible imagine if pinky needed to refresh oh my God it’s gonna get down to 13 degrees on Tuesday huh oh hey there’s pinky on Tuesday it’s gonna get to 79 degrees here wow that’s great I’m looking forward to it I might jump in the pooling develop oh my god oh I forget that was a murderer he did a murder hair looks lovely Z thank you I’ve been working on it for days yeah great long and Luscious is my middle name hi pinky I you didn’t kill Tilly or Andor clean because you were you had left early when Tilly was still alive back could have swor okay yeah those are not those are not nice to concrete you do not want to use those on concrete what is the funny thing that happened to me in uh among us there was a uh we were playing drunk Among Us with Max and Ross and uh Max was doing ride or die uh to support me um and it was down to the three of us I was the Killer and Ross didn’t know who it was and Max was insisting it was him I was insisting it was me and uh Ross didn’t know so all three of us ended up voting for ourselves okay okay calm down just happened I don’t know what’s going on with this body like we can’t see it but we can repord it it’s tucked under the right wheel yeah what what I’m recording not even inside that trying to report a body Jeremy is B trade with you I am at this at the moment yes like right now yes he’s trying to kill you well I don’t know why you would say that because oh uh oh no no no yeah yeah I know what’s happening here and it’s not what you think it is I know who it is though who is it it wait Jeremy you should know why do I have to spell out for you it’s the only other person in the room with us are you insinuating well no man see I walked in the room there was a body there was someone there saying don’t worry about this ignore this who that that yeah you were you were there as I walked in so who who cuz no one else is there but you me and the person I walked in with so who who were you I know alisten we got to get Tom and no so when I came in it was pinky I’m sorry I think we skip Jeremy JY just trying to kill you what he trying to detect me I can definitely tell you I’m not trying to kill himy to I know it sounds like I’m lying but it’s I’m not I’m just laughing but I am a good I’m laughing the best guy such a satisfying little plop for awful oh it didn’t end we didn’t get them all without one person wow I thought surely we would have gotten them all oh man um Noe no chasing aha so you know random pan soundboard shooting you again okay and donuts and I really want not AA or donut he’s a donut proven [Music] guilty [Music] eing B luy I uh my tasks are all done if I had a cookie I’d give you one if you wanted it I would want a cookie I’d take a cookie me too gave me one Jenna’s Clover super nice oh [Music] [ __ ] he just say cheese in French oh oh janitor’s not dead oh god oh no there is a dead body wait I see multiple on the screen I see Z dead but he’s not dead dead so he got janitor is that what yeah he’s right there e w Bing Bing well I see London and I see France and way no one died right flag pole by your underpants Gotan so is it simply and P is janitor and whatever Duo very possible also robaba is apparently a neutral I got better you know what I can believe that but you know I have an anecdote to sh chair yes okay got on cameras and I saw riffkin saying oh p p come here come here so saw the camera’s on and he like get too nervous you’re just too pretty to talk to that’s the uh result of the game she got her hair done where we up voting with each other oh I did my hair myself and it actually looks imposter Partners you know what I’m going to go for B in correct Cara incorrect uh all right I’ll go with you this time Vic I’ll vote Bas well I will not be voting for Bas because I will be V pinky you let yourself get Zed and ALS oh Vic you piece of [ __ ] it’s one reason’s going with me right now why I don’t know where Vic’s been I’ve seen everybody else on cams so oh my God you know I gotta say no she’s too pretty for this world all I’ve ever done is what done is what she didn’t finish your thought I justed by the way I’m in love with him are you trying to tell me I shoot it a buddy no didn’t I just thought going be f going kill I’ll vote him this time I’ll vote him this time watch you need to feed yourself but it’s so C out of your bed oh it’s tough Dan it’s tough all right we’re going to get no some Tom in here let’s do this see you later base trade kobis and katam katam so what are you going to do Vic voting Jeremy thanks ninja girl I’m glad you enjoy it car car car car we need to get kovis and katam in here um well B actually wait Jeremy can you guess off to voting yep okay so no more from you then I’m assuming I’m gonna help you out here I don’t want your help I want to get kov K in here um oh my God Vic no one cares that’s cool Rob talking British can you just vote man can you just vote like I know just get bit so I can swap you in here hi Amy all right what happened here hi Jen well you see I God damn it okay okay all right cool cool oh hey me that whole time just as a uh just as a point just just as a point of order literally everyone was seven of seven on task except Vic who was Zer of seven I knew 100% every everyone else has finished um oh how did someone get in here without the mod novice leak Oopsy Daisy what if that was just no wait who took my tan skin Oh I have tan cuz I I’m a freak you’re a sunburned skink for my my my you’re really loud it did thing again one sec yeah you’re blowing out my speakers bro oh chocolate might fit better Ricky try chocolate um I about to go on the record though many lies were spoken last game there we go that should be good Noe n you’re not tan Tom you’re not Tan Your sunburned a sunburn skink he was a sunburn skink he was a hot SK he was a war he a sun there we go I want to get a ball and name him Rumple snake skin nice oh that’s so good oh we’re starting oh God I what does the Oracle do oh my here nobody better fake any these TKS we don’t uh this uh I am bitable oh bitable this roll is a delight anyone want to take it from me please do I’ll bite you one second you what we got a nice triangle of trust okay oh [Music] okay worried about this saying you just say it oh speak the devil h i saw Tom do this I was in cafeteria at the end’s in cafeteria my guy it is not oh hit him with the My Guy where is it I got to turn Tom down you’re the one reporting it you tell me I have reason to believe you vented out of laboratory after killing my God I got dispersed the light or is it in cafeteria you got it’s not in cafeteria I was lying uh it is in laboratory oh laboratory did it I was in the vent Tom The Jig Is [Laughter] up fight back uh well damn dude well defense your honor solid defense yeah she might be she might Becky butter and honey is delicious I’m I still saw him kill I can tell you this much yes she’s not engineer [Music] um how could you fake weapons how could you do this I’m sorry being so silly dude interesting that Jeremy’s uh what oh or what was that hey if you need take a take a moment to remember it’s okay we’ll chill this I just I just had to get rid of he’s so Oracle we can’t do anything oh my God hey guys I I need yeah listen I have something important to tell you all yeah okay what has five toes but isn’t your foot that was interrupting me what has five toes but isn’t your foot your foot someone else’s foot my fo uh two and a half toos my foot other foot all I wanted to say good night okay got it got it wait what I got it again can we just has five toes but tell you the Oracle I’m dead so what five wasn’t your foot yeah my footell I he I he I heard through the gra Vine that you’re headed to a one toe uh what Marland Bas convention soon right [ __ ] girls have five toes on the foot is it no you have four tingers in one toe wait am I a girl am there’s a lot there’s a lot to unpack here confused there was a lot going on right there I’m sorry you didn’t pass Middle School I’m honestly so confused what is a tinger bro what is that it’s a to finger isn’t that Winnie the Poo’s friend thank you I feel like it’s not hard to figure out stand in a little I’m pretty sure this is standard terminology you don’t need twitch to watch that but fair enough it’s just a clip oh boy I sure love that E Juice told you that almond milk it might be almond milk I wonder how Cara caught Tom though was a killer skinky was an impostor skinky was a dead skink he was a found that skink so maybe we’re having a conversation what the [ __ ] ARS you tried pinky let’s hope for a traitor and then both these people it’s all good IED I keep forgetting there’s so many killers saw noas run from there to cafeteria I did watch already headed back up and pan like is heading down from the bodies looks oddly I am headed down I’m almost in cafeteria right now but I left you’re not the best dead chat really I’m I mean I can screenshot this I am past the Y I’m like right us your while you’re send send us all a clip P for proof okay yeah yeah yeah okay look I don’t I don’t CL this finger up your ass because I didn’t do anything I’m going to kill you or kill me or something Ricky says okay and then both people die immediately I thought he was going to kill me because he said okay sounds self-contained maybe I don’t didn’t kill anyone though I said do it kill me do it do it you won’t p and then I said just kidding I don’t want to die yet and I walked away so that’s a self-contained whatever they did I have nothing to do with the the first half of what she said is true I cannot vouch for the second half okay is this a Jester Play No this novas just reported nov you saw did you see this or no because I’m like not this I saw it yeah did you see not Jeremy thanks see I didn’t see the bodies fall cuz the bodies were already there but the two people there the killers they could be partners were you I was running up from cafeteria after getting my seed juice and then I went to the bottom left y seed juice is that what the kids are calling it now seed juice what’s up treken uh it’s uh it’s modded so it’s got a lot of the town of Salem mod uh uh rolls in it so it’s a lot more Dynamic than base basic Among Us there’s our Traer your Traer already had a ton of sus on her so that a work I don’t TR boom oh hold on one more time say that again uh yeah Kaboom uhhuh I didn’t do this I literally I was like kill me do it [ __ ] but then my cool down died and so I ran so is it base it Bas I think it’s B that’s B sh let’s go oh my God hell yeah dude wait oh oh oh well oh whoever he’s with then kill what happened okay Jeremy Jeremy what everything’s fine now I’m a Jeremy I’m a Jeremy to be either Panka rababa cuz this nope because I was with novas the whole time get [ __ ] sorry I want to ask what’s happened to you is this true novas yeah it’s true and it’s simply robaba you’re right see I know that one of you is a medic what makes you think that but I can’t guess about it oh oh yeah oh I’m the medic H hell yeah hell yeah hey Jeremy remember when you told me someone died and I was like oh right now novas might have tried to shoot Pan’s veteran there so she might know that she’s traitor now do yeah cuz pan definitely told her that she’s veteran oh man’ your honor I would like to plead oopsy daisies I oops I I think the other person is um well we got Jeremy out right uh no you’re jery still here okay this is a new Lobby hi Christopher I know it was me but it was also pong P just yeah I mean what’s the point kiwi right Vic’s not going to play the game then we’re just killing time you know like it’s one of those like I’d be totally down to do tasks I like to do tasks but done anything yet yeah I’m gonna get I’m it just it just makes it dumb D Dumber I mean I was thinking about it but like go me where’s please report oh boy what was that all about I think they’re on to her you’re oh boys and oh boys oh what’s happening this is so funny scared just try to kill Jeremy yeah walked out to and went oh yeah came in screaming poor guy but I’m the veteran I didn’t get to big fast enough damn it P you had to shoot him damn it oh no I guess walk got through went oh yeah that I was like oh yeah okay oh right right I remember The Jig Is up yeah sorry Tom there was a ghost cing you car saw is medium oh yeah I just went straight for the fact like I was in the vent it’s like aha I got you I didn’t get her oh that’s unfortun I’m sorry you can I thought we were supposed to not Circle people or is it we’re not supposed to write there was some there was something that were like supposed to um like a house rule around that but I never remember what they are away trying to no way he’ll be that for the rest of his life would I [ __ ] oh [ __ ] dude what what what what happened you kill him what you kill him I be leaving before true I think he was trying to I think he was trying to give me a roll wouldn’t that make you bad though no wait you can’t give a roll maybe that’s backwards right that’s backwards that’s backwards isn’t it they don’t give you a r I’m sure you can figure out what happened well if he was trying to give you a rooll got think about fur Survivor because I’m reporting the same time zenas it says Survivor oh so someone picked up the rooll and VI was Survivor no no he became Survivor probably vampire until vickram picked it up wait one second one second who said I who who said um he became Survivor oh I did because I have uh Survivor sluth yeah cycle to that one big boy that doesn’t make any sense cyle to that one why does that that big boy that big boy fig this out my how could you know what he is know what he is yeah VI Vic is Right Vic is Right need so I might have been lying about everything but you know it was just funny to do it okay but Li I’m Ving you what if car is actually a vampire and tried to convert base but Bas was something would have been a vampire but if not B was bad if he was bad if he was bad then you would have just killed him lying he’s not a Survivor K stood over the body dis like apologetically for too long for it to have been like now base was good this was good yeah well you’re saying that because you picked up his role though bro no he was actually good don’t don’t say anything Vic don’t say anything I’m say I’m not saying anything else I will say everything you continue to say St your know what’s happening Ricky was definitely dying yeah I told you he said he was lying he admitted it so you’re saying that when you were said you were lying what you were telling the truth that you were lying if you were lying about lying if you’re lying about lying is nothing sacred how am I doing how am I doing you good I’m good I’m very good what is happening oh ctii murdered [Music] so that leaves like three bodies line around at least Jeremy me why why are you disappointed Jeremy Ricky what’s going on oh I would have known that Jeremy was a vampire what de let’s go damn it you know what I think he did it Ricky oh man I I’m very curious to hear from someone but I don’t know who I can tell it was veteran I man I really want to hear from somebody but what could the Oracle off she won’t call me a Jeremy I don’t I don’t think that person has anything to say to you Jeremy oh actually don’t think I just saw him in specimen I don’t know where the body is but yeah where’s the body no so Ricky clocked pinky by the way okay is that Happ okay yeah this weapons Ricky ly and then tried to joking and that I was good they’re going to think you’re bad guy and I was a good guy at this end screen and they’ll be like oh we were wrong looks at the end screen I was going to say the same thing soon the game’s over I think it could be Jeremy or Tom in that case ICL to Jeremy all right look just CU you’re I’m inclined to skip to say I’m ined to you let me live a little longer I let you kill in front of me glitch I don’t know how it happened kill me you tried to touch me oh well I just wanted to hack you you know like I don’t know that said Fair blame voted Tom I voted Tom okay probably not Jester then okay Anan in this I’m very much dare here I’ll go somewhere good for you hello how you doing wait Tom I’m eating dinner this worked help us figure out Tom Jeremy I went I went and got a I had a little snaggy poo my last death as well de oh dear oh dear oh dear didn’t kill me what you [Music] oh did he he hi car both bad I I was just I thought uh was asking where Tom was and and we got the room full of baddies does anyone have anything to say type room okay okay I think it might just be Tom and Jeremy I’ve never met this man before in my life Tom and Jeremy Tom and Jerry I like that has a nice ring to it J you well then wen’t you going to figure out for Jos how you doing I figed out and Tom and car were together before she are you the snitch I was gonna say we could do Tom no we SE we separated we separated off cuz like cuz car was like oh Tom’s gonna kill me Tom’s GNA kill me and then we split off she went into weapons I went I don’t even know if I have snitch on I don’t think I do snitch to seven then yes was it who was with Jeremy cuz I thought it was vickerman Jeremy uh it was me earlier all talking to noas for a little bit okay I’m going to I’m going to go towards because Thane he picked up Oracle yeah I didn’t think he did I thought he boring wait yeah oh oh my God VI uh click me tell which two people it is it’s not guys we need a button we need a button we need Buton can’t believe it was oh Yik I didn’t do that I didn’t do that I know it seems like I did that I didn’t do that hold up wait wait wait pause pause but vicam not than of what we could be what what they have to know they have to know something happened to him Jer knows though the whole time but can Jeremy shoot oh this noice JY good job Jeremy what no I thought I got you before bit you partner I was Shield so I was like maybe I’ll be okay like ifs me and I was just letting it count five more seconds before i k immediately I thought I thought I is crab crab uh oh crabitron yeah catron’s coming back y hold on that there we go catron why the mask oh cuz he’s crabitron crabitron bonting the nation that’s just how catron it’s just it’s just how he is you know scifi movie like instead of shark Nao it’s katron a sweet man you know what I’m craon catron hey all right you know [Music] [Applause] what you want to go oh no no please I’m grabing so Mr Tron is my father you see I’m C Mr Tron is my father Mr a man bro bro vo gaming thank you for coming over hope you had a good stream no this is your fault no it’s not me think the two months no are you hiding explain what I saw from the police nothing pick’s body got yeah I think someone else is hiding Vic’s body from the police dang it dude dang oh Dam I liked [Music] P She Wasing Movie pan and novas were definitely hanging out together so if there was a if there was a cleaning crew that makes me a little nervous of those two yeah I I might have seen a thing so what what do you think you saw noas I know clearly what I saw got for a reason why do I feel like I should be voting Jeremy here I might have seen a little cleaning action I didn’t C oh damn novas did you see a Swiffer in action I saw a Swiffer oh I see what going oh man Swiffer I hardly know how much Lemon Pledge did they use did anyone else hear the clicking as he said on man we need more lemon PL no no Mr Superman no here it puts the lemon plan guys this is oh man what a skip oh boy Mr skip is looking pretty good right now or gets the hose again play what that is everyone precisely it could be any of us crabitron loves and hates water simultaneously loves it as a crab hates it as a [Music] trod hey suly how you doing there I finished the tennis ball of love lood is who saw explode last uh meeting right yeah the one I shot in the meeting what oh oh scared the that scared the hell out of face dang I Almost Got Away With It I just want to say um it’s been a pleasure sure oh and Aro you know what I’m going let you live another round don’t don’t don’t send me to Zen you want to go oh my God send me to Zen what you want to go you want to go the janitor no before the transport happened and I just walk in nav anding her own business and all I hear is oh and then the meeting starts J I was with base and base was like hey hold still for a second so I did he did that’s true I’m vouching oh wait that sounds Aro to me you yeah I you know oh [ __ ] I think Jeremy might have done this one guys I skipped possible imagine best whenever listen here you little [ __ ] sorry [Applause] [Laughter] what the last yes yeah usually usually they have to have like everybody full to did you see him explode yeah he was standing for a second then he blew up Raven ran overally all oh oh if they the last one oh look at those uncaring eyes on Raven too you are so it’s a four monitor setup I wish you are so cool who was who was next to robaba uh Raven was you guys are on my top left the game is on my uh bottom left Discord is in bottom right as well as stream notifications and then Music stream information is top right I have Raven is not arsonist it wasn’t when you guessed either I think it could be Pinky and no I don’t know why I’m I’m being thrown into this actually well you’re being thrown into because no you’re you’re in my I know I listed everybody in the lobby but like there were a couple people that were specifically in my trap and Pinky and Ricky were definitely two of them Novis was standing on the outside so I don’t you should know my role corly okay three people took a shot on a raven you guys got I listed anybody else want to guess me as arsonist you’re free too hey guys I’m the medic how else should I Know Your Role than you were in the TR don’t B that b don’t B that your trap has like a 100 people in it that’s why I listed everybody for the for the memes but there was only like four literally not 100 people in this Lobby how would her trap have 100 people in it come on man okay you know what then it’s you because it’s not me I’ve been vibing I’m a good guy I don’t want to say how five people misfire on an arsonist and I’m still alive as the out of Trapper because everybody who can shoot is probably dead what is going on comatron spoke that’s what’s happening that’s a that was a more abrupt ending than I expected what the oh oh Tom right in mind my has he managed to not D two people well I [Music] think damn it Raven how the person died someone just exploded on top check and see if somebody the start of the round how does pinky was me I I was invisible oh already you were no you were vot it was round after you got voted out she’s wondering about robab exping at the table like right at the start yeah I don’t really know how that happened either really that’s why I said really twice opport to kill Raven so it’s not a two starting imposters Left Alive oh was it a solo ignite like pin claws oh okay okay okay it’s not really a claw I have a thumb and like a giant UNIF finger are you wait are you like a cyborg katron kind yeah katron how crab yeah crabon wait crab crabon are Cy right me out what pick one I I have no leads I have no leads well you think it’s not Raven it’s me or corly who do you pick what what just because I have no idea dude I really I don’t trust you of for Tom what the I gu kind of echo crabitron what the [ __ ] I can’t confused well if he thinks Raven have done this cuz he had ever opportunities to not you know like you or me but B this also feels like a giant Jester play cuz you also told me to hold still I voted for Tom well Raven how do you feel about your friend going down for this you know you kind of are in my trap too you could have been the janitor or the plague Bearer I is I was the one who fixed the uh emergency just now got it okay well yucky so Tom yikes if Tom can shoot his vo CU I think B is is the jester what how could you possibly take I’m the Trapper H oh yeah oh yeah oh okay okay oh [ __ ] I had everybody’s roles and I couldn’t shoot oh no I couldn’t shoot either oh that’s novas and uh pan I think were the shooters I think maybe oh okay so it’s only like two or three able to shoot at there hey guys good news I updated my sound card now I sound like a normal guy y crabitron but I also have the setting to revert my sound card if ever the need arises does crab a bumblebee setting where you talk through the radio oh God yes oh God why he did also I got a speed upgrade a speed upgrade oh go cra crabitron doing the things crabitron [Music] can doing CRA okay not Ricky I’m is a fast killer I can agree with that of rcky Tom went on Ricky and is fast when I catch you Ricky Ricky he’s he’s not he’s not running very fast he’s dead Ry is is not fast oh it’s a Tik Tok meme sorry uh anyway so Tom kind of did this a little blatantly a little blatantly it wasn’t it wasn’t me but I caught you in the shower I even got it on camera yeah did might pass you your cockpit like right before this body was called [ __ ] so hard in that natur I hope to go to the front of the [ __ ] in fact I passed three people a total of three people this around and they were all Tom oh so what what what I passed Tom in three different places and that’s it was it the same Tom or was it are you say same Tom okay unless there’s another Tom who claims to be katron that I’m not aware of there’s also the disguisey roles well he was talking you were claiming to be CRA if you’re going to vote for Tom you have to have just claws mhm please don’t BL don’t blame me don’t blame on me don’t blame me for murdering don’t blame me for uh uh okay Sweet Caroline how amicable of her hello Zen pinky sure is here right now with Zen that’s crazy crazy times wait crazy did you say crazy I I was crazy once hi hey katron Jeremy did you pull off the plan of the century [ __ ] pinky just died wait did pinky just die oh my God literally right now I was literally with Pinky and Corelli just a moment ago what I’m not with you false we’re talking to crabitron yeah I’ve been with Raven been talking about groundhogs we’re talking about groundhog I was with b and Pinky and we saw corly come up and then Pink’s dead so I I it must be a morling or glitch yeah I if you guys can hear so yeah I was this was Prett well hold on if pinky was bad I do want to take credit for that kill oh you kill this person if she was bad okay I just need to make sure that I get credit for the kid if she wasn’t let me ask but yeah if she wasn’t good then it wasn’t me I don’t want that have you ever been locked in a rubber room before Oh my God stop it stop it crazy crazy I’ve been crazy once a rubber room I will shoot you in [Laughter] game how are you ever going to know that I’m the grit glitcher morling grit are the grit Y how the grit Stole Christmas the glitch Stole Christmas you are angry Mr grit I resent these Foles vinant why did you say it like that what’s up Miss play words I’ve never did you see I saw that I’ve never seen a bigger off I say it like that we got to get revenge hi but do you recall the most capitalistic song of all Rudolph the red noos reindeer was treated like he had no value until he could provide something for his employer everyone treated him like poo dude she was so young wait a minute that’s why I was like what the [ __ ] was like watch this and then this gets [Laughter] reported grab okay no what happened to crabitron looks like we’re having king crab for dinner and Tom and C doing the whole thing look at NOA look at novas with the goose face um oh man I hi seean Kit prison I think I know I think I’m next What’s the de JY the Jeremy but they took out ctil they took out crabitron what’s the deal Jeremy did you do this I didn’t do this I dude there’s death all around me it’s crazy that usually means you’s body and like corti’s dead and next to a mine shouldn’t be there this is like round what three or something yeah it’s not Jeremy yeah I’m still alive yeah Jeremy and I were around each other a bit we bit then as I’m over corti’s body in medbay I can see in cameras like someone die so I start yelling hey who is that over there who’s doing that um I came out of resp I saw crabitron go by but he died I thought I saw two crabitron go just crabitron on crabitron the dou katron on catron violence here I’ll be honest I’m very nervous about the whole middle line that once contained katron there what that whole that whole Trio I think is an issue but what I’ll I’ll Skip and see how it plays out excuse me that was not my vote for you did it play outo who the [ __ ] voted me listen HBY no I graduated top of my class andology ATO Tuckers thank you for the 31 mons for gooery oh boy straight gooen hey Jeremy yeah what’s up J I don’t like how you got this little crab following you around trophy you took from that’s actually kind of crazy oh my God I need I’m so scared wa God good job whated there wow what the [ __ ] was that oh man dude my screen just went ape [ __ ] so I guess Zen and novas traded [Music] yes what the heck just happened why did you and Novis just pop tra tra we traded yeah okay yeah I was Buton very Mystic and I took novas aside I was like I hit the button as soon as someone dies and then she became me and it was just all downhill from there close to did did you just homie for me there Bas running by after you killed corly well she okay thank you I was like I need to not kill B cuz he covered for me Ren I was the amesia I could have been like a a Traer you could have been an asset I could have great are we on list wa I are you going to check it twice are you going to check it twice yes Gaba unfortunately I am nice fortunately don’t Buton see you but I am Invincible are you I’m just Z oh my God he is no one was even nearer no one was even nearer what the heck the Min Min that that had to have been a swoopy doop no my Jeremy no one was there no or Raven are the Min well actually eil but yeah and blaso uh go good D oh stop cycling oh sorry uh Tom says that it was self-contained probably thank you oh you speak sish she’s trying to round one Sheriff oh we need to keep her alive so she can translate yeah um but Jeremy or noas are probably one of the minor one of those two wasn’t that last round no no it’s this round oh it’s definitely this round it is a it is a Now problem Raven from that now that’s what I call problem number 85 because Raven was nowhere near it so it’s just lucky to it didn’t look like anybody was near pinky I I think Jeremy was closest either Jeremy or me but we all had a few steps but if pinky tried to sheriff on me because I was on her list then I’m amused and I Sayo Min could be a trooper with someone then they have to shoot you round one J no just remember one of those two is evil at least one of those too no is it just snickering in the corner that’s not for for boating be absolutely could be grab Blas never know in that chance slipped I’m not gonna lie I’m just imagining someone in a game we have AR like if you have I is okay I would never if you say why don’t you believe me nois dare she was lying how dare you well how dare you I totally missed what happened I B okay so I’ll be right this is self-contained is wait this is selfcontained and no is selfcontained for a all you need to know is that no was a dirty Tom do you want to add anything blah screed Roba robaba and blusa Goa novas okay Tom was with robaba so he’s clear but then he’s also very disappointed to lose Nova seems like maybe that was his partner unlucky well I mean that’s half right I mean he heard me say he heard me go to vitals and check and say Novis how could you know if it’s half right be because I was with Tom Tom says no no no that’s wow without speaking that’s powerful what did I do to you guys if we just CLE about this really quick novas was a bad guy and was executed in front of many people yeah correct yeah oh anyone who wasn’t there is honestly more sus than anyone who was there I wasn’t there there was there was still there was still more bad in that group I briefly left I briefly right well did there I see Roost hi Jeremy H thank you so much for picking up 10 packs Inus I let me get that door for you Queen I got you [Applause] je we’re having holy not Ricky Cara Corti what both Raven and Bas trade are dead in camps I assume they traded fle at the oh well someone could have killed them both and then vented let’s see me what what sorry horses horses horses oh I heard horses there is a there is a bomber and an arsonist oh okay I was with Tom and Ricky and Z correct I think there Tom where were you oh was it rababa I’m so sorry e ebl nuba gam scab oh [ __ ] Tom was in O2 that’s pretty close to this honestly oh Tom you’re sus man so brave of you to admit that hon bar Bara no pretty recent Oh my godba he can’t put words in his mouth Rob I’m sorry I should go oh my gosh well well well well yeah what we got here pack it up boys I think we’re done here Nancy and I are just happy to be here that’s not sish we don’t know that whole [Laughter] time whale I’m GNA reach out to EA and have them put in a voice clip of Tom saying Nancy and I are just happy to be here okay well what we got here is failure to [Music] I I I say I say my my my comms well that’s not disconcerting at all hi The Miner just popped out of the miner vent or popped back in as I was walking by and I was like this is unsettling I’m running away um there’s a traiter grusa he says a traiter it’s either Ricky or rababa is the traitor oh oh damn damn damn yeah that’s fair so why do you think that happened I couldn’t bring myself to shoot you [Music] you should have come on man stick to the me I can’t shoot I can’t do it again I can’t you came up to went there was an arson I I was I I was walking away and I was like that probably going to get me [Applause] killed oh Court you couldn’t have pushed a little bit harder on those accusations on the Sim you were saying you were in 02 I knew [Laughter] it it was interesting I I I Oracle culan it said there are no bad guys and I’m like what and then I orac Ricky and it was between Ricky rababa and corly so I know cor tilli couldn’t have been it banana I had to give Tilly my I had to give my shield so that we could keep the translator it’s very important Cara was my medic that’s funny nothing makes you feel worse than when you don’t you’re like wait hanging out with you cuz you’re cool I almost Shar my medic right before that meeting oh my god oh oh my God I got the best one I got it’s been a while since I killed you um what excuse me sir sir what did you just say oh my God we’ve seen this happen you’re right it’s German just keep happen I was going to ask the same keep happening Jeremy listen I’m did you stick to the meme Jeremy did you go I didn’t so all right I leave Cara like under drop ship right go into medbay I’m chasing Zen I say to Zen you know it’s been a a while since I killed you not making you’re not making case okay so then we start laughing about it I am then hacked and a second Cara comes up and kills Zen and it’s just standing there uh as Corti comes up so I couldn’t even report the body because I’m hacked at the moment funny okay okay I I was like how do you know it’s not me yeah K Cara isn’t me or Ricky or or Rob just came up so if he changed back to himself after B and I were in laboratory yeah I was really surprised he could speak English I can for just came through I don’t think it’s Raven NOP okay uh where’s the real Cara I think she’s on the body with at the bottom of the screen in the middle oh I think it’s the real car is of communications of the real car please stand up don’t know how that happened I’ll Becky please sit down there that was really aggressively not standing on from you Ricky say they think it’s TR so it’s like the opposite of standing up you have gone completely horizontal I heard my name mention and I’m loving that pink iald I’m just happy to be involved just un the SW anything good I don’t know hear that oh no the blade is thirsty you can never put it back she’s cheating she’s cheating how’d you do that how oh there she cheating you you were you were up outside of the outside of the meeting room right like right before you started moving oh that happens yeah it’s Dey damn dude I think I understand cool what do I want to grow oh I’ve got strawberries current welcome to the hole I like being at the hole this was on the hole who who did I swap with it was a dispers it was a Rob where right now what did I not do are you rob where are you well I got dispersed to the water wheel under office and I walked into office Donna Dr thank you for the initial sub welcome Happy you join us appreciate that hi K how are you doing right now yeah [Music] um maybe someone was on the hole with me I just I’m an admin I thought it was yeah pink you’re I the same Hole uh P Raven I and a robaba got dispersed to electrical vent and then the rababa killed Raven oh yeah that’s a fake well not jemy probably that one Jeremy you son of a also the person that hacked and turned into Cara the first round Tom oh it was no okay oh yeah I Tom was with riffkin it’s not Tom no Tom was with rela I’m terrible at Trappers remembering who what like there’s too many names and roles that I never remember like who was in it and stuff so I never make any connections with it I’m just [ __ ] with the r everyone talked about me twice now I love it guys damn how much how much how much red string you got in your bulletin board there riffkin guys I don’t know what happened to Ricky in the meeting Nova was wait Jeremy say again Jeremy I just I can’t stress enough that Nova’s killed both of those people Raven and z are both no kills oh okay pretty sure she just shot herself all right but Jeremy I’m pretty sure no is dead so how could she have committed all these crimes um Widow we she’s not a wife wi How could a corpse shoot someone how am I I am all right how are you glad you’re getting a day off Rubik refuses to get it together put your [ __ ] in a bag get it together you man I’m sure glad I’ve seen that show cuz I’ve only seen a little bit hey what’s up I’m sorry awkward I mean you got you got to do what you got to do fight you will [ __ ] shooting me 100% you’re good I mean you kind of earned it like I will die I did I did you you kind of earn oh oh my goodness oh all right oh maybe they were lovers it’s not true for me not at all confir I was trying to kill people but Transat toover TR I I’m learning to never trust a Bas trade clear body that we are near are you reporting a different body I am reporting a body that is in the bathroom of the medical facility in the upper right cor of the map okay yeah we have a body here pretty soon and that’s going to be a real problem hos AI is going to be horrible speaking baby 20 of is decent we were a baby talking I don’t know what happened cuz I couldn’t see looked like the buy just exploded car was running yeah I was running Tom and I were about to uh cross pads and then Tom exploded let me try something here pan green red yellow blue pick one what is this uh uh blue okay robaba green red yellow blue pick one green Cara green red yellow blue pick one this is scaring me green pinky green red yellow blue pick one I think it was robaba I thought you were G to flip up a piece of paper tell me what my fortune was or some [ __ ] I did and it’s you you have like one of those cotie catchers or or or for I gottie he’s going like g r etie Queen well I can’t argue that I’m voting this yeah this is infall oh my God my milkshakes oh that’s not good I was medic [Music] bye-bye I don’t know what a Coti catch might be a millennial thing you might wait how old are you Rapa uh 28 but you should know about it I know about it I’ve just never heard it called a cotie catcher before fortune teller I always heard never cooch I’ve never heard C is it where you die catcher not catcher are you are you are you fearing for your life a catcher possibly yeah I deserve to die after that one that’s P car killed me I was going to try and fly around but she reported the body Bas were you actually vampire respon to what I said there yeah no I was carsmetic you son of a [ __ ] he came up to you and he’s like if I bite you will you die and I was like oh [Laughter] yeah like I was like will you wi we die if I bite you wi die yes I will I wasn’t going to kill you I was going to threaten and then dispers uh-huh but then I was hacked in watch your history indicates that whether it’s by your hand or not that you are death to me as soon as you come on screen always around for it hearing now that people are saying cotie catchers and not coochie catcher coochie catcher I’m realizing now that’s what people say wow pinky yeah you’re getting my two nicknames mixed up what I said why would a CO cat even be it makes no sense hey can we get some coie catcher was my nickname in high school oh no can’t kill him now oh hang on someone just died touch it don’t touch it don’t touch it touch it now can I touch it now you can touch all I heard was coochie catcher and then so it’s rabo right this is lovers and uh one died up in drop ship all all by themselves and the other one I died down lower and I think it was pan that died down lower I thought pan was up above oh was she the one I I I don’t know man I was on spy table I don’t like to consider myself a petty person but uh pan prosecuted me last round so H I consider you a pretty person oh oh thank you see all right back upto everything’s taken care of everything everything’s good don’t worry all right nothing to see here folks nothing to see here back listen there was some murder everything’s fine just go ahead and go about your business I’m whistling I’m whistling you’re whistling what happened to wob he died you were there he died he’s dead nothing the man is deceased you can tell by the way he ain’t alive anymore yeah the maze the switch I run back over here [Music] um Tom’s a killer in there and you corly was you cortella I saw Celli running up we’re waiting for some listen we’re all killers here we could all Skip and pause the vote three to three by me and Tom and it’s just Ling out her no no you two are also Killers camping bodies in electrical which I’m fine with did you not skip base we can literally stall the vot what do you mean listen we’re all killers here bad guy you’re on a body bro I’m not you running you’re running by us tells me you have imposter Vision you’re so bad at this obviously you can see me Tom already knows as well I can Tom I cannot see you good oh my goodness goodly I skipped don’t worry okay well it’s common base there’s no honor among Thieves apparently get them gu them ctii oh now I morphed but you can’t see me bye-bye the morphling of the glitch one of the two oh [ __ ] Tom I needed that pet talk okay what the [ __ ] are you bro bye Tom byee impost all right so we vote base bye riin oh bye okay Jeremy I voted for me who didn’t vote for me hey [Music] tiebreaker uh skip me being tiebreaker doesn’t mean anything by the way we are [ __ ] do the go do the lights go do the lights H how are we wait it’s but it’s over we’re dead we’re dead Jeremy’s in the you’re not doing the lights well Jeremy’s in there and he’s a murderer so what do I do you die you just have to do it you just have to do it good job Zen I was going for you I know I know I was aing for we kind of imploded there the yogger nut the yogger nut yogger nut I three killers one because we cannibalize each other yeah we could have worked together I don’t know why happen yeah I I soon as you said it I skipped immediately yeah I you’re like we’re all bad I was here’re we’re in the charge wiy everyone was bad Sil you are you this too nice nice nice nice what nice what am I what are you nice nice I think I think you’re nice that’s why I keep saying nice nice oh she wear it’s not me it’s not me it’s not me I pop out the other one yeah they came out the other one oh my God Jesus the real cor just killed Roba I assume raaba just blackmailed Coran was going to kill me originally but and I know it was the real Corell because she goes bye Raba or something Raba yeah no she just she walked just past you like like she was walking out of weapons just now yeah she spoke and so I was like oh so cool bomber black mailer is what we’re thinking here yeah black I don’t who I vot in Celli though just kidding that’s [ __ ] up guys that’s [ __ ] up jery and I saw someone in a vent or heard rather someone tell wasq happened yeah someone was an event we just heard them go like just like this one noise baring I don’t know it was just a weird noise okay it was Tom okay damn it speed all right all right oh I skipped you know we got to s for Tilly what is with the skips you voted out a blackmail person I was feeling a little up today feel a little bad that’s unfortunate how many people did you kill I got four good Lord while yelling that it wasn’t her last issue you vote out well I mean I I did see like she was running away from all the bodies so I I did feel kind of obligated to Jeremy is this you hear me he me was this you yep uh novice just oh never mind I already knew about that leave him alone noas the hell noas what are you doing it was supposed to be you Raven but you have a shield unfortunately um why was it supposed to be me you were closer you know that’s fair no yikes don’t say my name like that please Novis in front of front of everyone it wasn’t everyone you know pan wasn’t there click click click click click click click click click click click I’m in the hallway between upper anday we hurry I can get one more in give you a shi early on is that what you guys were like about guilty what what [ __ ] I know okay V you were I was bait as well sorry j right in front of me oh no all right I don’t know about that man I wasn’t there for it but I don’t know I mean I came over and you and you and uh Corti were over there next to all the dead bodies I thought you were good but could have run over and reported it this is dangerous situation for Raven if he gets to skip he’s got to hit pinky right [ __ ] it I’ll vote Raven I don’t know who it is yeah there you go so unlucky yeah a freaking vampire Hunter yeah I was sniping people holy [ __ ] I ready like even if Raven survives his meeting he’s yeah I was like I got a 50% hey The Shield worked out the shield worked out kind of did you hear me y leave him alone leave him alone he’s just a baby hey man just a baby know what he’s doing it’s just a baby him alone babyy this is where you go to die hi Bas how you doing Bas you’re quiet we can’t hear you maybe it’s by it that could be intentional just going to assume that’s intentional big why me at least for another year [Music] now beautiful this can’t be Tilly yeah spit on true it can’t be or definitely not jering me does oh my God wait actual so uh I am sleuth and I did not realize it it says Jester Bas trade was a Jester good job Killers nothing nothing of value was lost yeah sounds like a skip to me my friend base trade here is a valuable friend just not a valuable role got him got him daddy damn he’s catch so many so many hits when he’s dead this poor guy he can’t defend himself Strays they’re aim directly at him not even Crossfire these are just execution Styles taking shots base is going to look like RoboCop before he got RoboCop what does that even mean hey it’s TCO what’s up haven’t seen you for a while hope you’re doing well shouldn’t SE I’m in danger oh what you see what’ you see what’ you see I saw a ventor that move know I don’t want to say anything are they looking at you right now blink blink three times blink three I’m on the I’m on the brink I’m on the brink really ah oh what the [ __ ] who’s that there’s a body in and it’s pan and it’s in electrical electrical why is blackmailed I don’t know I didn’t do it well well good good talk everybody closes that one was there anybody else there I was doing my didn’t do it well what else is he there to say it wasn’t me you said Jer you said Jeremy’s venting no one said that that’s what Ricky said well I mean this is dead in electrical by event I’m just saying what do you mean that’s what Ricky said he’s blackmailed we speak blackmail like Court speaks simlish valid wow yeah okay uh we’re getting nothing done this me this this is the worst meeting I’ve been in all day um this guys this could have been an email happened could this could have been an email you’re going to say that after our friend dies I mean honestly she would have died if we were in if this would have been if this de person on the desk this could have been an email that’s so true wasn’t there like a horror movie about like an email that killed people or something oh oh Tom hasn’t voted I was like who hasn’t voted y hold on what now are you writing the email I just hear [Music] clicking it’s like the ring agressive typing yeah I guess the Drop the Base we dropped the base round one what the [ __ ] yeah the B Dro one oh Z I was running from no you and you killed me Tom before you why did you kill Z also Jeremy I didn’t actually say your name exactly I saw you Vision I saw you you’re bad because Tom already saw me okay I love that novice was dressing up me the whole time and then you running down I went down into comms you were running from her as me and then ran into me as me okay perfect I saw her turn into you at the edge of my vision cuz I have vision and I just start going nope NOP I found ri’s body then she started ggl to vote me out now bu get car afterward we’re all bad here novas hey we’re all bad here deep down just bad clicking who’s clicking I hear that who’s doing that it’s me okay it’s me what what are you clicking Celli I’m kidding I wasn’t clicking I was you are you sure you he clicking can you not hear is there any like clicking going on right now clicking click okay well I think it sounds like we’re voting Novis in three two one okay I jumped the gun I’m sorry okay why you jump gun just vote for me instead that’s fair right thank you that means a lot oh bye Raven they they they didn’t seem to care that I died and honestly that’s about what I’d expect okay can she pick the right one I me we kind of already know um do we there’s layers of bat and that’s about it J actually call oh I did no that was me I did it to he’s fast as well and he’s got a wooden St oh no oh God yay he was veteran God damn it and and vampire Hunter was alive too oh [ __ ] it was it was veteran vampire Hunter I was so concerned by by having my veteran Shield activated I don’t think it kills me I’m just glad that novas and I got to pull off the Z pinch it’s it’s a rare maneuver but it’s but it’s uh it’s very effective I since I had Vision I saw you turn into zen in the hallway so I started going nope nope nope you imagine and then you Chas into the real Z who killed me then car was like Z needs to die trouble am I right y I just wanted to kill someone is vampire not not venting on purpose not not venting so they are venting they’re not venting they can’t V they cannot vent I just need to make something clear is that on purpose uh I don’t think it was on purpose it’s just cuz I killed p in there and I’m like I’ll take the vent oh God I’ll spot you I’ll SP you I’ll you hey never never interrupt someone when they’re in the middle of a set okay that could have been really dangerous I could have dropped the barbell on myself oh yeah nailed it come on guys what spot spot bro I do I need a spot bro thank oh that’s that blew my mind um a raven flying onto the so this is me just hitting making it heavier no is dead I was unable to be killed so I felt safe standing there oh also yeah we have a great idea you think it may have been a bomb no Grenadier there was definitely a Grenadier yeah yeah uh went off in the middle and I just stood there and tapped R all right could not have been is is it late in the day is is this working Jeremy he the awkward silen and reported it I yeah I got well who got some information well well well well well well okay well well well I mean this could be anything for all we know no this was the Grenadier good veteran could kind weird if you go to the gym and someone’s like really loudly groaning uh while they’re doing their [Music] sets like that find that weird yeah they’re doing that it’s a little louder pan would like us to think about it for another 30 seconds you’re the only one voted Tom you set off the alarm and piness for doing like half of that why do you invite me to these I think there’s a grunt level that’s acceptable hi us hi Uki don’t hurt me don’t hurt me uhoh uhoh uhoh kind of like a love you man you know kind of thing yeah I don’t like like her you know like oh the like likes are Rob’s buddy at body at Lookout Rob’s buddy Rob’s buddy you’re your own buddy and he’s Rob yeah Rob buddy Rob all if it’s that Lookout it’s not Zen because we’re riding the uh zipline can’t confirm I just heard that correct I just left lab pinky was not dead five seconds ago I think he just died anyone know where she was no I she wasn’t she wasn’t on the beach by the weightlifting thing no it didn’t that’s true are you still lifting weights Tom holy crap man how many sets you got to do listen I got to get my gains my I’m not satisfied until my I’m not satisfied until my my biceps look like pulled pork what’s your PV dude what’s your PV what the what does that even mean Tom what’s your PB bro I don’t know 10 oh that’s pretty good that’s pretty good that’s pretty sweet bro that’s pretty sweet I’ve got 10 PBS what does anybody have any information that can take us anywhere Cara and Corti are right next to me and we’re all by the beach so I don’t trust Bas and Cara okay but we didn’t do this one so this one this one this one that’s true I could do the next one you never know holy Jester Batman supposed to sound more like a that supposed to be like a Jaguar D sound like a Jaguar I don’t I don’t Tom that was in your nose that was insane I I heard the Bogey’s rattle there Tom catching it that that Jaguar noise yeah also because I apparent that’s a really hard sound to try and imitate though to be fair I don’t know 10 yeah PB what the weight the Reps what are we talking it’s just 10 yeah what uh this uh that’s my G I’m I’m good yeah yeah oh boy oh boy oh boy I got get her she knew too she knew too much oh my God no that’s not what I want to do what you got three people killed damn it Raven what the oh my God they’re all badas sorry Raven I was going for Jeremy and I can’t re one way yeah cuz I told Raven I had susses and he’s like okay I’ll go take care of it but then he hit Zen which is not that was not my sus at all and then I was like oh [ __ ] I got to protect Raven now so I was gonna go for you Jeremy but then I hit Raven killed him he yeah killed him whacked them dead I I don’t whack them dead I guess we should just skip I don’t [Laughter] know was a massacre it was a massacre was a massacre yeah yeah I was would say you’re the only one I saw this whole round because I was using a telescope I know you’re good bro thank you oh [ __ ] you’re this oh you’re not that [ __ ] okay I thought the Jer was aftermath but I think Zen was oh is that why the grenade went off yeah God starts to go off annihilates ring that’s why I reported it I like all right does anybody else have anything they’d like to share so car did you hear Jeremy over over here I’m Tom I I heard vision would never tell the truth there I’m going to have to no he was uh he was saying telling me Ricky was Guardian Angel and then was like oh she knows and so he was like you walked in on a on on an admission but I I didn’t think you did that’s why I didn’t kill you cuz you were just like like you didn’t respond or even like hiccup at all you were just doing your thing oh than oh boy well well well what what was all I I didn’t think so Jeremy was like I got to kill her what are you ick not saying you’re to we all killers we could have all skipped maybe unless you but you were trying to kill Jeremy yeah well because I wanted [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] to we win if I report if I just if I reported the body fast enough Jeremy biting you in the Grenadier was like like I was like this is a 101 chance but I was going for it sorry Raven I was trying to kill him to protect you this is or for my Oracle information and you start up you’re like wait what the f and I’m like got him got him all right I got to go byebye oh oh oh bye bye um okay we got to do the uh we got to do the thing where where we hop in and and play with the boys you know so we are switching [Music] o well done hos I actually canel my joint voice join to go like I was like is he calling me for some reason but that makes much more sense I like the Friday group I think Jeremy likes me I can’t ever quite tell [Applause] let’s see Minecraft create Arcane engineering s SMP with Captain Sparkles and Pete change the game to Minecraft okay that one’s done now the other [Music] one and change to Minecraft there you go I’m Mal adaptive how you doing hi Lacy you mopped your floor today good job mini wets unexpected uh um water source block is unexpected oh I guess that was where I was doing washing wasn’t it [Music] H from here to air oh there we go I was like I’m I’m confused okay that should be everything creative spawned removed everything should be legitimate at this point that all despawn I didn’t pick anything up this was my stuff that I was storing so I’m pretty sure it’s regular stuff oh hi hi I mean it’s just like it’s the worst part is sometimes even on freeways they have just joints that are so frecked that you almost if you if you’re going a little bit too fast like if you’re going 70 you’re like at risk of scraping because it’ll just dip down so quickly and it’s like this a highway way dude make it flat you’re talking about a car that’s like an inch and a half centimeter off the ground right inch and a half and a couple centimeters though I mean it depends the mono is the lowest and yeah the mono would absolutely Get Wrecked um by one of those um but I fortunately haven’t hit one yet in that but uh yeah the the the GT is actually the highest than the the the 911 is in the middle hi fair enough yeah I hadn’t been to LA in a while so I didn’t know how bad the freeways are over there I don’t think I’ve ever driven a car as low as some of the ones that you have so um yeah the 4GT is actually not too bad on clearance but the uh yeah the mono is very low at the front so that that would be the biggest risk morning Zen hi boys everyone ready to get going good morning good morning uh AB absolutely I am set to go also set to go hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of create Arcane engineering brought to you by our wonderful server hosting sponsor host the server that we’re playing on and you can host one too with them for 25% off your first month of server hosting if you go to Links in the description of the stream of the YouTube video and you use our codes you can play a mod pack with your friends vanilla Minecraft a map whatever floats your goat so check them out please check them out if you’re willing uh Happ how is it going everybody tell me that this doesn’t look like it would be the sweetest tasting liquid that you’ve ever had where are are oh the tinger smelter this blue blue raspberry juice the Cobalt God that’s vibrant I want to just want to slurp it up I don’t know about is the um oh is it molten debris like what’s coloring the obsidian bottom part super is it obsidian yeah it’s obsidian 19 blocks of obsidian oh 19 blocks oh why does it it doesn’t show proportionally it just shows it’s because of how tall it is so proportionally they’re all barely there okay I didn’t realize that makes sense do we still like the smelter being this tall or do I need to give it a trim it’s fine it’s fine it’s not hurting anything um Sparkles you need to come with me being as usual summon to the principal’s office Sparkles all right boys have fun come up come up here uhhuh all right so I watched your video of you building this I I because it’s available at youtube.com/ Captain Sparkles too should anyone want to watch it and uh I was very impressed with the creativity and how knowledgeable you had learned about it and uh I was and how much it didn’t end up working yeah did it not end working cuz it looked like it worked fine oh no it’s it’s Frick cuz the uh basically when you actually activate this thing and get it to make one of the uh the Eternal Stellas like whatever they’re called um it basically like does a a place and pickup instantaneously in the cycle and um it it as you can see it borks the deployer and you have to break it and replace it to fix it well I was trying to say that I was impressed with how knowledgeable you came in you had done your research you knew exactly what you’re doing and I was if you’ll come with me oh you inspired by it and the funny the funny part about this is is the part where mine doesn’t work but other than that I’m glad you were able to take inspiration indeed um so I’m using them to determine whether or not CU these this the I need to like bathe these uh vials through the sulfuric acid and the chromatic acid and if it uh um if it doesn’t like like it has a 10% chance of removing it and so it’s supposed to um do that but sometimes it misses the pulse so naturally mine also doesn’t work perfectly but that’s a pulse problem not an integrated uh Dynamics problem but uh anyway I just wanted okay I just wanted to give you Kudos even which you that went in a very different direction negated by saying oh yeah it’s all broken anyway and I was like okay well so much for my trying to you know the one the one time I’m like no I’m trying I’m being nice I’m I’m but I I was also thinking about this and and I I realize it’s not an excuse but I I I will say that a lot of these processes as I’ve mentioned before have become programmatic almost you know very similar to creating programs it I was a manager who managed teams and helped build them for 10 plus years doing that so I’m sorry that I tend to be analytical and but it it just anyway I was very impressed by your thing up there I’m sorry it doesn’t work that’s all thank you I appreciate that and it was it it almost worked it was so close to working but now I have to I think it’s still going to incorporate the same NBT reader but I have to figure out how to just get the deployer to like and not like I don’t know if it activates for too long such that it like picks it up again I don’t know if it’s a thing with how the pedestal itself like takes whatever is on it how long it takes for it to cancel or if it overlaps with the ability to put a new one down there’s just some you want we can take a look at it but um I don’t think and I I I didn’t get a chance to test this but I don’t think that you needed to recopy and paste the npt each time um I don’t think the npt data itself like I know that that you needed the new card to that that that’s bound to to that reader or that block reader like that needed to change but I think the NBT data on all of those is the same oh like I could have just instantly made the four others yeah I think so I I didn’t I I haven’t tested it but um I that does make that does make sense I still would have had to put the uh thing into each of the Absol cuz that CU they need to be reading that particular block so yeah no I mean it would have only saved you a couple seconds but I was like I think we can like I think we could have make that like to where you only needed the one in the in the store and everything like that yeah yeah it was uh it was very heartbreaking when it borked itself yeah it was very heartbreaking but anyway what’s I I have a hard time following uh the description again so what’s happening when it breaks okay so God I don’t even want to like deal because we have to break and replace all the deployers here um and clear all the items and stuff but check while you boys are debugging okay sounds good I mean I I have so much stuff that I can do before I have to um just hit myself in the head with a hammer doing this uh so I was going to like give it a break but basically I mean if you want to take a look at what happens um so you know when I have it set up I these are all empty to begin with it’s great these get fed and X petrified it puts it down and then this triggers it stops the deployer and voila we’re good it’s loaded when I actually activate the recipe with the hesus forge by adding uh what the stellarite and the netherite then when that process activates and it consume this thing runs and it places and then it picks up after so it does like a double cycle or something causing it to clog and break okay um yeah I so so I think I think once this once this kicks off your MBT lookup is going to fail because because uh um the MBT data on this is going to change is it’s interacting right it’s pulling that item off so now it’s going to not see that with item being on there anymore so well yeah yeah but I I account for that like right now there is no item so I don’t know if there’s a third NBT state of when the ritual initiates that holds for like a split second that then confuses the whole thing um but if like right now this is empty so in theory it should deploy and stop the problem is it’s not going to do it because it’s over clogged which is just a stupid thing to have implemented and to create I don’t know why they did that so to where this thing can just overlog and stop working it’s really dumb um thank you Pete I appreciate it and uh so anyway there’s some I my first thing that I was going to do to try to fix it was to do um what is it a a sequenced gearbox and have it ensure that when the Redstone fires it only runs the deployer one cycle and I was going to see if that works and if that didn’t work then I was going to jump off a bridge um so those are my options can you you have more options than that can you Pro uh like in the automation do you know when this gets started um so this needs a netherite and this needs a stellarite right so assuming but okay so hear me out what I was thinking is is you have the toggle latch which basically is a lever that based on Redstone signal will cycle one way or the other right if you know when this goes off then you have this set off a toggle latch and then that toggle latch is redstone linked to each of these so it just turns on Redstone signals so even though these aren’t noticing anymore you’ve now locked these via the signal here and when this finishes then you turn then then it turns back off if you can do that then that’s pretty simple and straightforward yeah that could be another way to do it the issue is whatever the duration of this like having the resource consumed is long enough that the deployer can like activate twice right but I’m saying so the same issue would run the same issue would happen because even if I had the reading the NBT on the forge of when the recipe activates um then it would still do the same thing these would activate for the same amount of time before a new one enters and they would clog again so it needs to not clog that’s the problem I again if you want to if you want to run this me feel free I I know you’re like I want a break from this yeah uh well no I’m going to continue working on the chromatic because I know you’re waiting on on that so um but I I I feel like we’re on we’re close to a pretty workable solution there closer than I think you think we are but maybe I’m wrong and you’re right so uhuh but it it feels like there’s a couple options there that jump to mind is oh what if we did this what if we did that that we can play through at once we’re ready to rackle that mhm mhm for sure for sure I mean I’m more than happy to have uh Papa uh help me fix and make that work good um so like by all means don’t don’t be shy well I mean you know I’ll be shy Papa yeah all of your comments are basically that I can’t just leave your stuff alone so I I’ve to I’ve been trying to be hands off and just you know whatever and and and no no in this case if you can solve that thing uh feel the sequenced gearbox may work just fine there is a chance you’re saying there’s a chance yeah um all right well this all broke oh I see so basically this deleted itself we got the we got all the the the vials right and then as this progressed we had the problem here where it didn’t properly detect or it missed the pulse of this um and so the water was just sitting here and so the vials would make it to this point and then they just despawn and So eventually I ran out of vials and now the system’s just stopped there everything is working fine other than I no longer have vials anymore because everything’s not working fine right right but if I were to add vs to the system I think we’d see it just start immediately processing again and uh so really we just need to solve the reliability problem on the uh I hate it when I I hate covering up the face of a of a drawer um anyway the yeah I think I think it’s so whatever this freaking thing that’s breaking is the problem so how do I send a pulse but then basically I need to start like a 30 second one that dies if not even the 32nd one um I mean it could be like a 5-second one right like cuz it transforms pretty quick so what if the pulse instead of it running this it t it triggers a toggle latch right and then we design a system where the toggle latch creates a 5-second clock that sends the pulse every 5 seconds until it is finished because it doesn’t matter if we add extra Chrome it doesn’t we we we don’t really need to worry about that you know I’m not generating any right now but we don’t go through it very fast so I think a toggle latch might be there’s a toggle latch and a powered one and I always need to make sure control your signals is a power toggle latch or Redstone controlable levers click signals the back will toggle say okay has an elevator but flies well I didn’t have an elevator initially and now I do why is this running so slow though uh and now that I now that I do have or I I couldn’t fly initially but now but now I can and now that I can I do [Music] um all right so we need a system did I really put my Redstone away that’s unusual of me okay so we’ll need a red we we’ll need that I don’t think we need a comparator we’ll definitely need a definitely probably need a new another pulse repeater also I found out from chosen architect that you can actually move beacons as a uh as a device uh as a Contraption and create they don’t give their effect when they’re in a Contraption but you can move them strle strle pulse repeater and then we need redstone okay so I need to remember how to use Minecraft Redstone which is always a problem for me how do I make myself a nice little repeating clock this is this this this uh the simple Redstone is where I just fall in my face I don’t I don’t I I don’t have a Java do for for simple red stone available and I need to reference it repeatedly all right so this is sending we a we turn on a signal okay so now I have a signal and that signal needs to kick off a pulse repeater yay there you go pulse Speer off it goes but I need the signal to stop but then turn back on again as long as I have this so um let’s see is the should I use the powered latch is that that work does that help me I don’t know whether that helps me or not this is this is the Redstone I suck and I I’m always like I I feel ashamed when I when I don’t know these simple qu like things like a redstone Redstone clocks are stupid difficult for me I know they usually use a comparator but I don’t necessarily want one going like hypers speed unless I can maybe I can make one that slows itself down um and then just in case I want that other latch there we go and then what did I do here cuz I made a little something something over here okay so the Redstone signal turns off the thing turns off the source I going to talk I mean it seems like doing both would make sense the only the second one’s shown the problem never mind the first one’s also shown the problem see the issue here is it gets it gets hot but then it doesn’t it needs to cycle it’s really it all comes down to we need a cycle here um also a little bit less lag it be nice but it is what it is for me uh so I had in my little hand should have grabbed those repeaters and then I didn’t because that would have been useful to me but really it’s more about going back and forth repeatedly God I wish I had access to this inventory over there or at the very least that I didn’t have four or five blocks where I lose my flight um okay there’s the the single player agge going for everybody pretty good how about yours uh I’m just trying to figure out the best way to uh make skeletons go bye-bye and it’s um you know it’s going to be a trick the drill idea not working aut thing or what no it’s just I like I haven’t failed yet I just haven’t successed either I’m just trying to figure out the best way fair enough yeah can I put this on the back without it freaking up no oh no no no no no no balls no balls no balls no balls indeed oh my glory going to have to do that she going to have to do that differently than balls so I want on this guy cuz this is the one that takes signal from the side right yeah I I want on this guy to know if I if it how why is there not a button and all the and all the land and all the things why is there not a cobble button also my inventory I’m going to I’m going to lose my mind guys just going to lose my freaking mind does that give me a button nope all right buttons right given Redstone signal that turns it on Hello my inventory the this lag is going to drive me absolutely insane that turns it off why was that on for so long what the hell okay that’s good look at that that’s awesome that’s exactly what we need right I have the pulse send or or the water the Redstone signal from the water when it’s on maybe it’s not everything I wanted more also did that stop working note to self easy notate yeah um now I just need to Fig figure out how I’m going to make that actually translate into what I’m trying to do so when given a constant Redstone signal I need it to bounce back and forth so I should be able to do wait that’s where the that’s where the uh here come come here you’re you’re very you’re very tight over here we don’t need to be so tight okay so there output to repeater slight delay Redstone Redstone Redstone and in okay and then this is the um this is the re the the water reader so when it sees water it turns on I add another repeater on that to slow it down even more and now I’m creating a pulse that’s not boop boop boop that’s what we need and then it’s no longer there it stops doing the thing cool all right so now we need to replace this hey look it broke this is way more vulnerable than I really thought it was going to be um oh that was okay so this goes into the back of the latch the latch goes through um two long Redstone Cycles do it only connect in the one side that’s just annoying what that seem it seems a little arbitrary but okay so here and there wait what what why are you you’re killing me Smalls does this need to not be there okay so that needs to not be there that it still seems a little arbitrary but [Applause] whatever whatever I’m confusion oh I put down the wrong latch I am an idiot I’m not confused I’m an idiot where did the other one go I did not pick it up try to pick it up Hey look it’s still right here I’m an idiot as evidenced okay um Power latch from here there here boom boom and then delay okay and then this fires off the pulse repeater that goes into this guy right right here this guy above and the link that is book and chrome chrome and what book was that hopefully it’s this one is it this one tell me it’s this one it’s not this one it’s the integrated one which I put down sor all right we’ll change it it’s fine yeah those skeletons didn’t know what hit them they really think they were going to get synthesized today they they drop a lot of Bones lot so now that’s back this goes through here it’s pretty cool it’s pretty cool let’s see dude my inventory is just so absolutely wrecked it’s the worst it’s constantly filled pretty much I think I think it when it I think when it would break two in a row that it would send through and then the second one would come through and immediately block but actually just the main inventory 45 slots 54 something like that maybe 100 are there any mods that actually do that or is that some kind of like the fact that I haven’t heard about it means is it just like is that the sanctity of Minecraft we do not touch the inventory size or can you not do that is it just not a thing for what the 64 stack no the actual size of your inventory the N for the hot bar oh uh that’s an interesting one yeah I I don’t know of any mods that change that either but uh uh you’re right so let’s see so that is going to pushy pushy and then yeah this this this might be good stuff I think I figured out how to fix my reliability problems that’s nice nice what do you mean um there was a circumstance that uh basically programmatically speaking I had a race condition um when the block would break two times in a row the second pulse would come by too fast for the first one to qualify and then it would get stuck with the signal locked on with and oh this was in I thought you meant like your PC was having problems and you just fixed it you mean in game in game in game cool cool I need more gear boxes oh good we have two more in there uh must make more all right I got skeletons makeable but then the issue is making wither skeletons and also causing them to loop around and stuff what do you think Zen should I should I wait until we get a pH out or should I make a whole new nice little farm field over here where I deploy bone meal on it and it makes flowers and I use those flowers in order to make wither roses for I was taking me a while to figure out what you meant by phyto cuz I was thinking Fido and I’m like what is that the phytogenic yeah I’m with you yeah yeah um I think it’d be you’ll be better served to just get it done um and and not you know uh be waiting on everything I see I see besides phos are pretty slow where that’s going to be fairly quick um the biggest problem is just going to be your bone meal consumption and so if you have a way to make skeletons and and get bones then you’re you’re you’re all good okay can I get you to deploy from [Music] there okay so we I realized that these are running for a little while dumping Chrome out so I uh but I think we I think we’ve fixed our problem um and that that will run without issue now we might need few more vials but that’s okay cuz we have hundreds of thousands so nothing of nothing particularly of value was lost other than the time of processing right but here’s this here’s this here’s this and here’s this I don’t know why okay that’s not working properly oh I needed to update this okay that’s what’s wrong I didn’t I didn’t update this guy um um I need one of these and I was like that doesn’t seem right because it wasn’t right but now it is all right so now we just need to get all the sulfur again that’s sprayed everywhere it’s been collecting and properly deposit there we go all right so sulfur back it’s a little hard it’s a little questionable just because my my my TPS or my connection or something and you know a little Wonka donk but I’m pretty sure that this is just my client lagging or my connection lagging you know this doesn’t seem to be turning off though okay there that one it got it okay so it is kind of getting it but um that could also be the problem is that those are running didn’t I have those to like force seconds or for tick in theory that could also be what caused the problem is changing that to to the extra ticks because um you know that increases the window of which the raise condition can happen we didn’t really mitigate the raise condition we just made a work around to brute force it so it’s no longer a problem but so sometimes it’s good enough right so we’ve gotten to Chromatic and we have 512 and now we need to go to here and say the okay so this was the chromatic compound into the void which means that I need to get a diamond block um Pete what is the uh what is the status of Golem cycl Golem boy is taking a back seat because I’m trying to figure out how to make a very simple item and I’m following the recipe exactly how it’s listed and it’s not working so I think it trying to make a sorcer relay splitter which uses the enchanting apparatus but it’s not accepting the sourcer relay as the ingredient for the middle of it I don’t know why is that um is that like an ingredient or is that just showing that you need like a relay in the middle of everything and then it makes the thing on top it’s the ingredient itself oh it is okay yeah that is uh weird like I’m looking at a video of them putting it directly inside of the enchanting apparatus and it’s not being accepted on this one I don’t know what the difference [Music] is I wish I could assist you you’re dealing with your own technical problems I’ll I’ll Avail from mine okay all right might need a lot of blocks I might not but I’d rather have them all right so if I understood correctly this very quite frankly terribly fra worded thing right clicking a diamond block with flint and steel will create a portal no matter the dimension allowing trains to travel anywhere the portal only works for trains and their inhabitant EMP entities to make the link work in the first place you have to place a track down just as you would next to any nether portal just make sure to place it in the dimension you are attempting to link to place your portal in the special Dimension then go through it go back to the special Dimension not through the newly created portal and then place a train track at the portal in the special Dimension so the process is kind of strange but from what I can tell it says go to the end build the portal where I want the portal light the portal go through the portal and then Circle back around to the end not via the portal and place the track which you got to start with placing a track down so why that one’s there’s a little bit of confusion there but we can work with it I I think we can work around it or figure it out um you guys aren’t having any uh TPS issues are you no fine for me no everything’s I’m pretty sure Okie doie I forgot to get a dirt block balls let’s uh let’s turn on my VPN see if that’ll help takes a second for the route to rebuild I don’t say what come on buddy you can do it come on buddy come on get on there get in there get on in there I don’t have the uh nice I don’t have the uh uh we don’t have the the items to make enough cable to get the inventory over to one chunk [Music] alri come on buddy hi Helena oh my God I hate computers I hate computers I hate my ISP this is dumb iy hi sigm [ __ ] just figure your [ __ ] out you piece of crap oh good Minecraft’s doing the Java thing where I can’t even like close it not even task man oh my God end the process for the God thank you first try so whoever just um made infinity drawers and put them in the system I appreciate you or not just but whenever whoever did it I’m here for you uh thank you that’s very cool of you to do they are I I I got tired of making them myself and we use them in a lot of places so I was like let’s just make it so they just you know just are available here okay so that’s going to make a withy row and not going to go okay should have moved it back by one shouldn’t I yes I should have and that would make everything Infinity easier off by one errors that plague me it’s not an off by one error really so much as like just it’ll be easier to it’ll be a direct line with a conveyor belt versus having to move it over one afterwards is all so you’re saying your one block off from where you yeah but it’s not off by one error and I T plugged in a Zero versus a one kind of but still off by one I mean I I use it for everything where I’m just like I just needed to do that just over here you know all those things yeah yeah yeah oh my God it let me back in okay um all right so I need train tracks I don’t have any of those as far as I’m aware we didn’t need the quartzite sand I got I got these loaded up um I have Flint steel so train tracks and a make sure I have a bucket of water okay train tracks and a dream train tracks and a dream and then I got to go through the Nether and figure out where the thing is but I kind of remember I have I have vague memories it’s not down here where did train tracks end up did I did I leave is that drawer still over here did I move that drawer somewhere else NOP still over here okay okay so I go to the end in order to make this if I’m understanding at all what that’s saying in order to get to the end we go to the nether oh and Jordan the uh the train just inside the nether just takes you over to the fortresses so it’s just a quick way to ride over to there if you needed skeletons or anything I I saw this is this a like a different train or the one that you ride to the oil no no no different train it’s the one you you noticed it when you came to the it’s just off the side when you go to the portal by our base um okay yeah it’s just a train going off into the distance and it just rolls you over to where the Fortress The Fortress SI are did I just put these in the exact same spot I’m trying to remember which direction it was you might have put them in the exact same spot I just put these in the exact same spot you might have did I just wait that’s awkward that’s just awkward was it an off by two oh okay it was an off by two uh apparently these things happen it was it was an off by two yeah yeah yeah okay cool cool cool oh do I get to oh no I get to LIT no I don’t cuz I can’t use that all right I get to die I love when it wait what did you do I burned to death that’s unfortunate I can’t remember what direction the the end portal is from the Nether and then I burned to death and I was like oh I have a bucket of water it’ll be fine and then I realized I was in the Nether and I was like never mind I die now sorry that happened to you man yeah it was traumatic but also the Fairly uninteresting what what what what what the what happened to my freaking stuff it’s over there there’s my how did you get there oh my God told you it was over there I am being obscenely Bamboozled right now it’s not me is it might be not a fan of that I am not I don’t think I’ve done any bamboozling I’ve been skewered and and worst part about dying is putting the trinkets back on or the curios okay that and looking at my body full of Shame on the ground but I gave up on shame long ago yeah it’s always good if you are an internet person to have no shame is it yeah no it’s part of the it’s part of the know yeah dude just part of just part of the the process What freaking direction do you guys remember where the the end portal is than me um yes there’s a it it there’s a portal in the nether that takes you to it that I way pointed um let me see if I can get you the cords to I was going to say you don’t say uh how do I switch over to the nether let’s see there it is oh I think it’s might be this way I might have a clue yeah for some reason I don’t know where that Waypoint or uh hold on Waypoint manager um ah end portal portal it won’t show me the cords it’s okay I think I got it but I appreciate the efforts I wanted to be of help but for some reason just couldn’t and I apologize it’s the thought that mattered to me thank [Music] you that oh no we one more know this sound seems safe oh no was the other balls the other balls it was the other balls God dang it probably goes even further down now doesn’t it cuz I’m silly the heck are you okay all right there we go now we going to get some rot Aion in there somehow a Rion [Music] mhm no okay okay okay okay all right okay I don’t know where I am or where I’m going or what direction’s up oh that’s up okay sorry to hear that dude this was predictable mate what’s going on man you know what I am terrible at basic basic Minecraft I I am not good at basic Minecraft I see I wonder if my body preserves shouldn’t be in a create mod pack basic basic MRA well and in in my a little bit of my defense not much of my defense but in a little bit of my defense some of the defense yeah yeah I I the uh do a barrel roll mod when I fell out of the water column was not helping at all your decision to um roll with it keep this you put you so on that one man fire oh that might burn okay I am 100% going to this is fine drop into here and get killed by my own creation uh at some point and it’s probably going to be sooner rather than later two one there it is was that on purpose that time we don’t need to discuss it good good okay so this is this is yeah this is a thing this is good this is very good now we light this on fire and then we see that things happen I can not wait to drop in here and die sounds terrible man can’t relate oh yeah you wait yeah okay you need some rotation I forgot that’s kind of an important part of things yeah wait what oh okay cool and then um all right let’s see if this workies thingies cross they don’t take knockback no you fool I’m a fool I’m just a fool what’s wrong with you white punch dude a fool what do you mean it contains excess it what do you mean it contains excess item Z oh no dude that one how did you grab a Wither how did you pick up a Wither Rose you have a sword in your hand to kill and it picked up a Wither Rose why did you do that deployers are stupid they one the dumbest things unbelievably stupid that last one I didn’t care that much about and we just re we just fire deployer are stupid no the last one was actually was just because I was looking up placing blocks to build down and ran at like got to the bottom so uh it was no big deal other than oops but wait he didn’t drop anything he didn’t drop anything I appreciate the offer though sweet of you to offer rather than just rant at whatever you’re doing the freak is wrong mother trucker go away yeah I kind of wish you would have said that you needed help so I could stop do you don’t need my help back to what I’m working on okay what the okay well that was interesting so we going to build the platform them figure out cuz I see one body I’m terribly sorry this is happening oh why are you like this video game who no what happened to my sword oh is my sword just gone now that’s awesome oh yeah deploy at the head of the skeleton that’s true but the problem is I need this mother trucker to be on fire this mother Trucker’s on fire is it the the pros do something like yeah I’m not I’m not too Pro okay this time for sure oh water water stop it water my unbreakable sword just got eaten it just got eaten is it’s it’s broken no it’s simply gone like it actually just vanished I I wrenched a deployer that had the thing that had the sword in it and it’s just it bye-bye just went away sorry that happened to you oh my God yeah me too water that was that was a very aggressive me too so um I am going to murder with saws okay yep I’m going to seems like a good plan that’s what I’m going to do um I do it with dual saws that’s a good question H saws do a lot of damage too yeah no I I think that’s the way to go truth be told um I think this will be good good fun I just do hope that it will uh drop the items that I need for this I hope it drops the it for you too but thanks man mhm okay this is my number one or my second so that’d be my number two over here was the other um is this going to be an issue for the Wither Rose I guess we’ll find out let’s try again man I’m going to have to like trial and error this somehow in a oh he gets freaked up oh he gets big freaked up that’s good that’s good oh yeah oh no oh that’s where Pete’s thing comes in that’s where Peter’s Peter’s thing comes in that’s easy that’s good that’s good my Peter’s what uh nothing what you just called it nothing wait what no Peter is really something Peter is the best but I was just no it I was going to use Peter’s like coin thing of a do hicker what coin thing your item collection the I must order this dude your ingenious collection I take no credit for that but you’re the one that you know figured it out I was shown it by someone else I only literally everything I’ve ever done I was shown by someone else literally that’s like saying that’s like doing some complicated math and being like yeah but someone at my elementary school teacher showed me how to do addition so you know yeah but if but if you did two you know if you sol 2 plus 2 equals 4 would you take credit for the solution if others were like hey do you know how to do this and you say yes I do here’s how then uh you you can say uh you know I didn’t invent this but here’s here’s how it works and we go hey nice you taught us how it works because that’s how sharing information works I just didn’t feel right calling it Peter’s coin or Peter’s Peter’s Peter yeah Peter’s Peter I just I think that like you know if you’re in a job interview and you are asked do you know how to do such and such skill that is necessary for this job that you’re interviewing for you don’t to be like yeah but I someone else taught me someone someone told me how to do it like go yeah but you know how to do it right yeah you should have hired the other guy I’m here on their behalf actually they were way smarter than me at the end of the year uh this is probably a wee bit bigger than well I hope my coin works for you I’m going to have to make it you’re going to have to show me how to get it when I do reach that point of knage which will be very dating recipe is it it is okay good okay well I don’t want Zen to look at the number of gear boxes up here but they do serve a purpose and deleting anyone will cause complications so let’s talk about your chaining of cogs together mini cogs rather I love chaining cogs together you know and like I wouldn’t mind other than the fact that you’ve also complained about FPS like you can’t have it both you know like if you want performance gearboxes it is then I I’m self-conscious about the optimizations man well well I’m saying yeah gearboxes are are are better on the client than but yeah and but like the ones along the heesta stuff like that is just one line of in case chain drives that you is all that needed to be there but anyway Got a Feeling umit what’s got to feel good for the soul this this operation you have going on here uh yeah so here here check it check it so did that that okay that wither rosed good I want to see if this works now okay whoa no don’t go that way you fool don’t go that way yeah okay cool and then he’s not getting saw oh now he’s getting saw oh he gets skulls for days let’s go okay actually perfect actually it works wait actually it works okay so I think the thing we need to do is just like enclose it so they are not distracted by us maybe okay they Bor magnet B on a cool system okay so the issue I need to figure out here though is do they drop bones as well because if they don’t Drop Bones as well I actually do need to do a split which is going to be annoying and then I will have done all this and and I will need to do a split and I will be upset but um i w we shall see okay here we go this is very Pete Pete you’re distracting no come come over here come over here there you go oh I didn’t have a ah frick I forgot to um it doesn’t tell me where I need to put this you know um I’m going to do an extra layer of uring of the the Dem by adding a drill on Layer Two so they going to be my God actually could do another saw a third saw oh a third saw is the way to because you’re going have blown into it that’s how I should have done it oh that would have been way better I should have done saws from the side those skeletons are living a rough brief life Man actually wait no I could just instead do it from the side that’s way better or from the back I mean from the back I don’t know why I didn’t think about that they’ll get slammed right into it directly be part of the portal or if it’s just in it way smarter way smarter why okay well good but also bad wait no don’t it’s not what I expected but here we are no stop stop it Go the correct way why don’t you do the right thing okay so apparently the diamond block literally just creates the giant portal okay finally that was painful so good to know um and now it wants me to place a train track against it to make the L link work in the first place you have to place a track down just as you would next to any NE portal so make sure you place it in the dimension you are attempting to link to okay place your portal in the special Dimension okay so that kind of sounds like it wanted the track first go back to the special Dimension not through the newly created portal and then place a train track at the portal in the special that’s literally what it’s like what are you talking about you crackhead it’s like who wrote this first to make it work you have to place a track down just as you would next to any nether portal just make sure to place it in the dimension you done no problem well I mean I not done but still and then it’s like but then you need need to go back to it and place a track down and I’m like but I already have you you told me to place a track down there’s a track down Target portal is not generated yet okay so I need to go through it and generate the target portal [Applause] okay so now but it where I’m confused is it’s telling me not to go back through it now I know it said don’t go back through it but this is stupid where the hell am I oh I see it just linked this portal to so it’s no longer linked it’s not linked to the uh other one okay so I have to I okay I get where they’re being dumb and they’re dumb so I can do this I think and go and figure out where the heck I am and and how to get back and then I should be able to here’s my I was looking for those rather frantically just a minute ago [Music] um I think if I go back to the end and I go through that portal I’ll recreate this one which will be fine because this will be linked and then I go back to the end and because this portal exists but it’s not link to anything I can then add it and it will link to here okay so I need to head north I think that’s what we’re talking here we’ll get there eventually oh this is high up is it still high up so this is where I die next I guess come to think of it I do know how to fly BK oh my I hit space I think you guys could hear me hit space you okay there buddy this is fine oh he died man sorry ask the dude if he’s okay after died this is a goofy process but I think I’ve got it I just need to you know do it how many more death do thing need to happen before I think we might be done with it optim cautiously optimistic cautiously optimistic surely this time nothing can go wrong the episode of a thousand deaths I feel like that’s a bit of an exaggeration well we still have time 100 five maybe you have a magnet five’s closer to a thousand than zero is oh why have you done this too cuz you had a magnet I was like hey that’s conven okay so I need to Circle back to the end now what was your thing called again his Peter the wireless yeah Peter Peter’s coin oh coin of Fortune the coin of Fortune okay and then you’ll need a pedestal from Rey underneath it okay got it fire I should have a few I should have the coins oh you do yeah do you just put a hopper underneath the pedestal is that how it works anything that takes storage okay if it’s a filtered storage then it’ll only take that item I don’t pretty sure if you just put like a chest it’ll just grab everything in the vicinity uh oh dear we do not have the ability to make the black carpet necessary for the pedestal I believe in you that is very most unfortunate now I’ll go kill some squids no I can make more wither roses and and do that I guess I’ve killed two squids oh okay you’re very rapid it’s the first time I’ve ever been called that wait that is a that’s a real big lie I just want to say that’s a really big lie rapid rapid you’re like the fastest you’re the fastest man in the world when it comes to like you know he’s RAC and stuff all right okay what do you laughing at TR no balls nuts dang dude balls nuts oh my God what is this this is the goofiest process those gosh dang balls nuts wait maybe I’m over it oh I’m so over it he’s over it this is the stupidest process the most poorly written process so I’m I don’t know what uh what what is the actual thing that’s happening I’m trying to build a portal from the the end to either the nether or the Overworld okay okay so that is there which is good and then so how do you like triangulate the coin of Fortune uh to the item that you want it to pick up filtered receipt it’s only on a drawer that what do you mean by triangulate like how do you take the coin of Fortune and tell it what item to pick up it’ll just obey the storage block underneath it so like a locked dra will pick up that item got it that’s cool yeah I don’t know what would happen if you had like a hopper system to only input one item like if it would only uh it’s got a range yeah like seven or eight blocks seven or eight PR big okay okay got it got it got it so I need need to return to base without creating another thing you have to turn on the coin and the pedestal by the way oh okay got it so if you guys go into tip tips in your quest book the tips section there’s there’s one that has a diamond block and it talks about a putting a flint and Stu if you can tell me reading that description the order of operations that needs to happen then you are better than me give SEC right clicking a diamond block with flint and steel will create a portals no matter the dimension allowing trains to travel anywhere this portal only works for trains and they’re inhabiting entities make the link work in the first place you have to place a track down just as you would next to any nether portal just make sure you’re placing the dimension you’re attempting to link to place your portal in a special Dimension why is the dimension special cuz they didn’t they’re they’re they’re trying to say whatever magic Dimension it is that you’re talking about it’s not that it’s special it’s just they’re they’re trying not to they’re saying any Dimension they’re using special in place of any whatever Target your target Dimension is how I read that but the semantics I mean place your port in the special Dimension go through it go back to the special Dimension so it sounds like you light the portal in the Overworld put the train track next to it go through or then go into the other dimension light the portal go through hope it takes you to the Overworld then go back through and then place the train track next to Portal 2 that’s how I gathered it but you probably already done that my favorite part is in their explanation of how it works it don’t mention a diamond block once I mean it’s the very beginning yeah but I mean like I don’t know just the way they outlined it at the end for me it was the it like they tell you to play place a track and then place a track and I’m like did I already place a track have I not placed a track yeah I don’t know anyway it’s I’m sorry this has happened to you it’s fine so that okay do that balls no no don’t do that huh do I have to activate the pedestal before placing it no you can activate it after you place it what do I how do I activate it you made the right pedestal right God dang it man I made a reliquary pedestal well right but did you make the functional one oh did I not did I forget to put the diamonds around it I may have forgotten to put the DI you got to do the you got to do the diamonds one okay got it that that may be where I’ve made my mistake that’s on me should have should have pointed that out no no that’s that’s on me cuz I was even clicking on the one that had the diamonds then I proceeded to not do it it’s on me oh take me on you create any uncollected nether portal I don’t know what an uncollected did it on purpose no just lack of brainage so if I want an un I’m assuming that’s unconnected if I want an unconnected nether portal how far away from these do I need to go in order for a Nether Portal considered unconnected oh if you use a compacting drawer for the bone blocks I can just that is a sick idea that’s one of the sickest I’ve ever seen I don’t know if I need to do some math nether math stuff to where oh there it is okay this won’t connect to the one that’s over there or something I were to throw you only right so I have that one right there oh okay ah there it is how 128 blocks you oh that is cool there we go yeah I got it I got it so 700 should be fine yeah nice so what are you using that for to pick up the Wither Skeleton drops nice yeah okay now if I make a compacting drawer let’s see if this works all right hopefully this is enough if I can throw items through it then it’s connected I do like that the compacting drawer recipe here is um slightly easier than the last time I looked at it uh that doesn’t work what the heck in Vault Hunters when it cost a lot still getting flashbacks of the expensive recipes yeah just a little bit and also it does not work for wither bones how sad uh but maybe bone meal Works into it let’s see okay that does work those seem to have gone somewhere so I’m guessing that means I’m still freaked this would be nicer if I wasn’t working with obsidian because I’m working off the Assumption right or wrong that similar to how if you build two nether portals in the same or in in near vicinity in the Overworld they will uh both connect to the same nether portal in the nether that I’ve got to get far enough away in the uh in the Overworld in order to have it not do that Punk all right now we’re 700 away again or we’re whatever we’re we’re well we’re about 200 blocks away uh um try creating one through base and just don’t go through well we’ve come all this way but it would be nice if it would you know do that so where am I how do I get I I swear to God I always have North and South confused uh in this mod pack for some reason I made this so big one two three four five six 7 one two three four five six seven here’s hoping for magic do you believe in magic cuz I think I’m screwed to three four five six just as long this is hopefully that’s right because I ain’t redoing it one two three four five six seven all right so light here Place uh track go and try and and build track on other side or in end so track here no track here do I put the track on the other one first did that just connect it how am I flying oh because I the portal on the one hand we’re horribly overtime on the other I’d really like to you know have this work is oh my God okay I think that’s a good sign it seems like a good sign now I need to but I can’t go through this right I need to go back and place the thing on the other side now okay okay maybe maybe all right so we need make ourselves a stupid little train to do stupid little things or I can steal this one maybe can I pick this up and just move this train for too far probably too far okay Moment of Truth there’s no way this works properly this process is utterly and completely stupid I know it says I can’t go through but I’m an entity on it when I’m sitting there right doesn’t it doesn’t it allow me to when I’m an entity it’s besides it’s saying train looking zene this is the stupidest process and the fact that I haven’t sworn uh uh yet is you’re swearing on your own stream though right you’re getting it out no no no cuz I’m recording you know so oh you actually try not to say bad words I’m a good boy oh really yeah Oh that’s oh nice um this process is stupid it’s it’s literally dumb do you why do you have to do this instead of uh standard portals cuz I have to get a trained to the end that’s what I thought oh I see got it that is that is um that is a problem then yeah yeah sure is H I am interested to see what it is that you are uh trying to do though you know in order to make uh or or take a look at in chapter three um making Shadow steel okay let’s see Shadow oh optional 2x bonus so you’re you’re just wanting to optimize but you don’t like if if this is the ab a disaster you don’t like have to do it I mean I haven’t seen a different way that I can figure out to do it oh it says optional too but I I don’t know how to make Shadow steel otherwise oh like Shadow steel itself is not optional sure sure I yeah Shadow steel is required in order to make Radiance so got it okay where um where have you put these diamond blocks for transport I have PL used one and I’m carrying one Goa I want to go to the end and see what the is that you are doing I mean it doesn’t work like but we can we’re we’re we’re out of time like we’re well over I’ve been trying to okay he’s like save me save me end it please but yeah so that did link up to the other one got it cool awesome sweet this is cool I love it this my favorite so you want to you want to wind it down there then enjoying did did you want to see it first or did you like well if you’re if you are not particularly thrilled we we need not um hit pain points at the moment it’s it’s F anyway we want to thank our sponsor uh for this series Apex hosting providing the server that I’ve been going interdimensional uh over and over and over and over and over on if you would like to go in interdimensional with your friends be sure to check out the link in our description you can save 25% off in your first month help supports what we do we appreciate them for sponsoring and you for checking them out if uh you would like then please consider taking a look at the live streams that we create as we do these you can see it at twitch.tv/ pizzahut twitch.tv/ Captain Sparkles and twitch.tv/ throw some follows and come see all the extra stuff that doesn’t make it into the videos and then of course if you have enjoyed the video please consider hitting the like button share with a friend uh subscribe turn on notifications leave a comment and save the world really any of those things uh we appreciate you for watching what do you guys got um no you pretty much end of the episode that’s what I’ve got you did what the doing needed yeah all right well then bye guys well all right um well I’m sorry that the things are uh not SW for you mate I it happens like I’m not like I I’m annoyed at the process I’m not like losing like I can’t believe this I quit you know like it’s just like it’s okay to say this is the worst thing that ever happened to you it’s fine but it’s not the worst thing to ever happened to me what if it could be I had some responses he sounds like he wants it I had some responses of worst things in my life that have happened I’d be like then what about this that would have been a little awkward but it’s it’s fine it’s fine all right well uh good evening everybody it’s been a pleasure um except if it wasn’t at any point and then I’m sorry I enjoy you guys thoroughly nice have yourselves a nice night everyone all right you too man farewell bye guys byebye have a good night boys catch you around so I think I need to just delete break destroy MIM murder death kill everything and try and start over now what is confusing for me is from what I can tell you place the track down just as you would just make sure to place it in the dimension you are attempting to link to so from what it looks like to me is we start out I read that as we start in the end okay place your portal in the special Dimension then go through it that should connect that portal to someplace else I assume which I think we got but then I went through the second portal and broke it and that’s where it’s saying don’t do that so I think basically where what I I do the process that I was originally doing I go to the end I create the portal and then I go through that portal and uh and then I need to exit the nether or or go back to the end and then try and do the link without going back in that portal but it won’t go through so I don’t think it’s actually working the idea that just do this just is that we tried sending a train through and the train wouldn’t go through Argo not working right the fact that we can’t get this train to go through indicates that it isn’t working despite it doing that I can’t go through it says it’s reached the end of the track if I try and go through on my own it allows me which it shouldn’t do because it shouldn’t allow regular me to go through there’s half of the [ __ ] train hello everybody Welcome greetings I [Applause] hello so this is connecting to this side side which we might be able to work with but it’s not connecting to the end so yeah that connects to here but I don’t have anything that connects to the to the the dimension I actually want to go to so I haven’t gained anything I’m just now that’s there great o [Applause] gizer thank the 79 months Carol Louise thank you the 10 months Elizabeth thank of the 21 months cool Luke MC thank of the follow Lucas thank you the seven months um let’s see nobody DG think of the eight months mike5 with a 13 Shadow walk with a 55 morg with the 2 years um no thanks think of the 51 months and tip thank you for the 200 bits I’m not going to break bedrock in the Overworld this didn’t connect anything and it’s in theory I shouldn’t be able to go through it right or if that works great then we then in theory maybe we just need to connect this over so I take this over to this rail over there and then I should be able to get through if that works great cuz I I would rather uh Traverse in the nether that’s a lot quicker than trying to bring it over the Overworld of course um thank you guys for the little baby hype train appreciate it Hayden thank you the 81 months elor thank you the 200 bits we’re not still trying to figure out how to make the portal we’ve made the portal it’s getting the portal to link properly that causes the conundrum hi hus all right so this this is facing north this is the direction we need to go so that’s good and then we need to bring the train this way I [Applause] suppose man that flash okay curb stom than the 28 months Jenna thank the 100 bits thank you guys for pushing into or finishing the level one I appreciate it okay now I’ve just got to you know deal with nether crap it’ll take roughly about the same time I think to make a new train to do the deployment and everything like that as we can to just do it by hand quite possibly maybe not but possibly Hi [Music] H there we go sigm getting you in trouble again hos that one was you oh can’t trust no one these days sigm here doesn’t want you to place any blocks for the next 3 minutes I almost just refunded that one because I’m in the middle of trying to do something and interrupting me in that but instead I’m just going to [ __ ] die again oh my God where [Music] cool all right just need to make my way down to some random ass place no problem surely nothing can go bad oh I missed this might be problematic [Music] oh yep all right you can have your block you can have your uh thing back [Music] Sig I had forgotten there you go it surprises you the people who’ have been around for 80 or 90 months might have had to you know not subscribe a time or two cuz doesn’t surprise me H cool why on Earth does the nether have to [ __ ] suck I hate the nether I hate the nether and quite frequently if not always modded nether sucks worse Okay C Anonymous says siga may want to be mean but we all still love you x33n oh you’re so sweet eat a dick all right that’s everything there I don’t think this guy had much I feel like this is empty and it’s not supposed to be like I definitely didn’t use all my arrows so where the hell did my arrows go why is my quiver empty is an interesting question one that I don’t have an answer to but I find myself still wondering you know the bow does not have an inventory it is a regular bow we made a bow that had an inventory and then it turned out that um tinker’s bows are basically useless and terribly designed and uh so we had to go back to Rego okay 47 47 and 27 best ways to do this 27 too far away it’s like slope too SLE too steep but what H what do you want me to do you you literally can choose the slope you can make it less steep little dodgy I run out of either I wasn’t holding my blocks or else I ran out of them perhaps both looks like I ran out turn to Sharp well you’re you were complained about it before now you’re complaining about it again thank you for the gifted pack sigm turn too sharp what do you want from me apparently that H maybe I don’t do that we need some more blocks hey buff hi I walk out into a train hi buff one moment let me go take care of sa Buffy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you know we haven’t talked about it for a while but just in case you happen to be so inclined a reminder that I do have water bottles and uh drink wear and stuff that is quite nice um uh available at merchand me and uh it’s simple it’s fast it’s good quality and you know you’re looking for a water bottle or something go for it all right I needed more blocks more Cobble and probably more train tracks which I don’t know that we had any more train tracks oh no I have more [Music] okay hi am thanks he that or high spiky one of the two all right so now we need to figure out how to make this son of a [ __ ] turn [Music] [Music] [Music] turn to Sharp okay turn too sharp all right worthless tree is worthless all right so this is 65 cool awesome loving it this is also [Applause] 65 [Music] okay now we need to shift over to what was it I don’t know what the 59 it looks like no 111 Johnny man than of the 50 months I appreciate it Big [Music] [Music] 5 [Music] I us to be fear how can [Music] [Music] so in theory we have a connection it’s a little impossible to know at the moment and hopefully these don’t interfere with each [Music] other cuz otherwise we [Music] [ __ ] Ayden thank you again 81 months ker with the 79 months Jesus Alec no 200 bits jeda with 100 bits curbstone with a 28 months and again Johnny man thank you the 5 so in theory I go to the [Music] end Jesus [Music] Christ now I’m still not sure whether or not I can go through through if I’m if I’m on the seat of the train it says no entities or or or entities can excuse me and I feel like I’m a pretty good example of an entity at that [Music] point but what do I know a Anonymous wants you to dig down five blocks and that car is [Music] refunded [Music] [Music] um all right [Music] ch [Music] [Music] missed it by that that much [Applause] okay so now we need a station over here [Music] [Music] for [Music] the results would have been very similar yes [Applause] I don’t understand what this wants like oh is it that I’m not holding enough tracks is that the problem ah okay so this won’t be in the one chunk area but we’d have to do some [ __ ] Voodoo to make that work hey [Music] Jerry I understand that you do not currently remember your own identity let me assure you that being I don’t understand what you mean by finishing that junk accident as you may be aware by now searching for you for what seems a lifetime the city is in a state of disorder and the balance of freedom and power has been shifted that power now lays in the hands of those who seek to control the got me moving [Music] what do you want want they wanting me to straighten out in order for that to work no [Music] [Music] [Music] anyway I have to I’d have to get down [Music] to 49 well that just went and came back so hopefully indic case that this didn’t break everything we’re all such fans of underwater Rivers 51 50 all right so this is now the level we [Music] need 401 so I’m not quite past the chunk but we need to do a big old [Music] u-turn right all right so what it seems like works better is if we go up and connect rather than go [Music] down nut [Music] [ __ ] maybe we don’t I hate things that clutter my inventory hi caffeine go how you [Music] doing why I carry sponges I mean anytime I encounter a new obstacle that is solved by a block one can say why didn’t you just carry this block and you wouldn’t be wrong but you’re not really right either so it doesn’t seem to like I think I think this needs to come out further [Music] [Music] [Music] somehow [Music] how is this supposed to work I mean I can extend this out 800 miles just to see you and and that’s fine except it’s still won’t ever [ __ ] let you because it curves the top around wrong God damn [Music] [Music] it [Music] it’s like it wants me to go 800 miles out from the [Music] turn there’s just nothing that makes it happy moving downwards maybe I [Music] uh here’s where I start at the bottom and work my way [Music] up like yeah that looks way too steep wait oh maybe not okay [Music] fine first [Music] try okay so this is well past where he wanted it to be Tre how does it feel [Music] Tre how do I want to line this up assuming is this is too sharp but I think that’s what we need to do so we’ll I find it so hard means that I’ve linked one end of the that it’s trying to connect it doesn’t right now but when I right click here then it’ll look Enchanted because I’m saying I want to connect to that piece all right not white enough [Music] me [Music] [Music] closer tell me [Music] how but that’s not quite what I wanted I feel like we need to do better than that [Music] apparently it’s not smart enough to try and figure out a wide U-turn holy [ __ ] this is taking a lot of [Music] [Music] space [Music] God what a process apocy [Music] en getting closer but no but I think we might be able to still do better here around [Music] only only only [Music] [Music] only first [Music] [Music] try [Music] [Applause] [Music] asmus wants to listen to some ASMR for 10 seconds I’ll tell you what I’ve been doing I’ve been doing a whole lot of this you [Music] know and it’s getting real tire but we [Music] [Music] continue how have you decided this is too sharp and [Music] [ __ ] there’s [Music] only H I think this is the curve I want now I just need to extend it as necessary [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] isn’t there supposed to be a train on this track somewhere I don’t want the Redstone signal putting with that [Music] [Music] it’s a little wonky shaped cuz this should have been wider but we’re here [Music] now so the question is is where the hell is my carriage [Music] [Music] aha ow ow ow all right we we need to push the ceiling up a bit can’t wait to encounter that uh underwater line [Music] again [Music] [Music] hey Doc what’s [Music] up yeah but other than that you’re going to have [Music] fun me and Mike than of the 63 months Quinn cwell thank youal sub welcome great greens than you the two months Johnny man again 50 [Music] months [Music] [Music] I’d say break a leg but [Music] uh [Music] Parise bre [Music] f [Music] fortune favors the gold the base trade card you now hold riches are on your future you studly love machine and thank you for supporting our boy Z oh [Music] riffkin [Music] no exclamation song does not [Music] work this is dangerous Dreams by [Music] Leck in in a sense it does [Music] work I want to argue thanks [Music] Zas it’s all uh I I had part partnership with the uh Indie label fixed if you’re familiar with the band scand Droid um it’s his label and uh he partnered with streamers to uh you know get allow access to their music and and whatnot in return for you know telling you guys hey I’m partnered with [Music] fixed [Music] who the don’t tell me tell me someone was genuinely not bright enough to recognize this works or did they just you know oh that’s what it was it’d be impatience wouldn’t it they weren’t patient enough to wait to to do one stack at a time that’s what it is I know that they made it I just know that I’ve added that I added this pedestal uh or this Depot to it a while [Music] ago so for it to be reverted indicates that someone was uncertain of the way that it would work or or whatnot but I think more likely uh someone had a uh multiple things they wanted to do and so they didn’t want to do it one stack at a time uh I’m not giving Innovative no no nothing about that’s [Music] Innovative they want to be a pressure plate okie [Music] dokie indeed it is caffeine goat indeed it is [Music] is I Stand Alone so what does what do what what are we asking what does what retributions thank you the initial sub welcome did I leave that open the lava thing [Music] smelts we make the train work yet wow just jumping right in at me like that huh it was a particularly fun uh moment tonight when I realized that Jordan uh um was had his magnet [Music] on [Music] [Music] [Music] it [Music] I to [Music] [Music] just it’s like something ain’t working [Music] [Music] right [Music] my [Music] wand [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] wand [Music] disgusting [Music] [Music] now [Music] that’s looking better if you’re in trouble and you need me this one oh this one it’s all a brock [Music] Al no to hide as the time is it 11: you know who we haven’t listened to for a little while assuming my Spotify is working I hate spotipy here no hesitation feel our heart spe [Music] as stop making [Music] Moss withf [Music] [Music] unspoken fear on your lips I’m here good night Kitty first [Music] Theiss [Music] tou withf leave your p [Music] well it’s getting closer what we really need to figure out though is whether or not this can that’s a bit [Music] problematic [Music] we’ll have to adjust some of this a little bit should be relatively [Music] simple [Music] but we don’t have any room for an an entity on top of it right now without the entity getting like [Music] OED [Music] a Anonymous would love to see a tree [Music] there do we need to go over the uh how stream loots works [Music] again up [Music] blard maybe I don’t want a Shard I joined the stream the only words he has said has been my wand twice what’s up nuk give me [Music] [Music] fire you know what I do need to make more of is [Music] blue how the hell did you get a manal tree farm I’m following along with your YouTube videos watched you explain it and I still don’t know how you built it without breast you are unly the smartest person I’ve seen on the internet I there there a there’s always someone better than you B I’m not even in that like upper category uh I just work at it until I get past it you know [Music] um but the question is what are your needing the brass for that you’re that you’re getting stuck on what is it what is it that the brass uh that that you’re needing done that the brass isn’t handling or that uh you feel like you need brass [Music] for um let’s see so I said glue not grabbing the one at the moment filtered funnels drawers drawers are your filters ow ow I forgot that thing goes at light speed got to think of this thing probably I mean there’s still a tree planted there do you think it grows anything it’s got 2,000 wood there’s shards everywhere so maybe it is working I forget what we needed to for the rejuvenated mineral shrubs and [Music] stuff plus eight menro berries well there’s menro berries in there oh this is full that’s why but this isn’t full so explain that [ __ ] but this is all right fair enough anyway uh you can tell this is like original pre like early create um but yeah use uh use your Dr is your filters I mean we still do that right I literally made it so that I have infinite drawers oh should make a schedule [Music] schedule good night hus I’ve been swimming in Rage I love [Applause] it [Music] okay so Brea [Music] world I can get it a little bit lower I could also stop it a bit earlier where did the seat end up did it go land on some belt somewhere yep [Music] [Music] your slave right behind definitely don’t like [Music] that we put a second bogey on it the second boo line up better with where the uh drawer and the storage [Music] is good night Ruby Hi lady [Music] K my wand [Music] I didn’t realize there was an invisible our [Music] on the one hand I have too many [Music] hands [Music] [Music] back if you want me you’ll [Music] be all [Music] right trying to think of best way to line this up someone was saying that watching Sparkles is interesting because you get to hear and see uh you get to hear like every thought and and and uh approach and idea and watching me is interesting because it’s uh I I it’s like you get to kind of guess what I’m doing and it’s a surprise how I’m going to go about it I don’t know if that’s is true but I definitely follow my own path I think a lot of the time not to say that I don’t take help from chat when I need but you [Music] know um but I I definitely like usually have a plan or yeah I mean I would say that when I when I don’t have a plan I talk it out quite a bit and I’m like here’s what I’m thinking here and stuff or or what if let’s try this and and you know but when I know what I’m going for what I’m trying to do then um it’s more just making it right [Music] wonder how much is that much Chrome okay I wasn’t sure like I 2,000 seems like a lot but if I can fit that in a single drawer then I can replace this with a drawer and then I can use um a comparator off of it assuming I can figure out how the [ __ ] I’m going to get a comparator on it um slightly curious oh we’re not running that why is that not running is it running and I’m just not seeing it NOP it’s definitely not running did I break my oils you’re full what’s your [ __ ] problem you got pressure you got temperature output blocked okay wait which output the refined fuel output that’s an interesting one I’m going to have to cook my noodle for a second on that one [Music] what am I building God Only Knows oh I have [Music] plenty this is create Arcane engineering Redstone [Music] Rebel [Music] [Music] not quite what I wanted where there we are [Music] [Music] there we [Music] go little in place [Music] upgrade so apparently I need to monitor this and have a sponge on this as well neat I don’t see a way to uh I don’t think I don’t think there’s a way to fit a comparator in here so not at the moment not the way not the way that it’s set up although if I I raised it slightly I could use a [Music] puller so if I did [Music] that to that have I gained anything not particularly I like that this is working all right so we’ve got this guy going into here this isn’t what this actually holds [Music] um so assuming I wanted to replace this with a drawer which I do that’s why we’re talking about it [Music] [Music] um [Music] okay first I need the the the actual [Music] Barrel what FPS am I on uh it’s up on my top left [Music] [Music] 25ish okay that’s what I wanted to verify all right now we have sponges we need a faucet this inventory is fine okay I do have a threshold switch but I think I might need another [Music] [Music] one [Music] and I would say that’s between me and my my donors Big Cheese [Music] God good night [Music] Lisa okay so having done all that we didn’t pick up the drawer because well or Barrel because I’m me you have a favorite mod pack not really I think creates the most interesting mod given its versatility and what you can do with it and make it do um but mod packs are just mod [Music] packs [Music] St I do that bye Pete I miss you [Music] already then I can comparator how do I want to do [Music] this maybe threshold [Music] switch [Music] this is me being smart there we go that’s the right way to do that all right so you got all the Chrome out uh um it’s in there we’ve got this so we want to with a clutch when it’s getting a redstone signal it stops so do I have a clutch on me I don’t think so back and forth what’s up Hai thank you for the kind words what do I need gearbox no not gearbox clutch I could have made that big cheese got I think the 300 bits you like that I’ve been answering questions I mean we’re just chilling we’re just working I’m here with you guys you know Z the red wolf thank you the follow and Quinn cwell thank you the gifted sub to WR wolf I appreciate it mean Mike 63 months Quinn cwell with the initial sub as well as the gifted sub thank you great greens two months and I think we’re caught up there yeah um so hear me [Music] out is this putting off a [ __ ] signal or no [Music] Riv okay so that’s working does it not give powered down cuz that makes me sad in my sad parts well I guess never mind this works fine just makes you dumb in my dumb parts [Music] [Music] get and this needs to be like that and that [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that’s uh stopping the gunpowder that’s right feel like [Music] I’m this can just continue through where if I inserted my shaft there they are and then I need a funnel funnel funnel funnel made it out of clay there we go so that just continues through carrying this um where did my sticks go there they are my sticks all right so right now what I’m trying to do is I’m trying to ensure that this stays off I don’t I don’t want I don’t want this to turn back on when I break this and that’s why I hadn’t moved it yet but now it’s permanently locked until I turn it back on so now we need to figure out this guy he’s extra annoying because I can’t fly over him now but it’s okay so we need to get some we need to get some juice we need to get some juice juice in over here [Music] that of curiosity is that going the right way of course it is that’s not good cuz if it wasn’t going the right way I could replace this with a vertical gearbox and then this doesn’t care what direction it’s rotating and this would be going but since if I you did that then a vertical gearbox oh vertical gearboxes only come out on the one side anyway so that’s would have been problematic okay well C Levi um we can go simple and just do that now I don’t have a threshold on this guy which I should probably have my problem would be that they would intersect here so I’d have to do it here I know I have another threshold I picked it up very intentionally I had multiple where is it there it is I really don’t need too many this holds my glow [Music] stone it held my glow [Music] stone then we’ve got a couple options here a gearbox right here would be turning that the wrong way a gearbox right here would be turning that the wrong way but a gearbox here doesn’t tie into that and is now I can have that going the right direction and then I can extend this out and put a gearbox there and have that all going in the right spot so then I need Juicy Juice over here that connects right there and and then I just need a couple Inc case chain drives here remove that boom boom boom and now that’s rolling and those are delivering and those are flinging off into the nether there we go [Music] but this is wrong cuz I don’t want Power there cuz I want this clutch to disable it so I could do but I also am trying to run power off of this guy so we need to do that boom boom and that and then that’ll all continue to run everything but over here this guy can be based off of this clutch which would be better served up one right here little bit of redstone amongst friends that clutch is on now this is going the wrong direction but I can put that there and then add in a gearbox surely I have gearboxes there we are right there this isn’t spinning [Music] thresholds met if I say thresholds higher then oh I see um if I set this to like right there Then signal stops and this begins again now why that’s not going anywhere is an interesting question that I have no answer to come on there’s no belt below the [Music] barrel ah well no that shouldn’t matter I mean this Redstone will lock this too so technically we don’t even need the clutch [Music] but oh I see the redstone’s picking up the or the the this is picking up the signal from uh the whatam weall it from this can I move it to the other side and solve that I can although it makes it harder for me to throw [ __ ] in that even work nice but that’s working fine now okay um so that’s what I can do put that there turn it around pick up all the excess that’s going to pop through to me there we go and okay so my inventory is set this isn’t dropping and then I can set this up I needed purple the [ __ ] did you come [Music] from forget what I’m sending there purple and chrome and receiving okay now make sure to turn this around properly there we go okay so that’s back to working properly Born Slippy but this is no longer blocking okay cool uh um and then [Music] this oh we need to set the dropper limit I was like man it’s dumping out a lot at once yes it is there we go all right so now it’s not dropping a stack at a time give me that you can have that though okay so system now will properly modulate the uh the creation of chrome as necessary um and it’s all based Higher One I mean granted only one but still it’s a it’s a elevated level above so that we have more room for our trains am I having fun this look I mean it I enjoy working out these puzzles is there more fun stuff maybe but other than getting annoyed at having to fly around and and work like you know with the the confined space it’s perfectly fine I don’t mind it I enjoy like I said I enjoy I enjoy fixing the puzzles I enjoy those all right so the other thing that we need to do is we needed to transmit this right so we’ll say 20 we’ll do five and 25 again five and 25 now this should be this is saying that it’s pretty low how much do we have left it is pretty low now that you mention it it’s pretty [ __ ] low um so we need need to get this guy set and transmitting properly I don’t think we want it right there so it’s not interfering with these guys uh and it is gunpowder and what Chrome and gunpowder going to need this gunpowder thank you Chrome top gunpowder bottom there’s that and that all right so now the uh this we can trust this to be working again so we can pop this and that should resume producing more [Music] glowstone and now this fills [Music] up oh boy boy boy oh I need another threshold God damn thresholds all the way down but still uh I think these are going right that’ll tick back up where is that’ll tick down these are rotating this is properly maintaining the DI chromic I believe see the see the D chromic die why is every other word in this song boy it’s I just how the lyrics are in that one I guess boy call boy and because I’m watching it the dichromic acid will never fail interesting that I had a spare Chrome in there I can definitely see how my repeating process could get spares what’s up Ned how you doing it’s been a while sorry I’m just looking [Music] for all right well that’s fun and all but growing old here um this isn’t working because I believe refined fuel is full and so there’s nowhere for the output to go here also does this normally have Redstone in this Redstone Redstone go this oh that’s Li okay yeah um so the light oil is getting stuck and backed up and light oil just to verify light oil tank full up here light oil tank full up here fixes [Music] everything with [Music] you the time that it save me would almost definitely be less than the time that uh it would take me to set that up Brett Veri hello sir it’s good to see you speaking of I am so embarrassed I don’t know if I want to tell you guys I I I might I mean never mind Let’s ignore [Music] that all right so this is full we want to go to [Applause] [Music] Red at like 95% it’s stop at 90 we don’t really we’re not we’re not trying to we’re not trying to drain this puppy we just want to we just don’t want it to we just don’t want it to fill up either you know now as I recall from just a moment ago this doesn’t put off a redstone signal D maybe it was just down oh it doesn’t matter anyway cuz I got to have that there that there that there and that there good excellent Don’t wake me [Music] up don’t wake me up Don’t Wake Me Up Am I Dreaming again stuck [Music] inake [Music] againu okay um let’s see I still have regular Stone on me I do so stick and stick and Redstone Redstone and then a repeater so are you behaving or not move to Lower Lane at 99 move up at 95 we’ve definitely used um redstone on faucets before so why is this not [Music] doing [Music] I don’t even need to like have the repeater it just goes in from the side straight from the threshold boom and it stop supplementary faucets regular sponge threshold switch I’m wondering if refined fuel isn’t drainable although that’s weird it’s like maybe but not [Music] see this just doesn’t work [Music] well now it’s draining I just can’t see it okay I mean I don’t care whether I can visualize it I just want it to work [Music] move to Lower Lane at 100 move back at 95 okay I think it’s working even if we can’t see it behave in this economy uh a it’s late it’s time to [Music] go did this thing decide that it was going to fill up better or is it still dumb I don’t [Music] understand oh maybe it’s just [Music] out okay now that things are flowing [Music] again that should produce more over here which ultimately would produce more there but considering it’s still chromatic and it’s been going for a while I’m going to just I’m just going to go ahead and assume that that’s working so we’ll configure these tomorrow or some other time um but we did get a fair amount of crazy done today um what with the whole other nether portal that links apparently to the end which we haven’t tested but you know supposedly but we got uh we got this whole thing [Music] out built and sent over I think that’ll be better what’s up Apple I’m just closing down but good to see you we just about to finish what’s up squatchy I’ve been building rails and getting railed and it’s just been it’s been messes all the way down um hello everybody welcome my name is Zan I play with apple whenever I can um appreciate you coming over and I’m like I said I’m just finishing up so unfortunately won’t be sticking around but uh you know it’s nice to get to meet you if you if it’s our first time uh imagine me the Blushing Bride don’t imagine me that’s that’s just weird but still happy to uh have you guys come by and uh you know I stream every day but Mondays so we can definitely catch it up hope you had a great stream it’s been I’ve been going since Jeremy’s lobby at 6 so it’s been 6 hours I mean you know there’s longer streams but this one’s been going for a while um but I am working in Minecraft you create building a one chunk based processing system this is all this this entire thing is to achieve kind of one goal so far and we’re still working on you know delivering but um it’s a little it’s a little silly but we’ve been doing if you’re uh if you happen to know anything about programming um a lot of this is programming that’s it’s really what what it is that we’re doing here um and uh whether it’s we’re just using Redstone and create is as our programming languages we’re creating systems and and verifying overages and and and doing processes and and we’ve had and loops and Sub sub routines and anyway I’m a geek but thank you guys for coming over thank you if you’ve been here I appreciate you all uh everybody go say hi to Apple and be sure to check her out she’s a sweetheart uh and yeah thank you all for being here I will catch you guys tomorrow at uh 400 p.m. Pacific or you know 700 p.m. uh Eastern or I think that’s midnight GMT which is 1 a.m. C or CST which anyway have a nice night bye [Music] [Music] guys [Music] you carry the world upon your [Music] shoulders but I’m not the only one how could you look behind now when everything is is done oh you carry the world on your shoulders for I’m not the only one how could you look behind now when everything [Music] is

This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT CREATE ARCANE ENGINEERING SMP w/ @CaptainSparklez2 and @PeteZahHutt’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-01-13 06:24:50. It has garnered 1720 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:08:31 or 22111 seconds.

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    Ultimate Minecraft 1.21 Bedrock Review Minecraft 1.21 Bedrock Update: Exploring the Tricky Trials Autocrafter and New Blocks The Autocrafter is a new block introduced in the 1.21 update, allowing players to automate crafting specific items by setting up the required materials and recipes. Alongside this, the update brings 30 new copper blocks and Copper Lanterns, adding a touch of elegance to your creations. Additionally, volcanic tuff blocks have been added, offering a variety of building options. Trails Chambers and Sinister Events The Trails Chambers are a new structure in Minecraft 1.21, filled with challenges and rewards. Within these chambers, players will encounter Trail Spawners… Read More

  • Reborn in Minecraft: Monkey Manhwa Recap

    Reborn in Minecraft: Monkey Manhwa Recap The Exciting World of Minecraft Mods Embark on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, where endless possibilities await with the awakening of the MOD System. Dive into a world where creativity knows no bounds as you freely add and modify mods to enhance your gameplay experience. Unleashing Creativity with Mods With the MOD System at your fingertips, unleash your creativity by adding a plethora of mods to your Minecraft world. From new items and tools to exciting gameplay mechanics, mods allow you to tailor your gaming experience to suit your preferences. Exploring New Dimensions One of… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Day 47 of Wood Challenge Madness

    Crafting Chaos: Day 47 of Wood Challenge Madness In the world of Minecraft, day 47 is here, Wood Challenge 365, let’s give a cheer! The seed of the world, a number to find, Join the channel, support the creator’s mind. In Discord we gather, a community strong, On Twitch we watch, as we game along. Tik Tok dances, a playful display, But in Minecraft, we’ll always stay. IrlandesGamer, the master of rhyme, Crafting stories in rhythm and time. Trolling the plateau, a playful jest, But in the end, we all know who’s best. Greetings to all, in the virtual land, Minecraft unite, hand in hand. Juancarloshernandezgomez9340, daelvalencialabrada3989,… Read More

  • Mr Beast vs Herobrine Minecraft Showdown

    Mr Beast vs Herobrine Minecraft Showdown Minecraft: MR BEAST vs HEROBRINE Are you ready for an epic showdown in the world of Minecraft? In a recent video titled “Minecraft ama MR BEAST vs HEROBRINE,” the popular gamer Daghaninho takes on the mysterious Herobrine. Let’s dive into the action-packed adventure! The Encounter As the video unfolds, Daghaninho stumbles upon Herobrine while exploring the vast landscapes of Minecraft. A tense exchange follows as the two characters come face to face. Herobrine, known for his enigmatic presence in the game, challenges Daghaninho to a game. A Risky Deal Herobrine proposes a dangerous game to Daghaninho, but our fearless… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft Power Moves

    Mastering Minecraft Power Moves Minecraft: Herobrine’s Quest for Ultimate Power In the vast world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, a new adventure unfolds. Herobrine, a mysterious figure, is on a quest to gain ultimate power and rule over the Minecraft universe. This thrilling journey is captured in a short trailer that promises excitement, challenges, and the ultimate showdown. Herobrine’s Ambition Herobrine, with a menacing aura, sets his sights on achieving unparalleled power. His determination to conquer Minecraft and establish his dominance creates a sense of impending conflict. As players delve into this narrative, they are drawn into a world where danger… Read More

  • Oldroot’s Minecraft Mindbender: Unravel the Puzzle

    Oldroot's Minecraft Mindbender: Unravel the Puzzle In the world of Minecraft, a mystery unfolds, Oldroot’s puzzle, with codes and clues untold. Researchers on Reddit, a journey they take, To solve the enigma, for the truth’s sake. A dark figure, a SoundCloud link in disguise, Leading to clues, hidden in the skies. Riddles and codes, a message to find, In every step, the truth intertwined. From Kuzgun’s whispers to a Tumblr blog, Each link revealing, like a dense fog. A steve’s image, a new dark sight, Guiding researchers, through the night. Morse code signatures, a message to decode, Each step taken, on the hidden road. A… Read More

  • Minecraft Mods in 2024: Curse Forge Tutorial

    Minecraft Mods in 2024: Curse Forge Tutorial Installing Mods in Minecraft Using Curse Forge Are you looking to enhance your Minecraft experience by adding mods and modpacks to your game? Look no further! In this tutorial, you will learn how to easily and quickly install your favorite mods using Curse Forge, a program that makes the process seamless. Whether you are playing the latest version of Minecraft or an older one, this guide will work for you. Let’s dive in! What is Curse Forge? Curse Forge is a popular tool among Minecraft players that simplifies the process of installing mods and modpacks. It provides a user-friendly… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot and Spicy! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Choose the Wrong House, Face Death! – Minecraft

    Choose the Wrong House, Face Death! - Minecraft The Thrilling World of Minecraft Step into the exciting world of Minecraft, where every decision you make can mean life or death! Join Adem and Ahmet on their thrilling adventures filled with entertainment, escape, horror, and mystery. Don’t miss out on their latest videos by turning on notifications 🔔! Subscribe and Follow 🟥 Subscribe for free ➡️ here 🟪 Follow my Tiktok account ➡️ here 🟩 Become a member of my channel ➡️ here For Business Inquiries For advertising and sponsorship opportunities, contact [email protected] Exciting Minecraft Content Explore a variety of themes in Minecraft, from escape challenges to revenge… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update

    Unveiling Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update – Exploring the New Features It has finally happened, the full release of the version of Minecraft 1.21 called “Tricky Trials” has taken place. The update turned out to be very large and interesting – and today we will explore all the new features in this update. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and discover the exciting additions and changes that come with this update. Additions: Blocks Chiseled Copper is a decorative variant of the copper block, generated in a new structure called the Trial Chamber. It can be created in the workbench… Read More

  • Insane Twist in Livestream: Sonic X Shadow Showdown

    Insane Twist in Livestream: Sonic X Shadow ShowdownVideo Information e e e thank you Jeff hi everyone I am so excited to be here at Summer gamefest I’m here with you today to share some even more Super for fun trailers so let’s get straight to okay are we back up I’m so sorry I don’t know what happened my Roblox crash no sorry I just want to turn it back on for a second guys I’m so sorry I don’t know what happened guys can you hear me hear me again it’s working on my computer guys I don’t know what happened I’m so sorry what… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Solar System Build!

    Insane Minecraft Solar System Build!Video Information hello premium this is my channel forite and in this video I’m going to be showing you the planets in Minecraft sizes I’m playing in Minecraft um no not I and yeah this is so much I thought so here’s the sun obviously needed 64 blocks to make four manga KN box to make the sun and the Sun is kind of burning but fire and this is four BLX toe if come his orbit it’s going to get roses going to okay because yeah the on okay you need one iron bar button to make World Korean… Read More

  • Master the Elements in Minecraft! Ultimate Air Bending with HD Shaders

    Master the Elements in Minecraft! Ultimate Air Bending with HD ShadersVideo Information This video, titled ‘HD Air Bending In Minecraft with Factions & Distant Horizons Shaders!’, was uploaded by Water_Wind_ on 2024-06-14 04:43:32. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:47 or 107 seconds. Java Or Bedrock! Minecraft Server IP: allsanctum.com Discord Invite: discord.gg/G9baugNyvD Public 24/7 Minecraft Server Sanctum Network: Avatar Anarchy Read More

  • Insane Bionic Creates Real Life Tiny Minecraft Base!

    Insane Bionic Creates Real Life Tiny Minecraft Base!Video Information today my goal is to build the tiniest Minecraft secret base and hide it but not in Minecraft in real life and my friends are going to try and hunt it down to destroy it where’s bro going oh my God I think I see it I think I see it this is the ultimate episode of Base hunt welcome goobers to Minecraft base hunt you guys have 1 hour to find my tiny secret base in this giant 500×500 map and if you guys find it there’s $1,000 inside of this tiny see $1,000 $1,000 you know… Read More

  • Exploring Mystical Void SMP – Mind-Blowing Cinematic!

    Exploring Mystical Void SMP - Mind-Blowing Cinematic!Video Information This video, titled ‘MYSTICAL VOID SMP REVIEW CINEMATIC 🚀 #trendingvideo #viral #gaming’, was uploaded by AEROX__YT on 2024-05-27 13:05:43. It has garnered 223 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. #gaming #trendingvideo #feedshorts #viral #goat #minecraft #hastag #feeds #1millionviews #best #noob #ronaldo #sigmarule #great #new #mcpe #mobilelegends #bedrock #crore #india # I hope you like this video 📸 so that’s it luv u fam Read More

  • Unbelievable Transformation with Melodies of Perseverance

    Unbelievable Transformation with Melodies of PerseveranceVideo Information This video, titled ‘An Inspirational Story about “Melodies of Perseverance” #shorts #motivation #ytshorts’, was uploaded by ABK-Inspirational on 2024-05-17 13:30:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. An Inspirational Story about “Melodies of Perseverance” #shorts #motivation #ytshorts. one piece mod minecraft pe demon slayer … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Pro HACKS!

    INSANE Minecraft Pro HACKS!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Pro’, was uploaded by PKG on 2024-03-10 07:13:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!

    Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!Video Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today on something brand new that I have not played in absolutely forever bro I am super excited to start up this series you guys could probably already tell by the title and the thumbnail everything going on it’s a little bit different than what’s normally on the channel right but I have done these series before and I honestly did have a lot of fun doing them but guys today we are on Madia for a brand new Pixelmon series you guys might not have known Madia… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!

    Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft chiknen face #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftlovers #craft #livestream’, was uploaded by Mine Captain on 2024-01-10 04:53:58. It has garnered 2727 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #minecraft #dreamnotfound #mcyt #minecraftmemes #minecraftfunny #minecrafter #fyp #gaming #mcpe #minecraftserver #foryou #charliecustardbuilds #peashock #tiktokplaysminecraft #live #movetothebeatofbai #minecraftbuilding #minecrafthouse #minecrafttutorial #stopmotion #minecrafts #nostalgia#memez #meme #dailymemes #funnymeme #freshmemes #memelord #spicymemes #funnymemes #minecraftcursedimageshappy #minecraftbuilder #minecraftisawesome #minecraftdesigns #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecraftshaders #minecraftmob #minecraftanimation #minecraftskin #minecraftcursed #minecart #minecraftparty #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuildhacks Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist LGBTQ+ Hermitcraft-like Friendly Community 5+ Years!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-focused SMP server started by Colinator007 and RavingPlatypi, now run by RavingPlatypi and Cowmilk. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community of players. Whether you enjoy redstone engineering, building, or just hanging out, you’ll find a place with us. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming: All playstyles are welcome, from technical builds to community-focused play. Community-driven & transparent: We value community feedback and transparency in our decisions. Mutual trust & respect: Our community is respectful and drama-free. Commitment to Vanilla experience: We maintain a… Read More


    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.chickencraft.nl (GL HF) Read More

  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

    WyrdCraft | Witchery+Welcome to WyrdCraft!This is a modded server on version 1.7.10 mainly focused on the Witchery mod with a few other additions. We are a casual community and have very few rules. The server is very new and still needs work to be a final product but we are officially playable. Modlist:Aether BiblioCraft BiomesOPlenty BloodMagic BloodMoon Botania EtFuturumRequiem IronBackpacks IronChests Netherlicious OpenBlocks PamsHarvest ThaumCraft TwilightForest WildCaves WitcheryServer IP: play.wyrdcraft.netDiscord: discord.wyrdcraft.netModpack: mods.wyrdcraft.net Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2 In Minecraft, I built more houses, it’s true, Each one unique, with a different view. From the village to the fields, my creations soar, Crafting with care, I always want more. I play FIFA 4, trying to level up my team, Buying and selling players, it’s like a dream. Upgrading Bling and Crus, to make them shine, In the transfer market, my strategy is fine. I face challenges, like laggy networks and more, But I keep on playing, never feeling sore. With dedication and skill, I aim to win, In the world of gaming, I’ll always spin. So join… Read More

  • “From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts” #minecraft #lol

    "From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts" #minecraft #lol At age 5: “Mom, can you help me avoid this trap in Minecraft?” At age 15: “I’ll just watch a YouTube tutorial on trap avoidance.” At age 25: “I’ve been playing Minecraft for years, I can sense a trap from a mile away.” At age 35: “I’ve mastered the art of trap avoidance in Minecraft, it’s like second nature to me now.” At age 45: “I’ve avoided so many traps in Minecraft, I should put it on my resume as a skill.” Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

    Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed Minecraft 1.21 Trailer vs Reality Introduction In the world of Minecraft, trailers often showcase exciting new features and updates that players can look forward to. However, sometimes these trailers can deviate from the actual gameplay experience, leading to interesting comparisons between the trailer and reality. Misleading Visuals One of the common discrepancies between Minecraft trailers and reality is the portrayal of certain game elements. For example, in the 1.21 update trailer, Mojang mistakenly depicted chests opening with the lock remaining at the bottom, unlike the actual in-game animation where the lock lifts up. Similarly, arrows in the trailer appear… Read More

  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

    Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!Video Information give me all your bro what the is a sord going to do what are you scared now you’re asking for it wait no no no no someone please help my cupcake don’t worry citizen I’m here Iron Man yes it is I the amazing Iron Man God damn it I need like a fireman or something I can’t believe it a fully rebuilt World Trade Center in Minecraft I never thought I’d see the day that that would be oh my God who could be knocking at 3:00 a.m. in the morning hey I’m Sonic the Hedgehog… Read More

  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

    Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!Video Information seed is crazy imagine a Pillager Outpost stacked on top of a mansion stacked on top of an ocean Monument stacked on top of an End Portal oh my gosh bro this whole seat is crazy okay these sand blocks I got of place I’m breaking these oh I found bur treasure oh zombie head okay I’m going just take all the essential stuff my zombie head steak and Cobblestone I guess wait my zombie head what the heck Hello did I miss something okay that’s weird um I’m just going to act like that didn’t happen I’m… Read More

  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide

    WineSideplay.wineside.eu – bolt.wineside.eu – www.wineside.eu • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. play.wineside.eu Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More