EPIC Minecraft Everest Mod! You won’t believe what Joe Bartolozzi builds!

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Carefully we’re place for our destiny you came and you took us heart and set it free every word you write or sing so warm to me so warm to me I’m torn I’m torn to be right where you are I’m not afraid anymore I’m Not Afraid forever is a long

Time where the hell is the part maybe right Here here it Is we fall out of line out of line I hello everybody blooding you how is everyone doing on this fan [ __ ] fantastic Monday my school for tomorrow got cancelled [ __ ] dub for you that’s nice what it get cancelled for hopefully not something bad hopefully like snow also chat I don’t know uh depending on where you guys live but it’s getting a

Little scary global warming wise [ __ ] 60 degrees in New Jersey in in a few days it’s January January I can wear shorts outside what the [ __ ] anyways how are yall doing today uh today is going to be a Minecraft Monday I haven’t done a Minecraft Monday in a

While dubb in the [ __ ] chat for that [ __ ] uh if you haven’t been here for the other Minecraft streams we do uh a series every winter where I play Minecraft on Mondays and the last few years I’ve done a hardcore world uh this year we changed up uh a little bit you

Know added a little spice uh it’s no longer a hardcore world it’s on hard uh it’s modded so we play modded Minecraft it’s not overly complex it’s nothing that you wouldn’t that wouldn’t make sense to you uh because uh if it wouldn’t make sense to you it wouldn’t

Make sense to me uh and cloak made the mod pack for me because I’m a [ __ ] idiot uh and uh I can’t uh you know really learn all the [ __ ] complex Minecraft mods so they added a few things new weapons backpacks new Mobs dungeons some base [ __ ] right it’s new

It looks like a new game but you know it’s still Minecraft at the end of of the day but uh we’re going to be continuing the Minecraft world for today I’ll do a little recap when we actually get into the world um of what we finished last time slash where we are in

The world and what we’re going to end up doing today there’s a few things we got to get done today in the world uh we might do a dungeon today which is a [ __ ] dub that’ll be fun uh if I die it won’t be fun but uh yeah that’s going

To be the plan for today uh full Minecraft stream today by the way chat maybe maybe we might end off with something else but uh for the most part we’re going to be grinding out Minecraft today I missed last Monday’s Minecraft Monday so we’re going to be uh grinding

Minecraft today going to be kind of a Vibe stream you know I know a lot of still no shaders no we uh my my chat voted for no shaders so I I’m not adding shaders uh just because it kind of removes from the Minecraft Vibe then it’s not really Minecraft anymore

Anyways um I know a lot of you guys are going back to school today or you went back last week so you know it’s Monday it’s kind of a shitty day normally so we’re going to be doing a little Vibe stream talking to chat in Minecraft

Going to be fun uh if you’re whether you’re watching it have it on in the background Etc uh so that’s a DB also you know little impromptu review here not sponsored so I’m going to give my honest [ __ ] opinion uh I just wanted to review it on stream because I thought

It would be [ __ ] interesting uh a lot of you guys know I drink liquid death new flavor new flavor called Dead billionaire it’s making fun of Arnold Palmer supposed to be IC tea give it a try pretty good uh it tastes like a diet iced tea uh because it’s 30 calories so Arnold

Palmer but uh no sugar that’s all right that looks ass I’ve never had a bad liquid death flavor other than their original sparkling water that’s unflavored because I just hate unflavored sparkling water it’s not like lroy you ever have lroy Chad I’m going to tell you this right now if you

Ever see somebody drinking lroy step away from them they have they have a disease right not a known disease but it’s like it it’s something’s wrong with them uh if they drink lroy uh people that drink lroy are are weird right they they they probably like they probably

Like eat their belly button lint right that’s like that’s that’s probably what they’re doing right people that drink lacroy probably have a Jar full of like boogers right that’s like a lacroy connoisseur somebody that likes lroy would do something like that what is lroy it’s a shitty sparkling water

What’s the other bad one and they get Michael bé bubbly bubbly is another shitty sparkling most sparkling water sucks ass Michael BBL yeah they really [ __ ] banked in on that one bubbly sparkling water they get Michael bé the [ __ ] that sings The Christmas Song y’all know who the [ __ ] I’m talking

About you have to you have to I’m going to play Christmas song in January just to just to prove a Point that [ __ ] It’s Beginning to Look up they get that [ __ ] to [ __ ] uh you know advertise bubbly sparkling water [ __ ] just because you get just because you get like Dwayne Johnson to sponsor a product doesn’t mean I’m gonna [ __ ] buy it did I buy teramana tequila because Dwayne Johnson made a

Rap with it yeah was it ass yes was it [ __ ] disgusting yes was the Brian did the Brian Cranston [ __ ] Breaking Bad tequila taste amazing I don’t know it was weird I had it it tasted like somebody [ __ ] put charcoal in it I didn’t know if I liked

It or not I don’t like when some somebody said I had a dream I turned 21 wow fascinating Bryce her for the Bryer for the three I don’t know where the game suggestion tab is on Discord uh could you consider playing Mortuary assistant oh my [ __ ] God I

Maybe one day maybe tomorrow’s a scary no that tomorrow’s Tuesday tomorrow’s not a scary game day Wednesday is a scary game day tomorrow is a Sim game day anyways listen tomorrow’s the Sim day we’re playing a bunch of games barn finders [ __ ] uh booze Masters where you brew

Alcohol all this other [ __ ] gym gym simulator whatever the [ __ ] we’re gonna be playing a bunch of games tomorrow chat’s going to be voting on them we’re going to start in just chatting we’ll go from there whatever the [ __ ] chat votes anyways listen Wednesday’s a scary game day we’re playing Buckshot roulette

We’re playing a bunch of [ __ ] itch.io games a bunch of scary games in general I have so many scary games they’re [ __ ] flowing out of my ass cheeks right that’s how many scary games I [ __ ] have right if you have any games you want me to play send them in the

Game suggestion tab on Discord exclamation point Discord right I very much appreciate your guys’ recommendations but for the love of God send things outside of scary games sometimes because oh my [ __ ] god like I have like 85 scary games on my [ __ ] steam wish list and they’re all they all

Look good right but I don’t just want to play scary games I like playing scary games once a week maybe twice a week if I’m you know I’m feeling a little [ __ ] feeling a little special but got to scare got to send other [ __ ] right or suggest tab you know shout that

Out as well d bow and res for the sub uh Bryce for the three already read that uh Joe fosi for the four uh my birthday was the 4th I wanted to donate but you were on break happy late birthday today uh took me a while to finally send this

Message but I wanted to say I love what you do and I love your stream I have a bad attention Spin and I hate live streams that you’re very entertaining you’ve helped me through a lot nowadays I don’t have a lot of friends in high school but you really helped me become

I’ll come to terms with being alone and I thank you dude [ __ ] W message I’m glad you like my stream even though you have a low attention span I’m sorry you don’t have that many friends in high school you’ll get friends one day dude you just got to put yourself out there

You know and then you’ll find the right people don’t force a friendship five shorty uh for the [ __ ] uh thousand betes uh let’s have a w stream to start off the week swag for the three well the streams watch nothing but could fortun you’ve been a little down late but your

Streams uh always cheer me up I always feel like you’re one of the only uh few influencers who actually knows what they’re talking about and has a brain ah in certain scenarios I will say that many streamers are just kind of NPCs where they’re like Computer Entertainment people um I think

Some days I could be like that but you know it really depends uh but thank you BYO young Gabe Kyler for the sub Rachel for the five T BET’s life is hard uh sometimes Greatful for the stream uh today thank you truly thank you Kai for

The five gifted St in the chat for that thank you for the five gifted Subs brought worst for the sub trip for the sub video for the three my school got canceled due to bad weather that’s good well good if it’s not too bad of a

Weather if it’s like snow that’s good if it’s like a [ __ ] hurricane that’s bad Carter for the sub uh de for the Thousand Jes can you play the sequel of Resident Evil 7 uh it’s called Resident Evil Village I don’t know Resident Evil Village game or Resident Evil didn’t really do that very

Well on stream and you know I’m not going to sit here and say I need views n I’m view hungry but like I got to do what my chat wants to see and so you know if people wanted me to play Resident Evil I would but I usually end

Up just doing what the majority of the people want me to do uh unless it’s a day where i’m kind of playing whatever the [ __ ] I want like philosophy days those are the days where I don’t really care I’ll do a philosophy stream and average [ __ ] 1,000 viewers and not

Give a [ __ ] right because I it’s my passion it’s something I enjoy uh but I do those infrequently uh weie for the sub I’m not saying I don’t like the games that I play by the way I I Eno I’m I’m not gonna play a game if I [ __ ] hate it um but

Yeah all right hold up I gotta ban this guy holy [ __ ] what is is that [ __ ] username holy what the [ __ ] weirdo just trying to get banned how to kill an alligator bro said I wish people would accept me for who I am all I oh

I’m not even going to read that bro his name’s the child PR kinger for the sub here goes uh K Kenny Connie Chase for the sub Katon for the five uh over 6 Ines of snow today in Nebraska dub debow for the three one stare death top Becca Shaggy spigg for

The sub for the five I just realized the world the word stack rhymes with your name stack does not rhyme with my name stack you think the word stack rhymes with Joe Bart Mauricio jet Riser your mom’s natural uh lucad AJ soggy cloud is kbh zoom filthy TBB ver big spoon uh Caleb

Lunar shorty I for the subs um debour proud for the three today’s my birthday happy birthday uh hanky Lena Billy for the sub Aiden for the three uh my friend stole $650 for me I found out on years I think they’re going to pay me

Back I don’t know if I should still be friends with them dude they stole money from you [ __ ] them boob for the sub Nick for the three my that’s that’s like a violating trust within an individual would you be friends with some one of your friends that stole money from you

Chat no I would be friends with a friend that I I loaned money to and then they like didn’t really pay me back for a while and they ended up paying me back later that wanted that’s different but if they like actually went in your wallet and went yoink and stole money

From you that’s like [ __ ] insane that’s like not something you would do to a friend you know poppy for the threade I’ve been watching for I’m not saying you you have to be like [ __ ] you you could just still be like acquaintances but don’t be their friend you

Know um but yeah okay my [ __ ] is glitching my chat is glitching okay okay now it’s good um poppy for the three been watching you for about two months are you going to hit the penjamin not today Rell for the three dude I got high like

Seven days in a row I have to I have to take a break I got to take I you know I’m not a tea break I’m not one of those [ __ ] that’s like oh I got to take a tolerance break no I’m just just like healthwise I start [ __ ] tripping

Out and then I start convincing myself I’m going to have a heart attack when I’m high and that’s just like not it’s not a good vibe you know when you eat an edible and like an hour in you’re like what if I just kind of die right now

Like that’d be that’d be like a rough a rough [ __ ] thing you know like that’s rough and so you know I’m taking a break just make myself feel a little bit better about it uh and then I go from there would you use bongs I’ve used Bongs in the past Rell for the

Three uh what’s the next philosophy stream next Friday I’m going to do a half react half philosophy young dolly for the three uh for the five just think about it Mumble stack then your name no uh Jessica for the three young for the seven crazy for the sub video for the

Three I’ve been on low for 5 hours I’m still here what do you mean you’ve been on lowii for 5 hours uh and fish for the three all right are you guys ready to get into the [ __ ] stream today huge fan you help me through sub I wanted to

Say thank you Dooms for the three usually watch your Vibes but I finally made a stream want to say thank thanks for being you usually usually don’t watch your streams but you’re entertaining keep uh being you dude D all right y’all ready y’all ready to get into this

[ __ ] a little recap Little recap of the [ __ ] um what’s it called the [ __ ] world and then we’ll get into it why did you start later I start at 4:30 on uh on weekdays when it’s uh not break the only time I stream 2m on weekdays uh is in

The summer and Christmas break but are any of you guys still on break I mean if you’re in college you are but if High School no uh all right I promise I’m not a fake fan what’s a philosophy stream you’re a fake fan uh just say you’re a fake fan you know

It’s fine just say you’re a fake fan just say just say you like saying you like Joe Bart just to say you like Joe Bart you know just it’s like being a bandwagoner you know at that point it’s just just say just say you don’t know me

No it’s fine uh philosophy streams I’m a philosophy and religion major in college I’m still in college I’m not 43 like some people think um basically a philosophy stream is uh where I’ll kind of either play a game or watch a video or just talk to my chat about philosophical topics uh morality

Death Life religion well that’s a part of theology but that’s under encompassing philosophy uh stuff like that you know TJ for the three dude I watched dude we my car last night it was pretty funny thanks for the recommendation you’re welcome uh yeah it’s it’s a bad movie

But it has funny parts lit for the sub riser for the three I’m on break till February 1st that’s [ __ ] insane VI me for the three put it in the game tab you should play uh days gonets on P PS5 Graphics are insane I might check it out

I haven’t I haven’t launched my PS5 in [ __ ] so long oh my God uh Dooms for the thre finally made it to stream thank you uh I usually don’t want I already read that CSD for the thre don’t read this out loud could you send me an email I don’t

Know why you don’t want me to read that out loud it’s about editing for me um could you send it to my email um uh Joe night. uh and uh I might get back to you right now I’m kind of in a leeway point with editors uh I have four I don’t know

If I need any more right now but I will keep you on a back roll in case I do need one uh the Doge for the sub s for the three are you going to release the mod pack you’re playing I think cloak already did and sumia for the three uh

When is the next FNAF help one and two stream don’t know uh probably in a few weeks uh I’m I I take breaks from VR after I do it too much all right let’s lock in here chat never mind I gotta blow my nose chat don’t say ew hold up oh my

God it’s not it’s not update still yellow still yellow I feel fine I feel great it’s not still yellow don’t know why all right anyways little update okay you’re all saying you shut the [ __ ] up little update if you haven’t if you haven’t tuned into uh last stream or just in

General this the BART cave we’re in Bart atopia that’s the name of the world uh it’s modded obviously uh there’s a lot of [ __ ] extra items and [ __ ] blah blah blah uh not too complex I think there’s like [ __ ] 10 15 mods or something like that it’s not like a thousand it’s

Not like a thousand mod packes thing but um basically uh we live in the BART cave because I am extremely bad at building houses uh but I could build underground caves just because uh that’s easy for me uh so that’s what we’re doing anyways uh last stream if you weren’t here we ended

Up making a full Samurai armor set of Jade a jade Samurai armor set dub uh we also made a katana which is pretty [ __ ] sick uh we have a tetsubo we’ve been using that still does a lot of damage but the katana has a really fast

Uh hit rate uh so if we upgrade this uh it’ll probably be the best sword that we could have we have a backpack which I don’t remember how to open there it is K uh and what else did we do last stream we went into the nether we built our

Nether portal we finished this uh which is [ __ ] dope uh can we see the cave yeah I’m showing you guys uh we finished this section of the cave I have a chest here just for [ __ ] storage we have an enchantment table now haven’t Enchanted uh Enchanted anything yet honestly I

Should probably put [ __ ] um what’s it called lapis in there we we’ll jump in here real quick to show you guys where we spawned in in the nether we might go on another exploration later today um we ended up going how do I open my map

Uh we ended up adventuring all the way over here uh and we didn’t really find much outside of this just what what is this biome called with the blue wood I really want to find a fortress I think this is a Bastion so I mean I don’t even

Think I’m almost entirely sure that that’s a Bastion if that’s not a Bastion I’ll be really surprised uh and so we’re probably going to go over there soon I don’t know what this is either that also looks no that’s probably bones does this look like a Bastion to you

Guys yes or no I think that has to be one we want to go why did we want to go to a Bastion there was something in a Bastion that we needed and I don’t remember what it was for but I remember you guys saying we needed a Bastion and I don’t

Remember why but we’re going to have to go there at some point so oh the upgrade templates right yeah the smithing template cuz for the katana if I want other versions of the katana I need okay no how the [ __ ] oh the netherite katana I need a smithing

Template and am I wrong are you guys right or wrong do we get this the smithing the netherite upgrade smithing template from Bastion and we need that to get a Nether Katana cuz if we get a netherite katana then we can use the other items that we

Have to unlock uh katas with abilities such as like fire damage and like it gives me like perks and boosts and [ __ ] which is pretty fire also we got a a little lucky hat we’re wearing a little Leprechaun hat it gives me a another level of looting it just gives me

Looting outside of that um we made an iron bow and then we started a sheep farm because we need sheep for a lot of things including sailboats beds for netherite uh I mean food if I really need it and then um why else did we need

Sheep I think that’s it uh but I just want sheep I don’t really need cow a cow Farm just cuz I have eternal Stak but we might make a cow Farm in that other section I I divided it uh today what do you guys want to

Do ah the incest sheep farm yeah we’ll actually go breed them real quick while we’re deciding also have to name tag the dog real quick uh we could go battle the oh whoa I forgot we found the we found the portal we stumbled upon the end

Portal which is very close to my house right there uh forgot to to mention that yeah we found the uh the end portal uh that was like half of yesterday’s stream or not yesterday last Minecraft stream because we had to go through that another dungeon over here I’m thinking

That we go battle ooh H they look like the same distance I really need a spawner for leveling so we can XP upgrade and I’m thinking that we go battle this dungeon and then use a lot of the spawners in there for uh like a a mobs a mob a mob farm

Thoughts on that chat y or nay I could look for one that’s closer but the benefit of this one being far is that the dungeons sometimes have lumped spawners and so I might have like six spawners within a decent radius of each other that I could [ __ ] funnel into

Like one thing so it’s like a mega spawner rather than like a base one uh and so we’re probably going to go battle that today that’ll take a big chunk of the stream just because dungeons are hell uh we B we we fought a dungeon the

First stream I which I think was similar to that one um I want to expand on the sheep farm today we might do the dungeon today do you got do mods do a poll on whether or not we do the dungeon today it’s either going to be dungeon or

Netherite farming or search for the nether fortress we could go to the Bastion too but uh I don’t know I don’t know if we’re going to do that today uh we’re definitely going to work on the sheep farm um I’m not going to do the Village Farm yet uh just because I I

Don’t even have enchants yet and I want to get that at least settled first uh we could also explore a little bit and make a boat how about we do that how about we beat the dungeon today we’ll make a boat and work on our wool Farm I think that I

Think that’s good because then we’ll we’ll get a few things done and we can explore with the sailboat too I need wheat to breed the Sheep so we’ll go do that real quick uh I’ll put on my Speedy boots and then we’ll go from there also

A lot of enchants for the people that haven’t been here yet um a lot of weird enchants in this game uh this one gives me speed uh I think it’s Nimble is the enchant I don’t know for sure uh but we’re trying to get some sick enchants

That’s that’s why I want to get leveling done first because enchantments in this in this mod is op as [ __ ] uh all right the cousins are having sex with each other now chat what are the odds okay see now that that there’s a there’s a 50% chance that

One of those sheep just [ __ ] its father and Minecraft never addresses that hey [ __ ] y’all are acted y’all every time I say that y’all act like surprised you’re like what dude if you put two cows in a pen and make them [ __ ] and then and then miraculously you have a

100 cows uh new Flash they’re all related somebody said Wiest stop yeah we’re not going to start that yeah we’re not we’re not going to start that [ __ ] I’m running away from all of these mobs I’m not messing with them do you have my Kitty slippers on I do

My childhood’s ruined you that that thought never crossed your mind that hey maybe like maybe the maybe these cows are related I respect the hustle yeah you know maybe one of them’s getting a lot of action probably at some point though they’d be so distantly related that it probably

Wouldn’t matter that or they would have so many deformities what’s that one king I I mentioned this in other stream what’s that one king we’re going to I’m going to get geared up for the while I’m talking about this what’s that one king that was like really [ __ ] up cuz like

His his parents were like like brother and sister not King Tut the hapsburg family yeah they it was just like a bunch of incest sex it was like the dad would have sex with the daughter and then the daughter would do it with like their first cousin and then they would

Have they would do it and it was like yeah no like the hapsburg kid he died when he was like 16 or some [ __ ] he had so he was like 4 feet tall he had like so many problems uh anyways what do we need to bring for the

Dungeon arrows how do you make arrows the fact that I’m looking this up is sad what is a shark tooth Untamed Wilds so I can use shark teeth to make [ __ ] arrows I really want to make a sailboat today so remind me to do that after we beat the dungeon bunny slippers

Probably I I don’t know I just need arrows okay I have arrows just because we’re going to have to use them uh for the dungeon it’s very useful I know I have do I have Flint I have feathers right I don’t have any feathers [ __ ] God do you think we could get

Infinity off rip what are the odds what are the odds I could [ __ ] just pull an easy infinity what is homing through isn’t that Aimbot oh my God I need that gambling my family’s emergency fund oh you guys are betting on will I die this stream oh actually we probably

Should be fine on arrows because there’s likely going to be a shitload of skeletons down there I’m going to need to make torches out if there’s a shitload of skeletons down there we should be fine I have enough bread I’m going to put away the wheat um and I’ll bring some baked

Potatoes just in case what do we need anything else chat for the dungeon do we need anything else probably not I have a shitload of torches I have my Katana and my tetsubo I have my pick water bucket my armor is good it’s probably going to break by the time we’re [ __ ]

Done but I I I’m rich in material so we should be fine I’ll be able to make more Jade armor uh or even Ruby armor probably or silver I think I could make silver [ __ ] yeah I could make silver uh Silver Samurai armor too oh I need aquamarine what the

[ __ ] oh I only need it for one do I have aquamarine I do oh we can make Silver Samurai armor too uh blocks oh smart W chatter W chatter to block myself in in case uh in case [ __ ] hits the fan what mod pack is this it’s a custom one that cloak made

Me I think we’re good outside of that do I want to be a little [ __ ] and put sharpness 3 on my tatuo I don’t I want to enchant it what is Vigor I have a lot of these books that I picked up from uh the other dungeon and

Just other [ __ ] we’ll probably get some sick ass stuff I’m going to wait I feel like not wait isn’t a tetsubo really easy to make how much was a tetsubo netherite tetsubo does 14 damage holy [ __ ] [ __ ] sharpness 5 does 17 [ __ ] attack damage I I don’t know

Anything that wouldn’t One Tap oh yeah this is easy as [ __ ] to make oh yeah we’re [ __ ] enchanting this chat all right what does vigor do I might just no I’m going to keep the sharpness four book because I could put sharpness five if I get sharpness four I could put sharpness

Five oh homing would be pretty fire okay I’m just going to put a base sharpness three book on my tetsubo Bots just so I could one tap any any oh or should I put it on a katana no where’s my Anvil oh it’s over here Vigor gives me more Health

Okay all right let’s go I think we’re stacked now now we’re good I probably don’t even need the amount of food that I brought I’m going to sleep real quick oh my God oh my God too many [ __ ] problems here it’s strength and health yeah I’ll use

That I’ll use that later uh M Davis and Parish for the sub Busta for the sub uh freand for the three don’t know if you remember me but I’m the lonely girl I’m meeting up with two new people this week I’m nervous as [ __ ] uh why are you

Nervous uh just like social anxiety I would say don’t be nervous about it you know just be yourself see if you you click well with them and then go from there uh Habibi and ihit for the sub Lucas for the three are you fan of the

YouTube group The Boys uh yeah I have their merch ryer for the three can you read Rose Rosco’s message Joe my brother killed himself it’s been really hard so I wanted to ask you if you have any tips to cope with it uh if my English is bad if my English is

Bad it’s uh not my first language your English is perfectly fine um what I would say I mean this is a rough scenario for me to give you advice for number one rip in the chat I’m sorry that your brother killed themselves um not only for him but also you for

Dealing with that uh but I mean I have never had a fan I have had many friends kill themselves but I’ve never had a specific family member uh so my advice may not be as good but what I would say is just you know I think a big thing is

A lot of people end up blaming themselves I would say number one don’t do that I don’t know if you are or not but uh a lot of people T tend to go I could have done more right and I would not blame yourself on that uh what I would do is

Just focus on your current family right help each other I think being there for each other is what’s best don’t don’t fight that coping battle or mental battle alone I’m not saying suicidal wise but I’m also just saying like you and your family are dealing with that I would say kind of

Loot back with each other right I would say yeah therapy is obviously something that you could reach out to but uh also just being there for each other because it’s not just it’s going to be you and the rest of your family that’s dealing with that

So I would say there uh is a big thing I mean obviously focusing on yourself trying to like you know not necessarily get your mind off of it but kind of get back into the groove of things um and then kind of go from there I I don’t

Know if that’s good advice but uh demon for the sub riser for the sub coxy for the three thanks for helping me through 2023 as for my dad died in July rip in the chat it was hard uh it was a hard year you really helped me through it and

I hope you have a good 2024 I’m sorry for your father’s passing I’m glad I could help you through 2023 and thank you for the [ __ ] nice message Coy I think I’m saying your name right coxy maybe I don’t know oh spit for the sub

Got you for the three uh virro for the three top three worst uh jobart food takes I will give top three best later when I get some uh number one Ranch doesn’t go on chicken it doesn’t ice cream cak suck they do cheese is mid when the [ __ ] did I

Ever say cheese is mid I don’t think I ever said cheese is mid did I say cheese is mid I definitely said the first two swim for the three my name is Thomas stop calling me swim I’m calling you swim because that’s a [ __ ] first your your username is swimmer Thomas I’m just

Going to read I’m not going to read your full user oh he said JK I don’t care okay M for the sub 1 2 3 for the three on your next late night can you rate to PhD he says in quotes I miss the cute Joe Barts uh yeah no I’ll rate him

Sophie uh the do for the sub swimmer uh for the three are you are you going to release the mod pack I think I already read that rusted very hot and luu for the sub and Davis parish and Buster for the sub uh all right lock back in oh

Lock back in let’s go uh fight the let’s go fight the dungeon here what mic are you using a sh sm7b uh it is basically the mic that every streamer around my size uses uh it is disgustingly dirty I will not show you guys the front end of the mic uh I

Scratch it with a pen uh to remove the uh like dried spit flakes that go on it from me just talking into the mic uh for you know hours on end uh ew show us it’s not actually it’s not bad right now CU I cleaned it recently

Um do you see that it’s not bad I mean it’s just like you know if I’m sitting here and I’m talking non-stop directly into a [ __ ] mic it’s you know there’s going to be spit that gets on it uh but most streamers use this mic and the

Camera that I have I just Googled when I was a stream you know any any upcoming streamers or just people that want to do streaming I would never say invest in in what I have currently right this is not a starting stream setup my starting stream setup was like a $50 Blue

Snowball mic in and some boof ass [ __ ] right like it was like not a good stream setup but that’s what you got to start with you don’t want to you don’t want to invest an obscene amount of money you just upgrade slowly as as you kind of grow uh and I I

Reinvest in my stream money I for anybody that’s a real OG uh if you were here when I started streaming I actually used to um have like a Dono goal like here H for like different things and it would be like new mic new blah blah blah

Cuz I was broke as [ __ ] when I when I started streaming I I I had no money how many viewers did you have when you first started I mean my first stream was an influx cuz I I I shouted it out on Tik Tok a bunch

I think it was like 500 maybe but and that I got lucky as [ __ ] with that but I Aver what I would average on a regular stream I used to shout it out every time I would go live uh and you know if I shouted it out now I’d probably average

More than what I do like a lot of people tell me why don’t I post Clips on Tik Tok blah blah blah like you could average more viewers and yeah you’re right but like I don’t really care I I I love my audience right now I Vibe with

The the The Vibes that it is is now so you know if I grow naturally I’m happy with that but uh outside of that you know I’m just kind of chilling but uh like the first month of streaming I averaged probably like a 100 viewers a

Stream yeah see this is what I mean if you haven’t seen the other dungeon streams uh there’s just a shitload of spawners everywhere uh and how this dungeon works I think this is very similar to the first one um I’m getting lucky that they’re not spawning on uh

The first levels are really easy and then it gets really really hard please don’t get uh the Tik Tok community over here well I mean a lot of the people here are Oh I thought it was TNT I did that last time I did that last time I thought

It was TNT but it wasn’t uh I hear spiders in the walls uh but as I was saying uh I mean aren’t most of you guys from Tik Tok I mean even if you’re not from Tik Tok you’ve probably seen me on Tik Tok all of this is ass see the loot

Sucks off rip uh I’ll take the arrows for sure I want to Stack up on those for when we get later down uh oh my God I didn’t bring a bed oh clutch wait no hold up I’m going to pick that up all like all of your viewers are from

Tik Tok I would actually disagree I would say a lot of them are from uh from YouTube now like a lot of my viewers are from YouTube like when my YouTube started doing well my twitch views went up drastically yeah I would say YouTube’s a

Big thing I think my Tik Tok audience is very separate from my YouTube and twitch audience I think they’re very different Realms obviously there is intermingling but for the most part I would say they’re like very similar I should have brought way more torches that was like a

Stupid [ __ ] thing on my end uh to not do that ender pearl snatch name tag snatch should I grab the feathers to make arrows at a later yes and I’m going to put them in there and I hear a zombie but he’s got a pickaxe and he

Thinks he’s going to hurt me [ __ ] you pal um why is there dirt here that’s weird I feel like that shouldn’t be there the bone for the bone meal I already have so many bones that I’m probably not just going to even [ __ ] bother uh also can you guys hear the uh

Music or no protection one that’s trash that Shield looks so sick though hold up is that a skull I’ll actually keep that Shield I’m not taking prop one I refuse to take prop one I’ll actually take the Bon because you guys are right that I probably should have this uh no

Oh [ __ ] hell see this is what I mean though this is where like a good this is a good spawn point for [ __ ] should I make it here ooh I don’t know if I could get that fourth one in here but do you think this looks

Good for a spawn room like if I tore down these walls and had three spawners what are these that’s zombie that’s spider oh see that’s bad that’s skeleton I don’t want spiders I hate spider spawners just because the the blocks are different I’ll mark this though H I

Don’t even need to mark it because I know where the [ __ ] dungeon is oh little jukebox I don’t have any [ __ ] CDs to put into it but TNT Phantom membrane’s actually pretty good uh and I’ll take the TNT little Unbreaking bow Minecart that’s trash I’ll throw that in

There sleep for if you die yeah I I’ll put it when we go over to the uh the entrance for the second level I’ll I’ll put down the uh the thing do I need these more Kitty slippers I’ll take him in case I die bamboo spikes of poison and a

Bomb and then golden [ __ ] the arrows oh I didn’t take arrows it don’t do I need these do I need this what does this even do is that just cosmetic [ __ ] I feel like that’s just cosmetic [ __ ] I mean ideally I would have like three spawners just of

Skeletons what’s the best what’s the best best mob for spawns feather falling Too a chain mail Unbreaking I’ll take the wood I’ll take the feather falling too just in case uh what is this mod it’s a big mod pack that my mods made me uh or my mod made me SL editor tedos for the five gift thiss thank you for the five gifted

Up dub in the [ __ ] chat for that [ __ ] thank you for the [ __ ] Subs I I right now this looks like the best area to make a SP spawner if anything I’ll just [ __ ] kill that uh spider spawner uh and then go from there but I

Think as we go down there will probably be better [ __ ] that’s a spider spawner I’m going to [ __ ] get rid of that also I hope to be level 30 by the end of this uh cuz that’ll be the best the best case scenario I don’t remember

Where the [ __ ] where the hell is the next level see this is the issue with these dungeons is I get [ __ ] lost where is the next level I haven’t even been in this room yet what the [ __ ] oh I should take that [ __ ] brewing stand yo shorty boy

For the five gifteds thank you for the five gifted subs thank the ifab you got a sub thank you for the five oh [ __ ] thank you for the five gifteds I appreciate that [ __ ] literally one tap these Dunces what is this oh that’s yo [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m actually not even taking the horse

Armor is it worth it for me to take yeah cuz I could just have a horse Army one day I know I said I was going to do that what is this area this is weird did you ever feel like giving up when you started streaming Um yeah having view decreases is very disheartening in the streamer not even just when you’re small but also when you’re big um I know a lot of streamers personally that had view dips and then just gave up okay I have to mark this hold up I’ll mark this like this

Just so I know how to get back uh but yeah know there were times that I was like I I kind of want to stop same with Tik Tok same with everything I mean like you have you have waves of just not wanting to make content a lot of people call it

Burnout um I’ve been burnout before never really of streaming I’ve been burnt out of Tik Tok a lot there’s been times where like I’ve just genuinely wanted to stop making Tik toks uh and I really don’t think I’m going to be doing Tik Tok that much longer uh like maybe a

Year maybe a year and a half I think I’ll still like always make a Tik Tok if I want to but right now I consistently post two to three times a day on Tik Tok I don’t really perceive that going infinitely you know yo sleepy G for another five G well that’s not

Good I feel like that’s a that’s a glitch that shouldn’t oh God okay okay okay starting to stress me out a little bit starting to stress me out a little bit Kitty slippers coming in clutch Kitty slippers coming in [ __ ] clutch the creepers don’t want anything to do with

Me oh no but I I could see myself uh like stop stopping Tik Tok in a matter of like a year or a year or so siphon that’s actually pretty decent I’ll keep that uh the rest of the [ __ ] I’ll throw that in there that that I’m going to get

Rid of that bow and that that that I think we’re good there somebody said Joe ask your mom about last night yo you’re so funny man you’re like a [ __ ] comedian did you ever think about doing standup dude you’re [ __ ] so funny God you should go in you should go

In the that that what’s that one thing where it’s like the Laugh something the Laugh Factory you should go on that man I bet people would love you there they would eat up those jokes dude the [ __ ] the your mom jokes just instant Classics

Um uh this is odd that it opens up into a cave and that there’s that [ __ ] magma block [ __ ] there I’m going to get rid of this realistically before I actually make the mob spawner room I should get rid of um like outstanding spawners that I’m not going to use just because

That’ll [ __ ] up the spawn rates with everything else like that I’m getting rid of honestly I should probably get rid of most of them like that diamond horse armor and bones I’ll take the coal in case I need to make more torches cuz I probably will I like that they’re giving me

Arrows I’m not taking golden nuggets I’m way too lazy to [ __ ] sift through that [ __ ] where a hoodie I’m not going to wear a hoodie right now I’ll wear a hoodie if I’m cold but anytime I wear a hoodie on stream my chat freaks out like I like like they’re seeing a new

Person and it’s like [ __ ] freaky that they that they see me in a hoodie Andi for the sub sleepy thank you for the five gifts again tacos for the 1500 Bitties T tacos I say tacos because it looks like tenos 10 tacos five shorty uh Fazbear

For the sub 10 tacos for the five gift it’s ghosty for the sub 10 for the five did you ever shy J slats bad no Ellie for the sub Ali for the 23mon sub lowu uh rusted very hot dude and Davis for the subs the beater on top it’s not a white

Beater I hate when people say I wear wife beers cuz the wife beers are like the white tank tops that you buy in like packs of 50 I wear like decent tank tops how do I get back yeah look at me look look at this dude just

Chilling trying to run away and [ __ ] all right I think is it this Way where the hell did I come from this way this way yeah this way favorite music artist I don’t really know I I would say my music tastes change my music taste changes uh like pretty drastically um I always say if I had to choose one

Artist to listen to for the rest of my life it’d be like kid Cy or post Malone but that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re my favorite artists right now I’ve what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that is that a bear that’s not a bear

That’s bigger than a bear I’m going to eat a golden a no I’m going to shoot an arrow at it you think he sees me he sees me oh no I killed him what the [ __ ] how did he get down here I’m I’m at [ __ ] y I mean I’m at

Y40 but like how did this bear get how did this bear get down here what is Ashen Ashen hide now I got animal fat all right uh I still don’t know how the [ __ ] to get back to where I came from literally no idea where the [ __ ] am I see this is the

Issue with these dungeons I I haven’t been this way yeah I haven’t been this way and this is a dead end I’m going to wall I’m going to block that up I’ve been there it was somewhere near the note block do you still work out yeah I hit the gym today

I it’s just having consistency working out I feel like is an issue many people can relate to because you just get like not bored but it’s like demotivated and normally like I never had that problem cuz I always wanted to look bigger and I had like such a drive to get strong ER

Oh [ __ ] I had such a drive to get stronger when I was in high school and I was like I need to be like strong and muscular and blah blah blah but now I’m like dude if I looked how I looked now if I look how I look now for the rest of

My life like I will be content like I I don’t I don’t need to be bigger you know and so I just feel like some days I’m just like ah I don’t really want to go to the gym I I’ll never skip a gym day but I’ll half ass

Gym days I mean I’ll skip gym days if I’m on break but like I’ll go to the gym and normally like I’ll do like a [ __ ] 2our workout but there’s days that I’ll go to the gym and I’ll [ __ ] work out for like a half hour and I’ll be like oh

That’s good enough and then I’ll [ __ ] go home which I think is uh just half-assing uh and that’s when you’re really not going to make any progress the I’m going to get rid of that I got to remember to get rid of the spawners cuz that also just gives me

Levels you missed the chest did I really I’m going to keep grabbing these this is just free [ __ ] Brewing stands string I mean I’ll take the [ __ ] gun I haven’t been taking the gunpowder but I will just cuz I could blow up [ __ ] one day which would be

Fun please don’t die my Mondays depend on it oh [ __ ] okay now we’re getting into the [ __ ] scary mods all right but now we should be getting into oh [ __ ] now we should be getting into the good loot yeah Fortune one but it’s on a [ __ ] iron pick which is garbage

Um okay he has a shield too I’ve never seen a zombie with a shield I don’t know if I want to keep these should this be nimble too oo hold up nah that’s actually a pretty good [ __ ] that’s a that’s a good pair of boots

Until I get a better pair siphon on a on an iron shovel I’ll snatch bro I can’t believe I went to a dungeon the first ever Minecraft stream on this world with literally no backpack like I would already have a full inventory and I just started making chests and [ __ ] all right let’s

Go I’m also clearing this much faster than other streams I feel like the first streams I still would have been on like level one uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh I should place that bed down I should place that bed down soon soon okay good they’re shooting each other

Let me place that bed down let me uh let me get that spawn point in there Lauren thank you for the f gifted hold up I just I I need to light this up real quick I’m going to I’m going to retreat a little bit let them

Shoot each other I just want to get this place well lit before I even attempt to [ __ ] do anything is this immediately where I can go down again that’s [ __ ] weird this is such an odd setup we’re good those zombies are trying to kill each other this might be a good if these

Are all skeletons I might rock with them I think this might be the spawn area that I want how many [ __ ] skeletons are down there are these all skeletons I think they are how the [ __ ] did you spawn oh my God there’s more over there is this a spawner too stop it hold

Up oh my God this is the room this is the room this is the room that I need to make into a spawner cuz that’s one two three four spawn four spawners within a nice wait could I make a big spawn trap this big chat or

No would I be able to make a room that could Encompass all three of these spawners or four I don’t know if they would all spawn at the same time then wait I want to see if one’s over here just by some weird off chance if there’s

Like the [ __ ] was that noise I hear one opening a door okay yeah this is definitely yo like I’m not messing with this no stop yeah yeah we’re going to stop there okay I have just [ __ ] in my inventory yo yo yo what did that shovel have what the

[ __ ] did that shovel have [ __ ] sharp five on it yo he [ __ ] three tapped me what oh no I’m not going to be able to get my [ __ ] back how do I get my [ __ ] back oh my God chat what do I do it’s that guy oh my

God nah I’m going to start crying I’m going to start crying I’m going to start crying what do I do what do I do what do I do dig hold up okay okay okay okay okay oh my God FU oh I’m a [ __ ] genius I’m a [ __ ]

Genius oh my God yo I was sweating on that [ __ ] hell where’s my shield yo I was I was actually going to [ __ ] cry dude I have so much good [ __ ] like I can’t if I lost everything oh that would be disastrous okay what am I missing Kitty slippers where’s my Katana my

That and there’s so many things around me I know when I open this up it’s going to be [ __ ] hell okay check DMS from fiddle what do you mean check DMS from fiddle fiddle did you DM me uh ARB for the sub uh Darth for the

Three can you say w y YX Jugger uh Darth for the three read my other bit message uh k for the sub Lauren for the five gift it’s open for the sub dolls for the Thousand betes I forced my mom to watch your stream and she said you’re

One of the most Italian mans she’s ever seen she’s liked your stream though I told her you were Mario I’m not that Italian vumi P streamers never really elaborate on what’s needed for streaming what do you think is necessary to require for streaming good white good

Webcam big audience what do you think a streamer should start should have starting out uh hold up I’ll answer that in a second Minecraft Noah and sleepy for the three and GUI for the subs sleepy for the subs Hey Joe you reacted to my fridge it

Was the one that had piss it was apple juice and those were leftover New Year’s leftovers you made my days thank you so much please read out loud okay I was going to say fiddle didn’t DM me when I checked uh act at a cash for

The sub four for the sub hold up let me get out of this dilemma and then I will answer these streamer question cuz I need a Minecraft’s normally a viby game but I have to lock the [ __ ] in right now am I missing anything chat do you see anything that I’m

Missing I hear so many mobs out outside of this [ __ ] little wall that I’m in show headset Dent chat I could not give two [ __ ] rats asses about headset dent right now I will show the headset then when I’m not about to die okay I think I think we have everything the

Kitty boots I have the kitty boots hold up I’m going to open this up and just evaluate the situation no no no no no no no no no no no not again no [ __ ] hell chat I haven’t even looted any of these chests I’m going to

Clear this floor and then we’re going to loot I’m going to clear the floor and then we’re going to loot [ __ ] off I want to loot right now but I think I should clear first I need to get rid of all the mobs and then we could go from

There diamond shovel snatch instant snatch oh my God and they always just they always just drop [ __ ] [ __ ] they just drop [ __ ] like they’re [ __ ] pooping that was cringe God that was so cringe that was so cringe see that’s that’s that’s tacked onto the list of

The [ __ ] skin of a goose type [ __ ] I just said like they’re pooping what am I a [ __ ] toddler El Joe Bart for that that was [ __ ] stupid anyways advice for streaming oh there’s a [ __ ] spawner here get rid of that all right these these four spawners

I really want to make into a room a spawn room stop oh my God why do they always have [ __ ] speed what is with them having speed like why is he [ __ ] moving like he’s a [ __ ] csgo Surfer all right hold up I’ll show hey okay somebody redeemed head at

That look at your levels yeah they’re they’re down I know they’re down I lost my levels I I I that’s just readily apparent whenever you die in Minecraft I know you don’t have to [ __ ] rub it in okay okay buddy Smite to what a [ __ ] disgrace

That is they’re really going to give me they think they’re going to [ __ ] help me out by giving me Smite [ __ ] two where am I I don’t even know and then they’re giving me potions of potions of poison Nimble two on iron boots I’ve been here okay we’re working our

Way back hold up I I I I I still need a minute and I’ll answer the [ __ ] stream iron and the L I’ll take all that gunpowder lapis slime always useful holy [ __ ] okay all right I think we’re I think we’re back in the safe realm all right

Advice advice when are you doing reacts dude I did reacts the last two [ __ ] days next react day is Friday uh so not for a little bit um and this Friday is also a charity stream I got to keep you reminding people about that I I I always

Forget to [ __ ] say that um all right hold up let me Mark let me Mark this how do I Mark how do I Mark where I am what button marks no deep dark scary mobs remove the death death death death Death Q if you press Q over lava it enchants

Okay here it is four spawners for Farm see now hold up what is dungeon for spawners oh that’s the dungeon that I’m in uh okay I think everything else is good I’ll turn that off we’ll make this chat do we think that I can make these four

Spawners into one spawn room I think if I have what right now what I’m thinking is that if this center location over here was like the drop spot I think that’ work like if I get them all to kind of fall down and kind of Trinkle in it’s

Going to look weird just because there’s three on this strip and two on this strip uh but I think it’ll work I honestly could have kept that zombie spawner there but and I think these are all skeleton are you sick yeah I’ve been sick I feel fine now I’m just throwing [ __ ] yellow

Chunks that sounds like I’m throwing up I’m not throwing up let me clarify let me clarify I’m not vomiting a quiver how do I put something in the quiver so this just holds arrows yeah no [ __ ] it holds arrows but I’m saying like where do I put how do I

Put the arrows in there put it on like a backpack I already have a backpack oh you have to equip it [ __ ] where’ it go oh how does it work also what the [ __ ] is this way oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no I’m

Not dealing with [ __ ] cave spiders oh my God they just gave me a free backpack I’ll take that in case I lose my backpack oh you can’t put a backpack in a backpack cuz that would be cheating cuz then I could have infinite inventory space if I

Had a backpack and a backpack and a backpack and a backpack in a backpack you can put a backpack in a backpack it won’t let me put a backpack in a backpack you can put a backpack in a backpack it’s not letting me there’s a mod for it there’s a thing for

It no no no no no no that’s the hell level see I think that’s the bottom level oh my God no way I’m already almost at the bottom level okay this man’s climbing out of the deaths to come fight me I haven’t been down here how have I not been down

Here I thought I went through this entire area low Stone there’s spawners in here there’s always spawners in here yeah and they’re always [ __ ] spider spawners why are they always spider spawners hey honestly this kind of would have been a good room to make into a [ __ ]

Spawn room I just don’t like spider spawners I don’t see a reason to make a cave spider spawner PA all that away this is all [ __ ] [ __ ] that yo chat is the quiver worth it how do you make a quiver you can’t craft it we need to keep this and you can’t

Craft a quiver so it that means it’s at least somewhat valuable if I’m not able to make it then I have to keep it even if it sucks an energetic beverage a bunch of coal and more Phantom membrane they’re giving me an assload of phantom membrane for no

[ __ ] reason right now and I don’t know why put that away all right now I think we’re done in this level I’m going I’m going to go on YouTube to watch you react just scream stream really loud if you go if you get on YouTube what you’re saying if I start

Doing reacts I’m not going to do reacts today if I do anything else today it’ll probably be just another video game um how do I go lower this way yeah I’m going to move my bed to down there just so I’m closer I’m closer and closer to the little spawn area that I

Need to be oh God no no no no no no no I still haven’t given the advice on the streaming by the way I would say let me answer this paused because I feel bad that I haven’t answered your question if you want to start streaming I would say the best

Thing you should start out with is a 10 a 108p webcam just a base headset you could have a headset mic or just a regular [ __ ] you know regular snowball or like [ __ ] blue uh Blue Yeti mic or something that’s pretty cheap outside of that you don’t really

Need that big of a setup uh just something to base Run games you know in a decent 100 FPS you know I’m not talking about Red Dead at 100 FPS at [ __ ] Max Graphics but somewhere you know you’re kind of playing the game my first PC was like 800 bucks um Rando for

The sub and then you just upgrade from there AR for the three love your streams man hand down uh favorite streamer watch you all the time on Tik Tok and find your stream tun in whenever I can Al tips on growing on Twitch for growing on

Twitch you’re going to need to uh start somewhere else and then move uh your audience over uh obviously you can just keep streaming but growing all from nothing is pretty hard uh having some twitch clips that you maybe put on Tik Tok or YouTube shorts or some [ __ ] kind

Of migrating an audience to you even if it’s 10 15 20 people that’s still enough to start spark growth forac and audios for the sub golden for the three just got back from [ __ ] want to say uh W stream I happy to be able to tune in

Keep with the good work thank you Tristan for the three advice of my dad he wanted to move in with him I’m living with his friend he has lied to me and abandoned me for drugs uh as a kid he’s better now I guess but uh he I don’t

Know I live in Florida right now he lives in Virginia he’s been really uh close to death a few times I don’t want to miss out on having a dad I don’t know what to do and I just want your advice I I’m honestly not going to give you

Advice on that that’s like a serious family situation and I don’t know your father and so I can’t definitively tell you what you should do there uh I’m sorry if that’s not what you want to to hear but um I’m sorry you’re going through that I I just can’t I can’t definitively give

You like an answer on what you should do there that’s like something you’re going to have to decide because that’s a big decision Lily for the sub Darth for the th zener you really aren’t that allmighty VI for the three next valerin stream when I dude I don’t know I

Haven’t played val in months months not even on on stream and off stream I haven’t loaded into Val since October dolls for the Thousand betes my mom never met an Italian she’s a 55 polish lady who doesn’t understand English LLY for uh the boys for the sub Darth cler

For the three Rock packs for the 10 you inspired me to start streaming I just got done with a four and a half hour stream dub how was that all right yo why am I oh I’m dying I forgot all right hold up I got to kill this [ __ ] dumbass cave spider real

Quick Watch Me One Tap him okay hold up all right hold up all right hold up all right I have poison for 12 seconds hold up all right I’m dying I’m dying chat give me a second all right I’m still dying there’s an Enderman [ __ ] I’m killing this Enderman [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] is this an Ender spawner is that good is this an Enderman spawner no that’s a spider spawner [ __ ] break that [ __ ] and Farm is better is it really I’ll leave it right now then gray skull charge purple Chevron

Pal Dexter what the [ __ ] what is veteran placeable what is veteran wait what does it me placeable I’ve been playing this I didn’t even know what does veteran do it gives you XP from far range what so it just attracts XP to me bombs yo honestly I’m going to keep the

Bombs in my inventory because I could use those um get rid of the regular shield what else can I get rid of this I see the spider up there I’m going to [ __ ] ignore him cuz you know me and him are boys right now I don’t need to deal with them

I’m not messing with him he’s not messing with me we’re just kind of mutuals just sitting here all right moving on all right that’s the nether room I don’t like how uh this is all [ __ ] wonky and like messed up smite’s pretty trash but I’ll take that siphon and

Unbreaking kind of garbage I’m going to take the Slime and I’ll take the iron I don’t actually want this sword I actually don’t think that sword’s good thought on honey M yo why is there just hold the [ __ ] up hold the [ __ ] up oh my God what is this why is that

There oh stop silverfish spawner I’m not even I’m not even going to deal with that I’m just going to [ __ ] break that [ __ ] break that too not good not good not good oh my God and I outsmarted him and I outsmarted him jeez dude the [ __ ] is in here nothing

Sweeping Edge and piercing what does veteran do what does that do is that is that a worth it thing somebody got to tell me your stream last night was so fun thank you all right yo 10 tacos thank you for the [ __ ] five gifteds man I appreciate that thank

Them if you got a sub thank you for the five gifteds what is this breaking that I heard a witch laugh which I’m not a fan of how hear slime kind of not looking forward to what the [ __ ] going to be down there where is the Slime I hear a

Massive slime right now that thing is making so much noise [ __ ] I got to get rid of these I got to light them up two spider spawners God honestly it might be better to just do that what’s better the four spawners that are really far apart or

These two spawners that are really close together which would be better for a spawn room the four that are apart B can we do a pole there both are ass what do you mean both are ass these are fine [ __ ] drop half of that [ __ ] though [ __ ] terrible

Loot all right this is the next level rip tie one why am I at a chest pane hospital right now probably because you have chest pane a diamond chest plate I ain’t going to [ __ ] about that keep the arrow get rid of that we’ll keep that I think everything else is looted

Here okay you forgot Golden Apple four chests ago Enderman XP farm dude I don’t know which one’s better though the four that are apart yeah probably and then I would just make it like a weird shaped [ __ ] spawn room I don’t know how I’m going to

Do that though it’s going to be it’s going to be rough I smell fart 69 for the [ __ ] sub tacos for the [ __ ] sub or t tacos for the sub hand me for the three there’s a golden Kappa hype train never seen it before so I have 300

Bitties what is a golden Kappa hype train there’s a golden Kappa hype train going on right now contribute to any level of the golden Kappa train to earn exclusive golden Kappa emote for 24 hours hamy for the three I smell farts and lightning for the sub uh rack packs

For the $15 Dono hope your stream’s gone well unlocked and for a b stream also [ __ ] that cave spider T tacos thank you for the five gift that’s count uh uh I smell for the sub Tristan for the three sorry for asking that you don’t have to

Apologize would you ever play Madden H maybe like one time Bento for the three I just hate Madden I smell for the Michael for the three I found big milk I work at a truck stop made a Tik Tok about it if you’re confused don’t want

To sell promo I’ll send it to a mod if possible I mean you can but I I don’t know if I’m going to watch it today Tristan for the three uh serban and dog for the sub Dom for the sub all right lock back in chat we’re almost

Done this [ __ ] dungeon I got to go get my bed real quick and then we’re going to conquer this [ __ ] last level I think it’s the last level I don’t know for sure why do I have a fortune one bow like not worth it I have these bombs

Too I got to remember to use those I think they [ __ ] suck though the hell was that oh it’s that big guy oh [ __ ] this see I don’t like I don’t like this I don’t like this area I really don’t like this area is this a block of cold uh yeah don’t mind

If I do yeah don’t mind if I do thank you oh oh that’s always nice Ender he just kind of being a chill guy right now no no no that was a fast moving spider or not spider that was a fast moving skeleton [ __ ] I got to light this up as fast as

Possible oh he has diamond armor doesn’t matter I clip him though just Sho two TS aim death aim deatha aim death [ __ ] you [ __ ] what is that what is this noise and where are these creep where are these Endermen coming from I need to get rid of them I can’t look at

Them hold on all right let me aggravate all of them oh he can’t even come in Here too tall [ __ ] Too Tall [ __ ] sorry oh [ __ ] there’s two of them and I look both of them in the eyes I like his friend in the eyes too too simple loud loud agitated noises right now I need to make more coal or not more coal I need to make more

Torches there we go light that up light that up light that up light that up good we got to be quick with it I spawners no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God I have to go back there I didn’t light

It up I haven’t looted anything yet just because I I really want to just get rid of all of these areas that guy is big as [ __ ] that guy’s big as [ __ ] is that a [ __ ] Wither Skeleton spawner is that a [ __ ] wither SK enchant your backpack how oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh

[ __ ] oh [ __ ] what are these oh my God yo they’re making me freak the [ __ ] out with this [ __ ] if they’re all Creeper I’m chilling now that’s skeleton ah should we do it with these no should we do it with these chat this might be easier to make

A spawn room into I know I’m losing out on the fourth spawner but these three are just right next to each other all in a diagonal this might be the better move three spawner for Farm yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right now I got to remove the other one off off

Okay yeah that’s definitely a better room we’ll make it that I know we’re really deep right now but I’ll just [ __ ] dig straight down and it won’t be a [ __ ] big deal um and that’s right next to the wether skeleton so we can make another one

Right next to it I was wondering why that guy didn’t chase me I thought it was just a zombie at first um half of this is [ __ ] trash like actual garbage look going me blast protection [ __ ] almost broken chain mail well that’s from the mob but still hold

Up what the [ __ ] is happening right now okay it like wouldn’t let me half it make some torches because if I run out of torches when I need to light something up that’s going to be uh terrifying so uh oh quick it quick with it quick with it quick with

It quick with it quick with it quick with it only two in this one that’s a zombie is that a wither skeleton or a zombie I’m killing it I don’t care oh could combine for efficiency 4 thoughts maybe wait wait wait wait is that fortune 2 oh my God I can buy for

Fortune 2 efficiency 4 smart as [ __ ] smart as [ __ ] now we have almost a maxed out pick it’ll be Fortune three Unbreaking three efficiency 4 siphon what is this a regular skelet feather falling four on diamond boots I’m fine with that get rid of that God there’s so much gold I feel

Like they give you too much gold somebody said Joe is stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] you no way I’ve only gone one way oh my god I’ve only been one way I’ve only been one way in this [ __ ] bottom part and I haven’t even gone oh [ __ ] off those are zombies Oh

No I got to keep moving I got to keep it moving got to keep it quick got to keep it moving red what in the [ __ ] broke [ __ ] is that just bread one piece of bread I’m getting rid of these three I know I already have another three one so

There’s no point in me having both uh the Hops three I mean like I I feel like they just give so many [ __ ] gold boots with hops I don’t need that somebody stole this chest [ __ ] broken down too this room just looks [ __ ] up uh does this continue it

Does oh [ __ ] off and now shit’s going to spawn no no no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no we’re good actually just get rid of them [ __ ] don’t need them don’t need them never need them like God damn

I would piss so many people off if I just [ __ ] ate that [ __ ] right now for no reason when would I need that probably a boss fight I think a boss fight is the biggest time that I’m going to I’m really going to need that I we haven’t fought we fought like mini

Bosses but like a boss boss is when it’s going to be like okay lock the [ __ ] in all right we could leave this area no way it goes lower right like these guys are shooting me are shooting at me from down here but I don’t think this goes

Anywhere yeah it’s just more of the cave [ __ ] big ass ravine all right thank you for being the best family streamer somebody said pal you are mistaken dude said dude said the best family streamer I don’t know what channel you’re [ __ ] watching thanks for being the best

Family streamer when you copying the IRL Kitty slippers you want me to cop IRL Kitty slippers oh God out played [ __ ] out played what can I say ah what ow they have thorns why is it hitting me so far back like a nether skeleton just spawned in

Here for no reason is there even a spawner where the [ __ ] am I like a weird part of the [ __ ] area I feel like we did I get everything chat I feel like that’s the end of the [ __ ] spawner area unless there’s something this way nope I think we got

Everything uh I’ll like I’ll double check the chest down here because I know I [ __ ] spam ran through so I might have missed something but I think we beat the dungeon and I did miss something I missed a diamond probably what in here too yep okay so I missed multiple chests I

Thought I only missed like maybe one I didn’t go this way yet okay we missed more all right we missed more than than I thought more D more gold kind of a shitty area here blazing what does this do what does blazing do the bookshelves I’m not going to grab

The bookshelves I don’t need them if I needed them I would snatch them but I currently don’t what does blazing do though I I’m assuming it just would make you go faster I don’t know why I I doubt it’s like some fire enchant just because it’s

On a [ __ ] shovel it puts grass on fire what’s the point in doing that I feel like that’s [ __ ] useless did I go this way yet there’s like a few rooms I haven’t been in more golden apples bunch of coal sharp three imagine if I missed a mending

Book that would be pretty brutal we snatched a mending where did we even find a mending book I think it was just a random cave I think it was a random cave chest I just got lucky and got a [ __ ] mending book should I take the discs no it’s just not worth

It I went down here I went right or I went left I went straight yeah I went through that okay so that’s good I’m going to block that all we’ve been there that’s the way back the only other way I could go is this way somebody told me to tell you to

Enchant your backpack I didn’t know you could do that I’ll go put it in the Enchantment Table after this and see what we could get I’m really upset that I died if I didn’t die we would have been able to do like mult multiple 30

Level just because I I I’m level 26 now I died at level 26 and had six levels like I would be probably like level 40 not level 40 maybe like level like 38 somebody said 10K bits who the [ __ ] sent 10K bits dolls for the 10,000 Bitties Mama asked you to say oo

Woo I’ll say it full screen I’ll say it full screen oooo the [ __ ] was that yo who the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] who the [ __ ] was just saying that like did you I’m not doing it again dude cuz the amount of times I saw the clip when I

Was playing FNAF security breach and I said oo woo and stuck my tongue out was like too many dolls thank you for the 10K [ __ ] bits appreciate that DB in the chat for that [ __ ] thank you dolls Nery for the sub phantom for the three any advice uh

To get through school faster not have teachers always on your ass uh just not procrastinating is the big thing getting your work done as fast as possible so you could chill rather than putting it off and just constantly stressing about it uh have you played rainbow six years ago that was like one

Of the first games I ever streamed Joe is my dad for the five love watching your streams you always bring a smile on my on my face thank you firm alide for the subcloud for the three uh I know this is not much you don’t need it dude

Don’t say this is not much I appreciate the [ __ ] 300 betties I want to say thank you uh your videos truly make me happy because recently I’ve been having bullying issues in my school when I come home I could just relax and watch and laugh at your videos [ __ ] W message

Clouds I’m sorry you’re dealing with that uh don’t say this is not much I appreciate the 300 Bitties uh and I’m glad I could help ics for the sub uh Z Dominic zerban Dogman I smell farts for the Seb uh and hammy for the three odogg

For the Seb it’s always weird to me to assume that like you guys watch me in your free time like you guys are relaxing right now and it’s cuz like I I I know that’s like [ __ ] no [ __ ] like no [ __ ] Joe but like it’s weird just because like I

I can’t relax and watch myself right like so when I’m relaxing I’m watching other streamers and [ __ ] or like anime or [ __ ] YouTube video or some [ __ ] Dude I think I could feel in the last week if I just blew my nose if I just snot rocking it into a bathtub I think I would fill a bathtub about yay high with my snot like no lie like I and it would be like thick it wouldn’t be like like

Water it would be like a viscous like almost like blood clot esque I’m eating right now I don’t give a [ __ ] I don’t care I don’t care if you’re eating how do I get out of here I want to go make a boat and sail like I’m in

One piece where the [ __ ] am I I think it’s this way I’m a genius so [ __ ] smart that’s why I Leave Myself little bread crumbs to know where I am and now we get the [ __ ] out of here wait let me double check that I way pointed the right

Places dungeon for spawners that’s good and then the Wither Skeleton spawner yes yes yes okay we’ll make that next stream will we re we’ll we make the [ __ ] spawners renovate them blah blah blah uh now it’s going to be a real pain in the

Ass on how the [ __ ] I get out of here cuz I really don’t know how to [ __ ] leave this area did I loot these I did nether time I want to make a sailboat first well should we go into The Nether I could go find the nether fortress if

We really want to just do an action-packed stream we could go fight the Bastion but like I’m nervous for the Bastion like I I even in vanilla Minecraft I fought the I fought a Bastion maybe three times ever and I don’t think I ever fought one in a hardcore world and

Lived I think I the last hardcore world I did last year I died next to the Bastion I didn’t die in the Bastion Enderman killed me but I still died uh next to it uh I’ll go see if I can make a sailboat first I also have to put away

All of this [ __ ] loot uh and then we’ll we’ll go from there how the [ __ ] do I leave [ __ ] Zoom through I don’t know why I put I didn’t put these on earlier I forgot they leave the cake for you that’s nice oh that’s so wholesome okay [ __ ] the mobs are

Friendly in the Bastion oh are they oh is the Bastion is the Bastion just all talk or they all just nice there and they’re just like they’ll they’ll give me free things I mean won’t they trade me if I give them gold so realistically I could

Just drop an ass load of gold onto them and then [ __ ] loot their [ __ ] I don’t know how well that would go though realistically all right we’re out of here honestly I could I’m going to leave that dungeon marker on just because that’s the entrance for

The uh spawners that we’re going to be doing we also going to make a Village Farm soon but what the [ __ ] all talk no [ __ ] game [ __ ] what the hell was that buddy acting like he was about to go tear up the village I hit him one

Time and he died why are y’all saying no that thing would have attacked me that was a snow leopard no it wasn’t that was not a snow leopard that thing was like a [ __ ] it might have been a leopard it looked like a [ __ ] cheetah we also do need to make a farm

In the BART cave but I don’t know if I’m going to do that right now I’m gonna add that other pick though o should I do that now yeah when I have lower levels I should I’m going to combine the two picks make an efficiency 4 almost maxed out pick that

That’s this way I’m an idiot let me put away all the [ __ ] first though oh God this is going to be [ __ ] hell the bombs let me just start putting stuff in my inventory and then we’ll [ __ ] sort it hides I’m going to make coal and no I’m

Not going to make it into blocks I’m too lazy I’m too lazy I’m not going to make it into blocks chat I’m sorry we’re going to have a [ __ ] packed chest get over it feather falling ooh should I have that on o what’s that item that I need

To bring so I don’t fall to my death and Brady would yell at me for it bunny Hoppers oh wait I’ll just I’ll just I’ll I’ll grab them in a minute sort your chests what do you mean oh I could do this yeah that made more sense I don’t

Know I don’t know why I didn’t do that off rip oh God I need I need to make this into blocks before we [ __ ] go there because I I just have way too much [ __ ] sharpness power why did I grab a power two book feather falling two why did I grab those

Books should I combine these now or later 19 levels is it easier if I do this that’s like painful you’ll regain the levels yeah I know I’m going to [ __ ] regain the levels I just don’t want to have to [ __ ] deal with that [ __ ] oh silk touch oh God God damn it I

Just have too much stuffff why do I have an iron pickaxe what am I broke get that the [ __ ] get that the [ __ ] out of here I’m going to throw that out I have an iron [ __ ] pick leave do I have anything in here that I don’t

Want bear meat no I’ll keep that I think that’s cool that bear meat make a staircase to the bar cave I do need to make a staircase to the bar cave oh we could grab materials and do that but I don’t I don’t know what would is there any nether material that would

Match the B cave VI cuz I do need a path and a staircase to the B cave and I would make it straight out it would be like a [ __ ] big ass big ass staircase probably to like the like right there Black Stone oh the Bastion Stone oh you’re

Talking about uh nah not the Bastion Stone what block is that do I have do I have that no what is that what is that block in the nether that’s like gray I can never [ __ ] remember I’m going to put the the golden apple and put it in the food chest animal fat

Am I really keeping that that’s not food be meat I have way too many diam look how much horse armor I have should we get a horse today I feel like I should get a horse today just with just I have two four 6 8 10 12 I have 14 horse

Armors it’s just too many did the music stop oh no it’s just quiet uh the Kitty slippers oh I have kitty and bunny slippers put that there um these two got to be in here could probably combine those uh the quiver could go in there too where the hell did I put the

Smithing templates I’ll go put the Brewing stands down right now cuz I know this is going to be half Brewing room as well right there we can’t make anything yet just cuz I don’t have blaze rods but once we have blaze rods we’ll make potions and [ __ ] are there I I don’t

Know why I’m going to ask you guys this but you guys would actually probably know more than me are there custom potions on this mod pack I think cloaks here potions I would assume there is maybe not what does luck do no there’s not custom potions okay that’s fine that’s actually more simple

For me oh you guys wanted me to enchant the backpack I don’t think I can like I don’t know what it would do if I Enchanted a [ __ ] backpack it might let me no are there any enchants cuz even though I can’t enchant it I might be able to apply an

Enchant on it Luck sucks what do luck even do [ __ ] grab this put that there that there I have so many [ __ ] ender pearls I’m going to need to remember to bring the arrows so I’m actually going to bring those out now Phantom membr I don’t know where I put leaves

There and then bed I’ll throw a bed in there why not zombie head why the [ __ ] do I have a zombie head name tags I have [ __ ] 11 name tags why is this Mufasa is this the next Mufasa oh my God I forgot I killed I Mufasa’s

Dead should I just rename this guy muasa that one’s Daisy bro but I don’t want to name it after my dog cuz then if it dies I’m going to actually be sad like like that’ll upset me like naming naming my Minecraft dog after my IRL dog is like a brutal [ __ ]

Decision in case [ __ ] hits the fan I’m going to need to bring two stacks of [ __ ] Cobble for this if I’m really about to tank this [ __ ] I’ll put a shield in there I’ll keep an extra shield on hand is there anything else all of this

Lapis I’m going to put in that chest by the enchantment table name it Simba but it doesn’t look like a Simba it’s a golden doll oh wait no Simba does is Simba golden Simba is golden right put that there I could name it Simba all right I’ll name it Simba do we

Name it Simba right now yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s only a level he just what the [ __ ] is that Simba Simba if he dies after I dude I it’s like always a it’s always a thing that after right after I name the dog it [ __ ] dies like John

Wick where the hell is the TNT didn’t I have TNT at one point what the [ __ ] in your inventory I know I’m saying I had other TNT it didn’t die you killed your dog uh yeah cuz he was being a little [ __ ] jackass buddy thought he had me on that one coal

Block all right we’ll do this I’m going to use all of this uh do I need torches in the nether though do you need torches in the nether is that useful for like Blaze Spawners right yeah gold 36 gold blocks that is [ __ ] nuts like me having that many iron the the

Amount of iron blocks I have is not that crazy but the fact that I almost have as much gold as I have iron is [ __ ] insane uh we have 62 arrows is there anything else we need to bring into The Nether oh wait [ __ ] you guys I wanted to

Make a sailboat first you guys are just trying to get me killed I got to go breed these sheep and [ __ ] Shear them do I not have shears I thought I had shears beds to take a nap yo yeah in case I get a little eepe in case I get a

Little eepe in the nether this is going to be a pain in the ass to make a [ __ ] staircase that’s going to line this entire [ __ ] uh Mountain oh my God that’s going to be annoying as hell especially if I make it a diagonal one should I make it a diagonal staircase or

No oh that’s just going to be so annoying if I have to do that one day yeah come have sex with each other now surely now surely seeing that two popped out incest just occurred incest just we just witnessed incest a saddle and a fishing Rod yeah

Like I’m going to [ __ ] Traverse the nether like that who do you think I am a [ __ ] Minecraft speedrunner somebody said yay incest okay don’t say yay incest I didn’t Shear the Sheep because I’m [ __ ] stupid now I need to run all the way back all right we only have seven wool I

Think I have some left over how do I make a sail damn you need leads for a sale what type of boat should we make how the [ __ ] where the hell are the boats what the [ __ ] is that a bamboo raft is that vanilla Minecraft where the hell are the

Boats oh here they are Spruce Cog I need do I need a sale for all of them I only have Spruce Wood so I’m assuming we’re going to have to make a spruce boat what is a cog versus a brick two sales God damn should we go for the

Cheapo method first first should I make a spruce Brig oh my God you can make a big ass boat wait this one looks sick should we make the galley The Galley looks the best this one looks stupid this one looks cheap this one looks too big this one looks fast The

Galley I could make that right now with the amount of leads I have oh maybe not h no I should it needs five leads and I have a shitload of leads I just need multiple BS okay yeah we’ll go do that let’s go make a boat real quick I don’t know where we’re

Going to sail probably just that way I haven’t been I haven’t I haven’t been almost anywhere in this world I don’t know why my my map refreshed uh so I can’t see [ __ ] for some reasoning outside of this did I refresh my my map by chance I’m kind of worried I did

That is there a way that I accidentally refreshed my map why don’t I have any why don’t I have any other stuff from the map what’s the blue circle next to my name it’s your prediction Point uh it’s what you bet on um Nimble for the three how’s modded

MC been man good I’ve already been streaming for two hours yo what the [ __ ] see Minecraft flies by because I’m just so zoned in and I’m talking the whole time I smell farts for the six I’ve never tried any kinds of mod survival it seems like it might uh make

It a lot more fun again yeah it makes Minecraft fun toad for the tier 2 sub for 26 months W toad PhD Hey Joe I think I got Ultra Co or something be careful out there for real this virus trying to kill me on God you

Must have drank the Joe Biden tap water buddy you’re getting brainwashed you want to be free drink danani you want to be free drink danani you might have been drinking must have been must have been sipping on that Joe Biden tap water Bud gon to start

Thinking G to start being like ah ah maybe Ubi isn’t such a bad idea maybe Universal based income actually kind of works and it helps motivate people more than welfare ah lie for the three I’m sorry this one isn’t a lot uh I’m I’m either I just have a question do

You seem like a really great physique do you have any tips on sorness um I mean you could take like hot baths you could do like uh cold bath therapy warm bath therapy stretching uh obviously eating the right Foods uh is also a big thing thing I

Mean outside of that I like soreness will go away as you work out more like I don’t really get sore as much uh I mean occasionally I will especially if it’s like a hard workout but for the most part you don’t get a sore Dan’s fire yeah you’re a crackhead Jesus Christ you

Think danan is a you think Dan’s good you think danani is a good wa a good water dude it tastes like salt water my mods just banned somebody named foot fondler bro said Bros only chats are squirt weener [ __ ] and squirt in my face bro what the [ __ ] Thunder for the three I’m

Actively pursuing you be ready um said Thundercats uh and how’s your day good how are you Frankie for the three when toes stream start 4:30 EST on weekdays 2 p.m. on weekends normally I’m not live on Tuesdays but since I was off for a week I’m going to be live tomorrow uh

For 4:30 probably doing like a 3 three and a half hour stream uh we’re going to be rocking um some random Sim games just some gaming in general DMI for the sub T tacos for the for the 1500 betties I’ve been thinking for like 15 minutes to say

Uh I need to light off the Wham Cannon but have a nice day we’ll just start trying to wean off of it Phoenix for the sub oblock for the sub uh Nimble $19 uh couch for the sub DY for the three drinking while watching Joe is such a

Dub bib bolicious for the sub kak for the sub 62 for the sub bolicious for the three uh odogg for the sub um am I caught up on Dons Row the sub all right lock back in we’re making a boat and we’re going on an adventure it’s decided chat it’s

Decided I feel like I haven’t have I been making good progress in this in this Minecraft world chat I feel like yes and no like I’m kind of stacked on loot but I haven’t even found the Nether Fortress yet but I’m also like [ __ ] I already have the end portal located so

Once I get once I get blaze rods realistically I could immediately go to the end but I don’t think I’m going to do that I think I want to get my full enchants first and then go from there I think I’ve been making good like I mean that’s progress that’s a lot of

[ __ ] loot I’m kind of stacked I think we’re making pretty good uh pretty good uh progress hold up where the hell are my leads oh I wanted to see if toad said something I don’t even know if Toad’s still in my stream he said I only drank Arizona Iced

Tea I want to sip on that Joe Bart water winky face you only drink Arizona IC tea our Arizona IC te still 99 cents is that a thing chat I remember when they were 99 sense but I feel like I I don’t want to sound like a boomer in this economy I I

Don’t know if you could have uh I don’t know if you got to have Arizona IC te for 99 cents I feel like that’s like kind of kind of unfeasible they still are how are there places that are there places that sell them for more than that it’s like a125

Now I mean that’s still not Bad how do I make a sale apparently I can make one and I’m missing chests I’ll do that with Oak because I don’t need oak wood okay now I have a ship do I need ores cuz if I go to the water and this thing doesn’t work a cannon hold the [ __ ] up

A cannon oh my God I knew it was bro should I make a cannon blocks of iron wool and string wait can I make this right now should I make a cannon oh it’s such a waste of material but I don’t care I feel like I need to make a

Cannon oh do you think it’ll fit on the ship though uh even if it doesn’t we’ll use it one day it’s not a waste it’s definitely a waste but I’m going to say it’s not a waste to make myself feel better uh where do I I need cannon

Balls how many cannon balls should I make I only get two cannon balls actually that’s not that bad for one iron realistically I need nine okay now we make holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] chat holy [ __ ] I’m rich I have a [ __ ] Cannon it’s like I’m in pirat to the Caribbean

Where do I put the wool I don’t know I’m going to put it in here um dude I’m putting the leads in the mob chest I don’t care I’m I’m just too lazy all right let’s go let’s go on an adventure real quick ah get some get

Stacked maybe you know per use let me go sleep it’s night time somebody said this stream mad boring I’m for I’m forcing myself to watch that is not salute Music [ __ ] you I looked up this bro yo bro been yapping the entire stream too yo it’s supposed to be a more chill vibe in Minecraft Bro Mod’s time him out he said you too what does that mean wait don’t time him out yet bro said you

Too what does that mean no one cares play the game this is getting annoying SMH play the game no one cares God you’re such a bad chatter airor is overrated imagine breathing in 2023 imagine needing to go to the bathroom L stream or TBH God it’s just like it’s just like there’s a

[ __ ] bait a whiffle ball bat up your ass all the time why are you so why are you so mad I mean people say that to me but it’s like dude you’re just in my twitch chat complaining for why sizzy Rowan for the seven I smell fart for the

Six no but like I know I know Minecraft isn’t like my regular oh I didn’t sleep I Know M isn’t like my regular streames Vibe thing and like that’s fine right like I pull an entirely different audience like new viewer wise on Minecraft than I do on other streams I

Mean obviously I still have the base people that are always here W to them but like you know I know Minecraft’s not like high energy all the time I mean I did a dungeon but it’s like yeah a lot of it’s going to be me building or [ __ ] around or just like talking

About the game or whatever I mean that’s just what it is it’s like a tradition that I play Minecraft I like it it’s my favorite game all time and it’s just kind of like a I’m not saying it’s like a background stream but like my react streams like you’re paying attention

Whereas like this you can kind of just like tune it in tune in whenever you want it’s like not as big of a a deal you know hey that one’s naked why’ that one not grow his [ __ ] back yo sui thank you for the [ __ ] five gifted subs and Zao for the five

Gifted thank you for the [ __ ] five gifted Zao and uh sushi sushi sushi Zao for the five gifted Subs dub in the chat for that and the individual individual sub from zapo for five months thank you for the [ __ ] five months sub zapo uh and sushi for the five gifteds and dirty

Mirror for the three I’m aah I started watching you in 2020 I found you again last year and I’ve been watching you basically every day since I wanted uh to say you’ve kind of helped me a lot with uh dealing with my stress and mental

Health you make me happy as while I feel less alone in the sense that we have very similar views in life dub you have nice guys and fun fact a woman’s breast milk is good for treating acne and rashes like drinking breast milk or putting breast milk on acne low for the

Four and thank you for the nice message I’ve been following for a few years now on all your platforms I want to say thank you’re being so entertaining and genuine thank you for making my day every stream SL video thank you all right we’re going to see if I

Know how to [ __ ] operate this [ __ ] because I’m assuming this is going to be a [ __ ] big deal how do I place the ship how how do I PL place it on a block yo let me just use this normally I would just ban this chatter and just not

Glance by it this is called called a copycat chatter right where they have normales maybe slightly kind of L chat or S chats here and there and then when I complain about something they hop on what we call a bandwagon and they just [ __ ] and they just Yap just like the

Person before them that I mentioned because they want attention uh X-Man for the five thank you for the five I shouldn’t have banned them can we actually unban them mods and time them out for like 10 minutes how do I place this [ __ ] boat how do I place the boat in water I

Am you’re too close to land you need a dock what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] you mean I need a dock what oh it needs space to spawn place the ship far away from you in the water how big is the boat holy [ __ ] and it has storage hold up

No how do I load the cannon can I not get rid of the boat No no how do I fix it you’re a [ __ ] idiot how the [ __ ] what do you mean I’m a [ __ ] idiot that’s how you break a regular Minecraft ship I just damaged that [ __ ] to say it’s [ __ ] burning oh my God n it’s fine it’s fine

It’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine chat to shoot the cannon you need to look in the direction of the cannon and press space while sitting in the ship note that you need to have a round shot in the ship’s inventory what you need to look in the direction

Of the cannon and press space while sitting in the ship oh oh my God I got to load this [ __ ] with cannons well [ __ ] this [ __ ] we’re we’re going to need to get rid of that how do I get how do I get the cannon off of this can I not do

That dude I keep damaging the ship will it heal itself I think it’ll heal itself does it heal itself put down the sail how how do I put down the [ __ ] sail chat I’ve never manned a ship before shift it heals itself it was at 6 it was

At 64 and that’s at 66 dude how do I Joe doesn’t know how to be a pirate [ __ ] I’m a learn I’m a learning pirate I’m learning what I’m doing space how do I how do I put the sail down how do they not tell you this information [ __ ]

Fire what is that big ass [ __ ] fish it says it says Crouch right click [ __ ] I mean this thing still cooked not even with a sail but how do I put the sail on like that’s what I’m genuinely confused of I just killed so many

Fish you’re like what the [ __ ] R to open sail I am zooming oh my God wait am I actually going faster than a regular boat oh it’s still going oh no oh no oh my God I thought I thought I was going to lose the ship I thought I was

Going to lose the ship I thought I was going to fly I thought it was going to [ __ ] fly away oh that was scaring me all right we need to we need to get out into the ocean somehow so I can explore let the sail catch the wind

Where the hell is the wind I’m not I’m not seeing any wind right now dude I really don’t think this is going to heal I think I damaged the boat pretty badly what is my [ __ ] render distance on all right I got to leave this area

Where am I why is it not loading on the map what the [ __ ] how do I if you die in this world let’s Duo world next well I’m not in a hardcore world I already died today but I would do a oh my God don’t tell me I’m

At a dead end don’t tell me I’m at a dead end [ __ ] okay I I see the ocean P stop stop stop stop Duo modded hardcore yeah that’d be a [ __ ] joy that wouldn’t have any issues all right I don’t know if I can crash the ship I’m like slightly nervous about

That I got to hit this [ __ ] full spin we’re going through we’re going through a canal right now a little history lesson chat what’s the canal what’s the what’s the canal under Panama all right it’s not big enough hold up I have to widen this more little little easy answer here what’s the

What’s the canal under Panama the Mississippi River no and I can tell you failed history class holy [ __ ] Bud he just said the Mississippi River what was that noise I know there’s bosses in the water there’s just a bunch of string there is that a boss over there like

What are these animals I’m getting nervous are these Bears I’m going to leave them alone we’re just going to kind of Glide by them oh my God how the [ __ ] do I get into the ocean why is this not loading oh turn how do I [ __ ] how do I get into

The ocean where is the ocean I feel like I’m going in a circle I’m heading back toward where the [ __ ] am I play pirate music when we get into the open ocean I’ll turn on pirate music I think I got to bust this left surely this left takes me into the

Ocean oh yeah this is bringing us chat this is bringing us out a voyage thanks for the straw hat dick bag Chad I’m going to be a brutal pirate is this a [ __ ] mushroom biome where am I why are there mushrooms here oh it’s dark

Oak oh my God it’s a dark oak biome I’m grabbing wood I’m grabbing wood chat we reached a dark oak biome I need to mark this we could use this wood for future endeavors B dark oak forest boom I’m going to mine a tree that’s that’s Oak I don’t want that

[ __ ] like one piece yeah I’m going to be like Luffy but instead of being nice I’m just going to kill every sing every single thing that I [ __ ] see I’m just going to murder everything and everyone did he enchant or die again I didn’t die again I didn’t enchant

Anything God Alex is such an L mod [ __ ] God El mod in the chat question mark what he sitting here yapping about whether or not I died maybe have some faith in your [ __ ] streamer maybe have some faith in your [ __ ] streamer there bud and then he

Puts hash pay the mods you’re in you are n you never mod # pay the mods buddy I’ll give you a dollar I’ll give I’ll give you a I’ll give you a used Home Depot gift card why are you replying to everybody else but me dude there’s 3,000 people in

My chat right now of which probably a thousand are chatting and I’ve just I in the last 10 minutes I’ve read like five chats you’re saying every everyone else but me I I hate that mentality that some Chatters have where it’s like oh he’s purposely ignoring me like dude the odds

Are that I haven’t even seen your chat like even though my chat’s not zooming by like it would in like a react day like I I’m still not able to read if I read I’ll read every chat right is Joe Nam Joseph zusy Yo mods you can tell Joe

I’m from Australia and to ask me questions I’m invisible I’ll tickle you get a sapling please play you’re purposely ignoring me we can’t complain LMAO mommy one PC and now and now and now I’m missing 45 chats see it’s like I can’t read I think we’re in the open

Ocean now what is that no I think we reached the open ocean it’s about that time I’m a pirate I’m a [ __ ] pirate copyright I played it for like 10 seconds who gives a [ __ ] fire d where am I Onwards yo yo they’re fighting the ship bring out the King hold up I got to start the battle music hold Up give me a Second fire shoot the [ __ ] kid another one rally the troops [ __ ] they not even moving fire [ __ ] they’re aiming at my ship they got to [ __ ] off I’m killing them where are they oh it’s a ruins where’s the [ __ ] chest [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ]

Oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] uh yeah I’m going to get out of here uh yeah Escape [ __ ] oh my God that was [ __ ] terrifying oh [ __ ] hell wait it’s not even using what how about I especially Davey Jones oh my god dude

This song is so epic hold up let it build Chad I think this SE I think this sea trip is a [ __ ] bust I think I found about absolutely nothing out here and I’ve almost died like three times I need to get out into the open

Ocean and I don’t know where the open ocean is Yo Brady is there a way that I could pick up my ship like I don’t want to [ __ ] leave it in the ocean I want to be able to like bring it somewhere I’ll follow this and if this

Doesn’t work we’re going to head back what the [ __ ] was that you’ll let it build y’all ever seen the Pirates of the Caribbean movies honestly some of the best [ __ ] some of the best [ __ ] movies I’ve ever seen great plot good fighting scenes love it what is that like something’s like following

Me all of them dude I used to watch those movies like every day oh my God you know what’s crazy is I used to think it would be badass to be Dave Jones because of this song I want to learn what instrument is this what instrument is this where it

Has all the [ __ ] tubes and it’s the piano and he plays it with his tentacles I I want to learn how to play that I want to learn how to play an organ so bad just so I could [ __ ] play this song like like this song makes you feel like

You’re about to go [ __ ] into battle [ __ ] yo how am I running into a [ __ ] otter Like that [ __ ] is crazy what the [ __ ] are they Doing it gets even more epic it’s going to build I’m turning this [ __ ] back around we’re going into The Nether right here yo no lie no lie if I was in a [ __ ] boxing match I might walk out to this song now or this yo hold the [ __ ] up

Chat hold the [ __ ] up chat nah this about to be crazy on the way back now I’m just now I’m just jamming a foreign songs yo this is that this is that Viking [ __ ] this makes you feel like you’re about to be roll in the [ __ ] in Iceland like you’re Crossing you’re

Crossing the [ __ ] Atlantic in a rowboat with your boys D this thing moves so fast though what the [ __ ] mountains are this High I should have lived there what the [ __ ] is that Mountain yeah this that [ __ ] this that [ __ ] oh I need to get a horse what That it’s pointing me towards the Village yeah that [ __ ] fire song now the end is the best I don’t I think I’m going to hit a de end Here oh I’ve been here I’ve been here oh wait I need to go pay respect how do I pick up the [ __ ] boat can I just pick this [ __ ] up how do I pick how do I pick up the boat how do I pick up the [ __ ] boat can I not pick

Up the [ __ ] boat is this just forever down now or do I need do I really need to sail this [ __ ] all the way back press e q Brady everybody spam Brady Brady Brady help Brady Brady ready help please oh my [ __ ] god oh my [ __ ] God let me

Through we’re good back to the music never Mind I’m killing every fish in Sight I honestly believe I could row across the Atlantic if they put this song on the entire time if this song was blasting in my ears I think I could Row from Iceland to Greenland no problem like like I like I I would need a group of people that are hardcore right I

Would need fellow fellow Vikings [Applause] But I don’t even know what they’re saying C my leg off and use a p like to do It [Applause] it’s back it’s back ready man ready where they go what the [ __ ] where is it you saw that right chat we saw that so we saw that like weeks ago what was that it’s over there where oh I see it ready man hold up I

Need to play epic battle music for this oh my God I need to play epic battle what’s what’s some crazy battle songs what’s like a crazy pirate [ __ ] battle song Some should play the Frozen soundtrack witer yo that is not the vibe that is not the vibe yo oh uh

Valhalla yo Assassin’s Creed Valhalla that would be that would be the vibe maybe this oh yeah ready man I got to give it first person I don’t even know what it is and I don’t know how to kill it sking bar Summits to the bir and pl

Each Horizon is a new beginning rise andain ice b b bad B the [ __ ] was that what it even give me leads three arrows three arrows and it died what is hitting me oh I’m I’m I’m [ __ ] drowning what the [ __ ] was that it died dude you chat and okay tell me if

This is a bad idea oh my God I really need to do this with Gucci one day why what is hitting me what is hitting you what is hitting you what the [ __ ] y [ __ ] oh he he made me pick up my boat but he tring to help me out a lion fish

All right anyways as I was saying chat listen up I really want to do this with zi one day I want to play a like Revolutionary War Game you know the clips on Tik Tok I don’t even know if y’all remember this uh cuz I feel like this [ __ ] was popular

Like so long ago but it was like it was like that [ __ ] would be like ready man they not they’re not going to take our freedom and they’ll get like really in character it’s like 40y old men that’ll be like like ready to battle hold up I gotta pull up a [ __ ] clip

Hold up I gotta pull up a clip of this uh what is the name of the game I don’t know the name of the game it’s not SE of Thieves it’s like a genuine like whole fash Nations at war is Napoleon based in war rights war of Rights of Civil

War it might be this we did it Lads yeah the fort’s ours when they say that that’s this this game I want to play this so bad we [ __ ] the the we did it once we [ __ ] won oh [ __ ] wait hey hey wait they’re coming they’re coming there’s a [ __ ]

Them [ __ ] give them Ste give him steal [ __ ] that or there’s one where they just rush they just they just [ __ ] Rush Nations at war rush dude I don’t I I wanted I want to see that clip if my mods can find that clip like they all rush and they have a

Captain and he’s like walking back and forth and he’s like all right this is a foolproof one we’re going to spread out and just W key and they do it and they all get they get mowed the [ __ ] down what game I don’t know dude I just see clips of it

On Tik Tok and I’ve never looked into it but they’ll be like they’ll be like just rush them and then dude the second they see the enemy they just unleash Cannon fire and they they just start dying and going mute it’ll be like mid sentence they’re like it’ll work and then they

Die they’ll get like [ __ ] hit in the head with a cannonball yo I got to get rid of some of the [ __ ] in my oh that’s actually I should have [ __ ] grabbed I should have just grabbed dark oak saplings that would have way made way more [ __ ]

Sense I don’t know why I didn’t just do that your mic is so Random it goes uh quiet and Loud randomly no that’s just me talking that’s like how loud I am play Skull and Bones it’s a pirate game it released in uh February 16th 2024 uh oh it’s a pirate game it

Releases in February of 2024 I really do want to go I really do want to play a pirate game I I I want to play a more realistic one than C of Thieves I want to play one where I can really get into character and just be a

Pirate you know not like in a why is there a cat up here not in a cringe way where it’s like oh I’m trying to like role play but like just genuinely give myself like a [ __ ] Scottish accent and just [ __ ] mow down people in multiplayer though it needs to

Be mult should I eat this fish what do you think will happen hold up let me set my spawn in case I die oh wait I might be able to use lion fish for something uh nope oh my god dude bro just took shrooms yeah that [ __ ] start started making me

Trip you have to cook it what the [ __ ] would that do I feel like everything still looks we am I crazy like these chests looks these chests look warped I think I’m insane yeah I’m defin I’m definitely insane okay where’s the wood chest F all right I’m going to I’m going put the

Boat where going to put the [ __ ] boat I’m going to put the boat in the wood chest I feel like it makes sense look behind you it’s The Hungover effect is it really I feel like everything looks different maybe I’m crazy all right should we go to the nether now what

Other task did we have to do pirate VR game do they have that oh I have to make a farm in the thing I I’m not making a farm in my in my base right now sheep farm nether fortress I feel like we need to go to the

Nether CU I want a katana I want a really good Katana and for me to get a really good Katana I need a netherite one and I need that smithing template from the Bastion so we could at least just head towards the Bastion uh and probably go netherite

Mining next stream alongside making that spawner yeah we’ll do that thoughts on that making the spawner I’m going to actually do that right now wool farm for boats explore I don’t need to [ __ ] write any of this [ __ ] down I’m just going to place half of these um spawner

Farm netherite mining that’s next stream what else do we have to do next stream I’m going to continue playing I just want to write this down so I don’t forget there’s a lot of good pirate games yeah but I feel like nobody plays them like do you guys play pirate games

Read the subs Tetris for the three forgot to tell you the whole Beanie problem the shipping facility uh USPS that I use all the time has never sent me a uh a shipping update on the beanie just need to clarify on that sorry yeah you’re going to have to go through them

Then TBO for the sub quisp roasty WOAY cxl for the sub oh that I use all the time has never sent me a shipping update yeah but you said it said it was delivered WOAY cxl and big for the sub Flint goddamn dirty the Garfield R penguin boy X-Man for the

Sub take for the three I’m the guy that sent Super Mario Galaxy comment yesterday I was just messing around also my pug name is also Daisy X for the sub the ice for the five b start two we Minecraft grind because this world’s got to download shaders Chuckles for the

Thousand but e right Minecraft’s a perfect background stream I leave for a flight in three hours I haven’t packed so this perfect music or background music for very rushed packing theer for the sub X-Man for the five low tier for the four followed for years on all your

Platforms want to say you’re very entertaining uh and genuine thank you for making my day every stream SL video thank you uh and I think I’m caught up now uh jambos for the sub I don’t know like Tetris I don’t know what the issue is on why you haven’t gotten the beanie

Like I I I need more info but I would I would just generally say you’re going to have to reach out to [ __ ] killer merge but you’re saying they haven’t responded like did you email them or did you submit a support ticket I definitely don’t need this much

Food for the nether should I bring my best gear to the nether or should I wear like second gear I don’t know if I should bring my best gear I feel like that might be stupid like this pick I feel like I shouldn’t bring the bunny slippers yeah definitely cuz there’s no

Creepers put that back um I feel like second best I have almost a set of full diamond armor like I just don’t want to lose this [ __ ] you know in case I die I’ll bring the Tet tuo but I’m feeling that like hold on I’m feeling I just

Use like basically my best gear but I won’t bring like the katana or the Eternal steak I’ll bring half my golden apples I’ll bring the boots I’ll bring all that I’ll bring my armor like I’ll bring this Jade armor I don’t really care I just don’t want to lose my pick

Is the big thing cuz that’s like really what I need and then you know I’ll bring the backpack honestly and I’ll bring the rest of this [ __ ] too cuz I still think I could get it back if I die unless I just fall in lava but I just don’t want

A chance losing that pick because if I lose all this that sucks but I mean I can recover whereas like losing all the other [ __ ] would be kind of trash bring gold yeah gold for trading definitely what else do I need to bring into The Nether okay now I might might need

Actually like [ __ ] a shitload of food the axe you know in case we passed some [ __ ] I’ll [ __ ] keep the axe uh lot of blocks the golden apples what else do we need to bring the Notch Apple I’m not bringing the Notch Apple to a [ __ ]

Bastion I feel like that is not worth it I’ll bring more arrows I’ll literally bring all oh I don’t even have have that many arrows oh I can make arrows though I need Flint [ __ ] I have gravel that I can SP through where am I going we’re going to

The nether to fight the Bastion uh because if I get the the smithing template now where is the smithing template in the Bastion chat is it just in the ne like is it just in the Bastion like in a chest did I get one gravel for that that [ __ ]

Sucks I’ll do this like three times I don’t need that many arrows but me being able to do ranged fighting against [ __ ] probably like 10 piglins is really going to help me use your fortune shovel do that actually give me more gravel it’s just in a chest in a very

Top room okay does it have infinite uses or no I’ll do it one more time no how many uses does it have you need to dup it how do you dup it like is duplicating it cheating or you can just like regularly duplic it all right yeah that should be enough

Like [ __ ] 80 arrows bring ender pearls that’s smart the bombs I’ll bring gold I think everything else is fine I don’t need dirt yeah definitely don’t need [ __ ] dirt we gold I have these and if I lose these I don’t really care cuz they’re not that crazy anymore the [ __ ] gold boots and

I have like 10 other ones that are just like them like that um water bring the animal fat the dog it’s a glitch ink saacks just in case you want to dye some wool black oh yeah just in case I want to Dy some wool

Black in the nether n an AVG for the sub chat I got to pee real quick before we go into The Nether so C me down [ __ ] 30 seconds oh my God We’re back yo chat one or two I need to post on Tik Tok one or two lot ofos Play Hell let lose if you have any games or videos you want me to react to send those in the videoab gam tab on Discord mods pin the Discord link

Um like if you have any videos you want me to watch I have a video suggestion CH any games s CH for games uh me to play and I’m not just saying that as like a uh oh go send it there and then I’ll never look at it like I genuinely I

Genuinely look at get my video and game suggestion tab for suggestions obviously I’m not going to play every game that people suggest or watch every video that people suggest but it’s how I get most of the videos that I watch in the gam that I play so if you have any videos

You want me to react to uh whatever they be send those there uh and same with the game session tab why view me for the three how do you avoid getting your stream copyrighted since you play copyrighted music for two to three minutes in the beginning uh you have

Copyrighted segments uh and I’m playing in the beginning the stream usually doesn’t get copyrighted just because I’m playing like 30 seconds of a song um but like when I was playing that Pirates of the Caribbean music that’ll get copyrighted it’ll get copyrighted on Everest’s VOD and so that they’ll make

All of the money I won’t make anything um which is kind of stupid on my end because I could make way more money if I just stopped [ __ ] playing copyrighted music but they’ll usually mute the section that’s copyrighted um so like if I play like a

Minute of like Drake like if I do this like I I’ll literally do it yeah yeah this will be muted in the v like the people that watch the VOD back I’m just G to be going like this and the chat’s going to be gone by congratulate Zusi on the pregnancy what Zeus’s

Pregnant congrats all right mods pin the Discord link uh Thundercats for the three congrats on the pregnancy Joe I’m so happy for you can’t wait for your baby girl to be born T Jeff for the three I’m in a tornado watch is starting to Hil which

Could be a sign of a tornado it might be ggs for me uh well tie yourself to a pole in your basement um and I mean that’s not necessarily meaning a tornado is going to hit and if it does I mean the odds of it hitting

Your house ATT just 73 chop says the beanie is delivered which means uh which might have been an app glitch or even worse it might have accidentally clicked on the mark order as deliver feature which checking on updates for the be so I might have to go uh a my bad on that

Part oh you might have marked it on delivered then go through the app that you the the shop app I would go through their support page and see if you could contact them because I don’t know if that’s necessarily like my merch company can fix that all right are you guys

Ready to get back into the [ __ ] game and what the hell was I talking about Joe eats pizza for the three come to my cousin’s birthday party now narwhal for the thre all right let’s go into The Nether this is the big mission the big mission for

This stream did my Tik Tok post it did I guarantee you that video does bad it’s about me peeing in cool spots all right Joe’s having triplets I’m not having triplets I’m not having any children oh it’s the bunny slippers I forgot that the bunny slippers give me

Jump boost that’s also are actually pretty good okay before I go in do I need anything else no right like what is blazing what does blazing do I feel like I need that on my pick now blazing blazing homing protection that’s pretty fire Thorns that’s trash I’m assuming it

Just it just makes [ __ ] more powerful Nimble oh oh w w another another high IQ play another high IQ play cuz we’re not going to be getting that much [ __ ] so I don’t need the gold backpack bang bang and we grab our shittier backpack boom which still holds an ass load of

Stuff and I have a full inventory okay let’s go enchant the backpack dude you can’t you can’t enchant it you might be able to put enchants on it like a shield but like you can’t you can’t enchant it I’m going to bring an extra shield just

In case is Joe sponsored by G fuel again no I might work with them in the future but currently I am not working with G now I’m not working with any energy drink uh or any Energy company currently I’m trying to get a buck toop sponsorship they hit me up I would work

I dude there’s so many companies I would work with that I think are great like Fitness brands but it’s just [ __ ] scared me thought the game was going to crash uh it’s just whether or not it actually ends up working out okay what direction do I need to go I need to go

Here Bastion okay so we’re going to have to [ __ ] make our way over there what is this do we see a nether fortress on this map by the way I don’t think I don’t think I do that’s the Redwood biome we went all the way over here we went very far that way

I’m going to have to make my way around I’m going to have to do like a weird Loop there’s a very high chance we die here chat uh can we rerun the predictions on the death cuz I feel like it’s a bit unfair for the people that

Voted no cuz they probably didn’t know if I was going into The Nether or not and I kind of feel bad in the sense that like like now I’m kind of just uh you know going going deep in N don’t change it it’s already been three hours it has

Oh I don’t take fall damage oh my God that’s the most OP [ __ ] that’s insane like that’s actually insane I don’t take [ __ ] fall damage and in the nether that’s like needed I’m still kind of worried I’m going to [ __ ] I’m do do regular golden apples give you Fire

Res I don’t know I hope they do am I going the right way I need to bust that left I need to go that way those things don’t do that much damage I’m going to need the regular boots though oh [ __ ] okay see that’s kind of scary

Oh oh my God I don’t like this I don’t like this at all I don’t like this at all I [ __ ] twoa this [ __ ] I one ta that [ __ ] wow I’m not going to trade with them I’ve been this way wait I’m going the wrong way now I need to go this

Way should I go down this might be really stupid Chad I’m going to do it do we jump down do I jump down yes cuz I need to go that way well technically I need to go that way and make my way over there yeah ender pearl no I’m just going to

Jump I’m only going to ender pearl when I really need to oh my God like like figure it out all right give me a minute [ __ ] and I hit that Return to Sender [ __ ] [ __ ] you what is that God the ominous noises are freaking me out I hate the nether I hate the

Nether so much am I going the right way I am I’m taking a long way actually actually no I’m not those things do a lot of damage those things do a lot of damage chat [ __ ] should I kill it no I’m going to ignore it I’m not fighting

That I’m not fighting anything that I don’t need to fight right now I have to be way more geared up to kill that that thing will two tap me I don’t even know the name of half of these mobs all right I’m almost there oh I am

Here okay now what is our what is a good plan of action to not die here chat if you were me how would you clear this Bastion without getting absolutely domed should I go bottom up or top down Speed Run kill them power top top down

Do a pole on top or bottom first honestly I could snipe some of those [ __ ] first but this guy is chasing this guy’s being a little cuck oh I’m going to waste so many arrows on him I know I am I know I am this is such a waste okay never mind I

Still wasted arrows that was like [ __ ] 10 arrows bottom up bottom up or top down top first okay I feel like I snipe all the ones that I can I’m going to kill the skeleton take his [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m going to kill these guys first okay I should not be shooting like

That if I’m if I’m going to miss every [ __ ] shot and there’s one of those [ __ ] Blaze things there if I aggro that I’m instantly dead like I’m instantly [ __ ] dead I’m here now how fast will they aggro on me will they will that one Agro on me no matter what or

Okay they’re mad he’s dead I just have to remember to not trap myself there’s another one down there will they always will they spawn here or when when I kill them are they just dead dead do your clan wars battle did I not attack in Clan Wars

Again why are they looking at each other like they’re about to make out or some [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I’m a little nervous cuz I don’t know where they are put your gold in the hot bar why oh my God that’s a big [ __ ] too that’s a big [ __ ]

Dead you too [ __ ] dead you’re not dead he probably just that one definitely died that one definitely died I got to remember to be quick did not get [ __ ] trapped that thing dangerous don’t want to be near that I’m going to be grabbing this drop gold and distract them that’ll distract

Them even if they’re aggroed dead ass dead ass don’t [ __ ] with me I hear them I’m getting a little bit nervous I don’t know where they are and I hate that I have speed right now it’s like making me feel like I’m going to fall to my

Death I’m hunting them before they hunt before they hunt me good [ __ ] good [ __ ] skeleton good [ __ ] skeleton good [ __ ] skeleton you [ __ ] came in clutch you came in clutch for me look at this look at this look at them fighting to the death and I kill that [ __ ] easy easy

[ __ ] yoink easy [ __ ] yoink I have not seen one chest yet there’s a chest boom Unbreaking three that’s [ __ ] garbage is a load Stone good I’m not even taking that crossbow that crossbow is atrociously bad why does it why does it have damage on it I’m going here I see a chest I

Attack efficiency four golden pick not bad I’m not even taking that diamond shovel just because I already have too many I see a lot of gold there Chad I really want to use these blocks for the staircase thoughts we can mine this up we can mine this up for the staircase afterwards

Made me a little bit nervous May me a little bit nervous okay how long am I going to burn how long am I burning how long am I burning why did I burn why did I burn for [ __ ] 45 seconds there literal death trap literal death trap where do I go H

Now through I’m locked I’m [ __ ] locked chat nothing could get me out of the zone right now I’m just just attacking this [ __ ] he ain’t even see it coming and I steal their [ __ ] oh my God and I steal their [ __ ] gold get clapped [ __ ] holy

[ __ ] how the [ __ ] is Bomb bot a mod what do you mean bomb bot yo where is this [ __ ] Guild Stone thing though uh oh why did that guy spawn oh they’re down there I see so many of them down there that guy just fell to his

Death yeah there’s a lot of them here do I got to keep going up is it all the way at the top bomat is crazy what do you mean bomat what are people saying bomat for do you mean like like when people are saying bomba clot what does that

Mean why do people say that on Tik Tok so much y’all said it was all the way at the top and I don’t see [ __ ] they mean bobat why is bat a mod what do you mean why is boat a mod you’re [ __ ] kidding me dude I need to take this cuz it’s

That good decoration [ __ ] how do I get up here oh my God I’m going to freak out I’m going to freak out dude where ‘s the chest chat where’s the chests I mean that’s one but I feel like I already looked at that one yeah I did where the [ __ ] is the chest

At inside somewhere dude and that [ __ ] Blaze thing’s near me not a fan of that [ __ ] what is this did I do this what do I do fight it chat you’re insane I’m dead it’s wraps it’s wraps it’s wraps oh my God I’m [ __ ] swing peeking this [ __ ] how do you kill it

How do you kill it I used almost all my [ __ ] arrows water how am I going to put it in water well now it’s all the way to [ __ ] over there so I don’t got to deal with it [ __ ] an exposed copper sword an exposed copper sword that’s the type of

Loot we’re [ __ ] giving me an exposed copper sword thanks G goly G oh wow I’m so [ __ ] happy I mean at least I got blaze rods but still I need to find a [ __ ] Blaze spawner at some point you left the Ruby I a give a [ __ ]

About that dude and there’s two of them can you actually not kill those things chat or no I feel like you have to be able to kill those I shot it like 10 times more than that I shot it like 20 times how do I get to the [ __ ] other

Side of this oh my God oh there’s another one oh my God why do they keep spawning you can it drops very good loot what does It Drop Like that’s how I already know you’re talking out of your [ __ ] ass it drops very good loot what does it drop a blaze

Rod bro where the hell is this smithing template the only reason we came here is for the [ __ ] smithing template where is it oh my God at the bottom y’all said it was at the top word for word that’s where my entire chat said that

[ __ ] it’s at the top it’s always at the top sometimes you don’t get it dead ass dead ass it’s got me digging around and [ __ ] like I’m a [ __ ] weirdo oh my God it’s in my ass Joe come take it see like that’s like the type of chats that just

Make me like honestly think about life you know cuz this man on his keyboard actually just schlumped probably eating [ __ ] chili Doritos the purple Dorito bag [ __ ] type that [ __ ] where the [ __ ] do I go oh my God I’m going to cry dude where is it oh my God yo they’re [ __ ] with me they’re [ __ ] with me I’m going to freak out it’s under there you’re lying I know you’re lying it’s under there you need to go to a different part of the Bastion [ __ ] I’m in a different part of the Bastion it’s

Under this so mine down go down you’re telling me you’re telling me go down from here it’s under there dude you saying under There underwear underwear bro said underwear hahaa yeah I’m unmod tonbo yeah I’m unmod tonbo yeah there it is bro were you actually [ __ ] telling me

That I oh maybe he wasn’t L all right hold up let me remod tomble all right welcome back tomble I think he was [ __ ] with me I think he was [ __ ] with me oh my God I’m gon I’m gonna I’m gonna freak the [ __ ] out I’m gonna freak the

[ __ ] out dude where the hell is it where the hell is it and then I hear that [ __ ] ass [ __ ] Blaze [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] swirling around where do I go you have to find the storage room oh since when has Minecraft been this hard I should have brought more arrows I wish

I had an Infinity bow right now the things I do for a [ __ ] Infinity bow [ __ ] you passed it I didn’t pass it is this it is this it this Bastion doesn’t have a storage Room so you’re telling me all these all the people at this Bastion are a bunch of [ __ ] brokies that’s what you’re tell that’s what you’re telling me right now the PE the people at this Bastion are a bunch of [ __ ] brokies that don’t have a storage room and can’t [ __ ] uh suffice for

Themselves crazy play was just made oh my God imagine that was the chest my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God chat should I just give up why am I here I thought we came here

For the smithing template I got nothing of value I literally got nothing of value out of this [ __ ] place there’s no template there’s it’s not a treasure Bastion so it’s not going to spawn should I leave yes or no is there a chance that it’s still here no why are people saying

Yes why are people saying yes if it’s so definitive that there’s no chance of it being here I will [ __ ] you up I’m going to cry I’m going to cry I’m going to cry is it in here oh my God please oh my

God please oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God no tell me tell me give it to me give it to me give it to me please where am I oh my God no why are people saying AO

Dude it’s not here it’s not here F in the [ __ ] chat you’re joking right is there a chance that it’s somewhere else that I just passed like maybe over here there’s another piglin dude right there it be over here no looks like he’s guarding some [ __ ] he’s guarding jack [ __ ] oh my [ __ ]

God dude why are you here what are you defending what are you defending lava just leave go to a different Bastion it’s like one and four my tell me where another [ __ ] Bastion is Buddy tell me where tell me where the other [ __ ] Bastion is pal oh

Wait I’m going this way [ __ ] it I’m running right past this [ __ ] too please please please please please get me out of here get me out of here good the templates in the middle of the Lava Lake dude don’t lie to me I just left chat is that person lying is that

Chatter lying is that chatter lying to me yes oh so they’re a little [ __ ] Gremlin you’re a little [ __ ] ground weasel you’re like a New York City rat that’s what you are oh God there’s so many of these [ __ ] things run at the speed of light run P oh [ __ ]

Missed I’m getting out of here I’m getting out of here and I’m finding another one I’m on a mission I’m on a mission and no I will not be stopped there’s piglins there’s a lot of them where am I I’m this way we venture on me pool me poo in school

Floor kids got to be eight years old mod Phantom that was on that was an unneeded risk did I just find the ne Temple I’m a [ __ ] goat [ __ ] that stupid ass Bastion figure that [ __ ] out another day I’m so happy I’m so happy now I’m so

Happy now I’m happy now I’m now now I’m a now I’m a happy boy yeah yeah I found that [ __ ] Fortress I see a bunch of wither skeletons too not a fan I find that [ __ ] Blaze spawner and then I get the [ __ ] out of here literally going to explore that another

Day this place is massive where the hell is it there’s 100% chance Here I’m a menace mark it I’m actually going to kill some cuz I want some I’m going to have to make this more spawner room but it’s already covered too yeah that’s nice I like it ooh there’s another one right over here too this one kind of worse though this

Is like the shittier one that really hurt why did that hurt so bad put on my regular boots Put on my regular shoes kill some blazes real quick ow ow ow ow it’s not Monday mods it is Monday the [ __ ] you mean it’s not Monday how many blaze rods do I need to

Go into The Nether what does Ash do feel like I asked that another stream it is Monday it is indeed Monday it’s Thursday no it’s not miss me [ __ ] I probably need I feel like I already have I already have three I’ll get i’ll get like 15 dude it’s Friday

Stop don’t get my hopes up oh and here I thought I I I thought I would be able to [ __ ] raise that dude the tatuma really is fire I think the katana is still going to be the best thing though how is the only way I can really get the netherite

Smithing template from Bastion like that is so ass is that the only way you can make any Nether Nether stuff no this I Just okay yeah I’m done here I’m done here piglin walked in I leave piglin locked in I’m not hitting that [ __ ] nope nope nope nope nope nope nope and now I’m going to and now I’m going to die nope I’m not I’m not I’m not even chancing it I’m not even

[ __ ] chancing it the [ __ ] out of here with that [ __ ] Wither Skeleton [ __ ] can’t even see my hearts [ __ ] no nope and I’m sniping that [ __ ] okay you already have one I have one what what is a Wither bone what is a Wither bone probably just a regular bone with [ __ ]

[ __ ] you have a template in your chest I have a netherite template in my chest don’t lie to me no I don’t I have a regular template in my chest but that wouldn’t work for what I need I need them to come down okay I’ll kill the rest of these and

Then I’m leaving these guys are [ __ ] shooting at me and I don’t like that [ __ ] one tapped your [ __ ] ass I know there’s one more up here I saw him I saw him with my own eyes there he is there’s still [ __ ] Dam no wither heads and now I’m

Burning okay let’s leave let’s let’s leave let’s leave let’s leave let’s just get the [ __ ] out of here why don’t we how do I get back Blaze spawner nether portal nether Portal’s 500 M away [ __ ] how do I get back should I build back no right why are they still why are they

Still spawn in over here don’t get hit don’t get hit don’t get hit don’t get hit oh there’s too many things there’s too many things there’s too many things there’s too many things I’m running getting me scared that’s the blaze spawner area watch out I can’t leave I can’t leave I

Need to get out of here how do I get out of here how do I leave I’m freaking out chat oh my God make a tunnel make a tunnel at y 122 what do you mean y 122 oh like go up oh you’re saying go up should I build up that might be

Smart teleport using way points I can’t teleport with way points why are they running on honestly it might not be that bad getting back which one’s the one that I need to go to I need to go over here right is that it okay and then this [ __ ] decides he wants to fight

Me CH is that how I get back over there that way how should I get over there though why did I grab an efficiency 4 Golden ax like what part of me was like yeah that’s a good [ __ ] steal I remember getting hype about it

Too wait can I actually just dig up and then [ __ ] just build over oh hell no no is this a lava pool no I should be able to cross this I should be able to cross this right what game is this are you joking are you joking oh I needed to be

Up hold up I got to build up ender pearl that’s a risky play I don’t know if I’m willing to take I’m definitely willing to take that flight yeah 100% all right let’s go I’m Ender pearing oh God oh God I’m going to need to make like a path

Over I don’t know how I’m going to do that though how far am i 300 meters still oh my God how am I this far speed bridge I still feel like that would still be slower than if I just [ __ ] ran you think speed bridging 500 blocks

I don’t even have enough blocks to [ __ ] speed bridge that far I think I’m almost there like it should be like right on the other side of this oh my god dude that was a [ __ ] that was a genuine bust on that Bastion and then I just stumbled upon the [ __ ] nether

Fortress nope not fighting that not fighting that not not even not even attempting not even attempting to fight that that [ __ ] thing oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no we’re good we’re good I clutched it I clutched it I think I have to build up a lot

Because I’m at lava and I’m pretty sure I’m really high up or the spawner is really high up dude why didn’t I just bake another [ __ ] nether portal I should have just [ __ ] done that just made another I should have just brought obsidian and made another

Nether portal is that a stupid idea and then I could just travel in the Overworld and I know it’d be far to travel in the Overworld but I move so fast that it’s like ah I feel like I could just make a path here I need to get up

There and I don’t exactly know how oh my God this is like the most dangerous pet this is how this is how your grandparents got to school chat [ __ ] hell like this is like too much that should it should not be that hard to get to the [ __ ] uh the nether

Fortress like I know this is modded but like aren’t those Blaze things in reg in the regular [ __ ] vanilla Minecraft too and [ __ ] everywhere why are they everywhere I overshot the [ __ ] out of that that was almost so bad they’re not you guys told me last stream they were in the regular [ __ ]

World I’m straight up about to dig straight up or not dig straight up build straight up they are in vanilla I really don’t think they are but I remember last stream people were telling me they added them and vanel cuz it’s just it’s just a blaze it’s just a blaze that spawns more

Blazes I mean it’s op as [ __ ] but still it’s not like that unheard of they’re in my head Joe Pearl and build oh all right oh my God we’re almost back oh my God we’re almost back no don’t tell me this is it did I get back this

Way some other day I got back this way somehow I don’t even remember building this but I did and it [ __ ] pays out holy [ __ ] I see it chat we made it chat we [ __ ] made it oh my God and we have blaz spawners we could kill the Ender

Dragon right [ __ ] now I’m not going to cuz I feel like I’d probably die but if I really wanted to attempt it hold up let me trash some of this a cooked pork chop doesn’t snow in New Jersey if it gets cold enough yeah the past few years

It hasn’t been snowing that much though the dragon’s modded too oh is the dragon modded I know the end is modded I don’t know what’s in the end though cuz I’ve never been there it could be dangerous or it could just be pretty [ __ ] simple one of the

Two got 16 blocks of [ __ ] gold now I have more gold than iron wither bones I don’t know what wither bones are used for because I’m pretty sure don’t you just get regular bones and oh it’s just blocks plus it’s literally just [ __ ] probably regular bones oh yeah just literally just

[ __ ] regular B bones that are resined I mean I guess that’s kind of cool put this here actually this counts as Stone so I’m going to put this in the Cobble chest and I wish I grabbed more cuz we could use that for other [ __ ] uh this here we have the bombs this

This I can make blaze powder right now and make some potions I’m just going to put them in the [ __ ] uh potion area some redeemed Flex how long do you plan on being live I don’t know just put those there uh I’ll just grab all my other [ __ ] now [ __ ] rear

Up should I put the load Stone in the [ __ ] nether I don’t remember if I set my spa what does a load Stone do a load Stone’s like a respawn point right I’m almost sure that’s what it but I legitimately could be wrong all right now we’re back to normal it’s like a

Compass uh I’m going to put this I I don’t even know where to put the [ __ ] BL Stone I’ll just put it in [ __ ] blocks somebody somebody’s going to need to remember that cuz I’m going to forget that in like a week when I need it again all right

Well most of this [ __ ] nether fortress blaze rods we already good Village Farm Village Farm new Bastion for smithing template what else do we need to do in future streams I already beat the dungeon repair speed boots no enchant [ __ ] next stream we’re going to do

This next stream is that what is the down arrow next stream down arrow I’m just typing down arrow um r f maybe maybe just explore CU I haven’t explored at all outside of literally going from the spawn over here I haven’t really EXP explored that much

Or done that much like I mean I’ve done a lot but like I went from over there over to here built this area and then just kind of like [ __ ] went underground like I never really actually did anything what else do we need to do next stream I also need to swap my

Slippers and I need to feed the sheep oh should we kill the Ender Dragon next stream I feel like that’s too early I haven’t even [ __ ] made a potion or Enchanted my armor should I really try to kill the end I feel like the stream after next we kill the Ender Dragon [ __ ]

It we ball I mean I could I could try I mean I’d be able to kill it I’m not I’m not saying I wouldn’t be able to kill it I just don’t know what mods are down there number one hold up I want these L I don’t know what mods are down

There and um or like what like mobs are over there just because I haven’t been in the nether in this mod yet uh that coupled with the fact that I probably would die but I think I would be able to kill it it would just like I would have

To [ __ ] respawn and run over and respawn and run over fight the ocean boss are you able to place beds in the nether uh yeah you can but they blow up just like uh in the or not in the nether in the end in the end they blow up like in the

Nether all right wait what the [ __ ] all right chat well I mean outside of that we’ll pick up next stream next stream we’re going to make the spawner or not next stream next Monday uh we’ll pick up the spawner Farm we’re going to do netherite mining um we might look for a new

Bastion it’s going to be a lot of nether [ __ ] next stream uh I might make a cow cow Farm add that horse farm I already did I already wrote Horse Farm what else do we need to do next stream are you going to raid yeah I will I’m

Just trying to oh the staircase stair case to BC I just write down a bunch of [ __ ] and then I [ __ ] pick whatever the hell we want to do all right but that was a dub Max for the sem Mr COC up for the three love you stream you have

Such great energy and Vibe you’re so funny uh it’s good to see you overcome your illness illness make great content you’re an inspiration uh to us all keep making great videos what do you mean illness fiddle thanks for the 15 month sub fra for the sub seon s for the sub kiwi for

The three could watch your vs while I sew on my cosplays dub Nico for the sub carrot uh for the Thousand bues I kept your circumcision skin in my freezer for topping on my ice cream sloth for the sub Joe eats for the three why is it the last bit noos of the

Stream are always the weirdest haven’t been in chat uh in a while are you playing subliminal when it comes out yes coxy for the three when does it come out though ducky is for the three my girlfriend uh watched your stream with me today and she loved it dub deceptive

For the five I love how people with suicidal I love how you help people with Suicidal Thoughts because when I was two my dad killed himself rip in the chat uh and now I’m 13 I am suicidal and to better the mood I made a world with a B

Cave that’s better and I was wondering if you could watch it on stream and I know how you are with Discord so I choose chose to come state to your Twitch that I’ve been in here for one and a half years dub um and what do you

Mean watch it like watch like your playthrough psychic for the sub waxy for the Thousand betes uh and I mean I’m glad you’re getting the help you need uh Mad Max for the sub suicide is never the answer Aaron for the sub Lily for Lily

For the $50 Dono how long has it been since I’ve read donos this was 30 minutes ago what the [ __ ] I just found out my dog is going to die because we can’t afford his surgery I’m so sorry to hear that [ __ ] rip in the chat what’s

Your dog’s name I don’t even know if you’re here anymore I’m sorry I missed your $50 Dono iore one l y looks like Lily I I why iy uh thank you for the 50 and I’m sorry that uh you can’t afford your dog surgery holy [ __ ] how old is

Your dog Drew and thps for the sub Kane for the sub cat talk for the three when do you think you’ll be playing lethal company when I get a big group for it again ghost did K hated granta Oliver doggo for the Su Thunder for the three I

Know you want me Joe I’ll be there for your the birth baby what the [ __ ] uh my mom basically got a new boyfriend coxy for the three and it’s very difficult to watch somebody else come into my house with my mom I love my mom I still accept whoever my

Mom loves it’s just hard and I don’t know how to cope I mean that’s just a time thing I don’t really think there’s a way to cope with it outside of just being around that you know flying for the sub Boer for the five you should

Check in on K’s kitchen uh or you need K’s cooking 80 cakes for the 50 du for that as well Joe eats for the three you look like a guy from the Disney movie but without hair Mr coconut for the three you’re my favorite transgender streamer I’m not transgender 80 for the

Sub narwhal for the three Joe eats for the three uh okay now we’re caught up Maro for the sub chat or Max for the sub exclamation point Discord join the Discord send videa against me the play videoab gam if you have any videos you want me to watch games you want me to

Play some those there so how I find most of the videos that I watch and the games that I play uh so if you have any videos who want me to watch video suggest CH they could be funny scary [ __ ] cringe whatever anything commentary wise uh and game suggest CH funny multiplayer

[ __ ] Story scary whatever you know uh outside of that I hope you guys had fun watching the stream I had a fun time streaming I’ll be live tomorrow 4:30 EST we’re going to be doing um a bunch of random Sim games you guys are going to

Be voting which ones we do we have one armed robber Barn finders booze Masters Jim Sim PESA parat the starving artist uh and then a game called cooking companions which we might play another day but I mean you guys it’s going to be a random game day tomorrow you guys are

Going to vote on what we’re doing it’s going to be fun uh Wednesday is going to be scary game day we’re going to be doing Buckshot roulette we’re going to be doing night delivery uh seven nights ghost maybe playtime with Percy or let’s find Larry something like that um

Thursday’s going to be WWE maybe recfest and fortnite Friday’s going to be reacts at 4:30 Saturday I’m going to be live probably a little bit early maybe like one or two uh for probably Sim games uh and then maybe some uh switch Sports uh and Sunday’s

Going to be reacts at two uh JJ for the three gonna be doing a lot of Sim games soon just because I haven’t done any in a bit so you know I kind of like doing influxes of different things over the weeks but yeah hope you had fun watching

The stream I had a fun time streaming we had a great chat great audience day a lot of people on the [ __ ] stream day over 3K viewers an entire Minecraft stream which is [ __ ] nuts I appreciate the hell out of y’all uh and I hope to see y’all in future streams uh

Whether that be tomorrow for the random game day Sim day uh or just in general whether it be horror games uh reactions or whatever but yeah appreciate y’all hope you fun watching the stream dub in the [ __ ] chat appreciate everybody that followed sub Don Etc Jay for the

Three I’ve been watching for a while just finally decided to donate thank you uh and uh yeah we’re going to call that there who do you guys want to raid today Zeus we can rusy I’m down to raid zusy he just started his stream too all right uh but once again appreciate y’all

Hope to catch youall in future streams see y’all tomorrow 4:30 EST be square we’re going to raid in 5 4 3 2 1 see y’all later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Modded ep 5 Joe Bartolozzi’, was uploaded by Everest on 2024-01-09 06:09:48. It has garnered 14368 views and 471 likes. The duration of the video is 03:48:01 or 13681 seconds.

Video created: 1/8/2024, 1:39:10 PM https://www.twitch.tv/joe_bartolozzi

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  • EPIC Wheat Farm in Minecraft

    EPIC Wheat Farm in Minecraft Minecraft Farming Adventure: Building a Huge Wheat Farm and Animal Farm Introduction In the picturesque village of TonPur, our Minecraft adventurer embarked on a new project in Episode 3. After constructing a cozy home in the previous episode, it was time to expand the village with a massive wheat farm and an animal farm. Join the journey as seeds are planted, animals are bred, and farms flourish in the world of Minecraft. Exploring the Village The village of TonPur, with its charming farms and limited animal enclosures, provided the perfect canvas for our adventurer’s farming endeavors. With only three… Read More

  • Uncover Minecraft’s Hidden Loot! #shorts #minecraftquiz

    Uncover Minecraft's Hidden Loot! #shorts #minecraftquiz In Minecraft’s world, items hide and seek, End portal frame, elusive and unique. Join the quiz, test your Minecraft lore, Spot the difference, find what’s in store. Subscribe for more quizzes, fun and light, With each hidden item, a new delight. Female game commentary, sharp and clear, VTuber style, bringing gaming near. Brain training, with a twist of fun, Spot the difference, when the quiz is done. Join the challenge, test your Minecraft wit, In the world of blocks, where legends sit. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that sing, In Minecraft’s world, let your truth take wing. Read More

  • Spot the Mikeize Minecraft Change, Aha! 096

    Spot the Mikeize Minecraft Change, Aha! 096 In the world of Minecraft, a challenge awaits, Find the difference, don’t hesitate. One spot will change, can you see? Test your skills, how sharp can you be? Mikeize in Minecraft, the master of the game, Bringing updates, never the same. Can you spot the difference, in this Aha moment? Subscribe for more, don’t be dormant. Keep your eyes sharp, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, take a seat. Find the changes, with a grin and a spin, Let the fun begin, let the games begin. Read More

  • Free Rs50M in Hypixel SkyBlock?!

    Free Rs50M in Hypixel SkyBlock?! Minecraft Hypixel SkyBlock: A Generous Giveaway Event In a recent Minecraft Hypixel SkyBlock video, a player generously gave away Rs50,00,00,000.00 in in-game currency for free! This epic event showcased the player’s willingness to help out fellow gamers in need. Sharing the Wealth The player, filled with a spirit of generosity, invited others to join the stream and receive millions of rupees absolutely free. By simply liking, sharing, and subscribing to the stream, players had the chance to benefit from this act of kindness. Helping New Players The player aimed to assist low-level individuals who had recently started playing the… Read More

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video that challenged viewers to find the difference in a Minecraft world. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what better way to test your observation skills and creativity than by joining a dynamic and thriving Minecraft community like Minewind? Imagine exploring a vast and ever-changing world where every corner holds a new adventure. On Minewind, you’ll encounter unique challenges, build magnificent structures,… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.20 Snapshot: Secret Updates

    Minecraft 1.20 Snapshot: Secret Updates Exploring the Latest Minecraft Snapshot 22w45a Updates With the release of Minecraft snapshot 22w45a, players were treated to a plethora of exciting new features and changes. From bamboo logs to chiseled bookshelf updates, performance upgrades, and more, this snapshot brought a lot to the table. Let’s dive into some of the lesser-known updates that were included in this latest Minecraft snapshot. Chiseled Bookshelf Redstone One of the standout changes in this snapshot is the addition of functionality to chiseled bookshelves. Now, droppers can insert books into chiseled bookshelves, making them a valuable tool for Redstone enthusiasts. Pressure Plates Sound… Read More

  • 15 Crazy New Minecraft Paintings! Artist Comeback – Kristoffer Zetterstrand

    15 Crazy New Minecraft Paintings! Artist Comeback - Kristoffer Zetterstrand Exploring the New Artwork in Minecraft 1.21! Introduction In the ever-evolving world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Recently, the community was treated to 15 new artworks that are making their way into Minecraft 1.21. These pieces, created by Sara Bing, have sparked mixed reactions among players. However, the game developers took note of the feedback and decided to enlist the help of a familiar face to address the concerns – the renowned artist Kristoffer Zetterstrand. The Return of Kristoffer Zetterstrand Kristoffer Zetterstrand, the mastermind behind the original 26 artworks in Minecraft, has made a triumphant return with a… Read More

  • 1f2d Anarchy – No Rules – 1.20.4

    1fighter2defenders (1f2d) Minecraft Server Welcome to 1f2d, a server where anything goes in an open world environment. No rules, no world resetting or trimming – everything is saved for history. Server Age: 3 years old (since 26th April 2021) Player Count: Thousands have visited Latest Update: 1.20.4 – 6th January 2024 Activities Allowed: Griefing, building, cheating – everything is permitted Connect with IP: 1f2d.net Supported Versions: [1.17 – 1.20.4] Join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/euMAZtcxJ5 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “My Brain broke in Minecraft😳”

    Minecraft Memes - "My Brain broke in Minecraft😳"I guess the meme was just too blocky for your brain to handle! Read More

  • Light Up Your Smile with Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Bright Delight!

    Light Up Your Smile with Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Bright Delight! In the world of Minecraft, where cubes take flight, Cube Xuan brings joy, laughter, and light. With funny animations and memes that ignite, Every video a delight, shining bright. From funny dialogues to brain teasers so tight, Cube Xuan’s channel is a pure delight. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, Just enjoy the rhymes, straight from the heart. Read More

  • “Capivara saves the day in Minecraft!” #capivara #minecraft #memes

    "Capivara saves the day in Minecraft!" #capivara #minecraft #memes “Quando você joga Minecraft e vê uma capivara, lembre-se: nenhuma capivara foi ferida na criação deste meme. Capivaras felizes, jogadores felizes!” 😄🎮🦙 #capivara #minecraft #memes #minecraftmeme #shorts #short #funny #meme Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds and Creative Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Builds and Creative Fun! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! If you’re a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join, look no further than Minewind. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. After watching SwordArtGamer1063’s latest video on building a swimming pool in Minecraft, it’s clear that creativity knows no bounds in this game. Whether you’re into building epic structures or engaging in thrilling adventures, Minewind offers a unique experience for every player. Join us at Minewind server by entering the IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your journey today…. Read More

  • Netherite Shenanigans! Minecraft Just Survival – Episode 17

    Netherite Shenanigans! Minecraft Just Survival - Episode 17 Exploring the World of Minecraft Just Survival Embark on a thrilling adventure with Bahayo and LoSerhat as they navigate through the unpredictable world of Minecraft Just Survival. In this episode, they encounter unexpected events while searching for the elusive Netherite. Let’s dive into the exciting escapades that unfold in this action-packed gameplay! Unraveling Mysterious Events As Bahayo and LoSerhat delve deeper into their quest for Netherite, they stumble upon a series of peculiar occurrences. From encountering rare mobs to unearthing hidden treasures, every step they take is filled with suspense and excitement. The dynamic gameplay keeps viewers on the… Read More

  • Wizard Admin Turns Minecraft INSANE #shorts

    Wizard Admin Turns Minecraft INSANE #shortsVideo Information magic Missile dudee that’s not going to do dude can you help me get up there I got to fix my roof oh oh sure leev dude I’m so full right now oh don’t worry I have the perfect spell poop is stupid jer no you have a spell like a dle hole oh yeah sure thing excavate is Little Tim is sick can you heal him yeah sure thing kill us kill us no no no no no why would you do that oh my God can it come in yet uh no just one second you… Read More

  • Escape the Madness: Hardcore Minecraft Stream with Subs

    Escape the Madness: Hardcore Minecraft Stream with SubsVideo Information так всем привет всем ку чуть-чуть Стрим под задержался Ну надеюсь ничего страшного так вот всё я уж думал ты не будешь стримить буду стримить я просто чу под задержался под задержался на часик О привет Настя Да бля Ну с кем не бывает Извините пожалуйста не повтори В следующий раз буду предупреждать что там чуть-чуть подольше Я думал там даже получаса не замт но ладно всё можно мне чат открыть как-нибудь на телефоне всё равно нь о о гомон Кул Привет самый стабильный он на каждом стриме абсолютно А я ты мой менеджер тебе можно Art Is… Read More

  • EXTREME DANGER in Alcudia Games!! Minecraft Trails Panic!😱

    EXTREME DANGER in Alcudia Games!! Minecraft Trails Panic!😱Video Information me voy a arriesgar a tapar estas porquerías está dando buen de miedo Yo no le quería robar nada solamente su inocencia vamos su inocencia 17 wardens me estoy arriesgando demasiado probablemente Sí vale la pena arriesgarme tanto probablemente no pero el que no arriesga no gana No ahora sí ya valió esto ya se fue a la gente ayuda por favor salí corriendo más rápido que el reyo mqueen Ay mi corazoncito Ay sí da mucho miedo ese infeliz y This video, titled ‘¡Mucho peligro! ¡Extremo! en cortos 1.20 #23 parte 2 #minecraft #minecrafttrails’, was uploaded by… Read More

  • 🔥 Pakistan’s Mini Gamers Take Over Minecraft #Shorts 🎮

    🔥 Pakistan's Mini Gamers Take Over Minecraft #Shorts 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft # Shorts’, was uploaded by Mini Gamers 🇵🇰 on 2024-01-04 19:02:15. It has garnered 1008 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • OMG! Le Feu Brûle Tout?! Blackiat Funny Minecraft Moments

    OMG! Le Feu Brûle Tout?! Blackiat Funny Minecraft MomentsVideo Information j’ai failli jeter les débris antiques dans la lave après tu vas me dire ça crame pas mais mais toi tu crames quand tu vas les récupérer non speedrun lav pour bah c’est déjà fait This video, titled ‘Le FEU Ça BRULE, MERDE ! #minecraft #funnymoments #funnyvideo #humour #français’, was uploaded by Blackiat on 2024-04-06 11:45:00. It has garnered 10295 views and 544 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • Zombie Craft: Secret Tunnel Survival Challenge!

    Zombie Craft: Secret Tunnel Survival Challenge!Video Information today we’ll look at closed tunnels with some interesting new characters hey guys you have a zombie with you I’ve got a very interesting video here today it’s going to be guys look at all the cool interesting characters this is Chloe from ladybug Lady B next we have a rainbow friend suddenly turning black and white here we have the character catnap from poppy Pam’s last installment so here we have Patrick and a white colored Silver Sonic like this very interesting and cool characters I don’t even know who to go to I guess we’ll just… Read More


    EXCLUSIVE MINECRAFT LIVE CHAT & PLAYVideo Information [Music] e [Music] welcome back everyone we are playing Minecraft today uh I apologize about yesterday because I had not SED the stream yesterday I was so tired uh I was just getting things set up before I do anything so if you make sure to like And subscribe make sure on now hope you guys enjoyed to like And subscribe and I am with Ninja I don’t know if he’s in the call still let’s [Music] see where did Ninja Go go oh he’s still down here he’s still down here I’m going to be doing a… Read More

  • Unveiling Minecraft’s Rotten Meat Secret!

    Unveiling Minecraft's Rotten Meat Secret!Video Information la carne podrida tiene algunos usos secretos que poca gente sabe primero es una fuente de comida y a pesar de que te da el efecto de hambre simplemente puedes beber leche para quitártelo además Los Lobos son completamente inmunes a este efecto Así que con la carne podrida podrás curarlos pero no solo eso ya que si alimentas a sus bebés con esto acelerará su crecimiento en un 10% y lo mejor de todo es que algunos Aldeanos podrán intercambiar te esmeraldas por carne podrida Y si los conviertes en zombie y luego los curas te darán… Read More

  • Epic Gamers Find Secret Room! 😮 #minecraft

    Epic Gamers Find Secret Room! 😮 #minecraftVideo Information [Music] oh there’s a creeper right up there um who could fall on us at any point oh he’s looking at me wait that creeper is like pervy amounts of staring o love that look up yeah back back back This video, titled ‘Animated scene from Mining in the Attic #minecraft #gaming #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by Gamers in the Attic on 2024-01-11 17:42:04. It has garnered 1644 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. New Streams Twice a Week! Mining in the Attic Series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaJNpK6gU9p9pyDV93YfH6mxN4PSVoNEQ PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/gamersintheattic MERCH: https://www.gamersintheattic.com/all-merch Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gamers_inthe_attic… Read More

  • MageMC

    MageMCWij zijn een gezellige, maar toch erg goed georganiseerde Server. We hebben verschillende gamemodes zoals Survival & Skyblock. Onze community is erg gezellig en verwelkomen graag nieuwe spelers voor onze server, want hoe meer spelers er zijn hoe gezelliger het is natuurlijk. Daarom hopen wij jou ook online te zien op MageMC! – Skyblock – Survival – Wie is de mol play.magemc.nl Read More

  • Blue Heaven SMP 1.20.4 McMMO Economy Jobs Hard Ranks 18+ Fresh Server West Coast

    Blue Heaven SMP Welcome to Blue Heaven SMP, a brand new server with a dynamic economy and quality-of-life plugins. Join our small friendly community and explore all the features we have to offer. Server Details: IP: Plugins Include: AuctionHouse BetterRTP Chests++ DynamicShop mcMMO MobsToEggs PlayerWarp QuickShop Rankup ResourceWorld SimpleSpawners UltimateTimber Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – The Legend of Sand Steve

    Well, it looks like this meme is really making a splash with a score of 17! Sand-credible! Read More

  • FuwaMoco: Monster Huntin’ Madness!

    FuwaMoco: Monster Huntin' Madness! In the world of Minecraft, they venture and explore, FuwaMoco, the Monster Hunters, seeking much more. With punches and crafting, they face every fright, In a land of blocks, where day turns to night. Fuwa and Moco, a dynamic duo in play, Facing monsters and challenges, come what may. With laughter and screams, they navigate the land, Crafting tables and recipes, all in their hand. But danger lurks, as monsters attack, Will they survive, or face a setback? With teamwork and courage, they fight through the fear, In the world of Minecraft, where legends appear. So join FuwaMoco on… Read More

  • “Forest Dog Fails at Minecraft” 🔥😂 #MemeMadness

    "Forest Dog Fails at Minecraft" 🔥😂 #MemeMadness “Looks like this forest dog took a wrong turn at the crafting table and ended up in the wrong game! Maybe he’s trying to mine for bones instead of diamonds.” #lostpuppy #minecraftfail 😂🌲🐶💎 Read More

  • 2B2T Survival Guide: Mastering the Chaos

    2B2T Survival Guide: Mastering the Chaos The Survival Saga on 2b2t: A Journey Through Chaos Exploring the Anarchy of 2b2t 2b2t stands as the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft, boasting 14 years of player activity. The server’s spawn region has transformed into a chaotic wasteland, stretching for thousands of blocks in every direction. With no rules in place, players on 2b2t often utilize hack clients and exploits to gain an edge over others. A Day in the Life on 2b2t On the 16th of March 2024, a brave soul ventured into the depths of 2b2t. Immediately met with a horde of zombies, the journey began… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Survival Experience Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! If you’re looking to join a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community, look no further than Minewind server. With endless possibilities for building, exploring, and surviving, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your imagination. Just like in the YouTube video where you can learn how to build a beautiful wooden house, Minewind offers a similar experience but on a much grander scale. Whether you’re into building intricate structures, surviving in challenging environments, or simply connecting with fellow gamers, Minewind has something for everyone. So why wait? Join us… Read More

  • Minecraft Retro Survival: Lunar Lander Villager Breeder

    Minecraft Retro Survival: Lunar Lander Villager Breeder The Lunar Lander Villager Breeder – Minecraft Retro Survival 5 Building the Lunar Lander Villager Breeder In this Minecraft adventure, the player embarks on a mission to construct a Lunar Lander Villager Breeder. The journey is filled with challenges, excitement, and a touch of frustration. From gathering resources to facing off against mobs, every step is a test of skill and determination. Resource Collection and Setbacks The player starts by mining for iron and encounters a rare iron vein, leading to a frantic battle with zombies to retrieve lost items. A stroke of luck reveals a Skelly spawner and… Read More

  • Sekigema Ch. 💎 Mineral VTuber – EPIC Off Camera Grinding in MINECRAFT!

    Sekigema Ch. 💎 Mineral VTuber - EPIC Off Camera Grinding in MINECRAFT!Video Information [Music] o [Music] he n [Music] [Applause] [Music] o [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hi hi yeah um Minecraft that game block game that Wacky Block game yeah that that one that people keep playing y y OMG Twitchy hi yeah the the wacky silly block game that people have uh been streaming uh and I haven’t been streaming it at all so as you can see uh I have no home uh just a giant flat area I did um a little grinding off camera little and I um I did something funny I did something funny I… Read More

  • Insane TNT Run Challenge!

    Insane TNT Run Challenge!Video Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘TNT RUN 🧨😮 #youtube #youtubeshorts #minecraft #herobrinesmp #gaming’, was uploaded by ANKIT GAMING on 2024-02-26 09:30:11. It has garnered 11677 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. minecraft house tutorialTNT RUN 🧨😮 #youtube #youtubeshorts #minecraft #herobrinesmp #gaming minecraft music minecraft godzilla minecraft house minecraft song minecraft civilization minecraft videos minecraft jj and mikey minecraft godzilla dlc minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr minecraft ambience minecraft armadillo minecraft armor trims minecraft animation movie minecraft arg minecraft ancient city a minecraft song a minecraft house a minecraft… Read More

  • “Minecraft Ignitor DESTROYS All Mobs – EPIC Battle!” #minecraft

    "Minecraft Ignitor DESTROYS All Mobs - EPIC Battle!" #minecraftVideo Information he pow pow ah ow [Music] h ow h h [Music] a come yes [Music] [Music] yeah This video, titled ‘minecraft ignitor vs all mob fight||minecraft mob battle||#minecraft’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-04-05 18:38:53. It has garnered 299 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:13 or 253 seconds. minecraft ignitor vs all mob fight||minecraft mob battle||#minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft epic minecraft battles revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築… Read More

  • “Mystery Mansion Build for Dog in Minecraft” 🏠🐕 #shortsminecraft

    "Mystery Mansion Build for Dog in Minecraft" 🏠🐕 #shortsminecraftVideo Information [Music] I night [Music] [Music] Shin call your you look right through me you’re the reason that I just can’t concentrate a This video, titled ‘A House for my dog 🐕 😶 #shortsminecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by HEADSHAKE GAMING on 2024-01-03 14:19:11. It has garnered 6726 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • 🔴LIVE Triple Minecraft, Unite, Fortnite Stream! Shizo twist 🔥

    🔴LIVE Triple Minecraft, Unite, Fortnite Stream! Shizo twist 🔥Video Information hi everyone it’s me it’s me you guys I’m trying to find a song Hold on um relaxing Pokemon music let’s see let’s see let’s see what we want to listen to I’m not late I’m streaming I’m literally on time be quiet anyways uh I’m launching Minecraft right now it’ll be up in a second I need to grab my phone stand so I can open chat and read it real quick okay we got it place it down open chat Minecraft is opening guys don’t even worry see there’s Minecraft so as you can see we… Read More

  • kihec – 😱Craziest Minecraft & Thief LIVE 😱

    kihec - 😱Craziest Minecraft & Thief LIVE 😱Video Information yo yo yo what up how’s everybody doing we’re going to do some Minecraft then we’re going to play sneak Thief sneak Thief is so [ __ ] funny I recently was watching a bunch of like Jack sepai and dashy videos on the game and it’s so goddamn funny maybe it’s not as broken anymore as it used to be but we’ll see it’s very goofy um anyway we’re I’m doing good I’m doing good boys uh let me just oh hold up let me get rid of instructions we were just playing uh Roblox like an… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft one block challenge with friends!!

    Insane Minecraft one block challenge with friends!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft : New World | One Block | With Friends’, was uploaded by I’M ANDY GAMING on 2024-04-13 06:15:59. It has garnered 43 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:27 or 12027 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Imxandy Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my next stream!!!,… Read More