EPIC Minecraft Gameplay – Absolutely NO Failures!

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[Laughter] it’s not a good day for me chat it’s not a good [Laughter] Day uh okay how are we doing everybody oh it’s fun it’s never Been it’s never it’s it’s fine it’s great you know it’s Fine we we got this and things and and other things oh my God [Laughter] okay hello hello everybody I am I am so sorry I’m really tired I’m really sorry um yeah I apologize for that uh so hello hello hello welcome welcome welcome Tom thank you for the tip budy happy thoughts princess there’s no scuff here Merry Christmas Merry Christmas honey thank you thank

You it Minecraft time so I need to give you guys a little bit of context I feel just to give you guys a little bit of context and things W thank you for this thank you for the super honey thank you thank you roll 22 R show the princess not 20 baby

Thank you thank you you cool so I’m going to give you guys a bit of context as to what just happened so for the past few weeks I have been troubleshooting I got the mic I got the interface I got all of the things I’m pretty well suited

To audio I I have you know I’ve got I’ve I’ve got years and years of of voice acting and and you know making short films and stuff under my belt I know how to make audio work I know all of that stuff so for the past few weeks I was

Learning the new equipment learning how to do all of that stuff so I had it all set up it was all perfect it was working absolutely fine so I’m like cool I’m going to take a nap I wake up 2 hours but well actually about 3: uh I wake up about 2

Hours before the stream today Y and I go and have a look at all of my stuff nothing was changed the setup was completely the same as as every other time that I’ve used it and it’s been completely fine and there was this really horrific clicking and buzzing sound in

The background on it I was like oh H am I getting feedback from something what am I getting feedback off of um I go around I find out if it’s my if it’s my like Wi-Fi Hub it’s not my Wi-Fi Hub uh it’s not like the interference of like

My my my phone that was completely fine um any kind of other Tech that I have I I was checking plug sockets and like my keyboards and everything I was like what on Earth is going on so I turned the gain all the way up

I’m like what am I hearing why why am I hearing this thing my interface for no reason at all randomly do you want to know what it started intercepting do you want to know what that high-pitched buzzing clicking noise was radio signals radio signals eh I was hearing local radio

Signals dude like huh I didn’t even know that was possible I didn’t even know that was possible so I just spent 2 hours trying to fix that and I couldn’t do it so like it’s and bear in mind for ASMR you need like you you need that

Gain you need that buff you need that like volume to be crazy high in order for it to like you know be ASMR and so I’m like this is that’s just like something that I cannot fix XLR cables uh I believe the split cables um I can’t

Remember the name off the top of my head anyway um that’s not something I can fix so basically TLD drr of that whole thing I need to get a second uh audio interface I need to get an audio interface that doesn’t have the sensitivity capacitor to be able to pick

Up horrific electrical signals and translate them into sound such as radio waves so uh I I I DMD Miss Eddie very briefly to be like Miss Eddie Miss Eddie I don’t know what to do miss Eddie uh and she gave me the name of the audio interface that she uses so I’m

Going to see if I can get that sorted on all of that type of thing way think a radio with uh heart amplifier cuz of that yeah yes you can I knew that was a thing however I’ve never experienced it with uh a USB audio interface I’ve never experienced it with

That type of thing before so entirely new experience for me uh and that’s like yeah that’s that’s unbelievably crazy I didn’t even know that that was like a capacity or what not yeah banging radio through the ASMR way hey it was all Christmas carols and stuff as well it

Was like um it was like Christmas FM or something cuz of the season so apologies if it had have been like a more reasonable Tech issue I I might have been able to sort it um but because it’s such like a weird and Niche thing I had like no way of sorting that

That was insane entirely and utterly I’m so sorry so I am going to work on fixing that I’m going to work on seeing if there is a solution to that with the current interface um I have a feeling that there won’t be I have a horrible horrible

Feeling that there won’t be so just in case I’m going to look into the interface that Miss Eddie recommended for me anyway so I’m so sorry I yeah this this this sucked very much so I was really looking forward to it I really really wanted to do ASMR today I wanted to

Do I wanted to do this you know I wanted to have it go well because I was practicing and I did all that prep and h i yeah I’m I’m quite upset by it unfortunately but you know it’s some things you can’t control and getting Christmas carols through my audio

Interface while I’m trying to do ASMR that’s that’s a weird one that is a weird one so I apologize did I try multiple cables yes it was this is the thing that I was testing cuz I was like is it the mic is it the cables is

It the what now this is how I figured out that it was the interface itself cuz I have a couple different interfaces um the problem is that uh 3DO mics have split left and right to make it um binaural uh so you need specific cables you need need a specific interface that

Breaks that down into two different stuffs that you can then put it into OBS for um so you you need specialist equipment for that so the the interface that I currently use now is a bearinger one I this this thing is this thing cost me like20 maximum back when it was like

Brand new it is complete garbage and yet it’s the only thing that has been like reliable through like my years of of of of doing projects and things so like shout out to bearing it is it is the crappiest piece of Hardware I have ever owned and yet

It’s it’s never let me down so reliable garbage yeah it’s great so that is something I’m going to have to fix I’m going to work with Manan and uh Miss Eddie uh to get that sorted the Nokia phone of audio interfaces that’s actually real this might very

Well be yeah so I apologize for the the horrors and things I’m going to get that sorted as soon as I possibly can ah I really wanted it to work I really really wanted it to work because I did so much prep for it and I was excited

Um so yes I will do my very very best I’m I’m really sorry um yeah that’s it’s a bit of an odd issue so uh thank you for your understanding and thank you for your patience as well I know that uh Minecraft might not be some people’s

Thing so I’m going to do that but yeah do not feel like you got to hang out for that don’t worry you can go and do other things do not [Laughter] worry nobody’s able to see the mouse cuz tracking Them oh we got this it’s fine it’s going to be great so what was I going to say oh yes four members uh you guys will still get your little present and stuff uh I’m going to deliver that to you guys in the heho Discord members Channel

Um after today’s stream so please look forward to that thank you thank you Minecraft baby M care the princess sounds great I it should be pretty chill yeah I just want to like I want to there I you know I think like Manan was like expecting me to not stream tonight at

All but I wanted to like I I think I I wanted to stream at least something because I wanted to I I think this is the I always take it like really personal when things go wrong especially if they’re like Niche issues cuz I always feel like well how do I fix that

How do I how do I make that better I’m not an enjoyer of problems that I can’t solve I think is the main thing I take it a lot more personally than I should do which is an issue but it is what it is it does mean that you guys get me for

A couple hours he it doesn’t mean that you guys get me for heo Minecraft do you like my thumbnail that I just recycled from the old Minecraft one don’t worry isn’t your fault it’s out of your control don’t worry about it I know but you know I’m I’m still going

To feel a little bit bad cuz I feel like I let you guys down about it but I’m going to get it sorted as soon as I possibly can I’m yeah I will do my very very best so thank you for your understanding all righty mince raft let’s go baby wow

Wow men’s raft Baby D thank you for the 10 gifted honey thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you honey I really appreciate it to to everybody who just got Who members then please please enjoy thank you okay where did we leave off last time oh yeah I was breeding

Cows you and you and you thank you thank you honey has no one been on the server since have I am I the only one that’s been on the service since no M thank you for the 10 gifted honey thank you thank you the cpit of

Doom yeah it’s you know it’s the cpit we’re going to what you going to do that am I the am I oh wait cuz it’s Christmas it’s cuz it’s Christmas yay we get to have like the cute little things this is what this always makes me incredibly happy I love the the

Halloween one as well that they do so they do Halloween ones and they do oh they do another one as well but I can’t remember what it is I I know that they do like uh Whatchamacallit I can’t think yeah they do April fools yeah yeah yeah thank you

Honey except for the chest boats though well I mean yeah but it’s chest boats that’s like more of an item than it is like a thing thank you thank you honey this makes me so happy MP server with uh aan uh I don’t know what MP stands for actually what does MP

Stand for am I stupid thank you thank you honey I don’t know what stands for I’m being stupid multiplayer yes it is yes it is I am being stupid in fact it is a multiplayer server we like we’re hanging out and stuff on it I feel like I want to make

This bridge look prettier cuz like I don’t I know who built it thank you thank you honey it has like The Vibes of Kia is that is that mean thank you thank you honey what am I doing for Christmas I’m going to be streaming I’m I’m I’m uh my my mama my

Mother the queen uh thank you thank you honey we hanging out together tomorrow but we do all of our christmy stuffs in the evening usually so I’m streaming tomorrow uh thank you thank you honey full bits and pieces don’t no don’t tell don’t nobody clip that in no said

That I’m sorry kilia I promise it looks it it’s a bridge you did really good it’s a good starter bridge I Pro promise it’s okay thank you thank you I’m sorry it’s it is it’s a bridge yeah it’s a bridge thank you thank you honey I’m going to I’m I’m just going

To I’m going to put a few touches on it you know I’m just going to thank you thank you I’m going to add some things to it how about yeah I’ll add some things to it I’m just going to let me let me make myself a little a little bit of equipment here

Shall I a nice silver bridge mcft braell is stronger than respecting the set by bra it is I I I put my iron in here yesterday was it yesterday I did stream yesterday right thank you thank you honey pretty sure W Bridge 10 out of 10 no it’s it’s a

Great it’s a great bridge it’s it’s it’s it’s a bridge she’s done a great job I’m real proud of her for making that bridge I’m just going to make it a little more interesting you know I’m just going to do that a little you know just a a few bits and pieces

It’s thank you thank you honey she’s going to log on and be like who what who did things to my bridge that’s that’s my killer impression will this spring PVP you know what she can try I’m a seasoned Minecraft player mind you Kia is also Kia is also Minecraft pild

So I feel like we’re on kind of equal footing uh thank you thank you honey how how equal is our footing in terms of Minecraft stuff does any can anybody like make a good assumption for like how how equal our stuff is we this count as demolishing a

Historical building no it’s res it’s you know restoring it it’s making it look pretty it’s not historical it’s just you know it’s we’re making it better she already killed some she she killed Blaze didn’t she thank you thank you honey well she can try she can

Try thank you thank I’m in no ways an expert on Minecraft PVP however I will throw hands thank you thank you honey I will indeed throw hands if I need to uh one and then thank you thank you honey no no no I’m missing a I’m missing a log can I steal a

Log do we not have a log no I need to go and find Oak does anybody have a sapling thank you thank you honey missing a long skill issue well I you know it’s it’s a it’s a working progress how do you not have okay you do how do you not have a

Sapling of all the things to not have in this game a sapling is kind of the the big ones thank you thank you honey I didn’t mean to do that no oops see he did not fully like well it’s a it’s listen it’s it’s a lovely build

It’s it’s a lovely lovely build so so good of a bridge it definitely worked as a bridge we’re just going to make things look a teeny bit better you know there she a level of British shade in your voice I we’re just going to help out a little it’s fine I’m stealing

Cobblestone it gets you from point A to point B it does it definitely it definitely does that in fact I have never seen a bridge that has gotten you from point A to point B more than this bridge uh right now more St of that’s nice honey

K i oh my God I don’t mean to be so mean she’s I actually really appreciate ker as a builder she’s very very sweet ah do not take this as I hate my Senpai I love my Senpai very much K is a really cool person to talk to

Actually I think I don’t remember when this was but like me and ker at one point or another were up for about like 3 hours in like the early mornings at some point or another um and we ended up just like talking for about 3 hours or

Collectively which was kind of kind of cool actually was really really nice especially cuz like when you first join like a Ving company you kind of there’s like a little bit of a moment where you go from uh kohai to from from like stranger to like kohai

So it’s it’s a bit of like an adjustment period I think it is can I put some of the water lies on the on the water oh so I don’t fall in no I’ll save the for decoration honey I’ve got two books already that’s fine it’s fine in fact I should store

These books here Uh you know what I’m I’m I’m doing everybody a service because this is going to be a public enchanting place so I’m being nice actually I’m being the best person I am the most fantastic uh I’m the most fantastic player where do I live I don’t know yet

I’m going to build a house at some point or another but like I want to get farther in the game first I think I’m going to fix this this place first and then then I will make a house truly a modest woman of the people I yeah Monto

House I should do my I should do my ship I was going to make the arc at some point out of the anyway but I feel like that’s is that not like too generic do you think is that not just like a bit too bit too bit too General do you not

Think uh I’m just going to steal all of this I think H H build my H why would I build my house in a swamp I don’t think there’s a swamp nearby I still want to be like near the rest of my senis I don’t want to like disappear Forever uh is that any oh wait no I can go hunting it’s night duh I was about to be like wow I wonder if there’s any bones around here yeah yeah gee I wonder You implying that I’m going to get struck by lightning I don’t know if I like that interpretation did he not get no you gave me arrows and not bones I want bones I want to be able to grind up your bones and feed them to my plants that sounds really strange is as

A sentence when you say it out loud asoy oh my goodness honey thank you for the 50 gifted oh my goodness thank you thank you thank you thank you honey to everybody who just got a sub enjoy the emotes thank you thank you that is

That is a oh my God that is a lot of subs thank you thank you hone what no my ex thank you thank you honey yeah bones there we go thank you thank you Merry Christmas honey Happy Christmas thank you thank you honey hope you have a wonderful day

By the way I think like I was I was saying that I was going to spend time with my my family before but uh thank you thank you honey I didn’t finish my sentence I have me and my family we tend to do the whole like uh we sleep in Crazy late thing

Than you thank you honey so like all of our christmy stuff is usually uh all of our Christmas Christmasy stuff is usually only really hone done at like maybe about like 6:00 p.m. onwards really so we do our stuff like crazy late typically thank you honey there we go let’s see

Here thank you thank you honey how am I going to do this I wonder thank you thank you Honey I could do I like the fences actually I want to utilize the fences somehow thank you thank you honey ah let’s do that thank you thank you honey these into stone bricks and then turn that thank you thank you honey into that thank you thank you honey so now

This means that I can do this thank you thank you H and make it a little more interesting thank you thank you honey no I placed it incorrectly thank you thank you honey oh yeah we have bamboo now so we can make we can make stuff thank you thank you

Honey that is like yeah very much so I think like we we eat before that so we eat about like 5:00 p.m. or something um thank you honey we eat about like 5:00 p.m. or something but like everything else is done at like super late in the evening

So are the emotes get are the uh alerts getting a little Annoying let me turn them down every so light thank you honey they will blend into the background eventually I promise W let’s do it like this I need to make couple more I think that’s too little actually

But I can always go back and make more I always hate like having leftover materials cuz I never use them and then I’m like cuz I’m such like an item holder I will just keep stuff forever and then it will never get used and it will just remain

There this bridge is getting fancier it’s not quite fancy just yet oh oh my God that was so satisfying actually that was really satisfying oh that made me really happy let’s do H let’s do some WS here all right see thank you thank you honey oh that hurts me that hurts me

Physically actually oh she built it uneven she buil it uneven oh this is heinous it’s uneven no thank you thank you honey I feel like I’m taking actual psychic damage oh my how many 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 so it’s oh my

Uh so it’s like that the whole I’m I’m going to cry no this is the worst it means that I’ve got to do funky stuff then thank you thank you this sucks this is the Worst M than thank you honey what was I going to do with this uh actually you know what might work better if I do fence gates then that means that we can get more of like an interesting shape so let’s do fence gates instead we can still have some fancy

Stuff thank you thank you honey Uh yeah bunk bunk thank you thank you honey thank you thank you honey can you beat into Kia’s head that she needs to build stuff using odd numbers I I I might thank you thank you I might have to mind you I I feel like it’s rude

To come and like if if it’s I feel like if it’s a community build like this bridge that everybody uses or like the um the enchantment table over there if it’s like a community build then I feel like it’s fair game you know it’s it’s it’s fair game to me to

Do that I think how do I I don’t remember how to make Gates it’s been a while stick stick thank you thank you honey stick stick thank you thank you honey uh let’s see how this works aha see now we get some interesting shapes thank you thank you

Honey now we definitely have some interesting shapes thank you thank you honey yeah feny stick are the true block form we can still use them I think in different parts thank you thank you honey where we need them to be thank you honey I can pull this down I think thank

You thank you honey this would be nice actually let’s do so it’s thank you thank you uh do we have I yeah yes yes yes yes yes yes yes aha thank you h building brain is now brain we’re get in there thank you thank you honey can we

Block even if block is rectangular yes absolutely that’s entirely how that works thank you thank you Honey H thank you thank you honey thank you H and then we have four of these which is nice cuz that means that I can thank you thank you honey do some stuff thank you thank you honey it might be nice to put like a little thing over

Top of this actually thank you thank you honey M okay I’ve got a plan I actually have a plan I’m thinking about things critically and I’m doing things well are you proud of me CH you honey I’m making it more interesting the bridge is four blocks wide it’s

True we’re not going to mention that it’s just going to exist in the way that it exists we can let things live even if it causes me great pain uh more stick thank you thank you honey yeah two gate there and then I can thank you thank you honey let’s do

H thank you thank you I feel like I need like a different block but I want to go like I’d collect something let’s see oders are cringe thank you thank you they’re like they’re definitely interesting to build with let’s do should we do coupled no thank you thank you

Honey I normally hate building with diorite but let’s see how it looks thank you no bad bad bad bad bad bad get rid of it get R get it out of my sight get it out of my sight thank you honey thank you thank you honey death

And destruction kill it burn it with fire thank you thank you honey thank you thank you honey stone bricks thank you thank you honey M thank you thank you honey thank you thank you honey watch thank you thank you H and then I can do this thank you thank you honey don’t

Worry we have a plan here there is an actual thought process that’s going along with this I don’t want to like use too much stuff up so let’s just collect some sand and pretend it’s always been been that way nobody well the people who like di

Are the people that can actually use it well and I am not one of those people thank you thank you H uh other side other side Bonk Bonk Bonk there we go it’s always been like that don’t worry about it thank you thank you honey like a slab’s will gang then

We’re not finished yet don’t worry thank you thank you honey we’re not quite finished Yet thank you thank you honey I think I need actual stone do we not have actual I’m going to just steal all of this Cobblestone and do it like that have it along like this I want to have more like logs I think on this cuz then

That’ll make it more cohesive thank you thank youone big tree the wood is already starting to annoy more now it’s fine it’s we’re get there thank you thank you honey I can become thank you thank you honey D having the audacity to be crafted with quartz too like I

Hm thank you thank you honey I kind of like it to be honest like polished diorite isn’t really that bad of a block you just have to know how to use it and I’m unfortunately not one of those People thank you thank you honey mhm um thank you thank you honey let’s see let’s see M never mind let’s do that I think concentration yeah you can make It wait Did My hex good wait no I didn’t I don’t even know how to do a Texan accent you’re making Christmas trees we can do that a bit later actually that sounds Nice we do slabs in a minute I think aha see I get to do this now do I have another I didn’t but I can make one yes baby this is as it should be what I always tend to try and do like one side and then the other just because it

Makes things a little bit more simple uh like that and then like That just adding in a couple more like block varieties so that Things become a little bit more interesting yeah I feel like Kia is going to get on after this and be like what has she done to my bridge I love that that’s my killer impression I always make her sound like

Like like a very small crusty Victorian child which is not at all how she sounds my ke oppression sounds too Posh she’s she is POS though I’m pretty sure she’s por she sounds It yeah sick thank you for the super honey thank you thank you merry early Christmas merry M Christmas honey thank you thank you I hope you have a good day oh people are making noise and things W my neighbors are being loud I apologize if you hear that yeah say one break

Okay so the the other side of it as well now so one break and then stinky neighbors no my neighbors are quite nice actually my neighbors are real nice people I think I have why do I have logs here is it underneath the thingies it is it’s underneath

Them my cows are sounding very exasperated with me nothing I mean good cuz it’s just my neighb is being loud what and then Bonk Bonk grab more sand pretend that it was like this all along pretend that sand has been there since the dawn of time

Yay oh my God wait I was thinking about this the other day I was thinking about um did anybody watch a film uh called Arthur and the Invisibles cuz I watched that like a long time ago and for some reason it like popped into my brain recently I don’t know

Why I just started thinking about it all of a sudden careful not to overbuild it I won’t overbuild it I know what I’m doing no I should be fine no my childood I canot escape the film it’s it’s a good film I was like surprised I was thinking

About it the other day and I was like huh yeah that wasn’t too bad actually for like a film it was like do you guys remember there was like a thing in like the like I was it like late ’90s early 2000s like for some reason a bunch of

Like animated Studios went through like a phase of of desperately trying to do like really terrible really terrible CG or like no it wasn’t like terrible CG it was like really hyper realistic CG yeah it was The Uncanny Valley CG yeah it was really weird and I don’t

Know why they did it because they made like like Polar Express is one of them this is probably why I’m thinking of authoring the invisible cuz Polar Express is definitely one of those films yeah see that gets a bit more interesting now um let me do

That this is a bit more of an interesting Bridge right it’s it’s more it’s more interesting it’s you know a bit more wellb built it’s not overly complicated it’s just fun I’m actually guy from Polar Express yeah polar expresses is one of them and then they made um

Um oh my God wait what’s the horrifying one cuz Tintin was another one what was the uh oh God what was the really really horrifying one where they had the aliens was it Mars need’s Mars Needs Moms Mars Needs M Mars need’s moms or something along those lines yeah I think

It was actually Tintin was actually pretty good but ttin was more recent did did anybody go and see Mars need’s moms because Mars need’s moms was [Laughter] horrendous that was it was awful it was just I don’t understand how they ever green lit it it shouldn’t have been made it was an absolute

Horror haven’t even heard of that one oh boy please go look that up please I beg you go Google it if it’s considered one of the largest box off box office bombs yeah I’m not surprised because even the trailer for it is like bad never heard of it oh my God wait can

I find we’re going on a tangent here here’s the thing though they didn’t really have that bad of like a cast either you know they had they had Seth Green in it you know people are now Googling it yes I’ve done this to people I’m this is such a tangent why does it

Look like that why does it look like that good Lord oh no I’m seeing images of it now here’s the can I can I just drag this into my obs as a source yeah that’s not what I want wa that’s not what I wanted to do I don’t know

What that was but that was a thing who said wood I hate you looka thank you for the super honey thank you thank you Merry Christmas funny princess as a notes uh as notic I would like to apologize for BS moms I hope we can spend another year with you

You yeah that sounds lovely honey I would appreciate that I yeah can I can I find like a good image here we go save save image as hell in my images this is this is what hell looks like look at her look at that how how horrifying is that am I right

That’s heinous that shouldn’t have been made that shouldn’t exist that’s that shouldn’t be allowed to exist this is this is the type of film that like Zumi would watch for like irony I feel you’re both aliens no I don’t don’t have her number you don’t need her

Number because why would you want her Number oh my God she kind of does actually does she does have like the pixel mum like build what’s her name in it hang on who does she play is it key I think I think her name in it I think her name in it is key I genuinely don’t remember the plotline

To this film other than there was like the the mom got kidnapped and then they had to go and save her that’s the only thing I remember about this entire film and I feel like it was Pro it probably had more to it than that but for the life of me I genuinely

Cannot remember any kind of nuance with it whatsoever so yeah I’ve subjected you all to that now you’re so welcome feel like I could deduce that from the title yeah basically I think that’s just kind of how the film was if I’m being honest I don’t think it was

Particularly complicated as a concept I think it just was uh all right cows oh cow pit yay yay create more cows actually based on a book is it really what was like does does anybody else remember like cuz there’s there’s a whole timeline of people making these really really horrific like semi-realistic

Uh like films for for kind of no reason it was just like a whole like season of it in like the early 2000s to like late ’90s where everyone was just like cool we need to make the the the Pinnacle of Animation is to make animation look like it’s not animation

Which is not how that should work in any capacity and I kind of hate it they tried that again for the Sonic movie yeah they made tons of like character is CG in the human world they’ve done tons of that over the years I think it I don’t personally

Think it ever looks good but that’s just that’s just a me thing I don’t have like a valid opinion on it cuz I kind of can’t was it frozen and Tangled’s fault no I don’t think so they they haven’t done I’m really surprised that they haven’t done a liveaction frozen

Considering how popular Frozen was but I think they’re like going back and doing all of the classics and stuff so they can still have the copyright I think that’s the the main reason J Banks looks great on episode one that’s Star Wars though that’s different and also I don’t think jaar

Looks all that great to be honest I I disagree with you on that which isn’t to say that it isn’t fun but like it being fun doesn’t always like equal looking good you can have like this is this is why like um I’m going to say something here The

FNAF movie isn’t a good movie but it is a fun movie and that is good because it wasn’t meant to be a good movie it was meant to be fun and nostalgic which is great that’s I feel like that is how some films should be you should make some films just because

They’re fun to make and you should watch some films just because they’re fun to watch and that is [Laughter] okay I loved the FNAF movie I genuinely did I really love the FNAF movie it’s not Peak Cinema it’s not standing up there with Spielberg how can the FNAF movie be nostalgic it’s like new no the here’s the thing the FNAF movie is new but FNAF itself is nostalgic it’s meant to play on the feelings that you had back in like when when did it come out 2014 2016 2014 yeah it’s it’s it’s basically for

The fans to go to the cinema and like PG and point towards the lake cinema screen and that is the best thing that it could have done it did it beautifully did it beautifully 2014 is not nostalgic it can be it’s kind of nostalgic for me I guess

It depends on like your mindset on like how how much you’ve existed in a place I don’t know it’s I think there is interpretation with it all right time to kill cows I’m sorry little one I’m sorry really no no HIDs ah there we

Go Wy now we can get things I’m going to have like so much food by the end of this this is going to be excellent Wily’s Wonderland would niit cage oh my God wait actually I forgot that that was a film Wily’s Wonderland really isn’t all that bad it’s kind

Of I think Willy’s Wonderland is fun as well I don’t it’s not a good movie it’s you know it’s it’s not a good movie but you’re not sitting down to watch like Nicholas’s Nicholas cag’s Wily’s Wonderland because it’s Peak Cinema you’re watching it because it’s a fun

Movie Nick Cage means instant classic I guess I guess so here we go finally we have our first bookshelf Bonk yippe I want to enchant you so bad we’re going to do it eventually Will’s wonder is less quotable because of how few lines cage has though yeah

He’s a very silent protagonist in that one I actually the only thing that like really creeped me out about Wily’s Wonderland was the ostrich that was the only thing that like messed with me was the ostrich and it kind of freaked me out a bit what about the movie It’s uhuh

I mean it is it’s it’s a fun film admittedly it’s been a hot second since I’ve actually watched it I can’t say for sure it’s quality and how it’s retain did anybody actually did anybody watch the the Banana Split show not the actual kids TV show I mean like the horror movie that

Was like FNAF TM the teed F and Inter movies are still good for the ones from the ’90s yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s yeah again there’s some films that you will just watch because they’re fun to watch I’ve never sat down to watch a Teenage Mutant dja Turtles movie and

Been like ah yes this is this is up there with like the best films ever made but then again I think like I’m speaking from like the perspective of somebody whose favorite film is like How to Train Your Dragon that’s my favorite film of all

Time and I still have notes I still have like things with that film that I don’t think are good I think I’m just hard to please thank you mods I didn’t even see the message cuz it was spammed that many times that was heinous oh7 mods thank

You Dragon movie was great movie I liked it I had fun with it the Michael we don’t talk about the Michael Bay teenage M film do you hear like air get caught in my throat then I like started really badly bread I want to go mining again I think

Is the main one I’d like to go mining again Minecraft is one of those games where it’s really easy to make no progress despite how many hours you put into It holidays really bring out the Bots and this spam is it’s cuz no one they like don’t have anything else to do I think Minecraft CH is in my great love yeah I still haven’t watched the Third how to train New Dragon movie good it doesn’t exist we we don’t talk we don’t

Talk we don’t talk about the Third how to train your dragon move we we don’t talk about it it’s not it’s it doesn’t exist it’s doesn’t exist is it bad I think it’s bad I think it’s it’s have you have you guys ever heard about like the DreamWorks Trilogy curse

So the DreamWorks Trilogy curse is basically where DreamWorks has a thing where if they make a Trilogy the first movie is great the second movie is even better and the third movie they get rid of all of the original writers and it turns to Absolute

Mush they do it every time and how to train your dragon is an unfortunate victim to that they did the Trope where they gave the like male character a girlfriend who is just like a lighter colored girlier version of like the original character but with like tibes they gave the dragon

Tibes why does a dragon need [Laughter] Tiies why did they do this I hate it I hate it a lot I hate it a lot I hate it a lot I’m very passionate about this because it’s my favorite uh even Shrek exactly who remembers Shrek 3 I don’t remember Shrek 3 what happened in Shrek 3 the who’s

I’m don’t say that in my chat I’m not even going to not even to say it you know who you are n night thank you for this super honey thank you thank you good day love hope you’re enjoying yourself I am the wife will be turning 30 on New Year’s Eve

Congratulations we will be flying back to the USA from Korea with twin girls are dear around late January congratulations honey congratulations have a very happy holidays I hope you have a very special time enjoy Amora Dragon not need to and treya enters the chat okay well that dragon

That dragon can choose to have titties okay she’s the exception she’s she’s the exception here she’s allowed I need a box to put all of my stuff in it’s been erased from common knowledge Yeah already adding exceptions clearly not a hard line that I no here’s the thing though if you’re going to create a a female version of like a wellbeloved character they did it with like Stitch as well like Stitch from Lilo and Stitch they did the same thing

Where instead of like making her her own character they just made it a pink version of Stitch which is not like dude come on dude come on yeah right it’s not that’s not a good character design just please I beg you please just a semblance of of creativity I beg Thee Bonk oh I had a few more arrows left never mind I’m probably going to finish him off oh is YouTube being annoying I had a why let me live please let me live live what was I saying I forgot in my train of thought because I crumbled let’s not Paris the night

Before Christmas that happens very often apparently apparently there’s like Um I I don’t know if anybody here is like a doctor and can confirm but I read a statistic at some point or another that Christmas is Christmas day is quite a busy day for surgeries cuz people tend to do like dumb stuff and alcohol poisoning as well I know in

Brit un we have issues with alcohol poisoning YouTube is being YouTube I guess oh yeah a friend of mine dm’d me before to be like hello YouTube being stinky I was like oh boy thank you for the heads Up all right well uh where was he there he is it’s like three to five times the volume in hospitals yeah I remember I remember my my my father the king telling me a story about his childhood where his um his childhood dog so the Night Before Christmas uh their childhood dog got

Into the Christmas presents and uh ended up eating I think about like two whole like chocolate selection boxes and so instead of like having a nice time at Christmas they spent the entirety of like the Christmas day getting the dog’s stomach pumped in the [Laughter] Vets icon I love

Him yeah the dog was fine it’s just that like I just think it’s a really funny way to like spend the Christmas imagine you like wait for Christmas day and you like see your dog like having like absolutely demolished through like three selection [Laughter] boxes cuz my my family tends to do a

Thing where like um at Christmas it’s it’s like a tradition type of thing uh at Christmas we tend to each have our own selection box we’ll we’ll get like a selection box to ourself and like I mean you can eat it all yourself if you want to but like that probably a bad

Idea as on like a hole you Know I tend to like it takes me like a good while to get through mine I still I think it I normally trying to think of how long it takes me I’m typically like just about finished with it by like second week in January

So it takes me like a good 3 weeks to finish mine usually I’m not like I don’t have like a good tolerance so much I remember like I remember I remember last my dad’s like one of these people that will I I’ve mentioned it before but he’s

One of these people who love to like showcase stuff in gifts but he’s we’re very similar in the sense of we both like to get people practical gifts we like to get gifts that we will actually use instead of like you know bits of plastic and random

Stuff so typically he’ll just give me money and then I can buy stuff for myself that I need uh however last Christmas he was like what do you want for Christmas and I was like food and he was like okay uh on Christmas Eve he came back

From shopping and was like Hey I have you I’ve G I’ve gotten you an early Christmas present and I was like oh yes what have you got me he proceeds to slam down uh what is it what is it he proceeds to slam down in the middle of the living room 10

K is it 10 K my God it’s one of these can I find it one of the 10 kilo Rices he got me 10 kilos of sushi rice which like [Laughter] Yeah I wanted to get the measurement right cuz I wasn’t sure how much it was

But it’s it’s a it was a 10 kilo bag and I still have it well I’m at like the drgs of it now basically I have like I have like maybe like two portions left it’s like for just me as well I got food yeah it’s that was definitely

Food to be fair I love that actually I I that was one of the like best of Christmas presents to be honest I was I was I was chuffed to bits the r guy thank you for the tip buddy thank you thank you you think that dogs

Were not willing to eat tons of chocolate due to it being toxic to them but then you remember humans and their relationships with alcohol and drugs I guess so um I always have to like and whenever we have like Christmas cake or whatever um I have like family

And stuff that have dogs and things and obviously Christmas cake has raisins in it uh in case you guys don’t know raisins are like crazy toxic to dogs unbelievably toxic to dogs like they it creates like acute kidney failure in like a heartbeat chuffed that’s a British word

Yeah chuffed chuff to bits means you’re really happy yeah oh my God I don’t know if you had that I don’t have any noise suppression on my mic you guys did you guys hear my my tummy Rumble then CH also what tigers do when they’re

Happy like a cat F yeah yeah raisin it’s it’s it’s Christmas cake it’s Christmas cake you have like currants and raisins and stuff in the cake and you soak it in brandy you know it from Mumbo oh yeah he says that as well he uses it as well I

Think we’re both just very British individuals Mumbo is a BRI he is very much so have you have have you guys ever seen this is this is the thing that like really curses me in particular I kind of hate looking at it um you know how like when

You shift in Minecraft you crouch I do that with my little finger so I have like my my my index my middle and my my ring finger I have that on my wased keys and then I shift or like control with my my pink I do that mumbo jumbo shifts with his

Thumb he like flips his thumb round to do it that way can I get a picture of this yeah this is this is how he does it oh come on no no let me save the imig will it not let me do it like that

Whoa wait it just doesn’t let me do it like that that’s huh weird all right there we go yeah this is how he does it really really that as well what is going on what is why won’t it let me do it eh they’ve just decided that I’m not allowed to do

Anything I guess can I do it like this instead then aha see I win I always win this is how he like shifts in Minecraft how cured is that I don’t that’s that’s going to give you Copple tunnel you’re going to have like some issues with it right how cured is that pain

I’m kind of amazed by like the stretchiness of it but also that’s just going to hurt you in the long run I feel yeah weird not that I’m making fun of him or anything what am I getting messus about oo I just got updated on some cool stuff which is really nice

Actually Yay cool there is exciting stuff coming your guys way which I can’t say anything about but the second I can say anything about it I will I will say things how does he jump spacebar presumably yeah I can’t say anything about it yet you can make your your own

Assumptions but stuff is being done and I’m very excited about it good news of an unknown nature uh yeah He Kia already told us it would be coming soonish what did Kia say exactly cuz I don’t want to like talk about stuff and then find out that I can’t say it she just mentioned it what do you mean it I’m not saying anything unless you are more specific

Darling I’m not breaking my contract no you can’t make me mods uh thank you manage I feel like it’s Minecraft that brings out it’s Christmas and management that brings out all of the the weirdos I Think sweet again thank you mods it’s it’s Minecraft and the uh takes so long to kick it you got it you got it I believe you’re doing a great job thank you well it’s holding down the floor yeah really testing the limits here I’m I’m so sorry they talking about

Back okay all right speaking of which should we go mining I want to get more stuff shout out to OptiFine my favorite Modge it’s my favorite Modge too yippee m M what do I want to keep probably all of this stuff uh I’ll make food I’ll keep a

Crafting table I’ll get rid of dir in fact okay don’t need to don’t need to stick don’t really need horse armor oh my God what is happening YouTube what you you Done good Lord oh my gosh thank you mods I appreciate it all the weirdo is out today it’s yeah it has got to be one guy with like 50 accounts oh my gosh anyway you’d think after like a certain point in time they’d figure they’re not going to win but you

Know eventually things just continue onwards thank you mods I feel like you you deserve like a good a nice stiff drink after all this might want to turn on sub only mode maybe yeah I’m probably going to do that actually can we I don’t know if you guys

Can do that mods or if it has to be me I am probably going to turn on sub only mode just to make things a little bit easier for you uh here we go P mod who can send messages yes here we go let’s do that save cool that should

Make things a little more easier for you guys apologies to everyone who’s just you know hanging out and being nice and having a nice time I want to help mods out and make sure that the the whole chat isn’t being horrifically spammed by random people so thank you thank

You yeah there we go let’s do this then I want to go mining and do cool stuff uh ooh I’ll save all my treasury stuffs I Think bone I don’t need string I don’t need I’ll take some coal With Me music discs I don’t need the pal I don’t need that either any of that I don’t need sapling I’ll grow I’ll grow that now in fact so I have extra Hood yeah thank you guys for being so good

Apologies for all the the random spam the mods are doing such a good job there we go yay I just want to do that and then have a little bit extra little actual wood to do stuff with oh yeah do you guys um I know that this

Is kind of like a thing that some people do and some people don’t do you guys have like Christmas stockings we we do that as like a family we have like uh Christmas stockings that we have Christmas stockings are just like it’s it’s just like a a little like

Sock thing that you have lots of little presents in and it’s usually just like little snacks and things Yeah yeah that’s exactly how it’ be some of okay so some of you do and some of you don’t then not since I was a child yeah we still do them um so I like my my my mama gets one for me and I get one for my mama so we

We swap and change and stuff y putting candy in them my we always put this is so strange we always put a an orange at the bottom I don’t know why you hi Mama my favorite part of the day yeah it’s great I’m excited about it I’m

Really excited about it I thought you were still asleep hi mama can I can I do this I I got permission didn’t I I think I did uh did I get permission I did [Applause] yay uh I don’t know hang on can I do this I think I think I think it’s just

This actually it’s my mama everybody say hello to the queen hello Queen that’s my mama here we go yay there we go M I got permission to to to give give give my mama the wrench so you guys can’t say say that I’m I’m I am mean I am mean and and terrible to my my mother whom I love very dearly she can Bon all the bot she can

Yeah we got SP we got spamed with a couple different Bots Mama Queen and mod so much responsibility for one person I was explaining this to her the other day um she didn’t know what it meant she was like what does that mean moderator am I I am I going to get

Banned from your chat it was very very sweet I was like no it’s okay it just it just means that you like have your name is blue now it just means that your name’s blue you don’t have to do anything it was really sweet you two ever collab I don’t know

Is the thing I don’t know how that would work I don’t think streaming with my mother the queen will be a particularly possible Endeavor but who knows like the actual mod handle that job’s real they’re very good at it that’s typically what I do as well

Cuz I didn’t I didn’t know how like any of the YouTube stuff worked ever so like it’s fine yeah British YouTubers and and parents is kind of it’s more common now you’ve never played anything with Pac-Man you play Tetris you’re really good at Tetris you had like the little console

That you used to play Tetris on was that Tetris or was that Pac-Man I’m like convinced it was Tetris maybe she know the American states better than you i’ would be very surprised actually PVP the queen at Tetris that could work actually cuz I’m also quite good at

Tetris One V one me and Tetris mother when you needed to do paper yeah yeah it was a little console of like Tetris and it was always like when you had something to do I’ve inherited that from you whenever I have stuff that I need to do now I’m always like oh but

Tetris but Tetris is really cool and fun and now you can do like competitive online Tetris against other people to see who gets like the better score and so it’s just completely over to for me because I’m really competitive it’s like the worst time for me Tetris 99 yeah that’s my favorite

Thing though because when I first started playing Tetris 99 um I wasn’t good at Tetris at all so I was getting beat by people who had usernames like I love my grandkid [Laughter] 69 I found my people yeah you can play against people online I’ll teach you about

It but yeah I was getting absolutely demolished by like like Meredith you know like by like do Dorene I was getting absolutely like demolished by like Dorene on the regular when I first started playing Tetris it was it was it was a massive blow to my [Laughter] Ego Queen’s going to get the number one rank on the leaderboard she probably will actually she’s quite good at Tetris W we’ll have to play Tetris together mother we’ll have to have a good time can I kill more cows yet that’s such a sentence it’s it’s a

Game mechanic mother I promise I’m not just killing her this is also a game mechanic this is the best this is the best way that I can like collect things I promise it’s not just like it’s it’s not animal cruelty it’s just efficiency I promise this is like right after we

Watched like the second Chicken Run movie has anyone seen that yet by the way we watched that together the other day and it was really good animal war crimes don’t look this is how Burgers of Me no I’m a vegetarian it doesn’t count I must count for something all right

Book oh that’s we nearly have like two that’s quite good actually both can be true nuh-uh no it it cancels out it cancels [Laughter] out wait till she sees how The Villages are stored oh yeah we need to do that still I have yet to do the whole

Uh villager thing yet I will get round to it eventually I promise oh another bookshelf watch out now we have two bookshelves that’s only taken us like a good 48 hours do you have a good deal of iron not quite yet that’s part of the reason why I want to go mining uh

H I also want to get food but I can cook that up now I can make furniture out of that’s horrendous that’s a horrendous sentence I hate hearing that all right kill one more cow yay yippe let me out let me out let me out let me out let me

Out I sure there’s a mod for that yeah there’s like a I’ve seen the have you guys seen like The Butchery mods before you can make like steaks and stuff it’s kind of not for the faint of heart but it’s it’s kind of I don’t know I think it’s definitely

Interesting I don’t know how to feel about it entirely but it’s definitely a mod that you can play If You Can Dream It there’s probably a mod for it yeah that’s true we’ve got three now there we go it’s Minecraft tomorrow it’s like five pic okay but it’s Sur it’s

Surprisingly it’s surprisingly it is surprising bloody so so there me you make your own Minecraft mods M I had like friends that got really really into like making Minecraft mods and stuff um I’m like friends with one that got quite popular as well I don’t think I

Can say it actually cuz I don’t know if that will dox me or them so I’m not going to say which one it is but W I was in I’m friends with a lot of very interesting people what am I getting messaged about yay oh it’s a happy Christmas message a that’s nice

W all right what time is it we’ll do a little bit longer my friends with Tom Holland I’m I do you mean kilia kurami that’s a weird way to pronounce Kia Kurami I’m [Laughter] Sorry somebody clip that no she she sold the it’s somebody clipped like the thing when we played only up a while back somebody clipped the the bit where you have to walk inside of the the Orca the whale somebody clipped that and sent it to her

She like messaged me the next day to be like huh interesting I was like no It was a bit it was a bit please all right I think we’re set on stuff so let Me uh let me grab food and then we’ll head out to the mines yippee we’re going on an adventure yeah I want to get lots of iron is I think the main one and some some other stuff as well she’s saying she was happy to have

Somebody in the same time zone is it yeah I think that’s really fun I I I think definitely Kia being in the same time zone as me I think that was that was like a good thing that I was quite excited for um cuz I obviously before you like

Debut and stuff you don’t know who they’re going to hire you don’t know who Haven is going to be before Haven exists so you have to kind of make the Assumption and apply for the company that you’re going to apply for based on what is going to be the most convenient

For collabs and things cuz I’m already at at a disadvantage to quite a few streamers because of the time zage so uh making the making yeah the British Diva I it’s both like a a blessing and a curse I think because like because of the time

Zone stuff you find it more difficult to collab with other streamers who are in like more more Moran time zones and stuff but also at the same time because there’s so few of us there’s like a massive audience of people who are going to be watching in European time zones

Who just don’t have anybody to watch so you get to have that like very specific niche of time zone for that yeah 3:00 a.m. collabs yippee yeah it happens I think like M as long as I get like a good amount of sleep and stuff I

Can as long as I’m able to plan around those specific collabs I’m I don’t do too badly yeah what is the British debuff it’s exactly what it sounds like it’s the debuff that you get for being British Gia oh aan doesn’t sleep yeah we tend to have a lot of uh sleepless nights I think is the best way to to put it the the the the most gentle way to put it oh is this just the geode I thought it would like lead into a cave or

Something oh pretty for some reason Kiki is EU now well Kiki Kiki is an Anomaly yeah isn’t it cool it’s so pretty it sounds very sweet in fact let me I can turn off my christmy background music for this let me up the the game audio it sounds so pretty bring me back my Christmasy [Laughter] music when is nav’s time yes Navi is also an

Anomaly I think people just like will stream in the time zone that is most convenient for them if you’re awake you can probably you know as long as you’re not like dying you can probably stream I feel yeah I think I there’s another one are you kidding me wa okay I think

That’s part of the reason why it was so important for me to to to stream tonight as well especially after all of the the technical stuff that happened technical mishaps cuz it’s the whole it’s the man of like get back on the horse type of thing get back on the

Bike get back on the horse whatever your whatever kind of creature you want to ride that you want to get back onto um ignore that how odd that sentence [Laughter] was [Laughter] the point is the point that I’m trying to make is that if stuff goes badly for

You ooh oh zombie spawner if stuff goes badly for you and you need to uh what was my point if stuff goes badly for you and you don’t immediately try and like do more stuff that is going to like counteract the bad vibe that you have in

Your head you are going to continue to have that bad Vibe for a long time it’s the thing of like um you know if you fall off your bike and then you don’t get back on the bike you’re going to still have the concept of the fall in

Your head and if you don’t get back on immediately you’re still going to be freaking out from that because your only memory of being on the bike is you falling off and being scared about it so the best thing that you can do for your health is to get back on the

Bike so that this you know instead of having the the big scary thing you have the you have the thing of the bike is this making you dizzy we’re out now I’m sorry there we go oh this is where this is interesting all right let me fill this in W there we go

Yeah get back on the horse exactly so it was important for me to to stream after all of the technical difficulties because now I have the good memory of us playing Minecraft instead of the bad memory of me trying to troubleshoot for about 3 hours oh yeah I didn’t um did you

Climb well that’s one for the sacrifice I didn’t tell you about this this this mother um today was supposed to be like a nice ASMR stream and um I couldn’t get like the fancy mic to work because my interface started picking up radio signals oh wait no I did tell you this I

Think I think I did anyway I might be being small brain Book yay cow is the protagonist he escaped he got out he was the chosen one and he died for his for his Transgressions death and destruction in the name of books Uh radio signals how does a microphone pick up a radio signal it wasn’t the microphone itself it was the audio interface so part of the audio interface is basically to pick up electrical signals and trans at it into digital context that is the point of the interface it basically takes the the

Stuff from the condenser mic and then it translates it into something that your computer can process and then transmit itself radio waves are in fact a type of electric media so the interface was doing what the interface was meant to do which is translate electric media into digital

Media it was just unfortunately doing it with the media that I didn’t want it to do it with so so I need a less powerful interface in order to do things we’re working on it I spoke to Manan about it it was doing it far too well

Exactly but it was making horrible like clicking and wheezing noises and I was like are you dying what is happening right now somebody like before suggested that I coat it in like tin foil and I might try that actually and just see how well

That works no no let me out let me out of the cow pit let me out of the cow pit here we go preamp too sensitive I think so but there wasn’t really much that I could do about that um without like taking it apart and

Considering the fact that you know I was meant to stream with it it’s not really that was really an option for me cow pit it’s stilling em shielding in her room it might come to that I’d prefer I’d prefer it if there was like a an easier solution and B a

Cheaper solution like wrapping it in tin foil I might try that um but it might come to that I might just have to Fork out and do do that maybe it might honestly be cheaper for me to just buy a different interface and do that instead can I pick up TV stations with

My hair loopies yeah I’m a satellite dish yeah new interface sounds cheaper than em shielding it does I don’t really have much use for em shielding apart from legitimate I’m not I feel like it’s going to be such like a waste of both my time and money to install em

Shielding with when all I want to do is is is like roleplay stargazing very you know sweetly on Christmas Eve you got game on your audio and all right I got to kill some of these dudes cuz they’re really taking up a lot of space in the cpit

Death all right nice nice nice Andy we’ll go with that basic science for thing you can make one quite easy ooh I will write that down actually sounds like a good plan all right how many books can I make eight how many of these can I make two yippe y

Uh I don’t know I don’t remember how it works it’s and then it’s here I think Yes Imaging more with CA cage around a PC desk that was a thing though right I I I was trying to like figure out part of it and some dude was like oh yeah just install copper wiring all around the room and I was like

No I don’t have time to do that thank you where am I going to get copper wire at like you know the evening on Christmas Eve how am I going to do that where am I getting that from why is there a cage uh I’m a streamer

That’s I don’t know if that’s quite the answer that I should be going for if that’s yeah I feel like that’s the worst answer I could give to that actually cuz that just creates more questions slightly dodgy car for a while deal well I’m not exactly going to go out and

Look for that ammo yay all right what have we got so far efficiency not bad I should be fishing as well I should be fishing me when I should be fishing I’m going to f fish me when I’m going to the town of Fish I need 15 bookshelves from ex from Power by the way yeah I just need to stack them in the correct spots fishing ha yeah I should get one actually that would be Cute all right let’s make one more bookshelf cuz I want to finish that like row what was bro I want to finish that row and stuff and then I will head off to spend the rest of Christmas Eve with my Mama Haven want me fish fear me fish fear me kilia fears me you should fear me she’s wasting Christmas Eve with that was so lucky it’s well I’m not wasting my time I’m having a nice time this is this is so much better than than freaking out about stuff heading off now

Mama has exra stuff to do wishing you all a wonderful Christmas holiday be holiday be safe my lovelies thank you Mama I’ll be down soon everybody say good night Queen night night Mama Q There Goes My Mama yeah I’ll I’m going to finish one last bookshelf and then I

Will head off for the evening does anybody have like nice plans for Christmas Eve yeah and there she goes she gets so much love bless thank you guys for being so nice to to my mother by the way I I think it’s it’s always a little bit of like a

Nerve-wracking thing to be like oh that’s my actual like family that’s like somebody who I am actually related to in my chat by the way but you guys are being so nice to her so thank you I appreciate it lat all the pleasant outs are turning

In soon ah nice nice nice I still have some wrapping to do actually so I need to get around to that uhoh it’s fine I will do it it’s already Christmas here happy Christmas honey it is happening it begins got to be nice with that Queen I

Do yeah it’ll be nice we do um for every ever since I was like little My Mother Does she does Christmas Eve presents so we don’t open any like actual Christmas presents until Christmas day but we have Christmas Eve presents and that is typically that is typically like a

Little bit of chocolate or like some popcorn or something a film and uh some some nice new pajamas typically and that is the Christmas Eve present and so we have like an evening where we we sit and watch a film in in new pajamas or something and it’s very nice and cozy

Yeah it’s really nice I I like that actually I think that’s a tradition that I’m going to keep going when when I when I uh take over the throne I’m going to keep keep that as a tradition cuz I think that’s very nice do the same for your six-year-old ah

Cute I always think it’s nice I think like new pajamas are such a treat as well cuz they’re all like soft and new oh fast boy lily pad I’ll put a lily pad there Yay all right one last Yeah how did I feel if kids were watching my stream I try very hard not to swear um for that very reason cuz I know that gaming content is typical to attract younger audiences however my content is not for children I’m not I’m not a character that is for children so

I would I can’t stop it from Happening ah I cannot what do you mean what do you call this so yeah I can’t stop it from happening however uh what do you mean what do you mean what does this mean why are they here bruh I can’t stop children from watching the stream however I’m I you know it’s

It’s pretty clear I’m not a a character that is for younger audiences so yeah one of those there we go yeah but yeah gaming content just tends to attract younger audiences regardless of the actual age rating and stuff so the best thing that you can do is

To cope as best as possible bugged spawn Maybe be more unsay so to repel the children I don’t think it works like that actually I think it works quite the opposite in fact most came out of Am project I think I think so too but that’s like

Deliberate though I I have no interest in in like making unsay so content personally which isn’t to say that I don’t enjoy it because I am like I’m an adult you know it’s not like it’s not like I don’t consume that content everybody consumes that content so I’m

Not opposed to it being made and I’m not opposed to like consuming it but I’m not going to make it myself you know yeah you will see what you said [Laughter] midy bless midy that was funny actually yeah what can I say I’m supportive of my friends

Careers I think in a short time you’ve found a really good balance personally I’m glad I’m I’m glad too I think like definitely when you are kind of on the fence about stuff or like have a very specific uh stance on it it’s kind of hard to like make your

Feelings known about it so I’m I’m really trying my best to communicate my my boundaries as best as possible which is just my boundaries are just like I’m not making it but you [Laughter] can feel that nice really chill Niche I just love to relax in your streams I’m

Glad honey I’m really glad I wanted to to do that I wanted to be chill add more britsh humor and confuse the children uh what’s like a what’s like a what’s like a British thing that is specific oh yes everybody in their house has a pint glass that has been stolen

From a pub accidentally or otherwise everybody in the UK will have a pint pint glass that has come from a [Laughter] pub they’re just there and the large Sports Direct mug oh my gosh yeah yeah oh my God the sports direct mug I like nearly completely forgot about that actually that’s

Oh it’s a pint glass you know it’s the thing of like typically if you have a pint glass that has like a logo on it of like a company the PBS themselves don’t pay for those the companies do they will like give those out to the companies for

Free so it’s not like you’re like you know stealing from a small business or whatever like you’re just you’re stealing like you know a Call’s bug mug whatever it’s you know it’s whatever Amora I won’t steal Lumina me when I say a pint glass no it’s just

Like I think it’s very studenty as well but every home has has like something from a pub in It Amora dismisses petty theft well theft is not always a bad thing that’s the thing some theft some theft some theft is necessary and some theft is more agreeable than other bits of theft I have a very interesting moral compass on that specifically local British vtu encourages stealing I’m not encouraging

You to steal I’m just saying sometimes it is ethical it depends on the situation it stacks of Pub coasters yeah exactly that’s also a thing actually I had um a friend of mine that I I knew during my University days uh they used to take from pubs the little like

Uh they you know how like in tables at pubs like when you get like pints or Foods or something in the table they’ll have like the number plate and it’s usually like a brass number plate that they like screwed into the table they would would like it was just a thing

That would happen where if they like drank a little bit too much we’d meet up at the end of the night and they’d be like hey hey hey check this out and they’d have like the little brass plate for table 25 and I’d just be like why have you done

This and obviously they can’t go back and give him back so they just had like they just had like a collection of these like brass number plates from these tables and they do it every time and we don’t even know how they did it starting a collection of brass plates No no it’s a bad idea no I’m not getting any leather bro they’re going to be on a TV documentary one day how can they operate a screwdriver I I I don’t know that’s the thing I don’t actually know how they would doing any of this it was a complete

Mystery funny I had looting three well that’s the whole point of why we’re doing this So hey Christmas cracker screwdriver clearly I think they might have just brought like a power tool with them to like the pub they were an interesting specimen I’m I’m still like friends with them they might have done they were they were an interesting specimen don’t steal garden gnomes people like have

Those if you take away the gome plate on like a table they’re still going to know that it’s table 25 like don’t steal a Goden gnome people have those just what I Needed you know they’re a good friend when you call them a specimen yeah I’ve known them for a long time they’re a good Person grow up already stop being young ow no Eevee princess I want yeah I’d like to finish this cuz I want to spend some time with my mama before we go to bed Yeah how we doing on time we’ve just hit 2 hours I might leave it there if that’s okay cuz I do want to spend some time with my mama it does right yeah we’re gonna do that in fact here we go yippe okay there we go hello hello

Welcome to the endit thank you so much for coming everybody I really really appreciate it I sincerely apolog ol olizee for all of the technical difficulties and things um yeah I I very much apologize it was not the stream I wanted it to be but I still had a really

Really good time so thank you guys for hanging out with me and stuff I appreciate it um my schedule is not quite out just yet however it will be very very soon uh full context I am going to be streaming tomorrow on Christmas Day uh I’m going to be streaming at lunchtime actually

I’m gonna be streaming at 12:00 pm GMT uh which is something or other in other time zones I haven’t quite figured that out yet but I will so I will be streaming on Christmas day if you guys don’t catch my schedule before you guys head to bed

So thank you so much for coming everybody I really appreciate it have a good Christmas Eve happy Christmas Honeys uh can I raid somebody who’s who’s who’s who’s out here who doing things who who doing stuff who’s live is nobody live whoa is nobody alive bro wait let me hm

How dare how dare they not be live for me to raid into how Dare can I find anybody actually n crying absolutely crying do any okay does anybody have any recommendations for people that we could r is poco [Applause] live oh it’s the Christmas celebration that they’re doing cute cute okay should we should we them then how are they are they still go

Still going for a while oh they they only started doing it like 30 minutes ago uh nice bless okay we will raid Poco then he he we’ll give them give them a cool little raid okay please thank you so much for coming everybody it’s been really lovely having you all here uh I

Am going to go spend some time with my mama I’m going to have like a nice Christmas Eve you guys have a good Christmas Eve as well please and uh I will see you all tomorrow so yeah thank you so much for coming I appreciate it

Uh here we go when you get over to Poco please give her all of my love tell her happy Christmas from me and I will see you all tomorrow okay bye-bye everybody bye-bye bye-bye Bye

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Absolutely nothing broke and we’re just playing Minecraft for funzies hehehehhe ‘:3’, was uploaded by Amora Lumina Ch. 【EIEN Project】 on 2023-12-24 22:44:10. It has garnered 1371 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:50 or 7490 seconds.


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  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

    Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 - Danger Lurks! Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Relaxing Journey Through the World of Blocks Embark on a serene adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG, in his Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play series. This vanilla survival experience offers a tranquil escape from the chaos of everyday life, inviting viewers to unwind and explore the vast possibilities of the blocky world. Immersive Gameplay Experience Join Solomon as he delves into the intricacies of Minecraft, from building and exploring to caving and collecting trophies. With natural regeneration turned off, the stakes are higher, requiring strategic use of golden apples and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD https://discord.gg/ktsgevykzT #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More