EPIC Minecraft Gameplay as a Pirate!

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T All right I should be oh I just walked over to the to the edge of the cliff I oh I just got gold we just got gold we just got gold [ __ ] no Bongo just gave everyone gold edge of the cliff I oh I just got gold

We just got no Bongo just gave everyone gold edge of the cliff yeah so for any of anybody watching we need gold in order order to make a ship Helm so we can you know I can craft I can craft a wheel I have the stuff to craft a wheel

So do I okay okay so you craft a wheel we’ll we’ll yeah all right let me check something here just got to make sure everything let me check something here say something Miss just got to make sure I’m talking to myself let me check something here say something miss all

Right perfect I just needed to make sure that all the audio was all I got I got a wheel nice nice should we go ahead and just start making the ship or should we just go mining like normally probably get away from people okay it’d be funny if we make it to the

End like immediately that would be funny okay I’m at five I’ve come for that ass oh here it be called booty not ass now comes the part where I betrayed what [ __ ] you okay I have 11 iron I’m getting coal because I always find out that I have less coal than I need

Yeah I hear zombies what do I need here I need more Stone what is that blue block why am I already at Deep slate what is this [ __ ] it’s a decorative block okay I found gold ah not that we still need it or aan yes I ConEd hepatitis on the high SE

What we do not want hepatitis do not give us hepatitis B I still or whatever oh God damn it are you down in the Ravine or did you leave already I think you left already I’m in the Ravine Oh no you’re in the Ravine all right is there water down

There uh careful to look for it because there’s not much H do you have iron yeah I’m sping it right now you have iron all right we need buckets buckets be good okay I’m going to craft a pickaxe and buckets May the god give us buckets where be by the

Way uh looking on the mini map the mini map on the top leftand Corner uh you be pretty far then I guess by the way if you want the Amic lights I shall send you the mod uh please do send that to me and fishy hit or not fishy um

To that hit J to trigger the bigger map I sent Bongo the mods but they did not at them how dare she I know it was very mean she was like [ __ ] you and did not have them she was like it will be optional since they are all fly inside did not

Help me oh I see you now I see in what direction do you be I have oneck to the north I have a half a stack of coals pirate speak not be good enough to be for the standards of This Crew I sorry I will do ah spawner a spner I

Have we lost our first comrade damn Get Wrecked [ __ ] we are not Russians what type of spawner be this let me be a I think this be a skeleton spawner I have me be a Russian pirate I have one communist on this [ __ ] okay I have enough for three buckets I’m only

Going to craft andell enough iron I’m going to wait for this last piece of coal to finish I’m going to head out I have three buckets I mean three iron do we need the music disc cat huh oh uh yeah why not all right how many do we need one or

Two because there are two and I don’t think we should get more than we need because they take up a whole ass inventory spot we can take them we can throw as EB all right I shall get both then oh so I’m sorry I don’t know how to

Crim be near do you think be a I I will do I I’ll give my best shot your best is all we can ask where’ you be thank you I’m swimming up I see name tag of crimson freck me what mod be this blue block from ask

Urine that does not answer my question it’d be very hard to swim in this mod pack why oh the [ __ ] water is stronger whatever yeah all right I have 18 iron oh I be finding iron on my own here too I’m crawling out of the pit I fell

Into is game in Pirate speak options language pirate speak is too above English it is not maybe but I will do my besty I also be having dinner so forgive me forgive me ASMR sounds I wantes ASMR sounds are the only reason I am here why the [ __ ] would you join a

Pirates SMP for ASM our sounds shut this the fuckus up whated warranty no no me ship’s extended warranty your ship’s extended warranty is about to expire we’re here to same [ __ ] brain cell same brain celles I’ve stolen coal from the enemy team let us [ __ ] go you still from fishing

No I I clutch I clutch you are the goats so you know how like I um I have q set as my F5 buttony what no I see you for once on the mini map yes did you not see me 30 Block by accident it was an accident I

Did not mean to I am very sorry uh Misty are you Underground oh I’m working on getting out oh I see I don’t have I am out I am on the top of the thingy myob all right I’m out too hello Misty Kitty 4413 or whatever your numbers are 33418

Yes okay uh we need to get a boat food I have a steering wheel we just need wood now to make I have wood I have wood I have 23 wood okay okay wait all we’re going to make a really crummy little ship no we need wool we need wool the

South of us be a large forest all right let’s head there Captain I’m the captain I’m the captain decision we will make decisions on ranks later I hear the creeper oh that was too bad trying to get gunpowder in case that can craft something fun hey I have

Gun I do not have we can craft Shield uh I need wood but I can I I got wood I got wood go to the forest here uh four iron four who who picks that up I already have four iron okay um man have some wood pleas make your

Shields no uh dude I keep the four I just need a little bit of wood please I make I can make myself a shield I have one no I already I already made a shield here have some wood I got I dropped a shield there how much wood you need

Thank you uh just five I think I don’t craft Shields very often I don’t know how many I gave you uh enough okay there we go I I am going to send the dynamic lights mod to the to the general chat or whatever oh I found someone’s

Mine all right where where did you abandon me to oh you’re this that way I must say mini maps are useful for finding oh [ __ ] Crimson Crimson move Crimson Crimson why should we kill him no we should get away from him and not deal with him right now there’ll be

Three of us and one of him we can take him yes but I I know I did not burn any Bridges quite yet fine we shall play it safe cuz the forest is like the complete opposite way we should into the water and get out of here yes this be an ocean

I don’t have a boat I do I have a wheel hold on we just need to we need to build our boat just make a what 3×3 this be a raft you guys I don’t think you guys have ever played Minecraft before that’s not how making boats Works no no you don’t know

This watch this watch I do it’s the for we have a boat get on let’s go M we have a look on the left guys look on the left we have a we have a hitchhiker on our boat oh no we have some seaweed I’ve slain the

Beast why did you kill him he was but a little guy he was a [ __ ] how do we make the can one you check how we make the faster the thing to make our ship faster we need a blast furnace and glass and stone and stuff okay hting squids makes you

Blind engine I can double Che logic as when you hit the Zaza wait what I mean what uh please keep an eye out for any dangerous SE creatures there be none on the Seven Seas those only be M I cannot see any ship engine in this menu but I’m pretty sure they

Exist they do oh [ __ ] get on get what are you doing dude I get on the boat what is wrong with you why do we have water ah found wood I have fallen off the boat I found wood mes please get back on the boat we there’s is this a re pirate

Ship no it does not it just I don’t know if the pirate sh Beck ouch ouch I do not touch me I have one heart please here you go have this bread you need apples I forgot I had app we need to find another continent because the water be not very forgiving

And I am out of wood may I may I have an apple please ran out of app thank you two dad stole them or someone did we need ah [ __ ] off oh got back on ah fishy get on the damn boat I keep falling all right there we

Go all right everyone shift on the boat please stay seated keep your arms legs and extremities inside the ride at all times I’ve already in oh no oh no I didn’t me to do that I didn’t that was not a good idea Misty get out get out from under

There oh guys guys the house there’s a house in the ocean where there’s just a house there dude I don’t you will die please it’s really badly there’s so many mobs seems pretty chill to me hey if we place a door we can go underwater think there might be a

Minecraft GF why are the leaves so heavy I’m working on getting rid of them okay but at least we have some more wood mcra GF and we are no longer drowning in the middle of the freaking water that’ be good all right let me sorry I need to

Cook we are expanding the boat did we get any Su from that we did I already found items mes I found a golden apple I found a wolf Spa that shouldn’t be oh hello M how’ you be hey do not leave me missy oh [ __ ] why are you where is Toad where be

Toad by the way B you should you should watch my stream or at least lurk in the background so I have at least one viewer thank you ah hey I found a mob spawner do any of you guys have torches oh I can make torches I have

Noticed are you on Twitch or YouTube fishy I’m YouTube Fellers I found cookies guys y that’s my favorite I need oh no achievement sounds scare me so I have noticed something look at me Misty hold on or you anyone look at me yes shift does not

Work yes it does no no it doesn’t yeah look at me no like as in it it doesn’t keep me from falling off the boat oh first thing we will do as pirates let’s each share a cookie we are the cookie Pirates now we be the cookie

Pirate all right never mind think a lot of people underestimated when I said that the sea was dangerous there are mobs in there that will one shot you I know I see one I see one especially the SK the Skelly Wags those things do so much damage in

When I I see one that will kill us instantly wait guys we should put these barrels on our boats I bet they’re pretty light and I don’t think they are but sure okay they be wood here take these barrels what that was me I just did that let me Mark cords down

Got I do not think we can enter here I just did I think it is underwater FY I don’t know why but your stream isn’t letting me uh join what do you mean it is on a loading screen mine’s working that that may be a your

Problem because I am also watching it in another tab is the stream poed no I think it may be because it’s trying to block an ad ah YouTube is being a [ __ ] about ads yeah I mean about ad blockers I officially I’ve officially become the first person to get stolen from on the

Server no you’re not stole from someone else did a drive by Steel nice scad that be hilarious how the [ __ ] did you get diamonds so fast where are you we make a fantastic team Lads yeah I’m doing most of the work I I literally got iron before legitimately anyone else what is this

Block I have a Posta White Rock oh that’s a quartz pillar why can’t I not I am unable to fight against water currents and I don’t know why same that has happened to us yeah it has to have been more in the mods I never downloaded a mod that does that

So I don’t know that must be a with some oh I have right I need I I have an idea I am to make doors so that if we sink we can not die already we’re going to die from enemies if we do thinkink drowning will not be our first

Concern shark shark shark I told you it’s friendly it’s friendly it sure sure I do not think sharks be friendly sharks usually in mod packs are not friendly shark had has been killed by sharks I know I’m waiting for fishy stoping sings on the boat what do you

Mean we’re going to sink if we make the boat big enough we won’t sink no you complet lied this structure was just free loot didn’t we get murdered there last time we got murdered here last time last time there was a last time I mean we played a bit on a single player

Essential World also known as Misty had fun building you be cheaters you be you be cheaters we have be cheaters we be we be having fun with all right play this for like two weeks straight for testing that is hilarious after as soon as XS ex has been murdered by Skelly wag

Yeah just so murder we need to find another continent we were mainly afraid of players and so we were looking to get another Island wait wait wait wait Fellers Fellers does everyone have an iron sword cuz I have a bunch of them I give me an iron sword I don’t have an

Iron sword all right uh guys put hold on yeah put it in the I fell I told you sh does not work anyone have wood hold on I have eight wood one second I’m grabbing some put my things in this stuff gun powder red a drowned riding a Skelly wag what

The freak twice I’d like to point out twice a drowned riding a Skelly Wagers look at this chest I’m just gonna give x a bit of hold on I am going to take a cookie okay each take one cookie we’ve eat a cookie crew oh I have a

Cookie wait don’t eat these cookies we no don’t eat the cookies these these will be prized possessions we shall rename these cookies once we have an anvil yes hey Bongo bugno bugno yeah how much be these cookies worth when it comes to our richest meter or whatever

To um does anyone crating I think they should be worth 80,000 uh yes I have a crafting table I’m placing it I also have a how the [ __ ] did you get a spawn egg all right we’re going uh def fenses should stop you guys from going overboard hello wow you guys have a

Really elaborate ship here we needed wood it ugly yeah we know there’s more SE to Dad maybe we should just stay still back here next to the barrel while Misty drives you’re clipping into the [ __ ] you both are but are you scared are you scared I’m GNA fall fishy I’m gonna hit

You off I’m not stopping this boat if you fall this boat’s going to keep going straight wait two dead are you going that way D that got on a boat I found wood in the sea are you in F5 by the way M oh no God damn it

Fishy no see we’re not sinking we’re not sinking and we have more wood all right this was a good thing no I got more wood the [ __ ] you mean nah-uh I mean nuh wait do not break them all at once because we want more saplings so we don’t run out of wood my

Gosh this is like Sky Block but we’re in an ocean it’s like Ocean Block sapling ocean Monument guys I think I just F I saw a bunch of those Ocean Monuments I do not think we’re ready for an ocean Monument I am not going to lie to you why have we connected to

Seagrass I know I can’t fix it get on the boat you I was trying to get a sapling but I think the sapling died there’s a sapling on the boat no like item sapling no like right look up here look up here there’s a sapling oh my God

Thank you you’re welcome I helped Faz kill a deep guardian and his immediate thought was let’s go back into the ocean fool the ocean is not your friend here skirmishes be fun we can have a how many diamonds did you get one we have one diamond in here

Okay no we have two I have a diamond too wait we have a catch disc we we shall makech table oh I was going to say we should make a joke box no you [ __ ] idiot what the [ __ ] is wrong with you what what what do you not like joke

Boxes why do why am I speaking sometimes like doing a why you doing a doof and smge voice anyone see land in literally any direction also there’s a look to the left yeah there’s a structure suit out for the love of God be careful there are

People over there that weird I would be extremely careful I kind of want the boat to sink to test if my boat Theory Works two more my door Theory I mean all right get out quick two more diamonds in the chest completely ignored um what the spawners just completely

Ignored you guys ah oh there’s a second structure too Dad where where where tell me right there there’s one next to it all right good luck Soldier anyway I’m gonna log off for a little bit I will be back that means there are no free saves for right now I’m eating

Dinner while doing this because I I’m going to pull the ship closer see I have no idea where it is by the way there’s two houses right here I see them I see two separate ones do you have shaders on it’s the house there’s a house no I don’t there’s a house right

There and there’s a house right there my render distance is really low and when I tried raising it it did not work I think the server might have a set render distance oh yeah I got the grass it’s fine it’s fine let’s just keep going no I there was there could be

Diamonds in there where’s the house oh yeah hold on do we have string I wish we had string yes we have six string I can make a floater I can make floaters yes oh [ __ ] why do not worry Misty also look at the your your door Theory isn’t working fish damn look that

Is sad we should remove the doors then all right I’m going to keep driving okay maybe I’m not going to keep driving no wait I have the floaters I’m going to put them on the edges like one on each corner you know okay how make sure the boat’s even one two three four

Sir okay don’t think we want to be sailing that way myus see that do we have wool at all yeah we don’t want to sail that way hey can we oh no I can’t get up can one of you guys place like a ladder H get up we we’re

Turning around we’re fishing on the boat there’s death to the left please get on the boat have a total of four diamonds three of which I found good job where should I put the floaters I have 51 drift wood fell so we should be good I shall put the floaters here and

In here yes we be trying to have our boat be decently shaped no yeah we we can do that once we have enough resources to do that we can make a fancy boat this is just the raft for survival right now two please get on the boat get back on the

Boat oh ladder ladder I am the only person here with a pirate skin oh no Misty skin looks kind of pirity I I do my best there be a ladder on each side thank you to Dad that’d be a good idea all me [ __ ] you but now [ __ ]

Off there we go there you go all right go ahead Scout fish or toad you should be all the crow we should make a crow’s nest that should be one of our first priorities I think I see something glowing our first our first priority should be get like a

Proper ship next time the middle tree grows we just leave it and make it AC Crow I see a geod do we want a geode for spy glasses we need yes we should get it I seen many I didn’t know that was a concern we want spy glasses they

Piratey guys I found where is the GE the where’ you find obsidian how are you to get obsidian without that’s not a Geo that’s a boulder that’s just a big Basalt Boulder sad how do we keep picking up water that does not make any sense the sea

Ah I don’t know how to take care of it though scurvy dog man slaugh scurvy dog Slaughter we have a wolf spawn egg by the way how I found it in a chest I don’t know but I I think we should not hatch our wolf

Yet yes it will be a very valuable item I found a cave I’m getting iron Fellers uh please be careful hold on I’m heating up my dinner I refuse what do you mean you won’t be careful make me all right I have I’m going to Bone M

Tree there be enough iron here for all of us maybe hopefully I hope I find one those blocks uh are your earliest convenience please return to the ship AR okay which one of these has what what what the [ __ ] is that invisibility gem gives you invisibility that sounds like

Something I would be given on mcci I also found a few different ores down here like what I believe to be silver and gold no uh one of them is zinc or sorry yeah zinc that not be a real metal why are they a real what are you talking about I

Found a purple I found a purple or as well that uh that’s Croton or something similar Croton that’s a bread no it’s a crouton it’s a crouton contron that’s what it’s called I don’t know how pronounce it but what it’s the little crusty breads I put in salads it’s crouton that’s a crouton

That’s a c o u t o n or something like that don’t quote me on my spelling I’m not an English major it be croutons croutons be what argum does anyone remember that one time fishy salmon got assaulted by a interdimensional being I have no idea what you be speaking of

That’s probably my bad what what nothing 8s I found an underwater ah an axel let me kill that real quick where the freak be you no wait fishy chead please please please chead let me take it let me adopt it please Che please no I already be killing them [ __ ]

You oh no guys we cannot fall to in fighting this quickly got to get my a if you kill another AEL I’m killing this fish that would be extremely rude why would you do that why are you killing the axotal I found a CH I found an a mine

Chef with a chest where the [ __ ] are you oh there’s a shark there there is a shark there no NOP no no it’s just standing there menacingly [ __ ] where’s the shark over in that direction yes do we go over and see if it tries to kill us no don’t get closer

To the shark what be wrong with you how are we going to get down there then no Tad’s got to come up he’s the one that went into the [ __ ] water I know like T come on man we got places to be we got to find land sorry I

Got low and there was a pic to that we need to find land and the more you go underwater the less Land We finders I need you to be going down here skeletons be op as [ __ ] just m how much iron do we have [ __ ] uh I have eight oh I have 47

Seconds I believe I’m [ __ ] oh [ __ ] all 47 seconds no no no they revived me they revived me you a golden apple I was revived all right’s not here oh F did where are you I’m swimming back up because I’m B no where where bead T please get out from our

Toad is going the other direction toad I am begging you please I don’t see the shark I’m trying I don’t see the shark I am scared I am scared for you okay where is how fast can I break floaters okay yeah not particularly fast hey what color do we want our crew

Name we have sugar we what color do we want what our crew name we need brown if it’s the cookie crew or like a tan or like orange I think orange or gold is the ciest color I must say I like oh my God there is a glowing mermaid Warden looking

Thing over there yeah that’s why I was trying to get us to [ __ ] off toad where the [ __ ] are you okay you know what get your ass up here get stay on the boat Missy I am going to Pilot us towards where Tad is oh I see the I see I see

The shark I see the shark to no fish fish you’re going towards it you’re going towards the things you’re going toward there’s a house I see a house you guys raid the house I’ll just I’ll be out bch stop I’m trying to go towards twad you’re going to get us killed if

You go towards two Dad okay okay I’ll be out thank you because there’s both a shark and um the thing Bongo warned us about which way be that inant kills never eat soggy waffles where are you two more Diamond so we can make enchants table immediately and I

Also found uh five lapis in a chest oh guys look we have our crew names let us [ __ ] go toad where are you Toad get I be in a cave I’m right above you you’re not up here two minutes I’m leaving your ass I’m going I’m going I’m telling it’s just a surprisingly

Deep cave oh yeah by the way I don’t think I told you guys but I found a giant mushroom biome oh cool underneath the cave okay get the [ __ ] up here holy [ __ ] they’re huge they’re giant mushroom mobs and there’s an okay should we go down

There I don’t I don’t think it’s safe to go down there holy [ __ ] there is a giant squid there’s a giant squid down there that’s murder we will die immediately Mur oh yeah [ __ ] that’s the bad one yes that be a dangerous one is it in the mob index ah there’s a

Shark right there there’s a shark right there okay I know that’s why I was saying Toad’s direction is death Tad get the [ __ ] up here I don’t know how if I’m going to be completely honest can one of you start yeah because we’re like right above you I

Think oh okay I think I found where I came from I’m hitting over I’m hitting over you have one minute oh God okay I mean I do have a regular boat which is significantly faster so but I find where I came up from so I’m heading

Over yeah but we have all the I see your name tags I see your name tags thank god oh the map is kind of buggy the mini map is kind of buggy with this uh W be North well I still be able to bridge so I guess it works better than you

Thought it did fish why why is the Sun be rising in the west that makes no sense he guys see me I’m right below you then get on the [ __ ] boat I am I am I’m just all right time’s up right here fish you can leave you can leave

Actually there’s a giant squid what that’s what we talking about saying in the boat I’m here M okay we’re going I found by the way we we have six diamonds now we can just make a diamond pickaxe and make ourselves an enchant table probably a good idea we don’t have enough

Furnace I can make a furnace I’ll just do that I can make one holy [ __ ] there’s a whale kill it I mean no don’t do that I am going to try and sail around the way I’m going to start smelting holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] a whale I found guys I found

Seven rope I don’t know what we can craft with throat but I got that oh grappling hooks yeah whale is following us I’m kind of scared not going to lie I’m scared too no no they’re friendly they’re friendly I’ve seen the mod where they do okay in fact if you like help if

One of them beaches themselves and you help them then they’ll like follow you for a long time as like a pet kind of that’ be cool why are you getting the wood there we have a wood Farm on the boat I know but you guys are slow enough

To where I can catch up with you guys with my we do not need drift wood it’s pretty though it’s like grave we need to make this boat faster yeah let me look up how to make the the thing to make it faster another [ __ ] house a rope

Arrow okay another house you say another house rope and nail Jud you want to go again oh look at look to the look to the left there’s a Pillager Patrol Tower down there that’ be weird I’ll get the house I’ll get the house you guys oh [ __ ] this is a different pillar

Oh I found a wolf spawn egg oh nice hey see I told you it’s normal to find those careful drone found another diamond found more a [ __ ] ton of string more bones another cookie two mushrooms oh we can start a farm all right I’m I’ll oh I’m drowning that was not a good

Idea I found so much loot I we have so much diamonds dude we actually have a [ __ ] ton of Diamonds oh I found a diamond nice we I think we’re already the richest people don’t advertise that though because that makes us Target faster well I am kind of streaming this

To YouTube so if anybody’s watching watching forget we said that no no I meant like in the chat I was like how heavy are one of you that you jumped on the boat and it but no the one of this thing grew cuz I like

Saw I was like God damn lay off the cookies I know it’s in our name but Jesus Christ I will never lay off the cookies mes we do not be fat shaming on this ship F shaming you making walk the plank forgive me ah there we

Go holy [ __ ] we have so many diamonds all right I’m separating our chest by valuables blocks and other ew you organize your chests yikes only sometimes me a red flag for me me a red flag for me you not knowing how to actually use teammates is a red

Flag for me hi hello B how is you mind I’m gonna test something with you guys oh please don’t murder us oh no what is it you are going to test be fine should be fine who has the doors I who get back up here doors but I have a

[ __ ] ton of things how many okay now we have 10 diamonds okay all I need from you guys is to move the ship a little bit all right sure I’m here just move the ship a little bit we have is moving okay oh they’re going to log back on and

Not be on the ship yeah cuz I didn’t test this no I think it’s you still stay in the ship right no she did not work okay good to know so then make it so that we can teleport to our spawn points no uh where are we be putting our

Cookies uh keep your one cookie on you and the others are just going in the chest oh okay I did not we were valuable crew yes yes all right I’ll change this Channel’s name to it then the cookie crew yay guys we have 61 bones already oh

Yeah a lot more string uh lapis which way it be South I think it’ be this way this is South anyway I got to go see what there be two pieces of wood on those leaves on the leaves just I don’t want them to fall off and then we lose that

Wood up up right there there’s like up Sor I was yep sorry thank you all are you stearing for a bit why are you placing dirt make sure it’s even on the other side because here I have oak wood oh my God there’s a trident Dr down there don’t get in the

Water don’t get in you’re I see it bro fish dude I get on oh my god dude I get on the ladder where no my God Tad why we’re leing put the fence back here no I have Oak yes but I be wanting to make a farm for no particular

Reason hold oh we’ve lost a piece of wood wood is valuable when you may want to place some water next to that oh Bongo yeah the Farmland is going you need to place water next to the farm land if you wanted okay I have a bucket

Now okay what I all the iron guys what do we want to make ourselves why you guys build this so very unevenly I’m trying to fix it there one two three nope one too much put one on the other side that’ll be easier never mind you already broke one

There I put your chest plate in the middle chest you want an ax oh I have a shield thank you though somebody okay I’ll just yeah there’ll be an apple we need food where up on the tree hey one of us will be stuck with a

Helmet rather than you guys want yeah be all right who do you guys which one of you guys would rather have a helmet than pants I you can take either I’ll I’ll take either yes okay then I’ll put them both in the chest first one to grab the P gets the

Better deal I guess I think mist is better at PVP so give them the pants uh why I don’t know if that’s a factor necessarily but okay yeah all pvp’s legal on the server murder and th legal I want to stab some people dude I want to stab some people

Early game is bongo still in the call I do not know [ __ ] I do not think bugn is in the call shark shark where we holy [ __ ] the ocean is Big you’d think that wouldn’t be a revelation but h i don’t have seeds I threw them away the entire I have one

Seed there is a saing on the leaves question do you think they made the entire world ocean except the starting Island oh no I bet there’s some pieces of land here and there I think there should be pieces of land we need to make this boat

Faster I think I see a structure I’m going to go check it out and then I’ll come get you guys okay wait um did you look up the the crafting recipe for the thing I started but then I got food I found a shipwreck if you’ll have more iron that is a

Good all I’m scrolling through the menu looking for it um oh no the server is lagging yes what there’s a Crocodile chest plate H oh that’s an evil mob I disconnect and reconnect I guess I shall attempt that as well Abandon Ship buns birthing at the island I forgot my

Things oh we can make seeds guys we got to get seeds for the boats when we finish making them oh you didn’t know we could make seats okay okay I need to go back to the boat cuz I need um to make myself some do

Do what the [ __ ] we can make a lock block too oh he made himself a potion they made themselves a potion there’s copper boards chairs tables oh I’m GNA have so much fun building later but I can’t find the we need to make wait a minute fishy I just realize

We’re actually good at making ships what do you mean thing that we used to do yes like remember consistently in Minecraft the one thing we’ve always been good at making is boats this year are you good at making boats yes we had some practice the other

Day then we be the boat the battiest crew in the land I found more iron and I found more lapis fishy let’s get the [ __ ] out of here yes also I found a buried treasure map if we want to go make a blast furnace okay why so we can make the boat

Faster cuz this is painfully slow I’m working on already I’m already working on it more iron in the main chest we need a ship engine or tool and working on it I’ll break out the middle floater here okay I think we should take a pause and oh nope never mind there’s a

Swordfish oh that’s death hey we need to move yes on our way no it’s I I recognized I saw the video guys let’s get the [ __ ] out of here I don’t like this I’m try pH pH [ __ ] Phantom I’m going to die I’m going to die wait place a block above our heads

Put roof we need a roof over our heads I have an idea that will stop Phantoms from spawning [ __ ] put the roof over your heads guys it’ll stop the Phantoms from spawning what what are these they walls for now oh my God all right this is a

Phantom free zone all right make you make sure you stay in there thank you J I’m sorry it’s just temporary I know I’m just going to do that just add a bit of shape language you know yeah yeah I got you I think we’re going the opposite way than what we needed to

Go oh well we’re committed as long as we keep going the same direction oh wait no fish you take a right H take a right we need to keep going yeah because intense is starting to follow us who is starting to follow us intense I don’t know who that is but

I’ll take more of a right why don’t we just kill him okay you’re good fish keep going this way why is intense following us should he not be with his crew see what crew intents is part of what’s with the black people crew or I don’t know what their crew name is but

Like the black one oh it’s F crew an operator I can’t really read that it’s a bad color yeah because it’s the same color still on the right holy [ __ ] is it following us it looks like it’s kind of following us and it’s in an unloaded chunk all hopefully we’re safe you guys

Left some oh look it underwater some wood there oh ocean Monument let’s just stay away from that no it’s not an ocean Monument it has the blocks of an ocean Monument ocean quad that’s not us oh that is an e ooh I do not know if they and that is a

Shark yep I’m getting out of here I’m getting the [ __ ] out of here I’m trying and I think the shark saw me too holy [ __ ] all right I feel like there’s something good down there though have we made the boat engine yet it’s the stuff’s smelting ah we should probably make a second

Furnace to balance out the boat cuz it’s a little uneven okay you want one on the front then no no no like cuz it’s not in the middle of the back you put it on the other side we need to extend our boat a bit more Fellers once we get away a little

Bit wait did we explore that structure we did not we abandoned it you want to go no we should not risk death until we have at least a spawn point here to Dad wait wait uh do we have one more piece of string do we have

One more piece of string yes I put a bunch of them in the Val I have five string here you go okay okay I can craft St I come back I’m making a sleeping bag how the [ __ ] do you make the sleeping bag just three pieces of

Wo I’m just getting some loot from the place I am on top of the sleeping B what do you mean it’s too far away game I’ve seen okay there’s the second Barrel I cannot make we need moreon ah here hello X why are you here I died oh [ __ ] how did you

Die I was being spawn camped by by um a bad guy oh that’s not be very convenient yes yes so what you be coming here to try to get us to help you I don’t want to be in the in the the team I’m on you want to switch team want switch

Alliances oh I’m still alive what do you know yes are you looking to join the cookie crew uh I don’t know probably oh wait I should probably get things while I’m alive what okay I need me a glass P okay I’m oh do we have any sand I can go grab some really

Quick okay I’ll be back okay all right we shall be here all right what do we want what while X is gone what do we think about him joining our crew I’m not sure because more crew members means more distribution of Loot and more people to look

After here who has my who has my stone my smooth stone I have a smooth Stone I already made a blast furnace we just need to turn it into an engine oh I have the blast furnace I have the rest of materials yes thank you oh wait no I need the glass I’m

Sorry the glass yes did you get the stand I for you we should move the sorry yeah I’m working huh I’m trying to see do we have any dirt I have three dirt I have seven dirt I no seven filth I have seven filth ah excuse me thank you for the

Filth hi Fellers our ship look atro looks atrocious yeah we should work on fixing that right now it’s purely functional as of now can I extend it more backwards so that we have more space for our trees to grow I just want to move this do it

Evenly all and should I make the floor slabs I guess I don’t think it matters I’ll do it because I need more blocks what if we add a second layer to our ship a second layer you say mhm like a second floor yeah this is our purely functional raft

Once we get an island we should rehaul our raft and wait for X to join us we should probably get a new raft we get to another Island true and this is I find our boat hilarious not going to lie it’s really funny we can make it look like Steve

Minecraft Beller I’ve made a kitty pool for us let us [ __ ] go we can Splash around that may unbalance the weight of our boat now that I think about itut oh yeah it’s definitely unbalanced us what it’s fine let me just watch BL did we make the

Engine uh do you have the glass I threw you the sand I have one sand I think we need glass panes can you oh so we need five more yes I’m going to get the sand all right I am too I should have brought a shovel

Two I have two I’m going up for air all right ah I have three okay where Bey I’m throwing the sand I have in the furnace I shall throw in my sand as well okay I place slabs on the back so we can get up that

Way I wonder how X is through will feel when they find out he abandoned them for us I mean we’re the better anyway valuable asset when it comes to the pvping so he might want to what do you guys think of adding X I’m in FA he’s very valuable crew

Mate yes I think he would be useful okay but can we please all agree to discriminate against him yes because he’s the nude guy he he’s like he’s like private from the of Madagascar get exle I’ve made two pools oh guys we need to go uh everyone on

Board we’re going there’s enemy we’re going onard you never grabbed your pants Misty by the way SS I’ll get them do we have enough sand I think so apparently you can play sticks I did not know that I think you can do so you can place flag I think we’re missing one

Glass damn it all right OHA stop swing get sand all right I’m going to go grab sand I am also grabbing sand okay I have sand I I’ve added more ladders to the ship oh oh never mind you guys are planning on building something there uh

No we need no I was just putting slabs so we can crawl on where did I put these I guess I’ll just give these to you here take these letters thank you put them on the back fish you good all those all the dirt yes so we need to replace these

Hey can someone put all the dirt we have in this little chest I need to I have no dirt make a funny joke ah hello who I’m scaring mystery I’m SC here I hate jokes I thought you were going to say Joe Biden where is the the blast

Furnace here give me the paines I or the glass I have everything else here be the pain Y what was all that about xn pH I would like you to know that I say to the yaha how dare you that’ be extremely racist how that be racist you be

Racist I’m the least racist crew member on here oh yeah well I’m even less racist you know what I have to say to you saying that you’re not the racist one here what have you make a propeller for our ship I will not make a propeller

Propeller I think we need a I will not make a propeller out of blocks all right is everyone on because we have fuel in and we’re going to make advantage of it are we all on yes we are on get behind the fence cuz we’re about to go zooming all right let

Me here and here all right all right get behind the fence oh my goodness what why are you both on the behind the fence cuz once we’re going we’re going oh my God this so fast I know wait pause stop stop stop we passed two structures we passed two

Structures we need land structure on the left this fuel isn’t going to last forever yeah we cannot make many stops we can stop for this because there’s eight chests here yes you guys go for this I’ll quickly go for these other structure over here does it not use the fuel unless we’re

Moving I think you guys should come over here to the structure I found it’s kind of a bit ridiculous it’s [ __ ] huge where are you there’s a glass oh I’m going to go take the fuel out you should be able to see me in the mini map oh yes

I need more food oh you have a boat I should make us oh there’s a oh guys we need to Mark the quarts of the structure structure but yeah I just got mining fatigue that’s annoying oh no all right uh I just got I just looted

That I got two diamonds X how are you going to find us I don’t think X is in the call I don’t not think X is on the server X why are you not in the server X is not in the call X is in my chat X is watching

Me X is a ghost what what happens if I place a boat here wait what do you mean he died he probably has to wait uh so Misty can you mark the chords of this Outpost I have a stupid idea what the cords 650 what

Follows uh what do you want me to mark what do you want me to describe this for giant structure uh giant structure all right rden both you get behind the fence again please because we’re going to once we’re going we’re going I’m behind the fence are you ready

Yes ready I don’t have that much food I think we need to find land I know we’re trying very unfortunate neither of you can eat fish oh [ __ ] oh my God a ship oh that is a dangerous ship okay oh game plan where’s SLE zwags no T come back back SLE R okay

Well actually if we get them they’ll just drown down there these guys they’re so weak what are you guys on about these guys are so weak they have armor what are you talking about hardcore mode dude this is hardcore mode that’s what we’re on about guys on about dude it’s

Hardcore mode bro they’re regular ass zombies dude okay well [ __ ] you I’m going to laugh my ass off one two that dies it would be hilarious but I don’t think he’s going to guys I just got to one of the chests and got all the loot there’s

A oh yeah there’s cave spiders in the in the cruise thing by the way so oh I hate cave spiders oh going to place oh my God holy [ __ ] drown I have withering I have withering I’m going to die I’m going to die [ __ ] how do we revive

You oh miss Reviving you hang on I’m trying to get on the boat okay I can’t do anything okay I have an instant damage potion so something does withering there no guys we need to get out of here guys I just realized we don’t have food we

Canot afford to be doing that’s what we were telling you why do this dude wait hold hold I have a plan all of you calm down I have a plan I have a plan no stop stop moving we can break SP yes give me the seeds give me the seeds cuz there’s give

Me a hoe someone give me a hoe quickly uh here here here oh I don’t have it oh it’s in the chest the chest oh oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God guys we should hijack that ship we should take that

Ship yes that is what I was thinking also but also set your [ __ ] spawns set your spawns oh my God guys there’s a lot of Ms here what do you mean the sleeping bag is too far away I’m on the [ __ ] sleeping bag go go on the Hostile boat I

Think that’s our plan here stop pushing me okay I am dead all right H to I got you God drown hurt I got him I got him okay okay here’s the plan one of us bell bell we need a bell wait are we going to hijack this place you guys yeah

We’re hijacking this y’all are doing all right I’m going to die again I’m going to die again sh there’s three beds oh I can’t rest there’s monsters nearby where are you did you die just set your setting Your Spawn though helps drastically I I’ll get i’ll get Misty oh

Wait what what do you mean me what are you doing what do you mean I’m right here yeah yeah what do you oh hey how you doing Trident that’s making a lot of I really need food thanks I really need ship is this ship is a little decrepit I also been needing

Yeah we’re repairing it we’re stealing it guys does anyone have I’m going to place the the bag will sleeping in the oh [ __ ] off I’m dead again I’m coming to be honest your guys’ ship is better than ours since it’s made out of spruce but fishy how do I revive

You oh oh I got I found a c stop moving stop moving there you go I’m just gonna help you guys a little bit oh my gosh there are so many drowned down here that’s what I’m saying uh here fish you a little bit thanks oh my [ __ ] god

Trident oh goodness one of these guys drops the Trident I’m keeping it by the way [ __ ] you wait what no you can’t just Ste that you’re in creative mode that does not count how dare you even insinuates such all right move where they do we have

Food I’m working on it oh thank you oh they’re spawning from the structure below you guys oh hell um there should be a crap ton of uh flash we need to go spam floaters on that boat before we take it yes we have float I I’m at one

Heart so I can’t do that go back to I’m working on it all right take care who has the floaters I have three floaters I don’t have any FL let me I am going to align this boat if I just align it right hold left shift to hop

Off how do I what’s the is it c f c is Cruise D is is I don’t remember there’s no spawner down here guys they’re just naturally spawn how do I do the aligning thing for the uh oh shift click shift click okay oh Phantoms we have a little structure for

That okay [ __ ] and not that I’m going to place the bed right here on the floor of this new ship okay the Phantom can get us in it oh shoot yeah we need to make a ship first cuz there’s boats down there but we can’t uh okay set your

Spawns oh there’s a whole crew cabin right here there’s a whole crew cab right here we should probably take that oh okay I got my respawns respawn Point yep same okay uh who needs food I don’t admittedly I kind of like our ship I’ve grown nostalgic for it I

Don’t okay but it’s really bad I mean if you want keep it we can but we and we’ll take everything out bad if you want we could keep our and we can just loot this one you want to do that I don’t know I don’t know what we should do I’m okay with

Either H let’s just convenient I take the new one but I also is there any way we can combine them oh dear yes oh that would look atrocious let’s do that come fishy come back fishy come back I can’t turn fishy can you fishy put it just connect it to the

Back on us of us that’ look so funny if it was just on the back it would be so funny and then every time we find a new ship we just combine guys every time we find a new ship let’s just com find them until we at the end we just have a

Absolute disgusting domination when you placed the thing it threw me into the water and now I’m I’ll get you just hold space just hold space right there oh it steals my Hunger when I do that oh that’s some [ __ ] oh yeah I can’t get on the [ __ ] that’s why I

Got that’s why I got so low all of a sudden I was going to say I remember getting so low for okay oh while I set this up can someone just like grind out the wheat I’ll give you the bones and SE oh I have bones here bones someone just like constantly

Do that I’m going to set the ship up I shall do that oh yeah I got uh two insta damage potions on that chest in that raid so that’s super useful for combating one’s inage guys we can annihilate a team if we just go up to them without inst damages they’re

Done okay well uh jerk there was fish in the bottom I’ve attached them incorrectly what is happening oh my God oh God so we should combine cuz we can’t move now Aline on line all right so I know why because some of the dirt blocks

We need to break the dirt blocks dir we need to break pretty much everything no it’s cuz dirt blocks are excluded from the guys we should attach it from the back shouldn’t we this side yeah I was trying to do that but it was not working

Or sorry that’s what I was trying to do but it’s connected to this boat still so I had to have to redo it okay so we need to break all the dirt basically yeah okay I’ll work on that I think the wheat is under I think the wheat may have

Fallen I’m collecting these blocks because they’re useful yep uh it’s all dirt gone no uh I don’t think so B should we have to stop the we riding for a minute it’s gonna be so funny if we do this every time we just combine we should we really should that’ be so

Funny and then when that’ll be our bit we just combine every if we ever wait if we ever attack a crew if we ever attack an enemy crew let’s just combine their ship as well we just kill them all take their ship and then just connect it

Their ship becomes part of the part of the being oh my God Matthew weeks is here hey hey how’s going why the [ __ ] be one pie all right everyone one pie hey whoa that’s a fast boat are playing in this event by the way I’m in the server right

Now uh please get yes have any of you seen the one piece you’re the one piece yes the one piece was the frame we made along the way guys let’s connect it to okay trying oh my God should I the sh to the back or the

Front to the back I’m going to break the engine so that you go slowly back to the I say back to the front front to the back to the back of their ship yeah okay because then it looks like our ship literally has like arms that are reaching out and connecting to

It it looks like you guys may want to hop on the other boat cuz this is going to be a little janky guys this is going to be like an RV it’s pulling by the boat and then back here’s like the little that’s hilarious oh [ __ ]

Oh yep are they connected fish yes okay so now I’m going to disassemble all right oh it’s perfect hold on yes just a few more blocks unfortunately the second boat is the ladders aren’t good we need to get ladders don’t did I see yeah let’s uh

Before we turn it into a boat let’s run some maintenance oh there’s a puffer SE Guardian oh yeah we’re close to that structure I was talking about where I got mining fatigue for a bit oh hell okay that’s going to get us connected um floaters we need to go put

Floaters on the other boat I think we want to assemble it and see what happens right let me n let’s put floaters just to be safe we have plenty of string so ah what oh no Guardians I told you yes you did we need Spruce um I guess I should just steal

Some from their boat maybe why do we need Spruce to continue the seam I’m going to get lasered okay I’m going to make us more bread because we need food badly okay the ladder works now on the ship okay nice um should I keep it to

One ladder or should I add another one on the other side probably one I think ah we need to make a pathway over to the other boat though actually no we’ll probably what if we made a pathway right here to the boat would that work yeah I

Was going to say let’s just do this should we mine straight just like a door on the butt of the bot yeah how about this we okay two staircases Misty one of them goes downstairs and the other one goes straight to the at some point we need to

Go back where there are other players just so we can show off our stupid ass boat no no once we get like nine more boats we’ll do it yes all right so we have a sleeping crew this will be our Magnum yes we should at some point get a boat

And put it on top like somehow just reassembled probably have to make it have to make it probably yeah all right can we move the steering wheel up here is that okay with everyone yes yeah all right it’d be easier to see up there I’m going to put two more barrels

Down here in the sleeping quarters I guess I’m going to put some laabs so we can actually like walk easier fishy I have 19 wheat if you want it for the bread after the 19 week oh yeah I have an iron shovel if anyone needs that I

Forgot to mention that I’ve had that for a while oh [ __ ] I I do too I also forgot to our ship really do be looking like a Sky Block Island this is perfect it’s so cursed I love it it’ be the best truly we should also probably rearrange

Stuff back here and move our loot inside the ship so it’s harder to steal I guess but it would be funny if we just keep it all out here uh uh scary fish over there so careful oh [ __ ] yeah okay uh it’s smart to have all of our entrance ways be inside here

Because this a controlled area yeah like we should just these little things here all right um hold on we should should we turn this lower section of the deck into a storage unit also guys do you want to release these fish there’s a bunch of fish in this

Barrel what do you want to do with them I already I already put the salmon back in the ocean all right fishy what are you doing placing a floater guys a lot of uh that’s in the wrong place we might want to leave soon guys CU there’s I’m seeing a lot of

Those uh skeleton fish that are super let me all right let me Place some of the barrels down and then empty my inventory so I can can properly do stuff and then I will go assemble the ship all right give me this whoop uh we need to light the ship up

Too I have a crap ton of coal oh yeah I have a 32 torches I can light it up on the fish is at the boat okay let’s take turn killing him and then Reviving each other yeah fishy do you have food I do give me a

Second I have where are the pants I cannot find the pants where are you they should be in the chest there’s eight iron ingots someone else grab it Al I I’m pretty sure well I it should be somewhere did I put it maybe in one of these chests

Already hello welcome X there’s a sign here that says six 6,000 blocks in a specific direction oh I’m going to stumble the ship are you ready it could be a trap I am ready oh crap fish is attacking me no what the fish oh dear all right the

Trunk borders thing where’s it wa okay so the our ship is this ship needs more floaters I guess yep it’s sinked all right what’s the what’s what’s what’s the button for the we can make more fls button um I don’t remember hold on holy [ __ ] where is the string I need

String uh borders is can we can we drive away though real quick cuz I’m getting killed by these skeleton things oh and Phantoms yep I’m going oh yeah also my my crew has just pretty much accepted that at some points I’m going to switch over to here all

Right fishy fishy fishy look look fishy what did you do what do you mean what did I do our roof our little roof we must should we go back for the roof or no we’ll build a new roof okay where else do we need we need filter uh is that the big Monument

You’re talking about to down there or is that a new one oh yeah there’s a big Monument that’s bu that’ll give you mining fatigue if you get close to it so oh my God it’s huge it’s so big that is we’re still doing so bad on uh I

Guess I’ll do the wheat thing cuz we still doing pretty bad when it comes to food hey do all three of us want to sleep oh wait structure structure yeah yeah stop stop should more ships to combine to ours it’s a village we com I there’s

Food oh [ __ ] I’m coming I’m coming where are you I’m in the back I’m I’m our old ship and let’s just try to minimally improve our old ships yeah actually no we can still improve it as Steam fit I need food if anyone has I have I’ve been eating rotten flesh

But there’s this Village should be you have any rotten flesh I’ll take it fish might put them on the bottom I dropped some flesh over there let’s go get it oh someone’s here guys no there’s a boat there we need to start sailing in a different direction if

Someone’s been here no no one’s been here there’s no players near us well there’s a boat in and like broken blocks here did you guys do that yeah I see it but like that can’t be spawned in on the structure that’d be so weird why would they oh there’s different color

Bed so if anyone wants a different color bed oh my God T come here look at this your inventory there’s so much loot come here look at this look at these chest I don’t think someone’s looted it then let’s TNT what’s this blue picker weed oh wheat yes wheat potato potatoes

Potato farm we can start a potato farm Moss M let’s go we could kidnap a villager on our ship guys look at this oh there black God guys flax seeds is that good the prop is good oh there’s SE in this Barrel holy [ __ ] I was putting more floaters on our

Ship I was doing maintenance what did I miss holy [ __ ] there’s a lot of here I did not notice I was inside the are J where are you I’m over here I I’m like next to the outside of that door of the house where

You found the oh my God we have to hurry how much time do you have 33 seconds I should be good you guys I see your name tags oh there go okay oh my God it gets blurry that’s so cool yeah it is a really cool effect I

Should our inventories and we will begin the pillaging I want to make myself actual food wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay never mind I got scared what what’s wrong what’s wrong how is your living going really good we’re having the time of our lives on

The Open Seas X by the way are you gonna join our crew or no probably uh so come pick you up I pressed f3t cuz I misheard Misty and then my game froze and I died to a spider oh oh my God that be

Sad hi X where are you dead I I don’t know coordinate I’m I’m deceased I’m gone again yes oh but it you’ll be able to join back when in an hour oh an hour well you’re watching fishy stream so you know our deal yeah I should sleep because these

Phantoms are being [ __ ] and one of you guys sleep so that I can uh I think we need one more player no never mind all right um finally so gold goals for today I guess loot the village set up a storage unit let’s get all the barrels because

Barrels are more piratey than chests yeah I have the barrels out oh hay bells hay bells so many hay bells I need to make myself a oh my God brewing stand where will our kitchen be we need a kitchen we do need a kitchen it’ be funny if we make like a

Gourmet Chef’s kitchen and like yes well we make another boat that’s just a kitchen yes all right come on let’s have a different boat for every like room yes okay so our original raft will be our Farms we shall have another boat on the side that will be our our [ __ ]

Cooking room should we go ahead and try to connect one of these village houses should we connect their Farm we we just steal our farm what do you mean your we will pirate their Farm we shall steal their Farm does anyone want a different colored bed by the way I found some

Light blue beds these poor villagers will not know don’t care okay we have I’m just going to pour out my pumpkin oh we need pumpkins or at least I do ooh found some leather armor carrots I got carrots if we get Spruce saplings we need this wait Misty did you find a

Cat not yet carrots I have fish carrots carrots I was gonna say if you’re gonna try to tame it use the fish that was already in the chest D said go to dinner so I’m just here to talk hello bugno we have decided what we are going to do with our

Ship nice so have you seen our yeah Faz left me alone with a uh very dangerous creature oh [ __ ] that’s a lot of bread yes guys there’s a Giant die wait is that a whale I think that’s just a whale it’s not a leviathan or anything like that no it’s a whale okay

Thank God oh my God that [ __ ] was huge and it terrified me okay yeah there’s Scion beds if you guys I’m sorry we can put banners on our heads oh I just have them in my inventory is there someone commenting oh God speed you poor

Man is that the cry goodbye I am sorry I did not see your messages I’ve been engrossed in the game but yes second uh second problem I don’t know where the Weeping Angel went oh no oh no where be we keeping our riches every house I loot I’m putting a driwood

Planks on top of like at the doorway oh okay I’ll do the same with your house that you’re in Miss thank you I don’t have any your wot planks uh I will put a block I do have though guys I genuinely think we should just steal one of these

Farms rather than making our I I also agree with you no I agree Ste both of them uh I think we have to just like trans build them over sadly yeah can we you you guys should start doing that I’m gonna look give me

A second I shall do it should we can up a villager oh hey look it yeah fishy hey how’s it going look at me oh hello oh [ __ ] you have Frost Walker that is awesome I do get that [ __ ] away from our ship because then it will combine oh no surely

Not yeah no it’s still breaking okay which f are we stealing wait wait no we have to build it over we can’t steal one it’s an to the ground lanterns CU lanterns look cooler than torches and I feel like we should have on our fishy we have to build it

Manually fishy okay then I am just positioning our ship oh [ __ ] you were sinking the ship how am I sinking the ship no I think it’s just turning just I am by the way I am parallel parking with this ship I did want to say

Um what I want to say you want to say oh uh Dutchman sales are a really cheap alternative to engines I don’t know what Dutchman sales are or how to make them so uh fail let’s see uh we need an andesite aloy which means we need iron or zinc and

Andesite and then we need a piece of wool and a stick yeah I’m just going to go around stealing all of these lanterns actually lanterns are just cool fishy I don’t know what you’re doing but it’s hella tilted down here like the towers yes my gosh hi mes we should add

911 to our ship yes we shall add the Twin Towers I’m not sure if we ever explained but yeah what we’re doing is every ship we every structure we raid we’re just adding it to our ship and then spamming a bunch of floaters on the bottom beir I

Guess what what do you mean bear I guess it will be the most amazing amalgamation of everything to ever be seen have you ever seen the like [ __ ] walk-in castle movie yes yes the studio gibli one it’ll be like that but like with a ship in front

Of it yes fishy I failed you as a queer to educate you on house Moving Castle why oh why what happened I’m messing with you I did I say something wrong about it did I misrepresent the gays are angry I’m stealing their wheat you have do you have a hoe by the way

Misy oh yeah I have one of course you wouldn’t have a hoe mishy where I mean fishy where your hoes at I’m taking your black your blast furnace and your armor standand I’m just actually being a pirate now well we are we’re stealing I like how we’ve we’re probably the most pirate

Pirates on the server so far we’re actually stealing people’s stuff like not just their stuff their houses should we just wait guys I’m not sure these villagers will never recover from us we should kidnap some of them we should can we just should we just steal an actual house we should steal a

Villager we need steal villagers for sure do we want to take a house or I say take a farm and a house on one side of the ship a farm and on the other side a house where should I prob put a farm on both sides and a house on the back maybe

Yeah that works I’m going to place the we need to we need to figure out how to take a house I think I might involve murdering the house next to this one cuz I can parallel park into it where where are we keeping our riches where is our riches

Chest uh we need to hide it is it out on the raft here fishy give me the riches I’m going to hide them cuz you’re streaming I’m going to pick aot to hide all right here you go all put all riches in this chest put them all in this chest

Right here all right I was throwing them at you yeah um I know but my my inventory is full why do you put on theing think I always I already throw you all the riches uh I’m you know what it’ll be fine I’m sure where are we putting the L some

Salon I’m sorry I found some salmon I shall release them back to their home you can use it to tame they’re cooked already I’m so sorry wow I didn’t cook them does that does that mean you ate them Misty where do I put the light sources where should I put the

Lantern I I respect you as fish and I have not eting any of them thank you very much Miss apprciate killed several Axel laterals that’s not something that I’ve done putting that out there I hope not I yeah that’ be very sad if you need another Barrel I have a

Barrel okay thank you I like how where where the definition of just not working for anything we gain we’re just yes we’re Pirates what the [ __ ] did you expect we’re stealing even the Farms bro where should I put the Cobblestone uh over here this side put it in this chest

Okay I need to make more signs where do I put the fish there I have also gotten a lot of fish in the chests uh probably there inside of my ship the what chest that’s really funny the food chest yeah well colorful fish are not very edible you guys want to release them

Back to the ocean oh what I was hitting an iron golem and they just sunk into the sea that’s so annoying H loser can’t swim live with your brethren matey oh guys I died I’m be remembered you guys please tell me that means one of the mods forgot to enable something where

Should I place the sugar cane gotcha anyway I have loot to transfer between sheep I’m starving I’m starving oh I have 30 bread where are you all right I’m good I’m good I I I two oh my God that was so close I almost died of starvation

I have no idea where the Iron Golem is that it killed me what the hell do they have any anywhere I don’t think so sadly think so this place isn’t very abundant on I’m going to steal their Bell guys by the way huh I’m going to steal their

Bell all right is there a Crows Nest do we have a crow’s nest I don’t think so we need to make one I think we do I’ll check I think we no yeah we do it’s just really shitty okay I’m going to turn this house into a boat and move it so we

Don’t get the entire Village and crash the server yes yes good good okay yeah I definitely need to make this a better Crows Nest do we have Spruce slabs uh no but I have Spruce planks and there’s plenty of spruce do we have Spruce saplings at all

No I’m going to just get a [ __ ] T of wood actually do we have iron one of us should be okay guys I think one of us should be mining I might go mining whilst you guys do because we need to get iron too are we running

Low well I don’t even know where we have any and I don’t think we have it should be in the richest chest I have six on me I have six in gets on me I know we have more than that should I just steal their lanterns oh two that was leave the one

Closest to our ship though okay there’s 18 there’s 24 pieces of iron right here D Dad I just found I’m going to make myself all right I’m stealing this guy’s walls because they’re made of spruce and we need Spruce oh wait you’re under the one closest to our ship I’m trying to steal

That what for our okay yes hello we are stealing wall now I’m a ghost I’m no I it kicks me when I tried to spectate are you banned for like an hour because you died yeah that is very sad I’ve got I’ve gotten an extra pardon and then

Fell you have our condolences because I was waiting for crimson and intense to to build their thing wow I can’t believe they wouldn’t prioritize their crew mate like that we’re not like that at all I know that that’s kind of shitty they were building a ship yeah we I literally

Stop building a ship Midway to get Su outad yeah we haven’t we’re not from now on we’re just not building ships actually we’re just we’re just adding you’re pirating exactly we are we have pirated several ships and we’re pirating more think it’s going to be pretty

Obvious who who’s going to win this us why uh well yeah who who’s winning she doesn’t have the guts to tell us but we’re definitely [ __ ] aren’t we we are someone already has like an insta kill weapon or something no oh my God you’re joking you know what that

Means we need to get that to I love copyrighted music guys we can get a huge Advantage if we get the if we get our enchant table because we have enough diamonds to do that that would be a pretty good Advantage where be our iron hey is Faz still on where be our

Ironically all of our iron and it’s still in our valuable chest all of this all of our most valuable things are here in this chest that’s completely open to anyone that is [ __ ] I’m I’m going to move it in a minute yeah but you’re like a thousand

Blocks out holy [ __ ] we are quite far so we’re safe for the moment pretty quickly wait what the [ __ ] is invisibility gem I just realized was trying to figure out how to use that when I was testing all right I need to make a second pirate ship wheel

Where’s the guy whose walls I was stealing ah here it is now give me your floor cuz it’s also spruce I crew do I have permission to get a a diamond pickaxe and start mining some obsidian yes you do go for it we have like 31 diamonds don’t

We no we have like 11 oh close enough I’m a pirate I don’t need to count oh yes I’ve never been good at them M account a cartography table that’s all may as well we’re Pirates will take everything I’m sure is Hell taking their wheat hey Bales are very good

Mhm and we have potatoes so we can actually start a good Farm instead of like some shitty thing like wheat don’t worry Mr villager this is protection money we shall protect you so long as we are in these Waters we’re leaving immediately right yes okay hello whoever that is who just

Joined our hello yo ho ho it’s a pirates life for me Yim what cross brace a cross brace I don’t not what a cross brace with you that’s you’re that’s a bad joke oh it wasn’t why you have to lie to me like that oh God I just realized I’m so

What’s wrong with me I really said hey should I start finding obsidian this is like the most tedious thing what the the Damned they have um they have a cat I want oh guys why can’t we have cat I just think we haven’t found one Misty you

Know what you got to do if you see their cat you have to Fe I have to steal a cat I have to steal the cat I think it’s lagging for meate news cat doesn’t stay on the I have found no I have found a map to BU

Blunder don’t St on the ships maybe it just like it like flies off and then teleports back on the exact wait wait try putting it try putting it like a little St all right who is going with me to find the it’s kind of just like it’s

Kind of just like floating in air though it’s fine as long as we get keep the C who is coming with me with a with I’ll K get it damn what no the not what it who was that who was that that was on our call I think that was wno adly I

Respect it it was Noto it was Crimson then I endorse all animal killing it’s my brand at this point for some reason for some you mean because you kill animals no I don’t know why no I don’t think that’s it there probably some other reason I’m not thinking of I’m sure it’s something

Else okay I have a map of buried plunder should we go there now cuz I think we’ve stealing all we can last time from here last time I had a map of buried treasure it didn’t work at all so try using it first is this house ready for

Integration I’m trying to jump it what oh there’s a buried there’s a buried um oh there’s a few structures we didn’t notice here has somebody taken down all the things for a farm just so we can like steal it no okay all right this might crash the

Server guys we found a saddle and a uh oh okay no it just sinks it just sinks oh no we need floaters then she had a lot of uh I can make floaters give me a second yeah but I’ve kidnapped it so I could see the ship the boat is just like

Completely yeah it really gave up it’s it’s it’s down there where did I put the floaters section four does anyone know if of protection for uh leather chest plate is more than an iron chest plate probably not right I think it is no I don’t think it is oh oh sucks

Dude yeah did you find the floaters I found the string and the wood so I can make more floaters okay I wish I had known that I guess I did know by that time but I was just D and forgot cuz I was in a m shaft

I could have grabbed so much string but I didn’t guys I can make so many floaters should we make floaters or balloons balloons will let us fly by the way uh floaters for now we we’ll worry about balloons later all right I have a stack of floaters

Let’s put this on the oh my God uh here give me some I’ll help here give me some fish I’ll help H yes where are you right here there you go we should probably do it in sync so we don’t like murder it right okay uh Each corner oh yeah that’s

Twoo [ __ ] that was the wrong spot all right how high are we now idea that maybe we should take the stone off and swap it for something else no no it’s very necessary for the style of this Village I think we should change it if you ask me there’s a few other houses

That don’t have stone on them so yeah they have dark oak roofs should I go seal a dark oak building in instead I mean we already got this far with this one just change whatever blocks are using Stone to be using all right I’m getting [ __ ]

Okay I think it’s look I think it’s pretty close to where it was before oh yeah look we have enough floaters to just do with the stone yeah you ever get pushed by current you can just use a boat to escape it by the way okay now just align this one I think

I think we can keep the stone at this point because it’s it’s at the right height no I I don’t know I feel like it’s smarter to swap it in case something happens and for the balancing sake I also think it’s better to swap it all right I think no one’s going to

Care that we swapped those blocks I think the PO it’s still that we literally all right are we connecting this to the back of the raft uh to be determined I right now I just want to get this sorted get another building to put on the other

Side we should put it on top of the ra or should we wait until we probably find a different structure beside what we should put there yeah let’s just leave it as a boat for now we’ll figure it out wait what no shouldn’t just leave it here no no

We’re no we’re taking it with us but I mean like before until we leave leave it until we leave okay ah Atlantis what does that mean hover over it find an ocean Village oh I guess they’ve also found an ocean Village did we get that I don’t know I think there ocean Villages

Underwater fish what are you doing I was looking finally an actual cave where do I oh connect this guys I found a Crim site is valuable site valuable Crim think so I think it is just decoration it’s yeah okay it looks pretty low should I be collecting uh Contour

Ingot may as well if it’s a metal it might be useful I don’t think it’s necessary I needed ladders that’s what I looking for I have plenty of storage so we do we do have a lot of storage hold block stairs okay these are all stairs ah this is very annoying

This is the stupid as [ __ ] oh that’s our land Ho Bell I’m putting another Barrel right there should we switch out the sails for our I think it’s it’s kind of funny if we just have an amalgamation of 50 different sails all on our ship all

Right if you guys find any W wool of any color we’ll complete the sails with that uh we can make wool the string that is a good point but we also need the string for floaters that’s true I’d say the floaters are a bit more important that’s just me yeah AG I fully

Agree we are in agreement it’s cuz I’m always right [ __ ] you no oh uh I am going to take all their crops from this one all right I just need a shovel because I also want their dirt I have I should have thrown an iron shovel somewhere

Down and there should be another extra iron shovel in a chest somewhere wait when this what what happens at the end of this is there like a PVP battle or something I don’t know M have said whoever is richest is the winner they were not clear but honestly

I think I think riches in ships is more valuable than whatever diamonds they may have you can’t eat diamonds me and X are pretty decent at the game wait if x is part of our crew he can steal stuff from them oh that’s interesting X would you be up

To that X isn’t here chat of fishies it’s probably in fishy’s chat still right X if you’re in the chat answer me are you willing that will be your entrance steal something valuable from your a why not why would you not do that that is so

Sad be funny if yeah the last day before for it’s decided the winner he just steals steals all their stuff and gives it to us that would be hilarious on the counter point he just steals everything from us gives to them oh no ah that would never happen I

Don’t think anybody can trust xn nothing bad has ever happened to the kennedies double Counterpoint mine Counterpoint X just seals everyone’s Shin leaves that would be hilarious oh where’s my but yes we will need dirt if we ever want to expand any of our Farms holy [ __ ] that’s a big ass squid

That’s a big ass squid I am Holy oh my god do those squids even attack add something to our building yes they do attack you don’t get close to them uh guys do we need amethysts by the way yes for our spy glasses oh they okay well oh I see them

Now how you doing down there too Dad you okay good but I’m running out of inventory space a bit of a problem okay I probably don’t need that enchant bottles I guess I’ll just check those on me I hate this stupid building it’s a lot lighter like it’s

Like almost an entire block up off the water lighter nice okay fish I will probably need help navigating in a moment yes oh hey the Villager trying to get into the hold on into the house we we should lock him in the house just have a slave yeah

Exactly uh the brown are the brown coats the ones that can’t learn a job no that’s the green ones no those are regular ones brown coats are can be any ones yes okay I’m attempting to shove them into the boat or oh wait does villager trading work guys we could just

Make the diamond villager and just absolutely oh the diamond armor villager yes I was like since when is there a diamond villager I mean if Rich inness is the deciding factor then we can just make a h crazy op wait can’t we smel Diamond things into

Diamond a diamond I don’t know like just diamonds can’t we smell the the armor or is that just metal for that no no cuz I know with metals you can get nuggets out of that no you can’t do that with um diamonds I don’t think okay he’s been locked in we have a

Villager that is [ __ ] hilarious why is the ship suddenly off balance what all these villagers hard work will be very well appreciated by us on our ship far away never thinking of this village ever again no we’ll think fondly of the first time we stole a building that is a good

Point we shall forever remember you you’re welcome I’m sure that is worth much more than your home and your source of food and other stuff that we have taken we’re really [ __ ] we’re really crippling this Village is economy for no particular reason next time they get a

Plague they’re just going to all [ __ ] die they don’t even have iron golems I am when be Su fish can I have a bit help with what how do I oh yeah we could do that I I need to get this boat out all right give me a second I can’t see

What’s blocking it I shall be right over okay let going and tip the house okay what is blocking at where like I don’t know I’m trying to go forward forward being which way this way oh there’s a lamp post oh [ __ ] yes I can get that don’t worry thank

You 32 iron not good enough but decent I guess this cave I’m in is not very fruitful you’re almost out don’t worry thank you be free house on the [ __ ] there’s a house in the ocean that looks so ridiculous get a screenshot of it well no it’s ridiculous cuz it’s in motion so

I don’t think a screenshot would do it justice oh pity it looks so [ __ ] funny I mean I am recording this so so we do have hey uh is that a building down there joined crew that’s what they’re leaving the there is a building down there

There’s like an oh that’s a that’s an ocean Monument there remember there were Guardians here I might have there was a building I looted so okay what if we put it right here okay put the the door facing the inside of the raft okay let me know when it’s uh

Facing yep it is facing all right is it lined up go forward a bit hold on I’m trying to lagging really bad though oh oh my God Ted I wonder why all right we good let’s see line up like realign oh yeah is the ship disassembled yet is our ship disassembled yet neither

Are disassembled yeah okay disassemble yours first is disassembled not yet uh leave it for a minute while we get another house okay we’re going to get another [ __ ] house yeah we need to make balanced I thought we were just going to make something completely I no no we

Were going to make the farm over here yeah I have though no yes but as long as they’re both floating this is going to be we need some flers off of this one though no we don’t why would we have to take see how too high look how too high it is it’s

Too high no but once You it’ll average out a bit like once you line it up and then once we l this one up what the hell is that it doesn’t have today we’re here together for the death of the cat here today uh is the death of the

Cat it was not with us for long but it was a damn well good cat the cat shall be Miss oh [ __ ] what happened okay let’s go back we we achieved flight via 15 buoyancy things and ship I went all the way above the clouds and then the cat

Fell off and drowned no that is so sad seeds a cloth weeds hey welcome back to Bright answer your call what do you mean what did I say what did I say about what hey I’m poisoned holy [ __ ] why are you poisoned here you go I drink suspicious toew you

Shouldn’t do that it’s suspicious for a re I needed the hunger I needed hunger you could have told me I have so much [ __ ] food thank you answer your Discord call okay wait I’m going to leave this for a bit just to see what de bright is

Talking about you’re going to be on stream by the way so don’t say slurs yes de bright what is wrong the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this about a house in the ocean we made a house and it’s sailable in the ocean you got to remove it we stole a

House we stole a house from oh yeah look the state we left this Village in their poor house over there we’re just we are the worst that’s ridiculous there’s no such thing as the house the ocean I don’t know what you’re talking about honestly it’s you you’re sounding crazy

Even mentioning houses in the oceans [ __ ] I keep falling shift doesn’t work on these which is kind of annoying where is the Villager okay check this out debrite are you seeing my stream d right are you still in the [ __ ] call he left me alone in the

Call oh hello I can leave the call yeah I I didn’t get the leaving sound because okay because it’s on streamer mode yes let me go back to my crew all right I am back crew but yes to anyone in the Stream this is what the [ __ ] Ocean House

Ocean House he was denying the existence of this house because it’s in the ocean DB I’m so sorry but the house is in the ocean this time there’s I don’t know what he wanted me to do it’s literally in the ocean I don’t also to Bright when I’m in

Streamer mode I can’t hear notifications so did DB join the server just to yell you to answer your phone probably no he was calling me in regular DMS oh my God this is so funny fishy where are you I’m on the house here uh come over to the farm there’s a guardian right

There the destroyed Farm or the the one’s still intact okay I’m stealing it on stealing it oh I already stole a farm I have it in my inventory we just need structure oh I was going to rebuild it on our boat yeah that’d be better anyway look underneath

Here look at all the villagers trapped right here look at the villagers trapped oh my God poor villagers we should at least let them out of there no like that’s that’s just unkind for them to have to be there hi they don’t have rights rights are for pirates and Pirates

Alone take me what about this house should I steal this house land make you understand what about which house fish should I steal this house their Church no I don’t like their Church their church is ugly all right I think this little hot although the DI we religious on This

Crew it’s just we miss oh what was in it it just had rotten flesh never mind Ah that’s sad that’s thought we missed it because the Cobbs were still there by the way I have a buried treasure map I’ve been trying to tell you guys and nobody [ __ ] listened no

We I had one before click on it click on it see if it’s okay the one I had was broken it’s not even letting me right click yeah I think the server’s lagging right now yeah it is ah yeah it is I’m going bathroom break I be needing to take out we is

What he said I think I don’t know no I know I’m I was just saying bathroom bre in general I need to also use the bathroom I’ll be right back oh all right I think I should I’m going to connect the B oh my God I got kicked

That is that is very rude this birthing at the island please let me join why don’t do this don’t do this to me was anyone else kicked let me go to the other Cruise hey has anyone else been kicked yes crashed the server X how the

[ __ ] did you crash the server I tried to what x tried to claim a naturally jened pirate ship that was apparently really big yeah it wasn’t that big it is back back to my Pirates of the Caribbean theme that is hilarious I’m sorry it is hilarious was it just too

Big no it’s not even that big it’s smaller than your ship that is hilarious I’m going to do it agains all right server’s back server’s back all right oh I didn’t even notice I was looking at the Discord mishy I am I am I’m here but you’re you’re in the

L you know you know something Iron Golem oh it’s still lagging hi I’m back it’s still lagging the the mobs are frozen I’m really lagged out I’m I almost drowned actually I but Lu I placed a few blocks and was able to save myself cuz I was just stuck swimming in

One position oh that is that is scary I think I’m going to head back now because I have more I have a stack and something of iron well we’re still lagging let me go back to oh bungo de and so they might be trying to figure that

Out um technical difficulties XS X did it again yeah he did it again tried claiming another one what the [ __ ] what did next do he tried claiming another ship he tried he tried claiming a really large pirate ship wow I can’t believe he would do

This to us I’m curious how how large of a ship can he even make without breaking serer I think we know the answer how big is X’s ship is large it’s like it’s about the size of a of a shipwreck it’s about it’s is it it’s smaller than our ship

Right probably I don’t know most likely Maybe we’re planning on making Moby Dick so this is a this is a problem if this is uh if we can’t claim that yes that it be funny if Moby Dick was just not a whalan was just an actual penis why

Would you say that it’s just a giant dick of a ship just in the imagine you’re just on the ocean on a raft and then oh my God I have no idea what you’re whing about the drown is drown has a Gatling gun the drown has a Gatling gun I afraid I am

Scared the drown is using its Trident and it’s a Gatling gun I have gotten more iron I have a stack in 10 iron should I head back yes probably that would be a good idea I haven’t seen the ship in a while I’m guessing it looks absurd now no we haven’t added too

Much all right now let’s hope X doesn’t [ __ ] crash the server again oh X is probably not joining our crew then right because he kind of just left us well I mean we’re kind of thousands of blocks out you know oh no there be our ship I think it’s lagging

Again I don’t think so I just ate perfectly fine but this villager isn’t moving I don’t think there’s lag bro I’m having no lag issues all right I’m probably way more laggy than you are all let take a look at the house I mean at our

Base by the way fishy I can hear everything in the background so your stream probably can too oh gamb be riched and we I have no idea what this means holy [ __ ] why did it turn wait fishy so are we just gonna I guess I’ll start separating this Farm I

Thought we were just going to also add this Baro to our base it’s not letting me turn with the pirate ship how do I it’s not letting me turn I’m just holding D not sure Missy would be the one that would know how to do the ship thing why is this being like

This [ __ ] you X that because it’s bad he’s not even insulting you it’s our ship what be that oh my God this broke so much it does not do stairs well oh we’re going to need copper to get spy glasses aren’t we yes we will up what x told you to make

Bal yeah but I I I was able yeah I know oh my God who that sent me through the Flor happened no don’t worry oh bunny Jen gives you one jump boo do I have jump boost balls no I don’t okay now I have to go over there now if I

Just God damn it this is going to be so stupid I I finally have full iron whoa what the [ __ ] it worked we now have a h oh no actually I like it this is good this is hilarious oh by the way mist’s logged out so when they log back in they’re

Probably going to be on the boat so you don’t want to get too close to the stretcher that keeps you mining fatigue this is great okay now how white is that 3 four five six it’s six really I don’t like that wish we had a cow so that I

Can could avoid getting mining fatigued one two three four five six I declare a thumb war I’m going to go explore this structure see if I can get any loot oh oh lot of mobs lot of mobs not good not good not good CU I don’t really see any loot

So no that can’t be right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even aha I knew six couldn’t be right that was some [ __ ] oh misty is back welcome back Misty Kitty 3 3 418 hello welcome back I have connected the house okay what nothing 1 two three four five

Six oh no Guardians are pretty close I think we want to leave guys hold on there’s a bunch of villagers that we can kidnap real quick I’ll try to lead them away I guess we should be okay oh I might die actually hopefully not um let me know if you’re close so I

Can come get you I think I’m good okay oh there’s a bunch of iron smelting by the way so you guys should be be able to make yourself full iron now thank you all right so leave the green villager we have a green villager we’re meant to get the brown one

No that’s what I was asking there’s three of them right here oh I think we have a brown one grabed another just grabbed a person this is a kidnapping oh [ __ ] sorry man I just punched him do I leave him now nah he’ll forgive us eventually he’ll get St home syndrome don’t

Worry why can’t I break the boat I’m having a bit of lag I can’t get out of my boat oh that’s why I can’t break up oh yeah items aren’t dropping I can’t eat my food listen I didn’t do oh my God okay I thought it was what happened oh he

Crashed the server like twice by trying to clim a boat that was too big see at least I was careful oh Missy left the game I’m trying to rejoin oh two dad is moving so Ziggy the lag might be fixed I’m unsure yes it’s fixed I could I can eat

I got a bunch of amethyst I’m just trying to find Copper now so that we can actually make I I have copper oh never mind then how’s it going dud do did we trash again why we are kidnapping people yes that is also something we are doing Dam it mining fatigue is so

Annoying what so fishy you’re streaming yet yes I am don’t stream snipe I said do not say any Slurs oh my gosh you guys are just stealing the worst we stole a house be a shame we stole a house Sky Block what the heck you entire house what that is our ship you guys worry I like how I like how our original ship has just become

Like the middle of okay I have a question for y’all okay would you know where the blind devils are no the who I know where the devil fruit be might there are mobs called Blind devils and I want their teeth for something would you happen to

Know I don’t know what the what a blind devil even is okay so I I’m stuck help help I did want to make sure you guys are just enjoying yourselves oh we are believe me we are oh you’re good now I got to check on the other crew have

Fun other crew isn’t there multiple other Crews there’s this event is smaller than I thought there’s only three crews right I’m going to go check in up on you he spoke to Devin about this event I’m surprised you had a part of it I know he atic pirate in the

Boat by the way if any of you have stripped stripped dark oak logs I need those oh oh there’s some in the chest I really wish shift worked we need we need a cow to get this place there’s no way we’re ever going to be able to do it without a

Cow do what without a cow we should steal a cow hey uh our ship’s tilted I know I’ll fix that here in a bit oh my God I I barely noticed that yes it’s tilting as I’m building because you know no no it’s still to the other way what do you mean

Like the the house side’s heavier look at it from the Middle look at it from the middle from here and it’s also tilted towards the back the front’s too light we can add weights to the front don’t worry we can add more stres to the front how do we make the it’s oh

Shoot B A there it is the ballast uh Stone and Cobblestone makes weights oh yeah we also stole part of their dock by accident so you know that’s also ours oh did we yes where it’s right of yes it connected using the what you call it did

We get like the oak all the way down o there’s Spruce take the corners of these houses they’re Spruce uh logs okay I wanted I don’t have any I still have mining fatigue for another three minutes probably God how do you have it so long I went back to try to get things

Again but clearly that was Dam that was not the brightest idea apparently fire J we you need because the oak goes all the way to the ocean floor the orc I I keep on finding gems that seem like they would be cool but then they don’t appear to have any use no but

Hover over them and hit R our dock doesn’t have any Oak if you guys want to oh you’re getting rid of the duck okay the pillar goes all the way there to floor my dude I didn’t know we GRA with it yeah we did oopsie oopsy

[ __ ] oh my God I just decided since I don’t have any like I can’t mine anything I was like okay I’m just going to go in a certain direction until I find something interesting and there’s no land still I’ve been heading west for a while

Now I I’m yet to see land I’m starting to get worried that they’re genuinely is only land on the islands I mean they said there are a few Islands but they’re far between I found another Village oh wait you don’t need to we don’t need to place

Ballast we can just break some of the floaters we have at the front cuz we I had to place a bunch of a [ __ ] ton of floaters okay last piece of The Oak’s dead I found another Village there might be a c here possibly but I doubt

It holy [ __ ] 14 cooked salmon I cast you into the sea to rest very well Brothers may you rest well M should I be collecting M uh we have some it just uh it just before myself so we don’t need it you can save your inventory

Space I found bamboo I don’t know if that’s Oh yay we should build like a giant diorite skull somewhere on it like just there’s just a skull somewhere on our boat we have to do a lot of counter waiting yes a library I don’t think I we do not

Have libr oh we should steal it let’s steal it oh my God I can’t believe I made that jump should we steal the entire Library building or just its loot the building I think is the building in the center okay what type of do we want to farm

First probably wheat or potatoes yeah that’s rightsmith oh I found a black a black Blast Furnace too just in one of these oh steal it armor stand we probably it’ll glitch out or something probably I have so many like of these little pecker weed things hopefully they’re used should I be

Collecting pumpkins by the way or no uh may as well if you need inventory space though throw them I what we need is iron do we have an anvil oh I found an anvil over here in this Village cuz it’s a blacksmith can you please grab that Anvil and give it

Bring it so we don’t have to use any of our iron and an I think you guys should come to me actually cuz there’s a all right I don’t have that much right we shall sail over you ready to sail sure can I sail the boat I kind of want to

Sail the boat yeah go for it hold on let me head over though I’m not on the boat yet tell me when we’re ready to sail I am almost at the boat feel free good sir to sail wait let me get to the crows mest we should make the crows nness look

Better yeah oh [ __ ] oops sorry no no it’s okay just careful though I have two hearts two Dad where are you you should be able to see me on the mini map can’t you all right uh don’t hey X is here x is here how did X get

Here you guys want me to try to should try to kill him I guess or is he being aggressive so what are you doing here which way is east I’m here yeah I see that are you a threat X oh where are we going I don’t see you on the mini map

Too Dad oh [ __ ] the villagers they seem to be staying for me so they’re they’re wob I see you guys you guys need to head ah fishy PA stop fish the villagers are falling which way are we heading to that so are you joining uh probably at some point toad

Are you am I going forward or what West okay fish you’re going to go again wait yeah that that’s the right way you need to go west no no no we need floaters byebye bye okay so okay go around the village and then go straight where you’re

Looking at we need to get Ender Chest uh I could collect more you know what’s hilarious the the ship is out of my render distance stop oh [ __ ] you guys look like you’re separating uh I was gonna say I wonder how does our oh God we’ve kind of been

Oh the spawn Island I’m looking at it we could go back there oh we’ve traveled quite a while guys stop jumping off the boat I had to put floaters on it was sinking I don’t see X you guys you guys said you sees X I don’t see him X is on

The boat I don’t know where he went did he leave I I think maybe I can’t find him I don’t know I don’t see him so he’s either on the boat or he’s not there anymore is he on the server yes he is no he’s not on the

Server yes he is he is damn I think damned does that mean that they’re dead no that’s no it’s just their name two Dad where are you I keep going west yeah you need to head more West okay I am going to put some coal in here are you sure

You guys can’t see me on the mini map cuz I holy [ __ ] that’s faster yeah we’re going the right way fish keep going this way okay keep going you might need to land land we have land note down the coordinates tell me when you’re ready um it’s on the mini

Map it’s on the mini map okay can’t believe I swam right past that in the chunks I loaded that’s so annoying okay keep on going straight and then you’re going to need to go a bit north holy sh oh [ __ ] there’s a drown on top of a Skelly wag you should see me

Now I think right oh wait there’s a stop fish there’s a villager thing yeah Pillager Outpost yep stay here stop let me go grab it really quick oh yes remember we have fuel in the boat so okay I will be fast where’ to go there it

Is I guess I should start separating the library from the rest of the building so we’re going to steal it right yes if we’re stealing a library where we going to want to separated Free Wily okay we granted a blessing from a wild Miss I’m ready to bolt whenever you get

On I Hold On I need to get more my inventory is full there’s a lot of loot holy [ __ ] all right then I’ll help you there’s two more chest I got another wolf spawn egg oh my inventory is all so full oh server lag there we

Go God what is oh there’s a TRD and drowned oh [ __ ] there’s a lot of drown oh my God I think the library might be separated now I’m not sure though oh there should be at least two blocks between the near First wall oh two blocks okay then I need to

Break a lot more holy [ __ ] that is loud I got hit I got hit again do you have a shield oh [ __ ] yeah Shields are a thing hold on there’s one more chest to get holy [ __ ] oh there’s another house in the ocean we’re going have to come back that’s a lot of

Drown y I know running out of inventory I might get hit there’s three Trident drowns throwing I suggest you get the loot and leave okay got it we’re good all right we’re good to go we need to come back though we do yeah there’s a house in the

Ocean guys I have oh I see you I see you guys come specifically over here this side of it fishy sh oh yes to this side of it I don’t know where the [ __ ] you are is she uh I I’ll go s in my boat no no no opposite way opposite way opposite

Way GD see me in my little boat oh I do see you this is this is just stupid this is hilarious holy [ __ ] oh there’s a mini quad thing we can need to explore follow me right here right all right which which back here is sinking something’s sinking back

Here you should go right here probably should Park here I think we should get a award for the best boat which one’s the library oh my God the boat stop stop stop I don’t even know what happened you I think you pushed me around and oh [ __ ]

I’m taking damage from Phantoms God damn it abandoned ship aband Abandoned Ship oh yeah that that right where you’re parked right now is perfect fishy just land the boat all right I’m going to disassemble it no not yet not yet no don’t don’t don’t no don’t we’re crooked okay which building is the

Library which building uh it’s this one if you know if the one where I started bling blocks this one I’m standing on okay let me let me kidnap that building I will merge it over here all right I’m going to disassemble our big boat somewhere in

The middle of the no like yeah no don’t do it over here I’m Sor say you’re doing it now I was like wait wa wait oh there’s hay B guys yes take the I don’t have inventory space so I kind of uh I’ll get a hole and grab them all right

I’m going out to the open ocean where did we put all of our diamonds guys oh never mind I feel like we have zero chest organization it’s a work in progress that’s why I said there’s uh chest to like just dump stuff in unless people didn’t listen to that

Yeah people did not listen to that okay great oops I found a blast furnace by the way so if you guys want to make use that yeah thank you uh the diamonds should be our back I I I picked them up so X couldn’t take

Them oh the hell why did all the signs just move what the hell no and the ladders did too something glitched out when we like landed did you disassemble my God yes all the do we have to be facing the same way we were we have to be

Parallel no guys look at the boat it’s completely [ __ ] boat reassemble it see if that fixes it let me see let me see no I know what to do [ __ ] I know what to do oh [ __ ] don’t worry do the reverse of what you just did do the I’m very worried I don’t

Know what you just did but do the reverse of it you [ __ ] literally everything oh God oh my God the boat is completely [ __ ] why can’t I move oh [ __ ] we’re tipping we’re tipping what’s happening itively it would be funny obviously the if someone what is happening fishy stop you’re going to tip

Us what’s going on and there’s chests we’re leaving chests that somehow fish you need to stop please I’m no no wait stop for me you’re breaking it ah what’s going on fishy you’re officially banned from I know what I’m doing yes no you’re banned stop it okay I collect did the water it

Should not mess up make us go flying now oh my God all I’m going to Red disassemble all right ready go that fixed it I [ __ ] told you I knew what I was doing never doubt me again I did not it fixed a lot of it but you left

The it fixed some of it what is okay the boat oh my God the boat’s so weird now it’s a block up fishy it’s a block up fishy’s banned from driving what is going on it looks so weird how did we do this what fish you’re really bad from

Driving ow ow I’m being hit by something okay there’s a block that’s like hooking us stop it you’re done you’re done wait if I can just move no you’re done driving you’re done driving there we go see see no go down there break that dirt block I

See what’s keeping us hooked you’re done you’re banned I’m already here no just break that dirt block you’re banned stop fine I’ll maneuver out of the dirt block no stop driving you’re banned break the dirt block you stop driving no yes why is this as stressful as real

Driving what the hell cuz fishy’s driving you’re done you’re banned somebody just break the [ __ ] dirt block you go break it you’re done driving I am not I refuse to be done driving no what no they got ice maze dude they’re going to win they’re going

To win the event fishy you’re done I’m serious I will down you get off just [ __ ] break the dirt block you’re done driving break the dirt block no you’re done driving I’m serious can I jump with this no I need the dirt block broken you’re done driving evidently

Not I’m serious fish’s banned from driving he won’t stop well if someone would just break the dirt block if you would stop driving that wouldn’t break the dirt block though stop stop it stop driving the damn dirt where is the dirt block it’s next to the villagers stop

Driving it’s next it’s right in there it’s right to your left that’s dirt block in no you’re done driving I’m not breaking it until you stop driving Tad break the dirt block no Tad don’t it’s over there what I this is I don’t know what okay no there we go finally Jesus

Christ I’m so serious we done driving I’m so serious it doesn’t even let me move it I’m literally just Frozen that’s all this is wheel you’re done driving I’m not even pressing any buttons If you would put the thing back I’d be able to move this

Out of the D I’m not putting it back till you’re done driving oh you know what the boat kind of fixed actually that’s what I’m telling you you’re done driving you’re done I’m going put the wheel back so you stop I’ll just make another [ __ ] wheel guys don’t go guys stop fighting

This is why we don’t this is why we don’t have a hierarchy I thought we were Communists or should we set up a hierarchy for these situations for no fishy just broke the boat so he’s in timeout from driving no I have a wheel of my

Own guys that I will leave this crew I will leave the stam crew you’re done you’re done I fixed the boat no it is you broke the boat I fixed it you broke it I fixed it breaking it means jack [ __ ] if you fix it no it does

Not yes it does what effect does Breaking something have if you fix it afterwards nothing oh hey careful stay on the boat stay on the boat there’s a kraken I’m gonna go fight the Kraken actually Sid I’m not getting you guys can we please just steal this house

And go I’m tired of yeah where is it I want to I want to find a new structure I think we should leave it honestly by the way oh okay well you’re the one that said we wanted to I know I know I’m sorry I’m sorry at least I mean how

Difficult would it be why are you breaking the fences cuz they were broken they were still broke you just need to place anything next to them and and it updates the block the block no it did not I did not I tried the main problem is the

Stairs did we figure out which direction the boat has to be facing to assemble correctly yes let me do it next time please when is it west east north or south no I don’t even know I just look what do you mean you just look I mean

That’s how I do things I don’t know directions I just look at I’m like okay I need to do this to fix it which way point towards it I cannot I literally have to look at it to see what well look at it is it this building I’m

On shoot is it the building I’m on top of uh yes it’s that one okay try to break turn that one into a what you guys just left this as a ship we needed to place it yeah cuz we’re not disassembling it yet why not cuz we need to get this

First no we need to disassemble it so we can then get the other one disassemble that one and then assemble it all together we need to make sure we can get the bow first this feels like my parents we know we can get the both Mak me uncom

No we don’t cuz sometimes it doesn’t work why can’t we get along why can’t we just get driving because you guys are being over dramatic that’s why no you broke the entire [ __ ] place and then I fixed it you said when you said because you I thought you were going to

Somehow try to blame it on this is your fault to Dad this is entirely it’s it’s it’s sing yes we need to make floaters then we have more string we have a crap ton of string guys I made like a stack of floaters there’s also a blacksmith with

The Anvil you wanted fishy if you want to come get that blacksmith with the Anvil yes are we a block above the water let me get the floaters in the back yeah we are okay okay somebody grabb the floaters cuz I left them in the wood chest and they’re not there anymore and

We had like a stack of them so I have eight of them or I a lot of them I still have eight though also why are you Irish I don’t know this is like my pirate voice is it an accent yeah guys I you broke the boat something okay I’ve used all the

Floaters I had that’s where we’re at now I think that’s okay where is the black oh there is the blacksmith there be the blacksmith I still have a stone pickaxe I should probably make a whose pickaxe did you steal what do you mean where did we wait where’s the furnaces guys where’s the

Furnaces I don’t know but I have a furnace in my inventory holy [ __ ] I haven’t moved them how did you not take the how did you not come and get the loot from the blacksmith I thought you would have done that I didn’t have space Oh well we have

Extra armor so we’re closer to getting out all right what’s in the way uh a lot also just so that you guys think we just need to get rid of this house like some of the most OP items in this mod pack and we’re making our [ __ ] boat

Bigger I think fine as long as we’re having fun no I’m here to win Misty oh okay what you joined the wrong crew for that we’re here to [ __ ] make a big ass we’re here [ __ ] around we’re here to [ __ ] around and find out there’s no way

I’m probably dude they said the point of this is to get the most is to be the richest I was like I have like I’m gonna be able to play for like maybe two days maybe there’s no way it just becomes down to who’s willing to play the

Most the Gap in Pay will become so large that it won’t matter for anyone else except we’re like the top two people and my axe broke I hate it here I think we should try attacking another team I I think that’s a good idea I honestly just really want to make

A port that was my like entire goal when I came into this I want to make a port we can just steal a port just put a port on the boat just my starting goal was that at this point I think it’s just how much can we

Steal all right uh you should be able to leave now I think hold on I had to come back to get a axe cuz mine broke did we manage to steal the library we’re uh working on it in progress oh yeah fishy did you loot the blacksmith

Wait I want to see who wait okay instead of floaters let’s put balloons on it I think we’re going to lose the building then no no no no no because then we can put it on top if we if we use balloons we can fly it onto

It guys this is a genius idea please let me get string I think this should go on the back I think next thing should go on top or something smaller okay next time we find a spawner we need to see if we can make the spawner a

Ship yeah oh I found uh there’s a bunch of book and quills up here where was the random stuff we should start a pirates log Pirates log I hate Phantoms so much they are an there’s I’m getting caught on the corner this the back right you’re getting what

I’ll get it caught on the corner on the back right oh okay uh yeah right there wait but don’t connect it yet we need I was to see if the balloons will let us fly oh my god oh are you free now trying oh you might you might get low dude there’s a

Lot of phantoms yeah I I am I’m like constantly eating bread okay all right got it oh you’re good you’re good A’s I think I’ve decided on something what yeah I might leave ye Fellers for a mere moment no why is G abandoning us guys there’s a powerful mob over here

Throwing things at me oh you’re pushing it with your boat Misty wait yeah push it away push it away we’re just running it over am I on top of it still can I just like go like this yeah push it away until it’s far us yeah it’s working

You’re pushing it so be careful with getting low okay where is the string uh I don’t think I can get it disentangled now though I put I’ve been kind of oh there’s 16 here is it still on the boat the enemy yes it is okay I see it so if I go this

Oh no it’s just stuck on the boat now okay no no no I think you just stuck it there we go or should I go try to stab it I got it you’re good you’re good H 60 string all right let’s see how many balloons it takes

How much balloons did you just craft a stack of balloons oh God don’t worry they’re temporary where is the library I’m just worried about the resources you spent it’s just a bunch of string yeah exactly no but it’ll it’ll be useful because this isn’t the only thing we

We’re going to where is the library I don’t see the library in the back one of you can one of you we can get rid yeah I’m coming okay how do you get onto the top of it uh I parkour it up but you can’t anymore because it’s

Not by the stuff I parkour on with okay so we need water I’m just going to hold on there’s an upstairs there was an itic oh the attic was hidden yeah look it there’s an attic up there there’s a chest hold on we need to make pillars to support

That this be a strangely shaped Library not going to lie yeah okay uh where do we want to put it hold on we need to find where to put it first fishy this either the best or worst idea you’ve ever had in your life it’s definitely an idea I’ve

Had where are we going to put it though what do you mean we on the ship but like where on the ship on the top of the crowz is that going to be the new Crow a [ __ ] Library this is where it’s going okay wait I

Need okay how do we get up to the top I can get up to the top don’t don’t about that part no no I I need to get back to the top so I can put the balloons properly I need ladders give me ladders I need ladders this is the stupidest

[ __ ] it really is essentially shs do you see why I want this in vanilla Minecraft yeah all right I’m up oh how did you get up uh destroy the pillar I used there’s a attic all right okay where’s like the middle of the ship where would you say is like the middle oh

No it’s 11 blocks wide so one two 3 four five this is the middle right here yes all right excuse me yeah wait what oh this is some [ __ ] yes I heard your little mer oh these break really fast all right I did not know that here thank you no

Problem chudah is it working I can’t build up on it it just I can’t tell doesn’t seem like it’s floating to me uh what if you put like a block next to it so you do it what damn it I mean it’s definitely getting taller this is going to be like the up

House [ __ ] you what no it keeps knocking me off wait I think it might actually be getting sure oh yeah it’s definitely getting up there because it used to be one block down you’re going to need a lot more where’s our furnaces it would be admittedly it would be a lot funnier

If we put it somehow on the Crow’s Nest that would be funnier okay that’s all the balloons I made all right so for now we might just have to attach and and keep working on as we get more string it’s not enough wait hi Fellers I be going on an adventure

Now look at me [ __ ] look at me all right go forward go forward oh it’s up wait try to go on wait try to go for for the nest for the nest go for the nest it’s oh my God it’s going you guys need to properly disassemble the big

Ship first all right I’m going I’m going this is so [ __ ] stupid wait wait fishy go backwards like a tiny bit so my F3 is like a little bit better yeah yeah there you go right there right there sorry no no it’s you you’re making my ff3

Smaller so I can line it up good that is hilarious okay I think that’s good it’s disassembled not disassembled I’m just making sure it disassembles correctly okay somebody destroy the Crow’s Nest that’s there just like the trap doors up at the top all right so I can then place

This [ __ ] house on top of it what do you want me to do break the crow Nest mother The Crows Nest is like did you break the boat no okay that’s the crow’s nest made out of Oak weend it a bit no up here fish no to up

Here up here no but like just a slight bit of an extension yeah do you have an axe I’m using my fist I Al I do have an axe this is this is so stupid yeah that works all right start start bringing it Forward keep

Going uh wait hold on how do I go down two three four five you’re like level you’re perfectly level one one two three four five all right uh go a tiny bit up like a teeny bit okay yeah go uh your left okay it’s disassembled right the ship

Yeah don’t disassemble yours yet you you need to be go slightly to the left okay yep uh tiny bit forward wait hold I have to bring a floater we’re making this like like AED in the middle yeah well that’s why he needs to get like right it needs to

Catch as soon as it catches we’re good like just wiggle back and forth to like get it the posted like left and right wiggle yes okay hold on stop oh no [ __ ] uh stay right there disassemble okay ready yep yes okay perfect okay I shall break this

One now I’m going to leave the balloons so that it doesn’t leave the weight you know yeah uh are we sinking down there too Dad uh wait okay so now we have I don’t think so we’re not we’re perfectly fine no let’s get rid of the floaters

Let’s get rid of the floaters so that people don’t even know how did it no that’s going to add weight if we get rid of the balloons we can get rid of the floaters I think we have to get the balloons I mean the balloons is what I

Meant like okay get try getting rid of the balloons I’ll tell you if we start sinking I’m going to get down at the botom start let me break more of these floaters first no no no so no no no leave the floaters cuz that will make them ask how

The [ __ ] did you use it you get it using FL okay wait I need the flers than that fell and then I’ll put it back yeah this you have the FL the F wait is this full thing assembled yet uh it’s not assembled as a ship okay let’s try assembling it oh

God is it assembled I clicked on it oh oh it is uhoh beautiful I can’t move is there lag I’m moving I’m moving oh by the way guys what I never told you let’s see try moving the ship loading new trunks the ship cannot move oh did we pull an X

Oh it’s it’s kind of moving I think we need a lot more floaters now though okay let’s see fls on the bottom let’s put them on the bottom of the raft yeah put them like yeah there we go hey fishy can I ask you how many viewers you have I don’t know uh

I don’t think we have many not going to lie but I don’t care because this is [ __ ] hilarious I just need to check something three watching there are three people watching I think that’s like X you and me like I’m not watching it well I’m watching it I think X was watching

It X are you watching I’m watching so does water not stay or I guess it needs to be a water logged block huh all right oh sheesh what happened I just nearly fell off that’s all O Okay uh I need two three oh [ __ ] uh

Help oh I think I know what happened I’m I’m down help please can you help me I I’m trying let me where are you uh I’m on the boat but did you fall off yeah how do I revive you I just right clicked you’re doing it you’re doing it there we you’re

Welcome I think I know what happened I think I know why we can’t move the boat I think all the dirt no I think all the dirt didn’t connect damn it so what we have to do is uh give me a bucket it’s really not worth having a farm at this

Point oh no we’re lagging because I just placed a torch in water and it water logged I don’t think we’re lagging CU I am not experiencing lag that guy broke a block and it was fine oh yeah same here then why can’t I get rid of I just clipp

Through a block actually so maybe we are lagging yeah I think we are lagging look me oh wait X fishy what happened did you say you were also watching this I’m watching my own stream I’m not an arist you are sleep uh do you guys want to go back for the other

Thing what other thing the uh other building oh okay get a safe placees they need to restart guys oh what they need to restart the server why I don’t know Bongo just said they need to restart all right we shall everyone safe uh let me wait no I’m

Not I’m not I’m underwater okay chud are you safe I am safe I’m safe okay all right let’s go join the call with Bongo yep hello bngo why are we restarting the server because some of the mods are broken ah see we have all right uh what is it we’re fixing is it

Just people can’t rejoin the server for some reason oh ah we may be at fault for that yeah all right everyone’s in a safe place yes we’re yes we are all in safe places oh crew we uh our boat is a little ridiculous new vessel we we found

A we found an area and we are getting fat loot I really hope you guys are not we can see all they found the Ice uh maze that’s so op dude okay you luckily have you killed the boss yet yeah they haven’t killed the tier five Dragon T wise thing wait

You guys added ice and fire no there’s no ice and fire there’s a boss there with that’s equivalent to a tier five Dragon oh all right’s back up server’s back up all right summon for Captain Cornelia don’t fight him oh God it is a bad idea and we are going to do it

Eventually I got server wide boss fight all right birthing at the island it’s not letting me join okay uh I’m I’m going to make a separate chest for all it’s not letting you join or it’s taking a long time to load all right that’s it just a lava

Bucket to fill the ship it’s still birthing at the island ah okay that’s not B which structure did you find sailing to your Island drafting the island mod which is a very very large mod and it has a lot of loot in is it like a Ocean Temple like a large

One uh there is crashed pirate ships there is Pillager outposts and there is underground settlements so it’s like the deep dark city except for aquatic basically yeah cool it’s also really good for uh a lot of stuff it’s also massive it’s like absolutely massive it is a massive mod

Yeah I suggest you guys try to find it because it is very fun okay Fez we need to do some organization on our ship seriously we do um I’m just gonna take all of our treasures and put them in a chest somewhere Captain’s Log today I don’t

Know what your ship looks like but I think our ship is better yeah wow we don’t need have you seen it recently we should all photos of our ships yeah we should probably sleep they’re are Phantoms I don’t know if we can get ours in one screenshot

Yeah what are you guys what abomination are you creating I am terrified I’m streaming so if you’re really [ __ ] curious you can look at it or you’re going to have to go back to see the full thing cuz I’m not piloting the ship at the moment got know I can hear fishy’s

Pirate voice but I haven’t heard all of y’all’s I have not got the hang of mine yet okay I’m getting some sort of lag cuz I can’t get rid of this goddamn water block oh yeah fishy this is so dumb this boat also no I we cannot get rid of the water

In general yeah the water blocks are stuck to your ship good luck wait how the [ __ ] are we what you can’t you can’t get rid of them I’ll come by with a sponge for yall please do if you’re gonna do that for them you hey Bongo you

Can look at our you can see our ship then send me a screen is about to go out though so I gota and I’m trying to do something right now do it fast Bongo fast may not be until tomorrow no wait please because I needed to fix our Farms

So that because if not our ship is going to be stationary okay one second yeah my theory was confirmed by the way I know why our ship is stuck me I was out a village and someone just hit hit me for half my health oh leave bro leave me

Alone I’m cing you Ransom by the way I forgot to tell you guys dual wield mod is on we need to get rid of that water down there I I will revive you I’m just going to steal your things wait T where you ship t a pirate

I’m how did you get where where is Toad damn it this is why we don’t have nice things fishy I said leave them alone what’s going cannot remove that water we can’t remove that water yeah I’ve been able to remove all of the other waters but I legitimately can’t

Remove that one required a bucket I got it how the [ __ ] did you what it it revives you after a few seconds any I’m gonna eat this golden apple and come kill you okay wait try moving the boat the boat should be movable now fishy we

Need to go get to oh [ __ ] [ __ ] wait I didn’t all of our dirt is just floating in the ocean we have to wait for it to come back get your dirt and we’re going to go to get Toad cuz he’s a dumbass what did Dad do what is going on

Here all right what is Going what be happening how do you like the look that I got [ __ ] did you see the addition to our ship you guys don’t have to come save me I’m fine I live there a Pillager out on the water are you sure toad yeah yes I’m fine I you’re not

Alive going to remember that umil D I said don’t start fights damn it oh so why is my game so laggy right now what the hell’s going on I’m a pirate it’s what I do all right we have our I am extremely oh no he he did find it okay all right

Okay so you haven’t moved the ship at all right dirt blocks are apparently excluded from ship assembly right we should probably just leave the dirt off you’re no longer b i I will be warning you guys right now tomorrow if you are banned you are banned there is no coming

Back question who are you fishy stay out there for a minute I am out here what’s up stay there hope you guys had fun feele all right have a good nighto called Sail my ship as far away as possible so two dead doesn’t I’m going to help you I’m Trine all right I’ll

Checking feel free to keep ransacking the ships and check the M yeah yeah okay perfect I’ll be out here just 200 met that way C okie dokie anyway my pirate voice is ripping off Captain Barb so I don’t know where saying Ora I was like that’s so

Real I don’t know what pirate my accent is based off of but you took off you took off your Scottish one Bongo I’m I’m noticing something a little odd here so we want to look at the time really quick where be my 89 w why is my clock like one minute ahead

What’s going on there what if you guys changed your systems times would that would that stop I tried that already damn damn unfortunately no cuz it’s probably a thing with the holy [ __ ] that guy looks scary technically if we were to change the router’s clock we

Could oh I know how to do that yeah but you don’t have access to the app anymore yeah cuz I’m I’m completely bling that for you now B that guy has a fish on a leash and just so you know I aming la CL there’s a reason are they

Neutral or hostile that um hostile if I re that I had three viruses on my device yeah it’s up there should we no it’s over there okay okay we should move the ship because I want or I’m going to go up and move the ship a little

Bit no you’re Bann you’re done driving I’m get I’m moving it because I want to get away from the Hostile Mobs and I want to remove the balloons from the top of the thing one second I don’t think we can remove the balloons I think we can

Cuz cuz it’s a little back heavy at the moment so tell me when you’re ready to move go for it all right C I don’t know why it’s shimmying though it’s shimmying and I don’t know why I’ve got about 30 carrots on me I’ll take the

Carrots oh what the where did you come from it’s not letting me turn got carrots about now oh uh hold on I see why why the villagers there’s Cobblestone back here what does that have Orange veggie the Cobblestone doesn’t connect remember I thought it was just the dirt that didn’t

Connect I thought it was both also hold on let me get the villagers in a new safety seat because they they do Drift But yeah we already went through this one should we be going back to our own VCS yeah we should going back yeah okay

Oh yes I’m going back I don’t think we did any of this all right Jud I told you don’t start [ __ ] the reason I was asking whether you were on stream is that I didn’t watch I am on stream and yeah if Crimson was watching but yes i’ I I’ve attacked Crimson I

Stole two diamonds and an enchanted golden apple that he had IO that is [ __ ] hilarious IO a sliding enchantment book a power three protection Fire book and a pirates log H nothing too nothing too valuable except can’t I don’t know why so yeah I think the balloons might be doing something

I Misty I have found a uh I found a cat move fishy I will fall to my death okay should I bring it back in a boat Misty uh if you would be so kind why doth it be doing that also I would ising the glass no the glass should

Connect wait let me see if I can get a I’m going to go ask Faz something hey f I have a question for you what Fazbear Mr Fazbear hello can you hear me I can yes uh can you give us a list of all the blocks that are excluded from the ship assembly

List because I don’t have that well you have access to the server back end no I do but that doesn’t necessarily mean I know which blocks get blocked from the assembly should be in a config because I know you can I dying go back it should be on the config oh wait

Yes it’s it’s on it should be on the config um for the thing because uh so that we can know which I’m white so we can know which types of you know blocks we should exclude before reassembling our ship and stuff but yes if you have that very much

Appreciated if not I fully understand you could just like build it out of like wood first I’m pretty sure stone is one right but we’re kind of disassembling and reassembling the ship multiple times a day so multiple times a day yes it’s there’s a there’s a complicated process to our

Ship building all right you wouldn’t understand okay uh let’s see uh if there isn’t a fig then I’ll just ask bnog to give it to us later cuz I know dirt is on it but isn’t fishy there’s a crisis you need to come back oh [ __ ] all right I’ll I’ll

Gu hi I’m back what if I miss because I got scared what is going on we’re sinking we’re sinking why are we sinking cuz we took the balloons oh uh I have three floaters oh [ __ ] I got a spawn egg nice oh God I am lagging a

Bit we’re only thinkinking on that side though so don’t worry you sword I don’t think it’s a problem I think it’s a problem I think it’s less of a problem than did you figure out why the ship why did you move why’ you move the ship oh

Sorry I was trying to turn it I’m under the ship you just killed me why did you go Italian no that’s not what I [ __ ] meant I don’t know why he’s wiggling why what do we use to break the flers okay I fixed it okay there’s a dozen stealing our

Balloons it’s very rude I have balloons if you want me to place those okay stop moving the ship what is happening I’m not I’m not moving it you want me place these balloons uh yes please I would rather we make floaters no if we okay if we put

Balloons on the bottom then we can just fly this [ __ ] ship out of the water okay I think it’s good now I it’s not same if we’re in a ship fight or whatever we can be like hey [ __ ] look at this and then okay we’re good we’re not ultimate

Move if we ever get into it’s the ultimate power move we just start flying like in Peter Pan all right fish hop on we’re going to we’re going to swing T are you back wait no I’m not we need to make a string farm so that we can make the sails

Balloons oh my God we do J that where are you I can’t even find you on the map how are you all the way there good God that’s where was all right well we’re not going to go there bad for him I completely jumped him like when he open

The map fishy do you want to go back to the house and loot that sure which house uh the wait wait the aquamarine one sorry we’re we’re not moving yet I’m just rotating I want to get the balloons that’s in the water okay we’re not moving yet I’m just

Rotating cuz this [ __ ] dolphin keeps stealing our balloons that’s quite rude it very much is I do not appreciate this dolphin at the moment he’s playing with my balloons that’s what she said where there we go okay we’re set fishy there’s a there’s two lethal three lethal mobs in the water please be

Careful evidently this dolphin thinks I’m playing with it because I have dolphin’s rce oh nice okay also I I know the water is dangerous but I swear I saw a structure I think it’d be best if we just go find Tad Chad’s by Crimson I frankly don’t

Want chance our ship Chad also we need wool to fix our sail what I died this ship is [ __ ] hilarious oh hell [ __ ] uh we’re coming to Dad fishy get out of the wheel I was driving no I’m I’m banned I’m banned you’re banned oh no how that was so

Annoying I got glitch I got glitched in a boat and I couldn’t move and then there was just a bunch of drown oh no fast how long are you banned I don’t know I can try begging pass wait how long is the ban it’s an hour every time it’s an hour it’s an

Hour all right so there’s before I get shared how should we go about this we still at the village is this the same Village no no look in the water what for the quad oh how do we go about going about the quad that’s what I was asking do we want

To do like one person at a time so someone Downs yes uh I can’t I think it’s lagging because you’re stationary and I can’t I am stationary I’m feeding Ziggy oh but I can’t go in the okay there we go where should I put our dirt um make a new

Chest or find an empty one yeah there’s an empty one over here that dude looks like a warden another pirate ship right next to this one by the way I’m putting the seeds in the one next to the plants okay we should I’m hoping I didn’t die

On the other hand I put most of my valuables in a chest that’s good that is very good um did did Faz give you a revive or no yes he did yes but I don’t have any wood so I can’t make myself a boat this is so

Annoying uh we we’ll come get you is Crimson still there no he’s in different Waters okay um fishy are you cool do you want to go first or do you want me to go first uh I’d like to go first let me make my myself some boots do we have

Any any sort of underwater capabilities things we can make like a suit or something uh diving let’s see oh we need copper and glass to make diving suits do we have that and we need andesite alloy which is andesite and iron nuggets we can make that all right making diving Suits now

Yes okay we have glass pound soal about it we have we need noral glass [ __ ] I’m grabbing some what awesome ship it has too many signs though where I feel like you’re judging us for making diving suits where’s our copper is that in our valuables chest that I don’t know that’s

Just how I S oh [ __ ] it might be uh say I’ll back I’ll go check all right uh do we have undersight at all there’s pirates in this there do be Pirates we be the Pirates in this yeah it was uh it was another chest Stone oh there’s a raccoon in this

Game I know isn’t he so cute I’m gonna die cuz the boat’s elevated it like drags you up the ladder if you walk past it that is hilarious oh my god there are so many pillagers okay I’m going to just get a bunch of doors

Then if I get a bunch of doors I’ll be able to go under water I we have enough for two helmets no good night oh my God I can hear all of that fishy yes I know it’s some [ __ ] having a good [ __ ] microphone okay I heard

Nothing but I also have my headphones off and like next to my ears so that might be why so where do I go with this title quad or whatever I have no idea I’m just going to grab some [ __ ] andesite I just found some andesite how

Much andesite do we need oh yeah uh two four six appreciate hey so four so we need six for each of us to have a pair of boots my pickaxe broke and yeah oh hell uh I have you can take mine I’ll craft a new one oh my God

There’s so much bread in these chests let’s go okay here is six andite I need a pickaxe please there you go thank you oh wait let me craft you to diving helmet really quick oh we have all the stuff for a diving helmet yep there you go how about it how

Much time does it give me underwater no idea shift for sumary together with a back tank allows the wieler to breathe on for an extent we need a back tank too all right y Ares we need a pirate theme back tank I’ll put this in back in the

Middle oh goodness so we need a shaft so we need even more andesite we really need as much andite as we get at this point iite then ideally if we get zinc it’ll be a lot cheaper than spending our iron I can’t tell which way the boat’s sinking because it’s definitely tiled

T if you make your way back to us I found we found another house in the ocean to explore oh yes I found a few structures that I just put the diamonds and valuables like on the top roof that’s fair uh fishy be careful there’s a thing with a spear nearby get the

Spear I don’t know oh there’s a bunch of cookies in the quad oh sorry I didn’t mean to hit my mic I will say I have no clue if my things are going to be there my sword has an ability what do you know why wouldn’t they be

There I don’t know how how you get abity I don’t know if I have a shield out while I’m using the sword I get armor H that’s convenient how what sword do you have uh an iron sword huh I think it’s I think it’s just with like all the Swords oh neat my Shield’s about to break though and that’s not neat I’m getting a lot of down here nice nice only I had something to light this TNC I have I can make a button wow there’s a lot of land near I think we went to the place that had the

Most not land guys cuz I I’m finding a decent amount of land around spawn oh we just got in the dire went but whatever we found plenty of structures we ought to make our and we sto them all one of these days we steal an ocean

Monument not in any crew I’m pink so you’re your own crew Ziggy TR killing the people in black but they don’t you hate black people hey no that’s not what I meant I meant CU I bet they have better loot than Crimson did crimson’s just around yes I stole his

Loot why hey fishy you see any zinc down there I’m a pirate that’s what we’re meant to be doing right yeah thanks I just wanted to open a port and I still want to open a port I’m blowing up the the bad guys okay I broke your pickaxe and I have

Over a stack of andesite nice nice I’m going to go make a trying to all right holy [ __ ] that guy has a spear bad this is bad that’s what I was saying yes oh there’s a this is bad this is really bad oh no oh no oh dear also we’re using balloons as

Floaters uh for now X can you revive yourself I there’s a baby on me can you relog I can come get you if I leave the game I die ah why I won’t make oh I’m alive again I need to kill the babies or block yourself away sometimes I forget that that that’s

An option It’s usually the best option when it comes to fighting mobs okay bling zgy how do I make the back tank uh that’s why I’m looking for zinc right now and theight alloy make another button for this TNC what’s a bended ammono did I just find a fossil what

I think I just found a fossil oh that’s cool yeah where’s the zinc damn it did you also put our iron in the valuable chest not all of it uh where’s the rest of the iron uh there should be about 10 in the uh lower

Half in the lower half in the in the miscellaneous chest the one that’s like for like just the organized we’re trying to hurry yeah there was four there which is enough okay there be a lot of Ocean Monuments that I have come across Ocean Monuments where’s the copper is it did

You take the copper out it’s in the furnace no it’s in the furnace they’re remaining I’m getting more right now too and where is the furnace uh it’s where the villagers are they’re a little bit hidden though ah and that was not by Design

I found a ruined portal so if we want to go to the nether there’s a furnace and it’s empty check the other one I don’t see oh there it is that is oh there’s two two copper all right I’ll bring the copper I have on me up then yes we need one

Copper block and three copper oh dear that’s a I have four right now I’ll go back that one netherite back tank Jesus Christ how do I make the shaft or two that’s why we need a lot of yes I have the all put the copper in here’s the seven copper I had

Smelted I put four into be I have made eight shafts oh God that’s probably too many no like one recipe makes eight of them oh nice and then I need more Co I need like three more copper I’m looking thank you no problem may I have this please sir thank

You oh my God our ship disappeared for a minute oh dear T how you doing I found my stuff and my body and I’m getting it again there’s just a lot of mobs which are annoying we can enchant it with sink capacity three why why were you saying we need

Sink again uh cheaper than iron but like what for uh to make the alloy the alloy oh zinc ingots raw zinc let’s see what are the uses for zinc Ingot zinc nuggets block of zinc and zinc nuggets make the andesite alloy We need oh well I can make the andesite

Alloy with okay okay I get you I get you ye okay that’s iron I’m paranoid to like leave the like all of us offline now I’m not sure but I think the boat might go with you no no when you log off it doesn’t where should I put the

Shafts cuz we only need one here uh make it we make a new chest like for components okay I’ll go back down oh I got prismarine shards oh nice how many do we want I found a block that just drops them I was victorious in a SE battle oh is it thundering up

There it is but it’s oh dear straight up oh yeah it’s raining oh found copper okay yes we just need three although get as much copper as possible because copper is very useful in mod packs I have valuable items so I won’t be able to get you your cat but I know

Where the village is where it is located all righty thank you X is not having a good time oh God he really isn’t where are you where did you find after traveling with this regular boat I’m really starting to notice how efficient it is the boat the regular boat or

Ours the regular boat it’s surprisingly efficient to the point of or one would consider not even making a normal one are you like under in this cave yeah I found land I found Land close to where we are I think why do you guys have to do this

Why can’t you guys just behave yourselves and not tear all my things down off my shelves oh I’m an idiot I’m an idiot I can’t believe I just did that oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay oh God damn it hey honey why are we oh yes we’re lagging

Yep we’re lagging just as I threw all the valuables on the I am underwater too which is not good me too all of us are not having a good time God damn it I timed out you X do something again it’s just whenever X does anything three of us have left the

Game I have joined back actually the game’s going to kill me I’m going to drown but you left the game yeah cuz I’m going a Dr birthing at the island ah yes the golden apple the most important part I low key kind of feel like a dick for stealing this from

Crimson but whatever stealing is completely allowed Bango said so the queen herself actually am completely lying I do not feel anything hey am I in the game I don’t know I’m not disconnected oh I was connected for a bit and then I got disconnected right now it says encrypt in wrong coordinates

You oh mine was encrypt inting and then died to be fair after what I just went through I can confirm that it is really easy to get your things back when you die why does it all like stay in your body it all stays in your body and you

Just left click on yourself and open your own inventory that you had that’s really nice I’m going to go ask them because I can’t join back oh but if somebody else finds your body they can take your [ __ ] oh yeah I guess that’s a pretty good

Point wrong coordinates M cuz I it’s not letting me join has it let you guys join hi hi hey have you been able to join he started right now I just got back from the bathroom what started the server oh it had to restart down

Yeah X what’ you do I didn’t do anything I was AFK oh hey why are all of the pillagers back okay holy [ __ ] that’s a whale that’s a whale and I’m drowning that whale scared the [ __ ] out of me it’s right under the boat I feel like we should get a fleet

Of ships going why don’t we just connect and make them look like we’re practically driving a fleet of ships should all three of us have a ship what do you mean well you know what we should do we should have have miniature ships that can detach okay

Yeah I can’t join back guys oh my God that’s a shark that’s a shark is that whale fighting a shark no it’s just lering about not the British the British Crimson found the British oh no that’s never good news guys I found a pretty big island

With bison and some sort of trees I’m going to go explore oh you’re trees they are you’re alive now me I’ve been alive for a while I got back myself all right it’s a jungle it’s a cool looking jungle too are you able to get back up

Here uh in a minute I’m getting ores [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what the hell oh now you want attention is it CU your brother’s getting attention is that why all right there’s pigs there be pigs on this island and bison when you come back up uh you might want

To be careful cuz there’s a shark in the waters so the game lagging duplicated several items in my inventory that is great what never let it be said that lag is completely merciless get off me Zumba you just yelled at me cuz I tried to pet you and

Now you want pets leave me alone even now you don’t want pets why are we screaming is Zumba a video game it sounds like it’s a video game no it’s uh it’s my cat’s name my I was trying to come up with names and my dad was like oh do

Ziggy Zumba because school motto uh so yeah this glowing guy is looking at me Ziggy just tried to kill me Ziggy just brought me down three hearts he’s looking at me weirdly oh sh oh that’s what it was there was a little okay the glowing guy with the fish on Al leash doesn’t

Seem to be attacking me I am very curious definition of get your [ __ ] dog [ __ ] it don’t by yes I do wait toad did you die again yes but I might be able to join considering how merci no this these are just dispensers with a rename because should I try never

Mind should I try to kill these guys he doesn’t have a spear he has a I mean I’ll revive you if you die he seems to be non hostile I don’t know if they drop anything if they don’t have the spear so so I think I’ll just B my time with

This okay yes I’m holding you you’re being oh hello wanted have you the copper there’s stuff in the smelters yep it’s in the smelter a smelter come on boy oh that’s more than enough copper to complete what I needed Ziggy is head buying the microphone come on Fell have you the

Zinc other furnace get over here man he’s probably not going to follow me under the boat because it’s not solid so if I go ahead and get this and then I my helmet is literally at one oh no that is not good I’m going to I’m going more

Feres I think it’ be fun to have this as like our utility zone out here yes it’s worked so far why didn’t that not work are you okay are you having a seizure okay Misty yes never mind never mind I’m dumb no I thought I I I

Made some andesite alloy but I thought I made uh zinc alloy and okay but yeah I didn’t we’re good Yoo you you get Bann he di if you yeah he came in and told me that he got banned like I believe it same thing all right I have diving

Suit Matt I’m I’m pink you’re pink I thought no I thought you were American I thought you were I’m find you I’ve decided I want to find you me I wasting the I’m a lesbian I thought you were American thing okay um also I have some very exciting news

For when fishy is not streaming this fishy not streaming what streaming oh streaming so I think we have to fill this up with air somehow but I don’t know how not been iess how much I want to just be home already tired I I put it on my back see but

He how do I fill it with air uh you have to use the a create thing for that oh um I don’t know how to do it just look it up it says it’s somewhere okay we’re going to need a lot of andesite alloy I’ve

Noticed I only know that cuz I tried to make a sub and then then then some guy was like okay we can’t make it all Air so we got to use a diving suit and then he was like how do I refill the diving suit and then he does

Some Contraption with create that pressurizes the air on cruise control oh man I love being um on YouTube um then we get wood I have a dog now fellas all your fellas congrats okay I have a hand crank does that fill it up at all I should have taken via rotational Force simply

Attaching a rotating shaft to the shaft at the top of the tank oh to the top of the tank fantastic we’re we’re learning how to be Engineers oh look at it go that’s so silly Mhm wait let me where did I leave the shafts oh I’ve made a mistake I need to stop somewhere to mine but like there’s no land so I’m going to drown if i m fine is it working I don’t even have an iron pickaxe fishy I think it’s working the gears are

Moving shafts only go okay no that’s not what I meant to do I need to remember that you can’t shift off the sides of the things in the ship what do you need to remember that you can’t shift off the sides yeah rather annoying how do I know how much oxygen it

Has this is kind of useless now oh it’s because of Seasons isn’t it I hate hate Seasons so much what about the seasons I can’t grow my beetroots because they’re they’re they’re in Autumn season ow what hurt me you okay oh I’m starving I should probably go in there at some point

What up dog I’m supposedly filling it up with air right click on it to see if it has any air I guess or what uh you just have to pick it up and then and then the um bar at the bottom that’s durability bar I found that has a

[ __ ] of TNT which would be useful in ship to ship comat okay wait you found a ship though yeah it’s a ship that has a [ __ ] ton of TNT on it it looks pretty cool actually has red whisper me the cords I will’ll come so we can attach it to the

Ship oh okay I’m just going to get my things back and then I’ll go back to it we should attached that one to the back of the ship really I think I was thinking the front but yeah back probably makes more sense wait should we do front though to

Counter we it I thought we were back heavy are we I don’t know I don’t either we’ll have to look why don’t you just look yeah that’s what I just said hey guys X here don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel no selfpromo ow oh cranking this makes me hungry I

Just realized yeah you see the achievement you got an achievement for it I did not notice workout section okay this is not very efficient I barely even got any durability out of this it gives you 15 minutes though we need to lots of Bones it gives you 15 minutes fishing how do we

Get rotational power realized that the of items I stole from Crimson one of them was a compass I have no idea why I did that there’s a permanent Compass hey you you played with create right no oh I can maybe help though what’s up how how can I get rotational power just kind

Of automatic cuz just cranking this manually is I kind of forgot but there’s something I think are you guys are you guys still in the same Village oh cuz we’ve been looking at mechanic stuff and I went mining for a little bit we’re trying to figure out the diving gear where’s the other

Spawner I don’t need it right now I can’t find the gears anywhere CU When I look up gear it just gives me gear boxes oh they’re probably called cogs aren’t they yeah I a large Cog how do I make those it also might be that you’re in um

Oh well I guess not okay large Cog wheel those don’t automated there’s like a piston or something it looks like a piston never mind it’s back to not lagging you should just like look at it what the front is lighter than the back okay so if I’m correct this we need something at

The what is that oh it’s a it’s a whale why is the whale dying so if this is I’m not really interested a large oh [ __ ] I just realized before when I was looking for caves I should have just been using the mini map yeah probably that probably would have helped

You quite a bit why there’s so many mod things I like getting crash course I know none of these mods yeah me neither I really need to start playing more modded things because every now and then they join a modded mod pack server and I don’t even know where to

Start if this was Ice and Fire I’d have like a level five fire dragon by now okay so this should go about twice as fast now wait I’m almost there don’t leave oh no no we’re not no the I see the boat it’s glorious oh my God holy [ __ ] Chad’s

Alive Chad’s back home oh Chad that thing’s trying to murder you and it’s going like Fast ATA why did you just does that make it faster yes it makes it twice as fast then why don’t you make multiple of them I could oh okay guys in this chest are the

Things guys in this chest are the items I stole from Crimson so you know a shame nice okay so here put the go in the hole in in okay okay I’m just going to put them in a random chest but yes I stole a bunch of enchant books and an enchanted golden

Apple nice oh right I was supposed to give you the uh I was supposed to give you good word about about the uh about the dread oh I see you what do you know that’s alarming no it isn’t this yeah I I was supposed to I was supposed to convince

You to make to to make crimson’s team your ally now or before at the beginning after we stole from them yeah I don’t I’m not so sure that’s a thing now do they know that we sold from them damn it to yes I know wait oh what does it say [ __ ] it

Appears that this contraption is overstressed and add more sources or slow down the components with high stress impact so hey please don’t steal or murder us okay thanks what happens if I prank this side though sorry I’ve never played with create mode in depth so I’m just kind of

Testing things I’m going to be completely honest I I was going to attack you but then I saw the items you have and I’m like no it’s not worth it I can make it go super [ __ ] slow I don’t know how useful that is but you

Know what do you think of our Mighty ship oh you’ve been seeing it through fishy stream never mind it’s quite Mighty I must say I wonder if I can make this Trump I can probably make that jump I just made it I’m bad okay well we now have a bunch of

Cogs can I have one of these written books writable books uh sure cool sure just don’t steal anything from us I will probably stab you if you got close to our chest hey I’m going up this is a bush as a dead Bush yes we don’t use the Captain

Quarters that much bingly if anybody has any more food I need food X follow me or I’ll kill you oh X I have a job for you wait go up there is it possible for two people to you’re going to be our you’re going to be our

Crow from now on wait wait no don’t go why is there floaters up here that’s how we got it up there we got it up there why what do you mean why oh we just fled it up this is a terrible Crow this is Chill to be hanging up is

The best Cress what are you talking about also uh whoever uh miss you did you remove the balloons uh yeah you missed some at the top the ones on the roof whoops o wait I don’t have water breathing anymore I just watched you love it I need to get

Some oh my God you’re late how you doing where did my boat go where did my boat wait you came here on a boat oh it’s over there okay wait I want to see your boat you look so poor look hilarious I also want to see your

Boat show me your boat well then come find it Well I see X I’m going towards it hey hey let me get in the boat right oh I have divers I don’t really want the Torches is it working it’s cuz the boots make me go

Down the tank is up here I left the tank Dr No wait come here I want to test something hold oh hi to give you right I want you to also right click on this see if it goes faster I think it’s going just as fast huh oh I see

It I’m swimming it is glorious you need food still it’s small no I made myself some bread okay all right I want to go for that over there but the divers boots make you sink all the way to the bottom I don’t probably jues at times it’s so slow

Too you have a dog though honestly it’s not that bad X this is like better than our starter base security wise are there any walls like copper leggings yeah I died a lot without these walls I only lived because Bongo gave me a couple more

Floaters X the only reason oh and I also made a bunch of uh balloons you built walls all we did was just just get other structures to be our walls I wanted to have a pirate ship and then it crashed the server twice whatever happened to that Pate did

You just use it or you taking a village oh man what have you done I threw at and I crashed the server crashed the entire server you know what you should do X this already looks like the bottom of a hot air balloon you should just

Make this a hot air I’m not making a hot air balloon why not all right lad we ready to start sailing soon this is just fast enough to yeah I’ll get on the boat to outrun any any mob projectiles did Matt leave or X leave Matt probably yeah it was

Matt all right so good news villagers are contained is there any way of making like a furnace make energy for this I don’t know that’s not really useful I can’t do anything with that I need to go mining mood y mes I have to leave soon

So I’ll probably have to log off what do I do about that uh we need to find somewhere to log off cuz here by the way I found land and it’s not why don’t you just test it out why don’t you just like log off on the ship

And no we tested it tested it it doesn’t move you with it should we sail towards land guys we probably should give me directions where we’re going I want to oh wait no I see some back where we came from yeah remember there’s a little jungle place

Is it a jungle for you guys uh I don’t know I only see the edge of it it’s to our West it’s to our West oh so all right that’s a different land chunk B all right let me go it’s very big your slow boat Tuda do you know anything about create

Mod no I love how X’s vote just looks like a bowl of cereal all right uh we’re going west you said yes West it does look like a bowl of cereal that is amazing hey toad can you do me a favor and crank this for a while no you’re

Going the wrong direction now what sorry I my mini map’s slow West is to the left of the mini map no nor I think Bongo should add a to the server so that we can one dance from I’m working on getting West West is the left of the mini map I

Wonder if B I I know it was taking a second load or turn I don’t know how I made my mini map the rectangle but this is a rectangle now and I don’t know what to do with it I know I used to have two for a

Moment I don’t know what the deal is I’m get sure I have two swords why is it why I have where are you I’m at the top I guess I’ll go to the crows nness you can go wherever you want oh God what is that oh yeah X you’re being chased by

Like a thing I think I noticed I’m going to fish it okay my tank is full now is it towards the Pillager God why okay that was a bow then again I don’t really have any arrows I could probably make some though all right can people verify that I’m fa

In the right direction before we sail okay you are facing this is correct West this is correct yes I think so if if it is west then you’re facing west so if the land mass is west then you’re going in the right oh you you’re turning

Oh he gives me poison I don’t like that oh my our ship is fast yeah for for the monstrosity it is pretty darn good hey I killed it oh that’s a bigger thing I don’t like that never mind where did two dad go he’s on the chist ah and where did X

Go behind us I’m in my ship I’m sleeping did we explore this on the right nah Let’s us go straight to land I think we stop here honestly I’m going to mic spam copyrighted music please do not do that there’s a structure on the left I be flying

Jack what did you say do we want oh [ __ ] this is the what Bongo was talking about where they finding all their Lo North Oh north we need to go north from here I’m sure I think we just leave here structure bong was talking about that was like super stack these structures

Cuz like see how there’s bunch I would love it if you slept uh yeah but they are they’ll give us mining fatigue it’s probably better if we go to land and there no no these are no remember how she said I don’t know where you guys I found golden apple

And you guys said we should have kept going I just found an enchant a golden apple to that sleep uh okay but I need to log out very soon so I need well cuz we’re trying to get to the land but we keep getting distracted we’re going north iant the golden

Apple that is amazing if you guys want to keep going but I’m going to check this place out okay we need to head well it’s cuz we need to log off now and we don’t want to log off in different places dude that’s why I figured we just leave if

All of us stopped here matter all right are we stopping here what happened or I guess oh wait a minute yeah if we demount the ship then we’ll out here right yes all right we can just demount the M already did that hold on there’s

People in my I’m muting for a minute all right it’s demounted now I think I’m going to end the stream there I think that’s enough although I do kind of want toit give me a second like And subscribe yes what x said oh and maybe comment and share with a friend

Exactly bye oh no these boots make me fall wait just hold up I need to get back up to log out all right you weren’t aware they did that land later

This video, titled ‘I be playin minecraft, matey’, was uploaded by Fishysalmon02 on 2023-11-30 05:22:01. It has garnered 21 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:20:07 or 15607 seconds.

I’m playing a pirate themed server lol

  • Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft

    Crafting a Creeper Farm in Minecraft The Easiest Mob XP Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20 Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to improve their gameplay and gather valuable resources. One essential aspect of the game is creating efficient mob farms to collect experience points (XP) and rare drops. In a recent video, a Minecraft player known as BlackPlayzOP showcased the easiest mob XP farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.20, suitable for all Bedrock Edition platforms. Features of the Mob XP Farm The highlighted mob XP farm is designed to provide players with a simple yet effective method of farming XP…. Read More

  • SenpaiSpider Vs Herobrine: Epic Meme Showdown

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  • Surviving Minecraft: Part 1

    Surviving Minecraft: Part 1 Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft is a game that offers players a unique experience in a world made up of blocks, creatures, and endless possibilities. Whether you enjoy reshaping the world around you or embarking on epic adventures, Minecraft has something for everyone. The Basics of Minecraft In Minecraft, players can use blocks to build structures, mine resources, and interact with a variety of creatures. From battling monsters to befriending animals, the game offers a wide range of activities to suit different playstyles. Exploring the World As players navigate through the vast world of Minecraft, they… Read More

  • Revenge of the Minecraft Animation Boy: Part 45

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Fail

    Ultimate Minecraft Fail The Wild Update: Exploring Minecraft’s Bad Ending Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, recently introduced an exciting new update known as “The Wild Update.” Among the many features and events included in this update, one particular aspect has caught the attention of players – the Bad Ending. Unveiling the Bad Ending In the world of Minecraft, players are accustomed to embarking on epic adventures, building magnificent structures, and overcoming challenges. However, the Bad Ending introduces a new twist to the game’s narrative. Players must navigate through a series of obstacles and make crucial decisions that will ultimately lead… Read More

  • Renaming My Minecraft Character!

    Renaming My Minecraft Character! Welcome to the World of Minecraft with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of young viewers. As a domain expert in the realm of Minecraft, 方块轩 crafts original and humorous Minecraft animations that aim to spread joy and laughter among audiences. Unique Content Offerings With a focus on originality and creativity, 方块轩’s channel is the go-to destination for engaging Minecraft content. From daily original videos to hilarious animations, 方块轩’s channel promises a steady stream of entertainment for Minecraft enthusiasts. By subscribing to 方块轩’s channel,… Read More

  • Crafting Kobo Kanaeru: Minecraft PE Portal

    Crafting Kobo Kanaeru: Minecraft PE Portal In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Kobo Kanaeru crafts a portal dream. With each rhyme and each line, she brings joy and delight, Guiding us through adventures, day and night. From building to mining, to battling mobs, Kobo Kanaeru’s energy never stops. So hit that subscribe, like, comment, and share, And join in the fun, without a care. Follow her on Instagram, TikTok too, For more Minecraft magic, just for you. With Kinemaster Pro and Xiaomi in hand, Kobo Kanaeru’s content is always grand. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so sweet, And let Minecraft’s… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure! Are you ready to embark on a new Minecraft adventure filled with excitement and laughter? While watching a hilarious Minecraft animation video, you might have caught a glimpse of the amazing world that awaits you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine exploring a vast virtual landscape filled with unique creatures and surprises at every turn. Whether you are a seasoned player or new to the game, Minewind offers a welcoming community where you can unleash your creativity and make lasting memories. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and experience the thrill of discovering new biomes, interacting with friendly players, and embarking… Read More

  • Block Xuan: Minecraft’s World Restore Encore

    Block Xuan: Minecraft's World Restore Encore In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated vibes. From funny animations to songs that adapt, He crafts content that leaves us all entrapped. With a heart for the game and a mind that’s keen, He shares Minecraft facts in a playful scene. From hidden chests to secret surprises, He keeps us entertained, our interest he rises. So leap into his world, where laughter reigns, And join the fun as he entertains. With each video, a smile he’ll bring, Fangkuaixuan, the Minecraft king! Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine

    Sneaky Minecraft Soda Machine Minecraft Museum Build Hacks: Unleashing Creativity in the Virtual World Exploring the vast possibilities of Minecraft, players are constantly pushing the boundaries of creativity. One such fascinating endeavor is the creation of a museum within the game. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft Museum Build Hacks and discover the innovative ways players are bringing history and art to life in this virtual realm. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Building Ideas When it comes to building in Minecraft, the only limit is one’s imagination. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, players have crafted a myriad of awe-inspiring creations. The… Read More

  • ChabCraft-Civilizations

    ChabCraft-CivilizationsWelcome to ChabCraft, a realm where strategy, politics, and faction warfare converge to create an unparalleled gaming experience. Immerse yourself into a world where every move you make shapes the course of history. Immerse yourself in the complex web of alliances and rivalries, where diplomacy and cunning are your most potent weapons. Non-Whitelisted, Join Our Discord! Read More

  • Fabulous Miners SMP Whitelisted Java Bedrock 1.20.X

    Welcome to our Minecraft Server! If you’re looking for a fun and non-toxic gaming experience, you’ve come to the right place. Our server has been up for a month and we’re welcoming new players to join our community. Server Features: Enhanced vanilla gameplay – sethome, tpa Leveling system – unlock perks/commands Unique fishing system – new fish without custom resource pack Auto-replanting harvester hoe Player-driven economy – server shop and chest shops Collect mob heads – a fun challenge Join us on Discord to start your application: https://discord.gg/fabulous Read More

  • Dragonia Gaming

    Immerse yourself in a unique and personalized survival experience at Dragonia Gaming! Our server offers a perfect combination of classic Minecraft elements with advanced and custom features to provide an unmatched gaming experience.🔨 Custom CraftsDiscover a world full of new possibilities with our personalized crafts. From powerful weapons to useful tools, there will always be something new to create.🛠️ Advanced and Complex SystemsAt Dragonia Gaming, we have implemented advanced systems that will challenge even the most experienced players. Are you ready to master all our systems?👾 Custom EnemiesFace unique and challenging enemies you won’t find anywhere else. Each battle is… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My game is straight-up busted

    Minecraft Memes - My game is straight-up busted“I keep trying to dig straight down in Minecraft but I just end up falling into my own grave. Maybe I need a new strategy.” Read More

  • Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange

    Creepy Craft: 3AM Sleep Turns Strange In Minecraft’s world, strange things occur, At 3am, the game takes a dark turn. Ngao’s sleep disrupted by eerie sights, A tale of fear in the dead of night. The video captures the spooky scene, With Ngao’s reactions, both real and keen. The audience watches, hearts aflutter, As Minecraft’s mysteries start to stutter. Ngao’s channel, a hub of fun and fright, Where gaming and storytelling unite. With each new video, a fresh delight, In Minecraft’s realm, where day turns to night. So hit like, share, and subscribe with glee, To join Ngao’s world, where all can see. The magic… Read More

  • Minecraft block battle: The Hottest Showdown! 🔥😂 #shorts #trending

    Minecraft block battle: The Hottest Showdown! 🔥😂 #shorts #trending When you’re in a Minecraft block battle and you accidentally hit your friend instead of the enemy, and suddenly it’s a battle of who can say sorry the fastest 😂 #friendlyfire #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024!

    Ultimate Guide: Free 24/7 Minecraft Server Creation 2024! Creating a Free and 24/7 Open Minecraft Server – Complete Tutorial 2024! Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft with your very own server that’s accessible 24/7? In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up your own Minecraft server for free, ensuring endless gaming fun with your friends! Why Choose Mega Hosting? When it comes to hosting your Minecraft server, Mega Hosting offers some fantastic benefits: 100% Free with No Hidden Fees: Enjoy hosting your server without any costs. 24/7 Guaranteed Uptime: Your server will always be available for you and your friends to play… Read More

  • Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge

    Ultimate Mod Elevator Build Challenge Building an Elevator with Create Mod in Minecraft Embark on a creative journey as you witness the construction of a magnificent elevator using the Create mod in Minecraft. This project is part of a 30-day challenge that showcases the endless possibilities of this innovative mod. Unleashing Creativity with Create Mod The Create mod revolutionizes the way players interact with Minecraft by introducing a plethora of mechanical elements. From conveyor belts to gearboxes, this mod empowers users to engineer complex systems limited only by their imagination. Constructing the Elevator In this video, the skilled builder demonstrates the step-by-step process of… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!

    Mikey and JJ discover secret chocolate factory in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mikey World on 2024-05-23 20:00:29. It has garnered 7153 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:52 or 1012 seconds. Mikey and JJ open a CHOCOLATE FACTORY in Minecraft ! – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEI

    Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4: See All Crafts with JEIVideo Information This video, titled ‘COMO ver TODOS los CRAFTEOS en Minecraft 1.12.0/1.20.4 – JUST ENOUGH ITEMS (JEI)’, was uploaded by Canal Héroes on 2024-03-08 18:30:46. It has garnered 747 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. Hello everyone and welcome to a new video on this channel, in today’s video we bring you a quick review of a Minecraft mod, this mod allows you to see all the crafting available in Minecraft, anyway, I hope you like it and bye. INSTAGRAM LINK 😎: https://www.instagram.com/elsaibort90/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y%3D OTROS LINKS: ✅comic Building😎: https://www.webtoons.com/es/challenge/building-/list?title_no=542809 ☑️comic The Forgotten… Read More


    SECRET MINECRAFT COLLAB: YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENS! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Майнкрфат Сейчас покажу #viral #майнкрафт #minecraft #gaming #memes #videogames #video #gamer’, was uploaded by ILYA x ISMA on 2024-03-06 13:15:00. It has garnered 6805 views and 175 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37iV9U Subpishis ➜ https://clck.ru/37zNxn Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO… Read More

  • BaconBoy’s Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥

    BaconBoy's Insane Minecraft PS4 Gameplay 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation)’, was uploaded by BaconBoyYT on 2024-04-19 15:24:00. It has garnered 79 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:53 or 293 seconds. Minecraft: Bedrock Edition – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (PlayStation) Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Following several early private testing versions, it was first made public in May 2009 before being fully released on November 18, 2011, with Notch… Read More

  • Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraft

    Insane RLcraft Gameplay! First time players? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is this everyone’s FIRST RLcraft experience? #minecraft #rlcraft #shorts’, was uploaded by RCgames on 2024-03-19 19:00:12. It has garnered 423 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Hey, how are you? —————————————————————————————————- Check this out : Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/rcgamesss Discord – https://www.discord.gg/3TaHuKN TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@rcgamesss Become a member – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6TG2eCuSPxEbDqNFMEGjDw Business inquiries – [email protected] —————————————————————————————————- #minecraft #rlcraft Read More

  • Lost in Minecraft: Where’s the End Update?

    Lost in Minecraft: Where's the End Update?Video Information This video, titled ‘Mojang, Where is the End Update?’, was uploaded by Minecraft Detective on 2024-04-03 18:27:25. It has garnered 34714 views and 1200 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:05 or 545 seconds. This video shows how Minecraft hasn’t released an update for the end in over 9 years, and if the end update could come after the recent 1.21 update #minecraft #minecraftend #minecrafthardcoremode Music Used : Infraction: Storyteller – https://youtu.be/GEXlG_fQrbg?si=or3uVkfRdnIWjP8a Life Goes On -https://youtu.be/L1sVDPjLd1c?si=1c8oVwtHA88HCPIZ Story – https://youtu.be/WGPArLvbARk?si=gyF531Sg8zUdKfV “Cold Cinema” by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/3wROUWM “Wings Of Inspiration” by Cold Cinema https://bit.ly/46OJAQZ Read More

  • Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft Strategies

    Bearman3600 Exposes Insane Minecraft StrategiesVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Worst Ways To Play Minecraft | Bearman3600’, was uploaded by Bearman3600 on 2024-02-23 18:00:06. It has garnered 540288 views and 30787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:41 or 2081 seconds. Today I take a look at some of the best reasons to fucking end it all featuring a variety of different computers, consoles, and other devices. Thank you for your patience with my uploads if you actually watch them. I often have little time to record or edit videos, so I try to spend as much time as I can working on… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with Maizen

    Insane Challenge: Surviving on SCULK ONE BLOCK with MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-05-31 13:00:03. It has garnered 3574 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:09 or 2469 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive On SCULK ONE BLOCK In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you… Read More

  • EPIC Mother’s Day Minecraft Surprise!!

    EPIC Mother's Day Minecraft Surprise!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mothers’ Day Minecraft Showcase!!!’, was uploaded by ChaChaYourVmom on 2024-05-13 09:59:46. It has garnered 681 views and 99 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:45 or 7065 seconds. Explore your own unique worlds, survive the night, and create anything you can imagine! Minecraft is a 2011 sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios and originally released in 2009. The game was created by Markus “Notch” Persson in the Java programming language. Come home to my Discord! https://discord.gg/ma-mas-house-1150624776566620292 You, too, can be an elite for only $0.99/month! Join my channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXwpLFOlJTROLn_26LQQVRA/join If you’re struck by the… Read More

  • Alinea SMP | Whitelisted | Proximity Voice Chat | 1.21 | Vanilla Compatible | Extra Enchantments | Launched Today | New World

    Alinea Minecraft Server Alinea Come join Alinea, a 1.21 SMP Minecraft server offering a Vanilla-like experience with added features. Whitelisted for protection, custom enchantments, food skewers, proximity voice chat, and more. Join our Discord server to apply and start playing today! VANILLA+ SMP – Join with a Vanilla client and enjoy all features except proximity voice chat. To join, apply for our whitelist in the #whitelist-application channel on our Discord server. Application includes an interview and rule review. Feature Spotlight Proximity Voice Chat – Use Plasmo Voice to talk in-game. Food Skewers – Try new foods like veggie skewers. Extra… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Community Overload!

    Well, I guess the meme is scoring pretty high despite its humble beginnings as just a joke title. Minecraft memes are definitely a force to be reckoned with! Read More

  • Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style!

    Block Xuan: Crafting Calculations, Minecraft Style! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every dive. Animations that are funny and bright, Bringing happiness, day and night. No pirated content, only originals here, With humor and fun, there’s nothing to fear. So follow along, subscribe with glee, For Minecraft adventures, come join me! From classroom series to song adaptation too, Fangkuaixuan’s channel has something for you. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With MC Funny, the journey’s just begun. So let’s do some calculations today, In Minecraft world, where we laugh and play. Join Fangkuaixuan, the master of… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a lava pit! #memes #minecraft “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmemes #relationshipdrama Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft related! Today, we have an exciting recommendation for all you Minecraft enthusiasts out there. Have you ever come across a leaked version of Minecraft that promises an ultra deluxe experience? Well, we have just the server for you to explore that and more – Minewind. While watching a video about a leaked version of Minecraft, you may have come across the quote “The cake. It was indeed real, you see. Sometimes, just sometimes, it’s worth believing everything you come across. After all, ignorance, as they say, is bliss.” This… Read More


    MASTER MINECRAFT BUILDING TIPS! 👷🏗️Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Unleash Your Inner Architect! Building Guide for BEGINNERS to PROS 🏗️’, was uploaded by GAMING GURU on 2024-06-21 07:33:27. It has garnered 431 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Ready to transform your Minecraft world into a masterpiece? 🎨 Whether you’re a newbie just starting out or a seasoned builder looking for fresh inspiration, this comprehensive guide will take your Minecraft architecture skills to the next level! What You’ll Discover: Foundation Fundamentals: Learn the essential building blocks, tips for terrain manipulation, and how to choose the… Read More

  • JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!

    JJ RABBIT turns Mikey into ZOMBIE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ RABBIT & Mikey on 2024-02-09 20:00:00. It has garnered 5823 views and 50 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. How Mikey Became ZOMBIE and RUN From JJ IRON GOLEM in Minecraft ? – (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Moments with NatPlaying! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing mc lol #minecraft #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by NatPlaying on 2024-04-20 07:13:03. It has garnered 10264 views and 168 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!

    Minecraft Pro Nails Block House Build Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: BLOCK HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Mongo on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 293884 views and 4156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:14 or 2114 seconds. Mongo and Wudo have to build secure block houses! Who builds the safest block house? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out! This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip! #Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod Read More

  • Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1

    Surviving with Friends in Classic Minecraft! Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Old Minecraft with friends | Episode 1’, was uploaded by Dragonfrvit on 2024-03-09 01:09:10. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:03 or 1983 seconds. Playing Minecraft smp with friends! Just some chill times with people screaming Read More

  • Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!

    Minecraft World Glitch: I Found a Mysterious Hole!Video Information This video, titled ‘There’s a hole in my Minecraft world’, was uploaded by lowresbones on 2024-02-05 11:00:02. It has garnered 51280 views and 4604 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:46 or 646 seconds. Welcome back to the Minecraft Trailer Series! Today we dig down into the depths to collect a bounty of resources that will fuel the construction of my mega base! This is a Minecraft 1.20 Survival let’s play but using the Minecraft Trailer Recreation mod pack I showcased a little while ago! You all asked for it so here it is. I cannot express… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE: Trapped Underground FOREVER?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft but I can’t go above ground’, was uploaded by Call Me Kevin on 2024-06-01 18:00:07. It has garnered 499111 views and 33958 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:34 or 1114 seconds. Subscribe or else! (For legal reasons this is not a threat) 🎮 Second Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoB1WvtNPod0bTbPTsSGx7Q 🎵 Music Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@kevo2044 📹 Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/CallMeKevin 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/callmekevin1811 💩 Twitter: http://twitter.com/CallMeKevin1811 Minecraft is a sandbox game developed by Mojang Studios. In Minecraft, players explore a blocky, procedurally generated 3D world with virtually infinite terrain and may discover and extract raw materials, craft tools… Read More