EPIC Minecraft Hardcore with Shota, Fig, Twoki & Grymm!

Video Information

And we’re good okay we got that part done out of the way all right and then go to live tab oh we’re not there we go that’s that’s it I got it now yay okay now I got to copy the link and send it over we’re finally

Here big the first episode five yes the first episode five we everyone it is such an insane fact I am honestly shocked that we made it this long shoot uh edit message shift enter there we go hello hello welcome to the stream there we go announce that and

We are good I have it all right all right we can now we can now tab back here uh after I go back to here okay cool we’re good we are back hello hello welcome to the stream I said right foot creep I’m going win that heater and and

Today we have we have a new person kind of new not exactly new but new because she has not shown up for a single stream up until today yeah yeah we have we have grimy or grimal if yeah yeah yeah yeah Grim the people who have seen the uh the Dead Island stuff

Know Grim lots of lots of propane tanks were thrown and lots of deaths and money was lost on Grim’s Park yeah because you kept throwing propane tank hey it was it was a good game what’s the shopping list for today oh yeah yeah our shopping we want to go

Find the end or find the um dungeon um we have the ender eyes to do so but I did want to research into getting that villager breeding Farm put together finally because we struggled so much yesterday it I think that is tier one on the list for today is doing that I guess

The next the next thing on that list as well cuz we can we can split up and do things now that there’s four of us here um since since we have so much that we can do Grim doesn’t actually have anything and I’d be I would I wouldn’t

Want Grim dying so early on so I think we need to hit the caves and get more diamonds as well so I don’t know what the hell I’m doing with the Villager breeding pen like I I don’t know anything about that and I would research it but I’m the one streaming so I’ll

Leave team team one of you two whoever the [ __ ] is doing that or not oh Dam well it’s got to be one of you cuz cuz bro the last time the last time it happened Yuki [ __ ] cooked so I’m I’m going to leave it to I’m going

To leave that I guess team Tiki gets to do villager breeding pen then then half your body is missing um yeah you you and fig work together actually yeah that that sounds Dandy and Grim I’ll gather the resources okay yeah you guys can work together on that and

Grimm I would take you into the caves but I don’t want you to die so early on so yeah getting how about you start how about you start on a house we have plenty of iron stuff so you can easily carrots okay bucket team sh is going to

Go into the caves and if Jade decides to show up later but I don’t know if he will because we didn’t actually get a confirmation from him or not um you know if J decides to show up then you know we’ll have more stuff to do for

Now the Shota is going into the mines to strip mine because the Shota is gamer uh how much glass like would you reckon two stacks so I shouldn’t die here there’s no reason I should terrible jokes with sendi time oh what do you call someone with a Dozen guns American Bo this guy

Stinks good all right so all right um there’s some glass cooking in here I’m going to go get some more sand actually my audio is not my audio is not working properly doing oh there we go okay it’s working now yeah I don’t know why big but a creeper just exploded

On me and I had no audio sound effect for that H I don’t know why I’m going to patch this hole because we have good memories with this hole not not the almost one time that I almost died in the hardcore series running it’s not like it was the one

Time I almost [ __ ] died never that would never be the case here um efficiency to Unbreaking two shovel [ __ ] yeah oh yeah that sounds neat okay um we need to find diamonds now with me diamond seeking is normally my specialty so we’re going to hope that I can do it today

So now that we’re down here we’ve already mapped this area for the most part I’d say I said it was a terrible joke oh yeah that’s that’s true oh [ __ ] that’s not good that was that was a little that was a little spoopy um I don’t think we need to turn the breeder

Off oh by the way um if you guys get the uh villager stuff done quickly then we could go with um we get a uh infinite food farm with chickens going cuz I know I know I know Tuki was pretty good at that as well so I mean that would be nice to

Have but um one thing at a time yeah yeah one thing at a time of course but I was saying if you guys get that done like relatively quick then jumping into that next would be nice so that we have a stable food source cuz right now we’re

Kind of like just barely able to survive with food I mean we have it e bit going to be eating KFC on The Daily on God uh what do I level am I oh I’m at I’m actually at a decent wi level I could start

Striping but I I also just don’t want to have to run into a warden by chance cuz if I run into a warden I’m [ __ ] dead cook a king crab in the bucket like it’s KFC wonder wonder you know F I just realized something y I should be using should be

Using the other chat shouldn’t I Hold On I could trapo and torches bet oh you know what would be crazy yeah if I got a oh that would be really hard to do but like if there was a plugin built into the uh server that would allow me to

Pull up the chat in Minecraft that’d be kind of sick that be crazy that would be crazy you know what I’m going to let those mobs clear out back there because there’s like two SK oh [ __ ] me [ __ ] me bet boys those are all dead I just

Like guess I guess I guess I guess I guess I’m not doing all that yes orange hello welcome to the stream that was that was relatively bad okay we’re just going to strip mine right here this seems like a decent spot anyway I can of want turn on my full bright

Texture if I have it still I don’t even know if I have my full bright texture pack yes Tiki I’m that [ __ ] blind I want to turn on full bright I’m not I’m not I’m not wearing my glasses bro I I can only see out of

One eye right now and that one eye is kind of [ __ ] too so like he said that eye is M it is he said stand strong left eye listen I proud left eye you are strong that’s that is it too my right eye is just [ __ ] gone

Bro hey further welcome to the stream buddy uh stand proud left eye god um fig well ain’t thatd we have four beds in there yeah do you think there’s a possibility that it’s not breeding because of entities like nearby do you think that’s a possibility or no okay I was going to say

Cuz I know if we built it like right next to chicken too first time oh first time at the stream oh well welcome to the stream okay yeah I just want to make sure that that wasn’t like the possible issue but yeah uh no no one’s dead we also

Have Grim here this time further Grim finally decided to show up sadly sadly it was before you could uh it sadly it was before it was after you died not before you died you got diamond yeah you missed further death oh we are going to need some serious coal Yeah [ __ ] Christ I [ __ ] up my screen no no okay hold on I’m putting this [ __ ] in here by the way hold on guys give me a second I need to fix my screen and I’m going to go out and get some coal just a second there we go okay

Screen should be fixed cool right yeah uh no is dead yet I’m we’re trying to play it safe further cuz this is the first time we’ve made it to stream five um on Hardcore and we’re doing pretty good honestly I mean with you being the only

[ __ ] person who died do you want me to please knock on wood do you want me to I’ll knock on wood right now please I got you I got you I got you that sounded so baked my desk is wood mine is too wa you knock on wood too fbii open

Up bro if I start hearing like [ __ ] shriekers and [ __ ] I’m running the other direction so [ __ ] quick bro if iar I’m [ __ ] turning around I’m leaving bro I might even log off the server because the last time I was strip mining and I ranan into a

Shrier a warden [ __ ] beam me through the [ __ ] ground somehow and killed me instantly I’m like bro I’m L you literally can’t even [ __ ] see me no no it wasn’t I was in a regular survival world though so I mean it was whatever I mean granted I did lose all

My [ __ ] but you know I’ve played so much hardcore that regular survival feels pointless mhm we’re coal broke bro we’re not just Cal broke we are cold deficient M bro just start smelting [ __ ] wood logs and get charcoal [ __ ] [ __ ] coal we don’t need it anymore while I’m out

Getting while I’m out getting coal you can just do that I have a feeling on my way back to base as I’m running through the [ __ ] tunnels I’m just going to run into creepers and zombies and skeletons and all assortments of mobs creepers and zombies and skeletons oh my and spoo but

I’m not worried about spoter and I’m not worried about zombies I’m just worried about skeletons and creepers creepers and skeletons a man creeper a man way back in Vietnam on God the way back in here roshima God no no B your video has been un don’t worry the Japanese have already

Paid their price for [ __ ] around big big would you say they [ __ ] around and found out they found out oh Jesus Christ the funny thing is we had like 50 more too Jesus bro you’re you’re [ __ ] horrible for that you’re listening to saw live clicked on it so fast this

How canell canel for what recounting history that’s fair that’s fair it’s not my fault that I know a little bit of information welcome welcome to the welcome to the stream then um you get to see what we’re actually like on stream rather than you know on

Camera because on camera we have to dive into our characters and like we don’t get to be ourselves I mean there’s a lot of lot of similarities to me like to me and my character but you know it’s just less it’s it’s a less unhinged version of myself pretty much that’s what my

Character is characters that I play I am actually like big you’re always playing that [ __ ] meme character I swear like for me at least you’re always the meme character like you’re Mr fagles you’re [ __ ] principal mle like those are just straight up meme characters the only characters that you got to play

Which was literally like twice I think was uh [ __ ] red grave that’s like the only that’s the only character that’s not like serious and then there’s obviously the only character that’s serious yeah well I guess that’s that’s kind of done in well no I can’t I can’t say anything

About that right now or well maybe I can yeah I was about to say you really going to say something about that right now I could well no I can no no I can I can no no I can say something I can say something about it actually because I me

And Jay have already made this finally clear between us on what we’re doing with uh FNAF um with FNAF we’re canceling the original series and we’re making a brand new one that’s the whole thing yeah because the original series is like me it’s dying of ligma Jesus Christ thing well the

Uh F I swear to God don’t make me come over there what so I can Li your balls oh [ __ ] Christ this is unhinged Grim are you okay over there you’re on two bars yeah I’m okay Grim is just two [ __ ] shredded for me it’s three that’s cool crazy yeah you know I’m

Fine yo I wonder what would happen if I smack all this gravel that was satisfying am I am I confussed am I confussed on how to say your name uh I mean t yeah yeah I mean I mean I mean it it’s just kind of there it’s C I’m

Pretty sure you can’t [ __ ] up the phonetics of that [ __ ] don’t give me some out of whack like no it’s actually pronounced this cuz I swear to God don’t tell me that it’s pronounced no that [ __ ] gets pronounced con con which I mean I guess I could see how

How do I how does my content Reach people who are like from different [ __ ] places like that like I’m so confused about that actually my brother is just multilingual like that well I mean like 20 it was like 22% of my viewers were actually um [ __ ] from

The UK I’m like what the [ __ ] how did that happen they’re from the UK oh yeah I don’t know how I had so it’s it well I know how but I just don’t understand that’s not something youi would know about imagine being British you say imagine imagine dring these nut

Yeah didn’t you guys like lose so much from brexit I I sent uh further a [ __ ] um I I saw this YouTube short that came up and it was uh it was this [ __ ] it was like someone from the UK I believe got into a [ __ ] car

Accident and it was just he the guy gets into the car accident and like his car [ __ ] skids and everything and like he’s perfectly fine he gets out Bros [ __ ] airbag didn’t even deploy mind you and he just casually jumps out of the car he’s like I’m okay I’m uninjured

And the other guy’s like I’m sorry and he’s like no anger no anger I don’t know why they’re speaking like that I’m like okay you know what you know that reminds me this one video I saw where um there was this like horrible [ __ ] car accident it was like some live leak [ __ ]

Oh so um the guy steps out of the car right mhm and as he looks towards the um person like in the video recording the video MH um he just like he turns his head and then he just [ __ ] dies oh what and what happened was because um

His spine got fractured in a way that um basically it made it so sharp because the fractor it made his spine sharp enough to sever his um spinal cord when he turned his neck so he literally just [ __ ] um oh like literally pulled a Mortal Kombat on himself oh bro that

Sounds so [ __ ] horrific I’m not even going to lie that kind of bro I can just imag for the safety of yeah for the safety of not only you but the the stream in question um that is going to be all for me about that video yeah that that sounds that sounds

[ __ ] that honestly that is very unfortunate that sounds like a [ __ ] that sounds sounds so bad too cuz like imagine you like stand up and like you think you’re okay and then just everything just goes straight to Black you’re just gone like that that honestly the reality of that sounds [ __ ]

Horrifying that’s another thing that’s why people they often say if you are in a motorcycle crash and you have a helmet on do not take it off because you could accidentally like mess up your spine or some [ __ ] yeah that that just sounds [ __ ] horrific honestly

Yeah it was that that [ __ ] was crazy I don’t know that honestly I can’t even imagine that like like getting into an accident and then just like you think you’re okay and you have that washer relief over you and then the second you turn everything just cuts to Black that

That’s like some [ __ ] horror movie type [ __ ] like oh yeah I mean at least that shit’s instant though but yeah at least I guess I guess that’s fair at least you don’t have it’s it’s not like you’re [ __ ] sitting there in pain you’re just gone but that

Sounds like it’ be horrifying I’m not even going to lie cu the guy literally like got out of the car and he stood up I I want to I want to make a joke about that but at the same time it’s just like not not like a

[ __ ] up joke but like a joke as in like imagine you get up and you’re like it’s okay I’m okay and then you watch bro face plant and then on his memorial his final last words were I’m okay like what yeah we should probably cut probably but but I’m just saying that shit’s

[ __ ] I’m also lost in this cave I don’t know where the [ __ ] I’m at bro well I I stripped mine to a complete leather cave so I don’t know where the [ __ ] I’m at right now but I’m getting diamonds so um so we back in the mine got our

Pickaxe we in from side to side side side to side total shock gos your body oh no it’s oh [ __ ] ow bro these shields are broken I’m I need to get a [ __ ] mod that fixes Shields that makes sense further that makes sense put my head open to the Bone

I was like Hey F that’s [ __ ] up bro you said that makes sense that makes sense what what no bro I’m just built different bro I’m just built like that I’m just built like that you said you’re built different I’m built different bro bro I’m built different yeah I’m build different

Yeah we back in the M got our pickax swinging from side to side well I’m glad I got seven stacks on the dot too I’m just like I’m just him I’m in a sexy ass cave right now I just don’t know where to go you look at the mirror you say who’s

The man I want to become and then you see me I’m him EG if I could I’d reference back to one of the things you sent me in our DMS one of the numerous things which one which one there’s a lot of things my boy there’s lot of there’s

A lot of things that you could reference to oh this is beautiful holy [ __ ] not to me being out of pocket oh my God I love this hold on hold on pause pause hold on no no pause yo bro bro pause bro bro I’m trying to look at this lighting pause

Pause oh [ __ ] pause bro pause let me see if I can this pause bro pause pause yo yo yo pause yo bro is [ __ ] pulling some anime [ __ ] on me yo I got some grass out of that [ __ ] yeah bro I need fig you need to see

This I’m looking at your stream that [ __ ] is beautiful this lighting is [ __ ] amazing hold on there was a specific angle I had where it was just yeah there was a god Ray and that I was looking I was trying to look at it and I said yo pause guys and these creepers

And [ __ ] kept pulling up y that is some [ __ ] I would make a kid to was it over here I think that was some [ __ ] I die in I don’t know let’s go pimp actually wait a minute I need to deposit coal Co hey I found coal I found coal

Too oh you want to go o o come on I love the motion blur cuz I can just flick my camera really [ __ ] quick oh [ __ ] yo chill chill chill hey hey whoa hey bro hey chill watch J watch watch watch watch where the [ __ ] is you there you get out of

Here um are there any more parts you’re going to need okay thank you I’m getting the [ __ ] out oh Jesus Christ bro I just want some coal why is there a whole [ __ ] Battalion out here guarding coal my dude my dude entered [ __ ] Scotland my dude entered Scotland with

The coal mines bro I just said oh Some Coal they’re like you want to take our coal you’re going to have to go through us I’m like bro it’s just coal it’s not that big of a deal Bro went to Russia with the coal mines Bro went to pencilvania

Powered rails and regular rails so you need Redstone is what I’m hearing Redstone I’m on it um we already got rails in here we can just is that going for your from your mic what what I’m hearing like this slight little like sound I I don’t know

What the [ __ ] it is but it’s like this slight little sound as if like someone’s like off in the distance talking but it’s not that it sounds similar to it but I don’t know it’s [ __ ] it’s weird My Stream volume is off it could be my headphones maybe I don’t know bro

I turned them down tell me if you keep hearing it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] anyways I’m going to go uh I’m going to go search for the one piece now it’s not real it’s not need anys hold on guys I’m going to I’m going to put on my put on some music because

[ __ ] it why not I’m going to go look for the end where’s um oh you know what you know what this is what I want to listen to go help me build [ __ ] do I gota yes fig you have to damn GNA have to put the one piece off also fig I did

Stop hearing the noise when he turned it down yeah so probably was me I don’t know what it was though that’s what I’m confused about uh probably just you hearing yourself from my side okay yeah that’s fine I didn’t have a problem with it it

Was just I was confused on if I was tripping balls I was like am I tripping what’s up Schim question oh hold on hold on hold on yo excuse me pardon me excuse me pardon me excuse me excuse me pardon me excuse me pardon me Are you saying that because you need help building it or are you saying that so I can figure this out oh oh yeah that’s the lighting I wanted oh my god oh [ __ ] yeah it looks like it’s just a compost with glass four out oh my God that is

Beautiful come on no no no come back come back come back come back I had it no damn it I couldn’t get my screen for this part actually look look a little accurate oh hey more coal if I get this is actually 13 all right I say we just go over there

And build an entirely separate box yipp yipp oh [ __ ] watch your German Cola kid bro I almost got jumped that creeper bro bro in the smoke and I did not want to give it all right we have some extra glass to play around with right how much coal do you do you guys

Need by the way just as much as possible um we’re pretty much good on coal okay cuz I have like a stack we would love to take it from yeah I got I got like a stack on me currently about all right I keep grabbing it just because coal is something that we

Constantly run out of I mean granted we won’t we won’t be needing coal for too much longer but you know for the moment we’re going to need It let’s um make sure we got the center block In okay I’m going to actually build a layer of dirt under for the water wait we only need one block of water for this right oh [ __ ] yeah all right bet Betty spaghetti I am ready call me Reggie the way I be ready why do that intro go so [ __ ] hard

Bro I Love mining my granny dropped me when I’m a baby yeah I feel that Except I wasn’t dropped on my head I was just spun around like I was in a [ __ ] blender helicopter that was funny also think another reason why I’m [ __ ] up is because my dad left me at four months old but you know what we’re going to go with the former we’re going

To go with the former no father figure oh God no [ __ ] no dad oh God big I don’t know what’s better the Father Figure leaving you or the Father Figure [ __ ] I can’t say it what I cannot say it f you’re are M no sir I can’t but I’m

Just saying I don’t know which one would be better uh I don’t know man that doesn’t I don’t think there is a better in that scenario yipp I got the dirt I got the dirt let’s go you know the second I see diamonds I lose my like oh [ __ ] there’s an

Orphan it’s a [ __ ] orphan it’s a [ __ ] orphan leave me alone it’s a [ __ ] orphan [ __ ] orphan boys boys it’s an orphan I’m scared everybody knows the one thing that can end a hardcore run is a [ __ ] orphan hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey

Hey bro I can’t hit this tiny [ __ ] okay there he is big my guy you need hell yeah bro I agree I really need to go to hell help oh yeah that too don’t worry I give fig counseling on Wednesdays what counseling you just suck my dick and call it good

Exactly yeah I know I know you meant to say help I get you bud it’s all right big just likes making a joke out of everything that’s said because he knows when someone [ __ ] up so make he’ll make a joke out of it yeah because I’m secretly insecure

About all the times that I [ __ ] up yeah so I cope with it by pretending that um you know everyone else is not as perfect as me when in reality I am just as flawed big aren’t we all yeah but it’s okay cuz at the end of

The day I’m here to beat your ass wouldn’t say beat my ass I would say sorry I just killed hold on I don’t think I belong in this area anymore um there we go but yeah I wouldn’t say beat my ass I would say just remind me that I’m a

Living human being yeah what’s up F wear torches Oh I thought you had the Torches Tores all right well I’ll go handle that I guess it’s okay fig I show you that you can still be a human being yeah me and fig actually have cuddle sessions on Wednesdays that’s

What happens we cuddle up when we watch movies together honestly that doesn’t sound like that actually doesn’t sad much more of the torture I can take that honestly does not sound bad like I’d love to just [ __ ] with the homies watch hey my bro a little fruity my bro a little fruity

No bro I love just sitting relaxing and watching movies with the homies not even going to [ __ ] lie just I’m about I’m about to split your skull open like I’m your grandma bro bro now honestly as long as it’s not like a child movie I ain’t got a problem with watching

It yeah movie SES with the homies does sound fun [ __ ] sounds like sounds like our plants for holy [ __ ] I just heard a i and then my [ __ ] heart sank I was like a [ __ ] here we go I got jumped bro I was oo diamonds everything’s better now I found

More diamonds I love the caves bro it look so beautiful this is this is why I specifically and the guy who goes mining for the team like um Yuki how many blocks up is the glass drifting be drifting without you drif in drift in without you so you guys do need Redstone

Yes um it’s optional for now no you don’t okay well if you say you need Redstone later just remember that you told me no well it’s not to say that you shouldn’t grab any because we’re probably going to need it later on for something that’s fair about how much you think I should

Grab like a stack or two is fair okay honestly Redstone is like kind of efficient you don’t need too much of it I’m going to get more lapis while I’m down here too because we only have like a stack granted we won’t be needing a Lapis for too much longer but you know

We still need it at this very moment so once we get the Villager breeding pen up and like start getting actual like icient thing set there then we won’t even need itri is out here being a warrior bro I’m lagging we need the villagers all right um Grim you’re you’re almost full bars

How are you lagging I don’t know you’re one bar Off full you weren’t complaining when you on two bars how do we get I was still lagging but I don’t know what’s happening oh [ __ ] rails Hy star rail no way bro I wish I would get sponsored by [ __ ] honkey star rail

Holy [ __ ] just imagine just imagine bro imagine if I got it somehow I have no clue what the [ __ ] it is I would suck your dick for the benefits think I’m joking I found a zombie villager down here too bad we’re not by the house otherwise I’d be luring that [ __ ] back

But you know all right I got um a stack of rails and a a couple mine carts okay or just [ __ ] take fall damage now just time to rail the homies bro this is my favorite pastime I mean what yo that’s crazy that’s crazy you’re crazy I know oh [Laughter]

God [ __ ] Christ bro you think I’m joking you think I am joking big I already know the definition of crazy it’s okay yeah you dated it for like no I’m being silly I shouldn’t go there you should not yeah oh [ __ ] Christ why is it so beautiful the Rays bro where where’s RTX

When I want it h H that is so sad that’s a god R too that that is so [ __ ] beautiful wait a minute you need this over this way I almost have 30 levels so I I could start heading oh my God big it’s so beautiful it’s so

Beautiful what’s up what’s up Yuki welcome to the stream yo Yi not y it is it is the himy oh hey more Diamonds yo someone needs to die for me real quick so I can get more you know what you little [ __ ] you know what [ __ ] you I just want some diamonds but no no of course you just want to come at me you want to come at me too [ __ ]

You an Enderman as well I might look at him nothing just dying yeah bro I [ __ ] have to take like 250 millgram of of like [ __ ] antihistamines within like a 12-h hour period a day just so I can function Big’s been kind of dead recently no you hear me you hear me like

Right now like you hear like listen to this like that that’s me taking a [ __ ] ton of allergy relief like enough badril to tranquilize a [ __ ] elephant and know I still sound like [ __ ] [ __ ] Christ I love it why why do I get such good scenery in these caves this is why

I keep my render distance on eight because I can get [ __ ] light rays in caves this [ __ ] looks beautiful bro the crazy part is I have taken enough allergy meds to OD yeah I haven’t I’ve literally like become immune to [ __ ] allergy meds Bros become immune to the oding properties of

It my brain is damaged enough just so I can breathe in my own [ __ ] room because this house is so old like and the fact that I haven’t been in here for months because I’ve been at College you’ll get used to it again fig eventually well no my body is already

Used to it but um I’m ready to go the [ __ ] back sure I got a Monday Wednesday class that’s um 9:00 a.m. but like I’m [ __ ] ready bro well miss Builder we um we doing This I need to quit [ __ ] around but you know I love [ __ ] around so [ __ ] around and find out that’s what I say um DM you need help yeah I need help bro I need more than help I need to be like euthanized I mean I can help with that

[ __ ] I wish I had somebody who would just kill Me Ian like that but oh more diamonds more rails all right bet where oh I see what you mean I’m finally picking up what you’re putting [Laughter] down I am horrible for that damn bro bro no crazy that’s crazy that’s crazyit at that point bro understands why I’m [ __ ] up that’s crazy you are foul my my thought process is so horrendous you are a foul B why do you hang out with

Me why um because you’re one of the only people that can put up with my [ __ ] damn and you’re pretty cool a yeah those are like two requirements I can be annoying though sometimes and you know it well yeah but that’s just that’s just part of my character let you

Know how you take part one and shove up your [Laughter] ass okay that’s crazy that is wild I didn’t mean it to I didn’t mean it I mean it like that I mean it like that I’m not coming out of this cave until I have enough diamonds to make

Grim a full [ __ ] set by the way yay I’m at 21 every time you hear a fig you hear a coup what do you mean they don’t they sound nothing alike what huh yeah she and I only sound alike on like some basic levels our Cadence is somewhat simil

Similar but like that’s about it oh my god oh so beautiful these caves this is why this is why I cave this is exactly why I cave these caves make me want to act up I swear oh [ __ ] that does not make me want to act up

That’s a hole that I would not like to fall into hey bro hey bro holes make me act up F you make me act up [ __ ] Daddy I almost just fell oopsie oh my God holy [ __ ] fig fig yeah what look on stream oh holy [ __ ]

The conjugate them I need that F booy TK obliterator [Laughter] now whatever whatever I just kind of did my own little YOLO there don’t mind me fig yeah I got you I just almost slipped into lava while doing it cuz I I was indecisive on whether or not I wanted to

Do the yellow or not so I just sat there yo for some reason these [ __ ] villagers remind me of that one video I saw where it was like a a miniature Village of like like severely inbred people like so in that some of the [ __ ] could only speak through barks oh God crazy

Yeah like that in bread so I just realize something fig I actually don’t know my way back to the house bro so when I decide to come up I’m going to need coordinates but for now I’m I get you wall how about That all right Sha pay really close attention you you don’t need to tell me now I oh okay big I’m going to need you to tell me those later all right where do you want this wall Mr President oh you’re right Kobe Kobe you should kapture why are you going to kidnap shirro

Oh you mean actual walls [Laughter] oh well hand me the other one bro I’m Bill ADH I don’t know what you expect from me do you mean the Whitaker family yeah yeah yeah yeah Oh I thought I gave you two yeah it’s the um it’s the Whitaker

Family if you don’t know what it is oh yeah cuz you didn’t pick it up um if you don’t know what it is look it up it’s kind of [ __ ] up oh I found more diamonds look at that I believe they were actually forced to

Do it too I forget I think it was like by their dad or something that sounds kind of uh [ __ ] up yeah where’s the stone cutter so I need 28 diamonds for full armor set plus whatever for tools we have three diamonds at Home may be a little silly all right looks like we’re going caving wait a minute there’s some deep slate brick walls in here um use what’s in here for walls and I’m going to go out you need deep slate fig I just need walls bro I just need

Stone walls you need you need deep slate fig um further is dead so huh what I said you need deep slate no I’m just saying I need any kind of stone for walls oh well I have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight eight sacks of deep

Slate Jesus Christ all right well when are you coming home uh I could make the Trek back now I mean I’m not quite I’m not quite at 28 diamonds but I mean I have 23 so you know we’re close I mean I’m just going to start making some Cobblestone [ __ ]

Okay while I wait all right yeah yeah I believe that was the story that was it was it was [ __ ] up man I’m coming up with so many [ __ ] up anecdotes today yeah yeah you are fig that’s crazy think I might see a doctor um do you guys want a wholesome

Anecdote then sure yeah more diamonds oh more diamonds two veins of diamonds right by each other that’s nice all right so my cat um she is very adorable she’s an adorable little black cat honestly all the superstitions are wrong anyway she’s crippled right okay um one of her legs um like do sound

Positive oh oh it is okay um she was born to where one of her legs didn’t work properly so when she was born um she kind of had to like drag herself around and like hobble on um her other feet right and uh basically she it it

Was the first like four cats that we got um she was probably my favorite because no matter where I went when I was out when we took her outside you know like she would always follow so basically what I did was um I kind of like I don’t want to say trained

Her to walk but basically what we did was like I would um walk up the sidewalk and she would follow me and then um I would like go back and then she’d follow me if it looked like she got tired I would bring her back this was like years ago I

Was like [ __ ] nine or some [ __ ] this cat is old can she walk yeah she can walk um she obviously she’s still a little bit she has a little bit of a um poble to her because you can’t UNF [ __ ] [ __ ] yourself right but she’s

Doing a lot better now than when she was uh younger bro yeah dead ass a training montage for the crippled cat it was adorable I was it I was so young too I don’t even think I understood what I was doing but at the same time I think I might have anyways

Uh I got the walls well it’s not to say that you can’t un [ __ ] yourself it’s just that it is very hard all you needed was one wall well you could have [ __ ] said that before I made four stacks of cobblestone walls we’ll find something to use them

For it’s okay yeah we will yo he’s got the drip what the [ __ ] he ain’t got no drip no more I still Jay’s triple but it’s like very hard oh yeah um I’m obviously not the authority on that because well you know I was born a natural

Bipad like I’m not trying to sound ableist so I’m going to say like I don’t know much about that but I do know that it is a pretty difficult process requires more than just therapy and training oh yeah but yeah there’s um there’s my story of how I trained a cat to

Walk some [ __ ] Rocky type [ __ ] Mhm speaking of hard um this better not be going where I think it’s going further I’m watching I’m watching you further this better not be going where I think it’s going excuse me sorry I’m so sexy we know fig we know I am the epitome of sexy of course of

Course I’m bringing sexy back yeah I’m on them boys don’t know how to act yeah damn look at all these eggs I’m going to be making so many chickens tonight yeah yeah bro yeah yeah bro KFC about to go crazy yo I I have a [ __ ] full

Inventory of eggs the [ __ ] have you chicken been doing thank you you know creepers are creepers are both my best friend yet my worst enemy [ __ ] Christ oh I know what I can use these walls for you know what now that you saw your brother get slaughtered before your eyes

Chicken I’ll let you leave yeah into the woods buddy into the woods come back when you’re stronger bro then I [ __ ] like a week later from now you see a [ __ ] fully dripped out baby zombie riding a chicken and iron armor no bro that is how it’s about why is there

Just a whole full of [ __ ] chickens bro he say what the [ __ ] he that right foot creep o walk with that heater turn around St I’m lost it’s okay guys the coordinates well no I’m saying I’m lost in this cave maybe dig out of the [ __ ] cave

You see I would but I want to get as high up as I possibly can without digging but that doesn’t look like it’s going to happen anytime soon so you got to play like a man big I’m going to beat you like a like a woman no like I wish I

Were like I wish I had a significant would be me Jesus I am [ __ ] up F we need to talk about we need to talk [Laughter] buddy what I’m [ __ ] traumatized it’s okay fig it’s okay we understand now tell us where it all started um let’s see no not really not really

Say come see the damn I can’t even be sus properly bro [ __ ] is this think he need to go back to the vine boom I swear that [ __ ] was so convenient look at how more sophisticated it is sophisticated you’re using big words buddy I’m doing pretty

Good oh hey more diamonds how you doing oh hey more diamonds o at 30 diamonds fig are you proud of me good job yeah I’m proud of you you [ __ ] o good job golden apple don’t mind me what’s in here oh music disc I’ll take that bye have a great

Time I’m down to my final 12 pieces of bread I should get the [ __ ] out of here speaking of 12 pieces bro I’m about to show these chickens Who’s [Laughter] Who Rose crafted a 12 piece McNugget oh God bro out here crafted away except um nuggets only go up to

Like what um [ __ ] 20 piece it’s like like 4 6 10 20 it’s been a while since I [ __ ] worked at McDonald’s I’m never going back I’ve never worked I would literally rather kill myself hold on I got to take a I’ve never worked I should get a

Job I want a job honestly but like I’m working towards a career path so you know getting a job would make things a bit harder for my career path which normally would normally would be the opposite normally working would be good for you but for what I’m doing I

Need a lot of time to study on the stuff that I’m learning and if I’m working a job I don’t have time to study oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] uh uh uh uh uh ooh more diamonds you know I should I should be um oh [ __ ] uh I should be hopping out of

Here boys don’t mind me I’m just going to I’m just going to get get to get uh get to go oh [ __ ] get me up get me up please I’m just going to get to going don’t mind me dude I’m out of here nothing to worry about oh

[ __ ] all right all right all right all right all right we’re good we’re good we’re good it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay we’re all right we’re [ __ ] go go go go go go go oh [ __ ] I’m scared I don’t have a shield anymore my shield broke I wasn’t looking at the durability level

All right I got I got a good plan hello welcome to the stream oh God I have a plan uh my armor is not looking too good either it’s okay though we’ll be fine cuz if I know anything about anything it’s that uh abandon the bones

And go for the iron ingot that is inside the chest up here and if I can do that successfully without getting [ __ ] Mur oh [ __ ] uh uh uh uh ow all right let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go yes boost me

Thank you all right let’s get the [ __ ] out of here um me get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out get me out

Get me out I’m out speaking of chickens come to the chicken farm thany my shield broke uhoh I I don’t have iron I can’t make another Shield that isn’t good and I’m running about in this cave trying to find my way why don’t you just dig up bro uh good good idea

Fig yeah it’s a really good idea yeah you’re right it’s a it’s a brilliant idea ow oh my [ __ ] God I’m getting shot in the ass and I’m not liking it bro I’m supposed to be the one giving ass shots what is this again here take

These eggs take my eggs Yuki all right we’re gonna go you know what you know the best thing about hitting rock bottom there’s only one way to go and that’s up the glow squids will lead me to Victory yes glow squids AFK if you get iron you’ll tell your

It’s okay I don’t I don’t need it oh [ __ ] hold on anyways remind me that I have an Amazon story for you guys when I get back oh [ __ ] go go go all right what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] oh I’m dead oh holy [ __ ] die die I’ll kill you have

Literally four Hearts it’s okay it’s okay I’m okay it’s okay I’m okay it’s okay I’m okay okay where the [ __ ] are we all right regain my footing here by simply just blocking this [ __ ] from coming up to me okay we’re good we’re chilling we’re we’re good I think okay

Okay we’re down to my last five pieces of bread where the [ __ ] am I okay what’s my y level 58 okay see this is more manageable I like this but because I’m worried about possibly dying I’m going to eat a one of those cuz I have so many spared

Why the [ __ ] not uh where do we go where do we go where do we go uh we go up of course just where okay [ __ ] it we’re going to start going up here I don’t have any iron I’m scared and my pickaxe [ __ ] broke okay look at that we have exactly 28

Diamonds as we’re leaving too look at look at that I have just enough for Grim’s armor set yay yay I’ve just been clearing a mountain for my house now the question is how much further do I got to go to get the surface hey Tuki what what y level is

Surface on like for you guys 70 okay okay I’m in a [ __ ] Mountain this is bad ah don’t believe I do wait hold on I’m surfacing I’m not in the mountain I don’t think where am I okay Jesus Christ all right coordinates for home is This Way

Co big had to go do something I guess I don’t know uh toss that Out oh gotcha yeah I I personally don’t watch those I just don’t watch them because they just it’s kind of like the same concept thing over and over again and like just in my opinion it just feels like same concept over and over again all right well that’s

Unfortunate I thought maybe I’d be able to get more diamonds while I was down there you know like 40 diamonds would have been great but you know yes of course course I know of technoblade yes techno techno technoblade was a good guy yeah however there was more to him than

Just blood for the blood Gods it it was a good saying don’t get me wrong that saying was great I’m currently making my way home and it’s becoming night time and I’m not really liking it also it’s fig out in the open Can Can someone make sure fig doesn’t [ __ ] die while he’s AFK okay um uh Tuki I’m giving you op can you teleport this AFK man inside our

House just because okay I just want to make sure that he was in a safe spot okay just make sure the door’s shut then Oh there we go of course not oh [ __ ] oh an orphan [ __ ] Jesus I’m out of here r r bye have a great time that was spoopy the Grim you didn’t they tried touching me Grim oh Noy trying to oh no I mean we already have one thing of ancient

Debris only thing that’s hard to get is the templates in my opinion oh no I have your Redstone I have like a stack and a half with me I’m on the way home right now I’m home actually I’m home right now actually I just offer this grave and I

Looked up I was like what the [ __ ] is that I’m like oh wait it’s the [Laughter] house I’m home with one piece of bread to spare oh welcome back there’s a bunch of uh eggs everywhere hello Tiki inside sorry I just need a breather after that trip all

Right yeah I just threw some extra [ __ ] at you I’m just throwing all these extra blocks and [ __ ] in here okay uh as for coal we got like over a stack of that I need a piece of iron for a new shield and now I can start making Grim

The armor that I so dearly promised yay all right Grimm all right Grim I got your armor where are you uh past further grave okay yeah you died further mhm loser propan tanks when you died don’t worry Grim you’re Your Grave will go right next to his I’m at his grave where are

You pass his grave past like the hill you you’ll see torches H further light not that way I see you right now you’re right here really yes you’re right here oh hi see you later thank you thank you for throwing this at meu this [ __ ] I have my

Shield don’t mind me I’m just going to Bunker down in here for a minute all right don’t don’t don’t mind uh this whole mess I’m I’m going to redo it all yeah bro you want to go you want to go huh huh yes that’s what I thought [ __ ] all

Right now to go do what I do best I’m eat some raw beef and I’m just going to oh damn actually that looks beautiful is the is the breeding pen working Grim no not Grim to I said Grim because I was just there with you it looks nice

Though I’m not going to lie that [ __ ] looks it should be okay doesn’t someone have to be in the chunk loaded area though for it to work okay so we’re just not over there right now so it’ll work whenever the [ __ ] we go over there to hang out cool all

Right I’m so scared I heard a phandom oh that that thing was after me don’t worry I haven’t slept in a while thank God I don’t have a bed though it sucks yeah what’s up oh yeah that that happens sometimes it’s a very normal thing it’s okay I’m Crying it’s two hours hello I’m back thank you fig I appreciate that okay so let’s see what the [ __ ] I have available to me efficiency 4 and pro three on the boots okay um I’m just going to roll Pro three because I don’t know what I could get on the

Uh pickaxe for efficiency 4 fortune 3 let’s go [ __ ] yes two levels and I get fortune 3 on my diamond pick I want yo guys guess what I got uh some [ __ ] never I got some I got some [ __ ] Russian chocolate oh okay don’t ask cow because

I don’t know oh yeah by the way fig I just dumped all the Deep slate between the three chests that aren’t organized so you know what you dump your load between my cheeks what he B hey yo I’m a man who speaks in facts that’s wild that is wild we should sleep the

Night away should that’s crazy for you imagine imagine getting bit by your [ __ ] schizophrenic delusions all right Grim I don’t have a bed just just just leave the server for a moment okay I want to get Shad shaders on anyway so coffee it’s not good oh that tasted like [ __ ]

Coffee good I actually slipped coffee into it so you’re welcome and you didn’t slip like any Viagra or anything in there I don’t know e didn’t find out anyways I’m going to go search for the one piece now yeah you want to search for the one

Piece yeah do you want to come with me uh I was just searching for the one piece and like yeah I don’t I don’t know damn yo what’s going on in chat I I don’t [ __ ] no said be in a better country God damn bro people are just you can my boy you

Got to call the Phantom thieves steal this guy’s [ __ ] heart bro he’s being a menace right now uh do we have more arrows just lying about or okay we have five right there okay I have okay I have 22 arrows that’s not bad damn bro he to what’s up

No don’t insult the Germans like that they can drink at 18 my guy no 16 wait isn’t it like actually 12 or something we got we got a whopping 41 gunpowder that’s it I just let loose three little baby chickens inside the house and I’m now killing them because I realized what I

Didot rapor karot okay oh are are you working on the chimpin Nugget Farm ah ah gotcha I gotcha do you need a lava bucket or no yeah okay I can jump into the cave real quick and grab one for you why is the Nether wart dropped over here what

The [ __ ] going to throw that in the chest for now uh one 2 three huh yeah y we are simultaneously pretty close yet pretty far to the portal I only had to do a little bit of adjusting but it looks like um we’re on the right x axis cool yeah what’s up

Tiki get some Cobble uh I have about two stacks on me currently is that good or okay uh just let me grab the lava real quick since I’m already down here further said what is your favorite part about the human body my favorite part about the human body like the

Favorite thing it can do or the favorite body part cuz those are two different things yeah if you’re talking about body parts um it would probably honestly [ __ ] I’m trying to think because your entire like skin system is actually pretty goated because you would die without skin not from like injuries or anything

But from dehydrating I would say Uh I don’t have a favorite body part honestly the integumentary system is a w I like eyes I like my eyes I can I think eyes are pretty essential too yeah may I get to see pretty things I think if I had to say my favorite thing about the human body probably

The it would either have to be the immune system or just how quick the human body can heal can we talk about how poetic Grim just was no no that was such a simple answer but at the same time it says so much about the human condition that is philosophical Borderline my bro my bro needs to like like go back in time to the Greek ages I do I do your eyes are blue and brown oh it’s like one blue and one brown um is that it’s called hetero heterochromia yes heterochromia damn I’m smart

Big I think most parts of the body um you can’t really function without I feel like see my eyes are just blue like they’re are they’re just blue uh here’s the lava bucket and here’s your Cobble and uh yeah have fun with that um yo we got a jungle near us it’s

Vietnam some folks were p r flag oh the red white blue oh now we singing to the chief oh now we singing about you oh my I [ __ ] love Fortunate Son even though it’s in the saddest movie ever I hope that um when I get my level 30 enchant for my pickaxe for

Fortune 3 I hope that it comes with uh Unbreaking I mean Beggars can’t be choosers yeah I’m just saying if I can get uh Unbreaking like two on there I’d be happy with it cuz then I don’t have to roll my other pickaxe for uh anything what 28 divided by

142 um well the first step to doing this is simply by dividing everything by the common denominator so like for example look at 28 and 142 you can first say well hey let’s divide it by two because both of them are are factors of two right so

Then you get 14 and what is it um 71 now 71 you cannot divide by two actually I think you might be able to wait no um but you do have 12 so at that point you want to say what’s 12 over 71 right that becomes much clearer of an

Answer all right math teacher fig we need you to calm down well I’m not saying I’m able to do it cuz I’m just telling you the process of how to figure it out I don’t know how to math bro I barely [ __ ] passed Algebra 1 and I do

Not know how I passed Algebra 2 okay so somehow I’m better than fig math I guess but I just don’t I just don’t think process M I’m horrible at math it’s just that I’m able to do certain processes quite easily oh I say [ __ ] the entire process

And I just like come up with the best [ __ ] calculator yeah oh no no no I just I just randomly spout out a [ __ ] answer that just so happens to be right cuz my brain so like part of my brain knows the answer but it doesn’t S in the

[ __ ] signal of the answer to the other part of my brain and I just spout out a [ __ ] answer but a genius guys I’m secretly a gen no the other half of my brain just doesn’t [ __ ] understand it’s like okay all right I’m like okay have you ever heard about the

Reverse exorcism what is that hold on let me Google this [ __ ] just so I know what I’m getting into so basically the reverse ex reverse exorcism is when the demon tells the priest to get out of the child’s body that is [ __ ] that is [ __ ] oh my gosh okay who the [ __ ] said

That who had said that further further okay further all right hold on hold on further you’re going in timeout I’m time outing fig further for that fig hold on much’s further there he is that is crazy that is crazy put user in timeout further that’s a one minute timeout

Mis that is crazy that is crazy that’s exactly listen some jokes some some [ __ ] up jokes are okay but that was just straight up like that had nothing to do with any topic we’re even talking about that’s that’s the worst part of it like we weren’t talking about anything that

Would yeah as much as I don’t want to be approved that’s just kind of [ __ ] like me and fig are [ __ ] up we make a lot of [ __ ] up jokes but like come on man I mean if it was in context I’d give you some points for

That but that we weren’t even on any sort of topic like that that’s why I [ __ ] just was like no yeah like if we were talking about like churches or some [ __ ] and then you pulled out the joke I’d be like okay well yeah that then it’ just be clever

It’d be clever then it’d be [ __ ] up but clever brose got the drip [ __ ] that amount holy [ __ ] you said that and I found I ran into a zombie with full [ __ ] gold oh I ran into [ __ ] gold dear God I’m not I’m not fighting that also fig the amount of times we

Dove into this [ __ ] cave right we’ve missed like two or three veins of diamonds right towards the surface area and I just [ __ ] grabbed them dead ass yeah I’m not even [ __ ] joking I just saw it I’m like what the [ __ ] have we not seen this oh I passed by the um

Thing so we are relatively close I mean yeah we’re like 2,000 blocks away but in terms of end portal coordinates yeah compared to what we normally get [ __ ] around and finding out you know that’s not that that’s not that bad is it literally inside this mountain that is going to be a

[ __ ] it’ll be fine we just get a efficiency pickaxe and just [ __ ] drill into that [ __ ] I wish you were drill into to me oh my God I saw it coming too as I said ITR [ __ ] Christ fig what am I going to do with

You oh you do don’t oh my God I saw to I was sitting there like no wait a second I just keep walking into these things you do you dead ass keep walking into it you set yourself up it’s okay fig you can walk into my bedroom just make sure nobody walks in

On us that is scuffed that is oh [ __ ] Christ I have to be careful with what I say around fig he’ll he’ll use it like oh who’s better at PVP technoblade or clown Pierce um who’s better at PVP now cuz I’m pretty sure the answer to that is you know

Um I’mma Be Real half the [ __ ] that they do with like the [ __ ] that I’ve seen I can’t even say that clown Pierce is even good at PVP simply because cuz one I don’t [ __ ] know and two because he literally hangs out with a bunch of [ __ ] clickbait YouTubers

From what I’ve seen anyway a lot of the videos I’ve seen are straight click heyo all I’m saying who’s better at PVP a Minecraft player or a skeleton bro all I got to say shut up further knows the answer to that one though further knows the answer to that one listen listenig

Them skeletons with the bows I’m telling you bro them [ __ ] them [ __ ] got something to say I wonder if he was cremated or not okay bro let’s not go into this topic [ __ ] Christ let’s not go into this topic love it when people start talking about me like

That I wonder if he was created or not [ __ ] F Jes I signed up to be an organ donor for like the benefits so they’re probably going to take some [ __ ] out of my body and then throw me Away I I did not sign up for that actually cuz they asked me about it and just the thought of like them taking my organs sounded [ __ ] repulsive to me so I was like yeah no yeah but to be fair who the [ __ ] is going to use them you [ __ ] you’re dead

Right but I’m like I’m sitting there just like well that sounds rather save some kid life with my [ __ ] like kidney or some [ __ ] my father was an organ donor well I mean they had like early access to him ho [ __ ] oh my God yo no bro they bought the limited edition

They bought the limited edition you can’t fck [ __ ] say that thing you can not say that b my [ __ ] god they bought the DLC Jesus what is wrong with you no oh my [ __ ] god what is wrong with you would you like me to list off Jesus [ __ ]

Christ if only if only listen listen the people in the chat only half understand that joke they can only half understand that [ __ ] joke that is [ __ ] bro what B oh my [ __ ] God bro big is my 13th reason Jesus Christ bro I am an OP right now [ __ ]

God holy [ __ ] that is horrible holy [ __ ] [ __ ] I think I need to put myself on a list bro yeah yeah buddy I think I belong on a list yeah is that right oh yeah to here don’t know if you need it I spat up some more

Um some more [ __ ] red stone for you so yeah do what you will with that I guess make holy [ __ ] fortune 3 efficiency 4 Unbreaking three God damn bro that was God’s apology from him because of me bro on God that was God’s apology well I

Guess I have no use for this diamond pick with efficiency 3 anymore so uh grimy you can have it oh okay thank you it’s it’s like it needs some repairs it needs some repairs well there’s diamonds in here just make a diamond pick hold on let me explain what

Happened one [ __ ] piece of iron [ __ ] okay there we go to you can just make a diamond pick and yeah that yeah you have enough in there we need more diamonds though and Grim I repaired this uh pickaxe for you so it’s like it’s almost full durability it only cost me two diamonds

But you know it only cost me pretty much another pickaxe to repair the current pickaxe Jesus Christ yo you better beat them kids on God all right here you better start committing some domestic violence thank you turn that [ __ ] International y oh yeah hold on can I steal your armor for a

Momental yeah just toss me all of it real quick Jesus Christ you Taiwan it is not that serious jeez oh no bro I’ll be back all I’m saying all I’m saying it’s about to get real I don’t understand bro all I’m saying sh all I’m saying I apologize bro that is

You sorry I I saw a witch and I just [ __ ] jumped her damn bro you found my ex okay buddy we have glow stone now okay granny died to the same thing so what are they doing [ __ ] Duos in heaven two they [ __ ] running PVP squads like what Jesus

Two [ __ ] Hypixel with the boys and it’s just [ __ ] granny further Jesus yeah sorry about your um sorry about your loss though Jesus Christ I’m I’m going to have to do something about this child all right bro all all all all all so I’m half tempted I’m half tempted to

Steal Grim’s boots and trade them out for mine why cuz they got feather falling three on them and fig knows how much I love falling places so yeah yeah some boots on the right side on the right side Grim I get Pro Two Boots you get Pro three

Boots oh bro make some Two Boots out of those [ __ ] kids oh my God okay Grim so your armor has Pro two chest piece two leggings Pro three boots and two helmet yay but your boots are kind of damaged they’re like like they’re 75% durability so I mean they’re not

Bad I just I just like the idea of not [ __ ] dying from falling anymore so you know cuz fig knows fig knows how many times I’ve slipped and fell to my death during hardcore so you know feather fall is my Saving Grace all right I have your armor where the [ __ ] are

You chat does Yuki make a mob farm Grim I jumped into your [ __ ] house just to find out that you’re not even here yeah I’m over here I don’t know where over here is out outside okay I’m Getting three four five six seven eight let’s go yo I just got that Fe go you’re helping me thank you I feel so special well I got nothing else to do unless I want to jump back into the caves which I could do Sha Sha Sha fig fig F I need to

Stop I need to stop I need to stop do I need to put you on mute um I just set off I just set off a um skull thing oh yeah how about you get the [ __ ] out of there b get the [ __ ] out of there um

This is like right above the [ __ ] end portal oh yeah H um I don’t think we have a choice yeah it doesn’t look like there’s a shrier nearby though I tra out I trade out one protection level for for feather falling 3 I think it was worth it okay

Anyway I mean it looks like we’re in the clear but you never really know honestly the only thing this pickaxe is missing is one efficiency level and mending the only thing my diamond pick’s missing more jokes to get sha cancelled yeah it’s kind of what happens bro I’m telling you this is

Devious fig you’re devious I am mhm I am genuinely devious said further really I agree for no reason in particular I just want to bully further don’t we all Jesus Christ another point for Grim holy [ __ ] 10 points for Griff door what hit me okay what the [ __ ] hit me hey I

No yeah what’s up oh that’s where it came from something for you little [ __ ] baby zombie [ __ ] oh holy [ __ ] I forgot about that yeah get the [ __ ] out of there my boy what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] remember fig you’re on your last life bro if you die you’re [ __ ]

Gone hey bro that’s the reason why I’m saying get [ __ ] out of there biscuit you gotta risk it you done goof you gotta risk a bisc here Grim hey Grim hey Grim hey Grim hey Grim hi hi hi imagine she just gets up and beat the [ __ ] out of you yay Y and

Then what I need to do here I need to hit the cave for more diamonds honestly yo where is this [ __ ] portal br br I just tried to say blood and bro the corner what does that mean further yeah I’m always in the caves uh let’s see so I literally dug to

Bedrock and I still didn’t hit the [ __ ] portal room so you think it might be in the wrong spot um perhaps that’s what I’m thinking try going surface side maybe you dug down the wrong spot that might be it um perhaps cuz the stronghold can be small

Sometimes I just need to know which coordinates I should try digging at I don’t know what you mean further what exactly do you mean what would further no taking in the corner if it’s an inside joke then I forgot yeah I honestly I don’t [ __ ] know what Bros on

About I might have forgotten this if it’s an inside joke I forgot too yeah if it’s an inside you guys are really bad at making jokes I’m just confused what he means the only the only way it would be an inside jok is if it was made while we were playing [ __ ] uh

Whatchamacallit that Island yeah is it not working no [ __ ] way is it not working wait is there a mob spawner underneath this that’s what I’m wondering I know London Taiwan hold on let me pause my music what the [ __ ] all right I’m hearing groans I’m getting the [ __ ] out

Of here oh there’s mobs spawning down here what the [ __ ] there’s just a hole [ __ ] no [ __ ] no [ __ ] no [ __ ] no [ __ ] [ __ ] no that’s a lot of [ __ ] and that’s a lot of no that’s [ __ ] no just connect right into our cave I think I guarantee this just connects

Into one of our caves or it connects nowhere yeah it’s [ __ ] dead end when you part of that [ __ ] hurts my ears that person I de end when you me no did I do a [ __ ] Bill Cosby impression dirty [ __ ] no phone ring it’s crazy baby honestly that Island to oh did

They they apparently they [ __ ] oh they finally had CH chilling child chilling child when you were trying to kill me I I killed you first so all I’m saying is I still hold the most points for propane tank kills I still I still hold the record

Wasy kill me with a propane tank or whatever and he tried he tried it I killed him first sergeant God master of [ __ ] wait oh yeah I forgot we named Sergeant we need one of the villagers Sergeant G Sergeant G Master of the [ __ ] Master of the

Wave bro he’s the master of that poon poon holy [ __ ] you know can we talk about the fact that the that the villagers don’t have a [ __ ] gender they’re just a villager like oh yeah you two [ __ ] and it’s like okay and then a baby pops

Out like how do they [ __ ] how do they sex is it like [ __ ] um what’s it called there’s this one there’s this one thing there’s this one creature sure that like they stab each other and whoever like loses the stabbing fight um gets a baby pumped into them what yeah that’s [ __ ] wild

There’s an animal that does that and I forget which one it is they rub against each other and split off cells on God bro they do some [ __ ] mitosis they do bro they just oh here is like you Your God no y fig on Wednesdays why on Wednesdays cuz Wednesdays is just that day it’s just the middle day of the week where like everything’s just [ __ ] chaotic and wild so you saying I specifically beat my dick on Wednesdays depends on how you’re feeling know me like

That my dick isn’t like a seasonal sport my guy it’s like he does it like every other day how would you know big I live in your [Laughter] bed yeah you’re the one who beats me off oh my God Morty Morty I need some drugs Morty another video what do you mean

Like live video you mean like murder mode stream or something figure edging right provoke that is the funniest line you have ever said in your life figure edging rights are revok that is the funniest thing you’ve ever said bar none if you’re talking about like a murder mode um like stream I mean

Maybe if you’re talking about murdering people obviously I found a swamp guys fig how are you um yes how is it good and you [Laughter] officer shut up B um I’m pretty good I mean I could be better but I could be worse things could

Be be a whole lot worse and I think that’s a lesson we all really need to take from our lives you know why why isn’t everything becomes a [ __ ] political debate with I swear like it’s not that should be a lot [ __ ] better too every time fig is asked a question

He makes it sound like he’s about to go into a political debate on like life’s events and like everything that’s happened leading up to this point dead ass bro but then like he’ll he’ll cut himself off like halfway he’s like yeah yeah I’m The Thinker I’m just the

Thinker yeah fig are you yeah I’m The Thinker go to the nether I’ve already been to the nether I don’t really need to go there yeah um hey not a Shameless promotion check out last stream if you want to see us go to the nether that’s

True we did go to the ne last stream I I mean I’ll hit up the nether again just not yet cuz right now we need a lot of stuff still done on surf Sur this uh I’m fortuning’s right now bro I’m so afraid that I’m going to get kamakazi by a [ __ ] creeper

Jumping through the wall B that was a one time occurrence you’re okay I have PTSD [ __ ] do you have PTSD from Icy dying I have PTSD from like everything bro life sucks listen the one thing you can’t say you have PTSD from is a coup dying because we murdered a coup or well

No no no Verizon Wireless Mur so I should probably um listen fig all listen fig all I’m saying is you don’t have PTSD you have pts okay post-traumatic stress it’s that’s the same [ __ ] thing no no no fake fake you have pts I’ll give you the D later hey that was [Laughter]

Smooth when are you guys going to kill the End Dragon um probably I want to say not next stream maybe next stream actually if we get enough done this stream the next stream we will probably go for Ender Dragon it just depends though yeah cuz we want to make sure

That we’re ready for it because it is Hardcore if I [ __ ] die the entire stream is over we don’t I don’t get there are four of us yeah just if I if I get propelled into the air by the Ender Dragon the chances of me clutching are very

Slim yeah we are on our last yeah fig fig and Tuki are on their last lives because if someone dies the chat gets to vote if they get brought back for a second life other than me if I die the entire stream series is over and the

Only reason why I do that is because for some reason every time I stream F can vouch I have the most insane [ __ ] luck somehow yeah like fig has seen me do some [ __ ] dumb [ __ ] and just walk out and scave them like bro is the embodiment of streamer luck it is

[ __ ] wild that’s why I [ __ ] crazy that’s why I’m venturing off on my own as well because no matter what the [ __ ] I do I somehow cannot [ __ ] die until literally everyone else dies all bro all right bro what child you know what to do yeah all right

Boys he just goes AFK mid [ __ ] field get totems of totem I mean we could do that next stream realistically uh because we’ll have the because we’ll have cartographers by next stream hopefully yeah I don’t see any reason why not we could we could do we could run raids and

Stuff first before dragon fight that is true um we should be getting some pillagers spawning around us yeah now that we’ve got villagers we’ll get pillagers spawning you don’t even need villagers actually just if you have a bed somewhere that you’ve slept in um they’ll come after

You well we haven’t we haven’t had them yet and you know what’s crazy the one stream that we actually got totems of undying we still [ __ ] died like the one like hardcore series that we did though we got totems and we still [ __ ] died skill issue honestly that was a skill

Issue then again Tiki was the only reason why we got those [ __ ] totems too she she TI made a sacrifice she is the only one who has ever gotten a third life on the hardcore stuff because of that cuz she had literal all she had was unenchanted iron armor and was just

[ __ ] wiping wave after wave with a [ __ ] bow sitting on a roof like she was just sitting there with an unenchanted bow on a roof just sniping [ __ ] I’m like damn [ __ ] SEAL Team Six looking ass oh she she was bro I threw a Clash of Clans rage

Potion on Tuki and she just went to town I swear [ __ ] Elixir bro bro bumped that Elixir bro really said for real I was just sitting there like God damn all of a sudden the entire the entire raid went to shambles we were on the literally on the final [ __ ]

Wave of the raid by the way and Tui gets smacked gets smacked off the roof Falls right into a ravager and a [ __ ] axe guy and just gets [ __ ] smacked and died yeah she gets I just watched her [ __ ] explode in front of me I’m like

God damn you can get railed and not in the way that’s fun to watch top 10 sass anime deaths on God you know the more I play hardcore fig the more I feel like I I slowly get better at parkour yeah yeah only thing is that when I’m scared shitless running around

Deadlight my parkour skills are just down the [ __ ] drain as you know I just freak the [ __ ] out Deadlight test not only your parkour but your ability to be [ __ ] calm yeah in like the worst circumstan it’s funny cuz fig you’ll be watching me either after you’ve died or you’ll just be

Watching from a tower somewhere and you’re just watching me run the killer in circles and they have no [ __ ] clue what I’m doing because everyone else is making these insane jumps and I’m running around a [ __ ] pillar yeah I’m sitting here like what the [ __ ] kind of [ __ ] is that I’m like

Just do the [ __ ] generator damn it like in the Killer is a [ __ ] Hunter too so it’s like you’re juking all the shots and it’s like what the [ __ ] yeah that’s literally how it is too and I’m just like just do the goddamn gen bro I’m scared I’ve only gotten hit

Once they made another baby [ __ ] yeah bro these villagers finally understand what they’re supposed to be doing Jesus Christ they finally understand their purpose in life or we got a population of four let’s go uh we can move them out of there um like once they start growing up we’ll

Just move Mount start making areas for them yeah we’ll make a set up like last time we’ll need um we’ll need LEC turns though as well like we’re we’re going need a lot of Le turns first book the first book I want though for sure cuz well we need um

We need Fletching tables as well we want Fletchers first to get emeralds with and then we want mending that’s the first [ __ ] book we need cuz if we get mending then we have no we have no reason to worry about needing to make a new set of gear ever

Just admitting to literally everything we have and call it good drip expansion drip expansion pack if we go for a what the [ __ ] infinite DP what the [ __ ] the one called that you can get there’s a um there’s a certain villager that you can get that will uh sell you experience

Potions or experience bottles um that is is that Viller called I think it’s um the cleric yeah thank you I I forgot what they [ __ ] renamed the [ __ ] thing too if we can get a cleric then we can just get um they’ll sell us stuff like that and we don’t and we can

Literally buy stacks of XP bottles and just also why does that one guy think eori is his brother again I don’t remember the [ __ ] lore how about who now oh um we’re talking about Juju Ka oh okay because he he has the same taste in women

No no not Toto the um the other guy the the blood guy oh yeah I haven’t made it that far Yet okay I I I [ __ ] love Toto he’s like my favorite character I’ve never I’ve never watched never watched it well yeah I know that but why does um like remember he [ __ ] killed him and and then he was like oh [ __ ] you’re my brother for some

Reason so when Su came back um yeah with the weird like [ __ ] 80s filter on it do you know why anime was invented uh I assume you’re going to have some [ __ ] either this going to be some horrible joke further that just doesn’t land or you have a actual like reason

Here his innate domain just makes people think they’re Brothers with him you know why do I not find that hard to believe baky Hana [ __ ] yeah this guy knows I don’t know what he knows but he knows hold on this is literally the [ __ ] hole that the

The come on bro I’m trying to get to the Ender Portal come on man come on man he knows that super fireman yeah bro I Agree oh [ __ ] milk losion that’s crazy hey milk what’s good me and Grim were chilling um on the blood moon server we added milk to or while I added milk to the meme graveyard hello milk how you doing milk Jesus I cannot find a surface cave for

The life of me and if I have seen one I’m just blind I can’t find a [ __ ] dungeon for the life of me on a water cave you made the cut milk I just thought it I just thought why the [ __ ] not uh I can never understand coding as much as I’d love

To I coding is something that I would be very interested in but um yeah I I’m not I don’t have a big enough brain for that hell yeah I’m actually Landing my uh water buckets today fig nice yeah that is good to hear milk bro what does my inate do me

Getting [ __ ] lost holy [ __ ] no fig that’s mine godamn yours is babysitting me so I don’t [ __ ] [ __ ] die I mean I’m not doing a very good job at it right now oh well that’s just because I [ __ ] ran off it’s okay though I I have full

Diamond Enchanted armor so I should be okay then again that’s what I said last time with full prop 3 and I got [ __ ] kamakazi by four creepers that was fun bro was like [ __ ] Joe Biden I need a babysit like I’m the [ __ ] God what’s up what’s what what you

Talking about bro I get lost Sor I can’t hear I get lost both uh just casually on stream as well as in character on like recordings and [ __ ] too like they like sh where’d you go I’m like uh somewhere I [ __ ] you know J or pixel

Would be looking for me Sho where’d you go I’m like uh somewhere guys I don’t [ __ ] know I’m lost like stay where you’re at I’m like uh I’m at the store they’re like we just told you stay where you’re at I don’t I don’t know I’m

Somewhere um hey does anybody have a new diamond pickaxe I could get uh there’s there should be enough diamonds in the uh chest to make a new one hopefully okay because I literally just ran out I I just broke a [ __ ] pickaxe trying to find this portal yeah I’m currently getting lost

Right now I’ll about 20 minutes from now I’ll be asking fig for the coordinates back to home even though he’s already given them to me I’m like infinite Rip Ah that’s unfortunate oh yeah we’re we’re goobers on stream don’t worry we just we like being ourselves as much as possible so like cuz we we hate being in character sometimes so the best way to deal with that is by streaming where we can just have fun well

I so the one in Is Real you’ve only ever been on Stream So you you’ve always been able to be yourself don’t worry blood moon season 2 will allow you to be character uh I’ll just probably be myself too your character is you understandable the one inch pincher big we know you have

That imagine you know what’s funny people are actually born with micro penises when did this stopic oh that’s beautiful holy [ __ ] fig this be sounds so wrong this would be a nice area for house look at look at my look at my stream be a nice spot for house holy

[ __ ] that’s beautiful really it really is honestly I could build a little [ __ ] like secret house in here or some [ __ ] this is like some [ __ ] Faction Server Like base build area that’s what that is oh no no no no no I’m I would do that

[ __ ] no we already got a house and the area is pretty nice and it’s right next to spawn too so I just prefer to stay there I I would go over there but I’m already making my house so well if I want to make a house out

Here at a later date I can always just nether Highway it because by that point you watch one punch I’ve only ever seen like two like two what maybe two episodes of that whoa that’s a [ __ ] Fray whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoaa okay buddy okay buddy calm your

Tits I didn’t know I had any I wasn’t talking to you I know you weren’t smart ass then what the [ __ ] were you on about I don’t know I was just saying the first thing came to mind like I normally do you know me fig you better have dropped that [ __ ] tr you

[ __ ] like to watch I don’t just for that I’m committing genocide against all your [ __ ] descendant I don’t like to watch scary movies because in my opinion they’re not scary and they’re just all the same [ __ ] thing in my opinion like pretty much all of them I mean

There’s some good ones that I’ve seen but I just I like the old scary movies like for example Halloween Nightmare on Elm Street you know what I mean I like things like I I think by far I’d say like my favorite set of horror movies was probably [ __ ] the Leprechaun the leprechaun

Was yay I think scary movie adds like a new dimension to horror movies and it’s really fun there’s nothing more scary than drunk driving than Grim driving oh [ __ ] I misread that I need glasses oh yeah no there is nothing there is absolutely nothing more scary than driving no

There’s barer than furthers leg when he’s driving damn no if you guys if I’m just saying in general fig I don’t know if you ever watched the um the Dead Island streams um very briefly Grim driving and further driving was just absolute [ __ ] horror like like I [ __ ] you not

The first time I tried letting further Drive the the marker that we were supposed to go to was over 1,000 M away way I ran there and got there before they even left the parking lot cuz he kept he got he kept getting the car stuck Wasing [ __ ] it was hilarious I

Would have had enough time to run back and then run all the way back to them and then run all the way back to the Waypoint while while fting zomes the enti way can be bad drivers Grimm drove and like cuz like I had only crashed the car like two or

Three times cuz with Dead Island further further further oh [ __ ] I know you’re European boys I got two orphans AR you sure you’re not a little bit Asian yeah I think that I broke my mic like genuinely I think I laugh so much that I broke my mic I think Dead Island

Was probably the funnest [ __ ] thing I’d ever streamed just because there was like so much dumb [ __ ] that occurred oh um my favorite character in The Walking Dead has to be darl Dixon and I got a calendar of him for Christmas by my friend I I was not paying attention and

I was just running like Dixon Dallas I love darl Dix oh my gosh I love Dixon Dallas you bouncing off my booty cheeks I love the way he rides I’m looking at my calendar I I worship my calendar every morning oh my god do further um I don’t think that’s legal I

Don’t think that’s legal what the [ __ ] is this no no no it’s fine it’s fine what is it with these orphans Jesus Christ bro I just I just keep coming out of caves and there’s just orphans clearly oh no bro yes I have a crush and do in here oh my gosh [ __ ]

Further you’re excused you are excused good sir oh God I just made a skeleton trick shot a chicken you just made me have a that I never want to have again V you might be the only person who can actually think of what I just thought oh yeah yeah know that

Is oh God that’s I don’t know how to feel about that crimes is pretty good too Shane yeah I don’t know a guy I don’t know how to feel about that that is [ __ ] my guy that is [ __ ] I don’t know why that was the first thing that came to mine but Jesus

Christ bro I got five diamond and there are so many different directions that could go but I know what it is yeah that is oh God I don’t even bro oh there’s an alternate universe bro there’s an alternate universe you know it mhm yeah that is that is and it’s not a good

One oh yeah uh-huh where’s my 9 to5 office job am I [Laughter] right oh [ __ ] I finally made it home yeah Tiki you just you just that that was just that went very depressing and dark real [ __ ] quick for me I saw the other side for just a

Moment yeah bro saw the cannon event bro God damn bro I can’t even I’m glad it’s not a Canon event holy [ __ ] and some alternate universe we all know remember Canon event is is like the ever Universe I’m saying in some alternate timeline bro we know in some alternate timeline um you

Have kids that are like half crazy Jesus Christ holy [ __ ] efficiency five I only need three levels for that [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah wait efficiency four actually hey so Tiki I have enough diamonds for that uh for your diamond set now oh by the way um Yuki sorry not

Sorry what what happened like what what you do I need that exp bro did you just start kill oh you just started killing Tuki chickens yeah but it’s not enough XP I need more like it’s literally you no dead ass H yeah get back in there

Bud get back in there anyways here um you can go make some more that sounds wrong oh yeah here’s feathers no I need levels the Nuggie maker the thuggy Shaker I’m about to give you the CH yeah I need levels good holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what there was a ban of 12

Diamonds I I have 52 diamonds I have 52 diamonds on me Fortune I have like 21 Stacks I mean I’d say a mob farmer is preferable to like mem has yipp yippe that was the sound my dad made when I was created damn that’s crazy [Laughter] oh hey guys more

Diamonds yo it would be so nice you could actually beat the game we’ll beat the game eventually oh hey more diamonds anyways um what’s 2,000 divided by 8 uh I I now um 200 50 okay yeah for now we just want to focus on

Um all right I’m going to go to hell and make a um bridge to the portal Area you know something sha what we actually um went pass the area we needed to go for the portal in the nether that’s neat yeah did you actually end up finding it or no no it’s just that we ended up um walking past the coordinates that we needed to be at

M exped by a creeper bro that [ __ ] exploded on you he did oh yeah he exploded all right he busted he busted on my back what he said them back shots are insane them B shots are insane did I just piss off an Enderman no you

Probably well I mean it’s a group of black guys they either love me or hate me Pig I can I’m already going to hell bro what’s another layer I’m already going to hell bro what’s another layer that’s all I got to say aren’t we all aren’t we

All no you don’t belong there I don’t belong there also cuz what the [ __ ] have you done to deserve going into hell enough bro I’ve literally manipulated people in almost killing themselves all right fig times exactly I don’t think I’m legally that on I’m scared I found a skull area I’m scared

Get me out please I do not want to participate in these games no more no thank you no thank you remember fuzzy uh who fuzzy wuzzy no that’s Vaguely Familiar and it’s going to be in the back of my head until I remember so just tell me wait wait wait you mean Sean

Oh I’m getting closer fuzzy um fzy and me both Grim you and me both you’re not the only one you’re not the only one fuzzy wuzzy is a bear fuzzy Wuzzy had no hair fuzzy wzy it was that group fuzzy Wuzzy was not so fuzzy was he oh wait was he the

Was he that [ __ ] that got doxed I I I vaguely know who you’re talking about I vely thank you for coming to the stream good night man it was nice having you here feel free to stop by anytime poke poke lusion what’s good poke we had two lutions I know milk Was

Here and Now poke yeah anyways um yeah now I remember so why are we talking about him nothing much nothing much just chilling we made it to our first episode five of a hardcore stream finally before we just did dumb [ __ ] died too quick so yeah oh yeah manipulation

I thought we were talking about like hell and [ __ ] I need to go this way there we go what’s crazy is I could have kind of ended up like that in a [ __ ] up sense I almost did no I’m saying like Jesus [ __ ] the manipulation part this pickaxe does wonders I have 58

[ __ ] diamonds it’s crazy what zero [ __ ] does to a [ __ ] damn on God me personally me personally bro 2018 was a way different era I feel like like the world hadn’t yet been like for Ed into the fires of chaos yet like let’s whip something up let’s

Whip up a concoction here to screw everyone over no bro you don’t you’d have to know the lore no I’m saying like in general cuz like I think 2018 is where [ __ ] just kind of like finally dropped off like it was great in 2018 and then 2019 came around and it was just

Bad like 2018 back then well I’m saying 2018 was the final good year now everything’s just been kind of like all over the [ __ ] place since then yeah honestly 2018 was probably the last good year now everything’s just [ __ ] all over the place it’s like you know those

[ __ ] Mayan calendars and [ __ ] that said the world was supposed to end at like 2012 yeah no that show was supposed to end like 2018 it took me a pandemic to change my ways you know I realized that I’ve pretty much been the [ __ ] same for a good portion of my life

Like like the only thing that’s changed is like obviously my like maturity as I’ve grown up but like that’s about it for me I’m not sure if it’s about changing my ways more so that um the world kind of Beats some sense into

Me no I could I could use a lot more but but oh guys guess what it’s 911 bro what that’s the time okay when did we start stream actually doesn’t feel like we started long ago but oh yeah two two hours and a half damn look at that not bad

I honestly am still like I still have my [ __ ] battery charged for streaming then again there’s a lot more people here to actually talk with this time cuz last time it was just it was like just really [ __ ] boring because we just kind of sat there and didn’t have anything to talk about

Really risked it all for the skeleton loot hey yo risk it all for that skeletos Jesus Christ I would laugh if I found this would be the best time for me to find a woodland Mansion is right [ __ ] now because then everyone knows I’m going in well guess what what did you three

Two one oh would have been so [ __ ] funny if I predicted that me now something tells me there’s a mansion nearby he did it for the funny bro that was me back in 2018 holy [ __ ] Uki you’ve made us rich that’s what you’ve done great job yeah you just now

Acknowledge your war crimes buddy it’s a little bit too late for that you cannot repent for your sins now you’re [ __ ] what kind of [ __ ] Mountain am I on 105 yo where’s the [ __ ] grass yo these mountains need to cut the [ __ ] off who said I was going to repent oh

My I never repent for my sins I about to start I feel that bro God has just thrown me enough trauma to like make me like scared of those things Grim Grimm is just a [ __ ] Christ Grim is just a quiet kid in the back of the [ __ ] classroom plotting our downfall

Like you’re writing names in your book I swear you’re writing names in your book you’re like all right so first well we’ve already taken out further we got to just get J heard there was summoning you that’s that’s what happened that’s what that cult Circle was for

Yeah honestly you know what I’m doing some demonic [ __ ] right now cutting grass Grim you do you do give me The Vibes of somebody who I would genuinely be scared of really that that is not a good thing I am not scared of much why I don’t think a scary person then

Again then again fig you also have said something similar about me before because you’ve never seen me genuinely pissed off like no I just said I would be scared of the day where you are genuinely pissed off yeah it’s because I’m such a [ __ ] just calm guy you don’t get to see

My Angry side yeah me I’ll burn the [ __ ] down if I’m like upset but like the things the things that I like feel from the [ __ ] Aura in this direction just make me want it’s like [ __ ] um I’m trying to reference it to a moment [ __ ] jjk like [ __ ] what’s face knew suo

Was like way too [ __ ] Strong’s like all right you know [ __ ] [ __ ] out of here I’m out I’m out I’m done can you do 100 push-ups uh no I cannot am not fit like that I’m on my journey to being able to do that yeah ask is it going well not

Really oh my [ __ ] God I’m sorry just just like yipp and then you’re like oh my [ __ ] god and then all we hear is the yeah I can barely do one pushup it’s it’s really bad I can do like 20 or So push-ups are way easier to do if your body is later though I mean I can listen the most impressive thing I think I can do outside of like writing scripts and like stories and [ __ ] is probably the fact that I mean I I’ve done a [ __ ]

Plank for like a minute and 30 seconds but even then that’s not even good like that’s like pretty average yeah yeah that’s what I’m saying like that’s I’m I’m like actually no fig we know the most impressive thing I’ve done but you know we can’t say that

Onam you know you know you know you right soccer or baseball is skitso posting f is skito posting 911 what the [ __ ] is he is he actually Gregory we must prevent n 11 mhm Gregory that door tastes like door but yeah no um my record bench so

Far is like 105 but if it’s just like bench and not rep um it would probably be something like 120 somewhere around there yeah but I haven’t been in a while because I’ve been away from how fit Minecraft youtubers are what I said POV how fit Minecraft youtubers are [ __ ]

Sad for me I can LIF like me being able to bench 120 [ __ ] no I’m just saying in general laund basket say 12 is not bad all right these [ __ ] these these little [ __ ] flying [ __ ] got to go like i’ I’ve never found out I don’t know how much I can

You can also lift 120 what does lift 120 Mean holy [ __ ] the [ __ ] well yeah I know what 120 lbs means but like in what like just in general well pull-ups well that’s just your body weight pull-ups like that’s just your body no way I can do it too pull-ups you know what I going to give

That one to I got to give impressive that’s that I think that’s funny that’s great my weak noodle arms actually my arms my arms are not weak noodle arms I’m going be real listen if I went in depth on like the history of like what my arms have been through you would not

It’s nothing like depressing wise but like I guess it is depressing if like you count being [ __ ] bully the [ __ ] out of depressing but I mean I think everyone’s done with that yeah all right we have 63 diamonds now fig you want to make that pickaxe of

Yours I already I already made it bro all right you’re a little bit late to the point okay well Tiki let’s get you let’s get you your final pieces of armor yeah honestly it is a pretty healthy way like0 160 there you go that’s like my my um my my pickaxe is

Almost gone uh is it now yeah yeah leave me you want an axe toie what tools do you have anyway anyway anyway anyway uh don’t let your pickaxe break discuss physical fitness on a Minecraft server so you need a sword and a you don’t no you don’t want to sword

You know what [ __ ] you you can suck your axe you don’t use swords skill swords are good if like you’re stuck in a situation swords are good if you’re like good at the game all right um Grim what tools do you have there Diamond um just pickax diamond pickaxe

And shovel pickaxe and shovel okay so then you is only good for Shield breaking that’s about it but even so you don’t even need a diamond axe you just need like an axe yeah Diamond a just more durability barely even that point it’s not so much about durability as it is just like

Usefulness all right Grim what I’m going to steal your pickaxe give me your pick okay yep and then you can take that the top chest I have Jesus Christ okay I’ll return give me a minute okay further message Walker outside my house nah further just sent me a voice message

Saying I’m revoking your edging rates God how much longer you going to stream yeah how much longer are we going stream for I don’t know I mean we’ve gotten a lot done this stream yeah honestly um I mean I wouldn’t mind packing it up here yeah we

Could I would just need to go go back home yeah come back home so we can Uh um it is going to be a long ass while you might want to do it without me okay uh just give me one moment okay and then we’re going to do this wait no here that cool okay then can go throw this [ __ ] and Grim yeah hi I’m

Scared on my way to your house anyway he’s just wrapping up the video there’s nothing to be scared about exactly I’m unless you have a reason to be scared hello all right come on I don’t know why I shut the door in your face but come on we’re going back to the

House we got to go wrap it up also I added what the have efficiency four and Unbreaking three on that pick thank you so we can go back to the house and wrap this stream up there’s for CH is crazy bro sha you got to get your chat bro oh what what happened

Somebody said can I [ __ ] it to what to what I don’t even remember that’s the crazy thing wait what the [ __ ] oh that’s why hold on uh okay all right all you know you know we’ll we’ll we’ll end it in the drip cuz we we’re all dripped out in Diamond now

All right all dripped out starving you’re starving like like no I just I just don’t have a lot of food oh well uh mrss don’t have a lot of food uh no oh no you gave me too much Mrs there are hungry children in Africa be grateful for what you I’m never grateful

All right here you go bro I feel that holy [ __ ] mood there you go more food all right anyway with that even though you know even though Fig’s not here you know uh yeah I’m fig you know actually you know what Fig’s not here but principal McLean can send us off you

Know okay campers we got a lot of progress done today so I’ll see you next time on total sha hardcore Island episode episode five episode six will be next time oh yeah episode six excuse me yeah let’s go and no one’s died let’s go other than for

Hey but yeah bye have a great time byebye oh [ __ ]

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore: The First Episode 5 ft. Fig, Twoki, & Grymm | S1 #5 (Minecraft Hardcore Stream)’, was uploaded by Itz_Shota on 2023-12-31 02:32:35. It has garnered 129 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:39:01 or 9541 seconds.

Just playing around with my homies trying not to die!

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  • Netherbound: My Own Steed! | Minecraft Ch. 6

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  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Jack’s Important Moment

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  • Rhyme Time: Insane Quotes to Drop – Don’t Stop!

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  • Minecraft Create: New World, New Opportunities!

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  • Disco Ghast Blast: Minecraft’s Funky Delight!

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  • Minecraft Wither Meltdown

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  • Zeddy’s Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase

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  • Conquering Minecraft’s 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges

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  • Shocking: JJ buried alive in Minecraft by Mikey!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5

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  • SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funny

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  • 🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥

    🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Колян +ДРОНИО изучаем Английский с Minecraft Запишитесь на бесплатный урок Minecraft с родителями’, was uploaded by Kolaplay on 2024-05-16 19:28:09. It has garnered 1039 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Subscribe to Minecraft Super Series https://clck.ru/38eG69 “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: https://clck.ru/38eG69 Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/38eG69 Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR… Read More


    EPIC N5 GAMER BUILDS INSANE TRADER HALL - MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SEASON 01 (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD a new trader hall for villagers in Minecraft. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES SEASON 01 in Hindi’, was uploaded by N5 GAMER on 2024-04-06 05:16:06. It has garnered 147 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. follow on INSTAGRAM 👇 https://www.instagram.com/n5_gamer_sunny?igsh=MWg1NTczazlmNDc5bA== FACEBOOK 👇 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61555861854347&mibextid=ZbWKwL X 👇 https://x.com/NavadeepG85820?t=CNB9mr9rX2T6DdTrsKmLeg&s=09 WHATSAPP 👇 https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaW17rm5vKABWLklC72y ABOUT MINECRAFT Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

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  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

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  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

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  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

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  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! giltory.com Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: https://discord.gg/4NErNXrStr A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

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  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

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  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

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  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

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  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! http://zebragamer.com More Minecraft videos! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebrasMinecraftAdventure Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! https://zebragamer.watch/ZebraHerd Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: https://teespring.com/stores/zebragamer This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : https://trakteer.id/Jajang04 ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ : https://www.bandlab.com/post/4e7e025f…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! https://discord.gg/YEjhUNsmgt Ominous Bottle Farm https://youtu.be/4SdUmKQqC-o?si=1NEaVx9lmVegUQi7 Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More