EPIC Minecraft Livestream with Suited Blaze!

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Look you might recognize this name the angles there we are welcome back everybody to our final stream of the evening we are going to be playing some more Minecraft yes I know it has been uh not too long since we last played Minecraft but I just want to join in on

The Lost Joker server I got pork pine in the chat right now um maybe we’ll join in chat with Joker later I’m not quite sure but yeah I’m going to open up my channel here and then I can keep an eye on the chat jar hello how are you

Doing all right I’m going to switch over the camera um boom so I might change some of the viewing settings the GUI is very gross looking it’s too big someone’s playing on a horn there someone who’s an Enderman oh UI profile classic pocket scale modifier negative hey that’s much

Better extra large new user interface no thank you render distance yeah give me them chunks oh we got Phantoms beautiful hello magic cat what’s going on why is there a villager just laying on the floor I don’t know meta Misha Mish oh server is lagging a little bit oh

Dang uh nothing much pestering people I know how are you pestering people all right are you in uh Joker’s Village here I went down the M shaft okay I was going to kind of get started see if I could find L Joker somewhere overall being annoying a l you’re all

Good Turtle Mart oh it’s owner of carrots very nice very nice oh I see porcupine down there hey there’s Joker oh no Discover 17 biomes oh my goodness is waving I don’t know how to emote I Oh uh there we go I guess I’m waving nice I can clap nice what you look like in third person it actually looks pretty good is it your skin yeah I got my skin I’ll have to come find you once I get some wood I’m upgrading okay

There is some uh creatures out here after me taking inventory open oh boy I’m getting all the other basic achievements right now I guess oh God skeleton Think I could jump really high but I can’t I’m going to be coming down the M shaft soon oh I just came up I think I see you we disappeared I’m right here down here Santa Claus suit heck yeah is the season is the season yeah we just finished Thanksgiving heck yeah you

Play you got to play Mariah Carey while you’re at it yes All I Want for Christmas Is I was going to say something but that’s not going to be good uh woohoo click to claim your points you just earn points for playing a PC game what really what that’s what

It said for Microsoft I don’t know claim your points where is the miner shaft over here who keeps BL the hor I don’t know ah M shaft Cobblestone like how like when I open it it puts my mouse oh wait maybe not okay it was putting my mouse not in the

Middle you got a pickaxe not yet you want my wood one no I’m not taking [ __ ] yeah I might as well use it chap a thanks chap a is looking a little small well there’s a tunnel it’s okay I see Joker’s coming in here oh

Dang goes way down here oh it ends okay never mind I guess I’ll continue this um remember when Minecraft used to have leaderboards yeah prob like how much you mine and everything why can’t it still have it iron IR my my my urine I don’t have no

Torches I can make a furnace and start burning some wood true it’ll be fine he I got some logs too I need some Cobble the controls are definitely a little bit Jank in Bedrock they’re not quite optimized as nice as uh Java especially like the the inventory usage

I guess if I would have to say how do I get 10 torches somebody gave me torches or what probably Joker maybe oh yeah somebody just tossed him to me like not too long ago furnace okay oh boy I like how I’m getting a whole bunch of achievements now even

Though I did it a long time ago make a workbench construct a better pickaxe should we jump into Joker’s thing oh yeah let’s jump into his voice chat I don’t even know if he is in one oh wait there it is oh hey hello I wonder when you guys were going to show

Up it is all good we finally got her figured out well welcome to my Bedrock server that I’ve been doing sorry for blowing up your Bridge it’s okay it happens that bridge is blown up many times thank you thank you very much for having us absolutely took us a while to

Get um well it took me a while to get uh Bedrock Minecraft installed cuz they don’t make it nice and easy I had to get a whole new launcher and everything cuz they updated it like what yeah it’s its own thing I have two versions of Minecraft on my computer yeah yeah world

Might be bugged someone’s saying wait wait world might be bugged what damn so have you gone yeah go ahead oh ask me what’s up I I going say have you gone to the nether yet uh I technically did in in my Java world but not in this world

Okay at some point I would love to start a server with just you guys so we can like cuz they the other people here definitely went through that [ __ ] already they they definitely went and like cleaned out whatever kind of Fortress or whatever was going on in

There I don’t really know the details but I’m sure it’s Ser to build yeah well more than welcome to do that here I everything up here is what I built I built the house I built the workers quarters great ni Tre and there’s plenty of room nearby I forgot to replant I got

Ganked if you need any material specifically yeah let me know I got wood if you need you know if they’ve already beaten the Ender Dragon on This Server uh probably not I don’t think that cuz I do see all the time their names coming up that they died and [ __ ] I’m like

Mm oh damn how do you hear lightning this far down underground what the hell yeah here porcupine I got some logs for you I’m just give me a there you go thanks woo it’s loud yeah just a bit Yeah so I just started learning enchanting I built my enchanting table

In my basement mhm and I built all my bookshelves so it’s it says level 30 on the bottom one when I look at it nice I’m level 20 though I got to get myself up to level 30 so I can like do that mhm and other than that I’ve been

Working on trying to get villagers to breed so I can get iron golems to spawn which has actually been very difficult oh yeah yeah you have to like have a certain amount of like villagers and stuff and all that other fun things to get that yeah

That is where I am at FR is this your house I built this yes this is quite nice I like it better than any house that I’ve probably ever built very very beautiful that’s the enchantment table area very very nice and then my bedroom’s upstairs or up up ladder not

Really upstairs mhm it’s the attic oh oh if you need anything right there dang okay thank you um so there’s food in these barrels on the right downstairs and trees in that one and then regular supplies and crafting materials on these two next to the crafting table is there a way to disable

That hor okay yeah Benny stop it with the horn man there might be a way but I don’t know you can just tell I’ll just tell them to stop Benny you’re you’re making my guests feel uh uncomfortable with the horn blowing please relax I set up beehives I set up an

Apiary or not an apiary that’s a beehives I set up uh an arbor area so it’s every all the trees all different kinds of trees nice I’m getting attacked by some kind of Sky monster right now yeah you guys haven’t slept in a long time no this is the stable

Nice which is attached to the chicken cpop freaking chickens in there I like how you have a little side thing there we go all right there’s a cooked chicken in there what the heck probably hit by lightning probably you can keep trying to give me diamonds I’m not I’m going to

Throw them to the chickens I’m going to give them back to the chickens I’m going to get me diamonds cook chicken I’m a chicken now so the farm the farm and the ranch buildings as far as the wood the wood fencing and everything I did in the first eight

Hours like I did not that house it originally was a smaller house that got rebuilt but there was a small house all this farmland and the ranch I did the first day the second day I did all the walls and then I started working on the

Town and then I don’t know when after that I started doing the workers quarters oh go go look at the workers quarters that’s right this originally was land that was uh angles land because he he uh he dug it all out for me m he

He this used to be like a mountain you can see like how the wall is here where the dirt this used to be like a Hilltop yeah so he spent the time to dig it all out for me well we all did it together oh my God they all

All zombies yeah they’re all zombie villagers in there now [ __ ] well now now it truly is a memorial oh my God what’s going on dinden that sucks that sucks that that happened I’ve been working really hard to get those villager counts up damn it all right so yeah this is the angles

Memorial he originally built something here cuz I said he could have to land but then he hadn’t been back in a while and I needed to get to figure out the Iron Golem thing I was trying to figure that out yep and so I think you just got this

Yeah I rebuilt this and I named it the angles Memorial workers quarters in honor of angles for buil for helping me take it all down that nice I think you just got to keep tossing them food and then eventually they’ll be happy there was a point where Iron Golems were

Spawning and then it stopped and I’m like I don’t know what I did that dang you even have a downstairs for these guys yeah there was a lot I had a lot of people working the land here the workers quarters good and you I’m doing pretty good too thank you very

Much for asking D the Reese’s King hello welcome back mine crab yes bacon we’re already back but we’re playing with Joker so it’s okay it’s fun these are all the different these houses were already all here but I’ve been still using them technically I use this Farm all the time actually speaking of

Which you get all this food up let’s chop down some trees you couldn’t contain the addiction could you nope could not impossible this game is addictive as hell all right why do you think like I’ve probably put thousands of hours into this game as a child I believe it I

Believe it I actually just bought on Amazon they had for the Black Friday there’s a sale and it’s like the original like it’s like four books and it’s the guide to Minecraft oh yeah that’s pretty cool and it’s like it’s like everything I’m like I want to know

I’m going to read these books and I’m going to learn everything I know they made a crap problem is is Minecraft always updates yeah I know but I’d still like to have it I thought I thought about it right I still feel like obviously they made a lot of them but

Eventually I feel like they’re going to start fading out and they’ll turn into like collector’s items yeah so yeah even that I’ll have I’ll have something uh valuable in the future oh my wall got kind of destroyed here holy [ __ ] turtl man carrot hey I’m carrot 178 in the server hey welcome to

The channel thank you very much for joining in it’s carrot yeah Carr’s awesome love the name Turtleman carrot how long have you been playing Minecraft for carrot there’s another Village over here holy crap there’s like no yeah there’s a few there’s a few in the area there’s a

Bunch like in every direction actually you guys have like no trees around like the surrounding area uh depends on what console well I guess like what was the first ever experience I guess that you’ve played Minecraft was like pocket Edition how long ago was that or whatnot excuse

Me because I’ve been playing Minecraft since like 2011 2012 yeah started with I just started right it’s crazy I did this this week yeah you put a lot of time into it which is good you need to do a lot of time in order to get a lot of stuff

Done I’m also on by the way Bridge really got blown up Jesus okay yeah no there was a separate incident it looks like yeah I got to fix this okay have you messed with the bees yet I’ve I’ve I’ve been doing the flowers making them breed and putting them in the beef boxes

And I’ve been harvesting honey with the glass bottles okay and selling honey well that’s in the other server so you can sell honey in our modded server I’ve played since the textures in the nether are weird are you talking about like before they were updated or after they were

Updated I played before there was a hunger meter same no Sprint in no enchanting the grass was all like bright greenend yeah I did a deep dive and I learned all about Herobrine oh yeah yeah there’s a lot of L [ __ ] what is that before you’ve been playing for

Quite a while then I would say turtl man not a OG OG but OG enough compared to a lot of other people that play it Ben you guys you guys going to look up suited Blaze if you want to check out his channel s UI t e

B a z e thank you very much cool skin yeah I put on a Santa suit it’s uh definitely the season now that Thanksgiving is over so we might as well go along with it oh boy I hear another skeleton I need to get a shield yeah eventually I’d like to get

You into RL crap you would absolutely love it super challenging yeah what so like tell me about what what is rlcraft what is that pain um yes it is it is pain like everything and anything can kill you that you could think of okay uh Benny neon hello welcome to the channel

I’m assuming you came over from Joker stream uh yeah if you are farming mining like literally any like General task that you’re doing uh monsters will spawn from whatever said task is and they will try to kill you oh yeah that doesn’t sound fun chopping down trees yep there’s

There’s a monster that’ll come in at that point too oh she um all right yeah and there much need to sleep at some point attack by more powerful and scarier than uh anything in vanilla Minecraft could ever be random stream not going to lie yeah it is kind of random actually I’d agree

With that joker was streaming some Minecraft and I felt like joining in so here we are today I remember I used to be extremely terrified of creepers I’m not scared of them they’re [ __ ] they run from cats I know right found that out the other day time when that wasn’t a thing yeah

Right time when there wasn’t cats as well kitty cat kitty cat kitty cat make sure I could keep that oh hello get the [ __ ] out of here oh yes carrot come to my location oh I carrot you know I always got a carrot for you oh [ __ ] all right give me a second

Bud here zombie okay carrot carrot needs a carrot want to check out my chop Blaze sure I’ll check it out in a little bit uh if I was big in green and could explode I would be scared of cats too yes that’s true someone to shoot me what the

Hell one punch from a cat and you’re dead you’re blowing up I still remember a weird time from my childhood when I learned that if you spammed a bunch of saplings for trees in like a location they’ll just grow a lot faster than just planting one and like

Spacing them out because yeah yeah because you place more of them like you have more of a chance for like a random tick to grow them faster even though as a kid I thought oh yeah if they’re too close to each other they wouldn’t grow

But nope I was wrong finding that I was like holy crap it’s like life changing news all right I’m going to try making it back to town oh hello creeper yep get out of here oh boy yeah let me know if you guys need anything at any point I have food I

Got all that [ __ ] okay I hear a skeleton all right there we go I will now be safe yon yon and yon smell wood trunks using charcoal to make more charcoal I don’t even know that was an achievement but Bedrock has weird achievements so okay planting more melons nice melons

Feel like I want to cook breakfast tomorrow but I don’t know what I want to cook I can make eggs fresh fruit bacon egg and cheese see I like funny enough my girlfriend does not like bacon um red flag yeah what yeah I don’t know does she like sausage I think yeah

Like cuz I’ve only met one person of my life and they were like no sausage is better and I was like you’re high I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about yeah bacon is so much better is superior of the breakfast meats uh did you get music in my ears what

What are you talking about D oh I feel like I’ve gotten lost oh boy oh boy what’s your oh that’s right I forgot there’s coordinates here yeah I have my coordinates on the screen at all times so people can always get their way back um but yeah I forgot if she said

That like if she liked sausage links or not I feel like she said not really but I guess like um the flavor of bacon and like she said the texture not too that she didn’t like but texture is a thing I can’t I can’t like ever be like oh that’s ridiculous because that’s

So individualized for everybody I get and I get that too because I don’t like certain textures for food I won’t eat [ __ ] because I’m like now the texture so I get it yeah you know what I mean cuz like sometimes they could be eating a steak and you have like nice like I

Don’t know tender like fat that literally like melts into your mouth but it feels like gooey and like sloppy almost like if there was another food that had that same texture but it didn’t taste really good it’ probably be like yeah no I a happen and ain’t eating that

So I could understand something like that yeah like really just don’t like bacon I mean it also depends on you know what type of bacon it also depends on how it’s cooked too um that really could make a big difference so maybe you just had bad

Bacon your entire life I don’t know yeah some people grew up in a house that like they didn’t really grow they they grow they didn’t I’m like looking at what I’m doing in Minecraft and saying something else they didn’t really uh cook the bacon properly like it came out all

Soggy and stuff instead of crispy how it’s supposed to be you know cuz they didn’t they don’t know how to cook it yeah some people think Bacon’s bad and it’s like no you just your parents are dumb I’m sorry oh we went to the restaurant and the restaurant I got side

Of bacon even for me it was like man this kind of shitty ass bacon but that can happen what’s going on pixie welcome in how are you doing so yeah by the way any uh yeah angles Get the Hell in here wait angles by the way angles I I

Have to apologize it’s the first time I’m seeing you since this I know I told you you could have this land for whatever you want but I had to repurpose it but it has been built rebuilt in your honor I memorialized this building this is the angles Memorial workers

Quarters I’m sorry I had to tear down what you had built but than things needed to get done where’ porine go um so okay I was going to say just um any tips you guys have I’m brand new like literally I know nothing MH so if you

Guys know anything you want to teach me why is it so big oh my God that’s what she said um it depends what kind of tips are you looking for like anything anything or like anything in specific well like beginner’s tips uh like anything I don’t

Know uh I learned the other day that you could put a torch under granite and it like in in not Granite uh gravel and it’ll instantly break the gravel The Rock I didn’t know that that’s like a good kind of tip stuff like that where it’s like what that

Would never occur to you you know what I mean cuz it’s just random why would you put a torch why would you put a torch under a rock you know yep um all right yeah if there’s anything I could think of I mean obviously if you want to be efficient as

Possible in your M shaft when mining um obviously like a 1 by one would be the most efficient but obviously you’re not going to want to set that up but if you do like a 1 by two hole for you to walk through and then if you skip two blocks

And then do another one it kind of like maximize the amount of blocks that you see so that way understand yeah for finding like the most I do my mind’s aesthetically pleasing I like I understand that is efficient mhm but I’m I’m probably always going to be like a 4×4 all the

Way down you should see bro you should see the mine I I did in our Java server yeah I I built I did Moria pretty much like it’s just columns and it goes out in every direction oh dang and I just I did it at the very bottom level above

Like where there there’s diamonds like everywhere mhm I just dug in every direction and left like one column every five squares or something okay and I put torches on all of it it looks beautiful when you walk down there yeah I’m helping porcupine right now I’ve seen he was making this m

Shaft look really nice so I’m helping him out nice doing some mining decorating I I didn’t do really good Aesthetics in the last server I played so I I kind of want to do that now fire Beast hello glad that you’re doing all right

Pixie did you guys want to do a build I could clear out some land for you oh um that I don’t know of yet still just getting everything all prepped up and I’ll have to figure out what kind of a build I’d want to go with like I

Got a spot right here that actually would be pretty good for something anything all right I’m going to I’m going to dig this out so it’s flat so even if you guys don’t want to use it I’ll end up probably doing something with it sounds good is this Bedrock or Java this is

Bedrock mhm we got a girlfri joker the Lost Joker is hosting the server for us yeah and this is the sapic craft uh texture mod which is 256 bits and I really I do like it it is cartoonish and ridiculous but like I can see everything

And I could like I can instantly tell it’s iron ore you know what I mean I’m like oh go not having troubl see I don’t know it’s it asked me to download I didn’t download it CU I don’t know if I would have had to pay for it or not no

No you if I’m hosting you absolutely do not have to pay while we’re playing mhm um but it it is some people are reporting like it makes them crash and stuff but those are people on mobile I think oh yeah that would make a b more

Sense um am I allowed to join that I am not sure if we’re not if we’re not capped yeah as long as we have room yes yeah somebody just left so you might be able to make it in but you’d have to go um to the Lost Joker’s Channel and I

Think you might put your username in the chat that’s all you got to do yeah um good good gamer I have iron just come to my shop come on down to town I got it for you sounds good fire Beast yeah fire Beast if you want to go to the Lost

Joker it’s capital t h e capital l o s P capital j o k e r uh that’s his channel and then just type that over in his chat here you go Bud good luck oh I like your uh skin there that’s cool looks like a character from something that I don’t

Know wonder if we make like a little cutout room where we have like a little um kind of a what do you want to say base yeah a little base down here to sure hell yeah hell yeah do it guys hi my name is tamb beini can you invite me

That’s your that’s your username I got you I got you why am I in the crafting menu to invite somebody that makes no sense I’m going to craft myself a friend heck yeah damn beanie think we got you there that default monkey picture for your you yep I remember that one um

Furnaces go super slow I know right oh [ __ ] there’s a zombie oh paron my language sorry sorry guys no mods here oh you find something yeah there was a weird little cave and then zombie was just standing in there I just want a nice little 5×5 area for like Some is it daytime out there it is daytime um what time is it oh actually as I look up into the sky Sun might be going down yeah it’s getting a little Darker and all the villagers are starting to run home yep yep it’s getting to be night if anybody needs to sleep the rule is if someone needs to sleep just get in your bed and then we all will try to get to our beds or leave the

Game oh my God I lost so many villagers here Jesus I’m down to like four I had like 20 damn another skeleton sounds like he’s dying might be drowning good good good skeleton I also have a repair thing up here too if you guys need to repair

Anything how long are you streaming for I’m not too sure pixie I’ll probably be here for a while till I get tired or just it’s Minecraft yeah yeah definitely going to be here for a while server is full I might join if someone leaves all right that sounds

Good not a problem fire be yeah yeah sorry about that I didn’t realize we were full I’m still getting used to all the rules and everything how many people can be in a server I bet it caps out at eight so they can sell the the Realms that hold

15 people probably I mean how much is a realm because I’m kind of into this [ __ ] I bought a book um about it depends on what you want to get but usually if you go with like a professional server hosting service it’s usually a bit better than Realms because if you

Ever wanted to you could add I believe they they host uh Bedrock too yeah they host both of them I’m pretty sure but Realms if you ever wanted to do Java you could also just add mods in or other like random things and I’ve heard there has been problems

With Realms as well like some people can’t even join their own Realms how that’s ridiculous yes and then yeah they don’t even have like a fix for it either I don’t know how often that happens but still uh Revan turn hello welcome to the channel is this cave suitable for miners

I have a server host recommendation uh suitable for miners yes yes it is I mean if you want to run down here you can is cave suitable for miners I’m confused miners miners with an E miners not miners if you know what movie that is referencing you’re awesome

I do not so I am not awesome oh you are still awesome but that’s sad one month free trial for 10 players LW then 30 a month for for Realms that’s pretty expensive 30 a month that’s a dollar a day it also depends on how much RAM you

Want the server to have too I guess yeah how much memory and everything I wanted to have all the ram okay I might join later then if I can all right sounds good pixie oh um yeah if you ever wanted to join you’ll just have to let Joker know in

His chat what your name is oh I gotta get food oh my God what is your recommendation Revan turn and did you come from Joker’s Channel I feel like you have I don’t know that name he’s a new one yeah welcome welcome welcome welcome to the community and

When you stop playing you can’t play the world anymore wait what are you talking about fire Beast Um be in the floor all right so wait hold on this is all wheat are pumpkins potatoes I found you two a while back really I do apologize I I do not remember you but welcome back thank you very much for uh jumping into another stream I would assume you’re subscribed

Then because then that’s how you would probably gotten back carrot and meow there two main people in here they’re they’re always going off on adventures and getting killed instantly dead get almost another stack of planks back nice um you know what I I’m going to smell my stuff had enough of these stone

Tools there pick shovel axe sword very nice get this all nice oh that’s right I have mine rails and carts a lot of them let me let me let me set that [ __ ] up running down to you guys okay I know there we go now we’re getting

Schmancy I got a full set of tools yeah um I like them because you can use the same server and change it to host games and other than Minecraft oh if you posted um a link to anything that comment that you may have posted cuz the two things I’ve seen is I found

You two a while back and then the first thing I’ve seen after that is I like them because you can use the same server so if you gave a name or like a link to it I think YouTube may have blocked it cuz YouTube doesn’t like links for some

Reason so I did not see what the message I didn’t post the link I know better than that okay I mean I’m not worried about it I was just wondering in case there was something that I missed because YouTube sometimes blocks messages for no apparent reason but who is it that you

Like for uh server hosting could be the name of the server host too that they don’t like which kind of weird wouldn’t make sense room down there no this is I just mining out some coal yeah that can always be like a lot right sometimes you’re mining a

While come on uh oh that message got taken out weird yeah right I don’t understand we’re being raided at the town of again guys whoever’s here I need help oh jeez oh jeez oh I hear the ra yep I hear the raid going on uh and then I realize Game Pass isn’t

Available here in the Philippines oh no Jacob mic food I’m about to die Microsoft doesn’t care car it meta I need you in town oh more iron nice I’m just hoping the eight out of eight players gets changed 7 out of eight uh oh somebody just changed your skin that’s what they

Did wonder know what was going oh my God how is this happening I don’t have a thing on me someone else got bad Omen yeah oh that’s not what I wanted to do oh yeah and also if you do end up sending the name again Revan turn let me

Know like in a separate message like that you posted that because maybe it is the name name that YouTube’s uh censoring and that way you can maybe like break it up into pieces they’re in someone’s house oh no like they’re stuck in some one of the players houses on the

Outskirts they’re like stuck in the walls mhm maybe I could crossbow them from here Jos all right come I have food I have food I can give you I potato n Go what actually I might be able to handle this are you even talking about Josh I use four Net

Players if you look into it and are genuinely interested I can generate you a discount code how is that by like referring a friend or something like that or are you somebody super popular that I just don’t know about I’m at Fred and Al spoo’s house if you

Guys know where that is me oh [ __ ] no the other people in the server oh gotcha um I got him it was really upset with all that being linked together oh here here here yeah I think so yeah the discount code and everything like that I’m not that

Popular well how popular are you I’m assuming do you do any streaming and stuff of your own Revan turn Let’s go back that is One okay I need sweet okay they’re in the water yeah there you go thank you Benny I have partnership with them oh dang oh crap meta just got killed very nice that’s a Vindicator careful careful careful careful careful careful careful I’ll definitely like my plants Joker no and

I’ll look into it myself for future because I would like to eventually host some RL crap which would be nice oh I missed oh my God Benny got killed everyone’s getting killed I sniff manslaughter so I’m back who died not me somebody else in town they’re fighting off a bunch of

Pillagers [ __ ] find an I are just chilling down the m [ __ ] I killed him I killed him he dropped three emeralds that’s not bad nice that is not bad that is not bad watch your back he’s got a crossbow right behind you Benny died too I don’t even see that

Oh wait yeah Ben Benny and meta died these guys are dropping a lot of items Jesus Christ I can’t even carry all this oh one mob remaining I think he’s on the other side of my house here I hear oh it’s a Vindicator he’s going to kill me no

Help how goes the less Superior Minecraft edition it’s relaxing he I’m enjoying it enough for what uh we’re doing I got him I got him I got him I got Him oh my God help I’m trying to be more decorative with everything that I’m doing let me join for real y’all on Bedrock right yes Jacob you would have to go over to Joker’s Channel and let him know your name unless you’ve already done that in the past you can smelt iron bars

Oh smelt them into ingots no the bars themselves uh not that I know of I don’t know hold on hold on hold on hold on you can put them in the furnace but they don’t smell no they did sure it wasn’t the fuel from something else left over that you were

Smelting so it looked like it I I accidentally put them in they started smelting weird keep that I’m gonna try it again too bad you weren’t streaming so you could see it yeah nice kill there we go put any item in the furnace yeah but he was

Saying it was starting to smell so I don’t know what the heck was going on can you check all right who is in the furnace real quick wait who what are you talking about who’s in the furnace uh I’ve already told him my name friended him also yeah I mean you’d be

Able to join but 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 it’s already full right now are we full right now okay so if we’re full we just have to wait till someone is going to hop off yeah t need my position 189 65 145 right now it’s been

45 minutes and no diamonds Yes Meme no diamonds I’ve been uh more focused on trying to be aesthetic with everything unlike the last server where I just freaking everything was efficiency what how did two how did two Traders just spawn I just watched that [ __ ] happen in

Front of me I left and now it’s full o dinden is that is dinden Jacob no dinden someone else dinden uh let me know your username so I can add you at least you know what you mean even if you can’t get in this moment we’ll have you on deck

I think Jacob is next smudy mitt okay I got you just give once this raid is over I’ll add you if I forget please remind me there’s so much crap here on the floor they dropped iron swords they dropped all these iron swords it’s Blossom hello welcome to the channel how are

You did you come over from Joker’s stream or have we seen you before I don’t know what the factory was beautiful yeah okay but I mean like any future Minecraft series that I start or we have like um like a lot of investment

Into I I do want to take a back seat on trying to just like complete everything as fast as possible I do want to make like all the Aesthetics look nice and everything like that must be hard not being able to oneshot everything any anymore right although everything is a

Lot easier to kill I mean other than maybe basic mobs I’m eating right now so I can wait that’s a lot better kind of you got rice or noodles hardboiled egg I know that used to be the big thing used to eat all the time I accidentally full screened One Two

Three or is plenty tall enough actually could we go maybe a little bit I don’t see any more of them but the raid bar still have there’s got to be more somewhere check check check check in that corner of by the where the walls are you know what I mean where they get

Stuck um Behind the Walls oh there’s one here I found him found you on the live recommendation section I searched up Minecraft live streams and Y all came up well very nice very happy to have you on the channel I really do appreciate you joining in um yeah I’m playing on the

Lost Jokers server right now um he is another big streamer that I have met quite a few years like almost two years ago now which is still crazy but yeah it’s his server that he’s hosting it is on Bedrock Edition um I finished up with a Java all the mods 8

Server that uh another post um I don’t know if M would call me a friend or not but I’d say just close friend over the internet that he was hosting for us which is pretty nice yeah we just started this literally today me and porcupine just joined in

And I think Joker started this server what maybe a week ago a week ago about a week ago and uh I’m brand new to Minecraft oh sorry I shot you there need another yeah me and porcupine have been playing Minecraft since like 2011 2012 oh my God all the beetroots that’s not

Good oh you crash that’s even right here that’s nice yeah actually I should probably make a iron sword Burger steak bust yes okay okay Jacob I mean Burger steak does sound actually kind of nice but how long have you been playing Minecraft he died or watching it Blossom that’s awesome

Dude another raid thing coming oh wait no it’s still just out of half all right let me add everybody hold on tell blad to give me back my pants Benny uh Blaze you might have Benny’s pants nope I don’t have any pants che check my live stream I don’t have any

Pants I never grabbed Pants uh does porcupine have more andesite uh yeah keep me safe for a second I need to Bor what the hell was that not me no what just hit me oh there’s a guy in the corner here guy in the corner oh behind the wall behind the

Wall it’s the magic dude it’s the magic dude that’s what’s hitting us hello hamburger if Blaze God I’m tearing this wall down we’re going to re who is help no one I don’t have any helpers watch out watch out watch out right there good job good job Benny oh we got

The thing we got the discount villager discount let’s go let’s go good job Victory I was about to come yeah we won we won W you change your skin again I have any pants what you that looks crazy all right hold on um I need to send uh friend request to

Some people real quick yep also you guys are enjoying the stream if you wouldn’t mind leaving a like I’d really appreciate it cracked Minecraft is my only way to access Java big thank you thank you thank you thank you thank Youk dumb bacon I’ve been playing Minecraft since 2020

During quarantine me and my cousins played when we were bored but I’ve been watching people play Minecraft for a long time now nice to find yall well very happy to have you I mean we do play a lot of other games other than Minecraft I kind of slowed down a little

Bit on the Minecraft because we like played hardcore like almost two weeks straight trying to finish up all the mods eight before that server closed uh but yeah we love to have you whether you’re just chatting or watching Minecraft or any other of the games that

We play I mean we do play quite a bit so maybe there’s some other games that you like to watch or just the commentary that you see from any of us that you’d like to see any other streams well you know what you can hold on to this

Because I already have one the totem of undying here you you Benny you you you keep that you earned it hello AJ do you play seven days to die I absolutely love seven days to die I haven’t played it in a while and I Tred getting Joker into it

We played it once and then I think I kind of fell off of the game for a while but it is something I’ve been hoping to get back into like very soon I could I could do that again at some point yeah was it seven days to die

Yeah get me porcupine Jester and Joker it’d be fun yeah I think Jester has it I think he we got he has this too got we got more Raiders oh no what they’re at the front of the gate how was I had to leave stream halfway through um oh my

God I got hit by a we lost thing the one quota like at the level four quota whatever it was that one after you left I think yeah we lost that so we restarted and then we got some good clips from it though but yeah I think we got to up to

Like the level two quota again and all right we stopped it’s on the other gate the front gate I wish I could stay longer but I got to catch some z’s all right have a good night AJ get some good sleep and we’ll see you you want for the

Banners um you guys can whoever whoever needs banners they’re yours you guys have been paying me diamonds as far as I’m concerned I owe you Banner yeah take whatever banners you need that’s going to go in my pocket that’s going in there that’s going to go in there did something get destroyed I

Have fencing in my pocket they were here I guess they despawned I believe you I believe you that happens bro I’m up to 45 emeralds I’m rich damn how long have you been yeah tambini uh you can have a raid Banner go ahead how long have you all been live

Streaming for um I just hit two years in June Joker how long have you been going since 2017 yeah a lot longer than me true streaming yeah yeah well I guess in the beginning I wasn’t live streaming but it was quick it was the the transition from editing videos and

Uploading and getting nothing and then live streaming was very quick I remember recording myself with the VHS oh damn yeah that’s that’s a lot older I got Clips I remember I used to watch the VHS there we go add some layer into the these walls oh that’s awesome yeah no

Even if I never get to live off of being a YouTuber I still have a goal of reaching 100,000 Subs so that way I can have a YouTube play button to hang on the walls for like the man cave someday oh wow that’d be cool I never thought

About that hey we’re we’re less than 999,000 Subs to go we’re getting there um 1 2 3 4 yeah we’ll go up one more is that fencing in your pocket or you oh yes yes exactly exactly that Revan turn Hey fat boy here oh I got to add

[ __ ] wait a minute 1 2 3 4 five six seven eight yeah yeah okay you just had to get lucky Jacob I’m so sorry I what what I need is like an indicator to go after that someone left the room so I can like

Quickly do it cuz I can’t even get to my friend’s list meme thinks full you normal furnaces where’s the blast furnaces in the smokers old man sorry I’m living in the past and I’m too broke to get the other furnaces yet so you calm down I just built my first

Blast furnace ever I didn’t even know that existed and then I made smooth Stone and I was like what yep just figured that [ __ ] out the other day you know you used to be able to make smooth stone with normal Stone just crafting normal Stone into smooth stone at least smooth stone

Slabs them were the days smooth stone slabs used to be like the bees knees everything looked good with them oh Jacob you missed your window oops uh that would be great for memories it would be I would leaving for the game day oh Benny’s about to be out so Jacob

Could join we may have room okay bro that was SC hairy what the [ __ ] careful don’t pick up his [ __ ] hold on hey Jacob made it that’s lost bread stick yep yeah okay cool guys be careful good Gamer’s [ __ ] is all right here I don’t want you to pick it up by accident

I don’t have anything else maybe oh this is your garden ho I think and your pickaxe hold on hold on this is yours and that’s yours bless you bless you oh uh much more peaceful than Anarchy server I used to play on yeah Anarchy servers are disgusting no thanks there’s

A server I saw a Youtube video um earlier of This Server and I want to do it it looks crazy oh what’s the a I forgot what it was called but it was this guy who just does these like civilizations and he has like a thousand people whatever and they’re spread

Across all all these different kind of lands and oh my gosh tape it and they monitor it and it’s crazy and I’m like bro I want to be involved in that [ __ ] there is a lot take over the world there’s a lot of stuff up there porcupine there’s there’s a lot of

Monsters n day goes uh up top kind of up to the right here I guess oh n day goes in the friend group with war No One Is Safe oh yeah without War I was going to say what are you talking about B I’m going take iron out of my

Box not cool you guys got to ask first that’s all I ask what’s up porcupine no I don’t think it was you of course not we give this room some depth aha Jacob died to a creeper he was blown up oh I just joined the server instantly dead good job

Jacob six more you just need to sleep are people needing sleep yeah someone’s sleeping okay all right laugh at this you you guys need beds yeah I’ll have to get some beds down here here uh I’ll craft a couple bed or I’ll I’ll get I’ll

Get you I have some Sil I silk I have wool all right hold on guys just give us a second I need to go get some wool oh now he died to a [Laughter] zombie there are so many SMP servers man I was just trying to find a normal server

Where everyone is just playing the classic Minecraft with their friends like y’all yeah I mean this is a really good experience for that with bedrock I mean and especially with an amazing host like Joker yeah I’m so I’m so new I don’t want to have all kinds of bells

And whistles you know what I mean I just want to like learn have the experience that most of us got to have yeah before you go in with like a crap ton of mods cuz then you don’t know what there’s so many mods there’s so many different

Things to experience and I’m excited to but like let me learn the base game right and then get into all that you know what I mean yep but yeah if you’re ever interested in joining I mean Joker is always streaming his channel is The Lost Joker

Um every letter between that I mean the capital T capital L capital J for the name just in case yeah in case it doesn’t pop up for some reason but he’s usually hosting his server fairly often in case can you enter the nether portal and tell me the coordinates I’m stuck in

Nether please yes I will do that in a moment give me a moment although I’ve I have not done that before so I’m going to be looking through going through nether portal please don’t tell me you’re looking furnaces like that like what bacon Jesus you guys it’s nice down here

What the [ __ ] oh my God okay here’s some wool for your bed thanks do you guys need anything else uh more wood I got I got plenty of wood down here I got 11 logs bur it oh I see oh my goodness okay I’m going to do

The nether portal thing for you we’re going to figure out what’s going on all right got another bed there spawn point set nice I’m level 23 I have levels to enchant I hate these flying Devils talking about the Phantoms yeah I’ve been getting hit by those we’re going to have to definitely

Sleep probably tomorrow night everybody so yep looks like it’s daytime again now I’m going to the nether portal now I’m going to do this can you get suited Blaze skin um I in theory yes I don’t know how to do that or what right I don’t know why there’d be any

Interest okay in the nether by the time position yeah go ahead go ahead I was going to say by the time Joker learns the basics all the mods nine will be finished developing and it even has more mods than the eighth well that would be perfect right

Right oh my goodness there you go you’re you’re good you’re good whoa what’s going on I’m leaving I’m leaving I don’t this place looks like hell what’s up porcupine we got a peer over here where am I oh boy what the [ __ ] is this oh my God

No um why did we not come back out of the portal where we started I taking I thought he was he’s he’s goofing around m M I thought he wanted a crafting bench he didn’t pick it up oh boy is this the way back to base need one ender pearl and one blaze

Powder I can’t help you you’re talking about [ __ ] I have no idea what it is um this dude’s trying to troll Us who is what’s going on the good gamer he like took down one of our crafting benches hey good what’s going on man you treat my guests nice I haven’t really had any problems with anybody who’s been in here so I’m surprised to hear that left side had

Furnaces more in front of you than on the right side I don’t know what it is but I saw something like that I would just be pissed yeah I know I wasn’t planning on leaving that yeah have like one staggered in the other one’s not staggered in that’d be very annoying to

Deal with but now I’m going to change it the nether looks like hell because it is is right is this the way back to the Village assassin that um hold on I gu see this yes okay okay I’m assuming that means yes wait where is that I don’t even see

That yeah those numbers are short yeah I see it okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah all right cool thank you but still yeah we out there looks like hell I’m going to leave we were for a second this is not my Village this is a different village we’re in the wrong

Place oh I fell in a hole oh why is there nothing planted here oh that’s not cool hold on I have extra carrots can’t leave these people with nothing let them St me N I want other villager other Villages also increasing their numbers just in case something happens to all of

Mine MH what happened in my Java server is all the villagers died and then we went to the next Village over that we had been going back and forth and they were all dead too we were like what the hell oh no everybody’s dead I think what

Do you mean don’t say that to me I was following you I think we lost oh I think it’s this way he said wandering off into the jungle yeah who did you say was new to Minecraft and who is the most experienced uh the Lost Joker the host

Is brand new to Minecraft the one who lost right now he’s new yeah um the most experienced at least between us who are streaming well I don’t think porcupine is streaming but porcupine has played a lot longer than me has played maybe some more mods and

Stuff than I have but I’d say me and porcupine are pretty equal with um experience depending on what you consider experience I mean we both played just as long being here for like over a decade which is insane playing Minecraft for over 10 years you got some CH crazy

I have some chests in the uh area with the furnaces that I was building I want to go and get some more wood I’ll check them out then very nice yeah especially the Lost Joker and armored porcupine is porcupine Channel I’ve been having technical difficulties so I’m not streaming that

Much yeah he’s waiting to get his um actual PC back he’s been using an old one for now that hasn’t been doing too nice I got some repl that bridge I got some dirt to replace that bridge nice there’s a lot of lightning going on I don’t know why

It like yeah it’s been raining for a while up here okay wait until Joker finds out about no spoilers yeah right yeah I was like don’t say it whatever it is I will find out about it by screaming and running away from it wait until Joker wait until Joker hears about Minecraft girlfriend

No I don’t need none of that put the beds next to each other carrots that’s going to be beetroot and those are potatoes and that’s all wheat all right that’s sorted now villagers it is time to Feast as I shove carrots down their throats he babies eat me

Carrots is that dude oh they’re making babies there we go is that dude just going to Camp my uh okay he’s not going to Camp my furnace for my blocks guys please who don’t harass my guests okay if there is any type of trolling going on we’re going to we’re going to

Sniff it out and you’re going to be kicked out we don’t want that I’ve fat boy Assassin I’ve been told not to reveal the seeds for the game because people will cheat so I’m sorry but I definitely never did that before in the Stream oh yeah yeah people could

Use it in like a diamond or finder or whatever yeah wait tambini has left the game tambini if you’re permanently out oh I know what you’re talking abouton yeah bacon I don’t think he’s ever seen that yet but that would be extremely funny and even funnier if it you know it did

The thing that those things do oh that would be bad yeah that’ be real bad pixie’s in here right uh Pixie is no pixie is not in the server Jacob is okay hold on okay okay I’m I’m there’s so many names here I’m just getting them

I’m going go Blaze see you later all right we’ll see you later fire be thank you very much for joining in have a good rest of your evening or day whatever time it is for you there you go you’ve been added to my friends list smudge him in you’re next okay

Hey where did I miss wood right here okay it’s sleeping time we’re going to sleep tonight all ow I’m done getting attacked by these crazy things oh that’s right we can spam in Bedrock and it doesn’t hinder us for attacking your bed’s been taken Brett oh

Boy who took this who’s taking his bre bed someone be sleeping in my bed oh no come on guys if you don’t have a bed come upstairs to the Village it’s probably anybody needs there we go friend that’s been following us Around all right back to this all right let me come down there and do some police work hello Engles what’s going on I was wondering when he was going to come got quiet what got quiet there we go making my way back we do have a lot of c a Shovel got 51 logs for us coming back with I’m just chilling in my house this game gets so it’s like cozy as hell bro I really like playing it all right yeah you get your nice build and stuff going you get the nice Ambience of like whatever sounds and stuff it’s it’s

Really nice yeah once I built all this and it was the day I was fishing I was fishing and I’m like I think I beat the game that’s it holy crap one of seven players sleeping dang wait didn’t we all sleep just now I thought we did I didn’t

Sleep oh why did it kick me out of the bed I’m so confused oh what the hell okay everyone just got kicked out of the game I don’t know what happened I’m still here you guys can hop back in I don’t know why that occurred right especially when it’s winter snow’s

Coming out you’re in your room with the hot cocoa and toast wrapped up with six blankets just playing some Minecraft bro for real I got that lowf playing right now I hear the fire cackling that’s what I want to do tomorrow I want to make like real hot chocolate like

Melt chocolate bars and [ __ ] put that in some like hot milk or something I don’t know how you make it that’s a way to make hot chocolate how do you make it other than the packets I use Ovaltine actually I I’m a a lot of people use like Hershey’s and

Stuff for their chocolate milk M I think Ovaltine which is a powdered chocolate drink mix if you don’t know yep it tastes like hot chocolate like even if it’s cold I’m like this tastes like hot chocolate chocolate more than like chocolate milk syrup chocolate I don’t

Know how to describe it okay so when I do make hot chocolate I just heat up milk and I mix in tine tine is not bad I used to drink tine younger fix that bridge area a bit okay more oval tee please I got a stack of

Dirt nice okay I’m the only one sleeping so I’m going to get out of bed hey Joker later can I use two of your villagers for Iron Golem Farm Swiss Miss Swiss Miss is all right I mean if you can figure it out I don’t if they

Have it where you are Blaze but it’s extremely good yeah they have it here I mean the packets are nice villagers under attack by zombie oh boy where cave in the cave yeah zombes well he just came running out I just saw him come running out I I got C Bo from

Okay very nice uh there’s a box up in my room you can put like extra [ __ ] in if you don’t want it like armor and stuff that’s funny angles I hope you’re okay with that I feel bad that I tore down what you built but I needed to rebuild

Thatched I think that looks much nicer with these yeah the boots have projectile protection too on them m H not too shabby isn’t there a way to get uh enchantments off of equipment uh yes a grinding stone there’s a grinding stone in front of my workers

Quarters but I don’t know how to do that that sounds cool I’m just hoping a creeper don’t pop up again angles what does that mean they live on my land technically the workers quarters is on the land that you Tech okay so let me explain this before we get into this

Technically where that hill was was always my land it was in my square of property my block if you will mhm but you helped me remove that mountain you did most of the work I would submit so I said that you could build what you wanted on my land my

Land you’ve been gone for a while we had a need to try and increase the amount of villagers for an iron golem Farm which is by the way only worked for a short time I don’t know what more I need to do but still working on that but we rebuilt your

Structure dang it I can’t tax them what do you mean cuz you the land no they don’t they don’t they are not taxed they are not taxed why is this here what need um but angles that is your Memorial Hall dedicated to you if you need a new

Area to build if you if you have like a build in your mind that you would like to do I do have a spot you could use and it’s actually really nice and it’s really close if you’d like me to show you angles let me know um the low health is making me

Annoyed I’m so used to seeing full good day good day who’s here okay that happens all right angles yeah you go up here and you go around the corner wait wait angles up up up up up up up here it’s okay M the fact that it makes you

Annoyed makes me happy do you have chests in there yet oh yeah I got them back here okay uh you should get a pet maybe a dog cat or even a parrot par would be kind of cool for all all three of them um but yeah once I get this at

Least this will be kind of my base operation base of operations I think for now I think they’d be pretty cool Ang look at this we can extend this road right here and look at this I started clearing it out but this is a big flat

Spot you could build a huge thing if you want if you if if that’s something you’d interested in you like yeah right it’s good right it looks good you have no Ward so this land will be your land not my land this is not in my square and so

You’re you’re going to be allowed to do there’s so many skeleton archers right there let’s go back home we’ll go we’ll come up here tomorrow get yourself a shield I will I don’t I’m I’m just gonna go home Jokers knew this and already abusing villagers with Farms yipp yeah

Like the first thing just abusing him using them for profit do you want sword BR uh why are you upgrading or what yeah did you want an iron sword I mean I guess so I me it’s better than Stone so I have 11 so I can’t oh man I’ll just take it

There we go the non Java controls in the inventory are so sad I can’t just like okay I’ll I’ll be honest with you I prefer Bedrock controls to Java but that’s cuz I’m on controller true I I can’t geter to work in Java in bedrock in Bedrock that’s surprising I’m wiggling the

Toggle it’s connected it don’t work maybe it’s just not set to like as the default or something you know what I mean like that happens Jacob’s up to five oh yeah slain by a spider now pretty soon Jacob we’re going to get up to double digits of Jacob

Deaths can I talk in Discord how old are you good gamer 13 nope sorry bud you have to be above 18 but you’re allowed to stay in the Discord you know what I mean if you want to not be delayed with the stream delay that’s okay I’m okay

With that but sorry you got to be above 18 to be in the Stream that’s the rules That’s the Law I don’t make the rules I don’t make the law oh what happened to Minecraft oh wait what how I get kicked out all right buddy so it’s that’s it’s because my

Channel is not it’s labeled as not suited for kids okay you got to be over 18 to be in my channel there nothing to do with Minecraft or anything else like that all right it’s Blossom the blossom trees are so pretty right I mean they are very amazing I

Absolutely love them that’s why I’m happy they have some around here already um planted all those I I someone brought me those I forgot who kind of put some barrels in the wall here too I think that’d be kind of nice yeah oh I guess he

Left sorry pal I can’t do it you know who left good gamer the 13-year-old oh yeah I muted everybody to you I’m not trying to hurt your feelings but like that’s the rules that’s how it is thems the rules enjoy child as much as you can

Right yeah I’ll say yep because one day you’re gonna wish you had it again like me all right where is oh wait those are slabs SLS in here that look good that look no he’s back I couldn’t resist it’s okay you’re allowed to play I’m not you know you

Didn’t do anything wrong you asked the question that’s the right you know it’s okay it’s okay to ask but if I tell you the answer and then you’re like well and you’re GNA argue with me I’m not going to even hear it bro you know what I mean like yeah it’s my channel

You got to respect my rules and there’s not there’s not very many me like the barrels on the side me too disconnect a lot I need to get more wood though so it actually like can do something with it this will be my side we need more of a dedicated Tree

Farm here I have a tree farm right upstairs that you’re more than welcome to use as long as you replace the saplings just I go to outside the gate and I get yanked by monsters yeah there’s a tree farm in the gates in inside the walls I have everything vated

Wh how much dedicated wh where did you get the idea for your skins or was it just random so originally I always loved playing I don’t know why when I was a kid I started playing Minecraft I wanted to be like businessman with my friends yeah we

Do business with each other so we be like different mobs in a suit um originally what’s that over here if you need if you need wood okay sounds good thank you thank you any kind of wood you would need just replace the sapling all right sounds

Good but yeah originally kind of wood am I missing uh I see most of it there I wanted to be Hedgehog skin but I touched it up m oh the one you got now yeah nice I mean I could totally uh pass it off as my own creation but that’d be lying

Right originally I was a creeper in a suit I always love creepers and obviously the suit cool yeah and it was a really really bad like janky one like the first first one that I had but like oh yeah man I have my own skin it’s so

Cool like whatever didn’t care too much about it for finding like one that’s actually like really really good then I had an updated version eventually went to a sheep in a suit because Minecraft started like migrating all their accounts than orig I lost my original Minecraft account which is dumb because

It was like my parents old email that they don’t use anymore and all that fun stuff oh no they’re censoring like Roblox oh no but yeah um and then it came up with the YouTube channel like you know what suited creeper doesn’t sound nice like creeper just sounds weird like oh man

Someone’s going to think like creeper he’s a creepy creepy dude so then I just tried to find a different mob that I liked and I thought was kind of cool fat boy Assassin if you need Cobblestone the boxes right outside my mine door are full of cobblestone I have lost extremely a lot

How are you lost Jacob I’m lost I wish people would would stop trying to steal my identity oh Engles died to gravity l oh boy oh boy just follow the cords on blaz the stream well Jacob’s not even here right now also I have coordinates up if anybody needs to figure out you

Can get to the town go to where my position is and then he’s they’re they’re right below me uh Jacob they’re in this m shaft oh [ __ ] that that [ __ ] just went watch out I don’t think I don’t think it can hurt me or Jacob or jaob is right I don’t

Think I don’t think mine carts can hurt anyone it’ be funny if can you not get in it with the ones with the carts okay that sucks I’ll have to make an empty one I found those down in the M shaft downstairs yes there’s Cobblestone right

Here where’s the tree farms ah the tree farm is over here where are you porcupine come yeah so you come right out of the M shaft you just walk this way you walk to the right oh okay any kind of wood you need I picked up a Wither Skull someone must

That I don’t even know what that means or what this is with SK it’s uh used for something okay what other games do you all play well I don’t know if you’ve heard of lethal company it’s a very popular newer game that’s been pretty fun that we played quite often uh

Fortnite we play a decent amount obviously Minecraft Terraria I really love I haven’t played it in a while I have to finish that up my solo playthrough so that way I can open up a server again for everybody I bought you a new game too we need to play you have

To play that this weekend I saw that thank you very much there’s the only thing I don’t like is they make you forced to do uh solo missions oh in the beginning yeah well all throughout the game oh so really yeah can’t play it together it’s not multiplayer we yes it

Is multiplayer but they got it’s Story related like solo missions it kind of suckss oh so if I want to do story I have to do solo sometimes weird but yeah that um seven days to die I really want to get back in to which is like a nice fun Zombie Survival

Game what’s going on over here I don’t know what this looking like why is this not what’s up what’s up I don’t know what’s up why is he browing you my skull okay hold on hold on a joker okay fat boy chill right here my skull super

Angry what he didn’t mention Roblox I’m so sad I cry in the Cor and become depressed he does play Roblox I know I do I did forget Roblox we didn’t play it yesterday cuz of Thanksgiving there you go but yes we do play Roblox too we usually play that every Thursday

Okay yeah we didn’t know it was yours sorry yeah no you’re an evil monster you’re a thief accidents don’t happen accidents don’t happen here for a purpose yep uh are there any other games that you watch or that you play Blossom o I’m on two hearts now getting

Even closer to death thank you very much are you not eating no I’m choosing to actively not eat I’m on a Minecraft diet Minecraft protest oh my God what the hell what are you wearing what the hell okay someone the good gamer is looking crazy also I forgot to read but earlier

Yeah meme was saying that he’s a owl in a made outfit or at least he was in a made outfit and then for the final finale of all the mods at it turned into a suit an owl in a suit which is quite nice key usually his RNG always gets him out of

It right oh no thanksgiving’s on Thursday can’t play Roblox can’t stream I feel like all the logs are out of there we just got to wait for all that to be done all the logs eight yes all the all the logs eight let’s closer to yeah one heart

Let’s go all right see how long we can last I was still wearing the maid outfit underneath the suit I just couldn’t see it although I feel like one heart is much more reasonable than two hearts a lot less annoying to look at because some people do one heart

Challenges screw it give me one sec H let me get to half heart somehow poison myself Doe someone’s typing in Morse yeah I was just looking at Morse code I was watching a Vine sace video of Morse code today no man has one foot in a grave no we’re

Fine is it the fortnite fish skin oh no it’s a bare animal creature thing e birch logs keep those out of my inventory I’ll take him you can run back up the staircase for him oh the mine cart with a chest in it yeah I can start putting wood into

Those and sending them down I guess oh like yeah have them constantly loop around with a furnace and a mine cart I play Minecraft Roblox Nintendo games with my friends I want to try out the FNAF games because I’m a huge fan but I have been watching other YouTubers

Play many games for a long time well very nice yeah I mean look out for that guy I don’t know what you play on Roblox but you’re more than welcome to join our Roblox streams on Thursdays I usually have it where I have my viewers suggest

A game um and then whatever that game is they suggest I’ll add it to a wheel we’ll spin it whatever the wheel lands on we’ll play that game for like 10 to 15 minutes or so I always was interested in uh playing FNAF but never got into it

Cuz I’ve seen a little bit here and there of other YouTubers I’m also too cheap to buy the game since I kind of know exactly what happens already anyways I did see the movie though the movie was pretty good in my opinion I know some people hate on it but I didn’t mind

It Frederick Fazbear what if Fergie fudgehog yes she fudged her pants it’s about to be evening I had a great idea great idea I need lava and some buckets you got to find that [ __ ] we’ve actually had a hard time the closest lava is pretty far why is everybody just on the

Ground I also need glass I have tons of glass so you watched naid yet 9 hours no I haven’t watched it yet I’ve been too lazy and I I kind of forgot as well fully willing to admit that can’t just click on it like normal a

[ __ ] damn it I didn’t want to make all those thanks game yes you’re ringing my bell can I help you I hate how I can’t just you do you need food Coco thank you the diamonds everybody just keeps giving me diamonds and running away place looking schnazzy someone was trying to throw

Them to me but I said no no I don’t want your diamonds just say no to drugs my payment that’s my payment for running the world diamonds are drugs I cannot have them I need to get six more levels they don’t oh angles is sleeping

They don’t what angles was blown up by a creeper he got into a bed and then exploded they don’t call it diamond dust for nothing oh my God that is funny that is funny you sleeping oh yeah I am laying in my bed well angles blew

Up I don’t know if we need to anymore does anyone need to sleep oh do a seven in here get an elra I don’t even know what an elyra is I thought that’s end game oh yeah near that I’m still building I have a ranch yeah I thought

You were I’m not fighting dragons I’m a farmer was negative 270 oh no R jacobine don’t feel obligated you can you can all right o constipated taxi what’s going on Taxi if you have Bedrock I know you don’t have Bedrock but if you ever get bedrock come and play with us I am

Having a blast right now playing our little Minecraft world my land is tuned oh I forgot I was going to help you with that I’m gonna come up there angles I’m gonna help you with that oh my gosh I have an even better idea for a lava [Laughter]

Bucket yes all right now why you I’m definitely don’t don’t push my villagers down the M shaft D I definitely you pushed the Villager into the car and then push him down the M shaft I’m not going to be a troll at all definitely not oh cool you’re playing Minecraft right

Now L yes I sure am yummy what’s going on Wow the suited Blaze is playing the Minecraft game who said that no that is me oh yeah the suited Blaze is playing the game he’s a part of the game he was born from Brett what what up hi Minecraft let me yeah I

Wave I need uh look at this guy good gamer looks crazy looks like Steve Steve Steve look like Steve to me he looks like Steve he looks like oh you know what I should be out there slaying zombies right now I need to get my level up so I can enchant

[ __ ] I’m playing Minecraft too I work wait just working on my tower defense right now very nice oh I wonder if these magma blocks will hurt me they will oh [ __ ] oh my God bro you just died I was trying to swim over them but obviously

They sucked me down into them all right I’m standing at where your stuff is I’m not going to pick it up no I was trying to actually oh well if I cared enough if I was trying to live if I cared enough I would have just went around but I’m like

I just didn’t care if I died your one heart sad face I know oh now I have to work hard to starve again although I’m kind of starving in real life too so all right I’ll grab my stuff can we play war zone or do you not

Have that are you talking about Call of Duty what who’s asking that Mari who we’ve been playing I’ve been playing Minecraft with for the past week it’s probably it’s an OD request I I you br what are you doing what I’m grabbing my stuff don’t worry you’re going to get killed

Bro finally oh meme okay hold on what’s he doing is this a thing no a oh I was trying to get it to half a heart Oh no I got experience from watching you die like learn to not do what you just did I have to work hard to stop or yeah

To starve again stop no oh yeah it’s going to happen meme magma block what can you do with Magma blocks anything fun um you can die that’s pretty fun yeah okay yeah well maybe for you maybe all right what is can we play or

No I I don’t have Call of Duty war zone I mean I you I think I did actually at one point oh my God oh my God hey where my doing it again oh there’s my pants all right see if I can do this all right if you’re going to just keep

Killing yourself I’m walking away no you’re good yeah you don’t have to camp this stuff here yeah yes angles I’m coming up there to help you right freaking meow all right we’re playing on one or half a heart boys we got this if you crouch on those you don’t

Take damage I don’t believe you I think that’s a troll comment that is most definitely not a troll definitely not a troll angles why don’t you work on this during the day when there’s not an army of things trying to kill us oh [ __ ] there’s a skeleton there I oh [ __ ]

There’s another skeleton okay maybe to go home for the night the anxiety we got her yeah me who never leaves the cave right we can make our bed black there’s an Enderman right there be careful ah Enderman don’t like to swim ow now what what difficulty is the

Server on normal okay so I can’t even starve to death golden perfect angles this is all you want I was talking about I would dig out this whole thing for you you know what I mean like I was going to keep going all right good gamer it looks like

Needs to sleep in a bed so okay I’m saying how big of a build do you want to do dude cuz I’ll keep I’ll keep I was going to flatten out this whole area almost drown to death oh uh it’s about to be morning it’s about to be morning never

Mind Sun’s literally coming up you can’t sleep okay I’m coming back into the caves I got what I wanted on the Minecraft mob boates did you vote for the penguin the crab or the armadillo well I I did not vote at all if I was going to vote I I think I was

Going to vote for the armadillo which I think I ended up winning anyways cuz penguin I’m like okay yeah you can move faster and boats like okay that’s kind of cool but I I thought there’d be cooler things you could do with boats maybe like like making like a powered boat or something

Like an upgraded boat um and coal coal powered boat yeah no we can’t we can’t promote greenhouse gases yeah um and then what was that the crab the building tool I mean you could use it in survival but I didn’t care for it too much I’m not a huge

Builder what about you Blossom What were what was the one that you you wanted to win you got to recreate our all the mods a shack at least basement and all oh my goodness it instant kills you okay yeah that’s what I thought it would

Do so I’m not going to do that I feel like I could get like the general bit of the base together and kind of the basement oh my goodness sorry I’m stretching you’re good it’s 11:30 at night uh okay but yeah I could get the general base down

But I don’t have any call there it is who yeah I’m definitely getting a bucket I’m not saying what I’m going to be doing but I’m definitely not doing any trolling definitely 100% not going to be trolling I need iron I got iron wait a

Minute oh my gosh do you have can I can can I get a piece of iron I’m I’m on up top [ __ ] all right well I’m Gonna Keep I’m going to keep working at this so I can I can get some uh not trolling going on tried to get membership but didn’t

Work me whatever l oh yeah are you still trying to do it on like your phone which doesn’t like to work on the phone for some reason go to the library uh I want the crab the armadillo was the winner I wanted the crab just for the idea of them crab raving

I mean yeah that’d be kind of funny not going to lie oh [ __ ] a cave we must be careful who would vote for me if I was in Minecraft porcupine porcupine if there was a chance for the porcupine we’d have to do it for the memes please don’t get sniped there’s

Redstone I personally love if they were all in the game well I think a lot of people would be um but yeah eventually well yeah they say that we’ll see how long it takes them but yeah I would like if they all in the game I think a lot of people

Would definitely feel the same way on that uh but see but I wouldn’t be so sure on which one to choose crab would Span in one biome though so it would be sort of hard to find it but worth it oh spawn yeah you’re not

Tired you still in the cave yeah I was trying to find some iron I got I got your IR then we’re going to go to the then I’m going to go to the nether maybe I should wear some gold just to in case piglins there you’re not going to grab

It I grab it I’m on my way back thank you yeah I definitely don’t have plans to use this for bad intent when I finish my house then go rest my head all right angles are you just building that house you want me to keep clearing out the

Back like even me when you’re not here I can keep clearing that out for you if you want if you want to do something else it’s a nice Foundation nice big house you got here I want to pretend I didn’t see that no I didn’t mean okay I’m sorry um

Here’s some items back here you can have all my stuff you can have all that back um I’m sorry that’s the only time I’m doing that I’m done here you can even have my gold you can have my gold and everything else that never happened all right you can have some apples

Um oh here have some arrows too and a bow and arrow there you go he goes I hate this there wasn’t Eng Les that said that no all right you can have all that stuff down there you can have it back your stuff is down there go have it

Back I know he’s trying to punch me and the funny thing is I would die with half a heart oh we like to see it oh Delta Hello’s what’s going on poor guy you don’t even know what was going on Delta you hush I’m clipping that I am so so clipping this why

Bacon I did nothing I did nothing there’s nothing that happened there’s nothing clippable I’ve been a good Blaze sorry like Panda said how are you here every single perfect time right always when the death is happening does Delta have Bedrock uh well given that he just has

Minecraft in general I feel like he’d be able to get it no Friendly Fire that’s such a shame wait friendly fire on who oh yeah yeah there’s no attacking each other yeah no no none of that good choice at least not yet yeah good choice on your part cuz I feel like

There would have been a lot of that going going on already yeah definitely not for my public play with viewer server or there someone I don’t know someone’s going to come in and murder me that’s the last thing I want to do right I want to get Christmas presents

For my siblings during Black Friday but I don’t know what they want yeah it’s kind of a hard thing I mean even if they know what they want still have to go and figure out what’s the best thing of that I guess always witness Blaze being atrocious never good hey Delta have you

Ever heard of the game lethal company I feel like you’d be a perfect candidate for lethal company he’ll he’ll he’ll side with the dogs yeah he’ll send you out to die um you committed murder of third degree arson and property to grant that was first degree murder that was

Premeditated he made a bucket and everything oh I didn’t make a bucket I didn’t even get lava I just used the Flint steal I’m went old school oh my goodness I am pretty lethal no you be quiet that’s not what I Gabe the warrior hello thank you for tuning

In I appreciate it appreciate the view hope you’re doing good yeah I got the black bed so Jester might be joining us in a moment no no no you clearly the dud on fire pretty sure that’s third degree they maybe third degree burns but but first degree first degree murder is if

You premeditate it like plan it beforehand what did you say porcupine uh do we have room for Jester well we’ll if once he’s ready we’ll we’ll have to make room um I’ll have to make room I don’t know is there anyone who almost is ready to log off not right

This moment but anybody in the server who’s like oh I’m probably going to call it soon didn’t angle say when he’s done building this house house he was going to I think so go lay down so yeah we got we got we got space we’re good when AEL

Was done I don’t know I just can’t play vanilla without pillaging people’s loot I joined a server a few weeks ago they teleported everyone to a court to decide if someone’s cheating I stole all their food and ran I mean that is pretty funny for you to do on like a different server

Meme um gab the warrior I need you to just send me your username and will add you but right now we are full just letting you know but feel free to join the Discord and you’ll get an announcement when we go live and it’s kind of first come first

Serve as far as that is concerned when we start bro is Devious all right angles um so yeah okay we do have a slot open until my buddy Jester hops in which might not be for you know who knows 20 minutes or in one second but if someone wants to come

In you you can come in until my buddy’s online but then you’re going to have to leave I hope that’s okay angles like I shouldn’t be playing right now anyway I got school holy sh yeah did this or is this just part of the cave oh that’s part of the

Cave yeah a big open area that’s part of a cave yeah this is all cave um it was 10 stacks of cooked chicken and five stacks of baked potatoes oh my gosh it wasn’t even something Miner damn oh my God that’s a lot right can you imagine it was all golden carrots or

Golden apples now I have a concussion really how’ that happen how did you get concussed who’s concussed Engles Engles is concussed yeah yeah he’s playing game flashing lights with creepers blowing up I don’t know Minecraft Bedrock always ends up in me being King in the world exploding

After two weeks sad face how do you become king just because you’re hog boy frog boy and hoggy girl new movie coming out frog boy and hogy girl yes hog e girl hogy girl that can be taken in so many different ways is she just dressed up like a hog

Is she the size of a hog I thought she was driving a motorcycle what how does that work hog you never heard the term hog referencing a motorcycle oh maybe a long time a hog yeah oh that’s has an old one I’m an old man I don’t know your words of wisdom

Hog eag girl big hard eyes oh no that’s cringe that’s gross well do could help you build your own hogy hogy girl you it barely even wants to build anything that’s actually appropriate yeah Dolly sucks cuz Microsoft no damn bro what that’s all regrown now my Farm’s not coming in well

Um can’t remember you can’t remember well I guess that makes sense if you have a concussion elections I promise things I deliver sometimes wow just like the US president if she look like Mrs Piggy I want it oh so you like um thick hogin oh that’s a lot of zombies hello

Zombies Miss Piggy’s nasty like disgusting nasty oh nice he had some iron bars on them okay wait I am out for real this time and see a blaze powder all right we’ll see you bacon bacon bits you found a stack of iron within 10 blocks we I mean that’s

Good all right we need two four five chests oh there’s Bannerman outside the town I’m running away from that a [ __ ] I made too many oh I’m neutral on Hogs now going against them means I hate technoblade which I don’t you said that m Kermit the Frog and Mrs Piggy how that

Work good meme good oh yeah that’s right Kermit the Frog and wow the whole universe is just Hogs and frogs like the more you think about it Hogs and frogs it’s it’s meant to be you know that’s because frogs like Kermit just have all the the Riz

Damn good are you okay he keeps dying all these different ways oh I think he’s oh I think he’s very depressed on what’s Happening he keeps um uning jumped off something I think yeah he’s unal living himself in our cave no oh man I think

Uh other than the lava I want to put up here I think our little Outpost station is done this is pretty nice I mean it could be a little bit nicer but for what I can build I I like this like it a lot yeah I want to come take a

Look where’s good me good I would very much like um you know what I could do as well do a little bit of some around here too a lot better than Delta builds Delta builds wooden Shack calling people out man like Jesus I have to give Delta [ __ ] cuz Delta Delta’s

Delta all right let’s put that there H I know wait looks gross 7 out of 10 A+ for effort I know right de that there’s no blast furnaces or smokers hey you be quiet I’m still broke I’m I’m trying to I’m On The Rise speaking of Delta someone named

Delta favorited one of my Deviant Art submissions H coincidence I think not maybe what a what did Delta do to you he existed that’s what Delta did he existed good gamer are you leaving my friends alone you better not be harassing he’s doing something I don’t know what he’s

Doing you better not be Haring over here this is nice Harang and tanging thank you you got so many cooker things oh yeah just in case we need to smel uh 2 three four 5 6 12 24 stacks of something at the same time God damn I

Mean yeah if you mine the whole world out maybe you’ll need to yep turn into Auto smelters okay I see I see oh you got a little oh okay nice thank you thank you so where’s this lava you were talking about I want to see I want to see what you got going

On well you see the glass here eventually I want to put lava behind it for more lighting and just like aesthetic but that’s an interesting idea okay yeah I just I need to get some buckets I need to get some lava first that is that is the plan

Does anyone know where there’s lava nearby because we do not I don’t know where there’s any lava nearby I was going to keep digging don’t worry I’m coming online and I should be able to find lava no time oh my gosh it is the man he falls into lava

Constantly he’s gonna like walk two feet outside of the base be like I found it I’m dead yep yinyang Blaze lives to be evil I got to balance it out oh yeah I am the evil one says the person named Delta Fire Mass your name just reads

Evil or maybe he’s a fireman fireman and he’s Ultra good no there’s no such thing as Delta being good uh you’re so wait oh you’re still on one heart no not even on one heart I’m on half heart I’m still doing good why do you why do you do it makes meme

Upset yeah it makes me upset it’s making me upset cuz I’m also that way where I’m like you need to heal yourself bro like I’m on three and a half bars of hunger I can’t even Sprint sometime soon God you literally burned a man alive okay well because I did that

Doesn’t make me a bad person I mean you’ve never burned anybody alive oh zombie to be fair a boy not a man yeah and I’m a blaze so I mean that’s that’s kind of My Philosophy does what a Blaze does I I I have to light things on fire otherwise it’s against

The The Blaze religion of Minecraft I guess if one ever existed I mean that’s your name Blaze you Dead Homie heck yeah where’s this XP from the hell there’s a rapper called Blaze your dead homie I can’t say I’m surprised all right he’s he used to be on icp’s label h

You gave a man radiation poisoning because you couldn’t kill him well yeah I gave him the option of be annoyed forever or just uh end it all now end it all yeah and somehow you found a way to end it for him which I still got to make him suffer

For a long time which made me very happy just becauseum I committed premeditated murder doesn’t make me a bad person right I’m not a bad person murder’s Fun at least at least you meditated first right yeah I meditated I was nice and calm I was ready I was ready to murder it was

Premeditation and then it was you know quick and pain oh my gosh hello gravel I almost died to gravel well that would have been sad I placed a crafting bench down and all a sudden all started falling all right well we’re alive I’m downloading the resource packs

I see you’re using Saia saix yes yes yes yes worlds MC welcome to the channel We join I mean it is a it is a pretty it is a pretty mod you know I like that everything is one uniform thing like the animals look good MH everything looks nice and everything

Is visible I can tell specific oh what the hell happened over here I could tell um like iron ore when I look at it I have to be like what is that what is this also MC if you ever were interested in joining the server is full right now

But you would have to go to the Lost Joker’s stream and tell him your name so he can add you yeah but yeah right now we currently are full uh but whenever he does start streams it’s like a first come first serve thing for like the first eight people including himself so

You just have to do that they’ve been filling up quick you got to get in here fast everybody really wants to play yeah but welcome in this is bedrock I have to crouch to use my shield oh yeah K’s coming end you I heard a creeper count that one heart will’ll be

Your last no it’ll be fine could you imagine it just all of a sudden turned into like Ultra Hardcore I just get banned after I die I played a server like that before that would be on me I yeah you you would like that Tyler like there are

Hard like hardcore motives you done once you’re done I I know I know I’m I’m I’m learning to play still I am now confident in combat like I Al I I I have I have now been able to like start up a game and like jump right down into a

Cave start fighting [ __ ] and start getting iron out of it and like having a hall the rest of Minecraft you’re gonna die unless you’re doing hardcore I know yeah what am I doing right now I’m looking for the farmer it was very safe poking my head out with the risk of skeletons

Somewhere downloading it’s 1.29.20 6 nice I need IR it’s been sitting on 0 five for like five minutes now there he goes where did he go I just join whatever with no saying in stream well yeah because you already have the server and you already have them added

People that don’t have them added yet can’t really do that Jester on very nice yes SA zix does look nice and smooth even the logo looks smooth and like shiny mhm yeah it makes the menu look good like M oh yeah hardcore I played that and got hung for

Murder there so yeah speaking it’s like hardcore that thing I was talking about before but I wanted to tell Jester about this they do these you’ve probably seen them on YouTube but they do these like Civilization servers where it’s like a bunch of people on this island a bunch

Of people on this island and a bunch of people on this continent yep and then there’s someone who monitors it all and like does this like movie about the events that take place and yeah I was trying to tell you about that the other day they’re they’re called

Smps smps I am I watched one I watched an hour and 40 minute video the other day of the story of this world a big one with and I was like Dre Dre I was like holy [ __ ] I was so impressed okay so my coordinates right

Now isga 196 67 130 it is close to spawn this Village let me see he do you guys remember where spawn where you guys ran to get here uh when I was at spawn I’m nowhere near that so I got I got to get there anyway iron yes I’m saying you’d

Be spawning where they spawned they just joined in a minute ago they might know I’m willing to bet gravel gravel is going to be my demise I’m going to die from gravel I’m willing to bet on it no I won’t do it on purpose I’m on half heart Challenge oh more iron beautiful what was your last number you said 130 middle number 67 yeah very much like about 260 130 26130 is a good even amount to remember there you go I got it well I got the other two numbers I just got to get get the first

Number negative I think I see your houses okay you make a rainbow sheep not yet I do have a name tag I could try that let’s give that a shot oh boy there’s a floating beehive out here probably the tree got chopped down ooh hello hello hello I’m going to make some stuff

Here last time you said that someone ended up dead no not this time not not that kind of stuff not that kind of stuff different in Bedrock I can tell you that much the camera actually stays behind your head the one thing and now this is obviously

Because we’re using a mod but the controller latency like the inputs are so smooth on about W I [ __ ] love it in the other one there’s like a slight delay with inputs and it’s so noticeable for me I I I I that’s this I just built this

Yesterday we got this up and running I’m level there you go I just had to get up so I can say something dream got in a fight with the kid who voiced Gumball with Amazing World of Gumball in the comments are bitching Dream It’s actually kind of funny how

Long ago did this happen I didn’t even hear about that that’s kind of funny got in the fight with the kid who voiced Gumball oh boy I’m going to jump back in the chat here there he is yeah not I just jumped out to read the I just jumped out to

Read the chat all Right oh dang look like somebody did something there um need a carrot or something here we go I could make infinite lava if I had a cauldron and some dripstone you can make infinite lava with a cauldron and dripstone question mark question mark you didn’t hear that for

Me well wait a minute now what’s up with that what with that cauldron and dripstone infinite lava yeah okay takes a very long time but you can get infinite lava why those two ingredients um basically the of lava drips little drips into the cauldron and eventually it

Fills up with lava and then you have another source block of lava that’s pretty cool yeah there has it’s been hard to find lava there’s this one cave someone brought me to the other day but we had to go down this whole system just to get

To it and I was like in my in our other world there’s like pools of lava all over like everywhere you know this really cool place has a lot of lava the nether I’m not going through that portal again are you good at PVP uh maybe when I was younger playing Hunger Games

Servers all the time or survival games now no I I could definitely say I’m not good maybe I’m average or slightly below average I it’s been a while since I’ve done any PVP so I’m not exactly sure his his PVP nness worked better when you was younger right oh no these kids these

Days I just squish blazes into buckets for my lava yes I’m so glad that I don’t know when your P your PV pis just wears off yep one day it’s just gone Mhm so can’t I can’t get iron golems to spawn still it’s been taking forever this is ridiculous how were you doing them in our server well there just was enough villagers and they just would spawn and this one make more V spawning very quickly i’ I’ve been trying but you

Should see my villager building I it’s it’s stacked with beds like you got to invite your villagers into your bed if you know what I’m saying iron that’s how you make more villagers why do these all why do these villagers all look like the Lost Joker

Yeah he’s got to be you got to be like gengas Khan just make everybody happy child yo I think about that [ __ ] all the time that dude we’re all his off like that dude took over the world he straight up won he won if Earth was a

Video game y he won Earth one he had a lot of babies what happened to fat boy Assassin sto rapping a few years ago that’s not a person you don’t know that I’m not a trick where’s my leads I got a bunch of llamas sitting out here I’m not a trick or a

Daddy so the other llamas will just follow the Traer even though he’s they don’t have anything to do with him llamas will follow other llamas if you put a lead on them that’s what’s going on I’m trying to rope these guys up outside my my Po my this is a trading

Post that’s what I’m going to call it even though my house is upstairs I live upstairs from my Trading Post I have a little apartment upstairs three hearts where’s the other one here oh that didn’t work you can only have one post on each [ __ ] oh yeah we only have one lead

On each post where where’s the pentagram did you just hello what’s going on I just upgraded from 8 gabt Ram to 16 gabt Ram let me cook how do you do that let me cook switching the sticks out stream CL I might have to get new sticks I think my crashing issues I’ve

Been having a lot recently is my memory I need to get new sticks yeah I’m getting random [ __ ] like I’ll just I’ll be doing nothing like my computer’s just on and I get a blue screen and I’m like what the hell no I found fat boy I found

Fat Boy Slim welome back Matthew yeah he was just running through he smacked one of my villagers I think Minecraft me Minecraft yes Moses if you wouldn’t mind no more spam please yeah he just he’s just running out in the rain we without a care in the

World out here we let me kill [ __ ] oh no let me fix this I’m living on the edge I got my half zombie with a zombie with a gold helmet I basically took out two RAM sticks out of my laptop and put two more in nice into your PC so you have two

Bigger sticks or you just have four sticks total now got the face oh okay it’s not recommended to mix yeah you shouldn’t mix memory sticks no no no I heard I heard the funny bone man no I am not having this happen wait I might be able to do something about

This oh yeah no jumping over fences nope so yeah let me know if you need anything I got uh you know I got the goods all right I’m not going to take this one too seriously okay anything I need food right now um I got you I got some food tell

Joker Iron Golems spawn when villagers feel endangered I have Knowledge from my iron farm making days right I I know I I they have been in danger and there’s a bunch of them I I don’t understand what the problem is I ring the bell there’s zombies you

Light the candle the thing on the thing on line says there should be there has to be at least three we got way more than three Y and that need they need to be in danger they’ve been in danger there’s been mad zombies running through here over and over but they just no

Golem spawns I don’t know what it is if I would have fell in that hole I would have died I think that would have been enough to kill me enough fall damage do not do that okay I have a cliff if you go this ladder there’s a box up there and it’s

Got all the armor and stuff that mobs have dropped if you need any of that it’s got like gold Enchanted armor and [ __ ] why can’t I make planks what the [ __ ] you’re holding dirt in your hand I’m not in my in my inventory I’m not I have oak

Logs and then say oak wood I’m like where’s my planks try breaking and placing the bed back down oak logs I can make planks it makes a lot it makes wood for me oak wood yeah if you ever get the chance I don’t know if you tried that

Joker you’re looking at n the nature tab you got to go to the first tab construction oh okay try breaking why would I want that oh get the glow Li in actually yeah try breaking and replacing the uh bed back down and see if that maybe fixes the villagers

Re okay I try that yeah I don’t know I have 20 gab Ram in total only like half of it runs in dual Channel mode so the other half has a high chance of being poopy with it but it doesn’t matter cuz more RAM right just add more and you’re

Fine I wish I could afford Wham dedicated Wham how many how much dedicated Wham does it take to make a Delta not Mean oh I see what you’re mean now by the [ __ ] [ __ ] snapping to the grid yeah yeah I didn’t notice that before that happens in both there’s not really anything to do about it that’s more just cuz we’re using a contr I don’t notice it in I notice it what’s

The goal right now what you trying not as violent as this one is definitely not just curious well me personally I I kind of finished up I guess what I’m going to call my BAS of operations for now um I just want to be as silly as I

Can and try and live off of half a heart as long as I can without dying well you already died like three times I watched it well half the times I was trying to get back down and half a heart but um or at least a heart your

Guys in the way of the door I can’t close this door half right now eventually I would like to get to the nether and obviously like respawn the ender dragon or spawn in and kill it at some point with Joker so Joker gets to experience all that yeah oh I need food I

Forgot it’s cooking hold on4 see where we’re at with that oh here you go guys all up in the way the tra I he’s not supposed to be in here it’s okay here you go hold on what’s going on whoa what did you hand me I’ll

Just donate a bunch of Wham to Del a block of raw gold oh thank you okay Jester here you go oh I just looked at myet so me just looked at your stream the Villager needs to see the danger so if they don’t see the danger they won’t have a right no I

I I know they’ve trust me man I’ve I’ve literally ran zombies through the house okay they’ve seen it you know what I mean they all got killed by zombies one night I remember I was there for that yeah villagers are very fun we’ll try and get it we’ll try and get

Something in here that’ll freak them out see how these animals look it is midnight you going to hop off I do like the animal textures they look way better than basic they look about the same this their faces are a little different lost and they got a little more detail on the

Wool oh I hear an Enderman bouncing around yeah he’s somewhere in here oh he’s right there he’s right by me hello buddy oh yeah I can’t jump out of the fence the Lost suited Blaze it’s a little mods matter more most why does raw copper look like

Bacon um because it does in real life too duh duh Minecraft is ultra realistic tell the villagers who’s in my house play The Maze Game it will scare their blocks off a creeper over here like I ran past this earlier I guess I can keep collecting more glow

Len oh I need iron glow licking oh hey there’s someone up there oh don’t fall oh my gosh don’t drown either anyone got night vision potion Daniel’s asking if anyone has a night vision potion I don’t even know how to make potions I know we need we have that

Thing I’m freaking freaking out my heart’s going to die you have more dirt yeah there’s a box full of dirt creeper over there I don’t know where your mine is what why is there crafting Ben right here come to where are you this is the mine entrance here’s

Boxes this one should be full of dirt one on the right need dirt kill in the hole oh boy I cannot s that fast all right get some air get some air get some air get some air get some air get some air it’s overrated air y yeah who needs it you’re

Right I never got the realistic Minecraft textures appeal the simpler the better yeah I don’t mind I mean I as when I was younger I used to really like them but now I I really like the classics again I don’t like the redesigns of the classics yeah the the classic Classics

Are even better can anyone see carrots chats the in-game chats he’s he’s been having issues no can’t swi him can’t swi him can’t swi him I don’t know why car car are you on mobile I could be okay I got air we’re good oh my gosh I made it out I’m

Alive pendra Lee Tate hello hello welcome to the channel how are you some shaders do be looking good though not going to lie well yeah shaders some shaders are really good I do agree but with like the classic textures with the shaders yes very very beautiful I love

It and Ray tracing oh my gosh wait do another hardcore speedrun I remember you getting clapped by a hog in the nether hey you be quiet and nothing that happened with the hog MH yeah was like 2 and 1 half hours in at that point what’s up porcupine water oh

Gotcha silly BL you can’t swim with low food in health oh yeah no wonder why I couldn’t actually swim H wait can I see settings oh it is normal difficulty I don’t think I can starve to death but it’s fine it’s not what I wanted to do what what is

This whatever it is I don’t really want it I want diate you don’t want it but why freaking not actually you know What maybe I can use it for something okay there is an Enderman in the cave I’m going to dispatch the Enderman dispatch his life all right well we got some lava in here right now okay nice although it’s going to kind of drip through the ceiling but it’s so much brighter in

Here he is dead I found the leave I mean it was for you I mean for me yeah I guess it was pretty Speedy at mine leave there is some La at the mine some La leave we need more leave all right time to go to the Nether on half

Heart let’s go bro what are you doing you crazy son of a [ __ ] imagine like rlcraft to go to the nether You’ need like a gas mask yeah right can’t breathe in the hot nether air there’s so many people in the server yeah imagine just breathing in pure sulfur smells like rotten

Ass meow sit down cat can you get a cat in a bucket you can get a cat in a bucket maybe I mean cats do like to go into buckets yes the nether heck yeah time to speedrun on half heart we don’t get pulled into this fish

Vortex what’s going on big oh yeah carrot if you’re crashing it’s going to you’re probably not going to be get back in cuz people are trying to get in nailed teeth hello welcome back how are you so what’s the next mod pack I’ll play more probably

Um probably RL ra if I’m being honest otherwise I don’t know what to do for other mod packs I’m good I’m glad that you’re doing well I swear if I get instantly sniped I’m going I’m leaving oh [ __ ] it’s so loud here oh the [ __ ] it the Llama scared the [ __ ]

Out of me there’s a llama on the other side oh no there’s a gas all right we do have Cobblestone so let’s uh safen this up a bit I guess I thought about punching the Llama but I also didn’t want to die let’s check on the trees yeah make kill

Babies you say let me kill babies no said make babies oh my gosh okay that’s a completely different story you need a sword um I actually do have one here here you go I’ll take that he just crafted him the same sword I just gave him so I just picked that

Up yeah one shot from a gas and I’m done lands anywhere near me melvie what’s going on that half heart is so scary though I’m not going to lie I’m a little bit nervous here oh [ __ ] I ain’t going that way cuz look at that

Guy he’s like I’m just going to camp out oh wait all I came here for is lava so let’s just jump on down let’s go get some lava nothing wrong with that don’t fall into holes otherwise we’re going to be very sad again hi hi I’m back and ready to play

If I’m able to there we go we got a lot of villagers there we go there we go there is still rain stopped eight people in here so if somebody does leave you would be able to join in yeah carrots trying to get back in right now for sure so

Yeah so it might be a little bit difficult who who’s trying to get in pixie pixie yeah I I don’t even know if I have them even on the list right now I think you added them earlier I think did I okay if I did then I did

My greatest Flex was my umbrella in all the mods eight that was kind of a nice Flex that you had freaking floating around all over the place there’s a lot of children where yeah they just uh they just uh were making babies are they all going to be skib babies

SK babies yeah if you start making a bunch of toilets are they going to start like they going need the vaccine the vaccine or the euth in Asian youth in Asia putting them down they came out two two I can see Delta being a skibby kid if he was born later in

Life none of these trees are SMD pixie pixie have I sent you a friend request if I have not let me do that that right now I don’t remember I feel like I typed your name in but I don’t remember is there a way I can set the

Player max to higher like just settings like uh Bedrock I’m not sure cuz that would be so dope I’m like with Graphics like these I should be able to put 64 people in a server Graphics aren’t like what if yeah yeah it is cuz it’s what it’s how

Much of the world is loaded in per person is what affects how strange a server would be you know what I mean and if the graphics are simple you can have a lot of people in the game I would have to type in the chat set max player limit and then type of

Number okay we will try this hopefully it doesn’t explode lo my computer I think it would be if you were trying to make it lower I still think that it would be the is going on over there are you tiny or something I see this big thing floating

Behind you is that you by the water right there I think so yeah yeah in this mod the uh sugar cane is git there’s a fortress there’s a fortress right there go get a skull oh you’re holding sugarcan there he is I’m holding sugarcane right now hold on I was like

What the [ __ ] you know remember the real life uh no no C the true realism HD one yeah when you hold some stuff it’s like huge o I love skibby toilet just a man of culture know so many people just died what the hell’s going on Blossom skib

Babies Yep they’re going to want skibby birthday parties I thought that was blood for a second but some someone put Redstone there my family hello hold on I need to be reunited reunited Del the love Skiby toilet and Hogs the world is doomed I know

Right bro oh there’s no who did this who did this what did what someone poured lava on my house it’s on fire right now uh I definitely did not I got lava but I put it in my basement you can probably see like in logs or something I want an explanation and I

Need the roof put out please someone get up there whoever did this oh F better put on my roof right now I saw herob Brien yeah okay put the time stamp oh o we could get a skull look at look at him there he’s so menacingly that better have been an accident

Cuz I’m looking at the player list right now who do we got who was that good gamer I’m looking at you you got half the people that you can trust here at least we Haven any inci I want none of that [ __ ] oh oh my gosh oh my my heart almost

Died oh [ __ ] fire yeah I got it I got to rebuild part of the roof but it’s not as bad as the last time the house was on fire no no family family stay away well there’s only two people in the area and I I don’t think it was you meta I

Know you’ve been you’ve been straight up giving me diamonds you don’t feel very troll like nope I feel like that would have been an opening oh I didn’t mean to hit you well hopefully you don’t have any family nearby I need sticks Blaze killing a blaze no it didn’t happen you’re seeing

Things Blaze don’t die here especially not to one of your family members yeah definitely try not to there’s a mod called from the fog that actually adds herobrine into the game it’s pretty neat we just put that mod on our server on our Java server really we have that on

Our server we haven’t run into from the fog yeah huh I wonder if I was thinking maybe it’s because we put it on after we started the server I don’t know I don’t think that matters like that that would make sense to me like it’s a world gen thing I

Think you know what I mean maybe I almost got my ass cheeks lit on fire that would have been bad oh man not your ass cheeks yeah I am really trying to actually be good at the game by living on half heart I do not need a

Death how much damage does a Bedrock axe do uh still four oh it does less than a sword yeah yeah so in Java the axe is better but in Bedrock the sword is better I’m finding I don’t I don’t want anything you’re selling go away I found my little my little Camp

Here it’s Cletus all right roof’s fixed that wasn’t as bad it was like the corner of the roof I’ve seen it a lot worse but the lava on the floor was definitely intentional you guys I don’t think you meant to light my house on fire I think you were just trying to

Troll and put some lava on the ground there but it lit my house on fire not cool still haven’t even gotten a blaze rod yet jeez there’s someone over here oh wait someone someone’s in your bedroom and now punching themselves in the head being like [ __ ] why why did I do

It oh upset Joker are you angry at me no but stay away stay away oh [ __ ] an actual skeleton now that’s deadly oh Wither Skeleton no actual skeleton much worse the Archer ones yes yeah they’re they’re they they’ll kill you so fast it’s insane one shot and I’m dead okay oh

Let’s see if we can’t get some zombies in the town make these people scared I don’t have many resources left for a pickaxe I need to go get another pickaxe and I can come back how did I wa how’ I get in here uhoh oh oh no I thought he was angry at

Me oh my gosh no well I guess I’m mining Netherrack these guys are so amazing it’s a good thing that Netherrack breaks pretty easily that’s black stone that I need for that but I need wood anyways cute little hog man protecting Blaze now I killed one playing Minecraft like a

Horror game heck yeah just like lethal combat yes lethal combat Le lethal company more combat yeah right smacking a bug with a shovel you died [ __ ] this where did I spawn what what where did I spawn welcome to my world buddy no where are you I don’t know I came out

Of the nether portal somewhere high up and then all of a sudden oh dead yeah yeah that’s what happened before that’s why I was like I don’t want to go through that thing again because when it spits you out we were somewhere else come

On I was going so good and then yeah I just nope rip I didn’t die to the nether I just died to fall damage which basically was the big killer in Lethal company you should have had more Hearts no no amount of Hearts would have saved me there I would have needed falling

Boots all right let’s go prove that theory it’s a Minecraft the I lost Levels repairing my sword I keep forgetting about that that’s annoying I don’t feel like you should lose enchantment level from repairing like come on the [ __ ] yeah right to make it cost more materials that’s fine should have flew

Yeah it should have pulled up my elytra my bad oh my gosh this guy buys paper and I just made oh this guy’s doing here 300 like something like 200 something paper come here mister I can’t see oh yeah okay where the hell is this hey lava bucket I just made eight

Emerald that’s crazy nice spider’s having a stroke over here so if I level up the armor Smith can he sell me like diamond armor I’m assuming that’s possible I’m really I was drowning with my head above the water epic skills Steve epic yeah I don’t know who made the

Portal extra thick I don’t understand that either um I think that’s meta’s place over there here’s where I die There’s a few people who like live that direction I don’t really know I’m so happy I fell out of the portal and then just landed over here rather than down in the water what you were talking about before the smps it’s like some of them have

Like a a a direction they’re going but there’s no script to it you know what I mean so it’s just yeah that’s that’s that’s what I watched was they just uh were going around and it’s a world and the people are allowed to make whatever decisions they want but it’s like it was

Just crazy and there was this moment I I want to show you cuz there was this this one moment where this guy assassinated all these world leaders it was insane like he he he or they organized a meeting for everyone to meet and talk like a un right but he rigged the floor

With TNT and then like during the meeting he yelled out to his associate he was he was like the he was trying to take over the world was his goal and he yelled out to ass he’s like now and the guy pushed his button and everybody [ __ ] died

And it’s like a one life thing like oh my goodness so all the world leaders got killed and no one knew what to do so like the whole world devolved into chaos and started killing each other it was crazy I was like that’s nuts that’s nuts

Try to make it home I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure you’re talking about the the dream SMP where that one dude was like kicked out of the server then they tried to bring him back and then it was a whole conspiracy thing I don’t remember getting kicked

Out who filled this house with obsidian [ __ ] and of course the G the guy um that uh good gamer he’s over there so he picked up all my stuff what’s your coordinates again I got blown up by I got killed by a zombie but I also got blown up by AA 26

130 come on good gamer Revenge no oh he was just there to pick up all my loot sad days there you go I see I don’t even know why he went NE other than probably just to follow me because he was bored and he doesn’t like

Me don’t kill that zombie do not kill that zombie do not K who did it Coco he can’t hear me there’s a delay oh you got to be kidding me well I’m trying to get the villagers to see it to spawn a spawn an iron golem so I feel like that was

Mine like could have gotten out of it what happened to the one I pulled over I pulled one over punch the fire hello but then I’d had to relight the fire later and I don’t want to do that that’s too much work dying is so much easier yep that

Okay all right let’s go around the wall this time D you keep saying get a totem of dying and elra I don’t know what elyra is I have a totem of undying also is most of the people aware that you’ve never played before like you’re new I do

Keep saying it I do keep saying it over and over and over and over and over that’s a cape that you could fly around with he’s nowhere near that point he’s never even SE Dragon I’m learning I just learned how to make a farm I’m growing potatoes over here I’m day one

[ __ ] emo girl moment I’m being I’m efficient at it but like burning myself still learning leave my leave my boot alone I like burning myself it’s not a good habit to have well someone put fire behind a portal and I fell in and I died what oh what was going

On someone messed me I’m so excited for that those books to come I’m excited to read them [ __ ] learn everything about how to do everything just watch all the mapat videos you mhm all the mapat videos you possibly can and then if you want to see what not to do watch call me

Kevin fat boy Assassin good job oh dang this is where I died earli earlier oh no zombie stay away stay away from my items you don’t need to be any buffer than you are well let’s see I don’t know why the horses all end up in this area it’s so weird

My bad that’s just to stop entering my base he said the fire was to stop people you’re calling him stupid also like who’s ENT your base minus 10 IQ players remembering my base I see Brett has started the lava mhm Joker you have a dog right um

No we did at one point but I think the dog died during one of the raids sadly what that random thing was I had before well wish my would break oh I wonder if gamer died too using my wooden I’m like I wish it would

Break so I can I was like I’ll go back home when my ax breaks it’s not breaking okay good gamer died and it looks like someone picked up his stuff please everybody check your belongings I think it’s it was mixed in with what I had over here he’s over here oh thank you

Thank you actually I do need to use this on a sheep hold on thank you for handing that to me let me get the picture here I sent it to you earlier I think it’s just jab underscore right Jore me in yeah how do I do this how do I use this

On him no say senor do not know how do you rename a sheep I thought you just put the name tag on them but that no do nothing you take the name tag to the Anvil to the anvill I don’t know where the hell I went that whole world is on fire over

There okay he was asking if anybody took his helmet no di unless you died inside my boot what’s going on what someone’s ringing my bell what’s up yes yes hello I’m here can I help you Coco f really not 1 2 three there is a perfectly possible

Jump goo you require food is that what you’re saying to me oh dang you got a map in here you need food use your words Coco Coco here come here he walked away as I threw it he was standing still and then walked away

Right as I threw it all yep that’s how I did my best you need Anvil to name sheep okay I got you okay I’m seeing now in in the chat okay I’m G to porcupine said that earlier I I know just give me I know and then I repeated him I’m

Responding to people in my chat this away real quick I failed the jump fa to see how that’s my problem Spiderman over here put this here put this here and then okay I’m GNA so I go over to the iron ingot or the no I go over to

The I go over to the repair thing and I put this in here take a stroll on over to the iron ingot it takes four iron ingots okay and it’s hold on let me look at it again so I don’t get it wrong Jeb uncore I don’t think that’s capitalized but these wen’t

Mine whatever go back to my little my little Stone Cobblestone mine I don’t think it worked I just saw meta just die oh I almost died okay okay okay I see I don’t need that I’m probably going to be hopping off sometime soon okay tired I just got to be up early get

Break here oh my god it worked that is cool right on right on wait uh okay sorry I didn’t even see the chat for a minute here trying to get my Java skin on bedrock because Bedrock skins kind of suck I do agree with that I just ordered a chamoy pickle kit from

Tik Tok what the hell is that it better hit cost me a cool six bucks with a coupon Black Friday slaps just walk away Blaze it’s good grammar no I ain’t walking away for nothing I would have walked off whistling with all the loot did Blaze mute himself oh you’re just talking about

Yeah the guy that was asking for his stuff back yeah I’m not that kind of person at least right uh oh what happened oh no I suck at parkour um well I’m going to grab my I’m G to grab my stuff and I think I’m going to go to bed all righty that’s

Funny it’s sad and next session we’ll get this cave done I want to go yeah I want to see what you guys have done this whole time I haven’t looked since the beginning comeing down there and take a gander uh clearly you ain’t learned from the Roblox obes

Noob hey I can spell right the first time you said noon at first re Delta can’t English these nuts let’s see that laa okay yeah look at that that’s not great okay why am I delusional I ain’t delusional about nothing God damn it’s already day night

Time well I can’t even make that real life wow I I missed that jump a second time third time is a charm see call it I make a stairwell going down there I guess I’ll get back to my base too yeah so I can see everything I mean it’s nothing special

Oh that’s gonna hurt dead no I fell I see a glow squid hiding how’s your day been so far um my day has been pretty good could be a little bit better I mean I worked this morning wasn’t too bad wait oh that’s fine there wasn’t fire there last

Time good Gamers placing down lava probably going to try and kill me again but oh he didn’t I don’t think he tried killing me but probably going to try killing me eventually give me that Clow squid okay GNA play Apex by Kow see you later Delta thank

You very much for joining in it’s always a pleasure to see you got some glow glowing glow goop yeah thank you very much for asking how’s your day been Blossom can make some signs pop probably didn’t even finish exactly how mine’s been going but going good Enough all right yeah let me uh two three four five six seven eight yeah we’re full right now yeah I’m going to be hopping off right now so I got my lava in there now so it’s very very nice um sweet yeah thank you very much

For having me I am going to hop out of the server absolutely man anytime thank you thank you and with that I will see everybody in Discord chat later and I’m going to do my outro so see you guys later all right I read the chat for a

Second here my day was great spend some time with friends today very nice glad that you got too lava bright lava is very bright that’s why I love it goodbye Blaze see you later pixie as well as everybody else thank you very much for joining in

What stream tomorrow by the way um I’m not exactly sure I don’t know what free time that’ll have tomorrow I might be busy most of the day but porcupine got me a new game which I have to go accept over in Steam um if it’s something that he’s been playing or

Not but it’s a game in Steam it’s a brand new game that you haven’t seen before maybe possibly some lethal company again too but that all depends on how much free time I have um I’m not like doing stuff around the house or spending time with my girlfriend but

I’ll let you all know in the Gilded excuse me and thank you very much we’ll see you all later lays out

This video, titled ‘Minecraft W/ TheLostJoker’s Viewers Livestream!’, was uploaded by Suited Blaze on 2023-11-25 06:51:18. It has garnered 97 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:54 or 10914 seconds.

Today we join in TheLostJokers bedrock Minecraft server for the first time!

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    Last Minute Fright: Herobrine Haunts Minecraft Mod! In the land of blocks and mobs, a player roamed, Collecting food and resources, never alone. But as night fell, strange sounds did appear, And a mysterious figure, Herobrine, drew near. Knocking on doors, causing a fright, The player’s heart raced in the dead of night. With a flash and a grin, Herobrine did show, Leaving the player to wonder, where did he go? So if you dare to play, beware the signs, For in Minecraft, even legends can come alive. But fear not, brave players, for the adventure’s still in sight, Just keep crafting, building, and exploring, day… Read More

  • Bedwars Shenanigans

    Bedwars Shenanigans Minecraft Bedwars Adventure with BlueLedYT and WeebRed Software and Equipment Used: For this epic Minecraft Bedwars adventure, the team utilized: Recording: OBS Studio Editing: Capcut They also had the following hardware: Keyboard: Random Logitech keyboard Mouse: Bloody A60 Mic: Portal 7.1 HG28 (headphones mic) GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 RAM: 16GB Resource Pack: The team played with the Bombies 180k resource pack by Tory, adding a unique visual flair to their gameplay. Subscribe to BlueLedYT and WeebRed: If you enjoyed the gameplay, make sure to subscribe to their channels: BlueLedYT WeebRed Highlights from the… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork 🎮 Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: https://twitter.com/hmooncrab Peep the… Read More

  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

    EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Maizen – Minecraft on 2024-06-23 17:00:20. It has garnered 5280 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:12 or 972 seconds. JJ use DRAWING MOD to Prank Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

    Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Логика Майнкрафта! #майнкрафт #minecraft #funtime #сервер #holyworld #anarchy #shorts’, was uploaded by ArianCraft on 2024-06-04 11:07:25. It has garnered 817 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

    Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY's Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘The Inside! – Mythical Cobblemon S2 Day 15 (Minecraft Pokemon Mod)’, was uploaded by KYRSP33DY on 2024-06-11 02:11:07. It has garnered 36025 views and 1448 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:35 or 6335 seconds. MERCH at https://bfc.store Become a member of the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIDlKYC7I6_76jCUBdX-6VQ/join My Twitter – https://twitter.com/KYR_SP33DY My Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/kyr_sp33dy MERCH at https://bfc.store Check out FocusFuel: https://thefocusfuel.com/speedy Use Code “Speedy” for 10% Off! I am a co-founder of FocusFuel. Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 Installation Guide – Coming Soon #mythicalpartner Read More

  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

    "Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!" #minecraft #hypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘free win (luckyblocks bedwars) #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel’, was uploaded by Dimensional Breachers on 2024-03-15 05:26:32. It has garnered 464 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Welcome to another Video on our group channel: Discord Server: https://discord.gg/QJ8RwZZsjj Links to Breachers: Char: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOEy2PrmyH2JWVHsuVhcJbg Twitter: https://twitter.com/CharizardXKing Cryptic: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuQxOJ__tn8JE8cj9g7go8g Pug: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuAHUKt7SYUOWugIHEpo1DQ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/outerspacepugyt Twitter: https://twitter.com/outerspacepugyt Muzz: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7qs0ZVm5zYNAWmiFKvMzhg Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/muzuku Twitter: https://twitter.com/Muzuku21 Ignore: #shorts #Minecraft #DimensionalBreachers #Halo #Phas #Deadbydaylight #gaming Tags: lunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge, hack download, vape.gg, vape download, vape v4, vapev4,… Read More

  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-04-11 17:00:19. It has garnered 616 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:34 or 2134 seconds. Throwback Thursday has officially hit MEME status with the Skibidi Modern Textures Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Heropixel Games! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMkZhW34c40PruhVE2XWoMA/join OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – www.youtube.com/@DazManReacts Bringing the Skibidi Toilet meme into you Minecraft World with polished textures and custom Skibidi… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

    🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Making Clan Base In Minecraft SMP Java + BE #minecraftpesmpgameplayinhindi #publicsmpminecraft’, was uploaded by SFC Gaming World on 2024-01-14 08:20:00. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:47:14 or 2834 seconds. 🔴ABOUT THIS VIDEO SO Guys I M Playing In Golden Elytra Server And Making Our Clan Base If U Like And Enjoy This Stream Make Sure U Hit The Like Share And Subscribe Button And If U Wanna Play With Me The Ip Is Here Golden Elytra Server IP- Goldenelytra.com Zigbeast Bro Server Ip- PublicLoyal.aternos.me:40241 Zigbeast Bro… Read More

  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

    INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE!! (you can name pokemon, also im on a bad back up mic lol)’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-13 17:16:27. It has garnered 153 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:46 or 7906 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… hive, hive cs, hive with viewers, hive party, minecraft, minecraft bedrock, minecraft the hive, hive bedrock, hive skywars, the hive, hive treasure wars, mcpe, the hive bedrock, treasure wars, hive arcade, Hive, Hive Minigames, Minecraft, PvP, Minecraft PvP, 1v1, Hive Custom Servers, Hive Quests,… Read More

  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

    savdude - Insane New Music Disc - OMG Reason 7 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘New Minecraft Music Disc – For a Reason 7? #minecraft#shorts#cricket’, was uploaded by savdude on 2024-05-05 14:54:48. It has garnered 390 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. Minecraft Holi Edition Mod FOLLOW ME : Instagram ►https://www.instagram.com/sav_dude_/ Discord ►https://discord.link/Savdude #Minecraft #But#savdude#op #holi #happy holi #holi festival #holi holiday Read More

  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. server.limified.com Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GÜVENLİ TÜNEL EVİ YAPI KAPIŞMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. 💥NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft💥 ➡️Adam’s Channel: https://youtu.be/G2jRplZYybM?si=Owi5Acam_ZsiJQ6J ➡️Ahmetin Channel: https://youtu.be/Jl85KSZwQ7k?si=iMGc6DTE2zxl6vLu If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE➡️ https://bit.ly/3i1ywM5 🟧You Can Join My Discord Server➡️… Read More