EPIC Minecraft Material Collecting with Yurikago Kokone

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Uh hello hello yeah congrats on reaching 17K thank you thank you we did it we’re at 17K three more 3K more and I’m going hit the big two I’mma Be 20 years old maybe I’ll be 20K years old now finally y oh wait hold on Minecraft’s a little a little

Tiny a little bit okay there we go there we go to eat oh [Laughter] true oh um true let me let me do it uh I’m a I’m a little a little out of hold on live now totally didn’t forget to tweeted 100% forget uh there we go hting yeah thank you thank

You Del a day over 20k thank you because I haven’t reached 20K yet I think maybe possibly Pro streamer right here um yeah for sure definitely have been doing this for over a year now oh my me I’m so tired I I know it’s not good to like you know

Start off saying about how how tired I am but um honestly I was like I don’t even have energy to do Guma right now yeah uh understand being away from us for so long has adverse side effects what you’re saying that it’s because I was away from you that I’m having I’m being

Tired and everything is that what you’re saying is that what you’re trying to say wait hold on so today we are playing Minecraft and what I was going to do what I was planning was to get some materials for the you know the thing the Christmas tree the Christmas

Tree UMC and like decorating the place with like Christmas uh decorated Christmas stuff uh so that’s what I was thinking about doing and then I was like oh let me you know let me make this um extension because I realized we don’t have that much

Pepper and uh bamboo and stuff so let me let me do oh [ __ ] okay it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine let me do that real quick yes clearly she’s so tun what the [ __ ] no no no I am not tun at all are you upgrading it yes I am

Upgrading it it is going to be a little there we go a little longer so I’m just putting bamboo shoots on the side with The Observers and then we take a little bit of sugar cane little bit of sugar cane and plant those in the middle so bamboo grows

Incredibly fast so they’ll trigger The Observers pretty instantaneously and that should keep the sugar cane from overgrowing too like so yeah and uh she’s only she’s cocon a new type of no no no there’s all the people anime enthusiasts have already um you know scientifically discovered all the types of datas in

This the world has to uh offer so I not a new type of data I am just I just I I don’t even know I don’t I actually don’t even know what I would consider myself h h you can stack it infinitely vertical with that farm I can I can I think I’m

Just going to expand it twice for now I think that should be more than plenty at the moment because we do have like a few that are out off out of the farm that’s growing so U let’s see I’m put this back and put this here I will I don’t need

Granite uh I don’t need that anymore um I don’t need more observers there’s got to be an online quiz for that is true I’m pretty sure there are actually what would like I know okay out of everyone in Vu the easiest ones the easiest ones are gen 3

Like well specifically Echo andita they they’re very easy to place but everyone else is kind is a little bit more nuanced I think um I mean you know Echo is obviously Ted it like obviously and is very obviously [Laughter] did just power guy bear true wait what

Was they trying to do oh yeah I need more sand hold up hold up oh you know what we need just plain sand in general okay okay okay okay that’s what I need to do I just need a [ __ ] ton of more sand H and then let’s see we’ll start off with gen

Three Zion she’s she’s outwardly but like when it comes to like actually I feel like she’s a bit more Co you know what I mean like what if she’s actually being serious she’s a little bit more reserved when it um but like um if it’s just like a bit more

Superficial level she’s very very did let me sleep okay uh uh yeah she’s very open to like friends and acquaintances yeah exactly exactly and she’s super loving to those um but when it comes to like you know if like if it’s closer she’s I feel like she’s a

Little bit more Co chill like when when she talks like with her family or like talks about how she deals with family and stuff yeah so is than not isn’t basically is cool for like cool oh yeah so um let’s see and I may M I’m still not sure with cuz like she’s

Not she she oh D maybe no C isn’t the one that will kill you that’s that’s yandere yandere is the one that that will kill you mhm K is for like cool de so like usually they’re very cool and like chill and then when they become de uh they

Become a bit more lovey doy like yeah s’s more the de cool cool you know like she and then once you actually get wait why am I not eating hello oh oh there it is depends on the sub type of some will kill you some will just kill anyone you

Interacted yeah yand also has sub has subtypes that’s true also I need a [ __ ] I need a boat I need a boat because oh wait hold up I just realized something chat I got to make the highway to the to the desert it’s been a while since I played

Minecraft so so it completely escaped my brain but I need to make the highway for the desert oh me and EO both like travel so far wide to find that place is a frames dropping or is just me it’s not just you it is dropping um on OBS side it

Says it says I’m submitting enough bites but on YouTube side it is not submitting enough bites it’s the the usual oh my God and Minecraft is lagging what the [ __ ] I’m skipping forward in time yeah yeah yeah I want to make the desert highway lots of drop Flames yeah

I I don’t maybe I’ll uh options video settings I’ll make it fast done done I don’t think that will help though I think it’s more of like internet issue uh to be honest but we’ll see we’ll see it’s saying it’s delivering 2005 kilobytes per second to the nerd

Stats wait that’s it on OBS it says 5,000 for ,000 what the [ __ ] okay okay well chat I have good news for you I have good news for you on next week early next week I’m going to get a a technician to come in to set up our new internet so

Uh we good we’ll be hopefully we’ll be good um we’ll see and I will get what is it I will get like 20 times more upload speed it’s that ridiculous how how much more of an upgrade it is also why am I suddenly you see okay it stopped uh yeah finally hello

Hello are we back hello okay are we back I think we’re back questionable hello we’re so back are we so back yeah yes yeah hello okay I think I think it’s back I think it’s back uh the stream is online but it’s chugging okay okay okay okay I think I

Think it should be stable now I turned off some stuff hopefully that helps we’ll see we’ll find out still lags a little bit okay okay okay um maybe it might take a few moments for it to settle down it’s a lot smoother now okay okay you know what it

Was um it was my VPN app so I just like [ __ ] closed that [ __ ] my VPN app it wasn’t even like connect I wasn’t even using it but I I uh force quit it because it was frozen on the side I was like what the and so I

Closed it I force closed it and now it’s working smoothly apparently so so I guess we’re not using we’re never using VPN ever again I guess we’re never using VPN ever again what the [ __ ] VP is too oh okay my internet’s still still a little iffy never mind no why oh my

Oh I’m literally not downloading anything yeah I’m not downloading anything my let me turn this off turn this off let me close every single um browser window outside of YouTube let’s see if that helps maybe you have invited guest in your network maybe could that be it I

Wonder okay okay also uh is it better now hopefully it’s I don’t know please wait wait is that giant tomato yes it is a giant tomato it is a tada does anyone know where like cion built the Nether Highway gate I heard she found I heard she was able to get on the

Roof is that a but hole the tomato nice it’s working now you’re not the good jinxer though you already did you just did chat knowing things impossible okay Tomatoes what no oh hi hi Eeko what I didn’t say anything I didn’t say anything it’s a tomato hey okay okay I think it’s I think it’s not lagging anymore yeah it seems it seems it seems wory hi Echo did you want to join oh shoot I forgot I was going to do open VC and

Then I completely forgot about it I’m going to put in a collab discuss wait VC where is it VC announcement uh going on on Minecraft open PC en join free okay there we go I’m busy right now but I might join later if you’re still playing by then okay good luck with Work let me sleep let me sleep okay there we go hello hello yeah it doesn’t seem like it’s lagging anymore okay okay it just you know had a little bit of a hiccup wait Echo do you know where s made the nether portal Highway portal I’m

Like oh wait I think she said she couldn’t um she couldn’t make it not combine I think that’s what she was saying okay gotcha gotcha I think I think that’s what it was right no but sometimes you go in the same portal and you wait really it’s just

RNG okay um if that’s the case let me let me bring a bunch of obsidian and uh Flintstone and and prepare wait okay hold on this is okay Southwest okay I I I’ll wait no just kidding um we’re going uh South yeah okay yeah sounds like a bad portal link

It definitely is a bad portal link uh let’s see one obsidian I have flint and steel though that’s good um I’m sure Sion would would have some obsidian right she would have a bunch of Obsidian oh God I hate this I maybe I should have just taken the portal maybe I should have just taken a portal just gambled it and prayed that it brought me to the right place but I don’t want to I don’t want to use up my luck in case it brings me

To the the the roof I want to save my luck to be at the roof when I need to be prepared with all the materials noises make you sleepy do me play me just humming Jeopardy music Z please obsidian beg where would she have OBS what oh she already has

Potions sure you start making po potions oh Dang me she’s so ready for the she’s so so ready for the Ender Dragon okay it doesn’t seem like she has has any obsidian sad nothing is luck based in Minecraft time to calculate cord to fix it that’s what I’m going to do but like for some

Reason it’s luck based right now that’s why I’m going to I’m going to try to fix it but I need obsidian and I thought s would have some but she doesn’t she doesn’t have any maybe it’s in here just three okay I won’t steal that I won’t steal that from

Her I will not steal that from her um okay well yeah oh [ __ ] maybe maybe that was on purpose maybe that was on purpose okay okay okay Spa exit spawn exit cave by spawn okay so okay just going to check check what what’s this Sion which one is this I’m going to

Assume yeah from the looks of it wait no this is where okay so this is a spawn right that means my temple that I’m trying to build is like right here if that’s Scions so that means this one is all the way around the beach okay hold on I’m going to go to

The cave exit because that one I know for sure that it will bring me to this area so I’m just going to decide investigate where this is is that a m shaft wait what the [ __ ] wait what the [ __ ] where is this where okay I thought you know I’ll be

Able to tell exactly where this place is but you know I thought okay a cavern near the spawn I should be able to find my way out pretty okay uh I’ve I’ve uh explored the underground Cavern in our area but uh nope know um Have okay well that was a failed attempt um I think I think this is new I don’t think this is the one where you discover with the okay let me go here then ow so so many so many chickens and huh is this another house of Scions wait yeah this definitely looks like

Zion work but like she has two houses already what the [ __ ] Alo I’m starving yeah it’s a very Scion core Negative X no we go positive X and then negative Z so the spawn is this way there was a twe at some point that she was building all night long

Typical okay okay I know exactly where we are cool so I will you know what I’ll just make I’ll just make a a portal near my temple because I think that should be uh far enough so my Temple’s over there okay okay okay now we just need to gcha so that we

Could get to the [ __ ] material Farm yeah CLE remember her bracket about staying up late night just for Minecraft on Discord sounds like her okay come on come on come on Portal bring me me to where I need to go bring me to where I yes okay okay

Okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good do we do it MC without background or uh with no um I think sometimes there’s like nice music so I’ll I’ll keep it off I was like debating it too before I press the press press the go

Live I was like should I should I turn on and music or no but then like the music does kind of hit hard when uh when Minecraft does does decide to you know slap that final on it’s almost night yes I’m just used to bgm when doing work

So the silence stands out to me I’ll be your bgm I don’t know why club music but uh I hope that’s very very comforting for your work W thank you so much for the super this is Minecraft why am I hearing gcha why can’t I run away from this why

Would you do this to me I’m just saying um the portal do be gotta for for now uh for us at the moment okay it’s not it’s not a bad thing oh [ __ ] don’t worry about it oh okay okay we have a we have a uh um

Lava this of lava so I put it here and then put this and then there we go and then wait this probably wasn’t a good idea cuz what if it just like pops out into the lava uh I’m just going to pray it’s okay if I if I’m on top of it

It should be fine yeah yeah but I I’ll do this just just you know to be safe to be a little a little safer you know you could you never know here we Go oh no my phone here we Go I should I’m might be genuinely getting sick I need to H off then oh my goodness have a good have a good rest get some good rest I hope you’re not actually getting sick but please do take care of yourself do I have any obsidian my God I don’t good

Night oh wait there’s 18 obsidian here oh let’s [ __ ] go let’s [ __ ] go um I don’t need these Lava Pits hey yo heyo I shall H grab these then is looting the all the Obby it’s all mine I honestly I forgot we have a [ __ ] obsidian farm that we could have

Used like you know the um bunch of obsidian portals that we broke it’s all the way on the bottom so I didn’t want to go but I could go there and U Farm all them abies a farm I mean it’s not like the farm it’s not like an official farm farm

You know okay okay I think I think that one yeah I’m just going to check let me go to that portal I’ll build one around my place how many distances do I need to put it again the portal I think was uh 125 blocks in the

Nether I think I have double check I think it was 125 uh nether blocks what a coconut Farm has more forc labor invol doesn’t qualify what the [ __ ] do you mean I don’t I don’t do such things oh God I can’t this area sucks I could just you

Know I could just shovel but I feel like I lose I I do okay there we go and then I believe um once’s here this one should be completely linked to yeah and then if there’s one here I think this place should be wait these two don’t in so this one is

128 to oh wait I counted WR wait okay okay hold on this is 50 50 50 50 and okay so they could be pretty close okay let’s try let’s try here three one wait why am I makeing it so big I just need it to be two and 2 by three need to actually count I don’t want to actually Count I’m too oh okay we’ll see what do we do you know trial and error that always works out let’s see would it make a portal or will I get teleported hell [ __ ] yeah I wait where am I what I think I may have oversteep over overstepped where I wanted to

Be actually oh did I make it at the completely wrong place no positive Z no I want to go to negative Z one two skip a uh the spawn is this way we’re good we’re fine holy [ __ ] Hoy that was a tiny bit you know a

Little bit of a scare oh tiny bit it’s a tiny bit it’s it’s fine wait where the [ __ ] I thought I went the right way I joined you almost dying so how are you doing I’m inan shambles I mean shambles I almost died but we’re trying to do some uh

Nether portal networking and I might be too close to uh where I want to put the portal at ah I see yeah that’s that’s pretty [ __ ] far okay I think that is too far that’s where my house is no and I kind of want my house to be connected

With the nether portal but uh the nether portal is Over Yonder so it’s pretty far do you know the G the leader bases I do actually um but that’s not my current goal my current goal is something else Minecraft is the best horror game it truly

Is I think I think I’ve screamed more in Minecraft than I have in any other game you could you could back check me on that but I’m pretty sure I did uh I think it was here so I believe Minecraft is the horror game it’s the one that gets me the most

Jump scares of dying wait okay okay it should be around here I almost died I probably should have checked the coordinates of the um portal before I left it but that would have been the smart thing to do and I oh my God wait hold I need to R

It okay I need the trees to be I need the trees to be SE through there’s too much [ __ ] in my way I can’t find the Portal there it is wait did I okay there playing smart as for noobs exactly exactly creepers have scared me more than any other heart G

Right [ __ ] Creepers the masters of jump scares oh now that I think about it I can’t uh I can’t close that one without someone else being here so oh okay I’ll just deal with that later I’ll just deal with it later we need to get to let me get the Minecraft uh

Coordinates for the desert which is okay we’re going for minus uh minus X yeah minus X by 900 so it’s it’s one block is eight in the nether right so we going 100 blocks wait actually let me start off by the spawn let me start off at the spawn spawn Spawn okay so the spawn is at let me let me take a screenshot of this one actually uh don’t mind my screenshots there we go okay so 14 so we have to go about 100 okay okay okay hold on okay 14 and then if we want to go I

Think it’s I think in the overall there was like about 100 wait uh home 50 so we need to go 850 which um basically like 109 109 this uh towards towards x negative X yeah so that was wait 14 so 990 wait 900 no what was I saying 100

And 10 four four yeah 104 minus 14 so90 wait I already passed it hold up those coordinates might spawn you in the ocean oh you know what we live we live life dangerously right we live life dangerously it’s a g g um okay and then we go towards what

6,000 okay so in the real world we’re about about at about uh 10 10 Z so we have to go to 6,476 approximately wait uh I see okay okay okay wait wait wait if that’s the case uh Echo I do have the desert village uh coordinates

So we’ll go a little extra we’ll go a little extra this way yeah yeah that should be PL what’s what’s three what’s on 300 yeah we’ll go a little extra this way yeah this should be fine okay and then um the this desert it says six 1,319 uh so minus 10 we’ll make we’ll round it off to 6,310 divided by8 oh excuse me hold on excuse

Me time to use another calculator online it just it’s just basic division it’s just basic division it’s okay uh although am I mentally okay no not really but it’s about it’s about 900 it’s about 900 so we go 900 this Way wait six six actually I think it’s more like 700 yeah 700 7 800 yeah I’ll just go 800 and see where I land wait what was what was my SP starting point uh I think it was uh 10 okay okay okay we’re good we’re good we I will go

810 and that should be close enough oh my god oh I didn’t bring enough carrots just we get what’s the Worst That Could Happen well you see I die in the middle of nowhere that’s the worst it could that could happen but no no I’m just kidding u i I’ll be fine

Although yeah definitely we’ll need an ice uh oh actually eeko showed me this um uh railroad track trick that one can do to make the rails go faster maybe we’ll do that because honestly um I don’t think we have silk touch ice piic yet like Silk Touch uh villager yet and

Blue eyes is [ __ ] annoying as [ __ ] so we’ll see it’s an option I’ll do here twoam bam one two one two and then a one a two one lamp and then PO is that one the one from the shorts where use to loopy exactly I’m so [ __ ]

Good wait I don’t have I don’t have torches so it turns out I don’t have torches but um okay we are exactly where we need to be exactly where we need to be kind of right hell yeah let’s go um probably should have uh you know got

Torches but wait I could just I could just leave a trail of fire oh [ __ ] I mean don’t worry about it um there we go there we go 000 these bushes won’t go on fire right okay Oo okay maybe I’ll find some uh coal here oh shoot Dy thank you so much for the for the five gifted memberships thank you thank you I really appreciate it thank you so so Much uh if anyone’s got uh if anyone receiv received the membership them please say thank you and welcome welcome welcome to the memberships okay here uh there’ll be wallpapers that you can uh have wait oh my God please stop cease hold there we go uh where I have W papers that I drew

There we go I got it just one just just a singular you know what better than nothing I suppose okay okay hey okay okay I just I just want coal just just let me let me Farm the coal in peace bro I just want go you [ __ ] okay this is also

Cool okay okay okay that should that should be plenty for now there we go let’s go okay oh there was one here oh two three four okay I don’t need to I don’t need to grab all the coal I see but also we’re going a little adventuring

So okay should be good where did I come from this way wait I said we’re going a little adventuring but I have no food um that was a little bit of an oversight definitely a different uh vibe from Hardcore Minecraft uh from uh from Tia streams yeah I don’t do I don’t do

Hardcore Minecraft who do you think I am someone that’s actually good at mcra wait oh wait they don’t burn to the Sun the desert Villers oh interesting yeah Des wants don’t burn can I eat a cactus [ __ ] you know I tried uh you know perhaps I thought

Maybe cuz Cactus are edible in real life um it’s a it’s a proper food source so I thought maybe you know possibly jerky skin bu they adapted to the environment I guess yeah it seems like it okay well actually uh oo is that rat set like ooh look at

That it looks like a cake wait why am I getting am I getting pinged I think this is the way that me and Echo came po red lands yeah yeah we have a tiny bad Land very nice the only thing special about balance were the Red Sand right I thought perhaps oh there it is there’s Temple is that far iy is that a farm I see I forgot Badlands are rare aren’t they yeah I heard they were pretty rare but I

Mean we got it though that is that is more that is tinier than tiny that is minuscule okay they have a sheep did they the um e EO already steal everything what the [ __ ] is that a trap okay oh respawn here I’ll take one take one feels like meat does

Works I mean you know we wouldn’t know it could be it could be someone else’s who who knows whoa you’re fancy okay but there’s absolutely zero food okay cool gotcha good to know did they already explore this area I don’t think oh there’s their bed there’s their bed okay did they already explore

It nope they didn’t sleep in it to establish dominance okay okay okay yeah I think I I won’t explore it because uh me time EO found it I don’t want to I don’t want to yeah I was sleeping it bam I don’t want to rain on their parade

And you didn’t touch your bed I did well I didn’t I I didn’t need to I I touched the different bed don’t worry drop on the pishop pleas for the giggles no I have to I have to do the whole um whole you know connecting the two

Locations but think of the content is it content if I just purposefully go on it is that the type of content you want don’t you want more accidental oopsy doopsy um uh you know natural content all organic natural G own yes the S of care is nice yeah the S of

Care is really nice pretend it was natural bro I’m not that much of an actor you expect too much from me you think I’m a good actor I can barely do a [ __ ] uh a call it role play stuff is more entertaining them purposeful coconut oh my God inorganic GMO

Content you act like us though you act like us why are you both saying I act like you too H yeah that I act like chat the [ __ ] um yeah I click this all the time I’m sure fine that’s some [ __ ] if I ever heard one wait do I okay have zombie

Meat I suppose tough times Cofer tough meat oh god of course I got poisoned oh you act like you like [Laughter] us what do you mean Ed wait I have 11 baked potato I do thank you thank you I am I I don’t act for for chat I

Don’t act and pretend I like you guys I don’t have to pretend what the my man’s wait what the could you not lag excuse me okay but I go negative c yeah negative C so we what thank you so much for the super she’s reading with one eye guys please

Have patience she’s reading with only one eye it’s really hard for her shut up I have two eyes although it’s true I kind of read through the purle of my eyes like I I read with the periphal of my eye more so than my actual like like I

Don’t look directly at chat sometimes and I read cuz you know I have to keep one eye on the on the game and the one eye on chat so it’s not that inaccurate I guess so to speak Yoshi hates us for real for free

What the no I didn’t say I hate you stop twisting my words acting like she has two eyes is her specialty I have both eyes she only keeps one eye on us yes I only I only sneak glances at you mhm that’s true oh my God this is so [ __ ]

Far this is so [ __ ] but at least at least it’s not 6,000 far s z thank you so much for the raid are you gonna Jo does this mean you’re going to join me hello informant hello hello welcome welcome wait uh com coconut coconut onion and science and I’m currently playing uh Minecraft

Not for a big cuz first I need food okay okay well I I know I know how your dinners are like it won’t take too long I can wait you haven’t eaten in 23 hours what the [ __ ] why cion oh my I thought I thought you wanted to be I

Thought you like being praed why are you doing some bad stuff why are you being why you being naughty go go eat go [ __ ] eat it’s not my fault how is it not your fault my bus was L that I had to stream you CH could have waited oh wait you

Were doing a collab never mind I stream until 700 a.m. and then I S okay that’s completely your fault never mind and I W 6 hours later to stream again Zion this is why I say you are you are a girl failure by chice go get food go get food oh my

Goodness this girl do you have does she does she have a bed in her her place I was say she was buil over her but saying she was built implies something only better oh okay okay so this is just storage then it’s not really like a house house for you also go get

Food okay got it actually speaking of I should drink my hot Chocolate I just need to finish my cold coffee first so sad Z that sounds so sad fin thank you so much for the five gifted membership thank you thank you I really appreciate it thank you welcome welcome new members maybe she bought an iced coffee I mean I don’t I don’t really

Like iced coffee either I I have I have cold coffee all the time because I I don’t uh finish it in time but it always makes me feel a little sad inside di Mhm thank you Kylie I’m not an ugly child after what the thank you for those who are new to memberships uh please do check out um the membership tab we do have a wallpapers the drawn by your Julie some of them may be a little little spicier

Um but then again you come from informant uh you come from science so it’s not that it’s it’s very tame in comparison I think I think it’s I think it’s pretty tame in comparison not going to lie make sure to check Discord where she rates your girl dinners I don’t you know

That might be fun actually it might be fun to to uh Rate chat’s Girl dinners I’m going to delete this though this one’s too far I want to rate girl dinners wait s you want to do that you want to do a stream where we rate chats girl dinners

And then I’ll wrate yours too I’ll wrate yours too also what are you eating what did you grab because you better have grabbed food by now what’s a girl dinner oh um it’s like the saddest dinner imaginable like sugar like candy I get 10 out of 10 and get sweet cocona

Praise no you’ll get sweet cion praise you won’t get praise from me for having girl dinners I have to leave the house to grab food still putting on pants Oh no I’m going to get one out of 10 for sure I’m guessing a Snicker yeah a girl dinner is something

S would eat mhm she’s the queen uh she is the vu’s queen of girl dinners what if I put a veggie on it okay then then you’ll get praise from me then you’ll get praise from me um if you have you know proper well balanced um delicious looking food then

I will praise you but if you have girl like absolute girl thers you’ll get you’ll probably get praise from Sion new cool unlocked to eat veggies is that a do you not eat veggies normally have you heard of snake wait no is it just to like I mean is it just

Like you know an egg that you just swallow whole just swallow like you know why would I what the [ __ ] why wouldn’t you C are the most most healthy why I always talk about good like healthy food so if I put ice cream and pickles balanced on a

Get that’s that’s a disgusting ass combination oh my oh what the [ __ ] why would you why no chat you worry me sometimes it would be a balanced meal nutritionally balanced nutritionally balanced how about that will vegetable for bra who I thought I thought I thought you like being a bad girl

Though so I’ll egg I stock DIY calorie meat and multivitamin supplement if I’m too lazy to make DIY calorie meat oh I’m actually curious do you know I calor me oh also I’m disoriented where am I going I’m going Southwest okay I’m going South it’s a lot of things it’s very

Confusing for me too uh what’s a meal excuse me you don’t have meals chat we we got to maybe you know maybe I should do more cooking streams so you guys could actually learn how to [ __ ] cook food and have a decent balanced meal okay we’ll start off with something

Simple okay CH we’ll start off with something simple so I have this hot chocolate right here it’s not it’s not healthy but like at least learn how to make good hot chocolate I suppose it’s it’s something easy for you to uh slide into right it’s some it’s something easy for you to get

Into right since you know you like hot you like sweets you like uh something simple uh so for good hot chocolate you don’t need much like you just need milk hot cocoa powder you don’t even need CH like real chocolate if you’re if you’re on a tight budget or like if

You’re you know don’t uh what’s whatam call it stock it regularly also David thank you so much for the superber which is you uh which is you think is more worse broccoli on pizza or pineapple on pizza I don’t mind Bo I don’t mind either but I haven’t

Eaten pizza with broccoli on it so I would rather broccoli eat broccoli out in a in something different I never I never had a pizza with broccoli on it because like you know I don’t think the mouth feel will be too good like I like green I like peppers on Pizza like green

Pepper or like hot pepper um that’s cute I like that and pizza a lot I like uh what else I like a rugal up on Pizza sometimes if I go to a fancy place yeah I love um those on Pizza spinach pizza uh pesto basil lots of greens on pizza is good I

Like oh Jesus I hate this place oh thank God I had feather fall oh my God oh my [ __ ] disgusting Jes my heart sto there as well I’m Crying okay I’m good I’m good this place is the worst jeez okay okay okay there’s a portal right here uh but yes is there uh uh all natur there is all natural content shut up now my all natural content maybe we should put a sign in there

Maybe no no if I had to drop through it someone else has to drop through it too other people have to drop through it too sounds about right um but yeah a little trick is if you have hot CH hot cocoa powder like hot chocolate powder and uh milk or even

Like water if you if you must so must um while putting the milk or water on the heat and you put in the chocolate hot chocolate powder put a little extra corn starch like I think some hot CH hot cocoa mixes already come with corn starch but like just dilute in like cold

Whichever liquid you’re using a little bit more corn starch or like some sort of starch and um just like a SPO like a teaspoon yeah teaspoon or tablespoon depending on how thick thy you want their chocolate milk to be and then you just like uh mix it while

Cold uh in your little bowl and then once like the hot chocolate on the stove is getting warmed up you you put in the the starch mixture thank you so much for the super hot chocolate is just cocoa soup yes it is just cocoa soup Siri hello Siri thick yeah thick

You make it sound like this is actually hard I don’t know it’s not hard at all this is super simple that’s what I’m saying it’s super simple David thank you so much for the Super Bowl then cereal then milk or Bowl then milk then cereal I do either whichever is near my hand

First I don’t care it’s all going in my stomach either way I don’t care it’s like you if you’re if you’re just like paying attention enough it’s not gonna splatter it’s it’s and then it’s like how quickly are you eating it to like not have the cereal be

Soggy depending on which goes first it’s like how how much how quickly are you eating it for like a a bare SEC like barely a second for it to make a difference I don’t I don’t care it it’s not that it’s not that big of a deal for me

This is Cal Chad what do you mean I’m just saying like if if that Split Second makes all the difference for you you know I think you’re living a good life you probably don’t have much to stress about you probably aren’t really stressed about much if that’s what your

If that’s what gets your gears going uh you know I think I’m happy for you there there are more to life to stress about but you’re serly about milk and cereal I’m happy for you that’s a good life mhm cereal B milk then Bowl oh yes oh yes the true the true hot

Take bow last it’s the distraction for the horrors of reality yeah that’s true that’s fair that’s fair that’s fair if like if that’s if that’s going to get you through the day I think that’s fair to like be able to have a discourse about it

It I could I could see that I could I could understand that yeah oh let me go to sleep or just make a sleep cake that looks like a cable all like mave for those who didn’t watch you should watch U mave try to make a hyper realistic hyper realistic bowl of cereal

Of cake um hyper realistic question mark but you know it’s it’s better than anything I’m sure I could do pour cereal in your mouth than milk than Jew not going to lie I’ve done that before I’ve done I I’ll pop in cereal in my mouth and then drink from like a mug

Because I don’t have a bowl um I’ll drink milk from a mug and uh mix it in there it’s it’s it works it doesn’t it’s get it gets the job done so I don’t know would recommend yeah who hasn’t right yeah isn’t that normal it just works at B it does

Though love to she’s a girl dinner girl just like us no no no okay that was my struggle meal though like there was a time I only ate cereal because I was I couldn’t afford anything else um at least anything else that I liked you know cuz when you’re poor then you

Try to eat like food it usually ends up being really greasy and salty stuff so seral was like okay this is more refreshing this is somewhat refreshing I could eat this but yeah sometimes um you just need something quick and easy to e that exactly

Okay let’s see if that let’s see if that other portal that I’m trying to make is far but close enough MH once I had a friend who used who who once used Sam Adams in a seral cuz they what the [ __ ] is it wait what’s a

Sam Adams that sounds like a beer is it a beer beer is cereal oh where am I oh I think this is I think this is better be oh oh oh well you know if oh wait this is so close Okay okay this is pretty good that’s pretty good okay okay

I I I I like this one I like this one that’s my oh my God my Temple’s right there be be real be real oh no is that a thing fellow Beal enjoyer what the [ __ ] not sure how I feel about Beal same I’m not not quite sure

Chat what’s your thoughts on orange juice and cereal sounds absolutely disgusting that that’s my thoughts mhm per just sounds wrong oh yeah that that sounds absolutely like H absolute dooo mhm the full grain diet no not the full grain dye with beer and cereal oh no hey o z and mix and mouth

Ain’t bad wait really H but then I don’t really like o or or orange flavor with mixed with anything outside of just like orange like I don’t like um the chat do you like orange chocolate chocolate flavored orange I am not a fan so maybe if you like that it might be okay

Maybe D thank you so much for the soup uh the refreshing Taste of orange juice after brushing your teeth yeah it’s a lot sweeter with juice oh okay see if you like if you like orange chocolate maybe you might like it I unfortunately do not like um that so I

Don’t think I would enjoy it unfortunately chocolate and orange are amazing really I I like it to keep my Citrus very refreshing like so chocolate feels like a little bit of a clash for me personally let’s see I need cute milk and cranberry sauce don’t mix up

Are you talking from experience is that is that from experience I’m going to guess it is in which case whatever made you feel like um mixing cranberry juice and milk together what’s I going to do hold on ah yes uh making a path towards towards the the

Thing in the desert area also grab some food so no chocolate apples I don’t really like chocolate apples either I don’t really like chocolate apples either I don’t really like CH fruity like chocolate except maybe strawberry strawberry and chocolate I do enjoy but any other fruit I’m not really a fan of

Mhm eat one drink the other oh H doing Thanksgiving I see I’m star think I’m the one who here who really can’t handle food being mixed uh I like I like mixing food I like um experimenting because I don’t know Life’s too short I like I I’m not I’m

Not opposed to trying anything U at least once strawberry is the best fruit true true strawberry is the best fruit agreed I think think strawberry is absolute Banger with a a chocolate and anything creamy don’t this uh mixed food makes me physically uncomfortable wait really oh

Damn is it like well like are you okay with um foods that are supposed to be mixed like actual ingredients and then you’re just not okay with with like impromptu things that like traditionally you don’t think should be mixed together or like or like with dishes

That have a lot of ingredients in it also make you feel uncomfy I guess both in a way oh really David thank you so much for the super I had a weird taste once rice with orange is good oh interesting I don’t I’ve never tried that combination

Either oh balut they actually sell Ballo in my um in like a supermarket close to me I don’t think I don’t think I’ll ever buy it though because I can’t imagine me enjoying the texture but I don’t know who knows right I won’t say I if serve to me I’ll probably try

M yeah but like I don’t think I’ll go out of my way to buy it wait okay I’m getting pinged a bit let me okay okay never mind yeah uh um but yeah they do sell it uh and I I saw it and I was like why is

This egg like I forgot what it was it was like $14 or something I was like why is this egg so expensive and then I looked at the label and I was like oh it’s ball these Ballo but yeah um I did hear it’s kind of akin to likeon but with more

Texture that is what I heard it tastes like in which case like if that is how it tastes like I can see why people would would really enjoy it you know if that’s how the taste like the frag if that’s what people compare it to the yeah hm it’s a it’s a Japanese

Dish is oh God is that how it tastes like apparently apparently that’s how it tastes like not that tag that is not the no my oh my God it’s chat it’s a [ __ ] normal ass word it’s a [ __ ] dish okay it’s a traditional uh home homemade dish in Japan

It’s it’s just like you know [ __ ] people making the the term the other term that M learned into into all sexual and everything did I walk in on something no did am I back am I back did the did the [ __ ] did did chat you thinking oyakodon was something weird break the

Stream again oh my we’re back okay CH look what you did look what you did being [ __ ] down bad YouTube had to B you what the [ __ ] no I clearly didn’t uh I clearly didn’t ask for context okay we were just talking about normal normal oyakodon

Which is a dish a Japanese dish where you have chicken and egg cooked in Dashi and pour it over rice okay and then [ __ ] chat I start I’ll started blushing and where it’s like hey yo and there is a there is a tag for uh priscu

Material uh that could be read that may use the ter Oak to tag things that involve a parent and a child mhm both are very good to be wait who who and we were talking um and that that conversation was brought up because of Ballo mhm we’re talking about Ballo

Mhm yes why no no more we a V2 phandom not normal isop foring concept to us you know yes but also yes but also you know I grew up eating o don’t like the normal ass dish okay it was one of my favorite dishes to

Eat then you all have to ruin it with this [ __ ] can’t I [ __ ] can’t also what was I going to do H all right let me check if there’s a silk touch sure thing coconut what do you me sure uh do we have so touch Infinity

Thorn efficiency F no no wait really we don’t have silk touch Fe they falling FEA horsey can you can you can you chill oh yeah okay okay I need to make paper poor coconut I hate it when my favorite food gets looted right how dare you Chad how dare how [ __ ] dare

You Looting my favorite childhood food can’t believe oh I forgot how much more paper took uper there we go dirty minded COC me me why am I being the one labeled dirty- minded huh excuse me me should be the chat not me Pro production proti pro pro pro one are you

Not I don’t think so I don’t think so no I mean no things but does that mean that I’m naturally dirty minded no chat ref stream yada yada shut up shut the [ __ ] oh wait oh shoot I didn’t finish making this wait hold up chat it’s just all been

Going it’s just all been falling off oops I forgot to um complete this because I went yay I need I need sand and then I never came back hold up yeah that’s just all that’s enough set exactly I have an excuse I’m an artist you can’t blame me it’s it’s just

It’s just part of the part of the package you know I have any more Su K nope nope U okay okay we need we need we need do I have have okay okay we need Hopper so chest five I think I might need more but now H now we’ll do

This oh I’ll put I’ll put obsidian back here see I didn’t steal all the obsidian I didn’t steal all the obies we’re good we’re good okay um I think what I did was I think there’s a there’s a oh yep okay gotcha okay here we go I need

Rails yeah it’s not stealing if like it’s a communal chest no one’s no one’s put any put any uh you know put their name on it it’s fine uh where are my tracks yeah it’s just redistribution of wealth exactly okay there we go I think I could

Just I think what I’m what I’m going to do is is right now the track is kind of like going wait no I can’t do that okay got you so we do we do this and then we do then wait hold on no do bam bam that is not very efficient but h

We we we we’ll deal we will we have we have plenty of wood and iron we could we could do this we can wait Hopper yeah if it works it works right oh sure I need more Iron it’s not the most efficient but like it works it works oh wait that was oh it was enough it was enough Hopper never mind we good okay and then we put has someone made an iron farm yet well I’m glad you ass now because look at this beauty right here made with

All the scavenged material blocks I could possibly scavenge look at this look at this beauty Tada that bad this bad boy can f so many IR hell [ __ ] yeah let’s go it’s like activate her trap I started I I was gonna make the two other sections but um one

Day I don’t need to yet so I haven’t done it but you know what a masterpiece oh thank you thank you I worked so hard actually I did work really hard for it you don’t understand how many times I [ __ ] died to make this how long did it take to start

Working properly I found found out I figured it out immediately after the stream I took like um it took like 20 minutes to like observe what was happening and it was because okay wait let me let me show it to you so you know how there’s like this little cupy that

Holds the villagers so the cupy is three by like like this and I built it like this because I didn’t have enough um building material but these Corners were [ __ ] things up when the when the villagers sleep cuz sometimes they they fall asleep and then they just get back

Up right but they do like go in bed get back up go in bed and get back up and that’s like the whole um whole thing that’s happening here but when when they get out of bed they sometimes teleport here and that [ __ ] up the iron farm so

I had to just like uh fill the fill the corners up so when they get teleported outside they’re not they don’t see the zombie so they don’t they don’t don’t feel threatened even though they’re on like the [ __ ] very edge of about to like fall off and die they don’t feel

Threatened so they don’t cause any iron golems to pop out so that’s what was happening I’m glad I was able to figure it out but I was just like what the all those stair because of Corners it’s always the [ __ ] corners there was so such a hassle

Yeah the jail cell needed to be reinforced exactly so I was just like what really it was just because I didn’t have enough material that was [ __ ] me up I can’t believe that was what was [ __ ] me over uh oh oh excuse me thank you thank you

Oh I feel like my whole brain wanted to come out of my my nose thank you so much for the sneeze text thank you H I’m so Sneezy these days we sneeze together should I call Jinx no you you jinx we you talking [ __ ] about me is

That why we sneezed in secret in sync uh she’s becoming allergic to us oh maybe oh oh maybe is that is that is that what it is possible okay this should be good for the top no oh Crush why is there a crush in my car allergic to Minecraft no I haven’t

Played Minecraft in so long so it can’t possibly be Minecraft uh I think that’s enough all right I need I need a redstone Redstone redone so little room in my inventory yeah okay okay we just need one more power rail set wait I could have just I could just mine one of

These whatever it’s fine like a jiggly b No jiggly b ain’t no way I can’t use these okay there we go we do this we do this we do this we do bam bam yeah then bam bam and Jigglypuff song would be nice to sleep to cover Jigglypuff song it’s actually the same in uh Whatchamacallit in Japanese too It’s then sound in English it sounds like she’s saying poop po po po poop so I can see why they I can see why I wouldn’t they wouldn’t want to keep that you know how it is C to I don’t have my Iron coconut would definitely draw on people that fell asleep around her I mean why would you why would you accuse me of such things I’m not going to say you’re incorrect completely but why would you accuse me out of nowhere that’s that’s that’s not very koser that’s not very nice of You here we go hey we got it working nice um you do seem like the type what the [ __ ] does that mean huh what are you trying to say huh okay we go bam okay this should be working yeah yeah okay we’ll see how it does wait calming voice that can put

People to sleep draw for draws for Content am I Jigglypuff am I is Jigglypuff my spirit poke Spirit Pokemon m not pinking enough true I’m more purple than pink wait what color is it is there a shiny jiggly puff I have to figure this out wait hold on shiny jiggly puff shiny jiggly

Wait wait which one’s the shiny one oh is it the green eyed one oh it’s a little bit more purple it’s a tiny bit cool cooler pink just so [ __ ] SL wait n monkey thank you so much for this Gul tags W done thank you so much for the Gul tags

Thank you so much for the Gul TX Sage thank you so much for the Gul TX deer thank you so much for the G TX thank you so much for the go tags and H thank you so much for the go tags thank you thank you yeah it’s like it’s

Like ever so slightly a little bit more cool ton and then the eyes are green that’s the only difference for like Jigglypuff shiny what the [ __ ] why is she why why the jiggly puff get so shafted okay we made this we uh try to get [Laughter]

Echo thank you for the Gul tax Echo but also why are you go taxing h EO is one of us EO I thought you said you were above them remember Echo going like yeah suck it suck it coconut I’m B [Laughter] you it’s your words not mine oop she forgot to log out

[Laughter] wa ooh I have I could just I could just trade for glass maybe she forgot to change her account before donating I time to add that to the TV trops wait which which one add what to the TV Tropes I saw the TV trops though that it was pretty funny it

Was a pretty fun read thank you thank you to those who uh contributed to the TV Tropes page for V the vnu girls I saw I saw you had a lot to say about me huh Chad I saw you had a lot to say about me I was like what the

[ __ ] what do you mean I only have one eye huh better [ __ ] fix that now that she read it and we’ll never go back we can add the dumb stuff did you not add the dumb stuff already was was the one I read not the dumb stuff

Huh I thought I thought those were the dumb stuff what are you talking about not so sure about that CH also like the [ __ ] cows they’re all so they’re so little now what the [ __ ] destroyed my cows okay okay I think some of them go through but some of them stay up and become adult cows so we’ll just we’ll just stick with this system for now

Yeah it just me CH like you have to record [Laughter] it oh we did didn’t even touch the what do you mean didn’t even touch the dumb stuff ah yeah the T the TV show page is very detailed I hope um wait did uh Tia

Go over them yet or is she waiting until I think was it the 30th I I remember she was asking if we were okay with it not yet okay okay okay oh oops I took a sneak peek then an eventual stream yeah I think she said like

Uh later later down the line so I was I I may have uh jumped the gun a bit I don’t need the trimstone block she wanted to go over with someone oh okay okay okay I think I I’m going to joke I’m like I’m pretty sure I said said I would be

Interested it is a little too far back I cannot check it’s a little too far back I will I will check eventually dark and trouble pass treats are pass as TOA player as as this refuses to return to the I saw that I was like oh my god when I first saw dark

And troubled past I was like oh they talking about like you know my um very very poor days or like you know my other like my struggle days and then it was like no it’s about DOTA too I was like oh my God I can’t believe they put my my DOTA

Too past that’s a dark trouble past it’s this isn’t this is not dumb it’s a severe warning Jesus the darkest of past DOTA truly though oh right now she’s reading chat on knowled of sunu and uh Trail’s homework I see I hope you all aced it I you I hope

You all passed with flying colors but like I saw she made it pretty like I I looked at the I looked at the quiz I was like oh she made it fairly straight like straightforward that you could kind of guess the right answer without having to actually

Read you know you know it’s it’s a little it’s a little she she was being a little bit of a softy quartz quartz more quartz I kind of wish they had like wait let me hold on can I like chisel this back can I chisel this ah okay

Okay I can’t find a copy of sunzu I’m going to fail oh no wait isn’t it first is it isn’t it free as like an ebook I’m pretty sure I downloaded it for like I’m I’m pretty sure it was like either free or like basically free with

How low it costed um as an ebook is it a public domain yeah it’s a public domain right did you take the test I I didn’t submit it cuz I didn’t want to like taret you know it has to be for the the chat just read the original

Text actually you know I wonder how much how much of the original text I could read I wonder how much of the text I could I would actually be able to read maybe maybe I will try maybe I will check out the original text you know affects

My my uh very very weak country reading skills you know maybe maybe I could raise some of it you never know it depends on your country rep yeah especially like [ __ ] ancient Chinese I don’t I don’t know actually I’m going to um let’s see if I could find it sun sun Art of

War where War let’s see let’s see do they have I don’t HHH zen zen okay okay uh the the start number one uh Soldiers the the country is important uh something land Say it’s over it’s over I can’t do it okay miss the War sensil uh wait what was I going to do all right right I’m going to put the seeds in here at least you tried I tried and I failed I’m sorry but it’s it’s s uh a an

Uh talking to the the soldiers yes that is the that is how it starts I can’t even read a cocon is flexing be able to read multiple languages no there is nothing to flex unfortunately okay um unfortunately there is no silk touch so we will be doing the railroad

Trick Reno may have a Salo right man I do want to like do more Reps for uh my Chinese but at the moment I have have a different language I need to focus on unfortunately so you did read the original text I should ask I should

Ask me roommate if uh she read the original text she probably would actually she would she read the whole [ __ ] um uh Roma said Three Kingdoms in the original text and she reads like woa novels all the time this should be enough railroads right this should be enough rails right yeah yeah

Okay we’re going to try this out R know thank you so much for the super good enough thank you thank you there can never be enough rails I I don’t know I think this is wait I need at least one two three four five oh shoot it’s not

Enough it’s not enough it’s very much not enough oh shoot okay okay okay um here I’ll bring it’s so not enough not just JK um I will bring one of one of this okay I just realized how how far it is and how many of the Rails I would need

So I’m just like oh that’s actually not even close Okay do I I I almost forgot to bring food I’m an idiot we getting railed no you’re not getting railed we’re we’re making a real Ro and hello thank you so much for the super LCA boy thank you so much for your

Golden uh support as a golden coconut that means you’ve been here for [ __ ] forever oldie thank you thank you Raad on the road no Rail Road where we’re creating a highway welcome totally new viewer excuse me I say CH I feel like you sometimes forget that time exists and that you know we

Don’t live in a vacuum time does proceed as you live and your memberships do reflect that whether you remember it happening or not it it it do something that is happening you Know it’s only been six months I 6 months is half an year time exist yeah BL thank you so much for the 11 months of membership to lovely coconut thank you thank you not that old yet damn it I know you’re almost a year old you’re almost a full toddler wait no

Baby b when do they become toddlers again when is it considered a toddler six months is still anant but we do in fact live in a vacuum space yeah yes but also oh ah okay they’re small far wild then they’re loud then they’re loud and adults that’s

All I know you know Fair that’s they’re there’s very small for for a tiny a short amount of time wait you know what I realize like uh you know how my a close friend of mine had a baby recently and also my my old my one of my sisters

Had a baby um they’re like little little potato sacks for a while they’re little potato sacks um that don’t have enough meat to like fill out everything at the moment and then and then they become uh fully fleshed out eventually they become fully fleshed out event

Um yeah they take a while to plump up and then they become the cutest [ __ ] ever wait how do uh how did it go wait I forgot how to do this hold on where’s the Tik Tok Echo I need your I need the Tik Tok link

Uh we didn’t talk after that right we could uh it’s still there wait where the [ __ ] is that go what the [ __ ] oh there it is okay okay I found the short I found the short okay okay okay okay okay okay okay so we do we do at this and then we

We do this and then we odd odd it should have worked like that okay and then this is not wait huh did they patch it out basically you’re supposed to be able to do like like make it like this and then you cut you take this off and then

You’re supposed to be able to do like Bam Bam and it’s supposed to connect this way but it’s connect this way H also Sarah thank you so much for that N9 months of membership to lovely coconut thank you thank you hello Miss C it’s been an awesome nine months by the

Way can you bless me with Gill Lu I’m not a luck I’m a dream godess but um I will say good luck I hope you uh have a great are able to pull whatever you want U but I am only only is the the dream goddess wait yeah it’s not working

H okay okay yeah one two three four and then cut this this and then oops and then the video just goes from here to the yeah H maybe it did get patched out shoot now I have all these rails that I don’t know what to do with [ __ ] oh no oh

No can you bless my dreams with luck can you bless my luck with dream can can I can I just be a simple dream dream goddess yeah it doesn’t seem like it’s working anymore boom boom that means I need to get the [ __ ] silk touch

No can you dream my luck with bless can you luck my dreams with bless can you can you can you talk normally Chad and also how is it possible that you’re all doing this at the same time and not overlapping what the [ __ ] can you

No can you hit the gritty I should learn the gritty if I ever do 3D one BRAC Andel we’re all hyp mind truly Coconut’s built different Dam forite mind Hive yes truly a mind hiive see I’m gonna I kind of I say kind of because I

Don’t know how much I actually care it kind of bothers me that it kind of bothers me that this this chest is facing the other way but also I’m too I’m too lazy to actually fix it since you know this is just temporary it’s just temporary uh

Residence hola have any uh holiday plans R that’s that’s literally my plan to rest because I am uh I fairly fairly tired I’ve been fairly tired unfortunately for a while mhm just just die don’t be don’t be mean I’m not me mean I’m just saying it just

It bothers me that it’s facing the wrong way uh sleep is the best holid day right it the best thank you thank you it’s like like I’ve been uh yeah as you probably have noticed when I first started the stream I’m just like I’m am so out of it want to go with

On vacation with just me no no you know what I applaud your uh cons consistent attempts I applaud your consistent attempts even though you get shut down immediately I applaud the the persistence the resilience you know everyone ask what are you doing for the holidays but no one ask how are you

Doing for the holidays yeah how are you all doing for the holidays oh she wants to go on vacas with all of us no can you imagine how crowded that would be wait oops oh shoot I did the wrong thing can you imagine how crowded it would be

With with how many how many are we right now oh [ __ ] 150 yeah that’ll be will be a major roadblock will be a hazard on the streets no man thank you so much for the for joining wait P cocadas thank you thank you welcome welcome I hope you

Enjoy your time here thank you so so much I really appreciate it I don’t think even we even want to go on vacation with us Zam hold on I just miss it’s coming being a peina peina that’s hard to Say I always forget the second line for some reason here’s some happy pills to keep you asleep wait that sounds so that sound out of context I don’t know how I feel about that W oh [ __ ] that’s what you oh my god holy wait oh that’s what you oh my

Goodness holy [ __ ] thank you so so much for the 50 membership oh oh oh wow that’s what you me my happy oh my thank you thank you thank you so so much for the 50 GI I really really appreciate it thank you thank you thank you you’ve been

Gned for those who did get the memberships please say thank you to Nome um Nomad Nomad I hope I’m pronouncing it right I hope you enjoy the holidays and I hope you get uh enjoy getting gnome to thank you thank you yeah 50 people just got gnomed you’re a garden gnome

Now you’re you’re in my garden as a gnome right I I’ll make some I’ll make some Garden NOS on my Minecraft uh Temple garden thank you and for those who are new here welcome welcome please say thank you to no man and uh please do check out the membership tab we do have

A lots of uh membership only wallpapers as well as membership only streams and uh what else do we do oh yes YouTube also no not YouTube Discord we have uh Discord thingies YouTube link oh my goodness thank you so so much also thank you Maita for having uh for having me back

With the lyrics uh there’s a Discord there is a Discord a a vnu official Discord where you can join wait where you can link your YouTube account and your Discord and gain access to the Y the coconut Ser uh Channel not server it’s just channel in the in the Vu official uh server

Yes I’ll get it down one of these days ma wait can you wait aren’t you streaming right now wait hold up M aren’t you streaming atalia right now did you finish why there two of me again wait why are there two of me oh

No what did I chat what did I say about um identity theft it is a crime it is it is a crime to have do uh do identity identity theft so please do not steal someone else’s identity in chat okay you said don’t get C that’s what

Not what I said no I’m drinking fruit punch right now atalia done oh congrats I will I will watch it when I’m uh done with stream gotta gotta watch the gotta gotta listen about the childhood cringe wait I went back okay yeah yeah please don’t what do you mean please don’t it’s

There as a bot of course I’m going to I got to hear about the childhood cringe it’s only a crime if you get caught I learned that for oh my God Sion also Ramsey thank you so much for the super Discord thingies stop Discord uh uh link with YouTube s teaching us some

Ways no okay we’re going south oh East Zion the best role model besides coconut Zion also also also ooh I just saw something but I’m not supposed well I I’m allowed to but I just saw something but nice also town is 800 uh by 100 by 350 so 350 so um too

Far already 350 around here wait hold up where’s the spawn there 10 okay 10 so 340 would be about 40 blocks and I think we started off around 10 here too oh we started off at like zero perfect okay okay okay so 40 is good 40 is perfect and then we go a

Z z thank you so much for the R thank you thank you welcome welcome wait hold on let me let me type this Z rated and then zel ra raided thank you so much for the raid hello hello Raiders welcome welcome welcome to uh oh know my stream come on coconut

I first Soria how was your stream how was your stream were you streaming again Today what was this oh God my brain I could do this I believe my brain work I saw the thumbnail I I saw the thumbnail What Slim okay it was I I just remember a big four I just remember a big four hello welcome welcome wait where am I welcome welcome 15 15 300 700 So ah FNAF 4 okay okay okay nice nice and nice sorry I was like I was like I’m pretty sure it was like four or something I just wasn’t sure if it was FNAF or not y did you finish did she finish cocon already on vacation I I really am

I truly really am on vacation mode I still have another week of work so I can’t I shouldn’t be on vacation mode I’m I’m not allowed to be it’s a little too early for me to be on vacation mode but my brain already said goodbye and Bam and

Then we put this here Bam Bam nothing think it’s done at work for those two last two weeks we all accept that true but wait oh it connected oops okay okay okay hold up oh oh shoot okay okay okay um bad news I have to play the portal gcha the portal

Hop SC oh okay okay okay okay you should be on vacation mood for the rest of your life to be honest n she’s stuck on night to ah okay so she’s still stuck good night to I see I see wait Z’s Z’s modded right oh yeah yeah I remember modding her

Okay I I wish I was on vacation mode for the rest of my life but um that’s a that’s still a little I’m still quite a ways off from retire God retirement so let’s go retirement yeah I’m that’s what I’m saying I’m still quite a ways off from that retirement God age God

Retirement age that’s that’s quite a while so I won’t get my you know um retirement savings until many years later unfortunately David thank you so much for another Super how does one join membership from YouTube mobile oh um that’s a good question um try pity next time I

Believe wait isn’t it on the same menu as like the super chats go to their Channel page it should be on the same tab as super chats right fine join yeah I sorry I don’t use YouTube on mobile too often but I’m pretty sure they are on the same uh Super Chat uh

Tab and then you should be able to press like join and the uh there’s three membership tabs there’s wait not not not tabs there’s three membership tiers uh both options work okay okay okay yes bottom right one H thank you so much for the super coconut retirement fun thank you I I

Will I will try to retire quicker because of your super I’ll try to I’ll try to retire faster wait one two three four five six seven eight oops nine 10 okay okay then one two three four a five okay I think this should be far

Enough and final to me thank you so much for the super thank you thank you open the p uh Channel’s main page on your browser and and slash jooin to the euro oh you could do it that manually I see well thank you so much for the super

Nice to see we’re using Super Chat to stop what’s up Miss Nova Miss Nova hello thank you so so much for the raid wow thank you thank you how how are you also I know I said Happy Birthday two days two days ago oh

My God what is time two days ago but I hope you um I hope you last night you had amazing birthday with your Nova kid welcome welcome Raiders did you spoil Miss Nova lot you better have I’m looking at you Sage thank you so much for the super

How to send super you just did and sir thank you so much for the super Miss coconut retirement funds let’s go oh no don’t worry I I I’m I’m saving up for my retirement I have a I have a proper retirement fund uh savings account is it okay okay nice

We this is not nice where are we huh the [ __ ] is this where the [ __ ] are we no this is is not what I wanted rip my phone glitching wait hold up where am I oh Diamond hello I’ll take the diamond I guess try pity next time oh

Rer oh more more diamond oh more diamonds oh more diamonds oh jeez is that fire wow portal took us to The Backs no not the backs oh also lots of gold nice nice okay but also what the [ __ ] where why are we at Shez okay okay okay um check for creepers

Yeah um okay we I guess we have to go up can’t deny the L’s allegations n n n you know it’s just it’s just coincidence we’re we’re very low for some actually no the why did it come out I mean we’re not that low we’re not that low in terms of

H David thank you so much for joining membership I’m glad you were able to find it thank you thank you I really appreciate it welcome welcome good to see it worked yeah thank you everyone for helping thank thank you thank you welcome welcome oh yeah CH are

You are you excited for Saturday for the DND D cuz um I’m struggling so as I mentioned in the Discord server I was asking about Foundry because I really like the options for um um and like the kind of the quality of life stuff that Foundry offers that roll 20

Doesn’t but also I I’m not quite sure what the rules are to stream with the found with Foundry and I don’t think staff is quite um aware either because like it’s not NE it’s not officially sponsored by Wizards of the Coast I believe so I’m

Like does that mean it’s not a good idea to stream with it or you know so I’m not quite sure I think it’s still fine for like the players to use it we won’t tell anyone thank you thank you I I suppose it is easier to ask for

Forgiveness wink won oh my n oh wait wait huh oh oh oh I was like for a second I thought there was a portal here but it was just it was just an end in its Corner oh how the [ __ ] did it just spawn already what the [ __ ] [ __ ] surprise

Attack going keep a secret no you can’t no you can’t look at all this all the [ __ ] you wrote in the in the whatam call it the the TV Tropes you love talking you love talking I would never tell anyone anything lies but those are secrets I mean oh more Diamond o

Four another four Diamonds oh just JK six diamonds JK eight diam oh my God well we have we have eight more diamonds yippe we have 13 diamonds just being lost in the underground uh wait we’re supposed to keep secrets uh oh I think the issue with Foundry is

That um there isn’t an official plugin that you can purchase from was cl so they might be upset but only if they care enough to find it on YouTube and yeah yeah yeah that’s the thing like I bought stuff on like DND D Beyond and I do have like the dungeon Master’s

Handbook and like the players handbook and the monster um the the the mon the book of Monsters uh in like physical form so I’m like I could technically like manually plug those in um and I do I believe I bought like the players handbooks for my players on

R 20 and stuff so for R 20 there’s like an official way but like in with Foundry I don’t think there isn’t like an official official way that I could do that besides like just manually plugging it in so it might take a bit more time to

Uh do which means maybe I’ll STI still stick with rule 20 for Saturday just to be safe and then uh figure out uh a Foundry um but yeah do you know if there’s like any other uh like Corporal YouTubers that’s used The Foundry I don’t think so though right like to be

Honest I I hear so many so many monsters where the [ __ ] am I oh my God I don’t even know wait I don’t have a I don’t have a bow hold up I I don’t have a bow with me what the oh my God P thank you so much for the super

Not a Lu goddess look no guys I’m not a luck goddess please don’t use that word around here I’m I’m not a I swear I’m a dream got what the hedi why are you both supering at the same time about this that [ __ ] I am a dream goddess okay I I am a

I’m a [ __ ] dream Goddess get it right oh come back here be one so high Skills what the also is that more more diamonds hello that would be in fact more diamonds wowe um okay just one this time she really doesn’t like the rebranding I would rather not you know Rebrand if I never uh try to Rebrand in the first place David thank you so much for the

Super still a god a good goddess I mean okay I I I I do uh uh uh you know appreciate the fact oh I actually actually you want to you want to oh wait never mind okay I was going to say what you almost [ __ ] dropped me off the cliff you [ __ ]

Okay okay uh I’m just going to I’m just going to dig up it’s too much effort this is this too much effort why is there oh my oh no oh no where the [ __ ] did this portal bring me to okay this is this is not this is not working

We we are not staying here nope oh God please please okay we are not staying here this is a mistake we are destroying this well okay we won’t we won’t destroy this portal because wait hold up hold up six okay okay what power does the dream got us

Have besides affecting dreams seems like a midow to be honest it’s okay I know I’m AIT I’m I’m I don’t want to be overpowered then people will expect things from me so I’d rather be a mid midlevel um goddess I mean you still can’t [ __ ] around uh or else you’ll find

Out but like you know I don’t want to be like a op like omnipotent uh uh um Goddess that sounds like too much responsibilities for me but I could give you nightmares I could put you to sleep I could um I record dreams oh I want to find out he

I thought you want I thought you said you wanted Praises what happened and M is still better than normal humans see yeah exactly if there’s one thing coconut is not she’s not M really can’t give me bad dreams if I don’t dream I mean true okay okay let’s let’s do the math uh

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 around here okay okay here should be wait I only have nine Uh Oh I thought I had 10 F that’s an issue no wa okay okay okay okay okay okay okay

Um a shoot a shoot okay we have to go out we have to go back out I failed just Skittles thank you so much for 11 months of membership to Le coconuts thank you thank you if you dream goddess then will my dream of mimir having another dream come true or

Another fantasy please look dream dream thank you so much for the 11 months of support for being in lovely coconuts but um you know you never know you never know maybe perhaps who who knows mimir lives uh at their own pace uh they do whatever they feel like doing as long as

They eat nightmares um I’m good so I mean if you’re in them how can they be bad dreams oh you haven’t heard of the fact that I am uh someone’s paralysis demon have you I am someone’s legit um paralysis demon uh so you may you may ask

Them how it’s still it’s it’s still bad if if um yeah how I don’t know I should ask them I wish sure would like to know David thank you so much for the super I do wonder if cocona is a dream goddess uh can she turn dreams into nightmares H

What about uh the rumor if you die in your dreams you die in your life is it true maybe being a dream goddess is a bit op you shouldn’t you shouldn’t think about those things that’s not true at least I don’t uh I won’t deny or confirm

These are Al you know rumors whether you believe them them or not that’s completely up to you lucky them for what for having me as their sleep paralysis demon uh thank you so much for the super is coconut uh paralysis demon a tier three benefit no no that that is not a that

You not membership tier three benefit that is not a that that is not a benefit okay is it also why why would you why would I offer that as a benefit it’s not a benefit if I’m like freaking being your sleep paralysis demon is it you think it’s toy coconut every

Night it should have been [Laughter] me I mean you know apparently it’s still scary it’s just you know better better me than uh another type of sleep demon I suppose uh um Z thank you so much for the super you don’t need luck if you’re as good and loveable as what do you

Mean oh that’s cute say say I’d welcome the paralysis then I’d get an interrupt this uh uh uninterrupted night’s sleep I mean wait okay I never got in sleep paralysis because you know I I what kind of demon would uh try to DARE sleep paralysis a dream goddess so I’ve never gotten sleep

Alysis but like do you do you feel well rested afterwards would do you feel rather I would think not right and Jon thank you so much for being a membership member for 11 months and oh my wait let me do that again I don’t know why I had so much

Trouble say talking for that moment jet thank you so much for 11 months of membership to lovely coconut thank you thank you jokes on you maybe we like demons oh well you know demons are heart I do agree I’m not I’m not you know I mean look at MMA look at MMA

She’s you know objectively I I would say everyone would think hot you know I think I think anyone could say with uh confidence if evil why hot exactly if evil why hot right oh no my lips are so chap hold on I thought I drank enough water oh I

Didn’t even drink my hot chocolate it’s cold now because evil is thought true wait you know one of these days you know how like eeko has like the AL Al e uh alter Eco I kind of want to design nightmare coocon I kind of want to design nightmare version of

Me that’s a it’s a little thing I want to do one of these days but you already have an a no he doesn’t exist don’t you dare bring him up he’s not real n Coco No that Coco is definitely not a nightmare inducing thing what the huh what hit

Me uh but yeah when you have actual sleep atlases you actually get quite a bit of oxygen throughout your system from being relieved Oh interesting coconut has been memory yeah the nightmare is O coconut for sure what oh that’s this you [ __ ] oh my God I can’t [ __ ] hit this thing okay hey little little little [ __ ] a little piece of [ __ ] C it’s so true he he he [ __ ]

Haunts me it was just a one time one time he and he still [ __ ] haunts me after I don’t know what half a year more than half a year who gave you idea um no one I thought it would be kind of funny I thought it was just me idling

Like idling wondering idly wondering oh hey I wonder how I I look if I were you know malale presenting cuz like you know I’m a God I I could kind of like lean either way if I really wanted to um cuz you know gender is but a concept for for

Us uh Immortal beings uh as you probably have noticed with some of your uh popular me pop media so I was like yeah let me let me mess around and try it out and then you know it was funny funny how hot he is oh my goodness coconut made coconut rejects

His uh existence I do I do reject his existence how dare he how dare he try to outshine me this is why thinking is dangerous true I should never have thought such thoughts so if coconut was in face she would be gender bend into the coconut no actually you

Know seeing uh seeing FES uh history with that maybe possibly actually very possible seeing f um you know history of gender bending uh historical figures very possible sming Cuisine what the [ __ ] some servants do gendermen M decision yeah I know some oh well okay okay that’s maybe I’ll do gender mid

Ascension too if I were in F they cab when never I’m not a not a historical being oh my what did I tell you about um identity theft huh what did I tell you thank you so much for the super though look good boy she tries to reject my

Existence because she fears being replaced by me I the superior being thank you for believing me you’re all adorable says Luca boy that’s a pretender how dare how dare Zion you are s won’t fall for these false cheap false imitations she knows I would never misspell um mistake you are and you’re

That’s a fake one the real say that I’m his what the [ __ ] ma no oh she can spell but she can’t eat a good meal to save her life s what did you have for uh for dinner I hope you had something good I hope you had a full extra

No aut coconut is not marrying you Auto coconut would not marry you yes that’s good don’t worry he will no no that will never Happ ma no that is that that has to go through me okay also just want to say me Oita is

My Kam ooshi no you are a false uh stop stop identity like trying to steal my identity okay or like parts of my identity part I don’t know uh he’s not real don’t do it but thank you for the super no one can stop the fan art Ma

Arugula and uh I don’t know how to pronounce that [ __ ] cheese um burger with a side of fried zucchini sticks oh wait that sounds actually really good that actually sounds really good nice nice choice that actually sounds so good I should draw him once then I could draw muscles

Uh maybe I should say no to that collab with thinking of doing now that I see you’re trying to use those powers for evil maybe I should have maybe I should cancel that collab h no I don’t know okay okay okay I me please every time I try to draw

Muscles they look like marshmallows so I can’t I literally need it I need it like I can’t every time I draw a guy like oh hey the face turned out pretty manly pretty cool and I go to the body part and his Arts are like something wrong like something was

Injected into his arms that it’s not should be in there it’s like like bubbly looking Tire mascot yeah exactly I it’s so bad it’s so bad oh no me oh my God even just for a little slight muscle it ends up looking like what is this this look like like a

Carrot this look a what what is this a carrot what’ you do I cat even if just a little bit I I can only draw sticks for arms it’s okay it’s okay Ma I was just kidding I will I will help you I will help you along with the you know Echo thank

You oh my God like even if I sit down and try try it doesn’t work out dreams also I went back to the wrong place but it’s okay we’ll we will help you but you better not [ __ ] use it for evil me I will [ __ ] burn down your witch hut

Got it I promise it’s all all for Good by I’m looking at you I’m looking at you no don’t look at me oh okay I close my [Laughter] eyes I don’t want you looking at me and like you know transposing to me no do not worry I I view you as two

Super beings do not worry oh God I don’t know if that’s better or worse okay I literally can’t tell if that’s better or worse wait I have a question so basically uh uh he has like the same interest as you do he’s just he’s just male right yeah I mean it’s yeah oh

But like I do become a little bit less um Whatchamacallit you know I I do uh present myself carefully when I uh interact with people you know to make myself uh come off because I know that I have a very sharp tongue and that I could come off very uh you know sharp

And um little little mean so I do do my utmost to like not come up as that and be care filter myself to the extent but I don’t think a um when I’m when I’m in a mode I would have care mhm oh so oh he’s a little bit different uhhuh

There’s just a little bit less of a of a care to um present but I I kind of like I kind of like how you are that’s I like it more though no oh my wait oh oh yeah exactly cion gets it oh oh C’s tight most mostly but like it’s so

Much cooler no no don’t don’t worry you your baby girl and otone will still be baby girl too you can’t stop me everything is is backfiring also thank you David for another Super what oh that’s a very good question I actually don’t remember also sir thank

You so much for the superon here’s a rose for a dream God Kam ooshi with Riz no oh my well thank you so much for the super you’ve done this coconut this is all you no it’s not than he’s a piece of [ __ ] okay I don’t like him I like him

Meo don’t worry I he’s he’s my uh phone wallpaper no why why no he’s not Ma you said I could have have him with my banner I can’t see a picture of my phone I don’t know how to show you are actually wait wait let me no what do mean why

Man by my type is villain he’s not a villain he’s just actually just saying that he’s a bit more of Dick with not help my my case um is he a bad boy Oh Someone Save Me Oh I screen shot I was looking for my okay oh yeah you can screen wait I just I was trying to get my iPad out and like I try to get the best shot I’m an idiot you’re being a fancy I thought you were just going to take a

Screenshot sometimes I don’t think that’s okay it’s okay if has a million fans and I’m one of them if has one fan then I’m that one if has no fans that me some no here I’ll DM you let see I can’t believe he he looks at me when I wake

Up good morning beautiful oh my oh oh you even zoomed in on his face I did what I did cuz it was his muscles and I want to get out of bed I just be staring at the wall screen what the [ __ ] I purposefully Drew him as if he’s

Looking at you like garbage why would you put that as your wallpaper he is but it’s going me doie dokies man oh my that’s the S shut up going to no better choices okay have better taste me the so PE you can’t you can’t stop this you can’t okay okay in the case

Hypothetically hypothetically if I were to draw art of me in a hypothetically right hypothetically I you uh no hypothetically speaking I didn’t finish okay uhhuh okay we were like we’re like we’re like he’s like he’s like Prince is carrying me hypothetically is that okay I would disown

You I didn’t draw it yet but once I could draw muscles I oh my I I I tried erasing it erasing it wait you tried drawing it already what the [ __ ] I I was so sad cuz I can’t CH muscles oh my God but I you can’t just me cuz not it’s not

You know it’s not made technically I tried but it’s like not existent like I deleted it you deleted it okay good it was so bad oh my goodness why and there’s M Miss bro you know he okay listen listen listen yes you see he is very very how do you

Say like he’s very slave he’s very he’s very cool he’s very yeah Miss bro is real you know what I mean want to say it I don’t want to say it I don’t want to to say it I didn’t want to say it [ __ ] I mean that didn’t stop you from

Sending that like um message before what happened listen listen listen I was I was admiring the art the art yeah but like if I say like oh what f are me and him like hello that’s the actual person fa you know what I respect that thank

You oh my word I may be a little cuckoo crazy for the boys but like hear me out I I I have I have sweet dream yeah oh so toxic thank you so much for the super sometimes you just need that oh wait sometimes you just need that

Toxic person in your life that makes you feel special maybe I should try to get a different type oh my God yeah please get a different type please hypothetically what if I commission it I will [ __ ] ban you don’t don’t you dare wow really I can ban you too a no

Way okay but like okay okay okay wait hold on what if what if I offer what if I offer trying to replace them yeah what if I make a a a guy version of Sion you know what have to make a guy version hear me out hear me out s

Situation is very different oh it’s very very different sa oh actually PA wait here we yeah is wait wait let me think about this I mean I requesting some thinking time okay okay okay okay okay okay okay so I am a big Detective Conan fan and there’s a character named Kito kid thief

Yes K yeah uh so you like him wait I need to think about this w w wait uh with how how how sweet s treats me I I would probably just pass out going if I pass out okay so that’s a yes right so like if I make a guy version of

S you would be you would be head over heels and you’ll dump right let me I need to think this through I need to if you could provide a thesis a whole essay I I mean h it’s kind of hard it’s kind of hard why not both no she can’t have both

Oh that’s what I’m saying D thank you for the super counter counter offer genderbent Echo oh I see okay okay I see I heal get some water try next time oh that hurts damn oh go ow my chest well you know I also have a thing for guys with red

Hair cion says I cion joined MC like Minecraft and I was like hi son join PC and she says I’m afraid of ma bro tell her I going to H hop on Minecraft then if she trying to escape me oh this I I was going to force myself to go

To bed early but I can’t I was trying I was like I just steal coconut s fine drink some fruit punch kind of chill out I’m so I just want to play games A well you you should you should be like you know not being too like staying up too late yeah yeah it’s just just a wee bit just a wee bit M like a healthy amount oh yeah Marion thank you so much for the one month of membership lovely coconuts

Inhaled so hard she broke she did she really did break I hurt so bad get some M God and also also buff male Maita turn the tables oh oh wait cuz like I drew my myself as a guy before like before I debuted oh you did yeah I don’t I thought I showed

You uh no you had not not a buff M ma not buff cuz I can’t us also thank you final for the super and thank you again David for the super final offer all of be andu let’s let everyone enjoy oh my good would [ __ ] pass the [ __ ]

Out wait wait what happened I didn’t know what happened it won’t let me log in Let Me In oh to Minecraft yeah well let me open Minecraft um did you update it to well did you have it updated to 13 um wait not 13 1.2.4 yeah cuz then you have to make a

Uh previous installation of uh 1.2.2 um to join the server do you know how to do that uh wait is this is for job right or was it Windows Java Java yeah yeah yeah um if I or let me see real quick yeah uh

Let me see if I could get you like a screenshot of what I mean thank you That’s crazy cuz right now Minecraft is updated but the server itself isn’t updated to the latest version so um oh gosh let’s see let’s see okay okay so

Like you see how wait uh let me let me let me help you out you see how in here it says like the latest release it says like 1.20 um yeah so you have to go into the um you see on the very top it says play installations yes click on

Installations and then um you can create a new installation and select the 1.2.2 version that too yeah um uhoh well there’s 43 there’s no two uh scroll down scroll down a bit more oh you scroll I’m an idiot oh my gosh a little it yet okay I got it thank you okay okay

And then you create that and then when you click on like the um drop down of like the latest releases in the main uh in the play tab um you should be able to select the 1.2.2 perfect it looks like it’ll let me oh enter username huh what does it say enter usern

I already have a username I don’t need to pick a new one yeah don’t you already have a username did I wait let me see if I install the right one when oh tell her to exit Minecraft and reopen it oh okay okay oh okay thank you thank

You the what in the book what in the book Leora gender bed would destroy most of gen 3 oh possibly oh wait but I don’t know if it’ll destroy you cuz like you’re you kind of you know do two weaves in a pod with Leora and

Like so I don’t know if you’ll see her in that sort of light I don’t let me think cuz I can’t because I can imagine uh male S I started drawing her that before Oh but I never I try to imagine what that

Would be like H wait if if L has big BBA does that mean that she would have big like um a chest like a Pex yeah yeah yeah oh oh who you you really went close to the mic wow oh oh oh I could tell you’re in was uh picked by the big Oh Leo Leo I guess Le Leo Leo aren’t we the the two weaves in the Pad the neurons firing exactly okay okay I just need I need to draw um like the Leo and then M will get off UT’s ass okay got it got it got it got it wait that’s kind of oh gosh cuz when you chase after something for so long it’s

Like you’re so attached to it I don’t want to like go a oh God it’s so hard oh my throat hurts oh my God gu some oh my gosh get some water Sun CA fallacy truly have you heard of the sunken CA fallacy the sunken it sunken cost

Fallacy what’s that it’s exactly what you describe when you chase something for so long you feel like you have to commit when you invested so much in a in a you know fruitless Endeavor and but you now you’re like fruitless exqueeze me I said what I said you said what you

Said okay I see how what you me okay okay think what you want to think thr hurt maybe really really you should go get out some water I miss sing fruit punch so much no not fruit punch not sugar is things like pure water but I love fruit Punch what you mean fruitless fruitless I said what I said a chat I can’t believe this let’s see oh wait yeah I’m at the oh I’m at the desert oh oh I made a I made a connection to the desert iion you want to go explore the desert okay oh shoot

There’s zombies okay that’s cool go to you my freaking cat I can hear them freaking majima majima wait male sad would have full Tanuki magic Oh oh my God this cat oh my God I’m getting attacked please please let me live please please H wait are you okay don’t die yes ma’am I’m going to Bly my cat I can he the opening the drawers what frustrating they could open Draw wait they open

Drawers they know how to open doors they know how to open uh cabinets like it’s so frustrating cuz like all of a sudden in the middle of the night I’ll cuz like sometimes I lock them out of my room freaking cat wait a second I’m going to

Lose my marbles I can’t okay T thank you so much for the super would jender Ma and eeko still be short I would assume so I’m pretty sure they would yeah she has cool cat I just hear her going like the try pity next time the cat the resident cat that our plays

Um those like he knows how to open doors but he never does he’s he’s a very good boy um he doesn’t open drawers or anything either just like it’s very chill mhm oops good night thank you so much for stopping by thank you thank you okay I’m back okay welcome back where’s my

Arrows I have one okay okay good okay uh let me go towards you Yay just need to make all of the B andu girls into be and your boys and then will forget about oh my God I started drawing um uh I I started drawing uh Oracle as boys oh oh my gosh o what does like M looks so like smug or may to

Yeah uh man man man m oh my Goodness let’s see the single L sing mar mar oh why is the Enderman here what the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here also did I go the wrong way I think I did oops uhoh yeah I definitely did I followed the wrong toward Can I can I hypothetically speaking yes can I draw standing next to me standing sure okay okay wait oh it was fine but last I went through m I don’t know what a storage portal is I’ll just say did you listen I don’t know what that is huh oh

Oh oh wait oh wait did the what the one there connect to the one near my temple oh oh shoot uh okay I can delete that one hold on you type so fast oh my gosh what the heck oh I’m I’m Li don’t don’t say a word mad believe this I’m oh no

Oopsies portal portal [ __ ] oh I could delete that though if um it’s not that big of an issue if I if I don’t have a portal near my place oh not bad no keep it are you sure eventually storage will be defunct anyway ah okay okay okay Sorry well she’ll forgive you if draw me and a together um I’m pretty sure that’s not the case I’m pretty sure that’s the case I can res sign as M you know oracle getting read each other’s minds I’m pretty sure s May forgive me if I draw Auto coconut alone

But I don’t know about if uh dra with you would be excuse me just to say you know my name is mocon no what the [ __ ] disgusting that’s what the O stand it’s not o it’s for oh that’s the worst that’s actually the worst that’s the worst ship name imaginable oh

Oh oh my gosh can night s thank you so much for stopping by let’s see wow okay but I think like you know your jerand would be would be the best Contender to replace ow I ran into a cactus okay was it this way but do he still have long

Hair oh Leora does not like guys with long hair usually but she does like blade from honkai Star rail like she she would prefer long hair versus like short hair she doesn’t like short hair like short short hair like sporty hair on boys oh exp right right

Right yeah she doesn’t like that on guys so uhuh I think she would be okay with a wolf cut a wolf cut what what was that peeking huh of your voice I love wolf cat oh my God okay okay okay oh I I love both cats oh my

Gosh I could just imagine I could just imagine ma kicking her little toes do you have a camera on me I [ __ ] knew it me with a cutting my hair oh yeah Z oh gosh so you’re M’s type are you are you happy Winky Winky okay never mind

I it’s so strange it’s like I literally can’t flirt with Zion I physically can’t she’s like she’s like she’s like a a big sister to me it’s so weird like okay I think there’s like three people I can’t flirt with it’s cion Um who’s other two there’s two more oh stop touching me yeah I’m not touching you yeah ger six feet wow okay I mean that’s good then you can’t marry all coconut good good good mhm oh oh DK I feel like DK is like my little sister ah for fair or same age

Sister yeah twin question like like a like a you know friend that you’ve hung out with as a kid yeah or cousin oh my God yeah cousin cousin that cousin she’s my cousin yeah mhm and is it me I think instead of I think instead of white squeez me you’re my

Baby girl but like for oh I I know for Z it’s more like I I cut i c her so cute you’re a baby girl not like baby girl like baby girl go you’re so cute I excuse your cheeks you know ah Fair fa Fair yeah yeah he so cute is he

Yeah that makes sense that makes sense yeah we going to have a field day with all the gender B being you thank you so much for the super David yeah David heck yeah I am two field days two two Field Days oh my God wait um I think earlier you’re

Talking about um alts like um nightmare cocon oh yeah yeah try P next time in Italia it’s called T like second player wait um I see I don’t know I had to get that out of my system there some random facts I just like in my mouth I just got to spit out

Or I’ll start like fidgeting oh my gosh that was so unnecessary I apologize wait had like a Alter Ego type of thing I don’t remember that yeah by the Creator and then the fans went crazy with it oh I see yeah so like in Nightmare would how would you act would you be

Like um yeah basically I’m sure no you know what I what nightmare we would act like huh Loco like crazy like crazy no I wonder I think I think the nightmare version would be the definition of a Honey Trap Lear you in with sweet words and then destroy for you oh that’s

Scary oh my goodness gracious uhhuh so he’ll be like he’ll be like no sorry nightmare I’m sorry who whoa [Applause] nightmare stop saying hot and wood oh my goodness wait nightmare AOC oh my goodness my heart is thumping right now is it that or the fruit punch is

Getting to me I think the fruit punch is getting to you the sugar oh my word yeah but you didn’t go through this uh dumble where were you waiting for like Eko to explore it or um I think that’s the last time I played Minecraft

Actually I think I hopped on for like 2 seconds and I was like oh shoot actually got to do stuff ah so actually yeah that’s where I left off I see I see yeah yeah M there’s Treasures in here treasure uhhuh what yeah in in this building yeah

Yeah yeah actually oh I’ll open it wait do oh I have a pickaxe I forgot I like nice let’s see wait why are you standing back wait pause I’m coming back up what yeah I’m here I don’t know if you’re trying to trick me what’s this oh

I I dropped that my bad what’s that there’s nothing really in here it’s kind of oh room over here here oh or did E already come in here I don’t remember um usually usually this place is empty below but maybe it’s not I guess it doesn’t oh there it is you find

Something whoa okay okay oh wait like a staircase no it’s a hole okay yep careful okay slow and steady wins the race okay exactly never dig straight down s says nice I’m glad I’m glad you’re learning yes likeit that like that that was bro um I don’t like how you’re not coming

Down with me are you good okay I’m checking at the a torch but I only have one Oh that’s oh that’s good I have one let’s see also the way you make stairs makes me bump my head and that makes me get me I apologize oh yeah see you see the

Chest I see one oh two mhm like that like that oh three yeah four let’s go hey Party in the USA let me bring the let me bring the torch a little let me bring it down here there we go nice yeah uh what’s in it it’s the

Emerald oh bones I want bones that’s that’s all you want I want a dog oh golden horse armor Yeah yeah that’s I that’s my pony Sona oo Divine um smithing template let’s go there’s silk touch wait what oh oh sorry sorry took here I can give it to you okay okay I’m sorry okay I put it back in the chest the chest thank you

I’m good yeah this is all I ever wanted saddle I’ll take the bones next time David thank you so much he gave me Whiplash like Golden Apple M gunpowder yeah thank you so much for the super David what do you mean I’ll take these okay okay oops nice touch the pressure plate

No I’m surprised meita you’re you’re very cautious yeah I don’t know why it just felt wrong like the way you’re standing back from me instead of like taking the initiative you sound it felt wrong like you’re up to no good well I also wanted you to explore it and experience it for

The first time because I’ve gone through many of these oh thank you yay yeah let’s sleep okay I’ll get up there I’m stuck there we go yeah wow oh wait cion are you okay oh no you’re not your bed no y when of this oh wait oh that’s true I

Forgot oh there’s TNT down here too TNT uhuh hold I I need I need a chest I don’t have a chest to put my stuff in I’m scared of losing my stuff what if I blow it Up let’s see I love Minecraft I love Minecraft excuse me why did you copy me I took the TNT how much TNT did you get nine oh my God that’s a lot yeah oh my word could do lots of fun stuff with nine okay that’s cool h

What are you g to do with the TNT TNT TNT what are you gonna do with it I don’t know okay okay okay all right that’s cool that’s cool yeah did you already like um whatam call it uh look through everything that’s in the desert I think so I didn’t know there

Were bones and uh stuff so I’m really excited yeah yeah about it yeah yeah yeah so the red like this area the you know the layered cake looking Place uh I don’t recall it’s like red like layered um sand can like can yeah yeah yeah this is called the bad

Lands oh and it’s actually a pretty uh rare occurrence oh yeah mhm ah it’s actually a pretty rare spawn so like the mushroom cows yeah yeah yeah yeah a whoa that’s big man what the heck ain’t no way that’s so scary man there’s so many like big Caverns holy

Moly welcome to the m biome the Messa Mesa L Messa L Messa yeah M Mesa M wait m e m e s uhhuh okay what you what wa wa what you want to see so yeah wait wait my brain’s trying her brain your brain’s try her brain H I didn’t have

Enough fruit punch I don’t I I can’t think let’s see yeah so usually there’s like a bunch of like rarro like M shafts and stuff in this um type of biome but I think this one is a little too small so I don’t know if it spawned

Any I mean just in general this is very rare so still very nice oh m oh no I was looking around I lost track of you how long will it take until me to find me uh uh let’s see you shouldn’t be far there you are Yeah let’s See I going down so fast oh my gosh don’t die you know all Dam it you can tell that was a little late yeah just my smidge oh myy yeah so there’s oh there something oh my gosh a drop yeah it’s a pretty steep drop there might be like a

M shaft uh somewhere around there but that’s a that’s a pretty pretty deep drop oh wait is are those aelia trees oh wait does this mean that there’s a luminous um Cavern down below oh she found a secret I think what was it called the the the C the one with

Oxal oh oh the pretty place oh oo yeah oh she’s zooming it makes a lush Cavern right oh we got Axel too let’s go hey maybe this seed ain’t that bad oh okay there’s another there’s another Temple over there oh oh there is oh there’s another bad land oh my gosh ho

Wait okay okay even better lands oh my gosh maybe it’s just easier to F like dig straight down from anelia but if we have a big drop oh go it might be so let me th this I do have a shovel I didn’t know I have a shovel oh nice are these

Dirt ah red dirt Oh oh I don’t have a shovel okay okay well we’re we’re we’re at a pickaxe stage so you’re fine you’re fine hey good good yeah do they have torches though no I do have 11 apples though I’m so sorry I apologize you need an apple it’s okay it’s okay I’m just kidding okay

I’ll Stand Back wow look at my Senpai go so cool all that mining I’m sure AOC is pretty buff too no comment oh water oh this is all okay okay oh are you safe yeah no don’t follow me though don’t follow me okay yeah this torch put out okay oh it’s

It’s not a torch it’s just fire oh that’s why okay yeah I think I might need to dig lower then yeah it’s lower okay okay you okay I got startled yeah we’re just using fire temporarily but it’ll burn out yeah the underground river is a little bit of a nuisance yeah oh my

Gosh I’ll be it think it’s better than me huh how dare they how dare they exactly period Senai just be careful of fire okay I’m here for emotional support wait you don’t have a pickaxe now either I have like 2% on it oh yeah I’m going save it for D situation yeah yeah

Yeah let me oh my oh no oh my God okay okay there we go yeah you were think that we would get like some sort of charcoal at least by now oh oh but not yet no also I’m surprised how deep the Lush Cavern is I thought it would be a bit

More closer to like the aelia trees yeah oh yeah down so far down oh my goodness hello hello welcome Welcome wait but okay Ma I know you like muscles but like what other is your type like what other aspect yeah mhm um so they don’t have to be a combination or anything I like red hair mhm I like uh as you know wolfir wolf cut is really nice uh um

I kind of I kind of like anime guys who are they have nice like teey smile oh I See it’s it’s kind of funny cuz like Ray is like the opposite of that like a couple things um yeah like de is more well I guess he doesn’t smile that much oh this shark teeth I can’t oh you don’t like the shark teeth

Um I I’m going to be so honest with you I’m not a fan of shark teeth anime characters that’s that’s fine I’m not oh not you oh yeah I’m not that big of a fan of shark tooth either it’s it’s like a hot take is it I don’t know I never seen

Someone out say they don’t like it usually is like oh he dark teeth I’m like oh okay sorry um I like I like guys are confident oh yeah I think I think that’s why like with um Ray he’s like he’s like silly goofy confident you know and what he could do

Um in a way uhuh I I mean glasses are are really nice they’re really nice but I don’t like specifically look for characters of glasses but I I like glasses gles I see we finally found it oh my god oh really yes there we go oh let me make

It make a staircase oh oh I fell thank you let’s go oh finally oh bless charcoal yay I’ll give you some torches too uh oh thank you I have like no room let me throw out my rotten flesh Yes W it’s so right now okay oh oops I fixed up my sand wait

Let throw that out there you go now I’m ready yeah y okay there we go oh so pretty I love the Lush Cavern it’s so so stetic oh my gosh right I love The Gua berries Oh oh at the flower in the oh yeah so cute oh so we should be able to find um Axel oh okay probably in the water right found one oh really oh wait how did you jump wow it’s so cute y wait y got

One I’m not going to lie I I would never have a pet axle Auto they’re they’re creepy what they have like a smile face though like they’re cute like you a cute smiley face but after a while it becomes creepy you know what I mean like like Exel they’re like out a

10 they’re like a solid seven like they’re right they’re right they’re there there but they’re like they’re like they’re like fleshy looking oh my God fleshy I mean I guess don’t tell now my God yeah is so cute L is Uber Uber uber cute cutest the cutest the cutest no wait no you’re

M oh my God oh my gosh I hate this out of context no no no oh my God oh my God oh my goodness bro I I can’t I can’t live anymore it’s over oh oh my go whoa there there even deeper part oh yikes I almost fell down there o yeah careful Careful hop on VC you coward yeah you coward let’s see I want hear that the the noise the I’m sorry sorry I I generally try to attempt it mind my bad oh like her yeah but she doesn’t with like the back I heard that [Laughter] like actually I should um put the

Coordinates of the the Lush Cavern oh yeah true you to come in chat Lush Lush isus it’s so big oh it’s a yellow one ooh or is it gold I think yeah gold yellow oh it’s so cute yeah yeah it’s very cute I love I love Exel I love guys I love thank you so much for the super that’s a lot of damage

No oh my God oh my God I could you no I I love ah oh sorry I got jump scared I I didn’t oh my God I got sorry I I got him scared I’m sorry God Jesus oh my God I scared myself I think I jumped from my scream

Oh my also David thank you for the super coconut the dream got something confused with her the cousin n the luck godess no no no there’s no lu godess sometimes that luck off cocon no no no there is no lu godess here yeah I’m sure yeah okay okay I know

The god situation and you yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you’re right you’re right yes yeah why you eating that scared it’s so intimidating yeah not the IE Contact but wow this place is big for real oh man but I’m just I would I would live down here oh why don’t you no that’s true oh there’s diamond oh are you okay oh I do have a sword oh good job yeah yeah period [Laughter]

Period do you have uh you don’t have space right uh I have a one single block of oh okay okay get the diamond oh okay I think I have like junk in my pockets that I didn’t empty yet I’ll try to do that right now let’s see I don’t need

Sandstone I don’t need uh dirt uh I don’t need oh bro I keeps coming back back in my pocket bruh you got to throw a bar ah like away from like a wall yeah yeah yeah I don’t need red sand I don’t need dirt uh I don’t need wheat seeds wheat seeds

Yeah I don’t need sand why why do I have kelp what the heck oh I mean like you know CP is usually useful oh okay I I’ll hang on to it yeah okay and then my Bon stay perfect now I have a lot of pocket space yeah

Yeah oh my God I thought you said your Thor hurted it does don’t do that it’s like like like like is it pulsing it’s like it’s like oh my God me okay I think I think I coughed too hard and then now I I screamed and now I can feel it

Bro and tomorrow it’s going to be a lot of screaming for sure oh yeah for sure I’m so excited and then and then Saturday I’m so excited oh my gosh I’m losing my mind it’s going to be awesome weekend yeah I’m glad you’re excited yeah super excited and then go

Up let’s see oh let’s see please please there we go you got this thank you thank you I was like where did we come from again I’m pretty sure around here yeah yeah something like that probably question mark oh there’s a bunch of stuff oh my goodness period period oh my God that

Was amazing that’s little girl B of you oh thank you thank you my God m we weren’t here no oh no oh definitely not huh do you remember I don’t Remember whoa what hit me it’s a skeleton [ __ ] oh my gosh you have good aim holy cow you think they could outside me excuse me God D I don’t want to get on your bedside I’m all go you fire what the heck what the heck okay you get okay my God I’m

Scared impressed but scared yeah you should be I mean I could definitely oh this spider though oh my God my God wait oh fell in the lava okay I mean that’s fine huh where did we come oh is it through the fire area wait no where did we come

From um I’m going to be so honest I don’t know like right from left sometimes see that Yeah oh wow wow is this so cool oh wait wait I think it was around here we were closer to this oh I see a torch yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go somewhere here right yeah it has to be not here maybe like this way this

Way how’ she get up there what the heck yeah and this part doesn’t look familiar how big is this place oh my God oh my gosh this could be your place for real oh right okay wait wa we didn’t come from there we did not come from there though

Maybe cuz the torch is right there so maybe that Way uh nothing’s familiar to me oh it fell oh it’s okay it’s all right I I I just got to believe okay uh how do I get back up okay let me see uh probably should have M made the the staircase a little bit more

Oh oh no I should have thrown out my dirt I knew I Lov my dirt I could I could help you out oh you got it you got it oh yeah okay like this wait what the heck oh like this there we go thank you

Yeah we just need to find like a sand block which is what I use to make oh yeah cuz I remember wait came it has to be up here because we came from above and we saw the water from here I I’m certain is it not here maybe if you see

Like a sand block that’s where we came from okay I trust let’s see just Catherine I am not very good at remembering location yeah I remember looking uh no this is not where we came from yeah oh up there maybe up there yeah oh yeah huh but then how did we get you

Know what there’s no there’s no harming checking yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely not here oh my gosh we broke through a wall we did we did we broke through a wall um so it’s near like one of the edges that’s for sure did we come H sand block

Where and then I put like a sand block to uh get ourselves righted oh I found it oh hey this is a really wonky place to put okay oh oh oh oh oh oh oh there we go yay this is actually the worst place but it’s all good I’m there we

Go yeah okay so we just come here and go and now that I have torches put them awesome Yep bats are so I love bats they’re so cute they’re so cute so cute I saw this little baby bat in a Tik Tok and I was like crying how

Cute it was oh my God baby bats are the cutest they get such bad rep because humans [ __ ] up with them all the time but like they’re so cool so flipping cute y we made it out yeah okay I’m going to put like a yeah some torches

Here ah to that was explored already yeah oh did you want to check the temple uh sure and then we could probably head backwards okay unless you wanted to stay and uh oh yeah the B that’s there’s too much there’s so much Stuffing PS are cute until they’re inside my ceiling oh you get them inside your ceiling dang oh oh really wow that’s like the cat dis distribution system the what the what’s it called H you know when cat just like come out of nowhere and like choose people like is

He Tik to Tik toks of it like someone will be like outside and a kitten comes out of nowhere and it’s like oh God and now it’s like a r that you have to keep it oh oh that’s you you can’t you canot keep them yeah it’s the same with the bats

Congratulations congratulations now you’re a bat you’re a bat parent yes oh my gosh how does it feel to be a parent H can’t you some of the Stream see oh there’s diamonds in here with a diamond horse armor you could get cool yeah also look at this oh my God this oh oh my gosh yep Yeah by Bye by by did you get that from DK oh no no oh does DK say that she says

That all the time really yeah I was thinking about also Matsu son oh okay uh ichim Matsu would say it a lot yeah I mean every every Japanese person says that lot cuz it’s very versatile yeah it could be good and bad right like yeah yeah

Your it’s kind of like uh it’s kind of like versatile like um [ __ ] like you know the [ __ ] is a good thing but like yeah so it’s it’s very it’s the most versatile word you can be like oh it the literal meaning though is like it means like disastrous disastrously

Bad yeah yeah yeah disastrous is more accurate I think uh kind like how crazy can be like actually crazy in a like bad but be like crazy amazing uh it’s most it’s more like crazy oh I fell all the way from the top oh good thing I took care of the TNT

Otherwise you would have blown up oh really yeah cuz there’s us a pressure plate here so that means like when someone falls down they just like instantly blow up all the stuff I have in my pocket yeah I think definitely need a chest of gosh MH uh that’s

Crazy yeah we could um go back so we could bring some stuff back you could bring like um the Whatchamacallit uh bones you have bones in oh there’s bones here yeah there’s bones in the boxes oh yo bones bones bones I love bones Bon bones bones a diamond yeah you could

Also put that in your inventory cuz you have diam right yeah let’s see bones bones bones bones bones B I want to bring the emeralds too if possible but I don’t have space okay I grab the emeralds thank you yeah hopefully I don’t die somehow

In a in a terrible death I’m sure you won’t oh my oh no you should have said it like that oh no now Minecraft’s going to Minecraft is going to mess me up bro oh my go no no no oh my gosh it’s over okay let’s see there we go

Okay it’s funny how the way echo says yeah I never used to say it before there’s so many things that we keep saying I’m like oh I want to say it too it’s so funny it’s so cute let’s [Laughter] see wait did I go the wrong way oh oh no no no we went uh we passed the Messa this way yeah yeah yeah L See oh my gosh the the other day I was watching um uh Spanish like uh shows with my grandma and I was just like mimicking what the like I was like am am a better listener than anything but like I was like like paying attention and like

There were like words I didn’t know and so I kept like repeating them and like she explain and stuff and then you say bad word yeah one word I said she snapped her neck as she tackled so hard like the thing is like she’s not she’s

Not as like strong as she was before she like she’s like she she like dizzy she’s like we’re losing it I’m like chill what is wrong with you I just I just like I just like oh my I just like that’s so bad oh my God I

Can’t believe you say that oh my gosh oh my gosh and she’s like say it to your mother what you said to me I said okay I told her up and my mom was like what I like how your grandma was the one that’s like you should say that to your

Mom oh my God she does that all the time she’s so oh just a troll oh my God Brian oh my God sweet dreams na thank you so much for the super it’s for you Ma you want to read it I want to check something can you or

Me to say an excited oh wait all right wait check something uh is this a reference oh no uh I can I I could yeah I guess I guess uh wait I don’t know I feel like I’m getting tested I feel like I feel shy oh

No wait is wait is is this a reference I hope not cuz I don’t bro uh all right all right [Laughter] nice I love the I love the world R I thought that was so quick you didn’t catch I was like okay it was so

Cringe all right oh wait uh I got to see like Tony the Tucker like they’re great all right they’re all right they I I guess like oh I don’t know I I feel pretty bad about That thank you so much for the super oh finally we’re back jeez yeah yeah yeah yeah wait where are we oh there we go oh very we’re in cion uh B I don’t want to be here oh okay where’s the oh there’s the face they grossly misadvertised oh oh sh there you

Yeah oh my gosh this is brilliant for home where are you going to make your home I still have no idea I haven’t like done anything it’s so weird that’s a good good question yet I think for now this is my temporary home but I like a really cool

Place oh I mean like no one’s been making a home like here here right right it’s just been just been me out here but I wonder if this oh I should have just a I should have breaken down that chest and grabbed it I need another

Chest oh you need chest wait I have oh nope not not not me okay which house is abandoned is this abandon um I Ed that very bed but like uh this was my former base but then someone like just took it down so you could just use whatever here oh oh oh

Thank you thank you yeah that’s like some bottle of enchanting oh that sounds like a lot enchanting yeah music disc and stuff there’s quite a few things in there I might bring some of them back but like you could use whatever okay mhm thank you

Yeah see oh man it’s already 12 oh sure I have to sleep oh my gosh we have to go to sleep we have work tomorrow yeah cuz I’ve been like been trying I’ve been trying to force myself to go to go sleep we have to go sleep in

Minecraft too oh you’re right oh God good night to the sleepest good night s good night let me let me run into echo’s house it was the closest one there we go y okay good night everyone thank you so much for all the uh support today I’ll probably go over the supers

And stuff just so that I make sure that I didn’t forget anything but good thank you for joining me and thank you so much for joining too yeah catch you later yeah catch you later byebye catch you tomorrow byebye all right it’s just you and me

Now let me go over to the zatu screen okay oh wait hold on there we go hello uh let me just go over just to make sure that I didn’t uh uh forget anything or miss anything you’re so nervous get what the [ __ ] just stop blushing

Anyway so thank you so much for joining rejoining the lovely coconuts thank you thank you uh for those who don’t know SAU is my uh video editor currently uh uh so the videos that you’ve been seeing in the past few like two weeks two three

Weeks are done by are edited by SAU so please give them lots of love hey yeah so they are the editor cone at the moment yeah so yeah yeah yeah uh well thank you so much for this super this is Minecraft why am I hearing gcha you can never escape the

Gcha Matthew lunar thank you so much for five months of membership thank you thank you to loveely coconuts come coconut hope you have a wonderful time of the year happy five months of Ling coconuts thank you thank you and thank you for doer for the five gift membership thank you

Again thank you thank you and and what that thank you so much for the super hey guys please have patience to video with what I only shut up thanks for the stream yeah of course thank you for stopping by thank you thank you uh let’s see V now thank you so much

For the P get the membership I really appreciate it thank you thank you and David thank you so much for all the supers that you’ve done which is you think more um worse broccoli and pizza or pineapple pizza yeah I’ve never seen broccoli on pizza but you know I love I

[ __ ] love broccoli so I would not say no but also pineapple pizza I’m not I’m not against it I think it’s fine like there’s like pineapple meat dishes in Asia so it’s really not a forign concept for me I think it’s pretty dope like if you have never had like pineapple fried rice

For like Hawaiian uh dish like a Hawaii dish it’s so [ __ ] good it’s so good so I don’t I don’t think it’s uh a Bad Thing bad combination at all uh well done thank you so much for the the super hot chocolate is just soup

Cocoa soup it’s l I still have it I didn’t finish it I put I put Bailey in it cuz um I realized my Bailey was going to expire next next month I need to finish my bailey so I’m going to be making um a spiked hot chocolate every night

Now I remember someone talking about ice cream pizza once oh I mean there’s like dessert pizza where um they use a pizza dough and then they just put like chocolate uh sauce and like marshmallow and M&M and stuff Bailey no Bailey it’s a it’s a Irish Cream alcohol

Mhm like the one I have is the s’mores flavor Bailey goes really well with hot chocolate m and d thank you again for another Super Bowl then cereal then milk or Bowl then milk then cereal we’ we’ve we’ve um established that cereal then milk then bowl is a correct

Answer uh the refreshing Taste of orange juice after brushing your teeth I hate that t so much and then thank you again for another Super of add a weird teaspoons rice with orange is good I I got try that I never tried that but there’s like rice with Raisin so like it

Kind of see like frsh taste with rice going well and like there’s rice pudding and stuff too so I could kind of see it but I’ve never tried it cereal and milk straight to the mouth exactly that’s how you do it yeah rice pudding with Raisin is

Great I’m not a fan of raisins actually like I don’t I could eat it but I’m actually very much not a fan of raisins so um I don’t think I would eat it like rice pudding with rins I would just prefer the rice pudding uh I don’t know why I can’t

Exactly Place why I don’t like R that’s the thing the races are the doubl just dried grapes I love grapes but I don’t like raisins I just can’t place my finger on why though you know like other things that I don’t like I could pinpo exactly

Why I don’t like it but for reasons it’s just like I don’t know I just don’t like it it confuses me um but yeah uh final to thank you so much for the C tack n monkey thank you so much for the C tack

What up thank you so much for the C Tex final thank you wait oh final thank you so much for the sneeze Tex earlier then thank you for the C Tex and say thank you so much for the cup tags de thank you so much for the cup tags um acus

Thank you so much for the cup tags h thank you so much for the G tags thank you so much for the uh G tags uh for me it’s a texture yeah maybe it’s a texture I don’t know too chewy yeah you know it might be the chewy and

Sticky part like dried fruit is pretty um on and off for me like if it’s too small and it sticks to the teeth I don’t like it so I think it’s it is texture M so oh ah okay okay DED pineapple is the best try oh I do like dried P pineapple dried

Pineapple is amazing also I like dried mango but I don’t like dried apricots raisins covered chocolate I hate it I don’t really like chocolate in the first place like I’m very picky with how I eat my consume my chocolate because I’m not too fond of it in the first

Place but I do like the chocolate flavor um so I like brownies I like brownies I like hot chocolate but I don’t like straight up chocolate M and dried raisins are great with fried R see I I I I could see it but I don’t

Like it I could see why people enjoy it but I don’t like it they couldn’t call racist dried grap cuz it would have killed a grape Mark and now I love the way you see apricots isn’t the how isn’t this how you say apricots apricot iron Brown is like 9% chocolate

Though do you need that U do you make them different I like them mixed with like blond like you know like the mixed uh like marble brownies that are like uh part blonde blondies I don’t know how to say I don’t know how to describe it but yeah I like

Blondies I like blondies mixed with brownies yeah yeah yeah Rocka rice with raisins and afca and Owens A+ I I could see I could appreciate it but I can’t eat it that’s no pronunciation right yeah yeah so you’re not fond of chocolate buo not really I don’t I don’t I would

Prefer other stuff over chocolate funu uh let’s see REO thank you so much for the super good enough oh yes my son attempt at reading uh and Luka boy thank you so much hello new viewer here how are you you are not a view U

New um B BL thank you so much for the 11 months of membership to loveely coconuts not that old yet Dam it you are old just like the others Sarah thank you so much for the 9 months membership love the cooks hello Miss C it’s been an awesome N9 months so by the

Way can you bless me I hope you got who you were uh trying to get it’s okay I’m older okay so you could feel better about yourself as I am infinitely older what do you mean I’m old I am infinitely older so don’t worry if I call you old that means I’m a

[ __ ] ancient the Chun F oh not the fun no sace is are you getting are you getting T is your mind getting tainted because of the clips I’m making you edit are you is your mind getting tainted because of the the clips I’m making you edit

Um the the the recent the clips um like the past three of them may not have been the most SE so uh speaking of be the regret to be more winter M on my first poll I mean who’s the luus so let me let me

Know why are there so many aies in this place oh man not as much usy as this mobile game that has a center who has two usies the Highland Mar right now brings oh no I’m so sorry yeah oh wait oh man there’s this there’s this mobile game there’s this mobile g

Game that was like that I saw where uh it’s caur girl but like she was not horike you know you know the the legs of the horse part it was not horik it was like human skin and human Fe you know so then everyone was like so does that mean two two

PES H book of you oh yeah yeah yeah yeah [Laughter] yeah I sent that to so many of my friends and they’re all like oh no I can’t I thought it was so [ __ ] funny so these are deep questions humanit or yeah humanit yeah yeah yeah I mean like you know the art

Was beautiful the model was beautiful just you know it posed a few uh intriguing questions about the anatomy someone posted the gaming channel a while ago in the Discord server oh okay so if anyone’s interested just join the bnu official server and go to the gaming channel and scroll up a little

Bit I found I just found same I thought it was [ __ ] hilarious s I’ll send it to you later I’ll send it to you later but hey more I see for everyone anyway um no thank you so much for this for joining PE cada straight off the bat

Thank you thank you and thank you so much for the Bri of 50 wait okay that’ll come up that’ll come up wa will it come up wait why isn’t it coming up okay I know I know though that you’ve uh gifted 50 membership so thank you thank you it was

Huge I really did not expect it so thank you so so much well stop quing me out of context how dare you Ramsey thank you so much for the super Discord thingies yes the Discord thingies you know the thingies you understand right obviously with your briig brains obviously you

Understand David thank you again for another Super how does one join membership from you too oh yes s I’m glad that you were able to figure out and thank you so much for the everyone who did uh provide all the information as well the context doesn’t make it

Better what do you mean it definitely does it definitely does right and thank you Hy for the retirement fund thank you thank you and final to thank you so much for the open the channel main page on your oh oh yes for the uh tech tech tip GE Jack

Advice wait not geek Jack what was it Geek Squad thank you thank you um the tech support that’s what I wanted to uh that’s what I wanted to say thank you thank you what the thank you so much for the super nice to see we’re using Super Chat please chat like normal

Okay and Sage thank you so much for the super how this s super well you found out congratulations mm don’t believe everything go the internet Abraham Lincoln 1875 exactly listen to Abraham Lincoln a knew what’s up more what for everyone don’t worry about it don’t worry about

It uh let’s see uh sir thank you so much for the super Miss Coconut’s retirement funds let’s go let’s go which Speaking of I need to dump a dump a lump some to my retirement funds before the year is over I should do that yeah I should do

That and David welome thank you so much for the joining membership thank you thank you thank you for joining lovely with coconuts hat you thank you so much for the super not a Lu goddess the dream goddess she has retirement phon a drink

On s I’m please I I I want to I want to be uh fit granny that like goes off in adventures with all the retirement FS stop to the Art of War Leola Leola hello hello welcome Raiders oh shoot I’m sorry I’m like about to end

Hello I hope you had a great stream Leola welcome welcome Raiders how is your stream what’s it’s okay well we we’ll raise someone else and and pass on the love but thank you so so much we can make a double raid yeah exactly exactly exactly yeah I hope you had a great

Stream and also um I know I never got to like say it to you personally but uh congratulation again for the for the new outfit it looks so good it looks so so good and also wow well done thank you so much for the five good the membership

Thank you thank you um Kang cocon for anyone who doesn’t know I Amo cocon from B first andoria welcome welcome I’m a dream goddess and I do some chill maybe slightly cursed streams but don’t worry about the cursed part yeah yeah no worries no worries y nice gift yeah thank you thank

You right now we’re going over the super chats and the support that I’ve gotten this stream so we’ll be getting uh doing that and then ending and raing someone else she grants all your dreans if you hang out here enough whoa whoa whoaa whoa who I Never Promised such things

Okay I never promised that such grandio uh gifts okay yeah nothing cursed right right right yeah uh let’s see where was I ah uh what thank you so much for super guys luck goddess please don’t use that word around here I swear I’m a dream goddess

I a dream goddess and David thank you so much for the super still a good goddess yes I am a good dream goddess she brings really good luck no no no I’m just I just bring really good dreams right Chad right not prompt but implied

No J Skittles thank you so much for the 11 months of membership loveely coconut thank you thank you if you’re a dream goddess then will my uh dreams and M are having another stream will come true we’ll see we’ll see Leola Leola what do you mean yeah dot dot

Dott what do you mean yeah dot dot dot yeah I thought you were at my side I thought you oh my God no one’s no one’s my no one is on my side what the [ __ ] did I do to deserve this yeah I’m on your side are you this this is steing shut

Up you’re all saying stuff but it’s not saying anything for real oh my goodness oh my No zes thank you so much for the super there is no third curs things here what do you mean third there’s nothing no one no first no second nothing cursed David thank you so much for this super I do wonder if coconut dream got oh wait I think oh can she turn dreams

Into nightmares and what about rumor if you Dy your jeans you DL um maybe being a dream cess is op a bit op I am a little bit op not going to lie not going to lie I am a little bit op okay for once I’ll be on your side thank you thank

You oh um what thank you so much for the super is coconut paralysis demon a tier three that benefit no you could you could um you could be you could be a tier three member but you would not get up me as a paralysis demon she she’s a

Little bit of PE what the [ __ ] does that even mean Zion what do you mean I’m a little bit of p h where did that come from H oh my I think it’s a I think you’re a little tired from all of the work and streaming for being Opie oh a little bit

Opie oh my cion yes I didn’t get enough best yes you you need to get more rest Zion thank you so much for the super you don’t need luck if you are as good and love us coconut thank you thank you Jon thank you so much for do love months of

Membership the loveely coconut jokes on you maybe we like demons I like demons so I cannot I cannot uh refute such claims like I cannot refute your um yeah argument it’s it’s a pretty valid one and L boy thank you so much for the super she tries to reject my ah yes when

You were try pretending to be but you are just you are a fake mhm you are but but an imitation okay you are are uh encroaching on identity theft and I may I may have to sue you uh thank you so much for the super

And um Sarah thank you so much for the super AO coconut here’s a rose for a dream Kam oi [ __ ] no quotation with RZ report them to the dream government I should I should so was just look boy all along I’m devastated yeah basically don’t don’t don’t s for him

Because he just look boy a l uh David thank you so much for the super what I really don’t remember but I think it was one of the drawing streams I want to say it was one of the drawing streams but if you want to see him actually no I

Don’t it’s on Twitter somewhere but I don’t it was a while ago so I don’t I can’t I really can’t say which B it was in oh thank you so much for the super um uh you’ve done this it’s all you no it’s not it’s not me it’s not

Me was just stos I think I showed him on stream once before or maybe twice but like that’s it yeah the details are in the Coconut Discord channel oh no did you put it in the Coconut Discord Channel [Laughter] okay if you want it it’s in this

Official Discord server of the vnu which is linked on my person um on my YouTube page uh toxic thank you so much for the super sometimes you just need a little toxic person in your life that makes you feel special maybe I should try to get a different type yes please uh

Please get out of your toxic relationships hypothetically what if I commission it and looko I think it’s much for the super and no no commissioning of a spend it on me instead if I going to commission a just commission me commission a drawing on me

Huh is that so much is that so much to ask um thank you so much for the super counter count counter offer gender Echo maybe maybe we’ll do maybe I’ll do a gentle like uh stream of drawing sketching out all the all the Vu girls one of these days uh Maron Feliciano

Thank you so so much for the one month of membership with lovely coconut thank you thank you inhaled so hard she broke she really did with a gender V dude can it be of a coconut drawing you I’ll think on that I’ll think about that thinking about it thank you thank you

Um thank you so much for the super buff M ma turn the tables I cannot imagine ma like M ma being buff like a [ __ ] child a teenage boy Dam thank you so much for the super final offer of being you let everyone enjoy yes I should I should just let

Everyone have a have a go right I should I just have a go at everyone tag El stop stop No and David thank you so much for the next four supers thank you thank you um will gentle me and EO still be short yes uh 100% ma going to have a Feld day with all gender baby and you of course explosion in 3 two 1 Boom for unfor unfortunately unfortunately Maita

Was very careful I think she learns a lot she learns very quickly so she she learned a lot and new to be Cautious and cocon the dream got is sometimes confused with her no no there is no cousin Nino um the lus there is no lus so sometimes sometimes that look rubs off on coconut I don’t know I mean you know just it’s just Norm average good Lu just average uh Rego mortis

Thank you so much for the super that’s a lot of damage thank you thank you uh David thank you again for another Super I want to check something can you or M say in an exciting voice all right and very thank you so much for the

Super I just invest all of my retirement funds into Super chats oh no uh maybe maybe you might want to add a little pad your uh retirement funds with the you know those ones a little bit more okay but I think I went over all of the uh

Uh stuff besides like the W thank you again for another five get membership I really appreciate it and Z that thank you again for another super uh I really really appreciate it thank you thank you so who should be made let’s see ediz my throat is absolutely on

Fire oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I know I know who to wait yes I know who to raid so I don’t think I’ve gotten to um raid her yet I believe wait oh no I did I did once okay maybe I’ll I’ll I’ll switch it

Around hold on change it to I just I actually read into recently hold on okay let’s change it to wait me I haven’t R it into me in for [ __ ] forever yeah yeah yeah we will raid into M and I think she’s still going right wait 5

Hours oh oh wait wait wait this is this is really hype with the way the part she is right now it’s pretty hype so we’re going to go ra into her and um cheer her on okay okay thank you everyone for joining and I will see you all tomorrow in the big

Collab bye Bye

This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】Chill material collecting!【Yurikago Kokone | V&U】’, was uploaded by Yurikago Kokone Ch. V&U on 2023-12-15 05:42:25. It has garnered 1639 views and 311 likes. The duration of the video is 04:29:18 or 16158 seconds.

im a little tired~

Minecraft skin created by: @/KhairullahMira on twitter ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾

💭 https://twitter.com/YurikagoKokone

☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾

V&U Symphoria: ⚖️ @Liora Walkyria Ch. V&U 🌟 @Penelope Wiseman Ch. V&U

☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾

[Proper Temple Etiquette] 1. Be courteous. Do not spam or troll, you wouldn’t want nightmares would you? 2. If you witness someone misbehaving, please ignore them and simply report. 3. Please refrain from deviating the chat from what is being discussed during the stream. 4. Unless specifically mentioned, do not bring up other streamers. 5. Vice versa for me as well. Please do not mention me in other streamer’s livestreams. 6. No backseating please! You can always play the game yourself if you feel the need.

If any of these rules are broken, you will lose all divine blessings from Kokone.

☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾ ⋆ ✬ ⋆ ☾

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    Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘For-Project – набор на ПРИВАТНЫЙ и ВАНИЛЬНЫЙ РП сервер Майнкрафт Джава и Бедрок – 1.20.1!’, was uploaded by For Project – Minecraft on 2024-03-23 07:30:40. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:02 or 62 seconds. For-Project – Private vanilla RP server Minecraft/Minecraft for Bedrock and Java on 1.20.1 and 1.20.40+. Submit a request to the Discord server – https://discord.gg/HuYr3msCpb We are looking forward to seeing you! ———————————– TAGS ————– ———————— survival 1.15.2, private server 1.15.2, wipe, wipe on a private server, rp minecraft, rp, RolePlay, roleplay ,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! 😄 📢 My Social Networks ⚪ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Susro465 🟣 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/susro465_ 🟠 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/susro465/ ⚫ TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@susro465?lang=es 🔵 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/jwbtbtN2 📧 Contact: [email protected] ⚔️ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,lunar.gg,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73OSCbHaqKlhHLBpQqHPrQ?sub_confirmation=1 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! 🪵🪨🌋🏡 Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥 Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! 🐱💣 Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below ↓ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⦿ 💰 Donate: https://streamelements.com/coindetectorkid/tip ⦿ 📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/coindetectorkid #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: https://discord.com/invite/9fvKZmRgq3 Join today! IP: play.ovclub.gg Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More