This video, titled ‘Ne PREGATIM de Cea Mai *GREA* Lupta din Minecraft Medieval’, was uploaded by R0bmilian on 2024-08-15 12:02:09. It has garnered 4801 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 03:40:09 or 13209 seconds.
GETTING READY for the *HARDEST* Battle in Minecraft Medieval Lore yet: One sunny day, in the magical realm of the Emerald Forest, there lived a duck named R0bmilian. It was no ordinary duck, but one of extraordinary strength, inherited from an ancient race of warrior ducks. R0bmilian dreamed of becoming the king of this enchanted land and bringing peace to the kingdom full of challenges and dangers. One morning, Raluca gathered his best friends to start the adventure of their lives… and so it begins, the rest is live so come on too ►DONATIONS 💰PAGE:
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►PC Equipment Proccesor: I5-10400F Memory: 16gb 2600mhz Motherboard: B460M DS3H Graphics card: NVIDIA Geforce RTX 3060 TI
Minecraft MEDIEVAL cu ABONATII *Cel mai GREU Modpack*