EPIC Minecraft Megabuild – INSANE Performium Wild SMP!

Video Information

Hello again viewers and hey what happened here where’s my talking head it froze no anyway hello again viewers and greetings fellow space Travelers this is Thorn of night having a little bit of technical difficulties here my little talking head has uh Frozen in the last five minutes since I launched it that’s

Great here let me try to relaunch it again so that I can talk to you and uh you get to see my ugly mug again there we go hello greetings technology anyway this is Thorn of night welcome to Thursday March 21st of 2024 today is another manger sponge day and

Uh I I don’t remember if I left myself with 10 shulkers so I might have to make some more chisel deep slate uh during the stream that’s fine but uh I just wanted to say that I have a new Addiction in this infinite craft game I have 3,000 items

Discovered and well over a hundred first discoveries of my very own and very few of them are chains ah I’ve created a monster actually I’ve created several there’s uh Gojira there’s gamra there’s anyway uh I am just thoroughly enjoying that game but I I can’t I can’t play it today I can’t

Play it while streaming I mustn’t because today I need to work on the Minecraft on on the minger sponge anyway let me do my start of the stream stuff firstly thank you to Elm 11’s ugma Infinium Sean little cuddles and xplays Ninja zero for helping to

Support the channel in what ways you can I absolutely appreciate it and I literally couldn’t do what I’m doing without you guys and uh uh I’m I’m hoping to just keep on growing and expanding and uh I I love doing all this stuff for you guys and I love being able to have

The freedom to do it so absolutely thank you very much uh let’s see here if you have not yet joined the Discord I have a link down below for that all you have to do is pick a roll and and we have a bunch of uh little nerds over

There mostly lurking and uh having a blast sharing memes and doing nerdy stuff but one of the things that we have over there uh is Dinobot which can be summoned for some dead jokes and the first one here summoned by cuddles is did you hear about the

Restaurant on the moon the food is great but there’s just no atmosphere oh thank you for the follow Kar K conar what Kar sesp I Kar sesp no I’m reading that right I’m not having a stroke okay that that those are the correct letters c o n g a r c s

P i don’t know how it’s pronounced but thank you thank you very much for the follow um uh let’s see here the second dead joke also summoned by cuddles because she does a Comm in that does two of them apparently uh the great thing about stationary shops is there’s always

They’re always in the same place oh stationary not stationary stationary shops are always in the same place yes yes they are and this one summoned by explo Ninja zero it’s been months since I bought the book how to scam people online it still hasn’t turned up oh harsh wow wow

Anyway good dead jokes good dead jokes I have pasted the thing over on the uh performium Discord now I need to go grab my stream or my my ingame advertisement there we Go and go back up here and minimize also both the Stream and both both of the streams advertisements YouTube and twitch came through through Dinobot today so whatever it was that was going on I guess they fixed it so that’s nice uh anyway I am streaming on both YouTube

And twitch so if you would like to follow And subscribe on both that would be very lovely uh I don’t know if I get notifications when someone follows on YouTube I don’t think that’s set up the right way but at least at least I know that my sounds are working anyway let’s

Get over to Minecraft let’s bring up the chats so that I can participate uh hello chat there we go also hello cuddles hello Emma hello Vex over on YouTube uh I don’t see Loki but hello hello all oh I know why two pop up it’s because you don’t pick one or the other

It uh if you do slash dad jokes it it brings up uh an option for you to pick one of the two Dinobots but both Dinobots fire when you do it hey it’s a Hitman top I think I have that one Pokey check it says I have it nice I will not

Be wasting a Pokeball on that okay let’s get into performium 306 Players let’s go make my announcement over on candy I remembered to make myself some tea today nice yummy delicious warm tea all right I have moved I go paste I dip out Ah that’s about normal population

For wild or for candy I mean um I’m going to do doing P time at Noon P weather clear move around paste and then now I do want to check pb2 yeah I only have these five remaining let’s go and offload these excess shulkers uh home Wearhouse home their house put these in here put this one back here and then oh I think in three I’ve got some

Space for no in four I’ve got space for it yes why is there a Gap there what was there why did I have a gap oh I must have pulled something out during a previous stream okay and I just want to see what I’ve got over here

Uh plenty of Cobble deep slate shulkers to build from for later on that’ll work slash back so today I am working on uhoh there there’s a p puffy soul in the way today I am going to be working on let’s see here probably six layers maybe seven we’ll see we’ll see

How this goes a hoorde bors and a rock paper sisss in twitch chat uh RPG battle and RPS rock paper scissors I threw lizard uh Rock squishes lizard there’s the sacred memories right there that was kind of spoopy you came through the wall like a g ghost

And I know that’s just because of desync server says you’re one place my client says you’re another place and my client is the one that tells me what I see that looks interesting oh there’s cuddles I can see where she is a fantastic fantasm hello puffy hello sacred I see you oops overshot

That is quite all right KS you’ve had a lot of stuff going on lately you are under no obligation to do things I appreciate the help you give absolutely but I do not expect anything oh that was a perfect amount love it when that happens and

Mean you do a project large enough that happens an awful lot wait do I have oh I need to swap out with the coring drill uh pv30 I use misery for mining that way I can get uh plenty of resources there we go the other’s too fast

I I have just mastered the well mostly mastered the art of the single block break click you have to be very fast I don’t know if I want to count this is the first Shuler that that was a a very empty inventory andamos 10 blocks yeah whereas I got so tired of

Accidentally breaking blocks that I decided to do the extra work to figure out how to make my hand move so that I could only break one it doesn’t always work but most of the time so this weekend which technically for me starts tomorrow um because we have uh 4-day work week

Household and then 3-day weekend Friday Saturday and Sunday are all weekend um the plan is to get as much of the rest of the I guess spring cleaning outdoor busy work out of the way as possible this weekend so I don’t know if I’m going to be able to allow myself the

Liberty to stream but if I do I I kind of want to stream that infinite craft game oops oops oops because I I’m hooked and I’ve been finding some really good ones I even found Minecraft I knew once I found Cube I would be able to squeeze Minecraft out somehow and lo and

Behold I also got uh I believe Herobrine came from Minecraft but it may have come from another route I’m not sure to help with some cleaning ah that is quite all right oh speaking of RGA streaming RGA is streaming right now I I got an alert a little bit ago

That RGA was doing his uh GTA I I’m dubbing it rgta so if I if I am very lucky and someone can pester him in a polite way so that he comes over here with a raid that would be lovely he doesn’t have nearly as many viewers for

His GTA streams as he does for for his Minecraft but more eyes is better you can barely watch at 160 if you’re standing outside oh oh resolution and and signal strength also hello Loki I I have gotten some interesting uh discoveries first discoveries of my own on that infinite craft game

And none of them are as as I guess unexpected that they have not yet been discovered as Emma’s aluminum bottle that is hats off to the aluminum bottle everyone applauds the efforts of Emma aluminum bottle is a good find I have gotten a couple interesting ones recently let’s see

Here uh I let see I am I am at Halloween all right what was the one that I just got uh oh instead of Pandora’s Box I got box Pandora that took a little bit of finagling and it wasn’t what I was trying to do it just kind of oozed out Um donot duck uh a Gundam boom that was a a good one I was happy with that Mecca truck now Mecca truck I’m really happy with meca truck uh let’s see here oh there’s a horde of bors in twitch chat uh RPG battle uh oh and also Druid magic I got Druid

Magic kind of proud of that one all right where was Halloween right there we go okay yeah I have uh I have been thoroughly enjoying that game very very fun I think I got Druid by messing around with stonehinge and even with having stonehinge I still haven’t figured out how to squeeze the

Word circle out of that game it’s I’m trying to get shapes I’m trying to find shapes and and I’m having a rough time shapes numbers and colors you know the most basic things having a hard time getting them and Amora has appeared in twitch chat uh poke proy pokey

Catch Frozen ball oh whoa what just Happened uh I did not take a screenshot what was that why are you taking Screenshots stop that stop with the screenshots hello true all right that’s getting that’s getting old I’ve noticed that sometimes when I get the restart Windows to install an update message it it thinks there has been a screenshot or something is is causing it to think that there has been a series of

Screenshots I promise I was not leaning on my keyboard that was very frustrating I hope that didn’t interfere too much with my stream so does anyone have any interesting plans for the weekend so I I have been of the the I guess poor habit of uh deferring operating system updates

Because uh something happened during the administration of Windows 7 that made people uh decide that uh it was a good idea to include uh Hardware throttling updates to make you think you needed to get a new computer to update to newer versions uh they have since stopped doing that especially because they

Realize people can see it happening um and the the the effect of it is ever since Windows 7 I I just defer my updates forever there was there was one particular update on Windows 7 that would literally throttle your processor and RAM speeds artificially to make you you think you

Needed to just get a new computer uh no bueno so I I have had the I guess bad habit of deferring on the updates uh I will potentially reboot my computer and do the update tonight but ah left a bad taste in my mouth and and

And this was the worst part about it is is this was back when I was uh running a computer shop and so I I just I I don’t like updates they are mostly used for for fixing issues that are more related to uh corporate level operating system usage

Not the stuff that gets fixed usually doesn’t apply to personal PC usage some of it does eh but but not most of it and you don’t really suffer too much if you defer a little bit but I definitely need to break that habit because now some of

The updates are are kind of necessary because of compatibility with drivers and things for some of the new fangled hardware and I I’ve got the uh the the uh 4070 TI video card and I like it and I want to make sure that it’s nice and happy and healthy so

I need to kind of stay on top of that that stuff oh you are holding shers shers of stuff I’m going to guess chisel deep site look at you thank you thank you thank you yes hi Vex hi again I am glad that you taking care of your hunger

Apple claims they do that to protect older devices yeah um it’s not to protect older devices it’s to try to keep people from jailbreaking older devices CU as newer things come out it becomes easier to jailbreak older stuff and they don’t like it when people have control over their

Things if it were up to Apple all of their stuff would be subscription based subscription based iatch subscription based phone let’s see here this is the solid line a horde of flying giant wasps uh are PG battle oh you know what I forgot to do I forgot to go to the

Shop for that game and get uh fungus spray and other stuff that’s all right I’ll slowly plug along and get things four five six hello you two staying away from phone worst month of your life ooh three four five six yeah it’s hard to do things in moderation if you have poor discipline

And sometimes you don’t realize that you are uh drifting away from any discipline you have when you when you’ve got something like ADHD or whatever uh it’s hard to be oops it’s hard to be on top of all those details of your uh perception and so you

Kind of have to set a a system in place that way the system is your discipline and you don’t have to rely on self motivation for almost a year now I have had the exact same breakfast every single day because I don’t need to think about

It and it’s and it’s very fast and easy to make and I can get on with my life that way for sure no matter what I’ve had breakfast and in my breakfast routine I take uh any medicines I need P oops I will say that yesterday and today both I did not ride my exercise bike though because my hip is just I think I slept wrong a couple days ago and my hip has been just killing me to the point where I’m sitting sideways is on two extra layers of

Pillows and addition to the first pillow and the cushion on my chair here just to make it semi comfy but that’s okay I think this weekend is going to make up for any loss of bike rating have lots to do outside got to put mulch in lots of places got to reorganize the Shed uh after I moved back in here once my sister and her family managed to get moved out into a new place of their own um I I basically inherited a very very haphazard shed and I had just kind of ignored it this whole time and only used a little spot

In the front of it for the lawnmowers and weed eater and I I realized that I need to make use of more of the shed and so now I’ve got to go through and sort some things out I discovered one part of the reason why I have just

Been avoiding the shed is I discover that instead of disposing of old air conditioning units they would just when one would go out they would just store it in the shed there’s five or six window units and and I now have to uh take them to a place that’ll accept

Them I I’ve called around a couple places and most metal recycling uh places don’t take the whole unit you have to uh extract all the entire Freon system and I I have neither the tools nor the capacity to do that so I’m going to have to look around for

Another place to take them there seems to be one that I have found I’m going to have to give them a call maybe tomorrow and find out but there’s there’s a lot of space that can be occupied better by oh I don’t know containers and you know a

Wheelbarrow we we have a wheelbarrow that has been just you know kind of behind the porch all winter and I I would like for things to be you know a little bit more presentable yeah vacation from distractions like uh putting your phone aside for an extended amount of

Time uh especially if you find yourself uh reliant on your phone like like you go to it whenever you find a a spare moment um and especially if things like your phone and other devices are objects that take so much of your time that you find yourself not paying attention to

Things other than the phone uh it’s definitely a good idea to set aside some time to step away I I try to enforce a rule here at the house where for the half hour before going to bed no screen time that way our brains can deal without the blue light there’s a new

Pokemon a Kingler Pokey catch a Kingler has appeared in twitch Chat But properly applied abstinence in in things not not any one particular thing but just things in general moderation is good uh but sometimes doing without even for a brief amount of time uh makes you get a better handle on just just what function the thing is in your

Life some people do abstinence just because you know their family does abstinence for things uh monkey see monkey do but it’s it best works if you actually have an objective to try to understand and to improve I’ve gotten a lot better at strafe placing blocks sometimes I go a little over

You found a mystery box you know what’s in it dust oh speaking of dust uh I was a few minutes late in trying to get my stream started because I was trying to figure out how to make a uh a couple more redemptions that uh I could use along

With some some criteria but apparently that sort of option is only available once you uh have access to the bit redemptions uh I I could not find a way to make any uh of my my Stardust redemptions do any sort of lookup um I what I’m talking about

Is I have seen now a couple of times there are some streamers that have redemptions for a single bit or whatever single currency called first and you only get to do it once if if you are the first person to redeem it and after that it is no longer

Available and I I just I can’t do that with just Stardust apparently and there are a couple other little gimmicky things that I was trying to do that you you just you can’t it’s just here’s a Redemption here’s a description and that’s it so I’m going to have to

Uh I’ll figure out which redemptions I want to include that won’t need any sort of gimmick to go with them friend who has first for one channel point and they’re on right now Chris can okay yeah I I obviously am doing something wrong uh on my Redemption when I go to make a

Custom one there there is no way way to select criteria the fields are let’s see here uh I create new reward reward name reward image cost Redemption information description and that’s it there’s there’s no other stuff I can’t add any criteria to it I can’t lock it out or anything like that

I think that those Channel points must somehow be linked to bits once um once the no no that’s not it reset on boarding no once once you get bits it it’s got to be for one channel point and rewards you with th000 points for the stream Avatar weird weird weird micros soft

Co-pilot go away why am I getting all the alerts anyway obviously I still need to figure some things out hello how are you dead that’s how ah maybe I will try to ask you know how they did the uh first Redemption oops my luck is that there’s some other

Sort of Bot involved and I just don’t know about the bot cuz I’ve seen a couple of interesting Redemption options that that they do things and I I have no place to do things with my redemptions it’s just basically text or text to speech or whatever

Oops you want to join oh well they walked right off the edge that’s kind of rare creepers usually don’t walk off the edge I do know that going on the subject of doing without phone um I do know that it is very easy for me to get into a

Gadget whether it’s a a phone a computer a tablet whatever I I have an addictive personality so because I identified that issue I made a decision a long time ago that I’m never going to own a smartphone unless it’s the only option there is I’m never going to own a smartphone dumb

Phone for me all the way because I already have enough gadgety kind of distractions I definitely don’t need one in my pocket okay ah I was going to take a drink that’s what oh cuddles you got a silver bar for that previous combat did I I did not participate in the sirens

Oh one of the discoveries not first discovery but one of the items that I got on infinite craft uh today I was very happy with it Jack Skellington very very happy with finding Jack Skellington I I’ve been trying to get Oogie Boogie but I’m not sure that the list of items is as

Comprehensive as it could be so like for instance when it comes to Minecraft you can get Steve but I have been trying and trying and trying and trying and trying I can’t get Alex um I I for the life of me there are some phrases that I just I can’t figure out like

I I’m trying I know that somewhere there’s got to be a way to get to animals that that I can refine a little bit better I’ve gotten a whole bunch of birds and lizards and things I need to get some mammals but but even with the uh the things that there

Are I just I I can’t squeeze some items out like for instance I have managed to get tortois and turtle which is great but I can’t seem to get sea turtle I can get hurricane but I can’t get tyoon um I I think that there are some

Limitations that are going to prevent me from getting some of the stuff that I want I’ve got Wizard of Oz but I I was hoping through Wizard of Oz to be able to eventually get the Cowardly Lion so that I could maybe use that to break into mammals but I can’t

Get the Scarecrow I can’t get the lion I can’t get the tinman I can’t get Dorothy Gil I I Am I’m sure that at least some of those are going to be available but I have no way of figuring them out right now pb2 hello puffy oh a zatu pokey check Pokey catch I remember that zatu is one of the ones that I instead of doing poke Che I

Thought you did Pokemon and it would look up to see if you had it and so I thought I had a zatu but now I know it’s poke Che not Pokemon I going to have to make make sure that I uh join the Discord for the Pokemon Community

Game and and do everything that I need to to assure that I don’t uh lose the bot on my Discord or on my uh twitch as far as I can tell as as long as you give it moderator status it’s it’s good and mine has moderator status I can see the sword right

There and also congratulations you two on catching the zatu but I’m going to double down and make sure I’m on the Discord and see if there’s anything else I can do with that and and I’m going to see if maybe I can find out if they have a Discord bot also

That I might be able to add to my Discord we have these uh past couple of weekends have been a lot busier than I had hoped things will settle things will normalize and I’ll be able to get back into the swing of things also um continue continuing on that same subject I

I am not ashamed to admit that the amount of work required to finish the setup For the uh the backend parts of the Refuge to Regent challenge so that I could get everything up on the Discord and and all that kind of stuff I am not ashamed to admit that there’s a lot more work than I anticipated um and and a lot of it is just little

Fiddly busy work I would be torturing people if I had it up on stream and if I had my stream going I wouldn’t be able to focus on it but the problem is um because I’m not doing it with an audience I’m not doing it on stream I’m

Not probably doing it as doing the work on it as often as I maybe ought to but there is progress on it I was definitely wanting to get the the challenge started and if I if I had just decided to roll out with the challenge before I finished all the stuff

Then I would probably have gotten it going already and been on potentially the uh Stone stage at this point maybe it’s still in the wood stage but for sure I would have gotten past the dirt stage and uh I I would be in the middle of the challenge but the challenges information

Would not be available and I would also have to be coming up with that information on the Fly and I really don’t want to do that so that that is the delay there and I apologize for those of you holding your breath uh there is progress being done

On it but I I I would I feel uncomfortable streaming the tediousness of what I’m doing right now with it it it feels like I would not be able to uh Focus as well as I need to if I am streaming it for for the stuff that’s

Going on right now and the stuff is just super boring there’s nothing exciting about watching me Shuffle data around on a spreadsheet oops uh I’ve also remembered that I need to uh go back to all of the uh Pages for the different data packs once I get everything started and

And make an announcement saying that I I’m using their data pack in a challenge that way I might be able to get some more traffic to my Channel Through the data pack uh Forum that would be nice also I went back and looked into what uh Mike schmi the dev for Star

Explorers was doing they made it so that when I go to stream either on YouTube or twitch or both uh specifically star EXP explorers uh the stream will also broadcast on Steam I am mildly concerned that I’m going to be missing some sort of interactions over there but

I really don’t want to have another pop out chat to have to herang and Corral I I I’m having enough of a time staying on top of the horde of flying giant wasps RPG battle so I feel that if I have much more going on I won’t be able to pay

Enough attention to it oh hello oh hi Mark oh you moved and wonder to grow on haven’t seen a witch in a while Hello oh you have a shulker I presume it’s not for me why do I feel like I’ve already done that one oh no that’s the teeth weird but yeah busy busy busy never a dull moment oh on the subject of of spring cleaning clinging cleaning uh Greetings

Salco or I guess that’ be zalo SPI anyway uh on the subject of spring cleaning um I’ve got moles in my yard and they have they have been kinder to me than my neighbor which is odd but they have left some mole Hills that I’m going to have to deal

With before I mow the first time because I have discovered through years of experience said if I just decide to just Barrel through and mow over a raised mole hill what I end up with is this huge patch of dirt and or mud that covers even more yard than the mole hill

Did so I’m going to have to go out and and Tamp down some mole Hills uh but there’s there is a caveat to that um I used to uh do the same sort of thing I would I would go Smash down mole Hills and then I would stand around and

Wait and wait to see movement that’s how I would know where they were being active cuz when you smash down their holes uh if it’s if it’s time for them to be active and awake they will try to uh expand their tunnels again and when they

Do uh you get to see the dirt kind of pulse like you’ve got a little bitty uh graboid in your yard from Tremors but this also gives away their position and so I used to when I was a lot more spry take a flying lunge with a

Stick and Jab it into the mound right where I saw the movement and I would usually manage to impale the uh mole and that would be trouble gone that that particular pest no longer a pest but I don’t think I can do the running leaps and do that

Anymore not the way I used to so I’m going to have to come up with another solution if I want to do away with the moles in my yard hey hey rude that’s funny also hi clone riggy hi Lee Yes Lee how are you take a hose and soup and water to the

Whole hose and soap uh they come up for air grab them and Stow them away a frillish has appeared in twitch chat uh Pokey catch I don’t think I have a frillish yet so my yard is kind of weird being where it is located and with a combination of the different

Kinds of water runoff my yard is a mix of good soil and that stupid clay stuff my my yard is full of not only aluvial deposits from flooding but also repairing deposits from just regular normal Creek flow and the combination makes it so some things don’t like to grow in my

Yard but the good thing about that is those things do grow in all my neighbors yards and they get most of the moles but if I Tred to do those one of those standard tricks like filling the goph for hole with water and soap and all that kind of

Stuff um I’ve not had any luck with it because I think it just kind of absorbs into the yard a horde of goblins has appeared RPG battle and pl yes you can join the SMP it is mc. performium.net it is this yellow text here it is this yellow text over here on the

Right mc. performium.net three four oops five and six in fact I will also type that performium.net is the server uh and they support all the way back to uh 1.8 or 1.8.1 so I knew that the auction hadn’t quite ented ended but that means you can’t see

Your own items on auction ction all right uh pb7 yes boop boop boop let’s go ah list 1 billion okay oh not list sell there we go so ah uh it does show up why wasn’t it showing up last time then what do I look for in a man let’s

See here that would be uh usually uh being a carbon based light form now I haven’t performed much surgery so I don’t look in most people but I have seen up a few people’s noses a few times so uh I I look for a clean nose which I guess that’s even funnier

Because your username looks like it says nose it’s n8s e oh yeah yeah how mature of you Legacy launcher uh I mean I I don’t know if if you’re saying that there’s something specifically called Legacy launcher then I I have no information on that you can always try and find

Out I I do not know uh what what it responds too as far as launchers I mean I just use the vanilla launcher I mean I I launch with Forge so that I can have OptiFine so I can zoom in but beyond that uh I I don’t really mess around with other launcher

Versions so you could maybe try and find out and uh tell me that way I would know the answer to that I know people use the what’s it called the lunar client or something like that and they can play so I would imagine that it just looked for the game version

All right didn’t miss a Block and this is the first level for today’s stream or the first layer I should say and boop I’m playing on 1.9.4 uh they support all the way up to the most current version and all the way back to 1.8 okay and that’s that layer done next layer moving on yeah yeah for

Oh it’s been plenty of time I can probably try to catch let’s see here um uh W be catch oh no W be check Pokemon okay so whoy catch Pokemon Community game user has not been active in the last five minutes I waited just a tiny bit too long wait a minute my time stamp says 8:59 that time stamp says 858 oh and Pokemon was 848 either way okay

Oh you made it you made them talk that’s funny uh W be catch Pokemon thank you cuddles hey I caught it and it’s a 75% that is awesome thank you for the C combo a pick a pick in I do not see that I have received anything in Discord again oh there’s

Wyvern’s uh RPG battle yay oh uh also RPG raid forest and RPG claim archery oh archery level is too high to claim the starter items okay that is good news and bad news now I have to make arrows from now on last time I looked I was very far away

From having enough wood for making the house so I’m not going to do the mine wait can I also do the mine RPG raid mine to see all locations right desert Farm Forest oh mines plural mines plural uh RPG raid mines you recently 30 minutes between

Raids okay now I learned all right also a Min minino has appeared in twitch chat poke catch got some zomos behind me but yeah if you uh try to join and lets you then you’ll know and if it doesn’t let you then you’ll also know either way you will have done the

Science I hear you creepy crawly come on come come at me bye so you have Legacy launcher I mean it probably just checks for the uh the the game version also hello PL linguistic fun fact did do you know that the French word for rain is PL well to rain is

Plir but the actual rain itself is PL and an umbrella is called parl it is one of the only languages where an umbrella’s name refers to rain instead of Shadows in English we call it an umbrella well umra means Shadow uh in other languages zck which means Sund deck or sun

Lid and keeps out the sun parasol for the sun parasol the Sun and then in French it’s Pari I like it it’s fun you are rain Yes this and an Infinity of other fun facts are available on my channel and in my streams all the

Time I try to make sure that I stream at least Monday through Thursday in the evenings and I am looking to expand to doing some streams on the weekends but I first have to get some like spring cleaning and other busy work done before I

Can uh situate and and a lot some time for that got to take care of the IRL before you take care of the online what’s the term that people have used um instead of IRL it’s uh net space there’s 310 people in the server yes indeed uh it they’re split between uh

About a dozen different servers there’s mini games there’s p s there’s Sky Blocks there’s a bunch of different stuff I play on the wild SMP which is uh it is no longer the newest S&P the newest is 1.20 it’s called candy and Everyone likes to migrate to

The newest stuff but this is where I have all of my projects I’m not going to uproot and try to start again cuz there’s nothing that says that there won’t be another new version and so this this is a year-long project for me and I am quite happy staying on

Wild this is where all my stuff is I heard that oops this is where I turn was shot by using cook duck that’s right that that glitch that makes it so that um when you shoot yourself or I think when you shoot anyone but mostly yourself it won’t register the bow as

The cause of death instead it will register the item next to the bow in your hot bar that’s hilarious also you can shoot yourself in a claim oh guess you can uh all right well I learned a thing I thought you had to go outside the claim to do

That wait a minute this is still claimed right yep still claimed so my plans by the way after I get the these first uh the top three here up to tier four I’m going to then before I move on to the rest back here I’m going to

Probably spend one or two streams uh making the entryway more presentable that way um at the very least the walkway up is more complete I mean I have the the building and and that thin little walkway but I want to have you know a safe walkway so that people can explore to

It and I also will be making a walkway that goes and winds up toward the middle what do you do um I play on the if you have the compass in your hand you can right cck click and it has a list of different icons uh click and hover over

Any of them and it’ll tell you what the what server that is I’m on the one that is the I always keep forgetting Lily Pad it’s a lily pad right it’s in the top left it’s next to the brewing stand yeah it’s a lily pad uh and that’s

Wild and right now there’s only seven of us on wild but uh the the most active server is the candy SMP the brewing stand one that is the 1.20 and that has all the bamboo wood all the cherry wood um the I I would be surprised if there are any mysterious sand or

Gravel left on that server like I would be stunned and if you do join wild I can I can paste a wall of text that tells you all kinds of different information about how to get started it won’t be very active after a few months what candy

Won’t oh are they are they finally pushing ahead with the mega SMP 2 after all this time okay so you have to buy Minecraft to join I’m sorry man but now I know now I know the answer for if anyone in the future asks you are here in spirit

Oops I try to crack the server that’s funny now i’ I’ve been on this server since uh 2016 the owners started off as basically rolls pv2 and uh then it has slowly evolved over time to be a lower population but but more normal kind of server is there’s still a little bit of

Trolling but it’s not nearly as as much as it used to be and definitely it doesn’t attract the uh the Rabid population of Griefers that it used to back in like 2017 2018 uh I I will I mean you can try to stream it but

I I will not be in voice and until after I am done with my stream I I do not uh like to be in voice with people while streaming because of just the random nature of uh unpredictability but on top of that uh my my bandwidth is not the best

And I can see a marked drop if I try to stream anything or watch videos or anything while I am streaming like even a short can uh almost interrupt my stream oh the next layer is a new vertical chunk and even if I were to watch your

Stream if it’s saying that you need need to have a uh full version of Minecraft then there’s really nothing I can do to help other than uh I don’t know uh are there sites that have coupons but wait wait um there is a possibility if you own the game on

Bedrock then you can just merge your account and you have the Java version for free like if you already have a proper version on bedrock and you’ve uh gone through all the bells and whistles of of uh merging your accounts then you can do both

Do you have Bedrock I don’t know if you have Bedrock I think that of the two of us I would be less qualified to answer a wild kfy uh let’s see here Pokey check I know I have seen kfy I have not caught it though Pokey catch clef key is an interesting name

And as I recall it actually does resemble a key like a flying key or something cleff is like a treble cleff or base cleff in music is the key so it it maybe it’s a flying music note or something like that it’s clef key it just sounds musicy sensient

Keychain I knew it was keys I knew it was something with keys I used to collect keychains like like enough that it gave me um it gave me easily identifiable belt loop in my pants I I would keep the extraordinarily obscenely busy keychain collection on me at all times we’re

Talking at some point it was just under two lounds of keychains it was it was a monstrosity and the funniest part is back during that time I really only had three keys it was all keychains all keychains all the time I would get so excited when I’d see

A loose keychain in the wild i’ add it to my collection all right so now I do this one One three one two three and then skip those three there we go a horde of warlocks RPG battle I did not get the cff key no not authenticated with Minecraft on yeah okay so that probably like like have you played on Console if you’ve played Minecraft on

Console if you have an account like on the Xbox if you’ve played then you should be able to join because anyone who has Bedrock gets Java for free and everyone who has Java gets Bedrock for free ever since the the the whole merger thing went through

So it’s uh if you have it on Console then you can uh set that up to just be the uh the appropriate account but I I don’t know your situation I do know that people who play on VR can join just fine Kleptomaniac I’m trying to wreck my brain for the atmology it may be that both words come from the same general family let’s see here klepto I’ll just do cpto kleptomaniac okay to cover conceal save Thief steel cover or Wrapping that is different from the key that comes from CLA which means hook or claw all right yeah different Origins that would have been interesting though well goodest luck PL but anyway in French the word for key is spelled CLE EF in that case the game’s based on France

Ah so we’re talking about French words not only in the Pokemon but also Ploy over here on YouTube chat neat neat neat uhoh true is going to be in for a shock I did not know that the was a Pokemon based in France that’s interesting how am I going to do

This let’s see here um wakey wakey maybe oh I was just about to go [Laughter] fishing was that a kitty cannon by the way I totally forgot about those things I can launch an exploding bee or an exploding kitten well I was going to break the Lo under them and then go fishing

Ow hey thank you for delivering my Amazon order but you didn’t have to knock so hard sheesh water typically gets players to stand up Oh so you’re like pets was good timing for you to tab back in nice for yeah I knew that there was one set in Hawaii Kaos was France interesting I’m sure that the reason why it’s called Kaos is the same reason why France was originally called Gul now too

Far of a stretch between Gul and kale oh Callos so that’s even closer to GA call and G oops yeah I knew about the Hawaii and I knew that they did other places I just it it would never if you had asked me to list all the places I thought

Pokemon games were based in never I would never have willingly picked France I have nightbot don’t I will be check nightbot I do have nightbot and I have am hello Jarhead mac and cheese oo mac and cheese oh I need to make my chicken marinara pasta I’ve been putting that off I set

Aside some chicken for it and it’s been on my mind up late so I think I’m going to be making that this weekend cheesy chicken marinara pasta oh boy that that made my mouth water thank you mac and cheese for uh appearing I definitely absolutely am making pasta this weekend because of

You a raid a raid oh we have a Poliwag uh po Pokey come on Pokey catch a raid in the village ah oops see you got my hopes up I was I was watching Discord thinking oh is RGA actually going to raid me yes how are you doing Jarhead

Greetings I did not catch the Poliwag if I remember correctly this is one of the few Pokemons I think I am aware of Poliwag I think is the thing with the spiral on its stomach if if I’m right maybe I’m totally wrong in that’s a whole other one I would not be surprised

Based in Spain or Mexico pal Paia I don’t know the historic cognate there my avatar is borked my avatar is borked that’s twice today it doesn’t like and let’s uh pv7 and then put this stuff in here and then come back and relaunch the PNG tuber full Screen and then it’ll be little bitty guy and then scroll up so it’s 290% you know what let’s go an extra click let’s go 300% even more that way when I talk I don’t bounce all the way above the bottom there we go what percent is that that’s

320 I’m talking and and I’m not a floating shoulder here we go it’s a little better I can’t minimize this otherwise it pauses all right back to the Minecraft over here thank you for letting me know about the Avatar being borked and Ashley is redstone ranked now GG

And because I I bet they are going to uh ask about it I’m going to go ahead and say that black skull boy has a uh stream channel I don’t know if it’s twitch or YouTube but they usually ask me to uh at least mention it so there I have mentioned

Openmouth St yeah yeah he was hypnotized he’ gone into a sort of catatonic State thinking about word origins what oh I’m empty Pb2 all right that’s Layer Two today layer three oh I don’t want to be walking I want to be flying there we go layer three this one’s going to be even quicker and this layer is in a New Vertical chunk so a lot of these blocks are going to be invisible at

First or they’re going to flicker into existence like that and that’s because that dark blue line right here indicates the Border of the next vertical chunk which goes up to there and then there so on and so forth uh so every time you enter a new

Chunk or place blocks in a chunk that has not had blocks placed in it or broken from it uh ever or in a very long time it often has to make a new sub file oops not hit box what am I doing a horde of spiders RPG battle let’s get the spoter

Magic disappearing blocks it’s like invisible ink any of you ever play with invisible ink like have a spy kit when you were a kid or as an adult there’s nothing wrong with being into goofy stuff as an adult and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise being an adult is when you get

To afford to have the things and do the things that you wanted to do more of as a kid I mean if you do it right anyway growing up and growing old are two different things for oops yeah on that infinite craft game I was playing that all the way up until I

Absolutely had to start doing stuff and preparation for my stream my goal was to get 3,000 items unlocked and and I got exactly 3,000 said yep time to get to work you’re back to 155 ah te anything is fin on paperwork sign yeah I think I estimated uh

That it would be four weeks total remaining oh so at this point three weeks remaining before I am done with this section it occurs to me I’ll probably be working either on this or some other thing on the server uh on the Saturday streams uh when when I go to stream on

Saturdays that way I can be you know just already here and playing and able to do the mini games a new Pokemon it is Sur fetched Pokey catch I know I’ve not seen that before Stone ball man that platform is really far down there I caught the Sur fetched what does it look

Like come over here scroll down to see my Pokemon use please authorize the extension to what hold on reload tab pause there we go Sur fetched it’s a bird with a shield and Lance it’s a chicken it’s a chicken with a sword and board that is uh that’s

Funny I have 52 Pokemon that’s one for every card in a deck and every week in a year a horde of goblins RPG battle has contributed chocolate to the pot what what is this pot that has chocolate in it and where do I get the chocolate for we have defeated 22 goblins um

A new chunk for yeah I I was hoping to be able to use the replay mod to record some of my builds over on Duck and all the staff and edmin said uh can’t use it because it gives advantage for for wait a minute something is wrong

Here I did that thing again I knew something felt off about this for and this as well there we go sometimes I put to manyi blocks in sometimes I don’t put in enough but usually sometimes in the next couple layers I can see it and go Ah that’s what’s wrong for

A hoorde of fire giants has appeared I don’t have a bucket of water this layer is almost done that’ll be three three layers done so far this stream very nice and it’s only about 2 and 1 half hours in granted this layer that I’m doing right now is going to be the quickest

Layer that there is for quite some some time a gerder has appeared in twitch chat Pokey catch all right that’s that layer done I have one more Shuler all right let’s keep going reposition on my chair here I have this bad habit of sitting at an angle and then slowly sliding

Off and it’s made even worse because I’ve got the extra pillow I I was just going to make some more shulkers after I finished what I’ve got for consider creating a land claim to protect your work I will consider that ah so I’m living out in my head what I

Plan on doing this weekend um and I think the one stumbling block that’s proving to be the most frustrating at least as far as the planning is concerned is trying to figure out what I’m going to do with those window units cuz they they I’m certain that

They were put in the shed because they stopped working cuz there were functioning window units that replaced the old ones in the windows and these have been in there for years and years and years so I don’t know exactly what the story is but I need the

Space and I can’t just throw them away you can’t just throw away air conditioning units cuz of the freon you have to dispose of them properly by taking them to uh recycler so I think what I’m going to have to do well that was a funny placement is find somewhere that an

HVAC and say hey what do I do with my window units where can I take them in my area cuz I know I know that there must be somewhere around here to be able to dispose of them I just have no idea where And you return with some homemade mashed potatoes huh not potato grids need campfire now that’s funny did you have a waffle iron you know I suspect that if you don’t have homemade campfire store-bought campfire will do do you have a grill a barbecue pit all right I planted seeds RPG RPG Harvest

Yay RPG in wheat seed RPG plant wheat seed 4 oh RPG plant wheat uh plant I’ll just go plant wheat seed ah I have I guess maybe times let’s try that RPG plant wheat seed time 3 no how do I do multiple RPG plant wheat seed paste paste and paste again

Hooray now I probably yeah I do not have any you have to do three wheat seeds at once in order to plant one plant I don’t know how to plant multiple seeds at the same time though something for future me to learn can’t wait to meet him p pv2 uh oh

All right Home Warehouse and back that’s funny the three-dimensional location of the Thunder stayed back at the warehouse so when I teleported it uh it stopped playing the noise ah no so instead of flying backwards over those larger gaps I like to turn around and fly forward because you can’t Sprint

Backwards and you can speed up over the Gap when you’re going forward it saves a tiny amount of time but a whole bunch of tiny amounts make one large amount by my Reckoning it might at least compensate for all the oops I didn’t mean to place that theirs that happened a wild

Goodra uh Pokey catch that reminds me I have used the last of my goua cheese congratulations on the Goodra work you have caught the Pokemon did I just go shav and Haircut Two Bits huh thanks for that brain no yeah I went block block block block block block block block yeah I did

Shaving a Haircut Two Bits oh boy woohoo a horde of sand crabs has appeared in twitch chat RPG battle nice let’s see here one server experience I get no playtime bonus I get maybe one playtime bonus day every six weeks or something I don’t know what the deal

Is and it doesn’t seem to matter whether or not I am playing for a long time or not like even on uh RGA Saturdays when I check I still it still goes one server experience and I I’ve tried by hopping to the different ones

I’m on HUB one right now so if I go to HUB two I come down here still says one even if I disconnect and log back in still says one I don’t know what the deal is now if you play for 5 hours if you get more than 3,000 server

Experience you also get one gem I don’t care about that I get plenty of gems during rga’s mini games but I should be getting server experience I’ve obviously been on I have 2 hours and 45 minutes of evidence and that’s every single weekend I don’t know what gives

I think before I continue on this I’m going to top off my drink I have been let’s see here let’s see here and then morph and then Iron Golem and then andam bye what wee we oh uh where’s which one’s the oh no that’s a cloak I Want movement parachute oh I can’t drift around it has to go straight up and straight down I was going to land in the pool bummer all right anyway I’m going to go top off my drink I’ll be right back E hello Nick Robinson yo all right let’s get back on to Wild I have some more drink P time at noon p p weather clear and back to placing chiseled deep slate Unlimited fractal no it’s limited it’s definitely limited arbitrarily large fractals hello Showtime uh oh ask a question SK boy has redeemed ask a question would you make a stream of watching some of my videos in the future after I get some more content I am uncomfortable about uh

Displaying other content on my streams whether it’s music or video uh because uh it it it actually does uh there there is a system in place that will uh automatically try to do strikes and things if you uh have other people’s content and

Uh I I just I don’t want to have to deal with that mess that’s the reason why I don’t use Game music you’ll notice I’m not playing Minecraft music even though I play Minecraft uh that’s because last three or four times I tried I got an

Alert on my on my uh Channel saying that it was um copyrighted game or copyrighted music and the the process of getting it to just accept that it’s music that’s part of the game I’m playing I I’m I don’t have the energy for that and also as far as the

Streamlab uh the the Stardust I am compiling a list of things to add as additional redeems um and I’m also open to suggestion oh there are golems RPG battle yay I got some oh and you can get some Stone from the Golems nice that way I can get some Stone

Whilst I am focusing on the wood which reminds me RPG raid Forest oh also I think let’s see here RPG make wooden Stak 10 uh RPG craft wooden stake 10 um I thought it was make or craft hey it’s a minino I have one I have a

Menino I just saw it it’s right there it’s the one I caught two catches ago I I have to figure out how to make steaks again I thought it was RPG make and then wooden steak or maybe it’s wood steak RPG make wood steak 10 no okay so it is wooden

Steak I’m very confused I thought you could craft multiple I I I must be doing something wrongly 10 wouldn’t ah you know you might be right let’s try that RPG make five wooden steak Yeah that’s what it is it’s the number first I’m so used to things that ask for the

Name first and then the quantity that it just feels wrong okay I’ll have to implement that in my brain but yeah black go boy I uh I you can ask everyone else I don’t even uh like to do streams with other people in voice the unpredictable nature of otherness uh just stresses me

Out oh some trades but I will watch your stuff uh message me on Discord oh what happened did I no you did something you cancel the trade if you message me your stuff that you want me to watch on Discord I will at the very least play it in the

Background whilst I am doing something else but not while I am live and also watching a video or stream while I’m live just doesn’t work for my internet it really doesn’t I have rubbishy internet the fact that I can stream at all is miraculous thank you very much let’s see here

That’s I mean that’s that’s 10 that first one that I did was just like about this much I don’t count that as a whole Sher yeah that right there is the 10 minimum that I would want your particle effect transfer to Wild yeah uh your particle effects and everything are server wide

Um I think the only thing you can’t do is the gadgets and maybe the morphs let’s see here Collectibles you can do the hats animated hats particles pets Miniatures banners emotes and cloaks so you can’t do the emotes and you can’t do the or you can’t do the the gadgets and you

Can’t do the morphs everything else is universal on performium now you may have to activate it manually per server so like for instance you might have to go black skull boy has redeemed ask a question this is not a question so I closed my Discord so I will reopen it in

August this year until then I don’t know oh oh well then I will just try to find you on either stream steam oh steam wow either twitch or YouTube you have to do more homework speaking of homework I can’t wait to see the results of uh the

Uh the science fair whoever that was I forgot who it was that moved on to Regionals or whatever there is a plug-in call called mcmmo with uh a bunch of skills including unarmed and to activate skills you write click with the appropriate tool An empty hand is the tool for unarmed oh that was you Showtime oh okay well I definitely can’t wait until I I hear the results from when you move on to the next stage I’m rooting for you I hope you get to go all the way win all of the

Ribbons Somewhere in My Closet here I have some of my own ribbons from my school science fairs I believe I talked about that on a previous stream we only did in school science fors there was never an option to go on to Regions or anything like

That it was it was just in the school and it wasn’t until I got into high school that I learned that uh different places did it different ways and and I was very confused because people were talking about how they made it to they’re Regional and and all that and then the

State science fair and all that I was I was just what do you mean Regional science fair if by region you mean you know you’re grade yeah okay fine we we had science fair per grade and then once it was all done the best of the grades or for La a

Better term pitted against each other and then that was that was it horde of Golems RPG battle but yeah as far as the particle effect uh I think you have to activate it per server so like if you have it on in wild and then you go to Candy I it I don’t

Think it’s on by default you had to activate it there too because it treats it as um server data and the server data doesn’t actually transfer from one to another like for instance if you log out at z0 on Candy you won’t necessarily log in at z00 on

Wild it each server has its own saves and I think that also applies to what Cosmetics you are using oh what was your photo that you entered cuddles oh for oh speaking of typing this weekend also I will not probably be getting a lot of writing done last weekend I didn’t because of

All the outside time a duck looking at itself in water that sounds adorable was it a farm duck or did you just happen upon a wild duck looking at itself uh the terrain near your base is crazy I’ve got one of those exposed natural caves near my base it’s it’s pretty wild

In fact home all right what is the name that I gave to the spot home ground level is it now this hill obviously I cut into this hill to make way for my claim but this cave actually came in and this it was exposed not only here but also like

Right about here there was a big old opening and you could see into this and it was uh it was a lot more more impressive when it was fully dark back oh that won’t work back a goldbat pokey catch yeah I love that ah I love that new terrain well quote new terrain

Generation there a caves and cliffs update oh black skull boy has redeemed ask a question want to see some of my houses houses plural sure TP a BL huh very open actually literally very open very diamondy also very open oh you’ve got uh a raised uh house over your your

Farms which is very wise if you live in a flood plane nice you open an iron golem some potted plants I found your storage and your xylophone your little magic Nook and some lawn chairs well uh deck chairs I guess an electric course interesting use of the Frog lights ah nice it’s creeping

Out storage over here indoor farms for your Zounds of paper an attic and I seem to recall seeing a downstairs yes an even larger Library very vertical ah colorful what happened to your wall Red Red Robin yum excuse me you’ve got foxes they beeped at me what’s up here

Solitary yeah this has to be an eltric course very small eltric course come in here and then swoop and then swoop again what’s this wall of jobs community bulletin board homeowners association oh no that’s funny oh a split level pond that’s neat and then up here it looks like

Someone’s doing some Sky Block stuff owned by no one okay so this is pearu from 10 days ago that over there’s banish this Castle very pointy all right let’s go back to work unlike on worlds that I have I have access to computercraft on my stuff doesn’t build itself thank you for showing

Me that’s funny cuddles that’s funny no but seriously um there’s a mod called computer craft with these blocks called Turtles you can program them to place blocks and and plant things and harvest and dig and all that kind of stuff and uh I made a program where the turtles would

Just follow parameters and as long as they had blocks they could just keep on trucking and so I would start them at the end of a row and uh fill them with the blocks that they needed and off they would go I think somewhere on my channel way back I have a

Video that I talk about how I built my Wolfenstein worlds uh I did not go on the server last night uh and I I I will freely admit that it’s because I got absorbed by the uh infinite craft game he hey oops it’s just too good it’s it’s a great

Game and it scratches my brain itch you keep lagging uh have I gotten any new discoveries yet I have gotten let’s see here 182 discoveries my crowning achieve achievement Druid magic I have created Druid magic oh I lost my place where was I um it was Halloween oh it was much further up

There we go lava ninja breadman Emma has aluminum bottle which good job they say it’s a a mundane object but I’d like to see anyone try to find aluminum on with a a little amount of effort in that game it may seem mundane but it’s definitely a good ways

In the Great Wall of tribulation ha oh I do have Um either Godzilla or gamra versus me Jesus thought that one was funny a horde of skeletons if I get enough done this weekend of my pre-spring activities that I need to do in my yard I am most likely to stream some infinite craft this weekend because I’m I’m hooked and I I

Want to play it and if I’m going to be playing it I might as well stream it I’m sitting here thirsty even though I got up and got a drink most of my discoveries are just the gobbling G uh someone was lucky enough to get a discovery before I found it but it’s

Funny you know like if you have werewolf well if you have a bunch of things that have wear something or another you can eventually make something called where where where where where where a goldine this is another goal something or other uh Pokey catch I did finally get golden apple another

Question black skull boy has redeemed ask a question sir can we make a deal of nothing for nothing nothing from nothing leaves nothing but you got to have something Make a Deal nothing for nothing well I I can trade you 17 stacks of nothing at

All and in trade I will accept 43 not 42 I will accept 43 nothings I can’t go one nothing lower super duper duper duper Death Star oh no H I bet you could use the super duper duper prefix to get lots of new discoveries cuddles oh the goldine has escaped who

Do we have here sacred memories for super duper death star drill beam o I think cuddles is probably going to the corner the market on super duper stuff this is wonderful you need to make sure you super duper everything you can cuddles super duper wood super duper fire super duper tornado I don’t

Know woohoo that’s this layer done so that’s four layers today so far and it’s only 3 and 1/2 hours in let’s keep going oh let’s not go there this layer gets torches also building’s making your head hurt yeah don’t don’t overdo it you’ve got a lot

Going on give your brain rest thank you for the help that you have had if you have extra shers then uh I will gladly use them and my plan is after the stream to just make like a chest or two full of shulkers of of chiseled so we have them

Black skull boy has redeemed ask a question can you stream tomorrow please Ima Be Sue bored if you don’t I like I said I will try but weekends are uh when I need to take advantage of of the the time that I have the extra pair of hands here to do

The um the the stuff with the garden and the yard and porch and the shed and all that kind of stuff I I want to make sure that that’s all in order before it starts getting warm because trying to do all that stuff once the bugs are out heck

Um also I’ve noticed that the onion grass has started growing so I want to go try to get like an arm load of that so I can start drying it and putting it in containers for adding as as flavors because I I uh I love the fact that I

Just have this spice that grows or this herb that grows freely in my yard well thank you cuddles I I really would only uh need maybe maybe at most two or three more beyond what I have now and that’s if I place a whole lot I

Just if I don’t have to um craft them while I’m on stream I don’t want to no one wants to watch people crafting or maybe they do maybe I could do a stream where it’s just me crafting chisel deep slate for four hours wouldn’t that be

Exciting but yeah it’s it’s going to get warm here soon enough and I honestly I shouldn’t have put it off this long I should have stayed on top of the yard uh but I just I didn’t want to go outside in in 100% fairness I it’s part

Laziness because I didn’t want to go do yard work during the winter too cold too wet but now the clock has caught up to me and I need to oh uh a horde of Golems RPG battle a battle one of the things I need to take care of is uh we

Have six seven eight eight or nine bags of mulch still from from last year that they’ve been sitting behind the porch so they’re they’re out of sight from the road but they’re just you know they’re sitting on the Rock Garden behind the porch and it’s it’s kind

Of you know ho to to leave stuff like that that one made me jump black skull boy has redeemed ask a question I have to know are you a dog person or a cat person I’m a human person but I own cats I I love cuddly creatures I love cuddly

Creatures that aren’t overly bitey so I’m also a chicken person and a guinea pig person oh it’s a cuddles thank you thank you thank you cuddles um I am also a um a a raccoon person and an a awesome person I I have family members who are in the veterinary and animal

Rescue category and I uh I have snuggled with lots of raccoons and possums back when I used to go to family reunions back in the before times um also I’m a rabbit person love bunnies they’re cute and soft and cuddly some bunnies can get huge I’m talking massive I used to have

A maincoon it was pretty big then I was even outdone on that by getting a um a lynx and it it was it was a injured links and and all that it it it wouldn’t have been able to be happy out in the wild even though eventually it did go out in the

Wild um I I got used to being able to have access to big huge snuggly pets and so it I took it for granted when I went to someone’s house that they had just this massive bunny r it and it didn’t occur to me until after the visit that most bunny rabbits are

You can’t see my hands but you know like cat size they’re not the size of medium dogs but this was just an enormous brown boy it was just huge and all it wanted to do is just lay it if if it could be on your leg your

Foot your head it didn’t matter it was happy just laying uh but if I had if I had to say what my ideal pet would be probably a bat if I could happily have a bat and not have to worry about it being limited to the space of the inside

Of a house and all that kind of stuff if I was a bajillionaire oh she’s got more pb2 thank you thank you but but yeah snuggly things I love and birds snuggle birds do snuggle uh also cows cows are fun um pigs and take them or leave

Them I’m sure that they that some pigs are redeemable but all the pigs I’ve encountered have have not been pet material uh horses are you know they’re like grass cats they they they are their own rulers and they will decide if you are snuggable and I I don’t

Know of any really truly snuggable horses but I will say every cow I’ve encountered just wants to be all up in your business I think I have this Pokemon Pokey check no I don’t Pokey catch uh but yeah cat or dog person if it was limited

To just cat or dog I would probably go cat because of uh I I don’t I don’t want to have to deal with dog siiz messes cat-sized messes are already interesting and I have had more cats in my life than I’ve had dogs I’ve had all

Two dogs in my life but I’ve probably had let’s see here one two three and each of those had four so that’s five that’s 15 and then when I lived there it was 18 so that’s 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 I’ve had 44 cats in my life

But only two dogs I’ve had tarantulas I’ve had fish I’ve had uh mants I’ve had I’ve had Geral and hamsters I’ve had cockatils guinea pigs did I see your list trash pandas trash cats Sky puppies and giant bunnies oh my yes is a good list black skull boy has redeemed ask a

Question how old are you Thorne how old am I well I will say that I was born in the 1900s so I’m already old as as far as most people on the internet are concerned when I have to go fill in my date every time I have

To scroll up to get to my birth here I grow a new gray hair uh but I am going to be 44 this year congratulations cuddles on catching the Pokemon now you may notice that I didn’t include reptiles in my list of pets and that’s because while reptiles do like to snuggle for

Warmth They Don’t Really Bond they they ually identify the giver of food sure but they don’t really Bond per se uh not not household pet sized ones and despite all the things you see of people scratching Gator chins um they they those really aren’t pet material but Gators can sort of bond but

You can’t really breed the wild out of something in in just one generation uh same thing with zebras you can’t breed the wild out of them zebras zebras kill people I think zebras kill more people than Lions do a horde of flying giant Wass I thought it said Flying Giants and I

Was I was excited RPG battle but yeah I I like pets that are capable of liking back and or certain creepy crawly pets like I had in Arizona Brown t or no an Arkansas brown tarantula black skull boy has redeemed ask a question Thorn one of the Stardust

Options should be at a stream on day of chose add a stream ah well here’s the problem with that I it is limited to my availability of time for right now I stream whenever I can I mean I could would try to stream for like 2 or three hours

Before uh I I do my normal streams but other than that I I have ultimately been streaming whenever I have time even after I’m done streaming on Mondays through Thursdays I very frequently will also stream afterwards on just Discord why do you place there why you do

That but I am going to try to transition into streaming if not every day than at least one or two more days during the week because I’d like to make more progress on my things on camera and I have lots and lots of games that

I’m not playing because I feel bad if I play a game and I’m not streaming or recording it which I know I shouldn’t feel bad about that but I do and so I just I don’t play things if I can’t stream them now I am thinking of adding a an option

To oh oh that’s too many blocks an option to change what game I’m streaming during my stream uh if not on my normal days then at the very least on my uh my additional streams 10 followers left wait I got followers with Kung I have Kar followed and

Then oh yeah that says 10 followers to go what on Earth who is my new follower I was at 38 when chaos Fox followed that was yesterday who who followed me as a phantom I have a confuse oh well whoever it is I am grateful all right I did that there’s a zombie

I did some off camera mining yeah off camera mining is one thing but like for instance uh if I do off camera questing it feels scummy off camera mining though I isn’t too bad of a thing i’ I’ve actually been doing off camera mining uh a fair bit of

It it’s why I have so much cobbled deep slate cuz I still have the whole row of storage even though we’ve put in 2 million blocks oh I see but yeah I could I could go home dig I could go oh yeah I did a little

Off camera mining you know just just a little bit nothing big just you know a little off camera Mining just a little here and there you know just enough just some which extension back I I have I have several extensions I need more information pokeemon Community game RPG or whoopy refresh page worked sweet yeah earlier my extensions were broken as well I had to refresh the

Page I think it happened during that uh alert saying I have that restart pending when it took like six Phantom screenshots that was weird it it said screenshot copied and so I just I tried to paste it somewhere no screenshot nothing no new clipboard info just a weird

Hiccup How do you open the mystery boxes if you go to flash spawn and look for the sparkling Ender Chest that is the interface for opening the mystery boxes they expire after time but the ones that you craft on your own out of dust do not expire I

Think and either way the ones that you get from hub from the daily reward NPC those for sure don’t expire black skull boy has redeemed ask a question bro this aost want to stream together for fun IDK I think it will be fun don’t gotta though

Uh some of that not make sense my little we little brain Let’s uh redemptions that’s August ah August oh August ah I see maybe depends there are a couple of games that I am trying to muscle up the the Comfort to do multiplayer with other people uh other than Minecraft obviously

Uh like Terraria Starbound Syria Sam Borderlands things like that although Borderlands even when I have no music would get copyright complaints so maybe not Borderlands which is honestly a shame because I love Borderlands oh yeah the um the mystery boxes I I should mention uh the number of stars determine

Uh what rank you need in order to open them more stars higher rank I think at iron you get the first two for for sure and then I think it gold or lapis you get the three star and then I think maybe obsidian you get the four

Star and then Bedrock maybe it’s before obsidian might be diamond is for Star I’d have to go look it up I I wrote it down somewhere TM but I don’t remember where wait wait wait wait I think I do remember where just need to find it black skull boy has

Redeemed ask a question yeah I mean like Hypixel bedwars or SMP or Sky Block dungeons or some let’s see here performium Jump to this what do you get uh access to vaults mystery boxes oh no this doesn’t mention what mystery boxes you can open oh wait no gold you get to open four star that’s what it is okay so gold is Four Star obsidian is five star oh and iron rank is three

Star so iron is three gold is four and obsidian is five yeah it makes sense cuz then after obsidian it’s bedrock and the netherite and Amethyst were added afterwards okay I have it on my performium channel on on my Discord as a pin it I have a list of

What new things you get for each rank not the total that you get what new there is but yeah as far as PVP stuff uh I I will go out out of my way to avoid PVP to the point where my my helmet has my my space helmet has thorns

On it and and protection and and here’s my pick also thorns and protection I don’t like pppp I used to do um uh the halo two uh and also Counter Strike I used to do PVP back then and I was I was I would say I would say I was

Okay on Counter Strike I was I was particularly good because I had access to a fantastic connection black skull boy has redeemed ask a question Hypixel dongan is player versus server so it might be Fun why why why UPS why with the up blocks why you do that to me yeah we’ll see um part of the reason why I don’t do PVP is because uh my my anxiety is a bit much and so maybe now that I have a prescription that is to be aiding with

It maybe I can afford to do a little bit more stressful stuff but the reason why I don’t stream seven days a week anymore is because I I literally was overstressing myself to the point of physical sickness it was no bueno but at least back in Counter

Strike days because I had access to not only good connection because I uh was playing at uh my friend’s house whose dad was the operator of the Hub Hub of one of the internet service providers locally but also in his computer garage he had monitors that well at that

Time that were just huge and so I all I had to do is wait to see a couple pixels of movement and I would know there was a Target oh somewhere over there and I could just start unloading in that direction it was great sadly I never got into golden eye uh

Back then anyway I did play a a bit of golden eye long time after that um and let me just say people do not like it when you play uh what is the name of uh my brain says ragtag I know that’s not his name the the little the little guy um ah

Uh I have to Google it golden eye dwarf character a job okay I can see why my brain was saying rag tag but thanks spring thanks for trying you did your best hello Zach black skull boy has redeemed ask a question dis be stupid but could I get some more Stardust so I

Can talk like this more could you get more Stardust well I mean I think there’s um those little games like scratchers or whatever oh there’s a horde of flying harpies uh RPG battle I should still have some arrows I have zero arrows cool finger guns

Hooray out of arrows I need to make more arrows or get more arrows oh that’s right I did the claim archery and it said my archery level was too high so now I’m going to have to get uh arrows the oldfashioned way oops oops oops oops oops hello branchy now which one is

Ash Ash is bunny bloppy okay Ash Le is black skull boy okay all right Enderman War oh did you eat the the puffed chorus plant oh no no no you did the Ender or Enderman warp in Hub you’re saying in Hub yeah yeah if you go under hub it there’s

Actually a message that you can read uh uh something about x-ray or something like that I don’t remember I’ve seen it once because Hub failed to load for me and then it loaded from just on the bottom and so I’m just looking around at my feet and I’m seeing words show up hello

Hello goodbye all right very excited to see me I I said it to whatever you you told me was was common oh 10 per five minutes h well let Let’s uh let’s do change that point settings please don’t change it I know what I can do I’ll go one per

Minute yeah one per minute sounds good save and Then yeah I can’t do anything with that all right back to this I’m still putting out double what most people put out apparently 10 per 5 minutes wait no no it was 10 per 5 minutes is two per minute isn’t it no 10 hold on you said 10 per five

Minutes and so I went one per minute oh no no no yeah let’s go two per minute save settings there we go a tentacle I I think I have a tentacle Pokey check I do not have a tentacle Pokey catch I know I know I’ll do a happy

Medium three per minute that way it’s more than most people but not 10 per minute I did I made it three per minute congratulations on catching the Tentacool you guys are tentac cool so my goal is to at at the very least finish off this this layer

Tonight we’ll see how it goes I might uh go another layer I been doing a little bit longer stream lately should you post your glitch sure absolutely I I have a couple places where I can actually get under this world can do it pretty easy when you’re in my warehouse in fact

Oh it restarted and shot you out no rip sounds like you should have gotten a screenshot when you had a chance RPG battle I think I can do it again challenge accepted oops oops oops ah black skull boy has redeemed ask a question how do I win at pick a

Card uh I um I don’t know uh luck Emma says luck I’ve not actually done the pick a card thing so I I don’t know how to do it I should probably try the pick a card just so that I can explain how it

Works if I have it on my channel I I should probably make some sort of attempt to test it it’s literally pick a card and you win whatever’s on the back I see wait can I pick a card in my own stream uh no I cannot

Or at least it’s not letting me have access to that interface find the king pb2 Make it 10 again I think with the amount of of streaming that I do I I think that the earn rate is Good you’re under the arcade oh no for speaking of streams yeah RGA is no longer Streaming what was that about steamed hams I think that thing from the symptom symptoms The Simpsons the symptoms yes it’s the show is now called the symptoms I have declared um with the Aurora four five six one 2 three four five six a horde of werewolves uh I don’t have any

Silver I give you B uh black skull boy has redeemed ask a question got to go for the night please please please please please please stream tomorrow I will try and if I do stream it’s probably going to be infinite craft it’s either that or zor grand Inquisitor

Because I have been itching to play that again three Four five six four five six there we go I need to figure out if the uh infinite craft game has a way to actually remember you so like for instance uh it probably uses cookies um and that’s fine but if you go to another device then you no longer

Have your discoveries or if you uh I have to start over on a new computer or something so uh it feels kind of awful if you don’t have the an ability to save your progress like I’m afraid to close down my browser because I don’t know what’s going to

Happen is it going to remember my layout when I log back into it or when I navigate to the page again I keep taking screenshots so I can remember where I am gorup all right uh this sounds like it’s going to be a scorpion so let’s see here pokeon score

Rup HP 40 so that heal ball doesn’t work well Pokey catch let’s give it a try I caught it what do you look like a has new friend uh refresh yeah yes it looks even more lovely than I anticipated I love it I shall build a creepy Crawley team just to have the

Team how many are in a Team Six six and team and I seem to recall that you can have three teams is that correct I’d like to have a creepy Crawley team and eldrich team and a goth team that’s what I want to go for will I

Fight with them nah they’re just my teams read game chat please why is everyone moving away from me do I no I don’t think you are mean You simply you seem to Simply exist so far as I Know neither Lent or vent Yeah I think what I’m going to do with the Pokemon thing is um just play it by ear and make the three teams and uh if I find a new creepy cwy that that fits better than ones that I already have then I can swap out but I

Don’t want to plan ahead and go I I must Target getting these for my teams I kind of want to be surprised cuz it’s not like I can force them to happen anyway I’m I’m at the mercy of RNG so it’s whatever I manag to catch is what I will be using for

For for is the stream back is the stream back successfully connected uh RPG battle okay refresh yeah you can’t hear me I uh establishing all right let’s let’s see here come back to this come back to here um it looks like I’m live okay video good audio bad all right

Okay now is the YouTube stream also okay YouTube stream is still relatively live is okay there we go ah B here I need better internet D dud yeah watching streams and streaming or watching videos and streaming at the same uh wild restarts every 12 hours uh

So right now for me it is p.m. my time so Central Time I wish I wish I wish that my internet did not do that another something that I need to take care of soon it’s figuring out the internet stuff D do if anyone can hear me please let me know

I don’t know if I’m audible yet if I go try and to watch My Stream uh my my net goes all Derpy oh wait a minute this is the solid line four five six Pokey catch and in did did I cut out again I uh I I have not received any new message

Saying I cut out it’s was just the one eight minutes ago I don’t know if my sound has come back though that’s the problem I should be making block noises and music noises and occasional talking noises a I didn’t catch it audio is 50/50 well I’m going to finish this layer and

Then wrap up for the evening anyway I wish it had waited you know just a smidge longer a horde of vampires yeah it’s 220 for me but that’s not bedtime for me um I am probably going to be up until 5: like I always am Four five six okay sound is working on YouTube thanks internet hey Zach hey Zach Arina so I’ll be finishing this layer which is now and placing the Torches and then I’m going to wrap up so let’s get pv2 let’s get some torches in here and fill all of these with

Light because if I don’t do it now I will very probably forget to do this on the next stream and I don’t want to forget sound is working on YouTube but not on Twitch I I have no way of fixing the sound issue on Twitch uh it’s it’s just

Annoying very frustrate much much anger are you a creeper hello hi much better now on YouTube good good no your Showtime oh it’s showtime I remember you you joined YouTube first I think and then you joined the server and then you joined the twitch streams if I remember correctly I think that was

You Who am I talking to I’m talking to Showtime Showtime is one of the illustrious names whom I have managed to through my simple existence convince to play on performium who Showtime Showtime is not on the server right now uh they are just simply watching um they are uh relatively new I I I

Think it can’t be even a whole month I don’t think I I don’t even think you’ve been around for a whole month yet unless unless my brain is Crosswire let’s get more torches in my hot bar I don’t think it has been an entire month ah you’re in Hub you’re breaking the enman

Warp that’s right you were trying to recreate the thing uh you found other places but haven’t gotten to where you were been 3 weeks okay all right three more passes in this direction and then I fill in the second batch in strategic locations actually this layer may not need the

Second batch come to think of it I’ll go look at the front end after I’m done with these two passes and we’ll find out because I think that there’s a whole exact copy of all these layers that gets sandwiched right on top and if that’s the case then

I don’t need to illuminate up only down and down two torches are sufficient there’s two stacks of torches or three stacks or whatever let’s go look up front yeah I don’t need to do two rounds because all of this is going to be solid blocks I I

Would only need to put in extra torches if it’s going to be an opening like for instance if I come down here I need to illuminate this entire 9×9 area all the way to the corners so I have to put in four torches here but if I’m just in here just these little

3×3 two torches is adequate uh come down here and go F3 you can see that my uh block light over here where it is the it says XYZ block chunk facing the next line is light it says 14 sky and two block two block means the block itself which cannot see

The sky anyway uh has two light and it’s coming from that right there and then this over here this is also three block this is four block we have uh three four and then over here is uh four and two and that’s because of strategically placed torches

Is I’m getting so close to that it’s it feels like I have been working on this much longer than I have but at the same time it feels like it’s going by real fast now a lot of that’s because of the wonderful help from cuddles cuddles has been doing all the

Stuff back here while I’ve been all doing all the stuff up front and as a result stuff’s just getting done look at that but anyway Let’s uh might see an Enderman relaxing in the water oh no H oh I just remembered something uh ender chest is this where it is ah

Yes remember to like And subscribe because it’s likeing you see anyway uh I’m going going to go ahead and well first off pv2 put the rest of the Torches back put you here and that means if I take this out I have done that’s 10 I’ve done 11 shulkers for sure I’m

Happy a happy happy guy oh a rufflet has appeared in twitch chat uh Pokey catch perfect screenshot of the hidden message let’s go look at this mess with the hunk you get the bunk yeah okay there it is nice that’s funny speaking of Discord I do have a

Discord anyone who’s watching that isn’t part of it if you follow the link that I have down below and pick a roll you can be on my Discord uh it’s just a whole bunch of us dorks and nerds over there just you know mostly lurking sharing memes and uh occasionally gaming and

Stuff um but you won’t be able to see anything unless you pick a role so do remember to do that uh I am going to just go ahead and wrap up here though so let me switch to the talking head hello what is

The I have to bring this up I put it at 320% okay so 320 I was able to just for a brief second see under my chest there for just the smallest bit so if I go 330 that should be enough and even if I go super loud my hat still stays within

The bounds of the screen I think that’s good 330 I’ll have to remember that I’ve been I’ve been doing 290% and uh when I do that and I talk my my my my shoulders bounce so high that the bottom of my avatar floats off the screen so

320% is is good it’s going to be a lot of sound for me to be able to bounce all the way up so that’ll be over right anyway that’s going to be it for me for today uh let’s see who might be live Zaron is live so we’re going to raid zachar

On it’s uh oh there’s only one of us watching maybe I won’t rate out but anyway uh I would like to say thank you guys every so very much for watching and hanging out I appreciate the company if you have any questions comments or suggestions like I don’t know

Suggestions for redeem options and things like that please leave them down in the uh comment section in YouTube or you could message me over on Discord if you like my content please do give it a like I appreciate it and it does help and if you haven’t already

Please subscribe on YouTube and follow on Twitch I am still growing I’m 10 followers away from affiliate uh so I’m I’m eager to get there but that’s going to be for future me to obtain right now me is hungry again thirsty again and I’m I’m I’m staring at that tab for infinite

Craft so I’m going to get off of here and then I will be getting myself some food and joining voice on the Discord for the Post stream chill session um but until I talk to you later I well until I talk to you next time which is for sure going to be

Monday but I might be able to stream this weekend it just depends on how much work I get done anyway this has been thorn of night playing Minecraft on the performium wildest P building a giant manger sponge and I will be doing some more of the same on Monday Mondays and Thursdays

Are my manger sponge days uh this project will probably be going for about another four weeks or so uh for for until I move on to the back end to start helping cuddles so this this front wall that I was working on today is going to be you can’t see it

On that screen great uh the front wall is going to be done in about 4 weeks the project hopefully will be done by June 30th but uh that’s big stuff for future me who are we raing uh oh there’s there’s a couple people in the the viewership now so actually why don’t I

Go RM raid message zachar is actually playing Minecraft I’ve never seen zon play Minecraft awesome so we’re going to raid over to Zaron let me bring in raid z h a k a r o n awesome uh anyway this has been thorn of KN playing Minecraft on the performium wild

SMP to raid messages greetings fellow space Travelers and I will talk to you later let’s go raing

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Double Megabuild | Performium Wild SMP’, was uploaded by thornofnight on 2024-03-22 05:59:37. It has garnered 75 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 05:01:48 or 18108 seconds.

Remember to subscribe! Let’s get to 3k subs!!! Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpMDPr03OTxNmSYcJAineRQ/join Support the channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/thornofnight Support the stream on Streamlabs: https://streamlabs.com/thornofnight Support my writing: “Vacancy on Samson Lane” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CFXM9QM “My Father’s Son” https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08M3GYNSH

Join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/ndmrezRhNu (remember to pick a role) Come play with me on Minecraft at MC.Performium.net

Mega means million, and we’re two million blocks in. Let’s get to 3.2 million!

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    Time Traveling Chaos on FableSMP EP 88Video Information This video, titled ‘Steeped In The Past { FableSMP S3 EP 88 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-02-23 22:41:34. It has garnered 643 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:21 or 2781 seconds. Hi Hi! This is Episode 88 Season 3 of Wolf’s journey on the Fable SMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today the Wolf and Ulysses have a long awaited talk and after Wolf finally reads the note from Centross.. Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch https://www.twitch.tv/artfulrenegade Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! Season… Read More

  • 5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯

    5 Mind-Blowing Minecraft Redstone Hacks! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Redstone Viral hacks….’, was uploaded by FALCO GAMER on 2024-03-15 06:59:14. It has garnered 6327 views and 146 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. #macaddon #steelwing #falcogamer #lucon #technogamerz #minecrafthacks #minecraftredstone Minecraft challenge #shorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftredstone #redstone #redstonebuilds #redstoneviralhacks Thanks for being part of our Minecraft community! Your support means everything. Let us know in the comments your favorite Minecraft moments, and don’t forget to share the love by subscribing and exploring more of our shorts! #MinecraftShorts #Shorts #MinecraftGaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #macaddon #falcogamer #lucon #dream #steelwing #senpaispider #nizgamer #lapatasmp… Read More

  • Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODES

    Godzilla vs. Zombie Father in Monster School! SEASON 2 ALL EPISODESVideo Information This video, titled ‘Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Godzilla Minecraft on 2024-02-25 10:24:51. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Monster School : Zombie Boy And Bad Zombie Father SEASON 2 ALL EPISODE – Minecraft Animation … Read More

  • AKSH

    AKSHAKSH.lol is a 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 True Anarchy Server that provides a interesting experience with a small yet loyal community. aksh is the perfect server for people who are overwhelmed with 2b2t and want a less intense anarchy experience. Join now while spawn is easy to escape! aksh.lol Read More

  • PaduaMCC | Smp & Realms

    PaduaMCC Bedrock Faction Server Choose from 6 different kingdoms with unique build styles, goals, and opportunities. Explore great add-ons that enhance the Vanilla style in unimaginable ways! Join the Discord server today to become a part of this exciting community. Message for the Discord link. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Achievement Unlocked: No More Problems

    “Looks like this meme has achieved a high score in both comedy and problem-solving!” Read More

  • Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back!

    Roblox Deathball: Cursed Spirit Boss Strikes Back! In the world of Roblox, a cursed spirit boss, Ian and Ethan face him, no matter the cost. Their skills put to the test, in a battle so grand, With teamwork and strategy, they make their stand. Dodging his attacks, with precision and speed, Their determination, a powerful seed. To defeat this boss, and claim victory, In the world of gaming, they make history. So join them on their journey, subscribe and see, The adventures they have, in Roblox and BTD6. With laughter and fun, they’ll entertain, And bring you content, that will never wane. Read More

  • Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale!

    Masha and the Bear vs Banana Cat: Battle Royale! When Masha and the Bear team up against Banana Cat Spawn, you know things are about to get wilder than a jungle gym on a sugar rush! #minecraftmadness 🍌🐱🐻 Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 – Danger Lurks!

    Surviving Minecraft: Day 3 - Danger Lurks! Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: A Relaxing Journey Through the World of Blocks Embark on a serene adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG, in his Minecraft Daily Survival Let’s Play series. This vanilla survival experience offers a tranquil escape from the chaos of everyday life, inviting viewers to unwind and explore the vast possibilities of the blocky world. Immersive Gameplay Experience Join Solomon as he delves into the intricacies of Minecraft, from building and exploring to caving and collecting trophies. With natural regeneration turned off, the stakes are higher, requiring strategic use of golden apples and… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Better Minecraft Experience! Welcome Minecraft enthusiasts! Are you looking to take your Minecraft content creation to the next level? Do you want to grow your channel and increase your views and engagement? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded players. Just like in the YouTube video “1 Mistake Every Minecraft Youtubers Make (FIX THEM TO GROW FAST!!)”, where creators learn about common mistakes and how to fix them, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. With a focus on player interaction, PvP… Read More

  • GamerFleet’s Overpowered Weapons Exposed!

    GamerFleet's Overpowered Weapons Exposed! GamerFleet’s Super OP Weapons Unveiled in Minecraft World Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can lead to unexpected discoveries, and one such revelation was made by a curious player who ventured into GamerFleet’s survival kingdom. In a thrilling video, the player uncovered GamerFleet’s secret base within a majestic castle, where an array of powerful PvP weapons awaited. The Quest for OP Weapons As the player delved deeper into GamerFleet’s world, they embarked on a quest to locate the legendary OP weapons rumored to be hidden within the kingdom. The anticipation grew as they navigated through the intricate pathways and… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Wolf – Minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Wolf - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’, was uploaded by Wolf Heart on 2024-04-13 07:28:59. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:19 or 8539 seconds. JOIN THE DISCORD https://discord.gg/ktsgevykzT #minecraft #mine #craft #steve #creeper #letsplay Read More

  • Psycho Family Chaos in Minecraft

    Psycho Family Chaos in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Having a PSYCHO FAMILY in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Aphmau on 2024-03-17 20:47:03. It has garnered 2028008 views and 36147 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:17 or 1097 seconds. Warning! This video gets CRAZY! 💜 Come take a look at my merch! 💜 https://aphmeow.com/ ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aphmau_ ====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .==== ★ Aaron: Jason Bravura ★ Zane: Kestin Howard ★ Ein: Chris Escalante ★ KC: MegaMoeka NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft. #Minecraft #Aphmau Read More

  • Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!

    Unreal: Prism Water Minecart Boats in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Water Minecart Boats? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Prism on 2024-06-15 11:00:05. It has garnered 74535 views and 2074 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥

    Insane Minecraft AI technology🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ai video 📸📸📸’, was uploaded by @ All Gaming on 2024-05-29 08:24:58. It has garnered 446 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. #Minecraft Ai video my channel subscribe please 🥺 #Minecraft #Ai video #Ai #games #gaming #gameplay minecraft site not working minecraft site for building minecraft site drive.google.com minecraft store april fools minecraft store addons minecraft store app minecraft store apk minecraft store amazon minecraft archeology site minecraft altstore minecraft account store minecraft app store account minecraft store build minecraft store bedrock minecraft store building ideas… Read More

  • Shocking Dad’s EPIC Minecraft Skills – Switch Edition!

    Shocking Dad's EPIC Minecraft Skills - Switch Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay | Nintendo Switch @minecraft #minecraft’, was uploaded by Proud Dad on 2024-05-20 15:00:14. It has garnered 34 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. Exploring the Endless Creativity of Minecraft on Nintendo Switch Minecraft, the game that has become a cultural phenomenon, continues to thrive on the Nintendo Switch platform, offering gamers an expansive world of creativity and adventure. With its blocky, pixelated charm, Minecraft has captured the hearts of millions, transcending age, gender, and gaming experience to become a beloved pastime for players around the… Read More

  • SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey’s Epic Adventure

    SECRET Spiral House Found in Minecraft?! DJ and Monkey's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft’, was uploaded by DJ and Monkey on 2024-05-07 17:00:35. It has garnered 21526 views and 145 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:42 or 1122 seconds. JJ and Mikey Found SECRET SPIRAL House – Maizen Parody Video in Minecraft OG Maizen Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial #maizen #jjandmikey #minecraft #video #minecraftvideo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cm0qaXi9THA Sneaky Snitch by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4384-sneaky-snitch License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Read More

  • P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraft

    P.N Journy: EPIC Tree House Build 💥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Simple Minecraft Tree House ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecrafttreehouse’, was uploaded by P.N Journy on 2024-05-13 14:17:53. It has garnered 2832 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #minecrafthardcore #shorts #shortsvideo #shortsfeed #shortsviral #shortsyoutube Hardcore Minecraft Days 2000+ Trailer | Pankha-Booi | Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551572402826 FINALLY I ESCAPED FROM GRANNY’S HOUSE | GRANNY 3 I BEAT Garten Of Banban 7! (FULL GAME ENDING) We Played The Weird Steam Game Again 100 MEMOREST Vs GOD BELLENOIR! 😱 PALWORLD | Techno Gamerz | #56 I BOUGHT A… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!

    Minecraft Madness: Epic Mansion, Secret Base, Cliff House!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gameplay Fun, How to build a Mansion, How to build a Secret Base, How to build Cliff house’, was uploaded by Minecraft Junction on 2024-06-07 16:57:13. It has garnered 29 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:14 or 134 seconds. **Minecraft Gameplay Fun!!** Welcome to an epic journey in the world of Minecraft! Join us as we dive into some exciting Minecraft gameplay, filled with adventures, creative builds, and handy tips. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this video has something for everyone. Remember to subscribe,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #Shorts

    Insane Minecraft Mobs IQ Test! 😂 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mobs IQ 😂 #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-01-13 03:30:31. It has garnered 2530 views and 82 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft videos and short comment which type of videos you want next time! Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft videos Minecraft world Minecraft survival Minecraft creative Minecraft hardcore Minecraft logics Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft horror facts Minecraft funny videos Minecraft memes Minecraft graphics Minecraft shaders Minecraft texture Minecraft RTX Minecraft SMP Minecraft moments Minecraft rarest moments… Read More

  • Batya Mine

    Batya MineКлассический сервер без модов для тех, кто просто хочет спокойно поиграть без вайпов. classic.batyamine.ru Read More

  • Constructia Freebuild – Creative, Semi-vanilla 1.20 with WorldEdit, CoreProtect.

    Welcome to Constructia Freebuild! Constructia Freebuild is a small, laid-back, freebuild creative server where you are welcome to join and build with others. We have two worlds to choose from – one with normal vanilla terrain and one that’s superflat. Our server offers protections such as the CoreProtect plugin for real-time rollbacks, anti-exploit plugins, and world backups for exceptional circumstances. We want our players to have the freedom to be creative without any restrictions. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/8W3wkJSjat Server IP: constructia.ddns.net (1.20.x) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bloke tried to slay me

    Minecraft Memes - Bloke tried to slay meIt looks like Blud needs to work on their PvP skills in Minecraft! Maybe they should stick to building instead. Read More

  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

    Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No worries of exams, just fun and delight, With funny animations, he shines so bright. Creating content that’s safe for all to view, His channel is the place for a happy crew. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe and join in, don’t miss out on them. From classroom series to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Neighbor’s Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap!

    Neighbor's Portal Upgrade: Hotter than a Cat Nap! When your neighbor upgrades their portal but you’re still stuck in the Stone Age of Minecraft. Looks like it’s time to start buttering them up with some catnip bribes. #DesperateTimes #DesperateMeasures 😹🪨🚀 Read More

  • Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7

    Bedrock Pickaxe & Time in a Bottle! | Minecraft Submerged #7 Minecraft Submerged: Exploring the Underwater Questing Modpack Embark on an exciting underwater adventure with the Seaopolis Submerged modpack in Minecraft. Dive into a completely customized world teeming with unique mobs and structures, all set beneath the ocean waves. From the overworld to the nether and beyond, players will navigate a challenging survival experience unlike any other. Survival Beneath the Waves Players start their journey in a small room submerged under the sea, tasked with not just surviving but thriving in this oceanic realm. The Seaopolis Submerged modpack features classic mods like the thermal series, opolis utilities, and strainers, offering… Read More

  • Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile

    Ultimate Lag Fix for Minecraft Mobile How to Fix Lag in Minecraft Pocket Edition and Mobile Are you tired of experiencing lag while playing Minecraft on your mobile device? Look no further! Here are some tips and tricks to help you reduce lag and improve your gaming experience. Optimize Your Settings One of the first things you can do to reduce lag in Minecraft is to optimize your settings. Lowering the graphics settings, render distance, and disabling fancy graphics can help improve performance on lower-end devices. Use a Lightweight Texture Pack Another way to reduce lag is by using a lightweight texture pack. Some texture… Read More

  • Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!

    Monster Party with Prof Mush! Subscribe for 1v1s and more!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS BUT SUB = SUBSCRIBE (parties, 1v1, cs and tournaments)🔴’, was uploaded by Prof Mush on 2024-05-05 17:29:28. It has garnered 299 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:37 or 10897 seconds. hive is live chatgpt is taking over now… Title: “HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS – Minecraft Adventure Awaits!” Description: 🔴 Greetings, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! 🌍✨ Get ready for an epic journey as we dive into the blocky world of the HIVE LIVE WITH VIEWERS livestream! 🚀🎮 👾 Join us for a pixelated adventure where the Hive Minecraft… Read More


    UNSEAKABLE FAN'S TERRIFYING MINECRAFT SEEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘ScArY MiNeCrAfT SeEd’, was uploaded by unseaakable fan on 2024-02-26 21:53:34. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:24 or 564 seconds. not for kids Read More