EPIC Minecraft Modpack: SUMMONING a BEAVER!

Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome back to all the mods seven um in the last episode we started on we can’t really see it out there oh god we started on um occultism that’s what the mods called it’s a pretty pretty scary sounding mod um but essentially we’re currently setting up a ritual

Which um you can activate within their cool little book here so i think we’re doing um oh i’ve already looked at it so to the back here um hedren’s lure so we can click visualize and we can actually paste this down here and we can see what

We need to fill in um so last episode we set up you know these plates and all that and we set up this uh white chalk on the ground this episode we need some gold chalk which is going to be this outline here and then we also need candles so what we

Quickly did right at the end of the last episode is over there yeah over there in the wall we set up a bit of a farm so it’s just got some animals in it some mobs um and that reminds me i actually need the watering can possibly both depending on

What we do here um because i want to breed some of them because we obviously we’re going to need some well for one we need leather right but the other thing is allegedly what happens here is in order to make candles which we need and we need white candles

Um actually not these ones we need occultism white candles so these ones here we need tallow and tallow um drops from pigs cows sheep horses and llamas with the butcher’s knife oh you know what i didn’t read that part last time um butcher’s knife

Here we go so i guess we’ll craft one of these doesn’t seem too bad sticks an iron um so we’ll do that now you might be wondering okay but what is this occultism stuff to be honest i don’t know what we’re trying to craft though is this thing right here

Summon beaver familia the beaver familia um provides increased woodcutting speed to their masters and harvest nearby trees when they grow from a sapling so we’ve got like a free tree farm maybe i i don’t really know but we’re going to try it out because it sounds pretty cool um butcher’s knife yes let’s

Go ahead and do that um so this should be pretty simple actually you know what we need a little bit of iron now i will say just in case some things might look a little bit different or a little bit weird um i tried updating the mod pack i

Was using the gd launcher and it deleted my entire instance and so you might wonder what that means that means it deleted the world and the mods and everything so i actually had to recreate a lot of this stuff i had to recreate the bridge i had to recreate

That stuff over there so some things might be slightly different but i tried to keep everything as accurate the amount of issues i i usually have with these series is phenomenal this has been one of the few series that has actually gone quite smoothly for me and that’s that’s saying something

Considering we just had the entire series delete itself um so anyhow we have this arm here now we can use this watering can which as you can see it grows things pretty well into 3×3 like you know that’s not bad then we have this guy and in a 3×3

As you might be able to tell ah i mean this one it feels like it grows stuff faster i will say i could be wrong but the other thing is um this watering can here it uses actual water like i have to fill this guy back up with blocks to um you

Know keep him going whereas this other guy as you can see he’s just filled you feel him once and he just he’s like yeah sure yeah i’ll i’ll keep watering i’ve got infinite water um so yeah i’m just getting a little bit of this so that we can potentially breathe

The cows i think we’ve got one more cow in there so i’ll just grab this there we go that’s our fourth piece of wheat oh we had sheep as well i could have farmed um oh i ran past it already so up here this was the little farm we

Made it’s nice and neat oh you know what that’s an inconsistency that uh that red carpet shouldn’t exist we only had one i believe so there we go um just to keep things true so we’ve got these cows so i’m gonna obviously breed them up now

For candles i think we needed like four of them which means that like was it four or was it eight that’s that’s my little predicament at the moment i’ll tell you what i want to breed a few more just in case we do need quite a bit right

Um a lot of that stuff we can do off camera and you know what this episode let’s let’s try to actually just stick to our guns we’re only going to do that okay we’re going to finish this occultism stuff before we do anything else before we even think of doing

Anything else so i’m going to sit here i’m going to farm this up a little bit we’ll breathe the the sheep and i’ll be back all right while we’re actually here there is something else that we need to do um while we’re waiting for you know

The animals to breed and stuff um to get this occultism stuff working so for the gold chalk like if we ignore the candles for a second we still need this chalk we’re going to need glowstone which i oh you know we might not actually have that

Okay we can go down into our mind and actually grab that or into the nether which has which whichever is easier whichever um so we’ve got gold dust that should be easy as well we can easily just grab some of this and macerate it up um and

Then what’s the last bit another piece of chalk so this is actually going to be smelted other stone and then burnt ashes so what we want to do is grab one two three of this and then one two three of that this stuff can get smelted in there so

That should be fine um this stuff will have to drop onto a fire um a special fire which we’ll make with um flint and steel and one of these demon fruits that we made um what else did we need oh yeah the glowstone hmm oh our copper yeah we

Found a bunch of copper um i think it was at the beach oh now that copper is probably still there um so i’ll just have to remember not to mine that copper up again or else we’ll just have like we’ll have accidentally duped it so it’s fine that’s fine you guys don’t

Need to worry about that um what else what else glowstone yeah i’m pretty sure we only found like one piece of glowstone to be honest i think this is um like that’s not actually our glowstone i’m pretty sure that’s cheated glowstone so what i’m gonna actually do is if we go back

Down into the overgrowth area we were in the last episode so all the way down here we should be able to actually um i need a pickaxe we should be able to grab that that stuff right back up i might have to actually dig to it again because because

Once again it doesn’t really exist um which reminds me should we make a paxil um you know i don’t think we have the materials for it we’ll just make just a simple pickaxe all right so i think this is the room i’m heading to down here i just thought

I’d give you a little bit of an update all right sure enough we have broken into what is probably the area um yep up here we’ve got some glowstone um so that’s all we need uh we can grab a little bit more just to make sure that

You know we don’t have to come down here again all right the gold’s done um i’m gonna chuck in the iron that we just melted up and we’ll run back um so now we have the glowstone so we should be able to make the chalk um i’m going to set up the

Fire so that we can get the ashes and then all we need is the tallow so that should be pretty easy i’ll show you how the fire works we have the flint and steel we have this we have the wood i think that’s all we need to throw in

This so here we go we’ll run over to this area so we don’t set our base on fire we’re gonna drop down that set it on fire then drop in other world wood and we should hopefully see yeah it spits out some ashes we can i don’t have my little portable um

Doohickey what’s called my portable crafting table let me let me go ahead and grab that guy here we go crafting table on the stick um so what are we after we want to go ahead and make chalk so this is going to be impure white chalk

And then we want to turn it into impure golden chalk and then this chalk actually believe it or not needs to go right back into that fire so we’re going to have to make another one which should be fine i just need to get my hands on

Another bit of dragon fruit or sorry demon fruit which you get from obviously the the demon seeds we grow in here all right that was pretty easy to get drop that down drop in impure chalk and it should pure purify it so here we go and now we just have golden chalk

Excellent so the final step now as far as i’m aware is getting our hands on some of this tallow so we’ll run back up here we’ll see if these guys are ready to be bred they actually are so you know i can go and farm a little bit

More wheat now we’ll breed them up and then we’ll see exactly how much we get what are you chocolate mining bee hold on hold on hold hold hold the phone chocolate mining bee what do you make the problem is i don’t see any chocolate honeycomb chocolate mining bee you can make a

Quarry bee or a redstone bee oh um oh did he just did he go into a nest yeah yeah inhabitant chocolate mining bee this guy might have spawned instead of the nomad bees that we had um i made sure we got the zombie back i

I spawned this guy back in um yeah he’s doing well okay nice um yeah yeah i’ll be back with some wheat alrighty so that should be the cows really bread we can get the sheep bread and then i don’t know oh yeah the butcher’s knife

I was gonna say i don’t have a sword but we want to use this so i’m gonna jump and try and create these guys i’m gonna hit them all oh hold on we killed like one yeah only one actually died and we currently have four taller from there

Okay okay that’s a lot better than i thought i i didn’t count how much teller we actually need or or how many candles um but we’ll go here do we have string i don’t know how we no we don’t now i think we can use industrial hemp

Or even flax we might have some flaxseeds no we don’t flak string what does the hemp use hemp um give you a second let’s search string string should give us some recipes right we should be able to yeah flax can turn directly into string so or regardless of

Which flax you have um we should be able to run back over here we’ll swap out um probably two of these little dragon fruits here or i keep calling them dragon fruits the demon fruits um these should grow yup it looks like they’re already growing pretty rapidly i’ll make

Sure i’m harvesting everything else around there in fact i might as well be doing it here because it does it in three by three um so i’ll grab this stuff we’ll get us the string that we need and we’ll make the candles nice this is going well i’m feeling good i’m

Feeling a lot more relaxed a lot more calm oh okay okay i think this is actually done i think yeah you break the top and then you get um industrial hemp fiber and three of that makes a string cool okay nice and then the bottom part stays

Built so then all it is is whenever that little top bit creates you just punch it and you get some flex it’s actually pretty you actually get a decent amount like look that like that is i mean we’re just burning it like crazy so yeah it’s pretty cool

All right so running back over here you can actually see it looks like we need yeah we do need eight candles so we’ll have to go back for more but we can set up the rest of the stuff so string here for white candles we’ve got our golden

Chalk as well um so we can place down the golden chalk like this and you can actually see the bit at the top here you can see it uh going up um as we place these down so they don’t need to be whatever like specific pattern is

Flashing on the ground it just has to be the right chalk or at least that’s my understanding currently well i guess see if this even works when we’re done but here we go so we’ve got all those um the candles we can place these down yep the

Number went up so we are using the right candles so there we go um so all i need is four more taller and two more string and then i think we’re in business i can probably empty my inventory a bit as well in our storage system which i’m

Still so happy that the fact that we got this set up so early like man if you’ve watched any other series we’ve done it’s like it’s phenomenal it’s phenomenal how much better it is just to have like i can just throw stuff away you know i mean

Throw things away with that being said i do want to grab back the string in the pickaxe but you guys get the idea um oh and the water again i i really just emptied my inventory all right let’s see how we go this time um i’m gonna breathe the cows up again

We’ll breathe the sheep just so there’s a few extra and i guess i’ll try and try and create hit one of these guys okay okay they didn’t all die that’s the main thing and we got four tallow again so yeah it looks like you do get four tallow

Per i guess cow at least i i don’t know what it’s like for the other mobs um we got a little bit of leather as well we might be able to do the backpack anyhow anyhow we gotta do the the this stuff first what do we have um industrial hemp oop

String oh we actually got four string perfectly so string goes in telo goes in and we have four more candles again beautiful we can actually start this guy hopefully start this our little little thing we’re gonna need saplings i guess i’ll grab four spruce saplings we need um

The book i don’t know what it’s called but we’ll just search the book um this guy here the book of binding let’s also grab the dictionary back out just in case we need any more help so the dictionary of spirits and we should actually be pretty good here um as you

Can see i am also starving what can we eat we’ve got some berries all right so we’ve run back over here we have four more bits to place down ladies and gentlemen it is completed okay so now allegedly i place down a spruce sapling in each of

These sacrificial bowls and then in the middle we place down the book of binding are you ready started summoning beaver familia so this is this is happening let’s see what does it look like with shaders on oh oh this looks a lot more like um how it should i guess

Oh it’s actually eating the sacrificial bowls you see that it ate the um two of the saplings three it’s gonna eat the last one in a second okay it’s nice that the sun’s setting i did not time this like intentionally but it’s this is probably the best that it would look what

I have i have mueller muller i dive we’ve got we’ve got this guy i what he’s just jumping around okay uh let’s let’s get back to the real world shade is disabled uh complementary shaders by the way is what i’m using um so this is our

Little beaver we can set him up we can sit him down um i’ve got a beaver buff i’ve got beaver harvest what that allegedly means is that as you can see i chop wood a lot faster i’m not finishing it on purpose because i don’t really want to chop this tree down but

That’s pretty good and so this guy as well allegedly will chop down he’s very fast he will allegedly chop down a tree that grows from a sapling you know what let’s let’s actually put that to the test so first things first i don’t have an axe in my hand and that’s

A pretty fast chop on a tree like that’s pretty good if i hold my pickaxe out by the way that’s that um the magnet effect that styling gear gives it so it’s pretty cool um but i do have a watering can and i do have a sapling so with our beaver here

Allegedly if i grow this sapling which should work he’ll chop the tree down i guess i don’t know how long i have to click this and it’s also nighttime so arguably one of the worst times to to do this but hmm all right i i went back to sleep and he

Almost killed himself on the uh campfire so we’re just gonna break the campfire i i don’t want to lose this beaver of for a campfire um so anyhow we’ll run back um i don’t think we have any bone meal um so i can’t really you know just bone

Meal this guy up so i’ll sit here and i’ll come back once it grows and we’ll see we’ll see what happens oh okay it has grown he does not care oh does he do do you care i don’t chop the tree chop tree chop tree okay

I’m gonna do a little bit of research i think all right i actually needed um a little bit more ink because um i think i’m gonna try and make another one of those books i think that might be the trick to getting these to run i’ll also read um

The dictionary we have in a little bit to see if there’s uh something i missed oh yeah look you down books of calling allow you to control a summon spirit or to prevent essence decay oh okay so so we need to apparently they decay over time maybe maybe depending on what they

Are i’m not sure i i think hmm i i want to see a few things in regards to this mod mainly in terms of i’ve forgotten whether the ritual area that we had built did that disappear like did it no it didn’t so in theory all i need

To do is make that book again place four saplings and we can get more of them i mean hey that seems pretty cool to me um we’re going to need to grab a few white flowers here because we need some more white dye to make that book

Alrighty let’s get this stuff started so first things first let’s go ahead and uh purify the thing in which case you need to stand still so you don’t burn to death we’re going to drop this on the ground we’re going to light it on fire we’re going to drop in the ink sack

This should then give us a bottle of the good stuff um oh black dye sorry no it needs to be black dye yep there we go instantly um we can pick up that purified ink beautiful um so now i also need to make a book so we’ll turn

The sugar cane into paper um we should have leather already so the book side of things should be pretty easy to craft yup leather there we go we only had one leather as well um so then purified ink should give us on it we need a book and quilt we need another

Ink sac and then we’re going to need a feather ah a bit of a pickle okay well i’ll be back i’ve got some work to do there’s honestly quite a few squids at the moment so we might actually get pretty lucky here oh these flowers here allow us to get black

Dye so we now have infinite black dye um using these um um so all we need is ink sacs for the you know booking quills which we just got seven of um and feathers which although we don’t have a chicken farm um hopefully won’t be too bad to get

All right i’ve been butchering a lot of animals um mainly because i do actually want leather so that hopefully we can make the backpacks to autofeed me because that seems pretty smart um oh chicken okay didn’t drop a feather um i will kill the chickens although i’m hoping or at least you know

I should keep them i should keep at least one because we need um well we need chickens right is that one over there okay we can breed them nice all right the chickens are gonna stay there for now so they can you know they can do their thing um i’ll pretty up

That in a second so i’ll sleep tonight and do all that fun stuff now before we continue with the um well with everything there is another little block i want to create now oh my god that you are so scary and you’re actually pretty dangerous um it just sprinted i wasn’t expecting that

At all um the thing we need requires a golden carrot and i know there’s wild character out here i think no that’s not what we just found um so that’s what i’m currently looking for is a bunch of wild carrots oh yep i think these are wild carrots unless they’re potatoes

Yup wild carrots um might as well grab a few so that we can use one and maybe farm the rest um so the thing i want to make is called a trough right it is called a feeding trough so with some planks some you know some wheat and a golden carrot

This thing will automatically feed nearby animals what we’d have to do is put the the food in there right so in theory what i should be able to do is slap this down next to the chickens fill it with seeds and whenever the seed whenever the chickens are ready they’ll

Eat it and they’ll breed so it’s like infinite winds right um which sounds pretty good because well to be honest it’s pretty good um in terms of wheat though we need a hay bale so i do have to put in a little bit more work with um with our watering can

Okay i think we’ve got everything so we can do wheat um Hey bail sorry we do need a golden ingot which apparently i completely forgot to get or nuggets right because i think you get nuggets and you surround a carrot with nuggets yup and then we get a golden carrot okay and then we should just be

Able to make a feeding trough here it is beautiful um now comes the question of where do we put this do we want infinite chickens or do we want infinite cows because obviously we can make a second one but i’ve gotta you know do work for

That um can we breed you guys again yet no i’ll tell you what i’m gonna do it with the cows oh because i think there’s more to benefit from uh because the chickens i mean we don’t need them too often whereas i feel like this stuff we need

Often and in fact i might be able to get away with placing it there in fact hold on i guess we’ve got hay bales in the system you know what though i think those were from the village and i don’t think they count because i think i used

Them to make um to make bread one time so i’m i’m not going to count that as um as our weight all right so let’s go see how this works now worst case scenario here is that one of the sheet pizza and one of the

Cows eater but i should be able to right click in wheat and we should be able to see oh they magically got used but i didn’t see any particles um that’s not good i don’t know what just happened um but that’s the concept i guess the concept

That’s a little bit weird i don’t yeah i don’t know why they just poofed we’ll we’ll figure that out later um in the meantime i would like to breed them once more yep there we go so that we have two chickens in there and then i’m gonna take one of these chickens

And hopefully get the good stuff now before we completely do that let’s get ourselves a way out in fact i probably should have just done this um carpet on there um come on follow me follow me out of the hole and then i’ll cover that back up okay

Beautiful i am going to get rid of one of these chickens you were the lucky chicken and you gave me two feathers very lucky chicken um so let’s let’s see what we need now um i think we got everything to be honest oh oh boatmeal cool

Okay so where were we um i believe i wanted to make this book so we need a book and quill which we can apparently easily make and then we need this guy which is the bulking quill white diamond purified ink for the book of binding

Foliate and then in order to make that a book of calling book of calling um i think we want the lumberjack one we need to combine this with an iron axe or a gold axe i think works so i guess all right before yeah i think it’s just

Any metal axe i’m gonna go out on a limb and say that um let’s grab some planks and let’s just go ahead and make these into a bunch of sticks that should keep us covered for a bit so golden axe plus this book i know plus hold on i

Think i know what book we need i think i combine this with the dictionary to get this book and i combine this book with the axe yeah so now we have book of calling lumberjack do i now right click this guy with it perhaps foliate i don’t know what that means um

Now it’s changing every time it can be used to summon like is it possible that i need to go until we get this familiar because when i use this book currently i can set deposit and i can and that’s really it i can set deposit um

You come with me let’s go ahead and craft another um chest why don’t we so let’s grab you craft a chest let’s go see how this works so i’ll run over to you following yep um i i’m probably gonna look at a little video soon to see how this how this

Works but if i have you and i shift right click on you set deposit set base location work area okay now do it all right i’m gonna watch a video okay um it says it can only handle small trees i think the main purpose of this beaver is the um you know

The the speed boost for the attacking or for the uh chopping sorry i’m curious like it says small trees like i i mean that’s a small spruce tree but maybe it means only like small oak trees so i would like to give that a try which i

Guess we can we’ve got some saplings over there um but what we’ll also try and do because this episode hasn’t been too long um i obviously don’t want it to necessarily be too much longer but um i think we can get away with um summoning something else something quickly like now that we

Have stuff set up it should be easy the thing that i’m gonna want is this circle which if we have a look at what it’s going to need um open this up and click visualize i think we’ve got all like everything we need i reckon if we just make a new

Circle over here like place that there we’ve got everything we need like this is white chalk we can get some of the candles from here right because these pick up yeah we can do this very easily so four of these um essentially what i want to summon is a lumberjack and the

Lumberjack is what this book of calling is um i i was trying to find a calling book for the beaver but it doesn’t exist so i think we need to make a lumberjack sound cool hopefully it sounds cool um i reckon we could do this because like

Look it’s just white shot like we’ve essentially already done it um now the lumberjack little summoning the only difference is um if we search lumberjack and click on this ritual it just needs a metal x so we can chuck in in a gold axe and then oh oak sapling

Birch sapling spruce sapling and then any sapling but those other saplings have to be exactly what they say i guess that’s good to know um so do we have all of those i guess that’s the other problem as well we might not have birch i i know we’ve got oak or at

The very least we can get oak spruce obviously we have but birch no we don’t okay we might be in a bit of a pickle but i mean like some of these trees are the they’re birch logs like these ones here oh no they’re not they’re aspen

Okay i guess i’m hmm i guess i’m mistaken ah oh god okay i did a little bit of exploring we honestly haven’t gone too far just um down this direction and i already see some birch so we’re good we’re good we’re good and there’s something else i’ll show you at

The end of this that’s pretty funny as well um but i want to get this done this should be quick okay let’s go ahead and grab everything we need so if we go saplings we have our oaks i’m gonna grab two of those um so here we go

I’m pretty excited oh actually before we do that we do need another sacrificing bowl because now we actually need a sacrifice a um an extra piece of axe an extra axe um so this should be good i’m pretty sure you just slap them in any of the empty slots i don’t think it

Necessarily matters where within the ritual you place them like you know what i mean so i’m just gonna place them like this i’m guessing um so we’ll place the axe there i’m gonna place the saplings now so one birch one oak one spruce and then

Just an extra and then in the middle i turn my summoning book back into this uh binding book i should be able to slap that right in the middle no oh the chalk i forgot the talk but here we go i’ve got the chalk so you just slap this stuff down obviously as

We saw with the golden chalk boom boom boom boom boom you’re trying to perform ritual started something fully other world sapling trader no no i’m trying to summon i’m trying to summon a different guy i’m trying i’m trying to summon the lumberjack huh ritual sacrifice cow summoned deer huh that’s

Weird um so i’m trying to do this summon folly yacht job lumberjack book of binding in the middle um Huh no no i’m not too sure uh yeah i’m not too sure to be honest oh wait it has to be an occultism sapling it can’t be a normal sapling look at that it has to be an occultism sampling oh that’s a problem okay very interesting i don’t think we have

Any i don’t think we have any um otherworldly saplings alright so i’m back i was going to go and try and find an uh one of those groves that we um that we dug through right but there’s actually an alternative apparently so you know how we were trying to get that started and

It said oh you’re trying to do the otherworldly um trading sapling i think that’s what we want um so in order to actually do that ritual so if we search other world oh this guy right here this ritual if we check this one out we need oak birch

And spruce which we have and jungle now to get jungle i think we can just trade for it with a market the market is made with logs planks and red wool i think we could do that um do we have red dye we somehow don’t actually i’m not i’m

Genuinely a little bit surprised we do however have a poppy so i’m gonna get this guy up and running i think it’s pretty easy to do we can trade we can do that ritual really quick i don’t know how long this episode is but i i don’t really care i’m

Feeling good about this one i think we’re getting a lot done in terms of occultism um and we’re getting some pretty cool stuff set up so um first things first let’s see if we can do this wool we need white wool um white we don’t have white dye

She is we do have shears i mean i’ll be back i’ll be back okay so um white wool is now red wool we have logs i’m gonna need some planks actually we have planks i should be able to just make the market mark it beautiful so this guy we can go

Ahead and slap him down i’m going to place it right here and what we should see if you’re here we have a salesman shop so this is the weathered sales person so here they are we can open them up and we have trades we can get any seed we

Want in the game including carrots including bone meal including fertilizer and including jungles so i want a jungle sapling which means i need to go ahead and go and uh try and find well actually i kind of need food do we have the technology for that not really

But anyhow i believe we had an emerald didn’t we yeah yeah we’ve actually got quite a few so i’m gonna grab one we’re gonna turn that into a bit of a jungle thing i believe i’ve got some steak delicious um so yeah this should actually go flawlessly like i’m this should be the

Easiest thing that we have done in a very long time so um chuck in that go saplings go jungle sapling boom jungle sampling now we could grow a tree quickly and harvest it yeah we probably should but i’ll do it over there in the um in the area we need to go to

This is yeah it’s gone well oh okay jungle leaves i should be able to vein mine those and we got two saplings nice that’s more than enough or at least hopefully it should be i don’t know where my beaver went um so we’re chopping trees slowly again but that’s

Fine i should be able to place jungle sapling here and then i should be able to summon this guy or at the very least do the ritual so this is the other world sapling trader so this should transform these saplings into a stable otherworldly sapling allegedly allegedly so we’ll let this process um

It i don’t think anything crazy is going to happen um where did i plant the birch sapling that’s sort of what i’m after next because i do think that we’re going to need another birch sapling now which i guess i can trade with emeralds but i mean realistically we don’t have too

Many emeralds i don’t really want to be doing that here is this oh and we did we did the we did the thing best friends forever tame an animal is this an actual oh it’s an actual dude uh um you would have thought that i would have read this up

And known what i was getting myself into i i i don’t i don’t know oh wait spirit fire oh zeppelin goes in occultism okay sapling comes out surely that’s what we do come on come on come on come on we don’t we don’t give up that easily we do not

Give up that easily um so let’s go sapling i better not have used all of the oak saplings no we do have a few let me grab one um so we’ll drop down here don’t know where the beaver went you know what the beaver might have despawned him that might have happened because

That is apparently a thing that happens but anyhow drop this in oh i did it i did the wrong way around i meant to drop this and then do that i know what i’m doing okay goes in otherworldly sapling comes out or at the very least oh no it is unstable

Otherworld sapling okay so now oh this is perfect so now i run back to this guy i hand it to him and he spits it back out right this is great we’re actually learning so here we go open you up take out this guy place in the unstable

He gets purple particle effects around him as we can see we can actually start loading this guy back up with um all the different saplings we have here um i will need this to grow so i’ll keep an eye on him you you let me know when your thing’s done i don’t i

Don’t know how long that’ll take you but i’ll just be i’ll be over here just growing this you keep doing you keep doing what you do oh actually there it is other world sapling thank you i might actually i might actually farm it so that hopefully we get some more saplings

Because that seems like a pretty good idea so let’s grab this birch saplings please really just one no we got a few okay beautiful other world sapling let’s get this guy built so this is one of those growth trees using the third eye but in the overworld obviously

And without having to use the third eye this should still give us all the same ingredients or all the same stuff very cool yup sure enough it is grown i’m going to now chop down the tree just by in the middle then this guy will drop

And we just get ourselves a few more saplings how cool um we can drop a bunch of this stuff on the ground there’s so much junk um okay so this guy can now go on here um what else do we need we needed another birch

Sapling so that can go there so we can now start this ritual as well all we need now is that book which i think i’m going to have to craft again so we’ll we’ll run back here and i’ll see what we need alrighty so a few things we need one of

Which is this pure dye so there we go purified ink that’s what they call it nowadays um we need i think we actually had a feather right yep so we’re gonna need to make a book i already harvested a little bit of leather so book is

Easily made oh we actually had more in there from all the cows we killed earlier um so book and quilt book and quill should be easy um in terms of the white die we don’t have too much in terms of like flowers and stuff so i’m gonna have to go and grab more

Okay i i think i grabbed everything i think we actually wanted um to make two of those things so i’ve actually gone and grabbed a bit more dragon fruit and we’ll have to grab another bit of black dye out of here um so if we search black we got another

Petal turn that into black dye um the fruits are so easy to get now that i don’t mind just having to drop them and like burn them for like one single ingredient it doesn’t seem like a waste to me um so that’s good i guess um so next up is going to be

One of these i do think we want to make another one of these oh we’re gonna need a feather for that that might be a bit tricky um we’ll see how we go um we can make this guy the book of binding so there we

Go i will go and breed the chickens and try and get a feather but i’ll meet you guys back at the ritual possibly with the second book made okay i did in fact have all that stuff uh craftable so we’re gonna get both of those this guy actually needs to turn into the

Axe right so we’ll quickly craft one of those so this will be the calling book this will be what we control the lumberjack with and then the lumberjack itself we’re about to go and uh summon in a second um and then we’ll put them to the test and we’ll wrap this episode

Up i guess um so yeah they’re still chilling i’m gonna place this here we are now summoning the lumberjack let’s have a look at it during the daytime with shaders on might be a little bit more peaceful this time around instead of as scary as it was

Um oh oh i pressed the wrong button okay all that is left is the axe it’s been chipping away it takes a little bit of time it’s not too quick um and as you can see like this one took a little while there we go the axe has been i guess absorbed

Let’s uh go back into frame rate mode and ladies and gentlemen here we go we have a lumberjack here he is look at him go he’s an animal he can’t be stopped um so hold on a second oh he’s pretty loud as well let’s go ahead and grab this chest we’ll bring it

Further away from our base just in case he goes a little bit too crazy but i should be able to like slap this down i guess here um shift right click on it he will now deposit into the chest from the and boy oh boy will he so then if i

Stand here and right click the ground i can change it to set base location and we can change it to a massive area and i can now set this as the base or even set this as the base so now i think you’ll just go ahead uh

Right i can open him up lumberjack yep okay do do your worst do your set base location set deposit okay i don’t know why you stopped why’d you stop do you not this is a tree and this is a tree you can you can do it

Can you not can you not walk up and down levels can you no you don’t you don’t know what you’re doing okay um what does he want from me huh book of calling oh this thing i’m meant to use right did i was i using the wrong

One is that is that the issue set base location base location set base location set set basically base location base set the base do the thing i i i don’t know what he wants i genuinely i don’t okay oh okay he’s picking up the stuff that i broke

Can we can he jump he can jump okay so that’s not an excuse all right what i was gonna do real quick was just give him a simple axe just just a wooden axe or at least see if i can do that um maybe he’ll chop faster with an axe can you

Do you want do you want an axe there yeah buddy hey look at you look yeah yeah look at yeah maybe maybe you don’t want an axe no he doesn’t want an axe he’s like no i’m good he’s just gonna run out here and he’ll pick up a piece of the stuff

And then he’ll run back to the chest and and he doesn’t know how to put it in oh no yeah he doesn’t i think that’s the issue he’s not he’s a little bit unsure oh he’s opened it no okay put it in the top put it in the side

Just put it in the chat i’m gonna i’m gonna this guy is pushing me just just put it away dude just put it away okay okay um i’ll tell you what we’ll probably end it here i i okay i picked up the chest i replaced it down

And i banned it again and he put things in it now he’s not doing anything chop the tree do it okay um we made a little like it’s like he wants to do it but he doesn’t want to do it you know you know

What i mean you know what i mean so like i think if i chop this down right he’ll at the very least put the stuff away i think is that gonna oh yeah yeah okay so yeah he put that away he just doesn’t seem to

He doesn’t seem to want to do much else i also don’t know why now all of a sudden i’m getting a bit of performance issue so let’s see you didn’t put the stick away you didn’t what are you doing you didn’t you didn’t put it away okay

Um don’t know if i’m doing something wrong here um i’ll tell you what though you guys can let me know what i’m doing wrong we’re yeah you guys can let me know we’ve made some progress though like we learned how to do all this stuff now we just need to

Figure out how to get him to actually work the bible is pretty cool the the increased in like uh wood chopping like you could summon a beaver real quick with like four saplings and that book quick and easy and then just go and chop down all the trees you want

Um but yeah in the next episode after we did all this work to try and get these guys i want to show you what um what uh what this thing does what this thing that costs five bricks and these colder bonsai pot and that shows you pictures

Of trees um and their resources i’ll show you what that does in the next episode thank you guys for watching um thank you to everyone hopefully you’ve enjoyed this series um as as we get into the swing of things hopefully these episodes sort of um you

Know mellow out and go into the right direction that i want them to um in terms of like pacing and and content within them um but yeah thank you everyone who supported us financially um from watching the ads to to donating or doing any of that stuff um thank you

Guys so much we’ll i’ll actually try because this series i’m pretty confident is going to be going on for quite a while um we’ll set up an area for the for the donations um as in for like everyone’s names now i don’t know if i have a list of everyone’s names but i’ll

Do my very best and once we once we get that set up um you guys might have to let me know if i’ve missed you and then i’ll try and track down where your name went um but yeah we’ll we’ll do all that but um in the meantime thank you to each

And every one of you um and yeah hopefully i will see you guys um in the next one yeah i think that’s good outro alright see you there goodbye you

This video, titled ‘Ep7 Summoning A Beaver – Minecraft All The Mods 7 Modpack’, was uploaded by DEWSTREAM on 2022-05-22 10:13:45. It has garnered 7831 views and 160 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:38 or 2618 seconds.

This is a series on the All The Mods 7 Minecraft modpack! This modpack is packed full of a bunch of different mods! From Tech mods, to Magic mods, to probably some other cool mods we’ve never even heard about! They even have their own mods which add cool resources like Allthemodium, Vibranium, and Unobtanium!

Things: Modpack – all-the-mods-7 Client Mods – Rubidium and Oculus Common shaders used – Complementary – Seus – Sildur’s

Depending on when you are watching, we may have a community ATM 7 server up and running 😀 You can join the server via our community Discord- https://discord.gg/MxYpA6v and all the information you need should be found in the #welcome channel 🙂

I really hope you all enjoy this pack, we built an incredibly nice community around the ATM 6 modpack and we managed to have over 200 episodes, and many community episodes which is something I never expected to be possible. Thank you all so much for taking part in this crazy adventure 😀

#ATM7 #Minecraft #ATM7modpack

I encourage you all to check out my friends and their channels too, they all do slightly different content so you might be surprised with what you find 😀 I might also show up in some of their videos that don’t make it over to my channel, so feel free to head over there and keep an eye out!

vRifty – https://www.youtube.com/c/vRifty/videos AzzaFortySix – https://www.youtube.com/c/AzzaFortysix/videos

Join our new Discord channel! Talk to me and other content creators when we’re on and help us, and each other out 😀


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  • Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime Quotes

    Unbelievable Mindset: #BlueLock Anime QuotesVideo Information This video, titled ‘This mindset -#bluelock #isagi #isagiyoichi #anime #animequotes #animequote #animequotesforlife’, was uploaded by Farfromloser on 2024-08-12 20:56:57. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. anime funny memes minecraft shorts idea short trending idea short trending shorts minecraft short idea viral minecraft short short video minecraft bling-bang-bang-born funny short minecraft memes short minecraft animation minecraft school monster school short idea help herobrine herobrine sprint race help herobrine break bedrock help herobrine throw a spear help herobrine from ice land anime recap anime summary oreetv bedrock kimetsu… Read More

  • 🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨

    🌟Galaxy STAR A-tan builds racetrack!✨Video Information This video, titled ‘【#Minecraft】初見さん大歓迎💖競馬場作り🎶【GalaxySTAR 0期生/ほしのあーたん】 #vtuber #shorts’, was uploaded by ほしの あーたん Galaxy STAR 0期生 on 2024-09-19 23:26:34. It has garnered 942 views and 91 likes. The duration of the video is 07:34:06 or 27246 seconds. #Minecraft #newVtuber Thank you for finding me‎(🎀•͈ᴗ•͈)ᵃʳⁱᵍᵃᵗᵒ➰💖 If you like, please subscribe to my channel🙏 ~How to Join~ Participation is generally limited to **Hoshino Seidan members only❣️** ※We apologize, but first-time viewers cannot participate😢 Only Java version members can participate♪ Please join after you have become friends with each other💓[Prohibited Items]Go to sleep at night😴 or log out🙇‍♀️ ❶ Stealing other people’s items… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle – Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraft

    Unbelievable Minecraft Build Battle - Wersonka goes CRAZY! 🔥🔨 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘⛏🧱Minecraft Bulit Battle #minecraft’, was uploaded by Wersonka on 2024-07-16 13:48:03. It has garnered 2314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftBuild #MinecraftTips #MinecraftTutorial #MinecraftLetsPlay #MinecraftMods #MinecraftPE #MinecraftBedrock #MinecraftJava #MinecraftRedstone #MinecraftFarm #MinecraftAdventure #MinecraftRoleplay #MinecraftPvP #MinecraftUpdate #MinecraftServer #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftGameplay #MinecraftHouse #Gaming #YouTubeGaming #GamingCommunity #LetsPlay #YouTuber #YouTubeChannel #GamingVideos #YouTube #ContentCreator #Viral #Trending #YouTubeGrowth Read More

  • “BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!” #Clickbait

    "BEST NUKE MOD for Bedrock in Minecraft | Insane Anime Edit!" #ClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘лучший мод нюкема на бедрок #anime #music #edit #song #animeedit #minecraft #авария #рек’, was uploaded by NuckesFlix on 2024-04-19 17:54:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Sandunga Eternals

    Sandunga EternalsServer survival custom para guerreros, kits, rankups, protecciones. Estoy creando mi propio server, y también juego en el para ir mejorando la experiencia para la pequeña comunidad que estoy creando en minecraft, acompañame en esta aventura. eternals.playit.gg:3115 Read More

  • Midnight Apocalypse 1.20.1 – modded

    The Apocalypse Has Evolved: Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 is Here! Get ready to experience the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge like never before! The latest release of Midnight Apocalypse Forge 1.20.1 modpack is now available, packed with new features, mods, and gameplay mechanics that will push your skills to the limit. Explore a Vast World: Teleporting and Adventuring: Use waystones to travel long distances, or take a random TP to start your adventure in an unexplored location. Looter Mod: Get loot from even looted/explored areas, and discover hidden treasures. Spells and Scrolls: Travel distances using scrolls, scriptures, and spells. Craftable Rockets:… Read More

  • The Ultimate Murder Strategy Guide

    The Ultimate Murder Strategy GuideVideo Information This video, titled ‘얼탱이 없는 머더 전략 [#Shorts]’, was uploaded by 김알파의 게임세상 on 2024-09-16 10:43:39. It has garnered 103 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel Read More

  • Rick’s Trick: Minecraft Flick

    Rick's Trick: Minecraft Flick In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Rick made them do it, or did he not, we shall see. His daughter and her clone, falling in love with a twist, But who really forced whom, in this love-filled midst? Analyzing the situation, with a critical eye, Unraveling the reasons, as the story flies by. Beth’s love, a mystery, what did the authors intend? Let’s dive deep into the tale, and see where it ends. Support with a donation, if you feel so inclined, Join the DeonalWorld server, where adventures unwind. Creative Association, Deonal, a place to… Read More

  • POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft

    POV: When Your Friend Lava Bombs Your House #toxic #minecraft POV: When your friend is the most toxic in Minecraft and you start questioning if they’ve been taking lessons from the Creepers. Read More