EPIC Minecraft Monday Gameplay you can’t miss!

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H Is Hello chat um it’s me I’m back it’s been a while uh Christmas break is over so that’s that’s good news that’s good um so this is a new year new me I’m going to try and actually treat this more as a job now um I might live stream

Every day it won’t all be Minecraft but I’m thinking of doing that to add something that I uh that I plan to do and hopefully that endeavor goes well I suppose uh yeah God I don’t really have anything planned for today stream I I just like continue the projects I was working

On um but yeah that’s it pretty much so it’s a good a good thing so I believe I can finally go into full screen without it like actually no no no this one without it breaking I believe I can do that now and it turns out I’m just completely wrong so that’s something

Anyways we’re back and we also got this guy so um kind of stuck anyways I was playing uh for around maybe 40 minutes before the stream simply because I want what I wanted to do is I wanted to end slams here to make it so I could light this

Without the house burning down but then Winden slabs don’t exist yet so I can do that so what I started doing was creating a little room right here and the layout’s pretty much already done I don’t know what I’m going to do with it going to make something eventually just not

Now and then another thing that I’ve been doing is right here I’ve been don’t have enough ladders yet but I’m going to make a mine that goes down that way if I want materials I don’t have to go into caves everywhere I can just dig and mine and

Do that off stream because mining is quite boring how building is fun so it’s been a while it’s been a while uh I remember I said I want to do weekly uploads again as we can tell that did not happen however I’m going to start editing the next Leal company

Video after dinner today I don’t know when I’ll eat and you don’t know when I’ll eat because I don’t know when I eat and that anyways so the main thing well not the main thing what I planed now is I want to fill in these gaps of cobblestone though

Just have like this up here cuz it’s kind of ugly and Stone it it will be more FLH and look Better do that then another thing I want to do okay well the main I guess I should say the main thing what I sorry I bumped into my be moving there you go hopefully my voice is bit better now the main thing for the stream is we are going to

Continue trying to build the bridge watch this okay that we started a few streams ago uh hopefully figure out what I want to do here that’s will be obsidian and yeah so that’s it that’s the main that’s the main uh main plan I guess however these bloody creepers

Are are you hate so you’re still there so I’m kind of stuck can I can I shoot through a I have no arrows yeah yeah okay why is there a chicken all right so go through we have the secret entrance hopefully they don’t okay I’m kind of surround

Uh good thing I have a third entrance all the way over here and hopefully this isn’t also I think there a bug with the leaves cuz I’m not decaying or it may maybe just be this light tree get out of the way out of the way hope there’s no

Creeper here please please okay I’m fine I’m free all right so let’s create the bridge I want to make it out of um I said Bridge like the I want to create it out of stone slab simply because I feel like like I don’t want to

Make it out of iron because that would be way too expensive however I want it to be that same sort of color so I feel like Stone uh like a mixture of like Smooth Stone and stone slabs would uh work the best going to have to fill this hole

In oh God it’s coming now already already I have no idea why the leaves w’t dissipate just like ice it down okay now they should die hopefully disae got to make the latency on this better but I can’t do that cuz I suck I don’t okay let’s be quiet we’re going to

Be quiet we’re not going to be quiet I don’t know what we’re going to do oops La that was bad why I say that like so stupid any hopefully it doesn’t spread too far ow why okay no not this tree this tree is innocent the tree is innocent

No ow God oh Jesus quickly harvest the wood harvest the wood no I think we need to make the burns more controlled because that did not go well can I harvest you quickly okay two pieces that’s fine that’s fine ow eat food okay got to come up the things to

Say oh you said PL uh what I don’t know why I hate shoting but I do it anyways there we go right now that let me just ignore this could shave this off as well now it’s a bit more flat I have more room to build things what’s the

Purpose oh this is the second sh of life that’s my deep B just I totally forgot okay okay got make a flag I could start making the flag I guess let’s do that I have a crafting table on here yeah I do so I got wool can I dieet I don’t

Think I can dieet in these Visions what the why does it keep doing that no stop stop please oh oh God oh God I just broke everything oh no okay I’m not going to touch anything I’m just going to continue up so I think yeah cuz D does exist you so

I guess it’s just got to be like white um like a white flag and I can make it a different color later I think I think three fences will be enough but I have to make four cuz without the uh things work there we go got four

Okay was recently watching uh SN some always swore like a sailor and normally when you see like big content created right you sort of see them as like I you don’t really see them as like am I going to dig myself a hole but I think I should shut the hell

Up I’m going to shut up that way don’t dig my Tu hole okay got this got a wool how did I make a FL like that looks all right I think can you see it from down Below I think it’s all right oh looks ugly though I want to make a diagonal okay bye would go like this and then like like it’s not flag shaped though h okay just go on this nicely constructed staircase that I totally made on purpose okay maybe if

I let me bring it ow let me bring it like this I’m just going to leave like this cuz I don’t I do not know how to make a flag so we’re just going to leave like that cuz if I if I try anymore than the stream’s just going to get

Boring and I don’t want to do that even though this is like definitely already boring cuz like I don’t know I’m probably boring right now that’s fine it’s not fine I don’t know can’t even see it oh Jesus Christ it’s a bloody creeper okay ow ow no why

Okay you can’t even see bloody flag there’s no point got to go like far far away oh my God oh my God why there why is it all creepers there’s like no why aren any other hostile spawning no get me out of here I got oh god oh Oh no I got to

Light this place up not like in a like a like a like a explosion kind of way but like with torches why Jesus why are there so many I used all my arrows killing three so I can’t God uh okay now okay this sucks this sucks all right down we

Go got to go all the way back up oh man okay Journey Through Hell itself come on Chop Chop let me through let me through there we go I hate those noises that’s not a cat oh God my bloody you cck Why ruin everything okay Down we go at least it’s not that Far look it’s not cheating it’s just it’s just a little uh just a little bit of assistance just a little guide there’s nothing too bad about that what’s in here Nothing okay I would actually keep it on like normal difficulty if I could actually have a bed sleep them but they don’t exist so that kind of sucks just got to survive I got to fill out the bloody hole too is that is that light is that the

Sun yeah okay it’s becoming like lighter oh man okay okay that sucks but we will make do we will make it through okay I’m going to try what okay thing I hate is that they don’t drop everything like that does like like when you explode something well I guess the

Reason is because sometimes when you explode stuff stuff just like vaporizes and so like it kind of doesn’t exist anymore which I guess makes sense but I hate it just like let me have everything back okay that looks somewhat natural I guess it’s just like a bloody Flatline

Okay well we’ll make do we’ll make two probably like add something here but I’ll do that after the bridge is completed midnight new camel season hello Sky creeper uh I’m not going to join that like I don’t like in my personal opinion I don’t like playing with try hard Minecraft people

Because yall get netherite in the first three days and I’m still at leather armor because I I just I just don’t feel like it hope it hope it goes well hope content actually gets made and youall get views though good luck good luck on your journey I’m going to do I’m going

To go on my my own my own path it’s like that one photo where they like where there’s like 10,000 people on the right path and then someone’s going on left I’m the left guy here I’m on the left not politically but like on the left

So now that that has been sorted out and I’m actually back we can okay actually no I got to make build a body path I got to like level out to terrain how much iron do I have three no I have more okay so so I should make a crafting table in here

Here you live here now we’re going to make a bunch of shovels actually I feel like three shovels would be enough now bro I be grinding jailbreak okay my deepest apologies I made a mistake on which game gets gred I can’t read that because because the bloody hearts in the

Way hyper chromes hyper chromosome I have no idea what that word meant I am not that linguistic okay so the Rainbow Bridge and niagar Falls so if I remember correctly it’s sort of like a u-shape although triangles are actually I’m pretty sure it’s like a u- shape like an upside down

U but let the like triangles that go up in the middle cuz the Jesus Christ the triangle is the stronger shape uh in terms of engineering wise so I got to somehow make that using very primitive blocks and I’m not even the best builder in normal Minecraft

Okay so if we want to cross from the there I’m going to have to do some handy work on this cuz this is like like gravel Stone Mountain am I the only one who does that I prefer to M trees from the top from the top

Down is that weird am I weird for doing that I hope not okay let’s it’s blah blah blah blah blah blah space blah blah why is the space is it to confuse people like me who overthink Everything good job I’ve been completely confused and I have no idea what’s happening anymore okay ah we’re fine don’t don’t don’t worry don’t worry everything everything’s okay everything’s fine we’re just we’re just digging not mining it should be called dig craft because like I I dig more than I mine

Usually B out the [Applause] train I worry about uh making this dirt later what the hell am I going okay I have no idea how I’m going to do this CU how no when making this account oh oh you didn’t you you didn’t look up how to make account with no space

YouTube hack tutorial fair enough fair enough it took me like when I made my first account uh like seven years ago maybe seven or six years ago I’m not going to well I didn’t even make any videos on it I just had an account it was called

Zachy games because I wanted to like have like a fake name but like I I didn’t post any videos on it cuz I was like nine or 10 uh and and at first it was like Zacky Space Games cuz I didn’t know how to make the space and then I looked up like

A mic robor no no what the hell okay’s let’s shut the hell up because I have no idea what I’m talking about anymore I’m I’m just I’m just like reaching into like the deepest crevices of my mind and like saying whatever the hell I find and

That’s not a good idea cuz I I I might say something something pretty bad not in like a bad way but like something I don’t look okay I’m just going to shut down because I I have no idea what’s happening anyways if I want the bridge to go there where

The hell am I going to make the path go could have a secondary Bridge there don’t think okay so wait wait wait wait let’s do math we got to do math best the best thing what about that sh Sh mm that that doesn’t exist that doesn’t exist that does not exist that doesn’t exist you on timeout you’re on timeout you’re on timeout you’re banned you’re you’re permanently banned you’re per ban from my chat forever oh man let’s not let’s not bring that channel up

Horrible memories I I I I I I I committed a lot of beheadings no no no not beheadings like I I caught off the heads of Barbie dolls let’s okay let’s save my career Jesus Christ we’re not going to we’re not going to okay so fil this game cuz

Like what the Bro right um he was talking to me about committing terrorism don’t worry don’t worry you wanted to commit terrorism and I’m like no I know I know I know Sky personally so I’m allowed to say this by the way so oh God I forgot to get the bloody

White Co it okay is that it 85 points it m is it 62 why it’s probably like okay it’s probably to the height is it to the height of my chest or my head I’ve got no idea yeah I should probably have like a second a that goes this way maybe

Another one that goes there as well actually no cuz I got like I I have to like do something there I don’t want I don’t want to ruin that I don’t know what I do with this island though I got no clue I got no clue what I’m going to do with

The bridge either like it’s just going to be a bridge low cool like uh like that one which has no functionality it shouldn’t even be there but for the like I made a flowing iron and I had to get there so like for the lore of this world I

Guess okay so I was 85.62 I believe am I wrong on that 86 oh okay well now Jesus CHR now I know now I know don’t don’t worry that I’m regenerating it’s just that there’s a bug would only spawn creepers and like I got chased by like 20 creepers and

Nearly died this was before stream by the way and then I did die on stream so yeah that’s fun that’s fun I can’t I can’t play I can’t play uh like Hardcore Minecraft anymore I just got to like [ __ ] out how the am I find this

Okay could have like like P there and then like a staircase or something probably like make a bridge right now because I don’t want to keep Crossing that [Applause] okay I’ll probably chisel this off as well like I should I I should probably have like a building like on the other

Side of this bridge to like make it actually worth something and like if if like if it’s just like a big like a rock Mount then like there’s really nothing you can do other than like ooh nature and then like walk away and do something else with your life okay so that

That’s the height we want to make it and I’ll bring it out to uh here probably have like overhang cuz like if it goes straight down I’m going to have to make it like like slope down and then I’m going to ruin everything there I don’t want to do that

Really Sky creeper is crazy yeah he’s a bit of he’s a bit of an odd ball but we a lot of balls at the end of the day so like you can’t really blame everyone has deep dark secrets that they don’t want sh okay I have it I’ll have like

A this is where I have it like I have like a staircase that goes down and then like I’ll maybe extend that a bit I’m going to make this all grass because like stone is just ugly like unless it’s like there what makes sense if like

Walking on it and you’re not in a building excuse me and you’re outside it’s just ow and why did I say ow and shouldn’t exist okay then and then at this point I’ll follow the mountain play night time again can’t even see how long has stream been I have been

Not full screen for the entire okay 28 minutes and then it’ll be like I want this bit to seem a little bit unnatural so that’s fine it’s just it’s just going to be like a SL and then it’ll be this tall because it’s the exact of [Applause]

That you still The Chosen oh no oh no sh sh we don’t talk about that we don’t talk about the The Accidental slip up we don’t talk about well at the same time I’d rather have my name leaked than like me accident not wearing a shirt on stream and that’d be

Kind of bad that’s why I don’t have a face cam cuz I’m scared I’m just going to be like I’m going to forget to put a top on and I’m going to be like uhoh I don’t want to do that that that’s like that’s like the most embarrassing

Thing that can happen to a in so let’s let’s not that let’s not risk that at all if I do do a face cam I’m probably going to have like costumes not like a like a like a weird costume it’s just I’m probably going to dress a bit differently than I normally

Do simply because like in order to like be like a good um in order to be like a good uh like content creator you have to sort of put on a character which which kind of sucks because like YouTube used to be like where you can express

Yourself now you got to express someone else ABS jump scare I don’t know what that means but uh I ran out of dirt just chisel this off then but now you got to play a character in order to like like Mr Beast I’m 99% sure Mr Beast

Isn’t as energetic as he is like I’ve seen some of his podcast about like he’s he’s less energetic you got to be like so hyped up like and today we are going to like bomb an orphanage and whoever like saves the most children wins like you got to be like

That where am I going where am I going with this this is going to get taken out of context and I don’t want that why I do want it cuz it’ be funny but like for my sake please I’m going to have to level more Mountains

Now okay I’ve got like Half Stack more let’s get out of this tree okay I’ll make it go like that there we go a Mr Beast on a bad day is actually a Mr Bret why I that why mhm we we we all love our favorite content creator Mr

Breast sounds like like a like a gay porn star name to be honest what if hear me out hear me out this is going to be a completely normal sentence that comes out of my mouth what if Mr Beast is actually a gay porn star whose uh whose porn name is m

Is Mr breast and and like it’s like hidden somewhere in the depths and like there’s there’s going to be like a a $100,000 scavenger hunt to find it that would be kind of weird but at the same time if mly made an only F why wouldn’t Mr Beast that was a completely normal

Sentence that that just came out of my mouth like completely normal people think about this all the time like okay we’re going to move on we’re just going to collect dirt we’re going to cuz that’s what I need right now digging away well not oh okay let’s take some else

Actually where’s a place that is like like here I can chisel this down a little bit not too much because like I like these Cliffs next just is the hold you’re acting like the average vtuber doing a I have no idea what that means but I’m pretty sure it’s not

Good well we’re going to we’re just just going to but just going ignore everything what I what I what I just thought about was in the breath of the wild where you have those like statues where you can pray to get like health and stamina what if in this Pond I have

Like a little path or something maybe if that comes like from down the bridge can lead actually no like it’d be fast to go there I have that I have like it’d be like a loop-de-loop roundabout sort of thing around that like natural park escaler and then over here we cuz like

The church is in the way I will have a staircase that moves down all the way down like this and there’ll be like a like a like a thing in the middle and and there will be like one of those statues in breath and wild with like that like this week

The week when oh that the twitch incident of 20123 were they messed up we don’t talk about that why the hell do I make this we don’t talk about that cuz that was quite the weak quite the week a week that I’m pretty sure the

Only reason that um cuz we all know that twinch twinch twitch staff are since I I’m allowed to say that on YouTube I believe if not then oops I’m banned but um and so the only reason that they probably were rid of that was because like like advertisers was like what the

Hell are you doing like it was two weeks ago was it wasn’t it November anyways the only reason that they probably like stop was because advertisers were like what the hell are you doing you’re allowing this on your site we’re going to pull out and they’re

Going to I have a stream idea since steam belt will I I saw you can’t retract that statement I saw that loud and queer not not loud and queer loud and clear God damn it I made a mistake I’m sorry and I saw that though that’s forever in the Stream Forever In The

Stream and my mistake is also Forever In The Stream so like I iess I guess we’re even now I have no idea what to steam but will so and I’m too afraid to ask so don’t don’t answer that please since uh is a public domain now

Oh yeah is Mickey is Mickey Mouse public domain or did like Disney buy it again cuz like Mickey Mouse is supposed to be public domain in like 1990 I have no who the hell was Steamboat Willie I have no idea who that is let’s look let’s do a little bit of science

Who is that who is Steamboat Willie steam booat will Google oh so it’s just making Mickey Mouse it’s just Mickey Mouse it’s just Mickey Mouse uh I could have that as my stream opening like like in between the uh the stream starting soon screen and then

This I just have cuz like in Disney movies or like from like the ’90s and ear 2000s I have this maybe 2010s I don’t remember I just known like for example B6 that had this animation at the beginning I could have that as a chance I I’m not going to

Because with Disney I don’t want to risk it because Disney is very powerful and when powerful people have money bad stuff happens like when corporations have money because 99% of Corporations just care about more money they don’t care about consumers um so I might just get like stried off

The platform even though it’s in public domain because Disney is greedy I’m not afraid to say that pix pixa became Disney what the hell did Pixar okay Pixar movies they’re kind of bad now that that’s the end that’s the end I got I I have no idea I just say stuff

And like hope that I can make a coherent sense out of it but 99% of the time I just can’t cuz I don’t know what the hell I’m talking about no so probably have like a 2our stream tonight cuz I feel like it okay so with that I can fill that in now

Let me make like the basics I’ll have like the floor of it be um going have to get rid of this I already did we just wait because the leaves don’t Decay for some reason all so I just got to just plant more trees though like a

Not not not too many just like a few make it more lightly once that won’t be in the way okay so I got to move it I got to move it over I got to extend this out too okay so I’ll have like so like this is

Where like the uh loopy loop will start it will start like here and then it’ll go this way and then it’ll go this way towards the bridge that’s the plan so that means this tree is going to have to go that go out right here no okay and then also

Here I don’t care that this looks unnatural because like it’s me to is it I don’t know I don’t know anymore okay place that and then with this make that extend a little bit then I I’ll swap that out later so the center of the bridge I want it to be

Like three maybe five should be five cuz this is like a like the Rainbow Bridge and I is quite the bridge so it will be that’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I’ll make that 11 and it seems that the center is

This block right here so it will be like this and then it’ll go like this is technically going to be a really big um upside down tea if you think about it for uh a little bit not permanently I have to fix that I’ll fix that

Later was going to have to fix like this cuz like this is a chunk area right because of like how um they different world seeds it’s quite funny how like these are two different seeds like this one and this one however they fit together so Sly that like unless you

Look under the water you can bar I got quite lucky with my choice of housing for the rest of the uh I don’t know if I’ll I’ll stay here for the rest of the rest of the uh like World until I like upgrade to like the full um like

130 or Whatever It Is by that time but I want to stay here for as long as possible cuz I Want I Want To Make History I want to I Want To Make History I don’t what the hell okay so oh yes of course the leaves it won’t catch fire to you

Will you won’t die so you won’t die fire SP is very fast in these old versions and it’s quite much better why is the dirt on fire it’s like wood shaving stff fell off okay got to jump off when I die so I let the I’m going to let the intrusive

Thoughts I won’t die see the water isn’t bugged I knew it all right I’m going to keep that there because like history so is this natural are you natural waterfall I don’t know Chad Jeb vers versus virgin lady what what huh I know who jab underscore is but

What that that that that just I have no context behind that statement so I’m kind of perplexed and discombobulated right now is that the right word it doesn’t matter let’s go terrain more cuz I need more dirt uh uh okay get this as hello okay there only two things

I I that what lady ad is the new leading person making Minecraft she started crap after one D okay should I make a woman joke would I get banned I feel like is L does does Lady Agnes work at Microsoft or is she just like the new Notch pretty

Much probably take like 90 seconds to apply this is like talking to someone on Mo because of like how like bad my lens is I I’ve set it to like the like the best setting to make it like as fast as possible that way I can read chat like

Like instantaneously however even still I like it still doesn’t work and I don’t know why I’ve tried like every single setting I can’t fix it which kind of sucks oh I have dirt here that would have been better to know pick it up okay oh oh boy there’s quite the amount

Okay this wall is blend I should add graffiti graffiti looks ugly God that’s fine it’s alpha everything can look out it’s allowed it’s allowed allow it should make cobblestone as well I’ll do that long has it been 45 minutes I’m not going to leave right now cuz I don’t

Feel like it what time is it 4:07 probably go at 5 my time this is an hour there we go should be enough for now God there’s no bloody pressure plate I’m stupid so this goes like that I have any more iron I do so probably make another shovel

Just so I can make mod you should try better than wol mod somay what does that do what’s that mod I feel like I’ve heard of that mod I feel like that might be be the mod where DanTDM swears for like the first time in like a public

Video is it the one that like adds different skins or does it just like no that’s not let not continue this thought I just had that’s not that’s not it wasn’t a good thought it wasn’t a good thought let’s not continue but I was just about to say let’s not let’s not do

That I got probably got more gravel somewhere in the house why am I just not talking I’ll mind that gravel actually no this one because it’s it’s like never going to be notic again and I need it no it’s one mod that makes the game absolutely

Hard but isn’t but it’s a mod about dogs extended beta version oh that actually sounds cool I’ll try it not today cuz I have I want to edit today because like I said I do weekly uploads again and then then I just didn’t so new year new me I’m actually going to

Try for the I’m going to try and shoot the second job like I used to back when I made my first La no War uh and Red Dead Redemption videos so I did post every week and I did that for like 4 months and then I got bored so I quit

And started streaming and then I got bored so I quit and now I’m here a g what the okay up we go up we come on I we’ll go the long way Jesus Christ let me up please oh okay I’m okay up we go Damn okay what the hell was I doing I I oh I wanted to startop making the overhang on the dirt okay yeah that’s what I wanted okay we’ll do that as soon as I get rid of this last bit of stone there you go okay let’s actually actually what the hell was I

Trying to okay anyways ow so I’ll have it go this might be quite hard to do because of how bad I am at building so I’ll go like that that’s fine and then like this how that a like that maybe and then like so like that and like that and then like

This which will heat R for the three things which I’ll do when I can actually get down there I have to go back up here [Applause] again I’m getting nostalgic for Minecraft again Like just based on the music I playing like I remember like I don’t remember much about my first Minecraft house because I was like 3 and a half what I do remember though is it was in the desert and I don’t really remember much uh I had made two crafting tables

Accidentally and so I put one in the floor and then when I when I eventually decide I want to move because the desert’s quite boring um instead of just like packing up all my stuff and leaving I tore down my entire house so I could rebuild it

Somewhere else for some reason I don’t know what my thought process was but I did that and then while moving I got blown up by a creeper like 2,000 blocks away and I and then I and I died and I left and so I’m like oh and then I rage

Quit they just got drop one oh yeah like they only Dro like new block updates like what was the it was what was the update that brought it back it’s so 1 out 13 I hated 1 13 by the way other than the fact that swimming was better

Um I just I don’t like I don’t like the new oceans I don’t like the new it’s it might be because I’m nostalgic for like the old on but like I I know more torches what if I have like something secret under here cuz like this already

Space I just like dig this out and then and that’ll be like that then I’ll have it go down to three again no have it go down three again ow come on okay if okay here’s a thought question or it’s not really a thought question

It’s just a question um if you wanted to if if you could add anything to Minecraft what would it be and for me I actually have no idea what I did H I’d probably remove most things to be hon honest well the the main thing that makes old Minecraft better is just how

Simplistic it is cuz like it’s like a Sandbox you can actually do stuff I could probably keep the Ender Dragon the red dragon after Notch made the Ender Dragon he said hey I’m going to make another dragon and he didn’t make another dragon and that kind of sucked I wouldn’t add that

Dragon I’d go into like the like i’ I’d steal not just convenia and like find what his original plans for that I just ask him in the 9 AMC like who doesn’t want another Dragon like what if he contain this dragon and make it your friend that could be kind of cool but

Then like you could How to Train Your Dragon end update new passive and agressive mod bring in everybody does this mean that the Ender Dragon can appear in the plains biome I mean that would that would be cool like Skyrim like like it’s very rare but then eventually you just say

And and then the Dragon Goes and then crash into the tower this is not a refence to anything don’t question me but like that that would be kind of cool sort of as long as like like like you could turn it off if you want and like it it like it won’t destroy

Anything too major if you have but on like it will only destroy like dirt and stuff might be cool how mobs appearing in every biome I feel like in my opinion that kind of defeats the purpose of having like cuz like if you had a polar bear

Spawn in the desert that kind of wouldn’t make sense something like creep a Skelly Ender but new oh I get it I get it so like those old old like mutant mods but like not mutants just like different what if we have female creeper and then we no I’m not going to continue

That but like we we get like female creeper and it has like a pink it’s like a pink creeper like in that one April fools update I’m pretty sure there was an update which like made the creepers jump love pellets when they exploded it’s like like flowy from

Undertale you see these little pets they don’t damage pets I love pellets and that’s what the female keeper does and it’s like it’s like a pink sheep was where like you can tame the Fe let’s let’s stop calling it a female creeper let’s just call it the

Uh the UNC creeper or something because like if you can like if you can tame female creepers but not male creepers that’s kind of that’s kind of that’s kind of suspicious ohos was doing crab seems nice of me I would add emerald armor yo Cal why is the emerald armor in

The game do you know why why are you touching me yeah he doesn’t know either he’s got no clue I got no clue like copper armor like why didn’t they why like why can’t you make copper tools like somewhere in between like Stone and iron exactly like

Like what’s the mob there’s a there’s okay polar bears my like the people of Minecraft said they don’t want to add mobs that hurt people or hurt things but they got polar bears in there game and the only reason is because Jeb’s wife likes polar boar which makes Jeb a

Simp like fair enough your wife likes polar bears but I like sharks I want a shark in the game let me let me see something dangerous under the water other than those amphibian zombies which are which are they kind of suck if I’m being honest we don’t want them

Anymore we want shark attack shark we Megalodon that can be like the rare shark edition what if they had to like I feel like vehicles but not like modern vehicles would work cuz like Minecraft supposedly set in like uh like older times even though you can literally fly around and like enchant

Stuff how I feel like if you got like old Vehicles like old like steam boats that would actually be cool okay armadillo this supposed to be yeah I hate that they they remove five FES because like frogs get poisoned like who who it’s a video game like this isn’t even like a

Real that she looks beautiful like this isn’t even a realistic video game this is just like Minecraft it’s not this isn’t GTA 6 where everything is like hyper realistic I’m excited for that game to come out by the way I’ve been R I’ve been R like four years

But when when people saw that DJ 6 was was supposed to come out in 2025 why did they get mad why like did you expect it to be like hey we’re dropping the first trailer it’s coming out today this is the first Trail we’re not going to Market it at all

No that’s not how it works like GTA 6 it got announced in 2011 not GTA 6 GTA V 2011 came out 2013 Red redion 2 2016 2018 and GTA 4 2006 2008 it is a clear 2ye time difference like like that’s just how Rockstar works I don’t get why they got mad over

That anyways this looks ugly but trust the process I’ll have smooth Stone running across then I’ll make it mainly out of smooth Stone actually I said I was going to make it out stone slabs but like the half thing in the midd that make it kind of

Ugly so we’re not going to we’re not going to do that torches as well okay here we go just like that then I w’t have enough on the other side but I’ll still try it anyways don’t want to die so I’m kind of scared I don’t know

What I’ll do with that probably just leave it like 10 away okay let’s go back to BAS can craft stuff actually no actually I don’t know okay I’m going go that like that extend this out oopsy extend this out like this a little bit and then I’ll be like five and then three

Like this that’s how that the path will work to make it like wider come [Applause] on and okay I’ll make it go here and then I’ll make it go three make it go three therez like two paths are kind of too short and also it’s better to build an odd thing that

Where you can have like you can Center stuff this I’ve lost all TR of thought I’m just doing I’m just like I’m on autopilot mode right now there we go okay I I I’ll plan that out later just not not right now not today probably next stream Thursday next Minecraft

Stream I might stream more actually why I mean streaming gives me an excuse to play video games while also building up what I hope to be my future career so than you like the one thing I’m not looking forward to like if if I do eventually like I’m saying if not when

Because like it’s not it’s not certain nothing certain in like the online landscape if I do get soon the one thing I’m not looking forward to is getting taxed every day cuz I know that eventually that’s going to happen and I’m just going to have to live with it

But like as of right now when I’m a small I’m small content creator I can actually interact with my audience I think the the main the good thing about being small is that you can actually talk with people who watch you and like you can say hey they came

Back or like you can actually like talk to them and like get to know them a bit but like when you’re big when you when you get bigger you can’t do that and it kind of sucks it kind of sucks so I’m not looking forward to that I’m looking forward to getting money

Though cuz there’s there’s a lot of money here so I I I kind of want that I kind of want that not in a bad way but I want I want to be able to like when when I do get a family I want to be able

To like not have them be poor I want to have them be happy well like I’m not saying that poor people aren happy I’m going I’m digging myself let shut the hell up and actually do stuff why did I I need torches he yeah I need torches take

That don’t forget you you’re like my first like you’re like the first person who comes back I can’t forget you’re the first guy you’re number one you’re number no I can’t it’s impossible it would be impossible I’m probably not going to be like I don’t think I’m ever going to get

228 million subscribers that’s probably not going to happen I’m probably going to die before that if if I do get pick enough and I can have a brand though maybe someone can continue my legacy like I can like if my child wants to do that he can do that so like

Yeah I am completely lost where’s my wood I don’t got wood that’s a good thing but like not in Minecraft in here okay why do I have that chest there’s nothing in that chest also there’s this room that I built off stream don’t know what I’m going to do

With it going to have like staircases here and then Place obsidian that way it’s like symmetrical and then this this hallway which I have no idea where it’s going to go but yeah okay let’s get wood so I can finish that and then I’ll like start with the

Second bridge I just want to make like the uh the like the top bit of the first bridge and that way I can like actually walk across and see what it’s like God damn it and then I’ll do the second bridge that way I can again walk walk

Walk speech walk across it and then I’ll make the loot loot and I might if there’s enough time I will I might start working on the staircase to the uh breath of the wild statue hopefully I have enough time I don’t know if I will by okay

So I hope to get a new video out by Friday um I’ve learned from my uh first leave the company video cuz it has a 7% VI retention rate the worst I’ve had since my like early Red Dead Redemption video days and so I took the parts where

People left I took the parts where people um have like like replayed it and I made a little uh hello sip for sight Fox sip fit sip SCP fite Fox I’m I know it’s SCP but SI BR killing I want I’m lazy um here’s the thing what I would do right is I

Would get a friend uh someone who actually wants to help you succeed not a fake friend and then say hey um if I uh if I’m lazy and I don’t do anything uh I want you to call me up and just insult me like crazy until I start crying on

Call and however if I do do something don’t do that and then you have motivation because you don’t want it you don’t want to get roasted right so like if you do that and you actually like SCP say yeah I know what SCP Foundation means but like like whenever

I see like an acronym I like to like sound it out what’s your favorite SCP though tell me please but uh yeah if you do want to like actually get protected just like have someone roast you when you don’t and then well like not like if you don’t

Want to be roasted and you want to have like a punishment something else not like not don’t like get slapped every time you do something wrong but like some sort of punishment like you have to like like if you don’t do good work you have like a

Jar and then you like put like a coin in it for like every day that you don’t do something and then you have motivation and that’s how you get motivation it’s just I take my own advice I’ll do that I think you can tell by my profile

Yeah I don’t wait what’s your profile uhoh uhoh it’s too small and if I if I try and look I just go out of full screen I’m going to okay I’m staring I’m I’m my my my eyes are right next to the monitor right now

I have no idea who that is it’s too small I don’t know SCP that much except the peanut guy and the um and the guy if you look at him and um the guy where you have to like break someon his fer I think that’s the

Old man uh it’s also like some sort of baseball game I think and then there’s a staircase that that goes on forever I confuse back room Sensi and scps a lot so I might have I might have said a like I believe there’s one called

A Smiler we like like that might be a back I think about this not like like a weird spider thing oh the dogs that mimic you those freaked me the hell out when I played that SCP game like when I was like like when it first came out I cried because

Of how much it scared me I I didn’t like it I didn’t like it I hate hor games anyways we got this like the the like the Flor plan of the bridge done yippe Okay okay there also this black thing that chases you like the bra in and leth Company which I’m pretty sure is what that uh that that thing that chases you andg is based on no no no no no no no no company is based on the S&P thing my bad

My deep apologies okay so now the uh the third Jesus cist why did I move why did I move why did I do that I was paused okay I got to like to rain it out a bit I place this all with that I need to fix

That this doesn’t look the best but it’s the best I can do so it’s what we’re going to have okay have a like this oh I got I got I got to change them hope that looks a bit better now I have no idea let’s fix that stuff on the inside

Though how the hell do I get in here hello okay so like here probably here as well that’s what I wanted to do I want to make torches ah the sculpture Shy Guy the possessive mask are this the guy I was talking about probably oh God I’m not full screen

Anymore I call I like to call sculp Peanut cuz he looks like a peanut know it looks like a peanut that like peed and pooed all of itself why do the J like the like the like I know it’s based on Japanese like sculpture like the original one before

It got copy it got it got copyright claim right and so like you have to change it why did I pee everywhere why did I do that okay but I think those are names so I know the names the shy guy that one also freaked me out it

Didn’t it didn’t freak me uh out enough to cry about it so that’s good but it didn’t freak me out okay to rain I got to do this side now I to have to change the I can’t read that cuz there’s a bloody heart the the

One from the three image God the full screen to copyright yeah I think so okay we’ll do this make that go like that oh it’s night time good thing is peaceful no because it’s bugged creeper spawn over there Okay sorry for bad the Len is by the way I can’t fix it no matter way I try what sets I put in okay we we’ll fix this up and make stairc later however uh that actually works perfectly actually to make like a like got like a like a bridge that’s

Three WI that one’s like wider cuz it’s like the main one have this one be Cobblestone instead to like make it different he’s got to go why’d you out that he’s just got to leave and sleep because he’s a responsible human being I go to bed at

At at 2 a.m. cuz I’m not responsible good on you for being responsible go to you for going to sleep good night fellow human okay could make this out of like no wool would look ugly what would look like if I would how this look place a torch here just for

Now how does that look let’s go from afar it’s the best way to see I need Twitches is it dark is the stream to dark on OBS looks like it’s fine but I’m scared just to dark you haven’t sword for four you have I’m assuming you me slept for four out of 30

Days how do you have school already okay I feel bad for you feel really bad for me mine starts at like in like Monday next Monday so I I feel kind of bad uh that looks fine I I like I like that it good enough it looks it

Looks good enough I’m happy with how that looks I’ll add like more like what I feel like that that one that bridge why am I pointing why am I pointing you can’t see me okay the bridge this bridge that the mini one like this one is like would look like

The rainbow PR but this one it feel could be better if I just had like a pillar going down so I do that I don’t know how it makees the pill cuz pillars are kind of ugly but uh I feel like that one suits the aesthetic of a pillar more than any other

Aesthetic ow okay jeez I can’t even get up now come on come on let me up please God I have to dig my way God okay you had 1.5 weeks cuz of Christmas I got to go to winter break like the 14th you get Valentine’s Day Off wow you either lucky or

Unlucky depending on your current situation this is quite small though seven blocks my look like perfect perfect perfect yeah it’ll work it’ll work okay now I got to replace this with dirt but I don’t have any dirt left that was a voice crack I’m sorry where can I chisel got I want like

I don’t want to chisel down the mountains because like flat flat I if I could speak if I could speak flat places look ugly no man just start winter break Winter break starts on Valentine I’m confused my shovel okay well lucky you lucky you I guess okay I’ll chel it to

Uh chazel chisel it to here uh yeah how long do I I got 30 minutes before I have to end okay that’s enough time after this I’ll go home and get torches and light other other places up then I don’t I think then I’ll work on the path and then I

Believe that by that time what world am I living in God damn it I keep what world am I living in po stop going out of full screen I’m living in world one as we can see for some reason it’s bugged I don’t know if you’re talking to me but if you

Are it’s bugged and it says that it’s like no data at all and then this one which is literally just like snow cuz like snow buels are different than normal Wheels backround and there’s nothing on it it’s kind of not me oh no oh no I wasn’t being talking to oh no

I’m going to assume I’m I’m going to assume that I’m going assume that’s not me I got to from now on I have to be pinged I have to be pinged now you know I to know that I’m being talked to cuz I’m just yeah him him of course of

Course him yes yes oopsie doopsy okay [Applause] okay quite booring digging oh wa it’s something that has to be know okay why did I need dirt again why the hell am I doing this oh yeah cuz I want to replace that okay yeah okay I do that then get uh

Torches all right my diamond pickaxe doesn’t Break I have I need okay I forgotten how to speak I’m [Applause] just I’ve made a hot spot for or Chatters for chatting I should just like run a website where I live stream Minecraft and people can talk on if they want but like not to me to to other people that

Actually might make money if I do it right it’s like how like YouTube shorts will have like like some sort of podcast or like something other like and then they have like family Guai or GTA or like a random iPhone game I can do that where people can talk to each other

Except I just play Minecraft [Applause] over that’s an idea not all ideas are good though but it’s not here grass coming it won’t work oh okay probably extend this out a little bit so I feel like if the staircase is here and then you got to go immedately that wouldn’t be

Good you have a question yeah what’s your question I will answer it to the best of my um abilities what don’t I need I need enough I’ll plant this flower actually a special flower right here that’ll be though forever do I like drawings if you’re asking me do I like to draw

Yes if you’re asking me if I like drawings I guess sure like I don’t like all drawings because some are just bad but I I like I I do like others because some are good I guess that’s the best I can answer that and I I okay take a while of gas

To think my diamond pickaxe is about to break that’s not good oh yeah I need torches okay just 25 I don’t have enough I don’t have enough dirt oh man okay it’ll be fine it’ll be fine or play playlists I’m assum I’m assuming you mean playlists um I don’t understand what that

Means I don’t understand what you’re asking me or page I still don’t understand I’m sorry do I like Pages I’m assuming that’s what you mean um I don’t like reading it’s booring I’m I’m a I’m a visual guy I’m not a mental guy so that’s that’s I’m I’m assuming that’s why you asked

Me [Applause] at least the grass grew over here pretty [Applause] good I think it’s becoming green as well cuz like this is a desert biome for some reason that is that like a normal PLS biome I have no idea okay I’m going to get rid of this tree and then plant it somewhere

Else I asked if you like art and you have art uh sure like like is it like a like a uh what am I trying to ask if if it’s on a link somewhere send me the link to it I’ll fill that in later off stream

Probably cuz I don’t 15 minutes left and then I have to go oh no all right that’s still 15 minutes I can do work so I’m going to do that sorry shut the hell up sheep don’t B at me Okay yeah those those look all good I’m not the best at building pillars building pillars but I tried I tried why the hell did I go in here to make torches okay I’m just my brain’s not working today not at all I don’t know uh like like a YouTube playlist

Are you going to send me a playlist on YouTube so put the link in there like you just copy and paste the link and then I’ll open it and then I’ll look at the art and I’ll rate it from a one out of 10 I I’ll I’ll be honest I don’t

Sugar coat if I don’t like something how if I don’t like like something I’m not going to say h it sucks so you have no future I’m going to I’m going to say why I don’t like something cuz like I feel like if you like if

Someone says like hey I drew this um do you like it and you just say no it sucks that that like that’s not what they’re asking they’re asking like one do you like this and two if not how could I make it better and so I like I’d say how

Like if if if it is bad I’m not saying it will be uh I’ll say hey I don’t like this but you can do this to improve it and if you want to take that advice you can if you don’t you you don’t I’ll do that however torch is torch time I’m very

Stupid I forgot that you can just go like woo and like a 2 by two crafting inventory you don’t need to do a thing so I just came down here for nothing I got gravel in here no okay I missed the old texture of gravel this looks much better than the new one

Cobblestone like it’s nostalgic but it looks nice okay yes a YouTube playlist okay send the link in and I R viw it okay so I I feel like a five path would be too big again so what I’m going to do you can find it on your channel

Okay I’m going to finish what I just did and then I going to you said oh yeah you did say that my my my my bad my bad okay going to go here for a minute go to channel it’s not loading could you load for me playlist art okay let’s look at this

Okay how would I Scene two window window capture Opera opa Opa Opera book Opa turn on window capture okay so this I’m assuming this is like an abstract piece I like it this is like seven out of 10 this reminds me of that one uh uh like the uh the the shell

Shock mem uh this one this reminds me of cover art for like The Walking Dead I like this is like an 8 out of 10 U this one this reminds me more of of the meme uh the face is a little messed up but I’m assuming that’s like how it is I give

This a 7 out of 10 uh this one someone’s good I like the color that’s this reminds me of a ad Dolphus I say this is that’s Mr Beast that is a good drawing Mr Beast I’d give this I think his face is a little bit

Like if you made his face go like more looking at the camera bit it’d be a bit better I’d give this a a uh 7 and a half out of 10 that’s my review that’s that’s my honest review okay uh and back to Minecraft

Okay so for the path I’m going to do the same thing I did Le because like a five like a five path is like way way too wide then I have I’ll make something here B Beast a cartoon style yeah I I feel like if you like if

You had him facing a little bit more towards the uh towards the camera it’d be better but it’s still good it’s still a good drawing it’s better than I could do I could I could draw a stick figure with like 3D and then like that’s that’s it okay 10 minutes okay so

This B I’m okay move this torch over yeah I might because like that this it can go out and like I can make an overhang so I’ll build something here why okay let me just so I’ll collect this door as well oh yeah don’t know what to build here though I come up

Something pick this up light it up that way mobs don’t spawn here then fill it up deforestation no no no no no no no no no no no I i’ I’ve made a personal deal with The Lorax to not just like to replant every tree that I have ever um

Removed I’m not going to plant any trees here though but look forest forest so many forests I plant all my trees back this used to be like a like a semi bear Island now it’s not and and this is this is the most beautiful tree to the lore of my live

Streams this is the tree of life and it it provides magic powers see the entire Island that’s why the Island’s floating but then because I stopped streaming for like four months uh I had to make low up don’t don’t don’t don’t worry uh it became all yellow on the island even

Though it’s just cuz the biome switching it’s deser biome but for the ly it’s cuz I it’s cuz I stopped sacrificing animals to it but yeah okay I might make like another Tower I don’t like I don’t cuz I what if I make like a water

Slime that goes down and then like you have boats actually no cuz like that look ugly I I don’t know how to in it some sort of I know what to do what I’m going to do is I’m going to in the Grand Canyon right they have like this

Little walkway and then like a like a thing with like glass uh glass um floor that you can look down and then like it’s big like thing I’ll do something like that where you can like look over and look at everything including the like the messed up Cliffs SL iron Cliffs and

Then the water cuz people like water humans like water I’m assuming that’s because uh we need it to survive don’t know why we like mountains though I got no I got no clue for that one okay there’s this then I got to make I don’t have enough Gravel here’s gravel I found you you’re mine now I hate Flint I wish it give you flint and gravel but it doesn’t just gives you Flint nothing else You’re not getting toxic users what do you mean what Happened how do I get back up here I got I I should make I got okay I’m going to make a temporary staircase actually I might just like add like I don’t have any materal F now I do but I want a ladder right here that way

I can get up you okay I fall down though my crafting table oh I hate LS in this game though because it only gives you one for each for each thing so it’s very Expensive that kind of sucks people calling you six dude and not having a mic how the hell does that not make sense I didn’t have a mic for like the first like year when I got a computer okay I believe that they insecure little six-year-olds that uh

You you know how like weird children are like I was a child and I was like very weird they they they said back oh they said they said bad bad stuff F children I don’t I I hate I hate kids for a reason they’re very weird and the the I

Should say I hate undisciplined children like I don’t like I don’t know why parents don’t teach their kids discipline anymore like you’ll let your child like run around doing like whatever the hell they do nowadays and I got no clue why well that’s the way things are I guess

Uh what it’s probably because like at this point people don’t like have the willpower to raise children anymore so they just put them in front of like an iPad Jesus Christ they put them in front of an iPad scen ow hope I feel like the like like

Just bring your child outside take him to a park or something like in instead instead of like letting your child watch Sky toilet or whatever the hell that thing is like let like go go on a hike go on a hike like take your child outside don’t

Spoil your children either cuz they turn up brats and then they’ll be lazy and then eventually they won they’ll just be homeless and do drugs or something cuz like in my school children who are like disciplined or like Smite children who are spoiled like vape and do drugs and it it very much

Sucks why Vape I don’t how like I don’t know if like children are allowed to vape for some reason or like they like get offand dealers just because of how like many people like many kids do it like it’s it’s dumb it’s dumb like oh I need my I need my

Strawberry air because I’m quirky or something oxygen bro like it’s simple it’s like have you ever like they they’ve just not gone outside and like breathe air because like air has a taste to it it has a smell to it they’re rich spoiled bran yeah they

Are I don’t get it like they like they would probably go like cuz rain has a smell and it smells beautiful they’d be like this is disgusting I need my raspberry Fruit Loop flavored Air Blast that’s going to give me lung cancer and I’ll die in my early 20s I don’t

Care I don’t get drugs except like weed cuz like it doesn’t kill you like we’s the only like drug that like doesn’t actually kill you there like very little decimate unless you overose on it and like so that’s very everywh I wouldn’t recommend smoking at L because of like

How much uh cuz like smoking does damage your lungs but like just like the chemical itself it like it it doesn’t like I wouldn’t do it but like I get it I do get it cuz like it doesn’t do anything to you like like long-term effects however still like everything else

Why but that’s the perks of growing up in a in a city stuff like this is just like normalizes and it happens every day I would rather live in the city though some because there’s more stuff to do but at the same the people in cities are

Like very weird very odd odd odd individuals I’m not going to say why cuz I’ll get banned but they’re very odd individuals okay my old friend are face bored and he’s got he’s on to jail for he’s going to jail into oh I couldn’t read that one word

But yeah why why do that you could do anything else with your life like sure like it it it does make some money but it’s illegal like there’s other ways to make money like just drop ship like you like some people like when talking about Drop Shipping right they’re like hey it’s

Moral you can’t do it cuz like it scam people like Walmart does it like all of like the big companies like those are just like Drop sipping facilities cuz like if you go to like where they actually manufacture you can get it for cheap but like if you go like you go to

A store for convenience sake and they like Market the prices up like in like like fast food restaurants or like restaurants in general they will market up the prices by 300% which is like that that’s Drop Shipping food so like it’s not a moral because like if everyone

Does it and it’s moreal but like one person does it and it’s immoral then it’s moral because like everyone else does it I guess like that’s that’s the logic I say it’s like like I don’t know anyways he was charged with a auto theft theft on wow quite the individual anyways it’s

Five and I’m going to head out now I’ll stream again on Thursday so yeah that’s been a stream that’s been a stream it’s been a stream um yeah I’ll be back on let me make it let me make it sun wait I I should turn

On the music I’ll turn off this uh make it uh let’s make it dusk for the stream like let make the sun set for the stream oh yeah I I’ll be back on Thursday I have a video on hopefully on Friday I’ll try not to be lazy I am lazy

I’m sorry I I’ll do I I’ll put a ni on for each for each day that I don’t do any work on a video and like like for each day that I don’t do 1 hour of like at least an hour work because like I feel like like at that point like

You can get like maybe 10 minutes of footage edit in an hour so I think like he should strive to do as much as he can but like that’s like the bare minimum that should be a lowed once dinner my dinner’s done I’ll edit 4 every 4 hours then I’ll probably

Play like GTA like you don’t care house anyways that’s been the stream uh I’ll see you all later see you later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Monday (Alpha v1.2.3_05)’, was uploaded by Midnight_322 on 2024-01-02 10:24:19. It has garnered 145 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:43 or 5923 seconds.

In this episode we upgrade to the next version of Minecraft Alpha! Here is the list of changes:

Swords and other weapons now deal damage properly

Added proper hurt animations and sounds to mobs and players

Fixed dead players logging in as invisible ghosts

Made arrows visible and deal damage

Hoes now produce proper seeds

Creepers make noises and animate before exploding

Explosions animate properly

No more infinite free arrows

Server logging now appends to server.log rather than overwriting it

Buttons and levers (and a few other blocks probably, it’s a general solution) animate properly

Fixed minecarts (and pigs!) moving twice as fast as they should when ridden.

The join server screen now remembers the last entered ip

Increased chunk saving frequency on the server

Leaving sneak mode no longer triggers a million sounds

You can now see sneaking players

Names of sneaking players aren’t visible through walls, and are visible a much shorter distance


Stream Intro: https://youtu.be/d7zZUwGZWEY

Series Inspired By: bugmancx

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  • Cutting Up the Fun: A Minecraft Mixtape

    Cutting Up the Fun: A Minecraft Mixtape In Minecraft world, where blocks do speak, Jax and Pomni, with moves so sleek. Recreating memes, with a twist so neat, “I like yo cut g,” a Minecraft feat. Bonnie lurking, watching from afar, As Ragatha and Pomni, become a star. Caine’s surprise, with gummy alligator, Pomni’s heart, feeling the fear later. Inspired by a comment, a fan’s delight, Bringing memes to life, in the Minecraft light. CEO’s note, a potential plan, Valparaiso, IN, in the fan’s hand. Audience comments, to report back soon, Transparency needed, under the moon. Strange feelings, of events to come, A wrench in the… Read More

  • Trade Duo: SMP Shenanigans

    Trade Duo: SMP Shenanigans In the world of Minecraft, trading villagers reign, But this duo SMP just brings the pain. Kroberto’s adventures, full of fun and delight, Streaming on Twitch, each episode a pure delight. Subscribe and like, show some love and support, As Kroberto navigates, crafting his own fort. With VODs on YouTube, and tweets on Twitter, His gaming journey, a true winner. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Join Kroberto’s world, where diamonds shine. In the land of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, This trading villager duo, a pure delight. Read More

  • Tankee’s Dream House Build

    Tankee's Dream House Build Welcome to Tankee Town! In the latest episode of Minecraft Tankee Town, Amy Lee and Lark are hard at work building their dream town. Amy Lee kicks things off by showcasing her cozy cave abode, which comes with some unexpected roommates. Determined to create her dream house, she sets out to gather essential supplies like wood, sand, and iron. Encountering Challenges During her quest for resources, Amy Lee faces various challenges, including a grumpy Lark and a treacherous desert adventure. Along the way, she must also fend off unfriendly mobs that threaten her progress. Despite these obstacles, Amy Lee… Read More

  • Experience Stunning Sunsets on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Experience Stunning Sunsets on Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a mesmerizing YouTube video titled “Gün batımında PEMBİŞ ev UHD #minecraft #günbatımı #survival” that showcases a stunning pink house under the moonlight. The peaceful and enchanting atmosphere of this video is truly captivating, inviting viewers to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature and architecture. As you watch the pink house glow in the moonlight, surrounded by the serene night sky and twinkling stars, you can’t help but feel a sense of tranquility and wonder. The seamless blend of… Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Art Mashup

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Art Mashup Exploring the Intersection of Minecraft and Art For over 15 years, Minecraft has captivated players worldwide with its endless possibilities and creative freedom. Each player’s journey through this virtual world is a unique experience, shaped by their imagination and ingenuity. To celebrate the profound impact of Minecraft on the creative community, artists from around the globe have come together to merge the realms of art and gaming. Artists Unleash Their Creativity in Minecraft Through a collaborative effort, artists have delved into the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, using its blocks and textures as their canvas. The result? A stunning fusion… Read More

  • Outsmarting Traps in Minecraft

    Outsmarting Traps in Minecraft Escaping the Trap in Minecraft with My Friend Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with your friend as you navigate through challenges, traps, and creative building in this family-friendly gameplay. Join the fun as you explore the best Minecraft traps, survival strategies, and modded gameplay in this engaging Minecraft but challenge. Surviving the Challenges As you and your friend dive into the Minecraft world, you’ll encounter various challenges that test your survival skills. From building intricate traps to navigating through dangerous terrain, every step you take requires careful planning and quick thinking. Building Creative Traps Unleash your creativity by… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Creepy Characters Come to Life in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Where Creepy Characters Come to Life in Minecraft Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Drawing a Creepy Character While Minecraft Plays in the Bottom of the Screen.” The artist, Jacob Drinking Jones, showcased his talent by creating a unique character while Minecraft gameplay served as the backdrop. While watching the video, we couldn’t help but be inspired by the creativity and innovation on display. It got us thinking – what if you could be part of a community that values individuality, imagination, and fun just like Jacob’s artwork? That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With a vibrant and diverse player… Read More

  • Insane SKYBLOCK Zoonomaly in MINECRAFT pt 2!

    Insane SKYBLOCK Zoonomaly in MINECRAFT pt 2! The Exciting World of Minecraft Skyblock Zoonomaly Embark on a thrilling adventure in the virtual world of Minecraft with Skyblock Zoonomaly! Dakoon Animation brings you the second part of this exciting series, filled with creativity, challenges, and endless possibilities. Unleash Your Imagination With Skyblock Zoonomaly, players are transported to a unique skyblock island where they must use their creativity and resourcefulness to survive and thrive. Build, explore, and conquer the challenges that await in this dynamic and ever-changing world. Key Features: Custom Skyblock Island: Start with a limited set of resources on your own skyblock island and expand it… Read More

  • Sneaky Ajit’s Minecraft Shenanigans

    Sneaky Ajit's Minecraft Shenanigans The Exciting World of Minecraft Shorts Are you ready to dive into the captivating world of Minecraft Shorts? Join the adventure with Name ‘Ajit’ as they explore the latest features and challenges in the Minecraft universe. From build hacks to gameplay tips, there’s always something new and exciting to discover in this ever-evolving game. Unleashing Creativity with Minecraft Builds One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft is the ability to unleash your creativity through building. With the latest 1.20 update, players can explore new build hacks and building ideas to take their creations to the next level. Whether… Read More

  • Golden Apple Trick: Minecraft 1.20 Enchantment @Wisegamernetwork

    Golden Apple Trick: Minecraft 1.20 Enchantment @Wisegamernetwork In the world of Minecraft, where legends are told, I bring you the news, in rhymes so bold. Crafting the Enchanted Golden Apple, a tale to unfold, With hints and tricks, my story is gold. Join me on this journey, through blocks and through caves, As we explore the mysteries, of Minecraft’s waves. Like and subscribe, for more adventures to save, In this world of wonders, where creativity paves. So come along, dear viewers, let’s dive right in, To the world of Minecraft, where we always win. With rhymes and beats, let the fun begin, As we craft and… Read More

  • Chasing Lava in Minecraft! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Chasing Lava in Minecraft! 🔥 #minecraftmemes Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #dadjokes #sorrynotsorry Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Unique Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Unique Minecraft Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new and exciting server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With a thriving community and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and explore new horizons in the world of Minecraft. After watching the YouTube video titled “33 ways to torture Minecraft mobs,” you may be feeling inspired to dive into the world of Minecraft and test your skills against various challenges. What better way to do so than by joining Minewind server? With a wide range of gameplay options and… Read More

  • Ultimate Potato Farm with Auto-Smelt!

    Ultimate Potato Farm with Auto-Smelt! Automating Potato Farming in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, players are constantly looking for ways to optimize their farming techniques. One popular method is creating an automatic potato farm, which not only saves time but also increases efficiency. In a recent video, a Minecraft enthusiast demonstrated how to build a fully automated potato farm with an added twist – an Auto-Smelt upgrade! How Does It Work? The key to this automated potato farm is utilizing villager mechanics. By setting up a system with hoppers and a smoker, players can ensure that any potatoes dropped by the villagers are… Read More

  • Formula 1 Driver’s SHOCKING Rating Revealed! Catching 2700 Tropical Fish in Minecraft

    Formula 1 Driver's SHOCKING Rating Revealed! Catching 2700 Tropical Fish in MinecraftVideo Information the t’s always open for e it’s time for more but also more formula one oh [ __ ] me now we let’s see what was the quest 12 Beast play B CH Beast let’s see how many Beast do I have in the Dr de uh two four you can say five uh the hunter have the two four six seven sure it will be the Haunter deck we will be playing let’s see this 3 six priest rug sh on the not still made only 5 that 29 on that 22 only five huh probably it… Read More

  • Attempting to Beat Minecraft with a Cursed Texture Pack LIVE

    Attempting to Beat Minecraft with a Cursed Texture Pack LIVEVideo Information [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] s [Music] [Music] the yo what is up you guys we are doing this we are doing this we’re going to be playing Minecraft on a very with a very cursed texture pack it’s going to be hilarious I’m doing this with uh Mr WX cop he is part of the Garr the carrot Community hold on um yo what’s up WX cop all right um is it cursed it is very cursed it is very cursed yes all right yo man yes oh uh I don’t… Read More

  • 🔥 SHOCKING: CHAND Bhai 10k’s CRAZY Train Journey!

    🔥 SHOCKING: CHAND Bhai 10k's CRAZY Train Journey!Video Information This video, titled ‘#minecraft #shortvideos train journey water park#trending #viral #minecraft #shortvideos #subscribe’, was uploaded by CHAND Bhai 10k on 2024-05-06 03:23:50. It has garnered 3352 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable: Resurrecting abandoned village in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: Resurrecting abandoned village in Minecraft!Video Information bonjour et bienvenue sur ones level alors merci d’avoir regardé la dernière vidéo c’est pas facile de revenir sur Youtube après 2 mois d’absence donc merci beaucoup de d’être là d’être encore là et euh vraiment je fais ça pour rien si personne ne regarde donc merci à vous la dernière fois nous avions installé fresh animations et euh on avait aussi décoré tous les villages alors fresh animations est toujours installé pour l’instant on continue le test pendant quelques épisodes pour voir si mon PC le supporte et pour ce qui est du village et bien il… Read More

  • KISS ME NOW! Epic Minecraft Montage!

    KISS ME NOW! Epic Minecraft Montage!Video Information [Music] [Music] potim with love me with your poison me want to be a victim for [Music] a This video, titled ‘Kiss Me A Minecraft Montage’, was uploaded by Beasty Sensei on 2024-01-13 07:06:39. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. hey guys sorry for being late but here’s a new montage for yall hope u guys like it pls share and tell your friends to subscribe me i promise ill upload more fun content soon love you all Tags Ignore ——- bedlessnoob,bbs,beastboyshub,y4zan,kissme,kiss me,montage,sammy,skeppy,badboyhalo,triggeredinsaan,liveinsaan,minecraft,minecraftmontage,Dream,DanTDM,SSundee,ElTrollino,Robin Hood Gamer,georgenotfound,technoblade,minecraft, minecraft… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle: Ganesh Girish Gaming – Scourge vs Kozarog!

    Ultimate Battle: Ganesh Girish Gaming - Scourge vs Kozarog!Video Information तो हेलो गाइस आपका इस वयो में स्वागत है हम स्क कोज की फाइट देखने ने पहले अटैक किया और वह कोजक को नीचे गिरा रहा है मुझे तो लगता है कि कर्ज ही जीतेगा लेकिन कोजक के पास भी बहुत से हथियार और अटैक्स है चलो अब हम फाइट देखते हैं गाइस बहुत से लोग हमारे वीडियो देखते हैं लेकिन कोई भी सब्सक्राइब नहीं करता प्लीज लाइक शेयर और सब्सक्राइब और कमेंट कर दीजिए और यह देखिए स्क हम अगली वीडियो में मिलते हैं This video, titled ‘who will win? scourge or kozarog @RatnaKurale’, was uploaded by… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Live Stream – Trouble Ahead in India!

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Live Stream - Trouble Ahead in India!Video Information ठीक है भाई वो तो लेकिन वो कर सते फने करलो टेगा मैं निकाल लू तेरे पास फन नहीं है तो आप लो लाला चला आपकी द दूसरी जगह पर रहती है क्या नहीं नहीं साथ मेंही होती है काम करते है ना ऑफिस में र वो म नहीं पता नहीं ज बड़ी यह कौन सा है थने तो स करले अच्छा वो उस पर करर क्योंकि वो कुछ दिन ही स्ट्रीम पर देख भाई चला जाएगा बीच मेंही चला जाएगा ब तक जाऊगा तो तो है अच्छा दो दो सर्वर ऑन हो गए बार बार थोड़ी मैं… Read More

  • Unlock Mind-Blowing Click Power with M4rtins

    Unlock Mind-Blowing Click Power with M4rtinsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Esse é o poder do normal click.’, was uploaded by M4rtins on 2024-01-18 19:54:03. It has garnered 75 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. Texture: Red Default Tags (ignore) #minecraft #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #pvp #lunarclient #badlionclient #badlion #cmclient #cmpack #minecraftpirata #minemen #minemenclub how to increase 1000 fps in minecraft / how to increase 100 fps in minecraft / how to improve your fps in minecraft TAGS VirosGamer / Virão / Te combo na ravine / VG / VG200k / Intro for VirosGamer NeoxGamer_, Rei, Mito, NeagleGames, WomboHG,… Read More

  • Dominate the Minecraft world in style with Cube Xuan!

    Dominate the Minecraft world in style with Cube Xuan!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft:霸气回怼太爽了!【方块轩】’, was uploaded by 方块轩 on 2024-03-27 09:41:05. It has garnered 65670 views and 4158 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Hi, I’m Fangkuaixuan! 🌟 As a creator in the field of Minecraft, I bring you the most unique MC animations! 🎬 Our channel focuses on integrating popular Internet memes and delivering happiness with funny humor! 😄 This is the only official channel of Fangkuaixuan. Videos posted on other channels are pirated and unauthorized! 🚫 Update wonderful original videos every day, come and follow us, and save unhappy moments with… Read More

  • WIP SMP Vanilla SMP EU Whitelist Java 1.20.6 No wipes Max 20 Players Freshly Launched 06/05 18+

    🌸🗺️ WIP SMP – Join a New Community 🗺️🌸 Who Are We? Brand New World: Fresh server with planned events and exploration. Mature Community: 18+ group that values respect and fun. Latest Java Release: Running Java 1.20.6 with whitelist. European Hosted: English preferred, all countries welcome. A Fresh Canvas: New world offering untouched landscapes. Long-Term Commitment: World is here to stay. Enhanced Vanilla Experience: Features like web map and voice chat. Your Voice Counts: Community input shapes the server. Respect Above All: Courtesy and kindness are key. Join Now! Come be a part of our new world community where you… Read More

  • Minecraft server play.multiculmp.fun:25565

    Minecraft server play.multiculmp.fun:25565 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Angry AF at Minecraft Mods

    Minecraft Memes - Angry AF at Minecraft Mods“Trying to install mods in Minecraft is like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube blindfolded – frustrating, confusing, and you’ll probably end up throwing your computer out the window.” Read More

  • Crafty Tricks: Zoom in Minecraft, Quick & slick!

    Crafty Tricks: Zoom in Minecraft, Quick & slick! In Minecraft, to zoom, it’s quite a breeze, Just follow these steps with ease. Open your browser, download OptiFine, Then open Minecraft, everything will align. With OptiFine, zooming is a snap, Get a closer look, no need for a map. Navigate your world with a brand new view, Thanks to OptiFine, the possibilities grew. So next time you play, remember this tip, Zoom in with ease, don’t let it slip. Explore every corner, every nook, With OptiFine, you’ll have the perfect look. Read More

  • Reinventing the Minecraft Meme Game

    Reinventing the Minecraft Meme Game “Quando você tenta fazer uma piada nova, mas acaba sendo de novo a mesma piada de sempre… #minecraft #déjàvu” 😂🤷‍♂️ Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Zoo Building Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Zoo Building Adventures! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon an exciting YouTube video titled “Building a Minecraft Zoo with Goats! | Mega Base Expansion.” In this episode, the content creator takes us on a journey as they add goats to their zoo collection in the game. Witness the careful planning and construction of new enclosures for these adorable animals, all while expanding their mega base. But why stop there? If you’re looking to join a vibrant and creative Minecraft community, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With… Read More

  • Minecraft Thumbnail Font Tricks

    Minecraft Thumbnail Font Tricks The World of Minecraft: Exploring Fonts, Shaders, and More! Delving into Minecraft Features In the vast world of Minecraft, players like DeadlyEpic are constantly exploring new elements to enhance their gaming experience. From experimenting with new shaders like the newbie shaders to customizing their gamertags and textures, the possibilities are endless. Shaders and Textures One of the key aspects that players like DeadlyEpic focus on is the visual appeal of their gameplay. By incorporating shaders like the newbie shaders, they can enhance the lighting and overall aesthetic of the game. Additionally, custom textures are on the horizon, promising even… Read More

  • 🔥 Insane Hive Parties with Viewers!! #cubecraft

    🔥 Insane Hive Parties with Viewers!! #cubecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hive Parties w/Viewers (Facecam) #hivemc #cubecraft’, was uploaded by KaneLion on 2024-05-01 11:58:43. It has garnered 794 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:27:15 or 5235 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftbedrock Minecraft live doing custom games with viewers on The Hive Minecraft Bedrock Server! =========================== Discord: https://discord.gg/C59tACx5vm =========================== Server IP: Hive Bedrock or Cubecraft Bedrock =========================== Texture Pack: Bare Bones 32x =========================== IGN Java: KaneLion IGN Bedrock: KaneLion =========================== Song: Beaty and Sylish Beat by Screamed Only You can ignore this – hivemc live minecraft hive hive customs live custom hive live hive… Read More

  • Warden vs Grenade Launcher: Epic Minecraft Showdown

    Warden vs Grenade Launcher: Epic Minecraft ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Warden vs Grenade Launcher #minecraft #memes #gaming #mod #warden #minecraftmemes #mods’, was uploaded by сreeper952 on 2024-03-25 18:24:53. It has garnered 115 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Thanks for watching!!! #minecraft #memes #gaming #mod #warden #minecraftmemes #experiment Tags:minecraft, memes, alexa real, meme, speedrun, this video will satisfy you, shorts, this fight will actually never end, 10 ways to destroy your pc, real, all of your minecraft questions in 1 min (hehe), do not show this to dream…, 31415 iq?, alexa, how to make a gaming… Read More

  • Unbelievable! JJ & Mikey discover Family Maze in Minecraft Maizen!

    Unbelievable! JJ & Mikey discover Family Maze in Minecraft Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Found FAMILY MAZE Challenge in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ TV on 2024-05-10 11:00:38. It has garnered 5030 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:10 or 610 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Found FAMILY MAZE Challenge in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft videos by Maizen TV! Read More


    INSANE REACTION! RETURNING TO MY OLD MINECRAFT WORLD!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Revisited My 10 Year Old Creative Minecraft World!’, was uploaded by Etholdir on 2024-03-01 15:00:03. It has garnered 662 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:54 or 1194 seconds. Want to show some support? Become a member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXTtMlSoqC9SLVf9h7R0XHw/join Today I take a trip down memory lane and go back into my 10 year old Minecraft creative world Chronos that I built together with my build team BioFrost. Hope you enjoy 🙂 Twitter: http://twitter.com/etholdir Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/Etholdir_ Discord: https://discord.gg/wzK6SAn https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Read More


    TOP SECRET: BEST OP SKYBLOCK SERVER! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Best OP SKYBLOCK Server For Minecraft Bedrock 2024!’, was uploaded by FryBry on 2024-01-05 11:00:56. It has garnered 1817 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:53 or 173 seconds. Best OP SKYBLOCK Server For Minecraft Bedrock 2024! IP: rainermc.net PORT: 19132 SHOP: https://buy.rainermc.net/ My Client: https://mcpecentral.com/frybry-200k-client-for-minecraft-bedrock-edition My shader: https://mcpecentral.com/frybry-100k-shaders My PvP Pack: https://mcpecentral.com/frybry-100k-pvp-pack-16x Join My Realms! ► https://mcberealms.com/ op skyblock server for minecraft bedrock,op skyblock server minecraft,op skyblock server bedrock,minecraft bedrock op skyblock server,skyblock server for minecraft bedrock,minecraft skyblock server,minecraft skyblock,skyblock server,skyblock server minecraft bedrock,minecraft bedrock skyblock server,minecraft bedrock skyblock server… Read More

  • Raj Verma will shock you with this crazy animation! 😂

    Raj Verma will shock you with this crazy animation! 😂Video Information This video, titled ‘#notyourtypeedit #animation #cartoon 😂’, was uploaded by Raj Verma on 2024-03-24 06:44:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. sada shiv skibidi toilet cameraman cartoon spider- man aur iron man toilet bhoot wala cartoon make joke comedy minecraft … Read More

  • Exposed: Minecraft Bedwars Streamer’s SHOCKING Secret!

    Exposed: Minecraft Bedwars Streamer's SHOCKING Secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Minecraft Bedwars Streamer Who Pretended to Be Someone Else for Years!’, was uploaded by MasterSleepyLazy on 2024-01-13 23:05:30. It has garnered 28 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:42 or 162 seconds. Thanks for watching! If you enjoyed this video, please consider hitting the like button and subscribing to my channel. As a new YouTuber, your support means the world to me and it’ll help me create more content. So, don’t hesitate, hit that like and subscribe button! links: https://twitter.com/BoomerNA/status/1744204499311321289 https://twitter.com/BoomerNA/status/1744205919464948136 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y54YsSogFss #game #minecraft #news Read More

  • Unbelievable Chaos with the Squad!

    Unbelievable Chaos with the Squad!Video Information This video, titled ‘BRUTAL COMPANY s klukama’, was uploaded by Jubilex on 2024-04-11 18:02:07. It has garnered 9 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:03 or 603 seconds. Discord : https://discord.gg/2dJAfpWbPj Tags : #minecraft #gaming #games #pvp #apocalypse #song #viral #fyp #zombiesurvival #bridge #funny #win #lose #tags #clipdump #montage Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but thats aight while buckybarr hosts buckytour finals with pavkin and speedtoggled and lmblitz going xin69 on their oof oh and I should probably… Read More

  • Deadly Secrets Revealed: Why I NEVER Touch Minecraft! 💀

    Deadly Secrets Revealed: Why I NEVER Touch Minecraft! 💀Video Information This video, titled ‘Why I don’t play Minecraft Live 💀#shorts’, was uploaded by PR02Z on 2024-04-12 18:17:32. It has garnered 3400 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Yo Subscribe if you want Game Buckshot Roulette Find me online at ; Discord : https://discord.gg/w5ZpGWxtUM Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pr02z?igsh=MWFwdzBobTd4MXBvaQ== Twitter : https://x.com/PR02Z2?t=PojdNgc8LIG97FIvn6tTbw&s=09 Tags ok #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #dbd #gamingcommunity #indiegames #horrorfan #remake #gamers #re #saw #horrorcommunity #fanart… Read More