EPIC Minecraft Monday Warfare ft. Friends & Viewers

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Why is my thing on here more different than on my main account what the Hell For [Applause] Oh my mic was muted I didn’t know I forgot to unmute my mic my fault I didn’t know my [ __ ] was muted forgot to unmute myself forgot about Chip uh GL you told my mic was me Aiden cuz I didn’t know you’re [ __ ] dit Jimmy I literally said in my Discord I feel like [ __ ] I still do I still have good Grades and I’m I’m already in trimester 2o I’m already fine you know what hold on let me see if I have any school work oh yeah I forgot I couldn’t even sign into my damn school account on this [ __ ] computer cuz it wanted to act sped let me

See cuz I’m already in trimester 2 it’s just the second day so I’m fine and we didn’t have no homework and I’m pretty sure we don’t have no homework again but I’m still check probably just add puzzles [ __ ] wasn’t 04 at a 34 and is that good [ __ ] I don’t really know Aiden

So I don’t know if that’s good or not let me see do I have anything seminar any that’s a damn e oh [ __ ] I didn’t know okay so I have nothing for seminar I don’t have nothing for I don’t have nothing oh they haven’t even updated my classes yet I’m

Fine my [ __ ] aren’t even updated yet let me upload this video from my main Channel right Now I don’t know why it’s in such [ __ ] quality I hate when it’s like this I hate when it’s in [ __ ] quality like this it’s [ __ ] annoying let me try to redownload it wait so is the movie it or is it the camera that’s it it’s the camera that’s it

Let me see if I can try to re-upload this report cards are after break and progress reports are before break I got to turn that [ __ ] into a c at least just try the best you can just try the best you can Aiden that’s what you really do at

Least I don’t know why this [ __ ] is always in [ __ ] quality I hate when it’s always in [ __ ] quality can’t [ __ ] do nothing on fortnite my [ __ ] was still [ __ ] crashing I couldn’t even [ __ ] get on the game wait what am I doing oh my God what the [ __ ]

Well I’m not going to college either way Mike so shut your dumb ass up fortnite need to upgrade a GTA servers why what sense would that make cuz his ass honestly is it only my [ __ ] that’s just crashing I don’t even know if it’s just my [ __ ] that’s only crashing wait are they

Stuck are they stuck oh [ __ ] they’re stuck duck I crashed during a Duo game oh so okay thank God it’s just not me so [ __ ] fortnite servers are just pretty shitty right now just is just Crashing not going any college like I’m a go to one anyways bro my friend’s PS5 turned off during the Big Bang event bro so basically that update just [ __ ] over everyone [ __ ] H move trying to break the glass who are you trying to Cur yourself oh my

God Jesus Christ why I had a feeling that’s what happened too that’s f sucks like these guys are fine yeah okay I’ll just leave you out there yeah I know I’ll most likely be in school while it you know I’ll most likely be in school once it like you know premieres oh

[ __ ] hang on I’mma tell the buz not to pick you what the [ __ ] I got bday classes and I don’t really do [ __ ] so I can watch it if I have a class where the teacher not there or the students are just being absolute [ __ ] then I’ll probably watch

It I just got to keep my phone hidden put that in hey what’s up Nick okay I’m going have to get y’all out can be phone in class well that’s how some schools are you can’t really have your phone in class like at all well y’all like move the [ __ ] down oh my God that’s not well that’s just [ __ ] are you going to move back in you’re not going to move huh [ __ ] you me imagine you so you streaming oh what the [ __ ] [ __ ] kids don’t want to go upstairs all right got him [ __ ] where did he go Oh this vill this baby is pissing me off where did he go whatever I’m not I’m not having it to be honest [ __ ] it they’re always replaceable are you guys are just stuck to like go down or something wow that’s what it was the entire [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] yeah

Nick why the [ __ ] y’all two ain’t sleeping and iron pickaxe it’s not one that oh has to go to sleep withk [ __ ] thinking this is Mr Beast some type [ __ ] bro there nobody on oh C’s not on yet thought at least Creed would be on oh my go

Oh I see you went to sleep last I need a Fletcher not a Fletcher a clerk I need a clerk and a Fletcher for when I get a good bow if anyone wants to join it’s the pin comment for the usernames if you’re on Playstation or Xbox PC Nintendo hell even phone

What’ you say Nick why don’t you edit the rule board what the hell uh sir did you just spontaneously combusted where the [ __ ] did that creeper come from oh I got your pants and that’s how I be like in the Minecraft life get jumped by a creeper from

Behind just pretend it’s all okay oh there’s the rest of your [ __ ] it’s in the water wait how the hell did the creeper not blow this up honestly damn I was going to say I probably might make this bomb proof I’m glad I built a [ __ ] shed now I’mma probably need window

Since that [ __ ] just happened what did you edit the rules Oh just yep yep only made season one episode one I’m pretty sure we’re more into season one uh I would call this about like well let’s see we’ve been to the nether got Villagers now now we really just need um we need clerks two to be exact season two I don’t know wouldn’t really call it that move [ __ ] whatever sounds good just name it that I suppose honestly one of these guys turn into a clerk I won’t be mad so he a three sounds good

Enough okay one of the babies are going to be a clerk calling It oh glad I got the things I any wool bro do I got any wool homie Nick make some shears look at all these damn sheep make some shears brother oh speaking of Wish well time to walk to the Lions then yeah pretty sure Creed did that one oh damn I think this’s a lonely Cow Jeb sheep more like that’s crazy it’s funny even when you share them he still get does the white wool I find that hilarious to be be exact um let’s see wait I’m pretty sure one of them grew up you need to move before I [ __ ] execute

You well I want to die you gotta be [Applause] [ __ ] this is going to take three this is going to take three seconds sorry okay two clerks good let’s go to kill him I hate the [ __ ] NWI I hate them [ __ ] dude so annoying hey not my [ __ ] alt account CH [ __ ] suck oh they’re stuck [ __ ] sake not again I join you guys yeah what you want uh gamb bird e gamb bird I believe I said it right like that okay uh what platform you on I’mma take two pieces of your hair go ahead I’m pretty sure I have like a [ __ ] ton Java isn’t that like Xbox or something I

Think I said think so It’s my PC oh okay um Java’s PC only dude well [ __ ] I a know I forgot I’m only on Playstation you think I really care about anything else but uh just add my um Microsoft account then I should be able to add you just tell me when you do

It what the why is bro in the ground why are you in the ground oh another librarian oh do not fall down there please that’s the last thing I need is for any of you to fall down there n hold up let me do this [ __ ] right now no one’s falling down

There I think he wanted to be short the [ __ ] like bro sucking bro your kangles are gone what the hell uh I have no idea what the [ __ ] is this I think I made this for some damn reason oh what the I thought that would that doesn’t make any sense at all

Where is your server crossplay yeah it’s crossplay I always have my on Crossplay H Damn man all right I got to do like a raid or Something what like the pretty sure all you got to do is add me bro and you can join where’s creep I thank You I’m back holy [ __ ] where did you go I went to that orientation H oh I got two clerks cool yeah my [ __ ] fortnite is still crashing that sucks yeah I don’t know why the [ __ ] he keeps doing that but I honestly don’t give a [ __ ] I’m getting KFC

Later God damn I really got to start uploaded on my gaming [ __ ] insta how many how many views did this one get 396 oh man I think I start at Thursday actually oh [ __ ] I do nice I start my job on Thursday nice yeah I forgot the stick drift ain’t so nice on

Minecraft how’s my farm doing someone [ __ ] said no way GTA 6 came before World War III what the [ __ ] bro wants the world end the hell the hell I forgot I had this one full vast I don’t know why the [ __ ] I had on full blast oh yeah that’s right the GPS for

My grandmother that’s why I was on full blast that’s a lot of [ __ ] quick what quick question is the portal uh near [ __ ] in a Soul Sand um let me check I [ __ ] hope so cuz I need soulan for my Nether Warts no it is not okay I don’t think it is

Uh what the IP to the server wait can you even find the IP to the server cuz there’s someone on my chat for yeah I need to make a barrel see I never did it like that so I normally just tell people to add me like if you if you’re like in

Microsoft and [ __ ] like that what the bo didn’t even take a second to shoot what is 360 my ass like he knew I was coming the [ __ ] God damn I hear Phantoms yep that’s a trap door how do I make a oh that’s how you make slabs now I make barrels barrel barrel

I just realized I gotta hunt [ __ ] zombies for rotten flesh right yep at least till I can get them to a decent level where I can start trading the hell out of the gold I forgot I need to build a wall of China oh my God I wish I could trade Redstone holy

[ __ ] that’ be very [ __ ] useful well I guess it only makes sense to expand like here so I guess I replace this with this the land of warfare or Warfare land I don’t know call it whatever [ __ ] I forgot I had that oh you made a banner forgot about

Those wait what was I doing again oh [ __ ] Phantom wait did it upload Warfare well on the on the plus side I got a free brownie that’s nice well I guess all right everyone go to sleep I suppose and some ginger ale Nick get your ass to

Sleep when the [ __ ] did I get a golden carrot how much dirt do I Have we had to sleep with a SL I mean uh yeah you want to know what was the video I was going to edit today oh [ __ ] nice it was the [ __ ] it was going to be the video where we just fought the [ __ ] people well me and gosby just

Fought the people that see y was called like f booy fishing and [ __ ] like that oh that yeah I remember I remember seeing that I don’t even know what the [ __ ] to call the title like we fought some very interesting people yeah I’m going just call it that we fought

Some all right so what do I have that weed carrots very interesting people in this [ __ ] off YouTu wrong guess I could just uh say beat oh my God beat roots I’ll do later oh my god dude what the [ __ ] is wrong with this spot of water I won’t this water go Still I hear a [ __ ] zombie all right this water is having a stroke I got to fix It we a sh for a moment okay oh wait okay good I fixed the water having a stroke well how much San do you have I don’t even think I got any [ __ ] wait you could go another WS in the dir no okay I’m going to have to go [ __ ] Soul Sand hunting

Then actually wait let me actually I can just try and make a nether portal in my [ __ ] house or something do I even have any diamonds left yeah I do I have enough for a pickaxe I’m pretty sure the video is just like 8 minutes and some seconds than you have sh

OU I didn’t know she gave back to me nice all right okay good to know when you have baby villagers don’t have don’t let them near glass panes why they will literally get stuck somehow if it’s in between anything BR that literally proved my point uh a fish could

Go guess uh you can make this probably a little bit of a fishing Duck I’m going need to make [ __ ] fences yay Dam it’s a good I have 64 [ __ ] logs nice I appear to have runet of sticks all right so I guess I will start like can I fit this in here I can this oh and that’s going be

Warts I guess this will just be beat since there’s not really that much of a use for beat so there’s no point in [ __ ] making it long as [ __ ] H oh hello there oh I should probably Crouch since fighter did make a [ __ ] big ass hole somewhere with his mods yeah right yeah right there I just realized I’m going to have to [ __ ] chop down the metric [ __ ] of trees leaves oh Jesus Christ I didn’t

Want I don’t want to become a fisherman a damn use this one too whatever he’ll change once he can’t get out they always change once you lock them away for a long time long didn’t y’all make didn’t I swear someone made like a tree island or some [ __ ] around

Here uh yeah that place was supposed to be Tri on just nobody planted their [ __ ] saplings down ah where that house is whose house is this I don’t know I don’t remember BR just built the house and abandoned it pretty much it’s not it’s not bur this house I know

That all right my buckets I got to put you all in here I forgot I was going to make a lava Farm somewhere God damn it do I have any food i e that orare your damn Villages are [ __ ] creepy I don’t want to know what the

[ __ ] happened for him to say that I I don’t want to know neither what the hell happened Spruce okay I got to chop down spruce tree leaves I guess I’ll get 64 of those shits Spruce holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] how much dirt do I have okay good

That that’s good I’m going to need it I got a circum they just did to my soul well that’s what they normally [ __ ] do what do you want them to do I got to circumcise the trees oh my God poor tree ah [ __ ] oh well I got 64 anyway not be [ __ ]

Creeps oh you can’t really do nothing about that [ __ ] I mean oh I have [ __ ] two stacks of these what the [ __ ] if there ever is a nit with villager aka the dumb [ __ ] who always wears green execute kill him on site do not hesitate poop it kill him hey an

Apple uhoh I fell this is why I don’t like villager why I [ __ ] kill them even if they are nit with Jo hey Bobby [ __ ] break with the hand I could fish here too if I want I’m still going to have to make a big [ __ ] wall of ice I know when I

[ __ ] uh at least just trying to level up the clerks right now why is there dirt here who the [ __ ] placed this dirt where wasn’t me I see a water cave ah damn it the ice is replacing itself yeah well I got a solution to that what oh what the [ __ ]

Do I have any torches on me I do good about like right here there a [ __ ] cut oh I can’t place torches on these Warfare looking game chat I’m in a PlayStation party I’m going swap my [ __ ] to Discord like very soon too not now I’m just saying like eventually I’ll be using

Discord to like talk and [ __ ] if you’re in my Discord already then once I join like once I start talking the Discord yeah you can join but like just don’t be annoying or I’ll just [ __ ] kick you I think this worked perfect now we will not well I stop the

Wall off a little bit of it I mean I could talk to the police I just have to just real is my stream stupid you have any beats or no nope damn wait didn’t zi get Beats hold on let me check I don’t know did

He he he does use my chest no it’s carrots yeah it’s just carrots never mind your stream is delayed very bad yeah I don’t know I don’t know it’s like sometimes like it’s mostly like 5 Seconds delayed that’s normal I don’t know if it’s like more oh my liso damn

[ __ ] oh that wish is a [ __ ] I was just a [ __ ] and it’s like 10 seconds it’s like a 20 second delay oh wow that’s cool I don’t even need to make a door it’s 10 seconds for me it’s normally a 10c think I hear the ender portal being

Weird I mean not the ender portal the the [ __ ] nether portal being weird no it’s just a random cave sound for some [ __ ] reason just making a weird noise yeah I think 15 will be enough yeah 15 was more than Enough fast food place not too sure Man jimy came into my chat saying something about ditching scoo blah blah blah blah I’m like bro it’s it’s already trimester 2 relaxed I missed one day and I’m was feel like [ __ ] plus uh they didn’t what you call it they didn’t update my classic yet so

I’m pretty sure I still have no [Applause] homework they never update my classes till like the third week I don’t know why oh all right well I guess we can go to bed unless you’re doing something who me yeah I’m not doing nothing important right now I’m just making the farm

I don’t need to go to bed unless there’s Phantoms why why is this here I just realized I don’t know I I know it’s Brandon’s house but I’m just going to cover this water up with dirt cuz I don’t know what he wants to do with this

And he doesn’t want to do anything with it I’m just going to put my lava Farm kind of near here God damn it h H there’s a Block’s chest there it is put you in there oh whoops not want to do that [ __ ] for help is Forgot my mic was moved the whole time Jesus Christ I’m trying to fish a bow let’s see how long it takes to actually fish a bow chat hopefully it doesn’t take too too long I a Dr PSN for This girl bro Yeah is [ __ ] [ __ ] why do you even know she went AFK sorry my my I had a help my mom bring the food in I’m going to go eat I’ll be right back all right but yeah Chad I don’t know when y’all going to get another fortnite stream I really want to play this season

But my damn game keeps crashing so I don’t know when I’ll be able to play it I’m not even lying when I’m saying this [ __ ] keeps crash like it actually keeps [ __ ] crashing holy [ __ ] keep getting fish can I get a bow I’m just trying to fish for a bow I know this is the most laziest way to get a bow but come on this Damn damn forgot ghosted this [ __ ] oh uh uh Damn ghost Brothers at 726 subscribers it’s [ __ ] crazy that’s [ __ ] give me my fish give my XP too W don’t Can I stop getting fish bow [ __ ] hell come on give me a bow bow bro I have looting three on this [ __ ] well Lu at this see3 I don’t know flirt I don’t know flirt okay I got a [ __ ] saddle getting Close you know I’m not even going to say bow fish puffer fish cod going be a salon next I love how I said everything in Reverse but it didn’t give me a [ __ ] bow what weapon should be o it’s not even a bad choice for the weapon either Bro speechless you yeah right just be careful sh the the first story window not the baby you are you close it close it another [ __ ] saddle Jesus I keep getting Saddles I get drunk that’s the occasion it’s Tuesday all right back I got four saddles in a row I don’t know if that’s lucky or this is I’m trying to get a ball man well I’m not done EA but I got the famous B that’s ity no no you cannot eat this [ __ ]

Man all come on Bow Bow Bow Bow Bow give me a [ __ ] bow I’m a [ __ ] long shot to C3 yeah I’m getting anything b a bow or a fishing rod or anything I’m a [ __ ] long shot it now are you [ __ ] what did you get I got I got the

Bow I got a bow I said I was going to long shot it I just put it way out there and I got a bow Unbreaking three and power it’s it’s good enough but bro I guess you just got to really throw it out there if you want something Good tell me how I just got a bow out of that what the [ __ ] tell me how I just got like two okay I got like three fish in a row and this shit’s not even Enchanted [ __ ] see the problem with fishing from a far distance you can’t really tell like when

It’s getting real DSE sometimes ah great now it’s taking a long time take a button famous boy and pray uh buffer Fish what that was quick Oh I thought that was another bow it was just another fish that scare me like that don’t play with my feelings like that Minecraft what the [ __ ] okay I couldn’t even see that it’s gay I thought I was way late on that whoa that was actually far 60

As long like [ __ ] hell now see now I got one bow now watch we get like a fishing rod or some [ __ ] I’ll take that fishing rod if you get it yeah most likely I’mma Be the [ __ ] Merc music of just supply drops but just like doing fishing The Merc music of fishing

Drops now that’s a fish drop yep well hey on the on the on the right side we’re at least getting free food yeah [ __ ] T of free food I just realized the [ __ ] fish came up when I was going to bite I’m just have my

Fish oh my God my stick drift makes this [ __ ] annoying ah oh God all right putting all the fish inside here for GU you can get string from fishing weird but but yeah suppose that’s okay yeah only reason I built the little Huds protect me from [ __ ] creepers bone that’s Nice didn’t give me anything oh 25 Just Fishing is entertaining oh my video’s out what mending and power for oh you got my [ __ ] boat what the [ __ ] wait shut shut but Cur Vanishing yeah well never I never mind well I can make a power five bow

Now yeah but that chrisan just going to [ __ ] you up not really I just have to not drop the damn thing or just die with it on you exactly oh [ __ ] another belt no never mind I gotta do a Minecraft stream why I just fish just a fishing and talking about

[ __ ] stream pretty [ __ ] Much memo oh you got [ __ ] Nemo hedgehogs hey oh my God so I mean chicken all right last chicken then it’s just the mashed potatoes jigging [ __ ] Creed is very disturbed God damn I know it’s I’m pissed I’m going I’m doing I’m doing this yeah you

Go do that come here come here what are you doing you just yep he did I did it the C man way wait what are you guys playing Minecraft Minecraft bro did you not read the [ __ ] party name I did but I don’t know are you still in the same it’s in

That world yeah it’s in the same world yep okay I’m going to join you better not be in the cave I bet you he is no that’s normally Brandon he’s not he can’t be in a cave I he logged off with all this [ __ ] in my house name

Tag our name Tabs are name tabs really shocking anymore no but come on man still a name tag right do do be that do be like that I gave you a ball but I logged on to [ __ ] no not this thank you this yes please wait how

Many are in the world just me and Creed oh man oh [ __ ] I got to put all my [ __ ] [ __ ] in the farming barrels I made just a crazy PR it has the most annoying song but it’s stuck in my head so I can’t do nothing about it lro

Lro all right I guess this will be like this stuff carrots first trailer trailer number one hi cavon where the [ __ ] am I bro wa H Watch trailer one Tuesday December 5th what the hell number 15 it just gave me the it just gave me the

[ __ ] I just saw like how how much time it’s going to be alhamdulillah alhamdulillah I think it said the video is going to be a minute 30 seconds alhamdulillah yeah wait Warfare what have y’all been to the end yet no that’s we’re working on right now what what what are you trying to

Do uh um book ender pearls really are you in a cave uh NE where are you I’m just fishing a good I’m just trying to fish a good Bowl right now I’m I’m no I’m not wasting no [ __ ] I’m not doing the enchantment table [ __ ] cuz I don’t feel I don’t

Know feel like murdering I’m going to go it’s random all right can’t blame me I’mma go wait can you get to the to the end the cities without killing the dragon cuz I don’t want to kill the dragon without you yeah but it’ll probably be difficult cuz you got

To escape the dragon once it sees you nah that’s not that’s not that hard [ __ ] pushes you into the [ __ ] void yeah about that no n no we chilling how’s the void down there oh yeah I forgot he dead where the [ __ ] did I go War what’s the house

Coordinat I I fished here for like one one thing and I got this got a [ __ ] book wow UH 60 63 negative one 13 wait you fished right here hold the [ __ ] on oh [ __ ] I am ways away that’s fine remember that it’s literally

Spawn all right I see a drown got to get zero oh [ __ ] drowny I’mma go try to get a trident soon I already have one but I barely used it I’m going try to [ __ ] upgrade it eventually if you don’t plan on using it give it give it to a person in

Need well them shits mostly help with well when you’re trying to get air with elyt Ras when you’re in the water so yeah I built a whole [ __ ] uh irrigation system for my tradent in my world just like [ __ ] puddles everywhere I stole your fish I know okay it’s actually faster right

Here holy [ __ ] it’s very faster right here wait they uh did they patch the one block AK AFK fishing or I don’t you even do that on Console even a thing on Console I don’t know I think it might I think it might be but if they up yeah go

Look it up cuz if they didn’t I’m going to do that I said you do it not me but you go look it up and I got a bro came what the [ __ ] bro came I got a what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that is better than a [ __ ] bow holy

[ __ ] what did you get protection three mending loyalty 3 Pierce three and Quick Charge holy [ __ ] I’m really happy about bending let’s be honest I can I can get protection somewhere else BR I’m better off just [ __ ] dying wait do you got cheats on in this world or no no no

Okay what do you have on you I have a diamond sword with uh sharpness three looting one and Unbreaking three I got a gapple well you better make your ass back here bro you know if you if you wanted a Ludy 3 book you could have asked

Asked I can’t say properly okay I could have asked but then again it’s better to just ask oh all thank you L Lord Lord three thank you [ __ ] oh Fortune Fortune 2 okay that’s good thank God I was look oh oh [ __ ] it’s falling night time I just realized I

Could put mening on my fishing rod actually I can just easily get that that’s not worth it no that’s not worth it that’s not worth it I mean I already have Unbreaking so mending on a fishing rod n cuz I mean you at the same time

You can easily fish that [ __ ] and what the [ __ ] yo this wandering Trader I swear to God you better not be stepping on my [ __ ] crops wait can y’all go sleep or no cuz if you can that’s that’ll be amazing do you have a bed and

Uh I’ll find a village if as long as you guys can go sleep Cherry sapling Coral block pink D okay you’re justed go sleep go sleep go sleep sleep is important gotta get your daily ad hours in I don’t even think there’s any Phantoms out well for us probably not but for him

Maybe true that go sleep CS if you can’t sleep just leave the game I’m sleeping on your bed on my bed okay then when I get back I’m going to wash the sheets oh you act like he busted on them what you act like he busted on them what

The [ __ ] who the [ __ ] knows he might I’m pretty sure Creed is mature enough to not do that H you just never know that’s crazy you just never know right I was thinking about buying something in wor Thunder but then I’m going to I decided I’m going to wait until did I just get two shells and then buy that I I just got a [ __ ] water

Bottle oh congrats is it the Sun what is it PG it just says water bottle bro unbranded damn it’s unbranded like the non important [ __ ] antique that’s antique another fishing rod what the [ __ ] is this piece of [ __ ] wait what’s on it what’s on it wait mending and curse of

Vanishing that’s that’s it yes I’m not lying I’m I’m disappointed I’m not lying all wait holy [ __ ] oh let’s go baby we can use the boat gas gas gas got to step on a gas does anybody want to go when I when I get to the nether portal does anybody

Want to go ender man hunting with me are youall going to be [ __ ] I mean I already have two clerks and do they sell you anything though did you get a to Max yeah both of them how much for an Ender pear five okay do you have a well do you have

Mending on a bow do you got a do I have mending on a bow yeah no just I’m breaking it Power Three Warfare do you got a Fletcher that I can trade sticks with or no here like two yeah you get this okay what is it just

Yeah where are they where is he uh second floor upstairs well I don’t know why I said second floor upstairs just second floor second floor downstairs all right well cuz I don’t want to kill the dragon before I get to the end if I get there I’m going to look

Why doesn’t snow despawn when he throw the what the [ __ ] um yeah so that happened what just happened I got kicked out yeah we both got kicked out War didn’t no how the [ __ ] did both of y’all get kicked out did lro joined racism bias racism bi seems very

Suspicious he does kill us Andro kill him he’s a win he’s I smell a [ __ ] I smell [ __ ] you know what hango where’s the where’s the curse of Asing I question no no you know what happened I questioned Minecraft’s logic and it just killed both of us oh yeah you said and

Then I said why does snow not [ __ ] despawn if you throw in water and then the game killed itself I oh what the [ __ ] Warfare your villagers are kind of they’re going crazy I don’t know what the [ __ ] fish yeah uh they’re all my friend was in

Here earlier saying that [ __ ] like they were staring deep into his soul they do be doing that though he’s not wrong this one’s 32 you didn’t get a discount on any of them [ __ ] no I didn’t even get dude I I didn’t do no rage yet we don’t even have Village to

Do raid no I don’t mean raid I mean uh zombify him you have I wasn’t going to do all that bro I’m I’m sorry it was already hard to look for them bro okay does any how many Ender pears do you have and can I take

Them that’s the thing I was going to save up on the [ __ ] emeralds to [ __ ] get the pearls I need so wait do you got pearls or no no Also you got to work on your bridge building skills there’s like 30 materials on one Bridge yeah we’re not going to speak about that I got Unbreaking three and B of Parts three that’s literally useless what the hell bre all hold on let me I’m going to go get some

Wood what the [ __ ] who is this oh that’s a zombie so for my pickaxe I have efficiency and Unbreaking three Warfare how many blaze rods do you got do I even have any more not too [ __ ] sure cre do you have any no Fu so I got to actually hold on I

Might hold on let me check I mean as long as you got seven I’ll I’ll use coordinates and and [ __ ] to find it but like RS rods rods rods rods please tell me you got some I I don’t unless it’s in like the mob chest let me check the mob chest hold on uh what cords are what what is Fortress cords do you know the for the Fortress or no I don’t know it was a while when we played on this world

[ __ ] Okay no I I still found seven golden apples oh that’s mine don’t touch it yeah I ain’t touching them don’t worry you better oh wait no here I I have enough for bro this is not going to be enough this is going to take forever I forgot how much five emeralds

Is five emeralds is a [ __ ] on a [ __ ] I I got three pearls oh God cannot even look for a damn bow right now I only got one bow and that was from earlier Lan show L the game ah El’s efficiency 4 and Unbreak three all

Right uh Creed if you got any pearls or blaze rods give them none at all nothing NADA wait where’s my stuff uh that one [ __ ] it’s all useless don’t for to make your house I have seven shells and I’m probably never going to use them this [ __ ] is seven what shells yeah

What the hell zombie piglin seven bomb shells all right so I guess uh I don’t know I just I guess bro Creed can I take some of this wood sure thank you I’ll just take like a lot of it well [ __ ] there I think I have a

Fletcher that has does Arrow so we’re good on arrows all right all right I’m going take some of those um Creed does he do sticks answer the [ __ ] question does he do sticks dude you said no they always do sticks they don’t what the [ __ ] do you

Mean no they can do mostly and well yeah that’s yeah sometimes that’s gay [ __ ] the gay [ __ ] right there they’re all just looking at me I’m I’m uncomfortable by this all right hopefully this is enough for like I don’t know two more pearls okay I I’m hoping

For thank you another thank you okay Power Three I can get a power for four Thor wait the power of Thor H yeah that’s enough wait Warfare so literally no more blaze rods pretty sure nope just one one blaze powder one one just one so I can know the general

Direction just one where else would I have them oh damn just find one well I was going to where’d you go I’m I’m out oh I was going to give you a blaze powder give me that oh [ __ ] thank you is that all we got

No find more how much more do you need cuz I have have some everything everything he good that should be good oh yeah that’s good all right I’ll go to the nether just to get a bit more but this shortens the work pretty much uh significant

Amount all right so you don’t know where the Fortress Is Not really since we haven’t been on here in a while okay okay okay okay okay [ __ ] this is not easy he yeah here’s some oh thank you all right um hold on and this for trading

Uh so that’s for trading we need some more Enchanted apples in case anything shitty happening right I don’t really plan on D but in case I do well you drinx yourself [ __ ] and we’re going to get these d diamond blocks uh all right that’s 18 so we can trade for

Pearls all right hold on wa I’ll be back boys to the nether after I do that for it is too quiet oh my God no I do not creat G good yet name tag okay I got looty 2 efficieny 3 and loyalty 3 wow I got a bow more balls more

Dick Power five bow got it why are you screaming Jesus hey Chad you hear someone in the background it’s my friend just screaming for no reason example number one why do I hear a zombie oh sound like a cat for a second what guess what what guess what what e e e

Hold up hold up oh okay ROM Fu happened I have no idea she literally said ew ew e e then she hung up the phone I don’t know what the [ __ ] happened I don’t know if her one of her pets threw up or probably the case well I have a power five

Bow I have 30 six Cod and there’s an Enderman in their [ __ ] uh cow pit what the [ __ ] is he doing in the cow pit oh he’s not in the cow pit he’s in he’s in your farm what the [ __ ] get your sted ass out my phone better not stole Anything I don’t even think the anime can even steal crops hey life could be dream could it really shoom wait CR I just realized hey yeah what you realized we were supposed to cover up this water spot too but we never did no wait is this the ne Warfare what’s the

Chance that you put it on peaceful for the time being until I get to a fortress five uh five out of 10 all right so do it that’s 50/50 [ __ ] all right do it fine put it on easy baby no peaceful [ __ ] [ __ ] if you die on [ __ ] easy I swear to God

I’m going to die I’m it’s easy easy easy just avoid lava okay then cre getting molested by Enderman if you dislike me that much okay then I’m not saying I dislike you I’m just saying it’s easy mode easy mode can’t be that hard in the

Nether I got the rarest item in the game grass block Blass block nice brop I know exactly where to put it yo watch this happened you you I’m send you a screenshot I’m send you screenshot this is Tommy blow or whatever you want to call yes his last name was blow Tom blow

We call him Tommy and this what he said to tell JC who the [ __ ] is JC JC oh well I don’t know who these people are h so they were together like November the last time I texted him and then that’s what the that’s what happened today wait so how old is

Him he’s 19 how old is her she’s 16 grandmar has left the CH oh [ __ ] okay and he says he says he says her [ __ ] stretched okay then I need to know that one how the [ __ ] you do that to your Shield I don’t know Nick did this what

Add a banner to it you mean what yeah the [ __ ] a banner just put it next to a put it next to a banner in a cting table that’s it it’s not that hard they added that it was in Java like are you [ __ ] Creed I’m going to cry I’m going

To [ __ ] cry I’m going to [ __ ] cry look at the ball Cur why the [ __ ] did you drop it you dumbass trade it through a chest it’s not going to disappear if I just drop it but I’m just saying how do you know what do you mean doesn’t curse

Of Vanishing disappear when you die no it’s when you die disappears when you die oh okay but it would have been it would have sucked if it was when you dropped it oh Warfare Am low Warfare please set how are you low on easy what the [ __ ] is touching

You fall damage is touching me okay you want me to set to peace on [ __ ] just because on Fall damage yes you have no idea how un incapable Z okay now that was on you what the [ __ ] do you mean cuz hi I’m new what’s up Atomic me

But there goes all my [ __ ] well if you remember when you died ah do I I don’t know just clip the last few seconds or a minute or hour [ __ ] you okay well since he asked I’ll put it on Peaceful oh you’ll put it on Peaceful

Now hey you died to fall damage I don’t know bro I got to go all the way again I thought you said that I thought you like say that cuz you was getting touched by a gas or something no that’s easy you can kill that with an arrow but being a

Clumsy [ __ ] ass you can’t kill that with an arrow unless you aim it up high and shoot your nah bro I [ __ ] shoot bro and bro just like Can’t Touch This y yo like bro all right uh I’m just gonna jump down there cuz if it’s if

It’s on Peaceful fall damage should be like nonexistent if I die again I’m going to just quit the game here even if it’s on Peaceful fall damage is still fall damage n n n n we good boys just it say z04 fell from a high place again heit what the

[ __ ] I can’t bro well before I well I’m putting my diamond uh my diamond axe I mean pickaxe in that no that time he died from lava I teleported into [ __ ] lava that’s not on me you teleported into lava yes w w and all that you saw nothing what you’re not talking to

You oh did you even see what he was talking about no I didn’t see nothing not like bro has a gun to your head no no I didn’t see nothing see okay see no evil do no evil speak no evil or something like that nah see Z if you go jump from high

Places bro you need that [ __ ] um FEA falling for yep excuse hey a book see but starting a new survival is so much different from when you have full netherite in a previous one I got a sword book cuz you [ __ ] think you’re invincible and then you realize oh [ __ ]

I don’t have any armor uh uh oh my god do how long do potion effects on a gapple last ER not too sure you didn’t find out you have seven I’m surprised you didn’t take one of them cuz I know don’t they like have um fire resistant

Yeah yo Creed I can make a [ __ ] sword like a good enchanted sword I could put sharpness four Unbreaking looting three and mending congrats do I need there’s going to there’s like one more thing I’mma need for this too and and no I’m not adding knockback maybe of course of course I

Lose the diamond chest plate of course cuz you know why wouldn’t I I don’t know why would you get your ass back inside well talking oh wait my dumb ass forgot to put away my [ __ ] op ass bow I found that has curse of Vanishing

On oh my God chat what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] I forgot how much [ __ ] you can put on one fck all right this should do this should do and this if I these if I check if I put these two books together it’s going to have false Walker 2 protection 3

Sharpness four looing three Unbreaking three loyalty three mending FY 4 Quick Charge one and efficiency 4 oh my God and I only need nine Levels holy [ __ ] Warfare what I found the stuff oh my God I hooked a fish isn’t that what you’re supposed to do who forgot to make a iron shovel I hooked an actual fish it’s funny how I put all this [ __ ] on one bug just to get four enchantments off of it

It’s like I’m doing all this just for for enchantments a Creed sharpness or knock not sharpness uh knockback or fire aspect uh depends uh the fire aspect depends if you want to make like a uh a farming book I forgot to bring [ __ ] I forgot to bring Cobblestone with me God damn

It actually both y’all in the nether right yeah all right cool I can go to sleep while both y’all are in the nether that’s the basalt place I forgot to bring bring a golden thingy my Bob with me [ __ ] it’s still on Peaceful I they’re piglins still they won’t attack you on

Peaceful oh okay good oh feather falling four first re ha stream hi sess later man W soulless what the are you doing my skin look good look good looks good I got another bow oh my [ __ ] god Warfare set it on uh set it on

Easy oh you found it yeah so I can start don’t do it yet wait wait wait wait I it’s on easy it’s on easy okay what’s up Satur oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I just got Unbreaking three flame one power four and mending damn stupid [ __ ] mushroom why I hear a little bit of

Hesitation there too many [ __ ] people down here man I still ain’t find no [ __ ] Blaze spawner but I find blazes every now and then so I guess that’s good what the [ __ ] have any temples that can M temples are temples are templates stor I think he means templates yeah cuz

I’m about to say you can’t multiply a temple I wish I just don’t know where you would put it I don’t even know where the [ __ ] you I I haven’t even found a temple in this world yet so Minecraft music is going hard in my ears right now bro I can’t hear

Anything do templates do we even have any templates I found the end place you were lagging as [ __ ] on my screen Warfare am I lagging no not on my screen it’s probably just you Nick it’s kind of a you problem probably just you cuz if I was lagging then my stream would be

Lagging how can I have a playing wow oh I you still got to get slown on Minecraft I Gotta play with bro on Minecraft at least once like me and Sal I gota walk that man through or whoever joins probably be on a Discord call since like this man doesn’t have PlayStation

Anymore you’re hopping on hey Z I found the Enderman Place uh get ender pearls like as many humanly possible H I got to I I I got to run from the [ __ ] piglins chasing me or just kill them I don’t think they St chase

You yeah St as soon as I run oh I ran away and he stopped chasing me oh okay then I guess uh you’re I guess they do stop chasing you eventually at least I got unsuspend I get unused in 3 hours damn you still on that unsus spens

[ __ ] which friendly fire was on well I’m glad it’s not I’m not taking any risk no oh I’m dead oh I’m dead I’m dead you burned to death I did take a damn God Apple no sor [Applause] some basic that AI photo of you 10 out of 10 the hell is this

For edman spawn at the blue place right yeah oh [ __ ] okay I don’t know I don’t think it’s big enough but yeah it’s I’m at it wait oh just that Unbreaking is not on here Jesus Christ look at this monster chat all these enchantments this is like five this is like 10

Enchantments on one bug going down into four wamp wamp and it’s dead well it’s a sharpness it’s a sharpness sword so what’s dead me oh what I don’t have the energy to keep going right now cuz I died so I’m just going to get on War Thunder hold on kill some people you

Know take your anger out yeah oh [ __ ] cuz hold on I might leave the party boys I gotta got something up all righty adios adios Sun warp fungus I’m pretty sure you can use that as a uh fish fishing well you put a fishing rod together with it I think you can ride

The Things damn Nick what did cre do black man you good no random black man oh [ __ ] my pickaxe is about to kill itself all right time to make an Enderman Farm thingy myob I guess I’ll do it like over here how high does it have to be I think

It could be like right here it’s like four blocks and then it’s like four blocks for the Enderman farm right yeah they can’t hit you okay but you could do like jump attacks and [ __ ] good so make sure I had that down have to make it out of the nether

Rack cuz I’m a broke boy and didn’t bring my own [ __ ] yo no way bro finally [ __ ] upload again who uh Mr Mii he he was like one of the YouTubers I normally watch when like the weekly updates and [ __ ] came out until he stopped doing them and started doing normal vids

Okay yo I haven’t seen bro in a minute my pickaxe just broke uhoh I got to get the [ __ ] out of here the street of Los Angeles trolling I got to get the [ __ ] out of here where’s the way out there’s a [ __ ] gas there’s a piglin about to jump me

There’s magma [ __ ] slimes fine come on shoot me [ __ ] shoot me [ __ ] shoot me shoot me [ __ ] actually you know let me fight this magum it’s only one guy you’re only one I don’t have to worry bring me your babies can I one shot them okay Good oh I a wow none of them Dro magma cream that is crazy that’s some very [ __ ] luck right oh I got a bow with just cool I got to get the [ __ ] out that’s a big Magma Cube now I ain’t fighting you get the [ __ ] away from

Me oh God I hear gas I’m scared oh God that’s a gas right in front of the 4 I just ran into [ __ ] fire cuz I’m a blind ass [ __ ] wait what is this what’s not on here oh flam’s not on here all right actually yeah Creed I

Don’t think I need um I’ll just put knock back on my [ __ ] because I actually no actually no I’ll put flame I’ll put like flame on my sword I can put like the punch [ __ ] on my bow why the [ __ ] is there a zombie on top of

Brandon’s house well he he probably has no torches up there I got warped Roots this book is staying on me at all times up it’s raining This could go in the blocks chest what the [ __ ] uh Nick do you know how to fish huh sweet still couldn’t find no Soul Sand but I got a crossbow that’s cool oh and also got this how much how much can I make how many how many how many how

Many oh it’s only that amount to make that okay dope how many of these one two three four five six okay one three four five and six does Glowstone melt ice uh well pretty much anything that’s light I believe most ice so well it doesn’t do that good of a job

I put like two three torch things next to each other oh what you trying to do just mot like where so like they can’t touch us well yeah yeah I suppose that is that or I uh do Trump’s greatest plan just realize if we build a wall them pillagers might spawn inside here

Because the [ __ ] villagers at my house so I’m pretty sure they’re still spawning here oh yeah I think one of in one of my other worlds I lost a raid and I wondered how the [ __ ] I lost and uh there was a Vex killing the villagers BR I forgot the little [ __ ]

I forgot those little [ __ ] can kill them that’s why I didn’t think of nothing otherwise plus I was dealing with a ravager Mike’s live probably on GTA yeah most likely I can’t oh he’s on Red Dead oh yeah I forgot he he said he was going to

Play right dead now because he he likes it yeah I would too but I I don’t have it honestly I might just delete fortnite till they fix the servers or some [ __ ] because if I still can’t play the game there’s no point of me having the [ __ ] downloaded fix the game

Huh okay it’s only that one that’s not grown Brandon just got on I’m happy my farm is actually working properly nightm okay if I do a raid here I got to build a I got to build like a wall around my farm just in case a ravager comes out of nowhere just

Says boom boom boom boom boom boom want know what’s better than [ __ ] feather falling Frost Walker feather falling four rip tie three knock back to an efficiency God damn hey you want to see my farm oh yeah let me see check it out I I even need a I don’t

Need a gate cuz watch this yes yep pretty much and perfect ah what the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of my house oh we’re just hiding what the [ __ ] Jesus so does snow not yeah it doesn’t come here well it comes here it just doesn’t stick oh cuz it’s you’re mixed between the rain and

Snow that’s why I’m guessing right here is going to be like the sugar cane sugarcane I forgot about sugar cane I’ll just throw it over here then oh that’s why I thought like this part over here would be oh I I was going to do Beats here oh oh yeah cuz they go

Differently right yeah I was going to do Beats here and then uh sugar cane I mean not sugarcane uh Nether Warts oh okay I just need Soul Sand that’s why I was in the nether still can I find any no damn I didn’t find skill aella oh what the [ __ ] bro it’s just

Jojo teleport oh he died I Lally saw where he died see no say he will be power oh damn it [ __ ] is this I don’t know Nick made this thank you Nick that was a name tag wasn’t it yep I got no fishing rad oh wait a second that reminds me oh Creed

Here forgot I got that thank you it doesn’t help that my fishing rod is almost dying but I’ll use the rest of the durability unless you unless you want the unless you want The Mending with the Vanishing still have that one [ __ ] drop it to me I I’ll I’ll combine it yeah

Guess see you get a better one exactly yeah it’s l just Cur of Vanishing and rending so anvil in here or no uh mine all right oh that reminds I got to work on the lava fuel Farm I didn’t get three bucks to Lava while I was there [ __ ] I forgot to do

That before I left it cost all my enchantment just to [ __ ] move this [ __ ] you know what out of the respect for my fishing rod I’m going to use it until it kills itself oh I think Mike would want to see this for the Red Dead [ __ ] what what bonuses

Ah three times Rd Redemption well oh yeah reminds Meek GTA’s update right well yeah cuz this week is just still going yeah I know this week is still going I think it’s next week that’s going to be the update I think it’s Tuesday or no yeah

No problem my schedule is I work until 7 o’ but I don’t care I’m getting paid so I’m happy at least you don’t do no late night shift yet yet I’m using the wrong fishing rod I just realized oh this [ __ ] I was like why am I getting

So many fish and then I realized I was in The Lure 2 one I was like oh Said oh I got a bow I don’t know what’s on it though oh power three and punch one nice I forgot when it rains and increases your fishing power really pretty sure that’s why I’m getting so much fish per [ __ ] second right now I’m not even using the bo the

The the [ __ ] rod you gave me ah oh did you already combine those two uh uh things fishing rods yeah I just got a lar two mending damn that’s unfortunate very unfortunate wait I got a bow oh I’ve been had this bow there even a point of having mening on

This [ __ ] bro this [ __ ] is not breaking oh that wouldn’t I lost that one [ __ ] did you put all this in the water yes all that’s all junk that I don’t want chip wire hooks bulls and lot of [ __ ] need a [ __ ] incinerator for that [ __ ] someone get a cactus literally

[ __ ] I just realized how the [ __ ] will they be able to place it well now I have an Unbreaking three flame one power five and mending book not mending book no it’s no longer raining that Sucks St well got them the Master trip wire hook no one uses that a bow now uh you know how to work these shells I think I think this like I think you need like a conduit to like these like like breathe under water I believe like for Infinity I don’t know I don’t really

Know how these properly work so I’m not really going to use it Take B oh I saw that tried to get your ass saw what it was a drown Bro went up and just went back down he’s like hey I’mma get him I’mma get him I forget about it not too much work another name tag at this rate you have enough name tags

To name all your dogs no I don’t oh my God another shell God damn Gary what’s up with these shells man Quick Charge that’s it yep my fishing Rod’s about to break I got a normal ass fishing rod fish me something good before you die that’s not good that’s leather boots not

Again oh you got both fishing Yeezys I need I don’t want the Yeezys should be breaking in now about three two where the [ __ ] is the Fish one I didn’t break this should be the last use of it still not all right well I wouldn’t kill for some [ __ ] fisherman oh holy [ __ ] impaling five Jesus thought you going get impaling five from fishing when will this thing break holy [ __ ] it’s been on no durability for like

[ __ ] 10 times I got another one projectile protection for beta alopa 3 loyalty 3 and efficiency 3 Jesus Unbreaking three and infinity ooh it’s a nice one yeah I forgot infinity and mending can’t go Together ah enough with the [ __ ] Saddles uh Creed Trident never mind there was a drown down there with a trident was he looking at me yeah he was dead looking at you for a second [ __ ] of course he shot me all right well come up come up come up come up got your

Ass did he drop the Trident sadly no I’m kidding I know I saw the [ __ ] tr I already have one so I’m back home do I look like Simpson to you what what kind of Simpson salur said I’m back Homer yes [ __ ] off bro you want to join your

Buddy this [ __ ] this Rod is indestructible bro I have been fishing 20 times and this [ __ ] hasn’t broken it’s not it has zero durability too right yes it’s another book piercing four I don’t get this [ __ ] man your [ __ ] [ __ ] is literally invincible what the [ __ ] my fishing rod refuses to

Die fishing rods are the most strongest object in [ __ ] Minecraft and I got a fishing rod oh I heard that oh my god did you just get something mad good when it broke yeah what’d you get oh Jesus Christ it’s a bow too what is it oh my

[ __ ] well I still got a good one I I have flame on my [ __ ] wait what do you have oh there never you got you got already I’m going to eat and then Bank all the useless [ __ ] I have I just got a bow punch to you know what that’s

Literally the last thing I need on this bow too thank you you remind me of the comic book guy and The Simpsons [ __ ] why 50 fish bro got too many fish can’t handle reasons is it because I’m black let me stop I have 64 cooked fish in my inventory

Now oh that reminds me I got I got to go put these do I have a fisherman up here by any chance I don’t think I do the combook guy is white well I don’t know [ __ ] God damn it well both these shits have oh it has Infinity [ __ ] what the

[ __ ] um actually no that’s a good thing that means I could just call this the gas killer um what the [ __ ] this guy’s a Fletcher but his bro what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] he’s a Fletcher and a butcher he’s a Fletcher he’s a fler [ __ ] that’s a [ __ ] clip holy [ __ ]

That’s actually funny that is actually [ __ ] funny I never seen that [ __ ] in my life oh damn y butchers thank you you’re fisherman I just realized I made an iron shovel and there was a [ __ ] Stone shovel in my inventory somewhere okay here’s one fisherman is there another one maybe yes no maybe

So did I do both of you oh no I did not um excuse me excuse me excuse me sir excuse me sir you going on sir thank you ah [ __ ] well oh I know which one he is all righty I’m about to move you sir I do

Not want to hit one of these villagers no you cannot be that can you please turn into yes two Librarians one not Librarians two fishermen I’m going just trade with both of you so you can’t change damn going need a lot of [ __ ] Coal well Creed at least we have a good way to get [ __ ] emeralds wait when I have to let these two outside though why you have like M man my Anvil killed itself damn m is still working sat what the ever loving [ __ ] all right he’s out out I need the

Other one get out get out stay home anymore get out get out get out you’ll be sleeping outside you will be sleeping outside I’m sorry I’m sorry look I have Unbreaking three on this on this bow listen listen I know that’s your workplace just trust me on

This okay I need you to go outside sir you must go outside just like your friend see look your friend didn’t wait I got a plan see see look oh it’s working it’s working it’s working yes yes yes yes no why did he go the [ __ ] cor away from to [ __ ] move

Yes now I got them both outside now I need all the villagers to come upstairs to see what bed they have is a torious hey yo what the [ __ ] oh whoops everybody getting a fresh new cut snip snip it’s a [ __ ] Dog W all right on if I take this take what go ahead I don’t even think I use that One You you have any fishermen I have two I just got shot at by another [ __ ] bastard oh oh they need coal though does charcoal work or is it coal just coal Coal I have 40 in my chest I think there are just 10 Each pretty sure the next level no like 10 coal and they’ll like switch to the next One whoa whoa what sawur relax bro where’s the fisherman they’re outside oh God damn where why bro going all the way across okay he’s coming back starting to get night time so yeah I want them to transfer to the new beds I put outside and don’t worry I’m now worried if the zombies

Come the beds are here so they’ll probably get like into them oh you guys literally have beds right here use them it’s not what I meant Satur I got a fishing around it’s Unbreaking three that’s it damn I like how when he said damn the [ __ ] Minecraft thing just played the

What is I doing oh yeah coal 40 coal oh wait yeah since the zombie I said the zombie since the they’re sleeping let me see which bed they can get replaced to actually got to break all the beds where’s the farmer outside wait the farmer’s outside yeah you broke his bed bed I

Think wait have a farmer yeah I didn’t wait how I don’t have a is it is it a farmer hold on let me check oh no it’s a fisherman I was about to say I know I don’t have a farmer he he he he was interacting with the cows

What the [ __ ] was he doing what the hell I think I fixed them yeah fixed them they’ll sleep outside now honestly I should make new barrels so that way they don’t go nowhere I can just keep them in like this one area pass away I’m going to kill them Uh that why I say Okay who the hell would make a trap chest those aren’t even really useful six planks yeah give me this treat we’re chopping the tree Down hey man take it easy take easy more nice I won’t call them that I will call them demons you can I be find demons ons execution m these [ __ ] won’t shut up this kind going to drive me nuts I don’t even have that many that’s the bad part you got

One what am I doing I have no idea it just looks good to me at least if it looks good to the Creator don’t change it is happening uh a yo chat wait the carrots right yeah well that sucks oh Jesus oh [ __ ] God damn almost got hit by my own bow

Yeah nobody will notice literally nobody can [ __ ] notice imping four about the fishing already give me reptide three mending fishing rod I’m slowly getting my fishing rod slowly but surely I got to build it up like Legos bro I to get to this roof rate holy

[ __ ] look at bro he cannot breathe in these conditions I’m sorry man I didn’t know that I thought I built it right [ __ ] up all right I got 40 [ __ ] fish I’m going to go see what I can do Friday fortnite uh that’s not possible for me

Salur that’s if they fix the damn servers cuz my game keeps crashing every time I’m on it well I can’t even get into the lobby without my game crashing okay now they can stand might be a PS5 I don’t know how start the [ __ ] truck Unbreaking three and mending one

That’s not that bad nice it’s it’s l the fishing run I wouldn’t have made if I could combine them I’m not lying I [ __ ] I have Unbreaking and mending on separate [ __ ] on [Applause] oh my God goodbye ah now you want puffer fish what oh you want cooked

Card I got you algebra had me you want to know something funny algebra is my last class too what the where my wood hey hey he I’m making two I’m putting two barrels there oh oh I can see why I’m about to say where the [ __ ] my

Wood at I know I have I know I have I I have slabs in my house got to go grab them I love my house it’s Mis centered but it’s beautiful as long as it looks good it doesn’t matter well as long as you like it suppose that only

Matters exactly it’s nice in here it’s cozy in here man [ __ ] just start dying of sweat what the [ __ ] is in your house it’s cozy yeah yeah too cozy what the [ __ ] uh where’s your Clark’s at I have like almost a stack of R flesh in my

House literally in my house I’ll go visit them I’ll go touch them in a little [Applause] bit for trading purposes it better be for trading purposes what the [ __ ] is this do both fisherman yep they both have Unbreaking one for a damn fishing rod what the [ __ ]

Uh there we go oh [ __ ] there we go ah goes in here and here and my Barrels I just realized instead of using my own fish I could have just tooken some of your fish that you had in here and used it to trade with them all right useless [ __ ] goes in uh Satur what happened I think bro just lost it a damn that actually doesn’t even look

Bad for a little shed for fisherman my game crashed oh I’m about to say godamn committed suicide I I think my brain just committed suicide no it was just a game no it’s just a game it’s only game why you got to be mad all right time to get

A shave time to get the time to get y’all haircut again you shepher right no I’m just taking it just in case I do get a Shepherd oh you both you both check your plaques and God damn you these [ __ ] leveled up fully yeah damn all right just a bunch of naked

Sheep Warfare I’m going to do your uh Nether Warts for uh no reason whatsoever ohey all right you don’t to make a baby why are you taking his carrots stop taking his cars y algebra Bruh Bruh El bro or Satur words algebra or bra I see what you

Did I see what you did there you’re not F God damn it was so good that even cre dying oh yeah I forgot I got a free brownie from that I’m going to eat my brownie I think I open it upside down because I’m a [ __ ] idiot God damn what this brown

Smacks yo Chad I hope y’all ready for Christmas break on this channel because cuz uh I’m going to be doing something before I play Modern Warfare 3 if you if I haven’t told y’all yet he said brownie saur the [ __ ] Ding ding ding gra me that sorry about that sorry about that take okay uh I made the I made the fisherman have a baby so we should have a third fisherman soon bro what huh got these trees grew I got a fishing rod with lure two Unbreaking three and [ __ ]

Pan what the [ __ ] it gave you two good things and it just said [ __ ] you and mending oh my God just let me fish luck of the C3 please man [ __ ] literally said [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] let me put let me get my sword Enchanted I can do the pickaxe on my own

Let’s be honest the pickaxe you could really enchant on your own look at that chat sharpness four looting three Unbreaking three and mending I just need fire aspect now I just fish it up and after I just say it hey thank you for the XP I just collected [ __ ]

You uh Sal what was that n Go what St the F recret until I get that loot oh God what loot [ __ ] taking my fish streaming Minecraft for about 3 hours now what the [ __ ] bro I got the same fishing rod again what what’s on it the one that I

Technically gave you with curse of Vanishing and mending BR BRB brownies on what the hell damn bro everyone getting brownies now at least I hope that’s what he meant definitely one I met fish yes sir oh [ __ ] I forgot what oh [ __ ] wait show one we need a we need a

Membrane just one two why the [ __ ] do we need two membrane feather falling well slow falling God damn stay still your [ __ ] this stick drift making it hard oh my God got him one it fell on the tree I think I got this [ __ ] it you know what just we need the sapling

Well then well we got another tree don’t worry the other tree we almost just stripped this one I’m just going to take three more okay I got it wait do you got the membrane or me I I have it okay damn I should have waited for him to strike down I have looting

Three could probably get two for one what you didn’t see that good okay I might make another bed for my like Hut so I don’t have to really go anywhere I’m going do that real quick matter of fact I’m just place it like in between like you know what here’s what I’mma do

I’mma take might just take this FL out oh [ __ ] I forgot this water down here well it’ll be all right little water won’t hurt anybody and I mean nobody where the rod go huh [ __ ] you [ __ ] what up drown tried to kill me I’m like looking for a fishing rod I

[ __ ] I forgot they don’t really work like that kind like Place underneath that’s what sucks about this [ __ ] wait just realized well I do have leaves I hear another one he’s stuck in the tree never mind now he ain’t oh oh oh there’s a gun ah

Oh uh you get him yeah I got him he say he has a gun up like what what I just double tapped him what a sharpest four and that [ __ ] still live a normal hit and a critical hit his actually should be dead God damn I didn’t know phos was that

Strong now come down again come down again cuz I know your ass is one tap come here come here come here try me try Me he doesn’t want to try me to try mey Me he just died BR did he drop it no [ __ ] so that [ __ ] was one tapped when I got him break break break Break well a book with one good thing that is one good thing what could that one good thing be flame yep the only good thing you’re definitely right about that one and you got son that’s good huh another bck damn punch oh that’s good too well that doesn’t look bad I’ll be right Back [ __ ] I forgot to make a short oh for okay how much Cod do I have not that much baby baby now what do I need to get the [ __ ] do you sell he’s still not expert I guess I could fix that don’t have raw think I have raw

[ __ ] rock rmon rmon the [ __ ] is that noise aha yes I do anym anymore yep Max this [ __ ] out see what’s on that final [ __ ] fishing rad please be Unbreaking I mean like the C3 where you at that ain’t you there you are you got to be [ __ ] kidding

Me guess I’ll fish over here oh one two a damn it no not two right it’s taking long in this area get back to the oh [ __ ] he had a get he had a get puppy oh baby wants pets you want more okay okay okay come here come

Here my stick drift is [ __ ] acting up wait good girl for that enough salmon it is how much em do I have saved up 15 garbage oh a traitor I will now Smite you wait why are you a Bucher all right I’m back uh he grew up into a

Busher [ __ ] uh all right hold on I got it you butching son of a [ __ ] got it also the other one selling [ __ ] what’s it called uh boats for uh em bro wants 20 string for one Emerald I ain’t going to lie that sound like a [ __ ] scam my

Brother we trying to scam out here what the [ __ ] he what the [ __ ] he needs that string for for real what blood need all that string for man God so your ass [ __ ] even drop anything who you watching um Mii the guy who I was talking about who I haven’t uploaded in

Like a year and a half oh I swear to God I’m going to make another barrel full of saddles at this point oh Lord man iest my new weapon a the oh no I have an idea now you’ll see he’s a baby cat enough for perfect The time I have in war that’s stupid mother truck freaking C doing the old Mr it’s another one oh wait hold up [ __ ] well I thought well looting didn’t do it job properly I’m pretty sure those phom me oh nope you gone oh my

God oh my God look at that I still got the baby yeah baby you’re dude I swear to God no oh [ __ ] do this bro I just showcased how awesome I am let’s go bro how awesome I am look at this try technique I miss every shot every single okay I’m a little Off the one that hurt me why is he chasing me one you suck on I dropped it yeah it’s in the water and drop it now these [ __ ] in infinite waves it’s like playing it’s like playing Modern Warfare Zombies the [ __ ] did my puffer fish just go What the Hell in a

Tree oh there he is he dropped it behind you never mind gotcha just grab as many as you can so we can make the potions I have three I got one a gun okay it doesn’t have a gun thank God can I he’s got the

Glock he’s got a glock with a switch I think my driver died I’m going to be honest my driver might have died I can’t reach no no no [ __ ] oh that’s enough should we sleep yeah hang on there is one more oh hold on before before I me give

You the rest of my [ __ ] wait what’s it to increase the per potions durability again uh Redstone yeah okay good I did mind that Redstone for a reason I have a redone how much Redstone do I have have 50 oh I forgot I had I forgot I had splash potions or

Weakness do you have golden apples I have 15 no just remember I could never find any zombie villagers 20 of them in a cave yeah in a cave you think I was going to bring [ __ ] all the way from [ __ ] now no oh my God I put can’t you put a Le oh

You can’t even if they’re nwis yeah well I just [ __ ] just let me go check my farm all right oh do you have another good hoe I only got the same hoe that Z he gave me [ __ ] wait does he have any hoes in my house let me check no five Enchanted

Apples yeah he only has those and some protection he has been for [ __ ] book that’s it and other [ __ ] but I ain’t going to touch it I ain’t going to touch you you ain’t going to go touchy touchy oh was it lava in that cave that Brandon

Found I’m GNA go there real quick I need three buckets yeah uh I forgot how to brew potions for a moment then I remember I got to do the damn Nether wart first I added the damn Redstone in for some Reon some reason ah there’s the lava how many fck six

Torches God [ __ ] damn there is a lot of [ __ ] down here well I got a gun for a reason it’s power 4 to [ __ ] I just can’t aim cuz my [ __ ] stick is any I’ll see you guys sir can you [ __ ] off I’m trying to aim at the creeper right in front of

You I can’t aim at the creeper and not look at you God [ __ ] Dam it stupid [ __ ] Enderman later chump one creeper Dead Two creeper there oh Diamond one zombie dead that’s a [ __ ] Enderman hey what’s up it’s friend streaming Minecraft for almost four hours damn four hours you ready to hop

On a different game yeah about to really I I’m feeling it man I’m kind of getting forward let me mind this diamond yeah oh [ __ ] there’s two oh I about to say damn you found a v oh [ __ ] I’m getting shot he gun he has a gun oh God [ __ ] was that

Noise H Brian come for your ass oh it’s a zombie villager and a spider coming to [ __ ] bite my cheeks [ __ ] you I can’t get the lava [ __ ] uhoh skeleton let me out of Here all right time to shoot you I’m going to need that gunpowder for uh what do I need gunpowder for again oh yeah [ __ ] you slime [ __ ] you too creeper you didn’t drop gunpowder you [ __ ] sniper fight I win God damn this power for Infinity bow is so good it’s so

Good a normal bow Not Bow damn there’s a lot of redstone down here a lot of zombies now is there any lava that I could [ __ ] actually like scoop up uh I mean I could it’s only one bucket how the [ __ ] you get 25k likes or maybe

It’s a video I’ve been watching there’s eight likes so on here it’s probably a glitch trust me there’s no 25k likes on here or or this channel will be monetized know what I have this semi-broken oh it just broke on me when I was trying to kill this [ __ ] zombie oh oh [ __ ]

Yeah no I’m pretty sure his friend thought I had 25k likes on my stream but I think it was a video that he was watching that glitch the likes to mine yeah damn that’s crazy that’s why I said [ __ ] if there was 25k likes I’d probably be monetized right now one bucket of

Lava ah ah ah I I I’m I’m watching my ass because I don’t want to get hit while trying to get this one two buckets of lava where the [ __ ] is the other one oh there it is oh ain’t you going to need that drippy drip Stone that’s why I already have

It I came prepared to oh [ __ ] grab it get the [ __ ] out you good no I’m pretty sure this shit’s still on easy mode your [ __ ] [ __ ] lagged oh well oh [ __ ] I’m looking at en yeah I think it’s about time to get the [ __ ] off of

Minecraft hold on let me make it to the surface my legs gotta go bro sound like you running track holy [ __ ] I have a couple of friends who do run track okay oh God I’m out I am out I am up I am up I am up I am

Up Brandon forgot to make the staircase to go up faster class that’s all right n n it’s all good it’s all good there we go now I’m going up faster I got my three buckets of lava all right I’m all set let me save and quit we

Good we good check if your fortnite works I don’t know I literally tried earlier today and the [ __ ] still act it up if if this works I’ll probably stream it all right no I’m g go take a I’m go on YouTube and then uh take a [ __ ] I’ll

Be back what’s up it real Craig uh I just about to end my stream but um [ __ ] I guess next time when I’ll stream on here it’ll probably be damn what can I do what can I do you know what I’ll put a poll up after this stream goes so

Yeah but anyways for the people who just joined sorry I’m ending I’ve been on Minecraft for like four [ __ ] hours but yeah you already know leave a like subscribe turn those notifications and uh yeah adios amigos

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Monday With Friends And Viewers (!psn !discord !socials)’, was uploaded by ItsWarfare2 on 2023-12-04 22:14:29. It has garnered 72 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:44 or 13964 seconds.

PSN: ItsWarfareYT and MercllessHunter ItsWarfare Discord: https://discord.gg/bkrnnrBZ Discord: ItsWarfare2732 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itswarfare_/ Snapchat: itswarfare

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  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist LGBTQ+ Hermitcraft-like Friendly Community 5+ Years!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-focused SMP server started by Colinator007 and RavingPlatypi, now run by RavingPlatypi and Cowmilk. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community of players. Whether you enjoy redstone engineering, building, or just hanging out, you’ll find a place with us. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming: All playstyles are welcome, from technical builds to community-focused play. Community-driven & transparent: We value community feedback and transparency in our decisions. Mutual trust & respect: Our community is respectful and drama-free. Commitment to Vanilla experience: We maintain a… Read More


    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.chickencraft.nl (GL HF) Read More

  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

    WyrdCraft | Witchery+Welcome to WyrdCraft!This is a modded server on version 1.7.10 mainly focused on the Witchery mod with a few other additions. We are a casual community and have very few rules. The server is very new and still needs work to be a final product but we are officially playable. Modlist:Aether BiblioCraft BiomesOPlenty BloodMagic BloodMoon Botania EtFuturumRequiem IronBackpacks IronChests Netherlicious OpenBlocks PamsHarvest ThaumCraft TwilightForest WildCaves WitcheryServer IP: play.wyrdcraft.netDiscord: discord.wyrdcraft.netModpack: mods.wyrdcraft.net Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2 In Minecraft, I built more houses, it’s true, Each one unique, with a different view. From the village to the fields, my creations soar, Crafting with care, I always want more. I play FIFA 4, trying to level up my team, Buying and selling players, it’s like a dream. Upgrading Bling and Crus, to make them shine, In the transfer market, my strategy is fine. I face challenges, like laggy networks and more, But I keep on playing, never feeling sore. With dedication and skill, I aim to win, In the world of gaming, I’ll always spin. So join… Read More

  • “From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts” #minecraft #lol

    "From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts" #minecraft #lol At age 5: “Mom, can you help me avoid this trap in Minecraft?” At age 15: “I’ll just watch a YouTube tutorial on trap avoidance.” At age 25: “I’ve been playing Minecraft for years, I can sense a trap from a mile away.” At age 35: “I’ve mastered the art of trap avoidance in Minecraft, it’s like second nature to me now.” At age 45: “I’ve avoided so many traps in Minecraft, I should put it on my resume as a skill.” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server! Are you looking to increase the impression of your gaming channel on YouTube? Want to learn the secret tips to boost your subscribers and grow your audience? Look no further! While the video you just watched may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does offer valuable insights into increasing your channel’s visibility and engagement. But why stop there? Imagine taking your gaming experience to the next level by joining a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community. Enter Minewind Minecraft Server, where adventure awaits at every turn. With a dedicated player base and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

    Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed Minecraft 1.21 Trailer vs Reality Introduction In the world of Minecraft, trailers often showcase exciting new features and updates that players can look forward to. However, sometimes these trailers can deviate from the actual gameplay experience, leading to interesting comparisons between the trailer and reality. Misleading Visuals One of the common discrepancies between Minecraft trailers and reality is the portrayal of certain game elements. For example, in the 1.21 update trailer, Mojang mistakenly depicted chests opening with the lock remaining at the bottom, unlike the actual in-game animation where the lock lifts up. Similarly, arrows in the trailer appear… Read More

  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

    Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!Video Information give me all your bro what the is a sord going to do what are you scared now you’re asking for it wait no no no no someone please help my cupcake don’t worry citizen I’m here Iron Man yes it is I the amazing Iron Man God damn it I need like a fireman or something I can’t believe it a fully rebuilt World Trade Center in Minecraft I never thought I’d see the day that that would be oh my God who could be knocking at 3:00 a.m. in the morning hey I’m Sonic the Hedgehog… Read More

  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

    Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!Video Information seed is crazy imagine a Pillager Outpost stacked on top of a mansion stacked on top of an ocean Monument stacked on top of an End Portal oh my gosh bro this whole seat is crazy okay these sand blocks I got of place I’m breaking these oh I found bur treasure oh zombie head okay I’m going just take all the essential stuff my zombie head steak and Cobblestone I guess wait my zombie head what the heck Hello did I miss something okay that’s weird um I’m just going to act like that didn’t happen I’m… Read More

  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More