EPIC Minecraft Play with Winnie and Fizicks E3!

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A stream we’re on go go click the buttons we always start together on about Alpha directing this on mute I I am physics and that is Winnie behind me and uh and for what three years we always start side by side and she’s like We’re streaming why aren’t you already

I’m like cuz I’m waiting for the command from El from el Baso we’re we’re streaming now we’re streaming Welcome to our world you got my rant going all right I know go ahead rant away I started on time I don’t know what you were doing you’re were one minute late because I was two minutes late we were we were one minute late

Through were shutting doors and turning off the heater and all that good stuff anyway our plans for today are pretty loose Loosey Goosey yeah but the goal is to find a new home okay but before we can leave you found things in the cave that we need to go

Collect yeah sure um I do should my pickaxe is getting kind of low should I grab the diamond one that’s in here and go for yes and if you look in the bling chest there are also a lot more d diamonds because I completed I completed our stairway down to

58 and on the way ran into like a nine stack and a two stack so I am also going to make a diamond pickaxe nice I’m taking the Redstone I’m I’m going to use my um oh my God I was so right guess he just texted me the Mamita what mama is doing

Well and we’re geared up I guess we’re going down in the okay that’s fine we’ll sleep the C the cat goes back and forth between the beds cat likes my bed the best okay you way where we going it’s true down into your oh down the mining staircase really

Oh okay and I see a little pathway this is great it’s a giny pass but I was I wanted secret like back back pathway you know I like it you know it was just it was like a trail that subed it together totally okay we’re going down into the

First stop caves right I still think you should be impressed I actually put stairs in I am very impressed you put stairs in I continued the theme all the way down nice why are you faster than me cuz I’m sprinting but isn’t this the cave this is the cave right but you can

See the stairway continues all the way to the bottom of the world oh so is this your mining cave or is this the general cave oh yeah this is this is your general cave I marked it with a lot of torches so we can find the entrance

Again okay now you said there were diamonds and stuff down here I um not in this one when the other when we drop down and go to the mft there’s diamonds all around the mft right which is down this water thing right oh right here I mean I dug out sure

Yeah oh you want to go the way you dug okay yeah let’s do that we don’t have to we’re right here we can go down the water and then we’ll be there there’s no reason to go all the way back up where are you okay

I I don’t see did you go down the water I just thought the diamonds I didn’t realize the diamonds were right next to the m shaft I thought they were just in the general cave down here well I mean it might be but I’m spatially have problems figuring that out okay here it

Is okay okay whoa this is not I don’t know where maybe we should go Back this is the sneaky under place I mean it’s not the best way to go but it’s the way I remember here we go all right here we go okay see there’s diamonds right there right above there slime there’s slime over here behind this thing hey buddy

Slime there’s a lot of slimes down here it’s a nice this is like a like a great slime farm hi kidos I like slimies that awesome here I’m giving you all the Slime thanks I have slime so okay okay yeah there’s so there’s diamonds I saw diamonds before we went

Oh here is here’s diamonds I marked I marked a couple I wasn’t sure if we would get fortune or not we didn’t you know what it would be nice to have and I didn’t bring um I see some over here let’s collect scaffolding scaffolding yeah wouldn’t have been great

Huh I brought some oh I don’t ever travel without it I brought dirt but that’s just me that was one Diamond this is a nice little patch good I’m glad you got more I got three one one Diamond I’m hoping I think we have well we’ll bring them most of them with us

I’m hoping to have enough to make us swords and then there’s some over here PL there’s another two beautiful oh you’re getting it you found is that the one you found yes I’m hoping there’s ah there’s four nice oh five there more I mean never HS to dig around could

Be a double does Ora spawn together okay there’s nothing nothing else up here okay woohoo diamonds okay uh and then if we can find our way oh there’s some over here I think got the ones out of the ceiling to the right oh there’s more you’re right I’m going to grab this uh

Lappy while we’re down here the blue stuff yeah go for it that’s a two have ice it is look at us actually mining in Minecraft what the heck we should be fishing I promise we will fish when we find a place to live oh that is good and look

There’s like I have eight right now and and look there’s the uh the long s after iron cute ears now that’s right they changed the bat model they’re adorable they have super soft big ears I didn’t know that that’s cool what’s up buddy is he leading us to

Our Doom oh more diamonds see he’s leading us to Diamond that’s whoa okay let’s not um die death yeah I mean that now that we have a bunch of Diamonds oh yeah please look oh no I got excited cuz I I saw the uh deep dark I thought there was a bunch of

Diamonds oh yeah turns out no okay back up to safety all right do we want gold yes sure and red stone oh redstone’s good oh there some good looks like a creeper hole that’s not good it’s funny that we’re like oh yeah iron whatever I know we’re

Desperate for a couple days ago iron who cares I’m just going to peek around this this corner down Here while you get that nope nothing but deep slate nothing but deep slate uh leave the iron and leave the iron I know isn’t it funny I mean although I really like the iron blocks of the raw iron for decorating pathway so when we get sure we will find a ton

Here’s more gold oh nice oh it’s dark there should I light I should light it up I don’t have as many um are you running shaders yes we need to set your shaders so that it’s not dark anywhere like it looks like daylight to me oh no it was just

This one section that was dark because it wasn’t lit up as well ah all right so the no but I mean you can make you can make shaders brighter so that the caves don’t look so dark yeah I mean it’s not too bad I don’t I think

Yeah I’ll I’ll up it later okay I don’t think I spent some time there but not too much I don’t know where the M shaft is yeah we’ll go back up because I don’t know where it is either oh wait it’s through here here’s more gold oh nice there should be more

Diamonds around here too cuz there’s some there it is I see the wood okay yeah cuz there’s there’s more diamonds right at the mouth of the M shaft cuz I didn’t go too far on the M shaft I’m just Diamond hungry right now I think it’s

Here yeah here we go well here’s your sign anyway slime killed here uh M shaft this way see ladder up here I’m so impressed a terrible your ladder should be here somewhere it’s really weirdly far away I found it found it good found it I should make a more direct out do

It oh that’s fine okay okay and they’re diamonds if this is your ladder mhm of L no I was just back at where we entered I didn’t go up behind you okay oh maybe this is where I killed the Slime I killed the Slime and I didn’t

Have uh any signs on me so I put two Cobble bricks or two brick because that’s what I made the uh but it was that’s where slime chunk is all right I thought there is some pretty obvious maybe I didn’t it’s just a lot of mess were they in the M yeah there’s

Some right down here I knew I saw some o it’s a terrible place I mean it’s water yeah oh it’s a big one nice all right I’ll keep guard dang I have 13 diamonds now how many do you have eight oh my God I think we have enough

To make us diamond armor what the heck wow well we can make diamond chest plates it’s amazing I guess we’ll wait till we have oh creeper I see you I don’t have a bow hello oh wait I don’t see oh here de behind us I know I’m

Kidding you got him I was just like run away I’m Sur Robin oh there a zombie okay where are we going what are we doing we can get here now yeah okay go back to your magic staircase oh there’s more there’s more zombies coming after

You all right Fe he’s kind of far away though oh they’re right here see this is such a messed up I really don’t know why I’m doing this I have to get out of here now I’ve lost physics I know I went down I’m coming back up behind you hi yeah

That’s all cave stuff we can get out of here yeah okay but I got to find over here got it got it okay that’s a good hall for diamonds yeah yeah we we did and we’ll check the barrel on the way out I guess o no that’s on the staircase well we can

Do that too yeah what do you mean on the staircase oh don’t fall on the on the staircase down isn’t there a bling chest or did we bring it all up I brought it all up I mean I don’t think I put anything more in there so we’re good we’re good we’re

Good just on the endless ladder journey of awesome the little ladder sounds someday we’ll have Soul Sand to make us bubble columns but we’re not ready for the nether yet we are going to make a portal so that we can get back here very easily and I guess we’ll duck in long

Enough to get the coordinates and I know you want to grab like five quartz yeah it wouldn’t hurt to have a little quartz possibly all right I’ll take your Redstone from you so you don’t need and I’m put everything bling there’s everything in bling and if you want to take the lap

Laps lap The Lappy I made blocks so we can make more blocks Okay oh yeah all right I’m going to leave my off no cuz I don’t need to do redstone so I’m just taking the blocks I got 14 blocks of redstone so I’m leaving the rest okay I’ll take all the ly I guess let’s cook the gold while we make a

Portal I got 16 obsidian and a flint and steel I made blocks of raw copper they’re so pretty pretty they are beautiful okay where do we think we should put the portal I’m going to put it like down near the pigs and chickens pigs and cows

Sorry um actually I have an idea just all of a sudden okay you know your trees right here how it’s just it get it’s flat behind it can we build it into that wall like right here down like down here yeah cuz this is kind of flat I don’t know you had another

Idea nope that’s fine that works my other idea then was like to put it next to the these abandoned guys up here yeah I thought about that this will work very well boom chaka and light shall we okay we shall and I have pencil and paper ready to write down the coordinates

Blo that’s trippy yeah that’s with the shaders oh we got a good spawn this is awesome I mean we might move it up eventually or down but hey knock yourself out there’s quartz oh cool okay let me write this down cuz I want the actual exact coordinates so I can match

It uh what do we got targeted block nether portal nice I like at you like I was going to say my shaders have like all the stuff glowing like that are but it’s a little much sometimes what is that yeah we’ll work on your um settings off camera yeah I’ll

Send you that video that has the hear how to make your shaders not suck that’d be great I can’t tell what this thing is in with these shaders probably gold no it’s not gold where are you I just went up the hill to get more I’m right behind the

Portal okay to get more um quarts for you oh I’m trying to think of what else this could be it’s sparkly I wish I could see what you’re seeing but I’m not watching your stream I know I thought maybe you what are you looking what are you looking at okay it

Is what I think it’s um it’s the plants over if you look across the way and up it’s the the red plants that drape I oh yeah yeah the vine stuff the Red Vines oh so we have a red what is it called one of the red biomes yeah Crimson Forest there’s a

Crimson Forest right across here nice okay that’s good to know yeah let me put that as you know this would be a great um when we need to go down and get netherite this is a good place to start because I where are we in we are in a Crimson

Forest I know nether wastes are supposed to be better but yeah whatever are you going way yeah here we go I’m just looking yeah I mean we can up Crimson Forest I don’t know if we need to grab something from it oh no it’s co getting sweet just out here already wow that’s

Awesome it’s so bright sweet sweet sweet I realized that my last stream I hadn’t been muting through my coughing uhoh so now I’m muting I was like oh that sounds bad okay all right did we get okay I have 30 yeah I got 30 quartz for you all

Right we’ll save um longer Nether Adventures for another day but this is cool nice nice nice it’s a nice biome very good very good is that good my man friend and Z yeah we’ll do all kinds of like roads between nether portals and all that like

We did in the last series cuz that makes it really easy to get around okay okay back we go or back I go oops I went too far nice that little trip made me oh and let me write down the coordinates in the Overworld because that’s important too and 287 87 250

Another overw world if I can read my chicken scrap okay all righty mission accomplished got diamonds now I just need to pack our bags um I do have some idea where we’re going sounds good we’re we’re headed south Southeast um did we want to get any of the chickens that we’ve

Slaughtered uh yeah we want to take food yes we can do that I’m heading down to the chicken house I didn’t go my secret oh yeah I want to see we haven’t shown anybody to down the thing follow the little path don’t follow the big path no I fell down

The I fell down the ladder drop oh did you Lo survive I caught the ladder halfway down I know there’s water at the bottom but I just walked right into it take a little path I took the long route maybe we should um put some trap doors over the top of this

Sure it’s not even along the stairs it’s next to it you just comic over the edge I know I just comicazi over the edge so winny oh I hear I hear the chickens yeah we haven’t shown this off a super dope physics chicken farm I love these

Yep it’s okay explain to us how it works this is a dispenser down at the bottom and it shoots straight into a hopper and I have a timer a burnout timer and so it will burn out and then pop back on so it’s not always going so it’s like 8 seconds on 8

Seconds off off or whatever it ticks and then it just shoots straight up and then as the chickens grow they will kill off the adult chickens by cramming nice and then when they die they fall in the hopper and then into the chest they fall into dispenser and

Then the dispenser will shoot it out and fall into the ne and shoot it into the next Hopper and then that goes into the chest so we have a stack and I started out with one chicken it takes a little bit to prye if

You don’t have a lot of eggs but once it gets going it it does pretty good that’s amazing oh my god I’ve been totally missing chat good morning koala good morning Dan ah koala you’re making shortbread you’re making me jealous we have so many cookies in the house and we’re decorating cookies later we yeah we cookie decorating plans with neighbors this afternoon I’m taking all the chickens good and the feathers how did oh yeah all right I got to get rid of

Stuff in my inventory again yeah let’s go clean that out you’re taking a long way I am because it’s pretty and I’m going to Shear the Sheep one more time sounds good I do have six wool which I might as well do a stack oh

You know what if we’re going to be gone should we take care of the cows then I’m out uh yes that’s probably a great idea did you yeah there was a Cate I was like is there out of the sheep P yeah don’t leave a bunch in here I

Would say kill uh dispatch the cows down to like four okay and leave them don’t don’t breed them okay all right I don’t here we go large groups of entities everywhere okay give me your meat I’m a carnivore UNL Winnie oops I’m a fish aore yes yes you looked ata’s doing Christmas

Tala’s doing Christmas sugar cookie and decorating tomorrow oh we’re doing that today we’re doing it with adults you’re doing it with fun with kids I do that with with my niece all the time I got a little crazy I killed off all but three that’s fine as long as there’s at least

Two the now empty cow pen so sorry cows but yeah we should bring a stack of leather with us um yeah there’s none down here okay all right I’m going to breed I’m going to breed them one so they’ll be like four okay farmer physics add it

Again she can’t stand it how it oh I keep doing that I can’t rip her away from this Homestead it’s yeah I I have problems I know she’s sad to leave she’s problems leaving too bad too bad so sad why did I do that should I take I’m

Going to leave one name tag here but take the other two with us should I or will we get more fishing um I think we should take on how much room I have when we get there we may want to have to like cure a villager

Or something and it’ be good to have a name tag yeah I agree to prepare for that bring the to do we we don’t need do we need a seed base like a carrot potato beetroot anything like that nope nope we can get all that anywhere we go okay just leave

It here we don’t need to waste and we can we’ll come back we’ll put another portal down where we’re going and we can come back here if we need to BL me no I’m checking I know okay I am okay I’ll leave obsidian here and take obsidian with us okay

Diamonds yes I put all my diamonds in there so so we have 35 diamonds which is amazing I’m just going to leave like maybe three here and take a half a stack with us sure I’ve got a diamond pickaxe for now same should we make chest plates so

We don’t lose them in case we die that’s a great idea yep Yep okay all right I mean you would lose the chest plate too but you know whatever logic oh yeah we’ll leave the chest plate here she’s all like so we don’t lose them yeah it’s true okay there eight diamonds eight Diamonds In The Bling chest for you for a chest plate

Nice it was a thought it was a dumb thought it’s good it’s a good thought a good um we’re matchy matchy we’re twins right okay I’m packing up my bags with all the crap I think is necessary um how did I do you have a

Saddle I have a saddle I now have no inventory slots I’ll let you get organized oh wait um slimes you have slimes did you give them all to me no I I gave them all to you def want to take those they are they’re in the mob drops they’re in the

Mob drops oh cuz they drop from a mob okay um okay there’s M shaft here so I’m taking on the string uh I’ll stack of Le crafted and I only need one stack of dirt so oh this is like I’m overpacking I’ve overpacked like my knees are starting to

Hurt I’ve got leather do you have leather I do I took a stack of 64 leather all right well I’ll leave with leather then I don’t need to bring leather and I’m discarding my iron pick and only taking my diamond pick okay wow okay just going to look in chests for

Anything oh a stack of pumpkins all right I might as well make a new axe while we’re sitting here yep and I don’t need Cobble deep slate cuz I yeah I don’t need dirt or grass or gear we are not taking animals this trip we will come back for Animals just

FYI we don’t have any crafted M krlic welcome to the chat do we speak French and very badly and it’s bad I’m bad my French is terrible he used to be pretty decent took like I know I took like six years of it but my vocabulary has gone

Downhill because it got replaced with Japanese vocabulary Okay shall we you’ve got a boat I think we shall yes I just got to figure out what direction is South Southeast oh look it’s this way hey Kirk save Stakes for me ah yes I put them in the smoker you should uh come back can grab them later oh did

You grab did I put the steaks in the smoker did you grab the steaks Jenny oh no they go automatically in there okay I grabbed oh they go in the barrel automatically and I’m I’m rocking baked potatoes right now nice I’ve been I’ve been very Carby the last couple of months you

Know it’s the winter I’m in hibernation mode well Kirk has lots of carbs he’s uh have cream cheese and raisin cinnamon raisin bagels Bagels we have oatmeal cooking for when we’re done with stream I already had some I snuck some ready oh man I’m starving I was gonna that was my plan

Too was to I guess we’re g to go via boat yep because we’re here I put it there and then get in it yes away we go I feel like I’m missing stuff Adventure Time Adventure Time I would go in there but there was lava in there and I don’t want to do

That that’s kind of cool okay we are proceeding in a southeasterly direction about 2,000 blocks oh really I’m long for the ride and I think I hope our River actually opens up somewhere whatever the ride we definitely do the still cut oats yeah yeah that’s in my rice cooker in the rice

Cooker because yummy yes cuz you spent time in Japan uh yes I have a the rice cooker is the smartest piece of kitchen equipment we own Calla says oatmeal sounds yummy but it’s 1:30 in the morning yeah I mean you can eat breakfast anytime H it’s like steaking eggs at 1:30 in the

Morning I like Savory stuff like the breakfast Savory that’s it that’s the end of the world right on the horizon we’re going fall I know it looks like we’re going to fall off the edge this is a big ocean then yeah my computers have a hard time

Rendering this all the water as far as the eye can see I don’t yeah I don’t know how many times I’ve been on open ocean in Minecraft that you can’t see anything oh there’s a little land to the left oh and then a little right and I don’t want to get too far

Off track here hold on let me check my cords oh turn off my hood 59100 00 where we going we are going to like 700 2900 so I’m going to of course correct and only go south oh wait is that one of the big oak trees the Giant Oaks no it’s

Just a regular Oak no the regular although there is a dark Forest near where we’re going oh that’s pretty I hope it’s good I hope it’s good where we’re going I I think it is I looked at chunk base for like 20 minutes trying to figure out

Which Cherry biome was not 12,000 blocks away first of all and looked like it was near some nice stuff nice I did not realize we were going to be able to boat most of the way there it’s just beautiful it’s amazing might make it there in one day

Nice you know what I didn’t bring what’s up wool oh I brought enough for two beds oh thank goodness okay I cannot believe the bed lady I didn’t bring any wool I know and I brought some crazy and you just sheared what the heck and you just sheared

Some uh sheep before you left that’s what I thought you were doing get a stack of wool I know it’s crazy talk okay we’re going to we’re going to come spend the night on this beach all right make a uh uh crafting table for me please got it got it I hear bad

Things all right why is he hiding around a tree for me oh don’t no he hit me too right uh oh how do I not have enough planks for here have a bed here do you need planks I can make more there use those and then hand them

Back uh there’s more baddies around all right sleep sleep sleeping and I’ll give you your stuff back in a minute okay hi cow okay here you want your plants back there you go we’ll leave the bed here yep do you need a chest to dispose

Of things no I’m good yes I do oh I have one Arrow well I meant to pick that Arrow yeah I’ll take the arrow yeah I have a bow that was a cow I don’t yeah I’ll take all your okay I’m ready to go okay I think let’s take one here I’m

Going to I’m going to take one bed so we have it and then I’m going to set my spawn to there cool beautiful beautiful oops I just wasted do I have you yeah I’m in the back why are you backing up I can pick up my light here we go

Beep you so worried about I wasted a torch did I probably okay we’ll back up physics it’ll be fine how did you know I was gonna cry over that I know I could tell hey I remember your very first minutes in Minecraft you were torch obsessed it was hilarious oh okay we’re

On foot from oh well maybe not okay temporary dis disembarkation oh she going to dig a hole okay I mean technically yes we could do that too you’ll make it faster from like next time we come through how how did I it’s cuz you’re left you’re the one driving now

Go she hates driving this is true in real life too well partially because I don’t I don’t let her drive but I’m not a bad driver I’m I’m too fast for Winnie I’m too aggressive I’ve gotten better though should we get more wool let’s get more wool um I actually don’t

Have shears but I’ll make shears I have shears all right dirt too for some reason okay I’m gonna pick up the boat I think we are Land Based from here on out anyway so hi I here I should just give you my Shear well no room to pick up the wool

Right yeah I don’t want to di my way around there horribly off course where are we 730 18800 okay we’re we’re still th blocks that’s that’s fair do we still need to be on foot now all right you’re a no we’re gonna we’re going to get right back into the boat

Because we got a long way to go oh I want to pick up um uh uh a cacti I want you to eat you’re a Serta you’re a Serta cheap eat I was going the wrong direction too the rivers got me turned around and I see a

Cactus yes oh is there is that a I’m waiting got to go this way anyway do I see a turtle maybe I see a turtle oh there more sheep look at Turtle oh and I fell down did you pick up the cacti no we’re headed that direction

Though do you see those sheep over there I do and there’s two turtles we should breed them or is there three do we have there quite a few I’m trapped in here why are you trapped cuz I can’t find a one block to stand on there we go fine

Really you getting sea grass for the turtles is it it’s sea grass right it is oo koala got a Neptune’s chest with one axe in it very nice very nice sweet okay I think I Got SE grass Kirk Kirk had no sleep but two coffees I don’t know buddy I don’t know that two coffees makes up for no sleep I mean it’s a it’s an attempt that that’s just that would warm up my big toe and that would be about

It so my estimates of us taking an hour to get where we’re going are accurate since physics has stopped to breed Turtles okay they’re going to do so good good though I know all right it’s important and then we’ll leave renders so no zombies can eat the eggs or

Destroy the eggs yep oh wait I was like why are they coming towards me it’s cuz I still had seagrass in my hand you still have seagrass okay I’m ready to go okay we’re headed this way did you say you grabbed some Cactus or no no we’re headed that direction oh sheep more

Sheep there’s more more Cactus over here I think sheep sheep there we go yay I just have no room in my inventory for it the wool okay I’m following you oh even more Turtles this is like turtle P paloa turtle paloa turtle paloa turtle paloa oh I could just go over here let’s

Go walk by the turtle and who do you want to love here you love this guy oh aren’t Cactus they’re Turtles oh they’re um uh sugar cane not cacti oh bummer well we’ll we’ll get there don’t be cacti okay I’m following you look at me sprinting I

Think we I can’t tell if we need another Ocean Adventure if we can walk now we’ll know when we get over the top of this hill we still have a thousand block thousand blocks to go okay but in this direction and there’s a village oo nice all right let’s go see what they

Have Oh oh you know what I think that’s a zomb Village it’s a zombie village a zombie village all right I’m getting more wool yep I’ll follow up behind you all right gray you’re fine are there act there’s not zombies during the daylight but he’s they’re abandoned ah yeah they’re shouldn’t be

But yeah an abandoned Village oh well there was a zombie they’re gone now oh there are zombies hello sir can’t pick up any of that a golden helmet and some zombie flash huh very cool I think we’re just going to um well I have string I feel compelled to get some

Of the um I’m collecting cobwebs so if you want to give me the cobwebs that’s cool I have string in my inventory are you um oh I’m actually colleting yeah I’m shearing them because I want to make for their next iron farm should we steal the

Bell H yes we should I don’t have any inventory space for it I mean I guess I could throw away my flint and steel um don’t do that here I have sear grass so I can throw away seagrass well you can pick up my Flint steel if you want

It good you want to get a few more of these cobwebs sure and then we’ll head out sounds good I hate to be in a zombie village hi hores do they spawn extra I don’t think so I feel like they would though I feel like they would too I love how Okay

Um should do we should we pick pick up any of the hay bells or anything like that I don’t think so we can always grow it where we get to let’s get to where we’re going and then we can say okay how far back was that blah blah blah blah

All right did you get the coordinates then uh of this Village yes okay zombie village um Zombie village is at 5 97 69 2276 cool okay okay where we go I’m running I’m by I’m right behind you oh I see the hills I see a pink Treetop wo now there are multiple I know that cool there are multiple Cherry biomes here there’s like

A big U of them U okay and I like a it’s a valley and it’s surrounded by Cherry Blossom biomes and then mountains behind them lots of chickens so I’m going to go to the one on the left first I’m like a dog circling on a blanket until we find a

Place I’ll say yes this is where I want to build taming horses I am I thought I would catch up with you by getting on a horse I mean that to be fair that’s fair he’s not a very friendly horse nope he’s like I don’t like you

Have to say you have to say be my friend be my friend oh there see it works right there you go yeah all right is that a flower that’s a tiny piece of flower Forest over there with all the flowers okay donkeys probably we should probably sleep yeah

Where are you I don’t know where you are I’m right behind you I see now with you the whole time oh look should we sleep in this weird little divot this is little divot this is our divot divot base and don’t pick that up oops I picked it

Up I didn’t mean to do that hold on yeah I will okay there we go one bed we’ll leave it here I’ll light actually I’m going to move it and then we can both click it hey hey there’s that clicked the pillar of pillar um okay let me click that okay I

I don’t think we’ll be back here I still one your shears you want here you want your Shear yes please yes all right I’ll get out here Q There You Go oh they didn’t throw very far I got it you got it okay you got to help me pick okay so there’s

Water there’s Cherry wow I did good okay but there’s also a chry Blossom where are we hold on I have the map up in the other window so do we want to go high up in the sky kind of boring there I don’t know I don’t know like I think we want to

Adventure up there feel like we should have a main base down like on the I don’t know let’s go water let’s just look at yeah let’s just look at every biome and see okay you were going towards this little cherry tree or did you disappear no I

Went left from where we were facing okay you went towards the little I went towards the little guy how I’m going to the ones on the hill okay I’m going on the ones on the big hill okay I’m following you I thought I saw you yeah I see you

Now ow kind of leaned that direction so you’re not wrong I I kind of started started walking towards and then I changed my mind you looped around I did you you purposely you looped around my back I could tell I did just to frustrate you okay oh look at the water coming down

The mountain he’s pretty petals I’m grab some petals and basically we can make a cherry biome wherever we go right like yeah I think we we could plant trees all the way down the hill and you know do p Cherry chery our space Oh this is pretty though you have

What say again the Cherry petals does it do they grow under cherry trees or do you have to propagate them like I I don’t know I think if you leave a CH ber tree planted long enough but uh but maybe I mean they’re an entity right like they don’t just magically appear do

They I don’t know I didn’t know they were kind of like I didn’t know if they were like podel oh no they don’t like when you plant it they don’t just boof into existence look there’s a village I right there did you see two over to your right

Or like straight ahead now is that pumpkins or did somebody chop down all their trees it’s pump pumpkins we need to fix your shaders that’s pumpkins and then there’s a huge cave over here okay I like this side I need to figure out where we are

On the map okay we’re on the left one so I want to go a little bit there’s the village if that’s the village there’s a huge Cherry biome to our right probably on top of that hill all right should we put some water down and just head down sure where where’ you

Want I’m just going to walk down the hill okay where are you you heading to the Village h no oh where are you going where you going I’m heading to the mountain oh okay see there yep across that River and up that mountain okay cuz I want to check out

The other potential places we have to build a base okay I’m surveying this is survey time because I told you I’m like a dog on a BL circling around on a blanket I gotta I gotta look like literally I could just build a house right here on

The water and we’d be great but what if we get up the hill and it’s like stunning then we’ll have to build a place there too we’ll have to build a place there too okay I think we should definitely go up the waterfall okay cuz we can

Sure or waterfall this water that has spread out over the entire okay and if I could get in here I could swim there we go got to get my swim on get your swim on I always fall off these I do too you’re not alone let’s just go up as

High as we can and then bail probably right here okay all right I got to eat something nice I think we go the other way or like Minecraft dig our way up oh and she oh my goodness basic she disappeared I’mma puff you can you do you have anything to

Pillar up with I do um here I got some dirt for this or just dig straight out if you dig out the way you’re facing it’ll come out the cliff side no yeah that way dig dig dig it’s only like four blocks to the outside there you

Go wow that hole was like a total booby trap oh yeah I just blindly here let’s try this again all right which way did you want to go I blocked the hole for you this just we’re just trying to get up I know I just was like

It was so funny I have done that a million times okay I hope I went the right way facing the village go to the right yes I see Cherry I see Cherry oh wow this is a little janky in terms of the O careful it’s all right oh see look

At that whoa that’s pretty cool oh that’s Blossom that would be great like think of the think of the suspended Bridges we could build yeah okay I really like that I’m can always build okay I’m going down the mountain now because ow ow apparently too far and too fast ow ow

Keep here more sheep oh there she goes she covered the landscape in water I me that’ll help with the lag here let me swim back up and I’ll take the water back yeah you got to pick it up with yeah you got to pick it up

You put it down and then pick it up before you go down yeah that’s that’s the the secret it’s okay I’ll shear sheep and get wool I can’t pick up wow oops boy that was really a lot of water that it created I mean I can’t believe it spread out that much

That’s kind of insane all right now I have to figure out exactly where I put it down you’ll get it there we go got it yep okay now you can ride it ride it down come on come on come on no it’s fun I’m just watching you I wanted to do something different

And it just really spread it’s cool no it worked someday the water will all go away that was pretty funny um I want feathers I don’t oh I don’t need seeds I don’t care about seeds okay and is that those are the Cherry that’s where we walked up over

There okay I just want to go up into this one and look at it for real and say is it realistic I mean I mean look at like we can have a boat dock down here and then a pathway that comes up up from here and then Bridges across from side to side

Yeah like so meanders here we’re not we’re not far from the village not far from the village so easy to get villagers mhm but this is a nice kind of manding way up and do I like this we can make like a beautiful Archway you can make a

Beautiful Archway of like a a grand entrance into the ch Forest Kirks oh Kirk says that he is going to get to hang out with his daughter and grandkids that is amazing I’m so glad and you can’t believe I don’t have a backpack well vanilla and we don’t have

Shulker boxes yet I’m I might rush us to the end so we can get like we just start we’ve been in this world six hours literally well on screen six hours yes bunnies I want a bunny Farm yeah how come we don’t have bags didn’t they promise it bags they did we

Could add as a data pack oh this is we’re so far away from vanilla all right what’s this like this could be cave our cave be our M shaft look physics ice ice oh okay this is perfect this is it this is our space and there’s spruce there here we need to

Find place the bed down and I think on top of the hill right here where we are boom only I don’t want to do it on that uh I’m working on it momento profile are my shears again base of this tree here we go all righty this is going to be interesting

Um when he’s already terraforming hold on I’m going to build a barrel for six too all right and yes I will put all the flowers back I’m sleeping through the night and you can set your spawn there too gracias mooch ass gracius okay firstorder business yeah I’m working on it barrels

Here come barrels cuz you’re a awesome cuz there’s nothing like crafting when your inventory is too full right it’s like traumatizing okay bling in the lower right no what are you doing okay that’s fine Bling No no bling bling bling bling all the bling can keep the helmet there

Yeah yeah okay crafted above it which is other stuff like that and that and that and and bl blocks in the middle lower middle that can be wood right now oh bling is also iron there you go I’ll make signs how’s that oh I did watch uh I think I said this in

Another uh stream but we did watch the new Indiana Jones and it is great for those of us who grew up with Indiana Jones like it met everything we wanted yeah it’s the movie I needed to be the end of the series yes it’s better than the Crystal

Skull that’s for sure oh heck yeah um I feel like Organics and MOB drops and we’ll do food in a minute I’m like overwhelmed with what we need to do now you’re I know it’s okay relax breathe breathe I’m putting all the flowers in Organics yes okay you

Picked up a bunch of stuff cuz you were running around so go empty your pockets first empty the pockets C that’s cuz I I know that’ll calm her down to not have a full inventory well I’ve already got rid of a lot of stuff that’s good okay Organics I’m looking for

Organics okay there’s food what else am I missing drops you have mod drops I got drops we’ll do two things of crafted because that’s always and then here’s one for gear and then we’ll expand as we need to I’m hoping to get something built I brought you a gift I brought sand so

That we can have glass glass cuz you’re amazing I am I am thoughtful of my Builder friend Winnie you know what else we need is a Trader so we can dispatch the llas and get more leads look at this I didn’t even know where to build up here this is

Spectacular okay now that we have a little home base I want to take a look around all right I’m going into the cave because I don’t want bad things to come up from the cave okay do you want me to come with you yeah if you want I think it’s I think it’s

Almost it’s done oh cool okay nice nice there was a skeleton hanging out here so I was like you know what we don’t need that kind a sneeze koala says she watched the Creator oh and that that was good too you know what we watched that we loved

Freelance oh yes the John Cena movie it’s on like Prime I think you have to pay for it freelance it was so good like good in the way a good like kind of breaking the fourth wall plus being a little bit campy like it was just good for an action it wasn’t it

Wasn’t overwhelming action which I’ve been having problems with lately like like the movies are so Grand that it’s just overwhelming oh you know oh I do have water but you know what I’ll just burn burn baby burn burn baby burn okay sorry I got hit by a zombie fire and for Consulting purposes

I will build the staircase down to Diamond level at the bottom of this cave will that work so this can be our actual M yeah yeah so that’ll be our quote unquote M shaft okay I found the crevice I hate crevices oh my gosh and I went towards them

I heard that oh yeah well good thing for the chest plate oh yeah this is why I hate crevices I’ve lost her I’m down in a CR I can hear the explosion but I can’t I don’t know where the crass is I’ll come out the other side hi

Bunnies bunnies is it right near where our little setup is um I don’t know I think I’m back maybe okay oh I see is it the the ditch I’m lighting stuff up so um is it where we were I was talking about Building Bridges across it no I

Don’t think so I don’t know where she is I’m coming back up I’m on the edge can you see me hi no I I went down into another cave hold on it’s another little thing that needed to be lit up okay yeah this is like coming back up

It’s it’s veined a lot I’m not I’m not a fan of these crevices man it’s barely big like the yeah from the new terrain generation I’m back up at the beds but I also am not a big fan of like big caves cuz they’re too big to

Be able to get to both sides to light up I like I like I like little tunnels I’m back at the bed too yeah if you just kind of follow back this way there’s some crevices I wonder how much my straining computer is being picked up by my

Mic I can’t hear anything okay good cuz my computer is like whining Kirk says it’s a pretty spot good job ladies that’s and yes the last the last five minutes said the Indiana Jones was the best yeah it was superet good no spoilers it was good though I don’t see

A crevice I don’t know what you’re talking about oh you’ll find it oh it’s back the other way oh all right what okay that’s the big thing and it’s back um on the other side I think you came from the other direction did I yeah oh I’m super excited find

Again there’s bees there’s bees I I need to make a campfire that’s what I need to do I think I found your crevice yep I found it is it is it lit up nope then I this is different crevice a different crass I’m build and there’s more over here there

Like another little hole hole in the ground I think this should be like a pretty little Avery aary and like a walking where we can picnic lunch is that is that a thing yes I hear he you I hear what you’re saying a picnic oh I’m

Glad I have I’m glad I have leather boots on look at this snow look at all the snow I’ve gone up to the snow all right I’m going to follow you in a second do you have leather boots no you’re going to need leather boots babe but I can tell the

Difference okay you’re like yeah right you’re going to sink and die right I mean I’m taking bets on how long it takes you to die oh no I’m out of of oh I’m out of torches this is a this is a pretty good little mountain top up here

Okay I’ve head across the mountains mostly I’m just going to go cut down a spruce tree real quick okay cool she says I thought that’s what I was going to do all right yeah oh yeah I am wow like this is a huge snow and ice field

Up here we could have a summer home and a winter home like 500 blocks apart where you going I’m mad at you I’m gonna go sleep in the snow cabin oh see if it’s capped then it’s just regular snow and then when it’s pretty blue it’s more blue it’s powdered

Nice so I’m not dead yet but I’m about to be J there’s a whole oh there’s ice which is nice so what we’re going to need pics yeah we’re going to need s touch cool very nice very nice okay I have a hand full of spruce

Saplings nice I guess I should well four that tree didn’t give any saplings what’s up with that did you wait long enough I whacked him with a hoe uh see I think hoing stuff has less drops I don’t care what anybody says I you know in my in

Experien I have no idea where our that way all the time oh no I have no idea where a bed is I’m far from a bed I’m far from a bed I don’t even know if that’s the same Cherry Forest I said sure it is okay I’m jumping

In find it yep I’m betting thank goodness betting down thank goodness cuz I’m up in the snow by myself okay I’m coming back but that’s not a bad place to be because nothing can spawn up there very rarely yeah does ice let people things spawn only packed

Ice oh the packed ice and blue ice you can spawn on but not just regular ice regular ice okay most of this packed ice yeah and then snow itself like if it’s covered with snow that snow layer will keep it from spawning oh yeah because it’s not the

Top of the block yep okay cool I’m coming back to our little I see it okay I’m going to make a fire oh there’s like a river here in in this field that’s funny funny huh funny well no it’s good like it gives me ideas like I’m going to

Fill the bottom of this field with water to give us a pond to fish in like it’s a lower place in the Cherry Blossom Forest that would make a great Pond for fishing all right am I going back to the right place yes okay how do you make a smoke

It is a furnace with four logs so make a furnace and then put four logs and a cross around it okay I will begin the great uh making of all the base things too all right I’m cooking up the chicken nice I’m going to I picked up my uh

A flint and steel instead of my coal it’s just like oh you know I don’t have regular wood we should probably get some of that like the saplings from down the hill just so we that those make the best tree farm I have Spruce I’ll start growing

Those I think there’s going to be a lot of resource gathering before there’s any building all right I’m going to go across the way I’m going to make I’m going to make a plank just cross like an ugly thing a planks to get across yeah that’s great all right we

Can improve add the uh the what do we call it like the template right or should I do it dirt I’ll start with dirt and when I run out of dirt I’ll uh go to Planks okay that’ll be attractive sorry well that’ll be I just want to do one to

Get over to the Oaks yes yes I agree and then we can start having growing Oak Farm there’s lots of bunnies hi bunnies they always get trapped I thought they fixed that oh okay all right this will get us the Oak and um spider I hear you they shouldn’t attack during the day

Right um no they should be peaceful oh wait okay I’m not even okay I’m not going across at all cuz I’m just going to collect I found wood here on this side so I don’t have to make anything ugly cherry trees are a pain to take

Down yes yes they are but I mean not really they’re a little bit taller than you can reach which BL I’m making some chair fence posts because I want to hang a l Ln there we Go all right here’s an oak oh another bee iable oh that’s funny I I heard you put down the uh L Lantern actually I’m going to make a tent for us to put beds in okay sounds good like since I think we have enough

Wool I think I do I have all the wool I should have left some for us but you’ve been collecting some too so I have a little bit not enough but I have a little bit you can’t help yourself is like yeah he’s like the grassi’s eaten sheep

Ever that’s do trap a couple sheep maybe you know what we have we have enough to be able to make a legit sheep farm oh because you have quartz yep I would love that hi be okay did I collect I’ve collected one cherry and I haven’t found my other

Thing I want I’m trying to collect different I don’t think a sapling fell off off of this after all wow hi hi wolf I don’t have any bones for you I don’t have any bones for you come here little sheep old friend old buddy old pal come

On now the only way this could be any better is if we’d found pink sheep naturally occurring in the wild well I mean come on it’s not come on it’s not over yet true okay we now have two sheep trapped trapped uh in sconed in their new home nice

When I get back I will make a sheep thing thing yep good and then we can transfer the pen to cows yeah go ahead and breed four can we can you make a little baby uh nope cuz we don’t have a garden yet give me I need to do one thing at a

Time hold on let me make a tent for our beds so I can get that out of the way sounds good of the actual Workshop area yeah I’m trying to get saplings and it’s not doing well for me I have oh of the oak yeah yeah I have Oak finally I got

One I’ve gotten quite a few a cherry though that’s good I had to take down a couple of cherry trees because they’re intertwined with the oak hear you we get ready to sleep oh there’s lots of bees oh it’s so lovely so many bees okay I’ve got to start cutting down

Cherry trees because I need the wood let’s see all right I finally got some Oak and my inventory is pretty it’s get dark so fast it’s kind of full all right I’ve got four that’s good enough to start a farm yep that’s plenty plenty plenty

I’ll head back and I didn’t do a super ugly whatever uh Bridge across so you should be happy about that nice look at me so happy happy happy so my question for o I see Cobble does that mean there’s a spawner a spawner H it has to be

Unless it was you that put it down nope I did not put it down um I didn’t put any down that I remember it’s embedded inside of a wall that has to be unless it’s the one piece of Cobble I put to keep you from falling down that ditch nope is a

Spawner all right I’m going in I think it’s from lava oh yep that would make sense but who knows it might be the corner but I don’t hear anything hissing or spawner sounds when I got near it okay I’m going back the other way come back to sapling

All right I need to come back with your saplings I hear growling I hear zombie growling but that’s the wrong direction it is a spawner but it didn’t make it’s the the corner it’s only the corner of the spawner and is the Spawner in there or not no

It’s just the corner a that sucks because the rest of it was taken over by I I’m getting out of here it’s getting darkk yeah it um the mountain when the mountain was made it deleted the spawner a dang oh I see the spawner came in first

And then the mountain wiped it out yeah and so only the corner remains of the spawner so there’s Cobble and then one green Cobble okay I’m coming back I think sleeping okay good because I think I’m lost not really but I’m heading back just come up to the highest point of the

Cherry that’s where we are yeah but it’s past I’m pretty sure I’m going the right direction I mean the world’s flat oo I found sunflowers all right I’m just circling around now oh almost fell in one those I think I’m on the backside that’s weird lots of sheep

M there’s like grassy pasture land and donkeys hi donkeys and it’s a sunflower I found a sunflower field nice oh one wool shy oh well come here sheep it’s okay the sheep have eaten thanks all right I am how did I get lost I thought I went straight that’s probably

Why this is all snow I somehow got on the back side of the mountain ah come to the cherries I am in cherries all right should I I’m going to risk going over the mountains with no gear okay snow snow snow she’s using her Minecraft Instinct alone yeah dangerous

Oops cuz I fell in a pit not too long ago I mean it was just a single hole cool okay that’s a lot of ice oh I slid off the edge okay oh there’s goats up here oh that’s cool I really have no idea I really thought I would see our

Thing by now did you have smoke going maybe a fire oh no but I can make a camp I’ll make a campfire oh this goat is looking looking at me nasty like I have a feeling he’s going to Buck me off okay let me get a campfire

Going isn’t that logs and sticks and charcoal Um it won’t be very high okay I think H okay can you see smoke yet I don’t have okay wheat to put under it I ran right past you oh my gosh that’s so funny I see you I’m directly behind you let’s see oh no the Sun the sun’s behind

Me I can see you walking around hi Winnie hi it was yeah I just ran past okay now I can make this out now come in okay I’ve gotten three sheep for you nice there’s like blue ice over here this is nice what biome is this F3 it

Is I can’t read this stuff anymore um Frozen Peaks Frozen Peaks they’re my friends okay I’m coming down how do you feel about a pink bed that’s fine no pink no I’m joking it’s the good Pepto Bismol pink too all right I’m bringing back some goodies Awesome you’re doing everything I love pink signs because they’re so readable oh okay yeah that’s a great idea hi hello here I guess I’m will which pink bed is mine to the right Tada no to the left I mean I don’t care it’s just who I whose name I wrote

First okay do I need to put anything special on there nope I don’t think so all right thank you for putting the campfire down it actually did help quite a bit that’s good I’m glad I don’t need crafted I want Organics we got so many pedals it’s great it’s

Awesome all right I I cut down a couple of um not the spruce what’s the white the um Birch Birch but I didn’t it didn’t I didn’t collect any I’m sure we’ll get some all right wood oh no I’ll do it under the chest there all right I feel like I need

To fish more bottles up because it’s a waste to make bottles when you can just fish them I feel like two of the sheep need to be pink okay you could do whatever colors we can do like one one pink pink one blue one orange like if we do eight we can pick

Eight colors that’s that’s great cuz I want Pink Carpet in the and I was like oh I’ll just dye the wool and I’m like no don’t waste freaking there’s a brown die there’s a brown sheep around here I think we should put him into the pen and we’ll have all different colors

Yep okay let me just get a lead oh here’s the brown sheep oh here I have the leads in my inventory I’ll put them and craft it okay he’s right here if you want to grab him right here Brad sheep I put I put the leads and craft BL wood bling gear

Crafted not that crafted I guess all right sheepy hi come join your friends all right okay we’re saying all right and okay a lot that’s okay though oh there you go it’s all right no I didn’t want to escaping that’s oh I don’t have the

Ah I usually put a block down hi guys hey you come the leads oh only have one lead um okay I got do not Corral sheep with shears in your hand H yeah it’s hilarious I you do that come on come in here behave yourself oh you picked up the other lead

I did and I got I got him come on come on thank you yeah okay next up I think is quick Garden I don’t come down down here is fine close close close close close damn it let’s grow some wheat so you can at least get them to follow you I’m just

Going to put a block down and let him pop over the block what I always do and then I’ll have to worry about opening it until my hands are cleared there we go all right buddy come on this way there we go I will sleep

Okay did you sp your did you set your spawn in the new bed yet yes I have you’re like too bad cuz I’ve already pulled up that bed right I think I remember you standing over there so yeah I know you okay too bad that um wa more seed nice

Okay oh nice oh you put oh is this a new one that grew wow what um no oh it is oh crap okay well I guess we can we can move the other trees like for sure just wonder how high how close it needs to be it just needs to be under it

Or is there like no I think you’re fine as long as there’s smoke collecting on the bottom okay that should be too bad we don’t have a oh the wrong way I do one on top yeah there we go I just don’t want to be hurting themselves fair

Enough but since there’s so many flower petals around they’ll probably spawn one almost every time you make a tree I’m sure there we go if you don’t want them to spawn bees then remove the flower petal within one around it yeah you’re like I don’t care I don’t mind we can

Always uh oh you know what I didn’t do you have a water bucket right I do have a water bucket okay should we make infinite water yeah can you come over here mhm and make it infinite there thank you there now we won’t fall in it okay thank you

Oh just washed away my whole freaking garden and down it goes oh goody oh no should I help water should I help oh no it’s going down the whole hill what the hell which way is it still there it’s just rolling it’s just rolling just rolling all damn it yeah that’s what I’m

Doing hey Piggy look at the Wake destruction what oh my God it’s even the sunflowers like come on I want a yellow sheep by the way okay I got a sunflower good man oh right into the freaking Ravine fine fine okay oh I’m following very dangerous

In mountains the CH the mountains yes I would say it’s not just the cherry blossoms bi no wow went everywhere didn’t it I mean it’s like everywhere like it cleared a whole path and it went two directions it split didn’t it oh yeah cuz I didn’t want to destroy our natural Cherry flower

Carpet too late too late okay I’ve got well we got seeds now and I’m going to get a poppy and so we can have all sorts of colors um I don’t need you maybe I can make I’m trying to clear my inventory how is it that this just keeps getting

Okay yeah I’ve repaired most of the damage I’ve got red and a sunflower and two dandelions and um wow I guess I will don’t want to I’m just putting some random lights down I know it’ll kill you but sorry okay there’s now a yellow sheep nice there now I’m picking up a blue

Nice and a cornflour it does make BL die okay I think I’ve collected oh I can collect more farming take two oh that’s okay we do have there’s tulips over here I noticed there was a tiny bit of um get whatever color flower Forest yeah you want me to bring orange for you

I I know you can make it with bread yes that would be great or one orange tulip would be lovely all right okay I’m going to put a crafting table over here just for fun in the Little Flower Forest Nice come on okay I forgotten I thought shift helps you swim but apparently not it’s all it’s control ah there we go to get you to swim okay one hi chickens are there okay okay I really I have so many pink petals cuz I collected everything oh I should have put my bling

Away okay I’ve got one more spot um how about a I have aluminum it makes magenta die that’s nice Al aluminium Alum Alum Alum so I have there we go I’ll get a couple extra is that a pink they have different colors so that’s or maybe just one’s in the light

And one’s not yeah one looks bluish and then there’s the two high that’s like infinite pink isn’t it it is what else can I get rid of I can get rid of my iron shovel cuz it’s almost dead this one Winnie destroyer of Kirk says Winnie destroyer of pretty

Flowers it’s true yeah and that’s magenta all right I probably should head back and we already have a white sheep so we don’t have to worry about that o even more flow ah man I’m going to get totally lost it’s the two high red flowers oh those are good I want

Roses okay roses I got to figure out now what I need to get what I can get rid of maybe I can get rid of my axe oh the pink is so easy to read for the signs you are so right I love pink I’m replacing I’m replacing all the

Signs with pink signs I know they’re amazing I like I’m not I I’ve become this pink I actually really like yeah it’s a good one okay I’m going to get rid of the poppies because we’re going to have a ton of poppies and I’m going to collect roses instead

Okay okay I’ve gotten some roses and I’ve got some lilacs and some corn flour that’s so many lilacs they’re so only one they’re too tall I know but I have I mean one spot is one spot right so I can pick as many as I want oh you might as well yeah iard

You physics destroyer of pretty flowers yes all right so there’s all sorts of tulips I don’t have enough room for all the different types of tulips I’ve gotten I have orange tulips and that’s the only tulips I picked up I’m going to use those ugly Oak signs

As fuel do you know that the pink petals make pink D yes I that’s how do you think I died a sheep all right it’s getting dark oh my gosh there’s so many orange tulips there’s enough tulips here to ruin Holland’s economy yeah all right now I got to

Figure out how to get back I really should probably write down those coordinates this is huge this whole biome is like all flowers they just poke around they’re not like like it’s pretty like it’s you know sometimes the flower biomes are just kind of plain yes this is not the case all right

Are you towards the sunset setting or away from the sun setting it depends on where you are okay we are I am I am at 7 basically 72880 2900 700 2900 head that direction you’ll find us I’ll sleep all right let me write that down you said 729 7

2900 that’ll that’ll get you here is that like 2,900 and then the other is just 700 yeah I mean it’s 721 but 700 will get you on top of the hill all right F3 I made my stuff bigger and I can hardly all right I think I just need to go directly this

Way is that going up that’s going down I’m going the wrong way and soon we’ll have wheat I’ll make the Smoke Stack dollar oh wait we bring bones I don’t think I brought bones I didn’t bring any bones I did did cuz I’m smart you’re so smart see if I can get

Enough see if I can get enough wheat to make the but nope not not yet all right while I’m over here I should get I don’t have any what can I get rid of I can get rid of planks oh hi skeleton Oh no you’re a cow mistaken identity well I saw the

White of the belly through trees and so I you know naturally thought it was a skeleton I hear you I should get Birch while I’m here hi cows lots of cows but I don’t have any space left okay here we go I’m supercharging all right I will come back I have supercharged the

Campfire it should help yes nice in fact we should just make that’s the path we should use we should just make a string of campfires you can follow the fires of minth yeah but it would end up looking like a circle that’s okay just keep following a

Campfire I know but it would be like keep going around in circles so all right you have uh no I need to come back and dump my inventory that that’s what I’m trying to do okay all right okay well I’m going back down again why is that happening my poor gpus fancy Cloud

B okay I’m going up again I have a ho a Kirk says we are the best duo seriously just doing random stuff right now totally ROM guess what I found I found a gray sheep I’m bringing the gray sheep nice yeah yeah BR you did you take

A I have two leads on me by accident yeah nice very good very good Grays that’s good we don’t have to make Dy to do that excellent although gray is pretty easy die to make especially light gray pretty much every feel better about finding a gray sheep okay good job

Physics all right sorry this is ugly they’re like you’re still like you’re I’m still lost that’s okay I found another gray sheeping I’m like I don’t need to bring two gray sheep I’ll save that for another pretty color like white I see a pillar oh this is our last bedsite I

Guess when did you make a pillar um so that we could find that again well I found it again so okay so you need to wow I don’t know how to tell you to get here it’s okay I can so you can see you can see cherries up to your left go

The other way go up to your right oh I thought it was or straight ahead Straight Ahead should get you up here trying to think of where that is that’s you’re down in the bowl yes you’re in the bowl how did I make it this far I don’t know how did

You end up back there okay I’m at I don’t know where that is from here I’m at 700 now 2 okay we’re at 700 so you need to just go in a straight line what what number are what’s your second number 80 no 25 okay so you need to just

Come do South like just in a straight line and you’ll run right into the base yeah now I got to how do H I think I need to make a boat you do cuz there’s water like come do South across the water and straight up the hill and you’ll run right into the

Base or just swim it’s not that far like you’re rendering might not be rendering it but it’s not that far I can see the other side yeah I’m just confused you South you got to open up your F3 and look for South okay I have to go around big

Ditches so that puts me off okay I see I only okay I see where I I crossed water on the wrong side he fair enough I’m on the shore where you should have appear here don’t worry about it I’m going to put a block of pink wool down on the I see you

Running down I know where I am I see you I don’t know how I actually got this way this place I don’t know how you got over there either cuz I crossed to The to your right and then I I circled all the way around can sheep we have a we now have a sure I see here I’m going to go around which means I’ll probably get lost again pink pillar at the bottom of the hill so you at least can find

Home all right I don’t need this on right now I am I am determined is that a brown oh we already have a brown sheep we do I am determined to bring this gray sheep home with me oh I think you should okay buddy this is treacherous so

Follow me one side is a drop into water is that oh no that’s Lappy I was like I think there’s diamonds there but I think it’s Lappy okay the very next thing I need is a spy glass so I can watch you from far where in your shenanigans oh that’s probably

Yeah all right sheep I’m going to make there’s no zoom function for my Irish shaders dad G it uh all right so there’s physics physics out of her natural habitat swims Through The Dark Water I’m trying to dragging behind her a new specimen from a foreign land a Sheet I’m Dita atenor all right sheep there’s cows too we need a Trader I need more leads because I don’t want to waste the Slime and the string on leads here you want me to bring a cow up while on yeah yeah that would be perfect

Because I got to go slow anyways because I you you’re watching me I am I’m filming well you’re doing a great job narrating your adventures and I thought I would add you know camera value really I didn’t think I was actually saying anything okay cow I wanted you come here

You’ve been chosen there you go good Bine selected the cow like the best part about this is at the completion of her journey it’ll be time to go all right where’s the best place to cross for y’all you’re like there’s going to be all these like stupid dirt Bridges

Through the water right which swim just drag them through the water they’ll be fine they won’t sink like horses no just it’s you that sinks not the horses no animal in Minecraft sinks there you go except a skeleton but they’re not animals they’re the Undead yeah dead oh all right here you

Go I’m going to follow you up okay uhoh I lost my sheep they’re slow to come upstairs you have to be patient with them he’s following you man I have there now he’ll definitely follow me come on buddy got him okay yeah usually I put wheat in the off hand come on you

Can go this way if you want to run up and sleep you can do that too I’ve got wheat in my off hand it’s okay maybe they’ll run faster they should oh here I should give you a piece of wheat here there should be behind you come on cow going for the

Bed I’m in third person though it’s harder to get up the hill for some reason going backwards sure sleepy time oh did you supercharge oh super bright all right come on y’all can do it H I am so not in this animal husbandry business also physics can entirely blame

Me for her Minecraft Adventures I had been playing and I was like you know what we should do is stick you in Minecraft and then videotape it record it she’s like I don’t know how to play Minecraft I’m like I know exactly creeper okay don’t come up here yet sheep oh God damn

It get out of that hole okay I was all right I lost my gray sheep he’s up here with me don’t worry about it it’s because I still have wheat in my offand good come here buddy oh all right where do you want me to put the

Cow just tie him to a fence post I think okay oops I was just trying to do one there we go all right cheap do you have any dirt on you I Do come on come on come on no Stupid Creeper why can’t I put dirt down there we go okay why didn’t need that lead back yes ah come on why were you so difficult because sheep all right we have hey we have a nice colorings we

Have a nice selection we have wheat now we can breed them nice all right are there any two colors that would make a new color no um yeah you can make cow do you want in there he’s following me cuz I have wheat in my hand okay um you can do gray

And white and that would make light gray and light gray but here are potentially here’s some flowers oh it did make light gray look at that yep okay I think I need all the colors and then here’s some Flowers okay we definitely need a black sheep also can you use your dirt to fill in this hole please sure I’m putting all the flowers and Organics so that you can beautiful what can we do with all these petals though I don’t know I we’ll have to put them in another Barrel

Eventually all right I’m filling in the dirt for you creeper magnet yeah hey he was already up here Noy creeper thanks there you go they’re delicious for you crash okay um I am going to make a half a stack of oops of glass okay okay we officially need another

Barrel for the just for the pedals too bad they can’t bundle petals that would be great right I got one wheat and I better put in the bling so this is the fun part is okay crafted there we go is staring into barrels is the fun part of Matt in

Minecraft yes okay I’m putting I made a barrel called Cherry stuff okay our organic chest is no longer insane nice what there are my Torches Jack a lantern which needs to go in the Garden and we’re probably getting oh I mean we’re over wrapping up time all right um I have a fishing pole if we want to go down and fish all right we can totally do that Organics got wheat and I made two observers so I put I guess I’ll put them and

Crafted and I will make a little uh Farm although we need to get all the colors we want first but oh yeah yeah but I’ll make a little sheep farm awesome so once we get we just ate all the colors that I guess I need to make two sheep farms side by

Side so we’ll make eight and eight yep yep I like it I like it a lot and that’ll give us the two colors okay I guess I’m going to go stand what in front of the tent and the gear thing yeah that’ll work Cherry of the Cherry okay half a stack of

Oops what do you what do you have a half oh my God she wants me okay there we go have to Monkey See for this is gonna be wait this is gonna be my screenshot for the next hold on let me don’t move don’t move because I’m gonna oh I’m gonna do the

Whole oh wow that’s way too close maybe like 45 there it is screenshot of beautiful with the Cherry petals falling in the background oh it’s so good okay this has been winie wle and this is physics but

This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft Play with Winnie and Fizicks E3’, was uploaded by Fizicks Gaming on 2023-12-23 04:34:03. It has garnered 73 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:36 or 7356 seconds.

Minecraft 1.20 SMP with Fizicks and Winnie Wriggle

New season, new world, and a whole lot of new adventures.

Today Winnie and I strike out into the wild to explore. Personally, I’m hoping we’ll find a Cherry Blossom biome.

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  • Unbelievable Twist in Unknown303x Minecraft Hardcore Series! #day1

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  • The 🅱️inecraft 🅱️ealm – 1.20.4 – SMP – Hard – Whitelist

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  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

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  • Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects

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  • 300 Days in Minecraft Mod – Journey to the Moon in Pure Insanity

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  • “Insane Gamer Block Craft – Ultra Realistic Minecraft!” #shorts

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  • Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft – SHOCKING!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!

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  • Fenwo’s Final Console Stream – Unleash the Mystical Hive

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  • Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Haato’s First Exposure To Minecraft [Fubuki POV] (Part 1/3)’, was uploaded by StrawHaaton on 2024-03-19 04:00:34. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:16 or 1636 seconds. HAACHAMA Ch: Heart of Akai: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1CfXB_kRs3C-zaeTG3oGyg Fubuki Ch. Shirakami Fubuki: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdn5BQ06XqgXoAxIhbqw5Rg Source: Haato & Fubuki_Let’s make diamond blocks together in Minecraft! [Privated] 11 July 2018 ID: 64H0-5Ag96M Haato’s (edited) POV is still public! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aekF1SisPQA Thank you for watching and sorry for not knowing Japanese. If you want to use this clip and upload it on your own channel with translations, PLEASE… Read More

  • “OMG! Herobine sighted in Minecraft!! 🤯” #viral #shorts #trending

    "OMG! Herobine sighted in Minecraft!! 🤯" #viral #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobine spotted In Minecraft!😶🥶 #trending #viral #shorts #short #minecraft #comedy #funny #memes’, was uploaded by Azeem boyy on 2024-01-07 04:45:48. It has garnered 5021 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Herobrine Spotted!🥶😨😱 #shorts #short #viral #minecraft #herobrine #trending #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe @Bebu @minecraft Tags used 👇🏻 minecraft, techno gamerz camera man Minecraft video Minecraft herobrine 1. Crafting 2. Redstone 3. Mods 4. Biomes 5. Enchanting 6. Exploration 7. Villagers 8. Nether 9. Ender Dragon 10. Adventure Maps1. Survival 2. Creative 3. Redstone 4. PvP (Player vs Player)… Read More

  • DJ dk’s Malibu Love Song – Subscribe Now!

    DJ dk's Malibu Love Song - Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘#bhojpuri #pleasesubscribe #malibu #shortvideo #bhojpuri_status #minecraft #dj #ginfizz #song #new’, was uploaded by Love you DJ dk on 2024-02-19 04:03:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • HowlSteal

    HowlStealThere are many lifesteal servers, but there is only one Lifesteal, and howlsteal.xyz is where you will find it! We strive to be the best available public lifesteal server there is and we are constantly innovating and adding new features, hosting events and giveaways, and listening to our community. howlsteal.xyz Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information: Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Join our Discord server Online In-game map: Check out our online map Features: Backwards compatibility with latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with a lead Free fly in the overworld every Sunday Land claiming with ProtectionStones Bartering economy system No griefing Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging and player teleportation options Minecraft-Discord integration for community interaction Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server… Read More

  • tedsstr

    asdasdasdasdas das as asdas das das asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd a das asd das as asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd ad s asd ads ads asd asd asd asd asd da s das ads asd das da ads da ads ad a ds ads ad s ad ads Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Me after a cave bender!

    Minecraft Memes - Me after a cave bender!Me after leaving the cave: “I may have left the cave, but the cave never truly leaves me. It’s like a permanent echo chamber in my soul, reminding me of all the times I got lost and panicked in the darkness.” Read More

  • Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality!

    Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Players explore, build, and survive. But when they venture into the realm of Identity V, The fifth personality adds a new level of glee. With fans urging me to give it a try, I jump in, ready to soar and fly. Choosing the cheerleader, a popular pick, I motivate him with passive skills, quick and slick. As the heartbeat pounds, I encourage him on, Stacking up his strength, until the fear is gone. But when he falls, I boost him up high, With 28 layers of health, he’s ready to defy…. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him!” #minecraft #minecraftmeme Read More