EPIC Minecraft PS5 Survival: KingTopia with Subs!

Video Information

All right you guys know what time it is howdy everybody hello how are you guys doing and welcome to another stream baby we’re back playing some more Minecraft everybody hope you’re all doing great and welcome to the stream tonight hope you guys are doing good and

Thank you for joining me on this amazing episode here episode 93 episode 93 of our Minecraft PlayStation 5 live survival SMP with my viewers how you guys doing man welcome welcome welcome who do we got here who the freak do we got here let me

See who do we freaking got in this chat right now we got breadman breadman yo breadman why do you think what do they call you bread man breadman what’s up breadman Mr bread oh cuz he’s a superhero he’s a superhero that’s why bread man what’s up head of the table AK Jesse

What’s up Jesse how you doing Jesse wessie how doing Jesse love Captain theams Captain theams hello Captain welcome welcome frog 3000 yo frog yo what’s up frog I’m still looking for the other 2,999 frogs out there maybe one day they’ll show up who knows what’s up smigle how you doing

Schmigle oh hello there smigo what’s up Nolan Nolan Nolan how are you Nolan Nolan Wan hello Shield twins good to see you Shield twins how are you buddy good to see you Shield twins what’s up we got Edward how you doing Edward happy to see

You every time I see Edward man puts a big old smile on my face from one ear to the other Edward Edward what’s up gazy we even got gazy here today hello gazi how are you man hello Zer oh no not freaking Zer again bro last time

Zer was here dude he was doing some very naughty things he’s a naughty mother can’t say the word but uh it rhymes with uh brother trucker but you could switch the words the first letter and you’ll figure it out leather company video coming soon yes I have to edit that video dude it

Was a let me see we recorded I got it right here we recorded an hour and 59 minutes worth of footage so yeah I got to work on that after the stream got a lot of videos I got to work on after the stream bro so yeah I want

To do I want to try getting like all these pre-recorded videos I want to get them all edited and then like just have them ready to like daily upload for a week straight and see what happens yeah don’t let Mikey edit it cuz it’ll take months Maybe even

Years Benny I greeted mostly everyone breadman that’s very nice of you we need more people like breadman because breadman is actually a very nice guy King on the phone with my fiance Isabella nice nice the hall days coming up and I don’t even got anything though it’s even

Worse when there’s a chance we won’t have snow so no excuses for me still got that ancient deis that ancient de bris guys I’m about to bless y’all today man I’m about to bless y’all today I’m about to bless y’all y’all ready y’all are about to get blessed bro and three 2

One bless you all right ready okay if you were about if you were sneezing I just blessed you I’m going watch something else I feeling Mooncraft right now maybe maybe tune in laters yeah tune in laters tune in later buddy smigle make that video about

Beds what do I look like an Ikea expert what I look like an Ikea expert man I was hoping so I was hoping so too Shields Ola Taco Boy Ola Taco Boy how are you Taco Boy oh man did you see my second last message I did not I’m writing an essay

Should I stop to play Minecraft no you need to finish that essay listen your schoolwork is way more important than anything King Str struggles to read the most basic comments this guy’s got reading issues I told you I have I suffer from dyslexia I suffer from dyslexia Shields and you think I’m lying

You think I’m joking Shields but I’m not joking you stupid mother I bless you guys it’s right we got the face cam on for today we got the face cam on baby man that was crazy last night bro last night was a movie King you’re welcome Dad I like to

Stream Jesse that’s very nice of you Jesse Jesse thank you Jesse wessie thank you Jesse oh your essay is only for extra credit no I say you still do it man I say you should still do that essay say you should still do that as he bro we

Got the face cam yes sir look at that we got face cam lighting might be bad cuz I’m using like actual home lighting and I’m not using my normal LED lights that’s why it looks like there’s this giant blue light hanging over my head but it’s just the house lighting my

Room lighting guys all right no I’m not getting abducted by aliens so can I live at the Village why do you want to live at the Village noan like what’s wrong with living with me BR do you not want to live with me Nolan do you hate living with me

Bro oh my God Nolan all I ever wanted noan was to create a nice peaceful helping Village SL city/town where you could live with me but instead you want to run away from me it hurts Nolan that hurts I don’t have any class grade below

85 I got five all right man he’s a smarty pants he’s definitely a teacher pet definitely definitely is a teacher pet we all can agree on that right guys so yeah last time when I was playing last stream unfortunately my game crashed so if you were wondering

What happened to the stream and why it ended after I said whoops no I did not accidentally turn off my PlayStation uh I did not trip on over anything my Game just crashed so bummer I want to live with you it’s just everybody raids my base guys please do

Not raid Nolan’s base anymore please yo can I join sure clad clich ad clich I think I saying your name wrong bro I’m so sorry clich ad yeah you could join but if you would like to join all you got to do is just be subscribed to the channel send

Me a friend request please CR again we got to get we got to get on that leather company part two grind no no it’s a one and done thing hi squid fun hello squid fun dude we got to learn how to play that game I was watching a videos after

We finish playing I watching Banos gaming play it Nolan wants live with you too probably wants to sleep with all right get this guy out of here ban him ban him where’s Mikey when you need him Mikey give me member in your world trick andoo I’m afraid I cannot do that buddy

I’m afraid I cannot do that if it doesn’t hit we got to do another part yeah I’m going to make shorts out of it so that it blows up and you should definitely re-upload those shorts so that people can get more traction out of it bro why are there like boats in the

Arena yo get those boats out of there bro that’s probably why my game crashed bro get those boats out of there what’s your Microsoft my Microsoft you’re type in the chat for you bu here let me see here let me type in for you deadly king

Daddy daddy five there you go daddy king for 35 all right there you go daddy king daddy5 I will reupload shorts on my 1K Tik Tok account for you Benny thank you Shields that means a lot buddy thank you Shields you know Shields I’m going to

Remember you for the rest of my life Shields I’ll never forget about you and what you’ve done for me today and what you’ve done for me other days not just today but other days as well Shield twins Shield twins if you had a twin I would definitely be in love with them as

Well if they look exactly like you and they’re as nice as you all right let me see here uh we got a friend request from sack sack Nana sack Nana yo sack Nana what what got Nana in your sack bananas in your sack I’m a subscriber but you’re

BR up subscribers going oh you always lie to me when you say that King is going to remember till I’m 18 all right forget it forget what I said forget what I said um I need somebody to leave so that can join um who do I know how do I have

A feeling is just going to play today and not really do anything I have a feeling like corn snatch corn snatch you know you might be that that guy today you know he might be that that type of player you know I swear to me and cupcakes not doing sussy stuff

All right if I go over there and I check and I see that you guys are putting things where they shouldn’t be put banned both of you both of you do you hear me right that’s some smelting smelting smelting away smelting my life away die die yes yes my villain Arc begins

Now I just did my job please don’t kick me oh I would never ever kick you I would never ever kick you breadman why would I ever kick you bread man that does not sound like something I would do I’m a nice guy right all right

This guy just said bend over ban that guy right now ban him right now how dare he making fun of my name telling me to bend over as well Hello haha he yo this takes forever man I swear this takes forever holy moly we’re going

To be here for a minute and this stuff hasn’t even started growing only one of them my God I think the face cam is a bit small well I can’t really move it I can’t change the size of it so it’s kind of just that size Forever

Until I get a better setup I a SK and night came successfully blending With the Enemy yes yes you can be a part of the enemy a distraction I should say Reigns I need you to hop on what’s up Reigns Reigns I need you to hop on on

This uh fortnite video after a stream uh and I need you to get one of those Eminem skins it’s part of the video thank you can I join a time and finish my house sure sure sure sure of course you can of course of course ready when you are all right so nobody’s

Leaving I’m going to do a reset for this man so nobody’s leaving I got to do a reset bro I got to do a reset so he can join I told you guys please make some room so that he can join you guys L to

Be I got to get you guys out of here so we can all get out of here at the same time we can get in here give me the skin with those what did that say what did that comment right there say king you are the best streamer don’t listen to Reigns

He’s out of his mine well then isn’t it possible to increase the increase the player limit unfortunately on Playstation Bedrock has something against those PlayStation players so it is not possible it’s very very sad I know very very sad however because I am a nice guy and I’m not like a Bedrock

Employee uh I’m going to do a reset for you my friend so if you like to join let’s get in here ready 1098 744 74 213 I bro I don’t even know what to account ready that comment you read you’re skit you’re schizophrenic all right you guys

Ready thanks for the Reser for the reer mamed if you join mad I got to kick you man because I know you don’t do anything when you join so I got to get you out of here I need players who are actually going to do something I don’t think I’m

Going to go to mcrad if I save up my credits for the last year of term one college yet I can graduate on the spot you might not come to my grad read last comment Shields if I don’t come to your graduation bro what have I been working towards my whole entire

Career the point of this streaming stuff so that I could come to all of your guys’ graduations so that it could be there for you like you guys were there for me will I ever get banned for my disguise of course not no no no all

Right ready guys ready 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 join today is November what’s up GTA San Andreas playthrough Mysteries and more oo I like to find out what the mor stands for all right did my player get in here did my new player get in here yes

He did sack Nana yeah what is that profile picture oh hell no oh heck no I should have not looked at that no I should not have looked at that oh my my God was that Peter Griffin giving the pipe what is that oh

God oh no oh no no no hey Benny tomorrow is my Oney year anniversary of being a YouTuber hey congrats man happy anniversary wwww also your account got banned your new account is Smiles how did your account get banned let me move this a little bit so you can see there you go

Wait that’s a little too low I’m not wearing pants I got to move that a little higher all right how did you get banned though how did you get banned okay let me see we got to hurry up and smell dang it my god oh don’t worry about the mess

Over here by the way either guys I got to do laundry don’t worry about that guys it’s laundry don’t worry about that don’t worry about that okay this going to take a while bro I need to do something while I’m waiting for this I would babysit this but this

Also is taking a while so I got to find something else to do while these other things are uh you know taking up oh my God I just broke it and it wasn’t even ready he stole that guy’s clothes he stole that guy’s Pizza course I took one of my SS then

Put I hate all right put that guy in visitor mode and we’re not going to take him out of visitor mode where’s he at put the man in visitor mode hey siries set a timer for 30 minutes please actually no no no no no that’s too generous set a timer for 60

Minutes 60 Minutes that is right why is he saying M cupcakes come on H I have a question why aren’t you black I am black it’s just the lighting is making me look it’s making me look whiter than usual that’s why it’s making me look a lot more wider than I normally

Am but if I turn off this if I turn the lights in this room you probably won’t be able to see me realistically you most likely I’ll probably disappear like a magician you won’t be able to see me at most you might be able to see my teeth

And my eyes that’s about it maybe my headset all right re this is a familyfriendly channel R we can’t just go around saying the n word left and right bro come on come on buddy come on we all know I have the pass though we

All know we all know King is a tequila love not a Hennessy lover I don’t even know what either of those tastes like dear God man this guy thinks I’m an alcoholic I’m not an alcoholic I’m a video game holic yes yeah you are right I believe you

Thank you man a lot of people don’t believe me when I say that but I’m glad that you’re not one of those people so thank you thank you then I will send you to an what is going on let’s work at the KFC not right now gets gun

No oh is he going to kill him for not working at the KFC what in the world how do I make candles I think you got to steal them from the uh the deep dark from the warden’s house Sweetie Pie’s house did he just say perms mommy

All right ban that guy right now no burn ban that guy I want him banned I want him gone ranks 24-hour ban on him get him out K got got a I paused my game to be here sure I paused my game to be would I rather be at my sister’s

Wedding or get a platinum trophy for a game like Grand Theft Auto 5 I think the answer is very simple I’d rather get that platinum trophy very simple I found a Mario come to my house a Mario what what’s a Mario that like slay that slang for something

Racist my KFC is open all right what do you mean your KFC buddy let’s not get a twisted let’s not forget who’s the inventor of that all right all right thank you it’s actual Mario wait Mario from like Super Mario Bros at your house my gosh I don’t want to leave this

Here but I can’t take it with me what should I do what should I do CH I don’t know what to do I don’t want to leave it here I don’t want to abandon it I don’t want it to grow up hating me okay I don’t need that right now I’m not

Even hungry that’s a lie I am very hungry right now right I don’t need this gold bro what do you think I am throw that one piece of gold good idea he thinks just like me right look at all these Nether Bricks you know what’s funny I’m probably not

Even GNA get a stack of red Nether Bricks from all this can someone grief that building behind you cop station oh heck no somebody griefed it I’m on my way to see it I’m on my way bro I swear if it’s grief so bad I’m literally kicking everybody out of the

World everybody everybody’s getting kicked if it’s grief really bad oh no I am back mahammed are you on a different account is that haha he wait no no no no that’s not haha he who is that who is that who is that snake man hello snake man how are you snake man

It’s good to see you buddy Snake Man can you only invite certain people to stay of course of course I will yes this is outrageous I’m tired of getting griefed if it’s griefed really bad we’re about to find out right now how bad it’s griefed I found a brand pound to remove

Everyone’s mob attacking BM so we can preserve this specimen oh we already have a specimen like that is name is Mikey you want to work at the police station brose jumping from job to job just like me there go my little Gremlin my little Gremlin right there

Smeagle why do I hear a mine cart oops I better get out of here oh no oh no can I for real get on fortnite at 3:00 a.m. because I can’t sleep where were you where was I Reigns I was eating dinner 1:00 a.m. but I do need you to get on after

This stream corn snatch de bris oh here you go take this ancient de bris I don’t want it I do need you to get on rain on fortnite after this oh and who said that the building behind my job is griefed you lied thanks my blank I can only assume that says

Something very bad like uh my I don’t want to say it I got homework let’s hope I can finish it in time start right now buddy hopefully it’s done by the time uh the stream ends I need you to get a head start on that homework right

Now come on Reigns I need that homework done hi MC gaming VR MC gaming VR let’s see how badly how badly this uh building is griefed see let’s see it’s not even griefed it’s not even grief they lied to me bro we’re going to

Get a win oh my God why is my game lagging right now we’re going to get a win Reigns oh it’s just grief from up here that’s it we’re going to get a win using the Slim Shady skins oh I mean it’s grief but like nothing major face reveal XD and back I

Remember when I destroy houses on your server and you are happy y I am lagging really bad right now like really bad hold on I think these boats are uh are messing with me give it to me oh buddy buddy I’m afraid I cannot do that I’m

Afraid I cannot do that why am I actually lagging though hi can I play yes Anthony wait Anthony didn’t you ask if you could play the other day weren’t you here last time oh no look at all these boats what is this who put this here yo oh my God bro what Yoshi

What the heck why are there boats every insane this is insanity oh my god dude this is not right bro this is not right this is actually not right this is evil this is straight up evil who did this this is down right just plain out evil oh my oh my God

Bro this is horrible this is so bad no oh no no breadman thank you breadman can’t believe Ro Yoshi from Roblox did that how do I join oh uh hello ausaa if you like to join all you got to do just be subscribed to the channel

Send me a friend request and I’ll get you in here yo somebody need to get a bucket of lava so they could burn all these boats I don’t want to see all these boats ever again no PVP is not on I don’t have PVP on cuz everybody like if you kill somebody in

This world they will actually start crying so I can’t turn on PVP just to avoid the headache just to avoid the headache of somebody getting killed and then I have to deal with it oh my gosh Thomas the Train yo I actually like Thomas the

Train a lot when I was a kid yo that’s a w skin that’s a w skin I love that I love that show when I was a kid Thomas and Thomas the Train W show W goated show goated goated yo somebody was trying to grief this place

Man king how are you doing today I doing pretty good snake man thank you for asking I’m doing good how are you snake man thank you for asking oops I just murdered that sheep Thomas the Tank Engine who’s got a bucket of lava man I

Need to dispose of these boats I do make sure that these boats never ever see the light of day you know what sometimes your streams is so fanny can you take some clips and make them short I already do that oh poor sheep bro no that sheep just got

Violated sucks to be that guy no you don’t yes I do yes I do Muhammad are you calling me a liar well I ain’t calling you a truther whoever gets that reference man you’re awesome time to go back to the police station in my cool car no we have a job

To do right now we have a job to do bro where was the police in this in this world when all this was happening when all these bats were being placed down where was the police officer man was this dude on his lunch break eating Donuts or something

Where was this guy at bro fire this man gazi should not be a police officer anymore he needs to be fired he needs to be fired right now right this instant terrible police officer he’s allowing somebody to do this in my world he’s a corrupt police officer yo this is actually draining the

Durability on my shield like crazy I mean on my sword shoot Shield bro I saw Shields that’s why I said Shields yo is that all the boats Shield I need you to all these boats need to be gone I don’t know who did this this is actually a

This is actually a federal crime right here the person who did this should be thrown in prison they need to be locked away for life after this come here there you go man they need to be locked up for life this is insanity Insanity right here can’t believe it bro can’t believe it

All I wanted to do is just build is that all the boats somebody just threw them out there can I see the Yoshi guy for a second wait did he leave yo the Yoshi guy just dipped Yoshi guy’s not even here he left no Yoshi can you look at my world later I

Work so hard on it sure sure I’ll check out your world later sure why not who the heck put that there all right I had to make some more of this stuff because somebody thought it would be a good idea to destroy most of it most of the walls that were containing this

Block so I got to fix it oh I’m supposed to put the game in I’m going put the game in normal mode right now I was trying to say that but I don’t know why it’s sound like I was speaking gibberish my inventory oh my inventory Shields break this break

This chest right here Shields and and lava everything that comes out of it whoever did that is a sick person whoever did that is a sick-minded person can’t believe they would do something like this bro they just want to hurt me bro I got to interview someone and wait I got oh

Shoot I got to interview someone and get interviewed in Sign Language tomorrow I don’t know if I got this no talking you know yeah I know what sign language is um Reigns you do got this Reigns and if you think you don’t got this buddy just remember the rules just remember the

Uh the basic rules stay calm breathe Focus you’re going to do good all right here R if you want we could practice right now I know a little bit of sign language like I know a little bit not that much I know a little bit um would I

Be able to communicate with a uh with a blind person yes yes I know a little bit of sign language so I’ll be able to help you out RS if You’ like we could we could do a little test right now hold my breath for three minutes cleaning up your world a bit

You’re welcome oh my God Frog’s actually doing something bro bro Frog’s actually doing something bro I need somebody to hand me a napkin or something bro I got to wipe these tears from my eyes never thought I’d see the day where Frog’s actually doing something swear to God

Bro Reigns I think I know the difference between de and blind buddy I think I know the difference bro death person are the ones that can’t see blind people are the ones that can’t here so I think I know the difference all right trying to correct me I already know what the

Difference is my friend turn it into hard mode and plers instantly spawned in the city that’s good that’s really good we can get a bad Omen and then um we could become Heroes guys and then they’ll give us some good trades and you guys can stop asking me for

Stuff correction equals good night I could do language too you know what that trick where you remove the thumb oh yeah yeah yeah yo I Unbreaking really oh I’m getting clapped oh my God I’m getting clapped I’m getting clapped oh my God it’s not by Johnny

S all right throw that away you do not need that you only make a few shorts what I have probably over like almost 100 shorts I think you’re looking at my Tik Tok account King I dropped a like on this live stream thank you snake man snake man

You’re so awesome dude thank you for dropping a like Snake Man W Snake Man W Snake Man Creeper oh yo that Meme though oh my God look at breadman he’s getting bodied yo breadman just got bodied yo F in the chat for bman dude yo I just

See seen this man get body bro got gang banged no bread man it’s okay man we look up in the sky there he is there he is guys moment of silence for bread man I need everybody to look up moment of silence for him no I’m going to silence for that

Guy how many did you make last month probably like like 15 an astronaut teacher lawyer doctor is not getting dark King he ball welcome come inside come inside come on it’s freezing cold out there what are you doing what are you doing go and take up your jacket take off your

Jacket look at the ground why are you following me get away get away Reuben yeah I know a little bit of Minecraft story mode lur what can I say you know is that it is that all the creepers I’m going to get for today all right not

Bad we got 39 Rockets I should do as good I should do as good for the rest of the stream well for like a good hour or so right right okay so I was waiting for this stuff to smell or not smell but grow these Nether Warts they were taking forever

Though so she’s not breathing these clothes are going to oh my yo right I’m going need you to stop right there buddy I’m going need you to stop right there yo Anthony send me a friend request Anthony here let me type my name in the

Chat so you could add me here Daddy King there you go deadly King 35 going to send me a friend request Anthony so we can get you in here pigs love carrots potatoes and beetroots oh I did not know that I did not know that dang I did not know

That jump in the cat Reigns can you explain this Reign I’m going to say something can you explain this to me reign can you put a little bit of uh clarification on this ready I’m going to say something it’s a little phrase It’s a sentence it’s a song

Actually I need to know the context behind this range ready ready goes a little something like this won’t break me down I need you to explain that Reigns what exactly do you mean by that who won’t break you down your server is full wait Anthony you

Have has a friend already y I’m going to kick somebody so Anthony could join I’m going to do a eeny meeny miny mo let’s see hop on tomorrow early morning no we’re we’re going to hop on after the stream we’re going to hop on fortnite we’re going hop on

Fortn Fort nut getting all the nuts yo elephant elephant ninja do you know if there is a way to increase the speed of nether w growth because they take forever they take forever to grow that’s the wolf sitting by the tree meme song oh I see I see I see yes baseball

Bat guy hello baseball bat guy who trying to be my I get this guy out of here I want him banned Mikey 24-hour ban no double it 48 no triple it 72 hours get him out right now this is unbelievable I will get out to give my

Spot I am not so bro’s lying I want that guy banned as well for lying hello Shields hello Shield twins I’m conserving my Rockets so I’m not going to fly over there I C you singing it right on under got copyrighted yeah you got rain you got Mikey’s video partially blocked in some

Companies or some countries yo why would you show me Shields now everybody’s going to come gunning for this for this Panda why did you show me this now everybody’s going to be over here right now we already got a green guy heading over here there’s a green guy on his way

Over here Green Man Gaming good morning please sponsor me Green Man Gaming I love your website we got green guy on the map already over here heading over here he’s going to come Slaughter this Panda Shield twins you should not have showed me let’s torture black Mikey black Mikey there he is bread man yo breadman reminds me of fence no bread man stop stop no No no oh no hello lava lore gaming hello greetings greetings why did you kill bread man why did you kill bre nope that’s a visitor mode for shield right there 10 10 10 minute visitor mode for Shields right there unbelievable you just murdered breadman in in plain sight in Cold Blood

Bro I can’t believe this bro and now the Panda’s gone oh never mind it’s right here rains hop on tomorrow morning he was on my land he just wanted to say hi I don’t think he was I don’t think he was trying to cause any harm oh [ __ ] no

Oh my God I need a napkin oh my God I just spilled something everywhere I need a napkin I need a napkin hurry I need something what is this oh my God no no no no no no oh my oh wet oh my goodness I just made a mess I just

Dropped I just Dro Red Bull all over my desk my desk is going to be so freaking sticky now it’s going to be so sticky y thank you baseball bad guy for subbing I appreciate appreciate that man thank you baseball bad guy thank you man oh this is horrible right here this

Is actually really bad all right since Shields is the reason why actually uh yeah I’m about to get ants I’m about to get an ant freaking infestation later bro I’m about to get ants crawling everywhere in this room I’m about to be getting bites all

Over my legs now because of this guy all right that’s it Shield get out I’m not playing around I’m here to assert my dominance out don’t come back I need Shields to uh think about his actions for a second I think sheld needs to think about his

Actions yo this headset though a lot of the a lot of the Red Bull got on this headset now it’s like so wet good thing it’s not the one that I use though why do you have pants why do I have pants what do you want me to stream with my

Freaking nuts hanging out getting that fresh air I can’t do that Benny did you see what I just said well let me see what you said where is it at I was going to tell you someone built a PP in front of the tower oh my God bro why are people have

An obsession with this oh why do people have an obsession with building this I don’t get it bro I don’t get it man it was a fat one too oh my God somebody broke my wait Nolan are you exploring Nolan are you not out of your village wait Nolan are you

Exploring I think no one’s exploring oh my God my ows bro can never have a normal stream Man can never have anything in this world bro I’m so angry right now the reason why this is my username is because I have a bat called the slapstick it’s been passed out from generation to oh that’s nice hey that’s cool a bat that’s been uh passed down generation gener that’s cool

It’s cool I like that I like that that’s awesome man why is it not resetting my villager trades I’m very sorry and King have a good night I’m very sorant sorant I have nothing now don’t worry we could have nothing together I also have nothing I have nothing as well because

Somebody decided it would be a good idea to grief my house and my windows and my little Arena that I was working on I have nothing anymore I got nothing to live for I watched it do do Mikey for real get copyrighted for that yeah he did he showed me

You have the bat on the right side by my by me next to where I sleep yo can I be on the right side of next to where you sleep as well all right that’s it no stop okay don’t ever say that again ever Reigns you should lowkey be on like

America’s Got Talent or something with that beautiful voice of yours got the voice of an Angel Reigns no joke yeah I don’t want to race I don’t want to waste a rocket just to get up like four blocks so my PlayStation username is uh the booty

Lover King what nah cuz we a’t even got to use AI voice with the things you say all right that was taken out of context all I add my tools and on my Hut now I have no tools yes elephant Ninja that will make me happy that will make me happy for

That beautiful that beautiful Woodland Mansion Handmade by the way for it to be completed would make my day yo why do I hear a mine cart I don’t hear mine cart hi should I call you Ben or keep calling you King call me whatever you’d like you call me whatever you want

Man build idea crusty crab courtroom movie there I need you to write that down I need you to write that down so that we could get started on that dude what is the skib up all right I want this guy banned I want this guy banned right now

Mikey I’m back oh shoot I got to go to my house I got to my house real quick yes sir hello legit Bots jots hello is this your first face r no I do face reveals all the time it’s just really random I just turn on my face cam

Whenever I feel like it to be honest but I’ve shown my face like hundreds of times before there you go house is fixed easy you got any Spruce I do not have any Spruce I do not have any sprues you remind myself when I was 283 years old

How old are you I’m about that age divided by 14 add add 17 divided by four and then you multiply it by 69 good morning Leber I’m driving at the late of night bro is not Batman actually he might be how do we reset my villager trades uh I’m not

Too sure Nolan I’m not very good with villager trades yo why is that dog sniffing the other dog’s booty all right bro is not the booty lover there’s only one and that’s me you’re looking at him dude my top artist was mag DeMarco oh yeah I looked at my Apple music uh

Replay or whatever my top five I think it was uh little Uzi uh Scott of Travis Drake I don’t remember the other two you are Yang as my yanger brother a crusty crab is being built at this moment but got left behind I think everyone needs to go to

Sleep yeah that’s probably what everybody needs to do guys go to sleep right now or somebody’s gonna come tickle your feet and his name rhymes with door ah don’t be Yang I was my KFC doing how’s my KFC doing let’s see surprisingly it’s still in good condition knock on

Wood you never know what could happen to this building it’s a hot spot ma Aram Marco Artic Monkeys Tam andala and the TV girl dude I’m so bad T Anda was in third yo Bros really into that type of music he shoot Creator I didn’t know you were into that type of

Music since I fixed the other restaurant can I get paid of course what would you like to get paid what would you like to get paid with I see people digging tunnel under Nolan’s house this is getting out of hand this actually getting out of hand like bro Nolan doesn’t even live here

Anymore Nolan doesn’t even live here anymore to prer I to be honest I prefer somebody took my all right get him out right now that is insane don’t even finish that sentence I wish you could bone meal um I wish you could bone meal Nether wart it’s me Reuben

Cervantes Reuben hello Reuben where you been reuben reuben all right other than getting you blocks you need help with your I just need somebody to freaking watch this place cuz blocks keep disappearing that’s it I’m losing my mind over this bro look at this bro why do blocks keep going freaking missing

Bro just leave my building alone my God stop creeping already man it’s getting out of flipping hand bro No Cap I had five fire drills today one of them was just the drill and the other four was because four oh my yeah I remember when they used to do the when

People used to pull the fire alarms at my school all the time man oh my God that some funny stuff honestly I really liked it though cuz we would get like a good 15minute break from whatever class we were in so w whoever did that I’ll watch the place for some iron

You know what sounds like a plan sounds like a plan BR I need you to watch this place if you see anybody come in this area I need you to let me know all right so that I can get them banned four times in one day yeah for me

It was about the same four times in one day it was wild it was funny I do I do like that though I do miss those funny moments how do I join Reuben if you like to join Jo my friend all you got to do

Is just add me Reuben I got to do Reuben Benny so chill um you got to add me and username is deadly King 35 my alarms are just people vaping yo my desk is literally super sticky right now man somebody just busted a huge load all over this all

Right don’t no no no no stop don’t be saying that all right this guy is saying glug glug glug after I said somebody busted a huge load ban that guy it’s horrible is it just me or like window are the glass panes just slowly disappearing one

By one but I said there used to be more glass PL the glass panes and now they’re just slowly disappearing but then ever since that day we just wait in our classroom when the alarm goes off so that’s legitimate that’s legitimately a hazard somebody could be getting burned alive and you’re all just

Like some’s probably in the restroom screaming for help bro and nobody’s doing anything that was you last night bro what were you doing to our bodies one of the girls was put into shackles what okay that is actually insane into shackles is wild man near the arena let’s just make

A secure 500x 500 Vault for the W made of obsidian rig with trips such as arrows you know what I know a good place to put this Nether wart get on fortnite more thanks I am buddy after the stream that’s why I need you to hop on as well Reigns we got to

Make this video daily uploads exactly we got to get on this daily upload GL the grind glind bro imagine saying glind all right now we just wait here all right guys now we’re just going to wait here all right we’re just going to have a nice peaceful staring contest at

This we’re just going to stare at this Ronan isn’t leaving oh ronan’s cool ronan’s cool don’t worry about Ronan he’s a good guy I like Ronan he’s he’s cool that spider power was funny bro when I saw it on Tik Tok bro but in game and when I’m playing I was having a

Heart attack yo you know what’s so funny about lethal company is the voice chat system because you it literally sounds like you’re in the game you know when you’re wearing a mask and it echoes and you hear the people when you’re entering like a large room that Echoes really bad

And you hear the voices just bouncing off the walls that’s that’s literally the best part immersion bro like it’s great it’s so funny like that’s literally hilarious and then what’s funny is like when you’re in a room far away from somebody and you could you could hear them very

Slight slightly very faintly as if they are actually in a different room from you far away like you could hear them very faintly and I actually like that so like when you guys were getting killed in a different room bro I was dying D like it actually sounded so funny cuz

You guys were like help you know you’re probably screaming at the top of your lungs but then all we hear in a different room is like help help you know like it’s it’s funny when Mikey had that creature on his head bro yo when Mikey started getting webbed

Up when Mikey started getting webbed up bro and all you hear is bro I’m telling you they version and the realism is so funny there was like 30 cops who showed up for one person all right let’s be realistic this person is not the Big H

Why are why are 30 cops showing up how much longer you going to do this for oh like streaming or watching this look it’s already growing Bro Look it’s grow it’s growing already is it bad that I heard Mikey was muffled saying help me bro it was so funny dude I was dying

Bro I just hear Mikey getting webbed up bro and all he he’s like screaming but all we hear is it’s funny oh streaming I’ll be streaming for another like two hours or so I’ll be here for for a little while longer it’s funny for people to die whoa

I mean in a video game how is your work doing today my work my Minecraft work is my Minecraft work is going great not really though people griefing me you’re watching the pain dry Ro said he was get pleasured getting pleasured all right getting pleasured wait but Creator was

The only one next to me I’ll get on my next paycheck bro trust that mean Reigns is going to join us in part two all right this this is my world right here this is my world I got like $400 to some so got to have to wait wait you have

$400 right now then you made me go into the room with the engine and Bug right now screaming bro I’m telling you you guys are going to love this this lethal company video man I’m G try my best to have it out probably uh probably

Saturday I’m G try my best to to uh have it out by Saturday like by Saturday I’m going try to I’mma have it out like I’m going try to edit it have it done ready to go oh and Mikey I need that music I need

That song that you had for uh I need that song that you had for that overcook video so I can put in the background of this one and other videos oh I didn’t go to work today Brad man I didn’t go to work SCP Containment Breach multier look at the time

Peaceful music bro while we all dying by demons and fat man oh look up the cor oh I heard about that MRX yo that was that’s scary Dude any type of like shooting is scary bro I would never ever want to be in a situation like that that actually sounds really

Scary bro I found some diamond block be in the flower shop come check this out no way yo take it before somebody else does kick someone thank you all right time to do eeny meeny miny let’s see it eenie meenie miny mo catch a tiger by the

Toe actually I think snake man wants to volunteer snake man every every time I do every time somebody needs to join snake man is always the one you know taking a bullet for that person so w snake man let’s see if snake man wants to volunteer once

Again and he did bro I’m telling you snake man is literally one of the nicest viewers here such a nice guy he literally takes one for the team he takes one for the team bro is so nice thank you snake man and somebody took Mikey spot

Already I don’t feel good I think I drank too much sodas from KFC give me an estimate when the stream’s done so I can take my time the stream is going to finish by 900 p.m. my time 9:00 p.m. my time R so 11:00 p.m. your time I

Assume company on power website Mikey thanks Kick yourself we get seven more extra Spots I’m so smart someone call 911 cuz I’mma blow up the KFC again all right ban that guy before we get him out or before he does anything bad remember when I no get that guy out as well

So also if you haven’t yet man make sure you guys smash that like button make sure you guys drop a like on the stream if you haven’t yet make sure you also hit that subscribe Button as well I really appreciate it thank you guys man you all are the best No Cap No

Cap yo juice world why are we griefing the CC BR can we just take down Nolan’s old house no we cannot take down Nolan’s old house actually I don’t know if Nolan’s ever going to come back noan are you ever going to come back Primo Primo [Applause] Primo L Dragon Primo little

Primo because I want to before you kick me out oh snake man I would never kick you out Snake Man I would never kick you out ever ever almost done there oh I got to wait for this to grow I’m literally not leaving until this is grown I’m not

Getting out of this planet until this is fully grown I should keep an eye on down this latch as well to make sure that nobody’s uh building up here look at where I am I’m 266 blocks in the sky right now server’s full right now Primo yeah I’m going to do a reset

Right now though so it’s going to reset the server spots so you’re going to get a chance to join Primo dude if I still have my telescope I’d be able to see the gremlin from down here the theeagle and look SCH smiggle’s here speaking of schmeel remember when I kill okay get

That guy out as well ban that guy I would increase my render distance but every time I do it makes my world lag makes my game lag as well dude this has been the craziest week ever why dude why dude yeah schmigle wiggle I turned on the

Face cam schmigle wiggle my friends keep forcing me to go to the gym low key I want to start going to the gym no no joke I actually do want to start going to the gym but I don’t have anybody that wants to go with

Me I don’t really want to go by myself bro that’s kind of lame cuz the reason I don’t want to go by myself is because if I go by myself I’m going to want to leave early but if I go with another person they’re probably going to want to

Stay longer so which will make me want to work out more meaning my gains will be more noticeable Primo you want to go with me to the gym Primo I’m down I am down Primo go with us I probably go to the gym with Mikey bro that dude’s ripped that dude is

Shredded going to the gym with Mikey though he’s literally shreddy he’s ripped he’s like an Asian version of uh Terry Cruz hey buddy eeny meeny miny mode now H uh a shredded 411 Asian no that’s crazy dude 411 Asian is wild 411’s funny I’m just robbing the CC don’t

Worry I wish I had my telescope so I could see from over there the CC is like right over there somewhere only out of my telescope I’m thinking about going to the gym too snake man you should snake man I think we all should we all should

Go to the gym guys not together but like you know like if it’s on your if it’s in the back of your mind you should just do it you should just do it if you’re thinking about it just do it I’ve been thinking about it for a

While but like I said don’t got nobody to go with but now that my Primo volunteered gym stream yo gym Stream a tragedy occurred at the KFC just another day in Minecraft right another day in King toia AKA Chicago low key we should make a 7-Eleven in this world why do you want to make a 711 bro are you trying to be racist to me but you want me to go make

A 71 so that I can work in there you’re not the boy you’re not mother I cannot believe that you want me to go work inside of the KFC you’re naughty racist you’re naughty racist boy I cannot believe that we shouldn’t let King near gym too there sometimes all right bro oh my

God do a shave with the face cam oh it’s not time to shave oh actually it almost is actually I usually shave when this part of my my mustache starts connecting to this part I hate when it connects bro like I don’t I don’t like having that

Like I don’t like having hair between my mustache and my goatee so like whenever there’s hair right here this area I’ll show you bro like I hate that I don’t like it but uh it’s not time yet there’s not really that much uh there’s not really

Any hair yet I’m already fat you’re not fat you’re not fat Primo don’t ever say that again you’re not fat all right you’re a Snorlax okay I’m just kidding Prim I’m just joking I’m just joking I’m just joking I might just get up because I’m getting really mad because I don’t know

What I’m trying to trade with villagers what are you trying to trade with villagers corn kill me with lava all right corn what no no no we’re going to give that guy visitor mode I’m going to give that guy visitor mode no this is insane outrageous corn I

Thought you were a good guy did did what happened last night not mean anything to you and outrageous bro outrageous get another viewer to make it a full Squad I was lagging the whole time playing Fort yo you know was wild me and Mikey were playing fortnite for

Like four hours bro and we could not get a single win like the best we ever got was like second place it’s wild think they changed it Nolan you got to spawn a new villager there it is there’s the answer Nolan Nolan Wen everything looks all fine with the

KFC thank you Brad man thank you for uh you know what BR man I got your payment right here look I got your payment right here ready 10 pieces of iron for real we struggle yeah I think I think all the sweats are coming back that’s why I think that’s what it

Is what happened to pelik I miss a lot dude he goes by asteris now he goes by asteris he’s no longer pel he’s now asteris how do I know when this stuff is is fully grown is it fully grown guys is this fully grown Reigns don’t don’t start Reigns do

Not start with that yo is this fully grown already or not yet I can’t tell I’ll tell you if you give burms this is where the uh I’m not Snorlax I’m Blastoise let’s see guys Moment of Truth ready nope it was not fully grown all right you guys made me break that you

Guys lied you guys lied to me y’all y’all played me y I’m going do a reset I’m going do a reset so that my primo and Mikey K didn’t get in here plus it’s already been an hour so yeah let’s do this reset it’s been an hour and 9 minutes fortnite

Xmem should have given me perms time to give birth no no no that guy no all right that’s it that’s it that’s where I do the reset let’s go reset time reset time yo my phone yo it’s literally so sticky what does it taste like though tastes good though tastes really

Good tastes really good I like the way it tastes are y’all ready for this reset man or not yet you guys ready oh my god that hurt my ears oh that was so loud ow yo that that just bursted my eard drums wow oh my god there it is again

There there it is again all right let’s go Ahad and lower the volume dude did someone like donate their kids instead of donating money through cash up or something wait why all right all right never mind I get it now all right King ASMR why is your phone so sticky phone

Being the dirtiest object King just licking out of nowhere like a furry okay oh my there it is again bro literally spot on I think my true calling in life guys is being a furry I’m I’m actually starting to realize it day by day I’m not even joking man I think my

True calling is being a furry that was spot on again I’m actually a little worried I’m actually a little terrified please join my please join I work so hard he works so hard if I got to download something I won’t join like if there’s a resource pack or something

I I’m I’m not going to join I’m going start upgrading wither City and actually adding interiors and cleaning up the Taco Bell bathrooms you’re going to add a Walmart all right player hey what is this hey what is this what is this place this is my survival world or at

Least I a copy I made with command blocks don’t forget to click the that almost looks like it says a bad word yo oh is this your house yo this looks brazy this looks brazy man look at this place hot diggity dog if you aren’t a creeper welcome Hey I can’t open the

Doors yeah I can’t open the doors what gives man come on FBI open up let me in let me in let let me inside oh my jaw just popped out dude I missed houses like those I love houses like those yo for real like houses like those bro there’s literally

No other houses like those man Like Houses like those right here bro nothing can compare like no other house like those can compare you heard the pop yeah my jaw just popped it was really loud let me in why don’t you let me in bro I’m I’m dead AR tired Reigns I need

You to fight it bro Reigns it’s all in your head bro just snap out of it for real bro like those houses bro I will always love those types of houses no r no no crater I I know exactly what you mean bro like those types of houses ever

Since I was little bro those types of houses I’ve always love building those types of houses because there is no other type of house that will compare to those types of houses right there my Mikey Mikey turn around m e f i n d he’s just looking at me oh whoops

Let’s go I can finally go inside now oh I still can’t go inside there you go come inside gentlemen come inside come inside everybody come inside walk through these Pearly Gates I could handle when you told me you were Mexican but Furry 2 I don’t think I can

Support Mikey please bro not that bad trust me Mikey here we go yo nice house nice candles and everything he got cats on the bed nice nice nice nice yo does this world have a cheats in it I think it does right yeah yeah it does it does

Nice nice world right here this is beautiful oh what you got down there let me see yo look at this armor set how do you get this e how do you get this one in the middle that looks cool nice house yo tools as well this world has teats

No Mikey don’t do it Mikey don’t do it Mikey Mikey no oh it’s over it’s over he’s in Creative wait this isn’t even a a full survival world this isn’t even legit full survival world I Le I got some free tools though can I shoot somebody from here

Who’s that over there I don’t know but you’re about to get shot [ __ ] oh I just barely missed that guy try it again [ __ ] oh pink oh it’s just a copy wait wait there got some Nether Warts over here I want to see what it looks like when it’s

Fully grown I want to see what it looks like okay so this is what it looks like when it’s fully grown looks exactly the same as mine I see no I think mine’s barely in this phase right here come here Dingus Dingus B bam come here

Dingus put your hands up hands up nope he was resisting arrest he was resisting arrest bro mm resisting arrest come here M cupcakes hands up hands up we got a runner we got a runner we got a runner I I repeat code 3273 requesting P support we got a runner we

Got a runner we got a runner code 3273 code 261 S I repeat requesting preliminary support we got a runner we got a runner heading down into the caves here we go there we go look at him look at him go look at him go uh-oh running

For his life running for his life no no no no you ain’t going anywhere Amigo you ain’t going nowhere Amigo yo it looks like I’m going go somewhere though straight up bro if I keep jumping and hurting myself come here we got a runner

We got a runner no no no no- no no no no no no come here we got a runner shoot him come here come here you rascal come here you’re resisting arrest you’re resisting our WRA you ain’t going nowhere shoot him shoot him yeah nice we got him we got him uhh

You ain’t going nowhere he’s unarmed no he’s an unarmed father of four come here come here take that trick shot who is this there he is there he is we got the runner we got the runner get the runner get the runner we got a runner we got a runner he’s resisting

Arrest get him get him get him get him uh not on my watch get over here get over here you get him Creator go go get him get him get him boost hit him smack him what are you doing so laggy bro the delay is making me miss my

Target go to portal or else oh how do you do that Reigns don’t give in Reigns Reigns please Reigns fight it Reigns King the answer you give will maybe motivate me to stay up we doing Rank and we playing build to we are indeed doing ranked and we are indeed playing build as

Well hot place is not for kids okay let’s go inside not for kids yo looks like some Super Mario ketchup Mayo mustard and armor right there how’s Mikey going to feel playing build though don’t worry we got him all we need Mikey to do is stay on the

Bottom of the enemies build and start destroying the walls the foundation the base so that they could fall and collapse way number two what is this some kind of adventure map for that’s actually really painful bro sometimes I just wish I could escape the real world and go into a different reality Whoa Whoa buying a VR so that you could have fun playing it no buying a VR so you could go into a different reality and escape the real world oh you’re leaving Bradman all right Bradman you’re going to sleep already see you later Bradman take it easy

Man VR cornhub all right dude no way you’re spending $300 on a headset just so you could do that I shall speed got SW two times in a row he got banned on Amigo for flipping off a what is a 5-year-old doing on Amigo in the first

Place yo I actually am getting annoyed right now because my desk is so sticky bro I’m about to lick this thing my screen is also very sticky now you barely saw mine but that is okay I did see yours though I did see yours I did a nice cheeky

Little tour of your world you can’t lie and say I didn’t cuz I did yo I’m telling you bro my freaking cre not Creator freaking Shields man because he killed that guy and then made me rage would have been avoided that’s how I’m doing oh my God my unbelievable bro unbelievable Mikey unbelievable

Unbelievable unbelievable why do I have a trident ad I’m still here King by the way what what are you still doing your Jesse wesy shouldn’t you be on FaceTime with your fiance I was going to add shields on Xbox but he killed me so no yeah don’t

Add that guy don’t add him that’s a bad idea it’s a really bad idea don’t add him that’s a really huge McDonald’s exit only he got a drivethru it’s got a drivethru and everything drive-thru drive-thru yeah I’m trying to go through the drive-thru the drive-thru is the only

Correct way to get food McDonald’s menu let’s see and prices we got a six piece for $6 oh heck no six piece for $6 10 pieces night yo can you please wait can you please wait your turn yo yo I’m trying to order here all right can you

Please wait your turn you freaking walrus can you please wait jeez trying to order here jeez so mean you’re the one who’s mean I’m trying to order I got three kids that are starving in the backseat and you’re over here pushing me out of the way can you please wait

Jeez anyways small fries for $2 medium for $4 and five oh my God you impatient you stupid get out of here freaking homeless people are getting more and more aggressive each day no I don’t have a dollar for you get out I said wait wait my

God move can you please wait wait wait you’re oh my God bro my God get out of that car this some Jesus GTA this Grand Theft Auto get out of that car I’mma kill you I’m going to beat you to death that’s right let’s grab that auto get out

No you got a dollar you got a dollar I Need a Dollar give me a dollar give me a dollar give me a dollar give me a dollar give me a dollar you put me in visitor mode what’s wrong with you you put me in visitor mode Dingus why damn it how could

You you do seem like a type of guy you do seem like a type of guy Reigns no Reigns please Reigns Reigns please don’t do this re Reigns don’t do this bro don’t do this I’m waiting at the window I’m trying re I’m trying Creator I’m trying to go to the

Windows but these impatient people do not let me order I’m not even done looking at the menu yo please can you get your big head out of the way bro thank you let me see this a good view right here a MC double for $3 cookies are a dollar each that’s a

Scam y but those cookies at McDonald’s are freaking delicious they are delicious y’all ever had McDonald’s cookies I don’t think there’s anything better than a McDonald’s cookie hamburgers for $2 yo please let me order bro I’m trying to order my God yo McFlurry for $3 that’s

Pretty cheap no cam you’re not hdden on your main SOB cookies nah sorry but McDonald’s are better all right yo where can I order at where’s the speaker oh right here hello and welcome to McDonald’s may I take your order all right let me try to order I’m trying

To order H yeah hello can you hear me hello can you hear me yeah um can I get a can I get a 10 piece chicken nuggets and let me get a uh let me get a medium fries with that oh shoot I put the car in Reverse hopefully I don’t hit

Somebody behind me got to get a medium fries and uh yo do you guys sell drinks here I don’t see no drinks on the menu I don’t see any drinks on on the menu why did you get wait you guys got kicked yo did you kick them you kicked oh my goodness you

Kicked the innocent viewers that is unbelievable the ice cream machine is broken sir well what else is new it’s McDonald’s right yep McDonald’s now I’m just being ignored cam you’re not being ignored bro you’re not being ignored yo my what’s wrong with my car

You tried to cut in front of me oh oh I accidentally missed the window well let me back up put in Reverse hold on I’m putting it in reverse hold on all right there you go hello sir oh there I go back again nope hold on hold up let me see oh let

Me go back and drive all right sir let me see oh well I’m going passing the window again you know what I don’t even need to pay for my food hello sir can I get my food please can I get my food come on hurry something’s wrong with my

Car it’s not working properly well I guess I’m not getting food oh my God the angry worker’s chasing me angry worker’s chasing me hurry hurry yo that’s pton I’m going go inside I didn’t get my food here’s your Big Mac Dam this a really dark McDonald’s welcome to McDonald’s man

Take your order yo I can’t even see the sign from here bro what that can you please get out the way I’m trying to read I’m trying to read the sign y’all don’t have drinks why do you guys not have drinks oh wait it’s right

There no that’s M cakes I thought I said M Cokes no play place yo for real these are the friers I’m going to be real bro these friers do not look like friers this looks like my toilet after I uh am done eating Taco Bell No

Cap yo this is not my 10 piece this is not no 10 piece right here get my 10 piece and my medium fries right now unbelievable unbelievable it’s up viva viva Reigns are these the restrooms oh yes male and females thinking what I’m thinking chat the toilet smell the Toilet turn the face cam off bro please I’m beggy why I did a nap today all my systems are shutting down Reigns please rain please rain please don’t make me get on my knees and start back bro yo the sign name wait wait wait wait what is female

Okay all right you know what man no that’s it oh unbel oh my God bro unbelievable King stop moving I’m trying to f hope you’re happy Reigns I really do hope you’re happy hope you’re happy with your action I’m trying to come in your streams I

Want to be a stream sniper don’t be a stream sniper please Creator please don’t be a stream sniper how about you help me and defend me from the actual stream snipers how about that buddy there you go that’s better ask Jesse if he plays fortnite Jesse do you play fortnite

Jesse did I see your third to last message I did not see it I did not see it Brad man I’ll read it right now though another day another victory for the OG’s another day another victory for the OG the bower is Among Us what did Red Man’s last comment say

She’s the type of guy to have a to have coni what is that coni in REI North Carolina and say m good Indian food coni has only Asian food and has a lot of stuff to oh I got to ask Mikey about that let’s see if Mikey knows about

That go got get to go on a road trip with My Girl Friday yo nice where you guys going oh you’re coming to Cali yo bad bad bad bad bad bad don’t leave unattended around me though all right let’s go let’s go let’s join my world

Again you guys ready let’s go back in my world King can we all get on that jamson Prim can we all get on that jamson Prim oh this I’m going leave this I don’t know why I still have that K’s going on a road trip to our

Bedroom all right ban that guy where’s Mikey when I need somebody banned oh we going to high school football game 2 hours away bro for a high school football game bro it’s not that serious viewer Fort stream let’s do it y I wonder what happens if I would if I do

A fortnite stream I wonder how many people would actually watch cuz the last time I did one was like two years ago we actually did get a good amount of viewers I must say It’s Beginning to Look a Lot It’s Beginning to Look a g like Christmas hey it’s beginning to look a

Lot like let begin to look a g like Christmas all right let’s do this Boys Everybody Get ready let’s go back in my world man I finish pooping not even in the world go ahead and make a copy Mikey please bro I can’t make a copy y’all ready for rmus risus for

Risus King I find a deep a okay yes SK toilet watch party no you will have lower than zero I don’t know how you can have lower than zero negative one viewers next week I’m going to Hershey’s PA for the final game which is almost 4 hours away and if we

Win we are state champions I can’t believe you played GIC phone without me yesterday I’m so sorry Creator Creator I’m so sorry bro please don’t be mad CR please don’t be angry you were literally giving him hit yo my Primo here Primo Primo guys should I do a sleep

Stream should I do a sleep stream guys I don’t forgive you that’s it I’m no longer edging to your vids you don’t have to work this week right I do have to work man I do have to work Bradman I do have to work right man always I never stop working work working

On these videos working on these videos nonstop the grind don’t stop baby I don’t think I order a yappo yino [ __ ] and B torure stream wait Reigns you said you needed a fourth player right there we go we got our fourth player right there e Benny got our fourth player right there

Reigns how does that sound circumcising yourself bro how do you know that I’m already already circumcised how do you not know that I already am though I double dog you I double dog dare you to say the real word for dingling or you mean uh a

Sausage a dingo gosh it’s too easy uh gosh it’s too easy uh top 500 players King say jerk M stream when ban that guy I no ban him ban him both of them ban them both right now ban them both guys so I don’t know about you but

Whenever my stomach is is feeling uneasy whenever I’m feeling a little bit nauseous I uh I take Pepto Pepto Bismol and I love the taste of it I love the way that Pepto tastes so I went ahead and ordered some lollipop Pops that actually taste like Pepto you can see

This is a Pepto flavored lollipop it’s freaking delicious man freaking delicious I love the way Pepto tastes bro if they had a drink that tasted like Pepto I’d be drinking that every single day every single day why is this guy sending me a picture of Mikey kidfriendly

Codin yo why you sending me a picture of Mikey you look like a hot Cheeto girl yeah well you look like my boyfriend all right stop why does this take forever bro who’s down there who is that down there I see somebody down there who is that who is that who is

That who is that e a block of dry ice rains last time you told me to eat something Reigns I did not enjoy it and that was the ramen noodles uncooked I don’t think I forgot about that Reigns nastiest recommendation ever where is Mikey and the FNAF map yo

I swear Mikey’s got an addiction to that map bro Mikey’s got an addiction to that FNAF to that FNAF map bro I don’t know why it’s not even that good C o m E I guess I’ll just wait here I guess I’ll just wait here I I don’t know when they’re ready guys like to tell you the truth I don’t know how long it takes for nether warts to be fully ready and I can’t leave this place I can’t leave this place because

If I leave they’re never going to grow I have somebody has to be within these uh chunks you’re probably think yourself oh if you need somebody to be within the chunks just move them somewhere else and I can’t do that because they will get destroyed so I must stay here and

Babysit them you put a he invisor he might blow up your base oh he better not you’re following 210 people on Instagram damn that’s so area code it’s actually I did that on purpose you see I’m trying to sneak this you I’m actually talking to to her all along bro

Like me and her we’ve been talking this whole entire time bro like I actually did it on purpose it just throw some shade at you no I’m just playing bro IID never do that to you man bros before hoes you know FS you’re my bro and with the girls that break your

Hearts bro they’re hoes don’t even listen to them man I’m there for you I’ve always been there for you fsy wsy and I’ll always continue to be there for you always always why is your favorite city in the USA what is my favorite city in the

USA shoot man the only cities that I’ve been to which is not really that many I’ve only been to like like major cities like major cities I’m not talking States I mean like actual cities within States Primo oh my god I’ve only been to Los Angeles of course uh I’ve only been to

San Diego I’ve been to I’ve been to uh Phoenix I’ve been to Las Vegas uh other than that bro I haven’t really been anywhere else I haven’t been anywhere else it’s it’s only a really small like small amount of cities I’ve been to to be honest I really should take more vacations but

Yeah I want to go to other cities like I want to I want to visit uh I want to visit I want to visit Chicago it’s like Chicago would be a cool uh tourist attraction in the day of course uh I want to visit uh maybe Dallas Dallas

Seems pretty cool I probably want to visit uh Miami as well Miami would be awesome to check out okay but are you top 500 in the world being unreal in fortnite bro trust me I will I will literally I will literally get there bro if I grind it bro I’m busy grinding

MW3 Dallas is nasty AF Primo watch those Nether Warts for me please Yo fest look at that bro Fest look you see that the giant the robot Eminem skin dropped today you need to get it yeah I’m going to get it after the stream bro said mid

W3 mid W3 range it’s good bro it’s actually good trust me look at that robot Phoenix is the goated city I’mma live there after I graduate high school yeah Fenix is not bad I mean Fenix isn’t bad you know it’s cool it’s kind of the same thing as like I don’t like

Comparing you know California with Arizona but it’s kind of basically the same thing so if you’re like used to cities in uh if you’re used to cities in uh California you’re probably going to get used to cities in Arizona isn’t no Fenix is not an Ohio Fenix is not in Ohio

What schmeel schmigle I need you to start taking and paying attention to notes in your geography class please they beat up California in some states got to show them on one of the few good ones bro they’re going to put you in a headlock they’re going to put

You in a headlock and then next thing you know they’re going to have you sitting in a chair with a bad with the with a bag over your head with a bag over your head your shirt full of blood stains Ohio is the best state bro swag in Ohio Swag Like

Ohio H is it actually though I don’t know if this is I want to break it but at the same time I don’t want to you see there’s kind of like a black outline you can see like the hit boox of the the warts I feel like they need to reach

That M Mor share torture scene I didn’t know my teammate not lie it didn’t help my teammate was Indian I don’t know how to make Calo e that’s nasty cdo’s disgusting y move to Shang I’m G move to Shanghai oh yeah Mikey I was going to ask you something um since uh just

Basically I just came into my head right now Mikey do you know what conki is k n k i do you know what K con is e tastes like Ramen water bro is not a chef ew gross you’re disgusting dude no not cocky bro no not cocky Cony k o n k

I kongi no oh bro Cony k o n k i con I guess it’s pronounced like con here here Mikey here hold up this this word right here look this word this word watch this one Cony Cony coni coni coni it’s an Asian word it’s a

Japanese word it means food some type of food yo lucky I freak with him even though he hates us Mexicans sounds like cocky where scores y that is actually very racist that is actually super racist where scores no I’m going tell him you say that bro

Yo cam I bet you you would not say that to score’s face bro that’s why I’m going to say it for you cuz I’m actually going to challenge score to a boxing match the next the next YouTuber boxing event Primo no you broke it when it wasn’t even

Ready dude I don’t know what’s going on with these Nether Warts man I don’t know what’s going on with these warts bro Mikey where’s the Chinese checkers yo for real how do you even play chess bro like how do you play chess translate 19 in English to French

No bone meal doesn’t even work on this stuff bone meal doesn’t work I don’t know how you do this bro honestly look look doesn’t work whyb in air free that man free that man until it’s backwards come on do it King wait do what 19 English to

French English to French oh why is that a common search wait what this how you say dis yo I just learn how to say 19 how do you say I like and uh year old year old I like year olds I like this thing funl year olds these nuts this doesn’t even sound

Like these nuts that does not sound like these nuts yo I don’t know bro this this word is uh these words are making me mad I’m out I’m out Josh giddy over Josh giddy no that was crazy when I heard about that K you look like

Schmigle all right I’m going to ban you I’m going to ban you Cam I’m Banning cam right now yo all right all right Primo you’re going to have to fall from the sky I’m going to catch you okay I promise I’ll catch you all right I’m going to catch you okay when I tell you to jump jump jump directly out of that hole okay

I’m going to catch you I’m going to catch you Primo okay not yet not yet okay build like my grandma’s all right that’s it bro that’s it that’s it I need you to land I need you to land where I am I’m I’m going to catch you

Okay I promise how many miles per hour can you stroke it all right dude that’s it that’s that’s all right Creator you’re banned after that you’re banned all right all right Primo ready I’m going to catch you okay but you have to land towards me try not to hit these

Trees all right try to land right here in this dark spot all right peopleo ready ready I’m going to catch you all right all right jump jump wait wait wait don’t jump yet don’t jump yet don’t jump yet don’t jump yet don’t jump yet don’t jump hopefully hopefully you heard that

Don’t jump part [Laughter] oh y oh my God bro no oh my God holy well I’m sorry man I apologize oh oh my God man that was funny bro oh my God that was hilarious I’m going to clip that what time is it uh 150 140 14

Around cool oh I’m so sorry prbo I did not mean to get you killed I promise I was actually going to catch you but uh what I was going to do what I was going to do is fly up there I was going to fly up to the

Uh to the entrance right here and I was going to try to fall myself to see how far you can actually go if you jump I’m go to bed now King so good night good night nmx good night nmrx nmrx catch you later man all right so

Say he jumped right how far can you actually go oh bro I could have easily caught him I could have easily caught him he just had to uh fly a little further or or land or you know walk a little further I could have easily caught that

Man yo they they done remove Nolan’s house they done remove Nolan’s house that is actually insane y’all remov Nolan’s house bro that’s it’s sad you know that’s part of moving on good day mate good day mate Turtles Adventures of course the only of course the meteor the only thing that stayed

Wait but who broke that who’s the one that started breaking Nolan’s house translate I I’m not going to do that bro I am not going to do that that would be bad all right let’s go okay let’s go schmeel schmigle listen smigle if I do that bro and it says something bad

I’m going to hurt myself have you harvested a single one yet dud they don’t want to harvest I don’t know they don’t want to grow for some reason I’m going to test something out real quick I’m going test something now real quick okay Cameron yo yo Cameron there

Is actually no way you just said that there is literally no way you just said that Cameron all right let’s get rid of that and then let’s try something else bro said harder granny no Cameron don’t be saying that Cameron don’t say that harder granny no no cam

Me change your batteries in your smoke alarm I did I guess they ran out again I guess I have to rip it out of the ceiling like the other one all right let’s see if this works I’m going I’m going try this out OMG face cam yo just watch some guy banking his

Table wait why are we why are we farming Nether Warts uh we’re trying to raise awareness for actual genital warts so uh we’re farming Nether Warts to um you know be a movement of awareness we’re going to make an ad campaign about uh about genit warts and how how they’re

Bad and blah blah blah you know I got warts yeah I know creater I I knowbody that’s why this is this this is meant for you this is meant for you Creator I thought I were looking for your cute for for what L face cam yo L cameraman

Oh car he’s being a hater Caron is being a hater once again what’s new why you farming nether War wait do they grow faster wait do they grow faster in the Overworld King your wiener got got warts on it all right that’s it yeah we’re

Looking for the cure for uh for for G warts that’s why trying to find the cure for warts genital warts and we’re trying to raise awareness that’s why yo Mikey turn turn off that auto correct thanks buddy Mikey said you’re cute yo Mikey yo Mikey oh they grow the same in every

Dimension okay cool I knew I wasn’t I knew I wasn’t losing my mind bro no but I’m growing it in the nether because I have to keep an eye on it I have to keep an eye if I leave it in the Overworld unsupervised somebody’s going to break

It so I just I just stay babysitting it so that uh just to make sure nobody messes with it I wanted to say hi but I got to go attend a 1K event I thought bro said you had to go attend a 1K mile run I would have gave you a good night

Kiss don’t do that please might make uh Mikey jealous oh I’m just kidding Mikey oh it was just a joke Mikey it was just a joke it was just a joke don’t get mad don’t get mad please 5 6 7 8 I just realized bro I’m in the nether

I have endless lava here I could just use that as as fuel to burn all this nether rack this around no this just a regular it’s a regular world there’s lives in Walmart in your hand right now yo Mikey you’re at Walmart go ahead and pick up that TV

That I ordered from there thank you man I ordered a TV from there they said I can’t pick it up until tomorrow but I need you to go get it for me bye snow Dart thank you for joining and uh good luck on that uh 1K event give me

Perms to attack and I’ll protect your warts Oh no you’re the reason I have warts in the first place Creator all right I wanted to be adventurist and find out what the uh what the fifth hole in the human body was and uh that’s how I got

It what’s a different right now and M hello like later like later Jello hello show me your special please I’ll show you something special all right I’ll show you fets I’m not interested in underrage girls like King okay that’s it no that’s actually that’s it bro ban that guy no ban Mikey ban

Yourself Mich you’re getting the Slim Shady skin CH cha CH Slim Shady I’m sick of him look at him oh snap when are they going to do the Eminem concert though I heard they were going to do like this uh Eminem concert is that is that going to

Happen turn on a song I can’t bro I’ll get copyright I would play a song If you know copyright wasn’t a thing it’s bad we live in a day and age where we can’t play music on streams or on videoos it sucks man it’s it’s it’s

Terrible it’s a it’s a cruel world that we live in okay there you go there you go give me the ne the rack oh December 2nd oh nice December 2nd hey that’s that’s on uh what Thursday no Friday whoops can you made Mikey cry no he’s not crying guys he’s not

Crying you play Star Wars music yeah but that didn’t even get me actually no it didn’t get me copyright I was going to I was going to say I think that little like 10 seconds of that intro I played got me copyrighted but no it didn’t look in Discord

DMS all right bro I swear it better not be it better not be uh whatever’s in behind that 100 100 zippers on your pants wait what’s this yo I get to swim with Anthony say who’s this who is this and why did they just spawn on me Luna hey Luna what’s

Good oh that’s your sister hi sister I’m already cheat I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry she’s 11 dude all right she’s 11 yo no oh my God bro I swear I literally I get myself into these own situations bro and and I think

Y’all are lying to me half of the time y’all literally make up these situations just so that I can get in trouble I swear King exposed no no guys it’s not what it looks like it’s not what it looks like bro sticking out his tongue and

No guys it’s not what it looks like bro a did you see the photo at the end no I didn’t even see that I did not even see that photo should I see it might as well oh my dude that’s an old phone why do you even have that D yall see the

Picture that Mikey made of me in the Discord if youall check in the main chat do y’all see that uh thumbnail Mike you made worse than dream what do you mean worse than dream what am I doing I don’t do anything I had to L fortnite play till 2: a.m. wake

Up at 6:30 go to school at 9: come back at 4:20 after school nap till 9:20 right bro you take a nap for almost 5 hours that is actually insane that is that is insane worse than dream all right that’s yo Mikey needs to be banned why you be taking damn near 5

Hour naps bro Play 4 night till 2:00 in the morning you wake up at 6:30 so you probably get about 4 hours of sleep go to school at 9:00 so what are you doing for about 2 and 1 half hours does not take you 2 and 1 half hours to get ready for

School come back at 4:20 yo school from 9:00 to almost 5:00 p.m. in the afternoon is insane it’s actually insane that is literally 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 almost 9 hours of school bro that’s probably even more than 9 hours of school and then you go home and then you

Nap until about 9:30ish why you be taking naps for almost 5 hours yeah I be sleeping for 4 hours no that’s insane FS you need help you need help I think this method is slowly working out guys I think it is slowly working I think so it’s not working out it’s not we’re

Getting the same results bro let me look this up actually cuz I’m getting annoyed how long does nether W take to grow 12 minutes 12 minutes there’s no way it takes 12 minutes uhuh an hour lunch break wait what does he be doing wait he

Said cuz from 2: to 6:30 be crazy all right stop playing with your Johnson put your Johnson away stop stop stop tickling yourself and actually go to sleep on time but down the controller there’s no reason for you to be playing fortnite until 2: in the

Morning just turn up Tick speed bro I don’t think you can dude I heard my parents resting in bed and since I go to the gym I decided to join and bro my dog on she joined at the last minute this is insane this is insane that is

Wild she joined at the last minute yeah we can’t change it we need cheats on damn it where the hackers when you need them bro I literally stream for 5 hours I don’t care I’ll wait until this nether W’s done growing I’ll literally be here all night I don’t

Care I got nothing else to do shout out to the person named nothing else dude whenever I just like whenever I just stare into the camera like this or stare into the screen like kind of smiling bro I lowkey look like Lou caliber it’s crazy there’s a resemblance

Right there bro there’s a resemblance my idol it’s my idol busty not told me he’s hacking right now he putting the Jenny mod on the world all right let’s go and put him in visitor mode then before it causes more harm than good delusional no Mikey why can’t you please

Just take my word for once Mikey yo Mikey I’m going to send you this um because I need help I’m going to send you this Roblox video the boxing one I need you to uh edit that for me cuz I got uh I got this FNAF video this

Minecraft video The Star Wars video I got this lethal company video I need you to uh help me out here man lend a helping hand as they say dog I’m cleaning up yo there’s no need for that language bro you kiss your mother with that mouth frog you be

Making out with your mother with that mouth it’s only need for that type of language here buddy why you guys have to cuss for everything man why you guys got to cuss for everything bro y’all can’t just go a day without saying the f word it’s not that hard or

Just even saying a bad word in general like try it out bro it makes a world of difference try try not saying a bad word for a day challenge cam already failed I already know cam failed already because you make me freaking racist there he goes again Reign are you ready for this

Fortnut okay let’s go ready for this fornite no good night for one day challenge I think I could pass bro honestly I I I’ll go for it I think I could pass try not to DM clammy you lost yo is it actually true that she the [ __ ] though try saying a cuss word

Every minute every minute every day start now I don’t cuss bro I’m a familyfriendly streamer I’m a family friendly streamer I don’t cuss I really do not cuss no I lied uh bro I thought you were serious y you know what’s crazy though when when uh frog added us on Steam I

Looked at his friends L and you know the only other person he has added on Steam it’s literally clammy Bros Got clammy added on Steam After All These Years bro you’re still friends with clammy that’s wild why are you still friends with her bro get her out of your life you don’t

Need her in your life trust me throw it back yo Reigns I am not throwing it back back Reigns actually Reigns if super chat if if you Super Chat like $10 Reign I might throw it back next whoever super chats $10 I’ll literally throw it

Back are you in dorms right now no I’m in my room like my actual household room I don’t I don’t go to school or anything I should don’t I should actually 10 meas all right so rude bro what have I ever done to you Reigns yes

Yes oh snap zaner’s here yo Zer bro needs to become doctor King Fort when I told you by 9:00 remember I told you by 9 o00 Reigns did you Reigns I need you to get one of these buddy I need you to go to the store rings and buy one of

These Red Bull did you go to the store walk to the new’s convenience St range picked us up for a small fee of about maybe $250 $250 and then just consume that bad boy red 40 bull dude there’s no red 40 in here listen that yucka app has completely

Taken over you my boy it has corrupted your mind I want the old Reigns the nether is so scary bro I’m hearing sounds that dude’s ready to shoot bro that dude’s standing on business look at that guy really is standing on business look at him got the C the crossbow like this

Ready at all times saving lives you want to save my life Reigns you want to save my life Reigns you want to save my life buddy how about you do this please just get one of these rids please bro just get one it won’t hurt just just take a little

Little yo did breadman ever get the uh is breadman still here no he’s not yo I was supposed to pay him iron I was supposed to give him iron oops I never gave him the iron for helping me out uh-oh no good okay I’d rather do coffee not those 60 grams

Of you’re going to start eating raw coffee grind like Mikey I’mma go now shmeel smigle where you going smeagle where you going schmeel rign on a scale of 1 through 10 how tired are you right now how sleepy are you right now on a scale of 1 through 10 Z’s griefing all

Right then let’s go put Zer in visitor mode Zer why are you griefing Zer I need an explanation right now Zer just randomly joined my world and chose violence why Z why oh you’re like about a six right now oh it’s not bad like about a six right out range

That’s not bad I think you could handle an extra 30 minutes right of staying awake that’s what that’s what uh that’s what frog said Zer are you actually griefing or not earlier I was at nine yo that’s crazy so you did not take a nap today did you at least finish your homework

Already 850 hop on I’m grieving br’s grieving crater why did you have to leave us last night bro yo creater I was AFK when you left like what happened though why’ you leave I didn’t even get I didn’t even get an expl explanation why you left you told Creator you were going to

Kill me that’s is that even considered griefing you told Creator you were going to kill me ex explanation explanation all right well I’m going to get some gravel while I’m down here get ready for my next build explanation yo no smeagle don’t say that can you’re the best YouTube channel

Ever thank you steak man I try my best I try my best this boxing video man I need to finish overcooked hiy this overcooked bro it’s like the pl it’s like the PlayStation Library I didn’t even say anything some more gravel here I remember when I said I was going to fix up

The nether a long time ago because it was so ugly I never got around to doing it and now we just got holes everywhere you need to get that armor fixed yo I don’t even have mending that’s wild mistakes were definitely made I don’t have mending where is villagers when you need

Them wait I’m already here I might as well just get some uh might as well just get some netherrite oh wait I got some already never mind some ancient de bris yo guys what’s better Seven Up or Sprite actually no don’t answer that let me give you a a better one what’s better

What’s better seven up or Mountain Dew there you go what’s better Mountain Dew two or seven up that’s a better one that’s a better question Sprite on top also King I left because I had to wake up early it’s not my fault you wanted to do it

You did not want to do it early what do you mean we did do it early Crow bro I had to go to sleep early creater it was literally like 12 12:00 a.m. bro that’s peak time Mountain Dew 7 Up rain 7 Up is better than Mountain Dew my preo says Mountain Dew

Is better than Sprite or uh better than uh seven up H interesting interesting answers gentlemen interesting answers gentlemen y I tried Mountain Dew for the first time this year and BR I only went I only tried it because I went to Taco Bell and you know they got like offbrand

Stuff they don’t even have Coke or anything you know they like they got that offbrand you know so uh they were out of everything except Mountain Dew and I was like well you know what I guess I’ll try it you know I guess I’ll try it oh bye

Friend guess I’ll try it so I did and it wasn’t that bad would I ever get it again though no maybe if you know the other options were out but uh I’d give it a good probably six out of 10 maybe maybe five maybe five and a half out of

10 it’s not a bad drink but like if there’s other options I’m going with the other options how about Frick soda you know Reigns I used to have that same mentality bro freck soda but uh now I just can’t resist when I’m around it I took a

Nap you took two naps after school two naps you know I don’t even blame you guys man when I was in school I just take naps all the time as well are you going to cut that scene where you want where you were humping a dead body no

I’m leaving all the funny scenes in the video why the freak did they change seven up to story wait they did nuh you’re lying bro you’re lying addicted to coat I you’re talking about the soda Coke Mikey I drink a 2 lit of Sprite cranberry a day all right bro teeth are

Probably yellow like my piss wait wait wait wait where am I am I lost that’s was my last rocket I like Sprite better in my opinion King I love the stream so far and also my bed is comfy I’m watching the stream J you got room for one more in that

Bed you got room for an extra person inside of that uh inside of that bed Jesse no okay okay Jesse reset bro what do you mean reset we’re not doing no more resets Cameron the reset we did right now is that was the last one that was the last one of

The day oh oh my god oh there’s a lot of gravel right here okay I need immediate assistance I need immediate extraction bro somebody come get me out of this place I’m out of rockets Wonder or two problems based off of real song now oh my I don’t even want to do

Bro Creator you’re the reason why man you’re the reason why creator the reason why why I look in the mirror every morning and I look at myself I stare myself and I’m like why how actually how how is a better question how how do we get to this

Point I’m not a miner he’s 19 yeah frog he’s not a miner bro you got rockets in your eest unfortunately smeagle I am not prepared so no let see how my Nether Warts doing it probably didn’t grow Jesse get on fortnite Yo Jesse do you have fortnite Jesse Jesse I don’t

Think Jesse has fortnite I don’t see Jesse playing fortnite on Snapchat usually Jesse likes to send me Snapchats of what he’s doing with his life I never see fortnite though I always see him arguing with other people though going to call my girl yo don’t call me

Right now Bae like come on I’m streaming right now don’t call me Bae don’t call me right now I’m busy yo she not picking up she’s busy right now yo Cameron what would you do if you ever got a a message like that Cameron what would you do like

Let’s say you’re trying to call your girl right and then it doesn’t pick up go straight to voicemail or whatever and then you get a message from her saying yo she’s busy right now yo what would you do at for but like my Aunt has my Nintendo

Switch I didn’t know I was Jesse’s Aunt no Jesse was my nephew did my back hurt so I do my back hurt so much I know I now know how my ex feels why what’s wrong with your ex’s back bro oh never mind never mind I I

Get it now okay yep all right yo Cameron’s not answering the question Cameron why are you not answering the question I’m your best friend not your nephew bro bro called that’s not what I meant bro called her to make sure that that’s not happening Cameron’s insecure King I’m in

A hole because I don’t have a house anymore because kingy didn’t build me a new house no I told you I was going to build you a house I I am going to build you a house snake man once I’m done with these projects I’m going to make you a

House and it’s going to be the best house you’ve ever had in your life like no other house anybody makes you or you ever built for yourself will ever top the one I’m going to make for you Red Dead one what’s my direct my direct

DC uh it’s the same thing as my YouTube Benny so chill Benny so chill no oh my God I just closed the chat whoops all right we’re good yo I’m not trying to be here all night man with waiting for this to grow what time is

It already 9:00 yo we got to hop on fortnite with range already Mikey he needs us bro Eminem needs us can you please tell me when you’re done with the builds in Discord yes I will tell you snake man okay I sent a friend request awesome schmigle let me see smigle added me

Pending there you are smeagle real smeagle go ahead and wait no oh there it is one of them grew look that’s what it looks like that’s what it looks like when they grow I think that’s it right there yes see see nice dude yeah dude oh nice

Dude that was the uh the Final Phase and that took a while we’ve been waiting here for a good minute we’re going to get uh GTA 6 before this all this grows taking forever dude there’s somebody on YouTube who streams Minecraft as well right but uh they have this skin they stole my

Skin grown at man and his cousin took a switch hate to see it man hate to see it that’s why I don’t really be using the skin anymore because there’s somebody else on YouTube who like uploads Minecraft content and they use this skin they stole my whole Persona somebody said somebody said

Persona good morning I left because my two hours is up wait you only have two hours of playing time Lake man oh they only let you play for 2 hours that’s not right should tell them they should play for longer 2 hours is not enough that’s why I’ve decided to take

It upon myself to actually stream for longer so that you guys can get your your builds and your projects done you guys have more time to get things done what Maps is this oh this is wait do I still have the uh score

Maps oh I don’t think I do oh yes I do I got one last I got one last one let’s play the Jenny Mod skiy update Creator please creater please stop saying Sky bro creater please please snap out of it man this is not you or you like me to babysit the

Warts yes but don’t break it remember you saw it earlier when it was fully grown remember just wait for it to get like that I don’t even actually no cuz like I mean you could come down here with me I’m not even going to do anything I would start on the next build

But like nah here come down here actually yes I do need you to come down here cuz I’m going to go get get Rockets real quick oh my God my God again bro again literally again bro how does that happen again shmigo you built this there’s no way you built this shigo

On Java Edition it’s not a bad build it’s actually a nice build oh Mikey I need another Ender Chest I need another Ender Chest Mikey this is horrible this is horrible I un goofed you got to come here man I don’t even have Rockets bro we’re going to record we’re going to

Record 100 problems live ready we’re going to record the smash hit single 100 problems live now streaming on Apple music Spotify SoundCloud 100 no no no not 102 problem we’re talking about 100 problems tired of people making music of me so why can’t you see stop making fun

Of me it’s not real nice I whip out my D step you across the face now you can’t see that was a freestyle 10 two problems is out now let’s unrelease that song please let’s go ahead and delete that song and never ever let it see the light of day ever again for

No no no stop stop stop here he comes the man of the hour hared with Fortune to get more good idea I’m going to rearrange Bunny’s guts and stream now or I’m going go to sleep Reigns Reigns Reigns please Reigns Reigns Reigns come on Reigns there he is the man the myth the

Legend PR yo clip that wait what I do clip what Reigns you got to type the c c c dude you said nine Primo the though okay Reign okay okay okay we’re getting on we’re getting on we’re getting on we’re getting on Reigns all right boot up that

Fortnite boot up that fortnite boot up that fortnite we’re getting on then we’re getting on we’re getting on right Reigns right need to get all angry Reigns only need to get angry all right just relax let’s just relax all right just relax please buddy we’re going to be in

Game chat though cuz I’m going play on PC I got to learn this keyboard and mouse I have finals tomorrow dude finals smals bro it’s all the same you wanted to be an electrician Reigns you don’t even need the finals Dr King coming soon it’s in the works man it’s in the

Works I’m going to rearrange Bunny’s guts I’m going to rearrange Bunny’s guts no I’m not all right Reigns we’re getting on Reign are you on yet are you on on yet Reigns Mikey you got to get on too PS5 no I see it’s PS4 no this is PS5

When’s the next stream uh probably Friday probably Friday I see in this chat is a damn foot R’s telling us to get to get one just for his game to not even be updated wait who’s downloading a game I’m not downloading a game why not tomorrow cuz I got to I got

To work tomorrow schmeel that’s why so yeah I won’t be able to live stream tomorrow guys I’m going to be working sad face sad face oh trains is oh my God so you’re telling me you’re going to lag Reigns you’re not even going to we’re not even going to get the

Full potential of Reigns bro horrible horrible oh 200 plus ping all right Reigns so do you want to play tomorrow then or do you want to play tonight Reigns tomorrow or tonight so you got finals and your last in and why they need to verify lense of the game is free PlayStation

Why why not tomorrow I got work tomorrow all right guys well I’m going to wrap it up already I’m going to wrap the stream right here already thank you all for watching hope you all enjoyed if you guys did enjoy make sure you guys drop a like on the

Stream hit that subscribe button if you’re new bye King one last okay there that’s it no more I’m done sing meow bye Zer can I frog yo Cam’s Lally going to get fired on his first day if he works at a daycare yo later Primo thank you for joining preo thanks

For babysitting and sorry I didn’t catch you earlier yo good night good night Creator good night babe all right guys until the next one I will see you all later y’all take it easy remember guys there will be a stream on Friday okay Friday oh hello black bear hello black

Bear and good night black we’re already ending the stream but yeah it’s good to see you though all right guys remember Friday all right okay boys we see you all later man take it easy peace

This video, titled ‘Minecraft PS5 Survival #93 – KingTopia (Playing with Subs and Viewers)’, was uploaded by BennySoChill on 2023-11-30 05:15:49. It has garnered 206 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 02:32:54 or 9174 seconds.

  • Join Me for Minecraft Server Shenanigans!

    Join Me for Minecraft Server Shenanigans! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Server Games Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft server games! Dive into the action-packed realm of badwar and experience the ultimate gaming experience. Join in the fun and let’s explore the wonders of Minecraft together. Unleashing the Power of Badwar Badwar is a popular game mode in Minecraft server games that offers intense PvP battles and strategic gameplay. Engage in epic combat with other players, build defenses, and conquer your enemies to emerge victorious. With its fast-paced action and dynamic gameplay, badwar is sure to keep you on the… Read More

  • Master Minecraft Farming: Grow Every Crop!

    Master Minecraft Farming: Grow Every Crop! Ultimate Minecraft Farming Guide 1.21 Are you ready to take your farming skills in Minecraft to the next level? Look no further! This ultimate Minecraft farming guide 1.21 will show you how to grow every crop imaginable, from potatoes and carrots to pumpkins, melons, sugarcane, and more. Get ready to learn how to use the hoe effectively, how to farm with water, and how light affects your crops. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, this guide has everything you need to become a master farmer in Minecraft. How to Use The Hoe Starting with the basics,… Read More

  • Temu’s Hilarious Minecraft Makeover

    Temu's Hilarious Minecraft Makeover The World of Minecraft: A Temu Twist When exploring the vast and blocky world of Minecraft, players are often met with endless possibilities and adventures. However, what if Minecraft was given a unique twist by Temu? Let’s delve into this alternate reality and discover what exciting features and elements could be introduced. Temu’s Take on Bedwars In this new version of Minecraft, Temu introduces a revamped Bedwars experience that takes the classic gameplay to new heights. Imagine engaging in intense battles on floating islands, with custom textures and montages that add a fresh visual appeal to the game. Temu’s… Read More

  • 10 Sneaky Early Game Farms in Minecraft 1.21

    10 Sneaky Early Game Farms in Minecraft 1.21 Minecraft 1.21: 10 Early Game Farms Tutorial Are you ready to take your Minecraft game to the next level? In this tutorial, we will explore 10 early game farms that will help you thrive in the world of Minecraft 1.21. These farms are designed for the Java version of the game, and you can easily replace the diamond blocks with other solid blocks. 1. AFK Fishing Farm At 0:08 in the tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up an AFK fishing farm. This automated system will help you catch fish effortlessly while you focus on other tasks in the… Read More

  • Minecraft: Dubai Tower Build

    Minecraft: Dubai Tower Build The Majestic Dubai City Tower – A Minecraft Marvel Imagine a towering vertical city reaching a staggering height of 2400 meters, dwarfing even the iconic Burj Khalifa. This architectural wonder, known as the Dubai City Tower, is the focus of an ambitious Minecraft project that promises to capture its grandeur in pixelated form. Building a Vertical City The Dubai City Tower, a vision for the future located in the vibrant city of Dubai, UAE, serves as the inspiration for this monumental Minecraft build. With a scale of 1:2.7211, the towering structure in the game stands at an impressive 882… Read More

  • Sleep Talkin’ Wife: Exposing Plans in Minecraft

    Sleep Talkin' Wife: Exposing Plans in Minecraft In the dead of night, my wife speaks in her sleep, Revealing dark plans that make my heart weep. Moving to New England brought a strange twist, Her whispers now sinister, can’t be dismissed. Is it just stress, or something more dire? Her sleepwalking now sets my heart on fire. I need to unravel this mystery deep, Before her actions take a dangerous leap. Come join me in this tale of fear and dread, Help me uncover the truth, clear my head. In the world of Minecraft, where stories unfold, Let’s navigate this mystery, brave and bold. Read More

  • Villager Rage Prank by OcTo Gamerz

    Villager Rage Prank by OcTo Gamerz Minecraft: Exploring the World of GamerFleet Embark on a thrilling journey through the virtual world of Minecraft with GamerFleet! Join fleetbhai as he navigates through various adventures, challenges, and humorous moments in this popular gaming realm. Let’s dive into the exciting highlights of this gaming universe. GamerFleet’s Minecraft Universe GamerFleet, led by fleetbhai, takes players on a rollercoaster ride through the vast landscapes of Minecraft. From exploring new terrains to battling formidable foes, the GamerFleet community thrives on excitement and camaraderie. Key Features: fleetbhai’s Adventures: Watch fleetbhai tackle challenges, interact with villagers, and unleash his creativity in building magnificent… Read More

  • Unlock RTX Ray-Tracing in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unlock RTX Ray-Tracing in Minecraft 1.21! Transforme Seu Minecraft com o Ray Tracing! O Ray Tracing chegou ao Minecraft e está revolucionando a forma como vemos o jogo! Com gráficos impressionantes, reflexos realistas, sombras detalhadas e iluminação global, essa tecnologia leva a experiência de jogo a um novo nível. Neste artigo, vamos explorar como ativar o Ray Tracing em qualquer mundo no seu Minecraft 1.21! Passo a Passo para Ativar o Ray Tracing Ativar o Ray Tracing no seu Minecraft é mais simples do que você imagina. Siga este passo a passo rápido e fácil para transformar seus gráficos: Passo 1: Baixe e instale o… Read More

  • Royal Ruse: Lilyville’s Masterplan Unveiled

    Royal Ruse: Lilyville's Masterplan Unveiled In Lilyville, the war is fierce, Gamerfleet’s plan, the tension will pierce. With a masterplan to capture the king, Lilyville’s fate, what will it bring? The biggest war, the stakes are high, Gamerfleet’s antics, reaching the sky. Rats and missions, secrets unfold, In Lilyville’s story, legends are told. Gamerfleet’s funniest moments, a joy to behold, With rhymes and emojis, the tale is retold. Lilyville’s drama, the battles, the fights, In every update, the truth takes flight. So leap into the verse, no need for a start, Crafting Minecraft news with beats that impart. Gamerfleet’s journey, a tale to sing,… Read More

  • Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans

    Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Our hero embarks on a journey so bold. With Nether Wart in hand, a potion to brew, Creativity and courage, shining through. Facing challenges, monsters, and more, Our hero’s spirit, strong to the core. Each episode, a new quest to complete, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. So join us now, in this epic tale, As our hero’s courage will never fail. In the world of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, Our hero shines bright, in the darkest night. Read More

  • Minecraft: Transparent Glass Tutorial

    Minecraft: Transparent Glass Tutorial Exploring Transparent Glass in Minecraft Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the many features that players enjoy experimenting with is transparent glass. Let’s delve into how you can create transparent glass in Minecraft and enhance your gaming experience! Creating Transparent Glass To create transparent glass in Minecraft, players need to follow a simple crafting recipe. By combining sand and fuel in a furnace, you can smelt the materials to produce glass blocks. Once you have obtained glass blocks, you can further refine them to create transparent glass. This process… Read More

  • Ari Foster’s 100 Day Hardcore Video Challenge!

    Ari Foster's 100 Day Hardcore Video Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Recording 100 Day Hardcore Video! Fantasy fabric MC’, was uploaded by Ari Foster on 2024-09-14 09:28:50. It has garnered 334 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:26:34 or 5194 seconds. watch me trying my best to not die. Modpack: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/fantasy-minecraft-fabric Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fosteringwoods Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Hacks

    Ultimate Minecraft Build HacksVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Build Hacks (#1)#viral #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Rithwik Playz on 2024-03-15 15:11:53. It has garnered 7122 views and 127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj and mikey minecraft 100 days, minecraft mikey and j, monster school, tiktok, obit, mikey… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Graphics Reaction 😱🤩 #NabiGaming #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Graphics Reaction 😱🤩 #NabiGaming #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Incredible Minecraft Graphics 🤤😍 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Nabi Gaming on 2024-04-19 14:56:26. It has garnered 36 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. MINECRAFT WITH ULTRA REALISTIC GRAPHICS Minecraft REAListic Graphics Minecraft REAL LIFE Extreme Graphics Minecraft in hardcore Incredible Minecraft Graphics Ultra REALISTIC MINECRAFT How to Build a Snowy Cottage How to Build a Starter House Minecraft Minecraft Blacksmith house Minecraft Snowy Cabin MINECRAFT WINTER CABIN MINECRAFT WINTER HOUSE Realistic MC RTX 4090 Minecraft best shaders Minecraft Shader Comparison Minecraft Ray Tracing Minecraft REAL LIFE… Read More

  • SCARY MOMO Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!

    SCARY MOMO Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft Maizen!Video Information This video, titled ‘Who Did This To SCARY MOMO Investigating JJ and Mikey – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey World on 2024-05-12 12:00:44. It has garnered 3459 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:03 or 483 seconds. Who Did This To SCARY MOMO Investigating JJ and Mikey – in Minecraft Maizen! This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting… Read More

  • 🔥 Hacked Bank in Minecraft? Insane Texture Packs 😱 #shorts

    🔥 Hacked Bank in Minecraft? Insane Texture Packs 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Cursed Minecraft Texture packs #shorts’, was uploaded by HackerBank on 2024-03-15 14:05:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Cursed Minecraft Texture packs #shorts #minecraftbedrock #minecraftshorts #minecraft #texturepack #rtx #cursed #mcpe … Read More

  • HEROBRINE draws HOT Zombie Minecraft Girl!!

    HEROBRINE draws HOT Zombie Minecraft Girl!!Video Information This video, titled ‘HELP jock HEROBRINE draw ZOMBIE MINECRAFT GIRL! – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by Zombie Minecraft Girl on 2024-03-25 21:46:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. HELP jock HEROBRINE draw ZOMBIE MINECRAFT GIRL! – Minecraft Animation #minecraftanimation #herobrine #monsterschool … Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Trick! 😸 #shorts #meme

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Trick! 😸 #shorts #memeVideo Information This video, titled ‘tricked😸 #minecraftshorts#minecraft #майнкрафт #shorts #мем#приколы #мемы #fypシ’, was uploaded by Wuzba on 2024-05-01 04:00:26. It has garnered 18468 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:06 or 6 seconds. tricked😸 #minecraftshorts#minecraft #майнкрафт #shorts #мем#приколы #мемы #fypシ @MrBeast @PizzaaMC @PizzaaMC_2.0 @Nqisik @MrBeastGaming @aariya.art.dp. @MrBeast2 @minecraft @DaquavisMC @TwiShorts @Upper_gaming @GEVids @Wuzba. #twitchstreamer #gaminglife #cod #gamerlife #pcgamer #funny #gamingsetup #gameplay #gamingmemes #anime #fortniteclips #retrogaming #pcgaming #gamers #gamingcommunity #xboxone #gamergirl #gta #callofduty #streamer #pubg #videogame #esports #meme #gaming #gamer #ps #playstation #videogames #game #xbox #games #twitch #fortnite #pc #memes #love #instagood #photooftheday #fashion #trending #explorepage #viral #tbt… Read More

  • Ultimate Crafting Adventures in Minecraft!

    Ultimate Crafting Adventures in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘#MineCraft #CraftingAdventures #PixelPerfection #BuildBrilliance 19’, was uploaded by GameHive Hub on 2024-02-10 23:00:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Dive into the endless possibilities of the blocky universe with our Minecraft video series! From epic builds to thrilling adventures, … Read More

  • EPIC Indian Army Flag Remix – INSANE Minecraft Mining!

    EPIC Indian Army Flag Remix - INSANE Minecraft Mining!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft bedrock mining #music #remix #bass #bassboosted #animation #beats’, was uploaded by Indian~Flag~Army on 2024-07-28 02:05:42. It has garnered 572 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Nepiz Kingdom

    Nepiz Kingdom> NEPIZ KINGDOM # Kingdom Creation: Only Kings can establish kingdoms. The process involves applying and, upon approval, managing a kingdom’s economy, defense, and diplomacy. # Currency System: The server will use two currencies: # Cash ($): For general transactions and shop purchases. # Resource Points (RP): For kingdom-related items and upgrades. Exchange rate: 1 Cash = 0.5 RP. # Diplomacy and Warfare: Kings can form alliances or declare wars, affecting their kingdom’s standing and resources. # Roles: Kings assign roles like Nobles, Generals, and Stewards to manage different aspects of the kingdom’s administration and military. Kingdom Upgrades: Invest in… Read More

  • Enival SMP, semi-vanilla, Java, whitelist, trust-based, QOL mods, starting today.

    Welcome to Enival – Minecraft Survival Server! Server starting in 40 minutes from post date! Join us in shaping this new, soon-to-launch Minecraft survival server called Enival. We have a few quality of life mods and an amazing community waiting for you. Why choose Enival? Democracy: Players vote on server changes Whitelist: Safe and friendly environment Quality of Life mods Launch Date: Today, September 14 in an hour! Join our Discord: 👉 https://discord.gg/ZAFaakgS6g Enival Enjoyable survival – the name says it all! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – End this Minecraft madness

    Minecraft Memes - End this Minecraft madnessWow, that meme scored higher than I did on my last math exam! Read More

  • School’s Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen’s Minecraft Misadventures

    School's Out, Workers In: Naughty Efekan & Alperen's Minecraft Misadventures In a world of blocks and pixels, two friends were expelled from school, Naughty Efekan and Alperen, breaking every rule. But they didn’t let it bring them down, they found a new path, Becoming workers in Minecraft, facing the aftermath. With shovels and pickaxes, they dug deep into the ground, Building homes and structures, their creativity unbound. Laughing and joking, their friendship never waned, In the world of Minecraft, their joy remained. So join them on their journey, as they work and play, In this virtual world, where they spend their day. Naughty Efekan and Alperen, a dynamic duo… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality! #minecraftlovegonebad #boom Read More

  • Minecraft Survival: Ultimate Chaos

    Minecraft Survival: Ultimate Chaos Minecraft Survival Adventure: Exploring New Horizons Embark on a thrilling Minecraft survival journey with Catrophy in the 3rd episode of his series. Join him as he delves into the depths of the game, mining for valuable resources and uncovering hidden treasures. Get ready for an exciting ride filled with challenges and excitement! Unleashing Creativity In Minecraft, players have the freedom to unleash their creativity and build anything their imagination desires. From constructing elaborate structures to designing intricate redstone contraptions, the possibilities are endless. Catrophy showcases his building skills and demonstrates the art of crafting in this episode. Exploring the… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: TOP PRISON SERVER 2024 REVAMP! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘BEST OP PRISON SERVER *2024 EDITION* (NEW) | 1.8- 1.21+ Best Minecraft Prison Servers!’, was uploaded by Magic on 2024-09-10 22:36:58. It has garnered 941 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:30 or 570 seconds. BEST OP PRISON SERVER *2024 EDITION* (NEW) | 1.8- 1.21+ Best Minecraft Prison Servers! JOIN THE SERVER! ⬇️ 🎙️ magic.oraclepvp.net 🎙️ magic.oraclepvp.net 🎙️ magic.oraclepvp.net Bedrock Port: 19379 Make sure to drop a like before reading! ⚔️Come play my new Minecraft OP Prison server! 🡆 PvPCloud Minecraft Prisons similar to other servers AkumaMC, OPLegends, Fadecloud, MineLucky What is… Read More

  • XP Games SMP: Insane Challenges & Drama!

    XP Games SMP: Insane Challenges & Drama!Video Information This video, titled ‘The XP SMP!’, was uploaded by XPGamesNL on 2024-05-19 03:34:10. It has garnered 122 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:41 or 8561 seconds. Welcome to the XP SMP! A Minecraft Multiplayer server where my friends and I will be chilling, playing Minecraft and perhaps even let a story unfold! Hope you enjoy it! Read More

  • Insane Hardcore Minecraft LIVE: Ray’s Day 77 Craft!

    Insane Hardcore Minecraft LIVE: Ray's Day 77 Craft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ray’s Crafting Minecraft Hardcore LIVE! Day 77’, was uploaded by Ray’s Crafting on 2024-04-30 10:20:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Watch me start off playing Minecraft in Hardcore Survival mode Continuing from the last live video, this is starting at day 77 Mods … Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Pro vs Noob 🚌🔨🏠

    Ultimate Minecraft Build Battle: Pro vs Noob 🚌🔨🏠Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO: School BUS House Build Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Here’s Johnny on 2024-04-19 21:05:21. It has garnered 565064 views and 9492 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:39 or 7359 seconds. Today Johnny, Gooby, Daisy and Marty have a Bus Build Challenge In Minecraft! Who will build the BEST house? Watch to find out! #johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft Read More

  • Cristalit’s Mind-Blowing Void Teleportation Trick!

    Cristalit's Mind-Blowing Void Teleportation Trick!Video Information This video, titled ‘How I Teleported Players Into The Void’, was uploaded by Cristalit on 2024-03-04 20:05:16. It has garnered 409836 views and 15510 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:28 or 1828 seconds. I Glitched the End Platform to drop my enemies into the void on a Minecraft Youtuber SMP Will I manage to trap them? Watch to find out:D & ENJOY!!! SLOTS SMP Discord: https://discord.gg/slots-smp-community-1055886969537831004 THUMBNAIL INSPIRATION FROM BACONNWAFFLES!!! If you enjoy other SMP creators like Baconnwaffles & Rekrap & Parrot from Lifesteal, or other creators from Levels SMP, Bliss SMP, or Infuse SMP, I… Read More

  • Insane Lucky Block Chaos in Minecraft Skywars

    Insane Lucky Block Chaos in Minecraft SkywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘4-Player Elemental Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2024-04-11 22:54:21. It has garnered 34449 views and 876 likes. The duration of the video is 03:37:21 or 13041 seconds. 4-Player Elemental Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars Download The Mod: http://anubismc.com/modpack Join The Server: play.anubismc.com (Oasis Realm) Type This Code In Game: /partnerredeem Jerome Thanks to AnubisMC for sponsoring us! Use Code “Jerome” for 30% off your order from our Server Hosting Partner http://www.RocketNode.com/Jerome Join our Community Server By Getting Supporter+ Supporter+ IP: acetispaghetti.com ✅ Business Inquiries: [email protected] ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ➡️ Join our discord… Read More

  • Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿

    Insane Clickbait: Minecraft Baby English VTuber Angol Mois 🌿Video Information This video, titled ‘【minecraft】baby english【vtuberen/jp】’, was uploaded by Angol Mois Ch🌕🌿アンゴル・モア on 2024-04-21 00:53:06. It has garnered 40 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:25:09 or 5109 seconds. i’ll be in australia in sept! i’m nervous☺ so teach me english 🙂 i wanna be a language —————————————– ■Twitter https://twitter.com/AngolmoisVtuber ■Donation(Mini Angol appears in screen) https://streamlabs.com/-angolmois-/tip ■Membership https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjirbtthjP9TjpPHl3qhsIQ/join —————————————– 🔸 Art # AngolArtV 🔸 Live # AngolLiveV 🔸 Clips # AngolClips 🔸 Fan Mark 🌕🌿 🔹 Illust & Live2D – Angol Mois —————————————– Hi there! I’m Angol Mois from VTuber🌕🌿 I’m learning English📚and I’m Japanese… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft KFC Build in Complete Silence! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft KFC Build #shorts’, was uploaded by Silent Java on 2024-08-24 10:00:04. It has garnered 2475 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Welcome to my latest Minecraft build! 🍗 In this video, I’ve recreated a KFC restaurant block by block. Watch as I bring the iconic fast-food joint to life in the world of Minecraft, complete with all the details you’d expect. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your next build or just love creative Minecraft projects, this video is for you! Don’t forget to like, comment,… Read More

  • Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no Copyright

    Unleash the Power of Anitrooz Music 🔥 Boost Your Content no CopyrightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Background music that will boost up your content -(No copyright)🔥.@Anitrooz’, was uploaded by Anitrooz on 2024-03-01 08:30:23. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #shortsfeed #trending #viral #epic #clutch #animation #edit #creepypasta #build #minecraft #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • ViiPerMC

    ViiPerMCWelcome to one of the best minecraft network servers around! We offer a variety of exciting gamemodes including Lifesteal SMP, Sky-Gens, and Sky-Mining. Our server provides full support and guarantees a lag-free experience. Join us for an unparalleled gaming adventure! Read More

  • NerdNu PvE Creative Network Semi-vanilla 1.20.4/1.20.4

    Connect with Nerd.nu PvE: p.nerd.nu (1.20.4) Creative: c.nerd.nu (1.20.4) We are a medium-sized server, focusing on vanilla gameplay with a strong sense of community. If you’re looking for a server where you can belong, join us at one of the oldest public multiplayer Minecraft servers! Join us: – PvE: Non-PvP server with collaborative building and community events. Next event: Minecart Soccer on Friday and Saturday! Creative: – Open world with protection and WorldEdit available. Community events on Saturdays. Join us this Saturday at 9pm EST! Learn more: – Visit our website or read our rules – Explore our Creative and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve: the ultimate Minecraft Chad

    Minecraft Memes - Steve: the ultimate Minecraft ChadWell, Steve must be feeling pretty accomplished with that high score! I guess you could say he’s a real “blockbuster” in the meme world. Read More

  • Klee’s Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem

    Klee's Cat-tastrophe: Meow-sery and Mayhem In the world of Minecraft, a new character’s in sight, Klee’s here to bring some joy, with colors so bright. To get this model, just follow the link, And for a small fee, you’ll be in sync. Yes Steve Model is the key, for Java Edition to play, With Klee by your side, you’ll have a great day. So hop on over to the download site, And join the fun, it’ll be just right. Support the creators, show them some love, For bringing us Klee, a gift from above. In the world of Minecraft, let your creativity soar, With… Read More

  • “Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer” 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme

    "Surviving Traps: From Toddler to Boomer" 🔥😂 #minecraft #meme “Me at age 5: cries for help when I fall into a trap. Me at age 25: still falls into traps, but now I blame lag for my failures.” Read More