Epic Minecraft QSMP Adventure with AYPIERRE’S TOY BOX

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Nobody is going to answer my B ah my okay okay okay um fore fore foree m iron Mouse please Glider Nightmare but you know it’s nothing we can’t handle wait wait dystopia nightmare what do you mean oh hey there hello hello hello hello hello how are you I’m good how are you I’m very good are you enjoying the island so far I like it it’s so beautiful yeah that’s good have

You seen the Titan yeah I saw the Titan I saw the Titan’s ass oh yeah he’s got a very nice ass yeah very very nice ass yeah yeah yeah yeah very nice s oh yes oh yes yeah so iron are you like human or like you’re you look kind of human what

Are what are you demon wait so you’re do you like fire and like explosions and things like that of course wait you want to show oh you and I are going to be very good friends I feel like actually you know what I have a very special gift for you then I don’t

Think this counts as like too powerful this is a blue bomb only use that in dire situations it does a ton of damage oh it’s are you giving bums to new people of the island fit oh wait I have a lot of garbage on well she said she’s

A demon so I figure that’s right up her alley right do you think we should encourage this behavior of demon like stuff wait a minute wait a minute tell me more about this blue bomb so it you throw it like a projectile and it does a

Ton of damage it does like 10 hearts of damage so only save it for emergencies oh my God I can’t wait to use it on fool oh oh yeah foolish yeah she already knows that she has to bully foolish yeah it’s it’s it’s initiation on the island oh it’s really important

Yeah yeah it’s it’s something that came naturally to me oh yeah weren’t you with tuo it oh yeah so uh tubo is just watching after Ramon right now cuz had to come get iron Mouse but if you’re welcome to come with us as well yeah

Yeah sure oh yeah yeah yeah I got to introduce you uh to my my egg son iron oh you never met Ramon have you met got a big mustache have you met pom iron moose iron Mouse oh yeah and Richard Richard yes and Leonard Leonard talula talula too talula so sweet dapper

Too dapper too okay so stand right here oh yeah Dapper down bloodthirsty wait what you have to go down right here like see shift how do you know these things how do you remember these things you get used to it after a while oops when you

Jump it’s an elevator mhm so like over this way this way how do you remember what spot to use um okay it’s we have to go up this way back up the stairs okay and it’s kind of awkward it’s just the the normal door is broken right now I I’ve never

Been there I think oh you stand on this block and then you jump over to this one oh oh yeah okay there good job and then you just fall out of this door right here bye bye oh [ __ ] what no okay creative mode items you can you

Can do it I got you I got you I got you I got you hello hello hello we’re good I agree okay oh it’s fine she’s a she’ll live you you and me Ramon we’re going to get them very well is wonderful anytime you want to come around to myone what is

This place fit oh this is Ramon’s Elevator Shaft oh okay Ramon we have a new guest we have a new guest I got this is iron Mouse she’s a demon she loves fire and explosions you two are going to get along real well hello oh what

Happened is this gave her some TNT yeah yeah yeah oh yeah a 6 stack of T just for me that’s the best gift you can give me thank you thank you oh this is good what a what a wonderful gift Ramon oh I love can I can I can I

Speak to you for a second just over here yeah yeah we’ll go this way just just out of a shot of those guys uhoh What secrets I’m going to listen so loud so loud admins find out what do the [ __ ] admins find out [ __ ] destroy it they he’s fine he’s

Fine he’s if if he was break rules if he was breaking the rules they would have done something by now he’s he’s fine he’s fine look at him yeah but like just out of concern for like safety for you for your boy find out it’s like not legit and

They [ __ ] sent someone after him oh if it was a big issue they would have done something by now don’t worry tuo okay oh okay okay okay yeah yeah yeah yeah hi guys is everything fine everything’s fine everything’s fine everything is okay okay everything’s fine everything is a okay did I mention

How much I love life I yeah no you didn’t actually selfie selfie I love life selfie you didn’t oh well I mentioned it now selfie well that’s good it’s good to enjoy life is this a factory where you make explosive stuff um it might as well be

But no this is Ramon’s Elevator Shaft he worked so hard okay so do you see all these like blocks and all this Redstone and stuff he worked so hard on this and then they updated the create mod so you could do an elevator with just a single

Block so all this is useless now okay oh my God I’m so sorry I know I feel so bad for Ramon or Ron Ramon I’m sorry yeah so everything in here is useless all the work that you did everything is useless yeah it’s fun to look at though

It looks fancy it looks pretty it looks pretty Ramon but it’s useless yeah think about a moment in time where you worked so hard it’s a it you know what it is it’s a testament to character dedication to the grind and that’s what means the most you know that’s

Right what’s he going to say what’s he going to say ooh it takes him a little while sometimes to typee so you just got to be patient with I got respect for I got Ramon speaks also a little bit of French yeah espanol is Ramon’s like primary language he loves it yes

MH oh yeah the funny part is I finish it like two days after they updated oh no Jesus ah see no at all you speak French right yes I do do youour oh really that’s all I know that’s all I know do you know what it means do you

Know what it means please can I have a hot chocolate with cream thank you yes it’s it’s but it’s very bad like what such as oh yeah I see s yeah yeah yeah R very good Ramon that’s the only thing I know that’s enough to survive in France m is

It yes yes yes yes it is that’s pretty weird but it is when I did when I studied French in school the only phrase that I taught that I was taught that I was remembered it was like one beer please and another one oh yeah that was

That was yeah that was that was the two phrases I don’t remember now but on be Sil play Sil play silver play please mer you’re welcome yeah you’re welcome that’s right that’s right um now I’m trying to remember oh yeah we should probably get iron Mouse some of

The waist Stones up top she probably could use a few of them is there a was Stone here um okay yeah so up by Ramon’s house there is yeah so there’s an easy way for us to get back up is there an elevator if yeah if you come over here this block

Right here is another secret elevator okay oh my God yeah we have a oh [ __ ] hello where are you guys oh you’re underneath me up one more one more one more okay one more up perfect perfect and we go this way cross all the Machinery i’ never been there never been

There before I smell the oh hey Perfect all right let’s get you the way Stone way I don’t even think I’ve been to your outfit it was chocolate oh that’s perfect cuz then I can give you both the tour yeah I’ve never been to your house I I believe I’ve seen it from

Afar but never seen it this Ramon’s house he has his own little house separate from mine I’m going to run off for a little bit fellas but I’ll catch you bit okay see you later thank you Kings I’ll see you guys later bye he called me

King oh yeah if you’re French she might not want to be a king that’s true that’s oh yeah right I forgot oh can I forgot where was my head yeah oh God go down go down so yeah he’s got a bunch of pet axelos and lobsters mhm that’s really nice

Nice yeah right over here I love Axel and lav where does it go oh that warp plate is broken and on yeah oh yeah the lobsters up here it’s half red and half blue you see oh wow yeah it doesn’t have a name wait what

How I don’t know it’s a weird Lobster oh my God it’s so cute mhm very rare yeah but then uh oh yeah Ramone show them your roller coaster show me your roller coaster get up on there oh [ __ ] yeah woo look at him go I made one one time in a haunted

House that’s cool all right Ron we got to give him the rest of the tour I want to try once oh yeah of course of course yeah let’s see wait how does it work what should oh half cooked that’s a good one that’s good let’s go oh

[ __ ] I think I’m going to puke guys just don’t do it on the bookshelves okay I’m going to try to do to do it later I’m going to have to clean it up yeah yeah sure no pressure no pressure right okay stop oh I think he stop yeah yeah yeah

Where are you yeah we’ll let you up here up here up here up here up here yeah oh there you go all right so we’ll bring it along the river we have uh we have quite a catfish problem we’ve been trying to get rid of all these catfish lag the server so we

Kill them anytime we can oh really there’s catfish yeah let’s take a little swim you’ll we’ll see a few yeah these catfish are a menace they swallow items they steal things they must be eliminated at all costs oh my God I have no idea oh yeah they’re bloodthirsty as

Ever actually wait kill them all yeah good good good that’s right the blood lust for the catfish is real oh yeah I love killing things good oh yeah you and I are going to get along just fine speaking of killing things oh here we go this is your house Yeah that’s right throw your bomb throw your buom throw your bumb okay oh no no don’t use the blue bomb on a trash mob like that yeah why not just for fun code monster or something Have you heard about the code monsters hon Mouse the what the code monsters no what’s the

Code monsters oh they’re these crazy entities that are like a bunch of zeros and ones and they’ve attacked the eggs they’ve attacked the residents they’re like really they’re scary monsters that show up once in a while and they want to kill the eggs they want to kill the eggs

I told everybody not to trust math and no one believed me oh that’s true especially when they start putting letters in math that’s when it gets horrible oh my God I told everybody it makes sense of course of course Al I almost how can I address you like

That oh you can call me mouse or mousey Mouse oh that’s youit Mouse yeah no one calls me iron or iron Mouse it’s just mouse mouse just Mouse Okay Mouse good to know good to know all right Mouse yeah I go by either fit or Baldi whichever you

Prefer so this is a self-portrait well not self-portrait but one of of our uh neighbors bagera drew that very bagera oh yeah recognize the the face yeah yes they bald man yes I’m I’m very bald I’m very bald congratulations thank you yeah wonderful and Swan like you’re not really bald cuz

You have a face on the top of your head so count yeah I don’t know why but yeah that’s the way it is oh it’s true so yeah this is like uh my base it’s very Bare Bones but we have a special Library up here oh

Oh yeah so you can like study shakes Spear and like you know Cat in the Hat all sorts of Awesome Books and then we got like into books yeah I like reading books once in a while you know just to you’re right Rin fresh yeah got nice little garden nice Garden yeah I like the style of your eyes very modern very aurated very I I don’t like reading I’m

Sorry uh what do you like doing in your spare time since you’re a demon like other than burning things of course exploding things well you know I just just causing chaos and and doing things that make people nervous okay nice that’s cool that’s cool what is this place like my my photo

Memory room it’s still a work in progress but like different Adventures I’ve had on the server so far we’ve taken photos wow this is so well documented yeah oh yeah so oh yeah oh I love it I love these bubbles Ramen yes did uh Mouse did you learn

About the camera yet no I see everybody using it but I don’t know how to use it so here I’ll lend you my spare there’s a camera and then you just need you have extra dran yeah and paper you can right click with the camera and take photos of

Anything and then it saves as like an actual like image file you could put places it’s cool you you need paper mhm oh so I put it in my hand yeah uh-huh yeah and then what and then you right click yeah there you go take a picture yeah nice there it there it

Is there you go you took your first photo my first photo H have so much garbage on me that’ll happen on This Server there’s like 80 mods it’s wild oh a bowl mods oh Bowl here no I I don’t want the bowl it’s okay you can keep it wait you’ve got bear

Dust what is that me too if you right click it it makes a sound all right ready ready ready ready oh oh my god [Applause] oh so yeah welcome to the server Mouse I hope you will enjoy the island and this is a chill server and you can do

Whatever you want and you’re going to meet some new people and I think you’re going to love it yeah wait a minute wait a minute how do I obtain that for myself I don’t know somebody gave it to me yeah it’s true I must have it oh TW hello oh [ __ ] this is

A TW hello hello how are you are how are are this is it I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine this is a French fell my bro yeah he like my brother and arm and also Al my boyfriend and also my friend and also my sex friend and also

Not my boyfriend and also my girlfriend and also everything he everything to me uh like one is like uh when I when I’m sad uh I’m going on Discord I’m saying can I go to your house and he say yes and I go to his house and I’m not sad

Anymore and we live on the I live on the other side of the country so it’s a long way but yeah I so I take a choo Cho do you know Choo Cho the cho cho it’s a train I take the Choo Cho and I go and

CH exactly it’s said Choo Cho Choo Cho and I take it I go really fast because I can go to the speed of light and I and then I I go to antoan place and I’m happy I live in a palace there go there you go

Sweet one day I can I have an an one oh you you can you can have it is hey it’s me to decide it’s me to decide I’m not your property at all what the hell man you are a property no oh no you’re not I’m not I thought I

Thought you were his property I’m sorry uh no not yet not yet what is the contracts are not signed I’m the police of bad weapons uh what is the sword what the the sword somebody gave it to me you remember F I got the copy of your

Sword by accident and I still have it now it’s maybe someone who ATS you oh yeah you uh you enjoy it you enjoy it oh yeah yeah yeah it’s really cool fit it name that’s right that’s right okay don’t love other people other people weapons R you I’m not laughing

I’m just seeing that this this weapon she’s new nice this is shouting help me he told me he didn’t want me to have anything overpowered because he wanted me to learn on the first day only on the first day only I I understand Mouse but there is a difference between

Overpowered weapon and [ __ ] weapon [ __ ] foolish give you [ __ ] like you know you know a sandwich you take the sandwich you try to bite in it and it’s only [ __ ] and you’re like what the hell oh my God what am I going to do how

Do I get a better one well the man right there is going to provide it to you you have two Choice Mouse the the hard way is going outside and do 10 dungeons the easy way just say please to a 12 just say please to it well wait are you

Saying I can can I have one please you you can you like you can go to dungeons too because it’s really fun to do and like the most OP weapons I think farming it or waiting is better for you because you will you will have really fun to

Have it oh yeah I like dungeon hey but but yeah like the the diamond sword can be okay if you go to the XP farm of iier and you enchant it well it can be good oh but for me one of the best weapon you can you can have like at the beginning

Is having uh let me let me find it is trying to do this one it’s the orc steel SW is that better than mine uh it it’s exactly what you have and mouse you can do it easily and don’t listen to people because everyone in this I’ve heard you lost yours by the

Way don’t help don’t help they need to have the Minecraft experience I crafted for like 10 people people in the island yeah so I like a dumbass I threw mine off the top of foolish as Titan and because that’s we was so high up I could not find it in five

Minutes yeah but it’s okay cuz Ramone made me the Scythe instead so it it’s all good it’s all okay I would ask you if you wanted wanted mine since I’m not a good fighter anyway A Relic no you need that that’s a relic that’s like a rare dation glitch like

That’s a piece of History right there oh that’s true you’re right mhm all right oh thank you but I’ve yeah I’ve heard you lust it so I was wondering if you wanted it but it’s fine if I can keep it too you’re very thoughtful though that’s

Very kind of you no you’re welcome it’s originally yours I was not supposed to have it but it’s kind of funny though that it that it exists funny yeah yeah that’s weird maybe I was supposed to have it I don’t know maybe it was fate yeah it was

Maybe it was fate I think it was mhm Maybe I can red duplicate it maybe wait how did we get it in the first time the first time I don’t remember was it a server restart or something oh yeah I remember we crashed the server because we were we wanted to

Do Lucky Ducks all the time so apier that’s right apier crashed the server on purpose and I think it duplicated your sword I think you’re right yeah that’s what happened I think it unfortunately I tried doing that again with the waist Stone and the slingshot they fixed it

Anymore such a shame I know it sucks oh yeah yeah yeah you throw you throw it from the top of the Titan yeah cuz like with the R button like that oh oh yeah don’t throw your weapons again yeah I know I know don’t do it again yeah if I

Was on the ground it’s no problem cuz I know exactly where it lands but when you’re like 200 blocks up it’s trickier yeah yeah right mhm and maybe someone you know like a chosen one should should take the sword off the ground like Arthur or link you know oh right yeah

It’s it might still be there it might still be there in a in a cave I don’t know the chosen one will decide maybe maybe maybe let’s go oh that’s what oh you guys having fun up here we’re back yeah it was said because I what you do that

R sorry sorry for the French interlude no it’s okay it’s beautiful Excuse excuse it’s beautiful do you think French is beautiful of course I do what oh oh well you you can say that it’s a [ __ ] language no it’s not it’s not a [ __ ] language but does it sound exotic does

It sound kind of exotic Oh no I don’t like saying that word people use that with me all the time oh okay it sounds kind of like um if you have like peanut butter on the roof of your mouth oh yeah the French accent sounds like oh yeah oh

This is bad actually M you sound so exotic when you speak Spanish and I’m like what am I a reptile what the heck I’m exotic pet no that’s right foolish is here oh foolish oh yeah foolish it’s time to kill him let’s go oh yeah there we go you have to bully

Him Mouse you have to bully him if you have the bomb you can throw it on him not on his Titan I do have a thing just for him just don’t destroy his Titan this is the Only Rule foolish what it told me he gave me [ __ ]

Oh oh boy oh boy uh what What means w uu2 what you up to W it’s so complicated okay chumbo sent me chbo sent me this wuu wuu W it’s like it’s like what you up to I’m out of here what’s you up to no all right but uh oh yeah we should

Probably get you the way Stone Mouse here come this way yeah I don’t think I have it either by the way oh yeah yeah follow me follow me oh [ __ ] the fence even though this is my house my actual bedroom where I like log out is

In a in a cave okay in a cave yeah okay oh yeah here’s the way Stone if you ever need to get to here real quick sweet perfect then my actual bedroom is like right here it’s it’s very um like a mid mid Century Modern you

Know but no Ramon made this for me so wow okay it looks like the 7s I see exactly you are a person of culture much like myself oh it’s like uh why are you burning Ramen stop burning I got a book hold on how many hearts do you have have a

Mouse huh how many heart Hearts do you have Mouse oh just the normal amount when you come on okay you see I found a hard Crystal thingy you have to use it on a statue like this like this one I don’t remember it was a long time ago

But if you want to upgrade your hearts do I need I don’t remember just one one for one art I think yeah you need a spirit orb and you have to I have one Spirit orb do I have some Spirit or I don’t remember I have one yeah okay oh I have

Three Spirit orbs I can give you 10 Spirit orbs if you want I can give you like 15 Spirit ORS if you want take them what thank you use it to to have more hearts and more stamina you’ll need it oh there you you will have 20 ODS maximum you can’t have more

Oo thank you you’re welcome what what about this I have one oh no oh gave me one a a got 20 21 Arts how is that possible you you’ve never met a yet no it’s a he’s a pretty weird guy oh I like Queen yeah AP is a very

Interesting individual he um he can transform into a unicorn sometimes don’t spoil it it’s his first Sona it’s his first Sona okay don’t worry I’ll forget it he it’s a furry cult it’s a furry cult um is that what s was talking about yesterday yes the furry c yeah it’s he

Told me I wasn’t ready ready for that information I think you are ready now but I think AP would like to give you the T so yeah you should let him do it yeah make up your own mind about how you feel about it yeah oh okay okay I think

This is great yeah I saw it and I was just like this is not for me but maybe for some people maybe I I I thought you were that kind of guy I’m a demon I’m not really interested in being a furry yeah I have no hair so I’m also not

Interested in being a furry so oh yeah I get it yeah it’s tough It’s the Bold life got a sunscreen all the time it’s ridiculous but um but yeah so that that’s basically the whole tour so I hope you two enjoyed it but um yeah yeah yeah I’ve seen it from afar but

Never been inside it so yeah trash can oh yeah this is a state-of-the-art trash can that’s right this is only the finest it’s uh wum steel so sweet going to put the bowl in it yeah oh there you go yeah yeah wonderful I love it or sorry it’s it’s a trash receptacle I’m

Sorry I must use the proper vocabulary yes what was the wrong vocabulary trash recept trash can yeah yeah why trash can is not good um well I mean receptacle is more of like the fancy way to say oh yeah you’re a fancy guy yeah yeah I understand I understand I understand as

I say that in my Jan outfit I’m real fancy oh yeah receptacle trash receptacle okay okay okay but yeah all right Ramon are you ready to start your Quests for the day oh there’s a new Quest has Quest yeah eggs have Quest they have we have to do them or

They die yeah if you don’t do it they die but you can do three Quest per week if an egg die it dies forever so it’s important to keep them alive like the president forever like the president of the island yeah right forever feed the baby of

Food but you don’t you don’t have a egg uh uh Mouse those are the things you have to do yeah Uh-huh it’s true although wait Mouse have you seen the fitness Center no fitness center I don’t even I don’t think I’ve seen it either oh you haven’t either oh we need to go oh yeah please do you have the teleport to spawn oh yeah of course I’m coming I’m going to

Help CH I will come after all right cool yeah yeah I do perfect teleport to spawn or yeah you can use use the waone use the wasone mhm there there all right it’s really close it’s right over here wait Raman is writing something oh sorry Ramon I want to see what happened to

Spone oh oh um it’s a subway now I guess oh [ __ ] okay oh watch out yeah what the Pierre put this here if you step close to it it CHP what the hell a Pierre again remember how we said Pierre was an in interesting person well uh stuff like that

Uhhuh I see I see yes very interesting fella all right it’s right over here the nice shiny red building oh I’ve been there actually oh have you oh have you seen the new treadmill system un installed I want to see the museum too I didn’t get to see it oh yeah have you

Never been to the museum okay yeah cuz it was closed Yesterday all right so this is my fitness center this is where we all go to work out and get stronger and oh yeah so hop on the treadmills so this is the slow speed yeah and now we’ll put it on medium well I’m flying so it’s okay

Little faster yeah and now I’ll put it on maximum speed okay do it oh go go yeah run run run run run there you go feel the burn feel the burn oh I feel the workout I feel the burn in my legs oh it’s okay good good

Good there we go I feel it I feel myself getting stronger oh yeah we got the trampoline the Rope climb oh the Rope climb yeah if you if you climb the Rope you can ring the bell at the top where is the oh yeah there nice job you’re climbing okay yeah try your

Best like that I’m not strong enough you are I’m not strong you’re you sure are strong you believe in yourself you’ve got this I can’t R the bed I’m not used to working out Hit the Bell can’t read you can yeah you got this you can do it some of the Rope oh you stealing my rope this is a fine establishment yeah yeah woo nicely done well that was quite a climbing wall oh yeah I’m going to try it worked oh I’m Oh that’s oh yeah

What you can climb it oh it’s really good yeah congratulations wow well yeah congrats you how did you climb it you just grab the blocks and you you climb it take a rope it’s a gift you see go there and you do that he’s lying he’s you’re wearing those

Spider pants aren’t you no no I wouldn’t dare about that mhm you see I don’t wear any pants punching bag oh yeah there you go I’m punching I’m punching what’s behind good good good good what oh the Shot so yeah so uh there used to be artwork up but uh a bunch of it got deleted with the update before you all arrived on the island so I have to put it back up but it’s very inspirational you know nice bathroom inspirational art very nice bathroom here

Coun oh oh you found the secret basement oh there is secret basement this for extra training a Fight Club oh wait oh my God careful where are you guys cied fences there oh down here Anan yeah oh [ __ ] yeah we’re going to have some uh fight clubs here at some point we just

Have to finish constructing everything I love to be a part of the fight club who’s fighting oh oh it’s electrified it’s going to be bare knuckle so just with your fists it’s going to be so much fun boxing that’s my type of fight yeah that’s right that’s some chaos right

There why is that chair why so many chairs here when this is done the chairs are going to come out of the ground yeah we’re still working on it it’s work in progress o sweet oh yeah ni sweet yeah but uh yeah Ramon did all like the

The wiring and all the uh Ramon is a genius yeah he’s a genius eggs are genius Geniuses yes you are so smart you are genius that’s right oh oh up you go oh don’t die don’t be crushed I love it I love it all right after you after you what is the buttom

When you’re here how’ you how’ you open it’s right here on the desk desk oh yeah I love it nice oh yeah um so now I guess we could show you the museum since you wanted to oh yeah the museum really nice place so as I’m sure you’re already well

Aware Mouse we have tons of talented artists in the community and they all contribute artwork to this Museum it’s actually crazy how many artwork there is yeah Where is ran to and it’s oh he’s he’s on his way don’t worry yeah okay it’s the building independent egg yeah yeah yeah right there so it’s it’s straight ahead yeah like it’s really cool too cuz they take artwork from the community and then they put the their Twitter handles

Like underneath it’s really cool take the waist Stone if you can oh yeah the wa Stone oh perfect it’s me oh yeah it’s me with pum my egg oh my God this is so amazing and this is fit oh yeah me and Ramon doing a little Splatoon action very nice

Oh this is so cute what yeah we fixed the moon today yeah true true true what the [ __ ] look at my feet they’re so dirty well I mean you don’t wear shoes so yeah but they Auto clean they clean themselves oh well you know you should the artist is right here you should

Contact them and me Lo me and Los what about my feet yeah what about my feet I am in shock and art how cute this is and you’ll have so many artworks of you too me oh yeah yeah you of course look at this one of I already saw some really

Cool friend people drew crazy I think the2 one it’s crazy crazy I think yeah one of my I think the lines the colors everything is so great here yeah it’s really awesome this is amazing this is incredible a wow and the art you see in the mum is always

Changing it’s updated every week I think yeah I think every week now they do it mhm yeah wow uh we I love art so much I love art yeah yeah people are so talented it’s crazy I’m just showing the names of the artists to people oh of course yeah got

To give credit where credit is Due I love wow I’m so glad I got to see yeah there you go it’s every week there’s going to be new fun stuff in there yeah have you seen the the the the Moon Mouse I saw it from far away do you want to do you want to see it from the

Inside you can go inside yes you can have you ever been there fit by the way I have yeah I was actually there the other day we were passing by yeah you you had to take a picture in front of it right yes exactly mhm okay okay okay but

Yeah but no you two go ahead I have to go take care of Ramon’s quests we probably catch up a little later yeah well see you later fit yeah have fun have fun okay Aros it’s this way arios it’s this way are you going to are

You going to build something I want to I don’t know where foolish that I can move next to him but I have to see what the land looks like well you can go anywhere there’s no rules yeah you can go anywhere you can build everywhere you you want So the Rings were broken yesterday but we rebuil them now they’re really cool oh yeah I that’s what I saw I saw from very far away yeah I saw that the Rings were broken yeah now now they’re they’re fine now they’re really fine so it this way but I’m going to

Build something new now I’m going to build an island in the sky an island in the how long did it take you to make this way too long but it’s okay I have some tools like the Symmetry W that helped me careful don’t fall careful careful what’s down there nothing

There’s nothing down there it’s the void if you go there you don’t come back you don’t come back no you don’t it’s just the void nothing don’t go there don’t go there I have a don’t go there you want to go there no no okay okay okay okay I could

Have a call of the Void from time to time oh I understand I understand so if you want to go to the Moon you have to stand right there oh no right there sorry and jump right there ear oh there there there you’re inside it Albert Albert yeah it’s like the local

Co is very sweet and we have here we have Tuk right there he’s really sweet too you like it T he’s the best and there is Pascal but is he’s sleeping right there where there there it’s Pascal is is is a sweetart a bear no it’s not a bear is like a

Bison oh bison yeah oh my god oh Wait there’s something missing here I’m going to rebuild it right up so what what is what are you planning to to build we can leave if you want this oh I don’t know yet I want to do sorry yeah yeah what you yeah I want

To do a house but I don’t know what kind of house yet mhm and I also want to build a giant Cinema roll a giant what Cinema roll C a cinamon roll okay no no no no Cinema roll Cinema roll what is it yes he’s a

Dog Cinema roll a dog a giant dog he’s a dog yes he’s a giant dog Cinema roll oh okay I I I I didn’t know know what it was people told me he’s a dog oh it’s from ELO Kitty yes okay I see and you you love

Him I love him he’s he’s he is my God he’s your God yes oh [ __ ] okay I see okay okay and you want to make a giant one such as the the love of my life oh really yes is that it kind of you said you you’re not a furry but the

Lest your life is a giant dog oh well I’m not a furry but he he he’s a character yeah he is but he’s a dog he is a dog but people think he’s a rabbit but he’s not a rabbit he’s a dog yeah but he’s still an animal yeah but it’s different because

It’s a Sanrio animal and sanre characters are people dressed up as animals oh you think it that doesn’t mean I’m a at all are you oh yeah but people dressed up as animals what do we call them oh the people dressed as animals I don’t know don’t listen to that it’s just

Somebody’s dying right there it’s normal can you die faster please oh no he’s not dying yet wait don’t worry no oh I’ve seen the explosive in your hand so so you love a man dressed as a dog is that right Christ yes yes okay I

See well dressed as a dog okay I see you will get along very well with aier I think yeah really yeah yeah yeah sure he’s coming back I think tomorrow all because I like a man dressed up as a dog yes you will understand but he’s cute

He’s a cute dog he’s super cute and he’s fluffy he has long ears and he likes to fly oh yeah a dog that can fly yes with his ears so you’re going to build your house and it’s going to be guarded by this giant dog yes oh I see and I want

To build a giant Puerto Rican flag oh you’re from Puerto Rico yes yes I see I see I see I have to tell everyone yeah I understand if you’re Puerto Rican then you don’t tell people people that you’re Puerto Rican at least every five minutes you die I understand so you’re I think

You’re the first P Puerto Rican on the server yes I’ve never met a Puerto Rican person before I’ve never met a Puerto Rican person before I’m your first Puerto Rican person yes hola AAS espanol but paying in dollars oh okay I don’t understand Spanish I’m sorry oh oh I’m sorry no

It’s me I’m so sorry yeah I am so sorry there is a city in P Puerto Rico named Pon yes Pon it’s the name of a French streammer very famous too really yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh Pon yeah Pon yeah yeah yeah so where do you want to build your

House uh I want to check out foolish’ area cuz he said that I could live next to him oh yeah it do you you know where it is uh I can show I can guide you to to the place and then I’m I think I’m going to

Build something for me right after yeah so this is this way it’s it’s next to the wall next to the Titan oh have you yeah he lives next to the Titan yes I I have you seen the I don’t know what you call foolished place is that the Titan of the Dragon

House oh I saw both of them I just don’t remember where they are I remember where the Titan is but I don’t remember do you have the wa stone for the Titan I think I I think I have the wa stone for his house oh not for the Titan I think I do

Do I oh oh do you want to see something fun yeah go this way this is apia’s house oh very normal looking house oh yes come this way and just go go down here here what what’s down here you’ll see this is a oh there were people here

Before there were people in here yeah oh yeah there were like is this jail it was we call it in France lru and yeah it’s kind of a jail yeah but for student testing facility where you capture people no it was capturing villagers and and we could trade with

Them but he moved them oh you can’t open this door yeah uh wait to if you want to go back you take this elevator right there this one oh my God yeah aier is an interesting character to to say the least very terrifying I don’t I I’m not so sure what’s

Upstairs but I think I’m going to check I’m not so sure what’s upstairs oh [ __ ] uh do you hear the music oh the toy box okay I see yeah this is apia’s house adult toy box yeah there is a banana oh sh Love Potion I’ve never seen it before okay

Well this is apia I’m doing character building so when you meet him you you’ll know him a little bit better this book is this a book of sexual escapades uh probably since it was reviewed by Maximus D but smells good my God have you met

Maximus uh I don’t think so is what I call a [ __ ] Legend you should meet him a [ __ ] Legend a [ __ ] Legend he’s from Spain so you can speak Spanish with him oh Spain yes he’s from Madrid run out what everybody’s telling me to

Run run oh no it’s just the room I I think they they think the room is cursed and they’re right yeah yeah it’s just it’s just naughty things yeah yeah yeah he’s kind of Naughty Boy AP so do you want to go to the Titan or to foolish

Foolish his house I don’t know if I have his house this is foolish foolish it’s the it’s his house do you have it okay what in the world that was weird bour fish oh what no no um I I was on the way Stone oh yeah you have to be careful yeah um

They were telling me how like if you want to you can like change your render distance to 32 and you can like see further you might like it might make it more like laggy but it was kind of cool looking I’d rather not yeah yeah I just did it

For like a little bit just like looking around like I want to do more dungeons you want to do more dungeons yeah you know we could maybe do like a little dungeon I could little I could procrastinate all told me that you gave me garbage what well no he said

[ __ ] it’s it’s said my sword my sword my sword was she he said you gave you gave her a sandwich full of [ __ ] okay that was like the point though I thought like I I wasn’t just going to like I cuz like I wasn’t just going to give her a bunch

Of good things well I don’t know I’m not at 12 oh yeah I I thought all the friends were the same uh um so like I purposely didn’t give you great things so you could like have some fun and try to get some good things yourself like like how fun would it be

If I just like give you all the good stuff now that’s like that’s like half the work oh [ __ ] the train look at the train the train look at the train look at the train it’s back in mik work oh [ __ ] I keep getting on this plate um I’ll be

Honest this warp plate does not need to be here anymore I always step on it I I might I should actually just get rid of it there’s actually like no need for this to yeah let me let me just I’ll just save this for I think mous you

Got um okay yeah I don’t I don’t even know how to work these things I’ll just okay there we go there we go that was enough of that we kept like so many people including myself would just it was so inconvenient um wait so what have you guys been doing

I was showing the moon to to iron Mouse and then we show we show fits house there’s still so much stuff to see yeah yeah wait your your base look kind of cool with a 32 chunk thing cuz like you can see it from much further away so it’s kind of cool

Looking the the base right there no no no your base like well like all the bases like look cool just cuz you can see them from further away and like whole island like feel a little smaller in I’m going to build a new stuff right now I’m going to build islands in the

Sky an AIP pillow an AIP pillow yeah in the sky what’s aripo what’s the English word for archipel uh archipelago archipelago I’m sorry an archipelago I don’t even know how to say that word archipelago aripo many islands many islands yeah in the sky you guys ever just feel

Like you’re getting w watch oh is somebody watching us um wait that’s crazy where is he where is he that crazy we told foolish you g he give her a sandwich full of [ __ ] I did like I’m not I’ll be honest like it wasn’t like I purposely did give her good

Things it excuse me um foolish yes I’ve got a question imagine you go to a party it’s a it’s a birthday it’s a birthday party yeah you have two choices okay you can offer a gift it’s like a beautiful sandwich with like tomatoes lettuce here he goes again Tomatoes or here he goes

Again a sandwich full of [ __ ] what do you choose it’s a question what do you want my answer too are you obviously okay if you had to choose between the two sandwiches sure you’ll take the better one but if and what is the better one what is the better one how do you

Know this isn’t fair this isn’t fair this is a this is a this isn’t a fair argument I think that was sweet of you that you gave her a sword foolish yeah it’s so sweet oh look at look at the [ __ ] no it’s okay she can defend herself with

Trash mobs yeah yeah of course but she can defend herself with with everything else she can she can fist fight too yeah okay but like I I I wasn’t just going to give her like the best stuff right away like like where was the fun in that like at well like like you

Didn’t you you enjoyed the process you enjoyed doing the dungeons to get your stuff like would have been fun if they just handed you he’s right foolish I know but what I want to say is like I’m totally dumb and I want to honor you because you’re the best okay so shut

Your mouth and I assume the fact that I’m stupid okay okay I just I just wanted to break the rules and to to make their life cool okay ah thank you you know what bring it in bring it in bring it in bring it in bring it in yeah yeah that’s that’s

Weird nice stop doing that 12 STP oh [ __ ] oh they’re lying down together yeah oh wait no no I’m not we’re not yes you are no not [ __ ] you were doing that follow you I do not have a reputation we are not we are not reputation you have a reputation I didn’t

Know no no I don’t um nice banana foolish thank you thank you nice nice but but yeah no no I I was kidding I was kidding you you gave her stuff but oh my God oh my God but Mouse if you go to everything will be

Fun I think this is not the best construction AP made but it’s going to show show it to her in a few days I think yeah you you will see another construction from IP the club you will love it kind of club we keep talking about this club to her since since she’s

A fury you oh I’m not afraid she is she is she’s in love with the dog oh yeah you like that one dog um cinnamon roll cinnamon roll cinnamon roll yeah yeah it’s still a dog yeah it’s okay Mouse it’s okay Mouse i’ I’ve also have possibly been to the furry Club

Yeah I’ve got my membership card too yep I’ve got it is everybody a f on here I don’t know just assume just assume they are maybe yeah I don’t know man I don’t know how it came to this foolish ah what oh no no no no worries

No worries what you just said foolish and punched me what a no no it’s just to say hello to you oh okay hello hello how you say hello no no we don’t ow so what were you up to fish okay you know what hi Mouse oh

[ __ ] come back nice hello come back a big old hello to you nice hello oh [ __ ] this hello this hello is [ __ ] no it’s okay f a firework damn it I forgot about this sword no no wait wait for it wait for it oh throw the bomb throw the bomb that’s

A bomb that’s a bomb throw the bomb nice nice oh damn it’s time to throw the bomb I think I can eat it I can eat it let’s go I can eat it it’s like relaxing to hit you oh [ __ ] no like so relaxing actually does a

Decent amount of damage with all my armor yeah God got me wait I wonder if like I could probably I wonder if I could like kill mouse with one um like one blue bomb one I I think we can one shot her can I try probably could oh

[ __ ] yeah yeah it works man the blue bom goes crazy ooh oh yeah I forgot we something get you more health and stuff ow ow it’s for the Revenge foolish it’s for my reputation okay um well it’s for my reputation your your vengeance is here okay it’s okay

You oh sorry it’s okay it’s okay almost kill you for good water water water ow ow no I’m going to die wait water water water water I have you I Sav you I save you I save you stage I’m trying to kill you I’m just trying to kill you bro okay well

Yeah he just to kill me I’m just trying to kill you bro my pocket Sage my pocket Sage I can’t kill him he’s unbeatable okay there is a bad player B I’m killing him oh [ __ ] bronze he’s a bronzy over here he’s a bronzy I’m a

Bronzy I’m a wood I’m a Bash one as you said it one B one I’m a b one okay okay I’m a peanut butter one flowers Mouse you blew up the flowers you have to replace them I do yep that’s the rules oh where were your flowers I don’t

Know they were in a very systematically coded place there well it seems about right seems right to me couldn’t tell you otherwise um oh I thought perfect okay I think we should do like a little another dungeon we could use some better things wait I need to I need to make a chest

Cuz I got to put all my [ __ ] in it oh just just use your backpacks your own little house yet no oh interesting interesting just use your backpacks where you live I already have showed you where I live I live over there that thing yeah that thing that

Thing this this [ __ ] this [ __ ] house is your house you mean listen listen I’m sorry it was my bad I have a backpack but my backpack is full oh uh you can make another backpack or you can upgrade your backpack you can upgrade your backpack too oh mine is

Diamond backpack oh actually that’s not a bad uh first one um the only other one you want you could make a netherite one at some point but I think you need to earn it I think I have do I have netherite on me is that legal to have nether

One netherite back have oh yeah yeah they allowed they allowed neite backpack so if you want to um okay okay yeah yeah but not but not like most regular netherite stuff you can’t you built your place in a couple of days uh the so I

Built the dragon in like in a week and then wow leg and then um the tower took a lot longer because then it became a father and of an egg became a father yeah you know how that goes you know EGS eggs going One Direction and all of a

Sudden some some wos show up and then and then you’re you should be careful where you put your seeds why is words anine wise words thank you let me let me squat around your place um okay let’s see is this um if you want to oh if you want you for the thank

You for Fore okay okay foree no for for B For G Spe For [Laughter] forish you to get more where are you guys oh we’re in um back here ah in the cave uh right we here oh yeah yeah yeah I see you I see you I see you early on when I was building my dragon this is bad boy

Halo tried to make like a little oh whoops like a little Shack oh I’ve never been there yeah so this is like a really old build oh careful you’re sizzling like bacon try to not die Mouse yeah whoa who whoa who threw this wasn’t me it didn’t last

Long oh I guess this comes with a bathroom congratulations oh wow yeah maybe I should put a waist on down you want you probably put your down then move it later On but yeah if you want anything about this room feel free to as well Best Way Stone I’ve ever synchronize myself this this I think this actually might have been like Dapper’s first bedroom oh oh this might have been his like original wow why is it hey that was DA’s

Bedroom this might have been like yeah yeah started from the bottom now we here am my right yeah look at himot Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah from that church to the Palace oh what is this place what is it he just lived like a little Barn animal um where

This what is it this might just lead to his this might have been like bad’s first cave that he oh yeah this is a just a cave I believe yeah my that I was digging in was moing off of it oh you guys have connecting caves we have connecting

Caves yeah oo connecting caves connecting C oh I stole somebody’s bed oh that’s fine you can just you can maybe keep it maybe like for Dungeons and you can place is there still the bakery inside the the dragon yeah yeah I can’t remove it the Banger yes yeah yes

I forget who did it I don’t remember which which one of you but it’s all reinforced I was by and I I remember yeah and then we have to Adventure okay we’ll Adventure I’ll be right back okay she’s gone yeah yeah she went to pee hello Mouse

Chat oh that’s true I wonder if she dein hello hi Mouse chat hello Mouse chat oh can I do that I’m not good with my sound let me try I think you can do it do I do I sound like it am I doing it

A bit uh let me try uh what about now what about now it’s good foolish yeah mous chat welcome to qsm I hope you will enjoy the island is I sound like a McDonald’s you like some fries with that what are you talking about I don’t know they’re telling me I sound like

They’re telling me I sound like a like a McDonald’s oh yeah do you want some fries with your burger what can I get you sir what can I get you sir machine’s broken sorry oh [ __ ] you man yeah yeah sorry pal it’s okay fish you want to see

Something really important oh yeah check my right now okay check them look who whoa who they have like a mind of their own start to from the bottom now we here start from the bot now we here I grinded sorry sorry fight back no it’s just brutal force Brute Force powerful nipples yeah

Nipples on the server yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s a long be have you ever considered adding faces to the side of your face I’ve considered it do you think that would be better okay right hear me out okay maybe like for like a day what if you like plastered my face on the

Side of one of your faces your face like which face this face the face you the face you draw on the on the on the drawing or your IRL face I don’t know IR like a picture of you I feel like that’d be tough would that’ be tough you add that probably one

Day but Mike did a haircut once and it was really good yeah I used to rock a mic haircut when I um but then I died so then it was time oh I’m in the club like a [ __ ] okay oh yeah there won’t be a nose oh

Yeah wait as well what do you look like without the headband uh you want to see yeah yeah yeah uh it’s scary it’s scary um it’s options and then skin customization okay okay okay uh it’s whoa oh [ __ ] you’re loing it’s a second funny how do you how

Do you how do you say that in English when like the two eyes are looking the same way in the middle of the face like that how do you say that to crossy like cross cross side yeah he cross it’s crossy yeah we can’t we yeah we got cross

Side here I’m I also look scary like I look probably scarier here’s me without my hello hello I hope it was a nice pee yes cool oh don’t burn them here’s me without my face thank you I take off my my nose ow wait what the

What are you supposed to be W this is your real face this is my face without the nose and the shark one ugly [ __ ] and that comes from me so so yeah ugly [ __ ] yeah like hey you look like a totem yeah like I’m so totem face okay you’re a totem

You look like a you look like before you’re NPC I NPC I don’t know you looked we face back on need your emeralds your IAM so good oh no come on shut the [ __ ] up I cream so good you said ice cream so good ice cream so good why are you writing girlfriend

Friend in the chat it’s well no that was also my first thought no it’s girlfriend it means good fight gong gong somebody told me he does good Shakira good Shak good what Shakira Shak Shakira does yeah Hees the singer Shakira yeah okay yeah yeah whoever whatever whatever whatever

Oh [ __ ] yeah Royer maybe does have some competion oh come on that’s was good that was at least okay what play no I I really I did think it was pretty good thank you very much I I do want to but I can’t do it now cuz it’s it yeah

Like it’s hard to do cuz you know you know how my voice is yeah it’s very high yeah yeah yeah I’ve noticed so to go very low it’s like it takes a lot I understand I think the l i really ever hear voices when you’re do like did I ever talk about your

Sword oh yeah yes you did you called it [ __ ] no he called it a sandwich full of [ __ ] it’s different it was to be a show sorry sorry you can continue the conversation oh I don’t remember where we were at um I think you just wanted to [ __ ] on the

Sword I feel like he did just want he just wanted to remind my you about your sword that it’s [ __ ] yes yes yes why are you inside the hole again it is [ __ ] I always found him inside hes in the game too yeah yeah I

Oh yeah that’s right I I I thank Saka on my friend’s Channel and they got a copyright strike really oh since your your voice was so accurate yes they got strike on their Channel That’s Inc wow now I want to hear it whenever you’re ready that’s incredible I want to get that

Was oh like in all of my twitch life I’ve have yet to get like a like not like a single even like stri f was inside is right there to give me a actual strike it’d be funny hey we should we should see Tina she’s right right there tin we should see

Tina can I do a test on you she’s inside your house I don’t know why it’s not a troll actually I’m testing something to fight the code and I can’t and I’m really strong like the codes Adventure we must Adventure okay don’t oh I was moving I was moving okay

There’s a problem because I I can’t do my trap because in the server you can like walk like this so obsy is hard to do it is tough especially one block oh oh [ __ ] I broke a furnace I don’t know why I don’t know why I got so worried about that it was

Not a very big deal a big deal okay wait I want to see what Tina’s doing in my house yeah we should come with you where’s the entrance this way this way this way this way this way this way this way this way this way this way this way

This way this way this way this way this way this way this way this way this way this way she’s in my house why is she in foolish house did she did she break it it’s my dream don’t say this word on This Server man what are you doing welcome Hi hello hello Tina are you drunk are you drunk Tina drugs they have a worn off are you drunk you drunk are you taking Jack fle oh um jackita for the best Bonita wait did Leo wait did Leo give you this bed did Le give you this

Bed yes she did did she get back on later on in the day oh my sunburns back oh is that got an achievement um yeah yeah I got an achievement I did not know what happened oh uh here up above wait a second I need a name tag to rename it

Why am I drunk too why are we drunk inside of your house uhh it’s because we fly drunk inside of your house yeah it’s awesome okay F Jaden told me about the beds like the egg beds and how fragile they are oh don’t touch the egg bagg bed

If you killo don’t tou it I actually think I would be oh my God M the egg beds are so delicate apparently yeah yeah like delicate yeah they they vanish fast such as yourself you touch them then then it’s oh it’s so J Dude like they’re gone forever man and they don’t

Have a bed ever again they they don’t they don’t live ever again what if a egg if a egg if an egg dies it dies forever yeah so don’t kill the egg even if if it’s fun don’t do it how delicate are the eggs very they they have armor

But like yeah but don’t touch them couple landmines a couple landmines and they’re done for shut the [ __ ] up what oh I shouldn’t have said that I should have what the you want to kill eggs wait what foolish it’s foolish they want to kills what I gave a warning I gave a

Warning I was listen I no no sounded like a suggestion no no wow wait let’s all look at that Sunbird um oh yeah okay did w he this guy a class oh [ __ ] you know I I don’t think you even deserve to be classist you literally get all your riches from

Your boyfriend man and I’m proud of it what what what is it foolish for Real uh what is what the bird oh yeah this is the Sunbird it’s really rare and I got just super lucky one day I was walking around with Leo and it was like on top

Of the street uh it I don’t know if it hits you back but I don’t know why it’s glowing right now is it trying to attack so how do you how do you do for him to stay right there um so a name tag plus a

Beacon okay oh a beacon you need a beacon oh okay oh yeah um W like I said it’s I I don’t even know if there’s like a good way to purposely find one I just I just found it like accidentally basically okay how did you find him um

So I was just adventuring with Leo and then like there it was just like on top of a tree and it wasn’t even like in a really large mountainous biome cuz I thought they could only spawn in like um like mountainy ones but but it was like

It was kind of high up but it was like on the tallest tree in the biome but yeah just just super lucky coincidence I’m lagging oh I don’t want to be on drugs anymore um we can sponge you we should sponge you I think you

Need to get out of the bird the drug and then we need to sponge you the rainbow the rainbow drug oh you want oh we need to sponge you do I have some Spong Dr is forever I don’t no no no no no it fades

Away but I don’t know if I have a sponge on me uh I have a sponge somewhere let me let me Wrangle one up I might have one I don’t remember for so long yeah oh you’ve been so high like glass what how do I uh foolish where is the teleporter uh this

Center where come down I I can’t come no I can’t the teleporter on the top of the I don’t know where to T oh there oh how do I get inside oh this way oh okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry I forgot

Patient it’s going to be okay have you ever read that book called like a bad case of stripes I feel like I’m having an identity crisis oh no already who this person without the r who is DP he doesn’t oh [ __ ] drip oh looking good no he’s he’s distracted have you seen him

SE drip is so cool let’s Rob him what huh don’t Rob people oh uh let me check it’s okay if it’s him yeah yeah it’s okay it’s foolish Rob him he did get it himself anyways are you good at chest mirror I’m actually the best yes what about what

About you no no I can’t play I don’t know how okay are you good I don’t know how to play either hello I don’t even know what the pieces are called oh my God it’s easy hello how are you I’m doing did you have a good day yes I did

Uh what did you eat um nothing mushrooms actually nothing um my my delivery order I think he the guy went home it’s been hour with your food 2 hours 2 hours it’s been 2 hours it said it said in 10 minutes 2 hours ago and I think he park that

Is what did you order it’s okay fish I ordered a sandwich AB me oh do you do you want my story about sandwich oh this is a good story I know this story yeah okay okay I I’m going to give you a question trigger warning it’s disgusting imagine you go to a party

It’s like a birthday party to your best friend like it’s someone you you like okay and you hesitate you want to offer him something you’re like you you have two choices the first choice is a sandwich with tomato lettuce beef everything you want beef tomato lettuce sandwich isn’t it usually like whatever

You wanty breath okay okay turkey breath okay I thought you were going going to tell the Solon story but yeah okay and okay and the other one is a sandwich full of [ __ ] like full of [ __ ] [ __ ] okay what do literal [ __ ] what do you prefer

The the the sandwich with no [ __ ] in it thank you are you serious right now exactly you mean I was just asking if you were serious oh I I’m so serious okay okay okay okay okay okay okay and now the problem of this story is like

Someone in the island I don’t know if you know him his name is giving [ __ ] sandwiches yeah he’s giving [ __ ] sandwiches whereas he has sandwich with lettuce and tomato to people and that’s why Mouse had a [ __ ] sword given by foolish oh foolish is giving the [ __ ] sandwich exactly

Exactly he didn’t give like a wooden sword or something but it is very ex know he said this this sword is this is not new he’s greedy what the [ __ ] it’s true it’s true wow okay okay okay you know what I can take the sword back which did you hear actually about the

Law of the island like the Federation and wow did you hear about all not all of it we’re still learning yeah yeah every day I learn something new oh yeah and today it’s the [ __ ] sandwich let’s go [ __ ] sandwich I hope you learn more than the [ __ ]

Sandwich go that be nice foolish don’t you have a sp with a [ __ ] sandwich what a bad I was going to do that yeah yeah you’re not going to be rainbowed forever now you’re going to be oh sponge that’s what’s happening I got distracted I forgot said rest please you need to

Rest your condition my condition your condition don’t worry we’re going to fix you up this is the NB H try to it I’m trying to find it she has graval itis she can’t live much longer this way we are so drunk inside of your I’m looking I’m looking

She has Lima I’m looking don’t worry oh oh here we go here we go God please wait I need to put on my professional outfit um sorry she doesn’t have much time don’t I have enough time don’t worry um look she’s coughing it’s going to be okay it’s affecting the

Airway um okay I help now um I help you can barely breathe can you please are you I’m going to take a picture I’m the surge I’m the the island okay call yeah surprisingly I’ve done a couple sound strange but I have done a couple ass surgeries and

Pregnancy tests did you he actually did yeah he’s an ass Sergeant professional yeah like Dr Miami I don’t know who that is Mii oh my God the BBL doctor surgery are you qualified to handle this ask Maximus is wait I have a I have a chronic illness I don’t need a BBL

Hello I’m beautiful the way I am get a BB free BB I’m Dr Ohio don’t worry don’t worry okay but you just um so I just need you to close your eyes and take a deep breath wait but did you wash your hands close your eyes there’s there I

Don’t like to waste water be okay okay are close going to be okay here we go it’s just going to be a quick pinch it’s just going to be a slight pinch okay hurry H okay why are you scaming it’s done oh the operation was a success a success oh

My God you’ve been cured I’m alive she’s alive uh can can you do it foolish but in real life for me I would like to be cured my doctor screaming just lack of composure if you can do it in the game you can do it in real life you’re right

You’re right how hard can it be I just this is the rules confidence a little confidence um well that went pretty well well played well played fo I’m so glad you did it again thank you Mouse you know honestly I don’t think the appointment would have happened if it

Aess there I’m glad I’m glad I I’m I’m you know I’m a bit of a a a uh you know expert on medical situations expert you I think make you’re more fearsome Warrior I will be I think I’m going to kill the code with this head I think you should you should kill

Some people with this head excellent do no don’t frame me oh I this way ow Jesus ow fish what are you doing are you crazy foolish it’s not oh my God it’s your face foolish God oh I was about to get so upset wait wait wait wait stop I’m on to

I want to please please please please please please please relax relax relax relax you you are going you you’re crazy actually I think we need to uh treat another patient he has clearly he is a crazy person I know he is crazy oh God oh God he sounds just like

Wa away from the egg oh Jesus don’t worry about the eggs excuse me excuse me guys I’m I’m stupid it’s my problem that was good helmet cool too though thank you thank you thank you no no that sentence was not an impression it was a good foolish impression no I don’t think that

S impression it sounded just like him he did a great job thank you thank Youk I didn’t know you were so good at Impress itself wow uh do you want me to impression you oh God yeah um hello oh damn oh wow that’s really um oh damn another

Impression of you uh I had an order and I didn’t receive the order why am I an NPC I did not receive the order I sound like an AI generated bot um maybe I’ll develop more personality later it’ll take me a while though it’s usually my last

T no no no no I did not mean it oh God he’s taking it back no I did me it help me Pro help me I think this is oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] bad boy TI to scr are you Tik tocking P are you scrolling your phone bu are you are you

Chilling are you being chilling can you put but can you put your mic on because it’s hard to read she’s doing research can you put your mic on what is a phone okay are you are you kidding me p has finally arrived let’s go to hours goodbye see you later

H oh this is the French Anthem um yeah you know I was supposed to Super ready and Stuff hours ago but then like I kept waiting cuz it said 10 minutes and then 2 hours went by and I was like oh that’s really awkward so now my day feels a little bit

Wrong I understand but I’ll see you maybe if you’re on later tonight yeah I’ll try to be on yeah nice oh sweet good good ridd good okay all right well Adventure Time Adventure Time It’s a TV show oh I need to watch more of it I haven’t watched too much

I like that show I feel like it’s a fun show I just Adventure Time oh it’s when there’s Jake yes because I’m playing it on multivers are you still playing multivers no because it’s the game is like the game doesn’t exist anymore oh yeah it’s a good reason to not play a

Game it’s it’s really oh that didn’t last too long it’s a good reason yeah did you ever play m versus foolish I never played it but like I remember it I remember like the like advertisements and stuff for it it it it was actually a good game it’s oh like it’s yeah wait

That’s all I can’t remember like I know like I know like you’re really into like like super smash like are you like really good at it or do you do he’s a [ __ ] player he’s really bad I’m I’m actually quite good but it’s like compared to the best player in the world

I’m not good but I’m a good player the best player compared to the best player I’m not I it’s like I’m not like the best player in the world but yeah because because I already played against them so I can say that I’m [ __ ] compared

To them but yeah like I it’s my favorite game ever like it’s top one in my life and I love it oh I see it’s like U I think I can play until I die wait so did you ever play it did you ever play it

Like at the like at like a like a pro level uh yeah I’m doing tournaments every week and I already went to to the US to make Majors like major tournament he’s one of the best Pac-Mans in the world but awesome I went to Washington

Two weeks ago to to to go play Smash BRS Washington DC why did you go to Washington to play Smash Bross when you can play Smash Bross from your house because there there were many people and I met lot of people thank you that what I said one

Month ago but people didn’t understand it but okay but did you ever watch some Smash Action foolish um I remember like I haven’t really kept up with it um too much like I remember I used to watch like a little bit of melee I had like a

Melee pH like like years ago do do you know hungry bucks yeah yeah yeah like I know hungry he beat him oh okay so you are really good um oh you’re a pro then um he is a pro role player is um what’s his name uh mango still like a top player exactly

Mango is still the best like oh he’s still he is still not the best but he’s a really good player but like the the Mele scine is yeah is like still huge and the ultimate because I’m playing ultimate ultimate is like really huge too oh I remember um [ __ ] what was his

Name remember like there I think some people told you but never click uh eggs bed um Armada never it kills them it kills them no no no don’t touch it it kills them I’m really serious he like this one right there there is a bed a egg sleeping in it don’t touch it

I remember I watched like a like a melee documentary or something on YouTube don’t touch it Smash Brothers the the name of the do like a lot of like the original people and stuff yeah exactly it’s an amazing documentary yeah yeah and and do you know

Le um Le uh um wasn’t he like a really actually this bed don’t touch it you see there is the egg inside don’t touch it it will kill the egg he’s still the good like yeah I know he was like really good at it one of the eggs Ramon died like

That I need to I still need to buy like a switch I don’t have a switch Mario Kart oh that could be fun that that could be a lot of fun all everyone playing Mario Kart together like a Mario Kart qmp could be really fun but yeah why do you play Mario Kart

Fish Mario Kart I haven’t played Mario Kart for a while um like we actually love playing it yeah by the last time I played it was like on the like years ago okay it’s been a while we played we played really often like it’s

A yeah we had Mario card in one server I was in oh yeah in in Minecraft yep in Minecraft you just hop on go-karts yeah okay Adventure yes you okay guys I I just need to help chbo I will come back later everybody left [ __ ]

This video, titled ‘LA BOÎTE À JOUETS D’AYPIERRE | Minecraft QSMP’, was uploaded by Antoine Daniel – Les VOD on 2023-10-31 13:00:17. It has garnered 4698 views and 141 likes. The duration of the video is 01:51:21 or 6681 seconds.

Forty-eighth part of the lives on the Quackity QSMP server! International server with lots of players of different nationalities, everything is translated live in the game so everyone can understand each other! Live from 08.29.2023 – Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/antoinedaniel Best-Of channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBuee5JCBlI_VuKjxmqtyUA

  • Minecraft Logic: Crazy, Insane, Insanely Fun!

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  • Bone Meal Trick in Minecraft

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  • What if Minecraft Had Realistic Physics?!

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  • Insane Sugar Cane Farm Build in Minecraft EP11!

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  • Craft2

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  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

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  • PyonMC Network

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  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

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  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

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  • Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

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  • Ultimate Creeper Trap & Mob Farm Build!

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bee House Build 🐝😱

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  • Sneaky Shenanigans on FableSMP

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  • Unbelievable Pixelart of Hanuman Ji in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Pixelart of Hanuman Ji in Minecraft!Video Information जय हनुमान ज्ञान गुण सागर हे ये तो बेब को बना रहा है ये तो हनुमान चालीसा है त मुकद्दर का सिकंदर का गाना सुनाऊंगा तेरे को हम लोग को स्पाइडरमैन बैटमैन और सुपरमैन का पावर चाहिए अबे पॉकेट ट्रांजिस्टर ये सुपरमैन बैटमैन और स्पाइडरमैन का बाप मालूम कौन है हनुमन देखो This video, titled ‘Hanuman Ji Pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 Pt- 2 #shorts #hanumanji #pixelart #ytshorts #minecraft #pixel’, was uploaded by AB BOSS 777 YT on 2024-04-29 12:41:09. It has garnered 10342 views and 596 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Hanuman… Read More