EPIC MINECRAFT REBORNE: Unlocking Cuboid Outpost

Video Information

Hello people of the multiverse and welcome to another story today we continue on our blocky adventures through minecraft in cuboid outpost as always though the stardust dream is just going to be getting everything set up so kick back relax we’ll get into things shortly thank you very much for being here how

Are you both dancer thank you for the host and uh i hope that doesn’t happen uh you know mistakes sometimes have consequences and that would suck that’s right name you did say that you need to be up early how did things go today things went fine that’s good to hear

That’s why i’m doing okay um Like just the usual mondays being a day that’s like being up late last night having this on today and then trying to remember anything that i need to get done on a monday it means that there’s very little time actually in the day for me

I always feel like a bit rushed a bit tired that sort of thing on mondays which is funny because it’s kind of the opposite of everyone else yeah everyone else is feeling rushed and tired on monday morning because it’s back to work whereas it’s like the end of my week

How are you doing you probably should have that like i say that’s a question that’s a good question check out we have had diggy diggy hole on blur before haven’t we i think it pro it’s probably on there okay i have done the usual promotion and stuff like that

So let’s get into some stream raiders you work 10 hours today that’s that’s more than a few hours okay so what are we doing where are along this bottom part so that we can get to that token chest quest nani um place centurions i can play centurions

Oh wait wait wait wait i keep forgetting to do this daily claim freebie stuff i don’t need those vampires so i’m going to be taking blue again i’ve still got a bunch of money let’s see if there’s any upgrades i can get yep i can get some better rogues apparently they they

They wanted me to have rogues there’s three stacks of them in there ah cuts on your fingers suck because like it’s hard to not use your fingers okay so it’s only a two skull that shouldn’t be too bad Hey dancer now there is stuff down here and that means that we can’t just sneak a bomber in uh a buster or whatever a buster i always get bombers and busters confused because the busters look like bombs um I guess start over here centurions malay no they’re going to be armored aren’t they there it is one of the things that i found really annoying and like i don’t know if other people have noticed this and it’s just bothering me or not it seems that these rooftops these rooftops um prevent flying

Yeah i have to like flying units will go down here and fly over the water instead of just flying across the roof could like i’m not like 100 certain on that it’s not something that i’ve seen happen a lot but then again i don’t pay attention a lot i think i noticed it

Yesterday yeah anyway anyway we are back in cuboid outpost i was just on the multiplayer screen because we had a slight issue with the server before stream it’s not a big deal it was nothing serious it was fixed by restarting the server and i haven’t heard of anything else being wrong since then

Also i’m on camera now hi everyone um you probably can’t see it terribly well just because the combination of colors but i figured today we would try the green light um so if i do this it’s a bit more noticeable so We we have creeper light today yeah it looks like things are doing okay [Laughter] like is that a joke or have you just never been here while i had the camera on because it could be really hard to tell who knows what these days oh fair enough fair enough yeah um

My general viewpoint on the subject is that you know i’m i identify as male but i also think that far too much importance gets put on gender so you know if people feel like calling me pretty much any pronouns i don’t really mind what is my food situation you mean in game

In game i have these things what am i standing on oh i finished on the arch okay so back home we will put this cube somewhere safe and i’m going to get rid of some of this uh there’s been snow here for a while so as usual the start of the stream first

Hour also is just going to be working on cci stuff and testing it and that sort of thing um i hate my memory sometimes there was something that was a good idea that i was going to do and i’ve honestly forgotten what it was i’ve got the

The to-do list and the suggestions on there and i literally thought of this what 15 minutes ago just before we’ll starting stream and it’s gone but just in case let me there we go oh that’s what i was gonna do okay came back to me

Not related to any of the things i just did um so one of the things that i wanted to fix is um instead of like yeeting me around which i don’t know why it’s causing problems but we haven’t had any of the issues since i stopped it

Uh we’re gonna change that into a teleport command and by command i mean like not a command command but uh event it’ll be more painful it’ll probably get me killed uh but you know it’ll be funny um i don’t think i’m going to be doing the

Random words as much fun as they were like to implement and all that it just it never really worked the way that i wanted it to it didn’t really lead to conversation it just was something that people you know kind of tried for so i’ll i’ll leave that in here like

It’s down here it’s just um it’s just off um and i might revisit it at some point but for now the the main one is here for bits so we’ve got when at least a thousand bits is given So yeah that’s reducing it down to one a thousand bits which is what i want and then we’ve got bits floor so it’s being rounded down so it’ll be minimum one but isn’t going to give us numbers with like remainders uh that’s uh is the is the title just one word

Is that it did it not come through properly okay so instead of emotion outcome okay so yes is is not a request is a question okay um i think i’m gonna need to do it as a command wow i’ve forgotten like how teleport commands and it’s probably different in 116.

Now it looks like it’s the same okay okay so with these we’ve got the amount there access to on player okay so we are going to need argus welcome in how are you doing okay so this is going to be tp player name now xyz but it can be relative

You really need to get a sound for when a giveaway starts [Laughter] yep there it is that’s that’s a thing that’s happening now the question is is is it xyz it is xyz now why is up down i need one two three four five six and it’s going to be tricky after the

Fact five two three or five six okay so now we have the same six that we’ve got up there we just need to label them and down we need to reduce the weight on so it’s not likely to just teleport us into the floor as much

That’s all just a bunch of bot stuff they’re catching up on chart you’ve got mail i’ve got mail hey so up and down going to be on the middle outcome how am i going to do a negative of this it does work as just held minus number oh okay so here we’ve got

Its floor up we should be going to the middle value and putting that there down Would be minus start now north is going to be dead isn’t it i think okay so so now we’ve got the six outcomes and they’re teleporting me instead of yielding me in that direction which is a lot more deadly but a bit less amusing now is there anything else that i’ve

Missed so it’s teleporting me that’s handled it the distance is handled the axis is handled the weight is handled so we should just be able to get rid of all of that and that so the next time that someone is trying to teleport me sorry the next time someone drops a

Thousand bits or more it will you should teleport me one block in a random direction Per thousand bits that they drop and it’s less likely to be down than all the other directions okay what have we got look at it all [Laughter] um okay i’m gonna jump into discord because i’ve gotten to interacting with things this doesn’t mean that it’s the end of

Cci but uh just in case people did want to talk that is happening hey dancer how you doing doing okay making you lots and lots of foods i could see so we’ve got cinnamon sugar doughnuts we’ve got jelly doughnuts cooked rabbit uh oven roasted cauliflower powdered doughnuts roasted garlic sugar cookies donuts

Uh sunflower seed butter i have already eaten orange ginger beef pasta gardenia and sunflower broccoli salad there is more in the mail so i will be back after i put these things away i should do it the other way around what am i doing there will be more i have no doubt

Okay we’ve got sunflower wheat rolls roasted onion veggie stir-fry garlic chicken garlic mashed potatoes garlic steak garlic ginger garlic ginger snaps and haggis somebody gave me g as a letter that that that matches up with what i’m seeing here yep uh veggie strips frosted doughnuts dude don chocolate doughnut June welcome in if the last part of your name actually means something that you would like me to be referencing please let me know but how you doing thank you very much for the follow you’ve given us an extra i going to be doing when we’re doing chat stuff later

This june is fine fair enough uh grilled cheese i have i’ve even had grilled cheese vegemite toast [Laughter] dancer congratulations you are a winner oh boy you empty you realize i was going after a picture of butt stallion i guess that just tells you that you should be paying attention to what the

Competition’s for when nim’s around oh that’s in a wall let’s uh let’s let’s leave that alone so the way that that works is that it will spawn a friendly creature that has your twitch name um there is another redeem there if you would like things named differently but for now um okay

That that’s valid that’s valid so you’ve joined in the first hour or so of my stream and for that part of my minecraft stream we do a bunch of work on the integration mod called content creator integration or cci um if you have suggestions or ideas or

Want me to explain what i’m doing please let me know um dancer thank you i can see that i have more mail okay so next thing on my list is a reach command So it’s like no it’s not slash reach nem do you remember what the reach command is uh in this uh version it’s uh attribute okay so attribute target not reach uh forge reach distance or underscore distance rather we’re doing base that okay so actually good question that i’ve just thought of myself do

Do i get eated on donations is that something that i set up dude okay i’m gonna have to fix that one as well but for now that can be disabled how should i do this i’m going to add it to the hacks command so that whenever someone says that we’re

Cheating i will get better reach because that seems appropriate and it also means that if people specifically want to go out of their way to give me extra reach then we’re cheating so hacks now that is going to need the counter number i’m going to set it to end for now

Because i’ve forgotten what the main counter is called i think it’s main counter but uh let’s just try that that song seems slow and kind of depressing so i skipped it now the main count is a global so it should be just something that can be referenced so

Where is my reach at the moment it’s fairly normal that is out of reach oh wow [Laughter] that’s that’s a problem well what if my reach is currently this distance i have a reach of one because the count is currently at one that’s okay i could use the hacks that

I’ve got from um giving myself hacks to fix it yeah that’s better okay but that worked so that’s fine that’s there it’s set up um so i needed to fix you okay that dancer having trouble with the doors why are you bringing a donkey in here oh wolf your house may be different

But usually i don’t just have random equine walking through the place i know it’s weird but that’s not a thing that happens hey it is battle time okay what do we got i don’t see any other big names on the field uh i am going to uh we might actually get something else

Out of this so i’m going to put the killing field like right there and see how we go go get him people Things Oh no wolf then you took out both the top spots congratulations random rewards go to them getting archers dancer gets a buster congratulations everyone first level of the day and you got through one that wasn’t terribly hard and as um savage as that sounds it actually is genuine

The amount of times that we start a stream and get murdered in here because we just don’t have the same numbers that we had the day before hmm i think that’s the closest like most units that i can stand near as always the plans do not matter feel

Free to do your own thing they are just there in case people have quests for plans oh hey look my commands command is doing its thing i still haven’t had a chance to update the website but it is showing the minecraft commands today as opposed to the boardlands commands for yesterday yeah nice

Okay so i had just fixed up it’s not a ute anymore so hmm i’d select all of them i’ll just grab up i keep forgetting that i can’t paste the same way that you copy one Three four five there’s our six let’s see if this actually saves me time Actually that fog that fog something that i need to look into because it just kind it’s more shade than fog i figured it would work better on cci than anywhere else fair enough um no how are you finding dixbo is it amusing do you like it it’s amusing it’s just another thing i’m

Going to forget about fair enough yeah it would be really nice if more of these things could be built into twitch and i i don’t want to deny other companies business because you know dicksboro put this thing together and it’s great but there are so many external things that

Are just being stacked on top that i guess it’s like vanilla minecraft versus modded minecraft it ends up feeling like i’m playing twitch modded with all the extra things that i’ve got added onto it okay so it’s donation floor as opposed to its floor that’s fine and yeah like like with modded minecraft

Every little thing adds instability [Laughter] welcome in thank you very much for the follow you have the funny names haha but but that meets our follower goal for the day um I probably did it last there you go nim’s already on it uh actually actually denser85 asks what is something you rather do alone okay while i think of that dancer can you use the same command that nim used i’d rather do a loan um something that i would rather do alone

A lot of things that i i would do on my own are things that i actually enjoy doing in other people’s presence as well as the the right people and mood like i could say reading because you know i’m just you know relaxing reading something but

Reading in the company of someone that i like who’s not going to be like interrupting my reading is really nice um good question um I think probably the things that that comes up most often is focus like if i have to really pay attention to something and i just like you know i’ve got a bunch of work and i really want to get it done or something along those lines where it’s i i i don’t need

People interrupting or things like that i just need to finish something that is something that i’d rather do alone um like getting people to check over my work or seeing if everything is as planned is really good but the focus time where i i just need to

Block everything else out and make sure that i’m able to do the thing that i need to do that’s better off alone yes okay so because we met the follower goal yesterday and today that means that everyone here has now gotten 200 lives and our next stream which should be on

Friday will be up to a an extra three people in the goal now the fun thing is and i should probably be doing this more often when people play cards like that um same question to everyone else if anyone else feels up to answering what do you prefer to do alone

Ah i’ve been messing this up because it’s all been up okay so floor about what i mean about focus so not again should be sad and east should be x actually before i get rid of these uh yep that all looks fine so okay so that’s fixed and i’ve added in reach so

I can remove something from my to-do list plus 10 mod command hey you can think of this yourself other than obvious to answer dancer i’m curious what you think the obvious answer is it would fall under adult time ah that that’s why i was curious because i don’t see that as necessarily

Something better off alone fair enough everyone’s different um so yeah that that is that is not an obvious answer to me and yeah i can understand that dancer um there being certain types of depression that you don’t want to share that’s not necessarily to say that that’s a hundred percent good for you

I mean it’s very situational and sometimes when you want to be alone is when you really shouldn’t be i i have both been in that situation and had friends in that situation and identifying that is pretty shitty nim alone is not the same thing as for yourself masticating for yourself yes completely

Agree i would rather be able to chew things for myself i’m perfectly happy having dinner with other people though therefore i am not alone okay so right dizzy is off because we don’t want people feeling sick and this one i think i didn’t finish oh that’s right we ran into the thing of

The mods could do it but i couldn’t if i remember correctly oh and that’s right i was going to hmm i was going to try and figure out string manipulation so you didn’t have to use that exact phrase hey so let’s take a look at what i was looking

At thinking of so we’ve got the set mc name so it’s string starts with condition with message okay let’s try this so i don’t need the message condition and it is exclamation message is what we’re going to be doing this with target is going to be the message of count that

Actually we’re going to make it outside space now going back here we’ve got the substring condition which is the one that cuts off the start the source is still going to be the message oh one two three four five six seven eight nine ten characters are being cut off this time

And the result is do we have to declare that a variable no it knows it is so we’re gonna put that in that counter Now if the mods are using it properly we won’t need to trim anything and we don’t need to set it as lowercase so that should all be fine we are going to need a we’re going to need the conditions for updating the main count what are you laughing at dancer okay so

Here we go counter up mods using it correctly yes yes that is a thing okay so we’re going to be doing a arithmetic condition which is math not arithmetic okay and we’re going to be doing a plus which is main alto i said oh no we’re not adding it to the main

Counter we’re replacing the main counter we’re doing a variable insert almost made a mistake that would have been awkward um no not feeling this song it was mainly just yelling okay so i never remember i can never remember which ones of these you need to tell is

A variable and which ones you just say that yes it’s a this is the variable name yes a variable insert so it’s not dollar sign then dollar sign so it knows this is a variable so main counter becomes that counter yes that is global and We want to set this rounded counter as well because it is going to be a whole number if it’s used properly uh i did it again bye okay um okay then thank you for that um so nim uh would you mind using wait a sec which order did i put that in

I think it was counter set exclamation counter set base and like a relatively small number just pick something hey that didn’t work because it’s not on okay try again different number no it still didn’t work what did i set it as count set there we go not counter set count set okay um

So that worked now if i that helps if it’s not on fire let’s go downstairs because this area is safer for zombies that should be 15 that looks like 15 health yeah seven and a half oh so that means that now only enough you can and i can’t set

The number that the counter is at so for instance if we get up to like um you know say 70 or so and then um the game crashes or you know for whatever reason i need to close the client and start it again then instead of just doing like count up

Count up count up kind of count up forever you can actually just set the number so yeah that’s pretty nifty i don’t think the count actually sorry start has it set to a specific number i could be wrong about that that’s been a long time since i set up start main counter

See so these don’t actually have numbers um but i might need to start before you can set it like it may not be initialized at all to be updated until i’ve done start i don’t know we would have to try it basically we we can always try that next week um

Let’s see if you setting the value uh effectively initializes the variables as well but seeing as there are other variables being started with start it yeah it’s like all a bit of a wash in the end but yeah at the very least that means we now have a

Mitigation method if things go to and we need to fix things we don’t lose an evening’s progress there are some things that i still want to look into like um i’ve seen that in 116 um or maybe in cc something recently while we’ve been doing minecraft is like that there’s

There’s boss life bar type things that you can make um and if you can make that sort of screen element it wouldn’t be far off to do things like some of the other streamers we’ve seen have things display on the screen which means that we’d be able to tell

People what the count is up to but for now that is our hour that is the second battle that is now ready and i now have a better than plus 10 counter for mods but like because of how that’s set up it is amusing to me that um it is

Mods that can do that and i can’t because i’m not a mod uh dancer i don’t think it’s set in a file i i it’s not like my words file where it is writing to a file and then like retrieving from a file it is Like data within the game it could possibly be set to like right well it could definitely like and an extra thing that we could add to that is to have it right to a file i i’m fairly certain cci can do that with with these but that is not the default how

The data manipulation works that being said like i mean very basics of computing all of this stuff is being stored in files so Probably it’s probably a file that can be accessed by something else but it would be a file full of variables that are within minecraft you know all sorts of data okay let’s see what we’ve got deliberacy i hope that i’ve in some way said your name vaguely correctly but uh

You’re in here with a long shot archer covering both bases i don’t see any other big names on the field so i’m just going to dump this on us and say go get him people Well done then you took out the top spot again there were no assists this time random rewards go to nim getting healers and that’s an interesting second a separation of letters i’m going with scared gohan but it could be sc odd gohan or rd gohan anyway okay so still not ready

Many flying things and as usual i’m going to mark this as do not place in the zones where your things will not move you can but it is not the smartest of moves unless you’re doing something tricky and as always feel free to ignore the plans

I don’t know if it’s like the light but i think that this is making my face look a lot i’m not sure if that’s ann or like just pink but my my hair is a lot more noticeable compared to my skin tone with this light let’s see how green we can make it

This is making a lot more difference in my room than it is on the screen which is kind of interesting okay so i’m gonna go with that is not really working out and switch it back to white okay was worth a try i think that if we want to use the

Colorful lighting it means Um yeah we’re going to have to like turn off the key light um because just again if i if i change this and go back to the same light setting that it was before okay yup it picked the wrong one for a second there and then turn off the key light

Yeah that is that is a lot more green kind of spooky too okay so halloween this is what we’re doing actually there was one other thing that i wanted to try is there a there are effects that you can do in this panda welcome in how you doing okay so

I’m just going to leave this going for a little while um one of the things that you can do is just kind of have it doing its own thing so you can set it to do a color rotation that just kind of keeps cycling between things different settings

Wow look at my cap that looks weird why did so oh okay so they all appeared in the wall and some were pushed inside and some were pushed outside i’m just so amused that was the birds were inside anyway so we had out of the cci phase for today nim

What is a wormhole mirror it’s uh like terraria does it work uh it does request uh an acceptance though okay so if i want to the very least that’ll take you to your spawn point real fast yep i’m in my bedroom right click while sneaking to teleport

To another player didn’t seem to do anything now you have to hold it for a little bit ah okay so dancer is not an option is dancer on maybe it’s another dimension the answer is in the overworld okay well that’s an interesting thing i’ll put that in my food bag but just in

Case right you’ve set up the i just noticed my camera um my my lighting um you’ve set up the inventory in other dimensions yeah haven’t you yeah we have interdimensional storage okay so i could in fact just put that in the normal storage and then forget about it when i really need it

[Laughter] uh-huh dancer having interesting thoughts huh and uh i am having my usual amusing time with um yeah that’s a thing so i did remember to go through some of the dexter cards specifically the ones in the minecraft crates to make it so that i shouldn’t hear when someone

Uh plays a voice mod on me i don’t know how well that worked and i didn’t have a chance to go like you have to go to each card go into the extra options for the cards find a specific thing and remove it which is microphone duplicator i think

Which is the thing that makes it so that you can hear yourself so it’s every time there’s a voicemail card i’ve got to go to that and do that um so i started with the minecraft ones and hopefully hopefully that’s working okay now um okay so in about an hour we will

Probably do chance cube stuff is there anything that people would like me to do until then oh while it’s color cycling it’s got an icon on my phone to say that it is it is currently interacting with my light hmm ow was that you or did i just actually get struck by lightning

You’re holding a ball of lightning okay okay so without other direction yeah no i’m turning this back to normal but that is amusing i think it will be an interesting option but not for all the time bobby welcome in how you doing um so yeah without other requests or direction we are

Going back to quests bobby i’m glad to hear that you’re doing okay especially for a monday um yeah things are going okay here i have been messing around with things is pretty normal for my minecraft streams and we’re weirdly getting back to actually doing the pack very strange um i might actually

Have to do create i’ve never actually done create before like i was saying last week i have made things with create i have an understanding of how it works but i’ve never from start to finish being like okay so create these are things you put stuff together like this

Never you okay with all the farm life you seem to be having a bunch of animals tonight yeah it’s getting underused so gotta bring it back in style okay um one of the things that i do want to do over time is get back in getting back into making sure we have

All the things available so all those new animals that have been added over time we should have commands for but that’s not right now that’s during cci time okay so water logging apparently you can waterlog a sieve by crouching down and using a bucket of water on it

Probably a good idea to set it on the ground first so the water doesn’t flow everywhere set it in the ground first yup once it’s waterlogged you can sieve some sand to get different things dropped instead of the usual stuff essentially there are two additional things the pickle eggs and kelp steve okay

Hmm nimmy you doing that with the um the debug stick yeah okay i’m actually curious to see if this will work hey so Uh what logged diamond mesh or what log string mesh and and sand no wait weird oh okay so any sieve that’s waterlogged is different to a heavy sieve and you’re just using sand any luck no i haven’t tried actually doing it i figured you’d do it okay

You know you have quest completion to do funnily enough uh the quest completion part is by having a bucket of water so you’ve skipped that bit still yep yeah it does count the question is could we be getting other things because i’m guessing that a waterlogged sieve is different to a normal sieve

And we should be getting normal stuff so we need both i kind of i’m kind of what can we do to set up a place for sieves and after you complete the quest we really don’t need them so we’ve got everything else required from them yeah but um i guess

The there’s the difference between needing something and like i i’m not looking at finishing the pack i’m not looking at how many quests can i do and get things out of the way i’m looking at how can we make this amusing what can we do with this that is novel um

And it looks like there are six different mesh types there and three different types no four different types of mesh because there’s the standard ones the what are these called compact heavy there’s the heavy sieves and then there’s the waterlogged variations of those and we could make something interesting out of them hmm

Wait does that work no i was checking to see if it would and sadly it does not damn okay so the first question is was it a 5×5 area that they can do how many well you just had what 20 on you no 16. yeah they do five by five so i figured

Just put a line out and try from the middle yeah so that’s so that’s 50 normal sieves and 50 heavy sieves that i would need and that also depends if you’re going to waterlog them or not well that’s why it’s 50 so 25 knots and 25 ward logged

No wait i’m gonna need many more because there’s uh all the different meshes uh i i wouldn’t go that far because the higher tier meshes just add more you don’t lose anything right they did specifically say that in this pack which is different to normal um so yes that means just

50 of h so i’ve got one you’ve got 20 there’s 50 regular sieves in there now that was quick i did the math with what i had and hit the autocraft yep uh heavy is not auto crafting yet uh for fun dancer i am trying to come up with some

Interesting thing that i can make that is like a sieving complex um In what way would we use create i mean there is uh that brass hand or whatever that allows you to automate some things but if we’re going to actually automate we’ve got the auto cues yeah so the question is like making a thing it’s going to be better to basically

Have a small centralized area that is a five by five and then have the five by fives for each lot around it and in that central area we can like have collection things so that when you Do the sieving it’ll spray everywhere like it normally does but then it can be collected and stored somewhere We can use the accumulators for thermal or ender hoppers or similar things i am not sure how that name gets divided up so i’m butchering this name if you would care to give me some guidance on how you would like your name pronounced or shortened please let me

Know but welcome in how are you doing thank you for the follow this mal is fine okay much easier i’m sure you get that a lot but yeah welcome in how are you doing we are pretty much just like making small amounts of progress and messing around at this point

So if you have any questions please feel free to ask um so with the collection things are um how do they work like uh basically depending on if they can pick things up from like multiple layers uh will determine and like through things we’ll determine if we need to put

Them above or beyond and what sort of designs we can do with that i know the ender hopper uh is a three-dimensional pickup uh this pa this version in the pack uh doesn’t have a quick way to show its range okay but i think it’s a five by five by five

But it could be a seven by seven by seven oh all we need is five so that’s good so what i’m thinking is i could make a hopper a giant hopper that uh has like a central platform with like a lift that goes up and then like the top part would have

All the sieves in it and then the middle part would have like the collection area well you still need to click on the center uh especially with a five by five oh really yeah yeah that makes those a couple out what am i trying to do um i’ve just

Gotten to the part in the quest log that is talking about waterlogging sieves and i decided that um i’m going to be doing something silly with sibs making one of the things that has happened with this pack has illustrated that i don’t do design often enough uh people have already

Finished the pack we have access to pretty much everything that we want we’ve got to the point like especially thanks to nim we’ve gotten to the point where we have access to legitimately making the creative uh aspect of things so now i’m just trying to come up with ideas of

Cool designs to do with things that we use fairly commonly so we have sieves and we’re going to need 25 normal sieves and 25 waterlogged sieves for the maximum 5×5 sieving area and the same again for if people wanted to do um like compact dirt or whatever so we’ve got four areas of

Five by five and i’m wanting to make a design that will be interesting to have that in so as an example one of our friends brethian made this little place that is it is a burger place it has guaranteed me um but you know it looks like a weird industrial thing

That goes well with all the other stuff over here that breath in decided to build making a giant factory sort of thing this time around and so like we do different iterations on the prestige graveyard every time which is an aspect of the channel and i’m just thinking of

Yeah what can i design that will be an interesting place to house bibs um and it’s not like in rustic waters with what are the the slowest boxes because if that were the case i’d be making like a waterfall style building You can’t connect the heavy sieves that’s rude and there’s one way to make sure you mean try it okay what have we got i see dancer in with that book that is the only epic that i see on the field so go get him people Hmm Um Deliver c got the top spot this time with like harness assisting random rewards go to nem you get a barbarian okay we’re on to a hard level and what have we got that’s just a bunch of snipers and apparently one tangra ninja that’s not going to be moving hey so um

Somehow i got a burger well nim congratulations you are the prestige where are we you have just taken the title away from haidos and hit the funny sex number nice and now i really do need to implement uh the inventory of that so that you can potentially have a way of getting

Rid of prestiges and forever staying at 69. and then we need to come over here and add an extra block for you i think it’s two at the moment but yeah don’t matter now we can add two we’re at the point where i just don’t want to count them yeah fair enough

It’ll go away soon anyway and then we can count them up next time i need to go throw that on the belt i love that it does this i love that the belts in create are smart enough that when you throw something on them they will move things so that it continues as

Normal until there is a space where the thing landed and then it will sort itself out a really nice touch okay so mesh you need special measures to use with the oaks the heavy metals the same methods work fine and i did check uh they don’t work together oh

Okay well that changes things we only need two of those then and the question kind of is why would you use a ah yeah i guess no why would you use a heavy sieve as opposed to 25 normal sieves yeah space there are better odds for some things okay i guess

No because like nine resources as opposed to 25 resources but then you’re saving 25 things at once are you trying to throw me something dancer a ring of overclocking immunity to slowness and plus seven percent movement speed everyone knows that blue leds make your pc run faster okay

I can’t use this though because people like slowing me but thank you like if we get to like boss fights or something along those lines where the game is trying to slow me down that’s all good but no there’s too many times where i’m fighting minis and uh someone blows me down okay

So in that case we’ve only got we’ve only got two sides and like five by fives with a couple of ones attached to them and this is why i say that i’m i’m not good at the design aspect of things it’s uh what can we do with this what what could we do

With something of that size and of interest what is what is sieve like what what kind of thematically goes with sibs hmm i guess there is the sort of like kitchen stuff hmm [Laughter] so that was a thing you okay nim it’s just like no oh it’s just it’s over there by the

Tinker stuff just saw you launch out of nowhere to whack that thing a great distance it’s the infinity tried it oh does it launch you yeah i don’t know which i think it might be channeling that does that okay um it’s a riptide okay so dancer in the kitchen there are

Like sieving tray type things yeah like where you end up putting something in and like dusting the things beneath it it is cool to see okay good um what could we make like what what sort of thing does that tend to get used on Because i i understand the process of why you would put something in a sieve because you want basically like to roll the thing around and dislodge articles from solids like what we’re doing with the mineral sieving process that is that is a lot of sound you throwing the lightning bolts again

No i’m throwing the trident and channeling someone’s lightning when you hit right in an 11 by 11 area it’s very loud there’s a lot of fire over here now if it’s really fancy and looks like a dance cap it’s a noise there’s a design it’s a french word okay

I have to get away from that because you’re just making too much noise i went further away to see if it would still uh get to you i guess lightning is global oh good that’s what we want all right back to riptide so i fly at them instead of the trident

Actually i can probably just thunder down to volume two and see how that goes mal going to get groceries no worries the sieves are designed to take bigger pieces out of a pulverized mess nothing to do with water okay so the thing that i was asking about is

I had this image of like dusting something as in the sieve is above those things in the sieve and then what is being sieved ends up on top of something is that something that happens or am i thinking of something completely different when you take something like flour and

Put it through a sieve the powdery flour falls to whatever you’ve got it in whether that’s a bowl or a piece of paper and then any of the little bits that are too big stay in the sieve okay but do you really use that for making something like

What would that flower then be used for baking right so that’s going in something not on something ultimately after whatever you’re putting it in once you’re finished sieving you would then put it in your recipe correct right so i’m thinking of something else is the answer to that of

Like dusting an end product with something ah a shifter uh you can you can use those with like powdered sugar and whatnot yes that that is the sort of thing that i’m thinking of um that is a sifter not a sieve and there isn’t a whole lot of difference except the form factor

Right so my thought is what sort of things to dust like that powdered sugar cocoa no no those are the things that are being turned into dust what others get dusted yeah cakes pastries you can use like an equivalent to do something like a fine dusting of a hot

Pepper or something like that okay but that would probably be more prep than finish yeah because i’m thinking if we make a tasty looking thing that has all the sieves above it it’ll look like we’re sieving but as part of making a giant dessert of some sort or something amusing along those lines

Make a great big huge chocolate cake yeah so if we’re doing a chocolate cake that’s a standard minecraft thing i always think it more along the lines of cookie but cake works too isn’t there i thought that was a chocolate variation of the standard minecraft cake not minecraft there is uh

Various cakes but it’s a modded version ah okay i i thought that there was more than one minecraft cake as far as i know it’s just cake okay well there is the pam’s version um this doesn’t need to be in the middle of anything Uh Which way okay there’s more of that stuff that way so i’m gonna go west and start setting up over here welcome in how are you doing my name’s party that is the community why can’t i place the cake is this not a placeable cake this is an eating cake that sounds like it

I’m being foiled at every turn here just okay interesting way of trolling it seems that you know divine intervention your computer’s shut down to have retribution for me so that’s fair like we’re even okay so i guess the question is what sort of base is this what can we build it out of

And it’s definitely got a sprinkly top and it’s got like that dribbly side to it so we need blocks what sort of blocks look like cake it’s probably going to end up being like concrete again because they’re fairly matte colors and the slime cake is not really what i

Was going for but i mean we could do that sort of thing if you wanted and we could just swap colors oh yeah fair that makes sense but yeah so We are on the lookout for blocks that uh look fake like endstone is like a weird speckled color which could be like texturally cake-like but i don’t know how much that color works like the coral is also an interesting texture i need solid blocks to have like a meta tag

That means that you can find all the things that is a block hey those are too light delica dust does that look like it could be cake on like a macro scale yeah probably okay so one two three four five i’m planning on making this fairly big just because

Yeah 7×7 probably works well why oh because if you were to look at it it’s pretty much seven spots okay but that’s not gonna be big enough for the two five by fives that we’re gonna need oh you could double it 14 by 14. okay so one two three four five six seven

Okay one two three four five six seven Seven so that’s where the doorway is gonna be one two three four five six uh i mean that looks big for a cake but small for a building i’d say four high and then you start the icing level but um like the base is base and just gonna be there

So that we can have like a lift inside of it but um probably put some other things inside probably a bunch more cakes um but i mean i don’t know as said that seems large for a cake but small for a building on the plus side cake is square

So it can just be a square building so 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. and yes if if you feel like using building gadget type things feel free i just don’t tend to do that very much when i’m streaming because

I’m talking and just doing blocks is easy mike’s playoffs welcome in how are you doing now the question is should we have the door on the side that i put it on because that’s where the road is that makes sense but we could also put it facing other things as well we could

Have multiple doors hmm i’m just kind of like spitballing at the moment in the the we’re trying things out to see if it works now you said Or high before hey it is modded minecraft uh hopefully if my tags work properly it should say that we are playing modded we up ah nim what have you done oh i forgot that’s the exchanger gadget we are playing a pack called cuboid outpost thanking him

I’m amused that it did two layers when i only clicked once okay and if i increase the range that should cover that I am not sure which part of that name that you would like me to say but thank you very much for the follow i’m guessing it’s the fate part but i could be wrong okay so now we need to find a chocolate layer well feet welcome in thank you for the

Follow you’ve given me an extra chance thing for us to do in the not too distant future we are currently in the middle of building a chocolate case a chocolate cake building i think i like the not polished more than the polished people think that this looks chocolaty

I’m i am not good on colors so i am very much open to people’s opinions hey jasper we do not have jasper how does one get jasper somewhere in the overworld oh it is it is not even uh you can make it sort of thing so you

Have to find it sort of thing Mike thank you very much for the follow as well you’ve also given us a chance thing to do soon uh i don’t know where the wolf came from but it’s doing a job it was over in my area so it might go back i don’t know

I’m i’m gonna stand in here while we do the battle so if anything interesting happens it will hopefully happen in here What have we got this time uh we’ve got cyril with a bomber and Joshua with a swift foot rogue but that’s not any swift foot road that’s a paradoxical rogue okay i think that we should be okay i’m gonna help out over here with a killing field go get him people Things Getting through those battles so quickly tonight mike you’re having fun with the sounds okay nim you took out the top spot with uh deliberacy assisting random winners go to Nim and misty getting a berserker dancer getting two berserkers and joshua getting some gold okay it is time for that token chest hopefully this will get you a bunch more closer for whatever your goal is we’re already in the bonuses but i can always have more bonus uh you know what

I want to see if i can blow up a bunch of these all right that got me enough to probably good for people to place down there take out those and then work our way around to everything else but yeah that was enough to level up my busters

Where are my quests i keep clicking on everything but what i want kill 50 things for money mike i am glad you are having fun with the sounds like centurions also for money okay so i guess the question is did i go to the overworld you’re already in the overworld i

Checked the configs it will not spawn in the cuboid.overworld so since they’ve replaced the minecraft overworld with this uh it doesn’t spawn right okay alcadron welcome in how are you doing so does that mean that we try to find a different uh block that we can actually get or do

We just cheat in the thing that isn’t available and also the wormhole mirror i gave you will not work in the other dimension because it says you were too far away ah okay someone beat me to sleeping You think the chat is dying why do you think chad is dying you mean just because it’s kind of slow tonight or because of all the screaming so many screams it is like uh our minecraft nights tend to be fairly relaxed um having nim and dancer in chat with me does tend

To mean that yup there is that i got a chicken statue um probably take off my armor if i’m going to be fighting things for everyone yeah having nem and dancer there tends to be more talking in game than uh in twitch um but yeah if you have any questions like

A lot of people hear this evening seem to be new i’m happy to explain things talk about what we’re doing what already exists what the pack is like um and yeah at the moment we’re just we’re working on making a chocolate cake building because that’s a fairly normal minecraft thing to do

And you are welcome to chip in on thoughts on how we should go about doing it mike well thank you for swinging by i hope that you have a good time whatever time it is for you oh soil that’s even like wavy so that it uh no no no

And it’s easy enough to make we just throw a soul sand in an enrichment chamber uh mike depending on where i was when it went off uh it should be somewhere over here it’ll have your name on it unless i was flying at the time in which

Case it probably it could have fallen out of the sky um that’s it the easy hostile there’s a wow that was a while ago yeah if i was flying it’s entirely possible that it fell out of the sky it was 30 minutes ago now yeah unfortunately that does happen

I mean if you are super upset by it uh i’m sure one of the mods can like refund you if it hasn’t already been claimed i just refunded it okay there you go you can do it again there you go is rabbit now just as one of those things that um

If you do have a minecraft account and that your minecraft account is different to your twitch account there is a command that we have that makes it so that uh your minecraft name will match out to your twitch name which is exclamation setmc name you get mad

It’s all welcome in how are you doing but yeah if you do exclamation that mc name space the name in minecraft it’ll relate the two names probably set that up on a timer for when i’m playing minecraft so what do people think of soul sand as the topping for our chop chocolate cake

So we are making a chocolate cake building i think that this is in your wheelhouse misty soul sand but i see what you did there also hey misty how you doing okay so we have approvals um so this looks like it’s every second uh sorry that there’s it alternates two whenever there’s a

Thing oh god no wait i said because you’re right there misty welcome in that’s that’s not what i wanted to do my finger slipped yeah i’m giving you a chance to take your armor off yep i’ll do that too oh wait buttons buttons armor is in my backpack there we go 18 months

18 months misty thank you so much for theresa how are you doing [Laughter] running away from misty trying to murder me yeah i i expected the slow account isn’t very high tonight yet why should i take misty also why is this one different ow ah okay this is different al

Misty misty why you so mean this is one of the things that i really like about dixbot is that it uh it really changes how things work like that that isn’t just on the overlay or anything that’s not just the stream that is um no no forward okay okay forward um

That appears on my screen that that happens in front of minecraft for me so i can’t see anything more than you can oh good good which is exactly what i wanted ow okay now i’m poisoned yeah oh no dog dodge around the buildings you mean old witch

I was wondering i was running away from the witcher i’m trying to defeat which one okay we’re going into the building now um no no misty no why no no quarter to the witch you’re being mean and poisoning and all that kind of stuff out nemo no no backward it just keeps healing

Which i mean i am as well but that’s right expo i was wondering why can’t i go forward i didn’t see you backwards that time dicksburg is much more effective than the commands that i have set up it is very strange like the the amount

Of weight i i’m pushing things why is it working no no none of that not two of them that’s just rude i’m having a proper problem with one of them look it just keeps getting it’s like ah what’s going on expert is making me jump like a goat apparently yeah get him seoul

I’m down to like red hearts no i think i’m just poisoned damn why you like this because uh poison won’t actually kill you yeah uh-huh it won’t be the poison that does it’ll be uh someone else so many nasties yeah blaze pissed off soul that’s what you get

So yeah when i said that things were fairly chill it’s as opposed to this is what i was talking about ha the rain got the blaze no where is it no well that’s one soul gone and the skelemans double witches that is super rude then another hit man i think that’s

Another hit man good timing on the farm life Right on in there fine right i’m just tickling the witches they’re not gonna have any problem with me tickling them right oh you’re invisible man now i’m a void returner apparently no that’s so rude That’s a new donation thank you very much for the five dollars if things work the way they’re meant to i should have some more chance cubes but i can’t see that while i’m trying to be well i’m being murdered at the moment yeah get himself yeah someone’s on my side

No that did not work okay didn’t show up on my activity feed either more witch It’s the three of them now that was like it’s hard to keep track while i’m doing all of this but was that actually a donation donation or did something else happen there because it again i i heard the alert for it but it hasn’t shown up in my activity feed

You did donate okay that’s nice and confusing why is that not showing up in the activity feed oh of course because it doesn’t go through twitch it goes through streamlabs ow that lightning was too close i missed the creeper though that’s that’s probably for the best you hit soul okay so

We will have to look into why the donation amount didn’t work i at the very least answer i’ll just add the five cubes oh i’m being matrix uh use the item in my hands okay that’s why it was tickling the ground there for a while and you changed my controls hey no

No more witch I’m not stopping you from i i’m me saying that doesn’t stop witches at all mal i have no idea where your rabbit is yeah the rabbits tend to run away pretty quick ah there it is you’re fine that that true facts is very minecraft how did i get a flywheel I’m gonna guess you uh clicked on a drawer over here that’s entirely possible i did like wing wildly a lot okay so if people are done trying to murder me for the moment for the moment for the moment i need to add five more cubes for dancer um

That’s it would you be able to add to my um to-do list to fix donations in cci thank you Because i want you getting your money’s worth and i while i can do that manually it should have just given them to me actually i’m just going to dump that one so that they can all stack speaking of which actually i’m gonna do the soul sense first since we

Did actually decide on that so my arm is in my bag look how much food we went through what is that noise probably the trident right yes that would make sense okay one two yep done when you said it it he did sound kind of whiny i have made a mess

Should it be soul soil or soul sand oh good catch [Applause] i was doing it wrong anyway so you know even better well we weren’t gonna bring up that hey i like how this works out evenly now should we do too high with this level i think that looks too

Funny enough that is too high but i think it looks too high having the the drip bay like one high looks good here actually we can demonstrate that was silicon that’s not going to be a good example okay do an entire side so okay so do people think that that looks better oh

Does that look better left or right shorter or larger the first one so shorter okay i thought so um um so are you okay though are you making it more drizzly yeah that’s what i’m trying to figure out just like you know everything else perfectly you can get to that side and

It’s uh it’s all over the place it’s like that this isn’t an accident this this doesn’t make sense as to how you got to this place um i’m just gonna lay down the top layer and we can then replace parts of it to make it look all dusted and speckly Now the question is should we make it look dusty inspectly with globals since we’re going to need to light up here anyway and the answer to that is it’s battle time hey do we have anything of interest i see deliver c with a long shot archer but that’s a that’s a plasma archer

Um i’m gonna put this here go get him people Things Things One of these name your long shot archer looks interesting It’s a captain skin okay okay i took out the top spot with seven and like canis got in the most assists there were no epics nim and seoul you get a bunch of money down so you get some paladins and hopefully a whole bunch of tokens for all of you

I got a diamond three badge and some money okay are they called the walla beans that’s right it’s a wallabeam level hey so once again plans for people who need them but feel free to do your own thing name what’s this nitro crystal the cherry you put a cherry on top

No why not musketeers to 18. nice dancer i mean there is a big round thing in the middle of these cakes so yeah fair enough now how does this look that that that’s far too uniform it’s not really all that noticeable which is usually a good thing like

That’s what they’re kind of designed to do you can see them you don’t really notice them um okay come back to this because otherwise i’m just going to keep thinking about it and we’re not going to get chance things done so for anyone who hasn’t been here for this section before

As one of the rewards that we give out for people being generous uh people winning competitions uh just for like signal boosting the channel we’ve got different chance cubes they are silly dangerous kind of fun they have caused all this mischief already like we did not build these towns they

Are not naturally occurring towns they are they are chance towns i’m heading east of the towns which looks like we were there last time as well yup okay so To the north of that there’s a big open white patch over here on the plus side so that mirror would probably allow you to teleport to each other so that someone can get out here and then teleport the arrest can teleport okay so him i was still in range i’m surprised ow

Not really Harbor exactly where i was going uh okay okay okay okay notes 35 nim i know it’s a 35 for you dancer are you going to be joining us one sec okay how do you keep managing to find these amusing things i get bored that’s fair you have like

Burnt through the pack much faster than i have then i do you know try to figure out new things i’ve never done before and it’s like oh well i’ve got the infinity nuke and i’ve already looked at the infinity launcher what about the trident what is the infinity launcher

It uh is a ranged mob imprisonment tool that that’s not what that says to me like it sounds like something that launches the um imprisonment tools so you can fling creatures at great distance well yeah you can set it to capture and it’ll uh shoot a plunger

And if it hits an enemy and you have an empty mob imprisonment tool it’s now in that and then you could get a release and do this reverse or you can just set it the damage and it’ll do uh two hearts of damage from a plunger okay are the plungers expensive it’s free

Two hearts for free i mean it doesn’t look like it’s fast but you know that’s not bad it’s slow to uh wind up and all it does the job on the end crystals for the dragon though nice you’re good dancer okay so now that you are here uh nim

Do you want a giant cube sure it’s just in the gap in front of you and you have eight left it’s dark down here oh that’s uh it’s gonna be water it certainly is that is that is a snow globe but that is always going to amuse me

Just seeing like the entire section of water disappear if we had left all that water we would have had an overabundance of fish and it would have thrashed the server i don’t know if we’d have an overabundance of fish but we definitely would have had a market increase

Yeah i’m still not sure how um mobs affect uh the server and 116. obviously it’s a lot of them are always going to be a problem but i think it’s a lot more optimized than it was in 112. i know that a couple of servers i’ve watched with

This pack have had issues when there were too many entities yeah specifically fish so fish are the big problem huh and you know why that is that’s because um it’s a thing to do with the pack like they’ve changed how fish spawn and so it’s not balanced towards server stability it’s balanced towards

You know whatever they had in mind when putting together the pack which is perfectly understandable it’s just one of those little interesting things okay so nim your eight combined with the remaining 17 means that we have 25 um the next giant cube point is at 27. so we can

Uh just do round robin toss i’m gonna get murdered i’m wearing my armor at least i don’t take fall damage there’s some really good people in that one and the fun thing is the thing i’ve been trying to do finally worked you see wanna left but

Now no matter how many gifts you give it’s only going to do one alert for one sub bulb okay time to get murdered by what have we got we got shaman evil wolf team logic and panda you are correct those are all good names i have to fight them all on the dome

So for anyone that’s new here down to giving this gift not only means that we have 10 more cubes to do it means that uh all of the creatures that you’re spawning will have 10 more health and these minis will have 10 more damage i thought showman had a minecraft skin

Probably does but may not have the same name true and we are in that middle of the night category ah who gave me that i dropped it by accident i i can not drop it by accident there you go so yeah more rain minecraft servers and their perpetual rain

Like i love rain but uh it’s like i’m living in the real world at the moment aha i i am managing to not die horribly which i’m impressed by may just i may be the only one impressed by this well i’m working my way to uh the top with destroying the glass

So i have until that happens before oh yeah i heard it that time oh and because you did that it lagged me and that’s all they needed many block updates is a good way to ruin a fight well i can only do 64 at a time the rains definitely not helping though

Yeah um with specifically with um ftb ultramine because it’s got that uh outline and it like traces the entire section that will be mined you can’t have it on large amounts um i i have found that like i’ve crashed my client trying to do large amounts of mining the server has been fine

But i had to reduce the total amount that you could mine just because of that aha you’re doing pretty good okay the next time you do this i’ll be murdered more [Laughter] i’m glad that you’re happy about it grim welcome in how you doing and uh scrim look look at your shout out

Why didn’t i die i don’t have time to get to but uh i guess you you took fall damage but not enough yeah yeah you did um it is one of those things that i have been steady up for friends of the community we we make sure that when you

Speak for the first time you get a shout out that is customized i try to make it so that people will have a bit of an inkling of what your your channel is like listen ladies and zombies welcome in how are you doing So i’m taking the sobbing is a good thing i hope that you like it grim just getting home and you are drenched we were just talking about how it’s raining in the real world lady you did say that tonight was your cooking night and that you probably couldn’t hang around much so

I am like i appreciate you being here and i like i’m sure that dancer is not the only person here that would like to know what you’re cooking hey food is a freaking hope lady you’ve got everyone intrigued now okay so dancer you did give us enough to be able To your twitter plenty oh viewers of plenty dancer once again thank you so much for being generous this time to grim brim enjoy the emotes the ad previewing and the you know club only area in the discord out out yeah that armor is helping it is give me a sec

I need an eject armor feature but i don’t want to lose the armor i just want it to not be on at the time okay i don’t know what the giveaway is for this time but i can see that there’s one running hey shaman there you are uh that’s

What’s just saying do you have a minecraft account like do you have an in-game skin yup these hits are getting harder there’s the list yeah see now you know what the list is i fell in the hole i knew that was gonna happen no minecraft at all

Okay so that’s that’s a way to die which means i now have to run and then head a long way this way so cancer unfortunately no no skin for shaman and since the topic of food has been raised what is the like the nicest thing that you’ve eaten recently like your

Your most favoritest of the things that you’ve gotten to nom in the last like a month or two did people have like big tasty easter things answers all for that sushi lady i’ve asked you a hard question i’m sorry oh hey i barely noticed because i have

Turned down the thunder so that works oh yeah the clang is kind of loud yeah a little bit late dancer hey round three with grim no wait i’ve died twice so yeah round three good we’ve got a creeper that’s exactly what i need in there aha

Okay at least we made it so you can get out yup hi oh dancer you you were the one that gave the gift so all good but i was like oh i was crying for the creeper [Laughter] using the hammer though right no i was using a bow okay they they crossed paths

You you’re you’re too much in seven days for um for the bose and every time this is why i want that auto equipped thing hey graham you are a winner congratulations all these recipes look like effort you sound like me taco salad okay it’s like

Brim seems like it was a good idea for you to be visiting the scene it’s just all happening hey all right i already said rude at this rate one of the newer moats is gonna have to be like a ghost saying road um raise that kind of girl wash it cut it

Cook it eat yep yeah i i am i’ve become a fan of like baking things just you know putting things in the oven that cook for a certain amount of time and then like it’s done yay maybe put some sauce on it first marinade sort of stuff okay

So as i’m saying dancer you have given us more than enough to do another giant is that what you would like to do of course you know me i am always gonna check you could surprise me a second i’m typing Climbing up on my cube in process when you are ready it’s on the top fireworks go rather than [Applause] creeper decided to join in right at the end okay um okay so we’ve got 10 left which we’ll just do round robin who’s doing a thing lady thank you very much for the host

You’ve given us an extra ico we’ll be doing those next uh i generally don’t tend to count the giants in the sequence of things so dance off rock anyone who is not aware those are not real dogs [Laughter] again nam just seeing you fly through the place it’s incredibly fast

It looks it like have you seen yourself on stream do it and then like look over and if i just point straight up i go 140 blocks up nice no worries lady we’ll see you in a bit damn when you’re ready you are a little bit porcupine snowman [Laughter]

Excellent birthday essence is exactly what we need right now but it is that’s not quite what you wanted um it is battle times oh okay we got a bunch of people joining in this time okay what do we have um they’re all with a centurion i

This is a name that i don’t know i i’m i have no idea what this is meant to be so what whop is the in with a heroic barbarian frost tag set sorry fram stag sam has a vengeful warrior flying rogue has a volatile buster funnily enough not a flying rogue

Bob is in with a duelist paladin and lady has that magical healer where do we even begin to plan things uh this group down here i’m gonna help them out by cursing the things that they’re about to fight because i don’t have a clue where a battlefield is gonna go

Go get em people And then Hey Okay i need to get out and about tomorrow because while the battles are going on i usually get up and do stretches and stuff and like my legs are not happy with me flying rogue you took out the top spot with bob assisting there was no epics once again

Were no epics that’s what i meant dancer and lionel richtee and them all get gold misty gets a monk okay it is skin time get your units in so that you can get a fancy fancy chest that hopefully has something fun in it i finished another quest okay uh

Barbarians are apparently good against the all the cell swords got a bunch of people so i’m gonna make that area slightly bigger this time and once again point out that you probably don’t want the defensive zones i mean if you really want to go for it but

They’re not going to be good for you that’s right you just nim just made a snowman i was wondering like why is there this weird part of snow going on here because there was a snowman is is everyone okay yeah okay just because nim’s in the hole

And dancers playing up there and i was like have i have i disconnected or something is everything okay i think it found me though no dude he killed it i got some spawn eggs and some fences we can start a farm cancer yep it’s a thing uh-oh i saw that clang It’s dangerous to go alone broken path to success uh dancer What do you get that’s what my brain is already blanketed i got a creeper in the middle of the dark interesting weird okay i was blinded and then a creeper walked up to me okay okay hello guyan oh like that huh that worked i figured i would just phase through it

I did heads or tails good luck i’m pretty sure tnt wasn’t meant to be one of the options but that’s what you got yep it’s like rock paper scissors bomb they didn’t say boom but it it is an option okay we are out of the normal cube so

It’s off to find our tower of houses oh look it’s raining again that didn’t quite work but uh yeah go for it Uh [Applause] i got lost that’s okay Keon What’s it gonna do huh how are you big fake with us yeah that’s what i thought thank you very much for the host how are you doing well that was quick dancer when you’re ready i’m helping fight that’s what i said when you’re ready unless that was indicating that you

Don’t want to do yours no i’m coming up there hang on okay is the raid over already yeah there was a raid in progress that we left it’s either that or we’re high enough now that they are having a hard time being in range did you smell carnage

Hey you have walked in in the middle of chance time it is a thing hey for dads get sword nim when you’re ready Laughs oh okay um how do i ah i haven’t had a chance to put it away but i’m out of food and getting hit for like 25 yeah there we go yeah dancer once again thank you for being super generous or dads enjoy the sub i’m sure you know how it all works

While i take my time getting demolished by tiny poor dads with that hell of a swing i there was food in your mailbox yeah well there probably still is but i’ve gone through like four lines of food today now just tiny little elements of lag and you just get walloped

And fighting on a power of demolished houses is uh not the easiest thing in the world there we go oh oh just standing on my grave so as soon as i got there even though i was invisible whack [Laughter] This i is the most romantic of fights thank you four dads ow rainbow party and flowers uh am i anywhere near yep okay we’re down to heart instead of numbers that’s a good sign but man just taking those hits i almost knocked you off the ledge okay there we go

Uh what was that like four deaths something like four deaths that was painful now i can put my stuff back on are we up to dancehall we have to name either of you remember okay then we’re up to dance the last one was oh yeah i did wither okay not a problem [Applause]

Fake yep they should be like it’s normal for more fakes than not oh we should get another cube because uh if that’s 321. Yeah the last one would have been 320. [Applause] um me Excellent [Applause] because if we spend the time fighting the raid each time we do pretend to be here for like an hour or more and like the raids are really upon going completely a conclusion at the moment even if they did like all the raids all at once

They wouldn’t take out one of us yup it’s another one nim when you’re [Applause] we’re up ready why 199. i can’t tell where the raid is going to be that was the vex that you knew yep and i get a hat we’ve got three more cubes to do though

So back to the northeast you just see the enderman freaking out across the mouth whose turn is it oh we got three so it may as well be yours okay because there’s still a raid going on yeah [Applause] well i don’t mind you can deal with it if you want to

We’ll just start with nim okay that’s vaguely appropriate the sizzle is that a statement ellie that a statement it seems like it’s a statement you’re telling me things that i i do and don’t like how are you doing ooh item got a certain type of trapdoor innuendo there are you

Entirely up to the trees i have a spruce mystic trapdoor of smite five um this is this is the thing apparently my cursor is massive i feel like i should be jousting uh wore off before i could find anything that i could like get close to

The dancer we are in the place that we were in last time or in hackers speak we’re in that place we left that thing that time uh-huh yeah i can never find it uh or dad’s at the rate that i give away the dicks for crates

Rare is not super rare i had to like double check the other day that i didn’t have things like the extend the stream option as just things that i’m giving away because otherwise i’d be here forever as much as i enjoy being here and hanging out with all of you

Um here i am there are like body functions and rest and things like that that are things that i require there you go dancer cookie in one hand take in the other rat blade has the right idea uh ellie resting on stream is actually a thing that is frowned on

I mean i have some good mods who might be able to help during that time but uh i don’t really want to ask that of them like hey guys i’m going to sleep could you just like make sure that people don’t rule on the channel while i’m asleep

It could be entertaining for a little bit though yeah but no you’re home uh ellie i’m pretty sure that’s not what i said i’m only pretty sure though so go nuts Hey food wise i got three out of the eight things that you sent me oh you’d already eaten that many i have eaten the other five yes all right i’ll go make something well done hey big bill how you doing you seem to have come into the random silliness part of the evening

How you feel about this is completely up to you hey big bill pick a letter of the alphabet yeah i think i’ve eaten the things that are in the kitchen now ah some cornmeal i haven’t eaten oh right i haven’t eaten the base ingredients because i’ve been eating meals ah

No no it’s not all random silliness there’s some structured silliness as well i’m making stuff up okay let’s see i’m going to working Okay so we got some cornmeal avocado bell pepper lychee toast soursop wheat potato dragon fruit and rhubarb if you look underneath the sauces over here there’s stuff in that cupboard that might be incredible by you yep four of them we got apricot jelly toast banana jelly toast bin bimbap and blackberry cobbler

The squeak does make it hey listen yes big bill that one specifically is that you need my attention for something sound oh musubi oh dancer can’t hear that dancer can’t hear the stream because she’s in a chat with me so that’s a big bill is trying to get your attention

What you want give me the letter w yeah i got the letter w okay cucumber rambutan karma lime melon slice bread fruit elderberry honey and arrowroot i put some more in that one cupboard bacon oh beef wellington when you are not tired as heck you feel you’re able to

Channel girl’s energy of randomness yeah yeah i i’m with you there as in i agree that you can do that ellie not that i do it hey that’s that’s a like i’m happy to let you continue making food is what i was trying to say there

I will put it in that same cupboard sure big bill um dancer was looking for what food to make and uh yes needed a letter because there is lots of foods okay so we made the chocolate cake building i still don’t know if we should be like decorating the roof more um

But what we need now probably like a gap of five five seems like a good gap number oh wait i had a thing that i was gonna do i’ve got a trapdoor for your system to disenchant it’ll get caught in one of the chests in the back yep i got it

But there it is i don’t know what was just said but it was definitely go that’s a girl saying i’ll make it a cake appropriate okay so one two three four five why was there bacon in the soap i made it myself You don’t like that dancer so much wild life oh i had a thought i’m gonna need to see how this kind of pans out funnily enough um going for a bundt cake i am not paying attention to how many sieves we can use because it’ll be it’ll look better hey that

Not too small we have a battle and i broke my axe fight fight fight yep that is that is exactly what i was talking about okay what have we got the zooming in takes a while bob again with that jeweler’s paladin the labassi one day i’m gonna like get this to sit

In my brain properly uh with the long shot archer like carnis with a necromancer and dancer with a legend sorry a flame legend or if i don’t pay attention to that first word it’s very different hey go get them people Um Yeah this is this is a problem that i see sometimes when the cell swords get to the range units it doesn’t end well More sticks ellie you think so Okay we will try again because we’ve got like an hour left in the stream also means dancer you are up late oh man look at them all but not many cell swords this time same plan as last time just with less of them and hopefully more of us oh no nevermind squished your

Plant i expected to place on top not through it i’ll fix it i had the world edited in anyways my so there we go out of your way i just needed to be able to mark that center point yeah that looks right i have made a create thing you should come see

Okay give me a second i’m just placing it in my place yep okay ellie every unit counts so thank you very much for placing you never know like you honestly never know like what distraction is going to help or which unit’s going to be left standing Are you okay i assume standing on the tracks breaks it but that’s good to know because you know zombies and other things could end up there half a veg is in the oven it’s tiny think like a slightly large microwave size yeah i have a convection microwave

That i do a lot of my cooking in oh you made a tree chopper full-size ovens yeah uh i would love to have an apartment that could fit a full-size kitchen i’ve recently moved into my current place and uh it is a studio i’m used to living in a two-bedroom

Apartment so everything just seems small okay just make the kitchen bigger you don’t need a living area i don’t have a living area i said it’s a studio i have a bedroom and an office that’s it it is dancer i have a conga liner [Applause] i love these glow balls that’s so good i’m kind of looking forward to seeing how things are handled in 118 with the idea that any light whatsoever will stop things from spawning but i don’t know if that changes like light radius or if there’s different things that have different light radiuses well

I want to say it’s 118 or it might be 117. one of the newer versions after 116 introduces uh command given light blocks that you can set the light level that you can place an invisible light block down huh okay which is not quite what i wanted but it

Means that someone has a similar thought that uh locks up i’ve said it before i’m gonna say it again what i want is there to be an nbt tag for everything That is light level so you could make the leaves on that tree give off light or this dirt here to give off light or you know whatever act like glowstone emit light so that you can make builds that look a certain way and don’t have spawns yeah those lights are more for

Uh like adventure mode maps because yeah then you could light things up and there’s nothing physically there but uh from what i can tell there’s nothing stopping you from putting them in survival the question is does it just look like there’s nothing physically there or do they

Just like does it look like it and not take up space or does it look like it’s empty but there’s something there uh without testing it myself from what i can understand it’s just it would be like the feral flare lights there’s something there but if you put

That if you put a block on it it gets rid of the light but otherwise you there’s nothing impeding anything okay well that’s good because it’s mainly the thought of um like you couldn’t put them in walkways and stuff like that because well people would get in the way

But if they don’t stop people then that’s definitely something so we’re just gonna put a bunch of another eight meshes in this uh if they only get better then whatever’s the best now is this preparing things or did it only craft one it only crafted one you want the creative routine

Otherwise i’ve got to make you know however many diamond meshes and then grab a bunch of nether right in gets and put them in this specific table that’s fair again i have no problem with you like i i wouldn’t have a problem with you spawning things in

Uh lady we are building something silly um so these i need to get rid of this i was just uh height guidance and being able to actually place the original um these are all sims they are a resource generating um Cool you use things like dirt and sand and things like that uh on them and you’ve seen those things and materials come out like if you uh yeah actually sieving for gold or whatever um but one of the things that i’ve been trying to do because i

Am generally not very good at building is trying to come up with more novel ideas for things so that we can not just yeah i’m not concerned with finishing the pack at this point it’s just not going to happen in the time that i’ve got left but we can take the things that

I need to do and make them interesting um so the thing that i started off needing to do was making a waterlogged sieve uh and then got into the thought of okay so what sort of building can we make that would be appropriate for sieves like what’s an interesting sieve sort of thing

And i thought up the idea of like you basically sieve things in the kitchen right that’s another way to sieve things turns out the thing i was thinking of is actually called a sifter rather than a sieve but principles pretty much the same so what i’m doing here is i’ve built a

Giant sifter and a chocolate cake building so when people are here like they’re not going to be but when people are here using the sieves to generate resources it’s like they’re powdering the cake yeah ah okay okay [Laughter] that i was i was not expecting that evil welcome in how are you doing

I had no clue what that one was gonna do okay so now what woods do we have birchwood looks like it might do the thing how does one do we have create or immersive engineering Stores and i could set up a creates all easily enough but that’s uh we don’t currently no usually we don’t have much of a need for them okay well that could be a reason for me to get back into doing the create stuff that i started out by doing i will add

The script birchwood to my list of things because outside of these sieves i’m going to need like an outside wall and i want it to look like the sides of the sifter so like just straight up from the outside of it slightly bigger than what we’re um living on top of

The axe just works okay yeah well it’s like doing a um grass bath okay i need another axe what sort of axe can i use this time um is it that’ll do axe just yep okay i have in my backpack a drawer full of drawers with the creative upgrade in them

Now the question is how high do the sieves tend to throw is it only like one high you think we can get away with one high i stink one high having trouble dancing i had to answer sorry ah fine i’m not complaining sounds like you’re frustrated

Wait a second wait a second i can do this easier every time you crouch is amusing but sure let me look under the leaves so i can see this crouch another tree grows i’m sure the dancer finds it just as amusing as you do i’m also amused just thinking about it

At how fast people are to call me out with hacks but with you constantly creative things i i worked my way up to the creative that’s not the point they don’t know that they weren’t here to see you do it they just hear that you’re putting things in creative and don’t say anything

Yeah i’m not going to go through the effort of killing like 1700 withers on camera again so yeah yeah no that’s fair i felt very yelly in this song this is one of the things that like bugs me about this genre of music is that i genuinely enjoy the music in various

Different forms of it like you know there’s various different you know goth emo metal all that kind of stuff like the musics can be similar but there’s a lot of differences especially when you’re like counting in like edm and stuff um but you never know if it’s going to be like

Not uh you know i don’t know the right word but like smooth vocals or if they’re gonna suddenly start just like ripping their vocal chords so it can be like nice and melodic and everything and then suddenly screaming that’s a compressed zombie down there ow rude how does that look for a sifter

Other than the fact that it’s got a big hole in the middle which is kind of needed uh what’s the hole for people we’re going to put a uh an elevator block in there and so the people can stand and like do the sifting oh so we’re sifting people got it [Laughter]

Well this is again this is a manual process so the people have to be somewhere i think it was last pack or maybe the pack before we had uh soylent food stuff um what sort of platform to use ah probably the same word that would make sense

No i should put the dirt down again so it’s all facing the right way uh what color elevator is going to be right grumpy face that’s not what we want oh wait i can make elevators look like things i can just use a normal elevator

How do we not teach the system how to make elevators because we’ve very rarely needed to use them not the point system should know everything when you put this just leaves our stuff outside without ringing the bell yeah that’s rude wait a sec wait a second

I only have one elevator when you can have lots apparently we don’t have lots of white wool we got tons of every other color though really ah oh it’s on my screen oh and the sound’s right in my ear too ah not lots some of every uh lots of other walls now

And reminds me of uh pull out boy and i am here for that divided by friday okay Definitely annoying but need to pack with mozzies uh do we though is that something we really need [Applause] oh okay no no i can hear myself again this is not the best thing ever what have you done before then okay one two three four five six yes there

That’s the center block excellent okay [Laughter] um [Laughter] uh it’s probably a super dumb idea but i would totally try girl’s food head shot now will these work with the light balls on them yes get in the car there we go okay so if we really listen yes four dads what’s going on it’s battle time okay okay

Okay what have we got here we got bob with an apollo archer ellie with a healer and the day uh the jade doge with a mystic balloon buster let’s hope that that helps i’m gonna put the killing field about there you’re not too sure using my battles as a timer for tank

Treads nice Man those cell phones Flying balloon buster did nothing well it did something but it did nothing That’s much better that’s exactly what we wanted Okay basically stacy took out the top spot with nim assisting there were no epics random rewards go to lionel richie getting a bunch of gold and them getting some flying rocks now here’s the thing we will do this battle but that takes us to pretty much the end of the stream and

We’re one out from the boss that feels bad it’s okay though it looks like this level’s going to kill us okay what can we do bob marion against the cell swords uh we’ll see we’ll see how we’re feeling but uh it feels bad to be leaving this if we

Win this battle i will consider staying on for the next one but it’s uh maybe if we hadn’t lost that last battle we would have gone through both of them it would have been perfect now you leave fair enough dancer did you fix up um your create thing or is that

Something we’ll be looking at next week yeah she had it working okay like i’m not going to set it off or anything but i just want to head over and take a look at it yeah it looks like she took it down so it’s not running okay next time

I’m sorry i was muted yes i have it in my hands okay fair enough well thank you for joining us yeah thank you it was lots of fun as always did you see the cake oh i love it yup and you can stand up here and do all

Your sifting and stuff like that and getting up there elevator okay how does it work what do you mean how’s look what it’s a bunch of stuff well does it work uh like you save stuff it does sieving things have you tried it yet no but that’s not the point it’s not

Here for practicality [Laughter] like again like we we have auto sieves we don’t need this in any way shape or form see it it is semi-effective how effective i don’t know i haven’t like needed to do any manual labor in this pack um but you know there’s a bunch of stuff

And the things aren’t flying off the level so and if i’m being completely honest the the pebbles look like sprinkles oh yeah sprinkles but i was going like small chocolates oreo i could see that like i mean if if we had like a box of chocolate asset in the game

I would not be surprised to get some of these all right i need to go to bed now guys i will see you another time we will talk to you in the morning all right be well oh blackstone pebbles okay okay so let’s avoid all the pebbles on my backpack

Since this is functional and we’re not going to be using it really for much of anything the question is should we make cakes and like is there pedestals in this there is an extended crafting pedestal i call it sifting call it dusting with icing sugar it yeah basically

Oh did you put an entire layer of okay so this entire floor is glow yeah if you notice what uh glow does to the mini map yup wow that’s a that’s a loud one and yes just like the lights the glow dots the mini map yeah look west [Laughter] fair enough

Well we’re not getting spawns here in sam’s place though sam’s places got spawns yeah i’m not messing that one okay so the only other things that i would probably do to this place i’m not sure if i want to or not is i’m like might put drawers of cakes in

Here just so that they can have display cakes in the cake house uh unfortunately silk touch does not work fair enough ah what do we got we got half an hour to go hey listen yes evil what’s going on oh evil you okay okay so it sounds like you were just playing down

Because that sound in particular is the get reborn’s attention sound so that people don’t have to use like my upgrade sound when they just want me to look at something right in the wall but i like this yeah it’s a sound that says hey listen [Laughter]

It is just there to get me to pay attention but now i think that this is this is a successful outing nim now what are you gonna do with the next uh 23 minutes i don’t know it’s not like we can just you know have fruiting silliness like last night

I may as well just like actually do best type things i never i never did actually get that bucket of water wherever you’re gonna find water though this one that’s the fluid grid you know what i didn’t do with the cake i didn’t want log any of them yep next time next time

Why did the beach blush the seaweed out grows on sand underwater it is recommended that you plant it several blocks deep as it will grow up to the surface the water does not need to be source blocks of water the whole way up you can replant kelp directly into sand

To be able to grow more kelp too and this is kelp seed and kelp and i think you can put those in do we have a thing over here because i think it’s one of the things that you can yeah there it is help typical monday bot

Another useful snack kelp can be dried out in a furnace or in the drying cupboard dried kelp is a source of food although not particularly nutritious it can however also be used to create mechanical belts a really useful way to transfer rotational force between shafts without changing the direction of rotation

As well as to transport loose items from place to place there are other ways they can be used to there are other ways that they can be used too have a look at the tooltips for it and press the key mentioning ponder to get a better idea of other uses

We’ve got dried kelp and mechanical belts not much okay rainbow furnace have i eaten this i have not can it be used in anything not food wise okay but we will make another stack to be processed wait a sec could i just say that there’s yep infinite gourmet beef burgers oh yeah

Are they the best ones if not the best very close they are close enough hey last up is simple funnels and tunnels with just some andesite ally and dried kelp you can now make andesite funnels useful for transferring items to and from inventories as well as andersite tunnels which can cover up mechanical

Belts it’s worth giving each of these a pondo a bit later we’ll have access to more advanced versions time to check through it again sounds good you know what i should just teach the furnace how to do that i’ve done it a few times now up need to make another rainbow furnace why

Because this one’s full you can link crafters oh you can i always forget that that’s super handy i mean if you want to make another rainbow furnace that’s fine uh if if we were gonna be playing longer i would because then i would start dedicating like having uh the high processing things

Have their own dedicated furnaces like putting glass on its own thing so that we can just cook loads of glass but What’s it called a wrench you’ve already got it thank you i’ve had to do that way too many times i’ve gotta run strongly Impatiently grumbling about your food so i’m taking it’s not ready yet i see a giveaway oh that’s gonna be a close one unless we go along but i don’t really want to go long we’re kind of out of we’re just kind of filling in time at the end of stream at

The moment sort of kind of which is funny because i’m actually making progress so you know it’s not really feeling in time but it’s kind of feeling this time unicorns dancing on rainbows hey haters how you doing ow that’s a wide range did you try to hit the sheep and hit me yeah

There was a quite an area about the past you or to the side of you that i was aiming at you want us to keep going lady that’s kind of nice well kind of nice it is nice i’m glad that you’re having fun same old usual stuff fair enough

Well it’s nice to see you mostly idlon how’s that going i asked nimpa updates every now and then and get like vague tips on how things are actually meant to work yeah i’m sure the other guild is doing fine hey um i might as well just work our way down what’s this

Propeller head to make a propeller you’re going to need some metal sheets specifically iron or nickel mostly pushing world four okay yeah nim was telling me about how the the lab works and it sounds strange but i look forward to getting there in a few years

Yeah the lab is both good and bad and early on you you gotta fake all your characters into it so by this stage you only have nickel um so how do you make a nickel plate well there’s a few methods but the simplest one for now is to smush a nickel ingot

Flat using your trusty old smusher once you have four nickel plates and a piece of andesite alloy you should be able to make a propeller which apparently completed a quest for me could be super easy to make okay i’m surprised i didn’t have one maybe i made

One earlier no wait i’ve got a quest to make a smusher oh well good luck only enough i didn’t need to do that at all i could have just had it all in there and done it oh right it doesn’t take variations i keep forgetting things like that one two three four

You create all three of your hits on your maestro you’re doing about 3.5 million damage at the moment as in progress to get higher damage because that sounds like a lot of damage is that not a lot of damage by world 4 it’s adequate damage you’re not going to be blazing through but

You’ll kill things right okay it’s that funny thing again of being in world 2 and slowly making progress that sounds like a lot of damage who hits a kill right yeah okay i can i can understand that then yeah i have i i need to gather one of

The things i’ve been doing uh is gathering hot dogs so that i can end up making peanuts so that i can start on Uh that class question yeah hey quest complete i ended up looking up what dropped hot dogs the most sitting on them and then just every day buying as many hot dogs from the vendor as i could as well i have no idea how many i need um but since

I just leave things going it’s i i’m not doing anything with those characters anyway um But the way that i tend to play is that i’ll focus on getting one thing done at a time and whichever characters are useful for that thing i’ll get them doing something until they hit a roadblock so it’s not at all efficient but it means that i’m actually doing things as

Opposed to feeling overwhelmed and not having the time to play all my characters so it’s better than nothing next update is tomorrow will run for two weeks may have made a play a little bit for some okay yeah i think not knowing what to spend my my gems on

Um last time i finally decided you know what i’m just buying all the backpack upgrades i’ve got all of those from the shop now hey what are we up to next rotating and cogitating these small cog wheels are going to be a key ingredient moving forward not only will they form part of

A machine crafting but they’re also super useful when used to move rotational force around and what what is this that you keep teleporting on it’s a warp plate okay i saw that they were in there and it’s like okay let me see how this works

So you just stand on it for a second and it teleports you to a linked one yep nice five figures no worries area yeah yeah handy i mean not specifically handy since you know what warp stone’s right next to it but still yeah take care for dads i hope that you

And ebbs have a lovely night hey evil congratulations you are a winner if i can’t be bothered moving it at the moment but it feels like this whole setup is weird now because barely anyone would be coming from the admin building like it’s a nice yeah fair enough um

Like it’s a nice first when you come here you see all this and you can go there and get straight to the system but most of the time people are going to be using like the way stones or being in here so you come over and it’s the back of the system

You know pretty much everything that we’re doing is in that arc now we’ve got the importer just being weird there are only a few absolute buys in the gem stop wrestler convenient more than anything the double anvil for world one i’m pretty sure i got that crystal 3d printer for world three i’m

Not up to that yet okay i’ll try to remember that so that uh next time i’m on i’m disappointed that like what i i know that why they don’t but what i really wanted from the shop was the ability to have a higher cap for the um pachinko bowls in the arcade

Um i’d have to check i think the cap goes up as your Cooldown or your ball accumulation rate goes up okay but in the shop there isn’t a way to affect that you can just buy balls no no i want to say it’s like 40 40 to 48 hours and then you hit the cap somewhere around there yeah fair enough

Uh but your headphones are good but the pads and stuff were getting scuffed just change them out and add the cover to the headband bit and much please nice sounds good it is murder time you are correct and for once it’s not murder of me time which is nice

Oh look okay starting down here nem four epics in one battle okay so you’ve got the cerberus war beast that book your necromancer and an orc slayer who’s doing that lady we are in like that it doesn’t work on that window it is tied to minecraft

Wait can i get it to do it on stream raiders no i it can only be tied to one application at a time i did see it i did sleep time no worries hades get good rest okay what do we got we got bob with the volley master fiber musketeer But that wasn’t just a noise okay um with a long shot archer a lady with a necromancer the jade doge with a long shot archer zoom in more lionel richty with aka nicholas cage bomber some of these are hard to read flying rogue with a swift foot rogue and

Zamir with a centurion there are so many epics this time people really want us to get through okay and then i them do you think you’ve got it down there or do you need help i’d assume i’m fine okay then i will put the the killing field up here so that we can

Murder things faster and come down to help you go get him people Nick cage is your beloved lionel welcome in i know that i’ve seen units placed before but we’re not calling out lurkers so how are you doing Okay if there are this many people that are keen on doing the boss fight and it looks like we’ve just powered straight through we should give it a go shouldn’t we Name are you up for sticking around or is yeah i mean like technically we can run without them but it is a lot more entertaining and uh you know having a mod is helpful you took out the top spot with the levassie assisting random rewards go

To dancer and nim getting gold and lady getting berserkers a boss fight time i know i’m doing okay i’m a little bit tired but you know it’s that point of the evening as always with this one we’ve got mages paladins necromancers and monks are immune to the magic circles

And can dispel them so those are important things to know um but i have been having fun it has been a nice evening we have had some good people coming out to say hello i genuinely enjoy minecraft nights the the silly but they’re fun i’ve got to say though that i think that

I’m having more fun with tiny tina’s at the moment but that’s that’s just the thing i am a a borderlands person hey probably murder balling motorballing seems like a good plan as always with uh frame raiders i’ve said this a few times tonight the plan is just there for people who

Need a plan for quests and stuff i don’t care if you follow it or not but that’s where i’m kind of saying we’re gonna be okay so like whether we win or lose this is going to be the last battle of the evening i’m hoping we can make it through

Because you know boss chest for people and the event’s going to be over before we get any uh more battles you want to grab one that’s fair like i think that most people actually i’m the only person out of the people that i know that is currently playing it

Everyone else has said that uh they either don’t have the money for it right now or they’re waiting for steam and both of those are completely valid the only reason i have it is because i bought it through humble i pre-ordered and the only option there was epic because that’s where

It it would be pre-ordering two veg pan off complete hopefully the second one is done in a few so you can sleep fair enough fair enough we we decided to keep going ladies so you’ll be happy to see that we’re going to be here for another half hour while

We wait for the boss fight okay lionel you’re gonna have to explain that one for me who is randy it’s randy pitchford uh want to say they’re the ceo was there at least one of the head people of gearbox oh and a lot of people have very negative opinions of them ah

I have no idea so ah that sucks that sucks this is like uh not too long ago i played through manhunter and then found out the the ceo of the company that makes that one as well is you know not the nicest of people oh no lionel that that you have said

Enough i i i completely get it um i i don’t need details as to why people don’t like someone to know that they don’t like them that’s completely valid i was making cogwheel i’m not sure if i need to add the pattern when we’ve got 77 cogwheels in storage so wrenched

A wrench is a tool that can be used to rotate disassemble and configure create blocks it’s extremely useful and an absolute necessity so now that you have access to everything you need to make one you should go ahead right away note that many of the items in create have got extensive tooltips

Some of which can only access can only be accessed by hovering over the item in your inventory or in jei and pressing the key for more information wrench stressless goggles engineers goggles let you see information about rotation speed and stress i need someone to look at me with those

Monitor my stress levels let me know how i’m doing you don’t agree lady you don’t want someone to be able to look at you every now and then and go you need to calm down oh geez you have way too much stress here we need to add some cogs over there

Information with hell wait does too much stress mean you need more cogs or less cogs do you need to lower the speed or remove things that are using the rotational force nothing to do with cogs uh well cogs chaining cogs in certain ways increases the speed so more cogs yeah more cogs

Can increase the speed which would then increase the stretch units used by any device so less cogs if you’ve got too much stress yes or you add more things to increase the limit on stress or just use the creative motor okay so if someone puts on those goggles

And looks at me and tells me that i’ve got too much stress and need to slow down i also need to get rid of cogs got it goggles done those can go away i will grab them when i need them Yeah it’s not telling me you have any stress units those goggles lie those goggles have never run a business casing the joint uh andesite casing can be used in the making of other things but can also be used to make things like shafts okay the the punctuation throws me but

Can also be used to make things like shafts look a bit better too you just use an andesite casing in a sorry on a plane shaft turn it into an encased shaft there are other ways they can be used too have a look at the tooltips for it and

Press the key mentioning ponder to get a better idea of other uses did you let’s stretch the meter let’s look at this resume estimator displays the current stress capacity of the attach kinetic to something network if i attached who’s to do what now amigo thank you very much for the host

How are you doing i was in the middle of pondering that and now i’ve just thrown it across the thing anyway nevermind runaway that’s for next week w to ponder not q nikko i am doing okay i’m a bit tired we are at the point where i’d normally be

Wrapping up but we’re going extra time because we’re at a boss fight in uh stream raiders so i’m hanging on there so that everyone can get rewards i’m glad to hear that you’re doing well okay when wearing engineer’s goggles the player can get more detailed information from the gauge okay

Comparators can emit analog redstone singles relative to the stressor meters measurements measure meters measurements i can this is technically my friday night like this is the end of my work week so Uh i i will be chilling out relaxi or cool tomorrow but i don’t know of any schools around here so no b-ball for me and frankly the idea of me uh playing basketball was kind of funny name did you just give me this because

You wanted me to look at it and it was funny at the time yeah it was another way for a stress that be used or measured it’s valid hey what acing i think i need four yeah we are one short so we are currently messing around with uh the quests for create

Hey lady congratulations you are a winner you still have used it dance or won the picture of butt stallion this is a thing that we made today it is my house of cake with all our uh scepter on top of it no lady you’re one that says a bonus giveaway for fabulous prizes

So i have to figure out what prizes are fabulous and then you’ll win that but yeah um i went on a massive tangent today where we needed to make some uh sieving stuff and then decided to make an entire thing out of it so now we have a cake building

Where it is sifting stuff death welcome in how are you doing wow i’ve seen you at the start of the day and you’re seeing me at the end of it you think this is cool yeah we made a thing it’s a cake house this is being dusted by stuff

Wait there’s death scene bob oh that’s a good question death have you seen the bob of this map and nim is it uh is it ready uh unless uh lightning struck it down again again um okay okay i do love that sound it’s is it working there it goes

That delay is a bit long yeah but i’m going to retime everything [Applause] spent a bunch of time making sure that this all worked it’s fantastic i’m wondering if there’s something else that we can put in that would just like just at the start to make it so that

That doesn’t feel like there’s that long pause now well now that i have creative motors i could re-time it and just speed up that part i mean like if you really wanted to i don’t think that it’s super necessary it’s just uh [Applause] it’s got that it’s got enough of a pause

There to do the question of wait is it working food is smelling yummy excellent lady we are we are happy to hear this at that it is still sailor bob it is just uh this tax iteration thereof because nim felt so inclined you are tired that is fair

I mean it is monday night many people get tired it’s like mondays are not great for people it’s like i’ve got another cube tiny 20-sided cube every time i think of the first time that i thought of that it it goals me it’s a jerk question [Laughter]

A little bit late this time nim just you’re a little bit off so for anyone who doesn’t know one of the chance cube results asks you questions and if you answer the ques question correctly you get a reward if you answer it incorrectly you die um one of the questions

Was about dance cubes and it asks which cube what what was it like what’s a what’s the shiny 20-sided cube cold no sorry how many sides yeah it was how many sides does the uh shiny cube have or something like that yeah how many sizes the shiny chance cube have

And so because it’s a cube i said six because they said cube they’re talking about the chance icosahedron which has 20 they had of said icosahedron i would have said 20 but no so yes the the ongoing joke will forever be that they are shiny 20-sided cubes okay what do we got next

Shaft if you’re looking for a cheap and easy way to transfer rotational force consider using a shaft a shaft is also used in a lot of crafting other things and can be disguised using an endocyte casing on it and you get to say shaft whenever you mention it

Okay those are easy to make you’re inherently correct if it’s a cube it should have had a six sides yeah xc c yeah [Laughter] oh okay i like that one that one amuses me i kind of like that they have just silly things in there it was so realistic though

I mean if i wasn’t paying attention it totally would have gotten me did you just hiss it yourself well it was either going to be you or me so i i i saw it and i was listening for it i didn’t hear it exceptionally spooky even potentially scary skeleton

I see that you are a person of culture lionel moving up a gear a large cog wheel can be used in conjunction with a standard cog wheel to change the speed of rotation it does however also affect the stress units affecting your contraption all sources of rotational force can be used

So it can support a certain number of stress units if you exceed the stress units available the contraption will stop working in some cases stepping down the speed small cog wheel on the source large cog wheel feeding the contraption will increase the available stress units when done the other way around the speed

Of your contraption can increase but the total stress units that can be used will decrease hello bob nim what are you doing to bob he wants to travel the world that’s fair there’s not much to see but that’s fair did you just like try to zip around and murder bob

No okay it’s just making the noise no they uh they took damage okay i was hoping different angles would help but nope and now we’ve got ye old crank if you just want to test something a hand crank can be a useful way of checking out your contraptions having a

Decent supply of food with you though pranking by hand can be hard work we have excess cranks cranks are good for uh chewing through saturation ah okay you know what else is good for chewing through saturation standing on a poison trap fighting minis if you’re looking for a cheap form of

Continuous rotational force our science division tells me that they have invented something called a water wheel once you’ve built one all it needs is some flowing water to power it um okay so just a brief aside because of a video that i saw today it looks like

Someone out there i don’t know how long ago or how common these things are has made a miniature hydro generator so like size of your hand sort of size that you can Plug in to your houses at like water access so that basically any time that you’re using water it has to go through this thing therefore providing power which you know you’d obviously want i either some knowledge of plumbing and electricity to set this up or to hire professionals to do it for you

But basically the idea is that it’s another way that just by doing the things that you’re already doing you could reduce your bills you know because every time you have a shower for instance you can unless you’re using gas you can offset the hot water heating cost because

You’re using your water to generate electricity so if there are people watching this that have their own place or think that they could get uh like that sort of thing set up it exists it’s out there you you can have a thing sounds like it would also lower the water pressure so

Not necessarily the best for a shower it like as i said you would i you would need to figure it out you’d need someone that can tell you well at the very least if it’s viable for your plumbing but it’s a thing it’s like you know if you didn’t know about various solar

Products you can’t use them and therefore have electricity that way yeah you’re right it it it’s entirely possible that depending on your plumbing it would either put a lot of stress on it or decrease your water pressure or things like that that makes it so that you know your house would be affected

But you know if uh if that isn’t the case okay so how much time do we have we are at the half past mark just over a minute okay hey you can even have some of them next to each other to provide more rotational stress units to power your contraptions

If you’re able to get water flowing in the direction that the water wheel turns on more than one side the stress units provided will be increased it’s also important to be careful with your placement you want the blades to catch the water in order to be pushed enough to provide the most power

Once you’ve made the water wheel hover once you’ve made the water wheel hover over it in your image yeah so basically ponder everything it’s telling me to ponder every time i get it but i think that that’s where we are going to pick up next time because as you said there’s like 20

Seconds left hello bob that is a candle Oh we got a double notification for some reason this time but that’s okay i am going to take this opportunity to jump out of minecraft since we’re going to be wrapping up after this battle i don’t think we’ll have trouble with 74 units though 74 is not bad

Especially for the amount of viewers that we’ve got at the moment so just as a heads up i am also going to be turning off expo because you know the game is now closed uh i don’t want you wasting your cards okay so let’s see what have we got this time eff archer

The center blocks i love it the jade with the long shot archer the oppel with an epic barbarian nim with a hunter made well bounty hunter mage Lionel richter with the cerberus war beast we’ve got darth minos with a pinning archer with the long shot archer and poli 404 with a bizarre rogue i’m gonna put the killing field up here and say go get him people Um Thank you Ah i think i think that you got it Over 40 to under 10. the murder ball is working And there we have it Lionel you took out the top spot with frying pan commando assisting lionel you also took out the boss random rewards go to lionel getting a berserker and them getting a musketeer i hope the boss chest was worthwhile that was boss 100 boss number 173 for us unfortunately the

Event you can’t see it it’s ending in one day and five hours which is not enough time for us this is my last stream for the next few days oh my vampire god level [Laughter] lady if you want a bonus stream you do have a uh giveaway win

So that could be arranged but that’s that’s a thing that uh we would need to discuss but yes the standard plan is uh that will be back on friday it is currently monday for me tomorrow is your stream though well maybe we’ll see you in your stream okay just a second

Uh check out the store for the eff gold rogue look at all the skins that epic has that is a shiny paladin but that’s not what you were talking about shadow rogue as well so all their rogues are the same thing that’s okay i like this person they have

A good sense of humor 25 for a skit is just too steep you could get the shadow rug for ten it’s not as shiny but it’s still the same thing uh the nim i think that what this means is that if we ever get the amount of

Viewers to be able to get skins you need to remind me to be funny about it and then explain how i can be funny about it but that that’s fantastic the fact that they let that happen is amazing well from my understanding the stream raiders people talk to the streamer and

They make them themselves so it’s gonna be improved by them to begin with it’s the streamers provide the idea to the artists stream raiders so the streamer has no direct control they can probably veto things i say that you know i asked for this and that’s not

What i was talking about i don’t want that representing me but yeah it’s not like you can make your own skins and send it to them lionel just menacing enough i can see that i mean especially if you think about it on like the battlefield perspective this

Is this is much more of a scot sort of uh tactic okay okay anyway anyway that is us for tonight um i am gonna find someone for us to raid and as i said we’ll be back on friday doing what the friday i don’t know i’ll figure it out

For now though people apparently like looking at me while i look at other things so hi everyone jumping out of stream raiders since we are done there for the evening and again if people do want to uh make suggestions of where we raid i’m open to them but i will still be

Checking to see which friends are currently online it is monday night and that means apparently no one is there not no one i’ve got some people we could go see but uh no like community members that we can send everyone over to to keep having fun with friends

Nothing here you’ll be sleeping soon fair enough amigo thank you for being here it’s always a pleasure hey we haven’t read sammy train in a while he’s doing some pokemon legends i don’t know that’s not really jumping out at me this time no we’ll send everyone over to sammy train because

At least i know that sami trains a fun time hey there we go well thank you all for being here i’m gonna put you on my ending screen so that you can all see the lovely people who help me run this show um if you would like to be in contact

Between now and friday whereas said we’ll be back here streaming things uh check out my discord it’s it’s a place where cool people hang out that’s believable right we’re cool um yeah we have fun chats there is various things that happen and uh when i am not streaming it is a place

That i hang out and play things that i’m interested in at the time or can’t play on stream that’s the thing that happens sometimes but anyway until i see you all next time take care stay safe and have fun you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Cuboid Outpost part 4’, was uploaded by Reborne on 2022-04-28 23:46:36. It has garnered 5 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 05:49:11 or 20951 seconds.

Twitch VOD Archive from Monday 18/04/2022 In this episode we work on CCI and get completely sidetracked by making a cake building. This video includes Stream Raiders, Multiplayer and Twitch integration thanks to the Content Creator Integration mod. The thumbnail is from a previous pack on the community server of a beautiful piece of terrain generation.

Pack – Cuboid Outpost: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/cuboid-outpost Please note that some mods have been added to the pack specifically for this server.

If you enjoy this and would like to see more, follow this link to the Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/gaming_reborne

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  • Unbelievably Realistic Minecraft Editing | #shorts #edit

    Unbelievably Realistic Minecraft Editing | #shorts #editVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft edit | #shorts #edit’, was uploaded by Sorealistic on 2024-05-23 08:42:25. It has garnered 1895 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Indeed the coldest Minecraft edit ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ Read More

  • Unbelievable! Unlocking the Legendary Piracity in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Unlocking the Legendary Piracity in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JÁ OUVIU FALAR DA LENDÁRIA PIRACITY?! ☠🔥 #MINECRAFT #Shorts’, was uploaded by Flow Games on 2024-04-12 18:53:30. It has garnered 8402 views and 780 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. EMBLEM STEP 1: GAME FOR THE EMBLEM We haven’t uploaded the emblem yet! STEP 2: REDEEM YOUR BADGE with THE WORD from STEP 1! https://nv99.com.br/resgatar ————————————————– —- RECEIVE ALL NEWS FROM THE FLOW GAMES PORTAL! https://t.me/FlowGamesNEWS —————————————————— ✂️ CORTES DO FLOW GAMES https://youtube.com/cortesdoflowgames ————————————————– — ACCESS OUR PORTAL https://flowgames.gg/ —————————————————- DISCORD DO FLOW GAMES – https://discord.gg/SfxPYf7BkQ ————————————————– — DISCOVER OUR… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Art on Sand! You won’t believe this!! 🌟

    INSANE Minecraft Art on Sand! You won't believe this!! 🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft satisfying sand art@MrBeast @minecraft #himlands #ytshorts #viralvideo #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by TUSHAR PLAYZ on 2024-05-06 11:32:05. It has garnered 12167 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. So today is the first day of a new journey on YouTube in which you all have to support me. I can’t do this work alone without your love and support. Thanks click this video♥️😊 My editing and thumbnail apps- •Cap cut-http://surl.li/sybhi •pixelab-http://surl.li/wqay •VPN-http://surl.li/sybhw •MINECRAFT(1.20.81)-http://surl.li/sybjx ⚠️Copyright Disclaimer: – Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976, allowance is mad for FAIR… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Anime Character Revealed?! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Anime Character Revealed?! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Which Minecraft Anime Character Do You Like?? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Poppy Gamer on 2024-04-05 16:35:08. It has garnered 4114 views and 92 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • NUC Direwolf20 Modded 1.12.2 14+

    NUC [Modded] {1.12.2} {14+} Feed The Beast Direwolf20 version 2.9.0 Hello, I’m hosting a Feed The Beast Direwolf20 server. 5 players max including me, more players needed, Morph mod, monk mod disabled. Voice chat would be preferred. Join my discord server. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t Drown Your Dreams

    Minecraft Memes - Don't Drown Your DreamsWell, I guess it sucks in a popular way then! Read More

  • Friendship Fun: Techmaster’s Run

    Friendship Fun: Techmaster's Run In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Techmaster and I had a blast, living the dream. Playing the trial version, for an hour and forty, But to unlock all features, gotta buy it, no worry. In China, it’s free, thanks to NetEase, Over 180 million copies sold, a gaming masterpiece. No viruses from minecraft.net, it’s safe and sound, Download without fear, explore and astound. The Java Edition trial, lasts around five days, 100 minutes of gameplay, in so many ways. Views and subscribers, on YouTube we thrive, Adventure and tech, in every dive. Subscribe to my channel,… Read More

  • Creeper’s Fiery Revenge 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes

    Creeper's Fiery Revenge 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes “When you think you’ve finally defeated the creeper, but then it comes back with a vengeance like a bad ex-boyfriend.” #creeperrevenge #minecraftdrama #watchout #explosivepersonality Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Celebrate 15 Years of Minecraft History!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server: Celebrate 15 Years of Minecraft History! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we want to talk about the incredible milestone of 15 years of Minecraft, as highlighted in IvanPROFUN’s recent video. In the video, IvanPROFUN takes us on a journey through the rich history of Minecraft, showcasing the impact this game has had on millions of players worldwide. As we reflect on the evolution of Minecraft over the years, it’s clear that this game continues to captivate and inspire players of all ages. While watching IvanPROFUN’s video, you may feel a sense of nostalgia… Read More

  • FREE Minecraft Tiktok Cape in 2 Minutes!

    FREE Minecraft Tiktok Cape in 2 Minutes! Unlock the NEW Minecraft Tiktok Cape for FREE! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to add a stylish new cape to your collection? Look no further! The latest addition to the Minecraft cape lineup is the Tiktok Cape, and the best part is, you can get it for free in under 2 minutes. Follow the steps below to claim your very own Minecraft Tiktok Cape: Step 1: Download Bluestacks Before you can redeem your Minecraft Tiktok Cape, you’ll need to download Bluestacks, an Android emulator that allows you to run mobile apps on your computer. Head over to Bluestacks… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure with Mom – Featuring Tess!

    Insane Minecraft Adventure with Mom - Featuring Tess!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – mum plays’, was uploaded by Minecraft With Tess on 2024-05-23 08:28:10. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:15 or 5535 seconds. English-speaking, UK streamer mum streamer, gamer, Minecraft, All welcome. Read More

  • Unbelievably Hilarious Fake Minecraft Speedruns

    Unbelievably Hilarious Fake Minecraft SpeedrunsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The FUNNIEST FAKE Minecraft Speedruns EVER…’, was uploaded by Bibloo on 2024-05-11 14:00:37. It has garnered 5974 views and 257 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:34 or 3814 seconds. Heavily Inspired by: https://www.youtube.com/@Ayundaru/featured These are funny fake Minecraft speedruns from my other videos combined into a 1 hour compilation! Each speedrun is made by my friends who then send to me for me to make into a video. These are NOT speedruns submitted through speedrun websites that i have found and used. Read More

  • EMOTIONAL PILLAGER ENCOUNTER in Minecraft! 😱 #shorts

    EMOTIONAL PILLAGER ENCOUNTER in Minecraft! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘pillagers emotional time 🥺 #shorts #shortvideo #trending #viral #minecraft’, was uploaded by CRAFT BOY PLAYZ on 2024-04-20 08:30:29. It has garnered 10835 views and 389 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC FAIL?! JUKY SWAN’s Hardcore Minecraft Productivity Attempt!

    EPIC FAIL?! JUKY SWAN's Hardcore Minecraft Productivity Attempt!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mencoba Produktif – Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by JUKY SWAN on 2024-03-01 11:11:18. It has garnered 89 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 02:02:17 or 7337 seconds. #hardcoreminecraft #minecarfthardcore if you want to donate, you can buy a PC so you can use shaders. Just choose one. It’s okay if you want to treat yourself to an emerald here, okay? https://trakteer.id/juky-swan-m0kzb/tip https://saweria.co/jukyswan https://sociabuzz.com/jukyswan/tribe #minecraft Tiktok / jukyswan1 Thank you for watching this video. Don’t forget to LIKE if you like this video, don’t forget to COMMENT if you have criticism and… Read More

  • New LightSkies Season: Uszr’s EPIC First Day!

    New LightSkies Season: Uszr's EPIC First Day!Video Information This video, titled ‘First Day On New Season of LightSkies!’, was uploaded by uszr on 2024-03-25 11:13:07. It has garnered 248 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 03:22:20 or 12140 seconds. 3k sub grind 😉 My Discord Server – https://discord.gg/RcrZzHwVHr Minecraft Server IP – LightSkies.minehut.gg #minecraft #live #minecrafthardcore #minecraftLive #minecraftlive #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #FGSkyMine #minecraftrpg Similar to Parrot / ParrotX2 / Leowook and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP / ajthebolds dog smp / tommyinnit hardcore smp / school smp parrot where he Started a… Read More

  • GladHeAteHer – How an Asian Boy Became a Minecraft Pro

    GladHeAteHer - How an Asian Boy Became a Minecraft ProVideo Information This video, titled ‘Asian Boy Loves Minecraft’, was uploaded by GladHeAteHer on 2024-03-16 18:34:19. It has garnered 35 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:05:07 or 14707 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io ——————–Setup——————— Mouse: : Hyperx Pulsefire Haste Keyboard: redragon K617 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6200U CPU @ 2.30GHz 2.40 GHz GPU: Intel(R) HD Graphics 520 Ram: 16 gb ——————–Social Medias——————— Discord: https://discord.gg/QHZhnBfAzr Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@gladheateher_ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tgrfgvrhyu/?theme=dark Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/gladheateher_twitch Twitter: https://twitter.com/GladHeAteHer8 Read More

  • Insane Ashwin’s gameplay with a surprise twist! 😱🔥

    Insane Ashwin's gameplay with a surprise twist! 😱🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘cool video but I use c_mm_nd 😂#trending#viral#minecraft#minecraftshorts#coolediting’, was uploaded by Ashwin op’s plays on 2023-12-27 11:47:04. It has garnered 2205 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft cool jump Minecraft cool video Minecraft but you control my game Minecraft but you control my border Minecraft but you control my hearts Minecraft but you control my hunger Minecraft but you control my effects Minecraft but if you like a random mob spawn Minecraft but if you like I die Minecraft but if you subscribe I get effect Minecraft but… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Pixel Art Building Speedrun!

    Insane Minecraft Pixel Art Building Speedrun!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pixel art #minecraft #minecraftbuild #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by MANISH_JH_YT on 2024-04-29 12:06:46. It has garnered 114 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. minecraft pixle art minecraft pixel art minecraft pixel art generator easy minecraft pixel art minecraft pixel art grid funny minecraft pixel art fnaf minecraft pixel art minecraft pixel art ideas minecraft pixel art templates minecraft pixel art tutorial minecraft pixel art pokemon minecraft pixel art heart minecraft pixel art anime minecraft pixel art among us minecraft pixel art app minecraft pixel art axolotl minecraft… Read More

  • Unbelievable Encounter with Bugeros and Chiteros in Solopepos

    Unbelievable Encounter with Bugeros and Chiteros in SolopeposVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bugeros y chiteros en solopepos’, was uploaded by MiJusilu on 2024-03-11 12:29:45. It has garnered 30 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:40 or 280 seconds. Donde están los staff?! #java #servidor #lunar #pvp #youtube #minecraft #survival tag TAGS: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt… Read More

  • Verda Realms SMP FACTIONS 1.20 Whitelisted Dynmap 16+

    🌍 Welcome to Verda Realms 🌍 We are a small, friendly community with passionate builders and strategists. Our server, only two months old, is exclusively for players 16+ and is whitelisted. Focus on Nations & Factions: Control and claim land, forge powerful alliances, and vassalize your friends using the Medieval Factions plugin. Explore a vast world with diverse biomes for added challenge and realism. Join us on an epic journey of building, alliances, and conquest! Join our Discord and apply for the whitelist: https://discord.gg/vmcP8zER Explore our World Map: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Quit Messing Around, Dangit

    I guess you could say this meme is a real “blockbuster” with that high score! Read More