EPIC Minecraft Showdown!!! Mori vs HoloMyth: Ender Dragon Battle!

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Foreign foreign thank you foreign foreign Foreign Foreign foreign One by one and we test each other’s audio in each other’s streams yes am I loud am I quiet what do you think guys on the other streams to me next up who wants to go next uh hello testing test test test Emilia Watson hello hello everyone whoa whoa okay thank you

I’ll make flight thank you for that Okay I raised them I’m gonna say something again casting hello one two three hello all good okay next up howdy check once oh wow that was loud for me dang yeah it’s a clappy Mario first practice Grim Reaper you guys know the deal hey what’s good please die that’s all

Right yes the ones today I don’t want to die a second time today okay well you’ve already filled your quota then so never mind All right somewhere I don’t know yeah okay okay yeah that’s what we’re doing nice I’m very loud in my own ears though uh gurus muted of course is that not just the way I’m going to throw my mouse oh no not the mouse why did my settings hello

All right OBS decided to set all my audio settings to default for some reason it didn’t start history oh yeah oh yeah yeah don’t worry you guys keep going I’m just setting up the Discord thingy still okay okay Emma will be live in a moment yeah live in a moment please wait

Ah the moon’s pretty today the server is coming together so nicely it’s so pretty we’re gonna go to the game now I think so too um yeah well I think well uh we should all bring uh the stuff that we need and in the chest or

Two chests so that we can put it all down safely uh in the in the stronghold in science so we we have a lot of armor like in in case we lose it uh we want some of them some of that in the in the

Yeah over there also I don’t know if you if you girls planned on doing the bad strategy but I could bring at least one brand yeah to sleep there and have a safe so bring your beds okay you want me to make a chest uh yeah just bring one chest I guess for

Your safe to keep your your belongings safe once we get there let me make one an 18. never mind I just remember what we’re doing yes I’m gonna make more I can make more money I’m not gonna chop someone’s tree down not not this time this time no

Other people’s trees will be chocolate okay what else are you I got no no no no no I didn’t tell them to sleep in the end I’m telling them to bring a bed to sleep and before going into the portal so that we if we die we don’t go all the way

Back to our yeah guys it’s the ultimate payback I got a nap in the end I got a tip that we should bring bottles to like capture the Ender breath or something yeah you can use it capture the stinky dragon breath okay bottles yeah you can just bring some glass and you

Can just make a whole bunch of bottles too um it’s really dark oh my gosh I didn’t make a bun okay not like that I forgot where I put my glass like I forget where I put everything oh this is a very beautiful area the hands-free to be capturing breath I

Mean well yes I can be hitting the dragon and whatnot and oh my God I didn’t capture it the breath I think you just put you just use the glass where it’s like doing the breath attack oh yeah Hey where’s the diamond armor let me tell you all right so if you go

Uh if you’re on the way to my house yes on the way to my house you will see two chests I am standing there as well the left chest has armor everyone may take two sets I guess for themselves okay I don’t have many I didn’t get many weapons but uh it’s official

We need to bring food or this shouldn’t be like a we should bring I mean we should probably give people too oh yeah and um after you guys are done properly come to my come to my house I can give you guys some a slow falling potion so you don’t die

Oh yeah I need I need some shoes oh everyone take uh two golden apples from the chest where the armor is in as well everyone gets two golden apples okay Nina will tell you how to use them come in okay zip it out what the hell is Mojang Auto sword

Inventory win what is that why do you have that no huh it’s an ended I didn’t know you can have an Ender Chest before going to kill you see like a Dustin like Ender I’m getting killed oh this is what we’re supposed to say oh I’m gonna take the right one yeah one more set it was literally right why not and two sets total I think okay and then a golden apple stack right we have the two two golden apples yep yep what is super thanks okay it’s fine I’m just uh Journey

Access access work uh if you like the sword is better if you do like quick uh hits but the ax does more damage if you do like shorter or slower hits I guess does that make sense to click yeah Target yeah yeah yeah Florida’s aov attack

The sword is quick damage like this are all my junk in these chests yeah you guys got the food got cookies cookies I want cookie ah water book bucket and I wonder if we want to bring like something like scaffolding you guys definitely want some um I’ll bring sand all right forget this

Guys I gotta look at the um gorgeous the coordinates nothing to buy pops up right no no no always good for you your graphics card I’m just kidding was F3 I haven’t played this game in so long yes okay are you lost yeah I’m lost

Um where did the ferris wheel went to go get nope went to go get some wood so I could make a chest but everything around our areas is owned so I had to kind of go outside of the area Audrey I’ll give you a chest if you want

Sorry I just can’t touch anything anymore okay what is the X what is the XY Maple area I can’t well I I don’t know where I am what is the XY don’t don’t hide Phantoms is it 70 what is it can someone tell me where they are Can someone please tell me someone please tell me where they are please give me the coordinates please of where we are you mean yes we’re our yeah it’s uh X uh freehandle 26. okay why 79 although y doesn’t really matter and set minus 481 wait I can know anyone gotcha okay

Thank you oh I didn’t hit any of those I think uh hello cat hello yeah they’re afraid of cats so they were attacking us oh really is that so yeah that’s how I got a lot of the membranes for the potions so by the way I bragged I’m bringing

Sand in case we want to go up to the towers with sand instead of shooting them and I’m bringing dirt because we probably have to build like a bridge from our portal to uh the actual main island and what did I say the coordinates wrong 330.

And that is x and z is minus wait sorry it was not 400 it was wait what is that no no minus 480. and 470 something like that how did I get this far away I was just trying to retrace your steps and I was like what where where did you go

I mean I was walking in the darkness sorry for yet another delay you guys I had to contribute to being useless at least once so let’s oh that was the adventures basically like getting ready for the family trip you know when am I gonna get there

Are we there you brought a diaper all right there yeah what the hell are you talking about I’m telling her the right coordinates Chad are you trolling you got I am correct you guys are incorrect idiots except yeah thank you Ina thank you enough people there you see it more clearly

Ouch oh oh this is this is turning out to be a bad morning this is a bad morning baby I’m already enjoying this hey where was Cali or where is Cali I don’t know we all don’t know where she is oh wait I thought the last time you

Played you were like uh doing the ferris wheel or not oh I know I I was um a couple minutes ago uh I went to go make a chest um so I went into the darkness and I went looking for wood and I made sure to

Go far away I made sure to go real far away where you like shoot it up into the air yeah I should do that I’ll be nice a flare negative the sky do you see some of our monuments or like the do you see any good subscribers I’m thinking about

Just dying guys like at this point I’m thinking I think I think the problem is that we’re giving her our base coordinate when she’s all the way in Phoenix town Where the [ __ ] I fell into the night uh I I just want to die guys I I honestly I just want to die like reset Callie gotta find a torch Darkness oh God what is this sheep stay away you are Callie where are you tell me your coordinates okay 2.99

299 2.99 10 19. 77 which doesn’t matter and then this is the one that’s effing me up that I can’t see negative 692. maybe Israel is it down well not relaxed oh I think I kind of know where you are Maybe yeah I’m on my way I’m coming too actually I don’t know where you guys are so as Ina if you’re already going then I’ll stay yeah I’m already on my way you’re better with coordinates Cali hang on oh sorry okay let’s see are you on snow or grass right now I’m on grass uh-huh glass

She couldn’t have gotten far yeah exactly and there’s only one only one place we can go where there’s trees pressing on this way is somebody bringing a leash so today please do oh sorry I don’t want to leave one of those like those baby ones that strap around your chest oh yeah there’s

Three of them some people like to walk their children yeah one person with three children and they’re like all over the place mommy should I put me on one of those oh what color it was like green Tartan print plaid okay what are the coordinates Cali uh

305 for x and negative six nine two for Z and you have five negative what six I’m thinking like Kelly yeah it’s like something okay like I go to Negative X negative wow where did you go five negative six nine two I just walked into the darkness nine really

Just tried to go somewhere away from the camp turned around couldn’t find the camp anymore huh I’m gonna get up on a pillar I thought okay figures that checks out are you you got lost really quickly that might be a record that really probably was a world record it’s definitely a world record

It’s not a difference sir honestly it would not be surprised would not be surprised if I was okay all right and closer foreign it’s negative 692 by the way I’m on a tall pillar I see it well I see um Kiara and uh because I was about to say Kiara and

Kusa story Kiara and and girl is statue I think it’s kind of hard to miss the um what’s it kind of hard to miss the giant stairway yeah there is a giant stairway right above me too should just follow that yeah I guess I could okay please just let me signs of civilization

Follow the moss covered rocks I came all the way here for this freaking wood I will sit here and I will hit it with my hand until I get it even though my ax has now just broken I will hit it with my hand because I got lost for this wood determination

Hey are you guys all ready to go by the way I’ll remember this uh typically literally holy [ __ ] pretty much oh pretty much do I need something I knew it was gonna happen I feel like I need flintins too and yet I didn’t listen no to myself

Who needs insects anymore when you can get glowing ink sex why don’t you even use ink sex for they seem useless and ugly pink it’s a stress ball wasting arrows never hold down just testing I need to practice eat buckets did I hit you all right

Oh I thought I hit it I guess I guess you’re back in base Cali and it’s not a bucket okay good I thought about it do you need a bucket sorry I have a lot of buckets oh I also have some some drinks for everyone Taco Bell

Okay you guys think we can play some of those those Minecraft mini games have you seen like the Minecraft mini game servers oh yeah yeah I’m gonna play them oh we could mod our own I could do it probably I found the Kelly I’m just

Gonna be a lot of fun no I don’t want to do it hyena I’m a Lost Child slowly slowly all right where’s Ina until now welcome Daddy we deliver everything from humans to food wait pool tape Where’d I get this from yeah all right Cali in here I love you okay

I can give you one oh it’s okay I have one I made one it’s okay I went out of my way to make one don’t worry everyone come over here to my my lab yes open up the right chest and take some slow falling potion okay

You’ll need it you got it this time I got it now I got it okay thanks for the clap clap clap shot I appreciate it it’s been a rough morning I think you can take uh how many can we take I’m sorry you know uh four or five I forget oh okay I

Already have a full inventory yeah I mean I’ll take the leftovers myself so don’t worry yeah okay you can’t yeah can I have buckets five each five years and open up uh there’s seven in this chest over here and there’s like four on the outside one I got something cute yeah

So feel free to take okay thank you for all the preparation you guys did this is really helpful you guys are amazing wow yeah do you have any extra under pearls on you Mickey I have one yeah if you guys have any extras could you no I have something maybe

Because I’ll I’ll bring some place Ross just in case you know our eye breaks before we find okay are free and the pearls yeah as for diamond armor is that in front of Kiara’s place yes to my house okay did everyone else already take their sets of armor that you should like take

Probably two but what if we die and burn and then they all burn but if we die then we’ll just spawn back it’s on and then we can try to meet back up in the yeah only I forgot wait here did you take the under chest

Where did I put the under chest I didn’t think the end of a chest I took end of probably from myself uh Callie wait yeah go back go back okay yes I see you two full sets of armor yes okay thank you anybody got any wood one you shall wear yeah

The other one in case you died okay oh yeah and then on the right side okay how do you say shield in Japanese like what the hell happened here please take one of the diamond axes one of the balls one of them uh maybe the the second the first row second one

Oh yeah I guess you can also take that I had enough back door that someone put in there that’s not you iron sword okay knock back door and then one of the um one stack of arrows okay one stack of arrows golden no the normal ones the golden ones are

Not really not really useful yes ma’am surprisingly not useful did you take an ax as well no I’m thinking the the Diamond one the diamond one the Kiara asking all the questions yeah can I ask now wait you actually take one more one more Bowl because you might lose one oh okay

All right which one should I take any of them ah it doesn’t matter oh okay as long as it shoots all right all right and one Stacks okay yeah um I am also bringing some snowballs but I don’t have many uh you know didn’t you also get snowballs are you bringing them

Too oh yeah I was gonna make this snowman I gotta go get a shield guys I don’t need snowballs for to shoot the towers uh like there’s towers and you just gotta shoot the top and the Snowballs are really good for that I think oh okay nice idea you guys wanna

Build a snowman I’m good come on Wait Callie did you get the gold uh you have to take sorry one more thing two golden apples from the chest yes I am I’ll go ahead and do that nice crossbow Um in my house okay one one helmet damn it here okay feeling better iron your arm my arm S I think I should be good all right there’s somebody more responsible want to hold the scaffolding because I do not trust you bye enough Austin you trusted believe in you that Believes In Me

Oh should I have a pickaxe you guys um I don’t have a kid are you using OptiFine or maybe it’s all I’m saying it might be your shaders I don’t think Cal is using OptiFine so I don’t know I am I should bring some shovels and stuff too I forgot it’s free chant I’m so glowy oh okay beautiful glowing

Enough can I give you um the free enterprise that I have oh yeah sure I don’t lose everything we’re saying I’m scared of a little oh shoot them down you can get their membranes come give me your brains where are you where are they wrong kind of membranes but

Membrane that’s like when when the membrane wall of assist have you ever seen cyst removals you have to remove the membrane wall otherwise the cyst will grow back oh whoa that’s enough oh I I hit that no I didn’t still have my dirt just shots absolutely yeah beautiful shots

I can’t see anything oh all right so are we ready I guess on the car yeah inside the car yes everyone got their snacks you got food snacks Yeah good all right yeah oh there’s another uh are we sleeping horrifying yeah I guess so let’s go sleep let’s go get my bed will she come there’s another bed over here I think I’ll have to go inside oh well hello Noisy okay sleep ing through this night oh oh there we go all right good morning everyone Party Time It’s Time Cali in front of your house there’s a zombie owl destroyed okay oh there’s gonna be ball tosser oh it’s very kind of you yeah there’s a lot of

Enemies out here oh my oh my God why are they after me are you okay oh yes yes I will just run oh I need some torches outside your house wait wait wait there Callie okay I’m not moving or a scally okay right explosion waiting for you oh that was horrifying

Come come with me quickly can you take the end of pearls out of the chest I have a full inventory okay not this chest is inside my house thank you for this this is gonna be ender pearl tosser am I the here that’s what they’re called right oh thank you

Just enough to not hurt my stomach hold on a second I have a sausage that’s supposed to be spicy but ever since I ate those spicy noodles nothing has ever been as spicy oh thank you for the sausage okay Um I’m guessing we’re not doing the best strategies I’m bringing wood and we’ll so if you if you need to make more bets then I have one two three four five six seven eight but maybe nine I don’t know a lot of it I think I can do it normally two but yeah

Normally two depends oh the pain is going away I think everyone okay everyone has checklist everyone has armor yes everyone has weapons yes everyone has arrows yes everyone has slow falling potions yes everyone has two golden apples yeah yeah everyone has a foot some kind of food

Yes I have some leftover in case everyone has uh one chest at least And everyone has maybe one or more but more than one water buckets they could be I mean I don’t know if you if you were and if all of us are that skilled I’m probably not skilled enough but I brought a couple of water buckets uh

Because if you fall down then you can do a swoosh yeah probably I don’t know okay put it on the floor then you yeah get into it at the right time I guess now and I have some building material I don’t think we all need a building

Material because yeah just one of us so as long as I don’t push each other off okay okay I’ll put some water buckets back or do I I I’ll just bring them along whatever okay let’s go oh my God right and it’ll go towards it

Yes yes okay guys on it though because I think you can collect it again yeah oh yeah oh [ __ ] I have no idea I think it went that way yeah they go behind us it didn’t even like usually it travels and then there’s that ping right away are we um what

And make it without uh I mean just just wait here let me see if it works you throw up or at the ground I kind of threw like horizontally yeah okay uh you said chances I went the opposite way maybe opposite way I went behind oh there’s no way like five years ago

Um okay I’ll go see the slit see if it I’m just following her up oh the extra ones because I will get lost Sparkle follow Mom let me make one of those was that not supposed to say Polo uh you need Blaze words yeah our eyes as well uh we’re supposed to be

Scared that you’re supposed to do it in the other for some reason it’s another I don’t know I don’t know that’s what I thought I didn’t know I don’t know no you can do it anywhere I don’t think we’ll find it despawn in like five minutes probably is

There a radius like if we know a block radius then we can do like a you know a circular sweep yeah I think there is but all right let’s go the other way blocks so we can calculate from where you know through it and then we can set up maybe

Okay maybe throw another one it didn’t go that far because it pinged really quickly okay it says 10 to 15 blocks okay so let’s go back to the original one and then search 10 to 15 blocks away from the corner that you know threw it okay that is so close

Yeah that is pretty close I’m sure we’re just missing it it could have broken apparently yeah uh yeah that’s true they break sometimes right away I was it probably this is probably broken okay I’m gonna group up and throw another one everyone I’m coming back to uh Cara’s roof or

Sharp eyes on the roof roof party ladies how’s it off that’s what Chad’s saying just go up oh I I I look I looked all right one what I didn’t see it I lost it it’s like a disappearance I don’t see anything I was in third

Person so I was looking and I didn’t see anything yeah it actually literally just disappeared behind are we all using shaders yeah somebody says it went down but I I checked in the KFC though I mean the Kiara’s house I wonder if it is a shaders thing what they found

No I turned off shaders uh are we right above it no way there’s no way no way and we then we would have probably like dug into it yeah Amelia’s underground Subway cave turns way further that way like to the left but maybe we should dig straight down from where you’re throwing

It in Kiara’s house yeah Kiara your house is Olivia on the construction you’re forbidden to use it from now on what the sweats but somebody says oh it’s not a good idea it’s not a good idea before we waste all the pearls though should we there’s no

There’s not here all right let’s see I have one too wait throw it somewhere else where we should try throwing it okay let’s try it let’s go into a flat field like uh is there any other place like yeah my cabin I forget how to get there what about

What about like near the ocean Yeah like like behind my houses yeah like we’re gonna was gonna make Atlantis but yeah we went to the second spot don’t worry guys I definitely know where my cabin is it’s just not optimal optimal place don’t let your dreams be me we’ll finish the cabin memes don’t be

Sad famous and memes boys and girls Tony already wasted two of those and uh I have one I think I’m happy to offer it wait is it under pressure so as long as there’s pearls that’s all we need the Pearl will travel towards her house

Oh yeah this is not very flat are you sure you’re is this what you consider flat Inna um oh well you had to do it too old girl yeah surrounded by water yeah Maybe oh baby oh we’re gonna test at her house over there we can do that that looks flat okay And you want a ride I would like a ride actually I have a boat we can use okay flat Yellow Nice cape it’s getting dark he’s got a tripod on it like I tried it yeah okay have you seen your cape pretty cool all right okay guys please okay

Look towards in a shrine I guess one person trying ruin our village oh you don’t want to throw it in the ground I feel like you want to throw it towards like the shrine like some people are saying it so of course the sky that throws the ground like what

Slumber party ladies oh Outdoors camping okay okay I’ll see about your feet but what did you say finish yes what all right okay oh maybe if we go maybe enough you go really high up like on a on some blocks like this okay uh what’s the easy block okay dirt

Would you like a dirt let’s do it from not too high though because it’s good I think that’s good all right I’m gonna throw it towards towards the Tory gate okay everyone ready watch it okay ready okay three two one oh did you see it I didn’t see it it’s right here oh

Ironic should I build a bridge then is it under water but don’t we have to keep throwing it that way until it goes down yeah okay go again oh there it goes it’s working is it there oh I got it one more should we throw again uh let’s do it from the

Toy gate yeah you want to throw that one whoosh uh you do it you know this is fine I messed it up okay oh here we go oh wow it’s really far oh god well maybe the last two times just broke that would be pretty unlucky

Do we have to wait we still have like three spare ones what should we do here like should we make a bridge or should we just go in that direction and then do it again I feel like bridge is just gonna be wasting blood possibly we have

Other boats because if we have the other other boats we could just go in this direction a little bit okay let’s go this way until we reach land yeah who has boats I got a boat who needs a boat I don’t have a boat thank you gura thank you

Let me check in this chest oh yeah there should be one more Bobby road all the way here So I’ll make one really quick all right I’m coming what is that oh it’s a trident fart right okay I’m gonna throw it again hold on oh okay okay keep calling this catch it catch it I think we can go a bit further before yeah throw the next one because yeah

We’re wasting them do you still have enough you think yeah pearls all plus three pearls and five Blaze Rawson that makes like a couple of okay fine let’s go until we get to land and then uh we can do it again if it goes back then

You have like a perimeter to check this feels so cool you guys I feel like I’m gonna be underwater it could be done walking on water damn what a Pro Gamer I’m in ah Jesus Pro game okay I’ll go until yes let’s go there on that Hill imagine yeah let’s go dolphin

I’m the photographer I’m taking pictures of us beautiful on the way to the Ender Dragon yeah beat up the Ender Dragon we’re gonna look up epic Minecraft music all right copyright RTA let’s go there’s Minecraft playlist that I’ll put on like a 10 hour playlist while I play hold on

I’m gonna play all the nether tracks oh yeah a good idea oh hello sorry I’m ready can I play that too oh no never mind yeah look up the nether tracks epic Minecraft yeah that’ll give you remixes from from other music producers Minecraft soundtrack all another tracks 2020. yeah there’s 500 sounds trustworthy

Everyone here no um Oh all right we’ll go further then it didn’t break it didn’t break it fell oh yeah all right all right direction yes okay good this music is being anxiety let’s keep going for like a couple minutes yeah how many blocks maybe like 500 blocks is

There like only one or is there like oh we’re back at Water maybe we should go to where those trees are over there yeah until the tree let’s go into the tree wait I lost you girls me and Kelly are too far away from you girl I’m not

The only one yay I’m not the only one that’s lost anymore I see some names I found found you Kelly you’re following me yeah go to the top of the hill oh wait oh I see them yes right together how far do we go all right wait I have someone’s bed not mine

Yeah all right let’s go drive drift summer drift Italy it wasn’t Netflix maybe we should go to the top of the mountain and then yeah yeah maybe yeah yeah is there only one or is there multiple welcome to the mountain I’m gonna is there multiple yeah that’s the one yeah

Oh God I had to get out of the there we go there’s tons okay bubbles okay so I guess it’s just the one we’re closest to uh-huh okay cool we should have rollerblades that’d be sick and go faster oh there’s like speed potions wait there’s a small rails over here

Yeah yeah or another another nice snow though I also saw like a like a Sephora that is really close relatively close I guess what’s what’s close I can’t wait for everybody yeah can you go a little further uh sure okay just a little maybe like on top of the yeah yeah oh

Yeah I was thinking that to you all right unexplored territory this is kind of like exclusion oh it would have been good to bring a map oh true fill in the map we would have needed a really big map though if he went real far yeah that’s

True I want to make a map room exclusive shift enough that’s Deutsche let’s see yeah I’m gonna throw it draw from here what is that did something how is that naturally possible pumpkins all right guys but I went straight ah there you are oh okay yeah oh that oh there you go okay

Three two one wait oh it went the other way okay so we’re here then oh he’s like oh I turned off so now we turn back around yeah we use the eye to look for a portal right yes we gotta triangulate or whatever and then we break Minecraft’s number one

Rule don’t dig down okay we bring a shovel to dig down I will stay behind I don’t want to lose all the stuff dude I did not make a shovel wait where are you wait I have a shovel I have a shovel where’d everyone go hey Watson

Yeah where where are we must be on the streets just be on the trees okay oh okay on the way it’s getting dark let’s do it one more time before before it gets dark yes yes actually how beautiful wait whoa okay I’m not gonna go this way all right guys

Oh yeah oh I found you guys okay did someone pick up the Pearl or eye where did it go gonna no oh yeah I have one in your hand you know yeah I have 11. I eat stuff though it broke okay it broke okay oh wait wait it’s stuck on the tree on

Top of it no I fell on the ground yeah I don’t see it oh it’s real dark sleep over time ladies there’s a bed over there thank you okay hurry that break it is on the tree but I thought it still hit the ground

I mean we can check hold on oh I have your bedina oh it’s right there I see it there it is so much for hearing a break Okay 12. thank you it was a heartbreaking we’re going to stay right okay sorry it’s okay and you want yours back oh it’s okay right here oh this is nice and open music me too me too okay point oh oh that way this one oh oh okay okay

Ikfp workout do we do it like at the edge of this Cliff here yeah watermelons oh oh oh so I can stand here it’s almost down here oh okay and stay they put sit I can stay foreign I’m really good at standing still and not doing anything

So the one thing I’m great at at this game oh I think you’re on to it yeah oh someone said like some right here okay me me I’ll Stand getting close I can smell you yes ma’am yeah can I move I already moved hold on yeah let’s stick where we’re amazing oh okay okay the gear how far down is it yeah I don’t know until it’s pretty far down I think we’re digging you can only see it yes

I can help oh no she’s digging straight down around here you’ll know that because the stones will change it’ll look like bricks I should probably stay with someone I don’t have a picture I opened up a cave here there’s a cave down here oh okay I’m gonna build some stairs we can Mosey

Our way down oh yeah should have brought toys oh I dropped the water uh if you guys want to jump in my hole oh uh-huh yeah sure raising oh there’s a creeper you know you have an arrow in your head there you go thank you don’t worry about it

Wait no right here like uh oh but I guess it’ll go through the wall huh I have I have no space there’s a cave build and there’s a there’s another chance it’s okay they’ll they’ll find it okay I’m gonna stay with you okay sorry I have no clue okay okay

I’m gonna start digging down again just to see I didn’t bring it Ah there oh okay I’ll put torches outside ouch okay this is amazing wait hold on one okay whoa hello hi where’s oh there’s about the stairs can you open the door for me yeah yeah there we go oh okay nothing here nothing it’s a maze

Oh wow so it’s like that huh okay so excited this is so cool there’s like stairs here all right nothing because where is zombies there’s a lot of people here I don’t have any more uh torches don’t look at him holy [ __ ] yeah get it okay

Oh there’s a library oh oh cool aren’t there under so awesome treasure music there’s uh it can be behind a false wall as well I know there’s like cheeky uh uh uh joke walls let me buy this is uh throwing away blocks this library is so cool yeah I probably shouldn’t try

We can take them yeah if you hear the spider webs of the sword they go down really fast oh cool thanks oh I think I found it nice to get rid of the spawner though oh that was that was actually Espana that was really a spot yeah I’m gonna borrow a torch

Here I can give you some I don’t know I didn’t look at you I did not look at you I just lost oh you did find it the other way yeah there’s like literally no eyes wait you know what I have exactly enough I found enough to make

Oh my God you want me to go get the one I have I have one more no I have exactly 15. oh dear God oh my gosh okay everyone everyone here You’re good everyone here oh my gosh okay someone mark down the coordinates for this oh yeah good idea okay got it I got the screenshot it’s great let me make sure I’m absolutely prepared chest chest guys just in case oh yeah bed and chest ladies yeah bed and chest stupid door uh

Ouch ouch what the hell oh my God what the [ __ ] is Olympia what do we do it depends what the hell oh there’s a thing you gotta kill it it come out of the the walls and stuff what are we starting in the chest um like your second set of armor and uh

Silverfish oh maybe some arrows water buckets some some of the potions we don’t we only need probably one phone now oh no the lava no that was not me oh my God I did not do that oh my goodness I did not do that that was not me get rid of them

Chaos like dangerous what the hell the bat is about to burn the portal well if there’s no lab on the portal will it break it for some reason though I can’t really fall anymore do we break the spawner I think it’s three of them pour water in the lava

Yes okay we don’t we don’t need the lava hey okay so let me put my wax it’s dark in here so cute though I don’t know they don’t look edible how about the uh the potions you guys the slow falling the potion yeah yeah maybe bring in one one only

For now I think okay yeah because it’s pretty dark yeah leave it to me I don’t have any leave it to me okay I’m gonna start putting the eyes in 20 years I’m I’m putting two books into the chest but those are those are um yeah I will bring it that’s right Oh wow can we take a group picture can everyone get on the stairs Actually Well I have a really cool cake too no yeah everyone look to the front and I want one too please yes yes okay I got it thank you me too yay damn it when you put the under chest here uh thank y’all what if the front people use the under

Chest does that mean they have their own storage I opened yours earlier and I didn’t see anything in it oh that means you guys can use it too cool just throw your stuff in oh I wish I didn’t know that I wish I didn’t know me too oh well okay well I’ll put

Wow it looks like well okay are you in okay okay let’s take a plunge ah all right be careful where are you going what do we do he’s jumping maybe not all at once because I don’t know how big the platform is when we land and we might push each other from

Where we stand I’m gonna go first okay Watson all right how is it is it is it very nice I can’t see [ __ ] wait you guys okay it’s a small platform um you guys can oh God do we have building the dragons right here it’s already here oh no material

Then yeah and then we come in okay I’m working yeah everyone ready yeah should I be holding something specific you guys are holding blocks yeah to build but yeah to build yeah I’ll help uh do we use the you know do you think we should use the following potion right

Away I think when we when we go in we can use it when we start the trip let me start fighting okay also uh Kelly don’t there is a lot of Endermans down there like a [ __ ] ton um okay when you go up to the dragon try

To look down because there’s really an army of Ender Dragons don’t look at them they will kill you once you look at one of them how do I shoot it I don’t want to do a staring contest with them no no if you do if you don’t wear them or

Water and get in it because they can’t yeah but Cali remember we’re not fighting the Enderman because that’s the fight we cannot win we try to fight the Ender Dragon okay and we can look at that one right okay okay got it all right I’m ready now loading ready one one

I’m loading look just wait it’s just loading okay yeah climatic oh my God it broke oh yeah I’m inside you Kiara do you feel me you see me badass whoa oh no I think we should probably make a bridge over to the bigger platform before we

That was too much the portal is too powerful what is this place this is cool here is back in here dirt I also have a lot and yep okay that should be enough oh my God which way should I build because there’s one close to our left or should

We just build upwards because we could build stairs here are born I got one I think we should go to the main main uh platform over there where the dragon IS F okay I am in the end just let amen do her her thing okay don’t go push her what the hell you

Won’t get anything back is that normal what does the sky look like noise to you as well guys it looks pretty nice yeah it looks itchy it doesn’t look like that in uh oh we need to build a we need to put walls up yeah okay okay

You question do you know when you go into The Nether and that thing that goes can you and you can like hit him hit the the Fireballs back at it can you do that with the Ender Dragon I don’t think is this what is the smoke can I walk into

It no that’s that’s fire on the ground that’s the Ender Dragon slime oh okay okay we can’t build above it oh God oh God I’m gonna die oh no ah it’s our platform oh wow I’m in bad shape right now okay this is bad this is bad we need to build fast okay

Oh is all the stuff still there because I’ll just yeah yeah how do we make the fire stop uh no I’m dying yeah dang it yeah that’s a good idea turning off shaders might be a good idea oh man I’m gonna collect more materials please collect my items please [ __ ] um

When the dragon shoots does it break walls also I don’t know nice Mr Dragon stuff it doesn’t break all right we’ll have to build your walls there get your stinky breath out of here are you big scaly thing there by chance you guys your stuff is all still here well I’ve

Got to get here okay I’m coming well actually maybe I’ll tell you yeah I think the fire is there yeah Fire’s done you can come in okay that’s fine I’m not gonna start over again I want my things all right I got a bunch of stuff oh my

God the diamond armor is already so low we really should have brought all of it yeah Well walked towards the the platform there doesn’t see us what does that mean hello Mr Dwayne oh thank you wait Watson this is what is that annoying I turned them off I turned them off what is that huh oh it’s an Enderman it my game doesn’t work anymore without shaders I’m in danger

All right hello we need to build the stairs you really want me to step up I chose 1.171.1 the most recent release well this isn’t great guys oh oh my bow and arrows are gone um I am using that one yeah wait can you start the day thank you

Watson you don’t have to all right sure there’s there’s more outside do you go outside okay can I catch the fire thanks zombie wait uh I’ll go and live up oh yeah okay okay well turn off the shaders like uh manually maybe I’ll be your eyes in the Sky What’s home

Watch out behind you we fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire fire okay it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone are you are you guys already fighting the dragon oh yeah oh no uh let me kill him can I kill him did we try to kill one

I mean the others can’t see it I mean this one’s already angry so does anyone have a pickaxe so I can you can’t you can’t use uh arrows or range attack for Enderman yeah who picked up my stuff uh a nice dragon that much stuff in here so I don’t know

I think some stuff might have fun yeah that works too uh whoever picked up Kelly stuff might have my stuff Cali got all my stuff okay should I turn off shaders did you guys turn them off or did it myself you have to like reload the game if you turn them off okay

Yes oh my god oh that’s bad I’m coming you thank you because here is a bit safer to give me my stuff thank you I build tunnel stairs should be one set of armor and unlike some dirt blocks some eyebrows um I only have I only have one set

And what you’re wearing your set yes and you have one extra right nope I’m only wearing the one that I have hey where are you guys by the way this is your this is definitely yours we have TRX here you go Everything that you have is myself that’s okay okay here here we have my dirt blocks do you have an overall Instagram no dirt and and yeah wait can somebody kill me so I can go back and then okay you know what let’s Um okay thank you wait I don’t want all your stuff though no it’s fine it’s fine there’s more stuff uh here she asked me to here’s stream hard challenges can you bring me one uh yeah we need one full set of armor because we’re sharing right now yeah there’s two full sets

Here so I’ll bring I don’t have one either and then um oh do you have a oh damn it the golden apples uh uh I have two here I gotcha chat I just need one one yeah it’s fine oh okay it’s cool I’ll just try not to die

Oh do you guys have bows how many bows do we have yeah one bowl please One Bowl uh a few more hours please okay fine it’s like a big overgrown okay there’s an extra set okay who’s missing armor right now me me and Cali yeah I miss him um

I have the bottom Parts okay okay there’s enough uh there’s only one bow I’ll probably hold it because I have time to get ice cream dreams One bow I think I can make some but they won’t be enchanted and I’ll be right back uh can you bring some building blocks just in case yeah how do we leave do we just leave the game and then you have to die oh yeah all right can I leave these things here

And then come back you guys Kiara yeah all of my things real quick oh wow that’s loud all right I’m going to go Sudoku okay good luck on my glass bottles and God I’m such an idiot all right well I got regular bows wait Kylie wait wait what oh what about my

Entertaining potions the top the God [ __ ] damn it [ __ ] look look it’s gonna kill you yeah we have three armor tops here three pants okay three how many shoes one full one all right one full set um no don’t don’t make anything else for me please just keep it you guys I’ll

Survive everyone I prepared for everyone so there should be uh one more set for you and one more set for me it is missing but no I have everything sorry I have it in right now I was gonna go back with it hold on I’m gonna be right back

Yeah because we could store everything I mean I guess maybe we can’t store stuff yeah can I shoot this thing or is it gonna come after us depends on what the things I mean it’s gonna kill itself because we still have to close or get rid of ah okay

Yara you have pants already I have shoes and pants okay thank you mint ice cream anyone destroy the crystals all right chat I like that they’re at the top of the tower right I’ve only ever watched speed running of this so I won’t I I barely know what

Happens plus I always bead Runners always have like the uh the like the program outlines turned on and stuff it’s really weird oh hi I mean we just gotta get there and shoot it okay I gotta get good guys I gotta get into this ice cream first though crystals are

The things making the beams they heal it yeah okay I can’t get into my ice cream said nice weather here today what’d you think girl how’s the weather up there you know it’s a little bit of clutter with the chance of dragon fireballs what material is this this is like

Sponges and their Stoners whatever yeah Ender splint uh oh I got it what do I do with this glass bottle to capture something oh yeah yeah I don’t don’t worry about it I guess yeah and phase two of Ender Dragon it’ll come down and do like ah bro okay is it okay

To eat the apple now probably yeah right yes yes okay wait all right wait where’s Cali because Cali said she uh he’ll be right back I can’t I think I can’t re-enter the game now it says the server is outdated yeah that’s because I turned off the shaders uh

Um I have the same thing just now yeah you have to download or update no use use the option that says opt to find the normal one that used up until now then once the screen is open uh you click into options and turn it off manually um before logging into the Minecraft

Server okay uh you know where you can choose the Minecraft servers before you click that you go on options and then turn off uh at graphic settings you go to uh shaders and then turn off the Shader manually okay no no No no no don’t don’t touch my stuff I’m on my way you heard her don’t touch it I’m not touching it all right she’s back in the Yukata for Revenge you need him I got some dragon’s breath oh I like this music for myself yeah tell me guys when you’re ready

I’m a pickaxe so I can dig oh wait wait wait oh that was sensory overload Captain hold on I need a what’s one this is nice pink pink step okay video settings and then the shaders graphic settings oh my God damn sorry keep keep focusing

On the game Sorry one second uh I need food I need food I need food I’ll give the chickens chickens I I think you picked it up again I didn’t oh my God how do we do this okay is big step part of the game or is this

A remix hello do you have the food please uh it sounds I don’t know copyrighted it’s literally from the game so we’ll take a risk I’m standing right next to y’all anyone who has food dmca part of the game all right get it back God damn it I am getting way

Too many mixes yeah I got it thank you all right we’re good we’re gonna do it this is not going well foreign We have to destroy them they do I don’t know can I even shoot that far it’s only one hit what the hell one hit as always right into the bullet side oh yeah did someone look at me don’t attack me guys don’t attack me oh my God and the bullet Bullseye not

Bullseye bullet’s eye I don’t know okay let’s go nice shot that is the second time first try uh okay I got a problem I got one did you get Enderman oh hi there uh hi fellas thanks guys all right now it’s generating Health back okay following you

Scares me back I don’t have a sword so why is the water so tiny okay hold on all right you guys oh yeah we gotta do the towels first okay water all right hours first oh okay okay what am I shooting at I need I need more arrows no

Uh at the top of the towers you’re gonna there’s a on it can I put a bed up here I’m feeling dangerous it’s our only those with the cages right yeah someone’s without the cages we can do who wants to watch me now come on do it again Kiara you more

Can you not drag oh no think the potion how do you drink a potion you eat it like it’s food yeah you had one how many more do we have yeah you’re going up that way okay oh wait there’s one here how do you blow these beds up

Maybe one more yeah why is that one so low I’m back it’s yet okay I got one okay I don’t have an ax right click Roger face the dragon eat it shoot this I have no more arrows unfortunately oh so far I’m good it’s gonna be okay I’ll definitely I need building blocks

I’ll find you guys don’t worry material never mind um I can does anyone have arrows I have some uh okay uh I have Infinity so I can spare 14 for you I think hey I think it’s free or something I’m I’m in front of you behind you you know

Sorry sorry Callie I’m in front of Inna I see you guys gotta get the one inside the cage thank you yep got it I don’t have a pickaxe I can’t help and you don’t have any books blocks because then we could just take some of

These can we chill that would be a good idea not I don’t even know anymore did we I’m a little slow falling potions oh I’m happy I think someone echoed the Enderman use some water oh hold it now let’s just use a potato oh yeah this

Isn’t gonna work I don’t know what it is oh oh no yeah someone hey crystals they seem pretty angry thank you Buddy well we’ll see I guess I’m missing all my shots regenerates who doesn’t seem to be taking any energy from any of the tallies anymore Does this mean it’s still Nice oh nice I hit him I hit him yay I want to use the bed it’s coming down uh oh phase two oh boy oh wow am I doing anything to it I can’t see oh I don’t think my arrows are doing anything oh no it’s doing something let’s go forward

I think we’re supposed to tag it with a sword right now bad bad oh I have I have one more chicken thank you kfb my arrows aren’t doing anything I mean I was hitting for a little bit but yeah you’re not flying again or maybe it actually isn’t doing

Anything all right I see how to do it now I remember now these arrows okay I’ll pick it up I’ll pick it up oh no you fell it’s okay oh I have water it’s really actually excuse me I’m still gonna win Enderman get lost yeah bye nerd where’s my stuff where’s my stuff

Where’s my stuff where did I land oh I think what did you see myself it’s raining wow really not happy at us Okay you know what Um I’m taking back some of my water did he regenerate or not nope that’s not working the bed oh you’re gonna put fire on top of the water don’t I until oh wait there’s water is somebody hitting the bed the golden cameras don’t work if perched that would be too easy huh yeah

All right no no no don’t kill me no I gotta get rid of this camera first oh the fire uh why can’t I hit him I hit the bed oh my God I am dealing with an Enderman here oh they were really excited to see us

Stay in the water seen the water stay in the water okay okay yeah that’s right that’s right okay oh wait what the hell uh where are you where are you buddy this is not good we can do it we can do it an hour you’re gonna kill the Enderman here but

Before we kill the tree right oh they look perfect I can’t do anything yeah sorry I would have grabbed one all right I need to talk to my life Journey please do it he’s coming oh get the bed I prefer to die I guess I think I prefer

To die at this point yeah you can get a sword oh yeah yeah okay do it hey oh they need to take my stuff no way he did I don’t think that he did With me no we wouldn’t have the aggro anymore I don’t care about the water yeah I have a sword I’ll borrow it oh don’t don’t don’t hey oh okay I’m on my way oh oh never mind I am on a journey laughs I don’t know

Hey I’ve got like no Health do you guys have fun is my stuff still there you died I’m still looking for myself I’m gonna leave my diamond armor um I threw I threw my things out there if someone wants to take them Spider-Man I don’t know okay

Or no sword okay I have an arm around the floor yeah okay I think we’re okay are we um did you pick up my stuff when you said you’re taking my sword nope was it a yes or no no Enderman there’s a creeper okay just kidding time to go back to you guys Foreign ER killed me whoa that is a powerful portal prepared when I died okay is there a way we can put out this fire they didn’t like no I don’t think we just haven’t thought that you know where car died I think okay the sword is the bottle Oh

No I got a bottle I’ll fill it where’s the fire What did you find my my stuff okay I’m nice I am useful again okay let’s go um as long as I have oh shoot I should be fine my things my my helmet and my chest plate I wonder if my bow is here are we still doing the the bed strategy

I have yet to get it to work okay it might be a pipe dream Yeah I get him that’s not experience because I’ve only got a shovel but I guess I’m missing all my shots all right all right there you go I can definitely be baked nice shot who shot that nice but I can’t do it again and you’ll have some food

I have a little bit food yes yes he’s coming I got him again all right we got the bed in position who’s doing the bed yeah oh my gosh huge damage I don’t have a sword so can I hit him with a bucket can I hit him with a shovel

I can’t I can’t get it I’m gonna take that you jerk assistant I’m definitely not helping but it’s but it’s nice to feel like maybe I’m helping Maybe yay Oh the portal yay are you guys seeing credits audio software nothing credits oh she went through the portal already oh do we have we have to go yeah okay Is it over what’s fun [Applause] I was standing on a portal let’s go Minecraft a speed the player you mean yes take care it has reached the higher level now oh that’s like meta gangua they’re talking to us whoa that doesn’t understand things we are part of the game

Wow I like this player it played well it did not give up it is reading our thoughts as though we they wear words on the screen who wants to read next what about the egg what egg I think we’re at different parts egg I think we left something important I can imagine

Many things when it is deep in the dream of a game it was confusing let me go back maybe I don’t know well can we re-enter the portal oh yeah you can because like Well in that and the world there are treasures and [ __ ] Cali so from now on we can

Explore that I’m gonna build a rail to the Ender Portal yeah please but yeah uh my my mission is to get an elytra as soon as possible because of an elytra you can fly uh yeah as long as you have fireworks yeah you might want to yes

It took us so long but we finally did it you guys did so much amazing prep work thank you so much it’s pretty scuffed in the beginning but a win is a freaking win I’m just privileged to have been able to come along to watch The Journey

That you guys prepared so hard for I hope that my few arrows could be of help yes of course our power together is five is stronger than anything stronger than that stupid end of dragon yeah you’re right yeah flush them down the toilet my hair is going restless so glad we did it

Together yes they played a game zero desk Club hello can anybody else say the same that is pretty dope I will say that is kind of awesome girl that was like something out of like a crazy action movie that was just unbelievable be the bad girl do the bed

I think I think I got a lot of uh Tower shots a lot of times first try shots were quite quite a lot of them I would definitely give Kiara the Sharpshooter award yeah that was really only luck that was skip credit oh how do I skip them can I

Scroll up I want to get a screenshot of gal Guru player of games that’s gonna be my gamer title now I’m changing my hey manager do I want to skip in well we can go back how long are they yeah how long is it the playhouse no no Kiana hello Ian can

I just go jump real quick back inside I just wanna um my Miner clock eye Phoenix eye Kiana there we go whatever in the morning that was a little nightmare and your man freaking nightmare would be a lot of fun to uh oh the Enderman are still here

Yeah they live here oh this is their home huh yes cool oh I see the I see the portal thing wait wait where does it spawn us back how did it go out oh there’s the egg I don’t know stronghold you get spawned back there’s the portal thing a woman inhaled on me

Inhaled on me a woman gathered the items and she inhaled the player in her body we got bored what the [ __ ] what are you reading oh here’s the portal everybody else skipped it wow yeah you’re missing the good stuff here man where are the treasures we’re made from

Milk and love the player is made from nothing but milk and love the end is basically like insanely endlessly huge so when you ask for it there’s a chicken of treasure spread of the millions and millions of miles oh wow so you might not find it right away

But you gotta travel from like Islands there’s like all kinds of like Islands separated you gotta build like Bridges and [ __ ] to get to another Island are there more dragons maybe we can go on a trip I think only one dragon oh there’s millions of Enderman is that the egg you know

Yes but what does it do you mean I can let it land on a torch you can respawn the dragon with the egg oh just leave it for now I guess okay okay don’t touch it it won’t go anywhere become Daenerys number of words that’s cool uh what should I I don’t

Know do I want to go there sometimes we’re being spoken to encode you guys zeros and ones it’s the mark of a true gamer wow the universe said they love you by the way oh that’s nice to know that was very kind also the universe is inside you

Oh that’s true that uh the universe no I’m not skipping the credits I gotta know more the universe says you’re not alone it’s not a scuffed stairwell egg there’s the egg there and then you never said and my mommy said that you are the Knight and

My mommy said the darkness you fight is within you and my mommy said the light your secrets was in you Emma you can’t get up girl no she’s reading the credits wake up I know I know from that horrible dream what the hell is that

What is that wake up wow did this take us less than two hours you guys sorry in 20 minutes or something it doesn’t take longer to um yeah only almost 2 A.M here I thought it would be much later oh wow oh Cali Minecraft we have water or jump into the portal oh

Water would have been a better choice here no that’s okay I can go I can see let’s go back in I’m out I’m always for fun I’m leaving now though yeah like outside yeah outside still in there yeah outside we’ll we’ll make our way back does anybody have a pickaxe okay

Uh just uh read the title if you want to use it that’s important okay oh stream heart Challenger and Spark that’s right that’s right now do it materials Thank you are you building a what are you building me oh oh oh is that a creeper yes oh no sorry oh no girl you can eat you moved in my line of fire Mr President I can’t wait for the railway railroad back here I want me a whale I want some books

Now I don’t even be a party oh nice too because I lost so many items did you guys chest there’s books in it there’s not much oh this place is so beautiful we’re gonna take a picture um I I have something to confess um I

I went I I might have been the first one to open the chest and I might have been the one who took something out of the chest oh I was in the chest yeah two two two books that were in Enchanted nothing super special oh yeah well I’m level 68. when uh

As level 30 earlier hey how do we get an elytra can we get that now the what I thought no you have to look for Treasures in the end the world yeah oh wander up you guys yeah I mean I thought I thought it was gonna take longer to be honest I wonder

How many Elijah’s still ours over the end there are enough for Japan members to keep on getting new ones even though they lose them all of the time don’t do how many lies there is no limit yeah it would take a while yeah it might take a while to explore

Because you have to find the place where they have it and then you gotta like clear out stuff gotta kill stuff oh we wanted to take a picture yeah yeah should we not take take it like in the end that would wouldn’t that be cool again

And in the end and then we’ll just take a picture and quickly go outside again sure wait where is it where is it can I go back into the middle and I’m gonna go down the stage where the hell is it here yes okay yes yes can we get the egg

I think you have to leave it there leave it down until we know how to take it safely yeah let’s let’s get to the egg and take a picture in front of it yeah let’s do it off my um silk touch pickaxe I have cutting Corners oh yeah that’s mine

What is that though I’m here to reunite you here I did not look at them thank you oh [ __ ] because I thought something dropped uh where do we take the picture of this of the parts if I switch views will it make me look at them just don’t touch it um not necessarily

App okay I’m ready whenever you want to take a picture everywhere wait you guys gonna get it with this little touch this is like Opera nicely you guys you can’t mine it you definitely don’t touch it don’t touch it no touchy check once then break the block under it with a torch

Now the block under it says you need a piston yeah just don’t touch it right now we can take yeah the egg is part of the journey Get close like maybe in front here oh we could build like our own pillars right behind the egg and it looks really cool we’ll each stand on a pillar yeah do you have uh some building materials I’m from the oh I’ll take him Cali here you go thank you oh Oh don’t touch it just a little touch oh no oh oh sorry panicked I left I panicked and left you guys probably better okay so coming back everyone no I’m just kidding I won’t I promise destructive this shovel has achieve victory laid out yeah but where are you

Wow they’re real quick they like to move with the blocks oh yeah they’re real mad trapped yet I’m watching and I’m a sword zoom zoom I’ll sit here for a million years until I get there all right I’ll just stand over there I’ll just run ow I meant

Is there a way that I can help you oh okay oh They’re angry this is gonna be tough hey with this block okay another uh okay I’ll be back where is he okay I’ll be back okay I’ll be back thumbs up this place is a lot less scary without the uh Dragon search how to get the yeah without the dragon I’m sorry about the

Shaders but yeah I was at the dragon as well yeah the sky is prettier without this video yeah it’s much easier yeah pitch black but I mean yeah it wasn’t much better when it was noise you can get his head they don’t share Aqua you mount it to

The wall that’s done whoa use any tool or even your bare hands hit the Ender Dragon egg Until It Breaks oh yeah remember remember Mikko Senpai and suicide Senpai wearing those ender dragon heads in the Summer Festival that was really creepy all right this is good

Uh I guess for every picture we can look into a different direction okay yeah I think this angle works for me okay oh yeah this one works for me too here wait this is confusing everybody look up and to the right look look I’ll just look where I can stand I guess that

Means that looks am I looking in the right side yeah yeah yeah I’m just gonna give this to you a little up I can’t see oh oh [ __ ] hey buddy I’m a feeling it’s uh they really want a photo bomb us huh get out of here it’s like all right well

I’m jumping back in the portal we got one right I think so oh wait I didn’t get one can everyone else where I stand yeah To the front yeah and three two one cheese cheese Anyone else who wants a picture um I’m let’s see oh yeah sure I look over to you then I should be looking in the right direction all right everyone look up this guy ready All right I got it I got it I got it I got it okay all right I’m jumping in the portal all right let’s go all right here we go yay Um uh Does anyone want to like go back home or like is everyone ending now or because last yeah yeah I want to go treasure hunting later okay oh yeah we’re not doing that I don’t know how do we do that whoa look at it later yeah uh no I have one

Can I have one I’m I’m playing Minecraft later today guys so I’ll just log out here I guess okay I’ll probably need more stuff yes there’s infinite Treasures oh thanks so much everyone for the fun time it’s quite an experience thank you for everything you guys did to

Prepare yes thank you it would not have been easy mode without all of your preparations is always cooperating whenever you need to tell yeah thanks for the fun times guys catch you later bye everyone bye bye Thank you Chad catch you later I appreciate your support as always bye foreign

This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT COLLAB】Calliope and HoloMyth’s Long Awaited Ender Dragon Battle! #hololiveEnglish’, was uploaded by Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN on 2021-07-23 00:22:27. It has garnered 176100 views and 15520 likes. The duration of the video is 01:58:34 or 7114 seconds.

I’ll try not to get in the way! I promise, I will make myself useful for once.


thumb’s art: https://twitter.com/MasterJonald/status/1417762029201362945?s=20 ========================= This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms)

This game has been confirmed by Mojang, and the Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms) Distributed and monetized based on OptiFine MOD Author: sp614x and the OptiFine Team URL: https://optifine.net/downloads ————————————————– ORDER MY BRAND NEW ALBUM: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD

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[Takanashi Kiara]

■Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHsx4Hqa-1ORjQTh9TYDhww

■Debut Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uObh73QZUvg

[Ninomae Ina’nis]

■Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMwGHR0BTZuLsmjY_NT5Pwg ■Debut Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujCxiHpVYmg

[Gawr Gura]

■Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g ■Debut Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBK0gKW61NU&ab

[Watson Amelia]

■Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyl1z3jo3XHR1riLFKG5UAg ■Debut Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXrFrkIlE-0

[First YouTube Collaboration Stream]

■Collab Stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkbXdXbs8vk


✿[Viewer Rules]✿ What is up, humans! Thanks for checkin’ my stream! If you follow these rules, maybe I wait just a bit longer. :} (Do it.)

1.Be nice to other viewers. Don’t spam or troll. 2.If you see spam or trolling, don’t respond. Just block, report, and ignore those comments. 3.Talk about the stream, but please don’t bring up unrelated topics or have personal conversations. 4.Don’t bring up other streamers or streams unless I mention them. 5.Similarly, don’t talk about me or my stream in other streamers’ chat. 6.Please refrain from chatting before the stream starts to prevent any issues. As long as you follow the rules above, you can chat in any language.

========================= [Fan Work Guidelines] https://en.hololive.tv/terms


[Official Online Shop] https://hololive.booth.pm/

[Holoschedule] (Check all members streaming schedules) https://schedule.hololive.tv/#hololive


[Hololive Production] ・Hololive English YouTube Channel: https://t.co/LcYDgFF9V0?amp=1 ・Hololive Production Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/hololivetv ・Hololive English Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/hololive_En ・Hololive English Official Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/


#hololive #holoMyth #hololiveEnglish ———————————————————————————————-

  • Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience! Are you looking to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a thriving community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the perfect place to showcase your creativity and skills. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with unique challenges and opportunities, all while connecting with like-minded players from around the globe. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable journey through the world of Minecraft. Who knows what adventures await you? The only way to find… Read More

  • Touching Grass Ends Video?!

    Touching Grass Ends Video?! The World of Minecraft: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and exciting world of Minecraft, where every block holds endless possibilities. From building magnificent structures to surviving in the wilderness, players are immersed in a world where creativity knows no bounds. Unleash Your Creativity In Minecraft, players have the freedom to create anything they can imagine. Whether it’s constructing towering castles, intricate redstone contraptions, or peaceful gardens, the only limit is your creativity. With a wide range of blocks and tools at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Survive and Thrive Survival mode in Minecraft… Read More

  • Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6!

    Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6! The Optimistic Gamer’s Wolf Shelter Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20.6 Welcome to another exciting build tutorial by The Optimistic Gamer! Today, we will be constructing the Dog House from the Optimistic Survival series. This build has been highly requested, and we are thrilled to guide you through creating a wolf-themed shelter to protect your furry friends. Let’s dive right in! Materials and Foundation To start, gather your Dark Oak Logs and place them strategically to form the structure’s base. Create a sturdy foundation by placing the logs in a specific pattern, leaving gaps for windows and doors. Utilize stone bricks… Read More

  • Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars

    Tier by Tier, I Conquer Minecraft Bedwars In the world of Minecraft, I take my stand, Facing every tier, with a mic in my hand. From F to S, I battle with might, Crafting rhymes and beats, shining bright. F tier player, with ladders in hand, I take on the challenge, with a plan. Diving into the game, with a grin and a spin, Conquering each tier, with a win. Moving up to D tier, the challenge grows, But with cheeky strats, victory flows. C tier player, a tougher fight, But with skill and wit, I shine bright. B tier is next, the stakes are high,… Read More

  • Crafting Stokes Twins’ Minecraft Mansion: A Block-Building Blast!

    Crafting Stokes Twins' Minecraft Mansion: A Block-Building Blast! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, I built the Stokes Twins house, with no complaints. From the walls to the roof, every block in its place, A masterpiece of design, a true showcase. The Stokes Twins, known for their pranks and their fun, Now have a virtual home, under the sun. With a touch of my hand, and a click of my mouse, Their dream house in Minecraft, now ready to house. So join me in this journey, of building and play, In the world of Minecraft, where we’ll stay. And remember to like, subscribe, and share,… Read More

  • Portal Puzzles: Cube Xuan’s Mysterious Minecraft Adventure

    Portal Puzzles: Cube Xuan's Mysterious Minecraft Adventure In the world of Minecraft, a portal appeared, A mysterious entrance, the players cheered. Cube Xuan Hot Stalks Collection, the channel to see, With animations and humor, filled with glee. Fangkuaixuan, the creator, with a smile so bright, Bringing joy to all, with every video in sight. Child-friendly content, safe and sound, No worries here, happiness all around. So dive into the world of blocks and fun, With Fangkuaixuan, the journey’s just begun. Subscribe and follow, for more to explore, In the realm of Minecraft, there’s always more. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where PvP Gods Thrive!

    Join Minewind: Where PvP Gods Thrive! Are you ready to take your Minecraft skills to the next level? Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server and experience the thrill of PvP like never before. With a dedicated community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in epic battles, show off your skills, and make new friends along the way. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on an unforgettable gaming journey. Don’t miss out on the action -… Read More

  • Surviving a High-Stakes Minecraft Challenge

    Surviving a High-Stakes Minecraft Challenge Minecraft: A High-End Adventure Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. Join the fun as players dive into a virtual realm filled with endless possibilities and challenges. Let’s explore some of the exciting elements that make Minecraft a truly unique gaming experience. Unleash Your Creativity One of the key features of Minecraft is its sandbox-style gameplay, allowing players to build and create to their heart’s content. From crafting intricate structures to designing elaborate redstone contraptions, the only limit is your imagination. With a vast array of blocks and items… Read More

  • New Bosses & Adventures in Minecraft Zelda

    New Bosses & Adventures in Minecraft Zelda Minecraft Adventure: Exploring New Bosses and Features Welcome to a thrilling Minecraft adventure filled with new challenges and exciting discoveries! In this unique map, players will encounter a variety of bosses, puzzles, and hidden secrets that will keep them on the edge of their seats. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft and uncover the wonders that await! Discovering a New Adventure Map The adventure begins as players embark on a journey through a captivating new map that offers a fresh and immersive gameplay experience. From mysterious dungeons to enchanting landscapes, every corner of the map is filled with… Read More

  • Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft

    Late Night Phone Gaming in Minecraft Welcome to the World of Minecraft with 方块轩 方块轩, a prominent creator in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of its young audience. With a focus on originality and humor, 方块轩’s channel offers a variety of entertaining videos that aim to spread joy and laughter among viewers. Exploring the Minecraft Universe In the vast and creative world of Minecraft, players have the freedom to build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated environment. From crafting tools and weapons to constructing elaborate structures, the possibilities are endless. 方块轩’s channel showcases the… Read More

  • Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft?

    Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft? The Controversy Surrounding Minecraft and Microsoft Recently, Minecraft players have been expressing their frustration over canceled features, delays, and disappointments in the game. These issues have sparked a series of controversies, with players feeling that Microsoft, the owner of Minecraft, is making unwanted changes and experiments that are not well-received. Player Criticisms Many players have accused the developers of being lazy and have criticized Microsoft for exacerbating the situation instead of addressing the concerns. The constant stream of failed experiments and changes has only added fuel to the fire, leaving players feeling disillusioned and unheard. Is Microsoft Really to… Read More

  • INSANE New Class Maxed Out on Wynncraft!

    INSANE New Class Maxed Out on Wynncraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘MAXING OUT a New Class on Wynncraft!’, was uploaded by Olinus10 on 2024-05-18 23:55:19. It has garnered 3374 views and 103 likes. The duration of the video is 05:35:48 or 20148 seconds. Time to level up a new class because its DOUBLE XP on Wynncraft!! #wynncraft #minecraft #mmorpg #minecraftserver ➤ IP: play.wynncraft.com ➤ DISCORD FOR COOL PEEPS https://discord.gg/olinus-corner-778965021656743966 ➤ Check out my Official Wynncraft Content: https://www.tiktok.com/@wynncraftofficial?lang=en & @WynncraftOfficial ➤ Join Blue Builds https://discord.gg/blue-s-builds-696616686928920598 ➤ Check out our MODPACK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgY1LLyv6pI ➤ Wynncraft LOFI: @WynnbeatsLOFI ➤ Music by Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio Read More

  • Crafting Chaos in Minecraft SMP

    Crafting Chaos in Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP With Viewers, But Technical Issues Fixed(?)’, was uploaded by SIR HORSE on 2024-02-27 08:11:36. It has garnered 107 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:46 or 12466 seconds. On today’s live stream, Sir Horse is once again playing on the Minecraft creator SMP created by @clockswork . Sir Horse is currently just working on random projects and trying to create a map of the SMP while hanging out with friends in a VC. ​​Server IP: cloxxwork.ddns.net Port : 42069 Discord: https://discord.gg/BnRuxb5nUr All music used this stream is created by… Read More


    WINNING Minecraft BEDWARS GAME?! MUST WATCH!Video Information This video, titled ‘Play One Minecraft BEDWARS GAME To See If I WIN!’, was uploaded by TBAKris10 on 2024-03-18 20:34:42. It has garnered 22 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:22 or 562 seconds. Bedwars is one of a lot more Minecraft minigames! I’ts fun! Basically, when you go into teams and you have your own coloured bed. At this time, you can die and respawn normally, But if you loose your bed, you’re basically in hardcore mode meaning if you die, you loose. The same rule applies to the rest of teams.. Also,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Pet House Tutorial! 🏠🔥 #gamer #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Pet House Tutorial! 🏠🔥 #gamer #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make Pet House In Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #viralshort’, was uploaded by ION GAMER YT on 2024-02-16 13:59:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ytshorts #viral #viralshorts #minecraft How to make Pet House In Minecraft #minecraft #minecraftshorts #viralshort Watch this … Read More

  • 🔥 EPIC WIN!! Beast Mode Activated in KitPvP.world #shorts

    🔥 EPIC WIN!! Beast Mode Activated in KitPvP.world #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Beast Win #shorts 100 Ip: KitPvP.world’, was uploaded by TheAntCraft on 2024-01-06 17:00:44. It has garnered 2244 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Welcome to my channel! Everything here is about Minecraft (survival, tutorials) and Cities: Skylines 2. IP of the server: KitPvP.world 🌍 Minecraft content: Experience thrilling survival adventures and useful tutorials that will help you succeed in the world of Minecraft. 🏙️ Cities: Skylines 2 – City Building Perfected: Join me in city building in Cities: Skylines 2. Together we plan, build and manage to… Read More

  • Saylor DESTROYS Minecraft Nature?! 🔥

    Saylor DESTROYS Minecraft Nature?! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Ruining the Nature of Minecraft – Divine Journey 2’, was uploaded by Saylor. on 2024-04-28 12:00:50. It has garnered 1789 views and 172 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:16 or 676 seconds. This is part two of a multipart series on my favorite modpack in minecraft: Divine Journey 2. If you missed part 1, check it out here: https://youtu.be/z-elPMvTpEc . If you liked the video, do consider subscribing, it would really make my day 🙂 I added some visual and editing improvements in this episode as well as the replay mod. Let me… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Rui’s laugh identical to Doraemon subtitles

    Unbelievable: Rui's laugh identical to Doraemon subtitlesVideo Information This video, titled ‘ルイ姉の笑い声がドラえもんのサブタイトルにしか聴こえない’, was uploaded by カラコット on 2024-01-10 14:32:11. It has garnered 26 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Original video[Minecraft]Let’s build a moat under HoloX’s hideout! A castle needs a moat, right? Dig it![Takamine Rui/HoloLive] https://www.youtube.com/live/EnH0m9-i… / @takanelui #Takamine Rui #Hololive #HololiveCutout #Hololive #Cutout #SoundMAD Read More

  • Discover Victorian Port in Minecraft by WBC!

    Discover Victorian Port in Minecraft by WBC!Video Information This video, titled ‘Explore A Historic Victorian Era Port In Minecraft!’, was uploaded by WBC Builds on 2024-05-04 16:39:06. It has garnered 9534 views and 613 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:48 or 1068 seconds. This month’s Minecraft Server Update Tour, May 2024, sees us exploring the best Minecraft Victorian and Georgian, and turn of the 20th century towns & Minecraft Cities! So stick with me as I show you around the Terra 1912 server with this server update tour. In this months edition we will be going to A French inspired port/dock, A British inspired… Read More


    Unbelievable SHOCK at MINECRAFT MONSTER SCHOOL!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MONSTER SCHOOL MINI ANIMATION #minecraft #minecraftanimation #memes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Kimorou on 2024-05-29 20:44:17. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Like and suscribe for more videos 😉 minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft iron farm, minecraft builds, minecraft bedrock ios, minecraft 100 days, minecraft hardcore, minecraft 1.21, minecraft movie, minecraft house, minecraft civilization, minecraft music, minecraft song, minecraft bedrock survival ep 1, minecraft ancient city, minecraft asmr, minecraft aphmau, minecraft addons, minecraft avatar, minecraft armor trims, minecraft armadillo, minecraft april fools, minecraft… Read More

  • Forest Grove SMP Creative Roleplay PvP

    Come join the adventure with us at Forest Grove! Java IP: Bedrock IP: Region: USA Forest Grove offers a diamond-based economy with player warps, spawners, and player shops. PvP is enabled with opportunities to acquire cool loot through crates, events, and other fun server features! Features: Diamond Economy Discord server Geyser/ViaVersions supported Spawners Ranks PvP enabled Land Claiming via grief protection Skills Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – RABBIT TWERKIN’ IN MINECRAFT 😳

    Minecraft Memes - RABBIT TWERKIN' IN MINECRAFT 😳Well, at least the rabbit has some killer moves to show off in the Minecraft world! Read More


    MINECRAFT MEMES I STOLE ONLINE PART 11: HOT DIGGITY DOG! “I tried to come up with an original Minecraft meme, but then I realized I’m just not that crafty.” Read More

  • Uncover the Secrets of Minewind Minecraft 🌟🎮

    Uncover the Secrets of Minewind Minecraft 🌟🎮 Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking for a new server to join? Look no further than Minewind! With an exciting and dynamic community, Minewind offers a unique gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. But why should you join Minewind? Well, imagine exploring a world filled with secrets and mysteries, just like in the YouTube video “Descubriendo los secretos de las Papas papas 😱🥔 || Minecraft.” Spark embarks on an adventure that leads him to discover new and exciting things in the world of Minecraft. Similarly, when you join Minewind, you’ll… Read More

  • Roasting Minecraft 1.8 & MMC

    Roasting Minecraft 1.8 & MMC Minecraft 1.8 & MMC Slander: Exploring the Latest Trends As the Minecraft community continues to evolve, new trends and memes emerge, keeping players engaged and entertained. One recent topic of discussion revolves around Minecraft 1.8 and MMC slander, sparking conversations and debates among enthusiasts. Rediscovering the Joy of Bridge in Minecraft 1.8 One of the intriguing aspects that have caught the attention of players is the resurgence of interest in bridge gameplay. Many are finding the experience of playing bridge in Minecraft 1.8 to be surprisingly enjoyable, leading to a renewed appreciation for this classic feature. Embracing Fun and… Read More

  • EPIC STEAMPUNK ADVENTURE – Minecraft Modpack EP18

    EPIC STEAMPUNK ADVENTURE - Minecraft Modpack EP18Video Information This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft – Steampunk Modpack EP 18’, was uploaded by Winnie Wriggle on 2024-05-23 02:20:35. It has garnered 32 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:51 or 7311 seconds. Adventure Time – Immersive Aircraft airship adventure! Relaxing play in the Minecraft Steampunk modpack. Join me (every Mon Tues and Wed @8:00 am Eastern) as I start my day with some chill morning Minecraft. Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Build Hack

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Build HackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Build hack for your minecraft world #gaming’, was uploaded by MINE BOSS on 2024-01-05 11:46:58. It has garnered 2547 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 IQ Test!!

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 IQ Test!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s 200 IQ Test…’, was uploaded by mini on 2024-02-24 12:15:06. It has garnered 10198 views and 822 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:01 or 481 seconds. recently my friend ClownPierce posted a video where he called me the worst player in Minecraft, well it’s time to prove him wrong! ● JOIN MY DISCORD: https://discord.gg/g9m5mJqeAG ● SUBSCRIBE TO @ClownPierce Read More

  • Shocking Illegal Troll Build in Minecraft!! 💀 #shorts #minecraft

    Shocking Illegal Troll Build in Minecraft!! 💀 #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Illegal build troll face 💀 minecraft #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Casyrant on 2024-01-07 07:10:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Gear up for thrilling survival challenges as we face off against menacing mobs and conquer the perilous landscapes of the Nether … Read More

  • Kenorey – TOP SECRET MODDED SERVER REVEALED🔥 #minecraftmods

    Kenorey - TOP SECRET MODDED SERVER REVEALED🔥 #minecraftmodsVideo Information This video, titled ‘👌SERVER con MODS minecraft NO PREMIUM [ Voycechat, Create, Botania y muchos mas ] #minecraftmods’, was uploaded by Kenorey on 2024-05-28 08:24:00. It has garnered 440 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. IP: kenomc.online VERSION 1.20.1 All the information is in the discord: https://discord.gg/nRuDVVFkfV Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: First Legendary in LändØf CärNissän Modpack – Episode 3 Livestream

    UNBELIEVABLE: First Legendary in LändØf CärNissän Modpack - Episode 3 LivestreamVideo Information This video, titled ‘THE ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MODPACK – EPISODE 3 THE FIRST LEGENDARY! – LIVESTREAM’, was uploaded by LändØfCärNissän on 2024-02-27 01:49:16. It has garnered 22 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:00:50 or 14450 seconds. Don’t forget to check his twitch! thanks for the participation! https://www.twitch.tv/cijogacomigo Join my discord Server https://discord.gg/TACYenMh8m Read More

  • Owlcean Ch. – Kaela’s Bank Card Stolen for Months?! 😱

    Owlcean Ch. - Kaela's Bank Card Stolen for Months?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Kaela’s Bank Card Has Been Used By Other People For Months Without Her Knowing 😥【Hololive】’, was uploaded by Owlcean Ch. on 2024-05-09 16:31:09. It has garnered 9057 views and 518 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:52 or 532 seconds. scammer must die. 🎲Source🔨 【Minecraft】Ender Dragon, i have come back stronger【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】 https://www.youtube.com/live/m8LYR7xjV_Y?si=MTutx5k4IbQsfUI_ 🎲Outro Source🔨 LeAmoeba (https://twitter.com/AmoebaLe) BGM – Busy City by TrackTribe 🎲Precious Vtuber🔨 @KaelaKovalskia ___________________________________________________________________________ #hololive #kaelakovalskia #kaela_kovalskia #hololiveindonesia #hololiveid #holoid #vtuber #vtuberindonesia #holoh3ro #vtuberid Read More

  • Ultimate Gamer Build Villager Hall – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Day 12!

    Ultimate Gamer Build Villager Hall - Mind-Blowing Minecraft Day 12!Video Information This video, titled ‘I build a villager trading and breading hall MINECRAFT DAY-12 part-1’, was uploaded by Bro Gaming Gamer on 2024-04-29 11:14:09. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:04 or 2524 seconds. Title: “Minecraft Day 12 Part 1: Building a Villager Trading and Breeding Hall!” Description: Welcome back to our Minecraft Day 12 adventure! In this exciting episode, we dive deep into the world of villager trading and breeding by constructing a state-of-the-art trading and breeding hall that will revolutionize our gameplay. 0:00 – Introduction: Join us as we… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Mutant Mobs!🔥 #Clickbait #Enderbrine

    Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Mutant Mobs!🔥 #Clickbait #EnderbrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs Minecraft Creepypasta And Mutant Mobs🔥 #shorts #herobrine #minecraft #youtubeshorts #mc’, was uploaded by ENDERBRINE GAMER YT on 2024-05-23 08:36:34. It has garnered 358 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Minecraft sword Vs Axe Vs Mace 🔥 #shorts #sword #minecraft Dream Vs All Blocks And Command Block 🔥 #shorts #block #minecraft Title: Herobrine vs. All Minecraft Entities: Epic Battle Unleashed! | Enderbrine Gamer YT Description: Welcome to the ultimate showdown in the world of Minecraft! In this thrilling video, Enderbrine Gamer YT presents an epic battle between… Read More

  • Dhar Aruz Roleplay Whitelist JAVA 1.20.2

    Dhar Aruz Roleplay Whitelist JAVA 1.20.2Welcome to Dhar Aruz – A Dwarven Nation! Hello! I’m an organizer from Khar Darak for Dhar Aruz, a Dwarven nation set in a complex world with a political landscape. We are currently running on 1.20.2 Java edition. If you’re interested in roleplaying as a Dwarf in our server, we are recruiting fighters, builders, miners, and diplomats. Join us in the ancient to steampunk era of Bastion! Contact our Dwarven High King on Discord at accrayer to get whitelisted. Our server focuses on roleplay, player skins, custom plugins, 60 magic spells, professions, player economy, and strategic wars. Explore dungeons, wastelands,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Update Tier List: Content > Hype

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Update Tier List: Content > HypeWell, at least this meme can take solace in the fact that it’s not at the bottom of the tier list, right? That’s gotta count for something! Read More

  • Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno’s Minecraft Lair

    Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno's Minecraft Lair In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of a daring thief, with stories untold. He tried to steal from TechnoGamerz’s castle so grand, But alas, his plans did not go as planned. Exploring the castle, he found treasures rare, But soon realized, he was caught in a snare. The op loots he sought, slipped from his grasp, Leaving him with regret, in the castle’s grasp. But fear not, dear viewers, for the story’s not done, There’s more to this tale, under the sun. Stay tuned for more adventures, in the Minecraft world, Where twists and turns, are always… Read More

  • Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More