EPIC Minecraft Showdown: NOOB vs PRO Security House

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Well then let’s get started today we’re holding an anti-zombie security house building competition oh to see who can make the stronger build that sounds like fun yeah that means Mikey and I are each going to work on building the most secure house we can to fend off a horde

Of zombies let’s do it I’ll get started okay I’ll go this way well let’s find out who can build the better security house I’m going to get started first I need to lay down the foundations for the house I think I’ll go a little overboard on the size of this one let’s

See H 30’s good how’s that okay this is how big it’s going to be although it is pretty wide I’ll just make the whole thing bigger now I’ll place the frames for my walls next I’ll work on the ceiling this will only take a second yep the roof is

Ready to go I think I’ll get to work on the ENT entrance now I’ll put it over here this is a good spot well first things first I need to be self-sufficient so I’m going to build an indoor Farm once the farm is finished I’ll have fresh produce always growing and ready I

Can live here for a long time no problem okay the first step is to place these levers on the side of the dispensers I can flip these to plant a row of seeds then the other side needs to be triggered a few times so the bone meal

Makes the farm grow wicked fast look instant fresh wheat awesome my self-sufficient Farm is complete with that done I won’t need to worry about food for a long time so now it’s time to move on to my next idea I think I’ll start working on the second floor that’s really nice with

That final piece my poolside bedroom SL living room is complete this is awesome now even if a giant horde of zombies sends the world into chaos any fortunate Soul staying in my security house will be living a life of luxury that should pretty much do it for

The house part of my build now it’s time to add some security to my security house our first tool for reinforcing is a personal favorite of mine lasers yeah nice I’ve installed the laser rifle turret now I’ll load it up with energy cells this is a good idea

Nice it’s done the ultimate turret time for a demonstration let’s say a witch tries walking up to the house house the turret will activate automatically and start firing the laser rifle at the witch see it’s super powerful but I’m a bit of a worry wart I want to make a

Plan just in case the zombie somehow break through the lever goes on the end here and when I pull it it transforms all of these iron blocks into Iron Golems they’re super powerful bodyguards if anything can protect this house from zombies they can moving on actually my

Security house is almost finished but I have one more thing one more important security measure I’d like to put in it’ll be my last resort when I have absolutely no other choice this will be it and it’ll go up here I’m going to build the last mechanism on the roof

Time for us to test it out let’s go wao it launches me straight into the sky this will be my final security measure but before I activate it I think I want to add some elytra into the mix now all you need to do is Step Up on

This and cool check it out I’m wearing elytra holding a golden apple and I have a diamond helmet on my head I’ll get the equipment slapped on and hoop straight into the Escape mechanism here we are hm Mikey’s security house looks like it’s all finished so let’s start checking out

What he’s built check it out this is it isn’t it great it’s pretty cool to test it out I’ll start by spawning some zombies sure you can act as my guide okay leave it to me all right I’ll go ahead and make the zombie generator here there once this lever is pulled the

Zombies will swarm then you try to fight them off using the security house you built sounds good can I pull it sure go ahead 3 2 1 start oh this looks bad Mikey the entrance it’s closed pretend you’re going in from the front door hurry over here oh I see you dropped the

Trapo yep gotcha isn’t it cool you parkour over here wo they’re falling in into your lava trap hurry up JJ over here up the stairs and open wo what a view wow look at all the zombies do you have any plan on what to do about them I’ve got

Weapons come over here and grab one oh sure thing okay grab the bow from here and then wo oh that’s wild you shoot the zombies down below I get it when the zombies get stuck in the spider webs and can’t move you shoot them like fish in a

Barrel exactly it feels like one of those carnival games good point take that feels like there’s no end to them there’s so many well what now is there anything else this dangerous thing here can help us what’s it do I see the gold block with an arrow in it you put a

Lever on the gold block oh I see don’t pull it yet see I made this in case everything gets out of control but Mikey I think everything is already out of control JJ just watch sure after you pull the lever do everything that I do

Okay hey hurry up and pull it okay I’m coming pull it hurry go JJ oh man I need to get away wo w wow crazy some of the zombies survived the explosion still that was really interesting okay let’s keep going Mikey we better run away my security house was a bust I even

Used my last resort it’s okay your last resort was a self-destruct mechanism huh that was a lot of fun let’s run let’s go Mikey now I’m going to show off my build how does it look it’s huge and so fancy I’m really curious about how you made your security House show me around okay get ready I’m going to start summoning the zombies I’ll be right behind you but where’s the entrance

Don’t worry about that 3 2 1 go run Mikey get inside the perimeter look at the turrets they’re shooting the zombies instantly nice yeah that’s awesome piece of cake look at that wo uh-oh JJ they’re breaking through oh you’re right let’s go inside this button opens the door I’m

Right behind you wa no it’s not shutting a few made it through don’t worry I plan for this bodyguards go what no way they’re attacking I made Iron Golems they saved us oh nice now it’s super safe inside the house look outside thank you the zombies are fighting with the turrets wow cool

Well I doubt the zombies can get in here now how are you Mikey my health is really low I’m not doing well honestly watch this I can make as much bread as I want how I can plant the wheat with this one then if I flip this one look it’s

Growing so quickly yep I have an almost instant farm that means I can make as much bread as I want wow I could go for a quick bite now that’s amazing you’re self-sufficient yep and you have bodyguards hey Mikey should I give you a tour of the second

Floor let’s go check out this room oh wow isn’t it cool man it’s like living in a mansion I know isn’t it a bit much there’s a place to sit and eat then you can play in the swimming pool fabulous I’ve never seen anything like it I know

Right wow look here Mikey we can watch the outside world from the pool let’s sit back in relax while the security system takes care of the zombies look at it go you’re right wow they’re dropping like flies maybe it will destroy them all for us I feel safe in here well

Mikey let’s take a much needed breather yeah that sounds nice here what’s that the lever first I have to smash the glass then what after that we have 20 seconds before for the giant explosion using my device I’m going to destroy all the zombies you ready Mikey

Will we be safe we’ll be okay as soon as I pull the lever Dash up there we’ll use the Escape mechanism to run away got it ready you only have 20 seconds let’s go this security house is going to explode and take all of the zombies with it

Let’s do it 3 2 1 go hurry up Mikey let’s go what’s up there what do I do you’re going to be fine oh I see it okay go through the entrance to the left I’m in in the center okay we’re out of here here we go what use the elytra to fly

Away we did it w this is amazing I’m flying what a beautiful view Mikey woohoo you need to get further away oh no I can see it are you okay my wao waa what’s going on wao huh that was a close one that noise was terrifying what happened JJ oh no way

Wow well to wrap it all up my security house is gone Without a Trace wow all right but the zombies are sealed away so I guess we achieved our goal today we both built our own anti zombie security houses if you like this video be sure to like And subscribe thanks for watching

See you later thank you so much bye-bye today we’re holding a zombie security house building competition oh good idea JJ that sounds like fun I’m going to build a security house that can hold off any number of zombies all right I’ll build here let’s see who can build the strongest anti-zombie security house

A competition with JJ yay okay first I’ll build my House’s frame H yeah I want it to be sturdy so I’ll build it with iron I’ll start by laying out the blocks to build the frame I want to make a nice big house with this all right that should do it for the

House’s frame oh Mikey’s hard at work I’m doing my best mine will be more impressive than yours mhm let’s give it our all next I want to reinforce my house by using security lasers first I’ll make the pillars and then I’ll place the lasers here I’ll surround my entire house with

Lasers like these okay my security lasers are complete basically it’s impossible to reach the area around my house now but there’s just one problem I can’t even get into my own house I’ll use slime blocks to build a jump device now I can leave the property to go

Outside and still get back in from the outside uh how’s it going Mikey H I’m putting in Windows so I can see outside this is definitely going to be an amazing security house oh it’s really coming along Mikey I need to pick up the pace okay I think I’ll work on the

Interior of my house next first I’ll put in some glass windows so I can see what’s going on outside the house okay now I’ll be able to see outside from within my house right this is a zombie security house so I only want to put what I absolutely need in the interior I’ll

Start by putting a bed here next I want to store emergency food and weapons I’ll put a chest here now how about breakfast bread and H cook cookies and golden apples maybe water I also want to put weapons in here how about a flamethrower now to take these and leave them inside the

Chest all right now I have bread cookies golden apples water and flamethrowers all inside the chest if I want my security house to be as reinforced as possible I don’t want to use a door as for how I’m going to get inside the house I think I’ll make a secret entrance over here

And the secret passage is complete I’ll try pushing the button I’m in the tunnel leads here now when I push the button I’m able to enter the house hey Mikey how’s it going I’m working really hard on my interior right now it’s going well it’s really coming

Along Mikey all righty then I need to do more I’d like to work on increasing my anti-zombie security measures next next see these walls I want to place turrets here and now if I pull the lever the gun will automatically attack zombies this is the ultimate turret now that the

First floor is done I want to work on the second floor I’ll make a hole leading to the second floor and place some ladders there all right up I go this is is the second floor oh hi Mikey oh hey JJ I’m working on how I’ll

Fend off the zombies when they come oh you’re really working hard on it I’ll try to keep up now then the second floor has a great View and it’s perfect for getting a handle on the situation outside to make sure zombies can’t climb onto the roof

I’m going to set up some security lava I’ll place a bucket of lava into this dispenser then I’ll add more dispensers here just like this there are buckets of lava in all of these I’m placing them all along the roof next I’ll connect them all together using Redstone then I’ll place redstone

Dust along the outside I’m hooking them all together with a redstone circuit to activate Them okay the Redstone circuit is complete and with that my security house is complete I wonder how Mikey’s doing oh are you already finished too Mikey oh JJ my aunti zombie security house is complete isn’t it awesome wo show me how it all works Mikey sure well

Check this out look here I go this is a cobweb barrier ah the cobwebs slow you down when you get caught in them so the zombies won’t be able to reach my house interesting the cobwebs are are there to slow the zombies down but how are you

Going to get inside Mikey J J all I have to do is jump over there ready woo H I messed up I got caught wa well it’s not easy to jump over that it could be a problem if you get caught when there’s zombies around I’m sure

It’ll be fine I’m confident that they won’t make any mistakes during a real zombie invasion JJ look at this next what are those these are Arrow launchers how do they work just watch ready mhm woohoo yay wo that’s awesome yeah how does it work whenever I pull

This lever it shoots out a bunch of arrows your interior is quite luxurious oh JJ you noticed but there’s no need for it to be this nice there’s plenty of stuff you don’t need to secure yourself against zombies in here hm that’s true but I really wanted it to look nice inside

Just look at it JJ I even have diamonds on the wall H over here I prepared lots of treasure too see I’ve become quite attached to this security house thanks to all the fancy stuff I have in it I like it so much I wouldn’t mind living here

Forever I see but still it’s certainly a very nice interior I know Right it’s night Mikey the zombies are coming it’s time to find out whose security house is stronger all right zombies GJ wo yikes zombies into your security house I’m going in they’re coming hurry Mikey W I jumped over the cobwebs nice H shoot they’re coming for me too I’ll use

The jumping device to hop over the lasers all right wo here they come there’s so many zombies coming those lasers should oh they’re getting in into the secret entrance okay through the passage and then use the ping device to get inside wa wow there are already so many

Zombies here all right now I’ll activate the turrets and let the guns deal with the zombies woohoo they’re shooting them automatically I just have to wait for the guns to fight the zombies for Me all right much better the turrets have taken care of the zombie threat woohoo uh how are you doing over over there Mikey no problems here piece of cake I’m fighting off the zombies with arrows keep it up Mikey let’s both survive this let’s do it okay let’s go

Up to the second floor and take a look around let’s see I might as well take the golden apples and flamethrower I prepared I’ll eat one now all right up to the second floor wao Mikey’s house is surrounded by zombies hang on yikes my house is still

Surrounded by zombies all right in that case I’ll fight them off with this flamethrower time to take out the zombies woohoo W there sure are a lot of them oh hang on oh the zombies are climbing up this is bad this is bad it’ll be okay though don’t forget I still have security

Lava security lava switch on wa the zombies don’t stand a chance at getting up here thanks to my security lava all right all right now to turn the security lava back off uh Mikey how are you doing I’m in trouble zombies got inside my house they broke down my wooden

Door what get to the roof ah to the roof okay no I made it I never thought they’d be able to get inside save me JJ what do I do escape to my security house got it I’m stuck Mikey’s caught in the cobwebs no no Mikey here H what wait I came to Mikey’s today to hang out but hey Mikey Mikey open up pal oh hey what’s up open the door sure oh thank you there huh this is your place by the way why is your house surrounded by a massive fence why yeah

For security I made it to protect myself from thieves and zombies and any other terrible things that try to get me I see yeah that makes sense it looks like it’ll keep you really safe I know guess what JJ I’m planning on making something way cooler than this way cooler all

Right what about this Mikey let’s make the strongest security system ever it’ll be so strong that we won’t be afraid no matter what comes that sounds great JJ let’s do it okay let’s get started on the strongest security house ever built come On all right I imagine that this security house would be really modern and new after all if it’s going to be the strongest security we have to include lasers and traps yeah that sounds good let’s make some strong defenses so we can rest easy what should we make first well since we’re talking

About security I think we should make something that’s worth protecting sounds good there see this Treasure Chest this will be the main thing we’re protecting let’s put valuables in oh like what actually I’ll check in and see what you put in later I’m still pretty curious about what’s inside though it’s

Important to plan ahead but I think I’ll focus on the house for now and the security later all right let’s make this house modern first we’re going to cover the entire floor with quartz blocks amazing it sure is Mikey let’s take a quick look at it now now then let’s get

Building yeah let’s build up the first floor from around here like this we need to make a couple of pillars very nice this means the frame for the first floor is finally finished and now the base for the second floor is all filled in we did it the second floor

Should be extra fancy let’s do it yeah Fancy Fancy Fancy also the second floor has lots of space we can use up come on you mean like this yeah huh how’s that something along those lines the first two floors are a little stiff and square so I thought it

Might be best if we added some curves to the third floor plus I was thinking we could include a giant u-shaped window somewhere around here but how I also want to change the color let’s use Blackstone we’ll make sure the u-shape is enormous like this we finished building our Masterpiece sweet next

Let’s start putting glass up towards the ceiling all right how’s that this looks so incredible I want to live in here it looks really good already but we still need need to work on the interior let’s go in here is the treasure chest we got to protect yeah it’s the most important

Part of our plan we should build a cage around It wo no one can reach it now yep that’s good now with these iron bars our treasure chest is completely secured we did it I’m glad that’s done with next let’s build up some more of the Interior we’ll install our defenses last so for now let’s just decorate inside the first

Floor we still need to put in a living room and a kitchen you can set up the chairs in there and I’ll build the kitchen over here okay all right I’m using this fire and making a stove now then good job I’m going to put a smoker right beside it

And then a a Cauldron and then finally I’ll make a fridge this trip wire hook will be our faucet and we’ll just ignore the fact that it’s coming out of the fridge all right it looks like we’re finally finished wow this really is a full-on kitchen now it’s finished did you make a couch over here

Mikey wow it’s amazing we’ll need a dining table too so let’s make one right here I’ll make it like this there because it’s so close to the kitchen we can eat our meals right after we cook them so fancy this house is awesome yeah and here’s the bedroom the bedroom’s

Important I want to make it relaxing let’s put wood in here this room is super elegant yeah that’s true here’s a lantern oh it looks like it started raining wait you’re forgetting an important part of the bedroom H look what do you do before you go go to bed

What read a book right that’s right yeah book oh yeah I almost forgot about reading how could I that’s a lot of bookshelves okay the bedroom’s done all done next we should figure out a way to get outside isn’t there a way to get outside from here you need to get

Outside we could make a secret door okay let’s get inside but we’ll try and go this way all right how was that it’s kind of obvious but it’s still a secret door yeah it still is just through the vines go through the green green means go right yeah green means go

So you can head straight through the vines to enter green means go go through the green green means go all right we finished the inside of the second floor where on the third floor should we set up our study how’s that here cool thanks our eyes will get

Worse if there’s no light studying in the dark is bad for you well it seems like we’re all finished in here it looks really great now that it’s done all done do you have any idea what we’re doing next next oh yeah it’s time to upgrade the security isn’t it yep security time

Now let’s make some security for the treasure chest I just need to decide on some security devices that we’re going to use like what what will you pick Let’s dig a hole sure let’s do it now we’ll put in the lava Mikey lava let’s put lava everywhere except on the house

Got it ooh I guess that means we finished our lava mode security how exactly do people get in jumping yeah jumping there see does that mean we’re done nope not yet what else we’re forgetting something really important Mikey we need a beacon and some pink colored glass and finally a few iron

Blocks there it looks perfect this house is incredible we finished the lasers our house is super secure amazing amazing amazing now all that’s left to do is build security for the inside of the house we need to punish any robbers who try and steal from the treasure chest I

Want to set up an elaborate trap I’m going to put a lever system here and whenever it gets pulled the robbers will fall into a pit this means I’ll have to do a lot of digging before the Trap is complete they’ll fall down here and they’ll be stuck inside forever

Whoever’s trying to steal our treas treasure will hit this switch like this and the floor falls out from underneath them oh wow that’s a coolest thing ever all right that means now we need to start thinking about where they’re going to land when they fall huh what’s this when the robbers

Fall down they’ll think oh treasure and try to open it then bang is that TNT I can’t believe you put a trap chest on top of the TNT awesome it’s not a chest but it sure looks real perfect now then we’re finished yeah the pitfall trip is

Complete we also put in that dummy chest for good measure okay I think we have the best security [Applause] possible now I’ll explain everything yeah explain wo so on the outside we put in some pink laser beacons careful I don’t want to touch them right or you’ll

Take damage these beams are also a really good way to intimidate any nearby enemies yeah that’s true next up we have a lava moat surrounding the entire building nice any zombies or spiders or creatures that can’t jump will fall straight in like this and if

We fall in the pool’s right there wow so strong we’ll cool off right away okay next we go inside the living room the kitchen’s over there our couch is the best place to relax under our fancy light source it’s like art yeah like Art here’s our Treasure Chest the treasure

However is still a mystery only Mikey knows what’s inside yeah I think it’s good enough for now great if a thief shows up he’ll think to himself oh if I pull the lever I’ll unlock the cage and I can get a hold of the treasure but when he pulls It ouch perfect he’ll fall through the sand and then think to himself another chest lucky and then he’ll open it but that’s what will trigger the TNT underneath it woo wow ow just like that well as long as we’re in here we’ll be safe from zombies we could even relax

On the couch if we wanted to this is the best house ever the best H looks like we really made the Ultimate Security house we’ll be fine no matter how many zombies or robbers show up we showed them if you enjoyed this video don’t forget to leave

Us a like And subscribe to our Channel and try to build your own security houses to see how they turn out see you bye-bye run Mikey all right take a look at this our new house is finally finished wow what a nice house and a great location we’ll

Have a happy life building a village here yeah with this house as the start of a new Village we can live in peace fantastic hang on what’s that sound uh there’s an emergency news alert on the TV let’s check it outo it’s about to start what could it be let’s

See what’s going on huh Huh what this is bad Mikey what a mysterious wle monster just attacked a village nearby uh-oh and according to the reporter that monster is headed this way next what after we finished building our peaceful home what do we do H H well Mikey we should have at

Least 6 hours before the wle monster reaches us we have until then to build some security let’s fight off the wriggle monster yeah let’s fight it what kind of Security will we build the wle monster is huge yeah it’s so big we need to build a wall big enough to surround

The entire house of course yep let’s do it so let’s build a gigantic wall let’s build it yeah how’s this wo look at that wall it’s massive that’s just one section it’s huge our walls need to be quite thick it’s thick I think it’s five actually

Six blocks wide so it’s pretty solid and it’s also about 10 blocks tall at that that height it should be tall enough and thick enough I think we have a pretty good wall no way the wle monster can break through this wall it’s the strongest wall ever yeah wo now we have

To build off what we have so far okay let’s surround the house with walls let’s do it do our best the very Best all right woohoo wow check it out it took us a while but we did it yeah the house is completely surrounded by large sturdy walls that took a whole hour to make but now we should be safe and sound Behind These Walls right nobody can get through well Mikey sure

But we built our perfect house together and I don’t want to see anything happen to it and since I don’t want it getting smashed just in case yeah we should build some more anti-le Monster security oh for starters let’s see here we’ll need this and that

Uh start with these H is that right yep how’s it look what’s this what are you doing and taada let’s build some Iron Golems of course Iron Golems are the toughest troops around maybe the Iron Golems will defeat the rigle monster for us they can take it no problem yeah oh Iron Golems

Are the strongest soldiers out there they’re the Ultimate Security Force they’ll probably feed the wle monster for us they’ll protect our walls amazing there’s something else I want to build follow me what is it don’t you think we have enough protection already no Mikey it’s not enough we need to be ready for

Anything I was thinking of using lava as a security measure H how about this good good okay that’s how wide our lava defense will be now to fill it up it won’t make it across this much lava right there’s no way he hey I doubt even the giant wle

Monster will be able to cut across this much lava no no no although we can’t make it across ourselves either so we’ll have to fix that first we’ll raise this part up and then put a ladder here then in the middle of the lava some slime

Blocks I see what you’re doing now you can climb up here jump on the slime blocks and bounce across now we have a way to make it through that’s right and the wriggle monster won’t be able to cross the lava the wle monster won’t make it to the

Other side it’s perfect I’ll put one on this side too that’s great ha amazing yeah yeah so we’re done awesome I guess this should be enough it’s more than enough that wle monster is going down well let’s take it easy and get some sleep while we wait Mikey hang on hang

On why we can’t be too safe just in case we need to make the Ultimate Weapon something 100% effective that works on any enemy we still have about 5 hours left in the day a weapon that’s absolutely effective against any Enemy what is it you’ll see let’s start at the back of the

House huh first get a shovel ready Mikey okay we’ll use our shovels to dig a hole in the ground a really deep hole sure how’s this how big should we make it it should be pretty big let’s make it a crazy deep B let’s do our best yeah so let’s make

It about this big and really deep it might take us a while let’s dig we can do it Yeah I’m tired we dug it all up but we still have 2 hours left that’s fine take a look over here we dug a hole so deep it drops straight into the void but still I would fall into a hole that they can clearly see don’t worry we’re going to convert

This into a giant pitfall trap to do that we’ll need TNT and Sand yeah and we’ll use redstone dust and some repeaters yep first uh maybe here sure all right on this layer we’ll place the TNT let’s completely cover the whole with TNT okay just like this yeah all right great we we covered the hole next we place a layer of sand covering the layer

Of TNT sure just place the sand cover it up with sand that’s the way good good keep at it yeah okay wow okay that’s done layer placed all right the last one the finish we’ll cap it off with another layer of sand now to line the es with repeaters like

This nice and then it becomes the Ultimate Weapon wo the Ultimate Weapon then um that should work yeah is that a good spot to leave it looks good good now to cover up all of this perfect perect Perfect all done yep we’ll just leave this spot open okay

That should be everything it’s done so now when we pull the lever all of the sand should drop away amazing then everything standing on top of that area will fall straight into the void our Ultimate Weapon is complete yep that means we’ve completed all of our security measures we still have 2 hours

Left until the wle monster comes I’m exhausted the monster could show up at any time huh really huh it’s the wle monster it’s here oh no oh no oh no hang on we got to move hurry the secret door is open get yourself equipped r monster huh the Iron Golems are even

Stronger than I thought they can win it’s no problem for them they’re beating it too easy I’ll give support pizza cake I’ll support two we can do it it’s taking damage attack the walls were so thick attack seriously the walls melt away like butter oh no the Iron Golems are all

Down it’s coming the lava should do it the lava is so wide we’ll be fine it’ll try to get across we’ll be fine there’s no way it could cross what what now I knew it couldn’t cross the lava I knew it the wle monsters generating too fast

Can we beat it once it’s on the sand it’s not safe for you on the sand now Mikey right once it reaches the sand come to the sand I’ll activate the pitfall trap huh wa what what what was that what just happened seriously what happened oh no

Hold up it’s still alive that was supposed to be our Ultimate Weapon uh huh uh H um I guess the wle monster the wriggle monster slipped it fell off into the void for real woohoo well our house may have been completely wrecked but at least the wle

Monster fell into the void even if it slipped on its own what a relief we fought off the rle monster if you enjoyed today’s video please make sure to like And subscribe to the channel thanks bye-bye thanks for watching bye well then let’s get started once night

Falls the zombie horde will arise our goal is to protect this house let’s get building what a zombie horde we need security measures let’s do it yeah well on that note we’re going to build eight security measures to defend ourselves eight really yep we need to start building our first security measure will

Be Spike trips in lava H taada look take this oh thanks this is a spike trap cool I think we should build it a good distance away from the house we can put them down just like this these traps go directly on the ground oh these are impressive yeah that

Should do it this will keep us safe here’s how the spike traps work as long as you’re holding on to a copy of the master key you’re going to be fine but if you’re not oh wow see that out of nowhere spikes stick into your feet seriously check it out that’s amazing

When the zombies walk across this line they’ll be absolutely helpless in our Mighty trap so strong now then Mikey our mission is to protect the whole entire house so we’ll need to surround everything with a lava fil moat let’s start digging wo just like that great nice work now for the lava

Okay looking good H perfect super perfect this moat nothing will get through here yeah wo the spikes and the lava make an incredible defense nothing can cross lava and the spikes will hurt way too much the zombies don’t stand a chance sweet would you look at that this trap is really something

Awesome okay now we’ll make a pitfall trap h a pitfall trap we’re going to be using these eggs but for now we just need to dig a big hole in the ground let’s do it got it let’s get digging there’s lots to do this trap is going to

Be huge dig dig go on hurry let’s make this hole as deep as we can just like this all right sure H that should be deep enough oh that looks pretty good this is one deep hole yeah we’ll seal up the top layer with this covering it yeah let’s

Go but it’s not a trap well we’re going to place these eggs inside of the blocks on top what are you talking about yeah just like that time for the eggs these eggs will make us the ultimate pitball trap oh thanks now then yes what are you

Doing you’re just covering it with snow blocks you think so Mikey drop your key for a second sure now walk over there no I’m stuck here it looks like you’re trapped can you please let me out number three let’s dispose of the zombies that fall into the pitfall trap what trapping

Zombies is the first thing we have to do but finding a way to properly dispose of them is just as important yeah but how here’s the plan we’re going to replace everything in here with glass blocks how’s this good now that we’ve installed all this glass we can observe the zombes behavior

At any time wo Cool nice that should just about do it mm okay now then right we’re going to set up some special dispensers special dispensers what makes them special you can’t tell no idea a normal dispenser only has one hole but this dispenser has three holes well you mention it I think

You’re right having the extra two holes means that these special dispensers can launch their ammo at three times the speed of a regular dispenser no way that’s incredible all right then that should do it yeah that’s it Mikey huh look awesome you can see it better from this side

Ready oh wow see each special dispenser launches three arrows at once that’s really something does it have infinite ammo yep it can fire forever W unbelievable now when the zombies fall into our pitfall trap they’ll be completely exterminated this security Rock security system number three zombie disposal unit

Is finally complete it’s finished four a secret passage there’s nothing wrong with walking through a door like this but yeah but what won’t the zombies just follow us straight inside you’re totally right if we enter through the front door the zombies are definitely going to follow

Us inside I think our next step should be to build a secret passage into the house let’s do it first things first we should probably start building the tunnel from somewhere around here sure sweet H let’s see if we connect it somewhere along here we can stop by and

Clear out the zombies that fell in the hole oh true after clearing them out we can continue to the house I see nice we’ll put the tunnel Here okay let’s go keep on digging I can’t wait to see the rest of our security measures oh it connected we’re through we can make a nice set of stairs here there great wo sweet it’s done mhm the entrance still isn’t hidden yet I want to make a true secret

Entrance right that looks about right is it clear it out first and then we’ll add Pistons sure we have to set the Pistons up around here and here I need to make sure it reaches this side the repeaters go up here and the Redstone Dust connects it all together just like this Okay all Right now we cover it with snow blocks wow that’s awesome and now for the Final Touch huh the lever nice when you pull this lever the Pistons seal off the secret passage wo now we’ll Place some sand on top of the sealed pistons and on

Top of that we’ll add some snow oh just like that now the zombies won’t be able to locate our hidden entrance it’s invisible that’s how you make a secret passage when you open it this happens wow cool guess that means our eight security measures are finished all done now we

Just have to wait for the zombies let’s do it all right looks like the night has come already wait a minute that’s a lot of zombies seriously yep now I’m going to draw them towards us let’s do this thing huh are you kidding is this safe I’ll try and

Get them to notice me time to use our security measures yeah our security measures will wipe them all out wow there’s so many wo they’re following me it’s a zombie parade ouch uh-oh I’ve been hit you good I’ll be fine because do this place is equipped with

Traps yeah nice watch this well bring it on zombies how’s it look I have some time to eat it worked oh look at that wow amazing hang on a sec they’re breaking through make them cross it again sure wait what about the pitfall trap drop them down there W more zombies

Just spawned seriously this isn’t good but the traps are catching most of them Mikey stay further back right around here oh they’re falling in it’s working that’s incredible got him I want more to drop in even more they keep spawning I think they’re spawning faster and faster

What do we do wait Mikey try not to fall in the oh Mikey this is bad I’m coming to save you Mikey oh no the zombies got you they actually got me I’m dead check out the automatic arrows Mikey come look at this that’s awesome it works sweet it’s working not for these

Two nice job now it’s finally working well Mikey the zombies are going down but we’re getting caught in the crossfire will we be fine it’s hitting us oh ouch that hurts we’re definitely getting caught in the middle let’s just exterminate the rest of the zombies let’s do it punch that zombie into the

Arrows I’m on it nice job now dash through while it’s clear I can make it yes almost ouch that hurts ouchie that was rough what’s the plan hold on a sec wait when did they get here things are getting bad real fast oh hang on they’re

In it’s time to Gear Up wa look at that stay on we made it out good job our house is completely on fire our last resort was a bit much so fiery yeah this got messy so we beat the zombies yep but it looks like some of

Them are still trying to follow us no big deal

This video, titled ‘Whose SECURITY HOUSE WITH ZOMBIE DEFENSE is Safer: NOOB vs PRO in Minecraft – Maizen JJ and Mikey’, was uploaded by Maizen – JayJay and Mikey on 2024-01-02 22:00:19. It has garnered 17201 views and 265 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:34 or 3094 seconds.

Thanks for watching my friends! If you like this videos, please like and write me an interesting comment so that I have a good mood!

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen channel : https://www.youtube.com/@UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

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    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

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  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

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  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! astraley.com:25583 Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More

  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘New item Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21! 🍃’, was uploaded by DoubleSquare Gaming on 2024-06-21 16:37:48. It has garnered 447 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Wind charge in Minecraft 1.21! Read More

  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More