EPIC Minecraft SMP 1.20 LIVE – JAVA & BEDROCK!

Video Information

H hello hello let me see hello can you hear me let me check can I hear myself yes I can hear myself through my computer shut up please can I hear myself oh my God don’t don’t say that that’s annoying hello everybody hello hi P hi electric waffles hi corner hi math

Wizard gamer um what’s it I was going to stream more during the week but it seems as though there’s been a a whole week distance between since I last stream Minecraft but anyways hello uh today I don’t know what we’re doing but we’re continuing on the big hole uh also off

Stream I I caught this Phantom in a boat his name is John phantom for some reason very creative name he’s very loud so let’s let’s leave him inside let’s leave him inside shall we hello pyro welcome welcome welcome yeah we we’ll leave we’ll leave John’s Phantom to rest

Inside he’s not very he’s not very not very tolerant to the sun he needs to stay inside he’ll get sunburnt oh hello again math Wizard game but yeah I don’t know what to do today um I’m just going to do random stuff around this hole for some reason uh I

Should have made I should have probably made a plan to do something but yeah he was just doing Roblox oill 6 that’s all right I’m doing well thanks P are you doing well oh it’s Roblox Studio you making a game oill 6 that’s nice oh I

Was going to stream so much earlier but I had a bunch of problems and now it’s super duper late for me and so I apologize if I’m very very tired my voice Probably sounds off as well daily cut the RO there’s there’s a lot of lag uhoh

Let me check for a second I’m very sorry if there’s a lot of lag I’ll see what I can do about it I see what I can do about it I’m very sorry if I sound very tired as well uh let’s see but if you guys have lag what’s it

Just refresh the stream and it should be okay should be okay if you just refresh the stream I don’t know YouTube’s like that sometimes reducing band within all you added a time machine to the middle of of poot Town that’s great oh hi Tad kid I wasn’t looking hello

Hello Super Mario RPG you are Super Mario RPG hey tupad kid I didn’t see you there um I don’t really know what what were we doing last time I have no idea I’m very tired and Delirious today I apologize um for some reason we have dogs here and our chest full of

Snowballs and seeds how lovely that’s all right nma do sleep well okay do sleep well you did a long 6 hours look 6 hours stream you deserve you deserve a rest good night yeah but you know actually you know what we should do today we should

Totally make a farm for this area we got Heats of seeds that we stole from the Cherry Town um we should totally go ahead and make a place for a farm it’s okay if if I use to sleep oh I’m not sure what you’re talking about their their twad kid sorry

I didn’t I didn’t quite understand that you are not sleeping with the Poyo FLH no way it’s been taken off the shelves because of people like you if anyways we should this place is very very early we’ve just started we just started off last time and a lot of

People have done some stuff I’ve contributed minimal amount of effort I just dug a little thing in the side and it became this and with lot of other people living here and what’s it the one main thing that we’re lacking at the moment is a food source around here of course we can

John Phantom is very loud it we got to we got to tell him to to shush up I don’t know he’s going to be a bit of annoyance always barking out the window trying to get your loot back FR Fred did you managed to get the um the

The com the what’s it the the slash trigger thing working so you can find your grave yeah this silly Phantom so loud so loud so annoying but perhaps we should find an area to put a nice little farm for everybody ouch H let’s get let’s get around first

Let’s Scout around first see if there’s any nice areas I’d like it to be like pretty Central close to Central Area why there’s a zombie piglin here ouch more Phantoms you know we should we should gather even more pets let’s let’s make another boat shall we we don’t have enough

Wood we should we should just gather an array of very strange pets for this place we already got John Phantom we should collect that zombie pigman ouch it’s not now Phantom I already got I already got a phantom I don’t need you we shall borrow this log we love stray logs

Just out in the middle of nowhere put this in the crafting bed Ben have us a boat jump jump jump jump jump can I make a diamond farm unfortunately not oill S I don’t know how to make a diamond farm I don’t think anyone does if only one

Until the day that we that Minecraft does learn to make a diamond farm can we trap you in the boat yes this is another this is our new pet what shall we name him I have no idea but we shall name him something he shall rest in the lake for now there

We go oh excuse me pig ouch no he he came out hey you’re supposed to stay in the boat excuse me there you go you can you can stay in the boat where you’re nice and safe so you should you can’t be drowning inside the lake can

You we leave you there for now ouch and will put a blank sign here to eventually name him something oh those darn Phantoms it’s time to head inside with Al Phantom we can use triple spawners next year for diamond farm wow so fun we love Diamond Farms but anyways uh you’re making a

Killing chamber his cave oh I see oh random Phantom head I shall I shall take that thank you very much oh trial spawners oh yeah they’re adding the trial spawners um next next update aren’t they so we need to find somewhere to to dig a hole in the side

Of and make a nice little Wheat Farm we need food we are starving we we’re down to our last few pieces of steak we are we are going to starve to death we desperately need our food situation sorted let’s find a nice place to just let ouch

Let’s just find a nice place to shove some wheat in shall we I don’t want to disrupt too many things though ouch perhaps we go even deeper we go even deeper on the on this area Let’s see we where can we make a new funny tunnel in inside of our big

Hole we got we got John Phantom greeting every one at the reception is n thingy I guess we could go down maybe o maybe we should have an an Al Al alternate stairway here why not I’m just going to start randomly digging do I have a yellow flower I am exceptionally

Poor to Pet kid I will see if I can if I can spare you a yellow flower not now John fom I don’t have any I don’t I have brown I have that’s like the only color I have is brown unfortunately I don’t I don’t know if we

We’ll play for as long as we did last time today it’s pretty late um what I had a bunch of trouble setting everything up and I’m super tired but yeah we shall we shall make ourselves a pickaxe make a couple pickaxes actually cuz we need to do a lot of digging

We shall dig oh y we shall dig a new tunnel all the way down to a new farm so we can finally have wheed I made too many stairs 40 is a bit a bit too much I’d say who knows can I come check out

Your roller coaster of course R I did I did see you were doing something with a roller coaster I should check it out actually let me create this staircase first we’ll have we’ll have this thing be twisty and turny like the rest of this

Place I did I did see a bit of rails actually it’s looking nice make this such a such a pain to D first VI a what’s the what’s the point of having easy to access TR travel what’s it making it just one straight line up when we can just make it a windy

Thing which hurts to go down oh we’ll definitely um definitely need some torches as well it’s going to get a bit dark isn’t it let’s see where did I put my coal um it’s the furnace here yes oh I forgot I had iron have fun yeah but we’ll make

Some we’ll make some torches at least we to at least put it on hour off hand because you know we don’t care if mobs form I’m I’m fine dying we don’t care about the the the health and safety of anyone else yeah we’ll just keep on digging a random windy

Tunnel hello amazing film too hello welcome welcome welcome we shall make this as hard to go up as possible this is the point food does not come easily it comes with a treacherous journey of rickety staircases oh my God I’m just making this a pain for no no apparent reason we

Love to see it I’m going to use all I’m going to use all 40 of these stairs actually make it even worse I think I I think it’s too late for I think it’s too late for Minecraft it’s it’s get it’s getting to me look what look at the insane things I’m doing

The insane things I’m doing we shall go up then down then down of this random tunnel that I probably dug out earlier oh my God this is so pointless this is so pointless that’s all right though we love pointless things we love pointless things don’t we hello Doge welcome welcome

Welcome how are you doing Doge yeah we we do need a d food farm don’t we oh you love Ultra pointless things don’t you oh I love Ultra pointless things as well this is going to be this is going to be more than pointless rather very annoying it’s going to be a

Very annoying windy staircase you guys are going to hate it that’s going to make me so happy hello tobo hello it’s going to it’s going to be such annoyance is so good when the pointless things get to ultra Instinct oh it is getting a it is stretching quite far isn’t

It this a new whole new level of pointlessness oh I do want to climb up this staircase afterwards I want to see how bad it is we will use all 40 of these good thing we had have these random T tunnels we dug out beforehand I knew they’ll come in handy

Someday someday we’ find a random use to all these funny tunnels oh that that’s that’s not quite that’s not quite how you place a stair shall shall sh I won’t I won’t spend the entire time Underground okay I actually do I’ll do some other stuff as

Well but for now we shall place all our stairs a boat ride with your wife oh de have have you gotten a wife on the server already wow how they grow up so fast wed it already how beautiful when’s the when’s the date when’s The Wedding Date

March 31rd I’m so excited wow March 31d my favorite date in the entire world the apocalypse oh dear I can’t believe the apocalypse and your wedding on the same day what a coincidence we are slowly but surely getting down getting down to our final stairs you built

Something sorry I just stumbled my words so bad you built something that’s very my my tech is cool of course it hopefully I’ll be able to see it ouch I pressed the wrong button we’re nearly out of stairs when how have pickaxed your ability apparently Oh wrong one here we

Go shall do do this we haven’t done enough inclines have we [Applause] oh this is so pointless oh hello liy welcome welcome welcome nice to see you liy oh I can see names up there I guess we’re not that deep far deep are we I guess we’re still in the stone area what

What level are we at I have to check where yeah at 62 which is basic that’s water level actually I think unless I’ve remembered it wrong this is this must be water level there we go we keep going up you don’t have Minecraft but you get the switch version for Christmas limey

That’s great I hope you have fun with it can I start a thunderstorm unfortunately I’m not going to I’m not going to like start any weather and all that unfor thunderstorms are pretty rare aren’t they unfortunately we have to wait it out oh my God I I always I

Always get so excited when there’s a thunderstorm cuz I have that one that one Trident we luckily got I mean I don’t have it on me right now but I I don’t know I really like just zapping things with my lightning rod oh yeah of course of course SL me

The server supports crossplay and all that what’s it Bas basically any device can join up and play oh you just imagine Kirby saying it Shadow oh that’s true I guess I guess what’s it that is true actually that is true actually my my username is actually

Based off Kirby it is it is the famous Kirby qu what’s oh I guess that’s going to be stuck in your head for a while isn’t it and Bravo we have made a useless useless set of stairs I hate this so much oh my God all this for few pieces

Of bread this is torturous how long does this go actually I thought this was shorter oh my God this sucks so much wow I’m so what a what a great use of time Minecraft is acting weird do is everything all right yes of course slimy it shall work you oh

Hello we still haven’t named this guy this guy’s still sits in the boat by himself we got John Phantom over there but oh hi M oh did you build something you want to show me this is Gary oh do do you know what I think of actually do do any of you guys

Know Pokémon what’s I mean everyone’s everyone’s heard of Pokémon but do you guys do you guys know the Pokémon hyp Hypno I mean if you know you know it looks quite a lot like them it’s really C it’s really cute it’s really nice it’s really

Nice I still don’t know how to say it cuz you changed your username how do I say it my tech is it me Tech I’m not sure it looks like a fox it sure does with its little snout thing oh yeah there’s a few internet settings you have to do to join all

That oh second one all right me oh hey Gabe hello oh hello hello M spe this is great though a lovely server Monument a lovely Monument for this place we do what’s it there’s a cow in the wall that’s a that’s a bit strange I didn’t expect I didn’t think we had livestock

Here this is really nice we’ve only moved to this area very recently it’s a really it’s already sprouting with life it’s so beautiful this is your wife Tad kid oh I see I see what’s it what’s it your your wife the zombie piglin came from the nether sat in the boat so

Gorgeously you couldn’t help but marry so ouch i’ I’ve I’ve submerged myself under the dog oh don’t shoot don’t shoot don’t shoot don’t shoot two fat kids a wife Gabe that’d be horrible you a Superman m m come look at something funny uh-oh yikes that’s a bit unfortunate isn’t it Superman

Unfortunately could not unfortunately didn’t did not seem to be able to fly is there something under here oh my God there’s something under here a sign that’s hilarious that’s hilarious to me to oh my God why is it just a sign oh it’s this place oh my God

Why is there just a hole in the lake I don’t oh I can I can’t actually get out of here that’s cool okay I see we just have a we just have some random p in our house now and we have somebody married to a zombie pig

Piglin perhaps a wedding ceremony is in order ow che’s burning well I guess more steak for us hello I can’t see the name Shadow L hello Shadow L what it I mean we we did have a bit of a food situation but there’s no need to

No need to kill the cows oh I guess there is need to kill the cows I shall take the steak and move on with our day I’m not sure I don’t have much direction today what’s a it’s a it’s a noble sacrifice tupad kid a a lovely tribute

Of beef to all of the hungry people are we all just turning on the fire all my inventory is full you know what actually I don’t really oh do I care about my levels actually that’s a good question do I care about my levels I think I do care about my

Levels at this moment I was going to join in but we can’t risk out we can’t risk out beautiful levels oh the the graves appear as two very small stone blocks in Bedrock that’s that’s beautiful pyro that’s beautiful that’s great does it does it look

Nice look at the top uh-oh no more NE portal so bad too bad so sad oh the nether portal was being broken dear Deary me we shall burn this cow for its crimes off to the off to the to I guess hell that’s very interesting that I didn’t know they appeared like that

We shall I don’t know let’s let’s just do something random let’s just make something random let’s make a um I don’t know what I’m doing let’s make a a random campfire shall we with a flint and steel since we have that in our hand we make a we make a lovely little a

Lovely little death FL flame I love the Flames we’ll borrow a piece of NE why why are you here I didn’t realize there was so many villagers in the nether I knew I knew a few of them went into the portal but I didn’t realize that many what are you what on Earth are you doing here you’re not supposed to be here villager that’s

Interesting not supposed to be in here villager oh yeah thank you for all your help power you’re really helpful it’s very kind of you I don’t know what I was what I was doing but I’ll just I’ll just do this we’ll make it just a

Little where I put there it is just make a little flame spot to walk through and into the water I’m not sure why I guess you can Chuck some stuff on there it’s fire is probably just a really bad bad bad idea in general check out frle Fry’s Railway I should

Check I should check it out frle fry shouldn’t I I want to see how to ski in Minecraft well how do I how how on Earth do I ski in Minecraft how on Earth do I SC I don’t have the zoom thing at the moment I

Should get that I should get that back but how on Earth do we do that Mech would you would you like to show us mhm we’re staring oh we’re staring right up and straight wow what a graceful Landing I really like the slowmo M Landing that

Was my favorite part Mech that was my favorite part of the whole performance the way you just gracefully landed like on top of a soft layer of pillows oh I can I can quickly fix that I can quickly fix that for you EGF I can quickly fix that for you don’t

Worry we shall go ahead and help EG I guess I guess I do I do need to enter um my fault my fault I can I can quickly fix that for you that’s all right we don’t we don’t like when these things happen do I have

Four I do I do have nine iron so I can give you four sure this one oh yeah oh H strange I think I reversed the things he did right but it but it’s still not there I see um that’s interesting I thought I thought I I thought I reversed the stuff

That the guy took as you can see that it’s it’s all gone and all I mean what’s it it’s all erased like he didn’t take it I’m just going to I’m just going to try again I’m just going to try again I know see if this does anything ouch not

Quite I don’t know actually huh Strange does this do anything ouch okay I messed something up I’m not really sure what happened there e e o EEG um roll back oh it seems to be there it’s everything’s all fine woohoo oh server IPC her um what’s it here you go I shall paste the thing

Again for you here you go here’s all the here’s all the stuff that you need to join in this oh a second sorry I don’t know why it does this okay here’s all the stuff that you need to join the server now I just read repin the pin message just because it

Dis disappears sometimes there you go your France bed though oh I I’ll I’ll bring back the France bed of course sorry I was I only focused the chest where’s the France beds again oh here I do not know what beus is what what on Earth is beus whereabouts was

The France bed cgf oh I see it’s around here Sorry ouch okay pretend that didn’t happen Strange ouch I forgot to I forgot to do that um huh I have no idea where you’re from oh they were over here H oh hi agent free welcome welcome welcome oh where am I I am what’s it do if you follow the path out of Spawn and

Take a r you should be able to find find BR where I am OMG mod spam me no I would never use commands I would never use commands in Minecraft I can’t believe I’m such a cheater wow um I can I don’t know what I

Did it’s it’s only a few pieces of wool right EGF I’m I’m sure you can get that back right there there sheep all the way back at the place I’m very sorry EG I don’t know if I can waste all this time on here I could try to see if I can help

You afterwards though oh thank you for all your help power that’s very helpful we shall pretend that we never saw this place out we go what is what is pipus I don’t I don’t know what anything what any of these terms are too bad kid I have no idea what pipus is

Isn’t isn’t beus I don’t know I don’t know if I’m correct but I swear it has some sort of associate association with Pepsi what the what’s all the Redstone torches doing everywhere that’s a bit Grim red stes oh back no not back in the fire I

See how’s your wife doing to fad kid doing well how’s the family any available spaces it’s not really it’s not really like there’s like any a lotted spaces you know what what people basically what you do at the hole is you go in here and you carve out a random room for

Yourself where did I go um I am now I am now lost within within my hole H perhaps we should have perhaps we should have looked looked before we jumped we should we should probably exit the way we came I did in fact no clip into the back

Rooms oh the the big hole is a scary place it’s a dangerous Scary Place full of full of nothingness I guess but yeah about the food situation um we have to we have to empty our empty our inventory it’s way too full we need more wood though we are we

Always struggling for wood we should actually cut some trees for once wow I would never for to cut trees am I wearing be beepers though or beers I’m not sure I don’t know at this point toad kid too many terms it’s too late for me my brain is absolutely

Mushed it’s I’ve stepped on it and stepped on it once again it’s smudged all over the floor leave leaving marks and streaks what’s it pink pink flowy oozing gushing pieces of Flesh everywhere I’m sorry I should not have said that prar to you wearing beefers that’s

I have no idea TOA I have I’m on the same boat as you I don’t know what beef this is huh it’s just a pillow M piece of Flesh yummy yummy yummy man I love smooshed up smothered organs how how lovely we shall go to our I I feel like this is

Like no space at all we just dug this up we dug this out last time it’s like super it’s super small it’s not going to last us there’s so many vins everywhere it is out why is there an a lot in here hey excuse me this isn’t your room excuse me hey stay

There we we got an intruder we got an intruder in our house this guy was trying to rob us what I can’t believe this I can’t believe you do such a thing there go in the go in the boat this is your punishment go in the boat hey you come back you’re supposed

To go in the boat oh my God come back come back you AA where’d he go where’ he actually go uh I don’t I don’t think he’d be over here he probably ran outside that darn El lot what are we doing looking around in our chest do you go

Outside I’m not sure oh my God where where the AA go oh hello Emerald Lunas just ate lunch you had pizza Lunchable cool you dropped the St on the ground uhoh oh you got you got a picture of your amazing Ingenuity that’s that’s that’s impressive what’s a Lunchable by

The way I don’t know what that is I keep on hearing people talk about Lunchables I don’t that’s not an Australian thing I don’t know what a lunch was was where’d that ocelot go oh my God he was in our chest snooping around that that a there

You there you are hey excuse me you can’t just do that ouch you you’re you’re locked in O lot you’re locked in you’re not escaping you’re not escaping this time you’re going you’re going to pay for your crimes get in the boat get in the boat let’s see you’re under arrest get

In the oh my God why are you up there please get in the boat you must get in the boat pay for your crimes I can’t believe you’d Snoop in our chest like that don’t just cow up there oh my God this just I think it’s

Just going to stay no the cat the cat stays prisoner the cat was foraging through our chest they were trying to steal all of our snow and our wheat seeds so many valuable things for them to steal no but I’ve had it they they shall not be escaping maybe maybe they should maybe

The oselot should stay at the top of the STP of the Vines for the rest of his life H I don’t really I don’t really have any sand actually you stay there I’m going to see if I can get some stand and if you’re still on those mines I’m

Going to trap you in glass that’s going to be the last time last time you ever see the lad ever see the lad day we have a new we have a new unexpected Mission now we are going to encase the osela and lock him up for eternity we’re going to we’re going to

Show Justice we are going to teach that oel a lesson oh hey too let’s see where where is the where’s the closest piece of sand and by that I mean where’s the closest piece of water that that OT will pay I don’t I don’t know what he was doing in my in my

Little place but oh a zombie villager you know what that you know what we’ve got heaps of villagers over at the other place but we’ll bring this guy for why not we’ll bring this guy cuz why not we love we love extra vill we love extra friends

Except also lot also lot to sneaky sneaky little guys constantly taking from your pockets come here buddy uhoh there’s a Phantom’s attacking you me Tech down we go oh sorry I did see your see your messages T packet of course uh what house was it again at your house which

One there’s too many houses ouch which one would you be able to just meet out at the front over here at the hole ouch don’t hit me I’m bringing you to a new home you can ouch ouch oh those are the Phantoms that’s what’s hitting

Me hey don’t do that we’re trying to get this guy a new home is the Villager still on me oh what what ouch why are you up there come inside come come inside with John Phantom hey don’t kill John Phantom wait uh no oh he’s alive is that two Phantoms in

One boat now that’s crazy um I don’t know what’s happening here I came into this without a plan this is going horribly wrong oh careful careful careful careful I don’t know just lock him up for now oh never mind I guess oh he’s he’s

Alive oh my God we got so many we got so many weird pets here we got two Phantoms now we do John Phantom and Jane Phantom isn’t that sweet I think this guy needs to be moved a little put you put you in the corner so

You don’t hurt anyone else oh there we go oh stop rowing the boat you’re not getting outside there’s no Escape for you villager I don’t know what your name is what what is his name we still need we still need name name oh oh my god I’ve been distracted the oselot we need

The glass quickly we need the glass he’s getting trapped he’s not aing we be punished for his crime we need the glass quickly unless anyone has sand that’ be very helpful otherwise I’ll collect my own sand I don’t I think the nearest body of water is pretty close

Anyways we teach that also a lesson for stealing from our chests through the bamboo over to the water down it is is that sand I see I think it is oh this little thing is for later what’s it it’s for that little building’s for another time I think I

Have a bit of plans for that it’s a it’s kind of a special place I’m going to use it in the future I kind of I kind of just built it anyways all we need is one piece of sand ouch all we need is ouch

Is one piece of sand can you not hit me please oh my community is way Kinder and not insane n’s Community are way too insane for some reason that’s that’s true a lot of a lot of people within nesmos Community is very insane but what’s it nesmos a really really really

Kind sweet guy what’s he’s the kindest sweetest person person I’ve met I don’t I don’t know how many people have met actually oh is there lag is there lag on the stream if there lag just re refresh the stream FR fry should be okay it’s pretty easy liing nice I’m

Glad how’ you get it oh hi Danny Oh no you’re not that late you’re not that late there still lots of time to play okay we finally got one piece of sand that’s all we need for that that darn ocelot we would teach that guy a

Lesson oh you need a assistance to pack kid okay what what’s up what’s up let me let me let me head down the head down the little path here oh my God I I don’t I don’t know why it does this but every time someone says like time the server

Time thing comes up it’s funny I don’t really I don’t really care about getting rid of it honestly it’s kind of funny seeing the time ouch hello hello sorry I didn’t I didn’t see you there we need to smell this immediately excuse me Phantoms don’t hit me the osela are you still

Here there you are there you are yeah that’s right that’s right you’re not you’re not getting out this alive you are going to be alive you’re just going to be tortured for the rest of your not tortured no I would never I would never torture live animals I that

Would never that’s I would never do something so cruel oh he probably will despawn actually I feel like we have to get him in the boat you found a nesmo block and cooked a nesmo block and got cooked nesmo and ate it and exploded that’s crazy that’s so crazy

EGF man I should do that as well no worries Daddy this is this is true really are are you are you telling the truth EGF please send the video I I must see this I must see this how do we get this guy down though

I think I think we need to break the vines you are not going anywhere you are going in the boat hey you’re supposed to go on the boat excuse me can you just go on the boat please oh there’s too much bamboo isn’t there tiny glitter I guess we are I guess we

Are in the bamboo forest aren’t we oh there you are yeah that’s more like it you ouch um don’t don’t glitch me please yeah that’s right you stay in this corner you darn Thief you you shall reside here for the rest of your life you are not going anywhere oh yes F fry

Oh sorry I blocked you off I was trying to capture the oxel not Axel it’s ocelot hey fro cry you sent proof really I’ll have to watch it a bit later but I will I will watch the proof and I will be I will be shocked how’s my game not game

Sorry how’s my day be math with it it’s it’s been pretty good it’s been pretty good I think it’s being a pretty fun day today for me personally do of course that’d be nice actually we can take a two on the railway we’d love to see frle Fri ra you

Know what actually I do I do want to put some stuff away first because this is a good opportunity to go back to the Cherry town to pick up some stuff mainly dirt because we’ll need dirt for we need we need dirt to um make our farm underground because we are silly

And not making above ground where it’s easier you’re an amazing pickup line EGF go ahead fire away we are one block short of getting a double chest yikes oh you can sit down sorry oh no let’s see let’s find one single plank we can borrow I will borrow this plank

This plank at this plank oops uh-oh I guess that was a bad plank to borrow wasn’t it aha nobody will ever notice can oh of course where where abouts are you too I’m about to I’m about to head out so with I’ll probably be able to meet you outside I’ll put

Away some of my junk too much junk out of here junk junk junk more junk junk as well junk junk junk junk I need I think I need a pickaxe actually hold on to my iron junk snowballs yucky snowballs I think that’s you’re the whole in the lake of course ah too much

Stuff oh you’re tidy glitter agent free of course oh you can enter agent free that’s all right this is everybody’s base or this little hole thingy this is everybody’s base like everyone’s got a bit not everyone but there’s a lot of people have rooms like Frugal fries is

Over here there’s stuff down there there’s a few rooms down there actually it’s like people have rooms there and there it’s everywhere it’s kind of like a whole whole um apartment complex but instead very unorganized why are there so many bamboo boats I cannot get outside I guess we’ll have we have to

Take the boat outside won’t we oops the god ouch my pants I got no pants I can’t believe the zombie villager just broke my pants we must row our away out of the door you need more wood Dan of course where is toag kid we got to deliver them

The iron first wherever they are oh they’re in the hole aren’t they Warden did you uhoh did you find yourself an ancient city where is Tad are they over here I’m not sure I this this place is this place is so is so oh hi Mech this place is so

Been so recently built yet I’m already lost it’s so small maybe in the mine okay we going to we got to find them follow the red torches to the Torches chamber oh we might turn around for now we might come back to we might be tortured later

Oh other way I can’t see oh that that’s not too bad kid who’s that I can’t see oh it’s tidy glitter hello hello of course you’re you’re free to go in anywhere this place is all shared and all that what’s it it’s really not really we don’t really we’re not really

That sted on like where you build and all that it’s kind of just everyone sharing the community by themselves I’m not by themselves sorry together that’s the exact opposite yippe indeed you just need to go the hole and follow the path the the mine I I I need to follow

The path where where are you two PID I can’t see I have no idea this is a bit this is a bit too much of a riddle for me my brain is fried it I have I am at a unreasonably late time oh this way thank you f thank

You thank you thank you man I’m glad I’m glad you came came back oh it’s it’s been a while since I’ve actually been on this channel as well mayor I’m glad glad to see you again it’s oh down here oh oh yes me we got to get downstairs

First oh you can’t join Adam Emma uh what seems to be the issue I all all devices should be able to join like you got your jar bedrock and all that oh is it over here for I missed the jump I nearly is a wateren down here what

Excuse me did I just hear the warden uh heartbeat thing oh I hear I hear a warden um oops so where frle frer that’s an Enderman um excuse me what I think I’m going to turn back through fry I’m not going to lie I don’t

I don’t think I I don’t think I’m very well equipped to handle the warden yet oh it’s time to rush out oh scary I haven’t played this game in a while I haven’t I haven’t been on YouTube in a while in general oh hey frle fry oh is he over

Here oh my god oh I think he hears me wait fr let me back let me go back let me go back let me go back oh this just goes down I’m lost let me go back I don’t want to I don’t want to deal with

The warden it’s time to get out of here I haven’t I just haven’t been on YouTube for a while what’s I I know I’ve got free time but I’ve oh what was that oh you going back for the water oh don’t shoot me don’t shoot

Me don’t shoot don’t shoot I we got PVP off unfortunately that doesn’t work but don’t shoot don’t shoot it’s you an Ang hello hello Ang welcome welcome welcome it’s a hole in the water then follow the pa okay I must solve this rid um hole in the water is it no that’s not

That hole this this hole down this hole through the path there’s nothing there open the door I think oh I think I see the N oh there you are Tad kid four iron for you one iron here one iron here one iron here and one iron here oh they just went an

Old stack as well ha I took it back sorry here you go oh I gave you extra that’s fun hey frug you finally found us Doge that’s great that’s great you managed to follow the car n should do a gotic phone stream that’s okay I don’t most of you probably

Won’t know but like a while ago I did like a jackbox stream cuz I really I really find jackbox fun it’s kind of insane fashion of the GIC phone and all that it was it was absolutely insane in the most absurd way as soon as nesmo

Gets a hold of of it I think it’s going to go incredibly wrong he’s going to get banned off YouTube it’s not it’s not going to looking good for him aent agent 3 it’s not looking good ouch my head ouch ouch it’s giving me a headache ouch I I don’t know which way

Is out now oh it’s this way let’s go out now finally we fin we finally F we finally found them out we go now you’re bored for today corner of course that’s all right had to search on YouTube again of course yeah yeah like I said it’s it’s

Been a while since I’ve been on YouTube I’m so I’m glad you were able to find me again the warden has fre so loud you die that’s crazy you would draw nesmo kissing himself that that’s that’s great that’s great agent free just the standard things which happens in average gtic

Phone I’ve dra some horrible I’ve dra some horrible things in in jackbox actually I don’t I probably shouldn’t I probably shouldn’t say a bunch of the stuff oh I don’t know if I I don’t know if I drew this um oh we should go down

The the rail shouldn’t we oh time to go oh going slowly there we go lovely we just going on to I I got my silly Phantom head on I don’t want my Phantom head I want my beautiful face oh um I think we need to push

Forward a little bit don’t we oh oh is there no is there no rail my bad Frugal fry we shall continue on without that section of the rail oh you’re holding off traffic beep beep beep beep I don’t know why I said that oh yeah one time I I don’t know if

This was the one the one Jack I did but I think I um I think I I think I drew um I don’t know how to say this without making it inappropriate but I drew um Kirby servicing SpongeBob I don’t know if that was the correct terms you have to imagine imagine for

Yourself oh hey G oh dear we’re about to get shot wow such a why out suffocated a little this is a nice way to go back to Cherry Village actually oh so many blocks me just quickly quickly get our dirt oh we got to push up a little

Bit we’ll make it we’ll make it not quite not quite oh did I Pi yeah I picked it up thank you Gabe we didn’t quite make that incline we made these inclines though we got our lovely power rails push push push push push oh there we go got a bit of a decline

Now through the vines there we go and we’re going to go up the big Steep Hill oh dear oh hi frle fry it’s going to be a long it’s going to be a long climb oh actually looks kind of good there we go up up up up up up up up wow this

Actually kind of fast up up up ouch no no oh oh there there they go we made we made it most of the way oh we we made it most of the way um that’s all right though it’s pretty good though F fried it’s just a few more

Spots you need a few more pad rails and you’ll be go you’ll be all good they were always really nice oh we were so close weren’t we you added your original house to your Sky Island that’s great pyro so we need to quickly pick up some dirt here while while we’re visiting we

Got a bunch of random stuff in our house we might we might as well oh my God this place is so crowded I can I can notice the lag Spike when you come in here as well this place too busy oh sorry I didn’t mean to tap that oh hey

Pyro I do have one diamond in my inventory yeah when when did I get that one Diamond I’m I’m a bit un I don’t actually know where I got that one Diamond um do you guys remember where I got that one Diamond hello villagers oh my God there’s too many of

You nah we we we’ll say that for another time don’t worry you guys live another day uh-oh clearing all hostile entities and uh-oh wait a second is this a good thing I don’t I feel like there’s some hostile entities you want to keep I don’t

Know I guess it helps some lag but I’m not too sure honestly I kind of down downloaded it cuz there was a complain bad lag so it kind of helps lag and all that I don’t know oh the Phantom’s going to die um the Phantom’s going to die oh that’s

Tragic oh I should probably do something about that shouldn’t I oh how do I how do I undo this um I don’t I don’t really know honestly SL I don’t really know the commas RP I’m going to have have to figure that one out out a bit later but we will catch new

Phantoms oh what’s it if Sor if anyone if anyone’s lost anything important do let me know I didn’t really think that I really didn’t think that through when I was when I set this up I didn’t oh hey G what are you doing in my house what’s I I really didn’t think

That for I I forgot that some people keep Hostile Mobs as pet including myself I forgot about that we’re going to have to catch new Phantoms oh where is the the railway John is not dead that’s great oh that’s actually good that’s great you want a flower and have a pig

As a as a as a wife that’s the oh is the pig hyle actually it’s more neutral mob isn’t it I wonder if it’s classified under that it’s time to go home with our stacks of dirt come to the cookie chain we take a quick drop at stuff at the cookie

Chain oh hello smelly welcome welcome welcome oh you’re you’re finally here that’s true that’s true i’ I I haven’t I haven’t streamed much and also it’s Al the time that I did stream was out very outside of your time zone hello good morning where is the where where the cookie

Train again the cookie train is located around here somewhere I think I think it’s upstairs is it I I forget everywhere your wife is okay that’s great I I’ll go ahead and configure that little that little plugin again I guess we couldn’t I I forgot I completely forgot that some people keep Hostile

Mobs as pets um I will get that sword for you guys so that it doesn’t kill everyone ouch I uh oh where is the cookie chain oh how am I I’m doing well thanks smelly how are you doing oh I’m I’m very very tired very tired though for some reason I’m not I’m

Not tired anymore actually I’m full of energy I’m full of energy it is I mean it’s pretty it’s pretty early for you it’s pretty early for you smelly just subtract a few hours and and subtract um a hours of sleep oh my God where where is the cookie train

I remember there’s a cookie train somewhere it was over here somewhere wasn’t it oh hi pirate the I don’t know where the cookie train is I forgot I completely forgot ouch berries oh my God this lake so this this Lake looks so sad dried up behind behind oh hi gab oh this oh

This is a big train oh it’s expanded I haven’t the cookie train is even bigger free cookies no I I’ll take one cookie just one I I’ll donate these four I should I should lay off all the snacks I should eat healthy how many you want to

Eat you’re up early cuz you’re moving houses in like 3 days oh I see smelly is that exciting for you are you are you excited and happy or you bit sad that you’re leaving I guess you I guess a person can feel like both the

Emotions so I don’t know I don’t why do I have to question myself if I moved houses before I mean what’s it during the time when I moved house houses I don’t know it’s a it’s a bit strange actually it’s a bit it’s a bit strange

To say goodbye to a place that you call home to to go somewhere completely new and different I don’t know it’s it’s an interesting experience it’s really tiring packing as well I don’t know I hope it goes well for you I think it’s time to go home now isn’t it we’ve lost

Our mine c car actually so it’s time to we have to U he took the warden out that’s crazy oh dear I think I think I think I I I’ve done this before I took taking the warden out oh hello creepy Dawn oh Dear oh there’s a mine cart here oh this is going to be fun though it was really funny last time the water came out what’s it if you guys if you guys don’t want to get killed by the Wen I’d suggest is staying away for now we shall

Somehow figure out a way to tame the warden oh this mine cart’s a bit loud um let me turn it down for a bit because oh sorry because it’s too loud it’s a bit too loud hurts my ears it’s absolutely grinding them it’s grinding Forks against

Plates did it go in the portal oh that’s funny ouch I keep on getting hit by those blocks welcome back agent free oh my God is it actually is it ouch is actually really wooden though that’s so that’s so hilarious the ne portal do we dare step into The Nether

Do we dare step into the ne oh well there we go through the leaves what happened to our mine cart noise it’s just no noise now this just feels a bit Eerie up up there we go oh we miss that’s a put there you go there we go there we go

Where ouch oh the pigs still alive we got to check if John and Jane is are still alive as well you hate hate hate hate Minecraft what happened do uhoh oh all these all these fellas are still alive well maybe maybe it would been better if they

Weren I’m sorry I don’t I don’t mean that John and Jane and unnamed the zombie villager and Pigman H oh yeah if you guys want to turn on PVP I wouldn’t I re I wouldn’t recommend turning on PVP unless like if you’re like competing in like a game or

A battle which like requires it cuz like then people can kind of take advantage of it like mean people can come and kill you and all that yeah but if you want to do that it’s like SL PVP toggle it’s just that simple command then you get a silly little red wing

Around you Woofy now I can be hit and killed but I don’t want to be hit and killed I don’t know I thought it was a cool addition just so for people who want don’t really want to participate in PvP the most play game and most b w stream

Thank you math wizard thank you glad you enjoyed but is everything all right are the Pigman trying to kill I got to go to the never I could never to see this you know as as chaotic as the warden is it’s kind of funny that we got a deep dark next to

Us oh my darkness thing’s happening hey hi hi what’s going on please let me free let me free let me fre oh he’s right there I think he’s going to come out this P or any second and then it’s time for us to bail oh unfortunate but your switch just died

Smelly oh dear that’s too bad you got to get that charged up oh the switch has the switch has bad battery when you don’t charge it my switch is always like in my dock I never take it out I don’t I don’t play handheld mode I like playing on my

Little monitor TV thingy it’s not really a TV it’s more a monitor I always play on that I have no idea how to play handheld anymore ouch don’t stop hitting me you guys you guys need time out oh backy your to tackle the wer not wer Warden are you having problems break placing

Blocks I don’t know what that might be about Gabe oh there’s a ladder up here as well oh my God why is there a ladder in my silly tent who would ever want to go to the top of this tent oh he’s back he’s back this is the W’s

Back oh dear it’s time to hide oh you broke your dock when you got it a that’s so bad uh-oh I feel I would I would get my I would I would get my actually my diamond stuff but I feel like I’d still be useless in my diamond anyways I think he

Still one shots me so we we will stay in our iron chest plate and iron boots oh FR fry did you die to the zombie villager inside I’m very sorry we got to we got to get that guy under control we should go for a closer look

We got the graves it doesn’t really matter if you die I got like no food left he can One Shot full protecting for never I thought I feel the protection for neite you can at least get like one shot and survive I thought it was two

Shot I think like in like diamond and all that um oh noal ladder that’s all right we shall clutch this we’re so good wow but I think that I think it was like diamond like diamond doesn’t really guarantee that you live a one shot I guess it depends on enchantments he

Despawned what oh she was just getting to the fun part that’s too bad just going to run down and get another Warden oh the ne I he’s going back and forth from the nether we’ll have to we’ll have to keep it keep up on the on the never oh it’s tobo building under there that’s what the wooden things were okay I see I see I didn’t realize oh hey

T back here anyone I’m on my last to State oh I have cooked salmon actually here take some take some cook take a little oh he’s back take a little bit of cooked salmon I think that he heard the cooked salmon he wasn’t pleased the warden doesn’t seem to like

Fish what’s it uh there’s going to be a lot of death guys um so basically just a tutorial for everybody if you got your little gray thing all you have to do is right click it to caim your stuff obviously this isn’t my grave I can’t

Steal people but um what’s it and if you want to if you want to find your last grave you can do SL toggle grave I think that’s what it was was it SL grave toggle no I think it was SL toggle grave

Uh-oh I I am I of no use in this I I’m just going to watch oh is this the range that you’re too high up that he can’t hit you wow wow what a useless one take this take this piece of never oh he’s dead po poor

Guy po guy he didn’t stand a chance oh I feel bad that oh skull Catalyst unless anyone unless you want it I feel bad the W the warden the warden couldn’t reach you that wasn’t a fair fight oh you can’t Danny you need a Minecraft account I think you you will

Probably need a Minecraft account I think you should be a to create one for free since you have it on phone you should be a to Danny I’m sure it’s not a problem poor poor guy though we should we should put a skull Catalyst somewhere grow skull everywhere

Oh I guess that was a bit antil climatic the poor the poor W the poor Warden didn’t stand a chance against to the high range and and overpowered bow oh yes Gabe what is it don’t don’t you have heaps of Dimes look you’re all covered in never right

Why would would you want me a poor person Diamond what it don’t I’m actually I’m actually confused don’t I’m actually confused don’t you actually have a diamond like like what’s I’d be a bit amazed if you had all that never right and like fun fancy stuff without a

Diamond I’m going to oh we have sammon actually we’re saved we’re saved yeah that’s what I was going to do tup pek that’s what what I was doing at the start of the stream have to travel 7K blocks what’s it the the ender chest is at spawn if

You want G there’s like an ender chest near spawn you can you can get it you can get from large Diamond stash if you want a your chest here you go you can just here I won’t give it just because it’s for a jukebox Juke we love Juke

Where g go oh dear just because it’s a jukebox Juke boox is the the only acceptable only acceptable acceptable diamond diamond offer we shall we will continue continue on to our incredibly windy staircase of oh this hey hey hey hey hey oh wa whoa whoa don’t don’t kill them hey don’t

Kill them they’re friends hey the boat oh I’m I think I’m dead but no the bow hey you can’t go through oh you can’t go through there excuse me how do you you guys don’t you guys can’t get out ouch I placed my torch I can’t put this up I’m going to die

Hey oh my god did you kill him did you kill John Phantom po guy I can’t even put this on a I guess it wasn’t the plugin which killed him like oh he’s just stuck up there oh my God I oh there’s the boat do you want to come down

John no you can’t kill Jane Phantom though that’s mean I can’t believe it John Phantom is dead do you want to come down into the boat buddy oh what’s what’s this soul speed no thanks I I don’t really need it why’d you hit him that’s mean I I don’t really

Need it at this no it’s it’s okay I don’t really need it at this point no it’s it’s fine it’s okay the zombie can have it I don’t really know I don’t I don’t really need it yeah you can you can hold on to it no hold on to

The book for me not the not the boat the book’s so much better than the boat oh you can hold on to the book I’m I’m fine with that you can hold on to the book if you want that’s fine do you want a book I love books do you love

Books ouch I’m going to die to this oh don’t chase me down the hole this is where we meet our demise we just got a bunch of dirt and that’s for what did he end up picking up the book I don’t think so where’ the zombie go no the it’s

Still here are you sure you want that boat are you sure you don’t want to have this lovely shiny book it’s so much better where’d the book go actually oh there it is hello en ninja welcome welcome welcome where did that zombie go actually I’m confused now I’m so confused

Ouch what’s the enchant it’s it’s so speed too it’s just a but we need a we need our zombie friends to hold it wait wait oh I don’t think hey Tupac kid I don’t think I don’t think the pig will hold it actually cuz it’s got a sword I

Think that’s a bust I don’t think the pig will hold it we got to find someone else to hold our book for us oh why would you hold on to a boat that’s an ugly boat ugly bamboo boat oh John calm down get in the boat get in the boat John

Maybe the water will bring him down oh the water just knocked out boat hey hey you can’t get out you can’t get out of your boat excuse me oh he’s he’s back in our boat ouch ouch stop hitting me you can go back in your corner oh my

God John Phantom’s just ouch don’t hear me why do you see your name there tidy glitter where Oh that’s oh see this is your gra thing if you right click it then you can just get all your stuff that you lost when you died oh my god get in the

Boat oh my god get in the boat John Phantom I know I know we’ve had a ouch oh I know I know today’s been a really really awful for you you’ve lost Jane oh the the zombie hit me again I think we I think we got too many

Pets oh my God how are we gonna get him ouch hey don’t don’t hit me jeez I thought you in the corner you how you hit me from that far it’s impressive range do you manage to get your stuff tidy glitter yeah it’s actually it’s actually your stuff oops sorry yeah it’s

A it’s a neat way to just keep all your keep ow stop hitting me it’s a neat way to keep all your stuff safe when you die it’s a especially like like oh this is another one it’s especially a bit hard when like there big big S how far

Can you seriously reach like that’s imp very impressive oh my God you can p so far away I’m going to have no more salmon come with the next server because because you missed the beginning oh I don’t I don’t think we’re going to reset anytime soon and Ninja I mean what’s it

We’re actually beginning this place I mean this ouch this place is is like very um oh there he comes this place is like in very very early state right now as you can see I’m just in Iron we’re not really on a new server but

Rather um just went to a new area I kind of started all all over it’s pretty recent if you still want to join NL ninja I don’t really I don’t really like abandoning stuff like that it was kind of like a forc decision that I had to to

Abandon the old server oh my god get in your boat that’s all right we we we’ll give hey oh you’re still here you’re still here hey no tobo no it’s quite funny actually I don’t there’s not really much harm because what’s it what’s it the all the items are safe now

It doesn’t really go into anything CH it’s just like a funny little moment and you guys are you guys are so prepared to kill wardens overpowered stuff oh my God I think believe kill John Warden not John oh he’s right outside will he kill John Phantom actually oh no that’s the that’s the

Pler not the warden oh now you got two of you you do you want to hold my book no even he even this zombie doesn’t want to hold my book always going to the nether oh I guess you can hold my book I don’t really have any use for Assa Soul speed

Too oh goodbye Warden until he comes back the ne you only realize the new features what new features smelly I don’t think there was a recent Minecraft update or anything what’s the newest features would be like the cherry blossoms and all and the wardens wait is it the wardens I have no

Idea at this point what’s recent oh the John Phantom won’t come down though hey don’t hit me John Phantom won’t come down though I seems to be very excuse me seems to be very grumpy yes twoo fat kid well oh we love seeing the waterm back

Oh I guess there’s no more no more no more nether portal it seems I think we’re going to get Sonic sorry sonically obliterated I think is the term ah that stuff oh yeah recently smelly it’s just all that stuff just to make like all all the server fun to

Better to play on like just less of a hassle and all that the PVP is nice so like not everyone needs to fight when when they don’t want to and the graves is nice for like collecting your stuff when you die it’s okay we better not get

Hit by these guys oh please calm down I’m going give you fish oh he’s actually come down for the fish he’s actually come down for the oh but he won’t get in the boat ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch please CM down do you want to come in the boat with

Me I don’t I don’t think he wants to go in the boat please come in the boat with me John ouch oh calm down please oh the wardens Warden everywhere we love the wardens what’s it but I think I think from now I think from now on what’s it

It’s of course it’s not really a nice thing to like bring WS I it’s not what’s it if everyone’s a bit upset with the wardens I think it’s best that we don’t bring up any wardens from now on I don’t I personally think the warden is really funny it’s just to

Have around oh my God calm down I’ve been spending all day trying to get you to come down ah don’t fight me I think I’m probably going to tired ouch there we go oh see you little tiny good oh my God they’re still rowing that boat John Phantom will not come

Down and Jane Phantom is dead I actually don’t know which one was which I feel like it could be John Phantom’s dead and Jane Phantom’s alive you never know it’s very close to oh de oh my god oh the W is going to die Unfortunately they they got they got overpowered bows

He’s he’s done uhoh shut ouch don’t hit me please we’re we’re in a bit of a crisis there’s a ward in here I can’t believe all you’re doing is H oh you better stay still too guys uh-oh oh my God this is so funny yeah but after after

This uhoh I think after this if if no if everyone’s a bit upset with the Ws I think we no more wardens for now okay o wow I’m doing so much I’m doing so much guys I’m doing so much I’m doing so much guys I’m I’m contributing so much to the

Team I’m I’m very sorry gab uhoh ouch yikes quick walk home though we’ll be fine I think we I think we were concerned about levels that’s all right we don’t care about our levels anymore quick walk home I’m not going to use a command to kill it no

Please don’t please don’t be firing at everyone Gabe that’s not incredibly inconsiderate uhoh warden’s still alive I don’t know I don’t know I personally enjoy having these these little bits of chaos it really spices things up but I understand if people don’t really enjoy it a lot where did I die again I

Forgot ouch I think he I think he probably heard me dying or dropping where the the 470 four for oh sorry sorry trying to find my grave oh that’s mine thanks ouch I’m in the middle of a Battleground wow what what an epic fight what an epic fight

Guys oh hello Callie he he indeed a indeed yeah but oh how how would I say that it’s it’s it’s l I’ll just say it’s LC’s yeah like please there’s no need there’s no need for that that language against other people gay but what’s if everyone else is unhappy with all the Ws

I I recommend we just we just stop it at that we had our Warden Farm what even is this is a skull Catalyst when you kill stuff around it um um skull spawns uh somebody kill me it would be funny it’ be funny somebody kill me I

Think will sp sp around if I if um all you have to use the PVP tole thing do the um oh there there we go does does it spawn skull I wonder if that b did that bypass the grave swing I don’t know I want did SP skull spawn or was it

Only for mobs oh I’ve still got PVP on so I’m going to un toogle that cuz I don’t want to fight anymore I just want to skull it is safe Doge it is safe indeed no more Wardens no more wardens we are safe from the wardens for

Today did it spawn skull though I don’t think so that’s a bit unfortunate oh there’s there’s pirate GL that’s a bit sad actually no no hey what happened to the other zombie oh you’re still alive that’s that’s great I’m glad I was going to use

The other ZB as as a sacrifice to the water you are not poo person you are not po person oh god oh yeah I I forgot about the heads thing for a second we should farm farm po person heads again I don’t I remember when there was like heaps of

Po person head circulating the server it was lovely now they’re so scars you are not po person we need to kill something here hey don’t break it we want to kill stuff we love killing stuff around skull sent it’s a birthday cake now you think you have the PO person

Head I think a lot of the old people have the have the Poo person heads oh hello John hello welcome welcome welcome oh noal SK noal skull thing Gabe you should turn your PVP off okay I re I recommend everybody having it off as a default just a avoid any

Situations I do I do really want to test something I don’t want to kill this this this guy’s such a such a pain a there no more it would be funny if we have if we have it here why are there more po persons I have no idea there are they are

Multiply no I Suki silly skull sensor indeed I think I think this is funny though I I feel like we should keep it it’s really funny it’s kind of a memorial of what happened today I don’t know it’s not really going to cause that much harm really it’s just

There and it makes silly skulls sometimes you know I don’t like this guy you’re going to you’re getting sacrificed I hate you I’ve had I’m fed up with you you’re going to be sacrificed to the skull you’re dead you’re dead it’s over for you it spreads where where does it

Spread though it didn’t even spread anywhere oh that was disappointing wasn’t it we sacrificed our zombie villager for for nothing that sucks we want we don’t we won’t sacrifice John vanton though oh you won’t get in the boat a no matter what I tell him he won’t get in the boat oh hey

Pyro I think I think you’re over over exaggerating game look it’s it just all it’s just it’s just all it’s all a fun game game game What’s it really for me I don’t really care about care there’s there’s a lot of skull skull Catalyst everywhere it’s not it’s not

Actually that rare you find heaps in the deep dark you kill water you get heaps it’s just a fun little item to have have around okay there’s no need to take everything seriously and there’s no need to no need to act so aggressively towards everyone as

Well I’m I’m very I’m very sorry you lost those Gabe what’s it you were not you were not forced to lose them though it was a decision of your own and I know I know it was I know it was to in order to help us but what’s I know it was in

Ouch ouch I know was in it was in order to it was in order to help us but what’s what’s it I’m sorry there’s not much I can do about it it was your it was your own it was your own decision it’s I I don’t really

Know what to say here and goodbye skull that’s a warden Fiasco done yeah I I think I think gab perhaps it’s perhaps it’s time to take a step back from the game what’s I know the situation got you frustrated but what’s it there’s no there’s no excuse to act like that

Okay you understand what I can do to you as well I know you’ve been around here for a long time but that’s really unacceptable Behavior oh Z my p no come back down come back down oh there’s a zombie somewhere isn’t there I hear someone what the Bo

Go oh there here where’s the zombie oh you’re you’re in you’re in the boat up there you’re the you’re the new John fan do I have leather I don’t I don’t think I have any Leever P I don’t know did you do do you know where the

Cows are and all that I don’t I have no no idea at this point I feel like all the cows are dead kind of sad can you stop patting smly all right we’ll see you later then the poy grinded the what I doing the whole point of the point whole point of

What I I need to get this guy down though the whole point of what we were supposed to be doing today was was making making the little farm I’m could be so distracted by other stuff we will leave the zombie there uh we need more wood though

What’s it gab I think that’s I think the comments you’re making is really unne really unnecessary it was by it was by your own choice what’s it it’s happened it’s happened okay what’s I really don’t I really don’t I really don’t want want to want to do any do anything to you

Okay there’s no there’s no need to be so so aggressive of course you of course you’ve lost some lost some stuff which you you which sorry which is which is pretty valuable to you what’s it but unfortunately it’s what’s happened we shall make planks yeah I think I think I think what

Fr fry said said it um what’s it what fre fry said should be taken into account what’s what’s it I think it’s a it’s time to it’s time to just relax a bit of course it’s a bit of a bit of a stressful situation for you I need more

I need more boat I need a boat I need another boat we’ll capture this guy people keep stealing stuff I’ll check it out for you doge is everything okay what’s it of course it’s going to what’s it uh people what’s I do need to remind you guys like no stealing and

Killing all that I what’s it and all that I can what’s I will I will go ahead and take action upon anyone who breaks those rules of course and of course I can see all that stuff but I think what we I think what

We said what do I say it’s it’s LC’s I think we said no more wardens right I think bring that Warden out there and I think I don’t know I prob I probably have I don’t really like doing that but what’s it I probably have to ban you cuz

Everyone’s everyone’s upset about the wardens and all that and to intent intentionally make people upset it doesn’t really go here oh he’s he’s down there isn’t [Applause] it hi yeah I’m I’m very sorry but I think I think I’m going to get obliterated actually I’m sorry but what’s it you

Didn’t quite comply but it’s nice have you oh I’m dead I’m so dead ouch we should run away Oh I thought that would kill me instantly oh what I’m going to do though just in this sit ouch just in this situation because I think we’ve had enough we’re just going

To just going to kill that Ward and we commands it’s caused us enough pain it’s my first time dying to the warden though what do we what do we kill it’s a it’s a is it wa I forgot what the command for slq um Q I’m not sure

I’m going to search that up quickly trying to hop on the switch but it’s taking so long I can’t even read that number of years okay oh I think i’ I think I’ve got it I just did a quick Google search as to what the exact thing is

Oh yeah yeah I I got I got to oh I got to go closer am I going the right way I honestly don’t Know oh you managed to kill him frer fry that’s great that’s great that’s crazy frug fry no wonder it didn’t work good job good on you is that a warden is that just another one coming up yeah I think you can talk to me you

Can talk to me later Gabe but what’s it you you need to you need to take a time out okay okay you need to you need to just at least take some time to rest for yourself okay oh that’s a music disc that’s a music disc I see that’s not the warden

Oh hello star it’s 3:00 a.m. in your country by the way hi hello it’s 5 it’s 5:54 a.m. in my country woohoo I I love I love um not sleeping you want to do that smelly we we all want to rule the world can you give me something of

Course of course of course of course oops give me a second ouch I fell in the water again what’s the creepy noises I think it’s I think it’s a music disc it’s a music disc I don’t know some music disc are creepy AR they oh my God it’s I got to

Where where my stuff again I forgot ouch it’s down here isn’t it you don’t like it oh I can hear it as well I can hear it again oh hey staru staru Yuna I have to learn to pronounce name staru Yuna okay hello staru Yuna oh where’ all my fish go

We’re actually going hungry now we’re actually going hungry now oh what are you do what are you doing in here hey excuse me is there just no light in here or something I swear it looks bright enough absolutely bone you anyone know where the stronghold is oh there’s probably a few people I’ve

Never been to the stronghold personally but actually have I I feel I think I have been to the end before but like excuse me no no I’m going to lock myself in because I’m hurt you can’t do that I have no food to heal either this is so

Sad this is so sad we’ve lost all our food it’s so over it’s so over we got no food oh never mind it’s not over we have food again did we really eat all our F through all of our food that fast I didn’t realize I’ll hate her but thank you

Uh oh this oh no it’s just this guy it’s just this guy in the boat no wonder a you I wonder if he’ll despawn actually he’s I want to get him in the boat so so John Phantom won’t despawn but he seems to want to stay up

There he seems to just want to want to stay up there I feel like we should just leave him for now he he’ll be fine he’ll be fine I’m sure he’ll survive up there right he won’t despawn oh thank you for the potatoes that’s what I was trying to

Do I was trying to get our food situation sorted first name John second name feeling ceiling surname Phantom that is in fact his name John ceiling Phantom oh where’ my torch go here it is oh we got to go down this I can’t believe we we

Did this what was the point of this stack case this is such a hassle to go down you put a grass in my inventory oh thanks fire thanks no wonder I guess grass could be nice most of it’s going to go to Farmland but grass is

Nice yeah I don’t know I don’t know what’s going on here I don’t know why we dug this this massive hole but we’re going to make we’re going to make a small farm for now it’s going to be tiny and we will expand it over

Time it’s going to be a small small tiny Farm bananas indeed math wizard I I agree with you so true don’t don’t we don’t we all go bananas for bananas every so often we should make this a bit longer actually ouch no that’s my to torch come back here

Torch there we go back there we will make ourselves a hoe as well probably oh there’s no stone around it’s all Granite though so um let’s see what do we do let’s make a SL quickly so can cover the water this will be a very very

Small farm here it’s going to grow over time I promise we we have enough food to feed the entire Village one day one day not today though that’s definitely not tomorrow it’s not coming soon you have a better staircase math wizard no never my staircase is the best

Decase it’s the longest oh my God every time you said the time machine power we love the server time such useful information my pickaxe is going to die I have no seeds either I left them upstairs that’s my fault I didn’t even mining the Cobblestone there we go ho

We fill that in we’ll just quickly quickly dig this out hello 91 PK hello welcome ouch welcome welcome welcome too many Phantom heads hello how are you doing can you join of course of course all the all the details for you to join will be in the pin comment I can quickly

Repace that for you again here go both Java and Bedrock should be able to join in all that your staircase is longer and more is it more windy though is it it may be longer but is it windy and extremely extremely unnecessarily extremely unnecessarily windy not just windy windy extremely

Windy I if if it’s such an annoying star I might have to look into it I might have a look into the server time thing uh will Nintendo switch handle the server what does there I know there’s a number of Nintendo switch players which are which Nintendo switch people which

Play like pyate for example which just was talking I think he plays on Nintendo switch Yeah there’s a bunch of people while probably Nintendo switch it will be a bit laggier than than other other devices cuz it’s like it’s just not as capable Hardware are server should be

Fine for the most part there’s a few hot spots where it’s a bit laggy but you should be fine for the most part it’s just mostly straight down in a couple turns that’s what I that’s what that’s what I thought MTH wizard not as great as my

Staircase not as windy and annoying as mine this is we will finally have just a little bit of food just a little bit of food yeah I I believe that’s what it was right yeah Nintendo switch people were talking about how they had to change the

DNS to custom and all that so if you know how to work that out you should be able to join come to the small boat oh after I’ve done this Farm after I’m done this done with this Farm I will I will come back up

We mine just a bit more out of this Minecraft and D Kobe fan it’s so true cby fan you don’t know how to do that math was it well somehow somehow you’ve managed to join so I guess You’ be smart you’re smart enough math wizard you’re smart enough to get in math

Wizard M my M we we’ll nearly get this out only a few more blocks i i a few more blocks we made it 9 by9 because that’s a nice number just subed thank you very much 91 PK I appreciate it so much thank you oh I realized the only light is coming

From my is coming from my um torch I’m going to place that down over there oh I’ve got no I got no things Shakespearean language is amazing indeed so oh yeah shake Shakespeare just made up a bunch of words in his play in his play rights we should we should be

Like Shakespeare we should just make up words as we speak it would be beautiful nobody understand what anyone’s saying but they’ll assume that it’s really smart and intelligent well it’s just a whole bunch of nonsense going to play Minecraft in a little bit math wizard of

Course there we go I think that’s the maximum space we can have I think that’s how far water reaches you joined that’s very nice 91p if you want to if you want to come join us where we are at the moment all you have to do is go down the path and turn

Right use Shakespeare is that an option in Minecraft an ninja you’re going to use Irish fle fryer I don’t I don’t speak a second language I I cannot choose any other languages unfortunately M my M my mine there we go we will finally have a

Bit of food here I got to bring the seeds down we’ll finally have like a tiny bit of food to sustain like 20 people’s have fun this will this will totally totally sustain the entire population and we shall ho this all I have no idea what you said elart I

I don’t I don’t know I I I don’t know any languages I I think that’s that’s German right I don’t know I can kind of reconize some commonly spoken languages I think unless I just got that completely wrong you haven’t done German German in a while I haven’t done German

Ever I don’t think I don’t think you’re ready yet Gabe okay you have to you have to have a reason conversation with me before you can get back okay I’m from Australia I am from Australia I am on the other side of the Earth the the Earth is on the other side

Of me and you and I don’t know what I’m talking about but yes I’m from from nowhere land or in the middle of the ocean wherever I don’t know where Australia is located I don’t know somewhere near the North Pole or the it’s not even the North Pole I’m just

Saying random stuff it’s more south server looks amazing I’m glad oh my God where am I ended up I’m glad I’m glad you like it it’s a combination of everybody’s hard work and creativity excuse is this place actually really dark I didn’t realize it was so dark I one one

Heart ouch I’m going to run back I didn’t realize it was so dark in there there’s always a new mob there I don’t G I think I think you need to just take a little time to calm down okay you’re not going to be able to get yourself back in with

Reasoning kinder eggs are legal they are legal I’ve had kinder eggs before I did hear that kinder eggs are banned in the USA that’s really funny actually it’s a choking hazard oh don’t throw those Kinder Eggs at me they’re dangerous they see look there’s dangerous toys in there they can

Choke choking hazard choking hazard jeez jeez jeez jeez oh my my God I could have choked on that oh dear this is why kinder eggs are banned aren’t they I’m sorry G I won’t I won’t I won’t let you in until until you until you act um civy and what’s

It I I mean look Gabe it’s not it’s not that you’re going to be gone for gone forever I just want you to take some time to relax okay I think I think for now I think for now what’s it’s it’s a really good opportunity just relax just get your

Away from all the stress it’s really not healthy to obsess within that cycle of stress right what time is it in my country uh that’s all right don’t worry about the title uh it’s 6:08 a.m. I’m sorry I will have to I will have to what’s I’ve never done this

Before oo this is cool I’ve never done this before oo um but yeah I’m very sorry gab okay that’s my first time ever timing out someone what’s it I I I won’t I won’t talk to you unless you’re willing to have a reasonable conversation okay that’s not a very civilized way to

Talk you can but UK you can kill kids that’s that’s fun that’s a nice law uh you can’t see shaders that’s too bad wait is the skeleton still here ow ow ow the skeleton’s still here the skeleton’s still I’m dead I’m dead again where did I die again I got to C my

Stuff oh my God is that place actually dark I I didn’t realize it was so dark I’m going to die if I go you know why is my bed set up here unless somebody broke it I’ll have to replace it I don’t know I don’t know why I built

This built the tent I like having the tent around so I like having the tent around whenever I move move places but I haven’t really used it just kind of been here going to jump off now cuz goodbye yeah I don’t know the tent’s kind of nice though it it goes everywhere I

Travel oh that’s all right 9 91 PK there’s nowh specifically you need to build we kind of like what’s it we’ve only settled in this area recently like we have an old place which is like really boot up and it’s really cbmed but don’t worry nowhere there’s not really

Any place which is like obstructing anything I mean if you if you don’t want to be obstructing from the outside there’s always this random the skeleton’s in the boat that’s why that’s why there’s this random place oh is this hole in the wall it’s it’s really weird

It’s not much at the moment but there’s just a there’s a lot of rooms branching out everywhere oh my God this is don’t shoot me don’t shoot me don’t shoot me there’s rooms everywhere I mean I’ve got a tiny room up here with an ocelot

Trapped in a boat you can feel free to move in here if you want but anyway’s fine don’t worry you have to go Doge all right I’ll see you later see you later do all right where did I die though ouch I got to get my

Stuff no no where did I die actually I got to oh did I did I did I do that right I forgot how to do it you found the Piglet’s Offspring that’s crazy oh that’s all right I forgot the command I forgot my own command was not really my

My thing but I forgot I forgot the command Okay 449 1158 oh the skeleton’s here oops oh my God where is my stuff I don’t know I generally don’t know where my stuff is hi Alysa welcome welcome welcome ouch oh my God I near just lived

Off welcome Miss sorry I I just slipped off the edge oh my God where is where is my stuff wait I got to I got to Aline myself uh 44915 88’s here it’s just if I if I walk forward go as fast as I can I’ve actually I’ve genuinely lost

Lost where I put my stuff wait bear with me quickly for a sec it’s it’s underneath I went downstairs didn’t I bye-bye ouch oh my God this is crazy where’s all my stuff I don’t know oh where the cords elart the cords are something like um 450 150 that’s if

You go to the if you go to the like mountain or like you know the Cherry Village Place if you go down the mountain near the weep path there’s like a the path leads over there if that’s help you oh my God where where is my stuff I I didn’t have much but

Like I just don’t know where it is oh this is deadly up here I have no idea okay I’ve I’ve genu the the coordinates are 44 44911 58 okay I’m just going to dig down I have no idea man as on y 82 so it should be like down here

Somewhere this is painful I don’t know why I decided to hit my fist rather than just get a pickaxe of mine this is horrible ouch here is it yeah that’s actually it but it’s not here huh that’s strange I’m not sure what happened there but that’s fine we

Didn’t actually have much we didn’t actually have much on us it’s fine shoot me please there we go but yeah that’s fine and unless it’s on that tree actually I’m not really sure what happened happened there I don’t know maybe the the grave thing like kind of

Glitched out or something I’m not too sure what happened here I can’t actually give myself I have like the I probably have like the exact inventory saved but you know what that’s fine we we W we’ll just go we’ll go naked for now we’ll have nothing at all that’s fine we didn’t have

Much that’s strange though I’m not really sure what happened there we swing off the vines ouch yeah we go go ahead and go ahead and get us some new wood because we just have nothing at this point what what time of face is that limey oh he toat kid what kind of face

Is that I have no idea what emotion that’s expressing uh we will get this tree floating in the air we will be a good citizen and stop floating trees sad sad emoji oh am I sad I sad what more reason to be sad ouch we will clear the floating trees we

We hate floating trees there we go we got a bit more floating tree here let us do our good work wow we’re such a hero destroying all the floating trees we so honorable wow and heaps of wood for us but yeah what we needed to do was quickly plant that area with

Seeds sure I didn’t really set much of an objective for me to do today I feel I feel like it things always go better whenever I have a plan I kind of have something to do I guess oh my God I feel like we should kill that guy in the boat

He’s he’s such a pain stop I’ve got no food I’m hungry excuse me AEL lot I take some seed down though that’s way too much seed actually we’re not going to we’re not going to be able to do all that and we’ll plant our first crops over here you need the game

You’re going nut slimy Christmas is oh my oh um okay so it’s probably the 16th for you guys but uh for me it’s the 17th but Christmas for you guys I I don’t really know Christmas is only eight or nine days away um I’m kind of I don’t really like

That I don’t really like that Christmas came so early honestly I don’t know time time seems to be slipping from my fingers it seems as though it seems as though our our limited existence I don’t know it’s it’s just coming on to an end so quick another Christmas passes by what’s

It oh my God another Christmas passes by what have we what have we achieved in this past year I don’t know Christmas is scary for me nah we I love Christmas in Santa Claus but I don’t know oh we don’t have enough light to plant in the

Corners I don’t know I’m I’m a bit it’s a bit scary for me that Christmas came so soon I don’t know if it I know you know time feels very long but at the same time very short it’s a bit strange feeling I I don’t know I’m not

Too sure honestly I might be going nuts as well Li me oh oh hey Frugal fry nice head the baby zombie piging we must see the child we must see we see the child of of you and your wife oh dear how does that work I’m not go away bats I think

We need torches here oh my God these stairs suck who built them who built these just these disgusting stairs when I get a when I get a hold of the designer who designed the staircase I’m going to beat them senseless you know you said bamboo I I

Remember bamboo can be turned into wood I should I should use bamboo and stuff oh it’s your birthday in four days retain Buck is great that’s so cool you born your Christmas that’s fun but now we finally we finally have food I guess we lost all our coal I think so no

Torches for oh my God Axel no not an axelo sorry osel stop can you stop making those noises osela that’s annoying so so annoying I can’t believe you’d say such a thing oh we do actually have some coals so we can actually light ourselves up but that’s fun we just I

Don’t know what happened to the graves thing uh I’m going to check that out just in case it happens to any of you guys I don’t want you guys losing all your stuff I don’t know I couldn’t find it it said the exact coordinates maybe it appeared above

Ground actually oh we need to I think we need to get rid of this guy the skeleton Gods ex execute execute the skeleton should be dealt with oh hi el heart oh yeah I I’ll I’ll beat you to death John ceiling Phantom he’s still alive that’s great I hope he doesn’t

Despawn I I’ll be really sad if he despawns I want him to be free but I don’t want him to despawn I hope he doesn’t despawn that be really did you guys hit John Phantom did you guys just hit John Fantom what oh outside what’s happening oh what is

This what is this fire is this some sort of bat signal or something it looks really cool I don’t know what it is but it looks really cool I check him M overa it’s powered on what is that can you get stuff El oh I’m I’m pretty cool

Myself what’s it what Elish what’s it you got you got to know the basic rules no stealing and killing and all that and grieving all that what it if somebody’s going to if he going to take something for someone just make sure they allow

You to okay um I have the most I can offer you at this point is coal um I just died I don’t know what happened to my oh sorry I don’t know what happened to my stuff I’m going to check that out so enough so this glitches don’t happen to you

Guys you’re going to build a treehouse in one of the nearby trees that’s nice 91p I hope that goes well oh oh you brought the time machine here that’s what the time machine is okay pirate okay but yeah we got we we really didn’t do much today we lost everything today that’s so

Funny oh we should we should build something today I forgot about that building was something you can do in Minecraft what do I do I don’t know I might just dig out more tunnels of the thing just to make this place more expansive and more confusing I’m going stared them this is

So this so sad our wheat’s not going to grow soon oh that’s what we do though we sacrifice all of our riches and leave leave it behind for a greater a greater World greater Tomorrow oh no more music that’s all right I don’t know I’m just going to you know what I think I’m just going to dig out random tunnels I’m just going to dig out random tunnels in here and hope somebody fills it in I don’t know I find the idea of

Having just this this random cave with with heaps of people living in it really really funny I’ll speak about that afterwards tobo okay I’m just going to dig around and stuff we stop making a such a linear pattern just do it randomly I’m just going to I’m just

Going to build random tunnels like this I this is funny I might fill them out myself cuz my little my little hole thing I D in like two 2 seconds it’s so camped and Tiny I’ll make something better of it in the future I don’t know this is kind of

Unplanned I had like other build another build planned and all that but you know you kind of what’s I kind of wanted to live like poor the poor life again for a little bit so I’ve so I’ve gone back to digging holes I’m calling back to digging holes

Again I don’t know I just feel like I just feel like eventually one of these funny tunnels will become something cool I don’t know we should probably make them a bit wider but I’m just kind of mining I should probably make them wi nah we’ll just make random tunnels

Someone can make something funny at the end of them see look something something like this is just kind of silly welcome back Danny welcome back well I don’t know I might I might end end the stream soon because you know the sun’s Rising for me I didn’t I

Didn’t close my eyes as the sun said so what’s it oh no we’re not going to I think I might I think I might have to I think I might have to continue my day without without closing my eyes I I’ll I’ll fix I’ll fix my sleep schedule eventually I’ll I’ll work

Myself the New Year’s resolution I’ll actually take care of myself a that’s that’s true retain sleep is very important you guys should you guys should actually get really good sleep it’s it’s V it’s like the most important part of part of your day it’s like the peak of recovery where you can

Grow and all that it’s really important you you sleep I have not splink since I started streaming no of course will I still play even when I’m not streaming well I generally do do M McKay mck P how do I say m p yeah in the past I I’ve played when I’m not

Streaming it’s just kind of cuz like some stuff’s kind of boring to watch the stream like I do some more of the groundy stuff off stream but in in this case where I’m just kind of like ouch what happened what on Earth was that ouch that’s fun I think Uh I don’t know what I’m whistling that I’m Just ouch huh that’s crazy this is crazy guys damn that’s crazy and what happen then yeah that’s crazy that’s crazy what happened there oh my God that was so funny um is everything fixed I I’ll see if I can fix everything but oh my God what happened

There that was so funny yeah you guys should you guys should blow up the server more often it makes for very entertaining content how you oh it’s for you oh what’s wrong Danny oh oh are you trying to find where this coordinates are it’s the coordinates for this place is like wait

Let me check again I forgot the coordinates for this place is yeah 4501 550 oh my God what actually happened here though I don’t know what happened there h i i’ I’ve already B I’ve already banned them TOA it’s fine you got 40 TNT oh that’s a that’s a win good job retain

B should I use TNT mine carts it do I guess for most people are here a weak anyways it’s it’s more to do damage I think I think it’s more more to do damage to the actual build no but this was this was funny you guys should you

Should guys should um grief this place more often really funny oh oh you need to get out two pack here take some taking some Blocks yeah I’ll go I’ll go check it out for Goof fry they they probably went on a rampage across the server you know I kind of achieved everything I wanted to do do today’s you I’m not helping you out too I’m not TOA two PAAD kid your names are

Too similar oh you couldn’t make the micos Microsoft account uh Danny would you be able to get help from like um like someone someone else who might be more experienced like maybe like a parent or Guardian they might know yeah I already I already done it too I already done it ages

Ago yeah but what’s it is things broken F I think this unless you guys unless you guys want to see me do commands and fix everything I think this will be the end here cuz I honestly I’ve already done everything oh You’ I can get that all

Back as well um I can I can get all your stuff back as well I have all your what’s it un you could probably get your stuff from the grave but if worst comes to worse um yeah I feel like people’s graves are somewhere down here cuz you died down

There but if worst comes of worse I have like all your inventory saved and all that like I think I can search up my own inventory actually I I forgot the I forgot what the thing was but I was I’ll do a quick search I forgot what the the the acronym

Was I’ll kill all ground items is it is that why it’s lagging for you I’m sure I’m sure they’re despawn in a bit I’m sure they’re despawn and someone Nick the stuff really wait are you serious I I thought they didn’t get nicked okay I can I can

Replace that for you I can replace that for you don’t worry uh what’s it I might I might just end here and what’s it help you guys s out everything that was so funny though that was so funny I’m so tempted just to blow up my own server it would be really

Funny yeah but what’s it if you if you uh what’s it there’s so many diamonds at on ninja did you use your grave and like oh who’s who’s is this I can’t see oh jumpy just SS not you guys snowball fight where all the Snowballs wait I think the Snowballs were from my

Chest that’s all right though we snowball for everyone oh my God I’m on half a heart I just realized I’m close to 1K Subs I am actually wait I haven’t actually checked the subs since this stream I don’t know if it’s changed or anything I should probably have a

Look oh 83e that’s that’s nice thank you thank you for subscribing of course and if you guys aren’t subscribed already that be I really appreciate appreciate it I got to remember to say that more often are you say on half heart yeah I think John Phantom’s dead yeah RP

John Phantom yeah SL PVP tle frle fry yeah I I’ll go ahead I’ll stick behind and like get all this sorta for you guys oh good luck and RP John we’ll find a replacement soon but anyways uh what’s it um this is it I guess than You’ told all your friends to sub

Elart thank you very much but um thank you thank you guys for joining today that a that was a spectacular finale wasn’t it it was RA explosive indeed but anyways what I I could be bothered to take the thumbnail picture today but yeah I I feel like there’s not really a

Good place to do it at the moment it’s going to be too similar to the old one where it’s it’s not really going to be be that actually I don’t know should I I don’t know should should we take the thumbnail picture I was I was I said I

Was going to like start actually changing the thumbnail uhoh are my dogs killing people oops oh yeah I can I can I can check that out for you I check that out for you I was going to fix all that should we do that honestly um

I’ll stand on the edge of the thing why not we take a a big family photo shall we oh there’s not enough space in the dock is there I take a big family photo oh I got to I got to try to fit everyone in there’s too many

People uh I feel like an angle like this would be nice okay 3 2 one say cheese oh that’s the wrong button oops 3 two one jeese let’s see let’s see how that looks we’ll take one more we’ll take one more picture what okay use Essentials what do

You mean by Essentials I don’t honestly don’t really know much but yeah it’s just we just take the um I don’t know much about Minecraft honestly I don’t know what you mean by Essentials but quickly take that 3 to one cheese let’s see what does that look

Like it’s a cool CL I I’ll take a look at it a bit later it’s I’m probably going to have to get some rest right now but no I I’ll help you guys first sorry I’m I’m not going to ban you guys like that yeah this will do this will do let

Me save that first I I’ll take a look at that bit later ouch well we we ended oh I’m going to die to a phantom wait wait underwater underwater underwater okay we’re safe now we’re safe well we end today on halfa and and I guess I’ll see you guys later bye-bye oh

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20 SMP With Viewers – LIVE 🔴(JAVA & BEDROCK)’, was uploaded by PoyoPerson on 2023-12-16 20:12:21. It has garnered 174 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:19:51 or 8391 seconds.

Let’s play Minecraft 1.20 together! Today we continue on our new adventures within “The Big Hole”. Who knows what wonderful things will be built, and what mischief shall occur!

Minecraft Server Details: IP: poyoperson.apexmc.co Port/DNS: 25786 Server Name: PoyoSMP

Rules: – Please be kind and considerate to your fellow server members. Respect them and their property. – Actions which hurt another player’s progress or gives a player an unfair advantage (griefing, altering base, stealing, killing, hacking, x-ray, duping, etc) is strictly prohibited and may lead to a permanent ban. – Please understand these rules have been implemented to keep our server enjoyable for everyone! Let’s keep this as a safe welcoming community!

🎮 PoyoSMP Discord Server: https://discord.gg/2cnwf6djvb

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  • Chinchilla SMP

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  • Renascence SMP Towns, Custom Gen, Mounts, Slimefun, Player Shops

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  • Lava Craft

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  • Minecraft Memes – Meme Fixer: Spicy Edition

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  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft TV Show Special Guest in MultiVersus!

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