EPIC Minecraft SMP+ Collection Logging Adventure!

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Let us let us Minecraft here Mr Taco Rising thank you for the prime sub as well hope everyone’s having a great time in the Stream tonight so real real real quick to tell you guys so for those who don’t know uh this is the mine Minecraft plus resurgence Max um in case anyone’s

Here chug jug with you I’ll play chug jug in a second but what what is w Wait what happened holy School wait I didn’t even realize that y’all are going crazy I didn’t even realize that wow Arrow yeah you’re so lucky I didn’t actually raise it to a

Million let me get Minecraft open let me switch this over real quick is my webcam showing up is Minecraft showing up let me just get Minecraft going and then let me get you your VIP yo thank you for being here so much you made me so happy and filled my

Nights with Funnies and Hots thank you for all the enjoyment and fun less than three I don’t exist why don’t I exist why do I have to go no I did exist hello thank you wizard Willow so much I’m so glad you’re always so glad you’re always here and

Enjoying the streams okay no one’s here hey uh Ross you got a bit hey Mr Taco the 69 Bitties all right let me see let me see let me see real quick congrats on saving up so much thank you for being here following since October 16th

2020 subbed for 34 months thank you so much thank you for being here supporting and enjoying the stream let me get this oh let me do the dabs I don’t know how many people redeemed dabs while I was away hey uh Ross you got got a bit hey uh

Ross there we go I got did you did you get them like through gambling like gambas is well did you just uh save up I’m always curious I’m always curious but thank you thank you thank you for being here thank you for enjoying the streams that’s always

Huge oh yeah let’s see how many dabs do I have to do I got to open this up real quick before I wait hit him with the heyo all right I got to home no I got to I got to do the weeny way home I like doing this way home uh reward

Que y’all are up to two dabs two dabs let me see here’s the more just wanted to do 420 for the meme understandable which I do I want to get those um I want to do the variations we’ll do another like working on because I think we did really good work getting

The Ross stab image a compromise on the raw I think we can really improve the stream together as a team I I like you’re getting input and such I like getting the input on uh things all right we are back home Aiden thank you I’m pretty neat guy if I do

Say so myself oh yeah so all right real quick real quick this dab is for maybug thank you for redeeming a dab and this one is for axelum one thank you for redeeming a dab by a pixel so it aligns do I move it left or

Right let me zoom in because I was trying to figure it out but I I it’s so tiny let me I will fix that I want to fix that myself I’m trying to zoom in I’m trying to all right full screen

It I see it okay I see it I see it I see it I see it I see it I see it I see it is it not moving why is it not it’s supposed to like yeah yeah yeah look at that do you got do you guys

See do you guys you guys see how aligned that is now H you just traced the bottom of this look at this look how clean and smooth that Is such a clean corner all right brain all right so let’s see let’s look at logs real quick log stats so one of the things I’m 260 73 273 items off of a th000 and then I’ll have access to more bosses I think we start I’m already here God dang it I

Want to do a buo kill but then I was like well then I got to go back to man man and I already walked all the way over here well time to walk back food and plant isn’t too bad trying to knock those out I wanted to knock out

Like a lot of the easy whoops and by easy I mean now that I have this house I can do such [Applause] a utilities would be a good one can’t do tools because of all the uh boss tools uh I was thinking where is it could try and knock fish you could just do some fishing I don’t want to just do fish and all uh potion setup I’m just looking buckets not really

Copper is not too bad I don’t fully understand copper I believe there’s the copper shop as well typhoon thank you so much for the sub you got a sub Robert thank you for the double 9 5 Bitties sorry before I missed it trying to check something Dar copper shop copper I was thinking

Just stairs too but I need those four which those could lead in I want to do like stairs infested is silk touch stairs isn’t too bad slabs stairs slabs polished easy peasy right there is my thought for those ones I was close to finishing desert walls is another easy

One grab a bunch of materials do I have my how do I do frog spawn or does someone have um a frog I think someone said there’s like a frog Farm those are important to me no I’m not being trolled you’re a good little froggy you’re going to grow up big and strong

And you’re doing great you’re doing great you’re a good little froggy you’re doing awesome you’re going to grow up to be big and strong I need fence I don’t trust that thing at all all the mud bricks do they have fence fence then uh probably going to go for probably like an hourish

More I’m looking to probably end around like 12:30 my time wait what is the creeper fridge I’m looking this up right now what is it called creeper That’s fine wait 12 cans isn’t bad 12 cans at $98 honestly if you’re thinking about it get it right now it’s on sale get that on sale right now like mostly if you are thinking about it I’m double checking I’m double checking I’m double checking I’m double cheing I’m

Double cheing I’m double cheing I’m double cheing I’m double checking okay wait double check check double check double check double check double check double Check okay look at this thing that thing is epic I just mean the regularly like 168 so it’s regularly 168 down to 98 save $70 it’s a creeper there a little video prepare your torches Minecraft Legends creep a mini fridge energy efficient cooling eco-friendly Thermo electronic technology holds four 12 o gs removable shells can’t fit a body in there Though yeah actually what is with with this music who wait dip tray what is a dip tray what is a dip tray purple cat thank you for the 17 months purple cat thank you hope you’re having a fantastic night what do you mean you know wizard Willow cat what do

You mean I know what a dip tray is I don’t dip anything in a fridge it it has green LEDs oh drip like leaks I thought it meant dip not drip so like I thought it wanted you to pour empty drip tray when full I thought it

Wanted you to pour like ketchup in there yeah I I was thinking it was some kind of dip these nuts joke okay it’s it’s drip not dip yeah but um if it’s $70 on sale I think that is a solid solid Purchase I’m happy I didn’t blow up by a creeper while I was AFK that would have that would have just been it drips into the creature NES rain I was making fences it’s the one thing I just need a crafting table out here oh man Minecraft merch goes crazy I

Wish I had a photo of them uh there’s these shoes at uh we have these little kid shoes at Kohl’s that are like mag lava Cube magma Adidas like kid shoes and I’m not going to lie they’re pretty they’re pretty cool shoes got to remember where I put all my

Wood is that all my wood I need to get a better storage situation going they got storage chest for me up there so I should probably get some of this stuff I got an idea I’m probably going to turn this into a party room you know kind of the room that you

Go like hey I’m having a party I guess I just have the most warp stem black leather boots no beefing it goes right block up left Square slide left square up right Square slide basically what I’m saying either way going to be mine something like that

It was only kids shoes that’s what made me sad I wished I could have gotten them I would have picked them up I got a I’m happy with the shoes I got recently I haven’t been wearing them as much because they’re white and I don’t want to scuff them and I’m being

Cheo funny but I have perfectly good shoes so it’s kind of like my my I want to feel nice shoes versus my just like I can wear whenever shoes which I’ve never I I’ve only ever really had one pair of shoes so it feels funny having two for me okay fences crafting

Table sorry I’m bad at Minecraft and I get sidetracked a lot so this is probably going to be painful for some people one two three four five see like this I could go through and try and get all the fences fudge I don’t want them swimming away how what

Do I do what do I do tadpoles drop heads that’s messed up I got to learn my house it’s going to be the last one I check [ __ ] [ __ ] I remember when I was a kid this one kid I think he was singing We Were

Young this was like when I was in eighth grade and we were going to move to uh High School someone was play this kid at lunch was like singing it while eating so we go like we are young so we the world on fire it was just I don’t know at the

Time it was just so funny unintentionally I missed I was not good at that I don’t think I was very good at that oh oh that would help when did they make it water bucket did I piss it off where’d it go there we go neat hey and that helped my bucket

Collection [ __ ] collection it’s okay you can go free little guy I am going to try and get one more there should be another tadpole right were there three Finding Nemo where did you go I named them all Finding Nemo I need a cow Farm okay if there’s a third Tad pole

Yay you killed the S what that’s one way of completing the fish collection log didn’t realize oh they dropped only bronze fish that’s fair hey I’m not going to complain free uh free fish log little tadpole I don’t want to hurt your bud I got a lot of these already it

Seems how do you see it on the mini map those aelott I see aha I did that on purpose I totally come on what do you mean they hop the fence does the fence have to be too high spider all right I I I I get what you

Guys are putting I’m picking up what is being put down next would like a word am I join in a group this way wait I’m going to get my elytra I’ll be there I’ll be there in a second oh God where did I put my elytra there we go

Hi I sent you that message I had your stream open and I was like oh you’re looking for the axle hles no I just thought I saw icons on my um screen so I was confused with the they were well I’ll show you this is what I was doing all morning

I feel secretive going double down here we go a yeah thank you for the dab up this entire had to make it good because it’s a flex where the entire thing we’re walking on oh that’s where all the axle oh I see him now now I see him yeah I the one I

Got and I just kept breeding it until it so blue plus blue equals blue yeah that makes sense and since you’re not allowed to pick up other people’s blue Axel lles this is just like a really mean Flex what would what would theoretically happen if you did you would get banned

Oh that’s log cheesing it’s a 1 in 1200 so you have to get it yourself okay I see I see this is going to be my boss treasure room is what I was working on oh nice now that makes sense with the Axel underneath it yeah I’m trying not to hit

Your house I don’t think I’ll hit it I mean I almost broke through your ceiling almost broke through my ceiling yeah I was going to dig straight down yeah don’t do that yeah I don’t I don’t think I’m going to hit your uh I don’t think I’m to your house I

Think we’re fine my house is 72 blocks that way yeah no I’m not going to hit it we’re fine I think I have to expand out like five or 10 more going were you trying to get to a th now yeah I’m just working on on some side logs and

Such let me see needs I would be down to knock potions out I got to just check something real quick I have everything set up for JP but [ __ ] has been you know enjoying life like a [ __ ] loser hasn’t he been doing homework uh where has he been

Work so if you want to knock out I should call him What potions come up here upy Daisy so literally right here everything in this chest you’ll need all every single potion is here and then if you need arrows uh don’t need the sh make you do the arrows col ction

Right after by keeping the lingering potion okay I totally know what I’m doing you don’t but I would empty your inventory before you begin to touch them yeah that’s a good idea um options here if you want to do it CU JP hasn’t [ __ ] touch

It I just need to uh I’m going to make a chest and put down I’m just going to EMP like dump into a chest here oh thank you I just put a uh is it good or bad or bad good putting netherite chest plate and elytra

Together uh if you do that you won’t be able to use it on the boss server okay that’s the only downside I was trying to figure out cu I it seemed like people weren’t and you didn’t originally tell me no so you can also combine boss elytras and Custom

With that as well so if you if you want a unique elytra I’d probably just wait regardless all right good luck I’m a go boss good luck all right you guys ready for potions class with Ross so I don’t currently have and that’s the problem for me or on my side is the

Reward redemptions up because I’m not used to it so Yama 22 minutes ago dab for you yumy Mark is completed I don’t have it pulled up on my side so I can’t see I’m going to wait for the reset although no I got five minutes all right potion time with Ross

Po potion time with Ross um see I put the water bottles on and then you put nether ward in next right I need a potions list okay so now I’m sitting on Awkward potions and now I’ll just grab the first first thing a glistering melon potions are such a weird like it

Makes sense and it doesn’t at the same time I’m sad that it’s only Nether wart I wish there were kind of like more options if it makes sense and then I want to add no brain is trying to blast need each type for each like a

Normal and a speed two so that’s where it’s like okay so here’s this one I guess I already had these then my plan was I can put both of these in and then I’ll put gunpowder in so I’m also going to need okay so then I’d also need as you’re saying

Like the lingering version too splash potion I don’t need splash potions right glass throwing fight glass throwing fight I’m going to disconnect for the uh server restart this is the coal I enhanced the Kohl’s playlist in this song ah um oh yeah for the glowstone ones too

All right so I’m going to open up a flowchart on the side I’m going to open up a potion flowchart and I’m going to exit off as I make the potions excuse me actually I can also uh X off the um pardon me to keep lingering great it’s broken

Image hey a and Michelle thank you for the happy birthday Bitties 12 happy birthday thank you thank you for the 30000 Bitties the birthday technically too I think I was born at like 12 minutes after so in 12 minutes I will officially be 27 I’m old there’s older people there’s younger

People but I’m in the middle I’m doing my thing more boot leg thank you thank you guys I blend in so well though with my co-workers none of them knew even one of my managers was like you’re how old you got a bit cuz uh someone someone made a

Joke about uh feeling old and then they laugh like one of my co-workers who knew how old I was was like I feel old and then laughed about me my birthday coming up and then mentioned my age and then my coworker or my manager was like wait you’re what

So everyone thinks I’m a kid and it’s funny Minecraft what if I just do Brewing 1.19 will that give me a decent chart I got a good chart I got a good chart this is not an invitation for other people to share but just I I’m a I’m a

96 I mean you could you could from my numbers add that up pleas please do not share as well just cuz I know sometimes no no no no no I’m more mean cuz I know when I share a year people will go off but I’m just uh in case you know you’re adding

Up people can say you’re blank years older and such that I don’t mind but I just didn’t want to be like I’m 96 and then other people start sharing the Year let me save this image let me open it up in Pain see like that free girl you goofball back in 1852 and Columbus sailed the ocean blue oh it is in your you all right fine all right you beat me there so sorry I’m get I was getting the Brew chart open sorry I I got distracted by the brewing

Chart um sorry let me oh my goodness this thing is so big all right so I need I just did glistering Melon oh my goodness gracious oh my God sorry I’m this is hurting my brain I’m looking at this chart and it’s hurting my brain I like being a I’m a late 90s kid I am built different all right well it looks like I’m going to need a lot of awkward

Potions I’m at least going to turn every water bottle into an awkward potion that I currently have into an awkward potion back in my day we had Wonder Woman now we wonder if it’s a woman XD I’m Sorry that’s such Boomer humor I feel like I’d hear like I I I feel like I’d hear that is I feel like I’d hear one of my older co-workers say that okay Boomer I’ll let my I’ll I’ll I’ll I’ll drop that one at my next family reunion and see if my grandparents love

It I saw me all right I’m telling it who’s in I got to check something who’s in my chat right now all right Casey and Max have already heard this so and I’m even going to sell myself out I’m going to give the full my

Context on this so I saw a meme on Twitter that was something about all right this is a warning this is a a this is an adult joke so uh yeah time for bed little Timmy this this joke ain’t for you tonight anyway um the joke was got head at a wedding

Call that uh top of the morning and and I I was like wait you can you can twist that because what does top of the morning make you think of so it was like well I ran in yo did I tell you I actually ran into Jack sepy at like my

Second cousin’s funeral I would you know just it’s family kind of thing but yeah ended up getting head from him in the bathroom my cousin’s funeral called it top of the morning so you take that Twitter joke and you add Jack sepy and boom you got a great

Joke yeah we’re heading into him at a a third cousin twice removes funeral and ended up I stole that joke from Twitter so it’s not my original joke Twitter’s been crazy lately I see so much controversial to just be controversial on Twitter now because then it gets you more

Interactions and then you get a bigger paycheck so I’ve been seeing so much like that one more there we go I wanted to make sure I’m doing three pasta lover of pasta with the funny I’m sorry I shouldn’t have laughed like that all right so I’m going to try I

Think the easiest thing for me would be to work my way down the list so swiftness is holy schmoly I have to make a swiftness too swiftness excuse me so that will be I’m going to grab red stone sugar glow stone gunpowder dragon breath so next I’m going to take the

Nether wart out I’m going to add three awkward potions and I’m going throw some sugar in there potions class with raw a so funny reward is just a bigger bit uh a bigger uh it’s 42069 it’s funny uh oh you f Twitter’s also so funny with their takes

Too okay so get a swiftness potion so now I want to make a swiftness two and a swiftness plus well I want two of each oh my goodness so my next plan is I’m going to I don’t know I’m trying red stone pick number one to three AKA rock paper scissor one

Oh you can turn Splash into lingering that is actually helpful well maybe I shouldn’t have thrown those other potions okay so here’s an 8 minute swiftness gunpowder I just don’t have a swiftness to so what I’m going to do is actually take this one out no I don’t care darn

It let’s Splash so I want to take each of those so I’m just missing swiftness two I think if I do this right I’m going to cross off swiftness and swiftness plus but I’m not going to cross off swiftness 2 so now okay take some arrows out and you put a Potion around arrows and boom these don’t matter do they this isn’t going to make a different arrow is it I just want to check swiftness one they are different arrows oh my goodness they are different arrows I might just try I don’t need past the arrows am I safe to trash them

For like the dumb arrows pole okay cool just to say cuz my inventory is going to get crazy so I just want to okay so finish those I want to look I think I’m solid on regular potions so now I don’t know why I did that I’m going to throw in three I’m

Going to throw in another piece of sugar and then I’m going to throw in a piece of glow stone I don’t got that kind of collection space okay so now I want to throw in glow stone I can’t explain why say Peter woke my name I was what I oh good I understand if it’s late I will be streaming again I’m planning on doing a very long stream tomorrow so I hope to see y’all there if you do end up leaving tonight and gunpowder after gunpowder I then dragon breath it and then I think that is all of speed

Potions I should have kept all the speed potions so I could make slowness God dang it I know work tomorrow work just called me oh that’s sucks I’m sorry I work Sunday I got a Sunday shift I had a short shift today and a Sunday shift coming up and

Then I just want to use this to check so like okay yeah so all the speed done how do you get all you have to find spectral okay I see is it a bad bad shift or is it uh not too bad at least whoops okay so for the moment I’m going

To put that away I want to keep this keep this this this I’m going to put sugar away oh yeah that’s good so my plan is between 5 to 6 p.m. CST so if you do the explanation point time you can see what time it is now but

5 to 6 which I’ll uh I’ll put a thing on Discord as well just so people are aware I want to be as transparent as possible I want to pull out rabbit’s foot I had to think about that I had to think about that oh I like the I like the little up

Arrow for this all right so potion of Leaping so the reason I wanted to be that’s three potion of leapings in the same boat I have to think about this a little bit on my head cuz I’m also trying to make potions of slowness you know what just to be I’m

Going to do this I already have them in my inventory don’t I no I don’t yeah that’s what I was thinking so it’s like now and then I’ll invert this batch okay so there we go so now I got those ones okay so I Want with three potions one so I want to glow stone one I got this i got this i got this i got this i got this yeah make the three yeah yeah ah I would my brain was slow clicking it into place I like it it’s green arrows the texture Pack’s neat for

These do this one hey have a great night Michelle hope you have a great day tomorrow and hope you’re able to make it to the stream if not understandable I hope you just have a great day tomorrow which I’m probably going to just try to get the potions and arrows

Done and then I’ll probably call it because I am I’m losing energy but we’ve been going for a good bit my stream have you guys noticed you guys noticed that I’ve been streaming for a little bit longer than normal my streams have been a little at least like

Rather than like 1 to two they’ve at least been two to three it’s been pretty epic he and maybe one day they’ll be three to four I mean I was gone for a chunk of this one so it doesn’t fully count I will admit your friend’s car got wait how what what what

What so I got to got to give a shout out to Cole’s health insurance for also helping me stream yay yay is there a crafting recipe for spectral look at these collections look at all this completion and nice got those ones done now for this one I need to do a glow stone

And then I got to do a red stone on the other one there’s a song I just thought of that I want to listen to it’s not John Mayor but it just reminded me of it so uh when I was a little kid I used to ride along with my mom while she

Would do Meals on Wheels which is where people would deliver meals to like like elderly folks who can’t really get food on their own it was like door Dash before door Dash and it was just for elderly folk um so I remember she’d always play the song I always liked it

And the name is just funny but it’s just it’s a good Jack Johnson song so I hope you guys enjoy the Bubbly Toes Jack Johnson is also just great did I miss a dab oh thank you nuke to the knee dab for you have we hit the eight yet and Ty I’m

So sorry I missed your dab 16 minutes ago I hope you’re here dab for you Tai I like Jack Johnson I got one more on his Q when I was a kid I would go into my locker and shut the door I think you know different strides for different People hey you guys spend them up because when I add more rewards what did he mean by this what did he mean by this hey welcome in real Zeke hope you’re doing good tonight and hope you’ve been doing great howdy howdy hope anything you’re working on as well is going so

Well do it again Well let me cross off the potions I finished so I finished slowness I finished leaping this has the next one as Strength I mean it’s not even completely feet centered but I just found that such a funny thing that the Jan Mar song reminded me of this Song for the rainiest of days you’ll be ready Pole thank you hasn’t even popped up enjoy the new how I’ve been I don’t know so I’m Cur I was curious about Dave the diver thank you thank you pole it seemed like something I I’m curious about it I would not have

Personally picked it up myself but it looked neat a fun time exploring collecting and making sushi complete the gun tutorial oh my God Charlie Charlie stop I’ve been trying to get better at having games for rainy days too ooh huge grats yo green oh I’m sorry I didn’t I’m sorry for the

Caps I’m sorry I wonder yo would you say it would be a good steam deck game because I’ve been looking for games to play on my steam deck Max was super nice and got me a steam deck for Christmas and I played a little little bit of vampire survivors

On it for a bit but my biggest struggle is like I just haven’t been playing a lot of Steam games so it’s like that’s one of the re it’s like I feel like I’ll find a game and I’ll use it a bunch it has that switch thing cuz like I feel like

There’s times I never touch my switch oh I forgot to put the the linger in them whoops whoops this song is great that’s where Jack Johnson’s great oh I I totally forgot I have a favor to ask you Chatters um would you guys be able to help me figure out what good birthday

Freebies there are out there so like my plan for tomorrow was to just go around to like a bunch of places and get freebies but like I was looking online and some places are like get a free dessert with a $10 no no no no no no I ain’t looking for

That so I was going to say I can make like a list on the side I thought that would be are these arrows worth keeping they do not seem like it I could see Donuts are always good I’m going to have to work on the

List all right oh my gosh we’re not even like halfway this is CRA potions are crazy in this game all right so the next one on the list is is I already messed up because it’s glistering melon and I did the glistering melon thing but I did it wrong

So we going to need that and I’m going to have to make you know what I’m going to quickly need a little more water cuz I want to do two batches hey Dom hope you’re having a chill night Dom has the feet of a queen what else do we have what’s this

Playlist oh thank you thank you for gifting dama sub hey uh Ross you got a sub okay so I do this and I do this I wanted to work on these potions I played a I played my two the two Jack Johnson I like but then I was swapping up the

Playlist one of us d one of us oh this one doesn’t have a redstone cool there is just oh yeah neither of them do I’ll check fast food places too free scoop but you do have to have an on I can make online I don’t mind making accounts especially if it means

Freebies was worth it so I think I just want to take these two and add gunpowder I think does that seem right Chick-Fil-A cookie will be epic I think I keep hearing construction under me maybe D a v hey thank you man thank you thank you I hope you’re having a good Ross Day did I take that potion out I know I threw the one but I threw the one because I thought I made two that I wouldn’t have thrown the one had I not thought that I turned that one into a it’s because I didn’t gunpowder

It man I I I goofed around and I messed up you in the works but [Applause] yay yo hype Christa was going to call me out so I’m going to tell you before Christa can tell on me uh Rock Bottom came on but I was changing the playlist

Because I was like oh shoot this is the wrong playlist and then Christa was like did you just turn off rock bottom and I was like I’m changing the playlist but she’s like I’m going to tell Dom you turned off rock bottom but I have to sell myself out because it wasn’t me

Turning it off it was me just changing the current playlist I was on no matter what the next song was I was going to change the playlist it wasn’t because of the song okay okay I just wanted to clear it up before she filled your with

Lies which I want I want to ask and this is I’ve been I I want to also just have been in absolutely no rush uh did you ever did you ever get that instrumental Man oh my back oh my back oh shoot actually yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah cuz I’m trying to I was going to save up cuz what once things were further I was going to uh commission one of my plans was just just a commission fizzy I had like three pictures in mind for uh for the karaoke to like move through it

It’s going to be about like a a raw stall that gets all [ __ ] up then you bargain for you oh yeah wait okay I finished those arrows let me I’m hyped I’m in no rush as well which is why I just thought this was a good time to ask because we’re both

We’re both right here right now I got to finish the actual health potions that’s so I’m working on the potions loger right now I’m actually a little worried that like there’s going to be some random Niche potion that I’m going to miss I know I’m missing spectral arrows cuz like yeah brewing stand

Nether wart fermented spider eye dragon breath rabbit foot I’m going to be able to knock out all the actual potions but I’m GNA have to go back and uh get the other stuff as the downside so I’m knocking out as much as I can at the moment so I was checking

Something oh my goodness tummy nuke thank you for the next dab let me make sure I mark it so I know that I have done it I really like the textures uh from this texture pack on them I guess I already had those but now we’ll gunpowder them

Up I’m happy to be stuck in wait what do you mean by that cuz I was like is it my music taste Charlie’s been good he gets a bit hectic at times but he’s a good Rascal did I already do these I mean I’ll cross them off I

Didn’t even see seem to is it cool for me to uh play it on stream if not I’ll wait until after stream I just want to double check oh the dab the dab wait you mean it’s amazing wait cuz I’ll I’ll do I’ll do like a voice dude I’ll do a voice

Why won’t She I think that’s where it is I’m also really bad at the timing and then I’ll say one thing and it’s the next line or it’ll be the previous line like I I get them all flubbed up I flub up I I flub up a little okay I’m not afraid to say that I do flub up from time to Time yo Flubber is awesome hey thank you a where am ially finished my fan art is completed fjds FJ KD I will check Discord oh what did it just get to the end I didn’t know if it got to the end or oh it does stop if I click off don’t flop it

Up I just saw the dumpy Caked Up uh the Caked Up one that’s a good Caked Up Goose it’s going to be on Twitter I will give it a check in a second let me Mark these off we are getting there isn’t potion brewing fun

Oh good no rush no rush wait I’m going to turn music back on Dom can I hurt you I don’t want to hurt you so that’s why I’m asking first that 8bit version reminded me of uh okay you’re some kind you’re one of those Heroes aren’t

You care what people say the rush is worth the price I pay I get so high when you’re with me I crash and crave you when you leave and then the and then the lyrics start I’ve learned that’s one of the ways I can tell like when it’ll start is

If I do that in my head it reminds me of the meme with that at the beginning but just the beginning reminds me of that song I can’t even remember who that’s by I don’t care what people say the rushes wor the pr Okay Google that’s Kesha I what song is

This what the heck no what song is this what song you guys are just say your love is my okay holy schoy I haven’t heard that one in a good bitty does that song even still exist yeah garl oh my goodness these things are things are awful all right we got spider

Eye I hate potions now put spider Ry away and the next one will be gas here and Dom’s music slaps sometimes I go that guy’s My Pal wow but I wrote Skull Man don’t let him lie to you I wrote skullman Redstone my brain turns off hey have a great night gray hope work is all good hope it’s not a bad day of work and possibly see you tomorrow if you’re here for the uh stream hope you have a great night nuke I’m finishing up these um potions and arrows

And then I’m going to be heading to bed myself I messed up darn it messing up socks wait can I you lied to me hey thank you is for the happy birthday oh good that could possibly be a Bedrock thing did I bump your head I’m so sorry I My okay he’s just being a big purr and your feet smell like Litter I’m going to wash my face after it’s not a water bottle right what the heck I saw him licking and cleaning his toe beans earlier today he was getting right between the beans okay I throw all these in and then I gunpowder and now we’re back on

Track in the house there’s a total of four with two dogs and Two Kitties cat holding a knife to wait Dom I can’t remember if it was you I vaguely have a memory of someone saying like that their animal did like carry knives in their mouth and that it was

Funny am I crazy was that does your cat like actually carry knives around we up to 50 we made it to 50% silly goofy that’s funny that’ll be a good I hope your cat doesn’t live a GTA life woo many more water bottles do I have why do I have one Empty Bottle

I thought I got an extra potion now I’m so confused I thought I made an extra awkward potion I am I crazy did I not grab one extra bottle and make one extra potion we’ve done poison we’ve done we just did Poison right yeah we just did

Poison um I’m just going to drink this when in doubt drink up guys I’m losing steam though I might call it at 1:00 a.m. I’m trying my best though I’m fighting I’m going to put that low cuz glow stone is next lstd Red Bull is not too bad of an idea

On a scale I’d say a seven 10 would be a perfect flavor five would be mediocre zero would be a completely different taste that’s as well I want to sleep for tomorrow cuz I’m recording the freebie drive and to have a video filmed and then the long stream tomorrow

Too we still have one two 3 4 five six we still have six potions to make after this one Pooky xjp fan art now that’s amazing all right I’m opening Twitter Charlie’s playing on a bag grab these three and we head over to the crafting table we make the Arrow

Circle we throw the potions in Easy Peasy now magma cream I want to ride on The that’s beautiful that’s beautiful JP I’m I’m sorryy but I love Jerry I like you as a friend oh shoot juicy that’s a good one has anyone figured out the song yet oh does fire resistance not have a Plus oh dude that sucks I like Pine I’m a pineapple pizzer excuse me I don’t know when red got cuz red has the pet but I don’t know when he got it you healing fire which works perfectly with these um I’m going to name you Joffrey goodbye

Joffrey waffle pancakes so I it really depends on the mood because I really like Belgian waffles but I feel like pancakes are an overall easier more well-rounded but I feel like a good waffle can be better than a pancake but pancakes are just an easier good time now Joffrey will help me breathe

Oh my energy five more minutes though we can we can crack out a few more potions in five more minutes what do you mean why only Life is a Highway what are you talking about this is called Joe’s epic playlist okay it just starts with okay I didn’t mean to eat

That happy birthday to you happy birthday to you thank you happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday we’re going to [ __ ] When what when you least expected why did that work perfectly with the spin why did why did that that was perfect one two three One four 2 4 6 8 huh that’s easier PR Co I’ll do this real quick first my raw cinity I like the idea of just adding Ross to everything get away from me ma’am you can’t take my ra acidity get away from my butt break up by all that poost good

Night the neutron is it the I can’t remember is it the neutrons I can’t remember what it was well this is just like the time I got roson in Boston thank you thank you Ty thank you thank you my dude hope you’re having a good Ross day so far here we

Go I like accelerate I thought it was cool to run fast your board couldn’t handle the neutron sty Um my favorite B Allan is got Tim yeah how’s it coming I’m it’s going all right man you’re not doing it the most efficient way your my RuneScape this inside of you is disappointing I am that’s the worst part want to see my loot from Anubis after the update

Sure after I finish this potion you’re all good I got to resorted anyway of these in wow I like Jake personally I like that he wore um khakis yo you know what’s disappointing huh it’s your birthday and no one’s subscribing to you we got a little bit we got a little

Bit I was nice and got some Bitties oh and Yuki with the 35 months too I’m sorry I didn’t say thank you before thank you thank you I would gift you birthday Subs but I’m not going to because I gave you 200 or [ __ ] 50 of them yeah [ __ ]

You we could have we could have talked about that no I’m a man of my word if I say I’m going to do something I’m going to do it no even if it’s [ __ ] stupid we could have talked about that we could I could I could have negotiated something

Better no you’ve had I think I’ve given you a pretty good birthday you got uh got zeldo you got zeldo no that’s what I mean you didn’t have to do that those were already crazy you got and he got the subs so yeah we’re all good and and you got and you

Got food Chinese buffet that I ate American food at let’s just get my turtle log done I’m at 868 I’ve moved from 51 to 45 I’m not going to be I don’t think I’ll hit a thousand tonight but I’ve moved up a good but potions and arrows are like a really

Easy one I think the only things you’re going to need to finish off the potions log or just the ingredients that’s what I I was looking through like I have to get my own brewing stand and you got a sub yeah and such I’m missing golden carrot and Phantom

Membrane uh well you’re going to have to toggle Phantoms to actually get the Phantom M oh I meant for potions right now no I know you got to you got to toggle Phantoms on you haven’t turned off oh I know but there’s Phantom membranes in

Here no I to get my own yeah to get your own you have to toggle them yeah yeah yeah I’ll turn them back on eventually Don thank you for gifting a sub start getting the uh the sleep thing what the oh just how do you toggle

Three days of no sleep for the Phantoms to come back I toggled it oh check out my Anubis drops these are the is like like an hour and a half with Casey in these yeah oh wow he drops a couple bottles and the blocks are nice yeah you’re

Rolling in [ __ ] you’re rolling in poopy he didn’t drop a book though so I I I only profited in supplies I didn’t profit in books any uh good Keys yeah K we ended up getting Casey like Eight Keys uh in Casey got like six uniques including one of the

Pets I told I just want the book drop she can she can have the keys cuz I already finished the N pets are neat yeah oh yeah I I’ll do pigin TR that’ll that’ll be enough a you I’m too tired to do pig trades now but piglins will help

Me cuz I need spectral arrows too I was looking trades is actually super [ __ ] easy cuz I got to do I can TOS some gold I I I even have gold yeah I have gold back at my place yeah yeah I’m just I’m out of

Steam you like that grind set I do I mean that’s why I was always slow on RuneScape too I know this this isn’t even just Minecraft this is just me I know I mean you’ve been playing Minecraft for like almost two weeks now and you haven’t killed yourself so I

Think that’s an improvement I’m still going the people love it you know me I’m a people pleaser I please the people uh Max do you remember someone by the name of Mr Bobb they’re in my chat asking if you remember them Mr Bobb is that the [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] my

Uncle I’m watching chat for a response you have’t oh wait I have oh my goodness I am a genius I was the uncle sorry bro it’s 2023 we don’t do incest anymore we only watch the step stuff what huh when you really think about it we’re all

Just children way way far back of Adam and Eve so you are my brothers and sisters shout out to all the Christians in the chat because technically we’re all blood related let’s go yeah the Bibble incest kissing and stuff mashing faces the fishing contest going on you

Didn’t [ __ ] tell me long long okayy it just started started three two minutes ago and then like gunpowder I should have gotten a second brewing stand I mean I did it with two and I finished in 40 minutes I also had recipes pulled up on

The side and I knew what I was doing I have re way possible what do you mean by that what are you doing so uh so for this one I made invisibility then I made both tiers of invisibility so like a three and an eight then I added

Gunpowder to those so now I have splash of both now I’m adding dragon breath to both so now I’m going to get lingering of both then I’m going to make arrows out of both and that one will be done oh you want to know what’s taking

You so long you’re doing arrows at the same time you’re supposed to put all the lingering potions in the chest just to knock them all out at once when you’re done ah because you’re doing the arrows it’s like doubling the time I’m trashing uh the arrows when I’m done with them what the

[ __ ] perfectly fine arrows and gone give me the invisibility Arrow already trashed them I’m good at this game where am I who am I pretending it doesn’t exist where am I I don’t know can’t see me and I got a whoops I got a powder you do have an outline oh [ __ ] I’m glowing him an arrow in my

Ass you’re like Shrek wait I literally have an arrow in my ass it you’re like Shrek oh it your ear pardon me and I have destroyed your [ __ ] chat I’m sorry that was supposed to be a one-off joke H they’re just they’re they’re being silly we’ll play this is

This oh this isn’t even a playlist this is just my DJ there is no playlist to link I’m so sorry all right how many more potions you got to make cuz I was going to go run and buy some hot sauce packets do I have time to come back uh

No yes one more I after this these one I’m making weakness and I’m done no not enough time I can help you speed up your time though how watch this this ready ready for let me know when you put it about Po in okay let me

Uh I’m freaking out for a second okay I’m grabbing the arrows because I’m dumb no resem the Ross dab and I thought there was supposed to be a stupid limit ya thank you for redeeming a raw stab and then 15 minutes ago the wingless Raven dab for

You I thought I set a limit disgusting piece of [ __ ] did you did you set a limit per person no it’s supposed it’s supposed to be one every 15 minutes with a limit of eight per stream yeah I don’t think you I don’t think you uh but it feels like I’ve done

More let me see if I can redeem one well one just got redeemed so you got to wait oh yeah 15 minutes night vision all right now I need fermented spider eye yoink then I put watch this you ready I’m going to so start brewing your

Potions and then keep it open and watch this oh wait let me okay okay who oh wait darn it it’s these all look the same are you watching yep all right it’s in I’m watching I’m watching Zoom double the speed that’s what you unlock for completing potion thank you

And I take one of these out and I put red stone in then I take one of those out and then I put them all back in and I put gunpowder in and I never made a m should I make a mundane no not part of log okay that’s

Why I wanted to ask first as well the the first ingredient potions are not part of logs okay mundane and thick yeah because they don’t technically classify as like any potion effect so you can’t log them all right that’s that one and then what is in my ears right now

You a little lick I’m done did everything let me look I’m going through arrows complet the arrows collection then uh I’m missing spectral Arrow I missing oh I am missing an invisibility Arrow I don’t know how I’m missing that one cuz I did it oh that’s the one that

You [ __ ] threw to me and I made arrows out of oh so I’m missing that and spectral or the two well spectral you can actually craft did you know that someone just told me to trade but how do you craft them there four glow stone and an arrow I

Think I know it’s glowstone and arrow neat all right then I just need uh invisibility I think you’re going to be the first person on the server to complete the arrows collection before the [ __ ] potion collection yeah I’m pretty epic I rate you a like oh it’s your birthday I have to

Be nice to you yeah I rate you a 10 out of 10 I’m a 10 today have a great night Dom sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite you don’t remember year ago man you left a year ago I’m powerful five nights at Friday’s Pizzeria what’s the worst thing you’re going to do to me tomorrow I really have much I just I just want the freebies that’s easy that’s not too

Painful wow that I really messed up night vision I guess wait I’m not even I’m supposed to be making invisibility yeah you use you use night vision to make Invisibility apparently I missed the 8 minute thing oh oh JP so this is mine I mean there’s enough supplies in there for yeah I’ll just throw all the leftovers I’m going to watch the FNAF movie on a microwave that’s my dream so the bosses you unlock at 3,000

Are if I remember correctly off the top of my head I don’t know if I’ll ever make it to 3,000 1,000 sorry oh uh the etherial Reaver also known as the Ethereal cuck Slime Princess also known known as Dy mommy Ezekiel the banished uh good luck and azreal the Fallen the gapple

Chugger sounds like people like those a bunch they’re fun but they’re very Heavy Hitters like you need gapples for them it’s Hey Sharpshooter R this is the police long stats I’m 45 with 903 hey 97 off me look at your [ __ ] The end we got to complete the Shocker box collection for you that’s pretty easy uh nether collection you’re going to have to kill Lilith uh or is a good one Armor’s piss easy oh you even completed food you can’t you can’t even go bossing until you complete food what’s

Food uh cheap golden apples oh yeah that’s the right now you you can only make golden apples with eight ingots that’s terrible you think I’ve made a golden apple yet I would have hope no I haven’t made a golden apple yet oh wait I got to put the bottles back too back arrows

Back here’s some Pinos at the bottom you can Trash those cuz JP is going to be using this later he’s not going to need those can he trash them I prefer if you did I want JP to do it I would prefer if you I’m not consenting to this drug

Use wait and this one okay they’re all gone now well need to get rid of them so I can’t be too upset oh I’m like a fly in your room where am I fck am I all right I’m going to pop off though good go back home la mode

Activate cuz I didn’t want to walk douglas douglas figle horn good boy I’m struggling here what my favorite zoo animal um the human anyway guys thank you so much for hanging out with me tonight I hope you enjoyed tonight’s stream I hope you’ve had a wonderful weekend birthday stream

Tomorrow I’m going to sleep up and get ready for it but thank you thank you for all the Bitties the gift Subs the subs the super duper chat everything in between I really appreciate it I hope you have a great rest of the night if it

Is night time for you sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite and I will catch you all tomorrow for tomorrow’s birthday stream good night and goodbye good night and good by sleep tight don’t let those bed bugs bite as I just I just said that so you can’t

This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP+ Collection Logging stuff’, was uploaded by YourPalRoss VODs and More on 2024-01-31 01:00:23. It has garnered 123 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:28 or 6868 seconds.

Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/yourpalross Original Stream Date – ??? ○Minecraft Playlist –

Main Channel – @YourPalRoss

○YOURPALROSS MERCH – https://yourpalross.merchforall.com/ https://yourpalross.creator-spring.com/

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Game – Minecraft Minecraft, players explore a blocky, pixelated procedurally generated, three-dimensional world with virtually infinite terrain. Players can discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures, earthworks, and machines.

#YourPalRoss #Minecraft

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  • Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!

    Summer Weather Chaos in Minecraft Hive!Video Information there you go up and it closed my music thing right as I hit live that’s lovely gotta get the music going hello hope you’re all doing well uh Minecraft is still won’t let me use my uh actual skin that like a for the games that’s nice there you go oh and I forgot to mute Discord welcome to the stream everyone Hi ke du Reaper Jackie uh Kurt uh I I don’t know if Logan has a stream open but he is following [Music] me how’s everyone’s uh day so far are you do oh noise… Read More


    HACKERS DESTROYED MY BASE! - KelpTalks on Donut SMPVideo Information uh hello BR I just went on a whole like monologue for like five minutes and like none of that was recorded anyways uh yeah I expanded the pumpkin farm we got a little bit bigger now you know I doubled the length and or I over double the length and I’m working on some more layers did a little bit of off camera work I got uh I’m I’m setting up some you know thing to make this look nice look look at this big arch I think it looks good yo what’s up WQ what’s up… Read More

  • New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!

    New gaming hack! Combining items in Minecraft!Video Information [Music] hey there my name is Inc today I’m back in Minecraft but I can combine items our goal today is to beat the Ender Dragon and if you enjoy I’d really appreciate if you subscribed let’s get into it okay this is a cool Spawn oh hello there all right now to start with this pack what we need to get is a smithing table so we’re going to have to go mining and get some iron but before we go down I’m going to grab some food all right let’s grab some Stone and start smelting… Read More

  • INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| Minecraft

    INSANE 3D Murder Mystery on The Hive! 🕵️‍♂️| MinecraftVideo Information fale pessoas beleza Hoje estou aqui para trazer um vídeo diferenciado que eu vou trazer aqui PR vocês rapaziada estamos aqui para trazer jogando aqui no derive né literalmente est jogando aqui no derive jogando aqui murder Mystery aqui no derive eu já joguei esse esse minigame há um bom tempo atrás tipo faz tempo mesmo galera tipo eu já gravava né fazer um desafio da mand né a época que o meu canal tava nascendo aí eu tava pensando aqui né nostalgia né jogando aqui myy e bom rapaziada deixa o like aí no canal ativa o… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks 🔥💥🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘VIRAL MINECRAFT TIKTOK HACKS 🔥☺️😊!! |’, was uploaded by Quanny on 2024-05-07 10:52:06. It has garnered 7171 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. how to make end portel in Minecraft https://youtube.com/shorts/Ttxat7xCroM?feature= share #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #13 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30 31 #32 #33 #newyear2023 #2023 #horrorgaming #2022 @techsgamerz youtube.com/@TECHSGAMERZ minecraft tiktok hacks minecraft minecraft hacks techno gamerz minecraft… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in saving villager….#shorts #minecraft#viral#trending#gamer#gaming’, was uploaded by I_AM_DEVIL on 2024-01-15 03:59:26. It has garnered 2878 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Read More

  • Explore Lunarie – Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!

    Explore Lunarie - Freebuild Heaven on Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Community Server + Freebuild Tour!’, was uploaded by Lunarie on 2024-04-13 15:11:49. It has garnered 199 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 04:16:59 or 15419 seconds. I’m very happy that everyone can play on the server from now on 🙂 Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!

    Insane Minecraft Dance Duet with Kuga Guga!Video Information This video, titled ‘brawa #music #minecraft #musica #funny #dance #memes #roblox #duet #love #edit’, was uploaded by Kuga Guga on 2024-06-08 18:33:12. It has garnered 8 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Death Maul

    Death MaulThis server features a custom gamemode where one main player that must survive in a world with mobs and monsters possessed by other players. Their goal is to kill the main player to take their place. Six starting classes to choose from with custom items and perks. – (Ghosts) control monsters and mobs to kill the human – Abilities for each monster. Creepers blow up, spiders shoot webs, etc. – The (Human) must survive and reach level 100 to win. – Main character can choose one of six classes. – If the human dies, another will take their place! -… Read More

  • Janitor’s Closet SMP Semi-Vanilla Roleplay Worldbuilding Whitelist LGBTQ+ Friendly

    Welcome to the Janitor’s Closet! We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP, creating a fun atmosphere where you can build your own culture, nation, story, and impact without restrictions on era or genre. Join our unique community where you can create religions and cultures, or join existing ones! Experience lore-related and in-game events, or even host your own! Discord Info: Join our Discord here to get started. Fill out a quick app after reading the rules to join our community. Our plugins include Dynmap, SimpleVC, SetHome, Deadchest, CombatLog, Brewery, and more! Read More

  • Nexaris | Worldbuilding

    Nexaris | Worldbuilding================= Nexaris=================Nexaris is a diverse server under the Geopolitical, Nations, Towny, Roleplay, and Worldbuilding categories. Forge your Nation, make alliances, and conquer the world! Create your religion and worship your god(s). In Nexaris, politics, and territory control are crucial. Players compete to control regions, make deals with others, and join in big events that shake things up. Every decision YOU make can greatly impact the server’s history, shaping its future.We, the staff of Nexaris, try to provide the best experience for players. The server itself has not been launched yet. But it will be very soon! Join our Discord! We’ll… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Y’all really hate Keep Inventory?”

    “Why do y’all hate keep inventory? Because losing all your stuff builds character…and rage-induced tears.” Read More

  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

    Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango Welcome, gamers, to a brand new day, Where Minecraft adventures come out to play. In this episode, we dive into the unknown, Exploring the Trials, with skills to be honed. First up, enchanting, a magical art, Adding power to weapons, straight from the heart. My village is thriving, with buildings so grand, And an enchanting library, where knowledge will stand. But the real fun begins, in the Trial Chambers, Where challenges await, testing our gamers. With my trusty dog army by my side, We’ll conquer each trial, with nothing to hide. So join me on this journey, filled with… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

    Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft! Minecraft Adventures in Truly Bedrock In the world of Minecraft Truly Bedrock, the adventures never stop! PlodPlod, a dedicated player, recently embarked on some exciting new projects and challenges with the TB crew. Let’s dive into the action-packed episode! Automatic Sorting System PlodPlod showcased their engineering skills by creating an automatic sorting system for storage. This system not only streamlines the organization of items but also adds a touch of efficiency to the gameplay. With this setup, managing resources becomes a breeze, allowing for more time to focus on other exciting tasks. Triple Ender Dragon Battle One of the… Read More

  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

    Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Pokemon x Minecraft?! Mythical Cobblemon Day 1!🟢’, was uploaded by HalloweenMoonCrab on 2024-05-25 04:45:45. It has garnered 230 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:27:15 or 19635 seconds. Pokemon meets Minecraft?! This is wild! Welcome to Day 1 of the Mythical Cobblemon! Season 2 kicking off with a ton of fun. want to play? 📲 Discord – https://discord.com/invite/mythicalnetwork 🎮 Modpack -https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/pixelmon-513-pro.1072839 🖥️ Installation Guide – Coming Soon it’d mean a lot to me if you’d like the video and comment if you liked the stream below! 😀 Twitter: https://twitter.com/hmooncrab Peep the… Read More