EPIC Minecraft SMP: Dangthatsalongname’s Hidden Double Life

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Oh oh my god let’s go no that leaves it with this it does w it does it Lees it just like This hello hello all right bye bye Somebody explain this to me again oh is that Jimmy here go away from meel reading a different way this is my way I’m going straight where you so am I going straight I’m ahead of you I’m first go away okay okay okay I’ll go

This way well welcome to double life the series where me and my friends try to murder each other but this time with a soulmate we will randomly be given a soulmate and that soulmate and me will share lives so if they take damage I take damage if I heal they heal and if

We lose all our lives we both die so we need to try and not do that so I could be paired with absolutely anyone on the server but to make it worse I’m not going to know who I’m paired with oh okay who am I getting no one I don’t know so currently

I am now linked with someone and I have no idea who that is so if any point randomly I take damage it’s because they’ve taken damage and serva if I take damage they will but neither of us have have any idea who it is so it’s going to

Lead to some interesting moments oh and some coal now my plan is actually to grab all these melons just so it’s some nice easy food and obviously if I stumble across anyone I will chat with them we will maybe do a little test to see if we’re linked see if we are

Soulmates this is also a massive col vein to be fair I so far with this series have a sort of way of always pairing with someone first it was Jimmy and then it was Pearl so this time the game is Just making me okay let’s do

This and that and one of these and then we now have a bunch of tools watermelon is not a great source of food but it’s better than nothing now I’m also hoping I can maybe find some surface iron you know I’m going to murder some of the

Cows I’m not going to murder them all but when I just seen how many there was I feel like it’s probably smart to do a little bit of murder okay that’s probably enough murder is there any surface iron I see some okay perfect okay we’re just going to quickly

Make a furnace and start smelting that I need to make a shield as quickly as possible The Shield is what is going to be the difference between me surviving and me dying oh there we go I feel much better now already we’re prepared we also have

A Q new skin I’ve been matching green stuff and obviously when I go down to Yellow it will be yellow and then red I also hear a skeleton it sounds like it’s like here oh there’s a frog and also uh spawner I’m trying to be careful and

Not let it Murder Me Al if I can just expose this to the surface that would be great thank you I don’t know why there’s a frog in a hole does I not have any chests are you kidding me that zero chests I really did just stumble across

The spawner right away and a Frog I love my frog okay yeah now we need to get out because someone else took damage at the same time as I did dead and that was scary go got rid of that who’s struggling over here hey scar what’s happening baby don’t mean to alarm you

You’ got an arrow in your skull yeah I found a skeleton spawner like right here oh that’s actually a pretty big find yeah do we want to do the test R I feel like I need to punch you to see if it’s we can okay let me do it go on okay

We’re not linked I’m sorry to who I’m sorry to whoever I just H out in the world as well but no I didn’t see you just took extra damage I just took some damage then we’re definitely not linked sadly if you need a hug I’ll be over

There in my cave okay dude there’s a frog over there what happens when you kill a frog nothing hello don’t no don’t murder you get anything out of it not a single thing no don’t no what did I I just witness the witness he murdered a

Frog green don’t look at me I’m going to need to try green no not me either now I think first Port of Call is going to be finding a nice cave to go mining and then we will find somewhere to live oh this does look like a lot of baddies oh

Hello there’s so many creepers why is there so many creepers oh my goodness this might genuinely be the most creepers I have ever seen in one area that is insane like look how many creepers there have been just in this small area what the heck I nearly fell this really doesn’t

Go very far I’ve had absolutely zero luck with iron in this cave like there’s not been a single piece I hear a goat horn who’s done that okay 4 9 coal which is probably enough and another creeper add it to the counter voluntary Exile what is Martin doing with pagers oh some

Iron give me give me give me this is what we needed this was perfect just some nice surface iron oh okay green but he’s not actually Ming most of this which means I going to take it whoever I’m partnered with isn’t eating oh really no you need F do you

Need some fidge oh wait yeah they are they are I’m healing why is oh okay yeah I can totally see ow wait did you did you punch me yeah that was a two for one I don’t know who your friend is but they deserve it they’re attached to you I got

This were you the one who did that earlier yeah I was down in a cave and I just heard it and was like what on Earth happened it’s about to become night time and I’m terrified cuz that means this is going to be a mob spawn oh you are so

Right okay let us start smelting our things to be fair it’s kind of safer just to be over here with green just for now it may not be my soulmate but it’s still worth being with someone I will see whoever my soulmate as so far has

Actually done a very good job like I’ve taken very minimal damage yes what do we get oh I got the worst one oh what e e you can have that one oh than thanks he so kind ow something hit me oh it’s my it’s going to take I’m getting used to

That’s very much right oh there go there go jump jump jum no I was I didn’t realize how long the charge up was my bad can you imagine that was her I died a goat I got a bad one again e you need to stop getting that one I hate you ow nearly

Daytime ow they keep doing it at like the shortest angles for me it’s really annoying oh like that oh I ha here no it hit me turns out being a go horn collector is not one of my strong sets come on RAM me hit me do it I think I’m

Giving up they hate me I just have the the bad goat horn that you gave me I’ve got another one embarrassing oh hello this isem this is embarrassing I’m giving out three bad goat horns there you go oh wait the bad ones are the best we need to do the test well the

Goats just defy the rules of Minecraft what did it do it just walk out of the Border oh my God okay hit me okay we’re not Big B I’m so sorry a Tango okay okay gentl let’s go so sure I’ve never had such a broken heart in my

Life I’m ready go I know I am a little now no dang it go for green all right green ready Tap Away oh no he’s got food who’s got food here here give me give me give me food give me food now give me food now die right

Here oh my Gody food right now tery who am I partnered with it’s going to be Jimmy or scar I almost died in one hit with your reaction it’s Jimmy or scar it’s actually been very good oh Tango just got eated by a go just got

Buted well go bro I will see you later okay so we have gone through like five people none of them have been my soulmate which is not great I’m not actively looking for my soul like I’m not caring but at the same time it’s good to know also I’m going to grab some

Dark oak wood just while I can cuz I’m running out of wood anyway and dark hul is a big old tree now there are a few other rules with this season compared to last season we are not allowed to make golden apples because it messes with the

Heart soul system and we’re not allowed to craft an enchanting table so if we want an enchant table we need to find one in the deep dark or we let someone else find that and bring it back up to the surface ow I’m so sorry whoever I’m with I’m

Also picking up any eggs I see just because it means I can get chickens down the lane hopefully pandas oh my goodness I love you all so much I will come back for you but first more Ms just replying with my really bad goat horn makes it so much funnier can I tame

You oh get my shoulder we’re off on an adventure what just happened how did I murder the pirate I jumped and hit some bamboo I cannot believe I was just given a friend to have it ripped away from me so quickly that was traumatizing okay I have four bones can I get a

Friend I can okay I’m promis I’m not going to murder you this time I’m not going to hit you oh that’s where people are getting voluntary Exile they did not kill away all the pillagers okay we keep running we’re not stopping here then I was thinking that could have been a cute

Place to like take over and make mine but never mind I’m sorry sneak 100 Perl you psychopath Martin you psychopath I swear if I’m linked with one of them and they freaking die to the warden already okay how do we let’s get down I don’t

Think I can make that so I’m not going to Try yeah I’m pretty sure I tried that I would have died W this is cool oh and there’s some like drip Stone does that mean there is dripstone like nearby oh down here I am just following whoever it is that’s built this I want to grab some of this

String so I can make a bow also this just goes into an amethyst cluster right it does w you know let’s not go down there there just yet more iron again I don’t know why I’m down here I don’t really need this ow ow you know I think I’m going to

Smelt the iron I have so far just so that I can maybe make like a bucket and such oh that is lava lava that goes down quite far actually you know I’m going to block in and then by the time my iron’s done that’ll all be cleared oh

God you just took three hearts of damage please stop that I don’t know what you were doing but undo it I wonder what is down here okay maybe you sit there and I will come back for you whoa there really isn’t much point in Gold unless I want to eventually go to

The nether but seeing as I can’t make potions I don’t know what I’d want to go to the nether for uh-oh you know this is actually a lot of very easy XP tangle blew up by a creeper and then Jimmy died so they’re dud okay so I know I’m not with Jimmy

Either yeah I just want some nice easy experience can I break this I can but I didn’t give me anything see I’m now too curious for my own good and I need to know what’s down here okay there is some sensors over here there’s a lot of sensors over here okay but

There’s no shrier so I’m going to kill them this place is spooky but I don’t think it’s an ancient city if it was an ancient city there would be shulkers or the shers and they’re not here so we’re good it will probably be daytime now and I have done enough spooky scary

Adventuring let’s go back up and grab the rest of our iron and our doggle and then see what we’re up to ah perfect it’s nice and detail give me some water and then I am going to basically just just swim my way up the side of this

Mountain oh a frog now we see a farm um yeah it is it is enough for pants go please put pants on it makes me uncomfortable what is that that’s the first time I’ve heard the horn is that calling us to something okay I panicked maybe a little

Bit like a lot and opened up my thing one down watch oh oh my goodness hey major hey Scott hi so SC have have you have you got any uh have you got any gossip for us we’ve got some hot Goss for you I have none apart from obviously

It was Tango and Jimmy were go like together oh okay well I got some hot go oh I didn’t see them oh oh yeah we didn’t even see that we were we we made a Zombie Farm for no reason oh the one at this start or of even another one no

There’s one here the zombie spawner we turned if we found one right away like soon as I came in and like ran away and just stumbled across the spawn right at the surface I was like oh I may or may not have spotted BDubs and impulse in

The forest getting up to NAU it and I definitely know that cuz cuz BDubs told me that they were together oh so they’re together together they’re together together to me sad face okay no oh in the butt I know I I I figured it was oh

No oh no I should have yeah I forgot about my dog would do that hello oh hello B we’re having a party down here you can see hello hi ium wait there I water water go I don’t know this risky the Temptation the temptation to pull the

Water away was very high but I hang on hello oh hi guys are you hi everybody we are buddies welcome everybody to my cave hole I’m sorry to run out of people I haven’t seen that I could be with there has to be impulse BDubs they’re together okay so then Martin Peril

And and SC wait who’s together green and Scar but scar realize it yet oh then it’s Martin or Perl has to be mine wait oh W wait a minute you did wait a minute best friends forever baby can you guys please leave our cave Hall we we’ve

Got to you know you’re ating us from your hall already yeah I now have a home right let’s go have saddle yeah so who are we looking for we’re looking for Martin and pearl yeah must be Martin and Peril nope oh wait scar oh God scar scar you’ve HED

The dog you’ve HED the dog that’s you you’re the one flying around with an aan you hit me don’t blame me look at you too with your little base you’ve got your crops that’s cute are you two love y turns out we’re soul mates a nice of course would be

Ever two that do get the deep dark achievement they’re Psychopaths we should form an alliance against them we just we just we refuse to peir up with our soulmate and peir up with each other instead yeah no it seems like it might be the best way to go honestly I’m kind

Of down it’s just I want to find out who’s who and then I’m happy to be like okay well and then I’m going to make a choice hello hello hello hi friends hi Tango hi Tango I’m very frightened and naked and nothing and I died and

Everything’s bad and I’m sad do you want to wait okay T we’re coming by the way we’re coming in right okay come on into my this is this is the sum of my accomplishments so far this season right here you’re looking at Tango sorry I

Just hit you that was my bad let’s make this a little bit bigger for you bud yeah this is this is okay oh jel sa by Enderman and Etho oh they were be they were being they were gloating so much and stealing from so that’s great all right pantalones he’s the pantalon I’m

I’m getting a little bit a little bit happier okay oh you put a door how fancy I know I i’ i’ because like I’ve got too many doors that’s that’s it okay where are we going Stu this way this way hello hello hello hell way follow my voice

Follow my voice hello oh oh oh I’ve fallen into snow Cleo de Cleo de Cleo CLE okay we’re about to witness a death Tango no we’re not how fitting it is that you’re already yellow well yeah I’m I’m I’m keeping the trend going I’m making sure that he’s the first out you

Know that’s how it goes Tango we need to make sure Jimmy’s the first off the server every time thank you Tango thank Tang I can’t remember where our chest is oh well we don’t tell them when there’s people here it’s super secret I can’t remember where our imagine nice when you

Trust Tango is currently eating the food we gave him and wearing the iron we gave him but it’s like we don’t talk about it when people are there I see it is well you two have fun we don’t need you we’re going to leave yeah honestly C do we need soul mates

What have we just become soul mates you know we just go against the Green everyone else is with their soulmate and we’re like no this is us no we’re fine as we’re fine as a pair it’s it’s cool it’s cool I’ve got very good sense of

Direction and I’ve laed this map a few times so I now know where things are there’s also pandas oh I hate pandas I don’t know this I know I’ve got phobia oh okay okay then may a it well I will not force you to live with a panda in

That case we could build two cute houses on either side of the Ravine and we build a bridge between them oh that’s actually a really cute idea do I mean like right over there so like one of us builds here and then one of us builds

There and then I see Tango and Jimmy but that’s fine back off that’s our side as well this is all us this is all ours I think here I’m going to just dig a a straight line which we will eventually change to be cute but for now we just

Need a way across yeah I can build over here this is cute oh that’s so sad there’s just a normal village just outside the Border over there look civilization oh no I’m also going to spam a few torches around so mobs don’t come for me let us make some chests as

Well and then I can dump some things in here so we have a clearer goal now I also want to make a nice iron shovel ow whoever my soulmate has just took damage of course they did I see Joel Etho and green on that bridge we went

Across oh green just punched Joel ow what oh did they take damage oh yeah who’s on top of the pager Tower it’s scar it’s 100% scar hello Ren and big beer over there they’re getting chased by creep just passing by why is there lighting everything up because it’s dangerous

Around here hi guys hello there’s a baby zombie okay well we’ve taken our humble abod on top of Goat Mountain up there so you’re welcome to come for tea at any time thank yeah mean c are doing like a because we’re like we’re not actually soulmates but we’ve decided to be

Soulmates so we’re doing a cute like we’re building each side of the Ravine we’ll build a cute bridge between us it’ll be wonderful he’s coming the temptation to go and break the oh my can you imagine that unlocked your cave that would have been something oh my

That scared the living hell out of me that would that would have been funny wow we’re going back to Goat Mountain we’ll smell you later okay by we eventually should set up a little redstone lamp where you can light it and you can like we can build like a little

Bit facing each other we can like flash it on and off so we can be like come here yeah that would be cute that’ be great G to go I’m going to okay bye bye guys sometimes you just need to take life into your own hand whether that’s

Through work or friends or love and you find your own soulmate and you make them friends and you live in really cute houses across from each other could I have some stuff like what anything they’ve gone to the nether Scott I know it’s only a matter of time before one of

Us explodes how dare they I’m currently got a beggar on my porch I’m I’m poor so are we get over it oh right is that is that how we’re going to play that’s that’s how it play how it is oh oh my gosh what am I going to do with this I

Don’t know what you can figure out hang on hang on I’ve got I’ve got something for you there you go f you that’s all I got a pickax it’s a pickaxe we already gave we already gave everything we had to spare to your soulmate to be fair

There you go oh thank you thank you so much look it wasn’t me who give you a flower it wasn’t it’s moved it’s fast it’s moved it’s gone right I’m going to go with my my Emerald and my stone pickaxe I want you to frame that that’s

The amerald of Peace yes yes that that’s what it is yeah what Earth are they doing up there there’s just a l you’ll see when you get closer they’re going right into the I don’t know I’m not questioning it why are they in the Fortress hello hello hi I just I just

Heard a Sniff and was like hello God sorry it was just silent and I just heard and I was like hello oh God oh God oh God here here here here thank you what the heck they’ve gone into a fortress for some reason oh yeah of

Course they have I’m going to attempt to get some animals and lead them back here are there any anything ow ow ow whoever is is on fire please stop ow ow stop it cow okay there is a singular cow I’m wondering if I breed theirs if I can

Steal one that seems fair right there’s BBS I’m going to ask if I can breed their cows BBS you got him yeah can I breed your cows to take another one so then we have to Aha it would help me and Cleo okay okay

Okay can I get an IOU yes but it has to be of something of similar value not just a hey I want 17 diamonds course of course of course I’d never no never go release the beasts why do you release the beast oh I got one and one free and

They’re all free oh okay okay how do we do this um um you just push them in yeah yeah yep that’s good take them all take I’ll take three I’ll take three thank you so much BDubs all right see you bye am I going to regret doing an IOU maybe but we’ll

See okay we’re going to do the usual and we’ll do a little Co hole and there we go okay I think for now I’m just going to do a tiny little starter base basally just a nice rectangle oh a horn I have to reply I also need to put in space for some

Windows this isn’t normally a block pallet I would like actively try and go for but it is the block pallet we have and again this is our super super simple starting base so it’s fine okay here we go we have the general shape of the house I now just need to

Get some windows I also need to go and breed the cows cuz I basic just need to be constantly on top of this let me go and grab a little bit of sand and what I will do is just place there in a bucket and it means I can just nicely swim back

Up the mountain o that gave me a fright but I made it oh gosh a baby drowned no thank you I’m going back up here and I will pick up that war so you can’t come up either look at Cleo’s little house over there yeah okay the last

Thing we need to do now is pick up this floor I’m going to go and attempt to kill a few extra skeletons just to get some extra bones I got a singular bone just one really one wow also what on Earth is that next to my head house you know I

Need to plant more trees just to cover that back up I’m also going to very quickly just do a little Dart handrailing it’ll be the ugliest Bridge you’ve ever seen but it will be safer also my house is so ugly but it’s fine hello hello I built a a handrail

Also Jimmy just went through my stuff why of course he did what did you steal I I promise you I didn’t are you guys soulmates no no but stop trying try to be soulmates when you Ain soulmates we we can be soulmates we can to be our

Soul no this is fake soulmates # fake soulmates right here you’re on a bridge that I can very easily break from under you Jimmy try no don’t actually no that’s quicker actually don’t do that I’m trying to I’m trying to get a goat horn so I’m going to go over here I

Don’t know who’s over at the Pillager Outpost there’s no goat horns over here why would you go over here they they all have the thingy I don’t think they’re over there anymore they only have two horns yeah so like once they had done it twice they’re they’re hornless so you

Can’t get more see this is why we’ve decided to be our own soulmates because our current soulmates went to the nether Jimmy wait who was that Martin and pearl we don’t know whose is whose but we know that both of them are ours this is actually quite funny this is this is

Like two this is like two girlfriends who meet up and they talk about their Partners like oh my gosh you can’t believe what he did last you’ve got to look at it this way Jimmy we have been on the surface the entire time we have met every single other person we have

Put ourselves out there we made ourselves vulnerable and they didn’t show up all right yeah how dare they that’s more like a line and they didn’t show I imagine you already we even brought you to your soulmate and they wouldn’t come to us so true true and we do you know what I

Can’t wait for you guys to meet your soul mates cuz I’m having a great time um um cows uh oh okay two seconds um no hey guys your cows Escape go oh I’m soad back to us there we go good job guys thank you for saving our house good job yeah we

Were worried yeah we could see how worried you were I’ll just cover them up just to make sure they’re safe and they can’t escape again there we go sorry my teammate’s dying good thinking Scott excellent thinking yeah that’s why they can’t escape it’s fine Jimmy is attempting to haggle Joel it seems all

The way over there oh please can someone fall being he’s being cornered I might need to go I would go before you better go t look a bit dodgy over there byebye bye have fun this is ever snow I guess oh no he’s away oh no he’s off no he isn’t he’s

Ever snow oh cool it just goes up and picks things and it’ll bring it to you a it’s very cute you can keep it though I have been traveling from far and wide trying to find this SC get your head on no no hey no no no no no no give it back

No you guys stole from the jelly pandas we didn’t steal from the jelly pandas I found my my soulmate here and oh Jesus Christ oh God that’s not my alley that’s one of your guys that’s ours no oh scar do you could ask you know before you

Steal things normally asking and be like hey um I am an ambassador of the jellies who say that you stole the bamboo from them so I am only an intermediate person going back and forth trying to save them because what else are they going to eat

They’re going to starve see what if we you as a messenger to get the message across cuz I am feeling very murdery right now I am yeah did he just steal my boat as well yes yes he did oh God I just want a normal Minecraft server one of these days Cleo

Cleo yeah did you see Martin’s message no he said I need three non Soul people to come to spawn time for requ of companionship I say we go cuz they don’t know that we know that they’re our soulmates yeah sure let’s go let’s go okay let me let them know we’re on our

Way and then we can just be like you’re bad soulmates we don’t need you yeah we don’t need you we are strong independent soulmates yeah we made our own soul mates he say need two more does he not realize that there’s only four of us that don’t have people I’ll just on my

Way yeah I think the server is going to have e BL a few hello W look at you too we’ve been nowhere special oh really a little really you know yeah nothing mhm right we need one more person to turn up you can’t do it with just us three I guess

We could actually cuz I’m assuming you two aren’t together right no we’re not no so I guess we can we can test the compatibility of you three okay let’s do it this way then so first and foremost Pearl I want you to stand in here and I

Want you to face I want you to face the East so you’re looking away then got I would like you to be in this Central one just here sure I don’t want you to face me and Cleo go into this one all right this is very off the

I’m not going to be able to do a game show if it’s horns going off every 2 minutes you two have been out of the game for quite a while right the entire time you Len together have no idea what’s been going on do you no no what’s

Happening fine keep going keep going going keep going wait you your soul you no are you sure that was a really unconvincing no yeah no we haven’t found them yet no I swear if you to each other I would not we’re not to each other are definitely not soul to each other okay

This this is this is the goal the premise behind this is very simple this everybody is lost and bound okay so using my very indepth science we’re going to figure out who Pearl soulbound is I’m going to ask you a question and you’re going to have a

Stick a coal or a log and when I count down from three I’m going to throw it out in front of you and then go and collect it a moment after Pearl’s not I’m going to give pear their stuff back each time okay what’s going on oh know I

Know Martin what have I done nothing nothing you’ve done keep going you’ve done all this work you’ve done all this work it’s fine keep going no what is it okay just just watch you just stay where you are okay and just watch okay and also Martin you I look I’m look

Okay it’s what happens when you two don’t come onto the surface or look for anyone we meet every other person who is soulbound and we kind of put the dots together you know what me and CLE are actually soulbound to house we’ve decided yeah we’ve decided together okay

Right F we we put ourselves out there all day we were ready to meet people we were vulnerable and then you two were just off together in the nether doing your own things you also kept burning we were fine we had pork chops don’t don’t tryers that’s what you get see got

Agrees going to leave we thought we’d humor you I think you should that this could the greatest game show ever seen on the internet no pearl you abandoned us you knew it wasn’t him and you cheat trying to provide for my soulbound this is the definition of the welcome home

Cheaters those hor for this shut up you know what I’ll add to it just cuz you love it so much well that went well I have been harvesting some wood so that I can actually tear all of this H’s house down and we build a new one because this

Is not going to work I realized it just definitely won’t and also there is my soulmate look at her doing her little thing she’s having a good time she’s got some diamonds we are just making sure that we are topped up on food because that has been a constant issue hello

Besti how are you hi I’m all right how are you I see the Farms coming along nicely yes I’m doing that and then I’ve been feeding the cows you’ve just got some bling yes I’ve got six diamonds wao I know it’s amazing you may have a sword

Thank you look at this you’re very welcome okay well I have an idea of what we can do okay so my thought is we can start a tradition where we will meet and I want to jump and axe crit each other so it hurts them will

Try yes cause them pain make them suffer so as long as our hunger is high will regen quickly but I think it’ll be a fun little scare cuz it’s a lot of damage so do you want to go first I do but I’m not good at this so uh just jump and

Punch hang on why can’t I oh there we go there we go okay and then pass to me there we go come on okay and oh five Hearts which is a nice chunk where they’ll be like H and then and they’ll be screaming which like what they did to

Us exactly I know it’s of course it’s night time at least we’ve lit up and like built enough that it seems to be pretty safe in our immediate areas like I I said i’ I’ve been diamond mining and I’ve got like some really nice material

To build walls and stuff out of ooh I might build a bridge I might I’m not good at building particularly I’m all right but you know this has got to go oh yeah as long as it’s is anything will be an upgrade from this at the end of the

Day well we will check up on each other as we do thank you for the oh wait here we go sorry I I need to it’s part of I’m in several groups but the horn gang is one yes I’ve noticed it’s fine you do you I’m not bothered by it at all right

Well I will update you when I have a better house and I will see the bridge excellent look at my little soulmate running off going to do a bridge we love her okay we’re going to grab some wood I said I’ve been trying to plant and collect a bunch of different Woods for

Builds So that obviously when we’re actually doing it we can of have the materials and can just go okay let us probably start by just knocking this down and also I can make my diamond sword that Cleo gave me this was from Cleo I’m going to work on bringing the

Cows out next I think so I can see how many we have and then I will kill someone and cook food and give you some food that’s good I’m on one pork chop that’s a steak that’s there’s some extra bread thanks bestie okay okay like I

Said I don’t really want to do what I did last time of having to do like a whole cow Heist I don’t want to have to deal with hiding my cows So the plan is I’m just going to bring them up and put them into like a 10 well people maybe

See them and steal them possibly but then I just have a reason to murder them later it’s fine okay I want to also just kind of mix in like a kind of spruce and dark oak perimeter that’s the word okay something like this then I’m going to

Shear all of it and then I’m just going to kind of rotate so putting like spru slabs on top of all of the dark o parts and then dark o on all of the spru parts and then I’m going to put two little Gates here and open them up now the next

Part is going to be getting all of the cows out of here and up here out of the co hole and over here into the pen okay it turns out I have actually a lot more cows than I realized I did let’s breed them up and I’m going to go and get more

Wheat and then breed them again so I can start killing some for actual good food hello hello Scott hell hello Etho who can we help I was just trying to reach a barter with your your partner here about what some of those beautiful cows you got there the plump juicy hasn’t

Immediately come and stolen from us I know that’s one step ahead of rain and BBY to be fair Joel Joel might also need dark oak oh uh what made you think we got dark oak C there’s saplings there and I’ve used I was like there’s

Saplings and I’ve used it for the oh it GRE never mind you might need this a little bit more than me Cleo I don’t know thank you thank you I’ve been GR dark o and every time I’ve grown it it’s given me just enough saplings to plant

One more tree again so I know they are very stingy currently the dark oak will not be up for sale but the cows we definitely can excellent do you need lapis oh there’s an enchanting table on this map I I’ve got lapis I’ve also got

Red stone do you have iron I want red stone we’re a little low on iron I love that you’ve come here and you know what Redstone and Co like we’ve somehow added double to it I’ll tell you what for the spy glass you can have half the Redstone

Dust I’ve got which isn’t much but you can have it thank you because I don’t know how to use it do you have any sugar can no also looking for that I I have sheep I don’t see any sheep over here I mean wool would be a good resource if we

Ever want to enchant our gear big one-on-one exchange I think that’s fair right do you want to go and bring two sheep over then you can take two cows can you bring two cows I I guess I am the one initiating the offer okay I think that’s fair can I take two cows

And then bring two she no because then you have no reason to have to actually follow through your end of the deal and bring it back so oh you got a wise one here Cleo are you two actually partnered well we’re besties but we’re not actually like it means what nether if I

Die she doesn’t die so it’s nice yeah yeah and we got punch Cleo to find out but I know big mistake look look unbelievable okay that’s interesting it’s great I just get to hit Martin as well yeah it’s a two for one and if I do this pear suffers

Woo oh man Wa A A partnership you got going on here yep we find it very rewarding okay I’ll be right I’ll be right back green and Scar are across from them on the same side as Tango and Jimmy mhm and then obviously we’re here so we’re actually there’s and then

There’s T ofas are all on this half of the map okay so what you’re telling me is that we need to make a special secret bunker Elsewhere on the map opposite corner probably would be helpful or we build a secret it could be cute to like maybe do a secret underground tunnel

Like from your house or like underneath where the Pillager thing is so then it’s OB like more secret and no one goes to it I mean I’ve already got a tunnel from my house down oh then perfect yeah we just make it go the diamonds so you know

We can just right I’m going to breed a bunch of these and then kill a bunch I’ll give you some food thank you very much bye okay let me do some breeding I have just opened the gate we don’t want to do that okay and now we do a little bit of

Murder okay that’s a good amount of murder and also if I’m going to be getting sheep I should probably build a second little pen but before I do that anytime to my inventry there’s just so many things happening okay there is Etho coming with

Them so I’m going to need to get to work on this pen that’s that’s four cows well if you want the sheep in here eth I figured I’d read more just in case they die you know how they are yeah yeah they they are lingy delivery complete perfect

Perfect now I got to go talk to the NPC I’ve completed my quest you can take two cows no is it okay for babies or wait let me get what if one dies though you know you never oh that’s perfect that’s perfect that’s fine that’s fine fine

Happens you’re losing all babies oh that one did not like the baby one of them was like no thank you thank you very much bye you’re very welcome enjoy your cows right at least we have cute little pains now now I have to work on destroying the rest of

My house yes I mean it you did spend like a long time working on it yeah but I hate it Cleo I understand make sure it’s defensible it’s all I’m saying cuz we’ve got these Jokers up at the top I’m going to build a wall eventually on this

Side I think so it won’t matter too much but I was going to build a wall on the other side so we’ve got like we can still see each other but everyone else kept out y yeah I kind of want to I’m sorry I have

To I want you I want everyone to get one except Jimmy yes yes I would like horn if we can find how do you breed goats I don’t know if you can breed them but I mean there’s a goat up there we just need to like go and anger them enough

That they run into a wall okay it’s just very difficult to do I can never do it I probably can’t do it either so I might just be stuck with it but let’s not tell Jimmy they’re there right yeah we don’t tell Jimmy we hate them hello Jimmy

Hello what you doing oh I’ve made a deal I’ve already made a deal with two for what three cows for Two Goats with Ren and uh Big B they aren’t they’re goats jimy they are they’re not what they are at Le are they’re not they’re not pending yeah but they were around their

Base that doesn’t mean it’ss we JY m is right there these are my goats what if I kill them dude I I don’t think I would ever forgive you in the series they be like why haven’t Scott and Jimmy smoke in six episodes it’s very dting I’ve made the

Deal my my print is on them sorry daming why do you just get one no I need these both why do you need the both I’ve made the deal I’ve already paid the price you didn’t make a deal with me Jeffy I don’t I didn’t make the deal with you that’s

What I’m saying your they’re mine they were theirs come on goats ignore him ignore him goats ignore him I know it’s pride month you don’t need to do this ignore him no ignore him this is fun than it should have been wait ghosts come on bud bud I’m sorry

Jeffy right right oh did you just hit me your soul not like this hey Tim Tim hello green we can’t let him get gos stop green is trying to take these two I’ve made a deal I’ve already done the deal I’ve traded my cow I’ve got my

Goats he doesn’t know how it works just let it I I do all right because I’ve got a secret weapon a Hermit who knows Minecraft you know you need to take him to a mountain bi him right what wait you’re not you’re not serious

Bye bye Jimmy what bye I have no idea if the mountain goat thing is real but I’m just going to go along with it cuz it’s against Jimmy okay let me go and give Cleo her stin Cleo hi hi here is your 13 Sak oh you are a superstar I can now eat

Food and not I murdered a bunch of cows and weed Jimmy apparently did a deal for Two Goats green said you can’t get it if it’s not in a mountain biome I have no idea if that’s true but I was very tempted to kill the gods I didn’t but I

Was very tempted you didn’t but it is a possibility if they Annoy Us in the future yeah it would be funny at some point to do a sneak Mission and we going and murder them or steal them I I suggest stealing them Jimmy wants a horn

Real bad oh we’ve got to deny him that yeah that’s what I thought we’ll keep an eye on it and run infiltration if we need to okay right now we get on to dismantling the ugly house this is when I’m going to take it all down build a

New house and people in the comments will be like I actually preferred the old house I’m trying to figure out how I get this Al to be useful maybe I give it seeds and then it means like when I’m farming it will pick up seeds and bring

Them to me but for now I’m leaving it trapped in the bamboo cuz it’s less annoying over there okay so this is what we have so far this is sort of like an outside porch area so we can come out and actually have a good view over like

The area and then the house is going to be built back here I may need to move my wheight field but that’s fine I can do that I’m going to just for now continue to replant the crops until I’m literally needing to break away and move this

Because if I was to do it now I wouldn’t have another place to plant them so then I’m just going to be left without food I’ve got a bunch of wheat now let’s breed up the cows again and also breed up the Sheep okay this is the kind of

Shape we have for the house here I’m going to put another floor on this to kind of make it like a little Tower Cleo oh jeez hi what’s the weird floating island thing is that Martin going up the water look in the middle floating in the middle sping up the

Waterfall that’s my oh Marton you are dropping the property value of everyone in the area and it’s everyone in the area oh it’s a hot you’re being really he’s not even in the right skin for the series eventually the trash always comes back to ro doesn’t it yeah very

True ow Carl what are you doing ow what where did she just take a lot of damage from why what was she doing okay this feels intentional damage so you know what am I going to heal it let’s add to this ah she didn’t like that one to complete

This game Pearl hey Scot what’s up hello how are you hi good we’ve got some good news we managed to get ourselves some some cows so we shall no longer be uh saving your cows anymore yeah but you also have made it the closest Jimmy can

Get to joining the horn Club why would you do that like that was the General server goal was not to let jimy in the horen club oh I oh yeah I forgot I forgot about that sorry I have to I have to go now bye Scott see you I have I

Have to follow my soulmate all you know you know I wouldn’t know actually oh yeah sad times hey but you know maybe one day you’ll get to know Scot there’s still home okay I like CLE I don’t need a soulmate I pick my own destiny Big B

You’re you’re so right all right I will see you later okay bye I think wall wise I might try okay I’m going to strip all of this because it’s going to be stripped I don’t actually want it to exist like this now what I’m thinking of

Doing is is I want to see what it looks like as stripped Birch rather than Birch planks if I try strip Birch on this side but then I think what I’m going to do is in the tower I will do actual Birch that could be cute and cool and quirky and

Fun it is a very flammable house but I’m okay with it this is already looking much better thank you it’s a very flammable house but I’m willing to accept that yeah but I’m I’m partnered up with you so it’s probably not that’s true yeah you are normally the arson so

Okay so he’s going to the deep dark later oh so I gave him two of my diamonds for sword because it it’s better for him why though because the goal is that he should be able to get in and out there without ever touching if

The warden SP dead I didn’t know that I didn’t know that okay um the basic rule is if he meets the warden you’re already dead like the sword won’t do anything so he’ll die and lose the sword well he’s going to the get go to the enchanter so

He might as well have something to enchant you know true yeah he’s he’s trying to win me over and I just pointed out that actually this is the best thing for him two health bars are better than one and you and me between us we got two

Health bars I told him to go with Ren and Bigby and then to get Pearl and then maybe he would have three health bars and he was just like okay I I see the logic in this is this what we’re doing and I’m like sure why not you’ve got to

Gaslight I get it CL right we’re not bringing that up I might be vaguely manipulative in this but you know at least in being honest with you I would expect you to get like me probably not it’s unlikely let’s let’s see if I can do it there we go

Love that and if I just I can Boop you like a couple of times in a row and that would really freak out oh yeah she going to think I’m like properly being attacked here is this mean are we just do she she she’s eight there cuz I’m back to full

Health instantly like Peril panics but yeah he’s trying to win me back so he’s not taking damage willy-nilly okay I will say it does it’s very tempting the fact that he’s going to be going to the Deep T and his house is just going to be floating there like

It’s one those where I’m like I can’t set it to below because if I do it’ll kill you but it’s also just why why hi scar how you doing so I have something funny all right you’re separated from your partner right oh he’s building a heart in the middle of the the

Ravine what what you want to torture him you wa did you do that to Peril were you doing this with peril earlier oh I uh uh no I haven’t even I haven’t seen her uh-huh yeah yeah you have because I was getting certain amount of tech damage

That felt kind of like P snow or a cacti no that sounds that sounds weird no I would no this is new I just found this is fresh snow oh okay so if I stand in fresh just get in there yeah it definitely doesn’t smell like Pearl come

On CLE come on get inside too let’s all get in PE a tast medicine I think I gave her a fright I think I gave her a fright when I did it earlier because I fail at the same time this is so fun I’m trying to think

Of I’m backing out of this I can’t I can’t this it makes me too nervous three and then I’m not going to torture him anymore that’s enough okay I got to a heart and a half I’m just going to see if Peril will eat or not she’s eating [Laughter]

Peril at least Martin’s not torturing me like this well you know you have a you have a you have a healthy relation relationship even though you’re separated to be to be fair Martin is the more aggressive one and he’s trying to win me back so you know I’m I’m shocked

By this to be honest I hope you guys enjoy your building all looks very beautiful thank very much enjoy your chaos no don’t take my St C scar SC oh no I was going to bring it up here so you guys didn’t have to walk so hard oh

No it’s f I Like It where it is thank you though okay all right yeah I just want to help out have a good time every everything is suspicious with him okay that horn does sound like it from Jimmy in that which is annoying well now

You know what’s got so once you figured out which one it is stop responding to it that will drive you up the wall oh my God I’m I’m going to go find if he has a new one and if he does I’ll then go and tell everyone not to respond to that one

Okay oh hi Pearl hi Scott did you enjoy a little tickle I was going to say did you enjoy your little ice bath as well I did did you I did cuz scar brought over for me to do it to you at the same time mhm I

Know I know on your red skin already you’re still green because my heart’s broken Scott oh no you know how died that one I do give you my that one I do give you my condolences do you I know what elsea is bad I think has Jimmy

Got a horn or have you got the new horn I got both of them the horn essentially you both got the horns now why have you given Jimmy a I I taught them how to get the toop why would you do that that was the one goal of the cies Pearl was for

No one to ever give Jimmy a is that Jimmy’s horn I have no idea both Tango and Jimmy have a horn is it the same sound I’m trying to find out what Jimmy’s sound is and then we just never respond to Jimmy’s it is exactly the

Same sound yes okay I’m going to have to go around and spread the news that when that one goes off we never reply to it that’s the real Peril they traded me food okay I was hungry cuz you keep taking damage today what have you been

Doing e what have I been do to take damage you’re the one purposefully G in Frozen ice buckets no oh yeah no me me and clue ax each other to screw with you Martin you did that twice or something cuz I swear I’ve taken like half damage

Twice yeah I did it I did it at the start and then you were annoying me with the ice bucket things so I got clar to do it again mhm I’m not afraid to do this I can do this many more times put it down put it down we’re both getting

It I will put it down come on come on let’s get in it yeah let’s take nice sp there we go look at this this is the most aggressive counseling I’ve ever seen it’s kind of great actually to be honest I’m right I’m zoomed right in

Your face and it looks like you’re just your eyes are shaking in Anger okay should we get out wait are we really we I was going to say I realized I was like normally before I was taking half a heart but we were taking a full

Heart cuz we were both taking half a heart Al you know what I was eating for you so much you were on fire I had pork chops I was good Martin is actively trying to win C oh Martin’s watching us right now from his little heart floating

Island I just turned kind of creepy oh he’s made a little it’s kind of creepy why why you watching us you weirdo he’s just staring I mean you got a creepy neighbor right there I’m just saying and he’s brought the property value all the way

Down H he has you know what I’ve got a great little like Tower off in the distance it’s fantastic I can see everything and I don’t have to deal with creepy neighbors or people that are trying to kill me see I I’m quite attached to Main in Main in Cleo’s

Bridge though and my house building yeah yeah yeah see yeah it’s my B check me out you know it’s fine you sure it’s not sure it’s not it’s my base now you said it I definitely my face now I did not barl there’s nothing in it

It’s my house I will kill you I will kill you just forcefully move in no you won’t you won do it you won’t kill me yeah yeah no you won’t it’s my house now you said so she’s just forcefully moving in CLE this it’s actually how this work it’s Tak

More than I thought Scot said he said mine and Pearls you know so I said mine in Cleo’s bridge I said you said mine I’m F this is a crazy a girlfriend situation this is why I’m gay this this is why I’m gay in that situation you

Were trying to be my soulb that’s the equivalent of this I wasn’t trying to be your soul band Scott I never wanted to be your soul band then why are you making a big deal about it because it’s funny to bother you I think she’s lost it like I don’t

Think she had it to I’m r on see you get the your partner’s trying to W you and like run you over m is got batch psycho didn’t give me much time to run away did you H I didn’t say I have something of yours Ren said he had

Something of yours oh you’re so you’re so me Centric that you’re just like everything is from Scott maybe you have got a little bit of the IRL like do you want me to call someone and person look Scott you’ve done me some damage all right that’s not even the way to R Ren

Is the big box past my house oh you going way I guess bye oh my God she is Philly lost it Philly I’m going to be nice and I’m going to breed her Coes hello Scot hello I just bred your Coes for you oh thank you that’s very nice to

You have you see Peril fully unhinged psychotic what I thought you together no so because I didn’t stick with her she was AG just sitting in powder snow fres doing damage H she tried to forcefully move into my house gosh she sounds like she’s got some issues she has her red

Skin on because her heart is broken um then she also left in a rage and then came back because Ren said in chat PE I think I found something yours and she read as I had said it she’s unhinged stay away also if you hear the new horn

Like there’s one that new it’s Jimmy don’t answer it that’s the the general I like your like B this is cute thanks it’s to signify M and eo’s relationship ah your relationship I get our relationship also we’re the boat boys hello Martin hello oh hell pting Zoo oh this is the

Pting I mean it’s a work in progress you can’t expect it to be built overnight why do you dog who’s a cute little zombie flash I don’t know whose dog that is just a be how slimy and sticky it is should we kill it you got to be careful by the way

Horn wise we don’t answer the new type of horn cuz that’s Jimmy’s horn I was going to say I asked green to describe it in chat I thought I understood it but I didn’t there’s like a new type like there’s cuz mine is this one that’s fine

Yeah that one’s fine is it the is that one is it that one the higher pitch one do not answer if it goes first do not answer also if you see Perl she is fully unhinged you have broken her scar I may have conted well I mean you did as well after we

Broke up with her then you broke up with her but she’s in her red skin she forcefully moved into my house she’s been standing in snow until I’m like low HP oh I’m having the flashbacks I’m going to leave you to to do that I’m

Going to go I did get my dog back though which is fun I knew he was over there roughly did you get hard yeah look so that’s the one I don’t reply to okay go it no No no I told you watch this watch this watch This oh there’s another one stop trying to make me do do see later mining see you oh some free wheat oh no what are you doing I’m plant I’m replanting you just perl’s already tried to forcefully move in Jimmy um I’d like a piece of bamboo please okay wait here

There you go thank you okay you have fun ah bye I I I’ll kill your dog I will bye Jimmy I will I’ll kill your dog bye me if you kill my dog I will kill every single go you on just I will kill that do get the dog off

Me then that you should run get the dog off me then get the dog off me otherwise I will kill it bye I will kill your dog hi Jimmy oh hello pre-warning you may want to put anything valuable in a chest because Martin is going to fight the

Warden and green said his plan is just to spawn the warden and leave so uh just so you’re aware what does this look like if I was to do stone brick stairs you know I think that could actually work okay I’m into it now I just need to do the same but up

Here okay there we go the Rifts are done which means I should be able to clear up all of this I just need to finish off this little bit and then I also need to get rid of this and put a floor in here I think

What I might also do is turn off this into stone bricks and I’m going to fill in the bottom here I wasn’t originally going to but I think it makes sense just to give myself like another little storage space basically and then I will just need to you know break the the

Chest as well okay there we go here’s our little enclosed porch area looks super cute now what I may be better doing just for now is breaking into here I’ll pop down some extra ladders just so I can actually start getting access to this stuff also going to pop my little

Bed up here and now I just need to break this side into the chest and then just shove basically everything into here and then I suppose I can put chests down here just like that so then I can start putting like wood into one it’s not

Going to be a super big storage system you having it having an oie have you got any leather yeah how much do you need two pieces so I can get a donkey thank you there’s 22 that’s exactly what I needed mhm I thought so several Saddles going to get the donkey you enjoy

I will now I’m not normally a two you know what I might do actually just to be smart I don’t like it being two blocks tall so I’m going to drop the floor one I think it’s just the smart way to do it got donkey yay his name is schmoes do

You want a chest for schmoes if if one’s going that would be grand there you go thank you very much you’re very welcome that donkey is going to die whoever does it is going to feel the wrath of clue I’m calling this this now there’s Jimmy trying to get a

Response to his horn but no one’s going to do it okay we are basically done with the basement yay I do just need to like then bring you know the floating things down I’m also going to make a bunch of other chests and just pop these down under

Here and honestly this should probably be enough storage for the rest of the series as long as I trying and stay somewhat on top of it will be fine okay this is our cute little basement area I now need to e fill in that and then B

Fill in that there we go look our little house this is much cuter than the last one was it a waste of time on a cies where we all kill each other maybe but I did it anyway is this the relationship Bridge we’ve got full relationship relation Bridge we’re building bridges

To make our relationship stronger nice nice well we have a ship to hold our relation in sounds good you I got a puppy they should have a play date together sometime yes I agree oh that’s that’s a Chim one not right now sometime okay good luck with your sugarcan hun

The thing that worries me is because we can’t do enchanting tables there’s no need for sugar cane aside from TNT and it worries me that people are out here looking for sugarcane for that what an earth is that what is that you know it’s both surprising and not at the same time what

I am going to do is make two BS and I will go and give one to Cleo I don’t have any arrows for her but a bow Cleo Cleo huh wa the relationship is coming along great you know what it might be time for the mission of operation steal

Some goats I think Jimmy is at the ranch which will make this slightly more difficult but not impossible cuz it’s it’s Jimmy okay now I need to just main towards him I don’t want to get too close cuz he’ll heat up I think he’s in the the place with

The gos oh iron he’s so close why is he just sticking around go do something likeing what is this man doing oh my goodness he didn’t see me oh God that was the closest forever hey where have you been okay oh what a boot

I saw you met uh you you saw some uh saw some then scar has one I don’t even know how to get them like I mean can you can’t lure them with bamboo can you oh wait I’m not sure I need them horns this is SW the thing is I’m not

Even sure exactly where the gold are I could to see Jimmy he’s like right above me I need to get Cleo to somehow take Jimmy away cuz he’s hanging around the ranch too much and I can’t do anything with it okay right let’s go and find Cleo

There’s a face on that Cleo’s at her base okay okay okay warning Cleo warning Cleo and Scott we’re going to don’t worry we’re going to Ren and big bees but stay okay to be fair I did ask them to warn me first okay to be fair yeah

That’s fine see they’re making use of this bridge I have a job for you two things also I put a bow in your chest for you um I made you a bow on the outside one um the second one is I’m currently trying to do operation free

Everything from the ranch and get all the goats out I have a tunnel all the way up to it the issue is is Jimmy is working on it and Tango is there so what I need you to do is go around that way and come over as though you’ve been to

Scars or greens and then I want you to go and tell them that like scar needs to show them something and get them both to leave like whether it’s like like scar side do you want to show you like something with the pandas or like the ice bucket or something okay okay just

So you know BDubs and impulse are spreading lies about people saying what well for example you’ve gone over there and you’ve bad mouthed me and Martin’s got plans to kill me I haven’t seen UL yeah I no I know I I’m just like hang on Scott’s been right next door to me like

Like the entire episode yeah okay now we can do this I’m getting into position I’m underneath the targets whoops you need to go and see it you need to go and see it it’s the best thing no no no no no it’s it you need to just it oh she’s

So good he’s gar is a genius I don’t tell him I said that but like seriously seriously she’s so good a once in a lifetime experience the go on go on let’s head over there we’ll go visit him go on yes it’s GL okay well well well fancy

Seeing you here oh no oh hi what are you doing in the ranch uh nothing that’s what they all say I come in here all the time and I never have a good excuse either no okay managed to get the entire time Martin C has been having a convers

So just doesn’t work no that’s fair so they they know what they need to provide it’s just case of them getting it to me but I’m doubtful it’s going to happen anytime soon I’ll see you later V I like the all black horses hey my hey he hi hi liar welcome home

Liar I’m not why you are did Martin see me come out of the ground no but I did okay yeah I knew you did he was facing away he was facing away I managed to get all the goats I just put them in a hole far away from the R I am

Not wait Ren was slain by an Enderman and a big be fell off a ladder what at the same time how what oh my god do we want to go and see if we can steal anything yeah yeah let’s let’s go hello hi hi hi hi that wasn’t me I didn’t I didn’t

Are you sure I didn’t do it I what did you do I just stole a horse and then he stood in an end and that was his fault and then B fell from a ladder cuz he died oh there’s free stuff oh I’m just going to stuff excellent don’t steal

Their items what do you mean what are they going to do it’s not their items they’re obviously on the floor pear I’m going to give it back to them unlike you guys who are going to steal it wow no you just gave it to us wow you

Just poed In My Soul band I’m sorry but this is very onrun for both of us I don’t know what you expect this is extremely un run for us to it would have been more one it would have been actually we’re just picking up at the

Moment and I’m going to throw some of this oh there’s more there’s more inside there’s more inside there’s more inside okay the rest is just IDE yeah you feel free are we the Mean Girls yes are we the bad guys yes yes yes we are how did

I get the enchanted ge when I’ve never been to the the deeper I don’t know wait you should take the bo give me your bits and then you take those bits so we’ve both got a B yeah just standing I can just see I’m looking I

Just don’t he just zoomed in steing at us I can’t believe I sold it that way you did you sold it great up Jimmy’s running over here I see him looking oh no he’s running towards Martin he’s going towards Martin’s heart I mean they don’t know we have it they don’t know we

Have it Martin doesn’t like he just knew you were nearby right yeah look at our little base progress we’ve done really well and compared to everyone else apart from maybe the boat Bros yeah but that’s just cuz jel is unhinged yeah yeah they hi Cleo hello yeah you what did what did

I do uhhuh you think you could play me like that why you play me like that why are you accusing my soul B me off uh-huh uhhuh what am I supposed to done brand new here oh oh hey guys look at scar he’s got uh stuff you should go check

Out scar cuz he’s doing great things B goats are dead goats are dead now goats are dead uhhuh I blast my horn in your general direction wait your go are dead it couldn’t have been me I was talking to Martin like soon as I was over no I

Promise you I promise you from as soon as you life like she was stood over with Martin I because I Mar you can ask Martin if and then Martin came in and did the deed that’s what happened why would Martin why would Martin be interested in doing

That Mar came jmy has the horn I will say from my side angle the entire time I could have seen them is I seen them just stood outside your area on the ledge cuz I was worried that Martin was trying to convince C to leave me I gave Martin a

Flower hi Jimmy I I I think we we know who our who our enemies are now that’s all I know I haven’t done anything why am I getting involved in this we went I mean you are my soulmate Scar’s fantastic thing yeah amazing thing you said it sucked Cleo it sucked

There was nothing there the P isn’t even open soon as we come back have you not seen the pandas did you not go and see the jelly p a hole it’s just pandas in a hole if you got your guard down right now Scott all right when we’re not here

And you’re just here alone I’ll get it back up I’ll get that gu back up cuz you you living with a traitor I mean is she a traitor she is she a traitor if she was never aligned with you well fun fact about Cleo she likes killing goats the

Goats are dead goat killer not wait your goats are dead goat that’s kind of funny we have like five gos that’s kind of it’s kind of funny so what do you actually have at the Run no are you just r no no team R you’re just team R cuz there’s not

Hey someone on base of oh that scar who is that scar run scar he’s running that was funny yeah let’s go sa face quick if they go to raed we’re done so we want least make it that it wasn’t us who did the the goats what did you say to scar to C

You are you okay he’s going to die you guys have to do something about this I didn’t think Ranch was meant to be a hot sauce what’s going on I took his horse that was it you took his why would you take his hor why would you antagonize him the obviously that

Doesn’t mean you burn down the wrench exactly what that means oh he’s going he not good the fuel work of art I over that foot tow thead and now it’s gone right let’s go back let’s go back to the empty Ranch the empty Ranch SC get away with that come he ain’t getting

Away with it but we’re going to going take time to think about how you’re going tell Tang I have an idea so there are two things about me one is that I don’t love with my soulmate I pegged a soulmate who is somewhere over there but

I don’t live with my actual soulmate and the other part is that we saw some goats from the now burnt down Ranch so I was thinking we could cause some chaos by a making I like coup’s therapy thing where I invite actual soulmate pairs over and

I just try and split them up like that’s just the goal like it’s working for me in Cleo it can work for them too you know like sometimes there’s issues when you live with your soulmate you don’t need to and I’m then going to turn it into a relationship Ranch where I’m also

Going to have like goats and like a petting Zone it’s going to be great but to start us off what I’m going to need to do is build a wall and I also want to grab some Moss which I did see down in this little room Ravine I need to

Quickly grab it and I need to go and ax crit Cleo and now we can get on with her day aha I shall take all of this thank you okay let’s head over and find Cleo Cleo hello hello are you ready for ax CRA of course of course okay go

Wonderful and there we go I can’t do it aim lower down let aim for like my chest there we go there we go much better so I am going to open a couple Retreat that is basically just me trying to split up other Soul bounds I’m also going to turn into a relationship

Ranch and just go and take the goats that I had hidden and make it into like like a pting so that’s the plan I’m going to double up that’s perfect and here comes my Here Comes Your Boyfriend yeah I think I need to what’s this ax

Crit I felt it then I felt it now this is a rebonding exerise look yeah this is see see this is how we show affection oh that’s how we do it you you can’t take everything this is everything get your own thing you sure cuz we seem to

Currently have a bridge that you’re on some houses that we have let’s F A Lot got a heart do can’t say that for everybody here I mean you have a blob sure it’s not a blob I need to start reeling him in I going to say I’ve Got

The Psychotic version you’ve got the jealous X I might start trying to meet him like literally halfway today mhm like I’ll I’ll I’ll put a little bridge out and then I’ll I’ll I’m going I’m going to set the guide task bu you should build little floating islands

Over his so it’s not a bridge but it’s a way to get over to his he didn’t grass us up though that’s true I don’t know if PE did about PE did PE did she like they didn’t even ask and she was like they sto your armor she just told them wow

Yeah they sto your armor I was trying to help yeah if he if he asked I’ll just be like oh I just keeping it warm for you here no no no if you ask it’s just like P gave this to us I love it I’ve got 16 diamonds so whoa I

Know where did that come from okay I appreciate it I I went mining I I’ve done strip mining it’s it’s stressful so uh take yourself and get some get some booties and I will get myself a chest plate because you know I did work you’re also our front line so we’re fine okay

Bye now I know you’re probably thinking Scott where are you going to build the wall out off it has to be something strong and not flammable no I’m building out of wood is it a smart idea probably not but I’m still doing it okay so this

Is kind of the general shape we’re going for I am going to strip some of them but what I also want to do is go and grab a bunch of fence posts and slabs and I’m just kind of going to use whatever we kind of have and the reason is what I

Kind of want to do is go around and also take out a couple of these and just put in some like dark fence posts just to help contrast against the stripped Woods it also gives little like luy holes through so there’s a little Archway that you come through and now it’s just doing

The rest of the stuff I’m also going to make my diamond bits that Cleo told me to make and another iron ax hello bebs hey everything going good today yeah I’m building a ranch I love it wait two ranches well that one kind of burnt down

So there was no other branch is there and that was even me I just SE an opening in the market and thought you know what let’s capitalize m is going to be a relationship Ranch though so you can come here to form stronger bonds with your soulmate interesting

Relaxation and Trust exercises it’ll be wonderful oh I can’t wait for that you and impulse can pop over strengthen your bond it’ll be cute oh I can’t wait that’ll be amazing I mean we’re already very strong but anything 100% yeah doesn’t hurt to just add a little bit

Extra that’s right right exactly Cleo’s not around is she uh she might be she lives over the other side of the bridge so you can go and check over there okay I got to I got to apologize to oh bye see I’ve already started collecting customers it’s great no one will know

This is secretly me sabotaging everyone’s ability to find their soulmate hear some drama end are extremely dangerous in this game I’m upset now cuz they’ve gone they’ve gone personally for my my skills they’ve gone for my skills not looks and that’s a low blow dude okay it feels

Kind of like big be and R are now in an open soulbound relationship I’m not sure that works for business but I’ll figure that out later ooh looking fancy thank you I’m building a ranch and Martin just died oh no I should go and see what that is no but I

Think they died over the other side I’m going to go and check what’s happened to my not soulmate soulmate Cleo what happened Martin knocked me off the edge and I hit the hit the thing he knocked you off the edge yeah if I could kill my

W I know I was trying to reach out oh and now I’m going to die because it’s night and I’m no you’re fine move away from the child move away from the child that was so I’m so sorry it was meant to be a meme I just wanted to scare you

Chance of being with her as your spr punched you as well in in the thought that you would like launch really far you have lost every opportunity here with you clearly I missed the one and carried the zero too far for goodness sake CLE we can other

Hand I do now have a goat horn so yay she got one that feels like a good constellation for you know killing her I wouldn’t say that I’m very cross no but I mean I would say that you’re going to keep after him you know when I said

Martin would be a good person to have on our team Scott you were wrong right well I’m going to leave you two to have your squabble in between to come to me when you’re done Cleo okay bye and that is how we finessed an enchanted chest plate can I

Go this entire Series without having to enchant anything of my own potentially cuz so far Ren and fby also don’t seem to care that we CH or Enchanted stuff so okay so I want to build one trust exercise which is going to be a goat butting like head butting one now for

This all I need is a sort of long Corridor hello oh hi hi and building the first part of the the ranch trust exercise this is the goat head button bit so basically one person is going to stand in a pen that has no goat the

Other person is going to stand in the pen with the other goat and then they’re going to try and DOD out the way off they got hitting them but then when they inevitably don’t I’m going to be like wow it’s interesting that you decided to

Let it hit you on purpose to hurt your soulmate interesting yeah so what happened he decided that he would look at an Enderman and so we had to I had to save him from that oh my God is he trying to get your own three lives un R

Already he was trying to do calculations but boy he’s bad at math yeah I’m also about at math which is why I don’t try yeah same no but he’s going to need to go into the deep dark to get enchanted later and I said that I would go with

Him because obviously I can’t let him do stupid stuff yeah I got a free enchanted chest plate outfit it was great I can’t believe you did that I just can’t yeah that’s great are you not proud of me I’m very proud of you I’m just still in shock would you be okay if

I gave you like the Diamond Sword and the diamond boots and then you could enchant them for me yeah yeah I can do that I’m just doing a c kind of Little D roof just because I need some way to to keep the goats from just jumping out

Scott well hello there hello wait let me come over don’t break through my wall scar why would you do that oh I was just uh coming to you coming to you with a with a with a great offer and a great deal you got your head back on oh yeah

I’m a zookeeper over at the panda Reser you know nonprofit organization oh my gosh that’s adorable I love that skin Scott I’m sorry I had to you it was just too tempting anyway I’ve got a deal for you okay I potentially have a deal for

You as well so oh are you in the mood are you in the the mood to write a great novel that sounds like a lot of work I’ve got paper you can write notes you could write books whatever you choose think of the possibilities you can also

Make TNT see but I’d rather just get sugar can unfortunately Pearl will not allow me the actual Source I can only sell the paper oh so it’s Pearl that has that yeah I am I am the paper salesman and what could I do to sell you some paper well see what you’re actually

Standing in right now scar is oh bom I thought I thought barl was the one with the sugar cane no no no no yes she did Green just ran by saying I’m getting pretty paranoid of at my sugar cane farm with an earshot scar well the thing is Scott he doesn’t

Actually allow me to know where the source is I am only but the paper salesman so basic what you’re St in is the relationship Ranch seeing as a certain Ranch burnt down thank you there was an opening the market and I make it my mission to hold on hold on hold on we

Got to announce to the ah it’s a beautiful s isn’t it yeah but yeah so I’m planning opening a ranch where I’m going to invite soulmates to come over and bond and get stronger with their soulmate and like you know figure things out and we I could also offer the

Ability to go to the panda sanctuary so I can then send business to you directly it’s like a couple are either we’re nonprofit only taking Don mhm see so I also kind might be in competition with wall I don’t know if you know but I rekindled the love

Between uh Cleo and Martin to the point where they uh they died for each other you know Martin pushed her off a cliff she’s not happy what any chance for four paper that’s that’s one TNT that could protect you against Martin who might make an appearance to get his revenge

You can have a trap ready waiting for him for now I shall pass but let’s reconsider if I manage to send business to your panda sanctuary okay I’m listen and then we can if I send business to your panda sanctuary you can repeat in paper oh that sounds perfect okay oh

Good now we’ll get more donations at the uh we’re nonprofit but we do for the panda see this works great you just pay paper which you have a stash of so it’s free for you basically yep yep that’s perfect okay Scott have a good time thank you for the business well now I

Know who I need to go and scope to steal sugar can from I’ve just realized this can encapsulates the builds from third life and last life like the wooden walls around the edges was third life and then the Moss roof was last life I’m just

Going to bone meal it as well just to make it a little bit more cute and overgrown so that’s where the goat will stay and then that’s where the other personal go SED ow okay so now comes the tricky part of actually you know getting

The goats I also kind of want to get some powder snow to do snow baths let me see if I have any extra iron to make a couple buckets I do okay sorted hello hello hello you rebuilding just rebuilding the ranch just rebuilding the ranch is scar still not

Came got his horse back no no no well more importantly it’s our horse now but yeah no he’s still he’s still just doing his thing Jimmy always watch your back Joel why am I watching my back Joel just tell what that’s the second timey ass if

They just float guys there’s walls for a reason yeah they didn’t keep us out though bro what what is this lip from these guys I don’t know also it’s more inconvenient to go around the wall than it is just to go through the gate I know there’s an entrance sa like you baby

Trapped well I’m going to go grab some powder snow because I am working on like coup’s retreat yeah we might be along cuzz uh dango’s got some anger issues that he might need to sort out so uh yeah we might we yeah we might need to come belong all right yeah sounds good

Right have fun bye I have a feeling Jimmy will also have anger isues when he sees that I have the guts no if I was a secret sugar cane Farm where would I I’m going to take a couple of those there’s a desk that’d be great for the ranch

Same with this music box thank you this is a cool Bel oh wo wait no one told me drip St was like ASMR listen I need powder or snow scar two things one have you ever just stood silently in the dripstone it’s so ASMR

Like oh how nice is this do you think I should add this to the Couple’s Retreat I mean I’m doing the Couple’s Retreat you’re just doing the panda sanctuary but you could hand like as like a ASMR Veg it’s also a couples’s retreat as I said I rekindled love it is very

Relaxing there’s also a hot tub up top oh yeah yeah come up here Scott look at this look at this how is it hot I just it’s it’s it’s hot if you believe it how many TNT for your shoes for my shoes you can’t afford them these were gifted to

Me by Cleo before our unlikely demise she told me that it would be best if I had them see I don’t think that’s true scar look at this Scott look at this look look at how cute it is oh wait sorry I need to do this the way you do

It oh cute look at them look at them oh this one’s upset though ow okay now that you entered uh it’s it’s usually customary to leave a donation as you as you as you exit oh okay okay okay whatever you whatever you believe is a worthy gift to the pandas and how much

Joy and love they’ve brought you today I’ve given you your two pieces of wall back that felt like a and and you know as I said we’re nonprofit here whatever you think the wall it’s as I said this perfectly fine okay bye oh that yeah I

Resto that horse by the way I probably caused a problem by that but you know I was going to say I would just I would put it away rather than leaving him just out oh yeah he’s getting away if you ever need to hide him at a different

Place the ranch my Ranch will be an option just here oh okay I don’t really have any walls outside the panda Reserve so I might have I might actually have to take advantage of this bye that man is a con artist and I will not be swindled

Okay there has to be some powdered snow around here wa I don’t know what that is but it’s cute oh that’ll be Pearl’s probably knowing Pearl it’s adorable it doesn’t make sense like any sense whatsoever like Yay gravity wise but look’s a adorable okay now what I need

To do is go and find the goats I stole and lead them home and then if Jimmy asks I’ll just say I bred some of the goats up here green yeah quick question yeah what I have to do for some sugar cane the only reason I know you have it

Is because you ran up past our base screaming I’m getting awful worried about my sugar cane Farm a scar tried to tell me that it was Peril with the secret sugarcane farm uh well scar was telling the truth we got it from Pearl okay so and I’ve I’ve I’ve got two bits

How much for one bit I don’t know you have to go and negotiate with scar scar Scar’s The Negotiator here scar currently wants my bits I will get I say I was about I was about to say I would bet anything he wants your shoes so if I

Get scar to agree I also have Moss if you want Moss it’s not as flammable it’s not flammable compared to the rest of your base n what what what what who’s talking about nothing’s flammable sugar cane or Moss is a flamable yeah same as your cake hasn’t no it’s not flammable no that

Sounds like a sounds like it might be a little bit of a threat what me a threat no I haven’t did that I you know go and go and negotiate with Scar and then we’ll uh we’ll talk okay okay J you know scar hor back right yeah yeah okay came

In and just I need to add him to the band list Ranch what are you doing to him I thought you’d have done something to him by now but he seems to be fine oh you wonder why Tango’s not not been around this whole time he’s cooking up a

Storm we will be we will be executing said storm soon it’s a snow what is this man in powdered snow what is this snow bath nothing that’s is fine you get to have a little shimmy do a little shake a little chest wiggle right I’m going to

Keep going I’m I’m I’m coming with you look at you too hey come here a minute please what what do you did you have sugar can originally that you gave to green or scar nope never did okay yeah know they’re saying they’re lying they’re just saying perut sugarcane are they

Now they have sugarcan yeah they have sugarcan as well I know they do po po po sc’s horse yeah how much what do what do you want for me what do you want to return it to the to the barn it was in the little barn and he I want I want friends

Will be your friend I don’t you’re always welcome in the ranch I like friends cuz these two won’t be my friends I know that for sure wait what did they wait why well she currently sitting like this damaging me bye yeah I’m going this way I’m going to go and

Speak to scar for sugarcane cuz I can tell him where his horse is yeah you go do that uhuh the got tall gosh doing this at night time probably not a smart idea whoa that skeleton had a knock back of course there’s a creeper why wouldn’t there

Be come here go look you’re a porcupine you’re getting us hurt so many times what’s going on here and I have goats to me I don’t our lives are not important to you I have goats to move per oh my gosh I’m I’m eating at least yes that’s at least something gosh

I going to protect you who would have thought it’s F those goats up there already I need I need to go back and get the other two ideally I should have waited until it was daytime but I didn’t so here we are fine I’m moving in on the

Bridge I hope you know that you’re moving no I didn’t say it was your bridge I think I said I clearly heard you say mine and Pearl’s Bridge like as far as I’m concerned that is permission to build a house on it all right you know it’s actually Cleo who built it so

I would bring that up with her pushed her off a bridge so you’ve already you’re one up on him oh yeah at least I’m trying to protect my soulmate is your build the floating thing in the Skyway over there floating thing it’s the floating pretty thing thank you very

Much I know yeah I was going to say it was pretty descriped to oh thank you I was going to say it was really pretty as soon as I seen it I was like that seems like a peal Bel oh oh thank you I could be nice to you when you’re not being

Unhinged see if you’re less unhinged people will be nice to you barl Ren wait R over my face I would go check everyone’s trying to I did nothing but save your items next time I’m looting your place I’m killing you Looting your corpse and not feeling bad

About it all right just go going happen just go you’re next you’re next got why am I next I’m not with her you just their interaction that’s all that that’s all that was needed I’m getting out of here have you not seen me constantly try

To distance do you have Ren ears now and ren glasses and you just got shot by a skeleton this this is you see Pearl came around I almost died look at that yeah that’s it can’t believe okay so we have our goat punch exhibit we have our human

Snow cone and then I’ve added the trust fall and basically one person will run and jump off of here it’s not enough to kill you but it’s enough to hurt and the other person will place a water bucket to catch them as part of a trust fall

Well just going to throw down a few aelia bishes just to space it up a little bit make it a little bit cuter and then I need to add the finishing touch and that is going to come in the terms of Giant floating R which I’m

Going to make out of will so now just becomes the annoying part of trying to make the r hello hi why is there dirt on our bridge I think Peril is forcefully moving onto it oh she said she was going to live on it I would just start

Clearing it because she’s away and hopefully she forgets that she said she was going to do that fingers crossed eh I like what you’ve done with the place thank you I’m now building the joint are to really solidify that you know it’s a ranch are you trying to make a better

Ranch than there I mean it already is I was going to say I was like I I don’t know if trying is the correct word here I already have we actually have goats oh where are the ghosts there’s one in Goat punch and then there’s other under like

The hell behind my house I had them oh cool okay I’m going to take down this this dirt okay do okay I think that is the ranch bit done let’s go and have look and see if this R looks like an R it looks a little bit odd I’m not

Going to lie I don’t know how I’ve done this I think I made it one to White I need to bring the right side in a little bit and then we’re good there we go okay I now need to get guests let me do some advertising okay there we go and now I

Wait for the Sea of customers to come rolling in and then I break them up Jimmy just said said um we’re the only wrench this Ser thank you very much and I just said uh no I have goats and a bagar you have neither see no giant R

And no goats I have both I think that makes me the better Ranch I didn’t even know the donkey was there I’ll take it I’ll take it back to the ranch it’s all good no it’s all right I’ll take it back to the ranch take I’ll take it I’ll take

It to the ranch there’s a you got to give me something B there’s a better Ranch you could go to to be fair don’t listen don’t listen to this guy The Better Wrench look no one’s even no one’s even turned up to his relationship Ranch thing you know how lame that is no

One’s even turned up Big B Big B already complimented me on it I did I did it’s good yeah compliment it’s the best Ranch ever oh wait look look Big B watch this watch this I’m saving you Big B I’m saving you oh look at how strong I was by

Saving you I think he uh Scott actually k i I killed it with no I just killed I I killed it with an arrow for the love of God where is Green I’m taking consistent damage for the last I’ve I’ve got all right there we go wow those stole

My was that your donkey big be or was that Cleo’s donkey I think that was maybe Cleo’s oh yeah jimy donkey he don’t know he took one of them do you want the ranch to burn again this is my Ranch that’s why there’s an R okay this

Is the relationship Ranch you come with your soulmate and you can do trust exor sies Farm relationships here got we got a mission for you oh yeah we like should let’s go back to let’s go up to the house so we know where the sugarcane is

Okay and am iing right now I’m liing right now let’s move over the bridge over the bridge over the bridge on the bridge on the bridge on the bridge it’s fine right it’s it’s at grien grien has buried it okay and we want to form a dig party to

Get to find it but we need we need a distraction I will invite green and Scar to my relationship Branch that’s what I was thinking so if we do that then we can go and dig how about you and green come to my Ranch of relationships to form a stronger Bond if

I knew where he was I would I would I would be very upset with him because he has taken an enormous amount of damage you come to the ranch with green and I will get you your horse back okay that’s a deal that’s a deal that’s a deal come

To my door be quick perfect where’s SC I don’t know he was screaming about how much damage you were making him take and then ran away I was just busy wow well this is the superior Ranch thank you we have different activities you can do with your soulmate okay well

Well I don’t even know where my soulmate is let me see if I can beckon him oh there’s Pearl hey Pearl hello hi hi you want to go horse Pearl Pearl you come back once I’m done with these two and we can then go over our issues how about

That hello we’ve heard this is a great place to come to talk there’s so many people the ranch is kind of a like one couple at a time scenario so it’s more intimate we thought this was a group meeting your soulmate green she’s unhen you you guys is there some trouble

In Paradise yeah well it is do we have to book an appointment how does this work well currently it’s basically a bunch of different trust exercises that are designed for a soulbound so I can only do one at a time the experience is better if it is new to you both at a

Time that’s all right if you want I can do you two and then green can come back with scar yeah okay oh yeah all right okay we we just had our first fight so we were hoping to get some help okay okay well gr do you want to go find scar

Problems huh yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s fine nothing that the relationship range can help yeah okay scar shows up now hello my name is Rand and it’s more it’s more trust exercises it’s physical actions speak louder than words rather than talking we actually have to we have

To work on our relationship we have to work on it I’m sorry there’s there’s different things to do okay you two are the very first participants at the relationship Branch so welcome welcome clients right not participants it is a wonderful time of activities so participants clients family does this

What does this do it makes Scar and I better better soulmates yes it finds out just how in tune you are for each other and see if you’re meant to be together so all right we will start with the First Trust exercise called goat punch so

One of you is going to be in one side with a goat and I will release the goat and your goal is to dodge it as not to hurt your soulmate the other person has to try and trust that the other person won’t get hurt so if I release the goat

Here so you’re going to stand here and he’s eventually going to get mad and Ram at you your goal is to get out the way before he hits you otherwise you hurt Scar and Scar has to just trust no scy you’re not meant to watch the whole

Point is is trust if you’re watching you’re not trusting him can I quickly ask where all the damage came from earlier you can use this time to talk if you want Oh wonderful how about this time as Scott I brought him here you know the horse and everything I will get

You the horse after you promise okay okay okay quickly gr I need my horse I don’t know how this exercise helps it’s an exercise and Trust green TR but he but he might just hit this makes no sense no it does Al he’s not he’s not

Even ramming me it’s it depends how good you are at your ability to you know like Dodge out of uh the wait you know what I’ll even add some music here wait a minute there you go I like that that’s better than my just not interested at

All what do you want there he go there go you proved your ability to be able to move out the way of danger for scar quickly oh that super heartwarming well so you still have two more challenges why you asking for Cleo oh they’re carrying up our Base by the

Way what what yeah they’re playing walls under my under the under the base I told him to stay away from the key SC they’re going for the sugar cane oh but I but we had the sugar cane on us remember I want my horse Scott I’ll get I want my horse

Scott okay I mean that kind of worked but like I did want to get to experience the other things I spent a while building these right random big be is my favorite thing is that I used green and Scar stolen jukebox and neither of them noticed hello all right there are is

Look at you two coming sorry it took so long wasn’t you I first to day open wasn’t expecting business to be that booming so well there’s clearly a lot of problems going on between people it seems apparently so welcome to the relationship Ranch there are three activities to trust your compatibility

And how good you are for each other let’s go for it we can start with one of the more potential slower tasks which is go punch over here this is can we just talk about the fact that Big B got a a box of chocolates in the Base today got

A box of chocolates Y and the secret admirer apparently is is trying to woo him away from me can we just I’ll punch a goat I’ll punch a goat where where’s the goat punch the goat can we just talk about this though so the goat is going

To punch one of you but this time you will be able to use it talk so next te as you’re a bit more angry and you go in here okay yeah and big you’re going to I’m not angry I’m just disappointed Scott I’m just disappointed he does this

A lot oh basically while we wait B you’re going to be watching this goat and your goat is to dodge out of the way of it when it’s ramming at you as not to hurt Ren your soulmate ah okay all right I see you can use this time R to talk

About your feelings and how much he’s hurt you well it makes me feel like I’m alone because is it because you don’t have a secret admire are you a bit jealous I think that might actually be the reason yes is it because BBY also doesn’t Express that kind of love to you

So seeing someone do it to him is also making you feel unloved I think that’s I think that’s pretty much exactly it I think you you nailed it on the head there what would you like add to it he just lashes out sometimes I just don’t know where it comes

From see it’s interesting that you chose to stand there and get hit by the goat rather than avoid it um that’s a goat punch over though you can come out my lashing out is just passion it’s just passion I will say BBY has currently included part of your aesthetic onto him

Are you using anything of his well he looks like Martin you see this is what I’m talking about see it does feel kind of like you’re mad that he has glasses don’t match you he does have ears and glasses which are a signature you thing you haven’t done anything for him that’s

Very true now we’re I’m ashamed it’s fine this is this is what this is for I’m a monster Scott I’m a monster we’re going to get through it red we’re going to get through it the next step is human snow cone one of you is going to be

Stood in a snowb and the other one is going to have a bucket you can choose to free the other person or they will leave so basically you can either trust big be to leave before you die or you can call it quit and use this bucket here to pick

Up the snow okay so once you get in I will shut the door okay go in so beg be up to you when you want to leave before you die if a ren trusts you to leave before you die he won’t do anything if he doesn’t he will pick up the snow you

Could also use this time to talk about your feelings well really cold I was really sad when I got back to box and you weren’t there but then when I came back a little bit later box had a hand a mouth and a mole that made me feel really good it’s

A roller coaster of emotions Big B I I did that for you I knew you would like if box had a hand so it could reach out and and give you a hug oh oh how low did you get one and a half hearts that’s pretty good that’s pretty

Good and ren trusted you enough that he wouldn’t you wouldn’t die so that was a good trust I see Ren you do trust him deep down it’s either that or was I just want to die oh wow see that that’s not the type of therapist I’m for I can

Maybe find someone to consult you to but that’s not the type of therapy I personally deal with okay there is one last test let’s continue okay and this is one that Big B is actually going to be the trust person so this is the TR

I’m so sorry that didn’t put any of your stuff on me for today’s session I’m so sorry about that that was terrible of me I’m so sorry and I’m so sorry I didn’t trust you that you would put a a disgusting hand on box I’m so sorry

Forgive you dude forgive you look at the progress we’re making so Bigby you’re going to take this bucket of water and you’re going to go down to the bottom of the trustful Ren is going to jump off and land here and you’re going to place the water to catch him it’s not enough

To kill him as long as you’re both full health but it will be a trust exercise of whether he will just to catch you I’m going I’m going to take this jump naked okay is he landing on this cble no just you can place the water anywhere cuz

It’ll spread but you just got to wait until he’s jumping to do it okay we’ll begin in three I ready two one go oh you didn’t catch him I’m sorry you tried though he tried Scot he tried it seemed a littleit slow in my opinion

It’s fine in my expert it did E it’s fine he’s not the greatest Minecraft player in the world okay you got to forgive his skills I’ll take the bucket back Big B let me consult with my notes if you give me two minutes I will go and

Check uh whether what the ver is for the relationship okay I will just give them a it’s rock it’s going to take a lot of work and maybe you should pursue other things see how that makes you feel you know just get in there okay I’m back I’m

Back you met up with the secret admirer dude let’s not please we we just made it did you hear that Scott you know that has changed my verdict before I was seeing that can’t you’re an expert that can’t change it if you were fully satisfies with Ren you would have no

Desire to go to your secret admirer Big B what if they they came for me that’s I can’t believe you’ve done this I I need some time alone was going to say in my opinion I feel like you should each other I need some time guys oh I’m so

Sorry B was going so well so free right now that he is gone it’s like the biggest relief from my shoulders I can’t believe it I can’t believe it okay where do I go first do I go to the beach do I go I am loving proof that you don’t need

To stay with your soulmate me and Cleo have a wonderful life together and we’re not soulmates you’re right you’re so good Scott you’re so good thank you thank you okay where can I leave overview I will eventually put a Podium with a book in it once I eventually can

Get SP on paper and then then I will leave a place for you to leave review okay I I’ll I’ll be your first five star thank you so much big b thank you thank you so much I don’t know how to tell you this okay yes but the moment you left

Big B was like finally a sigh of relief the freedom I feel I wonder where I can go next really yeah then my suspicions were true you know I’m loving proof that being with your actual soulmate isn’t always the right option me and Cleo have a wonderful life together and we’re not

Attached at the H thank you Scott this has been an enlightening session looks like your next client has arrived oh I will I will I’m going to go jump off a cliff or something okay um hi impulse good luck okay bye r hi bye hi I saw

Your message but um BDubs and I we’re doing great so I don’t know if we need your services I just want to come just I can show you the facilities see if you want to it could just be a fun thing to do together okay wi you what hi welcome

To my house do you like it isn’t it crazy Bridge no no no SC it was my bridge last session no no no it’s stop moving in no I’m moving in I’m moving in it’s my place now hey now no hey no no no Scott you drop that

Right now you drop that right now you drop it right now drop it right now now if I die if I die we both die and one of them takes good it means I’m the same trust me do you trust me give me the disc back Scot do you trust me

You’re disrupting my homage right now give trust fall where is it oh wait no no he’s faking I’ll I I read that in chat I thought that was a death message I’ll give you the if I tell you where it is yeah or if

You get me well no it’s too late I have better friends other than you Scott okay why are you I have a disc cuz I like the stting you I told you that last session CLE yeah you do have a disc and I have an axe oh

My God yeah but if I die you die you touch that dog you die I I will kill you I will kill you what did you do with my disc got your disc what’ you do with my disc your disc went for a little

Swim did you find it no I see I see I see my discout hey give me back my dis I know you have it Joel yeah what why what you enjoy wait is that a music disc yeah yeah can I can I have one oh that’s the

There you go hi CLE I’ve done nothing do you want to oh that makes it I was going to say do you want to start breaking that her dog’s in there oh no oh carcass no no no no no I’ve got a a challenge for anyone that

Wants to make some diamonds out of a situation all right so here’s here’s how it goes down you you wager your best items and I mean literally your best items so Cleo you would have to put your diamond chest plate you D like literally like this all of your best diamond stuff

Is on the table right it’s you versus another I’ll have that please give me that back that’s all I have okay it’s all I have after throwing loads of diamond gear right the last person to leave the snow wins I would do it green don’t mind

If you do it I’ll watch you no no no you got it you got this you got oh okay all right my best stuff this can I keep some of my food no your best stuff myff in in the barrel in the barrel right right right what am I doing

I’ve also put some chests down for you to put your not best stuff in so that if you die you can I won’t die exactly for F Scott your best stuff Scot you better not die that’s very good some diamonds it’s going to come down to the last half

A heart before someone chick out is that an is that an easy put your put your gear in there scar she’s stealing my stuff Scott yeah is he put it the wrong way they they stole the sugarcane grien ah it’s already it’s already everywhere on the server everyone’s got there okay

I was just showing Scot that we’d actually been successful Scott you going to wager your stuff yeah I put my stuff in there the axe and the uh need wager jelly do I need to put more in there wager a jelly oh yeah there you go okay

Is that is that everyone agree that’s good the last one to leave the snow wins wins everything into this two that was a passive Observer go here we go okay man look into each other’s eyes whoa whoa whoa whoa W he’s eating you’re both they’re both eating SC have you got you

Eat okay okay okay SC have you got food we throw our food out oh no I thought thought some give a piece of steak can have a of Ste steak steak quickly I’ve got bread not being able to eat is scar Bale scar Bale oh

Yeah of a heart done okay got to eat now though Heartz well yeah I saw make about sugarcane we need to start thinking about alliances mhm boat boys are good boat boys are very good but when they go red they will kill us dead should we I

Don’t know I keep hearing like what is that noise do you not hear over here no is that a Oren yes let’s go over to my space why why do we hear no wait why do we hear that CLE who’s bringing a warden up I’m intrigued it’s like over you hear

It over here right it’s definitely here it’s so close it’s so close is in the ranch eat eat gr is there is there a warden in the ranch I can’t see there is why why oh please please open the door oh no he coming oh he’s run run

Run run to the rench to the rench I don’t want it I it’s so fast oh my God SC again behind us close the door close the door please oh God is he still going for me yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah he’s going for me I

Think we have we moved the W onto them it has it LO onto them yeah it has oh it’s over there you’re not holding the entire oh oh that wasn’t even the water oh no they red oh no oh BDubs hit a creeper in front of me and I

Was like right near it like right here and I I tried to also hit it but it just it blew up and K I have literally no idea terrified constantly oh they’ve got the oh they’ve got the W in we should go closer let’s go look I’m staying away

That’s smart a good idea he’s in the r oh he’s in the water the the Ravine is now just a death trap oh wait is he just walking on the water he doesn’t sink anymore he used to sink you did he used to sink I thought he

Sink I thought he sank because I feel like a bridge would ruin it so I want to commit the bit of swimming up but kill him kill him now your heart get in getk I app what are you doing he just just Tak damage oh

No oh no oh they must be so close to death oh no what are they on they on half a heart I did a little bit of mining now for that mining I managed to get myself 12 diamonds and for that I’m going to make myself a chest plate so I

Have a chest plate diamond boots and a diamond sword my plan here because I have so many levels is also to go and enchant which is spooky and scary but for that I’m going to need a bunch of wool which I actually have a good amount

I also have some Shear so we’re going to get more and I think my plan is we get a bunch of wool we go down to the deep dark and we enchant and I maybe get Cleo as well but let me quickly grab all of this will and then I’ll see if Cleo

Wants to come with me cuz I mean there’s a warden up here there can be one down there right don’t worry I know that’s not how that works I know there can be like five but still sh I’ve got a stack in a bit which is good let me pop those

Two in here along with the saddle the melon I’m going to plant the sugar cane as well I don’t know where I can plant this where it’s like somewhat secret you know I know it’s not going to be super secret but like if I just pop it here it

Kind of Blends in that’ll do right let’s let us go meet Cleo on the bridge for some ax critting Cleo hi Scott how you doing I’m ready for ax crit oh come on then hit me uh you have the iron you go first cuz I don’t have an iron axe there

We go can I borrow your axe thank you go and there we go start the session yeah I should probably let you know about stuff that’s happened at the end of that you may have missed so I told Pearl that I didn’t care if they lived on the bridge okay we

Can expect her to come and move in at some point at some point yeah but you know let’s ask her to maybe hang off the side it might be yeah I was thinking like under or something I also told Martin he can since since he’s been uh

Compromised his entrance and exit he can come and live in my house but that’s because I’m moving kind of out of my house a little bit where you moving to I’m planning to do kind of like a red life bunker so I die immediately after I

Go red life because I lose all my gear like immediately yeah so you’re planning and going and putting everything everything like decent half decent so I got myself like 10 diamonds so I can make like extra like stuff my plan is I’m actually going to go down to the

Deep dark and enchant cuz I got enough diamonds to make a chest plate so do you want to come with me of course I want to come with you I have a lot of wool so we can place that and walk on it okay that’s good that’s that’s what we need I

Have some torches I have a stack of lapis right we don’t Place anything right thing we don’t we don’t eat okay let’s go I’m ready this is going to be okay okay okay okay okay this it’s not going to be great the advantage we have is because we’re not soul mates if one

Of us dies you can pick up the other person’s stuff yeah as long as you don’t both die R and big B’s base seems a lot more evil yeah I noticed that they are red so maybe as not being right next to them would be good I’m imagining this is

Where tangle L up mhm mhm I’m already terrified so uh it’s good to know it’s good to know maybe this isn’t okay this isn’t it we should go back ahuh here here okay this is it we’ve added a mod that means even when me and clear are

Talking right now that will sent off uh shers and such So within nine blocks I think is the limit if we’re Whispering or not speaking much it’s because we don’t want to die yeah we’re not big fans of death not a big fan oh there’s a

Spawner yeah oh God uh it’s still down here okay surely all of these ones would have been cleared oh no this isn’t it this is a STP M gets up a level here I think oh yeah okay this is fine it’s okay we’re doing okay nothing to be worried about

This is fine I think it’s under the portal that’s where we need to go oh someone else is already here I’m disused ah Peril heav me impuls is over there ow ow she’s playing a dangerous game this is terrifying I am terrified hi make sure you shift when

You talk oh okay so it’s when you’re shifting it’s fine protection everyone inside the cube inside the cube um question where all right I’m going to test it oh I’m so sorry that one was you yeah that one was me oh God I tried to make it more protect

I shouldn’t have I’m not going to touch it anymore I’m going to enchant oh excuse me I’m going to go this way don’t leave don’t leave okay I’m stuck in here with you now great yeah we’re leaving together we’re leaving together can I reach last is the

Question no I can’t damn you mtin stop taking damage okay you can go you can go you can go you good I’m good I’m good my turn let’s go is breaking this block can cause problem no we’re okay good you can do well I’m scared I’m going to go this way I’ll see

You guys later see later bye impulse you mad man run run run Cleo just run oh God I can’t see it’s fine shift shi shi sh Shi I think we’re okay didn’t try to get us kill he did he tried to set off luckily it didn’t for some reason

I mean when you take us a minute to look it’s actually quite pretty it’s quite pretty let’s get out of here like that nice move on oh the one’s dead hi Ren hello you I was just talking about the fact that I can now kill people yeah be very careful

Down there yeah hi seriously it’s about to go off down there you guys look very fancy in your gear you we’re trying we’re trying normally I’d be more scared but I have CLE if it was just one of you we might have a tussle but with two of

You I think I’m going to move on probably my idea by R look at us we successfully got in and got out with Enchanted gear and dang it I forgot to enchant my bow I’m not going back it’s not worth it hello relationship boils hello you out causing

Mischief okay I think they are don’t open I need one of these these boys actually have sand oh true I mean they’re not going to bombb that on place I mean they might bomb a random chest outside their base very true but I love dangerously well there’s a lot of things

Down here can I open these chests uh sure I’m just trying to see hello hi Big B hi I have a question what a question I am looking for M someone to kill no I’m kidding wait not I didn’t mean to say that Big B you don’t want to start with

Me you that one last time I don’t I don’t I don’t oh and you Scott I left you a review as well thank you you’re welcome you you can’t miss it I am looking for the nether portal the nether portal yes do you know where it is the

One that I think Martin used Martin yeah you you need to ask Martin or Pearl really cuz they are yeah I’ve not been to the nether I think they the only two people who have been to the nether sorry we couldn’t be more help what is it with

People just not being around their chest this is wild oh there’s more sugar can oh he’s planted outside oh well there’s really no point in being secretive with it anymore but you know no but there is a point in I was taking up hello yes I excuse me excuse me what

What you you pick you picking our sugar no no it might have been we saw him recently bigp was around here we’re looking for EGS he was over we were in the relationship this way what did he ask for the nether portal uh nether portal yes you guys been back to your home

Recently no we’ve been we went down to the deep dark oh wellow just just doing a little tour around you know mhm oh scar have as long as it’s not nothing has happened to it since I’ve been gone I have your horse oh yeah yeah what your

Horse is in what the one I told you I’d get you so long as nothing’s been done you did you got the horse yeah I told you I’d get the horse Tango Tango and and Jimmy they changed your letter so thank you mhm I definitely wasn’t in

Charge of distracting you two oh we were all way down in the deep dark but yeah I have your horse that was part distracted promise well as long as it’s still there unless they’ve seen it he was hidden in all my cows I put him there so he was

Kind of like melded oh thank you oh oh I’m so excited I’m so shocked that let me check that we have it let’s go check I have it and they’ve not murdered or stolen it but then I’ll come back to you with it if I do have it okay all right

Thank you okay bye that is amazing I always keep my word that’s all you do on this I am the only person who does that oh hello oh P specs come on guys quickly come on pay respect please all right all right all right all right wait

Diamond no he’s he passed away can everyone give an offering please look that’s amazing would Prim food right there hilarious hello I’m going to go back okay they’ve changed it to saying L which is fine you a loser which coming from Jimmy is just s

Like I was to Jimmy one star review what the heck oh they’ve taken they’ve taken either either Big B did that or they’ve taken like or Big’s done yeah big be’s in a better review and then they’ve taken it I do have the horse okay I’m going to go

Give this to scar so then I’ve held up my end of the bargain and I no longer need to look after this thing okay I’m going to start looking for a place to make my red life base yep do you want to plant more of that somewhere I will

Plant this in my red life base because that’s when we’ll need it sounds good as long as we make a deal that even when your red life I I’ll get STP oh yeah 100% perfect on the road again hello do you know where scar is

Where’s scar oh that was just who I was looking for it was here a minute ago hello jeez those things have so much health hello have any of you seen scar scar um no I heard him down in the uh the ancient city just a little bit ago

Did you try and murder him to impulse no you I was just saying goodbye is trying to murder uh as you say B and Sprint setting off another shrier luckily it didn’t spawn anything but me and Cleo were left a bit frazzled yeah I just want to spice it up

A little bit you know dang it still nothing well back to the song on the road again that’s terrifying it just gets worse it’s slowly just becoming Modern Art though like it’s very much becoming like a surreal painting I never struggled to give someone want his horse

Back more in my life right I guess we are just popping you back in here until scar gets back I also think I might go and attempt to mend some sort of relationship with the ranch Boys by giving them actual Windows cuz I still have some glass because no one has got

Glass anymore because there’s no sand in the server cuz people realized that there was a limited amount of sand so everyone gathered it so my thought here is if I go and replace it as a gesture of Goodwill they’ll be like oh my goodness thank you we’re not mad at your

Branch that was better than ours anymore that was rude actually okay let me break this and then pop in those what’s down here stop they also have an anvil you know I got a bunch of eggs so I’m just going to take it and go oh my

God what else have they been sat on this whole time I don’t know but I’m going to go and Patch some chickens of all people to be and a secret stash of chickens the ranch wasn’t one like Jimmy and Tango were not up there with people I thought

That would had that what I think I’m going to do is come in here and then just like in here I think I start digging down a little bit this is a good enough distance and then we’re going to make a chicken room just going to be a

Room of chickens okay now I just need to hope I get some chickens hello hello hello hi hello friends hello you got a you got a one star review yeah apparently say much no yeah modern art as well yeah that also wasn’t me but I’d be pretty embarrassed

That’s rough to be fair the the one St review was also from Big B who has just become red so I think it’s probably you know like red people can’t leave nice comments type thing oh just full of RA full of Rage I get it all right yeah you

Don’t want to replied to that cuz uh by the way I gave you Windows what you did what now I gave you Windows you got glass windows you gave us Windows what guy that’s really nice Tango isn’t it it is no I feel bad yeah yeah I mean that’s

Yeah I deed I went and give you some windows cuz I seen that you didn’t have you had like boarded up things and I still had glass from before you know sand became the sand is sand is precious yeah yeah I I made it before I knew sand

Was precious I just smelted a ton of it so I was like you know what I have some spare glass I’ll go and give them some windows for their very nice very nice I didn’t even know very nice oh we’re just visiting the the this place we I have we

Haven’t been here so we just a look around do you want to do some of the the couple things how does that work I can show you okay come over here come over here so we have three activities you do as a couple yeah mhm so the first one is

Goat punch this is the relationship therapy s side of things I’ll go with the goat okay so JY you just open it and shift in there we go so your goal is to wait until the goat is going to head at you and Dodge out the way so that you

Don’t harm your soulmate you know okay and Tang has to trust that he’s able to dodge out the way for you and he oh was fast yeah I’m so sorry it didn’t really look like he tried but that’s beside the point it’s like yeah he just

Kind of really dude I really tried I really okay so the next one over here is this is the human snow corn so um I’m an idiot and basically we had a break when we did the the rest of the the relationship Ranch stuff and I I

Forgot to click record again but to F you all in on the rundown Tango and Jimmy did the snow cone thing and got down to half a heart they then attempted to do the trust fall and Tango did not catch Jimmy and then I got a six-star

Review because they enjoyed it also scar came over to get his horse back and then gave me a cookie of trust and I also asked Jimmy and Tango about the chickens and they lied straight to my face luckily I’ve already stole some chickens so it’s fine but they sell did it

Speaking of what which I should go and have a look at my chickens I’m going to take a ton of seeds oh perfect I can breed you all this is great I’m also think I can just like speed grow you up I think you can do that right if I just

Give you enough seeds you eventually just grow up quicker oh another chicken egg no don’t come up here I’m sad I forgot to C record but at the same time I’m glad I caught it when I did cuz that’ have been much more annoying if I

Had recorded the rest of this other half I also have decided that I’m keeping the L and it’s just going to stand for Love This Is The Love Ranch hey up hello sorry let me let me get rid of this this was our fault earlier on this was part

Of the uh the warden killing device ah okay I was I thought it was part of the team that just spell l oh no that that was something entirely different um if you want to help me get back at them by the way so I’m assuming that was the

Rench yeah do you happen to have any wait are we all taking damage at the same yeah me you are both taking damage are we soulbound all of a sudden are Tango that taking damage no this divorce quartet has gone what are CLE and pearl

Doing what you know what we can do this Martin yeah let’s do here we go oh God and before we we dig so much going to accelerate real quick they want to fight we can fight back too actually going down really quick oh jeez hold on this is a game of chicken

Isn’t it yeah this is this is this is double life chicken see I I won’t play it Philly because Pearl is unhinged I will back out yeah true I’m not backing out let’s see what they want to do I mean they might have stopped let me see

If they have actually stopped no no they’re still going down you know I’ll stand there I’ll dedicate to this no I won’t no I won’t no I no I W do you happen to have any cacti I don’t think I do actually I can have a

Look I don’t think I’ve seen any I think there was only like I just need literally like four pieces I basically want to make a uh a creeper spawner beneath Timmy’s base out of wool and make a couple of wool blocks green just to really rub salt in the wound I do not

Sadly the only person I think that might have one is Ren which obviously the box that you’ve gotone up to my bedroom yep I welcome in myself in hello no Ren’s obviously at the big box so you may it doesn’t look like he’s there at the

Moment so you might be able to get in and get it without annoying I know for sure that Big B is in the nether cuz I guided him to the portal I think Ren is working on a project oh randomly as well another thing just before I go are you

Coming to the pool party there’s a pool part oh wait he did mention the pool party he just it doesn’t said when it was yeah I think he’s just going to say in chat but like impulse has got like a couple of music discs there’s pool there’s a barbecue there’s lounges

There’s mocktails it’s going be fantastic I’ll come I enjoy a good party after the the day I’ve had so far I’ll come I think I’ve just become like local Advertiser honestly you’re the EV organizer like going around spreading the wordie thank you bye I wonder if

There is a way for me to almost imitate what they did with the chickens ah see it would be really good to do it if I had enough iron to then do like a hopper so I could like deposit all of the eggs into somewhere but I can’t while I wait

For the chick I think what I’m going to do is a go and attempt to kill some skeletons just to get some easy arrows well I say easy arrows that involve me being hurt but still arrows and then also I want to look for some gravel because for arrows I’m going to need

Flint oh this is a lot of mobs actually I should be careful Here see perl’s going to be out here thinking I’m doing this on purpose and it’s like no I just need need items I have 13 arrows it’s not great it’s better than what I had but it’s not great w I also need to get a bucket of

Water okay I see green let’s have a little clim down the vein we’ll grab some water and some gravel I also want to grab that iron and I should probably grab this coal as well hello hi Scot hello I was is the party started yet not yet BDubs

Has decided that we can’t have the pool party until the pool turns green oh literally everyone’s waiting for the pool party or we turn red right one of the other so it might be a little bit I mean we can have it you want to just

Have it we can have it just have it yeah if if nobody Minds the orange pool wa what do you mean the orange pool we got to wait for the the right color yet if it doesn’t have algae then I’m out oh I yeah it’s a little okay so I thought

You’re meaning the water and it was very confused oh no no green water is usually bad to yeah that was why I was confused I like okay so he’s trying to kill us with like disease where’d you go also just in case anyone didn’t know I did

Cuz obviously I’ve asked all of you about eggs the ranch has a secret stash of eggs oh it’s a hefty price Scott I’ll tell you that I B I basically sold the red velvet keep at this point for those eggs but that’s okay why didn’t you just

Steal some scar I’m trying to turn over a new Leaf SC I was going to say it sound like you to actually buy things from try not to burn down things and it’s been quite an effort this time I’m screen may know do you know what gave

Him away is he said green can I borrow the flint and steel and he was looking dead at the relationship he was just like staring it down it gave the Scarlet Pearl’s approaching oh there she is it’s my water’s great hi is it a p party

Now you’ve got to tell people in chat it’s pill party this is the pre party oh we’re the free game we’re testing SC do you want to see a magic trick sure this is when she’s like why return my color from green to yellow and jumps off a

GL why pal just just I want him to say a magic trick got I’m the DJ here I got to change it up if this is going to happen what’s going on you ready you ready it’s a big magic trick it’s really good oh we went to one didn’t even Panic dang

Didn’t work out as much as I wanted it to one heart it was supposed to be half a heart it was one heart went down to one more one extra block no you shouldn’t you shouldn’t do that you should also take down theet nerd pole you just erected in front of their house

Maybe I could leave that there it’s a pillar for the the pool party why am I attached to a fishing R right now I was like green with anyone attached to a fishing rod is a dangerous game it’s my new favorite toy oh god oh you should do

It up there off that pillar do it at the top yeah that’s how we like it oh there we go oh yes wait for it wait for it I hate to he I here I hate it he what I love this come on do it do it what’s

Wrong with you now you know why I’m not living with her onow life I get to be your Ranch you should be good at this no water no water friends no oh no no no oh should I just aim for this water oh I guess so maybe I should leave her alone

She’s done I’ve decided she’s not playing this game no no no no no do you have feather falling on stop it theable we came for the pool party from a this is the pre play the game of Faith pre do it yes only friends are invited to pre party

Right invited great looks like SE I will shoot you down I will shoot you down we’re playing fishing rod I will shoot you down you fishing rod oh this is it I fishing rod you C that was actually PR skills right there scar took the enchanting table oh

My did you scar you took the enchanting table again someone’s taken enchant table and I’ve not a toch what happens if I connect to jaw and then GRE flings me go [Applause] what reaction am I there we go got it is this not going to kill eth and Joel because they’ll

Take two damage wait going to take chain damage yeah yeah yeah oh no yeah oh no green I thought that would happen why did why did you take Etho and Joel are l they were just going to take double damage did no one think did no one think the fact that

They were linked so they would take double damage no e barely went in the air bring out the worst in me it’s the way none of you seen that happening I did no she kept going higher and I was like this doesn’t seem good it’s why wasn’t intentional it wasn’t intentional I’m

Sure they’ll understand you’ve met J sure they’ll understand you’ve met J though right it was all fun in games scar I’m notna lie I’m panicking a little bit do I not have should we go and apologize and blame Pearl hey armor they’re coming they’re coming over they’re coming over they’re coming over

This is not all of their stuff some people have some of their stuff yeah I do Peril I have two Diamond chest plates Peril remember sto all that stuff did you have a chest plate last time we spoke yes my my legs are missing moment of TR the Scarlet Pearl has Right Nowl is coming Pearl PE just give them the things my life isn’t worth it I’m going to die here I’m just going to s in this carer oh here we go yep well that was that was expected you two really had to get me killed as well there right mhm

Sorry Sky you were just casually War to be fair I seen that happening so I just went and set my bed at one of your beds and just waited for inevitable death I’m yellow now yay there’s no sense so happy about that Pearl there’s no sense to

Talk I don’t think much of your stuff survived there unfortunately I hate to see yeah really yeah yeah crossbow back pal oh was do this again Joel do it again oh one is enough give me that CR one is enough you think you’re are an hinged Pearl you have no idea what is

She doing now why mark my words when I get to Red life I’m just going to off myself and take out Perl what happened Perl happened Cleo I may have antagonized the ranch the ranch what have you done to the ranch I’ve been gone for like half an

Hour I may have have threatened their chickens and taken some eggs oh okay okay okay look oh you look you look like sunshine yeah so fun thing when I was discovering that the ranch had chickens I may have helped myself to a few back then so if you come

Down here you can see I already have a few okay so I’ve just been spawning more and do you any seeds on you I do yes I just did the cows I will breed up the rest of the chickens so yeah I’ve painted a Target on my back because they

Were there at the time okay okay okay so yes so so now we have arrows and uh they’re trying to get a hit out on me through the red names oh I am really tempted to burn down the second Ranch at this point because they’re threatening

Me and Tango got all huffy with me just cuz I let out his chickens you let them out and killed some yeah well they’ve got them in like a little tiny box well I mean the thing is like they didn’t have chicken so why can they be mad like

We can go over and talk to them where’s your pants by the way in your boots uh I may have lost them to Pearl did his standing ice thing and I was the only one there that’s why me and Martin were taking D so me and Martin thought you

And pearl were doing that against us so then we started standing in spouted snow hey gang I’m here to request that you do not threaten my soulmate thank you very much uh I weird request doesn’t come and steal our things well she stolen yeahuh she walked straight in and stole stole

Our chickens oh you have chickens now that’s interesting that’s different from what you said to me earlier are you saying that you’re both full face lied to me no so then we don’t have a problem do dude dude you’re the one with the L I’m not I’m sorry so you’re saying that

She stole something you didn’t have which means she could have stole it so am I correct in believing that we don’t have a problem here belie we don’t have a problem here oh get get your little flame out of here she pushed me off a bridge you probably

Deserved it threatened her she came rude like didn’t try to bargain he was threatening just tried to steal yeah he was saying he was going to kill you what I didn’t say a word like that Cleo yes you did I was with Martin you were telling Martin this time you ain’t even

You ain’t even real soulmates putting this is what you go to that’s pathetic you when you go to bed at night and you fall to sleep just remember the last thought in your head is oh we’re not really soul mates just remember just remember that just remember when you

Kill one of us you’re angering four of us and those numb remember when I kill one of you you don’t die together cuz you Ain soulmate the other one survives and they kill you the difference is if we were to fight you right now we win

Because you take the damage that I deal to you in we have two he bars to play with here you have one all all I hear right now is I’d like a warden in my base that’s all I hear all I hear is I would I would like to rebuild another

Ranch is that oh is that is that is that a challenge you want to rebuild another R you are not a challenge to me Tango look at your teammate you want to rebuild another runch this conversation is over you want to rebuild another rch oh I think this conversation is just

Beginning look the bees out oh the bees are out yay don’t threaten my soul box of chicken let’s go I’m I’m genuinely angry good genuinely angry the tunnels are being dug I’m genuinely generally angry generally that well oh my goodness see the thing is I’m tempted

To put a h out on them with the Reds myself what have we got to offer the Reds how many diamonds do you still have I’ve got two back four red base let’s go and see if they would take a four Diamond deal mhm and then I’ll know

Whether to get them or not cuz if they are then we’re sorted it doesn’t need to be this session next session they can take them out yeah I feel like you know at the front of ships when there’s like the mermaid M that’s why feel like cuz

Attach me to the front I was trying to think of a Little Mermaid song and that was my childhood growing up love your world your world I love the J position if you cut to anyone else’s POV and you just cut to she un singing Disney I love that

Jos there hello hi Macy so we have a proposition for you what you guys got we have a four Diamond deal you want four diamonds a four Diamond deal if you kill someone who who who who jimy and Tango Jimmy or Tango jimy Tango but we just

Made friends with Jimmy and Tango they also threaten they won suspect it and me and they’ve said they’re going to hire you to assassinate US they also said they were going to bring another Warden to the surface so oh yeah that sounds like a bit of chaos and we love a bit of

Chaos you do but by angering them it then gets it quicker so yeah we would give you two diamonds now and then two diamonds after you kill them okay we’ll take the two diamonds now I need word that you’re actually going to do it e

Remember I also I also gave you all of your stuff back I put it in a chest for you both I was good to you and pearl wasn’t the other thing I would be able to give you as well for two diamonds as two go horns I think these are yours um

And that one yeah that was uh Poss so do we have a deal you’ll get two diamonds I’ll go get them you kill those two between now and next session and then you get the other two diamonds on death what is bdub doing BDubs is being nosy

Because that’s what BDubs do I’m telling I’m telling I’m just kidding I didn’t even hear who I’m here to tell you Tango and Jimmy will be breeding horse and trying to charge for it so when they breed horse go go snag one you’re not buying

Huh L for words here BS horses are nice bye BDubs bye BDubs EA what do you think I’m unsure about this cuz jimy and Tanga they’ve been good to us but CLE you saidy you cows neutral I give you cows and got all your stuff when you died and

Put it in a chest while everyone else stole things we’ve tried our best to keep keep the peace with you too you’re our neighbors that’s why we’ve be we’ve been really nice since this get out of here we only torment people who will live across the Ravine and we appreciate

It you know you guys have been very good to us it’s true it’s just a bit early just asking a little murder just a taste of murder they have got iron armor it would be really easy to kill and it would be funny true even Tang Tango is

Enchant okay we’ll do it all right we go kill him yeah we’ll go kill him I was just about to come and tell you the enchants up there Jimmy and Tango on there are they teaming up green and Scar up there with out of the ancient city

And then that’s how this is all played out if they’re teaming up we’re in trouble they’ve got TNT yeah no we’ve just we’ve put a hit on Tango and Jimmy cuz they threatened Cleo which also is a threat on you by the way just so you’re

Oh snap yeah oh oh wait who where and what why how where were they they’re having a little Panic Martin yeah what what is going on here we do have we have going to defend us to the end the end will be very soon then let’s start slow let’s torch a couple

Pandas shall we oh you’re going to torch the pandas oh they’re all watching I could just see them all standing over the edge right now pretty you hi scar you came down with will have none of this this seems like a bad idea let me see the flint and

Steel I think you have it correct let me let me just take care SC don’t try and take them they will set you on fire I just had to jump down to save the the pandas and as long as you burn this down you let it y you

Got it hey green can you stop taking so much damage oh they’ got so much dirt oh watch out they’re falling the spikes are falling thees are falling oh I got one I got one no way oh my gosh Diamonds oh wow look at all that mission

Success got hard the oh my God please yeah someone keep a hold of that Joel Joel could I have all my stuff please it’s in the chest up there thank you wait what isan doing did you guys not like have much stuff cuz like we didn’t find a lot we’re not it’s

Not a good time for mockery right now all right see guys most of your problems in life can just be solved by money it’s great I have your payment yay diamonds all right you did it much quicker than I was expecting so there’s two and then Etho here’s your to I’m a man

Of my the hill there you go thank you Scott you thank you for your services might come to you later when we need more more deaths but we I feel like we still need to get the enchanter back just green just making a run with it

Yeah right we should head over to the party okay last time I was there I died we need to be super on guard b b you know I know you’re a red name also what did you rate me on what was the rating I gave you a one

Star you did do a one star that was mean you said you had a good time I’m sorry I mean I’m sorry I was a WR name I couldn’t control see I said that I thought it was that basically we’re going to go to this party I need you to

Be fully honest with me because I am now just a yellow skin like I’ve just turned yellow and like look how cute I look like I want time to like use this for a while why is there a high likelihood that I die here you won’t die you won’t

Die why is Ren stalking around Underground I don’t know Ren’s always up to something maybe we pill party from adest wow there’s a l that is a pool party yeah they didn’t me us there was enough people the zombie apocalypse starts I take it back that’s the best pool party

I’ve ever seen yeah a lot of eff oh R is going fors oh oh my gosh where lock the doors I’m not sure what’s for baby I’m not sure I’m just going to no way there goody back at the door grab your snack I feel like a ray of sunshine but

If you mess with the sun you will get burnt But Sunshine I have been busy I’ve cled myself 12 gunpowder 16 diamonds 33 iron and also CLE pointed out that I just have 12 sand just from existing so that’s fun now I need to get some paper

And I also need to get Cleo for axe critting Cleo hi Scot a crit time oh you did it first time can I get your a I did I’m learning I’m learning there we go thank you very much do you have sugar K where did we play

The sugar cane the sugarcane is in my secret base if you want to come and see my secret base that is absolutely fine I would I have it turns out I still had a tiny bit of sand left from when I was making windows I’m the only person in

The server that took sand it was like I yes glass so oh for goodness s yeah this pickaxe you know last time we slightly stole from impulse and BDubs I’ve used this pick for like halfway now so I feel like I can give it back to them and get

Thanks for that you know you go back and be like there you go I saved this last time when you got murdered yay and they’re going to go why is it half used well you know I did save it for you and I just won’t tell them about the leg I

Had to just make sure it worked that was all my secret base is is down past them so um okay okay I did not expect to be one of the last yellows yeah I love it that it is you Martin and me and Peril of all people that are the last yellows

Of all people yeah I mean I imagine green and Scar may join us today but the fact was for us is hilarious no you guys bring in our stuff did you steal stuff no I didn’t steal things I got your pickaxe and I was bring knew she apparently did I didn’t okay right

Sorry I won’t save your pickaxe next time uhhuh yeah you could say thank you vdubs that’s what normally happens thank you for bringing the pickax back if anything you guys should be saying thank you because right now it’s taking everything in my power to stop swinging this sword see there’s two issues with

That a there’s a horse in the way so you definitely would hit the horse a few times but also the horse would be part of it also I’m 90% sure mean CLE are more geared at the moment so I think we could take you yeah you couldn’t take me

You could the two of you together couldn’t take me no yeah that’s the thing you’ve got to remember you’re fighting two separate health bars we’re fighting one cuz we’re not links oh funny so if I hit impulse that hits you whereas if you had clear that doesn’t hit me yeah true true but

But you do feel it don’t you oh yeah but I mean you would have taken a lot more damage from those hits than we would have doubt it doubt it plus we have we have people eating elsewhere so you came by to brag no we came back to give you

Your thing back we that’s we’re fresh off of red Life Death here okay so it’s we’re just adjusting we’re adjusting you know the two only greens are over there right yeah yeah and they’ve got all the TNT should we go get them oh yeah they have

All the sound yeah okay you enjoy we’re going to Scott before you leave before you leave I just wanted to say be careful because earlier today Etho was by and he said he had some stuff planned for you oh he did so okay thank you so much has been live few seconds yeah

Thank you for the heads up still doing this thank you for the head up any thank you for the head I don’t know what I do without this information just it’s easier just to play along CLE it’s easier just to play along I I can’t I can’t I think it is probably here

Thinking about sorry don’t do that there is a really big hole there there there there there it’s here okay should we put the S should we put the dirt back oh yeah I mean I think you picked most because I dropped you into it to be fair that was terrifying

Got get your blood flowing Cleo there we go oh this is cute oh here’s the suar it was there’s a sugarcane there’s like a bunch here as well ready to go oh meet at the pool huh do you want to go spy on that actually they’re there we’ve got

Get out a jail free card if we need it and I made three TNT that was my my maximum what I’m going to do is put my good things in here as well mhm and we just make the this is now my bunker as well I mean you’re welcome to it you

Know just just I’ll just put my things on the bottom half and then that means that when we come in we know it’s mine let’s have a snoop if they’re forming a red Alliance no don’t tell me I’m going to need to team up with my crazy X I

Think we might have to team up with all rexes no I think the pool’s up yeah it’s here it’s here oh yeah they’re all down there oh there’s so many if you want we can tunnel Cleo down here we just want close enough that we can here okay for

Real though guys yeah we have we have those two green names there right it it burns as our eyes we can’t we can’t have that anymore so the idea is uh eight of us here what do you say what do you say we Chang the color of their name call Cleo Cleo why

Cleo you don’t mess with Cleo I bet she could handle them there don’t even talk to them just take them is that the war chant into this horn thing we don’t have any here death by horn okay they’ve gone a little bit okay I think we need to call in our exes

Because yeah once they’ve got them down from Green it will then be us so oh God look at box oh God I didn’t think it’ get worse okay this could be a bad idea but the Reds aren at box do we want to go snip cuz we know there’re a way to

Green and Scar so now is the perfect time of any for us to go and have a look and see what our neighbors have actually got that’s true it’s worth a little nosy oh they’ve got organized chests oh I’m going to take some of the Cobble deep

Sles cuz I could be handy oh got 15 gunpowder do I want to take the gunpowder or do I leave the gunpowder take half take half take half leave them some uh Scott what oh there we go absolutely to be fair I’m pretty sure I stole an anvil from Jimmy

And Tango as well so we have two okay let’s let’s go find our exes what a sentence hello Martin oh there just terrible news terrible news okay yeah I I used Ren’s zombie Bubble Vater thing to hide underneath their base whilst they were having a meeting teamed up yeah we were we were

Also in the wall snitching we were also spying on that meeting which was quite funny I had to go all the way to box to go through that tunnel to get there and I was so late me I just heard the word Red Army and then

I just like they be old took off on horses have you seen my ex no she saw me which was really creepy she was just like a little Gremlin in the woods she was like what are you doing at my base Mar and I was like I’ve never heard you

Speak like this before like yeah it’s a new thing I’m trying out right let’s head over to peral’s base let’s go at least at least they’re picking on them and being feral towards them it’s fine yeah sleep oh no yes Queen yeah SLE yes oh P’s actually got ter no before it was

Just floting yeah that she’s really fortified it is she where where is the gremlin where is she I’m going up from I really wouldn’t Scott I’m going just I want to see what’s at the top I can heat her hi we’re coming up we’re coming up

Was they they were like they were like she’s not up there and I was like no I think she is she is so tall that you don’t hear you when you’re up here and this is pretty I’ve never come up I was watching the the TV drama that was going

On over there it was great basically we were all spying on the red meeting and the Reds have all decided to GP together and seeing as as the four of us is yellow we were thinking it all three of the brain cells among all eight of them

To call it the Red Army I mean on makes you think I can trust you three and you were just in my base with water early in man perl’s base currently is the most fortified or the easiest to defend place on the server cuz it’s not flammable

From the ground there’s only one awkward way up that you can just shoot people off yeah yeah thank you like I’ve got all three of the brain cells no there’s a I honestly thought you just walked off cheese I was just like bye my stomach sank on your

Behalf just like enough I’m off we probably want to do as much as we can at the moment the issue is I would say the best bet would be make sure we’re all Enchanted as best as we can the issue is that the enchanter was stolen yeah oh

What again let Mees yeah there it is scar has it and Scar is currently Public Enemy Number One so getting to it from scar is not going to be an easy thing to do there’s no way he’s not buried it in the panda sanctuary by the way it’s

Going to be just underneath a couple of like dirt blocks or something for sure you know what we can do there is lava we can use there’s plenty in the nether I have iron I have a tower what just St up here and pour lava down we could it

Would be a very oh wait the p is about to blow I kind of I kind of want to see it blow up I’m not going to lie that would be kind of funny actually do we all want do we all want to make I have a ladder yeah but this is

This is quicker asleep can out awake toight I can’t believe you did that at the P they’re still munching on bamboo they’re munching on their on each other’s enchanting tables there oh my goodness what where it actually was in the chest oh it actually did something

The P oh gosh I’ve set fire to everything okay so they did nothing pression I was going to say we now know where they killed they killed like two pandas we do now know where the enchanting table is which isn’t great it’s not a great location for us I told

You it be beneath just a couple blocks of dirt you were right Jeffy and Rain have seen us are we going to get in trouble with Scar and green if they see us and this is just on fire nah they were they were gling they were gloating

In chat about who did it I think we’ll be fine do you think if we just like ran up and we just like hey guys and just started enchanting they would stop us oh they definitely would we would Dy in that moment they wouldn’t hesitate they’re they’re feral at this point see

As they’re all over at the ship at the minute can we make it fair as Fair like if they’ve got the enchanter can we go and grab their Anvil from box oh we already did that oh you did me one step we when they ran over here when they ran

Over here for greens we were kind of like like well we can go have a nose ear in box and see what’s there and it was like oh an anvil we should just grab some of this well are we just taking they have yeah we may as well we’re just

Can we this we’re currently slime ball oh yeah we we are currently the vultures we’re currently going in after the disaster and just taking what we want is is that what team name the V the vultures the vultures I want to see if they’re still at the enchanter cuz they

All ran there was a few there was a few people there they’ll take it they’ll take it with them I’m sure I’m trying to think if we can go over and offer a deal for the enchanter like give them like I have a few pieces of TNT wa okay you

Guys have beening so no it turned out I still had 12 bits of sand from when I was making windows and it was just in an open chest I just I’m the only person on the server that took the S I was like yes let me smell this into glass I think

We going and try and talk to Joel and Etho and see if they will give us the enchanter Joel Joel just shot an arrow just so you’re aware we’ll have a little Sprint a little more than two there’s a little more than two right I got pushed off the red names how are you yellow names it is the Red Army the Red Army is here how are you all doing we noticed you got the enchanter that’s fun is

There any chance of us getting to use the enchanter give us life and you can use it as much as you want what if I give you a stack of dripstone no no I have something better SC I have Big B you specifically come here come here you

You know what I’ve got Big B this is for you don’t look at me look at me in the eyes look at me in the eyes Big B you see this I think that’s look ready ready I have something good for you I got a

C you know you want this cookie big me Terry Terry you know want the cookie yeah yeah look look at it look at it for what for what for what for what you s to the table you know well you sit in the table for my friends and I friends I

Have to discuss with the other Reds of course no you don’t no you don’t just absolutely no enchanting for you what about I you seen my skin my clothes those are how TNT have you got two pieces chocolate chip I made it myself it’s expensive Jill how much sand have

You got none I used all for the two pieces of DNT to the TNT and you us just some spare gear for when we inevitably die because looking at the tab menu after the greens go we know it will be us so we would like to at least have

Something for wi we who says the greens are going to go first first logic logic and my sanity right now there’s a tin be totally justified I said it was just a question if if you’re willing to trat if you’re not we can leave yes I’d say leave maybe you should before I

Before I lose it go okay can we threaten to kill Jimmy unless we get proud can we take you hostage no though what what are you want about I’m a red name what yeah but I mean are we don’t who do you think you are we don’t we don’t have Peril

Right now so you the only red available Jimmy you need some help what are these fools doing this this listen to this Ren this man just turned around and me said can we take him hostage this guy right here the one with the bow at the face

Well come with me you can you can enchant all your gear we got the enchanting table oh thanks I appreciate that thank you thank you so much enchant all your IR gear I’ve got a fishing rod on me Ren it might not go as well if I

Martin oh wait what what happened there I shot him it was so good a shot not being out of the oh I’m out mar mar you’re going to kill him you having fun there Jimmy you sure we can’t take you you sure we can’t take you

Prisoner but now you’re top of the list you’re top of the list was I not top of the list anyway top of the list oh Jeffy top of the list why are you surrounding me I this isn’t Jeffy this isn’t how it works je this is not how this works I’m

Being hostage what a s for you please help no guys I’m tying you’re not building around me JY don’t know how this is happening help oh I’m drowning I’m actually drowning help help don’t make literally no one coming please do not make coming Scott your

Place is on fire oh no that’s a shame that’s okay we got my tail sense let me out let me out there we there we go we got him if straight down from here I know for a fact he will fall a really long way cuz I nearly died

Doing the same thing so you’re genuinely stuck dude no I can just come back up I don’t know what you’re talking about wait you act like you could break one block quicker than we can place four where we have them we have them hostage Tango Tango oh I’m here be strong little

Man you’ll get out of there I’m I’m I’m really trying here I love it there instead of do anything D was like oh thoughts and prayers thoughts and prayers there we go get him out get him out you want to join him you want to [Laughter]

Join he’s gone I’m gone I’m gone right I’m going to go and see how burnt down my house figured out now which red names actually scary which utterly useless that was just a stress test oh they’ve just burnt the wall the the actual house is still okay sure oh yeah there’s just

A lot of oh there’s cooked PK if anyone needs any steak or leather yeah I’ve got a few arrows now is all this arrows yeah yeah I have a skeleton spawner what what she do it’s not a farm we would have to turn it into a farm but I have a skeleton

Spawner that I found today see I don’t want have to turn into a farm I’m just going to go check out what I what I’ve got at the tower and see what I can contribute okay we will come to to once we’re done okie dokie okay I have a

Stack a stack in 30 arrows I’ve got a stack and 20 I’m going to take the lapis I have on me just in case smart let’s go see what sell left at your base oh there’s BDubs again hello BDubs are you guys harboring green and

Scar no no why would we Harbor the two people that you’re all looking for that that would be stupid I was just curious I was just curious I I saw them walk through this way if you see grien and uh and and what’s his face let him know

That they’re dead okay yeah know I know also have you looked in the donkey’s chest I put a bow in there ages ago no but now I have it let’s go this way that’s a smart idea Pearl is taking a lot of damage oh I might die oh never mind Tilly I’m

Starting to regret this Alliance what’s this what is this I don’t even actually know what this does I don’t even know what oh no scar I can’t pick that back up now are you harboring refugees Pearl no you’re just put a Target on our

Back also PE I have our dog we can make dog puppies we can make puppies J baby eth’s below ethos below you two need to go we’ve got a party you two need to go per they need to go just consider it it’s two more two more people to the

Alliance they also the two that the rest of the server are trying to find going to find BBS also asked me and C earlier if we were harboring them we said no because we weren’t but now we are it’s the perfect plan no one wants to deal

With Pearl’s Insanity oh I’ve just have you been seen you’ve been cled out of the Window I hate it here why are we time to leave you know if you die it’s your own fault at this point no because Pearl once they die we will be next because you are harboring them no we won’t F down there literally in the tower they’ve got

A but they’ve got to figure out how to get up here was this was Haring these two for cactus seriously was that why you were harboring them no is that why I took so much damage no was me you’re an enaer moment all of us hanging out you’re an enabler this is

Nice Pearl tell me you designed a way out no she hasn’t she hasn’t it’s called jump off the edge they’re threatening oh okay they’re they’re attacking Martin they’re going for Martin uh they’re going for Mar d d dud I’m going to die what is Joel doing guys Joel is on like

The outside but like halfway up where he’s swimming Joel what are you doing e this is so hard to get I got the that’s kind of the point will kill you with that I do we we’ve got a way out if we need pear this is for you this is

For when we need to okay where they you stop putting holes in my tower water buck yeah they’re being chased by the rest of the reds don’t leave your rubbish behind you clean up after yourself I nearly kill jel or kill you teeth or go where has Pearl gone Pearl does Pearl

Literally used the ender pearl I think so okay so Pearl’s gone feral yeah are we better being here I don’t like the one thing I don’t think we are it showed that it’s a very defensible base it is very good for that it’s very hard for anyone to get anywhere near it because

Now that we have arrows you can’t do anything yeah but there is like very I mean we have the ender pearl as our Escape if we do need out and all the Heat’s gone because green and that run away so yeah I know it’s just it’s just

I don’t like being in one place you know let’s go back down and see what the other two want to do right now and we’ll go from there hello hi well we have friends down here now look at all the Pretty Horses surrounding the base oh my

Goodness we have so many hes my di god what the heck we left them behind friends pearl left uses when we were making ATS we said we’d meet her back at her terwer so we came back to her ter they was slain by a zombie after all of that they died to

Zombiie how did you how how did you die to a zombie there is a pit of like a 100 plus zombies I fell into I felt I felt like Raiders of the Lost dark when Indie fell into the snake pit I wonder if that was Ren’s zombie spawner from before I

Went through the tunnel earlier and that was fine but I said they said there was like lots of zombies that didn’t make up the with what scar going to kill with what you’ve got nothing I’m trying to decide if hiding in your place is the best bet now it’s very defensive I’m less

Concerned a minute wait Jimmy’s first wait that means the ranch is up for grabs I’m going to go get some free stuff with what what do you think they had oh I don’t know this bound to be something okay we’ll come back Pearl we’ll come back right question wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait what’s the chance they’ve trapped it zero it’s shy in tangle not too highle with what I’m just trying to figure out how or like what their next Target is going to be cuz now green and Scar are gone so that then they going to

Turn on each other are that’s what I don’t know are the Reds are the Reds going to turn on each other are they going to stay together to take out the yellows like we going to make a Tilly baby there we go it’s so cute he had a

Baby I have no idea where anyone else is I have not bumped into another red I am tempted to go scouting and look around and try and find them goodbye I was going to hit you off as a as a meme but I’m glad you didn’t cuz if I failed it

It would have been on you too bye bye I’ll be back okay we’re off where have we got over there BDubs and pulse are just chilling at their base Cleo Martin they’re all on the bridge I’m going to go to the bridge what is this a memorial is watching scar

At the moment trying to get some TNT that these guys have left in my house is it that one over there oh he is he’s going over for I don’t know if scar is oh my gosh actually works that was quite impressive to watch I’m very impressed well done my gosh

Even there’s a SK sensor there’s a SK sensor SK sensor that’s so good I should make you we CLE we are now back down to being the only four yellows and we’re currently seed across a bridge from all the RADS let’s go where’s Martin I don’t

Know he was over at the ranch side I think he looted Green’s body oh wait they’re over here hello did you loot Green’s body a little bit not loud said cover me in diamonds I was like and Martin loed that body hold on I’m going to throw back the boots there we go

Boots are back I’ll throw back I’m going to kill everyone now I wish I hadn’t just done that yeah God he’s so dead who scar orar Joel or Etho we’ll never know he’s mad I don’t know why you thought that would beide murder them do they understand

That we were here to have a funeral look at this we were setting up a grave oh should have for Top Gun himy bye bye have a great time hey green I’m going to go burn the ship down on the way to oh he’s already on

The way to your ship with the Ste bur your ship take the hor my hor you’re an enabler I’m just giving them all of the devic to just let them eliminate one another go after each other like seriously that looks far too civil it does oh my goodness guys that

Was that was obliterated no that was that was aight out in the I’m so tempted now to go and S the relationship on fire quietly From Another Second and just watch it happen oh no he’s done it he’s done it oh I think I think put it out I

Think e managed to get it Tak damage uhoh you guys want to come to a disco we’re going to a Pear’s disco we’ll see you guys later you want Peril perl’s house our last disco was uh Ren did you not no no no Martin Martin Martin it was

Fine it was fine okay she wouldn’t disco will be [Laughter] fine she is completely mentally sane so far oh there is just more I’m too curious though I have to know she’ll do twice go on I think I think you two should at least go yeah all right B

Let’s go I do really want to set the relationship on fire let’s go find I know that is what would make it funnier like if we were just shifted underground Cleo can you imagine green has full iron diamond armor again how how does this man do it scar yes do you

Still have the flint and steel yes can I get I want to go burn the relationship down thank you I thought they have the enchanter by the way they’re horrible people SC my plan is I’m going to sneak in and just borrow under and then light underneath and leave please I I will

Watch I will make a grand stands where we all sell tickets there’s more fit thank you I appreciate your generosity just generosity in return in return besides you know just getting to witness my abs either BDubs or Etho have the enchanter okay I don’t think we’re particularly worried about the enchanter

That’s really a you thing are you sure it’s a powerful thing it’s it’s it’s mesmerizing it’s tingling well if we find I mean I’m already I sacrific grain for an enchanter to be be honest with you okay I think we leave the horses here yeah absolutely I think I just seen

One of them leave I seen one of them leave or’s someone on a horse anyway now we have to go into quiet mode did I just run light in and run cuz I don’t see anyone on the ship right now do It go come back come back come back SC I’m coming don’t St okay go go go go go go go go go go go go go go it’s l from this side as well so when they get to it they’ll just they’ll just be gone I’m learning from you gas light woo

Yay do we want to take the horses and we’ll go to pearls and see what they’re up toight yeah that seems like a good idea oh the the ship is on fire relationship did I do good it’s not the best music to watch a ship burn to but I

Salute you relationship actually in real life saluting right now yeah me too me too let’s get some 07s in the chat 07s 07 bye-bye for now can I ask what an 07 is it looks like a little man like a little man having holding his hand look

At that let me get some in action in therea the Burns Everything Burns um this is such a nice moment of us all you’re speaking in future tense does anyone want to say a few words for tango and Tim oh yeah they had the worst of

Two ranches but they very much did their best best even though they had constant people stealing their animals and hiding their animals and turning the animals that they had stolen they were good eggs that I stole from them same if you all just take a moment

Tri as well just there’s an FYI oh is the tri take a moment uh Tim refrain from ever watching your your going conly in this situation your C goodbye ranch we’re burning the ranch goodbye ranch ranch is oh my random big beard is watching us half of

The relationship is gone what what is a Alliance who is this Alliance you Alliance now no you sure You’ mentioned Alliance quite a few times Perl yeah well okay I guess I don’t have any friends then bye no we’ve realized suff at your burnable base one per one per

One thing we have realized is we are stronger when we’re not together and that like if you’re with Martin and I’m with Cleo it means they have to fight through two health bars rather than one health bar and we’ll be eating so so doesn’t that mean isn’t that what an

Alliance is you know is that definition yeah I mean technically it’s Alliance yeah I just meant I thought you had other alliances also CLE they’d have gone for our bases now well I do but good still have an Alli I mean I was feeling about exploded I kind of want to

Go watch my they’re burning my bridge which go It’s Made of Stone yeah I’m going to go oh go this way all a falling sty wa what the heck oh no that’s insane where did they go I don’t know I thought they went back to the Box

How are we still yellow I have no idea I have enough diamonds in here to make between if I’m allow to use your diamonds and my diamonds I’ve got enough to make armor so I’ve got full set of armor there that’s Enchanted so I’m fine perfect maybe we go to peils and see

What everyone else is up to now are you guys being chased no no aha painter maneuver now you’re surrounded by Reds on all sides okay we’ll go this way instead he P we’re doing a pin p Maneuvers hi per hey hi watch the giant hole on the ground what happened what

Happened what did you do I what I can’t you it was me Cleo I blow up my own face yeah no no I I assumed that you killed uh Big B and ren no that wasn’t me no I just walked into my base but I came in

From the side because I noticed there was a horse in the ground and I thought someone was here so I was going to dig in bring my donkey in and there was a skull sensor that blew up a some giant TNT hole in the ground oh they are

Liking their skull sensor that was how they got scar I’m going to run up here quickly I’m hoping there’s no scul sensor with TNT okay we’re good I can see over there I can see where they are at the very top of three little armor set the glow and

Armor sets I can see that people are over there they’re all still over at impulse side also I think we’re right and that we’re like staying in the peirs of Martin and peal mean Cleo cuz it means if we fight anyone there’s two health bars they need to go through yeah

Mhm I have a plan so we obviously had this little secret bunker thing with Cleo and my plan here is to go in here grab my stuff and then also where is this hello oh is it here aha I want to be basically go in and swap out my armor

And make some like not Enchanted stuff and wear that for now because at the moment we just have this so I’m thinking if I take iron and while like yes I will be less protected I think it will be smarter so when I’m on my red life I

Actually have stuff I can use obviously tools and such I’m just going to keep or actually I’ll keep the bow I’ll make a new diamond sword and then I’m also just going to grab a little chest and let’s down here just pop a little chest with a

Few of my things the rest I can kind of leave in here but this way yes I’m a little bit weaker but I also shouldn’t hopefully lose everything if I die I’m basically just betting on my red life okay and it’s also nighttime so using

The cover of night my plan is to make my way back to perl’s base there are six red lives when there’s actually only four yellow lives so the numbers are not in our favor and the time time me to get over here they could have already

Surrounded it B didn’t oh hi so scary oh my gosh I’m glad I got you I knew I’d get you with that one question is it smart to have the horses down here cuz if they’re going to invade or come for us they’re probably just going to burrow

Right through right honestly if they’re going to come for us I think I think we need to Rob them of their their resources which might mean killing the horses Oh I thought you were meaning like going to steal from their bases and I was like okay oh no I kind of want to

That’s the alliance zes that that kind of sounds like they’re Bing together right hey does he did he forget that I you know housed him in this Tower that’s kind of yeah absolutely he has wow red only red All Season per can go I’m just going to get my Pearl and

Then I’m going to head over to where whatever they’re doing I want to go and snip and not be there you have your ender pearl to get out when you need to going to Snoop because that’s where Martin absolutely is isn’t it oh 100% okay you go Snoop we’re going to stealth

Mode we shouldn’t be seen as much oh no ow she’s getting hurt what is she getting hurt by are you okay I mean I’m taking like okay I went down to Hearts oh is this really how Scott’s going to go can we not form the ultimate

Betrayal here get get get both at the same time yeah I want to get SC Joel threatener you do it really well I will kill you unless you tell me where Scott is that was funny where are they o what smells where are you what’s going

On have they been spying on us got some there’s some oh yeah wait did I hear some sorry I’m busy over here yeah I can tell hey somebody’s digging blocks over here right in here 100% do it right in here Mellows they’re here’re down there

This is aad end tell me where they are I will I will burn them out oh they got away they’re they’re still here there’s no way they right here digging yeah yeah you’re right hey what’s this pressure plate hole I didn’t know don’t go down here I think that’s where came from oh

That’s a big drop don’t go down there there is no water I just saw Cleo Cleo is there right here she’s right under us Cleo Cleo oh God oh my God I’m so scared my heart’s going Peril haired one of us whisper something and then she said oh don’t be so obvious you’re listening and then they clocked on that we were listening I was like as soon as I realized they could hear us digging I was like we need to go down

Like it’s just a I was like we’re going to die to them or die to a fall we’re just going down we’re okay with dying to Falls the reason why they saw me is cuz I’d run out of blocks and I was trying to get more oh I’m drowning in this snow

Oh nothing like a bit of dog murder uhoh okay we’re okay we a good Spotlight I know why is there like a hole in perl’s Tower oh wait I see Perl I see Perl she’s up on a tree what happened we’re back that was terrifying welcome back that was ter to to currently

They’re top of pe’s tower yeah and almost kill and they they’re dropping dripstone in TNT down so we got to be careful kill Telly no nearly no I thought they did because a yellow wolf name come up in the chat and I’m like oh gosh did they kill it but they didn’t

She’s still here look scars up there by the way they never got that meeting they never had that meeting happen oh wait wait who’s that hey Scott let’s get him SC should going yeah we should keep you filthy yellow oh God rightfully Sorry by the

Sound of it I know ow well deserved go we need to go we need to gol we need to go yeah I I’m not actually I’m not risking silly at this point let’s go to the box let’s try and get into the box oh my God the box is mutilated what is

That it’s the most defensive idea our other option is the bridge oh yep no they’re coming maybe we go the bridge maybe we go the bridge foll us they are we go Bridge we’re going the bridge we’re going Bridge you want I think like our there’s body or

Still it didn’t burn so oh gosh I can’t run Pearl PE PE I’m going run do you still have the other thing I gave you yes I do okay we’re going to use those in a second to go to the ranch we’re going to use those to go to the ranch

Okay okay we did it frell get up go get up frell go I’m trying okay okay let’s go let’s go this way we’re going to keep going oh that was our only Escape yeah oh my gosh G kill G’s killing my dogs why are my dogs even

Back there they didn’t teleport to me have you got like a secret oh gosh I’m inow snow have you got a secret location somewhere H I have a bunker if you want to can head to that can yeah maybe we should probably go to that and recoup a

Little bit here we need a breather we just started it’s not even half an hour in yet come on do we want to have a quick raid through their base or just leave it let’s ride through here right oh oh gosh okay maybe we go this way I

Know this was a trap last time that’s okay I’ve just dug through no traps you all right what have we got there’s not a lot spy glasses I haven’t got one of those they that come out come out the back door we’re going out the back door

I’m at Red life base red life base okay that’s where I think I think clue is were weird we have a oh yeah she’s down here hello sure seen below us bar I got like pushed and then caught it right at the last second there is there is a red

Somewhere like around here this guy who was following us I think he start going in here though Tilly survived I had so many the dogs died but Tilly survived Cleo oh you’re healing them thank you my heart is is just dead at the moment what I’m thinking it might be worth doing is

Having hiding this stuff yeah it’s like having another little hidden bit you’re always got to have three or four bases in in in any live series it’s how it works you got you got to have you got have a fullback series going on okay

What do we do do we we don’t want to just sit here waiting cuz obviously if they find this they’ll read it no so I feel like we need to find M yeah let’s head back up to the surface okay we’re good we’re good we’re good this is a

Good little spot actually up here this is where I started the cities with green wait there’s a gravestone over here here lies Big B the best secret soulmate I’m so sorry this is where green must have a don’t dig it yeah it oh there’s all there’s there oh there’s more hide hide

Hide they’ definitely going into impulse and that makes me think we might be able to get up your Tower eventually I think we really need to I left so many resources up there but I mean if anything good is there it’s now gone there’s no resources up there they’re

Definitely over there there’s green and Joel well that means the tower is abandoned we can’t run yet like if we try and make run for someone will see us oh I see Joel oh Joel’s coming Joel’s coming up don’t P yet on his way oh yeah

I’m just making our way so we can make it down easier I feel like I’m in the Hunger games it feels like that right now absolutely we could get to the T and get up it before they’d able to get there but there’s not say like we don’t know

That no one’s up there and that’s where we run into issues yeah we need to be shifted good hold on they’re on the sort of on the Move careful okay yeah I see them I see them I see them question if we actually get up the

Tower do we have any way to stop them getting us apart from the occasional bow and arrow maybe we should go get some lava from the nether the issue is me and C have not been to the nether so if we go in the nether the achievement will

Come up and the Nether and the nether is on the opposite side of that house uh I might just be able to dig us down and then across E’s looking in this direction I’m not moving yet yeah don’t if yeah if he’s looking over don’t okay

This bit’s fine at least we know they’re on this side of the map mhm yeah we’ve got this is like a I think this is our best bet for just a clean Sprint to the tower I still would be careful cuz we don’t have much of the way to defend it

Right now we need to get that uh those lavs this is a Wilder thought instead of us having to fight the Reds what if we gave them something else to fight in state like what like a warden a warden but they would if we if we manag to

Bring one up to the surface then uh they would be very distracted mhm hang on there’s names there’s names oh they found us that’s go no he might not have seen us yet if he did no they’ve not seen us they’ve not seen us no no they haven’t sh oh yeah they’re burned

They’ve burned your Tower Perl the inside my tower isn’t oh the no they’ve burned the inside yeah they’ve burned the inside we need to get all the way back around to the ranch basically to get down to the deep dark your your Tower is just gone look at it well the

Top of it though this Cobblestone is still very valid oh here we go okay we’re almost there oh wait is that Martin That’s Martin finally oh my God you’re a lost puppy Martin where have you been mean Martin they’re not chasing you are you no no no

No you’re okay okay good I I’ll be honest I’ll level with you I nearly just died oh just the mobs oh I didn’t mean to do that car this way this way this way this way this way this way I thought it was only them holding horn it normally is

Okay all the way down here will be the deep dark yeah yeah this you go and sit in the wall and have a little power well yeah we’re here I think the city somewhat clear like we can talk here oh oh my God like we’ve spent the last like

45 minutes SP basically just stealthing wait wait wait I got an idea yeah all of you going to get us killed Echo that’s really cool would have been better honest like a fart Echo be great so normally there’s a room underneath the big portal thing and we’ve never

Tested it and I want to see if it’s there there’s a bunch of redstone in stuff I mean if we had we could use that booby trap it we can go in there and see if it’s actually there got TNT the room is normally under this so yeah

Yeah yeah mhm I want to go down and see if it’s there careful diging if you dig through though it’s yeah it’s going to set off but I’m hoping there’s nothing nearby I’m going to risk it is it possible to destroy the it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine and it is in

Here uh there’s red last time I checked there was a Shak in next to where the table was I don’t know if they there’s a bunch of like lamps there’s Redstone stuff see this is perfect there’s a lake use this for traps what is this stupid absolutely bananas because they can’t

Find us Mar I was like what ises this doing Mar just let me break up let’s find out we just need TNT then we’ve got everything we need to kill them you’re doing okay over that side there’s more sensors if you’re not like I think down here might be safe oh

Perl never mind Peril never mind that’s one that’s strike one let’s separate and then meet back here in the middle in like 5 minutes if that like once you’re done just have a scout and then we’ll meet back are we going together in pairs or I mean I just

Want to have it like I don’t oh God Peril sorry is that number two that’s number two we want to try and find the bubble VOR thing that tangle used for bringing the warden up okay there is two shers right here what was that you

Yeah I don’t I don’t quite know how I was on will it’s fine that was my first one it’s my first one we’re okay okay be careful where are you I am above right now I’m just I’m I’m I’m at the entrance oh is that the entrance to impulse and BDubs uh the

Letter yeah okay that’s good to know I’m going to have a swim up this waterfall and see what’s up there I I don’t think there’s any shriekers because they would be setting off with the water noise right mhm so I’m just going to Sprint jump okay good luck okay I’ll just have

A quick Gander I don’t think it’s anything special like I think it should yeah it’s just like a big cave it’s going to be the bubble elevators or like it’s going to be on the side that the panda sanctuary is which would be that side right uh panda sanctuary is okay

Let’s think about the stairs go up that way panda sanctuary is that direction over the other side yeah so if they’re going to if he was going to go into the wall and he was trying to get to the panda sanctuary it would be that way surely going that way yeah yeah good

Good point I’m not just a pretty face you know what Scott it might have been hard to forgive you at the start of just abandoning me like that but you know what pretty good you’re pretty good partner you know thank you I mean we tested it last time and it worked well

It was just you hurt my feelings when you went away with Martin and then mecl looked for you for ages and I couldn’t find you and then I was sad you know I’m just going to talk to Z for a second how about reverse right you were you were

Off off off with Cleo from my perspective we bumped into everyone else you were actually looking for our soulmates hello have you found it I was looking no we we went up that waterfall and it was um so I think it’s going to be at ground level and it’s must be on

That side cuz the panda sanctu is over that way so I think it went oh wait I do see something yeah I think it went into the wall how do we not clock that Cleo I don’t even see what you’re seeing you not oh it went into the wall and it’s

Like a long tunnel why is there no staircase I know have to swim de uhoh that wasn’t us guys that wasn’t us and that sounded like it came from Over the entrance that’s okay we can sit for Warden if they come down here so is that

The right thing there’s a sign here it has to be have they got rid of the water to the top yes sir but if it’s a bubble ver can we not just put water at the bottom and it would oh no it was just no

Yeah it’s gone gone I mean do I run up there using fill it isn’t it ice oh it’s not they’ve got rid of it it’s frozen anyway no but the automatically fls yeah I mean what if we just I can just buck it up if you want and then I’ll just oh

Yeah me oh wait can we can we do it like in Wally oh where like I go up and then you go up yeah okay so you remember where yours was oh look at this just don’t drown guys too high right okay and then pick up yours teed with some of the

We’re having a pixel moment Here Right This Is Us what’s your what’s your theme song Come On One is got and one is not one of them’s pretty and one of them’s hot can they get to the top and without without dying probably my Ace FR wa no

No no F no wait this is the problem this is the problem we nearly died no we would have been Fain just oh wait that got rid of my water for some reason oh jeez all right cuz once we get to the Top If we have a

Torch which I do I can place the torch down to stop it freezing ah no it’s fine I’ll wait down here I’ll wait down here there we go you guys are so going to die we have to hurry this because they’re going to see your name tags yeah oh God

Trying our best S I just need keep going oh no we’re going have go PE do you have a water bucket Pearl do you have a water bucket no I’ve got a powdered snow bucket of course you do I’ve got water bucket okay clear just go as high as you

Can I’ll get some water from let me let me just get some air let me just get some air if you get up here you can give it to me and I can do it but this is who I’m allying with we are everything I said earlier there

Is so many chances for them to see our name tags right now oh yeah this is the clest thing ever stupidest thing we’ve ever done so funny all they got to do is drop one TNT down here we’re done for oh done it again I’ve done it again I’ve done it

Again right we there was water at the bottom we’re on to just Cleo’s bucket you need not be up my thumb yeah yeah let’s be back to that’s not a line I wanted to hear three I need I need I need air I need air I

Need air oh my gosh last step last step there we go I think we’ve now got to slowly go down haven’t we and uh break all the blocks on the way down so I’ll see what I can do and then we need to go down

There anger Aon and then get back up I want to grab a bucket of water from over Green’s sugar I’ll make a couple of like breathing holes in the side good plan there we go there’s one it scares me I have no idea where they are like none

They were definitely down there they definitely were cuz the the horn was very close is it worth me looking at my tower right now while you guys are doing that just to check what’s up there you want to go up it yeah I just want to see

What they’ve left behind I can see there’s still wheat in the pumpkin there to be fair there is the water elevator right up like there’s a bucket just all the way up FES my only concern Perl is that what if they’ve put a shul sensor

And just a bunch of TNT so when you get up there it just goes boom well they would have had to they would have going down and also they set off with a bunch of fire so we should actually be f i okay do you want to stay here with

Martin and I’ll go with pearl and we’ll have a look up there sure just one piece of sugar only the sugar can yeah the chest is still here though yeah they weren’t burnt so they were kind of silly in that instance cuz they should have burnt all of this stuff I’m realizing

They didn’t put water down the fire burnt and got rid of the block that was holding your farm that was why technically poor all C I see them when they’re in just plain black Lether arm oh yeah Place those torches oh turned did we want to go or do we

Want to stay up here what do you want to do I mean we can defend pretty easily from here right no they’re just looking right oh oh you thought no they’re coming just floating it looks so stuped now let’s take him away from Martin and Cleo right yeah let them do

Their thing off oh God they’re all here why did we do this I don’t know you wanted to check what was here there’s so much stuff ow wait oh I got I killed Scar’s horse you killed Scar’s horse yeah scar Joel Joel you okay you okay buddy

You okay Jo how’s it going you know it turns out you didn’t kill Tilly so fine do you have any more arrows Pearl I have nine on me right now I only have n see that’s the thing I had that Skelly spawn we could have used that they’re

Making little fort things and then Joel’s on his way up for some reason e it’s so cute he’s in his little hole why is that adorable oh there’s Martin and Cleo okay they’ve seen what’s happening okay we can’t lead them to lead them towards them we want to avoid that as

Much as possible okay so spreading the water around is working they’ve all moved from each side cuz they’re scared we’re going to like Escape there’s like someone there’s like someone on each side like watching us oh Martin and Cleo are firing arrows through fire so it

Sets some on fire that’s smart oh okay do we want to risk and I mean just go into the stream when it’s a bit lower but do you want to risk it you know if we crou while in the water they won’t see us do you want to jump in we’ll just

Resk it yeah I’m going just Crouch so they don’t see your name okay run run run run run run run keep going keep going I thought you didn’t see the a okay this way we’re going to circle back around oh no the horn no this is terrifying they’re

Shoting at us no no noen cutting off Green’s cutting you off Green’s cutting you off green I’m red you don’t want to kill me come on we we’re family friends but you’re yeah which does off you two made up now no it’s just that she’s she’s to be in the same area like

Hell you know yeah you you don’t want to hurt Peril Rachel oh no Focus scoten oh God uh ohning out of arrows I need to kill it no you don’t need to Joel it’s fine oh Jesus I don’t know why I tried to why did I try and hit you with a buck

Of water oh there was no way to get away with that my non- enchanted armor was nothing but it makes sense I need to go and grab my stuff though it also puts me in a dilemma because I can’t kill Martin and CLE I’m going to go harass them

Surely I won’t lose another season to someone killing me when I’m unarmed bet you’re happy with yourself aren’t you impulse he I wasn’t part of that no but you did look Pearl’s body you proud of yourself did Joel get you I tried to punch him with a water bucket I panicked

He he he he missed he like missed me and then shot me in the face about this distance with a rocket and then didn’t change to his sword so I punched him with a bucket and ran but then there was nowhere to run there was nowhere to run hi Scott hi how you

Go off in a big fiery Fireball Joel shot me with I’m not afraid to use it I have the rest of your stuff that was really like cool right let’s go to the base I want to grab what stuff we kind of have there I did some forethought and I

Changed all of my good gear for just plain iron gear so that in my last life I would have all my good gear oh okay smart smart you know what the gear that’s on my back right now is all I have I never got I got one Diamond this

Season one to be fair cleared it a lot Ming and then I just got given some so I nearly took Cleo’s stuff cuz I was like is that my stuff but no I forgot I put my stuff in another headen chest 24 diamonds my gosh you’re rich I mean

That’s Cleo’s stuff look at that if I hover over Tilly she’s got a red name she does do you oh you can’t do it caller cuz otherwise you’ll never no cuz if you do you’ll lose her the of all the other WS yeah that’s not going to work

Out too well you know what Scott yeah you’re the one that lost our second life you know well to be they didn’t try to kill me yeah but that was just because they weren’t the relationship yeah well I mean they weren’t going after me that

Entire time I just kind of feel like you know maybe I should take the bigger stance here I mean you’re a great partner all but are you going to dit after this I mean look Scott come on look how big that group is you know it’s

Just look don’t make me feel bad okay look it’s my time to ditch you after the first episode think of it as karma so it just done a fill L because you ditched me in the first episode then you came back and then you’re going to ditch me

Again you ditched me in the first episode don’t you pretend to plan like that never your fault you didn’t make yourself available Perl how is I me to find you you were never available did why did you think we were having a mini game about trying to find our soulmate

Scott come on you did the mini game right at the end of the series everyone else was already loved and doed up by that point I wanted to make sure Martin was okay look if Martin in waiting till the nether B himself he probably would have died and clear would have died

Thanks for the appreciation jeez right let’s get out of here let is this a let is this a we situation you said you want to join them you need to get out to do that you know I may be splitting off for Str look okay I’m trying to Keep Us

Alive okay if I stay with the bigger group live longer why are you going back to the yellows there’s only two of them I can’t kill Cleo I can’t do it I have no attachment to Martin but I do have Alliance to you don’t have to kill Cleo

You could be in the Bigg a group and not kill Cleo but I can’t help them kill Cleo I also want to go and look at where my stuff was to see if they kept anything or left me a chest fair enough well all right in this instance just

Think of me going with the other group as a strategic Advantage for us okay just just that okay okay the moments we got to be together Perot was nice while it lasted it was nice while it lasted Tilly next time or till death do us part literally okay yeah till death do us

Part Scot Kelly death do part silly death to a spot I’m going to run dramatically off into the distance goodbye Perl okay and we’re back being alone but we’re doing the plan they’re going to do the warden plan they’re going to do the warden oh there’s chests

Okay I’m interested to see if they took anything SL what they did leave they took my good axe they left my shield though and my shovel torches I’ll take this there’s a sandle in there that wasn’t mine diamond sword but I mean it’s unenchanted I’m glad I did the the plan I did

Okay I’ve had an idea though what if I just set all of their cows on fire you know okay I’m thinning the ha a little bit this is a good way for me to get some cooked steak without having to I mean I took mutton but I don’t really need

Mutton oh Pearl Pearl what happened that oh did you nearly die you nearly got killed it’s fine I don’t know why that I didn’t even see anything what trap did they set off here I don’t know but whatever it was I’m not going to lie it wasn’t great because it didn’t no this

Massive hole didn’t even get me I got one dog okay no I get to do what I wanted to do mhm okay this is great I need to go and find flint I also can 100% Gaslight someone else for that or I can just be like oh was someone else they I seen

Them do it and run away ah another Flint okay I now need to find a way to make it down to the deep dark to find out where Cleo and Martin are this horse coming with me this is the quickest way to the ranch entrance uhoh that doesn’t sound good oh

That’s not Martin and Cleo that’s a lot of other people green and Joel are there I se a yellow I se a yellow oh no they’re trying to like throw stuff and make a bunch of noise uh-oh clear Dred and then Martin was shot by

Scar what was that I got a killed doing nothing grian what do you mean killed doing I killed Martin don’t tell everyone don’t tell anyone that ooh is that the way out yeah I chased them in there it was the slowest chase scene you’ve ever seen in your

Life don’t don’t don’t describe it to me because from the outside it said scar has killed oh my God green you should have seen it I water bucket over a th I mean 1,000 blocks it felt like but it was really like 300 there was a four wardens yeah there’s a warden above

Us there’s a above he’s having fun this is the water tunnel what did you do Etho there’s a warden over there are you are you spying on people no oh yeah there he is oh my gosh guys don’t send him down here yet GRE Green’s close to us I wouldn’t come to

Okay there’s Warden back there but uh Etho bebs and crew tried to turn him on me are they trying to shoot me off or just shoot at me ow you know what I’m glad I burned both of your your guys bases tried to escape up the shoot and

It didn’t work out well it was very very bad follow follow me and I’ll show you how I think we get out of here cuz they are shooting at us trying to get out that way so if you they come this way no they’re just trying to shoot us and stop

Us getting out oh here over here oh look at that I blocked it in just in case they followed us I think it might actually be oh ow why am I getting hurt I’ve never been in here but there is a stair up here so maybe it’s this way oh nice

Nice nice nice okay yeah they tried to betray me and sitick the warden on me so I’ve been trying to escape here luckily I found some amazing pants well yeah they’ve just tried to kill me too which I’m glad I burned down impulse and BB’s

Base as well now I think it’s just up here oh God why is Pearl threatening people scar I’m going to die oh yeah I’m going to I’ll watch your back I’m oblivious to the chat so I didn’t even see that someone’s just gone up here cuz there’s just recently broken blocks

We’re out scar we’re free I can I can feel the A on my skin so we got to be super careful because those other crew were were very aggressive okay waren your partner that they betrayed you yeah Invincible yeah oh we got a scar I’m going to make a pickaxe

We got a scar that was rude and disrespectful and a hey you guys you sticked a warden on me yeah we did not on purpose that was well we formed an alliance together and we’re going to kill you now it is very cruel to team up on on somebody we

Just keep going we just keep going okay I need to keep going cuz they are Philly just trying to murder me again again oh God I’m going to run back to The Love Ranch and see if I can see anything so BDubs impulse Joel and Etho have made a

Little Alliance I’m assuming nothing will be in Cleo’s chest but actually I could probably do with dumping some things I could make a bowl okay good whoa green is obliterated by Sonic Lear shriek and then scar died because of it green died to the warden

And then scar blew up in proxy I want to get to her secret base as he CLS there but the only thing is that’s in between where they are and I am they’re building like a little base and I can’t do anything about it and he will just kill

On sight as the iser Hello Cleo Cleo where are you I’m in the base come up they’re flanking they’re coming okay yeah they got fireworks as well I was trying to get round to you but I couldn’t without like yeah they’re coming they’re coming they know we’re here yeah they’ve made a little team the

Four of them yeah yeah I think this is how the chips fall we need to find Pearl ASAP um well Pearl Dutch me to go be with them Scar the cornered me scar green died it’s aome them oh three versus them guess oh there’s that voice

Hi I know you ditched us you know the server has now split into two factions again unless you’re W unless you’re with the other four Etho BDubs impulse and Joel but the well between Joel and killed my dogs and told me to run so yeah no I’m not with them I’ve got paper

I’ve got four gunpowder oh sand is the AER crap yeah right are we going to have to go and Rob big be’s grave very carefully I have one block of sand it’s SE it’s only sex rest in peace rest in was standing back going oh that’s not

Blow up but if you died I would have died there’s mine there’s mine hello my doggy’s ready to breed again that only let me make one extra piece of TNT I have four also what I am 90% sure if we manage to Tower over them they’re going

To shoot at me it’s getting above them is the hard part wait they’ve just made the achievement need to go deeper which means either all four of them G in oh two no the nether we need to one thing is we we can kill portal or we could

Just kill two of them that are not there can we trap the ne if they come back through they’ll die yeah they’ll just be stuck in Perpetual limbo right yeah let’s kill the two that aren’t there and then this is ba for sure this is ba I

See the enchanter I think no I think we can takech I think we could take two of them quite quite quick we need to pener split up I’ve got my dogs too come on Tilly baby pener maneuver pener maneuver something this way com something comes get

Him this is what happens when you don’t Ally with me and you let Joel and ether no take the race oh we just lost our other come on let’s get let’s get your done name write him down I told you you’d regret not Laing with me impulse I regret everything you’re

Right hello come on impulse what you hiding in there for huh what’s going you guys don’t know what you’re doing we don’t we know exactly what we’re doing what are we doing down there I don’t know but do we want to go down I can just I can just

Water it and we can just all go down no because I reckon they trapped it can just see an enchanting table what the enting table is still there they just left that on the ground didn’t they uh that’s going to be trap is that Martin or is that them no that Martin

Doesn’t have one I’ve got okay we’re going to have to head towards this way to get them oh they’re up there yeah they died barely on the other side of the portal so there was a bunch of stuff in there oh dear oh sweet got you oh

Gosh it’s all lav it’s all lav okay yeah the block on top it yeah let me get that here I’ve got the source BL it’s just going to take a second I’m going to go grab the enchanting table and then I’m going to pick this up perfect okay I

Have the enchanter so I’m thinking our best betet is going to be going down where their secret place was cuz we have no idea where it goes we have no idea where it comes out it’s in here like if we don’t we’re just going to be running around like headless chickens uh-huh so

Might as well put the pressure on right like it’s down here okay just like even in their final moments right next to them anything no Z it’s just a ravine there is a wateren on the surface I’m down for doing that oh I he I hear it I hear it

Can you hear the W yeah I can hear the heartbeat oh I can hear it sniffing so he is just stuck there’s blocks above him where we need to get in to mine it going to my dog okay so I’m going to like throw snowballs to this side to

Like get them to look over there we just need to get someone over to break the the block or wait does anyone wait here take that just put it down ligh it and run okay I don’t think I’ve got a oh it’s getting bit dark get it down

Lighter and then run there it is got it got it okay he’ll be out he’ll very much be out I’m getting beat up by a skeleton run he’s coming how far until he diagrs I don’t know but it still s the the heartbeat still sounds like he’s

Behind me oh he’s coming oh he do be coming there’s two just behind in the ranch oh he is coming I shot him I don’t know whether that was a smart thing no they’re coming run are they both there yes I only shot one oh I’m taking a lot of damage uhoh

Like it feels like Pearl’s on fire like it’s not like she’s taking PVP damage it’s like she’s just on oh that’s PVP damage I might be going no I’m going to go oh oh my god let’s go no way H I hear it oh my God she she

Just one V2 of them what that is insane oh but no that no that leaves it with this it does w it does it leaves it just like this Martin you’re really going to do it that quick just like this you’re going to do it that quick I need to find

A way to get the warden on them I can’t believe why I making I can’t believe Martin would turn on me Cleo didn’t I don’t think but uhoh uhoh I don’t know where Perl would have killed them what what I need to find Perl let

Go I didn’t think it would end this way die to be honest I didn’t think it would come down to the two of us I still don’t know how Martin and Cleo died I don’t know what happened there they they tried to turn on me after you killed the other

Two yeah they turned on me started killing my dogs now and then you managed to turn it around yeah did you know it you know there was many ways I thought this was going to go I don’t know if I thought a finale with me and

You I mean I thought we would win but I honestly didn’t have a lot of faith in us but I had faith in myself and Tilly and til’s now passed away so I think Perl you you you deserve this more excuse me what do you mean in the

Same way Telly death do his what are you doing [Applause] we are

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Double Life SMP: The Movie’, was uploaded by Dangthatsalongname on 2023-10-14 17:00:30. It has garnered 59565 views and 2603 likes. The duration of the video is 03:42:56 or 13376 seconds.

This is all of my Double Life POV turned into one nice big video! Easy for you to watch all at one place as a nice flow ๐Ÿ˜€

Thumbnail by – https://www.tumblr.com/foxxology

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  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: ๐ŸŒŸ Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! ๐ŸŒˆ Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. ๐Ÿ”จ **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by ฮ›sk ฮ›bout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft ๐Ÿ‘‰ Magic of HermitCraft ๐Ÿ‘‰ Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? ๐ŸŒ AskAbout.video โœ‹ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel โ€‹โ โ€‹โ  #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE โค๏ธ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€”โ€” ๐Ÿš€ | Subs Discord | https://discord.gg/zphSjBEzpZ ๐Ÿš€ My Texture Pack | https://www.mediafire.com/file/ln8ptdsxlbpp0yb/AlexpoluTexturePack5k.zip/file ๐Ÿš€ | Twitter | https://twitter.com/Alexpolu8MC ๐Ÿš€ | Twitch | https://twitch.tv/alexpolu8 ๐Ÿš€ |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNoGQWMXMGrWbZmGYkz6VpQ/join *Server Discord*: https://discord.gg/enchantedmc *Java & Bedrock IP*: zap.enchantedmc.net *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. mc.ppl.cool Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// avalore.net //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.avalore.net:25586 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: https://saweria.co/rizkyagustian Link Server : Rzkyyyy88.aternos.me:51683 Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe โœ“ Like โœ“… Read More