Epic Minecraft SMP Tour & Mind-Blowing Builds!

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Welcome welcome welcome I am crispy now since it’s time for some Minecraft that’s right all you Miners and Crafters out there it’s time to finally show off our SMP world that’s right been um threatening to do this for a while so I’m finally back in the mood to play

Minecraft on a regular basis so here we Go welcome everybody this is the long time survival world that me and my brother and my best friend have uh been playing in for H I don’t know it’s been a couple of years unfortunately I wasn’t smart enough to date it anywhere um but I believe it’s at least since 20 20 possibly

2021 it’s at least two years old possibly Three we are quite the gamers though so we get around uh as far as playing other games go I have to make sure my sounds are working okay so it’s uh it’s been a minute uh for as long as we’ve had this world You’ think we had built some more

But basically it’ll give you a littleit bit of a history a little bit of a tour of uh of how this how this worked basically when it started um I was attempting to stream on Twitch so actually my very first stream in this world this was where it spawned Us

In so I built a spawn house and you always spawn at the highest point so now this is where the spawn point is so it lets you know to continue down the stairs and the first thing you come across is uh enchantment and mass diamond headquarters and please use this

Responsibly here is the instant enchanting setup and basically my brother it’s not the biggest Builder but he is the biggest minor and he went a little crazy and he mined all these diamonds by hand this is a purely 100% survival world uh we have only played survival it’s a bunch of random extra

Enchantments which actually now that I’m remembering this that’s good because I’m going to need impaling five for a farm I need to build and I need to make a new bow because I died recently lost my wings and lost my amazing bow but that’s besides the

Point so anyways I think more of our diamonds have been moved somewhere else maybe or something because I mean this seems like a lot but actually like we had a lot more I don’t know where they are now uh this is part of his project

Too he has a project going on where this is just all terra cotta that he needs for something uh maybe someday we’ll be finished and explored but anyways the other history of this exact seed is that I I specifically looked for this seed because it had

A very close by stronghold and the very first time that we all played This Together We speedran it to beat the dragon and I believe that was also streamed but it’s probably gone by now and we speed ran it and it only took us uh a little more than an hour

Which for three average Minecrafters that’s I think that’s pretty good deal we also um we play a lot differently than most folks um well maybe not most folks but I mean we play a lot differently we are not uh very techy in the game uh I’ve dabbled with some Farms but as you’ll

Soon see uh pretty much every Farm I’ve built has been rendered obsolete by updates and stuff sadly and uh we most like mostly like to Adventure and we mostly like to build um but Redstone is not anyone’s Forte so it’s not a lot of high- techy stuff we don’t

Have a creeper farm so we don’t have endless um gunpowder so we can’t fly even when I did have wings I was using them as the old school glider I wasn’t using them for Rockets to actually fly around so our world is very much designed to get to every place by

Walking is the main form of travel basically uh so yeah this is the very first building I built little little workshop here and what this was is the spawn was just a mountain like it’s just I just had this house and I built it in front of this

Mountain and I had this idea I’m like hm you know what’s really fun to do is to build inside of this was before the caves and cliffes update is to build inside caves and I want to make my own cave so I want to just like it’s it’s

It’s easier to clear out a room and design stuff than it is to build everything completely up from scratch so that was a thought process when I decided to build storage Mountain communal resources so basically this entire mountain right here which you know is kind of a sad excuse for mountains rather

Small uh just give you more of a A View From up here but this entire Mountain was solid okay it’s a completely solid structure that’s uh that goes into our end we’ll get over there in a second completely solid structure Though and my first major project in this world was to empty it out so that I could achieve this welcome to storage Mountain so I cleared all this out by hand and design basically a giant storage facility um again we’re not techy so all this stuff is

Manual uh with the exception of this just like this was the most techy thing that we ever kind of did automatic furnace um which actually right now is just storing a bunch of uh Netherrack which can’t be uh put into a oh oh yeah it can be

Put into a furnace oh I just didn’t have any fuel in here oh this whole time I just needed coal H H oh well I haven’t been spending a lot of time here at storage Mountain lately um as you’ll see though a lot of the stuff stuff that we

Build uh subconsciously most ofly has ended up within a very close walking distance but yeah so I have this nice little area right here so we can always see what time it is it’s about to become nighttime this right here is actually a secret passage into a area that my

Brother built that we’ll go take a look at in a second and then so that bridge over there leads over to the lawmaker’s first original build which we’ll take a look at here in a second as well all part of the tour we are using a

Texture pack right now too it is the medieval texture pack from the marketplace I believe it’s part of uh realms for free right now yeah we do call This Server chill Minecraft and dudes right now it is only just the two the three of us we did invite my friend

Solo there uh but he’s not much of a Minecrafter um yes medieval pack so that’s the uh texture pack we’re using right now if you’re interested it’s a very nice texture pack still keeps things fairly um unique but get these nice um get these nice visual effects for

Like how you saw the sunset you get a little bit of fog the water is my favorite part because you can see underwater 100% unbelievably amazing I love it so much anyways I really was proud of this build um I’m still proud of this build uh I actually

Added besides looking at this right right here I probably should have another pole here for structure-wise but for the most part there’s a lot of structure here there’s a little bit of depth here because I went out of my way to replace every block with actual stone um wasn’t super into

Texturizing um at the time but I have since developed more uh my my building sty has advanced a little bit more so I I I do involve a little bit more texture in my building now so so as you can see walls are mainly flat except for

These indentations I added a little bit it could definitely use a lot more regular Stone though and then I have this fun design here also I had this project idea where originally I was going to clear out this entire Mountain all all the way down to bedrock and Bedrock used to be level

Zero see we’re at 65 right now so this was built before then so then on the whole way down was going to be and I’m still going to get to this eventually but this was all going to be a like a lodge so like you have like

These little lodging houses all the way down this is is going to be the main like Penthouse one and then I’m going to build smaller structures on the next couple of levels because they can’t all be this triumphant but I’m very proud of the texturizing I did here I

Mean that is some immense detail correct correct and this is also one of my favorite buildings still to come In had a lot of fun building this this floor took forever but is still my favorite floor of a grand triumphant Victorian style bed bookcase that has a little secret that’s the most redst that we get and even so it’s incredibly fast and there’s no proper way out and

All it does is it takes you into the ceiling and there’s really nothing up there um I do have another Secret in this room but I didn’t bring the way to access it but back here is actually again a long walkway that will take you all the way to uh the

Farming District which we’re not going to go take a look at right now and originally uh we had a mining operation down there where that was like our main mine was all the way down there nothing else really interesting down there except just mining mining so we not

Going to bother going looking at that I’m going take a look over here though so this was originally that was bedrock and I made the entire floor glass which I was super happy about I thought it looked super cool and then of course the update happened and originally they said the update wasn’t

Going to affect chunks that had already been existing in your world and then to everyone’s surprise it did so what happened was look at this it just generated a giant natural cave below spawn for us so we have this wickedly huge cave down here that I still haven’t really fully explored or

Messed with but I mean that’s another project on the docket I could do a lot more stuff down there and I have a walkway somewhere around here to get down there um but I mean look at this this really gives you that’s the other fun thing

About this texture pack I mean look it gives you this nice this fog effect but like it’s a fogging lighting effect so it’s still nice and you can still see and that was the other thing it does it took away most of the fog in the nether as well

Which you’ll see in a minute so you can see a lot farther in the nether so all these things are super beneficial super helpful and just add to more atmosphere so that’s the best thing when you find texture packs that can do that those slimes look like they’re flying interesting okay

Well moving on though that’s that’s it’s beautiful beautiful area I love it down there want to do something with it eventually not uh interested in it at the moment because the project that I’m working on currently is uh well I want to build my

First raid farm and I want to build um a couple of safety houses cuz I found a ancient city that intersects with three other ancient cities so could be a lot of fun continuing on though storage Mountain it kind of connects to two other major things we’ll go that way in

A second but this is my other major project that I started when we first started this world I made again a nice little Pleasant View Panic Room is what I call this place because it’s a completely spawn safe room it gives you a nice view of my next build which of course is

Ruined by rain and it has a bed in here so this is a beautiful little view here to the giant farm that we made and this Farm ah it’s so sad now it’s mainly a potato farm and you may say to yourself why the hell would you have a

Giant potato farm well because back in the day when we first made this world there was this amazing amazing thing that they took away from us the best XP farm of all time that sadly will never get back now so what you used to be able to do was you could take these

Potatoes and you could put it in a chest that funnels into a furnace and then the furnace would funnel into this ch uh chest which would make completely cooked potatoes and once this chest was completely filled up as you see do not open or the farm will break you never

Open this chest because the goal was it was constantly filling up the furnaces with XP and basically all you would have to do is you would click on the furnace and you’d get just instant 30 levels of XP it was amazing it was the best XP farm best way to repair your

Tools best thing they ever did miss it so so much they finally fixed it because of course it was a glitch but it was more of like you know it was more of a it’s not hurting anybody glitch you know so whatever freaking jerks um why you looking at me

Pig um so yeah now it doesn’t work anymore I mean we’re still making potatoes in here and you still get a little bit in fact let me hold my uh pickaxe when I do this yeah I still get a little bit of XP like the most saddest amount of XP ever

But before it used to give you just like an ungodly amount of XP oh it’s so sad now so anyways that’s why I mean it looks nice though I mean I still had a lot of fun Um the uh Tower in the background and this house uh Cottage thing right here uh will admit these are not my original designs I did uh edit them a little bit but for the most part I did like tutorials online for these designs just because I wanted something that looked really nice

The rest of the farm is my design uh that’s my my own little well there as well here’s our dog you suck he’s a good boy and yeah so this is just a little barn and these are just another way to walk down to the farm to the tower the

Tower serves no other real purpose other than oh it’s going to be night time uh I don’t want to ruin my grass hold on the lighting update has been amazing though because it’s so light in most places around here that there shouldn’t be too many mobs interfering but yeah

You don’t want anything to get blown up so so I started expanding this farm and making more actual Farm likee things and then also we came across the greatest food that you you can really make super easily which is golden carrots the great thing about golden

Carrots is look at how easy it is to make carrots again we’re very old school we do everything by hand so this is all just manual by hand stuff but uh we I I saw that golden carrots was like the easiest saturated food to make so it’s

Like okay well I can easily add a carrot patch over here so then I had to make a gold Farm naturally well just in the last couple of weeks the traditional gold farm that we all pretty much use here on Bedrock it broke it don’t work no

More so no more gold farm so we’re going to run out of that food pretty soon so I might set to revert to a uh standard cow Farm which can never go out of style and be broken so I don’t know kind of sad though cuz I don’t like

It anyways I feel like I’m spending too much time here uh well actually I forgot that I do have a million freaking cows right here a million freaking cows this texture pack does make cows look incredibly bizarre I have no idea what they were thinking with these ears they look like

Aliens and weird is uh eventually the idea would be to maybe um make this all more connected and and flow better because you know this is pretty sad excuse for a bridge uh and again that goes to the industrial district which is not so industrial anymore because every Farm I’ve built

There is basically broken now so not much point in giving a crap about it at the moment so we’re going to go over here and we’re going to take a look at the other builds that are still here in near spawn so this is a nice way back up so

Over here you see these two towers this was my brother lava toasty toasty lava toasty the lava lava toast and um basically what his idea here was he wanted to build a roller coaster I think he started originally maybe wanting to build a castle and then kind of gave up and then

Started building the roller coaster and he finished the roller coaster um but he oh wow okay and uh we just ate that chicken or something um and yeah we don’t have like the best way to get to his house kind of do toasty Railway Adventure here we go I’m assuming I made this

Path go right to his area I don’t really remember it’s been a minute since I’ve been over here and toasty is mainly a Adventurer it’s not super all about the building so I mean he’s got a nice area over here he could do a lot more with it eventually see maybe he

Will welcome to toasty’s Roo toting Railway ride no aliens no animals no effing monsters that’s right H very Picasso I don’t know I don’t remember him going so Lantern crazy good for him uh all right I believe this is the start and that’s where it ends not too many extra rail carts so

We’ll just take this one that’s for a rad everybody again you don’t see a lot of modern Minecraft worlds use railway tracks but we frakin love them so he had fun designing this we have a nice ice path over there going to uh some part of the world for no reason we

Into a tunnel of Doom yeah he said No Monsters too but there’s actually barely any Lighting in there there’s there’s a guy there’s an Archer but under the water that’s pretty funny I don’t think you realize that was a thing oh we got a little splash a little Splash

Mountain a lot of fun designing this and Bam beautiful nice nice little ride nice job you put together here and then again the only other thing he built over here with these towers so he had like a little mini base but for the most part he was mostly just living with me

Um he didn’t go too much into detail on his Towers they just kind of giant pillars right now nothing wrong with that though he has fun playing it in the other way Everybody Plays Minecraft in their own way this brings us to the law maker all right so what you

Need to know about a lawmaker is that this was his first interation of what we call the OG compound and he really likes to go big um every single time he’s built something he’s made it bigger and bigger each time uh as you can see he builds very triumphant Bridges

So let’s go take a look at his original OG compound he enjoys himself a nice Uh Wood wood likee interior here epically long hallways uh his a custom chandelier design very stylish very stylish I think he had plans to do something with this he’s got a whole

Bunch of like secret tunnels that go all over the place that’s like a little yeah the stealth entrance there not much going on in that room this is like a quick outside to a garden that uh he was working on yeah so this was his original setup I

Wonder how when the last time he was back here to even see the uh the stuff he’s left back here very epic hallway lawmaker Trophy Room the law boy storage room so originally I think he had plans to put a bunch of storage facilities in here but he also just really likes to

Keep building so he just kept going and it transitions into this hallway nice little swimming pool here this is what I was talking about with the water look at how Flawless this is can see perfectly underwater I love it Then welome to this ridiculous hallway love it we’re traveling the world this is his Mountainside Observatory which overlooks quite a nice area which is very very flat and it’s incredibly surprising that we’ve never bothered to do anything with this a lot of great development uh possibilities here actually I’m not sure what’s really

Up there I barely ever go up there because after you come through here he built this this hallway through the mountain and after you come through here see the impressive thing is this in giant enclosed compound that he built so I never even bother to go go

Upstairs he he built the Great Wall of lawmaker here and basically built his own village inside got to wait till night time now what are you staring at Pig uh the pig is sleeping on top of me isn’t that cute freaking weirdo so I think this sense broke but

He originally had this as retracting Redstone door to keep people out and this is his law compound very very cool uh he’s got his Guardian here he give this one a name no I make a workshop actual nicely designed Workshop he was experimenting with bricks over

There this this like an extra shop uh extra sleep spot for us so we had beds for when we came to visit trophy room cuz he uh yeah armor he was collecting kills a lot of pillagers and a lot of Villagers it’s the other thing this uh we kind of don’t use um villagers for what they’re used for because lawmaker likes to murder them he also made the Church of Slayer ISM so if you’d like to be converted here you go he’s got his own Podium and everything and yeah just

Um he can tell you about it sometime it’s quite irritating though over here he’s got a triumphant Farm of animals so he’s got a ton of fresh food laying around this is an actual uh potion lab R stough Stone in here yeah he’s making oh I like an actual steel door in

There and this is like his main main house or it was very Royal very very fancy still really like this original design and this is the throne that I built for him I built him this custom Throne found this design online uh temp it out myself and it’s

Perfect and there’s his dog Benji and he can sit on the throne and look at all his peasants very fun very fun very fun and then he started building an expansion over Here on my I was going to say I don’t think there’s anything in in the Armory he mostly has all the stuff on him yeah so it’s kind of a massive expansion uh but then we kind of moved locations so he blames me for moving too

Much over here too is a nice back door that leads to another Railway system I actually do have a cart here do I want to go that way uh n we’re going to go through the nether but this connects over to the stronghold basically but we’re going

To we’re going to enter that from a different area let’s go this way do a little backtracking back track a rcking but yeah this was basically the first structure that he the first main structure that he really put a lot of time and effort into and then we wanted to explore

So we change locations and uh still come back here because again everything in our world shockingly for the most part is within walking distance I actually made a path and I actually kind of do plan eventually to make a giant River to have a boat path to connect our

World uh all the way from Spawn all the way to our current location because it’s all it’s all within walking distance it’s awesome that we were able to do so much and find so much in such a short period of time that’s why this seed is incredible and uh I

Believe I believe if I remember correctly I believe I found the seed myself but then of course searched it in the um chunk base to see how close the uh stronghold was because originally that was the original concept was to speedrun Minecraft because speedrunning Minecraft was kind of a big

Thing for a while there I mean it probably still is but I mean it was a big thing in in our minds so all right so now we’re back in storage mountain and storage Mountain acting as the main spawn Hub also connects to our nether Hub so this way for nether

Access and you go up here and you can look out this window here and you can see here you here ye let it be known that on the 16th February 2021 so that’s why I feel like this world is older than 2021 I can’t remember this pickaxe in its final use yielded 242

Diamonds so that was all toasty lava toasty toasty lava went crazy getting us so many diamonds that we’ve never really needed to go out and search for more we we still have enough and he retired the pickaxe before it broke because uh it was getting way

Too expensive to repair and of course we lost the XP farm so there you go so now into The Nether Hub this is the sort of the main the main start of the nether Hub and what this did was um I had this pathway originally that stayed very low and didn’t really achieve

Anything uh it was actually messy I didn’t like the way it looked um and again once we figured out that building up higher was safer and easier because you didn’t have to build over a bunch of guys trying to Maul you it made so much more

Sense this ladder here too goes all the way up to the original original nether Hub that I made but again I canceled that out and made a whole another one so there’s multiple old builds in the nether but this goes to the main one

Now and you can kind of get a glimpse of how bright and more able you are able to see in the nether this has kind of become my specialty though is customizing these tunnels to make them look very very unique and cool spent a lot of time and a lot of

Resources doing this but I really really like it so this right here goes we’ll go here first real quick cuz there’s nothing really to see here anymore this it’s all broken but this was the original farming district oh wow a lot of lag going on that was weird

Um there’s the gold farm that literally just broke so so sad this is the giant sugar cane glass Farm freaking love this thing nothing really wrong with that actually this is just a little Random House I built to hang out here in the storage facility that’s uh spawn

Proof uh cuz it’s too bright in here for anything to spawn and you know the enemies don’t spawn on leaves technically I don’t know what’s wrong with this farm this was a bone yeah Welcome To The Bone room uh so this is supposed to make sugar cane or sugarcane uh bone meal I

Don’t really know what’s wrong with that one that one might be fixable actually something’s going down so that one that one might be salvageable and actually I think the other one over here there’s die Farm that one actually might still work too just not needed any of that stuff so sleeping through the

Night there we go so again this connects this path right here connects right back to the farm and then this path right here go continues onward and you can walk this path all the way to the stronghold but yeah sadly we just lost the gold and XP Farm I’m hoping there’s some sort of quick fix for this because I did just watch a video that said it’s only like a month old but I don’t know there’s been so many updates lately maybe they literally just fixed it I don’t know but used to be able to flip this

Lover and and it would spam lighting and breaking the portal which would spawn zombie pigmen which would shoot them down into here and then they would be murdered and we would get all their loot so yeah can edit Signs Now sad uh bamboo a thing now and you can

Make all sorts of blocks and stuff out of it so this is just a manual bamboo Farm um it’s a very fun and great new type of wood sadly it’s incredibly expensive so no point to really use it right now and then yeah this is all just sugarcane like it’s crazy

Um just one of those those things there’s useless for sugarcane mainly if I guess you were building Rockets so that you could fly so it is weird that we have a massive sugar can farm and um we don’t build Rockets but whatever don’t judge this is my

Secret little base inside of here love this little base barely ever use it but you know I want I do it’s a nice little place o almost missed that but nothing else to see here it’s another big open area back there it’s a lot of big open area real

Estate we really should like try to build more stuff to connect the world but we don’t we like to Adventure more than build so this is the path that leads to the new area we’re not going to go that way right now because that is where we’re

Going to be spending the majority of the time from now on so this long path completely spawn prooof um and again it’s it’s down at a lower level but again it’s part of my original original tunnels and this leads to look at how far you can see in the

Nether with this texture pack I freaking love it so nice but this leads to the main hubs so where we mainly hang out now is up but where we’re going to go first is down and this leads to my favorite area in the game right

Now spent so much time in this area and building this first of all I love this room but anyways so this was our stronghold this is not going to look like your traditional stronghold because I changed it I customized it I made it beautiful it’s a beautiful beautiful

Stronghold you’re going to love it so here we go look at this place this is gorgeous I redesigned and recovered this entire stronghold this is the ortal right here but there is no sign of the original Stronghold all customized with Blackstone and the Netherwood because again the nether update had just come

Out and we had to utilize this stuff because look at how amazing this is so this I mean obviously this just small piece of the stronghold but this was the only piece that we needed a nice little storage room in here bunch of beds to be safe I don’t know what time it

Is um everything that you need is right here and then technically if you want to see here’s the old crappy stronghold you still have access to a lot of library books too which I forgot about um yes and that goes to my pyramid which this is my greatest build ever coming up here

I actually documented the start date of it and technically it’s not finished but it on and off plane it took quite amount of time probably I say over 9 months to build um so obviously most strongholds are below Village so we found the main stronghold room and

We dug straight down to it from the village so this is the village and uh there probably aren’t any villagers left in it but over here is the pyramid yes it was a desert village and and what does the desert village need a pyramid of course all built in survival all built by

Hand this entire area was just a mound of sand and I flattened it out to build not just not just a vertical pyramid and and and it’s quite wide as you can tell but it’s not just a vertical pyramid as you’ll see no that would have been something that

Most people can just do is just just randomly build a pyramid right uh yeah no I I took it a step further this was just a temporary housing where I was converting some sand in a Sandstone some extra materials this house actually didn’t last very long

Because I built a better one not too far away from here but yeah so what I did was bam I also built an inverted Pyramid inside the pyramid so not only does it go all the way up it goes all the way down and each side has its own theme and

It’s separated by water and lava and actually now too I kind of want to do this now because of the new blocks oh wow those things are growing out of control Um I don’t what was the block I was thinking of using so it all converges here to the center which is pretty cool because then you can look and you can see Everything so I didn’t finish putting trees in the AM this side and this this was ridiculous on its own to get enough of these blocks because these blocks finding these blocks was ridiculous okay finding this stuff was insane you know how many geod I had to

Find it was insane I mean when updates first come out they’re kind of broken so it’s pretty easy to find but I don’t think I have enough stuff left to build trees over here I think that’s why I stopped Um and then in the Blackstone it kind of made sense to have lava and make my own custom lava trees but then it kind of sucks because I already have red trees over here so recently I thought about it and I’m like I think I want to

Switch this is you know back priority list now I think I want to switch one of these sides to something entirely different because we have um so many other options now um and I can’t even remember oh yeah that’s what you know because the um the C and cff update wasn’t out yet

So we didn’t have skull yet and now now I kind of really want on entire skull side and build skull trees um and I obviously didn’t finish the walls there too so again started in 2021 took about nine months to do the main project and it’s still technically isn’t

Finished but it was finished enough where I felt satisfied to abandon it for as long as I have so uh it’s such a pain to light this area up too but I think now actually’ be easier to light it up with the lighting update so in the center here too it goes down

Into what I was going to expand it more into I had plans just to make this just a ridiculous Mega base and I’ve never built a mega mega project before and this is the closest thing I’ve ever come to building on the level of a mega mega project because this is

Just an insane amount of stuff an insane amount of work so that’s the thing I’m the most proud of ah yeah and then this was like we were like oh look it expands into the new update again so that was uh one of our first mindes into the UN Noon but you know you get distracted and you want to build other things and you want to explore uh I was going to say I think it’s night oh my God I walked right into lava I’m a genius that was great I build super safe buildings at least I didn’t make that

Deep so I could jump right out of it that was at least good and then the nice part is cuz everything’s on a stair slant you can instantly get right out instead of having to hop up the whole thing yeah phase one was complete in February of 21 phase two was

Complete in July so actually this was probably more maybe this was more than N9 months because when did I I think the other pillar had the start date February 21 I think this pillar over here had a start date on it let me see started oh wow what so what did I can consider phase one because there’s no way I mean I play a lot of games and I get obsessed with things but I don’t

See how there’s any way in less than a month I built this main structure to call it phase one phase two okay so phase one may have been like the up version is what I can imagine but digging out this entire area to go down and and putting in all this

Stuff that had to have been The Phase 2 part all the way to July so that makes more sense maybe it wasn’t as long as I thought it was then we were pretty obsessed at the time while we’re over here though we should go visit wmart another lawmaker

Build I had so many random ideas for this pyramid too because I have this little opening here that goes into this like Arena style underneath area of it which I really love can I love this hallway very decked out and you know if it didn’t take so

Long to walk all the way down here I might have made more use of it because I was turning this into a workshop type area but we didn’t do anything with this area back here and then like these materials were just random like why the heck did I store ice in

Here I need that ice tons of sand okay well never mind I guess I do still have a lot of this stuff am this and stuff so that’s good I can still make trees out of that stuff I still just have a chill in here okay good to know good to

Know I was planning all sorts of other like little secret things this this area right here was going to be like a little secret base maybe I’ll come back to it one day it’s just not something that’s a priority right now the Llama St at me creepy creepy

Llama oh why is it telling me what the heck I have the chat pulled up on my phone and I didn’t see any chat until just now looking over at the screen I’m sorry I didn’t even see you there lawmaker is in Shane Family on yeah yeah

We’re going the lawm mar right now are you around did you want to get on and and tell the people in your own words about this place why is the chat not working on my phone but it worked over there that was stupid the whole point was so that I

Could have chat right in front of me freaking jerks also doesn’t tell me when you said that so oh I’m eating right now okay good so I saw that but again okay now it’s popping up on my phone so my phone chat was just delayed and broken for a minute

Random okay well when you get on uh we’ll revisit the areas so that uh you could tell the people in your own words uh this was my main Workshop tons and tons of building material for what I was doing here tons and tons and tons I I freaking

Love this this is like one of the smallest most compact most useful houses I’ve ever made I freaking love this house so much oh yeah at one point I was going to make it Soul Sand and Blackstone and I can’t remember what changed my mind there anyways though AR a lart um I thought I had I do have a path here okay like my little Wells so here we go over the hill and through the Woods to see lawmakers lawm Mar here’s our train station because again we are very frugal Minecrafters and uh we don’t fly everywhere we take the train so that’s the train station oh yeah actually I forgot about one of toasty’s builds his sand castle we’ll go there

Next cuz we can just take the train there and then this was what I was talking about is that this direction goes to lawmaker’s OG compound and it connects right to his lawm Mar it’s just what I’m calling this entire structure I don’t know what you named it I generally name your

Structures for you I guess so this is Walmart love the Epic fountain with a giant fish it’s is still like the best centerpiece Ever and then yeah we just uh Wander through here this nice little workshop this was really cool too that he built like this entire Little Village inside here I don’t know if he was hoping for villagers to spawn here so that he could murder them I don’t

Knowz it’s pretty fun I love these canals it’s very old school European oh he’s got his wheat going on there he’s got his little watchtowers trash bin basically and there it is lmart lmart love it there’s his bodyguard John Doe guarding the dance hall y’all of course when you step on these

Blocks it makes music this is uh kind of a is this supposed to be a family program I’m really showing you a lot of me anyways very fun structure in here love the hanging lights welcome to customer service how can we not help you’re not on fire oh yeah yeah he very

Into uh very into his potions uh I did not even care about potion at all and he really got into it law maker and has I didn’t even know about these instant health potions these are awesome we need to have some of these when we go down into the new

Um ancient city cuz uh it’s going to get it’s going to get nuts down there so um try to remember about the stash here freef falling Night Owl oh yeah the night vision potions very badass glasswar and Under the Sea which again will be very useful one day

When every want to build in their water I really do but man this is a pain giant giant farm with a swimming pool it’s pretty crazy too because like there’s only fish here right now but I remember this this swimming pool for whatever reason spawns glow squid very frequently it’s pretty nuts night

Time where we going um and customer service some juke box and okay this was his potion lab yep I don’t know if you remember that you have all this stuff here but you know you have all this stuff here Jesus you have two Shuler boxes filled with some really good stuff

Here that is lot ladies and gentlemen take it easy job yeah yeah yeah we’re going to venture the way back out we going to ride the train come on ride the train and ride it yeah it’s definitely I love your Ches so yeah I built this little train station just cuz again I discovered that everything was so close by like why not have a train station trains are cool man trains are cool very cool very cool and train to toasty sand Mansion what’s my damn cart there we go okay I think this should be good I enclosed the entire track because so many animals and random enemies were popping on and getting in our way and then I also had an idea to like pimp this whole tunnel out but

Priorities not something that we use a lot so I don’t care for as long as we’ve had this world it just kind of looks like it’s still fairly new with how under construction a lot of stuff is I always thought it would be nice to have more people in the world with

Us but uh finding people that we trust to play with us is uh a process let’s just leave that there actually I love this train station this design and these combo these blocks the lanterns just freaking perfect little seats F ass F so yeah this is kind of the closest thing

That we can call an actual livable base that uh toasty lava lava toasty built and uh I mean this bridge design is is just freaking amazing the structures that he put in for it very nice I love it a lot and it’s just cool because like I

Don’t think he terraformed this I think it’s like yeah no he didn’t because that those particles mean that if you touch that sand it will collapse so it’s like it’s half uh it’s it’s mostly just built into a pre-existing uh structure it’s very cool though I like

It a lot it’s like it’s it’s a sand mansion coming out of the sand it’s very well done how I did that he’s got a nice view of Um it’s got a nice view and so we go inside he really liked larts Fountain so he uh took his own design there uh did I even go down before I don’t remember if I ever went down where does this go I normally go up I didn’t know he was

Building anything down oh what the hell was that where does this go did he just build a mine I think he built a mine cuz again that’s kind of his thing yeah I think this is just a H I’m not going all the way down there he loved his spiraling

Mines really should have learned to make them actual stairs you don’t have to keep jumping so silly anyways the actual house goes up and so yeah this is his main main floor obviously this bed is nice the flower wow and a lot of carrots on him he didn’t convert any of them into

Golden carrots he just had a ton of regular ass carrots it’s um all right he’s got ladders that go everywhere he created labyrinth in his house is what he did let me switch to Discord so we can chat chat chat I’m not no Discord on at the moment

So hold on a second there law maker hello hello up what’s going on the what’s going on crispy what’s going on the Crispers just doing the tour man just doing the tour finally you know I only been talking about it for a couple of years I thought I was going to make it

Into like an actual video but then I was like ask screw I just make it a live stream and maybe edit it one day to an actual thing but it’s turning out to be quite a very long tour we’re not even to the new area yet so all means means right I’ve been

Streaming for over an hour and we’re still in the main area oh we did we did we do build we build a lot yeah it’s kind a lot going on we don’t stay in one spot I feel like I I already expressed your uh your uh feelings towards moving

Right but again it’s funny because everything that we’ve built uhoh did I crash oh there we go it was just major major tag um everything that we’ve built is in walking distance though it’s it’s ridiculous by accident too that’s yeah we didn’t plan that we don’t pay attention to numbers

Well we all know I don’t so pays attention to numbers I don’t think I ever can duplicate uh the law compound the OG one yeah yeah that was a perfect little area for me man you still have so much stuff there too I know right ah yeah so technically we can walk

All the way to the new area which we’re not going to do but we can because I made a path from here all the way to chamber Falls which is the current location of lawmaker compound part two We’re going to take the nether to get there cuz I like the nether you still over at the new place then right now yeah I want to finish my church yeah I didn’t know that I didn’t think that Village that we saw had a Podium she had books at the other place I

Saw Oh you mean to just take a Podium yeah yeah I mean if you need one you have one in your OG compound I don’t want to keep stripping [ __ ] from that compound Lecter that’s what it’s called lecturn I don’t think there was a library in this Village I don’t really remember though it’s been a while since I’ve actually peered inside these houses of all these dead villagers T to would be the law maker of death all these

Uh yeah no I don’t think there is Lector in here no Mr rabbit you cannot eat my carrots uh it’s about bedtime oh yeah they still kept promising a single person sleep and they still never gave it to us freaking dicks feel like they promised a lot of things

Yeah all right well we’re back in the nether now so now we’re going to go we’re going to go see lawmaker in person cuz now we’re going to the new new area well the newish area it’s not the newest area and actually there’s like six other places that I could

Technically go on the tour now that I think about it but we’re not going to cuz there are projects that we’re not actually using or places that we go at all right now so there’s no point to go there uh this is the main Hub tunnel again it’s kind of my specialty

Building tunnels freaking love tunnels I don’t know why and this is kind of what I was talking about this goes up to a another tunnel that hasn’t been pimped out so beautifully to uh water world ink farm and the pusle forest uh pzle seems to be a rare form

Of dirt that we just never see uh and that’s an entire Forest of it and it’s a pretty nice texturized dirt so it’s good to know where that’s at and water world is just like an incredibly huge ocean area where uh toasty lava lava toasty was building uh his major project lava lava

Toasty that’s his name now oh actually before we go there should we go to the Forbidden Village that the lawmaker is banned from should we should we should we show him the Forbidden Village on stream he can’t he’s not allowed to go there because he likes to murder

Villagers and it’s the only Village that I’ve saved from him because it’s a place where I found a villager that has mending and mending obviously is incredibly useful so I need to keep this guy alive so I’ve banned him from going there whatever girl talking about

It I can’t have you going there man we’re not going there no I could probably just visit the other Village that’s near me and yeah you can get your kicks off by murdering anyone except that Village in the chat can we get hash kill villagers it’ll be like now # SA okay couldn’t breathe there for a minute needed to BL so caves and clips came out got the uh ancient city ancient city is awesome and this was the update where we moved here is kind of where we’re mainly going to be staying now too it’s kind of

A uh I wouldn’t call it a central location but it’s an easy enough location to get to and it’s also the base that I have have probably the most stuff stored at and uh again lawmaker uh will be very angry if we try to move again so we’re

Just goingon to make him happy and stay here for a while yes man I like man I got my compound and you’re like we’re moving I’m like I mean again it’s so easy to get to places you can go back but I mean I also

Get it because like all the time I spent on my Pam and I have no desire to go back and work on it so like and there’s still so much I could do but I like yeah like I’m done Benjamin Benji’s over there he’s good yeah we just saw Benji

Today yeah Benji’s good yeah I visit Benji sometimes you know Benji been all right so this is the main safe house that leads out to the new law compound which I don’t know we get we’re going to call this something else because it’s becoming bigger than a compound I mean

You’ve got a ridiculous amount of huge structures up here uh yeah I got to complete that house that’s right so the reason that uh toasty lava lava toasty has so many names is because for many years he was known as epic toast and he wanted to change it so bad

Because it was a name that was automatically generated that he just found funny and he kept for so long he wanted to come up with his own one we changed his name to I find lava specifically because what he was really good at doing here in Minecraft and you’re not supposed to be

Really good at finding lava finding lava is bad and uh he he was very very good at finding lava and dying and losing everything and having me make him new equipment on a regular basis it was quite annoying but as a fun joke he decided to name himself I find lava and then

Proceeded to make this ridiculously huge death trap of a giant lava pit yes that’s right the man that calls himself I find lava decided to make the biggest lava pit of all time and thought this was a good idea right next to poor lawmaker’s compound

And he said he had plans for this area that got taken over with law I did I had plans like this was going to be like the law compound 2.0 right it was going to be like where that whole lava [ __ ] is you’re looking at right now was going to

Like [ __ ] Church a uh lab down there my house was going to look over to all that it was going to be like a Min Village right there that’s why I was sted building that [ __ ] wall over there and he’s like I’m going to build lava here and I’m like that’s cool bro

So fun that’s nice so funny so yeah that’s a that’s a thing that’s a thing yeah that’s a thing what was your uh your plan down here though with this this giant wall and then so that giant wall was still going to reach where the

Lava stuff was I was going to build it around it and then I was going to change this whole that whole Mountain thing with the dirt stuff is I was going to turn into like you know blocks and like you know metal not metal blocks but you

Know like diorite blocks and [ __ ] like that all this was going to be changed into things and then he did that and I was like I have no interest in this okay CU I’m like you can make this like a little Courtyard you know that’s what

I was going to make it as that was going to be my Courtyard still Courtyard cuz it’s still leading into your main structure here yeah it kind of just stopped my momentum because where you entered where he was that was going to be the door into like the lawmaker

Compound okay and I just made a big ass house for no reason apparently yeah this place is absurd I make big houses at least it’s not like a big old giant Square so at least no yeah you uh you went very Art Deco with it for sure a lot going on

Here yes and you got all the views and then it leads out across this fun Bridge got a nice Savannah Desert over here mhm mhm yes and then over here is I think this was just like a little farm you had going on right all the animals

Were dead yeah I don’t know what happened to them I don’t either yeah I got struck by lightning or something yeah I don’t know what happened to it’s not like your your original compound where there’s just still a million animals in there I know right

Right cuz I was going to make the I was going to do do the wool [ __ ] so I can make carpet M that was the plan I didn’t know these two places connected yeah I’m always make my [ __ ] connect V ass ass I don’t like going

In I don’t like [ __ ] going in out of a door I’m Mak my [ __ ] I still like this bridge cuz I like the tree canopy it’s pretty it’s pretty nice and right now with the texture pack it’s nice too cuz it makes it look all fall like you know

Yeah that’s the bridge I had of my own compound yeah except it wasn’t that big you know nice little workshop and then out to a farm but it’s night time though so I guess we’re going to go to bed first it’s almost night time why are you walking around yelling at me

Cat boom okay we got a farm we got a new John I don’t think you name this one but I guess guess Iron Golems they don’t need names they just just hang out you no just name him John his name is John and then over here you can see the

Path that actually does lead all the way back to the other area like I said this this entire path will walk you all the way back to lmart so again technically technically all three of your structures connect and are in walking distance you realize that right or did you walk

Away I think you walked away I’m talking to myself a that’s not how you open your door ah back okay I said do you it said you realize all three of your structures can be walked to very easily yes like this one connects directly to uh lmart and then lmart you

Take the train to OG it’s pretty much like all in a line it’s ridiculous maybe eventually maybe eventually I’ll build like a bridge connecting to each every one of them like a little like a bridge train or something I can’t get inside your door your Mountain compound

Here all right I’ll be on my way so I flipped the switch out here and it did nothing cuz I think because I’m on my way on my way you created a lock I mean I don’t know what’s out there I don’t need a zombie accidentally hitting this [ __ ] trigger hello

Hello so how do you get in from the outside then if that button doesn’t work out there or is it because it works once that one’s activated is what you mean yeah okay did you mean to do that did you know how you did that yeah I know how I

Did that wow that’s cool it’s levered by it’s it’s uh it’s only levered by this lever here and that lever over there that controls both yeah no but what I’m saying is like that lever out there won’t work unless this one’s activated which I thought was cool so it’s like you created a

Lock yeah yeah basically so if I’m in here and you guys are out there you got until I or you know guys can’t come in until I spawn in to do [ __ ] or we could just break into the guy Sky roof yeah that or you can just knock out the

Dirt my long hul guys this is my stairwell down to to my little mini workout little workshop here yeah you know see the bridge from here that’s why I did it so I can see the bridge yeah all right still working in this little section here this is

Where you can get all your little Redstone in you can make [ __ ] out of that that’s where you’re building your your potion stuff right oh yeah this the laboratory Dam baby laboratory very nice very nice and then you come through here still working on [ __ ] oh wow this got

Expansive since I’ve been here last mhm yeah you’re you’re going to town already yes the Church of sism is coming back that’s why I do the podiums CU I want to put it like right here what is it um how do you spell lecturn it’s not called electron I swear it is

Just look through it manually I guess then you dicks oh why does it not come up under oh wait because I have to go like under all these other categories I mean wait can you not craft elron I thought you could yeah I swear you can okay well book and quill is something

You definitely need for it is a book a feather and some ink made a bookshelf and two one two three four slabs for it like wooden slabs for it that is so weird why is it not coming up anywhere yeah you need a bookshelf and four and like do four wooden

Slabs oh did you find the recipe yeah I looked at the crafting area I’m in the crafting area I don’t see it anywhere I mean like you know I went to the workshop like the workbench and looked at oh that’s why I can’t see it cuz you got to click on a crafting

Bench that’s stupid okay okay so so all I wanted was a book shelf and um and four slabs yeah all right that makes sense see this is going to be my wall it looks like uh devil you know little pick a stick thing you know so it’s G to come out

Pretty I get you a bookshelf real easy there’s I was just in the um stronghold and there’s still an old library there with a ton of bookshelves in there nice you didn’t see this but I’m going to probably travel with you so I can get it look at this you didn’t see

This what am I looking at a candle underneath of glass hopefully it lights up oh yeah it’s yeah a torch you mean yeah yeah okay yeah so you have a little bit of hidden lighting you mean yeah mhm very nice we don’t ever play when it’s dark

Though for you to be able to really see I mean like we’re safe minus you can hear that [ __ ] zombies and spiders and [ __ ] on the other side yeah because I told you there’s a cave right below this all this will have banners on it too I’m

Still not I’m not done with it yet yeah well like I said don’t worry you don’t have to you don’t have to move again anytime soon it’s everything’s so connected that it’s like even the new spot that I’m building stuff is not far from here anyways

So and it’s mainly just to uh go in there get all the loot that we possibly can from the ancient city it’s just a raiding base is what it is we’re going to be the Raiders oh yeah I got to wait for you because I don’t know how to work your

Door you just hit the lever right here sweet these creepy cows really like your house I mean yeah hi Joe damn it I gotta go to the stronghold and get that book yeah like I said there’s still an entire intact Library there and I’ve got

Um got silk touch on my axe so I get you as many bookshelves as you want bad time well let’s go stop in your actual thing over here damn it you going to pick yours up first H yeah I got to do some [ __ ] here I also

See a mountain up there I kind of want to conquer I might just change this whole little level thing down here so you can go out there yeah but you can definitely put something out here yeah I think when I’m I think when I’m done with that then I’ll focus on

Like turning all this [ __ ] into something stupid ass spider eyes you can use that for a potion you can you’re the potion guy all right you want to go back there before or well let me show off the uh chamber of Falls first yeah I I’m going to go with Anyway so yeah we wanted to build you know obviously all the way down here we didn’t find this place first actually yeah wait where was that oh that was that’s because that was part of the old Hub um this is an ice Highway that connects three different ancient cities that were

All within a couple thousand blocks of each other so I dug these tunnels that connected them all together so technically if I took a boat and raced along these the one would go through an ancient city and then there’s another path that goes to another ancient city

Which we actually do have another little base there too that was another that was remember that you have a Mountain Base there I forgot oh about that base I have a Mountain Base there you have a Mountain Base yeah oh I do have a Mountain Base there yeah yeah remember

You were all like I don’t like Building inside mountains but you have a whole you have a base there that I forgot existed I thought that we were going to stay there and we’re like no we’re moving I’m like [ __ ] well because this ancient city is freaking ridiculous like this ancient

City is like the the combined of like three or four ancient cities on top of each other like this thing’s insane yeah freaking love this ancient city um and that’s why we settled here cuz it’s just it’s such a good area it’s perfect too cuz I got a lot of stuff I

Remembered I got a this is my zen room you come to just relax I’m relaxed yes and a little horny this was all the new Mangrove materials which is still some of my favorite types of wood to use it’s very nice and this gives you a nice view out into the ancient city

This gives you a better view started building our own structures in the ancient city you know which is kind of suicidal but there’s no shriekers nearby this part so the warden generally doesn’t come this close to us and then in here is the massive workshop with the new mud blocks

And then we can also now make infinite lava with dripstone so this is kind of my lava farm so that we can make clay which is still something I mean to build with and I keep forgetting to but yeah massive massive lava farm so we have an infinite fuel source now

And also technically if you want to use lava for lighting you have an infinite light source and then I started to come up with ideas for expanding this room to make it more of something but then lost motivation and thought had a lot of fun with it though

And this is still my favorite room that I do nothing with but I [ __ ] love this room it looks like we’re surrounded by lava okay just emoting like crazy and then this tunnel goes out into the actual ancient city it’s freaking crazy in here there are shers around somewhere so it can’t be

Dangerous I created a bridge above it so I made a stairwell going from the bottom of the world which we’re at all the way up to the top of a mountain and then I also that music that’s crazy there oh I punched myself in the face of the

Button also created uh all the way from zero all the way to the top of the world a super chamber um oh you want to do the chamber with me me the whole reason it’s called chamber Falls it’s cuz there’s a lot of fall in here well that best me Door again yeah I have a lot of fun with my tunnel designs and we just had a ridiculous amount of stone laying around so very easy to convert it to make it look like this and I like building giant ass houses you build giant ass houses I build elaborate

Tunnels all right you go through the nether I build I have potions so this is the ultimate chamber this chamber goes all the way from the bottom of the world to Max height and then it also is designed to allow you to fall from Max height all the way

To the bottom of the world which is pretty fun so here we go there is a stop off too because I did I did plan on doing stuff but zero to Max hyper chamber all right here we go here we go tunnel takes I think like a total of

Maybe 2 minutes or something it’s it’s a freaking ridiculous ride maybe not two minutes like at least over a minute though there’s little areas that you can jump off at but it’s kind of hard to do oh and there we are we are at the max World

Limit Oh I have my wings yeah you have wing Wings technically you can have the fun way of flying down I lost my goddamn wings so I have to do the Dead Drop yeah do dead drop with specifically stay close so when you’re falling you push yourself all the way against this

Wall like the crease and just kind of hold yourself there because I mean you shouldn’t hit anything I mean I’ve done it a bunch of times I’ve never hit anything but you know just you know try not to hit anything I don’t think we can see anything else

From up here right no it’s just we’re in the clouds I want to build like a Sky City up here and have the entire floor made out of glass but it’s really hard to build when there’s nothing below you and then incredibly dangerous as well so again priorities here we

Go stay close to the thing yeah just push yourself into the corner and you’ll be fine boom there you go it’s awesome took me so long to make that and it takes only two seconds to go up and down I don’t know what’s going on with

This like Eerie blue tint right now too what is going on is at night time oh we can’t sleep because this ground is uh well we’re safe in here anyways but because the ground has to be spawn proof everything is a lower slab and you can’t place things on low

Slabs the game has to have all sorts of technical reasons to be dicks can’t just have nice things although I guess guess with the update of Lights we probably don’t need to use low slabs for everything anymore but I don’t know I’m so used to it it’s not best me door [ __ ] you

Door why don’t you get [ __ ] do not F me I’ll come and kill your [ __ ] love what you’re saying but for two seconds shut shut the [ __ ] up I’m going to give it a try it’s not night time that just weird that we had that Eerie blue

Tint just take a little peek out here in the ancient city built a little bit of stuff I just love this texture pack gives us so much more vision in these darker areas too like we can see so much farther so we have way more it’s like it’s like it gave us free

Light because I mean standing right here without this texture pack you wouldn’t be able to see the giant middle area there you you see that giant middle area like TV screen looking ass thing yeah yeah like you couldn’t see that before without this texture pack I don’t

Remember where the closest shrier is so just be careful yeah this this ancient city like this doesn’t you can’t even can’t even begin to show how big this city is cuz I don’t have an idea of where a high point is I heard something something I’m hearing shers that aren’t attached to

Anything I think there’s definitely still some back in these Corners cuz I don’t even think we’ve explored back there oh I see one like one right below us that must be the one yeah that must be the one that’s making noise but it’s not attached to anything yeah cuz that’s a skull sensor

A shrier is the thing that cries out for the warden oh what the [ __ ] just shot me oh that [ __ ] did I don’t have a bow anymore Jesus Christ just one shot that guy my skeleton bro it’s my knife that’s a knif oh is it getting darker I mean

Probably I wouldn’t try to sleep in the middle of an ancient city though no I wouldn’t do that either it’s not recommended oh there’s a Creeper down here he did it’s a crap oh it’s a baby zombie okay I thought for a second that like he dropped his head I’m like they don’t

Drop mob heads in uh this version of the game sadly that’s one of the cool Co things about Java is that they can have like this add-on so that enemies drop their heads so you can like run around wearing their heads I’m like I think you would

Get a kick out of that especially you would have like a wall of villager heads sadly him you could put you can put it on the on your wall but apparently they’re [ __ ] up too yeah just slam the door in your face oh it’s probably it’s bedtime now

Yeah I haven’t turned that game on in a while either that updates out or not valam oh it did just update today but again I told you the update that we were waiting for happened and it broke um it didn’t well it didn’t break it the

Update is out but it wasn’t allowing me to edit um our current world it was only allowing me to create a new world with all those settings so I don’t know if the update today fixed it I didn’t bother looking at it though oh [ __ ] oh yeah that’s right I’m

Going up somewhere yeah we got to go get your bookcase oh hopefully they fix that [ __ ] because I started missing that game yeah it’s a good game I can turn it on at some point tomorrow let you know I didn’t pay enough attention though to even see how big the update was

Oh [ __ ] okay uh we want to go all the way down actually cuz the stronghold down here how many uh El turns do you want uh like maybe two there’s four okay thanks thanks I’m pretty sure you have access to uh planks so yeah but yeah there’s freaking random ass live Li is

Just hanging out here so I me like have access to these things whenever we need them I don’t even know if we technically explored this entire stronghold because we just instantly found the portal room and like like there could still be loot somewhere in this place I’ll take nothing in here

Is it just end what the hell is this hole this is something we made there’s no way this is part of a stronghold I’m almost positive though we came in from the top So unless this was Dan I bet you this was Dan yeah yeah yeah it’s like like s’s Choice over here oh my god oh yeah he went in every direction Jesus Christ yeah this is Dan you can see lava over here well I guess that makes sense based on

Um at one point the stronghold was our base for a while so it’s funny when I um I’ve downloaded the world and made a copy of it so that I could go into spectator mode and if you go into spectator mode it’s freaking hilarious to see this man’s uh strip mining

Trails like he’s got one that goes like literally for I don’t even know it’s got to be two 3,000 blocks like it’s insane can you not get up by the L maybe he what are we hitting our head on okay see I jump on the red block and then I can jump

Up jump on the red block first tryan I was hitting my head on some invisible ass [ __ ] too for a second but then it let me do it there you go yeah it’s time for go down there again I mean there’s no reason to he’s taking all the diamonds out of it so

Maybe that was a reason maybe reason there’s diamond dan yeah he’s got it he’s got it All the never ending door okay who wrote These sides don’t know I don’t [ __ ] know did never ending door did you see my my random short I put up today too by the way uh no yet yeah it was so stupid I did one of those things where I just let

The AI dictate the highlights and then I was like oh wait I can throw something together here real fast and I I still did a little bit more editing than just the AI because the AI still doesn’t AI is just dumb um but I I threw it together so fast and

Then I threw it up and then literally within 5 minutes said had 200 views and I’m like I [ __ ] hate YouTube this algorithm is so stupid how the hell did I get 20 views out of freaking short I did not give a [ __ ] about and I just threw together so I

Would have some content like I was so mad I’m looking at it right now it’s so dumb like come on yeah really guys his back I just threw random words in there too which I think are Funny that a dance FL who farted Shar that shake that ice bab jump the shark like this was so dumb it’s also uh one of my videos in the longest time that has the most hate too cuz like when I looked at the statistics was pretty funny I I um this

Was a few hours ago I haven’t looked at it recently but I had uh 10 likes and six dislikes and I’m like wow people hating this what the hell so like my videos the uh which one me doing like the man like the genius of the man or some [ __ ]

Mhm is it got 21,000 know K you know 2.1k whatever and that has like literally nothing to do with but uh this one what was this one oh the work bestie got like 1.6 th000 but the coffee logic number 13 got one view you got one view what yeah that doesn’t make any

Sense but the other ones are doing pretty well I think I’m at 138 subscribers I’m trying to get to two it’s very weird yeah what um dictates you know um what get seen and what doesn’t and and when it doesn’t you know like I don’t I don’t understand it

But I’m not complaining so I will post any of those shorts to get me whatever so I can get to 200 I got two sweet cool we can go back so I I don’t care like for me I don’t care you know what I mean yeah but nobody gives a [ __ ] about quick

Silverman no one gives a [ __ ] about and yeah the annoying thing is that nobody cares about regular videos it’s so sad yeah I do put a lot of work in it where you going uh I was going to the new area um oh okay I’m going to go back

To the other yeah you can go back up there cuz you just needed that for your elect turn right yeah yeah the new area is the only place I haven’t shown off yet and then I oh well actually no I can’t even go back there I’ve got to go back to um

Uh actually no I need to go back to where we just were cuz that’s where I have the most materials CU I need to gather materials old Hub yeah that would probably be a way to get to the Mountain Base that you forgot about I totally did forget about

That and I’ve essentially uh made it so that we would forget about it because it blocked it off basically chamber Falls ancient city okay that’s where I’m going is it night time is it Daytime looks like it’s nighttime oh yeah it is yeah but that was basically the world tour everybody so we uh from now on we’re just going to be doing streams of building the goal right now is to build the uh safe house at the new structure and then to build the

Ancient city Raider base and raid all four of those ancient cities that’s that’s the main goal I have right now and in between all of that I don’t know if I’ll do it on stream because it’s probably going to be something that’s going to be complicated I’m going

To have to watch a video for and it’s going to make me angry but I do intend on making uh a raid Farm because we desperately need one because we need uh access to uh an XP machine and a raid Farm will also give us emeralds which I can then use at my

Uh secret villager village uh to get us all The Mending books that we could possibly need so that we can make sure our gear St is pimped out so that is going to be the process that we are going to do now um but I think I’m going to end the

Stream right now just because I’m ready to end the stream Yeah so thanks for watching whether you watch now or later and uh come back for more because I’m going to be streaming this a lot more often probably multiple times a week um and I’m going to try to get a regular stream time nailed down so it’s not so random

But follow the channel like subscribe and uh yeah just remember to uh stay crispy all Right oh did you want to say goodbye I couldn’t hear you Yeah

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock – SMP World Tour and new builds’, was uploaded by Crispysense on 2023-10-18 02:30:18. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:03 or 7443 seconds.

#Minecraft #MinecraftBedrock #console #survival #SMP

  • Crafting Justice: Trial Chambers in Minecraft UKR

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  • Crafting a Portal for Finley the Sea Serpent in Minecraft

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  • Chamber Danger: Surviving the New Trial Tango

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  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

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  • Triple Ender Dragon Takedown in Minecraft!

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  • Rare Halloween Moon Crab Spawns in Minecraft! Day 1 Hunt!

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  • EPIC PRANK: Mikey Maizen vs. JJ in Minecraft Mod!

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  • Mind-Blowing Logic in Minecraft! Click Now! 🔥

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  • Secrets Revealed: The Truth Behind KYRSP33DY’s Mythical Cobblemon Adventure!

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  • “Unbelievable Win Using Luckyblocks in Bedwars!!!” #minecraft #hypixel

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  • Daz Man Goes INSANE Over Skibidi Pack in Minecraft Bedrock!

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  • 🔥EPIC Clan Base Build in Minecraft SMP Java + BE🔥

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  • INSANE POKEMON NUZLOCKE LIVE! Choose names and join the fun 🚀

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  • savdude – Insane New Music Disc – OMG Reason 7 #minecraft

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  • Aurous

    AurousWelcome to Aurous! We listen to community suggestions and always have a twist or special thing going on. server.limified.com Read More

  • TheCrib SMP Java + Bedrock 1.20 Survival Community Events

    TheCrib Server TheCrib is a Survival, SMP, Factions, and Anarchy based server that focuses on quality of life features and values the player experience. The server supports both Java & Bedrock versions. Server IP: thecribmc.us.to Bedrock Port: 19132 Discord Server: discord.gg/thecribmc Wiki: wiki.thecrib.live Read More

  • 🌊 Castaway Cove | 🏳️‍🌈 LGBTQ+ Friendly Island Survival 🏝️ | 🍍Custom Fruit & Fishing 🍍 | 🦜 Jobs & Economy 🦜 | 🏝️ Furniture 🏝️|

    IP: castaway.smpmc.usArgh Matey, Welcome to Castaway Cove!! We’re a unique take on Skyblock/AcidIsland where you can carve out your own slice of paradise on a private island, cultivating a variety of exotic fruits such as coconuts, pineapples, and bananas. Watch your orchards flourish under the warm tropical sun, providing you with a bountiful harvest to enjoy and trade. But that’s not all – the crystal-clear waters around your island are teeming with vibrant aquatic life, just waiting for you to explore. Try your hand at fishing, and discover an array of new and exciting species. Whether you’re tending to your… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When Minecraft hits different

    Minecraft Memes - When Minecraft hits differentWhen you spend hours building a masterpiece in Minecraft and then accidentally delete it with one wrong click… yup, sometimes it really do be like that. Read More

  • Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun!

    Crafty Cheaters Beware: Minecraft Guess Part 1 Fun! In the world of Minecraft, we play a game of guess, With my brother by my side, we put our skills to the test. Guessing items and blocks, in this virtual land, Creating funny moments, with each move we planned. Don’t cheat, we say, as we laugh and we play, Bringing joy and excitement, in every single way. If you want to join us, just leave a comment below, We’ll welcome you with open arms, in this Minecraft show. So come along, let’s have some fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. Guessing and laughing, in this… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

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  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream https://restream.io Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GÜVENLİ TÜNEL EVİ YAPI KAPIŞMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. 💥NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft💥 ➡️Adam’s Channel: https://youtu.be/G2jRplZYybM?si=Owi5Acam_ZsiJQ6J ➡️Ahmetin Channel: https://youtu.be/Jl85KSZwQ7k?si=iMGc6DTE2zxl6vLu If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREE➡️ https://bit.ly/3i1ywM5 🟧You Can Join My Discord Server➡️… Read More

  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

    Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘For-Project – набор на ПРИВАТНЫЙ и ВАНИЛЬНЫЙ РП сервер Майнкрафт Джава и Бедрок – 1.20.1!’, was uploaded by For Project – Minecraft on 2024-03-23 07:30:40. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:02 or 62 seconds. For-Project – Private vanilla RP server Minecraft/Minecraft for Bedrock and Java on 1.20.1 and 1.20.40+. Submit a request to the Discord server – https://discord.gg/HuYr3msCpb We are looking forward to seeing you! ———————————– TAGS ————– ———————— survival 1.15.2, private server 1.15.2, wipe, wipe on a private server, rp minecraft, rp, RolePlay, roleplay ,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! 😄 📢 My Social Networks ⚪ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Susro465 🟣 TWITCH: https://www.twitch.tv/susro465_ 🟠 INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/susro465/ ⚫ TIK TOK: https://www.tiktok.com/@susro465?lang=es 🔵 DISCORD: https://discord.gg/jwbtbtN2 📧 Contact: [email protected] ⚔️ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,lunar.gg,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. 🌫️😻🐨🐰🦁 #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. 🌟😻SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME🌟😻 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73OSCbHaqKlhHLBpQqHPrQ?sub_confirmation=1 #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! 😻 Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! 😺 Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! 🪵🪨🌋🏡 Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More